#but if you have notes or observations or questions do poke me as well
havoc-warband · 2 years
Oh, so I- I see, I’m too incompetent for you, is it?
Trahearne picked up another sheaf of papers, desperately hoping the document he was looking for would be underneath. 
It wasn’t.
He was certain it should’ve been somewhere around here. No such luck: he’d have to go through the whole pile.
Sitting down with a sigh, Trahearne grabbed the first several dozen pages and started leafing through them.
I see. No, it’s fine. I’ll leave you to it then, Marshal. Go and cleanse Orr. I’ll work on my skills in the meanwhile. Maybe I’ll be good enough to be your paper-boy the next time we meet.
The Marshal stared at the papers with unseeing eyes. He forced himself to wake from his daydream - day-mare would be more accurate - with a shake of his head, and put the papers back down. He would just have to put the lot of them into his messenger bag and sort through them on the airship. It would be heavier like that, and his shoulder would not be happy with him the morning after, but at least his heart wouldn’t be alone in that anymore, then.
His last conversation with his Comm- with Vikaros had gone so terribly wrong. He couldn’t get the sour aftertaste out of his mouth whenever he started thinking about it. It was already more than two years ago, and he hadn’t heard anything from Vikaros since. Nor had he sent anything himself. Every time he’d picked up a quill and some parchment, all words had fled him. He knew that he should apologise for the truly tactless way he’d brought it up. He knew that he should assure Vikaros that he was one of the most competent warriors and leaders he’d ever seen. The rage on the charr’s face during that horrible conversation had been burning, but it didn’t entirely hide what was underneath - surprise, betrayal, and worst of all, shame. Trahearne thought that maybe he could invite him to view Orr, once it had been cleansed, or go visit him himself, but it had taken much longer than he’d thought: once reanimated, even without a leader, the Risen proved incredibly stubborn. It didn’t help that they didn’t seem to feel pain or fear anymore, either. Just hunger.
Their efforts had paid off, however, and the continent was nearly completely cleansed of Risen now. Grasses had started sprouting up here and there, and birds were nesting in the elaborate coral structures. Last week, right before he’d left, he’d even spotted a daisy springing from the still-sickly-looking soil. He might have even cried a little at the sight, such a bright sign that his Wyld Hunt was finally coming to a close after a quarter of a century of hard work, if he hadn’t been so busy. He had been sketching flowers into the margins of whatever he was reading since.
Then, they received word that Mordremoth’s activity had surged dangerously. Trahearne had sent word for his commanders to start preparing the fleet already, so that he could join them as soon as he’d returned from Orr. He had even sent a missive to Vikaros, awkwardly leaving out personal touches. He was resigned to rebuilding their friendship from nothing, but he had not received anything in response.
All of the others had sent back confirmations. Except for Vikaros. The messenger had come back empty-handed, but at least said that he’d received and read it. Trahearne supposed he’d see if the charr headed his summons or not once he arrived at Camp Resolve.
A bit rougher than it really warranted, he shook out his head again, and shoved another folder into the by-now-overly-full bag. He did really not have time for-
No, not for a knock at the door, either. It was probably just Caithe, anyway. He had arrived in the Grove only a day ago, but had been too busy to contact her, and hadn’t planned to before he left again. He supposed she could carry a few stacks of paper for him, since she’d disturbed him.
“Come in,” he said, back still to the door. He heard it open and close.
“I’m sorry, sister,” he began, “as you can see, I’m really quite busy, I’m afraid I don’t have the time to-”
His sister wasn’t purple, nor did she have yellow slitted eyes.
The stranger had been as silent as Caithe usually was, and Trahearne suddenly realised, didn’t have a presence in the Dream either. Soundless?
“Who are you?” he demanded, reaching for his staff.
“Firstborn,” the stranger greeted, “I was hoping to find you here.” Daggers glinted from where they were strapped to his legs, but he made no move to grab them. The stranger seemed at ease, a stark contrast to Trahearne himself, and the situation.
“Why?” Trahearne asked, suspicious. He finally found his staff, one-handed and without removing his eyes from the intruder, and raised it, ready to defend himself.
Normally, he would not be this suspicious of a sibling, but years of dealing with the Nightmare Court and, more recently, being a prominent political figure, had taught him distrust.
“You should not go to the Maguuma Jungle,” the other said. A smirk tugged at the corners of his mouth - did he find this humorous?
Trahearne scoffed, trying to hide how unsettled he was. “Do you think you can stop me?” he asked.
“Yes,” the stranger said, his smirk fully breaking through, a touch unhinged at the edges, “because you’ll doom the whole damned Pact if you go. And my friend - he’s in the Vigil, and loyal to a fault - I won’t put his life in any more danger than it already is, stuck in the middle of the Jungle with your idiotic Commander. I won’t allow you to put his life in any more danger.”
“What?” Trahearne said, lowering his staff a little, confused. The fleet hadn’t even launched yet, how were they already-
“Mordremoth has awoken,” the intruder continued, “and it wants to control every sylvari it can reach. If it could touch you, and find the knowledge in your head about the Pact’s supplies and movements, it would destroy everything. It’s almost worse than Zhaitan and the Risen.”
“What?” he repeated. This was impossible. “But the Pact-”
“Launched days ago,” the other said, and his smirk turned into a snarl. “Without you. And that’s a good fucking thing. As it currently stands, I had to- nevermind the details, I’ve saved my friend from the dragon, and I hope to the Pale Tree that the charr I’ve left him with - your rogue Commander’s warband - haven’t killed him yet, because being sylvari just became an extremely undesirable trait in a soldier.”
Trahearne fully lowered his staff then, placing the butt on the floor so he could lean on it. This was… entirely too much information, none of which he had been prepared for. “The fleet launched without me?”
The stranger groaned. “Yes, old man, keep up. It’s also the least of your problems, or have you not been listening?” He spoke with such venom behind his words, but Trahearne got the feeling it wasn’t aimed directly at him. As it was, it was only barely missing him, though, and he was tiring of it rapidly.
“Who are you?” Trahearne asked again.
“Not one of your pawns, Firstborn,” the other spat. He had been calm at the beginning, but was getting more worked up by the minute.
“Can you give me a detailed report of the situation?”
“What do I look like to you, a soldier?”
Trahearne graciously didn’t point out the daggers at his side, or the rifle on his back. 
“Why are you even here?”
“I have a letter from Vikaros,” he said.
Trahearne only just managed to resist throwing his staff at him. “Why didn’t you open with that?!”
The other only laughed at his reaction, and his face fell back into the slightly insulting grin from earlier.
“And won’t you please just tell me who you are!”
“My name is Renfrac,” he said, seemingly calm now that he’d had his fun.
But now it was Trahearne’s turn to be angry. “If you say that Mordremoth claims all sylvari that come near the jungle, how come you have a message from my Commander, who you claim is in the jungle?”
Renfrac raised an eyebrow. “You did pay attention!” he praised.
“Either you are a jokester with a horrible sense of timing, or you’re already corrupted yourself,” Trahearne said, voice low, “either way, I think it’s time we end this.” And he followed it up with a shout, “Wardens!”
Renfrac’s eyes were suddenly wide, and he dropped the cheerful smile. He raised a hand towards Trahearne, and opened his mouth to say something, but the Marshal had raised his staff again, intending to keep him immobile and harmless until the Wardens arrived, already hearing commotion on the hallway outside his Grove office.
Something in the other’s face hardened, and he was suddenly directly in front of Trahearne, too close to attack with the staff. He barely had time to recover, before he was roughly grabbed by the back of the head and his forehead was colliding with-
The jungle, tall and dark and spine-shiveringly wrong
Tendrils in the earth, slithering and alive but dead, preying on the soldiers crawling over the many skins of their master
The silhouette of someone who might’ve been Nightmare Court, except not even they corrupt a body so heavily, distort it so much as to
Fire-warm metal chunks, half-buried in the loose, upturned soil, stinking of blood, surrounded by corpses, survivors, medics, a camp built on the wreckage
My friend, my other self, my- attacker, possessed by the jungle itself, trying to eradicate me, hints of power, of corruption, testing my defences, overwhelming the lessers, but I caught it, and I fought it off from him
Fangs and snarling and the Commander and a missive don’t come to the jungle don’t enter the domain of the Dragon don’t risk it just help me help me please doubt/worry/regret/guilt
He is bodily pushed backwards, and takes a minute to remember that he is Trahearne, and he’s in the Grove, and not currently in danger from anyone except a madman with some daggers, a gun, and the ability to project a vision immediately into his head.
“What?” Trahearne said, eloquently.
A knock sounded from the door. “Marshal, are you alright?” someone asked through the door, and he vaguely recognized the voice of the captain of the small personal Pact squad that was assigned to him. Cigna, he believed she was called.
Renfrac’s eyes bored into his, not moving away, not betraying any emotions. Trahearne took a step back instead, still bewildered.
The vision had been bleeding searing intensity and sincerity. He had difficulty reconciling it with the sylvari before him.
“Yes, I’m fine, thank you, just a- a nightmare,” he said, raising his voice a little to penetrate the door. He wasn’t known for sleeping at regular times, or for experiencing particularly calming dreams.
“Okay,” she called back, sounding tired, “the airship’s due to leave soon, Marshal, let us know if you need help packing,” and then the metal-clank of Vigil armour faded into the distance.
Renfrac still hadn’t moved, posture or expression.
After another few moments, to be sure Cigna was no longer in earshot, Trahearne spoke up again.
“What in the name of the Pale Tree was that?”
“That’s the current state of the Maguuma Jungle, and the remains of the Pact that are in it,” Renfrac replied, visibly on edge.
Trahearne sighed. Sure, okay, they weren’t going to talk about what that was, then. He did not think interrogating this sylvari was going to yield anything but frustration.
“Fine. So, if I understood… that… correctly, I should not go to the Jungle?”
Renfrac’s stance lost some tension, but not all. “You would likely doom the world.”
“And your friend lives in this world,” Trahearne smiled. Renfrac’s worry and affection had stained the entire vision.
To his amusement, the other blushed violet for a moment, but did not look away. “He does,” he agreed.
Then the implications of the situation started sinking in. Trahearne grimaced and turned around to start pacing the small office.
“I will be unable to command directly; that’s going to be difficult,” he thought out loud.
“Just different from the war on Zhaitan,” Renfrac said. His posture had relaxed completely, and he had moved back to slouch against the doorpost, his arms crossed over his chest. “I’ve made a deal with your Commander, to act as messenger. I have a raptor, and I can defend myself against Mordremoth’s mental attacks.”
“All of these things would have been great to lead with, you know,” Trahearne grumbled, but this time, Renfrac just laughed. “Down to business then, I guess.”
He sat down at his desk. When he looked up, the other was still by the door, not showing a sign of intending to move.
Trahearne cleared his throat. “Did you have an actual report from the Commander as well, or did you just come to warn me to stay away?”
“Oh!” Renfrac said, jolting away from the frame, shrugging off his rifle to access a pocket on his belt, and producing a slightly-crumpled envelope from a pouch. He walked up to the desk and handed it over. It still had bits of moss on it.
“Uh, thank you,” Trahearne said, somewhat awkwardly. “I need to read this, perhaps unpack some documents to be able to write a reply - I’d nearly boarded the airship, you were lucky I still had one document to find - and then I’ll send captain Cigna to find you when I’m done, if you’d like to, uh, go and enjoy the Grove?”
Please leave me alone for a moment, I still need to process whatever that vision was and if possible find three books about similar phenomena, Trahearne didn’t say. But Renfrac just cringed a little, and said, “I’ve never felt particularly at home here, if I’m honest, so I’d rather just, if you perhaps have a book I could-”
And by the Pale Tree, if that didn’t hit right home. “Sure,” Trahearne said, pointing at a bookshelf to Renfrac’s right. “Those should be fairly digestible human history books.”
“Human history?” Renfrac made a sound of disgust at the book he’d just picked from the shelf, but didn’t drop it or put it back.
“Necessary for diplomacy,” Trahearne smiled. He was reminded of when he was still starting out in this. He had learned to enjoy the various topics related to his current occupation since, but he could still vividly remember the first months, when struggling through even one desiccated tome felt like a victory. It wouldn’t do for even a messenger to insult allies unknowingly.
Renfrac sent him a long-suffering glare, but sank to the floor with the book in his hands, crossing his legs and leaning back against the wall. He doesn’t seem to enjoy the concept of chairs, Trahearne noted, before looking down to his own task, breaking the seal on the envelope, pulling out the letter, and reading the worst news he’d received in a good while.
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yzzart · 10 months
hii!! love your work and i appreciate you so much for writing for tom <3 i was wondering if you could write a tom blyth x reader for the interview the cast did of how well the know each other??
An unfair test.
pairing: tom blyth x actress!reader
summary: do you, Rachel and Josh, really, know Tom?
word count: 1.990!
notes: anon, you don't know how much i enjoy writing these types of interviews and i love you for requesting this! — and i'm serious, I LOVE writing this!
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"And today, we'll be competing against each other to see how well we know our friend Tom Blyth!" — You explained, crossing your legs and excited about what could happen.
"And I'm saying…" — Rachel raised a finger up, supporting it in a sign of pronouncement. — "I'm saying that I think it's unfair for Y/N to participate in this!" — She laughed, looking at you and, soon, wanting support from Josh; you took one of the small cards that Tom was holding, which was part of the game, and placed it on your face, holding it.
"I also think!" — Josh confessed. — "Is asking his girlfriend to answer questions about him cheating?" — He asked, jokingly, with his arms raised.
"Not in my world." — Tom mentioned, shrugging his shoulders, looking at the camera and pointing the small white cards towards it.
"Are you afraid of losing?" — Now it was your turn to tease, arching your eyebrows and running a hand through some strands of your hair and returning the small card to your boyfriend.
"Oh yeah?" —Rachel said; while, Tom's hand gently and knowingly held your and the camera captured and focused on the moment. - "Look at this!" — She exclaimed, surprised and Josh's laugh was followed by the camera.
"Alright, let's do it." — Tom continued with an excited tone, moving the pen, which will be used, and reading for quick seconds the question that was on one of the cards. — "First question…" — He placed the card with the name 'Vanity Fair' on his chest. — "…what is my biggest fear?"
Tom looked at you, with a funny look of complicity and as if he was saying "oh, you know the answer" and it was, impossible, to try or contain the laughter. — Receiving looks and attention from Rachel and Josh.
"She knows." — Josh stated, thinking about his possible answer or something that could come to a correct conclusion. — "She definitely knows." — Leaning on the chain, you touched his arm.
"It's kind of funny to look at you and be like, hm, let me guess." — Rachel leaned over, resting her fingers on her chin, indicating a thoughtful pose and appearance. — "Let me guess, you don't wanna die alone." — She laughed. — "Please, Y/N, give me a clue!" — Her head rested on your shoulder.
"Wait, i guess i'm not so sure about my answer." — Tom's eyebrows furrowed and his mouth opened, dramatically, a little at your words. — "I just think! "— You bit your lip, poking his knee.
"I have a guess." — Rachel turned to her boyfriend, waiting for him to say something or even give the correct answer.
"I think, mine is probably a little bit more shallow, but i think i got a guess, too." — Tom laughed at Josh's comment.
"Mine's the opposite." — Rachel said. — "You have a fear of like open water." — She observed some reaction or at least a simple speck of something new on his face, trying to guess if she was correct, but, she found nothing. — "Okay, you don't."
"What, is that your guess?" — He asked, tilting his head, as if wanting confirmation and certainty, to Rachel.
"Yeah, that's my guess." — She shook her head.
"Okay, Josh?" — Tom asked.
"I was gonna say mountain lions." — He reflected, still not sure if he would really go ahead with this guess and loud, synchronized laughter erupted in the room.
"In what way is this more shallow?" — Your boyfriend questioned himself and looked for a justification, a meaning for that comment. — "I'm curious."
"That's very poetic, in certain words." — You raised his hand in defense.
"I thought you were gonna say something like conceptual." — He referred to Rachel's guess, which failed along the way, and tried to justify it.
"Are you sure about your guess, darling?" — Tom pointed the card, with the answer, at you and he couldn't hide, even biting his lip, the anxious smile and, really, hoping that you would say the right answer. — "Or will it be a concrete answer?"
"You're making me nervous, excuse me?" — Rachel and Josh laughed. — "Definitely snakes." — You replied confidently, looking at your boyfriend and then at the camera.
"Actually, ironically, and that's like my childhood fear…" — He waved his hand. — "…which i've already overcome." — Tom finally turned the little card over so that the answer was visible and being revealed. — "Snakes!"
"The purest irony, that's incredible." — Tom pointed at you, a sign of affirmation. — "And so funny at the same time."
"Yes!" — He turned the card over again.. — "I was afraid of snakes when i was a kid because i saw a lot of Indiana Jones, and i watched a lot." — A scenario of little Tom watching Indiana Jones played in his head, causing a smile to appear on his lips. — "And i feel like this fear transformed me, you know?"
"Because cool people can be afraid of snakes." — Rachel added.
"Because cool people are afraid of snakes." — Tom agreed.
"And the fact that on set, we had two snakes, and you had to act with them for one part, is impressive." — Tom once again placed his hand on your knee, squeezing it lightly.
"But, i'm not afraid of them anymore." — Maybe, a little, but, he wouldn't say at that moment. — "I've had a lot of therapy, honey." — You laughed. — "That's my biggest childhood fear, like, it's the first thing that would come to my mind if you asked me that."
In the future, during the editing of the video, a scoreboard with your name, Rachel's and Josh's would appear at that moment and with each one's score. — And you would be ahead, even with your colleagues' comments about how unfair it seemed that you were winning. — Indeed.
"Next question!" — Tom warned, holding up another card. — "Who is my ideal dinner guest?" — He looked at you again as you thought of yet another answer or possible guess.
"Normally, i would say, but, anyway." — You shrugged, pretending to be thinking about something and got laughs in the room, including from the people who were working behind the cameras; Rachel rested her hand on your back, still laughing. — "This is difficult even for me."
"That's my first and foremost answer!" — Tom stuttered confidently, lifting the paper carefully so that the answer wasn't visible. — "But, let's consider a second option."
"I'm going to say Francis Lawrence…" — Rachel suggested, slowly, and focusing on the main camera in front of her. — "…director of The Hunger Games." — You laughed. — "And to be fair, we'd all have him as a special guest, and he's the best guest."
"He's a great dinner guest." — You mumbled. — "I think he could easily be my guess."
"Oh, mine too." — Rachel positioned herself. — “And i feel like you, that's your ideal, someone who can talk about wine and loves food.” — She paused, thinking about her words and acting as if she said something. — "Y/N could fit that description like a shame, now that i see it." — Her voice swore, and turning her head towards you .
"I was going to say that now!" — Josh said, crossing his arms. — "My guess, which i feel is terrible, is going to be Cyndi Lauper, you know." — He uncrossed his arms, resting one of them on his leg and Rachel hugged the other.
"Okay, okay." — Tom turns the paper to the camera. — "I think it would be David Bowie." — God, you would never get that right.
"I swear he didn't cross my mind for a second." — Your head shook in denial, and in disbelief.
"Me too, i wouldn't understand that." — Josh looked at one of the cameras and Rachel moved one of her hands, a little in disbelief and intrigued.
"What it is, i just think it would be really fun." — Tom tried to justify. — "Okay, so, we have no points for Rachel and Josh and…" — He acted out a movement like they were playing a drum. — "…one point for Y/N."
"We are terrible." — Rachel confessed to her boyfriend. — "Terrible."
“And i feel like she can get another point now.” — Tom read the question quickly, before looking at you, who furrowed your eyebrows in confusion.
"Really?" — You questioned, shook your leg and the british nodded.
"What's my go-to karaoke song?" — He read it and, in the same second, he started writing the answer and thousands of songs ran through his mind; one after the other.
The last karaoke night where you and Tom were present was recent; and, magically, incredible to the point of completing an album of photos and videos in your gallery. — However, it was clearly impossible to conclude what his favorite song was. — And it wasn't an exaggeration or anything like that.
"And you saying i was going to get this one right." — Your complaint passed through the ears of your boyfriend, who showed an incredulous expression.
"Our last karaoke night was, like, two weeks ago?" — Tom didn't remember, and he remembered few things. — "I think, i'm not sure."
"I'm not going to karaoke with you guys" — Rachel's soft voice introduced. — "And i need to start going." — She turned to Josh and you.
"I don't think you sing." — Josh looked up as he spoke.
"He actually sings." — You answered him. — "And he dedicates himself like no one else, a true spectacle."
“I will say it was definitely a punk rock thing.” — Josh's guess entered his mind, and he thought about agreeing with it. — "Something like."
"I would say that a chorus of a Spice Girls or Backsteet Boys song with your voice crossed my mind, but i don't want to consider it as a guess right now." — You placed your hand on your mouth, laughing at the fictional scenario.
"And i would say i don't know what to say." — Rachel murmured. — "Serious."
"I'll give you a hint, it's probably not what you'd expect." — Tom tried to help, but nothing came to her mind.
"I guess that didn't help, dear."
"Mambo number five…" — Josh suggested, speaking quietly, but sure of his guess.
"Josh's mambo number five, what's your guess?" — Blyth directed the small card towards you and Rachel, waiting for your response.
"Any of backsteet boys." — You didn't even specify any of the group's songs, and you wouldn't even have time to choose them; it was as if all their names had disappeared from your consciousness. — "Any one."
"I'm gonna say…" — Rachel thought.
"No, i'll change mine to All the small things." — At the last second, Josh changed his guess and you thought about changing but decided against it.
"All the small things, okay." — Tom pointed out.
"I'm going to say 'I miss you' by Blink 182." — Rachel said with certainty, as there weren't many options due to the lack of opportunities to attend singing nights.
"Wow, it's really the 2000s." — He separated some cards on his lap before turning to the question. — "The answer is, somewhat surprisingly…" — For the third time, Tom turns over the paper with the answer. — "Senhorita by Justin Timberlake."
The disbelieving and doubtful reactions and expressions on your faces were met by Tom's warm and loud laugh. — None of you expected that song. — And you don't remember him singing it.
Or, simply put, that memory was in the back of your mind.
"No chance, not possible." — You said intrigued, looking at your boyfriend and shaking your head in denial, for the second time.
"I don't remember you singing that." — Josh also tried to remember or have some memory with the mentioned song but nothing happened, he didn't remember either. — "Serious."
"We sing!" — Tom insinuated, pointing at you and Josh, who looked at each other and still don't remember the moment; that is if it really existed and he sang that song. — "Because Y/N mentioned Backsteet boys, we can put at least half a point." — Therefore, your name would have a new punctuation, even though it was small and not very valid. — "And she continues ahead!"
"Oh, i give up." — Rachel and Josh spoke at the same time, holding their hands up and laughing loudly.
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livinginshambles · 1 year
If I could take it all back | James Potter
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Pairing: James Potter x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 3.3k
Summary: James' time to pine over you. After James rejected your feelings, and you promised to get over him during the summer break, he finds himself in the same position of unrequited love and wishes he could take his words back.
Can be read as a standalone but part two of a multi-fic
Masterlist Part one
Notes: Not proofread, probably spelling mistakes. Its a happy ending, what a surprise (but I did promise to lovely anon that next time, I'll make it tough on James)
What would your reaction be if he told you that he may fancy you. You probably wouldn’t take him seriously, he figured. And it’s not as if he actually fancied you, right? His mind was probably just confused because he, for the first time ever, wasn’t so preoccupied with Lily, and could instead acknowledge other girls too.
James plopped down on his bed in exhaustion after their first day back at Hogwarts and his mind wandered off to you.
“Bloody hell, is it me, or was that ceremony more tedious than ever before?” Sirius complained after he too dropped down on his bed across the room.
“Just gets longer each year,” Remus groaned in dismay, stuffing his face in his pillow with a deep sigh.
“And that choir,” Peter chimed in. He didn’t even have to finish his sentence, the rest of the marauders dramatically joining in on complaining.
“And ignoring the toads, there was a bloke who kept making eyes at our Y/N,” Sirius huffed. James’ relaxed posture turned rigid, and he rolled over, so his eyes could snap towards Sirius. “What!? Who?”
“Calm down, Prongs,’ Remus was quick to shush him. “Sirius is exaggerating as usual.” A pillow was thrown his way. “Also, it wasn’t inappropriately making eyes at her or anything. He just smiled at her, that’s all.” Remus ducked the pillow.
“Yeah, and it was completely mutual, so it’s alright,” Peter decided to add his own observation of the incident in attempt to reassure James. His words seemed to have the opposite effect, although James tried to hide the way his heart plummeted. Mutual?
“True, she even blushed a little,” Remus seemed to recall. “You reckon she fancies him?” He wondered out loud and James huffed in annoyance. “That’s ridiculous, Y/N doesn’t fancy him,” he curtly replied. Peter shook his head. “But didn’t she say that she fancied someone last year?”
“Well if she fancied anyone, it wouldn’t be that stupid git,” James stubbornly said. Sirius squinted his eyes at James before a shit eating grin appeared on his face. “Prongs…” he slowly began. “Do you fancy our Y/N?” Remus and Peter’s jaws fell slack, sitting up to stare at James.
James froze and his mouth opened and closed, trying to find the words to deny Sirius’ accusation. “No, I don’t,” he defended himself. “I just know Y/N and I’m telling you, that guy is not her type,” he scoffed.
“Well to be fair, we don’t actually know her type, she hasn’t dated anyone before and refused to tell us about her crush.” Sirius poked. “Well, I do,” James snapped. There was a long awkward silence while the marauders raised their eyebrows at his tone, and then James cleared his throat. “I just mean that I’ve known her longest, so obviously I know her type,” he tried to explain.
“Right.” Sirius slowly drew out. Remus and Peter nodded their heads but not at all looking convinced. James dropped back down on his bed and let his mind wander off to you again. Oh, who was he lying to, of course he fancied you.
“So, lovely Y/N, what’s your type in regard to guys,” Sirius curiously asked you. James shot him an angry look that you couldn’t see as you were huddled against him, your back to his chest so that you two could fit on the armchair together.
“What, like personality or looks?” You tilted your head in question.
“Uh, both?” Sirius asked.
You hummed in thought. “Well, kind of like Prongs, I guess,” you shamelessly admitted, and James almost choked on his own saliva. “Though, look-wise, you’re pretty easy on the eyes too, Pads.” You winked jokingly at Sirius, and he blew you a kiss while laughing out loud before getting back on the matter at hand. “So, James here is your type?” He almost disbelievingly repeated.
You shrugged. “Sure.”
James scanned Sirius’ face and could see the gears turning in his friend’s head. Merlin, he’d have to let Sirius know that he didn’t have to bother playing matchmaker, he’d destroyed any chances of you two ever becoming more by himself, two months ago.
His arms tightened around you unconsciously. It didn’t matter as long as he could keep you close like this. He’d take whatever you’d give him, he decided. He was happy enough with your friendship.
“And not that Hufflepuff guy from the choir yesterday?” Sirius pressed on.  
“Huh? Oh!” You furrowed your eyebrows. “You mean Klaus?” You bashfully smiled at your friends. “He actually asked me out on a date, encouraged by his brothers and sisters and all,” you admitted. “I guess he’s cute, but I told him I’d rather get to know him as a friend first, before going out,” you said. “I mean, I’ve never even spoken to him, but I’m not opposed to it.”
James couldn’t help but feel jealous at your words, his stomach turning at the thought of you getting to know some guy and then going on a date with him.
“I mean, he’s not really like James, is he?” Peter asked. James held his breath and waited for your reaction.
“Well, maybe it’s better if he’s not like James at all. It’d probably feel weird to date someone who is exactly like your best friend.”
James frowned. “I disagree,” he spoke up. You turned in his lap to look at him. “I mean, isn’t a partner supposed to be your best friend or something.” James motioned around with one of his arms. You laughed at his statement. “Yeah, your partner should be someone that you consider your best friend, but not necessarily a copy of ‘your existing best friend’,” you remarked. “Maybe Klaus will be another best friend.”
“You can only have one best friend,” James grumbled pettily. “Best is a superlative, there’s only one and that’s supposed to be me.”
You stuck your tongue out at him, and his eyes couldn’t help but flicker towards your lips. James looked away, flustered at your proximity. “I can have more best friends. Peter, Remus and Sirius are my best friends too.”
“But they’re an exception,” James whined. You swatted him. “So, make an exception for whoever I want to be best friends with. I have good character judgement.” James sighed. “Of course,” he muttered in surrender. You beamed up at him and pressed a kiss to his cheek before getting up.
James felt his heart flutter and frowned at the loss of contact. “I’m going to study with Lily,” you said and bent down to give Peter and Remus a kiss on the cheek as well.
You stopped at Sirius and gave him a reprimanding look. “No funny business Padfoot,” you warned him, and he chuckled at the memory of when he had turned his head last minute as a joke, resulting in an ‘almost kiss', because you had quickly pulled back, right on time and tripped. In attempt to hold onto Sirius, you had grabbed his shirt and accidentally ripped it on your way down. When Professor McGonagall had found you on the floor in front of Sirius who was shirtless, you’d both gotten detention. In separate classrooms.
Sirius held his hands up in mock surrender and you gave him a kiss on the cheek too. Then you turned around and left the common room.
“What in Godric’s name was that, Prongs?” Sirius immediately commented as soon as the door closed.
“Pads, no.” James immediately cut him off before he really started to get any brilliant ideas.
“She said you’re her type!” Sirius exclaimed, his arms flailing around enthusiastically.
“Padfoot, seriously-,”
Remus and Peter snickered. Sirius shot them an unamused look.
“Prongs, are you stupid? You’re her type! You fancy her, and she considers you as her type of people she’d date?” Sirius couldn’t phantom why James wasn’t as thrilled about this as he was. Unless-
It seemed that Remus had caught on to it too. “She already confessed her feelings to you, didn’t she?” He carefully asked. James didn’t respond right away.
“She fancied Prongs!?” Sirius gaped in utter shock at James at the revelation, an incredulous look on his face. He turned towards James. “What happened? Oh, Merlin, did you reject her?”
“All that matters is that she doesn’t fancy me anymore, alright?” James ended up saying.
“Merlin, what did you tell her?” Peter asked, eyes wide at James’ reluctance to explain what happened.
“Nothing! I just-, I knew she fancied me, but I thought that Lily was it for me” James defended himself.
“After she found out on the train that Lily agreed to meeting up for a date during the summer vacation before I could tell her myself, she confessed her feelings and I told her that we would always be best friends, but never anything more,” James confessed with a sigh, and he looked down at his hands in his lap.
“She said she understood and that she’d get over her feelings so we could go back to being best friends this year, without having it be awkward.” James trailed off. “And she did, so here we are,” he sighed.
“Well maybe she’s just pretending to be over you,” Peter offered.
“We all know that Y/N can’t lie for shit,” Remus pointed out.
James groaned.
“Wait, when did you even have time to realize that you fancy our Y/N between your ‘sort-of-but-not-really-because-you-two-never-actually-dated’ breakup and today?” Sirius intercepted the conversation again.
Before James could answer, Frank entered the room. “Guys, I’ve got a date,” he breathed out, face still red from running up the stairs.
“Hey, congrats mate! You finally mustered up the courage ‘ey,” James grinned broadly at him.
Frank scratched the back of his head. “Well, Alice did, I guess,” he answered almost embarrassedly, if not for the proud grin he was wearing. Sirius whistled at that, and Frank beamed even more. “Yeah, she’s amazing.”
James smile never faltered, but when he looked at Frank’s gleeful face, his mind wandered off once again and he imagined that if you were to ask him out, he would most certainly have the same reaction.
Blimey, he would never be that happy with just your friendship, would he? He’d have to tell you eventually, he supposed.
But of course, two months would pass by, and he chickened out time and time again, which all led to his current situation. He was sitting at a table in the corner of the establishment, attention captivated by your cheery laughter while tou were on your date with the Hufflepuff boy who was embarrassedly looking away while you patted his arm in reassurance.
“Don’t worry, I fully agree with you. Dave really is sexy,” you winked at him. Klaus relaxed at your words and smiled along, both of you glancing at the waiter who walked away from your table after taking your order.
“I don’t think this is a good idea,” Remus muttered quietly to his friends, in particular to Sirius, who was currently filling a cup of butterbeer with a laxative potion, reserved for your date. Seeing that Sirius wasn’t going to give up, he nudged James under the table.
“Prongs, this is wrong, and you know it,” he hissed. James looked conflicted. His eyes darted between your smiling form, the hand on you arm and the cup of butterbeer.
Jealousy flared up when he saw Klaus lift your hand and kiss the back of it in a dramatic way, and he pushed any feelings of guilt to the back of his mind.
“Well, my old man is already disappointed in me anyway,” Klaus concluded and shot a wink at Dave who came with your drinks. “Danke,” he nodded appreciatively before gawking at your pink drink. “Is that the dragon fruit drink?” He asked. You nodded. “Want to try it?”
“Oh Merlin, this is amazing!” Klaus moaned and you laughed while shushing him, getting strange looks from the people around you. “If you promise to stop moaning like that, you can have it all,” you said, shaking your head amusedly. “Oh, I couldn’t,” Klaus said, but eyed the drink with big eyes in interest.
“You already drank half of it anyway, doofus,” you laughed, and you reached for his still untouched butterbeer.
James’ blood ran cold. “Fuck,” he cursed and before he could help it, he had surged forward and slapped the drink out of your hands, accidentally spilling the contents all over your date.
“Prongs? What the hell?” You exclaimed in surprise. You immediately cast a cleaning spell on Klaus, apologized to him, and turned to face James with a glare on your face.
“I just-,” James wasn’t sure what he should say.
“You just?” You asked him, annoyed.
James didn’t respond anymore and instead just turned on his heels and fled towards Hogwarts, leaving you flabbergasted. You apologized to Klaus again, but he shrugged and got up, offering you his arm. “I’ll escort you back to the castle,” he said. You hesitated. “We don’t have to go,” you said. Klaus chuckled. “Give him hell, dear,” is all he replied while he grabbed your arm and looped it in his.
“James Fleamont Potter, you absolute twat!” You yelled from the top of your lungs, when you reached the top of the staircase that led towards the portrait. The lady in the portrait gave you a sour look, but opened the door anyway when you said the password.
James heard you from all the way up in his dorm, and winced, waiting for you to barge in any moment, which you did. “Why the bloody hell would you do that?!” You stabbed your finger against his chest.
“I didn’t do it on purpose-“
“Not on purpose?! You just happened to stand behind me and couldn’t control your arm when it shot out and slapped the mug straight in his lap?” You exclaimed in disbelief.
“Well, I didn’t mean for it to spill on him.”
“So what, you just wanted to throw it around?!”
“No, I just tried to stop you from drinki-“ James realized his slip up too late. A shiver ran up his spine at the eerie silence.
“And pray tell, why shouldn’t I be drinking the butterbeer that was meant to be for Klaus?” You calmly asked. James flinched at your sharp tone that came out way louder and less calm than you had intended.
He opened his mouth to answer you with a lie when you cut him off. “And think it through, before you tell me any lies,” you squinted your eyes at him.
If he wasn’t absolutely sure that you would shred him to pieces, he would say that you looked cute like that. Luckily, he knew better.
“Because it contained the Laxative Potion which wasn’t meant for you,” James admitted quietly, his face contorting in anticipation for your outburst that never came. You simply closed your eyes and took a deep breath. “Okay,” you shook your head in a disbelieving and disappointed manner.
“Wait!” James called out before you could open the door to leave. He nervously breathed out when you actually stopped and turned around, your face unreadable.
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done it.”
You slowly nodded your head, knowing that James was usually a little bit too proud to apologize so quickly, if at all. “So why did you?”
“Because I’m jealous,” his words came out quiet.
Your eyes softened at him. “Prongs, you’re my best friend, there’s literally nothing to be jealous of. Is this because of what I said at the start of the year? I was kidding, I’m not going to make any new best friends or replace you, I promise,” you comforted him.
James almost laughed to himself in pity. “No, it’s not because of that,” he mumbled. He looked back up at you. “I,” he hesitated. ‘I’m jealous because he gets to date you and don’t.”
You frowned. “What?”
James’ face started to heat up, but he refused to chicken out again. “I think I’m in love with you.” The words knocked your breath out of your lungs.
“I’m in love with you.”
“Yeah, no, I heard you the first time but what? No, you said-, you said that we would never be more than friends. Told me to throw those fantasies away because they’d never be real, so I-“
“I know what I said,” James sighed somberly, but he looked at you with pleading eyes. “If I could take it all back, I would.” You looked conflicted but took a step forward and reached out to him with a sigh.
James shook his head. “I promise you I would, because it was stupid and I’m stupid and I lost all chances and oh Godric, now I’m the arsehole who cost you your date, and I do feel bad about it, but I also don’t regret it because I’m selfish,” James started to ramble in a panic and got lost in his thoughts.
His rambling stopped when you wrapped your arms around him in a tight embrace. His heart melted, and he took a deep breath as he closed his eyes, trying to get lost in the feeling. You couldn’t find it in your heart to be so angry with him anymore. Though it was unbelievably immature of him, and the rest of the marauders, no harm was done, and he was sorry.
“I’m sorry,” you mumbled in his shoulder, voice muffled.
“What, why are you sorry?”
“Because I know what it feels like to be in your position,” you sadly smiled at him when you pulled back a little to face him. "And it's shite."
He laighed a little at that and wrapped his arms around you again, pressing you back to his chest, chasing after your touch.
“And you don’t love me anymore?” He couldn’t help but ask. His eyes were trained on the wall behind you as he looked over your shoulder, not quite ready to face you when you would inevitably tell him that you didn't.
You shook your head. “Well, I still love you dearly, James. And I care about you so much, I can’t erase those feelings ‘just like that’ in only one summer break. You’re literally one of the most important people in my life.” You buried your face deeper in his neck. “But no, I don’t think I’m in love with you anymore.” You could feel James nod at your words. They were not coming as a surprise at all.
“So, you’ll date Klaus now?” He asked in a small voice, refusing to let you back away from the hug as he was fighting not to cry in defeat.
“Nah, he’s uh, he’s going on a date with Dave tomorrow,” you shrugged.
“Who’s Dave?” He weakly laughed, a little bit unsure but hopeful, and you shook your head. “The waiter.”
You pushed James away softly and he reluctantly pulled his arms away from you. His eyes looked a little bit bloodshot, and his nose and lips were red. Something about the sight of him pulled you towards him again, this time you settled your hands on both sides of his cheeks which he leaned in to. You made up your mind.
You leaned in and pressed a kiss to his cheek. “I was so in love with you, Jamie,” you whispered to him, and his heart tugged. ‘I know,’ he wanted to say.
“You managed to make me fall in love with you,” you pressed on. “You’ve done it before-,’
“-I can do it again,” James finished, his eyes wide in realization and a wide grin crossed his face. “Will you let me? Try, I mean. Can I try to win you back?”
“Well, no promises, but you can give it your best shot, Jamie.” You laughed. “I mean, you’re my type after all,” you teased him. He puffed his chest at your words, his mind racing because he just got another chance to fix the ending of your story, and he sure as hell was going to give it all he’s got.
“So, starting right now?”
“After you’ve apologized to Klaus.”
“Right, yeah. You reckon we could all go on a double date together?”
“I don’t see why not.”
@elsie-bells @charlie-weasley-is-underrated @dreamingofmarauders @moonyslibrary98 @wildernessflora @hollandweather @queerqueenlynn @locklyebrainrot @thisrandombitch @grac3aph3lion @earfquak3 @venomsvl @shrekscrustybudassy @middle-of-the-earth @sirene-noir @bettytaylorversion @littlepoisonmushroom @faumpje @iloveutwice @katelebate @moonysupremacy01 @marina468 @fangirl-kimora @bellesowl @badasswlthafatass @sjprongs @armydrcamers @its-a-ittle-bit-cold @ireallywannasleep127 @sayukoi @jsjcue @cashtons-wife @idllyastuff @severegiantjudgefriend @ivy-34 @loudflowerss @moonyunebi @caspianobsessed @laraoverthinks @starsanddream @btsw1fe
@prongsprincessworld @littleshadow17 @prongs-moon @bubybubsters @yeolsbubbles
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faeryarchives · 8 months
savanaclaw with a furina - like female reader!
the "regina of all waters, kindreds, peoples and laws" is deeply loved by all. under her flamboyant and imprudent facade, lies a girl holding an unbearable weight and guilt on her shoulders to save her people. note: as requested and i love furina sm hihi i will also write for other dorms warning: major spoilers for genshin archon quest other fics: heartslabyul with a furina-like reader & i'm not jealous !! & to my beloved & more than words
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-‘๑’- leona kingscholar
"huh? what is the esteemed dorm leader of savanaclaw doing in front of my house?" "... why do you look like you didn't sleep for days? nevermind, take back your pets - they've been following me the whole day and poking me with water." "oh my archons, they like you!"
leona knew different kinds of people, faes and beastmen but never a god! not that you broadcasted it to the world - of course he heard it while grim was chatting away from the garden
so this lion observed your moves and to be honest, you were just like an ordinary person
"what are you doing hiding behind me?" "ahem! you know, i don't really know the forest that much so i would appreciate if i would put myself behind yo- ahhh! what is that?!" "it's just a branch, herbivore. i never knew you are scared of branches."
he actually gained another chess player buddy - he discovered it at the cost of being drenched in water from your water familiars
never he would imagine how on earth did you not go crazy standing in for your archon and acting for so so long? and despite belittling you and your friend group, he couldn't believe his ears when you stood up for him against the other dorms
"what leona did was wrong but how would you feel if all the trainings and efforts were all in naught and overlooked by the people you considered as family? imagine if your fate has already been sealed before you were even born?"
oh, he didn't expect you of all people to do that honestly + not so bad at all so expect a lot of sweets everyday curtesy of this lion
don't tell anyone but with you acting just as yourself and discovering your passions with him as a witness - leona feels proud like a lion watching his cub succeed
extra: you and cheka really go along well to the point that leona thinks cheka might replace him with you someday
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-‘๑’- ruggie bucchi
ruggie trusts his skills in sneaking around and swiping things if needed and he will bet that no one could ever discover him immediately
"after pulling a prank on grim and my salon members, you must think that i am much of a gullible fool?"
now you both did really met at a rough start - the hyena thought you would be more snobbish and not to mingle with people below his level especially after hearing you being a god
but seeing you shielding him during leona's overblot and regularly visiting him during his recovery at the clinic made him questioned his thoughts about you
"why are you always visiting me? i thought you hated me?" "...? where did you get that nonsense? if i do hate you, i would go out of my way to buy these doughnuts for you."
well look at you two now! close like two peas in a pod - you really enjoyed spending time with ruggie because you were seeing the world in a different perspective
having hard time picking your new macaroni menu for the day? no worries, ruggie will make sure you will be able to cook other meals than this. not good with bargaining with sam? hold his groceries, he have this in the bag.
"more interesting trinkets for me~!" "oh you collect trinkets? why didn't you say so?"
omg new trinket collector buddy 🥺 whenever you give him something such as a bracelet or even a hairclip he will wear it like a badge of honor
it's alright to help other students but he is worried that being to kind in nrc might backfire on you
"you shouldn't be too trusting here. i know you just want to help but like your friends said - you should also help yourself at times."
while he might not look like it but ruggie can sense your mood change accurately especially when it involves the topic of your past
this one whole year on nrc might not be comparable to your 500 years of living but ruggie will make sure that it will be the best one
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-‘๑’- jack howl
other than the adeuce and grim team - jack is the person you actually vibe with!
maybe its because his sense of justice and responsibility reminds you of a dear friend back home and it actually comforts you to see it + makes you feel less homesick
this man is very used to his little siblings so expect him to come off as a brotherly vibes + probably makes you an exemption to touching his ears and letting your salon members put some design in his hair
"... do you think these three would be great teammates during magift competitions?"
"hmmm, i must say they do make a great team. what if we bring it up to leona, i think these three will enjoy it very much."
well the dorm leader liked the idea but seeing how they acted during the practice - it's safe to say it is very risky because they only listen to you, jack and leona
ANYWAYS jack sometimes come to the ramshackle dorm just to wake you up knowing you probably stayed up late reading your novels
he tried inviting you to his morning run only to see you the next day already tired and carrying you on his back after one run
"you can't blame me okay! i was born to drama and directing not in running!"
speaking of carrying you on his back he sometimes do it just because he wants to especially when jack knows too well how much you overwork yourself
while he can read you very well, you can also read this guy by the book through his ears and tail movement
"... jack what are you doing here so late?" "…what? it’s not like i was waiting for you or anything." "i never said that though?" "hmp." while he look away, his tail would impatiently wag and hit the wall behind him making you laugh "uhuh, whatever you say. let's go back to our dorms now big guy."
it turns out that while spending the whole afternoon up to evening, jack wanted to accompany you back to the dorm safely - worried that someone is bullying you because you were down for days.
he is not that expressive with words - but just know that jack will always be your friend despite your upbringings or not being open to tell your past, he understands it pretty well
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mins-fins · 5 months
where do we go
&&. conversations between lung destroyi— i mean, smoking cigarettes.
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pairing: lee donghyuck x gn!reader
genre: some weird thing idk..
warnings: smoking, readers got some bad friends
word count: 0.9k
notes: can you believe this.. TWO POSTS IN ONE DAY!??? okay my first hyuck post today was a timestamp i posted while on the bus home but hey!! two posts in one day is crazy.. also both of them being for haechan, i don't like him guys i just had two good ideas containing smoking and he was the first idol that came to mind 😖 he's the loml fr 💗 but no no no im not a sunflower dont get it wrong 🙏 also i dont smoke, based this off shit i've read and observing all the adults in my life who smoke around me 🙁 dont crucify me for not being accurate #smokers
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"you have a lighter?"
the question strikes you as odd. you snap out of your street lamp gazing and turn to the stranger beside you. you blink a few times, as if you couldn't fathom why such a question would be asked. the stranger waits patiently for your answer, mouth seemingly zipped shut after asking the question. "what?" you inquire like an idiot.
"a lighter" he reiterates, raising an inflammable joint tucked between his index and middle finger in the air. you allow for your mouth to form a small 'o', and you clear your throat, suddenly feeling flustered. he snickers lightly, and your almost afraid that he's laughing at you. "you don't smoke?"
you smile weakly, just sighing as you begin rummaging through your pockets. "no it's just.. today's not my day, i'm upset about some shit that's all" when you finally find the lighter you remember you placed into your pocket, you passed it over to him with a throw. "here".
the stranger doesn't seem to be that interested in your lighter anymore, his face coloring in concern at the sound of you being upset. you aren't sure why he even cares, there's no reason for him to. you ignore his look of concern, just rubbing your eyes. "oh? what's upsetting you so much?"
you allow for yourself to snort at the words. "it's nothing, really, i don't want to burden you with my issues" you dismiss him with a wave, watching as he lights the cigarette and takes his first drag of the joint.
"no please" he responds, blowing the smoke out through his lips. he tosses you back your lighter. "you gave me your lighter, so i'll sit here and listen to you vent your issues" he places a prideful hand on his chest, as if you were supposed to celebrate him for that or something.
"wow, should i clap for you to honor such generosity?"
"well you don't have to, but i would love if you did" oh! so this guy is a comedian, your tongue pokes through your inner cheek as you let out another silent sigh, straightening your posture in your seat. your train isn't coming for another ten minutes.
"oh lord where are my manners? lee donghyuck!" he pairs a charming smile with his introduction, and you almost laugh (key word: almost) at the allure of this stranger. he holds out his hand for you to take, presumably for a handshake, and it's not like it'll kill you or anything, so you take his hand, shaking it.
"l/n y/n" you respond, he doesn't hold your hand for long, his grip quickly slipping away from yours as he leans back in his seat sighing.
"alright then, y/n" he begins, playing with the joint in his fingers. "what's making you so upset tonight?"
"do i have to tell you?"
"would you rather sit here in silence and watch me destroy my lungs?"
the answer to that question is easy, no, when given the ultimatum, talking about your issues seems much easier than whatever else he was saying. "it's just— my friends suck! they call me overdramatic for wanting birthday gifts and then they proceed to blow up my phone with texts!"
donghyuck raises an eyebrow, blowing out more smoke. "they didn't even try to get you gifts?"
"they didn't even remember my birthday!" you shout, getting more and more irritated as you recall the incident. "i've literally gotten ignored all day, they only just remembered like two hours ago! can you believe that?"
"what a bunch of assholes.." he mumbles, a smell of burnt cigarettes in the air. "what kind of friends are those?"
"right? and now they're just expecting me to answer their calls!? they can go to hell for all i care!"
"petty" donghyuck comments absentmindedly, his smile doesn't go unnoticed by you, he has such a nice smile, you note. "i like it" he says again, playing with the joint in his fingers.
"i have every right to be petty, they don't deserve my attention.." you brush dust off your sweater, looking forward at the train tracks, your eyes cast up at the board which usually displays how long until your train comes. "you've gotta be fucking kidding me".
"what's wrong now?"
"train is delayed".
"ah" donghyuck resists the urge to laugh at your look of defeat, he doesn't want to upset you. "guess were gonna have to walk home".
you groan at the idea, but you stand up, though begrudgingly. "i don't live anywhere near this place" you shove your hands into your pockets, now annoyed by the fact that you'll have to walk home, just another horrible thing to add onto your horrible day.
"well, we could always walk together".
at donghyuck's suggestion, you give him a baffled look, and he finally does laugh at the look you share with him, taking another drag of the joint tucked between his fingers. "were still strangers, i'm not sure that's safe".
"you gave me your lighter, were basically soulmates".
the statement makes a baffled chortle escape your lips, and you click your tongue at his words. you try your best to ignore the constant buzzing of your phone. "wow, your a comedian aren't you?"
"a proud one too".
the words get another laugh out of you, and you look down at the floor, at your moving feet. "at least let me walk you out of the station, i don't want to leave you here".
"how endearing, lee donghyuck" you tease, finally looking up at him and meeting his eyes. he seems to like those words, because he allows for his lips to turn up into a grin. he drops his cigarette onto the ground and puts it out with his foot. "fine, i'll let you walk me out".
"thank you! i won't disappoint!"
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blueaetherr · 2 years
hello, could you do a jude bellingham hot where he wins a final and has a fun night at the hotel with yn. please, kisses from Brazil.
thrill and adventure
pairing: jude bellingham x fem!reader [she/her]
warning(s): mentions of drinking
summary: the one where they celebrate jude winning the champions league final by roaming around their hotel
author's note: hi anon, thanks for the request and sorry it took a bit long. i hope you enjoy this one <3
now playing: world on wheels by duckwrth ft. kyle dion
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"Say cheese for me."
Looking up away from his phone, Jude noticed Y/N recording a video in the direction of the elevator mirror. His face lit up, happy and animated. Suddenly, the attention he had reserved for the person on the other side of his phone was long gone. For now, and like he always did, he let it fall on his first person, Y/N.
Wrapping his arms around her shoulders, he exclaimed, "Cheese!" Seeing as it was a video rather than a picture, Jude let that happiness and animation express themselves through the video. He bared his teeth through his flourishing smiles, stretching the words as he spoke to his partner, waving his arms with so much spirit and throwing up a peace sign every now and then. He was doing the most and all within reason. 
Jude had managed to win the Champions League final with his dear club, a win that now came before any other win, major or small, that he'd ever achieved before. The happiness, the joy, the relief, the satisfaction of winning—they were colourful and voluminous, so much more than he had ever experienced before in his career, in his life even.
It was all so overwhelming and the only right way to contain it all was to do the exact opposite; Jude would express all his caved feelings in the moment and let them out for everyone to experience for themselves.
Her phone long put away, she let her eyes fall on the medal Jude was wearing. "I'm proud of you, y'know," Y/N placed her hands on his shoulders, letting her sight move from his chest to meet his glance. He was already smiling at her when the two met eyes, only encouraging Y/N to laugh a bit as she felt her lips curve up. "I know I've already said it but I just gotta let you know one more time," they poked his chest a few times, "You played so well today, so well. You deserve this. All of it."
"Thanks Y/N, I know." Jude let himself be vulnerable, falling close and comfortable into an embrace with his partner, placing a kiss by the side of Y/N's head before leaning his head against hers, the two swaying to the kind elevator music and their shared laughter.
His words were said with clear purpose. I know you're proud of me. Y/N always let Jude know she was proud of him. By attending his matches, by sending him those last minute messages before he was to head onto the pitch. Never questioning his ability but rather building up his confidence and mood with just a few words, letting him know that he was a good player with every passing day.
I know I deserved this win. She always let him know he was destined for success; to the trophies, the love from the supporters, to the titles of the best or the most gifted. That his hard work wasn't in vain or just to pass the time, that Jude was doing the right things and taking the right steps in his career and he would see so much come through with time. After all, the passing hours were only the start of it all.
"But, but, but, but..." Pulling away from the embrace, Jude took off his medal and placed it around Y/N's neck. He continued, moving her hair so the medal could rest well. "I can't say I would have all of this if it wasn't for you." When everything was in place, Jude observed Y/N: her timid facial expression, the medal simply on her and just thought wow. Softly, he commented, "Look at that! It suits you so well." 
It was unfortunate that Y/N's name wouldn't be included with all the names of the players that won today's match—Jude felt like Y/N had won the match with him and the team. He knew to recognise her for everything she had ever offered him, for all that she was. His motivation, his support, his happy days. All that energy she put in him, Jude always took that and put it into his craft and let that grow into the success Y/N was always talking about.
He had to give credit where it was due. It was all because of her, his dearest Y/N.
Observing the medal in her hand, she hummed, "So this is like a what's yours is mine type shit?"
Jude let out a loud laugh, shaking his hand. He couldn't forget, too, that she was his laughter and comedy unintentionally. "I guess so."
"If that's what you want. Speaking of, what do you want to do, like, right now?" Y/N offered the floor to Jude. It was his day, his night, his month, his season maybe. She knew he was on cloud 9. He should get to choose what they should do. Besides, if she didn't ask him, he would've taken the opportunity to ask her.
"I don't know really," Jude exhaled a small breath, scratching the nape of his neck. "I haven't really thought about it y'know." 
His eyes fell on the elevator screen by the door showing the hotel floors slowly going up. Heading up to his hotel room, Jude came to realise that the two wouldn't actually have anything interesting to do other. All there was to do was sleep. And Jude could sleep, the feeling distant in his eyes but he didn't want to; the adrenaline from the match was still present and wouldn't allow him to sleep off any unnoticed fatigue.
He felt obliged to do something, to celebrate this massive win some more. And that, eventually, was something he wanted to fall back into once again. 
Y/N watched Jude head towards the elevator buttons, confused. And it was only deepened when he halted the elevator ride. Frowning, they wondered, "What are you doing?"
"I say let's not call it a night," Jude said with a shrug, a playful look soon maturing across his face. "I'm pretty sure everything here is 24 hours. Let's just roam around the hotel and do whatever we can find to do."
"And do what exactly?"
Rather than stopping on their floor, they pressed random buttons and let themselves reach a totally random floor. And as soon as the elevator door opened, they ran and ran and ran. Wherever Jude and Y/N could place their feet, where there lacked deadends, the two found their way together. Without care, passing by people while waving at them, saying a rushed sorry or excuse me, some with or without meaning whenever they bumped into someone.
They were like kids, unhinged yet full of excitement and wonder for the thrilling times the two were sharing together. Running through the hallways and dodging as many bodies as possible, finding the main hotel kitchen to have all chefs confused by their presence. Running into the restricted areas that, suddenly, weren't so restricted anymore; taking the elevator every time their feet were about to give out.
And Jude and Y/N were fun with it all too. Every security camera they saw (or they thought was one), the two would wave as if they were communicating with security on the other side. Every time they heard distant footsteps, they would share a glance before running away in laughter and giggles like they were being chased, holding hands for dear life to make sure one (Y/N) wasn't lagging behind the other (Jude) as they ran around seeking thrill and adventure.
Roaming around the hotel brought the couple to the hotel bar, where Jude and Y/N found the drinks and the karaoke machine. And for some reason beyond what they knew, they preferred the karaoke machine; to sing a song and loosen up sounded good. The adrenaline was so high up, so high that a drink or two wasn't necessary to boost their confidence. Nonetheless, they chose to drink some anyways too.
Together, Jude and Y/N sang their songs; their favourite songs, the ones they could sing, the ones they couldn't sing, the ones the pair sang in private and only to one another. And it definitely felt like it, like they were the only ones in the room. 'Cause even though some of Jude's teammates were present too in the bar—enjoying the atmosphere and recording Jude just in case—that didn't stop the couple from enjoying themselves and feeling like they were the only people in the room.
To fall back into reality– to fall out of their high and hyperactivity– the two headed to one of the many indoor swimming pools. Seeing as they hadn't brought any swimwear with them, they chose to swim in their undergarments, Jude and Y/N mindlessly laughing as they watched one another undress.
Heading into the swimming pool, they chose to take it easy. Holding one another, resting on the shallow end because they had no real energy to swim. Just like the pool water, that want to sleep and cave in was slowly washing over them, surely but slowly. There was talk, but it was exhausted and strained. All Y/N and Jude wanted to do was celebrate—that was the only thing resting on their minds. 
But from leaning on each other to not lose balance to almost dozing off on the pool floaties, they understood sleep was necessary at some point. It was time to pack it up for the night; the celebrations could start again another time.
Hand in hand—like they had been all night—a bit stiff and lagged in their walk, water carelessly dipping on the floor, the two together walked into their elevator. While Jude pressed the floor number in, Y/N took her place on the elevator floor, closing her eyes and exhaling low as her back got to rest against the wall. There was no energy between them; they could no longer hold themselves up without the help of each other.
She felt a presence relax by her side as the elevator began to go up. Opening her eyes, she turned to look at Jude to find him already wanting to catch her gaze. And they just laughed it off together, their laughter hollow and tired in the elevator. Nothing was necessarily funny, it was just a good way of getting past something that would've been embarrassing at the beginning of the relationship (which it was, particularly for Jude). 
Jude inhaled through his nose, rubbing it a bit. The pool water was still having its effect on him. There was a small moment of silence before he mentioned, randomly, "I gotta listen to more Kehlani songs."
"Yeah?" Chuckling, Y/N leaned her head against the elevator wall. It was a fun time to witness Jude so out of it. 
"Yeah, I do, I do," Jude nodded and sighed, letting his head rest against Y/N. "I really like one where she's all like I love you shawty, shawty," he sang, his drowsiness along with his accent pronouncing shawty like shaw-day. "That one's real cool."
"I know you like that song." From what she could remember, that was the song Jude was singing with the most passion and animation at the karaoke bar over others.
It felt like it took forever to reach their hotel floor. In reality, the elevator ride had only taken less than a minute. They had reached their hotel floor a long time ago. However, exhausted and slightly out of things, neither Jude nor Y/N noticed when the door had opened. They remained on the elevator floor, leaning on one another and engaging in simple talk. It was early in the morning; no one was awake so they felt no rush to get up. 
And even if the elevator doors closed on them, it would be okay. Somehow, they would find their way back.
"Hey, Y/N," his partner hummed, her voice almost trailing away from him. "Thanks for today, for everything really. This," with his eyes struggling to remain open, Jude tapped his finger against his Champions League medal Y/N was wearing. "I wouldn't have it without you."
"It's okay, Jude. I know." I know you're grateful to have me. And she was right; that's just how it was. Jude was, indeed, grateful to have Y/N.
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hanibalistic · 2 months
genre | fluff, romance
word count | 2179
warning | none
note | a little something. let this be my official first piwon piece (haha).
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you didn't know aquariums keep their lights on through the night. you figured it must have been for the animals' peace of mind.
your smile was invisible as you lay on the floor of the observation cave with a calm heart. the water flowed seamlessly above your face inside the jellyfish tank, its muffled noises delicately woven into traces of dim, decorative lights that cascaded over your closed eyes. you couldn't see the tiny, adorable swimmers on the other side of the glass, but their whereabouts and float patterns were not unknown.
the jellyfish cove was always your favorite section in the aquarium, and jongseob knew that.
you opened your eyes and arched your neck to find him crouched by the narrow cave entrance with his head hung low to peek inside. his blond bangs fell sideways to cover most of his eyes, but you could see that he raised a questioning brow at his deliberate discovery—you.
"why are you here?" you asked.
"i was looking for you," he replied, making faint gestures with one hand. "what about you? what are you doing here?"
a brief exhale left your chest as you softly adjusted your head back onto the floor. your eyes automatically squinted at the observational glass above you, realizing how the jellyfish and the decorative lights created a much brighter view than you were used to seeing during the day when the aquarium still welcomed visitors.
"i'm taking a break," you replied.
"nothing. i'm just taking a break," you said. "why were you looking for me?"
"no reason. i was just looking for you."
you furrowed your brows, a feature without malice, and looked up at him again. he shrugged in response, his fingers stretching out to keep his palms skyward into a beckoning motion with no intentions of summoning anything or anyone. a pursed, almost triumphant smile played on his face once you resumed your activity, and he reached down to poke your ankle.
"scoot over," he asked, "i want to come in."
you complied by clumsily shifting your body to the side. jongseob crawled through the entrance slowly, not too bothered with avoiding your legs and stomach as he freely pressed his hand on them for support. you breathed out stuttered whines at his weight but made no verbal complaints. it reminded you of when you two used to lie together during holiday dinners, chowing down the food as quickly as possible so you could leave the table together. it was all in a day's work for a pair of childhood friends, distanced or not.
jongseob turned his body around when his fingers touched the inside of the circular reflection on the floor painted by the window above, and he fit himself snuggly next to you on the floor. you scooted closer once he settled down, hoping to regain as much of your original spot as possible. he snorted when you bumped heads with him, and you didn't apologize but didn't make the same mistake again.
you two lay close and observed the jellyfish swimming above. he peered at you without moving an inch and inhaled silently, a flutter identical to the sea creatures' lace-like tentacles appearing beneath his chest. the atmosphere felt as close to underwater as possible, saved for the ability to breathe, which jongseob wasn't sure if he was doing anyway. he hasn't been this close to you since forever, touching shoulders, hips, thighs, and feet. all but your arms, he noticed.
all but your bare arms, your arms he could feel without a barrier. your skin—what he wanted to feel the most.
"did you notice i was gone from the lobby?" you asked.
"yeah. your empty sleeping bag is super eye catching," he said.
"oh," you blinked up at the jellyfish passing by, "i hope the teachers don't notice then."
"well, the worst they could do is take us back to the lobby."
"i don't want to go back," you muttered. "i like it here."
"i know you do," he said, mirroring the hearty softness in your voice that could either result from sleepiness or the fact that you were talking to him. "that's why i came here first."
it wasn't lost on you both times he confessed that he searched for you in this aquarium when he had no reason to do so, but even if you noticed it, you couldn't pinpoint what it meant. perhaps it didn't mean anything, or it could mean that he wanted to see you and be where you are, which you supposed translated to mean nothing too.
there was no room for delusions when it came to kim jongseob. if it meant nothing, then he would say nothing.
you turned your head to look at him, and he felt it. your hair brushed against each other; a sand film texture, an hourglass noise. it reminded him of when his head sinks into a pillow.
"jongseob." his eardrums pierced at your sounding of his name. "do you think you know everything about me?"
"no," he said. "i think i know what i have to."
"yeah." you didn't deny it, and you didn't know yourself enough to understand what part of yourself he has to know. "how have you been?"
he let out a chuckle, his chest heaving with his laced fingers on top of it. "all of a sudden?"
"not really," you said, turning to face the glass on top again. "i haven't seen you at all recently."
your tight-knit childhood friendship ended two years ago during sophomore year of high school, but you two still hung out whenever possible. you never tried to cling onto what once was; you understood the inevitable distancing of childhood friends as the teenage years approached. considering your different academic lives and separate friend groups, it was no wonder you two barely have time to hang out anymore.
however, what used to be a mutual effort to stay in touch became radio silence. you weren't a saint in this situation, of course. you have done your fair share of backing out of plans just as much as he has blown you off for his other priorities. but going as far as to vanish off the face of the earth, where you couldn't find traces of him anywhere on school grounds nor in cyberspace, was outrageous. you knew he attended school, his friends said so.
he was never where you were, and the prevalence of it felt intentional.
"i thought something must have happened for you to never show up anywhere," you said. "either that, or you were avoiding me because i did something wrong."
"i was–" jongseob pursed his lips shut on second thought, his tendency to tell the truth almost betraying him.
he has been avoiding you. it was the only way for him to make sense of his growth in feelings for you, or at least his realization of its gradual process over the last few years.
closing his eyes, he gently exhaled, calming his nerves and gathering his thoughts. you have raised him a difficult question, which answer he wasn't ready to face the repercussions of. his thought stilled into blocks of a map, attempting to lead him to the logical direction: to say that something did happen to him, which would only be a partial lie.
but the partial truth to that statement, the truth that he found out he was in love and needed to process it—he wasn't ready to reveal it to you either.
what would that leave him? to let you know he has been avoiding you. what excuse could he cook up on such a short time that wouldn't pin you to blame? or could he vaguely blame himself and brush the topic off with an apology and a promise that he would try to be less invisible from today on?
you turned to him again upon his defeating silence. he didn't feel it this time. "jongseob, are you angry at me?"
"what–no, never–i'm just–"
the observation cave was built to house multiple visitors, but each cave window was made to fit only one. the lighted circle on the ground has a radius unsuitable for two people, which was the number that made up you and jongseob. the solution was to squeeze as close as possible so at least one eye from each of you could be touched by the blue-white ocean hue above.
jongseob didn't register the habitual proximity until he turned to you in a panic to explain himself, and immediately the tip of your nose brushed. you didn't move. you only stared at him, your brows furrowed, and the corner of your eyes pulled into a sorrowful pout. he maintained it, willing himself to breathe into tranquility.
"i'm not angry at you," he clarified softly. "there's just been... a lot going on with myself lately. it's bad, and i need a lot of time."
you bit your lower lip, feeling your eyes gloss over with tears at the relief. sniffing briefly, you whispered, "what is it?"
he shook his head. he could feel your lips ghost over his—habitual proximity made too noticeable for the good of his mental wellness, yet he didn't pull away. he let his breath travel through your parted lips, something he would do completely and thoroughly if given the chance.
"it's too personal," he said. "but it's all on me. i need to figure this out on my own."
you stared at him. there's no delusion with kim jongseob. his words hold volume and truth, so if he says he's not angry with you, then he simply isn't. you believed him, you always did.
the shadows of jellyfish swam freely across his face, covering his features you were so used to and so delicately loved. jongseob tensed when you raised your hand to tap and graze at them with your fingertips. your skin, his eyes, his nose; your skin, his cheeks, his hair; your skin, his jaw, his chin, his lips—he puckered them with a disguise of scrunching his nose, as he wanted to kiss your fingers, even if only faintly so.
you raised your brows at their thin yet plushness, and you were pleasantly surprised you responded to the touch of his lips with so much melt. it didn't mean anything—with you, there's a lot of delusions, and denial was one of them.
"okay," you said, smiling with groggy eyes as you retreated your hand. "i'm here whenever you need me."
his mouth parted just enough to let a fearful tremble escape. any bigger a gap, his heart would slip through, puking his bloodied insides down at your feet. somewhere in there was no ordinary confession of love.
he wanted to say everything he did was because of you and to let you know that he will continue to do everything for you. even when he forced himself out of your life, its precursor was you. but despite all his talent in thought articulation, he was too timid and afraid to express that sentiment, so he kept his mouth shut.
he recalled when he noticed you were gone from the aquarium lobby, where his fellow classmates snored soundly. the moment his groggy eyes opened, they learned to search for your outline in the dark, and they woke themselves up to look for you when you were nowhere to be found.
it has been that way since you were young; he wants to be aware of your presence, to be around it, to search for it. he went where you went, did what you did, and smiled when you smiled. that was the truth he learned to keep behind closed doors, the truth that meant everything to him, the truth spawned by the existence of his devotion to you.
a minor hiccup made him realize he wasn't too afraid of the fact that he's in love with you, but rather something beyond that explainable feeling—devotion. he was scared of devotion.
the kind that causes a strain on both parties and cannot be undone. the kind that, in his willingness to drag a carcass to your feet, is really just a self-inflicted curse. the kind that is a synonym for love, an antonym of honor, and a burden.
it would be easier to tell you he loves you, but jongseob trapped it all behind his lips and prayed to god that he relearned how to restrain his feelings in his hands by a mere lace of his fingers that yearned to grab yours.
"hey, i noticed they keep these lights on throughout the night," you said, turning to him and suddenly pinching at the spot of his skin that turned blue from it. "i think they're for the fishes."
he licked his lower lip as the lines on your face redrew themselves in his replaying memory.
they must be for the fishes, he agreed, and somewhere in the exhale he let out after, he said it was also so he could find you whenever you need.
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“Are you hungry or not?”
Crosshair x F!Reader One Shot
Prison life is already unfair as it is, but when a clone guard ends up being your solitary warden you may have no choice but to do what ever he says.
WC: 4405- Read on Ao3
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*this is just my general "mature rating" specifics:
Content Warning:
Smut. Coercion/Questionable consent, Uneven power dynamic, Unethical Dom Crosshair, Oral (f receiving), Orgasm denial, begging, humiliation (?... sure), Unprotected PiV and creampie, Light restraining, mind games. Rough all around.
Authors Note: I was not able to make in universe swearing work with this one, so FUCK it is. Also, I took all of One Shot Cross's ethic points and gave them to Disgrace Crosshair so now this one is just an utter menace. Hope that helps.
Hours had passed. 
Normally, there'd be an orderly with a food tray, then the inquisitors with their scowling guard, but today…
You sprawled on the bunk and  looked at the clock in your plain cell and your stomach growled. Hours since the usual meal time. 
Are they trying to starve a confession out of me?
It wouldn't help, you weren't an insurrectionist. Just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Didn't stop them from locking you away. They had no intention of letting anyone suspected of treason see trial anytime soon. Stuck in holding limbo while they questioned you day after day... Till days became months. 
But not today. 
You jumped as the door swished open without the usual warning clamor of boots or the rattle of the food cart. Bolting upright you turned on your bed to face the door. 
A single clone trooper was framed in the doorway holding a tray of food casually in one hand. 
This one was odd; Overly tall, slim with narrow features and a shock of white hair. He was a familiar sight, usually standing behind the Lieutenant that was leading the questioning for the day. He was the one that snickered when you suggested your inquisitor eat his own testicles. 
The light glinted off the ominous black armor as he paced through the harsh white room and set the tray on the metal table in the middle with a sharp clatter. Then he stepped back, twirling the toothpick between his lips as he observed you,
“Well… what?”
“Are you hungry or not?”
You were, but you eyed the soldier suspiciously,
“Where’s everyone else? Why's it just you?”
He smirked,
“Seems they forgot about you… guess that makes you my problem,”
You weren't sure what that meant, but it looked like the best answer you'd get for now. Standing, you cautiously crossed the few feet to the table and perched on one of the attached metal seats by the tray. 
It had the usual: protein gel, fresh piece of fruit, portion of hard grain bread and water… and…a dessert. 
That's new…
You eyed the small canister of sweet custard before flicking your gaze to the soldier. 
“You… sticking around?”
You picked up the utensils on the tray and poked at the jelly mass that represented most of your daily calories. With only him standing there it felt… awkward. 
“If it's just you, why don't you sit?... This feels too… watched.”
It wasn't just the situation. He was watching you. Intently. You could feel his eyes boring into the top of your skull every time you looked down. You offered again,
“You're in no position to be giving orders…”
He sat. Elbows on the table, hands folded under rested chin, eyes… focused on your face. 
You gave up trying to eat the undignified nutrient paste under such scrutiny and picked up the stone fruit instead, biting into its soft flesh to fill your mouth with tangy juice that ran down your chin. 
He watched. 
“Seriously… What are you doing here, Trooper?”
“Commander trooper.”
You glanced over the tattoo around his eye. 
Yeah, that makes sense. 
“You still haven't answered me Commander.”
“I already did. They. Forgot. You. Fallen between the cracks.”
“But you didn't?”
His cheeks tinged the most subtle shade of pink. He didn't answer. 
“So, now I'm your problem…”
“Indeed. No one will be coming to feed you, No more questions, Just you, this cell… and me,”
There was a growl to his voice that sent a shiver up your spine. You didn't want to guess at what he was implying, though you didn't need to. He stood leaning on his palms against the table top, a devilish look in his eyes. 
“Do you want to keep eating, inmate?”
You gulped, taking in his posture, his expression, his eyes boring hungrily into you. 
“You're not suggesti-”
“I am.”
“You can't be serious.”
“I am.”
You sat straight, shifting uncomfortably. There wasn't denying you had looked at the soldier before, even had the intrusive thought to ask him to stay behind once or twice… but this…
“This is an abuse of your position, soldier…”
He snatched out, fingers digging into your cheeks as he roughly turned your face up to look at him. 
“It's a risk, sneaking food down here, what's a little… mutual benefit? I bring you food, you give me whatever I want,”
He leaned in breath hot against your ear,
“You get to eat… and so do I.”
Your breath caught as an unbidden heat warmed your inner thighs… those long months of isolation making you easy to tease. This was unfair and you bit your cheek in indignation. 
“Think about it. I'll be back tomorrow… but if I stick around after that… that's up to you.”
He moved from the table, punching a code into the door and slipping out in a fluid motion leaving you to stew with what might possibly be your second to last meal. 
You sat at the edge of the bunk, leg bouncing in distress as you looked over the dirty tray from yesterday. No one had come for it. The automated lights clicked out and then back on again and no one had come to get the tray. They always came to get the tray. 
The door swished open. Crosshair, laden with food, scanning till he saw your jittery form on the bunk. 
“Hey, asshole, what's the big idea?”
They can't have really… 
But he just shrugged,
“I told you the deal,”
He placed the tray on the table, more carefully than before, and lowered himself to the bench opposite it. Elbows up, chin on folded hands… watching you. 
“And if I do?”
His lip twitched into that mirthless smirk again,
“Then I'll take it you've come to terms with your… predicament.”
You stifled a shiver, already feeling naked under his intense gaze. 
“Wh-when… how soon… after?”
Your voice wobbled slightly and his eyebrow rose, like he wasn't expecting you to play along so easily. You flushed and turned from his staring.  
I can't believe I'm even-
Your heart fluttered, confusing you, and you turned back to him.
“I'll be back tomorrow… be ready for me,”
He left quickly, leaving you with your conflicted thoughts and lackluster meal.
You could swear this was… anticipation. 
Your thighs clenched against the warmth pooling through you. 
Your heart was in your throat. You could feel it, you knew that if you just opened your mouth in the mirror you would see it beating there. So you stared at your reflection with your jaw clenched, hair dripping cold rivlettles down your skin.
You looked at your last pair of clean prison scrubs and wondered what it was gonna cost to get a fresh set from your new clone warden. 
Speaking of,
The door swished open, and you looked up to catch his eyes in the open fresher mirror. He was looking bemused over your toweled, dripping visage. 
“I said be ready but I wasn't expecting you so… eager,”
You flushed, snatching the scrubs and slipping them on over the towel, dropping the damp cloth once you were properly clothed. He snickered, and you spun back to face him. Crosshair took a measured step towards you but hesitated, turning instead to gesture at the tray that had appeared on the table. 
“This… is your half,”
“I'm not exactly hungry, right this second…”
He shrugged, then rushed you. You felt the cold panels of the walls against your back as you were pinned to them. 
“My half then.”
He rocked back, letting you slide out from under him to catch your breath. 
“Don't just… come at me like that,”
His hand closed on your wrist, tugging you back around.
“The food is for you, inmate. This,”
He tugged you into him squeezing your ass through the rough fabric,
“This is for me, My pleasure. Don't mistake that,”
You were tossed roughly into the bunk, the matress hitting the back of your knees to buckle them and you sat with a thump. He loomed over you, tugging off his gloves, a dangerous fire in his sharp eyes. 
“The only thing you decide is who gets theirs first,”
You trembled, looking up at the man knowing with all assuredness that he was going to take you. You knew it would be rough. You knew from every little intrusive thought you had when your eyes would meet his over some suit shoulder or another the past few months. 
“Take yours,”
A wicked smile broke his intensity, and he stripped off more armor. You noticed he hadn't brought a gun today… Clever. 
His outer shell dropped away, leaving him in his tight black under suit and boots. 
“On your knees,”
You made to protest but he caught your jaw, hooking his thumb between your teeth to hold you by your pallet. 
“Not your decision, On. Your. Knees. ”
You made a noise in your throat, all you could really manage. He nodded your head for you with a flick of his wrist before releasing you to position yourself, tugging you by your hair when you made to angle your ass to him; instead, he positioned you parallel to the edge. Pressure on the back of your neck and you collapsed, cheek pressed to the sheets and ass high over your knees. 
He purred. The mattress dipped as he sat behind you, firm hands brushing over the fabric guarding your rump to rest on your pelvis just before the small of your back. Fingers toyed with the hem of your useless scrubs, before slipping into them; feeling your hips, he traced them down your navel till he could feel the heat of you. You gasped as he brushed against the tender lips at the apex of your thighs. He ventured further, dipping his fingertip into the warmth of you to slide the evidence of your arousal back over the petals. 
A groan escaped him when he felt how wet you were. Dipping into your again, too shallow, but you wouldn't admit you needed more even as a small moan played across your lips. 
“Have you been wanting this?”
You didn't answer, hiding your flushed cheeks against the mattress. 
His hands withdrew and the bottoms were yanked down to your knees. 
You couldn't see him from this angle, just his legs casually sitting behind your exposed thighs… and his fingers, gripping those thighs hard. You could tell he was looking you over and you flushed even hotter. This was no good, it had been too long…
The muscles of your sex twitched in need, and you could feel slick fluid drip down your heated cunt to fall from your lips onto the sheets. You were growing more sensitive with your increased pulse alone. Not good.  
You felt him reach for your wrists, pulling your arms to fold behind your back. He held them like that one handed, and you could feel him shift closer to you, sitting on your calves to pin them, legs draping over yours and face almost even with your raised buttock. You felt his breath stir against your quim and you whimpered. 
“Remember, inmate,”
He had sensed your eagerness for what he was possitioning himself for.
“My pleasure, not yours.”
His leg wrapped around your arched back, bringing the distinct feeling of a boot sole against the back of your head. You almost turned to look but your head was pushed back down, ground under his heel. You whimpered again, unable to move with him restraining your body so efficiently with his own. 
“My pleasure.”
And then his tongue plunged into you, making you jerk and gasp as the sudden intrusion. 
He worked his tongue in and out of your cunt with slow, even drags that had you moaning weakly into the sheet. Groans rumbled through the sensitive skin whenever your walls would clench around his flexing muscle and he’d push deeper, digging his nose and teeth against you as he attempted to reach fully into your depths. 
Anytime you jerked too violently his boot would crush you down again, arms tugged tighter together to pull your hips firmer against his face. His lips moved lower, sucking your sensitive bud into his mouth with a whisper of satisfaction that made you squirm. A soft sob choked from you.
He held you tight as he flicked his tongue against your clit, making you jolt and tremble. Your legs began to shake as the mounting pressure started to build up to a crescendo…
And he pulled back, eliciting a pathetic whine from your lips. 
“You'll come when I want you to.”
Teeth sank into your ass and you cried out only for it to be muffled by his boot shoving your face into the mattress. Then he was working your cunt again, lapping at the dripping petals to make you gasp. 
They had sent him to torture you. 
The seemingly endless cycle of being licked to an edge just to have him stop cold, lean back and watch as you shook and squirmed for some semblance of relief… it was torture. 
You're not sure when you started to beg, but as another climax was yanked from you a choked pleading tore from your throat. 
“Please, Crosshair, let me cum!”
Boot. Mattress. Then his mouth back to your folds, lapping hard against your swollen and sensitive clit. 
You groaned lustily against the sheet without that pesky dignity from before, he wasn't gonna be able to keep you from going over for long. Every brush, every lick felt like it could be your undoing. 
You felt weak, trying to twist your wrists away from his grip but it was useless; his hand closed over them like a vice. Your body had started to shake and wouldn't stop. He pulled away again and you bucked against his hold, 
“Krriffff, Crosshair, please,”
He chuckled, drawing his tongue across the length of your slit from front to back making you sob and your pelvis to clench. 
“What do you want, sweetheart?”
“I want t-to cum… please,”
He pressed his thumb to your entrance with his free hand, adding the smallest hint of pressure to make you moan. 
“Be more specific.”
“Please, I want to cum… make me cum,”
It wasn't exactly coherent, the words spilling from you,
He clicked his tongue,
“If you just want to cum you can do that yourself,”
Another jolt of pressure, his thumb pulling your lips open slightly to expose your opening more clearly. 
“What. Do. You. Want?”
You whined under his boot heel, trying to wiggle your ass to push against his thumb, desperate for any contact. 
“I want you to make me cum, Crosshair, please make me cum! Kriff, please?”
He made a contented noise that rumbled through his chest, sliding his thumb forward to spread your petals, lifting the hood over your clit… and blew. 
Your senses exploded, all your muscles going tight at once and he lunged, sucking your button roughly, nipping his teeth against the bundled nerves driving the climax deeper through your brain. You came, rigid against his firm hold, unable to even cry out as your lungs were crushed by your own spasming. Fluid ran down your legs, chased by his tongue. There were sparkles in your vision, your synapsis on fire… and then you were spent, falling limp and gasping against him. 
He kissed your ass cheek, then bit it lightly before pulling your bottoms back up and untangling himself from your numb limbs. 
Crosshair rose from the bed, stretched, then reached for his discarded armor… confusing you,
“Was that really all you wanted?”
He looked over his shoulder at you, now sprawled prone over the bed, and smirked. A triumphant look danced behind his eyes. 
“What else might I want?”
Your gaze roved over his tight muscles, barely hidden under the tight black fabric of his under clothing. Down his shoulders to his hips, the tight buttock and thighs. Your appraisal wasn't unnoticed and he turned slightly, letting you look at him more. His chest, his abs… your eyes darted down to the straining fabric at his groin and a small, needy moan escaped you as your pussy twitched. 
“Don't you want to fuck me?”
A slight smile played across his lips, dancing behind his eyes. 
“Do you want me to fuck you?”
“Stars yes…”
There was no use denying it. Now that he was here, partially stripped and hard for you there was no way you were letting him leave. 
“Fuck me, Crosshair,”
He turned fully towards you, stroking himself thoughtfully through the fabric of his pants. 
“I suppose I could fuck you, How ba~dly… do you want me to fuck you, inmate?”
“Badly… awfully, Please take me, Crosshair,”
You ground your hips into the mattress, watching him standing there, stroking himself lazily…so nonchalant…
Damn it…
“Take your close off, inmate.”
He stepped back, leaning himself against the table. 
 You obediently say up, tugging the hem of your shirt up.
The command hit you in your core, and your breath came shaky as you, slowly, tugged the shirt up over your breasts, then head… and it was off. Your nipples hardened at the sudden cold air, having dressed too hastily to find under things. Next came the pants, and you hooked your thumbs into the band. 
“Stand for those.”
You stood with a wobble, legs still feeling more like jelly than flesh and bone. The waistband slipped down your hips, your thighs, then fell to the floor. 
He palmed his covered cock as he took in your nudity. 
“Be a good girl and give me a little turn,”
His fingers made a spin motion and you swallowed, waiting for a sense of indignation, an urge to stop this that never came. You obeyed. Turning slowly, letting him see your back and ass, then facing him again. 
“Very good… now get on all fours, facing me,”
You flushed, but did as he said, lowering yourself to your hands and knees to look at him from the floor. 
“Come here, like that. Crawl to me, sweetheart.”
You balked for the first time in this new routine, flushing a deep red at the humiliating command. He cocked an eyebrow,
“If you don't want to I could always leave…”
You gritted your teeth, knowing you weren't likely to deny anything he asked from this point, and crawled forward. The bare panel flooring was hard against your knees but you closed the distance, coming even with his legs casually leaning against the table. 
“Now tell me… what do you want?”
You gulped, your vision completely dominated by his visage poised over you. Relaxed, in control, slowly stroking the outline of his length to tease you more than himself. 
“I-i want you to fuck me, Crosshair,”
“You can do better than that… what exactly do you want?”
He gripped himself pointedly through his blacks and your vision blurred with need. Lips trembling, a hint of pleading back in your voice,
“I want your cock…”
“Where do you want it?”
“Inside me.”
Flushing, you looked away, his knee nudged your chin to meet his eyes again. 
“All together now, from the top…”
“I want you to fuck me, Crosshair, I want your… cock inside of me.”
Your eyes stayed obediently on his, his knee still pressed to your cheek. 
“You can be nicer than that,”
Exasperation forced a frustrated sigh from you, causing his eyebrows to raise again and your jaw to clench. 
“Please, fuck me, Crosshair… I want your cock inside me… please…”
As the first plea left you a shiver went down your spine, a small thrill from the submissive action. You nuzzled the knee pressed to your chin, forcing his eyes to widen for a brief second. 
“If you want it so badly, darling, why don't you just take it then?”
He slid to sit on the bench proper, legs spread wide to either side of you, crotch jutted towards your eager, lustful expression. 
“Why don't you fuck yourself on my cock?”
He smirked down, rolling his hips subtly to challenge you into action. 
Perhaps he didn't expect you to take the invitation, but as your hands lashed out to hook his waistband, the fasteners pulled open with a sharp snap… he stilled. Elbows on the table behind him, still leaned in a relaxed posture, but frozen in a temporary trance. You tugged the fly the rest of the way open and his heavy cock sprang free, bopping you lightly in the nose making you flinch involuntarily. 
This broke the spell as he failed to repress a snort of amusement. You narrowed your eyes at him and he composed himself as well as he could with that glint in his eye.
“Sorry, go on,”
You nipped at the head of his bobbing member making him hiss between his teeth. A hand roughly caught the back of your neck pulling you up off your knees and into his lap. 
“I believe I told you to fuck yourself, inmate,”
His free hand grabbed your hip, grinding your bare sex against his shaft for emphasis eliciting a needy groan from your chest. 
You decided to comply, tucking your feet over his thighs for leverage, you angled your torso up over him. He rested his arms back on the table once more as you balanced your hands on his shoulders. His length slid along your folds as you moved and you shivered, poised with him resting against your entrance. Rivulets of arousal trickled down his velvety skin to catch in the soft brush of pubic hair nested around its base. 
“Well, I'm waiting…”
You closed your eyes, taking a deep breath counting a heartbeat before opening them again. Meeting his eyes you couldn't help but think his features seemed softer from up here. 
Easing your thigh muscles down, you carefully pushed him into yourself, slowly… an inch, then withdrawing, dropping an inch further, making sure he was lubricated with you from base to tip. When he was fully docked inside you ground your hips into him, feeling his hard length pushing deep against your inner limit and you moaned in satisfaction. 
He was biting his lip, keeping his reactions to a minimum as you began to move on him. Desperate little hops with your hips to bounce yourself. He seemed to enjoy you doing all the work, eyes dropping to watch how your breasts bobbed in front of him. A sliver of his tongue darted across his lips but he didn't move, didn't react, as he watched you ride him, desperately using him to get your self off. 
You were frustrated, wanting it harder but knowing better than to ask for help. That wasn't what you were told to do. So you rolled your hips, bucking against him to find that bliss yourself. 
Leaning back, you put your hands on his knees, tightening your pelvis and putting more power into your hips. His calm veneer broke and he grabbed onto your hips, keeping you anchored on his shaft as climax started to cloud your vision. Your motions and breathing became erratic, taking his guiding force on your hips as permission to let go you ground against him with reckless abandon, hurtling yourself over the edge,
Your voice cut out with a strangled cry and he pulled you down on him, sheathing himself in you with an ecstatic groan as your muscles convulsed and clamped down on his shaft. 
He lifted you up, carrying you back to the bunk, plunking your ass against the mattress before pushing you over to lay on your stomach. 
Your arms were grabbed and held behind your back once more as he angled himself back into your warm cunt. His weight dropped onto your back and you were pressed flat under him. His hips started to pump into you, quick and sharp as he grew comfortable with your shape under him and he started to ramp up the force. 
A vulgar clapping of skin echoed through the room as he pounded into you, grunting from exertion as he took you hard. His free hand turned your head to look over your shoulder at him before dropping to grip your neck. 
“Do you like this, sweetheart?”
All he got for an answer was a series of sharp, high pitched gasps from the rapid snapping of his hips. 
“Getting wet for me like that…”
He groaned in his throat, grinding deeply into you making you sob in pleasure.
“You like the thought of being my cock slave?”
“Yes… kriffs sake yes…”
“That's right.”
Your breathing went ragged as he pushed himself up on his knees, pulling your waist with him. He moved his arms and hips in tandem to pump his full length in and out of you and you broke, orgasm driving your walls to slam around his thrusting rod until he couldn't take it any more himself. 
He pulled your shoulders up, arms sliding around your chest and hand cupping your jaw hooking fingers into your mouth. You were held against his chest as his cock twitched violently inside of you, a throb for every spurt of seed he shot into your warmth. 
He nuzzled into your neck breathless, tone softer than it had been,
“You were so good for me, darling… so good…”
You couldn't answer around his fingers, so you sucked them, sliding your tongue between them as he groaned. 
The last piece of his armor latched on with a click as you dried your hair, thinking about this new arrangement as you looked at the food still on the table… you weren't sure you could complain. Well you could but…
You glanced over at him, adjusting something at his wrist before he looked up, finding you fully dressed as well. 
“Alright… come on then,”
“What? C’mon where?”
He paced over to the door, tapping at the panel. 
“You’ve been released. The doors been unlocked for days,”
As the realization hit you anger washed through your senses and with out thinking you grabbed the fruit from the tray, chucking it at his head. 
He caught it deftly and with a smirk in your direction, took a big bite out of the flesh, letting the juice run down his chin. 
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mchlgayser · 27 days
𝐈𝐍𝐊𝐄𝐃 𝐁𝐄𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 [tattooist! yamato endo au]
⸻ cw: mention of getting a tattoo, needles, and slight mature themes (?)
qeena's brief note: tattoo artist yamato endo brainrot ໒꒰ྀི ≧ ᗜ ≦ ꒱ྀིა and chika takiishi cameo woohooo! i really love this one ngl, well that's cus i love yamato andd tattooist yamato endo?! wowz i exceed my expectations this time LOLL btw i may have not include this earlier but reader is written to be a female and exceeded minor ages and because it's an au, let's pretend yamato endo is no longer 18 which means timeskip! yamato endo(?) and truthfully idk whether this would consider mature themes but i added it on cw just in case rofl and that's pretty much it, thank you, i love you, and happy reading xoxo 💙.
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The black haired-man ears perk up at the chime bell sound of the front door. He sat on his stool behind the counter until you came. You walk into his space, your alluring aura wrapping around him like a sultry embrace, leaving him captivated and mesmerized by your very presence. His eyes follow your every move as you glide gracefully towards him, "Hey," You noted, catching him off of his trance.
The taller male stood up, greeting you with a sly smile "Hey love', what can I help you with today?" Your eyelashes fluttered to your cheeks as you look down, examining every design the man had beneath his glass table "I'd like a simple design, anything. You have anything in mind?" Your voice appear small before him and that prompts him to smirk softly "Sure," He hands you a small book consisting simpler design. You browse through each pages, hoping to find something cool - even though meaningless, and pretty.
The pages almost ran out and as you skip to the last pages, one particular tattoo caught your observation "I'll have this one." Endo lean his head forward, "Ooh, nice choice, love'." It's an infinity butterly symbol, very minimal yet captivating.
The man whom introduced himself as Endo, or also known as the sole tattooist working in 'Noroshi Tats' assist you to a room, a small room with equipments and furnitures ready. He make you lie down on the chair and sat down on a wheeled stool beside you "Where would you like this again?" You look at him, biting your lips anxiously. Endo would've expected you to say on your forearm or your stomach, any places where it'd hurt less but when you said on your rib, his eyes widen "You sure, love?" He put on his gloves after washing his hands and putting hand sanitizer.
You nod your head, not hesitantly which makes him smile, and nod his head "Alright," He help you lift your shirt and put on some numbing alcohol pat over the place you'd like. He get the stencil of the tattoo you requested and transfer the design onto your skin and after prepping various of his needles and his tattoo machine, he gets ready "I'll start now, take a deep breath in, alright?" You close your eyes, flinched and yelps when the needles poke over your skin, leaving permanent ink inside you.
It's a long process, very long and painful process. You wouldn't count how many tears you shed throughout the entire session. Endo help getting the tattoo clean with antiseptic solution and apply a thin layer of ointment. When he showed you the result, you gasped, feeling a tad bit worried but mostly happy. No time for regret, you heard him said. After applying ointment and the solution, he wrap the tattoo with a bandage to prevent infections "... And, all done." You feel him caress the outer spot of your bandage and you jolt.
He laughs, helping you up from the chair. He told you about every possible precautions and aftercare you should do, not wanting you to mess up with the beautiful tattoo. He smile, guiding you out back to the counter "If you have any concerns or questions regarding your tattoo, contact us- me." He hand you his business card, not before he scratch the previous contact number on the card and wrote down a new ones "My actual number, contact me, okay, love?" By this, you're already immuned to his sweet-callings, grin at him and thank him.
He insert something on his computer, grinning at you when he's finished "After pretty woman discount, it's on the house." Your eyes widen, in disbelief by his words "What, no... I can't." He insisted, taking your hand which cause your whole body to tremble. His calloused hands against your much softer ones intersected for a while and then let go "Go on, see you again, lovie!" He wave, his wide smile adorning his beautiful complexion.
You got out of the shop, a flustered mess from both embarrassment and aftermath pain of your tattoo. And only then did you notice a wrap of caramel candy hiding in your palm.
"You make a customer left without paying again?" The long red to orange haired male questioned with a poker face. Endo grin, propping one hand beneath his chin.
"This is the last time, Takiishi, besides she's just too cute!"
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strawberrywinter4 · 7 months
Watch and You’ll See
"John takes up birdwatching. Sherlock is baffled but supportive."
Thanks to @stellacartography for the prompt!
Fandom: Sherlock (TV)
Relationship: Sherlock Holmes/John Watson
Tags: Established Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, Birdwatching, Cheek Kisses, Reassurances, John’s new hobby, Sherlock Holmes Loves John Watson, Angst
Read here on ao3.
“You didn’t have to come with me, you know,” John says as they stroll down the path.
“I didn’t,” Sherlock confirms. “However, this new… hobby of yours leaves me no choice but to find answers.”
John only rolls his eyes, the conversation morphing into silence.
Sherlock eyes the book titled Birds and All You Need to Know in John’s hand, a bag slung around his shoulder. Sherlock just doesn’t understand and it’s bothering him considerably. John Watson is a veteran, a man who’s killed several, a professional doctor, and, in all honesty, a dangerous man in some situations.
And he’s taken up birdwatching.
Yes, he’s also taken up blogging as well, but his therapist requested that, and he’s gotten quite the following. So, Sherlock can’t ponder why John would dive into a hobby such as watching birds; a calm and overall observant activity on which one must focus.
It started as a slow process. On days when they didn’t have a case, John would slip out of the flat without a word, a slim bag over his shoulder. Then, the bag turned into an obvious organizer for supplies. Sherlock could make out the outline of a binocular, but that’s all. Once he finally confronted John and asked where he was headed at least two times a week, John casually responded, “Birdwatching,” with a happy-go-lucky smile on his lips.
Sherlock blinked, baffled by the statement.
Now, John has taken his hobby to the next level and decided to take a day trip to Sussex, where there is more nature to be appreciated. John only mentioned that he was off for the day and that he probably wouldn’t be home until late afternoon, but Sherlock was having none of it.
This was piquing his interest.
Sherlock insisted on accompanying John, which John first protested, but Sherlock didn’t care for his argument.
They sit on a bench that overlooks plenty of branches and slim trees. John sighs, setting his bag down and grabbing his binoculars from inside.
“Again, you really didn’t have to come,” John says again as if that will get Sherlock to disappear.
Sherlock can tell John expects him to poke fun, to laugh at such a contrasting hobby to which he would usually have. But Sherlock does nothing of the sort.
Instead, he leans forward and kisses the doctor’s cheek. “You are ridiculous sometimes,” Sherlock says. He then takes the book from John’s hands and begins observing the hardcover.
John continues to stare at him in bewilderment.
“Tedious… but probably factual,” Sherlock murmurs. He then looks at John. “Do you have a notepad?”
John blinks, then nods slowly. He gets out a notepad and a writing pen from his bag, handing it to Sherlock. Sherlock sees that John has already scribbled down on each set of paper, filling up almost half the notepad.
Sherlock feels warmth overtake his chest.
It’s… quite adorable, really. John is so dedicated to this activity and it shows in his writing, each category of birds having notes of specifics under them.
Sherlock hides his smile, eyes settling on John.
John huffs a laugh as he sees Sherlock’s expression. “Yeah, yeah. Laugh all you want, you git,” he says as he reaches for his notepad.
Sherlock holds it out of reach with ease. “I’m doing no such thing,” Sherlock tells him. “Now, I suggest you start before it gets dark.”
“What, so you can take pictures and send them to Greg?” John questions.
“Never mind. Just- Sherlock, it’s embarrassing.”
“Why should it be?” asks Sherlock. “I’m simply watching you enjoy something that you’re fond of.”
“John.” Sherlock’s voice is, for once, genuine. “Please. I’m… glad you have something to pass your time with. There’s no need to be embarrassed.”
John smiles gratefully at him.
For the rest of the day, the two men observe different birds, Sherlock admittedly finding this hobby fascinating as well. The majority of it consists of observations, so why wouldn’t he? Sherlock also can’t be blamed for correcting John’s monitoring throughout their experience or slipping the notepad out of John’s hands to write his own set of notes.
And he can’t be blamed for staring at John in awe every time the blogger acquires a glint in his eye when he sees a new bird, or when he pats Sherlock’s arm excitedly when a bird appears close.
All the more reason to love John Watson.
Tags: @a-victorian-girl @whatnext2020 @totallysilvergirl @ninasnakie @thegildedbee @whodwantmeasaflatmate @with-a-ghost-mr-holmes @sherlocknjohn221b @jawnn-watson @blogstandbygo @lisbeth-kk @holmesianlove @itsonlytext @7-percent @chinike @peanitbear @mary-johnlocked @bakerstreetbe @curlyjohnlock @helloliriels @keirgreeneyes @ceceliajupe @tindomerelhloni-official @ghostofnuggetspast @dw91165
(Please let me know if you don’t wish to be tagged or if you’d like to be tagged. Thank you so much for the reposts!!💞)
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neopuppy · 9 months
someone bringing up that blast from the past alpha princes jaemin&jeno drabble…. now i’m over here thinking about that jungwoo&jeno hybrid and veterinarian!yn fic we got a tiny taste of 🚬🤏
that was on my old side blog, I’ll post it here for funsies💚
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“Two of them? Why are they together if they aren’t related?” You question sorting through two clipboards laid out before you. Files for golden retriever and samoyed hybrids stare back at you.
Jeno Lee: 21, born April 23rd. Healthy pure bred samoyed hybrid. Found pan-handling near the beach with Jungwoo Kim. Displays codependency with the golden retriever hybrid.
Jungwoo Kim: 23, born February 19th. Healthy pure bred retriever hybrid. Displays manipulative tactics to get what he wants. Has run away from numerous shelters multiple times.
“Well, the samoyed does whatever the older one tells him to do. It’s like they’ve imprinted on each other. They’re not mates though, and have shown no sign of mating. The samoyed has not rut yet.” Your colleague taps over their sexual history. Jungwoo apparently spending many of his days working in and out of hybrid brothels. “Says he did it so they could survive. He’s a bit promiscuous if you ask me, be careful with that one.”
“Hybrids past 18 years don’t do well. What are we supposed to do with them? Especially two?” You step forward taking a closer look inside the glass revealing the two young boys sharing a bed. Both still in a sleep disoriented state with giant messy fluffy hair covering their ears. The blonde one must be Jungwoo, you think. Following his fingers skimming through the black ball of fur rested on his stomach. The other face mostly hidden still half asleep.
“Adorable right?” With a nudge into your side your assistant nods ahead. “But you’re right- it’s been five months now. They’re both a bit too old to be marketable unfortunately. We’ve had a few customers interested in Jeno, but as noted he seems attached to the retriever.”
As if he could hear you, Jungwoo’s head snaps locking eyes with you through the window. Hand protectively stilling upon the samoyed’s neck. He’s even more breath-taking front on. Sharp mystic eyes blink slowly observing you in return. Mouth puffier than usual after hours of napping.
“Is it.. safe to go inside?” You asks reaching for your lab coat. Both were healthy after all, no history with going rabid in their files.
“Physically? Of course.” Your assistant acknowledges almost sarcastically. A smirk pulling at her lip with a pointed stare to your chest. “But for your heart? You who just got dumpe-..”
“I get it.” You sigh, with hands held up. “I’m not new to cute puppy hybrids. I think I can handle a couple of dogs.”
Without allowing to draw the conversation back to your personal love life mishaps you unlock the door leading into the hybrids quarters. Jungwoo stiffens with a straightened up back, the younger puppy against him muffling in dismay.
Slowly approaching you smile familiar with the nature of hybrids. At times allowing them to scent over your wrist if they were too anxious. The retriever’s eyes dart around, pulling the smaller against him to sit up as well. Whispering something that sounds like- ‘one of the coats is here.’
Glancing up hazily the samoyed spots you, abruptly jerking up wiping his drooled over lips. They stare up cautiously, as if in unison their eyes bounce over your coat.
“Ah, not a fan of the vet are you?” You come to a halt a few feet away from the bed. Clasping your hands with a reassuring nod, you reach for your collar to remove the garment. “I come in peace, no poking and prodding today. Promise.”
The samoyed perks up immediately, shifting position to his knees breaking into a heart shattering smile. Eyes disappearing even more under the mess of hair covering his forehead. His teeth are sharp, small, features giving away his hybrid side. Tail swoshing around in excitement behind him.
“Wow, you’re really pretty!” He squeaks out nearly jumping forward. The older hybrid placing a large hand over his shoulder to keep him in place.
“Jeno..” he warns. Eyes slitting into an icy glare in your direction. “Then what are you doing here? Looks like another psychoanalysis to me. I’ll keep it short for you- no one is going to adopt us no matter how many tricks you teach us.”
Taking a seat at the end of the small bed and giving the room a once over, you note only one bed. It’s no wonder the hybrids bond had not changed since entering the clinic.
“I’ve seen your files, I wanted to introduce myself.” You calmly let them know. The samoyeds smile lights up again. Repeating your name slowly, throwing in another comment of how a pretty name was only fitting.
“You two have been here quite some time, haven’t you?” Solemnly the two agree, faces falling mournfully, trapped with nowhere to go. Both lacking any real training and life experience, unable to fend for themselves in this world; having to accept the lowest form of hybrid work: selling their bodies to survive.
“What if we start you both on some basic education? Enough to at least get you on your feet.” You try to sound encouraging, earning wary looks from the two.
“Can’t teach an old dog new tricks right?” Jungwoo offers, scratching the side of his neck as a blush rises up his cheek. “They want to boot us from the clinic or something?”
“Not necessarily..” you sigh taking them both in. Knowing the next steps would end up in turning them both into experiments. Breeding dogs to see what new hybrids the government could concoct for selfish needs. Hybrids often abused beyond acts of pleasure. Used for warfare or violent entertainment to bet on. “…but..”
“I’d rather live on the street. We’re scum to you humans anyway.” Jungwoo interrupts. Jeno huffing in annoyance at his side over how cold it gets, mumbling that he refuses to go back to that life.
“That is not true.” You protests, cooling yourself before continuing. Knowing better than to argue with a hybrid. “It wouldn’t hurt to try something different. Better than losing the little human rights you have?”
Jeno tugs at Jungwoo’s sleeve with pleading eyes. The older hybrids cheeks puff out rolling his in return.
“Fine, we’ll work on learning or whatever.” Jungwoo says, pausing in thought. You’re just about ready to celebrate in clap before he continues- “but only if you teach us.”
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Jungwoo huffs struck with boredom, blowing his shaggy bangs away. Ears fluffing up looking around for entertainment, ending on you napping on the couch. His back straightens, slowly crawling over on his knees. You were fast asleep after a long day at the hybrid clinic. You worked so hard, exhausting yourself physically and mentally dealing with abused hybrid’s day in and day out.
His fingers trail up your calve curiously, head tilting pondering if you’d changed into anything else under your robe after you’d showered. Washing away the days scent of many hybrid’s the minute you came home. Knowing how sensitive Jungwoo could be to unfamiliar breeds.
He reaches up higher, lifting a flap of your thick dark robe, jolting in surprise when the drowsy half awake puppy shows up behind you. “What are you doing?”
Jeno questions mid-yawn, thumbs rubbing his puffy sleepy eyes, having just woke up from a nap. All he did was nap when you were at work, such a lazy pup. Jungwoo drops the fabric of your robe, scooting back like he just got caught doing something he shouldn’t have been doing.
“I..nothing…I…” Jungwoo scatters, eyes shifting around buying time with an excuse.
Jeno sets down next to him, flicking his twitching ear. He sighs, dropping his chin to the older pups shoulder. “You’re such a bad liar.”
“I wasn’t lying.” Jungwoo shoves him off. Refocusing on your peaceful rested face. Annoyed Jeno ruined his chances to wake you up in such a stress relieving way. He contemplates for a second, licking his lips eyeing your exposed inner thighs. “Jeno..”
The younger yawns again, brows raising releasing a sound of ‘mmph?’ In response. Jungwoo breaks into a smile, nudging his shoulder.
“You want to see something? I think you’ll really like it.” Jungwoo’s eyes glint in excitement. Finally achieving some form if entertainment, he taps Jeno’s chin, nodding forward in the direction of your laying figure.
“What..” Jeno’s expression turns worried following Jungwoo’s movements. He reaches for the hem of your robe again, opening the flaps to reveal your bare core. Thighs slightly parted enough to clearly see your folds leading down to a tight puckered hole. Jungwoo sucks in a breath of air gazing between your legs, fingers snapping in Jeno’s face.
“Come closer.” Jungwoo orders, pulling Jeno near by his shoulder. The younger’s eyes widen, mouth falling apart, gazing at your most private area.
“We shouldn’t be…doing this..” he swallows, forcing his eyes to lower. A flush of heat rushing to his cheeks picking up the sweet scent emitting from between your thighs.
Jeno often snuck into your room once you’d left for work. Spilling your unwashed clothes from your hamper, sniffing and rolling around coating in your aroma. Whimpering into pairs of underwear leaving behind your most prominent scent. It slammed into him like a truck whenever you’d workout and let him hug around your waist. Cherishing each mixture of flavors whenever alone, daring to steal a pair of your underwear to drape over his cock; writhing and groaning, fucking the fabric trapped in his fisted palm.
“Should you be jerking off into the same pair of dirty stolen panties every night?” Jungwoo taunts, lip lifting in smirk. Jeno falters, mouth opening and shutting flabbergasted. He leans in to the younger’s black furry ear, whispering- “She let’s me touch her pussy all the time. She loves it, cries and begs for more. I know she’d love it if you gave her a kiss, right there.”
Jeno’s eyes nearly burst from his skull, gazing past Jungwoo’s pointed finger aimed between your legs. Large hand covering his shoulder gently nudging him forward. He gulps, shivering nervously, allowing himself to shift closer. Jungwoo reaches for your thigh to softly pull you open further. Both puppies gaze in awe as your folds open up, hole parting, shining enticingly.
Jungwoo settles next to the couch, hand splayed across your inner thigh. He looks up at Jeno seated between your legs, hands wringing nervously, chewing on his lip with an anxious bounce.
“She’s really going to love you if you kiss her right there.” Jungwoo comforts him, reaching closer to tap your clit. A muffled ‘mmh’ releases above as you stir and adjust your shoulders. Deep sleep from such a tiring day holding you captive. “Don’t you want her to love you Jeno?”
The puppy lights up, nodding eagerly. Always seeking praise, attention, pets and extra love. He sinks forward taking in a deep inhale of your scent, eyes shooting open as it travels up his brain. Horny puppy hormones shooting straight to his dick, awakening the feral dog he keeps at bay. His mouth drops, kissing your clit tenderly. Brows furrowed together in pain, cock fattening up between his legs. The dizzying scent pours from your entrance all the more as his lips brush around your sensitive nerves, drawing the pup into a deeper cloud of haze.
“Keep doing that puppy, she likes that.” Jungwoo encourages him. Tongue dragging up your thigh, nibbling soft bites along the way.
Jeno grunts, tongue lapping between your folds like a thirsty animal. Thirsting for more of your taste, seeping down his throat like the best thing he’s ever had. His grunts and ferocious ministrations grow louder and faster. Lips wrapping around your clit with an extra harsh suck.
Your eyes fly open in moan, back arching up chasing his mouth. Jungwoo bites down on your hip roughly, smiling as you look down and find them attacking your lower half. Bewilderment encases your slowly processing half-awake thoughts, spotting the cute ears belonging to your innocent pup between your thighs.
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eclipse-rain · 2 years
Fwel Tsaheylu (Broken Bond) Part 2
Warnings; slight angst
Part 1 •Part 3 •Part 4
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What was ment to be an experience for the benifit and furthering of mine and my brothers education ended up turning into a complete disaster.
Not only did all three of us disobey father by being present on the battlefield (Albet, in my case, it was more of an uncontrollable circumstance, but i wouldnt dare say so out loud) instead of observing from the sky, mentally noting down tactics used and getting a feel for the real action of battle from afar. But we also blew just about any chance of being able to get such first hand experience like that for a long time. No more battlefields for us, i was sure of it.
I was also sure of one other thing. That father would bring all of this up as soon as we landed. It was another unavoidable circumstance of sorts. And while i also knew it would not be the worst for me but rather for the eldest of us three, i could not help feeling anxious on the back of my mothers ikran as we flew home.
I would give anything so that father would not question me when we got back. I would even let Neteyam take all the responsibility this time, just so father would not be given reason to indulge me, as i would not be the main target of his focus. Even when i used to step in so Neteyam would not have to shoulder these burdens alone, no matter how much father hated when i did.
But this time, this time was diffrent. This time i had something to lose. A secret that could be let out. With just a little prodding in the right place the dam could break. The wall could crumble and i didnt know how well i could patch it up if it did. If i would be able to keep living while hiding the truth or if it would be ripped out from under me and i didnt know if i could handle when it did.
If they find out that i couldnt fly my ikran they will think somethings wrong. The questioning will begin, the concerned expressions will start up again. The poking and the prodding for more information will double. The never being left alone or feeling like you never have the chance to properly rest or think will bear down with all its might and the burden on my own heart will increase. Nevermind them doing it out of concern as parents for their beloved daughter, I've lived this way for long enough that any thought of changing it makes me feel physically sick.
Others might call me ridiculous or overdramatic for feeling as much but its different when your the one in the position. When the spotlight is bearing down on you and you alone. When the light shines so brightly into your eyes it seers, like its trying to melt the icy cold wall of your exterior and uncover all the dirt beneath. Every speck, every morsel and not clean away an inch. Only leaving it there to gather dust and have you continue the journey alone. If at that stage you still can.
As we arrived back home, flying overhead, i heard excited shouts from the other na'vi people awaiting the war partys return. None of us had spoken a word as we flew home, collectively knowing the sh*t storm that awaited us the moment we got back. The ikrans came to a hault on the ground and mother slipped off first. She held her arms out to me to help me down.
I swung my legs over and hopped off her ikran by myself in one swift motion. I felt sort of embarrased. I felt like a child needing to be helped off their steed by their parents because they were too inexperienced to get down themselves. Yes she was well aware i could get down on my own, since i had my own ikran, and was probably just trying to baby me because i was hurt. She probably thought i had gotten a fright after what had just happened, and she would be right of course, i had been terrified, but i would not show it. I was hurt but i would not show that either.
My adrenalin had started to wear off on the flight back and my survival mode started to shut down. Now i could feel the seering pain where the uneven gashes in my palms bled, turning my hands an awful red color in the process. I felt the sting of the bruises that had started to form and show through my skin on my back from my fall. On my shoulder blades, my spineal chord and my tail bone especially.
But i would power through the pain, the hurt, so that i wouldnt look weak, so that i wouldnt look like a child who needed to be helped everytime one little thing went wrong. So that i looked strong, i looked like i could be relied upon in times of crisis. So that i looked like the brave warriors of my clan, one of the people, one of the true people, not who i was and not who i really am.
In the meantime, the youngest of the family ran up to our mother, arms out streached in welcome. My brothers and father had gottten off their own ikran and started to gather together just a little ways away. Neteyam had ridden back with our father much the same as i had done with our mother only he was sat in front by father, where as i had sat myself behind mother. From what i saw out of the cornor of my eye he was also heped off the ikran by my father like my mother had tried to do for me.
In that moment a sudden thought occured to me for the first time. I wondered if i was what Neteyam was for father but to mother. Neteyam, the first born son, taught by my father. I, the first born girl and the only one in the family who was taught by my mother. I had always assumed that her teaching me had something to do with being the first born girl but i never put two and two together until now.
And that made me see a whole new outlook on my place in the family, which in turn made a pit of unease settle in my stomach. Neteyam was the first born, the perfect son the perfect heir. I thought i lived as the middle child between the middle children. Someone not to be taken notice of. I was not the eldest nor the youngest, i was not even second rate to. I thought i was invisable to eyes looking for expectation higher than just to be a normal na'vi, one of the people.
But i was wrong. My family, my people, expected of me. They expected me to be like them, to be one of them and i tired myself just to live up to the expectation of what was considered normal. If i now had to bring myself beyond that point, i feared it would break me. It would be my breaking point.
Nevertheless, if i found my realisation came to be true i would try and try and try again. Because thats all you can do until you can try no more.
Mother started towards them, steering me in the same direction. It felt like she was almost hurding me towards my imminent doom. Tuk followed silently trailing along behind the both of us. As we got closer i clenched my hands, my long sharp nails digging into the fresh wounds that formed there not too long ago. I bit the inside of my cheek to keep from over thinking the situation but also to avert my attention away from the pain in my body, in my hands and the fresh bruises i could feel blooming along my spinal chord.
"Fall in" father said in a voice that sounded like any second it would raise an octive higher in something akin to anger. Not that i would be able to find the right word to completely describe how it felt like nails scraping down a chalkboard and just when you think its coming to a stop it keeps going.
When the three of us, Neteyam, Lo'ak and I finally gathered close enough, in one fast move father whirled around to meet us face to face. And we all knew what was coming next.
"You're suposed to be spotters" he said sounding somewhat impatient through the other emotions he portrayed at that moment. "You spot boogies and call them in"
I tried not to cringe as my fathers voice finally broke through the lid that was bearly containing it.
"From a distance!" His voice came out gruff and annoyed
"Does that sound familiar? Jesus! I let you two geniuses fly a mission and you disobeyed direct orders" he continued
I brought my head up slightly in confusion as to why i had suddenly been left out of the equation.
"Kiri can you go help your grandmother with the wounded. Please."
Kiri who came over in the middle of fathers lecture to us was regarded with a much softer tone of voice.
"My brother is wounded" she replied calmly and definitively
More urging from father for kiri who was not budging and now Tuk as well to leave brought fathers attention to me, the eldest of the three sisters.
A quick glance in my direction was all it took for him to walk over until he was standing right in front of me.
"What's this?" He asked in a flat voice, not too soft but not too loud
Confused, i followed the length of his arm with my eyes down to where his hand was pointed towards.
Small drops of dark red liquid fell to the ground just by my feet. I tried once again, like i had learned to do as i grew up, to tame the urge my body had to shuffle my feet under the intese pressure i now felt with fathers attention solely on me. His eyes bore down onto my hand stained with blood. They then shifted to my other blood stained hand and he seemed to have made up his mind before i got the chance to respond to his question.
"Kiri if you want to treat your hurt family than i think your older sister would be needing it more than your brothers would" he said turning back to face her
"Ah, its nothing, im fine-" i started but got cut off
"You always say your fine" he said dismissing the idea of my protest "Go have kiri treat you, we'll talk later"
Kiri, now also seeing my injuries for the first time, ran over and grabbed my hands to get a closer look. I flinched involuntarily at the spike of pain that shot through my hand at her action.
"Dad's right" She said now on even more of a mission than before "You need to get treated so these dont become infected! Lets go"
Tuk skipped up to us and grabbed my wrist on my other side to aid in pulling me away from the other members of our family and towards the tent our grandmother was in. Mother who stayed behind with father, Neteyam and Lo'ak gave an approving nod at me as we left them. I could vaguely make out more of what was said as voices were once again raised behind me, before i decided on blocking them out completely.
"Jesus Kiri cant you be a little more gentle"
"Oh so this hurts but when you were digging your nails into your palms, which already had fresh wounds on them, might i add, it didnt?" She said sarcastically. "Because i honestly doubt it hurts more than that"
I bit my tongue, feeling like i had sort of just shot myself in my own foot at her comparison.
"What's this i hear, big sis cant take the pain from a little healing herb." Spider who appeared out of seemingly nowhere like a stray cat said jokingly.
'Ah, Spider' i thought
He who had as many problems as i in this family. If you could even call him a part of it. Of course, i did, we all did, all except one. And that one person made it very hard for me to fully accept spider as part of the family, because how could i completely let my guard down when i know my mother does not feel the same, how she does not think of him as one of hers. How she looks at him, its not like how she looks at us, at her children.
I think i was the first of my siblings to realise this as it was around the time my eyes had been opened, opened because of my own problem that i could not ignore. My eyes that had been recently opened saw past the things that a person that age should not have been able to quite yet. Like my glossed over eyes filled with childhood wonder started to see, truly see, for the first time. See past the world that my parents had created for my happiness, and past the saftey that they gave me. Its like in one swift motion i jumped out of that safety net, like a baby bird jumping out of its nest before its mother has taught it to fly.
And i saw how mother looked at him, at Spider. I saw how she looked at him and only saw one thing when she did. Human. Demon.
To her he was one of them and always would be and i truly did not know if that would ever change. If even my father could not change her mind when he accepted Spider as one of his own, i feared no one could. Even when father was living proof that not all humans were demons.
I think thats how it grew. The uneasiness inside of me. In the back of my mind, hidden in the shadows fuling it to get bigger and bigger. When my eyes had been stripped clean and i finally saw through the hollow words that were 'i will always love you, no matter what' and i saw something that could smudge it. A stain, that could make even mother turn away from me.
Especially when that thing is a part of you.
As a child when you first find that out, at an age not yet able to comprehend and figure out the right path in such a situation, you could very well end up taking the wrong one. When you hide it away and therefore have no guidance on the matter, you end up taking matters into your own hands.
Hide it away so it can never be found, so your fears can never be realised. Put up a wall so they cant see through and find it hiding on the otherside, like a dog in a cage, eager to be let out, like a dam about to break, that could burst open with enough cracks.
"You zoned out again." Spider seemed to need to point out
"Its called thinking. You should try it sometime" i countered 'Wow that was such a cringy comback' i thought
But Kiri laughed as she finished up aplying the healing remedy to my wounds and proceeded to bandaged them tightly with thick woven leaves. Grandmother watched her through the process from the cornor of her eye as she worked grinding herbs for more remedies just a little ways away from where we were sat in the tent.
She was no doubt checking to make sure Kiri was doing her work as a healer properly and efficiently. We all knew how seriously grandmother takes her job as a healer and as a mentor for other young healers, just starting out who she can pass all her tips and tricks onto. To them she could pass on her special recipies that she has built up from years of being a healer, give them advice and ensure that the next generation of the clans healers would be well prepared for any future events.
Spider made a face at me, acting like he was offended and hit me lightly on the shoulder with his fist. Yes, he was my brother all right. I was sure of it. I just wasn't as sure as to if i could show it outright in front of mother. Especially with the added presure of my earlier realisation. If wheather or not mother had higher expectations of me than to just fit into the na'vi peoples version of normal, which i tried so hard to be, to the point of exhaustion, but deep down knew i was not.
I was not like the other na'vi people, i was not like my mother or my siblings, some of whom had the features of humans from father but never acted in a way that was not like the people. I was not even like father who was once a human and was even born and raised on Earth, the humans planet. Even if he was, he was now Toruk Macto, a true na'vi, perhaps even the truest given his title. I dont have their trueness, their strong connection to eywa that makes them part of the people.
I had never spent more time than i had to around Spider when i was a child. For what i thought were the right reasons, for my sake, so that i would not become more human than na'vi, so i could lock that part of myself in the deepest cornor of my heart.
As a very young child, before my eyes lost their gleem, before they were opened to the truness of the world around me, i had been just like Lo'ak. Perhaps a little more refined, unlike him i never fought with Kiri and i never tried to rival Neteyam as he did either. But i was high in energy and would often be found troublesome and in bad situations as i ran everywhere my brothers went and did as they did. Lo'ak and i were almost never separate from each other, almost joined at the hip at that time. Willingly or not.
The only time we were not to be found making all kinds of trouble together was when Kiri and i would go off on our own or when we were being taught to hunt, me by our mother and lo'ak by father. I would mess and run and play with them all, Spider included. Although as twins we definitely had our fair share of scruffs, i was alot closer to Lo'ak, to them, than i am now. Thats not to say we are not close now because thats not true.
But i guess thats just how growing up works, we tend to become independant, from our parents and even each other. Thats also the diffrence between me and them though, the people, all the people are one, through eywa. They are one big family, one safe space, where even the toughest are open with each other with eywa as their guide. This shows how human i really am, how i can hardly connect to eywa, so i cant connect to the people, i cant share my emotions with them, my burdens.
As i grew older, I would sit aside when my siblings would play with spider. I stopped going to star gaze with Kiri, i shut out anything that could possibly have the opposite effect of what i wanted.
Lo'ak and Kiri grew closer, to the point that sometimes i wondered if those two were twins instead of Lo'ak and i. Lo'ak remained troublesome while i became stonefaced and unreadable. That ended up boiling down to 'girls mature faster than boys' in my parents minds. Kiri even shared the human traits that lo'ak had gotten from father which i never inherited. Like having four fingers instead of three and having eyebrows when normal na'vi people dont.
Lo'ak and i never talked about our feelings together when we were kids. We just werent the type to do so, but i think we sort of just knew, a twin thing. Its like how i knew that his apperance and the rumors he said didnt bother him actually did. Though i was never sure if he felt this as well. Nevertheless he was still my brother, we were still twins. We shared the same blood, the same DNA, the same soul, even if we did not share all the same human features.
Kiri and i talked about everything together when we were younger but she was my younger sister, like Tuk, i couldnt put the weight of my feelings my problems onto her shoulders.
The one i would always go to when i was younger was Neteyam, mabey this was why father always came down so hard on him about the responsibility of us. To me Neteyam always felt like the one i could rely on, the eldest, who would have the answers to all my problems. He made me feel like i could rely on him which in turn ment as i grew he made me feel the weakest out of all my siblings.
Mabey thats why i pushed him away from me. That was probably it. I had no reason to push him away otherwise. There was nothing human about him that i tried to run away from. Actually he reminded me of my mother the most. Caring, loving, determined but change the circumstances and they could be ferocious.
Soon after i was all bandaged up we were joined by a grim looking Neteyam and Lo'ak. They strode into the tent and were sat down, or more like almost tackled to the ground, by Kiri immediately after arriving so she could check their wounds.
Father and mother came around as the sky was begining to darken, seemingly to have finished any other responsibilities they had after getting back. I noticed them out of the corner of my eye just a little ways away having a conversation that was just out of ear shot. I thought back to how angry father was about what happened. How angry he was at Lo'ak and Neteyam especially but how even so he had Neteyam ride in front of him on the way back home on his ikran. Almost like he was trying to shield him with his own body against anything else that might want to harm his son. He helped him down from said ikran, perhaps subconciously but nevertheless an action i didnt miss seeing out of the corner of my eye and just like how mother tried to do for me.
(Change of Pov : Jakes Pov)
"What is it?" I asked.
"Neteyam and Lo'ak try to live up to you. It is very hard on them" Neytiri replied.
"You are very hard on them" she turned from where she was looking through the opening of the tent and walked slowly towards me.
"I am their father. Its my job." I stated, reloading my gun as i sat on the ground.
"This is not a squad. It is a family." She said definitively, crouching down to where i was sitting to look me in the eye in hopes to gets her point across more.
"I thought we lost him" I said earnestly in a whisper. Able to show my most vulnerable side and inner most thoughts and doubts with the person i shared my life with.
That earned me a sympathetic look from my mate. She placed her hand on mine in a effort of comfort and knowing.
I had promised myself a long time ago that i would never again let anything happen to this family, to our family. Neytiri's and mine. Since the destruction and collapse of home tree and the war with the humans. Since i mated with Neytiri for life and since i first found out she was pregnant.
I had never felt those words be in danger as much as i did today. My promise had never come so close to falling short, to falling through my grasp on them and it would have been my fault if they did. It was my decision to bring them with us today and it would have been my fault if they got badly injured or worse in the process. And for that i never would be able to forgive myself.
I felt a pair of eyes lingering on me from behind and i turned around slightly to make out who those eyes belonged to. I turned only to catch a glimpse of my eldest daughter as she turned her head away from our direction and towards her siblings. I saw Mo'at applying a healing remedy to Neteyams wounds as he flinched away from her hand and grumbled some annoyances in the process. He took Y/n's bandaged hands in his and proceeded to look over them as if he could see if she was badly injured or not through the bandages.
Lo'ak seemed to think the same thing as me and proceeded in pointing it out to Neteyam, laughing in the process. Neteyam who i was sure hated the feeling of his younger brother, who made a point to rival him, making a fare point, turned towards Kiri and looked like he started to ask a series of questions. I assumed he was probably now trying to learn how hurt Y/n was from Kiri who had a knowledgeable perspective as a healer and was the one who treated Y/n instead of trying to magically be able to see through the bandages that encased Y/n's hands.
Neytiri followed my gaze and i saw a familiar look pass over her face as she looked at our children, a motherly one, one of love. Spider had learned to make himself scarce most of the time Neytiri was around. He seemed to have gone off on his own, walking through the camp.
"You should talk to her" Neytiri said softly, my attention was turned back to my mate.
It took me a moment to realise what she ment as my mind had been on Spider rather than what, or rather who, i had been looking for when i glanced over. It had been Y/n who had been watching me from behind.
"She doesnt like to talk" i replyed
"To you? Or just in general?" Neytiri said with an innocent smile
I frowned slightly at her. She knew as well as i did that Y/n was not the same girl she had been when she was a child. Yes, thats how it worked, i know it did. I myself was definitely not the same as i had been when i was a child. Nevertheless it was hard to know what she was thinking now. When she was younger she was just like how Lo'ak had been and how he still is now. They were both troublesome and she ran after him as he did Neteyam. You could even say that Lo'ak was almost what Neyeyam was for him but for Y/n. They both were so ambitious and energetic.
Although as Y/n grew she stopped following them around. She stopped going out late at eclipse with Kiri too, which at first i was pleased about to be honest, since so many times i had to drag them both back home and wrangle them into our hammock to sleep. Now though i wasnt so sure it was a good thing.
She doesnt communicate with Neytiri or i as much as she used to anymore either. I guess mabey at the start i just thought it was her growing up. It started from a young age but it was always said that girls matured faster than boys. Neytiri comfirmed this and i couldnt tell myself, (as even though i had been put in a diffrent body than my original, i had yet to be in the body of a teenage girl or have their mindset), so i had no reason to push any further on a matter i didnt know much about. It was slight at first, hardly noticeable but by the time she became a teenager it felt like we had somewhat drifted apart.
She may not communicate as much to myself and Neytiri anymore but at least from where i stood it seemed, in the way she acted, that nothing much had changed with her siblings. That they hadnt drifted apart from her as we did, theyre dynamic had stayed the same as they grew up. They could still depend and rely on each other as siblings, even if they still bickered and fought along the way. Of course, that was only what i saw from my perspective. I had no way of knowing if what i saw was the truth. It was just like the way Y/n's said 'im fine' , i could never really tell if it was the truth or not anymore even though it was so easy when she was a child to see what she was thinking, what she was feeling.
I know Neytiri also thought about this. I had told her about how i missed how close we were when she was younger. We would always venture out into the forest together.
The memory came rushing back to me and I remembered it vividly. We would walk hand in hand, when she was a child, her little hand wrapped around my pinky finger. Something she did since she was a baby, something that made me glad i had that extra finger. The first thing she did when i first layed eyes on her after she was born was latch onto my pinky finger and not let go like if she did she wouldnt be safe. That moment changed my life, my first babygirl, and i was gonna make sure id protect her. Id protect all of them.
I gathered myself and my thoughts and decided that it was time to make do on the words i said earlier.
"I said i would talk to her after she went with kiri to get her wounds treated and im going to now" i said, noticing Mo'at had finished with Neteyams treatment and had left the tent.
I felt Neytiri's gaze on me as i stood up and made my way over to our children. Coming into earshot of them they seemed to have relaxed since earlier, now messing around with each other as usual. I was glad that they didnt seem to be too badly affected by what happened on the outing earlier. I didnt want to ruin their time together by butting in but i had said i would talk to Y/n and i couldnt put it off any longer for fear i might actually end up changing my mind.
Its weird, you can have fought in many battles and even wars but still be more anxious to talk to your teenage daughter, when youre a parent. Even if you try to give them the safest and happiest childhood possible there are things that you cant always see. Things that are hidden on the outside and concealed within. Because no parent is perfect, you can never get things right all the time, its just not possible, no matter how hard you try. You can only try your best. Thats all you can do and thats all you should expect from them in return.
"Kiri go over and help your grandmother treat the rest of the wounded, take your brothers with you, they can make themselves useful" i urged so i could have some needed alone time with my eldest daughter.
Please write in the comments if you want a part 3 because i need to stay motivated and its so hard, im so tired 🥲
Although, its my birthday this weekend so part 3 will probably be out next weekend-ish or later, i hope you guys understand.
Also please be patient with me. I am still very new to this. I havent even been on the tumblr app for more than like a month or two, and this is only my second post. I even had too look up how to tag people💀. Any tips would help, thanks.
Submissions are now also open, i think, (if I've done it right), so i would love to take a look at any requests or ideas you might have or want me to do. Bye lovelies. 🤗
@bongwaterflavoredgatorade @octopi-on-drugs @bobojojoba69 @pearlrosegardener @thicc101q @lovelyygirl8 @abbersreads
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livinginshambles · 1 year
Preview: If I could take it all back | James Potter
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Pairing: James Potter x Fem!Reader
Summary: James' time to pine over you. After James rejected your feelings, and you promised to get over him during the summer break, he finds himself in the same position of unrequited love and wishes he could take his words back.
Notes: I suppose this could be read as a standalone without the short context of the first part :) No proofreading (yet), enjoy!
Also, am I supposed to tag you guys for previews? Because I'm not doing it, to avoid spamming you guys, but idk what you guys think works best.
James plopped down on his bed in exhaustion after their first day back at Hogwarts and his mind wandered off to you.
What would your reaction be if he told you that he may fancy you. You probably wouldn’t take him seriously, he figured. And it’s not as if he actually fancied you, right? His mind was probably just confused because he, for the first time ever, wasn’t so preoccupied with Lily, and could instead acknowledge other girls too.
“Bloody hell, is it me, or was that ceremony more tedious than ever before?” Sirius complained after he too dropped down on his bed across the room.
“Just gets longer each year,” Remus groaned in dismay, stuffing his face in his pillow with a deep sigh.
“And that choir,” Peter chimed in. He didn’t even have to finish his sentence, the rest of the marauders dramatically joining in on complaining.
“And ignoring the toads, there was a bloke who kept making eyes at our Y/N,” Sirius huffed. James’ relaxed posture turned rigid, and he rolled over, so his eyes could snap towards Sirius. “What!? Who?”
“Calm down, Prongs,’ Remus was quick to shush him. “Sirius is exaggerating as usual.” A pillow was thrown his way. “Also, it wasn’t inappropriately making eyes at her or anything. He just smiled at her, that’s all.” Remus ducked the pillow.
“Yeah, and it was completely mutual, so it’s alright,” Peter decided to add his own observation of the incident in attempt to reassure James. His words seemed to have the opposite effect, although James tried to hide the way his heart plummeted. Mutual?
“True, she even blushed a little,” Remus seemed to recall. “You reckon she fancies him?” He wondered out loud and James huffed in annoyance. “That’s ridiculous, Y/N doesn’t fancy him,” he curtly replied. Peter shook his head. “But didn’t she say that she fancied someone last year?”
Remus’ eyes lingered on James, fully aware who she fancied, but opting to not throw that in the conversation.
“Well if she fancied anyone, it wouldn’t be that stupid git,” James stubbornly said. Sirius squinted his eyes at James before a shit eating grin appeared on his face. “Prongs…” he slowly began. “Do you fancy our Y/N?” Remus and Peter’s jaws fell slack, sitting up to stare at James.
James froze and his mouth opened and closed, trying to find the words to deny Sirius’ accusation. “No, I don’t,” he defended himself. “I just know Y/N and I’m telling you, that guy is not her type,” he scoffed.
“Well to be fair, we don’t actually know her type, she hasn’t dated anyone before and refused to tell us about her crush.” Sirius poked. “Well, I do,” James snapped. There was a long awkward silence while the marauders raised their eyebrows at his tone, and then James cleared his throat. “I just mean that I’ve known her longest, so obviously I know her type,” he tried to explain.
“Right.” Sirius slowly drew out. Remus and Peter nodded their heads but not at all looking convinced. James dropped back down on his bed and let his mind wander off to you again. Oh, who was he lying to, of course he fancied you.
“So, lovely Y/N, what’s your type in regard to guys,” Sirius curiously asked you. James shot him an angry look that you couldn’t see as you were huddled against him, your back to his chest so that you two could fit on the armchair together.
“What, like personality or looks?” You tilted your head in question.
“Uh, both?” Sirius asked.
You hummed in thought. “Well, kind of like Prongs, I guess,” you shamelessly admitted, and James almost choked on his own saliva. “Though, look-wise, you’re pretty easy on the eyes too, Pads.” You winked jokingly at Sirius, and he blew you a kiss while laughing out loud before getting back on the matter at hand. “So, James here is your type?” He almost disbelievingly repeated.
You shrugged. “Sure.”
James scanned Sirius’ face and could see the gears turning in his friend’s head. Merlin, he’d have to let Sirius know that he didn’t have to bother playing matchmaker, he’d destroyed any chances of you two ever becoming more by himself, two months ago.
His arms tightened around you unconsciously. It didn’t matter as long as he could keep you close like this. He’d take whatever you’d give him, he decided. He was happy enough with your friendship.
Full fic
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merakiui · 2 years
Hello! Your work is always so good, especially for this event! May I place an order for a flower bouquet with sea salt caramels and sugar stars (lactation) for Jade Leech and a fem!reader? Thank you for your time!
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yandere!jade leech x (female) reader cw: slight yandere, nsfw, drugging/use of potions, lactation, unhealthy behaviors/relationship, brief mentions of pregnancy note - thank you for checking in, dearest guest! enjoy your order! [lunar love hotel]
In hindsight, it was foolish to accept the unlabeled vial from Jade. Anyone with half a mind would know to turn the other way and start running if he approached them, dressed primly in his lab coat and goggles, holding his newest creation with a twisted sort of pride mirroring that of a mad scientist boasting their prized monster to the world. But you didn’t have much of a choice, having been indebted to him ever since you failed to uphold your end of the deal you struck with Azul, and by now you’ve grown accustomed to taste-testing all of the absurd potions he concocts.
Initially, you thought you could get out of obeying Azul’s every command if you just acted clumsy and brainless, and it had worked at first. Azul had decided you’d be better off in the kitchen rather than on the floor taking and delivering orders. But then the kitchen almost went up in flames and so you were quickly demoted to inventory and then stocking, both tasks you proved to be abysmal at. Azul had attempted to pawn you off to Floyd, who was not in the mood to keep you as his own, and so you soon found yourself at Jade’s doorstep, who was so very willing to welcome you with a pleasant simper. 
You know you shouldn’t be surprised when the effects of his potions stray into embarrassing territory. He’s always had a talent for crafting alchemical mischief. Last week, it was a potent aphrodisiac. The week before that was a potion that had temporarily blessed you (or cursed you depending on how you view it) with fins and gills, and you had to spend the entire day in the Mostro Lounge aquarium while Jade fashioned a cure, deliberately taking his time just to spite you.
Today’s potion is a little different. At first you assumed he’d mixed a failure when nothing immediately happened, but within minutes you began to feel the strangest sensation in your breasts. It was a dull, uncomfortable ache; you thought your breasts had gotten fuller in the span of a few minutes and you’d even poked at them when Jade had turned away, marveling at the pudgy heaviness. Jade had asked you how you were faring; you know he only cares about the results of his potion and not what said results do to your mental and physical health. The question hardly reached your ears because, at that very moment, liquid dampened the padding of your bra. 
With eyes blown wide, you looked down your shirt and into your bra to find two wet patches, growing significantly in size the more you stood slack-jawed. 
Jade presses himself against you before you can make your escape, his gloved hands tugging your shirt up and over your head, leaving you in just your bra. He pulls it up to observe the stains and then your breasts, which are leaking thin, translucent trails. 
“Fascinating,” he mumbles, a word spoken in breathy amazement, and he gives your breast an experimental squeeze. Milk comes out in creamy spurts, and you suppress a flustered whimper. 
“N-Not fascinating!” you hiss, squirming against him. “What the hell did you give me, you creep?! What sort of magic drug—”
“I couldn’t possibly tell you. That’s why I had you test it, and from the looks of it I’ve managed to brew something very entertaining.”
You roll your eyes and swat at his reaching hand. “Well, fix it. This feels...” You swallow thickly when he pinches your perky, glistening nipple between his thumb and forefinger to coax more milk out. Your voice falters. “F-Feels weird...”
“Oh? Would you be willing to elaborate?”
Not really, you think, but if complying is the only way to move towards a cure you’ll have to enlighten him.
“It just feels...” Your hand closes around his and you lean against him, nearly boneless when he squeezes your other breast. It prompts a soft, sweet sigh from your lips. “It feels like... Like when you stretch really good and your joints pop.”
“Ah, so it’s relieving. In that case, it would be a shame to leave you in such a messy state. Allow me to help.”
You weigh his words on your internal scale. “Fine,” you eventually mutter, brows furrowed. “But I don’t owe you anything in return. You were the one who made that potion, so you take responsibility.”
“And you were the one who drank it.”
“Only because I had to! If I wasn’t stuck with you, I’d never—ooh!” A particularly rough squeeze has you arching your back against him. Milk runs down your chest in thick streams, far more plentiful than before. You slap your hands over your mouth, face flaring with warmth. 
Jade chuckles, low and husky. “You were saying?”
“S-Shut up.”
“I couldn’t possibly when you seem so keen to engage in delightful conversation,” he says with a hum, reaching over to pluck something from the shelf.
You follow his movements with a frown, soon realizing that the object in his hand is a glass jar. His intentions dawn on you at once. “You can’t be serious. You’re a freak, Jade.” It’s at that same moment when something pokes your ass from behind, and your face contorts in disgust. “Jaaade, you’re gross! I’m not helping you with that! I’m only your contractual taste-tester, not your contractual...” You trail off in embarrassment. “Y-You know what I mean.”
“I’m aware,” he says dismissively, positioning the jar under your breast. “I’m not very partial to wasting ingredients. Besides, I’m certain you taste as appetizing as you look. Shall I make something out of this and serve it to Azul and Floyd for their critique? Or shall I keep it all to myself? I’m quite tempted to do the latter. You see, I’ve always wondered...” His voice lowers into a whisper, his breath hot against the shell of your ear. You shiver, chewing your lip to muffle your groans when he twists your nipple roughly, filling the glass with some of your milk. “How would you taste if you were truly pregnant?”
His fingers dig into soft flesh, handling you with the same skillful precision a farmer might possess when milking a heifer. His grip is painfully possessive, but that’s the last thing on your mind when his words leave you speechless. 
“I suppose I can satisfy myself with this for now.” The jar is already halfway full. Your body feels as if it’s on fire; part of you wonders if he mixed an aphrodisiac into that potion because there’s simply no way you’ll find relief after just one filled jar. Perhaps you’d feel more blissful pleasure if it weren’t for his eerie admissions filling your head like a swarm of terrible flies, buzzing incessantly about how, if you were pregnant, you’d have no choice but to follow him into the future as his contractual obligation and then his wife and then a mother to lots of baby eels. “Although these games are never fun after the fact... What a pity.”
“W-What do you mean?”
“All pleasant things have time limits. I suspect this potion will only last for the day, and your milk will only stay so fresh. Truly a shame.” Jade’s teeth prick your ear; there’s a vicious smirk in his voice when he speaks next. “I wonder... Have you ever considered names? You might need them if I’m to have my fill of your milk in the foreseeable future.”
You know this is far from a humorous situation, but you still manage an awkward laugh. “Don’t say weird stuff like that.”
Jade chuckles and sets the jar on the shelf, turning you so that you can face him. Though he sounds composed, his face is flushed with arousal. He lowers to your height, taking hold of both of your leaky, milky tits with his hands, studying them with such focus it’s as if he’s been charmed.
“I wonder how many I could give you. How full you’d look. How soft you would become...” he mumbles, mostly to himself, but you catch it anyway.
“Keep dreaming, Jade.”
“I most certainly will.”
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icysinner · 1 year
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#ID: that cute boy from your english lecture catches onto your codename for him.
nya note: there will more than likely be a pt 2 to this, me writing something other than influenced? new. may or may not be based on a true story … that’s what they saying ….
warnings: nothing crazy.. i’m connie insane atp
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connie springer, that was his name. you only knew surface level things about him, like how he likes to dye his hair or how much he misses his mom’s cooking when he’s living on campus. you observed him, not in a creepy way, because you thought he was so cool. you’d even developed a small crush on him, one very reminiscent of the ones you get in middle and high school. connie had tons of friends, meaning you couldn’t talk about your crush out loud — it’d get back to him.
“make up a codename for him. something you and me can know. he won’t know, and nobody else will either.” your roommate, sasha, said as she wrote down her notes. “good idea – what’s a good one for him, though?” you ask, a sigh coming after. “something that stands out, maybe? something he wears?” “i got it! red, i think i’m gonna go with red.” connie’s new name, ‘red’, was made because of his adoration for cherry red jordans, shoes you wore that garnered a compliment from him.
but, the codename wasn’t as incognito as you thought — at least not when you and sasha was the ones using it. it didn’t take long for him to catch on, because the two of you were painfully obvious. “look, red’s here.” sasha poked your shoulder, making you look up to the doorway that he’d just walked through. “he’s never on time, you guys really have a lot in common.” sasha joked, making you roll your eyes and direct your attention back to him. you made accidental eye contact with him, causing you to immediately look down, making him smile to himself.
yeah, he knew. he knew very well, but he just liked pretending he didn’t know. it was fun to listen to you and sasha talking about ‘red’, like you two weren’t talking about him. connie had only talked to you a couple times, usually because he lacked a pencil or a pen, and you were the closest person who would have one. he liked asking you, though. some part of it was just enjoying watching you fluster and trip over your words, when the only answer to “do you have a pencil?” was yes or no. but also because you were pretty.
“hey, y/n.” connie said, pulling your attention away from your phone — while immediately making you nervous. “i have a question.” he continued, making you put your phone down. “what’s up?” you replied, although in your head you were reeling, this is the longest you’ve held a conversation with him..ever. “why red?” connie asked, a smile growing onto his face as pure humiliation grew onto yours. “oh my god. you know about that?”
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otakuworks · 2 months
Hello! Could I request a gn!reader x ludger one shot from the academy's undercover professor where ludger overexerts himself and ends up passing out with gn!reader having to take care of him?
(ps i saw the other one shot you did about ludger overexerting himself and loved it!!!! fantastic job!!!)
❛ 𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐃. fluffy oneshot
feat. Ludger x GN!Reader | wc. 0.9K
sum. you might as well be a damn doctor with how often you take care of the constant-exhausted professor.
note. I'm glad you liked it 💜💙 I also have no idea what to name this fic so I just improvised the previous title, don't question it lmao.
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If anyone asks what do you do for a living, you'd be torn to answer between professor or nurse. The newest professor seems to have a habit of disappearing into thin air only for you to find him unable to hold his weight.
"Your ass seems to like the ground very much." You sassed, unimpressed eyes scanning his crouched figure under a tree.
"It's the ground who likes my ass very much." He riposted, his raspy voice was the first indication of exhaustion, but with how he sassed you back you doubt he's anything but exhausted.
"If you can retort, you can probably walk. Get up before anyone come looking for me." You urged him and try to lift his weight.
"How is that my fault? You're the one who followed me." He shot you a baffled look.
"And you're the one who kept disappearing. I don't care what shenanigans you're into but please, for the love of God, be more discreet about it. I love walking alone in night but now I can't do that because of your shady business."
"Then walk somewhere I'm nowhere near." He scoffed.
"How about you do your shady business elsewhere?"
"You talk like you own every property here."
You poked his sides, hard. Enough for him to hunch over in pain and to grab the tree for support. "Y-You're an evil person." He created out, glaring at you.
"Wow, I thought you're smart and yet you only figure that out just now?" Your sarcasm couldn't been more obvious.
Despite your actions, you move to sling his arm over your shoulder and try to lift him up. Keyword: try 'cuz good Lord, he must be an elephant.
"What do you e-eat for lunch that m-made you so o-overweight?" You croaked out, adjusting his limp arm over your nape and practically doing all the hard work to keep you two moving.
"You're into fat-shaming?" He glared at you through his hunched figure, "And I'm not overweight nor does it have to do with my diet, you simply don't have muscle mass."
"Now you're skinny-shaming me?"
"Stating facts doesn't mean I'm insulting you." His voice gradually faded out.
Then, he's out of light. Your eye visibly twitched.
"I'll drop you if you don't wake up." No response.
"Oh, look. The principal's here." Again, no response.
It wasn't your first time randomly aiding his ass to a safer place, however most of those times were done with his conscious while throwing remarks here and there. With an exasperated sigh, you doubled your effort limping to the Academy.
For once, the journey was quiet. You don't know if you want to celebrate or to scratch your neck, while his annoying mouth is absent you dread over the fact you have to take care of his unconscious form.
You finally reached his room, kicking the door open before haphazardly throwing him over his bed — the result has his elbows bent uncomfortably, feet hanging out and his face smushed on the mattress.
You leaned against the door, eyes succinctly observing his destitute posture under the poor fulguration. There are no visible wounds and other concerning physical problems, therefore you have no other business of him other than leaving him be.
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A blazing headache forced Ludger to pry his eyes open, the uncomfortable throb in his temples has him groaning in discomfort. The room is dimly lit, indicating the morning is yet to come. He vaguely remembers passing out after subduing criminals, but his head is in such disarray to even remember the whole picture.
Despite the aches, he forced himself to sit up and assess the situation. Though it didn't take him too long when he sees you hunched over by the chair across him, dozing off between reality and dreamworld.
Did you bring him here? If so, then why can't he remember?
"Oh, great. The menace has awoken." Your gruff voice pierced through the silent night, stretching your limbs before inching closer to his disoriented form. "You passed out on me and I took the liberty to be a good Samaritan and brought you here myself." Your words lack the usual bite, probably because of the drowsiness.
"Is that so?" His hushed response earned him a raised eyebrow.
"Why do you sound like that? You don't have a fever, do you?" Without question, you placed the back of your hand on his forehead and felt his temperature in normal status. Completely unaware how he froze and glanced at you.
"Must be from the overextend of Mana usage. For a seasoned mage, you sure find yourself often in these rookie situations."
"If you're not gonna help, you're welcome to leave." You rolled your eyes, finding his defensive remark tad bit boring to listen.
"I never said that." With your hand still on his forehead, you infused your mana to generate a magic circle.
Ludger felt the pleasant effect of his headache subsiding, replaced by an odd comforting warmth. He'd usually depend on his pills, but magic is proven useful it seems, he might depend on you occasionally. Although he already has, multiple times now.
He almost slumped right back if not for your presence, gotta remain professional and not ruin his reputation.
You quickly assess his status before humming in satisfactory and wordlessly left his room. It took seconds before he scoffed indignant, perhaps there was no point in preserving his reputation around you anymore.
He still has some thanking to do tomorrow.
@otakuworks _ 2024
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