#but its a big possibility that I might be demiromantic
youremyheaven · 2 months
hi, this is my second time sending it and i pray you receive it. i'm the 22yo anon with the relationships, social dread and sexuality question. ill try my best to rewrite as quick as possible. i would like to be guided and need your big sister advise,,, i don't know how to ask and word my issues smoothly 😓😓,,, (context- ive known to be demiromantic and little to no fixation on sex, on the asexual spectrum?) so i just turned 22 and have a crush and looks like he too likes me the same and im sure its going to get serious,, i have been nervous about talking about my preferences with my crush because someday i have to explain to them because i have friends and peers around me asking me to "get some" and that it's normal and it's how it'll change my asexuality?? to them im just faking being uncomfortable around bed talk even though i agree i can be the holiest nun but i do catch myself having the highest libido therefore take care of myself without needing anyone from time to time. pleasing for me felt like an annoying itch that needed to be scratched like most people,,, corn doesn't do it for me so I never understood the hype and didn't feel a thing,,, yes I have crushes but im not aching and wanting to bang them,, a bunch of my peers have at a young age and unsafely which got one of them pregnant, being in indian society it's looked down upon and what my friend had to go through was rough and it had a huge impact,,, though my parents are forward thinking people and openly and safely talked about this topic with me without having shame tied to it and my mother also makes it a comfortable space,, im not shaming anyone who engages in activities like these and i also understand that its human nature and it's how we procreate and evolve yet i still get very uncomfortable around sexual scenes in movies maybe it's my own childhood trauma causing this feeling of dread and discomfort from my childhood,,,,
besides my friends and family, i shared my asexuality to my aunt and baby cousin,,,,, they were supportive but kept being skeptic like my peers would saying this is temporary 💀 that i need to get laid asap which bothered me sm,,, my cousin now (a party, club going personality) too has engaged in activities with her exes since she was a preteen and im the only one in the fam who knows (desi household is no joke) and im worried for her safety though she seems independent but i do feel concerned and wonder if i should let her be because she has been distant and lord knows who she is with next,,,,she's much much younger but coming from a wealthy family kinda looks down on me and for not having any relationship experiences so distanced herself from me which hurts,,, bottom line i feel ostracized to a degree by people i care about and there is this insane pressure to have to talk about my trauma and issues around sex,,, as they say it's a man's birth right and they all want it at some point and so will your crush or men will leave you the minute they get that repulsion??😓
i might consider it for my man someday but i don't want it to affect my relationship with men??
how do i face people when im not taken seriously or call it a nun phase? i don't want to lose men over this and who better than you to ask,,,, im typing and im all teared up,,, i need clarity on how to approach this better without having internalized any pain, guilt for feeling the way i do. you can answer when you're ready and sorry i made it too long 😞😣
This is my third attempt
"this is my third attempt" 😭😭😭
girlie ur not going for JEE mains 😭😭this is just my inbox
(for non desis, JEE is a highly competitive college entrance exam,, ppl prepare for it for YEARS and some ppl commit suicide when they cant crack it 🤡 explaining it is taking the fun away from the joke but thought id give u context <33)
first of all dont apologize for the long ask or for sharing your experiences,, I GOTCHU 😘💛
now about your question:
one thing u need to know is that the right person will NEVER EVER make u feel "compelled" to have sex,, ive had partners during my celibate era who i didnt even kiss lol and they were entirely fine with it
pls dont listen to your friends and family and believe that sex is something you OWE your partner/men. i had many nasty friends tell me the same or try to convince me that i "should" do it bc otherwise its not a "real" relationship and im so glad i never listened to them<33
i also know many women who are waiting for marriage to have sex but have boyfriends atm. they all have different degrees of intimacy that they're okay with (some go up to oral and leave penetrative intercourse for marriage, others just kiss, makeout and cuddle) but u can also have a zero intimacy relationship. if a man wants you and wants to be with you, HE WILL DO ANYTHING. i once told a guy (he was 21 and i was 23 and he wanted to date me) that im celibate and dont want to have sex and he said "thats perfectly fine, i didnt ask you out to sleep with you, i want to be with you, whatever your terms are, thats fine by me" and honestly there are MANY such dudes out there,, not every guy is a porn addicted weirdo who believes u OWE them sex 🤮🤢🤢🤮
u dont have to have casual sex if you dont want to!! esp since you're a virgin, i think its important for you to be wise about your partner and choose someone who is considerate and caring!!! THIS IS NOT A RACE, you can have sex later in life, i assure you its nothing special if you feel "compelled" to do it/dont like your partner/dont feel comfortable.
having another person inside u is as intimate as two people can be and it is so vulnerable,, dont rush it and dont do it with someone u dont trust to take you through the experience tenderly!!!
i think you just need to drop your friends lol,, they sound unhealthy
if i dont include my r4pist, then ive had sex with 3 people (i dont actually want to include baldie tbh but 🤢🤮) and 2 of those were with a partner (1 is my current partner) and those experiences were so pleasant and wonderful<3 ive had people tell me i "should" try casual sex 🙄but its not for me and even now i tell you, i have no issues staying celibate, i think its better to just not have sex than to have dissatisfying sex ://
you wont "lose" men over sex lol, you might lose immature men but those are exactly the guys u want nothing to do with!!! its a great way to weed them out!!!
i follow a 5 date rule with sex actually. i have to like him enough to go on atleast 5 dates with him before we do anything intimate,, if he seems impatient or too eager or whatever, then cut his nasty ass out,,
(this is just general advice for anyone, i know you dont want to have sex<3)
stop telling people your personal business btw!! you dont have to share your sex life or lack thereof with all your friends bc its none of their business at the end of the day. ESPECIALLY since they dont seem to understand where youre coming from, you should stop sharing this stuff with them. this is not info that you owe them just bc ya'll are friends. i absolutely hate sharing my personal business with my "friends" and all the times i have, i absolutely regretted it. i hate that kind of interference. like YOU dont get to have an opinion about my life lol??
basically, stay private, you do you, nothing wrong with being asexual or being celibate, sex is overhyped and most men dont know how to fck (sorry to speak facts) and the right partner wont want sex from you. there are men who take care of bedridden partners. love makes anything possible. and i hope you find someone who truly genuinely loves you so that you never have to worry about any of this.
i also hope you get better friends!!!<33
wishing u the best,
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minsarasarahair · 10 months
My reason why Lou Zhu & Zuo Yunqi (Medicine) pair from You Yao (Are You OK) donghua is very enticing to me.
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They can stand on their own as character and as a pair. Their story is not just about them taking care of each other. Each of them have things going on in their story. They have their own agenda. Lou Zhu has the emperor and Yunqi has his dad. I also like that their character development is such a great contrast from each other. Tbh I didn't ship them in season 1 but I find them very interesting nonetheless. I start to ship them after reading the book and season 2.
Typical romantic pair is already mainstream so an ambiguous pair like them piqued my interest because its something new or refreshing to me. I like that their relationship is hard to put label on. If we have morally grey characters, of course, a love that's in the borderline of platonic and romantic might exist. Its too deep to be just platonic and not that intimate to be romantic standard. I commend IQIYI for describing their connection as "deep bond". Not soulmates, not friends and not lovers.
I really love their love language. Act of service, trust, sincerity and understanding. That's my usual requirement when I ship characters. It doesn't have to be intimate. If you can't sell the pair as platonic to me, forget it, it just means you will never sell it as romantic ship to me. Because for me, love should be doing the most ordinary things and making it special. Seeing them talk will be enough. I hate it when the characters are supposed to be good people and they don't even know how to communicate with each other. I also love when Lou Zhu just let Yunqi do whatever he want. Even if Yunqi is the younger one, Lou Zhu don't really restrict him from doing things. Yunqi want to help? Sure. Yunqi want to investigate on his own? Why not?
I simply headcanon Lou Zhu as Aroace. The man literally show no interest toward romance but you can tell he has strong emotional bond with Zuo Yunqi. From what I searched, he can be a demiromantic though whereas he can develop romantic feelings because of forming a strong emotional bond but he's not sexually attracted nor attracted to physical appearance. I guess I love Aroace romance stories? You know, like Shiki and Mikiya from Garden of Sinners. I love that one.
I like that they didn't meet each other quickly after Lou Zhu isekai'd to Da Liang. In typical romance, CP usually meet soon as possible so they start to protect and rely to each other. The bad thing about this is its rare to watch them grow as a person. Because of this, Lou Zhu learned to protect himself and survive on his own in a unfamiliar world. But when they finally meet, its as if fate or stars aligned because their troubles as characters is surprisingly so similar. Then they became an inspiration to each other to not run away anymore and breaking out from their shackles.
Liking this pair really take time but the wait is worth it. I say "time" really plays a big role in this pair because you'll appreciate them more as pair as time goes by. Just like I said, I don't ship them in the beginning but now looking back to their past make me feel nostalgic that they really grow as characters and as a pair. I'm very proud of them as my fave characters and as my fave ship.
They are very cute in the most subtle way!! I hate romance that slap to my face as if they treat me I'm blind or something hence why I hate stories with heavy romance. I prefer story-driven or character-driven story with romance as a side dish. I find myself screaming every time Lou Zhu and Yunqi talk to each other. Yeah, they just talk but my gawd. THEY ARE TOO PRECIOUS. The little details just make me happy. For example, Yunqi ordering a less sugar Milktea for Lou Zhu only because its healthy.
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rjshepherd · 3 years
Hi! What do u think the lords' sexualities are? 👀
hI DONT MIND ME IMA GO FERAL FOR A MOMENT. ok so i KNOW i mentioned in my big ass head canon posts for donna and karl that i dont hold a particular sexuality for them because that means i can write them as freely as possible but lik i kinda do. i know im sorry, sometimes you cant help such things. people give you VIBES and these guys are NO different so here are some of my thoughts.
5 Lords Sexualities headcanons
Miranda - straight...ish.
So i don't really write for miranda, nor do i intend to . as such i feel like she's the ONLY lord i can honestly say i don't hold a sexuality hc for. Obviously at one point in her existence she was attracted to men, or at least enough to have a child with one. But that was a long time ago and sexuality can be a fluid thing that changes or adapts over time. I would say she's mostly straight but given her other issues i genuinely don't see her caring too much about the gender of her partner. If she likes you, she'll let you know, if she doesn't like you, she'll use you as experiment fodder. easy as. Mother "my sexuality is science" Miranda lmao.
Alcina- Lesbian
I mean i think as a collective we've all decided she's a lesbian, which is fine, i can see that and i can get behind that. I think maybe when she was younger and outside the village she was kind of a Bambi lesbian but now she's older and more confident in herself, she's hella proud of her interest in women. Castle dimitrescu is filled with female centric art, a lot of it by queer artists. Her library is filled with Sappho's collected works , Charlotte bronte and Alison Bechdel comics for her girls. I don't think she has any sexual interest in men but i can still see her dominating them or maybe doing something with them before eating them like a black widow spider. Its not about the sex but more about the power.
Donna- asexual- bi/pan demiromantic
So i said that donna has big Ace vibes and i stand by that. however i think she might be Bi/Pan romantic or Demi-Bi/Pan romantic. i usually dislike the overt sexualiszation of child like characters but i also dislike the overt desexualisation of characters with autistic or neurodivergent traits, like theyre too uwu innocent to have such thoughts. I canon donna as ace bc she reminds me of me, not just because of who she is as a character. She can fuck if she wants, she'd just usually prefer not to. She seems like the kind of open sort who literally wouldnt care about your gender one way or the other, as long as you loved her bc thats what she really wants.
Salvatore- Gay
i have no idea why this was the first thought that entered my head when i asked myself "who does sal like?" i guess as a human i have this mental image of him being a sophisticated old queen with a new york accent, giving out sage advice to all the young lgbtqia+ folks in the village. Unfortunately, hes not a sophisticated fellow but a scraggly gross fishman with the mind of a neglected child. Because of that i have a hard time imagining him in sexual situations. again, maybe when he was human, maybe in his teenage years before miranda mutated him, he liked men and was shunned as a result. maybe that made him an easy target for miranda ? this is all speculation so feel free to ( politely) disagree with me on all of this.
Karl - Bi/pan demisexual/demiromantic
Karl has big "why is everyone so hot" vibes to go with donnas "global warming" vibes. Karl is the only one i could look at and go "you know this man would have squishes over crushes". i know in the fandom we have this thing about making him really sexual, wanting to fuck and fuck hard at every given opportunity but my personal headcanon is that he really doesnt care that much about sex. If you were his partner he'd do what you wanted to make you happy; he's a sex favorable ace and can have a libido to match yours. but he just doesnt feel that much sexual attraction to you, regardless of how much he loves you in other ways. He's a pretty shameless flirt with anyone he finds aesthetically pleasing but the moment someone reciprocates or starts flirting with him he just forgets how to talk. Remarks about his attractiveness fly over his head and he really doesnt get alicna's obsession with having titty art all over the place. hes one to talk: not a single soldat is wearing a shirt
thank you for letting me ramble nonnie!
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mejomonster · 3 years
anyone else ever run into that ‘demisexuality’ isnt real bullshit discourse?
i ran into it once on an ace positive blog of all places :/ (which there’s a ton of wonderful ace blogs i follow them so like. idk what that one specific person’s issue was, they were just really big on ‘demi isn’t real lol its just for special snowflake romance feelers/sexual ppl’ ahahaha fuck off)
like. while i know demi sits in this grey ass space that might not be understood by everyone? as someone who feels i’m most likely demisexual and demiromantic... i gotta tell u... i sure as fuck do NOT relate to a person who just feels romantic and sexual attraction for strangers/new people. cannot fucking relate at ALL. and for a long time i just thought idk? other people were lying about liking someone on sight? i thought other people were just having boring hookup sex with strangers since i could not possibly feel sexual attraction that fast so how could anyone else be? then over time of course. i realized no, actually, TONS of people really do feel crushes immediately or early on into knowing people. TONS of people who find someone attractive on sight can enjoy making out with them right away. i’m the one they don’t understand feeling like lol. 
like for me? crushes are such a perplexing thing. because while i can understand i aesthetically find a stranger pleasing, and find them ‘interesting to get to know’ - i cannot actually feel a crush romantically or sexually that fast. i HAVE to get to know someone for a few months before i’ll develop any actual potential romantic feelings, IF i develop them at all. i am incapable of those whirlwind relationships where ur intensely into someone within a month! i just absolutely cannot feel that attached that quickly. i can decide on sight if i find a stranger objectively ‘cute’ to me, but if i make out with them or flirt? i’m gonna feel absolutely nothing. im gonna be bored. i absolutely need to get to know them for a few months before i’m going to feel any of that enjoyable spark known as sexual chemistry, any of that enjoyable excitement of having a romantic crush (IF i feel it at all). i know i CAN feel romantic and sexual attraction, i just also know i’m absolutely not feeling it the way some of my friends do. my friends can know if they have a crush a lot sooner... and if i try to help ppl figure out if they have a crush, some of the ways ‘i figure it out’ just are not the ways other people do lol. for me? a good friendship with a person i find hot, and a lover, are going to feel exactly the same for the first few months for me lol. its only once i get closer to them i’ll find out if i develop a crush and feel attraction to them. 
i’ve read people argue that’s not demi, that’s just regular sexual/romantic attraction. but bitch... i have friends who can feel sexual attraction with a hot stranger. i have friends who feel that crush spark in the first few meetings, even if it still takes months for love to develop (because yeah LOVE does take months+ to develop... but for some people a crush does not take as long to know you have one or not). 
i used to think i was just demisexual. because i know i feel absolutely Nothing unless i have a deep emotional bond with someone after a few to several months/years. so hookups unfortunately bore the fuck out of me. 
then like. the more i talked about crushes with other people. the more i was like... oh... oh damn... it doesnt take EVERYONE ELSE 2-3 months to figure out if they ‘like’ someone romantically? i thought it did lol. Nope... seems like yeah it takes Plenty of people months/years to figure out if they Love people... but just a crush? Either plenty of people crush faster than i do, or else a TON of people are dating people they feel nothing for at all. im not sure, i’m not them, idk how crushes feel to them and if people Do often date people they feel nothing for or not. 
i know this is all a mess lol. this is just me saying i suppose, why not let demiromantic and demisexual as labels be. if it means someone finds a label that helps them feel less alone and realize other people have felt like them too and relate. i don’t particularly care how ‘different’ or not it is from full on romantic/sexual attraction to an outsider. i know for me i sure as hell feel like the way i feel those kinds of attraction isn’t the same as a lot of my peers. and it feels nice to know im not the only person who doesn’t ‘get’ feeling any attraction for people you haven’t bonded with. it feels nice to know there’s other people who get what i mean. anyway shout out to greyromantic and demiromantic and demisexuals who struggle to explain how the fuck things feel from our perspective and when we try to explain to people we often run into people not going through the same kind of attraction process we do. shout out to not knowing if you’re even remotely into someone until you get to know them well, and that’s before stuff like love even factors into it. to not being able to talk to some people about it cause they just don’t get how ur feeling.
From here: https://lgbta.fandom.com/wiki/Demiromantic
“Demiromantic is a romantic orientation on the aromantic spectrum defined as someone who does not experience romantic attraction until they have formed a deep emotional connection with someone. This connection may be sexual, platonic, or another form/combination of forms, depending on the demiromantic individual. Forming an emotional bond with someone does not mean that one is automatically attracted to said individual, as it just means there's now a possibility for one to feel attraction.”
And here: https://lgbta.fandom.com/wiki/Demisexual
“Demisexual is a sexual orientation on the asexual spectrum defined as someone who does not experience sexual attraction until they have formed a deep emotional connection with someone. The connection can be romantic, platonic, or some other form of connection. What counts as a "close connection" can vary between demisexuals. Forming an emotional bond with someone does not mean that one is automatically attracted to said individual, as it just means there's now a possibility for one to feel attraction.
It is important to distinguish between typical sexual attraction to friends and romantic partners, and demisexuality. Additionally, it is important to note that demisexuals are not simply choosing to abstain from sexual activity until they know the individual better. Allosexuals are capable of feeling sexual attraction to individuals they do not know very well, though they typically choose not to act on it. Demisexuals are incapable of feeling sexual attraction unless a close relationship is established, though they may still engage in sexual activity with the assumption that attraction will develop at some point.”
That second paragraph. is why a decent number of my friends (and strangers) just do not get how ‘crushes’ work to me. i don’t need to abstain from sex lol i could go do it right away with a stranger, i’m just going to feel absolutely nothing until i get to know a person for a long while. 
what inspired this whole rant is. a long while back i saw some people thinking demisexual just amounted to being allosexual and choosing to abstain from immediate sexual activity. :/ that is not the same. plenty of allosexuals wait until in committed relationships, or a while of dating, or being in love, to have sex. but they know they’re attracted a lot fucking sooner than i do. i genuinely have no idea if i like someone for a long while. which lol :/ aside from convos with people and not quite getting what They mean, just means a small situation in dating happens to be... some people will date and right away know if they like me or not, then want a relationship. and wonder why i don’t physically flirt or act attracted, and think i’m going slow, and get impatient and want to go date someone else instead of waiting for me to get to know them enough to know if i like them that way lol. which just means finding compatible people to try getting to know who are okay with a few months of getting to know before anything develops romantically/sexually if its gonna lol.
anyway. sure do dislike demiromantic and demisexual erasure. ToT
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roxzania · 3 years
My Wisdom
So, I get asked quite frequently on my LGBTQ+ Roblox Community about a lot of LGBTQ+ stuff. It's kind of awesome to help people out on that platform, but also a bit risky since you can (and most likely will) get banned for saying positive things about the LGBTQ+ community. People who tend to say bad things are less likely to get in trouble compared to the people who are sending positivity, making avatar accessories, LGBTQ+ friendly "experiences", and so on. Overall, the outcome of the staff being really anti-LGBTQ+ (and I still have the emails telling me I cannot upload LGBTQ+ flag decals and accessories) has put a damper on my mood for the past few months. And in spite, I turned my old avatar accessory stuff into IRL merch. So they can suck it! | My DNI List | (mobile version)| With that said, I have quite a lot of questions from the group which is about 600+ people now. Still growing and lots of questions almost weekly, and really good questions that I wish I could explain more about. So... this is kinda what I'm going to do here. This is a butt load of Q&A;
I get this question quite a few times: What spectrum or umbrella is genderfluid classified as? Genderfluid can fit under many umbrellas and spectrums because of how fluid it is. The majority of the time, it's mostly labeled under the Transgender, Nonbinary, and Multigender umbrellas and spectrum. But it can include various other umbrellas/spectrums, including Agender, Xenogender, and Demigender (possibly even more) depending on how an individual feels about their gender identity. Of course, since it's a part of so many it can be considered on its own in a way. Again, it's all up to the individual, since everyone experiences it differently.
"If I went from demiromantic to akoiromantic in the span of a few weeks, and I sometimes feel less romantic than other times, would that be Aroflux?" Aroflux is when someone fluctuates across the aromantic spectrum and sometimes even into the alloromantic spectrum too. So, if someone were to feel their romantic attraction fluctuates mostly on the aromantic spectrum, Aroflux would be a term to describe that feeling. And it never has to be the entire aromantic spectrum, it can be specific terms or feelings instead. But I wholeheartedly recommend doing research on your own to figure out if you really identify with Aroflux or any other term. Sometimes reading through the aromantic spectrum list helps people.
"Is it normal to have multiple orientations?" Yes! And it's very valid! When most people think of multiple orientations, they think of the different attractions. For example, someone being Biromantic and Asexual. Or Demisexual and Lesbian. But you can also have multiple terms for the same kind of attraction! You can be mspec lesbian or mspec gay, those are valid (don't believe anyone who says otherwise)! People generally use multiple orientations to fill in the gaps one term may leave for them, as not everyone has the same definition or feeling for a term. The difference should be respected because it's important for some people and that matters the most!
"do you have any tips on coming out?" I've only come out to my closest family and all my friends pretty much know beforehand. But I know it depends on who you're trying to come out to. And age sometimes matters (like if your young and under guardianship still), because it's not very safe for youth to come out when their guardians are hostile towards LGBTQ+ members. Even though, I dislike letting people have to hide or feel fear of the idea... I do want to look out for people's safety. I don't want people to get hurt in any way. And sometimes waiting to come out is a better option. If you know your family is conservative, be a little cautious. Think about your plan of coming out. Maybe ask questions to get an idea of what they think about LGBTQ+. For example; "Do you know what Pride Month is?". Sometimes that sounds like your seeking answers to curiosity without outing yourself before you know their thoughts. I know a bit from experience, cause I'm still waiting to come out and some of my family is conservative. This is sort of my plan to work up the courage and know it's safe to come out to them. And as someone older and still hearing what family says, it sounds a lot different once you understand what they're talking about.
"I have been in the Nonbinary umbrella a while and I kinda think I am still a girl but I am not sure since I don't like the girl title on me..." It's up to the individual in the end. But also, pronouns do not equal gender. And gender does not equal physical appearance. So, if that's your main concern you are still valid no matter what gender identity you identify with. Dress how you want and use the pronouns that make you comfortable! But if you still concerned, I do again recommend some research. But there are many types of non-binary genders out there. You can even use multiple to define yourself! If it's an intensity fluctuation where you feel like a girl strongly at one moment but then not at all another moment, it could be similar to a Demigender. There's also Paragender, similar to Demigender which is to describe more of someone who feels more like one gender but there is still a small part of them that feels like another or a combination of others. But those are only two of the many many options out there! There are tons of genders that are feminine/female/girl-aligned, close but not quite feminine/female/girl, or even just a tiny bit feminine/female/girl-aligned, while also still being nonbinary in some way. Nonbinary is a rather large umbrella, so there is a big list to research and choose from!
This is a two-part question and I had a little help answering it with @orlan-the-sapphic on my group's wall. It was an awesome question and really interesting! "Can Demigirlfluidflux be a thing? Or am I just really indecisive? I'm really confused on which I am it's all mixed up for me" Orlan's reply: "I'm pretty sure it's possible. I mean there's already a term for Demifluidflux but without the girl or something female part. I mean you could probably make the term of the identity yourself if someone hasn't already if that's what you find for who you are or for others too". (I love Orlan's reply, couldn't have said it better myself). I definitely believe Demigirlfluidflux is a thing. I'd imagine it's probably a combination of Demifluidflux and Girlflux, or maybe Demifluidflux and Demigirl (possibly even all three?). I'm unable to find a definition for it, but it's probably similar to Demifluidflux but with female being static (stationary or main, not meant to mean strictly binary) gender alongside possible other genders and intensities. It would make sense since demigirl is a label based off of demigender but defines more of the female-aligned experience. But coming back to what Orlan said, if someone wants to they can make their own term. This might including making your own flag (whether it's a combination or completely new)! "I have another question... does Agenderfluix mean both fluid and flux with any gender? And if not is there a Agender term for being fluidflux with only demigirl and demiboy?" Agenderfluix, from my understanding, is mostly considered Agender however similar to how Fluidflux fluctuates in between different genders and different intensities. There are many ways for it to fluctuate and can experience many genders as it's a mixed term of Genderfluid, Genderflux, and Agender based off of the wiki page I linked. As for another term for Fluidflux, I couldn't find one with just demigirl and demiboy. I would imagine it's probably a mixed term like Agenderfluix. Maybe named something like Demibifluidflux? A mixture of Demigender, Bigender, and Fluidflux. It would be something I recommend searching up. If nothing pops up, again people can make their own terms to help identify themselves the way they want.
And last but not least; "Is it possible to just not identify as a gender? I find it annoying finding it out and I identify as Agender now, but I don't know if that will stick. My gender switches between most genders and then sometimes I don't identify as one..." That is a possibility and it's really up to the individual on how they want to identify or not identify. As someone who is Genderfluid, I often feel like this. Either I; switch between many genders, don't know what I am, only switch between certain ones most of the time, just don't want to deal with the hassle of figuring it out, or feel like nothing at all. There have been so many feelings about gender I've experienced over the past 4ish years of knowing I was Genderfluid, plus more before knowing (which was really confusing at first). And the thing about Genderfluid is that it's not always a broad spectrum. You can be specific genders throughout your entire experience, either fluctuate regularly or in the past. It happens to some people and that's okay! Sometimes it is just a hassle to call it something, so it's okay if you don't use a term. You don't need a label to be valid! Genderfluid is probably one of the broader terms to use when someone experiences a fluctuating gender. But there are of course many other types of fluctuating terms, including ones that describe intensity on top of fluctuation. Again (probably gonna say this a million times), something to look up on for yourself.
I found those questions rather neat to answer, plus I enjoy helping people out when I can. Remember; no matter if your identity or orientation changes over time, you're still valid! And you are the sole person in control of deciding who you are and how you want to label yourself (or even not at all)- Roxzania💙
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you know how in BSJFM bakugou supposedly had one or two flings in the past? do you think it's realistic for that to happen canonically, or was it just something you threw in there for spice? i never thought of him as the type to do flings, if anything i would expect him to stay away from them as much as possible
So like... its highly improbable that the first person you date or are with ends up being "the one" you stick with forever. Yes, it can happen, but like 98% of the time we date around and experiment and figure out the kind of person we even wanna be with. Work out compatibility and what you think is good in a partner vs what's actually good (not always the same thing).
I wrote him how I realistically saw things could go. I see him as romantically and relationship wise just very naive and impatient. He's getting his experience from watching his own parents after all... and their relationship with each other and with their son isnt exactly healthy
He's gonna fuck up a lot and botch at least one attempted relationship. I can also see him dating around or just trying to figure out what the hell he wants or what others would want of him, if he'd want a relationship at all (I really do like ace and demiromantic and demisexual Bakugou headcanons)
When youre young or just starting to date, the expectation that itll work out long term, if that's what you want, is tbh slim. And sometimes flings are unexpected and kinda happen (with consent of course).
I can see him short term dating, having flings, and also avoid relationships altogether. His main goal is to be #1 after all. Relationships might be a major distraction to him, uninteresting. Flings with few strings might appeal to him; in sure there would be no shortage of people wanting that with a big shot Hero, and by the time he's graduated I'm hoping his attitude has chilled out a bit.
Anyway all this to say that I wrote him how I realistically see him acting to the best of my ability and within my own opinion
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clione-of-heart · 4 years
Misc Headcanons List
Hey! Posting this so mobile users can see it too
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Clione has this (^) tattoo on his chest, over his heart. (ART CREDITS TO THE AMAZING @the-heart-pirate-shachi​​)
Clione’s love language is cooking. He finds it very difficult to talk about his feelings to others, and will have a hard time communicating things like ‘I love you’ verbally. Instead, it’s the little things he does that show that affection. He’s very observant of people’s eating habits, writing down and memorizing the preferences of those he loves in order to make his meals more to their liking, and making sure to prepare their favorite dishes if he notices them feeling down or having a bad day. In return, he’s often very touched by people cooking to him, even if he won’t really express that appreciation verbally. He’s aware of just how much dedication and love he puts into his own cooking, so he naturally assumes the same out of any dish presented to him, regardless of its actual quality.
Not a headcanon but please look at this picture of Clione Limacina (Clione’s namesake, also known as Sea Angels). Their heads open up to reveal tentacles when they feed, which they use to pull sea snails out of their shells to eat them! Creepy, isn’t it? Gotta think of a parallel for Clione.
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Clione had a tiny/small/medium-sized/okay-maybe-huge crush on Law (one-sided) back when he first joined the crew. He was 15, Law was 22, absolutely nothing happened and nowadays Clione becomes completely mortified whenever someone so much as hints at it. He’s not sure whether Law is aware that the crush happened and he doesn’t want to find out (he’s not attracted to his Captain in that way anymore, as it faded out into platonic admiration and respect, but he does love him a lot and enjoys his attention and care) 
Clione’s a bit of a tsundere. He loves his crew more than anything and spends most of his time making sure they’re eating properly and memorizing/practicing their favorite foods, but if anyone asked him to, say, fetch them a glass of water, then he’d throw said glass of water on their face (basically he can be a little shit at times, especially towards those he sees as family)
He has headaches often and tends to hide in the library since it’s the only quiet room of the ship
He loves cuddling. He will never admit this even under threat of death. 
He has a baby face and big soft cheeks. His crewmates love making fun of him for this. His hoodie is the only defence he’s got against the constant cheek-squeezing. 
He’s one of the few (if not the only one) in the crew that actually really likes their uniform. He always has it on, even when Captain gives them the day off (It took more than a fair amount of convincing to get him to wear a yukata on Wano). 
He gets really pissed whenever he hears/sees someone disrespecting his crew or Captain. While Penguin or Shachi might get into fist fights upon feeling that same anger, Clione would usually rather wait it out and poison the bastard’s food when they aren’t looking instead. 
He’s queer/doesn’t have a particular label for his sexuality (though he kinda falls into pan or bi). He mostly leans towards girls but has the occasional crush on a guy every now and then, and he doesn’t see a reason why he wouldn’t potentially date/engage romantically with a nonbinary person, either. He's also demisexual and possibly demiromantic as well.
On that train of thought, though— Clione’s pretty much unexperienced in regards to romance and sex. He doesn’t get flustered when other people talk about their own experiences and stuff like that, but expect him to be an awkward/blushing mess if he ever gets flirted with.
He has the Hearts’ jolly roger tattooed on the inside of his left wrist.
He has lots of scars on his hands, most of which could be explained by cooking (oil burns, knife accidents, etc). He wears fingerless gloves outside of the kitchen, so the scars are usually covered. The most prominent ones are the oil burns on the back of his hand, as his skin changed color. His mother gave him those on purpose, and he doesn't like seeing them, so Clione wears fingerless gloves most of the time. 
A bit of a loner. Tends to avoid people on instinct, and prefers small groups to bigger ones. Enjoys being alone, though he also likes spending time with the crew (but still sometimes ends up avoiding them subconsciously, accidentally creating distance between them)
He’s the most quiet when he’s sad/emotionally vulnerable
He definitely holds Law on a pedestal. Basically acts like he hanged the moon or something. He’s uhm, very loyal. Yeah, that’s one way to put it. (He idolizes Law)
His fav color is yellow because it reminds him of the crew and makes him feel safe. Blue is a close second.
Wears socks to bed.
He’s very interested in learning how to garden. Mostly to grow his own vegetables (..and poisonous plants), but also because he thinks it’s cool. Unfortunately, the Tang isn’t the best space for a garden. 
Not long after joining the crew, Clione created what went on to become known as Beponigiris. Basically, he combined his Captain’s love for onigiris with his love for Bepo, coming together in what are essentially Bepo-shaped onigiris. He makes them frequently for his Captain, especially when he notices him being tired or stressed. It might not be his place to nag Captain about his own health, but at the very least he can try to make him happy through his food, and the small smiles he gets in return make the whole thing more than worth it.  
Clione keeps notebooks in which he writes down not only any dietary issues his nakama might have, but also all their likes and dislikes regarding food, which meals they’re most likely to be picky about and which ones they’ll clear off the plate in seconds, etc. He got this idea from Sanji, after the other cook showed him some of his own notebooks.
Clione’s definition of cool is literally Law. He is therefore unable to see anything Law does as “uncool”. Yes, even when he’s wearing a bucket over his head to ‘protect his identity’ while wearing a yukata that showcases his jolly roger, Clione still thinks he’s the coolest person in the world (He’s the world’s biggest Law fanboy).
[will be updated with new headcanons often]
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innalterable · 5 years
[ park chaeyoung, 22 ] did you hear? there’s a new addition to the hypehens family! [ innalterable ] was starting to get known for [ speed paints, tutorials & supplies reviews ] and i think they will hit it big this time around as a part of the [ expresso ] squad at hypehens. [ kwang inna ] is known to be [ friendly & impulsive ] and enjoys [ collecting polaroids ]. with their vibes of [ singing horribly while taking a shower & enamel pins all over a denim jacket ] and a style that is unique, i think they are going to take the internet by storm!
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hello everyone! i’m glad to introduce you to my daughter inna / danna! she’s a bit of a mess that only wants to spend the whole day in her home painting if possible. you can find her basics here, personality here, background here. if you're interested in plotting, you can find me in discord at internebula#6982!
without furher ado, here’s more about her: 
basic information
― full name: kwang inna ― nickname: nana ― age: twenty two ― date of birth: february 11th, 1998 ― birthplace: los angeles, california. ― current location: seoul, south korea ― ethnicity: asian ― nationality: (dual nationality) korean-american ― gender: cisfemale ― pronouns: she/her ― orientation: bisexual, demiromantic. ― religion: atheist ― occupation: content creator, freelance artist ― language(s) spoken: korean (fluent), english (fluent)
physical appearance
― faceclaim: park chaeyoung (rosé) of blackpink ― hair: naturally brown, currently dyed blonde. often put in messy buns, ponytails, french braids but also let loose with casual curls she gets from sleeping with her hair braided. ― eye colour: coffee brown ― height: 168cm ― weight: 45kg ― tattoos: four; the great wave off kanagawa on her right arm, flowery half sleeve on her left arm, moon arrow behind right ear and a matching triangle tattoo with her brother on her right inner forearm. ― piercings: lobe and upper lobe in both ears, anti-tragus on the left one, double helix on the right one. ― clothing style: high-waisted skirts, dresses that flow nicely with the wind, mom jeans that are a bit too long for her, graphic t-shirts she’s gotten from garage sales and thrift shops, oversized jackets she’s customized with either paint or enamel pins or patches, long coats that resemble those of classic detectives, her good ol’ dr. marteens in a variety of colors, knee and thigh high socks, athleisure outfits (consisting mainly of leggins and big sweatshirts), crop-tops, sling bags, whatever pair of sneakers she finds and matching bag or backpack.
― born and raised in los angeles, her parents moved to usa right after they got married in their mid twenties only because of the feeling of adventure. they both got stable jobs there and even though her mom was the one that struggled the most with the different language, with the help of her husband she was able to improve steadily.
― ever since she was young, inna has showcased exceptional skills when it came to drawing and painting (if you consider the crayon scattered all over the walls of their apartment back in los angeles as art). always restless, she got easily bored with the common toys and games, only truly finding joy in the coloring books her parents always got her instead of dolls and an easy bake oven.
― she has always been heavily spoiled by every member of their family and inna grew used to this. it was no surprise that she always got what she wanted with a simple smile and her trademark grabby hands (she still does this till now and it’s absolutely gross). the one that spoiled her the most was her brother.
― inna holds dear every member of her family and despite being the ultimate spoiled princess, she always offered help around the house when she became older and realized that everyone had to do something for their household. she hated washing dishes though and always traded that task with her brother to the point that it became a natural thing for him to wash them and for her to mop and take the trash out. to this day, she will avoid washing dishes at any cost and her apartment often has a pile of dirty dishes which only makes it worse when she runs out of clean ones.
― the divorce of her parents hit her hard (spoiler alert: her father was awful when no one was seeing and cheated a lot on her mom, which she forgave every damn time until he crossed the line and brought another girl to their place) mainly because she didn’t understand what was happening at the moment and no one took their time to explain it to her. it was difficult to deal with her behaviour back then, she threw really loud tantrums and demanded to see her father almost daily and, whenever this didn’t happen, she’d go on a silent protest by not doing anything they asked her to. it’s years later that she understands everything (thanks to an argument she had with her brother for defending her dad and he just exploded). this, of course, greatly disappointed her and made her feel bad for still standing by her dad’s side.
― after that, inna just like her brother, closed a little to their father even though he was still as kind, loving and caring as ever with them despite everything. his attitude made her doubt her mother and brother several times, but then came the first girlfriend he ever introduced to them, and then the second… and so on.
― it was obvious that her mother drastically changed after the divorce and this scared inna a lot: letting someone in and become vulnerable with them only to have your heart broken sounded absolutely painful. and she didn’t want that. plus, her mom’s constant reminders of how she can’t trust anyone that its not her or her brother stayed deeply engraved within her.
― she’s never had a stable relationship, if anything, the longer she’s “gone out” with someone is a couple of weeks and after that, she ghosted them with no remorse. inna has had crushes in the past, but rarely ever actively pursues someone unless she’s really curious or interested to know more about them. nonetheless, she's a bit of a flirt and tends to get clingy and touchy when she's comfortable/close enough with someone.
― school is difficult in every stage for her, always getting rather mediocre grades in most of her classes except those that required a more creative and practical approach. simply put: she was bad at theoric classes and anything related to math and physics. though, inna was always close to failing but never did so. this was just one of the many reasons she didn’t want to pursue a college education.
― the creation of her channel is all thanks to her brother, her self-proclaimed number one fan and the one person that’s always encouraged her to keep going with her art. he suggested the idea and told her that they could do a testing video to see how comfortable she felt with it before uploading it. turns out, inna was more than okay with the camera for it focused on her hands and process the whole time. voice over was not necessary back then but as her channel evolved, so did the quality and content of her videos. steadily, she introduced different aspects of herself, starting with her voice by doing easy-to-follow tutorials and later on, her face was revealed when doing an art haul video. this helped her become more comfortable with the camera and now, every couple of weeks she posts vlogs of her visits to museums or events or just updates for her community.
― despite her popularity and some people even recognising her on the streets, inna has never considered herself to be a celebrity. in fact, she feels awkward with the title for she considers her channel to be just another one. she appreciates though whenever her prints get sold out or when someone asks for her autograph and a photo or even when she is invited to events as a special guest.
― the kind to get really excited when talking about things she likes. don’t get her started on her favorite medium or her favorite painting because she might go on for twenty seven minutes straight about how watercolors are the superior medium to work with.
― she likes experimenting with any and every medium out there, particularly enjoying art subscription boxes that always surprised her and push her out of her comfort zone. her specialization is landscapes and character design, though she’s recently learning to draw more animals and plants.
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bigfan-fanfic · 5 years
OC Details - DA OC Canon Posse + MGITs
From @3n-vee‘s “Extremely Detailed OC Ask Meme”
For Tash Adaar, Owain Bonneville, Henry Lucas, Cal and Ava Hawke, Morgan Walker, Aster Amell, Katie Cousland, and Reyn Caron
I started with Tash, then decided to only do the fun ones and add more characters. *shrugs*
The Basics
1. Age, Birthday, Star Sign (Tash only)
12-13 at the beginning of Inquisition, 15 at the end of Trespasser. Born 18 Guardian, 9:28 Dragon. Sign: Fervenial
3. Orientation and Relationship Status
Tash is a child, but when he is older, he will find he is gay. I kind of ship him with Kieran so that everyone is one big happy familly (Aster is cousins with the Hawkes, Cal adopted Tash, who eventually marries Kieran, son of Morrigan and Morgan.)
Owain is also a gay man who I have not yet settled on a canon relationship for. but whom I ship quite hard with @herald-divine-hell‘s OC Amayian Trevelyan
Henry is a panromantic asexual man whose relationship status I have not decided yet. Perhaps Cole.
Cal is a bisexual man married to Varric. 
Ava is a straight woman married to Sebastian but also in a polyamorous relationship with Fenris. 
Morgan is a biromantic and demisexual man in a committed relationship with Morrigan. Although I also ship him with @herald-divine-hell‘s OC Alexandra.
Aster is a homoromantic graysexual man married to Alistair. 
Katie is a bisexual woman and single. 
Reyn is a demiromantic bisexual man who I might decide to put in a relationship. 
6. Headcanon VA  (Tash only)
Unknown - although Tash does have a Marcher accent, slightly less thick than Blackwall’s. 
7. Occupation (Tash only)
Former Lord Inquisitor, Lord of Ylenn Basin, and Heir to the Viscount of Kirkwall - also Knight-Enchanter?
12. Own any pets?
Tash has a pet fennec fox named Harold. 
Ava and Cal have a mabari pet named Socks. 
Aster has a mabari hound that originally belonged to the late Elissa Cousland that he named Barksy, although to anyone besides Alistair or Aster, he must be referred to as Ser Barksy or Lord Barksy.
13. Have any kids?
Morgan, of course, has Kieran with Morrigan. He wouldn’t mind more if she was up for it. 
Cal has officially adopted Tash with Varric as of Trespasser. 
Ava and Sebastian are trying for an heir to the throne, although she may already be pregnant by Fenris. None of the others have children.
Owain, Aster, and Katie will want children eventually. It’s more complicated for Alistair and Aster since the Ferelden throne passes by blood. Aster wouldn’t mind taking care of Alistair’s child by a surrogate should circumstances prevent adoption.
Reyn doesn’t think children will happen for him, as a Warden, but should a child be born, he will love and care for them above all else.
Henry is undecided on children. As is Tash.
15. Can they sing? Can they dance?
Tash loves to dance and sing. He’s an average singer, but was trained well in court dancing, and enjoys making appearances at balls and events. 
Aster is more clumsy than a drunken druffalo, and is terrible at dancing, but he’s a surprisingly good singer, who would sing many duets with Leliana back during Origins. 
Cal and Ava only sing when drunk, although Ava learns to dance well. 
Owain both dances and sings like a trained bard. 
Reyn and Katie never sing, but both are passable dancers. 
Morgan likes singing to Morrigan and Kieran, and dancing with his wife (and occasionally with Zevran or Leliana), but isn’t comfortable with very many others. 
Henry can’t dance very well, and can only really sing in a crowd, but does both on his own anyway.
18. Have any special keepsakes?
Tash keeps a pair of specialized horn cushions Josephine had commissioned for him at Skyhold and finds them wonderful to sleep in. He also adores the handcrafted chess set he whittled with Blackwall. 
Owain will keep anything given to him or made for him by his lover, wearing it if possible or at least keeping it nearby. 
Henry has his phone, with all the memories it brings. It has long since lost its charge, but he keeps it close anyway as a reminder. 
Morgan has the ring given to him by Morrigan, as well as a smooth river stone that Kieran inscribed with the same rune Morgan has tattooed on his bicep. 
Aster still has the rose Alistair gave him, enchanted to never lose it’s beauty. It reminds him of his husband’s sweet nature. He also has a small figurine of a Circle mage that an older apprentice in Kinloch (Anders) made for him when he was very sad one day.
Katie has her charm bracelet from before she came to Thedas which acts like a talisman for her to know that she really did come from another world. 
Reyn has a scarf made for him by a stable boy he loved before leaving his family estate for the Academie des Chevaliers and a Dalish wedding ring given to him by an elven bride who he spared before going into exile and joining the Wardens.
19. Hobbies (Tash only)
Singing, dancing, writing, doing paperwork, chess, listening, dog care, designing fashion and furniture for the Inquisition, collecting Orlesian masks, and attending Orlesian theatre.
21. Fave food(s) and drink(s)
For some reason, Tash loves the notoriously awful-tasting Orlesian pastry known as the “Exquisite Misery.” It serves as an inadvertent power move in Orlesian circles, but his absolute favorite food is fresh-baked bread (reminds him of his home). Tash also enjoys hot cocoa ever since the Iron Bull shared some of his supply.
As a rule, Aster likes sharing Orlesian charcuterie with Alistair as a picnic in their chambers or the courtyard when they can get away from affairs of state. He’s also partial to fruit juices.
Morgan, Henry, and Katie all wish pizza was a thing in Thedas. There is a dish similar to it in Antiva, but nothing quite resembling it. Katie has gotten the closest to having actual pizza, being a noblewoman with cooks she can instruct. Morgan has inadvertently addicted Morrigan to coffee when he found out how to make it using magic. Henry likes water, but it’s hard to find a stable source of clean drinking water in Thedas. Katie adores tea.
The Wardens don’t often have fine food, and Reyn misses petit fours. He enjoys his personal Warden liquor mixture - Commander’s Concoction.
For Fun
37. Do they have any phobias?
Tash is a timid person in general, and is afraid of miscellaneous things from spiders to dolls with buttons for eyes. But no real debilitating phobias. 
Cal, Ava, Aster, and Henry all fear spiders.
Owain hates heights.
Nugs freak Katie out.
Morgan and Reyn feel fear, but have no phobias.
43. What pokemon would your character be (if they’re already a pokemon/gijinka tell us what they are, and how that’s affected them)?
Tash Owain Henry Cal Ava Aster Morgan Katie Reyn
44. What’s their pokemon team? Try to pick all 6.
Tash Owain Henry Cal Ava Aster Morgan Katie Reyn
45. Theme song (and a playlist if you’ve got it!)
Tash: “Shake it Off” by Taylor Swift or “It’s a Good Day” by Kay Starr
Owain: “Dog Days Are Over” by Florence + The Machine and for romance: “All You Need Is Love” by the Beatles
Henry: “No Rain” by Blind Melon or “(Sittin’ On) The Dock of the Bay” by Otis Redding
Cal: “Dream On” by Aerosmith and for romance: “I Can’t Help Myself” by the Four Tops
Ava: “Royals” by Lorde and for romance: “Miss Americana and the Heartbreak Prince” by Taylor Swift
Aster: “Can You Tell Me How To Get to Sesame Street?” (2000) and for romance: “Love on Top” by Beyonce
Morgan: “People Are Strange” by The Doors and for romance: “Beauty and the Beast” by Angela Lansbury
Katie: “I Love It” by Icona Pop feat. Charlie XCX
Reyn: “The Wanderer” by Dion
46. If this character was in a musical, what would their motif be (what kind of instruments do you hear, what’s the tempo, ect).
Tash: Simple peppy flute that gradually becomes joined by other instruments to form a full-sounding orchestra with complex melodies. 
Owain: Slow, sad piano that is joined by violin and becomes strong and anthemic. 
Henry: Plucked cello strings. Inquisitive.
Cal: Brass section, room for improvisation. Bright and joyful.
Ava: Oboe and Bassoon, deep and reflective. 
Aster: Fiddles and flute, playing simple fast-paced dance music.
Morgan: Orchestration accompanied by electric guitar - shouldn’t work together but it does here.
Katie: Sharp woodwinds and guitar. Very formal, almost like wedding dance music.
Reyn: Acoustic guitar trio. Perhaps Spanish guitar. Contemplative and sexy.
The Deep Lore™
49. What are some themes tied to your character’s story?
Tash, Aster, Henry, Katie- Loss of Innocence
Owain, Ava - Self-Acceptance
Cal, Reyn - Mutual Pining/Unrequited Love 
Morgan - Found Family, Parenthood
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lifeasabpdmum-blog · 5 years
Asexuality the invisible sexual orientation.
Having no evident sex or sex organs; sexless.
Relating to, produced by, or involving reproduction that occurs without the union of male and female gametes, as inbinary fission or budding.
Relating to or being a person who does not experience sexual attraction.
A person who does not experience sexual attraction.
Many people hear the word “asexual” and make assumptions about what it means. They think of single-celled organisms in a petri dish. They think of a celibate monk on far off mountaintop. They think of a genderless robot from outer space. Asexuality isn’t any of those things.In particular: 1. Asexuality is not an abstinence pledge. (Although there may be abstinent aces.) 2. Asexuality is not a synonym for celibacy. (There are celibate aces and promiscuous aces and aces everywhere in between.)...
Asexual people are often ostracized, even pitted for their sexual orientation,
Asexual peope often feel out of place due to lack of knowledge,  
Asexual people do not need your pity they need understanding. 
  “Sex repulsion is a different angle than asexuality. Aces can have and enjoy sex, the primary determination is that we don't have sexual attraction, our romantic draw to a person does not include "want to have sex" in its parameters” Tweeted to me by @CelticAnarchy 
“Its kind of a spectrum, Some like sex but aren’t sexually attracted. Some are okay with sex and aren’t sexually attracted, some are repulsed. Some are just iffy” Tweeted to me by @inalovelyrose 
“You can be ace and have sex, and not even enjoy it. But generally  means its not something you’ll typically seek out, and theres a good chance that you wont find it as rewarding as others” Tweeted to me by @BlueJayGliding
1. When you were younger, or even now you find sex “yucky” 
2.  Sex scenese on tv might make you uncomfortable, angry or irritate you. 
3. Thinking People are being over the top about what sex is like ( I actually relate to this one, It definitely as amazing as i was told it was going to be) 
4. Having sex is not a big deal to you, if you did not have sex again it wouldnt bother you. ( I also relate to this one) 
5. you can only see yourself having sex with a close theoretical or real partner. 
6. Sexualized places like clubs make you uncomfortable ( This one also really relates to me 
7. You feel nervous about having a relationship, because you feel sex would be expected of you. 
8. You feel like you never “ bloomed” 
9. Your relationship fantasies all include non sexual behavior ( This is something else that relates to me. 
10. You struggle to understand the term sexual attraction 
11. Other people finding you sexually attractive weirds  you out.  (This is 100 percent me) 
12. You have considered remaining celibate forever. 
13. You clicked on a video called “ YOU MIGHT BE ASEXUAL SPECTRUM”  (will put link to this video below) 
14. googling the identity 
15. Only you can decide if you are Asexual 
Link to the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7dFkKg7Ly1I
it most definitely is not a Phase.  It is not something tumblr made up, No Asexuals just have not found the right person. It doesn't mean they will change after loosing their virginity or having sex with someone “Who knows what they are doing” It is not unfair to their partner or selfish. 
A Video called Growing up Asexual https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FlsNUezlG8A
@sofftestpunk on twitter described to me that Asexuality (if hunger is sexual desire) you wouldn't necessarily want to eat, or crave food. You may still eat food, but not because you are hungry or enjoy it.But you can still eat. Just like Asexuals can still have sexual intercourse, but maybe wouldn't enjoy it. 
Does not experience  sexual attraction regardless to gender.  Ace used to be a phonetic abbreviation of asexual, but is now considered an umbrella term  including asexual, demisexual,greysexual, ect.  Aromantics are those individuals who dont experience romantic attraction,  they can have platonic love for other individuals, but it may not be so lovey dovey. 
 There are a number of terms that are used for people who dont use the asexual spectrum 
Allosexual: is possibly the most common and popular terms 
Zedsexual:  n. An alternative term for allosexuality. Zedsexuality, though much less common a term than allosexuality, is sometimes preferred because the latter was originally coined in opposition to autosexuality.
Demisexual: becomes sexually attracted once a close bond is formed,
DemiRomantic you might be sexually attracted, but arent romantically attracted until after you form an emotional bond ( I believe this is what I am) 
 Greysexuality: People who are Greysexual typically experience sexual attraction rarely, or only under certain conditions. They may even just not be sure if they experience sexual attraction 
Greyromatic: Would experience romance rarely or certain conditions.
AceFlux: An acefux person has a fluctuating sexual orientation, That stays within the ace spectrum. 
AroFlux: would likley fluctuate between the ARomantic 
Quorisexual/romantic:  Quorisexual may not understand the difference between sexual and romantic attraction may not understand the difference between romantic or platonic attraction 
Akoisexual: experiencing sexual attraction without the desire of reciprocation
Acoiromatic: experiencing romantic attraction without the desire of reciprocation.
CupioSexual:  Doesnt have a romantic desire but still may have a romatic attraction.
CupioRomatic:  the same thing as CupioSexual but switch sexual to romantic.
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tQVvVhe6EPc where i  got the infomation
Sexual Attraction: Physical and psychological want for Sexual contact with someone. The want of intercourse or sexual act with somebody.
Romantic Attraction: Emotional and Psychological attraction or interaction with a person.
Often sexual and romantic attraction is complementary and can line up for a lot of different people, but its not the same for everyone. 
Platonic Attraction: You want to be close to them, but not necessarily Romantically or Sexually. 
Sensual Attraction: If you are Sensually attracted to someone you may be attracted to their smell, for example. Or you might want to touch them,Or touched by them. Cuddle, Hold hands, Kiss, For some sensual, may come hand in hand with other attraction, Such as Sensual and Sexual, or Sensual and Romantic. It may also happen independently. It can even come as Sensual and Platonic. Sensual and Sexual are not the same thing. 
Aesthetic Attraction: An appreciation for someones appearance, without linking that feeling towards sex. 
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8o-l20NAsI8 Is the link to all the attraction information I found. 
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQnC89Er1lo  This video might make things easier to come out, It is called the person who sent you this is Asexual 
These photos are of polls I did on twitter that have been answered by asexuals themselves
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dolgelo · 5 years
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NAME:  Mitsuru Kirijo NICKNAME:  Senpai, President of student council, Miss/Milady, Imperious Queen Of Executions and also “Mitchan” by Teddie in PQ. GENDER:  Female. ROMANTIC/SEXUAL ORIENTATION:  Demiromantic & demisexual. While I think she’s leaning on boys considering her Social Link and words, I doubt she’d ever think of commitments of that kind without having a solid bond with the other party before. PREFERRED PET NAMES:  She really doesn’t care much for nicknames and such but she generally does not like most of them. The Imperious-Queen-Of-Executions and Mitchan have shown her actively not liking them. If she is especially close to the other party involved and the nickname does not comprehend execution jokes, she may close an eye or two. May or may not have grown fond of the idea Akihiko would have called her “princess” back in middle school days when he didn’t still call her by her first name just to tease her. 
RELATIONSHIP STATUS:  Canon-ly speaking she’s “sitting alone on her icy throne” – if we must take Arena games for accurate. I usually portray her confused and crushing relatively hard depending on the partner and the situation, but that’s not too different from the reality coming out of her Social Link interactions. Mitsuru speaks of a very important person in her life during the Arena ending, which may be a hint at a past relationship with the Protagonist or the fiancé drama she went through. The spicy tension between her and Akihiko as adults is fun to write. FAVORITE CANON SHIP:  She has no canon ships, my friends. No one does in Persona but Junpei and Chidori. The hints at my favs tho... the hints hidden in books... cowards... FAVORITE NON-CANON SHIP:  I am a proud Akimitsu ambassador until my dying day, I just love them too much. And if you’d let me do this, I would talk about them nonstop for days. The fact p3 and its spinoffs, novels, books and other merchandise made this ship walk on the thin line between canon and not are also fueling my soul so much you guys, you need to know it. So I’m really not sure whether the place for this ship is in this section, actually.
OPINION ON TRUE LOVE:  Growing up I feel Mitsuru came to think that it’s something almost unattainable, that there’s not such a thing as that unless you search for it in novels and romance books. The idea of finding a perfect partner is rather alien to her after all she had to endure, yet also mainly for mere lack of time and patience; secondly, her heritage and family name don’t make things easier for her on that front - which makes her pretty melancholic when it comes to love and descriptions of it. Still, she remains definitely the romantic type. True love may be as fortuitous as finding a precious gem somewhere -- hard but not impossible. She is not searching actively for that but, also due to her Arcana-based traits, is comparable to a great blessing and stroke of gratuitous luck. OPINION ON LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT:  That’s even worse than true love for her. She’d consider it something more keen to a mere infatuation - typical of youngsters or of people with no interests in deepening a bond beforehand. Since she never experienced it, Mitsuru bases the phenomenon on a hormonal illusion / physical appearance and beauty taking heed of one’s mind and nothing more. Well, she’s more of a brain-type anyway and always will remain so... but with age, she might come to understand what triggers “love at first sight” slightly more, and maybe to excuse it even. She falls in love just with people she know she can trust and that mentally would be able to challenge her own skills and... yeah, kids, max your Academics. HOW ‘ROMANTIC’ ARE THEY?:  Mitsuru can be too romantic at times-- a fact that deeply embarrasses the girl. For the longest time, she’s been reading romance novels of all ages and times, developing one idealistic version of the sentiment behind it and the dynamics two lovers have, according to classic literature. It’s a wrong impression but that’s all she was allowed to know of, I guess. I often repeat that she kinda feels in love with the idea of being in love, and being loved back, more than the idea of sharing her life and intimacy with a person so close to her -- she’s not experienced and she has her own thoughts, but that doesn’t mean it won’t change as time passes.
IDEAL PHYSICAL TRAITS:  Well, Mitsuru is a pro-fencer and is extremely dedicated to physical appearance and beauty. She’d love someone who puts great care in that, it’d mirror a part of her she holds very dearly, so it’s easy to imagined it. IDEAL PERSONALITY TRAITS:  Definitely intelligence and positive academic curiosity. It all fascinates her, with the possibility of being committed with someone as dedicated to studies as she is. Again, study harder, kids, and Mitsuru might notice you. UNATTRACTIVE PHYSICAL TRAITS:  Not actually physical but it is definitely not a personality trait. It’s headcanon time: I have always thought Mitsuru would have, BUT ONLY during her teen years, not have minded much someone smoking  ( perhaps with her fiancé also smoking too, eh, we don’t really know much ). She wouldn’t have minded not because she’s a rebel^TM, nor because she’d smoke herself -- quite the contrary, instead. Having developed a sort of “Electra complex” for her father  ( unfortunately confirmed by the books too ),  and being her father a smoker too, I hc’d she wouldn’t have been bothered by this trait, in a partner, simply because it would have reminded her of Takeharu. BUT. But. But. Actually, with years, the indifference faded away and she does not want someone actively smoking next to her – it is also a big unhealthy habit, and again, Mitsuru being an athlete would really care about it too. UNATTRACTIVE PERSONALITY TRAITS:  Basically all that her fiancé proves to be when scolding her for hesitating before a date: being arrogant, a liar, someone way too domineering - for the wrong reasons - and controlling, and so on.
DO THEY HAVE A TYPE?  Yes, she does and you can’t deny it. AVERAGE RELATIONSHIP LENGTH:  Oh no, she has zero true experiences, because the fiancé arrangement is just a source of angst for her - something she did not choose for herself but simply accepted to go through for the well-being of her Group. She never saw herself into it due to his “asshole-ry” but she’s not the type who’d be down for small adventures or quite insignificant flirts. She commits, one way or another. So be warned. Red cranes only have a partner, jan... PREFERRED NON-SEXUAL INTIMACY:  Probably intimate, soft touching, stroking or playing with her hair  /  the other’s hair. Do you know how much care she puts on the beauty of her hair ?  Mitsuru letting someone else touch her curls would be a sign of complete trust and love. She’s not too fond of hugs or frequent contact per se unless she gets used to them, which may require time.  COMMITMENT LEVEL:  As I said before, she’d give all she can for her partner, and with no reserves. Almost to extreme levels, ahah. Her trust and love have to be conquered through tears and sweat. She will haunt your dreams and never forgive you if you don’t do the same for her and still proclaim yourself to be her second half. She’s not spoiled or anything - she’s definitely not a primadonna too. but she wants love and romance to be true if really pursued, all of it, 100%, and if you’re sure of it as she is, then why are you even bothering ?  She’s Mitsuru hecking Kirijo, my dudes.  OPINION ON PUBLIC AFFECTION:  Did someone order a flustered Mitsuru saying nonsense out of sheer frustration ?  If said public signs of affection are almost hidden, too-subtle-for-you or happening in not crowded spaces -- or simply at home, when no one can see her, then perhaps she may close an eye or two. She’s not as bold as that. Stroking of hands, very gentle hand-holding... that is alright, but kisses or anything more than that is seriously borderline for her... unless it’s somewhere closed and private where no one can see you.   PAST RELATIONSHIPS:  Well, Mitsuru ended the marriage agreement before it was too late like a true boss, so don’t test her, she’ll make you cry. Aside from that, nothing relevant as I said before – mc’s relationship with her might have happened but has never been confirmed and the fact it ends right a couple of days before Nyx will always irk me ahahah 
TAGGED:  stolen oleh TAGGING:  @sabazio  @enshijou  @aragakisan  and whoever
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Ace Experiance (in retrospect)
My experiance with asexuality. As any person asks anyone whith an anormative sexuality, 'when did you first know?' and for a while my short answer was 'I always did, i just didn't have terminology until recently' which is still very true, but i want to take a look back at my life to share my experiance being asexual.
So for a while, I decided i was straight, never questioned it. Lgbt+ topics weren't a common thing yet and i wasn't exposed to it. So i knew i was straight, i just hadn't met anyone yet and frankly didn't want to. Now in my school, this was actually pretty common. Not many people dated cause we kind of had acedemics to focus on (shout out to IB students, woo!) so i didn't find it weird i never liked anyone.
Now, what i defined as liking someone was something along the lines of 'I only just met you and would like to know you better so you want to date i guess?' cause thats litterally all dating looked like to me from the outside. Apparently people thought others could look hot, which sure, i guess some people are prettier than others, do you need this weirdly extreme word to say that? So i had zero basis for attraction by appearance, or what i later learned was apparently sexual attraction. I ended up dating this one guy for all of two weeks maybe. To me it went something like, 'heres my contact info so we can chat and learn about eachother' that everyone else blew into a big scenario of 'oooooo you like him'.
I broke that off the day before valentines day. After that, since i still didn't really find guys any more appealing than girls i reconsidered and thought... 'maybe im just bi?' which didn't change anything. Two of my friends were bi, so whats one more? Well then i decided that the whole 'i love/am attracted to this person i just met' was confusing so i did a few experiments. Seriously. And its not the 'asexual people are apathetic' thing, its the 'children who can't get answers to questions find other ways' thing.
What i did is fake liking this one guy everyone shipped me with anyways. The reactions? My friends were so excited i finally liked someone that I immediately said it was a lie cause i did not want to go through anything remotely relating to them trying to hook me up. Not happening. They instead went back to trying to find people I'd be good shipped with.
So i knew i wasn't really attracted to people. Fine. There was 150 people in my grade and i went to school with them for 6 years. Not a large pool of people, maybe i haven't met the right person yet. But heres the thing, everyone else knew their sexuality. My sister two years younger than me knew hers. And i certainly wasn't a late bloomer, i felt sexual tendancies, just not towards people. People, just looked like people.
An analogy I found once that i like is this: imagine everyone in the world is completely obbsessed with twigs. They use twigs to promote items, Look here! Curvy twig on a car!, people obsess over twigs in media. Twigs are all the rage. Except you just think it looks like some random stick. Cause that what it is right? All sticks just kind of look like sticks, why get obsessed? They're just twigs.
In this case, to me, the twig obsession is people's sexual atraction to eachother. I just don't see how it makes sense. Not saying attraction is obsession, but for a while thats what it looked like. So the best i could conclude is, i just wasn't interested in people.
'Im just not interested in people' was my orientation tag before i knew asexuality. Really only one person questioned it. My mandatory councelor for when a family member leaves. She said that line: you'll feel something when your older. But again, i felt something already. It just wasn't related to people. I stuck with my identity cause she didn't know what she was talking about. There wasn't anything wrong with me.
After a whole nother ordeal in my life, i had a new friend. The old friend group had sort of dissolved, i isolated myself for fear, got better, interacted again, and made a friend. New girl in my grade. As it turns out one of out best things to bond over? Lack of finding people attractive. We both read plenty of fanfiction (well written mind you. Not all fanfiction sucks, thats sterotyping) and both damn well knew attraction was supposed to be a thing, loved reading character ships stories, just, didn't want that ourselves.
I actually then met/found out three other people in our grade who felt the same and lgbt+ was suddenly more of a topic. I got into looking through orientations to see if any finallt fit me and guess what?
Yuuuuupp Asexual! Thank all things good, I have a place! I was now asexual, demiromantic. Demi because i felt it could be possible to fall in live, but only after i knew the person, so maybe after a few years and a solid emotional connection was made.
Im lucky i was in a school that was more open, less caring about sex and dating, didn't experiance as much pressure and ostrecization other asexuals go through, but this is my story. A lot of confusion mostly. Supposedly about 1% of the population is asexual. (But come on, a total of 5 people at my school that i know of that are all asexual? For 1% that seems high. Might need a recount.)
Now, as for romantic attraction, thats really f-ed up for me. That whole ordeal i mentioned? Yeah. Not good. So any advice on telling strong platonic feelings apart from romantic feelings?
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About Me Challenge
I was tagged by no one (not directly, but indirectly by @peraequoralikesthings aka Caterina; sorry i didn’t do it the same day i read yours) but i love tag posts, so i had to do it
Name: Federico
Height: 1,64 m
Star Sign: Virgo
Middle Name: I don’t have a cool middle name, sadly. Or a middle name at all.
Put my music on shuffle, the first four songs that came up were:
Crimson Thunder - Hammerfall
White Light, Black Rain - Elyne (i don’t usually listen to singers that use the growl tecnique, because i like to nderstand what they say and sing along, but i have a couple exceptions)
The Dragon Lies Bleeding - Hammerfall
Blood and Pain - Beholder
Only four. That’s a pity. I have a lot of songs to share °_°
Grab the book next to me and turn to page 23, what is line 17?:
I have to change the book, gamebooks (Lone Wolf <3 number 5 in this particular case) do not have numbered pages. So, from the Earthsea cycle (i have one big book that has every single story): ‘Non fece altro che posare la mano sulla fronte del ragazzo e sfiorargli le labbra con le dita, una sola volta’.
Which translates roughly to: ‘’He simply put his hand on the young boy’s forehead and brushed his lips, once’‘
Probably the original is not like this, (i’m so fucking unsure about ‘brushed his lips’) but i don’t have it, so i had to translate it myself.
Ever had a song/poem written about me?:
Why would anyone do it? Nope. Or, at least, i don’t know anything about it.
Who is your celebrity crush?:
I’m demiromantic (and demisexual). Sorry (NOT really sorry), but I can’t have crushes on people that i don’t know. BUT, i can find people really attractive and think ‘damn, if only i knew this person better, i could have a crush on them!’ (Which is something i would like to avoid, expecially if we’re talking about people that i will never meet in real life). For that, i’ll go with Karen Gillan *_*
A sound I hate, and a sound I love?:
ASMR souds. Water running (rivers and little waterfalls <3)
Do you believe in ghosts?:
Ghosts do not exists, as far as we know. Sadly, when i’m alone/in the dark/my brain wanders without control, i can be scared of nonexisting things. I hate that.
How about aliens?:
I’ll quote Caterina here (and add two things) , since she said almost anything i would say:
‘’’Listen, the universe is HUGE. So fricking huge. When we talk about searching for life outside of Earth we look for planets with similar characteristics (like conditions suitable for live beings, not an extreme gravity, a distance from the star and atmosphere that will allow water in its liquid state, some protection from the star being a deadly laser ya know).
But -BUT- this is looking for life as we know it, what if there are aliens and they don’t look at all like our definition of life (which is itself sketchy at best)? What should we look for exactly? Do we look for something similar to DNA? Bacteria? Something able to reproduce itself? Something with a nervous system? A consciousness? What it’s not carbon-based life (I dunno, Nitrogen) and we have looked in the wrong places all this time? The evolution of life on Earth is a result of contingency, a mix of randomness and environmental restraints, and the current result is not to be taken for granted even if we found a twin planet of Earth.
I’m so sorry this turned into a rant, I get excited. Uh, yeah, I think it’s probable that there are aliens but I have no idea if/when we will meet them.’‘‘
So, on the two things: As far as we know, life as we know it it’s the only life that can exist. And we don’t know how to find (or probably even define) life as we don’t know it. Second thing, the distance between any two stars it’s too huge to be covered with any kind of transportation system we are aware of. Even if anything ‘lifelike’ could travel at the speed of light, it couldn’t reach anything too far away, unless it travels in a spaceship big enough to sustain life for long periods of time. So, there’s a huge possibility that we will never encounter ‘aliens’ coming from planets that are not in our solar system. Maaaaaybe aliens elsewhere might be able do meet eachother, but we will never know it, probably. And if there is/was life in our solar system, it will be/would have been something like bacteria, so not something we can interact with like we do with one another. (Titan, we believe in you to prove me wrong *_* give us some great alive sealife.) That’s sad, i would really like to meet non dangerous things (heh) form another solar system!
Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed?:
Yes and no 8-)
The last book I read?:
Not university related? *cries* i really don’t know. I really don’t have time to read since i started uni and that’s one of the most sad things that ever happened to me. Thinking about it, i can say ‘Rivelazioni; Il libro dei segreti e dei complotti’ by Massimo Polidoro. He is the vice president of CICAP (search that) and the book talks about fake news and conspiracies, two things that i love (to study, so i can help to destroy them and the people who use them to make others suffer! Damn bastards, life is already difficult!)
Do you like the smell of gasoline?:
Kind of, yes. But i always remember that is dangerous to smell it for too long.
What was the last movie I saw?:
Can’t remember. I’m not a movie person. I prefer to read (sigh, almost no time), play online or watch tv series.
Do you have any obsession right now?:
*Covers 17 years worth of magic the gathering cards with his body trying to look casual* Nope. Noppity nope. *Covers swords related things too*
Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong?:
No. It’s really damaging to hold grudges. So i kill them ASAP and move on. *today i feel i’m funny. Don’t mind me* Stupid jokes apart, there is only one case of me holding grudge against someone (a couple). Kind of recently i have met the again (sadly, i have to see them kind of regularly now) and after a couple meetings i’m okay now. Also, what Caterina said is also a valid point, so go read her answer.
In a relationship?:
*Cries and suffers in Italian*
I tag @kleeio, @dreampai, @generalecapodiurano, @gdiaolviaa, @schmedterlingfreud,  and whoever else wants to do it. Have fun!
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superemeralds · 7 years
my sonic characters: a masterpost
I’ll add more whenever i get new info on characters and so on sakjsak
I used to have more but i gave some of them away so i dont feel like i should mention them here (even if those designs are not in use anymore)
[edit 4/20/2019 (haha) added nexus and links to character tags]
1) Saph the hedgehog
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This is Saph. He’s a 18/19 year old disaster gay trans boy.
I change his shoe design literally every single time i draw him. :)
I’ll go in depth about his past later.
Saph is pretty much all over the place and forgets to be considerate of other peoples feelings sometimes. He might come off as very egoistic of self centered, but he does actually care in his own kind of way (even when its. kinda bad bc he gives off wrong signals sometimes and ends up hurting people hes close to)
He’s looked up to Sonic ever since he was small and he collects all of the Sonic comics and video games. His dream is to meet Sonic and win against him in a fight.
Shadow is his big idol in many things so he tries to be edgy sometimes or act tough but he fails miserably most of the time and makes a fool of himself; which he doesn’t really mind because he can take a lot of things with humour (sometimes too much). He also uses white eye liner to imitate shadows marks, and he dyes some parts of his fur white to make the marks he already has extend to look more like shadows.
Shadow was the person that taught him how to control his chaos powers, because he’d always just weakened himself in the past, because he is super unstable. (If it wasnt for Shadow he probably would have died by now.) Shadow also was the one that told Saph to go to Tails for help with the buckles on his wrists and the rings on his ankles. They are made of a material similar to shadows rings (tails tried his best to replicate them) so they would help keep the energy in Saph balanced. Due to his strong affiliation to Chaos Energy, he could technically even turn super; but his body would be unable to hold the immense amount of energy and begin to literally burn down to ash within a few minutes.
He is very gay and in a relationship with Ezra.
He’s on T and has not yet had top op. (his bobbies smol its all muscle >:3€ )
Old pic of him and his bf as humans uwu
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2) Red the hedgehog
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Red is 25/26 years old and works at GUN as special agent. Sometimes he and Rouge get drunk in her club at night and joke about tearing that organization down (or maybe they are not joking)
he’s pansexual and horny 24/7. He has a girlfriend and is in an open relationship. hes polyam if you didnt guess it askdsajh
he’s blind in the right eye and has a tattoo of a star on his chest
(here’s his gijinka because i just. hes hot. he used to be the one character that had like 30 fangirls on deviantart and each of them would comment “nosebleed” every time i uploaded)
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Saph and Red. They are brothers.
*WARNING: abusive parents, transphobia, homophobia, violence
When red was a young lad and Saph was still a baby their father snapped and beat Red up with an iron bar, making him blind on his right eye. Red took Saph and ran away from home.(Their mother died at saphs birth)
They lived and still live in a city a litte farther off Empire City.
Red decided to go to an orphanage because he could not possibly take care of an infant. (granted his dad couldnt either but it seemed the best possible solution)
They lived in the orphanage for a few years, but saph very soon showed sighns of being trans and got bullied by the other kids. they would call him gay and tr*nny and kick him until he fell silent to endure his “punishment”.
Red couldn’t take it and decided to run away with Saph again. They lived on the street for a while, but Red was caught by GUN for stealing. Once they found out he had a form of chaos powers (even if weak) they decided to let him slide and hire him as Special Agent.
Red accepted this and uses the money he ears to make sure Saph has a good life. This kinda spoiled Saph a little, but he also deserved it lets be real here.
Red made sure to enable saph to get education (which he totally refuses to acknowledge and take seriously) and physical transition.
3) Ellectra “Ellie” the tenrec
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[ pardon me being inconsequent with the design omg ]
Ellie is a 20 year old functional asexual demiromantic lesbian who is not interested in dumb boys and would rather talk about science with a pretty girl.
She can manipulate electricity and is called “Daughter of Zeus” by the townsfolk in her home island called Coral Island, which is located near the windsmil isles in Apotos.
She studies archeology and gaia mythology/ancient history, which makes it very convenient that she lives nearby an actual gaia temple. (She wants to be like lara croft one day)
At the 2005 black arms invasion her mother got heavily wounded when she tried to protect the town from the aliens and died from the aftermath.
Ever since then Ellie hates Shadow with a burning passion and holds him responsible, because she believed the government propaganda (provided by GUN ofc) that Shadow is One Of The Aliens. If she was ever to meet him she would be FURIOUS and ready to murder (she knows he cant die though).
She tried not to focus too much on that and just. do her cool ancient stuff.
Here are her parents Chion and... the mother i had still not found a good name for.
5) Chion the tenrec
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This gentleman is 40+ years old and proud father of Ellie.
Hes also a het ace.
Chion is greek for snow (as far as google translate goes) and he was named that bc of his white nose lmao. its like a snowflake on his black body.
He doesn’t have any elemental powers, but he is naturally very strong and will punch anyone who comes close to his family. He can also use swords and is a skilled swordsman.
He inherited an olive farm from his family and he does keep it going. He makes his money selling olive products he does make himself.
6) Athena the hedgehog
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Athena was the daughter of the “major” of the island that the family lived on (coral island), so she was expected to become the new major once he had to retire.
Due to the location of the island and the geographical landmarks on it, many raiders (and also eggman) have great interest in the ruins and mythological places. Athena is not one to give in easily and defended her people and the island from many intruders.
She possessed a less particular (than Ellie), but still fierce power of lightning manipulation. Having used her powers excessively, she sustained severe damage to her arms which showed as lighting shaped scars. She showed them with pride, because they meant she had fought hard to get where she was now.
She was bisexual and married to a tenrec called Chion. She was a year older than him.
The rings Ellie wears on her wrists were her mom’s.
7) Frost the snow leopard
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Frost is a 15 year old demiboy who really just wants to have a good time. He hasnt really given his sexuality much thought.
He lives in a small village in Holoska; hes actually even met the werehog. Well he saw him. but he was too afraid to talk to him because holy shit its Sonic The Hedgehog!!!!!!!
He has ice powers!!!!
His insides are like -18°C and he cant eat anything that is hot. He has to eat cooked meals when they are room temperature, or even cooled down to fridge temperatures ( about 6°C).
He basically lives off ice cream and dry meat (if they get fancy food from the city he gets frozen pizza) He thinks of going to the UF for college, but he doesnt really know what he wants to do with his life yet so hes just having fun snowboarding.
8) Mitzu the Cheetah
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Mitzu is 22 years old and owns a flower shop/chao garden combo where she takes care of chao, while taking care of flowers and breeding them. Her hydrokinesis powers are very helpful in that!
She loves nature and the outdoors and feeling the grass under her feet, so she doesn’t wear shoes/socks. Ever.
She generally is very free spirited and optimistic!
Shes a big sapphic but shes also okay w being single atm.
Her chao are like children to her and she loves the chao that get left in the garden as much as her own. (ppl leave their chao there when they cant watch over them anymore or if they go for a vacation and cant take them with them or smth)
9) Dan the red panda*
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Dan is 17 years old and a big homo.
He has no special powers, except being able to eat and sleep more than the average person.
He’s from a very rich family, but his parents insisted in him finding a wife to like. pass down the heritage but he aint having none of that so his punk ass ran away from home to be his gay self and study art. 
He lives in a tree house a little off a small village in a more rural area in east UF, near station square. let the depression boy be happy...
10) Yoshi the siamese cat
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Yoshi is a 20 year old enby kitty who wants to make the world a gayer place!
They are studying fashion design in hope to one day open their own fashion store for queer people! The clothes are made with body differences in mind and they also want to offer a free customization service to fit clothes to every single body type.
They don’t have any special powers as of now but i kinda want to give them a power that could be helpful with their goal Im still thinking about it ...
11) Joel “Spirit” the Husky
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Spirit is fresh ripe 14 years old and Sonic the hedgehog is his big big idol. He wants to be JUST like him when he grows up.
It has come to my attention that he is basically the sonic universe Deku and I may or may not be planning to write a fanfiction for that...........
He doesn’t have any special offensive powers, but he has orange blood and he has the ability to read the Chaos Signature of anything he encounters. (called: Chaos Vision)
This means he will immediately know if a person he meets has super powers and he will also know what that power is. He can also guess the emotions of people because they are tied to the kind of chaos energy that surrounds a person.
12) Aurora the Husky
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Spirit’s Sister!
Her name is Aurora and she also has Chaos Vision!
She was born blind, but she’s been able to see with her power, so that’s just what the world looks like to her: Darkness with many many colorful lights.
Over time through hard training she was able to perfect her vision and be able to distinguish between a lot of things and even see things that only have very little chaos energy in them!
13) Axel the Axolotl*
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I don’t really have much info on them I made them pretty random one day bc i thought. hey. .... what if... axolotl sonic character.
14) Azul the cat
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Azul is my sonicsona kinda. He was pmuch my persona b4 i was kin w shadow. 
He’s an edgelord and i guess he’s still technically me; or rather what i want to be. 
He’s already on T and has has top op and he does not crumble away under social anxiety like i do askjdsakjd.
15) ( UNKNWOWN) the Pangolin*
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Similar to Axel I didn’t think much about him yet......  
he’s aroace and kinda goofy but he cares for his friends. He can roll up and do spin dashes and homing attacks like sonic, but he obviously doesnt have his super sonic speed.
16) Coal the hedgehog
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Coal is one of the newest of my characters; but he’s also one of my oldest. 
You see, Coal is a revamp of a very old crappy fanchild i had back in like 2012.
for reference thats him
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New Coal is 27 years old and a gay mess. He can turn into a cloud of smoke and control it at will. He is completely immune to physical attacks. try to stab/shoot him and u ded. hes coming for u.
he steals, but only from rich ppl. hes chaotic neutral tho bc he keeps that shit for himself safhsaljfha he generally just wants to chill and have his peace. 
he loves being an edge lord though he just wants that image for himself, even though he is kinda a softie... hes good at keeping up an act in dangerous situations though and that sometimes scares attackers off (also his powers)
Some gijinka doodles that make his age more justice than sonic style aksjfhaskj
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17, 18, 19) The Crew On ARK
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old bad art but i never really drew them, i did write about them in my fic about shadows past! (im excluding the black guy from the list because i didnt write him yet and i guess hes not really established yet since i got literally nothing on him)
from left to right
Nia, (that dude), Hikari, (gerald), Theodor
Nia is the daughter of a shamaran professor and a woman who owns a boulongerie in spagonia. She joined the ARK program in hope to make the world a more accepting place.
Hikari is is from an island near chun-nan (japan) and she also joined the program in hope to be able to help make a change for the better. she also enjoys biology and genetics a lot.
Theodor joined purely because of his joy in working on genetics and robotics that immitate life. He’s innitially from the GUN team but was assigned to work with Gerald.
20) Commander Jonathan Williams
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old art again sorry sakjfhsakj. He is the father of the current GUN commander! He’s 52 and a total douchebag. He’s kinda mad with power and genuinely believes that putting shadow under pressure to become the ultimate and strongest weapon (stronger than an atomic bomb) was necessary to end the war that was going on at that time.
I cannot spoil too much on what happened to each of these people as it’s spoilers for my fanfic. 
If you want to know more, read here -> http://archiveofourown.org/works/10992156/chapters/24482199
21) Sidus “Nova” the black panther (and 22 Badass the Chao)
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You see. The thing with nova is that i recycled him as human/demon character for a story sjkhfkafhsakj but he has shadow powers where he can use all shadows as portals into a shadow dimension that is entirely his own. he can travel through that but it makes him very tired. he likes to store capri suns in there and just take em out whenever he wants. He has a Chao called Badass (pictured below)
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his new human/demon design is below
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23) Blossom the horned Frog
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She is new and I don’t have much info other than that she’s from a jungle area; perhaps in adabat.
She secrets a poisonous slime from her body; yet her spit has healing accelerating properties.
A gene defect lets her never lose her tail.
24) Nexus the demonic sheep hound
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nexus is a demonic sheep hound mix?? idk i just didnt want to draw hooves aksfsakhfa
they can manipulate metal and bend it in any shape they want
however they cant make it float n shit like youd think of metal powers like magneto jsfhsakjf they can literally just. shape it like play-doh but with their mind
they wear those gold rings so when theyre in a pinch they can just make a bunch of cool knifes of a sword n be like SURPRISE BITCH IM NOT JUST PRETTY. IM PRETTY DEADLY!
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moonsdancer · 7 years
Okay, fam, I’m going to need about 40K fic of platonic soulmates (who occasionally make-out in non-serious and V. PLATONIC ways) roommates Toni and Jughead fic, STAT!
She gets locked out of her uncle’s house regularly and needs a couch to surf on, Jughead has that couch. So give me this...
housemates (trailermates?) jopaz
In which:
The two of them spend long nights lounging on Jughead’s lumpy couch, exchanging sarcastic one-liners and watching bad reality shows, late night infomercials interspersed with classic Agatha Christie and Twilight Zone reruns on a surprisingly quality flat-screen TV they technically stole.
They take turns on who does the cooking. When Jughead does it, it’s really slap-dash beans out of a can on toast with a hot dog (and a few hot dogs for the real Hot Dog) or an overcooked burger... basically, he ends up going to Pop’s and getting them the Duo Double Cheese Special (two double cheeseburgers, fries and some sodas). When Toni does it, she introduces Jughead to novel and revolutionary things like the concept of tasty vegetables and the importance of dietary fibre. Except, when Toni cooks everything tastes amazing - LIKE, restaurant level amazing. And Jughead’s not been to many fancy restaurants but he’s sure of this. Where did she get her skills? Right after her dad split, and her mom died, and she got stuck living with her uncle, her uncle’s girlfriend at the time was a chef at a local diner and she showed Toni everything she knew about a skillet. Jughead didn’t even know hot sauce and peas out of a can could do the things Toni makes it do. And jerk chicken? Toni makes the best jerk in Riverdale, he believes it. He wants to enter her chicken in contests but he’s too scared that other people will discover this treasure and STEAL IT FROM HIM! She also, weirdly, somehow, makes a gourmet grilled cheese that’s Jughead’s favourite. The two of them eat A LOT, it’s probably one of the cornerstones of their friendship.
NOTE: Jughead is ALWAYS on dish duty because Toni hates that shit, and it’s only fair.
Sometimes on nights when the both of them can’t sleep (more often than not for these two), they sit in the dark on Jughead’s trailer’s makeshift porch. Toni occasionally produces a blunt, or Jughead offers a root beer (or a real beer), that they share, while they ruminate on life, love and Riverdale’s latest lurid crime.
On days, mostly weekends, where they’ve got to do a drug/petty theft/whatever run for the Serpents, they spend the mornings oiling  and tinkering on their bikes. Toni’s better at it than Jughead is, and she shows him how to fix his busted oil gauge, where to source mostly decent old tires for when the rubber on his wears thin, and all that good shit. 
Toni’s also a faster and more skilled rider than he is, by far. She goes so fast sometimes, that she disappears on the long stretches of road in front of Jughead, and by the time he catches up, she’s idling by some tree, filing her nails, quirking her eyebrow to ask “What took you so long, Juggie?”
Jughead shows Toni all his favourite places on the Northside. She didn’t have any reason to explore it before, and now she gets to see it through his eyes, and see that maybe it’s not all bad asshole territory. The old drive-in’s totally gutted, and it’s mostly covered in a half-completed paved car-park and dusty construction crap, but they spend some nights out there anyway, throwing rocks at signs, and racing their bikes in circles.
Toni shows Jughead some of her photos, even the ones she’s never shown anyone, that she’s gathered in dusty albums as part of her portfolio.  She’s always dreamed of being one of those awesome travel photographers or maybe fashion or a hard-hitting journalista... anything that would allow her to get out and see the world. “It’s a dumb dream,” she says, with a wry twist of her mouth. “It’ll never happen, or whatever.” Jughead puts a hand on hers and says with confidence, like he’s never been more sure of anything in his life, “It will - I believe in you.”
In turn, Jughead shares some of his stories with her. Short stories that he started writing when he was twelve, remnants of novels that he’s never finished, the Riverdale story he’s constantly writing now. The first time, he just shoved a sheaf of papers at her and ran away to his room, too scared to wait and see what her reaction to reading it would be. But then she gave it back to him, with a few notes in the margins, some really great feedback that helped Jug see where he could improve a couple of things, and a big smiley-crying face (:’DDDDD) with a few hilarious doodles at the end along with the words, You have a gift, don’t ever let anyone make you think different. Now he doesn’t get so shy.
They work on articles for the RED AND BLACK together. The newspaper’s held together with nothing but sticky tape and a wad of gum, and the school doesn’t bother to give them any funds to produce it - but they both believe in it so much that they turn it into an online blog (which is much better for Toni who takes care of all the photography). Riverdale needs to hear the voices of the Southside, to know that the town might step all over them but they’re not worthless or dead. They can still speak out about the shitty reality of their town. It starts with only a few clicks, but when they break a Ghoulie trafficking ring story - there’s no going back. Their “little blog” starts giving the official town paper a run for its money.
They share their war stories. Jughead tells Toni about the day his mother left with Jelly Bean. He tells her about what it was like growing up with his dad, and how he decided to run away and live homeless because he couldn’t take it anymore. About being the weird loner kid in high school whose only friends were good people but that he never could quite shake the feeling of being their charity case or something. The horrible feeling that he was a walking reminder that they might have terrible lives, but at least they weren’t having it as bad as Jughead and his shitty father and his absentee mother. Toni tells Jughead about the day her dad split - she can’t really remember it perfectly, she was five or whatever. She just remembers the sound of the door swinging on its hinges, the voices of her parents yelling at each other, and then her mom locking herself up in her room, crying. After her mom passed, she tried to find her dad. She even got an phone number, somewhere out in Tennessee or something. She hasn’t called it. She tells him about her uncle, who took her in with great reluctance. He wasn’t all bad, at least for the first few years. But then he lost a bunch of money (gambling addiction), and Toni got mixed up with the Serpents. She managed to keep him from getting his ass killed for not paying his debt, and he ends up locking her out of the house whenever the whim takes him because he blames her for all his shitty life choices. It’s whatever. She has a bed, and a roof over her head 1-2 days out of the week. Sweet Pea puts her up some nights, Fangs too, a couple of her on-offs as well. “That’s more than a lot of people can say, right?”
Toni’s the first person Jughead tells that he thinks he might be demisexual and demiromantic or something. That he feels like maybe something’s wrong with him because he loves Betty but sometimes he’s not sure it’s in the way she wants him or needs him to love her. Toni never laughs at him or tells him he’s weird, she just listens and accepts, and he appreciates that.
Jughead reluctantly co-hosts a party with Betty and Archie for the sole purpose of creating an opportunity for Toni to maybe, possibly, probably hit on Cheryl. And you know he must care for Toni a lot because Jughead + Parties is just NO. Anyway, Toni and Cheryl date for a while, and they’re really into each other even though they fight quite a bit. Jughead doesn’t think the weird curdling, burning feeling in the pit of his stomach is jealousy per se because him and Toni aren’t like that. But a tiny ugly part of him is relieved when Toni and Cheryl call it quits in the summer after senior year. “We’re just on different paths, y’know,” Toni says, her eyes are a little red, and Jughead cuddles with her for long hours and makes his infamous beans on toast. 
She’s right though: Cheryl’s off to Paris for something or other. Toni and he are taking a roadtrip on their motorbikes all the way across the country, then down the West Coast and maybe even as far as they can get through Central America (hopefully). It’s not the “responsible” thing to do, but neither of them is sure they want to apply to college like Betty and Veronica, hell, Archie did. And they definitely couldn’t afford it, so an adventure seems like a good idea. Sweet Pea’s coming along for most of the US-leg but he has to come back to help with his family’s shop. Either way, it’ll be awesome, Toni taking photographs, Jughead writing -- maybe they’ll both get their dreams after all!
I could go on. I really could.
But. Someone, please, make it happen. I might make it happen. I make no promises.
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fuzziekins · 4 years
6. What made you realize your current labels fit you?
if it’s ok i’m gonna combine this with question 10, which is when did you realize you weren’t cishet, since when i think about it i usually group the two ideas together. And because it’s a long story and i have no idea how the hell to shorten it i’ll have it under the cut.
So my current label i use is demi-whatromantic asexual [with a slight aesthetic preference toward females]. I include the aesthetic attraction in brackets because sometimes i use it and sometimes i don’t, and maybe that’s because my label in general makes attraction confusing to me or because i’m just plain obsessed with Elsa from Frozen. But because that’s a lot to explain, i usually just say i’m ace or queer. Even if people still don’t know or understand asexuality, sometimes saying i’m queer is just enough to get the point across without needing to go into a needlessly detailed explanation. And while i know everyone has their own personal feelings about queer, as a label or as a word, i like the inclusivity of it. It’s enough for people to know i’m not straight, but it also leaves the door open if people want to know more. There was no specific moment that made me realize queer can fit my just as much as demi-whatromantic asexual; just the occasional tagged queer content on tumblr and the reassurance of some posts that the community has reclaimed the word and whatever each individual’s relationship or feelings are to that word, it’s perfectly ok and valid. I’m allowed to use that word for myself if i see fit. The rest of my label is slightly different.
I figured out first that i was asexual. Except i didn’t realize it until maybe 6 or 7 years after first even seeing the word. I saw it for the first time here on tumblr with the most basic description and i just thought, ‘ok that sounds like it could be me.’ But ultimately i decided it was a problem for future me because i had school to worry about. And even after that it took some times to realize that’s what specifically fit me. And i can’t just say that i had this light bulb moment where i looked up more details about asexuality and knew it was right for me, because that feels like it negates all the steps it took to get there.
After my dad passed, art became a sore topic for me to the point where i couldn’t even enjoy it for myself. But being a creative person, i had to do something. So i put my focus into writing, specifically roleplaying, which is something i hadn’t done since college. And honestly, i wish it didn’t take that to make it the first step because i know had i been able to realize any of this sooner and gotten the chance to tell my dad, he would have been more than accepting and i really hate that’s a moment i missed out with him. Anyway, i happened on a roleplay group kind of my accident but it gave me the chance to not only revisit a couple of OC’s i created back in high school, but also create new ones. The first LGBT+ one didn’t come around for me until a year later; before then the characters i made were straight because i didn’t think much or know better. But the more i roleplayed with these characters, the more i got to explore. When i created more characters i really got to think, ok does this person have a preference?; can i imagine this character eventually in a relationship?; is it ok i just automatically think this character is a lesbian? And the first thing with that, that really hit me, was with the first OC i ever created. My online friend and i were plotting, trying to figure out which of our characters might be friends. And she had just created one similar to one of my characters. Another online friend, he shared a birthday website as kind of a joke and kind of inspiration to help with relations; there was a date compatibility thing or something on the site. It turned out to be funny because some of the characters with pre-existing relations based on that were totally accurate and others were way off. But with two specific characters my friend and i were looking at, the site said they’d make a great couple. And at that time, that particular OC of mine had gone from being hetero to simply open-minded, since she never thought of relationships before and i never particularly saw one for her. But as soon as we read that, it clicked. And not only did the plots and inspiration start coming, but it led to so much character development for my OC. A character i created in high school to basically be a one-dimensional bookworm who was now not only questioning her newfound friendship but her sexuality. And as i wrote her discovering that, i noticed i was putting some of my own tendencies into her - her awkwardness and the way she reacted to certain topics, for example. My friend commented my character was probably ace in addition to realizing she was a lesbian. I didn’t think much of it then, but that was kind of the first piece.
The second piece came in the form of the show The Bold Type. Admittedly the show hasn’t been as good since its first season, but that’s beside the point. But from the first episode we’re introduced to this one character, Kat, and in her interactions with another character you could feel the chemistry between them. And part of her arc for that first season was coming to terms with her feelings for that woman and realizing she wasn’t straight. And for me, someone who was only a few years older than her 20something year old character, that was something i didn’t know i needed to see. I’m naive, childlike, and oblivious. Even if i had known anyone who wasn’t straight up until then, i wouldn’t have noticed or asked anything. But seeing that on screen, someone in my age group who actually didn’t know who she was and was starting to figure something out about herself, it gave me permission to question. Even if that question was, why the hell am i enjoying this so much?
But what really did it for me was the show Andi Mack on Disney Channel. It was one of the few shows i actually enjoyed at the current time on Disney Channel, even though by all accounts i should’ve been done with all that ages ago [except i’m a disnerd]. And after the first season ended and season two was rapidly approaching, the big question and anticipation was in the form of a character’s coming out. Fans have been picking up that one of the characters may have been gay and were waiting for confirmation. And that confirmation came in the season two premiere. And, if memory serves, there was a reason why it was met with acclaim the way it was. The scene in question involved two characters, Buffy and Cyrus, sitting at the diner. And there was that slow build up, just knowing that Cyrus needed to tell Buffy something. And when she asked if he liked another boy, Jonah, Cyrus nodded sadly and said “I feel weird. Different.” Ultimately, she ended up promising him in the most comforting and encouraging way, “you’ve always been weird. But you’re no different.” 
And for me, even as an adult, hearing those words just made everything click. I had no idea how much it meant to hear that. I always knew i was different from other kids growing up. I was treated different. I knew i was weird. And for the most part, i accepted that. But i didn’t understand what made me so different. At that point, i had the faintest basic knowledge of a few different sexualities courtesy of creating OC’s. Only one of them, at that current point, had identified as ace by choice. And suddenly i looked deeper into the meaning of asexuality. And just about everything about it fit for me. Why i didn’t experience attraction the ‘normal’ why. A potential reason why i never had the powerful urge to date or why i pushed the idea to the side so much. It even explained my childlike nature; i’m a kid at heart, but knowing that a “stereotypical” ace is someone who is naive, childlike, etc, it made sense why that was such a huge factor in my personality. Because i was a stereotypical ace. I told one of my best friends about a month later, and then i think 3 or 4 months after that, i posted on my Instagram about being ace. It’s felt right ever since.
Sometimes i do get specific and say i’m a s-x repulsed ace, because the topic really makes me that uncomfortable. But even if i don’t use it out loud all the time i know, as far as the asexual umbrella goes, that’s exactly specifically what fits me. So since hearing “you’ve always been weird, but you’re no different” and learning the full definition of asexuality, that’s what made me realize that fits me.
As far as my romantic orientation goes, it’s more of a grey area and sometimes i still struggle with it. While i’ve openly identified as asexual officially for two and a half years, i’ve had my romantic label for maybe no more than 6 months. When i read that asexuals can be anything from heteromantic to gay to bi to aro...basically anything...originally it felt like there were so many possibilities open. It made me feel good to know that i could basically be anything. But it also made me terrified because how the hell was i supposed to know? Now that i knew my asexuality basically screwed up my attraction to begin with, i also had to admit that it took a lot for me to get close to people to begin with. And, even more so, since my dad passed, the wall i already had up became bigger and stronger. I felt for a time like i lost a lot of support during that dark period and the last thing i wanted to do was let new people, or anyone in.
The obvious answer was that i was probably, if anything, demiromantic. Because if it took so much for me to open up to actual friends in the first place, to get close with them and develop a friendly bond, how much more time, effort, and energy would it take to get close to someone romantically? I thought about using that label for a little bit, but it didn’t fit. And, as someone who feels her emotions so strongly, powerfully, and, to a point, near uncontrollably, i questioned what the hell could be wrong with me that i couldn’t knowingly feel a basic romantic attraction? Aromantic was probably much more accurate, but from what i recall reading online, it’s also perfectly normal for anyone who is aspec to feel broken or like there’s something wrong with them because they’re missing something so “important”. And especially when i already hated so much about myself, finally feeling comfortable with myself about one thing - my asexuality - and knowing that it was right for me and that there wasn’t anything wrong with me about that, the last thing i wanted was to put myself down and feel more shame about who i was. 
I think it was sometime last last year, in 2019, that i first started seeing the word quoiromantic pop up. I think it was on one of the LGBT+ blogs i follow, or maybe an asexual or aromantic specific one. And another word for quoiromantic is whatromantic, since quoi means what. What is romantic attraction? What’s the difference between that, aesthetic attraction, and sexual attraction? What makes someone know they feel that specific attraction? And as someone who naturally asks “what?” or “what’s that?” albeit jokingly, it felt plausible. And it felt like a reasonable explanation for why i really didn’t know anything for sure. Because, even when i tried to think back to when i was in school, did i ever really feel attraction? Was it so faint i didn’t even recognize it? Was i mixing it up with maybe platonic attraction? I had no fricking clue. Simply saying “what” summed it up so simply for me.
I don’t include anything gender related in my label. As far as i know, i’m cis. My body is female and, to my knowledge, i’m comfortable enough that i don’t think i need to identify as anything else, save for really not being comfortable in dresses or heels. But if someone called me dude instead? I don’t care. I use dude as a term for everyone regardless of gender (unless someone tells me otherwise for the sake of their personal comfort). My gender doesn’t feel like something that needs to be changed or defined, unlike my sexual and romantic orientations.
When i saw my whole label together, i think about it, and i connect all the dots, it makes sense for me. Sure, i could simply say whatromantic asexual and leave it at that. But whether it’s platonically or maybe it really does have the faintest connection to romantic attraction and it’s so faint and confusing i wouldn’t know it if it slapped me across the face, keeping demi felt right. Quoi- or whatromantic, to my current still-baby LGBT+ knowledge, is generally seen as a microlabel. It’s something under the aromantic umbrella that is so super specific that a lot of people wouldn’t understand why it needs to exist. It exists to bring a sense of comfort. And that’s exactly what it does for me. It’s the main romantic label for me while demi serves as the microlabel. And ultimately, as someone who has the overwhelming need to always explain themself, i want to have a label that encompasses everything. Even if i don’t always explain my identity or simply say i’m queer, i want to know the details for my sake. 
And i think ultimately, the more i say it to myself in my head, and think of all the ways i may have to explain it to people, the more i know it fits me. 
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