#but both are tasty and should be devoured.
cheesomancer · 4 months
Can you actually braid cheese like bread?
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Hey, thanks for your question! I'm glad to bring people new information about nice things! 😌
So yeah, it can be braided - and nicely so, as we can see on this picture from google (here's the source just in case).
As I know there're all the different kinds of braided cheese from various cuisines out there, so you surely may find one you'll love.
I personally prefer smoked one like on the picture.
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skyeslittlecorner · 7 months
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Uhuhuhu don't worry, dear! This idea is perfect~
I've wondered about this a few times myself. Sure, many of us are degenerates (affectionate), but fiction is fiction, and most people in reality would probably react with fear. Still, I'm sure those devils wouldn't deliberately hurt MC (even the crazier ones are smart enough not to spoil a good toy).
꧁:・ ✡ ・:꧂
Satan doesn't think much, because what is there to think about? He's as rough and wild as ever. It's only when he feels you tremble and sees tears welling in your eyes that he stops, confused. Something hurts you? Someone hurt you? Should he fight them? He sees something is wrong, but you have to tell him you're scared. Gentle sex is not his default setting. Although, he learns quickly. You will establish a safe signal, and use it if something become too much. He tells you to hold his horns to control him, but he won't let you share his feelings so as not to overstimulate you. During sex he will try his best to be sensitive and gentle, you should guide his hands and mouth, and pull his horns if he gets too excited. In fact, play with them as much as you want. Scratch, tug, bite. Reward him for how good he is to you. You will have to experiment a lot to find a solution that will make you both fulfilled, and his fascination with you will only increase because he has never met someone so interesting before.
Mammon is the perfect partner for someone who is scared. Even though he is huge… everywhere, he is aware of it. He doesn't want to tear you apart, so he would be gentle either way. This makes the whole thing very slow and delicate. He will see that something is wrong even before he starts approaching you. You can count on affectionate caresses and you will be showered with words of assurance. His greatest fulfillment is your happiness, and it is much more satisfying than an orgasm. When you start opening up to him and want more, more touch, more words, more of him, you will turn him on with just your growing greed. He may take the initiative, he may give it to you, but know that you are his ideal every time, no matter what happens, and he will treat you as such.
Beelzebub, like Satan, will not come up on his own with the idea that sex is something to be afraid of. Enlighten him, and he will be even more fascinated by you than before. When he licks his lips with sparkling eyes, you feel like you've made a mistake. Now he wants to devour you even more. Such a tasty, fresh meal. He wants to observe your reactions. Study you as the last representative of an extinct species. Your inexperience combined with burning lust are so delicious that in comparison white truffles with beluga caviar taste like fast food from a stand. As it turns out later, you have nothing to be afraid of, because he is a perfect lover. He adapts to you as if he knew subcutaneously what you need. You will start your adventure with sex with the best oral of your life, and it will only get better from there.
Leviathan is torn. On the one hand, the fact that you're afraid is irritating because you won't want anything hard. On the other hand, if he doesn't touch you, and you will be the one hitting him, maybe you'll agree? Despite superficial considerations, deep down he knows better than anyone what it means to be afraid of touch. There is a way. Tell him he's your first, and you'll tip the scales in your favor. He may make an exception for you, but only this one time. He will be in control, but he will be extremely gentle, kissing your body, observing the strong reactions to the most innocent touch. Seeing how defenseless you are, he may even lower his guard enough for you to unbutton his shirt, see his scars, and kiss them tenderly. He will be shocked that despite them, you think he is perfect. This one gentle moment will never happen again, but Leviathan will replay it in his head every time he sees you. He was protecting himself from you touching his body, but you touched his soul.
As for my choice, it couldn't have been anyone else than him.
You could dream of the perfect guy who will help you overcome your fear, but Amon will still be better. He's incredibly intelligent and perceptive, and what's more, he's turned on by your uncertainty. What more could you want? You don't even have to touch him to make him cum. You just need to let him observe and worship you. If you pull his collar or call him "good boy", he will melt before your eyes. He will dispel all your fears. This will be a long, slow adoration where you can tell him all your concerns. Twisted past? He won't fix it, but will give you beautiful new memories. Are you afraid you won't satisfy him? A hard on in his pants says otherwise, and you haven't even touched it yet. Or maybe you're just not used to being touched? His fingers will stroke you like silk, like the most precious thing he has ever seen. Because you are. You are his salvation. He already trusts you implicitly, you don't have to be afraid, just lose yourself in him.
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Your Deathclaw Boyfriend (Female Reader Version)
Yandere Male Deathclaw x Female Reader Word Count: 760 (CW: Noncon, Inhuman genitals, double penetration, pussy devoured like groceries, general yandere behavior) (I promised a female reader alt to this a thousand years ago, I thought it was finished but there was a lot of last minute editing I had missed, I am very sorry. This is shorter than the male version. I really just made this to cheer a friend up, sorry.)
It had been an extremely stupid idea, exploring the wasteland solo with no group. But you had never been one for traveling with other people, you preferred scavenging alone, and it had a few benefits. No betrayals from companions looking for the right moment to stab you in the back and you maintained  the ability to move stealthily. You could always detect a loud group of unruly bandits, they weren’t exactly subtle. But finding a scavenging group to scour the wastes with or maybe even settling down completely in a relatively safe settlement would have prevented the fate that ultimately befell you. You had been exploring a small cave that looked like it may have some loot, old long dead people stashed all kinds of nice stuff in places like this. You should have known something was wrong immediately by the odd smell that seemed to permeate the air wafting out of the entrance, but it could have been anything so you continued cautiously. That was your first mistake. Your second mistake was seeing what was some kind of nest with large, sparkling gems at the base forming a large circle along with smoothed stones and bits of shining metal, all with hay, feathers, and clothes at the top. It was obviously bedding, but whatever it was that slept here wasn’t present then. So you decided to nab a couple of the large gemstones before making a hasty exit. Unknown to you the maker of the nest had seen you enter his home and was silently stalking you as you approached his bedding. And he was thrilled that his scent marking had led you into his home and was even more excited when he saw you touch the stones he had collected to attract a mate, it was clearly an indication that you were receptive to being with him. You had gotten closer and kneeled down in front of the nest and placed a hand on one of the gems, ready to snatch it up, but suddenly you were jerked backwards and lifted up several feet into the air. You were being held by an alpha deathclaw with black and green glowing skin. As you thrashed wildly trying to escape you were surprised to hear him speak. “Ah, tiny mate-thing, Grogth is so happy you were attracted to my home~ Didn’t expect a human to be interested but am so so excited!” His voice was deep and beast-like but he spoke fluently. “No! I was just… exploring!” You didn’t want to admit to having been about to steal his gems. “Awe, you’re so shy! That’s okay, Grogth knows how to be gentle.” If you could have reached your weapon you would have, but he quickly tore through your clothing and tossed away all your supplies before placing you carefully in his nest on your back. He crouched down and brought you to the edge of the bedding and gently spread your legs, ignoring your attempts to kick him away and attributing all of your resistance to first time jitters, fully convinced that this was what you wanted. Why else would you have been at his nest if you didn’t want to be mated? He lapped eagerly at your crotch, teasingly twirling his tongue around the edges before diving the thick muscle inside to sample your flavor. All the enthusiastic writhing in your depths had your hands grasping feebly at the cloth beneath your hands, a weak whimper escaping your lips as you climaxed messily all over his face. “So tasty~” He cooed as he licked his mouth clean. Taking your orgasm as an undeniable sign that you were nice and loosened and relaxed he aligned both of his cocks with your pussy and slowly inserted them one at a time. True to his word he was as slow and as gentle a lover as he could be, nuzzling into your neck and telling you how you were such a good girl for him and so very perfect at taking his cocks as he bred you. When he finally reached the height of his own pleasure you came a second time, just as hard as he did and lay there panting as he held you close. There was no way you would ever escape from him, your weapons were not strong enough and you didn’t have it in you to hurt Grogth anyway when he wasn’t purposefully malicious, and if you ran away he would track you down. This was your life now, might as well accept it.  
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wolfjackle-creates · 11 months
Bring Me Home Arc 2 Part 18
Welcome to another WIP Wednesday!
Story Summary: Tim and Danny are both neglected by parents who care more about their work than their families. They deal with this by spending too much time online and find each other playing MMORPGs. They keep up their friendship as Tim becomes Robin and Danny becomes Phantom and don't bother keeping secrets from each other.
Arc 1 AO3 Link
Arc 2: Part 1, Previous
Word Count: 1.7k
From the radio station, the four traveled to the television studio for their next interview. The host had listened to their radio interview and helped summarize much of the information before asking further questions.
Tim and his teammates called into question the biases of the Drs Fenton and hoped their criticisms would bring others to think twice before taking their word as gospel.
When they were finally done, it was almost nine.
Tim shot off a quick text to Bruce for his morning check-in. He noticed Conner texting someone, too. “Who’re you talking to?” he asked.
“Sam. She says Danny’s still passed out. But her parents are talking about some sort of press release the mayor is planning on putting on at City Hall at ten.”
Cassie groaned. “Ugh, more reporters. Please say we don’t have to go.”
“We should,” said Tim. “But we can go in civvies.”
“Can we at least get breakfast first?” asked Bart. “It’s been hours since we woke up!”
“Yeah,” agreed Cassie. “I’m starving. Let’s get some food. I think I saw a diner when we flew to our second interview.”
Before Tim could consider protesting, Conner had him secure in his arms and TTK and they were in the air.
“Lead the way, Wonder Girl.”
Tim scowled to hide his smile. “Oh sure, don’t listen to your leader. Just do whatever.”
“You’d let us starve?” wailed Connor. “Then we’ll stage a mutiny!”
Cassie laughed. “Yeah, see how long you remain in charge of a hangry speedster, half-kryptonian, and demigoddess.”
Tim grinned. “Oh, but you forget I know you all very well. I can win you back to my side. Starting with Kon.”
“And how do you plan to do that?” demanded Conner.
“Easy. I’ll just bribe you with Alfred’s cookies and a great movie. If I add in a dash of ‘I need your help’ and my puppy dog eyes and you’ll be eating out of the palm of my hand.”
“That’s another square on my bingo card!” called back Cassie. “And look, we’re here!” She pointed down to a quintessential American diner with green glass windows.
The group met Bart a block away in an alley where they shed their gear.
“I’ll tell Sam what we’re up to.” Conner pulled out his phone to send the message.
“Quit wasting time! We’re on a deadline,” moaned Bart as he positioned himself behind Conner and tried to push him towards the street and breakfast.
Conner laughed and refused to budge, so Tim figured a demonstration of his power was in order.
He got in front of Conner and pouted at him. “I know I was joking about not allowing breakfast, but I’m the one who didn’t eat before the interviews. An omelet is calling my name.”
Conner groaned and ran a hand down his face. “Fuck you, Rob.” But he stalked forward out of the alley.
Tim and Bart exchanged grins.
“Seriously, Tim,” said Cassie. “This trip has been great for my bingo card.”
Tim stuck his tongue out at her and jogged to catch up with Conner.
Breakfast was simple but tasty and they devoured far too much food. Their waitress was clearly impressed with her first exposure to a speedsters appetite. Add in a super and a demigoddess and it was obscene.
All too soon, however, it was time to go to the mayor’s press conference. As they made their way there, they joined a growing crowd. Clearly many people were interested in whatever the mayor had planned.
In the crowd, he could hear comments about their interviews. It seems both had been posted online and already had thousands of views. Some people seemed to be sympathetic to them, but others were mistrustful of the “outsiders.”
“If they’re such good friends, why did it take so long for them to come here?” asked one man of his friend.
“I’ve a cousin in Central City. She says trouble always follows a superhero,” said another.
Tim exchanged a look with Conner. He’d be able to hear more conversations and could share his perceptions later.
Before long, they were entering City Hall. Already the seats were full, so they were forced to stand in the back. Jack and Maddie were sitting near the front. Jeremy and Pamela Manson sat on the opposite side of the room as them, but also were near the front of the room.
Tim exchanged looks with his teammates to make sure they saw both couples. Conner was glaring at Maddie and Jack.
“They’re complaining about our interviews,” said Conner. “Throwing around guesses that we are either possessed or have already been brainwashed by the ghosts.”
“At least we know they aren’t observant. Maybe they won’t notice us.”
Mayor Montez stepped up to the podium and everyone fell silent. “People of Amity Park, we have been faced with a threat the likes of which we’ve never before seen! And based on the events of this morning, it doesn’t seem like we’ll be able to rely on outside help to get us out of it.”
A stone sunk in Tim’s stomach and he exchanged looks with his friends.
“We only have one piece of business today: Defeating the ghosts that infest our town. And to do that, I'm calling for a vote to cede all ghost policing and security decisions”—he held up a photo of Maddie—“to Maddie Fenton.” As Tim watched, however, the mayor’s eyes glowed red and he winced. “I mean Jack,” he corrected, holding up a new picture of Jack Fenton. “The completely competent Jack Fenton.”
“He’s overshadowed,” breathed Conner.
Tim nodded and was already sending a message to Sam, Tucker, and Danny. “And who knows who else.”
Before they could say anything else, the mayor continued, “And we’ve located the ghost responsible for all the terror inflicted on our town.” He held up a picture of Phantom. “Whatever some outsiders may have tried to lie to you about this very morning.”
A gasp rang out among the crowd. Tim glanced at his friends. Conner was glaring at the mayor fiercely and Tim attempted to step in front of him, as pointless as their relative sizes made the action.
The mayor smiled viciously as a panicked crescendo rose from the crowd. Tim’s phone vibrated in his hand and he saw a response from Sam.
Sam: We saw Sam: Danny is on his way Sam: And we’re following as fast we can
Under his breath, Tim muttered, “Conner, you and Bart should go suit up. Cassie and I will stay and keep an eye on what’s going on. Stay close, but try not to be seen unless an attack happens.” Subtly, grateful for their places against the wall, he passed over the thermos he’d taken with him that morning.
Tim heard Conner’s sigh of relief as the two slipped away. He hated pretending to be a civilian in a crisis. Even more than the rest of them.
Cassie whispered, “I almost hate you for keeping me here.”
Tim just bumped their shoulders together.
The mayor, or rather the ghost inhabiting him, raised his arm and silence slowly fell. “We cannot call for outside help. Those who call themselves the Young Justice today proved that the so-called heroes of this world will defend our enemy over us. That they will spread lies to keep us subject to the whims of these ghosts.” The last word was spat. “So we must solve the problem ourselves. Jack Fenton, if the people of this town agree, you and those you train will be our defense force, will you do this?”
Jack near jumped three feet in the air in his excitement. “I’ve been training for this my entire life, Mayor Montez! I’ll be honored.”
“I believe we must institute martial law! The 9 PM curfew will remain in place. No one will be allowed on the streets alone. No loitering. The park will be closed until further notice. Same with the public pool and library and a number of other locations. Drs Fenton, will you be able to set up buildings protected by ghost shields where people can gather for safety?”
Whispering broke out among the public. Maddie stood tall next to her husband, though being continually overlooked in favor of him was clearly grating on her. “We can. Fenton Works is already protected and within two days we can have another shield up and ready. Within the week, we could have five.”
The whispered were almost loud enough to drown her out by the time she finished speaking
“Order! Order!” called Mayor Montez. “All in favor of declaring martial law, and allowing the completely competent Jack Fenton to mobilize a massive ghost hunt, please say—”
But cutting off the mayor, Danny, in his Phantom form, suddenly appeared in the air in the middle of the hall. “I might be too young to vote, but I’m casting one anyway.”
Around them, everyone gasped and people began backing away even as Danny shifted to look at them. Tim and Cassie both tensed and prepared to run.
“You people have to listen to me,” urged Danny. “I’m on your side.”
Mayor Montez took a step back as members of his security moved to stand in front of him. Jack and Maddie jumped up and glared at him.
“You’re not fooling anybody, ghost kid!” declared Jack. “You are going down!” He reached back and pulled out the Fenton fishing rod, the line was horribly tangled and Jack began messing with it. “As soon as I finish untangling this thing.”
Cassie let out a disbelieving huff.
Tim shook his head. “Apparently,” he replied to her unasked question. He pulled out his phone and shot a message to Bart and Conner.
Rob: get back here now Rob: All 4 of us are needed
Before he even finished typing his last message, Bart was at his side. Just in time to see Danny mutter something and shoot an ectoblast at his parents who were thrown back with the force of it, destroying the podium and leaving a burn mark on the ground.
“Shit,” muttered Tim. “Cassie, let’s go. Impulse, try to help where you can.”
“You’ve got it.”
And so the best of intentions go awry!
I can almost taste the end of this arc, but for all I know, that'll take another 10k to finish. So we'll see what happens. Hope you enjoyed.
I no longer do tag lists, but please check out the Subscription Post if you want to be notified of updates.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Yandere Hercules x Female Tanjiro Reader SFW and NSFW please? After Reader accepts his marriage proposal and they get married
You don’t have to do this if you don’t want to
Minors DNI
-You had gone to Shinobu prior to your wedding with Hercules, as you knew that you had to consummate the marriage with him, a thought that made your face flush so red.
-You knew that the act was to make children, but according to what you overheard Aphrodite talking about, it was now more used for fun instead.
-Shinobu was flattered you came to her, albeit a bit embarrass herself, giving you the basic idea of lovemaking, but for more adventurous methods, she provided some books for you to read.
-You loved Hercules, he had been working hard to help you find a cure for Nezuko, as well as treating you both with such gentleness and respect, showering you both with love, but after reading some of the content in these spicy books, you were more flustered than ever!! You couldn’t even look at Hercules without your whole body turning bright red!
-The wedding was beautiful, held outdoors under a large tree that the three of you nap frequently under, Shinobu and Mitsuri were your bridesmaids and Nezuko was your flower girl and bridesmaid, and Ares was the best man, doing his best to muffle his joyful sobs.
-The party afterwards was much livelier, filled with tasty food, dancing, and lots of drunk shenanigans that were photographed and going to be used as blackmail for years to come.
-You grew nervous when it was time to leave, anxiety building inside of you as Mitsuri beamed at you, as she was going to be watching Nezuko for the night.
-She beamed at you before giving you a wink, “Have fun!” she loved seeing you so red faced before she and your sister ran off and you turned as Hercules and Ares were bidding each other goodbye.
-Once at your shared home, Hercules’ house, you took a bath together, Hercules being gentle and washing your hair for you and he could tell you were rather shy, curled in on yourself, hiding your scars.
-He pressed a soft kiss to your bare shoulder, making you squeak before he wrapped his arms around you, “None of that, you’re beautiful all over, inside and outside. Your scars are badges of battles that you fought in and survived.”
-A smile rose to you lips as your hands touched his own, leaning back and you let out a squeak as you felt something hard pressing between the cheeks of your ass and up your lower back, instantly freezing.
-Hercules chuckled softly, giving you a small squeeze before pressing his lips to your neck, tongue lolling up to the lobe of your ear, “This is what you do to me, Y/N. Especially now, sitting here in front of me as my wife.”
-You felt nervous, but you also felt excited, your thighs rubbing against each other as you turned, red on your cheeks, “Then I should be a good wife and help you, right?” your words seemed to immediately set him off and he quickly held you in his arms, making you squeak as he carried you to the bedroom, setting out on the bed, not bothering to towel either one of you off.
-Your hands quickly rose to his chest, to push him back as your whole head turned red as his hands gripped your legs behind your knees, pulling your legs apart.
-He licked his lips as if you were something he was going to devour, the thought making a chill run up your spine as he grinned, “Absolutely beautiful- and all mine!”
-He descended quickly, his lips meeting your own, settling between your legs but not putting his full weight on you, as he knew you were much smaller and your back arched, feeling his warm body pressing against your own.
-Your moans were soft but each one spurred him on as he trailed his lips down, sucking marks onto your neck and chest, relishing the feeling of your hands tangling into his hair, scratching against his scalp, pulling at his hair.
-His tongue was wicked, flicking against your nipples, encircling them before pulling them into his mouth, a groan leaving him, “I can’t wait to have these full of your milk, seeing you pregnant with our child!” a sharp moan escaped your lips and he groaned as you tugged on his hair sharply, a rush going through you at his words.
-Hercules’ hands trailed down to your thighs, spreading them apart as his tongue tickled your naval, enjoying your giggles and seeing you panting beneath him.
-He was slow and gentle, taking his time prepping you, one finger slowly entered first, then a second, any discomfort quickly melted away as his lips sucked your clit into his mouth, his tongue flicking across it rapidly.
-Your cries were making him lose control, crying out his name, silently begging him as you felt a feeling filling your lower belly, one that felt hot and heavy, almost like you were going to explode.
-He could feel your walls squeezing around him and you keened loudly, your head falling back as he made a ‘come hither’ motion with his fingers, rubbing something inside you that quickly had you falling apart.
-Hercules kissed back up to your neck then your lips, stroking you through your orgasm, gasping pants leaving your lips, you felt so hot, so dizzy, but so good, you’ve never felt like this before.
-Hercules assure you that you didn’t have to return the favor, but he couldn’t argue against your pout as you were on your knees by the edge of the bed where he had sat up, “I want to- I-I want to please you too.” A hand flew to his eyes as his head tilted back, you were so pure.
-He was very big, almost too big and you could barely fit his tip in your mouth, but it was enough for him as your suckled at the tip, rubbing your tongue over it like it was a lollipop, your hands stroking along the rest of his throbbing length, groans leaving him, giving you a confidence boost.
-His hands lowered to cup your cheeks, pulling you off with a pained huff, “Don’t want things ending before we get to the main event, do we.” You nodded up at him, hearts in your eyes, a slightly dazed look on your face.
-He had you be on top, to set the pace at first, and you were nervous, anyone could see it as you sat just behind his cock, looking scared of that thing going inside of your body.
-You lifted your hips, and his hands came to rest on them, helping you keep your balance as you grabbed his cock, bringing it to your soaking lips. You both groaned in pleasure as your most private places touched, Hercules’ grip squeezing your hips just slightly.
-You bit your lip, whining softly as you managed to get the tip in, slowly working your way down, it was so big, tears bloomed from the sting, “Ah- Hercules it-it’s too big!”
-His thumbs ran gently across your hips, soothing you, before rocking gently and it felt like you had been electrocuted, a sharp cry leaving you and he winced as you squeezed him, “You’re gonna snap it off!”
-He knew he couldn’t slam you down on it, as much as he would like to, he didn’t want to hurt you and after several long minutes of gentle coaxing, bringing you down little by little, you were fully seated, your belly bulging from the tip which you touched, your face bright red.
-He grinned up at you, a hand lifting to your face, running his thumb over your lips, “You have no idea how beautiful you look right now.” A gentle smile came to you lips as you kissed the palm of his hand gently.
-Hercules bucked up into you and you instantly threw your head back, a sharp cry leaving you and his hand lowered to your chest, dancing across your nipples, making you whine as he bucked up again, making you see stars as you gasped sharply.
-Your hands lowered to his belly, lifting yourself up just a bit before coming back down, your pace a bit uneasy at first, but slowly growing more confident, sharp cries leaving you with each thrust.
-Hercules clenched his jaw tightly, you were making it hard to control himself, he wanted nothing more than to ravage you with pleasure and fill you with his seed.
-His eyes snapped open at that, grabbing your waist and bringing you down harder than before and you spasmed around him, throwing your head back in a choked cry, your eyes crossing.
-He quickly lifted so he was sitting up, your legs wrapping around his waist and arms around his neck as you cried out for more, begging him and he held your hips tightly, but not to the point of bruising, and started a faster pace, trying not to go too hard on you.
-Your nails bit into you shoulders, throwing your head back and his mouth was quickly on the exposed flesh, nibbing and sucking into it as you squeezed him tightly.
-Your mind was turning into mush and Hercules could feel you tightening again, and he licked his lips, pulling back, “I’m going to pump you so full there’s no way you’re not going to get pregnant! And if it doesn’t take, I’ll take you again and again- filling you each time until it does.”
-Your strangled cry spurred him on, “Oh- you like that do you, you want me to make you a mommy, give you as many babies as you want? Is that it?”
-You whimpered, eyes full of teas as you looked up at him, “Baby- a baby!” his arms wrapped around you in a hug, thrusting harder and you were quick to fall over the edge with a sharp scream as he continued, chasing yours before emptying everything deep inside of you.
-You clutched him, feeling him twitching and feeling his warmth entering you, gasping with a gaping mouth, whimpering out his name as he slowly calmed down, kissing you softly, bringing you down from your high, the feeling of his fluids gushing out of you, your body unable to hold it all.
-You couldn’t walk the next day, but Hercules was so attentive, rubbing healing lotion on the bruises he left everywhere, and enjoying the soft kisses you were giving him, basking in your newlywed glow together.
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hauntaku2 · 5 months
Ragatha: Hey, Pomni? Is it okay if I date the evil- I mean sweet, candy queen?
Pomni: Uh... sure
Ragatha: Really?!
Pomni: Yeah, when you're... um... talking to her, could you ask if she wants to be friends with me? She seemed a bit... off when talking to me...
Ragatha: ...
Pomni: Ragatha?
Ragatha: Oh, Pomni my dear! Sorry... I was a bit lost in thought there for a second. Yes, I'll talk to her. She'll be spoiled!
(some time passes)
Ragatha: Oh, Pomni my dearest! I've asked her.
Pomni: Huh... what did she say?
Ragatha: Oh, she'll be just so happy to talk to the both of us during a big feast.
Pomni: ... ok. Sounds good.
(more time passes)
Candy queen: It's just sour peachy to have you two little gumdrops in my delectable palace!
Ragatha: ...
Pomni: You okay, Ragatha?
Ragatha: Oh! Pomni, my dearest. Sorry, I was a bit distracted. I should never take my eyes away from you.
Pomni: Huh?
Ragatha: Um... anyway, so... These cookies look... good.
Candy queen: Oh, they were! Just the sweetest things.
Pomni: ... This is a bit weird.
Candy queen: Oh, that's nothing! Pastry, could you go to the kitchen and grab a bite or two? They'll be on the table if they haven't escaped! Ahahaha.
Ragatha: Haha... ha
Pomni: My name's Pomni.
Candy queen: That's what I said, Pastry!
Pomni: ... ok.
(Pomni returns)
Candy queen: Did you grab those two?
Pomni: I didn't see anything on the table.
Candy queen: They must've scampered away then... Oh, this is quite the sticky apple, but we'll capture them again later.
Ragatha: Capture?
Candy queen: Yes! The sweets are often very runny. Sometimes... I have to cut off their heads! Ahahaha...
Pomni: Uh... what!?
Candy queen: I'm sure we'll find someone tasty to fill that spot, Pastry!
Ragatha: Pomni, run!
Candy queen: Get her! Grab her! Deep fry her!
(Pomni escapes)
Pomni: Oh, BLEEP! Ragatha is still back there with her. Why do I keep leaving Ragatha behind? I'm stupid! Now's not the time for self pity, I have to go back!
(Pomni returns)
Ragatha: Aha... Hi, Pomni.
Pomni: ...
Ragatha: What's wrong?
Pomni: ...
Ragatha(?): Oh, I thought this disguise would work...
(Candy queen reveals herself)
Pomni: What did you do to Ragatha?!
Candy queen: Oh, nothing yet. I didn't want you to miss out on the show!
Pomni: You don't have to do this.
Candy queen: Oh, but I absolutely must! I can't let you leave without seeing the grand finale! Ragatha flambe!
Pomni: GAH! NO! Don't do this!
(Pomni attacks the Candy queen)
Candy queen: Oh, looks like I've been impaled! That's not very good. Ahahaha!
Pomni: BLEEP this day has gone so very very wrong!
(Ragatha appears and knocks the Candy queen to the ground)
Pomni: Ragatha!? You're safe!?
Ragatha: Yep! I had a feeling that she was going to hurt you before me. That's why I wasn't sure about bringing you on the date.
Pomni: I'm just glad that you're okay. I'm sorry for leaving you behind!
Ragatha: ... Oh... my dear sweet Pomni. It's fine...
Candy queen: Can you two little gumdrops be a dear and remove this fork from my back?
Pomni: I'm not sure that's a good idea.
(Ragatha pulls the fork)
Candy queen: Oh, looks like I'm making quite the mess.
Pomni: ... are you gonna be okay?
Candy queen: I can't see why Ragatha didn't want to devour you whole! You're so sweet! You'd probably taste delicious! Ahaha...
Pomni: Uh... thanks?
Ragatha: She'll be fine, Pomni. Probably...
(The two leave to have a quiet time together)
Ragatha: Today was quite the day, wasn't it?
Pomni: Uh... so... Do you have feelings for anyone in the circus?
Ragatha: I have feelings for everyone, but what do you mean exactly?
Pomni: Um... like... do you... like like anyone?
Ragatha: ... Oh, Pomni! You're so cute when you're blushing.
Pomni: I kinda blush all the time in this... body.
Ragatha: Ahaha... you say the sweetest things.
Pomni: ...
Ragatha: ...
(Jax appears)
Jax: Guys! We've gotta go! Like... now!!
Guards: After them! They attacked the queen!
(The group runs to safety)
Pomni: Uh... so... Is it okay if I hold your hand?
Ragatha: Oh, my dear Pomni. Of course you can.
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justatalkingface · 1 year
Let's Talk About the Toga Problem.
...You know, I wasn't going to do this, or least not for awhile yet, but the way everyone was talking the last couple of chapters (I lost interest after the Dabi debacle, so I had three of the Toga debacle to read!) was especially bad, so I checked and... yeah. It lived up to the hype.
And so here we are where, yet again, I find myself loading words with my pure frustration.
*claps hands*
So! Does this title sound similar to any of you? If it does, that's because it's basiclly the title of my Bakugou post, and that's for a good reason: beyond the extra special last minute writing we're witnessing (the fact her Quirk isn't working right is beyond stupid), Toga's overall problem is the same as Bakugou's, something I'm now calling 'Quantum Characterization', because I'm shit at naming things and I like this name the best thus far.
So, here's the thing with Toga: there's two versions of her, and they're both existing in the same place at the same time: one that is actually doing things in story, Toga A, the blood thirsting girl, and the one that people in story (and to some extent, out of it) react to, Toga B, the love starved girl.... who is effectively a shared mass hallucination.
The first Toga is her actual actions: the vicious, blood thirsty, actively insane serial killer. The main thing that motivates this Toga, the Toga that is actually acting in the 'real world' of MHA, is loyalty to her friends and literal blood lust. This Toga is one who, as I've mentioned before, says she 'loves' things, but actively doesn't understand her own motivations and drives, in part because her Quirk-based instincts are that strong, because she's basiclly a natural predator of humans, and in part because nobody ever dealt with them properly.
The thing is that Toga A thinks she loves all these things, attractive people, friends, blood, and so on, but it's not actually one emotion she's feeling, it's multiple. Some of it is normal attraction, some is lust, and a good deal of it is hunger, and somewhere in there there's a crush or two. The problem is that it's all so muddled in her head that she actively responds to the thought that, X is pretty/cute/or whatever else with hunger, even if that initiating thought wasn't actually about how tasty they would be, so, in her mind, 'love' is the urge to devour someone, for whatever reason.
Now, theoretically, this is something that could be managed, or dealt with, but Toga A isn't aware of this, at all, and thinks her 'love' is normal, and the fact that no one else ever acts similarly to her means they don't like her, while, at the same time, the fact that people negatively to being eaten means they don't like her, or think she's horrible... when in fact, they're reacting negatively to the eating part, since it's killing them. All of this is complicated by the fact that, as I said, she's basiclly a natural predator of humans, but lives as a human, with humans, and likes human, but has no idea how really actualize and deal with all these conflicting facts, or that she even should.
All of this shit, along with parents and a social environment that seemingly has no context for these predatory instincts (I'm not sure why she's so different in this respect, but I don't think there's anyone else in story as actively mentally influenced by their Quirks as Toga is, even if it's implied there's others) slowly festered in Toga for years and years, while she tried to act like everyone else, without any understanding of why she was different except the fact that she was failing at it, somehow, until she snapped and fell back on her instincts without any idea of how to properly manage them. In other words, she killed and ate someone. That, of course, fucked her life up and she went on the run, and then spiraled hard on the run until we get to now: a girl with a persecution complex, always blaming everyone else, actively deluded to how things work and what she's doing to herself and others.
Someone who is ultimately pitiable, but still an insane serial killer, for who much of her motivations go back to, 'I don't understand why no one likes it when I drink their blood'.
Here's the thing: Toga A's story is... actually pretty interesting? Also, with a quite a few similarities to Shigaraki, if for radically different reasons.
There's a lot of fucked up in it, honestly, but the thing is Toga A lives in Tokyo Ghoul, basiclly, while everyone else is in MHA, but she has no fellow ghouls to bond with, or to explain shit, but the fact that Tokyo Ghoul was so popular means that, if done well, Toga A's story could just be really fun to read! Here's the problem: while Toga A is the one acting in the story, people are reacting to Toga B.
Now, Toga B is the one most fans are familiar with: an abused girl who just wants to love people. She's attracted to a lot of people, generally on a shallow, surface level way more related to how attractive they are, but there's a handful she's more actively romantically attracted to, (Ochaka, Izuku, maybe Tsuyu). She craved blood, and didn't always handle it well, but a lot of her problems came from her parents who found that very desire monstrous, and basiclly never forgave her for being born. Eventually, she snapped, killed someone on accident, and had to go on the run where, over time, facing more oppression and harsh conditions, she became more comfortable killing people and feeding her desires the only way she knew how.
This... also could be interesting, but the timeline of it is a bit... lacking. That's because Toga B doesn't actually exist, beyond how people react to her, and so her history is in doubt in multiple areas.
There's only Toga A, a serial killer who hunts and kills people because they taste good... but for whatever reason (*cough, cough, Hori making villains simultaneously pure evil and pitable*) people talk to her like she doing completely different things. The fact that she's killed people, quite a few people in fact, is almost never brought up, because Toga B doesn't hunt people, only stalk them (which is still bad, don't get me wrong, but less bad than the hunting) and those rare times when someone we've seen her kill is brought up, it's brushed over as quickly as possible to go back to the narrative of the love starved girl, instead of the blood thirsting one.
Over time, the love starved girl, the one who is effectively a mass hallucination shared by a good deal of the cast, fell into actual romantic love with Izuku, then Ochaka. She formed a sort of... Romeo/Juliet style dynamic with Ochaka based on her attraction to her, and both of them connected with each other through their mutual love with Izuku, and to some extent, each other, (giving all of this dual love triangle and three way energy, all at the same time, and also sometimes Tsu is involved as well, as a sort of attachment to Ochaka) but this feeling could never be explored due to them being on either side of the hero/villain dynamic, cruelly torn apart before they could be together or even meet by the hands of fate and the indifference of the populace, until things came to a head now, as Toga was driven to the edge by the heroes and forced to finally embrace her inner villain, drawing out a heartfelt confession by Uraraka!
I mean... if you ignore what's actually happening, anyways. There was always a problem with this, obviously, but Toga B has so wildly diverged from Toga A that even people who didn't see a problem before are being forced to notice that, hey, something's weird, which itself is exacerbated by both the decline in writing quality and the general rushed to tone of the story overall.
Honestly, my little monologue about 'the love starved girl' is me doing some quite a bit a lot of extrapolating on what their relationship would be if it was actually done 'right', then it is the actual 'facts' we have in story, because until five minutes ago Uchaka wasn't actively... a part of it, at all, it was Toga just basiclly having a conversation with a version of Uraraka in her own head, while Uraraka was just trying to stop her from killing people. The thing is, now, Uraraka is suddenly being changed to also be living in this same story, which makes this whole situation even more awkward, because there was this whole phase of their 'relationship' that, even in the magical mass hallucination land they're all living in now, never happened, and so they're skipping a lot of steps on their relationship while acting like they didn't.
In a side note, in a society where All Might single handedly changed how Japan works, and could probably physically break it, the fact a single person can change the world isn't surprising, it's established fact, because, well, All Might, and also All For One, even if his history of doing just that is less well known. So that reporter in the helicopter might as well be talking about how this crazy stuff scientists have been talking about, rain, which even now is falling from the sky, is wet, and she sounds about as stupid right now as she would if she was saying that instead.
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clonemando · 11 months
Haunted Clone Week
Written for the Day 1 prompt: Dark between the Stars
AO3 version here
Ponds is left abandoned in space after he is shot but that doesn't mean he's dead.
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Ponds wasn’t dead. He should have been seeing as he had been shot in his head and then spaced. But somehow he wasn’t dead. The pain had been intense but then the cold had numbed it until it faded away. The burning of lungs without oxygen had done the same. He knew, logically, that without a pressurized suit he should have imploded or something but instead he just… drifted. Between specs of light he knew were lightyears away. He only felt cold and numb and… empty. 
He had so much he had wanted to do still. He had a letter in his bunk that was unaddressed that still needed to be left on a certain other Commander’s desk. He had a little blue and white stuffed tooka doll that had carefully sewn jaig eyes on its forehead he had wanted to give to Rex. He had a tin of specialty caff he had forgotten to tell his General about that was supposedly both tasty and good for helping headaches. So much was left behind and all he could do was think about how now he’ll never get the chance. 
It could have been minutes or days or years as Ponds drifted through space with his path fueled only by the momentum caused by being forcefully ejected from the ship and the gravitational pull of the nearest stars. He wondered if this was what death was. Was it your consciousness existing in your body even when all life in it was gone? Would he be trapped like this for the millions of years it took for his body to eventually get dragged into a star until he burnt away? Would he keep existing even then? Were stars filled with the souls of all they had devoured all watching without any way to cry out or be seen? 
Another lifetime or just a few more minutes passed. The darkness around him seemed to cradle him like he was in some sort of dark water. It reminded him of being in a bacta tank and then it dug deeper and brought back memories he didn’t know he had of being in a tube floating in a warm thick fluid. It made him think of the first time he swam in one of the many irrigation channels on Kamino that caught rain water and funneled it into basins where the water could be purified into something drinkable for humanoid species. He had always loved the water. Cody had suggested they call him fish or frog but it had been Fox that came up with the name he kept. Ponds. It had been a joke. Something about how he was always calm when the rest of them weren’t and his love of water and something about mud had been brought up but he had liked it. He wanted to be a place his brothers felt at peace and safe. He liked the idea of being a little messy but full of life and surprises. Not as mucky as a swamp, not as grand as a lake. Just a little pond. 
He missed his family. He missed Wolffe’s gruff love and Cody’s warm hugs and Fox’s sharp wit. He missed Bly running his fingers through his hair when he would rest his head on his brother’s thigh while Bly was working on a training module. How long has it been? Did they remember him? Did they cry over him dying? Bly definitely would have cried. Wolffe likely would have needed to punch something until all the feelings went away. Bly didn’t know how Cody would have reacted to the news. At this point so many of them had died, was Cody already numb to losing their brothers? Fox probably was. He had already told them how hard it was on triple zero and how fast they went through troops because the senators wanted them decommissioned any time they messed up. They all supported him the best they could but it was hard being so far away. 
The darkness was growing. Ponds had been staring at the same little speck of light now for ages and it was getting dimmer. There was nothing else to do by this point. He had given up on trying to figure out why he was aware and he had gotten bored of hypotheticals on how his brothers were reacting to things. He had been trying to figure out where he was based on what he could see and what he had known about where they had been headed. He was pretty sure the light he was looking at was near Coruscant or in that same direction… maybe. It was hard to tell. He really was just in empty space. No planets close enough to make out. No stars close enough to be more than a distant dot. He started doing calculations on how long it would take for light from Coruscant to reach where he thought he might be on a galactic map and then subtracting that from the timeline he knew from galactic history to try to figure out when the light he was seeing might have been from. 
Cody had always said he was a nerd. He liked math and equations and filling out data forms. He liked puzzles that could be solved and hard facts that added up nicely. He was proud of his scores in astrophysics. If his numbers were right then he was looking at Coruscant back before the cities were even first built. It would still have oceans at this point. If he could zoom in his eyes to see it in detail instead of just a white flickering dot, he might even be able to see land there. He remembered learning that the Taung had lived there first… those who would create the Mandalorians… would they still have been the primary species? It might have been from even before them. 
A ship suddenly stopped near Ponds from hyperspace and he felt a tractor beam start tugging his body toward a cargo hatch. His mind had stopped processing things ages ago so he couldn’t remember if he knew this ship or not. It felt familiar.
“I have retrieved the body. The boy didn’t lie about the coordinates. It’s covered in… some sort of inky stuff but I’ll clean it before we arrive back at the temple so it can receive a proper funeral.” A familiar voice said as Ponds’ body was dumped on the floor of the hold. Ponds felt the pain returning and groaned, his body starting to spasm causing the being that dragged him from space to jump back in fear. 
Ponds slowly came back to his mind. He was wrapped in cold but it was comfortable. He slowly moved his fingers and relaxed as they moved as he willed them despite now being the same empty black color as the space he had been left in. 
“You’re supposed to be dead! How are you alive?!” A voice filled with terror said and he looked at them with eyes filled with starlight as their blaster shook from where it was pointed at him. 
“I am dead.” He muttered and ignored it as the being shot him twice when he finally stepped forward. He took the blaster and snapped it in half with his hands like it was nothing but a twig. 
He didn’t know what he was now but it wasn’t living and that meant he couldn’t die. Which was good because he had things to do. 
“I already got shot, I’d like to not be shot anymore. Can you take me to my General Mace Windu?” He asked and grinned when the spacer nodded and ran for the cockpit.
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diacripticcomplex · 11 months
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Laito x Yui Smutfic
Laito’s POV:
"I want us to be bound by blood." I say and trace her blood with my finger all on her soft juicy lips. I shove them down her throat to the point she gags and throws up, she throws up my blood. "Laito please..I can't do this..." she told me, her complexion looked quite sickly, vampire blood is toxic after all, did I inform her beforehand? No. If I would have told her she wouldn't have been so bold. I force my dear little bitch every day to prove her undying devotion to me. Today she drank my blood, I made her do it while she was indulging me in oral sex. I train her mouth everyday so she's getting better. I love my precious little bitch. I love making love to her and testing her limits, and I make sure to do so, she doesn't deserve any breaks from me. She threw up some more blood and looked at me, she was all sweaty from both the sex and her not feeling good. Her sweat shined so beautifully, she was glowing, looking at her again I'm getting even more turned on. I think she's going to die, her body and state do not look good. "Perhaps I did drive you to the brink of death this time, my little bitch." I sing it to her, then I grab her by her soft hair and take a blade to her throat. "Laito..what are you..." she began to say but I kissed her, it was a disgusting kiss I could taste my bloody throwup residue on her. I handed the blade to her then pulled away and began trailing light kisses down her nape. "Cut your throat for me my love" I purr to her. She hesitates. Why wasn't she doing it? Does she not love me?
"I'll die..." she whispered out, the look of despair on her face was amazing. I'd take a picture and frame it. "But you'll be mine forever, isn't that what you want too ?" I ask her, "I want to be with you..I want to be alive with you.." she expresses, I don't think she understands me, I'll kill her human soul and make her into an immortal like those Mukami brothers. I cup her cheek and bring her into another kiss, this time locking it in and she was kissing passionately back, she wants me, I can tell by the desire of that kiss. While kissing I take the blade from her hand and stab her thigh, she breaks away from the kiss and lets out a sharp gasp. Her eyes widen as she looks at the blade jabbed into her creamy thigh. She attempts to take it out but I do it before her, I chuckled at her slow attempt, I then lick the blade clean. Her sweet blood should never be wasted. "Please no more.." she said crying, her tears brought me such pleasure. I licked the gashing wound on her thigh, the blood started to not leak anymore so I jabbed my fingers into her wound and it spurted out more and more blood, she was flowing again, it leaked down her leg and inner thigh as well. I made sure to lick it all up, catch every drop of her blood.
I felt drunk off her blood, I didn't want to stop drinking it. Normally I would but I'm going to kill her tonight. She will be reborn into my perfect vampire bride. She gripped my wrist very hard, and screamed no. I know exactly what to do. I took her hand, and licked her fingers, sucking on them gently, then I crawled on top of her. I lifted her legs all the way up to her head and held them before going down on her and slurping her tasty fruit, even if she has mixed feelings about me, her body desires me, she was practically an ocean with how wet she was. She panted out very sinful things. "Yes Laito...I'm your little bitch.~" and "You can have my soul...my soul is yours.." things she would only say to me, because I trained this body and mind. I kept devouring her sweet fruit, she began to grip my hair, she does this always, right before her intense orgasms. But I stop, I don't want her to climax from my tongue right now. I take out my hardened sword and tease her with it, she puts it in her mouth but I pull away, she looks confused, I smirk then turn her around, pushing her face first down on her stomach, gripping her hips tightly, I put it in, using her hips to keep myself balanced during my strokes. She was throwing her butt back to me, fucking me back in the process, it was lovely I taught her so much. Her moans began to get higher so I knew it was climax time, I kept going, but I made sure to yank her hair back bringing her closer to me and exposing her pale throat, once she started leaking like a faucet I took my blade and sliced her throat and she began gurgling on her blood, in a few seconds she fell and died. It was so beautiful, I truly do love this bitch. I hold her humanless body now, and kiss her lips.
"Now you are mine forever, wake up my precious little bitch."
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chirp-a-chirp · 6 months
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Court of Darkness: Devour & Delight
Fandom: Court of Darkness (Couples: Roy X MC, MC named Carla; Sherry X Rio)
Characters: Roy and Sherry Invidia; Rio Voleri; King Klaus; brief references to Toa and Fenn
Description: Roy prepares for his wedding; Rio is newly engaged. MC and Sherry listen in as both events lead to unintended drunken fun.
Description Pt 2: The second part of this fanfic (Roy’s wedding + wedding night) upcoming in future spicer post!
Word Count: ~1350K
Tags: Fluff; humor; crack; innuendos galore; boozy fun; horrible singing; established relationship
“Roy, Fenn said you needed to loosen up!”
“I am perfectly “loose”, as they say, my friend.”
Rio’s jovial laugh booms through the open window. Sherry and Carla sit in the royal gardens within the Invidian Castle courtyard, their table conveniently placed so they can hear their betrotheds from the second-story window. The table is partially obscured by a series of towering rose bushes. It is a few days before Roy’s wedding, with Rio and Roy conversing in Roy’s bedroom. Several unopened wine bottles sit on a nearby desk.
“Mate, you’re as dependable as they come, but so prim and proper. You don’t have to drink if you wish!”
“I would rather congratulate you on your and Sherry’s engagement. Besides, I am the picture of looseness and flexibility when it matters. Carla can attest to this.” While Carla and Sherry cannot see Roy’s face, they can easily envision the subtle smirk he wears.
“Excellent! Thought even you, gallant as you are, might be nervous.”
“My goodness, no. I cannot wait for Carla and I to be joined. It cannot happen soon enough.”
“You’re cozy as ever! Fenn said I might need to loosen up though—get some experience for Sherry’s sake, prior to me getting married. Any idea what he meant?”
There is a deafening silence at THAT question, followed by an embarrassed murmur from Roy Carla desperately wishes she could hear.
“Should we go save my brother?” Sherry’s eyes twinkle as she elegantly eyes a tea-biscuit. She keeps her voice low so Roy and Rio do not discover their location.
“Roy has to learn you’re not just his little sister anymore, but a woman. A newly engaged woman clearly in love.” Carla places her hand on top of Sherry’s. “He’s beyond happy for you and Rio. He’ll adjust.”
“Oh I know that! He’s been endlessly caring and supportive of Rio’s and my courtship. It’s just…”
“The way Rio expresses himself puts certain images in Roy’s head.” As if on queue, Rio and Roy’s voices float from the window.
“Roy, those are beautiful Pegasus figurines. Are they your favorite thing to ride?”
“They were, once upon a time. Now my preferences have changed, thanks to Carla.”
“Aw, do you and Carla ride together?”
“…in a manner of speaking, yes. Quite invigorating.” The mischief in Roy’s tone is readily apparent…except to Rio. Sherry giggles prettily. “That cheeky brother of mine!” Carla’s face transforms to a shade of red matching her tea.
“Do you think Sherry would enjoy riding like you do?” Another silence lingers before Roy chokes out a reply. “Perhaps I DO need wine.”
Carla covers her mouth from bursting out in hysterics. “Serves you right, Roy!” She glances at Sherry, her mouth quirking upwards. “Well? Do you enjoy riding with Rio?”
“Rio is a fast learner. So am I.” Sherry nibbles her biscuit, warmth coloring her cheeks. “Very sweet and tasty. Rio and the biscuit.” The princes continue their conversation.
“What if Sherry asks? Should I…give it to her?”
“I beg your pardon Rio?!”
“Wine. Does Sherry drink wine? If so, I’ll gladly give her a glass later.” Rio gestures to the wine bottles on the desk.
“GIVE ME THE WINE BOTTLE. I DO NOT REQUIRE A GLASS.” Roy looks as if he wants to elegantly chug the entire bottle. He is overjoyed at Rio and his sister entrusting their hearts to one another. However, he does NOT want to envision particular aspects of their relationship. Roy quickly regains his composure and pours himself and Rio a glass each. “My apologies. Do not know what overcame me. She does enjoy the occasional glass.”
“I swear, if it were anyone but Rio, I’d say they were trying to intentionally rile Roy up.” Sherry snickers at Carla’s comment. “But on to more important discussions Sherry—how did Rio propose?!”
Time roles by as Sherry details Rio’s proposal—he baked a cake with a ring inside, with Sherry nearly eating the ring! They talk as the sun sets, drinking tea and eating scones and biscuits. The discussion is so enthralling that neither pays much attention to Rio and Roy until—
🎵 “My lips devour
Our bond empowers
To love and all she brings!” 🎵
“What is that screeching? Are…are there dogs howling nearby?!”
Sherry points to the open window, where Rio is sticking his head out, singing very off-key.
“It appears Rio has had more than a single glass of wine.” Carla smiles despite the ringing to her ears.
“Oh, those are the words of a Saligian love song. One written by an Invidian and a Volerian together long ago!” Sherry steals a glance at her howling prince.
“Ummm…” Carla tries to find something positive to say about Rio’s singing. “He certainly sings with passion!”
“Speaking of passion Carla…” Sherry chortles.
🎵 “Her eyes delight
They’re quite the sight
To love and all she brings!” 🎵
Though hidden from view, Roy’s voice permeates through the air. The sound was…unique. Yes, that’s the word!
“Brother’s singing has all the elegance of a wet cat. You can say it. It’s not a secret, hehe!”
“If it WAS a secret, it certainly isn’t anymore.” Despite the pain to her ears, Carla is happy. She did not envision Roy ever letting his guard down enough to be tipsy in front of another besides her.
“Brother is talented and poised in so many areas. Singing, however, is not one of them. Roy once asked Toa to tutor him in singing in return for teaching Toa how to cultivate roses. Rio decided to learn alongside Roy as a sign of support.”
“And? What happened?”
“After a day, Toa said they had all the talent of drunken frost lizards. And that was an improvement.” As Sherry talks, a lizard crawls up the castle wall and onto Roy’s window. Roy motions tipsily to the lizard.
“Pray tell, I sing better than YOU, dear lizard!”
“That’s right! You tell’em Roy!”
At this juncture, Sherry and Carla decide to make their way in the Castle, following the sound of their intendeds’ slurred singing. The women open Roy’s bedroom door and poke their heads through a crack. A few palace maids discretely place rags in their ears as they pass by.
“You both have BEAUTIFUL singing voices,” Sherry beams. Rio laughs and Roy’s eyes widen.
“Ah, don’t bother lowering your voices,” Carla mock whispers to Sherry. “So this is what lies underneath their princely masks. Such grace!”
Carla expects Roy to become bashful at these teasing words. To her delight, he and Rio continue giddily singing. Roy tries to keep up with Rio, but laughter makes Roy lose his breath.
“Brother, it appears Rio can keep his liquor and song better than you!” Sherry is gleeful at seeing her beloved older brother in this state—drunk but having the time of his life. Roy tries to sing again, but his attempts prove futile as he misses one note after the next, until he is forced to stop all together.
“Sherry, you have to promise you’ll NEVER let Roy forget this!” Tears form in Carla’s eyes from laughing.
Roy nods and grins. “Oh, Sherry will never allow me to forget. But not before…” Roy lets out a roaring crescendo and sings “To love and all she brings!” He suddenly collapses on his bed and mumbles against the sheets. “Rio, invest in soundproof rooms. Believe me, it’s WELL worth it.”
“Oh good grief!” Carla cackles as Rio looks with heat at Sherry and nods seriously…before collapsing on the bed with Roy.
Sherry and Carla leave the room once they’ve ensured there’s plenty of water to drink. As they close the door, Carla wonders aloud where they procured the wine.
“My wine cellar!” King Klaus arrives. “Roy would not have fully enjoyed himself in public, so I suggested this option to Prince Rio.”
Roy lifts his head slightly at these words. He’d congratulate his father on his insight tomorrow—once the room stopped spinning. “Oh Creator,” Roy moans, “this will not be fun in the morning.”
Rio mumbles against a pillow. “Hey Roy—riding adventures can be soundproofed too, right?”
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writingwitharlo · 2 years
Goblin King
a/n: MY VERY FIRST SQUEALING SANTA SUBMISSION!!! got the lovely @gigglyrambles as my giftee and i really hope it brightens up your pre-christmas days - absolutely did not start writing this at like 3am after a night out after procrastinating for the longest time
Prompt: manhandling and biting is really just a sign of affection
(Stranger Things; Steddie)
967 words
It was too early to be awake. The colder winter days were really not making it any easier and even the pale blue hue of dawn was mostly just in invitation to roll over again.
Steve tried to just go back to sleep but there was this dryness in his throat that just wouldn’t let him. For about 15 minutes he tried to just ignore it, swallowing down his saliva again and again until he finally relented. He really shouldn’t have allowed Eddie to talk him into sharing that last joint with him.
Steve huffed and went to stir, feeling slightly cramped in Eddie’s tiny bed, the other’s body pressing him into the trailer wall as he was leeching off of his body warmth. He couldn’t help but grunt softly as he propped himself onto his elbow, going to reach over the other’s body to the nightstand where his designated ‘I heart Indiana’ mug stood - a souvenir from one of Wayne’s many trucking trips. 
The cool water filled his mouth and trickled down his throat, stilling that scratch that had been bothering him for so long, a contented moan escaping without him really realising. As he went to set the cup back down, a dull pain spread through his forearm, a set of poised teeth sinking into his skin.
“Dude!” he yelped, louder than was pleasant in the quiet morning air but not enough to classify as a yell. His arm retracted instinctively, luckily right after being able to set the mug down safely. 
Eddie just grinned once he released the arm from his bite, eyes still closed as if he had never awoken. He must have felt his own breath against his face from Steve’s arm being so close, instinctively just chomping down. 
“You’re a dick,” Steve muttered quietly, rubbing over the soft mark Eddie’s teeth had left, no real malice in his voice. “I’m not even that tasty.” Eddie, eyes still closed, turned his head in the direction of Steve’s voice and let his teeth clack together a couple times, as if biting into thin air.
Steve bit back a chuckle, relieved Eddie couldn’t see the lopsided smile he was failing to hold back and shook his head. “Absolutely not.” He reached over again, placing his hand over Eddie’s mouth and turning his head back into the other direction so he was no longer facing him.
He should have expected not to get out of that maneuver unscathed, a warm, wet tongue brushing up against his palm with zero hesitation. Steve retracted his hand in an instant, nose scrunched up in half-hearted disgust. “You’re gross.”
Eddie simply grinned again, eyes fluttering open as Steve went to wipe the wet palm on Eddie’s tank top. Once again did his teeth snap at Steve’s encroaching hand and once again did Steve try to maneuver Eddie’s head into the opposite direction.
And so they went back and forth until their lazy playfulness turned into full blown grappling and Eddie was practically climbing on top of Steve now. “Come here, Stevie-boy. You’re tasty and delicious and I must devour you.”
Steve was laughing, although he wasn’t sure why. Maybe because it was early and they were both still rather delirious or just simply due to the ridiculousness of the situation. He brought his hands up, first stemming them against Eddie’s chest so he wouldn’t be able to get closer and finally gripping Eddie’s wrists, pulling them out to the sides so he couldn’t use his hands for balance. 
“Alright, goblin king, you’ve had enough.” He swiped Eddie’s hands to the side and managed to flip the other onto his back with a grunt, going to straddle him in defense. “You’re not getting another taste of my delicious tender flesh until I’ve had my own.”
Somewhere between Steve pinning his hands to either side of Eddie’s head and ducking his head down closer to him did Eddie realise what Steve was actually saying. So, his pleas got interrupted by panicked giggles, quickly followed by a surprised shriek as devilish teeth grazed and nipped at the sensitive skin of his neck. 
“Hm, definitely the most tasty meal I’ve had in a long time,” Steve growled playfully into his neck, eliciting some more frantic protests. “Nom, nom, so delicious.”
“Steve! Oh, my god- Okahay! Okay-” Eddie was practically choking on his words, unable to scrunch his shoulders up and with nowhere to run. “You’re the dick!”
Steve gasped softly, pulling back to look down at Eddie with a shocked look on his face. “I can’t believe you would say that. After being your own personal heater for the night?” He tsked, a strand of hair flopping into his face as he shook his head. “Do you have any idea what that’s like for me?”
Steve didn’t wait for Eddie to reply, which was fine since the other seemed to know already that it was a trick question. Pinned hands were released only for Steve to claw at the fully accessible ribcage to his disposal. 
The attack didn’t last long though, despite how tempting it was for Steve to get Eddie howling out his apologies. Instead, he stilled his hands and collapsed onto Eddie with a laugh of his own, not wanting to get Eddie too riled up when there was still a couple hours to kill before having to actually get up.
Eddie’s giggles ebbed away slowly, leaving him with a giddy buzz. Still, he couldn’t help but nuzzle into Steve’s neck, not even bothered how the other was splayed out half on top of him. Their arms instinctively wrapped around the others’ frame and after just a couple adjustments, both of them managed to doze off again - Eddie made sure to get his revenge once they both were slightly more awake.
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spookyspaghettisundae · 11 months
Sing to Me, Leviathan
Ocean waves gleamed in bright red sunlight, a sea of shattered crystals in perpetual ebb and flow. The first sun had already set. This planet’s second sun followed its descent behind the horizon.
A monumental event, inviting two people on a rusty old vessel to watch and wait for dusk’s arrival.
Old woman, young woman, they stood, together alone, upon the windswept deck. Clad in armor both scuffed and polished, worn from excessive use, and ready for yet another dive.
Waves crashed and lapped at the sturdy hull of their huge nautical vehicle. Against the crimson seas and skies around them, these two people looked tiny by comparison. Yet they stood tall and proud and confident against the vast watery infinity around them, impervious to the crushing emptiness above the surface, and the teeming wildlife that lurked in the darkness beneath the waves.
They awaited the sunset, sharp harpoons in hand, attached to chains and powerful winches. The blue paint of their vessel had mixed its vibrant color with the orange of rust. The chains between harpoons and winches, on the other hand were new. Even more polished than their battered sets of armor. Sterling chains, taken fresh from the Swimming City, hundreds of narels away from their current location.
Darkness scarcely draped itself over the endless aquatic realm of this world.
And whenever it did, the Leviathan rose from its depths.
For now, only the crimson orb in the sky reflected off the opaque surfaces of their helmet goggles.
These sunsets were as breathtaking as the dark clouds roiling across the skies in their wake.
A storm was coming. A storm they expected.
A warning. Of rain on the water, and the coming season. Of the living monolith that would rise from the depths.
The young woman burned to finally see the Leviathan with her own eyes, and earn herself a name by carving a scale from the beast’s shell.
The old woman had long earned her name, but cared little about it. She stared into the horizon, feeling that it reflected the dusk of her own life. She bore an exhaustion that no slumber could ever lessen. The lessons of a long life, the lessons of a sea hunter, the lessons of loss; of all those who had been dragged into the undertow, and devoured by the creatures of the dark. She hoped to bring back bounty, but part of her expected this to be the last time she saw the sunset.
She had been lucky every time. That luck, she believed, was about to run dry.
The clouds, inky-black, devoured all light from the crimson sky, and the ocean waves fell dark.
The young woman sensed that strange calm from the older one. The young woman’s vigor and enthusiasm mixed with a growing sense of insecurity.
The longer the older woman stayed quiet, the more it eroded the younger one’s confidence.
“Are you afraid?” asked the younger.
The older woman chewed on that question like it was a tasty morsel. She swallowed it with any pride and pursed her chapped lips before responding.
“Of course. One should always be afraid. Fear is like fire. A terrible master, but a guide in the dark. Like the lighthouses of the Swimming City. You understand?”
The younger woman let those words sink in. She swallowed then, eating away at her confidence and permitting some fear to join it on the surface.
Her armored shoulders sagged and her grip around the harpoon tightened.
“I understand,” she finally replied.
The older woman stood stalwart. She no longer feared death.
The dark clouds rumbled with a deep, growling thunder, and flashed with bright bolts of lightning. Strong winds howled across the vessel’s deck, and first rain began to pelt them. The rain would soon turn to a downpour.
Both women clicked their helmet’s lower sections shut, and slapped the red button on their armor, activating the oxygen supply.
Another flash of lightning illuminated a monolithic shadow beneath the sea—moving, slicing through the water, rising to the surface.
That giant. Leviathan.
As much as the sea made the women’s vessel look small, and they looked smaller yet upon its mighty deck, the Leviathan’s shadow made their ship look like a speck of dust on the ocean.
According to their tales, star travelers could even see its mighty shadow from the blazing skies.
“Remember,” warned the old woman. “It is not your voice you hear in your own mind.”
“I remember,” protested the young woman. “You and others told me so many, many times before.”
“Resist. Resist temptation to join it. The Leviathan summons all, and those who follow its call are lost.”
The young woman nodded. She swallowed again, and twisted the dial on her armor. The song of their ancestors began to play into her helmet, directly into her ears. The best way they knew to fight the voice of the Leviathan in their heads.
No more time for talk.
The older woman mirrored her motion, twisting the dial, and sighing upon hearing their ancestral song.
Lightning flashed again to reveal the shadow, no longer shadow, risen to the surface of the sea. Stormy waves parted, and the ridged titan body of the Leviathan broke through the surface.
They gripped their harpoon-cannons and waited. Braced themselves.
A tidal wave spawned by the Leviathan rolled towards their vessel. A growing wall of water, a dark and rolling thunder of its own, soon towering over them as it neared.
Tiny red lights flashed on deck, encased in metal grids, blinking in visual warning to signal what they could no longer hear over the songs of their ancestors. The klaxons of alarm, of the tidal waves, ready to crash upon them. The colossal wall of water engulfed everything in sight.
The younger hunter gripped her harpoon with all her life and awaited impact.
The vessel’s computer compensated, and the ship sliced through the tidal wave as the song reached its first crescendo. The front guard on the deck shielded them from the brunt of impact. Torrents of incredible force washed over them. Teeming with displaced aquatic life.
The chains attached to their armor and deck held. Tentacled things and fish remained stuck upon the surface of their vessel after the first tidal wave, flopping helplessly as they recovered.
The shadow now towered over them like the tidal wave. Another lightning bolt revealed it to be the living monolith itself. A wall of sharp scales, gleaming in every flash of light, slippering with the slick wet of water.
Close enough now.
Both older and younger woman readied their harpoons and fired. The tools belched jets of steam from their muzzles and the sleek bladed spears shot forth to that shadowy body. Lights flared on, bright green upon their harpoon cannon, signaling contact, and barbs having extended from the harpoons.
In unison, they engaged the cannons to the harnesses on their armor, clicked the release, and slapped each of the big yellow buttons on their belts.
The wheels on their belts whined with rage. The two hunters flew along the chain between winch and harpoon, hurtling towards the Leviathan. Like the vessel had sliced through the tidal wave, they cut through the waves and the gushing foam.
Hitting the side of the beast was like crashing into a wall, dampened by their body armor. It knocked the wind from their lungs.
The old woman’s impact also left her seeing stars, as her luck had run out. She had hit the side of the Leviathan in an unfortunate. She saw sparks flying inside the claustrophobic space of her helmet, and the song of their ancestors fizzled out.
The younger hunter saw how the older one’s helmet had been deformed from the crash.
Through the mayhem of waves and rolling thunder, the younger hunter yelled out to the older one, though the helmet and cacophony of the stormy ocean, all conspiring to swallow her every word. The older woman heard nothing, for her helmet transmitted no more sound.
Out came the elder’s blades, for such opportunities were rare. Out of all the hunting vessels that left the Swimming City to meet the Leviathan on that stormy night, they were the ones. And they needed its scales. To cleave from the Leviathan’s carapace, new shell for the Swimming City.
To the older woman, it was not about names, or honor, or even pride. If not her, then who else?
The Leviathan dove again. The titan sank beneath the waves, and the waves engulfed them as the Leviathan took the two women underwater. The harpoons in its shell rattled, and the chain-link between them and the ship quaked. They had to act fast, before it dragged them too far, and the pull from the vessel broke the harpoons from the shell.
Voices descended upon them. Even through all the noise, and the storm, and the confusion, and then the dive underwater. Whispers first, then a song. A song more enticing than the song of their ancestors.
The younger woman heard it only faintly, muted by the singing in her ears.
The older woman heard the singing, the lure of the depths, but drove her hook-blade into the carapace, commencing their cutting without fail, hacking away with routine and precision.
Yelling would no longer reach her. The younger woman still pleaded with the older one to hit her release button and return to the vessel. But the older woman either no longer heard or, or ignored her altogether.
Even so, she mimicked her mentor and hacked into the shell, cutting at the boat-sized scale.
Torrents of powerful water washed past them, turning every swing of their blade into a monumental struggle. The spiraling torrents of water around the Leviathan’s body swept up schools of fish in their all-devouring stream. Fish flurried all around them in scintillating colors.
Underwater, the Leviathan’s song only intensified, swelling slowly to match the volume of the song in the younger woman’s helmet.
Still, they held on. Armored, clawed gauntlets gripped to support what the harpoons did to hold them in place.
And they swung, defying the power of water, and the Leviathan’s speed. They hacked, and the cut. And cut. And cut.
They almost carved off the scale they were working.
And the shadow dove deeper, past toothy maws of the shark-like hunters in the sea, swept up in the Leviathan’s maelstrom, and swept away by its gigantic body, and the vortex of torrents that it delivered.
The Leviathan’s song eclipsed the song of the ancestors. A beautiful tale, of a city beneath the seas, harbor to secret lights, and a secret people. A song of those who joined the Leviathan in the darkness below, from whence all life once came.
The song, the song, so enticing.
The younger woman struggled to focus, so little it would take to remove the scale completely—just one more cut, and to pull with all her might—but she struggled to make that last stab. Hesitating. She yelled, no longer at the older woman, but at herself, to not listen to the song, and to only listen to the song of their ancestors. Just one more stab, then—
The older one cleaved the penultimate part free, and the force of the torrent pushed the scale off the Leviathan’s body. The heavy blast collided into the younger woman, denting her helmet, and sparks sprayed inside her field of vision now.
The song, louder than before, eclipsed all.
The depths, the depths, swim together to the depths. The shadow, the sweet embrace of shadow, the release all yearned for, right within grasp.
The older woman clawed at her helmet, then the oxygen tube on her armor. The bladed gauntlet sliced and severed its target.
A gushing stream of bubbles shot past the younger woman, who still struggled to make the final stab and cut, that last tangle of sinewy substance upon which the boat-sized Leviathan scale still hung.
Just one more cut, then to hit the buttons, and cause those winches to rewind, and pull them all back in, and—
The older woman sliced it free. She tore her belt apart. Severed from her lifeline to the vessel.
The younger woman screamed at her, and darkness quickly swallowed them both.
But the older woman, she only heard the song, and held onto the Leviathan’s exposed flesh. Her gauntlet’s blades sank into the flesh where she gripped, and held with all her might. To ride the Leviathan all the way down, to see the depths, and to reach that hidden city in the dark.
The younger woman, unable to stop her, screamed more until she had no more voice to scream with.
She resigned herself to their respective fates. Some part of her wanted to join the older woman, to oblivion with her name. The song of their ancestors sounded weak, and feeble, drowning in the song of the Leviathan and its secret city.
But her pride, her will to live, it all won out. She pressed the button on her belt in a torrent of crushing despair. Her neck almost snapped from the sudden yanking motion as the harpoons and the scale and she were all dragged back to the vessel, shooting past the schools of scintillating fish, and tentacles, and brushing past—
She shot onto deck, tumbling with the scale, skidding towards the winches, where alarm lights kept flashing on and off bright red.
The speakers in her helmet fizzled, and warbles warped the song of their ancestors.
As the living shadow gained distance, so did its song grow quieter in the younger woman’s mind.
Despite the storm, and the crashing waves, she ripped off the lower part of her helmet to gasp for fresh air.
She fought to catch her breath in the downpour and waves of saltwater upon deck
All the while, the klaxons blared while the storm remained, and the Leviathan sank deeper.
They had succeeded. Another scale for the Swimming City.
All the while, she wondered.
Was that city in the depths real?
Would she ever see the older woman again?
Sing to me, Leviathan, sang the ancestors. Sing to me that I may yearn but never see.
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mcx7demonbros · 2 years
Taro Soup
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Ft. Klein, the Demon Brothers, Klein’s biological immediate family
C/W. None
Summary. Klein decides to make a dish he’s sure that the Brothers haven’t tasted before.
No proofread
Putting Beel’s banner because it’s food-related.
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“Mom, what’s for dinner tonight?” Paul, Klein’s brother, asked as he and Klein came down to the ground floor of the house.
“Chicken thighs, green beans, and taro soup with pork ribs.” Mary answered. “Wash your hands first before sitting at the table.”
“Yes, Mom.” Both answered as they went to the sink.
After that, the whole family sat at the table, prayed before dining.
“Mom, the dishes you make are the best. Period.” Paul complimented. He had always been the chatter of the two brothers, while his older brothers preferred to keep silence most of the time, lost in his own world.
“Klein, how’s the food?” Mary asked, expecting a similar compliment, yet received no answer. Klein was again lost in his own world, even though his mouth was still chewing the food and his hand, by using a pair of chopsticks, taking the food into his bowl.
“Klein” this time Klein noticed his mother’s call. “Yes, Mom.”
“How’s the food?”
“Delicious, Mom.” Klein answered before asking a question. “Mom, can I learn how to cook taro soup?” The moment Klein said that, his family looked at him like they were looking at some alien, not their son/grandson/older brother.
Mary’s gaze soon turned into like “when I told you to learn cooking, you refused. Now you want to learn this dish for them.” Nevertheless, she nodded. “Cooking is a useful skill. The more dishes you know, the better. I’ll teach you.”
“Yay, thanks Mom.” Klein’s mother didn’t reply, only sighed, while her husband tried to console her.
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“Klein, I smell a fragrant. What’s for dinner?” Beel popped his head into the kitchen.
“Not gonna tell you. It’s a secret.” Klein used two large machine hands to push Beel out of the kitchen.
“Hey Klein, what’s ya cooking?” Mammon popped his head into the kitchen like it was his turn to ask, but what he received was a push from Klein’s two machine hands, like Beel.
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“Here.” Klein put the gigantic bowl of taro soup on the table in the dining room, with the help of two cyborgs in transporting it. “Bon appétit!”
Since it was Klein’s cooking, the Brothers were dying to try it out. Such simps!
“Tasty! Sweet and buttery!” Beel complimented as he devoured all the bulbs in his small bowl in one go.
“I made a lot. So you can savor it.” Klein wiped a piece of taro which had gotten onto Beel’s cheek with his napkin.
“So delicious! I could eat this every day for 5000 years.” Mammon announced loudly.
“No way. I’m sure you will be tired of it if you eat it everyday for that long. And you wouldn’t want to touch it again.” Levi argued.
“I agree with Levi. But it’s true that we haven’t tasted anything like this. What’s the name of this bulb, Klein?” Satan made his opinion known before asking.
“Taro. It’s called taro. It grows in Southeast Asia and some other places in Asia and Africa and Oceanic.” Klein explained.
“You love us so much that you prepared this especially for us, right?” Asmo asked.
“Nothing gets passed Asmo’s attentive eyes.”
“Kya, you’re so lovable, Klein.”
“Why are you so silent, Big Brother? You should contribute something to a family dinner chat.” Belphie smiled at Lucifer.
“The soup is very well-cooked. Good job, Klein!”
“I can’t believe it. You could have said something more emotional, you know?” Other Brothers soon joined Belphie in pointing it out.
“It’s alright. I love Lucifer the way he is.” Klein cut down the complains to defend the eldest. “Plus, his flowery words are only for me to hear.” Lucifer and Klein both gave each other a mutual understanding smile.
“Oh, so romantic.”
“By the way, Belphie. I don’t recall you having contributing anything in the family dinner chat. Contributing first before you demand contribution from others.” Lucifer smirked at Belphie, he wouldn’t let his baby brother escape after he dared to set a trap for his big brother like that.
Klein heard a “tch” from Belphie before the seventh-born answered. “Klein, let’s cuddle after dinner.”
“Wait, I’m his first. I should be the one cuddling with Klein.”
“Not fair. Only the most beautiful demon deserves to be with Klein. And that demon is me.”
Before long, Klein found himself in a cuddle session with all 7 Brothers after dinner.
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Tag. @sparkbeast20 this is another fic about my MC.
Bulb (n). Aside from 💡 meaning. It also means vegetables such as potatoes, taros, onions, etc.
This is Taro soup, at least it’s how it’s made in my country.
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Where I get this pic
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allthingsyouth · 1 year
When you think of a delicious mouth watering dessert what comes to mind? Do you think that "Yes I cannot wait to devour this flavourful meal in my tongue" or "I don't deserve this, it's going to destroy my health"
We can all agree that social media destroyed our entire vision on how we should perceive foods and also our body. First labeling foods as "clean and unhealthy ones" is utter and disgusting to say the least. First of all we should stop labelling foods cause foods are a necessity and it is fuel for our body. You should not have to think of even earning food in the first place. You deserve to eat no matter how many reps of exercise you did today no matter what you already ate. If you're hungry it's your body signalling and telling you that it needs to be recharged. And that little belly pooch you have is completely normal to have that. That's where the food gets stored and gives you the energy to make an impact in this world. Stop forbidding yourself from eating just cause you want to have that "picture perfect" body that society has shoved down your throat and brainwashed you into thinking that you have to be like that otherwise you have no worth. I'll say this in front of your face,
"You deserve all the great things, don't ever deprive yourself from these when it comes in front of you just cause you're scared of the consequences" you sure should be scared of the consequences of things that have a major impact on your life but eating a cookie will not destroy your entire life. Sure a healthy lifestyle is important but you should ditch the mentality of having everything picture perfect from the very beginning. You are human you're meant to have your good and bad days that's what makes life worth living cause it's uncertain and anything can happen at any time.
I'll share my story.
Before covid I also used to have an eating disorder to a certain extent. Everytime I sat down to eat a meal after eating a small amount I had this urge inside of me to throw up all that I ate just to be skinny. Everytime I used to see my favourite food infront of me I used to think "What did I do to deserve this food?" And I know how much it hurts to have that mentality about food and I know the struggle too. You'll go days after days without eating anything that does not "necessarily benefit your health" sure you should eat healthy whole grain foods those are really tasty if you know how to cook then well but what I'm trying to say is that try to keep a balance don't indulge yourself so much in junk foods that you'll forget how to eat healthy foods again and vice versa. Both are necessary. You should eat foods that brings you joy. You should be proud of your stomach for being able to hold so many loveable foods and for keeping itself warm with your favourite foods.
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fluffallamaful · 2 years
You’re a zoology major? I had no idea! That’s so cool.
For dramatic effect, though, I’d say that Sam and Quackity should have no idea what is going on. They rush back to the cell and — from there perspectives — Dream has gone completely fucking insane. When they find him he’s shivering at the bottom of his toilet, and then he explodes outwards and starts attacking them both like a feral animal and drives them off. They get to the other side of the lava and are left struggling to catch their breath with claw marks all over them and even a couple of bites.
Over the next few days they try to coax Dream out a bit in various ways. They build an actual bridge across the lava. They place tasty bits of food along the path out. They even try to lure him out with some sort of toy. But Dream has apparently decided that his cell is his safe haven for some fucking reason (see basically his entire post-“breakout” arc) and has basically formed some sort of trauma bond with his little room that makes him hesitant to leave. Which is. Concerning. For a variety of reasons. Eventually they decide to try and build a baseline of trust with this new…Dream? and this involves them — basically just tossing whatever they think he might like into his new cell. They toss in pillows, and some blankets. Dream shreds the first few, but eventually they start seeing him playing around with them through the security camera. They toss in some food. They toss in a whole slab of meat and Dream ends up devouring the whole thing on the spot, so they decide that maybe they can use food to try and get on his food side? It’s slow going and neither of them have zoology training, and so they’re kinda just throwing whatever they can at the wall to see what sticks.
What I was thinking for the reasoning behind his new state is that, basically, it’s a combination of stress and divine intervention. The time travel thing happened, but getting all that new information at once on top of being in such shit mental/physical condition — it would legit break him, so his mind has to do something to protect itself. Normally this might just result in even worse amnesia than he has in canon, but this time DreamXD — who also prompted the time travel — decided that he’s gonna make things a little easier for him, in his own way. So he basically turns Dream into a feral animal with the idea that he’ll stay as such until his mind’s had time to heal naturally and piece together all this information without driving him mad. This might have physical changes as well: Dream may not have been a hybrid BEFORE, but now he’s got a tail and some claws, and maybe even started sprouting fur. (Bonus: the transformation isn’t done when Sam and Quackity enter the room. They see him growing fur in real time and it freaks them tf out.)
And then Dream lays eggs.
Maybe he actually lays them. Maybe they magically appear. Point is, he now has eggs. Up to this point he’s basically been acting like a cornered animal, but now he has EGGS. And so he’s basically overwhelmed by new instincts regarding having to CARE for these eggs. And this is such a relief to basically the entire prison staff because it means he’s reliably staying in one place and Bad can even come in and clean a bit so long as he doesn’t get too close to the actual nest Dream has built in the corner. And Dream clearly loves his eggs: part of it is instinctual, sure, but that doesn’t mean he loves them any less. These things are the light of his world! He rolls in his nest, purring and nuzzling into his eggs and rolling them against his tummy as he imagines his babies frolicking across his territory, as small as it is. Will they like his nest? He’ll make it as cozy as possible for when they hatch!
But there’s a problem. Dream’s eggs are slugs. They are never going to hatch.
eeeeeeeee i’ve been waiting for the moment that you include XD into your AUs!!! 👀 love that guy!! 😍
and ok so it’s kinda similar to locked-in au in that dream’s body just absolutely crumbles as a result of the time travel — or it would have,, if XD had not alleviated some of the mental stress by magicking dream to let it all out using animalistic mannerisms. epic 🙌🏼
(more belowwww)
one of my favourite tropes that we’ve talked about in your aus is dream forming such a bond with his cell that those surrounding him become concerned and try to coax him away from it. poor dweam 🥺 like idk it’s just so sadddd. he’s scared everywhere and he hates his cell. but it’s more safe than anywhere else he knows ☹️
the hair and tail that he grows!!! it’s like beauty and the beast!! he has to overcome his mental anguish to be set free from his hybrid form!! very cool :0 and very confusing and terrifying for those around him!!
i love the idea of him shredding his pillows at first nawwwww 😭 i’m demanding that the turning point is that one day they throw in a pillow that is particularly softer and squishier than the rest, and also a lovely forest-green with gold seams and a swirly teel pattern to it (ender pearl vibes). not only is it pretty, it’s the most softest thing dream has ever felt. and he spends a surprisingly long time just kneading into it. it calms him. and so they throw in more.
and then yes the eggs appear and he finally gets to relax a little. he’s so content in his pillow nest with his beloved eggs. he stays so close to their sides at all times, and rOLLS them aGAInst his tUMMY my heartttt 😭
only for them to be taken away once he realises that somethings wrong, several weeks/months (depending on incubation time) later :,)
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themurphyzone · 2 years
Pinky Unleashed Ch 7
AN: In which Pinky goes through a lot, Brain is definitely not worried, and Chip eats pizza. 
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Ch 7: The Moon Rises
Brain wasn’t worried about Pinky. 
He was annoyed that it had been Pinky’s idea to go to a pizzeria, annoyed that Pinky had spent the entire taxi ride describing pizza for Chip’s benefit, and annoyed that Pinky had done nothing but talk pizza for the entire afternoon, only to barely touch his four cheese pizza topped with prosciutto once the food was right in front of him. 
Marco had recommended a pizzeria that was en route to their actual destination, so Brain factored in an eighty minute detour for dinner before rescuing the professor from the Microsponge building. 
But Brain was questioning Pinky’s ability to function on this rescue mission. 
He was loyal to a fault, and Brain would never doubt that, but Pinky’s smile wasn’t reaching his eyes. His tail and ears would perk up if Brain was watching him, but would go back down once he thought Brain wasn’t paying attention. Brain had counted four zorts and only a single narf since they’d departed from the university. 
Narf usually came as easily as breathing to Pinky, so for him to not say it nearly as often as he should was…disconcerting. 
But what bothered Brain most was the constant lying and evasive tactics Pinky had used all day to avoid anything related to the topic of that strange, lupine form. 
He knew Pinky wasn't lying to be malicious, he likely just wanted to spare feelings, but it was still disconcerting and Brain was at a loss on how to deal with him. 
I am not worried. I am merely irritated at Pinky for constantly beating around the bush.  
Pinky should've been invested in the soccer (or was it football?) game on the TV, cheering enthusiastically for both teams and forgetting who'd he'd originally been rooting for. Or playing with the stretchy, elastic mozzarella on his pizza slice. Or talking about everything and nothing at the same time and Brain would have to remind him to swallow before he spoke. 
But the only thing Pinky did was nibble lifelessly on a piece of prosciutto while his eyes nervously flickered between the setting sun outside and the clock. 
He'd only eaten half a slice. Granted, it was a fairly large piece for a normal mouse, but Pinky would've devoured his entire share of the pizza by now if he wasn't so despondent. 
With Pinky so down, Brain's own pizza tasted like cardboard, despite the excellent reputation Italian food enjoyed in the culinary world. 
The only one actively enjoying their pizza was Chip, who was constantly making delighted noises every few seconds, his muzzle coated in marinara sauce and cheese. 
"This pizza is really, really tasty, but you know what would make it even better?" Chip asked, oblivious to the tension in the air. When neither Pinky nor Brain responded, he produced a chocolate bar from thin air. "Some of this Belgian milk chocolate! Ta-da!" 
He placed the chocolate bar on top of his pizza and chomped down, but he quickly let go and rushed over to his waterglass to wash the taste out of his mouth. 
"Bleh!" Chip stuck his tongue out in disgust. "Never mind! Pizza and chocolate don't go together at all!" 
Brain was used to Pinky befriending humans, animals, and inanimate objects, but something about Chip was just…strange. Brain wasn't particularly inclined to help an amnesiac mutant chihuahua regain his memory, because the world was in shambles and they needed to save it as soon as possible so Brain could resume his attempts to take over. 
But Pinky had promised to help Chip, and Pinky took his promises seriously. 
Since Pinky's rare scoldings always had a way of making him feel guilty, Brain resolved to put up with Chip's presence in the meantime. 
Despite his chocoholic tendencies and naivety, Chip wasn't exactly bad company. Pinky had certainly tried to befriend worse, like that horrible elementary school girl who was essentially the Lord Voldemort of the animal kingdom. The plan to obtain a tail feather from a rare parrot caged in her bedroom had been horribly ill-advised. 
But Chip didn't seem to have a concept of anything. Even Maurice the Carrot understood more about the world than Chip. 
Was Chip's amnesia truly that severe, or did he genuinely not know that pizza or chocolate existed in the first place? 
It was something to ponder later, if Chip was still planning to stick around. 
Right now, Chip was just a tag-along who happened to know Pinky. 
But Brain couldn't concern himself with that at the moment.
Not when his world was in such disarray. 
"Do me a favor, Chip," Brain said. Chip abruptly pulled his head out of his drink, his fur soaking wet. Once Brain had his attention, he pointed to the cashier, who was busy taking orders from a rush of customers that had come in for dinner. "Stand in line and ask for a to-go box." 
Chip tilted his head. "A…to-go box?"
"So that we can pack up the leftover pizza and take it with us," Brain replied. 
Besides, gaining access to the building would be easy when all they had to do was pretend to be pizza deliverymen. 
"Oh, I get it now! The pizza is so delicious that we have to save some of it for tomorrow!" Chip exclaimed. “Okay, I’ll be right back!” 
He flew off and got in line behind a young couple. Now that he was out of earshot, Brain estimated that he’d have ten minutes to discuss his concerns with Pinky uninterrupted.
Pinky curled up, knees drawn to his chest and eyes squeezed shut. His entire body trembled from head to toe. 
“So…how was the pizza?” Brain asked awkwardly, kicking himself for starting with such a lame opening. 
“...f-fine,” Pinky whispered, his voice barely audible. “It was fine. I’m fine, Brain. Don’t worry about me. Zort.” 
Brain carefully placed a hand on Pinky’s back, trying to ignore how the texture of his fur seemed…off. The snowy fur on Pinky’s shoulders darkened into coal-gray, and Brain wanted to believe it was a trick of the fading light. 
The sun dipped low over the horizon, its top barely visible over the Roman hills. The last of its rays would be gone very, very soon.  
But instead of leaning into his touch, Pinky flinched away from it and buried his face into his swollen arms. The nails on his hands and feet were becoming darker, thicker, and sharper with every passing second. 
“You said zort. You’re lying, Pinky,” Brain said, and he wanted to be angry at the constant evasiveness and fabrications, but instead he just felt…well, he wasn’t sure what he felt now. Sorrow? Fear? He didn’t know. 
He reached for Pinky’s muzzle so that Pinky would have no choice but to hear him out, but his arms couldn’t reach Pinky’s face. He was taller than Chip now, and there was more growth yet to come. 
Brain’s ears lowered at the mixtures of whimpers, sobs, and growls coming from Pinky. He tried to block them out as best as he could. 
“You’ve been avoiding my questions ever since we reunited!” Brain shouted with all the force he could muster. “I want answers now, Pinky! Why can’t you just tell me what’s going on?” 
Pinky’s shadow fell over him, a wall of darkness looming above as glowing blue eyes fixated right on Brain.
His voice was deep and distorted, and Brain could only watch as Pinky’s voice devolved into lupine howls, his sharp fangs on full display. 
But I didn’t know it was you! 
Brain wanted to scream that he never would’ve said such a thing if he’d known it was Pinky, but his words were trapped in his throat as Pinky’s transformation accelerated, the horrific growls and cries mixing with the shouts of the humans. They rushed out the door, hid in the bathroom, or piled themselves as far away as they possibly could, screaming in wide-eyed terror as Pinky thrashed and writhed in pain as his muscles stretched and contorted, the agonized noises searing themselves into Brain’s mind. 
Pinky’s lashing tail struck the glasses and plates on their table, and they crashed to the floor. Brain narrowly avoided the same fate as the broken objects. 
“Pinky!” Chip cried. “Are you okay? I’m sorry I wasn’t able to get the to-go box yet-” 
Another terrified howl cut him off. 
Pinky was hunched over on all fours, the table wobbling under his new weight. His breaths were ragged and heavy. 
He looked up, pointed ears pinned back as he whined softly. 
His glowing blue eyes met Brain's. Brain tried to reach out, but Pinky turned his back on everyone and faced the window, his cries becoming louder as he saw his own reflection. 
And his clawed fist struck the window. 
Brain dove onto the seat to avoid the shards of broken glass raining everywhere as the window shattered. Screams filled his ears as people pulled each other away from the glass. Sirens screeched in the distance. 
There was a giant, jagged hole where the window used to be. 
And Pinky was gone.  
Of all the times for that idiot to run off, why did it have to be in the middle of a crisis?
At least Pinky befriended someone with wings this time. Chip was no peregrine falcon, but thanks to his wings, they were able to cover a larger distance than Brain could've managed on foot.
Brain rode on Chip's back. He tugged sharply on Chip's left ear when he spotted a plume of smoke in the distance. 
Chip veered left, carefully clutching the pizza box in his hands. There was a single slice within the box, the only part of the meal that had been salvageable. Everything else had either been dropped on the floor or covered in tiny glass shards when Pinky broke the window. 
Brain had hoped to entice Pinky to come back with food, but so far, they had no luck. 
Pinky had evaded them for half an hour. He was nigh impossible to see directly from the air, his dark fur camouflaging him perfectly against the shadows, and only a flash of his blue eyes and large silhouette were visible. But he would be gone before they could blink. 
They were relying more on their hearing than sight, listening for any lupine howls or sounds of panic that might've come from frightened witnesses. 
And they needed to find Pinky before those strange, awful monsters from last night did. 
"Is this normal for him?" Chip asked when the plume of smoke only turned out to be emission from a riverboat sailing along the Tiber. 
"Running away when he's upset?" Brain growled. His grip tightened around Chip's ears. "That's not new for him." 
Chip winced. "Ow ow ow…" 
Brain released his grip, and Chip shook out his ears. 
"No, I meant turning into…whatever he is right now," Chip said. 
Brain didn't want to give so much information to a stranger, so he chose his next words carefully. 
"He's always been a mouse. He wasn't a werewolf before. He only started transforming when…when the world broke apart." 
The realization struck him like lightning. 
It's been three nights since the world was destroyed. I've seen Pinky's werewolf form on the second and third night. And that first night, I didn't see him transform, but…I heard him. And I couldn't do anything. 
The whimpers and howls had seemed oddly familiar that fateful night, and now Brain understood why. 
He hadn't heard a monster or a predator at all. 
Instead, he'd listened to Pinky's torture at the hands of Snowball. 
If he hadn't been frozen in place like a coward, then he could've stopped Snowball and saved Pinky from that brutal experience and the world from destruction! 
You sure about that? a grating, screechy voice cackled. Even if you were on time, do you honestly believe you could've prevented such terrible fates? Seems more likely that you'd just fail miserably, like always! 
Brain pressed a hand to his forehead, his panic only increasing from here. That voice wasn't his own. 
He was hearing those horrible creatures again. 
“Brain, are you okay up there?” Chip asked. 
But Brain dismissed his concern. He could tune out those awful whispers on his own. 
“Just another migraine,” Brain lied. “Let’s focus on finding Pinky.” 
They were quickly approaching the rich side of town, with all its picturesque villas and marble structures. And towering above all the ancient structures was a sleek, steel building with a large neon M on its front. 
The Microsponge building wouldn’t have been out of place in a modern American city, but Brain could understand why it would be considered an eyesore in Rome.
It didn’t fit into the landscape at all. 
“We aren’t too far from Microsponge,” Brain said. “Change to a ground approach so nobody will spot us from the air.”
Though he also wanted to delay their mission at Microsponge because of Pinky’s absence, he didn’t dare voice that part out loud.   
Chip landed on an empty street, directly underneath one of the streetlamps. Brain climbed off Chip’s back and surveyed their surroundings. 
The road leading up to Microsponge was covered in streetlamps, which suited Brain just fine. They were more vulnerable to the monsters on the ground, though he knew for a fact that the air wasn’t safe either. But the abundance of light, however dim, would serve as a deterrent as long as they didn’t stray from the road. 
“Stick closely to the street and don’t wander off,” Brain warned Chip as they began their trek to Microsponge. “There are monsters lying in wait out there, but they’re repulsed by light sources, so we’ll be safer as long as we stay on this path.”
Brain lost track of time as they continued down the road. Chip continued to carry the pizza box, occasionally calling out Pinky’s name, his ears perking up at every rustle of the bushes that lined the street, only to be disappointed when it was just the wind. 
But the silence became too much for Brain. Without Pinky, the world was just dull, lifeless, and silent. 
Maybe he should make conversation? He wasn’t good at small talk, but it was better than listening to crickets chirp in the distance. 
“So Chip…how exactly did you meet Pinky?” Brain asked. Though he was mostly asking so he didn’t have to deal with complete silence, Pinky had rushed through his explanation so quickly that Brain hadn’t been able to glean much from it. 
Perhaps he was a little curious.
“I was dreaming and Pinky startled me awake,” Chip replied. That sounded about right for Pinky. Brain lost track of how many times Pinky had snuck up on him when he was deep in thought. “I thought he was a big scary monster who was gonna eat me at first, and I hid behind a rock. But then he started making all these sad noises, and I realized he was more sad than scary. He just seemed lost.” 
“So you met him when he was…transformed?” Brain asked. 
It wasn’t often that he chose his words carefully, but he just couldn’t attribute the word ‘monster’ to Pinky. 
Pinky was many things, but a monster had never been one of them. 
Chip nodded. “Yeah, he couldn’t talk either, not until the sun rose. But he was missing you a lot.” 
Every time they’d been separated and reunited in the past, he observed that Pinky was clingier than usual, always fussing over the state of Brain’s fur or trying to pull him away from his work to see if oregano or coriander worked better with a brand new, homemade, contained a secret ingredient passed down from his great-great-great-great grandmother’s food pellet recipe. 
Brain didn't dwell on how he'd keep one ear pointed in Pinky's direction at all times, just so he could do damage control if needed and not because he absolutely needed to make sure Pinky was there. 
"He was really nice once we cleared up the misunderstanding," Chip admitted with a smile. "Then day came, he was a mouse again, and we got chocolate chip sundae supremes together. I'm really glad he introduced me to the wonders of chocolate, cause I have no idea how I managed without it before. And he gave me a name too, since I can't remember my old one." 
For Pinky, Chip was a surprisingly normal name.
At least it wasn't something ridiculous like Chartreuse or Asparagus. 
"Pinky's really done a lot for me," Chip said, and Brain couldn't refute that statement when he could say the exact same thing in his head, though not out loud. "I mean, I didn't know anybody, and everything is brand new to me. But Pinky let me come with him when I didn't have anywhere else to go." 
Brain's ears lowered. That sounded like Pinky alright. 
Always befriending people, animals, inanimate objects, amnesiac mutant chihuahuas…. 
He didn't have Pinky's charm or charisma when it came to social interaction. 
But he could understand why Chip wanted to be around Pinky. 
In this broken world, Pinky’s optimism was crucial. But with all he’d been through in the past few nights, Brain could only hope that Pinky’s positivity would last. 
“Foolish as he can be most of the time, you’ll find that Pinky can befriend almost anything,” Brain replied. “It’s an…admirable trait.” 
Even a common lab mouse who constantly failed to take over the world.
“But if Pinky knows what’s good for him, he needs to stop running off when we have a rescue mission in enemy territory,” Brain grumbled. “His assistance is absolutely necessary.”  
And I won’t have to confront Snowball alone if we run into him, Brain didn’t add. 
They never lost sight of the Microsponge building as they continued down the road. There weren’t any bends or twists to confuse them, so it was simply a straight path to the building.
But every rustle of the bushes around them made Brain uneasy. As much as he wanted those noises to be Pinky, he knew that imbecilic mouse wouldn’t know subtlety if it slapped him on the head. 
Chip’s ears twitched as he hugged the pizza box to his chest. “Brain, did you say something?” he shivered, jumping at the sound of a loud crack. 
Just a branch. No need for alarm, Brain forced himself to believe it was just a branch that had fallen off a tree. 
Everything sounded louder at night, when it was dark out and imaginations ran wild. 
“I haven’t,” Brain said, carefully controlling his tone so he didn’t give away his own fear. “Quit fretting, Chip. We’re almost at our destination, and we can’t lose ourselves to panic now.” 
“O-okay, I’ll try.” But Chip’s entire body quaked like a leaf in the wind. He put a hand to his forehead, the pizza box dropping to the ground with a solid thud. “N-no, I can’t. Pinky told me not to…” 
Alarmed by the frightened look in Chip’s eyes and sudden statement, Brain yanked him down to eye level and shook him to snap him out of whatever haze he was in. 
“For the last time, I didn’t say anything! Pinky told you not to what?” Brain demanded. 
“Not to…not to give up on my memories,” Chip stammered, and Brain released him in shock. Chip overbalanced and fell onto his stomach, his wings fluttering weakly. 
With shaking arms, Chip pushed himself into a sitting position. 
"Chip, did you hear something telling you to give up?" A chill ran up Brain's spine, and even his logical mind was overwhelmed with panic. 
Weakly, Chip nodded. 
Something was stalking them. It wouldn't be deterred by the dim light of the streetlamps for long. 
Brain quickly grabbed fistfuls of Chip's fur, taking position on his back. "Get into the air. Now." 
Chip's wings beat rapidly, but he couldn't generate enough lift to get off the ground. 
You can't escape the night, a voice hissed. Our Master will always find you in the end. 
"Hurry!" Brain snapped, unable to contain his panic any longer. 
He didn't know where those voices were coming from, nor did he care enough to find out. 
"I can't!" Chip wailed. "I can't fly! I can't do anything!" 
He dropped to his knees, and Brain tumbled off his back, landing heavily on the ground. 
Brain heard a harsh, raspy cackle as he laid on the ground, unable to find the strength to get up and fight. 
The bushes rustled. A large, purple rat slunk out from the leaves, its grating, squeaky laugh assaulting Brain's ears. Its eyes were red and beady, its sharp incisors parted in a vicious, gleeful grin. A dark, foreboding aura radiated off its skin, its claws crunching the leaves as it loomed over Brain and Chip. 
Its front legs lashed out and pinned them to the ground, its ugly incisors inches away from Brain's face. 
Give up. Sleep now, it rasped, and Brain's heart thudded out of his chest at the too-familiar phrase. 
It was something he'd heard far too often last night. 
Chip's struggles were growing weaker, his breathing rapid and shallow as panic completely set in. 
"Pin…ky…" Brain choked as he struggled for breath, the rat's claws digging into his throat. 
Your friend abandoned you! the rat cackled. How delightful! 
Rage coursed through Brain's body at such a ludicrous claim, and with a sudden burst of strength, he slammed his feet into the rat’s belly.
But the rat only cackled and tightened its grip as Brain pummeled what should’ve been its vulnerable point. Brain kicked, punched, scratched, and bit every part of the rat’s body he could reach, but the rat refused to release them. 
None of Brain’s attacks were working on the rat, and his kicks quickly became weak and desperate as he gasped for breath. 
I am a servant of the most powerful entity in the world. And you’re just a weak little mouse, the rat hissed. Resist all you want, but our Master will always stand triumphant in the end. 
Weak. The word stabbed him like a knife in the back. 
And the despair he’d felt last night returned in full force. 
The world was destroyed. He would never reign over it. 
Standing up to Snowball, or whoever controlled the monsters at night, was impossible. 
And worst of all, Brain had called Pinky a monster to his face, and now he was gone. He would never get a chance to apologize, or try to figure out a cure so Pinky would never have to go through that agonizing transformation again. 
Pinky had reignited the hope he had at saving the world, but all of that vanished once he’d run away.
The rat slowly leaned closer, savoring every moment of their terror. 
Its sharp, deformed incisors drew closer to his face…
…and the rat screeched in agony as a shadowy force violently ripped it away from him and Chip. 
Harsh, earsplitting squeals and furious snarls filled the air as Brain rolled onto his stomach. Chip’s entire body quivered as he huddled against Brain’s side. 
Brain only made a single half-hearted attempt to shove him away, unable to take his eyes off the raging battle before him. 
The rat screeched and leapt towards a pitch-black figure, who reared up and batted the rat away with a swing of its powerful paw, its vicious claws flashing in the moonlight. The rat fell to the ground with a heavy thud, and a giant paw crushed it into the asphalt. 
With a final, defiant squeal, the rat dissolved into purple mist and sank into the ground, leaving no trace of its existence behind.
Brain stared at the creature’s paw, his gaze moving up to its gleaming fangs on full display. Its body was completely dark, and Brain could only make out its silhouette, its bared fangs, and glowing, blank white eyes against the moonlight.  
There were no pupils, only a blank slate of emotionless white that bored right through Brain. 
And Brain felt that familiar tug in his chest, the one that told him who exactly this creature was. 
"Pinky…" he whispered. 
He didn't know whether to be relieved that he came back, angry that he ran off in the first place, or afraid of that blank stare and pensive growl emanating from his throat. 
"P-pinky, you recognize us, right?" Chip quivered. "We're your friends!" 
Pinky had dispatched the rat with brutal efficiency, a combination that Brain had never associated with Pinky before. 
While Brain appreciated that Pinky had come through, that strange shadowy appearance unsettled him in ways he refused to think about. 
The initial danger was over. Brain didn't want to dwell on that one-sided fight, but focus on their objective of rescuing the professor now. 
Despite his attempts to regain control and reason, he couldn't help but flinch at the gleaming claws poised inches above his head. 
And he heard a sad whine, which thwarted his logical side once more. 
Pinky's tufted ears drooped, the blank white stare fading as that familiar, bright sky-blue took its place. The pitch-black aura disappeared, leaving dark gray fur behind. 
Pinky stumbled as he stepped back, his paw no longer above their heads. Then he wobbled over to the nearby strip of grass, flopping onto his belly and pressing his paws to his forehead. Whether it was out of shame or he simply had a headache, Brain wasn’t sure. 
But the pitiful sight was enough to compel him to sit next to Pinky, at a distance that wasn’t too close yet not far either. 
“Don’t ever run off like that again, Pinky,” Brain scolded, because it was easier to be stern than revealing his unease about that dangerous aura that had taken over his friend. “You could’ve gotten into a lot of trouble out there from either the humans or monsters.” 
Pinky recoiled at the word ‘monsters’, and his whimper only became more pitiful. He refused to move his paws away from his eyes. Brain sighed and rubbed the back of his neck, berating himself for not choosing his words more carefully. 
“I was…referring to creatures like that rat who attacked us,” Brain admitted, drawing his knees up to his chest. “Not you. Never you. I…I apologize for what I said last night…” 
He buried his head, wishing he could take back his panicked, hasty response to seeing Pinky for the first time. He should’ve recognized him right away! But his mind had been too addled by recent events, he couldn’t think straight, he should’ve known something was up when Pinky had taken a slow approach instead of attacking him like everything else- 
Something brushed against Brain’s cheek, and when he looked up, he saw Pinky watching him with that unusually bright gaze of his. His expression was soft and reassuring, while his claws were tucked close to his body. 
The tip of Pinky’s long tail pressed against Brain’s cheek, strong but gentle. This was Pinky’s way of apologizing for running off, forgiving him for the monster comment, and giving him the assurance he craved with the world in such a chaotic state right now. Leave it to Pinky to use such an unorthodox method to comfort him.  
Then his tailtip wiggled in Brain’s grasp, slipping under Brain’s nose and tickling him until he sneezed. Pinky’s laughter came out in a series of short puffs through his nose as Brain recovered from his unexpected sneeze. He pushed Pinky’s tail away and folded his arms. 
“Very amusing,” Brain grumbled, which only increased the speed of Pinky’s laughter. 
Pinky’s personality hadn’t changed at all. Brain was relieved by that. 
“Gah! Pinky, I almost forgot! We were saving the last slice of pizza for you!” Chip shouted as he flew the pizza box over to Pinky, revealing the only slice of four cheese and prosciutto pizza that hadn’t fallen on the floor or been covered with glass shards when Pinky had transformed in the restaurant. “Hope you don’t mind if it might be a little cold, or that I ate one of the slices of prosciutto when Brain wasn’t looking. But anyways, I’m really, really, really, really happy you’re back!” 
Chip threw himself around Pinky’s neck and nuzzled into the thick fur as Pinky pushed himself into a sitting position. He stared at the slice of pizza, then his gaze traveled to Brain and Chip. 
And Brain knew exactly what was going in that head of his. 
Letting Pinky have the last slice of pizza wasn’t much, but handling a cranky, hungry werewolf Pinky in Snowball’s territory was not something Brain wanted to deal with.  
“Chip and I have eaten our fill,” Brain said. “But you need sustenance before you can participate in this rescue mission, Pinky.” 
With their encouragement, Pinky ate the pizza slice in just two bites. His sharp fangs easily ripped it apart, and he swallowed more than he chewed. 
But carting around that pizza box was worth the satisfied swipe of Pinky’s tongue across his mouth, the delight in his eyes, and the wag of his tail. 
Now that the emotional turmoil had settled for now and Pinky’s hunger was laid to rest, they could properly focus on infiltrating Microsponge. 
And Brain could finally get answers on the current crisis, the strange monsters that only appeared at night, and most importantly, curing Pinky’s condition so that he’d never have to suffer that agonizing transformation ever again.
End AN: Sorry you couldn’t enjoy your pizza properly, Pinky. 
Brief mention of Elmyra in this chapter, but in this auverse they only had to deal with her during one plan which went awry and PEatB never happened. 
I wanted Brain to get a little one on one interaction with Chip. They don’t really have anything in common, but they both deeply care about Pinky and are worried about him. 
In true PatB fanfic tradition, Pinky doesn’t like rats lol. 
In my opinion, the best werewolves should be cuddly and friendly with the ones they care about and become dangerous and feral when said loved ones are in danger. I don’t buy into that ‘dangerous all the time’ BS. 
More on Pinky’s feral side later. You ain’t seen the last of him yet. 
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