#but if anyone actually ends up doing something pls tag cause I want to see
meyerlansky · 9 days
for wip title meme - Stalag shit pretty pls!
tagging @sluttyhenley and @redbelles since you guys asked about it to AND ALSO
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bell you're getting called OUT 😈
sooo this is actually the first thing i started writing for mota and it was an unclog-the-pipe kind of idea and is self-indulgent with regards to wanting more bucky whump. i may actually never post it in totality for... a couple reasons, but i actually did a fuckton of research into how the stalags were run and kriegie culture inside of them, so it was a good exercise on a lot of levels even if it never sees the light of day. because it's sort of backburnered, that means i feel more comfortable posting BIG CHUNKS OF IT 🎉 but uh, that said, this one IS going under a cut because in addition to there being a lot of it, it's. dark.
cw noncon and psychological torture, you can probably guess where this is headed. the structure i settled into with this one is gale POV for the first part, wherein Something Is Wrong With Bucky:
Bucky shrugs, a quick, smooth shuffle of his shoulders that’s as big a lie as what’s coming out of his mouth. “Krauts get a little rough sometimes. Nothing anyone else didn't get.”
“They didn't do anything to me,” Gale says, every word feeling heavier than the last, pulling him down. “Just asked me some questions.”
Two things happen then. Something in Bucky’s face twitches, a flinch stealing over it so quick Gale barely catches it. But his shoulders drop, just a bit, some tension leaving him. Gale for the life of him can’t make sense of it.
“‘Course not, Buck,” Bucky says, light, easy, like Gale doesn't have a pit the size of the Atlantic opening up in his gut, cold flooding in. “Who'd wanna damage that pretty face of yours?”
From any of the boys, there might be some bitterness in it—it’s not like Gale doesn't know some of the goons cut him a break, ’cause of rank or coloring or whatever else. From John there’s just… relief. It feels wrong. The pit yawns wider, and the water gets higher. “Roughed yours up, though,” he says, the words feeling distant as he remembers the black eye John was sporting, that first day. The way John had grabbed his chin, tilted his head around, looking for something. Something like the beating he got, maybe.
That's what Gale had thought at the time. Now he’s not so sure that’s where it ended.
Bucky’s eyes go dark again, as distant and near-drowned as Gale feels, so he claws his way back. Tries, anyway. “Yeah, well,” John mutters, “better me than you.”
and what's wrong is not only was bucky sexually assaulted post-interrogation, but the guards told him they did the same to gale when he passed through the dulag, and he spends months beating himself up about not being there and being able to take it instead of gale, until he says something about it and gale's like ??? and bucky realizes it WAS instead but now gale KNOWS. second part's bucky's POV of the assault, so it's not chronological, and maybe it doesn't need to be shown/written at all but i wanted to because i like whump.
He’s got a headache the size of Texas, blood—his own, his own, not some kid in a cart’s, they let him wipe that off, so what's left is just his own, thank Christ—itching as it dries behind his ear, and a pit in his chest every time he thinks about Bremen and London and Russelheim and the way the woods smelled when he was running through them, clean and green and endless—
The door slams open, and Bucky gets two seconds to berate himself for jumping, for being so in his own head he didn't hear them coming, before one of the goons grabs his arm and yanks him up, spinning him to face the wall. Turns his head to the window on instinct, but the light spilling in catches him off guard and sends a new wave of pain spiking through his skull.
“Heya, fellas. Couldn't get enough, huh?” He shoots over his shoulder, hands up but grinning like nothing’s wrong, like he’s back at Thorpe Abbotts joking with the boys.
(Later on, he’ll wonder if that was what did it. If he’d just kept his eyes forward, his mouth shut, if they’d have—)
and the third part's gale POV again, after their little yard spat and is........ kind of recovery? inasmuch as one is capable of recovering while still stuck in a POW camp and going crazy with fear because no one takes your warnings about needing to get the fuck out seriously, and also your best friend punching you in the face is the most normal you've felt in almost a year:
“I’m sorry.”
The noise that comes out of Bucky’s bunk is barely human, a snarl more suited to Meatball, or the Kraut’s dogs. “You’re sorry,” Bucky snarls. “You are a real piece of work, Buck.”
He rolls over, kicks his legs out of the bunk, boots on, to glare up at Gale. “Saint Cleven,” he sneers, and he’s just pissed and it's nothing Gale hasn't heard before, but it still stings a bit. “I pick a fight and you’re the one who's sorry.” His eye’s already swelling up, purpling a bit at the edge. Again. Gale’s stomach roils looking at it. “It’s not bad enough that’s the first time you’ve treated me like normal—”
“Hittin’ you ain’t normal,” he bites out, before he can stop himself. He scrubs his hand over his eyes, just for a second, and when he looks back John's anger has dimmed a bit, banked coals instead of the inferno.
“It’s better than whatever the hell you’ve been doing the last few weeks.”
How’s that?” Gale says, sharper than he means to. Whatever he means, there’s nothing better in hurting Bucky. Not when he’s already had plenty more than his fair share.
“You won't touch me, Buck!” It’s hissed through John’s teeth but it hits him with all the force of a baseball bat to the face. It sits between them for a moment, heavy.
“That's not true,” he mutters, but there’s no strength in it, and John barely dignifies it with a scoff.
He tries again. “I didn't think you’d want…” He trails off, feeling stupid even as the words come out of his mouth. Bucky can't go ten minutes without slinging his arm around a pal’s neck, a clap on a shoulder, an elbow in someone’s side to get their attention. He couldn't, anyway. Before all this
“The hell d’you know about what I want,” Bucky snaps, like he doesn't wear every thought on his face clear as day. “I'm damaged goods, I get it, but I’m not some china doll—”
“You’re not damaged goods,” Gale shouts, the words bursting out of him like water from a burst pipe and loud enough to make John flinch back, shock all over his face.
sooo yeah! that's stalag shit! if i do ever get it done, i think it'll need some revisiting on the characterization, but honestly probably not that much. it is however the only purely-clegan wip i have, which means it would probably do better than alllllllll my other stuff even WITH the caveat that it's dark content. which is very funny to me in a bitter sort of way.
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red-man-of-mustache · 6 months
Meet the Mun
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ᴡʜᴀᴛ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘɪᴄᴋ ᴜᴘ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛ ᴍᴜꜱᴇ(ꜱ) ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ?
Mario has been a fixture in my life since my fifth birthday. Mario 64 was my first Mario game actually! There's just something about his happy-go-lucky attitude and ability to persevere that I find inspiring. Comforting even. Originally, I wasn't even eyeing tumblr but my girlfriend at the time all the way back in the prehistoric age of 2014 suggested I make a blog. I decided to pick up Mario on a whim and have stuck with him(on & off mind you) since!
ɪꜱ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ?
Smut. Sometimes I find it to be cumbersome. I don't lead with this objection because sometimes it's over quickly but other times I'm just not into it. And angst! Angst exhausts me.
ɪꜱ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ʀᴇᴀʟʟʏ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏ ᴡʀɪᴛɪɴɢ?
Action! I love seeing how characters react in tense situation(despite what I just said about angst). I also like a bit of fluff because c'mon, I'm sure we could all use some relief from the outside world. It's kinda scary.
ʜᴏᴡ ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴜᴘ ᴡɪᴛʜ ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴꜱ?
I try to start off slow. What I mean is I look at what we got in canon, side content(comics,shows, etc) and reasonably merge the concepts where they can mesh. Then I draw conclusions from that! Other times when I'm doing research on certain aspects on Mario's character such as plumbing, being a physician, his italian heritage, etc I pick parts from it and mentally labor over how they apply to him. Really, it's like a little Mario calculator is in my head and I see how the info I'm gathering reacts with what I already know.
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ ɪɴ ꜱɪʟᴇɴᴄᴇ ᴏʀ ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘʟᴀʏ ᴍᴜꜱɪᴄ?
Anytime I try writing with music doesn't end well. I always focus more on what I'm writing rather than the song. Podcasts work best.
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘʟᴀɴ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʀᴇᴘʟɪᴇꜱ ᴏʀ ᴡɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇᴍ?
I'm almost always winging it out. I open up the reply/draft and just let things flow.
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏ ꜱʜɪᴘᴘɪɴɢ?
I'd ship Mario with a tree if it could talk back.
ᴡʜᴀᴛ'ꜱ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴀʟɪᴀꜱ/ɴᴀᴍᴇ?
Papa Pasta
Just turned 28!
February 7th
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ᴄᴏʟᴏʀ(ꜱ)?
Lavender, red, and orange
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜱᴏɴɢ(ꜱ)?
I got deep into Tame Impala a while ago. Favorite song by far from him: Cause I'm a man. Right after that is "New Person/Same Old Mistakes". Another favorite of mine is Close In The Distance from Final Fantasy XIV
ʟᴀꜱᴛ ᴍᴏᴠɪᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜᴇᴅ?
Final Destination. Wanted to see if it was as good as it was when I was a kid. Not disappointed.
ʟᴀꜱᴛ ꜱʜᴏᴡ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜᴇᴅ?
Centaur World! Very cute show
ʟᴀꜱᴛ ꜱᴏɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ʟɪꜱᴛᴇɴᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ?
On Melancholy Hill by Gorillaz
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜰᴏᴏᴅ?
Spaghetti & Meatballs!!!
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜱᴇᴀꜱᴏɴ?
Fall. I like watching the trees shed their leaves
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ ʙᴇꜱᴛ ꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅ?
Hmmmm, definitely have to say @thehouseofivo. Him & Julian have been with me since the very beginning. I'm having a little trouble remembering exactly how things started off between us but it's been so long! We've kept in contact outside of tumblr and things fell apart a few years ago when I was deep in my pit but we picked up right where we left off pretty much recently! He's a real nice guy and I'd do anything in my power to help him along! Give him a follow if you haven't already, you won't be disappointed! One thing I don't see too often on here is a coherent continuity. (If you know any other blogs that do this then pls pls pls tell me) Most threads he does will go into the development of Julian somehow.
tagged by NOBODY stolen from @lultimagoccia uhhhhhh I'mma tag @thehouseofivo @adara-of-the-flame @timid-plumber @atimelesslullaby @musescfmusic & anyone else who wants to steal it!
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lunarheslwt · 1 year
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Hi! Welcome to fic recs for the month! I wanted to put together all the fics I've read and loved over both Feb and March for this month's 28th appreciation (as I didn't post for Feb bc I only read like 2 fics), so here they are! Click on the links for full tags and summaries. If you read any of these make sure to show the authors some love by leaving kudos and comments!
💫Fringe & flogging by @larry-hiatus
(4k | E | nipple play pwp)
Harry was good this time. He didn’t wear his lace knickers; he didn’t tear his trousers on stage. But his revealing outfit and less than family friendly performance still had the night ending in ripped clothing, this time at the hands of his jealous dom.
Thoughts: all Emily smut is really good, really hot smut. It's a guaranteed good time, especially if you like your Louis to be a little mean. Why aren't you reading yet?
💫Just a trim by @cherrystreet
(1.7k | E | crack and smut)
Or, the one where Harry gets a haircut, and Louis, along with the rest of the world, loses his mind.
Thoughts: so fucking funny, their dynamic is so fun in this and it's also rather sweet bless pls go read it for good vibes
💫Cause I just wanna feel alive by @goldenkinglouis
(3k | T | magical creatures and fluff)
“Oh, cheers, mate, but I don’t do dates.” Harry’s brow furrowed. “Are you–” he waved vaguely. Louis shook his head. “No, it’s just… been too long for me.” “And how might I convince you otherwise?” Harry asked, his eyes glistening under the lights. OR: Louis is a lost, lonely vampire. Harry is the witch who brings him home.
Thoughts: such a little beaut, beautifully descriptive, the world building feels a little ethereal and the softest characters. Thank you Lou!
💫Unplant by @hellolovers13
(4k | M | fluff)
Please do not disturb my plant. She needs 2 hours of sunlight a day and I live in a sunless flat. I’ll be back to collect her soon Thank you and stay well. or Louis should've looked where he was going, then he wouldn't have to desperately try to save a little flower now.
Thoughts: comfort fic, absolute gem, so very cute and I would die for Harry and her plants
💫To be a better man by @thedevilinmybrain
(9k | E | pwp)
“I can tell how much of a good boy you think he is.” Leon’s snarl doesn’t change, the corner of his mouth lifting higher. “But he’s still calling me, not you, hm?” “Watch your mouth.” Louis is about done with this conversation. Who the fuck talks about their own boyfriend like this? “Or are you accusing me of something?” “Just giving you an out, lad. Like Harry would even look at you. He’s too busy crawling up my ass to notice anyone else.” Leon snarls, rolling his eyes in a dismissive shake of his head. “But if you’re so concerned, go see what he wants. Make him happy enough to leave me alone, eh? Since you’re so worried.”
Thoughts: actually speechless with this one, it was so hot and sensual and I didn't breathe the entire time, you're missing out if you don't read it
💫The light streams out by @nooradeservedbetter
(6k | G | magic & animal transformation)
But in the open air and colours and wind and immensity of the moorlands, that’s where Harry’s entire being feels really free, that’s where he lets himself be one with the magic that soars in him and upon him and in the moorlands all the same, making him one with the land, the earth, the soil, the air around him. He looks at the wilderness, untamed like his magic, and the wilderness looks back, a mirror that makes him safe. He lets the wind course through his hair, feels the moss under his naked feet, long shirt fluttering behind him the only non-natural noise he can hear. He opens his arms, and flies. (Or, Harry's magic is unstable, and Louis finds himself being followed by a fennec fox)
Thoughts: such a gem, so very sweet and soft, wonderfully descriptive and just so lovely
💫did I upset you, daddy? (take out your frustration on me) by @larrydoinglaundry
(3k | E | pwp)
Harry misbehaves, so Louis gets off without him. Harry of course has to watch.
Thoughts: so fucking hot, 10/10 concept always, so good!!!
💫Pull you closer (kiss me harder) by @sunshineandthemoonlight
(5k | E | canon compliant)
Harry likes to wear panties sometimes. It’s never been a sexual thing, until suddenly it is.
Thoughts: angst? Impeccable. Smut? So good and full of emotion. It just made me feel so much and is so well written, in awe.
💫Doc in my box by @homosociallyyours
(2k | E | medical kink)
Faced with lots of extra stress at work, Louis hasn't really felt like she could let go sexually in a while. She's pretty sure that a visit to a certain gynecologist will help change that, though.
Thoughts: so fucking hot!! A delight and I love how quickly Louis almost wanted to break her character. Just so good.
I didn't get to read much this month so this is all I have, but they're all really good! If you check these out, give these works some love. As always, fic writers I will give you the world <3
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rawbertchase · 1 year
house post nobody asked for: house md characters if they had a minecraft smp. i wanted to give them gamertags but im not smart enough so if anyone has ideas please add them i will love u forever ❤️❤️ if u want to add later season characters or minor characters pls also feel welcome
btw i was not writing this with the idea that they are a youtube smp just a friend smp
lisa cuddy: server admin. not actually a huge minecraft fan she prefers games where you kill monsters a lot and build skill trees etc but likes the smp community aspect with her gaming friends. built her base in the nether. usually trades with people for supplies she needs instead of going out to mine for them.
greg house: Ass Hole. the reason explosions are now disabled. usually not online at the same time as anyone else and if he is it's to bother wilson into giving him his best gear (only to go throw it into lava). actually really good at building when he bothers to make anything tho. occasionally gives really heartfelt gifts to other server members too.
james wilson: LOVES going mining. awful at building bases. paid house to build him a base. with real life money. refuses to disclose the amount. he also has a huge animal farm. probably really bad at combat tho despite having really good gear. one of the highest death counts on the server.
robert chase: always doing something that looks cool followed by smth idiotic a second later. Slays a zombie epically then falls down massive hole. lol. only person on the server to have every advancement. mid builder. has like a little corner in everyone's home.
allison cameron: loves making intricate and epic builds. wilson gifted her a pair of feather falling iv boots cause he was sick of seeing her die of fall damage all the time cause she's always building high up with no cares in the world!!! she's just here to build and sometimes tame some animals!!!!
eric foreman: only person on the server smart enough to use redstone. not even like.. that complex of redstone he just uses it a little bit and everyone is like Oh my god ur a geniusss. he plays pretty averagely besides that. he does refuse to build his own enchanting table tho, he just steals wilson's whenever he needs to use one. also a big fan of trading with villagers.
lawrence kutner: Why is this man wearing a leather chestplate and diamond boots. good god. and is that.... a Gold sword???? this man always has something strange going on but his base is gorgeous and luxurious. Huh.
remy hadley: built the nether travel hub bc she was so irritated when she joined the server and nothing was optimized. also knows how to use redstone but hasn't shown it off bc she's amused by the way everyone treats foreman. someday she'll build some fancy resource farms with it and shock them all with her modern minecrafter skills. for now she's content with her beachfront base.
chris taub: not really sure how he ended up playing minecraft. kind of a noob. watched a bunch of videos but still doesn't understand what he's doing. tags along whenever people are doing stuff. house built him a base out of sheer pity and taub has just been vaguely building more on the back of it. it's .... interesting, to say the least.
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mochidreambubble · 1 year
Scarlet Hollow ask game
Tagged by @cymatile AND @georgiedoesntfloat 🖤TYSM for always including me in these haha
I'll offer up two variants for some of the answers, using my main OC file (Ashe my beloved) and my 2nd one that I use to mess around (Atlas who I have mentioned like... Once-)
Your "canon" trait combination? Ashe: Mystical/Hot. I will take any chance I get to use my attractive OC son- (2nd best to go option tho via) Atlas (maybe I just like 'A' names lol): Mystical/Street Smarts. Let me break all the rules and lie my way thru everything pls- (basically, I like it if it can help me socially and Street Smarts has its perks there too haha)
What third trait would you add for hardcore mode? For Ashe I'm tied between Talk to Animals and Street Smart. Animals to go down the full something is definitely up with him kind of vibe vs the one he'll actually likely have due to his personality/bad boy roots lmao. Atlas gets Book Smart, to be deceptively like the type where he doesn't look it.
What trait are you least drawn to? Powerful Build. Strong? My vain bb Ashe who would never chip a nail? I promise you if he looks like he has muscle it's purely for show lol. And Atlas is a stick. Aside from achievement hunting, I'm also just not down to throwing hands/go for physical strength to solve my problems haha. Nice if you want your MC to lean more to himbo if you pair w/ hot, but if not for that then nah :p
Coolest trait? Mystical. I know I'm not alone on this haha. Aside from enjoying lore and slapping it on almost all my runs for my OC army, I feel like it fits best for SH's setting.
Who are you romancing? Reese for Ashe and Wayne for Atlas (me slapping the two Monster Lover achievements like DO YOU SEE THESE)
What romance are you least interested in? Dr Kelly. I do not hate her per say, I am just emotionally reactive to the *motions to the whole revelations of Episode 4*
Who would you romance if every single character was eligible? Isaacs or Harrison, likely? Like, I know Bo is a popular choice and I do like him, but considering it's 50/50 if he loses his dad, I wanna give the poor guys space to grieve first cause he's a sweet fellow.
What character would hurt you the most if something bad happened to them? Not including Reese who I am deeply hoping is ok on the endings where he's still breathing, I gotta say Kaneeka and Tabitha. For Tabby, I'd put my MC thru hell if I have to (and I legit yelled when she choose to take on those years the first time I played Episode 3 like Tabby NO I'LL DO IT PLS); for Kaneeka, god her whole situation is just shitty I just want the best from her and someplace that she can go very far from her mom p l s I will cry if something happens to her-
Would you stay in Scarlet Hollow when the week is over? It's too early to say. Very likely no because SH rn doesn't strike me like it will let you burn the root of whatever looms and haunts over the holler. If anything, I wanna drag people OUT of Scarlet Hollow by week's end.
Who would you vote for dog mayor? Scraps. I trust Gretchen and I just think Scraps is cool.
Tagging: no one, my SH Tumblr circle is so small anyone I would have thought of tagging has already been tagged on another person's post 😂
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bunnyboy-juice · 1 year
Hey I've been mutuals with you and your butch for a long time, but I'm bigender man + woman, is it okay if I continue following, or would you prefer I softblock? My gender makes seeing "men dni" and "woman dni" blogs really confusing because I never know if its supposed to apply to me, so I figured I would just ask ❤️
this is going to be kind of long answer - this is loaded and i want to give some perspective so I'm putting it under a read more so it doesnt clog up anyone's feed. also recommend reading the tags cause i ended up putting some footnotes in there lmao
so first things first: even tho my butch and i are married i dont speak for her. we hold very similar thoughts and views (bc i would not be with her otherwise) but ultimately I speak for me only. if you want to ask her something, ask her directly please. this isnt @ u anon, this is a general disclaimer bc its actually a very big pet peeve of mine that ppl expect me to talk for her since we are together. we are whole ass individuals and yes we are building a life together but that doesnt mean we have the same brain or the same exact reasoning for things.
as for the "men DNI" part: this, along with all other DNIs of mine, is a boundary that i choose if and when to enforce. my boundaries for followers are all pretty much public somehow. my personal reasoning for using "men dni" in my bio, like many other kinky nsfw dyke blogs on this website, is that i want to discourage as many men as possible from trying to interact with me here in the quickest way possible bc this is my silly little space where i can explore my sexual fantasies and those do not include men and i largely do not feel comfortable with men following me or interacting with these parts of myself (key word here being largely, this will come up later). this is similar to my "[specific kinks] DNI" - these are boundaries that are my responsibility to enforce as i deem fit.
that being said i do check for age/gender/etc in each blog that i notice trying to following me and, in that moment, handle it according to my needs. and sometimes that means that i decide to reject my own boundaries and allow certain ppl into my little space and sometimes enter theirs as well. i take an approach to social media where i tend to watch who interacts with me bc this is my space and, just like I'm not letting anyone into my home, im not just gonna let anyone follow me. i do risk assessments in every part of my life and that includes my online experience.
i also am aware gender is complicated. i mean i am literally an intersex transmasc femme who takes T on and off, uses "masculine" language often, etc. i get its way more complicated than "man/woman" so thats why if you look at my pinned (which has a short list of things ppl will be blocked for separate from my DNIs) you'll see that gender identity does not come up there aside from the pls dni of MLM bc ive had some gay guys interact and i prefer it not happen but also sometimes it happens 🤷🏽
basically the shortest answer is: if u are bigender and not just following me but we've been mutuals for a long time chances are i checked ur blog and felt comfortable with having an online relationship of some kind with you. if you are uncomfortable following me because I have that in my bio i literally do not care if you soft block me or even full block me. take care of yourself how you need to. breaking mutualship literally has no effect on my day to day life unless we have become genuine friends outside of this space - but i am assuming we haven't considering this question is (1) even being asked and (2) being asked on anon
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random-meme-bot · 2 years
An Idea for an Isekai that just appeared in my head and I can't stop thinking about :
Episode 1
The anime starts like any other Isekai, the main character (MC), talks about how boring their life is and how he would prefer to live in a fantasy world similar to those of videogames. While crossing the street, the traffic light changes unexpectedly from green to red, leading to MC getting run over by a truck. After dying, he meets God, who tells him about how his death was an accident caused by a being from another world who had escaped to earth. Since he wasn't supposed to die yet, God lets him reincarnate into the fantasy world to take the place of the person who killed him. MC now awakens in the fantasy world as a powerful magician.
End of Episode 1
Episode 2
MC makes lots of different friends and enemies in the town in which he woke up. The chapter ends with MC getting run over by a carriage, killing him.
End Of episode 2
Episode 3
MC meets the God of the other world, who tells him that he feels sorry for the fact that he didn't even get to experience one full day, so he will be reencarnating him into a wonderful world of technology. MC wakes up on Earth on a hospital bed. Doctors tell MC that he was run over by a truck and that he is lucky to have survived. Time jumps to when MC leaves the hospital, and he is unsure whether everything in the magical world was real or just a dream. That's until MC sees a person wearing clothes similar to the ones he had in the other world. The person enters an alley and says some words in a language the MC swears he has never heard but somehow knows they mean "teleport." The other person is nowhere to be found when MC arrives at the alley.
end of episode 3
The anime is now about MC trying to find the person that escaped from the fantasy world and caused his death in hopes of finding a way back to the fantasy world. On his journey, he will meet various people from other worlds who have reincarnated on Earth.
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thehollowwriter · 2 years
@midnightmoi I accidentally deleted this one I am so sorry-
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(Pls reblog and leave a comment ❤)
One Light Blue Petal And One Fluffy Cloud
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▪ Trey considered his situation... ironic
▪ His family owned a brightly decorated bakery, and he was also tasked with baking, yet he couldn't actually see the colours of the tarts, cakes, and other treats
▪ It was... almost funny watching others gush over a tart that looked completley grey and muted to him
▪ Still, Trey took it in stride, despite the setbacks it caused his already struggling eyesight
▪ He had really hoped this would go away by the time he was in Night Raven College, but alas, fate decided otherwise
▪ Three years in, still not a drop of colour
▪ He had gotten used to Riddle and others apologising when they rambled about pretty colours when he was around
▪ It was just something he had to live with
▪ He did not expect one of the newest first years in Heartslabyul to be his soulmate...
After the Entrance Ceremony, Trey began leading their newest batch of Heartslabyul members with Riddle.
Everyone was talking animatedly with each other... except for one. Trey stayed back and waited for you to pass by before touching your shoulder. "Hey. Are you alright?" You looked up at him and the flourish of colour that sprang forth was almost blinding.
You both stumbled back in surprise and stared at each other.
"Well." Said Trey, fixing his glasses. "This was unexpected." He sent a perfect smile your way. "I'm Trey Clover, your soulmate."
The events that followed were stressful. Gossip spread like wildfire in Heartslabyul, and soon you were the talk of the week. Some lucky first year was the vice dorm leader's soulmate.
One Cater Diamond actually chased you down with his phone recording, trying to get you to answer questions.
Riddle... didn't seem to have much of an opinion on you, however he did hold you under a magnifying glass because it was clear he wanted his childhood friend's partner to be perfect.
You sighed and closed the door to Trey'a room behind you. The Heartslabyul dorm was utterly wacko. You actually would've rather taken Octavinelle.
"What's wrong?" Asked Trey from his desk. He had turned in his seat to look at you.
You leaned against the mahogany door and stared into Trey's gorgeous honey gold eyes.
"Your dorm mates are insane." He chuckled and you pouted. "It's not funny!" "I'm sorry, love, but that's just how they are. C'mere." He opened his arms and you went to hug him. "Do something about the phone addict." Trey laughed. "I will, don't worry."
He hugged you tightly, but not too tightly,and it was so warm and comforting. You melted into him. This man was aa blessing. Your protector and your cornerstone... He meant everything to you.
"Thank you so much for bringing colour to my life, Trey..."
A/N: Super fluff with our resident househusband. Hope you enjoyed!
Also, anyone ever stop to think about what a shock to the brain it would be to suddenly have to process all those colours?
Tagging @honey-milk-depresso lmao
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cazimagines · 3 years
Hold on I still need you
Author's note: This was a request from anon, I'm sorry it's taken so long for me to get to it but here you are. I hope you are also doing okay and have a lovely day. If you ever want to chat, any of you, my DM's are always free. I've also decided not to tag anyone in this fic as it deals with triggering themes and I don't want to tag people if it could potentially trigger them. Oh and if for some crazy reason you want to be even sadder I based the plot also on the song 'hold on' by chord oversheet so uh listen to that if you wanna be in the feels.
Synopsis: Request from anon: Can I request a sui*idal reader? Like they have thudding thoughts, the whole day her head is buzzing. Then they decide to do IT (you can decide how) and Zemo walks in and becomes heartbroken and floooooofff pls
Word count: 2k
Warnings: MENTIONS OF S*ICIDE, if you don't think you'll be okay reading it then please don't, your mental state always comes first, lots of angst followed by slight fluff, overdose
(Please check out my master list to see what I will be writing next and if requests are open or closed)
Cross-posted to ao3 under the same username
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They wouldn’t miss you
You’re just an inconvenience to them
He doesn’t care for you. It’s all a huge prank.
It would be better if you leave
You groan in anger, hitting your head slightly to get those thoughts out of your head, but no matter how much you willed it, they would not leave you alone. Each time you tried to resolve one thought, reflecting on reasons why they do like you, your mind instead found persistent reasons for why they didn’t. Every small thing they have done which seemed off weighted down on your mind. Especially Zemo. Why didn’t he kiss you goodbye this week like he had done other weeks? Your logical side tried to argue that he simply forgot, but your paranoia always got the best of you. There is more. There has to be more. Another reason for him to avoid you. To hate you.
You didn’t want to be one of those girls whose entire life revolved around their boyfriend. You had your independence, your responsibilities, your hobbies. But these days they seemed so bland. They didn’t excite you the way they once did. Things you did for fun now felt like a chore to you. Doing anything these days felt exhausting. You knew it was annoying Zemo by how much time you spent in bed, how you stopped organising dates. But how could you find the will to do anything when you were so exhausted of life? It wasn’t as if you wanted life to end for you; it was just that you needed a break from being alive.
If you thought about it, it was the best option, right? You would finally get your peace. Your friends didn’t have to pretend to care about you anymore. Zemo could move on to date someone he actually loved. He wouldn’t feel like he only dated you out of pity. This was the best outcome. It had to be.
One of the worst things was the last walk. Your footsteps echoed along the pavement as you walked to yours and Zemo’s house. It was almost as if everything was going in slow motion for you. The corners of your eyes were blurred as you just concentrated on the path ahead. The usual outside sounds were faded, muffled to you. Instead, that singular voice inside of you rang out clearly.
‘I’m going to do it,’
Just that, again and again inside your head, unrelenting. It was as if you were still trying to convince yourself to go through with it by repeating it. Your legs felt like stone as you forced yourself to continue to walk to your resting place. Your breath quickened as you approached the door.
Walking in, you were barely coherent. Zemo was still out. He should be gone for the next few hours. That’s plenty of time. You felt a pang of guilt in your heart as you thought about him. How would he react to seeing you? You didn’t want to think about it and thankfully if all goes to plan you would never would.
You manage to find yourself in the bathroom, locking the door behind you. By the window was the medicine cabinet. Stored full of many painkillers for the headaches Zemo often got. Often his past would come back to haunt him. Shakily your hand reaches up to grasp the door handle and open it up, your eyes focusing on all the orange pill bottles that cluttered it. You weren’t focusing as you reached to grab them, your hands instead accidentally knocking them to the floor.
Swearing under your breath, you rush to pick them up, feeling your eyes water up. Finally, you felt you had enough. Swallowing one last time, you open your mouth and down the hatched.
Zemo’s hands clutched the bouquet. The smell of sweet roses floating off them. Roses were typical, but always one of your favourite types of flowers. His hands gently graze against the box held in his trousers pocket. A reminder of the task that had been making him nervous for the last month. To propose. No matter what happened, the time had never felt right. He wanted it to be meaningful, for it to be special. After losing his last family, he wasn’t ready to let someone like you go away.
Still, he worried for you. Your behaviour had changed over the last few months and though he tried to ask you about it, you had always shrugged it off. It was nothing. You were fine. It wasn’t nothing. You weren’t fine, and he hated that you didn’t trust him enough to tell him the truth. That is why he was determined tonight was the night. He’d show you just how much you meant to him, and maybe then you would trust him enough to open up.
“Y/n?” he called out as he walked into the house. He’d taken the afternoon off for this moment, preparing it down to the tiniest detail, and finally, it was all falling into place. Now he had to just find you.
“Y/n?” he called out again
He paused, waiting for a response, but furrowed his eyebrows when none came. That was odd. You were always back by this time.
He started to walk around the house, checking in every room for you. As he found every room empty, his voice rose higher as he became more panicked.
Reaching the final floor, his eyes focused on the closed bedroom door, dread pooling into his stomach. The roses slip from his hand and the petals broke off as they hit the ground. His feet were already rushing to the door, his hands reaching for the handle, but no matter how hard he would push it wouldn’t give away.
“Y/N!” he shouted, hitting his fist against the wooden door in a desperate attempt that you might still be awake. He pushed his shoulder against the door with all his strength. The lock strained, giving crack to a single strain of hope for him.
He pushed his weight against it again, and then again, and finally; it broke. He stumbled, almost falling to the floor as the door burst open. He glanced around and his skin went cold as he saw you laying there surrounded by empty pill bottles. His legs folded as he collapsed beside you, pulling you close to his chest. His ears were ringing and his eyes were blurry as his fingers rested against the pulse in your neck, his head resting against your chest as he prayed for something, some sort of life.
A sob echoed from his throat, whaling coming deep from inside his chest. “Please,” he cried out, “Don’t you leave me. Not you too”
The tears streamed down his cheeks, falling on your pale, clammy skin. “Y/n” he whispered, his fingers still pressed against his pulse.
And then if by a miracle he felt it, hardly there, but he felt it, he’s sure he did. A beat.
He had already gathered your body in his arms and was racing you to the car. Ambulances would take too long. He had to get you to the hospital now. He was driving well over the speed limit but fines could easily be paid, your life couldn’t.
He swerves in and out of other cars, desperately trying to avoid any traffic, almost causing traffic by how carelessly he was driving. He could hear the cars honk at him, the expletives shouted, but none of that phased him. All that mattered was getting you to that hospital and thankfully, it paid off. He was at the hospital in a matter of minutes.
Grabbing you off the seat, he runs into the hospital holding you bridal style, screaming for help. The poor receptionist looked traumatised as she saw your ghostly pale head swinging as Zemo rushed towards the desk.
Quickly nurses had grabbed a hospital bed, and Zemo carefully placed you onto it. As they carted you away, Zemo grasped your hand, determined to follow you. He was instead forced to let go of you. He argued relentlessly to them that he needed to be there; he had to be there with you. Didn’t they know who he was? He got everything he wanted if he so asked but now he was forced into the waiting room along with everyone else. He couldn’t be with you, and it was killing him.
He paced around the room anxiously. People watched his stressed-out self as he ran his fingers through his hair, messing it up. Occasionally his hand would flicker down to his pocket where the ring rested and a lump would come to his throat. Every time a nurse came into the waiting room, he would instantly turn to them, hoping that it would be about you. But it wasn’t and so he was left with his thoughts again as he went over in his mind what he had done wrong for you to ever want to do that. It must have been something he did. The way he treated you. Something he said. The blame rested solely on him.
Finally, the nurse came in, looking for him. As soon as she said the words, he was rushing to your room. As he reached it, he burst through the door, his eyes focusing on the bed in front of him.
There you laid peacefully.
But alive.
The next few hours he spent sitting beside you, just staring at your peaceful face, his hand grasping yours. The nurses tried to get him to leave, claiming you would be asleep for a few hours, but he refused. He had to be there when you woke up. He couldn’t imagine leaving you to wake up on your own.
After a few hours, your eyes finally crack open as you awake. As your senses come back to you, you could feel something holding your hand. Moving your head slightly, you saw Zemo beside you.
As soon as you moved your head he perked up and a wave of relief washed over him seeing you awake.
“Y/n, oh thank god,” he whispers, squeezing your hand tightly.
“Zemo? Where am I?” You ask.
“You are at the hospital after you… well,” he trails off, the word getting chocked in his throat as he thought back to what happened.
Your eyes started to swarm with tears as you feel guilt wash over you, knowing what must have happened for you to end up here with Zemo.
“Zemo, I’m so sorry”
“Please don’t apologise, you don’t need to apologise” Zemo instantly says, sorrow deep within his eyes, “But please, tell me what I did wrong. I can’t lose you y/n, so whatever it is, whatever lead you to that tell me”
“Zemo, it isn’t your fault. You’ve been perfect, you always have been. It’s me, it’s all me. It was so stupid of me Zemo, I shouldn’t have put you through something like that”
His grip on your hand tightened as he leaned over to put his hand on the side of your face, making you turn to look at him. “Don’t say that. You are not stupid. Far from it. Now please, tell me the real reason”
You sigh, leaning into his hand. “I didn’t feel worthy of you. Of anyone. I’m tired Zemo, I’m so tired and you deserve someone who can give you their all. And that isn’t me. I don’t feel alright and I’m not sure if I ever will again”
Zemo’s thumb strokes your face in comfort as he looks at you before deciding to get up and get on the bed next to you, pulling you into a hug in the tight space you two had. “I love you y/n, if anything I do not deserve you. I understand how you feel and I know you will feel better in time, with help you will be. I will ensure you get the best help and will be with you every step of the way if you will have me”
He clasped you as you cried into his chest, his whispers of comfort and reassurance settling deep within yourself. You knew things would be hard; you knew you would doubt yourself again; you doubt him. But a part of you knew that with Zemo beside you, helping you, loving you. You could pull through.
A/N: If you made it to here I salute you for getting through the angst. Just remember you are never alone and if you are ever feeling in a bad way don't be afraid to reach out, I love you all 💕
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mochiiikko · 3 years
Locked out
I’m terrible at titles
The six x reader tag is dry y'all wtf
Warning(s) : Cathy says a few ✨nsfw✨ things, heavily implied fem!reader but they/them pronouns is used, cursing
Summary : Cathy gets locked out of the house and asks to stay the night with you. And at the end of the night you find yourself in bed with a former monarch
Cathy turned around at the slight bang, to reveal what she already expected : The front door closed due to the wind.
“Keys, Cathy keys-" Cathy desperately went through their pockets. "Come on Parr you're supposed to be the smart one-!" They searched for a few minutes. Though all in vain as they groaned and slid to the floor.
They reached for their phone, and whether it was pure luck or fate, they did atleast bring that with them.
They thought about texting Catherine for a moment— But decided against it, 'it's the middle of the show— She won't even have her phone.'
Cathy scrolled through their contacts, trying to figure out anyone they could ask for help.
Their eyes landed quickly, the alternate that had a day off— Rightfully so, Being a super swing they do a lot of covers.
They contemplated their options before opening it, realizing they really didn't have any other options.
Cathy Parr : Heyyyy- could i ask for a favor
{Y/N} : Course- what do you need?
Cathy Parr : could you come pick me up i locked myself out of the house :))). And could i stay with you for the night- maybe- please-
{Y/N} : You what-
Cathy Parr : Pls pls pls, I'll ask Catherine if she can give you a few more days off pls.
{Y/N} : Okay okay, i'm coming- this better be a one time thing
Cathy Parr : ofc no worries
Cathy cheered— Thanking the gods they asked for all the alts their numbers.
It was originally for calling in sick, till it became making a group chat of the entire cast and talking a lot more outside of the show
Soon enough a car pulled up, Thank god they all knew eachother's adresses in case of emergency.
"Alright, Get in before i change my mind." You lowered the Car's window to speak to Cathy— Who looked almost in awe at seeing you in completely casual attire.
"Right." They snapped out of their trance and got up from the side walk, taking the passengers seat, sending a smile your way.
As the car started up, you decided to make conversation, it would make an awkward night if you didn't talk to the survivor at all.
"How did you end up like this?"
Cathy stared at you before giggling, "i was throwing away leftovers from takeout— No one besides me would want it anyway. I forgot my keys and the door shut because of the wind." You raised a brow before responding.
"Makes sense, i suppose."
The rest of the ride was spent with small talk, You were having small talk— with a former queen. If you'd told anyone about this you doubt they'd believe you.
Soon enough you'd arrived at your home, Cathy staring in awe, despite knowing where you live and being able to come over any time, they never actually did, assuming you'd be uncomfortable with them just showing up.
You chuckled lightly at the wonder in Cathy's eyes as you opened the car door, the noise basically smacking them out of their thoughts and quickly following you out of the car and into your house.
Inside, Cathy looked around. It wasn't much— but it was still pretty.
"You wait here, i'll see if the geust bedroom is available." Cathy raised a brow, did you already have someone over?
You laughed at them, "It's just because it's normally a huge mess, no one ever comes over to spend a night it's basically a storage room with a bed in the middle." Cathy let out a noise of understanding.
“Make yourself feel at home! Or— Whatever they always say.” Cathy chuckled, barely audible to you as you walked away to the geust room. 
After a few minutes you returned, Startling Cathy when you started talking. “It is absolutely not, It’s a mess. Unless you like sleeping in between dirt bags, which in that case go ahead.” Cathy snickered, shaking their head. “Rather not. I imagine it’s rather uncomfortable.” 
You smiled. “If you want you can sleep on my bed, i’m fine sleeping on the couch.” 
“Because it seems rather rude to have the geust sleep on the couch.”
“We could sleep togheter.” 
You blinked. Once. Twice. Thrice.
“I don’t want you to sleep on the couch either- It’s your house after all. And i wouldn’t mind sleeping in the same bed.” Cathy’s face slowly became a dark shade of red, only now realizing what they really said.
“But i don’t know- You don’t have to-” 
“I wouldn’t mind.” 
Cathy stared into space for a minute, processing your answer. “Do you have any sleeping clothes with you by some kind of miracle?” You asked, way to casually for the flustered queen to understand. Cathy smiled sheepishly, their face becoming even more red. “I have a bra on?” You grimaced. “Who in their right mind sleeps while wearing a bra.” 
Cathy grinned, seeing an oppurtunity. “Want me to sleep naked then?” 
This time your face went red. “I’ll see if i have anything else for you.” You walked off again, leaving the queen to process everything that just happened. “Oh sweet lord.” Cathy whispered to themself. They put their face in their hands, blushing heavily. 
You returned in only a matter of seconds. Cathy had already calmed down in the short time, but your face was still burning red, Causing a light chuckle from Cathy.
“What’s your size?” 
“I... honestly don’t know.” Cathy said, causing you to throw your head back with a groan. “That means you’re gonna have to see if it fits— And i don’t know if you have the energy to go through my entire closet.”
“I’ll really have to sleep in my bra then.” Cathy joked, Though not really knowing if it was fully a joke. “How the hell do you do that?” You asked. “It’s comfortable?” Cathy shrugged, smiling. You looked at her with confusion for a few more seconds before continuing. 
“I mean if you’re okay, and comfortable, with that.” Cathy nodded. “It’s not like we’ve never seen eachother like that before.”
Cathy had almost said it in something others would consider a romantic way. It was almost like they were suggesting something different— Of course you knew that wasn’t it. But you still blushed at the thought.
Cathy laughed as she saw your blush grow. “Don’t worry! I’m  not suggesting anything!”
You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding
“Unless you want me to—”
You slapped your hand over your mouth, blushing furiously. Cathy laughed harder. “I’m kidding, i’m kidding!” They threw their hands up in defence. “I’m only teasing you. Promise.” Cathy grinned. 
“Right—, Yeah let’s just go to sleep now.” You walked off to your bedroom, leaving Cathy to undress. 
The moment you sat down you slammed your head down on your pillow. Processing the entire situation. You quickly went to your closet to change yourself. 
A few minutes after you were done Cathy walked into the room. 
Cathy smiled sheepishly. “Well time to sleep then?”
You raised your brow. “Shouldn’t you message the others about where you are?” You asked, Cathy chuckling in response. “I’m an adult.” 
“Doesn’t always seem like it.”
You laughed as Cathy crossed their arms in mock anger. “I’m 21 thank you.” 
“21 going on 5 then.” You chuckled as Cathy gasped. “Let’s just get to bed!” Cathy walked over to the bed, ushering you over to the other side. You quickly thanked the gods you decided to get a double bed as Cathy pulled you down.
“Lay down you maniac!”  Cathy grinned playfully holding you down to the matress. “For the first time in my life i want to sleep, which means you have to as well.” They looked up at you for a reaction, grinning more when you rolled your eyes but obeyed. 
“Like i said 21 going on 5.” You smiled as Cathy turned the remaining bed side lamp off. 
“Fuck off.” 
“Can’t exactly do that now can i-” 
“Shut up! Go to sleep.” 
And as you both layed down and finally went to sleep, you realized you'd have some feelings to work out.
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spacedikut · 4 years
starstruck ; spencer reid
pairing: spencer reid (criminal minds) x f!reader
summary:  “Can I request some age gap Spencer x reader. Maybe he’s nervous about approaching her for a relationship bc she’s younger, but he’s so goofy for her it’s he’s in love obvious. Pretty pls 🥺💕” 5222 words
a/n: i didn’t specify ages cause i wasn’t sure what people would be comfortable with so i just mentioned an age gap and leave the rest up to you!! i would happily date someone twice my age but i also have daddy issues so :)
The day has finally arrived.
Mollie can call you a nerd all she wants, but you know the second she lays eyes on Derek Morgan or Emily Prentiss she’ll change her tune.
This event has been in the university’s calendar since the beginning of the semester. At least two members of the FBI Behavioural Analysis Unit were promised to give a talk about their department, even taking you through a solved case like an interactive documentary, to encourage students to consider joining the academy post-graduation. There was whispers they’d even stick around after to answer some questions.
Your other friend, Jen, the one that understands your excitement, wrote your names down for tickets immediately. You’ve had a countdown on your phone ever since.
“They’ve announced a last-minute guest,” She beams, just as giddy as you. You’re wasting time at the coffee house near the auditorium, waiting for Mollie to arrive.
“Oh, really? Who?”
“Doctor Spencer Reid.”
You almost drop your cookie in shock and stare at her, pupils blown.
“You’re a big fan?” She smirks.
As nonchalantly as you can, you lean back in your chair, “I’m a fan of his work, yes.”
“Oh, his work?”
“Don’t start.”
“I bet you love his work.”
“He’s well-versed and his papers are super interesting-“
“His papers are super interesting-“
“You are a child.”
Just then, Mollie appears, checking her watch. You wish you could kiss her in thanks for saving you from the teasing that would likely never end. “We’re gonna be late for your morbid seminar if you two don’t stop bickering.”
Jen downs the rest of her drink, you shove the last of the cookie in your mouth. Mollie watches your excitement in amusement – your heart starts pumping, whole body buzzing, the same nervousness you felt when you were a preteen right before your first ever One Direction concert. It’s the kind of nervousness that makes your palms sweaty.
Is it evolution or devolution to go from sweating over One Direction to sweating over FBI profilers?
The seminar goes on for an hour, including the questions people ask throughout. It’s everything you could’ve asked for, entertaining and so, so informative and although you weren’t considering joining the FBI before, suddenly it’s all you can think about. Guest speakers have that affect, don’t they? They make you wonder if you should drastically change everything you’ve been planning.
Even Mollie, who you had to threaten to tag along, ended up enjoying herself. “Maybe I learnt a thing or two,” She’d said, rolling her eyes playfully.
You and your friends are some of the last to leave. There’s quite the bustling outside, which you assume is just post-seminar chatter, but you and Jen falter in your steps when you see the exact profilers that had been onstage several minutes ago in front of you, happily interacting and talking to fellow students.
“Oh, man,” Jen whispers, her and Mollie making eye contact across you. “I have to see if I can talk to Emily.”
Mollie encourages her with a frantic, “Go! Go!” while you’re rooted in place. Mollie jabs you with a pointed nail, “You in there, Y/N? I’m sure you have loads of questions for them-“
You stutter and shake your head, “N-no. I’m good. You can try and hit on Derek, if you want.”
You give a half-attempt at a smile, barely lifting the corners of your lips. Mollie recognises that look. She wants to stay with you, check you’re not too overwhelmed, but you shoo her away and send her towards Derek. You breathe a sigh of relief – you’ve been friends with her long enough that she knows when you need space.
There’s something about seeing people you admire so abruptly that totally throws you for a loop. All you had prepared for was seeing them from afar and subsequently talking about it forever, but nothing beyond that. In some circumstances, it’d be a pleasant surprise, but for someone that struggles around strangers and especially around people as admirable as profilers, you are not mentally prepared for this and have therefore shut down.
But then you see him.
He’s shuffling in place in the corner of the room, close to a large potted plant like it’s his only friend. He’s nibbling his lip as his eyes flutter around, never staying somewhere for longer than a second, looking increasingly uncomfortable.
Why is no one talking to him? He’s Spencer Reid.
There’s a couple of people surrounding Emily, fully entranced by whatever story she’s relaying, another few people around Derek, chortling at a joke he just made. Spencer glances between them and their audiences, and you can’t help but wonder why he isn’t right next to them, chatting away, too.
Does he not want to talk to anyone?
You should talk to him.
No. He probably wants to be alone.
Or what if he doesn’t and no one else is talking to him which means you can have a one-on-one conversation? What about that?
Are you insane?
You have to talk to him.
Before you can change your mind, you’re approaching him with a tight grip on the handle of your bag, pushing it higher up your shoulder. He spots you and makes eye contact just as you stop in front of him, and you notice he momentarily tightens his grip on his satchel.
Was this a bad idea?
“Hi,” You breathe, “I’m Y/N. A big fan.”
His eyes widen a fraction, which you don’t understand because why else would you be here, but he smiles nonetheless, “Hi, I’m, uh, Spencer Reid.”
“I know.”
“Yes, you know. That makes sense, because you were in the seminar. I saw you.”
Now you’re shocked. For as long as you can remember you never sit in the centre of a room, where most attention seems to go, so how did he-
“I-I always scan the room I’m in its.. it’s not a creepy thing, I swear. I’m not creepy.”
A laugh escapes you at that, making him visibly relax. “I don’t think you’re creepy. There was just.. a lot of people in there, so I’m surprised you remember my face.” You shrug.
I couldn’t forget such a beautiful face.
You don’t know what happens, but Spencer suddenly tenses up. His back straightens and he looks alarm, stiff.
Did he just think that? What.. why did he think that?
You wonder if you’ve said something wrong, so you try to change the topic.
“I-I have a question, if you don’t mind answering.”
Spencer nods with an of course, and when the question rolls off your tongue, his mind is still reeling from subconsciously calling you beautiful in his head. It’s not untrue, but it feels.. inappropriate. He doesn’t know why. But you are beautiful.
As he scans your face, now much closer than in the auditorium, he realises yeah, you are incredibly beautiful.
You wave a hand in front of his face, “Doctor Reid?”
“Sorry, yes, sorry. What are you studying?”
There’s a light in your eyes that Spencer recognises when you say, “Psychology.”
“Thought so.”
“You probably talk to a lot of psychology students. I-um. I almost went to Caltech,” Spencer raises an eyebrow, "After I read your dissertation, it really inspired me to look into it – your dissertation is incredible, by the way.”
Spencer smiles bashfully, a futile attempt to not allow the grin to overtake his face, and thanks you, “I appreciate it. Actually, I was sixteen when I wrote it.”
“Are you kidding me?!” Your eyes widen, “You’re insane! You’re amazing!”
The praise bursts from you, and his blushing face makes you oddly proud. On the other hand, Spencer feels like you’ve set him alight, his blood pumping loudly in his ears, as he’s unable to tear his eyes away from your smile.
He desperately needs to change the topic.
“To answer your question…”
Derek notices you two interacting across the room. Mollie sees him looking and hums, “Oh, that’s Y/N, my best friend. She really likes Spencer.”
Derek raises an eyebrow, “Looks like he really likes her.”
“Don’t tell her that. She’ll collapse.”
They both watch you for a second, Spencer flailing his arms as he explains, you eagerly adding to his rambling, asking a question here and exclaiming some kind of encouragement there. It’s sweet, Derek thinks.
“Hey..” Mollie begins, a scheming look in her eye, “We’re planning to hang out in the campus bar later. It’s open to all and the drinks are cheap. If you and Emily happen to find yourselves looking for something to do and you drag Spencer along.. I’m sure Y/N would like it.”
“I like the way you think,” Derek says, “I’ll see what I can do.”
“She’s getting hit on. Again.” You giggle, gesturing for Jen to turn around and witness Mollie get your drinks paid for by a random guy.
She’s always been a people person – it’s saved you hundreds on nights out.
All Jen does is glance over her shoulder, scoff, then turn her sceptical eyes to you.
“I saw you and Spencer Reid.” She says, twinkling eyes. She’s trying not to look smug.
“I almost proposed to him.” You joke, taking your drink from Mollie with a mumbled thanks.
“Oh, I bet you did,” She laughs, “You two looked sooo good together.”
“Alright,” You slide a shot to each girl, “I know you’re making fun of me, but I’m taking that compliment and cherishing it. Spencer Reid is cute, what of it?!”
You clink the shot glasses with your friends and down them, all wincing at the taste and giggling at Jen when she takes a gulp of her cocktail to wash away the taste of straight vodka.
“How did talking to Derek and Emily go?”
And then Jen starts chattering away.
You miss the bar door opening behind you, But Mollie notices. She’s been watching the door since they got here, conveniently choosing the table with the best view, just in case some profilers decided to stop by.
Derek catches Mollie’s eye and winks.
“Well I never,” Mollie fakes shock, “Look who just walked through the doors.”
You turn and choke on your drink. Emily and Derek look relax, like they’re home, but Spencer?
He looks just like he did earlier: like there’s a million places he’d rather be.
He’s lost the blazer he was wearing earlier, leaving him in a fitted purple shirt with a matching tie. With the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, you can see his firm hands and the silver watch that rests on his wrist – is it possible for a watch to be sexy? Or maybe it’s just cause he’s sexy?
That shot must be getting to you.
“What the hell are they doing here?” You hiss, a sharp whisper piercing the air as you turn and (terribly) try to hide your face.
But Spencer’s seen you. He spotted you the moment they came in – he recognised your clothes and your hair – and the second he did he turned right back around to exit the bar. Derek’s arm stopped him at his chest, like he does to unsubs, forcefully turning him around and laughing when Spencer tensed up.
“What, Reid? Scared of a pretty girl?” Derek teases, much like he’d been doing since he spoke to you earlier.
“I am scared of college girls, yes. Last time I was in a college bar I was twelve and downed shots of apple juice.”
“What?!” Both Emily and Derek stop short, looks of disbelief at the revelation. “You’ve never mentioned that.”
“It’s embarrassing.”
“We,” Derek places his hands on Spencer’s shoulders, directing him to your table, “Are just gonna have a few drinks and talk to a few people, and then you’re gonna explain that apple juice story in explicit detail- hey ladies!”
Jen and Mollie look overjoyed at the new company, while you stare rigidly with distinctive what the fuck eyes.
“Would you mind if we joined you?” Emily asks, with a sparkling grin that no one could say no to.
“Of course not,” Jen grins, like it’s the most obvious answer.
The empty seat next to you is taken by Spencer (Derek discreetly shoves him) but right before he’s firmly placed on the stool, Emily calls out, “Spence, why don’t you get us some drinks? You still owe us after you lost that game of gin..”
“I didn’t lose.” Spencer huffs indignantly, “You cheated.”
Despite his grunts, he stands to make his way to the bar, but not before-
“Y/N!” Mollie beams, “It’s your turn to get the round, if you’d be so kind.”
You know that look on her face. You hate her, you realise, but you also love her because being alone with Spencer sends a thrill through you.
Alone with Spencer. What the hell are you supposed to say to him?
You follow him to the bar. He leans against it with an awkward smile.
“Hey, Y/N.”
“It’s uh.. it’s been a long time since we’ve seen eachother.” It’s a half attempt at a joke, followed by instant regret. But then you giggle and everything feels right in the world, even Spencer’s sucky joke.
“It has been a while, Doctor Reid.” You say. The bartender approaches, takes your orders, then you turn to Spencer, “What brings you to a college bar, of all places?”
“Well,” Spencer glances over your shoulder to your table. He makes eye contact with every single person there, all watching you two interact, and they all sharply turn and try to play it off like they’ve been talking casually. Spencer’s brows furrow a little. “Derek said the drinks are cheap and our hotel is only a couple blocks away. I don’t know, maybe Derek likes college girls.”
You laugh again, and Spencer has to take a second to realise you’re not laughing at him but at what he said about Derek. “Yeah, Derek seems like a real ladies man.”
“Oh, you don’t know the half of it.” Spencer grins, “We once timed him to see how long it would take to get a girls number and he did it in five minutes. And he said he was having a bad day.”
The drinks are placed in front of you. Neither of you notice.
You unconsciously lean closer, saying, “Have you timed it to see how long it takes for a girl to approach him? That’s gotta be, like, maybe ten minutes?”
“Eight minutes and twenty-three seconds.”
“Well damn. Has he always been so…” A hand gestures in the air, looking for the word.
“I was gonna say free.”
“Free?” Spencer giggles, “That’s very nice of you.”
You shrug, “I don’t judge.” Spencer agrees, and it slips out, “What about you?”
You wish you could shove the words back in your mouth. Even more so when his expression changes. You can’t entirely make out what it is, but even in the dimly lit bar you can see the flush of heat that spreads through his cheeks to his ears.
“Are you asking me if I’m free with the ladies?” He murmurs, suppressing a grin.
You give an awkward laugh, wondering if you’ve overstepped a boundary, “Yeah. But that’s kinda weird to ask, so-“
“I’m so popular with the ladies it puts Derek to shame.”
You can’t hide your surprise. “What? Really?”
Spencer caves. “No. Is it that hard to believe I’m a ladies man?”
“Compared to Derek? Yes.”
Spencer scoffs.
“As adorable as they are, it’s been thirty minutes.” Emily sighs. “I want my drink.”
“They’re bonding,” Jen sends a wistful look, “I’m so proud.”
“I’m guessing Y/N isn’t the most social either?” Derek asks, proudly watching you interact.
“She’s the best, just a little shy sometimes.” She smiles at you, even though you can’t see, “She’s an idiot, but our idiot, you know?”
Both Emily and Derek laugh airily, nodding with a, “Yeah, we know.”
At once, three phones vibrate throughout the bar – Emily, Derek and Spencer. They’re instantly filled with disappointment; Derek can’t watch Spencer attempt to flirt with a girl he’s obviously interested in, Emily still hasn’t got a drink, and Spencer has to leave you and he can’t think of anything worse.
He’s clearly hesitant when he looks at his phone. How does he say goodbye? Does he ask for your number? Would that be weird? That would be weird.
You channel every ounce of liquid courage you have in your body and offer, “Would it be weird if I gave you my number? Just.. for anything. Anything at all.”
Spencer nods, a gentle look in his eyes and a smile on his face, “Yeah, I’d like that.”
You mumble an alright, accepting Spencer’s phone and creating a new contact for yourself.
Please text me. You think. Please text me.
He doesn’t text.
It’s been a week. A week. You know how cases are, some take longer than others and some are solved in literal hours, but it’s been a week, Spencer goddamn Reid, so why haven’t you texted me.
That’s when the doubt creeps in. Your friends keep telling you he’ll text, that he’s just busy (“He’s an FBI agent, Y/N. If you start dating you’re gonna have to get used to lapses in contact.” To which you’re too distracted choking at the mention of you two dating), but you can’t help but wonder if he took your number simply so he could leave quicker. He had a case to get to, after all. He had people to save.
Now you feel guilty. You forced your number on him, didn’t you? Oh God, he hates you. He hates you and you forced your number on him and he hasn’t texted you because he’s filing a restraining order against you because he hates you.
Mollie tells you you need a nap.
Spencer spends the time on the jet back from the case staring at your number. He has it memorised, of course, and has had it memorised from the first time he read it, of course, but he can’t bring himself to do anything with it.
All he’s done is change your contact picture from the standard first letter of your name to a cute picture of a frog Garcia sent him. It reminds him of you.
Derek lowers his headphones, “You texted her yet, Pretty Boy?”
“Huh? Uh, no. I don’t think I will.”
“Why not?”
“I don’t know,” Spencer shrugs, locking his phone and placing it face down. “I don’t think anything would come from it.”
“Kid,” Derek leans forward, eyebrows furrowed, “You two talked for well over thirty minutes in the middle of a college bar about God knows what. Maybe I’m easy to impress, but that seemed pretty special to me.”
“How is talking in a college bar worth anything?”
“Because you’re Reid, who, most of the time, has to be physically dragged into a bar. You hate talking to strangers about anything other than work. Y/N? A stranger. What did you two talk about?”
“We talked about you a little.”
“Uhuh. About how good I am at my job?”
“God, no,” Spencer scrunches his nose, “We talked about your charm with the ladies.”
Derek falls back in his chair and scoffs, “I’m flattered, but that doesn’t sound like work-talk to me. So you’re comfortable with her. I saw you laughing, so she makes you laugh, too. Sounds pretty great to me.”
Spencer stares. Derek’s right, but..
“So what is it, Reid?”
Spencer licks his lips. “Do you think she’s too young for me?”
Derek rarely looks taken aback, but he does now, “Too young?”
“She’s in college. I’m-I’m-“
“A legal adult. As is she.”
Spencer slumps. “A 2014 Current Population Survey found the average difference for a heterosexual couple is two-point-three years, with the man older than the woman. Even if you double that, that’s still less than me and Y/N-“
“Four years isn’t a lot, Spence,”
“You just.. you don’t think it’s weird?”
“No. Do you?”
“No. Yes. I don’t know.”
Derek’s conviction gives Spencer some reassurance, but he can’t help himself when he thinks that.. maybe.. you’ll find him boring. Most people seem to, with all his statistics and figures and facts, but with the added element of you living it up at college.. how could he compete?
“I think you’re worrying over nothing, Reid. You haven’t even texted her, and you’re already worrying about stuff like age gaps?” Derek crosses his hands and looks at Spencer with determination, “She gave you her number. She initiated it. She knows who you are, so she knows how old you are and it doesn’t seem to make her uncomfortable. So, why should it make you?”
Spencer just grunts.
“Are you worried people will say things?”
“I guess.”
“People always say things. You know that better than anyone. So screw ‘em.”
Spencer feels a smile creep onto his face.
And Derek relaxes. He’s planted the seeds, that Spencer is fretting over nothing, now all he’s got to do is wait for Spencer to let it sink in and allow the flowers to bloom and, next thing you know, Spencer’s gonna have himself the perfect girlfriend.
And Derek will take too much credit for it.
“Heeeeeeeeey my precious Doctor…”
Garcia looks like her hand was caught in the cookie jar.
Spencer’s back straightens. “What did you do?”
She looks embarrassed, fiddling with the fluffy pen in her hand. She smiles awkwardly. “Derek may have told me about a pretty little college student that captured your heart, and then he told me you also haven’t texted her yet, so I did a little digging and…”
“You cyber-stalked Y/N?” Emily asks, casually. JJ seems unphased at the discussion. Does everyone in the office know about you?
“I did. I’m guilty. I’m sorry. I couldn’t resist.” She’s speaking a mile a minute.
Emily spares Spencer a glance, “Did you find anything?”
Concern fills Spencer. “Did something happen?”
“I just found some stuff she’d probably only tell a close friend and I feel really bad about it.” Her shoulders are by her ears as she tries to fold in on herself out of guilt, “But other than that she’s a genuinely sweet girl who volunteers at pet shelters and the college library in her free time and we have really similar music tastes so I think we’d make great friends.”
They all look to Spencer, waiting for his reaction. What? Is he supposed to be surprised that you’re the epitome of perfect? He’s not. He studied you the entire time you spoke.
“She’s also written several incredible papers on child development that I think are revolutionary and I totally emailed them to you because I think you should read them. She’s also a genius.”
Spencer’s hand twitches. He ignores the sudden need to check his email.
It’s silent as they just stare at him. He doesn’t say anything and tries not to react, but he does. They notice how his eyes flicker to his phone, how his leg fidgets, the longing in his eyes.
Emily brushes her hair back calmly and asks, “Hey, Pen, when does Y/N work at the college library?”
Penelope doesn’t catch on at first, casually replying, “Oh, basically every day from five pm onwards. They’re a twenty-four hour library and she combines working and studying.” When she sees Emily pointedly look at Spencer, she goes ohhh.
“Good to know,” Emily nods, “Good to know.”
Spencer finds himself at the college library that night.
He wants to say it was an accident, or that he just happens to know there’s a special edition of a specific book here, but he’d be lying. He read your papers between reports, and found himself having a deep appreciation for the way you write – he wants to ready everything you’ve ever written. Every essay, every note, every formal and informal piece of work you’ve ever done.
He’s already fallen in love with the way you write. He doesn’t think he’s far from falling in love with you.
He wanders around the lower floor of the library. It’s impressive, he must admit, and he’s disappointed in himself for not visiting earlier. There’s students everywhere, but he notices some other people mixed in too – professors, businesspeople, as well as parents with their children.
He feels a little less weird for creeping around now.
Not that’s he’s creeping. He’s just.. there. To see a certain someone under the guise of looking for a book.
He moseys for a while, from the fiction section to the non-fiction to comics to autobiographies. You’re nowhere to be found – not between the rows of books, not working on any of the desks, not at the centre reception desk.
Until you’re suddenly behind him.
He jumps, looking up from the book he’s reading. Your voice is as calming and smooth as always.
“Y/N. Hi.”
“Hi,” Your brows are furrowed, but you’re not disappointed by the unexpected visitor. “What are you doing here?”
He lifts the book he’s holding, an Arthur Conan Doyle, giving a light lipped smile. “I’m just looking. I didn’t realise the college library was so plentiful – did you know the oldest library in the world dates from the seventh century BC?”
“I do, actually.” You point to a poster behind him, which displays that exact fact, “I thought dotting facts around the library would be interesting for the kids. They seem to like them.”
“Learning in young children is socially mediated, so good quality learning environments outside of their schools is crucial for children’s development. So, in a way, you’re enriching their lives beyond understanding.”
You’re flattered at his somewhat far-fetched attempt at complimenting you. It makes your heart flutter.
Why didn’t you contact me, you dimwit?
You open your mouth to ask another question, ask if there’s something he needs help finding, when he beats you to it.
With a firm grip, he slams the book he’s reading shut and says, “I’m lying.”
“I didn’t come here to.. look around. I came here to see you.”
Spencer doesn’t know what to make of that. You haven’t awkwardly looked away, or stepped back to increase the distance between you. That means something good, right?
“You didn’t text me, so I assumed you weren’t interested.” Your brows twitch, and you back-pedal, “Unless you purposely didn’t text me because you actually weren’t interested and you might be here to see me but for something book-related rather than me-related and I’ve totally humiliated myself.”
“No, no. You’re right. You’re right.” He fiddles with the book in shame, “I should’ve texted you. I just didn’t know what to say and.. Well, it’s stupid.”
Your head jerks a little to the side, something he’s noticed you do a lot, looking patient and too pretty for him to handle. “I’m sure it’s not stupid.”
Spencer thinks back to his conversation with Derek, specifically the reminder that you gave him your number which means you initiated this so yes, you are interested in him.
It’s just.. when he looks at you, he struggles to believe it a little. You’re breath-taking.  
“I’m worried I’ll bore you.” He starts light, easing you into what’s been troubling him. He’s emboldened by the fact you’re clearly frustrated he didn’t text you.
You give him a look of horror, “The first time we met I told you I loved your dissertation on geographic regression. I definitely do not think you’re anything anywhere near boring.”
“Okay,” He nods, “What about our ages?”
You’re confused. “What about it?”
Spencer mirrors your expression. “It doesn’t.. bother you?”
“Does it.. bother you?”
Usually, answering a question with a question is a sign of deflection, a sign of hiding something. However he doesn’t know why, but Spencer trusts you with his life. Maybe not his life. Maybe his heart.
“Does that silence mean yes?”
He shakes his head, “No. It doesn’t bother me. I just worry that, you know, college years are the so-called best years of your life and I don’t want you to regret being with me, someone older than you, and resent me for it, or something-“
“I think you’re getting way in your head, Spence.” You laugh a little, “We haven’t gone on a single date and you’ve convinced yourself of so much already. For the record, no, your age doesn’t bother me in the slightest. It never has and I doubt it ever will. I think you’re the most fascinating and interesting person on this planet, and if anyone is getting bored with anyone I’m pretty confident it’ll be you getting sick of me. And,” You take a breath, “I think I’m old enough to know what I want, who I want, and what I want is you. If you want me, too.”
Spencer shoves the book back into the bookshelf with a satisfying sound, then turns and quickly places a kiss onto your cheek. It’s completely unexpected and, quite frankly, not something you’d expect from Doctor Reid, but you blush and there’s a definite red colour to Spencer’s cheeks, too.
“I will never, ever, get sick of you.” He says, voice small but firm. “But I don’t want you to regret being with me. Promise me you won’t.”
You give him a look that tells him you think he’s ridiculous. “I promise that I won’t regret being with you. I’d like us to last as long as possible, if I can be picky.”
“I’d like that, too.” He murmurs. The thought of you wanting him for as long as possible almost sends him into a frenzy. He wants to kiss you all over.
You stand close and talk quietly for a while, a little more discussion on a possible date that weekend and a constant stream of compliments from you to Spencer and vice versa, before you realise the time.
“I should probably go. I have a paper to finish.” You smile sadly, a tiny pout forming.
“I understand. Do you think I could read it? When you’re done?”
Your eyebrows shoot up, “Do you know how terrifying the idea of the Spencer Reid reading my work is? But yes, anything for you.”
Anything for you. Are you trying to kill him?
You turn to leave, refusing to admit how sad leaving Spencer makes you feel, when you stop, “One more thing.”
Spencer hums. He’s not fully paying attention, praying to whatever Gods exist that killers take a break on the weekend so he can take you out on the sweetest date.
“If age is a sore area for you,” There’s mirth in your eyes and Spencer prepares himself, “Does that mean the nickname old man is off the table?”
His lips purse and move towards his nose as he narrows his eyes, giving you a look of faux annoyance, “I am not an old man.”
“Sounds like you’re sensitive, old man.”
As you walk away, you jokingly blow him a kiss to add insult to injury. His pretend glare lasts until your back is turned and he feels his gaze softening to something akin to love.
Spencer thins if the rest of his life is this, you teasing him with that twinkle in your eye and smile on your face, then life is truly the most beautiful thing.
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lvlywook · 4 years
⭒ENHYPEN reaction⭒
to: you speaking your mother tongue (native language?)
tags: boyfriend!enhypen, gn!reader
tw: none
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so i finally decided to post again lol
i hope you like it!
everything is under the cut!
h e e s e u n g
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being away from home and family is never easy
and heeseung understands that
so when he walks into his bedroom and hears you talking to your parent on the phone in a language he doesn't understand
he just kind of stands in the doorway and listens since he doesn't want to interrupt anything
heart eyes
this man is so WHIPPED
and he'd listen in and hear you get really excited about something and he'd get all smiley and excited too even if he doesn't understand what you're saying :(
cause he's happy if you're happy
i feel like he'd want you to teach him something
like how to say a word that he just randomly thought of
"cupcake, how do you say 'marshmallow' in (your language)?"
overall i dont think he'd make a big deal out of it or anything
he'd be really nice and respectful
would clown you if something went wrong and you started cursing in your language tho
even if it was the smallest thing ever
omg he'd probably get the other members involved too
so they'd all be clowning you together lmao
and they just won't stop even if it's already been WEEKS
hee would also be the type to look at you and randomly say one of the few words you taught him - like literally out of nowhere
and now i feel sad haha
someone get me a heeseung pls
j a y
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it was his first time meeting your family
let's say your family speaks only a bit of english and no korean so it's not easy for jay and them to communicate
and you kind of have to become a translator
like you might as well change your name to google translate lol
so lik the two of you arrive at your family's house and they let you in
and they're like "honey!! it's so nice to finally meet your boyfriend!" in your native language right
and jay's there just like: I'm gonna pretend like i understood everything you just said ಡ ͜ ʖ ಡ
and then you translate
and he's like ( ꈍᴗꈍ)💅 yep that's me
and for the rest of the night you're translating what everyone is saying
then you get home and it's really late
but you had a good time and it seems like your family really likes jay
so you're happy
after a movie and a cuddle session on the couch you both get ready for bed and go to sleep
and after just laying there for 15 minutes in silence jay starts poking your side
so you're like wHAT
and he goes: can you help me learn (your language)?🥺 i wanna surprise your parents the next time I see them🥺🥺
that's it
imma just leave it at that
this boy has my heart
and if i continued any further i probably wouldn't even get to the other members lol
watch me write your whole entire life with jay just in this one post... I'm not okay
j a k e
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you were on a videocall with your cousin/friend/someone
just talking about how everything is going for you and how you are and stuff
and then you remember you didn't tell them about your bf
??? how
jakey is like the perfect boyfriend
how could you forget to show him off to them??
so you're like "you know I have a boyfriend right?"
and they're like "really????? didn't think anyone would actually want to deal with you :P"
but then they get excited and really wanna see who you're with
so you call jake over to meet them
and then you become the translator (again rip)
even with the language barrier they still get along really well
or if your first language is english then you don't have to be the translator i guess
no matter what they just kinda get along well
but in that second scenario the rest of jake's part doesn't apply (rip)
im sorry ://
back to jakey and the call
after the call ends jake gently places his head on your shoulder and goes:
"i think your native language is really nice"
"do you think I'd do good if I tried learning it?"
so you're like of "course you would, like dUh brO you like physics..learning a language will be like easy for u since you're so smart :D"
and he'd seriously like, STUDY it
and you're just so proud of him
also it wouldn't be him if the first phrase he learned wasn't 'i love you' or 'can i get a kiss?'
so this boy now goes 'i love you so much' in your native language every time he sees you :(
s u n g h o o n
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your relationship with sunghoon is still pretty new
let's say you've been dating for like 2 months
and you haven't really told your family yet
and one day you're on a videocall with one of your family members
and he slept over at your place
you're sitting in the living room after you've made breakfast
and you and that family member are on a videocall
and while that's going on sunghoon wakes up in your bedroom
and he's like ???
where r u
so he quickly does a bit of a morning routine
and goes to find you
and accidentally walks into the frame of your camera
so your family member just saw a random guy just emerge from your bedroom
and they're like ? who's that behind you
so you're like ??? there's noone behind me?? and you turn around and get startled since sunghoon is just standing by the door to your bedroom
he's like:🕴️
you fall off the couch and sunghoon's like "baby, are you okay???"
and he's trying to help you up
and your family member saw that mess unfold lol
after sunghoon checks up on you and the both of you sit down your family member asks a million questions and refuses to let sunghoon go out of frame for even a second
so sunghoon sits through the rest of the call next to you on the couch while you're answering all these questions your family member is asking
and he doesn't understand anything
after the call ends he probably walks back to your bedroom and falls asleep again since the encounter with your family member completely drained him of energy
since we know this boy's an introvert
and introverts have to recharge after being social and engaging with people
also the whole entire situation probably shook with him a lil
after he wakes up again he walks into the kitchen where you are and hugs you from behind
and then he softly asks "do you think you could maybe teach me a few words in your language?👉👈"
and of course you can't say no
who could say no to sunghoon???
so you help him learn some words
and the next time you facetime your family this boi is ready to impress them with his speaking skills😌
s u n o o
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you and the other enhypen members were eating dinner together at their dorms
hee decided to make ramyeon and so the other members and you decided to help him and make some for yourselves
but sunoo was in their 'make-up room' doing his skincare routine (so you took it upon yourself to make one for him too)
after you set the noodles to cook your phone started going off
so jay and hee decided to compete and see who'd get to the phone first (since it was in the living room)
and so they ran to get it
knocking a lot of stuff over in the process
and scaring jake who went to the bathroom earlier
then jay (who was leading btw) tripped over a random bag on the floor and hee then tripped over him
when they got back to the kitchen they were a lil bruised up so you decided to take care of them first and just let the call go through
they both had some light bruises and jay somehow managed to also get a few scratches
so he was bleeding a bit
he was being extra
"pPalLi hElP jiGeUm riGht nOw okay???"
(i swear i love jay with all my heart im not trying to make him seem like he's annoying or anything)
you had to save him :')
so you got a few bandaids and patched them both up a bit
after that you went to the living room to call back to whoever was calling you in peace since everyone was busy in the kitchen
it was one of your childhood friends
you called them and they started nagging you for not picking up and scaring them
and right in that moment sunoo came out of the 'make-up room' and went into the living room where he left his bag when he got back from practice (the same bag that caused jay to trip lol)
and he heard you and your friend pretty much yelling at each other and bickering through the phone
and he got curious
so he walked up to you and was like
"who are you taking to?(✿^‿^)"
and the friend on the other line heard him and was like
so for the next 30 minutes or so they made you explain everything to them
and they were extra nosy
so you were taking about how you met, what your relationship is like, his friends, what he's like,
and other things
while sunoo was sitting next to you
looking up at you with so much love and adoration in his eyes even though he couldn't understand a single word you said
after you and your friend said bye and hung up he was like
"you're so amazing o((*^▽^*))o"
i don't think he'd make you teach him any words
apart from 'i love you' or 'i'm cute' or smth
he's just really happy to have someone like you no matter how many languages you speak so he's just gonna adore you for a bit and then start teasing you like he usually does ;)))
he WILL mention any time he speaks about you tho
'OH did you know my partner speaks (your native language)? ^-^'
j u n g w o n
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you decided you wanted to visit your family
since you've been living in korea and felt really homesick :(( (at least for the sake of this scenario lol)
and since they live outside of korea you and jungwon had to separate for a while (he couldn't go with you since he has schedules and stuff ://)
I have a feeling he's a pretty clingy baby (or he'd miss you a lot at least - maybe not clingy physically but like emotionally?? he just needs you by his side lol)
so he'd demand you call everyday
and one day you were in your old bedroom, just laying on the bed and calling jungwon
when your parent/family member came into your room to inform you that dinner is ready or smth
and they saw you were calling someone and were like
who are you calling??? (since you didn't tell them about jungwon yet they couldn't really guess it was him or anything)
and well, you just didn't mention anything about having a boyfriend at all
you're there like uhhh can I tell them?? should I tell them??
and you do
which sparks a conversation about him
while you're still calling WITH him
so for like 15 minutes you're talking to that family member while jungwon just listens
and while that's happening his thought process is like..
'how did I get so lucky'
'i like that language'
'they sound so cool'
'oh shoot they said my name???'
'what's happening?'
'what are they walking about??'
'hurry up and talk to me now'
'hey >:('
'I'm the one you're calling :('
'but take your time i guess..'
'damn i miss them a lot'
'i need hugs :('
and then you get back to him and he asks you to translate everything you said
so you do
and he's just
for u
like even more than ever before
he might ask how to introduce yourself in your language or smth and will not ask you about anything ever again
until you find out he's been secretly learning your language
so that he can surprise you :(((
and potentially your family once he gets to meet them :((((
n i - k i
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let's say it's right after enhypen had a comeback right
so they have a few days off before they start working on some new projects and stuff and ni-ki somehow managed to get sick
even though you, the members, and the staff were making sure he was taking care of himself
so you're just hanging around the dorms
helping the members around the house and checking up on ni-ki from time to time
at this specific moment you were cooking dinner with jay
so you kind of just left your phone with ni-ki in their bedroom (where he's resting)
and you got a call from one of your friends or smth (maybe like your roommate??)
so ni-ki called you to let you know
and he was like: „Y/NNNNNN!!!!"
you're obviously concerned like ??? what's wrong?? is everything okay??? is ni-ki okay??? my child why are you yelling so much???
and you bolt from the kitchen to the bedroom
and when you run through the door
you stub your toe on a dresser or something
and you start cursing in your language
and ni-ki hears it all
and even though you're in pain
he can't stop laughing
cause he's kinda evil >:)
then after he stops laughing at you he's like: are you okay? ://
and you are eventually
fortunately no toes were broken that day
then he asks you what you were saying
and if you could teach him all those words
so you're like should i? should i not? and you eventually do (bad idea lol)
let's just say you got a beating from all his hyungs after he wouldn't stop cursing in your language
but it did take them a while to find out what all those words ni-ki is saying mean
so this child would probably teach them these words for fun
and would tell them that it means like 'i love you' and 'have a great day' or smth
but he would always laugh whenever they said any of them
and it was somewhat suspicious
which resulted in jungwon searching it up
and nearly then he nearly beat you with a pan later
you should feel lucky you're alive lol
hee and jay probably found it funny tho
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laraplisetski · 4 years
Request by @cerealkiller1975 -
So, I saw your post about taking requests for aib. Could you do some Chishiya x female reader, pls? I don't really know your style of writing, but maybe they're in a relationship and work together in the games, maybe meet Arisu in the tag game? 
Dating hcs for Chishiya
Dating Chishiya would be like riding a rollercoaster because mans unpredictable
Well first of all I think he wouldn't date anyone in the first place because it's the borderlands and you're fucked if you care for someone in the borderlands.
But if Chishiya did take enough interest in you to date you, I feel like he would be the biggest tsundere ever.
I'm not even kidding.
He would pretend to not care about you but in the end he would care a lot.
The biggest thing that would come with dating Chishiya is that he wouldn't be very open with you at first.
You would have to understand that he isn't an open person and that you would have to gain his trust.
But when you do, oh boy, you're in for a ride.
And Chishiya picks up on things very easily and he's like the type of person who can get you to spill what's on your mind.
He might not be the most affectionate person but he tries his best okay.
Back to the actual thing-
He wouldn't really want to play games with you at first.
(yk incase you died while playing the same game as him and he couldn't save you)
But one day you two are on the same team and he has no choice but to go with you.
Lowkey is very nervous and hopes to not get a hearts game.
When you get there you see a big building with multiple floors.
You guys walk inside to see three girls, two middle aged men, a guy and a grandma.
Your group picks up their phones but then you notice the guy try to ask one of the girls what this game was about.
‘Better stay away from him right ____’ ‘I mean Chishiya newbies can be very useful-’
‘I wonder if there's a doctor here’ says one of the guys that just entered. 
Hmm interesting, they're looking for a doctor.
‘The game entries are closed now, I wonder what game we'll get. I hope it's not a heart's game.’ Chishiya said.
Lucky for you, you get five of spades. 
Not so lucky for Chishiya, cause mans doesn't look like he's very athletic.
The game is to run away from the tagger.
Now you're an observative person yourself so you start observing everyone.
You see a girl starting to do stretches, that's probably the best thing to do in this situation since spades is a physical game.
Since Aguni is the strongest person out of your group, you suggest that you all go together.
Chishiya and Aguni both disagree so you stick with Chishiya for now.
Both of you decide to take the elevator and stick around on the top floor.
Everything's quiet until you start hearing gunshots, then you sort of start to panic because you're on the top floor running down from the stairs would be suicide and theres no where to go.
But Chishiya calms you down and says just observe.
Now both of you are just half cuddling and half observing the players until a player calls out where the tagger is located and tells the others to do the same so that they can avoid the tagger.
Chishiya- ‘It's a good idea, but no one will respond’ ‘I bet someone will Chishiya’
A minute later we heard a girl's voice calling out telling where the tagger was.
‘Whos right now baby’ ‘oh shut up’
We see an old lady and a girl come across the tagger, the old lady gets shot but the girl starts climbing up the floors.
‘A climber eh, that's pretty useful’ ,Chishiya says.
When there's about 7 minutes left we see that the tagger is shooting someone from the floor above.
That's odd i think, why did the tagger shoot someone from a different floor, he didn't shoot at the other participants that tried to open doors.
Unless he's trying to prevent people from opening that door.
‘Did you get it now _____’ ‘Yeah’ ‘Shall we begin’
Me and Chishiya start making it towards that floor while simultaneously hiding from the tagger.
,Aguni probably went to kill the tagger, that's such an Aguni thing to do, I think while walking towards the door.
When we make it there we see a guy also get there at the same time.
As he is opening the door to the safe zone, I get a feeling that something very bad is gonna happen.
‘Chishiya, baby I have a feeling something is very wrong here, if the tagger wanted to win why didn't he just stay by the door, it would guarantee an absolute win’, I said as I entered.
As we move a little deeper I suddenly see something move in the corner of my vision and out of instinct I move backwards and grab my pocket knife.
Apparently there was another tagger inside the apartment and as soon as the tagger lunges forward I do too and I cut the inside of their knee a little while Chishiya tases them. It's not enough as the tagger gets back up again.
My flight or fight response takes over and I grab Chishiya by the hood and drag him the hell out the apartment.
‘Thanks for saving me’, Chishiya says.
‘No problem baby’
Suddenly the other guy screams out that we cant clear the game alone and that we need two people.
Chishiya tells me to wait for a minute and then we enter.
We see the guy battling the tagger, ‘There's no opportunity for us to go in Chishiya’
Suddenly the climbing girl jumps through the window.
Chishiya throws her the taser and she tases the tagger, I take my pocket knife out and stab the tagger a few times and kick their gun away from them.
With a few seconds remaining the guy and the girl pressed the button and the games finished, we won. 
We all look towards the tagger and I notice it's the same old woman we saw getting killed.
She looks very scared and she starts moving, me and Chishiya stand in the corner watching her.
She looks extremely horrified and as I'm about to ask what's wrong she moves her neck and I see a collar beeping and then her neck blows up.
Some of her blood comes and lands on my face, I almost start crying but I compose myself and exit the room. The guy and girl come out behind me. Chishiya takes a few minutes but he comes out as well.
I ask what the guy's name is and he says it's Arisu, he says that he was transported here with his two friends and that one of them was injured.
I tell him to meet me at the beach with his friend and that I could heal him there, so Me and Chishiya leave after that.
The next time I see Arisu he looks completely broken and I understand why now.
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nrth-wind-a · 3 years
Combat Stats - Tim Drake
empty star: ☆
filled star: ★
i. general:
★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆ — strength
★★★★★★☆☆☆☆ — offense
★★★★★★★☆☆☆ — defense
★★★★★★☆☆☆☆ — speed
★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆ — durability
★★★★★★★★☆☆ — accuracy
★★★★★★★★☆☆ — agility
★★★★★★☆☆☆☆ — stamina
★★★★★★☆☆☆☆ — teamwork (depends on the team, this feels like his average)
★★★★★★★★★☆ — stealth (he’s a bat)
ii. specifics:
★★★★★★★☆☆☆ — close combat
★★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆ — bladed weapons
★★★★★★★★☆☆ — blunt weapons
★★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆ — ranged weapons
☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ — superpowers / abilities
★★★★★★★★★★ — traps / setups
★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆ — medic
iii. lasting injuries: 
Does his missing spleen count?
Additionally, while Rebirth has its issues, I do think Tim taking that massive drone hit is fairly in character for him (if Bruce would have done it, Tim would do it, too, is typically the approach I take with Tim and self-sacrifice)—and I do not think that he was conveniently stolen away before he got hit at all, mostly because we see him as the attack begins on the page, so I think that he most definitely took some bullets to some extremely vulnerable parts of the body (not to mention the broken ribs and other bullet wounds in his leg that he’d gotten before that). That said, since Oz/Jor-El didn’t want Tim dying, his recovery was non-negotiable.
Anyway, all of this is to say, I don’t think that every injury he sustained that day healed right, since we can’t be sure what kind of treatment he actually got. I think everything ended up healing in the right place, but there is a high chance that he could have taken some nerve damage from the bullet wounds. The headcanon I have (especially since Tim frequently fights with kicks/kicking), is that the infrapatellar branch of his saphenous nerve got damaged, meaning that while he can’t feel pain there, it also sometimes causes the knee to be weak or to make bending it painful in other areas. This is particularly rough on Tim since, as I said above, he favors his legs while fighting (I realize this is likely because it’s a more interesting action shot for comic artists, but I swear every image of Tim on comic covers is him in the air with one or both knees bent). At any rate, if your muse is resourceful and might reasonably notice that Tim fights with his left leg bent more often, because bending his right knee is a toss-up for him on whether it’ll twinge in pain or not, this could be something they can use to their advantage.
iv. scars:
I would do a scar map for Timmy but to be honest, it would take forever. He’s got many scars, as I imagine all of the Bats do. A noticeable one would be from his splenectomy. Self-harm TW for this next part: I also think he has a few self-harm scars on his arms and thighs. It’s not a habit he had very long, because becoming a vigilante and getting hurt against your own choices tends to break the habit of wanting to feel more pain, but they’re there.
Finally, there might be various clusters of bullet-wounds, again from that drone strike, before he was transported out.
commander / duelist / honorable / dishonorable / would have others do their fighting / stealthy / long - ranged / mid - ranged / melee / technological / sorcery / superhuman abilities / has fought in a tourney (I don’t think he has, but it’s possible I’ve missed a comic or two by the wayside) / a lover of fighting (only sometimes) / a hater of fighting / cowardly / reckless / strategic / uses underhanded tricks / renowned for their skill (is he?) / trained / untrained / keeps skills a secret / won a battle / lost a battle / ruthless / merciful
v. fight style:
(bold, applies; italicize, sort of applies; strike, doesn’t apply)
Tagged by: @brokentoys (thank you!)
Tagging: @archaeval, @messymusehub (any or all muses of your choice), @flamekeeperbellroc, aaaand anyone else who wants to do this can tag me (pls tag me! I wanna see it!)
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*I wrote this days after the lesson was first posted and never bothered to go back and edit it so meaning there will be me theorizing about the next lesson as well
*I write a small para for each chapter and I write it immediately after finishing that chapter so there’ll be theorizing about the next chapter too
*I swear more than usual here
*Some of the dialogue is heavily plagiarized and a few is lifted directly from the story, the game is to figure which is which.
*Summaries and Discussions/theories for all the other lessons can be found on this blog under #obey me spoilers or #my theories or #my headcanons
OKAY! So first off the background for this is absolutely gorgeous and shows a real demon. You know the kind you’d imagine an actual demon to look like and everything’s dark (black, grey, brown) there’s a castle on a mountain like area with a narrow suspended pathway leading to it, there are crows flying around and a person in a robe pointing what looks like a lit wand at a snarling attacking demon, there are skulls and what looks like weapons on the ground and my favourite part: a person in a long robe, kneeling on the ground, covering the top of their face with their hands and wailing to the sky. It’s all tailor made to my taste and I love it! There’s one locked lesson.
It’s breakfast time and Asmo & Beel are heading to an all you can eat global sweet sampler, MC questions it and Asmo says you can get desserts from all over the world there and Asmo’s hoping to live stream it. Asmo invites MC but Mammon interjects asking them to come see “cute horsies” with him. “’Horsies.’ He’s so pretentious. Shut up, it’s the fucking horse race. ‘Horsies.’” Says Levi. Levi invites MC to a real life TSL themed escape room (that sounds really fun tbh), Satan invites them to come watch the sci-fi movie they were talking about, in their home theatre. (he’s actually watched it 3 times already but he read online theories about it and now he wants to see if he can catch the basis for those theories in the movie). They all start arguing about it (except Beel who’s just eating) when MC gets a text from Diavolo congratulating them on their 5th star and wishing them luck for the other 2 and inviting them to an amusement park date. Everyone – MC included – is kind of baffled by the one on one date with Diavolo. They ask any of the others if they want to tag along but they all refuse but Beel asks if MC can take Belphie along since he hasn’t really left the house in a while and Beel’s worried. MC texts asking if they can bring Belphie along too and Diavolo says the more the merrier and I just know this is gonna end in disaster like did Belphie ever even resolve all the problems he had with Diavolo back in S1?
Beel drags Asmo along to wake Belphie up because a.) he doesn’t want Asmo to leave to the sweets thing without him b.) they need all the help they can get to wake him up. MC suggests using force and Asmo happily volunteers to grab Belphie, turn him over and drop him on the ground, Beel says they can’t do this to poor Belphie cause Beel’s a sweetheart, and says the most force he’ll allow them to use is by tickling Belphie, which Asmo then does. It doesn’t work so Asmo says if they’re gonna use force they should do something like this right before he screams “ASMO DIIIIIIVE!!!” and jumps on top of Belphie as Beel protests and I love that despite what you’d assume from his aesthetic and despite what Asmo would like you to believe he’s a lot more rough and tumble and violent (I just really love the sweet with hidden edges trope as much as I love the jerk with a gooey centre trope). Belphie says ow and Asmo brightly and sweetly cheers that he woke up as if just seconds ago he hadn’t used a wrestling move on his sleeping baby brother. Beel says that though Belphie’s body is awake his mind isn’t (relatable), Beel fixes Belphie’s bedhead and Asmo complains that Belphie’s a stereotypical spoilt brat youngest child and says that Diavolo obviously would’ve wanted a one on one day with MC. Beel says he knows and it’s another reason he wanted Belphie to go. Asmo agrees saying that after everything if MC chooses their boss over any one of the seven guys MC actually lives with it’d feel wrong. Asmo tells Belphie to keep an eye on them and not let it turn into a “whirlwind romance”, Belphie just asks for his pillow and Asmo’s upset cause he doesn’t feel confident about the plan now. Poor Diavolo being constantly cockblocked
On the way Belphie complains about being forced to do this when his schedule is just as busy but MC says all he does is sleep and he says because naps are important to him and he takes them seriously. He wishes he could go back home and asks why of all the demons he had to be stuck with Diavolo (so guess those issues are still around good to know). MC asks if he still dislikes Diavolo cause of his fondness for humans and Belphie says he’s fully gotten over that whole human genocide phase which is great to have confirmed. They ask why he dislikes Diavolo – lots of reasons. He always thinks he’s right and expects to get his way about anything and everything and never listens to anyone’s opinions. He hadn’t bothered to listen to Belphie back when the exchange program had been proposed and Belphie was against it (and I mean to be fair back then Belphie was 100% okay with killing the entire human race for no reason other than the fact that he blamed them for Lilith’s death when really they had nothing to do with it and it was definitely the angels’ fault. I mean I don’t think I would have listened to him either and he really does have the spoilt youngest kid personality. I think out of all the brother’s Belphie’s the one who has the fondest memories of the Celestial Realm – probably helped by the fact that Lilith was still alive then – which is why he never blamed them for what happened and instead directed all his anger at the humans) Lucifer hadn’t let Belphie plead his case (what case Belphie!? That all humans should die!?) and that Diavolo’s surrounded by demons like Barbatos and Lucifer who shield him from criticism (and yeah I agree that this is true and that it’s a bad thing but Lucifer wasn’t shielding Diavolo from criticism when he refused to let Belphie plead his case, he was protecting Belphie cause if Diavolo found out Belphie wanted to kill humans he would have thrown him in jail like he did back at the end of S1 and MC you dumb fuck can you pls tell all this to Belphie) and that Diavolo doesn’t understand that he’s been saved from criticism and Belphie hates that about him and he shudders at the thought of spending the day with Diavolo. On the way they run into Simeon and tell him where they’re going, he says Luke’s been wanting to go there since he saw a ad for it and MC says they could take Luke along with them but he says Luke’s at a cooking class today but that he’d probably love to hear about it when he gets back. Simeon then takes off saying he has a meeting. Belphie goes to call after Simeon to tell him something and catches a glimpse of the person Simeon was supposed to meet. He’s surprised and says “Is that…” and when MC asks what’s wrong he said he must have just imagined it and that the person Simeon was meeting just looked really familiar and HOLY SHITTTTTTT GUYSSS rfhiefjoSJKWDLDADJSJ was I right are we really gonna get to see angels???? That’s the only explanation, right? It would have had to be Michael or even Raphael and there’s only a few lessons left and this and the next lesson are probably gonna focus on Diavolo and Belphie’s relationship and following the patter MC should get their 6th star next lesson, then the two lessons after that will be their final exam for the 7th star and then the last two lessons will focus on saying goodbye as the brothers go back to the Devildom and all that’s gonna have a lot going on but if they’re teasing the angels being here now could they manage to slip them in or will that be too much? I mean they’ll be introducing a whole new (or two whole new) character(s) and ahhh I’m rambling but pls I need the tension and angst between them and the brothers ok I’m done.
When they get there Belphie complains about how crowded it is and MC tries to look for Diavolo to which Belphie points to a group of fangirls surrounding Diavolo. Diavolo answers them sweetly and one of them says he’s even better looking irl and another shyly asks if he wants to walk around with them. Belphie cuts that short by barging in and asking Diavolo what’s going on, Diavolo happily greets Diavolo and one of the girls realises that Belphie called Diavolo ‘lord’. Diavolo apologises to them and said he’s already made plans with friends (and ugh he’s so sweet I love him just wanna give him a big hug I bet he gives great hugs), the girls are very understanding and sweet about it and they leave. Belphie’s a lil shit and says “Aww, too bad, Lord Diavolo. I’d hate to interrupt just as they were hitting on you…” and Diavolo laughs it off saying it wasn’t like that (and can Diavolo not understand sarcasm or does he just ignore it? Both seem highly likely) Belphie disagrees and says they were clearly hitting on him and Diavolo changes the subject and says he can’t believe Belphie actually came, MC explains why and Diavolo says it’s understandable that Beel was worried after Belphie hadn’t left the house in a week (Me, who hasn’t left the house in almost a year: :’) ) Belphie says he knows Diavolo wanted a date with MC but too bad cause now Belphie’s gonna third wheel them. Diavolo tells Belphie not to be ridiculous and that he’s happy that Belphie came (and the thing is other than a small twinge of disappointment this is probably the truth). Belphie says that it probably won’t be a good idea to go around calling him “Lord” Diavolo given the way the girls reacted, Diavolo says he can just call him by his name since he wouldn’t mind but Belphie says he himself would mind and anyway if Lucifer or Barbatos found out Belphie wasn’t using his proper title they’d kill him. So Belphie suggests a nickname which Diavolo’s really happy about and MC suggests DD (they can also suggest John or Cap’n), Diavolo adores it and asks them to call him it all the time hereafter (I want to give him a hug so badly). Diavolo then happily and with lots of exclamation points goes on to say that it’s time to let their hair down and that Barbatos had made minute to minute schedule for them to follow so that they could enjoy the park to the fullest and Belphie says he wants to go home
Diavolo keeps unsuccessfully trying to get Belphie to wear a themed headband and take a group photo, saying he also wants to wear the headband on a boat ride and the ferris wheel. Diavolo gives MC sad puppy dog eyes (which I’m sure he uses successfully on Lucifer regularly, but that don’t affect Barbatos at all) and MC can’t refuse, asking Belphie if there’s anything that’ll get him to change his mind. He says no but he’s not stopping the others from doing it, Diavolo says since they’re here as a group they all should do it, Belphie snaps saying he doesn’t like how Diavolo’s using MC as a tool to bend Belphie to his will and he says he’s going home. Diavolo tries to stop him but he marches off and Diavolo drags MC off to chase after Belphie. Diavolo grabs Belphie by the arm outside the park and begs for a chance to apologize, Belphie denies it and tries to free his arm. Diavolo refuses to let him go saying he should have listened to and considered Belphie’s opinions now as well as in the past, Belphie’s shocked and MC asks Belphie to just hear Diavolo out. He agrees but tells them not to have any expectations of what this’ll accomplish.
Belphie says he doesn’t want to wear the headband or take pics and that he’s only gonna ride what he wants to, Diavolo agrees with all that. He asks if Belphie will stay with them and Belphie agrees and Diavolo is just so brightly stupidly happy and I can completely understand how he was able to make Lucifer question his entire world view. Diavolo’s so happy he starts waving Belphie’s arm around unconsciously and then asks Belphie what rides he wants to go on as they make their way back inside, Belphie doesn’t answer instead he’s blushing and annoyed and asks Diavolo to let go of his hand. Belphie wants to ride ‘The Twisting Freefall of Death II’, MC & Diavolo would like to not freefall to their death thank you very much. Belphie quotes the ride as being, “the single most terrifying experience in the world where you’ll scream for mercy and receive none” Diavolo says, “Did you say scream for mercy…” Belphie happily agrees. Diavolo turns to his last hope, MC, and asks how they feel about this. I like to imagine that even MC has a line where their lacking self-preservation will kick in. Belphie just smiles saying it won’t actually kill them (this would have been more reassuring coming from someone who didn’t once murder MC but whatever.) They can also ask Diavolo how feels about it. After the ride Belphie’s cackling loudly and gushing about how great it was. He’s especially happy about the look on Diavolo’s face during the ride, saying he’s never seen it before (probably the look of a demon praying to God for mercy). MC can say that Belphie seemed to be having a lot of fun, cheer how the ride was the best or say they thought they were going to die. For the 3rd option Belphie very cheerfully says MC’s alive and ok. Belphie asks Diavolo how it was only to realise Diavolo’s missing. He fell off the ride at its highest peak. He’s dead.
They’ve tried texting Diavolo but he doesn’t read them. Belphie wonders what kind of person actually gets lost in an amusement park unless they’re 5. Then he says “…is that what it is? Is he actually 5 yrs old?” He remembers that mammon got lost in a park once too and says the only thing the two of them have in common is that they’re both basically children, They then run into my favourite character in the entire game – the butcher (is2g this man needs to become a recurring side character) who is here with his wife and daughter. He asks them if the rest of the harem is here too and Belphie lets him know that unfortunately they’re here with a new inductee who got lost. The butcher offers to help and asks for a description. MC says he’s the owner of the corvo hotel chain and the butcher wonders who the fuck are these people in the first place to know someone like that and then because the butcher’s the sweetest person alive he too starts worrying about diavolo, scared that he might have gotten kidnapped. Belphie says “there’s no one in the human world oh shit I mean THE WORLD. THE NORMAL WORLD ALL US HUMANS - BECAUSE WE ALL ARE HUMANS - LIVE IN” the butcher now probably used to how weird this cult is (because they definitely are a satanic cult with their extremely obvious demon names, how weird and unused to normal life they are, 7 of them being obviously infatuated by the eighth one but the butcher’s not gonna bring this up cause with the amount of meat they buy from him he could keep his family afloat for years AND pay for his daughters college tuition) ignores this and says he hasn’t seen Diavolo but advices them to check the information desk and ask them to page Diavolo over the loudspeakers. They thank him and Belphie promises to stop by with Beel later, the butcher says he’ll see him then and tells them to take care (I love this man). Barbatos text MC asking how they’re doing and which itinerary of his they’re following cause yes apparently he made more than one and telling them he trusts them to take care of diavolo (and I can’t believe it took me this long to realise Barbatos is a helicopter parent). MC leaves him on read. Lucifer then texts them saying Satan told him where they’d gone and telling them that since the two of them are with Diavolo he assumes he’s okay but just to clarify make sure nothing happens to Diavolo. MC leaves him on read. Belphie says that Barbatos and Lucifer are way too overprotective. Barbatos and MC then realise how fucked they are if either of them find out that they’ve lost diavolo and so decide to skip the whole loudspeaker thing.
They can decide if they want to check by the lake, the ferris wheel or the last ride they went in. He’s not at the lake and they choose to take a boat across the lake to get to the ferris wheel cause it’s faster than going around it. Belphie actually enjoys the boat ride and asks if the two of them can just enjoy themselves together for a bit instead of looking for Diavolo, MC says “I’m worried about Diavolo also can you not remember how fucked we are if we don’t find him”. Belphie gets jealous that MC seems to care more about Diavolo than him (they’re just been practical! If the roles were reversed they’d have shut Diavolo down to look for you!) and says that even they have a real soft spot for Diavolo (He’s like a giant golden retriever!!).  There’s an announcement over the loudspeaker for MC and ‘Snoozy’ saying that DD’s waiting for them at the info desk. Belphie’s not happy about ‘snoozy’ (understandable)
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ijustwant2write · 4 years
Chivalrous-Fred Weasley x Reader
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(GIF credit to @messermoony​)
Prompt List
Tags: @obsessedwithrandomthings​
Requested by @witchglow: 'babe! can i request from prompt list 3 and 4 with fred weasley, pls? 💗✨'
3) 'Which do you prefer?'
4) 'You're actually amazing.'
Summary: On a trip to Hogsmeade, (Y/N) drags her boyfriend, Fred, around multiple shops (much to his dismay). However, what was meant to be a simple shopping spree, along with a date, turns into Fred being chivalrous and defending his girlfriend.
Characters: Fred Weasley x Reader
Meanings: (Y/N)=Your name
Warnings: Slight swearing, slight harassment, lots and lots of fluff
(A/N: Thought I would do one where Fred was still in school, and it's shorter than what I thought it would be)
I ignored Fred’s fiftieth sigh as I pulled him into another shop, having spotted a dress I liked in the window. What ind of girlfriend would I be if I didn’t force him to come into almost every shop to just browse, sighing when I couldn’t find that one thing I wanted. Also, the last time we had a trip to Hogsmeade, I let him go wherever he wanted, and I was the one bored out of my mind, it was his turn for a change. 
He still held my hand throughout the day, only ever letting go when I pulled my hand away to look through the rails, before quickly interlocking our fingers again; he could be such a sweetheart at times, but I knew he was trying to soften me up so that we would go for food soon. 
“Which do you prefer?” I asked Fred as I held up two tops, switching them every couple of seconds.
“I will buy both of those for you if it means we get to The Three Broomsticks sooner.”
I rolled my eyes, smiling at him as I glanced in the mirror again.“Do you think I could get away with both?”
Fred said nothing more, taking the tops from me and heading to the counter with a till, the shop assistant already ringing up the price.
“Fred, please don’t buy them!” I protested, sighing when he handed over his money.
“Don’t worry about it.” he said, taking the bag from the woman and holding my hand with his other one.“Got some extra cash after George and I held bets at the last quidditch match.”
I just giggled at that, shaking my head at him. It was never surprising to hear about him and his brother’s business ventures. I still felt bad for him paying, remembering that I should buy him something on our next trip. The annual snow fall made me shiver as we stepped outside, instantly nuzzling into Fred as we headed to The Three Broomsticks. On our way there, we passed by Madam Puddifoot’s Tea Shop, glancing at each other with disgusted looks on our faces. We burst out laughing, knowing exactly what the other person was thinking.
“I am so glad you didn’t take me there for our first date.” I wheezed.
“I don’t know how people even sit in there, it’s an absolute eyesore.” Fred chuckled.
“I’m sure Madam Puddifoot is a lovely woman, but why did she decorate her shop like that?”
“I heard that on valentines day, it’s decorated with golden cherubs that hover over your table, and then they throw confetti over you.”
“But wouldn’t the confetti just spill into your drink?”
“Well, we’ll never have to find out because we’re never going.”
“Wait!” I tugged Fred back towards me as I spotted my friend.“Look who’s in there!”
He squinted his eyes, before they widened when he saw who I was referring to.“Thought she said Puddifoot’s was the tackiest place in Hogsmeade?”
We smirked at each other.“Yes, she did actually.”
My friend had obviously been asked on a date, too polite to express her disgust for the place. Fred and I waltzed up the window where their table was, rubbing away the frost on the glass before sticking our faces against it. We stupidly waved our arms about, laughing when we saw her mortified expression. Her date smiled uncomfortably as he watched us, seeing my friend swat us away with her hand, trying to act cool under pressure, as if we weren’t even there in the first place. Fred and I couldn't stop laughing as we scurried away, struggling for breath again,
After calming down, we trudged through the crunchy snow which was piling up in the streets, feeling the relief of warmth as we stepped inside the pub. There were other students spread across different tables, some classmates waving to us as we found a table for ourselves. I tried to stop Fred getting our drinks, but he was already heading towards the bar. Reluctantly taking a seat, I took off my hat, scarf and gloves, keeping my coat on until I was fully warmed up again. As usual, it was busy in here, filled with both students and locals. I kept an eye on Fred who has at the back of the crowded queue. It wasn’t like it was hard to spot him, he was the tallest out of everyone here. Without realising, a smile spread on my face, even just looking at the back of his head; he glanced back over to me, a cheeky grin being sent my way before he turned around again. 
“Excuse me,” a man said, standing across the table from me,“is this seat taken?”
“Oh, no that’s a spare seat, you can take it if you...” instead of moving the chair, he sat down in it,“...want.”
“Sorry, I know it’s a little forward, but looks like it’s working.”
He was around my age, but I had never seen him at Hogwarts before. Perhaps he was a recent graduate or from another school, though I didn’t really care. He thought I had invited him to flirt, but that was far from it.
"Sorry but I'm here with my boyfriend."
"Don't be shy, you'll relax once we start talking. I'm very charming when you get to know me."
"That wasn't an excuse, I really do have a boyfriend. He just up by-"
He interrupted me before I could even gesture towards Fred."It's just that, I couldn't help but look at you from the across the room. You're beautiful."
I sighed."Th-that's really sweet of you, and I do appreciate that. But please respect my words when I say I have a boyfriend."
He leaned forward onto the table, his smirk never faltering."You're welcome. It's just the truth. You know I-"
"Everything alright here, love?" It was Fred's turn to disrupt what he was saying. He placed down two butter beers, pulling the empty chair closer to me."You just look a bit uncomfortable."
The man struggled to crane his neck upwards to look at Fred, looking intimidated at his height. Fred could look a lot tougher than he actually was. He sat down, and I relaxed as he wrapped his arm around the back of my chair, holding onto my shoulder.
"I was just talking to her." the man stated, holding his hands up.
"No, you were bothering her. Mate, she's clearly told you to go away, and if anyone else does, whether it's a boy or girl, just do as they say."
"Alright, this is clearly just your friend pretending to be your boy-"
Fred scoffed."Listen to this sod. Just go away before I start making a scene."
The man huffed, pushing back the chair and causing it to scrape loudly on the floor. A few people glanced our way, having noticed the tension that was rising. But the noise level remained loud, so no one was really that interested with us.
"I'm sorry I left you, I didn't realise you would have to deal with such a prick." Fred said, looking upset with himself.
"Hey," I gently turned his face to look at me,"don't apologise for something that wasn't your fault."
"I know you didn't need saving either, you've always been able to handle yourself."
"Yeah, but it's nice to have someone else stand up with you. Come on," I pecked him on the cheek,"forget about him, let's enjoy the rest of the day."
It was nearing the end of the trip, and we sadly had to get going. We had spent a few hours in the pub, though as always, time flew by when I was with Fred. When we left, I held his hand a little tighter, noticing that the bright spark in his eyes had left, and although we had laughed and talked about many things, Fred wasn't acting like himself. Joining the rest of our classmates as one of the professors called out names, making sure we were all back on time, I caught Fred's attention by squeezing his hand.
"You're actually amazing." I firmly said.
"Where's this come from?"
"Can't I tell my boyfriend the truth? Don't get upset over some twat that wanted an ego boost. Any other man that comes across me has nothing on you."
He chuckled."Are you just being nice because I bought you clothes today?"
I grabbed his neck, making him lean down to kiss me."I mean, it didn't hurt. Other then that, there is the fact that I love you."
"You know this is almost as sickly as Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop?"
I laughed."Yeah, but you secretly love it."
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