#but i dont really want to think about what ifs
lady-ika · 1 year
#ika's rambles#idk if it qualifies but just in case#ika's self pity corner#i cannot believe i have a crush on my coworker i need this gone#esp since today was my last day like i probs won't see him again bc im terrible at remembering to text people#like we exchanged numbers despite having teams#but i think bc we're friendly#but also i think about how he bought me a whole bag of lil stuffed animal keychains bc the one he was originally gonna get would be#expensive for just one and he wanted to give me more than that#and how he hugged me really tightly#and see him look at me often from the corner of my eye#but i also know he is just a friendly guy and v kind#but i also know hes not looking for anyone bc he said so#and got out of what sounds like a traumatic relationship#he is just the most guy guy ever bc he's like? the most average person ever /pos#he really loves marine biology and hes trying to volunteer w the salt water team#he also really loves video games and wants to get into cosplay#and i mentioned we should go tk an arcade sometime or maybe i could meet him at a con#he sounded interested#but i dont really want to think about what ifs#i just know im really lonely and fucked up and my brain attaches to anyone nice to me#so i want these feelings gone#but also. i want to hold this little frog keychain as tight as i can#idk i like him a lot but i also. dont know him#id never make a move bc im a coward and also bc he said hes not looking#but sometimes when we'd sit next to each other he would smile at me and id feel different#idk im just rambling im hoping this will get rid of those feelings#anyway i feel like i cant talk about this to anyone bc like. everyone has actual issues to worry about#they don't need to worry about my stupidass
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pyrriax · 4 months
hi tumblr im pyrr pyrriax and im in my trimonthly artist arc, lord help me and all the projects that are currently sitting in my drafts while i am lured in by the siren song of drawing
#haunted ecosystem#this is not helping with how much my hands hurt on a daily basis this is why i type and dont handwrite/draw very much.#im lured in regardless and i really need to find an artform that doesnt Hurt but for now. digital art <3#like theres a difference between my dumb doodles (quick easy not much different from regular computer usage) and actual art#but im an artist at heart i spent sooooo long being an artist and thinking i was shit at writing. that is wrong! im actually kinda good#im rambling in tags today because i have been not social (my partner is in genshin hell and my beloved is. somewhere.)#okay but on another note i reread the first. couple chapters of wtds this morning? the pacing is a little weird and the tense is fucked#but its actually a lot better than i thought it was? you can tell i was fleshing everybody out in my head and i totally forgot about how#i described the watcher [who i am STILL redacting the name of until we get there] and just. ough. pandora being very logical#and then jumping to the latest chapter and fucking sobbing because i forgot about how it went and just. pandora and his.#whatever the fuck is wrong with him.#i have gotta start recommending people read that again. its surprisingly friendly without context because of how i approached it#that fic has taught me so many things its actually a little comical. it also made me relearn how to make and write ocs so thats fun#once i finish that main fic (and i WILL i am actually planning to sign up for a thing. im finishing it i swear.) i finally get to show off#more of the world and characters ive crafted. showing backstories and what-ifs and all these oneshots ive been keeping close to my chest#for like absolutely ages because i dont want any spoilers on my tumblr#and. im finishing that fic in pseudo-memoriam of somebody who deleted their accounts everywhere. still miss you dane!#ok this has completely gone off topic ily tumblr im going back to drawing and i might make a new pfp#it'll still be lavius but it'll be fray lavius since i think about him a lot and i like his color palette.
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meeko-mar · 1 year
(BNHA spoilers bc I have a one track mind lmao)
I'm currently thinking of the possibility that Katsuki is revived/awake as of this point, if not quite soon, but it just hasn't been revealed yet, and Horikoshi will hold onto that card until a time of reveal is right.
Because something Hori does a lot, like he does with Nagant in this very chapter(379), is the surprise, sudden appearance/reappearance of someone, and then the next chapters a slight back-track to reveal just how that character came to be involved or re-involved.
I feel like he could do this with Katsuki's revival as well.
for one thing, the narrative has been revolving around Izuku v Tomura for a while now(and other things) so we have not visited with what's going on with Katsuki's revival. Our attention has been diverted. So that gives Hori a chance or flexibility to say "he woke up but it took a few moments to get him back in the game" and flexibility to say when precisely Katsuki came back to life.
Obvs he's really injured so if he is even able to return to fight at all, he's gonna have to have a moment where he just breathes and gets his bearings, talks to Mirio or BJ, and thinks about or even observes Izuku. Then reflects, and then decides what he has to do, or where he has to help.
Once he's collected himself though, once he physically comes back to a more stable point...I imagine he would fight to get to Izuku. Why would he not, if he was cognizant enough?
And now that Izuku and Tomura are away from the UA fortress, there's gonna be more of a chance for Horikoshi to build up a surprise or formulate an interesting transition for Katsuki to re-enter the narrative, because once again, cause its important; our attention is diverted.
He's keeping the "camera" off of Katsuki until the right time.
Also...All for One is still on the way, right? And he's likely about to be very desperate and ANGRY about his hold on his supposed new body, Tomura, breaking free of him; meanwhile he's on a rewind track and his physical body is eventually going to rewind to nothing?? So he will be formidable and likely wrathful, because he needs to regain control before he becomes Toddler, Baby and Zygote AFO XD
So I am pretty sure Tomura will eventually give AFO the final blow, but I wonder if AFO will pull some sort of attack on Izuku, and that's where Katsuki comes in the clutch to help Izuku AND to get a rematch with AFO? Or if he'd take Katsuki captive or something and threaten to kill him again? (gotta say I'd rather root for Katsuki coming in rather than him being Damseled again, at this point in the story? because I want KAtsuki to have that moment where he is victorious, and where "fans and antis of him will both appreciate")
Anyway, just some mostly Katsuki-centric thoughts I currently have, as of 379.
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weenhands · 8 months
i think lately ive been kinda craving being in a relationship again and i hate it
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biteapple · 8 months
got this weird thing always where im always wondering if im a gay man or a bi dude-kinda or a bi girl-a-little-bit or a gay man-also-woman-a-bit, and its like. whenever im like "OKAYY I DONT CAREEEEE MAYBE I DO LIKE GIRLS" .... IMMEDIATELY my thoughts about liking women are gone like. when im trying to appease that. and then im like "hmm maybe i DONT like girls??" the thoughts about liking girls comes back
#and GENUINELY... COSMICALLY... if i really want to date a woman i would love to just allow this for myself. and am trying to#and whenever i try to its like ''yeah nevermind man it wasnt even anything''#so when i do go ''oh okay i guess it was nothing'' the desire to like women comes back#and maybe its a case of ''putting it off the table makes me want it more'' .. but its like.. when i say ''ok im bi'' its gone.#its like hey. come back. what happened i said i liked it. gone. until i accept that its gone. and then its back. chameleon type shit#permanently grass-is-greener type of living... please..#ALSO.... this happens with ''being a little bit of a girl'' because then im like ''ok cool man im a girl now. yup''#but when i put this into action i HATE IT and VEHEMENTLY need to go back immediately#and then when i go back im like ''but what if i WASNT just a guy..... hmmm...''#and its like that bit from courage the cowardly dog where baby muriel wants her mac and cheese 500 different ways#and is never happy when you give it to her#when i MOST think about ''being a girl who is bi'' is when i feel THE MOST like a gay man#& when i think about and put into practice ''being a gay man'' i CANNOT enjoy it due to the ''what ifs''#its like i have to do a schrodinger's sexuality on myself#genuinely really dont mind what my sexuality and gender is as long as im happy and YET.... its like chasing my own tail with myself#its funny because what i do know is that i love masculine terms i love being he/him'd i love being called a man i love my body on t#but... ''what to call this other than blanketly 'transmasc'.. if anything'' and ''who do i wanna fuck about it'' are like going in circles#and NOT to say people need anything more specific than just being transmasc or just saying ''im gay'' or being blanketly queer or anything#and maybe i need to take a page from that if its giving me grief. but ... *gestures vaguely*
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proonv · 5 months
I just spent like a full hour talkign to myself about my tmnt iteration jesus christ
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astralcurses · 10 months
its mourning my childhood hours babey
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omohole · 1 year
i need to be up by 5:45 to get ready to go on a trip, so i went to bed at 1am so i could at least get Some sleep but im so fucking terrified of this trip that i keep waking up drenched in sweat and so im giving up on sleep, 2 hours is enough ig. now im just trying not to have a panic attack with my best friend asleep across the room and im failing Miserably ohhhh jesus christ i cant fucking breathe
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wp100 · 2 years
who would've thought that the person who introduced me to the programme ive been at for the past 5 months (that's "ended" now bc i got a job, but hey im a success story now) is now my friend. she was a total stranger when i walked into the seminar. i legit hesitated for 2 weeks about the whole thing too. i do not regret joining it one bit. i also do not regret hesitating, it's nice to have a think about something before you try it (unless it has a time limit, this didn't)
it changed my life.
if there's an opportunity right in front of you, just go for it. if it doesn't work out, you can drop out. literally this is a life lesson. do NOT be afraid to get out of your comfort zone and try new things. it'll work out in the end. i promise. life's too short to wallow in your misery.
the hardest thing to do is to Start. once you overcome that step, everything will eventually fall into place.
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faithshouseofchaos · 3 months
For charlando x reader how about one of the boys is dating the reader and the two fall for the other driver.
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Clueless — Charlando x reader
You and Charles were convinced that Lando was the second most clueless person you both knew. It just happened out of nowhere. You and Charles didn’t mean to fall for the younger Brit. You just did.
“Hello lando” you said tilting your head to the side and placing your hand on his bicep.
“Hi Y/n” Lando said, looking down at the ground and blushing.
“You did great out there today” you said flirting with him.
“Oh umm thank you” Lando said.
Lando didn’t really look up at you as he blushed more, looking away from you slightly.
Meanwhile your hand was still on his bicep, and Charles was watching you two flirt. His eyes were sharp on the both of you.
“Well look at you, you're all red,” Charles said. “You alright?”
“Yeah I’m fine,” Lando said, still looking down.
“Well aren’t you two just adorable!” Charles said he was enjoying this way too much. And you both did too.
Charles then smirked “I think someone has a crush”
“What? NO!! I do not have a crush” Lando said.
“Oh really?” You said with a cheeky grin.
“NO I-I DONT” he said looking more embarrassed.
“Aww are you sure?” Charles asks playing along.
“Y-yes I’m very sure!” Lando said looking away.
“Well then why do you look so red? It’s alright to like someone” you said looking at him still.
“Okay maybe I do like someone” he said blushing more now.
“Well then who is this lucky person Lando?” Charles said, trying not to laugh.
“Well-“ Lando began but was interrupted by Charles
“Oh maybe it’s Y/n” Charles said.
“WHAT?! NONONO” Lando said, becoming more flustered.
“That’s right! It’s me right?” You said with a fake innocent smile and a twirl of your hair.
Lando sighed, shaking his head and rolling his eyes “yes…”
You giggled playfully and Charles laughed a bit.
Lando looked away embarrassed.
“And so you have a crush on me?” You asked with a raised brow.
“Yes” Lando said softly still not looking at you.
Your cheeks tingled with the feeling that you had just gotten what you wanted. Lando did have a crush on you.
“Well then what are you waiting for?” You said grabbing his face and making him look at you.
Lando looked at you puzzled. Charles smirked.
“And what?..” Lando asked slightly confused still.
“I’m poly Lando” you said still grabbing his face keeping him still and looking at you.
“Oh” he said.
“And Charles is okay with it!” Charles chimed in.
Lando looked over at Charles who still had that smirk on his face.
“Yup I’m okay with it!” Charles said.
“But what if..” Lando said.
Before he could finish his question you place your fingers on his lips cutting him off.
Lando shivered and his whole body tensed at your hand at his lips. He looked at you with desire that grew by the second.
“Shhh” you said now brushing your fingers over his cheek.
Lando was trying so hard not to grin.
“No buts, no what ifs just be quiet” you said.
Lando was melting under your touch. You had him wrapped around your finger. He stopped talking and stared at you with his eyes glowing.
“Good” you said with a devious smile. “Now I only have one question for you,” you said in a teasing voice.
“What’s that?” Lando asked, his voice a bit shaky.
“Do you want to be ours?” You asked now running your fingers through his soft brown hair.
His body started getting red at the feel of your hand on his soft hair.
“Y-yes” he said immediately.
You smirked and Charles just laughed. Lando was already yours it was that easy.
“Perfect” you said leaning in to kiss him.
Charles was just starting at you both and grinning like the cat that got the canary.
You kissed Lando and he melted in your arms immediately. He was so innocent and easy it was almost like taking candy from a baby.
Tagged— @ashy-kit @astraeaworld @67-angelofthelordme-67 @amatswimming @a-casual-romantic @alwayzbeenale @bblouifford @barcelonaloverf1life @bbtoni @badassturtle13 @charlesf1leclerc @crashingwavesofeuphoria @clowngirlsstuff @cassie0sstuff @dark-night-sky-99 @dudenhaaa27 @eugene-emt-roe @embrosegraves @formulas-bitch @formulaal @f1ln4dr3cl16mv33 @hrts4scarr @hangmandruigandmav @hollie911 @ironcowboycopnickel @jeffs77 @lightdragonrayne @lollypop90907 @laura-naruto-fan1998 @moss-on-tmblr @natailiatulls07 @norrisleclercf1 @omgsuperstarg @oconswrld @otako5811 @purplephantomwolf @scotlynaurora @starkwlkr @toasttt11 @taylorswifts-cardigan @uluvjay @vellicora @venusisnothere @vivwritesfics
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moonxytcn · 1 month
Hii could you write a gluff/comfort billie x fem reader who is from europe (non english speaking/ dutch speaking but idk if you know dutch so its not that important) and they speak english but have a very obvious accent and is insecure abt it and struggles with pronounciation and like finding the right words and it gets really frustrating for reader? I know this is a very long request and if you don't like write things like this then dont feel bad or anything also i love your writing so much! <3
having an accent sucks
Billie Eilish x fem!reader
Summary – reader is insecure about her accent when speaking English.
warnings – fluffy, more cute content.
word count – 851.
a/n – hello, I hope this is what you wanted when you requested it, thank you very much for that by the way. and this comment about my writing made my heart warm, thank you anon <3
English is not my first language so there may be some errors.
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This gif isn't mine, I found it on Google
As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a soft golden glow over the room where you were getting ready with Billie, you felt your anxiety growing with each passing second. In a few minutes, you would be heading out to meet Billie's friends, and it would be the first time you'd meet them. You couldn't help but feel nervous. You and Billie had been together for 5 months, having met her parents in the first 3 months of the relationship.
The reason for your nervousness? Simple, you were Dutch, and despite being in the United States for a while, it seemed like your accent had decided to stick with you, and it was very evident when you spoke. This had become an insecurity of yours since with the added accent, you ended up having difficulties with English pronunciation, stumbling over words and always desperately searching for the right one.
Finishing fixing your hair, all your mind could think about was whether Billie's friends would understand you, and if you would embarrass yourself with your awkward pronunciation. There were so many 'what ifs' running through your mind that you had to stop for a moment and catch your breath. Looking at yourself in the mirror, you began to unconsciously murmur words in English to practice pronunciation and avoid embarrassment, trying to imagine how it would sound to someone who had heard English all their life, fearing the judgment that could come, whether verbal or not.
Billie paused for a moment upon hearing a murmur coming from her girl beside her, glancing briefly at her through the mirror and seeing what she already imagined was happening. She always knew that you struggled a bit more than others to learn and speak English. And although she knew you didn't like how you sounded when you spoke, she always found your escaping accent absolutely adorable. She remembers it was the first thing that caught her attention when she heard you ordering coffee in line, she knows very well that's when she fell in love with you, it might as well be love at first sight, if you believe in that.
"Babe." Billie called softly, wrapping her arms around you from behind, looking at you through the mirror.
"Yes?" You answered softly, knowing you were caught and already knowing she knows what you were doing.
"You know you don't need to worry, right? They're my friends, they would never make fun of you if they know what's best for them. And even if they did, I'd be by your side and protect you. Always." She says, looking into your eyes with those beautiful ocean blue eyes.
"I know, I just— you know how diff-diff neuken!" You speak, already getting frustrated because you can't pronounce it right again. (neuken - fuck)
"Difficult?" Billie says softly, leaving a light kiss on your neck, you just nod, playing with her fingers that are on your belly. "I know. Believe me. But all I see whenever I hear you speak is how perfect your voice is and your accent just makes you more unique. Love, your accent is the cutest thing ever, I'm serious. Okay?" She says.
You nod, letting a small smile escape. "I think I'm ready to go. Just, promise me you'll stay by my side, always."
"I promise, darling. Always. You don't even need to ask me that." She says turning you and giving you a chaste and soft kiss on your soft lips.
Arriving at the restaurant where Billie arranged to meet her friends, she parks the car and turns to you in the seat and grabs your hand giving it a squeeze to let you know she's here. "Ready?" She asks. You nod and take a deep breath seeing her get out and come to your side to open the door for you. Getting out you go straight into her arms and give her a tight hug, she hugs you with equal force knowing you need it.
"It will be alright, love. I love you." Billie says breaking from the hug and looking into your eyes holding your face with a softness that only she has.
"I love you, so much." You say giving a peck on her lips.
Entering the restaurant you soon find the table where her friends are. Approaching they soon see you. "Hey guys, this is my girlfriend Y/n." She introduces you.
"Hey everyone." You say already noticing your accent is very visible.
Opening the door to the house together with Billie you can't wipe off the huge smile that's plastered on your face. When the door closes you jump into her arms and shower Billie with kisses while the last one becomes a slow and full of love, happiness and affection.
"I'm so happy! I didn't mess up any words today, did you see?" You say excitedly to her. While she can only look at you with adoration in her eyes, mirroring your smile and watching you ramble on about how good the night was, how much you liked her friends, and how happy you were for not messing up anything today.
"I'm proud of you, love." She says softly to you. Stopping your rambling upon hearing this, you look at her for a moment feeling tears of happiness wanting to spill. Closing the distance between you, you hope she understands everything you want to say to her at this moment.
"I love you Billie. God I love you so much, you're an angel in my life." You say softly against her lips, not wanting to separate yet you just grab her like a koala. And she understanding, takes you to the bedroom where she lies on the bed and hugs you as tightly as she can, whispering praises in your ear and saying how proud she is, and happy for you.
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louscartridge · 2 years
dating ranboo hdcns
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i do not give permission for my fics to be posted claiming to be yours, translated, or posted on another platform without credit. 
cw- mentions of mental heath being shit
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you wear his clothes all the time bc they’re all so big and for the most part casual 
your own clothes? nah. his.
you love wearing them, he loves when you wear them. its a win win.
loves holding your hand
high fives you and then catches your hand in the high five so now your holding hands
he holds it when hes streaming alot and make little designs with his thumb on it.
sometimes he forgets hes holding it, so if he dies or something and throws his arms up your arm goes ~ with his
is really dramatic about it at first, saying he ‘couldve dislocated your shoulder’
if your out to eat or ordering he’ll always get what you get
“ran what do you want?”
“whatever you get love”
writes you notes alot
so like if your sleeping and he has to leave or stream or something 
you wake up with a little sticky note next to you 
you’d never tell him but you keep every single one 
you have a drawer in your nightstand just full of notes hes written for you
he also writes things on your mirror so you dont forget to do it
if your shorter then him you wash dishes so he doesnt have to (as a tall person i can say washing dishes fr hurts)
hes more of a protective boyfriend then jealous
if someone is trying to flirt with you or something he’ll just stand behind you, listening to the convo
he trusts you and also knows you can take care of yourself but sometimes overthinks
what ifs suck
if the person really isnt getting the hint hell rap his arms around you and lay his head on your shoulder from behind and makes an excuse to leave
“toby texted me and said hes at the house already”
is really understanding if your mental health is shit
helps you clean your room
sometimes he writes on your mirror, more things like ‘try to have all the clothes picked up off your floor by the end of the week’
but if you feel like that puts pressure on you or something he wont
if you ask him to wash your hair he’ll quickly say yes.
turns the shower on and just has you kneel over the tub so your under the shower and washes your hair like that so its not as much work for you
please paint his nails
yk the stream that aimsey and niki do his nails? hes like that but not at the same time.
hes alot less marty with you then he was with amsey 
though he would still be joking 
its kinda just another excuse to hold hands with you tbh
you let him choose the color
he lets you choose a color to put on his middle finger tho
“ahh you did such a good job! oh my god, thank you :D”
he LOVES to pick out/make outfits for you 
like even if its not with his clothes
hes just finds it really fun
especially does it when your traveling and he cant go with you
 he just packs all the clothes for you 
thinks youll be thinking of him even more bc your wearing something he made (as if you wouldnt be thinking of him the entire time?)
he’ll spend like an hour rummaging through your closet, every now and then finding things of his
“this is where this went!” “did you take this from me?” “how do i still have clothes of my own?!”
when karl lends ranboo a ring and he wears it your playing with his hands even more belive it or not
spinning the ring around
when you first do it he doesnt know if your ok
he gently grabs your hand making you stop
he softly says ‘hey, you alright?’
you were embarrassed at first but once you told him you were alright he lifts your hand up and kisses it then puts it back down letting you continue
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the-s1lly-corner · 7 months
Is it possible to do head cannons for digital circus characters with a reader who's too nice for their own good
Like they get in danger when trying to talk to the bad guy npc thinking that they could persuade them to the good side
TADC cast x reader whos too nice!
Anon I'm so so sorry that it took me so long to get to this <\3! I gotta admit I've been in like, a bit of a burn out recently and I'm still recovering from my baking spree last week so I'm WOOOooOoooooO
That said I hope you enjoy!
Written ambiguously, if you want to see this as romantic or platonic, is totally up to you!
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Literally puts a pause on the IHA when he sees you being dragged away by the big bad guy, all while still trying to insist that the NPC with no chance to gain sentience can be good.. caine finds it endearing in it's own way, its sweet, you see the best in people... and non-people... but reader, this is exactly how you get hurt..! Keeps a close eye on you during IHA
While I dont think pomni fits the "too nice for her own good" vibe, I feel that shes... what word am i looking for? Submissive? She kind of just goes with what others are doing; asides from her initial freak out we dont see much pushback from her in the pilot, though that could be thanks to shock... perhaps shes still feeling it during IHAs given how random and intense they can be..? Point is I think pomni would give a meek resistance before scurrying off after you, trying to save you from the clutches of the baddie
Shes loves you so much, dont get her wrong. She loves that you're so sweet to everyone, even to those who dont deserve it. Actually if anything, Ragatha is also a little too sweet for her own good.. but shes not as trusting and naive as you are. Frantically pulls you away to the side when you try to make your way to the days villain, gently scolding you and asking what you were thinking. She doesnt mean to make you feel bad, but she doesn't want to see you hurt!
One of the only two characters that might get a little mean with you. Not like "mean as in berating you for being so naive" more so "I'm upset that you seemingly have no regard for your safety, I care about you and I cant see you continue to throw yourself into danger" way that can come off as mean, since jax isnt really.. the best as saying this softly.. immediately cuts through any "what ifs" you might bring up to him, you're the only person in this circus that he actually enjoys and hes not going to let you get flung around.. can his tone be softer? Sure, but can you blame him if this is a regular occurrence?
This poor man nearly has a heart attack when he sees you about to be absolutely demolished (but not really thanks to the digital world), probably ends in him getting hurt too.. but that would be mean.. but also can you imagine the angst? The guilt? He probably pushes through the pain to get to you and hes just. Feverishly pulling you to him and patting you down to make sure you're okay... he won't tell you to stop being so nice; in fact I dont think the thought crosses his mind ever.. but he does ask to never do that again, the getting into danger thing
The other character that might get a little mean when confronting you about it, but given zoobles general attitude as well as their tone of voice, it seems like they're more angry with you than they actually are. They think you're too nice for your own good, truly. While the others may find it sweet and endearing, they're constantly thinking about how one day you'll be in over your head and wont have a way out. This might actually result in an argument, thanks to zoobles tone and way of going about things.. but you guys eventually communicate and make up, at least I would like to think so
Very similar to pomni in the regard that she doesnt have the spine (haha) to tell you not to do whatever you're planning on doing. "I don't think... oh.. oh wait, reader-" as she scurries after you so you dont get lost. Gets legitimately sad and beats herself up if you get hurt. Similar to zoobles, you guys are going to need to communicate and work together on this because gangle cannot handle the fact that you're constantly getting hurt thanks to your kindness grating on her mind all day every day
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sillyyuserr · 3 months
Terukane analysis <33
one of my favorties because it really shows how much they care and more about THEM less about how teru looks at akane or things like that
like i said in my last last LAST post, i wanted to write an analysis on what happened between terukane just before the severance so here i am. Writing this at 8:15pm on a sunday.
after getting back to the ”human realm”, akane realizes aoi isnt there with him, turns around in confusion, and sees teru with a saddened look on his face
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Teru looks saddened while explaining what happened to aoi and how she couldnt return
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Akane asks if teru knew the whole time, teru confesses to having had known that she wouldnt come back but didnt say anything, leading to akane being very clearly distressed and upset
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Akane grabs teru by the shirt/jacket or wtv hes wearing and punches him and shoves him against a wall
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Akane’s done with attacking teru, and turns around to try to go back and get her, falls to the ground in pain, his untreated wounds getting worse by the minute, gets back up to get her, teru forces him down, akane’s lying on the ground, disappointed and sad
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Yadayadayada idrc what happens after this thats not what we’re focusing on, now that im done with the ridiculously long recap lets break it down further
As seen here, teru is both feeling and looking, extremely guilty. He’s guilty ab not telling akane, but knowing he kind of had to keep it a secret
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Something you need to know ab terukane to really understand it, is their relationship is heavily built around their trust in one another so when teru hid how aoi couldnt come back from akane, he was hurt and confused as if he had never seen it coming, like it wasnt even a what if. He knows teru tries to be “perfect” to everyone else, but had never even CONSIDERED that he might lie to HIM. 
The reason this hit like a fucking global pandemic is because akane trusted teru so much he didn’t even think ab the “what ifs” and even if he did, him lying wouldnt even be on there
and since he was really hurt, he lashed out and punched him. Teru knew he was hurt/betrayed and let him punch him, feeling guilty at himself for keeping this from him. Gosh they really do care about one another
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As seen here, akane tries to get aoi, but in his damaged state, he literally cannot. Teru knows this, and hurts inside seeing him like this, him having to literally shove him to the ground to stop him.
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Akane seems to be at like rock bottom rn. Just lost his childhood bsf and this dude he swears he hates just lied to him ab something this srs. my mans really going through it
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Forgot to add but teru looks especially heartbroken here looking at akane, it literally hurts him to do this to akane, but he knew he wouldnt leave aoi there so he did what was best for him, and brought him back. Also not to mention he literally travelled through the most notorious school mystery’s boundary (also the god of fucking death like wdym) just to save akane like what the fuck
teru’s so obvious istg if AidaIro doesnt make terukane canon thats one thing, but if they dont confirm or at least prove in some way teru has a crush on akane, my entire life is a fucking lie
pls give me ideas or stuff ab terukane that you’ve noticed and i havent im running out of analysis ideas 😭😭🙏
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filmnoirsbian · 4 months
i dont know who else to turn to in asking something like this and i know its probably left of field of what you normally get but like what do you do when you know you'll never get closure? how are you supposed to move on? after a series of incredible terrible events irl last year that would require tws to explain most of my friends abandoned me for being too erratic and being unable to explain myself, some of them by dropping a wall of text of all my wrongdoings theyd never brought up before ever in the most vague way possible and then blocking me. part of me still wants to apologize but it was all so vague and my memory is so bad i dont know what i did and i dont expect them to believe that. i also have no way of even contacting them if i could figure out how to apologize for it. so like. i guess im asking is what do you do when you did something terrible you cant remember and will never learn and can't apologize for? how do you move on from something like that?
While not exactly the same as your situation, I have experienced something similar (in the vein of doing harmful things I do not/will never remember, and having to come to terms with the fact that I did and that other people involved are never obligated to forgive me nor will I probably ever be able to apologize). For various reasons (drug abuse, mental illness, etc) this is a reality that quite a few people might have to face and I think the only way to really do that is to acknowledge it happened, and do your best to not let it happen again. This might mean behavioral changes, lifestyle changes, or anything else you can actively do both for yourself and those around you. What I'll say is that you have several options ahead of you. You can do your best to somehow reach out and apologize, which your friends may or may not accept. Or you can allow them their distance and move forward on your own, hopefully learning and growing from this admittedly suckass experience, and building new, healthier friendships in the future. I know it sounds silly but you move on by moving on. I'm not saying you have to ignore or forget about this information, tbh I don't think you should, but instead place it aside with the knowledge that you may have fucked up in the past (who hasn't?) but you can always do better. Every day is just a series of choices to be better than you were, to do better than you have. Closure is honestly very rare. Real life is filled with loose strings and messy endings. But wallowing in guilt and regret and what ifs is almost always detrimental to growth. You can feel sorry--I certainly did, and likely always will--but extend yourself the amount of grace it takes to stand up and keep moving forward, knowing that the best apology, even if they never see it, is in not committing the same hurts.
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triptuckers · 9 months
lost and found - ezra bridger
Request: nope Pairing:  ezra bridger x jedi!reader Summary:  along with the remainder of the ghost crew and ahsoka, you're trying to find ezra Warnings:  HEAVY SPOILERS FOR AHSOKA S1!!! im warning u dont read this if u havent seen all of it yet Word count:  1.1K A/N: I survived the war (im posting fics again) but at what cost (brainrot has taken over)
your music is blaring through the speakers of your ship as you're working. though your ship isn't in need of any repairs, you're always finding new modifications and additions to upgrade it. at this rate, it's unrecognisable as the ship you once got from a sketchy dealer on an outer rim planet.
working on your ship is also a way to distract yourself. when you're focused on working with your hands, your mind doesn't wander off.
it doesn't wander off to hera and jacen aboard the ghost. it doesn't wander off to sabine and ahsoka on her T-6 shuttle. but mostly, it doesn't wander off to ezra. you try not to think about the fact hera is on an unauthorised mission, that you haven't heard from sabine and ahsoka in a while which is unlike them, and that you feel like you're not even a little bit closer to finding ezra.
even though you haven't seen him for years, you refuse to believe he's gone. you tell yourself you would simply know if he didn't make it. before you lost him, the two of you shared a strong bond in the force. you figured if something had happened to him, you would have felt it.
but after all of these years, it's hard to hold on to hope. you really want to. but at some point logic has to take over.
though recently, hope has sparked in you yet again. with the map ahsoka found, the chances of finding ezra have increased. you are optimistic again.
but the search hasn't been without danger. even now, you're worried.
which is why you're working on your ship. otherwise you'd just pace around or stare off into the distance with your mind running around in circles getting lost in the "what ifs".
a faint beeping sounds pulls you out of your thoughts. you get up from your position underneath one of the main consoles and get your comm.
'general syndulla for commander y/l/n.' comes hera's voice.
'go for commander y/l/n.' you say.
'hey y/n, where are you right now?'
'just working on my ship in the main hangar back on base.'
'new modifications again?'
'yeah, yeah, I know. "a good ship doesn't need modifications." well, I like them. the ghost could use some upgrades as well, you know.'
'no thank you, my ship is perfectly fine.'
you chuckle as you wipe your hands on your pants.
'have you heard from sabine and ahsoka yet?' you say. 'and when are you coming home from this unauthorised mission?'
'sabine and ahsoka are alright, we're actually on our way now. and we have some news regarding ezra.' says hera.
'you have news on ezra?' you say, unable to hide the relief in your voice. 'do you know how to find him? or where he is? is he okay?'
'we'll talk about it in person. we should be arriving soon.' says hera.
'I'll wait for you.'
'see you soon.'
hera disconnects her comm, leaving you alone with the music again. your mind is racing. they have news on ezra. you knew it, he's still out there somewhere. you're sure of it.
you quickly put the panel of the main console back and tidy up your tools. just as you pause your music and exit your ship, you see the ghost and ahsoka's T-6 shuttle getting closer to the hangar.
you anxiously await them, watching as they carefully land. the shuttle door opens and sabine and ahsoka come out of it.
sabine smiles as you half walk, half run up to them and pull them both into a hug.
'I'm so glad you guys are safe.' you say. 'it scared the shit out of me when I couldn't contact you.'
'we're alright.' says ahsoka, patting you on the back.
you pull back to look at them. they both look tired, but other than that they seem fine. sabine has a twinkle in her eyes and smile on her face.
'what is it?' you say. 'do you know something about ezra?'
'yeah.' says sabine. 'but hera should tell you.'
she points to the ghost, where hera has just exited the ship. jacen follows her, but is looking over his shoulder and talking to someone. at first, you assume it's merely chopper.
but as they walk further down, you see it's not chopper at all. it's a young man. he's wearing colourful robes and has a beard and curly hair.
it doesn't matter he's older than he is in your memories. it doesn't matter he still has the same eyes and the same scar on his cheek. it doesn't matter something in the force tugs on you so strongly, as if it has found its home.
none of it matters, because you would know him anywhere, in any universe, no matter who you are.
ezra. your ezra. talking with jacen as if nothing had ever happened. he's here, he's alive.
a sob escapes your mouth as you take off.
'ezra!' you yell.
you don't even bother to hide the tears as they stream down your cheeks. after all this time, he's finally here.
for a brief second you see his smile before you crash into him. you wrap your arms around his neck and bury your face in his neck, holding him impossibly close. you're never going to let him go.
words fail you as you just cry into his shoulder.
you feel ezra's arms around your back and get lost in the feeling. it's all so painfully familiar, as if no time had passed at all. yet you know everything has happened since the last time you saw him.
you slightly pull away to look at him.
ezra is smiling at you just like he did all those years ago. though he's older, he's still the same. still the same kid you met on the streets of lothal.
you reach out and brush a finger over the scar on his cheek.
'you're here.' you say breathlessly.
'I am.' he says.
you'd heard his voice in your dreams and memories and the recording sabine still has. but this is different. it means everything and more to you.
'you're as beautiful as the day I lost you.' you whisper.
'I dreamed of this day.' says ezra. 'thought about all the things I would say to you. it all seemed so simple. but now? I have no idea. nothing seems like the right thing to say.'
'but it is simple.' you say. 'I love you.'
ezra smiles even brighter. 'I love you too.' he says. 'I always knew I would see you again. we have a lot of catching up to do.'
you smile as ezra leans in and kisses your forehead. you'd finally found each other again.
A/N: If you want to request something, make sure to read my house rulesHere’s the list of characters I write for. Everything that I have written can be found on my masterlist. Please don’t repost my work, as I spend much time and effort on it!! Thank you for reading! Much love, Max/Marit
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