#but i want to try and get over this anxiety and i think . revamping things a little bit would help
pidgeyatto · 10 months
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i am Thinking. i'm probably going to be doing a total revamp of this account. while i'm not gonna be erasing any of falkner's prior relationships, i want to do a.... sort of soft reboot of this blog, i suppose? i don't know how else to describe it, but i definitely want to get back on here and be active again. i wouldn't be remaking this blog or anything, i'd just be redoing it's theme, redoing falkner's carrd (i lost the subscription for his bio carrd anyways so it's not even accessible anymore) and throwing myself back out into the rpc!!
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simlicious · 3 months
Thank You
I'm so happy about the overwhelmingly positive response to my African Ankara Fabrics pattern collection post!
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Thank you for all your reblogs, likes, and kind comments. I want to recap a bit and talk about my process and the struggles that led me to this moment. This was such a tough collection to publish, for several reasons. Picking the Patterns I made a lot of different kinds of fabric patterns and felt a bit overwhelmed by the amount and how I would fit all of them into one collection. Then there were designs that I couldn't get happy with and tweaked over and over. Something felt off about them even though they were done right. I finally made the decision to remove them for now and only focus on including patterns I felt good and confident about. Since there are different techniques used to make African fabrics, I decided to split my collection by type. I plan on having a wax print, batik, and mudcloth collection (though I am not making any promises because they will just give me anxiety and guilt for not meeting them). Creating the download overview graphic I had a hard time envisioning an overview graphic for these patterns. I started several attempts but they were not "it". I put off even working on the preview, which led to more anxiety and guilt. Initially, I wanted to post my collection in June, but time ticked relentlessly by. I created even more patterns to distract myself which meant I had to abandon my overview graphic WIP because now I had even more patterns to fit into those frames. Maybe because I thought I had already failed, it got easier to pick up the work in July, but I still had the problem that displaying all the patterns in different directions and sizes just did not look aesthetically pleasing and it was hard to focus and take in the individual designs. While talking about my struggles with my boyfriend, the solution presented itself: I would use only one thumbnail in the preview instead of showing all sizes and orientations. Since I always include the individual preview thumbnails for each pattern in my downloads anyway, I felt this was okay to do. You can still see all the individual designs and it is easier to grasp what designs are included, plus it is less work for me because I was able to reduce three images to one and also only had to puzzle 19 thumbnails into their frames instead of 69! That also made it possible to space out the patterns more to give each of them a bit more individual room to shine. I went with an unusual ultra-realistic design which was a bold move and in my mind would definitely stand out between all the cartoony previews I see a lot these days. I did not exactly plan this design, but it just evolved into that, as my previews often do. I just tweak colors, fonts, and textures until I see something I like.
What do you think about the realistic design and the choice to only display each pattern once?
In-game previews
I know, I have my same-old sims presenting my patterns in the same old way. I do want to spice things up in my in-game previews as well, but I had a choice to make, spend another month or two revamping my game, trying to add new sims, new styles, and all that only to get lost in the process, or JUST RELEASE THIS COLLECTION ALREADY. Also...I actually think YOU can style my patterns better!
I would really love to see your take on styling, recoloring, and applying my patterns in your games. Simply @ me if you do so I can reblog your pics and show everyone your styling and decorating skills!
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random-of-random · 5 months
The Pirate Queen
Chapter 5: I’m Alice
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Author’s Note: Whhhatt? A revamped story plus a new Norrington chapter in one day? Yep! I hope you guys like it!!
Alice was sure the servants thought her state of dress was odd, but there seemed to be too much anxiety in the air to give her more than a passing curious glance. Governor Swann was no where to be seen, though Alice suspected he would be at the fort a while after what happened.
The same woman who had come to find her led Alice up the grand staircase and into Elizabeth’s bedroom.
“Lady Frances.” Elizabeth immediately curtsied as her maid left the room. The room was styled very classically. Everything neat and in it’s place. It felt very… not Elizabeth. “Your clothes-“
“Are you alright, Elizabeth?” Alice asked quickly. This wasn’t the time to discuss fashion.
“I…” Elizabeth let out a soft sigh. “I am… I’m just…”
“Today seems to have been an all around trying day.” Alice offered before encouraging Elizabeth to sit on her bed. Alice sat next to her. “You were taken hostage by a pirate, if I am to understand correctly?”
“He was using me to get out of a situation.” She begun to fidget with her hands. “He saved me. I fell off of the fort. If Jack Sparrow hadn’t…” Her voice faltered again and Alice grabbed her hand softly.
“Please continue.”
“That’s the pirate’s name - Jack Sparrow. Commodore Norrington seemed to mark him as a pirate straight away. When they were going to arrest him he grabbed me and held his gun to my head. He escaped, but only for a few minutes before they caught him anyway.”
“That must have been very frightening.”
“I don’t believe he really wanted to hurt me.” Elizabeth’s eyes turned to hers. “I think he just needed an escape.”
“More than likely.” Alice agreed. Sparrow was a lot of things, but downright cruel wasn’t one of them. “Your fall must have been scary too.”
“Oh, goodness, yes. After Norrington proposed I just couldn’t seem to catch my breath. I fainted right off.”
“Norrington proposed?” Alice asked, feigning ignorance.
“You knew he would.” Elizabeth pushed. “I am sure there is no way my father didn’t tell you that arrangement had been made.” Well, Alice had been right when she told James that Elizabeth probably already worked it out.
Alice chuckled. “He did. And now, when you’re married, you will be able to tell people how you fell for James during his proposal.” At first Elizabeth let out a small laugh, but her smile quickly faded. A far off look took over. One Alice recognized well. “You don’t love James Norrington, do you?”
Tears seemed to well in Elizabeth’s eyes. “I do not.”
“You have feelings for someone else.” Alice said calmly.
“How could you know that?”
“Because James is a good man, and you would only be this sad about his proposal if there was someone else you cared for.”
“I have no idea what to do.” Elizabeth seemed to fiddle with the chain around her neck.
“If it were up to me?” Alice started. “I would say choose your own life. Not the life you feel you are supposed to take. You are assured a good life with James. He will be caring, kind-“ her voice softened, “a good husband, but if that is not who you want-“
“So, it’s true.” Elizabeth said quickly. There was no judgement in her voice, just curiosity. “You care for Commodore Norrington.” Alice stood to look out Elizabeth’s window, before giving her a soft smile. “But you’re husband-“
“I can promise you for a fact, Elizabeth, that my husband doesn’t care anything of what I am feeling or for whom.”
“You don’t have a husband, do you?” This time Alice could tell Elizabeth’s anxiety levels were rising.
“No, I don’t.”
“Are you who you say you are?”
Alice took a deep breath in. “No, I’m not.” She saw Elizabeth start to stand. “But I don’t mean you or your father any harm. I need to make that clear.”
“Why are you here then? Are you even from England? Even nobility?”
“I have never set foot in England.” Alice said with a small laugh. “And I am certainly not nobility.”
“I had a feeling about that.” Elizabeth said carefully. Her brain was fighting whether or not to trust Frances. They had been alone enough times that if she meant harm, she could have done it.
“I knew you were smart.”
“Well, that and no noble would ever say to not marry the best social match.”
“They are set in their ways, aren’t they?” Alice asked and Elizabeth let out a small laugh as her anxiety began to calm.
“Who are you?”
Alice watched as the last of the sunset made the sky a brilliant orange and began to fade into purple.
“I can’t tell you right now. It’s getting late. It’s been a long day for you and you need rest.” Alice looked her in the eyes. “I promise you that you will know the whole story, just not tonight.”
Elizabeth seemed to think a moment and then nod. “Alright, but I will hold you to that.”
“I would expect nothing less.” Alice said with a final curtsy before she headed back out Elizabeth’s door and toward where her crew was waiting.
The sun had completely set and everything was packed. Now it was just a matter of taking the next few hours and transporting it down to the docks. A ship was already waiting to carry them and their cargo to meet her ships in Tortuga.
“We can leave nothing behind that would lead Norrington or anyone from the Navy to suspect we are anything more than what we said.” Alice called as they were doing a last search of the house. They left strategic things behind. Cases of clothing, food, instructions that they planned to return once Frances “husband” was better. In reality, a letter would come in three months declaring their intentions of staying in England. The dresses were to be taken to Elizabeth, anything else in the house redistributed.
“Captain!” Giles voice called. “You best come take a look at this!” Giles was standing on the balcony that oversaw Port Royal.
“What is it?” Alice asked and Giles handed her the telescope he was using. Creeping over the water was a dense fog. It seemed to come out of no where - the conditions had not been right for fog. More than that, it moved in an unnatural pace.
“We’ll never be able to sail in that.” Charlie said, his tone annoyed and frustrated.
“I don’t think that’s the reason we won’t be able to sail.” Alice almost whispered. A ship had come through the fog. Black sails, a pirate flag. “Tell me I’m not seeing what I’m seeing.”
Edward took the telescope. “The Black Pearl.” They had heard rumors of the Pearl. It was spoke of in hushed whispers by other pirates over glasses and glasses of rum. Except for Jack Sparrow, of course, who would tell any sod who would listen the tale of Barbosa marooning him and leaving him to die. The rumors though, the ones that started after Barbosa mutinied against Jack. The blood thirsty crew who were stronger than anyone could imagine, the ships that would aimlessly sail the seas, the mysterious island they always returned to. The question was why was it in Port Royal.
The warning bells at the fort began to ring followed by the first echos of cannon fire as the crew was gathered outside.
“What in the hell could Barbosa want with Port Royal?” Elias asked.
“I can’t imagine it’s the naval plans we wanted.” Alice said quickly. “We should get inside. Lock the doors.” The crew did as she said and they extinguished most of the lights except for in the study where they were trying to come up with new ideas. They certainly couldn’t leave while the island was under attack.
Edward was pacing. “Barbosa is so foolish to attack this way. They must want something big.”
“The best way to go about that would be to take prisoners.” Charlie added.
Alice agreed. “And the best prisoners to take would be….” Her voice trailed off as she looked to her men in horror. “The Governor and his daughter.” A gunshot fired from the direction of the Swann house.
“We have to do something.” She said to Edward who nodded. “They could be raiding houses. Everyone else, stay here. If anyone comes in, take care of them.”
“Sure thing, Captain.” Charlie promised. Alice tied her belt tightly and she put her pistol in the hostler on the side. Edward handed her a sword and the two left the front door, running for the Swann residence.
By the time they arrived they could see Elizabeth being carried down the hill by two pirates. She struggled desperately, but it seemed no use. Neither Edward nor Alice had the time to go after them as two more had come out of the house and were on them in a flash. Both Edward and Alice were trained fighters, but these pirates were strong. Stronger than either had anticipated.
The pirate Alice was flighting backed her into the house where they had to step over the body of the Swann’s butler. The sound of their swords clashing echoed in the dark mansion. Though he was strong, the pirate was sloppy. He lunged and she was able to side step and twist, pushing her sword between his ribs. As he fell, Alice waisted no time getting back outside.
Edward sat on the ground.
“Edward!” She was next to him in two seconds. His white shirt was becoming stained with his blood from a large gash on his arm. “What happened.”
“He nicked me and ran off.”
“This is more than a nick.”
“I’ll be alright.” Edward assured her.
“Get back to the crew and see that looked at. I’m going after Elizabeth.”
Edward grabbed her shoulder. “Be careful…. Something about these guys.”
“I will.” She helped him up before taking off toward the heart of the town.
It was chaos. Buildings were burning, people were running in the streets to escape the many pirates that had flooded the shore. Alice headed toward the docks. If they had Elizabeth still alive, she could only assume they were taking her to Barbosa.
As she came upon the Fort, James was out at the front. He and his men fighting off the pirates. From Alice’s vantage point she could see one sneaking up, ready to strike James. She jumped into the fray, stopping the blow. James took a moment to register who was fighting beside him, doing a double take when his mind worked out that it was Frances. Still, he didn’t have a moment to say even a word as the fight continued.
The pirate Alice was fighting laughed as their swords clanged, but then he quickly took several steps backward.
“Fighting for the Navy, are you Alice?” She took her pistol from her belt and aimed it at him, but he slowly backed up more giving her a wide grin.
A memory seemed to flash through her mind. Back from when she first came to the Caribbean, before Sam died. Sam and that man drinking at a bar.
As the man turned to run, the other pirates followed him in some sort of retreat. Alice put her pistol back on her belt and quickly helped James drag an injured man back up and into the fort where a doctor was tending to the wounded.
“What do you think you are doing?” James yelled as he turned toward her.
“Helping!” She replied before they both heard shouts of joy that the pirates were heading back to their boat.
James grabbed Alice’s hand and tore through the fort and into his office. When he slammed the door behind him the candles flickered making shadows on the wall.
“Who are you?” He asked, his eyes trained on her. Alice clenched her jaw and didn’t answer. “You’re not a noble woman. Not fighting like that.” This time Alice let out a little huff of a laugh. “Is your name Frances Craven Somers?”
“No.” She finally said and she watched his brow furrow in anger, but then another look highlighted the emotion that had welled in him - betrayal.
“Is your husband the Viscount Henry Somers?”
“I don’t even have a husband.” With this she dropped her accent and James visibly took a step back.
“You… you’re not….” It was as if his brain was fighting with himself. His piercing green eyes focused on her again. “I will ask once more.” His voice was dangerously low, as if he dared her to lie or not answer. “Who are you?” Alice carefully took out her sword and pistol. James tensed for just a moment before she set them on his desk. Walking around him she looked where her crew described finding the documents until she found the list of pirates they were continuing to hunt.
She set it on the desk in front of him and pointed to her own name. “I’m Alice.”
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mdazzle151 · 4 months
Content creation and the things I miss
Being on an indefinite hiatus has really made me think a lot about what I did and didn’t enjoy about content creation as a whole, and it’s been pretty eye opening.
Obviously, there’s parts of it that I miss. The community, namely. But there’s other things too. I miss streaming- it was always really fun to be live and able to chat directly with my audience in real time while we draw together.
The redesign videos were really fun to make as well! I still have ideas of what I want the future redesigns to be for the “phantasi revamp”. I think I want the twins to be sea monsters! I’ve had a general idea of what I think they would look like in my head for a long time, but I never got around to doing it before I left.
I’m never sure if it’s self-centred or not- (recently I’ve been leaning towards not self-centred)- but I watch my videos a lot too. I put a lot of work and love into all of them, especially the later ones, and it’s fun to look back on them. Not to toot my own horn, but I think they’re pretty entertaining! 
There’s parts of editing that I miss- it was always a long process, but I can honestly say I enjoyed every part of it. Sometimes it was just hard to find the motivation to finish.
I still get comments every now and then on videos, and I read them all. Some of them are really sweet-actually a good majority of them are really sweet! One person wished me a happy birthday in March and it just about made me cry /pos
I’ve been enjoying interacting on Tumblr, and I still want to take things slow, but the more the days pass, the more tempted I am to start streaming again.
Part of me is disappointed in that felling, but I’m trying to be easy on myself for that. There’s no way I could’ve known how I would feel now, seven months later. Five if you’re counting from December.
The deal I made with myself was that I would stay “offline” for a minimum of six months- and ideally would be gone for two years so I could focus on my studies.
But honestly, if I’m missing content creation this much only six-ish months in, I’m wondering if I’m going to make it to that two year milestone. Maybe I won’t, maybe I will, but I need to remind myself that healing happens at different speeds. Maybe I thought I needed a longer time to heal and I just didn’t. Maybe I’m not ready to go back yet. I’m still figuring it out, I’m trying to take it slow.
Exploring my comfort on Tumblr has been interesting to say the least! It’s been fun, and I haven’t had anxiety around it. I’m really happy. I haven’t been focussing on the numbers or amount of interaction. I’ve just been having fun sharing my thoughts and drawings, which is what I want out of content creation.
When I left seven months ago, it was because of bad mental health and connecting self-worth to what I’m able to create. I still struggle with self-worth, but I think I’ve successfully separated it from my creativity- and in doing so, I’ve realized that I love Contant creation because of the creativity- not the possibility for opportunity.
I’ve noticed a pattern in every aspect of content creation that I have longed for in my time away. Everything I’ve had an itch to do has had to do with sharing creativity and passion for the art of creation. Where I used to think about play buttons and numbers and conventions- I now think about all the little details that I love about making videos and comics and stories.
Script writing, editing, recording voice overs, implementing comedy, delivering a message, exploring my artistic boundaries, over analyzing my old work, teaching others what I taught myself… there’s so much that I enjoy about it, and it makes my heart blossom knowing that THESE are the parts of being a CC that I miss, not the analytics and competition.
I’ve said for years that I see it as a hobby- a creative outlet for me and my community, and I truly believe that! But I’d be a liar if I said it was always this way. There were definitely times where I was focussing way too much on the career aspect of it, even though I haven’t wanted that to be my career for years now.
This break has really been good for me and my mental health- and it’s been really good for me to reconnect with what I actually enjoy about what I did.
I know that I’ll always struggle with mental health in some capacity- this isn’t something that you can just miracle away, after all. It’s going to be something that I struggle with for a lifetime, and even though that’s a hard pill to swallow, I’m slowly accepting it. I won’t ever be 100% okay, and that’s okay. what’s important to me is that I keep my heart happy and find joy in life- remember what I love and why I love it.
I get a little burst of excitement in my stomach when I think about returning too much. I’m not sure when it will happen, and I’m still not going to say it will happen (I have no idea what the future holds), but for now I can say wholeheartedly that I do hope I will return soon, wether soon means next month or next year.
Have a little excerpt from one of my journal entries, as a treat :) I think it explains my feelings pretty well.
“I still think about my past online, but not nearly as much as I used to. It’s just part of my history and that’s okay. I don’t need to explain myself to anyone. And that feels really nice.” - March 19 2024
(Maybe it’s a little ironic since I did just explain myself in great detail- but I think it’s important to note that I wrote this all because I wanted to, not because I felt like I needed to.)
Merci beaucoup, tout le monde. Bonne journée et à bientôt.
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brizzlovesyou · 2 years
Hiiiiii sabrina 💕 3, 15, 27 and 29 for the ao3 wrapped game!
3) What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)?
It's gotta be a dwindling, mercurial high! That was a passion project born out of both sheer love and sheer frustration at what Netflix robbed us of. I related to my beloved Grizz perhaps more than I cared to admit and because he's such a well-read character, I got to experiment with how I write? It's much more poetic than my other works I think, and it was fun to challenge myself with how many literary references I could insert. Also, writing for a completely dead fandom that got one (1) season of a show 3 years ago definitely teaches you the value of writing for intrinsic validation and it was so fulfilling to know I was literally only writing it because it's what I wanted to read.
15) What WIP are you taking into next year with you?
late nights at the old arcade!! I'm really hoping to take my year-end holiday time to revamp my outline and figure out a plan for getting the rest of the chapters done. I have so many exciting plans for that story and I know exactly how it's going to end.
27) What do you listen to while writing?
Okay I love making playlists!! Sometimes I make them for a specific character or fandom, sometimes I make them for a specific fic. Sometimes I can't actually write with them on, but they're a really great thing to listen to while editing or beforehand to get me in the mood.
29) Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
Alright my memory is really bad and I sometimes completely forget whatever I've written as soon as I hit publish as;ldkfj but here are two I'm very fond of:
From a dwindling, mercurial high Ch 1
Because Grizz has spent his entire life trying to speak a different language than the one that’s truly in his heart. He learned how to talk to girls, about girls. Learned terms like blitz and snap and fumble while trying to forget ones like kick-ball-change. Learned to keep his words and phrases simple, lest they fly far over the heads of his less eloquent peers.
He’s thrown himself into literature, into poetry, into any medium where people can bravely and beautifully express what they feel. He’s been memorizing their words since before he can remember - an instinct borne from the gratitude that someone somewhere can speak about the things he cannot. 
From late nights at the old arcade Ch 6
She flinched, finally hearing verbal confirmation of all the fears and anxieties that had kept her in a chokehold during those lonely nights in Atlanta, the ones whispering that there was no point in reaching out because they didn’t need her anymore. That JJ was somehow better off without her.
Somewhere, at the bottom of her heart, under layers of scar tissue and insecurity, she knew he was lashing out. Knew better than anyone that JJ Maybank didn’t let people in easily. Could almost see the scene before her replaced by neon fluorescents - a pink hue on his face as he told her about his shitshow of a childhood, each new revelation unlocking with a different jukebox selection.
Time warped, expanding and contracting, as it all flickered through her mind, all the different ways this could play out. She was just drunk enough to let her own hurt take priority, just high enough not to care about being the better person.
ao3 wrapped [writers edition] - send me a number from this post and I’ll answer!
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missywritesfor7 · 1 year
🌺 Promise Flower | PJM 🌺
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Synopsis: Jimin is a popular dance student and the best one at his university. Mina is a photography student and has known Jimin since high school. An idea for a photo project finds Mina getting closer to him than she ever has before. She learns how big his heart is, but also learns how closely he guards it. Every time she thinks he'll let her in, he pulls away again. Is it even worth the trouble?
Pairing: college student!Jimin x fem!oc
Warnings: depression, anxiety, panic attacks, alcoholism
Previous Chapter | Next Chapter | Masterlist
|| Ch. 3: Phoenix ||
Thanks to Namjoon being an amazing reporter and writer, his story about Jimin got picked up by a few local publications, which gave Jimin a big boost in fan base. With that and the great feedback he’s received, he’s been feeling more empowered and confident in himself.
He’s still hard on himself though. He felt the dance he was working on needed some changes so he spent the entire weekend revamping his routine. He let me know he would be working on it in the practice studio on Wednesday if I wanted to come by for more pictures.
I love that’s he’s gotten much more comfortable when I’m around. He was a bit embarrassed and a little stiff at first, but he’s finally loosened up and it shows in the photos. He used to shy away from looking at the photos of himself but now he gets excited to see what I captured. He claimed that I just take really good pictures, but I don’t really have to do much when he looks as amazing as he does, whether he’s dancing or just standing there.
Wednesday after class I head over to the dance studio where he’s already begun practicing. I can tell that he’s made changes to his routine. It actually looks like an entirely new routine, but what do I know.
“Hey,” I say pulling out my camera. “Did you change the entire routine?”
“Not the entire thing,” he says taking a sip of water. “Just…a lot of it.”
“Park Jimin,” I laugh. “Never satisfied.”
“Is that a problem?” He jokes sassily.
“Of course it’s not, your highness.” We both look at each other and laugh. I love teasing him this way. It makes him cringe a bit but then he’ll either play along or bless me with his contagious laughter.
He steps back out on the floor and begins practicing his routine some more. I position myself in the front corner of the room and begin snapping away.
Something about getting action shots always excites me. When I catch him doing a quick spin, or graceful leap it always comes out so perfectly. He looks like he’s flying being carried by invisible wings.
I try catching every movement he makes as he slides across the floor. My camera lens follows every jump as he flies up and comes down to make his landing.
And something pops.
And he’s on the ground.
“Oh my God!” I yell putting my camera down and running over to Jimin in a heap on the floor. “Are you ok??”
“I don’t know I don’t know,” he says clutching his knee in pain. “Something popped and it hurts so bad.” That can’t be good.
“Let me call an ambulance.” I grab my phone out of my pocket and make the call while trying to keep a soothing hand on Jimin’s arm.
He’s in tears and the amount of pain he’s in is written all over his face. I try my best to keep him calm by giving him water and rubbing his shoulder, reminding him to breathe until the paramedics arrive.
I grab his bag and make sure I don’t leave anything behind and follow him out as he’s taken away on a stretcher. It’s a scary sight and I can’t imagine what may be going through his head as all eyes are on him while he’s loaded into the ambulance.
I feel like I’m waiting in the emergency room for hours for someone to come tell me how he is. In reality it’s only been 30 minutes, but it seems like it’s been an eternity.
I sent Hoseok a text when I arrived at the hospital letting him know what happened. He’s usually good about responding but he hasn’t yet so I assume he’s out practicing his own routine. I just hope he checks his phone soon.
Another half hour passes and I’m finally able to see Jimin. He looks so distraught it breaks my heart. His eyes are red and I can tell he’s been crying.
“How are you feeling?“ I softly ask stepping up to the side of his bed.
“They gave me some pain medicine,” he whispers not taking his gaze off of his fidgeting hands in his lap.
“How bad is it?”
He takes a moment to answer and that lets me know it’s definitely not good. His eyes well with tears as he tried to choke out a response.
“I tore my acl.” He closes his eyes trying to keep the tears inside. “I’ll need surgery. And I won’t be able to dance. For a while.”
Those words bring the tears out again. He’s probably hurting more about not being able to dance than any physical pain he’s in. My heart is shattering and I’m not even sure what I can do to comfort him. Without thinking I reach out and hold his hand. Rather than pull away like I thought he would, he actually squeezes my hand tighter.
“I’ll have surgery in two weeks,” he continues. “Then it could be 6-9 months or more before I can dance again.” He looks up at me with his big glassy eyes. “What am I supposed to do if I can’t dance?”
“I’m so sorry, Jimin. I wish there was something I could do to help.”
“You don’t have to do anything,” he assures me. “Thanks for being here.”
Just then Hoseok comes into the room looking out of breath as if he ran all the way here. His lips are pulled into a worried frown.
“Jiminie are you ok? What happened?” He asks.
Jimin tells him about his injury and once again tries his best to hold back his tears. If anyone can understand the level of heartbreak this causes it would be Hoseok.
I can tell Hoseok also doesn’t know how to console his friend, but he tries telling him about someone else he knew that was able to recover from a torn acl. I know he’s just trying to show Jimin that it’s not a career ending injury and he can very well bounce back, but it doesn’t seem like much of that is registering right now. The only thing he’s stuck on is not being able to dance for 6-9 months. For someone that lives and breathes dance, that’s a very long time.
A nurse comes in to give Jimin his discharge papers. He’s given a list of light stretches and exercises to do leading up to his surgery. He’ll still be able to walk on it but they advise him to keep it to a minimum as to not make the injury worse. In two weeks he’ll have surgery and that’s when the hard part of his recovery will begin.
Hoseok takes him home in his car and for some reason I feel the need to follow behind. I don’t know why, but my heart won’t feel at ease until I see him all the way home. They don’t mind me sticking around a bit to help Jimin get settled.
I get him tucked into his bed and give him back all of his things that I took with me from the dance room.
“Thanks again,” Jimin says. “I’m sorry I ruined your project.”
“You don’t have to apologize,” I assure him. “You didn’t ruin anything.”
“But what are you going to do? If I can’t dance what will happen to your project?”
“Don’t worry, I’ll think of something. I’m more worried about you right now.”
“You are?” He asks in disbelief.
“Well…yeah, and you should be worried about yourself too and not my project.”
“Right,” he nods. “Just let me know if there’s anything I can do for you.”
“Right now I just want you to rest. That’s what you can do for me.”
I leave him to get some sleep and head back home where I learn that news travels fast across campus. Jin and Namjoon are hanging out in the living room and as soon as I close the door behind me the questions begin.
“What happened?” Jin asks.
“Is he ok?” Namjoon adds.
“Are we talking on the record or off?” I ask Namjoon. I don’t mind telling him what’s going on, I just want to make sure that if anything about Jimin is put in the paper that it’s something he’s ok with. If he wants the whole campus to know then that’s for him to decide, not me.
“Off the record of course. I just want to know if he’s ok.”
“People are saying he passed out,” Jin says with concern. “I heard someone else say he might have a heart problem? He didn’t have a heart attack did he?”
“A heart attack?” I ask shaking my head. It’s crazy the things people come up with. “No, he was practicing and I guess he went down wrong. He’s ok. He will be ok. But he tore his acl.”
Both guys let out an audible gasp. They look at me a moment then at each other.
“He won’t be able to dance?” Namjoon asks. “What about his recital?”
“How long will he be out?” Jin follows up.
“Does Yoongi know yet?”
“Will he need surgery?”
“You were there and saw the whole thing? How did it happen?”
“What will he do if he can’t dance?”
“Will he have to drop out of school?”
“Guys!” I yell overwhelmed with their questioning. “Most of these things you can ask him yourself. But yes, he’ll need surgery and recovery could take 6-9 months. I don’t know what he’s going to do and I don’t think he knows himself right now. He’s home resting now.”
“Sorry,” Jin says. “It’s just things were crazy once word got out that it was Jimin being taken away in the ambulance. We didn’t know what to believe.”
“Yeah, the rumors were getting crazy,” Namjoon added. “I wasn’t going to write anything until I spoke to him first, but as a friend I just wanted to make sure it was nothing serious.”
“Thankfully it’s not,” I sigh. “But you know how he is. He’s going to have a hard time coming to terms with not dancing for a while. Everything he’s been working for is getting put on hold. Poor thing.”
I pull out my camera remembering that I may actually have a picture of how he went down. I scroll to the last shots I took and just as I figured, I have a sequence of about 10 photos taken in quick succession from the moment he lifted up for his jump right to the moment his entire body went down to the floor in pain.
“Did you get something?” Namjoon asks.
“Yeah,” I say unsure if I want to share. There’s nothing graphic since it’s not like a broken bone or anything, but the last photo of him on the floor in pain has my stomach in knots.
Both guys continue looking at me expectantly so I hand my camera to Jin to let them scroll through the photos. Both look just as pained as I did when they see the sequence of photos.
“So,” Jin asks breaking the solemn silence. “Is this how your project ends?”
“I’m not really sure,” I sigh. “I’ll figure something out.”
It’s hard to have to change my entire project when we’re already over a month into the semester. I can stick with what I have but it would seem unfinished since the main focus was Jimin’s performance. If he’s not able to perform then my project no longer has much of a point.
I think hard the rest of the evening and into the next day on how I can salvage this and not completely fail this assignment. Taehyung comes home with me to hangout and work on his own project and I use him to bounce ideas off of.
“What if you just follow a different dancer? Or multiple dancers. Then you can say your subject is all of them and as long as at least one of them are able to perform in the end then you should be fine?” Taehyung suggest sitting at the table on his laptop and snacking on chips.
“That means I would have to befriend more dancers when Hoseok is the only other dancer I know. I don’t know if that would even make sense to have all of this footage of Jimin in the beginning but no one else until later. It doesn’t really flow well.” Just thinking about this has been exhausting.
What’s worse is Jimin has been texting me more apologies for “ruining” my project. The last thing I want is for him to feel like he’s responsible for what happens with my assignment. It’s not his fault, it’s no one’s fault. Accidents happen, I just don’t know how I’m going to adjust at the moment, but I’m sure he’s thinking the same thing about his dancing.
“How’s your project going anyway?” I ask.
“Great! I found a dog and two cats roaming around, and I think soon I may be able to become leader of the campus squirrels.”
“What?” I ask laughing.
“Tutu is their leader now, but I think a lot of the squirrels are starting to trust me more. If I can get them all on my side then I’ll be the new leader,” he says with a straight face.
“I named him.”
“Tae,” I say laughing hysterically. “You know you’re only supposed to take pictures of them, right?”
“Really?” He throws a few chips in his mouth and smiles.
“You’re a mess.” I give him a playful nudge still laughing at his silliness.
While he’s showing me his pictures, I get another text from Jimin. Aside from apologizing way too much, he’s been watching a drama I recommended and texting me his live reactions and it’s so entertaining.
[Jimin]: OMG!
[Me]: Lol just be patient
[Jimin]: I’ve been patient for five episodes! 😭
[Me]: I can’t wait until you get to episode 8
[Me]: You’ll see 😏
“I got it!” Taehyung shouts.
“Huh?” I say a little startled. “You got what?”
“You and Jimin are already friends and known each other a while, just keep him as the subject of your project. Then you won’t have to start all over.”
“How? He’s not able to dance.”
“Follow his recovery. Maybe he won’t mind since you two are friends, he won’t feel like some stranger is following him around while he’s trying to rest and get better.”
“You think it could work?”
“Of course! You already have photos before he got hurt and photos from when he got hurt.”
It seems odd but the more I think about it the more it makes sense.
“So I could change it from following him to his performance to following him to return to his former self.” I stroke my chin in an exaggerated way thinking that he may be on to something.
“Exactly! It could be like the story of a phoenix rising from the ashes!”
“Ok calm down,” I laugh. “I guess I could ask him and see if he’d be ok with it.”
[Me]: Hey, could I maybe keep taking pictures of you for my project?
[Jimin]: Why? The semester will be over before I’m even close to being able to dance again.
[Me]: I know, but I thought I could just change the angle of my project and document your recovery instead.
[Me]: Only if it’s ok with you. If it would make you uncomfortable you don’t have to.
[Jimin]: Would you go with me to the hospital when I have my surgery?
[Me]: Only if you want me to.
[Jimin]: I’m asking you to.
[Me]: Of course I’ll go with you.
[Jimin]: Then you can keep taking pictures of me 😊
[Jimin]: Thank you, Mina. For everything.
What exactly is everything?
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mionemymind · 3 years
Chapter 9: The Truth
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Fake Memories
Series Summary: After Y/n is caught cheating on Wanda with Carol, Y/n would do just about anything to get Wanda back into her life. But was it even Y/n’s fault that she cheated? Or was it the new enemy set on revenge?
Chapter Summary: The after effects of the attack on New York have changed everything for the Avengers, Wanda, and Y/n. 
A/n: I have managed to write this all within one day. I’m sorry if there are any mistakes but please let me know your thoughts love :) (Not my GIF)
Warnings: Fighting, Hydra, Blood, Mentions of Death, Anxiety, Curse Words
Word Count: 4.9k
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 |
Covered in ash, dirt, and dried-up blood, Steve was a walking disaster as he paced through the hospital waiting room. Well, if you would call it a hospital that is. It’s been less than an hour since the Avengers have controlled the fires in New York but the troubling news of Y/n and Wanda brought them to a halt.
They quickly rushed to the “hospital”, which was just an empty leased building before being revamped into a hospital for this emergency. The walls were made up of light green curtains. You couldn’t even separate the blood-curling screams from down the hall to the one next to you.
“Stop pacing Rogers. You’re making my head hurt,” Tony said as he sat next to his suit. He had managed to borrow one of the hospital’s tablets to see if there were any updates that could remotely be done to the tower. So far, no luck had been made to reboot F.R.I.D.A.Y or power up the building in general. “Don’t tell me what to do,” he bit back.
Before Tony could say anything, Natasha lightly elbowed him in the stomach to keep him hushed. Now was not the time to start fighting especially at a time like this. “Are you any closer to powering up the tower?” She asked. If Natasha was nervous, she sure as hell didn’t show it. While the assassin did have a similar beat-up look like Steve, her composure was almost too relaxed. However, if Steve cared to notice, he could quickly see how big of a lie that was but his mind was only focused on the two youngest Avengers.
On the other side of the building lied Wanda and Y/n. The only thing separating those two was the thin green curtain and the team of tired nurses and doctors that surrounded them. And while the two have been closer before, this was the first time in a while that they both slept peacefully by each other. It didn’t matter the circumstances of how they slept, but rather what they dreamt...and it was of each other.
“What do you think we would have been like if we lived normal lives?” It was a late afternoon on a sunny day in spring. Wanda and Y/n laid down in the grass under a tree that shadowed them from the sun. Today was one of their off days and seeing as the weather was nice, the two felt like it was a perfect time to go to the park.
“Well, we would obviously attend school.” Wanda was lying down on her back with a dandelion in her hand as Y/n laid on her side, using her left hand to support her head. “I can honestly see you as being the popular person or maybe even the President of some type of political club.”
“What makes you say that?” The soft breeze that covered them came once again, which blew the pappis away. The small frown on Wanda’s faced made it hard for Y/n to focus but she still responded, “You just have this powerful aura to you, Wanda. When you talk, people listen. But what you do better is how easy it is for us to believe you. That’s something not a lot of leaders can do.”
“You make it sound like I’ll be the next President of the United States,” Wanda replied jokingly. “I wish.” Wanda pushed Y/n back slightly as she laughed but all Y/n did was smile at the action. “But what about me? What do you think I would be like?”
Putting her finger to her chin, Wanda thought for a moment before saying, “Honestly, without your powers, you are probably a film nerd at heart. Maybe just a nerd in general.”
“Hey! Now you’re just being mean.” Wanda rolled her eyes as she threw away the dandelion stem. She turned her head to face Y/n. There was this adoration in her eyes that quickly made Y/n blush. “Who cares. All I know is if anyone decides to mess with you, they’ll obviously have to go through me.”
“Oh, so you’re telling me the President of the political science club is going to come to my rescue?”
“Duh! I’ll probably yell at them or something. If not, I’m not afraid to get nasty.”
“You’re unbelievable.”
“How’d you let them get away?” Fury said as he walked into the hospital that Y/n was at. The man was not in his finest hour. First, the mass destruction of New York city was blasting on the news. Reporters and anchors are not looking in favor for the heroes regardless of the actions they’ve taken to try and minimize the damage. Many were angry at the mere fact that this happened at all.
“Someone on their team had quickly teleported them to safety,” Carol stated. The girl has been feeling nothing but guilt for the past hour. Although she did save Wanda and Y/n, the state she had found them in only did worse for her thoughts. “Even if I did try to catch up to them, the lack of response from Wanda and Y/n meant something. I probably couldn’t have faced them alone if I tried.”
Before Fury could have walked any further into the building, Carol grabbed him by the arm, forcing him to look at her. “Her ears were bleeding Nick...I think they did something to her head again.”
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Wanda woke up with a slight headache, the dream vaguely on her mind. As she started to grasp her surroundings, she only grew more confused. “Where am I?” She thought. The loud beeping beside her combined with screams and loud thoughts overwhelmed Wanda. Feeling the need to get out, she quickly started to remove the various wires on her as the recent events caught up to her. “Ma’am, I’m going to have to ask you to lay back down,” the nurse asked kindly.
“Where’s Y/n?” Wanda almost lost her balance as she stepped off her bed. She used the nurse in front of her to regain her balance, before walking out of her “room”. “Ma’am, I’m not going to ask again, please lay back down or I will have to get security.”
The threat was the last thing on Wanda’s mind. All she could focus on was finding Y/n. Using her powers, she closed her eyes and tried to sense where Y/n was. Considering the girl was right beside her, it didn’t take long for Wanda to find out.
Quickly walking over to the side of her room, Wanda pushed the curtain to the side but the sight in front of her made everything stop. There was Y/n, battered and bruised. There was drywall dust on her face along with dried-up blood. “Y/n,” Wanda whispered in disbelief. Much to Wanda’s dismay, Y/n didn’t respond. She remained unresponsive on the bed.
Reaching out to try and hold her hand, Wanda was pulled back by the same nurse. “Ma’am, please let the doctors and nurses do their jobs while you go back to your bed.” Wanda shrugged off her hand, her eyes glowing red as she said, “Don’t.”
Wanting to be by Y/n’s side, Wanda tried to walk towards her again but Steve’s voice made her stop. “Wanda.” Turning back around, Wanda first noticed just how beat up Steve was. His helmet was off which made Steve oddly look like a raccoon. If times were different, maybe Wanda would have laughed. Instead, she stormed out of the room, feeling more overwhelmed.
“I’m sorry about her ma’am,” Steve said with a courteous nod.
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Wanda sat on the ledge of the roof. The slight breeze of the night was coursing past her as she mindlessly fiddled with her fingers, a nervous habit she developed after her parents’ death. It was during a harsher breeze that Wanda touched her forehead where the slight open injury was at. She had left the floor just moments ago and somehow her feet led her here. Although she knew that she needed someone to look at the injuries she sustained, her mind was focused elsewhere. It was plagued with thoughts about the girl that was still entrapped in a room full of doctors that had no clue how to treat her. Wanda knew it was wrong of her to read their minds, but she hoped that at least one of them at least knew where to start. Panic and anxiety filled the redhead’s body the more she realized that no one knew how to help Y/n. Soon, the room felt as if it was enclosing on her. Before Steve realized she was about to break down, she left to sort out her thoughts and emotions.
Wanda had been so deep in thought that she hadn’t noticed Carol leaning against the entrance of the roof. The blonde was only a couple of feet away from Wanda wearing black sweatpants and a shirt. The girl was wrapping up a mission when she saw the text from Y/n. Carol didn’t know whether the drop in her heart was from the fake feelings Memory Man had created or whether she genuinely cared about the girl’s wellbeing. It didn’t matter though. What mattered was Y/n’s safety.
Carol leaned up against the ledge while surveying the view. They were a foot away from each other but it didn’t take a mind reader to know that both girls were thinking about Y/n. Ironically enough, they each had their separate thoughts about how they failed to protect Y/n. For Wanda, she felt as if she was the sole reason that Y/n got hurt. If she had only conquered her abilities more, Y/n wouldn’t have had to sacrifice herself again just to protect her. Not only that, but Wanda felt beyond frustrated with herself for being so frozen and paralyzed as the enemy hurt Y/n right in front of her eyes. There was nothing holding her back besides herself and that was something that will haunt her for a while. For Carol, she felt that if she were just a bit faster and maybe not a galaxy away, she would have reached them in time to help.
After a couple of minutes of silence, Wanda sidely glanced at Carol. The first thing she noticed was her attire. It didn’t take long for the dots to connect before she realized that it was Y/n’s clothes Carol was wearing. Wanda bit her tongue at the ounce of jealousy and resentment that decided to rise within her. This was no time to start arguments especially with the person that helped Y/n just in the nick of time. So Wanda had opted for a different but just as difficult route. “Thank you.”
Carol heard but decided to remain silent. Clearing her throat, Wanda continued, “I’m not sure what would have happened if you hadn’t found us.” Finally, the two made eye contact as Carol glanced at Wanda. “I’m only here for Y/n,” Carol deadpanned. Wanda choked at her words but still had a serious composure. They both looked back at the city but there was a more tense feeling in the air. Carol hadn’t cared if the words had hurt Wanda. What she cared for was Y/n. But the looming question in the back of her head was always if this was a genuine feeling or if it was forced. However, the way her heart overwhelmingly felt angered at the person beside her, she knew that at this time, the feeling was genuine.
Subconsciously, Wanda felt the emotions that leaked out of the blonde. She didn't need to go in her mind to realize that. It felt like Carol’s guard was down leading her aura to be seen. It had covered the area surrounding the two in such a suffocating manner that Wanda felt like she couldn’t breathe. The two most compelling emotions were the anger she held for her and the love she had for Y/n. As she cracked her knuckles, Carol muttered, “It is quite ridiculous the things Y/n continuously goes through for a team that can barely return the favor.”
“You don’t get to-”
“Now listen here. I don’t quite care much for your team. Frankly, y’all don’t deserve Y/n.” The two faced each other with such intensity that one wrong move could cause a fight with two of the galaxy’s most powerful superheroes. “But if I’m being honest, you don’t deserve Y/n.” Wanda’s fists clenched at Carol’s words. It took everything out of the redhead to not fling Carol out of New York, because how dare she accuse her of such atrocities.
“If I were you, I would stop where you’re at,” Wanda said threateningly. The spiral scarlet glow in her eyes only made Carol chuckle. “You know you’re not the only one with powers.” Carol’s fist glowed with the same intensity as Wanda’s eyes. But the threats were pointless as the two had stopped at the same time.
“You don’t see it but you should feel lucky Wanda.” Cocking her eyebrow, Wanda responded with, “And why is that?” The redhead remained in a defensive stance as she crossed her arms. Carol walked closer to her and placed her hand on Wanda’s shoulder. Wanda was still tense but it slightly faltered when she saw how serious Carol was. “There’s a girl out there that loves you even when her mind and heart tell her otherwise.” And with that, Carol left Wanda to herself.
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The burning feeling in his legs shouldn’t have felt familiar but it did. It reminded him of the body that he held through New York’s streets. It reminded him of the blood all over his hands and clothes. It reminded him of that fateful night that he failed.
And as he stormed into the hospital with nobody in his hands, something in the way that the team looked made his blood drain. Before Bucky could ask about Y/n’s whereabouts, Beth had walked in. Seeing her familiar face caused Bucky to be slightly relaxed but still anxious about what she could possibly say.
“I have an update on Y/n’s health.” Carol had walked into the room and her attention immediately landed on Beth. “Tell us, Beth,” Fury said.
“As of right now, she will be fine. The doctors have her hooked up to a solution that is allowing her regeneration abilities to work. But-,” before Beth could finish her update, Tony had stood up and loudly commented, “- Great, now that we know Ms. Hydra is okay, can we get back to the real issue at hand?”
As Carol was about to advance to Tony, it was Beth’s words that made the room quiet. “Of course it would be the self-righteous billionaire that would talk shit.” Tony’s head snapped towards Beth. “Excuse me?!”
Beth glared back at Tony, not daring to back down. Her arms were crossed as she continued, “Don’t act like you can’t hear me, or is your ego too far high for you to actually listen?”
Walking towards Beth, Tony said, “Listen here you son of a-” Before Tony could get any closer to Beth, Bucky had used his arm to stop him. “I wouldn’t if I were you.” Tony forcefully removed Bucky’s hand from his chest. He stepped away from Beth, not wanting to deal with what he thinks of as just some pathetic nurse.
“You know what the real issue is Tony - actually - all of you. It’s the fact that you seriously think of Y/n to be this villain.” Beth had let out a dark chuckle at the irony of the situation. “Or have you forgotten the shit you’ve ALL done? Let’s name them, shall we?”
“Beth-” Beth glared at Bucky. She didn’t care if this wasn’t the time nor the place for this conversation, because God was she so tired of them. “Tony, remember all the weapons that you’ve created for mass destruction and have yet to actually own up to the consequences of them?”
“I would stop there if I were you before-”
“Before what?!” Beth said as she threw her hands up. “Before you sue me?! Before you attack me?! Oh - that’s it, isn’t it? What are you gonna do? Kill me? Like how you did with Y/n?!” The room grew more silent as everyone besides Bucky and Beth digested her words. “It’s honestly sad how a bunch of adults has managed to push a KID to take their life away. All for what?! Because you thought she cheated on Wanda! News fucking flash - she didn’t even fucking cheat.”
“What?” Steve said. The shock of Beth’s words was still affecting him. “It was Memory Man. He had put fake memories in Y/n’s and mine’s heads. That was the whole reason we kissed - wait - did you not know about this?” The team was frozen while Carol and Fury impatiently waited for answers.
Not caring to wait for their pathetic excuses, Beth said, “It’s not like it matters what they have to say. They don’t even care for Y/n but for those that actually do. Right now we have no clue what her mind is going to be like. Memory Man has already given her enough damages before and considering we don’t know the full extent of his powers, we can only wait till she wakes up to see if she will actually be okay. Now if you don’t mind, I have a patient to take care of.”
Before Beth could leave, Bucky grabbed onto her arm. He gave her a look but Beth wasn’t having any of it. Ripping her arm from his grip, she stated, “Don’t Bucky. You know how much your family has hurt her. So don’t just stand there and act like they’re saints especially since you know how much Y/n needed you.”
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It’s been a couple of days since the attack in New York and Y/n has since woken up. She has barely spoken to Beth, Bucky, Carol, or Fury. Although Estell’s presence would have been welcomed, Beth has yet to tell the girl the news of Estell’s death. Unfortunately, during the attack, she was shot and killed on sight by Hydra. The only reason Beth knew was from the long list of deaths she read on TV.
“We need to transport Y/n to a different location,” Fury said in a small meeting that consisted of only Bucky and Carol. “I agree. Since Hydra has managed to infiltrate the tower once, who knows when they’ll do it again.”
“That’s why a different country will do her better than here.” Fury sighed at the decision that was laid upon them. New locations will always be hard to adjust to but that wasn’t all of it. “Wanda will remain as Y/n’s guard.”
Abruptly standing from her chair, the loud screeched filled the room. “Are you serious?!” Fury’s expression didn’t change as Carol only grew with rage. “She could hardly take care of herself during the attack. What makes you think she could possibly take care of Y/n?”
“The girl was simply outnumbered. We all were.” Moving to get the file that was beside him, he slid it on the table. Bucky grabbed it and had started to silently read it. “But I need the both of you on the front lines. After what Beth has said, I need you two to make sure that the team is actually doing their job. They were supposed to have found out about Hydra’s plans before the attack, now I’m starting to think they didn’t even try.”
Carol was still angry at Fury’s decision to which he sighed. “You will know of Y/n’s location at all times. I will let her have a remote that when activated should send you a signal. Since you’re back on Earth, you’ll get to her in seconds.” Carol sat back down in her seat. Although she was still mad at Fury’s decision, she felt better knowing that Y/n could signal her for help.
“Now, I need you to say your goodbyes for now. Y/n leaves in an hour.”
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Wanda stood in the foyer of the hanger as various agents loaded up the quinjet with materials that she and Y/n would need for the time they were gone. She was informed of the last-minute decision just moments ago by Fury himself.
“Please take care of her.”
The words echoed in her head as it had been the only time she’s seen Fury actually care deeply for somebody else. Before she could ponder more about it, Beth had interrupted Wanda’s thoughts. “Wanda?”
Turning around to the source of the sound, Wanda stood in front of a young blonde woman with intense eyes. “I’m Beth,” she said as she held out her hand. Wanda reluctantly shook it, not quite sure as to who this lady actually was. “I’m Y/n’s friend.”
“Great, another pretty girl I have to worry about,” Wanda thought. “Well, I’m also her nurse but I think she would consider me her friend as well.” Wanda stood awkwardly not really knowing how to respond.
Using this opportunity, Beth handed Wanda a bag full of medicine and vitamins. “I know this will be a lot to ask of you but could you please take care of Y/n?” There was no doubt in Wanda’s mind that this girl in front of her meant well. The nurturing feeling in her aura surrounded Wanda.
“That girl has been through a lot and I would know.” Confused by the intensity of her words, Wanda couldn’t help but ask, “How do you know this?”
“I’ve been her nurse for a while now.” This news only confused Wanda even more. “Was she injured before the attack?”
“What is it with you guys and not knowing a single thing about Y/n?” Beth thought. She started to get irritated at the thought of another Avenger hurting Y/n. She could only hope Wanda was different from the rest. However, Wanda heard Beth’s thoughts and said, “What do you know that I don’t?”
Beth scoffed at the question and replied, “The truth.” The simplicity of her answer made Wanda internally roll her eyes. Whether she admitted it or not, she had started to feel territorial over the fact somebody else knew Y/n better than her.
“Wanda let’s go!” Fury yelled from afar. The two looked over and saw Y/n hug Carol, Fury, and Bucky goodbye. Oddly enough, she looked emotionless when she did it. “Just please don’t fuck up again.” Wanda didn’t answer respond back to Beth because if she did, something bitchy would have probably left her mouth. Instead, she walked over and into the quinjet. She buckled into the seat closest to Y/n but the girl didn’t give any attention to Wanda. She remained silent and focused on her hands for the whole ride while Wanda thought more and more about what Beth meant.
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“Now that we’re all here let’s get started.” Fury turned on the projector and the first image the was on the screen was New York on fire during the attack. “So far, we’ve received word that there have been 125 casualties and approximately around 500 critical injuries suffered from the attack.” Click.
“However, we face a bigger number when it comes to those that are currently missing. Estimating from 600 - 1000 people are found to be missing. And since we have efficiently cleared the rumble from the damages, our sources have found out how they’ve gone missing.” Click.
Footage of the event was playing but in the location of the subways. One by one, explosions could be seen in various parts of different train passages. It didn’t take long for Hydra soldiers to infiltrate the train systems but all camera footage cut to black. “Hydra has effectively taken hostages of those that were on the train during that night. They have used bombs to blast any chance of us going after them in these tunnels.”
“Is there a way to locate the subways?” Steve asked. “Since New York hardly invests in their transportation department, they are unable to track any of their subways. More than likely, Hydra has already disposed of them in case they were to be tracked.” Click.
“What we need is to figure out where these people have gone. This many hostages taken is something we cannot allow. And considering we have hardly been able to figure out their plans before the attack, I can only assume the worse when it comes to this.” Fury turned the projector off and continued his speech.
“Bucky and Carol will be removed from their current missions to assist the team with this situation. There will be absolutely no complaints about this. Any signs of lack of cooperation, I will gladly remove you and ban you from missions indefinitely.” Fury looked around the team once more and felt disgusted at the people he has to work with. Giving them no time to reply, he left the room not being able to stand the sight of them anymore.
Since they were dismissed, part of the team left in a hurry until it was down to three people. Tony was about to leave when Steve said, “Are you going to apologize to Y/n?” The question was genuine and serious because ever since that night, Steve had been unable to sleep. All he wished he could do was apologize to Y/n but the girl refused to see him. Unfortunately, he understood why.
“Why should I? It doesn’t change anything.” Steve stood up and slammed the table with his hand. “We killed her Tony.” Tony walked in front of Steve. “I didn’t do anything,” he sneered.
“Steve. Tony. We need to calm down,” Natasha said as she watched the two go at it. “Don’t act so mighty Natasha. I heard you bullied the girl too.” This comment caused Natasha’s jaw to harden. “Aww, did I hit a nerve?” Tony childishly asked. “Oh fuck off Tony. There you go again bringing other people down when you can hardly accept what you’ve done. YOU took away Y/n’s funds. She couldn’t even afford anything.”
“But you watched me do it, Rogers. You could have done something too yet you let it happen. So don’t patronize me. Nothing of what she said changes anything.” Tony quickly left the room as he felt himself explode in anger. This didn’t even surprise Steve anymore. He was tired of keeping the family together when it was clear now that it was meant to be apart.
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“Here we are,” Wanda said as she dropped her bags in the living room. Looking at her surroundings, the flat was a decent size. Two bedrooms, one bathroom, a kitchen, living room, and accommodations on the floor below them.
“So what do you-,” Y/n hadn’t responded to Wanda’s question as she zoomed past her and walked into her room. Softly closing the door shut, Wanda sighed at her reaction. It wasn’t a surprise but Wanda still couldn’t help but feel hurt by it all. “I guess I should start unpacking.”
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It’s been a couple of weeks since Y/n and Wanda started to live together in the flat located in the small town of Edinburgh. While Wanda mainly kept the place tidy, Y/n remained in her room all the time unless it was to use the bathroom or to eat. The only time she would even dare to be close to Wanda was during dinner. If it was breakfast or lunch, Y/n would take what Wanda cooked for the day into her room.
But Wanda was stubborn. She always left Y/n little notes of her whereabouts anytime she left for an errand but a small compliment would always be at the end of it. Sometimes she would knock on Y/n’s door and ask if she would want to watch a movie with her. Obviously, Y/n never answered but Wanda continued to ask. Other times, Wanda would think of Y/n’s favorite foods and would cook them for dinner that night. And while Y/n had never said it out loud, the empty plate she left in front of her always made Wanda swell with joy.
However, tonight was going to be different. Usually, the two would sit in silence as Wanda would have the tv playing in the background but Wanda needed to hear Y/n’s voice. Not only that, but she was hoping that the truth would come out as well.
Trying to figure out a way to break the silence, it was oddly Y/n that had done it first. “Why don’t you hate me?” At first, Wanda was shocked that Y/n had actually spoken, but the girl regain her composure and said, “Why would I hate you? You’ve done nothing wrong.”
Y/n was silent for a moment until she said, “But I killed your brother.”
Chapter 10
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Taglist:  @halobaby  @arelyitsherec8 @blackxwidowsxwife @cristin-rjd @madamevirgo @trikruismybitch @paradiselost916 @mmmmokdok @morbid-gaymer @dailyavengering @itsnottilly @helloalycia @randomshyperson @tomy5girls @daenerys713 @ensorcellme @lezzzbehonesthere @imagine-reblog @sighsam @olsensnpm @tquick99 @feolok @emilyprentisslittlewhore @mvddison99 @iamapotato @shadowybailiffdreamer-donkey @yuhloversxx @mjaudrey @upsidedowndanvers @somewhatgreatexpectations @wandavixen @second-try-stevie @magicallymaximoff @username23345 @coollemonsaresour @littlewinchester15 @aimezvousbrahms @afuckingshituniverse @am-just-a-cosmic-joke-to-me @ohmygooddamnbisexualmood @diaryoflife @s7uts @newyork1432 @the-anxious-stargazer @hello-mtf @marvelousbelladonna @ima-gi–na-tion @obsessed-with-wandamaximoff @the-camilucha @itsnottilly @171611 @kaitlynroseb @daisybri7 @drpepperobsessed @bemyvitamin @musicinourlips @marvelousbelladonna @gingerbreadcookieforlife @xastrydx @chasethemoon @naixia00 @lostandsearching @stupidsapphicsstuff @haechanana @the-camilucha @severepeanutartisanhands @owloftheshadows @somewhatgreatexpectations @ywuen @mixed-fandom-mess @loomontoia @ilovemarvelwomen @isitallreallyworthit @coxmicbabygirl  @cyanide-mustard @mrs-avenger3000 @prentisshoe @andrea-stark @simpforwandanat​ @abimess​ @randomshyperson​ @yourtaletotell​ @magically-queer-stuff​ 
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lord-explosion-baku · 4 years
Yandere!Shinsou x reader
Warnings: yandere, adult themes, bordering Stockholm syndrome, hints of dubious consent
A/N: here’s another fic I posted and deleted a bit ago, but I edited it and revamped it a bit. I was in a weird place when I wrote this, but it’s content! Gonna stop impulsively deleting shit😂
“Are you in love with me?”
What a pathetic question. You know it is, but it’s been on your mind all damn day. That, amongst other things. Insecurities have been bombarding your brain and consuming your thoughts. They’re the kind that you’ve managed to repress for years, but today, while bored of all the nothing you had to do while Shinsou was away, they came at you full force, as if they were paying you back for forgetting about them.
Before Shinsou took you, happiness had been perpetually evasive. Some days you could pretend like it had been there, but that had just been a trick of the mind—a phantom emotion that muzzled how you’d actually been feeling.
The truth is, your friends—your family—everyone you know has always simply tolerated you. You could go to them when you were feeling down, but they never really wanted to hear your qualms. They’d always tell you anything you needed to hear to get you to stop whining. There’d been an art to ignoring how they grimaced at your attempted humor and hope for you to stop trying. They never wanted to hear about your interests or aspirations, either—most of them were too big for you anyways—but they would smile and wait for you to finish prattling on, then exhale with relief when it was over.
So, it hadn’t been like you could tell them how you felt, lest you wanted to risk being a ceaseless nuisance.
Some days you’d wondered if they wouldn’t mind if you just disappeared. Now you find yourself wondering what they think now that you have.
It’s fine. Rather, it had been fine when you were around them. However, the more time you’re forced to spend with Shinsou, the more you realize how unhappy you used to be.
You can’t say you’re happy now, either. With the reality of your situation, you’d actually have to be insane to say that you’re happy. A caged bird could never thrive if he couldn't fly. But Shinsou has been the first person that wanted to hear you talk about anything and everything. He wants to know you—to be there for you. He actually asks about your likes and dislikes, how you’re feeling, what he can do to make things better, while you’ve always been reluctant to answer him.
Still, you want to know. You want to be sure. You can assume that he does love you. Afterall, he’s taking care of you right now.
Earlier, he sensed that you were stressed and offered to give you a massage. Normally you would slink away from his touch, but you were feeling weak, so you said yes. You have to admit that having him touch you is... nice.
A deep groan escapes your chest when he presses on a particularly tense spot in your back, so he rubs the area more, making sure to massage all of your anxieties away. He leans down low to press his lips against the shell of your ear. You can feel the curl of his mouth when he says, “that’s a stupid question.”
I know. You want to tell him that, but you won’t. You won’t open up to him. You know he’d like that too much. It’s ironic, really. The one person who wants you to open up to them and it’s the last person on earth you’d want to tell anything too personal to.
“I wouldn’t have asked it if I didn’t need to hear the answer.”
“You wouldn’t be here if I wasn’t in love with you,” he counters.
Touché, asshole.
“So the moment you fall out of love with me, you’re going to let me go.”
You very nearly say ‘you’re going to kick me out,’ but it’s not like you’re simply visiting with him. You’re there against your will. He's your captor, you’re his prisoner.
“That’s not going to happen.”
“But if it does-“
“It won’t.” Shinsou begins kissing down your spine. “Getting you here was a drag, but I won’t be letting you go under any circumstances.”
Darks skepticism envelopes his timbre when he asks, “why, what?”
You can't blame him. There’s been plenty of one-sided conversation where you’ve practically begged to be released, only to have Shinsou give you the cold shoulder. This won’t be another one of those discussions. You couldn’t bear it.
“Why do you like me?”
“Why do I like you, or why am I in love with you?”
You think about it for a second and decide to hell with it. You threw your dignity out the window the second you asked your first question. You hide your face in the pillow and mutter, “both.”
Shinsou hums against your back, pretending to consider the question while he squeezes your hips, pressing his thumbs into either side of your tailbone.
“Oh, god,” you sigh, pushing your ass up so he presses deeper on you, “that feels so good.”
“Reason one as to why I like you-“ Shinsou moves his hands down to your ass. He kneads your muscles, partly because he knows you want it, but mostly because he loves handling your ass- “you sound like that when you moan.”
“Be serious!” You bark back half-heartedly, because he seriously knows how to give a good massage, and you can’t stay annoyed when he’s touching you like that.
“I’m being plenty serious. It’s hot.” He squeezes your bottom, adding just the right amount of pressure to get you to moan again. He chuckles and thumbs the side of your underwear, letting it snap back to your skin pap! “So hot.”
“So, you like me because I’m hot?” You exhale when he squeezes more lotion onto your back, the cool sensation making goosebumps rise on your skin.
“Well-“ there’s a shrug in his voice when he makes his way back up to your spine-“it’s one of the reasons.”
Shinsou begins listing things he likes about you: the curl of your hair, the dip in your hips, the curve of your ass, the way your nose scrunches up when you smell something you think is going to be nice, but is actually unappealing, and that “cute little mole in that one place,” he suggests, “you know, the one I like to kiss…”
It’s all almost nice to hear, except they all have one thing in common: they’re all physical. You won’t always look like what you do now. You don’t think that Shinsou is so superficial that he only judges you on your appearance, but you can’t stop the swelling in your chest.
“And I especially like your neck,” he whispers at the column of your throat, right before licking a stripe up to your earlobe. You shudder when he smiles against you. “So sensitive…”
“So that’s it?”
You’re being negative, demanding even, and you shouldn’t feel bad about it because it’s with Shinsou, but you do. You need to hear more. You need to feel like you matter.
“There’s loads more, but this is what I’m focusing on right now. My partner’s half naked in front of me and I’m only human.”
You turn to face him, maneuvering the pillow your head was on to the front of you, hiding Shinsou’s eyes both from your chest, and from the tears you’ve left behind.
“What about when I change?” You ask, squeezing your fluffy shield against your stomach.
“What do you mean?”
“Like-“ you bow your head, fiddling with the fringes on the pillow- “I don’t know. If I’m gonna be stuck here forever, then obviously I’m gonna age.”
Shinsou frowns. “So?”
“So...I won’t always be-“ you make a flippant gesture at him-“your version of hot!”
He snorts. “My version of hot? What’s that?”
“You tell me!”
He shakes his head, laughing as he brings his hand to the back of his neck, looking sheepish. “You’re my version of hot...it won’t matter if your hair turns silver, your skin wrinkles, you get all saggy and crinkly-“ he chuckles- “same thing’s gonna happen to me, only with my job, I might end up losing an arm or—heaven forbid—I get a scar over an eye.”
You dismiss that. “Scars can be hot.”
“Duly noted.” He smirks. “I might have to be extra reckless on my next mission. See how you react to my battle wounds.”
“Please don’t,” you say immediately. You gaze up at him to see that his usual sleep-ridden eyes have softened. Geez, he’s acting as if you said something nice to him.
“What’s going on with you?” Shinsou asks as his hand falls over your pillow shield. He tugs on it to move, but you keep it clawed to your chest. “C’mon...let me in.”
It’s hard because you want to. You want to let him in, and you’re stupid for it. At least you have the mind to shake your head at him.
“Alright then,” he says, “what do you like about me? Or should I say, do you like me?”
“No.” That part is easy enough to say. Even if it's a lie, which you aren’t sure if it is or not, you know it’s what you should say every time. Regardless of what he makes you feel, what he does for you, how he takes care of you, you’re still there against your will.
You don’t get a moment to feel guilty about saying it either, because as soon as the answer rolls off of your tongue, you freeze, unable to move or speak. Immediately you want to rebuke, tell him off, scream at him, but your body disobeys every single one of your furious demands. Shinsou hasn’t used his mind control on you too much lately, and you let yourself forget that he has it. You’re absolutely seething.
“I’m sorry, darlin’. I’m a slave to my own whims.” Shinsou takes the pillow away from your body. His eyes scan over your torso appreciatively before finding the dark dots stained from your tears on the fabric of your pillow. He flexes his jaw, then places the pillow back behind you.
“Lay back,” he commands, and you’re helpless to oblige.
For a moment, the two of you are still. Shinsou’s staring at you, but not in a way that’s weird...er than normal. He’s seen you naked plenty of times, so he’s not being entirely a pervert. It’s only when he rolls down to level his face with yours, you see that there’s mist in his eyes.
“You’re intelligent,” he says, placing a hand over your navel, “and not in a way that’s annoying. You can hold stimulating conversations, and you think...differently, but you’re also interested in listening to divergent viewpoints.”
Shinsou starts moving his hand in circles, using his fingertips to draw intricate designs across your skin.
“You don’t know how to make a proper playlist, so when you listen to music, the weirdest shit comes on, and you sing along to all of it. And you’re so bad at singing, but you belt that shit out like you don’t even care.”
You kinda wanna hit him. You kinda wanna laugh. You kinda don’t wanna accept that you've gotten comfortable enough around Shinsou to actually sing around him, even if it’s in the goofy voice that you use.
“You’re kind to animals, you laugh in your sleep, you yell at inanimate objects, and you always read the last page of a novel once you’re halfway through it, which is infuriating, but it’s because you get so excited that you can’t stand not knowing what’s going to happen.”
Shinsou brings his hand up to cup your face. “You piss me off. You challenge me. You’re stubborn and defiant and abrasive and I-“ he pauses, sighing- “and I love it. I love every part of you—vexing vices and valorous virtues.”
He leans down so that his lips are a hair away from yours. His voice is tight, raspy from something he’s holding back, but still, he speaks. “I know I’m fucked up for this. I know you hate it here, but there’s no way in hell I’d ever let anyone else have you. You’re so fucking weird, and beautiful, and angry. You’re precious to me, and I know without a shadow of a doubt that I’ll always be in love with you. And that means damning you to me. I would say that I’m sorry, but I’m not. At least, not for keeping you. You’re the only thing I've ever wanted—the only sin I don’t regret.”
Your brain is ocean fog when his lips meet yours. He kisses you softly, because he doesn’t want to bring you out of your stupor just yet. His fingers travel down your sides, resting at the waistband of your panties. He pulls back and eyes you deviously.
“And if you don’t like me yet, I guess I’ll have to deal, but that doesn’t mean I’m not gonna keep gunning for your affection.” He smirks, hooking his thumbs around the sides of your briefs. Your entire body flushes in direct reaction to him, anticipating what comes next. It doesn’t go unnoticed.
With a devilish glint in his indigo eyes, he smirks up at you and says, “at least I know some things you love about me”
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lubdubsworld · 3 years
Better Man.
~~~~~~~~~~~~`Just to see you smile, I’d do anything. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Taehyung x Oc
Rated 18 +
Post Divorce, Getting Back Together, Second chances, Angst.
Chapter 1    Chapter 2   Chapter 3   Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Do you ever truly know what someone is feeling?
You could spend decades , breathing the same air, hands held , your fingers brushing ....connected physically and even mentally but a person’s emotions, they’re hidden away. 
You only ever know what they’re willing to show .
And yet, 
all of us build relationships, convinced that we know exactly what the other person will feel when we act a certain way. Buying her flowers will make happy....visiting him at work will take away that little bit of stress.
But sometimes, what we think someone feels, may not be what they truly feel.
And that’s when your actions, well intended actions..... end up with disastrous consequences. 
“So....last night...” Jungkook’s teasing voice did nothing to ease the pounding in my head.
“I do believe you promised not to tease me about it if I drank two glasses of water, which I did by the way.” I told him firmly, trying to bring the words on my planner into focus as i squinted. Three meeting. Each two hours long. 
kill me now. 
“I wanted to ask HR to give you the day off but you have quite a schedule today. “ He said casually,  leaning over me to peer into the planner . I glanced at his wrist resting on the table, the expensive rolex showing that it was a little past 9. 
“ We’re planning out the Christmas campaign first and I have a meeting with Taehyung’s team in the afternoon so we can go over the contract see if they have any requirements and then the social media team in the evening at four to discuss promos and revamping the website.” I glanced up at him. 
He gave me a smile before casually leaning down, lightly gripping my chin and tilting my face up. I felt the brush of his lips against mine, fleeting and gentle. 
‘You’re beautiful.” He smiled. 
I blinked.
And then took a deep breath.
“Your wife...” I said softly. “ I saw her today.” 
Jungkook went completely still at that. 
“She was waiting in the lobby on my way up. I didn’t know who you were married to and I was a little shocked and also little upset because....” I glanced at him. “ She was my best friend in college. “
Jungkook swore. 
“Fuck.. I told her to stay the fuck away from my company. Did she say something to you?” 
i shook my head.
“I didn’t greet her because I wasn’t sure if she remembered me. And I wasn’t sure if i was remembering her right. i didn’t know she was your wife till i heard someone mention it in the elevator on my way up. Did you know that she and i knew each other?” 
Jungkook looked just a little guilty.
“When you first joined the company, she saw your resume on my cvomputer. told me a lot about you. She remembers you. Fondly. She wanted to come meet you but...things happened.  “ He shrugged.
Things like infidelity and divorces . 
“Ahh...” I smiled. “ Tell me i wasn’t another way to get back at your ex wife, Jeon Jungkook ssi...” 
He made a noise of protest.
“no... No of course not Christ...it’s just...I’ll admit she made me curious about you. She spoke of you being spontaneous and fun and wild and I’d seen you as this demure, elegant woman in the office. i was curious. I wanted to know which one was the real you. “
“Were you curious before she cheated....or after?”
“ Jang Mi...this isn’t what it looks like .. I’m done with her. She fucked my best buddy and ruined my fucking life...” He sounded pained. 
I frowned. 
“It’s hard to believe she would do something like that. The Aera i remember had a very strong moral compass.” 
“Yeah well, apparently, you can live whole entire lives with someone and never really know the person. Listen, do we really have to talk about my ex wife?” He asked, eyes shining with discomfort. 
I shrugged.
“I’m not fond of drama. I won’t tangle myself in a relationship that risks hurting a lot of people Jungkook. That’s just not the kind of person I am. I’m sorry.” 
He made a noise of impatience, shaking his head. 
“We won’t be hurting anyone... We have fun together. We like each other. We’re attracted to each other...that’s all that matters....” He said sharply.
“ If we were in our twenties , without kids ....maybe. But that's not how it is now. I have a son, you have a daughter and I think I’m not completely over my marriage yet.” I said softly. 
He froze.
“And i don’t think you’re completely over your wife either.” I smiled.
He glared at me. 
“Ex-wife.” He snarled.
“She makes you feel things, Jungkook. You need to sort that out before you start something new with someone else. I’m only saying this because we’re old enough not to 
He growled and punched the desk. 
“God, how can she keep ruining my life even when she’s out of it.” He muttered, stepping away from me and moving to the door. 
I watched him storm out of my office and bit my lip. 
By the time evening rolled around, I was exhausted. But the day had been productive and I was happy because the contract had been finalized, the theme had been decided and we’d also spent an amazing three hours redesigning the website. Although it wasn’t in my job description I had studied web design in college and the creative department always welcomed my inputs. 
“You’re in a good mood...” Taehyung’s voice was a complete surprise and I turned to him, shocked. He was dressed in a black t shirt and blue jeans and sneakers and looked a whole decade younger. 
I felt affection rise up my throat so fast I nearly choked. 
“What are you doing here?”
“My agent told me you guys were incredibly cooperative today. She also told me you were quite possibly the loveliest woman she’s ever met and that I’m an idiot to have let you go.” He smiled. 
I laughed, shaking my head and my gaze shifted to the small bunch of tiger lilies in his hand. 
I felt warmth bloom in my chest. 
“You remembered.” I said softly, pleased. 
“Thirteen years since our first date.  The lily to my tiger. ” He held the flowers to me and I grinned, pressing the flowers to my chest. 
“Man I feel old.” I muttered.
“You are old.” Tae grinned and i grimaced, before tossing him a glare. . 
“You’re supposed to say I still look as beautiful as i did thirteen years ago.” I said. 
“But you don.t” He grinned impishly. “ You look a billion times  more  beautiful.” 
I felt the atmosphere shift, the air charged with something dangerous and i looked away. Usually, this was when I would laugh and throw my arms around him. Pull him close and press my lips against his , slip my fingers into his t shirt and trace the skin of his back. Feel his hands on my waist as he lifted me up to twirl me around and kiss me just like that. 
How often had we kissed that way? Thirteen years is a long time to count the number of kisses we’d shared. 
We both stayed quiet, looking anywhere but at each other.
“I...there’s a reason I came.” He said finally.
I glanced at him.
“The lawyer. Ms. Lee she ... recommended a relationship counselor”
I blinked, my breath catching in my throat. 
“Taehyung we’re-”
“Just hear me out. Its not mandatory and it won’t affect the divorce in anyway. its just something the court offers all couples going through a divorce and we’re free to refuse it. “
“Did you?” I asked. 
“Did I what?”
“Refuse it. Did you tell her no?” 
He stared at me. 
“No.” He said finally.
I exhaled sharply.
“Wow.” I whispered, feeling jittery and unbalanced. He sighed and came closer, reaching out to lightly grip my wrists. I let him tug me closer into a hug and held him tight, my heart pounding with anxiety.
“Mia.... I just... I’m not saying we should try to fix this.... relationship.” He said softly, eyes gentle and pleading, “  I just think this whole thing has taken a toll on both of us and maybe we can heal better if we get the help of a professional. Come out of this with closure. Instead of battling guilt and regrets everyday. Just ....it could help us move on. Don’t you think?”
You could never really tell what the other person is feeling. 
I couldn’t tell what Taehyung was feeling right now? 
Hope ?
Hope that we would fix our marriage....
or maybe hope that he would finally move on from me.. Maybe this whole thing was his final attempt to end things with me for good. So he could walk out of my life forever without any lingering guilt or regret. 
I would never know. 
I clung to him harder and somehow the pain of the entire two years we’d been apart, rammed into me at once. 
I choked on a sob. Breathing became difficult and I felt myself gasping for air. 
“Mia?” Taehyung’s panicked voice was the last sane thought that registered. 
“Are you sure you’re going to be okay? I can stay the night if you want. I’ll sleep in the spare bedroom . ” Taehyung whispered,  seated on the warm fluffy blanket that he’d managed to dig out of the closet in the spare bedroom. i was already tucked into the bed, fingers clutching the satin lined edges . 
i shook my head.
“I know how much you need your gazillion pillows. Go on... I’ll be fine.”
“i feel terrible. i pushed you into a panic attack.”
I waved off the guilty words. 
“You didn’t . i was already a little frayed and i guess i haven’t really been processing all the stuff between us the way i should have. i just got a little overwhelmed.” 
A panic attack. At the age of 32. The last time i had one I was twenty four. I wanted to crawl into the bed and never resurface. 
Taehyung’s gentle fingers , stroking my cheek brought me out of my own head. 
“I was so scared.” He said softly and my heart ached.
“I’m sorry i scared you.” I said apologetically, gripping his wrists lightly and stroking the skin there with my thumb. 
“I really want to stay. i don’t think I’ll be able to sleep if I go home right now.” He whispered. 
I bit my lips. 
“Okay... but... You need to hug something. To sleep. “ 
He grinned at that. 
“I’m old enough to survive one night without a pillow, Mia .” he chuckled. 
I flushed, sinking deeper into the covers.
“You don’t have to worry about the counselor thing. I’ll tell Lee we don’t want to do any-”
“No!!” I said quickly, a lot  louder than I’d intended. 
Taehyung blinked.
“I just... I realized that I haven’t been dealing with any of this...the right way. I’m so confused and disoriented all the time and I .. I don’t mind getting some help. To sort things out. Just for myself you know...without the pressure of trying to fix...well us.” I finished .
Taehyung gave me a wide smile before bending down and kissing my forehead.
“ Okay, Mia mine. Sleep well, and I’ll see you in the morning.” 
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pen-guin-writez · 2 years
Okay I'm kinda in need of a comfort fic rn so like-. Can I request a Dunnstock or SQUIP x a reader who has anxiety?
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Martha Dunnstock
October 1st, 1989--- Dear Diary,
Being unnoticeable to the entirety of high school isn't so bad anymore. I don't have anyone to bother me when I'm at lunch, I get to do my own thing without people laughing at me, it's all super cool! Is what I would've said before today. My life has changed, Diary.
If people did ever notice me, I probably would be dead where I stand. But today, someone did notice me. It was freaky. I was sitting by myself at lunch, (as usual) when an overweight (not saying that it's bad) brown-haired girl asked me a question. The question that changed my life.
"Is this seat taken?"
Okay, maybe I make it a tad bit dramatic? But I was really surprised! No one ever talks to me, and this girl just did. I was so excited. "No, you can sit here. I really don't mind."
"Thanks, no one really lets me sit anywhere. Except for Veronica, but she's out sick today, so I didn't really have a planned sitting destination!"
Veronica. She's one of the Heathers, isn't she? I vaguely remember hearing about her. Veronica renamed the Heathers to "The Seventeens", since she's the new leader.
There are four members, There's, of course, Veronica Sawyer. The queen bee. It used to be someone else. Heather Chandler. But she commited suicide by drinking drain cleaner. At least what I heard from Jenna Rolan, the gossip girl here. Veronica's pretty chill, she lets anyone sit at her table, unlike Chandler. You only get banned from her table if each and every Seventeen is in agreement that you are causing problems. I'd love to be Veronica's friend, but I'm too scared that she might think I'm weird.
Heather Duke, shy bookworm. I heard she took over Heather Chandler's spot before Veronica did. I heard she used to be super rude, and almost convinced a Seventeen Member to committing Suicide. But when the Seventeens revamped, she became quieter, and more pleasant to be around. I've tried to talk to her a few times in the hallway but got too scared and ran away
Heather McNamara! She's like a little puppy dog. Probably the easiest Seventeen to befriend. She's so sweet, but I feel my stomach sink whenever I try to talk to a Seventeen. God, why can't I just do it? We're almost graduating and I still haven't talked to a single Seventeen.
And The Final Seventeen is Martha Dunnstock. I've never actually seen Martha in person but I heard she's super nice, and she had a crush on Ram Sweeney. But I don't even know who she is. Sigh.
"..You sit with the Seventeens?" Oh my god. Did that sound offensive? Just because she sits with Veronica doesn't mean she sits with all of the Seventeens! Oh no, she probably thinks I'm a weirdo now!
"Oh, yeah! I am a Seventeen, after all. I'm Martha. Martha Dunnstock. You?" MARTHA DUNNSTOCK?!
I was so surprised, Diary.
"Oh... I'm Y/N, nice to meet you..!" "..." "Can I be honest with you, Martha?"
"Of course!" "Well... I always get this feeling when I see a Seventeen. Like.. I can't move. And if I ever try to talk to one, they'll think I'm weird. But here you are! You... used to be one of the weirdos and now you're a Seventeen. I could never be friends with one of you." I sighed. It felt really good to spill my guts out. But to my surprise? She smiles!
"Y/N, I may not really know you, much. But I can tell we'll be great friends in the future. You seem like a really sweet person, despite any of your flaws. I'll see if Veronica will let you join The Seventeens. She probably will, she's really sweet."
Those words melted my heart. Martha was nice enough to help me join the Seventeens. That wasn't so hard after all!
"Thank you so much, Martha!" Does she want more of a response than that?? I'm scared oh please he-
"Anything for a new friend."
That'll do, Y/N, that'll do.
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(3rd POV)
The SQUIP was out to seek its first ever host. Right before Jeremy, The SQUIP had another host for a few months.
This host is named Y/N L/N. They are an anxious, insecure junior that wanted to fit in with everyone. They didn't have any friends, and yearned to know what life was like if they were popular.
"Y/N L/N. Welcome to your Super Quantum Intel Processor. Your SQUIP." The SQUIP was expecting a host just like Y/N. Most teenagers that took the SQUIP were just like them.
"SQUIP, I want you to make me popular!" So it was popularity they sought? "Popular? I can do that. There are a few steps we must commit to first. You need to trust me and the process though. Are you ready?"
"Anything, SQUIP!
Now Y/N was in a better place than they were before. Everyone liked them, they had a beautiful partner, and they have great grades.
"Thanks, SQUIP! Now I can just take the Mountain Dew Red, since I don't need you anymore, right?" Foolish little Y/N...
They can't just get rid of the SQUIP. There is much work to do. Not just in Y/N's brain, but in her classmates...
"No, Y/N. I have a plan. We have to help your classmates achieve their goals. Go through Rich's locker. I know the combination. Trust me."
Rich found out that Y/N was going through his locker and punched them in front of everyone. They were the laughing stock of highschool.
"I'm taking the Mountain Dew Red." Not a word was said after that. They purchased the Mountain Dew Red and headed home.
"Just a word?"
"What. Is. It?"
"I know you're still insecure about what people think about you. And now look at where you stand with me, and where you stood before you got me. You may be hated now, but tomorrow is a new day. You can fix this. We can fix this."
The SQUIP wanted the best for Y/N. And though it had weird ways of doing it, they have to trust the process.
"..." "But SQUIP, what if they tease me tomorrow?"
"We'll show them. We'll make a difference, rebuild relationships, and they'll see the true Y/N L/N."
Y/N smiled at this. They could tell this was coming from the heart of a SQUiP.
"Let's show them, then."
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caeruleums · 2 years
alright, my friends! i have some test muses i want to try out before i commit to them and add them to my blog, as well as some muses i am somewhat revamping. i’m gonna be starting a personal “verse” about a small town that has some suspicious behavior. so like this if you want a small starter from any of the muses under the cut!
elvis johan welty — tattoo artist/charming crime lord, 40-45, bisexual. canonically has two sweet children with his ex-wife who he’s on amazing terms with. owns one of strangeville’s best (and only) tattoo shops, does custom work and is one of the most gentle crime lords that the city has ever seen. doesn’t always have to be a crime lord, but is abundantly rich in most verses. he works with all kinds of supernatural beings with no judgement, as long as he gets paid. tom hardy.
zeppelin hans welty — podcast host/true crime writer, 27-30, heterosexual. things happen in zep’s life that just isn’t right or normal. he becomes a witness to horrible things, and then can write them in a compelling way. but why do they keep happening to him? he’s quiet, a little bit jaded, but uses dark humor to make up for it all. lives with his half-brother some of the time, but mostly tries to stay out of strangeville. barry koeghan.
wren abigail stark — detective/private investigator, 47, bisexual. when she was fourteen, she had a kid but her parents offered to raise him like her brother and that is what came of quinn stark. to deal with the stress, she pushed herself into her work. she has an uncanny ability to predict things that were about to happen... always working off of a gut feeling. but she lives like a bachelor in a one bedroom apartment that smells like stale pizza at all times. amy adams.
vaughn jacob advena — sheriff of strangeville, 30-35, heterosexual. people come and go, but the advena family stayed in tact. he took over as sheriff from his father but wasn’t sure if he had the heart. he swore up and down that he’d leave the town, but he never managed to. now any secrets that he has to keep makes him a bitter, jaded human being. he’s turned to alcohol to quell his paranoia, and hides some of the town’s weirdest secrets. miles teller.
virgil “gil” michael advena — motel owner/landlord, 25-29, bisexual. for some reason, gil was always happy to stay despite what his brother wanted. his mother raised him to be a ‘good boy’ and even though extreme anxiety takes over at time (keeping him up days at a time) he thinks that what he does is good. he takes people in, the motel barely making enough to keep itself running... but as long as he helps, who cares? will poulter.
dax felipe martinez — children’s book author, 40-45, bisexual. it’s interesting that a bitter old man would decide to write children’s books... except those are the only things that sold. in fact, he was a children’s book manufacturer with how many he could come up with at a time. but he hated kids, and he hated people. when he had enough money he bought acres and acres of inhabited land outside of strangeville... living in the middle of the woods in a small cabin. oscar isaac.
knox kensington taylor — rich kid/business owner, 25-30, heterosexual. maybe his family made a deal with the devil, or maybe they are just using the entire town as their own person bank... but knox owns one of the smaller ‘taylor’ businesses in strangeville. he never questions where the money comes from, but he is part of a secret society. your typical rich kid who just wants to experience life, taking risks anywhere he can. completely arrogant and annoying, but you can’t help but want to know more. mike faist.
lorelai “rory”  hudson (ຊiphrนth)  — kindergarden teacher/alien, unknown, bisexual. when rory landed on earth, she was not ‘rory’. in fact, she had no idea the english/human language at all. the first thing she ever did was binge watch gilmore girls over and over until she learned english, so most of her personality comes from that. she chose the name because rory was her favourite character... and because she didn’t know what a normal ‘human’ name was. and then she binge watched glee, so she’s all over the place. but kids love her, and she just wants to live a normal human life since her family abandoned her on earth. victoria pedretti.
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aks3raao1 · 3 years
Me, to Luja: So tell me about yourself
Luja: No
Me: ...ma'am I need to write the story—
Luja: Good luck <3
[now that I do think of it, ALTERNATIVE's main duo that's established right at the beginning is literally a chiller but edgier Katsuki and way worse sUrViVe Nagito genderbends]
Luja Sen, she/her
Anyways, Luja and Romila are friends from middle school (the story starts with the beginning of their high school at AoS (Academy of the Specialised) which was essentially founded by Nyx). Luja gains her Specialisation (Ferrokinesis: The Ability to bend metal) at the age of twelve, so she has it for a lesser time period than Romila.
Luja primarily wants to become a scientist. Her family is happy with that, because it's praised and everything, especially in our society.
She has a gifted child superiority complex. Being a gifted child + Specialised means that she hardly had many friends in school. Her family had tried to get her to socialize....which didn't go down too well.
She believes that most people are annoying because they waste too much time on useless things like gossiping and what not, which she never showed much interest in and doesn't like to be dragged into those nonsense.
She is friends with Romila since they do share the same taste in stuff and were the only Specialised ones in their class. And they kinda stuck together for most of middle school and went into high school.
She has a problem when it comes to seeing Romila since she tends to see her bad parts and is like, "It's a phase" considering that it's not necessarily affecting her. Romila doesn't get too cranky with her since she fascinates her, with her passion™ for science. Also because she isn't all self sacrifice UwU.
Luja cares for her own self above others (but tends to put Romila pretty close to that hierarchy, which is why she's one of the only two Romila trusts during the Mansion of Death (the other person is Kratanos)) however she also does want to keep what friends she has and is generally caring towards them.
She has a genuine love for science and loves to discover how things work and why, and her favourite facet is Physics. She does want to invent things and honestly just make stuff easier for the Specialised who face a LOT of issues, especially when it comes to amenities since the government is an ass about accomodations and they gained the Fundamental Rights like ten years or so ago in the ALTERNATIVE timeline. And they gain an additional right ("The body won't be harmed for science") when they graduate from school, after signing a contract that they dedicate themselves to helping the government when called upon. (The whole contract is stupid and basically oppresses them more especially the punishment for not abiding by it).
With her goal of becoming a scientist, she wants to use her talents to make accomodations specifically for them so that she could have done something.
The things she fears the most is failure. Failing as in being unable to accomplish her goals. She is afraid of it because it's an unknown variable that's constantly haunted her and she's working hard for it to never reach her.
I suppose there's a way for her to confront that fear during the Mid terms at AoS where she essentially "loses" in the practicals due to her......teamwork issues.
Everyone thinks of her as stuck up and isn't interested to listen to her much and since she views the others as annoying people with annoying habits, she tends to fail to regulate them, causing Romila to win instead (yes, it's THAT unfortunate of a situation) in their match, which causes her to review a LOT of things and she tries to see what caused her to lose after having a severe breakdown.
She develops an inferiority complex in respect to Romila and then spends a long time wondering where she went wrong.
Rena (who somehow clung to her) tries to cheer her up but gets turned back halfway, but she still stays on and Luja is like, "Wtf" until she sees Romila going entirely off the deep end (she presents an interesting contrast to how Koldin sees Romila as well, she sees Romila's behavior and considers it as a justification for her own self....she uses Romila to justify herself a lot (since if you asked Romila, Luja was more or less fine according to her since she wasn't being a doormat and stood up for herself) while Koldin sees Romila as the reason he should cling onto his own stuff) and realises that she could be on the path to destruction herself and accepts Rena's help and tries to be more open to others which leads to the Mid terms parallels in the Archenemy of Society arc where she "succeeds" instead and manages to get the class together enough to escape the situation.
However it doesn't mean that her fear of failure has entirely vanished into the blue, she just reviews the ways she can fail better now and works around it to avoid it and has more confidence in her own self. But she is still scared of failing and would love to avoid that more than anything. However she's chiller after that.
Her intelligence is more or less on par with both Romila and Kratanos, making them the three main strategists in the final battle against the bigots (which is basically a rerun of the Mansion of Death situation but way way worse and fucked up and has different leads to it).
The thing is that, no matter what I do, she winds up feeling like one dimensional/repetitive, which is something I am trying to amend about all the characters (I mean, I had to revamp a lot of characters so it will probably take me a long long time to actually get to writing.........sigh besides she stands up like a cardboard amongst people (I mean, you have Romila and Kratanos with extremely complicated storylines and then you have her. Just there))
So the main question is how to make her more interesting as a character and on par with the rest while still keeping her character flaws and personality?
I think the easiest way to go abt this is to view her as a sassy Bakugo. They have the main points in common. They're salty, don't like to socialise, feel inferior to a certain someone while still having some semblance of confidence and a terrible fear of failure
Now as much as I hate to compare your character to another one, it makes it a lot easier to have them become - as my English teacher would say - more. So I am sorry if this comes off as offensive-
For Bakugo, he became interesting by playing a big part in the mc's main story and we do get a few scenes where his vulnerability is shown. I assume it's the same with your character but...what rlly ties the knot for me when it comes to Katsuki is the fact that his problems...are more than just an inferiority/superiority complex. His whole thing stems from background especially (*cough* abusive mom *cough*) and the fact that he's not the main character (or rather that the story isn't being told in his perspective).
These facts make us over think and want more of him. The mystery draws us in which is why I think Luja's character is so perfect for someone in the background. She doesn't like to reveal things abt herself and is pretty dismissive to most things on top of that (plainly just salty). Her character rlly draws you in and the best way to portray those kinds of characters is through another character. Ofc, you'd have to get to their POV eventually but it's important to note that most of the details should come from someone else's POV (an observer, if you will) instead of info dumping and starting straight with hers. A character that's mysterious with a very simple yet relatable story attracts a LOT more attention and interest when seen from someone else's perspective than when you kickstart it from theirs.
Ofc, if u are planning (or already have) started the story from her POV, that would be a bit problematic in terms of interest. But not a train wreck. This is where my other point comes in. The point of making a character have more than one problem
Different ppl as well as characters have a main problem but also different ones, no matter what way you look at it. It seems that even you are confused with all ur character's ins and outs (dw, we've all been there... I am still there tbh) and a solution to that is backtracking a bit and looking at their life from the very beginning in HEAVY detail (like more than u already did). Think abt what other trauma could have been caused, what doubts and fears could have slowly crept it's way to her heart and head (I am a sucker for long-lasting doubts that develop over time) and anything you can even so much as GRASP on. If you look at it and see it as a possibility, try to fit that into her character and add it subtly in different places (as subtext or a creative pattern, wordplay, doesn't rlly matter as long as it's not openly stated bc, remember, the key thing to these types of characters is mystery).
For example, a fear of failure can stem into anxiety before the character has even lost smth later in their life. They probably get rlly anxious when evaluating smth but don't show it much or at all so no one notices. This adds even MORE to the character bc you can build it up after other events. Like once they have failed, they could probably get even more anxious and then develop a bad relationship with the person who beat them (double the points if it was a friend). You could build all that up and turn it super toxic instead of jumping right to the healing. It makes it more interesting, doesn't it? Plus, reevaluating almost everything including world views after 1 loss is...kind of hard to believe even with anxiety (no offense)
Adding a lot of little problems and thinking abt how Luja's behaviour can impact other characters helps a terrible lot if ur doing most of the story from her POV. Especially since she's probably the most relatable character (from what I've heard anyway). I have a certain saying... it goes like, "It's better to have a relatable and connecting character than one with a problem that is too big for normal people to fathom."
I like characters with heart-wrenching problems that I would never be able to relate to (take maybe Shigaraki as an example ig?) But my favourite are the ones that make me feel as tho I made a real connection
Also, I would like to say...if ur looking to progress her character even further, I would debate on whether it's the complete end to the novel or if there'll be a second part. If it's a second part, keep some of Luja's issues. Make her get better but not completely "YAY, I AM DONE BEING TORMENTED". If it's the end of the novel/series/etc., make it so that she's resolved most of most of her issues. They don't have to be completely gone but they have to be a lot better compared to how they started. And how i would work that out is a mind map but knowing ur a scatterbrain...lets talk it out where everything is all over the place
Luja's main thing is to gain confidence in herself and be finally ok with losing, right? If you ask me, that's a tough one but not impossible. I think to get her from point A to point B is to put up a bunch of events like:
Get her super anxious when doing smth
Lose to *insert person*
Have a breakdown and over think on what she could have done better (on the project or whatever she lost at)
Get even more anxious and totally mess up the next thing
Lose once again (double points if it's the same person as last time)
Overthinking abt how she's not good enough
F i g h t i n g f r i e n d s c o z d r a m a
"YoU'rE nEvEr GoNnA gEt BeTtEr If YoU kEeP tHiNkInG aBoUt YoUrSeLf"
Over think abt no. 8 bc out of options and ideas and ✨a n x i e t y✨
Try listening to others more and become b e t t e r
Win smth (bc creator forbid 3 losses in a row to start depression)
Lose again (there is gonna be a bit of back and forth but is necessary for development)
"I tHoUgHt I wAs FiNaLlY dOiNg SoMeThInG rIgHt AnD nOw LoOk"
"Losing is not th3 3nd of th3 fucking world, you lunatic"
*insert psychology somehow idk*
Another loss
"I'm angry...but I'm ok"
Note that idk where bullying would come in and these are only how I would think it to go-
A character like this isn't rlly my strong suit when it comes to them resolving their problems but they are fun to write and think abt-
................................did I just give you advice on how to traumatize? I-
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xpeachesncream · 4 years
off the grid | six
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summary: it was as simple as swapping places with a stranger from across the world to get away from everything back home. that is - until you meet Jimin. things become more complicated as he unfolds a new chapter in your life that you were initially trying to avoid.
pairing: reader x pjm
genre: post-college au, christmas/holiday au | angst, fluff, smut (to come)
words: 3.7k
chapter warnings: smut chapter! unprotected sex, multiple orgasms, fingering, oral (f. receiving), slight dirty talk, cussing, possible inaccurate depiction of transportation, events and whereabouts in South Korea since i only did my research thru the internet, fluff
notes: will be wrapping this up in the next few chapters!
> series masterlist <
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Jimin was going to be busy for majority of the day with his parents, which left you feeling a little sad. But, you knew he had to do what he had to do and he had offered to come by and spend time with you tonight. As you were about to head out and explore on your own with the tips he had given you, a call from an unknown number popped up on your screen.
"Y/N!" Jungkook's voice came through on the other line. "I hope you don't mind, I asked Jimin for your number not too long ago."
"No, you're good." You chuckled. "What's up?"
"Wanna hang out with me and Tae? We're gonna head to Common Ground."
"Sick!" He exclaims. "I'll send you our address. Do you think you'll be okay heading over?"
"Yeah, I got it." You responded, remembering Jimin's directions to his place in the event you ever needed anything.
"Okay, just let me know if you get lost and I'll come find you." You chuckled before responding with a simple 'okay' to end the call. You were confident in your memory of the directions, which led you to their place in a matter of minutes. They didn't live too far from Yana, and you remember Jimin saying so since Yana doesn't drive and would simply take public transportation to and from places.
Upon your arrival at their apartment, Taehyung was cleaning up in the kitchen while Jungkook was throwing on a jacket. Jungkook gave you a little tour of their apartment, which was surprisingly clean and smelled of vanilla birchwood. Sooner or later, the three of you were off into town to visit Common Ground, which was considered Korea's first cultural space that was made out of shipping containers. The view and the entirety of it was pretty neat, and you kind of wished Jimin was here, but Jungkook and Taehyung were just as great of travel buddies. They talked a lot about their hometowns and what it was like moving to Seoul, plus how they truly value Korea and it's culture. You were coming to learn what a truly spectacular and beautiful place it was, and it was even more refreshing to hear from the boys themselves how much they loved being from Korea.
After navigating through the crowds and having spent more money on souvenirs and clothes, the three of you decided to eat up and grab some grub. For a minute, you lost Jungkook because he ran into some people he knew, leaving you and Taehyung to eat together.
"This place is neat isn't it?"
"Yeah, it's really cool. Thanks for taking me along." He nodded as his lips poked out while eating his food. You thought it was the most adorable thing.
"You know, Jimin's been really happy since you guys started spending a lot of time together."
"Oh yeah?" You giggled. Yes, Taehyung. Expose him.
"It's actually really nice to see." He chuckled. You knew him and Taehyung had known each other the longest out of their group, but he still held a very tight relationship with Jungkook, Hoseok and Jin. "He's always been the one to take care of people. I just wanna see him happy. He does a lot for the people he cares about."
"I know, he's really the sweetest person I've ever met. He's an angel."
"He was really destroyed over his ex." You continued to listen. "He loved her, a lot. He did everything for her and sacrificed a lot to keep her happy. But she couldn't reciprocate it 100% and that killed him time and time again."
"How long ago was that?"
"About a year ago? Even then, he tried not to have any bad blood with her after she had mistreated him. He has a good heart and mind. He deserves someone good who can take care of him." Your stomach fluttered with the countless butterflies, but most of the happiness you felt, also turned into anxiety. The days were counting down and you wouldn't be here for much longer. "He really, really likes you Y/N."
"I-I do, too. But-" Taehyung looked over at you, concerned. "I'm not going to be here for much longer." You shrugged. "It really sucks."
"Why don't you stay for a little more?"
"Work. My life is back in LA." He nodded. As much as it hurt you to say that, it was true. You wished it was easy to pick up your things and move around the world, but part of you felt silly for even thinking that over a holiday-solo-vacation love story.
"It's gonna be hard, but I honestly don't think Jimin cares. I think he'd make this work with you."
"But is that fair to him? Our time difference and-and, who knows when I'll get to physically see him again? Hearing what he went through.. what if I can't give him what he deserves?"
"I know all of it sounds like a mess and like it would never work, but don't you think you two meant for a reason?" He wasn't trying to be Jimin's right-hand at the moment, he was doing this because he truly could see how the both of you genuinely felt for each other. He hadn't seen Jimin have this glow, this type of genuine happiness to him in a long, long time.
"I don't know, I guess I'm just scared, and I would never want to put Jimin through anything he doesn't deserve."
"I get you." He replies. "But I do hope you know how much he cares about you. Like, I'm really not doing this because he's my bestfriend and all." He laughed. "But because I want to see the both of you happy."
"Thank you." You smiled at him toothlessly, the thoughts now flooding your head. All you wanted to do at this point was run into Jimin's arms and never let go. It would be your new safe haven. All you wanted was Jimin.
The rest of the day with Taehyung and (finally, again) Jungkook was chill, as you grabbed some desserts and played around at a nearby park before heading home to rest. You felt a sudden wave of exhaustion hit you, so you took a quick shower, threw on an oversized tee and shorts before retreating to the bed for a nice, late afternoon nap. You quickly texted Jimin that you'd leave the door unlocked so he could just walk in case you were deadass knocked out and couldn't hear the knocks or phone ringing.
Jimin had been helping his parents do a ton of revamping at their café, while also holding down the fort and doing what he can to help during peak hours. He was exhausted, nonetheless, but was excited to see you. He jetted off to the loft with food from the café to for some dinner, all while chuckling at the text you sent, wondering what the hell Jungkook and Taehyung had put you through today to knock you the hell out.
"Y/N?" He calls out softly. No response. He gently shuts the door and chucks his shoes to the side befofe laying the food out on the kitchen counter. It's peacefully quiet, even as Jimin climbs up the steps to the bedroom area. He smiles to himself as he sees you deep into the duvet covers, sleeping deeply like a baby longing for their afternoon nap. He sits on the edge of the bed, his fingers brushing through your hair, thumb softly caressing your cheek. You slowly open your eyes and smile, immediately sitting up to throw your arms around him. He laughs into your hug, pulling you in closer and running his hands down your back.
"Miss me?"
"I did."
"Aw." He chuckled. "Come here." He cups your cheeks and places a kiss on your lips.
"What a nice way to wake up."
"Yeah? What did TaeTae and Kookie do to you today?"
"Nothing, we just walked around Common Ground." He nodded.
"That's it?"
"We may have played around at a nearby park before going home."
"There it is." He laughed. "Are you hungry?"
"Starving, actually." You stretched.
"I brought some food from the café. Mom said I better feed you well." You chuckled.
"She's the sweetest." He had quickly brought you over to the café the other day, his mom and dad being the sweetest, and most loving people you have ever come across. You could immediately tell where Yana and Jimin got their mannerisms from. His mom couldn't stop holding onto you and telling Jimin how pretty you were, almost like she was telepathically communicating with her son and telling him to stop fucking around and get with it. You couldn't help but giggle at the look on her face.
"Come on." He nodded for you to follow him downstairs. He had paninis laid out, freshly toasted, with chips and more dessert. You pushed the coffee table in the living room forward a bit so that you both could sit on the floor and enjoy a good movie while eating the food. He had asked you more about your day and if Taehyung or Jungkookie had talked shit about him while you guys were out. You couldn't help but chuckle, remembering the serious conversation you and Tae had.
"Mm, actually," You finished up your sandwich and quickly washed your hands before heading back to the living room area. "Me and Taehyung had a pretty serious talk."
"You, what else?"
"God, what did he say?"
"Nothing." You laughed, seeing his facial expression change.
"You can't say that you had a serious talk then not talk about it."
"Aw, is someone upset?" He pouted.
"Yeah, cause I'd like to know and I thought you cared about me." He dramatically responded. "I see that you don't, since you'd rather keep me hanging on a string like this."
"You're so dramatic, Park." You pinched his side, making him laugh. His laugh was certainly becoming a weakness for you. "He just told me that you've been really happy since we've been spending time together." He nodded.
"I mean, he isn't wrong."
"He also said that you really cared about me." You looked at him blankly, trying to read his expression and body language. He smiled at you, his cheeks getting hot and rosy.
"He also isn't wrong there."
"Taehyung really knows you, then."
"Since high school." He shrugs.
"That's about it, though." You spared him the rest of the details being that you really didn't wanna spoil the evening with such sad and negative thoughts about how your time was coming to an end here. Frankly though, you knew you had to deal with it sooner or later. That talk was coming either way.
"Hm." He says, pushing the coffee table up more towards the tv and throwing a blanket over both of your legs. He silently swung his arm over your shoulder and kept watching the movie on the tv. It was awhile before he broke the silence again with a sigh, his eyes still glued ahead of him. "I really like you, Y/N. I like you a lot. It's a little scary, but you don't know how much you drive me crazy with everything you do."
You held onto his hand that was hanging loosely from your shoulder and looked over at him. "I really like you too." At this point, you feel his eyes on you. They linger from your eyes, down to your lips and back up to your eyes.
"Then will you let me take care of you?" All self-control had gone out the window after seeing the look in his eyes. It was full of passion and lust, but nothing dark. He just wanted to be close to you and make you happy. He cared, and he wanted you to see that.
"Yes." You say breathily as his face edged closer to yours. He cupped your face with his free hand, instantly pressing a kiss onto your lips. The kiss began to deepen quickly, with Jimin tracing your bottom lip with his tongue, asking for entrance. You gladly let him proceed as your hand rests against his jawline. You took the initiative to pull yourself onto his lap and straddle him, your breathing slightly hitching when you feel his hardened member through his grey sweats. Your tongues are beautifully dancing around as he holds you tightly while you grind your hips against his.
"Hey, wait. Are you sure about this?" He pulls away, knowing the moment is intensifying by the minute. "You know I wanna do right by you, Y/N. I don't wanna do anything you aren't comfortable with."
"I'm sure. I want this. I want you." You respond almost at a whisper, your lips slightly grazing his. He simply nods and brings you back with a kiss. You gently palm his member, making him hiss and groan slightly at your touch. You continue to grind your hips onto him, slowly humping him into insanity.
"Fuck Y/N, honestly, you're going to make me cum if you keep moving like that." You chuckled.
"Don't." You plant kisses along his jaw line, watching as he shuts his eyes and tilts his head back. "I'd want you to do it inside me." You whisper in his ear.
"Y-You can't say things like that." He moaned.
"Or what?"
"You're an instigator, you know that? A really cute one." He says as he chuckles and gently lays you back down onto the ground. He whips your shirt and shorts off, quickly unhooking your bra and tossing it aside. His eyes widen at the sight of your exposed breasts. "So fucking pretty." He curses under his breath as he lightly sucks on your neck and around your breasts, before grabbing a nipple in his mouth and toying around with it with his tongue. You grip onto his hair as you slightly arch your back in pleasure. He bites onto his bottom lip before placing a trail of kisses down your stomach and down to your inner thighs before rubbing your covered clit through your soaked panties. He gently presses his lips onto your covered clit, making you yearn for more. "You're so wet."
"J-Jimin." You weakly call out. "Please."
"I got you, baby." He slips down your panties and inserts a digit into your throbbing pussy. You let out a small moan as he pumps his digit in and out of you, before inserting another two, with his thumb circling your clit.
"Ohhhh, fuck!" You squeal as you continue to feel his fingers stretching you out. You feel your wetness dripping out with every pump and covering areas of your inner thighs before Jimin releases his fingers and has you lick them clean. He lets out a small grunt watching your tongue circle and suck onto his fingers. He then latches onto your clit with his mouth. You feel his tongue swipe down your folds, teasing you with an in and out motion. You jut your hips upward but Jimin does a hell of a job preventing you from moving up any higher. You squirm in his grip, feeling your high coming close. "Jimin, fuck! You're gonna make me cum." You see his eyes look up at you, this time, full of lust. He simply nods as he continues to let his tongue suck you dry and explore the insides of you - the sight being enough to tip you over and make you climax. "Jimin!" You yell his name as your body twitches from underneath his grip. He gives your pussy one last lick, causing you to tremble at the sensitivity.
"You're so fucking pretty when you call my name." He says almost at a whisper. "How else can I make you feel good, baby?" He places soft kisses along your neck and jaw. You tug on his pants, causing him to chuckle and toss his shirt and pants off to the side.
"Please, what? Use your words, beautiful."
"I want you deep inside of me. I wanna feel you." He bites onto his bottom lip and smirks. You run your hands down his chiseled abs and his V-line, completely in awe of how beautiful this man truly was. He was driving you crazy, everything about him. His eyes, his soft hair, his scent, his body. Good god.
He removes his boxers, making his hardened cock spring out. It was the most beautiful thing you've ever seen - perfectly long and thick, with veins running upward in various places. You pump him a few times, causing him to let out small moans, before placing your thumb on his reddened head to spread the pre-cum around his tip. He lowers his body back down onto you, his member teasing your entrance and gently grazing your folds. He kisses you passionately before you watch him grab his cock and place the head at your entrance. He inches in, lowering his body back down and bringing the blanket over your bodies while watching your eyes roll to the back of your head.
"You okay?"
"Mhm." You let out, your nails already digging onto his back. He kept a steady pace and slowly eased you into it. Your moans became breathy as he picked up the pace, his hands now keeping your legs opened wider for him. "Mmmmff, Jimin." You pleaded. "Just like that."
"Fuck, babygirl. The way you call my name." He quickly tilts his head back before ramming his body into yours as he became a little rough with it. Your thighs were folded up near your stomach as he held it there and continued to thrust in and out of you. With him picking up the pace, you felt yourself about to reach your climax and cum again.
"God, I'm gonna cum." You continued to moan loudly, until you were gripping onto the blankets and your eyes were rolling back once again. He greatly slowed down his pace, letting you ride out your high once more while placing kisses along your breasts and your lips. He wraps his arms around you and brings the blanket over while he sits back against the couch and lets you straddle him once more. The blanket comfortably sits below your waist, your eyes locked with his. He simply smiles at you, tucking a strand behind your ear and caresses your cheek. You gently and slowly ride him as you lean into his hand and place a kiss on his palm. His hands drop down to your waist, gripping onto them as you kept a steady pace while resting your hands on the couch behind him. You pick up your pace as you watch him squirm underneath you. He begins to call out your name, his hisses and groans accompanying the sound of your wet pussy riding him into the sunset.
"Y/N, fuck. Y-You're gonna make me cum." He tilted his head back, his hands losing grip around your hips as you rode his cock faster. "L-like that." He stutters. "Ugh, god." He hisses. You can tell he's about to let go with the way he's holding back his moans.
"J-Jimin, hmmmmph." You tilt your head back as you feel yourself about to cum for the third time tonight. "Please cum with me." You plead as your moans get louder.
"Oh shit, I'm gonna cum." He spits out as his fingers deep into your hips. You feel him fill you up completely as you ride out the rest of your high, Jimin's head now resting against your chest as you hold him close. You both stay in the position for awhile to catch your breath. After a moment, he looks up to meet your eyes and smiles, kissing you on the lips before helping you off his lap. He helps clean you up a bit before cleaning himself up and throwing his shirt and sweats back on. You fix the blanket onto the floor and drag some pillows down from the couch so you could lay on your stomach somewhat comfortably on the floor.
"You don't wanna get up to the bed?" Jimin laughed as he kneeled and rubbed your back.
"No, I'm too comfortable now."
"That good, huh?"
"Shut up, Jimin. Leave me alone." He laughed louder.
"I'll go grab another blanket." He says, going into the storage closet to grab another thick blanket to drape over your bodies. He lays next to you, his back resting against the couch as he propped his elbow up and rested his head on his hand. He continued to rub your back as you both looked over at the TV, the movie now nearing the end.
"I have to rewind the movie." You pouted, making Jimin chuckle.
"Go ahead." He watched as you flipped the remote up and brought the movie back to the last place you remembered seeing. You sunk your body into Jimin's, his lips lightly pressing on your head. Not even 5 minutes back into the movie, you felt your eyes getting heavy.
"Ah, I'm getting so sleepy though."
"You took a nap earlier. What do you mean?"
"I worked out a lot today." He laughed and lightly tickled you, making you hit his hand away.
"I see that. Go to sleep."
"Are you going to stay?" You mumbled.
"Only if you want me to."
"Of course I do." He smiled. "But what are you going to do?"
"Watch anime or whatever is on Netflix. Don't worry about me."
"Goodnight, baby." He whispers in your ear before kissing your cheek. The word baby made the butterflies come back (and the pussy throb, yet again, but you shoved that in the back of your mind because you definitely didn't have energy to go another round, as much as you wanted to).
Jimin watches as you quickly fall asleep, smiling to himself while he continues to play with your hair. He was happy. So happy. More than he's ever felt before and he wasn't sure how you were doing it. He was caught in your spell and he didn't even see it coming. You had him so undone. All he wanted to do was make this work with you and he was willing to, more than you knew. He didn't care about the time difference, he didn't care about your life being back in LA, he just didn't care about anything you've worried about because he believed you were worth it and he was going to put in this effort. You could figure everything else out later, but he just wanted this to be.
Alexa, play: Vibez x Zayn
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sweetcathedral · 3 years
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Note: Finally revamped this story I had in my docs for a couple of months! I had to buy up all the mangas to fully understand the use of cursed energy & techniques since they contain detailed explanations from Akutami. Also had to take out ‘fillers’ since my intention was to keep it a short story that can either stand alone or could turn into a mini series later on, if I wanted to. My intention with this piece was more about story telling than nsfw, so skip to the last segment for nsfw. Hope y’all enjoy!
⚠️: 18+, backstory, plot, light bondage, fingering, raw, breeding
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It was a bright and early morning for you to be running errands, but you were too excited to keep still, since Nanami was able to book a day off for you. You decided to pass the time grocery shopping for the ingredients you needed for lunch and dinner later on. Should I make macarons for dessert this time?
“Are . . . are you, o—okay? . . .” an eerie voice stops you in your tracks.
A cursed spirit hovers over the rails on the bridge ahead of you. You pass through this bridge often and the cursed spirits you encounter were usually no more than grade 3 at most, but this one was a grade 1. Nanami never let you anywhere near a curse that was more than a grade 3, probably because he didn’t want to risk the chance. Although you weren’t a Jujutsu sorcerer like he is, he trained you as if you were one.
You look to see if there was anyone around. No one. Carefully, you approach the curse, who’s taking no interest in you,
“I’m sorry,” you softly muttered. Upon absorbing the spirit through the brush of your finger, a series of feelings and memories flood your mind. Sadness, anger, jealousy, regret, anxiety, depression, mourning, resent. A funeral, a woman jumping off the bridge, failed tests, a child being burnt by cigarettes. The feelings and memories were never this vivid to you. Ah, I should’ve ignored it, you thought to yourself as your vision began to blur. But the last time you ignored one was back home—when your ex decided to take their own life. Everything went black.
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It was only a fly head, but as time passed by it slowly grew on your ex, taking a toll on their physical health, then their mental health. After finishing their university degree, the job they finally landed was at a black company. The more hours they racked up at work, the less time you spent with each other.
“Sorry, I’ll be coming home late again.”
“Can we reschedule?”
“I’m afraid I can’t make it today.”
“How about another time?”
“Sorry, I need to take this call. It’s for work.”
Day by day they became distant and unresponsive to you. You were probably just as frustrated as they were. A feeling you’ll regret when the company calls to inform you of your ex’s body being found outside of work. They had jumped off the roof of the building. When you arrived at the morgue, a cursed spirit you haven’t seen before was latched to their lifeless body. The fly head you last saw had grown into a curse during the time they were away from you. Without hesitation, you absorbed it through the palm of your hand and all of their emotions and memories clouded your mind. Pain, stress, pressure, anxiety, depression, resentment, jealousy, anger, frustration.
“We’re on a tight schedule this week. I need this done by the end of the day.”
“You don’t have the luxury of a break right now.”
“What do you mean you can’t get it done? Do you know how important this is?”
“The meeting wasn’t a success. I’m gonna have to demote you.”
“Better than being fired.”
“Hey, if you do this for me I’ll put in a good word for you.”
“Thanks to your hard work I was able to get promoted.”
All of their darkest memories played through your head, all the way until they walked to the roof of the building and jumped off. When you got back home, you broke down and cried in guilt and shame. You should’ve dealt with it before all of their feelings accumulated past the point of saving. The company.
After your emotions calmed down, you changed into a simple black outfit: a baseball cap, tee, jeans and your leather boots. That same night, you decided to break into the company and out of pure anger and regret, you take on every curse you saw in your path.
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“Emerge from darkness, blacker than darkness. Purify that which is impure,” Nanami chanted.
The veil spills over the building, where a numerous amount of employees committed suicide. Branding it as stigmatized.
“There was a recent suicide report this morning,” Ino looks over to the stained silhouette on the pavement before following Nanami.
The duo entered the building and scanned through each floor up until the roof.
“Hey, isn't the building supposed to be crawling with curses? Cause there wasn’t any on my way here,”
“Something’s not right,” Nanami thought for a moment, “Ino, did you bump into anyone on your floors?”
“Nope. They emailed the president to make sure that the building was empty,”
“Are you sure?”
“You wanna double check with me?”
Nanami and Ino make their way back down, this time examining every single room and closed door. There was no trace of residuals either. Usually there would be a few fly heads here and there, but it was spotless—a complete ghost town. Nothing?
Without hesitation, Nanami sprinted to where Ino shouted. When he flung the door open, Ino was being engulfed by a large curse, similar to that of a human centipede. This must be the one that ate all the other curses.
“Ino! Hold still!”
Just as Nanami aimed his technique, you absorbed the curse from behind, freeing Ino and pushing him out of the way. Resulting in you being hit by Nanami’s cursed energy across your upper body. They quickly rushed to your side,
“We have to get her to a hospital!” Ino panics as he puts pressure on your wound. You were out cold and unresponsive, but you still had a faint pulse. Nanami immediately takes off his blazer and bundles it up, applying it to your wound.
“It’ll be too late when she reaches the hospital,” he closes his eyes to think for a quick moment. Shit! “Tell Gojo to get Ieiri here!” he tosses his phone to Ino, already dialing Gojo’s phone. Please, don’t die. Your pulse started to fade and your body went cold. Please . . .
Before Gojo was able to answer, your eyes flutter open and you look around to see Nanami and Ino hovering over you in shock.
“Huh? Who are you people?” you slowly get up and notice your ripped top covered in blood, “eh? EH?!”
You patted yourself in a panic. You’ve seen blood before in movies, but never this much blood in real life. There was no sense of pain and the gash was gone, leaving no scar behind. Nanami swings his blazer over you,
“You stained it, but it’s better than nothing,”
“Stained? I stained it?” his blazer was soaked in blood. “Wait, this is my blood?!”
“Um, yeah, . . . you kinda died,” Ino responded from behind him.
“Hellllloooooooo! I picked up, you should be grateful!” Gojo’s voice shouts from the phone.
Nanami takes his phone back from Ino and hangs up.
“Can you stand?” he averts his eyes back to you.
“Um,” you look down and wiggle your toes to see if your legs were injured before standing. No sign of pain, but they were trembling so you kneeled instead.
“What are you doing here? ‘Cause I doubt you work here.”
Feeling caught, you frantically try to make up a quick excuse.
“. . . revenge,” there wasn’t an excuse good enough to hide what you were doing, so you told the truth. The whole truth: from when you first saw the fly head to how you ended up at the company on personal terms.
“You know, you have talent for someone who’s not familiar with curses. Your body unconsciously healed itself,” Ino pointed out. He was comfortablely laying on his stomach, his hands propping his head up and his legs sprawled out on the floor. Nanami was intently listening to you, leaning against the wall.
“Is anyone else in your family able to do that?” Nanami asked.
“No. At least, I don’t think so. I’ve always lived with my grandparents, so I don’t know much about my birth parents,”
Cursed spirits were an everyday thing to you. For as long as you could remember you’ve always been able to see them, it was only until you pointed one out to your grandmother that not everyone could see them. As for your supposed talent, you only learned that you were able to absorb curses a couple years ago. You paid no mind to it, but now that you’ve met Ino and Nanami it’s different now, and confusing.
Ino talked to you about their Jujutsu world. The meaning of curses, cursed techniques, cursed energy, him, Nanami, Gojo, the higher ups, the students, the school, and more. Nanami stood there in silence, listening to your conversation between you and Ino, only interacting when prompted.
“HEY!” a shout echoed through the building, startling the three of you.
“What the—”
“Ino, get her out of here.”
“But isn’t that just Gojo?”
“Leave. Gojo can’t know about you.”
Nanami quickly helped you and Ino up, pushing you through the door before closing them.
“Hey! Who said you could hang up on me like that!” you can hear Gojo through the doors.
“You came here ‘cause I hung up on you?” Nanami asked, not hiding his annoyance.
Ino holds his finger up to his lips, telling you to keep silent as the two of you quietly walk out the building, the sound of Gojo and Nanami’s bickering fading away.
“Man, we’re finally out,” Ino sighs.
“Oh, I still have Nanami’s blazer,” you start to take it off, but Ino stops you.
“It’s fine. Keep it as an excuse for you to see him again. Here,” he pulls his phone out, “if you’re comfortable, I can type out our infos in your phone.”
Without thinking much about it, you hand him your phone. He adds both their contact info before waving his goodbyes and heading back into the building. The whole night felt like a fever dream, but the feeling of Nanami’s blazer around you reassured you that what happened that night was real and that you’ll live to see another day.
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“NA~NA~MIN~CHAN~!” Gojou shouts from the door of the lounge. Tch. Nanami sighs from his seat, casually reading the business and stock section of the newspaper.
“What are you doing on your day off? Cause if you—,”
“Boo, why don’t—,”
“I didn’t even finish what I was saying yet!”
“. . .” Gojo stares at him in silence before punching his middle finger through Nanami’s newspaper. For fuck sakes. At this point, Nanami’s patience has run out and he rips the newspaper in half, exposing the rest of Gojo’s arm. He kept up with Gojo’s antics for far too long, that even Gojo was surprised he lost his composure.
A series of bickering and material noises can be heard coming from the lounge. As Yaga was about to open the door to see what all the yelling was about, Gojo ran into him, trying to escape from Nanami’s beating.
“Principal Yaga! Perfect timing ‘cause I think you should reconsider my proposal to put that man on a leash!” Gojo points to an exhausted Nanami in overtime mode.
“. . . Get off of me,” instinctively, Yaga had his arms out when Gojo comfortably jumped into them.
“Principal Yaga, apologizes. I’ll clean up right away,” Nanami collected himself and bowed.
“Don’t bother. Satoru will clean this mess,”
In the end, Yaga had produced several cursed corpses to monitor Gojo so that he finishes cleaning up and repairing the damages.
“It’s my first time hearing you book a day off. Never took you as someone who lets themselves rest,”
“Working alongside Gojo has made me rethink my decisions,” Nanami doesn’t know why, but ever since he helped you that day Gojo’s been especially clingy to him. Like a little sibling asking to be babied and given attention 24/7, it was annoying and drained his energy every day. Did he find out? The reason Nanami had been keeping you a secret from Gojo and everyone else (except for Ino) was to keep you free from their restrictions and expectations. Knowing Gojo, he would immediately use you against the higher ups, so Nanami chose to stay quiet about you. Keeping you as far away from their world as possible, but conversing with you regularly wasn’t helping nor making it easier for him. He should’ve cut all ties with you the moment you messaged him about his blazer, trying to return it. He had more than enough money to easily replace it, but . . . in all honesty, he just wanted to see you again. Don’t bring personal feelings into work, don’t bring personal feelings into work, don’t bring personal feelings into work, he repeated to himself over and over again.
It’s been a little over a year since you first met, but even if that was enough time for you to move on he still felt guilty falling for you. To Nanami, it felt wrong liking someone who had just lost a loved one, but overtime the temptation of taking a step forward kept growing on him. Suddenly, the vibration of his phone goes off. Ino?
“Nanami! She won’t wake up, the idiot went and took care of a grade 1,” Ino panicked.
“I thought I told you to keep the area free of curses,”
“I did. I don’t know where this one came from, though,”
“I’m on my way,” Nanami hangs up and excuses himself for the day.
Please be okay.
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The sound of quick shuffling and frantic mumblings start to get louder as you come closer to waking up. Someone’s here? Nanami? You open your eyes and look around to see Ino pacing back and forth beside you,
“Ino? What are you doing—?” a flood of memories rush back to you: your unfinished errands, the ingredients, the bridge, the curse, collapsing, an unfamiliar figure. Could that be . . . “Hey, how’d you know where I was?”
“Hm? Oh, your neighbour called me and told me that you collapsed at the bridge. He said that he helped carry you home, but to come check up on you just in case,”
You think back to your neighbours, but no one comes to mind who’d be willing to help you. The neighbours you’re surrounded by are the types to call an ambulance, if they ever came across a situation like that. You don’t even converse with them much, since Nanami wanted your interactions to be kept to a minimum. So over protective. As you get up from your couch a wave of dizziness falls over you, making it hard for you to stand.
“Are you okay?” Ino rushes to assist you and settles you back down on the couch.
“Yeah, just a head rush,”
“I’ll go get you some water,” he runs to the kitchen (not that it’s far).
Ino was like a little brother to you and Nanami, he always kept an eye on you because in his words “if something bad were to happen to you, I just know Nanami would break inside”. You look down at your hands, still trembling from the curse you dealt with earlier, but feeling nothing out of the ordinary. The first time you absorbed a curse that strong was when you first met Ino and Nanami, but there were no signs of repercussions. The amount of energy that cursed spirit held was reversed to heal your wound and bring you back to life. You hear the front door being opened and see Nanami rush into the room, he sighs a breath of relief upon seeing you.
“Welcome back,” Ino says from the kitchen.
You try to welcome him too, but you were scared he was going to lecture you about safety and all that, so you kept quiet. Even though you’re avoiding his eyes, you can still feel them boring into you. He walks over and lowers himself at your eye level, taking your trembling hands into his.
“. . . I was about to lecture you, again, but I’m happy enough to see you alive,”
You finally look up to meet his eyes. Although he’s holding a stern face now, you can tell that he was just worried. Is he still hung up about that accident?
“I’m fine, you know it’s not like last time,” you softly reassure him.
“I know . . . I was still worried, though,” his thumbs brush over your hands.
Ino comes from around the corner with a glass of water, taking a seat beside you on the couch. After both of you fill Nanami in about what happened to you, Ino says his goodbyes, leaving just the two of you alone.
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“Man, must be nice coming home to a girl after a long day at work. Good for Nanami,” he says to himself, whistling out the door. He deserves it.
All of a sudden, something latches tightly over his mouth and throat, dragging him into an empty ally. Ino manages to loosen himself out of the grip and turns to see,
Gojo waves his hand with a stupid grin plastered across his (pretty) face. After finishing (cheating) his duties at the lounge room, he changed out of his usual uniform and made his way back here. His all black outfit consisting of sunglasses, a loose tee, jeans, and oxfords.
“What the hell is wrong with you?!”
“I didn’t know you were the one that’d come check up on her, what a surprise.”
“Wait, how’d you—!” the call flashed in Ino’s mind. “You were the neighbour that called me?”
“Ding, ding, ding!”
Nanami’s already stressed enough. How long has he known?
“If you’re thinking about how long I’ve known, then it’d be ever since the day he hung up on me when you guys were at that black company mission.”
How immature. “Then were you also the one that set up the grade 1 curse?”
“I mean, duh.”
Ugh, crazy. “Just so you know I plead the fifth,”
“Is that an American joke you learned from her? Anyways,” Gojo crosses his fingers and pulls his sunglasses down. “Domain expansion: Unlimited Void.”
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“Nanami, wait,” you pull away from him for a moment to catch your breath, but he pulls you back in for a deeper kiss.
Once Ino left and the door clicked closed, Nanami threw himself at you in a heated flash. At first, it was the feeling of his hands tracing your body and now it’s his soft lips leaving marks along your neck and collarbones. He’s sitting on the edge of the couch while you’re facing him, prettily settled on his hips. You slip out of your top and bra, since it was already half way off from Nanami fondling you underneath your clothes. You can feel his bulge as you teasingly grind your hips. His hand grips your hips,
“Keep doing that and I won’t be able to hold back.”
“Then don’t hold back,” you whisper in his ear before taking his hand and guiding it to the wet spot underneath the slit of your satin skirt. Without wasting his chance, he twists his fingers in you, holding you down on his hips and watching you melt into lewd expressions, burying your face in his chest as your hand clenches his shirt. Only gasps and moans were able to tumble off your wet lips as your body twitches from ecstasy.
“That’s a good girl,” his voice reverberates down the nape of your neck. He loosens his tie to bind your arms behind you, switching your position so that your back is facing him now. Knowing what he’s about to do makes your stomach flutter. You raise your trembling hips a little, feeling him brush the tip of his cock along your slick folds before pushing you down on him.
“Haa!” the force of it sends a shuddering wave through your body.
“You told me not to hold back, so don’t you start complaining now,” Nanami grips your face and turns it slightly towards him, kissing your tears away. The feeling of his rough hands slowly drags down to your throat and tightly grips at the sides. He thrusts into you hard as you beg for him to fill you up inside. The tip of his cock kisses your cervix stroking every inch deeper into you.
“Fuck,” he groans. A warm feeling fills you up in your lower abdomen and gushes out onto the couch. You and Nanami fall back, panting to catch your breaths.
“Are you okay? I hope that wa—,” you shut him up with a kiss. Slowly lifting your hips back up, you feel his cum dripping down your thighs. You slip his cock back inside you, his hands embracing you once again as he gets bigger. Unable to focus, you fall into a drunken daze getting lost in his pleasure.
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katahnisharma · 4 years
gone (4) | t.h.
Summary: tom is back from shooting cherry, but he’s not okay.
Warnings: this started as my entry to the lovely b’s writing challenge @worldoftom, but you guys were so amazing and wanted a second part. this is a very emotional chapter and there are mentions of anxiety, depression, and overall intense emotions so please be careful loveys ♡
A/N: hey guys it’s been a while but life has been really really difficult so i'm sorry for the wait! i'm not entirely sure if anyone still cares about this series so here’s hoping :) for this chapter i listened to light of love by florence + the machine and all good things come to an end by the og queen nelly furtado lol. also Tumblr apparently won’t let me link certain things so if you’re looking for my masterlist or playlist it’s in my bio ♡
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gif by @hllands
“Hey, did I leave my notebook in the living room?” You asked, letting your tea bag soak in the mug Tom always saved for you. It was an unspoken rule, that dark blue cup with the constellations on it from his mother was yours only. You mentioned how beautiful it was once, and Tom remembered.
It went on the list with the others.
“You mean the one with the polaroid on the cover? No, it’s not in here.” Tom called back, scrolling through Netflix to find a movie for the both of you. He’d just come back from the junket for Spies in Disguise, and he immediately called his best friend over to spend the day with him.
Well, it was supposed to be more than just another day.
Because today he was going to tell you he loved you.
“Hmm, maybe I left it in my bag upstairs. I’ll get it when I’m done with the tea.” You said, setting your mug down on the counter. It looked like it needed sugar, so you rootled around for the little jar Tom kept in one of his cabinets.
“Don’t worry, I’ll go get it!” Tom said from the couch, his nerves beginning to make him jittery. He thought that while you were in the kitchen, picking a movie would help him calm down. But he couldn’t focus on any of the descriptions, and Tom could feel his heart beat faster and faster.
He needed to get up for a few minutes.
“Are you sure? Do you want me to pick the movie then?” You teased, knowing very well Tom hadn’t found a movie yet. It was a bit of a running gag, him never being able to pick a movie. You would bite your lip to stop from laughing when he eventually got frustrated and handed you the remote.
And even in his nervous state, Tom still grinned because of you.
“Yeah, yeah, like you’re any better. We’ve seen The Avengers twice!” He shot back, a smirk on his lips when he heard you scoff in the kitchen. Apart from your smile, making you jokingly annoyed was Tom’s favorite thing. He liked how cute you were when he teased you.
“Shut up and get my notebook, Tommy!” You laughed, and Tom felt his cheeks warm at the sound.
God you were so fucking perfect.
When Harrison woke up, he almost forgot where he was. But then his vision cleared and there you were, lying in the hospital bed. Harrison’s heart clenched at the sight, remembering the events of last night that landed you here with an IV in your arm. He sat up and stretched, the old wooden chair squeaking against the floor.
The sound was what made you stir, your mind waking up from the dream.
“Harrison?” You whispered, your eyes adjusting to the dim lights in the room. The hospital bed you’d fallen asleep in the night before seemed to glow next to you, but you realized it was just an IV hooked up in your arm. Harrison smiled softly, getting up and coming to stand by your side.
“Hey, you were out like a light.” He said, handing you the glass of water a nurse had brought. You gratefully brought it to your lips, feeling a little dehydrated from whatever fluids were in the IV bag. Harrison gave your free hand a squeeze before crossing to the windows, playing with the blinds to let some sun in.
“How long have you been here?” You asked, playing with the sheets mindlessly. Harrison thought about lying, telling you he’d only arrived a few minutes ago. Because he knew you’d feel bad about it, but you could always tell when he lied.
“Since last night. I stayed here, didn’t want you to be alone.” Harrison replied, and you frowned almost immediately. You felt bad enough that he’d driven you to the hospital on his day off, but knowing that he’d also spent the night sleeping in an uncomfortable, crappy chair didn’t help with the guilt.
“And before you say ‘you shouldn’t have’, just remember you would have done the same for me. So stop beating yourself up about it.” He said, going back to his chair. You winced when it made the same creaking sound, like it was about to break. Harrison noticed, and he couldn’t stop himself from laughing.
“But this chair was really unbearable.” He chuckled, and you finally smiled again.
“Shut up, you idiot.” You giggled, chucking a pillow at Harrison right as the nurse peeked in. You felt your face burn as she smiled at the two of you, Harrison picking up the pillow sheepishly and biting back a laugh.
“Glad to see the patient is feeling better. Can I get you anything, love?” She asked kindly, picking up the now empty class beside you. You smiled at her, shaking your head. You really just wanted to be discharged so you could leave, hospitals always made you nervous. The smell of disinfectant and the general sense of uncertainty were not your favorite sense overloads.
“No, but thank you for everything. Do you know if I’ll be able to leave today?” You asked, and the nurse nodded her head.
“You should be all set to be discharged in an hour. The doctor will check in on you in thirty minutes and then you’re all free to go.” She said, taking the pillow from an embarassed Harrison. You giggled a little when she fluffed the pillow, and returned it to your bed.
“Great, thank you again!” She gave you one last smile before leaving the room, and Harrison breathed a sigh of relief.
“Thank god, I’m really hungry.”
For Harry, last night would probably be one of the worst and strangest of his life.
After Tom broke down and sobbed into his shirt for two hours straight, he became so frenetic that Harry was afraid he would end up accidentally hurting himself. Tom tried to pack a suitcase to go after you, but he almost slipped in the shower and was so disoriented that he ran into the bedroom wall. Then he tried to cook something on the stove for Harry, but left the fire on while he got distracted trying to find your favorite cereal. Tom wasn’t completely all there, and it was pretty obvious to Harry that he was having some sort of episode.
So once Tom was focused enough to eat the banana his brother opened for him, Harry called his mother.
“Mom, I need you to tell me the name of that anxiety medicine. The one that sometimes works as a sedative.” Harry cast a glance at Tom on the couch, watching him slowly chew the banana with glossy eyes. He had been silently crying at odd times this morning, and it was definitely making Harry nervous.
“Why? Harry, what’s happened?” Nikki immediately sounded worried, running over to the medicine cabinet. She kept the anxiety medicine mainly for Harry, who used to have pretty severe bouts himself. The episodes became few and far between, until they stopped altogether.
But now Nicki was concerned Harry was having them again.
“It’s not for me, Mum. It’s for Tom. I think he’s having some sort of breakdown, and I’m afraid he might accidentally do something stupid and hurt himself.” Harry said, looking over his shoulder to see Tom staring at the banana, almost lifelessly.
“For Tom? Harry, please tell me what’s going on.” Nikki said, clutching the bottle in her hand nervously.  
“I think Tom and Y/N might be over.” Harry said, and the words had more weight than he thought they would. Like it was finally a possible reality, one where you and Tom weren’t together anymore.
“Okay, I’m on my way.”
“Can you get in the car alright? Need any help?” Harrison asked, hovering over you as the two of you walked to the hospital parking lot. You rolled your eyes, smiling at his protective behavior. He’d been like this during your dischargement too, and it was sweet but definitely unnecessary.
“Haz, I told you. I’m perfectly fine, I swear. It really doesn’t hurt that much, and I can absolutely get into the car on my own.” You said, patting his shoulder reassuringly. Harrison sighed, biting his lip a little worriedly.
“Okay, okay, just making sure. I just don’t want you to aggravate the injury or anything. At least not until we get you home and set up.” He replied, and you couldn’t help it. You leaned over and gave him a quick peck on the cheek, watching Harrison’s mouth immediately drop open in shock.
“Hey! What was that for?”
“To thank you for being the world’s greatest div. I love you, idiot.” You said, laughing when Harrison slung an arm around your shoulder. He rolled his eyes at you, smiling playfully.
“You know I love you too, but you really didn’t need to give me that weirdass kiss.” Harrison chuckled, immediately ducking into the car before you decided to throw your purse at him. Scoffing, you got into the passenger seat and punched him in the arm.
“Ow! That hurt!”
“I’ll have you know my kisses are wonderful!” You giggled, clapping a hand over your mouth when Harrison started to fake cry and clutch his arm.
“If I agree, will you leave me alone?” Harrison laughed, starting the car and reversing out of the parking lot. You smiled wickedly, reaching up to ruffle his precious hair. Harrison recoiled instantly, whining at your little stunt.
“I take it back, I actually hate you.”
“Where is he?” Nikki asked, rushing into the living room. Harry jumped up and led her to the bedroom, where Tom was curled up in a ball. Under the covers, he was crying softly and clutching what looked like a sweater. It seemed too small to be his, and Harry immediately realized it was your favorite sweater. The one Tom loved on you because it was what you were wearing when both of you met for the first time.
“Tom? Love, look at me please.” Nikki whispered, sitting on the edge of the bed. She looked over at Harry and mimed a glass of water, which he left to get from the kitchen. Once they were alone, Nikki gently pulled the covers back. Tom lay there, tears streaming down his face and the front of your sweater soaked.
“She’s gone...” Tom whimpered, trying to pull the covers back over his head. He was completely spent, the possibility that you were really gone hitting him like a train. Tom had pictured the rest of his life with you, and now nothing seemed worthwhile anymore if you weren’t there beside him.
“Y/N? Tell me what happened, Tom.” Nikki said, running a gentle hand through his hair. Tom relaxed under her touch, reminded of all the times in his childhood that he lay in bed upset. Breakups, rejections, failures, his mother had seen them all. And she'd always been there for him.
“We got into a fight...a big fight….and I threw my phone….”
“At her? Tom, how could you do that?” Nikki gasped softly, and Tom’s eyes widened. He found the strength to sit up, looking his mother right in the eyes.
“No...no! I would never hurt her! I threw it at the wall and I locked myself in the bathroom. But….when I came out….she was gone and there was b-blood on the f-floor and...I think-I think I-” Tom couldn’t get the rest of his words out, and Nikki knew enough to envelop her son in a hug.
“It’s okay...it’s okay, Tom.” She sighed, holding her eldest son close. The whole thing was confusing, but if Nikki knew anything about your relationship with Tom it was that it had been the best one he’d ever had. You were kind, intelligent, and strong, exactly what she had always wanted Tom to have in a partner. But hearing Tom cry and work himself up meant she knew what she needed to say. Tom had to stop living in his head.
“Tom? I want you to listen to me, it’ll be okay.”
“But….she’s gone and I hurt her….I can’t ever forgive myself…” Tom sobbed, but Nikki was adamant she would speak and get through to him.
“Look, the past is the past, it’s not in our hands.  You have the chance to ask for her forgiveness, and explain what you’re feeling right now. Don’t let your past actions dictate the future, love. That would be a mistake, because I know Y/N. She loves you and she wants to be there for you. She’ll understand what you’re going through because she cares, that’s what a real partner does. They want the best for you because it’s you. You need to forgive yourself so that she can help you heal.”
“But what if she doesn’t w-want me anymore? I know I scared her….I never wanted to do that b-but she’s been hurt and left because of me….I’m afraid Y/N won’t love me anymore!” Tom cried, his body shaking a little. Nikki rubbed his back and took the water glass from Harry, who’d reappeared in the room.
“Darling, you have to try. You have to fight for the love you want. You don’t think your father and I have gotten angry with each other? We fight and that’s normal, but at the end of it all we come back to each other. I put my feelings aside and listen to him, and he does the same. That’s how it works, we love each other so much that I’ll forgive him and he’ll forgive me.”
Nikki took Harry’s hand and held it, and Tom was finally still. There was no more crying, no more shaking. It was just a moment frozen in time, the three of them together in a little room. Harry hugged Tom and Nikki kissed his forehead, and for the first time in 36 hours Tom wasn’t afraid anymore. The fight wasn’t plaguing him anymore, and neither was the aftertaste of filming that had been slowly poisoning his mind. All he could see was you, like a vision before him wiping his tears away. With that same smile that he had fallen in love with so easily, because it was purely yours.
And that was enough for Tom to be at peace with himself.
“Thank you.” Tom whispered, and Nikki was able to smile again. Harry ruffled his hair, making Tom punch him softly in the arm. He reached for the water glass and the pills in Nikki’s hand, knowing that he needed to take them.
“Take these two and it’ll help a little with the anxiety. It’ll also make you a little drowsy, but it might be good to sleep it all off properly. I’ll stay here with Harry until you wake up, okay?” Nikki said, and Tom let him expend enough energy to nod and smile.
“Just...just please make sure Y/N is okay? Make sure that nothing’s wrong?” Tom said, and Nikki squeezed his right hand. Harry had his left.
“Always. Now get some real sleep, you’re going to need it...”
“Can we please listen to something other than your terrible daily mix?” You laughed, Harrison clutching his chest to feign offence. He reluctantly handed you the aux cord and you smiled, knowing exactly what you wanted to play. Taking a couple seconds to sift through your own playlists, you found the song you were looking for and pressed play. Harrison smirked at your choice, rolling his eyes at the songs you played over and over again. He attempted to steal the aux back from you, but you dodged him quickly.
“Hey, focus mister! I’m not about to get into an accident right out of the hospital!” You said, giggling as he started to belt out the lyrics and dance. He laughed, rolling his eyes as he focused on the road again.
“I’m a great driver! I’m just trying to save myself from your shit music taste.” He said with a smirk and now it was your turn to roll your eyes. Harrison wasn’t a bad driver, but he definitely wasn’t a great one. The first time you had gotten into the car with him had been to get groceries and it was a disaster. He forgot to turn around before reversing and nearly hit a little old lady with her cart, and almost got hit merging onto the highway. After that, you were careful to look out for him even if it meant you became a backseat driver.
“Sure, Haz. Whatever you want to believe. Just please get us home in one piece!” You laughed, leaning your head back and letting the sunlight warm your face. If not for the events of the previous day, you would have basked in the glory of such a beautiful day.
But your mind turned to Tom, as it always seemed to.
“Hey, is my bag in the back?” You asked, suddenly desperate to check its contents. Harrison turned down the music, furrowing his eyebrows at your change in mood. You turned to look at him, a slight fear in your eyes. Harrison nodded, gesturing to the backseat.
“Yeah, it’s there. Why? What’s wrong?”
“I just...I just need to make sure something is in there…” You trailed off, swiveling in your seat to grab at your handbag. Harrison watched from the corner of his eye as you set it on your lap, rootling through it quickly.
“Whoa, whoa. What are you looking for?” Harrison asked, a little concerned by how frantic you seemed to be. With a sigh of relief, you feel your hands grasp what you’re looking for and you pull it out slowly. Harrison’s eyes automatically soften, seeing your eyes water with your most prized possession in your hand.
“Is that the notebook Tom bought you? The one he bought you when he found out you wanted to be a writer?”
“Y-yeah...it is. I just wanted to make sure it was still there, you know? That’s dumb, isn’t it? I mean...he probably doesn’t even want to be with me a-anymore. So...so why am I….why am I holding on like this?” You felt the dam break finally, the tears streaming down your face. Harrison bit his lip, pulling the car over and unbuckling his seatbelt.
“Hey...hey...look at me.” Your tears were staining the cover, the little drops of water creating little streams on the surface. It felt like someone had pulled the rug from underneath you, and that you’d discovered there was no floor. What would you do without Tom? You loved him more than anything, but you were no fool. His anger couldn’t have come from out of the blue, it was something repressed that Tom had been feeling for a long time. Without warning, your insecurities began to mount.
Maybe he was bored of you.
Maybe you annoyed him.
Maybe he’d found someone else.
Maybe you weren’t good enough and he’d realized it.
And then the worst of them all.
Maybe the rest of the world was right.
“I’m losing him.” You whispered, and Harrison’s heart clenched at your words. He knew you were always insecure about dating Tom, but you’d never vocalized anything like this before.
“No, no you’re…”
“I’m not an idiot, Haz! I’ve seen the signs! H-he’s done with me….I’m just d-delaying the inevitable. I should have….I should have known I wasn’t good enough for him. He’s him and I’m j-just me, who the hell was I fooling? E-even the fans knew it!”
“Y/N...come on...that’s not-”
“He hasn’t wanted to spend any real time with me since he came back from Cherry. It’s like I don’t even exist to him, I’m invisible until he has to talk to me. I’ve tried five times to get him to have dinner with me and he rejected me every time, Haz. All I’ve heard for two months is ‘I’m going out with the boys, sorry’ or ‘Just going to sleep, don’t feel like eating’. And I tried to understand, I really did. It must have been so hard shooting a movie like that, it would be emotionally draining for anyone. Hell, even the book is emotionally draining-”
“I don’t think...”
“Let me finish, please? Haz, I can’t do this anymore. I’m tired, I’m so tired. I can’t fight for this relationship anymore when I’m not even sure if he wants it. He pushes me away all the time and it hurts me to see him like that. Tom isn’t happy, and I think it’s because of me. So I won’t hold him back anymore, I’ll just quietly disappear. No drama, no fighting, nothing. I can’t bear knowing I’m the reason he’s unhappy, it would kill me to think that.”
You broke again, the tears burning your eyes as you clutched the notebook tighter to your chest. It brought you a little comfort, knowing what you would have to do next. You needed to leave Tom, to let him live his life and be happy. You clearly couldn’t make him happy anymore and though that was something you’d struggled to accept in the last few hours, it was the right thing to do. You had no delusions about the way you looked, you always felt rather plain and boring compared to the beautiful women Tom was used to being around. He would be better off with someone else, someone as amazing as him.
Someone who isn’t you.
Harrison’s throat went dry as you slowly raised a hand to wipe at your tears, your eyes glossing over as you stared lifelessly out the window. He had a horrible feeling that you were serious about what you had just said, and he wasn’t sure how all this had happened. How could he have let you feel like this?
How could they not have noticed?
“Please, please don’t say-”
“Harrison, I have to. I can’t do this anymore.” You whispered, and Harrison stopped mid sentence. You never called him by his full name, it was always just Haz. He squeezed your hand as you cried, sobs wracking your body that made him cry too. You barely got the words out, but Harrison knew them before you said it.
“I have to leave because I love him.”
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misfityong · 4 years
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↳ In which two best friends love each other, but their timing is off. 
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pairing: Jaehyun x fem!reader
warning: lots of angst, mentions of anxiety
word count: 2.4k
a/n: hello! I hope you enjoy my first nct fanfic this was a revamp of an old fanfic I wrote years ago! Please let me know if you’d like a part 2 or epilogue sort of thing <3 also requests are open!
You and Jaehyun have been friends since you were little. He was your special person and you were his. Your friends always used to joke that the two of you would end up getting married considering how joint at the hip you were, and for a while you truly believed it until one day she came into his life.
She was radiant.
The kind of girl you always aspired to be like, long beautiful hair, a smile that could outshine the sun and the worst trait of all... a genuinely nice person. You think it was this quality that made you hate her the most, she was perfect for Jaehyun and you couldn’t deny it one bit. That's why you shut your mouth and held back your tears when Jaehyun came to you one day and handed you an envelope.
You are invited to the wedding of Jung Jaehyun and…
Your first instinct was to pinch yourself which earned you a strange look from Jaehyun. Your second instinct was the laugh, how ironic. Your third instinct was to cry, to beg him not to get married. 
But as you looked back up at Jaehyun who was eagerly waiting for your approval, you decided it was best to smile as genuinely as you could and congratulate him on getting someone as perfect as her to be his wife. Little did Jaehyun know, that you went home and cried yourself to sleep that night. 
The day had arrived, from today onwards Jaehyun would officially be yours no longer. You could no longer call him anymore in the middle of the night when you felt anxious and needed someone with you to lull you to sleep. You could no longer ask him to be your date to work functions where all your coworkers would showcase their happy relationships. You could no longer be even the tiniest bit selfish and just want to be around him. He no longer needed you, so you had to learn to no longer need him. 
“Hey…” you spoke, opening the door to Jaehyun’s old room, a room filled with so many memories of your childhood. A gasp left your mouth as you saw him in his suit, of course you always thought he was attractive but there was just something about him today that left you speechless. Hearing your voice, he spun around, that all too familiar smile appeared on his face showcasing his dimples as he embraced you in a hug. Oh how you adored his dimples. “Y/N, you’re here.” he spoke almost breathlessly, which confused you slightly. 
“Of course I'm here, I couldn’t miss my best friend’s wedding.” That was the first lie of the day. You had been pondering all night as to whether or not you went, but you know that by not going Jaehyun would have a lot of questions. 
“Still can’t tie a bowtie?” you laughed softly, moving over to help the man out. After a moment of silence you decided to distract yourself from the close proximity that you stood to him. “Are you nervous?” Jaehyun let out a shaky laugh at this as you finished his bow and took a step back.”It’s totally normal to be nervous you know, Jae. You’re getting married!” moving to sit on his bed, you let him keep getting ready as you watched him begin to pace.
“Am I making the right decision, Y/N?” eyes wide, tears begin to brim your eyes as you prepared yourself for the second lie of the day. “Yes, Jaehyun. You’re making the right decision.” Suddenly the bed dipped next to you and Jaehyun’s head was on your shoulder, face burrowed into your neck. Slowly you began to stroke his hair, trying to calm him down as you felt him starting to panic. His head quickly shot off your shoulder as he turned his body to face you. “I don’t think I can marry her. I-I love you, Y/N!”  
“W-what?!” you yelped, quickly standing up and beginning to pace around Jaehyun’s bedroom. You moved back over to Jaehyun and whacked the back of his head. “WHAT THE HECK Y/N?” he rubbed the back of his head which had begun to throb. You turned around fuming and pointed angrily at him “WHAT THE HECK? JAEHYUN, YOU’RE ABOUT TO GET MARRIED!” breaths starting to become short you rushed into Jaehyun’s ensuite bathroom and lock the door. Luckily you had made it into the bathroom before Jaehyun could see the tears fall from your eyes. “Y/N, let me in…” Jaehyun spoke from the other side of the door as you moved towards the sink and splashed your face with some water.
“Y/N…” Jaehyun spoke softly, you could hear him moving to sit with his back against the other side of the door. “Do you really love me Jaehyun?” you spoke wearily, trying not to get your hopes up. You knew it was just his nerves talking but a small part of you was hopeful that he really did return the intense feelings you had for him. A soft chuckle could be heard before Jaehyun replied “Why are you questioning it? We’ve been friends since we were kids, of course I love you.” You let out a bitter laugh at this “I’ve seen love in different forms, Jaehyun. What you feel towards me is familiar love, I’m the safe option…” more tears left your eyes as you began to grasp what was happening.
You sat in the bathroom in silence for a few minutes, silent tears falling as you tried to muffle your sobs. “Do you love me?” Jaehyun spoke breaking the silence, his voice evidently sad. Here came the third lie you would tell today “I loved you. Loved, past tense.” you only hoped that he wouldn’t pick up on you lying through your teeth, but you knew better than that. 
“…Maybe if you looked me in the eyes when you said that, I’d actually believe you.” he choked out. Moving towards the door, you leant your ear against it. Jaehyun at this point had moved away from the door which was your cue to quickly leave the bathroom and his room. Slowly you move your hand towards the handle and open it, but before you could escape Jaehyun had pulled you into a tight hug which you couldn’t break free of. “J-Jaehyun, let me go.” you pleaded, trying to push at his chest to separate the two of you. “Do you love me, Y/N?” Jaehyun asked again, this time he loosened his grip to look at you. 
Mustering as much courage as you could, you look at him with a serious expression “I loved you. Loved, past tense.” the fourth lie of the day. A single tear slipped down Jaehyun’s cheek. Sighing deeply, you pull one of the flowers you had neatly placed in your hair and pinned it to his jacket pocket. “Good luck, I’ll see you out there.” smiling weakly you move out the door. Looking over your shoulder, you watch as Jaehyun inspects the flower. 
A striped carnation.
I’m sorry I can’t be with you, I wish I could. This is what a striped carnation symbolises. I can’t have him. But I can’t stop thinking about him. 
Quickly walking out of the room and down the hallway, you take a moment to support yourself against the wall, “I do love you, Jaehyun. So damn much.”
“Y/n! There you are!” a voice spoke from down the hall as the figure rushed towards you. Quickly wiping your eyes, you came face to face with Johnny, your other best friend. Noticing your tears, he spoke knowingly “He told you didn’t he?” with the single nod of your head, he pulled you into a tight hug. 
“I love him, Johnny.” you begin to sob into his chest as he pulls you down the hallway to somewhere more private, which ended up being his car. “So he told you, huh…” Johnny spoke, before running a hand through his hair and sighing. “You told him you loved him back right?” Johnny asked as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Shaking your head no you begin to cry more, prompting Johnny to take his handkerchief out of his jacket pocket and hand it to you. “No. Just- just please get me out of here.” nodding his head, Johnny put his seatbelt on. 
“Y/N!” The front door slammed open as Jaehyun yelled after you. “Johnny, please start the car.” Johnny looked between you and Jaehyun before sighing sadly and starting the car. You slump back into the seat, eyes flickering over to the side mirror of the car, heart shattering as you spot Jaehyun standing in the driveway, shoulders slumped and eyes staring longingly in your direction. 
“I can turn the car around...” Johnny spoke softly. You open your mouth about to cave in but were cut off by the buzzing of my phone. 
Jaehyun 💘 I have so much I need to say, please, please come back.
More tears ran down your face as you read the pleading message. “Why’d you do it?” Johnny spoke up, eyes never leaving the road. “Why’d I do what?” you responded, locking your phone and putting it in the cupholder. Ignoring, the continuous flash of your screen which you assumed to be new messages from Jaehyun “Everyone knows you love him back, Why’d you tell him that you didn’t?” Taking a deep breath, you close your eyes. “I never intended to hurt him... but I will not be a homewrecker. I thought that I’d be alright, that I could handle being around Jaehyun. But I underestimated how strong my feelings were…”
“I saw it. The carnation, Y/N. I know what it means...” Johnny spoke sadly, waiting to see how you would react. “It matched his suit, that’s all.” you spoke nonchalantly, pretending your heart wasn’t hurting at the thought of the flower. You thought you could give it to him today and finally be done with your feelings for him, but that’s not what ended up happening.
“Yeah, whatever you say. Are you ready to go to the church?” After driving around for a while, your tears had finally dried. Nodding your head slowly, you lay back in the seat replaying everything that just happened in your head. If only you had told him how you really felt, maybe it would’ve saved the both of you from heartache.
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“I can’t do this!” 
Arriving at the church and after a lot of convincing, you finally get out of Johnny’s car. Johnny walked over to you and crossed his arms “What do you mean, you can’t do this?”. Grabbing you by the shoulders he looks you in the eye sternly. “You can do this. You will do this. You said it yourself, Jaehyun deserves to be happy and I know for a fact that he’ll be heartbroken if you’re not inside that church when he gets there.”
Shaking your head stubbornly, you remove his hands from your shoulders and close your eyes briefly before opening them. “Okay.” Gently, you intertwined your hand with Johnny’s and moved into the church, heart breaking with every step you take. 
Not long after, Jaehyun arrived at the church, his eyes immediately scanned the room and stopped on you. He began to quickly move towards you, but was stopped by Johnny who shook his head. “Man, it’s time.” Eyes going wide, Jaehyung moved his gaze over to you before looking over at the pianist who had begun to play the Bride’s entrance song. Nodding his head defeated, he moved to the altar, eyes never leaving your face. 
Hearing the music, reality set in and you began to feel sick as you watched Jaehyun’s bride walk down the aisle. Once she reached Jaehyun, you turned to look over at Johnny and shook your head, mouthing to him “I can’t do this.” Quickly, you stood up and rushed out of the church as quietly as you could. Once you were out the doors you kicked your heels off, leaving them on the hood of Johnny’s car. Not knowing where you were going, you just began to run. Focusing on getting as far away from the church as possible. Tiring quickly, you found yourself on a bench, your ragged breaths forming into hysterical sobs. 
“Y/N?…” a familiar voice spoke gently. Furrowed eyebrows you shook your head, trying to clear your mind. You were just imagining things, Jaehyun was at the church right now probably just about to say ‘I do’.
“Y/N…” a man sat down next to you and wiped your tears, looking up you let out a gasp as you realised that your brain wasn’t playing tricks on you. Jaehyun was really sitting next to you. His hair a bit dishevelled from the wind and his bow that you had tied perfectly hours before loose and untied around his neck. Wiping your eyes you looked at Jaehyun and shook your head disapprovingly “What the hell are you doing here?!” 
“I’m- I…” he let out a defeated sigh and ran a nervous hand through his hair. “I-I know my timing is awful and that you don’t feel the same-“
“I love you too, Jaehyun.” Your sudden words made Jaehyun’s eyes go wide. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. You breathed out, pulling one of the other flowers you had in your hair and twirling it. 
“Jaehyun, you shouldn’t be here…”
Closing his eyes, a single tear slipped down his cheek as he gingerly interlaced his fingers with yours. “I know.” he spoke, taking off his wedding band and twirling it between his fingers.
“Our timing was off.” you spoke, looking ahead at the cars that passed by, trying to focus on not breaking down again. “Yeah.” he replied letting out a bitter chuckle and squeezing your hand. 
You knew the answer to the next question would break your heart, but you still asked it anyway. “Do you love her?” there was a moment of silence before Jaehyun nodded his head yes. You knew deep down that you weren’t fated to be together and there was nothing you could do about it.
“Then that’s all that matters.” you spoke calmly before taking the ring out of Jaehyun’s hand and sliding it back onto his ring finger. 
“But I love you too-” Jaehyun interjected, grabbing your face in his hands. Tears brimming his eyes as he gently caressed your face. Smiling sadly you removed his hands from your face and moved over a bit. “You can’t”. The two of you sat on the park bench in silence, looking ahead at the cars that drove past. 
Oh, what trouble a simple four words could cause. 
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