#but i fought that impulse and i wont act on it ever again
bloodsworn-marshal · 1 year
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Writing Prompt: Barbarous Word Count: 1277 Bandit AU
The bandit leader exhaled a shaky breath. His fists clenched and his nerves on fire as he made a most bold proclamation. A rare sight to behold as he expressed his true feelings—those he had held under wraps all this time, for many moons. Fumbling as he tried to think of an eloquent way to about it before ultimately blurting the words on his mind.
“I… like you a lot! You mean a lot to me.”
Pipin Tarupin was never a man who knew romantics. Nor the ways of being gentle, charming, or anything of the sort when it came to courtship. Always true to himself—no matter how ugly that true self ended up being.
Instead you would find a man to be the very opposite. Rude. Stubborn. Full of himself. Quick to lose his temper. Acted on impulse and usually would refuse to own up to any wrongs done. The worst of the worst you could have ever asked for in a man, with an ego and pride too big to allow for other’s well-being in his mind.
Yet here he confessed nonetheless. This ache that had been lingering on his heart of late that dare not leave him be. A pestering that he did not quite understand, but realized it had to do with the lass before him— how had he fallen for her? This girl he had made his captive? Stolen from all that she knew and threatened on a constant basis? And should have every reason in the books not to make his own?
The heart yearned regardless if he understood it or not. These strange feelings that had welled up every time they fought, every time they bickered to bitterest end. Some form of odd companionship made between the two.
Adede’s response?
“Yeah, right…”
Instantly did his heart sink. And just as swiftly did his temper give rise as he took an angry step forward.
“I mean it! I care about you! Why can’t you just see it—”
Tension flared between the two. The signs of yet another fight as they were wont to do. But the lass was having none of it. The darkness shrouding her eyes said as much.
“See what? Us?” Her laughter rang hollow, filled with bitterness as she turned away. “You’ve made bad jokes before, but this is by far one of your worst.”
She stepped away towards her room, slamming the door behind herself. And the bandit leader… stood there crestfallen. Having been a little too forward with his emotions only to have it smashed into the ground before he could explain. With nowhere to direct these dreadful feelings welling up from within, his fists flew into the nearest wall in frustration.
It was his falt. He knew as much.
All because of how they met. In worst of circumstances, at each other’s throats, blaming one another for each other’s woes. Him most of all. He couldn’t let her go though. As much as she presented her case that she wasn’t needed there under his watchful eye, that she only wished to go home—that paranoia of screwing up would not leave him. 
She knew their base so well now. She probably had a good idea of where they were located too. Even if she were as safe as she swore to be, would she not just as easily turn them all in? Help the authorities be rid of them once and for all?
The risk was too high. Pipin gambled too much as it is for the safety of his crew and remaining a secret. The good and the bad within him throwing fisticuffs at one another as he debated each day of letting her go. Only to selfishly keep her there. Was it out of possessiveness at this point? Had she just become too ingrained with the rest of the other bandits? Did he… truly want her to stay because he liked her?
It was too much. He dare not think about it further. Only sulking away back to his room to lick the wounds of his battered ego. Mayhaps it a cruel joke on his part indeed…
More time had passed since then and while they managed to mend their relationship enough to a point where they were talking again, what Pipin had said to her remained better off left forgotten. Not a single word of it. Why should it come up again, if only to find his pride bruised yet again?
One day however, they were out and about away from the hidden hideout. Stocking up on supplies in a nearby village, with Pipin waiting outside of town whilst watching over Adede. She pleaded to come with, to get some sunlight and a little freedom from being cooped up underground for so long. Swearing up and down that she would not run for it. Pipin begrudgingly allowed for it eventually, so long as she remained in his sights.
All was well and going fine. They’d be leaving soon once the others in town returned. But suddenly—a fearful cry filled the air. The familiar voice of Adede nearby as she had rounded the corner when he wasn’t looking, and thus found herself in a tough spot as a large sand worm had roamed into her path. A sickening crunching sound all the while as it fed on fresh prey… right before her.
The bandit leader leapt into action and wedged himself in between the worm and Adede, forcing her to look at his backside instead. An ominous aura emanating from him as he hissed back at her. “Don’t look. I’ll take care of this.”
In a flash he felled the beast. Swiping at it with razor sharp daggers that easily cut it into pieces. What remained of it splattering down upon the ground before going still. 
When Pipin whirled around on her, one would have thought he would have raised his voice then and there. Call her an idiot for wandering off, that she was just begging for death… all numbers of insults he could have flung at her, but none passed his lips. In fact, he looked… relieved?
Nothing was really said between the two until they returned back to the hideout. And once they had a moment’s peace, Adede mumbled to herself before catching Pipin by the hand.
“Thanks… for earlier.”
He simply blinked and shook his head. “I did it because I wanted to. No need to thank me.”
…Yet she thanked him once more. For once grateful that he had been there for her and came to her rescue. Brash and scary as he was, in this moment alone he showed himself capable of more than just.
“So… did you actually mean what you had said?”
A confused blink upon Pipin’s face as he wondered what Adede was referring to. After repeating herself and emphasizing on what she meant, he grunted before placing his head in his hands.
“Do you really want me to answer that?”
She appeared hurt by his non answer…tensing up for what he might blurt out next. “You don’t have to if you don’t want to. I was just wondering is all.”
Awkward silence filled the air. His answer did not come immediately But when it eventually would…
“I did.” He admitted, grumbling as he turned face and began to trudge off. “And I still do.”
Adede stood there stunned. Her cheeks turning a bright red as he left her alone in her thoughts.
Mayhaps it truly is more than just a cruel joke… and mayhaps she was beginning to accept her place in this rough bandit leader’s life.
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woodenbees · 6 years
Wow I'm so stressed and depressed
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ji-yaaan · 4 years
Anonymous asked:
Hello! I like your blog and the little comments here and there makes me laugh at times hehe ^^ May I request headcanons for Vil, Leona, Mal, and Floyd reactions and what they'll do to reconcile w/ the reader after a very hearted argument to which Reader may have said "I hate you" before storming out. Would they wait for a bit? A few days or hours? Or would they be upfront with their apology immediately? Reader also apologizes at the end, crying slightly if that's okay. If you notice me, thanks! 
°•°•𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐇𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐌𝐞?•°•°•
HC's with: Leona, Vil, Floyd, and Malleus.
Note: Ofc, I was late yet again. Pls forgive me dear sir... And ofc tumblr hates me so it won't cooperate! Drafts got deleted 3 times.... so if it somehow becomes inconsistent... I DEEPLY APOLOGIZE! STONE ME GENTLY! anyways, i hope you enjoy this, actually no, I beg that you enjoy this?! Idk lololololololololol.
[𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚝𝚎𝚊 𝚑𝚊𝚜 𝚏𝚒𝚗𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚢 𝚋𝚛𝚎𝚠𝚎𝚍? 𝙸𝚍𝚔 𝚕𝚘𝚕]
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°•°•°•𝙇𝙚𝙤𝙣𝙖 𝙆𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨𝙘𝙝𝙤𝙡𝙖𝙧 •°•°•°
“I HATE YOU!” with bits of tears in your eyes, you slammed the door shut behind you leaving Leona dumbfounded all by himself.
You hate him?You hate him!?!? Is that like for real??? He’ll scratch the back of his head in shame of pushing things too far to the point you were in tears.
But what can he do? His pride caught the best of him and he acted rash in the heat of the moment. This prideful lion just doesn’t know when to shut up smh.ಥ‿ಥ
He’ll try to remember when did everything started to go wrong, but he'll just get more and more guilty the more he thinks about it.
“Tchhhh... I messed up big time...”
It's not his style to give up easily, but his mind was set in a frenzy the moment he thinks about you leaving him.
A day without you started to become dull and boring the moment he grew fond of you. So it somehow became a habit of his to constantly seek you unconsciously. Whether it's a whiff of your scent, your voice ringing in the hallways, even the sound of your footsteps is something he could easily recognize.
But now that the two of you fought, this lion will find any way possible to avoid you seeing him.
Yeah... it will probably take a while for him to apologize...(꒦ິ⌓꒦ີ)
But when the time does come, expect Leona to prepare a simple yet sincere apology.
“Oi herbivore... Sorry about the other day ok? I missed my pillow for a while now...I lose...”
Simple yet sincere :') The prideful arrogant lion somehow learned to apologize despite his ego way ahead of him. He can't stand the thought of loosing you ok? (。•́︿•̀。)
°•°•°•°•𝙑𝙞𝙡 𝙎𝙘𝙝𝙤𝙚𝙣𝙝𝙚𝙞𝙩•°•°•°•°•
“VIL STOP IT! I hate this! I hate everything! I hate you!” you quickly ran away to the door as vil stood in his spot stupefied.
You hate him? You hate the Vil Schoenheit himself?Then so be it...
Vil is basically pissed and angry™. Moreover, you had the guts and audacity to tell him you hate him. His pride was shattered in front of him. And he's not happy about that (꒦ິ⌓꒦ີ)
Nope. Nah. Never. He's not apologizing anytime sooner now. He'll be waiting for that spicy well deserved apology you have for him...
He'll try his best to avoid you and give you the sassy cold shoulder treatment™. It will probably last for a few days or maybe a week. He has his pride y’know?
Not until he hears a muffled sob in the hallways and realized it was your voice. You looked visibly upset and sad as you cried your heart out, all alone in the empty hallways.
Oh no... What did he do? Was his nagging that bad? Did he take it too far with the makeovers? Guilt ate his soul away as he tried to sort out his thoughts with the clear image of your crying face embedded in his mind.
“Okay... Maybe I did take it a little too far...”
Making up his mind, Vil will try to make everything set for tomorrow and apologize to you to fix this feud  you both have. ( ╹▽╹ )
When classes are over and the two of you finally get to be alone, Vil will try to straighten this misunderstanding now! ( ꈍᴗꈍ)
“Hey Y/n I just want to tell you... I'm sorry.” “Vil I'm so sorry for the other day!-”
The both of you stared at each other with shock... Did the both of you just say sorry at the same time?
“Pfffttttt-” The both of you laugh from how hilarious this moment was. It felt as if the fight you had didn't happened at all. (人 •͈ᴗ•͈)
“Y/n I'm sorry... I took it too far with what I do without asking your opinion first...”
“Yeah... I'm sorry I lashed out at you too... That was petty...”
Vil will definitely make a million dollar once in a lifetime seen smile, so you better treasure this rare sight!!!(。•̀ᴗ-)✧
“No more fighting, okay? ”
•°•°•°•°•𝙁𝙡𝙤𝙮𝙙 𝙇𝙚𝙚𝙘𝙝•°•°•°•°•°
“Floyd I hate you!” you slammed your way out of the table, running away from Floyd.
Angering Floyd was not the brightest Idea in the book. His infamous “bad moods” was not something anyone would like to experience. But somehow, he was really pushy and annoying today and you were fed up with it.
“Ahhhh~ Koebi-chan hates me now? what do I do?”
Thankfully, Floyd wasn’t really angry, though he was sad and heart broken that his favorite person said they hated him.(╥╭╮╥)
Floyd is an impulsive boi, so he might secretly follow you to see your face or something lol.
Ofc, Knowing Floyd, he’d definitely skip classes and skip his job at the Mostro Lounge  due to his mood swings. Ofc, a certain octoboi wasn’t really happy with this.
Azul will probs tell Jade to help out his brother or something, lol Azul be secretly worrying for the two of you loooool.
However, with the help of Jade, the mushroom eel himself, he can guide his brother to make up with you!!!
Thank god mushroom eel is here to save the day! ( ´◡‿ゝ◡`)
A fight with Floyd won’t really last long. Because Floyd being Floyd, he’ll naturally come to you like nothing ever happened! That’s why you have to be patient and understanding when it comes to Floyd ok?
With the biggest hug from behind you. There was a cute eel boi that has come to ambush you with love!
“Shrimppy! Don’t avoid meeee! I miss you so much so hang out with me at the Mostro Lounge againnn!”
Floyd is not really good with his words nor his apologies. Though, his blunt and honest demeanor is definitely one of his charming points!!!! (☆▽☆)
“Shrimpy! I have some takoyaki with me! let’s share them together ok?!”
Ugh, Floyd is too cute... It would be a capital sin to not forgive him and decline his offer! Tsk I’m watching you, you better accept that apology!
•°•°•°•𝙈𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙚𝙪𝙨 𝘿𝙧𝙖𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙞𝙖•°•°•°
Shock. Pure shock. You hate him? The last thing Malleus wants is to hurt your feelings. In his eyes, humans are delicate and vulnerable beings, so he tries his best to protect you and treat you with utter delicacy. Yet it seems as if he failed to do that...
Just before you slam the door behind you and escape this fight, a hand grabs your wrist in attempts to stop you. Nonetheless you still make your way out, leaving Malleus standing there alone.
Malleus was deeply hurt and sorry for making you sad and angry. His heart was shattered with the thought of you leaving him, someone who made their way this close to his heart, someone he cherishes deeply.
But this fight wont really last long because Malmal would definitely try and apologize as quickly as possible!(ᓀ˵▾˵ᓂ)
Malleus is the soft type of person and I feel like he’d give up easily if it was you lol.(。•́︿•̀。)
Even if his apology was heard but not accepted, he’d gladly say his sorry no matter how much time and patience it will take, just for you to forgive him.༎ຶ‿༎ຶ
He’ll try to give you and Hour or two to clear your mind, then he’ll apologize!
Standing in front of your room, he’ll knock lightly at the door in front of him... No answer... So you’re still mad huh?
Leaning his forehead at the door, He’ll try to talk to you in hope for you to come out of your room. But nahhh, no signs of you leaving your room soo (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)
He’ll mutter apologies after another just in case you hear them :’D
“Y/n I’m sorry for hurting your feelings earlier... that was rash of me to say, so I truly apologize... I hope my feelings reach you.”
Hearing his voice, it would prolly sound as if he’s ready to cry any moment by now. You’d be a monster if you don’t forgive this fae cutie!!!(┛◉Д◉)┛彡┻━┻
When you finally come out of the door to see him. I bet you he’s moment away from his tear dripping down. Ó╭╮Ò
“You’re not mad now right? Then is it fine to ask if we eat some ice cream later?”
You bet that Malleus would give you the biggest  cheeriest grin in the entire world! oh the things you keep doing to him never surprises him. Pls dont leave this cinnamon roll or else-
That's it cuties! I need to sleep now- my classes are thriving, but I'm not!!!
God, school stuff are taking away my precious freedom and time for writing smh.
Oh god, I'm ranting again... What's new? AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
Anyways, I need to woosh now and I hope you enjoyed this one!!!
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sparklingpax · 3 years
Farewell, Brother
a/n: Um um um. y’all know how the interaction actually went down, but I found a drabble from a little while ago where I kinda made my own re-imagining of it..........and so I hope it’s not too dramatic or...wrong? I just wanted to write this and well, after reading it over, I thought it would be ok to share....so lmk what y’all think! 
....go easy on me tho...as usual, I’m nervous as hell posting anything I write....and it’s a little old....anyway *gulp* here you go ^~^ 
(and as always, sorry for typos or grammar mistakes, ooc-ness, or places where I accidentally forgot I reworded a sentence so there’s the thought and then the thought again--)
All good things come to an end. It’s just a truth of life--however sad it may be. But honestly speaking, aren’t all of them? These truths.
Megatron growled, optics glistening with such contempt that Orion felt his insides sqirm. He had a tendency to do that, and it served its intended purpose well, that glare did.
“I was a fool to hope fate could smile in my path,” he spat.
“Don’t call me that!” He cut into Orion’s plea. “I am my own self, my own mech now. I chose myself name. I am Megatron. You know that already.”
Orion felt guilty. He’d forgotten in the hours passed.
“I’m sorry,” he murmured solemnly, bowing his head.
“You’re….sorry?” Megatron’s tone dripped of disbelief. As if that was exactly what he hadn’t wanted to hear, and Orion had said just that. 
Something bad was coming. 
If only Orion had known what to say, but for once, he wasn’t knowledgeable in the field of speech...or de-escalation. 
And in a moment he’d needed it most.
If only he could have saved their friendship, and none of what followed would have come to be.
“This--this unattainable reality that all but grazed my fingertips,” his eyes were daggars that swiped and cut. 
He lunged forward, seemingly an impulsive act, and grabbed the smaller mech by the throat.
Orion let out a small noise of surprise before he cut it short.
“And you stole it!”
“M-Megatron, I’d do no such--”
“You stole it!” He barked, his voice rising. “You played with me, Orion!”
Orion pawed at the hands around his throat, fighting the urge to cry out. Resentment began to bubble up inside him.
Did Megatron truly have so little trust in others--in Orion--to instantly assume he’d planned all this? 
Planned asking to become a leader--a Prime, no less--when he’d rather study alone in his room? 
Plan to steal his friend’s greatest dream?
He bared his teeth. That resentment was beginning to seep into his bloodstream.
I did no such thing, Megatron. I’d never betray you. How dare you even think that.
But out came none of those words.
Instead, he held his gaze as unwaveringly harsh as he could manage, training it on his friend. Megatron, meanwhile, hardened his own glare, like lava solidifying itself to ashy rock.
Obstinate, inconvincible rock.
He wouldn’t stand for this.
Being picked up and threatened like this was not what Orion expected from his friend. From anyone, really, but least of all Megatron. 
“Let go of me!! Or are you such an animal like the beasts you fight?!” 
He snapped his words like a whip, yanking with sudden force at Megatron’s grip. Force he’d learned in their self-defense training sessions together. 
The silver mech’s optics widened. It was like he realized something, and jolted back to something like control again. 
He released his hold and Orion felt the ground beneath his feet again.
But the apprehension didn’t lift quite yet. Megatron took one step back, as if disgusted to be near Orion. 
As if pressed by that unseen pressure of tension.
He looked the smaller mech up and down, vibrating with negative emotions Orion was sure he could feel.
Or was it...his own fear? But, why would he be afraid?
I did no wrong...I did...I didn’t do anything, right?
“You,” Megatron growled in a low tone, one that withered the fire of anger Orion was feeling.
“We are not brothers, scholar!” He cut Orion off, purposefully using the impersonal term. “Not anymore...”
The look in his eyes was one Orion realized he had only ever seen directed elsewhere, never one he thought he’d be staring into himself. One he was sure the monstrosities of Kaon’s pits had seen after striking the gladiator and his pride a little too hard. 
One they saw before they died. 
There was a bitterness swimming up to the surface, yet a sadness pooled at its base, far below. He was clearly trying to stay in control of the situation, to seem as if his anger, and not his unstable emotions, was the driving force of it all.
But he’s like a wounded beast. He’s hurt.
Orion didn’t like that look. But he didn’t like this, either.
He uncomfortably looked to a tree in the distance.
I didn’t hurt you. I didn’t.
For a moment, Orion considered trying once more--as his gentle, naive, forgiving nature was wont to do. At least, as others said he was. 
He opened his mouth to speak.
But when he refocused his gaze, Orion felt his own frustration close his mouth.
No, he realized. 
Nothing he could say would sway Megatron. 
It was just like when they first fought. Except this time, they wouldn’t be making up. 
Orion felt a deep ache in his spark upon realizing that he’d never see the burgundy-silver mech on friendly terms again.
They’d never sit in a park and speak of philosophy and art again.
They’d never share a meal and laugh over each other’s idiosyncrasies again.
There would be no fondness between them again.
He had lost his only brother, even though their sparks had never touched in creation. Because Megatron had felt more to him than even family ever could. 
I didn’t want this, I truly didn’t want this. I said what was in my spark, and you said what was in yours. I didn’t want them to hear, I didn’t to leave my place in the spectators, I....didn’t want to even leave my study...
“Never look to me that way again, scholar.”  
I came....to help you....
“You are a traitor.” 
I...am not the Council.
Orion watched wordlessly as Megatron bowed his helm and turned. Its rims glimmered for a fleeting moment with the golden light from a setting sun, somewhere in the distance.
Gaze hardened with resignation, the newly-named Prime stood still. His eyes had remained on the broken, angry mech as he trudge slowly down the street, washed in golden hues of the sunset.
And then the shadows, the further he ventured from Orion. 
For once, Orion hated the sight of the golden skies. 
Because under them he’d been given memories, and under them, they’d been ripped away as if unimportant in the first place. 
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gil-notskajla · 4 years
"Xerath's past from childhood to imprisonment" headcannon (including some of the cool ideas form @fattyaly ) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) let's go:
• Xerath had many scars from corporal punishments and brutal indelicacy of previous owners.
• Xerath's human height was below avarge - undernourishment durring his service as a lesser slave disrupted his childhood development. When Azir took him in, his diet became more proper but the damage was already done.
• Xerath was quite lonely, durring his service to royal family. When he was a normal slave, he had his mother, father (when he was still alive) and other slaves. Everyone worked together and supported each other in the darkest hours. When Azir made him his personal slave, his living conditions improved greatly but his unusualy close bond with a royal elevated him in the eyes of fellow slaves who didnt know how to treat him anymore - as one of their own, or as someone above them, not to mention the jealousy, while for free citizens and nobility he was still a mere slave and nothing more.
• He had other slaves working under him as for example his bodyguards, who he cared for and did everything he could to improve their living conditions, since he experienced the same life when he was younger. They were also an additional motivation for his plans of slavery abolishment.
• Xerath and other slaves serving the royal court members created an information net and that's how he knew the gossips better than Azir.
• That's how he learned that Azirs father truthy despises his last alive son - Emperor didnt keep his tongue behind the teeth around slaves who served him. Mistake.
• Xerath knew that Azir was really close with his mother. That's why he tried his best to make her infertile, soo that killing her wouldnt be nessesary. He failed and knew that Azir's assasination from that point on was just a matter of time. He chose his and Azir's lives over rest of royal family.
• Xerath risked his relationship with Azir constantly to make him realise that slaves are people with feelings and needs too. Azir took quite long to finally acknowledge that but even smallest progress in that matter made Xerath proud of him.
• Xerath probably didn't appreciate Azir sleeping with slave girls. After all they couldn't say know, but he couldn't stop Azir from doing this...
• Azir provided him with a great autonomy, mostly for executing his will, which sometimes gave Xerath seemingly greater power than some noble houses what annoyed literally everyone.
• Xerath's parents were his teachers and only people who he would ever call his family besides Azir. They planted the concept of freedom in his mind which stayed with him forever. Mental image of his parents, their unconditional love has been inseparably tied to concept of freedom. That turned family and freedom into highest values for him.
• That's also why Xerath turned 180° soo rapidly when Azir "officially abadoned" the freedom project. Azir was the only family ever since Xerath lost contact with his mother. By remminding Xerath that he is indeed, just a slave and not in fact his brother, he violated not only one but two of Xeraths highest values - freedom and familial bond.
• At first Xerath was a bit jealous of Azir's wife but knowing he could never compete with her for Azir's attention and conflict would mean Azir getting annoyed with him, they ended up on good terms. By this i mean of course ideal benelovent, kind master/docile, friendly slave relationship. After Azir "betrayed" Xerath, Xerath acted the same way towards her to not arouse suspicion but since he no longer believed Azir to be his brother, he no longer thought of her as his potential future family. (Azir's oldest official son was around 18 (close to adulthood) when  the cataclysm happened soo he had to be married for at least 18 years, probably he got married before his final refusal to Xerath. Also, that would make them at least 36 years old at the time of Ascension.)
• Same for Azir's first son. At first he was happy for Azir, that his step-brother has a child, but after the fight, he didnt care anymore. Every next child just remminded him how priviledged they are, how horrible his childhood was and how many children are still being born to slavery while they lead idyllic and ignorant lives.
• Xerath wanted to steal the empire and impersonate Azir after Ascension in which he would make it look like he himself died.
• Xerath had access to Azir's Ascension ritual preperations. He gained as much information as he could about the mechanism of ascending and adjusted it to himself in order to gain as much power as possible in case his role-swap-by-assasination didnt work, he couldnt impersonate azir and had to actually force everyone to obey him despite his true identity (that would explain why his plan was "in motion" and why he "couldnt back down no matter how much part of him wanted to").
• After Azir fullfiled his promise Xerath knew that Baccai are a thing (it was probably common knowledge soo, duh) and was afraid that his personal adjustments would cripple Azir what would bring dishonor on him in the best case scenario and get him detronised/banished hopefully together with his family, court and Xerath, or kill him in the worst. If Azir died, his life would be over as well, since he made many enemies and Azir was the only person keeping him on the top - in position from which he could do anything. Without Azir, Xerath was nobody. And he couldn't tell Azir that he spiked his Ascension ritual and risk his rage. In this situation he could only utter "I'm sorry." and proceed with his plan wondering why Azir didnt tell him and carrying the confusion, guilt and anger for the rest of his life.
• By impulsively blasting Azir of daasis, Xerath made it very clear that he is sabotaging the ritual. That probably caused him to panic that Sun Priests will stop the ritual what would cause him to become either weak and crippled Baccai, die or just allow the soldiers to capture and execute him. With his magic he forced Priests to continue, desperately, for as long as he could. In fear of consequences and unaware of his surroundings he prolonged the ritual what drained the Disc, caused the shockwave, initiated the cataclysm, disintegrated his ascending body and turned him into unique, unstable, energetic being.
• Ascension ended with stasis in which he got lowered back to the ground, barely concious. Nasus and Renekton were already waiting for him with sarcophagus, ready to catch him. That explains why he didn't manage to react and got captured soo easily.
• In the tomb, Xerath and Renekton fought for days but when Renekton realised he is unable to kill Xerath and Xerath not really caring if Renekton dies or not, they found themselves their own corners where they sat alone with their demons, sometimes talking to each other when in desperate need of social interaction.
• Xerath is indeed the most powerfull Ascended in terms of raw power but his body is very unstable. He can literally kill himself by destabilisation from using too much of his magic.
• Soo many horrible things happened on the day of Ascension, that if he addmited that he was the one responsible for death of thousands, not only randoms and Azir but probably also many aquaintances of even friendsp, he would go complitely mad. He told himself the entire story over and over and over again, twisting it bit by bit every time to justify his actions and why all this bloodshed was nessesary in order to fool himself and subconciously protect his mind from insanity by blaming everything on Azir and his bloodline.
• He repressed the fact that he is a Baccai. He stays in denial soo that he wont have to acknowledge that despite all that hard work, he failed everyone, even himself and became fragile like glass. He stays in denial deluding himself that there is nothing wrong with him and hiding it from himself by prising his "flawless" ascended form, hoping that the problem will cease existing if he forgets about it.
• Xerath and Renekton probably learned how to fall into some form of stasis in order to loose conciousness and skip time because, as fucked up as they are, they are in really good shape as for people who have spent 36,000 times longer period of time than avarge recommended dose of isolation causing irreversible mental damage irl. (i think that riot kind of forgotten about them when making the timeline and now stasis is the only logical explanation for how well preserved their minds are.)
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northeasternwind · 6 years
dragonborn nameless king in the age of dark fic l u l
((More coming later, but the plot bunny turned into this monstrosity sob. Read on AO3 if you like, but I can’t add the link or it won’t appear in the tag, so here it is!))
Of all Gwyn’s children, his firstborn remembers the Age of Dark best.
Gwyn had never been a good father, but once upon a time he had been a loving one: Caerwyn saw his father little during his early years, but even now those memories are held close and cherished. Gwyn bouncing his only son on his knee. Gwyn patiently suffering his only son to whine and complain about not being allowed outside. Gwyn going hungry so that his only son may eat instead.
The concept of life was new, then: everything Before had been eternal, with no need for maintenance to sustain it. Caerwyn often wonders what life was like before his birth, when the plants had yet to truly take root and the only source of food for creatures of flesh and blood would have been each other. As it was, eating was a luxury afforded only to the best hunters and the bravest of scavengers, and Caerwyn was frequently left to his own devices as his parents searched.
Do not wander far from camp, they warned. But children only rarely heed such commands.
Caerwyn was out collecting lightning bugs one day— or one night, as it were, for there was no sun in those days and the moon and the lightning bugs were the only lights he had ever known. They were gentle little creatures, nothing at all like their namesake (though that did not frighten him either), and Caerwyn delighted in collecting them to free later in their shelter— the only chore his parents had allowed him at that young age.
Keeping them imprisoned in his tiny pot was quite an undertaking for a clumsy child, and he was trying to shoo his new prizes inside without freeing the old ones when the ground trembled beneath him.
This was not as important as Caerwyn’s task, of course, so he carefully nudged a stray lightning bug into the pot before placing the lid and looking up curiously. How strange! The moon shone clear in the sky, with no sign of clouds in sight. Where, then, had the thunder come from?
It happened again, the low rumbling startling the bugs and knocking Caerwyn off his feet. The lid popped free, and the captive lightning bugs fled its confines toward freedom.
Caerwyn pushed himself back to his feet and scrambled after them, calling as though they would heed his commands and return. This was a mistake, of course, but both Gwyn and Caerwyn himself had decided later that it little mattered; even then Caerwyn’s white hair had been an impressive mane about his head, making any attempt at hiding useless.
Something crashed into the ground right next to Caerwyn, sending him sprawling to the rocks with a startled squeak.
The thunder stopped. Caerwyn sorted up from down, pushed himself to his feet, and brushed his hands together to remove the tiny stones stuck to them.
Then he looked up and found himself face-to-face with the largest creature he had ever seen.
Caerwyn would never forget his first dragon. Everything seemed so much bigger as a child, and the great beasts of legend were no exception; no dragon he had met since could compare to that first titanic colossus, towering into the sky like the mountains or the archtrees. Even then Caerwyn could see quite well in the dark, and he saw craggy scales, teeth as long as spears, and two black eyes peering down through the darkness into his.
Unfortunately, Caerwyn’s parents had not seen fit to tell their only child tales of dragons. The dragons were their boogeyman, constantly looming specters casting great shadows over their already difficult lives, and they had wished then for him to remain innocent and unafraid for as long as possible.
What they had told him, however, was that sudden movements would startle animals, so he kept very still in an attempt not to scare this one off.
The dragon bent down to look closer, its long neck craning and curving to bring its head to the ground. For some reason its breath did not seem to smell, though Caerwyn felt a blast of hot air as it exhaled into his face, and as he looked up into a dark eye the size of a dinner plate he thought that perhaps the rocks had simply grown legs like people did.
Children are rarely masters of their own impulses, so Caerwyn obeyed his and reached out to lay his hand upon what little of the dragon’s snout he could reach. Yes, it felt just like stone— clearly this was a mountain that had woken up, after falling asleep in a time when there were no people.
“Hello,” Caerwyn greeted, because greeting your elders when they approached you was the polite thing to do.
The dragon rumbled, retreating out of Caerwyn’s reach. Ah, so this was one who paid little heed to children, Caerwyn thought— but then his sight brightened, light and heat springing from the dragon’s mouth, and before he could wonder at a creature producing lightning that lingered instead of flickering out the flames washed over him.
Caerwyn covered his eyes with his arms, as one is wont to do when another breathes in their face, and did not remove them until the roar of dragonfire had subsided. When he looked again the strange light had caught on his clothes, which was quite interesting actually, except that as he looked the cloth turned black and curled up into nothing, and so with a yelp of dismay he set to brushing the light off of himself.
There was another rumble, and once Caerwyn was free of the light he looked up to find its source. The dragon was watching him, not angry or disinterested. (And not, Caerwyn realized much, much later, surprised.) It had the air of an adult waiting for a child to give the correct answer, and with a child’s intuition Caerwyn suddenly knew exactly what it wanted.
Some of the brush had taken up the light, but it too was fading away to nothing, so Caerwyn had to act fast. He reached out to try and scoop it up with his bare hands, but the warm light did not seem to like his skin so much. He picked up some of the burning foliage and stuffed it into his mouth, only to find that it tasted even more awful than usual (it is not his fault he did not know these plants were not edible, honestly, especially when his parents insisted on feeding him plant matter that looked entirely identical to it). Finally, with little else left to him, he simply grabbed a stick that had fallen in the dragon’s wake, allowed the light to climb onto the end, and then turned around and waved it back and forth in greeting to the strange titan, as the titan had greeted him.
Like a roll of thunder the dragon rumbled again, and Caerwyn felt a rush of pride. He had guessed right, and won the little game they had been playing. What a story he would have when he returned!
But then there was a terrible scream, and a horrid scraping noise, and the dragon reared backwards and roared.
Caerwyn squeaked as he fell over yet again, trembling like a leaf. Every child recognizes their father’s voice, and yet he had never heard his father scream, so frightened, or so terribly angry—
By the time it was over Caerwyn was in tears, truly terrified and unknowing of what had happened before his eyes, and Gwyn scrambled across the rocky brush to scoop his only son into his arms.
“I am sorry,” Caerwyn said, for his father only ever became angry when Caerwyn did something bad, but Gwyn only sobbed and tucked his son against his chest.
Caerwyn would never know how word traveled amongst those few men in the world back then: he could hardly imagine they kept in contact with each other, and meetings between them were rare indeed. But word did travel, igniting whispers and ambitions across the whole of the world: this was not the first time a man had fought a dragon, but it was the first time a man had won.
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jayykesley · 6 years
ALL OF THEm and Derick and Rosalyn for the specified ones?
i feel like a lot of Derick’s answers are depressing? because he hasn’t gone through much character development yet and i dont want to spoil anything, so thats why.
Again, copy and pasted from a Word doc, so i greatly apologize for the formatting
What OC has the biggest family? How do they get along?
Already answered!
What OC has/is a mentor?
Both Anaya and Victor are greatmentors to the people around them, especially Rosalyn, Roswell, and Carson
What OC has a huge group of friends?
Roswell considers nearly everyperson’s he’s had a conversation with his “friend”. He’s very friendly, and hejust wants to be around people!
What OC has a small, close group of friends?
Rosalyn. She’s somewhat picky aboutwho she considers a friend. Carson and Roswell are in, Lorelei is a strongmaybe, and Derick is a “probably not”
What OC has, like, one friend?
Derick. At the moment, his only realfriend is Ragsy, his cat.
What OC is the Mom Friend?
Lorelei might be it. She’sconstantly worried for her friends’ safety, always offers to mend theirclothing, and probably wouldn’t hesitate to pack each of them a lunch.
What OC really needs the Mom Friend around?
As the certified Dad Friend, Carsondoes best when he is complimented by the Mom Friend.
Which OCs are an old married couple (literally or     figuratively)?
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
What is your favorite platonic relationship between your     OCs?
Carson and Rosalyn are really fun towrite, since their personalities clash quite a bit, and there’s that “I hateyou but youre my family so not really” element
What is your favorite familial relationship between     your OCs?
Robin and Lorelei. Lori obviouslyacts protectively and motherly over Robin (due to their large age difference),but she also understands where Robin is coming from, more so than their motheror father might.
What is your favorite romantic relationship between     your OCs?
Already answered!
Which two OCs are the most different from each other?
Derick and Rosalyn are probably themost polar opposite at the moment. Rosalyn is brash, aggressive, and takes whatshe wants, while Derick is very meek, pacifistic, and would rather be invisiblemost of the time
Which OCs complement each other the best?
Due to their already establishedfriendship, Lorelei and Carson know each others’ strengths and weaknessesintimately. Where Carson is impulsive, Lorelei is rational and helps him take amoment to figure out a plan. Where Lorelei can be controlling and anxious,Carson is lax and has been known to convince her to take a chance on occasion
Which OCs get along the best with each other?
Lorelei and Carson
Which OCs get along the worst with each other?
At the moment, Rosalyn and Derick,but that will change as the two grow and become more familiar with each other
Which OCs don’t know each other, but would get along     great if they did?
I could see Andromeda getting along greatwith Rosalyn, or Carson with Paris
Which OCs don’t know each other, but would hate each     other if they did?
Which OCs would make the worst couple?
Rosalyn and Carson, because 1) theyconsider each other siblings, and 2) certain parts of their personalities just wouldn’tmake for a healthy romantic relationship. Both are impulsive, which leads topoor decisions that don’t benefit either of them. Carson needs someone incrediblypatient to work with him and his adhd, and Rosalyn needs someone who invokesher more gentle and protective nature. Plus, Rosalyn hates puns, and that’s justa huge deal-breaker for Carson.
What’s the strangest way two (or more) OCs have met?
Well, Rosalyn and Carson literallykidnapped Derick from his home, so
Which non-related OCs have known each other the     longest?
Victor and Carson. Victor knewCarson’s parents before he was born, and he raised Carson after they died.
Which OCs knew each other the shortest time before     becoming close friends?
Roswell and Lorelei. He alreadyconsiders her a friend, and she is happy to listen to him talk
Which OCs spend the most time together?
Lorelei and Carson spend a good dealof time together. So do Lorelei and Robin, and Lorelei and Val. Lorelei justlikes her friends/family, okay?
Which OCs have fought with each other the most?
As siblings do, Carson and Rosalynfought a lot when they were younger.
Do any OCs have friends they haven’t met in person?
Dr. Faulkner’s soulmate, Dr. CindyHartford, lives in another country! They send letters to each other through CaptainZulu, and have never actually met in person.
Do any OCs have imaginary friends?
Not anymore, but Robin had quite afew when she was younger
Does OC have a hard or easy time making friends?
Derick: Hard, he was isolated a lotas a kid (parents were ashamed to have a Lacking child), and he’s naturally shyand introverted
Rosalyn: hard, but not for lack oftrying. She can talk to strangers no problem, but people don’t usually like hermore aggressive nature
How did OC meet their best friend?
Derick: She crawled right into hisarms after he found her hiding behind a dumpster in an alley
Rosalyn: She had just escaped withRoswell from Knox’s facility weeks before, and ran into Carson in the Burjeok forest.Naturally, the two were suspicious of each other, but Carson was happy to havesomeone his own age around and brought them back to Victor.
How did OC meet their worst enemy?
Derick: She birthed him
Rosalyn: Knox plucked her off thestreet after a fight, impressed with her tenacity
How did OC meet their significant other? If OC does not     have a SO, do they want one?
Derick: Does not have one atm, but wouldn’tmind a gf?
Rosalyn: Does not have one atm, andfeels like life is too chaotic for a boyfriend right now
How does OC get along with their parents?
Derick: no…
Rosalyn: maybe, if I ever actuallygave her some
Does OC have siblings? Do they get along if they do? Do     they wish they had some if they don’t?
Derick: no siblings, parents didn’t evenwant one child. Derick would have liked a sibling.
Rosalyn: absolutely adores herbrothers, misses Daniel like crazy, even though she is often rude to carson sheloves him dearly too
Does OC have or want kids?
Derick: Doesn’t dislike kids, but he’sboth 1) incredibly awkward around them, and 2) terrified of being eitherself-absorbed like his mother, or passive and uncaring like his father. Despitethat, wouldn’t hate the idea of being a parent if he ended up having kidsanyway
Rosalyn: feels like the world is tooawful to bring her own child into, secretly afraid she would be a bad mom, butwould love the child and try her best if she ever did have kids
Is OC/Would OC be a good parent?
Both would actually be greatparents, if they could ever get over their fears and hangups about parenthood
What is something unusual OC has bonded with someone     over?
Rosalyn and Derick could actuallybond over growing up in Cirsca!
What is the most important relationship in OC’s life?
Derick: hasn’t happened yet (hislife wont always be sad and lonely, I promise)
Rosalyn: Her relationship withRoswell, as it is the one thing that kept her from becoming hard-hearted andtruly uncaring before she met the gang
How has OC been affected by their friendships?
Derick: his few-and-far-betweenfriendships, growing up, led to his becoming socially anxious and overall insecureabout himself
Rosalyn: They make her stronger emotionally,and give her a reason not to give up
How has OC been affected by their family relationships?
Derick: badly
Rosalyn: the death of Daniel and herneed to continue protecting Roswell
How has OC been affected by their romantic     relationship(s) or lack thereof?
Who does OC consider they have learned their most     important life lesson from?
Derick: his mother (“You are only asvaluable as what you can offer other people”)
Rosalyn: Dr. Anaya Gatling (“Youhave to choose good, over and over.”)
Who motivates OC?
Derick: Ragsy, he just wants tobuild a good life for his cat
Rosalyn: Knox, she won’t rest untilshe gets her revenge
Who would OC do anything for?
Derick: Ragsy
Rosalyn: Roswell
Who would OC do anything to not have to deal with?
Derick: basically anyone in authority,they give him the heebies and the jeebies
Rosalyn: originally? Derick. Now? She’snot so sure
How does OC meet most people?
Derick: its usually forced throughcompany meetings and elevator small-talk
Rosalyn: through some mystic force,because she’s not going out of her way to meet new people
How long does it take OC to open up to people?
Derick: years, unless he’s drunk,then minutes
Rosalyn: it depends on if the otherperson is going through something similar to what Rosalyn has experienced. She reallydoesn’t have anything to hide, except the people she’s killed
How much do OC’s friends know about their private life?
Derick: not much?
Rosalyn: she’s fairly open, so probablya lot
How does OC act differently after they know someone     better?
Derick: He may talk about himselfmore, or might ask them questions he deems “stupid” because he feels morecomfortable around them
Rosalyn: She’ll offer morecompliments, but also more insults (which she considers a good thing, as triesto tell the truth as often as possible, out of respect). She also might startreferring to them by their title (i.e. she calls Victor “Mr. Pike”, and Anaya “Dr.Gatling”, but only refers to Commander Knox and Chancellor Woods as “Knox” and “Woods”.)If she’s really close with you, she’ll even call you by your first name.
Who is OC’s favorite person?
Derick: Marni, as she was the only personin Cirsca he felt comfortable around
Rosalyn: Victor, as she considershim a great leader and mentor
Who is OC’s least favorite person?
Derick: Snite, as he makes Derick’severyday life so much more painful than is necessary
Rosalyn: Other than Knox? People wholeave flyers in your yard
Is there anyone OC used to be very close to, but no     longer is?
Derick: nah, he was never very closeto anyone to begin with
Rosalyn: Daniel, but he ded
What aspects of OC have, consciously or unconsciously,     come from someone else?
Like, from another OC, or from me? BecauseDerick’s whole demeanor and his inner monologue come directly from me, which makeshim a very easy character to write. Rosalyn, I guess my semi-confusion withnonverbal societal cues and tendency to get angry (I’m working on it).
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theredheaddevil · 4 years
fuck it 70 questions
this has been in my drafts for 2 years so im impulsively doing it now  og post 
full thing under the cut cuz its long and super out of date
01: Do you have a good relationship with your parents? nah, kinda sketch, but bareable these days 02: Who did you last say “I love you” to? v 03: Do you regret anything? i regret eating an entire bag of fudge earlier... i feel kinda sick rn 04: Are you insecure? sometimes. but mostly about uh typing which is wack considering im doing this  05: What is your relationship status? single, but i have a qpp. 06: How do you want to die? [redacted] 07: What did you last eat? fudge... so much friggin fudge 08: Played any sports? sorta but not in a while now  09: Do you bite your nails? nah, shits gross  10: When was your last physical fight? probs a controlled spar a year or two back but other than that i havent really been in fights to my knowledge  11: Do you like someone? platonically aye 12: Have you ever stayed up 48 hours? ye sleep deprivation 101 13: Do you hate anyone at the moment? yeah but mentioning them is petty an shit aint worth the emotional labour 14: Do you miss someone? yeah. 15: Have any pets? technically no but my mother has a rabbit an hes basically mine 16: How exactly are you feeling at the moment? lil tired, melancholy ?? bit with a bit of dread ?? 17: Ever made out in the bathroom? nope 18: Are you scared of spiders? nah, but i wont pick them up after a certain size 19: Would you go back in time if you were given the chance? ye 20: Where was the last place you snogged someone? the information youre lookin for aint here, never have done an idk if i ever will 21: What are your plans for this weekend? uh idk tbh so heres my plans for tomorrow.  -dye my hair  - go out for coffee  - paint  - look at the uni notes, maybe stare into space  - phone the doctor  22: Do you want to have kids? How many? no and 0  23: Do you have piercings? How many? yes and 8 currently but i want more 24: What is/are/were your best subject(s)? art, english and at one point i was good at history tho tbh i was cheating with the dates  25: Do you miss anyone from your past? occasionally  26: What are you craving right now? mouthwash 27: Have you ever broken someone’s heart? at this point with how some folk have reacted when ive turned them down, probably  28: Have you ever been cheated on? nope 29: Have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry? never dated  30: What’s irritating you right now? the length of my hair 31: Does somebody love you? as edgy as this sounds, i sure hope not? i dont vibe 32: What is your favourite color? hard to say, red, blue and yellow r what i say.   33: Do you have trust issues? we dont talk about that  34: Who/what was your last dream about? y last dream was actually an apocalypse one. so a lot of faces of folk i dont know with a lot of dread but a peak time ngl  35: Who was the last person you cried in front of? my brother i think?  36: Do you give out second chances too easily? sometimes, but usually when i say something is final its final  37: Is it easier to forgive or forget? forget 38: Is this year the best year of your life? nope but i dont wanna say one point is objectively better  39: How old were you when you had your first kiss? data not found cuz shit hasnt happened  40: Have you ever walked outside completely naked? nope 51: Favourite food? nah,  52: Do you believe everything happens for a reason? depends on the circumstance  53: What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night? read fanfiction cuz bih i read a surprising amount  54: Is cheating ever okay? an exam , yeah duh  on someone, noooooooooooooo jesus  55: Are you mean? sometimes but usually for good reason i feel 56: How many people have you fist fought? if sparing counts ... a lot  57: Do you believe in true love? not really ???? 58: Favourite weather? i love snow, rain, thunderstorms an when is fookin windy 59: Do you like the snow? yeas 60: Do you wanna get married? not really? it always feels like such a wacky thing financially an socially for something that you shouldn't need to “prove” but tbh i dont really understand a lot of things with relationships  61: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby? ... no 62: What makes you happy? i like to draw, an tbh i good fic  63: Would you change your name? yeah, ive done so and id do it again  64: Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed? never have done so there is not last person  65: Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? this post is old af. the answer is nothing, theyre still my friend  66: Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around? not really nah 67: Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to? i dont know tbh 68: Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? idk deep conversations aint something i have these days.  69: Do you believe in soulmates? nope! but it is usually a fun story trope for comedy 70: Is there anyone you would die for? nah ?
okay christ this was outdated more so than i thought. idk why i wanted to do this 2 years ago but eh its done now  an tbh if you read this i have questions and all of them r  “why?????????”
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