#but as far as i know its not confirmed in cannon
fr3sh-tragedies · 5 months
Good Luck Charm
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[Arcane] Jinx x Female Reader
Summary: Jinx has been told she's a mistake and a...well, a jinx her whole life, which is why it's such a surprise when you tell her she's your good luck charm.
Word Count: 3.09k Content Warnings: A small breakdown Category: Angst + Heavy fluff || Oneshot
[A/N]: Not proofread. Just wanted a quick break in between characters again. I couldn't stop myself from writing for this dork, especially after seeing the teaser for season two.
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 “Alrighty, toots, I think I’m gonna head to bed. You wanna come with, or you gonna stay up a bit longer?” You turned your head over to glance at Jinx, watching as she repeatedly turned her chair partially back and forth with her eyes fixed on you. Smiling warmly, you shrugged. “Well, I’m not tired just yet, and I wanted to finish this book,” you started, watching from the corner of your eye as she seemed to slump down at your words already. “But I can just keep reading in bed.”
Jinx stood and let out a small cheer, trotting over to you and gently taking ahold of your wrist to tug you toward the bedroom you often crashed in. Ever since you had grown close to the “loose cannon” of the undercity, things in your life had rapidly changed. It started off simple – you would spend far more time hanging out with her than anyone else. Then, as things started to develop between the two of you, you began staying the night almost every night with Jinx cuddled up against you as you slept. Even when she couldn’t sleep, you could feel her arms wrapped around your shoulders while she traced random patterns against your skin.
When Jinx had told Silco of your relationship, you feared the worst, already preparing to write your will or find a way to escape his wrath. Surprisingly, though, he was rather accepting. When you asked Jinx about it in private, she told you she believed it was because he had seen how happy she had been ever since you showed up. A few days later, her theory was confirmed when Silco had called you into his office to set rules about dealing with Jinx and her issues with trust.
He warned you that Jinx could get extremely clingy and would get overprotective of you, which you had already noticed she had begun to do, so you simply nodded. He continued to speak of things such as her hallucinations and wish to keep her past a secret. You agreed to all of the terms he had set to be with his daughter, unaware of the figure stationed above you on her usual platform. Her eyes were trained solely on you, legs swinging back and forth as she let herself rest on her stomach. With her head cradled in her palms, a wide grin made its way to her lips as you calmly agreed to take care of her.
It seemed, however, that she had done the opposite, meaning she seemed to take care of you more than the other way around. More often than not, if you were outside of her hideout, it would come across more as possessive than anything. She’d blurt out insults and impulsively pick fights with people who threatened or flirted with you.
Once they realized who they were dealing with, they backed off instantly. The few poor souls who decided to test their luck suddenly went missing, as well as Jinx for a short time, and then were never seen or heard from again. You had learned to come to terms with her reckless and apathetic behavior towards outsiders rather quickly.
“Trinket? Hello? You in there, or… did ya leave this planet?” You blinked, glancing back over at the blue-haired girl as she waved her hand in your face.
“Hm? Oh, sorry. I was just thinking about what’s going on in my book. I’m near the end, so everything is getting chaotic.” She snickered and hooked her arm around your shoulders as she led you into the bedroom. “Ah, then you’ll have to let me borrow that book sometime. You know I love a bit of chaos. Or a lot of it.” You smiled at her and rolled your eyes, playfully bumping against her and earning another chuckle.
As she plopped down to sit in her spot on the bed, she watched you silently while you flipped your book back open and sat on the other side of the mattress. Once you had leaned back against the pillows, it didn’t take long before you felt a head land gently on your shoulder. A quick look down let you know Jinx had already bundled up under the covers and shuffled over to cuddle against you for the night. With weary eyes, she peered down at the pages of your book, briefly skimming over the short excerpt of the story she could see.
Soon after, she let out a yawn and tucked her head further against your neck. “G’night, sweets. Love you.” You beamed down at her and pressed a small kiss to the top of her head. “Love you too, hun. Sleep well.”
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By the time you had finally woken back up the next day, Jinx had already been up for a few hours. She hadn’t left the bed, but she was tracing patterns and words into your arms and back. When you shifted and yawned, she smiled and perked up rather quickly, sitting up in her spot and peeking down at you. Once you had rolled over to look her in the eye, her grin only grew. “Mornin’, toots. Did you sleep well?” You nodded and sat up, yawning again.
“Yeah, what about you?” She shrugged and toyed with the hem of your sleeve. “Eh, I slept okay. I got kinda restless after a while and woke up, and then I couldn’t go back to sleep.”
You nodded at her words. After a while of you trying to keep your eyes open, you felt Jinx lean against you and tug you close. “I don’t wanna leave to go work on those stupid experiments,” she confessed with a frown. “I just want to stay in here with you. I wish I could come down with you to your job instead.” With a small smirk, you raised a brow and glared over at her. “Oh? And why’s that?” She smirked back at you and slipped her hand down to lace your fingers with her own. “‘Cause I could keep you safe. I could beat up all the pervs that keep trying to get their nasty paws on you.”
A gentle chuckle escaped you as you pulled her further into your side. “Yeah, that’s what makes you my good luck charm. Nothing seems to go wrong for me when you’re near.” You had expected another teasing remark of some kind, though nothing came. Instead, you were greeted with silence. After a while of not receiving any kind of acknowledgment of what you had said, you looked down at Jinx. You blinked in surprise when you saw her gazing right back up at you, eyes filled with a concoction of emotions that couldn’t seem to even out.
Her brows furrowed together. One moment, she seemed confused, and the next, she seemed upset or in disbelief. Similarly to her eyes, her eyebrows couldn’t focus on which emotion to express.
“Uh, hun? You okay?”
“What’d you call me?”
“What did you call me?”
You continued to stare at her, unsure of what you were supposed to say. “I called you ‘hun.’” She shook her head and lifted it from your shoulder to be eye level with you. “No, before that. What did you call me before that?” It took a moment for you to recall what you had said a mere moment ago. The confusion of the new situation had made it hard to wrack your memory. “‘My good luck charm?’”
She was silent for a few minutes, which felt like hours with how thick the tension had grown.
“You think I’m lucky? That I’m a lucky charm to you? Do you really think that?”
An uneasy smile and chuckle left your lips. “Well, yeah, of course I do. I mean, I always love being around you, and because of all you do for me, everything seems to go right when you’re around. You really are like a being of good luck to me.”
She seemed troubled at that, which certainly was not what you had expected. Tears welled up in her eyes and prompted them to grow glossy, though she fought them back. “But – no, I’m not lucky. I’m, I mean, my name is “Jinx” for goodness sake! I’m not good. I’m a horrible person. I mess everything up. How could you possibly believe that I’m a good luck charm? I don’t understand.” You felt your nerves spike, recognizing that she was at the beginning stages of another episode. “Woah, hey,” you whispered, placing a hand softly on her shoulder in an attempt to ground her back into reality before she could fly too far away from the present.
“No, I’m not lucky, I’m a Jinx. I’m the opposite of lucky – I’m unlucky. I didn’t – no, please, I’m not. No, shut up! She’s not trying to – stop it already!” Unintentionally, you leaned back, making sure to keep your hand in place. It seemed like Mylo had taken over again, throwing insult after insult at her and flooding her mind with false realities.
“Love, I’m sorry,” you murmured. “I didn’t mean to upset you.” She glared at you, eyes fixed on you in front of her, though she seemed to be staring so far away. Her eyes flickered as though she were reading some sort of script, incoherent mumbles rolling off her tongue. “No, you shouldn’t be… you didn’t – shut up! You shouldn’t be the one apologizing!”
You remained silent, waiting for the right time to chime in as Mylo continued to torment her. Although you had no idea what he was telling her, you could get a general idea based on the few words you could make out in her sputtering.
It took forever, but she ultimately calmed down, panting for breath and clutching handfuls of hair. When she came back to her senses, she found you holding both of her hands to prevent her from tearing her strands out again. Sometime in between her episode and her break into reality, she had begun copying your breathing the way you had helped her practice each time she had gone through it in the past. At length, she sighed and let her eyes bore down into her lap.
“I’m sorry,” she whimpered.
Softly, you cupped her face in your hands and lifted her head up to look her in the eye. She shifted her focus away from you, unable to meet your gaze. “It’s okay, I promise. I’m not mad.” The feeling of the pads of your thumbs grazing across her cheeks to wipe her tears away brought her a feeling of relief. Her tense shoulders drooped down after she sighed once again.
Moments passed. She finally forced herself to meet your eye. “Did you really mean it?” She whispered with a broken tone. “That you think I’m lucky?” You nodded with a weak grin. Again, tears pricked her eyes, though she leaned forward and buried her face in your shoulder before they could fall. Her arms lifted from her sides, hands grasping at the back of your shirt as she sucked in multiple shaky breaths.
“I’ve always thought you were lucky.”
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Weeks had passed since you had started referring to Jinx as your good luck charm, then it shifted into months, and your list of nicknames began to grow. It became a common occurrence for her to hear you call her “lucky charm,” “charmer,” or even “bluebird.” It seemed as though you were shifting to just focus on positive nicknames instead of entirely pinpointing each play on the words “good luck charm,” though she wasn’t complaining.
She certainly wasn’t used to all of the compliments and the nice names. After all, she had been referred to as a jinx, a screwup, and essentially a burden her entire life up until she met Silco. It would take a while for her to accept what you said as truth, but she had started to come around to the loving nicknames. After a while, she even began to look forward to what you would call her for the day. She had started rubbing off on you in terms of nicknames as well. “Trinket” and “sweets” began to creep into your vocabulary, and she adored the way it sounded rolling off your tongue when it was directed at her.
Soon enough, the positivity had worn down part of her insecurity, so long as she was around you. You made her feel safe and secure, which wasn’t something she was used to either. Often, she could be seen practically bouncing down the halls with a cheesy grin plastered on her face, even if she had just left Silco’s office. Silco and Sevika had definitely taken notice of her sudden shift, and although Sevika didn’t understand why she was so much livelier than normal, Silco found himself smiling more often at the sight of Jinx when she’d suddenly remember the nickname you had chosen for her for the day.
When she’d sit up top on her makeshift platform in Silco’s office, she had to be given reminders in between meetings to settle down. Her legs would swing over the edge and kick at the air rhythmically, and her hands would pat randomly at the wooden planks.
She loved the nicknames, to put it bluntly. She absolutely adored them. Since that night, not once had you referred to her as Jinx. Somehow, even though everyone else called her by her known name, the mere mention of what you were calling her for the day gave her a boost of confidence. Whenever a mission would go wrong, she’d come straight to you to talk about it, then listen with a soft smile as you told her repeatedly how things would be okay and how she’s still your lucky charm.
With how suddenly all the flurry of names were thrown at her, she struggled to pick a favorite. Even so, her energy and overall glee grew daily, even beginning to show in her work. Weapons were crafted more cautiously, produced quicker, and had more expressive markings made by her oil crayons. Sevika didn’t enjoy the increase in enthusiasm, Silco certainly appreciated everything.
He still didn’t fully trust you, though it was growing increasingly obvious to him that you weren’t a threat, and in his eyes, you were there for a reason. You made Jinx happy, and that was all he really wanted in the end. As far as he was concerned, you had his blessing. He knew things could change, but after seeing how you treated her during every emotion she expressed, he figured that was a slim possibility.
As he sat in his office one day, he sighed and ran a hand down his face. The door had closed only a moment ago, and still he could hear the tapping and swaying above him. Leaning back in his chair, he gazed up at Jinx sitting on her small platform, biting back a small smile when he saw her grinning gleefully. “Jinx,” he called out just loud enough for her to hear. She finally turned her attention to him curiously. “Hm?”
“You know you need to be quiet when I have people in here. It’s very distracting with you shuffling around up there.” Jinx chuckled nervously. “Sorry.” He finally allowed himself to smile, catching Sevika off guard from her spot on the sofa. “Why don’t you spend the rest of the day with [Y/N]? You’ve earned a break, both of you.”
Instantly, Jinx dropped from her spot above and landed on Silco’s desk. She crouched down and looked him in the eye. “Really? You’re okay with that?” He nodded. “So long as you two don’t cause any major problems,” he added. She beamed brightly at his words and her eyes lit up. “Thanks!” Within an instant, she turned on her heel and hopped off the desk, already out the door and skipping down the hall to find you.
Silco grinned softly with a small shake of his head. He leaned forward again and motioned for Sevika to shut the door as he picked up a few papers to straighten them.
When Sevika returned to her spot on the sofa, she huffed out a heavy sigh and pinched the bridge of her nose. She bit her tongue with what she wanted to say, but a look of warning from Silco made her waver. “What are you breathing so heavily for?” She waited, trying to rephrase her words before speaking them, but ultimately gave up.
“It’s nothing against either of you. I’ve just never seen her this energetic before, and I’ve seen her get energetic in the past.” To her relief, Silco hummed and smiled. “Yes, she’s certainly been in a better mood as of lately. It’s refreshing, in a way.”
Sevika waited momentarily, unsure of what to say. “You think that girl is the reason she’s been so cheery?” “I know she is. Her name is [Y/N]. She’s known Jinx for a couple of years now, and the two of them have grown quite close in such a short amount of time. I don’t entirely approve of that girl, but Jinx has taken a liking to her, and I’d be a fool to take that away from her.”
Even with her disliking of  the blue-haired girl, Sevika couldn’t help but grin at his words. “Yeah, it is nice to see she’s stable with someone. I was worried she’d drive someone away. [Y/N], was it? She’s patient, and that’s definitely good for someone like Jinx. To be honest, I’m glad they met.”
“Yes, I am as well. I suppose I should include a few of the names [Y/N] has been using to refer to Jinx as when speaking to her. It seems to put her in a better mood, as you’ve said, and I’ve noticed an improvement in her crafts and missions.” A chuckle slipped from Sevika before she could stop it. “Yeah, she hasn’t screwed up another task in a while.”
Sevika swallowed and cleared her throat. “Sorry, sir. It was nothing.”
All the while, as they chatted away about her improvement, Jinx trailed down the hallway and all the way to her hideout. When she saw you there, sitting comfortably by her desk in the extra chair she had pulled into the room to have you nearby while she worked, she couldn’t help the smile that stretched across her lips from ear to ear. As she grew closer, she wondered what you would refer to her as that day.
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alelathedragon · 2 months
Not me going back and hyper analyzing Mr.Puzzles episodes to further ramble about how silly he is and just how well written he is
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Just how blind is this man to memes? VERY.
Like I said in my last post he looks at the Meme Factory and only sees the Comedy Zone bc: Being Funny is how he suspects SMG4 has fame, hes been watching these guys for who knows how long and while they give epic performances in Arcs there is always one key denominator to SMG4 and that is: he makes people laugh
Mr.Puzzles doesnt get it. And another way we can see that is in the Despicable Mr.Puzzles episode where
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Notice Shroomy has a NORMAL dog. This is important!! Because in Mr.Puzzles world, his TV safe space where HIS shows go the way he thinks they should... Shroomy having a normal dog is good! So when Mr.Puzzles gets upset at him and transforms his dog into a meme...
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Shroomy doesnt react how Mr.Puzzles would want him too bc currently, the man himself is partaking in a Roll. Blinded by the Roll he is in. Playing the Character of Gru... Just like how SMG4 is himself but shifts just enough to fit the roll of like Dora The Explorer? Puzzles cant micromanage the NPCs reactions so
This isnt Shroomy just being dumb
This is shroomy: reacting how he might in Real Life, his dog is now a meme. Cool!! How nice of Mr.Puzzles to make his dog funny!! Itd be nice to have my old dog back but i wont argue the new dog
Bc Shroomy is a bit of a people pleaser he wouldnt show his true feelings on that and again: in this world memes are good. So while Puzzles thinks hes so evil... Hes actually doing Shroomy a TYPE of favour
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So why does he Like Leggy then?? You may ask... Shes a Meme as far as any of us are concerned, its cannon too!! On meme island Meggy gets turned into Leggy and is confirmed as a Meme.
Wouldnt Mr.Puzzles find her disgusting? Nope!
He looks at Leggy as a Creature. Because that is how she acts in front of him, Leggy as a meme is a goomba gremlin that acts like a loyal pet to whom cares for her. A silly lil guy
And being a Fresh Made meme, she hasnt hit Mr.Puzzles media radar so chat
He doesnt know.
He just looks at this small gremlin and goes: what an annoying dog lmao time to move on with my life. But then he gets stuck with her and she animols all over the place getting him attached against his will lmao!!
Hes the perfect antagonist for the smg4 universe
A guy who doesnt think memes are funny and infact hates them!! Even after the adventure through the meme factory what is the first thing he does upon hitting the stage?
He tells a dad joke.
His audience: he himself: find that to be the only GOOD source of funny so of course he does that and gets power from it temporarily
And dad jokes are funny lol kill me if u want lol so ofc the camera worked for him.
But the important thing is: he didnt conform to memeage bc bro doesnt get it
And i love that for him
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bluegalaxygirl · 4 months
Amnesia (KidKiller X Reader) P3
Plot: After an explosion reader wakes up in a hospital with no memory of the past few years, her parents want to take her home so she can recover and get back to a normal life while the Kid pirates want her back on the ship where she belongs.
Warning: Bad language, Violence, Blood, Drugs, mentions of torture and Death.
Reader is Female, Poly Relationship, established relationship, Kid X Reader X Killer, Reader is a member of the Kid pirates and is in charge of the money, Budgeting and negotiating the best price.
< Previous part ….. Next Part >
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The afternoon sun burned bright in the sky, the white soft clouds slowly floating through the clear sky as birds happy let the light wind take them across the sea. It would have been so peaceful if it weren't for the cannon fire, yelling and metal banging against brick, The Victoria Punk quickly docked at the side of the prison letting the crew off to rampage and free their crew mates while others stayed behind to fire at the prison walls with the cannons. Kid had already left the ship before it even docked and Killer wasn't too far behind, the captain busted open the gates sending shock waves though the floating prison startling everyone inside. Marines run to protect the prison but are either shot, cut or punched hardly standing a chance against the Kid pirates, Kid had no idea where he was going, he just hit and gathered mental as he runs through the base, Killer following behind slicing up anyone who came after them. Wire and Heat know that Kid and Killer would be doing their own thing so the two split up taking a few crew members with them to search the cell area for their crew, it wasn't long until Wire came across the missing crew members. Boogie waves his hand threw the bars seeing his tall crew mate and a few others running down the hall "Wire" The four call out with happy smile's glad to be getting out of this place, the tall man simply nods before using his trident to slice open the bars to each cell letting them out.
The crew around him cheer as they reunite with each other but Wire raises an eyebrow at only seeing the four of them, before he can ask though Bubblegum runs up to him in slight panic "They took Y/n to the infirmary but The Commodore recognized her, he said her father would he furious and to keep her off the records." He quickly explains knowing Wire didn't have the time for long stories, the other three nod confirming what Bubblegum just said. "Get them out of here, I'll check the infirmary , if you see Heat on the way make sure to inform him of all this" The tall man commands the crew he brought with him before heading off to find the medical ward alone, Its true the crew don't know anything about your past, but they never thought to ask and you never brought it up. You had a few strange quirks but then again so did the rest of the crew who come from all over the South blue and some even from the Grand line. Walking into the infirmary Wire looks around seeing several patients in their beds, some tied down while the others seem to be passed out but none of them were you. A whimper catches his attention turning to look at the desk's down the other end of the room, walking over the tall man steps around the main desk to see a young woman wearing a nurses outfit cowering under it, she freezes with a squeak when seeing Wire staring down at her. "Where's Y/N, she was brought in last night or this morning" He asks not making a move towards her yet, he had no reason to hurt her unless she refused to answer his question.
Despite her seeming to know that he had no intention to harm her if she answered, she gave him a response the tall man didn't like "w-we've had no n-new patients" She stutters while trying to move further back in fear but her back is already pressed firmly against the wood, Wire lets out a sigh before bending down to look right at her "My crew said she was brought here so don't lie, where is she?" He asks again becoming impatient his eyes burning into her's making the young girl gulp in fear "I-i'm not lying, I-I can show y-you the records" She pants hoping not to get killed by the tall man. Wire thinks for a second while looking her over, something told him she was telling the truth, but he needed to be sure so using one hand he shoves the heavy wooden desk away causing her to let out a scream, but she makes no move to get up and run, it seems her body chose freeze this time. "Hurry up, i don't have time" Wire gestures towards the file cabinets while gripping his trident in his other hand ready to kill her if she tried to run, with a nod the young woman stands to her shaky feet and makes her way over to the file cabinets taking out the patient records for the past couple of days. Her hands are shaky at best but manages to take them out without dropping them and places them on the other wooden desk thats still standing, Wire steps closer causing the woman to back up to the wall as to not be in his way. Looking over the files it seems she was telling the truth, there isn't any records of any new additions but there were records of the four crew members being patched up then shoved in a cell. So its true that they didn't put you on record but there has to be a trace of you somewhere at least someone who saw you here, the nurse would have told him if she saw you, she's too scared not too.
The young nurse watches the pirate's every move until he shoves the files off the desk and turn to her, thinking she's going to die the young woman closes her eyes and bases for a painful death but instead she hears footsteps walking away. Peeking open her eyes she watches Wire walk towards the door after stepping over the wooden desk that he shoved to the floor and heads down the hall to inform his captain about all this, surprisingly leaving the nurse alive. Killer slices through yet another Marine that thought he could take the masked man on in a sword fight as he follows Kid's mess of destruction, he know's that if he lost sight of his captain all he had to do was follow the trail of bodies and broken walls to find him again. A few marines tried to take on Kid but their weapons where ripped out of their hands as the red head uses his devil fruit to pull them, along with other piece of metal over to him covering his already metal arm making it much bigger and stronger. With a laugh Kid swings the giant arm hitting the marines and the walls around him as Killer finally catches up and stops next to his captain looking around at the mess. Just as they were about to keep going footsteps run up behind them causing the two to turn ready for a fight only to see Wire run around the corner and over to the two. "You find everyone?" Killer asks as the tall man stops in front of them, his breathing is heavy from running, but he also seemed very annoyed or even angry.
Wire nods at the masked man before trying to inform the two of what he's just learned "The others are heading back to the ship, Y/n was taken to the infirmary when she got here but-" Before he can continue Kid groans and walks past his tall friend while rolling his eyes "Well what the hell you waiting for?" The captain yells staring to head to the infirmary but is stopped by Killer "Kid wait.. what were you going to say?" The masked man asks knowing something is wrong since Wire would have looked in the infirmary so why was he here without you. "She's not there, there's no record of her ever being here, th-" Wire's interrupted again this time by both Kid and Killer who yell loud enough he swears that everyone back on the Victoria can hear them "What?" Wire takes a breath mainly to clam his own anger and frustration of being interrupted again before turning to the captain. With his arms crosses over his chest Wire finally managed to explain what the others told him while not being interrupted by the two, he also explained how the young nurse had no idea who you were and that the files showed the four others but not you. The only person who might know where you are is the Commodore, but he hasn't been seen anywhere, Kid growls as he grits his teeth not understanding how things can go this wrong. Killer sighs trying to calm himself before thinking how to go about things but it isn't really working "We should find him, if he won't tell us then we'll just have to beat it out of him" The first mate states getting Kid to snap out of his hate filled gaze on his clenched metal hand.
Kid gives a big grin and a quick nod showing a clear liking towards the idea before heading off to find the Commodore's office with Killer and Wire following behind, the Commodore may not be in his office with all the fighting, but they've met marines of higher ranks that would rather cower away and let their lower ranked officers do the work than fight. The three sprint down the hall gradually feeling the aura change as they get closer to a much stronger person, soon enough a white coated marine appears coming out of his office while holding a small yellow bottle. Kid growls, anger boiling through him as he jumps up bringing his fist down on the Commodore who only managed to dodge at the last second, his cheek getting cut by the splintered wood that fly's through the air due to the force of Kid's metal arm hitting the wooden floor. Using the distraction Killer runs in swinging his blades at the white coated man who gasp as it slices his hand off, Wire runs in next bringing his trident down on the man aiming for his shoulder since they need him alive. Despite the situation the Commodore smirks popping the yellow bottle and quickly tipping it into his mouth before Wire can hit him, a burst of energy sends the three flying back, yellow lightning like power causes out of the man who screams in agony. Killer manages to get to his feet quickly stopping himself from sliding too far away as Wire tumbles a little more but uses his hand to push himself up stopping his body from continuing to roll. Kid shield's his face with his metal arm as his feet skid across the floor managing to stop himself before passing Killer.
The blinding yellow lightning and screams soon stops revealing the Commodore who pants while looking very different, the hand that was cut off has healed into a stump already and the mans already large frame was even bigger, his muscles bulging and almost pulsing as thick raised veins run across his whole body, even his face, the clothes he's wearing is ripped to shreds except or a bit around his groin area and the white coat hanging off his back by a string wrapped around his neck. "What the fuck?" Kid asks standing to his full height as the now large man throws his head back in laughter before looking at the three "I know your rash but i thought you'd at least ask me a question first" The Commodore smirks bringing a leg behind him to get into a fighting stance, Kid takes a step forwards with a smirk of his own knowing it's going to be a good fight but doesn't jump in just yet since Killer lightly placing his hand on the captains arm "Where's Y/n?" The masked man calls out even though he knows he's not going to get a straight answer from this man. "I don't know who your talking about" It was a obvious lie since the man clearly rolled his eyes that smirk never fading from his face. Kid rushes in gathering metal around him to make his metal arm large again before punching the marine who uses both of his arms to stop the punch, the captain didn't bother to ask questions instead focusing on the fight. Pulling his hand back the captain continues to punch and grapple with the large marine while Killer and Wire wait on the side lines knowing not to jump in just yet. "Sneak into the office, see what you can find" The masked man glances at the tall man who nods heading of to sneak into the Commodore's office.
Once Wire's out of view Killer joins the fight running over with his blade's spinning and going for the Marines legs, sliding past the masked man turns back only to see the commodore's leg's unharmed even though his blade differently cut though skin since there's blood on his blade. "Answer the fucking question" Kid yells as he blocks the Commodore's punch with his metal arm, some of the metal denting under the force making the captain grunt in annoyance, Killer runs back into the fight, jumping into the air and bringing his blades down on the marines back letting them dig in. The Commodore yells in pain and anger as his wounds try to heal even though there are blades stuck in his back. "Where is she" The masked man yells as the marine tries to reach back and grab him only to be punched in the face by Kid's large arm, thinking quickly the commodore runs backwards hoping to crush the blonde between him and the wall only for Killer to quickly catch on and brings his blades out, jumps off the marines back just before being crushes. Panting slightly the white coated marine swipes as Killer lands about to hit him when a chunk of metal hits his chest forcing the large back back into the brick wall making it crack under the pressure. Metal continues to swarm over pinning the man to the wall while Kid Chuckles walking up to his partners side "Tell us where she is and I'll make your death quick" Kid smirks looking at the struggling and panting marine who seems to have given up,the Commodore slowly looks up at the two letting a sick joyful smile from on his face. "i'm sorry to inform you but she's dead, her wounds were just too much for her" The captain extends his arm purple strings of light flowing from his hand as his eyes burn with anger.
Kid starts closing his fist making the metal around the commodore compress the pain of even thinking your dead makes it hard for him not to kill this guy "Liar" The captain yells but the marine shakes his head while struggling to get free "She's dead deal with it" The commodore yells managing to get one of his arms free, Killer's quick to act running over and stabbing his arm forcing the blades through and into the wall, the marine yells in pain trying to pull his arm away but their combined strength was too much even with what ever drugs he took. "We know she's alive, tell us where she is" The masked man growls using all his strength to keep the commodore's arm in place while Kid continues to try and squeeze the life out of him, before the commodore can answer Wire runs out of the office with an angry look "She's not here" their crew mate yells out causing the two to look over at him in surprise and confusion "There's no record of her but a ship left last night with a bunch of medial supply's and an extra passenger. It didn't say where it was heading though" The tall man explains before turning to the Commodore "But you were the one to order it" Kid growls while squeezing tighter making the marine caught up blood, Killer removes his blades from the mans arms watching as the wound starts to close shut leaving no scar behind. "Where are they taking her?" Kid yells out stepping closer to the large man who's still struggling, but he can tell the marine is getting weaker, the drugs must be wearing off with all the healing its having to do, when the Commodore refused to answer Kid grips harder causing the man to scream out in pain, his ribs cracking and organs being crushed "We can still follow her Vivre card but I'd like to keep him alive, so we can get information" Killer sighs looking to his partner.
The captain thinks for a second before nodding and loosens his grip, the sound of bones cracking back into place echos threw the hall along with a slight yellow glow coming out from under the metal arm holding him in place. "Shit not now" The commodore groans feeling his strength fade away, the yellow light causing through his veins making his large body start to shrink and muscles deflate. With a laugh Kid lets the marine go watching him fall to the floor, his skin turning gray and his lest over clothes hang loosely around his now skinny body, much skinnier than when he was normal. "Looks like you took those drugs for nothing, they couldn't even help you take us down and made you even weaker. Pathetic" The captain smirks before bringing his foot down on the crouched man forcing him to lay on his stomach with little effort. "Well at least it'll be a lot easier to get him to the ship" Wire states walking over to the two and looking down at the weak looking Commodore who's struggling to try and lift his own head up, its clear what ever drug he took has bad side effects but they have no time to think about that now so Killer grabs a nearby cable and hog ties the marine as the captain steps aside starting to head back the way they came. Wire follows close behind as Killer throws the commodore over his shoulder carrying him back to the ship.
----- The Victoria Punk-----
Things had stetted down now that the Victoria is far away from the destroyed and burning prison but what they hoped would a simple job as now turned into a longer and more complicated one. Wire went back to steering the ship using your Vivre card to show him which direction to go in while Heat and Reck where keeping an eye on the Commodore who's currently chained up in a dark room bellow deck. Kid and Killer make their way into the med bay seeing House just finishing up taking care of the crew mate's wounds, there wasn't much to do since the medical staff at the prison did a, ok job but the doctor could tell it was more of a rush job. "Boss" Boogie yells with a smile happy to see his captain again, the other three crew mates turn and smile too slightly cheering for their captain and first mate, Kid grins for a second before becoming serious "Tell me what happened" The captain states walking into the room as Killer closes the door behind them, The four start talking all at once causing the masked man to sigh "One at a time" Killer states as the four look at each other before nodding silently agreeing that Bubblegum and Boogie should be the ones to say what happened. It took a while of explaining since Killer kept asking for more details and what exactly the marines said about you word for word. "So you didn't get anything on her farther?" Killer asks as he leans against the wall with his arms crossed, Bubblegum shakes his head but Emma sits up from the bed she's laying on "we'll we had a talk about it all in the cell, and we all agree that he's not a marine since the Lieutenant mentioned that her farther has no power to fire them."
The other three nod but Kid turns to House who's washing her equipment her back facing them "House… You know anything? She must have told you something" The captain asks making the crazy haired girl jump a little at her name being call, you and her are best friends so it's only right to assume she'll know something about your family but unfortunately she didn't know much. Turning to face her captain and his first mate she wipes her hands clean while looking down at the floor "Only that she ran way because they did something unforgivable and that she renounced her last name" She states but Killer and Kid look at her surprised, they knew you ran away because of your parents but your last name was fake? "What?" The two ask causing the girl to jump again as Killer pushes off the wall to walk over to her, he wasn't trying to be intimidating but House shrunk away, backing up into the counter with wide eyes "I-i thought she would have told you" House tries to defend herself making the masked man realizes his actions, with a sigh Killer places a light hand on her shoulder to reassure her "Just tell us everything she told you, even if you think we know" Relaxing a little House nods as Kid walks over to the two crossing his arms over his chest and waiting for the doctor to talk "She never told me what her real last name was because if she told me then… I'd know too much. She was drunk at the time so i though maybe she was just being paranoid or drunkenly rambling. She said a lot of other random stuff that still don't make sense really" She sighs but the two stay quiet wanting her to go on.
House gathers her courage while trying to remember what you said years ago while drunk out of your mind, you confided in her and told her not to tell a soul, House promised she wouldn't but now she had to break that promise and spill your random and incoherent rambling to your partners. "She said her parents were disappointed she wasn't a boy, that she used to tutor kids even though she didn't go to school. She won a bunch of contests that she's not proud off, She has sibling that she lived with but didn't know anything about them and that leaving was the best destitution she ever made." Kid sighs pinching his nose, it didn't give them much to go on other than your family is most likely stuck up and important in some way, Killer removes his hand from House's shoulder and gives her a nod, it did sound like drunken rambling but it did give him a few hints and maybe something to use in order to make the Commodore slip up while questioning him. "Thanks guy's, get some sleep before dinner, Papa's is cooking tonight since I've got another job to do" Killer states earning groans from around the room that he tries to hold a laugh back at "Papa's is the best out of a bad bunch, so they'll have to put up with it until Killer's free enough to cook again." Kid snaps even though he knows how bad the man's food is, Killer grips onto the captain's while gesturing to the door earning a gruff hum from the red head. Walking out the two hear the yelling of their crew behind them calling out their goodbyes and thanking them before the door is shut "What are you thinking?" Killer asks as the two walk side by side down the hall heading to the dark room where the marine is. "Just… Rich pricks" Kid huffs getting the masked man to let out a low chuckle in agreement.
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bobbydagen24 · 5 months
come to think of it how do you think Branch learnt everything he knows?
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in TBT he says in the argument scene that after Grandma died there was no one left to take care of him confirming that he literally had no one after her death.
implying with everything else we know about his backstory that he Raised himself from a very young age likely 5 6 or 7 I'd assume based purely on his looks alone.
but thinking about it how could he have learnt how to do everything that he knows as an adult?
I mean I know some of it can simply be self taught but do you really think a little kid that age would be able to self learn everything that Branch knows as an adult?
like how to build an underground Bunker without it collapsing in on itself? and how to build a working lift in the Bunker?
and just basic stuff like cooking and maintaining a House by himself ( Hell I'm in my early 20s and I still struggle with a lot of that crap 😂😂😂😂 )
I mean do you think he literally is meant to have just been alone? or do you think its more a case where he didn't have a specific guardian per say.
but maybe he was still technically looked after by the village to an extent like he had people to teach him certain things and or bring him food and stuff that he needed to make sure he was still healthy.
but he still sorta just lived on his own and didn't interact with other people unless he absolutely had to due to how closed off he was.
some people like to HC Kismet as having visited him during all those years to check up on him occasionally and bring him stuff and make sure he was properly taking care of himself.
so maybe we could find out something like that was the case in a future film tho maybe not necessarily with Kismet as cute as that would be.
like maybe he did have certain people looking out for him over the years when he was a kid despite him closing himself off from everyone.
IDK it'd just be sorta cute I think he still has large gaps in his Backstory that DreamWorks could potentially work with in the future.
like maybe a future film does actually introduce a new character from his past during that period in his life who tried to look out for him or at least check up on him every now and then to make sure he wasn't literally dead.
as I like the idea of him maybe having a kinda surrogate parent figure in a future film who he didn't even really think of in that way.
but later on its pointed out to him just how much they tried to do for him as he was growing up even tho they had to somewhat do it from a distance given Branch's wishes of wanting to be alone.
like maybe they were someone who also lost loved ones to the Bergens and they were more understanding of Branch's grief and him not being able to move on like the rest of the village did.
plus they just had a basic human amount of empathy and could see it probably wasn't Right to leave a grieving traumatised little kid with nothing to take care of himself with.
and maybe over the course of the film he kinda slowly realises even during all those years he spent alone someone did actually care and at least tried to look out for him.
and Branch comes to appreciate them like family plus Bro zone would instantly like them given how they looked out for him when they weren't there.
so they don't judge the relationship at all and are just kinda happy for Branch. ( I mean they can't claim he's betraying their parents memory or anything he didn't even know them as far as we know )
but now I'm getting more into fanfic ideas territory than cannon based speculation territory lol.
I just want the next film to give my boy some Happiness and a cute little semi surrogate parent plot has been spinning around in my head for the past week now.
I just kinda love the idea even if it would sorta be a retcon to his backstory and more new characters for the future films to have to introduce and develop even tho the cast is already super full.
but like I said I just find the idea kinda sweet plus screw Brozone lol I'd love for my boy Branch to find a found family member in the future.
who actually did try and be there for him throughout the worst periods of his life even when the rest of the village may have saw him as a lost cause.
but like I said that's more fanfic idea territory anyway what do you think in regards to the main question of the post? 😂😂😂😂
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thefanboyhub · 7 months
Ima be so real rn. I'm actually so sick and tried of radioapple shippers making the relationship sexual.
I like the ship when it's like forced besties or maybe even sweet romantic (as far as I know Alastor isn't confirmed Aromantic, just Asexual, so from my knowledge it's possible. Not that he would cannonically want a relationship in the first place lol) kind of relationship. That stuff respects his identity.
But when you start making it sexual? What. The. FUCK. Just take representation and violate the character I guess, asshole.
Same thing with radiostatic, I prefer the one side version of it cuz well. It's cannon man. Like Vox is literally obsessed with Alastor and Alastor is just 😐. LMAO.
Anyways. Yeah. Stop taking representation just because you wanna draw porn. (I don't care if that's what you do, I have no problem with that. My problem is the character you use. LEAVE THE ASEXUALS ALONE FUCKING HELL.)
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bibibbon · 11 days
if we're talking personality disorders (of the cluster b variety). obvi its not 1=1 but its far more likely and reasonable to say toga has bpd (with izuku or ochako being her "favorite person") than aspd. also when people call villains (or characters they don't like (← seen this one more than the first tbh)) "unsympathetic psychopaths", it really feels like they know nothing about aspd, personality disorders, and how they form. It also just feels kind of ableist towards real people with aspd? idk maybe i'm seeing things that's aren't there
These people know that aspd (and other personality disorders) form due to outside factors right? obvi there's the genetic factors but that just increases the possibility. these outside factors typically tends to be factors that is in some way traumatic for the person in question like emotional/mental abuse or neglect (*gestures to dabi*)
if anything, based off of that alone, toga being a "psychopath" just makes her more sympathetic in my eyes and people around her even more unsympathetic than they already are and I doubt anyone calling her a "psychopath" without aspd in mind wants that
this is also how i feel about people needless throwing around the word "narcissistic"* when it comes describing bakugo. (saying this as someone isn't a fan of him). bakugo with npd** could make him a more interesting if written correctly*** tbh and could probably be backed up in canon but in turn it would force people to seriously think and question if he actually had a good childhood and good parents… which from what i've seen alot of anti-bakugo people (including the ones that call him a "narcissistic") believe he has
*i'm sure there's bakugo stans out there call him "narcissistic" without npd in mind but atm i've only seen bakugo antis do that
**same with aspd
***without portraying bakugo as an ableist stereotype and/or excusing his actions
sorry abt the rant i'm just tired of the demonization surrounding personality disorders
You're definitely correct anon in saying that people tend to use words they either don't know the full meaning of or just mental health issues to demonise characters they don't like and this is a problem within all fandoms I have interacted with not only MHA.
When people use the words "psychopath" or "narcissist" it's rare to see them using it in the right context as most of the time it's used to demonise a character. For example take atla I have seen plenty of people label azula a psychopath but they do that to demonise and dehumanise her not to actually say that she is mentally ill. The same thing is done with characters like toga, Dabi, shigaraki and more!
Now I know that you're mainly quoting of the ask that @sapphic-agent sent me and actually she has made it clear that she doesn't view toga as psychopath and actually brought light to the issue of people dehumanising and purposefully misinterpreting the leauge. Now I don't know much about aspd in general but from what I have seen toga does seem to have some symptoms of aspd but it also makes sense to speculate that she may have BPD (none of this is cannonically confirmed but they would make for some interesting headcanons). Also like you mentioned it would be incredibly interesting to explore how toga got to such a mental state in the first place as mental health issues can happen to a variety of reasons for example or could be an environmental or social issue as we see that toga wasn't given the right support at home and was taught to simply build a mask and burry her urges deep down until it all broke and she broke, toga associated blood and cannibalism with love and self expression from early on. Also, it could be a biological factor since toga was born with a strong fascination for blood.
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Overall, toga and her mental state is heavily influenced from all of those factors and it would be interesting if she was cannoncially diagnosed and had that be explored in depth.
However, mha does already have a character who is heavily implied to be mentally ill which is twice. Twice is heavily implied within the show to suffer from DID (dissociative identity disorder) and I think the way horikoshi presents this is really interesting it's to the point that it's incredibly integral to twice's character whether that be his name or what his quirk is.
We see exactly how his mental state worsens in his backstory and how he has reached his breaking point multiple times. Twice is also presented as the most redeemable of the leauge and we see that even with that the system doesn't care for him as twice mercilessly kills him even though he had a high and good chance of being saved and redeemed.
I do wish that hori spent a bit more time delving deeper into twice and developing him before killing him off while also making his death have a long lasting impact between characters (specifically the league)
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I think what's interesting is that hori doesn't demonise jin for his mental issues but addresses them in a serious manner and a lot of the scenes where we do see him struggling we are able to feel a lot of sympathy for him.
This ends up being the exact opposite of what people usually do by demonising mental health and using it to dehumanise characters. Horikoshi uses it to humanise his characters whether that be twice who struggles with DID or tamaki who struggles with social anxiety. These issues are brought to light and aren't a one time thing but it's something that's integral to their character.
Now, moving onto my final comment : yep it's bakugo!
I admit that I have seen many bakugo antis and critiques label bakugo as a narcissist. I also believe that they don't inherently speak of the mental disorder when labeling him in such a way but use the word in exchange of other terms for bakugo like self 'absorbed' or 'selfish' or 'only cares for himself' etc.
Now, I agree this is bad and shouldn't be done. I do however want to offer my own view on this subject (iam also a big bakugo critic/anti) I personally don't think that bakugo suffers from Narcissistic personality disorder and I don't think that mitsuki is abusive towards her son.
I think that the scene with mitsuki hitting bakugo was played in a comedic light. This is the only scene we see mitsuki act aggressive towards bakugo in the whole manga while in the other scene she expresses concern over her son (for example katsuki doesn't like rain etc). I think @delawaredetroit post surrounding this has the best explanation
I also want to add the fact that bakugo feels comfortable enough to sit next his mother. He is right in between his parents (he could of sat away from her closer to his father if he wanted to but he didnt). Bakugo also feels comfortable enough to express himself in such a manner whether that be him calling his mother "hag" or also shouting at her when he is equally pissed off.
I do think that because the manga had already made it clear that abuse was a theme that was in the story and gave us an example of abuse (the todoroki family) that many did raise their heads at this scene and may of been concerned that this is abuse when it's not but its hard to spot since it's being presented in such a weird manner.
You do have a point bakugo's behaviour comes from somewhere and that's not talked about enough. I personally think that horikoshi didn't explore how society influenced bakugo's behaviour and his raging quirkless discrimation (maybe it's because hori didn't want to paint bakugo in such a bad light so he didn't make him prejudiced against the quirkless and didn't explore the theme of quirkless discirmation that he implemented into the story). There is also the superiority and inferiority complexes that bakugo seems to have that could be a result of a mixture of factors (biological, social and environmental) Now his brash behaviour could come biologically from his mother and it turned worse due to his environment where he was built up to be this guy who had everything so he should be happy as he fits into the status quo.
Tldr: mental health shouldn't be used as an excuse but it also shouldn't be used to demonise characters either.
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in general project sekai fandom has issues with mischarcterizing characters sure it happens in every fandom but sekai is particularly bad about it, idk if its because theyre younger or they just havent read all the stories and just take fanon they see in fanworks as cannon but its kinda ridicilous
I think a lot of it comes from the games fanbase largely being younger than the intended audience (I don’t think they’ve ever confirmed it but I assume that it’s around the 16-25 age bracket). There’s nothing inherently wrong with that but I think if you’re younger you’re going to miss a lot of the nuance and such. Like 13 year-old-me would have viewed the stories in a very different view to I do now.
Also public enemy no. 1 - flanderisarion. it’s something that happens in every fandom but I guess due to the sheer size of prsk’s fanbase it happens a lot more. Whittling down characters to fit a certain trope removing all nuance and somehow it becomes the agreed upon fanon. I don’t know whether this is caused by media illiteracy or jokes taken too far. Probably both.
Oh and 100% not a whole lot of people read past the main stories or at least bother to learn what happens in the events, leading to a lot of mischaracterisation stemming from lack of knowledge about character development. This one goes out to Akito Shinonome in particular.
Kind of related: did you know “out of character” is in the top 10 additional tags in the prsk AO3 tag? Now you do.
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misguidedasgardian · 2 months
hello! hope your day was well and the watching of the season finale was fun.
here is my rant for this episode lol. i always look forward to your commentary!!
> to start: not jace acting as if ulf and hugh were just regular everyday bastards like no bud, they are targaryen bastards (or at least i think ulf is, hugh confirmed he is). like had their moms been married and had them, they'd have a high claim than both him and his mom. and the projecting is crazy, like baela said, get it together and stand by your mom bro, you have uno jobs.
> daemon is literally a crazy man, like crazier than me on a normal everyday average day.
> also, if we went based on how the succession should've gone, plenty of people have a high claim to the throne like rhaenyra did (baela/rhaena through rhaenys). like many people have the means to challenge her, they just dont have the energy (thanks jaehaerys for not liking women??)
> aemond i swear is a woman beater. like if he is willing to lay a hand upon his sister...imagine if he had a wife and the way he talks down to his mom and helaena is oooo, i'd have him smacked silly. like im so glad alicent interceded for helaena because ... he just lost his damn mind.
> alicent is lowkey wishing she had to put up with aegon at this point (everyone is wishing the same lol)
> gwayne clocking cole was gold and criston cole's smartest line by far was something along the lines of: "perhaps all men are corrupt and perhaps honor blows away like mist in the morning." it kind of goes hand in hand with the quote from game of thrones that's something like "there's a beast in every man and he stirs when a sword is put in his face."
> didn't know we were wrestling in mud today and Tyland is as confused as me every episode.
> the acting kills me every time like no offense because i know i couldn't do better, but like the first episode of game of thrones had better acting like its good in this show but not the best like i swear sometimes they talk like robots or like theyre explaining the plot to us (which alicent did for no reason towards the end like just be evil to be evil. women can be evil too they don't always have to be kind and submissive.)
> these characters have become so unlikeable that i have to dig deep to find ones i like.
> ulf has no table manners and not everyone mentioning they aren't of noble birth but like technically, they are like they're as much royal as jace the only difference is his mom kept him and his grandfather allowed it so he should count his blessings.
> alys is carrying and she makes daemon more likeable and i rather watch them and their friendship than daemon and rhaenyra's weird codependency daddy issue relationship (they are making me hate targcest. matter of fact, all the targayens are making me hate everything about them.)
> helaena gets my cheers because she told aemond who was boss and stuck it to him and proved she has a voice and just chooses when to use it. like im betting she wishes aegon was better because at least he was moldable unlike aemond like you could manipulate aegon to do what you wanted. aemond is a lose cannon that needs to be put out.
> corlys without rhaenys is making me ill because he doesnt care that he abandoned his kids, alyn and addam to start a whole new family and left them to fend for themselves as kids like finish what you started. im sick of seeing bastards left and right and watching their families move on without them like finish what yous started if you can!!
> rhaena's safari quest is like watching an ad for something like if i see her quest again, i might cry.
> season 2= story with no plot
sorry for the essay friend, i feel bad every time you respond to it because its so long, but hey, its the last episode so the rants can become shorter now and less time consuming!!
p.s> otto being locked in a tower when everyone is trying to reach him is so funny.
It's fine, I feel like we all got so much to say, we are so confused, angry, sad, Idk what I'm feeling anymore
>You know what? I'm with Jace on this. Rhaenyra said it herself "they think we are closer to gods than to men, but they say that because of our dragons, without them we are like everyone else", then let's go to Jace, who realises he is a bastards on a very early age, think about the fact that the only way to comfort him, is Rhaenyra assuring him that "you are a Targaryen, that's all that matters", and the only "legitimization" he had was his blood, the fact that he (a bastard) could ride Dragons THAT ONE WAS HATCHED TO HIM ON HIS CRIB, then a war breaks out because of the usurpation, which one of its many "justifications", is that Rhenyra "has no true heirs", and his bastarcy had been called out MANY TIMES BY MANY IMPORTANT PEOPLE, and then.... AND THEN HE SEES THIS "COLLECTION" of bastards like him who can also ride dragons? So yeah, I'd be bitter too, and super insecure, because bastards get KILLED in this world, but I also see your point, but the fact that two of them had the white hair that he does not? dang
>Daemon... yesh, whatever makes you sleep at night dude, like, if you needed an Ayahuasca trip to come to the realisation that you need to support your wife... go for it my dude jejeje,whatever ticklled your fancy JAJAJA
>Yeah but that fizzles because of Viserys was made king... so... no point on resurfacing Rhaenys' claim
>I said it before... they DESTROYED their character, I thought his family was going to be what makes him a great villain, an antagonist even, I DO IT FOR MY FAMILY FOR MY MOTHER WHO DEFENDED ME AND MY SISTER WHO IS AN INNOCENT, why couldn't they keep that in? like in S1E9? it makes it much more attractive, and powerful AND LIKEABLE. I LIKED HIM IN SEASON ONE! i found him such an interesting character! where that was left, idk.
>Alicent is just... incoherent, madder then tripping Daemon
>I found that scene useless and boring, and??? like... why? why there? it was like, they filmed it, they made Criston say some "good" lines (?) and then they didn't know where to put the scene so they just threw it somewhere not to waste it? Why he is recriminating him about fucking his sister (IN FRONT OF EVERYONE? DUMB C*NT) NOW? now after like four chapters since we know him? (and he found out) no sense
>Like I said, they cut out two chapters, so m guess is that it was part of something THAT MADE MORE FUCKING SENSE? hahaha I found it weirdly likeable (more at the end)
>I have nothing to say about the actors actually, they are fine to watch I guess, they are victims on this
>They have nobody sacred, they destroyed Alicent, BUTCHERED Aemond, (because despite what TG has to say... TEAM GREENS ARE THE VILLAINS DUDE (in the books), and they manage in season one to actually have fans that are TG!!! and people who enjoyed their characters!!! I could get behind cult Alicent, because she had nothing else so she turned to the gods, so, I guess that's fine BUT ITS NOT FINE BECAUSE IT WAS FOR NOTHING???
They made TB boring and indecisive, butchering them too?? BORING, IDK, if I was Rhaenyra, Alicent would have been DEAD to me the second I realized what happened... specially after she tortured me, diminished me, bullied me, and put my BABIES in risk for all those years... BUT SHE IS WORTH A LIFE-RISKING TRIP FOR? the septa scene was just straight out of a PARODY (calling it fanfiction is an insult to us) and jsut not speak about this last encounter (GO NYRA, MOCK HER, SCOFF AT HER), but what the writters did to them both, is a crime punished by the gods
>Ulf, I don't even want to talk about that clown, I hate him, but Nyra c'mon, what did you expect?
>I have little thoughts about Alys... I really thought they were going to take her character in a complete different direction, Idk how to feel about her, I like that she could be like a "grey" character, like a Loki of some sorts, like "the end justifies the means", yes I'm going to mentally torture you for weeks, only to make you come to the realisation that you must protect and fight for your wife, like, thanks I guess? jejejeje I'm intrigued of what are they going to do with Aemond and Alys... those trips are going to be... DIABOLICAL hahahaha
>Yes I agree, if they had placed ONE scene with Helaena visiting Aegon... she would have been my top three favorite characters in the season, definitely, what Phia has done with her character (WITH SO LITTLE) makes her worthy of a FUCKING OSCAR, and GRRM said it himself, she is one of the characters who he liked more portrayed then in his own writting so, yeah, PUT HIM ON HIS PLACEEEEE, she was like "fuck around and find outttt" hahah
>Yeah, I thought Corlys was going to pull trough this as a decent man, but what he had done and will do? motherfucker, that's all I have to say, you did not deserve Rhaenys, nor those kids, and his house will collapse in front of hiseyes. (I hope they give Addam the place of his brother in the story taking the lead on House Velaryon) Corlys (like Otto) deserve everything that's coming their way, I wrote it on HOTW, he and Otto sank their teeth into a Targaryen of their choice, and they ripped them apart.
>Yeah, Daemon in Harrenhal all over again, It doesn't help that I don't like her at all, look, I'm not the prettiest doll in the store, but I don't like to "watch her", and thinking about what will happen in the Essos crossing, adding to the fact that she will claim a dragon, infuriates me and hasn't even happened yet, she is behaving like a spoiled brat and just... she bores me, Daemon I get it... (FOR SOCIAL REASONS I'M KIDDING), Baela is hanging by a thread, they must give her something to do besides having scenes with Jace. I enjoyed her scene in moondancer, but like the Rhaenys' scene... was for shock value, and not that important to the plot...
>This was all over the place, I just keep writing and writing this and something else always comes up
You know what? i was so fucking angry, about to go to bed angry, and this actually helped me to "put my idead in order", I really hope you can read this noonie! really, I was all over the place, and this somehow soothed me.
HAHAHA Otto! where is he? can't imagine where... he said he was going to the Tyrells? so I don't know who he could have crossed on his way there since they send Tyland to Essos (in the leaks they say it was gonna be him dealing with the triarchy). I enjoyed that part, they gave the triarchy faces, and that gives them a depth that... I weirdly liked.
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lovelylittlelevity · 6 months
Hello! Hope whoever answers has a good day but um how does Exactly Y/N and Nezha have a sibling bond? As far as i know in LMK timeline Nezha doesn't interact with the mortal world at all unless necessary. Or does Nezha just want to mess Wukong at his dating life.
Also while I don't mind this head cannon since you know this game is an Au(at least that's like how i see it?) I can see why some people would be uncomfortable about LMK Nezha being 12 since he acts mature in the show but I do respect it.
Wait is our character tall enough then TO PICK UP NEZHA AND CARRY HIM!??!
Sorry for this long one and any spelling mistakes?
the dynamic hasnt been fully confirmed yet, its more of a bit until we finalize swks route (which is the only way i see him popping up)
also if the mc can pick up Nezha is up to you! i personally think they can because itd be funny to see him flailing around lol
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melishade · 2 years
Well, look at this that interests me.one if elita one were alive and arrived or she was in the neutral ship as the only survivor... would she see her as her mother figure?
*Sighs deeply* The only reason that I am answering this question is because I feel like I did Elita-1 dirty in my one shot: making her a plot device for someone else character development, and...I've also thought about this scenario myself. Don't use this as an excuse to ask for other characters not in TFP! Remember the ground rules! THESE ARE THE GROUND RULES!!!! READ THEM!!!!!
In my very first AOP oneshot, I had a rouge end up killing Elita while in Megatron's grip which Soundwave was intercepting because they were aiming for Megatron. Instead of it being a fatal stab wound, it's a wound that ends up forcing Elita in a stasis lock to save her life. Optimus doesn't realize it and quickly goes after Megatron out of grief. Optimus gets knocked out by Soundwave, an explosion goes off, and Elita's body is lost in the chaos. By the time Optimus wakes up, she's gone. And Optimus assumes her body was destroyed.
Instead, someone managed to grab her when they realized she was in stasis lock and nursed her back to health as they flee the planet because Cybertron goes dark. Elita wakes up to the neutrals far away from the planet and begs for them to take her to an Autobot ship or something. She can't stand by and do nothing in this war, not after learning that the planet was destroyed. And Optimus, she doesn't know if he's alive or not. She needs a confirmation.
But before they could do anything, they get attacked by Decepticons, and the Decepticons unleash scraplets on the ship to tear it apart. The ship ends up falling and taken in by the AOT world's gravity as it heads for the island. The walls in the ship collapse and Elita is flung out by the force. The ship crashes on the island, and she crashes in the water close by.
Elita ends up pulling herself out and tries to locate the ship on her own. When she does, she's in horror to find it in ruins. She tries to find a way inside to at least help whoever was in there, but she pauses when she hears the agonizing screams of the neutrals, followed by the familiar chomping noises of the scraplets. Elita also found herself injured, leaking energon from the same wound she got in the first place. And she has no choice but to run and save herself.
She hates herself for that decision. It haunts her, but there was nothing that she could do. She tried to hold on to the hope that she could escape the island and this world to return to the war and avenge the fallen. But the world was so primitive and backwards. She had to be careful about getting parts from the outside of the ship to the best of her ability because of the scraplets. And...these lumbering creatures bothered her. She tried asking for help from them, but they had no real intelligence to speak of. They lumbered around with no real goal or real thought. She did notice the Walls, and approached, calling for help, but she was immediately met with cannon fire from primitive weapons. She couldn't risk getting injured and she had no choice but to run and hide. Her chances of leaving this world dwindled. Her hope dwindled, and she had no choice to do what she could to survive, for the next 20 years. She was all alone. She failed...and she can't live with herself because of it. It hurts her spark so much.
During the Next to Me OVA, Eren, Optimus, and Megatron clear out the titans on the island and within Wall Maria. As Optimus and Eren are working together, Eren notices something in titan form and goes to investigate. With Megatron's shield in hand, he manages to find a campsite with a dim fire place that was still quite large for a human. And there were...metal parts? Eren then grunted as someone jumped on his back and yanked his hair, ripping some of it off its scalp, Eren managed to grab the assailant and threw them off, but she landed on her feet with grace. And Eren's stunned to see that it's a Cybertronian with faded pink armor. She looked so exhausted, but she still attacked anyway. She drew out her sword from her back and charged, and Eren did his best to block and defend. He didn't know how to try and reason with her, but damn it, she was going to kill him!
Optimus heard Eren let out a cry in panic, followed by him getting knocked several feet backwards. He skidded on his back and groaned in pain and Optimus quickly got in front of him. Optimus is surprised to find that the assailant is a Cybertronian, and assumes she is a survivor of the neutral ship. Maybe she could be reasoned with. However, Optimus noticed the sword she's holding, and his spark completely stops. That's...that can't be. Eren doesn't realize Optimus' distress and quickly gets up, and she see it and quickly goes for Eren. Optimus then pushes Eren out of the way and takes the full brunt of the Cybertronian's attack. They are rolling across the ground in a heated tussle, and Eren is prepared to attack, but is surprised to find that the woman was on top of Optimus. She was attacking, trying to kill him with her sword, but Optimus knocked it out of her hands. She then pulled out her blasters and fired, but Optimus redirected her blaster away from his head. Optimus didn't attack. He didn't want to kill her. Eren then heard Optimus calling her by a name and begging her to stop. "Elita-1" Wait, they know each other?
But she wasn't stopping, she was being relentless. And Optimus was desperate. By the Allspark, he didn't want to hurt her. He took a gamble that he wasn't sure was going to work, and...
"Ariel, stop!" Optimus pleaded with her as he grabbed and held her wrists to force her to stop.
Eren saw that the Cybertronian froze at that name. She stopped trying to attack and take Optimus' head off. She quickly snatched her hands back from his grasp and stumbled backwards onto her rear, allowing Optimus to sit up and face her. She eyed him with suspicion and doubt, but Optimus removed his mask, and Eren could tell that the woman's heart stopped. Eren turned his gaze to Optimus, and recognized that Optimus had that stare dumbstruck stare that she had. Almost as if...the two were looking at ghosts. Long forgotten ghosts.
"It is me," Optimus spoke to her in a whisper, "My conjux endura. It is me."
Eren had no idea what that word mean, or even what was going on. What...who was she? Eren grew tense as she reached her hand out towards the Prime and touched his face. But the Prime did not back away. He leaned into that touch, cradling her hand into his own, treasuring that simple act of affection. Before Eren knew it, both had embraced each other so tightly that it looked like they were never going to let go. They still looked like they were in disbelief. That this was all surreal and a figment of their imagination. They looked so...afraid that it was going to be a lie.
Eren heard a familiar jet engine and looked up to see Megatron approaching them and landing right next to him.
"What happened?" Megatron demanded. Eren pointed to the scene, and Eren was shocked to see Megatron freeze at the sight. It was almost as if he was seeing a ghost as well. He also looked...worried. Eren saw the woman open her eyes and see Megatron, causing her to rip herself from Optimus' grip and aim her blaster directly at Megatron. Eren quickly got in front of Megatron to protect him with the shield, but Optimus quickly grabbed her arm and lowered it while also forcing her to look him in the eye.
"Elita, you are safe, I promise you." Optimus swore, "They are my allies and the war is over. The Autobots won, Cybertron is restored. Please lower your weapon."
"I can't," Elita seethed in anger, "He's still-!"
"Please, I just found you again," Optimus begged her, and Eren can see the heart break and desperation on his face, "I refuse to loose you a second time. Lower your weapon, please. Let me take you some place safe. Trust me."
Elita could only glare at Megatron in anger, but the trusting and fearful look Optimus had in his optics, made her question her decision. She ultimately decided to trust his decision and lowered her weapon.
Elita is still completely tired and exhausted after all this new information and everything else. And Optimus recognizes it and carries Elita on his back. She wraps her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist, and tells the two that they need to go back to the walls. Megatron orders Eren to stay in front with him, and Eren makes the good call of not questioning the decision. Megatron and Eren walk in front together, Optimus is behind them with Elita on his back. Optimus manages to grab her sword and hands it back to Elita, who's now holding it tight in her grip as they walk back to the walls. Eren can't help but notice the sheer tension in Megatron's body and the disbelief and remorse etched on his face, along with that expression of...fear. Eren looked back to see Elita glaring at them both and quickly straightened out his back and looked ahead.
When they arrive back at the walls, oh shit the pandemonium. The Survey Corps are just shocked to see Optimus carrying Elita on his back when they enter, and then immediately bombard them with questions. But Optimus can't answer. He can only ask Hanji to help find a place for Elita to rest. And Hanji can only comply because she notices how exhausted Elita looks, still holding onto her sword and eyeing the humans with caution. God, she looked so tense. She hasn't even said a word.
But the Survey Corps notice just how tense everything is. Because Elita looks exhausted. Optimus is running on autopilot at this point and refuses to put Elita down. Eren is just confused and very nervous around the newcomer and Megatron fucking looks scared. It's a whole thing.
Hanji manages to get a cave for the both of them because that's the best that she can do on short notice, and Optimus tells her that she's going to stay by her side as she rests. And Hanji realizes there's no room for debate, something is clearly up and she leaves them alone. And when they are alone, the two...there's so much to say, but they don't know how to get it out. The fear, the sorrow, the pain, the happiness, joy, guilt, everything! The only thing that they can really do is cling to each other and cry, refusing to let each other go, deciding to explain everything to each other later. Right now, they just need this.
And now the Survey Corps are just bombarding Eren with questions because Megatron just fucking left again, claiming he was going to continue getting rid of the titans on the island. And Eren is just as confused as everyone else.
"I don't know!" Eren yelled, "She attacked me, then Optimus. Then Optimus called her 'Elita'-!"
And what no one expects: Mikasa spits out her water and Levi drops his teacup in shock. Mikasa's now on the ground, coughing up the water that got into her airway while Levi is just frozen in place.
"Uh, Levi, there something you wanna tell us?" Hanji snapped her fingers in his face.
Levi mumbled something that Hanji couldn't hear.
"Eren, I think you broke him," Hanji commented.
"Hanji, that's his fucking girlfriend!" Levi shouted at her, grabbing her collar in the process.
The room was so silent that a pin drop could be heard.
Meanwhile, Ymir and Historia are awakened by the sound of screaming from their bed after they had make-up sex.
"Do you hear that?" Ymir asked.
"It can wait until the morning," Historia grumbled, snuggling closer to Ymir.
(Maybe I might continue this. I don't know it depends.)
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beardedmrbean · 10 months
A councillor sent an “intimidating email” to thousands of colleagues, threatening to publish the names of anyone opposed to a ceasefire in Gaza.
The “abhorrent” message was sent to all 19,102 councillors in England and Wales, alleging that anti-Semitism had been “weaponised” to silence those who opposed Israel’s actions in the wake of the Oct 7 attacks by Hamas.
The Local Government Association (LGA) said the threat to publish the names of councillors went against everything it stood for and confirmed that it was urgently investigating.
The email was sent by Cllr James Giles, an independent councillor on Kingston Council, in south-west London, who emailed members on Sunday asking them to sign a public letter he had previously written calling for a ceasefire.
The letter had been co-authored with Jamal Chohan, a Conservative councillor, who said he had nothing to do with the email later sent by Cllr Giles.
In the letter, the pair wrote: “To be clear and stating the obvious, anti-Semitism is wholly unacceptable. However, this term cannot continue to be weaponised to absolve Israel of any accountability in how it has contributed to the ongoing tensions and its failure to comply with international law.”
In his email, Cllr Giles said that he would be publishing a list of all the people who supported the ceasefire, although anyone who “feared retribution from their parties” could be anonymous.
He added: “We will also be publishing the names of those who have been invited to sign but choose not to, in the interest of accountability” but later backtracked after angry responses from councillors who said the threat was “dangerous at a time when councillors were already feeling under intense pressure”.
One anonymous Labour councillor told The Telegraph she had spoken to police after receiving death threats for her stance on the conflict.
She added: “Councillors are public property – we live in our communities, many people know where we live. We don’t get the same level of protection that MPs get, however, and we don’t have police protection when we are meeting the public.
“It has made me think about whether it is even worth being a councillor. The allowance is pitiful – we do it because we want to help our residents. But is it worth being this scared?”
She described the email as “performative”, adding: “As a council, we had just been talking about safety measures that could be implemented for councillors and then this letter came out. The people that wrote it will know we are not protected and are saying they will name the people who don’t agree with their bullying tactics. It’s abhorrent.
“We are all aware of what happened to Jo Cox and David Amess and what we feel now is this fear of the unknown. There is this anger out there, and we don’t know what is going to happen.”
A number of councillors, including Alex Prager, Barnet Conservative, shared their responses to the letter on social media. Mr Prager wrote: “If you serve your residents as a local councillor with the same passion as you perpetuate anti-Semitic tropes, you’d be doing them a real service.”
Barbara Cannon, a Cumbrian councillor, described the email as a form of “bullying” and said: “Today I am being asked to sign a letter or my name will be published for ‘accountability’. This is for someone I don’t represent and don’t know. It’s always men with big opinions and small brains. I won’t be signing.”
Cllr Giles, representing the Kingston Independent Residents party, previously worked alongside George Galloway, the far-Left politician, on his unsuccessful campaign run in the Batley and Spen by-election.
Cll Chohan, a solicitor, has previously voiced his opposition to the bombardment of Gaza and claimed to be “isolated” from his party.
“I was raised with the belief that we [the UK] are keepers of peace in the world”, he said in an interview with online publication National News. “The narrative that these children are somehow human shields is completely invalid – would you be OK with an armed officer in Kingston shooting a child as cannon fodder to apprehend a suspect?”
Cllr Chohan told The Telegraph on Monday that he had not signed off the email warning that names would be published and had only co-authored the open letter, saying: “Cllr Giles wrote the email to all councillors that contained the perceived threat. It was not written or approved by me.”
In a joint statement issued earlier on Sunday night, Cllr Giles said it had never been the intention to publish the names of councillors who objected.
“There is no intention to publish names of councillors that do not respond to our email, nor is there any intention to publish the names of any individuals against their will,” the statement said.
“We would encourage any elected representatives that have been threatened to contact the police as this cannot be tolerated. We will continue our democratic duty to engage in debate.”
Cllr Shaun Davies, the chairman of the LGA, said: “Pending investigation, Cllr Giles has stood down from all formal positions within the LGA and all upcoming speaking opportunities at our events, with immediate effect.”
A spokesman for Kingston Council said: “Our primary concern is the security and safety of our residents, elected members, staff and our local communities, whilst encouraging tolerance and community cohesion.
“The campaign that has been brought to our attention by many is an initiative of individual councillors and is not Kingston Council-led or endorsed. We are currently looking into the details surrounding this matter and are unable to provide any further comment at this stage.”
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taringill · 8 months
Hey quick question, but does the cucumber guy who claims Leo is hetero and that it is cannon, realize that creators have never said anything about sexuality, have not confirmed anything, never said posted or said anything like?? I swear to god, the TMNT community is so willing to attack anyone for having a different opinion 💀 If cucumber headcanons that Leo is hetero it's fine but don't shove it down peoples throats. Seriously people are annoying. Sorry you gotta deal with the dude. Letting you know the block button is your friend.
Thank you for these words♥️
I agree with you. I don't mind other people's headcanons, I don't mind if you see Leo as heterosexual or gay or transgender. It's not that this cucumber sees Leo as heterosexual, but the fact is that he imposes his headcanon on others and passes it off as a canon, because he confuses these concepts. And I decided to do some kind of experiment or something like that😅 I looked at the Pinterest posts where Leo is on the background of a gay flag. I was wondering, does anyone else write about Leo's "canonical" heterosexuality besides this cucumber? And this cucumber is the ONLY ONE who writes that Leo's heterosexuality is a canon. The only one! Makes you think
I also like cucumber's pathetic phrase so much, which, like, should make me believe him. "At least I'm aware of what Nickelodeon is saying"🙄💅💅And that's ALL the evidence he provided me with. That's it, nothing. Nothing else! And that's all he answered me a MONTH LATER when I asked for proof. Is it obvious that Leo is heterosexual according to the "canon" or what? I didn't notice something. This cucumber is quite toxic. He hasn't insulted me personally, so far. But this does not negate its toxicity.
You're welcome, admire
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Someone asked: "How obvious?" By the way, yes😂I support
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"Accept the truth~"😎 Evidence? Noooo
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Ohhh, he's wrong. He shouldn't have done that..!
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✨Toxic vibes✨
And the most... delicious💀
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Insulted a person just like that, for fun, for nothing. In short, some Pinterest user posted a post where, according to his headcanon, Leo is gay, NOT A WORD about Usagi! Cool, right? Does this cucumber think that if someone makes Leo gay or bi, then that someone will definitely ship Leo with Usagi? I also like the double standards of this cucumber so much. You're an idiot if you draw rottmnt Usagi, because he's not in the rottmnt universe. BUT! At the same time, under my art, where my version of the rottmnt Mona Lisa is drawn, this cucumber writes that he likes Mona Lisa and she is a cutie. Thank you, it's a pleasure, but... According to his logic, I am also an idiot, because I draw the rottmnt Mona Lisa, although she is not in the rottmnt universe. Is this some kind of personal dislike for Usagi? This cucumber hates the Leosagi ship because it's not canon. BUT! At the same time, under my art about rottmnt Ramona, this cucumber writes that this is the best ship. But why? This ship is not canon! Why do you like this ship? Well, you get it. I propose to ban all headcanons, since it is not canon!
I still like it so much. As cucumber writes: May I express my opinion?😭 YES! But then why does this cucumber impose his opinion on others and pass it off as a canon? ✨Hypocrisy✨
And after all this verbal diarrhea, this cucumber writes to me:
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It's just arrogance! Don't comment! I will be only glad! I tried to discuss everything calmly, I didn't offend. But cucumber stupidly ignores the facts. It all seems to me, f*ck. Guys, hang up. It all seems to us. We're all just hallucinating. Why do normal people perceive cucumber as toxic? Because it's his own fault. This cucumber writes mostly only negative and toxic things. But no, it just seemed to us. Of all this toxic and negative shit, I only remember 2-3 positive and adequate comments.
According to my headcannon, Leo is bisexual! And I will continue to ship April and Donnie! And I'm not imposing this on anyone. Get the f*ck off me!
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dragonmuse · 2 years
So I absolutely love Lucius’s and Stede’s relationship in the main verse, and how it somewhat mirrors cannon but with a little added Mutual Respect. I would love to see more of their friendship and especially any conflict/resolution between them. I also admit that I am SUPER curious about the inevitable conversation(to be clear I don’t think stede would be mad but he’d for sure have feelings) they had after Sinking about Lucius being Charlie’s part-time gay mentor/confidante
(I was saving this one and tonight seems perfect now.)
Stede came back from the trip quiet.  It was, in Lucius' now long experience, a bad sign when the man wasn’t talking. It was an even worse sign that he kept giving Lucius long contemplative looks then quickly pretend he wasn’t when Lucius caught him at it. 
After considering his options, he went to Eddy. 
“What gives?” 
She was putting on her press-ons, a task that apparently needed much concentration. Or she was purposely ignoring him. 
“Eddy,” he said seriously. 
She lined up the thumb and then held it down. 
“What?” She groaned. “I’m trying to ignore you, why are you so loud?” 
“Genetics. What is going on with Stede? Why does he keep looking like he’s trying to dissect my brain?” 
“Dunno,”  she held up her hand. 
“Stop saying my name like that!” 
“I will when you tell me something.” 
“Bad choice Teach-Bonnet. Eddy. Eddy. Eddy. Eddy Eddy-” 
“I’m trained to withstand interrogation.” 
“Yeah, Iz says that too and I crack him every time. Eddy. Eddy. Eddy. Eddy! Eddy-” 
“Stop! Fuck, just...it’s Charlie, okay?” 
“Yeah, obviously it’s Charlie. I didn’t think you all went to see him then came back weird about something else,” he groaned. “What about-Oh. Oh shit.” 
“What? I didn’t say anything,” Eddy reached for the next nail. 
“You said enough. Thanks for your service.” 
“Please leave me the fuck alone,” she groaned. "You're on my very last nerve and you don't want to know what's under it."
Lucius didn’t go to confront Stede right away. He let the night take its course. The show ran, he did his various duties. Then he went home with Pete and got a good night’s sleep. In the morning (early, but the kid had probably been up for hours because he was a beautiful freak), Lucius texted, 
Lucius: You ratted on me. You will pay the price. 
Charlie: They thought I was alone. Seemed like the only thing I could offer that wasn’t a resume of fuck buddies. 
Lucius: I’m touched. Also a resume of fuck buddies sounds like a dating app idea. Get on that, younger generation. 
Charlie:  i don’t even know html 
Lucius: Lazy is what I’m hearing. 
Then with less joie de vivre, he sent: 
Lucius: We’re getting lunch today and you’re not grilling me.
Stede: I just have some questions. 
Lucius: I’m not going to tell you anything he confided in me, you know that right? Just like I wouldn’t tell anyone the shit you’ve told me that’s private. 
Stede: I know. I respect that. Where do you want to eat? 
Lucius: It’s going to be a long meal, let’s do that restaurant where the wait staff are half-asleep. 
Stede: Fine, but I think Eddy’s right. It’s a front for organized crime. 
Lucius: They organize top tier entrees, so that’s fine by me. 
“Going to meet Stede for lunch,” Lucius told Pete, giving him a prolonged kiss. “Keep those lips warm for me.” 
“Always,” Pete laughed, swatting at his ass as he swanned past. 
The restaurant wasn’t far and Lucius was sliding into his chair by the windows  just a handful of minutes later. Stede came down the sidewalk in a hurry. He must’ve gotten stopped at the door, his hair a little mussed. When he took his chair, he was smiling faintly, 
“Two waters please,” he asked the waiter without much hope and the man did indeed promptly disappear. “Hello.” 
“Hi,” Lucius settled in for it. “So. How’d it go?” 
“The visit was good. I suppose you already know that he came out.” 
“It came up,” Lucius confirmed. 
“He said you’ve known for four years.” 
“Yeah, it was an accident. Not like he was running to blab.” 
Stede nodded, eyes dropping to the table. “I keep going over and over it in my head. How I missed it. How I just never... I made all these promises to myself about how I’d be better and I’m not, deep down, am I?” 
“Of course you are,” Lucius rolled his eyes. “He’s just...dunno. Charlie is gonna Charlie. But you’re not your abusive fuck of a dad.” 
“That’s almost word for word what Eddy said.” 
“Yeah, well, they're pretty smart sometimes.” 
“But I did fail.” 
Lucius shrugged, “I don’t know. What’s failure look like? At least the two of you are talking.” 
“Are you on the outs with her again?” 
“Not at the moment,” he waved that away. “You know what I mean.” 
“I do. And I think...well. He’s giving me a chance now. Was he..was he safe at least? I think about all those days when we weren’t keeping track of him now.” 
“He was,” Lucius was fairly confident in that. “I gave him some general guidelines. And you guys did all the safe sex talk stuff with him.” 
“Safe-” Stede pulled a face. “I meant safe in the sense he wasn’t running in danger. He was sexually active at sixteen?” 
“Nope. No,” Lucius clapped a hand over his mouth. “I didn’t say that!” 
“You basically did!” 
“Didn’t! He’s probably still a virgin! Wear white at his wedding.” 
“You’re a dreadful liar,” Stede groaned. “Sixteen!” 
“I mean, I was fifteen, if we’re judging,” Lucius protested. “Some of us are early bloomers.” 
“He was all limbs and eyes at that age. He was a baby! Did someone take advantage of him?” 
“Stede,” Lucius said firmly, “That I would’ve told you. Come on. I wasn’t going to stand by and  watch while something terrible happened.”
“Yes, sorry. I know.” 
“Even if he was out to you, you know he wouldn’t be telling you about his sex life, right? That’d be kind of weird. He was going to need someone. And he wasn’t giving me details either, for the record.” 
“I just...I worry maybe he’s not giving anyone any details. About anything, not sex,” Stede fidgeted with a fork. Water and their menus finally arrive. Neither of them picked them up. They were both in the habit of picking what they wanted to eat from online menus before they ever showed up. “He’s always been a little closed off, I had no idea how much.” 
“He is. But he’s working on it.” 
“He said he had a hard winter.” 
“And I told you that I’m not giving up his secrets,” Lucius picked up his water for something to do with his hands. 
“But he had you to talk to.” 
And Stede was giving him the full born pleading look, all puppy dog eyes and down turned mouth. Lucius sighed and had to deliver the killing blow. 
“Me and Iz, yeah.” 
“I see,” the puppy dog eyes dropped to his hands. “I had no idea they were that close.” 
“Izzy and Charlie?” He asked incredulously. 
“But Charlie visits every time he’s in town.” 
“He does?” 
“Yeah, he-” was that a secret? Lucius considered. Maybe. Sort of. Except Izzy had never said it was and Charlie hadn’t acted like he was being secretive “He plays basketball with Jim, Read and Izzy all the time. It’s a whole thing. And Izzy and him trade books back and forth.” 
“I thought the book thing had stopped years ago. Jim and Read are in on that too?” 
“I don’t think they were hiding it or at least didn't know Charlie was if that's what he was up to. They just all like getting sweaty because they’re fucking weird,” Lucius shrugged. “Book thing never stopped. Sometimes I ask Charlie to recommend things to Iz so he’ll read them because he’s already rejected them for me. Kind of surprised he hasn’t caught on yet.” 
“But Izzy didn’t know he was gay?” 
“Charlie didn’t tell him,” Lucius said, honestly. The not being surprised thing had been a whole long conversation that was definitely not Stede fodder. The man might actually throw up and there were limits to what Lucius could tolerate over lunch. 
“I see,” Stede was still frowning, still puzzling through. “I’m not sure what I can ask. What I should ask. What do you think of Felix?” 
“He’s solid. I only talked to him for a couple of minutes, but he seems pretty sold on Charlie.” 
“He did. They were holding hands under the table at dinner, isn’t that sweet?” 
“How’d you notice that?” 
“Dropped my napkin on the floor.” 
“Who can say?" Stede winked. He was such a terrible winker, it was embarrassing.  " But I’m concerned that it might cause a more permanent rift between Alma and Charlie. They were never particularly close, but it’d be a shame to lose each other entirely.” 
“So tell Alma that.” 
“You think?” 
“Sure,” Lucius took another sip of water and set it down. “She’s not a kid anymore. If she wants to have a relationship with her brother, then she’s got to put in the work, same as any of us.” 
“Same as me, you mean.” A flicker of a smile returned to Stede’s lips. 
“Yeah, well. If the shoe fits one Bonnet foot.” 
Stede nodded, his brow furrowed. “I’ll work on it.” 
“Can I get you something to eat?” The waiter drifted back. They placed their orders and when the waiter left, the subject changed entirely. 
It was only when they had at long last finished their meal and were just waiting for them to return with Stede’s credit card, that he said, 
“I’m very lucky. It’s not many men who have friends that will watch out for their children,” he offered Lucius a smile which he returned. “Thank you, Lucius.” 
“I’d say it’s my pleasure, but honestly it’s fucking work. You’re son is just like you and you are a so much work, Stede.” 
“I know,” he laughed. “And yet, here you still are.” 
“You’re paying for lunch. It’d be rude to leave.” 
“Why are you allergic to sincerity?” 
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spiritelectric3 · 1 year
My Journey Through Homestuck Act 2 (Part 3)
This is the third and final part of the Act 2 response in My Journey Through Homestuck. After this, I will try to write up further thoughts on Act 1 and Act 2, though you may see some repeats of ideas from these segments.
This post will go from page 002420 to 002659
-First, I want to acknowledge the level of thought this series has jumped to before continuing. While this is definitely not the extent to which Homestuck will reach by any means, Act 2 has made sure to take us through the next wall blocking us from understanding the work's ideas. It is, in a way, shifting our own cognitive experience to match that of the work, or in other words, it's indoctrinating us.
-Oh I hate having a thought, but needing to wait for confirmation
-Just because a conversation would realistically take place between two 13 year olds DOES NOT MEAN YOU CAN PUT IT IN HOMESTUCK
-I will say that I probably know enough about poetry to say that comparing Rose's poetry style to Dickinson is just barely not apt (by which I mean that it does not align with what I have been told about Dickinson by poetry authorities, and am using that knowledge to make myself seem smart for obtaining arbitrary details on poets.)
-Anyway, this is a good time to make note of characters being compared to classic poets. IIRC, John is compared to Walt Whitman, Dave to John Keats, and Rose to Emily Dickinson.
-Captchalogs have Captcha!?
-I'm fascinated by how much Sburb is based around puzzles that require the creation of keys. This sidesteps the video game trope of needing to find keys.
-It's interesting how much of the chaos of Homestuck is caused by players trying to figure out how things work. In order for John to understand this new device, he must sacrifice cards in his captchalog. Similarly, the world destroying meteors come into existence through a very innocent investigation of how a game mechanic works. We've seen the role that being given too much responsibility to understand how things work has in this series, such as in the book on data structures. However, Sburb takes advantage of its players' lack of knowledge regarding the game's simplest mechanics in order to effectively trick them into spawning the meteor.
-Clearly everything in this reality requires a guide. Perhaps this suggest that everything in reality provides a new dimension to its construction.
-It's interesting that John's father actively prepared bases for John's future new reality. Theoretically this would instigate his delusion just as his father is deluded. Or perhaps there is actively a separate reality on top of John's for his dad.
-At least the two card sylladex is more feasible as a weapon. Just put a bunch of rocks and YOU TOO CAN BE CANNON!
-Here we are ever so briefly granting sapience to inanimate objects. The implications of this within a universe that is shifted by mere points of view is disturbing.
-So too is the implication that afterlife(s) is accessible via this reality.
-This is disturbingly accurate to what it's like to read a fancomic for a fandom that you're not a fan of, an experience far too well known for me, someone who wasn't able to really sink my teeth into the internet until I was age 13 (curse you screen time). To put the consequences of this into context, my nightcore phase (of which is technically still not finished) started in 2015, the same year I watched Madoka Magica, and I wasn't even aware Homestuck existed until 2018 (technically my first exposure to anything Homestuck related was in 2015, though that's a story for later). Much of my early experience on the internet was filled with confusion regarding fandom. It's no surprise then that I mainly stuck to the Zelda fandom in my early days on the net, as Zelda, despite how corrupt the fandom was in 2014, was comfortable for me, and I was eager to find out stuff about the lore. I mention this because it seems very clear that completely missing aspects of reality seems to be just as important in Homestuck as having a clear grasp on reality.
-What's funny is that I can imagine a version of this narrative that is just Dave discovering who he is and learning to grow beyond his older brother. What's tragic is that all of these kids are kind of made in such a way that they would fit well into that story. Imagine for a second a world where Homestuck isn't this insane lore, but is instead a narrative about four kids who for whatever reason, feel different, like no one gets them, and form a fictional world together as a form of meaningfully bonding.
-Now imagine a universe where John is in a coma due to tragic circumstances and has a dream where gets this game called Sburb, but when he plays it, a giant mete
-Okay, Dave's brother is... unsettling to say the least, and we have yet to even meet him.
-Why do I get the sense that Dave won't need a meteor for his house to be destroyed.
-The Boy (2016)
-I have... disturbingly little to say about Dave's doings. He's kinda just there.
-It does bother me that we will likely have to adjust our point in time every moment we spend with Dave
-Is the narrator just... changing sapience every five seconds. Are the four protagonists just alternate bases for the same concept of a person?
-This game has had an inventory THIS ENTIRE TIME!?
-I just realized how little John actually understands what the heck is going on.
-The Watchmen-esque jumps to works of literature and writings from elsewhere in reality is concerning.
-Okay, but showing a kid finding personal joy in the pictures of a book he fundamentally cannot understand is so real. I know this happened already kinda with Rose, but I was more analytical then and this seemed like a good time to drop the charade. Oh no its ba
-note to self: try to understand this interruption with magic later (might be fun to talk about for extended thoughts)
-Here's an interesting example of Reality Processing through problem solving. John is without knowledge of a lot of the fundamental mechanics of the game and their functionality, but is able to come up with an interesting idea through merely asking "What if?". Thus, ending up with a totem for a new item (granted, layering two cards would be cause for less possibilities for what totem you get. Not more. Debatably, it still works as one merely needs to divide every individual type of object by two, but that's still odd to me under the fundamental nature of a punch card, though that is probability question I cannot answer).
-Rose's revelations indicate a dissonance between Future Guy and the game design philosophy of Sburb. The game values free will to the point that it will include mechanics that will prevent taking said free will away from players. Simultaneously though, Future Guy manages to take a certain amount of free will away from John entirely. And yet, it is in playing Sburb that John becomes vulnerable to Future Guy's influence. This leads to a couple possibilities. 1. Sburb is a poorly designed game, or 2. Future Guy has managed to circumvent Sburb entirely, possibly by disregarding Sburb's logic.
-Interestingly enough though, we have repeatedly seen that the narrator of the story has little to no control over the characters.
-I am making a note, that we still do not know how John can set up a server for kid #4. This is noteworthy as the narrative just now set up an entire methodology for potentially solving this before shooting it in the foot, metaphorically of course.
-Dreams are real. To be fair, I already knew this from a previous homestuck summary I attempted to watch. I feel the need to mention this to indicate that I am aware of some spoilers such as the relevancy of Dreams. I can assure you that I had much difficulty understanding a lot of what was happening in that summary due to the very nature of Homestuck and stopped in act 5 around the time the human kids become relevant again. Hopefully this clarifies to any readers. I apologize if you feel lied to by this note.
-I love how GG just knows everything somehow.
-Here, we see GG allude to a later jump in logic before one is ready to wrap their head around it.
-I'm very concerned with how the narrator keeps commanding our other protagonists to "stop being" each other. With the assumption of best intentions, I assume the narrator's functionality is grounded. What does stop being mean? It suggests a player switching between minds, point of views, and characters, but it also directly alludes to a a particular character to "be" or "not be". This segment isn't John being Dave, but this last segment is Dave being John. Why?
-The eye in the sky is... concerning.
-What are those towers in the distance?
-I'm interested in the use of the word "Psyche". Perhaps a comparison between Jade and Psyche from Greek Mythology? I'm sure I'll have a lot to say about this later.
-The allusions to the beginning of the comic act as a good format of character introductions.
-I'm interested in how the Wayward Vagabond is set up as one to rebel against the narrator. Every character thus far has been fairly resistant to the narrator's whims, but in this way the Vagabond is off the grid. The Vagabond is not named and the Vagabond does not have a captchalog. This proposes that the Vagabond is somehow outside of reality as we know it. Like the laws of physics thus far do not apply to them. The story itself is making fun of its own rules, acknowledging their arbitrary nature. The captchalog is only convenient if you don't use it. Similarly, so is not having a captchalog at all.
-The Vagabond is kinda pathetic
-One of the most notable things yet: reality does not operate in accordance with the Vagabond's mentality. The Vagabond understands the world being operated through democracy, yet exists in a world that, if the chess metaphor is anything to go off of, is ruled by kings, including the forces of good. The Vagabond needs to make a town out of cans to claim ownership of some semblance of control. In way, they are playing more than the kids. It makes some sense then that the Vagabond wants to control the mind of an individual whose view of reality is its basis, though that may be more of a corruption than anything, as John is no god (I think). After all, we can assume that if nothing were to happen, John and the others would be conditioned into becoming the same clueless individuals their parents became. If we are to give Sburb anything, it's that it provides a possible escape from that fate.
-Note to self: The firefly in amber is probably a symbol for something (not a metaphor as it has a literal presence in the narrative)
-The Vagabond is a child. John, Rose, Dave, ----, they are the enlightened.
-OR DOES THE VAGABOND HAVE SOME POWER THROUGH MINDSET (its possible they're drawing what they already know)
-Simpsons did it!
-The approach towards this computer is interesting. Like Sburb itself, we are understanding how it works through the eyes of a figure who initially, like us, does not understand it.
-The Vagabond cannot recognize a wizard. Another example of them not understanding their world. So what does the Vagabond know? In a way, by creating Can Town, they are allowing space for a new reality with new functionality. In other words, they are making a version of the idea of this very narrative.
-Aha! Again, like Sburb, the entire actions that setup the timer and whatever consequences it entails are not only pointless to try and predict, but are actively designed to be something a user stumbles upon without their permission. The technology operates on the cruel assumption that the user knows what does or does not trigger the timer, all the while knowing very well that that assumption is false.
-It's disturbing that in such a stressful scenario, Vagabond cannot help but conform to the reality they are trapped in. The implications of this series are kinda depressing.
-Note: The White team in this game of chess loses. So, going off of what we know, the Vagabond's conscious mind is totally out of sync with the reality they live in, but their unconscious mind is pretty heavily synced up. One wonders then whether it is the opposite for the children. Could it be that their conscious mind grasps reality, but subconsciously they struggle to operate within it. Perhaps this is the origin of the flawed nature of humanity.
-Alternatively, it's possible that the main world is easier for the conscious mind to comprehend, yet is harder for the subconscious mind, while the Medium is the other way around. This is dubious as captchalogs and the fundamental nature of Sburb still exist within the medium. This also operates on the assumption that the Vagabond is in the medium.
......that was weird.
So for context, this represents the big jump in time between what I had written then, and what I am writing now. I had been away for various reasons. It can be hard at times to give big thoughts and analyses for media while actively consuming it and while life is happening. Frankly, I'm sure I could have kept going or something without putting this big space in, but it felt right to acknowledge it. Anyway, onward for now?
-Ah. A new character.
-Oh. So the vagabond is still alive. No meteor? Perhaps...
-The first time Plato's allegory of the cave was described to me, I got an idea that the world outside of the cave was a lush forest or a jungle. Later, in school, I watched an animation of it in Language Arts class (I can't remember what for, though. My best guess is something to explain the allegorical nature of House on Mango Street to 12/13 year olds). In this animation, the outer world featured a desert. How strange it was to witness the concept of the world that the prisoner is brought to being so barren compared to the wondrous forest from my imagination. One wonders then what matters in the context of what is immediately outside the cave. Humanity has sought to leave Earth, only to realize that space is mostly just an empty void and what little there is is not alive, yet we still seek to leave. In the context of Homestuck, the medium appears to be mostly nothing. Yet, the remaining three children must seek to leave, and John must continue walking. As for our vagabond, well...
-timmy's stuck in the well guys
-A thought about Game Design. The escape room that the Vagabond seems to be trapped in is debatably more of a "game" than John's house. Yet, this is very serious for the Vagabond and initially John's house was a place where John "made play" by traversing it the way he did. You know, before the meteor destroyed it.
-It is interesting that we are denied the space between the doors that the clock is. (future me here, there was no clock finish)
-The existence of Pumpkins on other planets is not without note.
-Oh wait... there already was one.
-Appearify giveth and taketh away
-The pumpkin guts dripping from the Vagabond's face is already gross
-You would not believe your eyes.
-Sludge farm let's go
-Is that... morse code on the wall? (LETS GO!)
-As I was figuring that out, it occured to me that it is the FIREFLY doing this
-In the book series Gregor the Overlander by Suzanne Collins (yes, that Suzanne Collins), there are a number of codes which convey meaningful plot information which the reader must manually translate. To be fair, the reader also has the ciphers for such codes, but still, it's a tedious process. I mention this because I fear for what I may have to do in the future. Don't get me wrong! I love ARGs, but code breaking can be annoying and tedious at times.
-There is an apparent parallel between this and the end of act 1. Both stories end with a rush against a timer.
-Oh thank god, the fly has subtitles!
-In this parallel, it is very apparent that the Vagabond.... has no clue what they are doing.
-A lot of visual info is being conveyed at once here, but it is fascinating how elaborate Sburb truly is.
-F- Frog people?
-That's not a creepy shot of Rose's mom
-Wait, so are the frog people ancient by our standards or...? (I acknowledge that a temple with a frog on it does not necessarily indicate frog people)
-Wait, so Grandma Egbert knew about Sburb somehow!?
-That is concerning
And that's that. I think the big mystery in my mind at the moment is:
What is Sburb? Who created it and why? This is left as a mystery for the time being and there are many more to solve.
The thematic and storytelling structure of Act 2 is in and of itself odd in that I'm not sure what it is. Act 1 told a pretty barefaced story about the death of normalcy in the life of one thirteen year old boy. Here, it's harder to grasp the narrative of Act 2 or what defines it. From the start it's the first venture forth into the medium. To the end, well I'm not sure just yet. We seem to end on a darkest hour of sorts, though I fail to understand the notion that led us there. It feels we are partway through the second stage of the story. Not finished with it. I may need to do more analysis first.
Before beginning Act 3, I plan on doing a slightly more formal look at Act 1, followed by Act 2, though I may start act 3 before Act 2's analysis to place it better and keep my interest. We'll see how long any of that takes.
I leave you with this: To bear witness is to form meaning. To form meaning comes a symbol. When what that symbolizes is lost the symbol is no longer a mere symbol, but a memorial.
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cheese-water · 1 year
hi im sorry I just need to ramble gen loss crap somewhere this s relating to the pole you did I really don’t wanna ramble literal paragraphs in tags:
The dehumanization of content creator by both corporations and fans alike: Lets me honest this is just kind a the surface metaphorical meaning of it all im pretty its been confirmed if not I dont think I need to explain why.
How when our perception of reality is manipulated, our choices mean nothing: tbh this is kinda correct in a way?? Because it all ends in Ranboo dying right? Like let’s if he refuses to do the activities in ep 2 like he’s just gonna die yknow? Like the more you think about it our own choices didn’t really matter they all lead up to the ending scene of rans death. What if we chose live? Something tells me showfall would just erase his memory and reuse them and then the cycle could repeat until inevitable death.
One of many attempts to escape the facility that always ends in death: Kinda what i js said but like: Also it would be extremely hard for Ranboo in any way to escape. Primarily bc mind control. But let’s say that doesn’t apply. Try to escape the mall? Let’s be real the doors are gonna be jammed and there’s showfall people everywhere they’re probably just gonna inject Ranboo with something. Tries to prove to the cameras he being held hostage by showfall? In a ‘real world’ situation Is anyone gonna believe him? They might just think he’s acting. At some point showfall is js gonna get bored of dealing with them and just off him.
also did you see sneeg trying to escape-
The sanitization of today's media to better cater to and profit off of children: I could see this because it is also a VERY common thing in the world with like family channels, child beauty pageants, and what is more similar to genloss’s implementation of this: Ranboo blew up when he was 17! Tommy and Tubbo 16! They were literal minors! They were kids! It was and still is disgusting how much sexual content was produced of them when they were CHILDREN. There are endless examples of this: hundreds, if not THOUSANDS or articles made about an ‘offensive comment’ that was literally just taken out of context, tiktoks and threads saying THAT THEY SHOULD GROW UP?? they are kids!
honestly unsure what the cannon ages of the genloss characters are but if were going by irl ages Ranboo is still 19! Honestly more rambling about how kinda sad this is like, bro is 19 he is literally getting doxxed, death threats, and still creating genloss! Like their 19 and made a work that was considered for an Emmy! (Also being the only not virtual reality work)
The favorable interpretation of events we're supposed to believe vs. the truth: A LOT of ep 2 how they par-take in these games with seem innocent at first, just playing some mouse trap, introducing yourself, etc. but they are literally being held a gunpoint. The scene where Ranboo rips open Charlie it just seems like a comedic scene but for a few seconds the slime is blood. Ranboo is being forced to rip open Charlie simply to survive himself. The puzzler straight up shoots Niki TWICE and the audience(LITERALLY US LOL) feel bad, but a lot people find it funny(kinda is tho- low key loved that scene) obviously Niki is alive so its funnier but what if she actually died?
here’s more of my ramble on genloss meanings and stuff
I just the horrible effects of social media. hate from just being yourself, hate for being ‘fake’/ a ‘catfish’, hate for having fun, hate for not enjoying yourself and people telling you should be grateful. To the point where instead of being yourself you force yourself to shape into this emotionless mold just to appeal to the internet. You could try to ask for help(ranboo spelling sos in Morse code w hand),but your to far gone “you already bought a ticket and there’s no turning back now” I know this isn’t the most accurate but it’s literally 4am lol
Social Media|Showfall Media ya see it?
Srry for the such unorganized thoughts and crap im a dying autistic. -☁︎🪷(just a name to recognize me by you never know also I’m rambling more here about random shit-)
I’ve been trying to think of a response to this ask for a solid five minutes but I just can’t. I just, I’m so so so happy right now. Like, literally smiling ear to ear. You have no idea how happy this makes me. :DDDDD
I adore analyzing media to pieces but with genloss specifically, I also enjoy understanding all of the different influences and interpretations from the audience. Normally, once I find an interpretation I like (either created by me, the most popular, or simply the first one I see) I stick with it, hard. All future thoughts about that media run through the certain interpretation filter only, which isn’t y’know the most open mindset I’ll admit lmao. I think what was different about genloss was a combination of me being a genlosser from the very beginning, being share my theories publicly for the first time, and probably the biggest reason, I didn’t believe the most popular interpretation.
I’ve always been an OUR CHOICE DOESNT MATTER believer since the beginning and could never get on the content creator exploitation train before it left the station. So I guess it gave me a different perspective in regards to reading and sharing analysis posts. Somehow both more critical and more understanding, like I could tell you how the dehumanizing cc theory only applies to eps 2 and 3, while acknowledging that the end of ep 3 literally had a choice that supposedly did matter so who tf cares we’re all having fun. And then I wondered if the cc interpretation was the most popular one and now we’re here.
And so far, it turns out that yeah it very much is lol. But all the notes going into detail about why they believe what they believe just gave me so much more insight and appreciation for the theory. Not just that one but all other interpretations, timeloops, capitalism allegories, your social media parallels just to name a few, have grown a special place in my heart in a way that hasn’t happened to me before genloss. Idk it’s just very cool and I love hearing ‘em all.
Also so I can be told very obvious things I haven’t noticed before. Like how am I just now understanding Social Media -> Showfall Media pfffff
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mellowgoop · 2 years
bruh, sadvent just because I gotta do it somewhere... I feel like I'm falling so far down between the cracks of the sapphic communities, I legit dont know if my sexuality is changing or if its just giganta comphet but this last half a year has been excruciating... my actual friends have been amazingly supportive but we just suck so bad as communities with umbrella terming I feel so incredibly isolated from bi people and lesbians and I have no idea when thats going to change...
this isnt in reference to anything specific (incredibly!) but just in general in baffles me that a media outlet could post, like, "wow this fictional girl has got a girl crush!" and then you know the comments are going to be one half UGH LESBIAN ICON! and UGH BI QUEEN!! and then people supposedly in communities with solidarity just. ripping, tearing and clawing at each others throats in the replies over something that will *never, ever* be confirmed canon one way or another
when you could just fucking both say sapphic to start! aaaaaa
just because i havent vented about this sort of thing before, clarifying that I firmly see lesbian as *not* an umbrella term (probably clear) and see fussing with actual canon sexualities as super sus
deltarune annoys me a lot because i saw speedrunners at agdq last year calling susie and noelle lesbians and like?? yes of course it would be neato as hell if they were exclusively attracted to women but how do you look at that games script and have anyyyy idea if theyre lesbians or bi or pan?? who in the world knows who is actually asking??? it is just not stated at all its not nearly a priority Who Cares at this point just call them sapphic until theres more chapters why start this issue for yourself as communities when chapter 6 reveals susie actually does like berdly and now Lesbian Susie 699 has to change her icon of four years and weep an agony existential because john deltarune told her it was sub-textually cannon after chapter three
someone else saying that sort of thing would have come off as "wanting everything to be bi" to me a few years ago but thats not it at all, its more about protecting the term lesbian from being overused and losing its meaning / building up an actual umbrella term in sapphic than anything
it just annoys me so much
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