#but hey i guess they get dental now
erb23 · 1 year
Why, instead of keeping Gotham’s henchmen employed as hench’s that are now all cat burglars, could they not just make a new business with which to employ them and provide health benefits?
Open a god dang grocery store, or a book store. Something! Why teach them to be better criminals if they’ll end up henching for more dangerous individuals later. 
There’s no offramp here for aiding villains, it just keeps them in the same position, except with the ability to better cause harm in the future.
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rederiswrites · 7 months
Well, today I had the entertainment of having a dental hygienist schedule me for my next cleaning to make sure that she was the one doing the cleaning, so that she could hear "the end of the story". It was definitely a uniquely entertaining tooth cleaning.
You see, I got a message from Jacob while I was in the waiting room, telling me that... Well, the situation with my mom, who lives in our basement and is causing us problems I don't really need to get into, had deteriorated even further. So when the hygienist went to take my blood pressure, I was like, "oh actually, it might be really bad right now, cuz I just got upsetting news, don't worry about it." And then it was, in fact, fairly terrible. It's always been great before, and was great in their records, so we called that one a scratch.
But naturally she was curious to know what had my blood pressure through the roof. Presumably if I'd brushed it off she'd have respected that, but I was like, hell, why not, it's some pretty wild gossip. So I told her the basic outlines, and actually it was good for me, because at some point I'd really started to give my mom a little too much credit, trying to keep the situation peaceful. The hygienist gave me a fresh perspective of like, "wait so why is that even a problem for her?" And at a couple points there seemed to be surprising parallels with her life. So when I was done, and hopefully less likely to pop a blood vessel, I said, "Well I gave you the goods, I think you'll agree, so fill me in on your story!"
Because after all I was about to have her hands in my mouth for fifteen minutes, so my turn with the talking ball was definitely over.
She's like, "Alright, but fair warning, this might be more uncomfortable for you than me." And naturally I say something to the effect of, "Oh nah I'm cool with most things", and she gets to work.
"So ten years ago," she begins, "my husband died."
Me: *indistinct noises of shock and dismay* What's that one Twitter thread--"I know, classic start to a funny story."
Anyhow, short version, her husband died, she had a two year old to take care of, and she was working as a social worker and feeling like she couldn't take another day of it. So she quit her job, sold her house, moved back in with her parents (she got space in the unfinished basement, the baby got her old bedroom) and trained to become a hygienist. It certainly hadn't been her plan to still be there ten years later, but hey, she had help with the kid, he comes home to his grandparents every day instead of her scrambling to find a situation for him until she gets off work, and she feels spoiled to have her mom cooking for her. It's not perfect, but the way she sees it, it's been much better this way for her son.
So now she's gotta wait six months to find out if we get a mediator and how we settle the situation. Which I guess means I gotta actually settle it. God I hope.
As we were saying goodbye, I said, "Wait, I didn't get the punchline. Are you happier as a hygienist?"
"Oh. Oh yeah. Absolutely."
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How to be attractive to men and my goals
Hey babes,
like I said – I want to incorporate RPT (Red Pill Theories) into my daily life immediately.
A few things that every women within the community seemed to be content with were:
1. You are never finished with glowing or leveling up. Never stop learning. Never stop trying to better yourself.
2. Pretty privilege is real.
I agree that pretty privilege is very real. I mean, I get affected by pretty people like everybody else, even if I don’t do it on purpose. It’s just something that is ingrained in our brains and I need to learn how to take this to my advantage.
I think I have a decent starting base, because I’m a skinny white woman in her twenties with long blonde hair. I am not really tall – even short men are at least 5-7cms taller than me – but I’m also not extremely short.
I have a petite frame but my body-shape is something between an hourglass and a peach. My face is average – I don’t really have striking features or am a natural beauty model – but my features also aren’t hideous. It’s really just something you can look at without thinking too much.
On a scale, I would rate myself a 5,5-6/10 on an average day and I guess that’s great!
But how can I make myself look better on a daily basis? I really took hours to research how I could make myself more attractive to wealthy and high value men.
Obviously, no man is like the other and every man prefers something different. One man might like tattoos and piercings while another man with the same social status thinks they are hideous. I don’t want to completely change who I am and I don’t want to spend thousands of dollars for it.
However, I really like this whole clean girl and old money aesthetic that is going viral on Tiktok right now – and I think those two aesthetics could fit me and my personality really well.
Most wealthy men seem to like this traits in women:
1. great skin without obvious pimples or enlarged pores
2. long and healthy hair in a natural color
3. straight white teeth
4. clean nails on both hands and feet
5. hairless legs, armpits and at least trimmed pubic hair
6. wearing clean and wrinkle free clothes without any holes
7. wearing a nice smell that is fitting to your overall appearance
I think those are the basics and they can be achieved by almost anyone. If you can’t afford braces make sure that your teeth are always perfectly brushed and that you’re keeping up with your dental hygiene in general.
In fact – if you have problems affording certain beauty procedures, research how to get as close as possible to them with DIYs.
For years, I always wanted to be the mysterious woman in the room. The woman with a dark aura, the woman that doesn’t speak much and remains most of her life a secret.
Well, I am not this woman even if I’m trying very hard. It would be an act that I would put on and I am sure that everyone in the room would notice.
I am naturally very bubbly and I love having conversations with people in general. I would also say that I have a broad knowledge on different topics and that I’m able to talk to almost everyone.
I am also very welcoming and I enjoy making people laugh and have fun in my presence. I tend to have strong opinions and I’m not afraid to take on a discussion.
With everything that I know about myself now, I made some points that I need to tackle in order to level up:
1. stop oversharing. Being bubbly is great but not everyone needs to know everything about my business. Sometimes it’s just better to be silent and to listen.
2. start with exercise again. I am happy with my weight but I am extremely weak and I have almost zero muscle mass. My breath is getting heavy if I have to take the stairs and my legs start to hurt after roughly 15 minutes of walking. I plan on going for a walk every day and doing pilates 3x a week.
3. start doing my hair and makeup again. My hair is long and blonde – so it is an eyecatcher. It’s also very healthy but I usually just throw it up in a bun or in a clawclip, so no one is really seeing it. I have multiple styling tools at home and I need to start using them. The same applies to makeup. I have so much great stuff that looks really beautiful and natural but I am just too lazy to use it. I plan on taking 20 minutes every day to do my makeup and to suck it up – because I usually always do a double cleanse at night, so it’s not really a struggle to take it off in the evening. It’s just inconvenient in the morning.
4. taking better care of my skin and of my dental health. I have high quality skincare and I love doing my skincare but sometimes I’m just too lazy. Let me just say that it doesn’t happen often – but still too much for my liking. Also my dental health – I need to make a dentist appointment asap. I think the last time I went was around 3 years ago!
5. buying better fitting clothes. I don’t like shopping for clothes but it is what it is. Right now I only have cute lounge sets for being at home but when I go out I usually only wear jeans with a basic top and sneakers. I want to look more polished and feminine. I want to stop wearing jeans and focus more on pants, skirts and dresses. Also literally any other shoes than sneakers.
6. go out more. I’m your typical homebody. Movie night? Reading a book? Ordering food? Count me in! I always have fun when I go out but I’m still mostly at home and I want to change that. I want to have a group of like minded friends that want to hang out with me. Maybe even at home. Lol.
I really thought hard about those six points but I think those are the first things that I need to tackle down.
In the end – I was asking myself: what could I do to feel the most comfortable with spontaneous outgoings and meeting new people?
It came down to wanting to look my best. Obviously. I want to make a good first impression and maybe even profit off of pretty privilege.
I’m sure we all know those times when we’re dressed like slobs and suddenly an opportunity to go out arises and we decline because it would take hours to get ready.
That’s the reason why I want to get ready in the morning – so I would only need to touch up if anything came up.
see you soon!
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thenewausten · 7 months
Nerd!Quackity x popular!Y/N AU [Part 1]
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You watch the boy closes his locker and as soon as he sees you, he gets scared."Shit." He whispers and you laugh a little."Sorry." You say with a smile on your face."Uh, it's okay." He was a little confused with you talking to him, I mean, you never did it before, why are you doing it now?!
"I'm Y/N. Mr. Miller said I should talk to you, uh..." You start, a little embarrassed."So, I'm terrible at Math and I'm almost failing at it... I wanted to know if, maybe, you'd help me with it..." You say as he looks at you for a couple seconds."Yeah, I mean, I can, I guess." He says, a little bit nervous with the fact he was talking to you."Guess?" You ask with a smile on your face."No, I'm sure. I can." He says as he fixes his glasses on his face.
He's such a nerd, glasses and dental appliances, beanies and a wristwatch. Such. A. Nerd. Your best friend said he was a weirdo, but you thought he was cute."Y/N?" The boy calls you and you come back to reality."Sorry, I was, uhn, thinking..." You say and he nods."I was asking if you want to start to study tomorrow at the Library." He says to you and you agree."Sure, I think it's great. Can we start after lunch?"
"Sure, I see you there." He says and you nod."Thank you, by the way." You whisper with a smile on your face."No problem." He smiles back to you and starts to leave, you watch him walk and turn around to find your best friend.
"He's cute, I swear." You say to your best friend as she laughs."Ew, what's wrong with you?" She asks."Why? He's also a nice person." You defend the boy."Don't tell me you'll fall in love with the nerd? C'mon, it's such a cliche." She rolls her eyes."I'm not! You're being mean and I'm defending him!" You answer and she smiles to you."Y/N, the defender of nerds." She laughs as you roll your eyes and laugh with her."Shut up!"
"Hey." You hear Alex's voice and smile to him as he sits next to you on the Library. "Heyy." You say and he smiles to you, taking the books from his backpack and placing them on the table."It sucks you're not in any of my classes." You comment with him."Why?" He asks, confused as he looks to your face. How can you be so pretty?, the boy thinks with himself, admiring your eyes, cheeks and lips."Uh, I wouldn't be so dumb, I guess." You laugh."You're not dumb, it's very normal to have difficulty in Math. Or Physics."
"Please, don't say that name." You beg him with a grimace, he laughs."Why?"
"Physics is my personal nightmare. Mr. Cooper said I'm going to fail this semester." You say and he laughs."How much did you get on the test?"
"Zero." You whisper and look away."What? Ain't no fucking way, Y/N." He says, shocked."Yeah, I'm a lost cause."
"No, I mean, you can recover your grade, there are still two tests left." He says and you shrug."Mr. Cooper said I could only recover if I got 10 on both tests. He said it's impossible and he's right."
"Fuck Mr. Cooper, he's a loser." He says and you laugh, surprised."Seriously, the man thinks he's a 'fuckin genius but he's not. He doesn't know how to teach the basics of Physics, this is the reason why you can't understand it."
"Yeah, but I also think it just can't get into my head." You say."I can teach you if you want to." He says and you smile to him."Please, it'd help me a lot!"
You'd pass the next two hours learning Math and Physics and talking about your hobbies. You discovered you two had so much in common and most important, you discovered you wasn't that dumb, because you understood everything he said to you.
"Do you have any doubts?" He asks, putting the books back in his backpack. "No, I don't. Thank you for helping me today, Alex." You say with a smile on your face as you get up. "Yeah, no problem." He smiles to you and puts his backpack on his back. "So... See you tomorrow?!" You ask him and he nods. "Sure."
"Also, there'll be a party on the next weekend, do you want to come?!" You ask him and Alex arches his eyebrows, looking at you."I don't... I'm not into parties." He says and you laugh."Yeah, I can see that." You give him a good look and he rolls his eyes, laughing."But, uh, I'm organising with some friends and I really wanted you to be there, just for, I don't know... Thirty minutes?!" You ask him and he seems to think a little."Fine, then. Can you pass me the address?!" He asks to you."I'll send a message to you, we're still seeing where it'll be." You say and pass him your cell phone."Can you pass me your number?" He nods and grabs your cell phone. "Here." He gives it back to you. "Thanks, Alex."
"No problem, Y/N."
For the rest of the week Alex would teach you Math and Physics and you'd also talk about random things. And since you had his number, you'd talk every time for message! He'd send you such stupid memes, making you laugh so much. :(
And of course, your best friend would mock you sooo much as you said you were feeling attracted to him at Friday."I knew it'd happen!" She says as she laughs."I can't believe in you!"
"He's smart, okay? And wear glasses." You say as she laughs even more."He's a nerd, Y/N!"
"So what?" You ask her, looking at her face."Damn, the most weird couple ever. A nerd and a cheerleader."
"I don't even know if he's attracted to me. And we'd be cute together." You say and she laughs."Of course he's attracted to you. Everyone is." She answers and you laugh. "That's not true."
"It's, Y/N! By the way, he's a nerd so don't expect so much of his kissing skills." You laugh."You're so mean." You sit on her bed and she shrugs."I'm realistic, maybe it'll be the worst kiss of your life." She says and you laugh."You're so dramatic! I know it won't be, okay?"
"Alright, then." The girl shrugs again and you roll your eyes, wanting to see Alex again as soon as possible so you'd talk about the movies you watched together and the party you were organizing. <3
Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoy the writing! :)
Requests are open!
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ladylooch · 1 year
hi babe!!! i was wondering if you could do a nico fic where reader has her period and is just not feeling good and he takes care of her and tons of fluff? 🥺💗 thank you i literally adore your writing!!!!
A/N: Thank you so much!! I’m glad you’re enjoying my content! Seriously, comments like this never get old and fill my lil cup right up! 💕 Sorry this is a little late. I was floating all over the place late last week hehe.
Word Count: 814
Warnings: Pretty fluffy, always a swearword or five from me, talks of periods, and pain. this is so sweet you might get a cavity. No I do not reimburse dental bills because of my writing 😉
You and Nico are out to brunch, enjoying a quiet, week day break in the middle of a bustling city. All around you, people rush to work, to-go coffee’s clutched tightly in their grips. But not you two. You and Nico casually lay back in your chairs, your foot in his lap across the table. His thumb strokes absentmindedly at your ankle as he reads the menu. 
“I think I’m going to get the eggs benedict.” He concludes, shoving it away.
“I’ve been dying for french toast all week.” He reaches for his menu again, sliding it back to read the description.
“Salted caramel too.” He nods in approval.
“Yeah, I want anything sweet.” You gesture to your cup of coffee which you dumped four sugars into. You know you’re PMSing hard and warned Nico about it on your walk here.
“Whatever you want, babe.” He murmurs, dipping his thumb deeper into your foot beneath your sock. You watch him from across the table, drinking in his dark stubble, plumped morning lips and melting chocolate eyes. He scans the street out the window behind you as you sigh when he hits just the right spot. “Hey now.” He warns. 
“It’s too late.” You tell him, placing your hand on the building of cramps in your lower abdomen. She’s here.
“Boo.” He frowns.
You blow out a heavy sigh, hoping that will help relieve some of the pressure. You order, then being chatting about the Devils’ upcoming road trip.
“Carolina, Nashville, Detroit, then home.” You nod, imagining the grind he is about to go through. He’ll leave tomorrow after practice. His nails scratch at his stubble as you adjust in your chair, removing your foot from him. You lean further over the table, trying to relieve the pain that is shooting through your uterus. 
“Ow.” You moan. A concerned crinkle forms between his eyebrows. 
“You okay, baby?”
“Yeah. I just need some Advil.” You dig in your purse, frowning when you don’t see the travel pack that is usually there. “Shit.” You mumble, digging further, getting desperate to see the small, circular cylinder. “I guess I’ll have to wait until we get home.” You wince again, digging your hands deeper in to provide counter pressure to the cramping.
“No. There is a drug store like two blocks down. I’ll go get it.” He stands immediately, taking one last sip of his coffee.
“Nico, it’s fine.” You call to him. He ignores you, walking out of the restaurant without even looking back for further discussion.
Ten minutes later, he returns just when your food comes out.
“Thank you.” You say graciously to him, popping the two pills into your mouth and swallowing them.
“You know seeing you in pain wrecks me.” He shrugs, stuffing a bite of his breakfast between his lips. 
“Yeah, that’s why you’re my favorite.” His cheesy smile makes you chuckle.
The pain eventually begins to subsided, but you feel bloated and a bit queasy, so your French toast is relatively untouched by the time Nico finishes his meal. You put it in a box but know it’s kinda pointless- you’re not going to eat it. 
“Ugh.” You complain as you walk through the apartment door, putting your hands on your lower back where the muscles are tense. 
“Go lay on the floor.” He points to the living room. “I’ll work on that and we can watch a movie. Whatever you want.”
“Really? Even catch up on The Bachelor.” He closes his eyes in regret, but opens them and nods. You can’t even pretend. Your laughter bursts from your mouth as you reach for the remote. “I’m feeling nice today. How about Mighty Ducks?” You begin to pull up Disney+ then lay on your stomach, waiting for Nico and his healing hands.
Together, you are quiet as his fingers work into your sore flesh. Your head is propped on your crossed arms, eyes closed, listening to the movie rather than watching. Eventually, your eyes are shut because you’re falling asleep. Between Nico’s hands and the pain medicine, you’re feeling considerable better and just want to cuddle. 
“Baby, let’s go to bed.” He suggests before you can. He turns the TV off, then rolls you onto your back so he can help you up. He throws an arm around your shoulder, smooching your temple as you enter your room.
“Snuggle me so hard I can’t move.” You request as you both slide beneath your heavy, white comforter. 
“You got it.” He chuckles, wrapping his large hands around you, pulling you to him by your butt. You nuzzle your nose into the crook of his neck. He squeezes you to him to the point you can only take in shallow breaths. 
“Yeah, just like this.” You confirm as your legs intertwine between his knees. His thigh secures you in place.
Sleep pulls you further from reality as Nico ghosts his lips over yours then works against each side of your chin. 
“Love you.” He whispers. 
Nico Hischier is just what the doctor ordered.
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The Adventures of Kas/Eddie and Vecna
Guess who's not working/preparing for exams...we had a wonderful crack brainstorming session with @stevesbipanic and we agreed on a few things we'd like to see as a Stranger Things spinoff...please see our mix of ideas below. Thank you B for the wonderful ridiculousness.
A workplace comedy with Vecna and Kas/Eddie in the Upside Down
Eddie sitting in front of Vecna, nibbling on a demobat snack (the menu in the Upside Down is kinda poor) and complaining about the working conditions while Vecna looks pointedly at the camera, dead inside. A demogorgon sneaks by once or twice and pats Vecna on the back reassuringly.
Eddie: "Okay, you brought me back to life, but as that was a necessary qualification for the job, I just consider it basic training. So don't pull that card on me again. Let's talk benefits and vacation days, insurance maybe?"
Eddie: "Do I get dental? I've got these fangs now, wanna make sure they're pearly white" Vecna: "Do I look like I get dental?" Eddie: "You should."
Eddie being really, really, REALLY bored in the Upside Down. He can't really go back to Hawkins so he settles for annoying Vecna as a hobby and he's good at it.
Eddie would lecture Vecna on the importance of a good moisturizer because hello, have you met Steve Harrington? Eddie: "The squelching sounds absolutely don't mean your skin is moisturized, boss. We have an image to maintain!" Eddie: "Have you seen Steve's skin it's so smooth I wanna kiss his cheeks....'cause it's soft, not for any other reasons"
Eddie sees Vecna the way he is and quickly checks his pants: "Oh good mine is still there"
He'd also be very concerned about keeping his hair. Eddie: "I don't care if I have to drink blood, if I grow wings or whatever, but if you make me go bald I quit." Vecna: "You can't just quit, I made you!" Eddie: "Just watch me walk through that portal and then you can terrorize Hawkins on your own, don't create toxic workplace conditions when you're understaffed!"
Eddie would be very invested in creating a good working environment. He would absolutely start a petition for workplace t-shirts. Doesn't matter if he's the only one who can write in the Upside Down, he'd just dip demobats in ink and slap them on the paper. "It's the closest they can get to a signature".
When it comes to the t-shirt design, he's modest. He shows Vecna his torn up Hellfire shirt: "I'm thinking we keep the devil icon of course, who am I kidding, we can call ourselves the Hellfire club too, it fits." Vecna is too tired to argue with Eddie at this point and shows up to the big fight in a Hellfire t-shirt. There is much confusion.
Vecna finds a new hobby and his own style
Eddie is so bored in the Upside Down (demobats don't talk much) that he starts teaching Vecna Dungeons and Dragons and Vecna suddenly realizes that he can just live in other worlds without destroying the normal one, so days, weeks go by and he doesn't invade Hawkins again. When the usual party barges into the remains of the Creel house, they find Eddie dramatically describing a wounded child rescue from behind an improvised DM screen to a very invested Vecna and when Nancy points her shotgun at him, he shushes her and says "not now, I'm trying to figure out how my alignment would work here!"
Vecna finds out about the Cult of Vecna campaign. Vecna: "You guys named me after this guy? But he's so evilllll, not cool Eddie." Eddie: "Hey man may I remind you your bats ate my bat tattoo?" Vecna: "I brought you back though." Eddie: "My tattoo Henry!" Vecna looks sadly in the distance. Vecna: "I thought...you wouldn't want it. I hated my tattoo. I didn't know they could be a good thing." Eddie: "Oh shit man, I'm sorry. We can cover it up with something cool though. Would you like a D20 or something instead of that number?" This is the night Vecna returns to Hawkins. Except the only reason for that is better lighting for Eddie to work on his tattoo.
Vecna finding out about normal tattoos and coming back covered in tattoos from Eddie: Eddie: "No-one is gonna tell you look like meatloaf with this sleeve!"
Eddie also introducing Vecna to metal/rock fashion. Eddie: "You'd look way more badass in leather, boss!" Vecna wears clothes again after nearly a decade and he's...happy? Who can tell with that face.
Vecna defends Hellfire
Eddie mentions that people in the town thought his beautiful club was a cult. And Vecna is OUTRAGED. He drags the remaining members of Jason's mob to the Upside Down. Vecna: "There was a time I hoped to have you by my side, but now I just want you to watch." And he forces the jocks to sit through a 6 hours long campaign. Eddie is delighted.
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endiecutieo6 · 10 days
-Gorebruary 2023-
Week 2
Heyo! Let’s get to it so that tumblr doesn’t want me dead. Now, onto the content warning!
Day 8/Too many teeth: Body horror, blood, open wounds
Day 9/Freakshow: Body horror, blood, stitches
Day 10/Drowned: Lots of blood
Day 11/Dissected: body horror, eye strain
Day 12/So many eyes: body horror, ommetaphobia, eye strain
13/Cannibalism: Blood, open wounds, visible organs, shaking (for the video portion)
14/Love: Eye strain, visible bruising, visible self harm, blood, organs
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Hyperdontia is the condition of having supernumerary teeth, or teeth that appear in addition to the regular number of teeth (32 in the average adult). They can appear in any area of the dental arch and can affect any dental organ”
PN: I messed up the ordering on this one. This prompt was meant to come AFTER the next one. I also am so mixed about this one. I feel like I could’ve done much better, maybe lean less on the blood and more the body horror. I guess I like the coloring?
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"-and here we have our "weeping groom"! Oh? Yeah, that's a guy. Legend has it he's been waiting so long for his lover at the altar, that he kinda forgot it he was the bride or not, and-hey, stop knocking on the glass, he doesn't like that"
"How did he get like that? Well, we don't actually know, we found him like this and took him in, and he just keeps waiting, constantly. He never stops waiting. It's... actually kinda tragic... Now, this freakshow has come to an end. The exit is right behind you, please throw away your garbage in the appropriate spot, and we hope you'll visit again!"
“…um, are you gonna leave or-oh, the blood? It's just decoration, he's not in any actual pain or whatever-hey, I said to stop knocking on the glass! If you really give that much of a shit about him, you'd not do that! Now, get the fuck out before I call security."
"Fuckin' kids- had to install that window because people would throw cigarettes at him- who's the real monster, those fucks or this innocent man? Anyways, let's get you cleaned up and taken to your room, okay bud?"
PN: there’s an au behind this one I just haven’t explored it yet. I also have had a redraw of this on the backseat for fuckin’ ages. I worked really hard on this one anyway.
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“No one really knows what happened, when it happened, or even who did it, but it was poor Tracy who came across his corpse first. You swore you could still hear her scream ringing in the air, petrified in a way she'd never been before. Poor girl.
Rusty, spear-like pole to the neck. That's one hell of a way to go. Probably snapped his neck in two, but the blood on his fingers seemed to indicate it didn't fully kill him. It must've been agonizing, and you couldn't help but cringe as you wrote your report.
You already suspected one of the hunters had something to do with it, but who specifically? Hell If you knew.
You knew you were going to have to skip dinner, too afraid you'd empty your guts out on the floor, when you finally noticed the poof of blood in his mouth, and you realized that he, probably in a panic and desperately trying to call for help, choked and drowned in his own blood.
You kept that out of the report. You wanted to forget about this as soon as you could, if just for the sake of your own mental health.”
PN: I both really like and really don’t like this specific image, and it’s hard to explain why. I feel like the angling is a little wonky. Also an OC is writing the report and I might show the OC later.
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“Curiosity killed the cat.
Freddy had an issue at letting go, leaving stones unturned and just walking away. It was almost like an itch, maybe even a rash, and he couldn't resist it. He'd scratch and scratch till he clawed his skin open, and he wouldn't stop until he finally got the answer. He knew he'd regret it once it was over, especially if he saw something he couldn't forget, but now he could let it go.
These periods of destructive curiosity were on and off, always something new and always something that would hurt him once it was all over. He'd do it to stories, or people; over analyzing and picking apart every aspect until he was too frail from over exhaustion to continue. It was easier with stories, and it was exhausting with people. It was even worse with himself.
It was only when he looked at himself did he realize how little he thought about his actions, how little thought went into his actions, and suddenly it mattered so much he felt like he was going to fall apart. It was a frenzy; he was practically ripping himself open, claws he didn't know he had sinking into his flesh and just tearing it away. His hands shook terribly, but he couldn’t stop. He had to know.
It wasn’t until he was done dissecting everything about himself did he realize the damage, but it was too late to take anything back. He felt so fucking hollow it made him dizzy. The world seemed to spin around him, yet it was too late.
He couldn't take it back, and by god he wished he could.”
PN: not happy with this one. Even the sketch for this one was weak and I just can’t find anything good about it. I wish I tried a little harder.
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“Maybe it’s a little out of line, but I can’t stop staring at you.
You’re so pretty, like a blooming rose.
I can’t let this chance pass me by.
So, I’ll say it:
I love you.
Will you be mine?”
PN: I like this one! I don’t have too much to say other than that unfortunately.
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PN: this is literally just the PV for “The spider and the Kitsune-like lion” by MASA. I have super mixed feelings about this one because I feel like I didn’t try hard enough. The body is fine but the head is just iffy. If I redrew it I’d try much harder.
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This story contains:
Depictions/ descriptions of self harm
Depictions/ descriptions of violence
Mental Breakdowns
Mental health struggles
“He couldn't do this again.
It hurt, it hurt so much. It sunk its rotten daws into his shriveled heart, and the way it tugged it down- it was too much.
He promised he wouldn’t do this again, to dare let this feeling take over him. It nearly brought him to tears every time he glanced down at the ring on his finger, a golden band that reflected his pathetic expression. Sometimes, he swore that his expression would narrow its eyes at him, disgusted. It nearly made him want to take it off but that only hurt more.
In desperation, he locked himself away. He hardly left his room, only leaving when he needed to, and praying no one noticed his puffy eyes and his red cheeks. Humiliatingly, he found himself bursting into tears at the drop of a dime. He was practically weeping his way through the day, and it was getting harder to hide.
That damned feeling stil lingered, stood at his doorway and just stared. It flexed its claws and grinned a toothy grin, eyes narrowed in a forced attempt at a smile. "You can't ignore me forever" it sang rapping its blistered knuckles against his nightstand as he tried to sleep "there's no point: I'm not leaving"
It was true, and he hated it. A reality he couldn't deny was a cruel punishment, but maybe he deserved it.
As the days went by, he only got worse. He wouldn't eat, he'd bang his head against his desk until he was too faint to continue, he'd scratch at his neck and shoulders and chest, wishing he could just rip himself open and be done with it all sometimes, he'd wrap his fingers aroundhis neck and just squeeze. It was almost cathartic when his vision started to darken, when his mind began to twirl and his heart seemed to scratch desperately at his flesh. He'd always let go, but then he'd do it again and again.
But, every action has a consequence, and his was the various marks his injuries would leave behind. Bruises and cuts on his forehead, blood smeared underneath his nose, the growing red stains where he'd been too tired to clean up his wounds and let them bleed into his shirt, and the deep, reddish prints his palms left behind. A beautiful portrait of his suffering.
The others were starting to notice; Lingering stares followed his every movement when he occasionally snuck out of his room. It made his skin crawl every time they opened their mouths, as if they wanted to say something, only to decide against it and just give him a look, almast a silent plea for him to just stop.
Every time, he'd paused in consideration. He'd look down at himself, down at the dried blood on the underside of his fingernails, and he'd want to end all of this.
Then, he'd look up and see them. His heart, his treacherous, bastard heart would dare to beat, and it was like he was pushed back into the water. And, as he drowned, he'd chuckle to himself, suddenly remembering words he would bitterly growl to himself as a pathetic method of comfort he'd turn to when the dark, lonely nights became unbearable:
“What's called romance is nothing but fooling oneself before foding others"
What a hypocrite.
With the cycle starting all over again, he'd let his mind entertain fantasies of his fingers, having finally sunk deep enough into his chest to rip it open, grasped and finally tore out that tell tale heart, and he'd smile as he imagined himself floating away into a red sea, happy.
What a terrible thing: to be in love.”
PN: Love the story, hate the image. It fails to convey the pain I wanted it to and it just doesn’t stand up on its own. It seems like a first draft, and I'm so disappointed in it. Also, the love in this story is meant to be towards Kreacher but I kept it vague enough to be anyone. I think it makes the story stronger.
Alrighty, see you guys soon!
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Can't Help Falling In Love Chapter 1: Hemingway
Synopsis: As Y/N prepares for his wedding, he receives an unexpected surprise from his bride-to-be.
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Y/N
Characters: Y/N, Tony Stark, Laura Barton
Warnings: Mild language, mentions of alcohol, fluffy fluff fluff
Word Count: 1.5K
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“Shit,” Y/N said as he yet again failed to tie his bowtie.  YouTube made it look so easy.  Fold this, make a knot here, add a loop-de-loop, push this end through that and presto!  The men in these videos, however, weren’t accounting for one thing: wedding day jitters.  Shaky hands and a lingering sense of anxiety and pressure made even the simplest of tasks all the more difficult.  He undid the floppy, lopsided bow and attempted to try again.
“You know, for someone who’s getting married in an hour, you look extremely unhappy.”
Y/N jumped.  He was so focused on getting his bowtie perfect (which it wasn’t) that he hadn’t noticed Tony looming behind him in the mirror.  
“Jesus!” Y/N exclaimed.  “Don’t do that!”
“Not too late to back out if you want.  Wait another hour and it’s going to get massively more expensive to say no.  Either way you’re a dead man, but it’s better to die debt-free than owing god knows what in legal fees.”  He was shockingly casual as he tied Y/N’s bowtie.  Y/N resigned himself to the indignation of being unable to tie his own tie on this wedding day, allowing his arms to hang limply by his side as Tony Stark tied his bowtie for him.
“Thanks…I think?”
“Thank me now, thank me later, all I can say is: you’re welcome.”  He straightened the bowtie and patted Y/N’s shoulders.  “Bit nervous I see.  Cold feet?”
Y/N sighed.  “No, not cold feet.  I mean yeah, I’m terrified, but I’m going to marry her.”  He smoother the front of his vest.  “Little late to back out now, isn’t it?” he chuckled.
“You’ll be fine.  Just remember, shoot me a nod and I’ll have F.R.I.D.A.Y. create a diversion so you can slip out through a suit.  Either that or, gee I don’t know, I’ll think of something.  Drop my papers, throw the rings, object to the wedding myself.”
“Yeah, umm…I think we’ll be good there, Tony, but thanks for the offer.”
“Alrighty then, guess I’ll head out.”  He dropped his voice to an almost whisper.  “Told Laura I’d finish hanging the lights up in the barn before everyone got here.  Don’t want to upset the taskmaster.”  He motioned with his hand like he was cracking an imaginary whip.  “Need anything before I go?  Snack?  Dental floss?  Liquid courage?”  He pulled a small silver flask from his inside jacket pocket.
“Nah, I’m good,” Y/N said as he shook his head.  “Thanks, though.”
Tony took a swig from his flask.  “Oh well, more for me,” he grinned.  He leaned to the right and craned his neck to peer out the window.  “I don’t see her out there…hopefully she’s not looking for me.  But what the hell, no one’s gonna notice if there’s fairy lights or not, right?”  He turned and headed for the bedroom door.
“Hey Tony?”  Tony turned and looked over his shoulder, eyebrows cocked.
“I, uhh, I just wanted to say, well, thanks.  Thanks for doing this.  It…it means a lot to me, umm, us.  It means a lot to us.  So thank you.”
Tony smiled.  “You might want to wait until after my speech at the reception to thank me because there’s a good chance you’ll change your mind after that.”
“Oh, I’m sure Wanda will be thrilled,” Y/N retorted sarcastically, rolling his eyes.
“Absolutely.”  With that Tony left.  Y/N chuckled to himself, shaking his head.  Leave it to Tony to be his usual, quasi-annoying self on someone else’s wedding day.  His musings were interrupted by a knock at the door.
Must’ve forgotten some other quip he wanted to make, he thought.  But it wasn’t Tony at the door.  It was Laura.
“Hi Y/N!  Sorry to bother you, but have you seen Tony?” she asked.  She was already dressed for the wedding in a stunning green dress, but she vowed to work until the last possible moment to ensure that Y/N and Wanda had the most perfect wedding day ever.
“Yeah he was just here but he left.  I’m not sure where he was going, but he kept talking about avoiding both you and some fairy lights.”
Laura sighed as she brought her hand up to pinch the bridge of her nose.  “Yeah, that sounds about right…Alrighty, thanks anyways.”  She began to shut the door but stopped abruptly.  “Oh, geez, I almost forgot what I came here for.  Wanda wanted me to give this to you.”  She handed him a small white envelope.  He grabbed the envelope and looked at it quizzically.
“What is it?” he wondered aloud.
“Something you’re going to want to hold on to for a long time,” she said as she tenderly placed a hand on his shoulder.  “I’m really happy for you two, Y/N.  Today’s going to go by so fast, so just remember to stop, take a breath, and just live in the moment.  You two have your whole lives ahead of you.  And if there’s one piece of unsolicited marriage advice Clint and I could give you, it’s to remember that you are each other’s best friend.  The way you two love each other will change as you grow older, but if you remember that she is your best friend through it all you two will make it through anything that comes your way.  And have fun, have so much fun together.  You’re young, you’re in love, this is one of the best chapters of your life.”  Laura smiled.  “Sorry, look at me getting all sentimental,” she sniffled.  “But go read it!  We’ve still got an hour until the ceremony and I know you two want to do a first look beforehand, so someone will come get you in about half an hour, okay?”  Y/N nodded.  “Well okay, I’ll go find Tony, you go read that,” Laura gestured to the note in Y/N’s hand as she spoke.  She left the room, carefully closing the door as she exited.
Y/N sat down at the foot of the bed.  He examined the envelope carefully, looking at it with the wonder of a newborn baby.  Envelopes were common items.  He stuffed official Avengers reports into them on an almost daily basis.  Yet this was different.  It was from Wanda to him on their wedding day.  That made it different.  It was more personal, more intimate.  It was meant for him and him alone.  He smiled, thinking of how much love and care his soon-to-be wife poured into such a simple yet meaningful gesture.  Writing wasn’t something that came easily to her.  Feelings yes, but actually articulating those feelings on paper no.  Words, poetry, prose…that was more of his thing.  It’s not something that helped him with the Avengers, but Wanda found that side of him fascinating and romantic.  Taking extra care to not tear the envelope, he opened it and removed the folded stationery paper from inside.  Opening the note, he began to read:
Dear Y/N,
In a few short hours we’ll be married and headed off on our honeymoon as husband and wife.  I cannot believe this day is finally here!  It feels like I’ve been waiting my whole life to marry you.  Even though we’ve been together forever we have the rest of our lives to go and I get to spend it with my best friend!  I promise to be yours if you promise to be mine.  I love you to the ends of the earth and back, my darling Hemingway, and I’ll never let go.
Love Always, 
Your Wanda
PS. I found this idea on Pinterest and thought it would be so cute :)
That did it.  That sent him over the edge.  Every single emotion he was feeling about finally marrying Wanda Maximoff was hitting him all at once.  He sobbed.  He was grateful he was alone and he continued to sob.  How was it possible to love another human being this much?  She was everything to him and so much more.  She knew that, of course, but he wanted her to know that right now.  He frantically looked around the room.  It was one of the guest rooms in Clint and Laura’s safe house in the middle of nowhere.  He spied the small desk in the back corner of the room which was nestled in between the wardrobe and the window.  Shuffling through the contents of each drawer he rummaged until he found an unused ‘Happy Birthday’ card, a matching envelope, and a green gel pen.  It’s not exactly what I wanted, but I think she’ll still appreciate the gesture, he thought.  Y/N sat at the small desk as sunlight and the muffled sounds of last minute wedding preparations poured through the window.  Uncapping the pen, he crossed out the word ‘birthday’ and wrote ‘wedding’ right above.  He chuckled.  He pictured Wanda reading the front of the card and giggling at her fiance's lack of preparation.  Pen tapping against the desk and leg anxiously bouncing up and down, he began to write to his beloved.
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mosneakers · 1 year
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To begin his day, Erwin steps out of the Old Penelope Bunker and secures the lock on the door on his way out.
Coni: Erwin! Hey!
Erwin: Huh? What's all this? Coni gestures for him to come here.
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Coni: So there was a dispute between my parents and my Mema and I. So I've cut off communication with them for the rest of their miserable lives and so now Ratatouille has to come live here, so I built her a last-minute makeshift enclosure. What do you think? Erwin: Err- Last minute? I mean it's impressive, but-
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Coni: Oh mod. I guess this isn't very discreet for a bunker, is it? I should've ask first. I'm sorry Erwin. Things with my family have just been really rocky lately. Erwin: Nah, it's cool, Con. But what... what happened? Is everything okay? Coni: Yeah, it's a pretty long story. Anyway! Where were you heading? Erwin: Oh, me? Well, reluctantly, I've decided it's about time to get my braces off. I was on my way to the dentist.
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Coni nimbly hops over the fence and meets Erwin with a smile. Coni: The dentist? You mean Big Dental? That doesn't sound like you... Erwin: I know. I hate the idea. Didn't want to do it, but I've had these braces too long and they're long overdue to be removed now. It's not just something I can "go to a guy I know" for.
Coni: Well let me go with you. You shouldn't have to do it alone, at the very least. I'll make sure they don't steal your identity or steal your teeth and replace them with rocks, or whatever it is you conspiracy theorists are afraid of.
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Erwin: No, that's okay. It's sweet of you to offer, but your goat probably needs you more right now. I'll be fine. Coni: Oh my mod, shut up. I'm just finishing up, and she's very self-sufficient, I'll have you know. So she'll be fine while we're away. I'm coming with you. You need a friend, and that's what I am. No arguing. Let's go.
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Congratulations to Erwin and his new braces-free smile!
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spadefish · 4 months
update on dental situation (tw for grossness)
When I went to the ER, the nurse told me it was probably cellulitis as opposed to an abscess. 'sure,' i figured, 'i guess that makes sense since it feels HARD and also i've had a root canal up there so idk where an abscess would even be fitting.' I asked her 'can you drain it?' she said 'no, i think it's solid, it's not a liquid, i don't think i can get anything out. go to this dental specialist on wednesday to see if it's loosened up enough by that point to be drained.' 'okay,' i said.
MY theory was that it was just So Very Full of Fluid that it had gotten super taut. As it turns out, that was correct! It opened up and drained today. There was SO much fucking goo in there, dude. So much goo. At least my face isn't swollen now but it IS still sore and I can feel that gross empty pocket now.
Called the ER and was like "hey, i have a visible hole in my gums now, should i come back in or am i fine as long as i'm on this antibiotic + steroid?" she said "come back in if you run a fever of 100.4 or if you feel Suddenly Bad." I'm like 'that's an arbitrary metric, but okay.' Current temp is 99.6, so not quuuiiiite low-grade fever yet. I'm on a steroid so being a degree higher than usual is normal.
Roommate said he'd take me if I need to go back in, so at least I won't have to drive myself this time if it escalates. Gonna try calling the emergency dentist again tomorrow morning to see if they want to stitch it up or anything (because it is a hole in my mouth where i put food). The nurse told me "not to eat on that side," but... it's the very front of my face. it's right under my nose. sigh.
I'll make another post if anything happens.
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Currently watching - November
Because I love a good little list 😊
Regularly updated during the month - colored = finished
This may contain spoilers!
Choco Milk Shake (8/11)
🥰🥰🥰🥰 This is so good! I love it! I enjoyed every little second of this beautiful piece of media. It is the story about Choco and Milk, a cat and a dog becoming human and live with their former owner. Why? For now, all we know is, to make him happy. The acting is really good! I can see the dog and the cat in them 😅 So far perfect casting! I am a little bit anxious that it doesn’t end with an all fluff happy ending…
Happy Ending Outside The Fence (Happy Ending Romance) (2/8)
It has an interesting start. It is quite confusing in the beginning because of all the time jumps, but I guess I just have to pay more attention. It looks as a love triangle, but I can't see the pairing mentioned in the synopsys, at all 😅 Well, surprise me, but I can't see the inexplicable feelings or desire for each other, but hey, we are tow episodes in. And I kind of like this! Not to know who will be endgame is quite refreshing :)
Eien no Kino (6/8)
I really like the aesthetics of the show. The way scenes were shot and the coloring. Really pretty! The story is about two friends and one of them is becoming a zombie. I guess the next episodes will rip my heart out and leave me unsettled and with a lot of emotional damage...
War of Y (10/20)
I finally watched the next chapter...And yeah, I think I can't watch the stories week for week. I need to wait until one chapter is closed and binge the five episodes. This is one of the few bls I watch with a lot of tension in my body and no smile on my lips...I need to calm a bit before I can dive into the next drama...
Between Us (2/12)
Hm...I don't know yet. I like WinTeam, but I guess I am not that hyped because I didn't like Until we meet again that much. I am curious where the story is taking us.
My Tooth Your Love (7/12)
I guess this could be called a nightmare for people with a dental phobia. But it looks so messy and lovable and I am totally in for it! I enjoyed the acting and the sister is so bossy, but in a good way 😀 Never thought I would like a series about a dentist this much! But I do! With more episodes in the story becomes more deeper and better. There are traumas that the story has to deal with and so far it does a good job. Even though it might look like a fluff show, under the surface it is not and I appreciate that.
Till the World ends (4/10)
It is something else. Brutal and kind of gory and a little bis explicit. Not your usual bl. I like it, no wonder 😅 The end of the world is coming and Art and Golf try to survive the last days on this chaotic planet. The one to gain his memory back and the other to see his brother again (I guess). Everything garnished with lies and guns and a little bit of romance.
Ai Long Nhai (8/12)
Ai likes Nhai. Nhai likes Ai. To test if their relationship could have a future they decide to test-date for a month and show all their habits, good and bad, in front of each other. That is what I got from the subtitles 😂 They are a mess 😅 So funny and yet so frustrating, because sometimes you just don’t get what they are saying at all 😂 But the story is sweet, not that deep, but sweet.
To Sir, with love (2/17)
The first episodes are on youtube with english subs! First episode told us about their and their family’s history. I really can't stand the secondary wife and her maid. Hateful bitches! But I like Bua. She would have been a great mother and in a way she is more of a mother to the children than their mums. I guess I have to wait for more episodes to watch further…I have the feeling this won’t end well and I can’t deal with this right now…
Remember Me (7/12)
Okay what happend? I am emotional invested in this story! Why did it become so good within two episodes? I love the domesticity and the wholesomeness of the third episode so much! It touched me and moved me and now I am looking forward to the next episode! And the next episode was good too. I love Em and Name! Don’t hurt them, especially Name!
2 Moons: The Ambassador (5/12)
This might be the first series I will drop. And I watched Check Out...But the subtitles are a mess, the acting is cringy and the story is boring...okay, I am on ep 2, so perhaps there is some good plot coming, but right now I can't see it.
I will knock you (1/12)
So Thi steps on the Lotus of Noey which is symbolic for his heart and now Noey wants his heart back so he can give it to the girl he has a crush on and Thi can't find it and gives him in exchange a charm for fortune, but in reality it is for love and soulmates...And Noey happens to be the leader of a gang which members wear khaki-shorts or way too colorful dresses for a street gang...the cringe radar is very strong witht his one, but it is hilarious!
Finished in November
The Untamed (50/50 on Viki) - the highest possible level of recommendation
I saw all the praises and high ratings and I always thought how could such a drama be so good? So I watched it and what can I say? I love it! I couldn't stop watching it! The story is so well written. The eye for detail is just chef's kiss. I never thought I would like such kind of drama. But here I am, rooting for Wei WuXian and Lan WangJi to just smile at each other. Even though it is a censored Chinese adaption I enjoy their dynamic so much! And the rest of the cast is so precious too. I can’t stop smiling while watching, which is always a good sign. Yes, I am totally in love with this one! 10 out of 10 pure perfection
Ghost Host, Ghost House (8/8 on Gaga) - absolutely recommended
At first you thought, well what a fun story about a ghost hunter and his dead family (and of course the potential love interest), but with every new episode a new layer was about to be discovered. This is not only a fun story, but a story about forgiveness, love, grief, regret and living the best you can while you are still alive. And not gonna lie, the mains are one of the touchiest boyfriends with the softest kisses I have seen in a while. It just feels good to see them together. 9 out of 10 short short shorts
Roommates of Poongduck 304 (8/8 on Viki) - totally recommended
This one I like...Perhaps it is the enemies working and forced living together thing for me. I enjoy those storylines way too much! Overall it's funny and I enjoy their dynamic and acting so much more than in Kissable Lips. 8,5 out of 10 beers
Kabe-Koji-Nekoyashiki-kun Desires to be Recognized (7/8 on Viki) - recommended without a doubt
It is so well shot and edited. I was just blown away by the art. It is the story of two people who meet again after years, one an bl-manga artist and the other an upcoming idol. Both are dealing with some difficulties in their lifes and it is just an emotional ride to see them both connect and disconnect. The acting was really good! My secret hero was definitely Yamada! She is a good best friend, a real gem! 8,5 out of 10 big men-boobs
My only 12 % (14/14 on Youtube) - absolutely recommended
We had a rough start, but it grew on me a lot with more episodes in. The story managed to become really interesting, and the mains open up and being vulnerable in front of each other is just beautiful to witness. It is a truely beautiful love story. 8,5 out of 10 Cakes
Self (6/6 on Youtube) - recommended
The story about Tang who, one day, can't see his reflection in the mirror anymore and instead whitnesses different scenes from another person, Neo. He then tries to find and help Neo. The story is intense and even though there are only six episodes, different aspects are dealt with in a quite good way. I liked this one. 7 out of 10 missing reflections
Inseparable (2/2 on Youtube) - recommended
This short Pinoy bl shows the lifes of Mico and Henry, who live in the rural area of the Philippines. Mico needs another job to help his family financially and for that he plans to go to the city and leave Henry behind, but there are things that need to be said and cleared before he can leave. It is short and won't cost you too much time, so give it a try. 6,5 out of 10 weird camera angles
Big Dragon (8/8 on Gaga and Viki) - recommended? Well, why not...
Oh this was a mess 😅 A lovely one with enemies to lovers and two bodyguards who aren’t really good bodyguards, but they are adorable and steal the sympathy. I am all here for these two. The main couple? Well it is complicated and they are both so freaking toxic…they deserve each other and I don’t mean it in any rude way. They are just perfect for each other and kind of soft when they want to…But I can't give it a higher ranking, because it is lacking plot and they promised us some leather but never really came back to it. 6 out of 10 curtains never lifted...
Fish upon the sky (12/12 on Youtube) - recommended with reservations
The story is about Pi who is in love with Nan, who doesn't like him back. But as it looks his friend Mork likes Pi very much and he tries to court him for the rest of this series until Pi finally accepts that he likes him too. I don't like Pi, he is ungrateful and demanding. I know he has issues and I understand where they are coming from, but a low self-esteem doesn't justify a shitty character. I can't really see why Mork is so smitten by Pi. Besides the unlikable main is is quite a cute story with forced drama. 5,5 out of 10 forced dramatic plotholes
Love in the air (13/13 on Youtube) - not recommended
Listen, I watched it, I enjoyed the looks of the cast, because they are gorgeous as fuck, but the story is too messed up for me. There are too many red flags and too much romanticised shit going on. I can't recommend it as I will never recommend TharnType...If you like or love it, I am happy for you :) Tastes are different! 5,5 out of 10 red flags
Fahlanruk (12/12 on Gaga) - recommended? Save your time!
This series is a mess! The dialogues are crap, the acting is sometimes really not that good, the chemistry…I don’t know. There is no plot...just scenes added together. The message of this series is coming in like a soggy sock. The only good part of this series are the side couples! Prince and Gear are just sweet and Ping and Tap b´deserve happiness! I couldn't care less about Fah and Sher. 3,5 out of 10 rabbit fucks
Short films
Being Me (on Gaga) - highly recommended
Such a cute short film. It manages to tell a well written story about childhood friends who realise that they are way more for each other. Hints of homophobia are there, but it doesn't stand in the way of their love at a first glance. 9 out of 10 air guitar sessions in the bathtub
Buddy Park (on Gaga) - can't recommend
I just didn't like it that much. The story is about Jinho who never had sex in his 29 years of living even though he is trying really hard to get laid. In the end he is sleeping with his best friend, but it is not a friends to lovers story...and I couldn't get into the humor of this short film. 6 out of 10 lies
Cherry Magic: The Movie - highly recommended
It is the continuation of the highly praised drama 30-sai made Dotei Da to Mahotsukai ni Nareru rashii. We see more of Adachi's and Kurosawa's every day life and their forever after. It is wholesome and cute with a little bit angst. There are some really great scenes, but I kind of miss some intimacy like hand holding or cuddling. 8 out of 10 ring exchanges
What I’m looking forward to in November:
Between Us (Nov 6)
I Will Knock You (Nov 18)
609 Bedtime Story (Nov 26)
Happy Ending Outside the Fence (Nov 24)
He who is without sin (Nov 23)
Made on rooftop (Nov 30)
Mr. Cinderella (Nov 30)
Young Hoon (some time in november)
My School President (some time in November)
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numinati · 5 months
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Hey y'all!!
Thank you guys so much for 20 members!! I know that might not sound like a lot, but I seriously never thought I'd get this far. Especially with the wigga. 😅
Seriously though, thank y'all so, so much for all the support you've given me. Here's to better things all 2024 and beyond!
To celebrate getting 20 members, here's a simple, miscellaneous dump. You get three cosmetics, a string mod, a career, a sim, and a build buy item. Enjoy!!
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- Hand traced from the OG pics
- Three swatches for each design
- 79 swatches, 6 dividers
- EA Mesh
Small string mod to replace the "fairly tasty dish" text in the moodlet.
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Were you the child who gave their parents makeovers they didn't have the heart to tell you were bad? Do you want to feel as important as a doctor but don't want to waste your time on boring topics like gum disease? Are you a sadist?
If you fall into any - or all - of these categories, you'll love being a veneer tech.
Just because you ain't on some board doesn't mean you can't make board money! All you really need is some glue, gloves, and Invisalign, anyway!
Hell, if people cared about taking advantage of people, half the businesses out now would be closed. Shops shut all the way up. You deserve to get your bag too, right?
...maybe your first investment should be a lawyer.
This is a base game-esque career with four levels and two branches. Y'all know I am very new, and I couldn't find a tutorial on how to make active careers, so I apologize in advance for it being so bare. :(
I do hope y'all enjoy though!
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You just got your online certificate from the 6 hour seminar your favorite TikToker hosted and are now ready to service the streets with your dental expertise. The only problem is you don't have no expertise and are not a dentist.
But if that didn't stop your "mentor", why should it stop you? Try and make something shake for a little while. Worst comes to worst, you gotta flee the state... or the country...
...you really should look into that lawyer, friend.
Shade Room Famous
Due to the rampant amount of horror stories you have, your face is now plastered all over The Shade Room, the largest urban gossip blog in all of the US.
But to your surprise and mine tool - it seems like the saying about all attention is true, because people are now lined up your block waiting for the Smilez special.
Guess all you can do now is make sure your career lasts longer than your teeth.
Viral on TikTok
Fame looka nice on you, doesn't it? At least online fame does. After getting some shine on Shade Room, Hollywood Unlocked, The Neighborhood Talk, and even more, you've managed to rack up one million followers on TikTok. You're almost ready to release your own seminar!
Be careful, though, newfound fame brings newfound opposition. And with your multiple medical and ethical violations it won't take much to get unplugged.
The Plug
After all of the hours of hard scamming you put in, you've done it. You've got the fame, the fortune, the mid-tier rapper/influencer connections, and about 21 different YouTube videos about your crimes.
The only thing to do now is sit back, count up, and not get indicted.
And hey, if that doesn't work? At least you're making enough for a one way to Jamaica.
Celebrity Scammer
Now, about that mid-tier clientele you had...
They are all big time now. And so are you! You've 'hustled' and 'grinded' your way to the big leagues.
No more barbershops. You're doing Future's teeth in the back of your mansion. Their teeth may decay, but your star certainly isn't!
It doesn't even matter how many people say you scamming. Or how many horror stories have turned into full on nightmares.
You're the Dr. Miami of teeth now. Can't nobody say anything about that!
Seminar Leader
Now, about that seminar you said you were gon start...
You did. In fact, the only two options on your website are to book and to, well, book.
In doing so, not only have you managed to stack up even more, but now you look wise and charitible to 5% of Instagram users. Win win!
It doesn't matter if most people think you still scamming. Or the fact you don't send out all the invites to people who signed up.
You're a business person now. Can't nobody say nothing about that!
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(romantic- self assured - hot headed)
Only one outfit is done, the rest are an underwear set!
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you can download all of this on my Patreon:
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mlobsters · 6 months
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supernatural s15e10 the heroes' journey (w. andrew dabb)
clair de lune during an action sequence, not the most original but still a good one. monster death match making me think of altered carbon (mentioned matt frewer in the role that ran the monsters-but-actually-modified-people cage matches, no less, when he was in spn) and dude in thick glasses at the match in shadow making me think of blade runner
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s15e10 / altered carbon s1e6 / blade runner (1982)
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samuel. oven mitts, pot holders, a towel. literally, anything. and 2019 best pie magazine winner on that "delicious pies" magazine
feel like we're reliving bad day at black rock
SAM That’s the card Charlie hacked for us, the one – DEAN Yeah, the one that’s supposed to be our “no more hustling, always working” Golden Ticket.
(cheap) answer to the long standing question of what they've been doing for money, but okay
always thought garth's role was gonna be bigger, just because i saw him mentioned in fandom periodically. only in 6 episodes though. (imagine eileen is around the same number?)
DEAN You know, I gotta say, aside from pincushion in there… this is pretty nice. GARTH Yeah, better than I ever thought I’d get. I mean, hunting – I figured I’d be dead before I’m 40. You know, go out young and pretty. But now I’ve got a great wife, great kids. I guess...sometimes things work out. DEAN Yeah, sometimes. Good, man. You deserve it. You do.
sometimes things work out, just not for our guys
hijinks with sam drinking a cayenne cure-all and dean being forced to accept dental work from garth sure is something. bit more like old school spn humor that i didn't mesh with. but jackles sure loves to ham it up.
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...ok. that felt like it lasted forever. it was fine but this episode is ... something. was letting jackles dance on the bucket list and this was the best thing they could think of? or was the extended dancing just part of dabb's ✨vision✨
SAM What do you mean? GARTH I mean, apparently Dean’s never been to a dentist before, and suddenly he got a mouthful of cavities, you’re sick, and your car is broken down. Who did you guys piss off? SAM God.
that was cute
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GARTH Oh, no, no, no. I want to be the guest star. Being the hero sucks. I mean, sure, you’ll probably win eventually, but until you do, your life blows. Your parents get gunned down in an alleyway. Your home planet gets blown up. You, uh, interview this good-looking rich guy, and it doesn’t go well, so he shows up at the hardware store where you work, and, man, it starts to get, you know... BESS It’s from, uh – We love “Fifty Shades.” GARTH Yeah, we do. SAM Who's the hero in that?
come now, sam
GARTH Exactly. See, the hero never sweats the small stuff. It slows down the story. SAM So, then, what happened? Chuck...downgraded us? GARTH Maybe, yeah. And now you’re – DEAN [muffled] Cursed. GARTH No – normal. For the first time in your lives, you’re having normal-people problems.
getting very meta and feeling clever again i see
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SAM So help us. Please. BRAD Wow. I mean, wow. With the furrowed brow and the puppy eyes – did you see that? That never actually works for you, does it?
uh huh. and the meta shade again
DEAN Hey, look, just because God yanked the magic horseshoe out of our ass or whatever doesn’t mean that we’re gonna give up. This is our job. It’s what we do. And, yeah, it might be a little harder right now, but so what?
could very much do without an extended scene of dean getting sick.
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LOL this is a new variation of the mushy music theme. i just laughed. and the speech sounds like it was cribbed from a bad action movie. but guess sammy was with it
this slapstick fight with the big vamp in the parking lot... also something.
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DEAN This Cass keeps looking at me weird. SAM So kind of like the real Cass.
sam cracking himself up. this is an excellent face from the baby
that was a nice goodbye to garth at the end, at least. i think they've used werewolves in london before right? ok yes, 10x04 (oh god the crooked sunglasses on jared during their "we time" but also a season's worth of clear communication between sam and dean)
GARTH Not sure. The guy who told me said it was in Alaska, on the road between Barrow and Kotzebue. He said, “You’ll know it when you see it,” whatever that means.
sure hope they plan on flying because that's a long ass drive, even by their standards. and utqiagvik (formerly barrow) is literally the northern most city in alaska/the us. at one point there was a chance my dad could take a job in deadhorse alaska when i was a kid (but we ended up in phoenix instead) which is also extremely far north
that sure was an episode. not my kind of episode, but it didn't make me extremely irritated like the previous ep so i guess i'll take the win
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ok well being the still on the wiki made me smile, love me some babies and looks like both sams were having a good time
When Dean gives Sam his speech about the two of them kicking ass in the fight, a slightly off-key version of the track "Americana" (also known as "Dean's Family Dedication Theme") plays behind his words.
who calls it that??? should they add that i call it the spn mushy music theme :P in the 15x03 wiki entry, they alternately call it "Winchester Family Theme"
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I was Cum Shamed at a Bikini Contest
Ok, one of my friends told me about this bikini contest.  It's a little far away, and it's this biker bar bikini type of vibe.  He's knows the ppl who are running it.  He thinks its an easy win for me.  Just show up, wear the skimpiest bikini you can, and flirt with the judges.  Maybe if I 'help them out', they can 'help me out'.  Hmmm, okay :-)  And the money jackpot was a lot of money.  So I'm like, sure why not. 
I've done bikini contests, so I get the whole culture.  Bunch of guys ogling girls, cat calling, drinking, guys being 'handsy'.  That sort of rowdy stuff.  All in good fun, we all know why everybody is there.
So we're at this biker bar place.  And it's fucking crazy packed.  Much busier than I expected.  Us girls are in the back getting ready with makeup and getting dressed and whatever.  The bikini I pick out, is fucking crazy skimpy.  This pink/purple metallic thing, that basically just cover my nipples.  My tits are just out there.  Whatever, we all know why we're here for.
Anyways, I sneak away and I find one of the judges.  Now I'm flirting with him, in this dental floss of a bikini, and high heels.  And I basically throw myself to him.  Maybe I can 'help him out' if he can 'help me out'.  You know.  He gets my drift, we find this quiet place in the back of the bar.  And I basically fall to my knees, whip out his dick and start blowing him. 
He had this old man, pot belly type of body.  But his dick wasn't that bad.  So I'm sucking his dick, blowing him and he winds up not lasting very long.  He pulls out of my mouth and just cums all over my face and tits.  Ugh.  I really didn't want that.  Now I have to fix my makeup before I go on stage for the contest.  But whatever, small price to pay to win unfairly.
So the judge fixes himself up, gives my tits a quick squeeze and I basically have his vote.  And he just leaves.  I get up, and try to wipe up what I can, and discretely go back to the make area to fix myself up.  But before I get there, I actually run into another judge.  And he's like "Hey, are you #10?"  Huh?  What?  Oh yeah, I guess I'm contestant #10.  Apparently, the first judge told the second judge that #10 (me) is a huge slut.
So I bring him back to that quiet corner, and I just blow the second judge.  He was pretty aggressive actually and starts face fucking me.  Good ole #10 here, open to face fucks.  And just when he's about to pop, I learned my lesson.  No facials, if you want to come on me, come on my back or ass or something.  So that's what he does, he turns me around, tells me to bend over and basically cums these ropes of cum all over my ass and back.
Rinse, cum and repeat for the 3rd judge.
Ok, it's bikini contest time.  I'm super late now.  I clean what I can, and scamper back to the makeup area to fix myself up.  I'm running late, as I'm supposed to be out there.  The contest already started, as I hear the announcer guy call out #4 during her stage and catwalk.
Now I have no idea what's going on out there.  But it's a bikini contest.  It's not that hard.  So I just fix myself up as best I can do, hair makeup, whatever. 
Okay, #10 to the stage.  Show time.  So I come out, all primped up.  And climb the stairs to the stage.  It's fucking busy and rowdy.  And the 3 judges are there on stage.  Balls drained, and winner already determined. 
So I do my thing, and strut around on stage, doing my catwalk.  But like second in, the announcer goes: "Well now, looks like #10 has been having some fun"  Something like that. 
Huh?  What?  Oh fuck.  Shit.  Apparently the bikini contest has some weird lighting going on.  Where it's almost like a black light type of deal.  So as I'm walking, some people could see the reflection of these cum stains all over my body.  And face.  And tits.  I only briefly notice myself, when I can see my reflection in this huge mirror at the bar. 
Holy fucking shit.  I mean, it wasn't that noticeable.  But the fucking announcer noticed it.  And he told the entire fucking crowd.  And their dirty minds just assumed the truth. 
I'm so fucking embarrassed, but I just continue on.  Taking it in stride.  So when I get to the end of the catwalk, I just spin around.  Did I spin around a few more times?  Sure, as the crowd was living this up.  Did I think it was that noticeable.  No, but you can clearly see the ropes of cum, or the wiping that occurred. 
As I walk back, I just smile at the judges.  Whatever, too late at this point.  We all know why we're here.
True to form, I did wind up winning the contest.  Pretty sure if I didn't the crowd of biker guys would have revolted.  After the contest, I did clean myself up.  Or at least did a better job.  And the bar had us girls come back out in bikinis, and just mingle with the crowd.  I knew that going in, so it was kind of throwing meat in a room full of wolves.  But everybody was polite and somewhat respectful. 
**TLDR:** Tried to cheat and win a bikini contest.  Got cum glazed by the judges.  Got outed and cum shamed by a black light and a crowd of bikers.  Won some money.  Learn how to win future bikini contests.
Thanks for reading
(This story is not of my own)
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"Karkaaaaaaaat," You drone on, laying on the couch.
"Sliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick," Karkat responds, sitting on a table, scritching away at paperwork.
"I'm bored."
Karkat rolls his eyes. "Is there a reason why you're announcing this to the world instead of picking up one of the various toys and trinkets I've bought for you over the years, and using that to satiate your boredom?"
" 'Cuz you're my dad, it's your job to do something about it."
Karkat turns to you. "...... It's my job to entertain you?"
You crack a smile. "Yeah."
"Last I checked, my job is a Marriage and Family Therapist, with a specialty in couples with relationship problems."
"Nope. Your job's now to be my entertainer."
Karkat smiles. "Damn. Before I officially put in my 2 week notice to become your personal jester, heading at your every beck and call, what are my hourly rates? Do I get paid leave? What about insurance, do I get dental?"
"You're paid with my love and affection?" You offer, tactfully avoiding the other questions (because you don't know how to answer them).
"Wow, 'love and affection'! What a gift! I'm sure our landlord will adore it when I try to pay next month's rent with your love and affection. What a amazing rate!" The two of you laugh lightly, amused by your banter. "But seriously though, why did you ask me? Are you looking for suggestions on what to do, or are you trying to figure out what you want to do? Or is it neither?"
"I dunno......" You sit up on the couch. "I guess I'm trying to find something to do."
Karkat hums. "What about tv?"
You make a face. "I don't wanna."
"What about listening to records? Papa Signless got you some new records, go put one of them on."
"But I wanna do that with Papa Signless!"
"What about AR? Can't you go pester him?"
"He said he was busy with judge jury."
"Then go play with one of your Midnight Crew friends."
"Droogs said that he has a 'sophisticated tea party' on Tuesdays so I can't go to his house, and Deuce and Boxcars have club stuff today."
Karkat scrunches his face up. "Who the fuck is Droogs again?"
"What?! Come on, you know Droogs, he's here all the time!!! He's kinda tall, and wears the face masks with the diamonds on them, and he always owes me something."
It takes a minute for Karkat to connect the dots. "Oh, you mean Dominique! Aradia's kid. And Chris and Hermes are Deuce and Boxcars, right?"
"Yeah, I guess....."
"Oh shit- Sorry, I mean Droog's Aradia's kid. I forget you gave them code names."
"It's fine." The two of you fall silent. Karkat turns back around and goes back to writing paperwork. "Hey, watcha doing?" You hop off the couch and wander towards the table.
"Classified paperwork that I'm not allowed to show you." He places his hand on the paperwork, shielding its contents from you.
"Hey, why not, that's not fair!" You complain.
"Yes it is fair, have you heard of the concept of 'patient confidentiality'? I'm quite literally not allowed to show you this, I could lose my license."
"Boooooooo, that sucks. You should tell me anyway."
"If I did that, then I'd actually become your entertainer as a job."
You shake your head. "Patient confidentiality sucks, I think it should be destroyed forever."
"You should go write a letter about that then. I could mail it to the white house and get the president to sign off it if it's good enough."
"Yeah. Yeah! I'm gonna do that!" You grab a loose pen off the table and pocket it. "I think I'm gonna get AR to help me with this, since he knows about laws. Bye Karkat! I'll show you my letter later!"
Karkat smiles. "Can't wait to read it."
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homenecromancer · 2 years
thank god i have almost all of next week off, work is killin me right now lmao
im fine it’s just. i look at work as a combination of two things:
1. i get paid to practice socializing with people, and when i am not actively doing that i generally have time to read or write
2. i am continually running my Act Normal routine, and that shit takes way more energy than i really want to pour into it day after day
...so right now im very low on ability to socialize outside of work, which even extends to like. replying to messages in online games lol
overall im doing okay, counting the days until next month starts... not lookin forward to the dental implant installation, still a little stunned that I Am Getting A Hysterectomy
i still need to like... let my work know that im not gonna be able to lift anything for some time after my hysterectomy, but that is an email i can write next week lmao. being more-or-less stealth at work def makes it more complicated, but fuck em, all they and my coworkers need to know is “i had abdominal surgery and can’t lift anything, can you please lug this [item] for me” :|
also while im postin i guess, i have been experiencing doubt about the whole hysterectomy thing, and it’s really weird bc like. i’ll catch myself thinking “i could learn to be a dad” and then i have to remind myself “you have never, ever in your life wanted to carry a child yourself, and you don’t have to do that to be a dad anyway”... also while my uhhhh gynecological cancer risk is only a little bit above normal, it’s still like... i worry that bc i don’t have a period, “hey has your menstrual cycle changed” is not an alarm signal i can respond to, so if i did have a cancer pop up, fuck knows how it would be detected...
idk. i worry. its my thing.
at this time im not rly interested in external bottom surgery, so im also faced with the breathtaking thought that holy shit. this is all the transition surgery i’ve been  considering. damn. wow. in a little less than two months it’ll just be... done.
transition for me has been a journey and not a destination, and this whole process of setting up the hysterectomy has had me feeling like, to simplify, there are two rooms next to each other: Man and Woman. and i have been walking down the hall that separates the latter from the former, and now i’m standing in the doorway, looking back at where i used to be. like all those past versions of me are still standing around in the Woman room, even if they don’t realize that they are* -- and i wish i could say to them “you aren’t stuck here; you can leave; i am leaving”. kind of a wistful, melancholy goodbye to the people i used to be. and then opening the door, and i know i said “rooms” earlier, but in this metaphor it’s like a dream where you realize something as though it were always true -- and i open the door and find myself not in another room, but outside. i can go anywhere i want.
* true life, it took me well into high school to realize that other people were actively perceiving me as A Girl; i didn’t really perceive my own gender at all lmao
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