#but i searched it on youtube as soon the episode ended
fox-from-fairytale · 10 months
Don't worry Sarita, I can stay. I already saw Kenny smash another man's head before. 😌✌️✨️
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usergif · 2 years
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i recently had a problem with one of my drives where i kept all my material and lost all my series and films i kept there - it was on my laptop itself and i’m selling this laptop soon anyway, so i didn’t think it was worth it to redownload over 100GB of gif material. 
however, modern problems require modern solutions, so today i’m going to show you my new method for making gifs that means you do not have to download large files to your hard disk. tutorial under the cut!
i should preface this by saying it’s obviously better to download stuff you’re gonna gif frequently onto your hard disk so it’s easier for you, but if you simply don’t have the space or don’t want to get an external, this is a useful way to gif!
to start off, you’ll need:
a shared drive on google drive. (best practice is to make this shared drive on a throwaway account, too). you can generate one here. shared drives can hold a lot more than the 15GB free limit on your personal drive, but keep in mind that google can nuke these drives at any time, so you might want to keep backups.
google drive for desktop. available for both pc and mac.
a video player that can show thumbnail previews when seeking (like youtube). i use mpc-be on windows, but i don’t know which mac video players have this feature. you CAN get mpv to do this but it requires scripting knowledge and i simply cannot get it to work so i prefer using mpc-be.
handbrake to clip out parts of the video. mpc-be is a fantastic player but it can’t take sequential screencaps effortlessly like mpv, so we’re going to use handbrake.
photoshop to make the actual gif.
with all of that, let’s start!
when you’ve made your shared drive on your google account, you’re going to need to store your video files on there. i’ve joined a bunch of telegram p*racy groups for this and, if you’re in any gifmaker servers on discord, you can probably get links to stuff on google drive from others. if you’re having trouble, feel free to dm me (@shangs) and i can send you a link to a helpful server. 
to copy stuff to your shared drive just press ctrl+c (or the mac equivalent) to copy the videos and ctrl+v to paste it into your drive. for tv shows, you can’t copy folders, so open up the folder and select all the episodes and paste them over in a new folder on your drive - that should work fine!
once you have stuff in your shared drive, we’re going to use google drive for desktop to be able to open it. download the app and log in and you should see your google drive showing up as a separate disk on your computer - “Google Drive (G:).”
open up the “Shared Drives” folder and your shared drive and you should be able to see your video files! 
in MPC-BE, you have to manually check the setting to use thumbnail previews. in preferences, go to Player > Interface and check “Use the preview in the search.” 
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[caption: an image of the mpc-be preferences with the needed setting circled.]
this is important because we don’t have these files downloaded, so seeking is going to take just a bit longer than if you had the file all downloaded on your actual hard disk. the google drive app is constantly syncing your progress, so it’s way easier to navigate with the thumbnails than it is just fast-forwarding and haphazardly moving through an episode the way you would on a player like MPV. 
i’ve started using handbrake for this part because i’d rather just get a video encoded than a bunch of screencaps if i’m not using my player to screencap. if you prefer you can always choose to screencap in mpv with the timestamp of your scene as well.
find the timestamp of your scene’s starting and ending (i generally just do 3-4 seconds after the start) and open up the video in handbrake. 
at the top of the screen you’ll see some options that say Range: and then it goes by Chapters. change this to Seconds and put in your start and end timestamps.
if it’s 1080p, i select the “HQ 1080p30 Surround” Preset and change the framerate to “Same as Source” in the Video tab. i also make the content quality lossless at 0. 
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[caption: a picture of the settings described in handbrake.]
if you’re giffing something 4k, you will have to go into Filters and modify the colorspace at the very end, but i’m giffing 1080p here, so there’s no need. i have my settings saved as my own custom preset for both 1080p and 4k.
make sure, on the Summary tab, your video is being saved as an MP4. (it will export as an M4V, but this is the same thing.) photoshop won’t read MKVs. 
set the destination to export and hit Start Encode - your video should appear in the destination folder when it’s done!
there are multiple ways to make a gif in photoshop once you have your video from handbrake; you can go to File > Import Video Frames to Layers, or you can do Open > and just open up your video file. i prefer the second option since it opens up in timeline and will have the same framerate as the video so Ii can export directly from timeline as well with no need to go back to frames the way you’ll need to with screencaps.
with your video open, roll the playhead through until you’re at the frame where you want to start the gif, and then press the three dots at the corner of the timeline and click Work Area > Set Start at Playhead. go to the frame you want to end the gif and click Work Area > Set End at Playhead. this will set the boundaries of the gif even if there are extra frames.
that’s the basics of gifmaking covered. now just crop, sharpen, and color to your liking. i won’t go over them in this tutorial because it varies a lot by gifmaker and this tutorial is long enough already. 
export by clicking File > Export > Save for Web or the keyboard shortcut Alt+Shift+Ctrl+S. 
you should have a smooth looking gif like the one in the header above.
if you have any questions, please feel free to ask me on my personal blog @shangs​ or on usergif. happy giffing, and i hope this tutorial helped you out!  
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Since according to one of our Cartoon Network gods 🥰 Craig McCracken the Powerpuff girls will be back in a proper reboot❤️‍🔥 I want to review another version of them... No, not the 2016 vomitive bullshit I hope soon to be lost media because nobody should acknowledge the existence of such an disgusting garbage tarnishing our childhood🤢🤮, that abomination doesn't deserve the time of anyone🤬... (I apologize to those who liked it but... I stand by what I said😖)
This is about one adaptation that though it was cut short due to the lack of success in audience but that it wasn't that bad, is still watchable and enjoyable and it has actual funny moments but in the end it was too far away from being a Worthy adaptation of the PPG, I'm talking about:
Powerpuff girls Z!!
We have to keep in mind the show was adapted to japanese audience and has the concept of ✨"Magical girls"✨ so they made lots of changes: the very first one I strongly disliked was that they weren't sisters and they weren't professor Utonium daughters, that alone made me irrationally hate the characters that were the girls individual families (yeah you're going to notice how salty I am about this xD). With that, one of the things that fans loved the most that is the very loving, funny and cute father-daughters interactions disappeared, seriously the girls still hang out a lot in his laboratory but it's not the same as the beautiful moments we got in the original show like how he plays tickles with them, how he kisses their heads to wake them up in the morning... 😔
And another thing is the girls personalities and dynamic between them and don't get me wrong it's not like they are unbearable or awful they are entertaining but in my eyes is just that they aren't "they"... And specially now that I re watched some things to make this review because... I realized that Z Buttercup and Z Bubbles have a bunch of fucking shippeable interactions in the show😨😨. If you were too young last time you watched it just search on YouTube a video of their interactions and you'll see! I'm not that twisted I swear!! Sometimes they literally look Like a married couple and Z Blossom behaves as if she was their daughter, Z Bubbles was even blushing in the first episode when she recognizes Z Buttercup from their School and saying she looked up to her and in general I found their interactions too shippeable and yeah in this universe they aren't sisters but is still incestuous as hell in my head 😖🤯
So individually speaking: Design and personally
For design in general I dislike that the style is not quite unique as I would have liked it, this character design resembles too much to Magical Doremi and something that really bugs me is that the PPG here are in an age between 13 and 14 so they are teens... Yet they made them look like little kids, you can see in the show that they are older than that only when they stand next to a younger character like Ken and like I said they resemble too much to the Magical Doremi girls and those girls were only 8 years old, there's a big gap between 8 and 13/14 you know? Specially for girls. This PPG don't have a single trace of "womanhood" In the shape of their bodies. I would have liked something more like Tokyo Mew Mew style since they were teenagers with (no sexualized) hips, bust and breast shape but the PPG have completely Flat undeveloped child bodies that don't correspond to their ages. I mean if you wanted little kids OK, the original where basically toddlers but if they are teens they are teens! Make some distinction between a teen and a 8 years old other than being tall please.
Z Blossom: Her clothes are nice and I think it fits her well, here she became a genki dumbass girl because they targeted her as the main protagonist (and is apparently a magical girl rule to make the main character a genki mostly dumbass girl) which is one of the things I dislike the most, with fanfics too, I hate when they are too much Blossom-centric if is a general story because to me the others are just as relevant and Blossom ends up being the main focus because she is the leader and is in the center and is seen as a big sister (which she isn't because they all popped alive at the same time) but well, even if it is mentioned several times at the beginning the show actually gives the three the same importance and as the original show sometimes there are episodes where one of them is the main focus so... Half-Ok. Genki is a Japanese term for very energetic characters and that's another problem, it feels like she just sucked all Buttercup's and Bubbles' energy and looks too chaotic hyperactive, her intelligence and liking for studying is nowhere to be seen, only you see traces of her being smart when she thinks of a plan. Also she is a sugar addict (that could be the hyperactivity explanation 😐) and is really thirsty for boys, ok look, is not that I think Blossom is out of character for being thirsty over a boy is just that she wouldn't be thirsty over EVERY cute boy she sees (but curiously not the RRB 🙃) . The original Blossom is a responsable (most of the time) dorky bookworm who likes to learn things and cares about her looks and brags a lot and...this one brags a lot too I guess? But even if Blossom had her not very graceful moments she wasn't as chaotic dumb as Z Blossom,🤦‍♀️. She also doesn't look popular in her school unlike the other too, I kind of feel bad about it, I always dislike when she is put in fanfics as the most or only popular of the three for a reason that usually is that she is a super hottie while her sisters aren't 🤨(but almost always with a repellent bitter personality 😑 that makes me question that popularity) but to no making her popular at all? Come on can we just agree that the 3 of them are meant to have their own fans to their different personalities and looks please? Smart, kawaii and sporty are popular in Japanese anime schools. And another annoying thing is that she also has an annoying bratty mean little sister nobody asked for😬😒 nothing like her original awesome actual sisters 😤, Blossom deserves better. Well at least she is cute and fun but is not very accurate to Blossom.
Z Bubbles: Ok Bubbles is my favorite but Z Bubbles lacks of some Bubbles things, I mean is totally fitting that she would be popular with boys but this way is not how I imagined it: a enthusiastic Kawaii girl that could be scouted to be an idol, instead she is a fine lady like mannered elegant girl (because of a strict traditional grandma nobody asked for 😑) that likes fashion, (i mean it makes sense for both her and Blossom to like that so.. That's ok) but my problem is that even if she is still a bit of an airhead she is way too calm and collected! TOO CALM!! Z Blossom absorbed practically all the usual enthusiasm and energy she should have and also given that her attribute is the "sugar" It would have been more fitting for her to be the sweet addict don't you think? Where is your sugar girl!?😫😫 Her civil clothes... one looks like an uniform and its a bit weird because in their school nobody wears uniform which is unusual in Japanese schools, to be honest I would have liked to see all the three of them in uniforms her other outfit is ok. Her hairstyle is a bit too complicated, I mean I don't dig in those loop style piggy tails I'll rather have normal piggy tails for her (she has to sleep with some balls with her hair around them to keep the shape, looks uncomfortable as fuck). It feels to me like a half baked Bubbles, almost but not quite there.
Z Buttercup: Thought her personality is decently similar to the original: tough, not as polite as the other two, sports star(she has fangirls 😆 which I think fits perfectly in her anime persona) there's something that rubs me the wrong way. In anime there are different kinds of tomboy characters (I kinda want to make a post about about it) the type used for Z Buttercup is not the one I think fits better, is way too overly against anything "girl related" to the point she'll despise the idea to spend time with other girls or even being acknowledged as one because being girly is "uncool" but is not like you see her with boys either unlike the original and Mitch. The original Buttercup defended womanhood and the right to be rough and tough and to like things usually "meant for boys" without being any less of a girl and she never disliked being a girl or tried to physically hide it, I totally think she would be offended if someone mistook her as a boy and would get a punch 👊😂. I don't think she hating dresses and skirts in general is accurate, what I think she hates are clothes with a girly or flashy style, she would be just fine with a simple denim skirt but she would absolutely hate something like a tulle skirt, in the original she is ok with her simple dress but she was upset with the pompous party dress she used in one episode.
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A dress and a shirt don't have to be always too femenine and I think the magical dress isn't exactly a style she should hate that much because is not that girly, it has a football jacket 🤷‍♀️and fingerless black globes. To be honest she looks like a crossdressed boy, let me explain 🙌: her civil clothes are 100℅ masculine that mixed with her mannerisms, her Japanese name used for boys too, her voice with the tone used to play little boys roles and her spiked up hairstyle (that is the style Butch should have had) and as I mentioned before her completely flat without a trace of womanhood body makes her look like a crossdressed boy, in fact when Butch stole her dress in that episode he looked more like a girl than her because of his hair and feline eyes 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️, why can't she even have eye lashes if the other two have eye lashes? I want the 3 to have the same eyes style 😭. I have to mention that there was a make over episode where she gets a more femenine look to please a guy 🙂🙃 Emmm ok, that dress she wore was... Not so bad but just as she would hate tulle, frills are also not an option 🙅‍♀️ but I was very pleased with how they re styled her hair, it was almost like the original 💚. So the tomboy type I like for her is the girl with the boyish mannerisms who likes tough sports and has short hair but not necessarily boy style (like a Bob) and wears sporty style clothes that ok can be pants but also can perfectly wear a skirt like denim, or leather fabric or a Hoody dress and she could even wear make up like a simple eyeliner, that's it. Anyway according to the show she is the way she is because of her dad and 2 brothers 🙄thay nobody asked for (By the way I hate Z Buttercup pijama, looks like a Harlequin disguise 🙅‍♀️ like she is disguised as "Z Him")
Magical Dress design and Tranformation sequence:
Oh girl, here I go... I'm going to be mean... After seeing some designs in the artwork I feel robbed. I FEEL ROBBED!! Look!! LOOK!! 😤😤
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I can't Fuckign believe out of all THIS☝☝☝ they went with that plain flavorless boring dress with a short sleeves football jacket?(why the fuck buttercup's jacket is yellow? I don't care buttercups are yellow, I didn't like it🙃) ROBBED WE WERE ROBBED!! And the transformation sequence was... MEH, not very superhero fitting, again they copied magical Doremi transformation style 🙄🙄 the only thing I rescue is that moment when Z Buttercup gets the skirt because her face and how she moves her legs is hilarious but really the animation is slacking in general, they should have been put more effort in the transformation sequence and also the weapons... sorry but magical girl or not I find insulting that the power puff girls needed weapons and a belt to transform NOPE, sorry Blossom for Ladybug kinda worked but you a yoyo?😕 Bubbles used a giant bubble blower? Ja. ja. hilarious.😐 I would have liked it better if she blew the bubbles directly from her mouth or her hand making a circle👌and Buttercup using the only thing that is an actual weapon, a giant hammer like Amy rose? Also Fucking yellow like the ugly football jacket? I just don't like it yellow, I don't care buttercups are yellow ok 😂 but honestly Buttercup deserves boxing globes because I rather have her punching instead of smashing like girl you're more of a Knuckles Girl type not an Amy Rose girl type... That's more like Blossom or Bubbles.
Secondary Characters:
Mayor: I'm disappointed he isn't bald and doesn't use a little hat... Was it so hard to give him a Chibi form? Something like Iruma-Kun's demon grandpa. Actually we were robbed again! One of his previous design had a more accurate design as the original and it was adorable and funnier! This one has such a BORING design... Like a background character... Mayor should stand out more!!
Miss Bellum: first of all... Why the hell is she blonde? Nop this is unforgivable, she is a REDHEAD, yeah yeah you kept the gorgeous body and the face hidden joke but she isn't blonde! 😑 also she doesn't have as much presence as her original version which was a role model even more than miss Keane for the girls to look up to but well she is still there I guess. Poor Miss bellum, here Fuzzy tried to pull a Browser with her 😂😂 but this isn't as funny as when he wanted to do that with the professor in the original show.
Miss Keane: nothing much to say in general, her design is pretty good for an anime version of her but unfortunately see isn't much relevant in the show.
Professor Utonium: they wronged you so much professor...😤😤 Instead of being the father of 3 super awesome super powerful girls you are stuck with a unoriginal tiny version of you of a son taking all the screen time you should have 😭😭😭 also he wasn't even the one who accidentally creates something, in this case the chemical Z, that credit was for a fucking robot dog!!! But at least he actually has a wife 😂😂 but he never sees her... 🤪. You know what is ok, if his screen time is not him being a dad with the girls I don't want it anyway 😒.
Ken and the robot dog: Out of the principal four protagonists the girls and the professor individual families Ken is the one I wrinkle my nose the most when he shows up, like who the fuck needed a junior Utonium playing son? NOBODY ASKED for this character and didn't make things more interesting and on top of that he has more screen time than the professor 😒😒, I guess is because in magical girl animes the adults barely have important roles... So we better put a random kid just because 🙄🙄. And the robot dog who talks I suppose is the anime version of talking dog but downgraded, because talking dog was a Fucking real dog DUH! Nobody cares about this robot, is so irrelevant I barely remember anything about him just that they tried to make a emotional scene with him at the end of the series. And my greatest resentment against Ken... He actually has a mom😒, of course since you didn't pop out of a concoction but you popped out of an actual woman but still... The actual daughters of the professor never got a mommy, you know what? It's ok they had miss Bellum 🖕🖕, and I'm not gonna hate the mom because she has the decency of only show up in one episode and didn't took screen time from the professor 😤 uff I'm way too salty about this...
Villains: (note, I'm going to complain a lot about how the colors aren't bright 😅)
Mojo Jojo: Why must you make a mockery of a villain that had such a great origin story... This one is too silly, he lacks of aggressiveness. Silly as mojo might be, this one is right away a pushover and is insulting! Mojo was very important in the original show and... This one looks like the principal villain but... No... His personality just won't do... Also why is he so tall? And I don't like his green! His green was brighter!! You know like ☢️ radioactive
Him: Excuse me but... He is a drag queen not a Fucking son of a Harlequin clown, he doesn't even look that demonlike, well yes, he looks like a possessed cringy clown doll... But uff I miss his bright color palette, he needs more RED!! Anyway he was the source of the black energy that created all the villains, as the lore of the show that wasn't that bad, keeping aside his downgraded looks.
Fuzzy: given the scenario I suppose he is pretty accurate, again with his color palette dulled, but he pretty much was dececently similar.
Princess: I know her name is princess but... What the fuck with those clothes? They took it too seriously, she is a rich mean girl, kinda like a bee queen... She should be more stylish, not a girl disguised as a tacky medieval princess, not even the original one who was 5 did that with her civil clothes and I hated her hairstyle when she goes villain mode😑. Her personality is... Half baked, she is still spoiled, nasty and mean but like not as mean as the original and well actually I do like when sometimes she wasn't bad but in general not the anime version of princess I would have liked. Also what did I say about please make a distinction between a teen body and a little kid body? 🙄 he looks even younger than the PPG and she is the same age!!
Sedusa: WHAT were they THINKING with that DESIGN?? Yeah sedusa had big eyes and a big head and didn't have a nose BUT THAT WAS IN THE CARTOONISH version!! She is supposed to be a extremely attractive woman not a fucking monster 😂😂 she is so out of the place with the style of the other characters! Also she is actually a normal girl that turns into this thing they called Medusa when she puts on lipstick!!😨Was it so hard to hit with the black ray an attractive thief woman so she gets magic hair?🤨🤨 And seriously, her body is ridiculous in this anime style, no even miss Bellum was that exaggerated
Gangreen gang: excuse but again, isn't anime style supposed to make characters more good looking? How the fuck they managed to make them uglier? Again with the wrong green color! but seriously what are those designs?! Is like they couldn't decide between the American cartoon and the anime style ☹️☹️... And they changed the gender of one of the members I HATE THAT. Oh look for Arturito there was a Chibi version unlike with the mayor 🙄.
Ameba boys:......i don't really know what to say about them... So... Meh? 😑🤦‍♀️ yeah that will be enough and one of them is a girl now. I could live without the original ones too to be honest.
Rowdyruff Boys: My heart is completely broken. 💔 Why? Why, why? Just WHY?? 😭😭😭 in this show I couldn't ship them with the girls!!! Because this time the boys are basically Mojo and the girls sons!! 😭 you don't know what I'm talking about? In this version the boys were made with Mojo's arm pit hair, his DNA and Blossoms saliva, Bubbles ear wax and Buttercup's foot sweat 😵😵 so their DNA, just like children are made from mommy and daddy DNA 🙈🙈😭😭😭 each boy is basically each girl son WITH MOJO 😭😭😭. I'm not going to bother to review the three of them separately because they have exactly the SAME personality🤦‍♀️, I like their outfits better than the girl's outfits thought Butch face and hair design is just... 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ emo bangs? SERIOUSLY? I want the Vegeta hair back thank you😤😒 Also I resent with all my soul that they got to be brothers while the girls couldn't be sisters 🤬🤬 and I can't believe how much of a bad joke they are compared to the originals, hello? The originals were intimidating characters that were pretty much equal to the girls in battle and they were dangerous thugs, here they are just 3 gross kids that fight throwing saliva, ear wax and sweaty socks 💔🤦‍♀️ they wronged you so much my boys and they took away my shipping energy by making it incestuous 🥲🥲
Duchess: well look at that, the 2016 abomination wasn't the only PPG adaptación that utterly disrespected the fourth Puff in an insulting way... She shouldn't exist to begin with, she was not only a wannabe Bunny but she also stole Princess original role: a rich attention seeker bitch who buys a supersuit more stylish than the PPG dresses, wanting to be a 4 PPG and also wants them to look bad... What kind of bullshit is this?? What she was is what princess should have been in the first place, and they dared to put Bunny's color theme, she even has the same hair color 🤬 and FUCK I hate how much I like her super outfit 1000 times more than the PPG outfits 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️. They wasted the chance to make an emotional episode using Bunny's lore. Maybe a girl in a wheelchair or another disability (since Bunny represented disabled people) that gets saved by the girls and wished to have the same powers and return the favor and she gets them in a accident, then saves the girls and loses her powers and then moves away from the city after saying goodbye (so that things doesn't end up as tragic as the original but still ends emotional) see? Something this simple would have been more respectful towards Bunny than this unnecessary bullshit of a character.
Cody: There's a few original villains of the show that I don't care about but I'm gonna talk about this one because of his relationship with Bubbles. This character basically is a hospitalized boy who was Bubbles childhood friend and first love, he gets hit by a dark ray and turns into a beast, so we could have a "beauty and the beast" With Bubbles. I just find curious that his design could be considered another version of anime style Boomer, his hairstyle is similar and he has darker blond hair and darker blue eyes and I wonder... I have the Headcanon that the creator of this character was a boomubbles fan that was as frustrated as me that the rrbxppg weren't shippeable here so they made a character who looks like boomer to make a love story with Bubbles 😂😂😂 what do you think?
Well in general I believe that this show was watchable and entertaining but as anime is not a very remarkable one, it doesn't have a particularly good animation (is a bit sloppy) or good script and definitely I don't think it does justice as an anime adaptation of another show like PPG.
Jeez... I think I roasted it too much 😶😶, I know that normally I talk about why I love things but sometimes a girl has to vent 😅👉👈, I apologize to those who loved this show 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️ sorry 😅😅
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dearweiying · 8 months
here to save your life.
Mo Dao Zu Shi (alternate names: Founder of diabolism, Grandmaster of demonic cultivation or mdzs for short) is an danmei novel written by Mo Xiang Tong Xu also known as mxtx in the fandom (we love you our god) which was originally published in 2016. Till now it has had multiple adaptations including an donghua, manhua, live action as well as a chibi version and an audio drama.
I highly suggest to send your support for the novel through official sites but since a lot of people can't afford to buy the books or watch and listen to the adaptations because of different issues of their own, I will be linking the places where these are available for free so that no one has to go through much trouble finding them.
Just a reminder that some of these are not official sites where the adaptations were aired which technically makes them (slightly) illegal but that's too common in the fandom so if you're new no you're not going to jail. The websites are safe and I will give specifications to avoid ads just in case.
The novel has a total of 126 chapters. The main story consists of 113 chapters and the other 13 are extras. Reading the novel was my best decision ever and I can bet my life that you won't be disappointed with it. The characters, the storyline, the freaking lines. Everything is perfect from the top and to the bottom. It has been rated mature as it includes explicit content and slight non-con?? It wasn't really non-con but then also maybe it was. It's debatable really trust me on this. You can read it here. Happy reading!!!
𝗗𝗼𝗻𝗴𝗵𝘂𝗮+𝗖𝗵𝗶𝗯𝗶 𝗩𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗶𝗼𝗻
To put it simply donghua is Chinese animation. Most people say that it's just anime but Chinese. But from experience I can say that don't say it out loud cause it makes some people really angry. The mdzs donghua has 3 seasons having 15, 8 and 12 episodes respectively. The chibi version is called Mo Dao Zu Shi Q and has 30 episodes consisting of 5-6 mins each.
Season 1 can be watched here.
Season 2 can be watched here.
Season 3 can be watched here.
Chibi version can be watched here.
(Tip: Download the brave browser from playstore before clicking the links as it blocks the ads completely so you can watch in peace. It is safe.)
Manhua refers to a Chinese comic. The mdzs manhua has a total of 259 chapters. But due to our luck they have been censored which have left a few people banging their head on the wall (including me). But do not worry cause those chapters can be found on twitter. But really tho how hard is it to uncensore a kiss?? Nvm moving on from my despair you can read the manhua here.
And if you have the unquenchable thirst to read the uncensored scenes then you can find them by just searching on Google tho it has been said that the manhua publishing company will publish them soon enough.
Edit: THANK YOU TO THAT ONE ANGEL ON INSTA i got to know about the website which has been posting about the uncensored scenes here.
This part is my fav I swear. The live-action is called The Untamed and has a total of 50 episodes consisting of 43-45 mins each. They are all available on youtube for free!! I will still link them all here. They are absolutely breathtaking. Due to the Chinese censorship the plot has been altered but there's not much of a difference according to me. I do think that the romance is a bit subtle but it's there. You can feel it through the screen and it makes you swoon so bad. I'm completely in love with the drama. It's so beautifully done.
There is also a special edition of the drama with the same name which consists of 20 episodes with the duration time of almost an hour on each episode. It was made for international fans with a different ending and focuses more on the relationship btw our male leads instead of the plot. Some scenes have been cut and some have been added. It's just as amazing. It's available here. The first 3 episodes are also available on youtube.
(Again don't forget to use the brave browser to remove ads)
𝗔𝘂𝗱𝗶𝗼 𝗗𝗿𝗮𝗺𝗮
Man the audio drama is just....perfect. There is not a single thing I can complain about. The emotions are perfectly conveyed. The audio effects of fighting or the sound of their breathing, even the slightest sounds have been added so make it as real as possible and it certainly does it's job. Earlier the audio drama was fully available on YouTube but unfortunately it has now been deleted. You can access it by joining the discord server of Treasure Chest Subs. Here is the link along with the steps on how to join on their website.
𝘐 𝘳𝘦𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘮𝘦𝘥 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘵𝘰 𝘶𝘴𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘱𝘢𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘯 𝘢𝘴 𝘪𝘵'𝘴 𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘪𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘸𝘢𝘺 :
Audio Drama
Donghua+Chibi version
Live Action+Special Edition
The rest is up to you of course!!! Hope you have fun with MDZS. I love it so much and I hope you will too now. This is my top danmei and there definitely is a reason for that. Happy journey to MDZS hell ;) P.S. If the links do not work or if you're having any problems with it please let me know. I will keep on updating the links if they are changed by any chance so it won't be much of a hassle.
-with love, rose
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ashe-alexysss · 1 year
I'm Alexysss Ashe!
Currently really into ROTTMNT 🐢
I post twice per week
T/cest DNI
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-- TAGS --
- #AsheArt -> Art
- #AsheAnimation -> Animations & Gifs
- #AsheEdits -> Edits
- #AsheTalks -> Random Stuff I say
- #AsheAsk -> Asks & Responses
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Mutant Mayhem - ((Can't wait for TOTTMNT!!))
ROTTMNT - ((Watched the series and movie!))
TMNT 2012 - ((Just started - S1Ep4))
TMNT 2014 Movie
TMNT 2016 Sequel Movie: Out of the Shadows - ((Donnie: "We only have a thirty seconds window... You know the plan!! *Jumps*" Mikey: "Uuuuuh, dudes?" Leo: "What?" Mikey: "He jumped!" Raph, panicked: "he JUMPED?!?!!!?!"))
TMNT 2007 Movie - ((Donnie: "No, I'm not playing hard to get! I'm telling you sir, it's not that kind of phone line!!!"))
TMNT '90s Movie I - ((Splinter: "I MADE A FUNNY!!"))
TMNT '90s Movie II: The Secret of the Ooze - ((Splinter: "I MADE ANOTHER FUNNY!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!"))
TMNT '90s Movie III
Ace Attorney - ((Missing The Great Ace Attorney 2))
Dayshift at Freddy's - (("You hurt me? I'm mad. You kill me? I'm annoyed. But, don't you dare lay a hand on my orange baby!))
Danganronpa - ((DR1, SDR2, NDRV3, UDG))
Doki doki literature club - (("And thus, today marks the day I sold my soul for a cupcake."))
Don't hug me, I'm scared - (("ATTENTION, FREAKS!! IT'S ME!!!"))
Epithet Erased - ((Giovanni, my beloved!))
FNAF - ((I'm more of a casual fan but I love the daycare attendant so muchhh!!))
Genshin Impact - ((Searching for Tar-Tar-Tartaglia in Fontaine!))
Good Omens - ((Season 3 confirmed, LET'S GOOOO!!!))
JoJo's Bizarre Adventures - ((Still haven't finished SO))
Moominvalley - ((Seasons 1 Episode 3))
Omori - ((Crying and shaking and throwing up. Completed))
Process of Elimination - ((Armor Detective, my beloved!))
Rain Code - ((Completed. IT WAS SO GOOD!!))
Samurai Rabbit: The Usagi Chronicles - ((S2 Ep8))
Sonic Prime - ((Woah. Sonic and Shadow gay fr!! Gonna watch S3 real soon.)
Spiderverse - ((Hobie, my beloved!))
The World Ends with You + Neo - (("Shut up and walk, dear."))
Undertale - ((Going through Undertale Yellow rn!))
Your Turn to Die - ((Haven't played the new chapter yet.))
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houkagokappa · 9 months
Autumn is also the mark of a new semester of anime for me to watch with the anime club I'm in. We started 6 new shows and will pick up 2 more in the spring, as we ended up with shorter ones this time around.
First of, we started with Odd Taxi, which I voted for and am happy to be watching. I tried to watch it when it originally aired, but something about the tone and atmosphere put me off from it. However, it also seemed unique enough that I always felt like I was missing out and needed to get back to it one day, and now I will be forced to watch it, yay!
Then we're watching Gankutsuou, which I also voted for and have been wanting to watch for years. I cannot state how much I love the style. I'm always here for tragedies and revenge stories as well. Beyond that I'm not sure what to expect, since this is NOT the Count of Monte Cristo story I'm familiar with, but I'm super exited to finally be watching it!
Although I didn't vote for Great Pretender, I'm happy to be watching it as well. It always seemed like a fun series, but I think Netflix kept it from me with their dumb release schedules. It's refreshing to watch anime not set in Japan and I love watching the scams unfold, so I'm hoping to have a good time with it.
Then we're watching Kamichu! I like the older style and setting, the gods seem cool, but the protagonist has been a little meh. Others in the anime club said that all the anime we're watching now can be divided into tragedies and dense romances, and I hate dense romances (at least with straight characters) so I'm worried I'll have a bad time with this show. So far I'm pleased that her romantic interest doesn't show her any interest at all, because I'm dead inside I like stories about unrequited feelings (although I'm sure he'll come to like her eventually) and it prevents this from being a "dense romance" in the sense that the characters clearly like each other but are unable to progress their relationship, which is very frustrating most of the time. I'm coming in with some petty prejudices, and I'm hoping to get something more out of this, since I will be forced to watch it anyway.
Back to something exciting and tragic, we're also watching Bokurano, which I've also been wanting to watch for years. I only know that it's a mecha anime where all the kids will die, and that it's apparently one of the most tragic anime ever made. It's a little annoying to be watching it with company, since others keep making comments about that, but the first two episodes had me hooked. I'm super interested in seeing where this will be going, and as an aside, I'm a huge fan of both the opening and the ending. As soon as I left the meeting I had to open up youtube, tap the search bar, and then close my eyes as I typed in "bokurano full op/ed" without a single glance at some unwanted suggestion of "x death" or whatever twist might be coming up.
Lastly, we're watching Tomo-chan wa Onnanoko! I've seen the first episode before, and almost left without watching it again, but my fomo and uncertain personality made me stay, and I'm glad I did, because this show is actually quite funny. It helps that the two mains have a close relationship already, and that they're both oblivious to some social cues/norms, so it's not just about them two awkwardly blushing and stuttering together, but them being oddballs in general with good chemistry together. It keeps the denseness less frustrating and more fun. I'm not sure if it'll continue to be funny for 12 more episodes (there are shows that manage that, like GSNK), but so far I don't hate it!
Once we finish the shorter shows, we'll start watching Shokei Shoujo no Virgin Road and Okusama wa Mahou Shoujo. I've seen Shoukei Shoujo before, and I liked it okay, although the anime suffers from only scratching the surface of who the characters are. At least I'm looking forward to seeing some of the twists again, because they were really cool! I have no idea what to expect with Okusama wa Mahou Shoujo. I'm hoping for it to be a forgotten gem, but we'll see. I'll keep you updated whenever I have something to update you with!
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I’ve finished MAG 199 and I’m now terrified of listening to 200. Help. 😔
(No one asked me, but I’ve seen this question floating around r/TheMagnusArchives and have been there myself, so I thought I’d put my full week of obsessive post-Magnus melancholia to some use!)
🚨 mild spoiler warning if you don’t know the nature of the ending of The Magnus Archives! 🚨
I was really upset (crying on and off) for a whole week after I finished MAG 200. But it was really a very beautifully made episode with gorgeous soundscapes and phenomenal voice acting, and I'm so glad I finished it soon after listening to 199. (I had been considering putting it off because I was aware the ending would be ambiguous at best.)
These are some things that helped me get through the grief of finishing a beautiful piece of media, and the feelings of loss, heartbreak and frustration about the ambiguous ending for a fictional queer couple I really care about:
I slowly worked my way through all the extra content with the cast! (Q&As, Retrospectives, MAG Fluff, and Gaming, available on Spotify! Plus the The Magnus Protocol Kickstarter streams and Fan-requested JMart reads.) It a) brought me back to the real world and b) reminded me that TMA is a gorgeous complete piece of art and that's something to really celebrate.
I spent some time putting together my own, realistic interpretation of why the ending is absolutely perfect and the best possible scenario! (May have absently but extensively pondered on wholesome post-canon headcanons.)
I ranted on Tumblr. A lot.
I made a melancholic, heartfelt, angsty playlist that (to me) feels like a conversation between Jon and Martin. It starts loud and winds down gently to soft, vulnerable and introspective. I was initially hesitant to listen to any music after I finished TMA because I feared that the emotions would end me. I caved in the end, and curated mine really carefully. It gives I’m depressed but in love and it was painful to listen to but also so therapeutic. Not the kind of playlist I usually put together, but I was shocked to realise how much I can relate to it.
I made a manically big Pinterest board of Tumblr memes and fanart with good vibes! It’s actually easier to find the best stuff over there than it is through Tumblr’s search function.
I made a YouTube playlist of my favourite uplifting, cute and comedic fanmade animatics and clip athologies.
Lastly, I would highly recommend planning on some sort of similarly fun media that you can jump into when you feel ready! It makes it easier to move on and gain perspective. (After Banana Fish, I plunged myself into a bunch of other LGBTQ+ anime and it really helped!)
I think danmei in particular (achillean Chinese webnovels, often high fantasy) is somehow uniquely similar to TMA through the intricate world-building and plot, good fillers that interconnect, lengthy serialisation, wholesome vibes, and pining romance. The Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation is a great one to start with, and is available in print at bookstores now! (I picked up The Husky and His White Cat Shizun.)
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I ended up in a rabbit hole entirely on accident this weekend, but it was super worth it. (Cutting on mobile won't work so sorry for this massive post.)
I used to watch "The Soup" religiously as a teenager and young adult. It was a show on E! where Joel McHale basically tore apart the worst trash TV you could think of - and in the "golden" era of reality TV, there was a TON to tear apart. My mom also watched it a lot with me (the hardest I've ever seen her laugh was at Joel McHale introducing "Ice-T and his wife, Coco-T"), and it was one of the few shows our whole family could sit down and watch without everything devolving into fighting. Then it got cancelled in 2015 for some frankly bullshit reasons (pretty soon after a renewal as well!) and basically disappeared.
For years I've wondered if this show was saved ANYWHERE at all. It's never streamed anywhere (not even when Netflix tried out The Joel McHale Show, which was basically the same thing). E! never really dropped YouTube clips for it. I thought I had some episodes on DVR recorded DVDs, but discovered when I moved a few years ago that wasn't the case. However, in an entirely random Reddit post having legit nothing to do with The Soup, a user dropped the bombshell that 99% of the show is on the Internet Archive and provided a link. That made my Friday!
NOW. One thing that I've wanted to find for a while are the episodes John Oliver was on The Soup, partially because I am sad and predictable but ALSO because across the Internet, John is credited for being on The Soup's finale and nothing else, which I KNOW from my memories to not be true. (I remember shit like this, but not how to get to my local library without an app guiding me. Siiiiiigh.) Of course there's no real episode guide for The Soup online, either, so I was on my own on this one.
In the end, I remembered enough about Ryan fucking Lochte to find one of those JO episodes in this archive, after about a day of searching. I promise that makes sense in context, and you can watch this prime piece of 2013 nonsense below.
Fair warning, some of this has aged poorly. Not enough to trigger warn, but there's definitely some mean-spirited humor about a few people's looks and polyamory. (There's also a truly ludicrous amount of jokes about Joel and/or John being gay. This is an extremely strange cultural relic and trying to explain The Soup has made me aware of just how weird it is as a show.)
(You can also access hundreds of other episodes of The Soup through this link. I am in awe of this existing at all. Finding out this archive exists gave me the same feeling that watching Ray Mona finding the goddamn Toon Makers Sailor Moon pilot did. Now to find the legendary Alexis Neiers phone call episode...)
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sunrisethoughts02 · 1 year
Inbox justkenz for mental health help 💜
Hi there, lovely human! I'm so glad you dropped by today :) this is a really great question, and I will do my absolute best to answer it! Please keep in mind I am not a licensed professional, and I'm also still on my mental health journey. These are just things that helped me, and I hope they help you!
Know Yourself. This is huge. I knew so little about who I was before I started an intentional process of trying to discover who I am, what my triggers and traumas are, etc. This is also really important because it directs your attention to the positive aspects of your personality and self, not just the parts you might struggle with. It's also important to understand that what worked for others - and is held up as this 'glorified self-care system' - might not look exactly the same for you. For example: I struggle with multiple autoimmune conditions, and the 'aesthetic' meals I copied off tiktok and youtube were actually hurting me, not helping. they might work for the creator, but self-care isn't copy and paste. it's a continuous, evolving process of attending to your individual needs. while therapy is of course great for assisting in this process, it can be really expensive. thankfully, many incredible resources are totally free. I would recommend journaling, yoga, and mindfulness as a great place to start. you can literally just search 'journal prompts for self-knowledge' on google, and there's lots of free meditations/podcasts/yoga classes. actually, i need to do a post specifically focusing on this really soon!
It might feel worse before it gets better, and that's okay. self-care is one of the most beneficial things for mental wellbeing. it can be extensive as taking a vacation, but for me it started with basic hygiene. it's hard for me to admit how hard basic hygiene was, and in depressive episodes, still is. I hated self-care at first because I always felt worse afterwards, and what's the point in taking aromatherapy baths if you feel more stressed afterwards?? I didn't know that it was actually my past trauma rising to the surface and releasing through my body and nervous system - traumas built on self-trust issues and fear. if this is the case for you, it's perfectly okay!! the media usually presents self-care rituals as these luxurious, stress-free, elaborate rituals. if yours, as mine did, end by crying on the bathroom floor, that's just fine. it's your body releasing old energy and trauma, which is usually negatively impacting your mental health. don't give up!! it will get better, and your brain and body will feel so much lighter after working through it.
What you eat matters. A lot. sugary/processed foods have a vast negative impact on depression and anxiety. unfortunately, that is exactly what my sad/scared brain craves. it's important to build healthy food habits into everyday life. I saw a huge impact on my mental health when I started paying attention to my food. this is not counting calories (in fact, please don't do that.) this is not restricting the amount of food you eat. it's eating as much as you want of foods that restore your energy and help clear your brain. lots of healthy fats and good proteins :) I eat keto/carnivore due to intense dietary restrictions, but I would recommend looking into Whole30, paleo, and keto lifestyles to see if it would work for you.
Spirituality. this was huge for me in my personal life, but these practices aren't confined to one specific belief system (and can still be beneficial without one at all.) for me, this looked like prayer, time in the Scriptures, and meditation. but meditation and gratitude practices can exist without any specific belief system and are helpful regardless of what you believe. any form of daily gratitude practice - whatever that looks like for you - is incredibly beneficial to mental health. again, there's tons of amazing resources online.
I tried to go through my biggest thoughts, but this was such an amazing question I could talk for hours!! I'll definitely do some mini-series posts on breaking down these topics and listing some specific resources. I wish you an amazing future, and don't hesitate to share any more questions/thoughts/comments! <333333
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bl-bam-beyond · 1 year
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This is basically for myself, I got enamored with this pair with the airing of PHUPHA (AUGUST 2022) and NANFAH (NOVEMBER 2022) on the DEVONTE296 OFFICIAL YOUTUBE CHANNEL. Thinking that was all there was to be until at the end of the NANFAH mini an announcement for an upcoming series.
Now in the NANFAH mini Phupha has already left after being unable to confess to Nan after seeing Nan with Gigi in what he thought was Nan becoming a couple with Gigi. But Nan and Phu's landlady made Nan aware of Phu's feelings so Nan began a 10 year search for Phu.
This series is comparable to many series in my opinion like My Only 12% (because of the close friendship from childhood except See-iw and Cake were basically together since birth) or Our Dating Sim (where one ran away from the other for multiple years except Lee Wan confessed then ran because it seemed to be a rejection)
At the end of the 2 minis Nan came to realize he was in love with Phu. But the series didn't pick up with that, it instead chose to go back to the close friendship even after Phu's disappearing act.
So this story wasn't a story at all, it seemed to be a commercial for Devonte Skincare for Men and two reunited friends promoting this brand as it was Nan's job and soon to be Phu's job as he was pursued as a presenter or brand ambassador. Until the end of Episode 5 when Nan learned Phu lied about his whereabouts for 10 years. Then the drama ramp up as Nan declared I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN YOU LYING DECEIVING DUPLICITOUS ASSHOLE.
Then a Hiatus until April 19...a month away
What was expected upon the return, Phu trying to explain why he ran off for 10 years or at the very least groveling at the feet of Nan begging for forgiveness but no it came back to Nan still stressing as Phu ran to check on his grandmother making Nan think he lost Phu once again and literally suffering because of it.
If that didn't prove how much Nan loved Phu what else could. Because Nan had options. But he could not and did not let go of Phu mentally (when Phu wasn't there) or physically (when he was there)
Nan never got an apology even when he asked for one when he went after Phu after their Episode 5 blowup.
Then there is the bombshell that Khunkhao (another guy in love with Nan) and Phupha are half brothers as they share the same mother but they don't know that.
So the series throws out that Nan doesn't believe in dating a friend because it would ruin the friendship so this further pushes Phupha into his shell as far as a love confession.
It further pushes Phu into this shell when he watches as Party confesses to Nan and Nan reiterates that to him friends are just friends.
Furthermore Nan and Phu are two healthy grown men and neither had a relationship with someone else in the entire time of being apart? That's pining.
Phu seemingly disappointed Nan over and over and he had a chance with a stud like Party and and Khunkhao yet he did not show the slightest interest.
Then Episode 9..Phu's Confession was so out of character. Phu is an introvert. He keeps all his feelings inside (think Khabkluen in STAR IN MY MIND)
Phu doesn't like social interaction. He has crippling stage fright in front of people yet he confesses to Nan in a club in front of their friend Joe and ALL of Nan's work colleagues and the brother he never knew. If that isn't out character.
Then Phu learned his grandmother has died. For Phu he has only been close to 3 people. His father, his grandmother and Nan.
So one episode left. But the story such as it is, is over what else is left.
My prediction is...Phupha meets Khunkao in their official capacity as Brothers. Perhaps including Phu and Khunkhao's mother. And the actual lovemaking of Phu and Nan for the first time. And possibly Nan deciding if he's moving to China for this promotion with Devonte. May 24 ends The Promise pushed back from May 19. Will WeTV and Devonte show the last episode on the same day?
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ladygoofball · 1 month
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It's been a while since I posted my own art here, huh? I'm trying to draft and complete these in physical format first before finishing it off digitally and so far I'm not loving the process but I'm definitely Trying.
This was a scene that really happened to me while I was meditating under blooming crab apple trees, a little butterfly landed on the pouch I carry around my neck to store crystals and pictures that make me feel better and then flew away into the afternoon.
On a personal note:
Been tripping over a lot of fake reactionary content here lately, so I'll need to go back into pseudo-hiding to keep recovering from all of the shit that I unearthed in the beginning of the year here with my own past traumas and stuff. It is really hard to focus on character building and DnD/BG3 stuff when your brain is as soft as a ripened peach tbh.
Media literacy comes first, mental health comes second, community building and repairs come third, and then I have to figure out if I can keep my animals or not by the end of next month. Oh, and job searching. Can't forget about the Grind.
Jealous of this unemployment psychiatric episode yet? I knew it, it's so attractive from the outside looking in /joking
I just feel a lot of old creeping eyes on me and need to keep myself guarded more than usual. It's been really taxing and I hope that something gives soon because God is it exhausting to try to network with media professionals when you're not doing well enough to even sit on a bus without getting a blistering headache. I have had a lot of support to push me into a better direction, but I stick to the same old ones I have tried and tested because of how difficult it is to do literally anything else right now. I've been noticing who gets deeply enraged at my position in my career path right now because they were working to bring me back to reality and I kept "refusing offers".
For the record: I have not received offers to be part of any production in the past couple months, so what is there to "refuse"?
I just made a YouTube series in my senior year of college that I have honestly not even looked at or been able to access that account (besides on Facebook) for years, I want to get back to making that kind of media literacy video essay content without the stupid barriers that were imposed while I was in college but it is...not something that I can do without figuring out funding for things first. I have been trying to bring myself back to it and post about my progress on tiktok but I'm also...not in a place to re-run any kind of hustle like that without a regular ass income.
It is difficult to get back to content creation and filming and being in front of cameras without a proper self care routine to refuel my own reserves before over extending my talents and abilities to other people. If you're in the same boat as a small/independent film maker I tip my cap to your efforts.
Ending on a positive self note: I am a bit impressed that my own conscious understanding has the ability to discern when energy vampires are waiting in the wings to get a piece of what keeps me going in my day-to-day life. That's about all I've gained since March though, in all honesty. I may appear to be easily manipulated by "people smarter than me", but that is always going to be a front for me to get the information I need to make an informed decision on how I move forward with my life.
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ask-angelbeam19 · 2 months
Hey Bea! ❤️ I have no idea what's going on because I can't see your channel anymore but I want you to know you need to stay strong. You're amazing at what you do. I seriously can't help but feel like when you get to a part in your series- something happens. Whether it's age restricted, channel deleted or the AI voices actor coming to you (which I won't get into because it not my business but I do find it a bit strange..). There's always something, and I find it strange. It could just be a coincidence that these things happen but they seem to be happening a lot, maybe not too soon but it definitely occurs. I have no idea what help I can personally do to lend you a hand but please stay strong. All your stories are amazing, your drive, your passion and overall aesthetic! I'm not sure if YouTube is a safe place to keep posting but hang in there! You could always try Dailymotion, your own site or even on here. There is nothing you can't do but just know I and a few others are here to support you and lend out a hand to you, whether it be a need for voice actors or anything, for free of course. Love you bea and stay strong! Don't let this defeat you queen! 💖
My channel is fine, just hidden for the time being. They were collectively reporting it for whatever reason. The voice actor is also kinda petty. I was in the wrong to use his voice, I set the videos to private, apologized and offered to pay for the sample he sent me a few months back. He said he’s not fine with me using his voice and I thought okay, that’s the end of the story, but no. He keeps sending fellow voice actors to attack me for using AI voices. Which is ridiculous! They’re all computer generated and weren’t cloned from actual humans. They’re all available on Elevenlabs voice directory. I have commercial rights to use them bcs I bought the Creator tier, which is 22 dollars/month. And Elevenlabs now has professional voice cloning too, users upload their own voice samples on Elevenlabs for people to use freely, and they get money after idk how many generated characters. The ridiculous part was one saying that I should use an actual cast. But why should I? I ticked off their community bcs I shown them that it can be done beautifully with computer generated voices. My series is a threat to the voice acting community. I feel like their time is numbered with these powerful AI tools. Last night I searched up a ton of other AI voice generated websites, and some sound just as realistic as the ones from Elevenlabs. Normally you can’t really copyright a voice, since many people have the same voices, or similar. I could’ve denied everything and the voice actor would have no way of proving it’s actually his voice, bcs let’s face it, he sounds nothing like Latham’s voice. But I owned up to it and messaged him to apologize. And with this I am done talking about this topic. As for why my story gets attacked… bcs I dare say I am the only sims 2 creator who actually has a solid plot with detailed world building, characters who actually have personalities, and they’re also very good looking imo. I’m also the only one who can build a channel from scratch and gain new subs and actual views. The others have the same sub counts for years and years. Idk where this unnecessary hate is coming from. Like sit down and work as hard as I do on my stories. Uploading a video every few years or months won’t gain new followers. It’s all about consistency. I can make an episode fast and still deliver the same quality content. And I know it’s not easy to attract viewers to sims 2 stories because sims 4 is trending now. That’s why you have to do something that stands out, something that attracts viewers from the sims 4 community as well. Like I know one series that is basically a mixture of Forsaken Souls and Infected, which makes it a cheap ripoff, and I should go on their channel and attack them for ripping off my stories, but they’re not even worth that. Too much effort on my part to waste on someone who doesn’t know how to make original content. Also viewers aren’t stupid. They know originality when they see it. I’m by no means claiming my stuff is 100% original, bcs it’s impossible. Everything has already been done is some form. I also get inspired by many things and stories, books and so on, but never another sims story for sure. Either way, right now I am taking a break from YouTube bcs it’s just so toxic and draining. But yeah, I lost a channel with 40k subs, it’s not like this drama is affecting me, ofc it makes me mad, but in a few days I won’t care. Yk what happens when people try to take me down? I try even harder to bring something new and exciting to the table. They don’t understand that the more they attack me to more I wanna do better. It’s doing quite the opposite of what they’re going for. Anyway, I’m still trying to figure out if I want to continue the story with AI voices or just return to subs. I haven’t decided yet. Although I already found a new AI voice for Latham ( and no, it’s not cloned from a human, just to make it clear.) I also dunno if I will continue to upload new videos to YouTube other than previews. I might look into making a website or just move to Patreon altogether. Thanks for the kind words ❤️❤️❤️
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Part 1.
27 november:
Good morning everyone.
Tonight's #ONEDAY Episode 8 timeline is. 1 hour 6 minutes. 🙇‍♂️ I mean, we're already on episode 8 😳.
28 november:
Good morning everyone.
It's soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cold. Take care everyone. 🙇‍♂️
29 november:
Good morning everyone.
30 november:
Good morning everyone.
During a meeting about the website. When it comes to making a website, it's all about this and that... Oh, no, it's still like this: ......? I'm going back and forth... However, we are making steady progress, so please wait a little longer! Please wait a little longer!
1 december:
Good morning everyone.
During a homepage meeting, when I was making a page to tie X together, my sister searched for mine,'What the hell is this? All she said was 'Good morning, everyone! I'm scared. I'm scared.She said, 'You're scaring me.It's up to each person what they think. That's fine. I was more surprised that the person making the homepage didn't see my post, and it was a peach tree.
2 december:
Good morning everyone.
My sister found out, 'You're talking about something'.
We will start delivering it tomorrow! Thank you very much!  Editing!!!
3 December:
YouTube re-launches today at 7pm, so if you have time, please visit 🙇‍♂️
4 December:
Good morning everyone.(2 times).
Today's #ONEDAY Episode 9 timeline is 1 hour 5 minutes! Enjoy: 🙇‍♂️
Ladies and gentlemen! Thank you 😭😭
5 December:
Good morning everyone.
6 December:
Good morning everyone.
I've been working with screens all day.Smoke went up from my head before my computer did. I even got chicken fever lol. But i'm still working on it, and i'll upload YouTube after 23:22 if you have time 🙈.
7 December:
Good morning everyone.
Today we have a new name for YouTube! Thank you to everyone who took part in the submissions and voting! Please watch the video to see what it's become: 🙇‍♂️ We'll do our best to get it out soon 🙈.
8 December:
Good morning everyone.
So.I'm changing the name of YouTube this time. It was decided by your votes, so... Please take responsibility. Please wait for me, I'm going to do it with such high purity. 🙇‍♂️
Also, a friend of mine seems to have won a tepee as a lyricist in 2023. I'm thinking of sending him something, what do you think?
Oh, wait.I've been a composer of the year. You've been bursting with talent.In this case, i'd rather receive something than send something.
9 December:
Good morning, everyone.
When i went to the site today, there were people who had cranked it up. ㊗️ When i looked at their faces when they were making their final comments, they all looked like they had completed their work, and although i was a little sad to see it end first, i was also somewhat happy. I'm glad i'm making artwork, i think so every time. 🙇‍♂️
Tomorrow will be a full day of hard work. But i'll do my best.
10 December:
The theatrical (made-up) number plate reads."Don't fart". I want to tell someone, but it's hard not to grin when you're filming a serious scene where you can't say such a thing.
We look forward to working with you in the future!
I'm coming home now. Yes. I'm going to bed.
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moultinmush · 8 months
6# A Fandom Worse Than It's Content: The Aftermath, The Anti Server.
I'd lose contact with numerous amounts of people over the coming weeks, all for varying reasons: It started with Yums, who after the raids had grown apathetic ‘’The situations over [Deadname] Stop talking about it so we can all move on.’’ Had seemed to be their own and others consensus. I believed he deep-down hadn't changed their view of me after thinking me a Farmer. I'd see myself as toxic too, that my being around him was hurting them: So Yums and I came to a mutual agreement not to be friends anymore. Recently we reconnected, and I discovered my perceptions were wrong. To start with, Mandi originally was the leader figure who brought everyone together—But after the leaking of her own server, she'd retracted that role. Yums attempted to take up the mantle to bring order, and due to their own chaotic life it became a welcome distraction. When they couldn't manage the role anymore, they tried to pull back: But Mandi would drag them right back. Yums, at a point of exhaustion—Wouldn't actually think I was a Farmer. They wanted to take a neutral stance, but didn't feel safe doing so as everyone was actively tearing each others throats out. So in order to not bring attention to themself, they merged into the crowd, pretending to agree: It's why later they'd come across as so dismissive. Second was Mandi, who honestly was likely looking for an excuse to drop me. What led to us actually cutting contact was something unrelated: Before the raiding of my server, they knew someone who’d become their Ex (Who before becoming their Ex) I’d meet due to a call with them and Yums/Mandi. He’d been discussing his MLP oc, and sharing artwork—Which I pointed out as looking traced, and the story cliché—I'd get told of for that, not great memory that one. Ironically, later it would be proved that yes, it was traced work.
After their breakup, I’d not understand the gravity of the situation. I’d not known he knew where she lived, nor how far his harassment had gone. I assumed he wasn’t someone to take seriously, and he’d soon get bored—So I spammed him with crocodile images as ''Payback'' For how he'd treated Mandi: I couldn’t see how in doing that, I could’ve put her in very real danger. Look, at the end of the day it was Mandi’s business; She didn’t owe me an explanation. Everyone has a right to decide who they allow in their lives, and what they tell them: So when she blocked me, she had every right to do so. I’d just thought our friendship meant more than a teenagers poor judgment.
Scary and Possum were a whole different story. I believe I cut contact with them as we no longer talked, and I'd thought if I cut them of somehow the trauma I'd sustained would magically go away. Doesn't matter how we lost contact really, as we'd reunite half a year later.
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It was 2020 now, late June. I’d freshly turned 16 only days prior, and Scary was now 17. I’d re-entered one of my dissociative episodes, which had developed after I’d lost contact with everyone involved with the servers. During these episodes, I’d believe I was 15 again, stuck in that fateful day—Searching for my friends so I could beg for forgiveness all over again. (These episodes grew in distance between one another over the years, I just get depressed in September/October now.) It's why I'd search for a Reitanna server, and soon find Scary's Anti-Reitanna server.
Finally we move onto when, why, and how the YouTube harassment started. As I discussed in (This) Post, they already felt betrayed—So the later events were the final nail. This is where it gets a bit mercy, events in the timeline could be in the wrong order; There isn’t any real way to know. What I am sharing is the best I could gather from what sources I do have, so forgive me if I get something a bit wrong:
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(Art by Reitanna Seishin for the LAR video.)
Scary and Mandi were like a haystack soaked in gasoline, all they needed was for someone to light the match. Reitanna had begun tweeting about wanting to lose weight, as she wanted to be around 110 pounds. Scary was of the assumption that weight was unhealthy, so tried to discourage her. This would become a back and forth between the two, where Scary would attempt to disengage the conversation—Only for Reitanna to respond ‘’So, are you done yet?’’ This was when Scary discovered the infamous ‘’That’s your fucking fault, you moron!’’ Clip in Reitanna’s abortion LAR. He’d create a video response, the assumption as to why he made the video to begin with—Was to call her out for the blatant victim blaming, and to get her to leave him alone.
(If you do want to know more about Reitanna specifically, I'd recommend watching the bellow video.)
The harassment over Twitter would continue (And Reddit, from what I recall.) Past a point it wasn’t constructive, and Scary would continue with his unscripted videos—Except, many would be live streams—And he’d make a video about every single transgression, which resulted in watering-down the more serious accusations.
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Moving backwards in the timeline, Mandi had began creating her own videos for two presumed reasons: The biggest was that Reitanna had promised once her channel was back up and running, she’d post the next Muffins part—This promise was broken. And resulted in a bigger sense of betrayal than before. Because of this, Mandi would create her first video responding to Reitannas ''It's 4/20? oh. No, I don't celebrate Hitler, you nazis." Tweet, fuelled by the broken promise.
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(Thumbnail by Here For Nothing.)
Nearing the end of the posting, Mandi would reach around 14 videos about Reitanna—Whereas Scary would reach a whopping 40. They weren’t the only ones posting either, there was Here For Nothing (Known as Rose, they co-wrote Brownies—Which was Mandis own spin of series from Muffins.) Along with many other small channels that made normally 1 or 2 videos in whole about Reitanna, all having been inspired by Mandi and Scarys own uploads.
2020 housed a major explosion criticism towards Reitanna, it all so overwhelming no one could possibly hope to keep up or so much as consider anything in-depth—Not even the critics themselves.
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I want to establish, I wasn’t a hater—I no longer was a fan, but hadn’t joined the Anti server because I wanted a part in the hatred. I was only trying to get back in contact with who I thought would give me closure, that’s it.
One thing to bear in mind during this time period as well, is that it was Covid era. Many were in quarantine, and were becoming stir crazy. People were looking for places they could socialize over the internet, and where ever they could be accepted. Save to say, mental health was on the low.
Onto the matter of the server—Anyone who joined that server knows it was an utter mess. It was encouraged (As it was seen as ‘’Therapeutic’’) to vent unhealthy amounts of anger there, along with general ideations. The top channel housed a bot that would repost directly into the channel and notify the server members whenever Reitanna would post a tweet. Over the short period I was there, I’d not interact often. Generally, I’d be in privet VC’s with Scary and his then boyfriend, Possum.
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(A witness recount from an ex-member.)
In the following screens, these were the last time I interacted with Scary. I was at the worst I’d ever been with my mental health, and was actively self-destructing. Things that are too personal are censored, so please respect that. But basically—An Anti-server member @everyone’d in the server, saying he was going to kill himself and didn’t want to be stopped.
I was unwell myself, and so unstable at that point that this trigger made me deeply frustrated. All I could think to respond with was ‘’Why is he everyoneing? This is an overly dramatic situation that’s been created.’’ It’s one thing to look for help, but actively announcing that is not the way to go looking for it—The way I reacted wasn’t the best, but how Scary treated me after the fact definitely wasn’t right.
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Bellow is the last interaction I ever had with him.
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When I joined the server, Mandi hadn't been there. I am decently sure she left and later re-joined long after I'd left, Mandi herself allowed the server to get out of hand, no one abided the rules, and she never enforced them either—Which led to more escalations.
Below is another Ex members experience:
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The downfall of the Anti-server came about due to murmurs of Kiwi Farmers potentially raiding it—Reitanna had gotten doxxed, Mandi had gotten doxxed Scary had gotten doxxed... It was simply time to call it quits for them. The Farmers had been suggesting creating them their own boards too, saying they had potential to be bigger ‘’Lolcows’’ Than Rei herself. And so, the Anti-server would be shutdown a week before new years in 2020. It had a revival attempt in 2021, but didn't stick.
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It's been a long journey, but we've made it to the very last post. If I learn of anything, somehow find new screens, ect ect—I'll add them to old posts and don't have any plans for new posts. My ask box is open for whoever may find this blog, and want some more explanation about anything I've shared.
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Episode 64 Transcript: I Think This Guy's Gay or Something
[intro guitar music]
G: Hello, my name is Grey.
C: And my name is Crystal.
G: And this is Busty Asian Beauties, a Supernatural commentary podcast where I, someone who has seen this show several times...
C: And I, someone who only knows about the show through social media, discuss every single episode of Supernatural from start to finish. Also, we are both Asian.
G: Both Asian! For today’s episode, we will be discussing Season 4, Episode 4: "Metamorphosis," written by Cathryn Humphris, directed by Kim Manners.
C: Oh, god. [laughing]
G: Yeah. I've never dreaded recording as much as I do today. This episode, like, I mean it's not bad.
C: It's not bad, but-
G: It's not bad. Okay, first of all, it's not bad.
C: It’s in fact probably a good episode, but it was unbearable to watch! I can't do this!
G: Like, the concept that they were presenting and everything—very interesting and all that, but my god, is it painful.
C: Yeah, great stuff . Sam has some good lines, some good moments. But oh my god!
G: The thing is, I was telling you this, and then I stopped telling you this story because I wanted to put it in the podcast, [both laugh] but, like, I think it was like, minute 6 into the episode, I was like, “Why am I doing this?" Like, it's good. The fight was good and everything, but like, it was like, painful, right? So what I did was I was like, “You know what? I'm gonna click out of this tab. I'm going to pause my Supernatural experience.” And then I went on YouTube and I literally typed out “Trixie and Katya” on the fucking like, search bar, and I watched an entire podcast episode of Trixie & Katya. An entire episode before I returned to Supernatural. It was that kind of experience. 
C: Yeah, I also had to stop and watch other YouTube videos. My videos were Chris Fleming's “Am I a Man?” [G laughs] and Brian Jordan Alvarez’s “How to be Straight” because both of them remind me of Dean Winchester.
G: Yeah. What's the Brian Jordan Alvarez one? Which video is that? Wait, I'm gonna look it up because I think I watched every single one of his videos.
C: It's the one where he goes, “This wall is my enemy! I hate this wall. This wall is my enemy!” [G laughs]
G: Yeah yeah yeah. I think my favorite BJA video is the one where he goes like, “Oh, you kind of look like this,” and like, it's a picture of a cockroach-
C: Oh, yeah, and it's a picture of a dumpling?
G: No, the cockroach!
C: Oh, yeah, it's the dumpling for him and a cockroach for Stephanie Koenig.
G: Yeah yeah yeah. Yeah yeah yeah. That one was truly iconic.
C: Mm-hm.
G: Yeah. So let's get into this episode. What did you know about it?
C: So, okay, I knew that it opens with Sam and Ruby, like, practicing his powers of exorcism and that Dean comes in and tries to kill her, and I did not know what else happened. I know about the fight scene, but I didn't know it was necessarily in this episode. And as soon as it started and I recognized Sam’s shirt, I got so excited because I was like, “Oh, this is that scene from these funny videos that I enjoyed watching.” And I sent you the funny videos, and I was so excited, and then I pressed play, and I had the worst experience in my entire life. [laughs]
G: No, for real. I mean, I'd seen those videos. For context, Crystal is talking about the- how would I even describe this? What's the name of the podcast?
C: There’s two videos of this fight scene, and it's overlaid with audio from My Brother My Brother and Me, where Griffin is chewing out Justin for wearing like, a tropical-patterned shirt, and he, like, reads out Justin's entire Spotify history, which is just a bunch of songs by Jimmy Buffett, and then he ends it with like, “Are you haunted? Are you fucking possessed? You were supposed to be my brother!”
G: No, that's literally what happened this episode.
C: And Justin says, “I had a case of the Mondays. I had those old Monday blues, and I just had to chase them away.”
G: Yeah.
C: So yeah.
G: Literally what happens in this episode.
C: Yeah. And Sam is wearing a fun, patterned shirt in the scene and everything.
G: Yeah. So for me, I also didn't know that the fight scene was here. I thought it was gonna be later in the season, or like, in Season 5, but I think I'm thinking of a different fight scene. Because there is a fight scene where Dean goes like-
C: Are you thinking about the one where- [overlapping] “If you leave, walk out of that door, don't you ever come back.”
G: Yeah. But this is separate from that. For some reason, my brain like, meshed them together. I mean, they're the same vibes. So, understandable.
C: Not the same vibe, though, because in this one Sam doesn't fight back in any way, and it honestly looks like a PSA for spousal abuse. So that's different.
G: Yeah, I suppose. Yeah. Let's start the episode.
C: Alright.
G: Alright. So, as Crystal said, the episode starts with Sam and Ruby interrogating a demon. And, I don't know. Nothing much happens. The theme of the conversation was like, the demon was telling Sam that like, “Oh, you're such a big hero, aren't you? But I mean, look at what you're doing. You're like, working with this other demon-"
C: He says "slutting around with some demon.”
G: Yeah. And then Sam gets angy at this and raises- Does he raise his hand? Or he just looks at the demon?
C: I don't recall.
G: But, like, you know, he forces the demon out of the body. And they do the interesting thing again where, instead of the usual exorcism where the demon like, just gets shot out of the body, this one, like, the demon coughs out like, the black smoke. Which, every time they do it, I'm like, “That's so cool. That's so cool and fun.”
C: It's so cool.
G: It is very cool.
C: And instead of going up to the ceiling like it usually does in exorcisms, it like, [both] goes down to the floor, and then it sort of like, burns, like, through the floor, like, going back down to Hell or something.
G: And we're still supposed to think that these demons are going to Hell, not the Empty.
C: Yeah. So I just- I made a vow to myself midway through writing my notes of this episode that I'm just gonna forget that regular exorcisms are a thing because or else, this season doesn't make any sense.
G: Yeah, they don't give a shit. [C laughs] Ruby's there also, as you mentioned, and she's smiling!
C: And she looks great, she’s so fine, she's so fine, she blows my mind, hey Ruby!
G: She's giggling, twirling her hair at this.
C: Well, she's not giggling much.
G: No, she's smiling, though.
C: Oh, you mean you mean after Sam gets it out. Yeah, ‘cause Sam initiates the smile because he like- Oh, are we still talking about like, smiling while he's exorcising it, or after he gets the the demon out?
G: No, like, while. She's like, amused by this. She's impressed by this and shit.
C: Yeah, she's proud of her guy. She doesn't say anything at all during the interrogation, though, which is quite sad.
G: That's interesting.
C: Like, this guy is only insulting her. Like, he is saying a few things about Sam, but he's mostly just calling her a bitch and a slut the whole time, and she just sorta spends the whole time looking at Sam, like, seeing what he'll do about it.
G: I disagree.
C: Okay.
G: The demon is actively going after Sam! [laughs] Like, he's saying like, “You're a bad person,” and blah blah blah blah blah.
C: He has one line about that. And then he calls her a "demon bitch."
G: He has one line, period!
C: Okay, fair. He has 2. Fine, so it's a 50/50 split between insults. [G laughing]
G: Yeah, anyway, Dean is like, in the corner watching all this, and he's mortified and everything. And it starts the most annoying-
C: I fucking hate him.
G: I wouldn't say annoying. But like, the most unbearable scene I've ever gone through Supernatural.
C: Yeah. What happens is after the demon’s fully exorcised- Sam checks that he has a pulse, and he does. And Sam, like, looks so happy about this, and he like, looks up smiling at Ruby. And they talk for a bit, and Sam says that this time, it felt good, and there's no more headaches, which, according to Ruby, is a big improvement from their past exorcisms. And Sam’s helping the guy out of the chair, he's untying him. And the guy is quite calm for the situation, which, I mean, I'm assuming it's because, like, he was awake the whole time, so he's gotten the vibe that Sam’s like, a good guy here to help him already.
G: Yeah.
C: But then [sighs] the worst character in all of Supernatural comes in the door, and he looks fucking livid. Like, I, personally, would not be so livid. I would just be like, "Okay. Like, cool. Good job. You can exorcise people without words. That's nice." Like, if Bobby had figured out a way to do this, Dean would have just been like, "Oh, that's cool that you did that" because Bobby's allowed to do magic or whatever. But no, Dean's just so mad. He looks fucking murderous. And he's like, “Anything you want to tell me, Sam?” And, you know, Sam starts trying to explain. He says, “Let me-” and Dean's like, “You can't fucking explain this.” And then he asks who Ruby is and what the hell she's doing here, and instead of saying that "This is Kristy from the motel, and she just has a kink for demon exorcism and stuff," Sam sort of lets Ruby speak. And she says it's good to see him again, and he recognizes that she is Ruby based off of that. And then Dean goes, like, soo angrily, “Is that Ruby?” And then he just fucking tries to kill her. Like, nothing else. He just starts trying to kill her. He whips out the demon knife, and he is like, going at it. And like, why? Why? Why? What did Ruby do wrong in Season 3? Like, was there ever a moment where, like, there's a reveal that she whatever whatever?
G: No, the implication here is that she is the one who is like, making Sam do all these things. Like, that's what Dean thinks. So like, that's why he's mad at her.
C: Okay. Okay. And the thing she's making Sam do is exorcise demons, which is... bad. It's bad to do?
G: No, the thing is like, Dean isn't mad about the exorcising. It's- he's mad about like, the fact, the thing behind it, right?
C: Yeah.
G: And that's what's most frustrating, I feel. Because the action itself is at most, if we're looking like, at the most negative, it's morally neutral. I would argue it's like, [both] morally good. Yeah. But like, Dean treats it as like, a slippery slope that, like, you start off with this good thing, and then what? And then what? [C groans] And it's like, the reason why it's so unbearable is because Dean is so caught up with just what you are instead of what you do, which is the whole point of this episode, right?
C: The whole point of the episode, yeah.
G: Yeah. But- Well, we'll get into it when we'll get into it. It's interesting how they interface with it later.
C: So he is about to fucking kill Ruby. He has her like, against a fence. And Sam, like, tries to knock the knife out of his hand and goes, “Don't.” And he manages to get it out, but, like, Dean attacks Sam too; he's like, throwing him and shit. But this allows Ruby to get the upper hand, and she has Dean in like, a bit of a chokehold. And Sam yells, like, “Ruby! Stop it!” And she takes a second, and then she lets him go. And then Dean says, “Well, aren't you an obedient little bitch.” Why? Why? Why does he talk or exist? Why isn't he back in the ground? Why can't we put him back in the ground? [G laughs]
G: He's unbearable.C C: At least- The only good thing about this fight scene is that it's shot pretty well, I think, like, cinematography-wise. Because, like, everyone is in such close quarters, and the camera’s generally zoomed in, but it follows the motion so it's got like, this shakycam effect that, like, I think, captures the tension pretty well. So thank you Kim Manners for that one.
And eventually, Sam tells Ruby that she should go and bring the guy to the ER, and Dean’s like, “Where the hell do you think you're going?” And Ruby explains, “I am being a normal, cool person and getting this man medical attention.” And then Dean just makes angry face, and Sam goes all sadly, like, “Dean,” and then Dean just like, fucking leaves. He just leaves. He's gone. And unfortunately, he goes back to Sam instead of walking off a cliff and dying. But, you know, we can't always get what we want. Or what we need.
I do wanna say that it's kinda insane that Ruby let Sam keep the knife.
G: Yeah.
C: But I feel like- I don't know. We don't see that much of their discussion before he starts training with her, but I think that probably there's a lot of like, caveats where she's like, “Okay, well, because you don't trust me, like, for insurance, you can keep the knife, and, you know that, like, with the powers that you have, you could exorcise me if you wanted, right? So like, I can't actually take advantage of you or do anything you don't want to do because you hold this power over me.” And I think that's interesting. Because I know there's a scene in 4.09 where Sam holds the knife to her throat. And yeah. I don't know. Looking forward to hearing more about the arrangement that they have.
G: Yeah.
G: So we are back in the motel, and-
C: Oh god, I'm so sorry you have to do this scene.
G: We're back in the motel. Sam is just chilling. Love it. He literally gives two- he doesn't give two shits about Dean. [laughs] But like, this is a lie. Dean enters, and then we start the scene. And the vibe is like, Sam being like, “Dean, let's just talk it out. Let's just talk it out.” And Dean being like, [fake crying] "We are not talking! I'm so hurt and upset and-" blah blah blah.
C: Yeah, except he's not sobbing. He's angry.
G: He's packing a bag, and he goes like- He's packing a bag, and Sam goes, “Where are you going? Like, are you leaving?” And then Dean goes like, [fake teary] “You don't need me. You and Ruby go fight demons.” And I think this is the part where we talk about like, [overlapping] the jealousy aspect of this. Yeah. Like, Dean is upset for what he says are many reasons [C laughs], and what he tries to justify as reasonable reasons. But there is the primary aspect of he's just mad that Sam is 1) hiding things from him, 2) working with someone else, 3) having this like, entire life that Dean doesn't know about.
C: Yup.
G: And like, a lot of it is like, he's jealous that like, "Oh, like, you're spending time with Ruby?" Blah blah blah blah blah. And yeah. I mean, what is there to discuss?
C: Well, I think it's that as much as Dean said he wanted Sam to like, move on, and like, whatever whatever after he died, like, he did not expect Sam to get a new hunting partner. He thought maybe like, he and Bobby would, but like, Bobby is someone that like, Dean knows and that Dean's vetted or whatever, right?
G: Yeah.
C: And I think a lot about like, I think something that happened with like, soulless!Sam in Season 6 where Dean got kidnapped by aliens, and then during that night, like, after soulless!Sam has exhausted all possible leads, he like, sleeps with a woman. And then Dean comes back, and he's so angry because he's like, “How were you able to like, have fun or live a life while I was gone? Like, why was that allowed? Like, you should have sat in the dark and been miserable,” [laughs] you know? And I think that's what is happening here, too. Like, he's like, “What do you mean that in the few months I was gone, you did things that were unrelated to mourning me?"
G: No, I don't think so.
C: "Or unrelated to things we have done already together that I've decided are okay.” And I think the other aspect of this is like, you know, what Sam said in episode 1 that it was Dean's dying wish that Sam not practice his psychic powers at all anymore because he thought it was a slippery slope. So Dean probably feels betrayed about that specifically. But like, no one has to listen to your dying wish if your dying wish is stupid! [both laugh] And that is my take.
G: Yeah. Dean punches Sam. And then he punches Sam again.
C: And the thing is, after his first punch, Sam doesn't fight back. Doesn't even look angry. And he goes, “Are you satisfied?” like, just completely flat, like this is expected and normal to do.
G: Yeah. And then Dean punches him again, and Sam goes like, “Well, I guess not.”
C: Yeah.
G: And I think maybe- I think the primary- Here's the thing. I've worded it. The primary thing he's mad about regarding Ruby is less that Sam is off doing something else with someone else. It's specifically that she's a demon.
C: Yeah. And specifically one that he disapproves of because we know later, he's totally fine with like, shacking up with Crowley all the time.
G: Oh, no, he's not.
C: Is he not fine with working with Crowley at all in the future, at any point?
G: I don't think at all is the term, but he's generally not fine working with Crowley. It's like, a begrudging relationship.
C: Okay. But like- so like, if Sam had like, contacted Crowley, he would still be mad the same amount?
G: Literally, he was mad about this with Cas. Do you remember that?
C: No, what?
G: [fake teary] "You're working with Crowley? You're working with Crowley?"
C: Oh, yeah.
G: This is like that.
C: Well, this was like, Season 6. I'm thinking like, Season 10 shit or whatever.
G: I think, like, I mean, there's also the aspect of "Sam didn't tell Dean," so.
Yeah, Dean just says, “Do you know how-” like, he says, “how far off the reservation you've gone?” And then, you know, “How far from normal? From human?”
C: Yeah, about "off the reservation," I just wanna say, I checked the Supernatural Wiki transcript searcher, and they keep using this phrase like, in this form, until Season 10, Episode 22 in 2016. Like, it's fucking wild that they are using it in this episode still when it's just incredibly racist, but that they continue until Season 10 is wild. And then the next time the word “reservation” occurs is in the first Kaia episode, where they're like, “Let's go to some reservations and ask about dreamwalking.” Like, congratulations. You upgraded your racism type regarding the word reservation. Good job. [laughs]
G: Yeah. And Sam says something that has been on our minds for forever, [both laughing] which is that he's just exorcising demons. Literally, though. He literally is, though. Yeah, and Dean is upset because "You're doing it with your mind!"
C: He fucking shouts so loud. He, yeah, it's, ugh. It's awful. He shouts so loud. Very, like, angry man in the house levels of shouting.
G: The thing is that Supernatural is a show about men who are angry and shouting.
C: Yeah.
G: And the thing is, I hate when men are angry and shouting. So I don't know why I like this show. [C laughs]
C: Do you like this show? I don't like this show today.
G: And, you know, Dean starts going, "What else can you do?" And he starts like, trying to imply that Sam can do other things as well, and Sam is like, "I literally cannot," and Dean is like, "Well, I can't believe anything you tell me now." Also, at this point, he's grabbed him by the collar and is shoving him around also, which is, you know, another cool and normal thing to do.
G: Yeah.
C: Yeah. I think that the thing about this is like, they don't ever say this in the episode, so I don't think it's actually part of the writing, but I think maybe the worry here is that the most powered-up psychic kids we've seen were like, Ava and Jake, and they started with like, lower level, like, super strength and like, psychic dreams. But then, like, after they trained their powers, like, Ava, was able to summon demons, and Jake was able to do mind control, so like- And also they both happened to turn out evil after that. So like, maybe Dean's thinking about that? Like, with every new ability you gain, like, part of your soul, or whatever, goes away. But like that wasn't-
G: He's not.
C: - stated out loud here, and Supernatural is not a subtle show.
G: He's not thinking about that.
C: Okay. That's like, the only like, actually valid reason I can think of to be mad right now. But I don't think that is anything he's thinking about.
G: Yeah. Sam is like, "I should have told you, blah blah blah. But try to see the other side." And this just upsets Dean even more. Like, Sam is like, "I'm pulling demons out of innocent people!" and Dean says, "Use the knife!" and Sam's like, "The knife kills people. What I do, most of them survive."
C: Literally.
G: He's says an interesting bit of statistic, which is that he has saved more people in the last 5 months than Sam and Dean do together in a year.
C: So real and true. Good for him.
G: And Dean is like- [C laughing] I cannot shake off how much this feels like, like, you know, being discovered that you're gay. [laughs]
C: Yeah, yeah. No, this does feel very queer, and I don't know why, but it does.
G: Well, I do know why. It's like, "I'm not doing anything wrong," and then, you know, like, the other person being like, “Just the fact that you are this way is inherently wrong." Like, it feels very much like that.
C: Yeah, yeah.
G: Yeah. And then, you know, like, Dean is like, “Is this what Ruby is making you think? You know she has tricked you into doing all this?”
C: Ruby is changing Sam's ability to do math. She has manipulated Sam's ability to count. God, what a stupidass thing to say in response to that specific sentence. Like, I'm sorry, Dean, but you're being pwned with facts and logic!
G: Yeah. And then Dean is like, “It's a slippery slope. It's just gonna get darker and darker.”
C: With no explanation why that would be the case. No justification. And the show has never told us that that could be the case. [G laughs]
G: No, for real. They do this in the last episode of Season 3, where Dean is like, "You can't do that!" blah blah blah. "Because it's bad!"
C: "It's evil!" And like, they don't even tell us what the plan would be, like, what Sam's supposed to do. Like, later, okay, when we find out a little bit more about the demon blood drinking and that it becomes addictive, like, okay, sure. That's sort of a bad side effect. That could become a slippery slope. But like, Dean doesn't know any of that shit right now! He's just making shit up! It's- ugh.
G: Yeah. He says the iconic line, “If I didn't know you, I would want to hunt you.” And then, yeah. I don't know. Sam says, “You were gone. I was here.” Which, I like this line. “I had to keep fighting without you, and what I'm doing works.”
C: Yeah.
G: And then Dean says the whole, like - I'm so upset by this.
C: This makes me quite upset.
G: He says like, “If you knew that like, it's so good, then why did you lie about it to me?” And like, obviously, Cas does tell Dean that like, "Stop Sam," which is what he brings up next that like, “An angel told me to stop you. Cas said that if I don't stop you, he will. So like, what does that mean?” Blah blah blah! And he even says that like, “It means God” - a God that he barely believes in - “doesn't want you doing this.”
C: He does not believe in God. He's just figuring out things that will hurt Sam the most.
G: Yeah. But like, specifically, the line where he goes, “Why did you lie about it to me?” And the episode answers it later, right? Or at least attempts to. I didn't find the answer quite satisfactory. But this is the specific part where I was like-
C: Wait, we forgot that Dean literally throws a lamp across the room for no fucking reason.
G: Yeah.
C: Men will literally.
G: Going back, like, this specific line. Like, “Why did you lie about it to me?” Like, this is the- I don't want to be like, "Oh my god! My own experiences in life," whatever.
C: But literally, "My own experiences in life," whatever!
G: Literally my own experiences in life whatever! Like, I mean, who hasn't had this experience with their parents, right? Like, if you think- like, my mom has said this to me. Like, "If you think like, being gay is okay, then you wouldn't lie about it to me." Like, this has been said to me. So like, I don't know, like, this scene, I was like, "Oh, I hate this." Because it does remind me of like, real life, and it's unbearable. I think that's like, a major part of why it was so unbearable to me.
C: Yeah. Yeah, that makes sense.
G: Like, the thing is like, why would you lie about it? And as Sam says later, "Because no matter how hard I try to explain it to you, you just still won't understand, you won't try to understand, you won't try to get it. So like, it's better to just not mention it." And it's like, yeah. It's- I don't know, like. It's so funny to me that Dean is like, "Look at how I'm reacting!" blah blah blah blah. "Look at what I've done so far in my life. I wonder why Sam doesn't tell me shit." [C laughing] Like, Dean, look at yourself. Also, like, are we gonna mention the fact that this is the first time he calls Cas "Cas." I feel like that's important but not that important in the grand scheme of things.
C: I wrote down a note that is "This is the first time Dean says 'Cas,' and I can't even care about it because I hate him so bad." [laughs] That's my note about this.
G: I hate him so bad. Yeah. And then Sam gets a call from a guy named Travis. And when I first heard that his name is Travis, I was like, "This has gotta be a young man," because, like, the only other Travis I know is Travis Scott, and he's like, quite young, right? No, this man is old as fuck! And I was surprised. I was surprised later.
C: Yeah, he is quite old. Okay, I feel like a few more things that I thought about the fight scene. I really liked Jared’s acting, like, after Dean tells him that, like, “God doesn't want you doing this” because Sam just looks so, like, young and scared and sad suddenly. And like, it's like, such a good follow-up from like, in 4.02 when Ruby tells Sam to watch out for himself, and he goes like, “I'm not scared of angels,” ‘cause he is like, so assured that what he is doing is right, because it is. And like, this is like, fucking earth-shattering for him, the idea that like, God specifically hates him and wants him to die, you know?
G: Yeah.
C: Yeah, it's awful. And I guess another thing about the scene is like, okay, like, you found it most upsetting because of like, the parallels to like, queerness and stuff that you saw. I feel like what upset me the most was honestly, just like, how physically violent Dean was being. ‘Cause it's like, yeah, like, me and my sister when we were like, in middle school and below, like, definitely like, attacked each other a lot, but like, you cut that shit out once you're at a certain age. Like, it's not okay after, like, your brains are developed enough, and you know how to talk to each other properly. And like, I feel like I haven't really seen this kind of like, one-sided Dean just attacking Sam thing since, like- I don't like, when else has Dean been this violent towards Sam specifically?
G: I can't recall.
C: Yeah, like, the only parallel I could really draw was in the pilot when Sam says, like, “Mom's never coming back, no matter what we do” and like, Dean-
G: That's a very different vibe.
C: Yeah, it is a different vibe. But like, it did give me a similar feeling of like, “Oh, I don't trust Dean with Sam’s safety.” And like, it's like, way stronger here. And I think like, the thing is like, there are ways to explain it. Like, okay, he just got out of Hell. He was torturing people for 40 years, so like, maybe his baseline of what like, a normal amount of physical violence in a conversation is is skewed.
G: I disagree. That's giving him too much credit.
C: Yeah, no. I feel like if that was true, we'd have like, shots of Sam looking like, confused, or going like, “What the fuck is going on? Why is Dean doing this?” Like, we'd have like, a recurrence of the like, “Did Dean come back wrong?” question and theme, which we got every single time Sam was slightly violent in Season 3, but, like, none of that is here, so it just makes it seem like this was a normal and fine thing to do, and it's not!
G: Yeah. Yeah, anyway, guy calls. [laughs] I keep on trying to stop myself from saying "It's a whole thing." [both laughing] It literally is a whole thing, though. A guy calls, and it's a whole thing. And, like, Sam writes down an address and a name. And so they go to the address and the name.
C: Yeah.
Remember, in 4.02 when Meg's whole thing was about how they need to care about demon vessels, and then two episodes later, Dean says, “Stop trying to exorcise demons. Just fucking kill them and their vessel using the knife.”
G: Yeah.
C: Ugh. Okay.
G: Yeah, that - what a truly harrowing scene that was.
C: Yeah. Just, like, for stats, it took me an hour to get through the this 4 min scene because it made me so mad.
G: I am extremely sensitive- like, the whole, like, family abuse thing is a very sensitive topic for me. Like, I mean, this is obvious given the fact that like, how strong my reaction to Bela's backstory was, right? But, like, specifically, this whole thing, barring anything in my life, like, this is completely unrelated now to what I was saying earlier, but like, it's just like, ever since, ever since, it's been something that I'm like, "Oh, like, watching this is upsetting!" you know?
C: Yeah.
G: So like, now, like, I am thinking like, [laughing] maybe it's not that good of an idea to rewatch Supernatural.
C: Ah.
G: Because this is just the beginning, you know?
C: Yeah.
G: Like, it gets worse from here on now. And sometimes, I'm like [clicks tongue] "Ehhh."
C: Yeah.
G: Yeah.
C: So we cut to Jack Montgomery's house in Carthage, Missouri. And so, there's a guy. He’s just a regular guy. But he's like, eating really gross. We sort of open on a shot of like, his jaw, and like, just disgusting, disgusting, chewing noises for like, 30 seconds before it zooms out.
G: It's impressive to me how visceral they made this eating scene. [C laughs]
C: Yeah.
G: It is truly like- I think what really upset me the most is we don't even see the food go into his mouth. because it's so quick. [C laughs] I think that's a fascinating acting and shooting choice. Like, it's like they made it so that you just see the chewing, but you don't really see the food go into his mouth because it's so quick, and I was like, “Oh, that's fun!”
C: It is quite fun. His wife, Michelle, who we don't find out her name until, like, way later in the episode. But she exists. And she's quite concerned about how fast he's eating and how hungry he is. And they seem to have a decent relationship. They're like, smiling at each other and shit. And Jack asks for her leftover steak even though he's had two already. And, you know, just blah blah blah, that shit.
G: Truly fascinating to me that Americans will literally just eat steak for dinner. [C laughs]
C: Yeah. And mashed potatoes? There were mashed potatoes? Like, I thought they made that shit up for TV [G laughs]. And this is on TV. So maybe they just continued making it up for TV.
G: Yeah, like, I think it's a factor of, when I eat, a lot of Filipino food is like, the main dish is rice, right? And then you have a side dish of like, meat or veggies, or whatever. And like, I often forget - and I learned very late in life that - like, this is not common. Like, other countries don't eat like this. But even now, when I watch like, this, you know, and they don't have rice, and he's just eating meat and potatoes, it's like, “Why are you doing this? This is- like, no wonder you're so hungry.” [both laugh] Like, "Eat some fucking rice, dude!" But like, it's always like, whenever I watch foreign, you know, movies, TV shows, whatever, the way they eat is always so fascinating to me because, like, it is very different.
C: The best Supernatural eating scene is in 4.20 where [laughing] Jimmy and his family are sitting down for dinner, and it's just a plate of sandwiches, and they're drinking glasses of milk with them. Like, please tell me no one actually lives like this!
G: Tangent, I suppose, but like, what was dinner and, you know, lunch like in your house? Because you did grow up in the US, but, you know, you have a Chinese family.
C: Yeah. Oh, I mean rice and like, dishes in the middle that you add to the rice.
G: So like, yeah.
C: Yeah, like, one vegetable, and then like, maybe some more vegetables, and like, maybe one meat item that is also vegetabley. Though I think for lunch, I usually had school lunches, and that was just like, you know, on some days, there's tacos. On some days, there's chicken tenders. That kind of shit.
G: Yeah. Wait, in school lunch, you don't have rice?
C: No.
G: Oh. How would people-
C: There's some dishes with rice. There was fucking orange chicken day, which was my favorite, even though it was very low-quality orange chicken, [both laugh] because at least there was rice.
G: Yeah. Like, that is, I think- I have friends who study in the United States, right? Like, I mean, they're Filipino, they grew up here, everything. And then now they study in the United States. And their main complaint is always “The food here is unbearable.” Like, that's their main complaint. Like, especially, I guess, because these, you know, people are like, in university, so like, it's university school food. It's not like, food that's like, you can buy at a- or whatever. You know what I mean?
C: Yeah. Yeah, I know what you mean.
G: Yeah. So like, apparently, food there is truly unbearable. I- yeah.
C: Yeah. Thank you for your service.
G: We can do an entire Ko-Fi bonus episode about just food. [laughs] It is an interesting topic.
C: We cut to Jack Montgomery, and he's in the bathroom, and he is shirtless. So like, at least we get like, like, one scene of a shirtless man in a bathroom for every 20 scenes of shirtless women in bathrooms and stuff. [G laughs]
G: Yeah.
C: But like, he's shirtless for a reason, because what happens is while he's brushing his teeth, like, we hear like, this cracking sound, and like, there's like, pain wracking his abdomen, and he, like, sort of clutches himself, and you see the bones of his spine, like, contracting and pushing against his skin, and it looks pretty cool. I like it.
G: Yeah. It looks cool. It looks cool, but also the moment he started, like, bending over and like, going, "Ah! This is so painful!" I was like, “Aw, he's getting period cramps!”
C: Aww!
G: And he literally was, though, is the thing.
C: Yeah. Yeah. Sorry, Jack.
We cut to a scene in the Impala, and Sam and Dean are somehow having a normal conversation after that.
G: No, I think that's normal. I think this is like, fine. Like,  when you have- this is, not to bring up Succession every other episode of the podcast, but like, you know, how like, what I find the most interesting about that show is that they can have all these like, conversations that are so insulting to each other, or like, life-altering decisions, and then it just goes back to like, “Oh, we're talking like normal." 'Cause like, that's what it really is like, with family. I feel like it's so different in comparison to like, friendships or other.
C: Yeah.
G: I love that. “Friendships or other.” [laughs] But like, with friendships or other, it's like, it's more difficult to bounce back to the normal after a big fight, but with family, it's just like- I mean, what's your choice? You have to be in the same house.
C: Yeah. I guess so. I would not want to get into a car that Dean is driving if I was Sam right now. But yeah, they sort of just have to.
Iit seems like they've been talking for a bit where Dean's been telling Sam about the time travel shit. And Sam’s all like, “Oh my god, I can't believe it. Like, Mom was a hunter?” And Dean's like, “Yeah, wild shit. And she almost kicked my ass.” And we didn't mention the “Then” sequence, because it's not very important, but they put the fucking “Mom is a babe!” line in the “Then” sequence, for no fucking reason.
G: I was afraid that scene would repeat that sentiment here. Like, when Sam asks, "What would she like?"
C: Yeah, thank god. Thank god he did not say, “She was smoking, bro!”
G: Yeah.
C: Yeah. Sam asks, “How did she look?” And then, immediately after, he revises, “Like, I mean, was she happy?” And that made me so emo! Everything about Sam and Mary makes me so emo, because, like, he was 6 months old when she died. Like, he does not remember-
G: - does not know -
C: - anything about her. Like, Dean, for so long has been- John and Dean have been the sole keepers of her memory. Then, for a few years, Dean was the sole keeper of her memories, and now Dean’s the sole keeper of her past as well. And that's- that's sad. I'm sad about it. And Dean says, “Yeah, she was awesome, funny, and smart and so hopeful.” And he says, like, “Dad, too. Until…” and then Sam sighs, and like, after a while he says, like, “It just like, sucks that like, our parents and our grandparents, like, everyone was murdered, and for what? So Yellow-Eyes could get in my nursery and bleed in my mouth?” And then Dean, like, stops. And he's like, “Sam, like, I never said that part.” Which is fun. Like, this is a secret Sam’s been keeping since the end of Season 2, and this is a fun way for it to have come out. But like, it does make me wonder, was Dean even planning to tell Sam about this? Because it seems that like, it's a good like, leverage point for like, "Stop slutting around with Ruby," you know, but like, it's weird that he hasn't brought it up, or maybe didn't plan to bring it up.
Sam starts like, looking guilty, looking away, and Dean goes like, “What the fuck? Like, you knew about the demon blood as a baby thing?” And Sam says, “Yeah, I knew for like, a year.” And Dean's upset. And Sam's like, “I should have told you. I'm sorry.” And like, he literally fucking shouldn't have told him that, and he shouldn't be sorry. Like, it was good that he didn't tell him, and he never should have.
G: By year, he's talking about Azazel showing him, right?
C: Yeah.
G: Okay.
C: Since the end of Season 2.
And Dean says, like, incredibly sarcastically, “Oh, whatever. If you don't want to tell me, you don't have to. It's fine.” Like, ugh! I cannot stand him.
G: I don't think he said it sarcastically. Like, the tone wasn't like that. I think a part of him is like, trying to say it sincerely. Like, "If you don't want to tell me, you don't have to." But given everything, like, it does come off as like, "Fuck you, dude."
C: Yeah. I mean, I feel like if he didn't mean it angrily/sarcastically, like, Sam wouldn't have gone like, "Dean." after it, you know? He would have been like, "Thank you."
G: No, I think that's an appropriate response. No, I don't think so. Like, I mean he's still trying to win Dean's good graces, so I think it's a reasonable response.
C: Alright, yeah, sure. And Sam just goes like, “Okay, whatever.” because Dean's shut down, doesn't want to interact anymore.
G: We go back to Jack, and he's talking to Michelle, his wife. And he's asking when the food is gonna be ready, and she's like, "Oh, 45 minutes." He goes and gets a beer. And then we go to Sam and Dean, who is watching this guy from the window. And they're saying that, like, “Whatever. Like, this guy's normal. Why are we here?” And then we see Jack go back to the fridge, and then he starts eating like, rotisserie chicken leftovers with his hands.
C: Yeah.
G: Which is fine.
C: Not even microwaved, though. Like, it's cold. Cold chicken can give you like, salmonella and shit, can't it?
G: I don't- I hope not. We don't have a microwave. We don't have a microwave, so we don't- I don't heat shit up because, like, it requires opening the oven or the stovetop, and like, I'm lazy. So, yeah. The thing is, when I was young- we've never had a microwave, never will have a microwave, probably. But when I was younger, I thought microwave with the pinnacle of wealth. I thought, like, if you had a microwave, you must be a wealthy person.
C: Yeah.
G: So I think that's pretty funny given the fact that, like, microwave meals is considered like, for people who can't afford home-cooked meals. But, I mean, I think it's because, like, it's such a hefty equipment, and it's like, "Oh, it's so quick and easy," I thought it was like, the convenience was like, for the wealthy only, and that's why we didn't have microwave at home. [C laughs]
C: That makes sense. Your logic is sound. Okay, and I've looked it up, and it's fine to eat cold chicken. As long as it's thoroughly cooked, it can be stored safely for up to 4 days. It's undercooked chicken that's very dangerous.
G: Mm-hm. He starts eating raw meat. Which, you know, fun.
C: Cascore.
G: Cascore? For a while, I was like- because I forgot about the rugaru thing. The thing is, I know that a rugaru, you have to burn them, but I forgot what like, a rugaru does or is. So I was like, "What even this guy? Is this like, a hunger-" what is that? Gluttony thing? From, you know, what we see of Cas later? Is this a premonition to that or whatever? But it's not. It's because he's a rugaru, which we find out later. Anyway, we-
C: Also, the raw eating is fucking nasty. Like, he- it's crusted around his mouth. There's like, blood splatter on his shirt.
G: Eugh.
C: It's like, nasty. I enjoy it. Good for this actor for getting all that food dye in his mouth.
G: Yeah. And then we go to Sam and Dean, who's watching all this and goes, “Yeah. Pretty fucking weird.” [C laughs]
C: So they go into Travis's place. He's staying in a motel room. And, like you said, this guy is older and like, clearly, like, knew both of them as kids. They're like, friendly. They're familiar. And he has a broken arm, which is why he is not doing this hunt, but like, he tells Sam and Dean to get over here, and they do hugs. And Travis is like, “Oh my god! Like, Sam, you got so tall. It's been like, 10 years. Are you still a mathlete?” Which I thought was so fun. I think it's so cute that he used to be a mathlete. He's literally just like me for real. Sam’s like, “No.” But Dean goes, “Yep. He sure is a mathlete.” And Dean, throughout the scene, is sort of making passive-aggressive remarks to Sam about like, the whole Ruby thing. ‘Cause Travis says, like, “Oh, like, John would have been so happy that the two of you are still sticking together.” And Dean's like, “Oh, yeah, we're thick as thieves. There's nothing more important than family.” So he tells them about Jack Montgomery. Sam and Dean confirmed that, you know, he was eating raw meat and all that shit, and Travis explains that this is a rugaru, which Dean says sounds made up.
I did a quick lore check, and they're like, a legend common in French Louisiana, and they're usually people with dog or wolf heads, and they like, kidnap children or kill people or whatever. And often, they were used in Catholic households like, a “Oh, like, if you like, don't obey Lent, like, a rugaru’s gonna come get you" or shit. But the way that they are in Supernatural is that they are, like, people with like, rotted teeth, and, like, “wormy skin” is what he says. And what they do is they start out human, and then they turn. And Sam says the title of the episode by going, “Oh, so what? They go through some kind of metamorphosis?” And more explanation happens as like, a voiceover over Jack Montgomery's place. So like, he comes into the kitchen. Michelle's cutting some vegetables. And then she accidentally cuts her hand pretty badly, and he just like, zeroes in on the blood really hard. And Travis says that the main thing is that they're hungry for everything at first, but then for "long pig," and Sam makes like, a little laugh at that. But Dean, like, I don't know, they do a whole thing where Dean doesn't get it, but like, long pig means human flesh, blah blah blah. And Travis says, like, “The hunger grows and grows until they're unable to fight it. And then, as soon as they get their first bite of human flesh, they undergo the full transformation.” And, you know, at the Montgomeries, Michelle is like, “Oh my god! This fucking hurts! I think I need stitches.” And Jack is like, sweaty, like, can't stop looking at the blood and wanting to eat her. And he just goes like, “I have to go and get out of here,” and he runs out, leaving his wife to drive to the hospital by herself. And yeah.
Travis says that “There's no going back. They feed once, and they're a monster forever.” And apparently, he found Jack because this is something that runs in the family, and that like, 30 years ago, Travis, killed his dad. And like, he used to be a dentist, and like, a regular guy until he turned, and he didn't realize until later that his wife was pregnant and put the boy up for adoption. And Travis had difficulty finding him, partly because he didn't really want to hunt down and kill a child. So he's waited until Jack turns 30 or whatever in order to make sure that he has the right person.
I'm glad that Sam later says the thing that I was thinking, which is just like, “Okay, just go tell him to not eat people, then.” It seems pretty simple. And also I feel like, if one rugaru is able to like, practice self-control, like, that means that if it continues being passed down in the family, they can like, warn their kids while the kids are growing up and like, teach them self-control and like, it'll be fine. Like what we see with Garth and Bess later.
G: We go to Jack. He's in a bar, and he's eating a lot of peanuts, drinking a lot of alcohol. And then we see in the corner, like, some guy is talking up a girl who obviously doesn't want him to talk her up.
C: Yeah. This scene is quite annoying to me because, like, everything he says to that girl is something that Dean would say, like, anytime, and a girl could react the exact same way, and we would still be on like, Dean’s side for it. But because this guy is fat, like, we're supposed to be like- and okay, and we are supposed to be like, because she clearly doesn't want to talk to him. My issue is that it's fine when Dean does it, but not when a fat guy does it when it should be not fine either way.
G: Jack confronts the guy and breaks his arm.
C: And he calls the guy a "fat, sweaty dick." So the fact that he is fat was like, on purpose, and that's annoying.
G: We go back to Dean and Travis, and, you know, Sam. And they're talking about how to kill a rugaru. And it's, you know, by burning them. Sam comes in and he's like, “Oh, I checked the lore, not because I don't trust you, or I think you're stupid, or I think you're heartless, [C laughs] but because, I just wanted to, you know, check it out.” And he says that there's a couple of stories about people who had the gene, but they never turned because they just don't eat human flesh. And Travis is like, “Those are fairy tales,” and Sam says, like, “We're literally just gonna kill this guy who has never done anything wrong?” Travis is doing the whole- Travis has the perspective of “We know he's bad, and we're gonna prevent that from continuing on.”
C: Mm.
G: And Sam has the perspective of “Why are we gonna kill this guy if he has not done anything wrong?” At the end of it, Sam says, like- Well, by the way, there's a scene where Travis says,
C: “Have you ever been really hungry?"
G: "Have you ever been really hungry? Like, haven't eaten in days hungry?” And Dean goes, “Yeah.” And-
C: I guess the thing is like, I feel like people do quote this a lot. And like, I think that it is true that while John abandoned them in motels, that, like, Dean didn't eat in days. But Jensen Ackles’s delivery of that "yeah" is just like-
G: It's so bad.
C: - not very good. Like, it reads as like, one of their jokes about how Dean just is always hungry and loves to eat burger, you know? Like, it's basically like, Dean’s like reading "'haven't eaten in days' hungry" as metaphorically for "haven't eaten in like, half a day, but really wants burger." Like, that is the way Jensen Ackles delivers the "yeah" when it could have been a touching scene.
G: Yeah. Anyway, Travis makes a point that, like, “If you're hungry, you're gonna eat. And this guy's gonna do just that.” And Sam says, “We're not gonna kill him unless he does something that warrants, you know, murder.” Travis asks Dean, like, “What's up with your brother?” And Dean just goes, "[sighs] Don't get me started." Annoying as fuck.
C: Fucking annoying. And earlier, when Sam was like, coming in all excited to infodump about rugarus, Travis, like- or no. What does Dean say? Oh, Dean says something like, "Sam's like, obsessed with research. He keeps it under his bed next to the lube. It's a sickness. It really is." And on the "it's a sickness," he looks at Sam like, "I am talking about the demon blood thing, and I hate your guts." Like, ugh! Sick of him. And also, every like, Dean-Travis interaction, where, like, Dean and Travis are like, being weird about Sam, it feels so much like a "Sam is queer" thing, too. [laughs] You know what I mean? Like, it's like, “Sam doesn't fit in with like, the hunting community because of masculinity, queerness, blah blah blah blah.” Like, that is such a vibe this episode.
C: Back to Jack's, and Michelle is in a white nightgown. It's like, the morning, and she's getting tea. Jack shows up, and she tells him that she is quite angry because she had to drive herself to the hospital to get stitches, and he just walked out on her. And Jack is saying, “Sorry, I just got really dizzy when I saw your blood. My phone died.” And he's like, “I promise it'll never happen again, because you're so beautiful.” And at this point they're sort of like, doing a flirty thing, and he kisses her finger and then kisses her. But then it, you know. Like, it starts getting hot and heavy-ish. But then she starts going like, "I don't really want to be doing this. I don't want to go so far right now." Like, he's like, reacting with like, hunger, basically. Like, he's like, going for her neck like, I feel like, he's probably like, starting to bite a bit. And she tells him to slow down and to stop. But like, each time she does it, and she's told him to stop multiple times, he just does not. And it's, you know. I mean, whatever. Bad to look at. Eventually, she shoves him away and tells him that he's a son of a bitch and that something is wrong with him. And that is how that scene ends. But, you know. Bad to look at.
And, right. This episode does do a thing where it conflates physical hunger with sexual hunger a lot. Like, with the woman that Jack almost eats in a later scene. And, I don't know. I feel like, just stick to the physical hunger thing! Like, that's the lore. Like, I don't get it.
So back in the Impala, Dean's being annoying again. And he tells Sam, like, [annoyed] “Okay, fine. We can- I'm fine with just talking to this guy,” blah blah blah. And he says that he wants to make sure that if they have to, that Sam is going to be willing to burn this guy alive. And Sam insists that Dean calls Jack by his name. You know, Dean does his whole, like, “Oh, well, he's gonna turn because they always turn.” And Sam says, like, “Maybe he won't. Maybe he can fight it off.” And Dean says, like, “Oh, Sam, I think your emotions are like- Are you sure your emotions aren’t getting in the way here?” And Sam goes, "Huh?" And Dean goes, “Well, you know how Cathryn Humphris wrote this guy to be a mirror to you specifically? He seems like a nice dude, but he's got something evil inside something in his blood. Maybe you can relate.” And Sam says, “Stop the car.”(!!!) He says, “Stop the car.” Fuck! I looove this. I love it so much. And Dean says, “What?” And Sam says, “Stop the car, or I will.” Which is, I think, a fun little callback to what Cas said at the end of the last episode, right? Like, “Stop your brother, or we will.” So like, agh. So fun. Love it. And Dean does stop the car. He, like, swerves over his side of the road, not using his turn signal, and they have a conversation.
G: Sam, you know, gets out of the car and goes like-
C: And he's so mad that he opens the door before the car comes to a stop. Like, he's getting out while it's still driving.
G: And he says, like, “You know why I've been lying to you? Because of all this. Like, you treat me like I'm a freak!” And he says, “Or even worse, like I'm an idiot. Like I don't know the difference between right or wrong.” And Dean goes like, “Well, do you?”
C: [groans] God.
G: Sam says, “You have no idea what I'm going through.” And he goes, [dramatically] “I've got demon blood in me, Dean! This disease, pumping through my veins, and I can't ever rip it out or scrub it clean! I’m a whole new level of freak!” [C laughs] And I love that line. He literally is a whole new level of freak.
C: He literally is!
G: Yeah. And then he says that he's just trying to get this curse and turn it into something good.
C: "Because I have to," he says. Agh! He's my favorite little guy! Besides Cas. He's such- he's so good.
G: The thing is, even if he did tell Dean, Dean would react entirely this way.
C: Yeah. [laughs]
G: Although, I don't know, this scene, I was waiting for something more.
C: I felt quite satisfied with this scene. I was like- it was like, fucking 3AM. And I was like, rocking back and forth in my chair, and like, yelling at the- and like, pointing at the screen and going like, "Yeah! Get his ass!" Like, this was like, a sports game, and like, Sam just scored two touchdowns or however football works. I had a good time with this scene.
G: I think what I am upset about is that it very- like, the entire episode, right? It feels like Sam has given up on trying to communicate.
C: Mm.
G: And then the one time that he does open up, it's with anger, and like, he's truly so upset, and it's like this was punched out of him. So I feel like there is still so much more to be said if only he was able to form like, a statement that is not so emotionally driven. And like, I'm not saying that they should have gone that route because this is like, obviously a good scene and everything. But like, if we're talking like, what would allow Sam to experience more catharsis, like, at the end of this scene, he wasn't relieved that- because, like, after this, after he says, like, “I have to," right, Dean goes, “Okay, let's just talk to the guy,” and then he goes, “Well, I mean, like, Jack. Let's talk to Jack.” And like, you would expect Sam to feel, like, relief over this, or to feel better in a way. But like, he doesn't. He doesn't look like he does
C: He nods, but yeah, he does not feel much better.
G: If we're talking purely from the standpoint of like, "I just want Sam to feel better," which I do, so, I feel like, this scene did not satisfy in that way.
C: Yeah. I guess Sam tried to explain to Dean earlier, when Dean caught him and Ruby in the house, and then later in the motel, and each time, Dean just shut him down, like, immediately, right? Like, “How are you going to explain this? What do you mean there's another side?” So like, yeah, the only way for Sam to have done this is to be so angry that he goes like, “No, Dean. You shut up and listen to me.” So like, yeah, it would have been nice if Sam got that catharsis. But the way Dean has reacted to this prevents him from it. And Dean never apologizes properly. Like, even at the end where he apologizes, but like, in the worst way- like, yeah. I feel like for Sam to have catharsis, Dean has to apologize, and Dean never fucking does because the show always proves him right. Sad! Well, there's other TV, but we're not doing a podcast about the other TV. [both laugh]
G: Yeah.
C: So in Jack's backyard, you know, he's being a regular guy. He's watering plants, except he's watering plants standing completely still staring into the distance. Those flowers are going to die. So Sam and Dean show up, and they introduce themselves. And Sam is doing a thing where he's putting on his sympathy face, and like, trying to seem approachable, and Dean's putting on his “I'm just here because my bitch brother wanted me to be here” face. So yeah. Sam says, “We should talk about you and about how you're changing,” and Dean talks about the various symptoms that Jack is having. And Jack asks who they are. Dean says, “We're people who know a little something about something,” whereas Sam says, “We're people who can help.” So we cut to a bit later after they've explained rugarus to Jack. He's not very down to accept the truth, which makes sense, given that he didn't even know about the supernatural before today. And Sam says that his dad, Jack's father, was one of those things. And he says, “your real father,” which is, you know, annoying, but everyone does that about adopted people on TV. And Sam says that, you know, “This was passed on to you genetically.” And Dean says, like, “Stop saying that we sound crazy. Because you're just gonna get hungrier until you really just want to eat a person.” And Sam says like, “You don't have to- It doesn't have to be like this. You can fight it off because others have.” And Dean says like, “You have to not eat people, or else.” And Jack asks like, “Or what?” Sam says, “You feed once, and it's all over. And then we'll have to stop you.” And at this Jack realizes, “Oh, by that you mean kill me. And also, the reason my dad died was that someone else killed him about this.” And he's very reasonably upset about this, and says, like, “Get the fuck off my property right now.” You know, Sam makes like, a last-ditch effort of like, “Oh, like, your wife and everyone you know are in danger,” but he just tells them to leave. And Dean goes like, “Alright. Good talk.” And [sighs] that is the most that they try ever. Like, they don't even leave him like, their contact info for like, “After you've had some time to process this, reach out.” Like, they're just like, “Okay. That's it now.”
G: The next scene is Jack... watching a woman? [laughing]
C: Yeah, well, it's clear that he left his house. He's gone somewhere else because he doesn't trust himself around his wife anymore. So he's like, sitting outside, but then, yeah, there's a woman undressing in her window. Sad.
G: Yeah, and Jack's watching. And Sam and Dean like, check him out- This is such an unnecessary scene. Who even give a shit.
C: I don't think it's unnecessary.
G: But like, the point- I mean, it's whatever. But the point is that Jack is able to stop himself. Like, that's the whole point.
C: Yeah.
G: The details are unnecessary.
Jack goes back home, and I think, like, the the thing here is like, he is able to stop himself, so now he is confident that, like, “I'll be able to stop myself.” And anyway, he calls out to his wife. And then he sees that his wife is tied up in a chair. And then somebody like, chloroforms him, and then he passes out. Then we cut to him tied up to a chair with his wife beside him. And Travis is here. And Jack is trying to do this thing where he's like, talking to Michelle, but really, he's talking to the man where he's saying like, “Okay, we're gonna stay calm. We're gonna give this man whatever he wants.”
C: Travis is like, “Sorry, Jack. Like, I didn't want this to happen.” And he mentions that Sam and Dean are friends of his. And Jack says, “Well, they said that if I don't hurt anybody, then like, it's okay.” And Travis says, like, “Well, you haven't yet, but you would have, because they always do. I'm doing you a favor.” And like, the whole time, Michelle's going like, “What's happening? What is he talking about?” And Jack doesn't tell her, and he never does. And what happens is Jack keeps begging Travis to let Michelle go because she isn't part of this at all. And Travis says, “Well, no, she is, because...” and Michelle reveals that she is pregnant.
G: And this is such a fucking- [C laughing] First of all, where this scene is going-
C: What a coincidence.
G: No no no. Where this scene is going is that he's gonna burn them both.
C: Yeah.
G: Both of them. Just get an abortion! Oh my god!
C: [overlapping] Because Supernatural wouldn't recognize abortion as a thing until Season 12.
G: Yeah! I was like- "I have no ch-" literally, you have a choice, though, is the thing.
C: Yeah. Sam is in fact in a closet full of coat hangers very soon. Like, even if it's illegal in whatever state they're in, like, there are coat hangers right there. [G screams]
G: That's so horrible.
C: Yeah. God. Fucking stupid as shit. But yeah.
So Travis is, yeah, like you said, he's like, "Well. I'm gonna have to burn you both alive, because your unborn fetus thing is going to become a rugaru, too." And Jack hates this, obviously. And Travis is ready to like, burn the entire house to the ground, it seems.
G: Including him. Including himself. [C laughing]
C: Honestly, yeah.
G: It's also including himself.
C: Yeah, he's just pouring gasoline everywhere. God.
G: Including his shoes. Like, bro. [C laughing]
C: Dumbass shit. And then, Jack, you know, like, he gets a bunch of flashbacks of every moment when like, he was thirsty for blood. And then, you know, since he has super strength, sort of, which we saw in the bar with the breaking the man's hand, he is able to just break out of the handcuffs, and then he pounces on Travis. He starts punching him. And then he like, breaks Travis's arm again. Very fun! And then he like, tears Travis's shirt down and then just fucking like, rips his throat out with his teeth. And that's like, a normal and cool thing to do, honestly. Like, if a guy is going to kill you and your wife, like, fine. Go ahead. Do it. You know? And they make- this scene was pretty nasty. Like, he's like, fucking, eating this guy. Like, he like, tears bits of like, I don't even know, like, out of him. There's like, stringy shit in his teeth now. And Jack, at this, he like, transforms, in that his eyes become bloodshot and completely dilated, and his skin turns like, really pale and clammy and whatever. And Michelle is not a fan of this. She's, you know, screaming, crying, etc. And he's like, I don't know. The whole like. “Oh, they only have their base instincts, they’re full monster.” Like, Travis, has a different definition of full monster than me, because, like, he is still aware of things. Like, he knows her name, and he like, has like, the precision or whatever to like, undo her cuffs to save her. So she yells, "Stay away from me-"
G: Also, he has a full conversation with Sam later. An entire conversation.
C: Yeah.
G: He's not out of his mind or anything.
C: Yeah. He's just hungy.
G: He experiences remorse as well. He's hungry, but he experiences remorse. He tells Sam, like, “Have you seen me lately?” Like, he's cracking that kind of like, joke. He's a full, alive, aware person.
C: Yeah. But like, that's also true of like, vampires a lot of time and a lot of the people that Sam and Dean end up killing. But yeah, it does annoy me especially because the way Travis was talking about rugarus, it was like, “They like, literally can't think or speak or like, do anything besides kill people after they turn.”
G: Obviously, it's different, lore-wise, but like, this reminds me a lot of the Episode 2 Season 1 monster, ‘cause like, that one is also like, you have to burn them, right?
C: Yeah.
G: And then also like, that, one is like, “It was human. And then it slowly turned into blah blah blah,” according to Supernatural lore. So like, I guess this is better because it's not- [both laugh] Like, it's similar monsters, but at least this one, we can at least say the name. So.
C: Yeah. Yeah. And I feel like the episode 2 one was more animal-like, or was portrayed as more animal-like.
G: No, like, that's my point. The port- like, it's the similar lore-wise. But the portrayal is interesting, because, like, they could have gone that path, and that was the path also that I was expecting them to take. Like, the moment he eats human flesh, it's gonna be- he's gonna be like that monster. But he's not. He's lucid. So.
C: Yeah. So Michelle yells, “Stay away from me!” And like, he says her name. Like, he's crying and shit. But, you know, she like, runs out of the door, gets into the car, and leaves. Good for her.
G: You know what? At least Travis is dead.
C: Yeah, thank god, at least Travis dead.
G: Also, let's talk about, you know, him killing Travis and what that implies in terms of self-control, whatever. Like, it's- at the end of the day, like, you could say it's because he was hungry, but really, it was because he was trying to protect his wife.
C: Yeah.
G: So like, I think that's such an interesting thing to throw in there. Like, he wasn't like, tempted because of hunger. He was tempted because someone was out to murder someone he loved.
C: Yeah. He was provoked into this.
G: Yeah, he was provoked into it. That's the the perfect word for it. And now there's the, you know, question of like, the nature is of him is to be hungry and to eat human flesh, whatever. But like, also, it's the circumstances around it, and if Travis didn't show up, he would probably still be fine. And I feel like them not revealing this to Sam is an interesting choice. Let's get into it!
C: Well doesn't Travis say something about how like, "You sent your friend here, and he was gonna burn me and my wife."
G: No, he says that. And then Sam says, “What? Why is he gonna hurt your wife?” And he doesn't answer. Like, Jack doesn't answer that.
C: Oh, yeah. Good for him.
G: Yeah, like, he doesn't need to tell this guy anything, but it is an interesting choice. Narratively. That- narrative-wise.
C: Yeah, I just read that as like, “Well, I don't want you to go and kill my wife or, like, my unborn child.” And yeah, I do like that.
G: Oh, yeah, of course. Like, of course, from Jack's perspective. But I think it would have been help- like, it would have been interesting if Sam learned that the reason why he turned wasn't out of self- like, lack of self-control. It was because of self-defense and defending his wife. So like, I think that would be an interesting thing for Sam himself, like, oh, him thinking that like, "I can say all I want about like- 'Oh, I'm just doing it. I'm in control. I'm in control.' But like, the moment a circumstance happens where someone I love is in danger, maybe I won't be so in control anymore."
C: Mm-hm. Yeah.
G: And it's interesting- and also, I think it makes, you know, it makes Jack a lot more empathetic, right? That, like, he's not the monster because of lack of self-control. But like, because Sam doesn't know that, he still thinks that like, this guy killed Travis just because. And I think that's interesting
C: Yeah. And this muddied a bit by him trying to eat Dean later. But, like, he also thinks that Dean is a threat to his life, which he is, so like-
G: No! He doesn't- I'm a bit fuzzy. Does he try to eat Dean? Doesn't he just like, lick the blood or something?
C: I think- the implication was that he was going for it, and then Sam bust out of the closet- again, good for him- with a flamethrower- not good for him- before he could eat Dean.
G: Yeah, but like, it's different from Travis, though. Because, like, now he's thinking, like, “I am already a monster.” Instead of back with Travis where it's like, “If I do this, I will become a monster.”
C: Mm-hm.
G: So Sam and Dean enter. They find all the mess on the floor. They find a blood trail. They follow it, and it's just a clump of flesh now. I don't know how they get knocked out. Do they get knocked out? I think so.
C: Yeah.
G: Sam like, gets locked into a closet. Hell yeah.
C: Hell yeah.
Sam does say sadly like, “Oh, I guess you were right about Jack,” like, when he sees all the blood, and that it is sad. Like, Dean was not right. Shut up.
G: Yeah. So Sam's locked in the closet, and he wakes up, and then Sam, like, freaks out. And then Jack is saying, like, “Calm down. Dean - like, your brother’s alive,” blah blah blah. And Sam is trying to both open the door and like, keep talking to Jack so that he won't attack. So he gets some hangers and like, forms it into a makeshift locksmith thing. And then he's saying that- like, he's trying to plead to Jack, and Jack is saying, like, “You sent a guy here who tried to burn my wife alive.” Realized that Sam doesn't know that his wife is pregnant, so he like, lies, and he goes like, “Oh, he didn't say why he was trying to burn my wife alive.” Anyway, Jack laments that he can't ever see his family again. He's saying that “Your friend and you two, you made me into this.”.
C: Yeah, which is pretty true. Without this provocation, like, he wouldn't have turned today. Like, he may have in the future, but like, also, maybe not. And like, the show is a bit hazy on the stance it takes here. But like, I do like that it's like "It is the circumstances that have created this more than just Jack's nature."
G: And Sam’s saying, “No one's making you kill us. I know that there's a dark pit inside of you, but you don't have to fall into it. You don't have to be a monster. You are what you do, not what you are." Whatever. I think he says it better. “It doesn't matter what you are, it only matters what you do."
C: "It's your choice.” Yeah.
And also, when he says, “I know you have this dark pit side of you," he does like, a little laugh, and he goes, “Believe me, I know.” And that's nice. I like when Sam gets his mirrors.
G: I think it's bullshit. I don't like it.
C: Okay.
G: It's not about you, Sam. Get your shit together. [C laughs]
C: It is the Sam and Dean show. It's always about one of them. And at least it's about Sam this time, and not Dean. I'll take it
G: For real. For real, though. And Jack is like, going to Dean, and he like, licks up some blood, and then blah blah blah, when suddenly, we hear the door open. Sam has opened the closet, and now he's out of the closet. [both] Good for him. And then he burns Jack alive. [laughs] You know.
C: Not good.
C: We cut to the epilogue, and they're in the Impala, and, you know, Sam and Dean are in there, and they're both super bummed out. And Dean says something about how, “Oh, you did the right thing. That guy was a monster. There was no going back.” Sam does not reply 'cause this is a terrible sentence that Dean just said. And then Dean gives the most half-assed apology where he goes, “Sam, I want to tell you I'm sorry. I've been kind of hard on you lately.” Whatever. For the Winchesters, this is like, begging, crying on your knees for forgiveness, honestly. At least for Dean it is. And Sam just says, “Don't worry about it, Dean.” And I hate that he's so defeated about this. And Dean continues, and he's trying to explain, saying like, “Oh, your psychic thing scares the crap out of me,” and Sam goes, like, “Okay, I just don't want to talk about it,” which surprises Dean.
G: I find the wording of it interesting. “If it's all the same, I’d really rather don't talk about it.” I like that. Like, "If we're just gonna have the same like, things that we're gonna bring up like, who even give a shit?" And he's right. Who even give a shit?
C: Yeah. Yeah. Good for Sam. And a lot of people have said like, "Sam is the guy who- everyone thinks that Sam's the guy who wants everyone to talk about their feelings, but he's actually just the guy who wants Dean to talk about his feelings, so he doesn't have to talk," and I think that is true. And Sam continues, and he says that “There's nothing more to say. I can't keep explaining myself to you. I can't make you understand. Because this thing, this blood, it's not in you the way it's in me. It's just something I have to deal with.” God. He's literally gay, is the thing. I think this guy is like, gay or something. [both laugh]
G: Yeah.
C: And Dean says, “Not alone.” And then we get, you know, a fun, on-the-nose shot of Sam looking out of the window-
G: At his reflection!
C: Yeah, it's his reflection, and it's surrounded by darkness. There's no Dean there. He is alone. It's just him and himself. And he just stares for a bit. And then he says, like, “Whatever. Like, it doesn't matter, 'cause I'm just done with these powers. I'm done with everything.” And Dean goes like, “OMG, really? That's great! Thank you!” And Sam says, “Don't thank me. I'm not doing it for you, or for the angels, or for anybody. This is my choice.” Ah.
G: Hell yeah.
C: And that's the ep.
Is he like, lying, or does he actually stop doing it for a while?
G: I don't know. I forgot. I forgor.
C: Yeah.
G: I mean, what did we think about this episode? It's really okay. Like, I know, I complained a lot, but it's fine. It's not bad.
C: Yeah. It feels like like earlier seasons Supernatural in like, a good way, generally. I find the mirror stuff fun in early Supernatural, and I find all the like, conversations where they reveal things about themselves and their motivations fun in early Supernatural. And I liked it here. It's just that I hate Dean so much.
G: Yeah. What's your Best Line/Worst Line?
C: I feel like there were multiple times during the episode when I wrote a line down and I was like, “This is the best line!” and then I would like, write a new one down that was the best line, but the one I was most excited about was “Stop the car.” Like, fuck yeah. Literally stop the car!
G: I think my favorite line is the one where he goes, “If it's so terrific, then why did you lie about it to me?” I think- not because I liked that he said this or I agree with the sentiment, but because- he's literally gay. [both laugh] I think this guy is gay or something.
C: Literally, literally.
G: Sam, I mean. Not Dean. Thank god. [C laughs] So-
C: Worst line.
G: Worst line.
C: I do not like the way Dean speaks to Ruby fucking ever. I think the “obedient little bitch” line was just, like, even for Dean, like, a step too far. So that's my worst line. Oh, but my runner-up for worst line is the like, “Do you know how far off the reservation you are? How not normal? How not human?” Like, the stupidest ever argument coupled with some racism. Like, congratulations, Dean. Good for you, being a stupidass.
G: My worst line is “You fat, sweaty dick.” 'Cause like, oh my god! Like, it is because he's fat.
C: Yeah. Spreadsheet.
G: Spreadsheet.
C: There were moments of misogyny and racism like, in the opening. Well, there was like, “off the reservation" for racism, and then I think the way that Ruby was treated with all the "bitch" and blah blah blah was pretty bad. Those moments are both pretty small in the scope of the episode, but I think in misogyny, I would also add that, I don't know, just the way that the women in Jack's life- and by "the women in Jack's life," I just mean Michelle and that woman that he watches undressing, like, I am bothered by their portrayal also. So I feel like I'm down to give a one in each category of misogyny and racism.
Alright. Homophobia, I mean, a lot of like, metaphorical homophobia in my mind. [laughing] But I don't think that's what they were actually going for.
G: Yeah.
C: So that's a 0.
G: IMDb.
C: Huh. It's a tricky one. I feel like this episode could be polarizing. I think the quality of it is fine.
G: I think this is an 8.6er.
C: Okay. I've been guessing 8.7 every single time, and eventually, one day, I'll have to be right. So let's go with that.
G: 8.7?
C: Yeah.
G: Okay. Oh my god! It's an 8.0.
C: Oh. Oh, dear. Okay. Well.
G: People be hating.
C: People do despise this episode, it seems. Okay, what are they saying? Please tell me they're being Dean-haters and not Sam-haters.
G: Yeah, they are Dean-haters.
C: Thank god.
G: This is so interesting.
C: What?
G: “The only reason why I am not giving this episode at 10 is because they did not portray the rugaru correctly. This is a-" no, I don't know how to pronounce this word. "Cajun"?
C: Yeah.
G: "-myth. Like, the Louisiana version of the boogieman. He is supposed to be more similar to a werewolf in appearance. Usually, Supernatural gets the monsters correct, but they didn't do their research on this one." And this one made me laugh. "Was Jensen married yet when this episode was written? [C laughs] His wife should have informed him about the legend of the rugaru. She grew up in Lafayette."
C: God, that is so fun.
G: And like, [laughing] the concept that, like, Jensen Ackles is writing these episodes [both laughing] or has enough creative control.
C: Yeah.
G: And like, that's so funny.
C: That is pretty funny. One of these reviews says, “The real Ruby should come out sooner or later. I bet Dean will butt heads with her." Like, they think this current Ruby is like, a fake Ruby? Like, they made this shit up? That's really funny. I love this.
Okay, and then, you know, the funniest review, I think, is the one that says-
G: "Heavenly angel."
C: "10/10, heavenly angel. [both laughing] I'm proud of Misha-" who is not in this episode! "Twelve years ago, he was seen as the new man and didn't feel right. Now the value of the final depends on whether it is within it or not. [G laughing] This guy came in, gave more than you can imagine, and he's a huge source of inspiration, and it's a show and family. A part of." [both laughing] What episode did they think this was?
G: [laughing] I'm laughing so hard there's no sounds coming out. [both laughing] [G screams]
C: God bless.
G: [both laughing] Why in this episode? Why? God, it's funny.
C: Okay.
G: Anyway. I think that’s it for this episode of Busty Asian Beauties. Next time, we will be discussing Season 4, Episode 5: “Monster Movie.” Leave us a rating or a review wherever you get your podcasts.
C: Follow us on social media! We are on twitter at twitter.com/BeautiesPodcast and on Tumblr at bustyasianbeautiespod.tumblr.com. Our official tag is #BABPod, B-A-B-POD, and thank you to everyone who's donated to our Ko-Fi at ko-fi.com/bustyasianbeautiespod. Also, check out our merch at babpod.redbubble.com!
G: Yeah. You can email us any feedback, comments, or inquiries at [email protected]. See you guys next time!
[guitar music]
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ggthydrangea · 2 years
XDH!!!! i've actually been listening to their songs on repeat lately and all 12 of their songs are such bangers!!! i think i might have to learn their names now 😂
also same, i am a HUGE sucker for a button down shirt. like any variation of it - normal button down shirt; with a suit; with the loose tie; with the sleeves rolled up.....i am just wrecked lol (i am very normal about this)
wait tabi i literally have the first video you linked here saved in my watch later on youtube LOL, the 3racha colorful pants one 🤣 i have to watch it soon!! i love 3racha (i love all the boys 💖)
CHAN DANCING TO MY HOUSE??? i have not seen this video thank you for enlightening me as a baby stay 🥺 also this caused me to go search on youtube for a link to skz's stage where they performed my house with the 8 of them and i found this video instead HAHAH THE TITLE MADE ME LAUGH BUT ALSO?? SO TRUE??? also lee know with the sheer back let's not talk about that i'm still not over it also chan's neckline on his shirt in that stage should be illegal
the kkulchong edm song LOL i actually watched a video about this the other day as well hahaha we must be on the same wavelength. i haven't watched the chan's room part though so i shall watch it now <3 i remember seeing a clip of changbin telling him that he was wasting his talent on making this song for lino 😂
THE PUPPY INTERVIEW i loved the way chan basically forgot there was an interview because of the puppies 🥺 also yes chan as MC at kcon LA 2022.....honestly made me be like "woah who's that?? hes so adorable" when i saw him HAHAHA. and HERE I AM NOW!!
i forget if i mentioned this to you already but charmer is one of my favs for real (especially the lino fancams ugh).......also i just love the song in general and the choreo!!! i would die if saw that live oh man. on the ground crying hahah
chan's smile is the cutesttttt, and yes i love the vampire thunderous stage too, you are so right for all these fancams especially the all in ones, I LOVE ALL IN. the 2 all in fancams you linked are also two of my favs bc theyre some of my fav lino looks as well 😂😂 the way that chan's shirt keeps coming up though because of the length of his shirt in these stages hahaha 👀
your three fav colors you mentioned are also my favs, with blue being my most fav color hahahaha <3 i hope work is not too stressful the next two weeks :(( and boba!! what is your go-to boba order haha? as for me, work is busy this week but i'm looking forward to going home next week and i also don't have to work the week between xmas and new years so im very much looking forward to that :D i also just like the holiday season vibes in general, end of the year and all that lol (plus, end of the year stages hehe). and i took myself out to a movie this wkd so that was fun :)
Sorry it took me so long to reply!!! 😭 I don't know if you saw my post but I got sick so I've just been really tired and bluh. But I'm better now!!! How are you doing?
Yes!!! XH is so good!!! What are your favorite songs from them?
Haha I love that we share that weakness, button down shirts are just where it's at. 😔
Yes you have to watch it!!! It's one of my favorite 3racha Chan's Room episodes it's so funny!!! 😂
I'm still kind of a baby stay myself but I'm glad I can introduce you to some new videos! Haha that's a great video! Watching those fancams is so dangerous that stage shouldn't be allowed!!! 😭
Changbin's reaction to the song was so funny, and the way Chan was just like Minho asked me to so here I am. XD
It was so cute! He was so entranced by the puppies he had nothing left for the questions... But then he told a dad joke and I was like... How is it possible for me to love him even more??? I love a good dad joke.
Charmer is lethal. 😔 I think you might have mentioned that, which makes sense it's incredible!
Sometimes Chan has real good fancams 👌👌👌 Yes the suffering of his shirt length... They need to give that man a full shirt more often, Chan stans can only take so much. 😂
Ooo I love that we have the same favorite colors!
I have like 3 top boba orders, at least from ShareTea which is the boba place in my area. There's Wintermelon with Fresh Milk, Mango Green Milk Tea, and Thai Tea! All with regular pearls, I love the tapioca pearls!
I'm glad you have some time off, it's nice to have time to just chill! Holiday vibes can be fun, I love seeing all the houses and trees decorated with lights it's so pretty to see!
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