#but he does seem to care for Malon
skyloftian-nutcase · 1 year
My vote’s for Talon!
Malon was growing little by little every day.
Talon felt like he missed it sometimes. Felt like he just blinked and suddenly she'd gained an inch. His life was a blur and stagnant all at once ever since her mother had died, and he felt a little bad for it when he would look outside and see his little girl practically running the ranch.
He had every right to feel bad. He'd practically neglected her some days. He still couldn't believe he'd fallen asleep at the castle while doing a delivery, leaving his daughter alone in Castle Town.
It wasn't like she couldn't handle herself, of course. Talon trusted her. Some days he wondered if he trusted her too much. Malon always seemed to have the right words, her pouts and hands on her hips always spurred him into action, and she had a gift for running things. As the days passed, she took over more and more of the ranch.
Most of the time it was fine. Most of the time Talon's lackadaisical nature only showed itself in the minor details, and Ingo would pick up the slack just fine. Malon and Ingo often coordinated together to handle things when Talon decided a good nap was the better way to spend an afternoon.
But sometimes, Talon would look out the window, and instead of seeing a little girl playing with the horses, he'd see a young woman running a ranch. And when he did, he would suddenly be filled with guilt. His daughter shouldn't have to be making up for his lack of motivation.
But the thought only bothered him some days. And it wasn't like he didn't do anything. Malon was just a natural leader, filling whatever void she would find. Besides, on days when her friend Link visited, she got to be a child and play.
Talon loved when Link would visit. He loved watching Malon's face brighten. He always worked extra hard that day so she could have fun. He always had dinner ready for her and for her friend, which was a rare treat. The first few times Link was too shy to come in for dinner, but he had slowly grown accustomed to being part of the family when he stopped by. Talon often wondered what had happened to him, why a child was wandering Hyrule by his lonesome as he was.
He had tried to ask the boy a few times, but he'd never heard Link speak. Malon swore that the boy could talk, but Talon was half convinced she was making it up from their playtime.
Well. Either way, he would always welcome the boy, and he would always enjoy seeing them play together. He would let Malon hold onto her childhood for as long as she could. It was the least he could do.
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yandereunsolved · 5 months
Imagine polyamorous Malon and Time with reader. Reader had been friends with them both since they were young. You always had a crush on Time, but realized Malon did too. Perhaps you harbored some non-platonic feelings for Malon. You never allowed them to flourish because both of them seemed like soulmates. Little did you know that, as they became a couple, they wanted you to join in as well.
They had both stalked you since you were kids. That's when Time and Malon really bonded. They became lovers, and their hearts still ached for you to be theirs as well. Their mutual obsession caused them to miss your feelings for them as plain as day. They kept putting off marriage because they wanted you to love them. 
Eventually, your feelings came out, not because you told them but because they read your journal. 
"Link, they love us."
"This is perfect. The three of us can be a happy family."
They approached you with the idea, and your fate is sealed. They baby you; you are their little house spouse. They love each other and you more than the entirety of Hyrule. They would lay down their lives for you. So they make sure you don't leave the house. They don't allow you to do any hard labor. If you are even feeling the slightest bit off, then you must rest all day and allow them to cuddle you. 
They are mostly respectful of your boundaries. The only time they cross them is if you try to escape or injure yourself.
(afab) They both want you to carry a baby. Malon wants to be pregnant, but she'll let Time impregnate you first. She doesn't want to be pregnant at the same time as you because then she wouldn't be able to give you all of her attention. Her body would be so busy creating life that she'd be neglecting you. Both she and Time just want to dote on you. You'd look so precious with a swollen belly full of babes that all three of you would raise together. 
(amab) Malon and Time want you to be the one to give Malon her first child. Time does call dibs on the second one, though. They chuckle and tell you that they have been planning this for a very long time. Malon would just be over the moon to have a mix of her and you in her womb. She just wants to hold the baby in her arms and coo about how much it already has your personality and features. She'd be even more honored if you took care of her while she was pregnant. You would do that for your wife, right? If you aren't very skilled with it, it's okay. Time is right there alongside you. He's learning how to take care of a pregnant woman as well. If you do your best, then both will reward you for it.
(infertile) Adoption... kidnapping a child is what they'll do. Anything to keep you tied down to them. So many children need a good home; they'll make sure you have one of your own, blood or not.
Escape? No, no, no, no, no, no, no. They will not allow it. Both realize that Time is better equipped to track you if you escape than Malon. If you escape and Malon can't find you, then Time will always be there to drag you back to Lon Lon Ranch, where you belong. He'll stop the entire Chain just to get you back.
They just love you so much. ♡
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bokettochild · 2 months
Sorry this is like 600 words instead of 500, but this is one of my favorite interpretations of Twilight's backstory ever, and I would love to hear more (given I've understood the prompt right, which I hope that I have). This is from Rope Burns.  “I grew up on a military base,” Twilight snorts, “trust me, soldiers are as dumb as rocks.” 
  And well, Legend having a family isn’t that crazy in comparison to that. 
  Warriors starts, staring at the rancher, blinking slowly as though still trying to process the words of the other. “I’m sorry- you what?” 
  “I thought you grew up in Ordon?” Wild questions, turning to his mentor, confusion on clear display. 
  Yeah, Wind has a feeling that Wild’s story is well and truly over now, but he supposes it’s worth it. Learning something about their rancher is, he supposes, better than hearing the rest of the story the cook had already spoiled the ending too, especially as the limit of their knowledge about the rancher at this point is that he’s from Ordon, used to work as a ranch hand, and is descended from Time and Malon somehow. The fact that he’s a hero goes without saying, but the ranch hand nearly never shares anything about himself, even though he seems to love talking about his hometown and all the people in it, to the point where some of them feel they know the village and its residents already, despite still not having been there yet. 
  Yet, the rancher is grinning as he leans back, the sprig of hylian rice between his teeth bouncing some as he flashes a wolfish grin at them. “Well, yeah, sort of.” 
  “Sort of?” Time nudges his pup, looking thoroughly unimpressed. Their leader isn’t keen on them being cryptic with him, even though he frequently does so himself. The hypocrite. “Explain.” 
  The rancher chuckles, a nervous little thing, but obediently pulls himself up, resting his weight over his knees as he looks around the fire at all of them, eyes glinting slightly. “Well, y’see, I a’tually grew up in a citadel on the edge of Hyrule.” 
  Warriors jaw drops so fast. “Holy Hylia you’re a military brat.” 
 He can’t help it; he bursts into laughter. Yes, objectively, it’s funny to see Warriors so shocked, but from an outsider's perspective it is so, so much funnier because he’s met Warriors parents and sisters, and he’s seen for himself the proof that the captain is anything but the sissy city boy Twilight likes to accuse him of being. No, the captain was born in Hebra, so far out from cities that he thought Kakariko was huge. Meanwhile, it turns out their “country boy” actually grew up in a military base? Not the country? It turns out Twilight is the military brat and Warriors was the hill-billy? How the turn tables have turned! 
  The rest of the heroes stare at him, confused, but the captain just rolls blue eyes, pinching the tip of his ear to make him shut up. “Ignore him.” 
  Twilight’s dark gaze flicks between them, but apparently, he determines to listen to the captain for once. “Right, so, my dad was a’tually a knight from some family o’ knights or summat, an’ my mom comes from desert folk, so I grew up on the border studyin’ with other knights’ kids to take on our fathers’ duties ’n protect Hyrule one day.” 
 The stares are very, very evident by now, although Legend’s in particular is strangely intense, studying the other with his mouth half open like he’s got a question about the rancher’s words.  
 Broad shoulders shrug, a bit awkward as the rancher grins at them. “My friends growin’ up were dumber’n rocks, an’ every knight I’ve met since is the same, so yeah. Knights ‘re stupid.”
Ooh, this one will be fun!
So, I actually was taught, coming into the LU fandom, that Twilight was basically raised in Ordon, with some people saying he came as a small child, mayb Rusl found him as a baby, all aloe and needing care, or maybe he was brought there by the hero's shade when he was still small, but nearly every source I looked to in the fandom said Twilight was young when he, the only Hylian in the village, cae to Ordon.
But then I read the Twilight Princess Manga! Chapter 6 of the manga, aptly titled "Link's Past" shows us him as a young boy, about nine or ten, living, as Twi says in your selection, in a citadel on the hylian border. Twilight's explanation (telling his story to Rusl) in manga goes thus:
"As it bordered the desert, my old home town was responsible for frontier security. It was ruled by the Rufflio, a family of noble ancestry. Upon becoming adults, we were to protect the frontiers of Hyrule. The young boys, holding onto the pride of that duty, spent their days training in the ways of the sword." (Twilight Princess, Volume One, Chapter 6, by Akira Himekawa)
In the past, I've never had an opportunity to address that. if you follow my works, then you know I draw heavily on the manga in regards to Legend's history and past, but I write Twilight much less than legend (understatement of the year). That said, their manga's definitely give me a better take on their characters, whereas Four Swords and Minish Cap were more fun than informative, and Ocarina of Time just made me think Time was a pain in the ass and a freaking weird kid (I have not finished the manga yet for that reason, despite owning it).
I wasn't really planning on talking about Twilight's past here at all, but it sort of sprung upon me in an inspired fit and I decided, what the heck? Why not!
The references to his mother being of the "desert folk" is in reference to how some people like to headcannon that twilight is part Gerudo, which I thoroughly enjoy and support! So, for fun, his mom is Gerudo.
His dad though? Well, you see, that comes up in the manga too! Not his dad specifically, but actually, Ashei's! The TP manga actually has Ashei tell Twilight that she is one of the last descendants of the Knights of Hylia (also known as the Knights of Hyrule, depending on the translation/game version), and that Snowpeak fortress is actually their ancestral home!
Now, you may be saying "Ketto, I've heard of the Knights of Hylia before, or at least, I think I have?" and if you've been around my blog/fics enough, you sure as sugar have! the Knights of Hylia are, famously, the group of knights who worked beside the sages mentioned in A Link to the Past to seal Ganon away! More importantly though, they're the descendants and carriers of the legacy of the Hero of Time!
So, if Twilight is cannonically Time's descendant, that would mean that one of his parents was likely from the families that made of the Knights of Hylia! Mystery solved!
Additionally, this would make him and Ashei very distant cousins. And for extra kicks, since Legend is also, famously, descended from the same line of knights (albeit in another timeline) he would also be their cousin! I've been tempted to address that for forever, especially with the Snowpeak detail, because honestly, I get a kind of Kaer Morhen vibe from it and SO want to play with that, but I digress!
Twilight's ancestry is part Gerudo, for fun, and descended from Time, which is fun I don't have to create because it's cannon! He grew up on the edges of Hyrule for the most part, and when he talks aout being picked on by the other kids in this fic, it's because they are sort of aggressie to him in the flashbacks he has in the manga. Granted they're a bunch of boys aged 10-13, so they're all a bit aggressive to each other, but I imagine, being probably the only part Gerudo among them, he did get picked on at least a bit, hence the premise of this fic :)
Bonus! Legend's staring is, in fact, because he really, really, really wants to ask twilight which Knight Family he hails from. He is making a connection and he's not sure what to think about it LOL
Warriors on the other hand, who I fervently headcanon as Celtic, is, like Wind, realizing that a reverse-uno has been played here. He, a peasant from the far north and abject poverty, is traveling with the descendant of a famed family of well respected knights who was likely living in a major trading town (thus likely rather well off) and yet somehow, he's the one who get's labeled the stuck up city kid, and Twilight is believed to be the home grown honest backwoods farmer fella. I actually posted a few things about that while writing this thing, and I may or may not visit that idea more fully in a fic one day, but yeah, that's what's going on for our vet and captain right here.
Thanks for choosing this one! I actually had a lot I wanted to share about it and hadn't been able to before! And the fact that this is a recent one I can actually remember working on definitely helps LOL
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peterporkerfan · 1 year
sketchbook [earth 1610!miles morales x latina!reader]
word count: 1.2k
warnings: fluff, light cursing, kissing, relationship insecurities, lots of spanglish
a/n: my first language is spanish, so nothing here is google translated i promise 💀
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It was a hot June afternoon, and the air was sizzling all over the city.
You and Miles laid on his bed, side by side, with his arm draped around your shoulder. The AC was on full blast, and Miles’ favorite album sounded all around the room. You were both humming and singing along contently. You looked up at him smiling every once in a while, and he’d look back, smiling even wider.
“Baby, do you hear this? No one does it like Kendrick. His music is on a whole ‘nother level.” He smiled back down at you, looking at you with sheer adoration.“You know, Gwen and I…we’d listen to him all the time when she’d swing by. I love his music.”
“Remember when your favorite rapper was Post Malone?” You joked, and he looked away awkwardly.
“Yeah…we don’t—we don’t talk about that.”
You laughed and you brought your hands to his cheeks, bringing him closer and kissing him deeply. He smiled into the kiss, bringing his hands to your waist and pulling you towards him until you were laying on top of him.
You pull away from the kiss, and look down at Miles while you smile.
“I’ve never met anyone like you, Miles. Eres otra cosa.”
Miles smiled back at you, feeling so lucky to have someone like you in his life. “Just wait until you meet Peter, Hobie, or Gwen…especially Gwen. She’s the coolest person ever. You two would get along really well.” Miles rambled.
“I’m sure we would.” You smiled back at your boyfriend, knowing how much he cared about his friends.
“Miles, mijo! Baja un momentito. I need your help with something!” Mrs. Morales shouted from downstairs.
“Coming, Ma!” Miles shouted back, turning his head in the direction of the opened door.
“A mi tú no me grites!”
Miles sighed, “I’ll be back ya mismo”
“I’ll be right here” You smiled at him. Miles smiled back and walked out, leaving you alone in his room.
When Miles shut the door, you stood up from your position, sitting with your legs crossed on the edge of the twin sized bed. You took in his room, and how much it reminded you of him. His collectible figurines, countless posters of his favorite rappers and albums, and the constant clutter on his floor. You spotted his sketchbook on the ground right in front of you, and felt a sudden urge to pick it up.
Miles was generally open about most things with you, however he kept his drawings to himself. You never questioned it as maybe he just thought they were embarrassing or too personal. You slowly picked up the book and started flipping through its pages. At first you were met with images of his uncle, his suit, and the streets of Brooklyn. You smiled faintly as you flipped through, appreciating how utterly talented your boyfriend was. However, you were suddenly met with countless images of someone whose name you’d never forget: Gwen.
Miles’ face would always light up when he mentioned Gwen. You never thought much of it, however, there were so many drawings of her in his sketchbook, which must’ve taken hours to make, with every little detail about her captured on the paper. You began to feel an unfamiliar pain take over you, and you put the sketchbook down where you got it from. God, she was gorgeous. And cool. Of course Miles liked her…I mean who wouldn’t? The way he described her made her seem so…captivating. Before the thought took over you completely, Miles walked into the room again, holding a large laundry basket and setting it down besides his bed. You tried to change your expression, looking up at your boyfriend like you usually would.
“That’s a lot of clothes to sort through. Que mierda.” Miles sighed.
“You need any help?”
“Yeah, actually. That’d be pretty good.”
“Cual es la palabra mágica?” You teased, batting your eyes at him playfully.
Miles narrowed his eyes at you, acting playfully annoyed. “Please?”
You walked towards him and gave him a kiss on the cheek, and leaned down to sort through the clothes in the basket.
“I think you might’ve outgrown this sweater a while ago.” You held it out so Miles could see. It was an orange cardigan, with patches embroidered into it.
“Haha, very funny, Y/N. That’s Gwen’s. She left it here last time que visitó.”
“Y tú—you wear it?” You asked, feeling the uneasiness you felt before come rushing back.
“Course not. Mami probably threw it in the laundry basket sorting through my room at some point.”
“It’s nice to have something of her’s though. Just to remember her by.”
Some time went by and you continued to fold clothes while a question bubbled inside you. Finally, after a long silence, you asked.
“Miles, tú—do you still…”
“Do I still what, mi amor?”
“Have feelings for…”
Miles furrowed his brows. “For…Gwen?”
“I mean, you talk about her so much and I didn’t mean to violate your privacy or anything but I may or may not have looked through your sketchbook filled with drawings of her. And don’t get me wrong the drawings are really good pero—”
Miles interrupted your senseless ramble. “Mi amor…”
“You don’t seriously think that I like her, right?”
“Well, I don’t know. I mean I wouldn’t blame you for it, you know. You did once before, you could again but—“
“Baby…those drawings are old, did you go through the whole thing?”
“No, not really. I guess I thought I’d seen…enough.”
Miles picked up the sketchbook off the ground and flipped through it. He handed it to you and looked at you with adoration as he did so (unbeknownst to you, as you were staring down at your shoes with shame). You flipped the page from a drawing of Gwen and saw it: countless drawings of you. All done when you thought he wasn’t looking. A drawing of you looking at the board in math class, sitting across the room from Miles (only because the teacher thought you two were “too chatty” when you sat together). A drawing of you sitting on your windowsill with headphones on, drowning out the world around you. A drawing of you walking towards Miles, smiling at him. The drawings continued for countless pages, and your eyes began to water as you looked back up at Miles.
“You did all these…de mi?”
“Claro, you’re my girl. Why would I not?” Miles’ brows furrowed as he looked towards you.
“Dios mio, I’m so sorry for thinking you liked her. Soy tan estupida a veces.”
“Nah, don’t be, and you’re not. Yo soy el que es medio pendejo every once in a while. That’s on me.” Miles laughed.
“Y Miles, these drawings are really good. Why hadn’t you shown me?”
“I thought you wouldn’t—ay, no se. I thought you’d think they were stupid or something, I guess.” Miles mumbled, looking down at his shoes.
“Stupid? Miles, these are…you’re crazy talented. Are you kidding me?”
“Thanks…” Miles blushed as he smiled back at you faintly.
“Alright, well… enough of this sappy shit. Where were we?”
“Laundry.” Said Miles.
“Right, laundry.”
“Do we reeeeally want to do the laundry though?” Miles asked, hoping you’d just say no.
“Fuck no.” You laughed.
“Great!” You laughed as Miles webbed you back to were you were before, laying side by side on his bed.
You looked up at him. “Can I choose the music now?”
“Fine, baby. Play whatever you want.”
You unlocked his phone and searched for a Spanish pop song you knew Miles hated.
He narrowed his eyes at you. “Seriously…”
“Miles, si no es así te vas a convertir en un gringo. Con esa B en español, imagínate…”
“Alright, alright…lo que tu digas, mami.” He laughed, kissing the top of your head.
As the song played and you sung along to each word, Miles became sure of one thing:
He’d never let you go.
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send me requests for whatever (no smut and only latina or white/race not specified reader please)!! i’ll write mainly for miles morales but i’ll take requests for anyone else spiderverse/spiderman!!
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skyward-floored · 1 year
Hi hello, I got inspired by a thing and wrote an Incredibles au fic about Malon and Hyrule this afternoon, hope you all enjoy :)
I felt so bad for Hyrule writing this aaaah he’s just a little guy... good thing he has Malon <3
Malon jumped at the sound of something breaking in the kitchen, nearly dropping the basket of laundry she was holding. There was a telling silence after the crash, and she felt a surge of exasperation, squeezing her eyes shut.
It had already been a stressful day— Wind was sick, and Legend was starting to come down with something as well, and Malon had gotten behind in the laundry checking up on the two of them. Four had been clingy up until she’d put him down for a nap, and she’d also had to break up no less then three separate arguments between Wild and Legend, the latter extra grumpy because of his sore throat. Malon’s patience was rapidly unraveling, and this was just the icing on the cake.
She held in a groan, and set down the basket, tromping into the kitchen with her hands on her hips.
“Wild, if you broke my vase because you haven’t been being careful with your super speed again, then you’re going to be in some serious trouble mister—”
But Wild wasn’t who Malon found when she walked into the kitchen. Rather Hyrule was standing next to the sink, eyes wide as he stared down at the mess of what looked like a shattered cup, broken pieces and spilled water all over the floor.
“...Hyrule? What happened?” she asked, surprised at not seeing the usual culprit. “Did you drop a cup?”
He startled at her voice, and seemed at a loss for words, looking between her and the mess without saying anything. Malon raised an eyebrow when he didn’t reply, and gestured to the mess again.
“Hyrule, did you drop your glass? Or did somebody else?”
Malon took a step towards Hyrule as she spoke, but the second she did, his shoulders shot up, and he quickly stepped back from her.
“I-I did, but I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” Hyrule said frantically, backing away from Malon. “I’ll— I’ll fix it, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to!”
She immediately stopped moving towards him, looking at Hyrule in surprise at his reaction.
“Honey, it’s only a glass, you don’t have to be upset,” she said with a worried look, but Hyrule only seemed to get more panicked, backing away until his back hit the wall.
“I’m sorry, it— it was an accident! I wasn’t trying to, I’m sorry I’m sorry—”
“Hyrule, it’s okay—”
“I’m sorry! Please don’t punish me!”
His voice broke on the words, and Malon studied him for a moment, alarm bells ringing in her mind. All of a sudden she realized what was happening, and her heart fell straight to her shoes.
Hyrule must have had this happen to him before, when he wasn’t living with them.
During the period of his life he refused to talk about.
“Link,” Malon said steadily, as Hyrule sank to to the ground, curling up on himself at the name. Oh no, bad choice. “...Hyrule,” she tried again, “it’s okay, I’m not mad.”
Her son had begun to shake, his eyes welling with tears, and Malon was starting to feel at a loss, unsure of how to help without making him more upset. She looked around, then carefully lowered herself to her knees, far away enough to not crowd Hyrule, but close enough to provide comfort if he decided he wanted it.
“Hyrule,” Malon said softly, and he looked at her with a scared expression. “It’s okay. It was an accident, and we can easily clean it up. I’m not going to punish you for making a mistake.”
“B-but I broke it, I was clumsy, I’m sorry I—”
“Honey, it’s okay,” Malon soothed. “I can’t tell you how many times your father has knocked into things and broken them because of his eye. Maybe I get annoyed at him for a little while, but he never does it on purpose, and we clean it up together.”
Hyrule didn’t say anything, tears still slipping down his nose.
Malon bit her lip, then cautiously scooted closer to her son, making sure he was okay with it before moving. Hyrule watched her sharply, but didn’t move away, and she carefully set her hand on his shoulder, rubbing it with soft circles when he didn’t throw her off.
Hyrule slowly relaxed at her touch, and his shoulders lowered. His shaking began to still as they sat there in silence, and eventually he let Malon move closer, until she was right next to him.
“It’s okay, honey,” Malon repeated in a gentle voice, and Hyrule wiped his nose on his sleeve. She exhaled, and brushed some tears off his cheek, then met his eyes. “It’s only a cup. I know it was an accident.”
“You’re not gonna hu... do anything?” Hyrule whispered, and Malon shook her head.
“Oh honey, no,” she said in dismay, and pulled him into a hug, loose enough that he could pull away if he wanted to. He didn’t though, instead sinking into her arms with a quiet sigh. “It was an accident. Everyone breaks things sometimes, you didn’t do anything wrong. After all, it’s not like you emptied my cupboard and started throwing cups just to be destructive.”
Hyrule let out a soft giggle, so small Malon could barely hear it, but it warmed her heart anyway.
“It’s okay,” she repeated, and Hyrule rested his head on her shoulder. She sat with him on the floor for a while longer even though she had things to do, holding him while he finished calming down. Everything else could wait right now.
“I’m really sorry I broke it,” Hyrule whispered after a while, and Malon ran a gentle hand through his hair.
“I know. And it’s okay, Hyrule. It was an accident.”
She pulled back and smiled at him a little worriedly, brushing a hand through his hair again.
“Now let’s make sure you don’t have any glass stuck in you, then we can clean up this mess,” she said warmly, and Hyrule nodded, looking relieved. Malon helped him up, and over to a chair so she could check him over, and cleaned the few tiny pieces of glass from his foot.
But even as Malon bandaged up Hyrule’s foot, and he helped her clean up the shattered cup, the image of him begging her not to do anything to him stayed in her head, making her chest hurt more and more every time it replayed.
Nobody is going to hurt you like that again, Link, she promised silently as he helped her sweep up the last of the glass. Nobody.
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ashoss · 3 months
stephanie & bruce fic recs
for @peachie-wren13 :DD
Permutations & Hinterlands - cabezas_de_vaca
steph & bruce
7.5k words, 1 chapter
She and Bruce are complicated (not bad complicated, not wrong complicated, just complicated, because he isn’t her father and will never be her father and yet he sort of also is) but he cares. It gets lost sometimes, under the demands of Gotham, but it’s there.
And so, she just asks him. “Do you want to go to Colorado with me?”
Or: Bruce, Steph, and a road trip
* heed the tags !! angsty
dont wanna long post this so more under the cut :)
sweet child o’ mine - Nokomis
steph & bruce, steph & alfred
4,4k words, 1 chapter
Steph said cheerfully, “Bruce, from now on, consider yourself in possession of one Steph-mom.”
“Absolutely not,” Bruce said.
Steph took a bite of her cake, undeterred.
A Softer Gotham - Hinn_Raven (series)
steph & bruce, time travel
12.2k words, 3 works
summary: One night makes all the difference. Especially a night when Stephanie Brown, in the wrong dimension, interferes in a mugging.
though your eyes will need some time to adjust - popsunner
steph & bruce
4.4k words, 1 chapter
“I think…” Stephanie takes a deep breath, “I think I’m bad.”
“I don’t.”
“So what, I’m just supposed to believe you?”
“I am Batman.”
Stephanie snorts, “Yeah, you are… but what if I’m still bad?”
“Then I forgive you.” _______
Or: Stephanie and Bruce, figuring it out
Tuck Me In - OberonBronze
bruce & his kids (big on jason, but it does have cute scene w the other ones esp steph)
14.1k words, 1 chapter
Bruce Wayne and his long-standing habit of tucking his kids into bed.
Galas Suck - dottie_dc (dottie_wan_kenobi)
steph & bruce
1.9k words, 1 chapter
When she doesn’t respond, he looks down to her face, finding her staring in the direction of the doors they came in through. “Something on your mind?”
He’s really asking, why did you come and get me? If it’s just nerves, she would’ve been better off with one of the others. No, it must be something else.
Steph blinks, turning her gaze upwards. Never one to back down, she meets his eyes long enough for him to see she’s not in any distress, at least. “Just thinking.”
“I don’t know,” she mumbles. “Everything. Nothing.”
Written for the Gen Batfam Christmas Stocking 2019, for the prompt "Wayne Gala"
the early robin gets the worm - deargalileo
bruce & his kids
7k words, 1 chapter
bruce loves all of his children equally. its just when he has to wake them up, that there's an issue.
aka; the five times bruce tries to wake up his kids, and the one time that he doesn't.
DON’T YOU CRY, DRY YOUR EYES. - orpheusaki
steph & bruce
4.8k words, 1 chapter
After inhaling her food before Bruce's even halfway through his vanilla milkshake, Stephanie seems to have sobered up a little. She's looking less green, and more like she's trying to develop x-ray vision and look into Bruce's soul.
Or maybe she's still drunk, because she very suddenly and very bluntly tells him, "I used to wish you were my dad," drowning her chips into a little pot of ketchup.
Bruce pauses. He slowly drops the chicken nugget he was about to put in his mouth — since now is probably not the time to complain about how the nuggets are a little dry today.
(Bruce Wayne is not Stephanie Brown's father, not at all.)
*tbh anything by orpheusaki is gonna be an amazing read, ive loved all the fics ive read by them <333
Have I Told You About Minnie? - Hinn_Raven
steph & bruce, bruce & his kids
4.6k words, 1 chapter
After you’ve known Matches Malone long enough, you get used to him telling you about his kids. Not that his kids know about it.
too young to be taken seriously, too old to believe all this hypocrisy - Hinn_Raven
steph & jason & bruce
5.7k words, 1 chapter
When Crystal Brown goes into rehab, leaving Stephanie in the sole custody of her father, Steph decides to run away from home, and meets Jason Todd, who decides that she is the best little sister ever.
"the dark knight is beaten up by children on the anniversary of his parents death... tragic"
theres not a lot of steph and bruce fics and it makes me sad :((
btw i have a google doc with a shitttttt ton of fics lol. its some recs ive been asked for so hope yall enjoy :)
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desires-of-chain · 8 months
hello hello! It is I, wizard anon, back from the depths! Apologies for my absence, autumn kicked my ass and currently winter is also kicking my ass, but I finally got the urge to continue writing some good good smut hehe - starting off with the long promised trans Time fic <3 No clue if this new fic is a one off or if I'm finally back in my groove, but nonetheless I hope you enjoy!
I also have some older stuff I never submitted (because it's all afab reader x warriors and I didn't want to submit not gn stuff and for only one character over and over again fjdjsh) so I shall probably also finally send them in.
With that out of the way, on with the show!
- wizard anon
Content: amab reader(gn pronouns), transmasc Time, dirty talk, breeding kink(no ment of pregnancy), one line of cum eating, creampie. Word count: 1345
You have him pinned to the wall. You're shorter than him, but Time has never once doubted your strength - it turns him on how easily you can push him around. The others see him as the strongest, Biggoron Sword in hand and plate heavy upon his back, but he knows the truth: you're the one in charge, here.
They’ve all finally found a suitable place to bed down for the night - Lon Lon Ranch, Talon out in town and Malon far too fond of his gaggle of trouble makers to ever let them stay out and camp in her view. And she apparently saw the same thing in your eyes that has been boring against the back of his head for the past three days, because she got everyone else distracted with outdoor work and told the two of you to go set up the spare rooms on your own. Giving you some much needed privacy to finally do… this.
“I wanna fuck you so bad,” you pepper kisses and nibbles against his neck, “I need you, baby, I need to fill you up. Stuff you full, fuck…”
He doesn't know what’s gotten into you. You’re insatiable, absolutely ravenous. He had to shoot you down last night with a proposal of sneaking off from watch to fuck in the woods, and the way your face fell into moping as he explained it was incredibly unwise to do so almost had him going back on rationality. And from then to now, it seems your urges have only built up even more.
You slide your hand into his trousers and immediately begin rubbing his clit. His head falls against the wall, choked groan on his lips.
“You're so gorgeous, let me fill you up? We’re alone and there's a bed. There’s no better time than now, handsome.”
In all honesty, he doesn’t care to wait much longer either. As much as he loves them, since getting into a relationship with you he has become rather sour at times at the other Links’ near constant presence. Whenever it seems he finally gets a moment alone with you, someone will turn up. Some privacy to indulge in human needs more often would be nice. Perhaps that’s why you’re so worked up - you finally reached your breaking point. He might have, too.
“Yes, please, let’s do it.”
You pull your fingers out from his trousers, and he can't help but buck his hips at the sudden lack of stimulation. Then you're dragging him over to the bed by the tunic, and he follows like a lost puppy. You really are very strong - he’s pushed down onto the bed easily, boots and trousers almost ripped off by your hand. You don’t bother with taking his tunic off, simply pushing it up until it’s bunched up at his neck, chest exposed. Your hungry look as your eyes roam across his breasts and stomach is maddening.
“I wanna breed you so bad…”
Oh, what that does to his brain. He spreads his legs for you immediately, giving you full access to begin opening him up with your fingers - which you get to swiftly, two fingers all the way in and curling just the way he likes.
“You're so wet, you want me so bad, want me to fuck you good, milking my fingers already.” Time moans, your words frying his brain in tandem with how you pump your fingers - three now, pressing against his walls and making embarrassingly hot noises. He’s so worked up already, desperate, and everything that comes tumbling out of your mouth only makes it worse.
A tantalising idea pops into his head.
“Can I ride you?”
The fingers inside him still, before carefully pulling out. You bring your fingers to your lips and clean them up, and Time’s mouth drops open.
“Of course you can.”
He shuffles about on the bed, perching on the corner as you flop down to replace him and hastily pull off your own boots and trousers. He takes the moment to pull his tunic over his head so it's no longer sitting awkwardly around his shoulders and breasts. Now completely bare, he watches you watch him as you pull your cock out of the confines of your underwear, pumping yourself slowly and spreading your precum as a makeshift lubricant. Despite himself, he flusters at your undivided attention while putting on such an erotic display, ears red and pinning up. You catch his eye and smirk.
“Well, come here, handsome. Grab the lube first though.”
Time dives over for their bags, fishing out the jar of lubricant quickly and returning to the bed. You fetch it out of his hand and prepare yourself just as quickly, then he's climbing onto your lap and lining himself up. Your hands rest against his hips, firm and sure.
Time gasps as he begins to sink down on your cock. His chest heaves, pressure and pleasure and heat mixing into an almost addictive cocktail in his head, dizzy and cloying. The way you gaze up at him certainly doesn’t help.
Your hands squeeze his hips, urging him down further, and soon enough he’s taking you in all the way.
He pants. His thighs squeeze against your hips as he adjusts to the feeling of being so full. Every nerve in his body is on fire with pleasure - your hands against him, your cock inside him. He was desperate for this, needed this, for so long. Just as long as you did. And now he has it, it feels addicting.
When you buck your hips into him he moans. He knows you're both supposed to be quiet, but he can't help it. He rises on his knees until just the tip is inside him still, then sinks down onto you again slowly. Repeats this, a few times, until you get impatient and are fucking up into him again. Time picks up the pace after that, bouncing on your cock and letting all manner of noises spill out of his mouth.
You squeeze his hips, shifting your own in tandem with how he rides you. “Gorgeous, beautiful, handsome, I’m gonna fill you up good, breed you, stuff you with my cum until you're full. You want that, right?”
Time nods his head, almost delirious, chasing his pleasure feverishly. He’s close - taken to the edge so quickly, a mix of how long it's been since the last time you've both done this, and how your endless stream of compliments and dirty talk send his head spinning. He chases his orgasm desperately.
“Baby, I’m close…” You pull Time’s hips flush with yours, grinding up into him. He whines, hole full and body tense, on the edge of his orgasm but not quite pushed over the precipice - just a little more, please, that's all he needs…
One of your hands snakes down to play with his clit again, and he’s shuddering around you as his orgasm rips through his body. That’s all it takes for you to reach your end, too - filling him up with your cum, his hole milking your cock as he shakes through the aftershocks of his pleasure.
Time flops down on top of you, burying his face into your shoulder and breathing out a long, exhausted exhale.
“It was too long since we last did this…” He mutters. Your arms circle his back comfortingly.
“I think I nearly went insane,” you chuckle, “Thank god it didn't go any longer, or I would've actually had to drag you out into the woods and fuck you up against a tree.”
Time pushes himself against you even more, this time out of embarrassment. “Let's not plan on doing anything where we can get caught, please - no matter how desperate we get, we cannot traumatise the boys.”
“If they didn’t hear you just now,” you respond, entirely too much cheek in your voice. “There might’ve been a few knocks on the door, but I was too busy with you milking me dry to get up and check.”
Time groans. Absolutely no privacy at all…
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also hi, lovely, it been a while 🥺 i hope you're doing okay!
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kheprriverse · 6 months
you have the AUDACITY to tell us link and Malon have a son and ONLY tell us like 2 things about him
so here are some questions about him
how old is he
what is his favorite food
is he a mama or daddy’s boy
what’s his favorite animal
what’s his favorite thing to do with his dad
What’s his favorite thing to do with his mom
is ruto his auntie
What’s his favorite color
dose he have or will he get any siblings
What dose he want to be when he grows up
and finally how old was he / will he be when his dad” kicks the bucket “
Damn! You caught me!! I was wondering how long I could go without giving much detail xD. Nonetheless! I shall answer some of your questions.
Below the cut is an image to get a better idea of his design as well as answers for you. Also coz this got really long lmao.
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I'm not as confident at drawing children, which is why he's not featured very often atm. But he will appear in my au so eventually I'll figure it out :'D
How old is he? -> He's around 8-ish when Ballad has to leave for the main au.
What is his favorite food? -> Pancakes! With honey syrup and berries.
Is he a mama or daddy’s boy? -> I thought about this one a lot last night and I'm still indecisive. While he'd spend a lot more time with his mom (Ballad IS still one of Zelda's soldiers so he can't stay home as often as he'd like. And if they are home they're usually injured/recovering sadly), I do think he'd be a daddy's boy. Any time Link is around so is his son, if its possible.
What’s his favorite animal? -> Much like both his parents, horses! Cuccos are also a plus :)!
What’s his favorite thing to do with his mom/dad? -> Taking care of the horses and cuccos with Malon seems to be his favorite activity, as well as doing little crafts and drawing (inheriting his creative-eye from his dad). However Ballad takes him fishing when they have free time, or if his son bugs him enough to xD
Is Ruto his auntie? -> Yes! She's still relatively close to Ballad so by association she's automatically one of his son's favorite people. She's always visiting if she happens to be nearby or on the way to Hyrule Castle, and always has gifts for the fam <3
What’s his favorite color? -> Yellow ☺️
Does he have or will he get any siblings? -> Can't say 🤫
What dose he want to be when he grows up? -> I imagine he'd wanna continue working on the ranch, especially with his love of horses and the other farm animals they have.
And finally how old was he / will he be when his dad "kicks the bucket"? -> I also cannot answer this 🤫. It'll eventually happen ofc, especially since Ballad has a habit of getting himself horribly injured. But he always makes it home. Eventually.
Some extra info below:
Appearance wise he looks more like his mom, but inherits a lot of his interests and personality from his dad.
Ballad is horribly protective of him and tries his absolute hardest to keep his son out of his soldier-business. But eventually he loosens up and teaches him basic self-defense (which means his boy indeed knows how to use a sword, though not very well just yet).
He's named after his dad, but is often called "Koki" (or "Linky" by Malon if Ballad happens to be in teasing distance.)
He was born hard of hearing as well (being mostly deaf) and has been learning sign language from both his parents most of his life now (He knows Hylian and Gerudo sign language, but has also picked up some Kokiri signs from his father).
His parents had to result to at-home schooling due to the bullying he'd receive at the schools in Castletown. He's mostly taught by Malon or a tutor.
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dekuscrubbb · 1 year
So could we get a breakdown of what all the counselors do? Also, are the bois over certain cabins? Like Warriors cabin 3, Legend cabin 2, etc. Etc. Or is more like they're over their station and the campers just move between stations?
okay, fair warning... this might get a little long!
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wild's sheet is the only one... done...... and actually needs to be...... redone. but he's in charge of archery, most of the meals, and survivalist/wildlife survival classes (which are required for all the campers to take)
both he and hyrule are the ones leading the survivalist classes, although they almost always have one of the other counselors with them, due to the fact that 20+ kids are tricky to keep on task for two people in the middle of the forest.
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he and malon get along well, and she comes over sometimes to help feed the campers, but is ultimately pretty busy with the ranch. whenever there's a field trip to lon lon, they make lunch for the campers and catch up.
occasionally he and twilight will team up for horse riding lessons when there's a group larger than 5 being taught at one time.
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i don't talk about warriors enough!! and i should. he's usually a cabin counselor, which means he's in charge of one of the cabins housing the sleepaway kids!
he's a bit of a denmother and spends a lot of his time making sure his campers are doing well.
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see how legend has a red and white shirt and some of the campers have that same color scheme but flipped? well, that's to symbolize what cabin they're in. its to help with rounding up kids.
but its also helpful for the numerous cabin wars when legend and warriors put on. they're team building exercises and for fun, but due to legend and warriors' prevalent rivalry, they can get a bit out of hand. much to sky's chagrin.
warriors is also in charge of any plays and etc being put on at camp. as well as any large team events in tandem with legend + seldomly sky.
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sky does a bit of everything around camp, but is mostly known to help out in arts and crafts as well as being the lead pest control guy. soooo, known for cleanup and being an extra pair of patient hands.
he's also a cabin head, but only for the kids who switch to sleepaway halfway through camp. has to be shaken awake violently most of the time, as his campers are fully aware of the 4 daily naps the guy takes.
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the kids adore him because he'll get rid of the skulltulas and scare off any wolfos around camp, but he also gifts them little wood carvings if they stick around to watch him work.
sky is also known to share little secrets about his coworkers to the campers, just to make sure his chaotic image is upkept someway. he enjoys being both a voice of reason and keeping the remaining counselors on their toes.
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they're highly coveted and are a bit too much of a source of contention between campers sometimes, as the trading games created with them cause.... fights.
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legend is the second cabin counselor, most of the time at least. sometimes twilight beats him in the counselor beat-down at the beginning week of training, but its not usual.
although legend is a bit snappy and can seem cold towards the campers, they know better. they're used to the calmer, more caring side of legend since they have to sleep in the same cabin.
and don't tell anybody, but the hot cocoa legend sneaks out from the kitchen is the best balm for nightmares.
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legend hates lake duty, but is the strongest swimmer among the counselors apart from wind. but since wind is about 4'9" on a good day, legend is essentially forced into lifeguard duty.
a few other counselors might hang out on the coast or do some games with the campers, but legend and wind are usually the two keeping supervision when it comes to the lake.
usually the guy to go into town with twilight, or at least the first to volunteer, as a majority of the counselors come along anyways.
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although hyrule, four, wild, and wind are considered "junior counselors," wind is the youngest and definitely treated as such. even if he's probably the more level-headed and mature one at times.
its easy for him to connect with the campers, since they're closer than age, but he finds it infuriating that they treat him more like a peer than somebody in charge.
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he teaches swim lessons in the shallower parts of the lake and holds water games + fights. teaching the campers how to properly act within water and the certain things to keep in mind when doing so.
he will also take the campers on river rides in the canoes through the forest, with at least two other counselors along.
when wind was also just a camper, he played pirates in the faux-pirate ship. he met tetra here and they stayed friends, even if she remained a camper rather than apply for counselor training.
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twilight is the second guy you can find getting rid of pests, as well as the one guy you should go to for bear hugs and a cuddle if you need it.
he's in charge of trail rides, horse riding lessons, and the one to plan out any excursions into the small town just outside the forest housing the camp. bit of a worrywort and more than a little overbearing according to the campers.
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although, also according to the campers, he's been acting a little weird and more withdrawn than usual. plus, there's a rumor that he's been staying out after dark, who knows!
he's a good cabin head, but he doesn't know if he likes being responsible for that many kids at a time, especially since he doesn't feel like he's up to the task. tends to fail the "counselor beat-down" on purpose, unless legend gets too annoying /lh.
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hyrule is at the nurse's station most of the time, but in the afternoons he goes to help out legend or wild for whatever activities they're in charge of at the time. anxious, but good at his job, and endlessly annoyed at how many times the same kid can sprain their wrist.
luckily, having trained-ish magic and being somewhat knowledgeable when it comes to actual first-aid, hyrule is able to keep the campers relatively in good health. although, they have had to send a few home from injuries he couldn't deal with.
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enjoys wandering around camp and the forest, and he's good enough with any sword that he's not too worried about the local wildlife.
hyrule and wild are rather close, and tend to wander off whenever they aren't keeping track of campers. they've gotten into some.... trouble on their own.
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in charge of arts and crafts and gets a little too into the creation process. he's used to helping his grandfather with blacksmithing back home and holds the campers to the same standards at times.
but you can...... only make so much with pipecleaners and pinecones. for the most part he's pretty calm and enjoys his job, but if he has to take one more boxcutter away from an eleven year old terrorizing the arts and crafts tent, he's going to lose it.
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he and wild have a theory about time's funding for the camp and they use up a lot of their free time discussing it. its unknown whether or not they truly believe this, but the mounting amount of evidence they keep finding is driving the two crazy. especially since time doesn't exactly confirm or deny anything.
will occasionally help out sky with pest control + whatever, but isn't a big fan.
and that's..... i think it! or as much as im able to write right now. got more flowers to plant, you know how it is! spring is very busy. nod.
asks are still open and whatever questions you may have can be made there! :)
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breannasfluff · 7 months
Eldritch News
Sky leaves them to it, wandering back outside. He heads away from the barns and toward the open fields, dotted with trees. It’s here, under a small grove of trees, that he finds the missing pair.
Wild is crying; face red and hunched into his knees. Malon kneels next to him and speaks in a low voice. Whatever she’s saying doesn’t seem to be working.
There’s a snap as Sky steps on a branch and Wild jerks. The chosen hero catches a glimpse of panicked eyes before he bolts in the direction of one of the barns. Malon sighs but doesn’t chase him.
“Come sit with me,” she says.
Sky does. “We lost Time.”
“I know.”
“It’s Wild’s fault.”
“He told me.”
Malon’s eyes are wet when she meets his gaze. She’s been crying, too, or trying to hold back tears. “I forgave Wild.”
For a long moment, he’s left unmoored by the statement. Falling without a loftwing between his thighs. No sailcloth to catch him. Just an endless plummet through the clouds. “…what?”
“I forgave him.”
“But—how?” Sky’s voice is sharp and he pulls back, staring at Malon. “Do you know what this means? Time is gone. He could never come back!”
It’s harsh; too harsh. Yet the hero’s frustration is boiling over. No one seems to care! They keep brushing it off. What is he missing? Why is he the only one who can see it?
Read the rest here
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luwukass · 8 months
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so i have now had breakfast and coffee and my brain is on and FUNCTIONING lets get into this
putting a break here incase youre scrolling and dont wanna read all of this lol
so first things first i was watching tiktok and people were making a big deal about how its split up into sides similarly to midnights now i do believe that taylor posted the back cover of the vinyl and that the cd will be different but i could be wrong. even if it is split up like this on purpose on every physical copy this does mean that it is a two LP album instead of one like midnights
one vinyl (both sides) can hold up to 44 minutes of music on it so we can roughly estimate that the full album will be about an hour and a half long now if each side is 22 minutes long each track on side a, b and c should be about (if each song is in equal length) 5 and a half minutes long. side d has 5 songs on it so some of those might be short to fit in the manuscript
i have also seen people compare this back cover to the back cover of lover which is absolutely breaking my heart and im sure thats not gonna be the last lover comparison i see about this album
okay so lets dive into this track by track
track one: Fortnight (feat Post Malone)
okay so first of all this is obviously not a reference to fortnite the video game but i think all of those jokes are funny as hell. the fortnight shes talking about here is a reference to the measurement of time as seen down below google states that fortnight is a british term for two weeks.
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according to wikipedia fortnight is derived from the old english term fēowertiene niht, meaning "fourteen nights".
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now onto post malone i actually listen to some of his music from time to time. he mostly does do rap but his most recent album austin (which is coincidentally also taylors brothers name, but is also post malones real name) is listed on google as alternative rock, indie pop and synth-pop. so im unsure of what vibe post will bring to the track. i think its also surprising she placed one of the two collabs as the opening track. i think the vibe for this track will probably be either a story about what happened in a certain two week period or about what is going to happen in two weeks from the songs time standpoint (if that makes sense lol)
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track two: The Tortured Poets Department
A TITLE TRACK!!!! now obviously we dont know much about the album yet so we cant really try and figure out what the title track will be about so im just gonna do a little yippee for having a title track
track three: My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys
this is a Whole fucking title good lord the only thing that really comes to mind when i think of this title is the lyric in better than revenge where she says “soon shes gonna find stealing other peoples toys on the playground wont make you many friends” which is if im not forgetting anything the only lyric as of now where she’s referred to being someones partner as someones “toy” but that lyric itself is a metaphor for relationships being playing on a playground. this will probably be a sad or angry song about how her ‘boy’ goes around breaking/hurting his favorite ‘toy’ aka taylor
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track four: Down Bad
okay now down bad if you dont know is a slang term to describe how badly you have fallen for someone (mostly used in a more sexual nature in my experience than romantic) so this song will probably be about how badly she is for the love interest of the song
track five: So Long, London
alright new track five lets go! so this is obviously seeming to be a reference to track 11 on lover, london boy. now like taylor said when she announced it this album has been a secret for two years so we dont know when these songs were written or who they are about but i feel like it is safe to say this song and most of the other will be about said london boy [i personally do not care who a song is about and it is not taylors job to tell us who a song is about and that isnt the point of her music, but i will be commenting on the joe breakup bc that seems to be a large idea of this album so far] i can see this probably being about the break up and possibly sampling some music from london boy like she did with cornelia street and youre losing me
track six: But Daddy I Love Him
okay so the first thing i thought of when i read this track title is the scene from the little mermaid where ariel is fighting with her dad over the eric statue and im gonna be honest i dont remember the plot points in order of this movie BUT i do remember when taylor dressed up as ariel for her new years party in 2019. so given what we know this will probably be a song about maybe her fighting/arguing with her dad over how much she loves the love interest of the song regardless of who he is/how he treats her
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track seven: Fresh Out The Slammer
okay so im not sure what this song will be about bc i dont think taylor has ever been to jail before so it would probably be metaphorical type of “im back bitches” type of song im assuming this might be a bass heavy maybe more rock leaning song and if it is a “im back bitches” it might be about the amount of time she was single for with the ‘slammer’ being her old relationship
track eight: Florida!!! (feat Florence and the Machine)
alright so as we all know this album has been in the works at least for two years but we dont know when each song was written so take this with a grain of salt but the tampa eras tour shows were the first shows after the news of the joe breakup dropped. so this song might be about her feelings during those shows. for those that want to know these were the surprise songs for the tampa shows in order.
night one: speak now and treacherous
night two: the great war and youre on your own kid
night three: mad woman and mean
track nine: Guilty as Sin?
okay so my main curiosity about this track is the question mark in the title because guilty as sin isnt much of a thought provoking title to me but that fact that its a question is interesting. the current vibes im getting are that this might be a more sexy song? but i have no idea here
track ten: Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me?
okay so THIS is giving big taunting energy like “aww who would ever be afraid of little ol me 🥺 youre afraid of me?” which im Hoping thats what the vibes are bc that would HIT but i can also see it being completely different as well
track eleven: I Can Fix Him (No Really I Can)
oh my GOD this one sounds like its gonna be sad. so this is obviously a reference to the common seen online phrase “i can/could fix him” which as ive seen is normally used towards people who are attracted to hot fictional characters that usually have a lot of emotional baggage or are villains (i saw it a lot when ballad of songbirds and snakes came out about young snow) so this song will probably be about her promising that she Can fix him and really will despite ‘him’ being broken or maybe even possibly a bad partner
track twelve: loml
so i saw and rb a post earlier about how its very interesting that this is already an acronym which i completely agree with because taylor knows we are no strangers to turning her song titles into acronyms. so loml does usually mean love of my life but i think because its already an acronym it might be something different (i saw someone earlier say it might be loss of my life instead of love)
track thirteen: I Can Do It With a Broken Heart
this one i think will kill me personally. i think this one will probably be about her continuing to go on with life (and possibly the eras tour) post joe break up i think this one will either be a sad song or a light beat ‘picking myself up on my feet’ song
track fourteen: The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived
this has so many implications but personally i think the interpretation shes gonna use for this song will be about how the said man is small emotionally and just as a person (i doubt she will talk about physical shortness in height or other areas)
track fifteen: The Alchemy
now im gonna be so real here i have no idea what this one will be about google says that alchemy is an older version of chemistry so maybe she will talk about the chemistry or alchemy she has in her relationships?
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track sixteen: Clara Bow
alright Clara Bow! okay so i dont know much about old hollywood so i am NOT the person to deep dive into what this song will be about but all i do know about her is that she was The “It” girl of the silent film era so im assuming this song will probably be like the lucky one and talk about the rise to stardom and being the Biggest Star Of The Time
track seventeen(bonus track): The Manuscript
alright so after looking at the definition of a manuscript this is the PERFECT bonus track?!!?!?! so a manuscript is normally a piece of work that is written or typed out but isnt officially published which is just genius for having it be a bonus track that probably wont be on streaming (if not for a long time) i have no idea what itll be about but i love that mastermind
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that’s pretty much all of my thoughts as of currently PLEASE let me know what yall think and what theories yall have for this album i am SO excited for april 19th 💕
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skyloftian-nutcase · 10 months
Fluffvember prompt - Going on an adventure // Malon and Link go to Castle Town and chaos ensues
(Featuring Malon and Link in an established friendship with a hint of something more <3)
“Oh… I don’t know, Link, I can’t go like this!”
Link threw a confused look over his shoulder, feeling his chest bubbling with both excitement and bewilderment. “But Malon, you always look like a mess when you work in the field, anyway.”
Malon froze, cheeks as flushed as her red hair, eyes widening. Link stared at her a moment longer and then realized his mistake. Before he could hastily backtrack, though, Malon groaned.
“That’s the point though – I wanted to look nice today!”
“That’s not the point of today,” Link replied, easing Epona’s steady trot so he was alongside his friend. He reached out to her, only a little shyly, and twirled one of the little bits of hair spilling out of the cloth she’d tied around her head. “Besides, you always look beautiful when we go to Castle Town.”
Malon watched him for a moment, face softening, and she leaned in just enough that his finger brushed her cheek. Link took the invitation, letting his thumb trace along her face a moment before Epona nickered a little and the pair pulled away from each other. Malon huffed, “Oh, fine, Epona, I’ll stop complaining.”
Link chuckled and watched as she took off the handkerchief, revealing two braids she’d interwoven on each side of her head. They were a little frizzy, but they looked pretty nice, and it reminded him of some of the Gerudo warriors he’d interacted with in the past. Seeing as they’d been the inspiration for the hairstyle, he wasn’t surprised.
“Does it look okay?” Malon asked.
Link smiled. They’d already agreed that today was just for fun – no worries, no cares about chores or responsibilities or appearances – but he knew she still needed the reassurance. “It looks great.”
Malon beamed. “Okay. I always wanted to try it – the Gerudo have such pretty hairstyles! There’s no way I could ever have that fancy jewelry they wear but this’ll have to do.”
The pair continued their trek towards Castle Town in peace, and Link found himself almost giggling. Two days ago they’d agreed to take a trip to Castle Town purely for fun – no milk runs, no errands, no melancholy gazes towards the castle. This day was just for them to explore Castle Town in ways they hadn’t – Link recalled running around the area as a child, but as his journey had continued it had become less of a priority.
Not to mention seeing what Ganondorf had done to the place had messed with his mind a fair amount. He’d spent his first return to Castle Town after that just roaming around making sure everyone was alive. He still sometimes found himself staring into dark alleys too long, wondering if a ReDead was around the corner or if he’d find another dying soldier.
But today wasn’t about reassurances, nor was it filled with the busyness of doing work for Talon.
Link discovered, though, as they reached the moat, that he had no idea what to do if the day was just about him and Malon.
His friend seemed to retain her excitement, though, and she nearly leapt off her horse, handing the reigns off to a stableman at the gate. Link followed, smiling at her infectious cheer, but mind scrambling for ideas as to what they should do.
“Okay,” Malon said with a happy clap of her hands as they stood at the entrance to the city. “…Now what?”
Link couldn’t help the laugh that escaped him. Apparently he wasn’t the only one feeling a little lost.
“This is fine!” Malon argued at his cackling. “We said we’d make today about ourselves, and we will! Okay! So! What’s a place in Castle Town you always wanted to visit but never had time?”
Link hummed, thinking about it. “Bombchu bowling?”
Malon looked at him, nose scrunched. “I thought you had gone bowling?”
“Once,” Link answered before shuddering. “But one of the rounds… it was fun, but… well, maybe it’s changed since then.”
His friend continued to give him a bewildered expression before shrugging. “Well, let’s try it!”
Before Link had a second to register her words, she had grabbed him by the wrist and was dragging him through the market square. Running around with Malon without a care in the entire world was honestly more exhilarating than he had expected, and he laughed as he passed her, turning it into a race. Malon yelled in protest and the two practically barreled through the entrance and nearly ran over a patron already inside.
After a sheepish shrug from Link and an embarrassed apology from Malon, the two got their bombchus and headed to the bowling lane. Link recognized the first round immediately – they’d upgraded the device a little, and it looked like it had seen some wear and tear, but the blade trap still looked roughly the same as it had when he was a child.
He got by it just as easily as he had back then, too. Malon cheered him on with delight.
The next round, however…
“A cuccoo?” Malon questioned as the little feathered terror traipsed about. “What if it gets hurt?”
“They’re indestructible, Malon, don’t worry,” Link grumbled.
“Oh!” Malon scoffed. “They’re not and you know it! Is this why you stopped playing this game?”
Link sent the bombchu rolling, watching as it climbed the wall and made it into the next goal. “No…”
The destroyed wall crumbled, revealing the final round, and he saw his adversary, much to his dread. He felt the bottom drop out of his stomach, as if Ganondorf himself were standing there and cackling evilly. “That’s why.”
The final barrier to get through, beyond the blade trap and the cuccoo was a monstrous sized cuccoo, large enough to rival Link in height and twice his girth. Malon’s mouth dropped.
“What kind of cuccoo is that?” she asked.
“A demon,” Link answered.
“So did you never get passed it?”
“Passed it?!” Link repeated, motioning wildly at the beast. “Why would I even try? Do you want to anger that thing?! I had hoped I’d outlived it by now!”
“I’m still trying to figure out how it got so big,” Malon said thoughtfully, staring the monstrosity down.
“You’re not actually considering getting near it, are you?” Link asked worriedly.
“Well, the good news is that if the bombchus don’t bother the little one, this baby definitely won’t care if you miss!” Malon noted with a laugh. “But my goodness, it sure is big. You could ride it like a horse!”
Link felt the blood drain out of his face at the mere thought of it.
“Oh, stop being silly!” Malon huffed, nudging him aside with her hip. Electricity shot through him as she did so, unaware that he was now trying to catch his breath as she bit her lip in concentration to figure out how to aim the bombchu properly. When she released it, it managed to pass the blade trap and the little cuccoo, but the large one inhabited too much space to bypass. The bombchu let out a boom! and Malon gasped, covering her mouth.
The cuccoo clucked, unimpressed, before taking a small step to the left, foraging for food.
“I should’ve used that thing to fight Ganondorf,” Link muttered.
“We only have two left,” Malon noted, sounding a little disappointed. “We’ll have to try harder.”
Link looked between his friend and the cuccoo. This was definitely the stage that he had given up as a child – he’d had more pressing matters to attend to anyway, and there was no sense in risking his life when Hyrule needed to be saved. But now… watching the sad pout to Malon’s face emboldened him, just as seeing others in need always did.
Besides, the prize was a heart piece, a magical item that could grant some protection and healing enchantments. It could certainly come in handy. And it would look pretty on some jewelry for her.
Link took a fortifying breath and gently pushed Malon aside, taking the bombchus. “I’ll handle it.”
He calculated the path he would need to take carefully. Bypassing the first two obstacles was easy. He’d probably have to let the bombchu climb the wall to access the goal and get around the gigantic cuccoo.
Link released the bombchu and the pair watched it go. When it got through the cuccoo without a hitch, Link couldn’t help the little cheer that escaped him, only for his face to fall in disappointment as the bombchu exploded outside the goal.
Well… great. Now they only had one left.
A devious idea popped into his mind, and he paused, considering it. Doing what he was planning would technically be cheating, but… it was already an unfair advantage to have such an adversary on the playing field without a way to defeat it.
Handing the bombchu to Malon, Link said, “Wait for my signal and then send it off.”
“Your signal?” Malon repeated, confused. “What signal?”
Link surveyed the area, knowing he’d caught sight of it earlier—ah, there it was. A large pot, tucked into a corner, and filled with a familiar scent. He traipsed over to the pot and turned sharply, his shoulder hitting the rim and knocking it clean over.
Wheat grains spilled everywhere, and, as predicted, the cuccoos immediately squawked in excitement. Malon hastily let the bombchu loose as Link ran for his life from the oncoming feathery horde, yelping to avoid the frantic owner of the bowling alley. The bombchu hit its target, knocking the final wall away to reveal the heart piece awaiting its victors.
“Was that really the best way to do that?” Malon whispered as Link shrugged at the owner with a sheepish smile.
“Listen,” Link fired back quietly. “That blasted bird has been hoarding that heart piece for almost a decade. Which means people have been throwing bombchus at it for a decade. This way, the bird finally gets to retire from being attacked.”
Malon scrunched her nose in the way that he loved, the way she would when she was debating a matter. Her eyes narrowed looking at him, reading through his excuse but giving in to it nonetheless. “I suppose you’re right.”
The pair blinked as they went out into the sunlight once more, and, after Link offered a giggling Malon the heart piece, found themselves stuck again.
“Now what?” Link asked.
“This is ridiculous, we should’ve planned an itinerary,” Malon huffed with some amusement.
“I think that was against the whole idea of the day,” Link offered with a small smile.
“Well clearly we’re not good at being spontaneous!” Malon sighed.
That didn’t seem true at all, but Link wasn’t going to argue the point. What they clearly were awful at was not having something to do. Both kept themselves busy, either with farm work or adventuring, and that was the reason Talon had suggested they take a day off.
“You two work so much you’ll work your lives away,” he’d said. “Go to town and have fun! The ranch will still be here and intact when you get back.”
It had taken a few more days to convince Malon that her father wouldn’t be sleeping on the job before they’d finally agreed. And here they were, barely at midday and already over it.
“I see people throw rupees into the fountain,” Link commented. “They do it all the time. Maybe there’s something to it?”
“They just do that to make wishes,” Malon commented, though she guided him to the fountain nonetheless. “I’ve heard people talk about it. Dad and I did it once – I wished—”
Suddenly, she cut herself off, stopping short of the fountain. Link paused, peering around her shoulder to look at her face. Malon swallowed, chewing the inside of her lip and hastily moved ahead. “Well, never mind that, maybe we—”
In her haste, Malon lost her footing, tripping on uneven cobblestone, and she nearly faceplanted into the fountain itself. Link moved forward quickly to catch her, grabbing at the back of her shirt and instead successfully falling with her. He pulled her to him and turned to take the brunt of the fall, and they both nearly gasped in a lungful of water as the cold temperature shift shocked their systems. Thankfully, the fountain was shallow, and the pair instead lay half soaked in the water, blinking at each other in bafflement at what had just happened.
Malon laughed. Link found himself laughing too, especially at the exaggerated noises of surprise and irritation from the local women who had been gossiping while waiting in line for one of the market stands.
“Make a wish, fairy boy!” she giggled.
“I wish…” he started uncertainly, still chuckling and coughing slightly on water.
“Not out loud!” Malon interrupted, clamping a hand over his mouth and making them both fall into the water once more with a squeal. After a moment, though, she made a disappointed noise as she looked down at herself. “Oh, this dress is going to be ruined. As if I didn’t look questionable enough.”
“What are you talking about?” Link asked, leaning forward and putting her sopping wet hair over her shoulder. A mischievous glint shone in his eye and pulled at his lips. “You are… more beautiful than Princess Zelda.”
Malon stared at him a moment before catching the reference, poking his chest. “Oh, and you are just as handsome as the King of Hyrule.”
The pair stared at each other a moment longer before the façade fell apart as they burst into fits of laughter. The sour look from the familiar married couple who constantly subjected everyone to such sappy lines with their innumerable public displays of affection was definitely amusing enough to send Link into full-on hysterics.
Eventually, the cold water began to get a little too chilly, and the pair climbed out of the fountain (Link was definitely tempted to fish the rupees out of the water, but he felt that would be rude). They decided spending the afternoon laying outside the Temple of Time might be a good way to dry off and relax. Malon started to doze a little bit, but somehow the idea of sleeping by the temple left Link feeling far too ill at ease to actually get any rest. Instead, he settled for watching Malon and the occasional passerby who went to pray.
When evening fell, both Link and Malon realized they hadn’t eaten since breakfast, and decided dinner at one of the local restaurants was in order. Link had no idea how to order, having never been to a restaurant, and Malon was not of much help since she mostly spent her days at the ranch, but they managed to figure it out. When that was done, most of the townsfolk had begun to head home, and Malon wondered if they should as well.
At least until the stray dogs came out.
Gasping in delight, Malon reached down to pet one, and Link started to chase a few as more chased him. The two giggled and ran all over the city, watched only by the guards leading to the castle, who didn’t bother hiding their smiles.
It wasn’t until the moon was high in the sky that they realized their mistake.
“Wait!” Malon said, stopping suddenly. “The gate! The gate closes at sunset!”
Link froze. “Oh.”
They had to stay the night here.
Well. Unless…
“I could… there is a way…” Link said hesitantly. “But… only if you really want to.”
Malon looked around uncertainly. “Is it dangerous?”
“Not really, no.”
“Oh,” his friend wrung her hands nervously. “Can we? I don’t… I’ve never spent a night away from home. It’s silly, I guess, but…”
Link smiled. “Don’t worry, I got it.”
Pulling his ocarina from his pack (despite Talon’s insistence that he take no weapons to the city, Link had still grabbed all his supplies), he played the familiar song that had saved his neck plenty of times. The notes danced out with a little bit of hesitancy as he tried to remember the fingering on the instrument, but as he gained confidence and added the correct rhythm, he felt the ocarina warm with magic.
In the blink of an eye, the moon nearly plummeted to the horizon, making Link’s heart stop for just a second despite knowing it was going to happen, and the sun sprang up.
Malon’s jaw dropped. “How did you—?”
“Let’s go!” Link said with a laugh, grabbing her by the wrist. The citizens of Castle Town blearily peaked out of their homes, windows opening in as people peered around in confusion. When they reached the guard house at the gate, the soldiers were staring up at the sky, eyes wide.
Link cleared his throat. “Excuse me. Can you open the gate, please?”
The guard stared at him. “W-wh—but it’s—”
“It’s clearly day,” Link said innocently with a smile. “The gate’s supposed to open at sunrise.”
The guard couldn’t offer an argument, and so Malon and Link got their steeds. Epona seemed to be staring at Link judgingly, and he laughed at her expression. She’d seen him do this trick a number of times, after all, and it usually resulted in little sleep for either of them. Thankfully, that wouldn’t be the case today.
After all, he could make it night again once they got back to the ranch.
“Link, how did you do that?” Malon asked as they rode out into Hyrule Field.
“Just a trick I learned on the road,” Link tossed back casually.
“You know you can’t keep dodging my questions about that stuff,” Malon replied.
No, he supposed he couldn’t. But not today. Today was just for fun. And it had been fun. He hoped it could end that way too.
When they got back to the ranch, Link was endlessly entertained (and unsurprised) to find that Talon hadn’t even noticed the daylight and was instead snoring loudly in his room. Link played the ocarina again, and the sun and moon traded places once more.
“That’s… disorienting,” Malon noted as she stared at the sky.
“It could get that way, yeah,” Link huffed. When he looked back down he saw Malon staring at him. “Uh… what is it?”
Malon sighed, looking at the ground. “Nothing. I just… wish you’d talk to me. I know I’m just a dumb farm girl, but—”
“Malon,” he interrupted hastily. “I don’t think—you’re not—”
“I had fun today,” she interrupted with a small smile. “Did you?”
Link stumbled over all the words that had been spilling out of his mouth, and he took a breath, returning her smile. “Yeah… yeah, I did. And…”
He trailed off, uncertain how to continue. Malon watched him curiously, though she still held a degree of coolness after her previous statements. Clearly he’d hurt her feelings a little, and he felt awful for it.
He still struggled to figure out what to say. So instead, he stepped forward, planting a chaste kiss on her cheek. He felt her face grow warm under the touch, and the blush he saw confirmed it as he pulled away. “I thought today was nice too.”
Malon fanned her face with an exasperated, “Oh, you! That wasn’t funny!”
Link laughed nonetheless, pulling her into a hug, and she laughed with him, returning the embrace in full.
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luimagines · 2 years
HOW CUTE!!!! You can!! :D
Content under the cut!
The quiet, silent type
A true calming presence
Always seems to be three steps ahead of whatever problems that come your way
Likes to work around the house
A handy man
Will play pranks when he’s in a good mood
You now that scene where he rubs jelly all over Malon?
Very playful actually
A huge tease
The kind of guy to play keep away or tag within the house
Outside of them house? 
Fast horse back rides, mud wrestling, climbing trees for the hell of it
He unleashes his inner gremlin
In front of everyone though, he’s going to seem almost...too serious
And well... that’s their prerogative
He’s only a menace to you and no one is going to believe you if you tried explaining it to them
On any other circumstances this would make you feel special.. but some days.... you really wish he wouldn’t hang upside down from the rafters
Time is always going to be his best to make sure all your needs are taken care of
That they’re going to be lacking nothing
Sure he can’t provide everything that they’d want but that won’t stop him from trying
So whipped
Will write love letters in the middle of work
While his job has decent pay, he does squirrel little bits of rupies away to buy you a special gift
You would never see it coming
While he can’t have all the riches in the world, he does want you to have one or two nice things
Treats you better than the Queen
But she can’t complain
He can and will love on you in whatever chance he gets
If he has any musical talent he’d be serenating you in the moonlight
Always has his arms around you one way or another
Absolutely ravishes you whenever he can
Loves getting away with teasing you, in public or in private- he makes a game out of it
Is a fan of PDA
Warrior isn’t above kissing the living daylights out of you to prove a point either to some groupie or some weirdo who won’t leave you alone
Tries to keep everything afloat so you don’t have to worry about anything
And Warrior so tries to hard to keep his work life out of his home life.
Not that he’s always successful
Since he’s so busy there are constant visitors at random hours of the night 
And without fail he goes to answer and begins to get the work over with
He won’t wake you up anyway- at least not purposefully
Warrior is constantly putting your needs above his
You need to remind him to take care of himself as well or step in where he isn’t going to
That being said, he works hard to give you a quiet and peaceful life despite his position
He’s more or less successful 
He’s an overachiever
Will wake up before sun rise to get at least half the sun rise
Then return to bed before you miss him
Sleep for another hour or so
Then get up once more to make you breakfast in bed
This is his routine
Stop him ^.^*
He will overwork himself so you don’t have to lift a finger
Tell him that you will take care of some stuff please!
Is the type of guy to have date night twice a week
One in the day time and one in the night time
You’re ultimate defender
The one guy that cat calls you while he’s around never cat called in general again
(Did Twi throw hands and break his jaw? He won’t talk about it. You had to be there)
Is Twilight also the over supportive husband that wants to see you succeed in every aspect and every new thing that you?
Is the very definition of puppy love even years later
Expect lots of hand made gifts
And being taught how to ride Epona
Is this a childish excuse for him to wrap his arms around you?
Are you going to complain about it?
Doubt it
Is a fan of picnics and watching the sunset with you leaning against him 
Gifts galore
Is always making something for you
Always super excited to see you wear it
Bonus points- I’m not talking about only gifts he can make in the forge (although it’s a huge part of it)- he also takes up sewing and I bet he’d be great at handmaking lace
You’re going to be drop dead gorgeous... and only on your way to go buy eggs
Only the best for his Love- obviously
Is the one asking you to get things off of the highest shelf
It had to be said... at least once
Is quite the handy man though
You hardly notice that anything in the house is being broken down or wearing thin because the second Four notices it, it’s being patched up/tightened/painted over
He’s a busy little bee- always being up to something
Remind him to take some breaks
Is part cat
Play with his hair and he melts, almost falling asleep instantly
Will also climb on the furniture to reach things up higher (Ok, twice)
Don’t tell him that connection though
That being said Four does his best but he might forget that conversation exists. 
But don’t be afraid to break up any frost that’s forming!
He still loves you greatly.
Just remind him that acts of service and gifts aren’t the only ways to show that you care. :)
Have you seen those videos where the husband asks his wife what she wants to eat (and she actually knows?)
Only to bust out exactly that meal since this dude apparently has everything in his kitchen?
That’s Wild- everyday
If he doesn’t have anything on hand he can just teleport to the nearest shrine to the shop and buy some more right there and then just teleport back home
No time lost
It’s a quiet life other than that
It took a few years before he got around to fixing the small stable in the back but he’s put one of his horses and yours to have on hand
Loves to show you around all of Hyrule
Despite his comfy little home, camping trips are a must and are fairly common between the married couple
Wild is temping to build another home far away and have it be a get away
Surely it would be nice to still have the comforts of home but with different scenery
The stables are nice and all but a home would be free to stay at
He never really gets around to it but it’s a thought he likes to entertain
Wild wants to try his best to be self sustaining so don’t be surprised when he comes back covered in monster blood, with lots of money in his pocket and a new crazy project on his mind
He adventures a lot less after getting married
Still somehow finds his way into the same amount of shenanigans though
He finds his way up to the roof more than once and falls.... more often than he’d ever admit
Some nights are spent quietly patching him up and gently scolding him for not being more careful
It’s not like either of you are getting any younger, he can’t afford to do that as often now
Living in Hateno becomes routine and it’s safe and warm and communal
Wild brings enough energy back into the village to make each day a new adventure
Date night is basically star gazing
Before you got married, he searched all throughout Hyrule to find a nice secluded and safe spot for the two of you to start your lives
He had to check everything
From monster count, to soil condition, to terrain risks and even just the view  was considered before he got to work
He does his upmost to make life comfortable
There’s very little that he didn’t consider when choose where to start his new life with you
When you two do settle down and figure out your new routines, he likes to surprise you with little things that he finds- little souvenirs and keep sakes
Oh did you think he would stop traveling?
He’s more or less confined to work for the Princess for the rest of his life- which he both loves and hates
But a consolation is that they let him live his life with you for as long as he can
That being said- there is still the occasional business trip
That’s why he spent so long try to make the house perfect
Is it safe enough for you to be alone without him to protect you?
Is it fertile enough where you don’t have to go too far to get your own food?
Is it charming enough where you’d stay and wait for him until he returns?
He never really got past his insecurities even though he managed to get married
Not to mention the whole curse on his blood thing so he’s still anxious when it comes to having nice things in his life
On the off chance he’s deprived of them, he still wants to give them to you- or at least leave them behind for you
Just in case, you know
But it’s a quiet life otherwise and he hopes it’s one your happy with
So chill
Like... date night is staying in doors and cuddling by the fire
Can and will give massages on a whim
Tries so hard to make sure you live comfortably
He may not have much (liar) but he wants to give you everything in his power
Even after so long, still isn’t the best with communicating his emotions and feelings
So it takes a while for him to open up from to time to time
He tries to avoid fighting as much as he can
If it does escalate to a fight... it’s not really much of a fight
He goes quiet and bites it down, letting him and you ride out your emotions before you can tackle it with clearer heads
He doesn’t want to say or do something he would regret and not be able to take back.
It’s a bit scary in the moment but as he cools down and soothes any stinging remarks he would have said otherwise- he goes back to talk to you, hoping you’ve cooled as well
He wants a family
He wants to be accepted as part of your family... so bad
Like- worries if his clothes are going to give the wrong impression and panics in the closet for thirty minutes trying to wear something “acceptable”
You know that John Mulaney meme where “I need everybody to like me... so much!”
That one
He’s a dork though
Tells cheesy one liners and loves to give surprise kisses
Will tickle you until you cry, laughing
Wants all your says to be filled with joy and peace
Life on the high seas?
Always looking for adventure?
Being his partner in crime? Sometimes literally?
Tender moments of patching each other up in the candle light more often than not
Being the captain and the first mate of your own ship, as you travel and explore far away lands
Or perhaps a quiet couple on his private cabana- his own island where no one will bother him or his spouse
Or maybe settle down on Outset where you both grow older, watching his little sister grow into a young woman and taking care of his elderly grandma before she passes
Or perhaps all three- and there’s just a moment in time where you spend your journeys together in all three places
Wind is very attentive and and motivated
When he puts his mind to something, there is nothing that would be able to stop him from completing his goal
There is never a dull moment
Don’t let the moments of silence and peace fool you, the call of adventure is in his blood
And he wants to bring you along
Somehow knows what you want or need before you do
I don’t know how he does it
But he becomes very quickly entuned to his lovers emotions
Almost becomes a mind reader
Can see one tiny micro expression and gasp
“No. Do not tell me Stacy stole the last spool of thread from the market!”
“She did! And Amanda said she wouldn’t be able to stock that color for months!”
“But you’ve been working on that project forever now! That was the last color you needed!”
“I knnooowwww.”
“I’ll fix this. Hold on. I’ll get you one.”
Did I mention amazing cook?
Taking turns cooking dinner and secretly baking each other your favorite sweets
Will go full out when you’ve had a bad day
Bubble bath, candle lit dinner, massages, foot and back rubs, cheesy story time, staying the night in no work the next day
Even if life on the surface isn’t always easy, he makes leading the settlement look easy when Sky has his family to worry about as well
Living heater
Strives to be a better man every day
Really just wants your approval and praise
Because he loves you and he knows that he has his baggage
Let him know that he’s doing a good job, yeah?
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satureja13 · 6 months
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Ostara/Spring Equinox Festival Part 3 It starts -> here
After all this action they got hungry. Arturo had prepared the meals for them. It's good to see them all together again. It's been a while. Let's hope the Therapy Game can help them out of their slump and Saiwa, Jack and Ji Ho can return back home to the others soon.
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They gathered at the fire. Ji Ho looks so happy, his spell worked and they'd spend a great day together despite of their hardships.
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But by looking at Jeb's face he felt that his Siren's Song was fading and it's time to part. And the way Jack looks at Kiyoshi made him think that the spell maybe hit Jack a bit too hard. Better they leave soon before he does anything stupid ö.ö They all seem to react different. He'll have to work on this.
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After they cleaned up and cared for the horses and goats (and Kumo), they said goodbye by the riverside and Ji Ho and Vlad charged their bond before they leave for their homes.
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Jack, Saiwa and Ji Ho south over the bridge to the Beach House and Vlad, Jeb and Kiyoshi back to their crappy/happy home in the opposite direction.
Ji Ho had hoped for a kiss but Vlad kept it short and left. Vlad knows that it would improve their relationship if he agreed to get physical with Ji Ho, but it just feels wrong for him. Tomorrow he will continue to test the Therapy Game. Let's hope there is another way for Ji Ho to learn how to love Vlad.
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Did you know there are manta rays and sharks in the river? And I let the Boys swim there! o.o
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'She died of a fever And no one could save her And that was the end of sweet Molly Malone But her ghost wheels her barrow Through streets broad and narrow Crying, "Cockles and mussels, alive, alive, oh
Alive, alive, oh Alive, alive, oh Crying, "Cockles and mussels, alive, alive, oh'
The Dubliners - Molly Malone
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From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest 🕹️ 'Therapy Game' from the beginning ▶️ here 📚 Previous Chapters: Chapters: 1-6 ~ 7-12 ~ 13-16 ~ 17-22 ~ 23-28
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summaryscar · 1 month
I have not been able to write a whole ton recently, which I feel really bad about, so I’ve decided to share a small snippet of a chapter I’m working on for a fic I’ve been writing
Now, this snippet isn’t part of the next chapter to be posted, but I’ve had it written for so long and I’m honestly pretty happy with it despite how short it is
The chapter that this snippet does go in probably won’t be posted for a while (I’m writing chapter 11, but this’ll probably happen closer to chapter 20 or something of the sort), but it doesn’t really seem to spoil a whole lot of what I have planned, so I think I can share it
“Legend, we have to go.”
“No, not yet. I’m sure I can find something in here that’s still edible.”
“Legend, please. We’re gonna get in trouble again, and there’s no one to bail us out of it this time.”
“Come on, ‘Rulie, have a little faith in me.”
“Legend, I’m serious. Legend.”
Legend paid his little brother no mind. Instead, he kept digging through the dumpster they found behind a grocery store. While he would much rather prefer to eat an actual meal and not something that had been thrown out who knows how long ago, it was the only choice they had.
“Legend,” Hyrule tried again. “Legend, someone’s coming. Someone who looks very much like some sort of officer is coming.”
“Dang it, I can’t find anything!”
“Legend, we need to leave now!”
Here’s the link to the fic if anyone wants to catch up on what’s been happening before this point
Summary: It’s been a few months since Twilight had to enter the foster care system and was placed with Time and Malon, and he’s beginning to like living with them. One day, another kid needs to be fostered by them, and slowly but surely, they somehow end up becoming a family of ten.
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skyward-floored · 2 months
Hello! Tis me, the one that keeps showing up when you say you don't have ideas for DIAU. I love au^3s. I particularly love this one! Mmmmm angst. Hyrule angst is one of my favorites, so hehe on that.
If you're perhaps looking for a prompt—maybe because Hyrule healed Time that once, does he recognize the picture in the house when he finally escapes?
(...hmmm, Hyrule did escape. Are they looking for him? How hard does he have to hide? Could he go to the store with Malon sometime for groceries? Or out to a park? How badly socialized IS he?)
You know... I think he does recognize it. Maybe not literally the moment he arrives, but...
Sunlight warming his face was what woke Wind from his deep slumber, his eyes sticky as he dragged them open.
He laid there in his borrowed bed for several minutes, listening to birdsong outside his window as he slowly woke up. His arm felt a little sore when he shifted it for some reason, why...
The events from the night before suddenly flooded back, and Wind shot upwards, head spinning a little from the abrupt movement.
Last night they’d rescued Hyrule.
Or... Link, still. He didn’t have a nickname here yet.
Wind quickly rubbed his eyes and slipped out of bed, careful not to wake Four in the bed beside him. His brother was drooling a little onto his pillow, hair a frizzy halo around his head, and Wind smiled, then fixed his blankets from where they’d fallen loose. Four had gone a little overboard with his powers yesterday, and was obviously still sleeping them off.
A prickle of worry stuck to Wind’s stomach as he remembered that the bad guys knew about Four’s powers now, but he ignored it, and went up from the basement they were sleeping in. All they knew was that there was an unregistered super out there. Four had had a mask on, so they didn’t know who he was.
Yet, a traitorous voice whispered in his head.
Wind shook himself and kept going up the stairs, hoping to find both something for breakfast, and someone to talk to. Nobody but Wind and Four had been seen when they’d helped Hyrule get out, but Malon had admitted their house wasn’t the safest place Hyrule could be. This was only a temporary hiding spot for now, and Wind wanted to know what they were planning.
Wind sighed, and walked into the kitchen just in time to watch Malon stick some bread in the toaster.
“Hey there Wind, good morning,” she said with a smile, though Wind couldn’t help noticing the dark circles under her eyes. “Is Four still sleeping?”
“Yeah, I think he will be for a while,” Wind said, sitting down at the table. “He was really tired after yesterday. Where’s everyone else?”
“Legend and Twi are talking upstairs. I think they’re going to try and contact Sky later today, see if he has any thoughts about everything, but their breaks are going to be over soon,” she explained, pulling some jam out of the fridge. “They’re figuring out timing.”
“And Hyrule?” Wind asked, then caught himself. “Uh, I mean Link?”
Malon’s face did something strange at the name, but then it went back to how it had been. “He’s been awake for a while, I think he’s looking around the house. Actually, would you mind telling him there’s breakfast available?“
Wind nodded, and hopped back out of his seat, snagging a glass of milk before he went into the living room.
He’d been prepared to be searching for a while, but Hyrule was standing only a few feet away in the middle of the room, looking at the pictures on the mantle that had caught Four’s attention when they’d first gotten here too.
Hyrule looked like he was staring at the picture of Time, and Wind quietly moved to his side, raising an eyebrow when he noticed the look on his face. He seemed to be studying the picture awfully intently.
“Um... good morning,” he said, and Hyrule flicked an ear at him in response, leaning even closer towards the picture. “Is... everything okay?” Wind asked again when Hyrule didn’t say anything, the other boy still just staring at the picture, his eyes wide.
“Who is this?” he asked after a long moment.
Wind glanced behind him, making sure Twilight and Legend weren’t about to run into the room or anything, then sighed.
“That’s... Time. He... he was Twilight and Legend’s dad,” Wind explained in a soft voice. “He’s alive in me and Four’s world, but here, he... apparently he was killed a couple of years ago. I don’t remember exactly how long.”
Hyrule’s brow scrunched up, and he looked over at Wind, a weird look in his eyes.
“You’re sure?” he asked, and Wind nodded, a bit weirded out. Why was Hyrule so interested in this?
“I’m sure. It’s been at least three years, I know that. I don’t know how he died though, I just know he... did.”
Hyrule’s face scrunched even further, and he looked back at the picture, reaching out and thumbing a bit of dust off the corner.
“But that’s impossible,” he whispered. “I’ve met him since then.”
Wind almost dropped the cup he was holding.
“I met him once, I... had to heal him,” Hyrule explained quietly. “And time was hard to keep track of in there, but... it’s been less than three years, I know that. I definitely talked to the man in this picture, he was alive.”
Wind stared, stunned into complete silence, and Hyrule looked suddenly awkward.
“Sorry, is... is it a bad subject?” he said hesitantly.
“No, I mean, yes, but— how could he be alive?” Wind breathed.
They’re all so sure of him being dead, how could they be wrong about something like that? They’re still grieving, Malon nearly cried when we told her our Time was still alive, there’s no way any of them think he’s alive here, so how...
How is this possible?
Wind turned to look at Hyrule, and met his green-brown gaze.
“I need to know everything you remember about healing him,” he said seriously, not letting the hope trying to build in his chest get too strong. It could be a coincidence, or maybe one of them had the dates wrong. He couldn’t get too hopeful yet. “If... you don’t mind?”
Hyrule nodded. “I don’t know how helpful any of it will be, but I can tell you what I remember. If... if he’s out there somewhere, I want to help him,” he finished quietly.
“Okay,” Wind agreed, head still spinning with the possible implications of this. Could Dad really be alive here?
Another thought hit him though, and he gave Hyrule a hesitant look.
“...Can you not tell anyone else about this yet?”
“What? Why not? Don’t you want them to know there’s a chance their dad might be alive?” Hyrule asked in confusion.
Wind winced. Well when you put it like that... “I do, trust me, but if... if this ends up being a dead end, I don’t want them to get their hopes up for nothing.”
I don’t want to cause them more grief.
Hyrule let out a soft oh, then nodded, looking away from Wind and back at the picture.
“I guess that makes sense. I’ll do my best to not say anything. But I won’t lie to them,” he said quietly, and Wind looked at the picture as well.
Time faintly smiled back at them both, face eternally frozen in a warm expression.
“He wouldn’t want you to,” Wind replied just as softly. “Thanks, Link.”
Hyrule nodded, and Wind gave him a small smile as footsteps came from the direction of the stairs. Hyrule tilted his head, and Wind nodded at the unspoken question. We’ll talk about it later.
Twilight and Legend came into the living room, somewhat intense looks on their faces, but both of them softened when they saw Wind and Hyrule standing together.
“Hey Wind, Link. You guys sleep okay?” Twilight asked, and they both nodded, Wind taking a sip of his milk.
“Let’s go get breakfast,” Wind said as he lowered his glass, a whiff of toast drifting past his nose. “I’m starved, and your Mom said she had some fresh strawberry jam.”
“Really? Yes, I wasn’t sure if she’d be able to get more,” Legend said with a small fist pump.
Hyrule’s stomach growled, and Wind grinned at him, even as he blushed at the noise. Twilight chuckled, and he headed into the kitchen, Hyrule and Wind following.
Wind paused in the doorway when he realized Legend hadn’t followed them though, and he looked back, swallowing as he saw Legend standing at the mantelpiece, looking at the picture of his father.
Legend looked back at him, and quickly smoothed his expression, brushing past Wind to head into the kitchen. But Wind had seen the brief flash of grief that had crossed his face, intense and deep.
And it was then that he promised himself he’d do everything he could to find out what had happened to Time.
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