#but it’s also the last time they all existed
Pairings: Azriel x Reader, Inner Circle x Reader
Summary: After decades as friends, new feelings emerge that lead to a beautiful relationship with Azriel - and how the Inner Circle discovered it.
Warnings: Tons of fluff, suggestive, mentions of blood and violence (nothing too descriptive)
Words: 5.4k
Author's Note: Hi! Here is the long awaited fic about Azriel and Reader from my mini series Second Chance but it can also be read as a stand alone. I had a lot of fun writing this so I hope you like it. Enjoy!
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The morning had arrived with its first rays of sunlight, its gentle breeze, and the soft singing of birds. 
The bedroom window was open, letting the delights of spring reach you. 
You woke up five minutes ago. After checking that the clock said 7:15 a.m., you snuggled back into bed and decided to spend the time looking at the male still sleeping next to you.
You took this opportunity to run your fingers through his black hair, removing some strands from his face and lowering your hand until it passed over his cheek and rested on his jaw.
You couldn't help but admire the male who had become the center of your world. 
Your relationship has been the best surprise in your entire life. 
Those fifty years you were trapped in Velaris made you and Azriel even closer and helped you discover feelings for each other that you hadn't yet realized that they already existed.
Who would have thought that you would find love and happiness in the Shadowsinger? 
Who would have thought that the male who is always considered cold, reserved, and discreet would become your best friend?
This was your favorite view. Seeing Azriel so relaxed and calm, without any worries on his face and without any weight weighing down his shoulders.
You roamed his body with your eyes. He was shirtless with just his boxers protecting him from your thoughts from last night and because his shirt was on you right now. He was stretched out on the bed with his arms folded under the pillow where his head rested, his eyes were still closed, his lips were slightly open, leaving soft snores reaching your ears and his wings were lying to the sides, with one of them over you, revealing how comfortable he was.
The only thing you could feel was love, pride, and happiness in this moment because you were the reason this view was possible. 
You were the one who made him feel loved and safe like he had never felt before, and in a way, he didn't know.  
You were the one who made him laugh until his stomach hurt, and happy tears ran down his cheeks. 
You were the one he could talk to about everything without ever feeling judged.
You were the one with whom he could talk about his past, his family, and his hands because you were the one who wrapped him in your arms and listened attentively without ever complaining.
Your favorite memory had been the day Azriel admitted how he felt about you. How he told you that with you, he was neither the Shadowsinger nor the Spymaster nor one of the brothers of the High Lord of the Night Court nor a bastard.
That with you, he was Azirel. Just Azriel. You had never felt so much love as you did that day.
Even though that confession didn't have the presence of those three little words, you knew that this was the way he said them, and that was enough to you.
Because Azriel is enough to you. 
The biggest smile appeared on your features at the reminder of that memory, and that reminder took you back to the memories of how it all began.
Your relationship with Azriel has always been different from any other. 
While Rhys and Cass were your older brothers, Mor, your sister, and Amren, a mentor who sometimes gave you goosebumps, Azriel was your friend.
And a friend was exactly what you needed.
There were times when you felt guilty that your relationship with him was different from the one you had with Rhys and Cassian and that you were somehow excluding him and hurting him in the process. 
But you just couldn't see him as a brother, and although that didn't make sense to you at the time, it did now.
Your concern disappeared after Azriel revealed that he also saw you only as a friend, and that night, you thanked the Mother for that. Otherwise, things would be strange.
Azriel started out by being the person you ran away to when Rhys and Cass started to forget their role as brothers and started to step into the role of dads, or when Mor wanted to drag you on another round of shopping, or even when Amren became too scary for your taste.
In those moments you discovered how much you enjoyed his company, you didn't need to be talking to each other, you could just sit side by side and read or eat and the silence wasn't awkward. 
The company was comforting and cozy.              It felt right.
And so, he stopped being the person you ran away to and started being the friend you went to because you wanted to.
Books began to be exchanged, walks began to take place, training began to be done, and a routine was built.
Every day, you had breakfast with the Inner Circle, with the exception of Amren, who couldn't be woken up before lunch unless someone had a death wish.
After breakfast, train with Azriel and Cassian.  While Azriel trained you in hand-to-hand combat, Cassian trained you with weapons, and both taught you about balance and posture. After that, a quick shower and a small snack and you would join Rhys to read and write and work on your mental shields in his office.
Just like breakfast, you all got together again for lunch, now with Amren present. 
After lunch, you had classes with Amren who taught you about everything, history of Prythian and the Courts, literature, mathematics (definitely not your favorite) and much more, being over fifteen thousand years old classified her as the best for that.
Your favorite part was when she talked about the death gods, the High King, creatures, that was always the best part and you always found yourself wanting to know more, that was also due to the fact that Amren was amazing at telling stories.
This all meant that you had the rest of your afternoons free and that you could spend them however you wanted. It was at these times that you were looking for Azriel's company.
When he was away on missions or due to other matters, you found other ways to spend the afternoons but never when he was in Velaris.
And just like that, your friendship started to grow and transform into something more over time.
But it was only on your 123th birthday that you realized that you were deeply in love with the Shadowsinger. You held this birthday close to your heart not only because it was when you and Azriel finally happened but because it was also the first since Rhys got back from Under the Mountain and the first one with Feyre too.
As always, the Inner Circle organized a party to celebrate your birthday, with many presentes, decorations and of course a big chocolate cake.
But your favorite part? It was when Azriel took you on a night flight, that had become your thing over those fifty years.
Not only did you have the perfect view of Velaris above the stars, but you also had the perfect view of the male carrying you in his arms.
He was so handsome that night, but so were you.
You wore a cobalt blue dress that reached your ankles. The top part of the dress was a corset that tightened around your back, leaving it just covered by the threads that crossed each other and made a bow at the end. 
The skirt contained an opening on one of your thighs, and small diamonds decorated the fabric that made you look like one of the shining stars in the sky. 
A silver necklace and earrings adorn your neck and ears, and a sort of tiara rested on top of your head with your hair done in a perfect bun. 
Your high heels, also silver, had been discarded by the fireplace a long time ago after dancing so much.
Azriel was dressed in a dark blue suit that hugged his figure perfectly. A white shirt was folded to his elbows with the top two buttons unbuttoned, as was his dark blue vest. The pants were immaculate, as were the shoes. He was perfect.
You found yourself looking at his legs and arms several times throughout the night, but who could blame you?
After flying for a while, Azriel landed on the bridge next to Sidra, and after gently placing you on the ground, you turned to admire the view of the river shining under the starlight.
When you shivered a little due to the night wind, Azriel came closer to you and hugged you from the side and you took the opportunity to rest your head on his chest with an arm around his waist while your free hand found its place in his abdomen.
In this proximity, you had the perfect ability to hear how fast his heart was beating, and you also sensed how nervous he was.
So, before you lost your courage, you turned in his embrace and placed his hand over your heart before giving him a smile and asking, "Can you feel it?" You looked at his beautiful hazel eyes. "Can you feel how much my heart desires for you?"
Azriel wasted no time in reciprocating your smile, and after following your movements, now with your hand over his heart and his resting on top of your hand, he said, "Can you feel mine?"
You both let out giggles, and when those disappeared, Azriel closed the distance between you with his lips touching yours, his arms found their place around your waist and he gently lifted you until he was at his full height again.
Your hands placed themselves on his cheeks, and when he lifted you up, you bent one leg and lifted it into the air.
The perfect kiss for the perfect day in the perfect place at the perfect time.
That day felt like a dream, but you were glad it wasn't because that meant it was real.
A chuckle broke you from the memories, and when you looked back at the love of your life, his eyes were open.
"You're awake." You said.  
"I've been for a while. I called you several times, but you didn't even blink." He chuckled again and rested his head on one hand. He used the other to caress your cheek before giving you a kiss.
"Hmm," you hummed into the kiss, which made him chuckle more. "Good morning." 
With a smile never leaving his lips, he replied, "Good morning, angel." 
He started stroking your hair before asking, "What was that pretty little head of yours thinking about?"
"That's for me to know and for you to wonder," you answered him with a mischievous grin. 
"Hmm, you evil little thing." He couldn't help but laugh before continuing. "I like it." And before you could prepare yourself, he trapped you in his arms and shifted to lay on top of you with his arms now resting on the sides of your head.
He started kissing your neck, and you erupted into laughter. "Az," No matter how much you tried, you couldn't stop laughing.
Azriel stopped kissing your neck and planted a kiss on your lips before his hands returned to your hair.
He opened his mouth to say something but several knocks at the door, and Cassian's voice stopped him in his tracks and made both of your eyes darted to it. "Hey! Stop playing with each other and come have breakfast. Training in an hour."
You were quick to respond "Yes General. Thank you, General." Cassian let out a laugh before the sounds of his footsteps faded away.
When you went to look back at your lover, he was already looking at you with an amused expression. 
"You know what this reminded me of?" He paused before continuing with his thought. "When Cass found out about us. We were in similar circumstances if I remember well." He lowered his head, so his lips were now hovering your ear, "but I wasn't the one on top." He finished with a shit eating grin and a knowing look.
"Shut up, Az!" You said while covering your face with your hands at the reminder, "that was so embarrassing." 
"Embarrassing? I thought it was hilarious." 
You swat his chest before proceeding. "You say that because you weren't the one who said all those things and was acting like an idiot." 
Azriel gave a big laugh at that mention. "Oh yeah!" He laughed even harder, making his chest touch yours, "I still don't know where you are trying to go with that conversation."
You swat his chest again but a little harder this time. "Stop! I was nervous, okay? I couldn't help myself." 
At the sight of you covering your face again, Azriel pushed your hands away, and with a gentle smile, he said, "It's okay, angel."
"Yeah," He replied, and when a shit eating grin returned to his lips, you knew nothing good was about to come out of it "if you think about it, it wasn't as bad as it was when Rhys found out." 
"Ugh! Shut up, Azriel!" You groaned in frustration.
It had been six months since that birthday. Six months since the night, you and Azriel kissed and decided you wanted a relationship.
Even though both of you were thrilled with your new relationship, you weren't ready yet to share it with the rest of the world or your busybody family. 
So both of you decided to keep it to yourselves.
You and Azriel would occasionally flirt in front of your family and sometimes get a little handsy. If your family noticed, they didn't comment, but this also might not be anything new for them knowing how close you and Azriel got.
Besides, flirting wasn't anything new in the Inner Circle. Cass and Mor, Mor and you, Rhys and Amren, sometimes even the batboys with each other believe it or not and now Rhys and Feyre.
You and Azriel were both still in bed in his room, enjoying the last few minutes you had before having to get up for a new day.
You had sneaked into his room last night after everyone had gone to bed after another night of games, wine, and crackers with cheese.
Azriel was sitting against the headboard with you sitting on top of him, your legs on either side of him. Your hands were roaming his shoulders, neck, and chest.
Their hands were on your lower back under your shirt (his shirt), one of them was playing with the fabric of the shirt while the other was drawing small circles on your skin.
"What are your plans for today?" He asked.
"Well, after training, which I hope you're nice today considering what I did for you last night," an amused smile formed on your lips.  
"Are you trying to bribe me?"
You faked a disbelieving look. "What? Me? Never." Azriel scoffed at your antics before you continued, "As I was saying, after training, I need to review some papers with Rhys since I'm the Emissary again. I have a meeting in Summer in three days, and since it's my first meeting with Tarquin I asked him to help me prepare.”
"Emissary of the Night Court," Azriel returned the smile. "You've done well." 
A blush made its way to your cheeks before you could stop it. "Shut up."
"I'm serious. I'm proud of you. You deserve it." 
"Thank you, my love." You told him before giving him a kiss.
"Is Rhys going with you to Summer?" Azriel asked.
"No, he tried to find the time, but with the meeting with Keir happening on the same day, he can't." You answered and started passing your finger through the patterns of the tattoos on his chest. 
After a moment of silence, Azriel gave voice to his thoughts, "I can go with you if you want." You halted in your movements, and when your eyes met his, he proceeded. "Only if you want. I know you're perfectly capable of defending yourself, I mean, Cass and I trained you so," a smug grin plastered on his face "but since this is your first meeting with a new High Lord, I understand if you want to do this on your own." 
"No, I'd love it if you go with me." The blush appeared again on your cheeks. "Thanks, Az."
"Of course, angel." Azriel pulled you by the shirt and kissed you. A kiss that said a lot of things.
Before any of you noticed, the door was opened, and Cassian entered the room.
A look of shock was on Cassian's face and when you and Azriel turned to see him, you were quick to jump from Azriel's lap to the ground, only to land your foot on top of his boot and fall. 
You were quick to recover and stood up to look the General in the eyes who still had his mouth open.
"What. The. Fuck." Was his only response.
"This isn't what it seems, Cass, I was just...I..." your heart was beating fast with nervousness and embarrassment, so you said the first thing that came to mind without thinking "I was just teaching Azriel something."
"What?" Both males asked.
Realizing the words that had just come out of your mouth, you mentally scolded yourself, "That's not what I meant" you started to squeeze the fingers of one hand with the other nervously "it's just that I read something the other day in a culinary book and thought it was interesting so I...I..." 
"What?" The males asked again, giving you confused looks.
You cleared your throat before you started waving your hands in front of your face and exclaimed "Gods, why is it so hot in here?" 
Cassian lifted an eyebrow at you "Maybe it's because you're wearing Azriel's shirt.”
Shock ran through your entire body at his reply, you had no response to that.
"So," Cassian crossed his arms over his chest "you two are a couple?" 
"What? No! This is all part of the plan." You answered him, and you were so focused on your big brother that you didn't notice Azriel trying to hide his smile.
"What plan?" Cassian asked in his big brother's voice.  
"I read about an experiment about animals-"
"Animals?" Azriel asked, not knowing if he felt offended or not.
Cassian was trying to stay serious. He had come to Azriel's room to tell him about training but instead he found his little sister on a male's lap kissing him with nothing but his shirt and underwear. This is not how he imagined his morning but he couldn't help but break his serious gaze for a second at your reply "You read about animals in a culinary book?"
When you didn't respond and your face turned a shade of red from embarrassment, the males tried to contain their laughs.
Azriel interrupted you before you could say anything else that didn't make any sense. "Angel, thanks for trying but you're a horrible liar."
"Wha-?" You tried to protest.
"I'm not angry." Cassian interrupted you.
"You're not?" You asked in a small voice.
"No, little star. I'm just surprised, I mean, I noticed your flirting but I thought you were just messing around like the rest of us."
"We weren't." Azriel spoke this time.
"No shit." He said to him before turning his attention to you "Anyways, why don't you go to your room and get ready? Training is in twenty minutes." Cassian said before grabbing the door handle and opening it for you.
"Okay." You started gathering your clothes and your shoes before going to give a quick kiss to Azriel but that was before he said while laughing "Animals? Really?" 
"Shut up!" You said, after grabbing the pillow on your side and throwing it at his head. 
Cassian closed the door when you left and turn to Azriel who was no longer laughing.
"Shut up and listen," and the Shadowsinger did as he was told "if you break her heart or if you hurt her in any way, I'll hunt you down. Got it?" 
"Yes." Azriel never thought he would live to the day where he would be afraid of Cassian.
"Good. I'll talk with her later. Now, get ready. We have training." 
Azriel released a sigh, knowing what was about to happen at training. "You're going to kick my ass, aren't you?"
"Hell yeah." Was Cassian's response before exiting the bedroom.
Your hand was intertwined with Azriel's as you ran towards the kitchen as silently as possible.  
You had just arrived from a date at Rita's and were currently too happy and unbalanced, the result of several drinks and Rhys having an open tab at the bar. 
The house was dark and silent, when you finally made it to the kitchen, the clock on the wall marked exactly 3:07 a.m., but you and Azriel weren't ready to end the night nor were you tired.
Your trip to the kitchen was for the purpose of drinking water but that was forgotten in the back of your minds, when you turned around to face Azriel and wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him fiercely.
You kissed him as if he were the air you breathe and Azriel returned the gesture with the same intention. 
His hands started to move down from your face, to your shoulders, to your back and finally to your ass before he grabbed it and lifted you up to sit on the kitchen counter.
You opened your legs wider so he could get between them and just detached your lips from his to grab the ends of his shirt and pull it off him.
Azriel wasted no time in doing the same to you.  Alcohol had an effect on him that made him unable to let go of you for even a second and he needed you now. 
With his hands going to your back, he grabbed the fabric of your top and ripped it in half before tossing to the side and leaving you in your bra.
He started kissing your jaw and your neck, and you took the chance to unbutton his pants but you were only halfway through when he moved to kiss your shoulders and chest, making you lose focus and leaning back to lying down on the cold surface of the counter. 
Azriel continued kissing down your chest and when he reached your stomach, he stayed there while he started undoing your pants.
He grabbed the hem of your pants and underwear at the same time to take them off but before he could go any further, someone cleared their throat.
Rhys was standing at the kitchen entrance in his pajamas, clearly looking like he regretted leaving his bed.
The faelights lit up and you got a better view of your brother, before quickly sitting up and using Azriel as a shield to hide your body.
You were both perplexed and at your silence, Rhys said "Late snack?" 
Even though this was something Rhys never wanted to see, he couldn't help but laugh at your expressions and how messed up you were due to the alcohol. "Don't worry about me, I just came to get some water." He moved to the fridge while you and Azriel remained where you were without moving a muscle.
After taking what he needed, Rhys turned his back to you, turned off the lights and told you before leaving the kitchen "If you think you're safe from this, then you're wrong. We'll talk about this in the morning after I erase this image from my mind."
You waited until you heard the door to Rhys's bedroom close before returning to your previous activities.
It was only three in the morning, you still had plenty of time before Rhys's lecture gave you a headache.
You were at Dawn, the second ball of the week to establish relationships between Courts. Which meant you were working considering you were the Emissary. 
You had just talked to Thesan about the new deal Rhys was planning for the Solar Courts, and now you were looking for your family, finding only Amren with Varian and a glass of wine in her hand.
"Amren? Have you seen the others? I can't seem to find them." 
"Fine, I'll help you." She said as if she was bothered but in reality you knew she wasn't, in fact you always knew that Amren had a soft spot for you since you were a child.
"Thanks." You interviewed your arm with hers to make sure you didn't get lost in the crowd.
After a few minutes of searching, you finally found Azriel and as you were dodging the people in front of you, a smile made its way to your lips.  
A smile that quickly fell when you saw that he was accompanied by a female. 
Your heart started to fall - it was not possible, your Azriel would never do such a thing to you.
It only took you a few seconds to realize you were correct. Azriel would never do this to you.  
You looked more closely and noticed that he was trying to get away from the female's touch but she was insisting.
Anger coursed through your body and before anything could stop you, you walked towards her and punched her right in the nose.
When she fell to the ground, you realized what you did and shock ran through your body. 
This ball was to help strengthen relationships between the Courts and you had just punched a female for touching your male.
Your arm was still intertwined with Amren's and when you looked at her you saw the biggest feline smile she had ever given "I always knew something was going on between you two," she gestured to you and Azriel "Good job, child, I'm proud and this ball was getting boring anyway."
The ancient one raised her glass towards the fallen female who was now clutching her bloody nose "Thank you for your participation," she said before taking a sip of the wine and making her way back to Varian.
You looked at Azriel who had a big smile on his face and raised his hand towards you to grab it and stand by his side but before either of you  spoke, you saw a very angry Rhysand walking towards you.
"Shit." That was the only thing you were able to say before your brother gave you another lecture and took you home so no more females would have their noses broken.
Mor had joined you for training the following morning, she had arrived yesterday afternoon from the Continent and wanted to spend as much time with you as possible before having to leave again. 
You were stronger and faster since the last time you two had trained and Mor found herself trying to keep up with you several times.
She had insisted on training in hand-to-hand combat and she realized that she had made the right choice because if you fought like that without weapons, she didn't even want to imagine what you would be like with them.
After another hour that seemed like three to Mor, the training came to an end and you sat on the ground at the top of the House of Wind while drinking water and calming your breathing.
"Well, Cassian and Azriel are really good instructors. You're fighting like a true Illyrian."
You smile at the compliment. When you first started training it was hard but now it felt like a second skin and you were very proud at your effort.
"Thanks, Mor. We should train together more often." 
She looked at you incredulous "No, thanks. I'm fine." 
You both laughed simultaneously, and looked forward to seeing where Cassian and Azriel were standing on the other side. 
"They've been standing there for a long time. What do you think they're talking about?" You asked her.
Mor scoffed "Probably arguing over who has the biggest wingspan again," Mor leaned towards you so no one else could hear "I bet it's Azriel."
You raised your water to drink another sip when you responded to Mor without thinking "Believe me, I know."
You stopped in the middle of your action when you realized what you just admitted.  
"What do you mean by that, little star?" She asked, an amused smile beginning to settle across her features.
"Nothing." Your face turned red from the embarrassment.
"Holy. Shit." Mor started clapping hands and jumping in her seat.
"Stop it!" You told her before standing and starting to run to your bedroom but Mor was quick to follow your movements and she ran behind you. 
When you reached your bedroom, Mor made you tell her all the details and everything she had lost these past few months she was away.
"See the positive side. At least you were fully dressed when Amren and Mor found out." Azriel told you.
"By the Cauldron, shut up." Fed up with his sarcastic comments, you lifted your legs and wrapped them around his waist before pushing him to the side and getting on top of him.
You held his hands with yours beside his head and bent down to give him a kiss only to be interrupted by new knocks on the door and Cassian's voice again "Hurry up, otherwise I'm going to make you run for an hour, little star."
"Fine!" You screamed at him and after a moment you told Azriel "Gods, he's annoying today." 
"I heard that. You're going to run for two hours." Cassian said before stepping away from the door.
"Dammit." You cursed while Azriel chuckled.
Tonight was Starfall and once again you were beautiful wearing the same dress that you did when Azriel kissed you for the first time.
This was your favorite festivity and nothing could take away the happiness that this day brought you, not even your sore muscles from running for two hours yesterday.
Now that your whole family knew about you and Azriel, there was nothing stopping you from seeing the spirits in each other's arms.
When it was over, Azriel looked down to meet your eyes and it was then that a force hit him.
A golden thread around his heart began to form before it began to connect with yours. He froze in place, surprise and shock overwhelming him.
But what shocked him the most was when you took his hand with a genuine smile and told him "Took you long enough." And then a tug in his chest, it was you.
"You knew?" When you only nodded, he asked you again "When?"
"Since my birthday. It snapped after you kissed me."
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"I didn't want to pressure you because it snapped for me and not for you and I wanted to show that I don't love you just because we're mates. I love you because it's you." You confessed to him.
Now everything made sense to Azriel. 
Why he had never found a female that he felt connected to or that felt right.  
Why he had never met a female in which he felt loved or safe.  
Why he had never met a female with who he could be himself and laugh until he cried with happy tears.
Because it was you. It was always you.
It was no secret how much he wanted a mate and now after five hundred years of waiting, you were finally in front of him with love filling your hearts and being linked by a beautiful golden thread for eternity.
It couldn't be more perfect.
"Are you upset it's me?" You found yourself asking when he didn't say anything after a long minute.
With tears in his eyes and his arms around your waist, he hugged you close to his chest and kissed you like all the females wish to be kissed. 
When your lips parted, he tugged on the bond and told you "I've been waiting for you, Angel."
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Author's Note: Thank you for reading! And a special thank you to @mybestfriendmademe for giving the idea of writing about the Inner Circle's reaction. If you wish to be added to the general taglist let me know. 😊
Taglist: @emryb @fantasyandshit @azrielover @shadowsingercassia @brieflyclassymortal @lilah-asteria @lure-of-writing @pruvii @olive-main @mybestfriendmademe @anuttellaa @tele86 @shadowsingercassia @meritxellao
the beautiful dividers belong to @cafekitsune
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hannieehaee · 3 days
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18+ / mdi
summary: after kicking you out of your own band to seek success with the band on his own, vernon finds his plans falling through, all the while you'd reached success on your own. now leading your own label, vernon finds himself having to earn your forgiveness, not realizing how badly he'd hurt you years back.
content: friends2enemies2lovers!vernon, band!au, drummer!vernon, guitarist!reader, unrequited crush (kinda), pining, vernon kicks you out of your band bc ur a girl (asshole, ik), really incorrect music industry terminology (i know nothing about music oops), afab reader, reader becomes a producer after being kicked from vernon's band, seokmin, chan, hannie and kwannie are in the band, smut, penetrative sex, dry humping, fingering, etc.
wc: 8.8k
a/n: i know the summary and content are all over the place, but i promise the story in itself is coherent</3
masterlist | kofi/patreon
"Fuck! Jesus Christ, what are you doing here?"
He winced at the sudden sight of you upon turning a corner in the huge building he was currently exploring, never having expected to bump into you there.
"I work here, Vernon. I would've expected you to do some research on the labels you're auditioning for."
"W-wait. What do you mean you work here?"
"I'm a producer here. What? Surprised?"
"N-no!" he spluttered.
Fuck, you looked good. No, scratch that. You looked beautiful beyond belief.
How long had it been? Three? Four years?
He still felt horribly about it. You know, that whole situation in which he threw you under the bus for his own benefit – only for everything to come crashing down on him immediately after. Not only did he feel like an asshole, but also like a huge idiot. Letting go of a friendship just for a failed attempt at success would go down as the dumbest thing Vernon ever engaged in.
In his defense, he was a teenager at the time. Okay, maybe he was freshly 19, but it felt like the same thing back then. He had been an idiot who dumped his best friend and crush just for a chance in the music industry. What he had thought that to be the smartest move to make for the future of your shared band ended up becoming his greatest mistake. To this day, he still thought back on it with shame.
What sucked the most was how talented he knew you were. That, and the knowledge that he had been the sole person to blame for taking this opportunity away from you – from taking your own band away from you.
He quickly came to realize that it had been a horrible mistake, but it was too late by then. Contractually speaking, you had never really existed within the group. Your friendship had also crumbled soon after, despite your reassurance that all you wanted was the best for the band, even if that meant they'd continue on without you.
At the time, you had been the band's sole music producer, and song writer, and engineer, and you were the one who had a macbook with garage band on it, and–
Fuck. Had he been in his head this whole time?
You looked annoyed. Also way more grown and mature than when he last saw you at 19 years old. Fuck, did he mention you looked insanely hot?
"Sorry, I, uh, as I was saying," he cleared his throat, "Of course I'm not surprised. You're the most talented person I've ever known."
And Vernon truly meant his words. As teenagers, your dream to become a successful guitarist had been what inspired him to dust off his drums and go on this adventure with you, employing a few of your other friends to join your wannabe pop-punk band.
You weren't just a dreamer, like Vernon. Vernon knew you weren't just all talk. If anyone could walk the walk, it was you. With your innate ability with not only the guitar, but a myriad of other instruments, Vernon always admired you for your natural talent with music. The insane confidence you carried also did not help matters. It sure did not help the irrevocable crush he'd had on you since he met you. The air of security you always carried with you was something Vernon looked up to and was insanely attracted to. Sometimes it'd make it difficult to be around you without revealing his crush, as he would constantly swoon over your mere presence.
His feelings for you not only as a childhood friend, but also as his unrequited crush, only made the whole situation worse. At first, he dumbly thought that you understood why he had to ask you to leave the band, but it was obvious to him within only a few weeks that what his decision had done irreparable damage to your friendship.
Thinking back to it, he realized how stupid it was for him to even consider joining a label that denied your entrance simply due to your gender. Attempting to create the image the label had wanted to force on them should've been the first red flag. Taking Vernon aside to talk him into kicking you out should've been more than enough for Vernon to break out and whisk you away from a label that clearly didn't deserve you.
Sadly, Vernon had been too invested in making it big at the time. He truly would've given anything to find success as a musician as soon as possible – and apparently you should've taken those words literally.
It had been about a year since you first started the band at that point. Your very low budget garage band consisted of you, Vernon, and a few of your friends. Vernon was on drums, you on guitar, Hannie was bass, Kwan main vocals, Seokmin keyboard, and Chan second guitar. It was the perfect setup, if Vernon had anything to say about it.
The entire composition of the band had been yet another thing that formed all thanks to you. As much as Vernon insisted on saying it had been a shared effort, he now knew better. He needed to give credit where it was due. If it wasn't for you, Vernon never even would've met the guys he now considered his best friends, as you had been the one to take charge of recruiting more members into the group.
Despite that, you allowed Vernon to have the role of co-leader in the band with you. The way you had rationalized it was that you didn't believe in a monarchy; you much more wanted to have a democracy, so you believed that being co-leaders beat a singular leader by far.
This also demonstrated the intense trust you had on Vernon. Except Vernon's greedy mentality at the time did not respect this vision.
Surprisingly, even to his younger self, it didn't take much convincing for the recruiting manager of the label to convince Vernon into kicking you out. Just one signature from him, and all the male members of the group would be secure under a semi-established label that would guarantee them the exposure he'd been wanting, oh so badly, for the past year of being in the band. All he thought of was his future success, completely ignoring that his best friend would be left behind in the process. Simultaneously, he ignored the protests of his members, believing this to be for the greater good for the band.
In your usual supportive fashion, you were a trooper through it all. Your initial reaction was one of confusion and hurt, but it was quickly wiped away under the facade of being happy for your friends. If you couldn't find success with them, you were glad they'd be able to make it big without you.
Vernon made the mistake of believing these words, not realizing that he had just broken all your trust, and along with it your heart.
Then came the other end of the stick.
To no one's surprise, the record deal fell through. Kicking you out before agreeing to sign the group should've made alarms go off in Vernon's head on its own, but everything that came after was somehow worse.
The label had attempted to poke at every single detail about the band, trying to form them into something they could never see themselves becoming. Their looks changed, their sound changed, and fuck, Vernon just could not stop thinking about you throughout it all.
Before it all completely fell apart, they had been able to perform a few shows. Though they were nothing too big, they were far more than the small pubs in which you guys had performed before sighing the contract. Vernon was completely unable to enjoy any of this, though. The blank space on stage kept his mind uneasy. He constantly wondered about you and reminisced about your beginnings together.
This arrangement only lasted a few months. That was when everything truly went to hell. With lack of cooperation both from him and the rest of the guys, it wasn't too hard to get the label to drop them.
It just wasn't a match. Vernon would be the first to admit that greed got the best of him. Taking the very first signing offer that they got had been too naive of him, leading the band to be labeless and without a lead guitar and female vocal. And also leaving Vernon without a best friend.
A few years were spent attempting to break out once more, only achieving certain virality online through the first year of trying. It wasn't until recent times that Vernon and his band really blew up through some original work of Vernon's they had posted online. That's what actually led to Vernon's current position – touring one of the best labels for people in his genre after having established a solid fanbase online as an independent band.
Since Vernon had lost contact with you soon after kicking you out of the band, he eventually gave up on finding you (though memories of you would still haunt him). Not having kept up with your individual career, he never knew you actually made it out and into the big leagues on your own. You being a renown producer under an artistic name made sense to him, though. It explained why he had not heard of your name during all that time, and it also made sense with your past experience making music when you were in the band. Hell, you were the one who taught Vernon everything he knew about producing.
Despite being incredibly glad that his mistake hadn't made you lose your love for music, Vernon still felt disheartened at seeing you. In another life, the two of you would've made it here together, hand by hand and as the best friends you'd always been (hopefully even more by now). But now you were here, successful but at completely different rates, and with you feeling clear disdain towards Vernon's mere existence.
You simply scoffed at his compliment, rolling your eyes.
"I don't need your praise, Vernon."
Well, it seemed like he couldn't really win regardless. It also didn't help that he felt like a total loser standing in front of you, now aware that you had made a name for yourself.
He had heard your artistic name before, but since you apparently stuck to being a producer rather than be on stage, he never put a face to the name.
"I, uh, are you one of the producers we're auditioning for?"
"Yeah. Good luck with that, Vernon," you seemed far too pleased with yourself. There was venom in your eyes Vernon had never seen before in all those years he knew you.
"Listen, I-"
"Whatever you're going to say about our past, you can save it. Nothing you can say can make up for what happened. I won't get in your way during your meeting with the label. Only because I still love the rest of the guys," you softened a bit, before getting that serious look in your eye again, "But I also won't do you any favors."
Gulping, he responded, "Yeah, I, uh, okay. I understand."
Without any further comments, you bumped into his shoulder as you walked away, leaving a breathless Vernon behind.
He was well aware that you hated him, and with good reason too. Yet he couldn't help the rapid beating of his heart throughout every second of your interaction. With the passing of years, he had thought he was fully over his crush, but it all just came crashing down on him all at once upon your first meeting.
Now he really needed to get into this label. Not only for his career, but to somehow get you back.
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"Dude! Did you see Y/N? She stopped by the studio earlier to say hi. Man, I told you you shouldn't have gone off on your own. I can't believe you missed her."
As much as Vernon wished Seokmin had been right about Vernon missing you altogether, he did wish your first encounter with him had been around other witnesses. Maybe that way your words to him would've had a little less venom in them.
"Nope. Bumped into her in the hallway while I was looking around."
"Shit ...", said Chan, "How was it?"
"Brutal. She hates my ass."
"Completely understandable, you know, considering," chimed in Seungkwan, sitting on the couch of the conference room's waiting room.
After a short tour of the building the label was homed in, the group was directed to wait in the waiting room as the execs arranged the paperwork necessary to sign them – should they come to an agreement. Vernon had made the dumb mistake of asking if he could explore the place a bit on his own, never having imagined he'd bump into you on the way. At least now he knew you'd be one of the higher ups waiting for him on the other side of that door.
"Dude, stop. I've been feeling like a dick ever since it happened", Vernon groaned into his hands, suddenly snapping up to look to his members, "Did you guys know she was working here? Did you know she was the Hissfit?"
"We didn't really keep contact," Seokmin shook his head.
"Yeah. I knew of Hissfit, but I never would've guessed it was her. Damn, that's kinda hot of her," said Jeonghan.
Jeonghan's comment peeved off Vernon a bit, but he had bigger things to worry about at the moment.
"Do you think she hates all of us, or is it just me-"
They all varied in their response, but the consensus was that Vernon was the only member you still saw with venom in your eyes.
"Yeah, man. It's just you," confirmed Chan, "I thought she'd hate me for taking over lead guitar after she left, but she was pretty nice to me just now."
Vernon was about to air out his endless concerns and frustrations at the stupid acts of his 19-year-old self, but had to close his mouth back up when the door to the conference room suddenly opened, revealing you and two other men close to your age.
"Come on in, guys," said one with shaggy hair and a strong build, gesturing at the boys to come in.
All five of them took a seat on one side of the gigantic table that took up most of the space in the room while you and the two men took a seat on the opposite side.
You looked so put together and professional, looking over the papers sitting in front of you while Vernon stared and stared, hoping you'd look his way.
"Okay, first of all, I wanna welcome you guys. I know one of our producers, Soonyoung, already gave you guys a quick tour of the place, but I wanted to give you a formal welcome," began the taller guy of the two, "My name is Seungcheol, but you probably know me as S.Coups."
"I'm Jihoon, but you must know me as Woozi," said the shaggy-haired man.
Then it was your turn.
"I'm Y/N. Also known as Hissfit."
Vernon winced when all his members woo'd at you, dapping you up with all confidence in the world despite not having kept in contact with you for the past few years. He wanted to join in, but you seemed too genuinely appreciative of it for him to want to dampen your mood by reminding you of his existence.
"We are the owners and cofounders of Universe Factory Records," added Jihoon.
"We're well aware you guys know our friend Y/N here," Seungcheol patted your back, rubbing it afterwards in a soothing manner, – completely unnecessary in Vernon's eyes, but okay – "but for business' sake, we will put a pin on that at the moment."
"We don't want any good or bad blood getting in the way of business, so we thought it'd be best to not discuss those matters here today," continued Jihoon, "All we care about is giving a passionate group such as your own and opportunity to join us. I can speak for all three of us when I say that you truly fit the core message of our label, and we'd love to sign you."
You nodded along to it all, even holding Vernon's eyes in yours for a few seconds before looking away.
"We'd love that, Woozi-Nim," intercepted Seokmin, bowing his head a bit at Jihoon.
"We just have a few contractual points to get to and then we can get to business, okay?", Seungcheol clapped his hands decisively.
A few moments later, your HR guys, Jun and Minghao came in to oversee the contract with the eight of you, making sure both parties understood everything written on the fine print. This took about thirty minutes, but ended very amicably.
"Is there a leader to the group who'd like to speak for any modifications you'd like to make to the contract?", asked Seungcheol just moments before the papers were about to be signed by everyone present.
"No, we're more of a democracy," said Vernon, not realizing the irony of his words fast enough.
You scoffed loudly at that, giving Vernon a sarcastic smile.
"Are you sure about that? Any other member who can confirm this fact?", you turned to the rest of the members in mock curiosity.
"Y/N, I-"
"Sorry, it's my bad. I shouldn't have asked," Seungcheol chuckled awkwardly, gesturing to the papers once more, "You can all sign whenever you're ready."
With some hesitation, Vernon signed.
He knew it was the right decision. That this way he would not only get to live his dream with his best friends while being housed under such a successful label, but that he'd also get another chance with you.
It'd just take a lot of work.
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One of Vernon's favorite parts about the contract with Universe Factory was the luxury dorms that came along with it.
Being housed in a penthouse with all his friends seemed like one of the most unachievable dreams, yet here he was.
And the best part was that you owned a penthouse of your own right upstairs.
As far as he understood, this was a business owned building, housing any artists who wished to live at close proximity to the label's main headquarters. Vernon's group chose to agree to this form of housing without a second doubt, having always had the dream of living in the capital of the music industry – Los Angeles.
It had been about a month since the signing, and Vernon had caught sights of you far more times than he would've thought thus far. Unfortunately, none of them had gone well for him.
You seemed to be more than happy rekindling your friendship with the rest of the members, but always refused to spend any time with Vernon one-on-one. If at any moment you were left alone with Vernon, you'd scoff and walk out, even if Vernon attempted to call you out on it.
And Vernon's crush only got worse with the time he spent with you (albeit it always was while other people were around). Seeing you so relaxed in your loungewear when you'd spontaneously stop by the dorms to see Jeonghan or Chan (or literally anyone but him) as you laughed and joked around with them was messing with Vernon's head.
You were just so pretty and perfect and put together.
There came a point where Vernon was quite loud about his crush, constantly whining to his members about how much you still hated him. You were the only person to be unaware of it. Hell, even Jihoon and Seungcheol knew, always giving Vernon looks when he'd stare at you a little too long.
Except you never looked his way.
The only times you ever looked at Vernon were to curse him out or blatantly distance yourself from him whenever you got fed up of his presence.
Even now, as you huddled into a corner of the couch when the rest of the guys conveniently (re: at Vernon's request) left the two of you alone halfway through the movie you'd all been watching.
Attempting to be as casual as possible (he wasn't), Vernon slid from sitting on the arm of the couch to try and scoot closer to you, eyes glued to the TV in fear of you leaving if he dared look your way.
"Wait! Don't leave! Just stay sitting. I- I won't bother you, okay?," he was quick to apologize, sensing that you'd either scold him or tell him to fuck off.
You nodded, expressionless as you turned your bead back to the TV again, seemingly not too bothered by him.
It was rare for you to not use his exasperation as a reason to tell him off, so Vernon went against his own words and spoke again.
"Will we ever talk again?"
He sighed, turning to you, "Will things ever go back to normal? I- Is there any chance you'll ever forgive me?"
"I don't wanna talk about this with you," you went to get up, only to be stopped by Vernon as he got up also, lightly grabbing your arm.
"Please. You have no idea how much I've regretted it since then. At least let me apologize," he pleaded with you.
"It doesn't matter if you regret it, Vernon. You still did it."
Wincing, he tried to come up with an answer that might satisfy you, but the truth was that there was no way for him to reason his actions at that time.
"I'll never not regret it. I .. I wish you were still out there with us, not just producing behind the scenes."
"Do you ... do you still play?"
"What?", you appeared annoyed at his interest.
"Do you still play? At any shows? For fun? You were always the best guitarist I'd known. Chan's nothing compared to you," he joked.
You looked down in what seemed to be shyness, "Chan's pretty good. He's gotten so much better since I last saw him."
"It wasn't the same- It's not the same. You were supposed to be there. I love Channie, but the dynamic completely changed when you left- when you-"
"When you kicked me out," you corrected.
He took a few steps towards you, both hands encompassing your arms in order to get you to look at him.
"I kicked you out, and it was the worst mistake I'd ever made. I lost my bandmate and I lost my best friend. I miss you every day. Every time I perform and I look to the front and you're not there, I remember what an idiot I was. You made this. You made the band, you got all the members. Fuck, you taught Channie everything you knew and all I did to repay you was throw you away," his eyes never left yours as he spoke, despite how guilty he felt at seeing the sudden sadness in yours, "Please tell me you at least still play. Please tell me I didn't take that away from you."
"I ... After you kicked me out, I couldn't trust anyone else. If my own best friend was willing to get rid of me like that ... If all my friends stood by and did nothing, then I couldn't trust that someone else wouldn't do it again."
"Y/n, I-"
You stepped away from his hold, creating some distance.
"I didn't want to play anymore, so I started selling my music. That's how I met Jihoon And Seungcheol. They were already on the process of founding Universe Factory. They saw something in me and took me in. We were equals," you explained, "So, no. I haven't played since then, Vernon. I'm a producer now."
It made Vernon miserable to know that the girl he once knew had changed. He understood why, specially having been part of the cause, but he felt even more regretful at knowing that he had damaged your ability to trust so badly. Ever since he knew you, you loved nothing more than to play for people. From talent shows to small shows at local pubs with only twenty people in the audience, you'd always happily sign up if it meant a chance to play for anyone willing to listen. Now you didn't have that in you anymore. All because Vernon had broken your trust.
Vernon chose not to bother you anymore after that. You seemed happy with your new life. Vernon seemed to be the only source of negativity in your life, so he chose to step aside and let you live your life. He would no longer try and see if there was any space for him there anymore. If that's what made you happy, then so be it.
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It had taken a while, but after four months of being signed into Universe Factory, Vernon's band had finally released their new album.
The rollout consisted of 12 original songs, with a deluxe version including three extra songs coming a few months later. It hadn't been fully fleshed out yet, but the album itself had been a success by all means.
Throughout the process, Vernon had unfortunately not made much progress with you. Things seemed to be a bit more peaceful now that he had decided to leave you alone, but you never once tried to seek him out, so he assumed that this was the end of it. You were happy to ignore him and keep him out of your life, and as much as Vernon wad pained by it, he felt too remorseful by his previous actions to try and bother you anymore.
Vernon was happy to spend time with you whenever studio sessions came up. As one of the main producers of the company, you had been thoroughly involved in the album, which meant that you spent a grand majority of your time in the studio with Vernon and the rest of the band. Though you would rarely engage with him directly, you didn't outwardly ignore him. You remained professional and respectful towards him. He wasn't sure if that was better or worse.
After the grueling process of finishing up the album and releasing it, there was a small lull in the group's timeline. The album did amazingly well, specially with all the promo your label did for them. A tour had even been announced for later in the year, but for now things were quiet. The fruits of their labor were paying off and now everyone got a bit of time to rest before preparations for tour began.
Despite being done with work for a few weeks before getting to rehearsals for tour, Vernon still liked to come around the company and play around with the studios the label had available for their artists. He liked to mess around and try to experiment with new stuff to develop his skills. During the album-making period, he had observed you intently, learning from you without your knowledge.
Today was one of the many times in which Vernon had decided to come around the studios, in search of the one his group used throughout the process of making their album.
That was when he noticed the half-closed door, with the soft strumming of a guitar coming from the inside. He was about to turn around and leave, assuming that someone else had taken up that studio for a bit, but then he heard a melodious voice accompanying the guitar in perfect harmony. It was you.
Even during the recording process, Vernon was yet to hear you sing or play any music. The demos were usually recorded by Jihoon, even when you had vast participation in them. The most he had heard your voice during that time had been when you'd direct the members on how to enunciate a line or two – and even then, Vernon felt enamored. Now here Vernon was, peeking from the small opening of the door as he witnessed you sing what seemed to be an original song.
Your back was facing him as you sat on the floor, simply facing the wall in front of you. Your voice was low, as was your strumming. It was likely you didn't want anyone to hear you. Almost as if you were hiding your skill, not wanting anyone to be aware of it.
Vernon couldn't help but think that this was the consequence of his actions. Did you think you weren't made to perform anymore? Not even in private? Had his betrayal caused this in you? The thought made him sick, knowing how much you loved music.
His thoughts were promptly interrupted by a sudden halt in your playing, hearing your voice speak up.
"I know you're there, Vernon," you said without even needing to turn around to face him.
"I- How did you-"
You began to get up, putting your guitar away, "I heard the door squeak a bit, and you're the only person who would be interested enough in hearing me play to stay and watch."
He knew you hadn't meant it in a self-deprecating way, but the thought of you believing that there wasn't a crowd of people who'd die to hear you perform felt like a punch in the gut.
"You still sound amazing. You got even better, somehow."
"Vernon, stop. You don't have to-"
"Please. Let me at least compliment you. I mean it. You're amazing. It's a huge disservice to the world that you're not out there performing your own music," he chuckled humorlessly by the end, attempting to appeal to you somehow.
Surprisingly to him, you chuckled back in a similar manner, choosing to recline against one of the tables in the room rather than leave now that Vernon was speaking to you – something you'd usually do if you were ever in a room alone with him.
"I've never been much of a soloist. You know that."
Taking a leap, Vernon chose to lean against the table too, taking a seat close to you.
"I'm sure people would be lining up for a chance to work with you, c'mon."
"Not, you, though. Right?"
He groaned, throwing his head back in frustration, "Listen ..."
"I'm kidding, Vernon, relax."
That surprised him. Maybe the time had allowed you to feel comfortable enough to tease Vernon about it. Fuck. You were speaking to him. That in itself was more progress than he'd had in years.
Usually, he would've responded with a joke back, but he decided to drive his point home instead.
"I'd kill for you to even consider playing with me again."
Your mood visibly shifted at that, squirming a bit and looking down at his words.
"Yeah, I'm sure."
This time your sarcasm didn't deter him. He had an opening. You were talking to him, after months of only doing polite small talk with him whenever you were forced to. Maybe it was time he was a bit stern too.
Standing up, he stood directly in front of you, towering over you a bit more than usual since you were leaning against the table.
"Listen. I know I hurt you. I know I did the worst thing I could've done to the person I loved most, okay? I think about it every day. I thought about it every single day after you cut me out of your life – which you had every right to do," he winced at the thought, "Seeing you again, knowing you made it big and that you're still making music made me so glad. So glad that even though I wasn't ever going to be part of your journey anymore, you still had music by your side. I ... I wish I had done things differently. I wish I hadn't acted so stupidly and been so easy to convince to leave you behind just for a taste of success. I deserve every bit of your hate for it, but- fuck ... but I will always keep doing everything I can to see if maybe one day you might forgive me."
"Vernon, I-"
"Wait, I'm not done," he interrupted you with a finger in the air, "I tried looking for you, you know? After you disappeared, I tried to get you back somehow. When we got dropped from the label just a few months later, I tried to find you, but you were nowhere. I wanted you back from the moment I made that stupid decision. I'd do anything for you to be up there with us on that tour, for your name to be on that album cover. Somehow we ended up making music together again, just with all this baggage in between."
"What? I- Honestly I don't know what you could say to all my word vomit. I already know you hate me. Nothing I do will ever change it," he looked down with a sad look on his face.
"I don't ... I don't hate you."
His head snapped up to look at you.
"You- What?"
"I don't hate you," you repeated, "I don't think I ever did. I never left music completely, I just ... I felt so disposable. I didn't want to work with anyone who wasn't you, and you saw me as a replaceable asset. I didn't even feel like your friend at that point. I mean, it was so easy for Chan to go from second guitar to lead and just completely erase my existence from the band ... Erase it from your life."
"N-no. You have it all wrong," he got closer to you, grabbing onto your shoulders to make you look at him, "Nothing was ever the same. That's why it all failed. I couldn't function without you."
"Hah," your eyes wandered away from his in an avoidant manner, "I would've killed to hear that from you back then."
You took a breath, appearing to ponder whether or not to say your next statement, ultimately deciding on the former.
"I used to like you so much back then. Did you know?," you laughed at yourself, "It was, uh, one of the reasons why I left. I felt like I got rejected in every way. As a friend, as a bandmate, as ... as the girl who liked you."
It had been worse for you than Vernon ever imagined.
The same way he felt dejected at your disappearance, having been practically in love with you at the time, you must've felt that pain a hundred times over. The guy you liked threw you away so easily, of course you were going to assume Vernon would never return your feelings under those circumstances.
But you had it all wrong. Oh, so horribly wrong.
If you had ever given Vernon any indication of you liking him, he would've dropped everything for you. He knew that he should've done so regardless, specially considering you were best friends, but he was extremely immature and dumb at the time. His mind did not reason what effect his actions would have. At the time, your claims about being okay with leaving the band as long as it was for the best of its future were completely taken at face value by Vernon. Never would he have guessed that you had just said that to appease to him just because you liked him.
His prolonged silence allowed you to speak up once again.
"I really did want to try and root for you after you signed that contract, but seeing the guy I was so head over heels for throw me aside so easily settled on my mind after a few days. I realized there was no point either way. We would never be bandmates again, and you would never like me back."
"I didn't- I ... I had no idea. Fuck," he breathed a heavy breath, furrowing his eyebrows, "I was so in love with you. I'm ... I'm so incredibly in love with you."
He knew he fucked up in saying it, specially going by the shocked expression on your face. Your eyes were wide and your mouth agape.
"I'm sorry. Fuck, I'm so sorry. I know this isn't what you want to hear. I- I shouldn't have said anything, but I can't help myself anymore. I've loved you for years. I've been miserable thinking about how badly you hate me when you haven't left my mind for a single day. I love you. I'm sorry, I just ... I love you."
"Vernon ..."
He threw his hands up in frustration, "Don't. Fuck, I already know what you're going to say, just ... just don't-"
"Vernon, shut up!", you grabbed onto his head, making him lower himself down to you a bit and look into your eyes.
Vernon wasn't quite sure what your original plan was, but he saw you open and close your mouth a few times to speak, ultimately giving up to do something that would break Vernon's mind for the upcoming future.
Your lips against his own was something he thought of an embarrassing amount of times during his teens (and even now during his 20's), but it was always something he was certain would never happen. He had never actually planned for what he would do if you ever actually granted his wish. And so he remained limp against you for a few moments too long, making you pull away at the lack of reciprocation.
This was something he just couldn't have. In no world could he ever allow you to ever feel like he didn't want you. Never again. Before you could fully pull away, his arms wrapped around your waist, bringing you to your tip toes so that he could kiss you properly. When your feet flattened on the ground, his lips chased after yours, leaning down to keep himself connected to you.
The kiss was soft and delicate. There were some breathy sighs that were making Vernon's head feel fuzzy, but the kiss was innocent otherwise.
Or at least that was how it started.
Vernon wasn't sure who licked their way into the other's mouth first, but that bit of information didn't matter too much. What mattered was that gorgeous moan you let out when his tongue suckled on yours. What mattered was the way you let your body become limp against his touch, letting him back you up against the table and sit you on it. What mattered were your hands pulling at his hair in sheer desperation for more.
You weren't the only culprit, though. Vernon was equally, if not more, desperate for you. His mind and his body were in a battle, with one wanting to pull away and discuss what your current feelings for him where, and the other fighting the urge to flip you around and bend you over the table.
Thankfully, you made the decision for him.
Your hands snuck under his shirt, delicate fingers gracing the skin of his stomach before allowing your hands to freely feel up his abs and chest. Shuddering, he became lightheaded at the simple contact, having been in such constant want for your touch all these years that even the simplest of contact had him losing his sanity. Unlike you, his hands were not as daring as yours in fear of scaring you away somehow. They remained rubbing your clothed waist and hips, far too shy to do what they really yearned to.
Images flashed in his head of every nasty thing he wanted to do to you. Every single night in which you'd somehow invade his mind with a fog of lust came running back, a myriad of ideas making it all the harder to hold back. He wanted you to have control. As hard as it was to just sit there and will his already prominent boner into staying still, Vernon could not act on any desire. You had to be the one to initiate it.
And thank fucking god you did.
Within some short moments, your hands threw off Vernon's shirt, pulling him closer to you as you became even more shameless in how you felt him up. Seeing his hands remain stagnant on your waist, you disconnected his lips, staring into his own with a blissed out look on your face.
You were already fucked up. Your eyes had nothing but lust in them. They had a hard time not making their way to his lips, which were still dangerously close to your own. He couldn't blame you. Despite being out of breath from kissing all this time, his own lips were already aching to encompass your own again.
Before he could kiss you again with a petulant whine, your hands guided his own to your clothed breasts, pressing them up against his palms with a delicious little whine that made Vernon press his cock against the table under you.
"Touch me? Feel me up? Fuck ... want your hands all over me," you breathed between sensual licks at his open mouth.
Oh, fuck.
How was he supposed to do this?
You sounded so pretty for him ... so horny and needy and just so fucking desperate for him.
You were the prettiest fucking thing he had ever seen – and you were begging for Vernon to feel you up? You were already begging and he hadn't even had the chance to actually touch you yet? Vernon had no idea how he was going to survive you, but he'd just have to will his body into doing so.
He didn't need any further instruction, his hands immediately following the task of rubbing and squeezing at every inch of skin. Every clothed curve was victim to his grabby hands, touching you and pressing you up against him like he'd die if he didn't. Your breathy little moans at his touch only made him feel like even more of a depraved animal.
You kissed and kissed and kissed. It was the nastiest mess of tongues and saliva, but Vernon couldn't help but feel extremely turned on by it. You were so ... so fucking desperate for him. Shameless in your actions, you licked and sucked at his tongue, holding his jaw in place so you could do as you pleased with his tongue. And when he couldn't match your pace due to how foggy his mind was? You stopped him, breathing against his lips that you'd show him how you liked to be kissed just before licking sensually into his mouth yet again.
Having been far too into the kiss, Vernon didn't even notice when you started undoing his belt, hands teasing his cock occasionally by gracing it through his pants and immediately coming back up when his hips tried to chase your touch.
"Baby ... Need you so bad," you moaned at him after a while.
'Baby'? He was 'baby' now?
Vernon couldn't even take a minute to process the lustful voice in which you had called him baby before his poor, weak, lust-ridden brain got distracted by you pulling your own shirt off.
It was almost comical the way in which Vernon froze at the sight. The two gorgeous mounds staring at him, pretty bralette encompassing them as you grabbed his hands and put them on your tits, begging him to touch you there. And Vernon wasn't an idiot. He touched you to his heart's contentment, groaning against your mouth every time you'd arch your back and press your chest up against his hands even more.
You were an entirely different version from the one he'd always known. You were so needy and soft and sensitive, completely unlike the stubborn and cold side of you you had shown him these past months. But Vernon wasn't about to complain when he had you so pliant for him, so whiny as you pleaded for him to touch you more.
His hands tugged and pinched at your nipples, lips swallowing every single cry of pleasure you let out. Your own hands scratched at his chest, with harsher marks being left behind every time he pinched at your tits relatively hard.
Growing easily frustrated, you separated his hands from your breasts, throwing off your bra before beginning to grind against him, encouraging him to push up his hips against your own.
Vernon was already painfully hard at just the privilege of feeling you up, so he was somewhat scared that he might end up cumming in his pants if you kept this up for so long. All it took was one single bump of your cunt against his cock for him to throw that concern aside and grind into your awaiting cunt as the two of you continued to kiss.
Breathless, he pulled away, finally getting to have a view of your nude breasts. That's when he lost control of himself.
He groaned and moaned and made every inhumane noise you could think of as he made love to your tits with his tongue. Never had he ever put so much dedication into anything as he did into making out with your tits. And fuck was it worth it. Your hips sped up against his own, hands burying in his hair as you pressed his head against your tit and cried his name in the prettiest of sighs.
There was no way in hell Vernon was going to last. He needed a saving grace.
Mustering all his willpower, Vernon disconnected himself from you completely, grabbing your hand and walking you over to the couch in the studio. On his way there, he kicked off his already loose pants and threw off his shoes. His original plan was to lay you down on it, crawl over you as he kissed every inch of your body and then worship his way into fucking you missionary, – so he could see and kiss you all throughout, just in the way he always imagined – but you stopped him in his tracks.
Pushing him onto the couch, you sat him down before shuffling your sweats off and straddling him, putting your hands on his shoulders.
"I wanna ride you. Can I?", you asked, getting straight to the point.
"You- you wanna .."
"I've been thinking about this since high school. And ... you kinda owe me, you know, after kicking me out of my own band," you joked.
"If letting you ride me is payback, then I take it back. I regret nothing," this granted him a frown and a slap on his chest, but he took it as a champ, enjoying the familiar banter he once shared with you.
Placing his large hands on your hips, he somehow got you even closer to him, "Ride me? Hmm, baby?", he kissed up your neck, taking advantage of the clear desire he knew you felt for him.
"I, ah ... Nonnie ... Please. Want your cock, it's so big," you sighed, neck tilting so he could have more space to kiss.
"Gotta prep you first, baby."
You shook your head, huffing, "'m already so wet, Nonnie. Wanna feel?"
With no warning, you snuck your hand under the tiny little excuse for panties you were wearing, gathering some tasty nectar for him to taste. He let out a gruttal groan at your taste, feeling lightheaded at the thought of someday having the privilege to eat your cunt until you begged and sobbed for him to stop.
But that would come some other day. Now, he needed to sit you down on his cock before he lost his mind. If you thought you were wet enough, and you were desperate enough to beg for him repeatedly, then who was he to deny you?
Helping you awkwardly remove your panties while he shoved his boxers down as much as he could while sitting, he helped you lift yourself up a bit to line him up, throwing his head back when you instead chose to drag his tip up and down your cunt.
"Baby ... If you don't sit on me, I'm going to fucking cum before I even get to feel you, and I don't wanna embarrass myself like that. So, please let me have it," he begged for a change, eyes squeezed shut as he attempted to make his body hold back as much as possible.
Taking pity on him (or likely just equally as horny), you finally sat down on him, showing very small signs of struggle at his size.
"F-fuck ... Nonnie, it's so big, it's so- Oh ... fuck."
"Nonnie! Feels so good ... Oh, it's so good, Nonnie."
"Baby, need more ... Need you to fuck me. Please? Cock's so fucking good."
"Want it in my mouth, Nonnie. It's so thick n so fucking big. Looks so, fuck, so delicious. Wanna choke on it so bad ..."
These were only some of the filthy expletives you cried out as you bounced on his cock like a depraved girl. You desire for him alone was enough to make Vernon want to give up and dedicate his body to your pleasure, knowing that your gorgeous body would always give him the same, if not more, pleasure in return.
It got so bad for him that at some point, he simply couldn't hold back anymore, his feet settling firmly on the ground before tightening his grip on your hips and beginning to bounce you up and down his cock while his hips canted up with inmensurable speed.
"Cunt's so tight, baby. Never letting you go again. 's all for me, right? Get to have you every day now," he mumbled against your chest, lips chasing your tits every now and then.
"Y-yes, Nonnie. All for you! Missed you so much, Nonnie. Thought of you every day," you hiccuped, back arching to give him better access to your tits, "I was so heartbroken over you ... Never letting you go now. You're mine. Right, Nonnie?"
He nodded and cried at your words, heartbroken just at the thought of your own heartbreak. He had to remind himself that none of that mattered anymore. Now he finally had you. The dam had finally broken and allowed the two of you to end your prolonged animosity and give you a chance to finally be his. Just how he had been yours all these years.
Your love making (if you could even call it that considering the animalistic nature of it) could only last so long before Vernon finally burst, which meant he had to take matters into his own hands and make sure you found your end with him. Reaching between you, his hand searched for your clit, finding it in only a few seconds. Disconnecting his head from your chest, he went back to kissing your neck, reaching your ear so he could talk you through your orgasm.
"Need you to cum for me, okay, baby? Love you so much ... Need to cum together, pretty, yeah?",
"L-love you! So much, Nonnie ... Never stopped."
Those were the last words you managed to let out before your orgasm took over you, whining the prettiest cries Vernon had ever heard. The tightening of your cunt finally allowed Vernon to let go, joining you in your high as neither of your hips halted their movements.
Holding you all throughout, Vernon had never felt as close to anyone else as he did to you in this moment. If you needed to hate him in order to protect yourself from his betrayal, then Vernon fully accepted it. No part of him blamed you for keeping him at an arm's length at all times. Specially if this was the final outcome. Now that he finally had you, he didn't care what journey he had to live through to get here. All he cared about was the gorgeous girl of his dreams crying in his arms as pleasure overtook her.
Your orgasms had been so incredibly intense that you needed some moments to catch your breaths before speaking up. That, and all the emotions that must've been going through your minds.
Holding each other despite the silence, you stayed like that for a few minutes, simply nuzzling against each other as a demonstration of love for one another. Vernon's mind still couldn't believe the reciprocation of your feelings. His heart was still beating far too loud under your touch, but he felt at ease.
"I really do love you," he spoke against your neck, "And I'll never stop regretting what I did to you."
You created a small distance between you to look at him, caressing his cheek in your hand as you spoke.
"I'll never be okay with what you did, but I love you. You were young, and you made a mistake. I can't stand hating you anymore."
He smiled, turning his head to kiss the palm you had against his cheek.
"You can hate me, as long as you love me too," he said. He knew it made no sense, but he also knew you understood.
"I love you," you said again with a smile.
"I love you."
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to read short 2.3k word continuation you can go join my monthly tier on kofi or patreon!
content: smut, afab reader, comfort sex, face riding, penetrative sex, etc.
wc: 714 (teaser); 2379 (full drabble)
sneak peak:
"Isn't it unprofessional for you to ask an ex member to join the band again just cause you're sleeping together?", asked Chan as he tuned his guitar absentmindedly.
"For the last time, that's not why I'm asking her. I've wanted her back for years, you guys know this. I'm just rectifying a mistake."
You giggled from your seat on the couch, enjoying that the guys still gave Vernon a hard time for what he had done all those years back.
The news of your relationship had come as a surprise only to a few people. Most of your friends had seen it coming from miles. The sexual tension was just too high, or at least that's what Jeonghan had said when you first broke the news, Seungkwan nodding in agreement.
After that day in the studio, you and Vernon entered an annoyingly disgusting honeymoon phase. Unfortunately for everyone else, this phase seemed to be endless. Two months in, and you were still attached to the hip, unable to keep your hands or eyes away from each other.
Your newfound revelation of love for Vernon also brought back up old dynamics between the two of you. With his encouragement, you began occasionally playing with the guys, sometimes joining in as second guitar on stage, standing at the back, right next to Vernon and his drums. Your relationship was a point of conversation for fans, but you still kept it private among the people in the company.
Currently, Vernon had made the executive decision that he wanted you to officially be featured in a remixed version of one of their most successful songs from their debut album. The plan had already been there, but Vernon's suggestion of having you on the track rather than anyone else had surprised some people at the company, especially when they found out you agreed.
Vernon had been incredibly busy all week, leaving this as the first time he'd been able to see all of you together to briefly discuss the future plans for the track. His plan was to make a quick stop and then finally rest in your arms back at your apartment.
"Anyways, you should never forget that she was lead guitar before you ever were. We could always just send you to the back again," interrupted Seungkwan, giving Chan an unserious yet pointed look.
Chan raised his hands in defense, "Hey! I'm not the one who kicked her out!"
Groaning, Vernon walked over to you and buried his face in your neck, tired features clear in his face as he wrapped his arms around your waist, "Make them stop. Please."
Giggling again, you opted for a better option, taking the clearly tired boy by the hand and leaving the studio, bidding your goodbyes to the guys.
You had only stopped by to say hi to your friends while on your way to your apartment, knowing Vernon was tired from a long day of recording for various other activities he had recently embarked in as a new face in the industry. They were already aware you'd be recording a song with them, but simply enjoyed giving Vernon a hard time. Maybe even more than you did.
On the ride home, Vernon had fallen asleep, absentmindedly cuddling against you on the back of the car. Vernon had naturally taken on the role of the main face of the group, which also came with endless work and promotions he sometimes had to do solo, just like today. You were more fortunate in that area, making most of your money off royalties and not needing to make public appearances at any point.
When you finally arrived home, you continued dragging Vernon along with you, who would only groan occasionally at the thought of even stepping foot into the elevator. Making it all the way to your suite had taken a while due to the size of the building, but when you made it, Vernon immediately threw off his shirt and stripped down to his boxers, letting himself fall face first into the bed, groaning at the mattress cushioning his fall.
You stared for a few moments, thinking of what you could do to help your tired boyfriend relax after a tiresome week of work. Then the idea suddenly came to you.
find 2.3k word continuation on either kofi or patreon!
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New Neighbors and Interrupted Streams [Part 1] (LN4)
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Read Part 2 here! Summary: Desperate for new friends, maybe it's time to revert to the tried and true neighborly American cookie exchange.  A/N: I know Lando lives in Monaco but in this he is still in the UK. Also I really love fics that have something to do with Lando streaming and being teased the entire time.
This was stupid. This was probably so stupid. But she had to do something.
Two weeks she had been in her new apartment, in a new country. In that time, she had gotten increasingly lonelier, seemingly unable to make friends.
She had moved to the UK for work but with another month till she actually began her new job, she didn’t know how to make friends in her free time.
God, why was it so hard to make friends as an adult? 
So, after a call with her mom expressing her issues with making friends, she was reminded of a good-old US custom.
Baking cookies for your neighbor.
Usually, this was reserved for pre-existing residents to introduce themselves to the new folks moving in, but after all this time she didn’t expect her neighbors to reach out, so it seemed she had to do it herself. 
After that phone call, she tried it twice with some of her neighbors. The first time, she left them at the door with a note introducing herself to them, saying she hoped they could meet up sometime. She found the cookies still in the box, with the opened note on her doorstep later that day. 
The second time, she got so excited when she saw from down the hall that her neighbor had grabbed them, swiftly moving inside his own flat with the cookies while reading the note. But a week later and no sign of any desire from the neighbor to connect with her, she gave up. 
She had one last person she could try with, the ridiculously cute boy who lived in the apartment across from her. She hadn’t actually talked to him, just spied on him a few times from her peephole when she heard him leaving his flat. Creepy, she knew, but she was far too shy to say anything.
But she was so desperate, and she could tell he was around her age… she thinks. After sitting at her table for an hour staring at the home baked goods, she finally grabbed them and knocked on his door before she could chicken out. 
Lando was streaming with Max next to him, when he got a notification that someone was by his door. Thinking it was the takeaway he ordered, he swiftly excused himself to go grab it. What he didn’t expect was the pretty girl who had just moved across from him to be at the door.
There was a beat of silence as they both stared at each other. In all honesty, she was just going to knock, wait a few seconds, then leave the cookies. She hadn't expected him to answer the door so she was unsure what to say. 
Finally he spoke up.
“Sorry, are we being too loud? We can totally quiet down if you need to.” He said while awkwardly scratching the back of his neck.
She still didn’t reply, too stunned by seeing him for the first time not through a small and dirty peephole. God, he was beautiful.
Seconds of silence went by until she finally managed to get everything she wanted out.
“No, no I am so sorry. You are completely fine, that's not why I am here. I just didn’t think you'd actually answer the door. Anyway, I know this is probably strange and I don’t think they actually do this here but I just wanted to introduce myself to my neighbors, so I made cookies! Again this is probably so weird of me so it's totally fine if you don’t want them or something, the other neighbors clearly didn’t but that's okay. Anyway- Hi, I live across from you and now I am here with cookies!” She managed to get out in one breath while sticking the cookies out for him to grab.
This time, Lando took a few seconds to reply, trying to process what she said. “You’re American.” Was all he managed to get out.
She didn’t know what to reply, it wasn’t a question but felt like he needed reinforcement about that statement.
“I am.”
“I didn’t realize they actually did this, thought it was a movie thing.”
“Uh- I am sorry?”
“No. no! It's sweet, thank you for them. I really appreciate it… sorry what's your name? I’m Lando by the way” 
How she managed to not actually say her name while she spent a full minute rambling about how she wanted to introduce herself was beyond her, but after quickly introducing herself, properly this time, she finally felt the tension and awkwardness leave her body.
He took the cookies from her, promising that he was excited to eat them even though he knew his trainer wouldn’t be too happy, and took this opportunity to get her phone number. Promising to text her, he closed the door and immediately looked out his peephole, wanting to get one more look at her. He was surprised, and amused, to see she did a little celebratory dance in the hallway, before taking a breath and entering her own apartment, excited she had just made a new potential friend.
“What took you so long, Mate? And why are you so red? And why do you have cookies? Where is the food we ordered?” Max asked when Lando entered the room again, a stupid grin adorning his face.
“It wasn’t our delivery, the new neighbor just stopped by to introduce herself.”
“The cute one you kept going on about?” Max teased, earning a kick to the shin as that wasn’t information Lando wanted everyone watching the stream to know.
“Anyway- she brought cookies as a little hello. It's sweet. I've never gotten cookies made for me before.”
“She brought cookies? The hell would she do that for?”
“Like I said, to introduce herself. She’s american.”
Before Max could ask anymore questions, specifically about why Lando was smiling so much and why he was beet-red, which Max already knew the answer to, their actual takeaway came, saving Lando for the time being.
When he came back and they started eating, Lando wasn’t interrogated on the topic, at least not until he began giggling on his phone.
“Mate, what are you- Oh my god guys he is giggling and texting his new neighbor. Chat, this is unbelievable.” Max yelled as he stole Lando’s phone from his hand. Reading the messages with disgust, he added, “God, you need to work on your flirting, you sound like an absolute muppet right now.”
Lando quickly took his phone back and tried to change the topic. Throughout the rest of the stream, he tried his best to not look at the new messages she had sent in order to not be teased, as the chat seemed to still be mentioning every time he would secretly text her, trying to be stealthy as to not let Max find out.
He just hoped this whole thing stayed on the stream, and that it wouldn’t come to the press, who loved to question him on his relationships. The last thing he needed was to be asked this during media after a race.
He wouldn’t be so lucky, he soon would find out after the next race.
Read Part 2 here!
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dcxdpdabbles · 2 days
Could we get a continuation of a cluster of cores? Teen parent Danny is gonna be run ragged with so many little ones and it will only be a matter of time before Dani and Lian shows them the Puppy Eyes, good thing there gonna have plenty of aunts and uncles to also bully.
Roy's newfound hero is still locked in a coma. It's been nearly three months now, and they had managed to keep him alive with tubes feeding him food and water, but it worried everyone they could not figure out the reason for his slumber.
Dani, the young alien girl, assured everyone it was fine, as she could naturally sense her father's core healing. Despite their humanoid appearance, a quick scan showed that the Fentons (as Dani had identified them) were indeed aliens.
Then there were their documents. They were all legal... in Daxam, where these travelers were from. He had contacted the Justice League, and the Green Lanterns had easily authenticated their identities.
Daxam was a plant with a red sun, one that had life forms similar to those of Kryptonians. However, the natives of the plant, before Krypton colonized it, were different in how their young were born and the origin of their powers.
Roy has learned through the Oa headquarters records that Indigenous Daxamites were formed within cores. These egg-like parts held the entity of their souls but at too different times to fully hatch, so a sibling of a cluster could hatch five years before the rest. When they formed, their powers came from an "Obsession" or a part of their environment instead of just the sun.
Their culture and species revolved heavily around the child clusters, as Indigenous Daxamite could only lay them once in their lifetime. This was disastrous when their kind was slowly hunted into extinction, as Daxam was conquered nearly a hundred thousand years ago and became a colony by Krypton.
The Kryptonians had always targeted the clusters before they could hatch, drastically declining the numbers of Daxamites.
The Indigenous Daxamites had nearly been wiped out in a horrific genocide during the colonization days, and the remaining ones had been mixed with Kryptonians to the point their species had evolved.
The cluster of core births was nothing more than history to the planet, even when outliving Krypton. That did not mean that the generational racism died with the Kryptonians.
Daxamites had become hostile to the original Daxam dwellers (Roy found records of Kryptonians demonizing the species, often referring to their god Rao commanding them to cleanse the planet for daring to gain power from pagan gods. He is pretty sure that was just an excuse for the holy war, as Clark had never mentioned anything in.), and a sort of witch hunt for any pure Indigenous Daxamite sprung to life a thousand years ago.
The Green Lanterns corps had to step in when word reached them, but by that point, many innocent Daxamites had been executed on accusations alone of being Indigenous Daxamites. To the heavy heart of the reporting Green Lantersn, the Indigenous Daxamites have been wiped from existence because of the witch trials a good nine hundred years ago.
Oh, so they thought.
Danny Fenton and his children may as well be the very last of their kind. Roy figured that Danny and his people had hidden themselves from their government.
He likely had spent his life attempting to keep his kind a secret, as his planet had been under the thumb of an oppressive dictatorship since Krypton had perished. Daxam was notorious for its complicated border control, which made leaving the planet near impossible.
He is still determining what led to Danny's discovery, but based on what they managed to salvage from the bomb site of his once house, Danny fled his planet after his secret was outed.
There was an active warrant for his capture on Daxam and an open order to neutralize his "demonic unholy offspring." Roy felt sick when he heard from a grim-faced John Stewart, the Green Lanter working as their intermediary between the two planets, that the populace on Daxam had been campaigning for Danny's death to be slow and public, as the hatred for his kind was that deep.
Dani refused to explain how her father smuggled them all out. She mentioned a few times that they had help from a mysterious "Clockwork" but had to keep a tight lid on anything else.
All they knew for sure was that Danny was severely damaged from the escape, and his constant feedings to his young (even in his sleep, his body naturally sent over ectoplasm to the cluster that never left this side) had put him in grave danger when he saved Lian. Roy still held his daughter only because this man risked everything for a child of a planet he had no ties to.
He was willing to take on all Daxam if they dared to come for Danny for that alone.
Thankfully, Justice Leauge felt the same way, and with the support of the Green Lanterns Corp, they were debating with the galactic high court to make Danny a citizen of Earth using asylum. Things were looking good for their cause, given that Danny was with a child (children??) and that his small family was an endangered species.
The Justice League was also a recognized police force by the galactic association, no matter how new, so their word carried a lot in the court.
Roy was letting the big names handle everything political. Bruce, especially, was working overtime since the big bad bat had a giant soft spot for children. He focused more on his living situation and Danny himself.
Not only because they were best friends but because Gotham seemed to be one of the only cities with "ectoplasm" (High-density levels of death?? It was naturally, according to Daxam) that the Fentons needed. Danny was resting in the Drake Hospital of Gotham, while Dani had been housed with Jason.
Jason had been more than willing to open his home to Roy and Lian until they could return to their city. They were among the many houses destroyed, so it would be a while before their home was fixed. Oliver extended the same offer, wanting his son and granddaughter back home with him.
He would have taken Oliver's offer had Jason not asked first. Things were better between the arrows now that Roy had cleaned his addiction, but he felt more at ease with Jason.
She was still young enough to need slight feedings from her father but was also able to process food from the environment. Roy tried his best to make Dani feel at home, but he could tell by her somber eyes and weak smile that she was struggling with her displacement.
Jason was better at helping her. He made time to read her a bedtime story, have her help cook, and even take her on rides around Gotham on his bike, but somehow, he did it in a way that she didn't have to speak.
Dani seemed relaxed with him.
Roy has always known Jason was better with kids, but seeing it in person makes his heart melt.
"Is my dad awake yet?" Dani asks Lian one morning. The two girls were playing with dolls, though Dani seemed confused by them the first time. She apparently never had a doll before, and Roy is curious if it was due to her being on the constant run or if dolls were not toys on her home planet.
"I don't think so. But don't worry, my Daddy is a hero. He'll save him!"
Roy's heart leaps in joy at her words, but it breaks only half a second when Dani replies in a small voice. "My Dad is a hero too. But he can still die."
Gosh, is that something a child should say?
Roy puts down the pan he used to make pancakes, wiping his hands on his apron to tell the girls breakfast is ready when Jason comes stumbling out of his room. He had a late night as Red Hood, having taken out an uprising in one of his territories.
Usually, this means Jason sleeps until two or three in the afternoon so to see him up and about at nine was a shock. He has his phone pressed to his ear, with a frantic look in his eye causing Roy to tense.
"Thanks, Tim. I'll get Roy and the girls ready. We'll be there as soon as I can," Jason said, twisting to grab hold of Roy's shoulder. We need to get to Drake Hospital."
Hope rose in his chest as Roy pressed a hand over Jason's "Is he awake?"
Jason's mouth tightens. "No. One of the cores hatched."
Oh no.
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demilypyro · 3 days
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ok so there's an evil scientist named Doctor Neo Periwinkle Cortex, and together with his lab partner Doctor Nitrus Brio he hatches a plan to take over the world by mutating animals into super soldiers.
He purchases a set of islands off the coast of Australia and begins experimenting on the wildlife. He has some success, creating various sentient anthropomorphic animal mutants with superhuman abilities. Among the experiments is Crash Bandicoot, who is set to be Cortex's general. There's also Crash's girlfriend Tawna, and his sister Coco, who through the experiments becomes a super genius.
Cortex uses a mind control device called the Cortex Vortex to brainwash his minions, but something goes wrong when he tries to use it on Crash. Crash and Coco escape, and in a bid to save his girlfriend, Crash ends up demolishing Cortex's base and foiling his plan, nearly killing Cortex. All the other animals also escape in the chaos. From then on, Crash and Coco mostly just try to enjoy their lives, while going back into action whenever Cortex has a new scheme.
The whole franchise has a very 90s cartoon vibe, which I find very charming. The rogues gallery is quite extensive, and has a lot of fan favourite recurring characters, including other mutants like Dingodile and Tiny Tiger, other evil scientists like N. Gin and N. Tropy, the alien Nitrous Oxide, and Nina, Cortex's niece. The games are largely a metaphor for pollution, with Cortex's influence symbolizing the waste and corruption brought by industry as it erodes nature. As you progress through the games, the levels often transition from lush jungles to harsh industrial environments as you venture deeper into Cortex's territory.
The series has changed hands many times over its existence, originally developed by Naughty Dog and published by Universal Interactive, who held the rights. Universal Interactive merged with Vivendi, which was then purchased by Activision, which then merged with Blizzard, and was then purchased by Microsoft. Other developers who left a lasting impression on the Crash franchise include Traveler's Tales, Toys for Bob, Vicarious Visions, and Beenox.
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unstable-samurai · 2 days
Breathing This Calm Night - smut
Yunjin x Male Reader
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Tags: fluff, oral sex, one-shot, tightjob, penetration, k-idol, famous girl, secret relationship
A/n: This is my first request. Thanks @dav1233555 for the plot suggestion 🫡
The two of you were anxiously dragging yourself towards the end of the day. Slowly the hours passed, seeming to last longer than they should, while a hurried and hard routine was followed, with no time to even exchange a few messages.
But you were finally free, at least for now, from the mess that is a magazine of international relevance.
I am arriving
You read the message and smiled at the phone screen. It wasn't crowded at the restaurant you chose to have dinner at. You reflected for a moment, and thought there was a bit of madness in what you two were doing, but it was indisputable that it was genuine and pure.
Truth be told, this whole thing was real. And thinking that this could be a bit crazy (in other people's eyes, to be more precise) only made your panoramic view of society more bitter.
After all, what was so great about being a foreigner and dating a K-idol? Well, you weren't the guy who was going to change the view of an entire society, so worrying about it was useless.
At least there was some security that this relationship would not be leaked to the media. Well, you were in fact part of the fucking media. There was support from the magazine you worked for (not that you were the owner or anything), and at least no one on your team would poke your eye out. Some other editors you trust already knew about your relationship. It was one of the countless advantages of being in a high position in the company and having a strong influence on what happened inside. I mean, someone from the magazine could try to fuck with you, snakes exist everywhere, doing this in an attempt to self-promote or even abandon ship, handing over the leak of your relationship to another magazine or tabloid (in the headline the motherfuckers would find a way to use the word "affair", just because your previous relationship ended a month before you met Yunjin). But you would discover the funny guy so easily that there wouldn't even be any fun in solving the mystery. All it took was a single call to your father, simply the greatest editor-in-chief who worked at the magazine's headquarters. Already retired, but still exercising great decision-making power thanks to his long years of contributions to the magazine. Your old man was seen almost as a royal advisor or a wise monk where directors, managers and editors from various sectors of the magazine went to ask for advice and help. You were relatively shielded from leaks.
You noticed her approaching. Well disguised, with glasses, hair tied back and comfortable clothes. She looked like just another ordinary girl. You couldn't help but notice the NY Knicks sweatshirt you had given her as a gift, it was both of your favorite team.
She greeted you with a discreet hug. You still hadn't gotten used to the fact that you couldn't give a peck in public que in South Korea. In your perception, it was the most normal thing in the world.
"Hi, baby! How are you?" she asked you as she sat down at the table.
"Better now, honey. What about you?"
"The same!"
"Was the day as hard as always?" you asked.
"Definitely!" she replied. Yunjin seemed eager for this question. She continued, “In the morning I had rap class. By the way, I think I'm getting better. Oh, and in the afternoon I recorded my lines, like, over and over again. very specific of what he wants for this track. The music producer has a very specific vision of what he wants for this track. He apologized and admitted that it might take some time to achieve the desired result.”
"Well, I trust your talent. Remember that you and your group are dealing with a delicate concept. I have seen up close the production of albums that address intimate themes, it is always a challenge, but also a true work and certainly a amazing gift for the fans. You girls are going to do great."
Yunjin laughed, a little shyly.
"It feels like I'm talking to a music critic instead of my boyfriend."
"Well, you're actually talking to a music critic. Oh, by the way, I remembered that I won't be writing the article about Le Sserafim's new album like I said before."
Her expression was one of surprise. Yunjin asked:
"Is it because of me?”
"Yes." you answered honestly. “Well, look, love, I'm prioritizing our relationship and thinking about the future. If this is for real, eventually the press will hear about us together, and a review from me about my girlfriend's music group obviously it would make my opinion seem partial and biased. It's just to avoid future problems."
"Okay" She looked upset. "But I'll still want to know your opinion when you hear the album."
"I'm really looking forward to hearing it." You smiled, making her feel better. "I left the review about the new album for a good friend of mine to write. I really respect her opinion."
"I think we're in good hands. But let's stop talking about work for a bit!"
The waiter seemed to have heard Yunjin's speech as he appeared to save them right after she finished saying that. Yunjin had great taste in food, that's why she always chose the order for the two of you, you weren't the "culinary trailblazer" type; a few months in South Korea and you only knew five typical dishes (always returning to the arms of the big fast-food chains).
"Oh, I almost forgot to give you this!" You handed her a gift. "It had been on my lap for so long that I had forgotten I had brought it with me."
"Oh, baby! You didn't have to do that!"
She started to unwrap it.
"Hope you like."
You waited for her reaction. Yunjin smiled and made a cute little noise when she saw that it was a book (although she already knew from the shape of the gift wrap).
"You know I love reading! Thank you so much."
"It's The Alchemist. I know you love fantasy and this silly self-help thing. This book is a mix of both."
You saw her eyes light up.
"You're perfect. I love how well you know me. And self-help isn't silly, it's very good for evolving as a human being." she scolded you.
You shrugged.
"It's not the kind of thing I'd like to put on my bookshelf. But to each their own.”
She laughed.
"I'm still going to make you read one of these."
"Well, I've already read The Alchemist. And if I thought it was average, you'll think it's a masterpiece."
It was around 10pm when the two of you finally arrived at your apartment. Dinner was very good, especially dessert (that bingsu thing was really awesome), and by that night there was no more energy for more fun, it was preferable to have a good night's sleep so that the next day you could do something together. Even so, Yunjin hummed excitedly in the car on the way home. You appreciated all that joy.
You took off your shoes when Yunjin took off her NY Knicks sweatshirt, leaving only a tight tank top on her body. You noticed that she wasn't wearing a bra by the way her breasts showed through the fabric of her tank top. You slowly approached her and grabbed her from behind, kissing her repeatedly. Yunjin wrapped her hands around your neck as she giggled at the series of kisses.
“Will you be my teddy bear tonight?” she asked sweetly. “I need your affection so much, baby.”
“Whatever you need, sweetie.” You said as you kissed her on the neck.
Things were heating up. Your hands slid down Yunjin's soft belly, heavy sighs escaped her mouth unconsciously.
“Look, we still need to shower.” she said.
"No problem." you answered.
“You're putting me in the mood. I'm warning you that if you keep touching me like this, you're going to have to go all the way to finish what you started.”
“And since when has this been a problem for me?” you asked as you led her to the couch.
You took off your shirt and belt from your pants. Yunjin took off her jeans, leaving only her tank top and adorable pink panties. Your hand slid down Yunjin's left thigh while you kissed her right thigh. That was more than enough to give her goosebumps. She had her legs wide open, waiting, almost begging, for you to touch that place. Instead of doing it right away, you decided to play with her a little, kissing and biting her inner thigh while using one of your hands to lightly massage her pussy through her panties. Your lips slid to Yunjin's crotch, where you licked the entire area, she reveled in the act, trying hard not to close her legs with the spasms she was having. It didn't take long for a wet stain to darken the pink of the panties. When you finally removed Yunjin's panties, you saw how wet she was. So horny that she couldn't wait for you, fingering her pussy slowly, opening it with her fingers so you could see how drooling she was; a successful action of provoking you. Then you realized how hard your cock was, pulsing in your pants, painfully tight, which made you hornier.
Without wasting any more time, you dived between Yunjin's legs, eager to taste her (that flavor that was becoming increasingly familiar and addictive… Part of your life. Yeah, we could put it that way), your tongue delighting in the taste and the cozy warmth of the inside of her pussy, while Yunjin moaned softly, digging her nails into the sofa cushions.
“I love it when you suck me like that, baby. You make me feel so good!” she moaned.
At one point she asked to stop because her lust was unbearable and that way he would have an orgasm in a short time.
“I want to feel your cock inside me now.” she said. You had just taken off your underwear when she added, “Wait, what if we fuck in the bathroom. Let’s save time, what do you think?”
Your response was to lift her off the couch and take her to the bathroom. You turned on the light with your elbow and, before you could think of anything, she said:
“Fuck me like this! Your cock goes deep into my pussy when you fuck me in the air.”
You kissed her intensely while you tried to fit your dick into her pussy. The feeling of your cock sliding inside Yunjin was wonderful. Upon realizing that your cock was well placed inside her, you grabbed Yunjin's thighs tightly and began to thrust into her energetically while she held onto you, moaning compulsively.
And Yunjin was right, your dick went deep in that position. You could feel her deep inside, the entire length of your cock was being used, and she loved it. When she announced her orgasm, you wanted to make sure it was intense and pleasurable, the way it made her roll her eyes, so you lifted her a little higher, grabbing her ass, while Yunjin wrapped her legs inside your arms, making her practically hang from you and her pussy is completely inside your dick.
“Oh God, Baby! I’m cumming!”
She trembled holding onto you, while you practically rubbed her pussy on your dick, always rotating it close to your body. It was just a shame that you couldn't enjoy her eyes rolling back at the moment of orgasm, you simply loved seeing her go crazy with pleasure, but there was also a certain contentment in just knowing that it happened.
You sat Yunjin down on the sink and there you started fucking her again, looking deeply into her eyes. At one point she looked at you with so much passion, so much desire that there was a sudden growing desire to fill her pussy with your load of cum.
“Hang me, love.” she asked affectionately.
Her hand wrapped around just over half of her neck, serving as support to fuck her even harder. Sweat running down both bodies, your gaze was lost between the mirror's reflection, her eyes, her tits and her expressions of pleasure. With the sensations highlighted, you realized how much you loved Yunjin and how much this feeling contributed to eminent pleasure during sex.
Holy shit! You were almost there.
You thought about how much you wanted to go deep into this, literally to the end, but you were without a condom and suddenly stopping the act to go get a condom at the end of the championship was a bit... discouraging.
But you have an idea.
“Stand up, sweetie” you said. “Let’s try something new.”
Yunjin got out of the sink, looking at you excitedly.
“Get in the shower stall with me.” you asked, opening the door.
"What do you want to do?"
“It’s nothing out of this world, but it occurred to me that you’ve never given me a tightjob, I think it’s time we tried it.”
She had some assumptions about what this position was, but you helped her anyway. Yunjin was a rather tall girl, so there were no problems for your dick to fit between her thighs, the result was perfect, nothing uncomfortable. You thought about turning on the shower to lube up a little, but her pussy was so wet and the continuous sweat running down between her thighs was already more than great. You grabbed Yunjin's waist tightly and she crossed her legs a little, squeezing your dick.
You began to thrust into her, your cock sliding back and forth as you dragged Yunjin's labia. So you discovered in the best way that this was very pleasurable for both of you. The internal heat started inside you again and gradually you lost yourself in that exciting sensation. As you approached the final explosion, you bestially grabbed Yunjin in every way possible, sliding your sweat-damp hands down her belly, squeezing her breasts and slapping her ass. You lost yourself in the voluptuousness that was Yunjin's body and- Fuck! She loved it. She loved being your instrument of pleasure, knowing that the person she loved so much reached maddening peaks of passion, desire and lust for her. A juice of feelings for an insatiable thirst.
“Oh baby! I’m gonna cum! I’m gonna-”
Without any warning, Yunjin began to move her hips in a rhythm that immediately took you to the precipice of pleasure. The soft, hot, wet, suffocating skin of her thighs dancing over your cock. This was too much for you. When you came, you hugged Yunjin tightly, holding her as if your life depended on it, giving in to inconstant and uncontrollable moans close to her ear. The frantic thrusts lost their rhythm, going deeper and slower through Yunjin's thighs. She held your arms affectionately, waiting for your breathing to become less labored before kissing you.
"I love you." You said to her.
The phrase was so loaded with something that covered your feelings at that moment, and you wished she was the woman of your life and would never leave your side.
"I love you too!" said Yunjin when she found a way out of your tongue. “Baby, you don’t know how much.”
“This took longer than expected. Let’s take our shower.”
“Yep! Let's go."
You turned on the shower. The hot running water was invigorating, even more so being next to Yunjin, you didn't know that sharing certain intimacies was so special until you finally did it with her. you soaped Yunjin's entire body, she helped you wash your back and you shampooed her hair, gently massaging her scalp; it was cute how it relaxed her, she seemed so surrendered to you in that moment, and just a few months ago you were sitting across from her and the other Le Sserafim girls, asking incisive questions about the creative process of their latest album. That's where it all started, after all. And who could say where it would end?
“Hey, baby, let me shampoo your hair now.” Yunjin said with a goofy smile.
Nobody, you thought. Nobody could say.
A/n: sorry for any grammatical errors 😅
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e-r-a-n · 2 days
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— the last surviving follower.
— chosen by the Victim.
— the future God of Life.
— magic is easier for her.
— she is eternally grateful to Darke. She will not be able to fight with him, even in the event of a conflict.
— in the future, she will conquer territories.
— she likes to have her hair stroked.
— in the future, she will definitely fight with the Chosen One.
— can see Victim in dreams.
— she loves his last remaining costume of his people.
— can remain quiet even when seriously injured.
— can stay without food for a long time.
— has a psychological trauma associated with the death of relatives.
— hates almost all deities.
— she will not be able to betray a loved one.
— she loves golden juice.
— she will definitely take revenge on the God of agriculture.
— she does not know how to show love.
— she will be able to restore the balance.
— at first, no one knows about the existence of her state.
— she can heal a person's moral state with her aura and save them from depression.
— the more acute the emotional state, the faster she can heal the spiritual state of another person.
— until the last moment, she was afraid to go into the territory of death.
"once she becomes a deity, her appearance will be transformed.
The Dark Lord is the God of death.
At the moment, he has vast territories located in the Northern Hemisphere. He has dark magic. He talked a lot with Victim. He is the second god after life. Appeared when the first creature died. He tried to protect the follower of life, but he couldn't because of the sudden attack. He remained without emotions and feelings, put a barrier for other deities to enter his territory. Does not trust any of the deities after the death of Victim. Trying to restore the balance of life and death.
He also sees how many people have left to live. He can speed up this process, but not increase it.
Victim is the God of Life.
One of the most senior gods, who had huge prosperous territories. He was located in the Southern Hemisphere. Life flourished on his land. He gave his people the power of healing, which made them almost invincible. After Victim was overthrown and accused of being a heretic, his people were exterminated. Only Eran survived. Alan created him when the first creature appeared.
He liked to wear a white cape decorated with gold patterns.
The Orange King is the God of power.
He borders territories with the Chosen One, the Dark Lord and almost the entire Central Bank. He did not participate in the extermination and was neutral to such a decision. He communicates normally with almost everyone. He often visits Gold and Violet. Uses a staff that has incredible power. He can easily control ordinary people, capture their minds. He can read their minds and choose their fate. A cruel but intelligent puppeteer and manipulator.
Red is the God of animal husbandry and agriculture.
He borders territories with the entire CG and is a member of it. He actively participated in the extermination, destroyed a large number of refugees, including Sister Eran. He has the features of a wildcat, as well as very sharp claws. He was chosen by the past God of agriculture. After the fall of the God of Life, his vegetation fell, as did crops and livestock. Red blamed everything on karma from Victim and began collecting the bodies of the dead followers of the God of Life to use them as fertilizers, because their blood and wings are capable of all living things. The archives were sold to the God of Wisdom. A pendant is his accessory attached to his ear.
— has hatred from Eran.
— has little fear of the God of Death.
Alan is the God of time.
This deity lives by himself. He has one small continent in the middle of the sea. There are no followers and no religion, he communicates in all languages. He created a Victim and can mentally contact all the gods, read the thoughts of any creature. It is unknown when he appeared.
The Chosen One/Chous is the god of war.
He borders the territories of Dark, King and Yellow. Across the ocean, the same with Alan and Red. He also actively participated in the extermination, killed most of the followers of life in his territories and Dark. He used to have wings, but Dark cut them off to him as punishment, because he is still dependent on scarlet. Relations with the CG are neutral. After the fall of the god of life, the death rate in his state jumped sharply, and the birth rate decreased. He also believed that Victim himself was involved in this. He destroyed archives and, in principle, the state of life.
— afraid of the god of time[Alan], since he has never seen him and does not know anything about him.
— afraid of the god of death after punishment
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reasonsforhope · 2 days
"Nasir Mansoor has spent 40 years fighting for Pakistan’s workers. Whether demanding compensation on behalf of the hundreds of people who died in a devastating 2012 factory fire in Karachi or demonstrating against Pakistani suppliers to global fashion brands violating minimum wage rules, he’s battled many of the country’s widespread labor injustices.
Yet so far, little has improved, said Mansoor, who heads Pakistan’s National Trade Union Federation in Karachi... Regulations and trade protocols look good on paper, but they rarely trickle down to the factory level. “Nobody cares,” Mansoor said. “Not the government who makes commitments, not the brands, and not the suppliers. The workers are suffering.”
Change on the Horizon
But change might finally be on the horizon after Germany’s new Supply Chain Act came into force last year. As Europe’s largest economy and importer of clothing, Germany now requires certain companies to put risk-management systems in place to prevent, minimize, and eliminate human rights violations for workers across their entire global value chains. Signed into law by German Chancellor Olaf Scholz in January 2023, the law covers issues such as forced labor, union-busting, and inadequate wages, for the first time giving legal power to protections that were previously based on voluntary commitments. Companies that violate the rules face fines of up to 8 million euros ($8.7 million)...
...As governments come to realize that a purely voluntary regimen produces limited results, there is now a growing global movement to ensure that companies are legally required to protect the people working at all stages of their supply chains.
The German law is just the latest example of these new due diligence rules—and it’s the one with the highest impact, given the size of the country’s market. A number of other Western countries have also adopted similar legislation in recent years, including France and Norway. A landmark European Union law that would mandate all member states to implement similar regulation is in the final stages of being greenlighted.
Although the United States has legislation to prevent forced labor in its global supply chains, such as the 2021 Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act, there are no federal laws that protect workers in other countries from abuses that fall short of forced labor. That said, a proposed New York state bill, the Fashion Act, would legally require most major U.S. and international brands to identify, prevent, and remediate human rights violations in their supply chain if passed, with noncompliance subject to fines. Since major fashion brands could hardly avoid selling their products in New York, the law would effectively put the United States on a similar legal level as Germany and France...
The Results So Far
As of January, Germany’s new law applies to any company with at least 1,000 employees in the country, which covers many of the world’s best-known fast fashion retailers, such as Zara and Primark. Since last January [Jan 2023], German authorities say they have received 71 complaints or notices of violations and conducted 650 of their own assessments, including evaluating companies’ risk management.
In Pakistan, the very existence of the German law was enough to spark action. Last year, Mansoor and other union representatives reached out to fashion brands that sourced some of their clothing in Pakistan to raise concerns about severe labor violations in garment factories. Just four months later, he and his colleagues found themselves in face-to-face meetings with several of those brands—a first in his 40-year career. “This is a big achievement,” he said. “Otherwise, [the brands] never sit with us. Even when the workers died in the factory fire, the brand never sat with us.” ...
-via The Fuller Project, April 2, 2024. Article headers added by me.
Article continues below, with more action-based results, including one factory that "complied, agreeing to respect minimum wages and provide contract letters, training on labor laws, and—for the first time—worker bonuses"
With the help of Mansoor and Zehra Khan, the general secretary of the Home-Based Women Workers Federation, interviews with more than 350 garment workers revealed the severity of long-known issues.
Nearly all workers interviewed were paid less than a living wage, which was 67,200 Pakistan rupees (roughly $243) per month in 2022, according to the Asia Floor Wage Alliance. Nearly 30 percent were even paid below the legal minimum wage of 25,000 Pakistani rupees per month (roughly $90) for unskilled workers. Almost 100 percent had not been given a written employment contract, while more than three-quarters were either not registered with the social security system—a legal requirement—or didn’t know if they were.
When Mansoor, Khan, and some of the organizations raised the violations with seven global fashion brands implicated, they were pleasantly surprised. One German retailer reacted swiftly, asking its supplier where the violations had occurred to sign a 14-point memorandum of understanding to address the issues. (We’re unable to name the companies involved because negotiations are ongoing.) The factory complied, agreeing to respect minimum wages and provide contract letters, training on labor laws, and—for the first time—worker bonuses.
In February [2024], the factory registered an additional 400 workers with the social security system (up from roughly 100) and will continue to enroll more, according to Khan. “That is a huge number for us,” she said.
It’s had a knock-on effect, too. Four of the German brand’s other Pakistani suppliers are also willing to sign the memorandum, Khan noted, which could impact another 2,000 workers or so. “The law is opening up space for [the unions] to negotiate, to be heard, and to be taken seriously,” said Miriam Saage-Maass, the legal director at ECCHR.
Looking Forward with the EU
...Last month [in March 2024], EU member states finally approved a due diligence directive after long delays, during which the original draft was watered down. As it moves to the next stage—a vote in the European Parliament—before taking effect, critics argue that the rules are now too diluted and cover too few companies to be truly effective. Still, the fact that the EU is acting at all has been described as an important moment, and unionists such as Mansoor and Khan wait thousands of miles away with bated breath for the final outcome.
Solidarity from Europe is important, Khan said, and could change the lives of Pakistan’s workers. “The eyes and the ears of the people are looking to [the brands],” Mansoor said. “And they are being made accountable for their mistakes.”"
-via The Fuller Project, April 2, 2024. Article headers added by me.
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mcu!peter parker | zombie–apocalypse au.
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IN WHICH you’re the last hope to saving the world from HYDRA’s destructive zombie outbreak.
chapter one.
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“You were born for this.” The words were tattooed on your existence, handwritten on your destiny. “We made you for this.” And your fate was embroidered with such words, such purpose, even as your footsteps echoed on the ashes of humanity. The last remaining remnants that society existed were crushed beneath your leather boots, and broken along the cracking pavement. 
It had been four weeks since the outbreak. Four weeks since you’d been kidnapped by HYDRA; since you’d been separated from the avengers, since the death of Steve Rogers and since the downfall of America. The rest of the world was slowly catching flame with the fire that HYDRA started, withering away at the mercy of people who were stupid enough to try and fly out to salvation. 
But this virus wasn’t a disease, it was a creation. These infected people weren’t able to be cured, they needed to be stopped. And the only person who could stop it kept trekking on the pavement, white knuckles on a gun and a backpack. 
The fate of the world rested in that backpack, in your brain, in your blood. And you didn’t even give yourself time to process. You'd been running for days.
Natasha’s words still rang through your head like some kind of broken record, a senseless beacon of hope you tried to make some sense of. She’d come to free you, to inform you of the state world currently laid in. “If we get separated, I’ll find you.” She’d used the gravest tone you’d ever heard her muster. “And if you get lost, meet me in Massachusetts.”
You never would’ve thought that she’d be the one to get lost. To sacrifice herself just to get you out, and you knew why. You also knew you’d find her. You had to, needed to, or she’d find you. You’d find each other. Somehow, someway, soon, you'd be reunited. It was only a matter of time. 
But that was a week ago. 
Thank God you made it out, yet you were anything but hopeful. You could tell this was only the beginning. The start of something gut—wrenchingly inhumane. You were nearly out of New York, trekking on foot to Massachusetts like she’d told you to. Driving would put you at too much risk right now, especially when trying to journey alone. This helped you to better navigate your surroundings. 
Hearing the low glottaled groan of an infected, you craned your head in the direction. They were stuck beside a tree, webs restraining them to the trunk and their body deteriorating as the hours passed. The stench of their corpsing complexion alone was lethal. Still, you knew what you had to do. 
Aiming your gun, you kept your distance. Loading, squinting an eye, and firing like HYDRA was right all along: you were born for this. You made a clean shot, putting the victim out of their misery and continuing to trek along the ruins of a road. 
Until you heard a twig snap behind you. 
Your instincts were too fast as you loaded and aimed your gun once again, turning on your heel behind you to find yourself staring at a familiar face. Your eyes widened, lowering your gun only a little. 
“Peter Parker?” It was the first time you’d spoken in days. The words felt wrong on your tongue, and seeing him was something you weren’t sure what to make of. 
He looked older, matured, aged. Aged by the things he had to endure when the world ended; matured by the things he had to do to protect people, to witness the losses he did. He was older, in experience, in life, and in the days he knew were numbered. 
His hands were raised, but his eyes told you that he knew you wouldn’t shoot him. You were classmates, after all. Teammates, Avengers. Something more. You should’ve felt relief to have seen him, and part of you did. But the other part of you drove the actions that led you to put your gun in its holster at your hip and pace towards him. Peter stayed where he was as you slapped him across the face. Your blood boiled with rage. 
And he just let it. 
“This is your fault!” You spat at him, fighting the urges to punch him, to hug him, but even you knew that anger would get you nowhere; even you knew a huge part of you was undeniably grateful to see him alive. Unharmed. 
His jaw clenched and he’d finally averted his eye contact. Peter knew you were right, even as outlandish as the accusation was. “Y/N, please..” His voice was softer than you remembered it being, perhaps because of how apologetic his tone was. It almost thawed your anger. It almost reminded you that perhaps things weren’t as grim as you’d begun to believe. You couldn’t let it, though. 
Your fist raised to throw a punch. A roar far off in the distance ceased your actions. Your whole body froze, and Peter’s did, too. Cold blood and a trembling fist to your side, and you looked to Peter for a directive out of this. 
He grabbed your hand without hesitation, leading you into the forest beside you. Not a word was said. You were silent, invisible to your surroundings. Cutting through overgrown greenery, and stepping over fallen branches and knee–high grass. Peter led you past trees and bushes, over rotting bodies and patches of dry dirt, until you got to a twenty foot gate randomly placed in the middle of it. 
Like procedure, he placed his thumb on a touch screen and the gate opened, programmed to only open up a crack so he could squeeze through, and thus you behind him. The gate closed less than a second after you were through it, and just beyond it was a bolted door. 
Peter dropped your hand, unlocking the door and helping you inside. This must have been where he’d been resigning since the last time you saw him. He, too, had been taken by HYDRA when you were. He, too, had been worked and experimented on, just the same as you. And he, too, wasn’t a stranger to the way the two of you led the world to its demise. 
Did he know the part he played in all of this, though? Truly?
Silence reigned over the two of you as you calmed down, and Peter led you through the bunker he had been living in. There were walls of canned food, loads of weapons, working technology, and piles of papers. He’d been writing, documenting. 
Perhaps, he’d been alone. 
Peter was the first to break the silence. “Are you hungry?” He’d noticed you staring. “Cold? Want a change of clothes?” Even when the world had gone to shit, he still knew how to be a good host. Even when he knew you were upset with him, he knew how to make you feel comfortable. Seen. 
It took you back to moments before everything happened. Before everything changed. It brought back memories of a world you now only knew in slumber, things almost too painful to think about in waking moments. 
Taking a breath, you turned to face him. “Are you living here alone?” You ignored his questions. Typical. The query ached in your throat, you had to ask it. “Are there– umm.. Are there any of us left besides–”
“This is Natasha’s place.” He knew who you were trying to ask about. You watched the way he turned on a heater in the middle of the room. How his shoulders hung lower the deeper in thought he got, how many seconds were in between his answer and the realization that it might just be the three of you left. “I don’t know who’s left. Besides you and me, and Nat.”
And that’s when you realized the part she was playing in this; she had been protecting Peter, the same way that she’d been protecting you. The two of you were merely kids, after all. Clinging to the hope of getting back to a world where you could get college degrees, and they would mean something. 
You walked further into the room, following the warmth as it poured into the space. “When was the last time you saw her?” The rage you’d felt towards Peter just moments prior had already begun to thaw, already losing sight on where the anger came from. You were more focused, more worried, about Nat right now.
He sat down on a chair in the space, tapping his finger on the arm of it and bouncing his leg as he pondered. “The last I saw her, she was on her way to get you.”
That realization made your heart stop. Your feet glued to the floor, and your whole body froze. It seemed like Peter’s body caught whatever sensation of panic flooded yours. He froze, too. 
“Peter.. That was a week ago.” The words fell heavy from your lips, like the fate of the world was tied to them. And it was. 
He stared back at you, not daring to break the eye contact. Whether it was to provide comfort, or to better read your expression. “I know.” Even he understood the weight of this. The weight of whether Natasha was still alive, safe. Or worse. 
You looked at him, taking a breath. Realizing you were quick to your anger earlier, and realizing that maybe Peter didn’t know what role he played in this. Regret put you in a chokehold, the bitterness of death taking reign on the tension in the room. It stole any kind of wishful thinking you’d had, and made its dire presence known by sounding off in the ticking of a clock—hand. 
Grabbing your backpack, you went for the folder you’d kept inside. You fumbled to grab the papers, handing them over to Peter. “We need to find her.” 
A puzzled look danced across his face in the light. He wasn’t entirely sure what you were getting at, or what you handed him, which meant you were right. He had no idea what part he played in this. “We need to find her, and we need to get the fuck out of this continent.”
He looked through the papers, eyebrows pressing together as he processed the writings. “Y/N, what the fuck is this?”
“Did she tell you what our plan was?” You asked him, trying not to let your anxiety boil over. You needed to keep your composure. “Did she ever tell you what we need to do?”
“What the fuck.. What the fuck am I looking at?” He ignored your question. 
You looked at Peter and took a deep breath. Now wasn’t the time to panic, you knew it wasn’t. “Peter, I know how to stop this outbreak.”
Instantly, he met your eyes from where he sat, his entire expression changing the tone it directed at you. Misunderstanding morphed to confusion, curiosity. Hope. “How?” He forced the words out, needing to know the answer. 
“We need to find Natasha, and get to Wakanda.” You told him, hugging your knees closer to your chest. “When we get to Wakanda, they’ll know what to do.”
Peter wasn’t satisfied with that. “And then what? How does the world just go back to normal?” His questions were urgent, but not judgmental. He didn’t ask with a tone to attack you. In fact, the weight they gained told you he might’ve caught on to what you were about to say. “How do we cure these people?”
Anxiety ran a course through your system, gnawing at your insides and sending a chill down the length of your body. You stilled, minus the fidgeting of your fingers. Your breaths became trembled, and you procrastinated your answer. “We have to get me to Wakanda.. so that they can kill me.”
And the whole world went quiet. 
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antebunny · 2 days
(Or: my take on a post Red Robin Dick & Tim reconciliation. Because they love each other so much, and that's why it hurts).
Tim can admit, once an alert pops up on his computer and he immediately opens up the live feed of Dick’s kitchen, that there’s some cruel, bitter irony in what he’s doing. Also quite a few broken laws, and bent morals, and some icky stuff which he would not like Dick to find out about. Inserting surveillance cameras and trackers all over your loved one’s property, after all, is Bad Sibling Behavior. After so long spent trying to be a good sibling, Tim is hardly going to admit what he’s doing to anyone else.
Because he’s stalking Dick. 
Like a creepy little obsessed fan. Or a creepy villain-adjacent stalker. Like a ten-year-old Timmy Drake. He never thought he’d be doing it again as eighteen-year-old Tim Drake. Nonetheless, he stalks and tracks and surveils Dick from afar without ever talking to him. It’s like old times. Jason is even alive again. Except that instead of Tim stalking the Bats because he was a lonely little ten-year-old left to rot in a huge mansion with no concept of privacy or boundaries, he’s a less-lonely eighteen-year-old who knows far too much about Dick Grayson. Too much because far too much has gone down between them for Tim to just…talk to the guy. It’s impossible. Definitely impossible. 
Tim misses the days of late night ice creams, arms resting on his head or slung over his back, trading skateboard tricks for tumbling tricks. He aches for those days with a hunger he didn’t know was possible after a childhood spent starving for affection. 
But they can never go back.
Which is why Tim learns that Dick isn’t taking his meds because his surveillance equipment detected a change in behavior. Dick usually goes to his kitchen, breaks out orange juice or soda or some energy drink from the fridge, and takes his meds. Tonight he did not. Tim doesn’t know what the meds are for, he’s not that much of an invasive creep. It’s enough to know that Dick is getting treatment. And Tim doesn’t have to talk to Dick to find out how he’s doing. It’s enough to stalk him from afar to check on his well-being. 
Now the question is: what can Tim do about it? He can’t ask Dick himself. That’s obviously out of the question. Dick would listen to Damian, but the brat resents Tim’s very existence, so best not try that route. Dick would listen to Jason, but Red Hood barely tolerates Tim nowadays, and Tim isn’t interested in owing him a huge favor for something he really should do himself, so not him either. Dick would maybe, maybe listen to Bruce, but that’s hit-or-miss. 
Tim calls Barbara. 
“I need a favor,” he says as soon as she picks up. “Are you alone?”
“Yes,” Barbara replies, immediately business-like. “What’s up?”
Tim spins around in his swivel chair. Best purchase for his lair by far. “Not cape stuff, sort of, or imminently pressing, well, it’s pressing, I just needed to make sure no one’s listening in.”
“As sure as I can ever be,” Barbara confirms dryly. Answer: there’s always a chance, in the Bats’ paranoid minds, that someone is eavesdropping. But according to Oracle, she’s in the clear, and it really doesn’t get better than that.
“So, don’t ask me how I know this,” Tim prefaces, knowing she’s about to find out about his surveillance cameras in Dick’s apartment (if she hasn’t already), “but Dick didn’t take his meds last night. I don’t know what they are, so I dunno how bad it is that he skipped, and I don’t wanna pry into your, uh, relationship with him but–”
“Dick and I aren’t talking right now,” Barbara says flatly.
So, they’re in the off-again part of their on-again, off-again relationship. Most of the time Tim is rooting for them. Sometimes he thinks they should do what he and Steph did and settle into a best friends for life relationship. 
“Right.” On his next rotation, Tim catches himself on the edge of his table. He taps one hand on the clear surface and thinks of possibilities. “Do you think he would listen to B–”
“Right.” Tim tries not to sigh and fails. “Okay, uh. Jason?”
“Jason can’t keep a secret.”
Which is sort of unfair to Jason, but keeping a secret is relative. Compared to Barbara and Tim, Jason can’t keep a secret. And Tim is not one to argue if someone’s making fun of Jason.
“Cass? No. Same problem.” 
It’s against her very nature to lie. If Cass does hold a secret, it is by accident. Tim doesn’t want to leave this up to chance. This was easier when they had Alfred to mediate. 
Tim starts spinning in his chair again. His room whirls past. “What about his friends? Kori or Wally or…literally any of them?”
“I don’t see,” Barbara says, “why you’re avoiding the obvious solution of asking him yourself. He’d listen to you.”
He’ll listen to you. What a heavy, crushing promise to make. You have the trust of Nightwing. Nightwing, admired by the entire superhero community. It’s true, maybe, probably. That Dick will listen to Tim. He’s mostly sure of that now, after everything. That’s the problem, really. The “after everything” part of Tim’s confidence. Their trust is not from years of steady partnership, or slowly developed siblinghood. The trust Tim has in Dick originates from months of silence, of terribly intimate understanding, of shared grief and one horrible, nausea-inducing day. 
Dick hates when people leave him and when people fall and he can’t catch them. People don’t usually leave Dick Grayson, but Tim left and then he fell and Dick caught him. So Dick will listen, probably, maybe, if only because he doesn’t want Tim to leave. And Tim can’t ask, knowing that they don’t have the nice, easy brotherhood they ought to, the companionship siblings should have. Knowing Dick is only listening because he wants to keep Tim around. That’s the sort of fake compassion Tim spent his life running from. It’s not empathy, it’s sympathy. 
A vicious little voice that sounds like Janet Drake tells Tim that he should shut up and suck it up and accept whatever Dick gives him, because he’ll never be worthy of anything more. Tim slams his head into walls to shut that voice up. He won’t accept it. He cannot. He must not. 
“You’re not talking to him, are you.” Barbara’s voice has a tinge of that shaking-your-head condescension that drives Tim up the walls. The tone that carries that undercurrent of, why are you making this so hard, Tim? As if it’s so easy. As if everything that fractured Tim and Dick’s relationship is so easily repairable. 
Of course, Tim can’t explain that to Barbara. It sounds pathetic, even to himself.
“Bold words, coming from you,” Tim retorts.
Barbara sighs. “Look. At this point Damian has the best communication with Dick. And unless you have a way of tricking Damian into–huh.”
Tim, whose manipulative, stalkery little brain went in the exact same direction as hers, echoes her exclamation. “Oh. Yeah. Hm. Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”
“Unfortunately,” Barbara says, voice dry as the desert Tim was reborn in, “yes.”
The Belfry, a secret headquarters perfectly unobtrusive in Gotham’s old gothic and industrial skyline, was built by Tim and Barbara shortly after Bruce’s return. Since it’s so much newer than the Clock Tower, its inhabitants are not yet established. Where the Clock Tower houses the Birds of Prey, and Barbara’s friends in general, the Belfry sees a small but wide-ranging group of heroes coming in and out. Dick, Cass and Steph are the only other Bats to be allowed in.
Tonight, a little eleven-year-old boy crouches in the welcome darkness of one of the many nooks and crannies, dagger in his hands, and pretends with all his might that he belongs. 
“…at least wrap it,” Barbara is saying as she disengages the many, many security systems and enters the many passwords to get into the Belfry. 
“What’s the point?” Tim argues. “It’s not like–”
Both he and Barbara freeze. Tim raises a hand slowly to his belt. Barbara fingers one of the many buttons on her wheelchair. He gestures her to the left. They’re caught in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling windows. With ceilings as high as a warehouse (it’s a bell tower, after all), those windows are high indeed. 
And then–
“Oracle. Red.” Damian emerges from the darkness like the little gremlin that he is, chin held high in his Robin uniform while he omits the Robin part of Tim’s new superhero name. “I have been here long enough that I could’ve killed both of you. How careless of you to not notice.”
Translation: Damian had been hoping to go unnoticed for longer.
“Here, where you most definitely do not have access,” Barbara points out. She wheels closer now that they know it’s just Robin.
Tim, while Damian is distracted with Barbara, sidles over to a table as stealthily as he knows how and sets down his package. 
“Clearly, your security standards are in need of upgrading,” Damian sniffs. Then his eyes narrow as he notices what Tim is doing. “Drake. What is that package.”
“None of your business,” Tim snaps back immediately. He moves to cover it with his back. “Get out of here. Invites only, you weren’t invited, you know how it is.”
Damian folds his hands behind his back and raises his nose. “It is for Grayson.”
“For Christ’s–how did you know?” Barbara demands.
“You just confirmed it,” Damian replies smugly.
Barbara rolls her eyes. “Okay. Fine. It’s for Dick. Happy now?”
“No.” Damian marches up to Tim, then folds his arms, dagger and all, over his chest when Tim blocks his path to the package. “Tell me what you are giving to Grayson.”
Tim leans back against the table and folds his own arms over his chest, affecting a casual state of relaxation he absolutely does not feel. “I said, none of your business.” 
In truth, there’s something so heart-breakingly ten-years-old about Damian’s behavior. His cool older brother is part of a cool group of friends with a secret hideout that Damian is not allowed into. Of course he broke into it. Damian, under all his bluster and bravado, wants to be a part of it all. He’s only human. He’s only eleven years old.
“You may be poisoning him,” Damian insists.
Tim laughs. “That’s more your wheelhouse, isn’t it?”
Seems like Damian hasn’t yet heard the saying your wheelhouse, because he scowls but doesn’t respond. Oddly enough, Tim feels worse about that than he does about the actual insult. Kids are not their parents or the secret assassin society they come from, he knows, he knows this. Yet this intellectual knowledge always flies out the window in favor of emotional responses when it comes to Damian. 
“It’s not,” Barbara interrupts, before they can come to blows. “It’s just something to make him feel better, since he stopped taking his meds. Now will you leave?”
Damian scowls again, this time resembling an angry kitten more than a fearsome assassin. Not that he ever has resembled a fearsome assassin, despite all the assassination attempts. For all the pent-up resentment and bitter anger Tim has about Damian, he can’t help but find the kid a little cute. 
(The thing is, back before everything, Tim really wanted a little sibling. Back before everything, Tim used to dream about Jason coming back).
(Isn’t it funny how the universe keeps giving Tim what he wants just to spite him?)
“Fine.” Damian glares at both of them in turn. “Since both of you are so incompetent in taking care of Grayson, I will do it.” 
And he sweeps out of the Belfry with all the righteous fury that an eleven-year-old can muster. 
Tim and Barbara finally make eye contact after Barbara ensures, using the Belfry’s surveillance cameras, that Damian has exited the building for good. Then they both burst into laughter. The rafters ring with the force of it, pealing like the bells on Sunday morning. Barbara slaps her knee. Tim leans back on the table, hands clasped over his stomach, and shakes.
“I can’t believe,” Barbara says, once she’s calmed down enough to get a proper sentence out, “that we just tricked a kid into doing our dirty work for us.”
“Hey, if it works,” Tim says, voice full of mirth. 
He easily identifies himself as an adult despite only recently turning eighteen. It is impossible to feel like a child, he reasons, after waking up in the desert. After running Wayne Industries, however briefly. After striking out on his own. After everything.
Perhaps that’s why he gets along so well with Barbara these days. She understands that he is not a kid anymore, even if she wasn’t there for everything. Dick, on the other hand, still sees Tim as the kid he was. (As Robin). As the Before Everything Tim Drake that the real Tim is getting so very tired of thinking about. So what if he misses all of it, the good and the ugly? That’s just the nostalgia speaking. That’s just part of growing up. Tim had to grow up fast, so he did. He did what he had to do and he won’t let himself regret it.
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nctnanajaemin · 2 days
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"my brother's bestfriend" au pairing:lee jeno x na!sister reader word count:4.5k chapter one
MINORS DNI warnings: smut, unprotected sex (wrap it irl), pinv, cursing, use of pet names (princess, baby, and pretty girl), praise, slight spanking.
you stretch out on chenle's bed, feeling the weight of the long drive home from college still clinging to your muscles. chenle's voice pulls you from your thoughts. "so, are you excited for the 'welcome home y/n' party?"
you shrug. "i guess. i'm just not ready for all of the drama that comes with taeyong's parties."
"you barely even witness it. you are always sucking jeno off somewhere."
you know full well that he's right, but you'd never admit to it. as if on cue, your phone buzzes with a message from jeno.
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you roll your eyes and lock your phone, letting it fall onto your chest.
"you done sexting jeno now?" chenle laughs.
"i was not sexting him," you protest.
"suuuure," chenle replies in a sarcastic tone. "that's why you're smiling like a dumbass."
"he's irritating."
"and yet, you keep texting him," chenle points out.
you don't have a good response to that, so you just shrug again. "it's complicated."
"complicated? you're just being a dumbass and hooking up with your brother's best friend because it's exciting," chenle retorts, shaking his head. "don't pretend like you don't have feelings for him."
"i don't."
"keep telling yourself that. but i know damn well that you don't hook up with someone for years without any feelings involved. and i also know how you look at him when you think no one is paying attention. so don't even try and deny it."
"i think you're delusional."
chenle rolls his eyes. "oh sure, i'm the delusional one. has jaemin talked to you at all since you two got into it on the phone last night?"
"nope. he's probably pouting about it somewhere. i don't really care though. he was acting like a dick and he'll get over it ."
"i still can't believe it's because you told him you were thinking about moving into my extra room."
"i know. he acts like i'm still a child that needs to ask permission from my older brother before doing anything."
the party is in full swing by the time you arrive at taeyong's place. the music is loud, the lights are dim, and the house is filled with the familiar faces of you and your brother's friends.
after what feels like hours of catching up with everyone, you finally find a moment to breathe. you're standing in the kitchen, sipping on a drink, when you feel someone looking at you. you turn to see jeno, his expression unreadable.
"how come you're avoiding me?" he asks.
"i'm not," you reply, trying to keep your tone neutral.
"you walked right past me when you got here."
"you were talking to jaemin," you explain, your patience already wearing thin. "and he's currently not talking to me. i wasn't going to just walk up and start talking to you."
jeno narrows his eyes. "hm. and since when are you and chenle so close? you two used to never get along."
"yes we did. i just wasn't allowed to hang out with him because jaemin kept telling my mom i was staying over there and it caused a bunch of drama. what, are you jealous that i went to hang out with him instead of you?"
"no. i just find it weird that the whole time you are away, you are texting me and shit, and the second you get back, it's like i don't exist."
"hey, you ruined that for yourself. if you weren't such an asshole the last time you drove out maybe i wouldn't be being so rude to you."
his jaw clenches. "how was i an asshole? i had every right to be pissed off. you told me to drive out, and i did, and then you made plans to fuck someone else right in front of me."
"that's a lie and you know it. i didn't talk to a single person the whole time you were there. you saw texts from days prior when you were snooping through my phone and got all pissy." you look around, hoping to find someone to escape to.
"mark's waving me over. i'll talk to you later," you tell him, walking away.
you wander back to chenle and he immediately notices your mood change.
"you okay?" he asks, throwing an arm around you.
"jeno's pissing me off," you admit, filling him in on what just happened.
"don't let him ruin your night, y/n/n. he's just mad because you aren't giving him the attention he wants. come on, let's go dance and piss him off some more."
chenle pulls you to a slightly less crowded area and the two of you dance. more people file in after a while and chenle pulls you into him.
"he's in here. work your magic," chenle whispers, his hands resting on your hips as you grind against him.
but after a while, you realize jeno is barely even paying attention. frustrated, you decide to give up and slip upstairs to use the bathroom.
as you exit the bathroom, you're suddenly pulled into taeyong's room. you stumble a little and look up to find jeno. "of course it's you. what do you want?" you ask.
"you think it's funny to try and make me jealous?"
you roll your eyes and head for the door. this is exactly what you wanted to happen, but you weren't about to let him find that out. "go back to the party. i'm sure you have plenty of other girls to keep you company."
he pulls you back and pins you between him and the wall. "i don't want some random girl. i want you."
"that sucks. not interested," you tell him, trying to hide the fact that you're getting turned on.
he leans in close, his face just inches away from yours. "so you've just decided to act like a brat for no reason then, hm?"
"i'm not a brat." you protest, a little too quickly.
jeno smirks, clearly amused by your reaction. "sure."
your eyes flicker from his lips back to his eyes, and then back before you can stop yourself.
his cocky smirk from earlier growing wider as he notices your gaze. "you're a little too obvious, princess."
his mouth is on your neck now, planting soft kisses. you hate that it feels so right when you're supposed to be angry at him, but your body isn't getting the memo, instead, betraying you with the increasing heat between your thighs and the goosebumps spreading across your body.
without warning, he lifts you up and you wrap your legs around him while he carries you over to the bed. your back hits the sheets and he's above you, his mouth reclaiming your neck. you're still trying to maintain your composure, but you absolutely lose it when he grinds against you.
he lifts his head from your neck and his eyes meet yours. "you're so bad at pretending to hate me."
"shut up."
he laughs and kisses you, this time with more urgency. you bite his bottom lip in return, making him groan. his fingers glide over the soft skin of your stomach as he slides the shirt up your body, exposing more of your skin to him. he's taking his time, sliding it up excruciatingly slow just to tease you.
you're tired of him being cocky and you want to see him fall apart under your touch. you break the kiss and push his shoulders back, switching your positions so you're straddling his lap. he's still smirking up at you and before he can say anything you press your lips to his again, slipping your tongue between his lips. his hands slide up your thighs, gripping them as you kiss, your hips grinding down on him.
his breath catches and he breaks the kiss, looking up at you. "someone's in a hurry," he mutters.
you ignore him and start undoing the buttons on his dress shirt. you grind a little harder onto him and his head tilts back as he lets out a groan.
his shirt is now fully unbuttoned and you push it from his shoulders, his hands roaming over your sides and up your back. you lean down to kiss his neck, trailing your lips over his skin. his hands find your hips and he presses you down, grinding you against him. his nails dig into your skin and you can feel him getting harder under you. you nibble at his earlobe and he lets out a shaky breath, his grip on you tightening as he tries to control himself.
"y/n" he mumbles, his voice low and strained.
"jeno" you whisper, your breath hot on his neck.
"i hate you," he moans, his hands still gripping your hips tightly.
you have him right where you want him. "that's my line. get your own."
he laughs and something clicks in his mind. suddenly he flips you over and pins your hands above your head with one of his. "can't let you keep this upper hand," he grins down at you.
"i was enjoying that," you pout, attempting to wriggle your wrists from his grasp.
"a little too much," he replies, his grip on your wrists firm. his free hand slides your shirt up and he lets go of your hands for a split second to lift it over your head.
stupidly you try to switch positions and it ends with your hands pinned above your head again. he takes a moment to appreciate the sight before him, biting his lip as his eyes scan over your chest.
"take a picture it'll last longer," you tell him, getting impatient.
"don't need to. you've sent me enough."
he doesn't bother to remove your bra just yet, instead, he continues to kiss along your stomach. he reaches the waistband of your skirt and looks up at you. "are you going to behave if i release your hands?" he asks, his grip on your wrists still firm.
you nod eagerly and he lets go, sitting back on his heels as you prop yourself up and unclip your bra. you toss it onto the floor and he takes your skirt off.
you bite your lip as his finger traces along your inner thigh. "you are such a tease," you whine as his finger brushes over your clothed folds.
"you're one to talk. you look so good like this though. all flushed and spread out for me."
you cover your face with your hands, and he lightly smacks your leg. "take your hands off your face or i'm done."
you take your hands off your face and he slowly slips your underwear down your legs, discarding them somewhere on the floor. his hand moves back up your thigh as his gaze remains fixated on you. "you're so beautiful," he tells you, and you can't help the small whimper that escapes your lips as his thumb brushes closer to where you want him most.
"please," you beg, your hips arching towards him.
"please what, baby?" he asks.
"t-touch me already," you manage to stutter out, your nails digging into the sheets.
his thumb slightly grazes your clit, causing you to let out a gasp. he dips his finger lower, circling your entrance before pulling away.
you groan in frustration. "they're going to notice one of us is gone soon."
"is that you tapping out?" he asks.
you're torn between your frustration and your desire. "no. i just need you to fuck me. if you don't want to, i'll go find someone else."
his gaze darkens at your words, the amused expression on his face disappearing in an instant. "what did you just say?" his tone is low.
"you're not the only guy here who wants me, you know." you reply, trying to sound unaffected by his intimidating glare.
he scoffs before flipping you harshly onto your stomach. "you think i'm going to just let you go find some other guy?" he smacks your ass and you gasp at the sudden roughness.
"what are you going to do?" you ask, your voice coming out breathier than intended.
he takes your hands and pins them above your head again, his chest pressed firmly against your back. "who else here wants you? hm?"
you feel the heat between your legs grow more intense as he speaks. he pulls back slightly, still holding your wrists together above you. you can feel the material of his jeans against your bare skin, the feeling alone causing you to grind back against him slightly, desperate for any kind of friction.
as expected, he notices your desperate attempt to get friction and laughs. "now, princess, we need to discuss your punishment."
"i think you need to learn a lesson in obedience, and the most effective way is to deny you the pleasure you so desperately crave."
your eyes widen in disbelief. "no. that isn't fair."
"and why isn't it?"
"because i…" you trail off, unable to find the right words to say.
"because you…" he prompts, letting go of your wrists. "finish your sentence, princess." his hands move down your body, slowly, tracing patterns on your skin.
"because i-" you start again, unable to form a coherent thought with his hand slowly sliding lower.
"you're going to have to do better than that if you want to come tonight."
you whine softly, your body practically begging for him to touch you. you feel yourself grow wetter. "i'm sorry. please fuck me and just forget what i said." you mumble.
"hmm, i don't know. you tried to threaten me just five minutes ago. i think you need to learn some patience, pretty girl." he tells you, kissing your neck.
you arch your back again, trying to get closer to him. "please. i'll be good."
"do you promise?" he whispers, the low timbre of his voice making your knees weak.
"yes, yes, i promise. i'll be good." you reply, your words becoming more desperate as you push your hips back to meet him.
"you really are pathetic. you know that."
you feel a strange mix of humiliation and pleasure wash over you. "i'm sorry," you murmur.
"sorry?" he asks, his tone suddenly cold. "what are you sorry for?"
"i'm sorry for being bratty earlier," you rush out, your voice trembling slightly.
"that's it?"
"no, i'm sorry for threatening to leave and find someone else and i'm sorry for being impatient."
"and…" he prompts again.
"i-i don't know."
"you don't know…" he sighs, pulling away. you feel a momentary sense of panic wash over you, worried he's going to leave you desperate and unsatisfied.
"i don't. i'm sorry."
"what about the whole thing with chenle downstairs, hmm."
"i'm sorry for trying to make you jealous."
"mm, good girl." he praises as you hear him undoing his belt.
you can't see him from your current position, but you can feel his weight shifting behind you, followed by the sound of his belt and jeans hitting the floor. you bite your lip in anticipation, your body still craving his touch.
"arch your back for me, pretty girl." you follow his instructions and feel his hands on your hips as he positions himself behind you. "you look so perfect like this." he murmurs. "so eager and desperate for me." you shiver under his touch, your body responding to his words without hesitation.
"please," you whisper, your voice hoarse. "i need you."
"need me, huh?" he muses. "do you deserve me, baby?" the question hangs in the air, and he waits for your response.
"yes. please. i'll do anything." you plead, your need for him overshadowing any sense of pride you may have had earlier. "touch me, please."
"i like seeing you desperate." he tells you and you feel him shift slightly, his body pressing closer to yours. you feel his tip tease your entrance and you let out a breathy moan. "you ready?" he asks and you nod. "words, baby. i need to hear you say it."
"yes," you tell him.
his grip on your hips is firm as he pushes into you, a low groan escaping his mouth. he pauses for a moment, allowing you to adjust before he starts to move. "you're going to take all of me, right baby?"
"mhm," you hum.
his motions are slow and deliberate, making sure you feel every inch of him. you arch your back, pressing your hips back against him, the feeling overwhelming.
"that's my good girl. taking me so good," he whispers.
he picks up the pace of his thrusts and you feel yourself getting lost in the sensations, your mind a foggy mess. your fingernails dig into the sheets desperately as you try to find something to anchor yourself to. "oh, f-fuck," you moan, the sound catching in your throat as he finds a steady pace.
he presses closer to you, his chest pressing tightly against your back as he nuzzles his face into your neck. "you feel so good," he says between kisses, his breath hot against your skin. the combination of his movements and the praise has you in a state of ecstasy.
"don't stop," you manage to gasp out. his pace remains steady, drawing out your pleasure for as long as possible. you feel yourself getting closer and closer to the edge, your legs start to shake, causing you to clench around him, desperate for release.
"you close, baby?" he asks, and you nod frantically in response, too lost in the moment to form words.
he presses one final kiss to your neck before suddenly pulling out. you whine but he just laughs in response. "no, no. don't worry, we aren't done yet."
you feel a mix of curiosity and frustration as he guides you onto your back, gently maneuvering your limbs to his liking. he takes a moment to appreciate the sight of you spread out for him again before sliding back between your thighs.
your legs instinctively wrap around his waist, pulling him closer and deeper inside you. he lets out a moan as his hands trail over your body. "you're so perfect," he whispers, his voice filled with admiration and awe.
his pace quickens and you can feel yourself getting close again. he presses his forehead against yours, his breathing heavy. his thrusts grow harder and more erratic, your moans growing louder in response.
you feel yourself teetering on the edge, your nails digging into his back as your legs start to shake again. "i-im-" you stumble over your words, your body writhing with pleasure.
"i know, baby. go ahead."
your body tenses as you reach your release. he continues his movements for a couple more thrusts and releases inside you before collapsing on the bed next to you.
you lay there for a moment, both of you panting heavily. "i don't think i'll be able to walk tomorrow," you finally say, breaking the silence between you.
he laughs, his breath hot against your neck. "i'd apologize, but that means i'd have to regret it," he teases.
you roll your eyes, a small smile playing on your lips. "you're such an ass," you mutter, although your words lack any real annoyance.
"you love it." he retorts, pulling you closer to him.
the two of you lay there for a little bit until jeno realizes that your eyes are closed and decides it's probably time to try and get you up. "we should probably head back down soon," he tells you, pushing the hair out of your face.
you let out a groan of irritation at being woken from your momentary peaceful bliss. "five more minutes." you beg, burying your face against his chest.
"we both know that if we stay up here any longer, you're gonna end up falling asleep and not wake up until tomorrow," he says, gently untangling himself from you and sitting up. you roll onto your back to pout at him as he stands up and starts to get dressed, the sight leaving you with conflicted feelings.
you hate to admit it, but you kind of like the side of him that's gentle and caring. it clashes so much with his arrogant and cocky personality. once he's fully dressed, he turns to look at you, still lying there naked and pouting.
"come on, princess, up you get," he tells you, picking up your scattered clothes from around the room and setting them on the bed beside you.
you sigh, slowly sitting up and stretching your arms above your head. you grab your bra and put it on. he watches with amused fascination as you struggle to pull on your skirt while still sitting down. you stumble forwards when you try and stand up as your legs feel like jelly. he catches you before you can fall.
"careful, baby," he tells you, wrapping his arms around your waist to steady you.
"stop calling me baby," you grumble.
"sorry, my bad. i meant pretty girl," he jokes, the pet name making you roll your eyes.
you don't know why, but his taunts don't seem as irritating as usual. "whatever. let's go downstairs," you say, reluctantly untangling yourself from him.
the both of you head for the door. "do you want a piggyback ride downstairs?" he asks, turning around to face you.
"do you think that's a good idea? what if someone sees us?"
"it's better than watching you tumble all the way down the stairs. and if anyone sees us i'll think of something, don't worry." he tells you, crouching down in front of you.
you reluctantly climb onto his back. "if you drop me, i swear—"
"yes, i'm aware. you'll kick my ass," he laughs, standing up and starting to descend down the stairs.
the two of you make it downstairs without incident. jeno sets you down and you glance around the room, the only person you notice watching the two of you is chenle.
"i'll text you later, yeah?" jeno says, fixing his shirt that got messed up on the way down here. you nod, waving him off as he goes back to his friends.
chenle waves you over. you walk over and sit next to him, expecting him to say something, but he only creepily smiles at you instead.
"what are you smiling about?" you ask, feeling a pit of dread in your stomach.
"did you two, y'know…" chenle gestures vaguely, leaving the rest unsaid.
you feel your cheeks get hot, feeling embarrassed at being caught and wanting to strangle him for his meddling. "it's none of your business," you mutter, trying to brush him off.
"you're blushing. you totally did!" he exclaims, nudging you with his elbow. "so spill, did he finally admit his feelings?"
"what are you talking about?" you ask, genuinely confused as to what he's getting at.
chenle rolls his eyes, clearly exasperated by your cluelessness. "jeno is obviously in love with you. he just likes to act like a dick as a defense mechanism," he explains, as if it should be obvious.
"no he isn't. shut up."
"oh, please. he's like a lost puppy around you. you laughed the one day and the guy practically broke his neck to see who made you laugh. it's so obvious he's utterly smitten."
"i think it's time for you to be cut off. you've reached your limit," you tell him, taking his beer.
"hey!" chenle whines, trying to get his beer back.
you stick your tongue out at him and take a sip of his beer, enjoying the sight of his annoyance.
"ew now i'm definitely getting a new one. i'm not about to indirect kiss with jeno's cock."
you choke on your sip of beer, coughing and spluttering as you try and regain your breath. chenle laughs wickedly beside you. he pats your back until you've finally stopped coughing, your face even more flushed than before.
"you so deserved that one," he teases, unable to contain his amusement. you glare at him, pushing him away.
"you okay, y/n?" mark asks, walking up to you guys.
you nod, still trying to catch your breath. "yeah, i'm good. just swallowed wrong," you cough out.
"that's what she said." chenle says, causing you roll your eyes but can't help the small smile that tugs at the corner of your mouth.
mark looks between you and chenle. "just don't let him corrupt you, okay?" he jokes.
"you should be telling her not to corrupt me. she isn't as innocent as you think," chenle tells him.
you feign offense, placing your hand against your chest. "how dare you! i've never done anything wrong in my entire life." mark laughs at your dramatic display, clearly not believing a word you say.
"we all know that's a lie," chenle chimes in. "remember that time you-"
you shove your hand over his mouth to stop him from continuing. "don't finish that sentence."
chenle licks the palm of your hand and you yank your hand back, wiping it furiously on your skirt. "you're disgusting."
"you two are interesting," mark says, shaking his head before walking away.
as soon as he's out of earshot, you look over at chenle. "i jerked jeno off with that hand."
chenle's face turns to pure disgust in a matter of seconds. "i think i'm going to be sick." he tells you, and you laugh as he gets up and runs away, wiping his tongue on his sleeve.
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sobasluuurp · 2 days
Ok. About Tenko.
I understand why so many people are angry that he's dead. I really do. I would've loved for him to live as well. I cried when he died.
Just because he's dead doesn't mean his character has been handled poorly. In fact, all things considered, this ending (even though it makes me real fucking sad) makes the most sense for both his character and his story. Let me explain.
First and foremost, there's the matter of Shigaraki's characterization and arc. It goes without saying, but he's an angry, used, and abused child who grew up into an adult who wants nothing more than for everything to end. His goals have always been destructive to an extreme and honestly, the logical end to "let's destroy it all" is LITERALLY everything, including himself. He's also had absolutely zero agency since the moment his parents even thought of conceiving him, and has been struggling to become his own person since the beginning of his arc. He, against his abuser, who covets immortality and eternity.
What better a way for a person such as himself to assert his agency is there than to go out the way he did? To shift his focus away from the faceless masses and to the (similarly faceless, lol) abuser who caused his pain in the first place? To destroy the control AFO has held over him and prove to him that he was always his own person? To say, this is who you molded me into. And because I am who I am, I will now kill you, and take myself down with you, and be glad for it.
(and in the process, destroy the worldview AFO showed us in the Star and Stripe arc, that the ones who survive are the victors. AFO has completely and eternally lost, but Shigaraki is victorious to his last.)
It's his first moment of complete agency in his life -- acting entirely against anyone else's wishes for himself or his actions. And he uses it to do the one thing he's been itching for his whole life -- to destroy the source of his pain.
It's a negative character arc, in a way. It's not what any of us would've wanted for him. In a perfect world, he would be able to recover and readjust, building a life for himself and his found family in peace. He'd be able to experience life fully for the first time, and see that the world is not so bleak after all.
(I'm choking up just thinking about what's been lost. It's a fucking tragedy.)
But not every character arc gets to end happily. Sometimes people do slip through the cracks. That's always been what Shigaraki's character is about.
....and what every other member of the League's characters have been about.
Because here's the thing. The story of Shigaraki's life and death would be incomplete without his relationship to his found family. He's their leader. Their symbol. Their All Might.
Shigaraki's death is not the grimdark, fuck-the-audience, senseless kind of tragedy. He is a martyr, yes, but the people he stood for will in all likelihood survive. He died for the League. His life -- his existence -- brought them together, gave them purpose, and showed them a bright future. It is my steadfast belief that he will be the only death among the main villains. Because this is a story about saving to win, after all. And given that My Hero doesn't like to kill characters off too often and each one of them still has a path to recovery, I think it's a safe assumption to make. Especially since (especially in Toya's and Toga's cases) each of them had a moment of reconciliation at the end of their fights -- the kind of thing that can help them move forward.
And to be honest, we've known for a very, very long time that BNHA is the kind of anime that likes to turn old cliches on their heads. Kacchan did not become a villain during Kamino. La Brava's literal power of love was not enough to win the battle. Deku fought tirelessly to talk-no-jutsu Shigaraki into redemption, and while he did get through to him, he still couldn't save him after everything that happened. It's nuanced and messy in a way that I've come to expect from BNHA.
So yea, Shigaraki died. But Shigaraki also lived. Despite everything that AFO and Kotoro wanted from him (despite the fact that he was never meant to really be alive in the first place), he lived on his own terms and fought so that the people he cared about would be seen. Because he lived, the old world was destroyed, and from his ashes, a better one can be built. He achieved everything that no one thought he could, and reclaimed his life in the process. What better ending could you ask for a tragic character?
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lovely-p-issues · 3 days
Fic idea - Astyanax in Ithaca
for times when my English will become acceptable because writing this in Polish feels not right sample of the story under the summary c:
Of course, I was thinking about Penelope's reaction to Odysseus showing up with a new kid (10/11 years old, give or take, Astyanax) at their doors.
I imagined it as the Game of Thrones scene when Ned Stark comes home and shows Catelyn a baby who, he claims, is his bastard. If I were her, I would lose my mind.
But I think that Odysseus explained himself chaotically, yet truly and Penelope didn't fight with the idea of raising the little prince as their own.
But Telemachus? Well, that's a hell of a different story.
He spent his childhood without his father, missing his presence and hoping to meet him one day. He lived in his shadow, as the problematic son of the absent king that everyone wanted to kill, or as a painful reminder to his mother that Odysseus wasn't around anymore and that she needed to be there for the two of them.
Now his dad is back but with a new child.
A new child who knows his father so well. Odysseus was his only parent for ten years (if we forget about 600 uncles, but they died after like 3 years? if I get it right?) and they just get themselves on an impossible level.
Odysseus knows Astyanax's nightmares (they share them).
Astyanax knows his father's past and doesn't need to ask many questions, and Telemachus does. He hates to do it because he sees Odysseus's pain, he sees Astyanax's reproachful look, like he is going to fight Telemachus if he doesn't leave their father, and-
and he sees the sad, concerned eyes of his mom.
So he doesn't ask much about those 20 years. And somehow it's even worse.
Because Telemachus doesn't know Odysseus. Because it feels weird and not home, like they are forced to be close, but they are not. Because he knew his father from songs, stories and legends, and this man is not who he heard of and he doesn't know how can he fix it.
Telemachus doesn't like to think about it but feels like he gives up on Odysseus. He spent the last 20 years of his life trying to reach that man and- Telemachus is tired.
Besides, Odysseus has another son anyway, right?
The prince of Troy, cursed boy, son of Hector, Astyanax, who also turned out to be a pain in the ass.
He knows that he can't blame the kid for his existence or even for the fact that Odysseus took him to their home.
For that Odysseus often takes Astyanax for horse rides to show him the island. The thing that Telemachus did alone.
For that, Odysseus teaches the boy how to use a sword and they laugh a lot during that. The thing that Telemachus did with strangers, got dozens of bruises, always trying to do everything he could to impress the person that wasn't there.
He doesn't blame Astyanax.
He just can't stand him.
But the boy seems to love the idea of going after him whenever Odysseus manages to pull him off for a moment. It's okay when Astyanax watches him during the trainings with eyes shining with excitement. However, it's bad when Astyanax starts to talk.
Father said I'm getting better at parrying-
When I was with father on Calypso's island-
Father does this completely differently-
Telemachus is a patient man. He waited for his father for 20 years. But sometimes he asks himself if Astyanax knows that all this talking about Odysseus, the man he missed but can't actually get to know, is such a trigger for him.
Maybe Astyanax teases him to show how much more of a son Odysseus is?
With every day Telemachus is more and more irritated. He does his best to hide it, but he can't ignore this fire burning him from the inside.
The reason for this fragile peace collapse is, relatively, very stupid.
Telemachus was tired after all day when he met Odysseus.
"The situation in the city is now calmed down,’ he informed his father, combing through his wind-tangled hair."
Odysseus nodded and put a hand on his shoulder.
"Thank you, Telemachus. Well done."
Telemachus froze, not knowing what to say. He couldn't even move. Finally, he nodded, wincing slightly at the awkwardness of his every interaction with his father.
"Of course, father."
Odysseus seemed equally perplexed. However, the whole situation changed when Astyanax appeared in the courtyard where they stood.
Or, he ran into it, almost toppling over, just to get to Odysseus faster and embrace him around the waist.
"Dad, you will never believe what I found with mother in the garden!"
Telemachus watched with unhealthy interest as his father's face lit up with a smile as he listened to Astyanax's excited chatter.
A sudden anger, though senseless and petty, flared his veins. He had to avert his gaze and drive it into the ground so that no one could see his anger. His jaw was clenched tightly.
Twenty years of life based on a vague memory. An entire journey to find his father. His faith, his efforts and his devotion. All this to not be able to have one real conversation with his father. All this to watch both his parents melt down over his new, little brother. All this to stand by and watch his dreams fade away.
He no longer watched.
He walked away before he could do something stupid. Something that would distance him even further from his father.
He holed up in one of the cool and dark corridors of their palace. He concentrated on his breathing and massaged his temples.
He was an adult and knew how to deal with his feelings. Not that anyone had ever taught him that.
"Telemachus, what's wrong? You don't even know what we found in the garden, you went too fast!"
He didn't know shit about how to deal with his feelings.
"Could you, for five minutes, let me live as I lived before you came along? Five minutes without your constant footsteps and shouting behind my back. Five minutes of peace and quiet! That's all I'm asking for!"
But Astyanax took a few steps back as if frightened by Telemachus' sudden outburst. A grimace twisted his face and he squinted as if Telemachus was an extremely difficult puzzle for his quick mind.
"Why are you so angry? I don't understand."
"At this point? I'm not sure anymore. All I know is that I wasn't this angry even once before you dragged yourself home with father and decided to act as if it had all been yours forever."
Telemachus had to calm down. For bloody hell, he had just shouted at the eleven-year-old as if he was guilty of anything.
‘Are you angry about your father bringing me with him?’
Damn it.
It wasn't true. To be fair, he did not want Astyanax to die that night in Troy or be lost in the depths of the burning city.
Still, did he want him here? He let his thoughts wander before he could finally admit it to himself.
Astyanax, essentially, was not the problem. Everything else was. Telemachus was as well.
"No. There are many other things I'm angry about, but not this."
He sat down on the floor and leaned against the cool wall. He hid his face in his hands and let the anger leave him with his next breaths.
"Forgive my shouting. You got me at the wrong time, brother."
And he heard the boy slowly slide down the wall and sit down a few steps away from him.
"You should be grateful, you know?" suddenly said Astyanax. "He travelled all the world to see you and Mom."
You won't scream, Telemachus said to himself. He took a breath.
"Yeah, he didn't really know me, so. I don't know if that counts."
"That's even better. I mean, he loved you anyway. All this time, he was thinking about you"
This logic was wrong, but Telemachus doesn't find enough strength to fight over it.
They stayed silent for a few minutes.
"He didn't want me, you know? He just didn't want me dead and I reminded him of you. He was also scared of what I would become if he just left me alone. And you are so awful but he wanted you from the beginning and he loves you and he was so proud and-" Astyanax put his arms around his knees, his voice breaking as he spoke his next words: "You're a terrible idiot, you know. But he still wants you."
Telemachus needed a few seconds to see that every now and then, Astyanax would rub his wet eyes with his little fists.
He wasn't ready for this, even after months of training he wouldn't be ready. He stays silent for a moment. Slowly, he puts his arms over the crying mess and draws him to his side.
"And you think that father carried you all over the world because he doesn't like you?"
"Because he's kind and he would be ashamed to tell uncle Polites what he did."
"As far I know he wasn't so nice all this time, right? But he never turned his back on you. If you don't trust me, trust that. Odysseus came with you to Ithaca, because he wants you."
Astyanax did not reply but rested his head on his side. Telemachus let him.
Later that night, Telemachus carried a tired Astyanax straight to his parents' bedroom and knocked. When confused Odysseus finally opened it, Telemachus threw the sleepy child at him without hesitation.
"Hug your bloody kid."
And he walked away. This was his moment to avoid uncomfortable questions.
Let me know what do you think. And yes, Telemachus and Odysseus have a proper conversation about being father and son, but later.
BTW sorry for all the errors, I'm so sleepy right now I barely see my screen
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kaidanworkshop · 3 days
Workshop Progress: Spring Update
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Happy Pride Month Workshop Spectators! It's hot out there, so make sure you're staying safe and hydrated while celebrating in your respective communities. A lot has been going on behind the scenes since our last update; we've been busy tying up loose ends across the board as we finalize Kaidan Revoiced: Community Expansion, which is frankly, very tedious - lots and lots of spreadsheets. Nonetheless, all the miscellaneous minutiae we're ironing out is to ensure our upcoming surprise to the community, [REDACTED], runs smoothly. We've also got one final poll for you before our official release, then it's back to the grindstone for the Workshop staff as we focus on splicing and processing the last lines for implementation. As per our last poll, the community voted to have us postpone the mod release until it is in a finalized state.
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Afterwards, we spent most of April going over the script one final time to catch any extra lines we may have missed for our commission covering the last of the original Kaidan 2 script. We also held a few live sessions on our Discord going over the few bits of Workshop Original content that will be going into this first version: the alternative platonic Autumnwatch route, the Nickname & Pronoun system, and the rewritten Pieces of the Past quest. All in all, this new content amounts to just over 100 extra lines; this version of the mod will be preserved indefinitely on our mod page in the future. As we move forward with creating and implementing more Workshop Original scripts post launch, users will still be able to download and use this version if they prefer. Finally, throughout the end of April and all of May, we've been running a closed beta for KR:CE with the help of volunteers from other Skyrim modding teams. We've been able to track down a few more bugs, confirmed that our new quest fail safes work (woo!), and discovered a handful of mods that were incompatible with KR:CE, requiring us to move a few things around.
During our closed beta testing, we did get a recurrent piece of feedback that we'd like to discuss with the community at large. Similar to the audio distortion Kaidan has in Kaidan 2, the voice lines for the Dremora in Kaidan's personal quest, as well as Myriah, the priestess in the forest wedding, are very badly distorted. One of the key reasons the Workshop was formed was to address the audio distortion that existed in the Kaidan 2 mod, so it feels incomplete to not address this issue. We'd like to hire two new voice actors to rerecord these lines for implementation, the cost of which would be approximately $40 - $60 USD total (due to how few lines we need), taken from our current budget surplus. As always, we turn to the community regarding any decisions relating to how we allocate your donations; you can vote on this proposition here through June 14th. As always, we thank you for your interest, your patience, and your support! We can't wait to announce [REDACTED], and the official release date of KR:CE to the community.
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hoseoksluna · 3 days
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— 🐚. hi, my loves,
i am back! i’m currently looking at a rainbow from my balcony as i’m smoking. i’ve just returned from my vacation in turkey and i’m back, brimming with sunlight, longing and love. i’ve recharged, my mind and heart is full of ideas and i’ve missed you all so much. these last couple of days, i’ve craved to start writing for you again, but i rested as much as i could and i finally started writing part two of berries today.
i want to share some of my memories from my vacation with you. the pictures i posted above are all mine—and yes, that’s me in the middle. all dolled up, reading a little before dinner. i didn’t fall in love with anyone this time (it’s my habit, vacation crushes are the bane of my existence), but i did fall in love with the country, the customs of the turks, their honesty, love, patience and kindness. i had a taste of all those things myself—a guy lent me his jacket when it was raining on a boat in the middle of a green canyon and i was shivering in cold; an old man wanted me to sit in the passenger seat as he drove us from the beach to our hotel; a younger fella gave me a handful of fresh strawberries he was selling for free, then a whole cup of them when he saw how much i enjoyed them; an even elderly woman brought food to my plate with a smile on her beautiful, sun-kissed face. conversations with strangers, language barriers, the heat, compliments, smiles and faint touches—i experienced beauty to that very extent.
i also had the opportunity to fall in love with myself. dolling myself up, wearing different makeup than i usually do, dressing myself in milky colors, grays, whites and browns, taking care of my skin in the sun, caressing the waves sloshing upon my body, curling my hair, filling my belly until it was so full i had to rub it to alleviate it from its ache—all of those things really helped me love myself after a long season of hatred. i drank, smoked, read, dreamed, danced and laughed. i needed it like the air i breathe. 🩶
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i walked until my feet and back hurt. thought of namjoon everyday, of how much he would’ve loved the beauty i saw. brought jungkook with me everywhere (and photocards of the rest of the boys in my wallet). and those stars you see? i will pour them into my writing for you, fill you with what i’ve been filled with, make you nice and full.
hope my kisses lasted you for the week. i am sending another set of them—i hope you can feel them.
mwah, mwah.
thank you for leaving me messages to come back to. it makes my love grow larger. i cherish it with everything in me.
i love you, guys, so much. too much.
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MacCready Fanfiction Recs (Fallout 4)
hey everybody, nobody asked for this but in the midst of writing fallout fanfic I was feeling a special kind of love for my favorite fo4 fanfics and wanted to recommend them in case you hadn't read 'em. Because they are VERY GOOD and writing fanfic is hard, so you gotta give props to those who sweat for your comfort fics.
I'm gonna recommend my top three finished fanfics, and then two more bonus fics that are being updated rn. As a clarifier, these are all Maccready fallout 4 fics. so. keep that in mind.
im tagging the authors and also anybody who wants to join and share their favorites too!
3. THE FATHER(S) AND THE SON(S) on ao3 by @sirmanmister
I'm going to preface this rec by saying this: there is Fanon MacCready. There is canon MacCready. And then there is ascended!whatBethesdawishesitWAS MacCready, which exists solely in this fanfiction. The characterization of Mac is so well written. He is snarky, he is vulnerable. He desperately wants to grow up but doesn't know how. He has the most sick character arc in this story!!!
It's not a romance but instead a coming of age story where the sole survivor becomes a de-facto parent to Mac. The heart of the story is about how to raise a child while you're still trying to grow up yourself. The apocalypse setting lends itself well because the Wasteland is a place where NOTHING is beautiful, but the way that M!Sosu and MacCready care for their sons is beautiful. Which makes it special and worth fighting for.
As a fun fact, I read The Road by Cormac McCarthy for class a week after finishing this fic and I was thinking about this fic the whole time because the themes of fatherhood during an apocalypse hit a lot of the same beats. Maybe my professor would kick me in the teeth by comparing fic to McCarthy, but @sirmanmister YOU ARE MY CORMAC MCCARTHY <3
2. WORKING CLASS HERO on ao3 by @bluegrasskitty
This is the kind of fic you take with you to toilet, to work, in-between classes. It will suck you in. AND THERE'S A SEQUEL TOO YOU GUYS‼️
The sole survivor in this story is the model for the Nuka Cola girl. You know the hot lady in the spacesuit? SHE HAS A BACKSTORY. AND YALL IT MADE ME WEEP. During some point of the story, I sort of stopped rooting for MacCready to be the narrator and just wanted Nora Cabot to take the reins. When I tell you I think of this oc every two to three business weeks. She's an incredible leading lady. I can't look at Nuka Girl posters in the game without thinking of Nora Cabot, my beloved.
the sequel IS SO FIRE. It's the best reimagining of 'what happened after the institute blew up' that I've ever read. im gnawing at the bars of my enclosure actually.
The amount of world building that @bluegrasskitty puts into this story is insane. They ARE Beth Esda.
As a fun fact, I didn't know that radchickens were canon in fallout. I thought it was a plot device made up by this author to excuse the ability to make cake in this book, but radchickens ARE real. When I was playing Far Harbor last year, I found radchickens and thought that @bluegrasskitty manifested them into existence because they had that kind of power.
that being said, I still think this author has that kind of power.
1. Atom Bomb Baby on ao3 by @starlightwrites
I think you dropped something....my jaw.
fellas. fellas. this is my comfort fic. You ever had a comfort fic? Something you come back to at least once a year to reread to feel something? the fiction equivalent of chicken noodle soup? this is what Atom Bomb Baby is to me. this is peak literature actually. if I ever figure out book binding, im doing this one first.
Plot wise, it's a retelling of Fallout 4's main story through the perspective of MacCready. But (and im wheezing as I say this) it's also so much more THAN THAT.
this fic author understands that MacCready is not a womanizer but is in fact a touch starved loser. and they are CORRECT.
MacCready spends the entire fic like 'uuuhhhh I dunno about this one, boss!'
it also has a nostalgia feel to me too, because reading it gives me the same feeling as what it was like to play the game for the first time, years ago. maybe it's because I've read it so many times over the years, but reading it feels so satisfying.
The author spends 10 chapters at the end solely dedicated to an epilogue. I wish more stories did this. They go through the wringer in this story, and it's so deeply satisfying to see how cleanly everything gets wrapped up. MacCready and the Lola work really well together as a couple, so it's awesome to see how they work together after the battle is done.
6 out of 5 stars.
BONUS FICS !! aka fics that are still updating! I squeal with joy when I get an ao3 email about these: 1. Best Laid Plans on ao3 by @druidgroves - Georgia Tate is an incredible character and sole survivor! She was a teacher prewar, so it's really fun to get her perspective on the world. She cares a lot about education and libraries and I find her really relatable and endearing. It's a cool thing for a character in an apocalypse to care about! It also makes for fun tension with Mac, who's written as a pragmatic survivor. A great take on familiar characters and their dynamics. - And It's a great slow burn! I'm really enjoying reading it. 2. Long Time Running on ao3 by @twosides--samecoin - If you've ever thought that Med-Tek was too convenient an option for Duncan's cure, this fic was written with you in mind. - RJ goes to Canada and im obsessed with it. - If you're interested in fallout lore, specifically the bit where the U.S annexed Canada and wished that there was more info about that, I would highly recommend this fic. Twosides--samecoin put in THE WORK. The world building they do to explain Canada's side of the Great War is so fun!!! its genuinely such a thrill to read!
I'm tagging the authors who I mentioned, if you all have favorite fics (fallout or otherwise, I'd love to hear em!) Thank you for making good art!
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