#solved them successfully by yourself many times
notetaeker · 5 months
Eldest daughter energy is feeling 100% confident you can solve everyone's problems and also feeling like everyone's problems are your responsibility to solve 💀
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forsworned · 3 months
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𓈒༑•̩̩͙ ⏤𝗐𝖺𝗋𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗌: 𝗁𝖾𝖺𝗏𝗂𝗅𝗒 𝗌𝗎𝗀𝗀𝖾𝗌𝗍𝖾𝖽 𝗉𝗈𝗅𝗒𝗌𝗁𝗂𝗉
𓈒༑•̩̩͙ ⏤𝖺/𝗇: 𝗁𝗈𝗇𝖾𝗌𝗍𝗅𝗒 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝖺𝗅𝗅 𝗌𝗈𝗎𝗇𝖽𝖾𝖽 𝖻𝖾𝗍𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗂𝗇 𝗆𝗒 𝗁𝖾𝖺𝖽, 𝖻𝗎𝗍 𝗂𝗆𝗆a 𝖻𝗅𝖺𝗆𝖾 𝗂𝗍 𝗈𝗇 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝖿𝖺𝖼𝗍 𝗍𝗁𝖺𝗍 𝗂'𝗆 𝖿𝖾𝖾𝗅𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗎𝗇𝖽𝖾𝗋 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗐𝖾𝖺𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗋 𝗋𝗇
⤷ you can find the rest of the series here
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Allowing the 141 to have an espresso machine caused more problems than it solved. From making milk splutter all over the counter (mostly Johnny) and a slew of profanities would follow (mostly Price) to someone leaving the espresso unattended and overflowing the counter. And then that would lead to further scolding (mostly Simon to Johnny) as you and Kyle would watch the three idiots struggle. And suddenly nobody knew who was responsible for the atrocities in the kitchen. It occured to you that no one knew how to steam some damn milk and it was now up to you to teach them as they gathered around you in the kitchen.
"This is the pitcher." You instructed, lifting the metal pitcher to show them all. "Fill it with milk , and then insert the steaming wand." You adjusted the metal rod and turned the machine on. It soon came to life, steam shot out and you tilted it at an angle. "And then you angle it at about 45 to 60 degrees."
A chorus of "Oohhh"'s fill the room and you chuckled, shaking your head at them as the milk began to foam.
"You wanna keep the end of it not too far in otherwise the foam will fuck up. Just the tip." You grinned at yourself and Johnny's brow shot up.
"Jus' th' tip, eh?" He shared your impish grin and you two snickered at the dirty joke.
"Let me try." Price moved behind you, chest pressing up against you and his chin rested on your shoulder as he began to configure the machine successfully. Heart racing againgst your chest as he expertly navigated the expresso mechanism, preparing it into the mug you had set out. His warm breath tickling your ear as he aptly transferred the steamed milk over top the espresso, creating a swan with a few flicks of the wrist. He set it down for all to see. A pregnant pause followed.
"Show off." Kyle scoffed, arms folded leaning against the kitchen island as he smirked at his Captain.
"Ye knew how to do it this whole time..." Johnny shook his head in disbelief. Price squeezed your middle before placing chaste kisses on your neck with a smug expression while Johnny and Kyle reprimand him for not teaching them earlier, but of course he doesn't give a damn. Muffled giggles into the crook of your pretty neck as his subordinates have a crack at him.
In a bit of delirium from Price's hot touch you scanned the area to find Simon and snickered at the sight. The bickering three followed your gaze to a quiet and serene Simon who was no longer paying attention, sitting on one of the barstool's at the kitchen bar with his cup of steaming tea; pinky in air and all.
Johnny clicked his tongue. "Fuckin' Brits."
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dduane · 8 months
Hope this isn't an ask you get all the time, but how do you track your progress when you're doing editing?
Everyone talks about word goals, and that seems fine for a first draft, but doesn't make sense to me when it comes to revisions. Do you have any kind of system for setting daily goals for your revisions?
Actually, I don't think anyone's ever asked me about this. :) So no sweat.
Briefly: I think you're wise in not attempting wordcounting in this phase of dealing with an MS—or trying to push yourself into a structure so rigid. ...There's this, too: there's a whole lot too much emphasis out there at the moment on trying to force yourself into other people's writing and editing paradigms—so many of them riddled with bar graphs and "demonstrable" daily progress. You need to find what works for you. More words dealt with in a day, sure, that's encouraging in its way. But are they the right words?
Today’s Writer Take that will probably strike some as Hot (and ask me if I care): Some kinds of writing progress are just neither graphically nor numerically quantifiable. And damned to the least TripAdvisorally-acceptable regions of [insert your preferred underworld here] be those who’ve tried to sell people the idea that they are.
Now, for what it's worth: here's how I do it. Which may be useful to other people, or not so much so. And that's fine, because I'm not editing their novels. :)
(Adding a break here. Under the cut: advice + advice = advice, and some images of text I shouldn't be letting y'all see just yet... but WTF.)
Revision for me is a fairly relaxed business—unless my editor has told me WE NEED THIS ON TUESDAY, which thank sweet Thoth on his e-bike is very rare.
It also helps that I like revising. (When I was a kid, I liked liver, too. And spinach. Just call me Miss Outlier and let's move on.) I really enjoy the feeling of the work’s rough edges being filed down and the sparse places being filled out.
And also: second draft/first revision draft is nowhere near as tense for me as first draft. Because, thank God, at least there's a book.
First draft is where I sweat blood and otherwise suffer. While I can see the story just fine in my head, it's not really real for me until the first draft, whole in narrative and action, is complete on paper/in the machine. And till it's achieved at least that level of reality, I can't relax.
But by the time I hit my second/revision draft, I can be confident that any really serious problems in the novel have already been solved—because I'm an outliner. In the outline stage, potential thematic or structural troubles will routinely have revealed themselves way long ago: before drafting even got started, as I first wired the story's bones together. The successfully-executed first draft acts as proof-of-concept for that structural wiring. By the time that draft’s done, it’s immediately apparent whether the skeleton can successfully stand up by itself. And gods is that a relief when it does! You’re tempted to jump around yelling “It's aliiiiiive!" as the lightning strikes around you.*
However, if after submitting that draft my editor's found something structurally or thematically troublesome in it that I've completely missed until this point, my first order of business becomes to fix whatever their notes involve and submit the fixes. Nothing further happens until the editor sees what I've done about those problems, and until I get agreement that whatever intervention I've enacted has now sorted the problems out.
After that, everything happens in bed.
(...casually noting that for a line to use somewhere else...) :)
But seriously: I do my best revision and editing before getting up in the morning.
Some of this is because, for me, the mind's nice and quiet and (theoretically) at least moderately well rested, right after sleep. I might take the briefest glance at my email first to make sure nothing urgent needs attention... but once that’s done, I refuse to let myself go any further down that hole. That early-morning calm is a mental state I'm glad to exploit, and one I jealously guard. On days when I'm forced to do without the working lie-in**, I use a different approach: when there's a pause, sit down and do nothing—no reading, no video, no music, no phone, nothing—for half an hour: then start editing. Routinely, the quiet I need will once more have fallen.
The in-bed-editing approach also works for me because (since I'm working in Scrivener) it's absolutely no big deal to finish a day's editing on a file by exporting a version of the file containing the day's edits to ebook format, and into my Dropbox. From there, in the morning, without ever getting out from under the covers, I can pull that .epub file into my tablet and read it as an ebook, making corrections and notes there.
This is what it looks like (on a page without too many corrections) if the app you're using is "Books" in an iPad. The second image is what you get when you touch on the marginal yellow square of the note to examine it.
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Then, when I'm finished looking over the previous day's/evening's writing and adding notes to it, I go downstairs, get some caffeine in me, and make the changes in the main Scrivener file. (If I was running the project in question on the iPad version of Scrivener, I'd just make the change right there. But who knows when I'd actually get up, then? Better to do it this way.) :)
In the normal flow of things I'll attempt to deal with a chapter or two a day in this mode. (Always bearing in mind that my chapters in early drafts typically run long—often 10K or so—and I'm likely enough to rebreak them later.) This first level of revision is the easy one: catching typos and bad or clumsy phrasings, reworking character interactions that need smoothing out; adding better descriptive passages (with particular emphasis on staying in the visual, audio and tactile senses), etc., etc.
So again: no way I'd ever bother worrying about word counts, with these. What seems to count for more is giving yourself time to recognize, gradually, at a reader's pace, what's working in the prose and what isn't. Rush—or try to force the pace to a given number of words per day—and you run the risk of missing something vital. To me, at the tracking level, it seems sufficient to note which chapters have been dealt with, and which are still hanging fire. (I can change the chapters' color labels in Scrivener to make this status visible at a glance, if I need to.)
When everything's dealt with on this pass—which if I'm lucky will take no more than a couple/few weeks—I try to take a couple weeks off before dealing with the MS again. Sometimes that's possible: sometimes not. The longer you can leave the book alone to let your perceptions of it rest and reset themselves, the better. Distance—mental or temporal—seems to lend clarity.
In any case, for me, next comes another pass, tougher to describe. Casually, I refer to it as the "Missed Opportunities/Complications" pass. This is a thing that one of the very best writers I know, John M. Ford, used to do. One of his editors (I think it was) came across him working on an MS one time, and asked him what he was doing. "Complications," Mike muttered. "Removing them?" said his editor. Mike shook his head. "Adding them," he said.
In this pass you look for in-novel connections you've previously missed making. Some dramatic moments have their impact significantly increased if you've found a way to connect them, even casually, with previous events, situations, character thoughts, or dialogue. (The cheap and easy mnemonic for this kind of thing: "Say a thing twice, and it echoes. Say it three times, and it resonates.")
Equally, events (and people) may turn out to require more complex backstory than you've given them in your first draft; so this is where you take care of that. And of course there are almost certainly character and emotional interactions that can use attention; fewer words, more depth, more complexity. What things do these people, in this situation, need to say to one another that they haven't? And also, what drama got scamped or passed up on because you were just too damn tired in the last draft? —Because you too, poor baby, are human; and that state can, entirely logically, make you want not to deal with any more damn drama just now. Even though drama is the lifeblood of your narrative, usually, and tying a tourniquet around it really doesn't help. You are the conduit of power into your narrative, and your varying ability to conduct it is always an issue… so you need to keep an eye open for places where the flow may have temporarily failed.
This pass, ideally, might take no more than another few weeks or a month. And again, I'm not sure any attempt at wordcount tracking would do this work any good. Because, again... are they the right words? And to make the narrative more effective, you may wind up removing as many words as you added in previous passes.
Finally, with all things taken together, I usually reach a point where (by myself, anyway) I can't think of anything to do that'll make this book any better. That's where there then comes—and again, impossible to assign a word count to it—a time when you know you're as Done As You Can Be. If you've been doing this long enough, you may even hear a strange kind of sigh in the back of your head, as the book gives up and lets go...
...into the next stage of production. But even then you keep an eye on it… because in my experience it’s rare that any book's ever that easily just finished. Even in page proofs, something may happen to surprise you.
Anyway, that's when I throw the book the hell out of the house—because no matter how much I've loved it previously, by that time I'm usually seriously tired of it—and wait to see whether the editor feels it needs one more draft. (Disclosure: this has never happened. There might be a few notes that need to be handled. But another full draft? Never yet.)
Anyway: hope this is of help to you.
But the heart of it all? Find your own way, and screw the bar graphs.
*That line, too, is an indicator of trouble to come. "It's?" Not "he's"? Tsk tsk.
**Usually sort of 7-9 AM. Sometimes way earlier, depending on the time of year. Dawn comes real early in the summertime in Ireland…
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Do you want to shift? Here's the answer
Gateway tapes. GATEWAY TAPES, G A T E W A Y T A P E S. hello, my name is Athena and I help people to shift. No, I haven't successfully shifted.
"WhY aRe YoU tAlKinG iF yOu HaVenT ShIfTed YeT. I WaNt REaL ExPeRt ThAt CaN"
Okay, to give you some background. I have astral projected many times. Means I'm able to leave my body. Now, why I haven't because I am mastering the basic before I start doing anything crazy but if I really REALLY wanted to, I can. Now to start the post, gateway tapes will be your best friend and lover. The whole point of shifting is getting yourself into a void state. The gateway tapes do that. It basically trains your body to get into void state to manifest, solve problems or whatever your intention is. Not only that, it shuts off the side of your brain and helps you do it in command. You have to enter **F10**. Then you can do whatever. Now before you start running with it. do not and I mean DO NOT. Rush through it. You can't train yourself if your just rushing through it like crazy because you want shift. These options are important because you will be like **ME**. and having go fucking back again and again because you decide to take your training wheels off too early and you have nowhere to go.
Okay, so your wondering. How do I start?
Well you go through each mediation *MORE THEN ONCE* until you master each one. Simple, now tapes are long and can be boring. I won't denied it but if your still trying shift from xyz. This will be easy for you
Do tapes once in morning or night. But I really recommend to do them at night and btb (back to bed). I had my most successful when doing btb
Do each tape at least 3 times before moving on or keep doing them until you feel like your ready to move on. It's practice, I have done body asleep and mind awake for good week or 2. Now I can do that on command. Because I practice. Last time, when I rush. I couldn't even do anything. So be patient and practice
Be consistent. I recommend everyday. If you don't everyday then maybe every other day.
[gateway tapes ](https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/mobile/folders/1vZJg5oJvfYVwWryJh05pfkZTV0cnd026)
Read the Manuel to get more deep into it but also please just do wave 1. You can advance if you want but it gets more extreme and complicated. Can be wonderful but still if your not used to out body experience
If your interested in my journey here's some links to my account (I want fans 😔✊)
Tiktok: @athenashiftsto
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shroomi1e · 2 years
realistic reasons why genshin men are undatable
pt. 2 ft: ayato, scaramouche, dottore, pantalone, heizou, venti (part 1)
cw: light cursing, mild violence
a/n: WOO IM BACK FROM HIATUS🥳 im treating this as a warm up and just kinda throwing it out there, ill start working on more content so stick around for that :)
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he's incredibly overworked, constantly running around trying to carry his clan and the yashiro commission on his shoulders
and him being a powerful person, it's likely that you'd be put in constant danger from those who want his position
he might be overprotective because of that, and would very much like to stick to your side 24/7 but obviously he can't
so try to get used to having bodyguards and the shuumatsuban tailing your ass all the time
but on a lighter(?) note: he probably plays really dumb pranks on you☠️
we already know that he's into seeing people struggle and squirm
so i can imagine he purposely sets things up to make you uncomfy or make it easy for him to tease you
he's still very much a gentleman so he won't push it too far but... that doesn't change the fact that he's a sadist
he's not as bad as diluc or childe, but he definitely needs some getting used to
well for starters, he greatly lacks in emotional capacity, he might not even tell you he has feelings for you
he's definitely bossy, does NOT want to be told what to do, even if it's "kind suggestions", he will not be tolerating anything
because of this, it might be difficult when trying to teach him about romantic relationships, he just kinda does whatever he wants to protect his pride
i feel like he'd also be rly pissy, he probably throws tantrums over the littlest mistakes or inconveniences
not to mention he's possessive, i can definitely see him as a more yandere-ey type
so say your final goodbyes to your friends and family because it's likely you're not ever seeing them again☠️
but before you lose hope! if you manage to get on dottore's good side, he might just help you do a factory reset on him
but then it wouldn't be the little electro gremlin we know and love, so you're better off just trying to change him by yourself (you can't)
i feel like he's similar to albedo, except he's sociopathic and a little more cynical
it's pretty obvious, he's experimented and hurt countless numbers of children and god knows what else
his experiments are on par if not worse than alice's experiments
dottore is most likely desensitized from this and rarely worries about your safety, brushing it off by saying, "I can fix it later"
but if we get past all the dark stuff, he's probably a nerd. a huge nerd.
since he was always an outcast and has been lonely for a while, I can imagine him rambling about his project for hours and hours on end
gets really really excited and happily tells you about how he's successfully chopped someone's limbs off☺️🥰
(I mean it's lowkey cute but like...)
he's always been shamed for what he does, so when you finally accept him he is determined to never let you go. ever.
keeps you around at all times, you're almost like a doll to him
he has some redeemable parts, idek at this point to be honest
as of now, the only information we have on him is the harbinger trailer so this one is a little difficult
since he essentially manages the finances of the fatui, he's rich, even more so than childe
holds money to a very high regard, thinking it can solve and fix any problem
of course money can work in many situations, but rarely does it ever solve relationship issues
will give you gifts and money and other luxuries, but never sacrificing anything else for you
if you complain about him not giving enough affection or time to you, he'll simply state that he is indeed giving his love to you, just in a different form
has a hard time understanding that not everyone thinks about money like he does
he has good intentions and genuinely believes that throwing luxury items at you will convince you that he loves you
but unfortunately he's very set in his ways, i believe it will take some time for him to understand and relate to you
i think he is definitely better than childe, scara, and dottore
as of now it is assumed that he hasn't committed any violent or heinous crimes other than corrupting other nation's economics
he's perfect.
he's the type to just sing anywhere and everywhere, it's tolerable since he's a great singer but itd be lowkey embarrassing
drunk 24/7
an extremely heavy drinker, always reeks of wine/alcohol whenever he walks by
requires assistance for when he blacks out while drinking, sobering him up will be a routine
but on a more serious note, he is an archon, an immortal being, while you're a human
much like zhongli, he might not even consider staying with you
he is the god of freedom, and the last thing he'd want is for you to be chained down to a relationship with someone like him
will respect your wishes if you insist on staying by his side, it just hurts knowing that you'll age and grow while venti never looks any different from the day before
even as an archon, he has his own issues to, such as his trauma from losing his friend
you could work him through it, though it might be difficult since he's lived with it for thousands of years
you might also fix his drinking problem if you work out his dead-friend trauma, you'd have to have his trust though
he is most definitely messier than zhongli, but i can see him being a genuinely kind person minus his chronic alcoholism and messy trauma
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warmerstranger · 1 year
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。°˖ ʚɞ ꒦꒷⩩ Ft. Edogawa Ranpo & Edgar Allan Poe x gn reader
At this point I'm just promoting the ship www :33
°°``Marked as and not excluding: Yandere (many gaslight 🔥, obsessiveness, manipulative, breach of privacy/confidentiality hints, heavy dependence indications, overprotective, gatekeeping you), kind of angsty having a friends-to-enemies dynamic with Ranpo, messy plotline going on idk anymore my brain just shrunk writing this
°°``Recommended to read for those 16+, please proceed with caution.
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↪What starts out as a mere fascination descalates into a mixed up dedication.
❇✧ You're a fun little enigma which is like that of a stimulating Rubik cube. Always determined, Ranpo successfully manages in getting your true best outcome from all the possibilities he could show for you to be amazed at. Sometimes, the fact that he can be stumped figuring you out frustrates him to no end, but he's proud to be the one doing it to you overall! After all, there's no other person more capable and fitting than him to 'solve' all of your worries, problems, or low level predicaments so you should be at ease if you just leave them to the greatest detective ever!
❇✧ Whenever you would feel like you're hitting a dead end in a seemingly neverending maze, he can easily show you the way out of that maze—no, miniature garden! It's only a simple and rewarding trade all in all, you need his point of view towards the solution and Ranpo will receive your praise as the reward (+ your cleared up face out of recognition, breaking to a smile <- he considers it a bonus even though he would expect for that view to keep coming, reserved for his eyes only!).
❇✧ The very few moments though, you wish for a comfort or time in facing a dilemma instead of being shoved a cold revelation like what he usually does. But why, he thought, why wouldn't you just walk the rest of your way out of the maze even with him graciously leading you onward? What's the point of standing around and mulling it over? The answer is already right there, it's obvious and even you could see it. He knows the reason, but he can't really do anything about it if you don't move yourself, can he? He hates being incapable in these kind of situations.
❇✧ You might get some of his snacks instead and something along the lines 'I guess I could do it, just doing something so simple by being here for you if that helps you'. He would pout and everything if he sees your gloom face isn't going away any soon.
❇✧ Your praise and smile are his daily dose of dopamine (healthy ofc, totally not addicted) at this rate and he demands more! He becomes very prying... of your matters which aren't that easy to deal with and even the touchy subjects you wouldn't dare speak out loud, it's as if you're being exposed to the core and then poked at for him to nitpick about certain parts you really have difficulties with.
❇✧ Anytime, any day, his words slowly plague your mind; you should do things this way or you should follow what he say that way you don't regret it, are you sure you should be doing this? He's getting persistently clingy while his minor tantrums increase more often whenever you don't approve his presence, you should've admit you need him any moment now!
❇✧ A bad move on your part, he takes that as a sign it's not enough so you just... avoid him altogether, explaining about his behavior and that you need space from him on text to refrain from losing control over your emotions if you face him. You figure you should do something about this, then you finally go to seek out his rival—no, the closest person he's to and the one you're comfortable with asking for help; Edgar Allan Poe.
❇✧ ...that's what he expected. When Ranpo realized all his efforts would backfire him, he have created a plan with Poe in advance way before you do. He won't let you escape him! Not when he has Poe by his side; his most trusted aid.
❇✧ The moment you take a step back, he instead sees it as a challenge he should take so he will come out victorious; as the one you would admit to be right, backed up by Poe's statement about him. Ranpo won't back down... So you shouldn't go down easily and cower away! Things wouldn't have to be this way if you were just of one agreement with him from the beginning.
❇✧ To Poe, even if through complaints only, Ranpo accidentally makes you out to be more of a formidable foe and villain than you actually are in this case that Poe doesn't hesitate at all lending him a hand. Fueled by jealousy—the moment you step into Poe's room—he welcomes you as his most dangerous rival at the highest priority who needs to be handled in his own hands now that Ranpo leaves the rest of the plan to him.
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✏✉ It was needed as a convincing prove for Poe that you're worthy of his help. It was supposed to be like that right before... you are trapped within Poe's book. And out of all people, it's with Ranpo, where almost all (under influence of Poe wanting you to think of them as such) the puzzles are designed in such a special mechanism needing two certain people to be solved at the same time. But, the puzzles put you at a disadvantage more, highlighting Ranpo's ability instead whenever you can't solve them. Your intentions to work together with him in peace and solving some riddles on your own—are outweighed in the end. 'If you want this to be easier for both of us, you should just count on me more!' stated Ranpo.
✏✉ Compared to Ranpo, you know you're not that smart, but you can still stand up by yourself very well even without his help and so, you show it to them. Oh, what a bold and risky action you took, with that being out of their predictions as well... You have Poe enthralled, in awe towards your efforts as if you're under a spotlight—like him—the past him trying hard to win against the same once 'enemy'. With Ranpo getting worried sick of you now and Poe feeling guilty as well, he ends the story on that note before releasing you both out very soon.
✏✉ After Ranpo throws an outburst for your idiotic reckless stunt you pulled and he gets a childish tantrum trying not to mind a particular stupid person whenever he meets you, Poe have since become your wingman for both of your happiness. He's sad seeing the state of relationship you have with his best rival (lie) is turning tense. Poe has been also the mediator from then on who presents Ranpo's good qualities he's proud of. It's as if he's his defender, apologist more than someone who supports both side to make peace rather.
✏✉ Poe would be able to make you feel bad, because maybe you are just being too stubborn surely? Things would go smoothly on your end once you understand Ranpo if you were in his shoes and he would then forgive you. At some other times, Poe is just a walking contradiction, taking your side and discussing about his plans of deduction game to go against Ranpo and with your help, you two might even win past his level of intelligence together.
✏✉ Truthfully, Poe is just playing a devil's advocate card and you might realize it sooner or later since he can't help but rant more than he needed when you push the conversation a right way. You play along with him, admitting you're wrong in some cases related about Ranpo, and even acknowledging Poe's skills because he must be on the same level as him when they managed to get closer than ever~ Poe would be all flustered being treated like that by you.
✏✉ In that moment, Ranpo unexpectedly appears and gets along with you well enough as if nothing ever happens between the two of you, teaming up to tease Poe together. Karl also takes the chance to be his savior by obstructing his own face. All is well that ends well. Not long after, Ranpo admits his fault from before. Your trust in him wouldn't be able to return the way it was, though. Poe is now the one you would confide in, his awkward gestures supported by Karl's help mostly becomes your comfort and they're more heartfelt genuine. In return, Poe would need your feedback and opinions for his stories from time to time.
✏✉ Poe starts glorifying you as his most precious friend, even comes a few lavish gifts he give to you along with a letter he writes for a special occassion. That recent development of you getting closer with him doesn't seem to bother Ranpo much, the detective would simply come and borrow you at appropriate times, sharing stories about his accomplishments of usual and extraordinary cases strewn about in the city or coming to talk in private with Poe or, sometimes have you all hang out together to some place he's interested in.
✏✉ Things seem normal as if you're just spending time together with your close friends(?). Well, besides some claims from Ranpo's co-workers about how he seems to like you very much and he's really insistent of scolding and demeaning anyone who would be having the slightest interest in you. Ranpo is completely honest about it, telling you they're all just creeps or someone you wouldn't want to get involved with. And right he is, when you find out, even if some of them may be your acquintances or friends, Ranpo just knows to get the dirt on expose them and you would thank him for just looking out after you.
✏✉ Although rare, things would escalate further until one of those people is desperate enough to hurt Ranpo with you or Poe having to stop it and that only make his point more clear, sealing the deal. Meanwhile, Poe is absolutely secretive of mentioning about your presence to anyone, surprisingly capable of not letting them know more about you. He would tell the reason is for protecting you since he must have many enemies, or dangerous people meeting him. Before you know it, you're always with the two of them more often. And will always have been.
✏✉ There's a silent agreement going on between them and it would make you feel left out sometimes because it couldn't be easily guessed. Even though you're actually their very solidarity, it's a sign they're doing a good job hiding their intentions you wouldn't guess that they would secure you within their own length of distance only. A triangle fixed towards you; it's two against one. The winner is decided.
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rileythelonelyalien · 2 years
Dottore x GN! Reader
A/N: Heyy !! im so glad to see such a wonderful response to my previous post I very much enjoyed reading the comments lol. Anyways here is a fluffy fic that is based around the reader making Dottore a scarf, I have more characters in a similar scenario as this in the works so I'll try to post those soon !! I hope you enjoy the fic :))
want to read the Pantalone version?
Being brought to Snezhnaya you had to get used to the cold , one of the ways you did this was developing a new hobby. You had taken the time to learn how to knit although painstaking and your fingers were slightly sore after practising you had managed to learn the ins and outs of the basics. Your first practice project was a scarf of your own , however after you had finished your scarf you eagerly began a new project: a scarf for your lover. It did get pretty cold in his lab , and whenever he went to his business meetings he would always come back and complain about the Snezhnayan climate. So you decided to maybe solve this problem of his. 
You had set out and procured some of the softest yarn you could get your hands on for his scarf , you weren't about to knit him an itchy scarf no-siree. As you sit down on the shared bed you set out your materials , as you start your project you hum to yourself enjoying how calming this new hobby was. The yarn was snuggly wrapped around your fingers as you maneuvered the yarn around the needles slowly but surely making steady progress , you couldn't help but feel excited to see how your lover would react to such a gift. 
After a few weeks of dedicating yourself to this project you were finally done! Although you did have a few close calls of Dottore almost catching you and your top secret project. Luckily you have been able to hide it just in time whilst keeping Dottore’s suspicion low. How exactly you managed to do this successfully is beyond you , but you knew better than to question it. Back to the present as soon as you had finished you did a quick overview of the scarf looking at every stitch checking and making sure it was absolutely perfect he deserved nothing less. After you were sure that everything was up to standard you cleared up your materials hurriedly and took the scarf holding it close to your chest as you rushed out of your bedroom and walked down the many halls that lead to your lover's lab. The closer and closer you etched closer towards his workplace you could feel an involuntary soft smile make its way onto your face. You couldn't contain your excitement as your paces fastened with every step you took , almost bursting from anticipation of his reaction. Alongside the smile on your face you could feel your heart begin to skip a beat , my goodness you were certainly very in love with this man.
 Once you were outside his lab , just by the doors you stood there. A wave of anxiousness came over you, the hand that was lifted to knock on his lab doors hesitated suspended in the air , waiting for any indication of action to be taken. With this sudden rush of anxiety , unwanted thoughts begin to swarm your mind ‘what if he's super busy with work? What if I'm going to disturb him and mess everything up? What if he doesn't even like the scarf?.’ All these thoughts were redundant yet you still couldn't help but let them consume you. Your hand lowered itself as it now dangled next to you almost limp as your previous enthusiasm began to slowly drain away. How could you feel so helpless it's just a scarf and it's making you feel like this ? It was simply ridiculous. Before you had the chance to turn back and attempt to gift him this scarf at another time the doors to his lab begin to open as you can hear the familiar voice of your lover leak into the hall , as well as the blinding lights from within spilling into the hall and illuminating your face. Your breathing hitches as you begin to panic , almost instinctively you hide the scarf that was held to your chest behind you back. 
What you didn't see coming was that Dottore was so preoccupied with his thoughts and assumed that no one would be standing right Infront of his lab doors he almost bumps into. He let out a slight exclamation of surprise when he realised that it was his beloved who was standing outside his lab ‘Oh? My dear, what brings you to my lab? Were you looking for me , is there something bothering you my love? Hm~?’ Although his eyes were covered by his mask , by the way he held you and the tone of voice he was using you could just tell that his eyes were giving you the softest look he was able to give. Just imaging that made your cheeks heat up. You manage to give him a response ‘ nothing is wrong my love i - …. I just came to visit you is all , I was feeling awfully lonely without you’ Although there was some truth behind what you had just told him, Dottore found it obvious that you were trying to conceal something. His hands which were currently holding your arms that were leading towards your back , he slithered his hands down to your waist as he leaned closer. With this sudden action you could feel your body grow warm as you felt quite flustered, you hadn't expected him to be so touchy straight off the bat. You were right to be suspicious of his actions as you could feel Dottore's hands find your own which were gripping onto the scarf that you had made for him. Without a second to spare the scarf is gently taken out of your grasp as he pulls away from you to be able to examine what he had just taken from you. He pushes the lab door open wider to let more light through to be able to fully observe the item , you glance inside the lab to see some of his clones working , they manage to catch you and you send them a small smile and the clone enthusiastically responds by blowing a kiss in your direction . You couldn't help but chuckle at this to yourself. 
However you are brought back to the situation at hand when you hear Dottore clear his throat in a quite obvious manner in order to gain your attention again. He rubs the scarf in between his fingers feeling the softness of the yarn ‘So … who is this garment for ?’ you let out a nervous laugh , before you answer his question ‘well- it's for you , I've been learning how to knit and since you always say that it's too cold I thought that I would make a scarf for you to use’. After you had said this Dottore's suave demeanour completely vanished. He brought his hand up to his mask as he lifted it up  to be able to make direct eye contact with you. His beautiful crimson eyes , surrounded by scar tissue, were watering ‘my love…’ was all he could breathe out before bringing you into an almost bone crushing hug. He whispered into your ear ‘ My dear I will cherish this scarf for as long as my body continues to live , I shall wear it to show of your exquisite craftsmanship’ As soon as he had finished praising you , he began to leave an abundance of kisses all over your face , gentle yet firm kisses all grateful to have a partner who has taken the time to gift him something. It had always been him spending hours in his labs working for others creating things for them and now the tables had turned , he was now on the receiving end for once. He was overjoyed that it was you as well , his first gift ever was given to him by his beloved. 
However only one dilemma now prevailed , the clones were bound to get jealous and come and find you to ask for you to make them scarves too , and of course you obliged , soon enough you had made countless scarves but you didn't mind it was worth seeing their cute reactions each time , why were you so worried in the first place?
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cepheustarot · 9 months
What would make you feel better?
Attention! This reading is for entertainment purposes only. You make your own decisions and are responsible for them yourself, so it's up to you to listen to advice or not.
Choose one or more cards. Trust your intuition.
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Card 1 Your current state: You are still holding on to some things in the past or you are attached to some people, relationships. These things or people may be dear to you, but they do not bring more joy or other positive emotions into your life. In fact, you are holding on to memories. Also I can say that you in a situation in which you do not see a suitable solution and just patiently wait for the situation to resolve itself. It's like a disclaimer, as if you're shifting the solution to the problem to the universe(?)
What will you help: You need to pull yourself together and solve problems! Deep down you know the right solution, but you can resist because you don't like it, it hurts or you don't want to upset another person, or something like that. In any case, if you don't act now, your condition will worsen and you risk falling into a state of apathy. You can also be helped to make the first step by a person you trust and who gives good advice, he is wise and has a lot of life experience, so try to talk to him. I believe that everything will turn out well for you and you will cope with any adversity.
Card 2. Your current state: As I see it, here you are in a state of affairs where little depends on you and the resolution of the situation depends on another person or smth like this. You are just patiently waiting for the outcome, while you are in such an incomprehensible state when you do not know what to expect. Unpredictability worries you very much and causes severe stress, you are thinking about different ways to resolve the situation, but this does not calm you down, but makes you even more nervous.
What will you help: Since you can't influence the situation in any way, you need to try to calm down and let it go, think less about it and switch to something else. Excessive overthinking will not make you feel better, so you need to focus on taking care of yourself, reduce stress and anxiety. In this case, any things that please or calm you will help you, the main thing is that they distract you from thoughts and do not allow you to plunge back into the previous state. A trip somewhere will help well, it doesn't matter if you go alone or with someone, it will in any case bring new emotions into your life. I believe that you will cope with everything, be kind to yourself.
Card 3. Your current state: you locked ourselves in though and detached from reality, spend more time alone with your thoughts. Obsessive thoughts make you very sad, you don't know how to cope with them and in general you are at a dead end, you don't know how to get out of this state and help yourself. You are also indifferent to many events in your life and can left to chance everything.
What will you help: first, it is important to fight with your thoughts, they need to be challenged. If you have negative obsessive thoughts, for example, you are not succeeding and there is a feeling that you will never succeed, then try to give arguments against them, for example: "I have already been through this and successfully coped, so this time I will succeed" or "I have just started my journey and am gaining experience, mistakes at the beginning are natural, success comes gradually", I understand that my explanation may sound vague, but I hope the meaning is clear. You also need to keep a balance, you feel very sad, but you should try to create moments that will bring joy into your life, whether it's meeting friends or hobbies, any little things that make you happy. This should help you see that there is not only one melancholy around you, and good moments are also present. If necessary, contact a specialist. Be kind to yourself and remember that you can handle everything.
Thank you for reading! I will be glad of any feedback <3
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jamneuromain · 10 months
Wishful Thinking Chpt. 8
Andy Barber x You (Reader), no use of Y/N
Alternate Universe - College AU
Summary: A new semester. A new task. A new boyfriend, your previous professor, Andy Barber. Everything seems to be going on the right track. So why didn't it?
Warning: Angst, possessive behavior, inappropriate teacher-student relationship, power imbalance, age difference, cheating, explicit language, TW: mention of assault and violence
A/N: This fic has some disturbing themes, and discusses potentially upsetting topics. Please read through the warning before engaging with the fic. As I have said, the fic has mentioned a number of (potentially) triggering and heavy topics, you don't have to engage further if you feel uncomfortable about one or more topics.
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Wishful Thinking M. List Dancing in the Daydream M. List
Someone calls your name when you are gazing into your coffee.
“Oh hey, Marta, didn’t see you there.” You nod to Marta, noticing her presence before replying.
Marta looks a bit hesitant, “There’s an ‘Andy’ at the door, that says he’s your boyfriend and wants to talk.”
The image of Andy apologizing last time flashes into your memory briefly. You try your best to bury them back in your brain, forcing a smile, “Did you tell him that you’d come and get me?”
“No, silly.” Marta heads over to the fridge and closes the fridge door with a can of cherry soda in her hand, talking as if she’s proud of herself, “I said I just moved in and I don’t know my roommates yet. Said I’ll go check whether the person he’s talking about lives here. If you want him gone, I can tell him you moved out.” She adds very quickly, “Or call the cops.”
Her suggestion brings a smile to your lips.
As ridiculous as the suggestion sounds, you are grateful that Marta didn’t let slip that she knows who you are and where you are.
You leave your coffee mug on the kitchen table, “I’ll just … talk to him. Thank you, Marta.”
Marta slurps her soda, coughing when she has too big a gulp, “no-no problem!”
Every step you take, feels heavy on your heart.
You don’t want to talk to Andy. You want to stay in a confined dark little corner and cry your eyes out.
Yet you have no tears. And you have to be a grown-up and tell him, that you decide to break up with him.
End things. Once and for all.
See, although you like happy endings for stories, whether the ones you read or the ones you write, but you also know that fairytales don’t happen in real life, and there is no magic, nor some Gaston to miraculously help you solve whatever misunderstanding that lies between the two of you, and leading to a happily-ever-after end.
Not to mention, it’s not a misunderstanding.
Andy cheated.
He cheated on you when having a wife. Or another girlfriend. Or whatever Laurie Fucking Barber is.
Even if Laurie is lying about it, for your own safety, you wouldn’t want to be around Andy Barber, in case Laurie jumps out of nowhere and slaps you in the face again.
It is a reasonable decision.
The right decision.
But does your heart want it that way?
Your heart drains every ounce of your strength, telling you to hold on to him, after such a terrible mess. Your heart rattles the cage you’ve custom made for it. Making loud noises, tearing you apart.
Your heart tells you what it wants. What you truly want.
You want him.
Which adds to the sadness and pity you feel about yourself.
A man that lied to you, hurt you, and refused to share with you about himself. So many red flags almost scream “RUN” and you successfully ignored all of them.
Love makes you blind. Love makes you foolish.
So you are going to stop loving him.
As hard as it sounds, you are certain time will take care of it.
It’s raining a little outside. Andy came to your door with his suit jacket damp and hair ruffled. He pants, but nothing can subdue the burning down his lungs for running from the parking spot to your place.
A thin line of smiling raise on the corner of his lips, before seeing you. Before actually looking at you. Before taking in your expressionless face and every sign of your body language that says “you are tired”.
And he certainly did not expect the first sentence that you say is a line for break-up.
“We’re done, Andy.”
Maybe he expected it a little, when he pictures Laurie hitting you. Leaving you scared on the floor. Maybe Laurie hit you so hard that you fall to the ground. Maybe you are devastated. Maybe you cried.
Now that seeing you without tears. Without sobbing and sniffing. A dark voice in his head tells him that you want him for the sex, not for the trouble.
Deep down, he knows any reasonable person in your position would be asking for a break-up. However, the demonic voice nags him into doubting. Into suspecting that you are not feeling a thing.
He’s a horrible person. Andy suddenly realizes when the dark thoughts creep inside his head. And he’s hoping you would be as horrible as he is so that he wouldn’t feel half the guilt he has right now for not telling you about Laurie.
He could do nothing than utter a few words. Words, pale and weak. The words almost every cheated man would come home and tell his wife, “Let me explain…”
“There’s nothing to explain about.” You shake your head.
Is that disappointment? Or just boredom? Andy isn’t sure.
A chilling spark runs up his spine. He has to do something. This, Andy is sure. He knows he either do something right now, or he could lose you forever.
“I’m divorcing her. It started six months ago.” It was five but who cares at this point, “She’s been holding a grudge. It was before we met and knew each other, I swear.”
Forget the “not speak ill of your ex” rule. Andy could speak a lot of ill about Laurie. Only that he did not choose to. For one, he didn’t want you to think he’s the type who will criticize his past partner. For another, he is ashamed to admit Laurie. Laurie, as his wife, cheated. Resulting in a huge dent in his self-esteem. He was afraid you would think there’s something wrong with him. That caused Laurie to flee.
He wouldn’t want that.
You’ve heard of husbands starting to date other women before the divorce got finalized. It wasn’t against the law. Nor was it morally incorrect. You didn’t think the same would happen to you. Simple as that.
“You could’ve…” Emphasizing on “could”. “Could’ve told me. Could’ve shared. Hinted, even. About …this. About Laurie.” You whisper in a small voice. Your eyes avoiding his determined gaze. Your gut tells you he’s lying, again. Or your paranoia. You can’t distinguish one from another these days.
“Please. I’m sorry. I fucked up. I know I did. Please-”
Don’t leave him.
“I’m sorry, Andy.”
You are not some puppy who will run back to its master on first call. This isn’t who you are. You expect a relationship, a functional one.
Whatever this is, it isn’t functional.
“We’ve been dating for two, three months now,” you state the obvious, “You know everything about me. About what I eat, what I don’t. You know I prefer drinks more than water. You know I’m deciding about whether to look for a job or continue my studies. You even know the scar on my arm was because of an accident.”
“I-” Andy looks as if he is about to interrupt.
“And I know nothing about you.” Which was fine, at the start. You thought you could ease into things. Get him to open up, little by little. You don’t mind sharing about yourself. You have some issues, of course, that you would rather keep to yourself and work them out. The real problem is, Andy never shares anything. “You seem to go to the gym a lot. You like scheduling. You like having order and control.”
“That’s something about me.” Andy wants to explain.
“Really?” You toss the question back to him, “I don’t know your favorite exercise. Do you swim because there’s an aquatics center within walking distance? Or you like swimming? Or you swim just to keep fit?”
His words grow weaker by the second.
“Why you like having order?” You bring up another question, “I’ve told you before that I like my care-free lifestyle and procrastination because of my inability to make decisions. I’ve told you about my writing. And when I asked you about your writing when you were a teen, what did you say?”
His memory clicks, retracing a dinner date from a month ago.
“I said-” Andy closes his eyes for a brief second, almost painfully, repeating his words, “I wrote some.”
“Some.” You recite, “and then you asked me about something else.”
“I’m sorry. I understand you’re upset.” Those words fly out of his mouth. His apologies are bland. Robotic. He couldn’t find better words. He didn’t know where to start.
Almost everytime, every date. She would try to get to know him more, and only resulted in him knowing her more. As if putting out a question, to him, is similar to a shield, blocking him from her interest.
Your nails dig into the palm of your hands. You are way more than upset. Crossing your arm, you remain stoic, “This isn’t working. You and me. Just leave, Andy. It’s over.”
“You’re mine-” He sounds fragile, hurting, on the verge of shattering, “you promised. You said that. You promised.”
“I promised you nothing.”
You promised him everything. You promised him… you. You entrusted your heart and your soul with him and now this?
“It’s over. We are over, Andy.”
For a moment, your brain isn’t able to process that Andy, the kind, gentle, sweet Andy, actually said “no” to your breakup.
“Excuse me?” You narrow your eyes, looking at the man whose head is hanging. An invisible dark mist pulls into a swirl behind his back, almost as if some ridiculous comic book.
Andy raises his head and repeats, “No.”
He’s not going to let you ruin the possibility of “you”. He’s not going to let you get away too.
“I said no.” He has one hand on the door frame. Knuckles white. Clutching the wooden piece. His tone has never been firmer than he is now, “I’m not allowing it. I’m not letting you choose the ‘easy’ choice just because it’s the way you deem appropriate. Because you chickened out.”
“Ex-fucking-cuse me??”
Oh. Maybe he shouldn’t have said that last one. But pure blinding rage covers his mind and his body. As soon as his lips part, some more escape his mouth with ease, “You're just like everyone else who walked away from me when things got tough. I guess you're no different, scaredy cat."
“Andrew Barber!” You shriek, “I’m not the one withholding a damn WIFE! And I’m fucking breaking up with you! You prick!”
He couldn’t stop himself, “Sure. Because you’re perfectly capable of making decisions on your own.”
Words turn into sharp knives. It hurts to be mean. Though he feels like a big boulder getting off his chest when he watches tears gathering in your eyes. Sad tears? Angry tears? Doesn’t really matter.
“The hell do you mean?”
He shrugs, “Like I'm not the one who recommended you to apply for internship. Like I’m not the one who pulls the strings to make sure you get in. Like I'm not the one who helps arrange your life into shape. Like you don't need anyone to help you - you fake it, sweetheart, you pretend you're strong but you're not. You need – I know what you need. You need control, you need someone else to have control over you so you can hide behind a rock and be worry-free about not needing to take responsibility for your life. Wakey wakey, sunshine,” his tone turns mocking, “You are a grown-ass woman and you are afraid to act like one. Good luck at finding someone who’s willing to put your life into one-piece.”
This was how it was supposed to go.
Him breaking your heart. Stomping on it. You cry and leave.
A giant hole ripped open in the middle of his heart. Crawling with ice. He instantly feels good about making you cry. He is sorry about being mean. However, if this could hurt you, he would say it again. To make you feel something. Feel his wrath and his frustration.
But leaving. That’s what you all do. He only helps speed up the process.
He’s all alone again. He soon will be.
“Go to Hell, Barber.” With a final word, you slam the door in his face.
“Yeah well, you’ll beat me to it!” He yells back.
That’s what he deserves. Andy agrees in silence, looking at the concrete ground.
And now he’s alone again.
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Taglist: @geminiflanagansblog@wintasssoldier@sapphire-rogers@nouk1998@sarahdonald87
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Anxiety attack
Request: hey please could you do one where y/n has an anxiety attack about something and how Harry would calm her down? I don’t really have much of a story to give but if you could make it up then that would be awesome! Thank you!
Trigger warnings: description of anxiety attack
Sister! Reader x brother! Harry (bf/gf one coming soon<3)
And just a quick reminder if anyone has a request/ idea then please feel free to message me! Requests are open and I’m more than happy to listen to any ideas! Thank you!(:
It was all getting too much for you, you were a full time college student with exams and homework and different assignments practically streaming in at a steady pace. You had over 7 assignments and you didn’t even know where to begin. You were nibbling down against your bottom lip your fingers desperately tapping against the keyboard on your laptop sitting crisscross on one of the kitchen chairs, Harry your older brother was sat on the couch on his phone and although his presence was comforting it felt as if you were suffocating the more you stared at the computer screen but the grip your teeth had on your bottom lip held the heavy anxious breaths keeping you silent as you suffered silently your eyes full of nothing but anxiety. You read the instructions on the screen over and over again, ‘make sure to finish these assessments by the 23rd and once you have successfully completed them make sure to send confirmation to me.’ Your breath hitched as you stared at the screen your lips parting slightly “23rd” you murmured before looking down at the little date icon on the bottom of the screen your eyes widening
“fuck!” You dug your fingers into your scalp squeezing your eyes shut not even noticing the concerned look coming from Harry his phone not discarded to the side of him as he shifted on the couch “everything okay?” He questioned but you could barely hear him, it felt like everything was going wrong. Terribly wrong. Failed assessments were one thing but failed undone assessments were even worse- it all made complete sense yet made no sense at the same time and within seconds your calm composure turned into complete hysterics, a slight hiccup in your breath as you struggled to contain your anxiety your breathing becoming rapid- impossible to calm down- impossible to even breathe, it felt like you could breathe but couldn’t breathe as if you were breathing through a tight limited straw that was slowly being sucked inwards tighter and tighter
“Hey hey hey breathe breathe… breathe.” He stood up from his position on the sofa as he moved towards you his hands immediately resting upon your shoulders in a comforting manner “what’s the matter?” He asked gently wanting to get to the bottom of the issue first “I-I-I’ve got seven assignments to do! And many more and I-I can’t even do them. How pathetic is that? I’m just so fucking lame. I cant do anything” your fingers dug into your skin leaving marks and Harry was quick to grab your hands “yeah let’s not do that” he murmured not wanting you to hurt yourself as he wrapped his arms around you securely “and if I don’t get this done then I’m going to fail the course! I’m not going to achieve my dream.” You sobbed out, maybe it was dramatic but you were truly panicking. “Hey no no absolutely not. Whoever told you that was lying and if that happens then I’ll be suing them immediately not to mention mum will be on their case wouldn’t she? Wouldn’t she.” He spoke looking into your eyes as you eventually nodded your breathing still heavy “just try and calm down for me… even out your breathing.” He crouched down in front of you as you focused your attention on him, his hand lifting up to close the laptop so you didn’t get anymore worked up about it. It was a problem that could be solved easily. “But my teacher…” you started but he shushed you gently “don’t worry about them. If your teacher has anything bitchy to say then they can come to me.” He said with a soft assuring smile “but I’ve got to finish my-“ “no you don’t….” He watched you carefully watching as you calmed down slowly “there you go. Good job. Now y/n,” as he said your name your looked into his eyes “I’m gonna give you two options okay?” You fell silent as you listened to him looking into his eyes and you nodded slowly, being the younger sister of Harry styles was always difficult and always would be but you’d never change it for anything. He was protective over you and knew just how to calm you down and you’d forever be grateful for that. For him.
“We either talk about what’s the matter… because I know it just isn’t the assignments… I know you better than that.” He said giving you a look into which you gave that guilty doe eyed look back to him, he knew you damn well and sometimes it was a good thing but also a bad thing because you could rarely hide anything from him. “Or we can go and get ice cream… have a walk… do whatever you’d like and then we come back here and talk about it then.” He spoke calmly and softly nothing but kindness in his tone “ice cream sounds good.” You said with a soft smile and he nodded standing up as he held his hand out for you to take “ice cream it is.”
“Can I get just a vanilla ice cream?” You spoke to him looking at him and he smiled “you can get whatever you want to…” he said and you nodded “vanilla ice cream then.” You said and he raised his brows “that’s boring, c’mon, choose something more exquisite!” He teased and you smiled glaring at him before shaking your head “fine. Vanilla ice cream with chocolate sauce and sprinkles.” You said giving harry a very obvious side eye as he raised his brows at you “that’s still boring… fine… can she please have a vanilla ice cream two scoops a flake in the top, sprinkles, chocolate sauce and those small fudge pieces… thank you.” He said and you stared at him shocked “how many times have you been here?” You asked playfully and he shrugged at you “and then I’ll just get a bubblegum ice cream” he said and you looked at him grossed out “bubblegum? You weirdo… boringgg” you said and he looked at you unamused “shut up” he murmured playfully.
And so once you both got your ice creams you hooked your arm with his beginning to eat your ice cream as you walked with him slowly he had cheered you up massively and you didn’t quite know how else to thank him but really you knew you didn’t have to thank him due to the fact he was your brother and older brothers were always supposed to protect their younger siblings. You both opted to sit on a bench to eat your ice creams as you both talked about life and anything really until the serious conversation came up and you really didn’t want to bring the mood down but you knew he wouldn’t take no for an answer “it’s just… you know…” you were anxious and Harry could sense that “it’s okay take your time.” He assured and you took a deep breath as you nodded “the assignments I haven’t been able to do them because… I’ve just missed you. You being on tour. I’ve just missed my big brother.” You said softly and he listened his heart aching as he immediately wrapped his arm around you “oh y/n” he whispered gently and you nodded smiling sadly, he should’ve known… tour was always your least favourite as it meant you wouldn’t be able to see him for a long time and it sucked but he didn’t realise it effected you this much. “You’ve got me to yourself now I promise. Not gonna go on tour for a while… and whenever I do… I’m sure there’ll be a spare place for you.” He said looking into your eyes watching as your face lit up and just seeing your face light up made his day he had always been unable to take you on tour for safety factors or simply because of school or college and such but now if you really wanted to he could easily take you and if it made you happy then he would in an instant. “But for now you have me to annoy you.” He said a cheeky smile on his face his dimples appearing before his hands quickly tickled against your sides as you squealed “harry! You tickle me and I’ll puke! Stop it!” You laughed out but he didn’t, he didn’t even notice the paparazzis in the distance but to be frank he didn’t care… he was enjoying a nice day out with his sister and no one was gonna ruin that. No one.
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henrysglock · 1 year
Ramble 10: Will, and Will Alone, Is The Key Component To Freeing Henry From Himself
Will is essential to Henry's end
Henry has never successfully broken out of a prison by himself. He tried to break out of the Creel house by himself and failed. He tried to break out of the lab and failed, just ending up in a new form of prison. He couldn't break out of the UD alone, he needed El to open that first gate. He couldn't open the rifts without the murders. He wouldn't even leave his own damn house until the older teens forced him out the window with their attack. He's been imprisoned, in various forms, his entire life. First with his mother, then with Brenner, and now with those he absorbed in his bid for freedom in 1979.
A spider in a jar cannot break the glass from the inside.
Henry has now broken his physical jar with the murders, and it was painful. It quite literally broke everything involved. Will says Henry's hurting, which connects to Hopper's "the hurt is good, the hurt means you're out of that cave". Henry has escaped his physical jar through hurt, and like a spider in smashed glass, he was heavily wounded. However, the physical jar is only one half of the equation.
What about his mental jar? What about the people he's absorbed, who are caging him in?
More hurt does not solve mental problems. More hurt does not reach people mentally, it drives them deeper into their jar. The only thing that's been shown to break someone out of their mental prison is love. Love can be painful, of course. The first step is acknowledging that you have hurt someone, and the fact that that person is now treating you with love is going to be confusing, and that combination of guilt and shame is going to sting like a bitch. But that hurt is good. That hurt means you're at the edge of the cave.
Music in ST may open the door, may lead a person to the edge of the cave, but love walks them through it. It worked with Will. It worked with Billy. It worked with Max. It's going to work with Henry. Love will save Hawkins.
Compassion is a form of love, and it's the form of love that Will is most adept at. It's blindfolding a horse to lead it out of a burning barn even though you, yourself, are susceptible to flame. It's seeing the physical manifestation of your trauma in a bathroom stall and saying "it's okay, I'm not going to hurt you", even though you, yourself, are in danger by it. It isn't synonymous with forgiveness; All it is is seeing the person on the other side of the bars and going "I see you, and I'm not going to hurt you. I'll let you out".
It's unscrewing the lid so the spider can crawl out, knowing full well that it could bite you, rather than smashing the jar and harming the creature inside.
Will can unscrew Henry's figurative lid with his two-way connection by showing Henry the truth, reminding him that he's loved (Victor is still alive, and he still very much loves Henry! Even 27 years after Henry's supposed death, Victor is still in shambles about it all), and then meeting him with the "I'm not going to hurt you" compassion to bring the whole thing home. It is, of course, up to Henry to crawl out of his jar. Will is our light source throughout all of ST4; he can guide Henry out of that mental cave, he can illuminate the edge, but Henry can only escape if he himself wants to leave.
Will will see everything that happened to Henry and essentially say "I see you, and it's time for you to be free of your suffering". He can open that door and offer compassion. Henry himself will walk through it by choice. He will choose to end his own suffering, because that is the first bit of true agency he's ever had for just him. Not Henry and Virginia, not Henry and Brenner, or Henry et. al.
Just. Henry.
It's the kind of ending that would make a room full of Netflix execs cry. It's going to be so messy. There would be so many tears involved. Raphael, Jamie, and Noah would shine. It would be a perfect ending to a story about the power of love and kindness in the face of cruelty.
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marina41trench · 5 months
Yotsuba Tamaki - PTT Xmas RabbitChat [5/5] - An Exciting Day
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
Tsumugi: Tamaki-san, congratulations for avoiding supplementary lessons!
I’m glad you could successfully join the party.
Tamaki: It’s easy
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Tsumugi: Iori-san told me you got an excellent score!
Tamaki: I endured Iorin’s strict lessons
Tamaki: I solved the problem many times until I can do it myself
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Tsumugi: Thank you for your hard work even when the two of you are busy.
Tsumugi: You’ve studied really hard since then!
Tamaki: Yea
Tamaki: I was able to concentrate thanks to you for letting me use the office
Tamaki: Thanks
Tsumugi: No, it’s because of you doing your best!
Tsumugi: When I saw you studying with Banri-san, I was cheering for you in secret ><
Tamaki: His way of teaching me was easy to understand
Tamaki: I’d be glad to have Ban-chan as my classmate
Tamaki: He’ll gimme a King Pudding as a reward if I pass
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Tamaki: Everyone gave us stuff so there’s a lot of candies in my and Iorin’s room
Tsumugi: You received a lot of rewards!
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Tamaki: Yeah~ it’s really great!
Tamaki: I also gave Iorin and Ban-chan something as gratitude for helping me
1) What did you give to Iori-san?
Tamaki: Class duty assist Coupon
Because having the blackboard erased as class duty is a bit annoying
2) What did you give to Banri-san?
Tamaki: His shoulders are stiff lately so I gave him a shoulder massage coupon
When I did it yesterday it’s stiffer than Yama-san’s
3) What did you reward yourself with?
Tamaki: Fufun, I bought a lot of Christmas limited edition King Pudding!
The special one with lots of cream!
Tamaki: I can’t wait for the party to start!
Tamaki: Aren’t you also excited for the evening to come already?
Tsumugi: I've also been excited since morning!
Tamaki: Sticker20
Tamaki: Me too lolol
Tamaki: But I did an oopsie earlier
Tsumugi: What happened?
Tamaki: I bombed my gift to Iorin
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Tsumugi: Aah, since you’re going to give the present via delivery service, the content is written on it… ><
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Tamaki: Why do you know that
Tsumugi: Yamato-san told me earlier...!
Tamaki: Yama-san’s quick to tell on others
Tamaki: I wouldn’t be exposed even if it’s just a drawing of King Pudding
Tsumugi: Did you write that it was for a gift?
Tamaki: Yeah
Tamaki: The cardboard box was pretty big
Tamaki: Oh well I’d give it to him right way
Tsumugi: But why a King Pudding gift?
Tsumugi: I thought it’s something that’ll make Iori-san happy…
Tamaki: Oh, that
Tamaki: They have a collab with the candy Iorin usually eats
Tsumugi: Ah, is it Animal Gummy?
I happened to see him eating a lot of it recently.
Tamaki: Yeah that
Tamaki: It had those freebies with an animal mascot
Tamaki: Looks like Iorin’s collecting them
Tsumugi: So that was it!
I thought it’s pretty rare to see Iori-san eat candies. I didn’t know that there was a reason behind it.
Tamaki: The candy I was eating had a freebie
Tamaki: Iorin said that if I’m going to throw it then he’ll have it
Tamaki: And just recently it had a collab with King Pudding
Tamaki: Iorin seemed to like completing it so I gave him a box set
Tsumugi: Lining up all the various mascot is certainly cute!
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Tamaki: I’m also looking forward to what Rikkun’ll give me
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Tsumugi: It’s something to look forward to!
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mbti-notes · 3 months
Anon wrote: Hi, I have a complicated history with a friend. We've hurt each other a lot and we've tried working on ourselves and starting anew but still keep having fights. Recently in another fight, I realized I have been a terrible friend. I'd say I'd do better but then life happens and I ghost the friend bc I can barely handle my own plate. I feel horrible about myself. I realize realistically that I can't handle my life and working on this relationship. And we both feel misunderstood/hurt by the other person. It's a draining negative cycle and it's sapped all the will out of me, on top of all the other things happening in my life. I feel like I am my worst self in this dynamic and I just want a reprieve from it all. I want to ask for a break or even to end it. I don't think I'm the right person for this friend and vice versa but I don't know if I'm just acting in a hurtful way again, as he has pointed out many times.
What is your question exactly or what kind of response are you looking for? It's not my place to make such a judgment for you. Since you didn't explain the exact nature of your disagreement with your friend, I can only make some general comments.
Relationships with a "complicated history" are surely the most difficult ones to maintain, but they are also the ones you should be most reluctant to give up.
1) Close friendships are rare due to the time and effort and luck required to make them happen. It gets harder and harder to make close friends as you get older, which means, as you get older, you're likely to regret not appreciating the ones you've lost. An important part of maintaining close friendships over the long term is learning how to focus on the positive rather than nitpick the negatives, such that you're able to cherish each other despite the disagreements. If you have an issue of easily getting bogged down by your feelings moment to moment (i.e. being too narrow-minded), then it's important that you learn how to have a longer term view of things.
2) Close friendships are the perfect training ground for improving relationship skills. Since friends are generally flexible and forgiving, there is room to make mistakes and learn from them. If you keep repeating the same relationship mistakes over and over, is running away the best solution? Is it not better to learn how to actually solve the problem? In what ways are you contributing to the problem and shouldn't you want to improve on that? Are you certain that the problem is isolated to this one person/relationship and won't reappear in other relationships?
3) Close friendships form the backbone of one's social support network. You say you can barely handle yourself, let alone this friendship, which makes me wonder why you must draw such a distinction in the first place. Close friends tend to go through life together and are intimately involved in each other's lives. Do you have an issue with not being able to let people in to help or support you (e.g. due to fear of intimacy or fear of vulnerability)? There is a difference between someone "bringing out the worst in you" versus someone "exposing the things about you that you don't want to see". If it's actually the latter, then the real problem isn't the relationship dynamic but your own defensiveness. Overcoming defensiveness is a key component of personal growth, so giving up this relationship could be giving up a perfect opportunity to grow.
I've made the above points not to convince you to stay but to ensure you're seeing the bigger picture. All that being said, it takes two people to make a relationship work. Both parties have to be willing to give a little, to compromise, to implement necessary changes, to work toward something better, etc. If you're not willing to commit, walk away. Do you not have every right to choose your friends?
It sounds to me like you're experiencing frequent breakdowns in communication. A lot of disagreements can be successfully resolved through learning how to communicate your way through them constructively (see the related article). However, there are certain disagreements that can't be resolved, such as deep disagreements about fundamental moral values.
The takeaway point: The best way to deal with a breakdown in communication is to learn better communication skills. Close relationships are bound to have disagreements and conflicts. You must be able to accept this fact and learn how to resolve conflicts maturely. Being a poor communicator is something that will follow you into every relationship, so it behooves you to improve on this front. Whether improving communication will be enough to mend this relationship is your judgment to make.
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carewyncromwell · 4 months
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"No more, the crap rolls out your mouth again! Haven't changed -- your brain is still gelatin! Little whispers circle around your head... Why don't you worry about yourself instead!?"
~"Holier Than Thou" by Metallica
[transcribed from art, for easier translation]
Olivia: Cool your jets, Jacob, that prat isn't worth it. Duncan: Better to get back at Lockhart when there isn't a Hall full of witnesses around. Olivia: Not helping, Duncan.
Happy belated birthday, Jacob Cromwell!
In celebration (?), I thought I'd salute one of my personal favorite headcanons about Jacob that I haven't had much of a chance to explore...namely, that Jacob shared a dormroom with the one, the only Gilderoy Lockhart!
Yes, as you can imagine, Jacob hated Lockhart's bloody guts. 😂
Really, though, it wasn't hard for Jacob to hate Lockhart when that "toothy prat" would act like the smartest guy in the room and yet cowardly avoid any challenges or duels that could contradict that overly shiny self-image Lockhart had of himself. Old Gilderoy was also prone to grab more attention from female students than Jacob did, even with his ridiculously puffed-up ego, for his good looks and (marginally) better people skills. Oh yeah -- and then there was Lockhart's attempt to marginalize Jacob, Duncan, and Olivia's hard work dealing with the Cursed Vaults terrorizing Hogwarts by acting like he'd suspected how to break each curse all along and (even more insultingly) insinuating that it was really him who'd instructed the three Cursebreakers in the methods they'd used to break them. Lockhart even brashly reiterated this one infamous Valentine's Day in his and the Trio's fifth year when he received 800 Valentine's cards and presents (which, as it turned out, were all from Lockhart to himself) --
" -- such beautiful gifts and cards! No doubt from fans both across and outside Hogwarts itself! They must've heard of my heroic efforts toward helping break the curses on the Cursed Vaults! Taught Duncan Ashe everything he knows about puzzle solving...and poor Miss Green was clueless in dealing with those boggarts until I showed her the proper method! And those Acromantula, ho ho...I daresay our favorite Cursebreakers would've been helpless in communicating with those beasts, if it weren't for me teaching Jacob some basic phrases..."
Even if his friends successfully held Jacob back physically, they didn't stop him from verbally tearing into Lockhart.
"'TAUGHT ME SOME PHRASES?!' Acromantula are capable of HUMAN SPEECH, you brain-dead numpty!"
Ultimately Lockhart's little stunt came to an end when the Great Hall had to be cleared of students so the teachers could properly deal with the 800 owls and their 800 packages and letters cluttering up the room. Lockhart's interest in stealing credit for dealing with the Cursed Vaults waned for a short time after Olivia's disappearance, Duncan's death, and Jacob's expulsion, but came back in full when Jacob's sister Carewyn likewise had to deal with them. Fortunately Lockhart failed to collect enough information about Carewyn's adventures to take credit for them and was forced to retreat with a very basic Memory Charm as his goodbye before she or her date Andre Egwu could put together his true intentions. And more fortunately still, about six years later, Lockhart got his just desserts when all of the lies he told to score cheap fame and success came to light.
No one was more pleased when the world finally conjured up enough brain cells to see Lockhart for the idiot and fraud he was than Jacob Cromwell. And ironically enough, the world had also finally conjured up enough brain cells to see for who Jacob really was by then -- not a delinquent as so many had presumed for so long, but an eccentric, brilliant wizard with iron-clad loyalty, incredible magical talent, and a heart as brave as Lockhart's is cowardly.
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yukihime242 · 6 months
It is that time of the year where I start to do my annual review of the games I have played for the year. I made it sound like I have tons of annual reviews but in truth, I only did one which was last year...
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(GIF Source: Imgur thru' Google Image Search)
Ahem, anyway, unlike last year where I categorised my games according to the platform which I played them on, I am going to categorise them as Completed, Currently Playing, and Anticipating. It makes more sense this way, doesn't it?
Obviously, I won't be putting all into one post because that would make it too long. I have also linked the two other posts to the respective titles above so you can just hop over to the other posts if you don't wish to read this one.
Now that's settled, on to the Completed list of games for 2023!
1️⃣ A Little to the Left
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(Picture Source: Nintendo thru' Google Image Search)
A Little to the Left is one of the top cozy and organising games during the Covid period and it has excellent reviews on Steam. The only complain many players had with the game is the "unjustified" price tag for the game.
The game revolves around a couple attempting to organise and keep their house tidy but their cat, being a cat, would mess things up. Each level in the game will give you some form of satisfaction after re-organising or solving the puzzles. Of course, you will have their cat coming to mess things up occasionally.
The levels are doable but there are some that are really tricky. Many of you who may wish to play it would definitely want to solve the levels yourselves, but trust me, there are some that are so tricky that I had to google the answer.
But if you are insistent on trying to solve it yourself without any help, then here are a couple of tips. First, you can skip the level you are stuck at and go back to it at the end. I am not sure what is the control function on Switch, but if you are playing on PC, you can open the menu by pressing the ESC key and select the "Let It Be" option to move on to the next level. There is no time limit, so you can take your time to try and solve those puzzles at your own time.
Second, observe every single feature in the level, especially for those which has multiple solutions. Some are easy to solve, such as arranging it into ascending or descending order, or by colours and the like. But it is usually starting from the second solution that is tricky. The tip here is to observe every single feature in the level. Take for example, the leaves at the bottom picture below.
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(Picture Source: A Little to the Left Wiki Fandom thru' Google Image Search)
At first glance, you would have guessed that the solution is by the colours. Congrats, you got your first solution, but there are more solutions to discover in this level. You will need to observe every thing in this level. Since the first solution is by colour, what else can you do to solve it? Is it by the leaf shape? Or by the length of the stems?
This is just one of the many levels that is designed as such. It may be liberating for some but there are those who may rage at not being able to figure out solution. My suggestion is to not be afraid to google the answer.
If you like to watch the gameplay of A Little to the Left, I have uploaded some videos onto my YouTube channel. The link will direct you to the playlist of the gameplay I have recorded and uploaded.
2️⃣ Death's Door
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(Picture Source: Nintendo thru' Google Image Search)
Death's Door took me almost half a year to complete though the game system said that I only spent slightly over 20 hours to complete...
Anyway, this game talks about this crow that just got a job at the Reaper's Commission, and was assigned his first job. He successfully completed it but got his assigned soul stolen by another crow who has been trapped for years. Our crow chased after the older crow only to witness him sending our assigned soul to a long and large black door, to which the older crow explained that he had to do it in order for him to get his own assigned soul back. Unfortunately, the door did not budge and the older crow asked our crow for help to reap three other large souls to be used to open the door. Our crow reluctantly agreed to help.
The story of Death's Door is simple to follow as long as you pay attention to the dialogue. If not, you can just go google the story. Otherwise, the game mechanics, the UI and controls are all very simple. The only thing that may have you pulling your hair roots out is the battle.
Now, I am more of a casual player but am willing to try such games. I thought it was probably because my dodging skills was horrible but the online guide which I follow has a disclaimer at the homepage of the game guide that said you will die in battle a few times before achieving victory. Alas, it wasn't because of my dodging skills (it still sucks) but that the game was created in such a way.
Of course, it is not impossible to win the battle on the first try, but that the chances of it is quite low; I guess you could say it is a once in a blue moon effort.
If you are interested in trying the game, here are a few advice, not exactly tips, that if you allow me to give.
Firstly, don't be afraid to experiment. The thing about this game is that although the game mechanics and controls are the same for all, there are different playstyles that each player is accustomed to. Some probably swing their weapon like a maniac while some do it with a strategic calculation. Apart from that, there are also weapons you can collect throughout the gameplay, each with varying degrees of damage output. I have seen a player on YouTube use an umbrella to battle. That umbrella's damage output is only 0.5 (the sword assigned to you at the start of the game is 1). However, it seems to work for him, which kinda emphasizes my point here.
Secondly, and those most important advice here, is that surviving is more important than attacking. The boss battles, be it mini bosses or final bosses, including the Avarice, can be frustrating. It is at those points in the game where you will die countless times. Often times you may see an opportunity to attack but it could also be your demise. My suggestion is to dodge more and attack less. Sure, the battle will be dragged longer but it will increase your chances of survival better.
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(Picture Source: EIP Gaming thru' Google Image Search)
Thirdly, you don't need necessarily need to achieve 100% completion rate to complete the game. The 100% completion rate is by levelling up your spells, visiting every shrine, and making sure that all pots are planted with a life seed.
While power ups and having a handy potted life seed is good, it is not necessarily needed to complete the game experience. It is possible to complete the game without any of those. Even so, I would still suggest trying to go for it because it will make your battle a tad bit easier to deal with, especially the fire spell (levelling up your fire spell will make your enemies experience continued burning damage after you throw a fire ball at them).
Final advice is to explore every nook and cranny of the map. There aren't any treasure chest with loads of goodies for you to collect, but because there may be some mass souls that you can pick up and exchange it at the vault in the Reaper's Commission for levelled up attack power.
While Death's Door was fun, I don't think I would go back to play it again because of the battle mechanics. It is really very frustrating which could prompt you to lose your interest in the game. However, it is also quite worth losing a few hairs.
3️⃣ Pokemon Scarlet
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(Picture Source: Nintendo thru' Google Image Search)
I'd be honest here. At the time of writing, I have yet to complete the game. I am very confident that I could get past the Area Zero with ease but it is the Pokemon League that has me worried. My sister who completed the Violet version a long time ago advised me to level up as many different types of Pokemon as possible before I tackle the Pokemon League.
I have a feeling that this game would very well run over into 2024, but I am not willing to put this game under the 2024 annual review since I am currently near to the end of the story. Moreover, I won't be able to play DLC because my country strangely does not support the e-shop.
Anyway, just like any other Pokemon game (to my knowledge because this is the first of such for me), you are an aspiring trainer ready to take your first big step into the world of Pokemon like Ash Ketchum, except in the Scarlet and Violet version, you got to attend the Pokemon Academy. But, of course, the whole purpose of a Pokemon game is to go out, explore, and catch Pokemon, which will be given to you after a few semesters in the Academy (time skip).
There are three quests for you to take (not optional). The first is the usual Pokemon League quest where you need to tackle the gyms located throughout Paldea. The second quest is helping Arven with his Mabosstiff by battling Titan Pokemon and acquiring some mystical herb. The third quest is to help Cassiopeia take down Team Star. All three are important quests to take on because they are located all over the Paldea region. If you are unsure of the order to go with, you can refer to this guide.
However, if you don't wish to tackle all at once, that my suggestion is to go for the Titan Pokemon quest first. The reason being is because after defeating each Titan Pokemon, your Koraidon, or Miraidon in Violet version, will acquire important skills beneficial to exploring Paldea. Afterwords, you can tackle both the Gym and Team Star together if you wish.
One thing I did to make my game experience smoother is to level up my Pokemon as high as I could. That's because I needed stronger Pokemon to battle the tougher Titan Pokemon. In order to do so, I went Tera Raiding, but that can also prove to get boring very easily.
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(Picture Source: IGN thru' Google Image Search)
The big headache for this game is trying to find which Pokemon is best to keep and which is best to release. Of course, the usual strong Pokemon like Garchomp, Dragonite, Tyranitar and the like, are the top choices. But you will still need a wide selection of different types of Pokemon. The easiest way is to get hybrid types, such as Dragonite being a Dragon and Flying type.
Another way is to get the tera types. So, for example, you may encounter a Vaporeon (water type) with an electric tera version. However, the disadvantage of it is that in order to utilise the tera version, you will need to terastalize your Pokemon which has a long cool down between battles.
Overall, Pokemon Scarlet and Violet can be quite addicting, but it can also get boring soon. I'd say that it's a double-edge sword. Still, being my very first RPG Pokemon game, it is quite an experience to behold. I do look forward to other similar games like this.
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bevioletskies · 8 months
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Thanks to @silverquillsideas for tagging me to do this fun bingo sheet created by @icouldhyperfixatehim (template here)! Decided to get cute with it while I was bored watching training videos for work (tbf, I helped make them 😅)
I don't watch that many shows or follow that many actors, but I need all of this to exist outside of my brain - I'm already picturing:
Jennie & Godji looking glamorous in their getaway car after successfully stealing from their mutual super-rich asshole ex
Namtan as an uptight seasoned detective taking upbeat rookie detective Film under her wing
Mark and Milk as mixed doubles badminton partners with huge crushes on basketball player Neo and volleyball player Love
Sing and Jan as childhood friends-to-lovers time traveling through the decades to solve a century-old cold case tied to both their families
I have no idea who to tag since all I do is post GIFs and dip, so if you see this and you're interested in doing it, consider yourself tagged!
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