#but for the rest of the movies I'll be typing it out as I watch
Hii! First off, I LOVE your writing.
Secondly, what if during a movie night w/the demon brothers, (bc I am convinced they have them...) they (unknowingly) pick a movie that stars MC. What would each of their reactions be? Could you also do one with the undateables too?
Thx for reading! <3
Heyyyy I wrote your request as a group story because it's thought it's easier than writing for each brother individually. As for the other guys there will be a part two coming soon. Enjoy!
Summary: The brothers and MC are having a movie night and they find out that MC is one of the actors in it.
You can find more of my work here: Masterlist
The brothers' reactions to MC being an actor in a movie
It was a peaceful night in the Devildom. There weren't many hardships during the day and all the brothers were pretty energetic. The eldest wasn't preoccupied with too much work so he was planning on spending the night with a glass of demonus and the sound of record playing in the background while relaxing on the comfortable sofa in his study. All of a sudden though MC along with the rest of the brothers burst through the door of the study just as he was choosing the perfect record for the night. Lucifer shot them a look of tiredness and question before crossing his arms at his chest.
Mammon: Yo, Lucifer! Ya in mood for a movie night? We haven't had those in a while. Whatcha say?
Asmo: Yep <3. I just looove watching a movie while cuddling with someone. Can I pleaseeee cuddle you, Lucifer?
Satan: Guys why don't we just watch it ourselves? Why do we need Lucifer there?
Beel while nibbling on some food: Because... Num.. num num.. we're.. num.. num.. a family, Satan.
Satan rolled his eyes and leaned on the wall behind him.
Satan: Whatever.
Lucifer: Hm.. a movie night you say? We certainly haven't had those in a while... But...
Upon hearing the word "But" MC looked up at the eldest with the most pleading puppy eyes they could manage.
MC: Come ooon, Lucifeeerrr. Pleaseee?
Asmo along with MC: Please~?
Lucifer sighing: Fine, I'll come. But Asmo, my cuddles are reserved for MC. So I'd appreciate it if you keep your distance.
Everyone are sitting in the living room, in front of the TV. Satan is passing through the list of movies the brothers have stored in "to watch"
Satan: How about this one? It's a murder documentary.
Asmo shot Satan with an "are you serious?" look before tilting his head to the side and putting a hand over his eyes dramatically.
Asmo: Are you insane, Satan? Please get this out of my sight!! The image of.. blood alone gives me the chills...
Levi: As far as I know you are the only one in the house that enjoys watching this type of thing, Satan.
Satan: That's not true! MC watches them with me all the time.
Belphie: Do they enjoy it though? Or are they doing it out of politeness?
Lucifer: Or perhaps they pity him for watching the documentaries alone so they decide to tag along.
Satan: Lucifer, shut up. I'm not pitiful unlike a certain someone with their classical music obsession.
Lucifer's eyes darken and his gaze pierced through the back of Satan's head.
Lucifer: Satan.
MC gently pokes Lucifer's bicep, signaling him to calm down.
MC: Guys, let's not fight. It's a family movie night!
Beel: Yeah. MC is right.
Mammon pointing at the screen: How 'bout that one? It's some kind of fantasy and horror mix or somethin'. Sounds great to me!
Satan: Yeah. That's not a bad choice either. Should we watch this?
Levi: Yeah. Looks good.
Mammon: Yo Asmo! Ya ain't squeamish about this as well are ya?
Asmo: Well this one doesn't look as bad as the murder documentary. Let's give it a go.
Satan clicks the play button and sits back on the couch. Though what he doesn't expect is to feel someone snuggling against him. He looks down and his eyes widen upon seeing Asmo getting comfortable on his older brother's chest.
Satan: Asmodeus! I never allowed you to snuggle against me!
Asmo: Awwhh come ooonn, Saaataaannn!! What's a movie night without cuddles???
Despite Asmo's winning Satan pushed him away and looked back at the screen.
Asmo: Ugh, Satan! You're so bad! MC, sweetheart, be a doll and come cuddle with me.
Mammon: Don't even think about it, Asmo! MC is sitting with ME right now. It's not your turn yet!
Everybody continue talking until one specific scene gets on the screen and silences the brothers.They are left in a mix of shock and confusion which was clearly visible on their faces.
Mammon: Wait.. That can't be..
Belphie: But it does look like them..
Levi: Could it perhaps be them..?
MC furrows their brows and looks at the brothers with a questioning look.
MC: Guys, what's up? You went silent all of a sudden... Is something the matter..?
All of the brothers take a look at MC before looking back at the screen.
Lucifer: MC, is that... You?
MC looks at the TV and smiles upon seeing themselves on the screen.
MC: Oh yeah! I'm one of the actors in the movie! I completely forgot. Cool isn't it?
Mammon: Wait WHAT?
Satan: MC, you are one of the.. actors? You're starting in this movie?
MC: Yeah?
Levi: What do you mean "Yeah?" This is a serious matter!
Asmo: MC dear, you never told us that you're an actor...
MC: Is it that important that you have to know?
Belphie: Yeah!
Beel: Yes, MC
MC: ...?
Lucifer sighs and punches the bridge of his nose before speaking.
Lucifer: MC, they're just overreacting. This is a matter to be proud of. I've personally heard many good things about this movie.
Mammon: Overreactin'?! Whatcha mean?!?! We ain't overreactin'!!!
Asmo: Yeah this seems pretty important to me! Like I'm sooo into it!! MC, dear, tell me more! Tell me what make up they use, how they styled your hair because it looks fabulous!
Satan: Yes, MC how does it feel to perform on stage in front of a camera?
Levi: Is it hard? Do you get stage fright or camera fright or something? I would honestly prefer to die rather than perform on stage! How do you do it?
MC: Well..
Belphie: Do they let you take naps in between shootings? If it were me I would fall asleep on stage if they didn't let me nap..
Beel: Do they give nice food? Is it free by any chance? How did it taste like.. Mmm my stomach is already growling...
Mammon: How much did they pay ya?! It better be a nice, big amount B'cuz it would be insultin' to not pay ya enough?
MC: Well, first of all..
Lucifer sighing: MC, you don't have to answer all of their stupid questions if you don't feel like it..
MC: No it's fine...
And so MC proceeds to explain everything to the brothers, answering each question they shoot their way with a wide smile on their face. The brothers seem in awe that MC was staring in the said movie. Some of them were proud and others were simply shocked and extremely interested.
After the bunch of questions from the seven brothers the family finally manages to watch the movie. At times someone would point out MC's acting skills or a scene that looked cool.
Sometimes the brothers would brag about MC and their acting potion in said movie since it was well known. And when they had movie nights they'd sometimes watch other movies MC starred in.
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Watching Oscar Isaac Movies: Triple Frontier
I wanted to watch a bunch of the movies Oscar Isaac is in because I love him and nobody is around to stop me. And I'm taking you all along for the ride. Lemme know if there's a movie with him you want me to watch
Oh my god Oscar speaking Spanish is--mmmm is it hot in here???
Ayyy it's Pedro Pascal! I don't know a lot about him but I know him and Oscar are friends haha
Holy shit this guy's house is literally made of money
Where are they getting all these duffel bags
oh shit he ded
Guys just leave some of the money man idk how to tell you this but that is more than you're ever going to be able to spend in your lives
"she'll make it" SUBTLE foreshadowing there mhm
How does one fall asleep on the loudest vehicle in existence
Why didn't they just dump off more money.
"hi sorry I know you're all very poor and would benefit greatly from money just dropping out of the sky but that Ours Actually, yeah we killed people for it"
This guy is fuckin insane, first he makes them take more money resulting in more people dying and now he just fuckin shot up these villagers. Yeah no I've lost any and all sympathy for this guy lol
"sorry we destroyed a bunch of your crops, shot up a few of your people, and took your mules, have half of one of the FIFTY FUCKING DUFFEL BAGS OF MONEY WE HAVE"
Again where the fuck did they get all those duffel bags
Be free, mules
Love the lack of like. Survival problems going on lol. Are they out of food? Who knows, never seen em eating onscreen. Water? Nah they're probably fine. One of these guys got shot like a day ago and he's just like. Fine. Altitude sickness? Never heard of her. Is it cold? Yeah but it's fine CUZ WE'RE JUST GONNA BURN MONEY NOW THAT'S FINE
Oh shit they're gettin shot at now
Good on that kid for getting revenge. I feel zero sadness over this guy's death. Sucks for his kid but oh well
Oh are we just. Over the mountains now. You're telling me it only took them 5 days to climb up and over these mountains
"what if we went at night" "nah we'd never make it" WHAT DOES THAT MEAN. WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU'D NEVER MAKE IT. JUST GET A CAR.
Oh NOW you find a car
Car chase car chase
5 million isn't bad, now if yall had just grabbed that much in the first place instead of 6000 FUCKIN POUNDS none of this would've happened
okay movie over and let me say #1 Pope did nothing wrong ever in his life. Everything that went wrong was Dead Guy's fault (I don't know any of their names except Santiago lol). #2 Yes I'm woobifying Pope slightly but literally the guy just wanted to make sure his friends would have enough money to get the life they wanted. Dead Guy just made everything worse at every turn. #3 no I am not taking criticism at this time
Anyway overall? Meh movie. Oscar was good, everyone else performed well too. Not a very satisfying plot or anything, didn't do anything new or interesting. Really wish we got to know more about Pope's backstory? I like his strong sense of justice, I wish I knew where it came from
Also wish I knew where all those FUCKIN DUFFEL BAGS CAME FROM
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buckyalpine · 11 months
Hello Shay ! I’ve been loving the civilian!reader fics, and I had an idea for a fic like that, but with a twist 🫣 reader is bucky’s sweet civilian gf, literal definition of sunshine, basically a lover, not a fighter. She’s a ballet teacher at a local studio (hint hint wink wink). And she lives with him and the team at the tower. One night, while the team is out on a mission, Hydra ambushes the tower and tries to take the reader hostage. And when they learn about it, they rush back home in order to save her. Meanwhile, Bucky and Tony check the footage just to see his precious sweet girl absolutely kicking ass. And I mean hardcore, like she even does the entire widow thigh-neck move. And everyone is like??? And Bucky’s just absolutely fucking HORNY bc “hell I’ve been in between those thighs so many times, you’re telling me I could’ve DIED???”
okay YESSSSS we live for a badass gf who appears to be nothing but sweet sunshine and killer on the inside. Fluffy fluffy and smutty smutty
"Be back soon, darling" Bucky cooed, kissing you again and again while everyone boarded the jet, getting in a few more pecks before having to leave on a mission.
"C'mon lover boy, the faster we get going, the faster you get back to your sweetheart!" Tony yelled, shaking his head watching Bucky look a you with puppy eyes, not wanting to leave his sunshine behind. "He's so down bad, I swear"
"Can you blame him, she's so cute" Sam smiled, watching the two of you cling onto each other for a few extra seconds, your form hidden, engulphed in Bucky's thick arms. "Look, you can't even see her when tin man hugs her"
"I'll miss you baby" you kissed Bucky's pouty lips, caressing his scruffy cheek before letting him run off, your cheeks heating up when he blew you another kiss before the doors closed.
"You're a little sap" Nat teased while Bucky blushed, strapping on his gear as the engine roared to life, rumbling as they took off. Bucky had 0 shame in everyone knowing how much he loved you and it started from the day he met you. He got called out immediately, questioned over the dopey smile he had on his face, the blush on his cheeks instantly giving him away.
Soon after you'd started dating, Bucky wanted you closer to him and he didn't have to ask Tony twice; his room was moved to a floor above so you'd have more space to live together. The last thing Bucky wanted was for you to get hurt because of his job. He felt more relaxed knowing you were in he safety of the compound on days where he was away.
"Who would've thought Bucky would be the romantic type"
"I did" Steve groaned, having seen Bucky's flirty side for years but he knew this was different. He hadn't seen his bestfriend like this before, clearly in utterly and desperately in love with you.
"It's adorable" Sam laughed while Bucky continued to smile, scrolling through his phone looking at pictures of you. His camera rolled was filled with various images of you baking, cuddling, sleeping, doing the most mundane things in the world, each making his heart flutter. He felt a pang in his chest, momentarily worried about if you were safe without him, the same anxiety he always felt whenever he had to leave you.
You stretched across the sofa, sipping on some hot chocolate and putting on your favorite comfort movie, deciding to have a relaxing night to yourself since the compound was empty. You didn't like when Bucky had to leave but you knew it was part of his job, slipping the fuzzy throw blanket over you shoulders before hitting play.
It had hardly been a few minutes before the screen went black making you blink, wondering if you'd sat on the remote by accident. Suddenly the rest of the lights turned off, a blasting sound coming from the entrance before you heard rushed footsteps nearing you.
Your heart started to race, having no time to hide or think, coming face to face with a number of masked men all towering over you. One grabbed you, pulling out a camera and hitting record, shoving it close to your face with a sinister smile.
"Look who we have, soldat"
The jet hadn't been flying for long, a sudden beeping alarm from the security system alerting Tony to check the cameras. His eyes grew wide, seeing the Hydra logo take over the screen before switching the live footage from the hacked system.
"Guys! There's been an attack on the compound!" Tony shouted from the computer, everyone rushing to see what came on screen, billows of smoke emitting from the main wing. Suddenly the screen went black, replaced with a man swearing a black mask, walking around the common room.
"Welcome Mr. Stark" His voice was thick with a Russian accent, the video panning to show the other agents infiltrating the tower. "Where is our soldat"
"You stay the fuck away from my girl" Bucky growled, his heart hammering in his chest, nearly crying when he saw someone grab you and shove you into a chair.
"She's precious to you, isn't she. We'll see you soon" he laughed, before the stream cut off leaving Bucky wanting to scream in frustrating, anxiety clouding all his thoughts, just wanting to get back to you to protect you.
"We have to go help her!" Bucky paced up and down while Tony rerouted the jet, speeding back to save you. "How the fuck do I know what's going on, there has to be something" He pleaded, hating that he no longer had eyes on you.
"Hold on, let me get into the back up feed" Tony tapped away at different keys, getting into the security system, selecting the camera for the common room where you were being held. "Here, I got it! I-Holy shit..."
The sound of screaming screeched through the speaker but it wasn't coming from you.
"B-Barnes, you're girl just killed someone with her thighs" Tony stared at the footage with wide eyes while Bucky and the others watching in awe as your legs wrapped around one of the agents' heads, snapping his neck before flipping over and attacking another one of your assailants.
Bucky nearly choked, watching the men drop to the floor like flies, your arms and legs holding onto the men with a vice like grip until they fell, hardly breaking a sweat each time.
"Do you understand how many time's I've been in between those thighs, you're telling me she could've killed me?!!" Bucky practically moaned, seeing you fight, all his anxiety melting into lust, his cock straining against the thick material of his tac suit.
"Jesus Bucky, you're gonna poke an eye out" Sam's face scrunched up while Bucky adjusted himself, biting his lip to keep from making a sound, his tip leaking, breathing out a sigh of relief seeing you perfectly safe.
"Can't help me, look at her. Better count me out for movie night, m'gonna spent the whole night fuckin'-
"Okay, got it, you're a ridiculous, horny, pervert, and y/n probably won't walk for a week, will you please put that away" Sam shook his head, walking away when he tent in Bucky's pants got worse.
"I'm sorry, we've been housing a Hydra killer all this time?" Tony shook his head as the jet landed, still in disbelief over what everyone had just seen, both impressed and 100% scared of what else you were capable of. "You sure know how to pick em' Barnes"
As soon as the jet hit the floor, Bucky was sprinting off into he compound, running to find you, relief flooding his veins when he saw you sipping on your tea, seated on the couch again. You jumped up from your spot, jumping into your boyfriends arms, clinging onto him while the others also entered, glad to see you were okay. They got to work, clearing up the room, rounding up the few agents that were knocked out for questioning while also giving you and Bucky some privacy.
"Babygirl" Bucky hugged you tightly in his arms, burying his face into your neck, inhaling your soft scent, hoisting you up so your legs were wrapped around his waist. "Are you okay doll, are you hurt?"
"I'm fine Bucky" you reassured him, pecking his soft lips, letting him check you over before feeling satisfied you were okay, not finding a scratch on your body.
"Everything okay Buck?" you cocked your head noticing your boyfriends shift in demeanor, his soft baby blue eyes darkening into something else, biting his lip.
"Baby, I had to hold back from pulling my cock out on the jet and touching myself, you know how much that hurt? How hard I was the entire time, struggling not to jet my dick off watching how sexy you looked" He walked you up to your shared bedroom, his erection shamelessly pushing against your clothed core, not bothering to hide it one bit. "Where have you been hiding all that princess"
"Not hiding Bucky, just-never needed to do that" You shrugged shyly, squeezing your thigs around his waist playfully, making him groan as he dropped you on the bed.
"Can't wait to keep my face between these pretty legs that could kill me" He groaned, slicing your clothes off with his pocket knife before diving in without a care in the world, eating you like a man starved, tapping your thighs to wrap around his head.
"C'mon doll, squeeze em'" he moaned, humping against the bed feeling your muscles flex, his eyes rolling back, nearly cumming against the mattress at the strength he could feel, knowing you were holding back from hurting him.
you could kill him if you want.
Fuck, he was going to cum so fast.
"Oh god! Bucky!! PLease! D-DOn't STOP"
"That's it gorgeous, so good to me, so fuckin' pretty. won't last baby, gonna cum for you!"
"They're going at it like rabbits, didn't you sound proof their room after the first incident?"
"I did. This is after the sound proofing"
"Gonna fuck your thighs next baby, you got my cock so hard, almost creamed my pants like a teenager watching, you, oh shit-shit-m'so sensitive, keep clenching around my dick, that's it-fuckkk"
"Jesus christ, it's been an hour"
"Did you forget he has the super soldier serum? They're not gonna stop any time soon"
"Gonna fucking cum for you y/n, OH FUCK YESSS you're so sexy when you fight baby, m'gonna fuckin' cum again, I can't stop"
"He's really gonna go all night, isn't he"
"Can you blame him?"
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fraugwinska · 3 months
Since @chefskjssart's artwork that I commissioned was such a BANGER, I felt like I needed to do something to show my gratitude. So, I messaged her and gave her free choice over a little One-Shot I'd gift her. And that's how we ended up here :D Where are my little TV Sluts at? You can thank Chef - and I hope you all have fun ;>
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NSFW - Explicit Sexual Content - Minors DNI - 5.7k words
"Gotta say, Val, the revenue of your movies really skyrocketed this quarter, fuck me."
Vox flipped through the quarterly reports, eyebrows raised and a grin on his face while Valentino, very pleased with himself, lounged on the chaise next to Vox's desk, smoking.
"I told you I've made a good investment." He grinned and blew out a puff of smoke. "All the horny bitches out there are eating my movies up."
"It's more than that, you're even making headway into other rings, holy shit! We've even got a foot in the Lust Ring market, which is almost impossible with that kind of competition..."
Valentino hummed approvingly.
"And the best part: I didn't have to do much." He added and let the tip of his cigarette rest against his lips, his grin widening. "My newest author is a kinky little genius."
Vox turned his attention to the papers again, his smile slowly turning into a frown as he scanned the declining sales in Voyeurscopes.
"What are you talking about? All of your authors write pretty much the same shit, what could be so special about-"
Valentino laughed and shook his head. "That one is - believe me, carino. Poor bitch has the mind of a succubus on crack but she can't get off."
Vox looked up, an eyebrow raised in skeptic questioning.
"Can't get off?"
"Can't feel anything. Can't cum for the life of her." He replied, leaning back and spreading his arms. "Numb like a fucking dead fish."
"Or maybe she just hasn't found a good dick." Vox mumbled, returning back to the reports, skimming over the numbers.
"Mh, you be the judge amorcito. Because I tried." Valentino growled, taking a drag from his cigarette. 
Now that got Vox's full attention. The TV demon stared at his partner for a few seconds of silence, then laughed maniacally, almost falling off his chair while Val rolled his eyes in annoyance.
"Fucking weird little thing, she is. She can write the craziest shit, the hornier the better. Writes like a damn porn beast, but has no clue what good sex actually feels like."
Vox heaved, wiping his screen as if in tears.
"Ohoho, Christ on a Cracker Val, maybe you've been out of the business too long… are you maybe losing that golden touch?"
Valentino sneered. "Ay, and you think you would've been able to get that bitch to cum? Be my guest, I'll gladly watch you fail."
Vox grinned at the moth, his eyes dangerously teasing. The reports were long forgotten - this was too entertaining, and Vox loved to be challenged, because he loved the feeling of superiority he felt when he succeeded. And that feeling would be so much more satisfying when he'd beat his long time partner and porn prince of pride at his own expertise.
"Wanna up the ante? Make a little wager out of it?"
Valentino scoffed, then chuckled deviously. He took another drag from his long cigarette, his cerise teeth glistening with red saliva as he began to drool in anticipation.
"You know I like to play, Voxxy. Especially if the odds are so much in my favor."
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Another script done.
Your best one yet, if anyone asked you. But you knew no one asked ever, so why bother?
You stood up from your desk in your private office - being Val's favorite pen pet had it's perks afterall.
You skipped the stage of employment where you'd be cramped in one of these horrible cubicles together with the other overworked, caffeinated and tired writers, typing another outdated secretary-fuck-fest-plot while the other employees complained about their last bad lay and the shitty pay.
At least you didn't have to deal with any of that. Your room was quiet and peaceful, the door able to be locked shut and the walls soundproof. No distractions, no chit chat, no loud coworkers or malfunctioning printer noises. Just the humming sound of your computer, and the whirring of the A/C Val had granted you - a luxury that most of your colleagues bitched about behind your back.
You stretched, your tired bones popping into place and you sighed. You were done for the day. Finally.
With the deadline looming over you, you had been a bit late with the last part, and the thought of being late with your work made you sick. But Val pressed for another banger (pun intended) like your last one, 'Dante's Infern-Hoe' and you didn't want to risk the benefits you were offered so temptingly by being sloppy.
But the script for 'The Devil wears Nada' sat now, freshly printed, next to your laptop, the file saved locally and in the cloud, with about an hour to spare still. You smiled, content and relieved. An hour of paid slacking off was nice, and you checked with a glance that the electric door still was set on LOCKED before you flopped down at the two-seater by the window, grabbing the remote from the small side table and turned on the TV.
A familiar voice spoke through the speakers, and you relaxed into the pillows with a small sigh, eyes closed.
As shitty as the program in Hell was, one thing it had going for it was Vox. That smooth, hypnotizing voice of the overlord that held pride's media empire in his claws was a delight to your ears, and even the mindless, overplayed commercial jingles were pleasant enough if he was the one narrating them.
For the millionth time, it seemed, your hand wandered under the hem of your pants, fingers rubbing lazily at your cunt, as you listened to him talk, advertising the latest angelic protection device that didn't do what he promised it to do.
It was insanity at this point, doing something over and over again expecting a different outcome. Every night your fingers were cold and wet with your slick and your clit bloody and raw while you felt nothing of even your most violent and feverish touches, trying for minutes to hours to experience a sensation you wrote daily about without the satisfaction of any remarkable buildup or release.
It was no use, you knew it was a fruitless attempt, just like all the others. The most you got out of your endless tries was a slight tingle one time where you were so desperate you fucked yourself with an electric rod on its highest setting, resulting in a power outage in your apartment and a big fat fine from your landlord a few days later.
Still, you craved it. Craved to one day feel at least something. After the disappointing One-Night-cannot-Stand-the-thought-of-it with your boss, the literal porn mogul you were ready to just give up. If the face of pride’s sexdrive couldn’t get you over the edge, was there any chance at all?
Valentino had been the last in a long line of desperate attempts, paartners ranging from incubi, paid whores, porn actors to even sexbots made by Asmodeus, costing you a pretty penny just for the hassle of trying to get through the return hotline to get your money back, explaining No, you don’t know how it was possible that the cock of the ‘Fuckboy 3.0 XXL’ broke into pieces after one time usage. 
You chuckled humorlessly at the memory - It was truly a pathetic time in your eternal existence, filled with you masturbating alone in bed like a sad porn star, yearning to experience sex like you wrote about in your scripts. Maybe this was hells way to punish you for your sins, your personal plan of torture - To never experience the very thing that possessed you on the daily.
The television droned on in the background, Vox advertising his latest technological developments; new features on your phone that you really could not care less about. Despite his unusual appearance, Vox was one of your absolute go-to Stand-in's for your plot protagonists. Charming, suave, depraved when called for and a dominating, thorough lover that took what he wanted, but with so much skill that his partner would cum threefold before he'd even begin to think about finishing. Cocky and yet sensual. Aftercare included. All the things your colleagues were too dumb to include, no wonder their scripts were a bust.
Yes, it was hell and therefore tastes were more... depraved than in the living world, but that didn't mean the populus secret wishes for some sort of common sexual decency was out the window, goddamn.
Your mind wandered away from your depressive ruminations, your hand never stopping its circular pattern around your swollen clit as your thoughts started to wander to its usual place, the only way that came close to what you longed for and what was the source for all of your best-selling porn scripts. Your boundless realm of fantasy.
'Come out, come out, wherever you are...'
Vox is standing in your doorway, his silhouette prominent against the bright white neon light coming from the corridor of the empty floor. His suit, neatly fitted to every curve of his slender body, is showing just how thin his waist really is, but that does not come even remotely close to describe his broad shoulders and firm, wide chest, contrasting it deliciously. His navy blue skin reflects the harsh lighting in the hallway, his screen sharp and clear, digital eyes never leaving you as he closes the door behind him, dipping the room you're in in darkness, the only source of light his brightly illuminated screen where his digital, mismatched eyes are solely fixated on you, hiding behind the long backrest of your couch.
'Found you, babydoll.' he says with that god forsaken sultry voice of his as he reaches for your throat, long fingers wrapping themselves around your neck as your breath hitches and he pulls you up from your crouched position, his long tongue running over your collarbones, the wet trails feeling as cold on your skin as his appendage feels hot. 'Now remember what I said? Ready or not...'
He presses you into a wall, his big, hard erection rubbing teasingly through the layers of fabric on your already wet core as you whimper with want. '... here I cum.'
You moan his name, the imagined feeling so painfully surreal, and you wished once more that your working fingers would elicit some sort of real, bodily response.
A cough makes you freeze in your movements. Your fantasy shatters like a mirror shot with a bullet and your eyes fly open, expecting to see maybe a dumb segment of a rerun of 'Vox2Nite'. Instead, you see the actual, real TV demon overlord, standing live and in color just a few strides away with an expression that was a mixture of confusion, curiosity and slight annoyance.
"I'd ask if I am interrupting, but it seems you already had me on your mind, huh, doll?"
Realizing that you weren't - in fact - hallucinating, you immediately whipped your hand out from under your panties, sitting up, flustered like a child caught with their hands in the cookie jar. How did he get in? Did you forget to lock the door? No. Did he unlock it?! You must have missed his opening and closing of the door over the voice in your fantasy. The same voice that is now echoing in reality. Oh what a shameful ending for a perfectly good fantasy orgasm.
"Um... shit, sorry, Mr. Vox, sir. I was just, you know..." you scrambled, getting nervous under the actual gaze of him as he folded his arms, waiting for you to end that sentence with a pitiful smirk. Jesus Christ, those arms are slender and muscular…
"Thinking! Just thinking, making script... scenarios..."
"Uh-Huh. And how is that coming along?" He asked, seemingly unfazed by the display before him as he took a few steps towards you.
"Oh, uh, haha, I didn't really... finish..."
He stopped directly in front of you, shutting you up with a low chuckle and his hand around your wrist, the one attached to the hand that had been in between your folds just literal seconds ago, lifting them up to look at the still shimmering wet residue on your fingers with a sneer.
"Mhm. Yeah, I've heard you have some problems with that."
Now that was embarrassing as it was alarming, and you ripped your hand out of his grip. Or better, you tried to do so anyway. It was a pointless exercise, his hand had an iron-tight grasp around your wrist as he pulled you up with one swift motion, so fast you stumbled into him, face to chest, breath caught in your throat as you were made suddenly aware how huge he really was compared to you.
"W-wow, my kinda pathetic reputation precedes me it seems. That's..." just great is what you wanted to say, but all words failed you when he lifted the hand in his grasp to his face, his thick, long tongue slithering out of his mouth just to wrap itself around your digits, lapping up the sticky residue of your arousal, watching you as your pupils widen and you squirm in his grip, mortified and turned on at the same time.
"Eh. Not as pathetic as my business partner's failure to provide something he's built his reputation on, sweetheart. Unusually smart of him to get you under contract before you shout it from the rooftops." He hummed as he tasted you, sucking in the pads of your finger hungrily and without hesitation, and all you could think of, frozen stiff like a deer in headlights, was: What the fuck is happening?
"But Val never had the kind of mindset I have... I don't do failure... or better said: I always finish what I start." His low rasp vibrated in the air around him, echoing in your head, and the heat his voice had brought to your skin left your mind racing. You asked yourself panicking if you had written too many dumb porn plots or if he was really implicating what you thought he was implicating.
"So, whaddaya say, doll..." His breath tickled your cheek as he leaned in closer, pulling you flush against him, a soft grunt of content as his hard dick pressed into your soft belly, his mouth right next to your ear, one of his hands running teasingly down your sides as he licked your ear shell. "...care to see if I can end your unlucky streak?"
'Fuck, yeah.' You thought, and almost moaned out loud as you let your head fall back to make room for his waiting mouth, when suddenly you stopped in your tracks. His hands were already groping over you greedily, squeezing your ass, your thighs, your breasts as he looked down on you, surprised to see your conflicted face.
"W...Wait. What's in it... for you?"
"Mh, you're clever. That's a new one." Vox laughed, his hand running up to the side of your face to cup your cheek, his thumb rubbing small circles on the corner of your lip. "Me and Val made a little bet, you see, and well... Let's just say: I want this to work out just as much as you do, since my success depends on yours."
"Oh.." So Val was talking about you, that bastard. He had you sign an NDA when he hired you, given that you had been unwilling to make a soul contract with him, but you guessed that that had been naively one-sided. Asshole.
Vox stroked your bottom lip, parting them before you opened them slightly on your own accord, his dark blue tongue languidly tracing the edges, waiting for your decision, coaxing you to decide in his favor. And even though you were kind of pissed at Valentino for running around telling people about your... situation - you couldn't deny it was tempting, turning fantasy into reality. And what was another overlord trying to do the impossible? Worst case - he'd try and fail, just as all the others did before, like the stupid moth pimp. At least you'd have some leverage for maybe another good deal for your silence on it. And in the highly unlikely best case…
With your decision made, you flicked your own tongue against his, humming at the unfamiliar taste and the sizzling static electricity on your tongue. Vox grinned, his sharp teeth pressing onto your lips, nipping at the sensitive flesh and growling with approval when your lips parted.
"Ohoho, baby, this is gonna be fun."
Vox ran his claws through your hair, loosening your already messy bun until your hair fell free with his playful pulls as he explored your mouth, deepening the kiss with every lick, until he could push his whole tongue into your mouth, moaning and grabbing the back of your head tightly as you let him fill you without the slightest hint of protest, fighting a desperate losing battle for air.
"Fuck, don't you need to... breathe?" you whispered after he finally pulled back, a wet trail connecting his tongue to yours, grinning down on you while your lungs burned for oxygen.
"Perks of being state of the art, sweetheart." he watched your swollen, drool covered lips - parted to catch your breath - for a few seconds longer before he inquisitively tilted his head. "Did you feel any of that?"
You contemplated lying, but figured honesty would probably be the best in this situation, shaking your head and giving him your most pitiful attempt at an apologetic smile, already bracing yourself for him to give up or get mad. "My lips tingle a little."
"Mh." He huffed as he pushed you back into the two-seater, your back hitting the cushions with a soft thump, and unceremoniously pulled on your very not-sexy-at-all sweatpants and slightly-more-sexy-but-not-quite panties until they slipped over your legs.
"How about this then?" He pressed his knee in between your legs to nudge them apart. "Can you feel any of this?" He spread your already wet slit open to run a cold claw over your hole, softly dipping first one, then two and lastly three of his fingers inside to stretch you further open and push it back in, repeating the movement slowly while keeping his eye contact trained on your face.
You hummed non-commitally, closing your eyes and pressing yourself into the cushions, trying to feel for any sensation that should come with every slow drag of his digits pumping inside of you, and not finding any of it was so fucking frustrating. You felt like you were not only disappointing yourself, but him, as stupid as that sounded. But with every added finger and still a lack of response, you saw the progression of frustrations in his face that you knew all too well - eyebrows furrowed, irritated twitches of the corners of his lips that turned into a snarl with the third added digit. You frowned, sighing and bit your lip - nothing. Nothing, nothing, nothing, and fucking nothing again, just another wet hole, the clenching of your walls a habit and reflex only, no pleasure whatsoever.
"It's no fucking use..." you whined, pressing your hands to your face in frustration and fear of looking back into his eyes, "I can't feel anything at a-aaAAH...!"
Your back arched at this strange jolt running down your spine, forcing you to grind down on his hand as a strong electric current buzzed from his claw tips right through your cunt, curling in your stomach in a hot wave of wanton need and knocking the wind out of you. Your eyes flew open just in time to see the flash of victorious satisfaction on his screen before his face turned fuzzy as you began to tear up.
"There's some reaction. There we go, sweetheart." He cooed and curled his fingers in that deliciously sinful way again, making your breath catch in your throat. For the first time since you can remember, you FELT. You dropped your hands from your flushed, hot face onto the plush of the couch, fingers desperately digging into the fabric, and stared at Vox with wide eyes. He winked, nudging his head to his buried fingers, and with a shattering gasp you could see neon blue bolts of electric sparks traveling down his slender arm, crackling around the soft flesh inside of your pussy that had never felt so sensitive.
"How are y-aaaa.... aaa-AAah...." he silenced any questions you might have had or possible retort with another shock wave traveling through his hand as he dragged his fingers in and out in an agonizingly slow pace, it had your ears ringing with white noise and your eyes water with unknown, strange pleasure.
You were shaking, and though it should have frightened you a lot more than it did to be electrocuted while doing something that could be considered borderline treason to Valentino (And it still had your cunt dripping on a whim), but there was nothing left for you to think of other than the sharp shocks making every nerve inside of you buzz, your thighs already trembling in anticipation of the possibility of an unknown, but oh-so-wanted climax. Yet it was somehow still out of your reach, out of your range of senses.
"I feel like we are getting closer, babydoll." The TV demon chuckled darkly, his voice over amplified, the electrical buzz reverberating loudly in the soundless room. "How 'bout we kick it up a notch, huh?"
He pulled out his fingers in a quick, cruel movement, making your pussy clench around nothing as you already mourned the feeling. Before you had the time to voice your loss however, he had your thighs already in his hands, pushing them back to almost fold you in half and spread them apart as wide as he could get them without hurting you. With a smirk he stuck out his tongue, inhumanely long, thick on its base and pointed at the end - and let his electric energy visibly spark around it. Holy Shit.
The moment his head dipped down and his appendage swiped through your puffed, red folds, you could feel your insides buzz in sync to his delighted moan. He began eating you out feverously and obscenely, not holding anything back, just like you wrote your most popular protagonists to do - NO, this was so much better than anything you've ever written or fantasized about, his tongue twisting in patterns that felt like nothing you've ever even came close to imagine before. It was like he powered your whole nervous system, overriding every strand of nerve with his own electricity, amplifying any touch, any lick and any suction that would normally not even register a thousand-fold.
"O-Oh my g... F-fffuuuuhhh-ck.. meeee..." you moaned in confusion and amazement, your legs shaking helplessly on either side of Vox's rectangle head as he fucked his tongue into you, switching between the deep, long, thorough thrusts and fast, small, teasing flicks into the wet heat of your cunt, coating his screen in a shining mix of your natural juices and his blue neon saliva. He sucked at the protruding of your swollen bundle of nerves, your sensitive clit twitching under his attention - it was maddeningly unreal. You felt like a complete, utter sham - if this was sex, you've never written it anywhere correctly.
"I'm working on that, sweetheart."
Vox smirked against your pulsing core, humming with satisfaction at your wet, gaping slit begging for him to push back in and fill you up again, making you ache for his tongue deeper and deeper, forcing every shred of sense you had to leave your mind as you bucked into his grip in desperation, chasing another intense jolt he held just out of your reach as he laughed deviously at your hungry reaction to his teasing antics.
You didn't care how pathetic you looked, how undignified or desperate you sounded. This was nothing short of fucking fantastic, this all new, unknown sensation that you deemed impossible to ever experience and an real, tangible orgasm so close you could almost grab it. You felt a violent greed, you needed more of this, more more more, you needed to cum and you knew exactly that only Vox was able to do it - but you needed him inside of you, pushing you into oversensitivity, no matter what was required to get you over the edge. Fuck all dignity, that ship had sailed the moment your back hit the couch.
You shook your head vigorously, choking down sobs of grateful pleasure that racked your body with every curl of his tongue inside of you and a guttural moan, high pitched and broken.
"P-Please... ah, Pl..please..." you panted and Vox felt for your thighs to hold you steady. His claws sank in with such force into the soft meat of your legs he drew blood. "F... Fu..Fuck me.. please." you stammered and he smirked, a look of pure joy in his digital eyes as he stared you down.
"Oh, I will, baby." He smiled against your core, curling the tip of his tongue around your clit with just the right amount of pressure that your entire vision went blank with a broken cry and the strongest wave of static he'd managed to work you up to so far. "Don't worry about that, I'm not nearly done with you."
He fucked his long, slippery tongue back into your quivering pussy, his thumb taking the place on the sensitive bundle of nerves where his pointy tip had been and you cried out again as he found that one spot you've always read (and written) about. You had questioned it's actual existence, believing it to be one of those wishful myths girls dreamt and you by proxy wrote about - Until Vox and his fucking talented mouth and miraculous tongue brushed right up against it with expert accuracy. It made your eyes roll to the back of your skull, mouth open to cry out as your back arched like a bow string.
"Yeah, there? F-Fuuuck..." The overlord growled, watching your blissful face twist with a new kind of overwhelming pleasure. "You gonna cum for me baby? Come on, let go, good girl..."
You knew the reader-pleasing phrase by heart. You used it a hundred times and fantasized about it even more - It shouldn't have that effect on you, but yet it was that comment of his, spoken in a raspy low rumble directly into your cunt that finally pushed you over the edge, leaving you panting helplessly and cumming.
Hard. Harder than you've ever dreamed about. Every nerve ending on overdrive, every hair standing on edge - it felt like getting struck by lightning, the static electricity sizzling through your blood vessels like a thunderstorm as he was still thrusting that goddamn magic tongue into your spasming hole through the clamping of your muscles, taking you through it with small, measured licks to keep you on the edge a little longer, whines and hiccups mixed with breathless laughs leaving your raw throat as you slowly returned to reality.
This was it, what you've always longed for, you realized after your vision came back to you, staring down at the smug looking TV demon who was still settled between your legs, his glowing screen painted with the remains of your climax. You managed to give him an exhausted smile, blowing a stray strand of wild hair from your face with a quick puff before dropping your head back in the pillow, absolutely spent. Vox pressed a toothy kiss on your thigh and pushed himself back to his feet.
"You've got quite the gushy orgasm, doll, damn..." he wiped a thick blotch of your arousal from the corner of his screen, the neon blue stained fingertip disappearing in his mouth as he hummed appreciatively and licked it away. Then he looked over you, slumped lazily on the sofa, your face flushed, your hair all tangled and the exposed pieces of skin covered with a shiny layer of sweat.
"Shit, sweetheart, you look goddamn good when you're all messed up like that..." He eyed you intently and leaned down, his heavy frame caging you in underneath him, one hand trailing a line from your still heaving chest, between your breasts and up to your throat.
"T-That was.. wow. Just... wow." Clearly illiterate and 50 IQ-points dumber post-orgasm, you cleared your throat, trying to compose yourself. While you were a little disappointed that you still hadn't really fucked, he did what he promised to do. Got you off - and how. You were grateful.
Sad that it was over, maybe even sadder that the chances of a repetition were likely zero - Vox was a goddamn overlord, and who were you other than a nobody with a hard-to-please cunt?- but grateful nonetheless. And you felt the need to let him know that.
"I don't know how to than... w-what are you doing?"
You sat yourself up on the elbows with a dumbfounded expression as Vox began to undress himself, his jacket, bow tie and undershirt discarded within seconds onto the ground and he practically pounced you as he began to undo the belt of his slacks, trapping you in between his legs and under the very prominent hard-on he sported.
"What, you really thought that was it? Make you cum once, win my bet and ding-dong-ditch like a fucking amateur?" Vox laughed as he pulled his massive length out of his pants - Words were your bread and butter but they would ever fail you to describe the gloriousness that was his cock.
Almost as thick as your underarm, smooth and almost shiny, glowing with built-in LED lights along the underside of his shaft and practically weeping with precum. He knelt down on the sofa, taking your hand to run it over its full length, smearing the sticky residue along your fingers, his almost bioluminescent cum dripping thick and slowly from the angry swollen tip. "Fuck no, sweetheart. In case you forgot, let me remind you..."
He leaned down to your ear, a violent electric bold jolting from his cock through your hand right into your overwhelmed, disbelieving brain as he guided you to line him up with your still throbbing entrance.
"I always finish what I start."
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Vox had never been in a better mood.
His phone - finally surviving for more than just a few days, since his win against Valentino prevented the moth pimp from smashing it, even in one of his many temper tantrums - buzzed again. A notification of another upload into the cloud. He smirked when he saw the name of the user.
The whole conversation after he fucked Val's writing savant into Limbo and back had been a fucking blast for Vox - he reveled in the morbid joy of cashing in his stake while teasing Val that he'd have to wait another eternity for the chance to make Vox star in a double length porn with him - a fantasy of the moth Vox has been always against. Not to mention that Vox had accomplished what Valentino with all his 'mighty dicks and porn mastery'-aura couldn't. Which (rightfully) sent him into his biggest hissy fit yet, so enraged that, in lieu of Vox's phone to throw against the wall, he threw his newest Robo-Assistant Kitty out the window.
Although Vox had been certain he wouldn't lose the little bet against his partner, he still felt a little relief that his ass wasn't on the next new load of crappy porn DVDs. Granted, that would've surely caused sales to skyrocket - but with his revived and improved little star author that was more than just unnecessary.
Val's fears that a good dicking with a Happy End would sort of break the little writers 'Sex-Spell' and her scripts turn into shite like the rest of Val's useless crew produced proved to be the exact opposite. Ever since Vox made her cum - on his fingers, mouth and cock for multiple times that fateful night - her scripts improved even more, resulting in stellar sales reports, a major spike in cashflow and a personal inquiry letter for a meeting from Asmodeus himself (which Vox contemplated to frame and hang over his fucking bed like a medal of honor).
And since Valentino, in his hurt pride and childish, stubborn pettiness refused to speak or fuck with him, Vox had no qualms of paying his little writer a few more visits. Every time he found impish joy in finding new ways to make her cum, and after one shag-date where he actually stayed long enough for an after-sex-cigarette and some smalltalk, he discovered that she wasn't just a kinky, but also an interesting bitch with great taste in whiskey and a crude sense of humor that was just up his alley.
"I'm curious doll." Vox said as he took another drag from the cigarette before he handed her the bud, throwing his arm around her shoulders and pulling her onto his bare chest as he lounged on the new, bigger sofa he got for her office (more space and much more versatility) "What the fuck did you do to end up in hell? You don't seem like the ax-murder type."
She chuckled mischievously. "I was a pretty popular crime author back upstairs. I hit a pretty bad writer's block, and decided to get in some field work to inspire me for more creative ways of murder. No axes, but I did have a fable for knives." She grinned, inhaling the thick smoke as he laughed and the way her tits pressed into his skin had him almost hard again. "You know what's the most ironic part?" She asked, putting the bud out in the ashtray on her side table and glanced back over her naked shoulder to him, a devious glint in her eyes. "I got the electric chair for that." That woke his cock fully up again, and he couldn't help but take her for another round.
His assistant babbled something about his schedule, but Vox didn't listen. Instead, he planned on visiting her office again, maybe he'd even stay after and order sushi for two, who knew? The media Overlord smiled smugly as he opened the database and looked over the newest script you had uploaded to the cloud. It was when he read the title that he burst into ringing laughter.
'Electrocutie - One Big Cock Shock'
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11cupids-tarot11 · 4 months
Late night conversations with your future spouse.
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1 -> 2
How do guys feel about the name "Love Bugs"? I've been considering calling you guys that, I think it's cute 🥹 I want to do something cool with it in the future- stay tuned guys!
In honor of reaching 100 followers I want to do something special! I want to do a follower's request! So comment down below, message me privately if you want, whichever way you prefer! This will still be a general reading for everyone, but I'm excited to see what cool and unique topics you guys can come up with!
Take care!!
- Cupid 𖥔 ࣪ ᥫ᭡ꗃ⋆࣪.
I'm open for private readings! DM me!
$5.55 per question
C@sh app and PayPal payments only!
Cash tag- $minnieplant3
Tips appreciated!
Love y'all!
- Cupid 𖥔 ࣪ ᥫ᭡ꗃ⋆࣪.
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Pile 1- Four of coins, The hierophant in reverse, The world, Eight of swords, The sun, Queen of wands, Five of cups.
You guys will talk about the future a lot! You guys will like talking about planning, how to save more or trips, dream vacations. Just your dream life together.
This is a moment when both of you can be in pure silence even and just enjoy each other's company, you both could have busy schedules so making time for each other might be a little rough, but at night time it's y'all little bonding moment basically.
I'm hearing something about not having to really use your brain as much lol. Maybe someone works in a field that requires them to think a lot or it's very mentally challenging or even draining so they get to finally be at rest as well, the conversations will always be light hearted and just lots of laughter and child-like energy here because neither of you really want to take this moment that serious. I'm also seeing you guys could opt for doing other activities instead of talking, like watching a movie and for some of you your person took it to a 18+ level lol.
You guys will really like to talk about how much you want to explore together, where you want to go, I think this person wants to give you the world so you'll be thinking this is just random playful talk but he'll bring it up again when the moment is right to make these dreams and talks come to life!
If you guys have had a bad or gloomy day they'll wanna talk about it so they don't feel so stuck in bad energy, they really don't want to carry it on till the next day so they'd rather talk and get all of the negative things out of the way so you both can sleep peacefully.
You both love talking to each other a lot, about everything and there's no judgement here, you guys could even fall asleep mid way sometimes because I'm seeing you one of you will be so tired (I think it's definitely from a tiring job or schedule, weekday nights will be a lot different than weekend's, weekend will definitely be longer, you guys will talk more or do more activities together because that's y'all's little bonding time! Cute 🥹.
Your person will love hearing about your day! They'll want you to tell them about everything you did. They're definitely the type to ask how your day was, they genuinely care too, they're not asking just to make conversation they'll really want you to go into details! They'll want to emotionally support you through thick and thin.
Random, but someone has a six pack? They might be shirtless a lot too lmao.
You guys will definitely use this as a moment as well to talk about anything within the relationship that you want to work on, I don't think your person appreciates toxicity so they try to eliminate as much as possible, if there is a problem or they've noticed you've been grumpy all day they'll want to discuss in details before bed, this person really hates going to sleep with low vibrations not only for themselves but for the both of you, they think you both deserve a happy good night's sleep! Adorable! 🩵
I hope you enjoyed! Don't forget to do the poll at the bottom and I'll see you later! 💖
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Pile 2- Four of wands, Ten of cups reversed, Knight of cups, The tower reversed, Three of coins and The wheel of fortune.
So this person is kinda dramatic lol. I think by the end of the day they're really tired and some days aren't able to stay up like they wish. They say they feel like a zombie some days :(
They'll still be very expressive with you, they'll explain this. They don't want you to think they're making up excuses or don't want to spend time with you or anything. I'm seeing this might be part of the late night conversation, they'll tell you exactly how they're feeling and why. This is only for certain days, it will not always be like this energy.
I think your person's kinda flirty though? Like they're keep you laughing for sure, they have a lot of passion and just like to be near you at night! You guys could end up just cuddling and sitting in silence without even realizing you're both falling asleep. It's very comfortable energy, you'll feel so good cuddling up with this person you guys might just forget about the conversation at hand and drift off, freaking adorable!
This person loves how calm everything feels with you at night, everything's peaceful and they can just relax and let loose, sleep to their hearts content. I think this pile just might really like sleeping? There could've been a thing one of you had trouble sleeping before getting together, it could just be your person's energy but take it how it resonates!! But now whoever had trouble sleeping before can sleep so peacefully so it's their favorite thing to do, you guys can't wait to get in bed to get all nice and warm and get a good night's sleep.
Maybe they'll ask you questions about what you did all day, they'll check up on you, use this as a time to get insight on you I'm hearing.
They'll want to tell you about the wacky things that happened to them out of the blue, if something funny, crazy or even slightly out of normal happens they just have to tell you! They'll gossip a lot, tell you everything! Like best friends at a sleepover.
I hope you enjoyed!! Don't forget to do the poll below, see you soon! 💕
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luvleyk · 14 days
.・。.・゜✭・ Pervert
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|CW: G!p Bada x reader, corruption kink, vaginal sex, fingering and a bit of cunnilingus, just Bada being a perv and taking li'l innocent reader's virginity
|A/N: lots of y'all were asking for g!p, perverted, roommate Bada, so here... All in one fic, your welcome 😞 (y'all are wild fr.. But anyway.. I'm spoiling y'all so-)
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Having a roommate has its perks; one, you had someone to have you accompany with. Two, have a share when it comes to rent. And three, hmm... Let's just say... Someone who just wants to entertain themselves by fantasizing you. And that's Bada, your roommate and also your classmates on that one subject in performing arts.
She's a very attentive and nice, maybe that's what you thought about her, based on how she acts when she's around you. But what if? She's different when you're not around? Freaky, delusional and a pervert??
She would imagine you beneath her, your cunt sucking her cock so well, juices dripping on your thighs, you mumbling incoherent words for her.. Mm.. That must be heaven, but not really... Unless she's touching you, for real..
Sometimes, if you're not looking, she would check you out. Memorizing each of your details, from the smell of your hair, your eyes to your curves and thighs. Oh how she's desperate to be squished by those thighs of yours while she's eating you out like a starved person.
She shook her head when she heard you calling out her name and asking something that is related to the subject that you're studying. She would stare at you for a bit before chuckling slightly and teach you a bit about the subject, giving you a recap..
"If you need help with something else.. Just ask.."
She said. Of course she meant otherwise, but you're too naive to understand. And that's what she likes about you. So easy to corrupt, so pure, naive and innocent.. Her cock throbbed at the thought.
Compared to her, you're much more sane if I say so... You're few inches smaller than her, have this bubbly personality and fashion style.. You're just in the vanilla, type.. Said Bada.. While she's just.. In the opposite.
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One night, you came back to the apartment, late due to the school project that you're forced to stay at the library for a few hours just to finish it..
"Unnie... I'm back" you called.. It became a habit to greet each other when you both got home or whatsoever. You saw her get up from the couch to greet you... "There's the little rabbit.. Why so late?" She asked while tilting her head, feigning innocence..
You sighed in response... "I had to finish this one project on history so I got forced to stay in library" you groaned as you take off your shoes and she helped you with your bag..
"Ohh... Project, that kinda sucks" she said and you just nodded as you flopped down on the couch, laying down on your stomach.. She went behind the couch as leaned towards the headboard, looking at you intently, silently checking you out.. Even tho you're wearing a sweater and a tight jeans, she can still see how beautiful your body is. And how badly she wants to hold your hips while fucking you from behind.. "How about you take a rest and forget that li'l project of yours?"
She suggested as you looked up at her.. "Don't worry, I'll help you, yeah?" She added so you just nodded as a response.. You slowly get up from the couch and sit, you watched her walk around it and now facing you.. "So.. You must be tired, li'l rabbit.. Hungry? I cooked dinner for us since I expected for you to go home late" she sits on the floor, in front of you as she gently massages your feet..
"I'm fine.. Not that hungry tho... I'll eat later if I'm hungry.." You replied before a soft hum escaped your lips, when Bada soothe the tensed muscle..
"Hmm.. Alright.."
She continued massaging your feet before glancing up at you, seeing how you look at her with such innocence, makes her riled up with desire..
You two were now watching a movie, you suggested it at first after she's done and she quickly agreed. Maybe because she had plans while you're distract. But in any case. She loves spending her time, with you.
After a while, you're attention was focused on the screen. And for her. She can't take it anymore. She slowly leaned towards you, planting a kiss on your head, to your neck. You shivered in response, as to which she continues. But you quickly stopped her when you realized that she's getting too intimate...
"W.. What are you doing, unnie...?" You stuttered as she smirked before playing with your hair as she leaned a bit more closer... "Y/n-ah... You know how I've been wanting to just taint you, to corrupt you here and there. Until you could only remember was me.." She said, until you're laying flat on the couch. She grabbed you by the ankle, causing you to yelp as she pulled your hips closer to her..
You're grown adult, but when it comes to this sort of things. You're completely clueless, not knowing what to do next... And Bada, was willing to teach you more. "I don't... I don't think this is a good idea—" you shivered as you felt something against your clothed core...
You felt your cheeks burn as you watch her grind her growing arousal against you.. "Fuck..." You heard her cursed... "You know how I've been fantasizing this shit and you're here saying that this isn't a good idea?" She asked as loomed over you.. You suddenly feel a burning sensation between your legs and it felt weird. You gulped as you looked up at her.. "Mmn... Just want to take this li'l rabbit out of its tiny hole.." She muttered. Her gaze was went to your face, down to your body. It made you feel so small... Like a prey that has been caught by the hunter..
A shiver went down your spine, when you felt her calloused hand went under your sweater, squeezing your hips as she leaned down, planting a kiss on your neck before gently nipping it. Making sure that you'll grow sensitive and became a mess before she even fucks you into oblivion..
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You gripped on her hair, tugging on it harshly, whining out a moan as she lap out on your clit as she pushed two digits, spreading it slightly to stretch you out.. "B.. Bada.. —" you gasped as you tried to push her away but she didn't budge... "I.. It feels weird... Stop..."
She hummed as she looked at you with her hooded eyes. She looks so drunk. "Mm... Your body was telling me otherwise, bunny.." She muttered as she licked your cunt like it's a dessert that she's been craving for years... Her eyes rolled as she felt your body arched and moaning against her before letting out a guttural moan in response. She soon stopped as she gets up, positioning herself between your legs...
Your eyes widened when she revealed her huge throbbing cock underneath her sweatpants... The thought of that, being inside of you, made you shivered.. Seeing your reaction made her chuckle... "Mmn... Don't worry, I'll be gentle.." Maybe for a few minutes, once you fully adjusted to her.
"I don't.... Think that would fit..." You muttered, enough for her to hear. You slowly move away from her but she quickly grabbed you by the hips and pulled you closer.. "Don't run away now, we're not even in the most satisfying part.." She said..
You let out a muffled whimper once you feel her rubbing her swollen tip against your entrance before pushing it slowly. A choked up whine, escape your lips as you instinctively arched you back. Tears starts to form as the feeling of her filling your insides, overwhelms you..
A sting feeling started to form as you gripped tightly on couch, muffling a sob when she's fully inside... "Fuck... So tight..." She muttered, rubbing her thumb against your thigh as if she's soothing you... She shushed you, as her other hand went to your cheeks, wiping away the tears that slowly flows down... "I'll move, yeah..? You'll feel so good, don't worry.." She muttered.. You clenched around her as a response and she chuckled.. You jolt up when she started moving in a slow, gentle pace. As much as she wants to fuck you, she had to be gentle since it's your first, and also... Trying to be on your good side, so that she can fuck you again next time.
Her mind becoming daze as her hooded eyes we're focused on how your chest rise and fall heavily, arching your back and your hips bucking. The sight makes her lose all of her self-control. "S... So— fuck... So tight... So good.." She mumbled as her grip on your hips, tightens. She'll fuck you good. That's what her mind keeps reminding her to do. Just you, becoming a mess, moaning her name, and became incoherent...
"B... It feels so weird, unnie" you cried. She quickly shushed you by capturing your lips in hungry kiss. Her hand, that was on your hip went to your leg, slightly lifting it up as she starts to thrust in a fast pace.. The kiss became sloppy, drool starts to drip in your mouth.. Your hands gripped tightly on her shoulder, nails digging through her shirt, causing her to pull away and letting out a guttural moan. Her gaze went down between your thighs, seeing how you suck her cock so well, your warm around around her throbbing cock. She bit her bottom lip, almost harshly, it might get a bruise later. You feel the spongy tip of her cock, hitting the same spot that makes you tremble and cry in pleasure.. Her breath became huffs and puffs, words became incoherent, her vision became hazed, gripping on your thigh, almost tightly as both bodies were blinded by the pleasure..
You clenched around her as you arched your back, as if signalling her that your awfully close.. She let out a muffled moan before chuckling, weakly... "Mm... Close, yeah? Mhm.. 'M too... Me too... Fuck.." She grunted as her thrust became a bit too harsh and deep, seemingly desperate for both of you to cum.
She felt you clenching against her, her balls tightened as listened to your long cries and watches you tremble, as the orgasm courses through you. Heavy breathes escape your mouth as you let out weak sobs while she continues to thrust into you, prolonging your orgasm before she pulled out, resting her cock against your stomach. She trembled slightly as cum starts to stream down from her tip, making a mess. Her hand grip on her cock as she tries to prolong her orgasm, head were tilted up as she let out a sigh before stopping..
Once you gained your composure, you looked up at her, seeing her slowly pulled her sweat pants up as she grabbed a tissue on the coffee table and slowly cleaning the mess on your stomach. You can see a subtle smirk on her face, as if what she did made her proud..
After that, she quickly pulled you for a cuddle, her face were buried against the crook of your neck, leaving a light kisses. You're still dumbfounded at what just happened.. You're still processing everything. You just had sex..! Your mind screamed. Bada noticed your expression which she chuckled. "Did I fuck you good, to the point that you can't process anything?" She asked in a teasing manner.
"You took my—"
"I know. So proud of myself" she said, a hint of cockiness can be heard in her voice. You stared at her in disbelief. "I should clean the couch later... There's a bit of blood on it.." She muttered before nuzzling her face against your neck.. "Should we take a shower? Or maybe another round? You know how I've been wanting to do this?" She started to ramble while leaving some light kisses on your skin.. "I love your moans earlier, tho.. I guess I did good, no? Mmn... Can't believe you made that kind of erotic sound, and it's because of m—"
"Okay shut up..." You said once you quickly pulled away and covered her mouth.. Your cheek reddens when she reminded you of what happened earlier.. She didn't remove your hand and just stare at you with those, hungry eyes.
She felt herself getting hard again. And maybe she can fuck you again, in the bed or maybe in the bathroom.
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binniesbooks · 21 days
HI FAYEEE hruuu?!?! Missed requesting fics from u uheheeu. so ermmm i watched the new txt vlog in us and holy shithffj huening got so fucking buffed rn and im legit having a huening brainrot rn😭
Soo if u dont mind, may i request a dom!hueningkai x sub!readerrr
Scenario is reader and hueningkai are only together for a few months. The boys and you went to a bar to drink and the members teased kai for being so obsessed with reader and like a "perv" type? is that what u call it IDK and reader knows kai as a like very shy type boy so its kinda hard to believe. BUT, when they get home, huening snapped and proved that he's not innocent and shit. She didint knew that huening got so strong and buff. (rest is yours to write:))
Idk if this is good enough but feel free to ignore this if u get uncomfortable with my request!!
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HK 002 .F22 2024
wc 3k
pairings slightdom!Kai x subfem!reader
warnings safe sex, slight dom heuning kai, choking, oral (f receiving), marking, spanking (+ anything else I missed)
faye's note I didn't actually expect that someone would miss requesting from me??? 😖❤️ Sorry, this took me so long to finish this too ☹️☹️ but yesss! Buff Kai! Fuck fuck fuck 🙂‍↕️
p.s. I just got home again from uni, immediately pulling out my phone to post this lolololol
It had only been five months since you started dating Heuning Kai, and each day felt like a new adventure. His smile was infectious, and his laughter was a melody that lingered long after conversations ended.
He's a sweet guy, not so shy but not so laid back. In public, he was charming, the boy-next-door type who could melt your heart with just a glance. To anyone else, including you, he seemed innocent—perhaps even a little shy.
"Kai, do you mind going with me to the grocery store after class? I've run out of stocks." You leaned a bit, whispering to your seatmate—Kai, your boyfriend.
Kai glanced back at you, giving you a reassuring smile.
"Sure, let's go later," he said, patting your head.
Eyes were always watching you. Inside the school premises, on your morning walks, in the grocery—anywhere.
You could only smile to yourself, because who wouldn't? Kai, the famous and versatile band member of your campus, started dating you. He is known to be shy among others, therefore people were shocked to see you two dating.
You held his hand, walking side by side, squeezing it thrice, silently signaling the "I love you" unknown to him.
Kai pays for your groceries most of the time. He never lets you spend a single cent, even when you insist. Therefore to at least give back to him, you often visit him with groceries and gifts too. Because even though you're independent, you feel bad that he was the only one who was spending money.
Your take on dating? 50-50.
But these days, Kai started giving you expensive gifts. He has been giving you perfumes, jewelry, clothes—anything that costs a fortune because of its brand name.
Kai is a sweet boy. The sweet and gentle type of boyfriend. Takes you on cute picnic dates to entertaining arcade ones. Kisses the top of your head, and your forehead, and intertwines your fingers. Sings a song for you, serenading you when you're sulky. --- you couldn't ask for more.
So when he invited you to one of his friends's parties, you gladly obliged.
"Y/n, do you wanna go with me to the party tomorrow night? I also want my hyungs to see you in person," he asked on one of your usual Friday movie nights.
"Mhm! Sure!" Of course, you're more than happy to go with him. Your heart flutters with the thought that he will finally introduce you to his friends.
"Kai, do you wanna change places tonight? I'll sleep on the couch, take the bed," you suggested. It is because even though Kai sleeps at your place, he never sleeps beside you. He always takes the couch. It's not like he doesn't want to, he just thought that you might not like it. But you, on the other hand, think that your boyfriend is just too pure and cute, so you never ask him to sleep beside you.
"No, no! I'm okay here on the couch. Please take the bed." Kai mutters as he pulls you closer, hugging you tight and planting a soft kiss on your forehead.
"Are you sure? You can take the bed tonight. I don't mind."
"No, you take it. And have a good rest, pumpkin. I don't want you to have a sore body when you wake up the next morning," he says.
"'M'kay..." you muttered.
"I love you, pumpkin," he whispers.
"I love you, Kai." You pulled away and stared at him for a while. Kai's gaze drops down to your lips as he gulps. It didn't escape your sight, you felt your heart thump a little harder. Is it bad that you want to kiss him too?
He quickly averts his gaze, pulling the pillow towards his body. "Goodnight, pretty. Sleep tight, yeah?" He smiled at you as he laid down on the couch. He watched you trudge towards your bedroom, grunting when he heard the soft thud of the wooden door.
Kai drapes his arm over his eyes, gently shoving another pillow on his lower half.
The atmosphere was electric when you arrived at the bar the next night. The dimly lit space echoed with laughter and music, a vibrant backdrop to the chaotic energy of his friends.
You felt a thrill in your chest, happy to be part of his world, to finally meet his friends. "Hyung, this is y/n, my girlfriend." Kai proudly introduced you to his friends.
You waved your hand and meekly muttered a soft hi.
"Are you sure about Kai?" one of them asked with a playful tone. He's tall, but among the five of them, you can tell he's the shortest.
"Hyunggg!" Kai pouts.
"Hey, don't be like that!" A tall and fair-skinned guy chimes. "My name is Soobin, you can just call me Bin. Nice to meet you," he added as he reached out his hand.
You smiled at him and shook his hand. "This guy is Taehyun, don't mind his comments, you won't predict anything that comes out of his mouth," Soobin chuckles, emitting laughter from the other.
"Hi pretty, I'm Yeonjun, you can call me Jjun." You might be a little judgmental, but you think he's a womanizer. Just by how he winks at you—not to mention his wink isn't perfect, both eyelids closing—and also with the aura he's giving off.
"I know what you're thinking. Yeonjun Hyung is really a womanizer," the long-haired guy cackled, receiving some scolding stare and a swat on the shoulder from the Yeonjun guy.
You sweetly smiled at them as Kai pulled you closer to himself and planted a kiss on your temple. His hand almost squeezes your side as he stays silent with only a smile plastered on his face.
"Oww!" The long-haired guy dramatically cries, making you smile. His group of friends are really different from each other, yet there's something that makes them similar.
"I'm Beomgyu, by the way," he finally adds.
"Nice to meet you guys."
As the night wore on, stories poured out—a mix of warmth, and playful banter, and teasing.
“He’s so cute, isn’t he? ”One of his friends, Taehyun, said teasingly, nudging you with a grin. You nodded enthusiastically, believing in the simplicity of your love, as you glanced at Kai who has been laughing with Beomgyu. You haven't seen this side of him yet, and it makes your heart swell. He looks so comfortable with the other boys to the point that he laughs to his heart's content.
Yet as they sipped their drinks, the tone shifted slightly. “But you know he has a possessive side, right?”Soobin, with a playful wink, chimed in. The words sent a flicker of confusion through you. You couldn’t imagine Kai being anything but sweet and loving.
“No way, you guys are just kidding! He's actually gentle,” you laughed, waving the comments away. Kai caught your gaze and smiled, his boyish charm pulling at your heartstrings.
"See?" you motioned, the two older guys shrugging with a wide grin.
The night continued, filled with games and laughter, but the whispers about his “other side” lingered in the back of your mind.
You returned home, feeling conflicted but convinced of your own truth.
Once inside your apartment, you were greeted by the comforting silence of solitude. But the peace was short-lived. Just as you began to relax, you heard the familiar sound of footsteps behind you. It was Kai, his presence instantly filling the space with warmth. The guys actually insisted Kai to escort you home as you were already tipsy.
“Hey, I'll be on the couch, okay? Just tell me if you need anything,” he said softly, stepping closer. The way he looked at you made your heart race, but memories of the night still gnawed at your thoughts.
“I had a great time tonight!” You said, forcing a bright smile. “Your friends are… different.”
His eyes sparkled with mischief. “Different? How?”
You hesitated, weighing how to voice what was bothering you. But the flicker of darkness in his gaze made you reconsider. “They just said you have a possessive side.”
His expression shifted, a smirk playing on his lips. “Oh, did they?” He mused, stepping even closer until your back met the wall, the playful tension rising between you.
"But I told them you're just... cute... and gentle... aren't you?" Your fingers fiddled on the silver necklace dangling on his chest.
Yet he moved faster than you could comprehend. With a swift motion, he wrapped his arms around your waist, lifting you slightly off the ground, making you sit on the drawer just beside your bedroom door, as he pressed against you. There was an intensity in his eyes that sent shivers down your spine.
“Let me show you what they mean,” he whispered, a low tone that sent your thoughts spinning. In that moment, the innocence you had associated with him faded into a sultry gaze that spoke volumes.
You wanted to protest, to argue that he was cute, sweet Kai. But as his lips crashed onto yours, all coherent thoughts vanished. Every ounce of confidence you had melted away, and you felt the heat pooling between you, igniting an undeniable spark.
"K-kai..." is the only thing you were able to whisper when he pulled away for a while and lips came back crashing against yours once again. You tugged at his shirt, making sure to keep yourself grounded from everything that's happening. His kisses traveled down your neck, his hands wrapping around your back, slowly unzipping your dress.
"K-kai, please..." Kai felt his cock throbbed from your strained begging voice.
It stirred something inside him. He gently pulled down the flimsy clothing that barely covered your thighs earlier, discarding it on the floor, and leaving you in your bra and panties.
Your hands quickly flew, covering your chest as you turned beet red when he stepped back a little to admire your naked figure. His gaze felt like a black hole sucking you in. "Don't let Yeonjun hyung go anywhere near you, hm?" he warns, his hand reaching out to your face, gently brushing your cheek. "I know him too well."
And it sinks in. The question of why Kai pulled you closer to himself earlier and why he was almost squeezing your side has now been answered. You nodded, your eyes looking for praise from him. And then he moves back closer to you, prying your hands off your chest as he lifts you up and marches his way to your bedroom.
"I'm giving you the chance to stop me right now, pumpkin. I don't want our relationship to go to waste just because of a drunken mistake," he sighs, his huge figure hovering above you.
You shook your head, which made Kai shut his eyes. It seems like he was trying to calm himself.
"Don't stop, Kai. I need you... Please..." you whined, biting down on your lower lip. It was Kai's last straw—you begging.
He moved with such dominance, guiding the pace and intensity of the moment, the way he manhandled you filled you with a mix of excitement and exhilaration. You were at his mercy, and instead of fear, an overwhelming sense of trust washed over you.
He pulls away, "You're not gonna regret this?" he asked while removing his shirt.
It's not a secret that Kai has a big body build, given that he has a huge frame. But you're not expecting this from him, the guy in front of you is so buff that you almost refuse to believe he's Kai.
He chuckled when he saw your reaction. "Should I pick your jaw from the floor, pumpkin?"
Kai slides his hand under your head before he grabs your hand and lets you touch his firm chest. "Last chance to answer. Are you sure about this?"
"Please Kai. I've been wanting to touch you. To kiss you. To make love with you." Your eyes are glossy from how happy you are. No doubt, he's really a loving and caring boyfriend.
This time, you pulled him, kissing him in the most gentle, loving, and emotional way. His soft lips felt like a cloud on yours. His warm tongue ignites a pit of fire in your stomach. His teeth biting and grazing your lips made you reeling. He pulled away with a string of saliva hanging.
He tucks your hair behind your ear, planting another soft kiss on your forehead. However, you could feel the possessiveness he’d hinted at—the way he claimed you as his, how he sought to leave his marks on your neck and chest. You were a hundred percent sure it would leave marks for a couple of days.
He was a force, the kind of passionate energy you never knew you craved. His touches were both gentle and commanding, and soon you surrendered to the pleasure, allowing him to take control. You don't mind his dominance, right? If anything, you loved it—submitting to your buff boyfriend who's taking the lead.
Your soft mewls and moans made his cock throb once again. And it looks like he's not leaving any part of your body taken for granted.
Your lips were swollen from his kisses. Neck and shoulders littered with hickeys. The soft skin of your arm is filled with love bites. Your mounds slicked with his saliva. Your waist was marked by the tight grip of his hand. Your ass cheeks are red with his spanking. Your plush thighs were marked with how his fingernails dug at your skin. Your gummy walls are clenching on his tongue.
"Kai... K-kai... Hah.. ahh..." You're spent. Yet you're loving how his slimy tongue explored your insides. You gripped his hair, and your soft sobs of pleasure resonated within the enclosure of your room.
He carefully pulled away, licking his lips as he locked his gaze with you. "Wanna know, I don't want to share the same bed with you, pumpkin? Why don't I want to use your room?" Kai tilted his head sideways with a grin.
"W-why?" you pant.
"I can't let you hear me when I touch myself at night. I can't let you see me fuck my fist imagining it's yours. I can't sleep in your room or else I might end up cumming and soiling your bed," he chuckled, his eyes full of desire.
"Kai," you whimpered at the thought as you closed your eyes, imagining everything he just confessed.
"Maybe my friends were right after all, hm?" His fingers started prodding on your entrance. "Maybe I wasn't as innocent as you think, pumpkin. I'm sorry," he mutters, slowly pushing his digits in.
"F-fuck ahh... H-hah, Kai!" You held his wrist as you let out whiny moans. His tongue already made you see a glimpse of heaven. His fingers would totally let you fully see what heaven looks like. Your hand flew to your mouth to muffle your moans until you ended up cumming on his fingers without warning.
Too embarrassed, you covered your eyes as you saw his glistening fingers. Sticky and wet at the same time. You heard him let out a soft chuckle before a moan came from him.
You quickly open your eyes, only to him deliciously sucking his fingers with his eyes closed.
"K-kai that's dirty!" You quickly got up to stop him, but he only pulled your thighs and raised them up. Your ass now lifted from the bed as your back was gently bent. He dipped his head down on your sopping cunt as he slurped on your dripping cunt.
It felt dirty. Nasty, even. Yet Kai seems to enjoy eating you out. His eyes filled with lust when he opened them, looking at you as if you were his prey.
"D-do you mind if I p-put it on you?" you stuttered, suggesting to put the condom on him for him.
Kai hums. You quickly reached above, frantically pulling the drawers to grab the pack of condoms you bought three months ago, thinking you were gonna get laid.
He pulled his pants off, his girthy cock slapping on his abdomen, tip leaking from pre-cum.
Kai winces when you slowly roll the condom on his hard cock. The red tip looked as if it was gonna burst anytime. His hand clamped on his mouth as he watched you wrap him up, muffling any noise.
Kai sat on the bed, leaning on the headboard just beside you. "Take a seat," he motioned, tapping his lap.
As a good girlfriend, you gladly obliged. Straddling him and lifting your waist, sinking slowly on his erect cock.
Kai threw his head back, grunting at the tight feeling, gripping your waist and landing a spank on your still red ass. Yelping in pleasure, you forced all the way down, letting him fill your insides with his thickness. You buried your face on his neck as he rubbed your back, cooing at you.
"You're so good to me, baby, so good," he whispers.
He lets you feel the stretch for a little while before slowly bucking his hips up, thrusting agonizingly slow in you. His thrusts start slow and gradually add force and speed.
"Am I still innocent, pumpkin?" He asked as he pushed you away from his body, wrapping his hand around your neck, lightly squeezing it.
"Still your innocent and gentle Kai? Hm?" he taunts, even if you can't form any words to say.
Your mouth hangs open, gasping for air as he tightens his grip on your neck. You tried keeping your body still, holding on both of his shoulders.
"Fuck, you're sexy, h-hah..." he grunts. Your mind is hazy with his words and actions. It felt too much, that you started drooling.
"K-kai... B-baby..." Your words aren't almost heard as you were gasping for air.
"Let's do this often, yeah?" Kai suggested as he rams his cock inside your gummy walls.
@binniesbooks 2024
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joeys-babe · 7 months
Joey B Blurbs: Dinosaur
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Summary: You make the mistake of helping Joe make a TikTok account.
Warnings: None, pure silliness
Pairing: Joe Burrow x reader
Imagine Universe: Into The Mystic
February 15, 2024
Out of nowhere, Joe plopped down next to me on the couch and put his phone on my lap.
“Can I help you?” - you
“Yes, actually!” - Joe pointed to his phone
I looked down at his phone to see that it was the TikTok log-in or sign-up page that pops up when you first download the app.
“What?” - you
“Can you help me make an account? My dinosaur ass can't figure it out, but I wanna follow you and see the videos you post. Ja’Marr was talking about the videos you posted of me and you for Valentine’s yesterday, but I had no idea what he was talking about. I wanna be able to see your posts.” - Joe
“Why? So you can approve of them?” - you
“No, nothing like that! I like watching the videos you make of us, and I think they're cute. Plus, I rarely ever get to see the finished prank videos. Please help me?” - Joe
I thought his reasoning was adorable, so I happily helped him.
“Do you want it to be an official account or incognito?” - you
“Incognito.” - Joe
Nodding, I handed him his phone so he could type a username in.
I was absentmindedly staring off when I heard Joe giggle.
“What?” - you smiled
He handed me his phone, and I playfully rolled my eyes at the username he typed out.
“You're a dork.” - you laughed
“I mean, I am making the account to watch your videos, so it's kinda fitting.” - Joe grinned
After getting the rest of the account setup process completed, Joe made me type my username in the search so he could follow me.
“Wanna follow anyone else? The team you play for, maybe?” - you
“Nope. This is all I wanted.” - Joe
You had no idea what a mistake that would be, and you were dealing with the consequences.
It wasn't even the next day yet, and Joe had blown your phone up, mass-liking every video you've ever posted.
Then he found the AI Spongebob singing videos…
“Joseph Lee, send me one more TikTok, and I'm going to block you.” - you
“Watch the last one I sent!” - Joe
“No!” - you
“It's Patrick singing Billie Jean!” - Joe
We were lying in bed, or at least I was, but my phone continuously vibrated on the nightstand, and Joe laughing kept me from sleeping.
“Go to sleep.” - you
Joe rolled over and laid his head on my shoulder, his hand propping up his phone on my chest to show me the video.
Like he hadn't already watched it ten times, Joe couldn't stop laughing.
“I'm gonna shove you off of this bed.” - you
Just when I thought things couldn't get worse, they did. They damn did.
Joe found Jett and Campbell. (IYKYK)
Now he randomly calls me Pookie as a joke, but with way too serious of an expression for my liking.
He'd gone to pick up my online pickup order from the store for me, and when Joe called me to tell me he had received my order, he greeted me in a way that made me want to hang up.
“Hey, baby.” - you
“Hey, Pookie. I got your order and am almost home.” - Joe
A few seconds of silence went by till I spoke up.
“Call me that again and I'll file for divorce.” - you
“You wouldn't do that, you love me too much... right?” - Joe
“I would never even think of it. I was just kidding, Joey.” - you
“Good because I can't live without you.” - Joe
“Can't live without you either… I love you more than anything.” - you
A few seconds of silence went by before Joe spoke up.
“Love you too… Pookie.” - Joe
“Bye.” - you hung up
After threatening divorce, Joe toned it down with the “Pookie” shit, but then he found trends that guys were doing on their girls.
We were in bed one night, cuddling and watching a movie, when out of nowhere, I heard an unmistakable edit audio playing. I looked over at Joe’s phone only to see my face and an annoyed expression on Joe’s.
Joe put his phone down on his chest and scooted away from me.
“Joe…” - you
“Nope, it's okay. Comforting knowing that my wife can recognize songs that are in the background of videos of other men.” - Joe
“You're being silly. I'm huge right now because I'm pregnant with your kid.” - you
“You're not huge… but that still doesn't make up for the fact that you knew that sound.” - Joe
I rolled over onto my side and curled up against Joe. He begrudgingly reached out and ran his fingertips over my bump that was pressing against his side.
“You're crazy if you think I don't have an edit of you saved with the same song in the background.” - you grinned
Joe looked away, suddenly feeling bashful as his cheeks flushed pink, and I lightly scratched his bare arm with my nails.
“You're playin’.” - Joe
“No, I'm not!” - you
I grabbed my phone out and pulled TikTok up, immediately finding my collection titled “Hubby ❤️🤭”, and scrolled till I found the video I wanted.
“Woah, you weren’t joking.” - Joe
“Don't you look hot as fuck?” - you
“I'm just drinking water on the sidelines…” - Joe
“Exactly!” - you
Authors note: idk what to say 💀
Request in this fic;
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Hope you enjoyed! 💕
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ashwhowrites · 27 days
Hey! Really love your writing. Can you write where Eddie meets college gothic henderson reader when she visits Hawkins to visit family and is just smitten and fascinated because he's never seen a gothic person in Hawkins before. So when Dustin asks him why he's staring at his cousin, he's just shocked? (Perhaps the reader looks like this?)
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Combining these together since they are pretty similar! Thank you for requesting 🫶🏻
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It was the peak of summer when Eddie met her for the first time. She had him stop in his tracks and stare. She was completely different than any girl he had ever seen. She had dyed hair, a mixture of blues and some white. Her makeup was fierce and bold. Her skin was painted white and her eyes and lips coated in black. She was gorgeous and gothic. She was so different but a good different.
Her nose was pierced and her face looked sculpted by God himself. Eddie was smitten the second he saw her and it only got worse when she talked to him.
"Dude, why are you staring at my cousin like that?" Dustin asked, they watched as she hugged Dustin's mom.
Eddie couldn't form words, staring as his mouth went dry. Dustin waved a hand in his face but Eddie didn't even blink. All he could feel was his heart racing and his palms getting sweaty.
"Hey Dusty," she said as she walked over. Her ring-covered hand messed with his hair. Then her attention moved to Eddie.
"Who's this?" she asked. Eddie gulped as her eyes settled on him. She was even more perfect up close. She looked him up and down, a small suggestive smile on her face. She made Eddie squirm but he liked it.
"This is Eddie, he's the master in Hellfire!" Dustin said, "He usually never shuts up so no idea what his problem- OW"
Y/N laughed to herself as Eddie gave Dustin a hard elbow to the chest.
"Well Eddie, my name is Y/N," she placed out her hand. Eddie admired her dark nails and clunky rings. He smiled as he shook her hand, his rings clicking against hers.
Eddie would like to say it only took him a few days to get a date with her, but it took him a whole month to get the sentence out. And then another month to ask her to be his girlfriend.
He wouldn't admit it, but he sobbed the day he dropped her off back to college. He cursed himself for not graduating when he should have because he would have followed her to any school. But they refused to break up. It was stronger than a summer fling.
Eddie was a lovesick puppy when it came to her. He wrote letters, wrote her songs, wrote poems, and always mailed some type of gift. She always wrote him back and he had a dresser filled with things she sent him.
The first holiday break was coming up and it was all Eddie could talk about.
"We get it, your girlfriend is coming," Mike groaned into his hands. The rest of the lunch table sighed as Eddie went on another rant about the things he had planned for when Y/N came into town.
"Don't forget she is coming to visit family, not just you," Dustin said as he rolled his eyes. He liked that Eddie and Y/N were together, but Eddie didn't know how to share.
"Yeah yeah" Eddie shrugged him off
Dustin and Eddie raced to the front door, shoving each other out of the way.
"She's my cousin!" Dustin argued
"She's my girlfriend!" Eddie fought back
It was clear Eddie was in love and that he would do anything for Y/N.
"Shit, I forgot to grab extra butter" Y/N groaned as she took her seat. The previews for movies were playing on the big screen as Eddie stood up.
"I'll get it, baby," he said without missing a second. He leaned down and pecked her lips, waiting patiently as she wiped off her black lipstick off his lips.
Then he bounced out of the theater to go get her butter
"Can you believe her boyfriend said that?" Y/N ranted, Eddie sat on her dorm bed as she complained about her roommate's boyfriend.
"What a dick!" Eddie said, he didn't think what the boyfriend said was a big deal but he wouldn't tell her that.
"Exactly! So will you tell him that?" Y/N asked as she placed her hand on her hip
Eddie gulped but stood up, "I got you, baby"
"Eddie, can you grab that can next to your foot?" Dustin asked, it was movie night at his house and Eddie and Y/N joined him. Except they spent the whole time making out.
"Kinda busy here," Eddie hissed as he pulled away, then placed his lips back on hers.
Y/N pulled away and handed Dustin the can. Dustin thanked her as he glared at Eddie. But his focus was only on her, his dopey eyes staring at her.
"I want popcorn, do you guys want any?" Dustin asked as he stretched out his legs and set his can back down
"No," Eddie said, leaning in to kiss Y/N again but she placed her finger on his lips.
"I kinda do," she whispered
"On it," Eddie said, standing up as fast as he could, his foot smacking Dustin's can and spilling it all over the floor. But he walked past it and headed into the kitchen
"EDDIE! COME ON!" Dustin yelled
Before he knew it, they were together for years. They both finished school and got a small apartment. On their days off they stayed tangled up in bed together.
"I love you," Eddie whispered as he pecked her lips
"I love you too," she said as she kissed him back, her hand on his cheek. He smiled as he felt the cold new ring on her left hand.
He gently grabbed her hand and kissed her knuckle. Then he kissed the new engagement ring he placed on her finger last night.
"I can't wait to marry you"
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@bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @somethingvicked @micheledawn1975 @ago-godance @magnificantmermaid @tlclick73 @hargrovesswifee @cityofidek @silky-luxe @lokiofasgard616 @loving-and-dreaming @eddiemunsonsbitch69 @thegemaqua @ashlynnkennedy @strangerthingsstories5255 @harringt8ns @pleasinghellfire @whoscamila @stusdollface93 @gretavankleep37 @bellaisswagger @arlxt @ineedmentalhelp123
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simp-ly-writes · 19 days
Recap, Rewind, Fast-Forward
─────── · · The Comment Section (pt.3.5)
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Pairing: Spencer Agnew x gn!Reader
─ · · SUMMARY: A recap of everything; the people and moments in your life recently. A rewind to reminice on how many years you and spencer have known one another. And a fast-forward on what is to come in your life in becoming a movie-star.
─ · · TAGS: gender-neutral pronouns, jealous!Spencer, angst, social media au, attempt at comedy, slowburn, light swearing, fluff, mutual pinning, irl celebrities, friends that act like lovers, friends/lovers.
─ · · A/N: thank you so much for this ask, anon! post number 200 for me yippee!
─────── · ·
RECAP: 🔔 (name)s_username just posted for the first time in awhile.
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Liked by co_mill, spennser, sydney_sweeney, and others
(name)s_username how things have been going...
View all 7,342 comments
spennser i demand a rematch.
↳ (name)s_username accept the truth and let me be better at something than you ↳ spennser you are better than me in many ways ↳ (name)s_username okay then, name some. ↳ spennser you are smarter, funnier, prettier, kinder, and are way better at uno and table tennis than me ↳ (name)s_username shut up now please 😃 ↳ noahgrossman214 so this was what had you blushing earlier... ↳ (name)s_username you too, shut up now please 😃 ↳ username44 they are perfect together, your honour. ↳ username21 (yourshipname) forever!
username01 I am so in love with you (and spencer).
username54 so excited to watch the film!
sydney_sweeney thank you for making me look cute! 🥰
↳ (name)s_username you always look cute, my lover ❤️ ↳ sydney_sweeney 😘
username33 get a life. work a real job like the rest of us.
co_mill marry me.
↳ (name)s_username yes. ↳ shaynetopp what the hell man! ↳ spennser yeah, what the hell man! comment deleted by user ↳ glen_powell they are canonically my spouse first! ↳ (name)s_username i'll always love you, first husband ❤️ (throuple?) ↳ glen_powell throuple ❤️ ↳ co_mil throuple ❤️ ↳ username54 spencer really has me out here crying over instagram comments 😭
username27 I aspire to be as cool as you 😔
username11 watched the apology video, I forgive you!
username88 please be in more videos with Damien, I love your dynamics!
username19 did anyone manage to see spencers deleted comment?
─────── · ·
REWIND: 🔔 This post is getting a lot of likes, check it out!
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Liked by spennser, ianhecox, shaynetopp and others
(name)s_username crazy it is to think I met you 12 years ago, here's to another 12 and then some my best friend ❤️
View all 1,577 comments
spennser wouldn't have made it this far without you 🫶
↳ (name)s_username same goes to you 🫶 ↳ spennser 😊 ↳ (name)s_username 😊 ↳ username01 i am going feral over here, gnawing at the gates.
username23 new (yourshipname) lore just dropped! they met in college?!?!?
username45 thank you (name) for supplying us with new spencer images!
username32 going to find a bridge, wish me luck 🤞
username50 sobbing, crying, throwing up. /positive
ianhecox one of my favorite duos
↳ (name)s_username could never beat you and anthony though 😄 ↳ anthonypadilla i think we are in different competition brackets... ↳ (yourshipname)updates 👀 the tea! the shade!
username90 there is NO WAY you two have been pining after each other that long. how're you both still alive and functioning??
username22 if this is the only type of anniversary we are ever going to receive from you two, i will accept it with a heavy heart.
co_mill love you two!
username74 OMG they are getting married and nobody thought to tell me!!
↳ username01 we wish 😭 they are just celebrating their friendship here, nothing romantic (yet)...
username07 he is so fucking cute, (name) is you don't want him, let me at him!!!
─────── · ·
REWIND: 🔔 You got tagged in spennser's post. click to view.
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Liked by (name)s_username, noahgrossman214 and others
spennser 12 years went by way too quickly with you.
View all 2,403 comments
mobile_suit_alex you and me don't have a friendship anniversary 😔
↳ username99 tell me about awkward... 😬 ↳ username14 rip. ↳ spennser we can make something work 👍
(name)s_username I can't believe it either 😆
(name)s_username play lego star wars later? 🫶
↳ spennser hell yeah. 🫶
username39 please kiss already, everyone knows you want to.
username17 we might see GTA 6 before spencer and (name) get together, i don't like this timeline.
angelagiovanagiarratana you guys are so darn cute, i want to eat it 😤
filmingamanda lowkey jealous.
↳ username12 join the party! ↳ username43 we have been here
username84 NO! You both don't get to hold each other and call it "just-friends!" I am officially calling you and (name) out!
username15 someone hold me like that, please. it would fix me.
username19 anyone else raising eyebrows to that last pic?
username61 spencer be holding on for dear life fr.
smoshgames we are so happy for our parents!
↳ spennser i thought i told you guys not to use the account for things like this ↳ smoshgames sorry not sorry, boss! 🏃‍♂️💨 ↳ anthonypadilla i thought i was dad? ↳ username22 i can't with these comments 🤣
username68 can't wait to watch your boyfriend/girlfriend go kiss a bunch of hot people on the big screen! 😄
username01 i like to think that last picture is spencer being jealous over some comments and wanting to prove a point mwahahahha!!
↳ (youshipname)updates yes, please! feed the delusions!! ↳ username71 i love fan-canons, i love this community ❤️
username57 make more content. i am bored.
─────── · ·
FAST-FORWARD: 🔔 (name)s_username just posted, check it out!
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Liked by sydney_sweeney, glen_powell, and others
(name)s_username sneak peak: kisses! we are almost done filming now, so excited for you all to see it 🥹
View all 10,120 comments
sydney_sweeney you know, i'm not too happy with that last shot. want to try that scene again? 😉
↳ (name)s_username 😳 o-oh? ↳ glen_powell i'm left out again, i swear you two- ↳ (name)s_username you love us both, who are you kidding 😘 ↳ glen_powell well, I can't deny that 🫶 ↳ username22 HEY!! 😡 that hand-heart is spencer and (name)'s thing!
username67 is this a car accident? because i can't look away!
username88 so, nobody on smosh is saying anything?? okay then...
chickenshopdate i am formally asking you out.
↳ (name)s_username yes ma'am! 🫡
Sonypictures see the full scenes of sydney_sweeney, glen_powell, and (name)s_username this winter!
↳ username99 what happened to the holiday release? ↳ Sonypicture hi username99! filming has processed a lot faster than planned and we want this movie to have its own time to shine with little competition. ↳ username50 hey- the sooner i can watch this- the better!
romcom_interviews i think i need a cold shower after these pictures, oh shoot! wrong account!
username70 i can't stand all these promotional accounts trying to act funny, like get out of my feed.
↳ username07 well, at least they were polite about it...
username31 I am having emotional whiplash. 😣
username01 (name) really be out here living like (y/n).
─────── · ·
─ · · A/N: something a bit different, what did you all think? thank you all for the support on every part so far- means a lot to me and makes me want to write more! what are you looking for to in the next part?
─ · · TAGLIST: @lisiliely
153 notes · View notes
Chapter 1: A Ruff Day for two
Damian is humiliated. Who wouldn't be? Joker had teamed up with a bunch of other villains and had stolen a magical device that turns people into animals - why? Damian doesn't know!
While fighting however he was split from the rest of the family and hit with the ray.
You want to guess what animal he got the luck of turning into?
If you guessed a Yorkshire Terrier then you'd be correct.
It's not that Damian doesn't like the animal, he adores all animals no matter what, it's just offensive that that's what he ended up being. Couldn't he have been something cooler? A Doberman? A German Shepherd?
Whatever... Either way he is now wondering the streets trying not to get picked up by strangers - or stepped on for that matter.
While lost in thought about how he will get back to normal and whether his family are okay he didn't see the pair of legs standing in front of a closed shop.
He bumps into them, as soon as he does he dashes back and starts to growl - it's really all he can do.
He looks up at the figure who looks more confused than anything, they have a phone in their hand and pajamas on. They look half asleep.
Damian quickly deducts that the person was harmless.
Honestly, Damian was ready to just leave, walk around this person, yet when he attempted to a loud bang filled the air.
He swears it was the dog instincts, that it wasn't his own instincts, that made him run behind the person.
He's Damian Wayne! An al Ghul for crying out loud! No way is he scared of an explosion, even if it was even louder as a dog.
The person reacts slowly, clearly extremely tired. They turn to look at Damian and after a couple seconds they speak up, pulling Damian from his fight or flight response.
"Poor puppy... Are you lost?" The person bends down and slowly and carefully pats Damian. Damian is tempted to bite the person's hand off but refrains in case they call the pound.
"your coat is so well taken care of... Not to mention the fact that you're a handbag dog. You must belong to one of the wealthy elites... That part of town is so far away from here though, poor thing" their voice is soft, clearly tired. They yawn slightly.
"it's pretty late right now so the pound is probably closed, I'll take you tomorrow to check for a microchip because I don't see a collar."
Damian wishes he could scoff as a dog. Why would this stranger help him? Especially the breed he is. They're noisy, skittish and more, definitely not the type for run down apartments that this person definitely lives in.
Yet, he doesn't bite or growl when they pick him up. He squirms slightly in discomfort but soon enough they hold him properly.
Fine. He'll stay the night then in the morning he'll make his way back to Wayne Manor and find his family.
You have decided that your luck is absolute shit. It has to be. You're pretty sure whatever god is watching is purposefully planning your demise.
First, your lover of three years cheats on you.
Second, you fail two of your exams and forgot to hand in an assignment.
Third, your favorite convenience store closed early so you couldn't buy a tub of cheap ice cream so you can act out how a person in a movie would react to all of the above.
Fourth, a dog stumbles into you, clearly from some wealthy douche and now you've spoken before you thought and moved before you could comprehend.
Your landlord is going to have your head. A great way to end the shit show of a day, not to mention Yorkshire Terrier's are the most yap filled dogs imaginable. Luckily this one is quiet... Hopefully for the rest of the night.
You look down at your phone in your other hand, you were messaging your dad to ask for more money because you were recently fired from your last job.
It's not like you like asking others for money, it's embarrassing, but your dad is well off enough to send some over.
You and your family are stable, something a lot of people in Gotham can't relate to. Sucks to be them you guess.
The only reason you're living alone is because they live in Metropolis and you were studying at Gotham University.
Was the degree worth living in this dump of a city? You sure hope so. If not you'll actually become a villain.
You glance at the dog from time to time, checking for any discomfort. The dog is still, eyes blinking occasionally. Was it in thought? You didn't think dogs would think like that.
Eventually you make it to your apartment complex, it was better than the one next to it, but to be fair the one next to it was abandoned after a fire.
You head upstairs to your apartment on the third floor.
Turns out the higher the apartment from the ground is, the higher it will cost. Luckily for you your mother is paying for it, you just pay utility bills.
You struggle with your keys and the dog in your arms. Eventually though you open the door and all but throw the dog down, he was super heavy.
That or you just weren't used to holding anything that breathes.
The dog walks in and sniffs around.
"I suppose I should name you.." You speak aloud, closing the front door of the apartment and walking to the kitchen right next to it.
"how about... Buddy?" The dog huffs.
"No? Okay uhm... What are dog names? Give me a second." You search up dog names and click on an article.
"Uh, Oreo?" A huff.
"Max?" A huff.
You continue going down the list before groaning.
"Fuck me... Forget it, I'll put on the TV and the first name I see will be your name."
You grab the remote and turn on your shitty old TV. The news pops up, one of the headlines reading:
Robin seen being hit with animal ray!
"huh... What about Robin?" The dog rolls it's eyes but doesn't seem to object. You smile, relieved.
"Good. Robin it is."
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peachy-wolfhard · 3 months
dating toge inumaki II
warnings: cuteness, erm plushie incest, toge gets cucked in Stardew Valley, “pretty princess” is used once
word count: 861
These are hopefully sweeter than Part 1
I have way too many thoughts about this freak
Sleepovers are a must and Toge is the number one sleepover planner even if the sleepovers are last minute
Facemasks! Movie night! Mario Kart! EVERYTHING!!!
Absolutely WILL try and sabotage your Mario Kart win. He likes to push, bite, hiss… anything a younger sibling would do
He likes to play the VS races so he can continuously blue-shell you
Toge loves doing every cute couple's tiktok trends. His favorite so far is the matching nail polish to your eyes
“Honey! Honey! Salted salmon cod roe!” as Toge runs up to you pointing and grinning.
“Hold on! Stop jumping!” you giggle taking the phone from his hand. Watching the TikTok he was too excited to show you, it's a couple showing their eyes next to nail polish their partner picked out. Looking up from his phone, Toge frantically points back and forth between the two of you, practically buzzing.
“You wanna do this wi-” “SALMON SALMON SALMON!” the curse speech user cuts you off all while jumping up and down, holding your shoulders
Another trend he likes is painting your partner, he takes all the couple challenges seriously but ESPECIALLY this one
“Ugh, I hate how all these guys never try on these” Toge types and rests on your hip to read.
“Never try on what?” you reply resting your chin atop his head, stroking his hair. Toge swipes to a TikTok of a couple that painted each other and skips to the end, the man shows his painting of his s/o as her face falls, it looks more like an unflattering caricature. 
“Let's do this! Need to paint my pretty princess :3 need the love of my life immortalized in a painting” Toge types giggling into your neck
Speaking of cute couple things! He definitely makes you a highlight on Instagram. Its wither named something like “(your initial) <3333” or “my wet cat :3”
Half of the posts are .5’s of you eating or the most gorgeous images ever taken by a human
FACETIMING!!!! He might not be able to speak BUT Facetime is still fun. He likes it when you give him a haul of all the stuff you bought
Jokingly gets jealous over the fictional characters you like (getting meta here woah)
“The things I'd let that man do should be illegal,” giggling as Toge pouts, arms crossed over his chest like a child.
“Absolutely devious and heinous things,” Toge groans then pretends to cry, throwing his head in between his knees. Ignoring your dramatic boyfriend, you continue the movie.
A flurry of messages comes through, all with the overarching theme of “I'll never be him”
“I mean we could dye your hair”
Toge likes to sneak into your dorm after long missions just because. You feel the bed move under his weight. Toge proceeded to wiggle his way closer to you, lifting your waist gently to place his arm under, pulling you somehow even closer. Resting his chin on your shoulder, “Hi”
Toge likes to keep his collar zipped up and mumble so you have to lean closer to him to hear him then pull it down and quickly kiss you
Play fighting is his all-time favorite pastime. Play fighting either means just wrestling around or picking you up and slamming you on any soft surface
Mystery box addict over here. Toge loves all mystery boxes but ESPECIALLY those Tokidoki ponies and the Sanrio ones
100% makes you guys open them together and record it
“Hi chat. We got blind boxes again,” you say holding up one of the many blind boxes you and Toge had purchased that day
“We bought so much today I don't think we have enough for groceries,” “Salmon”
“Which one do you want? I want the onion or corn pony,” Toge leans over and looks at the back of your box, and taps frantically on the pony that looks like a potato. Unfortunately for you two, you both get radish.
Plushie. Demon. Toge either glares at your plushies or makes them kiss and makes them hump each other
Dinner nights with the rest of your friends are quite common. Most of the time Toge makes dinner and invites your friends
Dinner also (most of the time) morphs into an unexpected sleepover (you guys forgot how late it was and now can't leave the dorm without being seen)
Toge loves playing video games with you. Even if you don’t play the kind of games he plays
“Grrrr,” Toge grows like a dog at your Stardew Valley character.
“Be quiet freak I'm talking to my husband. Go to the mines we need coal,”
“I'm being cucked in my own save file,” Toge texts you before running to the mines
Matching phone charms, headbands, sleep masks, PLUSHIES!!! Literally everything that can match you guys have it
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footballfanficwriter · 9 months
Summary:where Kylian promises his son to be there for his match but doesn't show
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Maman ou est papa" ( Mom where is Dad?")
"Je ne sais pas, ma chérie" ( I don't know my darling))
Kylian was supposed to be here by now, Théo is playing today after being on the bench because of an injury, Kylian promised he would be there but I don't think he will
I try calling him for the 5th time today and it goes straight to voicemail
I sigh and look at my son whose putting his cleats on
"Is he coming?"
"I don't think so Théo"
He looks at me with a sad look that I instantly want to remove from his face
He hugs me tightly and I hug him back, I then pull away and look at him, then wipe away the tears that have escaped his eyes
"Je suis la, amour" ( I'm here, love)
"Ok Maman, je t'aime beaucoup" ( ok mom, I love you so much)
"Je t'aime beaucoup aussi Théo" (I love you so much as well Théo)
"I don't want to go"
"C'mon, you'll do great"
"But he's not here"
"Yeah, but I am, do it for me, can you play for me today Théo?"
"Ok, I'll play for you mom"
"Merci, ok now go"
He hands me his bag and waves at me, I wave back at him and give him a smile
I make my way to the stands and watch Théo, I pick my phone up and try to call Kylian again, maybe he can make it just in time before the second half, but it's no use it goes straight to voicemail again
The match starts and I put my phone away giving up on calling Kylian, I just want to focus on my son's match
The first half goes on and I see Théo look my way, then the empty seat next to me
He looks sad, angry and frustrated
The ref blows the whistle indicating that the second half has begun
Théo, sprints to the opponent and manages to get the ball
He passes it to one of his teammates then his teammate passes back to him, he dribbles past the defender and shoots the ball, then scores
He celebrates and points to me,blows a kiss towards me then makes a heart
I stand up and clap for him and he mouths "I love you mom"
I mouth back to him, "I love you too Théo"
By the 90th minute Théo's team has won 5-0 and Théo has scored 3 goals and assisted in the other 2
After the match he walks up to me and I hand him his water bottle
"Good job honey I'm so proud of you"
"Thanks mom"
I pick him up and he lays his head on my shoulder
"Can we please go home now"
"Ok, let's go"
I walk to the car and put him in the back seat, we then drive home in silence, and I'm occasionally glancing back to see him with a sad look on his face
"Are you hungry?"
"No, I just wanna go home"
"Do you want to play FC24, when we get home?"
"No, I'm just tired, I think I'm going to sleep"
I give him a look that says really
"After I take a bath"
"Don't you want to spend some time with me, we can watch cars, or monsters inc., any movie you want to watch"
"Yeah, maybe after my nap"
"Ok, hey you know I was thinking maybe we can make cookies, do you want to help?"
"Not today mom, I don't think I'm in the mood"
"Ok, do you want me to help you with your bath?"
"No, I'm a big boy, I can do it myself"
The rest of the car ride is silent until we get home
Théo, gets out of the car and walks into the house while dragging his bag with him
I sigh and walk into the house and find his cleats and shoes placed neatly in the little shoe cupboard, usually I have to tell him to it, but today seems different
I go to the kitchen and get started on dinner
"Can you please help me"
I turn around, and see Théo struggling to take his shirt off
I slightly chuckle and walk towards him to help him
"What happened to the big boy?"
"He needs his mom's help"
I help him take his shirt off then carry him to the bathroom, then open the taps making sure that the water is the right temperature for him, I then add his favorite bubble bath into the water, and he gets in
He puts some bubbles on his hair and starts playing with his bath toys
"What type of big boy plays with toys in the bath?"
"Ok fine, I'm still a small boy"
I chuckle and start bathing him, afterwards I wrap him up in a towel then carry him to his room and place him on the bed, and start taking out some clothes
He moisturizes himself then put on the clothes that I laid out for him
"Do you still want to take your nap"
He nods his head in a tired way and climbs onto his bed, grabs a thrower and lays his head on the pillow, I kiss his forehead and he smiles saying
"Thank you mommy"
"You're welcome Théo"
I walk out of his room and go back to the kitchen to continue making dinner
After 2 hours I hear the front door open, he's here
He walks into the kitchen and looks at me but I ignore his gaze
"Ça va, amour"
"Ma chérie"
He walks closer to me but i move away
"Lassie Moi" I say (leave me alone)
"C'est quoi le problème?" He asks ( what's the matter?)
"Ah bon, t'es sérieuse, Kylian" I ask ( really, are you serious Kylian?)
"C'est quoi c'est pas" ( what happened?")
"C'est ton fils, il est triste" I say ( it's your son, he's sad)
"Mais pourquoi" he asks (but why?)
"Pasque il son père" (because of his dad)
"Moi?" (Me?)
"Oui, toi" ( yes you)
"What did I do now?"
"So you didn't know that your son was playing today, after he told you two weeks ago and kept reminding you so you wouldn't forget"
He looks at me with shock, like I've just told him the most suprising news
"Mon Dieu, Kylian he even told you this morning before he went to school"
"He's match was today?"
I let out a frustrated sigh
"Where were you even, huh, and why was you phone going to voicemail everytime I tried calling you?"
"I was with Archaf, and I lost track of time"
"You lost track of time doing what?"
He's quiet
"What were you doing Kylian?"
"I was busy"
"You know what I don't even want to know, just get away from me"
"Where is Théo anyway"
"He's sleeping, he took a bath and went straight to bed"
I hear him sigh behind me
"I'm sorry"
"You're apologizing to the wrong person"
"Then I'll go and apologize to Théo"
"No he's asleep, don't wake him up"
"So what must I do then?"
"I don't care, just don't bother the child"
He goes upstairs and goes to our shared room, I the hear the shower taps, indicating that he's taking a shower
30 minutes later, I'm done making dinner and it seems Kylian is done taking his shower and he walks downstairs
I dish up 3 plates of food then go to the table and place them there
I then go upstairs to wake Théo up
He opens his eyes and looks at me
"Ouies, c'est Moi amour, est que faim" (yeah it's me love, are you hungry?"
"Oui je faim" (yes, I'm hungry)
"On y va"(let's go)
I pick him up and we go downstairs,when we get to the dining table we find Kylian already there waiting for us, I place Théo in the seat next to me, where there's a plate of food
We eat dinner in silence until Kylian breaks it
"Je suis très désolé, mon fils"
"C'est bien papa"
"Ah bon?"
He nods his head
"But why were you not there, how come you didn't come to my match?" Théo asks with his voice slightly breaking
Kylian looks at me and I look at Théo
"I was busy" Kylian says
"With what"
"Théo, arrête ici c'est pas ton problème" (Théo, stop, this is not your problem"
"Ouies mais c'est mon problème" I say (yeah but it's my problem)
"Je travaillerai" he says ( I was working)
"Avec quoi?( with what?)
"Rien" ( nothing)
"T'es sérieuse, t'es fou ou quoi, t'es travaille avec rien?" (are you serious, are you mad or what, you were working with nothing?)
"Oui" he says (yes)
"You must think I'm an idiot"
"But I was working"
"Papa, s'il te plaît" Théo says (dad please)
"Théo, this is non of your business"
"Then why weren't you there?" Théo asks
"I was busy"(Kylian says)
"Théo, arrête je parle avec ton père, go to your room" I say ( Théo, stop, I'm talking to your dad)
He gets out of his seat and walks upstairs
"Are you serious, are you not going to tell me what you were so busy with that you had to miss your son's first match, after the injury he had?"
"All you need to know is that I was busy"
"Are you cheating on me?"
"What, no"
"Then what were you so busy with"
"Fine, since you don't want to tell me, I'll be sleeping with Théo today" I say standing up from my seat, "you can sleep in the guest room or on the sofa, also do the dishes before you go to bed"
I walk upstairs and go to Théo's room
"C'mon, let's go" I say
"Where are we going?"
"To my room"
"You're sleeping with me"
"Can we watch movies and stay up all night"
"Yeah, we can"
"Can we start with Marvel movies"
"I was thinking the same thing"
We go back downstairs and pick out some snacks for the movie
"Not so many sweets Théo"
After picking some snacks and deciding what movies to watch, we go back upstairs to my room and put the movie on the TV
I tuck Théo into the bed and his tiny head sticks out from under the covers
"Is Daddy going to leave us forever?"
"No, my love, he's not, me and your father are just having a bit of a disagreement"
"What's that?"
"It's when two people don't see eye to eye on something, but in the end they always work it out"
"You promise?"
"I promise Amour, now stop worrying about that and let's focus on the movie,ok?"
The rest of the night is spent watching movies till the early hours of the morning
Théo eventually falls asleep, cuddled up to me like I'm a teddy bear
I switch the TV off and kiss Théo's forehead and he snuggles into me, I close my eyes and fall asleep
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wuishu · 3 months
Hamzah yapping (II): Compilation
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(not proofread)
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Hamzah being this bad boy but sweet dynamic and Y/n being a caring person with a little attitude, who couldn't adore them. With the paring, no one could separate them.
People were finding more compilations about them, and seeing them more together it was bound to make more. The viewer's favorite compilation is titled: “Hamzah Being Obsessed for his girlfriend for 20 Minutes”
The first clip was in Y/n’s small youtube account, her being busy in life, she couldn't upload consistently, but she uploaded a barely edited vlog video with Hamzah. It was about changing each other's wardrobe.
“I bet this would be good on you, Hamzah” You showed the shirt to the camera, as he stayed still, “Try it on babe.”
“This is so ridiculous. I'm not doing that” You flipped the camera as you showed the camera a puppy look that Hamzah couldn't say no to. He took the shirt you were holding. He kissed you on the lips, as you smiled
“You're thankful that I love you,” He said. The video cut off, and you showed the viewers Hamzah’s new fit. “See, guys, he can be a fashion icon.”
“I found something you can wear,” he said as he hid it to his back, “And what's that?”
He showed it to the camera, and it was a revealing dress that would hug your curve, “Oh my god, what is that?”
He smiles and takes your phone to let you change into the dress, he hands you the dress, “You're actually serious?”
“UH huh!” he said like a little kid, and you rolled your eyes. You walked into a dresser, and he flipped the camera to his face
“Goodness gracious, mama Mia.” He saw you looking shy as he showed the viewers what you looked like. “Let's buy it”
“No, it's too expensive, babe”
“I'll pay for it! Come on, let's pay for it. Good lord, I can't wait for what’s under that dress”
You laughed, “You haven't even changed into your shirt!”
The next clip was a tiktok video on Hamzah’s profile. Martin and him wanted to “jokingly” show their fit like one of those tiktok boys, but their fit is ridiculous. Hamzah wearing an “I HEART MY GIRLFRIEND”
“This pants, thrifted. This shirt? Stole it. This watch?” Hamzah’s voice switches from manly to sweet. “Given to my girlfriend, who I love so much, I love you, babe, and I can't wait to see you. Shout out to my girlfriend.” The cameraman slowly walked away, and Hamzah followed the camera like a weirdo.
The video switches to little gameplay as you were in, as they played Roblox. You wanted to play Roblox with them, so you set up a little gaming computer to play at.
“I’m here, I'm here!” Hamzah jumped up and down as you followed him. Hamzah could see you slowly running. Martin is trying to become a barista in Brookhaven.
“How do you adopt kids here?” Hamzah said, as he took the stroller and tried to kidnap a recently logged-in character.
“You type, Abc for a kid I can adopt.” Hamzah and Martin could hear your clanky keyboard typing. You waited for a bit for someone to respond.
“Hamzah you can't be my kid, get outta my stroller,” you said as you unequipped the thing. “Goo goo gaa gaa, I want breastmilk, mommy,” the ‘WHAT?’ sound effect played
“Woah what?” Martin stopped playing, as you also froze. Hamzah laughed at what just happened.
In the next clip, it was an instagram story where you showed what you and Hamzah do in your own house.
Both of you were watching a movie. Both of you were lying down and showed what movie you were watching. You flipped the video to the front and can see Hamzah loving the place where he rests his head on your breasts. You caress your free hand to his curly hair
“Look at this stupid cat,” you said as Hamzah looked at your phone, he kissed your neck
“Meow,” Hamzah mocked purring like a cat. You were trying not to laugh.
The next clip was an OOC podcast about how they met you and Mandy. “I met Y/n, in college, she was one of those rowdy girls but once you get to know her, she's a nerd. I remember asking her on a date, and she said no.”
He laughed but continued, “But I kept asking her until she got tired of saying no, and we had a great time, which led to today, so yeah…”
“AND! I forgot I used to have this huge crush on her, but I was too scared to talk to her, so I told one of my friends to send her a letter.”
“Wow, so you pushed her into going on a date with you? That's such crazy behavior you did,” Martin said as Hamzah smug. “You can say I got that begging rizz”
The next clip is the recent video, where they show what's inside their bag. Hamzah showed a shirt that was too bright for Hamzah’s usual shirt colors. “My girlfriends shirt, which was recently worn, I can still smell her”
“Dude gross” Martin said as he held the black belt that was recently from his bag. “It's not gross, when I miss my significant other, I bring something to remind me of her. That's all.” He was trying to find something inside his bag. And he pulled out a cute plushie
“Like this one, Y/n gave me this for my birthday.” He shook the plushie and showed it to the camera. It was a beige bear that had a green knitted shirt.
The video switched to a new clip. It was another video from your small channel. You and Hamzah were just playing an old horror single-player game, and the youtube video title was ‘Playing Old Horror Games’. Both are in the same place as where Hamzah usually records when he and martin play their Fortnite gameplay.
“Okay, fuck, marry, kill. YouTubers Edition,” Hamzah said as he tried to disturb Granny.
“Hmm, I’d kill Jake Paul, ‘cause he’s a Paul, I guess.” You looked puzzled as you tried to rack your brain. “Fuck, jimmy Beast, and marry… Flamingo?”
“WHAT?” Hamzah was shocked at your response, and you looked at him confused. “That's the game, right? Or am I wrong?”
He paused the game and looked at you. The look of defeat was plastered on his face. “I’m a youtuber…” he mumbled as he placed both hands on your cheek. “I’m sorry, Hamzahhh”
“Lemme, answer it again.” You act like you were thinking again. “Kill the Paul brothers. Fuck, Hamzah from the slushy noobz. And marry Hamzah from the out of character podcast.”
“Aww, well, my answer would be… fuck, marry, and kill you.” you laughed, “Why kill me?”
“Well, I want you all to myself, so I'm killing you”
“If I end up gone, arrest him” You looked at the camera as you pointed at him. He looked surprised like he did not say something crazy.
The next clip is another mukbang, but they decided to cook their food to eat, and they brought you to the supermarket to know which one to buy and which not to. You were checking the spices as you tried to find what matched the other.
“We bought, chicken. We bought milk and vegetables. Because we are making — What are we making, Y/n?”
“We are making chicken curry” You showed the curry powder. He nodded “Curry!”
“Where the hell is the gingers? We need them” You said as Hamzah let go of the cart and left Martin. “I can help you find it”.
You hummed and agreed to his offer.
“Yeah, let's go,” He said as he held his hands like he was waiting for your hand to intertwine. You clapped your hand and held his hand tight. While you were walking, Hamzah was jumping in his every step.
Martin flips the camera so that the viewers can see his disgusted face. “Bunch of PDA in this market guys, not good. They need to be put down.”
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(Sorry this took so long to finish, i forgot abt this. Pls give me some ideas 🙏)
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Facts about Greek Myths?
There are a great many figures in Greek myth and they can be hard to keep track of, so here is a quick guide to which is which:
Ajax- Warrior who invented detergent.
Antigone- Funeral enthusiast who invented civil disobedience.
Atlas- First winner of the Olympic strong titan competition.
Bellerophon- Plot point in Mission Impossible 2.
Cerberus- 7 headed dog tragically born with only 3 heads.
Charon- Lead rower for Styx.
Cratus- God of strength, but not THAT god of strength.
Cyclops- Inventor of the monocle.
Daedalus- Inventor of the Labyrinth, and thus of David Bowie.
Dionysus- Drank 24/7 but very responsibly never drove.
Eris- Goddess of fighting with each other.
Eros- God of doing something else with each other.
Euronymous- God of Mayhem.
Fates- Least creatively named destiny gods ever.
Hera- Goddess of marriage yet only Zeus's third wife.
Hylia- Goddess of triangles and disjointed timelines.
Icarus- God of disappointing ones father.
Io- Space captain and epic 3D short film, still not on blu-ray.
Jocasta- Originator of Jo Mama jokes, mother of Oedipus.
Leda- Swan enthusiast and feathery-fandom originator.
Medea- Even worse mom than Jocasta.
Medusa- Inventor of reptile-safe shampoo.
Megaclite- LOL her name is "Megaclite." Pronounced like "Clitty."
Narcissus- Basically Trump.
Odysseus- Sailor who refused to ask for directions.
Orpheus- Inventor of impatiently checking the download bar.
Ouranos- Spelling that could've avoided a lot of planet butt jokes.
Pallas- Inventor of weird looking cats.
Persephone- Pomegranate fan, looked like Monica Bellucci.
Prometheus- Stupid fucking movie, especially for using some of H.R. Giger's original designs then putting them up next to a fucking plain white squid. Also let's make the space jockey a tall guy in a suit. How did Scott think that was a good idea? Fuck that shit and double fuck Covenant for somehow doing even fucking worse.
Rhode- Sea nymph yet not technically an island.
Siren- Inverse groupie.
Sisyphus- Limp Biscuit fan who never stopped rolling.
Tantalus- I'll tell you in a minute...
Thanatos- God of dying as easily as snapping your fingers.
Zeus- When the earth was still flat and the clouds made of fire, and mountains stretched up to the sky, sometimes higher- Folks roamed the earth like big rolling kegs. They had two sets of arms, they had two sets of legs. They had two faces peering out of one giant head so they could watch all around them as they talked and they read. And they never knew nothing of love. It was before the origin of love. There were three sexes then: One that looked like two men glued up back to back, called the children of the sun. Similar in shape and girth were the children of the earth. They looked like two girls rolled up in one. The children of the moon were like a fork shoved on a spoon, they were part sun, part earth- Part daughter, part son. Now the gods grew quite scared of our strength and defiance and Thor said, "I'm gonna kill them all with my hammer, like I killed the giants." And Zeus said, "No, you better let me use my lightening like scissors, like I cut the legs off the whales, and dinosaurs into lizards." Then he grabbed up some bolts and he let out a laugh, and said, "I'll split them right down the middle. Gonna cut them right up in half." And then storm clouds gathered above into great balls of fire, and fire shot down from the sky in bolts like shining blades of a knife and it ripped right through the flesh of the children of the sun and the moon and the earth. If you want the rest, see Hedwig and the Angry Inch cuz this is taking way longer to type than I expected.
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fuckyeahisawthat · 4 months
So Denis Villeneuve has this particular type of close-up shot that he uses to varying degrees in all his movies but uses a lot in Dune, particularly when shooting Paul. In fact he uses one for the very first shot of Paul in Dune Part One.
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There are some common cinematographic elements that define what I would consider the Villeneuve Close-Up (TM), but I'll admit there is also a vibes-based, you-know-it-when-you-see-it element to picking out these shots, which means all discussion here is somewhat subjective and we're talking about general trends instead of fixed categories. But in general, in these shots the camera tends to be at eye-level with the character, which means it can be very low or even on the ground if they are having a floor-based experience.
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Sometimes we're in a SUPER extreme close-up where the character's face is filling the frame.
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Other times we are not actually that close but we know we are seeing something that other characters are not.
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The character may be alone or they may be surrounded by people, but the point of these shots is to reveal something to us the audience that no one else in the scene sees, pulling us into a private emotional world where it's just us and the character. It's a very effective tool for building sympathy and emotional intimacy.
I'm not the only person who's noticed that we lose this specific kind of close-up of Paul entirely in the section of the movie after Paul drinks the Water of Life. I've seen this described as "we're no longer seeing from Paul's POV" or even "he stops being the protagonist of the movie at that point" but I don't think either of these are exactly what's going on. Seeing the world of the story through a certain character's POV is different from what I'm talking about here, and Dune Part Two takes us through many shifts in POV over the course of the movie.
What happens is that we, the audience, recoil from our close, intimate visual and emotional relationship to Paul--or maybe he withdraws from us--for a portion of the movie after he drinks the Water of Life. But, crucially, not right away.
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This shot in the "we're Harkonnens" conversation is such a classic Villeneuve Close-Up (TM). We're positioned as if we're sitting right next to Paul, seeing something on his face that is mostly hidden from Jessica, who's standing across the room and slightly behind him.
I think this shot is super important for telling us (even if we only register it subconsciously) that the Paul we know is not completely dead. Drinking the Water of Life may make you see things that others can't, and it may make you a little unhinged, but it doesn't make you inhuman. There's still a person in there.
I would argue that the distancing from Paul starts in these shots:
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This is still a close-up; we are not much further away from Paul than in the shot above, but the vibe is totally different. Now we are seeing him the way his followers do, closed-off and purposefully intimidating. We are seeing the image he chooses to present to the world and none of the human vulnerability underneath.
We stay at this emotional and visual distance from him for most of the rest of the movie--but not the whole thing. Because after watching Paul be a terrifying force of destruction for half an hour, we get slammed into remembering he is a person--young, hurt, alone; a person who didn't want any of this--at the very end of the movie.
I think you could make an argument for a few different shots being the first Villeneuve Close-Up of the end of the movie. But where I always notice it is here, when the Emperor is talking about Leto.
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While not a particularly close close-up, I'm always struck by this shot as well:
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And then we really get pulled in close to Paul during the duel--particularly at the end of the duel when he's already wounded and it seems like he might lose. We get this angle several times:
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We get this shot that I'm particularly feral about...
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...because while the focus of this shot is (1) the knife and (2) Feyd, someone made sure that the features you notice on Paul's face are his eyelashes and the curls of hair falling in his face, the features that make him look most soft and vulnerable.
And then of course after Paul has won the duel we get this shot, another peak Villeneuve Close-Up (TM) that I have already written about, where Paul is surrounded by people chanting his name but no one to pull the knife out of his shoulder for him.
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And we hold onto that connection with Paul right up through "Lead them to paradise."
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Which is an insane choice for that moment actually! Once again, this is not a super close close-up, but we're watching him from a perspective that no other character can see and we understand that there's no personal triumph in this moment for him.
Now, obviously, there are a lot of other choices being made in these scenes, in terms of writing, performance, lighting, score, everything. The camera placement is just one element supporting the overall storytelling. But it's one that's very easy to track through screenshots and a good example of how one specific element of filmmaking can be used to influence how we see a character, whether or not we even consciously notice it while immersed in the film.
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