#but i kinda fell in love with the idea so heh
mooooonnnzz · 1 month
hi!!! I fell in love with your content and I wanted to make a little request, since it was on my mind for a while...
It's kinda cringe but I saw your hc's/fic about Stan's and Ford's reaction to their daughter having a partner, but what would they say about the break-up??? how would they react?? 💔💔
I'm Glad There Is You
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Stan + Ford HC's of you getting broken up with!
ʚ♡ɞ 4,2k words
ʚ♡ɞ we're so back
ʚ♡ɞ i've been cooking this up for the past few days mwehehe
ʚ♡ɞ i won't be publishing fics as frequently! but its better cuz i wont be pushing out poopy fics. i can actually take my time with them and make em better :3
ʚ♡ɞ that's all enjoy! request are still open too :p
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🎱 Stan
𝄞 Stan hadn’t suspected a thing when he saw you rush into your room after being out all day. You occasionally do that when you were exhausted and had no more battery left in you to uphold another conversation. But, when he saw you all disheveled in appearance. Not bothering to glance at him, let alone tell him about your day, he knew something was up. Springing your wellbeing in the conversation was tricky. He knows that if he straight up asked if you’re okay, you’d burst out into tears and cry out incoherent words that sounded like mushed up sobs into his ear. So how could he ease you into talking about yourself without having you break down? For the remainder of the day, he was tackling himself with ways he could ask about how you’re doing, stemming from slapping a sticky note on your forehead to passing a note under your door. But none of them seemed effective. His brain was splitting into two. He couldn’t decide and the day was coming to a close. The orange overhang of the sun shone into the shack and Stan was contemplating on asking your partner why you were sad because if he didn’t know what was going on, your partner had an idea or the full picture. He decided against it though. Maybe this was something you’d rather keep to yourself? 
𝄞 The stress was so bad he had to go outside for a quick smoke. Seeing you in an emotional state of disarray sends him into one as well. He plucked a cigarette from his pack and pinched it in between his lips. Craning his head up a bit to light up the cigarette, he shielded the orange flame sparkling to life from the wind with his cupped hand. He blew a stream of smoke into the evening air, his electrifying nerves nulling into a soft calming buzz. He knew smoking was bad for him, but he couldn’t stray away from it in times like these. The door to the front porch painfully creaked open. Looking over his shoulder, he softly smiled upon seeing you. “Pumpkin,” He pats the side right next to him. You take the seat and inhale the crisp air—well, from what you can get with all the cigarette smoke littering the air. “Second hand smoking is way worse than first hand.” You mention, delicate amusement trailing in your words as you take a seat beside him. 
𝄞 “You’re the one who walked out here knowing I was smoking.” He replied with a flick of his hand. Another trail of smoke escapes his mouth as he exhales, his body visibly relaxing into the familiar routine. “I should get a cigarette too.” You stretched out your arms, cracking a small smile. “Heh,” Stan flicked the cigarette, small shreds of ashes trickling down from the burning end of the stick. “You think you’re funny.” You nod intensely. “I think I’m very funny.” You look off into the horizon, eyes carrying such a thick somber look to them Stan had to finally ask the question he had been beating around the bush for who knows how long. “You okay, kiddo?” 
𝄞 Your eyes glisten over with tears, bottom lip trembling as you hold back the words you’ve been dreading to say to your dad the minute news broke out to you. “Oh, [Name].” Stan burnt out his cigarette, his arm wrapping around your shoulders and bringing you closer to him. The pure affection coming from Stan made you pour out more tears, trembling sobs wracking your body as you mournfully cried onto his shoulder. “Let it out, sweetpea.” His hand comfortingly patted your back. This wasn’t how he wanted this to go, but maybe you needed a quick cry to comfortably tell him what happened. His stomach churned as the suspicion of the reason why you were crying into his shoulder rose. He had a feeling on why you were acting like that, but he had hoped he was wrong.
𝄞 He wasn’t wrong. He was right, unfortunately for him. After recollecting yourself to the best of your ability, Stan had discovered that your partner had broken up with you earlier today for reasons that they had not specified. Frustration bubbled up inside Stan and it took every bone in his body to not slam his fists on your ex’s door, gun in hand to shoot them down for breaking your heart. Instead, he opted to swallow down his anger and tend to you. You needed him to be right by your side and he wasn’t going to suddenly up and leave to shoot down a person. He’d wind up in jail and then you would have to deal with the loss of your partner and your dad. The thought sent chills down his spine. You peeled yourself off his shoulder, leaving a slobbering teary eyed stain on suit. “I’m sorry.” You mutter, eyes red and burning from the force of squeezing them closed. “It’s okay, sweetpea. You don’t need to apologize for things like this, you know that right?” His thumb swipes a stray tear off your cheek. “I know,” You hiccup. Stan seeing you like this infront of him shredded his heart into tiny little pieces. Who could hurt you like this? How could someone protect his child’s heart and break it the next day? Your partner even promised that they’d never pull a stunt like this, and yet here you are, bleary eyed and sniffily.
𝄞 Your face pinched with a forever sorrowful look and for a second he thinks that he’s never going to have you back, he’s never going to see your smile ever again and that alone terrifies him. There has to be something that can cheer you up, right? You’re not forever stuck in this pool of sadness? This is something someone can get over right? All prior knowledge to his personal relationship flies off his head and out the window. He removes himself from his thoughts and grounds him in the moment. What is something that’ll cheer you up? An idea sprouted in his mind. “Want to watch a movie with your old man?” He doesn’t know how you’d respond to his offer and it slightly scares him. He’s never been able to fully predict your every move, but he has made some sense of them later on, but he’s never seen you in this state before and he doesn’t know what to expect. “I’d like that.” You meekly nod your head and Stan has to contain himself from lurching up into the air and cheering out in happiness. Rather, he clears his throat and broadly smiles at you. “I’m gonna take a real quick shower. Pick out a movie you wanna watch and I’ll be back in no time.” 
𝄞 The rest of the night was spent snuggled up in the sofa, a blanket of yours of when you were a kid was draped over you and Stan. It barely gave you any coverage but you claimed that it did when Stan would mention it. Stan didn’t want to disagree with you and besides, the blanket reminded him of when you were a little kid, carefree and giddy with little to no knowledge of idiotic people who’d carelessly shatter your heart and leave you without any consolation. The movie that was playing was and still is an all time favorite of yours. You and Stan had memorized the lines that have been forever sewn into your brain from how many times you forced Stan to watch it when you were little. Guess some things don’t change. The days following are full of extensive care and love, enough that would be overbearing to anyone that wasn’t you–at least sometimes. 
𝄞 Fishing outings were a must. Stan would rapidly knock on your door, standing on the other side decked head to toe in his fishing outfit. Your fishing hat in hand. You couldn’t say no to him when he’s looking at you with such a sad look in his eyes and dressed up, putting on your worn fishing hat that has seen better days. Stan proudly smiled at you, wiping off a tear from the corner of his eye. “Why are you crying, Dad?” You chuffed nervously. “My eyes are sweating!” He covered his eyes with his forearm, violently sobbing as he walked away to get the fishing gear. In his defense, he hasn’t gone fishing with you in a good long while and seeing you wearing your fishing outfit really triggered the water works in his eye. The past week has been an emotional wreck for you and him, who could blame him? You had forgotten how much fun fishing was. A laugh rattles through your throat as you reel back your fishing rod. This must be your third attempt in catching a fish, and Stan’s enthusiastic commentary struck a funny cord within you. With a few more tugs and reeling back, you caught the fish. “Awesome catch!” He patted your back with so much force, you jolted forward, making the boat lean to the side, causing you to lose your footing and drop the fish in the water. When you were about to revel in your loss, you heard a large splash and large droplets of water sprinkling over you. You turned your attention over to where the splash was heard and to your luck, Stan bobbed his head out of the water, gasping dramatically as his arms flailed around. “Dad!” You laugh.
𝄞 “The water isn’t even that deep.” Talking was a task to do with how hard you were laughing. “Oh.” He stopped thrashing around and allowed him to sink to the bottom of the lake floor. And to his surprise, the water barely even passed his upper chest. That realization made you hunch over in laughter. “Oh, stop laughing!” He grabbed onto the edge of the boat and tried pulling himself up, but the sudden shift in weight made the boat tip over, sending you and all the other belongings in the boat into the freezing water. “[Name]!” He looked to where you were under the water, ready to dive in and grab you from below when you sprung out of the water. You stared at him, cheeks puffed as you struggled to hold back your laughter. “Oh, whatever.” His initial panic was washed off with playful annoyance. “Go ahead, laugh at your old man.” He rolls his eyes upon hearing your boisterous laughter echo in the air. “That was insane!” You wrap your arms around Stan’s neck, hoisting yourself up so you don’t drown while laughing. “Yeah, go ahead. Laugh at this poor old man who’s clearly struggling.” 
𝄞 Singing your favorite songs in your karaoke machine was his favorite way to catch you off guard. He’d notice you reminiscing on the past and he’d make a beeline to your machine, slamming the buttons that would turn it on and play a song that you like. His gruff scratchy singing voice always pulled you out of your mind and into the present moment. Walking into the living room where he relocated your karaoke machine for times like these, you couldn’t help but laugh as he passionately sang into the microphone. “Disco girl, coming through! That girl is you!” He points the microphone at you, motioning you over to join him. It takes some convincing but when you do, you and him are blissfully singing your hearts out into the microphone. 
𝄞 Seeing your partner around town was an immediate mood kill for Stan. Unaware and in a chipper mood, he found himself in the grocery store. Stacking up on food and snacks to fill your stomach and his. When strolling into the available cash register, his smile curls into a grimace when he sees who was behind the counter. “You,” he spat out. “Ah, Mr. Pines!” They nervously chuckled. “Good to see you. How’s it been?” They can’t make eye contact. The lazer like glare Stan was giving them was enough to know that things haven’t been good. Grabbing an item from the shopping cart, he hovered it over the conveyor belt, mulling over his thoughts. He could not pay for this and run out of the store or he could unscrew the carton of milk and squirt it all over your ex. Or maybe, he could do both? With speed no one could comprehend, he undid the lid and spilled the milk all over them, chucking the empty carton right on their head for extra measure. He then grabbed the cart and bolted out of the grocery store, leaving everyone in the store stunned. “Is anyone going to arrest him or?” A random passerby asked, watching how your ex just stood there, completely befuddled with milk dripping down their body. 
𝄞 “Dad? Why is the news saying that you assaulted a worker in the grocery store with milk?” Stan scoffed. “Don’t believe everything you see on the news, sweetie.” He takes a good sip of his pitt cola. “But it shows camera footage of you doing it.” You gesture to the video that was playing. “Fake news. You know how technology is advancing. They can make anything these days.” He grabs the remote and switches channels. “There! Now, we don’t have to see that.” You smile, elbowing him. “It was cool that you did that.” You mutter. He chuckles. “The kid deserved that.” 
𝄞 Drives around the town and wreaking havoc in rival attraction traps were a good stress reliever and anger outlet. You were swinging with all your might, your axe that was in hand was splintering through the large wooden statue. “Keep going!” Stan was serving as a lookout, his eyes switching through the front door and to you. Sweat rolled down your temples as you delivered one last final blow to the statue. The statue slowly tipped forward. “Let’s go.” Stan urgently whispered, running back to the family van with you in tow. Stan started the van and sped out of the parking lot and into the driveway. “God dammit, Stanley Pines!” The person emerged from his house, shaking his fist in the air. You clapped your hands together, laughing. “That was a fun one.” You noted, swiping the sweat off your forehead with your shirt. “Who’s next?” You ask eagerly. “Check on the map. You decided where we will go next.” This was the first time you fully smiled at him with your signature laugh following after. No remnants of sadness stuck to you. He knew right then and there that he got you back. 
📖 Ford
𝄞 Ford was peacefully slumbering on the couch when the front door was slammed shut, scaring him awake. He jolted forward, the book that was covering his face fell flat on his lap, startling him. “[Name]?” He closes the book in his lap and pushes it aside. You didn’t respond and he was quickly resorting to the idea that it wasn’t you. Creeping towards your room, his knuckles knock on the door. “Sweetie?” He puts his hand on the knob and very slowly turns it. “I’m coming in.” He announces. Opening the door, his eyes land on your back. Quiet sniffles and hiccups could be heard coming from you and Ford’s heart clenched in his chest. He never liked hearing you cry. “[Name]?” He settles himself down on your bed. He couldn’t get to see your face properly since you were curled inwards with your blanket slightly obstructing your face, but he could see your body quiver as you suppressed your sobs. Ford sucked his bottom lip into his teeth. Equally as clueless as his brother, he doesn’t know how to approach this. He hadn’t had the slightest idea of why you’re crying and that truly bugs him. 
𝄞 His hand rests on your hip, fingers tapping in a soothing rhythm. “Wanna tell me what’s wrong?” He’s chewing on his lip, anxiety running its full race through his body, relentless and awfully energetic. He’s sure by the end of this, he wasn’t going to have a bottom lip from how much he was nibbling on it. You shuffle further into your blanket in response. “You don’t wanna talk about it?” He croaks out. He never liked when you pushed him away in your most vulnerable moments. He knows you mean well but he detests being in the unknown. You let out a small hum. He had learned over the years that two hums were yes and one was no. It was a very asbured way to communicate but it did come in handy when you weren’t in the mood to talk. This was a way of telling him that you weren’t in the mood prevented Ford from asking an assault wave of questions.
𝄞  “Do you want me to stay here with you?” Two hums. Patting your waist, he shuffles to the other side of your bed and plops down right next to you, mindlessly staring off into the ceiling. His anxiety was still pounding through his body, his clammy hands and beating heart proved that but it quelled a little of it knowing that you wanted him beside you. That you found comfort in his presence. He’d hope you did, he didn’t raise you all these years just for you to hate him. Wait, you don’t hate him, right? You could never hate him. He’s your dad! Can kids hate their own parents? He hated his dad so that can be a generational—
𝄞 “I think hear your overthinking from here, Dad.” Your voice comes out muffled from speaking through the blanket covering your face. He blinks, swallowing his doubt and looking over to your blanket covered face. “Sorry,” he lets out a dry laugh, scratching his cheek. “It wasn’t my intention to annoy you.” You pull the blanket down to the bridge of your nose, allowing Ford to see your irritated swollen eyes. “You’re not annoying me, Dad. You being anxious makes me anxious.” Ford cracked a smile. “Like father, like child.” That managed to pull a smile from you. “Unfortunately, I grow to be more like you everyday.” You say with a roll of your eyes. An overdramatic offended gasp leaves Ford. “And that’s a bad thing, how?”
𝄞 Playful banter was tossed between the two of you, each quick remark and quip allowed you to pick yourself up from the hole you were cowering in. After a while, you mustered up everything you had and told him about the break-up. Ford really couldn’t believe it at first. You had to repeat it to him twice much to your dismay but once he caught what you said, his face fell. “They were a waste of time anyways.” He said with a flick of his wrist. “Dad!” You weren’t expecting him to come off so strongly over hearing the news. “It’s true. They couldn’t even take my work seriously! How could someone laugh at my face when I tell them that aliens are real? Someone is clearly stuck in the stone ages.” 
𝄞 He was riding on the mindset of you need to forget this person and move on. Wallowing over losing them wasn’t ideal and you need to distract yourself with other things to prevent yourself from dwelling back on the thought of them. He was done with your ex, so should you. But he was real quick to find out that you weren't exactly like him in that aspect. He’d find you resting on the couch, eyes mindlessly staring at the TV as you’re cuddled up with blankets upon blankets. Tear marks were stained on your cheeks. Maybe you couldn’t distract yourself? Maybe he should be the one that distracts you? He’d scribble drawings of you and him on a piece of paper and fold it up into a cute little airplane and toss it over to you. You would unwrap the little gift with a smile, tears clouding your eyes. “Aw, Dad...” You held the piece of paper to your chest.
𝄞 Your favorite dinner would be cooked almost everyday, and if you have more than one, you bet he’d be coking it up in the kitchen, offering different favorite meals every night. Anything that would bring the smile on your face back. Adventures out into the woods, just like old times, was a thing he’d bring you along with. Even when you did protest and groan, whining how you would rather cry into your pillow, Ford stood his ground and made sure that you got ready for the adventure he had meticulously planned. The minute you step into the familiar lush woods, a sense of calmness falls over you and suddenly you’re a kid skipping around in the woods, in search of anything to show Ford so he could write about the new discovery in his book. Finding old discoveries lightened a smile on your face and unknowingly to you, Ford would draw you in his book like how he did when you were younger. Old habits die hard. 
𝄞 A lot of nights were spent you talking your feelings out to Ford. He was a good listener and had a few quips of advice to lend over, since he’s been in a similar but not so similar predicament. But he was more intent on listening to your concerns and anxieties. “I can’t believe I let them do that!” You plop your back down on your bed, anger spilling out of you in sharp words. He shook his head, a very sassy “mhm,” leaves him. “They didn’t deserve you anyways.” He moved his finger side to side. “Why are you acting like that?” You laugh, gingerly pushing him. “Don’t your friends act like that when something happens?” You beam from ear to ear, a loud laugh escaping you. “No! Where did you even get that from?” Ford shrugs. “I don’t know. I just thought they did?” He pretended to act clueless and with a big smile of his own, he watched you curl up in laughter over his ridiculous act. He could only think of how much he missed your smile and beautiful laugh. 
𝄞 Seeing your ex at the mall was a surprise both for him and them. Ford was scanning the shelves in search of something to get you when they approached them. “Sir, do you need any he…” Their words die in their throat when they register who they’re talking to. Ford hasn’t made the correlation yet, his attention so wrapped up in finding you the perfect gift. “Do you need any help?” They repeat, their voice cracking. Ford lazily looks over to them, dismissing them before looking back. Then, a look of recognition washes over him and he whips his head over to them. “You!” He loudly yelled. Customers in the store glance over to them. “Mr. Pines, keep it down.” They stressed out, teeth gritted together. “I will–.” An idea came to mind. “I’m sorry.” He rolled his shoulders back, untensing them. They look to the side, uncomfortable with the sudden change. “You’re sorry?” They repeat in disbelief. “Yeah, yeah. I’ll be on my way.” A strained smile pulled to his face as he bid goodbye. Stepping out of the store, he sees you happily munching on a blueberry muffin you bought from the bakery. “Hi, Dad! You got anything?” He looks around you. “Do you have any food?” You place your muffin down on the table and grab the bag full of treats. “Yeah. I got some–” Ford dipped his hand in the bag and pulled out a cookie. His other hand digs into the inner pockets of his coat and pulls out a vial of pink sprinkles. “I knew I was going to use this at some point.” He mutters to himself, popping off the cork. “What are you doing?” You ask, watching as he sprinkled it onto the cookie.
𝄞 “You’ll see.” He winks at you before scooping it off the table and walking back into the store. Minutes later, he comes out with a big sinister smile on your face. “What did you do, Dad?” He pointed at the entrance of the store and it didn’t take long to see what he did. A flamingo human-like creature erupted into the store, squawking crazily as their head desperately swiped from side to side, looking for someone. Their black beady eyes landed on you and Ford. An angry squawk was heard from them, their chicken like legs slapping on the floor as they charged at you and Ford. “Run!’ Ford grabbed your wrist and darted away. In a quick swiping motion, you grabbed your bag full of treats before being whisked away. Loud bird noises were heard behind you and you couldn’t help but laugh. “Who is that chasing us?” Ford took a quick turn into another store, shuffling past people and hiding in a discreet corner with you. “That may be your ex angrily chirping at us.” You clapped your palm onto your mouth, an effort to muffle the laughter that left you. “Of course you’d do something like that!” The rest of the day was stealthily trying to escape the mall without being pecked to death by a very angry flamingo. When you did, you were laughing all the way to the car. “Do you always have that around for times like this?” Ford nods. “You’ll never know when you need to make someone a flamingo.” The automatic slide door pulls apart. “Pines!” The now fully turned flamingo human hybrid squawked out. “Get in the car, hurry!” 
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Taglist: @boredwithlifeatthispoint, @lovexsage, @teddycricketdream, @theilluminatidragonqueen, @raventeen @cedarmoonzz, @katharine3000
dm or comment if you want to be added to my taglist :3
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noemilivv · 7 months
hey! i love your stuff and think its pretty cool
just wondering if i could get a lucifer fic where the reader is like, adams sister? (lets ignore the lore for a sec) and shes like him but toned down a tad and less straight up bad. and they kinda date in heaven a bit before he falls and then shes sad and ends up falling aswell eventually and he gets all blushy flustered when he sees her again in charlies hotel and charlies just really confused
also maybe a quick flash to him mocking adam abt how he not only stole both his wives but also his sister
sorry if this is written badly i never send requests :>
this is actually rlly cute wtf
anyway, yes ofc i can write it for you, here you go!!
Warnings: Fem!Reader, Sexual References (No Smut)
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“Mr. Took-Yo-Sis!”
Lucifer x Adam’s Sister!Reader
Lucifer had his fair share of significant others in his life, but there was only one that he truly loved, Y/N.
They had a relationship during his time in Heaven, which was eventually cut short as he fell not long after.
Y/N’s brother, Adam, didn’t like Lucifer, in the slightest. Lucifer had been with two of Adam’s wives, and he was not happy about that.
Unbeknownst to Lucifer, his beloved, had fallen not long after he did. But that was about to change.
Charlie, your first friend in Hell, was getting her rehabilitation hotel set up for her fathers arrival, various decor was hung, and (burnt) cookies were baked.
Charlie stood next to the door before taking a deep breath, “Okay everyone.” She said, getting ready to open the door, “It’s showtime!”
“Charlie!” A man’s voice says, you couldn’t see him, but his voice rings a bell.
“Hey da-” The blonde man runs up to his daughter, and squeezes her tightly, you finally got a good look at his face and… holy shit, it’s Lucifer.
“Oh, it’s so good to see you!” He exclaimed in a babyish tone, yep, Lucifer. “It’s uh, good to see you too, dad!”
Luci let’s go of his daughter after a moment, Charlie steps to the side, presenting to her father “Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel!” She says, as confetti pops out of two of Pentious’ non working canons.
“Wait…” Lucifer murmurs, before his eyes widen.
You grin, ‘Fuck yes, he remembers me!’ You think to yourself.
“Hi again, Luci.” You say, a wide smile present on your face, as you approach him.
You both smile at eachother, before some incoherent, awkward mumbles are exchanged, ‘Shit, I did not think this through.’ You thought. Then both just settle on giving eachother an awkward but friendly hug.
“Uh… Dad?” Charlie said, focusing both of your attentions to her, “You know eachother?”
“Oh, me and dear Y/N here go way back, we used to fling around if ya know what I mean!” Luci said, pointing finger guns at his daughter awkwardly, as she gave an awkward yet also disturbed smile, as your face flushes a bright red.
Vaggie steps forward. “Wait. Y/N? Like the Adam’s sister Y/N?” She asks, eyeing you in shock, “Heh. Yeah. A lot has happened since I fell.” You say bashfully.
Everyone kinda stares for a moment, sort of in shock, they had no idea you had a relationship, let alone you fell from Heaven, let alone you were Adam’s sister.
“So uh…” Lucifer starts awkwardly. “Who’s up for pancakes?”
Bonus Scene -
“So this is what you’ve been up to since Eden? Gotta say, you’ve let yourself go.” Lucifer jokes, as Adam attempted to toss him around. “You judging me? You’re the most hated being in all of creation!” Adam says, flying after him.
“Well you’re first wife didn’t seem to hate what I had to offer her.” He said, putting a ‘V’ to his lips with his fingers. “Or the second.” He spoke, continuing to fly. “Or Hell, even your sister!” He said laughing, thrusting his hips back and forth, referring to what they’ve done in bed. “Bicka-chow-cho!”
“I will fucking end you!” You heard your brother scream to your (ex)boyfriend.
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sparkles-and-trash · 8 months
dabihawks silly, birdy fluff!
"Next week we're moving into the PLF mansion," Dabi said drowsily.
"The PLF mansion," Hawks repeated.
At first, Dabi figured Hawks' little habit was just a way to confirm intel. It was quite annoying, but the intel he got in return was good, so Dabi ignored it for the time being.
But then, as they moved into the PLF house and Hawks started being around more, Dabi realized it definitely wasn't an intel thing, and worse so, it seemed like he only did it with Dabi.
Dabi would say something like;
"Move over Pigeon, big ass wings don't give you the right to take up the entire couch."
And Hawks would chuckle and repeat;
"Big ass wings."
Dabi just rolled his eyes. It was just banter, after all, which was sort of their whole thing.
Until it wasn't.
The night had started out normal enough, just Dabi and Hawks being the last two to sit around the in one of the lounge rooms in the LOV part of the mansion, the casual vibe oddly disarming.
They're watching some stupid reality show on Sceptic's account (that he has no idea they have the password to), and Dabi, as usual, could not keep his mouth shut.
"You cannot tell me you think that guy is there to find someone to marry?!" Dabi exclaimed loudly as he gestured to the TV, and Hawks chuckled.
"Why else would he be there?" the hero asked,
and Dabi rolled his eyes.
"Fame and attention, obviously," he replied.
"Obviously," Hawks repeated and Dabi huffed.
They're quiet for a few moments again, just watching the show, before Hawks speaks up again.
"Why would people want fame and attention, anyways? It kinda really sucks, no?"
Dabi looks over at the hero for a while, trying to decipher if this is genuine or not.
"Thought you love your fans," Dabi says with a side eye, and Hawks shrugs.
"Most of them are nice, but I'd love to just be..." the hero trails off for a second.
"Just be?" Dabi asks, and Hawks nods.
"Just be."
Dabi cleared his throat to buy him some time before he figured out how to pry a little further.
"Maybe when we're all done here, you can," he finally says, and Hawks lights up at that.
"Maybe when we're done!" he repeats, and Dabi looks at him for an extra beat.
"Okay, what gives dude?" he finally asked.
Hawks just looked at him with those stupid, wide eyes.
"What gives?" he asked, and Dabi threw his hands out in frustration.
"Why the fuck do you always repeat something I say back to me?!"
The realization hit Hawks' face so suddenly it almost made Dabi feel bad.
Golden eyes widened, freckled cheeks blushed, and his pretty mouth fell open slightly, before he somewhat got himself together and and rubbed the back of his neck self-consciously.
"You've noticed that,
heh?" the blond awkwardly asked, and Dabi rolled his eyes.
"Kinda hard not to."
Hawks hummed, but didn't elaborate right away.
"It's... it's a bird thing, alright?" the hero finally admitted, and now it was Dabi's turn to be taken by surprise.
"A bird.. thing?" he asked.
Hawks nodded and chuckled awkwardly.
"Mimicking is like, a natural part of my brain?"
Dabi huffed.
"Then why do you only do it with me?" he asked, and Hawks sighed.
"Dude, I don't know, okay? It just happens."
Dabi looked at him suspiciously.
"I'm gonna google it," he finally decided, and Hawks laughed.
"Sure, do that Hot Stuff."
Hawks went back to watching their show, and Dabi googled. It was quiet for a while, before a smirk started growing on Dabi's face.
"Birdie," he said, getting the hero's attention.
"Hm?" the blond said, not looking away from the tv.
"Are you like... courting me?" Dabi asked with a grin, and Hawks whipped his head around to look at him.
"What?!" he squawked, and Dabi laughed.
"Mimicing is a way for birds show their potential mate that they find them interesting and -"
"It does NOT fucking say that!" Hawks gasped as he threw himself towards Dabi to grab his phone, but Dabi was quicker and moved away in time.
"Yes it fucking does!" Dabi laughed, not missing the way Hawks' face was turning very pink again where he was laying half way over Dabi's lap in his failed attempted at grabbing the phone.
"Well I am NOT courting you!" Hawks huffed as he sat up and pouted slightly, face growing redder by the second.
Dabi felt a weird warmth in his chest that he wasn't quite ready to decipher.
"That's a shame then, pretty bird," he said with a slightly softer smirk, and Hawks looked over at him with a mix of embarrassment and curiosity.
"Why?" he asked, still slightly pouting.
Dabi smiled.
"Maybe I'd be a little flattered by a traditional bird courting," he said with a shrug.
Hawks finally looked over at him properly again.
"Are you making fun of me?" he asked with a small smile.
Dabi laughed softly.
"Oh definetly," he said with a grin, and Hawks rolled his eyes.
"But... I also kinda mean it," Dabi added, and Hawks's face lit up slightly again.
"Good to know," he said in a failed attempt to sound chill, and Dabi chuckled as he moved a little close to the hero and brushed his hand up against his wing gently.
"Good to know," Hawks chirped back, and for once Dabi didn't find It annoying at all.
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equestriagirl16 · 2 years
You accept Neige’s offer to transfer to RSA~💔
(Alternative pt.2 from here -🌹)
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“Please Y/N, you’d fit in so well at RSA!” Neige’s familair voice rang throughout the courtyard you were trotting through after another day of classes. Your friend from across the way once again, despite his best intentions, absolutely insisted that you transferred to RSA here and now. For what you figured to be the 100th time.
“Neige I already told you-”
“I know I know, but you don’t get it Y/N! NRC isn’t a place for someone like you. Your heart and soul are way too pure, you’d have so many friends and a warm welcome waiting for you at RSA. You just have to let me take you there!”
Unbeknownst to you both a few of your said NRC friends may or may not have been purposefully eavesdropping on your conversation ever since they caught wind that the little do-gooder stopped by. Secretly they feared your answer, they knew that they didn’t give you the easiest time here. Perhaps someone as kind as you would find a better place at RSA, and maybe they should try to accept that rather than fight it for your own benefit.
“You’re…you’re right.”
Your dark haired friend immediately froze in shock at the apparent acceptance, but softened hearing your somber voice. Those who honed in on your conversation beyond your knowledge felt waves of dread wash over them, but listened on hoping to the great seven that they heard wrong.
“No one treats me right here, I clean their messes and slave away like I’m in some sort of tragic fairytale.”
You tried and failed to suppress the hiccup that left your throat. All this time after Neige’s constant pestering, no matter how much you tried to deny the offer. Just one more attempt was enough to break the damn.
“I love them but- I don’t want to feel like this anymore. I’m so powerless, like nothing I ever do will be enough.”
Neige places a sympathetic hand on your shoulder, you reciprocate the gesture by crashing your head into his body. Hiding the tears that were welling up from anyone’s gaze.
“Like any day I could just die if I make someone mad enough…”
You were quickly embraced in protective hold after you let out a defeated chuckle.
“I’m so tired Neige. Please- please help me.”
You felt the hasty movement of Neige fervently nodding in agreement. When all was said and done, he lead you away from the courtyard with a supporting arm so you two could continue to plan elsewhere. Perhaps with time and with this choice you’ve made, things could finally change. Because those you left behind would never be same.
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Legs weak arms heavy(mom’s spaghetti), as they fell to their knees. Anything they could see was blurred and all they could feel was a pain in their chest that hurt worse than any punishment they could face from a professor. You were their best friend and yet they had no idea you felt like this. So soon enough your your pain became theirs. They have to do something, ANYTHING! Please just- PLEASE don’t leave them!! They’re so fucking sorry, but all they can do now is mourn over your choice.
- ACE & DEUCE, Kalim, Floyd, Epel, Cater
Very much in the bargaining and denial phase, they REFUSE this reality and they REFUSE this awful decision you’ve made! And curse that RSA nuisance for pestering you so, pushing you to the brink, this was just as much his fault as it was anyone else’s! They may have been ignorant to your pain but they can change! What do you need???!! They’ll give you anything, they’ll give you the world. Respect, fame, no one would ever be cross with you again as long as they had anything to do with it. You belong here, with them! They know it’ll upset you, but they won’t let you leave that easily as they stomp away already concocting a plan to block your path and change your mind.
VIL, RIDDLE, MALLEUS, Leona, Azul, Jade & Floyd, Sebek
Heh, that’s ok! They kinda knew all along you didn’t feel the most like yourself here. From the shadows they always saw how you suffered, and worked yourself to the bone but didn’t say a word. Even if they did they only encouraged you to push on further, giving you a helping hand and a warm smile. If they could make you laugh maybe you’d feel ok again! But deep down it hurt them to think that maybe, just maybe you weren’t happy here. Low and behold they were right. I-It’s fine though, with this you’ll finally be happier! No place is better for that than RSA, and even though it’ll hurt like a bitch they’ll be there. They’ll help you pack and wish you goodbye. You won’t always be around but at least they know you’ll come see them again, right?
Kalim, TREY, Ruggie, Silver, LILIA, Rook, Jack, Ortho
Numb, nothing. Just at an utter loss, complete defeat. They did this to you, they pushed you to feel this way. All their problems, all their emotions. EVERY. SINGLE. THING! That could’ve possibly pushed you to the edge was their fault, and even if it wasn’t they still did nothing to support you! You were just a human in their eyes, and when you became so much more they barely showed it. They fucking failed you, they hurt you, and they broke you. They’ll never forgive themselves for as long as they live. Even if they won’t make you stay, nothing in all the worlds will ever hurt more than watching you go.
JAMIL, Riddle, Azul, Idia, Leona, Vil(*cough* just the entire overblot gang *COUGH*), Malleus
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togethernow · 3 months
Get ready for an extra special edition of Headcannons!
They're in no particular order btw
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The Paddlers and the Cosmic Paddlers (and I guess the space and cosmic dancers too) are agender!
Yeah their whole general species is agender. They also reproduce asexually (as in paddler babies just pop up out of nowhere)
Oh yeah... on the topic of people from space...
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Cosmic girl is trans! (A trans girl to be more specific)
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DJ Yellow and DJ Blue are both gay
And dating!
Aheehee they're so so so SO cute
I think DJ Blue always had a crush on Yellow, and since Yellow is always was a physical affection sort of guy even towards friends, Blue always felt super flustered Yellow would hug him or something.
For Yellow, it took a while, but I think he fell in love with Blue after about 2-3 years.
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Student Rocker/Deshi/Cecil/whatever you call them is non binary!
They go by they/them
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JJ's demi aroace!
He's pretty standoffish and I feel like if he did fall in love with someone, he would still act all cold and distant. (There will be signs though!)
hehehehe flustered JJ...
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Wandering Samurai's aroace!
Literally cause while they were out dating n stuff he was here studying the blade
Also I thought it would be funny cause a bunch of ladies like him
I mean he's still flustered cause you would be too if a lady just up and lunged at you, right?
He's more interested in keeping the peace instead of saving the damsels though
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And it's allllll you guy's fault TwT/hj
They are the epitome of banger date idea: fight another couple
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Adore is pan!
Heh heh fun fact she actually has a pretty big crush on Assistant (you guys didn't hear that from me btw)
Oh yeah, speaking of Assistant...
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She likes girls :3
Does she like Adore back? Idk maybe ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
(and yes I'm getting these from rhwiki.net, the superior rhythm heaven wiki)
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Ann Glerr is aroace and agender!
In terms of everything in life, it really said "Nah, I'd fish."
She goes by she/it btw
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Squirrel dude's also aroace!
(Gee, so many aroace people today...)
(Totally no bias here >:3)
Also because I thought it would be funny
I feel like for Squirrel especially, he legitimately does NOT understand what romance is, despite how long he's been with his colleagues for
Like he just thinks it's like friendship+, which it kinda is? But not at the same time?
Idk Squirrel man, keep studying the science of love and one day, you might get it
And last but not least...
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Ok gotta explain them
Skip this next section if you don't want to read a MASSIVE MASSIVE LORE DUMP
Uhhhh so basically in high school Pitcher was uhhh...
not doing too good
For reasons I'll probably explain in the future, (idk how far into the future), she was hit with the dysphoria™ and had this whole like mysterious/tough kid persona
I'll be referring to Pitcher as he in this next segment, as that was how he wanted to be called back then
He was part of the school's coed baseball team, and would wear his baseball uniform all the time, avoiding classes and hiding out in the boy's bathroom or the roof for most of the day.
He had very little friends, like Julia/Senpai/His Crush/whatever you call her since they were childhood friends, They weren't that close, though, since Senpai was very busy with studying or student council meetings or whatever (she was, in fact, the Ultimate Senpai!). Pitcher had A Boy/Romeo/Kouhai as his main friend for a while, due to their troubles in making friends with others (Pitcher cause of his standoffish-ness and Kouhai because of his social anxiety).
But there was also...
Oh sweet, chipper, who shines just like the sun Reporter. Reporter was a popular girl who got along with just about anyone you could think of. That made her job of being the reporter for the school newspaper very easy. That, in turn, made her appear at many schools events, like school dances, tournaments, and... baseball games.
Reporter was supposed to interview players for a segment in the newspaper the next week and she noticed a person she never saw in the school before.
Pitcher saw her approaching and hid somewhere before she could interview him. 'Damn, it's that annoying ass girl' he probably thought. From behind the bleachers, Pitcher watched her interview his other teammates, making sure that she wouldn't come her way. However, as he looked at her, he realized something.
'Ghghghhh... She's so damn cute!'
I mean like, Pitcher VERY WELL knew he was attracted to girls, even in like middle school, but most of those girls were like, beautiful celebrities on tv n such. Reporter was different, though. The way she was always so chip n cheerful, the way she always added meaningful comments in conversations no matter what, Pitcher felt something deep inside him. Like he wanted to squeeze the life out of her, but not in a malicious way or anything.'
'Damn, no wonder why everyone wants to talk to her...'
His hand covered his burning cheeks. Was he really getting this flustered over Reporter of all people??? He growled and scampered home, not wanting to think of it any longer.
Meanwhile, the event was winding down, and Reporter realized that she still didn't get to talk to the infamous, elusive pitcher. She looked and asked everywhere, but she couldn't find him no matter what. Eventually, she reluctantly went home herself.
On the way, her mind exploded with various scenarios on how a conversation with the pitcher would go. What would it be like to sit down face to face with him and talk about whatever? What would the inner thoughts of someone like that be like? Why did she never see him until today? Before she knew it, her heart was racing, and not just because she really wanted to talk to him. That day, she vowed
"I'm gonna talk to him no matter what!!!"
Annnnnnd ramble over
If you made it to the end, you're a real one. Thanks for sticking along. Happy pride month to you all!!
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spicysix · 7 months
girls make me wanna die
"the way we met not so unique / on the internet we make up things / a different story every person we see i'm writing poems and they're all online / under a different name, nothing like mine / i tried to tell her once, on a drunken night / but it came out all fucked like a bad pickup line i don't know when i fell. she doesn't know as well"
rating: T warnings: Eddie's trans in this fic, it's not a major plot point but it is a major Eddie characteristic heh. also, this is an Edancy fic, meaning Eddie and Nancy and i know that's not everyone's cup of tea so please for the love of god if you're not interested in this pairing, keep that to yourself, scroll the page, leave the fic untouched. don't like, don't read, all the maners. i think that's it word count: 6.1k author's note: fic idea and title from the song of the same name by The Aces. written for Lex's Spicy Six Summer Fanwork Challenge, for the prompt "rooftops". yes, i know i'm a little bit late (just six months), but it is Summer where i live right now so i think it still counts lmao. thanks again for hosting @thefreakandthehair ♡ also super thanks to my beautiful betas robin (@ronancevibes) and frankie (@blubblesandink) ♡
↳ read on ao3
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The first time Eddie saw her, she thought she was a mirage.
It was Steve’s birthday party, and since the guy was still as popular as he used to be in high school, his house was packed. Eddie hadn’t seen her when she first arrived, and she later found out it was because she had been upstairs finishing getting ready with Robin.
But as she came down the stairs, all dolled up, a true femme divinity of Eddie’s most sapphic dreams, the neon lights were hitting her just right in a way that encompassed her with pink, purple and blue all around and it was one of the prettiest sights Eddie had ever seen. Eddie stood right at the end of the stairs and stared up at her, jaw on the floor, probably drooling all over her chin.
She probably could’ve fallen right then and there.
If she hadn’t looked at Eddie, still standing dumbly in the way, up and down with her eyes narrowed and lips turned down into a frown before she opened them to say, with the most velvet smooth, passive-aggressive voice Eddie had ever heard:
“Can you move?”
It wasn’t a request. It was a demand.
Eddie kinda wanted to bitch-slap her for it, but her own body betrayed her as she moved out of the way instantly and she smiled at her — almost fondly, but venomous, also all passive-aggressive and, honestly? Delicious.
“Thank you, sweetheart.”
Eddie was pissed off and aroused to her deepest corners, and she would later find out that it wouldn’t be the first time Nancy Wheeler would piss her off and still have her do whatever she demanded with that silky way of hers.
Eddie didn’t see her anymore at all after that at the party, and still had no idea who she was for a whole week before she ran into Robin at the grocery store. She asked her who the girl was, describing her looks and clothes. She tried not to be too obvious about her annoyance and also attraction to the mystery girl, and she thought she succeeded because Robin didn’t shoot her one of her bombastic side eyes.
“Oh! Short curly bob, about yay high?” Robin asked, gesturing somewhere around her chin level. Eddie nodded as she turned to pick up some sugar. “Yeah, that’s Nancy.”
Eddie stopped with her hand mid-reach. “Steve’s ex, Nancy?” she asked.
“The one and only,” Robin snickered and Eddie blinked a few times in shock before proceeding with her shopping.
Eddie thought she knew a lot about the infamous Nancy Wheeler, because she had befriended Steve right after Nancy had broken his pure little himbo heart, almost eight years before. She knew Steve and Nancy had worked things out and were friendly now, but didn’t know they were friendly enough for Steve to invite her to his birthday. She shared those thoughts with Robin, who chuckled teasingly.
“Oh, sweet summer child. You have no idea of the intricacies of our friend group, do you?”
That was true. Eddie knew of Steve and Robin’s friend group from their hometown and she knew that it was a whole beautiful mess off queerness, but she hadn’t met anyone but Robin so far, even with the almost eight years of friendship with Steve — and probably only knew her because Steve and Robin were glued at the hip. She knew of Nancy, and of Jonathan, and of course, knewRobin’s girlfriend Vickie, but didn’t know what their intricacies were.
She was honestly a little scared to ask at that point, so she just shrugged and Robin and her continued their shopping talking of other stuff from then on.
She saw Nancy again a couple of months after Steve’s party, because then it was Vickie’s birthday party, and at least this time Chrissy was able to go so Eddie wouldn’t have to be stuck to Robin the whole night.
“I’m so glad I’m not missing this one. I mean, Vickie’s a great girl and of course she’s the main reason, but that Jon boy was looking delicious in the pics Steve posted and I’m so sad I missed seeing him looking like that,” she was rambling on and on about her crush as she reapplied lip gloss on the way to the bar Vickie chose to have her small party at. “Did you meet him at all?”
“No, I only saw him passing by. He did look good, smelled amazing too,” Eddie replied with a grin.
“Ugh, you’re no good as a best friend. You know I’ve been in love with him ever since Steve posted that picture last November! You had to befriend him!” she complained but she had a smile on her shiny pink lips.
“You can’t be in love with him, bitch, you don’t even know him,” Eddie replied.
“I so can, bitch. I feel it in my tits,” Chrissy ended the discussion as the Uber parked in front of the bar, and they left it laughing loudly after thanking the driver. “In my heart, I mean. Under the tits. If he’s not here today I’ll leave immediately!”
“I’ll tell the birthday girl you said that,” Eddie sing-sang as she started walking faster towards the bar entrance. Chrissy yelled after her as they walked through the doors still laughing.
To Chrissy’s delight, the Jon boy was there in all his scrawny glory where he sat across from Vickie at the table they reserved for the birthday. Vickie was excitedly talking to him about something, gesturing all around her as Robin looked at her with pathetic heart shaped eyes. Nancy, sitting beside Jonathan, was also paying attention.
No, she was not the first person Eddie noticed.
Eddie and Chrissy approached the table and Steve lit up at the sight of them from where he was sitting on the other side of Vickie.
“There they are! My favorite sapphics club is complete!” he was getting up from his seat as he talked, and Vickie wrapped up her story before getting up to greet them too.
Jonathan turned to Nancy and they whispered between them, and Eddie would’ve thought they were talking about Vickie’s story if Nancy hadn’t shot her a look from over Jonathan’s shoulder. He then looked over too and smirked before turning back to Nancy and saying something that made her hide a laugh behind her wrist.
“Why do you surround yourself with so many sapphics anyway?” Chrissy asked as she and Steve separated from their embrace, and Eddie finally tore her look away from Nancy and Jonathan to hug Vickie tightly.
“It’s the ally in me,” Steve answered and it got him a slap from his favorite sapphic who had also gotten up to greet the newcomers.
“You’re literally queer too,” Robin said as she made grabby hands at Chrissy for her own hug. Steve just cackled and shrugged.
They finished their greetings session and both Eddie and Chrissy handed Vickie their gifts — a matching set of earrings and a necklace — before walking back to the table. Aside from them, Jonathan and Nancy, there were only a couple more people that were introduced as Vickie’s work friends.
“Nice to finally get your name,” Nancy said with a smirk when Vickie introduced her to Eddie.
Eddie narrowed her eyes. “You didn’t ask for it when you were bossing me around like a bitch last time.” Eddie didn’t made clear who the bitch was. It was on purpose.
Nancy’s smile only widened with her answer as Jonathan hid a snort behind a cough.
“She tends to do that,” Steve said as he pulled a chair for Chrissy to sit at beside him.
“Excuse me?” Nancy asked, but she was still clearly being playful.
“Yeah, no, he’s right,” Jonathan said before sipping on whatever drink he had.
Nancy rolled her stupidly beautiful blue eyes. “Love when my exes team up against me.”
Eddie thankfully wasn’t drinking anything yet or she would’ve choked on liquid, and that would be worse than choking on thin air —which she did.
“What?” one of Vickie’s coworkers thankfully asked, and all of the long-time friends laughed together.
“Oh, isn’t that a long story…” Vickie giggled to her friend who just shrugged:
“We do have all night.”
Long story short, they all had had relationships in some way.
Not like Eddie or Chrissy could judge, since they both met Steve on different nights out and they both hooked up with him in the respective back alleys of the clubs they were in, and Chrissy and Robin were definitely flirting before Robin went all monogamist-serious with Vickie. And they wouldn’t judge even if it didn’t make them hypocrites because there was nothing wrong with all that anyway, but that’s an obvious statement.
But none of their things with each other had been serious or even consummated, meanwhile it was kind of funny that Nancy dated Steve and then Jonathan, and Jonathan dated Argyle who had been in the bathroom and appeared in the middle of the story, and who was now on his journey to woo Steve into a relationship, and Nancy and Robin also had a fling at some point and so did Jonathan and Steve.
Eddie felt tired at the end of the retelling and she had been sitting down the whole time.
“Ah yes, the amazing queer experience,” Vickie’s coworker who had initially asked commented at the end of it all.
They all laughed at that and the coworker — Eddie really didn’t get their name — waved a bartender over for some shots. Once they were delivered and everyone had gotten one, Coworker started a toast.
“To Vickie, and her hometown friends who all fucked each other!” they toasted, and everyone laughed louder as they clinked their tiny cups together before throwing the shots back.
Those were just the first shots of many that night, each round with a more ridiculous toast to accompany the ‘To Vickie’ one every time.
After a few hours Chrissy was best friends with Vickie’s coworkers, and Eddie still had no idea what their names were, and instead had found her way in between Jonathan and Argyle as they all talked about photography, an art they all shared their love for. Jonathan was actually a photographer himself. The talk went from classic photography, analog to digital, and just as they started talking about Instagram accounts, Chrissy stopped by, whispered something right by Jonathan’s ear that made him blush, and they left together. Eddie and Argyle traded knowing looks and continued the conversation without the person who had begun it, and soon Nancy took Jonathan’s seat instead.
“What’s the talk?” she asked while sipping her fruity cocktail that Argyle then took from her and drank before answering.
“Our favorite Instagram accounts. We were talking about photography, but…”
“Oh!” Nancy took her phone from the pocket of her dress — a dress with pockets, amazing; Eddie thought — and opened the app. “It’s not photography, but this one is my favorite of all times. It’s so inspiring to me,” she said as she found the profile she was looking for and then turned the screen for Eddie and Argyle to look at.
Eddie had a really hard time trying not to choke on thin air for the second time that evening.
The profile Nancy was showing was a poet’s page, by the name of M.W. and who posted small, handwritten poems with a beige and brown color palette, a drawn sheet ghost as their profile picture. Clearly anonymous, even with hundreds of thousands of followers, the person behind the poems and the page didn’t want people to know who they were.
The person behind the poems and the page was Eddie.
“What-” Eddie tried to talk, failed, cleared her throat and tried again, “What do you like about it?”
Nancy got this look on her face that Eddie hadn’t seen before so far. Something fond and sweet, her blue eyes like pools Eddie wanted to drown in. Her smile was wide and it turned her face to something entirely different, all the sharpness and sarcastic expressions Eddie had been graced with so far transforming into earnest softness.
“I’m a journalist, and I love writing and sharing stories. Poems have always been something I wouldn’t do, because they all seemed so hard and too complex and I always thought ‘normal’ people couldn’t do them,” she explained, looking Eddie in the eye the whole time. She was like Medusa, and Eddie was trapped paralyzed under her stare but with no intention of leaving any time soon. “And then all these modern poets came around on social media, and they have always spoken to me in some ways, but Emme…” She looked down at her phone screen again, that same soft look that made Eddie’s brain short-circuit. “I don’t know what it is, but they talk to me so personally. I love everything they write. They are delicate with words without losing their candidness, and forthright without losing their gentleness. I just… I’m very impressed and inspired by them.”
Maybe it was then.
Eddie, of course, had no idea what to answer to that. She received comments and messages every day about how her writing helped and affected people, but it had never happened in person because no one knew who she was. That was different. Nancy’s words echoed right into her chest, making it swell with pride, but she didn’t know how to respond. She just stared at the girl before her, hoping her expression wasn’t giving her away.
“That’s so nice, dude. They’re really nice poems,” Argyle said as he rolled through M’s feed. “Do you not like them, Eddie?” he asked, and Eddie shook her head to get out of her wandering thoughts before glancing at the screen Argyle was showing her.
She didn’t need to look too hard, she knew every single poem there by heart.
She shrugged. “I don’t… think too hard about poems, I guess,” she lied without thinking, already trying to come up with other topics she could suggest to stir the conversation before she admitted anything.
The only person who knew she was the one behind M.W. was Chrissy, and Eddie wasn’t ready to make it public — probably never would be. The words were too personal, open windows to her soul that she carefully curated, that she poured so much of herself into and she wasn’t ready to share the backstage of.
Eddie saw as Nancy’s eyes hardened again, as she shut her jaw firmly and she felt immediately sorry for her lie. She didn’t want Nancy to retreat, she liked seeing her vulnerable side. The side of Nancy that related to Eddie’s own vulnerability, even if she didn’t know it.
“Too bad.” And then she gave Eddie that sneering look, the same as she did from her superior level at the stairs of Steve’s house, that up-and-down look that made Eddie’s face turn into a scowl instantly.
Both their jaws clenched and they narrowed their eyes at the same time and stared at each other for what felt like hours, but was probably less than a minute, before getting up to walk to different directions, headed to different groups of other people to talk to.
“What the hell happened, man?” Argyle whispered softly to himself as he was left alone with all the tension still hanging in the air.
Eddie replayed that conversation in her head for many days after Vickie’s birthday. The gnawing feeling in the bottom of her stomach that threatened to burn her from the inside out appeared every other hour.
Why the fuck did she lie about not liking poems?
She didn’t have to tell them the truth about being M.W., but she could still have said something nice about Nancy’s passion for the poems. Not dismiss it completely, making it seem like she was a total bitch, causing Nancy to go back into her distrust, closing the doors to her vulnerability. Making Nancy think Eddie had no interest in her interests at all, like she was still holding a grudge over nothing, like they couldn’t bond over something they both loved.
The what-ifs and the should-haves kept eating at Eddie’s brain, sometimes so strongly that it was overwhelming, and she didn’t relax even a little bit about it for almost three weeks, when she met Chrissy for their monthly brunch together.
“What’s up with you today?” was the first question Chrissy asked over their mimosas, no need to be at Eddie’s side for long to realize that something was giving her anxiety.
It caused Eddie’s shoulders to slump down and her throat to get a little less constricted. Just knowing Chrissy cared enough about her to notice the small signs of her distress made some of the fog in her brain dissipate. It was easy to tell her everything after that, the scene she had caused, the disappointment in Nancy’s eyes, the way it made Eddie feel like shit. Chrissy heard it all quietly, attentively, as if Eddie’s life depended on it because she knew that Eddie felt like it did at the high of her anxiety.
“I think you like her more than you care to admit,” Chrissy answered at the end of it all.
Eddie didn’t like that Chrissy’s mind went straight into that area instead of comforting Eddie, but she rationally knew that Chrissy wouldn’t bring that up if it wasn’t relevant.
“Chris, I don’t even know her-”
Chrissy interrupted. “And I think you should be honest with her.”
“I can’t tell her-”
She did it again. “I’m not telling you to come out to her as Emme, I’m only saying you could honestly tell her she makes you kinda nervous and you stumbled over your words near her, and you said things you didn’t mean because you couldn’t think through.”
“Can you stop interrupting me!” Eddie whined. “Oh, so I just have to make a fool of myself in front of her? Solid advice, Chris, thanks.”
“Why’d you ask for my help if you’re gonna complain about what I say?” She asked, swirling her cup around.
“I didn’t ask for your help, Chrissy!” Eddie all but shouted, her voice a raspy tone, and Chrissy stopped mid-movement. Eddie instantly regretted it. “Sorry. I’m so sorry. Ugh, I’m so stressed out over nothing.”
She hid her face behind her hand, embarrassment making her cheeks burn up, but she soon felt Chrissy’s cool hand on top of her own. It was soothing once again.
“Sorry I pushed too. It’s not nothing, Eddie, I swear. I still think you can be a little more honest with her if you ever see her again, though,” Chrissy still advised.
“Maybe you’re right. I’ll think about it,” Eddie answered.
“And I still think you like Nancy more than you want to admit,” Chrissy continued.
Eddie let her hands fall from her face and stared into Chrissy’s blue pools. They reminded her of other blue pools.
Nancy’s pool blue eyes hardening over Eddie’s words, the way her jaw shut tight, the clinical look she shot at her. Nancy’s pool blue eyes softening over talking about Eddie’s words, the blush on her cheeks, the adoring speech she gave about Eddie’s soul without even knowing.
“Yeah, maybe you’re right about that too,” Eddie finally admitted.
Maybe it was then.
Summer was approaching and as the temperatures started to rise Steve hyped them all up for a lake day. Eddie took Chrissy, Robin, Vickie and Jonathan in her van; and Steve, Argyle and Nancy went in his car. They all brought snacks and smuggled drinks amongst card games and inflatable buoys.
The lake wasn’t packed because summer vacations still hadn’t started and the middle schoolers, high schoolers and college students still weren’t free to enjoy the scalding Sun and the cold water, so Steve’s idea was great after all.
Eddie waited until the Sun wasn’t at its peak to venture under its rays, because she was as pale as a vampire and the Sun was a menace to her just the same as it was to the blood-sucking monsters. She’d burn instantly. So she covered herself in sunblock, hid under the shadow of a big tree with one of Wayne’s old caps on her head and a book in her hands, and watched as her group of people had their fun.
Steve and Chrissy were playing with a volleyball in the sand, while Argyle and Vickie went against Jonathan and Robin in a game of chicken in the water with Nancy as the referee. Eddie had fun people-watching, and when it came to some of her new favorite people it was even better.
As midday approached, they all gathered under the barely-there shadow to eat their snacks and escape the dangerous Sun beams at their high. Argyle had some pre-baked space brownies for dessert and they all shared stories and laughed about nonsense. Eddie felt happy that she and Chrissy were finally being more included into the lives of Steve and Robin, and that their friends came along. It felt like they had always belonged there, as a full group. It was amazing.
When both the Sun and Eddie weren’t as high anymore, she finally felt safe enough to take off her shirt and cap. With another sunscreen layer applied, she stretched a bit before asking Chrissy to join her at the shallow ends of the lake. The pebbles hurt her feet in a good way and the smell of damp earth was refreshing.
“How’s it going?” Chrissy asked.
Eddie looked at her and saw that she was staring ahead. She followed the line of vision and saw Nancy taking a few laps in the deeper parts of the water. She instantly knew what Chrissy was asking.
“I might have been stalking too much on Instagram,” she answered, and Chrissy cackled.
“Does she follow you?”
“Uh, no. Her profile’s open,” she finished and Chrissy almost choked on her laughter.
Eddie tried to hide her smile, but Chrissy’s snorts were endearing even if they were at her expense.
“What are we laughing so hard about?” The subject of the conversation appeared out of nowhere, Robin and Vickie behind her as they approached.
Chrissy laughed harder.
“Uh, just this dude. You guys don’t know him.” Eddie tried to act casual, but Nancy’s raised eyebrow showed she wasn’t buying. Thankfully, she also didn’t press further. “Uh. Nice bikini,” she pointed at Nancy’s torso, immediately regretting it.
Nancy looked down, as if she didn’t remember what she was wearing. There was nothing special about it, just a different color in each of the little triangles covering Nancy’s breasts, but now all the attention was in it, on them, and Eddie felt like a complete fool. If she wanted Nancy not to know about her stupid not-crush, talking about her fucking boobs wasn’t the best course of action.
“Thanks?” she said, kind of asked, as her answer to Eddie’s random compliment. “Yours is pretty too.” She smiled sweetly, and Eddie was a hundred percent sure she didn’t deserve that kindness.
“Not just the bikini,” Vickie whispered a little too loud, causing Chrissy to fall into her laughing fit again. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry. That was so out of pocket.” Her freckled face was all red, and Robin was hiding a grin under her hand, and Nancy was suddenly looking at the water, brows pinched, pink cheeks, perched lips.
Interesting, Eddie thought.
“Ah, don’t be,” she answered Vickie. “I paid a hell of a price for them, they’re supposed to be admired.”
“Wait until you’re at a level three friendship clearance and you’ll get to see them uncovered. Maybe even touch,” Chrissy said, still in between chuckles.
“Well, yeah, I want to show them off!” Eddie spoke up.
Nancy coughed loudly. “I’ll go back to the-” she stopped herself and never finished her sentence before practically running back to the water, her body curving in a beautiful dive once she was deep enough.
Eddie felt glad she was still wearing her shorts, cause the tightness in them could get a little uncomfortable.
“You guys are funny,” Robin said, arm draped over Vickie’s shoulder, and her pointed look at Eddie’s profile seemed to mean something more.
“What do you mean?” Eddie asked.
Robin chuckled a little louder. “You and Nancy would get along real well if you stopped dancing around each other,” she answered.
Eddie bit the inside of her cheek before turning to look at the lake again. Nancy wasn’t doing laps anymore, instead she was talking to the boys. As if she felt Eddie’s eyes on her, she also turned to look back to the shore, and her gaze met Eddie’s.
She smiled so sweetly. As if Eddie had never insulted her, as if her vulnerability had never been hidden, she smiled the same way Eddie saw her smile when she talked about M.W’s words.
Maybe it was then.
“Still don’t know what you’re talking about,” Eddie lied, without ending her eye contact with the girl on the water, and her senses were so focused on only her that she didn’t even hear Robin and Chrissy’s snickering.
She really had to stop dancing.
Chrissy went to Eddie’s house and ruined her life on a simple Friday.
“You’re being so dramatic,” Chrissy said while Eddie paced around her living room, fingers tangled in her hair, and her phone still in Chrissy’s hand.
Eddie knew it had been a horrible idea to download Tinder to get over her not-crush on Nancy, and she knew it had been a horrible idea to tell Chrissy about it — but she went ahead and did both of those things anyway.
It started harmless enough, Eddie and Chrissy sat side by side, a bottle of wine shared with no need for glasses, a random movie on the TV as background noise. Chrissy giving her input on Eddie’s bio, her picture choices, the people she swapped right or left.
It started harmless enough, until Nancy’s profile showed up.
Only a few miles away, a stunning profile picture that made Eddie’s heart almost crack her ribcage, a bio that Eddie couldn’t even read entirely because suddenly her phone wasn’t in her hands anymore, and Chrissy was locking herself in the bathroom.
No amount of Eddie’s banging on the door made her get out, not until she felt like her mission was complete, not until after she swiped right on Nancy.
And then Eddie was spiraling, pacing around her living room while Chrissy finished whatever wine was left in the bottle, the movie had ended on the TV and Tinder was left open and forgotten on Eddie’s phone.
“You acted like a bitch and you know it,” Eddie said, and Chrissy only huffed. “Christine!”
“Calm down, I’ve told you already! It’s not like-” she paused mid sentence when the phone screen lit up. Chrissy’s eyes grew comically larger, and she bit her bottom lip tightly, the skin under her teeth going pale. “So, about that-”
“Christine!” Eddie yelled again, throwing herself on the couch and aiming for the phone already. “Please, for the love of god and all that is holy, please tell me she didn’t just-”
“You have a match,” Chrissy confirmed Eddie’s worst nightmares.
It was undeniable, right at the center of the screen, big bold letters in a way that Eddie couldn’t blame on drunkenness because she hadn’t even drank that much. She had a match with Nancy Wheeler.
“Why is that a bad thing? You have a crush on her anyway, you just learned it’s reciprocated?” Chrissy asked, already getting up to fetch another wine bottle.
“What if it’s a joke. What if she swiped in the wrong direction as an accident. What if she sat on her phone and butt-matched me. What-”
“Eddie, stop spiraling,” Chrissy told her, a new wine bottle in her hands that she passed to Eddie in exchange for the phone again. “We’ll keep watching whatever movie this is,” she checked the TV, saw the movie was over, “We’ll watch whatever other random movie and get your head out of this and tomorrow you’ll wake up renewed and look at this situation with fresh eyes and see it’s not that bad. Okay?”
“You just don’t want me to yell at you ‘cause you know it’s your fault,” Eddie grumbled.
“I won’t lie to you, my best friend, that is partly the reason.” Chrissy chose another random movie without really checking what it was. “But I also really don’t think it’s such a big deal.”
“Whatever,” Eddie whined again, but draped her head on Chrissy’s shoulder when she sat beside her.
She was warm, and smelled of berries and coconut, and she had Eddie’s phone so she couldn’t do anything stupid, and she usually knew better. She was probably right. Eddie let herself be comforted in the presence of Chrissy’s calming aura.
Eddie ended the night having no idea what the movie was about, her mental state a little over tipsy and a little under drunk, her phone back in her hands and the Tinder conversation with Nancy Wheeler opened.
She came to learn a lot in between one and six A.M., the time she spent talking to Nancy while Chrissy still snored beside her.
Nancy had a younger brother and a younger sister.
She loved ballet.
Her favorite singer was Madonna.
Her parents were divorced, and the day they told her the news was one of the best days of her life.
Some of her hobbies included journaling, roller skating, and painting her nails.
Her best friend was named Barb, and she was studying abroad for her PhD.
She legally owned a gun. That was terrifying. (And also a little hot.)
She had never used it, though. But felt safe having it.
She was power driven, passion driven, a force to be reckoned with, and kind and sweet while doing it all.
Maybe it was then.
Neither of them acknowledged the fact that they both had been assholes to each other, and just accepted the Tinder match as if it had been nothing more. Nancy had started the conversation as if they had already texted before, and Eddie just rolled with it.
They talked all night, and Eddie could’ve kept talking to her if she hadn’t passed out from sleep deprivation and alcohol consumption.
She only noticed the next afternoon, when she woke up, that she tried telling Nancy she was M.W. at the peak of her insanity, but thankfully had never sent the message.
She deleted it and said nothing else instead.
Eddie saw Nancy sooner than she expected — and, honestly, sooner than she was ready to.
She and Nancy hadn’t talked after that day, not at all, not on Tinder and not on Instagram after they followed each other. Nancy liked a couple of Eddie’s pictures and stories, and Eddie liked some of her stuff back, but that was it.
She thought it had dwindled out, she was too much of a coward to pull Nancy back to a conversation and thought Nancy had no interest when she also made no move to message Eddie again.
Eddie was nursing a minor heartache when she asked Chrissy to go with her to a party one of her neighbors invited her to merely a week later. It was at the rooftop of another building, fairy lights still turned off during the day but they would look beautiful by night, the Sun was warm and they had punch, so Eddie thought it to be the perfect place and opportunity to get her mind off of Nancy Wheeler.
Imagine her surprise to see Nancy Wheeler there?
Chrissy spotted her immediately, elbowing Eddie until she noticed too. She looked beautiful under the sun, all sparkly makeup and flowy dress and pulled-up hair. And Chrissy gave Eddie no time to think or react before pulling her by the hand straight into Nancy’s direction where she was talking to a short-haired girl.
“Christine, stop, what if they’re-”
“Nancy! Hi!” Chrissy didn’t let Eddie pour out her negative thoughts, and instead called to the source of all of Eddie’s most recent problems.
“Chrissy!” she smiled, oh so pretty. “And Eddie!”
Eddie didn’t want to get all delusional, but she felt like Nancy’s smile to her was wider than the one to Chrissy.
Chrissy hugged her, and soon came Eddie’s turn, and if she put a little more strength into her arms, and if she made it last just a second longer, and if she carefully sniffed Nancy’s hair — well, that’s her problem.
“So nice to see you two. This is Barb!” She looked at Eddie as she said it, maybe to see if Eddie remembered that conversation, and Eddie could never lose that opportunity.
She took a deep breath, inhaled some courage from the air, turned to Barb and said, “Heard only the greatest things about you.”
Barb smiled, and so did Nancy, and maybe, yeah, maybe Eddie was a little delusional and maybe she was a little biased but Nancy’s smile was wider and prettier and more important.
She touched Eddie’s arm after she hugged Barb, and she looked Eddie right in the eyes and there was something there —  some gratitude, some recognition, Eddie wasn’t sure what it was, but it was there.
And maybe it was then.
“So… what about that poem page? Still digging it?” Eddie asked hours later, when Chrissy was hooking up with a stranger in the bathroom and Barb had gone home already.
Nancy turned to pay attention to her immediately. They were leaning against the rooftop’s half-walls, Eddie’s jean jacket over Nancy’s naked shoulders cause there was a funny cold little breeze.
“Yeah, of course,” Nancy answered. Her eyes were sparkling, and the sun was setting, and the fairy lights were on.
She looked breath-taking.
“Still your favorite?” Eddie asked again, just because she needed to have that little pinch of Nancy Wheeler’s approval, even if Nancy had no idea.
“Still my favorite,” Nancy answered again, her eyes narrowing but smile widening a bit. “You still hate poetry?” she asked instead, and the slight twitch in the corner of her mouth was the only hint that she wasn’t as serious, that she was just teasing.
“I don’t hate poetry,” Eddie said with an accompanying eye roll and a small smile of her own. “I actually envy them. I wish I could say stuff that makes you feel… the way you feel. Instead of constantly annoying you.”
She kept a smirk as she said it, but it was a deeply honest confession. Of course, it was her words making Nancy feel the way she felt. But Nancy didn’t know that, and if she didn’t know that, did it really count?
Nancy’s expression softened as Eddie said it, those blue pools opening up for her again. Eddie felt like she would never get tired of it.
“You don’t constantly annoy me, just sometimes… most of the time,” she teased and nothing about her face said sarcasm and Eddie smiled wide back at her.
Nancy’s hand found Eddie’s, her fingers small and delicate and they fit right in between Eddie’s fingers, and it felt like it was meant to be, like the perfect puzzle pieces. There was music somewhere around them, lots of chatter from all the other people, but it all felt so distant as Nancy held Eddie’s hand so tight it almost hurt but it didn’t because it was her.
Maybe it was then.
Eddie wasn’t sure when she fell for Nancy Wheeler, but she knew for sure that’s when their story really started.
Six months later
“I knew it already,” she said.
Her hair was a bit longer by then, curling around her head like an aura and getting all knotted up right with Eddie’s hair as they laid side by side in bed. The air smelt like sex, like them, and the streets outside the window were quiet in the middle of the night.
“The fuck you did,” Eddie answered.
“I’m an investigative journalist, Eddie, of course I knew you were Emme like, two weeks after we started dating.”
“Shut the fuck up,” she said, and Nancy snorted. She knew Eddie wasn’t actually mad. “Why didn’t you say anything?”
Nancy instantly sobered up. “Cause it’s important to you. I wanted you to tell me, whenever you were ready. That’s your soul, Ed.”
It definitely wasn’t then, it had been long ago.
But it was then that Eddie confessed it, out loud, almost screaming in a whisper:
“I love you.”
Nancy smiled, her blue eyes two huge pools of vulnerability, that sweetness that poured out of her like honey.
“I don’t know when this happened. But. I love you too, of course.”
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tears0fsatan · 2 years
Could you also do an angst/comfort oneshot with "Please don't scare me like that again. I can take alot of things, but not loosing you." And "Just get the fuck over here and let me hold you." For bottom Mammon? I modified the last quote hope you don't mind!
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✦ ⊹ ˚˖ warnings... gn!reader [no pronouns used], relationship isn't specified, maybe a lil ooc [esp. towards the end but oh well], would u consider a summoning to be kidnapping, kinda sappy lololol
 :¨·.·¨ ♥︎  a.n... MY DARLINGS, MY SWEETS, MY ANGELS, REJOICE FOR I HAVE RETURNED momentarily!!!!! thank u for bein patient with me i'll do my best to sprinkle in a post here n there heh anw!! ofc i don't mind love! thank u for sending in so many submissions omg i feel so loved ;'D
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the sound of your laughter could be heard bouncing off the walls of devildom's plaza, followed by the sound of the avatar of greed's yelling. you wiped away the tears that pricked the corners of your eyes, taking in shaky deep breaths in an attempt to calm yourself.
"it's not funny! i don' get why yer laughin so hard, i'm tellin ya, i nearly died!" despite his words, there was a large smile on mammon's face. he looked at you with an empty glare, but all it did was send you into another fit of laughter.
"i'm sorry, i'm sorry, it's just," you couldn't stop the giggles that bubbled out of you, "it's so funny how you thought it was a good idea to scam a high priestess."
"it wasn't funny! them witches embedded all sorta magic in their weapons after that! it was so bad that i couldn't show my face in the human world for a century! plus it wasn't a scam, it was a one-sided beneficial agreement!" mammon defended himself, though he too couldn't help but let a few chuckles slip at the absurdity of the story.
he crossed his arms in front of his chest while grumbling simultaneously, "ain't my fault the dumb bastard didn't realise." you sighed at his comment, though the ends of your lips curled up in amusement.
"good thing they didn't get you or else we wouldn't be here right now." you joked, pulling him closer to you so you could rub his head. the demon yelped and tried to escape your grasp while muttering 'hands off my noggin' under his breath, though it was obvious he enjoyed the action as he put no strength behind his attempt.
everything was going well, so well that the two of you didn't notice the magic circle that appeared below mammon's feet and the sparks that began to cover his legs. there was no noise to indicate what was happening, and the two of you didn't realise until the demon just... vanished out of thin air.
you blinked in surprise at the quick flash of light followed by mammon's sudden disappearance. your hand that had been wrapped around his shoulder limply fell down to your side. your eyebrows furrowed in utter confusion and your feet were stuck in place.
"ma-mammon?" you hesitantly called out, your eyes roamed the plaza to try and spot him. the thought of it being a joke slowly started to dissipate the longer he was gone, and a heavy weight began nestling itself within your chest.
"mammon?!" your voice holds more urgency this time, your head frantically looks around in hopes you'd spot his discernible white hair in the crowd.
you don't.
you ran around the plaza, turning over every rock you saw but no matter where you looked, he just wasn't there. the sound of your heart beating wildly rang in your ears and your vision gradually blurred to the point you could hardly make out anything through the tears, yet you still couldn't tear your mind away from the missing avatar of greed.
you tried calming yourself, taking in deep breaths in hopes it would, at the very least, help you think rationally. you shakily unlocked your DDD to try and contact him, only to no avail. it doesn't help your growing anxiety in the slightest, but it does give you time to organise your thoughts.
your thumb shakily hovered over lucifer's contact, unsure of whether to inform the oldest demon lord of what's occurred. you try to recall if any of the brothers have mentioned something like this happening, and your mind can't help but wander to the conversation you two were having before mammon poofed out of thin air.
the only reasonable explanation you could think was is a summoning, given as there was no prior warning to his abrupt disappearance. your thoughts begin to divulge into a different sort of worry with your new found knowledge, mind scrambling at the things they could be doing to him while you were stuck frozen in place.
the knowledge that you are essentially powerless in this situation leaves a bitter taste in your mouth. with a heavy mind, you make your way back to the house of lamentation.
the walk back home and the moments leading up to you burying yourself in his bed were a blur, you hadn't realised just how much time had passed by as none of the brothers came to bother you. on top of that, your DDD had been silent too, there was no sign that mammon had even received your messages.
the occasional sniffle from the lump underneath the pile of blankets was the only indication of life in mammon's cold and dark room. you weren't sure how much time had passed since the incident, not that you wanted to know anyways.
a sudden creak from the doorway has jerked you out of your reverie, your head whips toward the direction of the noise and the tears well up before you can control yourself.
the light from the hallway illuminates mammon's silhouette and you can barely make out his disheveled appearance. a sob wrecks out of your throat and you scramble off his bed. some pillows and a portion of his duvet is on the ground but you don't notice, attention solely focused on the figure leaning on the door frame.
your movements were clumsy and your limbs felt heavy after not moving for ages, but you found yourself standing in front of him soon enough.
mammon avoided your gaze, his eyes, which you noted were unusually nervous, darted around the room. he had a complicated look on his face, as if he was feeling a myriad of emotions and couldn't control them.
a shaky breath made its way past your lips as you took in the sight of him. the demon flinched at your reaction, eyes quickly glancing at you before looking around the room.
the silence constricted around your throat, which made it hard to swallow. your mouth felt dry and your thoughts were jumbled, making it difficult for you to find the right thing to say.
it was clear that mammon felt the same, so you chose to blurt out the next thing that came to mind.
"fuck- just, please- just get the fuck over here and let me hold you." you somehow managed to croak out, your throat felt as if it was closing up but you paid it no mind. the demon flinched at the roughness of your voice but slowly trudged toward you. his eyes are cast downwards, focused solely on the ground and his feather light steps.
his steps started out slow and hesitant, before he rushed into your open arms. he buried his face into the crook of your neck and your hands tightly interlocked behind his back.
you could hear him take a deep breath and his hands gripped the back of your clothes tighter than before. the tears dripped down your face before you could make a move to stop it, though by the way mammon's fists clenched around the material of your top, you assumed that he wasn't as bothered by it as you had imagined.
"please, don't- don't scare me like that again. i can take a lot of things, but not losing you." your voice wavered, displaying your desperation to mammon without him having to see your face. the demon's eyes welled up at the sincerity behind your words and he couldn't stop the tears that trickled down his cheeks.
"i know you're a powerful demon lord 'nd what not, sniffle, but i'm still gonna worry about you." you subconsciously tried to pull him impossibly closer, to which the demon didn't bother to try and fight against, he needed this as much as you did.
a muffled "'m sorry." could be heard from where mammon had his face buried in the crook of your neck, with his forehead resting against your shoulder. the material of your top grew increasingly damp, but you weren't in any place to call him out for it.
you squeezed the demon in your arms ever so slightly, "it wasn't your fault." your tone was sharp and curt, despite your shaky voice from earlier, leaving no room for mammon to refute your words.
the two of you stood at the empty doorway for a moment, simply taking the time to bask in one another's much needed presence. with him in your arms, you felt the knots in your mind slowly untangled themselves and left you feeling relieved.
of course, you still had a lot to discuss with the avatar of greed but that could wait until he was ready. although his appearance was considerably shabbier compared to how well kept he usually looked, he wasn't injured. even while holding him, you had taken the initiative to inspect now that you were closer to him.
"why don't we go lay down? i'm sure you're tired, darling." you softly muttered, not wanting to disturb the peace. you could feel his head moving up and down against your shoulder, though he made no move to lift his head.
your hands tenderly cupped his cheeks, pulling his face away from where he had hid himself. your thumbs wiped the tears that continued to run down his cheeks and all you could offer him was a small, bitter smile.
"we can deal with it tomorrow. for now, i really just want to keep you in my arms." mammon let out a watery chuckle, his sorrowful expression from earlier was nowhere to be found.
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© 2022 TEARS0FSATAN. please don’t repost, modify or translate my works anywhere!
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I never flew in for suggestions so quick in my life I’m desperate for his man. I’d love to definitely see something with Jealous Krauser x f!reader where she is with Leon on this mission and the two have trained with Krauser in the past and seeing them close makes him jealous and worried that she’s moved on from him and he pulls her aside to have a chat (small angst, small fluff, slight smut). Jealous Krauser would just be **chef kiss**
Omg omg OMG. This is such a great idea! I fell in love with him since the remake came out (well, I'm down bad at this point), and this was so fun to write. I hope you like it!
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Krauser's eyes followed the two of you across the room. There was something about how that rookie looked at you that made him mad. On top of that, he could feel his blood boil whenever Leon would touch you. It didn't matter if there were simple touches, such as gentle pats on the back, they still annoyed him.
Krauser figure it out he had a crush on you the moment he saw Leon helping you with your aim. When he saw Leon so close to your body, he got so jealous that he almost killed the poor guy in the next training session.
The Major couldn't focus on his mission, which wasn't in his character.
"Hey, you alright?" Leon asked as he gently rubbed your back. He saw your distressed state and wanted to comfort you since it was your first mission and you were kinda nervous. Leon and Krauser had some sort of experience, but you were a rookie. So far, you have been grateful for having them by your side. You leaned your head over Leon's shoulder, and he pulled you closer. Then you wrapped your arm around his waist, listening to his encouraging words.
"C'mon, it will be easy, you'll see. If I survived a zombie outbreak, you can survive on this mission just fine."
Lucky for all of you, it wasn't something that involved BOWs. It was an undercover mission, but you were nervous regardless.
"Yeah, but you’re awesome and badass, and I’m just a rookie."
"Don't say that," Leon said in a soft tone. "You're awesome in your own way. I've seen you train with Krauser, and trust me, I wouldn't be able to last that long like you did."
"Heh, yeah..." you said, and you immediately blushed as some dirty memories appeared in your mind.
What Leon and the rest didn't know is that you and Krauser dated for a while. It was...magical. You thought that Jack would be cold and distant with you just as he was at work, but he surprised you with how gentle and caring he could be. However, Jack valued his work above anything else, and when the time came for him to choose the ending, it was obvious.
You went your separate ways, tried to move on, and now you look at this man who hugs and comforts, starting to see a possible new beginning. You're still not completely over Krauser, tho. This mission was already hard for you without his presence. You tried to ignore him as you were still pissed, but there was a small part of your heart that wanted to see him try to take you back. You hated how he ignored you and treated you like a normal soldier.
You raised your head and met Leon's eyes. He was looking down at you with what seemed to be the most carrying and gentle glance. Looking at his face almost made you forget about Krauser, but even after so much time, thinking about a man like this still feels like cheating.
"We have a mission to finish," you said as you pulled away. Still, Leon seemed to have a hard time separating from your body.
Krauser couldn't do anything but watch helplessly the whole scene from across the room. For him, you were still his girl, and seeing you so close to another man infuriated him. He hated when he felt so...vulnerable in front of his emotions. Still, he couldn't help but wonder if you were over him completely, because judging by how you and Leon acted recently, it seems that way.
Jack didn't want to lose you, he didn't want to see you with another man, especially one that he trained. He couldn't wait until the mission was finished, he had to act now.
He came from behind you and gently grabbed your arm.
"Y/N, a word?" he asked, annoyed.
"Uhm, sure."
Leon was busy talking with other agents and didn't notice you two leaving.
"So what's up?" you asked with your hands in your pockets, not knowing what to say. You were nervous, an emotional wreck, even as his mere touch brought up some feelings you thought were gone. It's been a while since you two were so close. On one hand, you were still angry with him, but on the other hand, you wanted him. You wanted him to touch you, to hug you, and to just kiss you on your cheeks, lips, and bruises like he used to do after every training.
"Nothing much, I just wanted to make sure you're ok that's all. I noticed you were kinda nervous."
Oh, please, like you care." You scoffed and turned around to join Leon and the rest.
"Already wanna go to your precious rookie, huh?" He teased, a smirk appearing on his face.
You froze for a second, then turned around again to confront him.
"Oh, grow up! He just tries to comfort me. If you'd pay attention, you'd learn a thing or two."
"Oh dear, but I've been paying attention, and all I could see was two agents fooling around instead of focusing on the damn mission!"
"Fooling around?! Never mind, that's all you care about anyway." You shouted, not caring if anyone heard you. "You only care about the damn mission. It's all about the duty, never about the people around you."
"How can you say that? I care about my people and my team, and I care about you! I've always cared about you!"
"You never bothered to show me that."
"That's because you didn't let me." He kept closing the distance between you, but you didn't move an inch. You were still angry at him, but at the same time, something about this whole scene made you desire him more and more. "I-I was a fool..."
This confession left you speechless. Seeing you remain silent, he continued.
"You were right about me. I did not treat you right." His eyes, which used to be filled with rage, were now full of regret. "I kept trying to fulfill my duty as a soldier but failed to fulfill my duty as your partner."
"Jack, what is the reason you wanted to talk with me?" You asked confused. You didn't know what was going on.
"I-" he sighed and paused for a second. "I saw you getting closer to Leon and I got panicked. I felt like I was losing you, and I can't stand the idea of not having you in my life. I just-" He raised a hand to caress your cheek. "I just want to start over, I want you."
You closed your eyes and allowed yourself to melt into his touch.
"But if you don't want me back, I get it. Just say the word, and I'll stop chasing you."
"Don't stop." You kept your eyes close and felt Krauser close the distance between you completely. Your bodies were glued together as he pinned you to the wall. You soon felt your lover's lips over yours, and in just a few seconds you were kissing passionately, reminiscing all the good times you spent together. His hands began to wander all over your body, from your neck to your waist, and they stopped on your hips. Your hands never stopped caressing his chest, as you knew that was his soft spot.
"Hmm, don't stop." You said between kisses and whimpers. One of his hands moved to grab your neck and urged you to tilt your head back. Bless that height difference, as you've never felt so good. You never thought that you'd make out with your Major on your first mission, but you were grateful for feeling his touch once again.
"I'll never stop..." he said almost breathlessly in a needy tone. "Never..." Your tongues never stopped playing with each other, even when you ran out of energy. The kiss became sloppy, but you both enjoyed it regardless, making you both want more.
"Major Krauser?" Leon shouted from the other room, not daring to check on you. "Is everything alright?"
You both froze the kiss, refusing for a moment to stop. Eventually, Krauser pulled out a thin strand of saliva that connected your lips for a second before being broken.
Goddamnit, rookie..." he said, frustrated.
"Hey..." you cupped his cheek and made him look at you. "We can continue this after this mission." You winked and kissed his lips once again before joining the rest. Krauser followed you after he calmed himself down and fixed his pants.
"Everything good?" Leon asked you, noticing your rosy face.
"Yes, yes, just had a little argument, that's all. C'mon, we have a mission to finish."
"Wow, someone has a different vibe. This means that you won the argument?"
"You can say that." You barely stopped the smirk from appearing on your face.
"Told you you were a badass. Not everyone can win an argument against the Major and come out as happy as you."
You couldn't stop giggling. Leon was a smart guy, but he was so clueless sometimes.
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Welcome Home Agere Fic - Sing Me to Sleep
Characters: Little!Howdy Pillar, CG!Barnaby B. Beagle
Setting: Howdy’s Bodega (Checkout Desk, Upstairs Breakroom)
Premise: Barnaby notices that his good pal Howdy is overworking himself to the point of losing sleep. Concerned and determined to help his buddy out, he decides to sing him a lullaby to help him sleep. The next morning, he discovers something about Howdy he initially didn’t think he did.
Author’s Note: Another agere fic, this time with Howdy!! I kinda headcanon Barnaby and Howdy as childhood friends, like Barnaby befriended him while he stayed at the farm with his ma, so here it’s mentioned for a bit at the beginning. Hope that’s ok!!
Also the lullaby that Barnaby sings is ai generated, not an original song, so don’t think I write songs too jfkgk
Ever since the bodega opened in the town of Welcome Home, the lovable yet goofy Barnaby B. Beagle always made a point of visiting. Considering it was run by an old pal of his - that being the ever so hardworking Howdy Pillar - he couldn’t just ignore it! It even had all his favorite things in it; rubber duckies, party horns, endless streams of ribbons, the whole nine! For the price of just a simple trade as well, it was a perfect store!
Of course, it wouldn’t be the same without the man of the hour - or say, caterpillar. Barnaby had always admired the blood and sweat put into every little detail of the bodega, from the paint jobs to the shelving and even to the currency. It was a marvelous sight to see, but he couldn’t expect less from such a diligent and determined shopkeeper. Always toiling and moiling and working himself to the bone to make sure that progress did well and that every customer left with a big smile on their face, he could do no bad.
That… did bring a glaring problem to the surface, however: he did this all the time.
Because his never-ending perseverance and his insistence to make sure that business was booming at the seams, he often tired himself out. And by often, that meant a lot.
The bags under the titular caterpillar’s eyes looked as if they’ve been personally drawn on with permanent marker, with how dark they were. Often times, Barnaby would accidentally catch Howdy almost falling asleep at his checkout desk, but immediately perking up when he noticed that the comedian was watching. He would wake up and catch Howdy still up at the tender hours of night sweeping the floors or wiping the windows or even restocking the shelves.
It was concerning, to say the least. He had occasionally brought up the idea that Howdy could at least lay low for a short while, take a small break. However, the poor shopkeeper would break into a nervous sweat and go, “Oh but who will run the front counter while I’m gone? I’m the only one who works here, I can’t stop now! This shop will go belly-up if I quit here, I just can’t!” It almost broke the dog’s beating heart to see him in such a fit of distress.
He wanted to fix that, and he knew exactly how.
The sun set behind the trees one hot and sweaty evening, and Howdy was finishing up the last of his chores for the night: restocking the shelves, sweeping up any dust and grime, and wiping the front windows squeaky clean. Barnaby took quick note of this and strolled towards him, humming a jovial tune.
“Well howdy do, Howdy! Lovely afternoon we got here, but golly is it sweltering! I feel like I’m on Hell’s front porch with a pipin’ fever right about now, huh?” Barnaby greeted himself, chuckling as he did. Howdy looked up from wiping the front window, rubbing his sleepy lids with his lower right hand and smiling drowsily.
“You’re not wrong Barnaby, heh! I can feel myself melting like a snow cone in Phoenix!” He replied, wiping his forehead of the pooling sweat and turning back to wiping the windows clean. Barnaby snickered, nodding his head to the statement.
An awkward silence fell on the two. Howdy cleared his throat.
“Ahem, uh… what brings you here, ol’ pal?”, he asked, “ya’ need something from my shop? Any horns or… fake teeth or spinning plates?” The shopkeeper began to put up his bucket of suds and washrag before being stopped by the comedian.
“Oh no, I’m fine as frog hair, buddy! I just came to ask ya’ something, if you have the time, of course.” Howdy perked up at the request, but paused and sighed wearily.
“If you’re asking for me to take a break, Barnaby, then no. I’m not letting this business fall because the one man working here-“
He quickly got interrupted.
“Aww, come on Howdy! You’re exhausted and practically sleepwalking, if you keep working in this state you’ll be dead on your feet!” Barnaby protested, crossing his arms and huffing.
“Barnaby, you really don’t understand,” Howdy rebutted, “this is a matter of needing rather than wanting. Anyone and everyone could come, and if they see me lounging around, doing everything but, I’ll be letting them down! Soon the progress of this whole business could go down, and take me with it. I can’t ‘take a break’ because I am literally against doing it.”
Barnaby sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. Howdy sure dug his heels deep in this business, huh? The titular dog wracked his brain for quite a while, thinking of a good way to pry his four arms away from the building… until something popped up.
“Oh well, I guess you’re right… but I do still have something to ask of you.” Howdy sighed, lifting his head towards him with his brow furrowed.
“Will you at least let me sing something to you?”
This tripped the caterpillar upside for a moment. Sing for him? Why exactly would this dog want to sing for him in the dead of night?
“Uhh… may I ask why? That’s a rather odd question to ask, really,” Howdy questioned the dog.
“Oh, well I had been listening to the radio recently and I happened to stumble upon the most loveliest tune! It had me painting the town red, it was lovely!” Howdy tilted his head curiously.
“Hmmm… well what song was it? I think I may have some records inside so you can sing along.” Barnaby grinned widely. His plan was working perfectly.
“I’m pretty sure it was called…Sweet Dreams and Strawberry Milk? It was a guitar song too, very slow and calming.”
“Hmmm… I don’t seem to have that song on a record, from what I can remember.” Barnaby’s heart dropped.
“Buuuuut I do have a guitar! Maybe you can play it on that?” And just like that, the plan was still in motion.
“Oh, superb! You always seem to have something on you to fix a situation, don’tcha? Well, what are you waiting for? Let’s go inside before the wolves start howling!”
Barnaby quickly grabbed Howdy’s free arm and dragged him inside the bodega, leaving behind his sud bucket and rag. After a few quick directions, both the dog and caterpillar made their way to the upstairs breakroom.
The breakroom itself was quite large, to his surprise, it almost doubled as a separate house. In one section of the room, a small kitchenette with an oven, fridge, and sink, along with a sofa, record player, and television. In another section, a large bed spread along the room, with a dresser and closet on one side and a bookshelf on the other. In between both sections was a bathroom that he could conveniently walk into any time he wanted. The breakroom as a whole had a sort of forest or plant theme, with leaves and flower decorations galore, it was like shrinking and walking into Poppy’s garden.
Barnaby made their way towards the second section, sitting down on the edge of Howdy’s bed. Howdy strolled towards the closet, opening and rummaging through. He pulled out a large guitar and walked towards the bed where Barnaby sat, handing over the guitar.
“Do make this quick, ok pal?,” Howdy admonishes, slipping off his shoes and taking off his hat. He might as well get comfortable in case things get too long. Barnaby waved his hand dismissively, holding the guitar in his paws.
“Ahh, don’t you worry your pretty lil’ head, Howdy,” he reassured, “I’ll be quicker than green grass though a goose!” Howdy chuckled at that, smiling slightly.
The comedian took a minute to tune and adjust the chords to the guitar, making sure he wasn’t off-tune, before holding the guitar to his chest. He took a deep breath… and began to sing.
Close your eyes my little one
Drift away to sleep
Dream of fields of strawberries
Growing tall and deep
Sweet dreams my love
With strawberry milk in your cup
May your slumber be peaceful
And your dreams be sweet and lush
Imagine a garden of red
With vines and leaves so green
Picking the ripest berries
For the sweetest milk you've seen
Sweet dreams my love
With strawberry milk in your cup
May your slumber be peaceful
And your dreams be sweet and lush
As the peaceful lullaby rang throughout the bedroom, Howdy could feel his head begin to cloud up and his eyelids to feel heavy. He suppressed a yawn but caught himself stretching his arms and back.
He then decided that he rest his head for just a moment, if only for a second. He figured he would be awake by the time the song was finished, so it couldn’t be that bad.
As you lay here in my arms
With your eyes closed tight
Let the taste of strawberry milk
Take you through the night
Sweet dreams my love
With strawberry milk in your cup
May your slumber be peaceful
And your dreams be sweet and lush
Sleep now my little one
May your dreams be bright
With strawberry milk in your thoughts
All through the night.
Barnaby cleared his throat after finishing the song, gently placing the guitar to his left. He turned to face Howdy, who had been silent throughout the entire song, to ask him how he felt, but he instead found Howdy fast asleep beside him. How silly of him to drop off mid song, and in his work clothes too! Barnaby snickered to himself at the sight.
He decided that it would be best to stay the night. He pulled the blankets on the bed over the sleeping shopkeeper, tucking him in comfortably, before quietly leaving the bedroom. He made himself towards the other half of the breakroom and towards the couch, and pulled out the longer section to lie down. Turning off the lights and getting comfortable in the process, soon both of them were in a peaceful slumber.
The plan was a success.
Barnaby suddenly awoke to a strange noise.
He blinked himself awake to the sudden sound, trying to make sense of his vision. He could make out the kitchenette and the television, and what couch he was on.
Ah, yes, he was at Howdy’s place.
The sun was pooling through the closed curtains and birds were chirping their morning song, signifying a new morning for the sleepy beagle. He slowly stood up from his position and stretched his arms and back wide behind him, popping anything that needed popping.
His attention soon turned to the strange noise that woke him up. It was shrill and loud, yet desperate, if it made sense. It was occasionally interrupted by a slight hiccup or sniffle, before going right back to the shrillness.
Was that… Howdy?
It had the same voice as Howdy, had the same pitch (albeit a tad higher than usual), he could recognize it from a mile away. But what exactly is making him wail this loud?
He had to go investigate.
Barnaby slowly got up from the couch and quietly made his way through the breakroom towards Howdy’s bedroom. He hesitantly knocked one, two, three times, making sure it was quiet but noticeable.
“Howdy? Is that you in there?” Barnaby asked, hands on hips and his face screwed up into that of concern. If his suspicions were correct that this was indeed his pre-pupated pal, then this was quite out of character of him. He wasn’t that open with his inner feelings as he didn’t want them interfering with work, so hearing him so distressed was… odd.
He was quite surprised to see the door swing open not long after he knocked, but what surprised him more was what answered the door: a shaky and teary-eyed Howdy, covered in a colorful blanket and his thumb halfway in his mouth. It took him by surprise for a bit, before quickly being replaced with a brotherly concern.
“Oh jeez… you okay, bud? What happened?” Barnaby said, resting a gentle paw on the shivering shopkeeper’s shoulder and rubbing it slowly. Howdy only sniffled and hiccuped, lowering his head and covering his face with his hands as he continued to cry. The blue beagle took that opportunity to hesitantly wrap his arms around the both of them in a comforting embrace, letting Howdy rest his head on his shoulder.
“Deep breaths, bud… let’s go over here, ok?” Barnaby said quietly and reassuringly, taking one of Howdy’s hands and leading them to the nearby sofa. The titular caterpillar sniffled, wiping his eyes with his hands and popping his free thumb back between his lips. They both trudged towards the comfy cushions, sitting comfortably beside each other with hands clasped gently. Barnaby leaned his friend’s head towards the crook of his neck, letting Howdy rest against him as the bigger dog began to rub his back slowly.
“Hasn’t been your best morning, huh buddy?”, Barnaby said, his voice low and quiet and reassuring. Howdy sniffed, nodding his head silently.
“How’s about I settle here until you’re up and running again, hm?”, the blue beagle suggested, “It don’t seem like you can even walk properly, let alone run a store like this. Not good shape for a guy like you, huh?”
Howdy furiously shook his head no at that notion.
“I know, I know,” the blue dog continued, “you wanna run it. We can always take a day off though, can’t we? It can’t hurt to lay low for at least a day. It’s only about one in a few hundred days, isn’t it?” The small caterpillar sat there for a bit, his head filled with thought. Barnaby scratched his noggin for an idea, then snapped his fingers once it came.
“How about this,” he started, “maybe I can stay and settle with you for the day until you’re feeling better? That way you won’t have to worry about feeling lonely, ok? How does that sound?” Howdy looked down to his feet, wringing his lower hands together in thought. He didn’t want to let the business down, and he felt bad that he was so upset when Barnaby found him.
However, he wasn’t wrong. He had been quite stressed for a few weeks, and he was teetering towards passing out and never getting out of bed. Plus, in his state, how would he run the shop? He could barely talk. It wasn’t an argument at this point, really. He needed this break.
Howdy hesitantly nodded.
“Good to hear, bub,” Barnaby said, squeezing him towards himself a bit tighter. He then stood up and wipe his paws on his vest, and turned back to Howdy.
“You mind if I hold you, bud?”, he asked, lowering himself to the smaller caterpillar’s level. Howdy nodded, holding out his lower arms and flexing the fingers in a grabbing motion. Barnaby gripped his sides and hooked his hands underneath his upper arms. He lifted him up slowly and rested the caterpillar on his hip.
“Now there, how’s about we get you dressed in something nice, m’kay? Those slacks don’t feel so good now, I can find something better for today.”
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cervicrazed · 4 months
🩷🐖 + bamjak!
heh....just what I was hoping for 😈
You & @the-goblin-cat both asked for Bambs so I'll condense em both into this neat little long post for your viewing convenience
Disclaimer: Some of these questions refer to different forms of love, but I'll be focusing mainly on the romantic since Bambi & Jak are (kinda) in a relationship
Sapphic Love Lore under the cut!:
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^ The sapphics in question ^
01) How does your character view the idea of romantic love?
Jak L. -> thinks romantic love is fleeting, like puppy love or the honeymoon phase. Not to say she doesn't still fall in love herself, she just doesn't expect it to last. It's always a bittersweet affair.
Bambi -> Mostly unexplored territory for her. She's had one unofficial crush w/ Yule (@fvriva's/your🫵🏽 character) but idk if I'm allowed to canonize that
In her mind, romantic love means you get to kiss your friends without it being weird.
02) What was your character's first heartbreak, and how did it influence their approach to relationships?
Jak L. -> Her first heartbreak was when she was younger; not allowed to live in Human settlements, she would leave secret messages in tree knotholes to see if she could make friends. She spent over a year writing secret messages with a girl named Fey before they agreed to meet in person. Jak thought she looked beautiful, Fey screamed and called her a Demon. The experience caused her to become more secretive with her writing and communicating in general
Bambi -> Has yet to have her first romantic heartbreak, though the mixed signals she keeps getting from Jak may be ill omens of it.
03) Does your character believe in soulmates, and why or why not?
Jak L. -> She's believes they exist, but that the forbidden magic of a necromancer (or curse!) is what keeps the souls together, not love. While technically something that could happen in universe, she has no evidence for it other than her bias against preordained fate.
Bambi -> She hopes the concept is real, but doesn't like the idea of waiting around for the perfect someone to fall into her lap. If she does have a soulmate, she feels they better get a move on and meet her already.
04) What traits does your character find most attractive in others?
Jak L. -> She's definitely attracted to rule-breakers and contrarians, since she attributes that to being a big part of her identity. She doesn't really like rebellion with no direction even though she's also guilty of that at times
Bambi -> She wants to keep her options open, but she's definitely attracted to Jock/Athletic girl-adjacent people. Wrestling and physical contact are sort of like her love language, and she'd hate to engage w/ someone who couldn't keep up with her.
05) What does your character fear most in a relationship?
Jak L. -> Jak's Ex put a curse on her in a misguided jealous rage; any and everything she loved would rot away in front of her. The Ex then promptly died as they rotted alive The pain of longing is worse than a broken bone in Jak's mind, but she'd rather that than have the same fate befall Bambi. Until she finds a way to break her curse, she's terrified of even admitting her affections out loud.
Bambi -> Above all, Bambi hates being lied to. Her worst fear about being in a relationship is that her partner would turn out to be someone completely different than who she fell in love with.
06) How does your character handle jealousy or insecurity in relationships?
Jak L. -> Not as well as she thinks she does! She tries not to stare when Bambi flirts with other girls, but in her mind she's biting and maiming her suitors with her teeth.
Bambi -> Barely gets jealous if at all. In her mind, if the girl she's entertaining actually likes her, there's really no competition to be had. She'll either 'win' or she won't. She's more likely to leave a relationship if her partner's jealousy becomes too controlling.
07) What past relationship still impacts your character's current life?
Jak L. -> Her relationship with the Ex that cursed her. Very actively prevents her from pursuing a potential romance with Bambi, even though they'd both like to. It eats away at her if she thinks about it too long
Bambi -> Technically hasn't been in any prior relationships but I would still count the unofficial Yule crush on a meta level; it helped me think ab what kind of partners Bambi might find herself with + how she'd react to different situations they'd find themselves in
08) How does your character show love and affection?
Jak L. -> The only way that feels safe: teasing. Treating her crushes like she'd treat her siblings is the only way she feels she can show her affection without killing them. There are moments when she'll slip up and be a bit more intimate than she intends, but they're immediately walked back as quickly as they happen.
Bambi -> Whittling isn't a skill she likes to show off partially because she's not that great at it, but she enjoys the idea of being represented in an object. 'Even when I'm far away, you'll still have a piece of me right next to you'
It's a comforting thought to her.
09) What significant change has your character experienced in their understanding of love?
Jak L. -> Struggling with her feelings for Bambi made her realize that maybe romantic love isn't as fleeting as she hoped first thought. Maybe true love involves a hurtful longing - she isn't sure but she hopes she's wrong.
Bambi -> She hasn't yet, but I want her idea of what love is to evolve; she starts off assuming love is something you can only really give to one person; once it's gone, it's gone.
10) What sacrifices has your character made for love, and were they worth it?
Jak L. -> She's given up a lot for love, and not even just for the Ex that cursed her. The sacrifice that leaves her with the most regret was her relationship with her adoptive parents Nelle and Basil. After a bad argument she ran away to be with the boy she was seeing at the time; only for them to break up a few weeks later. She's been too embarrassed to go back to them.
Bambi -> She hasn't had to sacrifice anything yet, but she will. :)
11) How does your character's cultural or familial background influence their views on marriage and relationships?
Jak L. -> grew up in an orphanage run by a centaur named Basil and his human wife Nelle. They set her standard of what love was supposed to look like as well as showing her Human/Monster relationships can be healthy and loving. Though she respects them greatly, her aversion to authority leads to her antagonizing them more often than not. Another way she learned to express her love.
Bambi -> grew up mostly in isolation with her two dads. They're the only example of love she's really ever seen - and since they don't talk much about how they met (and boy has she tried to weasel it out of them) she's mostly confused on how a romance is supposed to start or what it feels like. Her flirtations with Jak feel close to what she imagines it to be.
12) Does your character have a relationship that everyone else misunderstands?
Jak L. -> To walk back her feelings with Bambi, she'll often redirect her attention and hang out with Kennedy Leeds (13th son of the Jersey Devil & Bambi's first friend); so most of the characters in Dead Wood think she's got a crush on him instead. This is easy to deny, but for some reason nobody seems to believe her. It doesn't help that Kennedy actually has a real crush on her in turn.
Bambi -> Her relationship with her estranged sibling Iniko. Those who know of their reputation assume Bambi is also a contract killer looking for trouble, or worse yet, that she's working with them for some nefarious purpose. She has no idea what they're talking about, assuming they're referring to her dad (she doesn't know she has a sibling yet..)
13) How does your character handle rejection or unrequited love?
Jak L. -> She takes rejection in stride, but has yet to be on the other side of unrequited love. She's terrified that by the time she's free of the magic that binds her, Bambi will no longer feel the same.
Bambi -> She channels her hurt into physical activity (wrestling, bare-hand fishing, etc). Once the activity is over, she expects the hurt to be over as well. It doesn't always work that way, but in her mind it's better than sitting and wallowing in it.
14) What lesson about love is your character still trying to learn?
Jak L. -> In her eyes, the only lesson left to learn is how to undo her curse so she can finally love again. However, I'm hoping to toy around with how she expresses her love in the meantime - teasing can only take you so far.
Bambi -> Differentiating between romantic, platonic, and sexual love and how each one affects the people she knows. Right now she more or less sees Love as an amorphous thing you're born with and can share with others. How to share it is where she keeps getting stuck.
15) How has your character's professional life affected their romantic relationships?
Jak L. -> Her job as a 'Travel Buddy' definitely helps her meet new people, but she doesn't allow herself to get any closer than 'just friends'. On the bright side, she has a lot of friends willing to help her out at a moment's notice.
Bambi -> Doesn't technically have a job, unless you count being her Uncle's errandboy. Her relationships are affected by it in the same way they would be if you went on a fantasy quest with a group of friends. If anything, it grants her more opportunities to bond, flirt, and generally get to know the person better.
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mythica0 · 2 years
Right side of the bed
🧁: Donnie
🍫: Mikey , Leo Ft. Raph
Summary: Donnie is in a very good mood and has a minor case of the giggles for some reason . Mikey and Leo decide to figure it out and maybe improve it even more..
A/N: I love the idea of tickling someone because they’re in a good mood almost as much as I love cheer up tickles and that’s saying something.
Right side of the bed
“Good morning, D!” Mikey cheered while making breakfast as Donnie walked in.
“Morning Angelo!” He replies , equally chipper.
‘……wait just a second! Donnie’s never this cheery in the mornings??!’
“Oo! Something smells good! What’s on the menu today?”
Okay, this was really weird. Mikey’s brain stutters for a moment.
“Oh! It’s pancakes! With chocolate chips!” He informs once his mind catches up.
“Fun! I bet they’ll be delicious, like always!” Donnie giggles .
….Donnie giggled. What the hecking heck?
Mikey kinda just stares in shock at Donnie’s smiling face.
Donnie giggles again. “Hello~ is anybody home?” And waves his hand in front of the others eyes.
“Oh, uh, yeah.” Mikey finished making breakfast as Leo and Raph come downstairs.
“I smell chocolate chip pancakes!” Raph calls as he sits down.
“I hope we’re not to choco-late to get some!” Leo cracks a joke with a silly smirk .
Raph groans, Mikey grins, but Donnie giggles.
“Pfft. That was silly.”
Leo gasps(maybe a little dramatic but that’s in character)
“did you just laugh? At one of my jokes? Who are you and what have you done to my brother?”
“Heheh, I’m an eeviilll imposter ~,” Donnie starts with a fake ghost voice , “No but seriously, Nardo, it’s just me.”
“Okay, this is really weird , what is up with you?”
Donnie laughs again. “Guess I woke up on the right side of the bed? I’m just kinda feeling life today Leon, don’t sweat it.”
“Moving on!” Mikey exclaims from the kitchen “Breakfast is ready!”
As the brothers eat, Leo makes more jokes, capitalizing on the fact that his brother was so giggly. He loved making people laugh.
After a joke that landed particularly well, Donnie just full on burst into belly laughter.
“Hahaha! Nardohoho! I’m trying to eat!” He half complains as he clutched his sides and wipes a small tear from his eye.
“Hey! It’s not my fault that I’m so funny.”
“Heh. Dork.”
At that sentiment, Leo does a fake offended gasp, in another form of comedy.
It works. Donnie just laughs harder.
“Oh, you should see your face! Ahahah!”
After breakfast, Leo decides he’s gonna make Donnie laugh in a different way. He tells the others(minus Donnie) and Mirky agrees to help. Raph says he’ll just watch, they don’t want to overwhelm the soft shell.
So, when Donnie comes back(he had been getting a drink) the two of them pounce.
“Whahat are you twoho doihing, huhuh?” Donnie laughs out as he’s tackled by them.
“We’re making you laugh!” Mikey pips up, before lightly poking at Donnie’s sides.
“Pffthehe! Youhou whehere alreheheady Dohinhihng thahat youhou gohoofbahalls!”
Donnie wouldn’t admit it, but it felt kinda nice. It was improving his already happy feelings.
He was glowing with joy, only bright smiles here!
“Yeah, but we wanted to do it better, Mister giggles~.” Leo teases as he joins in the attack.
Donnie didn’t say anything, he was just full of laughter!
“Looks like someone got a one-way ticket to giggle city~” Leo coos.
Donnie didn’t even respond. Normally he wouldve replied with snark or a simple “shut!” But this time, he just basked in the feeling.
“Are you having fun~” Mikey sings
“Mmmahayhahaps!” He quietly says through his laughter.
All three brothers internally ‘awwed’ at that.
Donnie was indeed, having fun. He didn’t even protest because he was already in a good mood before. Now he just felt amazing .
His smile seemed to glow, his eyes were shut tight as giggle after giggle fell out of his mouth.
The others all watched in awe at Donnie’s generally happy juxtaposition.
Leo continued to make jokes while tickling his twin, increasing the amount of laughter pouring from him even more.
It was a great situation! Everyone was having a good time!
When the two attackers stopped, they let Donnie catch his breath and got him a glass of water.
After he recovered, Donnie just smiled and laughed a little at his own thought before reciting it aloud,
“Now I really feel like I woke up on the right side of the bed.”
———THE END————————————————
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dominijoyce · 2 years
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"Are you crying? Is everything alright?"
"Yes, I just- I have always dreamed of this opportunity and lost hope in it and yet- And yet, here you are."
Idea inspired by @starplatinumgold in which Fugo is a gorgon who went all of his life scared of hurting others and Giorno is a living stone statue and therefore immune to his deadly sight giving his lover the opportunity to be this close to someone without worry of doing them harm.
Also if you are interested, I included some of my ideas of other Vento Aureo characters in this Monster AU under the cut- Maybe someone might get inspired to produce something out of that, just how I did, heh.
Okay *cracks knuckles*
Vento Aureo Monster High AU (cause that's what happens when two completely different hyperfixations meet)
First things first, this AU doesn't take place in the high school itself, cause I don't wanna mess with character ages and etc. This AU (at least my version of it) doesn't involve mafia either, because I just imagine it as a simple Vento Aureo Simple Slice of Life shenanigans, but with monster twist (they deserve to not suffer at least once, heh)
The main idea for Fugo other than a gorgon is that he is specifically the child of Sthenno (was thinking of Euryale first, cause there is no canon child of her yet, but I think Sthenno fits him better)
The original poster that inspired this idea compared Giorno to a gargoyle but I don't think that fits him so he is a living statue, cause Araki based his design off of one. While they aren't connected in this AU, I also sorta got the inspiration from the myth of Galatea and Pygmalion which makes both Giorno and Fugo related to ancient myths ^-^ (also my friend pointed out that it also fits, because vampires are connected to Pillar Men - wasn't intentional, but also fun)
As for the rest of the main squad-
Bruno is a werewolf, but not because of the reasons that people might compare him to one (wolflike behaviors, leadership skills, sort of caretaking nature etc.), I mean those too, but I made him into one, because of a reason that only real true OG Monster High fans are able to connect :p
Leone is a banshee, because death follows him everywhere, heh. In all seriousness I just think it fits him and his aesthetic and also I have seen multiple reinterpretations of him as a ghost and I wanted to be sort of "original" (banshees *are* ghosts in MH, I know, but they are like weird and not full type of ghosts so *shrug*)
Narancia is a steam robot, who is a "failed prototype" of his creator, that was thrown away. He malfunctions quite often or even completely shuts off due to various issues with his design, quite often forced to replace his parts with any new ones he manages to find (can't exactly afford to buy new ones yet or do a full repair). Also he has a jetpack, a radar similar to his Stand and his shoes can switch to roller-skates.
Mista is a black werecat, because I honestly have no idea what else could fit him tbh. His main gimmick is luck and unluck, where he is superstitious about every little thing (not only fours) that could bring unluck - sometimes including himself, even when others reassure him there's no way he brings anyone bad luck with just existing. He is still paranoic though.
Lastly, Trish is a hybrid monster, because I fell in love with this concept back when it was introduced and I firmly believe we need more of that. She is a sea monster and boogeyman hybrid. Sea monster cause she grew up on the coast and boogeyman cause Diavolo ofc, but also I think it is funny cause in canon MH boogeymen hate being the center of attention and use shadows or shapeshifting to always be out of spotlight, while I imagine Trish would be the opposite of that and always strive to be the brightest star in a room. Sea monster also fits, because some of those underwater weirdos (like octopi among others) can manipulate their shape to such a high degree and fit into such narrow spaces and that kinda reminds me of her Stand.
If you read all of this, thanks for being interested in my random rambles and ideas and hope you like them. Maybe I will come up with more (was considering Part 6 Protagonists as Monsters, but not many ideas yet), but for now have these funky creatures!
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zu-is-here · 1 year
Heya zu!!!! Oh I'm so ooooo sooosooooooo hyped by what you drew!!!! I love me some drammaaaa yessssszz!!!
As for cannonisity I can see it happening like that!!! Dream going mental.
I feel like my favourite thing is the idea that night fell for Dream from a distance, saw him as a sweet and passive flower.
Only to later find out he gets more then he bargains for with a husband who comes with a fiery temper. And I also imagine a slight spoiled streak heheh.
I love the comic so muchhhhhh the pannelinggg
I love seeing Dream in his shattered formmmmmmmm!! You always draw him so well. The action sceneee
I'm sorryy I still have rebloged, I'm kinda...hung over again heh.
But I have been preparing something from inspiration
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I also figured out what happens between night and minthe in the aus cannon if you'd like to know.
Hii Gayfish!! <3
Awww I'm so happy to hear it! (〃ω〃) Do you still remember our talk about it? :'D Time flies but here it finally came heh! ♪
OH it's doubly pleasant to know I was that close to the canon (๑>◡<๑) Hades definitely didn't expect him to be dual... ;)
Thank youuu! <3 And don't worry, I'm glad to hear you're having fun on a good weekend (*´꒳`*)
HOO BOI I'm looking forward to it!! \(//∇//)\☆
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Oh that's amazing! (〃ω〃) Sure thing <3
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Awww right! (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`) Your version is just right <3
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He might be upset over cheating... or just stomping way too hard :'D
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"But he said he loved me!.." ;w;
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Yeah, I realized it way too late (it just fit well so I didn't suspect anything wrong xd), but that's a relief to hear it, thank you! (*´∀`*)
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leffee · 5 months
Day 3: Golden hour
Zoe, Pepper, Sunil and Vinnie were walking along the road in one of the further corners of Downtown City. The day passed quickly and was now turning steadily to the evening, the sun going down on the sky which became just a little less bright with every minute.
Pepper and Vinnie were talking between each other, bursting into cackles every now and then. They didn’t try to keep their conversation private, Zoe and Sunil could hear every word clearly and reacted either by half-heartedly rolling their eyes or shaking their head, occasionally adding their own comments too.
“So yeah, I totally found myself in this random house and it had some party going on, and I’m telling you, no one was ready to see such a perfect worm.” Vinnie laughed.
"Hah, I’m sure they weren’t. It reminds me of the time I performed that one stand-up comedy act on the fly. The audience had no idea that I was making everything up on the spot,” Pepper added while grinning.
“You two sure are a duo,” Sunil commented after being quiet for a longer time. “I have no idea how you have so much energy and optimism. Really, you two plus Minka make sure this group stays positive no matter what.”
“Yeah, Sunster, that’s kinda our thing," Vinnie boasted and added bounce to his step.
“Yup, it's a talent, not everyone can be so awesome.” Pepper and Vinnie high-fived, causing Zoe to shake her head.
"Alright, we get it."
They continued on their way until they found themselves walking next to the beach and Pepper discreetly pulled on Vinnie’s sleeve.
“Alright, you two,” She turned to Zoe and Sunil, “me and Vinnie were actually planning to hit the beach after all that.”
“Right now?” Zoe raised her brows, Sunil’s expression similarly curious. “Isn’t it a little too late-.”
"And cold," Sunil inserted.
“Yes, that, to go to the beach?”
“Nahhh, we do it sometimes, besides it’s not like we’re planning to go swimming.” Vinnie elbowed Pepper gently a few times causing her to chuckle.
“Riiight.” Zoe didn't appear convinced. “Well, you do you, I suppose, but neither me nor Sunil are staying.” She yawned.
“Oh, believe me, we know.” Pepper nodded while Vinnie walked up to Sunil.
“You look tired, bud, go home and uh, goodnight.”
“Heh, never change, Vinnie, never change.” Sunil gave his best friend a farewell hug. “But don’t get into any trouble, alright?”
"We'll try our best."
After exchanging the rest of the goodbyes the four split into pairs with Vinnie and Pepper walking towards the beach while Zoe and Sunil headed to their houses.
“What do you think they do together on that beach?”
“Exactly what I said they shouldn’t do, cause trouble,” Sunil replied immediately. “But we love them for it, don’t we?”
“I suppose we do, Sunil, I suppose we do.”
Pepper barely managed to sloppily unfold the blanket on the sand before Vinnie fell onto it gracelessly.
“Leave some space for me,” She muttered but managed to find some empty place on the blanket.
"I'm exhausted."
“I know.” Pepper reached for the bag she had been carrying and pulled out a generously sized bottle of wine. “Here, our happy juice.”
After a while of struggle, Vinnie heard a popping sound and so he turned onto his back. Before inevitably locking his eyes on the bottle he glanced at the sky. It was getting darker. Good. 
Pepper exchanged a look with him before pulling the bottle to her mouth. She tilted it and took as many gulps as her mouth allowed her.
“Ugh,” She muttered, wiping off the liquid that managed to escape her with her sleeve and handed the bottle to Vinnie who wordlessly repeated her actions.
"You didn't really go to any party." It wasn't a question.
"And you didn't perform any comedy on the fly."
"I did. It came out shitty, nobody laughed even once."
They didn’t exchange any more words, simply passing the bottle back and forth between themselves as the night really started overtaking the day more and more. The few people who were there as well started leaving, the beach becoming more and more empty.
Only when the sun touched the horizon did a sound pass between them, a choked sob. 
And then another one. And one more until there were no pauses in-between.
Pepper didn't turn to face her companion and simply passed the now half-empty bottle to him who took it sloppily and took an equally sloppy gulp.
However, as much as she resisted, after a while her eyes became glazed too. She squeezed them, not letting the tears slip away, but eventually the noises from Vinnie got to her and she couldn't resist anymore and long, continuous streams started running down her cheeks.
“Sorry,” She mumbled. Per usual, she didn't get a response. “Just drink, man.”
So they did, until the bottle was empty and the world started appearing just a little bit easier, simpler, enough for their cheeks to dry.
After all, someone had to be the happy-go-lucky of the group.
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ghirahimbo · 1 year
Hello! Big fan of yours (genuinely entertaining the idea of printing a paperback version of Blind, but Now). I was wondering if you had any advice when it comes to writing a long fic, especially in the planning stages? Or if you had any resources to recommend?
aaaaaah, thank you so much!! 💖 full support/permission/whatever from me to get it printed if you'd like to!
eh heh. advice.
To be honest, I don't know if I'm the right person to advise on writing and planning a long fic because I've yet to successfully do that? 😅 BBN started out as a oneshot, fell into being a story as I got ideas to continue it, and almost ended 50k words early before another idea for a story shift around chapter 12 catapulted the story even further along. I do have ideas for longer stories that I've attempted to execute, but obviously I haven't managed that quite yet.
That being said, I do usually have an ending in mind as I write, along with some form of attempted organization 😛 Generally, I keep a loose, chronological outline, either in a notebook or as a document, that contains both story events and character development notes, along with little snippets of writing that I've thought of ahead of time and any relevant story planning discussions I've had with friends copy/pasted from Discord. I also keep a "holding" file to save paragraphs/pages that I delete from the chapter while writing because I change my mind a lot as I go, and it's less threatening to experiment with taking the story in a different direction if I know that the old version is still tucked away somewhere. In fact, I get torn between ideas as I write so often that I have an established practice of making pro/con lists to sort through the benefits and drawbacks of every option, sooooo I'm obviously nailing this whole "planning ahead" thing 😂
For resources, I've listened to a lot of the commonly recommended books (Save the Cat, Stephen King's On Writing, Bird by Bird) and have a general idea of common story structure/the hero's journey, so that's all floating around in my head. I will say that the five-point finale from Save the Cat really helped me structure that last sacred realm scene in BBN, so I think that might be worth checking out, even if it's a bit formulaic. I also own but have not made it through Ursula K. Le Guin's Steering the Craft, though I kind of want to revisit it now that I've remembered that it exists 😂
The book on writing that I've listened to over and over is called If You Want to Write by Brenda Ueland, though I always recommend it with the caveat that the writer was progressive for her time (the 1930's) but uses a few terms that, while acceptable then, wouldn't really fly today. That being said, I love it wholeheartedly. It's the spiritual opposite of books like Save the Cat in that there's no formulas or specific dissection of craft, but it really delves into the writing advice I've most frequently needed, which is to always, always be honest. It's also, as a selling point, quite short, so not a huge investment in money or time, either 😉
Anyway, I hope any of this helps, and good luck with your writing! Kinda bummed that I haven't really had the time for writing or reading lately, but messages like yours make me hope I can get back into it soon 💖
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eyedelater · 2 years
@clovercacti replied to this ogata post
i know this post is kinda old but have you read the interview where noda-sensei addressed the scene where ogata puts his hand on kidnapped-koito's back? he says he has a "wide smile" under his mask while doing so. do you think that's one of his "pleased" grins (like a "yesss you're fucked up and have daddy issues like me") or something else? great analysis post btw im horrible at character analysis so i love reading others' thoughts :-)
(thank you for that last part!) i have NOT read the interview where noda-sensei addressed that scene. how many interviews does this man do? and just how many crucial (<-?) character details does he reveal in interviews??
that wide smile thing throws it completely off! now i have to think deeply about ogata even more!
putting my previous interpretation (that it was a moment of sincere, uncontrollable sympathy) completely aside...
if ogata was smiling... i think he was probably smiling with contemptuous amusement.
the smile he had on under the mask may have been like the smile he had when he thought he was meeting yuusaku for the first time, buck naked and violent (who turned out to be sugimoto). like "haha, this is more fucked up than i thought it would be! this is making me feel better about my own fuckedupedness." i think the smiles would be similar because ogata probably thinks of otonoshin as similar to yuusaku; they were both born to parents who love each other, and their high-ranking military fathers have high hopes for them. ogata never spells it out that he views otonoshin as a "blessed child" like yuusaku, but i think he does, and that's the basis of the bad blood between them even as adults.
ogata's worldview is incredibly egocentric; everything always comes down to how it affects him. his behavior during this incident reflects that. during the course of the kidnapping, ogata is probably interested to examine otonoshin's character as a "blessed child born to parents who love each other" and compare it to himself, to gauge whether he is in fact missing something. because he feels some degree of contempt toward otonoshin for having a relationship with his father when he himself does not, he enjoys seeing him suffer. the thought that commander koito might not care to rescue his only son makes ogata feel better about himself. and when otonoshin reaches his lowest point and tells his father to pretend he had never been born, maybe ogata's contempt is satisfied into a twisted amusement and he thinks something like, "ooh, he fell further into despair than i expected." and he rubs his back like "good boy, that's exactly what i wanted to see." he enjoys witnessing the apparent destruction of the relationship between otonoshin and his father because he's jealous that there was one in the first place. touching otonoshin's back is a weird action that could out him as a fake kidnapper and mess up the plan, but ogata cares more about his own feelings in the moment than about the plan's success, so he doesn't think twice about it.
so in conclusion, elaborating on your idea of "yesss you're fucked up and have daddy issues like me," i think it's more of a "yesss you feel completely abandoned by your father, just like me. it hurts, huh? even though you're a blessed child, heh heh. who's blessed now?" maybe. (but when the incident is over and ogata only has a busted face to show for it while the koito family is happier and loves each other more than before, ogata must be Fucking Pissed. "how dare tsurumi cultivate love between THIS father and son and not between my father and me?! did you make him MORE blessed?! what about me???" and that's part of why he eventually betrays tsurumi.)
but overall, that's a 180 degree swing from my previous interpretation, and i was so confident. now i'm not completely confident either way. the wide smile thing really throws it completely off...
[footnote: i have read a couple of noda interviews, but i'm not going to seek out and read all of the interviews until after i'm finished reading the raw manga, which is what i've been slowly working on for more than a month now.]
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