#but it's the opposite of everything we discussed and it happened so suddenly and now we just literally have no days off
woso-dreamzzz · 2 months
Injured (Alexia's Version) VI
Alexia Putellas x Teen!Reader
Summary: Alexia tries to talk to you
TW: discussions of eating disorder
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It's reminiscent of that night all those years ago when Alexia came home and was shoved against her own wall by her sister.
It's funny how history repeats itself.
Alexia, back to the wall and unable to understand why and Alba, absolutely furious, being the one to hold her there.
"Alba?" Olga shrieks, standing up from her spot on the sofa.
Alba had one of the spare keys but usually, she didn't use it. Today she had though, bursting through the door like a woman on a mission and shoving Alexia up against the wall.
Jaume never saw the first time but he's heard about it. He couldn't have lived so long in this family without finding out about what happened when he was a baby. But, still, this is the first time he's seen Tia Alba angry at Mami and he watches with wide eyes from the top of the stairs.
"She's skin and bones!" Tia Alba hisses," I watched her today! She could barely stand up!"
"I know."
"And she...Wait, what?"
"I know, Alba." Alexia is calm even though her sister still has a tight grip on her shoulders, pinning her to the wall. "We know. We're trying to work out how to help."
Alba lets go of her, stepping away. "You know?"
Alexia nods. "We know. We're just trying to work out how. She always finishes dinner."
Guilt settles low in Jaume's gut as Mami, Mama and Tia Alba start discussing your eating habits.
You'd always been a bit peckish. You were never much of a big eater.
Jaume was the opposite. He was a growing boy. He ate a lot, especially on days with football training. He hadn't thought much of you offering your food to him, grateful that he wouldn't have to rifle through the fridge when Mami and Mama left the kitchen.
The topic of dinner comes up again and Jaume lingers on the bottom step, threading his fingers together anxiously.
The three women fall silent as he steps into the light.
"What is it, Jaume?" Olga asks.
"Mama," He says, throat bobbing and tears welling in his eyes," I didn't...She never...I didn't know, Mama."
"Didn't know what? What is it?"
Alexia has always been his idol. She's a legend at Barcelona, captain of the club, captain of the country. Her trophies seemed endless and so did her awards. She was a World Cup winner. One of the greatest to ever play the game.
He wanted to be like her.
Her approval meant everything to him.
"Jaume," Alexia says," What is it? About Bambi? Tell us."
"I've been eating her dinner," He admits," When you and Mama turn your backs. She gives it to me."
Tia Alba noisily blows out air, hands cradling her head and Jaume can see the heartbreak on absolutely everyone's faces.
"Thank you for telling us," Alexia says," You're a good boy, Jaume."
Jaume's throat still feels tight though and guilt still swirls in his belly. "Is she...Is she going to be okay?"
No one answers.
It's a delicate situation to work around.
Alba drops hints during your weekly lunch. Olga keeps an eye on your snack breaks after school. Alexia tries to heap more food onto your plate.
You don't notice anything wrong though, apart from the fact that Jaume is suddenly not hungry anymore. He doesn't want your leftovers.
Alexia's the one to confront you, slipping into your room as you finish up some homework.
"Hey," She says.
"Hey." You finish off your last sentence before spinning around in your chair. "What's up?"
Your room has changed since you were little.
Most of your train tracks and little sets are packed away in the attic but your favourite models still litter your shelves. Your bed has gotten bigger and the bookshelf that used to be covered in children's stories is now full of textbooks and little dancing knickknacks like dead pointe shoes or worn-through ballet flats.
A desk has been moved in for you to complete your school work and your closet is now full of clothes you wanted to buy rather than what Alexia used to want you in.
Gone is the little girl with full, round baby cheeks and in her place is a teenager who's lost weight at an alarming rate.
Alexia can hardly believe it.
"I bought us ice cream."
She waves the tub teasingly at you and you pull a face.
"Sorry, Mami," You say," But I'm not hungry right now."
You spin your chair back to your desk.
Alexia spins it back.
You huff.
"Even just a little bit?" She asks," I can't finish this all by myself."
"Jaume's always hungry. Eat with him."
Something prickles down your spine.
Mami is acting weird like she knows something about you that you don't want her to know.
You stare across at her from the bank of a river. You're on one side. She's on the other. The river rushes between you, a gaping chasm that's getting more and more dangerous as it splashes at the banks.
"I can't eat with you?"
She's pushing now and you snap.
"Why does it matter? I'm not hungry! Drop it!"
Alexia's façade drops as well.
"You've not been eating," She says bluntly.
The water laps more furiously at the banks of the river, rushing towards to a waterfall. Alexia looks at you from across the bank. You stare back at her unblinking.
"Yes..." You say, frozen in place," Yes, I have. What are you talking about?"
"Are you an athlete?"
"Do you consider yourself an athlete?"
You scoff, standing up. Your stomach swirls as blood rushes to your head. You feel a little woozy and light-headed but you force your way through it.
"Is this your way of saying that dance isn't active enough for you? Yes! Yes, I consider myself an athlete."
"Then why aren't you fuelling yourself like one?"
Alexia's being gentle about this, trying to coax you out of the corner you've found yourself trapped in. She should have been more subtle though, she realises with a jolt, because you're seconds away from bolting.
She reaches out for you across the bank, a simple hand.
You want to take it. You want her to throw a rope across for you. Something for you to hold and clutch as you swim over to her, to safety.
But you just can't.
Safety means questions and you don't want to answer her questions. You're sure she'll hate you for what she unearths. You're sure she'll look at you and not see her daughter looking back.
If you can't be perfect for her, if you can't be perfect for yourself then you're not worth anything to her.
Jaume has common interests with Mami. He plays football like she did. He plays well like she did. He's going to be world-class like she was.
You have little in common with Alexia but it doesn't make her love you any less. She adores you. She'd drop everything to make sure you're alright.
She doesn't care if you're not perfect. She doesn't care if you decide to quit ballet altogether. She just wants you to be alright.
But you just don't believe that.
You need perfection in yourself. You assume Alexia needs perfection from you as well.
She's staring across the bank from you, arm still out.
You reach for it but the river has gotten more aggressive. The mud on the bank is slippery.
You go straight in.
You try to inflate your lungs but all you can do is breathe in icy cold water as you're battered against the rocks.
You look at Alexia, still holding a tub of ice cream.
She looks at you.
You bolt.
Out of your room. Down the stairs. Out the door and down the street.
Alexia would run after you but she knows. She knows you so well. You'll just run from her and you're much fitter than she is right now. You'd get away quickly.
If she lets you go now then she'll at least know where you're going.
If she runs after you then you could go anywhere.
You're scared. Alexia has scared you.
It's a difficult conversation to have so Alexia lets you run. You need time to calm down, to prepare for this.
She's not happy. She can't be happy when you are starving yourself for reasons still unknown but she can be content with her decision to let you go for now.
You'll have run to somewhere you feel safe.
Alexia can be content.
Or, she's content for a few hours until she gets that call.
"Is this Alexia Putellas?"
"Hi, I'm just calling because you're put down at y/n's emergency contact? I'm afraid she's passed out in one of the practice rooms."
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alvivaarts · 5 months
Writing Tips For You (as if I don’t currently have insane writer’s block)
-Can’t start a scene? Write the setting instead. What is the lighting like? Is this place comfortable? Is it familiar or not? What should you point out now so it doesn’t suddenly appear when it becomes important for the characters? SET! YOUR! STAGE!
-Everyone says “show, don’t tell”. I like to think of that as “what are your character’s physical reactions? What are they feeling?” You can say “Character looked dismayed”, or you can say “Character grimaced with dismay.” See the difference?
-Struggling with dialogue? Talk to yourself while you’re writing. You might be blocking yourself if you subconsciously think some dialogue feels unnatural.
-Context, context, context! This applies to everything from the small interactions to the big plots. Every force has an equal and opposite reaction, allow interactions and events to grow as such.
-Context, context, context pt 2! But worldbuilding! If your character is performing an act, how does that fit into the physical reality they already exist in? How is it possible? Can you imply (imply, not explain) that these things are commonplace or why they wouldn’t be?
-Build the action. (Stealing this from theater class like twelve years ago.) You can’t just put a character into the scene and say ‘they made a sandwhich’. What has to happen for the sandwhich to be made? Your character has to walk into the kitchen, open the cupboard, get out a plate, get out the jam and peanut butter, get out the knives, open the fridge, get out the bread, close the fridge, open the bread bag, lay down two slices of bread on the plate, close the bag, open the first jar, pick up the first knife, scoop up the jam, slather it on the bread, put the knife down, close the first jar- and so on and so forth. Every small step is necessary for you to understand, and to engage your readers. You don’t have to go into ridiculous detail like I just did, but even understanding that for yourself helps remember the ‘state’ of your scene at any given moment.
-See above, but it’s not a scene and a sandwhich. The scene is your whole story and the sandwhich is your plot. What small steps MUST happen to reach the climax? Does changing one of those small steps change the result? How?
-Emotions are best portrayed when you have experienced them or can get insight from those who have experienced them. Let yourself get emotional in a scene. Allow yourself to be empathetic and vicariously experience what your characters are.
-Reread your own work! Your writing style and characterizations can change over time, but if you feel like you’re losing them, don’t be afraid to look at where you started to ground yourself!
-Proofread your own work 2-12 hours after you finish a section! Not while you’re writing! Don’t let yourself get carried away with writing things ‘right’, just get the ideas out.
-Have a friend or volunteer proofread for you too! This can help pick out things you repeatedly say, words you might misuse, grammar and punctuation that might need correction, and phrases that are hard to digest or don’t make sense.
-Make sure you’re making an effort to use regionally/era specific words and slang both in dialogue and in your writing. There are plenty of websites and videos online that list and discuss regional and era slang worldwide. Not to mention, we can connect with people all over the world using the web just to ask! Using incorrect phrases can really break immersion and make characters feel- well, out of character! I.E. an 80s jock saying ‘dope bruh’, American characters (generally) saying ‘lift’ instead of ‘elevator’, so on and so forth.
-Research research research! Research bloodloss limits, research how laws and jobs operate in different regions and countries, research weirdly specific myths and biblical themes, research as much as you can! You can only build a richer environment to write in!
-If you actively want to implement themes, allow them to reflect the experiences of your character. Example character is an Italian American who was orphaned at 13 after his orthodox Catholic parents died, he has been in and out of foster care his whole life, and the moment he got out his military job became strict and he allowed himself to be blackmailed to protect a child in a similar position. This has plenty of fun themes and symbolisms, like sacrifice, fate, lack of control, love, losing autonomy, etc, all of which can be framed under the impactful history of his Catholic childhood. This evokes the imagery of farm animals, servitude, animal tags/dog tags, holy spaces being used for other purposes. Play with it!
-Build three base playlists! One for your overarching story, one for songs that remind you of the main character and their story arc, and one for how you feel when you’re writing/songs that weirdly remind you of your story. You can cycle through these to help get into your mood.
-Consume other media! If all you do is focus on writing, you WILL lose steam and inspiration. Don’t be afraid to watch new shows, read new books, look at more artwork, read more poems, listen to more music. You might get a flicker of inspiration for themes, motives and ideas, and you’ll continue to fill yourself instead of dumping your focus out on your writing.
-Understand how each major character thinks and instinctively reacts to things. Some characters can stay calm, but others might instinctively react to things ‘angrily’, others might try to run away. This is an easy way to figure out character flaws and impliment easy conflicts.
And last but not least:
-Take breaks! Don’t worry about forcing yourself to keep a posting schedule (unless you’re being paid. I’m not. I’m doing this shit for free and for funsies) if all you do is spend all your time worrying about your writing, you won’t be able to relax your brain. Spend time with friends, play games, go outside!
I hope this helps!
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ruhorih4ra · 7 months
Good night (from my dear country heheh)! 👋🏻 I'm changing my “Every monday” updates (that I certainly don't fulfill) to “When I have time” that is much more angsty, mysterious and enemies-to-lovers like (sorry ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ).
Part 16 here!
Get out of my way 🌈
Lucifer wanted to hug you forever, nothing seemed as appealing as eternity in your embrace. He wanted to hold you forever, but the high-pitched squeak of a door lacking oil was proof that his wish was too good to be achievable.
“Lucifer? I'm sorry for interrupting.” The voice of the demon was timid and apologetic, his face matched the tone of his voice with a pair of downcast eyes and an adorable pout. “Diavolo said he needed to talk with you about Mc’s attackers.” Violet eyes found crimson ones, a swirl of resolve and protectiveness in them.
In Beelzebub's eyes, there was one big priority, he needed to ensure. Your safety. He needed you to be happy, safe and sound. He felt guilty for Lucifer, because the Avatar of Gluttony knew that his brother was tired and both he and you deserved a moment of peace. Nevertheless, Beelzebub would gladly get rid of your attackers once Lord Diavolo give orders to Lucifer, so that the older could return to you.
Beel took one of his wrists with the opposite hand, he dug his nails into his pale skin with a little too much force. He wanted to hug you too, he wanted but he shouldn’t take, hasn’t it always been like that for him?
Lucifer had felt you tense since the moment that Beel entered into the room and now he could see the yearn and restraint in his brother's eyes. He didn't know what had happened between the two of you, but he knew that your relationship with everyone was strained. The Avatar of Pride thought that if the heart could growl from starvation, then Beelzebub's heart would be very loud at the moment.
“Very well, I shall go then. Beelzebub, stay with Mc until I come back.” Lucifer fixed his suit, he looked notably more serene than before. Beelzebub, whose eyes were glued to the ground, suddenly looked at his brother in surprise. “I want to know who did this to Mc, Lucifer.”
“I need you to protect them while we look for those foolish demons.” He gave no room for discussion as he promptly left the chamber, the soft sound of the door closing signed his statement. You watched with annoyance as the Little D. of Pride stuck out his tongue mockingly before disappearing too.
Beelzebub and you remained in an awkward silence. His face hadn't changed a bit, he still wore a sad pout and the frown on his forehead increased for moments.
“I'm sorry Beel, I'm so sorry for what I did to you and Belphie.” You broke the silence first, though your voice was soft and barely audible. Beelzebub looked at you surprised, he like Lucifer, did not expect you to ask for forgiveness.
“I'm sorry we made you feel alone, that wasn't our intention.” Beel was a demon of few words, but he knew he needed to let you know what you really meant to him. “It's my fault, I got carried away with food. Sc, she wants to know everything about the Devildom.” As if he had spilled a secret, Beelzebub's eyes widened before a frown took over his features again. “But I thought that knowing about food wasn't a big risk.”
“Lucifer said that it was okay, he even gave me some of his own money to spend it.” A smile appeared on his face, momentarily replacing the sadness. “He said it was a good distraction and that in exchange I could buy whatever I wanted.”
“Beel, you don't have to apologize, okay? if you wanted to go out with her without me, that's totally understandable.” Beelzebub seemed surprised again, his face was in a constant swing from sad to confused to sad again.
“That's not why.” He said the words you had said to Lucifer before and, with complete clarity, you could see the meaning behind it. “You're hiding something from me, aren't you?” Before he could deny it, you spoke again. “What is it?”
“Nothing.” The giant demon felt comically sweaty, suddenly his shirt was too tight and he had said enough. He wanted to explain you, but Lucifer would kill him, no, forget about his older brother. You’d surely punish him too, telling him to sit Japanese style again before lecturing him for two hours straight.
“I wouldn't want to hang out with someone who threatens my brother, I don't blame you Beel. But please be sure that I would never have done that!” You spoke of the matter as vaguely as you could, because the mere thought was painful.
Beelzebub's heart ached when he saw the first tear slide down your face, he could see how your face contorted to convey sadness. He couldn't care less if you had built walls around you, and if he accidentally reinforced them, well, that's in the past too because he wouldn't stay still while you cry.
He took you in his arms, he tended to be gentle as he feared human fragility but this time he held you a bit more freely, tightening his embrace, resting his head on yours. “I've seen Belphie wake up from nightmares most nights since you freed him.”
“He's always calling your name.” Beelzebub's voice was losing volume as he spoke. “I asked him once: 'Belphie, in your dreams, can't you stop?” You remained sheltered by the demon's warmth, your breath caught in your throat too focused on Beel's words.
“He told me: 'I don't do anything. In my dreams Mc calls me Beel'. ” Silence filled the room in an instant, deep and dense. You hadn't noticed how your hands were gripping Beelzebub's shirt.
“He feels guilty because he killed you, and he feels guilty because he made me chose.” Beel talked through the tears with a strong and firm voice. “I don't want you to feel the same and I don't want Belphie to feel that either. I just want us to be happy, I want to eat and sleep by your side forever.” He broke the embrace to show you a radiant smile. “Always with you, Mc.”
You hugged him again. “I wouldn't have it any other way, Beel.”
Outside the room, the brothers were half relieved, half getting crazy over jealousy. It was a relief that they could finally hear you laugh, it was by far better than hear you crying. On the other side, why can’t they share your happiness too?
“Mc is safe, we're tracking those demons. Barbatos will inform you as soon as he knows something, for the time being I ask you to remain calm and protect them from afar.” Lord Diavolo spoke solemnly to the brothers, his voice made clear that he wasn't asking for opinions.
“Mc will stay here until they decide otherwise.” Lucifer added without hiding his discomfort. “That's correct. Please, you need as much rest as Mc.” Barbatos extended a hand signaling to the exit, none of the brothers had the strength to fight that condescending smile of his.
When all the brothers and Diavolo had left, Barbatos approached Simeon. “I saw Mc's aggressors.” He informed Simeon, the angel didn't show any sign of surprise so he continued. “However, something remains a mystery.”
A versus of condescending smiles, Simeon versus Barbatos on a ring of poisonous kindness. “Oh? I didn't know such a thing was possible.” Simeon laughed with genuine amusement. “The young master is intrigued, how did you find Mc?”
The eyes of Simeon shone with mischief and delight, “Just the young master?” he thought. “I was reading when the window opened, it nearly broke and crashed against the wall.”
“I'm well aware of that. I'd appreciate it if you answer my question without adding any fancy details typical of a writer.” Although sharp, all the words were pronounced in a kind tone. “Hahaha! Well, after all I'm a writer, Barbatos. Hmm, now I'm not sure if you'll like my answer.” Barbatos's smile dropped to settle for a neutral face.
Simeon shrugged. “After the window opened I felt a rush of wind guiding me, it was like a cry for help in the middle of a lonely night. It felt warm, like the hug of a sister.”
When Simeon walked in (with a triumphant smile on his face), you and Beelzebub had already fallen asleep on the couch, he tried to take a good photo for five torturous minutes until he successfully focused the adorable scene in front of him.
“See, Lilith? They're safe, so don't worry anymore, okay?” Simeon murmured.
Part 18?
Y'all remember when Mc lectured Beelzebub after that ruckus at the restaurant? no? it did happen and it was hilarious hahaha Taglist: @yuumaofc @asmolover1234 @gallantys @prefesro @urminebutidontwantyou @fiveofspades @exrellian @kaiserkisser @cutestpatoootie @fandumshippr
I couldn't tag some of you! :(
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stoneagedevil · 1 year
Always | Hannibal Lecter x f!reader
TWs: Slight mentions of cannibalism, homicide, serial killers, etc.
The waiting room to the luxurious office was quiet, save for muffled conversation between two people she’s never met, one she was referred to as a condition to returning to one of her loves - investigating with the FBI as part of the Homicide Division. Y/N had grown to resent Jack Crawford for his overbearing nature, and his constant need to have things go his way.
She straightened herself at the thought of the man, her cold exterior revealing nothing.
The door suddenly clicked open, and her eyes darting towards a hand grasping the knob. Attached to the hand was a handsome older man wearing a three piece suit, his patient passing by muttering.
“We can expand on that lasting thought at your next appointment, have a good day.” He said. His voice was accented. He then turned his gaze to a woman sitting on his leather sofa in the waiting room. “Miss L/N?”
“Correct.” She affirmed, standing and reaching out her hand to shake his.
“I’m Doctor Hannibal Lecter, it’s a pleasure to meet you. Jack Crawford briefed me on a bit of a compromise between the two of you.” He took her invitation to shake her hand, noting how small it was in his.
“Compromise is putting it lightly,” she said dully, “he’ll stop at nothing to get what he wants.” She furrowed her eyebrows to emphasize her distaste for her superior. She even despised referring to him as above her.
He chuckled in amusement, “Yes, I understand. I work closely with him and another one of his colleagues, why don’t you come in?” He gestured inside the office, and she was met with the sight of more leather furniture, a wall of books, and many (presumably) expensive decorative pieces.
“Will Graham.” She stated, as she took a seat furthest away from Hannibal. He noted this too.
“Yes, Will Graham. Do you hold contempt for him as well?” He asked rather straightforwardly, taking a seat opposite her, and flipping to a fresh page in his notebook. A clean slate.
This was the part she hated. Sooner down the road she’d wish she said nothing at all. All the notes regarding her could be burned easily, but it was the notes encapsulated within the confines of the mind that was hardest to get rid of. However, she was nothing if not determined.
“Perhaps. I haven’t figured it out yet. He’s odd, but Crawford wants to keep him. I’m the same way, but was found easiest to let go.” She kept eye contact the entire time, Hannibal breaking it only to write about her in his notebook. “I hate that.”
“That you were easiest to let go of?” Hannibal asked while looking up, he presumed the answer would’ve been yes, but he was surprised when he was met with confrontation.
“The writing in the notebook thing. What happens when you die and someone else has everyone’s weaknesses in their hands?”
Hannibal sat back, setting his pen down onto the paper and clasping his hands over it. “Would you prefer I refrain from my note-taking?”
“You could write everything we discussed down after I leave, so I don’t think it matters much. I just need you to know that I hate it.” She shrugged, crossing her legs.
“Do you feel that I have ill intentions in regards to what information you give me?”
“I haven’t decided yet. But a time will come when I know. For now, let’s continue with this appointment.” She gestured to the pen and paper resting on his lap, and he took hold of the pen once more. Now everything was back as it had been.
“As I said before, Jack Crawford said that our meetings were a condition to be let back into the Homicide Division. Would you feel comfortable on elaborating on that further?” He lifted his leg to rest an ankle on his knee, once again sitting back in a non-threatening manner. Open, but not inappropriately so.
“I left because he didn’t see a use for me. Continued with another passion, but I’d gotten bored of it. Now I want back in, and Crawford obviously has his reservations towards me.” She explained briefly.
“Why didn’t he see a use for you?”
“Will Graham was the newest puppy to keep chained at his feet. He’s more digestible than I. My standoffish demeanor did me no favors in addition to that.” He jotted that down. It was his strong belief that she did harbor a sense of rage towards Will, and if he were being honest with himself, it delighted him to see such anger expressed so eloquently. She was aware of herself. He could appreciate that.
“And what was this ‘other passion?’” He asked.
“I’m an artist. I draw, I write, I paint.”
“How impressive. Are you in a creative block at the moment?” He wondered if the creative block was something she saw to be moved by her other occupation.
“Thank you, but no. I’m bored in the sense that I just need something new, but familiar. Being a part of the Homicide Division is the only thing I want to do besides painting from time to time.”
“And why is your heart set on that? Especially given Crawford’s apprehension toward letting you back in.”
“Simple. It’s exhilarating.” She smiled.
He raised his eyebrows, “Exhilarating how?”
“Do you want to digestible answer, or the truth?” She replied.
“Why not both? We have plenty of time left.”
“Digestible first then. I live and breathe bringing monsters to justice, and consoling families of lost loved ones through the closure of a killer’s sentencing.” She tilted her head.
“And the truth?”
“The truth is - I don’t particularly care about most of the people who are murdered. Children, of course, but if you look deep enough you’ll see that most of the cadavers I spend my time with had it coming.” This. This is what increased his interest tenfold.
“You don’t care if the rude die?”
“Rude would be - once again, putting it mildly. But no. I don’t. Does that make me a bad person? Probably. But I’m perfectly fine with that. I’m not going to act like I care about arresting someone who’s killed a predator.” He smiled at her monologue.
“Yes, I understand your point. But what about the few that are innocent?”
“Innocent or guilty, they’re still a mess for me to analytically dissect and trace from to whoever killed them. There was a time where I was bored with this job too. Another reason why I left in addition to Will Graham.” She stared indifferently. He wanted her to crack in some way. Uncover the ruthlessness he knew she harbored deep inside.
“And why were you bored?”
“The murders at the time. They weren’t- how do I word this? They weren’t dynamic and intentive. It was all too ‘heat of the moment.’ Not-“
“Yes. Lifeless, ironically.” She smiled once again, “There were a few serial killers I’d been on the team for, and I do believe that for them- this breed of human who enjoys killing, that they view killing almost as a hobby. And what do you do when you have a hobby? You perfect the skills it takes to do it and the impression it leaves on others. You take pride in it. I see no pride. I see, ‘I need to become the most prolific serial killer in the States, and to do that, I’ll kill anyone I lay my eyes on.’ It’s sloppy.”
His heart raced at her words. Those beautiful words falling from her beautiful lips.
“And what makes a good serial killer?” He breathed.
“I think you already know, Hannibal.” She raised her eyebrows and him and smiled knowingly. “Your secret is safe with me, of course. I couldn’t dream of stopping an artist in his tracks.” Despite being taken aback slightly, he was drawn in due to her earnest nature regarding his craft.
“You’re the other one, aren’t you? The Minnesota Shrew?”
“Our reputations precede us then, Ripper. I look forward to looking more at your work. If you’ll have me.”
Hannibal unknowingly untensed his shoulders at this. He could smell dishonesty from a mile away, when there was none to be found.
“It would be an honor.” He replied, as she stood and headed for the door.
“Hannibal, you don’t let them go to waste, do you?” She turned, sharp eyes looking back at him.
“They’re prepared meticulously, my dear.” He answered softly. Within the short time he spoke to this woman, he’d felt the ugliest parts of him had been scrubbed clean, that his soul had bonded to another of its beautifully terrible nature.
“Then I think I’d love a taste, if you’re willing.” A warm smile lit up the room, painted in deep red.
Thank you to those who’ve read my last post, I sincerely appreciate your support. Let me know if you’d like more from me.
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obsessedwithlute · 4 months
The Circle of Vengeance - Chapter One
Here's an angsty Guitarspear fanfic! Let's see how many chapters I can write of this before y'all get tired of my insanity! Chapter Summary: Lute makes a choice and Charlie loses her shit. Also push doors play their role as the eighth deadly sin.
Lute heard the news from Saint Peter. Sera had let it slip that Adam had been reborn- as a sinner. As a demon.
It couldn’t be right; there was no way Adam, her Adam, could possibly be in Hell.
Except that it was Adam, and that alone made it make sense.
But- she couldn’t think that. There had to be a mistake. God must have- No. No, it was impossible. God didn’t fuck up.
Well, this time he must have, because Adam didn’t deserve to be in Hell.
He’d killed people, but on Heaven’s orders, and he was the first man, for fuck’s sake. Didn’t that count for anything?
Lute needed to do something to fix this. She couldn’t discuss it with God, but Sera- she reported directly to Sera now, and the angel had decided they needed to have weekly meetings now. To make sure everything is running smoothly, was Sera’s excuse. The lieutenant knew the truth, though. To keep Lute in line.
Lute looked down at the spear she gripped tightly in her hands. The spear that had killed demons, earning her Adam’s favor and praise.
They’d never really defined their relationship. Boss and employee? Co-murderers? We’re totally just friends, but, like, I’d fuck you if you asked?
All of the above?
Lute made her way to Sera’s office, grinding her teeth together, hoping this would go over well.
She braced her hand on the cobalt doorknob and pulled it open.
The door was locked.
The fuck…?
Sera never locked her door. Not once in the many millennia of Lute’s existence had Sera ever locked her door.
Lute slammed her body against the door, mentally screaming at the damn thing to stop being so annoying, and it flung open.
Fuck, Lute, it’s a push door! Why do you keep forgetting that?
Every. Fucking. Time.
“Commander, there you are,” Sera said. She sat at a bronze desk, with two chairs made of the same material on opposite sides.
There used to be a third for Adam.
Lute clasped her hands behind her back and inclined her head. “Your Majesty.”
“Sit down, Commander, we need to speak about these incident reports,” the Queen of Heaven ordered.
Commander. Lute still hadn’t gotten used to that.
“Your Majesty, I actually have… a different matter of business that I feel must be discussed with you,” Lute said, lowering herself into the chair.
“Go ahead,” Sera told her, waving her hand.
“I heard about what happened to Adam,” Lute murmured. “I was wondering… if you knew why?”
Sera burst out laughing suddenly. “You don’t mean to tell me you’re surprised?”
“Well… I am, Your Majesty,” Lute said. “I am confused as to why someone in such a high, respected position as Adam would be allowed to…” “Become a sinner?” Sera finished. Lute winced. “It’s quite obvious. He has committed almost every sin there is. The confusing thing would have been if he’d wound up a winner!”
“But, Your Majesty… isn’t there anything we can do?” Lute asked.
“Do?” Sera repeated, her face twisted into a shocked expression.
“Yes, he is the First Man, there must be a way to… make an exception?” the lieutenant presumed.
“There are no exceptions,” Sera scoffed. “Adam said it himself, the rules are black and white.” “But-” “Lute, I am sorry that your fuckbuddy- boyfriend- whatever he was to you-”
“Boss,” Lute hissed.
“-Got himself cast down to hell. But unless you plan on taking the same path, I expect you to put that pretty little righteously sadistic smirk back on your face, remember your place, and make a plan with your Exorcists for how to exterminate the last of Hell, like you told me you wanted to.” Flames burned in Sera’s eyes.
“Your Majesty, please, there must be a way…” Lute begged, but it was to no avail.
“Do not question Heaven, abomination, or I may decide that you are no longer worthy of it!”
“Then fucking do it!” Lute screamed, her voice hoarse. “I know exactly how low you think of me, it’s only been a matter of time!”
“Oh, no, ‘Commander’,” Sera cooed. “You didn’t think I’d make it that easy for you, did you? I’m giving you a choice. You can never speak of Adam again or you can join him. What will it be, Lute? Adam or God?”
To anyone else, the answer would have been obvious. Her shitty boss or everything she existed for?
But Adam wasn’t just her shitty boss.
He was her motivation, and she was his. He was the person always pushing her to work hard, but also to lay back, to relax, to enjoy her existence for once. And she was always there for him, the nights when the memories of Eve and Lilith came back too strong and he would try to drown himself in alcohol. And Lute was always ready to give Adam an ass-kicking when he needed one.
But Lute had a purpose in Heaven. Yes, that purpose was killing, but it was still a reason to wake up in the morning and suffer through another of sweat and Sera and unruly Exorcists.
But killing Adam?
She’d mutilated Vaggie because she couldn’t do her job properly.
But could Lute do her job, now that Adam was a sinner? Now that she was biased? This was why they didn’t let winners become Exorcists. Over ninety-five percent of them had someone they cared about who was a goddamn sinner.
And sinners were trouble incarnate.
But what if just one exception could be made…?
Vaggie didn’t get an exception.
…But why should Lute not?
Lute was more diligent than Vaggie, more adept at her job than Vaggie, more worthy than Vaggie.
Right? So then why did Vaggie get to be with Charlie? Why did Vaggie get someone who loved her, even though she was an angel? Even though she was a murderer?
Everyone loved Vaggie and everyone hated Lute.
Except for Adam. Adam and Lute had always been on each other’s sides, even when one or both of them inevitably fucked up.
When Adam had broken into hell unauthorized to steal porn films and booze and generally shit on Lucifer’s good time, Lute had taken half the blame and shared Adam’s sentence.
When Lute had accidentally stabbed another Exorcist during the exterminations, Adam had defended her to Sera and used the “one out per century” the Seraphim had told him he could get due to his First Man title to get her charges dropped.
Adam would never want her to sacrifice everything in her life for him.
But Lute didn’t know if she could live with herself if she didn’t.
To never see Adam again except at the end of her spear, to never even have his name escape between her lips again… it sounded more like Hell than anything Lucifer could create.
To lust was a sin, to want more was a sin.
But Adam had lusted and bragged, boiled over and envied, and everything else in the book that for anyone else, would pretty much be an automatic slam of the pearly gates in their face.
Adam, you stupid fucking idiot, I miss you more than anything and I don’t want to lose you.
“Make your decision now, Lute. Adam. Or. God.”
In the movies, it came out as a scream of wrath and disgust and confidence.
In the movies, there were tears streaming down the character’s face as  
they spoke.
In the movies, there was no doubt in their eyes.
This was the opposite of a movie.
And Lute’s suddenly shaky voice was so quiet she could barely hear herself as she rasped, “Adam.”
Lute gripped her nails into a brick building, trying to keep herself upright and conscious. The blood from where her wings used to be was drying on her back. Sera had ripped her prosthetic arm off as well, and Lute missed that already too.
She had no time to sit around and weep. She’d made her choice; there was no undoing it. Now she had to find Adam.
Fuck, she missed that whiny little asshole.
She couldn’t exactly come up with a good plan of how to find him, though. Yell his name through the streets of hell like he was a lost puppy?
Somehow, Lute didn’t think that would yield the best results.
She pulled herself off of the wall and started walking down the streets of Hell, searching for Adam, ignoring the warm, sticky blood coating her body.
Her feet dragged down the pavement as she searched, wondering where the actual fuck he was and what he had gotten himself into this time.
“Lute?” a voice exclaimed behind.
She whirled around, hoping, pleading-
It was Charlie. No, please let her be hallucinating, anyone other than Vaggie’s girlfriend-
“The fuck are you doing here?” the princess demanded.
“What does it look like?” Lute asked in a condescending tone, gesturing to her missing wings and prosthesis.
“It looks like you got what you deserved,” Charlie hissed.
“Wow, demon princess, you’ve changed a lot since we last met. I kinda like it,” Lute remarked.
“You tried to kill Vaggie. Twice!” the demon screamed.
“Oh, yes, where is she, by the way? I thought you two were glued at the hip, how I never see one without the other!” Lute said, laughing a bit.
“Like I’m going to tell you that!” Charlie shouted.
“Do I look like I’m in any position to be fighting someone right now?” the angel said.
“Lute, I know you, you’re always in a position to fight everyone!”
“Aww, little princess doesn’t think she can take me in a duel?” Lute cooed.
“Little princess thinks she has something you want,” Charlie said, horns beginning to sprout from her head.
“And what would that be?” Lute asked nonchalantly.
A kick landed itself in Lute’s back, knocking her to the ground, out of breath.
The fuck..?
When she looked up, Vaggie was towering over her.
Vaggie turned, gesturing to the avian demon behind her. He was different, and dirtier, but it was undoubtedly Adam.
“How long have you-” Lute started, but Vaggie cut her off.
“About a month.”
Adam was bleeding, what had happened, what had they done to him? She had to protect him, she had to avenge him, what did they do-
Lute jumped up and whirled her dagger towards Vaggie, screaming something incoherent, but before she even got a chance to strike, she was surrounded by Vaggie on one side and Charlie- in her full demon form- on the other.
The princess looked ready to murder her.
Charlie’s hand pinned Lute to the ground, and her voice was bursting with Wrath as she hissed, “I won’t be killing you today. That would be a mercy. You tried to take Vaggie from me. I will do the same to you.” Charlie released her so quick, Lute didn’t have a second to fight before Vaggie stabbed her spear into Adam’s chest. Lute watched him gasp for air before collapsing to the ground.
Something came across Charlie’s eyes at that moment, likely satisfaction.
Lute crumpled, and again, the world went dark.
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Can I make a request about the last night of season 5, when Johnny and co. break into Terry's house to confront him? Maybe he sees them coming and puts reader in a panic room or hides her away somewhere where she's watching everything through security cameras, and he gives up the opportunity to kick ass or go check on the dojo to come find you, knowing that you're panicking and worried sick about him? Maybe ending in some spicy along the lines of "I'm so glad you're alive please take me now"? Thanks! :)
Thank you so much for the request! I will certainly try my best 🤗💚
You and Terry are sat on his black sofa infront of the fire place, cuddled up together and sharing some wine. "Hows your wine sweetheart?" "Very nice thank you babe, is this the one you bought on our trip to Italy?" "Is very much is, from the man who owned the best vineyard in the whole country. I only get the best for my girl" "I know you can afford the best Terry, but you know very well that it could easily be a cheep bottle of wine from the corner shop and I'd be happy with it" "I know that sweetheart, I know that money isn't something you need, but just think of it as a way for me to show you how much you mean to me" "Oh...I can think of many other ways you do that babe..." "(chuckles) I certainly do..." His hand reaches to your chin as he leans down and gives you a sweet kiss on the lips. It almost turns more passionate before Kim walks back in from the kitchen. "So are we going to go back to discussing business Terry? What more was there to do for the upcoming dojo's?" Kim asked as she sat on the other black sofa opposite us. "Well Kim, it seems that-"
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"Babe? Did you hear that?" "No? What's wrong sweetheart?" "I thought I head a crashing noise from outside" Suddenly the sound of car tyres was heard outside and Kim picked up the I pad from the table showing the security cameras. "It seems we have company. Kim, I need you to go to the dojo, the camera in there is showing something too. You go and sort it out" "Yes Terry" Kim leaves through the back of the house and Terry turns to you, still holding the I pad. "Babe who is that? Whoever it is, they can't drive very well. And is that a limo? Who drives a limo into someone's home?" "I have a feeling I know who this is, come with me sweetheart" He puts the I pad down and takes your hand, guiding you up the stairs and down the hallway "Terry, what's going on?" "Sweetheart, I have this feeling that it will get dangerous down there, and I need to make sure your somewhere safe. Come in hear" He opens his office door and leads you inside. "Please stay in hear until I come and get you ok? The door can only be opened from the inside and out with the code on the door, the code is your birthday. Whatever happens, promise me you'll stay in hear, nothing is going to stop me from getting back to you but you must stay in hear"
"Is this because I don't know how to fight?" "Partially, but I also wouldn't be able to forgive myself if anything happened to you. I love you" He gives you a quick but romantic kiss before looking into you eyes with a serious look. "Please sweetheart, promise me" "I promise Terry" He looks just a little calmer before giving you another kiss, and leaves the door closing the door behind him. It locks automatically and you hear his footsteps going back down stairs. You were experiencing a mixture of feelings, safety for being in hear away from danger, but also worry because you had never seen Terry get like this, when he got this serious about your safety, something bad was about to go down. If Terry was this worried, was HE in danger this time? Not knowing what else to do, you sit at Terry's computer desk and open up the camera page, where there are several cameras around the house. You look at the front door camera and see...is that?...Mike? Johnny and Chozen? They are barely a threat? And what are they doing? Are they deciding to break the door dow-oh! oh no it seems Chozen had just pushed it.
Are they drunk? They certainly look like it. They enter the front door and you can see Terry is sat on his chair, but the camera isnt playing audio, so you can't hear what they are saying.
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Mike looks confrontational, is he about to go for Terry? Oh wait? Is that one of the new sensei's from cobra kai? Oh my God! Mike has gone for the sensai! And Terry has left heading towards his weapons room! More sensei's enter the room and go for Johnny...but where's Chozen gone? You cant see him on the camera. You keep looking everywhere until you see that Terry has frozen in his weapons room, Chozen is in there with him. There was barely any time before you could see Terry removing his jewellery and start fighting Chozen, you wished this wasn't happening, you didn't want anyone to get hurt! You could see on the other camera that Mike was knocked out, Johnny was still fighting more of the sensei's and....oh no....Terry no, no don't pick up the sword!
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Chozen has sai swords too?! This cant be happening, you promised Terry you wouldn't leave, but this was getting dangerous! You could hear your heartbeat in your ear and feel it in every muscle of your body, you were so tense and all you could do was watch.
You knew if you left you'd have to go through Johnny and the sensei's, there was no way you could leave if you wanted to. You see Terry and Chozen move towards the pool, oh god Terry don't taunt him! But it was too late, Chozen struck and they were both fighting with their weapons, Chozen even managed to punch Terry in the stomach at one point, just before they edged into the shallow water next to the pool.
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Terry had this wild look in his eye, you had never seen that before, and neither have you ever seen anyone manage to fight Terry so successfully, Terry looked like he was in trouble.
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They struck at eachother again, it all moved so fast, and just as quickly as it started, Chozen hit Terry and bent down to sweep his legs! Making Terry fall onto his back into the water, dropping his sword with Chozen stood above him pointing his sai.
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"No! Chozen please stop! Both of you stop!" But no matter how loud you shouted, neither of them heard you. You were in tears and clutching your chest as you looked down on what you thought were your soulmate final moments, when a loud noise make Chozen turn.
And that's when Terry struck! When Chozen was distracted, Terry reached for his sword and sliced right up the left hand side of Chozen's back, making him fall into the water below.
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"Oh my god!" You shouted once more, so worried for both Chozen and Terry, Terry looked weak as he limped back into the house, where he sees Johnny being held down by the sensei's. Again, you can't hear what they're saying, but Terry looks angry. He grabs Johnny by the hair and let's his sensei's deal with him as Terry himself looks like he's heading your way. As he did that, Mike woke up from consciousness and helped Johnny, and they both ran outside and helped Chozen out of the house before anything else could happen. You felt a whole mixture of emotions, worry, fear, confusion, sadness, concern. Terry pressed in the code and entered the room, where you ran straight over to him and hold eachother in your arms. "You didn't leave...thank you sweetheart" "Terry! My god your bleeding! What the hell happened down there?! All three of them broke in and-Johhny was fighting the sensei's-You and Chozen! Terry you two could have killed eachother! Why did you pick up that sword you idiot?! What did you do to Chozen?! You could have-"
"Sweetheart just try to breath for me ok, calm...Chozen will live, he'll just remember it for the rest of his life" "Terry I could see everything through the security camera! You scared me, I thought I was going to loose you, you stupid idiot! Why didn't you just call the police instead?!" "They broke into our home Y/N, and I'm going to defend it" "Not with your life Terry!" "Sweetheart it's ok-" He tries to put his hands in your shoulders but you push them away in a tearful state and walk towards the window away from him. "No it's not ok!.....You frightened me Terry....I thought I was going to loose you, I thought Chozen was going to kill you, and your seriously expecting me to just calm down?! F#ck!" Your uncontrollably crying and hyperventilating as you run your hands through your hair, desperate to feel something as it all pours out of you. Terry has never seen you so heartbroken, so frightened, he didn't know what to do. "Y/N I promise it was never my intention to frighten you, I never want to make you feel that way. I was just trying to defend my home, myself, you" "There are other ways you could do that Terry! Ones that don't involve you starting a fight with a f#cking sword! I can't....I..."
You press your back against the window and slump down to the floor as the tears keep coming, this was possibly the worst night of your life. Terry was heartbroken seeing you like this, he instinctively sat beside you and pulled you into his arms as he held your crying and shaking body. "I love you so much Y/N, and I am so so sorry for everything that's happened. I never wanted this to happen, please believe me. Oh god I'm so sorry" You look up at him and he wipes away some of your tears. "Does it hurt?" "Does what hurt?" "Your cut Terry, on your face" His hand moved to his cheek, its only then that he realises that he's hurt from that fight. "It's nothing sweetheart, it's ok"
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"Terry it's not ok, I need to help you with that" You stand up out of his arms and walk over to the desk, still upset and a little shaky, and Terry can see that. He stands up and walks towards you "Y/N its alright, your shaking. You just need a minute to calm down" "I can't Terry-I can't-you've hurt yourself and I need to-" He gently takes your hand from where it was trying to find a first aid box in his desk drawers, and brings it to his chest so you can feel his heartbeat.
"Shhhh Y/N, it's ok....I promise....just stop...." You know he's right, you just feel so deflated, your head just falls onto his chest as he gives you a comforting hug with his big strong arms. "Terry, what's going to happen? What's going to happen with the dojo? The break in, you?" "Shhhh, let's not worry about that now, whatever happens will happen. I don't know what's going down at the dojo with Kim, but whatever it is, I'll sort it out. I have more lawyers in my back pocket than I can count" "Terry, don't ask me why, but I just have this feeling that something worse is going to happen tonight. I feel like this it my last time in this house with you" "I'm sure it won't be-" "But you don't know that Terry, I don't know I just, I have this feeling in my gut that something else is going to go wrong tonight, something to do with the dojo. Terry please don't go to the dojo tonight, please don't go" "I'm not going anywhere sweetheart, I'm not going to leave you. Your my only priority" He delicately holds your face in his hands, but after all these emotions that have poured out of you, you were in desperate need of physical touch.
You love him so much, and right now, you just need him. You lean up and almost crash your lips into his with that much desire, your hand holds onto the back of his neck pulling him in closer, needing to feel him. Your other hand pulls at his collar as he kisses you back just as needy, lifting you up and placing you on his desk as he stood inbetween your legs. Neither of you stopped the kiss, there was a deep hunger from within each of you, it needed to be fulfilled. You ripped his shirt and pulled it away from his chest, revealing his beautiful body, he pulls your shirt off and uses his hand to press against your chest, pushing you down so your flat on the desk. He pulled his belt away as you removed your underwear, seeing Terry's rock hard cock bounce out of his trousers once they fall to the floor. It all happened so quickly, he grabbed your legs and pulled your hips right onto his groin, he grabbed his girthy cock and started sliding the tip up and down your sensitive area, making you feel a shiver through your body. It was only for a moment though, you both were desperately in need to f#ck.
He pounded right inside of you making you gasp at the feel of him, he grabs your legs and holds them against his chest as he mercilessly f#cks you against this desk, so hard it's making white lines on the floor from the desk legs scratching the surface. There was no talking, just the sound of skin slapping on skin, Terry's grunts and moans, your whimpering and crying out in pleasure, the room was filled with it. You begged him not to stop, and he didn't. He kept f#cking you more and more, until you were literally screaming and your body felt like it was vibrating with this orgasm. You were trying so hard to catch your breath, but Terry wasn't finished with you. He put his hands under your hips and pulled you up so you were now holding onto his shoulders, and he started going faster, thrusting harder and deeper, you honestly thought the desk would break with how hard he was going, but you loved every single f#cking moment of this. His moans were so delicious to listen too as he buried his face in your neck, kissing and sucking at your soft tender skin. All you could do was dig your nails into his back and hold on for dear life as another orgasm was building, with Terry holding onto your hips in a tight grip and f#cking you relentlessly.
"Oh f#ck Terry- Oh yes-yes-!" "F#ck! F#ck!" You both shouted at the top of your lungs as you reach your ultimate climax at the same time, your body was uncontrollably shaking and even though he stoped thrusting into you, the feel of him agaisnt your tender swollen clit was still making you shudder. It appears it was so strong that Terry was shaking a little too, still holding you and having a bead of sweat in his brow. You both look breathlessly into eachothers eyes before sharing a smile and a little chuckle. "I uhh...think we destroyed your desk babe" "It was...so worth it... I can always get another desk" He makes you giggle, he also plants a sweet kiss in your lips as he still holds you. "Listen sweetheart, I don't know what's going to happen tonight, or tomorow or anytime after this night ends. But I promise I will always love you and I will always be there for you, no matter what" "I love you too Terry, and I'll always be there for you too...so? Shall we try to tidy this mess up at all?" "Why bother? I don't see any reason in cleaning up when we haven't even got started on round 2 yet" "Round 2?" "Or 3? Maybe 4?" "This is one of the reasons I love you Terry Silver"
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stilljuststardust · 3 months
heyy, everything ok??
i just want to ask you something, today i tried to assume something with my girlfriend, we were on a break, we started talking again, she was acting just the way i wanted, but suddenly she stopped and went back with all the thing that happened in our relation, as i saw about, this is something that i'm assumimg. today i tried to assume that she would do certain things, but this didnt happen, when im speaking with her, as she say the things i start to only listen her and my body reacts as the things she say, and my i'm drowned by thoughts opposite as the thoughts that i want to have, and even when i think, no bro thats fine you are in controll of everything, i just cant be calm and assume the things propperly.
so said this i really want to know what to do, i'm kind lost right now, i really want to know what can I do to avoid being like this and enter in the state of fullfilment and just one last thing, i also want know about the time that things are manifestated, is there some cooldown? i control this to?
thank you VERY much by now and i'm sorry if there's some mistakes in my written, english is not my first language kkkkk
Don't go back to the old assumption even when it reappears because you know the truth.
You're scared and I get that, relationships come with a lot of emotions, but you just have to persist in the knowledge that it's all ok.
When you affirm for something and it doesn't happen you keep going anyway. Affirm and PERSIST.
You don't have to be perfectly calm, just repeat repeat repeat, your realtionship is perfect your relationship is healthy.
Don't try to justify the 3D, because you know that you two are in a very healthy relationship. You know that you both treat each other so well and with so much compassion.
As for "cool down" that depends on the person. Everyone has their own assumptions about how long it will take. It can be instant or it can take as long as you assume it will take.
Manifestation is not a process or something you chip away at. People often view it that way because it can be hard to accept the power you have.
When do you think your relationship issues will be resolved?
That is when. That is your assumption about when it will materialize.
If the answer to that question was longer than you want it to be then you know why it's taking longer than you want.
If you have the assumption this is going to take a while the 3D will prove you right.
Assume that it's already resolved and it did so quickly, repeat to yourself through affirmations or through visualization that it's resolved, and through persistence you will be proven correct.
Take a deep breath. It's ok. She loves you, you have a happy healthy relationship. She is kind to you, you are kind to her. You always communicate perfectly. You're both so happy.
Also just general relationship advice:
Remember that relationships are not about fighting each other but working together for a solution. Resolution is reached through empathetic discussion where you both truly consider each other's feelings and talk about how you can accommodate each other in the future.
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itsonlyfanservice · 1 month
I like that you are trying to shut me up with my opinion. But you are not even trying to read my words.
Our fandom has big problems. And they come from within. And what's more, the artist, unknowingly or intentionally, incites negativity within the fandom. I don't care what kind of discussion you join. We are all faced with the same thing. Shipping should not cause so many problems for the fanbase and for the artists. I even get messages that it is allegedly the jkkrs fault that Jimin is being bullied, if you didn't ship jkk, nothing would have happened (lol that's like saying that it is the gay's own fault that he is being bullied 😒). Well, and Jungkook would suddenly stop paying attention to Jimin, yeah?)))))) That's not the point.
Jkk and tkk are not the only ones who are being shipped. And there is no such problem with anyone, although there are literally the same people in the pairings. When tkk are together, literally everyone squeals with joy, both ot7 and shippers and anti-shippers. But when the jkk appear together… girl... Let's not pretend that people don't start grinding their teeth with anger. If the ot7 can somehow cope with this, then the rest, from the solo jkk themselves to the shippers, are simply losing their minds. Jungkook and Jimin's solos themselves write to the opposite artist that he should not contact ours, because all the problems are because of him, the problems are because of their shippers and in general, shut up everyone.
Don't you think this is strange and illogical? So it turns out that if A and B are dating, and the entire fandom hates them for it, and especially the shippers of B with C, then A and B should not even be near each other, let alone intersect somehow. And they are to blame for the fact that they are hated by shippers A and B, and not shippers and haters B and C.
How the fuck did this happen?
I don’t know which side you are on and what opinion you hold, but you cannot deny that this situation is inadequate and has simply escalated not just into hostility, but into mass hate simply based on delusional narratives in order to denigrate a person in everything.
And I will raise this topic whenever I want and as much as I want. We were silent for a long time and turned a blind eye to this with the entire fandom. And now look at what it resulted in?
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i'm going into blathering oaf mode which i need to type out because otherwise i will literally sit and stare at a blank wall full monkey cymbals instead of doing work that, ya know, pays the bills
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buckle up, i think ur going to want to read this one (and if not obvious by the Read More, spoilers ahead)
right im watching s1 again because it is literally my comfort show and i will have it on in the background whilst im working
and im on Hard Times (ep3) and it's just got to the You Go Too Fast for me Crowley scene which obviously HEARTBREAKING
but it just suddenly occurred to me - when we leave the 1941 scene, it feels like the metaphorical ice has been broken and they've like non-verbally agreed to let go of the Holy Water Tantrum
and on top of that we see aziraphale realise he's in love with crowley, and THEN we see the dinner scene in the s2 trailer like solidifies that theyre all cosy and bashful and intimate and seem to have certainly forgotten the whole argument
BUT THEN we get to the 60s scene. and suddenly there's atmosphere. there's suddenly tension. it's awkward and cold and almost a bit nasty. and there is absolutely no reason for it, if you judge only on the linear events given to us in ep3
(EDIT: i watched it again last night and the only other reason i can think of for az being such an arse is that he found out about the robbery by hearsay and not directly from crowley which ok yeah is plausible absolutely and probably the reason for all of it but sOMETHING in my hind brain is just nagging at me that it's more than that so i stand by the following musing....... you may proceed)
what the fuCK happens in that dinner scene??? what in the last circle of hELL prompts az to come up with the "you go too fast for me Crowley" line????
because im telling ya, im betting my last vestige of sanity, that it is NOT the holy water thing
im fairly certain that there's going to be a discussion of the holy water thing in the dinner scene, i think that's a given - when you take into account that az's gut reaction to Crowley asking for holy water was to refuse him because ✨IT WOULD KILL CROWLEY✨, i think that is going to be discussed in that dinner scene
i full pussy, honestly and truly (but absolutely fine if im proven wrong), will die by this BELIEVE that there's going to be an a love confession of Some Sort from one of them
Let's face it ---- probably from crowley ("why did you save my books?" "...")
in this scene.
going a step beyond that, i even think there might be a move made from crowley (not The Kiss, mainly because the costume/hair doesn't match but also doesn't seem like the right one) but like maybe he leans in or crowds into az a little too close in this dinner scene and it's going to absolutely scare the beejesus out of az
HE. 💔 GOES. 💔 TOO. 💔 FAST. 💔
like az has literally just realised he feels something that, let's be real, he SHOULD NOT feel bc a) he's an angel and b) crowley is a demon.
but then crowley alludes to having feelings for az? possibly suggest to him that he has for ThousANDS of years???? and that he saved his books because he knew it was important to az????????
nopenopenope toO FAST BOY
az is an angel. opposite side to crowley. literally challenges everything az believes about being an angel and belonging to heaven. this could mean he falls. nopenopenope. too fast.
this is literally the onLY reason i can think of that would result in what appears to be a lovely cute scene, where az is quite blatantly moon eyeing crowley over a bottle of chateau, but immediately swings 30 years later to being cold and distant and "You Go Too Fast for me Crowley"
i will live and die by this, so help me god
and now....... discuss
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Your writing is so amazing!!! Could we get #14 for shigadabi?
Prompt: heat/Sex pollen/love potion
Pairing: Shigadabi
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Sex Pollen, Fuck or Die, Begging, Dacryphillia, Multiple Orgasms, Handcuffs, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex, Dry Humping, Handjobs, Praise Kink, Dub-Con associated with this trope that is recognized by the characters involved and discussed within the narrative followed up by enthusiastic consent.
Everything happens so fast. Goes from a tense but potentially fruitful meeting with a small group of villains who specialize in chemical compounds and weaponry, a contact that Toga and Twice managed to learn about during their time with the Shie Hassaikai. People without resources now that Overhaul has been taken out of the picture and desperate enough to keep doing their research they seemed willing to overlook their part in that. People who, they had been hoping, might be able to expand on the process used to make the quirk erasing bullets that they had also stolen. But negotiations broke down. They didn't even so much as break as implode. Shigaraki isn't even sure exactly what set it off, had been having a relatively civil conversation and then one of the members snapped at their representative. Had been two short, bitter comments and then he had lashed out with his quirk. Doesn't know how their infighting had spilled over and gotten directed at them, but the next thing they knew the League was being rounded on. 
It's an actual genuine surprise when Dabi steps in, moves in front of them as a cloud of pale pink spores are suddenly filling the air and racing towards the rest of them. When he ignites he torches the lot of them and the group of scientists in one massive wall of blue flame. A surprise because he didn't think Dabi really gave a fuck about the rest of them and their continued well-being. Hadn't thought he would ever put himself in harms way like that. But Dabi torches their opposition and then hesitates, smoke curling from his arms. 
"Woah," Toga murmurs, watching the flames eat up the other half of the building. 
"Certainly an impressive display," Compress remarks, "But perhaps we should be taking our leave now?" 
Yeah, absolutely. Do not need to get caught when someone sees the smoke and fire pouring from the building. At least when negotiations broke down this time no one got killed, he thinks bitterly. At least no one got hurt--
Dabi takes a step towards them. He sees it, the slight wobble to his step, starts to move before he even knows why, and then Dabi is dropping. Barely manages to catch him before he hits the floor without accidentally activating his quirk. Shit. Shifts his grip to keep a finger away from his skin. 
"Fuck," the arsonist's voice thin, smoke leaking out from his mouth. Can see sweat starting to bead across his brow and then he's gone, eyes fluttering shut and going limp in his arms. 
"Shit, what happened?" Spinner rushing over to help him try and haul Dabi back onto his feet. No use, not particularly heavy, but completely dead weight. 
"Must have gotten hit with some of whatever that quirk was." He mutters, "Compress," doesn't even really need to ask. They need to leave, dragging around their unconscious companion is not going to help with that. The older man comes over and marbles Dabi immediately. Also will help keep him in stasis as they travel. They regroup and start to move. "Go back to base." He tells the rest of them, the base in question a gutted condemned apartment building for the time being, "Take him to see the doctor."
"Text me when you need him released," Compress tells him easily, 
"And you'll text us when you know what's wrong, right?" Toga's voice a little more worried. Can't blame her. Barely a month since they lost Magne. 
"I will," he reassures her, "Go on." 
They separate and he does his best to make his way towards Ujiko's lab swiftly. 
Takes an hour to get to the lab and then another hour of the doctor running tests before they know what's wrong with him. 
Aphrodisiac quirks aren't unheard of. They're not incredibly common and tend to carry a significant stigma given that they can cause public acts of indecency on the low end of damages and can be the source of assault and rampant abuse on the higher end. Can also be fairly deadly depending on the potency of them, with victims sometimes not even being able to remember to eat or drink through the haze of lust. Ujiko tells him this, says that he's put Dabi on an IV to keep him from dying of dehydration, and says that they'll have to wait and see if this version of the quirk will fade on its own or not. Because sometimes they do. Sometimes it's just a matter of letting it run its course and then moving on. But sometimes. Sometimes they won't fade without outside assistance. 
Texts the others and tells them that they're waiting for Dabi to wake up and see the effects of the quirk but doesn't tell them what he was hit with. Doesn't know if Dabi would want anyone to know. Barely sticks around with them when they aren't actively doing a job, hasn't told them anything about himself in the months that he's been working with them, doubts that he would want them to know even an inch of vulnerability now. Still doesn't quite understand why he had gotten in front of them, why he had risked-- and actually gotten-- hit with this quirk to keep them safe. Never seemed to care about their safety before now. 
After three hours it becomes clear that this isn't going to be as easy as just waiting it out. Tomura's not sure exactly when Dabi woke, believes the doctor tried to go in and explain the situation to him before he entirely lost his head, doesn't know how successful he was. Then Ujiko showed him into an observation chamber, in case he needed to check in on the arsonist, and left, actually maintaining his job at the hospital and needing to go to his shift. Told him to check up on Dabi again in another few hours and if it wasn't fading then intervention would probably be necessary to keep him alive. Waits three hours and then checks up on the man. Is shooting out of the chair, going to one of the cabinets of supplies and finding what he needs before making his way to the room Dabi's been put in. 
Smoke is trickling out from beneath the door. 
Enters the room and immediately notices how hot it is, notices that before the choked little sounds of whimpers and moans coming from the bed. Dabi is smoking too, his coat, shirt, and boots pulled off, the air around him shimmering with heat, sweat beaded across his skin. Rutting into a pillow making those desperate, pained little sounds. 
His mouth goes dry and he immediately tries to shake that as he tries to get the other man's attention, approaching the bed carefully. "Dabi,"
Gets a desperate gasp out of the other man, pulling his head up to look at him, pupils blown so wide he can barely see any blue at all, face flushed, mouth open and panting softly. "Duster," a thready little whine. Doesn't expect him to keen softly before surging up to reach for him. Not expecting his hands to close around his forearms and try to pull him down, wonders if he should have realized how absolutely scorching his touch would be even through the long sleeves of his shirt, but the staples across his palms are glowing, and they immediately start to burn through the fabric. 
"Fuck, Dabi your quirk," brought suppression cuffs. Neither he or Ujiko had even thought they would be needed, didn't know that there was a risk of Dabi incinerating himself while under the effects of this quirk. 
"Help?" Desperate and wavering and he feels something tighten sharply behind his ribs. 
"Yeah, come on, just need to let go." 
The other man seems to struggle but manages after a second. Releases his arms and he feels his skin stinging with burns. Can see the holes burned into his sleeves where his staples touched. Barely takes a breath before he's wrapping the cuffs around Dabi's wrists and locking them in place. As soon as they're on, the smoke stops and Dabi all but collapses, forcing him to catch him again as he lets out a loud breathless sound of relief. 
The smoke around the room starts to dissipate and he sees that the heat has burned holes in the thin cot as well, melted the IV bag and evaporated the liquid. Lucky he got to the other man before he'd set the whole room on fire. Winces slightly when Dabi's hands wrap around his forearms again and he pulls. Not expecting it, stumbles. The arsonist uses the momentum to get him onto the bed, pushing him up against the wall before he can shift, 
"Please, please, Duster, please," Has the other man in his lap, can feel his cock straining against his pants as he grinds against his thigh, making his mouth go dry again. Fuck. 
"Dabi, shit, you'll be fine, you just need to get this out of your system--" 
"Can't," never heard the other man sound so broken. "Can't cum, please, Duster, please," 
God fucking damn it. Because if he hasn't been able to get himself off at all then this is the really bad type of aphrodisiac quirk. The kind that will kill him if it stays in his system for too long. The kind that needs assistance to remove. Feels his stomach go hollow as he is suddenly faced with the question of if Dabi would rather die or rather... have him help when he's so out of his head. Dabi can barely tolerate him, they tried to kill each other a few months ago.
"Do you have anyone I can call--" Doesn't know anything about Dabi other than that he is good at his job when he deigns to be around to do it. Could have a significant other, someone he trusts, anyone who could help. 
Shakes his head, whining and rutting against his thigh again. Shigaraki grabs his hips, holding tightly, trying to keep him from doing it again and Dabi keens, "Want you, please," 
Knows it's the quirk talking. Knows Dabi wouldn't ever say that to him. Hates himself for how much he likes it. For how much he's wanted to have Dabi looking at him like this, desperate for his touch, doesn't want it when he knows the other man isn't in his right mind. Is trying to think of literally anything else he can do when Dabi meets his eyes again, when he sees that the other man's are wide and glassy, his whole body trembling, 
"Hurts, please Shig, please. Help?" The last word escaping him on a thin sob. Startles as he starts to cry blood. Crimson tears slipping over his cheeks as he shakes, hands fisted in his shirt and straining against the hold on his hips. 
Fuck. Going to lose his best piece one way or the other. Would rather Dabi be alive to hate him when he goes than gone completely. "...Okay," loosens his grip and gently rocks his thigh up against Dabi's hard cock. Makes the arsonist moan loudly, pressing in closer. Lets him start to ride his thigh, settles into a desperate frantic rhythm, sharp gasps and moans slipping constantly from his lips. Tries to stay still, to keep his own cock from hardening as he has the other man rutting in his lap, face pressed against his neck. Might break hold of the quirk if he can just get off with someone else there. Just let Dabi do this and hopefully he'll be alright. Can't take away the wrongness of all of this, but may be able to ease a little of the filth that's going to cling to his soul afterwards. 
Hears the other man still whimpering, sniffling, feels his tears dripping against his skin. Can't help it, raises a hand and strokes through his hair, "It's fine, you're gonna be fine, baby, come on," Rocks his thigh up against him again. Gets another loud, broken moan against his throat, "Feels good, doesn't it? Come on, be over soon, just have to cum, Dabi." 
Gets another weak nod against his neck as he keeps moving, thrusts going faster, breaths coming in harsh pants. His moans are constant and getting louder, higher, his muscles tightening, must be close--
Dabi's whole body goes rigid as he cums. Tomura lets out a slow breath, pulls his hand from his hair, ready to need to extract himself as the other man's sense returns. Takes a second for Dabi to pull his face from his neck, panting and eyes still hazy. Fuck. Looks so good blissed out with tears clinging to his cheeks. Doesn't even have time to linger on the wrongness of that thought slipping through his mind when Dabi didn't choose to show this to him, before the expression is gone, his brows pulling together for a second, confusion written across his features. Understands at the same time as him, as he doesn't feel Dabi softening at all. Cannot catch a fucking break with this quirk. 
"No," Dabi's little whine makes his chest fucking ache. Shatters his heart when Dabi gives another weak sob. "D-didn't work. Need more, fuck, please Tomura, please, I'm sorry." 
Immediately reaches and cups his face in his hands, trying to brush away the tears and shush him. Trying to comfort him. Didn't even know that would be something so automatic for him. Hadn't ever had to do it for anyone before they'd lost Magne. Definitely isn't any good at it but he'll try for Dabi, for all of them. "Shh, you don't have to apologize, Dabi. It's not your fault," knows that the words can't be trusted but he just needs something if he's going to convince himself to go through with this, "Are you sure you want me to help?" 
Dabi nods desperately, "Please, need you, please Tomura,"
Takes a shaky breath of his own. "Okay, gonna give you what you need." Tries to coax him out of his lap and Dabi clings a little tighter. "Just want to get you undressed, sweetheart, won't that feel good?" Earns another needy sound from the other man and he lets himself be shifted out of his lap and back onto the cot. Doesn't immediately reach to help him with the last bits of his clothes, Dabi struggling to do so himself with the suppression cuffs on, instead reaches into his back pocket and pulls out his gloves. Doesn't usually wear them in bed, usually trusts his control even here, but Dabi is already so desperate, has already grabbed at him a few times. Is already so vulnerable and he is not going to make that any worse by potentially hurting him further with his quirk. 
Gets on his gloves, takes a small breath to steady himself and then reaches to help him with the thick belt and the clasp of his pants. Dabi moans again when he gets them open, when the cooler air of the room touches his hot skin. Wonders if he would literally be on fire if not for the cuffs. Can't really keep stalling and the arsonist lifts his hips eagerly so he can peel the leather away from his long legs. Fuck. Wondered what he would look like naked, prettier than he imagined. Wondered how far the scars would go, didn't know if he expected them to wrap around his legs, stapled together around the middle of his thighs and extending down to his calf on one leg and all the way to his ankle on the other. But there is an expanse of unblemished skin, smeared with his release, glistening with sweat too, his cock flushed and curving up against his stomach, a ladder of six shiny barbells decorating the underside of his length. Feels his own arousal starting to build as he takes in the sight of the other man, especially when Dabi whimpers, 
"Tomura," hips rocking up, looking for anything, and he tears his eyes away from his body and finds Dabi looking back at him, eyes hazy and half-lidded, face flushed, tears still clinging to his cheeks. Swallows and tries to focus. Just needs to get him off, break the quirk. 
Wraps his hand around Dabi's cock, giving him a long slow stroke, palm sliding easily enough when he's already wet with cum. Is aching himself when Dabi moans so loudly, cuffed hands reaching and tangling tight in his shirt as his back arches, head thrown back, the sound tearing from his chest as he starts to rock up into his fist immediately, spreading his legs even wider. Lets Dabi set the pace, lets him fuck into his hand fast and messy. Tries to find what he likes. Figures out from how his voice goes high and whining that he wants him to tug a little at the piercings, that he likes it when he tightens his grip around his base. 
Finds out how badly he wants to be kissed when the hands in his shirt yank him roughly, tugging him down just enough for Dabi to crash their lips together. Doesn't mean to let himself moan softly against the other's lips, but if anything the soft sound makes Dabi more frantic. Lips needy and wanting, tongue flicking out over his, teeth following. And he's too weak to stop him. Opens his mouth, meets his tongue. Kisses Dabi rough and filthy until he's getting familiar with the lingering taste of smoke all over Dabi's tongue and the other man is moaning. Is still kissing him when his body goes rigid again, when he lets out another gut-punched sound of pleasure before his cock is twitching against his palm and he's spilling again. 
"Ah, Tomura, please, more," Doesn't even pause this time, keeps fucking into his hand. Still hard. Fuck. Not enough. Can't help it, presses another kiss to his panting mouth. Dabi cants his hips up again, pulls back so he can look into those pretty, lust-dark eyes, "Inside? Please, want you." Doesn't. Not really. But he's still in danger. Will be until the quirk breaks.  
"Okay," his voice soft and thin. Wishes this was real. Wishes that Dabi really wanted this. Takes his wet hand from around Dabi's cock and he spreads his legs wide so that he can press his fingers to his hole. Blinks, confused, because he's already wet. Shifts so that he can see, and realizes that there's something slick dripping down his thighs, his hole glistening with it. Another effect of the quirk? Doing something to make his body ready for what it would make him crave? Rubs a finger over his hole, smearing the slick, seeing more of it drip out as the ring of muscles twitches against the touch. The whine Dabi makes is going to haunt his dreams after this. 
"Duster," watches Dabi's mouth fall slack as he slowly presses his finger inside. Wet enough he doesn't feel any drag as he sinks into that tight heat, muscles immediately squeezing around him, getting another loud moan as Dabi rocks back. Still tries to go slow, doesn't want to rush here and risk hurting him, uses his other hand to hold his hips so that he can't fuck himself open. Every press of his finger has a little more fluid leaking out of him and after another minute he hesitantly presses in a second finger. Only makes Dabi moan even louder, his fingers knotted in his shirt so tightly that his knuckles are going white, "Ah, Tomura," Starts to work him open more deliberately, crooking his fingers, searching. 
Finds his prostate and Dabi sobs again. Shit, tries to ease off, 
"No, no, more, so good, please, Shig, please," Okay, fuck. Keeps going, watching Dabi fall apart, his cock drooling constantly, tears slipping across his temples. His cock is aching. Doesn't matter, shouldn't be, adds another finger, keeps pressing. Slowly loosens his grip on Dabi's hip, lets him start to fuck himself on his hand. Doesn't take long until he's frantic, moving so fast that the wet slide of it is obscene, competing with the litany of pleasured sounds still falling off his lips. Keeps going until his muscles are squeezing tight around him and he's cumming again. 
Stays hard. 
Sees Dabi grit his teeth, sees him swallow hard, turn his face so it's half hidden against the pillow. Another sob, deeper, coming from his chest in a way that makes his gut so sour, feels hollowed out when he speaks again. "...'m sorry, fuck me, please, need your cock." Voice so small and shaken. Doesn't know what else he can do, doesn't know how long Dabi can stay like this. 
Reaches and wipes away a few more tears. Dabi presses into the touch, eyes squeezing shut. "Alright, baby," Doesn't know what to do with the ache in his chest when Dabi wraps his hand around his wrist to keep him there so he can shift and press a soft kiss to his palm. Only lets go of him when he eases his fingers out of his body and starts to shift to pull himself from his pants. Watches him again with those dark eyes. His cock is aching as he shifts, made all the worse when Dabi moans softly as he sees him, teeth sinking into his lip as he tangles his hands back into his shirt and tries to pull him closer, urging him to go faster. 
Wraps a hand around Dabi's thigh, the other leg hooking around his hip and pulling him closer, until his head is dragging over his hole. Dabi gasps, his whole body trembling, trying to rock against him. Fuck, the friction feels so good. Takes one more breath to steady himself before he starts to press into the tight, wet, heat of the other man's body. Can't help the groan that pulls from his chest as he sinks inside. Swallows him up greedily, Dabi moaning so loudly that his voice cracks, panting harshly when he bottoms out. Means to give him a second to adjust but Dabi doesn't care to wait, immediately starts to roll his hips, making short needy little sounds as he does so, his cock leaking all over his stomach and muscles tightening rhythmically around him. 
Never going to have him again, will be lucky if the other man doesn't light him on fire when this passes. Wants to make it good, wants to help him, wants him. Just once. Lets himself focus on that as he starts to fuck him. Moves a little slower than the frantic twitches of Dabi's hips, makes sure that he's going deep, hitting his prostate. It's an indulgence that he shouldn't allow himself, but he does, lets himself press kisses and little nips along Dabi's jaw and throat as he wraps one hand around his cock and strokes him in time with his thrusts. Has the arsonist moaning even louder, reaching up as best he can to tangle a hand in his hair, starts to pull his mouth away from his skin only to find Dabi dragging him back into a messy kiss. Kisses him back, kisses him with every broken aching hope that he had for this that has been absolutely destroyed. Has the man sobbing against his mouth, kissing him back hard. 
Keeps moving, pleasure building under his skin, surprised that Dabi hasn't cum again. Dripping all over his hand, can feel it leaking out of him with every thrust, fuck, what if this wasn't what he needed to break it? "Dabi,"
"Shig," immediately rocks back against him harder. 
"What do you need sweetheart?" Do anything to stop this for him. To make him better. 
Dabi whimpers, face flushing even darker before he tries to hide against his shoulder, fingers tightening in his shirt. "...More?"
Fucks him harder, moves his hand faster, gets another loud moan pressed against his throat. "That it, baby?" Not expecting the whine he gets at the words too. 
"More," he pleads. Hasn't changed the pace. Takes him a second, 
"Want me to talk to you, Dabi?" Makes the heat in his veins go even sharper when Dabi whimpers, nodding weakly against his neck. "Doing so good for me, baby," he tries, nearly choking on his arousal. Feels how he goes tighter, hears the little moan against his skin again, his hips moving a little more desperately. "That's it, fuck, feel so good, sound so good." Every word a confession he shouldn't be allowed, "Didn't know you could make those sounds, gorgeous." Sounds that are starting to change, short fast little gasps that come each time he sinks into his body. So hot and tight around him that he's feeling his orgasm starting to creep up on him. "Getting close, darling?" 
Another little nod against him and a weak sob. 
"Shh, that's good baby, just need to cum for me. One more time," hopes he's right, hopes the fact that this one has taken so much longer means it's the last, "So pretty when you cum, let me see you one more time, please, baby?" 
"Duster," didn't even know Dabi's voice could go so high and thin. 
Goes even tighter around his cock and he's gasping a moan himself, tangles a hand in Dabi's hair and pulls gently, coaxing him back enough he can look at him again. Almost delirious with his pleasure, whimpers when their eyes meet, blush darkening further. "Beautiful," perfect. 
"Tomura," presses in again, meets him. Kisses him hard as Dabi's body goes rigid one more time, goes so tight around his cock, doesn't even feel him cumming in his hand, can't stop himself from giving two more shallow thrusts before he's sinking as deep as he can and following Dabi over the edge. And then they're not so much as kissing as they are just sharing breaths as they both try to greedily fill their lungs with air. Takes another second before Dabi gives a low, relieved gasp, and Tomura feels him starting to soften. Is only relieved himself a second before everything that just happened starts to settle in him. Broke the quirk. Dabi's not going to die. Doesn't make up for everything else. 
Shifts as gently as he can. The damage is already done but he's still careful as he lets go of him and pulls out. Dabi's eyes are closed, still panting, completely limp against the cot, fuck, okay. Needs to at the very least get him something to drink before he tells him to fuck off or tries to kill him. Starts to move away. Dabi makes a sharp sound, eyes opening, pupils shrunk back to normal, lets him see all of that pretty blue again, and reaches for him, holding onto his shirt. 
"Wait--" Can't help it, his eyes automatically flick back to his cock, but he's not hard again. Meets his eyes again and Dabi is flushing, doesn't stay looking at him for long, "Cuffs." 
Oh. Right. Shit. Didn't grab a key on his way in, doesn't know what the code is. "Right, sorry, hold still." His gloves are filthy and he takes them off as he shifts away from the arsonist, enough that he can sit up. Once they're off Dabi lets him take hold of his wrists, pressing five fingers to the cuffs. They gray and crack, dust falling away from his skin after another second. He pulls his hands away immediately, moving to stand. 
"Just hang on a second, please--" sounds like himself again, but Tomura is confused why he'd reach to catch his sleeve tightly. Hesitates. Dabi still can't meet his eyes. "I'm sorry, but fuck, you could at least stick around long enough for me to thank you for saving my life." 
The sickness in his stomach grows. "Don't thank me for that." His voice hoarser than he'd expected. "I wasn't going to let you die, Dabi." 
Dabi lets go of his sleeve, "Right. Sorry." Takes a shaky breath and starts to look for his clothes. "Just give me a second and I'll be out of your hair." 
"No," Shit, definitely lost the right to give him any kind of order after all of that, tries to backtrack, "I'll go, but you need to drink something, and if you can stand being here, wait for the doctor to come back. I don't know if the quirk will have any side effects." Feels like he's trying not to startle an injured animal. "I'll stay as far away as you want, never have to see me again, but at least wait for the doctor to check you over." 
Sees Dabi's jaw clench, a tremor run through him, gives a short tight nod. "Right, okay." Voice tight too. "I'm sorry."
Didn't even know his chest could ache so sharply. "You don't have anything to apologize for, Dabi. This wasn't your fault--"
Not expecting the bark of laughter, short and bitter, Dabi finally shifting to meet his eyes. "That's sweet, Shig, but I literally dragged you into bed. Should've let you leave, shouldn't have touched you." 
Realizes that he's staring at the other man when Dabi starts to move again, going back to looking for his scattered clothes. "How aware were you?" 
Sees his jaw tense again. "...Knew what I was doing, knew I shouldn't. Couldn't stop myself anyway." 
"Because you knew what would happen if you didn't?"
Sees his shoulders hunch in on himself. "Not an excuse. Shouldn't have made you--"
"My fault. Got hit, made you stay, saw how hard you were trying not to touch me, made you anyway--" 
"I didn't want to hurt you," barely recognizes his own voice. Doesn't know if it's ever sounded so thin. "Dabi, I didn't want to take advantage of you." Sees the other man tense further. "...I didn't know how aware you were of what was happening. I wouldn't have let you die and I was trying to hold back, to just do what I thought would help break the effect. What I was doing was bad enough, I didn't want to go any further than I had to to help you." Finally gets blue eyes back on him. Shouldn't admit, "Would have been happy to touch you in any other circumstance." 
Really expects to be set on fire for that. But Dabi keeps staring at him. Feels like an eternity passes between them. "...Wouldn't have let anyone else. Would have asked for you if someone else tried to help." 
"You're sure?" Seems like he's all back together again, but he kind of doesn't dare let the hope start to knit back together that aching thing in his chest. 
Dabi flushes, "Yeah, Duster." 
"Okay," too small a word for everything now tangled between them. "Do you want me to leave?" 
"...You don't have to." 
"Not what I asked, Dabi." 
Another long stretch before Dabi mumbles, "... can come back over here if you want." Tempted to ask if he's sure again, only doesn't because Dabi seems to be anticipating the question, "I feel fine now, Shig. Know what I'm saying. Would absolutely tell you to leave or torch you if I didn't want you here. Not gonna die if you leave if you'd rather do that." 
"I don't want to go anywhere, Dabi." Moves back over to the cot and settles on the edge carefully, still searching the arsonist for any sign of discomfort. A light pink blush is dusting his cheeks, gets darker when their eyes meet before Dabi's quickly looking away again. "We would have all been hit if you hadn't stepped in." Could have dropped all of them. Might have been killed, might have burned to death, or been arrested before they even woke up and found out about the rest of it. Dabi saved them. 
He shrugs, sees him chewing on where a staple pierces into his cheek. "Wasn't going to be useless again."
"What are you talking about?" Has been one of their best. Well, if he's going to play favorites, Dabi is the best at his job. Smart, motivated, barely needs any oversight to be effective. There's a reason he lets the other man wander off whenever he chooses, always knows he'll come back when he's called and is more likely to bring something good with him when he does. 
Still not meeting his eyes. "Didn't do a damn thing in Kamino, wasn't even around when you all went to see Overhaul." His voice going tighter, "Could've stopped the bastard before he even lifted a hand--" Takes a breath, sees him exhale a little stream of smoke. "Not going to stand there and let you all get hurt again." 
"Can I kiss you?"
Dabi stiffens, head snapping up to look at him. "What?"
"I want to kiss you, can I?" 
Doesn't hesitate, curls a hand around the back of his neck, careful to keep one finger from his skin, and pulls him in. Meant for it to be gentle, starts that way, just a soft press of lips. But then Dabi shifts, moves closer, opens his mouth with a soft sigh as he reaches back. Can wrap his arms around his neck this time without the cuffs on. Keeps him close and Tomura wants to kiss him without guilt souring it. Tastes fresh smoke on Dabi's tongue as he licks into his mouth, feels his whole body go hotter against his as he does, as the other man gives as good as he gets until they're both a little breathless. Dabi who pulls away, blushing hotly, with a mumbled, 
"Fuck, gotta stop," Immediately shifts to let go of him, sees the other man shifting a little, "...Might be finding some of those side effects." Can't help it, his gaze slips lower, sees his cock starting to harden again. 
"Shut up." Bright red across the section of his cheeks that aren't scarred. "Still feel fine, quirk's not out of control just... sensitive I guess." Squirms again and his mouth goes dry, 
"Still getting wet?" 
"Shut up, Duster!" Feels his temperature spike with his embarrassment. "I'm fine, doesn't feel like before. Don't have to--" 
"Want to. Told you, happy to go to bed with you, Dabi. Just need to know you want it too." 
Takes a breath, meets his eyes again. "Want you to fuck me again. Wanted you before this quirk fucked it up." Wraps his hands around Dabi's hips and pulls him into his lap again, 
"Say it again, baby." Breathes it against Dabi's lips as he gently rocks his thigh up between his legs. 
Earns him a sweet, soft moan. "Want you to fuck me, Tomura." Is tangling his fingers in his hair, trying to pull him even closer as he speaks, kisses him as soon as the words are out of his mouth. 
"Give you anything you want, Dabi," barely enough breath for the words when they part. Wants to burn away the sourness of the first time.
"Want you," eyes focused and sharp the way he's come to expect from the other man, shifting closer, reaching for the hem of his shirt as he moves to press a kiss to the edge of his jaw. Lets himself believe the words this time. Lets himself pull Dabi closer. 
Lets them both take what they want from each other. 
Thank you so much for your submission!
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ave09 · 1 year
gk!harvey dent x wife!reader
note: i can’t explain this one, it just popped into my mind and i thought ‘why not?’ pure fluff featuring stephanie and turner
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“oh hell no.”
you glanced down at the positive test in front of you, feeling more nauseous by the second. 
how did this happen? 
you were always so careful.
“is everything okay in there?” 
“obviously not, turner!” 
you washed your hands before pushing open the bathroom door. stephanie and turner were waiting for you, expecting looks upon their faces.
there was an awkward silence before turner spoke, “so… am i gonna have a cousin?” 
you ran a hand through your hand before nodding, “it’s a possibility.” stephanie jumped up from her seated position on the floor, squeezing past you, her gaze locked on the pink test resting upon a paper towel on the counter. 
a gasp slipped past her lips, “oh my gosh!” her reaction was the complete opposite of yours. she rushed toward you, wrapping her arms around your body as she pulled you into a hug, “congratulations!”
you awkwardly hugged back, “thanks stephanie.” you tried to display happiness, but inside you were a mess of anxiety.
how would harvey react?
you had discussed the topic of children early in the marriage, but it hadn’t come up since then.
and with his job as district attorney, you doubted that children were a main priority. 
turner followed stephanie into the bathroom, a bright smile on his face, “if the baby’s a girl, her name should be raquelle, if baby’s a boy, benedict, one hundred percent.”
you forced out a laugh, trying to cover up how truly afraid you were. you still had hours before harvey got off of work, so you decided to spend it with two of your favorite people, trying to keep your mind off of the crazy news. 
you found yourself in you and harvey’s master bathroom, staring down at another positive test.
you’d taken two since you’d left wayne manor, both giving you the same result. “well, i’m screwed.” you whispered, your gaze flitting to your disheveled appearance in the mirror. 
“what am i even supposed to say? hey harvey, your pull out game sucks, i’m pregnant?”
“hi harvey, i know we never discussed having kids, but, we’re pregnant!” 
“harvey, this is a shock, considering how much protection we use, but apparently it doesn’t work well because look at us, i’m pregnant!”
you let out an audible groan. “what the fuck!!” you shouted. 
everything was happening too fast, and you felt lost. so with a heavy sigh, you moved toward the bathroom door, “okay, i’ll just keep it simple. just say, ‘beautiful, we’re pregnant-“
you swung the door open and froze. harvey stood outside the door, a surprised expression upon his face.
you were at a loss for words. “harv-i-uh-i..” you bit your lip nervously, waiting for him to say something. 
your husband remained silent for a long while until he whispered, “we’re pregnant?”
slowly, you nodded. afraid of his reaction. there was a pause before a bright smile spread across his face, “oh my god!” he exclaimed, rushing toward you, pulling her into a tight embrace. 
it shocked you. 
“y-you’re not mad?” you murmured. he pulled away, “mad?? oh honey, no, i’m not mad. why would i be mad?” he asked. you shrugged, “i.. i don’t know. this wasn’t in the cards for us-“
“i don’t care if it isn’t in the cards. sweetheart,” his hands moved to cup your face, “i am so happy. so, so happy.” he pressed a sweet kiss to your lips, “i am so proud, baby. proud of us.” 
you felt tears sting your eyes. this wasn’t even a planned pregnancy, you weren’t trying, and yet, he was proud. 
“i love you so much. and i’m gonna love our kid just as much.” he kissed you again, and suddenly a thought came to mind. 
you pulled away slowly, “turner has some name requests already…” 
harvey rolled his eyes playfully, “yeah, that kid isn’t having any control in what we name our baby.” 
you laughed as harvey pulled you into another embrace, “this is amazing, honey. just amazing. i love you.” he was now repeating himself, his excitement unable to be contained. 
“i love you more.” you replied.
“i love you most.” 
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polyhexian · 1 year
Alternate universe where everything is the same EXCEPT Jasper is, by some miracle, still alive.
(Belos was sloppy because there was a screaming baby in his arms, so he banished Jasper's body to the grimwalker pit without checking to make sure said body was actually completely dead. Some palisman that'd been moping around the corpse of its grimwalker friend sees that the poor guy is only MOSTLY dead and therefore SLIGHTLY alive and decides ohoho NOPE, not on ITS watch, and *handwave* magically fixes him up. It doesn't even have to be a Flapjack Sacrifice situation if Jasper wakes up enough to use the palisman magic to heal himself, and boom, now he has a replacement staff. Maybe Hunter the hawk isn't as dead as we thought and they bond over their shared desire to protect their loved ones from Belos.)
Cut to teenage Golden Guard Hunter having to deal with notorious masked menace the Martlet, who Hunter is CONVINCED is his arch-nemesis. Jasper just wants to connect with his kid and check on how he's doing and get to know him better. Their fights are basically Hunter giving 120% while Jasper dances around critiquing his form, giving him tips, asking about his favorite color and other things about his life, and attempting to engage him in philosophical discussion about how Belos sucks, actually. It's infuriating. Hunter is infuriated.
Jasper's mostly upset that his kid is so brainwashed that rescuing him right away isn't feasible. Turns out bargaining to have Belos call the kid his nephew means there's a whole added layer of toxic familial love in Hunter's indoctrination that Jasper himself never had! Even if he managed to kidnap the kid and get him to listen long enough to explain, there's still the risk Hunter would consider him a liar, escape, and run back to tell Belos all about it. So secret one-sided parental visitations over magical staff fights it is!
Maybe their dynamic starts to change when something happens like, Hunter gets captured on a mission by some criminals he was going after, and he's trying to think of ways to escape and trying NOT to think about how no one's going to come rescue him. And then the Martlet suddenly strolls in, kills every criminal in the hideout, and breaks Hunter out of there. Hunter is totally expecting to go from one captive situation to another, but to his surprise the Martlet just...tells him to be more careful, asks if he REALLY wants to go back to the castle, and when Hunter insists that he does, the guy just...lets him go. Huh. Weird.
Unsure if Jasper would consider himself to be Hunter's father, exactly - he was surprised when Darius suggested it in MH, and in this universe he certainly didn't get to raise Hunter as his son, and by this point he might feel that Hunter ought to have a say in whether he wants to call Jasper his dad or not - but Hunter is still his kid. When everything finally comes out and they're navigating their new relationship and hiding out in Jasper's main safe house, Hunter learns that Jasper has an entire bedroom set aside and made up for him. Kind of the opposite of grieving parents who never change their lost child's bedroom. There are multiple hand-sewn frog plushes and the bedspread is Hunter's favorite color and there's various other things Jasper selected over the years using the information he's been able to wheedle out of Hunter during their fights, or bribe out of contacts in the castle. Also a shelf full of parenting books; Jasper was following along with Hunter's development through the years.
No one knows the Martlet is the previous Golden Guard - there were several years between Jasper's "death" and the Martlet's first appearance, and he is NEVER without a mask or some sort of face covering around other people because he's paranoid that even the description of four slashing facial scars would be too identifying if word got back to the, like, three people who know about them. Whether he does much in the way of rebellion pre-series is debatable; his main priority is Hunter, and he's trying to stay below Belos's radar, so if he joins any rebel groups pre-series he keeps his involvement quiet. Or he just sticks to being a lower-level criminal and only starts to gain more attention when it's noticed that he seems to have it out for the Golden Guard specifically. Eda's well aware of him and respects his cheerful, irreverent chaos. Possibly he teams up with her and Luz a few times; he finds Luz fun to be around and is encouraged by her genre-savvy ramblings about how Hunter is TOTALLY due for a redemption arc even if he is kind of a jerk right now.
Whenever he starts rebelling in earnest, it'd be because doing so is the best way to protect Hunter. He's a valued member of the CATTs who brings a lot of fighting skills and useful information to the table, and everyone's happy to have him. Except Darius, who keeps wondering why their strongest ally seems to be insanely passive-aggressive towards him in particular. It's like this jerk AIMS for his cape.
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copiousloverofcopia · 7 months
Hi there Ghesties!!! I am back for the last day of Lupercalia with some Secondo x OC Marcus content for the lovely @ashley-ghuleh!
Thank you so much for letting me bring Marcus to life! Hope you all enjoy!
Commissions are OPEN, please see pinned post for Carrd info!
💗 Special thanks to @gothdaddyissues for the beautiful dividers!
The Hell Torn Heart
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After a recurring dream leaves Marcus, a half-demon/half-hellhound, dealing with the ghosts of his troubled past and visions of a place he has never been. He is unexpectedly thrust into an unknown world. Guided by a mysterious couple to the Ministry, surrounded by ghouls and siblings of sin. The once outcast struggles with what haunts him and learning to find himself—until he meets Secondo.
Chapter 4: Tutoring with the Devil
Also available HERE on AO3! Haven’t started yet? Read from the beginning HERE!
Definitely NSFW below the cut!
Chapter 4: Tutoring with the Devil
The clock kept ticking outside Secondo’s office. The dark and foreboding door closed to Marcus as he watched the hands on the clock move slower and slower. Sweat, beginning to run down his back as the anxiety crept in. Wondering why he was making him wait so long. 
The sound of the ticking began to grow louder and louder within his ears. His vision, becoming more blurred the longer he sat staring between the clock and the door. Marcus was beginning to feel as if he might go mad before the door would ever open. Suddenly, however, he heard voices coming from the other side. 
“And we will discuss that more at a later date Papa, I can’t be sure when. I will have Nadia get back to you.” said a Cardinal as he excited the office. Nodding to Marcus, who bowed his head in reverence, before heading down the hall. Only just before the dark, stoic man Marcus had been waiting on appeared in the doorway. Staring him down with his piercing mismatched eyes.
“What are you waiting for Puppy? Come in.” Secondo told him, waving his hand to gesture him inside. Marcus swallowed back hard before rising to do as he was ordered. Moving past Secondo, who smelled delightfully of sweet cigar smoke and incense.  Marcus sat down on the chaise lounge in the office. The lush velvet green chair, perfectly matching the aesthetic of Secondo’s vestments. Marcus was trying hard not to bounce his leg, but instead leaned back in his seat as if he was completely relaxed. A facade that Secondo quickly saw through. 
“You know… It won’t be easy to fool me piccolo. I have had bigger and badder demons than yourself try to pull the proverbial wool over my eyes.” Secondo chuckled. 
“I don’t know what you're talking about Papa.” Marcus huffed, trying his best to appear tough and well contained, but inside he was shaking like a leaf. Everything about Secondo made him nervous and even more so—turned on. Worried every moment that he’d give away his attraction. So stressed that Marcus began to feel his glamour slipping, cringing when he realized that Secondo had noticed it too. 
“Uh huh… Does that happen often?” he asked him, lighting up a cigar as he sat down opposite him at the desk. The smoke, curling as it rose in the air—filling the room with a rich leathery scent. 
“Does what?” Marcus started, pretending to have no idea.
“You know this is going to take much longer if you continue to play dumb… but no worries I am more than equipped for the task. I am referring to your glamour Marcus. Do you always struggle to maintain it?” Secondo asked.
“Only in high stress situations.” Marcus reluctantly admitted, allowing himself to sit more upright, closer to the edge of the seat. 
“That's more like it. Honesty, with me it is not only expected—it is required. Is that understood?”
“Yes Papa.” 
“Good, now come closer.” Secondo told him, curling a finger over at him to approach. Smirking with a piqued brow as Marcus did as he was instructed. He wasn’t sure what to make of him yet. Part of Papa reminded him of his father—cold, withdrawn, and maybe a hint of cruelty. There was however something else there he couldn’t quite place. 
“What do you plan on doing?” Marcus asked, a bit smugly with a slight obnoxious undertone.
“I plan to teach you about how to control yourself, while also allowing yourself to let go.” Secondo explained, though Marcus couldn't understand exactly what he meant. Secondo let out a sigh as he pulled out a drawer. Rummaging around a moment before pulling out a black leather collar with a single metal loop. Tossing it over to Marcus who caught it mid air. Staring at it with confusion.
“What's this for?”
“You will wear that until you can show me that you can control yourself without it. Think of it as a symbol of your training… your obedience to the Ministry.” Secondo explained. Marcus felt immediately threatened—belittled. 
A fucking collar? He really is going to treat me like some mangy mutt that they drug in off the streets, Marcus thought to himself. His displeasure with the idea, clearly written on his face.
“Good… the more you hate it, the less time it will take for you to resist.” 
“I am not resisting. I–I’m just trying to find my place—where I belong. Who I am.” Marcus admitted, wondering to himself why he suddenly felt so compelled to confess it. To let Secondo know his true plight, the inner struggles that he himself was not always able to confront. 
“And who are you?” Secondo asked, exhaling a puff of smoke before putting his cigar out on the ashtray, approaching Marcus on the chaise. 
“What?” Marcus asked, genuinely surprised that Secondo had asked him. It was a simple question for most, but for him—he didn’t really know the answer. As the Papa came to sit beside him, Marcus tensed up, once again his glamour slipping in and out before Secondo continued. 
“Who are you Marcus, where do you come from? Tell me.” he insisted, leaning in to hear what Marcus would say.
“To be honest with you, there’s not much to tell. I spent the majority of my life blocking out memories of my childhood.”
“You've repressed things?”
“I know I have. All I have left is snippets of images and sounds. Weird things that strangely enough remind me of this place. My father in robes, something with blood, and pentagrams. Other than those things, I know virtually nothing else about my father—only that he was cruel and treated my mother and I like shit. I still bear scars from his piss poor parenting. Piece of shit drove my mother to the grave.”
“Were you and your mother close?” he asked him, instantly the look on Marcus’s face softened. A saddened glaze, overcoming his eyes. 
“She was everything. Always wanted the best for me. Wanted me to be happy. I loved her more than anything.” he replied.
“It must have been hard for you when she died, si?”
“It was, I was on the streets after that. Never looked back. My mother wanted me as far away from him as I could get, but I could never leave her there...you know? I didn’t understand why she stayed.” Marcus continued.
“Which one of them was infernal?”
“Oddly enough, my mother. She didn’t want that for me though. I remember her telling me to reject it for my safety. Always encouraging me to be more like the humans. Though I refused to be like my father. I learned from a young age I was different. Not everyone turned into a hellhound and had the ability to control fire.”
“Ah, so fire is your element… Dew will appreciate that.” Secondo chimed in.
“Yeah… though I can’t do much with it. I’m more like a glorified lighter than anything else.” Marcus chuckled, feeling a sense of relief from the change in subject. 
“We can work on that, you can be sure of it. What have you been doing in the world before Copia scooped you up?” Secondo asked, leaning into the chair. Looking incredibly handsome in his fine black Italian suit and leather shoes. Marcus caught himself staring, hoping that the blush hadn’t hit his face. Though he could feel the heat rising in them. 
“I–I ah have been around. Mostly in Germany. I have been working odd jobs, a lot under the table. Nothing too interesting. Only good thing in my life is my guitar.” 
“I would love to hear you play it sometime.” Secondo smirked. Marcus’s eyes widened as his heart began to pound.
“Sure thing…ah…when do we do it… ah… I mean what it is we are supposed to do together… for my lessons?” Marcus said, his pride aching from the overwhelming embarrassment he felt. Stumbling and stammering over his words like a lovesick teenager.
“Here I will teach you quite a few things. First about what it means to be a Hell Hound as clearly you weren't told much.” Secondo began, stroking his chin as he thought. “We will also teach you elemental magic. Allow you to control your flame.”
“Oh ok…that sounds… good.” Marcus smiled. Secondo sat for a moment. Quietly contemplating his method of instruction when something about Marcus's story kept nagging at him. 
“Tell me Marcus whatever came of your father?”
“I'm not sure… never did find out where the old man fucked off too. Probably dead for all I know.” he answered. 
“What was his name?” 
“James, James Kohle.” Marcus told him. Though Secondo remained calm, the sound of that name rang through him. Knowing exactly who his father was, unable to tell Marcus yet the truth. Secondo stood up from the chaise and held out his hand for Marcus to take. 
“Alright then. Now we begin.” 
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For the next several weeks Marcus was almost always confined to Secondo’s office. The walls and paintings, imprinted in his brain. Knowing the layout of those 4 walls almost as well as Secondo himself. Pacing the room as he worked on his craft and learned about his heritage. 
Secondo had explained so much to him in those weeks. Marcus ever the willing student, listening to him intently—all the while wishing that they were more than mere student and teacher. 
Secondo revealed to him the history of his infernal roots. Instructed him that the Hell Hounds true calling was as guardians of Hell itself. The way he explained them made Marcus feel a sense of pride for the first time. Honored to be descended from those would protect the underworld, both from things inside and out. 
He was also being tutored in elemental magic. Struggling though he did to grasp his pyrokinetic powers, Marcus eventually was able to summon the flame at will. Even more so to concentrate enough to throw it across the room. Secondo’s vintage curtains, taking the brunt of his ignorance and much needed practice. Though he was a pain to teach at times, Secondo found himself growing fonder of the “Puppy” every day. 
The two of them, beginning to have moments filled with innuendo and subtle flirting during their lessons. Hinting and playfully messing with one another, but the boundary between them never being crossed. Both of them, trying their best to maintain the professionalism of their relationship. Things were complicated even more so than just the sexual tension. Though Secondo would deny it, it seemed that the closer they became the more he worried. Secondo, knowing from the moment that Marcus said his father’s name, that he knew his father.  
There was a man, years ago in his days as a Bishop, who was called by that name. A man with the same shared passion for the occult and power as Secondo. The two of them close in their theological studies and ordination into the Satanic church. At one time, Secondo even had a mind to call him friend—but all that changed. 
He was unpredictable. Secondo remembering that James always had trouble following the rules. Constantly getting himself and others into trouble, dabbling into magics that he had not been given permission to practice. From unauthorized summoning ghouls and demons to sacrificial magic, which was relegated only to be done by the Papas themselves. 
In his last year within the Abbey, he grew weary of the Emeritus rule. Having only become a Cardinal, he was jealous of the power bestowed to their family line—to Secondo and his brothers. Denouncing the power of Papacy and the Emeritus bloodline as the ultimate rulers of Satan’s church on Earth. Instead suggesting that he and the other siblings rise up to claim the Ministry for their own. 
It wasn’t long before word got out about his betrayal. Secondo, more than anyone feeling the weight of James’s actions. The man calling for the death of the Emeritus family and all those who would refuse to turn on them. Finally getting caught in the summoning room attempting to summon ghouls to his cause—but he was stopped.
James fled the Abbey that night. Avoiding the consequences of his crimes. Effectively excommunicated from the Ministry and exiled from Italy lest he be put to death for betraying his order. From that day forward, no one in the Ministry had heard from him ever again. 
It was a memory that filled Secondo with pain and guilt. Feeling responsible for missing red flags in his friend that could have spared them all so much. Secondo had thought all of that was behind him, until his son happened by fate to become his pupil. Marcus, completely unaware of the chaos that his father had caused. 
That day Secondo had decided to tell him about his father. Worried that the unspoken truth between them would eventually destroy what they had built. And though Secondo hadn’t acted on them, he had begun to develop feelings for Marcus. Feelings that went far beyond his tutelage and delved deep into longing and lust. 
“You wanted to see me, Papa?” Marcus asked as he poked his head in the doorway. Secondo looking up from his notes on his desk. Tucking a photo of Marcus’s father inconspicuously under the paperwork as he approached. 
“Si, I wanted to talk to you about something before our lesson this afternoon.” Secondo began.
“Sounds good though I can’t tell you how excited I am to spar with Dew in the dungeons—it's gonna be a blast.” Marcus beamed. His smile, making Secondo cock twitch. Watching as Marcus grew in excitement.   
“I am glad you’re looking forward to it. But what I have to tell you is a much more pressing matter.” 
“Oh?” he asked as Secondo rose up from his desk and motioned for them to sit together on the sofa. Secondo couldn’t help but notice just how sexy Marcus looked in his black crop top and gray cargo pants. Feeling the need to adjust himself as he sat. A situation that did not go unnoticed by Marcus. 
“I wanted to tell you that I am very happy with your progress here. You have learned so much in the past few weeks. But that being said, you have so much more you need to learn and well if I don’t tell you this now, then I fear it may ruin your progress.” Secondo told him. Marcus could see his lips moving, but he was no longer hearing the words Secondo was saying. His brain, stuck on the sexy way the top two buttons of Secondo’s black dress shirt were open. The hint of chest hair poking out from them.  
Marcus couldn’t help it, when his jaw fell slack, his eyes traced the line of buttons down to the top of Secondo’s pants. Noticing the slight swelling that had bulged there. Was Secondo as interested in him as he was? Without even thinking he spoke.
“Papa, I think I know what you’re going to say?” Marcus told him, his eyes looking heavy and intense. 
“You do?” Secondo asked surprisedly. Without warning Marcus lunged at him. Taking Secondo’s lips on his, fast and deep. His forked tongue, slipping into Secondo’s mouth with fervor as Marcus’s hand ran up under Secondo’s shirt.
“Cucciolo, what are you—what are you doing?” Secondo asked, pushing Marcus back a bit. Instantly Marcus became embarrassed, worried that he had misread the signals. Mistook something innocent for Secondo’s desire for him.
“Oh fuck I–I don’t know what came over me…I just—” Marcus started before Secondo grabbed him, pressing his lips back to him. The sexual tension had become too much for them both. No longer able to deny their attraction to one another. 
“Shut up.” Secondo whispered against the softness of Marcus’s lips. The two of them, devouring one another as Marcus quickly undid the rest of the buttons on the shirt. His fingers running over Secondo’s chest hair. Tugging it a bit as Secondo groaned into Marcus’s mouth. 
“I want to give you something.” Marcus said coyly before he began kissing down the Papa’s chest. Secondo’s head, rolling back against his shoulders as he closed his eyes to the feel of Marcus’s touch. His protege's skillful hands, working quickly to undo his pants and his zipper as he dropped to his knees before him. Releasing Secondo’s throbbing cock before he could react. 
“Oh cazzo!” Secondo growled as Marcus began to stroke him. Spitting into his hand, before sliding up and down the shaft with ease. Running his finger along the pulsing vein on the underside of his cock. Secondo felt himself begin to lose control, bucking upwards into Marcus’s fist. 
“Hmm…” Marcus hummed before dropping his mouth over Secondo’s cock. The Papa’s eyes, opening wide as he stared down at him. Marcus’s bright eyes, looking back up at him as he slowly slurped over the head. His tongue swirling around Secondo’s length. His teeth, grazing against his shaft. Taking great pleasure in watching Secondo come undone.
“You like that?” he asked. Secondo amused by his confidence. Deciding to put him back in his place. Bucking up hard and fast into Marcus’s throat, eliciting a gag from him in response. Marcus, quickly trying to play it off as he continued. 
“Tsk tsk tsk....grrr…” Secondo began, biting his lower lip as he watched some more, “All this gagging and teeth makes me think your confidence from our hallway encounter may have been a bit much pet.” he teased. His words set Marcus on fire. With something now to prove, he became so incredibly messy and feral. Drool, dripping down his chin as he sucked Secondo off. His hands gripped tightly on his lover’s thighs as he swallowed him deep in the back of his throat. The noises coming from Secondo, loud and debaucherous. 
Before either of them knew it, Secondo was cumming hard and fast in the back of Marcus’s throat. The cum, pouring into his mouth in ropes of hot ecstasy and need. Both of them, breathless from the encounter. Secondo, relaxing back against the sofa as Marcus sat back on his knees, pleased with himself as he watched Secondo panted and struggled to catch his breath. 
“Guess I am not such a puppy now huh?” he asked him, sticking out his tongue and allowing the fluids from within his mouth to drip down his chin and his neck. Secondo smirked, grabbing hold of Marcus’s collar to pull him up closer. Taking a moment to wipe the mix of drool and cum from his mouth before he spoke.
“Next time Cucciolo, swallow.”
Oh cazzo- oh fuck
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midnightsun-if · 1 year
May I ask a scenario where f!MC is with romance!Scarlett and MC suddenly faint? 🥺
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Golden rays of light were stifling in intensity, the air thick with latent humidity from summer, and the small saving grace of wind had halted over ten minutes ago. And I thought it was going to be a nice day, you think, hating the way your clothes were sticking to your skin. Why the hell did Mikaelson decide to have an outdoor class today of all days? I think I'm dying, more than I already am. I think--
"I'm just saying Professor Harris is a complete buffoon." Your girlfriend's voice pulls you from your increasingly dramatic thoughts-- who had been on a small tirade ever since she had met you in the courtyard so she could walk you to your next class; something you had tried to get her to cancel, as you're well aware her own is on the completely opposite end of Aurelian. Of course, there was no arguing with Scarlett Voltaire when she sets her mind on something-- least of all when it comes to you.
The sudden touch of cold hands against your sun-heated cheeks causes you to startle, your mind, once again, snapping back into focus to meet shimmering green. "Are you feeling alright, darling?" Concern, laced thickly within her voice, has Scarlett's brow furrowed. "I don't think I've heard a peep out of you since we left the Plaza."
A wry smile catches your lips. "Probably because I'm busy listening to you, Scar."
Instead of smiling, like you had been hoping for, Scarlett's frown somehow becomes even more pronounced, her expression one of gentle worry. "I know when you're quiet due to listening and when you're silent because you're a thousand miles away." She presses the back of her hand to your forehead, as if checking for a fever that'd never be there. "Please tell me what's wrong so I can try to fix it."
Various thoughts swim through your mind, of the varying ways that you could potentially respond to the comment, but you settle on the one that'd make her stop worrying-- she already had too much on her plate.
"I'm fine, Scar," you lie, touching the hand that's still pressed to your cheek. "Just thinking about an upcoming assignment that I haven't done yet."
For a moment Scarlett looks like she's about to rebuke your statement, but something in your eyes must have held her tongue. "Alright, my darling." Emerald eyes flash warningly. "But don't think this discussion ends here just because the conversation does."
You nod, not having the energy to argue with her further. In fact, as you watch Scarlett turn back to the path, you don't feel any energy at all, the complete lack of it suddenly sends alarm bells ringing through your head. When darkness begins to encroach on your vision, your head growing more and more foggy, you stumble forward, vaguely aware of your own voice calling for Scarlett. The weight pounding through your skull brings you to your knees, and the last thing you see before darkness descends completely is luminescent green filled with worry.
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When you next wake up, with a slight jolt, you're back in your room within the dormitory. Dots swim in your vision that you have to blink away rapidly. You try to recall what had happened, but everything is just one big blur.
"What the hell happened?" You mutter, cradling your head.
"What happened--" A dark voice whispers from the surrounding shadow near your bed, Scarlett's sharp green gaze suddenly appearing like beacons within it. Your eyes, now adjusted to the darkness, can see her slightly hunched form situated on a chair next to your bedside. "Is that you negated to tell me you were unwell, that you lied to me about your wellbeing, and I had to carry you back to the dorm when you passed out."
You wince, partially at Scarlett's tone and due to the memories that are now trickling in through the heavy fog hanging within your mind. "I-I'm sorry, Scar," you say. "I didn't want to put even more on your plate. You're already handling so much."
Scarlett leans forward, her breath ghosting across your skin. "Have you not realized this yet, my heart?" Slender fingers grip your chin, forcing you to maintain eye contact with her. "Everything on my plate, everything that I could possibly be doing, will always pale in comparison to anything you need of me."
Your girlfriend shakes her head, seemingly perplexed by your own perplexion. "Yes, you silly girl." Yanking you forward, Scarlett presses a hard kiss to your mouth, her tongue briefly running along your bottom lip before sharp fangs nip at it. Her scent surrounds you, embroils you in her, and it's heady in its intensity. When she pulls back, after having her fill of you, the hard look in her eyes has softened. "Never lie to me about your health again. I will not take it so lightly twice."
You nod. "I promise, Scarlett."
Something in her relaxes then, like a weight had suddenly been lifted from her shoulders, and a gentle smile curls her lips. "Good," she sighs, turning to a still steaming mug, that you hadn't noticed until now, on your nightstand. Though you could easily identify the contents of it-- blood chamomile tea. "Drink this and then we can watch a movie in my room."
"Not in the basement?"
Scarlett caresses your cheek. "No, my heart, I'm not quite ready to share you yet."
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catboyolli · 10 months
the situation with the RV sounds like a nightmare tbh, but it does open a door for some delulu discussion about, say, Olli and Allu both drawing the short straw and ending up with no bed for the night, so they're forced to sort of sit in some corner and cuddle under a blanket to try and make themselves at least a little more comfortable 🥺
hellooooo 💕💘💖💘 honestly yeah, it's fucked up that they had to tour in those conditions, but at the same knowing those fuckers, they would've said stuff like "remember those years back when we weren't famous? and slept seated in a smaller van? we can do this again, it will be worth it if we became known in the US market" or something like that
buuuuut speaking of cuter things, omg yessssss 😭🥺😭🥺😭🥺 i'm gonna bring this one thing for reference and put everything under a read more because there's a lot of text lol
so these are the plans for the RV lol don't ask how I found them but trust the diagonal positioning of the sink 💀
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I imagine them sitting opposite each other in that place labeled "dinette" (bottom right space next to the copilot's seats) trying to keep the other awake because they don't wanna fall asleep over the table (Allu has quite the Experience Working Until Late and doesn't want Olli to suffer as he does each morning when he wakes up in his studio)
they cannot talk because there are two other people sleeping in the sofa bed next to them, so they find another way of communicating, either by using whatsapp or through the notes app on their phones
then Allu takes quite the time to reply, maybe because he's remembering one meme that reminded him of Olli but now he can't find it, so when he looks back at Olli he's already asleep while sitting, with his head resting on his hand and that's a big no for him
so in a moment of 'fuck everything' Allu steps over the table and towards where Olli is, sitting next to him and pulling him into a "comfortable" position (where Allu is sitting with his back against the wall, and a sleepy Olli is sitting between Allu's legs) kinda like this?
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Olli, of course, doesn't remember anything the next morning, and suddenly finds himself cuddling with Allu under a blanket 🥰💘💖 his heart is racing because this is one of the things he has been thinking about for a while, but he's afraid of waking up Allu and chooses to enjoy the moment to make it last longer
once they are waken up by their bandmates they don't speak about it, Allu too embarassed because he thinks he crossed a line, and Olli too busy remembering how Allu's hands felt wonderful resting on his tummy and how much he wants this to happen again and again and again
maybe someone in the band volunteers to do the soundcheck for them, just so that they can have a little nap and feel well rested before playing that night's show
Olli drags Allu back into the van, making a beeline for the bedroom, and once they're laying in bed he thanks Allu for keeping him comfortable last night, and apologizes for falling asleep 🥺🥺 Allu says that he would like to sleep next to Olli this time, cuddling again, and who is Olli to deny him such a simple request?
when they wake up, a few hours later, the first thing they see is each other and oops, maybe they realize that they have some Feelings for each other, so it's only natural for them to finally lean into a sweet kiss 💖
(or maybe Aleksi asks for a massage because his back hurts like hell and Olli gives him that and so much more, who knows 😏)
and well, for both Olli and Allu, it doesn't matter where they will have to sleep the next night, as long as it's next to each other 🥰💖💘
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deusexlachina · 9 months
Cheeseaged Exocolonist Age 18: Use my compassion and mental health literacy to set up a coup and crush my enemies
In which we fill the hole in our friends' lives with logs and eggs, use ill-fitting clothes to convince my people to make me their queen, and thwart an alien invasion by being the world's best barista.
CW for discussion of domestic abuse.
Having done most of the work needed to get a perfect ending, you'd think year 18 would go by pretty quickly. However, I now have the power to give gifts every month instead of once per season, and with great gift power comes great gift responsibility. After all, we're nearing the end of the game. I deliver a gift to every single friendable character each month. So I will dedicate this log to my friends. The virtual ones.
Nomi is self-conscious about being an artist and asks what I want to be when I grow up. I give the same answer I have given everyone else: I want to be in charge.
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I've been throwing cakes at Vace, in hopes that his terrible attitude is caused by low blood sugar. Vace sees that I've been grinding friendship with his girlfriend, and he doesn't want any grinding going on with his girlfriend. He threatens me, telling me not to make him worry about me hanging out with his girlfriend.
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I reassure him there's nothing to worry about, then immediately go talk to Nem and tell her to break up with him. Telling people they are in an abusive relationships is always a hard conversation, but she's ready to have it now because I have fought valiantly by her side, heroically tried to save her brother, but mainly because I have given her dozens of eggs over the course of this run. I use my teenage drug-slinging psychotherapist skills to diagnose Vace with being a dick.
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Because I have high friendship with Vace, I get him to open up about his problems, discovering that his girlfriend suddenly broke up with him. Rallying all my baristastic expertise and courage, I suggest this is because he's an abusive dickhole. Vace does not put two and two together and realize that I tanked his relationship, so we can keep befriending him in our cynical ploy to manipulate him into becoming a better person, like a blue-haired Christmas Wraith.
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After these therapeutic successes, I have a therapy date with Tangent. She asks for extra-strength blep tea, which I do not give to her because that will Help Tangent. Recall that even one Helped Tangent will trip the flag for the Engineered Plague. This girl is a cup of very strong tea away from wiping out all non-terran life on the planet. I love her.
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I start getting people to 100 Friendship. Marz tells me about her plan to overthrow Lum, and I promise to keep her on her toes.
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I decide the best way to keep her on her toes is by running as her opposition. This requires 50 Persuasion, which I have from equipping the Emojiproji (+10 to social skills), the Brain Trainer (+15 to everything) and, in a real stab in the back, Marzipan's second-hand jacket (+20 Persuasion). This is such an audacious Ides of March that Marzipan can't help but be impressed.
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It also requires you to have consistently shown opposition to the existing authority, to the tune of 70 Rebellion. This is why I have been talking back to my mom so much. Now it's time to confront her. I spend the month farming, solely because the other Geoponics jobs will all give me events that will override the event where I meet my mom. I explain to my mom that I'm not a bad kid, I was just grinding Rebellion to go for the golden ending. She finally understands and promises me her full support in overthrowing Lum.
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Immediately after this, I get an event where I have to save Socks from being put down, because this event happens in Geoponics starting in year 17 and, since saving her the first time, I've put off working in Geoponics for so long that the game has gotten impatient with me.
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The same month, I use my baristatherapist skills to talk down Dys from planting a bomb on our walls as part of a deal he made to become an alien and live happily ever after with his alien boyfriend Sym. This is a very strange deal that gets even stranger when you learn that he made this deal with Nocticulent, not Sym.
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Having gotten my mom's approval for the first time in my eighteen years, I then move on to recruit Seeq, the administrator. They agree that Lum needs to be deposed, but, showing no solidarity with their fellow trans person, demand a bribe in the form of kudos. To make clear how utterly preposterous this is, we are living in a mostly communistic society, where kudos are the currency given by adults to children for good deeds, spendable exclusively on luxury items in the Supply Depot, which Seeq is in charge of.
Because I saved Eudicot's life, she shows up to rebuke Seeq, making them the first person in this planet's history to attempt to bribe themselves and fail. This is good because I have spent all my money on overpriced accessibility devices, spa days and plying Vace with baked goods.
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I then recruit Rhett by reminding him of how Lum nearly got some of us killed in a stunt to look cool, and Instance with a persuasion check.
At the end of the year, the enemy is ominously waiting just outside our walls. We know from past lives that they're waiting for Dys to blow up the bomb, not realizing that I have turned him to good with the power of coffee and medicinal roots. For their trouble, they get Socks sicced on them.
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In the final year, because of my talks with Sym, the Gardeners will negotiate peace with humanity. I like to think that has something to do with them just having suffered the most embarrassing defeat in the history of their war with humanity. And I owe it all to being a barista.
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