#but let's be honest — he's 14 in canon. those are passing interests
msnihilist · 1 month
I'm not super involved in the Nicktoons Unite fandom, but I have been combing through fics and I'm already tried of Danny being portrayed as the big brother/second smartest one instead of what he actually is: a fucking idiot.
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gogandmagog · 10 months
I need your thoughts in a Gilbert who didn't meet Anne until later in life- let's say at redmond
For the sake of historical accuracy, PLEASE PICTURE ME DOING THE RASPUTIN DANCE right now and as I read this. I love this ask, and I highkey stan the asker.
I think we’ve briefly touched on this topic before, in a superficial uh, roundabout sort of way, but I’m obv thrilled for getting a little (read: okay, a lot) more detailed about the matter.
What would Gilbert be like, if he hadn’t met Anne until Redmond?
Anytime anyone takes this approach in fanfiction… I admit; I cower in a corner and try to look away. Of all the Anne multiverses, this is my least favorite. This very notion makes my head and my heart go OW OW OW. For me, a big part of why Anne and Gilbert went in so deep was the heft and weight of the history between them. This story is a slow burn that lasts well over a decade, these two idiots-in-love have known each other since they were 11 and ‘nearly 14’ respectively. We have all the good stuff, right? Their initial meet-cute-to-end-all-other-meet-cutes, the frenemies, the one-sided pining, the grand gestures that give way to an honest friendship (no one makes Anne laugh like Gilbert does, and he’s the SOLE fellow she feels comfortable enough with to share her honest feelings with, pls see: Rollings Reliable)… it just means so much to me. When we take that away, we take away so much of what makes them… welllll, them.
But of course, I can rely on Gilbert himself to articulate these thoughts, too…
“Yes, it’s beautiful,” said Gilbert, looking steadily down into Anne’s uplifted face, “but wouldn’t it have been more beautiful still, Anne, if there had been NO separation or misunderstanding . . . if they had come hand in hand all the way through life, with no memories behind them but those which belonged to each other?” — Gilbert ‘the absolute sweetest and most poignant peach’ Blythe, Anne of Avonlea
But hey. Yes. Let’s go there anyway, because it is… exceedingly interesting and natural to wonder and speculate about.
To make it make sense, we must first subtract Anne from Green Gables, and Avonlea.
And oof… there’s a lot of collateral there. Minnie May Berry would’ve suffered the most and pays for the Anne-void discrepancy with her actual life. And Miss Lavendar Lewis? She would’ve never reconnected with Stephen Irving… and Mister Harrison would have stayed estranged from his wife. There’d be no A.V.I.S., although that seems like teeny-tiny small potatoes in the wake of the rest. On the flip side, would Matthew have lived longer had the boy meant for Green Gables actually been sent? A solid maybe. And Gilbert? He would’ve never had any sense knocked (cracked, slated) into him.
Before Anne arrives in Avonlea we have a couple canon descriptions of Gilbert, thanks to Diana. We learn that he ‘torments the life’ out of the girls (and further, that they like it), and that he’s “aw’fly” handsome. We first see him pinning Ruby Gillis’ hair unto the back of her desk chair. A hot minute later, he’s all but desperate for Anne to look at him. Moreover, he thinks Anne should look at him.
“Gilbert Blythe wasn’t used to putting himself out to make a girl look at him and meeting with failure.” — Anne of Green Gables
Without Anne? Sheesh. Gilbert Blythe is a bit of cad (need that gif of Josie saying, “Gilbert Blythe is rake” right about here). Just a regular… 19th century [insert the F word here] boy, tbh. BUT WAIT. We have a canon quote to support this, too.
‘Even in quiet Avonlea there were temptations to be met and faced. White Sands youth were a rather “fast” set, and Gilbert was popular wherever he went. But he meant to keep himself worthy of Anne’s friendship and perhaps some distant day her love; and he watched over word and thought and deed as jealously as if her clear eyes were to pass in judgment on it.’ — Anne of Avonlea
I feel in terms of just straight-up facts, we can reduce Anneless Gilbert to this:
1. a smarty pants in an academic sense,
2. a smarty pants in the jokey non-academic sense
3. popular
4. cute af, and aware he’s cute af, to top it all off, that ‘teasing smile’ never quits and he carries on winking ‘with inexpressible drollery’ just whenever he sees fit
Obviously, this list looks a lot like the Gilbert we canonly know, until we arrive at…
5. egotistical on a degree level of… eh, medium-rare?
Without Anne to ego-check him; Gilberts pride remains fully intact, and what’s more, it’s grown and developed into a mature and self-assured vanity by the time he lands in Kingsport. Without Anne, by the time he’s 17, I think he’s walked home and/or kissed every pretty or exceptional girl in a good fifteen-mile radius. I would alsooo guess that Avonlea folks imagined he’d eventually settle down with Ruby. But what they don’t know is that he’s gone kissed every last one of the fine Gillis sisters. Even the oldest ones, Myra and Sara. I would also confidently speculate that this boy’s rather cavalier with his Romeo-ing ways, too, and that he’s inadvertently hurt some very real feelings… without even fully realizing it. He just doesn’t take anything… seriously. Which Gillis sister did he kiss first? Oh, don’t ask him. He doesn’t remember.
And let’s support this guess with another semi-related and semi-justifying canon quote, shall we?
"Did I ever correspond with Ruby Gillis? I'd forgotten. Poor Ruby!” — Gilbert ‘dashing out heart hopes everywhere’ Blythe, Anne of Ingleside
But awoooo, settle down? No, Sir, not Gilbert. Gilbert wanders into Redmond a bachelor, free and clear of any responsibilities or ties, back home. (Of course, he gets all sorts of fan mail via post from every corner of PEI, while he’s at school.) ‘Excellent creatures though they are,’ there’s not been a single girlie-pop that he’s crossed paths with that has yet been able to stir his deeps… or even his shallows.
ADDITIONALLY… he walks into Redmond maybe two or three years earlier than he did in the books. Because without Anne, Gilbert has no reason to give up the Avonlea school -- he saves his would-be room and board expenses by living at the Blythe homestead, and very simply and economically gets to college all the quicker for it. He does still want to be a Doctor, mind you. He has a great-uncle that’s a Doctor over in Four Winds, and Gilbert still believes…
“It’s a splendid profession,” he said enthusiastically. “A fellow has to fight something all through life . . . didn’t somebody once define man as a fighting animal? . . . and I want to fight disease and pain and ignorance . . . which are all members one of another. I want to do my share of honest, real work in the world, Anne . . . add a little to the sum of human knowledge that all the good men have been accumulating since it began. The folks who lived before me have done so much for me that I want to show my gratitude by doing something for the folks who will live after me. It seems to me that is the only way a fellow can get square with his obligations to the race.” — Gilbert ‘getting rather sentimental now’ Blythe, Anne of Avonlea
Now here’s where I fall off and digress again. I believe this is the end of educated guessing and facts about what an Anneless Gilbert probably looks like.
But FOR BONUS POINTS, what happens with this version of Gilbert collides with a version of Anne that never made it to Avonlea? Do they still get together? Likely. But HOW?
If someone put a gun to my head (lollll, as iffff) and made me write (as previously denounced, I realize) a fanfiction about it (warning, it’s definitely gonna be giving… sensationalist and 🤌🏻 fanfictiony, but really if you’re gonna go AU… go AU; all this fully recognizing that this would never be a LMM setting), here’s how I’d pull it off:
Anne, by the time she’s say fourteen, has run away from the Hopetown Assylum. It’s nothing but hunger (see Anne of Ingleside for canon support of this), verbal abuse, (and despite the name) hopelessness there. Anne’s resourceful, we know she has a special knack for making things happen, and she decides to strike out on her own. But not without a plan. There’s not a lot of jobs for kids out there that also come with a safe place to lay their heads at night (though she might make up her mind to sleep under a nice obliging tree, should the need arise; “I had made up my mind that if you didn’t come for me to-night I’d go down the track to that big wild cherry-tree at the bend, and climb up into it to stay all night. I wouldn’t be a bit afraid, and it would be lovely to sleep in a wild cherry-tree all white with bloom in the moonshine, don’t you think?” ), so she, playing to her strengths and daring to dream, thinks of drama and being a stage actress. She gives a spectacularly good reading of Tennyson’s “the Lady of Shalott” to a Hopetown Theatre manager who not only pities her but also finds her wildly talented and very entertaining. Alas… he cannot offer her a job. He tells her, though, that he has contacts with W.W. Cole Circus (they toured Nova Scotia in the 1880’s, clearly I fact checked this too; I have whatever unimaginative disability it is that requires even my fantasies to have bearings in reality), that W.W. Cole is always looking for cheap labor while they tour. Only!! They really just hire/have use for boys. (We can circle back to déjà vu-ish Green Gables problems here.) Anne, however, doesn’t care. She’s got a lead. She knows she can work just as hard as any boy, and means to prove it. She’s given a job (mucking elephant stalls, for starters) on a trial basis (psst, Avonlea calling again), and does such a bang-up job that she’s kept on for a week. She becomes an instant friend with “Nova Scotian Giantess” Anna Swan. (Also a real person, from a real W.W. Cole circus circuit, pls see above regarding fantasies borne from reality. She was 7 feet, 11 inches tall, 400 pounds, and married another ‘giant’ from Kentucky). Anna advocates for Anne to be kept on permanently (I’m trying to @ Aunt Josephine almost, here). Anna, who is emphatically religious (irl when she retired, she went on to teach Sunday School at her church) and ladylike and kind, sees to Anne’s studies and upbringing when they aren’t working. She recognizes Anne’s academic abilities and leverages her own position to see that Anne is promoted, as the years carry on. Anna, duh, encourages Anne to save her wages—enough to get herself through four years at Redmond college… that she might go on to have a career outside the instability of circus acts. By the time Anne is 20, she’s far more widely recognized as Lady Cordelia Fitzgerald, and she’s a terribly accomplished trapeze artist and a very elegant acrobat (let’s thrown in one minor incident where she fell off a tightrope and broke her ankle here, as a nod to, yeah, Avonlea ridgepoles), as well as especial homies with every tiger and elephant and cigar-smoking-chimp that graces the ring. She wears the assigned pink tights and costume despite often still lamenting that “red haired people should never wear pink.” She also has finally saved enough of her wages to get herself a B.A.
Her very last performance sees her signing off at W.W. Cole’s Kingsport show. Who do you bet’s in the audience? Gilbert Blythe. The football captain, Lamba Theta inductee, incumbent class president… who also, as it happens, is there escorting one Philippa Gordon.
“I saw only one really handsome fellow among them. He went away before you came. I heard his chum call him Gilbert.” — Phil Gordon, Anne of the Island
Gilbert’s gone into serious crushing territory on ‘Lady Cordelia’ at first glance. Phil’s also taken with her. The two spend the rest of the show trying to spot Lady Cordelia in her support roles of the other acts. Is that Lady Cordelia lighting the fiery rings? At any rate, for Gilbert, the deeps? Shaken, stirred, invariably earthquaked, when he and Phil get to make actual introductions at the end of the evening production, as they and the rest of the crowd walk out. Anne, on the other hand, is unimpressed at best.That boy was “awfully bold to wink at a strange girl”… all while another was on his arm, no less. Rather a splendid chin, though. 👀 One might say he was equally as handsome as he was bold.
“But, of course, the one I like best I can’t get. Gilbert Blythe won’t take any notice of me, except to look at me as if I were a nice little kitten he’d like to pat. Too well I know the reason. I owe you a grudge, Queen Anne.” — Philippa Gordon, Anne of the Island
That small matter aside, who else might be in attendance? I mean… Royal Gardner, of course. (This could easily substitute his, “And you are the Miss Shirley who read the Tennyson paper at the Philomathic the other evening, aren’t you?”)
Days later, and still wanting to know exactly who she was, Phil catches sight of ‘Lady Cordelia’ (wearing Redmond colors, at that!) reading epitaphs at Old St. John’s cemetery, and we slip back into canon here. Almost. Phil and Anne become fast friends, as is natural and fitting, but far less can be said for poor Gilbert, who now has a very awkward time trying to gently cast off Phil while simultaneously wanting to cozy up to her new freshette friend. After all, Anne is Gilbert’s ideal woman.
If Gilbert had been asked to describe his ideal woman the description would have answered point for point to Anne, even to those seven tiny freckles whose obnoxious presence still continued to vex her soul. Gilbert was as yet little more than a boy; but a boy has his dreams as have others, and in Gilbert’s future there was always a girl with big, limpid gray eyes, and a face as fine and delicate as a flower. — Gilbert ‘Smitten Kitten’ Blythe, Anne of Avonlea
For Gilbert to finally win over that ‘Queen Anne, my Queen Anne, queen of my heart’ we’ll need to see academic rivalry, a relationship-mending grand gesture (these two starting off on the wrong foot is a canon event, and I cannot interfere), Gilbert Saves a Life or Two (lots of congenital health problems for people of Anna’s size, her hand is shooting right up as a volunteer for this incident, and by now Gilbert is nearly white coat qualified), one rejected proposal after two years of genuine friendship, Anne and Roy fully courting, and Gilbert Blythe’s to ego finally give way to the purity of his dreams and aspirations.
“He had made up his mind, also, that his future must be worthy of its goddess. She held over him the unconscious influence that every girl, whose ideals are high and pure, wields over her friends; an influence which would endure as long as she was faithful to those ideals and which she would as certainly lose if she were ever false to them. In Gilbert’s eyes Anne’s greatest charm was the fact that she never stooped to the petty practices of so many of the Avonlea girls—the small jealousies, the little deceits and rivalries, the palpable bids for favor. Anne held herself apart from all this, not consciously or of design, but simply because anything of the sort was utterly foreign to her transparent, impulsive nature, crystal clear in its motives and aspirations.” -- Anne of Avonlea
And ultimately… right about there is where we’d revert back to a bad case of typhoid for Anne to realize her feelings, too. It would take Gilbert a full four years and nearly dying trying, to put a ring on it. For my last trick (read: in conclusion), here's a cute lil’ attempt at more canon justification for my utter nonsense (if you just squint):
"Mother dearwums," said Jem, "can I have those old ostrich feathers in the garret to sew in the back of my pants for a tail? We're going to have a circus tomorrow and I'm to be the ostrich. And we're going to get an elephant." "Do you know that it costs six hundred dollars a year to feed an elephant?" said Gilbert solemnly. "An imaginary elephant doesn't cost anything," explained Jem patiently. Anne laughed. "We never need to be economical in our imaginations, thank heaven." — Anne of Ingleside
SO FRIENDS. ROMANS. @batrachised.
What would yooooour take on an Anneless Gilbert be? An Avonlealess Anne? I’m terribly curious, as always!
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teecupangel · 1 year
Just a random idea that came from the AC Unity posts but what about Desmond as Marie Antoinette, France's most hated dauphin? Like Desmond in Cantarella, he is surrounded by Templars but this time it is in the middle of a court that seeks to remove him from the throne by any means, at any cost. And Desmond, as in Cantarella, can choose to run away from all this (toward Connor in the colonies) or play the game in which he is inside to avoid a massacre.
(Now, I don't remember much about AC Unity but I do know that Marie birth was in 1755 and came to court at eighteen, which would make her canonically four years older than Arno but only one year older than Connor, which is a long time, for whatever plan Desmond has after the shock of being born again.)
So the Templar and Assassin presence in Austria and the Holy Roman Empire are a bit vague, especially during Marie Antoinette's time growing up so we can play around with that aspect.
Desmond probably only heard of Marie Antoinette in passing. She mostly knows her as the ‘let them eat cake’ bitch and holy shit, there was no way she was going to be her, especially since she did watch Kirsten Dunst’s Marie Antoinette (he was bored, okay?) so yeah, definitely didn’t want to part of all of that.
Desmond tries to appear not that interesting, making people whisper that she’s lazy but brilliant as she knows Latin, Italian and French (thanks, Ezio).
Her beauty is also marred by the fact that she doesn’t like to wear those restrictive women's clothes. She’s fine wearing dresses, she’s not fine wearing stuff that impedes her movements.
This, unfortunately, meant that they’re forced to make clothes that would be beautiful but not restrictive just so Desmond would wear them to balls and important events that needed her presence.
She doesn’t even understand why they needed her to do any of these. She’s the youngest, shouldn’t she be more or less worthless in the eyes of the royal family?
What she doesn’t realize is that her beauty and brains made her interesting. And having the Bleeds of Haytham Kenway and Ezio Auditore meant she could be graceful if she wanted to, meaning that, if one was simply to turn a blind eye on her ‘laziness’ and her ‘strange musings’, she is certainly one of the most promising young noble ladies of her generation.
Because of this, she gets the attention of Louis XV who wants her to become the future wife of his grandson, Louis XVI.
History finally gets royally fucked up when the announcement of Desmond’s marriage to Louis XVI becomes public when she is just freaking 14.
So, out of desperation because there is no way in freaking hell she was going to marry some dude at 14...
Also… childbirth? Nopenopenopenope. She just got used to the whole monthly bleeding thing. The idea of giving birth frightens her more than burning from the inside again...
She runs away.
At this point, she didn’t have any allies nor any actual plan like Giovanni!Desmond did in Cantarella.
What she did have was the skills of three Master Assassins and one Grand Templar so Desmond ran away in the middle of the night, more reminiscent of his running away from the Farm to be completely honest.
She pretends to be a boy which wasn’t that hard at the moment because she was still growing and gets into a ship bound for the colonies where, she hopes, she’d be able to find Ratonhnhaké:ton.
… Not knowing the huge scandal she would be making by disappearing in the middle of the night.
And how this entire thing could spell a disaster in France and Austria’s future since her marriage had been one of the conditions for an alliance between the two.
Unorganized Ideas:
She pretends to be a dude but she’s really pretty. Becomes harder once her growth spurt truly starts
She meets up with Ratonhnhaké:ton in Davenport Homestead after Ratonhnhaké:ton’s whole ‘arrested because white people, man’ shit in Boston. They grow up to be more or less partners.
Achilles thinks she’s a runaway daughter of an Assassin (which is technically true) and a part of him wonders if she may not be related to John de la Tour (maybe even his granddaughter?) because she makes offhanded comments about France.
The missing Marie Antoinette becomes the French/British version of ‘Anatasia Romanov lives’ rumors. No one thinks it’s Desmond though.
Except for one person who had seen a portrait of the young Marie Antoinette once… Marquis de La Fayette.
Haytham believes Desmond is his son’s beau (and, later on, wife). He is not the first to believe that and Ratonhnhaké:ton and Desmond had stopped trying to correct people and just let them think whatever they want.
Desmond does milk it a bit, calling Ratonhnhaké:ton ‘my dearest’. Ratonhnhaké:ton simply goes along with it because Desmond had always been strange even by white men standards.
Ratonhnhaké:ton knew Desmond was a girl from the beginning, he just didn’t make a big deal about it. This made Desmond believe that Ratonhnhaké:ton never realized she was a girl until she started ‘filling out’.
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gali-la · 9 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love ❤
I'm too introverted for this I don't know five writers—
My five favorite works!! Oh god that's a hard one. Let's see...
I'm gonna have to go with "Beneath the Skin, Through the Heart," "Moth to a Flame," "Shared Cigarettes," "Savage Little Beasts," and "'Til all my sleeves are stained red (from all the truth I've said)."
Ahh, that was so hard to choose. I'll put in some more details below in case anyone's interested~
Beneath the Skin, Through the Heart
Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Katakuri/Rosinante Summary: Katakuri and Rosinante try to get a little more into the... intimate side of a relationship, but some hidden secrets ruin those plans pretty fast. Notes: This came completely out of the blue, to be honest. I got this image of fem!rosi with kata stuck—like, properly stuck—in my head and then everything just got worse. this thing had no plot originally, but then I decided it was going to take place in the canon universe, and everything just kind of... escaped my fingers like a fever dream afterwards. It was a lot of fun!! I love it a whole lot tbh probably gonna stay in my heart for a long time.
Moth to a Flame
Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence Relationships: Crocodile/Doflamingo Summary: Be in my quarters at 14:00, the little note read. Unmistakably Crocodile’s neat-but-distracted-by-more-important-things-than-you scrawl, Doflamingo felt his perpetual grin grow ever wider. Even he felt a bit of disbelief when it happened, his skin about two millimeters from splitting already. What a pleasant surprise. If only Doflamingo knew what was truly waiting for him. Notes: This was the kick off to my BTHB! I wrote it for someone who I knew would enjoy this type of thing, and to my great relief, they did enjoy the work! It was my first time writing something quite so... disturbing, so I was of course apprehensive, but it turned out better than I expected! I have higher hopes for the rest of my BTHB now <3
Shared Cigarettes
Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships: Bell-mére/Rosinante Summary: She thought that maybe if they had had more time, if they had been able to do all those things he wanted, she would have been able to love him properly. She would have been able to love him like he deserved—not just echoed the feeling, through wide-puppy-dog-smiles and ruffled-mussed-blond-hair and shared-smokey-cigarette-air and the brushing of fingertips they decided counted as hand-holding. Notes: This one was super bittersweet. My first ever corabelle!! The writing style was a little out of my norm, but it's my baby nonetheless. I just liked thinking of the what-ifs of Bell-mere and Rosinante's relationship—especially after these two masterpieces: set in stone and matching set love em love em love emmmm <33
Savage Little Beasts
Rating: Teen and Up Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence Relationships: Hancock & Crocodile Summary: Hancock finds something in common with Crocodile, and they get along better than expected Notes: I have never in my life written or would have even thought of writing something from Boa Hancock's POV, but holy cow, this one was a whole lot more fun than I thought it would be. It's a little less cutesy, but it's focusing on their pets! Adorable bananawanis and Salome <3
And finally,
'Til all my sleeves are stained red (from all the truth I've said)
Rating: Teen and Up Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Roger/Rayleigh Summary: 5 times Rayleigh discovers something his captain's hiding, and one time his captain comes to him Notes: This one was for Rarepair Month!! I don't know how I managed to write nearly 1k a day, but god, that sad ending was quite an exercise in "don't turn this into a happy ending it needs to be canon compliant". every fluff-loving bone in my body was miserable.
Thank you for the ask, anon!! I'll send it out diligently o7
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ktinastrikesback · 3 years
Alright, here it is: The meta post about Eddie Diaz and mother figures and how it all leads to Buddie (I think). Thanks to @yramesoruniverse for your help with this, and @kitkatpancakestack and @evanbucklies for inspiring it! I really have been thinking about this nonstop and had to get it all down. This got quite long, so I'll include a cut in order to spare everyone who doesn't want to continue reading!
We first get an idea of Eddie's complicated thoughts surrounding mother figures throughout his whole storyline with Shannon in season 2 when he romantically reconnects with her for Christopher's benefit. I do want to keep the focus here trained on Eddie in season 4, but I want to point out a season 2 line that is pretty fitting. As much as I don't want to use a Shannon quote as a starting point for a meta, I think this one is actually pretty useful: "...Eddie always knows what's best for everyone...God forbid you stop for a second and actually ask them what they need." While it's harsh and spoken out of spite, Shannon does make a point here which becomes relevant at the end of season 4.
We don't know a whole lot about season 4 Eddie (thanks writers) aside from the fact that he's working on being a single father (he tells Marjan in the crossover that he's "doing the whole single dad thing") and being a support system for Buck and the rest of the 118. Eddie's "arc" this season is moving on from Shannon and beginning to date again (a very small and limited arc, which hopefully season 5 will remedy). Of course, because it's Eddie, the core of this arc is him wanting what is best for Christopher. And it seems pretty clear that what Eddie thinks Chris needs is a complete family with a mother figure (note how he asks Bobby if he's "happy now, with Athena and the kids" and just assumes that Bobby is talking about Ana Flores), but the universe pushes against this idea throughout the whole season. There are a lot of examples in season 4 of unreliable mother figures (for example, the alcoholic mother who causes the wreck in Blindsided), but in order to save some space here, I'll list and discuss those in another post. The main thing I want to point out is that we've seen that mother figures aren't always perfect, and they aren't the end all be all that Eddie thinks. And canonically, the show suggests several times throughout the season that the partner that Eddie needs/wants and who is best for Chris is actually Buck.
In Breaking Point, while Eddie is on his date, it's Buck who is at home taking care of Christopher and getting him through his nighttime routine (which establishes that he knows the routine and has gotten Chris ready for bed before, hence the reference to his "cautionary tale"). On the date, when Ana says that no one has been in his life since Shannon passed away, Eddie noticeably looks uncomfortable (the will reveal makes this scene and that particular comment and Eddie's subsequent reaction so rich. Eddie knows that what Ana is saying is completely untrue, because the person he trusts most with his son is with him at that exact moment). Later, when Eddie tells Christopher about his new 'friend', he says "it's a woman." And...to be honest, what the hell was that? He could have said, "I'm dating someone" or "I have a girlfriend." But he says it like this? And it's weird...right? Christopher is the one who has to say "girlfriend." Also his tone of voice when he says it...it's suspicious to me. Anyways...Eddie talks with Ana about Christopher's reaction and her first instinct is to take a break and wait for Christopher to warm up to the idea so as to not cause him more pain. Meanwhile, Chris is out the door, in an Uber, and on his way to Buck, the person who actually gets Chris to talk about his feelings and who fixes the whole mess. So while Eddie is talking with Ana, Buck is playing a parental role AND promising Chris he isn't going anywhere, completely juxtaposing everything Ana has said and done in this episode (throwback to Fools, anyone?). Just like we see in 4x14, the perfect partner that Eddie is looking for is already putting in the work, no questions asked (and this is all before Buck knows about the will!). Yet Eddie is still trying to force it with Ana.
We see this again very briefly in Parenthood. Eddie and Buck are seen agreeing on parenting ideals on a call, similar to how we saw them work together in Future Tense to talk Chris out of playing video games. At the end of the episode however, when Chris asks to join the movie, Ana just jumps ahead and lets him in, not consulting with Eddie. Of course, this isn't a serious issue and Eddie is happy to have Chris join them, but it still carries on with juxtaposing Ana with Buck. It's also a bit interesting that Chris sits between them, parallel to the video game scene from season 3. But again, it's a very brief scene, so I don't know how much value it has overall.
We see all of this come to a head in 4x13 when Eddie becomes invested in the single mother and her son from the balcony call. Interestingly, this call happens after Eddie's conversation with Carla ("make sure you're following your heart"). On the call, Eddie flirts with the mom. This is interesting because we've seen many times in the past that Eddie...doesn't like flirting, especially on the job. Eddie openly flirting with the mom here may be his way of fighting against what his instincts are telling him Carla's comment was about (him liking Buck/a man). Eddie quickly becomes invested in Charlie (the son) and takes a liking to his mother because he relates to her. You can kind of see the gears working in Eddie's head when he's at their apartment...he's admiring her and perhaps maybe fantasizing about having a partner who gets it. And he sees a mother taking care of her son...reinforcing his love for the mother figure. But of course, we all learn by the end of the episode that this mother figure is extremely warped and not at all what her child needs.
The best part about this plot is the way it plays into the shooting scene at the end of the episode. Just before he gets shot, we see Eddie in an interesting framing choice (I am genuinely serious when I say that I want to sit down with Brenna Malloy and ask her about her directing choices for this whole scene):
The mother and son are placed into separate ambulances, and Eddie stands between the two vehicles. Visually, Eddie is literally placed between the mother figure and the son, and Buck is standing in front of him (at a slight distance). As (thank you to @kitkatpancakestack for pointing this out!) the ambulance with the mother drives away, Eddie says "shoulda gotten here sooner" to Buck (who replies, "That kid is just lucky he met you." He knows how to reassure Eddie and recognizes what is good for the child). Then of course, Eddie gets shot. But let's focus instead on why this framing before the shooting is important: the universe does scream, and it sure as hell was screaming at Eddie this whole episode. Carla calls him out for not following his heart, he idolizes this mother only for her to end up being horrid, then he gets shot with his partner standing right in front of him (you know, the same person who takes care of his son for the entirety of the next episode).
This can be read so plainly: Eddie has been fighting hard for what he thinks is best for his son, and he's stuck in this relationship with Ana because he thinks she is what will make Christopher happy. Meanwhile, Buck is in front of him and has been there the entire time putting in the work with Chris and making him feel heard, loved, and important. This ties right back to that Shannon line: if Eddie had simply asked Christopher what he needs/wants, it's very possible that his answer would be "Buck." Eddie doesn't need to be stuck in the middle of this relationship he doesn't care about because Chris' happiness is not dependent on having a mother figure.
Of course, we didn't see very much of Eddie in 4x14 so we don't really know what is going through his head regarding the shooting or Carla's comment just yet, but I'm hoping we see a lot of him working through all of the events that took place in 4x13/14 throughout next season. Because of the way the mother/son storyline ended up and the way they framed Eddie in the shooting scene, I'm willing to bet that he's going to be reevaluating just what Christopher needs and what he already has (with his Buck).
(Also side note--the welcome home party scene...when Buck is watching Eddie greet Christopher, notice the framing there too. The photo of Chris and Shannon is on the right side of the frame, Eddie and Chris in the middle, and Buck to the left. You already know what I'm going to say, so I'll leave it at that...)
Anyways. Edmundo Diaz is confused about what he and Christopher need, and it's actually a brilliant way to dive into a storyline about his sexuality and his feelings for Buck. Remember that post-finale interview with Tim where he said Eddie is always concerned with what's best for Christopher? That there will be a lot to explore with Eddie? I take everything Tim says with a grain of salt, but looking at all of this, there's quite a bit here pointing in the direction of pining Eddie. It's not wishful thinking, it's in the text.
I'm literally just applying basic film analysis to these scenes...and everything is adding up to a larger picture. I'm really excited to see what Eddie's arc in season 5 will be because there's so much set in place for it to be really great.
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Hear me out... aro/seth
Interesting choice, anon. I mean, I support rare pairs in this fandom, because otherwise it's just the canon pairings and that's far too boring.
That said, I don't think this one's going to happen.
The Land of Canon
I believe Seth is 14 when he first transforms into a wolf/when Eclipse takes place. He's not going anywhere or getting into a serious non-teenage dating relationship with anybody.
As it is, he's busy protecting the land from an army of vampires and when the Volturi roll around it's as the enemy of the Cullens who, thanks to Renesmee, are sort of Seth's people now.
It's all very confusing.
But he does like the Cullens, they seem to be very cool people, especially Edward.
(God, Seth, what did Edward even say to you for you to have any good opinion of him at all.)
By the time Seth is an adult, Aro's so far off the table he might as well be in space. Seth went to war against this guy, this guy is the ancient vampire king of demons, it's just--no never going to happen.
As for Aro, well, he's a) head over heels for Carlisle b) is now preparing for the inevitable war against the Cullens (which may or may not include Seth's people). To be honest, he probably didn't even really notice Seth's existence, he was just another potential combatant.
The Land of Not Canon
Well, again, we come back to that first problem for Aro: he's besotted with Carlisle Cullen. While I hardly think Aro is monogamous or straight, given the way he talks about Carlisle, and some hints we get from other characters I get the feeling that Aro didn't sleep around much after Carlisle had left.
Why have the rest when you've had the best?
Time he spends seducing Not-Carlisle could be spent talking about Carlisle.
And true, Carlisle gets himself a wife, but Aro has one of those too and that doesn't mean much.
So, I don't think Aro would sleep with Seth (who is born much much later) in a world where Carlisle came to Volterra. I especially don't think he'd pursue a romantic relationship with him.
Aro would probably be fascinated by this previously unknown species, would find Seth a very friendly and likeable chap, but that's about where it ends.
On Seth's end, when would these two even come across each other? If Aro had come during Eclipse then cleanup likely would have happened on schedule and he'd be zipping over to Carlisle who would be very grateful that the Volturi came so promptly.
In a world where he has never met Carlisle before he's still zipping over to Carlisle because this is the hottest, weirdest, most perfect man he's seen in his life. So he has a wife, pssh, Aro has one too. Aro can work with this.
(Edward loathes him on sight for daring to think of seducing Carlisle. Carlisle has no idea what's even happening but he guesses the coven can come and visit Italy when they move next.)
Seth is also only fourteen here.
If none of that happens then Seth would have to somehow cross paths with Aro which is... well, unlikely. If he's a wolf, then he has to stay close to the res and the tribe, he can never truly leave per his obligations to protect his people.
If he's not, then he has to happen to travel to Italy, happen to visit Volterra, and then happen to visit the Volturi.
It's just not very likely
Let's Say That Happens
Alright, I'll try to make this work.
Aro never met Carlisle in this world.
As a result, Carlisle likely is a hermit who flees from the sight of vampires, as he never learned that vampires were anything but demonic beings.
The Cullen coven is never created, Carlisle is a single doctor, and Bella is hit by a car in a parking lot.
Aro continues on much as he always has.
An adult Seth, who never turned into a wolf because there was only one vampire in town for a few years, wins a free trip to Turkey (courtesy of Heidi) and somehow ends up in Volterra Italy because of it.
He's invited to be dinner, but is not eaten, because thanks to his latent shapeshifter blood, he smells disgusting. Jane actually pushes him out of the room.
Seth, sitting there with the secretary, realizes that he may not have actually won a free trip.
Afterwards, Caius votes to kill the awful smelling young man, but Aro is intrigued. This could be a gift. A really weird gift, and not one he needs, but hey color him curious.
Aro does and discovers Seth is a surprisingly friendly young man for having just been eaten. Aro lays out the deal for him: either you turn or I unfortunately have to kill you.
Well, Seth isn't all that keen on the eating people bit...
Aro tells Seth he's much too young to die over noble causes and tells Seth he'll give him a week to think about it. Also, if he runs or tries to tell anyone, they will find him and his end will be painful.
Well, Seth does like not being executed for a week, so he takes Aro up on it. They spend the week chatting, Seth is very amiable and Aro turns out to know everything about everything.
Seth still doesn't want to eat people though nor does he want to live forever in Italy. It'll hurt his mom, sister (grieving over the loss of Seth's father), and Charlie (who is already grieving over the loss of his daughter) but it sounds like he can't keep contact with them anyway.
And Leah would kill him if he decided to become a bloodsucking monster. (Not that she didn't try to kill him over his free vacation, she'd thought it was a scam and turns out she was right).
A week passes, Seth still votes to die, though asks that Aro tell his sister and mother that he fell off a cliff in Turkey or something.
Aro says that's too bad and kills him quickly. He sends very nice flowers to Leah and Sue.
Honestly, I tried anon.
Let's Try Again
For some reason, Seth is a shapeshifter, for some reason, he's in Volterra having never met the Volturi and for some reason having an open mind about vampires. Aro has never met Carlisle.
Seth smells awful, Aro is intrigued, a very weird night is had by all where Aro decides he will seduce this good looking (but terribly smelling) not quite human man.
Seth leaves the next morning, not quite sure what happened.
Caius judges Aro forever.
Aro judges himself.
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xiyao-feels · 3 years
Part Two: Claims about NMJ and NHS
Intro - Pt 1 - Pt 2 - Pt 3 - Pt 4
1) NMJ wished to protect NHS from cultivating with the sabre as a youth.
I don't think he tells us this in quite so many words, but it seems implied by the flashback scenes: his giving NHS the paintbrush, the bit where he takes 修刀 and gives NHS 修心, and course him literally telling NHS that whatever NHS wishes to do, he'd support it.
As far as I can tell there's no evidence of this. Now, to be fair, we don't see them as children in MDZS, but there is not as far as I can tell any sign that NMJ has ever done anything but strongly desire that NHS work on the sabre. Indeed, even at Hejian during Sunshot, the reason he overhears MY and LXC's conversation is because he is bringing NHS' sabre to LXC so that NHS will not be able to escape practicing with it. He certainly does not renew any kind of commitment to allowing NHS to do what he wills before his death. In CQL, we see rather less, but as far as I can tell there doesn't seem to be anything that contradicts MDZS on this front.
2) In his heart, NMJ carried significant doubts about the righteousness of Nie cultivation practices, including both the sabre-curse-inducing sabre cultivation and the practice of balancing the sabre spirits via corpses in the wall
This is quite central to the movie. It's arguably implicit in his desire to protect NHS from cultivating with the sabre, but beyond that, he is clearly extremely uncomfortable at NHS' moral challenge of Nie practices and believes at least partially that NHS has a point; moreover, it's implicit in his confessions to NHS in the tomb:
The Nie family's ancestors created this family foundation with great hardships. Unexpectedly, it was cursed by the sword spirit. I practiced swordsmanship hard and thought I could find a way to solve it, but I just followed the same old disastrous road of the ancestors.
And of course, his moral arc in the movie is about embracing those doubts and rejecting Nie tradition.
There is as far as I can tell no evidence of this in MDZS or CQL; in fact we don't learn anything about the Nie burial traditions in scenes where NMJ is still alive, and he never shows any doubt about the wisdom of sabre cultivation.
3) NMJ used to be "intelligent and wise"; it's due to the effects of the sabre curse that he is "moody and brutal".
We're explicitly told this by NHS at around 32:50: "Da-ge, look at you now, you have changed. When you were young, you were always wise and intelligent. Ever since you practiced swordsmanship, you've become moody and brutal." It's also backed up by the childhood flashbacks. The sharp distinction between NMJ and sabre-curse-affected-NMJ, shown by the way sabre-curse-affected NMJ is visually marked out, also helps suggest this.
Now, in MDZS and CQL, this…is complicated. Again, in MDZS, we don't see him as a child—the earliest we see him is still well past the time he began practicing sabre cultivation. And in ch 26 NHS does indeed suggest that sabre cultivation causes increasing irritability; it certainly seems plausible, indeed almost necessary, that he had less of a temper before he started practicing, and for that matter we see his anger grow worse as time goes on.
Nevertheless, we never actually see any trace of a calm-tempered NMJ in the text. Even by the beginning of Sunshot, his reputation as an angry man is firmly established. Consider the Nie men's reaction to his anger at their shit-talking MY, in the cave:
The entire cave was in a muddle. Everyone knew ChiFeng-Zun’s personality—the more one tried to explain, the angrier he was. Seeing that they probably couldn’t escape punishment and would have to tell the truth, nobody dared to speak a word.
Even his friend LXC says to MY, “MingJue-xiong has quite a fiery personality. It must have been truly difficult for you to have earned his approval.”
And NHS, who very much loves his brother even as he is also to some extent frightened of him, is never shown pining for the halcyon days of yore. Narratively speaking, sabre-affected NMJ is the only NMJ we know. I think…this is something a Nie brothers spinoff could theoretically do something interesting with, but the way it's presented in their relationship is all wrong.
In CQL, the evidence is much the same or just not shown. NMJ generally seems less angry (though even so, we see him be angry at the Nie men for mocking MY (in subjective CQL-Empathy, but still), at WWX for saying maybe let's not kill XY immediately, at JGY for having killed the Nie cultivators, etc.), and if anything his relationship with NHS seems better than it is in the novel, although this too is well after he's begun to practice sabre cultivation.
4) NMJ respects NHS' interests
When picking NHS to lead the other team in the tombs, NMJ tells us that NHS knows most about astronomy in the Nie, and NMJ clearly considers this valuable.
If NHS did actually have significant knowledge of cultivation, NMJ would probably respect that. However, this is what NMJ has to say about the interests NHS canonically has (ch 49):
Nie HuaiSang was absolutely delighted. He greeted Jin GuangYao again and again as he grabbed the fans in haste. Seeing how his younger brother reacted, Nie MingJue was so outraged that he almost found it amusing. He turned to Jin GuangYao, “Don’t send him those useless things!”
In a hurry, Nie HuaiSang dropped a few fans on the ground. Jin GuangYao picked them up for him and put them into his arms, “HuaiSang’s hobbies are quite elegant. He’s dedicated to art and calligraphy, and has no propensity for mischief. How can you say that they’re useless?”
Nie HuaiSang nodded as fast as he could, “Yes, Brother is right!”
Nie MingJue, “But sect leaders have no need for such things.”
In CQL, I believe we just don't see enough to say, although given that again, NHS' isn't actually studying cultivation, it seems likely NMJ' attitudes are much the same.
1) NHS is profoundly morally motivated
NHS is immediately and hugely upset with the practice of using corpses in the walls, explicitly on moral grounds, even though it was the practice of their ancestors, and even once he finds out that they're not (usually) Nie men, but evildoers.
Having been told by NZH that the blades need the corpses to suppress their aggressiveness: "But isn't that just sacrificing people?" "Zonghui, the Nie family have always been righteous. If we give sacrifice to it with life, we will become evil."
And then, to NMJ: "Wait. Let me ask you. Why is here called the Sword Sacrifice Hall? What is to balance sword spirit? I didn't understand before coming what exactly Sword Sacrifice Hall represents. I know it now. This is not balance but sacrificing flesh and blood!"
NZH: Second Young Master, you misunderstood it. Those corpses belong to evil men. The Nie family's ancestors had uses their bodies to balance the sword spirit. We also follow the ancestral instructions."
NHS: (to NZH) Evil men? (to NMJ) Aren't they human beings? Are you qualified for deciding their fate?
NMJ: The sword spirit is extremely dangerous. Generations of the Nie family all balanced the spirit in this way.
NHS: Even if they were wrong, you also follow their way?
In MDZS…I went over the chapters where he shows up, and I'm not actually sure we ever see him express a moral sentiment? I could be missing something, but it doesn't seem to be any kind of fundamental part of his character.
This is his reaction to WWX's first suggestion of demonic cultivation, when they're studying at CR (ch 14):
After thinking for a few moments, an expression of envy and yearning appeared on Nie HuaiSang’s face, “To be honest, Wei-xiong’s words were quite interesting. Spiritual energy can only be obtained through cultivation and taking great pains to form a golden core. It would take I-don’t-know-how-many years to do, especially for someone like me, whose talent seems as if it was gnawed by a dog when I was in my mother’s womb. But, resentful energy are from the fierce ghosts. If they can easily be taken and used, it would be beyond wonderful.”
And—granted this is several years down the line and NHS is keeping up his cover, but when NHS is explaining the sabre tomb to LWJ and WWX in chapter 26, he doesn't seem to have any problem with the practice. In fact, he tells us that he participated in choosing corpses for NMJ's sabre:
Nie HuaiSang was already shocked speechless. Wei WuXian inquired, “Who chooses the corpses that the Nie Sect uses for the Saber Hall?”
Nie HuaiSang replied with a glazed expression, “Usually, the past sect leaders chose and stored them when they were still alive. My brother passed away at an earlier age. He didn’t have enough, so I also helped him choose some… I kept whichever corpses that were complete with all limbs. I don’t know about anything other than this…”
In CQL...mmm. I rewatched all the pre-Sunshot scenes with him in it, and I do think he comes across as, at least, less amoral. We don't have the gee wouldn't demonic cultivation be nice scene, and you could definitely interpret him as being worried about the granny at Dafan, or even the temporary-puppets; he says you have to admire Songxiao's integrity and elegance as they depart; and while we don't see him be part of the initial 'maybe we shouldn't just immediately execute XY squad,' he does go da-ge after NMJ seems irritated at WWX, and after NMJ throws MY out he goes in and is like but why!!!! That said, in both cases where he challenges (and I use the term rather loosely for the da-ge after NMJ is irritated with WWX), he immediately backs down faced with NMJ's opposition. I really don't see any sign of the character who is so morally motivated and so sure of his own correctness he challenges NMJ, /in front of all their men/, and keeps up the challenge despite NMJ's consistent opposition.
2) NHS isn't really interested in JGY's gifts
At no point is he shown delighting over or interested in anything JGY gave him (except of course the flute for treating his brother), and in fact when JGY says that after the journey he will give him gifts he replies "San-ge, I am not afraid of difficult journeys. I'm not craving for toys either." On the contrary, gifts are associated with /NMJ/, who gave him a paintbrush as a child.
In MDZS, we see him explicitly delighted in and interested by JGY's gifts. In ch 49, we see him going over a dozen gold-lined fans, which turn out to be gifts from JGY; when JGY mentions he's going to play a song for NMJ, he expresses interest and mentions "the limited edition" JGY gave him "last time," and then when NMJ shouts at him to go to his room he runs instead "to the living room for the presents that Jin GuangYao had brought him;" when JGY shows up at Qinghe after the stairs incident, NHS "beamed as he got ready to go to Jin GuangYao and see what presents he brought this time." Considering how little time they have together on the page, the gifts show up a great deal.
In CQL, we mostly don't see a lot of NHS and JGY's interactions after JGY's legitimation but before NMJ's death, so it's impossible to directly say. However, he is at least shown to delight in and greatly value beautiful things (see at least the fan flashback in ep 35).
3) NHS is motivated by a desire for his brother's respect and the respect of their men.
This is the argument JGY uses which finally settles NHS on going along on the journey, around 14:30: "Both of you are pillars of the Nie family. You should work together. You can also prove yourself." See also his pleasure with himself at solving the puzzle quickly in the tombs; it's not a purely self-satisfied pleasure, but rather, "It seems I'm not useless" (27:35ish). When NZH replies, "Second Young Master, you are definitely not useless. It's just because everyone has their own will," NHS gives a firm little nod. NMJ's respect for NHS' skills and interests is also made central to their relationship.
In MDZS, NHS really doesn't seem to be motivated by people respecting him. Consider, again, what he says about WWX's idea of demonic cultivation (ch 14):
After thinking for a few moments, an expression of envy and yearning appeared on Nie HuaiSang’s face, “To be honest, Wei-xiong’s words were quite interesting. Spiritual energy can only be obtained through cultivation and taking great pains to form a golden core. It would take I-don’t-know-how-many years to do, especially for someone like me, whose talent seems as if it was gnawed by a dog when I was in my mother’s womb. But, resentful energy are from the fierce ghosts. If they can easily be taken and used, it would be beyond wonderful.”
A golden core was a core formed by cultivators after they had cultivated to a certain point. It can store and control spiritual energy. After the core was formed, the cultivator’s level of cultivation would increase at a rapid speed, and become better and better. Else, they would only be a low-end cultivator. If disciple from a prominent clan forms the core at a later age, it would be a disgrace to tell other people of it, yet Nie HuaiSang didn’t feel ashamed at all. Wei WuXian also laughed, “I know, right? No harm comes from using it.”
Even during Sunshot, he's slacking off, using the excuse of having forgotten his sabre. (ch 48)
And then in ch. 49, after NMJ burns his things:
Nie HuaiSang roared at Nie MingJue, “Saber, saber, saber! Who the fuck wants to practice the damn thing?! So what if I want to be a good-for-nothing?! Whoever that wants to can be the sect leader! I can’t learn it means I can’t learn it and I don’t like it means I don’t like it! What’s the use of forcing me?!”
I'm not necessarily saying he wouldn't enjoy it if NMJ respected him, and certainly it seems a fair read that he would like it if NMJ yelled at him less. But by and large, he just doesn't show any objection to being thought of as useless, even before his Headshaker cover—and there's a reason that cover worked, after all.
In CQL...well, again, he doesn't really show any sign of objecting to being thought useless, as far as I can tell.
4) NHS knows about the sabre curse
JGY explicitly says so at about 13:05: "You know his sickness. He didn't do it on purpose." Moreover, if NHS didn't know, the offer of flute-playing wouldn't really make sense.
In MDZS, NMJ explicitly hasn't told NHS at least as of JGY's visit after the stairs, and there's no indication he told him between then and when he qi-deviated. Indeed, it's JGY who thinks NHS should be told, while NMJ rejects this (ch 50):
Jin GuangYao, “Brother, these days you’ve been stricter and stricter towards HuaiSang. Is it the saber spirit…?”
After a pause, he continued, “Does HuaiSang still not know about the saber spirit?”
Nie MingJue, “Why would I tell him so soon?”
In CQL, we're not told either way; this being the case I tend towards defaulting to MDZS unless I have a specific reason to think otherwise.
5) NHS, though bad at fighting, is skilled in cultivation theory
Again, JGY says so, at around 13:19: "You are good at Daoist magic" (and NHS seems to accept it). Moreover this is continually backed up by the film, with NHS making good use of it in the tomb, and then of course in the last scene having put together the true effect of the corrupted passage.
There is no indication of this in MDZS. He's interested in art and beautiful things, but he struggles with the Lan lectures. When JGY defends NHS' interests, he mentions art and calligraphy, and says his hobbies are elegant; he makes no mention of any kind of cultivation theory. As WWX himself notes, thinking back (ch 21):
In the past, Wei WuXian and Nie HuaiSang studied together, so there were a few things he could comment about this person. Nie HuaiSang wasn’t an unkind person. It wasn’t that he was not clever, but that his heart was set somewhere else and used his smarts on other areas, such as painting on fans, searching for birds, skipping classes, and catching fish. Because his talent in terms of cultivation really was poor, he formed his core around eight or nine years later than the other disciples of the same generation as him. When he lived, Nie MingJue was often exasperated by the fact that his brother didn’t meet his expectations, so he disciplined him strictly. Despite this, he still didn’t improve much.
I'm not saying he couldn't have developed in this direction after NMJ's death, but there doesn't seem to be any indication he was skilled in that way beforehand. Again, there's a reason his cover as "totally useless person" works as a cover.
In CQL, again, we don't really see any evidence of his skill with cultivation. NHS is shown flipping through his book for the answer to the executioner question LQR asks WWX; he doesn't show any evidence of significant cultivation knowledge on the road trip section (although he is shown to have a good memory for things he's actually interested in, and you could argue he has good instincts!); his wish at the lantern festival is that he passes his studies at the Lan. I just don't see it.
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beholdme · 3 years
All the Many Shades of Gerry - Chapter 17
Chapters: 17/19
Fandom: The Magnus Archives (Podcast)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Martin Blackwood/Gerard Keay/Jonathan “Jon” Sims | The Archivist, Martin Blackwood/Gerard Keay, Martin Blackwood/Jonathan “Jon” Sims | The Archivist, Gerard Keay/Jonathan “Jon” Sims | The Archivist
Characters: Martin Blackwood, Jonathan “Jon” Sims | The Archivist, Gerard Keay, Tim Stoker (The Magnus Archives), Sasha James, Gertrude Robinson, Elias Bouchard
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Library AU, Librarian Jon, Artist Gerry, Trans Male Character, Trans Martin Blackwood, Canon Asexual Character, Asexual Jonathan “Jon” Sims | The Archivist, Ace Subtype - Sex Positive, Polyamory, Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Romantic Fluff, Falling In Love, Boys in Skirts, Kissing, Demisexual Gerard Keay, Minor Character Death, Past Character Death, Canon-Typical Child Neglect, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Flirting, Minor Jonathan “Jon” Sims | The Archivist/Tim Stoker, Adventures in Hair Dying, Happy Ending, Banter, Gerry has a lot of sass, Gerard Keay is Morticia Adams, Jon is a very grumpy Librarian, Martin adores them anyway.
Summary: In which Gerry is a kaleidoscope and Jon and Martin can’t help falling in love with him.
He happens to love them back.
Find it on Ao3
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16]
The gallery hums with gentle energy, full of people drinking, chatting, considering the art on the walls. It's a strange little bubble, practically outside the real world.
Martin is standing alone for a rare moment when a voice comes out of the crowd.
"Can it be? Martin Blackwood, in the flesh."
Martin's blood runs icy at the long-buried voice, rising from his past like some kind of bad joke. Of all the times, in all the places, how could this be happening now?
He turns to find his worst nightmare, Peter Lukas, standing right there in the flesh.
"Peter?" He asks stupidly, eyes wide and heart pounding.
"My goodness, it is you. What an incredible surprise." Peter grins, oozing smultz and satisfaction. He looks Martin up and down like a prize cut of steak. "And here I was, thinking the art would be the best thing on display tonight."
"I-" Martin begins, in the hopes he can tell Peter to take a hike and disappear into the crowd. He wonders how angry Gerry would be if he simply walked straight out the door and called to explain from the safety of a taxi.
"It has been so many years. What is it? Six, seven?" Peter's voice booms, his barrel chest amplifying it across the gallery.
"Seven," Martin replies, far more quietly. He is terrified that Jon and Gerry will reappear at exactly the wrong moment, overhear precisely the wrong thing.
"Goodness! So long, and you're all grown up, aren't you? Like a good wine, only improved with a few years on you."
"Maybe that's because I was practically a child when you seduced me." Martin still whispers, but many years of anger and loathing have begun to bubble up inside of him.
"Now Martin, there's no reason to be like that. We were so good together. We could be, again." Peter steps towards Martin, hand outstretched to touch his arm.
"Mr Lukas," Gerry says, voice smooth and dangerous, inserting himself firmly at Martin's side. That part of him that fosters a keen awareness of his lovers blaring with alarm. "What brings you out this evening?"
"Oh Gerard, a pleasure to see you, as always." Pater's voice remains jovial, but his eyes crease at the interruption. "Martin and I were just having a little chat."
"No, we weren't," Martin says, his hand shaking where Gerry has interlaced their fingers.
"No?" Gerry asks, easy danger in his voice.
"No," Martin confirms.
"Mr Lukas, I'm going to have to ask you to leave. I don't believe my partner appreciates seeing you here."
"Do you know how much money I sink into this artist? You can't ask me to leave." Peter's voice is still lilting and calm, but vehemence fills the words gradually.
"I don't give a flying fuck. Take a long walk off a short dock." Gerry advises him, best smile in place, voice verging on cheerful.
"Did your," Peter pauses to add disgust to his tone, " partner ever tell you that he used to be with me? That I used to pay him, to be with me?"
Martin goes absolutely pale.
"It is a shame when you have to pay for company, isn't it?" Gerry counters, not missing a beat, expression sunny and voice falsely sympathetic. "However, I'm afraid Mr Blackwood is rather occupied these days, with two boyfriends and a booming business. I believe his calendar is quite full."
"Whores never change. You think he's yours, but-"
All of a sudden, Jon appears from behind them and punches Peter with his full weight. Gerry, who has gotten into plenty of scraps with drunk idiots who won't keep their hands to themselves, is tempted to join in but thinks better of it. He pulls Jon back as Peter hits the floor heavily, and the room full of fancy art snobs goes very, very silent.
"Oh Christ," Martin mutters, voice as washed out as his complexion.
"What a to-do." Elias Bouchard arrives on the scene, suit impeccable, black shoes polished to a high shine. He stands with hands in pockets, gazing down at Peter with a look of mild interest. "You know Jonathan, I don't normally appreciate my employees striking my husband in public. However, I'll consider forgiving you, this time, on account of your surprisingly excellent right hook."
"Your what?" Jon demands furiously, going pale enough that Gerry is concerned he might pass out.
"My husband, Jonathan, do keep up," Elias responds, airily.
Martin makes a distressed little noise that makes the hairs on Gerry's arms stand on end.
Gertrude finally arrives, heels clicking intimidatingly. "Problem, gentlemen?" She queries, looking down at Peter, groaning on the ground.
"Ah," Gerry stutters, "I think we had better go?"
"I imagine that might be for the best. Do take both of your lovers with you." Gertrude says, with a bit of a bite. "And Gerard?"
"Yeah?" Gerry asks distractedly, trying to herd his errant partners among the gathering crowd.
"You are going to owe me for this one," Gertrude tells him, tone unbelievably prim, and verging into some sort of perverse satisfaction.
"Absolutely." If Gertrude can fix this one, Gerry will happily owe her anything.
Martin sits in a total haze on the way home, static filling his ears and blanketing him away from the world.
He's faintly aware of Jon holding his hand and his forehead leaned against the cool taxi window, but mostly he just stares blankly and doesn't even bother trying to draw himself away from his shocked stupor.
He gets out of the cab when it stops and wanders vaguely up the stairs and into the flat. Jon and Gerry follow him, concerned, but quiet for the time being.
He finds himself standing at the bottom of the stairs that lead up to the loft, eyes intent on the bottom step, unsure if he knows how to climb them any longer.
"Martin? Martin!" A panicked voice eventually breaks through the haze, a hand desperately gripping his elbow.
"Jon?" Martin looks down at the hand, nails painted a lovely shade of green, then up at the face it belongs to. It's creased in concern.
"Are you alright?" Gerry's voice asks from close by.
"No. I don't think I am." His voice is foggy and he feels very far away still.
"Martin, I-" Jon starts, sounding shaky.
"He was telling the truth, you know." Martin tells them, rather abruptly, "Nothing he said was a lie."
"Martin, you are not a whore. Whatever you might have done for work, whatever choices you might have made in the past, those things don't mean anything to us." Gerry states firmly.
"We love the person you are now, and whatever baggage comes with you, we're fine with that." Jon continues, running his hands up and down Martin's arm.
"This?" Martin asks, suddenly aggressive. "You two are telling me that you're okay with me getting paid for, for-"
"For sex, Martin? Yes, we are fine with it." Jon responds unequivocally.
"There's nothing shameful about sex work," Gerry adds, voice equally firm. "And besides, you were young and Peter Lucas is a fucking cunt. I imagine desperate times called for opportunistic creeps to try to take advantage."
Martin shakes his head, eyes panicked. "I can't do this."
He turns and runs up the loft stairs.
Jon and Gerry watch him go, then exchange a concerned look.
"Let's give him some space, love," Gerry mutters, taking Jon's hand and giving it a reassuring squeeze.
"Maybe you should go in with him."
"Don't even start that bullshit again, Jonathan. I thought we were past this?"
"I am! I just thought-" Jon's cuts off abruptly, chastised.
Martin, sitting on the floor of the shower, can hear every word. He can imagine them standing on the other side of the bathroom door, Jon twisting his hands together and Gerry's arms crossed protectively.
He feels the pit of his depression open up beneath him and he desperately clings to the edge of his sanity, trying not to fall in.
Martin is always afraid that he'll go into a depressive episode- and never come out the other side again. He presses his eyes closed, fighting against the sob desperately trying to choke him.
He honestly can't believe that he let this happen. Why didn't he tell them before? How could he have let himself move in with them, dedicated himself to them and never tell them he was a prostitute?
Martin isn't ashamed of what he had done to survive, but he knows getting paid for sex can be a deal-breaker for a lot of people. He feels sick that Jon or Gerry might feel trapped with him now. All because he couldn't open his stupid mouth and be honest with them.
Despite his best efforts, the tears escape, and his partners stand on the other side of the door, listening to his heart break.
Martin comes downstairs to find his lovers in the kitchen. Jon is cooking something fragrant and he has Gerry chopping vegetables. They're both still wearing their suits, and Martin feels absurdly underdressed in his sweatpants and favourite pink cardigan. It clashes with his hair, these days, but he doesn't care.
Gerry sees him first, pausing a moment to assess him. Martin is pleased to see the typical glint of focus and desire in his eyes. It has been such a bedrock in their relationship, and he had been dreading finding gone.
"Gerry, if-" Martin starts right away.
"Careful, love. If the words 'I'll understand if you don't want me to move in any more' come out of your mouth, I'm going to go back to the gallery and finish what Jon started. So if you don't want me to go to jail for murder, you had better reconsider." Gerry sounds downright pleasant as he says the words, leaning forward on the counter to loom threateningly.
Martin closes his mouth, Gerry having predicted his exact words.
"We understand if you're not ready to talk about any of that, Martin," Jon tells him with a reassuring smile. "Later is soon enough. We love you, and that's all that matters."
"Even with this?" Martin whispers, twisting his fingers together anxiously.
"Even with this," Gerry assures him. "Nothing and no one can change the way we feel about you. It's always going to be you for us."
Finally seeing that Martin won't approach them, Jon turns off the stove and comes over to take Martin's frigid hands in his warm calloused ones. He savours the touch, marvelling as always that someone with so many edges can be so soft when he needs it.
"Martin Blackwood, you are the love of our lives. Whatever came before us and whatever might come now that we're together, we love you, always and in all ways." Jon pronounces, the finality of a million acts of affection behind his words. "Please stay with us?"
Martin smiles shakily at the reminder of the resolution of Jon and Gerry's first major fight, at the words that had become akin to 'I can't be without you, and I won't let this take you away'.
He feels known and loved and adored, even as he feels violated and striped raw at the exposure of his past, his secret. He feels at home, in a flat full of boxes that always smells of oil paints and old books, with two lovers who couldn't be more different but had protected him when he didn't know how to protect himself.
Gerry comes over and takes one of his hands from Jon, holding it with both his own, placing a kiss on his palm. "Please stay with us?" He repeats the words softly, teal eyes bright with emotion. "I need you."
"I need you too," Martin tells them earnestly, allowing them to wrap him up in their arms. "Please keep me."
"Always," comes the reply, a certainty even more profound than fear.
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nazariolahela · 4 years
Something Domestic: Chapter 14
A/N: Hey y'all! This story is told in first-person narrative, from Riley’s (MC) POV. There will likely be smidges of canon in this, but not too much. Thanks for reading, and please leave feedback, and/or if you would like to be tagged.
This week’s chapter is a bonus from Liam’s POV. I was really excited to write his side of the story. I hope you enjoy it too.
Catch up here
Series Tags: @burnsoslow @aworldoffandoms @dcbbw @ladyangel70 @texaskitten30 @sunandlemons @jlynn12273 @indiacater @jared2612 @rainbowsinthestorm @drakesensworld @badchoicesposts @msjr0119 @katurrade @blackcoffee85 @cynicalworlds-blog @hopefulmoonobject @beardedoafdonutwagon @cmestrella @sugarandspice-milkandhoney @superharrietsuper @custaroonie @lady-calypso @ritachacha @olympianpantsuit @desiree-0816 @the-soot-sprite @kate-mckenzie @narrytheworld @octobereighth @lynne1993 @queen-anastasia-universe​
Synopsis: When Riley Brooks takes a new job as a nanny for the affluent Rhys family in New York’s Upper East Side, she assumes she’s just going to care for the children of the couple who hired her. But instead of just school pick-ups and afternoon snacks, she also finds herself spending time with Liam, the handsome divorced dad. Can Riley control her feelings for Liam while still performing the job she was hired for? 
All characters are the property of Pixelberry Studios. Thanks for allowing me to borrow them.
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Chapter Summary: Liam and Leo try to get to the bottom of the tabloid scandal and Liam tries to win Riley back. 
Almost a month had passed since the tabloid incident. In that time, the press found plenty of other scandals to latch on to. Not hard to do in this city. Lucky for me, my divorce has all but been forgotten about. I still get the occasional paparazzo bombarding me with questions of if I’m “banging the new nanny,” but for the most part, they’ve moved on. 
The last month has been hard on the kids as well. After Madeleine fired Riley, she replaced her almost immediately. Seems kind of suspicious to me, but whatever. The new nanny — a woman named Belinda — is a lovely woman, but the kids haven’t quite warmed up to her like they did Riley. They keep asking me when she’s coming back. I don’t have the heart to tell them that she probably won’t. They were visibly upset when I told them she would no longer be their nanny. Charlotte cried. Philip asked me if she didn’t like us anymore. They still talk about how much they miss her. To be honest, I do too. 
If we’re being honest here, I never once thought she did it. And not because we were involved. I saw how she was with my kids and I could tell she genuinely cared for them. She treated them like they were her own. Many nights I would come home from work and hear Philip talk about all the fun things he and Riley did, or hear Charlotte gush about how pretty and nice Riley was to her and how she let her wear whatever she wanted to school. I also remember all the times she told me that she didn’t care about my money, so there’s no way she would sell us out for a payday. 
It’s Monday morning and I’m sitting in my office at Cordonia Enterprises looking over the numbers for this quarter when my brother Leo strolls in, looking like he had just woken up from a week-long sex and booze bender. He moves over to the bar cart, pours himself three fingers of scotch, and plops down in the seat across from me. 
“You look like shit, little bro,” he smiles behind the rim of his glass. 
“You would know. You smell like a brothel.” 
He laughs loudly and takes a sip of his scotch, then sets it on the desk. “Well, you’re ex-nanny needed someone to comfort her after you tossed her out on the street, so I offered her my services. Did you know she makes the cutest noises when she cums?” He makes a show of adjusting himself. “My balls are getting tight just thinking about it.” 
I clench the pen in my hand with enough force that my knuckles turn white. I know he’s trying to fuck with me, so I take a deep breath, controlling my rage. “What the fuck do you want, Leo?” 
He chuckles and kicks his feet up on my desk. I love my brother, but he can be a real dickhead at times. When Madeleine and I started dating, he gave me shit for months about me picking up his ‘sloppy seconds.’ Once, he asked me if she ever called out his name in bed. Fucker. After we were married, he warned me that she was just using me to get back at him. I probably should have listened to him. When I announced to my family that she and I were splitting up, he revealed that she had tried to seduce him on more than one occasion. Thankfully, he had no interest in getting involved with her again. My brother may be a total asshole, but he wouldn’t deliberately hurt me. 
“So, I think I know how to help you with your little predicament.” 
“My predicament?” 
“The tabloid leak. I think I know who was behind it. Or at least had something to do with it.”  
“It’s been a month, man. Everyone's forgotten about it,” I say, setting my pen down. 
“Really? Because your ex-wife called me last week.”  
I raise my brows and give him my full attention. This should be good. 
“Yeah, she called me crying, telling me how much she misses me. Not like I haven’t heard that over and over the last seven years. I warned you about her, Li. That chick is crazy. I’m pretty sure she was drunk. So anyway, she asks me if I knew about you and your nanny. Told her I had heard some things. Then she gives me some pathetic sob story about how you made her do what she did. ‘I had to do it, Leo. Who knows how long this has been going on?’” I nod and wait for him to continue.  
“I ask her to elaborate. She sputters out some lame-ass excuse about how you fucking the nanny behind her back pushed her into the arms of another man. The timing clearly didn’t line up since we all know you filed before you hired Riley, but I didn’t tell her that. I just let her dig her hole. She goes on about how she took matters into her own hands. Now that Riley’s out of the picture, things can go back to normal.” He laughs and finishes off his drink. 
“What does Riley have to do with all this?” I ask.  
“I asked her the same thing. She said that she knew Riley was no good from the beginning, but that you had convinced her to hire her because of her background. She suspected something was up after the paparazzi incident at the park, but that you had talked her out of doing something rash. That’s when she convinced you to hire Mara to keep tabs on Riley. I guess Mara had been giving her updates. She also rambled on about how Mara always bought Riley those tabloid magazines. That’s when she said she knew Riley had something to do with it. She didn’t come outright and say it, but the signs are all there.” 
I struggle to process the info that was just dumped in my lap. Would Madeleine really stoop that low? I know she wasn’t happy about me filing for divorce, but would she be vindictive enough to put our children in harm’s way just to get back at me? Why was the nanny collateral damage? And why would she wait a month to say anything? Guilt, perhaps? None of this makes sense.  
“Do you have proof of this, Leo?” 
“Dude. Why the fuck would I lie about it? You know damn well she still wants me. Even with her new man in the picture. Seven years she’s tried to get me to take her back. I wish I would have recorded it so you could listen to how desperate she sounded.” 
“Not that, you dick. About the leak.” 
“Oh yeah, that. No, I don’t have proof. But I have a hunch. And I’m usually 90% right about these things.”  
I drop my head in my hands. Yep, the signs are all there. Now, I just have to find a way to prove what I’ve suspected all along. I pull out my phone and shoot a group text to Max, Drake, and Liv, asking them to meet up tonight. If I’m going to nail my ex-wife to the wall, I need my most trusted friends to help me. 
Drake, Maxwell, Olivia, my brother, and I meet at The Double Tappe after work. The place is empty — not unusual for a Monday — giving us the whole bar to ourselves. We all congregate in one of the booths in the back and Leo repeats what he told me this morning. Drake and Max are completely shocked by the revelation. Olivia, however, sits there stone-faced. 
“I knew there was a reason I didn’t like her,” she says.  
“You don’t like anyone,” Maxwell retorts, then flinches when Olivia punches him in the arm. He rubs the spot where she made contact and turns to me. “Whatcha gonna do about this, Li?” 
“I don’t know. It’s been a month, so it’s going to be hard to prove at this point. I need solid evidence that Madeleine was involved because she’ll never admit to it. The first person I need to talk to is Mara. Hopefully, she can give us some answers.”  
“What about a wire-tap? I know a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy,” Drake shrugs in between sips of whiskey. 
“Pretty sure that’s illegal in this state,” Olivia says. 
Leo snaps his fingers. “That’s true, but New York is a one-party consent state. So, if one of us gets Madeleine to confess and records it, we technically wouldn’t be breaking the law.” 
“Okay, so who could we get to coerce that kind of information out of her?” I ask. 
Leo leans back and grins, crossing his arms behind his head. We all look at each other, knowing exactly who will handle this task. If anyone can persuade Madeleine to spill the beans, it’s definitely him. 
“How are we going to do this?” Max asks. 
“Well, I say loverboy here tries to seduce her. She’ll tell you anything you want to hear if she thinks she can get you back,” Olivia says. 
“Well then, it’s settled. Work your magic, Leo,” Drake replies. The five of us clink our glasses in celebration, although it feels premature since we don’t have actual evidence against her yet. We spend the rest of the evening sharing drinks, memories, and laughter. It’s the most fun I’ve had in a long time. No kids, no work, no responsibilities. I haven’t done anything like this since college. As we gather up our things to leave, Drake pulls me aside. 
“Hey man, have you talked to Riley, lately?” 
“I’ve been trying to call and text her for weeks, but it’s been radio silence since Madeleine fired her. I even dropped by her apartment a few times, but no one was home. She must think I blame her for all this.” 
He sighs and runs his fingers through his hair. “She does. We tried to tell her that you don’t, but it’s understandable why she would think that. I guess she and Hana had a falling out as well. Last I heard, Hana moved out, so she’s living there by herself. I don’t know where she's working now. She doesn’t come around much anymore. You should try to talk to her again. Maybe explain your side of the story.” 
“Yeah. It’s just… I fucked up, Drake. I don’t blame her for anything. I should have told her that.” I rub the back of my neck. “Truth is, I think I’m in love with her.” 
“You need to tell her, man.” 
I nod, clapping him on the shoulder, then head for my car. The drive back to my penthouse is long, but it gives me time to think. I think back to what Drake told me. About her and Hana’s falling out. I know they’ve been best friends for a long time. Now, she’s alone. To think that if she never met me, none of this would have happened. It’s hard not to blame myself for all of this.
I think back on how different things are with Riley then they were with Madeleine. When I met Madeleine, I was more in love with the idea of her. I married her to please my father, and although I’ll always care for her as the mother of my children, the love was never really there. When I found out she cheated, I was almost relieved.  
The night Riley left, I sat in my study and went over everything that had happened over those few weeks. I feel my chest start to tighten. What is this? Emotion? I had learned to turn them off after Madeleine, but somehow, Riley made them come back. And suddenly, I want to fight for what we have. I never fought for Madeleine, but I feel the urge to for her. She’s the only woman I’ve ever felt that desire for. Making a decision, I take the next U-Turn and make the trip to her apartment.  
I arrive outside her building a few minutes later. Her bedroom window faces the street, and when I peer up at it, I notice the light is on. That’s a good sign. It means she’s home. I exit the car and make my way up to her floor. I pause outside her door, unsure of what to say to her. Come on, Li. Quit stalling and tell her how you feel. I knock on her door a few times and wait patiently for her to answer. I hear shuffling on the other side of the door, and when it swings open, the face on the other side is not the one I’m expecting. 
“Can I help you?” A young man answers the door, wearing only a pair of low-hanging joggers. He eyes me confusingly.  
“Uh…” I stumble, double-checking to see if I have the right apartment. “Is Riley here?” 
“Maybe. Who’s asking?” 
Must resist the urge not to knock this kid on his ass. “Tell her Liam needs to see her.” 
He rolls his eyes and holds a finger up, signaling me to wait, before closing the door in my face. I hear him call out to her on the other side, “Hey, Riley. There’s some suit here to see you. Says his name is Liam.” More shuffling and muffled voices, then the door swings open, and there stands my girl. Her brown locks are piled atop her head in a messy bun. She’s wearing a pair of short shorts, showing off her long legs, and a Steinhardt t-shirt. She stares at me for a few seconds before snapping out of her daze. 
“What are you doing here?” 
“You haven’t been returning my calls.” 
She huffs and crosses her arms over her chest. “There’s a reason for that.”  
I sigh, dragging my hand down my face. “Riley, please. Just listen to me.” 
“Why should I? You wouldn’t listen to me when I tried to explain myself.” 
Her words feel like a slap to my face. She’s absolutely right and I can’t argue otherwise. “I know I messed up, but if you give me a chance to explain myself, I’ll be on my way.” 
She turns and looks to the guy in her apartment, then back to me, then again at him. “Give me a sec, Josh,” she says, before stepping out into the hallway and pulling the door closed behind her. “You have two minutes.” 
I exhale. “I’m sorry. I want you to know I’m so sorry. For what I did. Or rather, what I didn’t do. I wasn’t thinking clearly. I never meant to hurt you, Riley. I get why you’re hurt. And if I was in your shoes, I’d feel the same way. When I saw the magazine, I didn’t believe you had anything to do with it, but in that moment, all I could think about was my kids.” 
She nods. “I know. Drake told me. But you could have said something to Madeleine instead of just letting her berate me. I would never do that to Philip and Charlotte. I love them like they were my own.” She looks down at her feet and her voice trembles. “I can’t believe you didn’t trust me when I’ve never given you a reason not to.” A tear rolls down her cheek. “All I’ve ever done is try to make you and those kids happy. Just because your ex-wife hurt you, doesn’t mean I would. You know that. I waited for you, Liam. I knew your circumstances with the divorce, and I still waited. And at the first sign of trouble, you jumped to conclusions. You didn’t give us a chance.” 
I reach out and tip her chin up to look at me. I gently rub her cheek with the pad of my thumb, brushing the tear away. “You’re right. I’m a fucking idiot. I know that now. I owe you so much more than a simple apology. You deserve better than that. I’m hoping it’s not too late to try and fix what I broke. I’ll do whatever it takes to earn your trust back.” 
She fidgets with the hem of her t-shirt. “I don’t know, Liam. I want to believe you. I really do. But I’m still hurt. I wish things had been different with us. I wish we had met under different circumstances. But, you have your children to think about. And I know they are your priority.” 
I swallow the lump in my throat. “Of course they are. But I want to make you my priority too. Tell me what I can do.” 
“Did you figure out who leaked the story?” 
I shake my head. 
She sighs. “I need time.” 
“Not too much time, I hope.” She doesn’t say anything for a long time. The silence between us saying more than our words do. I reach out and grab her hand, squeezing it. “I don’t know what else to say, Riley. Just think about it. I’ll be here, waiting.” I pull her hand up to my lips, placing a gentle kiss on the back of it. Then, I turn and head down the hall. The ache in my chest, deep. Knowing that I hurt her is almost too much to bear. The issue with the story is awful, but not taking her side was worse. 
The only thing I can do now is try to make it up to her. 
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nicknellie · 3 years
First, numbering them is absolutely brilliant because especially where paragraphs kind of change abruptly. I just keep like saying a word before it with a little dash mark just so you can (hopefully) have some reference as to what I’m talking about, but now I can do numbers!
1. Never knew I needed this until you typed it however this is everything
2. Exactly, that is the thoughts that they have and it takes Reggie breaking down for them to finally talk to each other about it because none of them wanted to approach the situation
3. Yes, I maybe should’ve chose a better point but I was like you can tell he’s passionate and it kind of shows what I mean. Also I feel like the fact that he still hasn’t processed his death might also be a sign that it’s hard for him to change his mind (Alex doesn’t like change, and neither does Luke)
However eventually Luke is able to reconsider what he said and also sometimes admit that he might’ve been in the wrong (but not often, hmm thinking of what I can reference from the show, possibly the dance ?)
4. Yes, and if he did intervene then everyone knew that they needed to be quiet and listen (also Alex is one of the only people who Luke would possibly let change his mind and or consider the other side quicker)
5. Due to his upbringing Alex always tries to be respectful hence why he said sir to Caleb however he is a sarcastic person and has quick comebacks
6. And that loneliness only grew after the boys passed away (part of the reason why he isn’t able to get close to people in fear that they will pass as well)
7. Same here, that’s part of where my theory came from. I agree, people grieve in different ways and that could’ve been how Bobby grieved and he shouldn’t be judged for it.
8. Yes he definitely goes through their bags. I do agree with you however at the same time I wonder if the bag did stay in the garage just because at the time Bobby knew how Luke and his parents parted (possibly could be that after a while, more so after he talked to them, he gave them the bag)
9. Absolutely and Reggie kind of switches between crosswords and sudokus just because he’s interested in lots of things
10. Precisely, despite the fact that Reggie is the one who is actually afraid of heights not Alex, Reggie tried to convince Alex that he was going to climb Mount Everest. Another time Reggie tried to convince Alex that they were going coffee tasting and didn’t want to make him feel bad because all of them had toffee nut in it (Owen is allergic to toffee nut hopefully and that’s the explanation I can offer😂)
11. They can’t lie to each other at all, Alex is the best liar sometimes when talking to other people (at least in defense of the boys) and in general Luke just can’t lie
12. Luke would definitely be the person who would cut someone off for something rude that they said. (Usually after exploding and saying why exactly they are wrong, especially if someone says something bad about Alex)
13. There’s a drawing of Reggie with a cowboy hat (https://kidovna.tumblr.com/post/639425200784572416/hi-little-reggie-in-a-cowboy-hat-even-if) (oh how I hope that link will work) and now I just want to see a picture of Sunset Curve with cowboy hats because Reggie was sad and they couldn’t say no
14. Yes, alongside those songs I offer the ‘devil went down to Georgia’ (i’m basically saying it because a version of this should be this song the boys use against Caleb and it’s basically them saying that they are better than Caleb) (also because it was released at some point during the time that they were alive I believe)
15. Yes those are the only art styles that Reggie has. Sometimes he randomly has half of the picture be realistic and then the other half be like Booboo Stewart’s art (Picasso like maybe ?)
16. Reggi definitely help decorate because not only was he impatient but he wanted to eat the cake. (The shape was kind of horrendous because Alex was trying to get it to be the exact shape of the character however the cake came out fantastic)
17. Yes the boys always juggle between if they should be concerned about the fact that he’s baking or the fact that he’s baking again so happy times (once again something he did that reminds him of his parents so for a long time the boys were the only ones who got the bake goods)
18. It took me longer than it should’ve to find this link and honestly I have no clue who wrote it but it’s so good https://archiveofourown.org/works/28308108 (same for this one as well)
19. Precisely it wasn’t like he was fixing the amp and then all the sudden it started raining. He just thought that starting to fix it in the rain would be best
20. You took the words right out of my mouth, yes. Honestly Alex was another son to Emily and Mitch so the fact that he was hurting so bad made them so mad. Maybe that’s why he had his stuff because if he was kicked out then he probably wouldn’t have had time to get everything that belong to him so because of Mitch and Emily that’s how we got his stuff (if they caught the rest of the boys climbing a tree to get what belonged to Alex and honestly only provided a car they will never say) (what if they just egg the house with Emily and Mitch’s help)
21. Exactly, Alex didn’t have the courage the tell Luke for a bit and still to this day Luke has no clue that Alex spend those nights at his house. (Also occasionally that Emily and Alex would talk and Emily would give him food just to make sure that they were well fed)
22. Sunset Curve just needs more in general, any scenes for them works
23. Yes!! Sadly I don’t have the book but I did see that (sometimes you just never know with shows because they easily could’ve taken a theory that the fans had and turned it into something completely different). I’m so happy that this is confirmed, although this still does leave the potential for them to reveal her in season two maybe (not sure) (just more Rose in general is needed)
24. Thank you, yes and I get that part of the reason may be that they don’t have as much screen time and don’t have as much about them known as the boys (hence the need for past stories) however they are wonderful characters played by wonderful actors and deserve more. Also the fact that neither of them really sang in season one is my one regret. (Flynn had ‘I got the music’ however that was kind of like an alternative reality partly, and aside from a bit in ‘the other side of Hollywood’ we don’t see much dancing/singing for Willie)
Flynn just like Luke is very set in her beliefs and also would be the first person to cut someone off/explode at someone if needed. However eventually she is the first person to reconnect with Carrie. Honestly just more of both of them is needed, in any fashion.
25. He does blame himself for their death and the fact that he wasn’t there (could be part of the reason why he started therapy because he believed this for so long)
26. Honestly I want them to give Trevor more character because aside from being Carrie‘s father and stealing the songs we don’t really know a lot about him or who he is (same for Bobby as well) Agreed, I would love to see more Carrie and Trevor moments.
27. Honestly I feel like that will be how they start to process their deaths because they realize, exactly as you said, that they are not going to age however everyone else is
28. Yes, everything you just said needs to be canon. There’s no in between for Reggie song writing it’s either pure country or heavy-metal. (Once he wrote a rock-ish song for Luke but it was most so along the lines that Luke needs to let him add his country music into the set list)
29. Exactly, that is entirely my thought process as well
30. Lightsaber fights happen all the time, Ray gets concerned by the floating lightsaber but Carlos shrugs it off with ‘it’s the ghost that’s been haunting our house’ (Tia is there and is shocked)
31. Wait wait, that is brilliant. Although Reggie can do it by himself, the pictures always turn out much better when Bobby isn’t there so the last few steps of the developing process are always saved for Bobby alone. (Also once Reggie just left a picture in mix while he was soaking the film and the picture turned green, no one knows why)
32. Yes, and if for some reason a fan can’t locate Reggie, they give the stickers to Alex. also the album is not only full of pictures but the stickers that they gave him, also a drawing that a fan made of Han-solo that made Reggie cry in a good way)
33. They all cried to be honest, although Alex only cried because all of them were crying
34. Oh my yes, that is his blackmail material and he uses it well. You are absolutely right that is exactly what Luke does, (also once got stuck in a child swing set)
35. I didn’t even think about her managing it but yes that is precisely what she does and she is in charge of those photo shoots. However once during golden hour, he is the reason for that one happening (also did the same for Willie because)
36. You stole the words out of my mouth that is exactly what he did.
37. I’m just now picturing it in my head and I need this in my life (imagine Julie just bundled up and since the sleeves are long they are overflowing as well and Alex just melts).
38. Luke is such a scaredy cat although when they meet Caleb, Alex said that he would be hiding behind Luke they all knew that if it came down to it that Luke would be hide behind Alex. So obviously this sentence meant that this needed to be created
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39. They have matching costumes.. what if it’s like dirty candy where each costume is in a different colour. (Luke hates them even though he once bought them matching pjs)
40. They all dance with each other, just to displeased Luke for the longest time Bobby and Alex would just waltz around the garage (we all know that Luke joined them after the first time). Also once Willie sees Alex waltzing with Julie and decides that this is the greatest thing that has ever existed (also bamboozled because Alex never told him he could dance)
41. I wasn’t thinking about these things existing at all but I now need one as well
Ok I’m going to do my best to answer this quickly because I’ve got schoolwork to do but I absolutely love responding to these and want to do this instead, so I’m just going to expand onto each point I can and I might come back and edit it later with more detail!
2. Yes! Like one day in rehearsal Reggie just seems really out of it and the guys ask what’s wrong and he basically just asks if they even really want him there or they just keep him around to spare his feelings. Prompts Bobby to make them all sit down and talk it out because clearly they all have some issues they need to get a grip on
3. Oh yeah I get what you mean, kinda like it’s hard for him to adjust to any new or different way of thinking, even something as trivial as a song they’ll play probably like one time. I think you’re right about him actually managing to change his mind - it takes him a while and he despises admitting he’s wrong but he will do it if it’s really clear he wasn’t right
4. Oh yeah I love that! Like Alex knows just how to talk to him to get him to at least start reconsidering. Alex is a good influence in that way because he ensures Luke is always looking at every perspective and considering everyone in the band rather than only himself or sticking to only his ideas (I feel like he probably gets carried away writing songs and only wanting to include what he comes up with and Alex needs to gently remind him that he’s in a band, he’s not a solo artist)
5. Yesss you’re right - I think he has surprisingly quick wit and he doesn’t like arguing because it’s so fast that he’ll sometimes say things he doesn’t mean and finds it hard to take it back
6. Yeah omg that hurts to think about - having the boys in his life made him happy and less introverted but all that was ripped away from him too when they died
8. Oh yeah actually I like that! Seeing as we see ambulance lights/police lights in Unsaid Emily it’s likely Bobby was there first to identify bodies and collect stuff, so if he didn’t know Luke’s parents were coming then he would have just taken Luke’s things and gone through it - he finds a completed Rubik’s Cube (seeing as that’s part of where this whole massive list started lmaooo) and remembers Luke fiddling with it before the sound check and even that just breaks his heart
10. Now you mention it, Reggie being afraid of heights is something I could get behind - the boys would sometimes go to theme parks and Reggie would be the one who would wait with all their bags while they were on the rollercoasters. He preferred watching them all have fun anyway, it made him feel like a proud parent. Abbcoeprke yes definitely, Alex has the same allergy as Owen so Reggie was just panicking like “we just didn’t want to risk your health!”
11. Oh yeah definitely, Alex can lie unless it’s to one of the boys; Reggie only gets away with lies (not to the boys) because he comes up with the weirdest stuff and people just think it’s Reggie being Reggie so it’s hard to tell when he’s lying; Bobby is just way too casual when he’s lying which is how they catch him out; Luke “where is your kitchen by the way?” Patterson cannot lie to save his life
12. Luke is 100% willing to just cut all ties with someone even if they’ve been perfectly nice before - if it was an honest mistake that the person is willing to learn from, Luke would still keep them at arm’s length to avoid them hurting any of his best friends again
13. Yes omg thankfully I made the link work and that’s freaking adorable (I follow that person and I love ALL their art especially Reggie, they’re so talented) and yes oh my god. Reggie has been sad for a few days, maybe because his parents are fighting, and so Luke has the idea to do something kind of like a cowboy-themed party. It’s not really a party, it’s just the four of them spending the whole day wearing cowboy costumes and line-dancing but it definitely does the job of cheering Reggie up
14. Omgggg I listened to the song and I’m amazed at how perfectly that fits!!! Wow you’re exactly right, Reggie loves that song and he loved it even more after Julie pointed out how much it related to their situation
15. Ooooh I love that like a combination of the two styles!! Definitely a bit of Picasso inspiration in there too!
16. Yes lol the shape was weird because of that and also Reggie kept picking bits off to eat (Alex kept slapping his hand away but Reggie was so excited that he couldn’t bring himself to kick him out of the kitchen completely)
17. Yes omg and now I’m just thinking about young Alex being taught to bake by his mother back when they were really close, so now that’s all he can think about when he bakes - it gives him equal amounts of comfort and stress because he’s comforted by the happy memories but sad that he’ll never have those days back. But the cookies he’s left with at the end are great so it kind of gets rid of any sadness!
18. Ooooh I’ll read that when I’ve got time!!
19. Yeah lmao like it just didn’t occur to him that it would be a terrible idea. He kinda thought that rain was relaxing in a way and just. Went for it.
20. Asjkxbskl I love that like Mitch and Emily being good responsible parents the majority of the time but someone upsets Alex?? His own parents upset him??? Ok boys it’s time for payback get in the car
21. Yesss Alex just showing up at Luke’s house whenever he needed to just to speak to Emily! And the way she would look out for him!! 🥺🥺 plus Mitch making sure he took on the role of Supportive Father Figure
23. Yes you’re so right any more Rose content will make me so happy! I’d love to see her interacting with young Julie and Carlos, or her and Bobby being friends, or her meeting Ray, or her and Victoria being supportive sisters, plus her with her band Rose and the Petal Pushers!!! Just anything to do with Rose and I’ll be happy
24. Omg yes I’d kill for more performance from both of them! I want a Flynn and Julie duet or even Flynn and Carrie, or just Flynn becoming their resident rapper so whenever they want a rap section in a song they call on her. I desperately need a Willex duet, and yesss I need Willie dancing more - we were robbed of him and Alex dancing together at the HGC so we need any dance between them tbh. Ooooh yes I totally agree like when she’s like “watch it Carrie” in the music class, she’s just very protective and loyal and I honestly love her for that. Yesss more Flynn and Carrie!!
25. Definitely, he must have suffered so much survivor’s guilt afterwards and I think it was probably a while before he went to therapy, so maybe a lot of damage had already been done
26. 100% right, Trevor needs more character development. Honestly I kinda want to see him just losing his mind trying to figure out how the boys came back, and I also want to see him somehow communicate with them, explain his point of view and apologise. It’s an idea I’m including in a fic I’m writing but it could work here too if Trevor was to become the band’s manager to help them achieve the goals he did but they never got to
27. Especially Luke!! Him realising that Julie is growing older would be really tough for him :(((
28. Lmao yes Reggie writes songs to tell the boys to do things or to get his opinion across like “this one’s called: Shut Up, Luke, Country Music Is Good, You Just Have Poor Taste” or “I present: Alex, Just Ask Willie Out Before I Do It On Your Behalf”
30. Lightsaber fights are the way Ray actually finds out the guys are ghosts. He doesn’t believe Carlos so asks Julie and then as she’s trying to talk her way out of it the fridge opens by itself (well, Luke opens it, but that’s how it looks) and Ray is just like “are you sure there’s no ghosts?” and she has to explain everything. Tía Victoria just watches in horror and won’t come back to the house for months - eventually she does come back and bonds with Alex somehow
31. Absnfoflske yes the amount of pictures Reggie has accidentally ruined because of his terrible developing methods is unreal. Bobby stopped finding it funny when Reggie started getting really upset about it and spent like a week straight perfecting the technique
32. Awww yes Alex being like a sticker messenger and fans giving the boys fanart! For Reggie it’s almost always Star Wars (a lovely Han Solo like you said omg I love it), and for the others it’s usually portraits of them (Alex was once given a jigsaw but never figured out how people knew he liked them so much bc he never really made it public???)
34. Omg YES. Other places Luke has got stuck: halfway through the railings of a fence, inside a washing machine, his foot got stuck in a toilet, he got his arm trapped in a vending machine for five hours, in a tunnel on a children’s climbing frame (that was the same day as the swing set lmao), and once inside a suit of armour (nobody ever figured out where he got the armour from - even Luke himself wasn’t really sure)
35. Oh my god oh my god oh my god Willie and Flynn photoshoots together!!!!!! With Luke and Flynn, Willie is definitely also the most photogenic (they found out because Reggie accidentally took a photo one day and everyone looked dreadful except for Willie who was practically glowing) so some days during golden hour like you said Reggie will just take the two of them down to the beach and make them do a photo shoot omgggg
37. Yes 🥺🥺 the second he sees her he just marches right up to her and hugs her (bonus points if she’s sad (about her mum or something else) and she found Alex’s jumper and put it on for comfort and she’s crying when he finds her but he calms her down just by hugging her and letting her keep the hoodie for as long as she wants it which ends up being forever)
38. Akdbsokcod yes exactly that’s freaking amazing I love it
39. Oh my god yes! Alex had multiple outfits but his favourite was pink, Reggie’s was red, Luke’s was blue, and Bobby’s was yellow (he wanted black but Alex said no because he didn’t want him to overheat while exercising like he would have done in black). And matching PJs yes omg that’s so cute. And Julie gets them all matching onesies - Reggie absolutely adores them
Here’s a genuine real actual photo of Sunset Curve in their workout gear (left to right is Reggie, Alex, Bobby, Luke)
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(Could I have found a better picture? Probably. Is this a thousand times funnier and therefore worth choosing instead? Definitely.)
40. Yes totally and after that Willie insists Alex teaches him too and Alex once again resumes his position as resident dance teacher
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Dino Watches Anime (Oct 21)
It’s a lot of the same stuff as last time. I’m just updating this:
Kono Oto Tomare! - SEASON TWO (3/13)
I talk about this anime every week because it’s seasonal and I have to wait for every episode like some sort of fool. I slept on this anime when it first came out in the spring of last year or something. Now that I’m current, I’m just here to suffer. I actually ended up reading ahead in the manga because it’s monthly which makes it far more manageable (it’s published in Shonen Jump SQ).
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Non Non Biyori (5/12)
For the first time in quite a while, I’m watching a slice of life that doesn’t actually have a plot of any kind! Seriously, it’s just about country kids living out country life. 
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Oresuki (3/12)
I’m not even putting a gif. Just watch this video of Daiki Yamashita’s English. This anime is a trip, and it’s not always the good kind. Let’s just say, everyone’s an asshole. It’s just a matter of who’s the biggest asshole of them all. It’s very entertaining. It really has nothing else going for it critically. It relies on gimmicks from week to week, and honestly, it’s working, really well for me at that. It continues to surprise me that I actually find myself laughing at the ridiculousness of its writing and voice acting. Its voice acting is what keeps this going. Daiki Yamashita is just too good at this role and at Deku, but I think this role shows that he’s good for more than a high-pitch protagonist. He can turn really dark, and I’m enjoying it.
@akaskira​ (not sure if I’ve tagged you before for this role before but Daiki Yamashita is really funny as this twisted main character)
Dr. Stone (16/24)
Yuusuke Kobayashi didn’t even decide to become a seiyuu until he was in his mid/late-20s. Now that he’s placing more and more roles, it’s interesting to see what type of person he really is. I saw him hosting a show with Matsuoka the other day, and he isn’t what I was expecting. For some reason, until I know the voice actor through subbed clips, I always assume they’re like the character I see them portray. In this case, I thought he was smart and witty like Senkuu. My thoughts on Dr. Stone remain the same from last time. 
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Chihayafuru (15/25)
If I’m completely honest, I still don’t care about Karuta. I’m watching this knowing that Madhouse isn’t kind to their employees and abuses them for the product, but my goodness, the animation of this is superb. It’s visually stunning. Its voice and sound direction with its stacked cast and subtle soundtrack really add to it. The characters (the main three) are also engaging. I really route for Chihaya. Even though I don’t care about Karuta at all, I will still continue this anime.
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My Hero Academia - SEASON FOUR (2/25)
Episode one was an enjoyable filler so I let it pass. Episode two? It’s technically canon, but they are sure moving slowly, and if I took a shot for every time they had a flashback/recap, I’d be dead. Come on, I know you’re saving money for that Overhaul fight, but I found this a little pathetic. I know people are mad about the changes they made to Nejire as well, but that’s another story. Bones likes to slim down and boobify their characters to the point where it’s a little creepy. I will put that stuff on the side though because I want to enjoy this.
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Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai - SEASON TWO (3/13)
If you liked Nisekoi, you will probably like this. It’s a mix between Gotoubun no Hanayome and Nisekoi. Except I actually like the cast of Bokuben... except for maybe the teacher. I have no idea why she’s even classified as within the harem. Uh... very soft and fluffy with fanservice because it’s Shonen Jump. A lot of the main girls are very easy to root for.
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Ani ni Tsukeru Kusuri wa Nai! 3 (1/?)
This anime is pretty funny, and even though they have now resorted to the love triangle gimmick, I still find it relatively enjoyable. Unlike most anime, it’s source material is a Chinese manhwa. It’s only the first episode of the third season, but as long as it keeps up the quality, I won’t have a problem finishing it.
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Fire Force (13/24)
You know, if you have to reuse a joke that’s been used in past episodes again and again (I think at least three times within the last episode?) it’s not gonna be as funny. That’s the case with this scene. It overshoots those shonen tropes. It’s just... my favourite character isn’t getting good screentime either. Come on Fire Force, I was rooting for you. Don’t blow out your flame.
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Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo (9/24)
The first episodes were pretty bad, but it gets better as it continues on, and this anime is strong within the seiyuu community because it’s one of the 30 anime that Matsuoka and Kayano work together on, and they’re love interests at that! It has a lot of fanservice, but behind that is actually is a good story? I like the cast of weird and quirky characters. 
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Mononoke (1/12)
It’s a horror anime apparently. It left me feeling uneasy, and its art style is really cool. Really, it’s just a first impression, but so far so good! I mean, it came out during the “Golden Era” which was around 2006-2010, but Toei brought their A-Game and really goes for it. 
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Saiunkoku Monogatari (2/39)
I didn’t even know how this anime got onto my list or where it came from. It doesn’t even look good from the promotional art. If I’m quite honest, it looks like a bad reverse-harem. However, I decided to watch it on a whim, and it proved me wrong... kinda. It hasn’t proven me right or wrong. Instead, they gave me this character that’s making the best out of what she has. She’s poor, a woman in an era where women can’t get into politics, and she tries to maintain her nobility status while trying to not get discouraged by the turmoil she has experienced during her lifetime. She’s tasked with an impossible task, but she takes it on skillfully and with a lot of sensitivity. In other words, I was expecting this to be horse poop but it turned out to not be that. It looks like a really old anime, but it’s only a year older than Mononoke. It’s probably their triangle-ass heads.
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Aoi Bungaku Series (4/12)
They got a live-action actor to voice act, and he isn’t terrible. He also acts as the narrator and plays several characters throughout the series since the story changes based on the work that they’re portraying. The first four episodes are the adaptation of Osamu Dazai’s “No Longer Human�� or “Ningen Shikkaku”. Boi was it depressing, but I see it as an echo of true Dazai’s life (with changes and variations). It was a ride, and I would suggest watching it if you’re interested in shows like Bungou Stray Dogs. I will probably take a break just to recuperate from the hold “No Longer Human” left in me.
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Okay, it’s 14 right now (left out things like Gintama and stuff). 
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Well I haven’t feel real crash for the passed for days, but at least to lift my spirits.
Interesting fact, I actually 16, then, 15, then 14. My dad was setting up the episode for me and he mixed up what episode I was on, then later, not realizing I hadn’t watched 14, I put on 15. It changed how I viewed certain scenes a bit, you’ll probably notice that down below.
Guy Gardner. I don’t have much to say about him, I just don’t like him to be honest, but I feel like that’s the point of his character.
Today’s the day. That line got me, and it looks like it got Dick too. I like that they added it in, it was just perfect.
Mugged fan. Since I had already seen the picture in episode 15, I thought the mugging was staged to get the picture, but I like what they did with the scene anyways.
Halo. Starting off with the representation, nice. I’m just assuming Halo’s pronouns are still she/her as that what other characters use after this scene, so that’s what I’m sticking to. I’m actually surprised they wrote Halo as non-binary, I assumed the lgbt+ characters were just going to be from the original cast, now anyone is fair game for assumptions.
Gretchen Goodness. I did not see her being an alien coming. That puts a new spin on things.
Vic. I like that he doesn’t want to be a superhero. Just because you have abilities, doesn’t mean you want to become a hero or a villain. I just really like his character.
Tara. I know she’s working with the villains, but it still hurts when I see her betray the people taking care of her.
16. I’m impressed, 7 16s in one shot. It was a bit on the nose, but that’s what I like about it. I also liked how they  slipped in 52.
Recon only. It never turns out that way, you’re so right beast boy.
Youth Center. I like the youth center, it’s a great way to bring in new characters as well as give some screen to some of the side characters. I like the idea of seeing more Ed and Newt, those I have a feeling Newt isn’t going to be doing much, he’ll probably just be in the background.
Windfall. Odd name, but good character. Since I already new she’d be wearing the collar, I was waiting to see what would drive her to it. That would definitely do it.
Suicide Squad. I’ve always liked the Suicide Squad, so it’s nice seeing them on the show. I wonder if them showing up has anything to do with the Harley Quinn show coming up, I’ve been avoiding details on it, so I don’t know. I especially liked Kaldur’s short interaction with his father. And also Amanda Waller. That interaction was intense.
Gardita. The writers of this show are great, but I wish they would stop using Gardita. The fandom is just more creative when it comes to ship names. Emerald Crown is just better.
Bart and Ed. When Virgil said he felt like the seventh wheel and how he needed a girlfriend, I kinda assumed Bart and Ed were also a couple. The episode definitely went out of its way to point out they were friends though, which is weird. If they were making a seventh wheel joke, you’d they have three couples.
ABC’s. I liked them bringing back the mismatched abc/baa baa black sheep/twinkle twinkle. I guess those kids laughing at it in season 1 just stuck with Artemis.
Artemis and Will. No, dear God no, just why? It is obvious that their going to be a couple, but it weird, makes no sense, most fans don’t like it. I don’t get the point. I really don’t like this pairing, it shouldn’t ever be canon, but here we are. Let’s just hope it’s pushed off until the end, so we don’t have to see too much of it.
Psimon Vertigo. I was a bit put off by the idea of the first confirmed non-straight character being a villain, but then they pulled a psych and that felt worse. Why did Devastation have to be disguised as a man? Why not a woman? I’m now nervous about how they’ll deal with non-straight characters.
Dr. Jace. I wonder who she called. I don’t know why, but I have a feeling it’s someone popular in the comics, I’m just not sure who.
It kinda sucks we’re only getting one episode a week now, I’ve gotten so use to the three, but on the bright side, this means we’ll have least of a wait between season three and four, assuming there is a four. Fingers crossed.
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the 100 ask game
tagged by the lovely @pendragaryen
1. What station on the Ark would you be from?
Whichever used to be the Australian station I guess.
2. What would you get arrested for on the Ark?
I’d like to say I’d go down for something brave and heroic but it would probably something stupid and trivial, like the space equivalent of jay-walking.
3. Would you take off your wristband when you landed on the ground?
Not at first, but I’d definitely take it off for that sweet, sweet panther meat after a day or two.
4. What would the necklace Finn would make for you look like? (Clarke: deer/Raven: a raven duh..)
Well, first of all, I’d punt him halfway across the dropship camp before he even had a chance, so jot that down.
But an elephant, I guess, ugh.
5. If you could resurrect any MINOR character who would it be?
Fox, poor baby, I miss her.
6. Create a squad of 5 characters to go on missions with. Who are they?
Bellamy, Murphy, Roan, Clarke, Diyoza
7. What Grounder Clan would you belong to?
Floukru babey, take me to the sea!
8. What would your name be in Trigedasleng? (example: Octavia=Okteivia…just make it up!)
Lucia ... but emphasis on the second syllable... so like ... Lu-SHA. It would probably just get shortened down to Sha.
9. Thoughts on Finn? Some people hate him, and others love him, so I’m curious
Finn Collins is the boy who you think is cute at first, but then he turns out to be that middle class white boy who thinks he knows more than the professor in Philosophy & Ethics 101 and interrupts then at every chance he gets. He has a BLM tshirt but also insists on knowing where any POC he meets is “from”. Goes to the Gender Studies class, but you heard through the grapevine that he’s cheating on his girlfriend. Shallow, third-rate garbagé who thinks he knows better than you because he’s ~sensitive~
Finn Collins could die in a fire and I would not care.
10. Be honest. How willing would you have been to take the chip without knowing all the horrible things it does?
A chip that cures my mental illness and helps me live the day to day nightmare that is Earth? Hell yeah I’m taking it.
11. What character do you relate to most?
Probably Harper actually. I too am a Mum friend who is sweet and caring and who will absolutely rip you a new one if you attack any of my adopted kids.
12. What character do you like the least?
See Question 9.
13. Describe your delinquent outfit. (Would you wear something like Murphy’s jacket with the spikey red shoulder patch or have a trademark like Jasper’s goggles? Be creative, yet practical)
black skinny jeans, combat boots, blue long sleeve shirt white singlet layered combo, and big green army surplus jacket.
14. Favorite type of mutant animal?
Pauna. Rest in peace you chaotic 2-tonne plot hole.
15. What would your job be on the Ark?
I probably would have been in the childcare system, or some kind of human relations work.
16. Would you have willingly pumped Ontari’s heart if Abby asked?
Of course! I gotta keep our girl Clarke alive in there! Imma be real with you though chief, I would probably be looking at the wall the whole time. I don’t have a great stomach for body gore.
17. If Lexa wasn’t Heda, but she was still alive then who would have made the best commander?
Out of all the Nightbloods? No one jumps out at me as particularly competent tbh. I’ve got high hopes for Madi though.
18. How would you act if you ate the hallucinogenic nuts like Jasper and Monty?
Probably sobbing, stuck within the dark inner workings of Depression Brain. I have absolutely no faith that I would have a good trip.
19. How would you have dealt with Charlotte’s crime? A more John Murphy approach or Bellamy Blake approach?
Charlotte needed help desperately. I would have pardoned her.
20. Who should have been the Chancellor, if anyone?
Bellamy and Clarke as co leaders.
Kane and Indra as consultants. Raven is head of Tech. Let’s go people!
21. Would you have been on Pike’s side like Bellamy or on Kane’s side? Or Clarke in Polis?
I would’ve been on Kane’s side
22. Mount Weather had a lot of modern commodities. (example: Maya’s Ipod) What is the one thing you would snatch while there?
New books probably.
23. What would your Grounder tattoos look like? Hairstyle? War paint?
I’d probably have the tatts and war paint of my kru. I loved Octavia’s hair during season 2, so something along those lines, or wild and free with beads and braids like Luna.
24. Favorite quote?
“The dead are gone, Clarke, the living are hungry,” is a fucking raw line.
“It won’t survive me,” is another banger.
“You may be the Chancellor, but I am in charge,” cemented my love for Clarke Griffin.
I could go on...
25. If all of the characters were in the Hunger Games, who would have the best shot at winning?
Team Cockroach. Murphy.
Clarke and Bellamy have that Plot Armour though so I like their chances.
26. Least favorite ship? Favorite canon ship? Favorite non canon ship? NOT INCLUDING CL OR BC OR BE
Least fave: I have been prohibited.
Fave canon: Memori.
Fave non-canon: I have been prohibited.
27. A song that should be included in the next season? If there had to be another guest star like Shawn Mendes on the show, who would you want to make a cameo?
I am waiting for them to use Bloodsport by Raleigh Ritchie. Or something by either Delta Rae or Sara Barielles, simply because I love them.
28. What would you do if you were stuck in the bunker with Murphy for all that time?
Probably be a couch potato. My latent doomsday brain would kick in and I’d just give up, so the bunker finally opening would be a nice surprise.
29. You’re an extra that gets killed off. How do you die?
I was chipped and never seen again bro.
30. A character you’d like to learn more about and get flashbacks of?
I want more Aurora flashbacks so bad it hurts but I know we’ll never get them. I just want people to stop treating her like she was a deadbeat or even an abusive parent. She wasn’t. She was doing the best with what she had, which was fuck all.
31. A character you’d bang?
They’re all my children ... I couldn’t.
On the other hand, if Lindsey Morgan was interested...
32. Would you stay in the Bunker? Go up to Space? Or live on your own in Eden?
EDEN. Are you kidding? I’ll take berries over algae or bunker meat any day.
33. In the Bunker, would you follow Octavia? What would you do to pass the time underground?
I would follow her cause if I didn’t I Would Die. I would spend my time trying to be as quiet and small as possible, and stay out of her way!
34. What crime would you commit in the Bunker that lands you in the fighting pits?
Someone reported me muttering dissent when I didn’t think anyone was around.
35. Up in Space, who would you bond with first? Who would be the most difficult for you to get along with?
This may come as a surprise but I don’t bond with people very easily (lol). Harper probably sought me out and made sure I was okay. Echo and I have the same sense of humour so we’d probably be close. Monty too. Murphy would drive me up the wall.
36. How long do you think you would last on Earth by yourself?
2 weeks, tops.
37. When the Eligius ship lands what do you do?
Hide and observe from a far. Don’t attack or provoke in any way.
38. Favorite Eligius character? Least favorite?
39. Would you Spacewalk?
If I’d passed all the tests and training and it was all above board? Sure. If not? Absolutely not are you crazy?!
40. Would you prefer to eat Windshield Bugs, Space Algae, or Bunker Meat?
The right answer is algae, but my tastebuds say steak over bugs or glorified pond scum. Sorry.
41. Would you start a war for the last spot of green on earth? What would your solution be to avoid it?
I won’t win a fight to the death, so you best believe I’m going to use diplomacy to it’s absolute limits and then some.
42. Would you rather dig out flesh-eating worms or stick thumb drives into bullet holes?
USB to the arm 100% percent. In and out, quick extraction, no pain caused since they’re already dead, and thumb drives aren’t vicious, carnivorous murder worms which is a huge plus.
43. Are you willing to poison your sister for the Traitor Who You Love? What would you do to stop Octavia?
If my sister had gone that far off the deep end? Probably. I can’t really imagine it though, my sister is so level headed.
44. Would you go to sleep in cryo or stay awake like Marper?
I’d volunteer to be a custodian. It suits me. Getting to live in peace, taking care of the people I love for the rest of my life after the chaos and trauma of the ground seems near heavenly.
45. Who are you waking up first to explore the new planet?
Bellamy and Clarke.
I tag: @clarkgriffon @honeybellarke @nvermindiseeyou @ffaraday @galaxydanvers @marvelscaptainss @raven-reyes-of-sunshine @perpetual-fantasy @prosciuttoe @fen-ha-fuck-you
The above is in no particular order, and you should feel no obligation to fill out the questions if you don’t want to. This is all fun and games. Take care 💖
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buttered-rice1 · 5 years
The 100 Tag Game
Tagged by @historyandships
1. What station on the Ark would you be from? Mecha, probably. My entire family is made of mechanics, so I'd imagine that's where they'd live.
2. What would you get arrested for on the Ark? Stealing/giving too much medicine
3. Would you take your wristband off when you landed on the ground? No. I am what one might call, a yellow bellied coward, and I don't think Bellamy's slicked back hair is going to change my mind.
4. What would the necklace Finn would make for you look like? (Clarke: deer/ Raven: a raven duh..) A flower maybe?
5. If you could resurrect any MINOR character who would it be? Sinclair. His death hurt me more than any other.
6. Create a squad of 5 characters to go on missions with. Who are they? Bellamy, Clarke, Murphy, Miller, and Raven
7. What Grounder Clan would you belong to? I looked up a map and based on my location, Rock Line.
8. What would your name be in Trigedasleng? Carei
9. Thoughts on Finn? Some people hate him, and others love him, so I’m curious. Finn was actually the reason I almost stopped watching The 100. He seemed like that typical "bad boy" character trying to get the cute blonde and would eventually be successful, because that's television, baby. I'm not a fan of that storyline, and when he called her princess, that drew the line for me. I wasn't going to watch a show with such an overdone trope. But then Clarke said, "They dropped us on the wrong damn mountain", and that interested me, so I decided to just watch a little longer. I'm so glad I did! I liked Finn a little better as his character developed more. Now, I'd categorize my opnion of him as neutral.
10. Be honest. How willing would you have been to take the chip without knowing all the horrible things it does? I've got a lot of health problems, so the idea of not being in pain? Hand it over NOW
11. What character do you relate to the most? Raven. When she said she was used to being picked first for everything and now she suddenly can't do anything, I felt that in my bones. Thankfully we've both found ways to adapt with our disabilities and learned to love our new lives!
12. What character do you like the least? Oh boy, here we go. I know some people going to hate me, but Wells. I felt like once he revealed that it was Clarke's mom who got her dad killed, his character felt empty, like there was nothing else to him. So him dying when he did felt right to me, and helped move the story forward.
13. Describe your delinquent outfit. (Would you wear something like Murphy’s jacket with the spikey red shoulder patch or have a trademark like Jasper’s goggles?) Be creative, yet practical. I loved Raven's bomber jacket because it was colorful yet simple, so I'd pick something similar for my jacket. I own like 15 black t-shirts, so no doubt one of those, and some kind of lace up boots.
14. Favorite type of mutant animal? Those glow in the dark butterflies
15. What would your job be on the Ark? Maybe a doctor? I've always been interetsed in medical stuff.
16. Would you have willingly pumped Ontari’s heart if Abby asked? Yes
17. If Lexa wasn’t Heda, but she was still alive, who would’ve made the best Commander? I really wanted to see Luna become Commander, but to be fair, Aden would've probably been more level headed and patient.
18. How would you act if you ate the hallucinogenic nuts? My body tends to react to drugs it doesn't like with aggression or crying, so probably one of those
19. How would you have dealt with Charlotte’s crime? A more John Murphy approach or a more Bellamy Blake approach? I thought Bellamy was in the right at the time, so my reaction would probably be closer aligned with his.
20. Who should’ve been the Chancellor, if anyone? I feel like Bellamy and Clarke had a good handle on things before the adults came down and ruined everything. So I'd make them co-Chancellors.
21. Would you have been on Pike’s side or Kane’s side? Or Clarke in Polis? Clarke's side
22. Mount Weather had a lot of modern commodities. (example: Maya’s iPod) Wat is one thing you would snatch while there? SOAP
23. What would your Grounder tattoos look like? Hairstyle? War paint? I love wearing my hair in braids, so it'd be something ridiculously elaborate like Lexa's. I'd pick Octavia's 4x10 warpaint, and my tattoos would probably delicate lines making some kind of design.
24. Favorite quote?
Diyoza: "Tell me how the world ended."
Clarke: "Which time?"
25. If all of the characters were in the Hunger Games, who would have the best shot at winning? Echo. She's skilled with multiple weapons (bow, sword, staff, I'm pretty sure I saw her use a knife), she's sneaky, and she'd do anything to help her district/clan.
26. Least favorite ship? Favorite canon ship? Favorite non canon ship? NOT INCLUDING CL, BC, OR BE. Least favorite- Kabby, Favorite canon- Marper, Favorite non canon- Jasptavia
27. A song that should be included in the next season? If there had to be another guest star like Shawn Mendes on the show, who would you want to make a cameo? Can I just say pass on this one? I don't really know any celebrities and really only listen to one artist, and none of his songs really fit. The only one that might fit is Earth (by Sleeping at Last, ofc) in season 4.
28. What would you do if you were stuck in that bunker with Murphy all that time? Let's be honest, there'd probably be a baby Murphy at the end of those three months. What else was there to do?
29. You’re an extra that gets killed off. How do you die? Probably in the culling. I'd rather die softly in space than potentially violently on Earth.
30. A character you’d like to learn more about and get flashbacks of? Let me see child Murphy, darn it.
31. A character you’d bang? Honestly? All of them. Raven, Bellamy, Murphy, Harper, and Clarke would probably be my top 5. Plus Luna and Lexa.
32. Would you stay in the bunker, go to space, or live on your own in Eden? I'd live with my space pals
33. In the bunker, would you follow Octavia? What would you do to pass the time underground? I think I'd follow anyone who I thought was going to keep me alive. I'd pass time by learning new skills from other people. The hydroponic farm really interested me.
34. What crime would you commit in the bunker that lands you in the fighting pits? Not being a cannibal
35. Up in space, who would you bond with first? Who would be the most difficult for you to get along with? Raven, but it'd be because I'd be an annoying little sister to her and follow her around everywhere until she taught me how to do the things she's doing. The most difficult would probably be Echo.
36. How long do you think you would last on Earth by yourself? I don't think I'd last longer than a month by myself once I realized I'm not getting in that bunker
37. When the Eligius ship lands, what do you do? Get outta Dodge
38. Favorite Eligius character? Least favorite? Favorite- Dioyza. Least favorite- Vinson.
39. Would you spacewalk? Absolutely
40. Would you prefer to eat windshield bugs, space algae, or bunker meat? Space algae
41. Would you start a war for the last spot of green on Earth? What would your solution be to avoid it? No, because that's monumentally stupid. Ideally, I'd like to assimilate with the Eligius crew and combine our people, but if they weren't down with that, I'd want to divide the land.
42. Would you rather dig out flesh-eating worms or stick thumb drives into bullet holes? Thumb drives into bullet holes. Parasites give me the heebie jeebies.
43. Are you willing to poison your sister for the Traitor Who You Love? What would you do to stop Octavia? I don't have a sister, but if either of my brothers were pulling a stunt like that, they're going down.
44. Would you go to sleep in cryo or stay awake like Marper? If I had someone I loved to stay awake with me, I'd want to stay awake. If not, I'd go into cryo.
45. Who are you waking up first to explore the new planet? Mom and Dad, first off. Then Raven, Murphy, Echo, Diyoza, and Jackson.
Tagging: @katersann, @bellameblake, @nvm-illustration, @nightbleeder, @lovethyblakes
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From 10 to 20
10, 11, 15, 17, and 19 have already been answered, but the rest are below! 
12. Will and Matt’s relationship?
…You ever have those pairings where you don’t really put the energy into shipping them, but you’re also not keen on shipping them with anyone else? Because that’s pretty much where I stand with comic Will/Matt at this point.
Look, their cartoon counterparts? The crown jewel in my carefully curated collection of OTPs. I adore them so much and season 2 really made their relationship a compelling story. Now in the comics, I used to like them well enough because they were one of the main relationships in the series, slowly gathering traction since issue #1. Will was my favorite growing up, so naturally I wanted her to be happy, and Matt seemed like a good, nice guy worth her affection. I was eager for the day when they’d end up together, and hopefully Will would tell him the truth and clear up any weird past behavior.
I think the fatal flaw with this relationship is the fact that they took too damn long to get them to a good place, and threw in way too many conflicts on the road leading up to (and during) their relationship. We got a fakeout of Will revealing all in issue #20 (when their relationship was still tenuous because of Matt jumping to conclusions regarding Will hanging out with other guys), and it took twenty more issues before we got any real payoff. So maybe forty issues isn’t so bad for a will-they/won’t-they relationship, but it’s clear from the beginning that Will is interested in Matt, and he seems to return her feelings; they just dragged it all out with at least three storylines where one or both let their actions be ruled by jealousy (not to mention Astral Drop Will) and set them back even further. You just never knew where they stood this week – one issue they’d be crushing on each other, and the next they’d be at odds again because of a misunderstanding. I’m not saying couples have to be all sunshine and rainbows all the time, but when you’re rehashing the same plot points multiple times to keep them apart before they can officially become a couple? Not a good sign.
So issue #40 rolls around, I rejoice, and… things don’t get much easier moving on from that. They’re a couple now and it’s cute, but the fact that Matt’s now in-the-know is its own conflict. But it eventually resolves, and Matt gets to take part in running damage control when the girls are away (listen I live for this as much as I do for battle couple scenarios) and they get to be a cute couple for a few issues and it’s all adorable.
And then the Ludmoore arc happens and Matt gets sucked into the book partway through. They get him back, and then he decides to tour with Karmilla. And then the New Power arc happens and I’m not touching that with a ten-foot pole and a hazmat suit.
The thing about Will/Matt is that they had so much potential, but they just ended up being the couple where nothing ever goes right and the narrative just wants to keep tearing them apart for The Drama. I think we really only had around 10 issues of them as an official couple sharing the same space – they were still together both times Matt was away but we never got to see them together. And by the time they’re sharing the page again Matt’s entire characterization has been put through a meat grinder and spat back out something unrecognizable.
I’m going to curb my tangent here because it already got out of hand, and end with this: I still feel protective about Will/Matt because of all the things it could (and should) have been, but the majority of their canon relationship can just flounce on off.
13. Caleb and Cornelias breakup?
Well, another one that I don’t think was handled very well in canon. To be honest, I wasn’t as invested in these two as I was with Will/Matt, probably because they were technically an official couple right away (even though the majority of their development can be summed up as “I know you, I walked with you once upon a dream”). Alright, cool, these two are going to be a thing, I can roll with that, whatever.
Then we get flower Caleb and the interlude between the first and second arc (which I still very much dislike), and then they’re separated until Caleb ends up in trouble again, and when they’re reunited right before a battle Cornelia decides it’s the most opportune time to reveal her true form, and her youth is off-putting to Caleb as if the Guardian form is the only one of value.
I’d say this is another relationship plagued by primarily one-sided views on the relationship rather than the duo together, as well as being a relationship framed primarily by conflict and battle. So much of their narrative is how much Cornelia loves Caleb and everything she’s willing to do to get him back and protect him, and a couple moments like this on Caleb’s end too. But when we see both of them together, it’s always in moments of crisis – even when Caleb returns to life and they kiss, they’re being held in Kandrakar for treason. They never get a moment to actually sit down and get to know each other in a moment of peace, to air out any concerns or crucial bits of information they feel the other should know before they go all-in with their love epic.
I ended up doing a better summary here of how things could have gone if they still wanted to do a break-up arc but leave the door open for a later reunion, or just develop this relationship beyond destiny and battle. But even if we look solely at their relationship as it was in canon, the break-up was poorly executed because it was done without regard to Caleb’s actual characterization. After considerable time framing him as the romantic hero, the narrative spins him as the tactless jerk solely for dramatic purposes. Maybe it could be passed off as a point that neither of them know the other as well as they think they do, but I find it incredibly hard to believe that Caleb’s always had this side of his personality and just kept it under wraps.
So let’s play with that idea a little bit more—keep the circumstances behind the breakup the same, but think on what would make it more believable/flow better. If they wanted to make us believe that Caleb’s jerky behavior is actually in-character, then tease it out a little beforehand! Let Caleb’s flaws shine through a bit earlier on, build up tension that maybe CxC aren’t the fairytale romance they think themselves to be (and have convinced the readers they are). When the moment comes where Caleb sees Cornelia as something other than a fellow warrior, an equal (or even superior), and turns condescending, the reaction should be “disappointed but not surprised, the hints were there” rather than the “this was badly written without any regards to the characters” we get with the canon version.
Curbing this one here too, but long story short, if I’m coming up with ways to both salvage and decimate a doomed canon relationship, that’s a pretty bit hint that the actual breakup was Not Good.
14. BatMatt? (that time Matt revealed he’d been from kandrakar All Along)
There isn’t a scream loud enough for how much I haaaaaaaaate this development. To save ourselves some time, I’m just going to link back to my New Power rant on this post, because the earlier paragraphs of that sum up how I feel about this situation, and if I try to rehash all my anger about it from scratch we’re going to be here all day.
Long story short, Matthew Olsen never deserved to be so brutally characterization-murdered and cobbled back together into something with his face and name but nothing else recognizable.
16. Taranee and Nigel’s relationship?
Hmm, this was another one I didn’t feel too strongly about. I think they were sweet at the beginning, where Nigel was learning to show that he was a good guy despite being part of a band of delinquents.
But that’s the thing: even after Nigel split with Uriah and his crew, the narrative never let us forget that he was “the bad boy.” Judge Cook disapproves of her daughter’s relationship many issues after Nigel was last involved in trouble, purely for drama, it seems. Then Nigel’s brother—with his own criminal record—comes back, and Nigel just falls right back in line. I can’t remember what happens between that and Taranee starting at the dance academy, but then we get their explosive breakup and that’s that.
I think that’s another breakup that was poorly executed. While I love that Taranee rediscovered her love for dance, it was used too often as a source of conflict in the later arcs, starting with the breakup. I do need to reread the breakup since it’s been quite a long time, but I remember originally I was angry with Nigel for giving Taranee the “dancing or me” ultimatum. While ultimatums like that are never a good thing, it’s also horrendously out of character for Nigel, because he’s actually been a pretty darn passive character in the past. Look at his time in Uriah’s gang—while he certainly doesn’t seem to be getting a kick out of delinquency like the rest of the crew, he also doesn’t make much of a move to stop it outside of a few wary comments. Even when his brother comes back to town, he’s reluctantly tagging along and letting his brother dictate their actions. And while we’ve had some moments where he’s finally stood up for what’s right and holds his ground (see: saving Martin from Uriah), he’s never been aggressive about it.
The breakup not only features Nigel giving an ultimatum (which seems pretty hypocritical of him), but he yells at Taranee and is generally framed in an intimidating manner—he’s backed Taranee up against a tree, and makes a number of vigorous movements. This is the only time we really see Nigel as the “bad boy” archetype, and it’s solely for the purpose of this breakup, to shove more of the blame onto him than he actually holds.
Because that’s the thing—Taranee’s also at fault for this, due to some equally out-of-character actions, but since she’s one of our protagonists there can’t be too much of a negative light on that aspect, so Nigel’s role in the breakup is blown out of proportion to take more of the backlash.
If these two had actually been written in character by the time this conflict came up, I would see this going differently. While I still think Nigel would finally reach his breaking point and confront Taranee about committing all her time to dance, I think it would go down more like his previous confrontations, where he’s firm and holds his ground but isn’t aggressive about it. Let him have the courage to tell the girl for whom he’s had to prove himself multiple times that he’s feeling used and neglected, but rather than giving an ultimatum he asks for a compromise. He can deal with seeing Taranee a little bit less than usual if she’s doing something that makes her happy, but it would be nice if they can build out a little time for just the two of them. Maybe he apologizes for getting annoyed when she talks excitedly about the academy, and expresses interest in meeting her friends or stopping by to observe a class.
Taranee, on the other hand, sees where she’s at fault and works to do a better job of balancing her newly rediscovered passion with the rest of her social life, because while she might really love dancing it isn’t worth neglecting everything from before the academy. And maybe she puts in a little effort into learning more about Nigel’s interests as a fair trade, so he can tell her about something he likes rather than listening to her talk about dance for a change.
Again, another relationship that was ruined by out-of-character actions and could have easily been improved by communication.
18. Phobos?
Hrm. I’ve never particularly been into villains, and Phobos isn’t one of the exceptions, so I don’t have many strong feelings here.
I’ll admit that he does make a good villain, and was particularly crafty upon his return in the fourth arc. And I almost forget about this part, but I also thought it was interesting that we didn’t even get to see his face until, what, the seventh or eighth issue? Over halfway into the first arc, and we learned in issue #5 that he had every image of himself destroyed, and Elias was punished for daring to paint his face. I don’t think we ever got an explanation as to why Phobos didn’t want to be seen, so this is still a fascinating little detail.
20. Cedric and Orube’s relationship?
Like with Orube alone, I need to do a closer reread later on to get more in-depth with these two, but I know for sure that they deserved so much better. And like I said in the Phobos post, I really don’t do villains, so it’s noteworthy that I grew to feel this way about Cedric.
I do like how their relationship developed, because my complaints about other canon relationships is that there’s hardly any communication. With Orube and Cedric, we don’t know in the beginning that they’ll be attracted to each other—they’re still enemies-in-law, shall we say (because neither were direct opponents before, for Orube it was more “enemy of my friend is my enemy”). I should hope that, to successfully get from this point to lovers, there would be some communication and development, which we got. They were cautious about trusting each other, but being aliens on a strange world certainly helped build the connection.
I also love how Cedric gets so flustered over Orube, whether because of her outfit or her successfully sneaking in without his knowing, and of course the cappuccino. It was refreshing to see this man defined by his schemes and deceptions get thrown off his rhythm by Orube, who isn’t even in warrior mode.
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newhologram · 6 years
Glorious purpose, sacrifice, and the god who started it all
Send a heartbeat to The void that cries through you Relive the pictures that have come to pass For now we stand alone The world is lost and blown And we are flesh and blood disintegrate With no more to hate
- The Beginning Is the End Is the Beginning by Smashing Pumpkins (because this song is 100% about Avengers)
Been on an MCU binge to put everything under a microscope, so here’s what’s been rolling around in my brain. 
Infinity War spoilers below with speculation/theories for Avengers 4 that includes A4 spoilery set leak stuff. 
* * *
There’s a lot to talk about as far as theories as we were given some hopeful leads in IW and other films. Just to take inventory on some other speculations and fun ideas: 
Shuri may have backed Vision up
Soul World: is that where Gamora is? Is that where everyone who was dusted went?
Nebula may get a meaningful role in helping to take Thanos down
Captain Marvel’s role in all this??
The possibility of Adam Warlock coming out of his cocoon
The Eternals maybe
Thor’s Stormbreaker handle being made of Groot somehow solving something
Thanos being overcome with grief in his isolation
The possibility of a major time jump in A4 to see how Earth has moved on after the snap, which may include Tony’s future with Pepper and their child. Everyone will have lived so many years with the consequences of the snap.
It also feels like each character might have to go on their own hunt for the stones, which might lead to an interesting reversal of the loss and sacrifice they faced in IW. I wonder who gets assigned to each stone and how that’ll play out for their individual character arc? There’s one stone for each original Avenger, so that’s cool to think about 
Erasing versus dying. If you’ve heard anything about “the Event” that a lot of astrologers have been talking about lately, basically our reality is due for a cosmic event which splits us—leaving people behind and taking the rest into a prosperous new universe. Some will be “erased” from this existence. It’s been called the Rapture. Which is uh. Pretty interesting considering IW premiered on the actual date of the rapture prediction and how the Snap is absolutely a kind of sad superhero bad ending rapture. 
Rewriting everything that we’ve seen in the past 6 years in canon
I’ve also seen some talk of theories such as “Loki is Bruce Banner in disguise”. I can see why this theory is popular because Bruce acts really weird the whole movie and seems to know things he shouldn’t. But I’m not too into it because it feels like there’s a big payoff coming with the Hulk (as in, we better get a cool shot of him bursting out of the Hulkbuster armor, like the toy).
There’s also some talk about spotting Quicksilver and even Wolverine on the set but I have nooo idea what those would even mean, not just in regards to the plot but with the whole joint custody thing Sony, Fox and Disney have been working out. 
All of that said, I’ve been thinking about a few other threads in particular though, so that’s what I’ll be exploring here. Just speculation for fun. Let’s see where it leads.
☀ Undying Fidelity
The opening scene was really suspicious to me for many reasons. These directors are sharp and I believe there is purpose to everything we see as well as what we don’t see.
Let’s talk about my boy Loki.
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He starts out pretty scared. The guy is sweating bullets. 
After the Hulk engages Thanos, Loki isn’t on screen for several minutes. We don’t see him reacting or hiding or anything. I don’t trust that, especially not with the Russo bros directing it. I feel as though something is being hidden from us in this moment, distracted by the Hulk just as much as the bad guys are.
When he reappears to offer himself as a guide to Thanos, suddenly his demeanor is totally different. He seems calm, resolved even. 
His choice of words is very important. The most suspicious to me are: “rightful heir to Jotunheim”, “God of Mischief”, “do hereby pledge my undying fidelity”. Loki does not want us to forget that he’s not only a Jotunn, not Asgardian by blood, but he’s a God, and a very, very cunning one. To be honest, it doesn’t feel like that last line was for Thanos at all. It honestly feels like he’s saying it to someone else—maybe himself. To his own duty in this moment. Which brings me to the next bullet point:
After that last line, dagger forming, his eyes quickly dart down. There’s a pause. A small beat there. He looks as though he’s steeling himself. That, to me, is the face of a man who very much knows he’s about to die. It’s a very Obi-Wan moment, right in front of Thor. It’s somehow even more heartbreaking if he knew it was coming, and was still so scared and small when Thanos wrapped his fist around his neck. 
Loki’s a smart cookie. He may be relatively young for a god/alien but this isn’t his first rodeo. He already knows how deadly and terrifying Thanos is without the Gauntlet/stones, so what does he think he can do right now? He knows a little dagger isn’t going to win this for them and that’s precisely the point. He isn’t dumb enough to try that sincerely, which makes me believe even more that it was strategic. I have a feeling Thanos chiding him about his choice in words (”undying”) is going to come back to bite him in the ass.
Back to Loki’s words being important. When he’s first about to surrender the Tesseract earlier in the scene, he says to Thor, "I promise you, brother, the sun will shine on us again."  He says it with so much purpose.
And his final words to Thanos: “You will never be a god.” Another reminder: Loki is a god. He’s survived a black hole, stabbing, Hulk-smashing, Grandmaster’s orgies, and likely more in his years. We’ve come to expect him to fake his own death by this point, though I’m still on the fence about whether this one was fake, or a necessary one he knew needed to happen, or somehow a bit of both. I wonder, only a little, where did Loki’s body go, is it just floating around with the rest of the dead? 
For that matter, where the hell is Valkyrie? Is there any meaningful payoff rather than just humor for Korg calling Loki a ghost in Ragnarok? I’m not too hopeful for something like that, but it’s a thought. 
Later on in the film we see Thor, another god, (barely) survive the concentrated full force of a dying star. I’m supposed to believe Loki, an incredibly gifted frost giant child trained in the arts of magic, Loki Ha Ha Duplicates of Me Everywhere Odinson, Loki I’m Right Where I Need to Be Laufeyson just has a sudden brain fart, tries to stab the Mad Titan, gets his neck snapped in front of his brother, and it’s not on purpose? 
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Do I really think Loki is still alive? I don’t know. Loki is very, very dear to me but like I said, I’m on the fence. Because it seems like the deaths that happened before the snap, save for Gamora, might be permanent because we needed to feel that the stakes were high. On the other hand, again, Loki is very gifted. We’ve seen him “die” before and I still have a very hard time believing he’s fully dead and not god-level deep coma smacked down needing time to regenerate if he doesn’t just turn blue right after since his iconic look is an illusion too. His line about the sun shining on them again uses the word “us”, which could indicate a revival and reunion somehow. 
But I’m cry because you know he and Thor got into a lot of trouble growing up, and big brother was always there for him. But then little brother goes through some hard stuff, falls into a black hole, gets picked up by a cult, and it all comes down to this moment now: no home to return safely to, no mother to console him after Odin’s discipline, Thor unable to save him. 
♥ We Don’t Trade Lives
Before I go into A4 speculation, let’s look at how each character deals with sacrifice, just for fun: 
Loki is given a choice: his brother’s life, or the Space Stone → Loki surrenders and sacrifices himself 
Quill is given a choice: the love of his life, or Thanos getting closer to winning → Quill is hesitates and is unable to keep his promise of sacrificing Gamora
Gamora is given a choice: her sister, or the location of the Soul Stone  → Gamora surrenders to spare Nebula 
Thanos is given a choice: his favorite daughter, or the Soul Stone → Thanos sacrifices Gamora for the stone
Dr. Strange is given a choice: Tony Stark, or the Time Stone → Despite earlier warning Tony he wouldn’t hesitate to sacrifice either him or Peter if it means keeping the Time Stone safe, he surrenders the stone → He sacrifices his duty, his life, and the lives of everyone else who gets dusted in order to put them on the one right path he saw out of over 14 million
Wanda is given a choice: Vision, or the Mind Stone → Her struggle with this choice starts earlier on when Vision offers to sacrifice himself to destroy the Mind Stone → Cap tells him “we don’t trade lives”  → Wanda is also not willing to immediately kill him when asked → They run out of time and options, Wanda finally sacrifices Vision, which as we saw didn’t really work out the way they wanted
Our characters struggle with sacrificing something important to them in order to save the universe (remember, in the eyes of Thanos, he’s saving the universe too). Many of the characters value their loved ones above everything else and don’t want to have to make that choice. They don’t want to face the pain of a life without that person, or they don’t want another person to suffer or die painfully because of them.
Alright. Let’s talk bidness. 
♛   Reframe the Future
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Yeah—remember B.A.R.F.? Binarily Augmented Retro-Framing. 
This has to be what Tony will use to look back at things. I see him replaying the events of the first Avengers over and over, trying to figure out how it all could’ve gone so wrong, what clues they missed, and how to fix it. 
Which brings us to the question of time travel. Is this where the idea of Infinite Avengers will come in, if the multiverse is explored? I don’t have too much of a lead on that, but it’s interesting to think about. If that ends up being the title of A4 it would certainly point to that.
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(Note Tony’s greying hair which supports the idea that A4 will start 5-10 years after Infinity War)
Many have speculated about the devices on their wrists in these photos, as well as the fact that while Tony and Ant-Man seem to be their present selves, others are in their old costumes from the first Avengers. Doesn’t quite answer why Cap is wearing a device, unless they recruit lots of multiversal Avengers from various timelines/realities/points in history to help? (Wouldn’t it be crazy to find out that Ant-Man has been a secret tiny time traveling Avenger the whole time?) 
It’s hard to know exactly what kind of time travel shenanigans we’re dealing with. Maybe we’ll learn more when we see Ant-Man and the Wasp, since they’re going to be dealing with the quantum realm, where time doesn’t really exist. In the quantum realm, every possibility exists at the same time. 
We do have some clues though. 
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Exhibit A: Loki in all his muzzled glory, as seen at the end of Avengers.
We know that this time travel plot would involve going back to where it all started. But what could be done, what is Tony’s play? 
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Exhibit B: Tony Stark in S.H.I.E.L.D. gear. More specifically—
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As one of Loki’s escorts.
What we don’t see in Avengers is how everything goes down when they take Loki back into custody (after grubbing on shawarma). We don’t see the discussion about what to do with him and Thor’s decision to take Loki and the Tesseract back to Asgard. 
So, again, what the hell is Tony’s game plan? 
If he’s disguised as a guard, there could be a chance to get alone with Loki and talk to him. Tell him everything that goes down. Get him to help. Get info from him, and make sure he knows how things need to play out in order for this all to work.
I’m not sure how yet though. It seems this could somehow involve Stark making his own Infinity Gauntlet, but that’s later down the line. Where does Loki fit into the plan beyond the time travel scene? That may be all we get of him. 
I’m so excited for the possibility of my two favorite characters working together or even having just once more scene together, however it plays out. Tony and Loki both smiled at each others’ jokes in A1 and I loved it. I feel like their dynamic would be so interesting to explore more. Tony totally clocked that Loki is a diva, because they’re both like that lol.
☮ Glorious Purpose
But what’s most interesting to me right now is the implication that if this is the closed loop kind of time travel, it would mean Loki has known about all this since the end of Avengers. 
When the Hulk was distracting everyone, was Loki hiding behind a wall, readying himself for what he knew he needed to do next? I’ve heard talk of the possibility of a duplicate since that’s what Loki does, but would Thanos have been able to tell he was killing an illusion? He didn’t have the Soul Stone then which likely helped him tell which Strange was real later. I’ve also heard talk of a Loki switchout, but I’m not too convinced because it would involve somehow transporting another Loki there. Not so sure there would be a stealthy way to do any of that. 
Did Loki die in the beginning of Infinity War fully knowing all those years that it was going to happen, that it needed to happen, in order for the sun to shine again?
Did Loki die to help save the universe?
If Loki knew those few weeks on Sakaar were going to be his last, do you think he was like, “Guess I better live my best life and spend my final days sipping cocktails on Grandmaster’s lap.”
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My final speculation prediction REQUIREMENT from Marvel Studios is to have Avengers 4 end with a beautiful Pepperony wedding filled with superheroes. Whoever’s left, that is. 
(This also means if there’s a time jump, Tony will possibly erase the present he has with Pepper and their child in order to save everyone... Should be interesting.)
In conclusion, have this whiteboard drawing I did for @spazzeon as I tried to explain all of this
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