#but if I cannot fall asleep I might pop back on here
clown-demon · 10 months
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"This clown has to go to bed~!"
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madametrashbin · 1 year
Brainrot? Brainrot... or Drabble. Idk
I’m alive! Sort of? Honkai: Star Rail has viciously grabbed my brain the second I saw it and now I have thoughts... and this is also because I got yanked in by the throat from both the silly content and beautiful artwork.
And if it wasn’t enough to nail a coffin to my grave, Tumblr dropped a post from @channelinglament (which is this post right here) and now my brain’s keeping me up with thoughts.
Not sure if I’ll have enough energy to spare for actual posts, but maybe with enough food for thought, I might actually make a piece or two... might. Due to HSR’s brand of silliness, it might just be Shenanigans the Fic.
The thing that gets to me the most is the highest of Aeons part, like... the Aeon of Aeons and you know, while I still know almost nothing about how Aeons come to be, what if there’s that one Entity that just exists and gives power that basically ascends whatever is sentient.
Of course the term “Aeon” would not be applied until numerous of the ascended beings are present and people are suddenly aware that there are these powerful beings in the universe now that can literally affect everything and bring about a permanent change to their livelihood. One moment the universe is all calm and normal and then here comes the Aeons. People do not know how to feel about them at first.
Naturally, there will always be the curious type of people who would try to search for the cause of it.
Pop in lil old You, just trying to help everyone you come across who look to be in desperate need power to be able to change their unfortunate circumstances. Too pure of heart, harmless mischief maker, just overall the sweetest entity with the power to turn anything into gods... yes, this is how beings like Qlipoth and Nous are born.
Now this gets me thinking that the Paths existed as one big, singular Path with you as the origin point and the ending point. When you gift a part of your power to someone/something, a piece of the path branches out of the main path but still remains connected to you... whether out of devotion or because it cannot exist without you is up in the air (your choice tbh).
The people/Aeons would just feel so grateful to be chosen, to be given so much power to do what they wished to change/do most... this was before they discovered there were others like them, doing things different from them that may clash with their ideals and suddenly there’s an all out war because each of the Aeons believed that the others were sullying your name by abusing your gifts.
(While the Dusk Wars are happening, you remain in ignorance to the wars because there are mortals that are calling for help and you just can’t look away from them.)
Eventually most of the Aeons are either killed off by each other (i.e, Tayzzyronth the Propagation) or assimilated into another Aeon (i.e Ena the Order), leaving a great many Paths masterless and fraying in shards, which suddenly starts to affect you badly and the poor Aeons who were just trying to do your name justice are panicking.
No one knows what happened, or what was happening to you, and when Akivili disappears/died, you disappear as well. Everyone is grieving, and there are no more new Aeons appearing anymore.
Thus you are assumed dead by the universe  (this part came from another post that I can’t quite find ;-;) and later become forgotten just because... idk. Haven’t thought much past this.
Plot twist for the universe (not really a plot twist because there would be no story without the star of the show), you are not. You just got a bit (super) sleepy because the Paths that are masterless are without an ending point and therefore drains you because there is no one there to receive the power from the separated Path. You spent a lot of your energy mending the masterless Paths back to you which made you fall asleep by the time you were done.
When you wake back up is when the game starts, and being so out of touch with the timeline of the universe, you’re just one curious bean trying to figure out what’s going on.
No one can see you now though, which is just sad for you, but you realized they can sense you so you’re just doing your best to help them now. Kafka and Silver Wolf do not understand what’s going on except the strange warm and homely feeling that makes them feel invincible is suddenly there.
Also a mischief maker if the randomly destroyed property by the subtle urging is anything to go by... yeah, there’s something there.
Kafka and Silver Wolf feel oddly disappointed when the sensation leaves, but returns to Elio and mentions it to him. He then tells them that he may or may not have withheld information from them that an Aeon (the OG of Aeons) was going to be helping them. However they react is up to your thoughts... I haven’t thought of something for that part yet.
When MC (could be either) wakes up, the first thing they actually see is You... which makes you delighted because Yay, a friend to communicate with!. Neither March 7th nor Dan Heng could understand why the MC is talking to nothing, until they felt the warm and fuzzy presence nestled into them that they are suddenly aware that MC might be interacting with a higher existence that might be an Aeon.
They are naturally wary of you at first, but upon seeing the way MC interacts with you, doing some silly stuff by your apparent urging... they realized you’re pretty harmless and also very nice (in what way, also up in the air).
[Going back to the subject of other Aeons who are essentially your Emanators by all but name, they do not know you are alive until Nanook catches sight of you/felt your very real presence with the MC when the Doomsday Beast battle happens. They are very happy you’re back, but they’re very upset because why didn’t you tell them you were back? For what reason, you guys can think about it. 
Anyways, you’ve got an Aeon stalking you and MC now, keeping a close eye on you especially because they nearly lost you once and would like it if you didn’t actually die this time. When MC starts getting acknowledged by more of the Aeons, more of them are also going to notice you too and then join Nanook with the stalking thing.
Eventually if they do find you in reality... well, that’s up to your imagination. It can also be a race between them and the mortals who start to see you physically too since you’re the sweetest existence to ever come into the universe and it’s a must to protect that innocence of yours (or for some other reason).
Also highly debating if Aeon!You would be either Aeon of Origin (the beginning of the Paths/the Origin of the Paths if going by this type of story) or Aeon of Guidance because of the in-game thing that we all do.]
Uhh... that’s all my brain can come up with here... so I shall see myself out now! ;D
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shiny-jr · 2 years
sorry, I don’t speak italian
Warning: Yes, this will probably be a yandere thing if I continue it. Not really anything like that in this part at least. Gender-neutral reader.
Characters: Grim, Riddle Rosehearts, Chenya.
Summary: When you awake in a world that’s very much like twisted wonderland but each dorm is it’s own kingdom, you have many questions that require pressing answers. It’s truly a shame that no one here understands you, and you cannot understand the strange language either.
Note: Did I not-so-subtly insert my other au? Ya. Anyways, I was just writing this just cause. As always, Heartslabyul ends up as the test subjects, I always start a series with them. So, if this garners enough attention and people seem to like it, well, maybe I’ll continue it. Who knows? Oh, and don’t think too much of the title. I literally couldn’t come up with anything else and when that popped up in my head, I laughed since it came from a specific non-twst reference. Might change it later. 
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Maybe it wasn’t such a good idea to stay awake playing on your phone. Yeah, it wasn’t such a good idea in the beginning anyways because you had things to do in the morning and you had just sacrificed your previous slumbering hours for more time to play that disney-gacha game on your phone. But it wasn’t that big of a deal. At least, it wasn’t supposed to be that big of a deal. That is until you fell asleep with your phone in your hand, and woke up someplace that wasn’t within the familiar safe confines of your bedroom.
The sweet floral scent of flowers greeted you as you awoke, and when your eyes opened you were surrounded by tall towering green hedges. The grass was a vibrant green and surprisingly soft, it had provided a place to lay. It was no wonder you didn’t wake up immediately. Disoriented and confused, you looked around, finding none of your belongings and nothing of interest on this thin path. It seemed that the only thing you had on you were the clothes on your back, not even your phone was present.
You had to wonder if this was some elaborate trick or surprise, or even a dream within a dream. But when you pinched yourself and shook your head frantically, it all but confirmed that this in fact was not a dream. So the question remained, where were you? There appeared to be no one else around, so all you could do was carefully walk about. The more steps you took, the more twists and turns you found, which made it clear that this was a hedge maze. Every few minutes you would stumble upon a very small clearing, boxed in by more hedges, where bushes of red roses grew in multitude. Within one bush you spotted rustling, making you curious but also placing you on edge.
Was it a huge bug, or some other wild untamed animal? Next you heard cackling in a somewhat familiar voice within the bush. This caused you to raise an eyebrow and hesitantly put your hands on the leaves, pushing the little branches across so you formed a small opening you could peer through. That’s when you saw it. Gray fur, small blue flames, a forked black tail swishing happily. “Grim…?”
“Hm?” The said feline stopped burying his face in the large slice of tart, which he probably stole because why else would he be hiding, and gazed up at you. Around his cheeks and stuck to his whiskers was the red jam, making him look like he stumbled out of a crime scene. As he licked his whiskers clean and wiped off the rest of the jam with his paw, instantly his blue eyes lit up, and you swore the little fire on his ears grew a little more as he broke out in a huge toothy grin. “Yuu!” Instantly he shoved the rest of the tart in his mouth before jumping out of the bushes and into your arms, surprising you as you stumbled back a bit and held him tighter so he wouldn’t fall. 
You stood stunned as he happily nuzzled into your arm that cradled him, awkwardly patting down the fur on his head as you spoke, “Uh, sorry to break it to you, but I’m not Yuu. Well–– I kinda am, but not really? I sorta play as Yuu, but I’m not really them. Does that make sense?”
“Huh?” Grim stopped and peered up at you in confusion. “Eh, Yuu, hsta nowr tih uo? Yh ra a ginkase ll ewid?”
“What…?” You stared right back at him, apparently just as confused. Slowly you lowered him down to the ground, watching as he slowly began to spout nonsense and get more worked up the less you responded.
“E nac elebvi sth! Uo yanfli ocm acb na uory laitkn esru ewid! Tso laitkn ile aht! D uo kon sut oh gon e deati? Ou ocm acb riugn y casn mie, na uory laitkn ile n iena!”
“Uh…” You watch him drone on and on in that alien tongue, not able to understand a word he’s saying as he points to you, then him, then gestures to the area around them. Finally, after a moment, you stopped him mid-rant and shook your head as you lifted your hand. First, get the basics out of the way. Gently you poked him and spoke, “Grim.”
Grim stops speaking, only briefly before he looks at your hand and mutters, “Hta ra uo dnio…? Uory iuyrsoel tastrin t frea m ot. Ra ou Yuu orm aenoth patle?”
You ignore his offhand remark and then point to yourself. “(Y/n).”
The feline blinks at this, gesturing to himself as he slowly connects the dots. “Grim, na…” His paw presses against your chest. “Yuu.”
“No, no, no.”
You shook your head, to which Grim copied the movement and mocked. “No, no, no!”
You couldn’t help but let out a small laugh before shaking your head more slowly this time as you repeated your actions from before. Point at him, then at yourself, again and again, at least three times. “Grim. (Y/n). Grim. (Y/n). Grim. (Y/n). Do you get it now?”
Grim’s little paws hold your hand in place as you point to him, before he points at you with a single claw. “(Y/n)?”
“Yes!” You exclaim, watching as his tail swished back and forth.
“(Y/n)!” He repeats louder, looking quite pleased with himself when you begin to pet his head.
“You got it, Grim.” With one arm you supported his weight, and with your freehand you scratched a spot behind his ears softly, careful not to accidentally hurt him.
The feline purred in contentment, his nails digging into your sleeve but not touching your flesh. The cat nuzzled into your arm, closing his eyes and mumbling, “Yuu r (Y/n), sonet remett! E kon uory teh! Uory te en eh ebn gaitin fo!”
“I have no idea what you just said.” You sighed, still puzzled at how to proceed from here. But currently, Grim seemed more focused on the attention rather than conversation. He wouldn’t be answering your questions anytime soon, so without much of a choice, you continued walking along at a much slower pace, now relaxed that you weren’t alone.
That was when, only after a few minutes, you eventually stumbled upon a much larger clearing where there was chatter and people. Various peoples in strange yet extravagant red, white, and black outfits were among the roses, sharing tea and pristine white tables and taking turns playing what looked like croquet with flamingos as mallets and hedgehogs as balls. Then, one by one, they began to notice you, stopping whatever they were doing and not-so-discreetly whispering about you. You didn’t know what they were saying, but you knew when someone was talking about you.
Grim looked on edge now, clinging tightly to your arm as his bright blue gaze scanned the multiple faces of people.
Your unease is only increased tenfold when various soldiers of red and blue appeared in clanking armor, and you spotted the familiar bright red hair and wide gray eyes of a certain tyrant as he’s known in the game. And his face–– he looked so serious as he was staring straight at you, shouting something in the same alien tongue Grim spoke in, while pointing at you with his golden staff. Immediately as soldiers were making their way towards you and Riddle seemed to be after you for some reason, you could only think about that one twisted wonderland fic you found by accident and read due to pure boredom. Who was it by? Tiny junior? Wily junior? Whatever, that didn’t matter. The important part was, the fic was about the cast being all violent and on the attack because they believed the main character was some imposter! You couldn’t help but think what if it were the same here? Why else would Riddle be leering at you so fiercely and sending soldiers after you?
Grim gazed up at you with wide eyes, jumping out of your arms and tugging at your socks in the direction of where you came from, away from the people. There was an urgentness in his tone as he tugged harder, making you even more frightened. “Ocm n! E dot wan aht ryaz Riddle t eg sh sahn n uo ty! Ev lraby senp yn mie tih uo!”
That sounded like a hurry up, or he’ll kill you, to you. So you immediately began running after the sprinting feline, shuddering when you heard Riddle’s shouts grow louder and more frantic. Just as you began to worry if you could outrun those soldiers chasing you, Grim stopped and breathed those magical blue flames, covering your path and sealing the way behind you, preventing anyone from following due to the fire. You heaved a sigh of relief as the cat jumped on your back, cackling and taking the free ride, leaving you to do all the running until you could run no longer. Your legs had grown tired, you were out of breath, the commotion from earlier had long since faded the further you had gotten.
It was getting darker. You slumped down in the shade of a rose hedge to hide from the setting sun’s light and tucked away from view. You should be safe, for now at least. Grim slid into your lap, looking a bit worried, muttering something of what you assumed were either words of comfort or an apology for making you do all the running away. He placed a paw on your cheek, but you managed a hesitant tired smile. At least he hadn’t tried to kill you. For now you had one feline––
Your eyes trailed up to a floating upside down head that eventually materialized into an odd looking man somehow on top of the hedges and swinging down to see you at eye level. With yellow eyes, messy hair of all types of purple shades, and… purple cat ears…? A cheeky type of grin appeared on his lips as he continued to gaze at you upside down, and he spoke in a cheerful singsongy type of tone. “Ra uo sot~? Oh…!” He paused, his pupils going wide until his grin widened and he spoke more enthusiastically, “Yuu!!”
Another feline…?
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spacesurfing · 2 years
I've never done this before
But can I request Sodo x Reader. They had just watched a scary movie with the ghouls, and like the reader just can't get to sleep so Sodo like calms them down and soothes them or maybe sings to them.
I just watched quite possibly the scariest movie I've seen in my time on this earth and I need the comfort...
Thank you 🐉🐉
Ahh, tis the spooky night and P cannot yet fall asleep!! I would love to write this and my apologies if it is short!
Everyone Gets A Little Scared Sometimes
Dewdrop x Reader Fluff
Summary: It is a night of horrors. And a night of refusing to pee alone.
Warnings: Fluffffff
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You were jumpy tonight, more so than you usually were. Why? Well, because your dork of a boyfriend decided to put on the single-handedly most scariest movie you'd ever seen. Snuggled into his arms, under a blanket, yes you felt safe but this feeling of paranoia was sent up your spine and engulfed you whole, making the shadows that the candle you had lit even more scary. You jumped at every noise, shielded your eyes every time suspense started building through music and audio cues.
And, every time you were calmed down from a scare, you were reminded of the fact that this was mandatory. It was a Halloween Eve tradition for Sodo to watch a scary movie, the scariest out at the time. Your boyfriend loved it, he absolutely adored the tradition, laughing in the face of a jumpscare and even joining in with the film by scaring you with fast movements while everything was eerily silent. He found it all funny and partially ridiculous.
But you didn't. Of course you believed in ghosts and demons and you believed in witches and bad omens. You were literally dating a ghoul.
The movie ended, a pan of the dead teenagers, turning to the end where a girl stood, blood covering her head to toe, smeared across her face as her deceased mother faded in behind her. The girl was pretty much "avenging" her mother's ghost because her mom wanted her to kill a bunch of people. Plain and simple.
"Why did they have to pop out so much? Can't they just be like normal people and just not be so creepy?" you whined a complain, hugging Dewdrop's arm. He chuckled, shifting his way up and attempting to stand, but he was kept down by your body still on the couch. You could say you were still with freight. Or still with the fact that everything seemed to move now.
"What? You wanna stay here and watch the credits roll with me?" he teased, poking your nose with his index finger. A shadow flickered on the wall, making you look around for intruders. Your ghoul sighed dramatically, "Well I have to pee, so if you wanna follow me, go right ahead."
And you did exactly that, following Sodo to the bathroom and standing there outside the door with your body pressed to it. You tried not to look around you, scared of what you might see in the shadows of your apartment. You let out a small scream, seeing the TV turn back onto the streaming screen with a sudden flash of light.
"Calm down out there, I'm almost done sweet girl," the fire ghoul laughed. You missed him being near you, he was so warm and safe and made you feel like you wouldn't actually be slaughtered.
Dewdrop opened the door, making you stumble a bit before he pulled you into his arms with a smirk, "I've never seen you want to be near me so much. I kinda like it."
You slapped his chest with you hand and he shook his head, snatching up the blanket on the couch you had and blowing out the candles, leaving on the nightlights in the kitchen. He let you cling to him the whole time before he started for the bedroom and you found relief wash over you.
Dragging you into bed with him, he covered you in blankets and wrapped his arms around you, pulling you to rest your head on his chest. His hand pet your hair softly, running fingers through the delicate strands and purring at the fact that you held him like he was some sort of life support. The rumbling in his chest allowed you to calm down more, hand resting on his stomach and rubbing small circles into it.
"You know that I'll always keep you safe, right baby?" Dewdrop asked, voice startling you for a second.
"Yeah.. I'm just scared. All those things are real, Dew, things like that can happen."
He ran his hands under your hair and over your neck, trailing his hard palm to your cheek and allowing his fingers to massage your face tenderly.
"They would have to go through me. I don't think you realized that, love, I wouldn't let anything hurt you unless it killed me first. And I will stand by that as long as I am present on this very plane of existence."
You smiled into the dark, looking up to see his eager, yellow eyes glowing through the pitch black. And for the first time tonight, something so ethereal and terrifying made you feel at peace.
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His Bird With The Broken Wing
Fandom: Elvis Presley, American Musician 
Pairing: Elvis Presley x Original Female Character
Characters: Elvis Presley,  Original Female Character, Vernon Presley
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 5128
Summary: Elvis Presley has never been able to turn down those in need. A couple of bucks here, a new car there, your rent paid till the end of the month – he’s your guy. And yet those people have never made him feel needed, not really. But she does. His little bird with the broken wing, his ray of sunshine. She makes him feel needed more than he has in a while.
Tags/Warnings: Health Issues, On Both Sides, 1970s Elvis, Big Daddy Elvis, Light Flirting, Chronic Illness, Mentions of Pill Taking, Care, Affection, Age-Gap Romance
Notes: This is a sorta semi request. I had a few ideas thrown at me about Big Daddy Elvis but I did them more as one together than separate little fics.
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She can feel her bones aching, protesting as she puts each foot in front of the other determined to get in through the gate before the clock strikes seven. If she had her bike she would’ve no doubt made it on time but when she stepped out of her house this morning she found it where it should be though it looked distinctly lower in stature, the back tire appearing as if it almost melted into the floor where the weight of the bike was too much for its deflated self to stop. Of course she had known about the puncture, the loud popping noise and trudging home from her evening classes last night had been enough to alert her to that fact, but she had been too tired and aching to even contemplate mentioning it to her father or finding the repair kit herself. Instead she had headed inside, stripped out of her clothes and fell asleep on top of her blankets, where she had awoken to find herself cutting it fine to get to work. If only she had the bike.
Fortunately even without the bike the man on the gate recognises her and allows her to enter through them. As her feet move her forward she checks her watch to find that it’s just gone seven. It’s not ideal but at least she can say she was on the grounds of the property when she was due to be even if she has fallen short of the door. Her target though close feels miles away as her ankles begin to protest every movement. Still, she pushes through hoping that when she’s able to stand still, begging Helen to let her tardiness slide, they’ll ease.
Elvis can hear the argument; well he’d describe it as an argument given that there are two voices but one of them seems not to be fighting back much. He can recognise one of them. Helen, his house manager, a formidable woman who keeps Graceland running smoothly, something he likes as it means he doesn’t have much to do or think about. Yet hearing her speak now is enough to send a shiver down his spine, especially as he hears the other voice answer back, a voice that doesn’t seem any match for his head of house.
‘I really am sorry,’ the voice says, small and regretful, ‘it won’t happen again.’
‘It shouldn’t happen at all,’ Helen says curtly. She’s nearer to him now and he wonders if she might sense him standing on the stairs just around the corner but the way she continues makes him think again, ‘look I know you’re new here and from what I can tell over the last couple of weeks you’ve really done well but now is not the time to start slacking.’
‘I’m not slacking I promise,’ the voice replies.
‘This is your second day late in a row,’ Helen says.
‘I know but-‘
‘But nothing-‘ Helen starts but her words fall short as Elvis rounds the corner. He doesn’t know why he feels compelled to push himself forward, after all, this conversation is certainly not one he wants to deal with himself, but he cannot help himself. He feels the helplessness in her voice calling out to him and his feet shuffle down the last couple of steps into the kitchen.
‘Mr Presley,’ Helen says straightening up and smoothing out her dress as she faces him. He can see the awkwardness in her face as if she had been caught doing something wrong. And when he looks behind her he can see why. Standing behind the kitchen counter watching the older woman is a girl who looks to be on the verge of crying. She looks away as he enters, out of shyness or trying to blink the tears away he’s not sure, but he looks away too, suddenly feeling as though he’s invaded her privacy within his own home. His gaze moves to Helen, who’s smiling at him stiffly before she says, ‘is there something I can do for you?’
‘I just wanted a soda,’ Elvis replies though he quickly realises this is a lie given his bedroom refrigerator is fully stocked so he adds, ‘and a sandwich.’
Helen nods and moves to get him one. As she moves from his eyeline his gaze drifts back to the girl. He doesn’t recognise her, then again given there’s been so many upheavals in staffing these last few months and the fact he’s not felt like leaving upstairs much he’s not surprised. That and he’d sure he’d remember her. She’s young, no older than early twenties, yet as her doe-like eyes flicker towards his he finds them more aged than he anticipated. The tears are gone now, and her face looks more composed than it had been a minute ago. He smiles at her and she returns it though hers is more unsure than his own. Yet it’s warm, enough to radiate his whole body as if he had been sitting in the sun all day, instead of in the darkness of his bedroom.
‘Will that be all?’ Helen says as she stops in front of him, plate and soda in hand. It brings him back to reality, forcing him to look at the older woman as he clears his throat, ‘yeah, uh thanks.’
‘No problem, Mr Presley,’ Helen says placing the impromptu meal into his hands in a manner that makes him uncomfortable. It’s his home, his kitchen, and yet the message is clear. You’re not needed here. It’s a message Elvis feels more and more these days and so with a quick nod he takes the items out of her hands and turns, heading towards the stairs. He’s no more than three steps up before he hears her speak again. It’s curter this time, her irritation evidently increased by his disturbance. And though her voice is quieter this time Elvis can still hear every word, his eyesight may be worsening but there’s nothing wrong with his ears.
 ‘If you cannot arrive on time tomorrow do not bother coming in at all.’ 
She’s on time today. Elvis knows this because he’s staring out of his bathroom window, watching as she peddles her bike up the expanse of the driveway towards the side of the house. He doesn’t know why he’s watching her; he doesn’t even know why he’s up at the ass crack of dawn and yet he is. He tells himself that it’s the urge to pee that woke him when he knows full well that the pills he shovelled down his neck in the wee hours should’ve kept him asleep, like they have done before regardless of if his body needed to relieve itself. But he couldn’t sleep, tossing and turning as he glanced at the clock on his nightstand. As it nears seven am he clambers out of bed and pees, yet he peeks out of the window oh so casually wondering if she’s made it in.
And to his surprise he’s relieved that she has. Not that it matters to him, he reassures himself, he’s just over all the changing of staff. If she can keep her job it’d mean he’d have to learn one less name. She looks more put together today, her strawberry blonde locks flowing behind her as she peddles past, unaware he’s watching her.  As she disappears around the side of the house he smiles to himself before shuffling back towards his bed. He clambers back under the sheets, his eyes fluttering closed as the effects of the pills finally seem to be doing their job.
Yet as settled as he is as he closes his eyes to sleep he realises something. He hasn’t learned her name yet.
She’s on upstairs duty today, something that was forced upon her given that she was late again. For a moment she thought Helen was being lenient, given her arrival on time yesterday and today’s arrival only being delayed by a minute. But as she directs her up the kitchen stairs and she hears the sniggers of the other girls following through the air behind her she realises this is a punishment. It’s not that upstairs duty is bad it’s just that it’s well harder to do the job. There are more rules to cleaning up here.
Don’t make noise.
Don’t be seen.
And do not disturb the boss.
And since it’s something she hasn’t done before that makes her nervous. As she creeps from room to room she’s careful not to make too much noise, vacuuming will have to wait until he’s up, as will cleaning his room. That’s of course if he dares venture out of it today. In the couple of weeks she’s worked here she’s only seen him the once and that was when she was on the brink of tears. He didn’t mention it of course but for fear he might bring it up she hopes he does stay in his room today. The door is closed, signalling she is not to enter and so she pushes on to the door marked Lisa Marie.
The air up here is thick, almost balmy. It doesn’t help that everything in this room is made of thick fabric from the shag pile of the carpet beneath her feet to the white fur of the hand-crafted bed she’s resting against. Still, tropical as it is she can’t deny that it’s a cute little room. She hasn’t met little girl yet, from what she’s heard from others around her she spends most of her time on the West Coast, visiting her father whenever their schedules allow. It means that cleaning this room doesn’t take long, nothing is out of place just dusty, waiting for their owner to return and breathe life into it once more.
It's a thought that makes her sad but since her knees started aching it also makes her feel a little relieved. Relieved because since there’s no one around to notice she can give herself a minute to rest. She slept better last night, the aches wearing off with her medicine meaning she could drift off into a peaceful slumber, but the warmth of the air and the plushness of the bed she's sitting on make her feel as though she hadn’t slept for a year. And as her eyes dip closed she feels as though she could sleep for just as long.
That is of course until she’s awoken by a thunderous racket. As her eyes fly open she finds herself now on the floor, the broom she had been holding now beside her, having swept everything off the nightstand as she toppled off the bed head first. And then the racket isn’t being caused by her, it’s by the sound of the door bouncing off the wall as he appears, looking frantically around the room, a small pistol in his hand until he notices her lying there.
‘Oh,’ he says looking down at her, his concern going to a smile.
‘Oh my god I’m so sorry,’ she says scrambling onto her knees that are still burning from the day of cleaning yet take her weight all the same. Elvis watches as she starts gathering the books and trinkets splayed across his daughter’s bedroom carpet, her voice nervous and frantic as she tries to explain, ‘I didn’t mean to fall asleep. One minute I was sitting on the bed and the next I’m on the floor-‘
‘It’s alright,’ Elvis says hoping his voice conveys reassurance but when she looks up at him doe-eyed and panicked he can see that it’s not.
‘No it isn’t,’ she says shaking her head as if to convince him he’s wrong, ‘I don’t even know how long I was out, oh god don’t tell Helen-‘
‘It’s between you and me,’ he says and it’s only at that point in her ramblings she notices he’s moved closer, kneeling down in front of her as he takes the items she has stacked in her hands out and places them on the bed. If the room felt warm before it’s now practically an oven, his blue eyes making her face feel as though it’s on fire as he watches her, willing her to accept what he’s saying.
‘I woke you up,’ is all she can think to say. It’s true, he’s still in his pyjamas, yet he feels wide awake as he looks at her young face. She’s pretty, prettier than he realised though admittedly he’d only had glimpses of her. Yet the worry on her face makes her age prematurely, frown lines appearing on her forehead as she awaits for him to scold her. If it was anyone else he might have. Hell if it was one of the boys he isn’t convinced he wouldn’t have already popped a shot off from the pistol now pressing coolly into his sweat-slickened back from where it rests in his waistband.
‘You woke yourself first,’ he counters making those frown lines disappear as she smiles, the same warmth-riddled smile she had given him when they had first seen each other. But it’s only there for a second and then she’s gone, putting the items back as he watches her from behind. It’s not a bad view he has to admit and it definitely takes the sting of trying to get up from where he had been kneeling. By the time she turns around he’s fully upright, ignoring the way his bones creak in protest.
‘I really am sorry you know,’ she says chewing on her lip nervously.
‘It’s okay,’ he smiles, ‘honestly…uh…’
‘Robin,’ she replies.
‘Robin,’ he says, enjoying the way it flows off of his tongue. It’s been something that’s been playing on his mind for the past couple of days, wondering what name could suit her and somehow it fits, ‘that’s a pretty name. Makes sense for a pretty thing like you.’
It’s a compliment that takes her off guard and she’s pretty sure that the heat in the room is now no match for the heat in her cheeks, which worsens as his smile deepens, crinkles forming around his eyes at the way he’s got her a flutter. She doesn’t know why it makes her feel that way, after all he’s old enough to be her dad, not to mention it’s probably an insignificant remark, something he probably says to every woman in his life. And yet it makes her stomach squeeze in a nervous way.
‘No it’s not okay,’ she says hoping to breeze past the comment in the hopes it’ll make her face any less warm, ‘I’m an idiot. I bet you’re wanting to fire me right now-‘
‘Why would I want to do that?’ Elvis asks softly, making her look at him.
‘I mean it’s not the best look when I’ve only just started. Is it?’ she implores. Elvis shrugs.
‘We all have off days,’ Elvis says. He knows that more than most, ‘anyway what’s got ya so tired? Late night out on the town?’
‘Hardly,’ she snorts in a manner that takes Elvis off guard. It’s the first time she’s seemed relaxed but that calmness disappears as she notices the clock on the night stand, ‘oh god is it twelve already?’
‘Yeah,’ Elvis replies.
‘Uh, do you want a sandwich or something?’ she asks taking him off guard once more, ‘I can fix you one.’
‘No, I’m good,’ he says watching as she moves to gather her cleaning supplies. He stands up at that, worried she’s going to leave their conversation early, something he doesn’t want to happen. Not now his intrigue is piqued.
‘Or some soda?’ she says. It’s a different angle one she’s hoping he’ll yield to but he doesn’t, instead his smile becomes curious as he says, ‘you got some place to be honey?’
‘No, no,’ Robin protests, cursing herself for being so see-through. It’s not that she wants to leave his company, even if it has had her in a tizz from the moment he came in the room.
‘But?’ Elvis asks making her sigh.
‘But…I gotta eat…I’ve gotta take my pill,’ Robin says.
‘Oh right…o’course. Young thing like you,’ Elvis replies, somewhat bashfully. For a moment his meaning doesn’t register until the dots connect in her brain, her cheeks flushing once more.
‘Not that,’ she blushes dropping her gaze to the carpet. Of course she can see why he might think that, in fact she thinks it’s a little commendable he’s so understanding off the bat given he’s not that much younger than her father and if she mentioned anything to do with birth control around him she’s sure he’d be even redder than she is right now. 
But Elvis isn’t embarrassed, in fact he’s damn right confused about why else a sprightly twenty-something might need any form of medicine. Even at forty people raise an eyebrow at the amount of pills he needs to take to keep him feeling in shape which is why he knows he’d be out of line to question her about it. But he’s curious and in his defence she brought it up.
‘What’s a young thing like you taking pills for?’ he asks hoping he doesn’t sound too demanding as the question leaves his lips. She hesitates for a moment. When she got the job her daddy had told her not to say a word about her health. Declaring anything might be wrong with you is just asking for them to turn you down, he warned. But there’s something about Elvis’ sympathetic, understanding expression that makes her want to. In fact in the time that she’s been here she’s wanted to scream about it countless times. To tell Helen she’s trying her best, even if her best one day might not be the same the next. It’s not as if she chooses to be this way. As if she begs for her bones to ache or for every action to make her energy zap from her body. It's not as if she wanted to have to drop out of college, to have to do it in twice the time it takes everyone else because she’s only got time for night school now. It’s not like she even wanted this job, but her folks can't make ends meet as it is, never mind footing whatever hospital bill lands on their doorstep.
‘Well it’s…it’s for my condition. I have to take what feels like a million of them,’ she says, feeling relief pour out of her as she says the words aloud. Even more so as his face doesn’t change. It doesn’t get awkward or squirrely like most people do, in fact it looks curious.
‘What's your condition…if you don’t mind me askin’,’ he replies.
‘Well I say condition but they don’t really know what it is. All the doctors at Baptist can't really agree on anything,’ she says bitterly making his heart flutter.
‘Well that’s no good,’ Elvis says.
‘You’re telling me,’ she says bitterly, her gaze on her shoes as she toes at the carpet. When she looks up he’s still watching her, yet this time his sympathy is bordering on the edge of pity and somehow that’s worse than if he was completely disinterested. It makes her want to run so she says, ‘sorry I shouldn’t be bothering you with all my problems.’
‘Better than thinkin’ of my own,’ he shrugs, offering encouragement as she fails to continue, ‘go on honey.’
‘Well there's not much to tell. About a year ago I got really sick…like drop out of college and move back in with my folks sick. I was in hospital for a while but they couldn’t figure out what it was.’
‘And now?’ Elvis asks feeling that tug on his heartstrings once more.
‘They still don’t really know…so they pumped me full of pills…’ she shrugs. Elvis almost has to choke back a sarcastic laugh. At least they always give him a reason before they add yet another little helper to his never-ending roster. This’ll help with fatigue, that’ll help you sleep, this one will yada yada yada. But for them to not know what the matter was and to do it anyway seems careless to him. After all she’s just a slip of a thing. He still shudders at the memory of Cilla taking more than her share of sleeping pills, knocking herself out flat for nearly two days. He doubts little Robin would be any different. But if she is having issues, if the pills do something maybe it’s not that bad.
‘Do they help?’ he asks, his worries not relieved as she shrugs once more.
‘Yeah, I guess. I mean I mean they probably would if I remembered to take them on time,’ she says.
‘That’s no good darlin’,’ he frowns and for the first time she feels as though she is in front of her actual father. And just as they would with him the excuses flow free.
‘I know. It’s just that they make me feel nauseous but I have to eat to take them…maybe if they made me feel fantastic or whatever but my bones still ache a lot and I’m always tired,’ she grumbles, hoping he’ll see her side of things. If they worked wonders she’d strap an alarm clock to her forehead to remind her to take them the very second they were due. Unfortunately, she’s not that lucky.
‘Part of your condition?’ he asks.
‘I guess…if we knew what that was,’ she jokes making him smile. It’s not been an easy conversation, in fact he’s done nothing but worry about her since she opened her mouth but her soft smile, that radiant one, makes him feel a touch better. And she in turn feels better for getting it all off her chest, it’s not going to make her working life any easier but at least having someone on the inside who knows the truth is something.
What she’s not prepared for is the way his smile makes that flutter return like a fire ripping through her. It’s odd how a man that’s nearly twenty years her senior can make her feel the way he is at this minute in time, or indeed how his smile can resemble that of a young boys, but still it does.
‘I really should get back to work,’ she says gathering her cleaning supplies as a clear signal she’s ending their little soiree. It disappoints Elvis but he can’t help but think that this won't be the last time they’ll speak. There’s something between them, a trust, both of them seem to feel.
‘Yeah you should get goin’,’ he agrees making her smile dim just a touch until he says, ‘you need to get downstairs. To get something to eat before your pills remember?’
‘Oh, yeah thanks Mr Presley,’ Robin replies feeling that flutter amp up inside her.
‘Elvis. Call me Elvis,’ he says watching as she looks at him for a moment before she offers him a nod and then scuttles out of the room, broom and cleaning supplies in hand.
As he heads back to bed his thoughts are plagued by everything she’s told him. It makes sense now. The lateness, the falling asleep, hell the reason her face is so youthful and yet her eyes feel aeons older. She’s bogged down by issues that she shouldn’t be. Unable to live her life because her own body is betraying her. It’s something he understands all too well.
And perhaps something he can fix. After all, who says she needs to rely on the doctors at Baptist, they’re good and all but if she needs better he can pay for whoever that may be. And maybe they can get her fixed up, get her back to school, get her out living her life like a pretty young thing like that should be doing.
His heart swells at the thought of that. She needs him, his little Robin, his bird with the broken wing. He could help her, if anything she needs him to, in a way that no one seems to need him anymore. And it sure would feel good to feel needed.
One would wonder how a house could be cleaned every day and you could still find dirt. Then again given the amount of people traipsing in and out and the sheer size of the house itself it’s not hard to imagine how the work could never end. That’s how Robin finds herself in the pool room once more, tidying up even though she had only done it a couple of days prior. She can't find it in her today to moan about it though. Whoever has spent the evening down here hasn’t left too much of a mess and given that she’s more than two levels away from Elvis her cleaning can be a little louder than normal. And today that’s what she craves because today her bones don’t feel like that of an eighty-year-old and she hasn’t slept terribly for once.
It's a fact that proves what Elvis had told her the day before, we all have good days and bad days. And today's a good day. So as she vacuums the plush carpet she finds that her hips are swaying to the radio playing in the corner. In fact, she’s so engrossed she doesn’t even hear the soft footfalls of someone in the room with her, or the placement of a plate as it rests on the lip of the pool table awaiting her notice. It’s only when she turns around she clocks it and she moves to it wondering if it'd been there the whole time.
If it had that would mean she isn’t much of a cleaner but as she looks at the sandwich she notices a small note folded in its crease.
So you don’t forget to eat
When Elvis went looking for Robin yesterday he found her dancing around his pool room, oblivious to his presence due to the noise of the vacuum. He could’ve disturbed her and yet watching her having fun he couldn’t bring himself to. And he can’t bring himself to do it today either. Yesterday must’ve been a good day but it appears today isn’t. Well, he assumes it’s not given she’s fallen asleep in his bedroom. He’d invited her in, asking if she wouldn’t mind giving his windows a once over since he’s actually got the curtains open for a change and she’d obliged, thanking him kindly for the sandwich and skating over the fact he might have seen her shaking all that the lord had given her in his games room. Besides, that image was something just for him.
As she’d spritzed his windows with cleaner he’d disappeared into the bathroom, continuing their conversation until it had become decidedly one-sided. When he’d come back out he’d found her flopped down on the plush loveseat in the corner, cleaning bottle still in hand. He hadn't the heart to move her and instead he’d grabbed a blanket and draped it over her, leaving her to rest for as long as she needed to.
‘Hello?’ Robin says with a frown as the cool plastic of the receiver hits her ear. It’s been a long week and an out-of-the-blue phone call on a Sunday night is the last thing she wants, especially when her family are waiting on her to start dinner.
‘Robin?’ an unfamiliar voice replies.
‘Who is this?’ she asks.
‘Oh, Vernon, Vernon Presley,’ the voice replies making worry take hold of her as she wonders what her boss’s father could possibly want on a Sunday evening, not only a Sunday evening, her day off.
‘I’m just calling to tell you not to come in tomorrow,’ he replies casually.
‘Oh, okay,’ Robin says trying to ignore the lump in her throat. She had thought this week was going too well, that Elvis had been too understanding about her. It made sense now, he was waiting for the right time to cut her loose. It makes sense she supposes, it means she doesn’t have to show up on Monday morning only to be told to go home but still it stings and the words of her father echo in her ears for being so foolish as to be honest.
‘There’s no point given your appointments at ten,’ he replies.
‘Huh?’ Robin asks.
‘Your doctor's appointment?’ he mutters confused, ‘I thought Elvis had explained?’
‘Afraid not,’ Robin answers her worry turning to confusion.
‘He’s arranged for you to see a doctor from California,’ he explains, ‘they’re going to see you at Baptist tomorrow. 10 am sharp.’
‘Mr Presley that’s too much I can't-'
‘With respect Miss once my son’s decided on something there’s not much point standing in his way,’ Vernon says honestly. It makes her heart flip-flop inside her chest. She should be grateful he wants to help but to fly a doctor in, from California no less who she’s sure would’ve cost a pretty penny, it seems too much. Why he'd want to doesn’t make sense either after all she’s only worked there a matter of weeks.
But it seems too good an opportunity to turn down. In fact thinking about the way he’s taken care of her these last couple of days she fears if she did turn it down he might take it to heart, that boyish smile that makes her heart flutter disappearing for a look of disappointment, one she doesn’t want to see on his handsome face ever. As if he needs her to. And after all she’s been through she can't deny it would be nice to have someone help. To feel as though her wings were no longer clipped.
It's an offer she can’t turn down and so she says, ’10 am?’
‘He’ll pick ya up tomorrow,’ Vernon agrees and before she can thank him he’s gone, the line clicking off and leaving a dial tone in its place. With a sigh she places the receiver back where it should be taking a moment to soak it in before she heads back to her parents to tell them the news. She reminds herself not to get her hopes up, this doctor might cost a pretty penny and come up with no more ideas than the ones here in Memphis. Yet she can't help but feel excited because even if they can't fix everything, even if she remains the same, she’s sure there’s something about Elvis Presley that might just make her feel as though she’s flying anyway.
And she can't help but smile at that.
@girlblogger2002 @sania562 @caitlin1996 @literally-just-elvis-fics@notstefaniepresley  @artlesson8892 @18lkpeters​ @velvetelvis @jaqueline19997 @elvispresleyxoxo @amydarcimarie @presleyenterprise@everythingelvispresley @elvispresleywife@lillypink@richardslady121 @lettersfromvenus @louisejoy86 @ccab
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vorezone-act8 · 1 month
Inside your mouth I cannot see
safe vore fic. sorry if you realize what these characters are from lmao (owen is an oc stand in for the player but) warnings: emeto, body dysphoria/dysmorphia, mentions of actual cannib.alism/"h.ard vore" but it doesnt actually happen, suicidal ideation somewhat, suggestive implications unrelated to the vore
Owen couldn't keep this up for much longer. 
He'd been running from "Uthman" for twenty minutes at this rate. He couldn't claim to be in good shape, either, even before this happened; he'd barely slept since he got here, and he'd already been walking for ages. This place was awful labyrinthine for a place of work.
He was wont to give out eventually.
And so he did, a momentary falter of his footing resulting in him being tackled to the ground, vision spotting from the impact his head made with the floor.
"Owen," the thing mumbles. No—even like this, Uthman wasn't a thing. He was a person; a person who would feel terrible about this when he woke up. "Need them. Your organs." His breathing is ragged.
Fighting to keep consciousness, Owen writhes in his grasp, but it's no use. Instead, he tries to reason, "You don't want this; you’re going to feel horrible, later. Uthman, wake up, please—"
Uthman's hands, pinning the other man to the ground by his wrists, tremble. His eyes focus again for a moment, practically drawing his own blood by how hard he's biting his lip. "Trying." Tears prick at his eyes, despite the grin his face has contorted into. It's pained. “I’m sorry.”
He's not sure why he wants to tell him that it's okay, to comfort him, as he finally slips into darkness.
Uthman is fighting himself. He's just lucid enough to resist the hunger for a few more moments, but it's impossible. It hurts—and the only thing that will make it stop is if he sates it, or he’s knocked out. But Owen wasn’t able to do the latter. He has to hold off, just for a few more moments. He won’t forgive himself if—
He half-doubles over in pain on the other’s unconscious form, yelping like the animal he is. His stomach feels as though it’s trying to digest itself.
The opposing instincts of the desire to protect him from further harm and to consume him, thus stopping the pain, converge into overwhelming mixed signals that freeze him in place. In inaction. A momentary blessing.
But unfortunately, it results in a bizarre compromise.
The Devil's mouth experimentally opens, and he shoves Owen's head inside. It fits alarmingly well. The clay making up the flesh makes it disgustingly flexible, too. Impossible. It shouldn't be able to fit a man inside. But it can.
Even screaming inside, the hunger is now beginning to cloud his horror. He can taste Owen’s blood, which he can’t stop himself from licking off his chin. The animal in him wants to finish the job. Wants to be full. It's been starving for so long. 
The human is terrified.
But this is the only conclusion The Devil can come to that will satisfy both instincts. Swallowed whole, instead of torn to shreds. No longer hungry, but Owen might survive if Uthman snaps out of this state fast enough.
All it takes is a swallow to bring his shoulders into his throat, then another for his torso, then his legs—
A purr rises in his middle as his poor friend's form settles into it, arms wrapping around him in a lovesick fondness. He curls up on the floor around his stomach, like an animal at rest.
Lucid again for a moment, Uthman is wracked by a sob as his bleary eyes grow heavy against his will. It's too late.
Uthman wakes up nauseous, and aching all over—from falling asleep on the floor, apparently. He groans as he sits up, aching back popping. Eyes squinting from residual exhaustion, he scans the room. He doesn't know how he got here, or why.
Confusion quickly turns into alarm.
The last thing he remembers is being with Owen. Where is he? Did they split up? What would cause a lapse in memory like—
He notices a splatter of human blood right beside him.
Panic rises in his core.
"Mr. Webb?" He calls out urgently, fearing the worst. "Owen??" He attempts to stand up—but his stomach lurches unnaturally at the sudden movement, as if bloated.
His blood runs cold. The lingering taste of metal in his mouth—
He retches, but nothing comes up. He buries his face in his hands—both of which he doesn’t want to be his own, especially right now. But they are. This monster is you. You killed and ate that poor man. Didn’t you?
Hot wet tears deface his disgusting visage even further, as they should. He curls in on himself, no, around what was left of the friend he didn’t deserve. “I’m so sorry,” his monotone cracks. “I-I knew I should have stayed away—I’m so selfish. I’m sorry, Owen.” 
He really is selfish. Owen will never get to see his children again, nor will he get to go home. All for what? Because he was just so desperate for human connection that he couldn’t just help from the sidelines, when this man’s family was on the line—when he knows how dangerous he is? Boo fucking hoo.
He shudders violently as he gags. It’s painful.
That man is dead, and
His ringing ears almost don’t catch the sound. Not until it’s repeated, louder: “Uthman! Hello?” It’s Owen’s voice, oddly muffled. Eyes blurry but wide, he once overs the room in disbelief. “Owen?” His voice trembles. He doesn’t see anything. “Where are you?”
“I don’... know,” the man tiredly answers, then poses a question of his own: “It’s too dark to tell. Were you… crying?” 
A shuddering breath is taken in. He scans the room again. “I was worried I… killed you. I’m glad I didn’t. Are you hurt? Do you recall anything? You sound tired, so I’m assuming you were unconscious.” 
There’s a beat of silence.
“...I remember you… knocking me over. Hit my head, must have conked out. I don’t hurt anywhere else, though. Guess you… left me alone?” He seems to be just as confused. 
It’s starting to concern him how clearly he can hear Owen’s voice, despite neither of them knowing where he is.
“I should check you for a concussion,” Uthman thinks aloud. “Can you move?”
Immediately afterwards, a wave of nausea hits him as he feels—something move, inside of what, unmistakably, must be his stomach. Realization hits him like a truck, but as a literal doctor, he finds it hard to accept that this is possible for him to do. They should both be dead. 
Well… if he were human, that is. Right.
“...I’m cramped. Can’t really tell.” Owen’s voice is alarmingly lacking any fear about the situation he’s in. Even without knowing what Uthman has realized, being trapped in a cramped space you can’t see is terrifying. Maybe he does have a concussion. “Wet, also.”
“Owen,” Uthman starts, trying to keep his voice level. He nearly tries to make eye contact with his stomach, but averts his eyes out of shame. “I think I know where you are.” He sucks in a breath. “...For some reason, in that state, I just…” The words are hard to get out of his mouth, because he can hardly believe them. 
“Swallowed you whole. Instead of something more immediately lethal.”
There isn’t a response for a moment. 
Then, wordless, panicked thrashing against his internals. There it is. The fight or flight response kicking in. He grits his teeth in pain, instinctively clutching at his middle, as if to make it stop. He releases his grip near immediately, not wanting to hurt Owen any further. It’s like nothing he’s ever felt before—and it’s terribly nauseating. 
Maybe that’s a good thing, vomiting would be welcome to this situation. But—
“...Y-you shouldn’t care, but just in case you do, that does hurt,” he clarifies.
It stops quickly. “Sorry,” Owen apologizes. His voice grows quieter. “...I was scared.”
“No, it’s—it’s completely understandable.” Uthman sighs heavily as his muscles relax. “I mean, anyone would be afraid if they were… literally eaten by a monster.” His eyes unfocus, staring into nothing. He really is one, isn’t he?
“...Don’t… call yourself that,” Owen manages, shifting himself around in an attempt to get more comfortable. Uthman cringes at this horrendously invasive feeling. This is, quite possibly, the worst way to have to confront his non-human biology. He almost tuned out what Owen said.
“It’s true, though. A human, and most other animals, physically could not do this.” He grips his wrist as it trembles. “But that’s not important—I need to get you out of there. Our digestive systems aren’t designed to handle this much, so you should be fine for a while, but I’m not going to wait around for you to get hurt, and I’m sure you don’t want to, either.”
There’s a beat, as if Owen were thinking on what to say, for whatever reason. Uthman finds the answer pretty cut and dry, so this strikes him as odd. His passenger settles with a, “...Fair.”
Uthman pinches the bridge of his nose, sucking in another breath through his teeth. “Yes.” He moves to stand up—but hesitates. “...Uh. I’m going to get up. Alright?” There’s a noise of acknowledgement from inside, so he takes that as his go-ahead. Legs trembling slightly, he uses a nearby wall to stand to his feet…. hooves, rather. Right. He hates this.
It shouldn’t be as easy to walk as it is. He hates that Owen is like nothing more than a little added weight to his body. That’s an entire person. You can hardly even notice that he’s there.
…It’s hard for him to calm his spiraling thoughts with this situation. 
Thankfully, Owen breaks the silence: “What are you, uh… going to do? Try to throw up, right?” …Maybe not so thankfully. This is another thought rabbithole to go down. At least it’s a more helpful one to go on.
“Well…” Uthman has to think about the logistics of this. He was able to get Owen down, so he should be able to come back up. But the space is so tight he doesn’t trust he won’t suffocate within, or that he won’t choke on him, this time. Actually, is there even enough oxygen in his stomach for Owen to begin with? Is it not a concussion, but a lack of air?
His head is spinning with concerning questions and possibilities.
“...I think I’m just going to cut you out.”
“HUH?” Owen barks in alarm. “Just throw up! You’re a doctor, you know sometimes you just gotta throw up—”
“I’m not scared to throw up!” He blurts, feeling the skin beneath the fur on his face flush. “I’m worried you’re going to suffocate. It’ll make me feel better if I just… surgically remove you.”
“Have you ever even performed surgery on yourself? What if you mess up? You could cut me.” Owen strategically doesn’t mention that he’s actually more concerned about Uthman hurting himself, because he knows that he doesn’t care about his own wellbeing right now.
It works. Uthman groans, pinching the bridge of his nose. “...Okay, good point. Maybe I should just… try. But I’m not sure… where would be an appropriate location. The floors here are all hard.” God, this is embarrassing. “I guess I’ll head back to my office. There’s pillows and stuff…” He sighs. 
Just as he was about to start moving again, he feels some sort of pressure from within. He can’t help but look down, as much as he really doesn’t want to, and thus confront this reality in its entirety. It’s repetitive, it recedes and presses in again a few times.
“It’s really not that bad. Take your time to get there.”
…He realizes it must be Owen’s hand, patting him.
His face grows hot. He doesn’t like that it felt nice, and especially not that his stomach responds with a growl. No, no, no, you don’t like this. “D-don’t tell me that,” he chides, trying to keep himself composed. “It’s not okay, and I don’t want to think that it’s okay. My instincts might kick in again, and then they might not let you go. I won’t forgive myself if I…”
Pat, pat. “You’re more freaked out about this than I am, Uth. Breathe.”
“You SHOULD be freaked out!” He explodes, all of his emotions finally breaking the surface and spilling. “What if I killed you? What if I DO kill you by waiting too long? Your kids need you, and—and I…” I need you. I’m so selfish. God. 
His breath shudders as he continues, “...When I get you out of there, I think you shouldn’t even talk to me from a distance—I’m more of a danger to you than any help, at this rate. I’m not to be trusted. I have selfish intentions. I want this.”
“No!” Owen moves suddenly with his exclamation, causing Uthman to wince. “God damn it, Uthman, you’ve helped me more than anyone else down here! I don’t care that you lose control now and then—honestly, I don’t even mind if you do end up killing me. I’d prefer that over anything else doing it!”
That takes him out of it. His eyes open wide in horror. “...What? Owen, you—you wouldn’t just let me kill you, would you?”
“Of course not! I just—well…” Owen sighs, and Uthman can tell that he’s curling into himself, receding away the farthest he can in the little space he has. He tries not to notice how much he can feel this, implying that the walls of his stomach are squeezing around him. “...You heard Stinger. I’ve… probably already failed my kids. I don’t care what happens to me, I just… want you to be there.”
Now he’s really concerned. He pushes the welling warmth in his chest, much too literal, aside. “...You haven’t given up, have you? Stinger’s full of it. Even if he isn’t, you should still try, you know.”
“I was supposed to be comforting you, stupid.” 
Uthman laughs a little at that. “...It worked, I think.” 
He becomes aware again of the present situation and urgently starts walking, thankfully recognizing a nearby hallway as a reference point for the distance to his office. “I’m such a hypocrite, I said we shouldn’t wait but I drew this out longer by stopping to argue with you,” he hums, allowing himself to find a little amusement in this. 
As he walks, he notices how much the movement jostles Owen’s weight around, as though he were lugging him around in a bag. That can’t be pleasant. Cursing himself internally, he places a hand on his belly to keep it as still as he can. 
Pat, pat. Owen’s hand meets his, seeming to have caught on.
His face screws up in embarrassment, heat returning to his cheeks. ————————————————
Owen is expelled harmlessly out onto Uthman’s makeshift bed. It’s a lot less warm out here, but he prefers having his full range of motion, which he immediately uses to sit up and stretch his back out with a pop.
He looks up to poor Uthman above him, coughing still. “Uuugh,” he groans, wiping at his mouth. “You okay?” Owen asks gently.
The mascot blinks, then narrows his eyes at him. He clears his throat, composing himself. “I should be asking you that. I wasn’t the one that was nearly eaten alive.” He takes off his labcoat, using it to methodically dry off the other man in place of a towel. 
…Oh, yeah, he’d gotten so used to it in the past… 30 minutes? That he forgot he was absolutely drenched in spit and whatever else.
He crosses his arms, just letting it happen.
“If you had a concussion, it seems to have cleared up. I should check you for burns, though,” Uthman comments idly as he works.
“You gonna undress me?” Owen immediately regrets saying that, shutting his mouth from saying anything further at practically mach 5.
Uthman stops. Even with the fur covering his face, Owen can spot that hint of teal to his cheeks underneath. Actually, it was probably long present. “No, but I was going to ask you to remove them. Even besides possible injuries, your clothes are… probably ruined.” He looks away ashamedly. “I have a change of clothes in here.”
Owen chuckles awkwardly. “...Sorry, didn’t mean it like that.” He sort of did. “I appreciate it, but are you sure you don’t need them?”
“...They… don’t fit anymore, anyways,” Uthman bemoans as he continues to dab at any remaining saliva. Owen frowns sympathetically.
Uthman finds nothing out of the ordinary after checking his skin, which is a relief, but also puzzling. Is the acid in a Gi.vanium-based digestive system that weak? Thank god for that design flaw.
The both of them find themselves hit with exhaustion after Owen gets changed and everything settles down, and Uthman… frustratingly hungry, with his stomach no longer full.
A distressing element about his body’s cravings is that they’re not supposed to happen at all. He has no biological need for food. But like a phantom limb, he still experiences the ghost of getting hungry from his memories as a human. 
He wishes it was just that, and that it didn’t manifest in animalistic, predatory instincts.
Having nothing else, he settles on a few granola bars, offering some to Owen, as well. He has to look away from him as he eats.
Uthman tries to convince Owen to go sleep somewhere else tonight, but isn’t able to—he’d have to risk running into another dangerous Case, or collapsing from exhaustion. There’s nowhere else to go. Begrudgingly, he allows it.
They settle into their separate makeshift beds. But… neither of them can sleep, despite how tired they are from the scare of the earlier situation.
“...Hey,” Owen pipes up after a while.
“Mmm?” Uthman barely manages to vocalize.
“...Could I sleep with you?” 
His eyes shoot right open, and he sits up. “What?? I’m sorry, I know you probably got used to it, but I could have killed you earlier, and I’m nervous even about this proximity.”
“I’m just cold,” Owen clarifies, embarrassedly. He feels like a little kid asking to get into their parent’s bed, and he’s a 40 year old man. “...And you’re warm. But I’ll deal.”
…Right. The temperature is low in here to kill germs, like a doctor’s office. He has no way of changing it. Naturally, being drenched probably made him chilly, too—
He sighs. “...Fine. I kind of owe this to you after that, I don’t want you to freeze.” He pulls up his blankets and gestures him over. Owen crawls in and settles next to him, unable to help nuzzling into his fur, sighing as he feels the other’s warmth wash over him. “...Thank you,” he mumbles.
Uthman tenses up. There’s those butterflies in his stomach again… oh, no, that’s physical, actually. It’s growling. His face flushes, turning his head away with a distressed grimace. He’s certain that he heard that. “Do you see what I mean? You really shouldn’t trust me.”
“It’s not a big deal—I mean, maybe you’ll just do that instead of trying to, uh, eat my pancreas, next time,” Owen jokes. Uthman really doesn’t find it funny. He wraps his arms around him, though, selfishly pulling him closer. He paradoxically relaxes, despite his heart beating out of his chest. “...Well, if it happens again, don’t say I didn’t tell you so.”
Owen sticks his tongue out mockingly at him. “Well, it was actually kind of nice, just so you know.” 
Uthman makes a strangled noise at that, hiding his face with his arm. “Please don’t say that.” Owen laughs.
They stop bickering and fall asleep soon after.
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foolofatook001 · 8 months
hermit horrors (this time with a side of ethubs kinda sorta)
Day Three - Season 5/Chase
cw possession, mild body horror (a la s5 jungle takeover)
There’s something in the jungle. Etho’s been growing more and more aware of it day to day. It’s stalking him. He keeps catching glimpses out of the corner of his eye— a branch springing back into place, a depression in the undergrowth just over the hill from where he’d been building for the day that’s warm to the touch. When he brings it up to the rest of the NHO they all make concerned noises— but none of them have seen anything. 
He doesn’t go out in the jungle alone anymore. But Bdubs wants to meet up, talk about some potential build site, and well— surely it’ll be fine. He’s going to meet Bdubs. There’s a road out to the spot and it’s well-lit, nothing’s going to pop out of the jungle and— and get him, or something.
When Etho gets to the site, though, Bdubs is nowhere to be seen. “Uh-huh,” he says softly to himself, and puts his back to a tree, keeping one wary eye on the road. Maybe Bdubs just forgot when they were meeting. It’s very early in the morning— only just after sunrise. He could still be asleep— although it’s not like Bdubs to waste daylight. He pulls out his communicator. 
hey, we still meeting? 
There’s no response. 
He feels like there’s eyes resting on his back, but when he turns, he doesn’t see anything. There’s a rustling, though, in the trees further away from the clearing, and he stares intently at it, his breath catching in his throat. But it’s only Bdubs who comes crashing through, and Etho lets out the breath he’s been holding. 
“I’m here!” Bdubs yells. “I’m here.”
“Took you long enough,” Etho says, smiling. 
Bdubs doubles over, hands on his knees, panting. “I’m not late,” he insists as he catches his breath. Etho catches sight of a stray green leaf caught in Bdubs’s hair and reaches down to pick it out, a crack about the last time Bdubs showered at the ready.
Bdubs flinches away from him and Etho is left with his hand hanging in the air, the joke dying on his lips. “Uh, Bdubs?” he says after a moment. “You… you good, buddy?”
Bdubs straightens up, and Etho notices there’s vines— growing?— on his shirt. Or, not on— through, poking out of the fabric and twining down around his arms and up around his throat. Now that he looks closer, Etho realizes it’s not a leaf in Bdubs’s hair— it’s the end of the vine that’s creeping up the back of his neck. “Oh, yes, I’m fine,” Bdubs says, but Etho is staring at his eyes. 
They’re green. 
Bdubs’s eyes have always been brown. 
Etho takes a step back. “So, uh— what’s all this about?” He’s keeping it cool, keeping it casual. Something weird is going on, but— it’s Hermitcraft. Weird things seem to happen here a lot. (He’s seen the Convex.) Maybe this is just another weird Hermitcraft thing and not… something to be worried about. “You’re gonna build here?”
“I might,” says Bdubs. He hasn’t blinked yet, and that’s a little strange, even for Bdubs. 
“Uh-huh,” Etho says, taking another step back. This doesn’t feel right. 
“Where are you going?” asks Bdubs, and his voice is bright and cheerful but it feels like a threat. 
Etho turns tail and runs into the jungle. His boot catches on a root that is sticking up out of the ground, and he’s sent flying, just barely able to tuck his head and aim his shoulder in time to roll out of the fall. But he keeps his momentum, and he keeps running. Hanging vines threaten to entangle him. Branches reach out to catch at his face and arms, and more roots seem to twist out of the ground, directly in his path. It’s like the jungle has a will of its own, and that will is bent on keeping him in its grasp. 
“Hey, come back!” Bdubs yells from behind him. His voice is still cheerful, like this is some game they’re playing, but it fills Etho with a nameless dread. He cannot let himself get caught. Something bad is going to happen if the jungle catches up with him. 
His breath is hot, moisture getting trapped under the fabric of his mask. The jungle has been getting thicker and thicker, the greenery forming a tunnel above and either side of him. He’s being hemmed in, but there’s nothing he can really do about it but keep running. 
“Come on, Etho!” Bdubs sounds closer than last time, but Etho doesn’t dare look back for fear of losing ground. 
Can’t let it get me. 
The steadily narrowing tunnel comes to an abrupt end in a massive tree, about fifty blocks ahead, and without hesitation, Etho pulls out an ender pearl and tosses it off to the side. After the slightest pause, it hits, and he’s running through a clearing with only the slightest stumble when his feet land. 
“That’s cheating!” Bdubs’s voice is far away, and though he doesn’t stop running, Etho lets himself feel a little relieved. He’s not out of the jungle yet, though, and he doesn’t have too many more ender pearls on him. He’s starting to tire, too— he hadn’t brought food with him, because this was meant to be a quick there-and-back, and he doubts the jungle would allow him enough time to eat it anyway. 
His lungs are starting to ache, and there’s an unpleasant burn creeping up his legs the longer he goes. He’d be all right if it were just flat ground, but these are tangles of bushes and vines that seem to be trying intentionally to trip him up.  
He throws another pearl and crashes into something that knocks him to the ground. 
“Gotcha!” says Bdubs, grinning. His eyes are wide. 
They’re still green. 
Bdubs sticks out a hand. “Here, lemme help you up.” Etho doesn’t take it. He can’t move, frozen in some delayed prey reaction now that he can’t fly any further. Bdubs closes the distance and hauls him up by the wrist, slapping him on the back. “Wasn’t that fun?”
The vines that twist around Bdubs’s arm are moving, creeping down like blind snakes, pointed unerringly for Etho. One breaks off and wraps around Etho’s arm, and he stares down at it for a moment before leaping back and trying desperately to pry it off— but it’s too late. His arm begins to turn numb, and Etho watches with horror as smaller vines sprout off the main one and begin to burrow through the fabric of his sleeve. The big one is still blindly slithering up his arm, and just as the end of the tendril brushes up against his mask, his still-numb arm spasms— it almost feels like the muscle in his forearm was— was shoved aside by something. 
“I’ll get you another one soon,” Bdubs promises, as Etho stares down at his new passenger. “But it’s best to take it slow.” He reaches up to clap Etho on the shoulder that’s not taken up by the still-growing vine and chuckles. “Welcome to the jungle!”
The vine completes its first loop around Etho’s throat and chokes off any answer he might have given.
also on ao3 <3
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romaine2424 · 1 year
Daily Blog July 2, 2023
So I'm mad at my beta! We were chatting back and forth on Discord originally about my WIP fic I'm writing. Yes, the one were I wrote the first 7 chapters back in 2007 before HPDH was released. Anyway, the fic will have 4 parts, and part 1 is the original. I asked her to beta the older chapters so they would be ready to go. Ummmm, she mentioned the whole premise of the fic, was making her anxious. So I stopped her from doing anymore and said no worries. Betaing should not cause stress. Okay we'll get back to me needing a beta at the end of the blog today.
But this is not why I'm mad at her. No.... she mentioned she's writing for @hd-fan-fair this year and did I take a look at the prompts. I said absolutely not because I always get sucked in. So we chatted some more and she said oh just take a look and tell me which one you would write for if you were participating this year.
You see where this is going don't you... Since my muse is on fire these days. I spotted a prompt and boom, full shorter story popped into my head. The final lines and everything. So, yes, I've joined the fest and I blame my beta! Actually, I love @myaulophobia dearly.
What I'm reading:
Yesterday I said I would be reading the first posted story for @hd-wireless. Um, that will be tonight. Because I was just taking a look at my Tumblr feed when @drarryspecificrecs posted the longest Drarry fics for June. Bam! So I read Tandem (92K) by fast-brother (AO3). Who is also another NEW author. OMG where are they coming from? We are so blessed in Drarry. This story, this story I read until I fell asleep last night and woke up early on this Sunday morning to finish it.
Here's the summary: Harry and Draco meet by accident six years after the war. Harry's an Auror with a drinking problem and Draco's a broke student. Things don't work out well. Six years after that, Draco joins the British Auror Office as a Potioneer.
Here's a little more from me: Draco was sentenced to 15 years probation of No Magic and all vaults and Manor confiscated. Lucius and Narcissa were sentenced to Azkaban. The Ministry was a mess during the trials and the Ministry is still in a mess. Ron is Head Auror (love this!) and Harry is also a mess. Great Auror, but drinks too much, has sex too much, and works to hard to push down those hard to deal with feelings.
The story is written from alternating POV, which is quite nice and helpful in understanding the place where both of them are coming from...not a good place originally. The story starts with the meeting after the first 6 years, which is rough. Then Draco moves on, marries, and makes something of his life as Potioneer in France. However, he has no magic so he's learned to do things for himself instead of relying on others' magic to help him. Draco is hired with insistence of one Ron Weasley to come back and work for the Aurors as their UK DMLE Potioneer. Then sparks start to fly...
This fic has one of the best relationships between Ron and Draco that I've read. Hermione too, but mainly R & D. They all love Harry, but...... And Harry, oh I love this Harry despite his being an arse in so much of it. However, he has his story and his telling of what happened in the Forest is unforgettable. And you, too, will fall back in love with our Harry.
There are so many scenes that are memorable but I'm not going to say anymore. You need to read this fic and give one of our New Drarry authors love.
Tandem on AO3
Rom needs Beta Help!
Let me state up front that I do have an Alpha, the wonderous and amazing @m0srael. What I'm looking for is a strong SPAG beta and if you can spot inconsistencies and/or canon issues, even better. I'm an engineer by trade and cannot tell you the last time I took an English/grammar class. I'm terrible with my commas! As my beta was also my Britpicker... I might need one of those later on.
Here's the link to The Azkaban Letters so you can read all of the pairings and warnings. Yes, it is a Drarry fic but.... The prologue is also available to read. The fic, I think will come in at about 200K. I have 90K written. It's broken down into 4 parts and Part 2 will be the longest.
I'd list more but no need to bore most of you. So if interested take a look at the link and prologue. If that doesn't scare you and are interested, you can DM me here on Tumblr.
Thanks for this personal indulgence!
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disabled-dragoon · 2 years
recently i've been trying to streamline a routine (starting to practice real pacing), and everything popping up is about sleep hygiene. the thing is, i can only leave my bed for about an hour a day, so the idea of 'keeping your bed for sleep only' is impossible. i can't move to the sofa for various reasons (can't find curtains that fit the window length, really bad quality sofa that hurts to be on, etc), so that's not an option. it's frustrating because i do have a hard time sleeping but a big part of what doctors and the internet is saying will help are physically impossible. are there any ways to practice sleep hygiene while bedbound or close to it?
(ps: can't get rid of the sofa, it came with the apartment)
Genuinely had not heard of the term "sleep hygiene" before this ask so thank you anon, you've made me learn something new XD
Now. I have gone away and done some research (a lot of which involved talking to my semi-bedbound mother) and I think I might have some tips. I hope they're useful to you!
Bed Only for Sleep
You said the "bed only for sleep" option is impossible; that's completely understandable. My mother's bedroom doubles as her office space and living room 90% of the time so I understand the difficulty that can come with trying to develop a routine away from it. I asked her how she deals with it and this is essentially what she said:
Different positions help. When she's working she likes to sit up or prop her back up on a cushion/angled backrest when she's having a really bad pain day. So she's not lying completely down but isn't risking hurting herself by trying to move out of the bed. Sometimes moving slightly further down the bed (i.e. away from the general sleeping/pillow area) also helps.
Get dressed or at least partially dressed. Even just changing one thing instead of being in the same bed clothes all day can help. Gives them a chance to be cleaned and lets you feel fresher.
Make it comfy. (Wasn't much elaboration on this. It's just making it a space you feel comfortable being in both during the day and the night. Pretty standard stuff but might as well include it.)
A lot of sleep hygiene tips revolve around leaving the bed and the bedroom for regular exercise. I understand how difficult that is when you cannot leave your bed, however, there may be a way around it.
Stretching is said to be an excellent stress reliever before falling asleep. If you can, there are some light stretches you could probably do in bed- so long as you are willing and are able to conduct them without hurting yourself. It's probably best to see someone like a licensed physiotherapist or fitness trainer etc. about this, but there will be definitely ones you can find on the internet.
Here is a link for bedtime stretches that may be of some use if this is something that interests you.
Bedroom Conditions:
So you mentioned the curtains by your couch, but what about the curtains in your bedroom?
How well do they filter the light? How well do they dim the room on a night? Are they the right length? Are they easy to open on a morning/close on an evening? Light levels are important!
A dark, cool and quiet bedroom is apparently perfect for "optimal" sleep. I understand this may not be entirely possible but it's certainly something to consider if it is.
(If you don't already) Try and get into a routine of opening the curtains/blinds during the day and closing them on a night. Even partially open, i.e. enough to let a bit of natural light in, is good! Blackout curtains could be something to look into. And if you can, try sleeping facing away from any flashing/reflective lights. Also clocks. Ticking clocks can be a distraction when it comes to sleep.
And again, back to the "make it comfy" thing- make sure the room is somewhere you feel not only comfortable but safe in as well. Surround yourself with things that make you can easily use to entertain yourself during the day, and things that can help you to relax on a night.
And just a few more things here because I wasn't sure where to put them:
You know the whole "don't use your phone for at least an hour before bed!" stuff? Well, it's a good habit to get into if you don't already and are looking for better sleep. If you do use a phone (or some form of technology before bed) try and replace it with something like a book or a puzzle etc.
My sleep schedule is and always has been pretty abysmal, but I found it improved somewhat when I switched to using a weighted duvet, and then a weighted blanket. Unfortunately, they tend to be a bit pricey, and I understand they're not for everyone, but it's an option to potentially look into.
A more radical suggestion: painting your bedroom walls a cool colour (like blue or green) can help stimulate better sleep. I'm not suggesting overhauling and decorating your entire sleeping space, but it is certainly a more radical suggestion to consider.
Try not to consume a heavy meal or a lot of caffeine before bed. But don't go to bed hungry or thirsty!
If you find you nap a lot during the day, try and break the habit. Find things to keep you occupied during times when you feel drowsy (i.e. a puzzle). It can make maintaining a consistent bedtime easier.
I'm sorry if this is simply not relevant to you, anon, but I hope you got some use out of it and I apologise I cannot be of much more help. If anyone else would like to add/correct anything please feel free.
I wish you well and good luck with your routine!
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blackjackkent · 8 months
In true BG2 fashion, Aerie's next romance conversation popped DIRECTLY after the Ravager died but we're going to place it in time a little later, during their last long rest in the pocket plane before it dissolves.
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Sleeping in the pocket plane has become almost comfortable, after so many weeks of it. The stone ground is hard, but it is warm (too warm, really), and they have each carved out a small corner for their own use to catch a few fitful hours of rest in this last night before the final fight.
Caden is curled up with his back against the wall, Aerie nestled against his chest. He's half-asleep when she speaks, and his eyes flicker half-open at her voice, a slight smile touching his lips at the sound. Then the sense drifts in, and his eyes snap open, and he pushes himself up on one elbow with an expression of concern.
Dawn is approaching...what dawn can we see in hell...
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She takes his hand in both of hers, running her thumbs over his knuckles.
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They both cannot escape the knowledge that this is a platitude. However deep their connection...everything could fall apart tomorrow if they do not succeed in their quest -- and even if they do. But what else can he say?
We are united as one. Even if I die...my soul will remain with yours...
She smiles sadly, shifts her hand to brush her fingertips along his lips, up the curve of his jaw.
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She pushes herself into a sitting position, and tugs him to do the same, sitting up cross-legged facing her, their hands intertwined. Her expression is as earnest and intent as he has ever seen it.
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He looks around for a moment in silence. There is no horizon here. No sun. She is most likely correct, though, that in Faerun the dawn is breaking at this moment. And it's not the point anyway - the point is what she's asking him for. The oath, the moment of simplicity and ritual that can bind them just a little bit further together before the chaos finds them.
His voice is barely above a whisper and thick with emotion.
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He swallows, feeling a sudden lump in his throat that makes it hard for him to get the words out.
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He feels, suddenly, as if he might cry, but the joy in Aerie's eyes as she kisses him helps him keep control - barely. His fingers dig into her back, pulling her towards him with a sudden desperation.
Our life could have been perfect. This oath could have meant years and years...but it may end within hours. It isn't fair! It isn't fair...
She presses her face into his shoulder, holding him just as tightly to her.
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fantasykiri5 · 7 months
I just made the first ever post using my Reddit account to see if anyone knows what to do about this, but it fees worth putting here to. So. He is a list of things going wrong with my computer (copy pasted directly from my Reddit post):
- “i” key doesn’t work upon restart, instead the computer makes a little noise (I assume some sort of “error” or “you can’t do that” noise. It sounds like a little “plick!” type sound.) All other keys seem to work. Only appears as I start the computer up, happening while I’m logging in, hence I can’t see what characters are being input by working keys. May relate to next issue. Requires restart to fix.
- Keyboard randomly switches to special characters only. Requires restart for long fix, can be fixed for a couple minutes by toggling sticky keys on and off. Sticky keys trick only works sometimes. May be related to “i” key not working.
- Computer turns itself back on after I put it to sleep. My mom has reported this problem with her much newer Mac computer as well, but none of the others on this list.
- Computer doesn’t fall asleep naturally despite me having screensaver set to start after 1 minute of inactivity and display to fully shut off after 2 minutes, and to require password after 5 minutes. Only happens sometimes. Seemingly random, not affected by restart.
- When clicking between various open windows, window previously being used will disappear even thought it’s still shown as open by its toolbar icon. Clicking on the finder background also triggers this. If multiple finder folder windows are open, both/all with disappear when clicked off of, as well as when the red x button is clicked on one to close it. Requires restart to fix.
- Links in browsers such as google chrome cannot be opened, instead start automatically downloading. Requires restart to fix.
- Force quit window (from finder apple icon menu at top of screen) disappears after you quit the application you were attempting to quit, even if there are other applications still open.
- When something needs to be fixed via restart, and restart is clicked through the apple icon menu, restart initiates instantly instead of showing a pop up with a 1 minute countdown, as it would if the computer were behaving normally.
- If I’m using my phone (iPhone SE, running on iOS 16.6.1) and I have it open using safari, an icon shows up on my toolbar for google chrome saying it’s being used through my phone. I do not have the google chrome app on my phone. If I click the icon it does however open the correct link that is open on my phone, through google chrome. I do have safari still in my computer, I don’t think it can be removed, but I DO have chrome set to my default browser, so this may be an intended function. This does not change if I restart. I’ve also only noticed this today because I was charging my phone through my computer usb while at my desk, so it may only happen while my phone is plugged in.
- Often times, I will have to restart the computer between 1-3 times back-to-back before it works without these issues occurring. The last couple days it’s been a shorter amount of time without issues between each time I have to restart.
It’s a refurbished Mac desktop running on Ventura 13.6.1 as of when I’m writing this, I updated it today after ignoring the update prompt for a little while but the issues have not changed. I believe it was originally made in 2014, but I may remember incorrectly and I can’t find the original year in the “about this Mac” section.
This has been happening for months now, but it’s gotten worse over the last couple weeks, to the point where it’s hard to use for more than 5-10 minutes at a time without having to restart.
Any ideas? Personally, I think it might just be haunted.
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pmitchell · 2 years
HI LOVE! first of all, thank you for gracing us with plenty of hangman & maverick fics, you are truly a treasure!!! secondly, what do you think of maverick or hangman as a girl dad???? 🥺
Okay, I’m gonna do headcanons on this one because I have too many cute scenarios that I just cannot fit in a single-plot fic hahaha.
So here’s Maverick’s and Hangman as girl dads 🥰♥️
Pete “Maverick” Mitchell
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Maverick loves to always hold his daughter. Whether it’d be carrying her around, or just have her hold his hand. He would carry your daughter everywhere; he might partly be the reason your daughter doesn’t like to walk and prefer to crawl or scoot on her little butt on the floor.
He also loves having her asleep on his chest, even if you are trying to sleep-train her so that she could go down for naps and bedtime on her own. But he just loves cuddling with your daughter and having her sleep on him is so peaceful after a long day.
“Honey, it’s 1 in the morning, come to bed,” you said, watching him sleep on the rocking chair with her.
“Okay, just a few more minutes.”
He doesn’t really know the technical stuffs like changing a diaper or making the formula.
“Oh God,” he looks away when he opened the diaper. “OH NO SHE’S GETTING IT IN HER TOES!” He would yell and try to remove her wriggly legs and the dirty diaper.
When she’s a bit older, he would have such a hard time changing her into her sleepsuits because she would squirm a lot. Once he gets one leg in and tries to get the other one in, the other would pop out and she would twist and turn. “Bubba, stop moving, please,” he sighs and grabbing her while trying to quickly work on putting the PJs on.
One time while you’re away on a girl’s night, your daughter suddenly wakes up and starts crying. It’s not a big deal, she was just seeking for comfort and he would panic.
“Honey, she’s crying, what do I do?” He’d call you.
“Just hold her.”
“IT’S NOT WORKING!” He exclaims, panicking, even if he’s seen you soothe her plenty of times.
He would serenade her with songs from the 60s or 70s. If she’s mad at him and pouts in her room, he would coax her out of it by singing Elvis’ Are You Lonesome Tonight? outside of her bedroom until she lets him in.
He doesn’t really treat her like she’s fragile, because he’s the one who would teach her how to swim or ride a bike. Imagine her being a six-month-old, wearing a cute little bikini and him carrying her into the pool.
“You ready?” He asked, not that she could answer him. “One, two, three!” He went down in the water with her and came back up in a second. She came up and giggled as he wiped her face. “Good girl!” He exclaimed, lifting her up into the air as she giggled louder.
When she finally learns to walk, he would squat down a distance away as she walks to him. She’d lose her footing and fall, but he’d be so encouraging. “Uh oh! It’s alright, baby, just brush it off!” He said. Your daughter would stand back up and he would give her a big hug and spin her around when she finally reached him. “Good job, baby!”
If she’s got a boo-boo, she would hold onto you while Maverick fixes her up. Something he does would sting, making her jerk her leg and whine. “I know, baby. I know it hurts. Just a little bit more, okay?” He tries to comfort her.
She would always want him to read her bedtime stories. “You have to make the noises, Daddy!” She would tell him. “Alright, alright,” he says and begins to make all the animal noises that makes her laugh.
He’d start taking her on plane rides really early. Not the P-51, but something a little safer like a Cessna.
When she turns two, he would have her in the workshop with him while he fixes up planes. It’s like having a little assistant, except she doesn’t really do anything. When she is older, though, he would teach her how to pilot the six-seater planes and fix them up with him. It becomes their thing 🥹
He would always embarrass her with terrible dad jokes or the public singing and serenading thing. She would pretend she’s embarrassed, but she would secretly smile.
He would be the first person she wants when she has her first heartbreak or gets ditched by her date. He would hold her all night while she cries, calming her down. After she falls asleep, he would go into your room and start pacing because he was so mad that some boy would dare hurt his baby like that.
Jake “Hangman” Seresin
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His favorite thing to do is making a whole show during diaper changes like singing or dancing to her so that she’d remain entertained.
He would always use his baby voice whenever he’s talking to her.
“Kiss?” He would ask her, pouting his lips and then she would pout her lips and kiss him on the lips. “Thank you, baby,” he chuckles.
He show her off EVERYWHERE. And because she’s tiny and he has huge arms, he would only need to carry her with one arm.
He’s the type to not be able to get mad at her and you’d always have to be the bad cop. She would draw on walls, and he’d stop her but as soon as she cries he would apologize and then proceeds to draw on the walls with her.
“Babe! Why’d you do that?” You would protest.
“She was sad when I told her no. What should I have done?” He argued.
Hangman would sometimes be deployed on missions for long periods of time, and they’d have the best reunion.
“Daddyyyy!” She would run to him and crash into him for a big hug.
“Hi, baby girl. I missed you!” He would say, burying his nose into her little shoulder.
“I missed you too, Daddy,” she said, trying to hug his entire body with her tiny arms.
His idea of spending time with her is taking her to workout with him. He’d do pushups with her and she would not exactly do it right, but they’d be counting the pushups together.
He would show her some pull-ups and get her to do it, but he’d actually be lifting her up by her waist.
Hangman would dress her up for ballet class and struggle with pulling her hair into a sleek bun. You’d have to quickly redo it while he gets the car ready so that the other kids wouldn’t laugh at your daughter’s lopsided bun.
He would practice her ballet dances with her. She’d show him how to do the pliés and some twirls, and he’d do it with her. You recorded it on your phone and he made you swear to not send it to anyone. You sent it to Rooster, though.
Hangman would hold her during vaccinations but he wouldn’t be able to take it if she cries, and she always cries after an injection and it makes him feel terrible the whole day.
He’d stay with her and cuddle her all day, especially if she spikes a fever as a response.
She would cry in the middle of the night whenever he tries to put her down, so he would get in the cot with her and gets trapped there all night.
You peer into the your daughter’s room and saw him there. “Why are you in here?” You whisper.
“I live here now,” he chuckles, holding your baby close.
maverick taglist: @callsignsmaverick @flyinlove @jonginvlog @thisis-theway @typic4lpisces @nothing2113 @a-h-2008
hangman taglist: @dindjarinneedsahug @thespeeder @nothing2113 @hazelgirl355 @lgg5989 @bellamy1998
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catch-the-wind · 3 years
when reader is sick hc's p2
here's a link to part 1 uwu
so i'm still brainrotting over this and i would like to date almost every character rn~ i probably won't add more to this unprompted but if anyone wants a part 2 just shoot me an ask! <3
tags: gn!reader, xiao x reader, zhongli x reader, ningguang x reader, beidou x reader, kazuha x reader, amber x reader, keqing x reader, venti x reader, scaramouche x reader, thoma x reader
this man is so awkward goodbye
he’s really popping into the kitchen of wangshu inn like mr. smiley yanxiao i need an order of almond tofu and uhh whatever the hell it is sick people eat
asks cloud retainer if there’s a medicinal thing she’s created and hey can you fix my s/o
meanwhile his s/o is like xiao- xiao- XIAO- it’s a COLD i’ll SURVIVE, stop leaving me to find solutions and just come cuddle
so xiao cuddles <3 he’ll read to his partner but it’s likely he’s also just sitting there in silence holding his s/o
he likes the companionship, doesn’t talk much. comfy silence all around
his partner probably falls asleep on him at some point but he’s okay with it
he probably watches his partner while they rest and he’s super frowny because he hates seeing them in pain :(
but also the gentle forehead kisses while his partner rests <3
he tells zhongli that he needs time to be with his s/o while they’re ill. he makes it sound like his partner is dying which is...overdramatic but also he just wants to dote on them and make sure they’re okay
he asks verr goldet what things a sick person might want while his partner rests and then he tries to kinda sorta subtly ask for help getting them
tries to dote on his partner subtly but he’s so grumpy all the time LOL
n e ways he gives his partner smooches and cuddles and that’s all that matters uwu
he doesn’t even have to really say it to hu tao, she just knows he’s about to ask for a few days off. he does ask, ofc bc he’s following the protocols of social etiquette
he goes to his partner’s home or they’re in his for the entire time they’re sick
has a shopping list of foods for a sick person, also gets tea
has no mora to purchase anything on his shopping list so he hits up tartaglia LMAO
tartaglia comes w zhongli just to visit zhongli’s s/o
hu tao also comes to visit zhongli and co but he’s so wary of her because is she about to pull a prank- really she just brings him some tea he likes and wishes his s/o well <3 she probably sings to them too but it’s a little creepy if you listen to the lyrics LOL
this man is not reading his partner stories, they’re getting histories, pov morax. he knows so many little details that are lost in time but are kept safely in his memories
the man works out, tell me otherwise. he may choose his own body and he knows he has cake but the man works out and trains. he’s a god of WAR and he keeps himself in good shape. n e way he works out in the living room or backyard while his s/o is sick and he trains w just a shirt and pants and he’s so pretty aHEm i think my asthma is acting up again hang on
okay but muscles rippling and you can see it through the clothes that aren’t even that tight BUT BRO WHY ARE YOU GRUNTING SO MUCH PLEASE NO ONE ELSE DOES
would probably get his partner toys and such and one of them is a little dragon <3 give it smooches every day
he’s distracted when he answers hu tao or the adepti because he’s thinking ab his partner instead
the frown on her face when she finds out PHEW
she takes her partner’s temperature with the back of her hand and she’s all frowny all day. ganyu is lowkey concerned bc what’s the matter with lady ningguang-
her partner stays in ningguang’s home and she’s working from home for a while <3 there are millelith guards and members of the qixing popping into her home office and even beidou once or twice. bei is also worried ab ning’s partner, but she’s doing the hearty slap on the back and the “get well soon!”
ningguang ordering food from wanmin and xiangling personally delivering it <3 xiangling and guoba are both showing up with some hot soup and guoba is there for cuddles pls he’s so cute
ningguang will read to her partner, probably tells them about her day and entertains small talk until they fall asleep
she cooks some of her qiankun mora meat and tries to make her partner soup <3 the millelith and the qixing have never seen their tianquan in a kitchen working before but she would only ever do it for the people she loves
keqing is in the corner quietly shipping while munching golden shrimp balls goodbye
i think ningguang respects ganyu too much to force her to run around for stuff but ganyu probably likes ning’s partner enough to do it anyway
ning and cuddles and temple kisses and she won’t give her partner smooches on the lips :( but she’s soft for them so they get cheek kisses and spooning them to sleep
she stays at her partner’s place while they’re sick because the crux might make them feel seasick instead
but she goes back and forth to the crux to get her things and take care of business and such. her crew probably loves her partner so they have things for bei to bring back <3
bei doesn’t even leave her partner’s town but she’s got sango pearls, cecilias, qingxin, cor lapis jewelry, dendrobiums (even though those are like. blood flowers. they’re pretty it’s fine) and many many fruits
xiangling comes by with food for bei and co and sticks around to hear beidou telling her partner stories about her time at sea
beidou is. she’s so buff okay. she carries her partner in and out of the room and to the living room or kitchen or brings everything to her partner and you can see how defined her muscles are bye i’m in love with her
we already know bei learned to cook a little bit from xiangling but beidou is absolutely learning to cook more while her partner is sick. xiangling is there giving her cooking lessons while beidou’s partner watches <3 bei with that look of concentration and she’s so quick with the knives too i’m- okay but her spoonfeeding her partner?? *chef’s kiss* ;)
beidou puts too much pepper in a dish and it deffo clears sinuses LMAO but she tried and it actually does taste very good if you can handle your spice 🤷‍♀️ i cannot so find me with a gallon of milk later
n e ways beidou cuddles her partner to sleep and falls asleep as soon as she knows they’re resting <3 many cuddles and many kisses, even if they insist not to because cooties will get u sick bei 🥺
visits bubu’s pharmacy to get her partner’s medicine herself but also has remedies from other places too! zhongli deffo helps her with some other gifts for convalescents so it’s historically, traditionally and socially acceptable
is so worried omg
wherever his ass is, he’s going to his partner as soon as he finds out they’re sick. he’s so frowny and worried it’s almost cute but also,,,kazu it’s a cold, it’s FINE
he goes to collect qingxin and sweet flowers and stuff himself and makes his own poultices and soups and such <3
he shows up at his partner’s home with arms and buckets of flowers and herbs as soon as he possibly can. bei understands if he has to go tho, she gives him leave uwu
makes his partner soup and dried fish and gives them many smooches <3 they are not allowed out of bed LOL they just have to stay there and wait for him to dote on them
many many cuddles and smooches. he plays leaves and grass and recites poems for them he’s so cute <3 sigh, this man plays grass and i’m out here simping
also comes bearing gifts from wherever he was last tho. if he was on the crux, he’s probably got gifts from beidou and the crew even if they don’t really know kazu’s partner, they just know he’s happy and that’s what matters. if he’s not on the crux, his boss probably gives him leave and a gift or smth even if it’s just like a tea or a bottle of wine or smth
he’ll cuddle and be a blanket. but he’s also got fabrics that beidou picked up in inazuma and he uses that as a blanket for his partner <3
will tell his s/o stories of his childhood, his time wandering, his time with the crew, his work. anything they want to know or have questions about, he’ll tell them.
forehead kisses, temple kisses, holding his partner’s hand and pressing a kiss to the back of their hand ugh i love him
deffo gets sick because he can’t deny his partner smooches on the lips smh. and then it’s his partner’s turn to play nursemaid
the crew from the crux probably drops by to check on kazoo man and co. they bring some regional delicacies and blankets and their best cold remedies with a slap on the back for kazu and a gentler pat for his partner. like w ningguang’s partner, bei probably gives kazu’s s/o a hearty slap but it’s not enough to hurt them
anyway i’m in love with him
she’s so worried she’s such a sweetie omg
she goes to her partner immediately and fusses over them before they have to gently tell her that they’re fine
she goes to collect sweet flowers and stuff and goes to ohm, albedo and barbara for help making medicines and such
doesn’t want to leave her duties unattended to but jean also knows that amber wants to be with her s/o so she tells amber that she has fewer duties for her <3
jean tells kaeya to go make sure amber is doing okay and doesn’t need help or anything so he drags ohm, diluc, albedo and lisa too LOL
lisa was planning on going anyway, she just used diluc to carry her books w this opportunity <3 albedo is just treating amber’s partner w meds and potions and things and lisa takes a peek at that too
she’s so sad she doesn’t have ohm’s super cold skin so she can’t be a human cooling pack for her partner </3 but she gives them many smooches on cheeks and foreheads and temples
barely resists giving her partner kisses on the lips bc she still wants to go to work but also wants to give her partner what they need and sigh. it’s a struggle for amber
she wears pajamas and cuddles with her s/o <3
cooks her partner some (fully cooked!!) meals, not her specialty steak. but she makes soup and goes to good hunter and gets good hot food there too
wants to take some time off to help her partner feel better but also doesn’t want to leave work. ningguang probably sends her home at some point because she’s fretting and working and stop feeling so bad keqing, you have sick days
she still goes to work but she’s just taking marginally shorter days sigh, she goes home early instead but brings work home so she can do it while sitting with her partner
wears leisure clothes when at home with her partner but the fact that she has clothes she doesn’t use for work is shocking LMAO the cat ears stay tho ;) catgirl always
ganyu comes by with keqing’s work, some wanmin takeout and a card and gift for her partner <3
xiangling hears that keqing is home with her partner while they’re sick and brings food over to keqing’s. she’s got extra golden shrimp balls for keqing. AND AGAIN. GUOBA CUDDLES ❤️❤️❤️
keqing feels so bad for not doing as much work, she’s making herself almost as sick as her partner </3
ningguang comes over one night with beidou while keqing is doing work in bed while her partner is resting and she sees keqing stressed as all hell. she just gives keqing some food and tells her to actually rest. soft!ning and bei being moms god i love them
okay but keqing tucking her partner in with a sweet kiss before retreating to her work in the corner, the lamps turned to the lowest they can possibly be because keqing refuses to leave her beloved but can’t not do work
keqing trying to cook food for her partner that isn’t meant specifically for survival but for taste is so cute. she’s trying to cook golden shrimp balls and soup and stuff and she’s not bad at it! she took a single night of giving her s/o hot tea and some wanmin soup before she learned the whole cookbook so she can be the one to cook for them <3
he brings his partner wine u cannot tell me otherwise
he goes to diluc’s. not the tavern but straight up dawn winery and asks diluc if he can get a bottle of wine for his s/o and please please please he’ll go fight some of those slimes for you, please? with the big 🥺 and staying outside diluc’s window to beg bye
diluc just gives him the wine with a glare but won’t make venti do the commission <3 venti legit says “thank barbatos” and gives diluc an ~ehe~ before he gets ready to glide away. he turns around and asks diluc if he’s sure he can’t do the comm but diluc just glares at him all broody~
diluc comes by to check on venti’s partner too bc where does venti live- venti is just camping out at his partner’s place for now and feeding them and giving them wine and diluc just kinda goes a little pink but glares while he says “get well soon” and leaves a windwheel aster from near the winery
venti makes soup and many vegetable/fruity foods because “they’re good for you! have some wine with that ehe”
jean comes by at some point with barbara to check on venti and co. they’ve got other foods and some hydro healing for venti’s partner <3
ohm comes over to see his friend and brings him some medicines, food and wine. he gets to witness the anemo god get all soft and squooshy for his s/o it’s so sweet
he uses anemo to entertain his partner with some gentle breezes playing through leaves <3 but he also plays his lyre for them and gives them smooches in between and during songs because he’s a god ofc he isn’t gonna get sick, pay the bard with kisses. and where’s his gratuity :( 😗
he doesn’t read to his s/o but he does tell them stories with a musical accompaniment. sometimes his partner will fall asleep so he just smiles so softly and tucks them in and continues playing his lyre at the window while they sleep <3
but also brushing his partner’s hair back and giving them a kiss on the forehead please i love my beloved kinnie
n e ways venti forehead smooches and playing the lyre for his s/o <3 no cough meds ehe, just dandelion wine and whatever ohm gave him (that was, in fact, the cough medicine)
bro this dude looks like he CANNOT be assed but he really cares <3<3
his work schedule doesn’t change but he’s going to his s/o’s home super often with soup and food and medicine and extra blankets
even to his partner, scara looks broody but he always looks like that LOL
tartaglia finds out where scara is going and he brings food and toys and stuff too <3 scara later has to read one of the kids books tartaglia brought and he refuses to voices but it’s very sweet anyway
scara probably asks sandrone if his doctor brother can get him some good cold medicine but would never admit that he asked ohm for help LOL. ohm shows up anyway and finds out <3
can and will cook soup but that’s all you’re getting from him. the takeout he brought is most definitely not something he made, no sir’am he would never do something as soft as cook for them. soup doesn’t count, it’s oboiling water with some added flavor, shut up tartagalicious he’s not soft
will give his partner kisses only after he thinks they’re asleep. refuses to give them any affection besides a headpat or two and maybe one hug when he shows real concern. his partner isn’t quite yet asleep one time and then feigns sleeping when they hear scara’s whispered “i love you” and he presses a kiss to their forehead 🥺❤️
he takes off his hat inside the house but will go around with a blanket around his shoulders to mock his partner smh. the blanket is on his head like a hood and he fake sniffles with an almost derisive laugh but he gives his partner a real smile at the end <3
9/10 times will never admit that he’s soft unless it’s a Very Serious Moment but he’s a squishy dood for his s/o and his s/o only
will not read or sing to his partner but he’ll sorta cuddle if they ask very nicely and many times. it’s just kind of him sitting next to them and they kind of have to muzzle before he’ll move his arm for his own comfort LMAO
will bring his partner gifts and food, a few flowers but he’ll just claim he’s delivering it from someone else with a look of fake disgust </3 maybe like two of those are actually from other ppl and not him
when his partner is actually feeling really sick, he won’t be a big smol meanie and he actually looks so concerned~ his partner means a lot to him and he doesn’t want them to feel sick or in pain so he’ll cuddle them unprompted and rub their back, run his hand thru their hair, soft forehead and temple kisses and “i’m here, baby” and “i love you” and falling asleep with his partner tucked under his chin <3 he’s actually so sweet bye 😭
thoma feels so bad when his partner is sick. it isn’t even his fault but he feels so bad because he wants to protect them, even from tiny little germs 😭 i’m sorry u can’t be my immune system thoma it’s FINE
he asks to take off work and ayaka just kinda sighs but smiles and waves a hand to dismiss him bc yes ofc you can, simp
ayato just laughs when he sees this LMAO BYE
thoma’s partner stays at his home, in his bed or a guest room (idk if he has his own place or stays w the kamisatos as their literal live-in maid but anyway)
his partner gets his care, any doctors or caretakers around ritou, the medic from the crux, the kamisato family doctor- this man is using some of his favors for medicine and then cuddling his s/o, ugh i want to date him sm
both kamisatos come by with some food for thoma and co but poor ayato can’t even keep his grin contained, poor thoma is conditioned to be nervous ab what ayato feeds him LOL
he’s cooking for his partner, legit gives them a list of options and an “anything you want, my love?”
cuddles his s/o even tho they might protest but it takes like 0.2 seconds to stop protesting bc that man is comfy
tells his partner stories about what it was like back home in mondstadt and his journey to inazuma and why he’s there as well as his stories about all the different kinds of people he’s met
taroumaru coming w kozue to the kamisato estate to get some hot tea to thoma 🥺 and the cuddles and nuzzles from this great doggo for thoma before he turns to his partner too 😭 straight up jumps in the bed and licks their faces a little before nuzzling in for a hug
n e way thoma gives a lot of hugs and kisses and cuddles and i think he’s hella touchy-feely and misses home and treasures his partner even more because of it
my beautiful red shield ❤️
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twistedmusings · 3 years
Petting Dorm
A/N: I petted my cat for a good thirty minutes yesterday while I was watching the translation for the camp event and...surely the Savannaclaw members must like at least some pets, right? Like they must really want some pets after a good long hard day. Warnings: None, just descriptions of petting and three very happy boys u wu
The Savannaclaw members watch on as Grim gets the petting of a lifetime, wondering when the hell it is going to be their turn.
“Grim you are acting so spoiled.”
“Nyaha~! I deserve to be spoiled today! I aced my test while Ace and Deuce failed and me and Epel got a good grade in the potions assignment today!”
Grim leans back into your touch as you rub all the way to the tip of his ears before going right back down again. He lets out a happy grunt as his little foot starts to twitch, your hands now massaging right under his ears and near his cheeks before scratching right near the nape of his neck.
“Fgnaa...go a little lower!”
“Ah~! I really needed this. This is the reason I made you my henchman, [Y/N]”
“Because of how much I’m petting you?”
You press a kiss to Grim’s face, the other complaining for a moment before smiling as your finger rubs right on the top of his head. The two Ramshackle residents keep talking as they sit in the middle of the Savannaclaw lounge, many eyes staring at them but three sets of eyes in particular glaring at the cat currently laying his entire body on one of their pillows.
“[Y/N]-san...” Jack speaks up first as he watches Grim’s leg give another twitch, his eyes not even looking at you but focusing entirely on your hands.
“Did you…” the wolf man can practically feel a shiver down his spine as you rub right under Grim’s ears, “Did you...uh...did you bring the assignment?”
“I did.” you play with Grim’s tail before running your hand up and down his back, “I thought you said you wanted to start when Ace and Deuce got here though.”
Leona growls when Grim lets out another satisfied sigh, watching your hands go right back up to play with his ears as you press the tips of them together and then watch them go back to their normal place.
“What is even keeping them so long?”
You shrug and rub a little circle right on Grim’s forehead, Ruggie following the movement with his head as he closed his eyes.
He could almost feel it--
Another slow and agonizing five minutes later and you sigh, shaking the shivers out of your hands as Grim is finally asleep, leg up in the air as you pull away from him and pull out your phone.
“Knowing those two they probably forgot…” you shake your head and stand up, “I’ll go get them--”
All Savanna claw members stand up as they lean towards you, eyes wide with different emotions as you do your best to understand their sudden outburst.
“What’s...what’s wrong?”
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“You’re not leaving.”
You blink and point to the exit.
“I’ll only be gone for a couple of minutes, I’m not going to take long--”
“Sit down.”
It was frustrating that you couldn’t disobey this man even if you wanted to. The way he did anything was just so annoyingly confident that you weren’t even surprised when you simply sat down on whatever chair was available before Leona plopped himself in front of you and put his head on your lap.
“You have a lot of nerve petting that raccoon in front of me.” he glares at you before closing his eyes and leaning further back, ears twitching expectantly as you look down at him in, well, rather justified confusion.
“I’m...sorry?” you put your hands up and look at Jack and Ruggie, “I honestly do not know what to do, what is he talking about?”
You can practically feel Leona’s growl against you as he grabs your hands and puts them on his hair, letting your fingers reach deep into the dark waves as he visibly relaxes and lets you go.
“Whatever the hell you did to that cat monstrosity you better do for me...and if it isn’t as good that it makes me fall asleep in five minutes then I’ll be using you as one of my pillows.”
What...the hell?
Your eyes look over at Ruggie and Jack but they don’t even seem to be paying attention to you, simply looking on as you start to do some of the things you remembered doing for Grim.
He smiles as the petting finally starts, his ears being played with gently before your hands rub the tips and press them flat on his head. They give a solid twitch as they pop back up, twitching once again as they pick up your slight chuckling.
Now he understood why the raccoon had been so vocal about this treatment. Feeling your hands reach right under his ears and scratch made him let out a happy groan, tilting his head back as he gave you more room to play with.
You scratch the back of his head with one hand while the other does little cross shapes on his forehead, Leona opening his eyes to watch you work so diligently on putting him to sleep.
“Is this something you do every day for that thing?”
“His name is Grim.” you say and go back to playing with his ears, “And no, not all days. Only when he does really good.”
Leona closes his eyes as he moves his head to the right as your fingers scratch one spot in particular.
“Is that all it takes?”
“Yeah...I mean it keeps him motivated.”
He stays quiet for a few seconds before speaking up again.
“I stayed awake during one of Crewel’s lectures.”
You stop scratching to look down at him, amazed at what he just told you.
There was no way that was true.
“As in fully awake? Listening to the lecture awake?”
“...what was the lecture about?”
Leona yawns and opens one eye to look at you.
“Advanced Magical History.”
You frown knowing for a fact that you cannot quiz him on anything since you still weren’t in that class. The reason for him telling you this was lost on you for a moment before you looked down in surprise and realized what this really was about.
No way...
Had he told you about that...just to justify you petting him?
“That’s really good Leona-senpai” you test the waters carefully, running your hand through his hair as he tilted his head back so he could feel the pull of your hands a bit more. Your eyes widen when the dorm leader nods along to the rather shallow praises you were sending his way.
“I didn’t know you were such a hard worker.”
“Or able to stay awake for so long.”
“I always thought you were just a lazy lion who liked to sleep all day.”
It takes your entire will of strength to not laugh at Leona’s face. This man usually had his guard up so much that no one could ever get a read on him but give him some scratches and he opened up like a kitten to a new owner?
You knew you had blackmail material in your hands but the prospect of using it was still rather terrifying.
Leona’s threats should never be taken lightly.
You finish by rubbing his ears and letting go, the dorm leader’s head lolling forward as you stand up and grab whatever cushion you can get your hands on and putting it under his head so that you can lay him on the ground softly.
That was...weird.
“...I’m going to get Ace and Deuce now. If we don’t finish this assignment we are going to be screwed."
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What should he say? He had just called your name out randomly and put himself in danger of waking up Leona. Dammit think of something, Ruggie!
He seems to come up with an answer as his usual playful smile comes back, standing up and walking over to you as his tail wags slightly.
“I can go get them for you.”
You smile and take his hands, shaking them twice before plopping yourself down on another available seat.
“Ruggie-senpai you are so nice! I think they might be at Heartslabyul? Ace might have dragged Deuce in on a game of cards or they most likely got caught doing something they shouldn’t. If you have any problems just text--Ruggie-senpai?”
Blue gray eyes look up at you, Ruggie’s trademark smile shining up at you as he giggles.
“Shishishi...you really think I wouldn’t do this without a price, [Y/N]-san?”
He grins and grabs your hands again, putting them right under his ears as he closes his eyes.
“Ruggie-senpai our assignment--!”
“Five minutes! That’s plenty of payment for the walk I’m about to do all the way to Heartslabyul!”
“It isn’t that long of a walk!?”
Ruggie shrugs as moves his head so that it is at the most comfortable position on your lap.
“Hm, but I also will have to walk all the way back to Savannaclaw so maybe it should be ten…”
You should stop talking at this point or else the times were going to go up higher, your hands getting to work as you scratch right in between his ears, Ruggie’s grin melting into a satisfied smile as you dug your fingers into his hair and started to scratch right under his scalp which earned you a giggle.
This sort of petting was so different than the ones he would use to get in the Afterglow. Just some slum kids trying to give each other love and affection because in the end, they all needed it after a hard day. Petting someone like this was a sign of close friendship and even romance, if done with that intent, but Ruggie never thought humans would be any good at it.
Yet the way your hands rubbed small circles right on his forehead, the very action you had done to Grim, he was still surprised he was half awake and not falling asleep on your lap.
“Mmm...is there anything else that needs to get done, [Y/N]?”
You smile when you see him so relaxed, surprised at how comfortable he looked. This hyena ran around the school doing errand after errand and getting buck after buck. It was almost inspiring if it wasn’t for the fact that some of his dealing weren't necessarily...legal?
Not like you knew about law in Twisted Wonderland so you let it pass.
“Not really, not for me anyway.”
Ruggie pouts but still melts when you run your fingers through his hair, starting right at his forehead and working all the way to the back. His ears twitched as you rubbed the tips before pressing both of them together.
“Well I am not charging for the walk back but if you want me to wrangle up those two first years I should charge a bit more, so when I come back I want what Leona-san got--”
“Ruggie-senpai it’s been five minutes.”
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Jack’s tail is curled around him while he looks away, his eyes only barely making contact with yours as he looked at Ruggie and then back at, well, nothing.
Ruggie clicks his tongue before standing up and shrugging.
“Fine. I guess I will take that as a down payment.” he grins at you, “I will take the full payment later!”
You want to ask just what kind of payment he was talking about but you decide to keep quiet because that man would find some way to convince you that, yes, you do owe him something and that your payment was going to not be your money but your time.
And you didn’t have a lot of that to be spending it all in one place.
He walks off and you lean back, smiling as your hands finally get a break. Grim’s fur was always so silky and if you were to compare it you would say it was the same as Leona’s hair but Ruggie’s was definitely a bit more rough. It wasn’t a bad sort of rough but you figured this was the difference between long haired and short haired animals.
Although since Leona was a lion wouldn’t he also have short hair? Or was his hair more like his mane?
And what about Jack?
You turn towards your friend, tilting your head as you catch him staring.
“I don’t know why but I always feel like I have to apologize for Ace and Deuce, Jack. Maybe it’s because I met them first?”
He shakes his head, “You shouldn’t apologize for their actions.”
“Well they are also my friends so...I figured I could do this much for them.”
You wiggle your fingers in front of your face as you send Jack a teasing smile, “Want me to pet you too?”
The wolf’s tail goes right up before Jack pushes it back down with a growl, his cheeks burning a beautiful bright red as he answers back.
“We should just wait for Ace and Deuce, I want to get this assignment done already.”
“Me too. But it’s going to be a few minutes before they come back.”
You are already standing up when Jack complains, telling you that you really didn’t need to do any sort of things like that for him and that he was perfectly fine and didn’t want to get distracted--!
“You’re the only one who didn’t force me to pet him, Jack. Just relax and unwind!” you smile and sit right behind him and open your legs so that you could pull him back and let his head rest on your stomach. His neck now burns bright red as you scratch right under his ears which only served to make his leg bounce slightly while he slowly got accustomed to your touches.
He wondered if you would pet him when he was using his unique magic as well, although knowing him he would get on his back and present his stomach if it started feeling this good and he didn’t want Ace, Deuce or even you teasing him about it! It wasn’t that his was enjoying this to that point--!
It’s just that somehow you knew just what spots to scratch and for how long to scratch them that he was starting to feel weak.
“Hm. So you would be a long hair…” you mutter to yourself as Jack closes his eyes, pressing his cheek against your palm as you rub circles right on his temples, “I think I like your hair the most...but maybe I’m just playing favourites here.”
The wolf wants to ask you a bit more about him being your possible favourite from the Savannaclaw dorm but his jaw snaps shut when he sees his dorm leader start to get up, glaring at the two of you with a dry smile.
“So you’re the favourite, huh?”
Jack blinks as he looks back at you and then at Leona.
The lion moves closer as he presses his body right against Jack’s shoulder, grabbing one of your legs and putting it over his own shoulder so that you would fit both of them in between.
“Ow--! Owowowowow--I’m not that flexible, Leona-senpai!!”
“He got his turn and now I want another one. Get to work, herbivore.”
The three of you look to see Ruggie pointing an accusatory finger in your direction.
“What are you hogging [Y/N] for! They still owe me! Move over!”
He shoves at Jack’s unoccupied shoulder, trying to make his way into the little nest as you feel your other leg being raised up--!
“Stop! What in the world do you think I am--and where is Ace and Deuce!?”
Ruggie blinks before looking around.
“Oh right...I was supposed to go get them.”
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aziraphales-library · 2 years
Do you happen to know of any fics where Aziraphale is in peril (genuine, not something he could miracle himself out of if he wanted to) and Crowley is protective? Something romantic/suspensy with kidnapping/stalking/etc. Please ignore if this is not your cup of tea. 👉👈
You might be interested in taking a look at our #protective crowley and/or #aziraphale whump tags for more fics along these lines! For now here are some that fit the bill...
Hands Off by dragonimp (T)
“Crowley, I’m exhausted! Even if I wanted to, I won’t be ‘popping’ anywhere!”
“Shitshitshit—” Crowley slumped to his knees, head bowed as he thought. “Okay. Okay—I think—I think I know how to get out of this. But it’s not gonna be pleasant. And I know it’s asking a lot for you to trust me—”
An Illuminating Encounter by EdosianOrchids901 (T)
While reading at a Wessex monastery, Aziraphale is attacked by raiders. He’s seriously injured, bleeding out, and too weak to escape the burning building. But a certain demon is in the area, and he dashes into the flames to rescue Aziraphale.
Don’t fall Asleep in the Snow (even if you're wearing Pajamas) by Zeckarin (T)
Aziraphale is visiting one of his old friends while Crowley takes one of his longish naps. But the angel suddenly finds himself in a bit of a predicament. Will Crowley get to him in time to save the day?
Forget Me Not by AlatusNora (T)
This was all wrong. Aziraphale could feel it deep within his being. Somehow, all of this was wrong: A sudden shift to a desk job in Heaven, Gabriel’s unreadable looks and fake smiles... He’d been told the job change would be more suited to his style and Aziraphale was too scared to disagree. Besides, he never liked fighting, and who would want to battle demons like Crowley for eternity? Except… Aziraphale doesn’t recognize the name, yet cannot shake the nagging feeling that he should.
I’ve Got You by caffeinefire (T)
Aziraphale felt the change in the air, a burst of power and a whiff of ozone. He spun, and jumped when he came face to face with Gabriel leering cheerfully over his right shoulder.
“Aziraphale!” he smiled as if greeting an old friend, then clapped his hands together loudly, so close it made Aziraphale flinch. “You’re early, so glad you could make it.” He began to walk around him, admiring the circle beneath his feet, careful not to cross it. It posed no real danger to him, it had already been activated, but crossing the bounds of an active circle was never a fun experience.
“Gabriel,” his voice wavered despite his best efforts. “What is the meaning of this?”
Hellfire didn't work, but Heaven has one more idea. And this time, they're going to force Crowley to watch.
To Guard and Fall, To Fall and Guard by rocks_and_mountains (M)
“Tell me.” Crowley lent forward to grip his lapels, pushing Aziraphale back into the sofa cushions. “Tell you remember something of the last 6000 years…” Of me, was the silent plea, please tell me you remember something of me.
Aziraphale loses his memory after an accident, and keeps getting into trouble. It's lucky his redheaded guardian angel is always there to watch out for him. Crowley loses his best friend, again and is determined to find answers, whilst protecting him from harm. Heaven aren't going to let an opportunity like this pass to punish the rebel principality.
- Mod D
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hertzwritings · 2 years
To you
A/N: I had an idea and it won’t leave my brain. Don’t worry, you’re still getting prompts and requests and WIPS, I just needed this out of my head. It’s kind of a different way of doing things, so I hope you guys will love it, because I genuinely loved writing this so much. It really is a VERY different way of writing for me, and i really hope you guys will take it well.  Also, this came idea was born from a conversation I had with my favorite baker/pirate fairy. You know who you are.
You can buy me a coffee here, and I’ll write you a personalized anything – whatever you want, you’ll get!
I love y’all so freaking much. Thank you for your support. Remember, feedback feeds the soul (mine, in particular), and my requests and askbox are always open – there’s no limits, because I am me and I have none.
Pairing: Henry Cavill x (gender-neutral) reader
Contains: Slight language, fluff, written form
W.C.: 2.000
 To you
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You unfolded the letter in your hand, settled comfortably in the chair facing the setting sun, a cup of tea steaming on the table next to you and drew a deep breath, a smile lingering on your lips as you saw his handwriting. He always did like to do things in an old-fashioned way.
My love.
I know I could just pick up the phone and call you, even see you, but for some reason, I lose any semblance of thinking and speech when I see your face. I thought a letter might make you see just how much I miss and love you.
It’s been almost a month since I’ve had a chance to hold you. Feel you. Sense you. It wrecks me every day, that I can’t, although I’m well aware that it’s for a limited time, it doesn’t lessen the hurt or the deprivation I feel.
I thought of something today, as I walked through cobblestone streets, the sun warming my back. I saw a woman, who just had her head angled up to the sun, smiling at it, and it reminded me so much of you, my love. The way you smile. You have the most beautiful smile, I’ve ever known. I never told you this, but God, it’s the first thing I fell in love with. It’s so secretive at first, barely a smile, really, but then your lips curl, the right side before the left, and then you break into this wide smile, that rivals the warmth of a thousand suns. It’s my favorite thing to see.
That smile is one thing, but the other one, the one you reserve just for me? I could live in it. It’s the single most perfect thing, I’ve ever had the absolute pleasure of seeing. You don’t see it yourself, but it’s the one you give me when you’re right between awake and asleep, while morning light streams in from outside. It’s soft and gentle and your lower lip just out a little bit, before you open your eyes and find me. Then you smile fully, and a little dimple pops out, and I have lost myself in the memory of that smile for ages.
I wish I could adequately describe my love for you, I truly do. I don’t believe there’s words enough in the world, nothing grand enough, to encompass the way I love you. Trust me, I’ve tried, and one day I might be better with words, and I’ll use only the good words to describe my love, or the way I love you, right. For now, I hope you’ll bear with me, while I try my hardest.
I love you in the same way as the blind man loves the sun. He never sees the beauty of it, oh, but he feels it. The warmth, that radiates from beyond, the gentle winds the sun brings with it. It’s like a caress with fingers, that ghost across your forehead, that wind. That’s the way it feels to love you. It’s as effortless as breathing, just as instinctual, loving you. It’s the easiest thing, I’ve ever done, falling in love with you. No, not falling, walking willingly from a ledge, and plummeting endlessly into the great expanse of the world, because it was you. Your world.
You’re the sun, the moon, the stars and the very air I breathe, my darling. I am thankful and so lucky to somehow be weaved into your life and you as you are, because I cannot for a single second imagine how I would ever breathe freely without you. I have a hard time remembering how I did it before I met you. I love you. I love in the same way as children laugh with their whole body, all teeth and laughter, no care or worry. It’s as effortless and joyful as I exist in this world, to love you.
You are effervescent and everlasting to me. When I close my eyes, I see your eyes. When I smile, it’s an extension of yours. I am truly weaved completely into you, and you are now in my cells, my very being, and I’d be remiss if I didn’t tell you that. I believe in finding people in life, that somehow guide you to a new path. You didn’t guide me to a new path, you were a new path. You cleaved your way through a dense forest, making a trail without a single stone, branch, or leaf on the ground, and held my hand. I’ve never looked back, you know.
I’d happily be falling for an eternity, because I know it would somehow lead to you. My heart has always been yours, fully and without a doubt or a worry, even before I knew you. I think, if I’m being honest, you’ve held my heart in your hands since the day I was born. It never really belonged to me, did it? It was yours to keep from the very first time, it gave a beat. Held in your soft hands. You hold it like you would hold a butterfly, so gently and cautiously, because you somehow just know what it needs. You’ve always known.
I’d walk through an endless desert to find you, my love. I have, it feels like. You are my haven, the absolute and final ending to everything, I’ve ever done. I believe every step I’ve ever taken has led me straight to you, and I sometimes curse myself for not walking faster, because I would give my soul to spend a moment more with you. There will never be time enough for me, I will never have years enough, even if we both lived to see the world end. No, it wouldn’t be, my love, because it would end, and I can’t have a world exist anywhere without you in it.
If there’s any truth to, it’s the stars. They can’t lie, and they exist in a different reality, it would seem sometimes. You are my stars, the only truth that would ever matter.
I miss you. God, I miss you. I miss the simple things, like the way your thumb always rests on my wrist, when I hold your hand. The way you laugh, because it is a string of pearls, that just float through me. The way you hold me at night, like I would run during the night, and you need to make sure I stay in place. I will never, ever leave. Just in case you didn’t know. My home is you.
The night has fallen here now, and it’s a little past midnight now. It means a day less until I see your beautiful face, your eyes full of stars, and feel you in my arms again.
I love you, my forever. Because that’s what you are. Forever etched into me, forever holding my heart, forever. You, my love, are the reason I can breathe.
I’ll see you soon, darling.
PS: Please kiss Kal on the head for me. I promise, he’ll kiss you right back for me, as well.
 You folded the letter again, clutching it to your chest with a smile on your lips. Your tea had grown cold, but it didn’t matter much to you.
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