#but like. realistically i just looked a perfectly nice man in the face and just thought ‘i can’t do this. i’m not simping tonight’
eldritch-spouse · 8 months
Listening to Jayde vent about recent his work frustrations and offering to give him the sloppiest sucky wucky for compensation
" I think you're stressing out over nothing. "
Your lips wrap around the straw of the fancy caramel milkshake Jayde bought you, eyes focused on the bags under his, the way he keeps tapping at the table and seemingly mumbling to himself in infernal.
The imp sighs, trying to calm down, a fruitless effort if the constant batting of his tail on the chair's legs is any indication. " ... I'm sorry, I just have to get this perfectly right, you know? My job depends on it. "
Your eyes nearly roll. " I don't think anyone in Sloth is lining up to be King Zizz's head imp... "
And you're sure that's the case. Jayde holds a spot this high in Sloth's hierarchy not because he's the most professional in the field but because he's the most hard working. He's always available and ready to do any manner of odd jobs, which is a level of agency almost no one in that Ring manifests. Realistically speaking, right now, he has no direct competition and is too expensive a loss to the royal court. Because, after all, losing someone who's already intimate with Sloth's routines and inner workings implies having to teach a newbie everything. It all seems like a whole bunch of work neither the King nor his servants are looking forward to.
This is practically a non-issue.
The green demon in front of you shrugs, as tense as a plank still. Jayde places a hand over yours on the table. " But I gotta be careful now, bijou. Maybe a few months ago I could afford to lose my position, but now I have someone to take care of... "
His jagged smile attempts to be reassuring when he squeezes your hand. Take care of sounds about right, this is the same demon who won't let you out of his luxury apartment, much less out of Hell...
You try to prevent bitterness from showing on your face. One step at a time, you'll find your way outside. Or go insane trying.
" Someone to spoil. "
A grin furnishes your face. " I think you spoil me plenty already. " Beneath the table, your feet push his chair back slowly, making Jayde give blink vapidly.
The imp tries to say something but quickly shuts his own trap when you playfully slip under the table cloth, crawling your way to him. Soft hands trace up his legs through his pants, until you kneel before the King's head servant and tap at his zipper idly.
" You always give so much to your job, it must be exhausting... "
Jayde's tail is rapidly whacking into its surroundings again, this time not from stress. That mint-green face takes on a darker shade and he looks down at you as if you were made of diamonds, clad in the dress he bought you, the pendant and bracelets he almost begged you to accept.
" W- Well... I do work pretty hard. But it's nothing. I can take it. "
" I know you can. "
As much as you loathe your general circumstances right now, you can almost lie to yourself and say it's worth it when you feel him harden under your palm. Because it's so easy. He's so easy. Content with so little from you. This is by far a much more lavish lifestyle than the one you had, even if you're shackled to this monster... All you really have to do is keep him happy, put a hand around his twitching cock and tell him you're so happy to be doted on by such a wonderful man.
" You don't have to, sweetie. " He has the audacity to say, already leaking like a fucking faucet right in front of you. " I just wanted to bring you something nice. "
" Oh, do you want me to stop- "
" No! " Jayde gulps. " ... Please. "
You can't hide the little smirk when you move to finally wrap your glossed lips around his length. " Alright. "
The imp makes a rattle of a shudder as soon as you take him into the warmth of your mouth, a relieved moan hanging in the air as his legs spread and he pets your hair.
" Go on, tell me about the rest of your day. " You taunt, giving him only time to gasp before starting a pace that has him nearly choking.
" O- Ohh- Okay... "
As if he'll even try.
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foxymoxynoona · 2 years
Hi Foxy! The drabble game is such a fun idea! Do you think you could write idol!jk with a fan? It could be him feeling attracted to her, or them hooking up, or maybe their first meeting... I really don't have any particular request, the stage is yours! I'm really curious about how you'd approach it because you have a talent for writing the cutest but also oddly realistic scenarios. I love you and happy anniversary!
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I thought this would be a nice little fluffy tease for Valentine's Day to express my love back to you, I hope you enjoy it!
Characters: Idol Jungkook x Fan Y/N Words: 3k CW: none
You’re not surprised your friends bailed on you when the choice came up between Angel Tribute and Mavis McAdams, but you’re still disappointed. They knew the band –a deceptively named trio of three artists Mavis, Makena, and Adam– topped your list of favorite bands ever. But they were smaller than Angel Tribute, so when push came to shove, you were left on your own to see your favorite group. And you hated being alone. 
Especially right now, when you are positive that Jeon Jungkook of BTS is standing right in front of you.
You didn’t think anything of him at first. He was just another body in the space around you where you’ve found a little area for yourself, not up in the pit but a little further back where there’s breathing room. It wasn’t so crowded back here, and you liked the flexibility of being able to stand or sit; there was only one row of seats in front of you before a small aisle, which kept you from feeling too trapped. But you were still close to the front, close enough to feel a part of the music, and you’d been happily swaying and singing along under your breath to the first song when he slid into the space directly in front of you, joining the man who had already been there.
The man you were now convinced was a bodyguard. Or maybe a manager? An assistant? You didn’t actually know how those things worked. Before you recognized him, neither man meant anything to you except that now you were annoyed that your view was blocked. 
Just as you considered leaning forward and asking them to leave a little space for you to see through, the newly arrived man had looked to the side and– ok, you didn’t know which thing it was that had made you suspicious, but the combination of a few things had. The face mask and snapback hadn’t, there were plenty of people around these days in such attire, but the profile even with the mask had made you pause. The earrings in the ear –well, you were at a music festival, but regular guys didn’t usually have so many hoops. You wouldn’t even admit it on your deathbed but the freckle on the side of his neck made you start to suspect– and then the eyes. The eyes in the shadow between hat and mask had to be him, you were 98% sure of it. 
Instantly you abandoned your idea of suggesting they move. They didn’t need to move. For just this moment, you were perfectly ok with Jeon Jungkook of BTS blocking your view as you mulled over your options. You could obviously ask for an autograph, but the thought of doing so flooded you with embarrassment. You certainly wouldn’t ask for a picture, even worse, but taking a sneaky photo to keep as a memento just seemed so creepy and invasive. 
The other option, and the one that seemed best to you, was to pretend you did not know who he was and enjoy this moment of your life in which you were going to enjoy a Mavis McAdams concert staring at the back of Jungkook’s neck. He had a really nice neck. He must have had a haircut recently, the hairline was really neat. You missed the long hair but it seemed to grow quickly for him and he’d gone that route multiple times so probably it would be long again soon. It was good you weren’t seeing it long. That would be too much for you to stay chill about.
A new song started, an old favorite of yours, and you sang quietly along –much more quietly than you had a moment ago since the voice of a generation was standing in front of you. But it must have been loud enough to embarrassingly draw attention, or maybe it was the dance moves you couldn’t quite help because you just really loved this song. Your eyes were closed, you didn’t think you’d accidentally hit him, but when you opened your eyes you realized he was looking over his shoulder.
At you.
You bit back the squeak of surprise and tried to just casually lean around him to see the band, as if you didn’t notice him at all.
“You can’t see.” 
Of course you didn’t assume he was talking to you, but when he said it again with a sort of flapping hand gesture in your direction, you realized he really was addressing you.
“Uh… well… no…”
He laughed and nudged the bodyguard, saying something rapidly in Korean that you couldn’t hope to follow with your handful of phrases. The bodyguard nodded and shifted over, leaving a clear space for you to see through.
“Oh, thank you.” You gave an awkward bow before regretting it; it felt like you’d just admitted you knew who he was and were familiar with Korean culture just because of liking K-pop and k-dramas. Which was the truth but god, embarrassing.
Jungkook and the bodyguard nodded and the next song starting grabbed their attention away from you.
It was definitely more enjoyable to actually be able to see the performance and you marveled at his thoughtfulness for even noticing. Even when more people packed into the seats, the bodyguard kept the space in between them clear for you. It was a little annoying though because while you were happy standing and dancing, the people around you were dancing a little more wildly and kept bumping into you, disrupting your enjoyment. You tried to ignore it but a particular hard jab in your back made your voice hitch as you were singing.
Jungkook glanced back at you, chin tilted up to see you under the brim of his hat. He beckoned with his hand like it was a rush and pointed down at the seat in between him and Bodyguard.
What the fuck.
In no world would you refuse to take him up on that though. With a mixture of relief and abject terror, you stepped over the back of the seat, flattered when the bodyguard held a hand up to steady you as if you were one of his charges. He asked Jungkook something that was dismissed with a shake of the head. Maybe an offer to switch seats? Jungkook didn’t think it was necessary? You didn’t care if you projected that all over them. 
It was like fireworks going off in your head as you tried to play it cool and focus your enthusiasm on the music. There was more space to move here without bumping or getting bumped. Jungkook was vibing too, swaying and grinning, sometimes singing along. You tried not to look at him and be awkward but occasionally you’d feel his grin and glance at him. The eye contact made you both laugh. The singing together, the dancing, you were at this concert with him. The craziness of it didn’t quite fade away but it shifted into something more joyful and less shy. He wasn’t an idol right now, he was just another fan, and meeting someone else who knew all the lyrics to the B-sides was really exciting as a music lover.
“You like this song? You know it!” he beamed, like he was impressed by your knowledge, like he was thinking all the same things right now.
“I can’t sing well, sorry, don’t listen to me!”
“No, it’s good. You are good. It’s very cool.”
You didn’t think your singing was good nor cool, especially not to someone who sang like Jungkook, but it was kind of him to say so. It made you feel less self conscious about relaxing and enjoying yourself. Why not? Ok, your singing was fine, and it was all in good fun because you were just enjoying the music, just like he was. It wasn’t worth being nervous over.
The songs played out and before you knew it, they were announcing their last song. You couldn’t help the groan of disappointment.
“Are they your favorite band?” Jungkook asked you. “I like them so much.”
“They’re definitely one of them. I’ve seen them twice before but never at a festival like this. The first time was in this really small venue, it felt so intimate.” You broke off, realizing you were rambling, but how could you not?
“I love them too. I saw them one time. They opened for…” You couldn’t hear who he said over the surge of music and the crowd but nodded anyway. A fan. He was a fan and it was really cool to know that about him, for him to share that love with him.
Halfway through the song, he leaned around you to say something to the bodyguard, then pulled his mask up. You could tell instantly by his body language he was leaving, probably before the band finished and the crowd around you looked somewhere other than the stage. He might get swarmed. You understood but hated for everything to be wrapping up already.
You certainly didn’t expect him to nudge your arm and lean down to say, “Come on, let’s go.”
“Huh, what?”
He lifted his chin again to look at you and his eyes were sparkling and ok look, you weren’t going to tell him no. So you pulled your bag onto your shoulder and shoved your water bottle inside, checked your pocket for your phone, and followed Jungkook and his bodyguard.
Obviously you had no idea where you were going so you stuck close, fully expecting the bodyguard to shove you away at any second. Or someone else to materialize and do it, a manager or something. But no one did, and that’s how you wound up following Jeon Jungkook to the backstage area. The guards at the security checkpoint waved him through and you as well when Jungkook said,
“She’s with me, bro.”
God I wish.
He paused to look around and spoke with the bodyguard for a moment before leading the way to a tent behind the stage McMavis had just performed on. You could hear the crowd cheering for the encore as you followed but as much as you regretted missing it, you wouldn’t have missed this for the world. You looked around in surprise, recognizing a few other VIPs, but you didn’t want to get left behind and unceremoniously kicked out.
The bodyguard grabbed two waters from a cooler and handed them to you each and your Korean gamsahamnida made them both grin.
“You speak Korean?”
“No no, that’s all I know,” you quickly said.
“I will say ‘she is my translator.’”
“Your English is really good. You don’t need one, huh?”
He tugged his mask down so you could see his grin as he laughed, “Ok, thank you. It’s not very good but thank you.”
“I think it is.”
The bodyguard got his attention and you both looked over to see McMavis moving towards a tent further aware, bouncing around and amped from their show.
“Ah, ok. It is embarrassing if they say no,” he told you before setting off after them. Say no to what?
There wasn’t long to wait to find out. They’d just collapsed on the couches in their tent as a stage manager told them they had twenty minutes to decompress until their fan-meeting event; you could see and hear them through the gauzy curtains as Jungkook’s bodyguard said something to the woman by the entrance.
“Yes!” Mavis shouted. “I heard that! BTS? Someone from BTS is here?”
Jungkook gave you a nervous smile like he was nervous about meeting them. You just followed dumbly along as he ducked into the tent, nodding and bowing as Mavis, Makena, and Adam all jumped to their feet to greet him.
“She is my translator,” he said without forgetting you. “Also a fan. Me too. Your show is so great.”
“Yes it was really wonderful. You’re amazing live,” you gushed. Secretly praying no one was about to ask you to translate anything. Oh god. Would Jungkook play along if you had to speak fake Korean to him? Would you just give it up and confess? You thought he wasn’t capable of lying so why was he lying right now?! What the hell??
No one cared, clearly. They were too busy gushing over Jungkook, the artists all trading praise, talking about other acts at the festival. You felt simultaneously like a third wheel and perfectly at ease, because despite your expectations, no one was actually shooting out god-rays right now. If you didn’t know how talented and famous these people were, they were just people raving about music they liked, enjoying a beautiful day at a music festival. How could this seem so normal and so surreal at the same time?
Probably because he’d marked you as a translator you were mostly ignored, which was fine by you, but occasionally Jungkook would gesture to you as if prompting you to say something and include yourself. You mentioned the other shows you’d been to. You answered what your favorite song was and flustered when Jungkook nodded, “Me too. It’s mine too.” 
All too soon, their manager was telling them they needed to get to their fan meeting. You leapt out of the way as the band members and Jungkook assembled for a photo without any prompting, like it was just something they were familiar with. You almost offered to take it but an assistant and Jungkook’s bodyguard had it covered.
Jungkook reached forward, grabbed your wrist, and pulled you into the frame after they’d already taken a couple. You had half a second to wonder oh no am I going to get doxxed on the internet if these photos make it online before deciding you didn’t give a shit. That wasn’t real right now. What was real was that Jungkook had been thoughtful enough to include you.
Belatedly you realized you hadn’t taken one with your own phone but the band was already saying goodbye, their manager ushering them away. They hadn’t even really taken their break and there were other people lingering outside the tent trying to get their attention but it was obvious to you they had spent their time exactly how they wanted to. ARMY were everywhere, after all.
You, Jungkook, and the bodyguard moved out of the tent and you realized awkwardly you didn’t know what to do now. The obvious thing was to go but it’s not like you wanted to go.
“I have to go,” Jungkook said, looking at something on his phone. He thrust it towards you and you were confused enough to take it from him. He had it open to the New Message screen, cursor blinking in the “To:” field.
“I will send the picture.”
“Oh! Right.” Yes, of course, obviously that made sense. You typed your number in and handed it back. 
“Ok, goodbye. I have to go but just wait, ok? I will send it.”
“Yeah, of course. Sure. And oh my god, thank you for bringing me back here and um, enjoy the rest of the festival!”
He was laughing and you didn’t quite know why but he smiled and nodded and pressed his hands together, “Yes. Thank you. Have fun too. Talk back to me.”
You nodded. He was gone so fast, bodyguard closing behind him as he set off. He did look like he had somewhere to be. You did not and your mind was blown about this whole thing. You were too flustered to even think about the fact you were unsupervised in the VIP backstage section right now. 
Paranoid you were going to get kicked out since you didn’t have a lanyard anyway, you walked quickly out of security and didn’t stop until you’d found a place you could step out of the way and guzzle the water bottle. You pulled your phone out of your pocket to text your friends, or at least see if they’d texted you.
You did have messages, but not from your deadbeat friends. Already! You already had a message!
[unknown]: what is your name?
[y/n]: y/n
[JJK]: ok 
[JJK]: [group photo]
[JJk]: thank you for hanging out
[y/n]: no thank you for taking me backstage with you! It was a dream come true to meet them. that was really thoughtful and cool of you even just to make sure I could see
[JJK]: the view is important at a concert so we both had a better view
You froze. You stared. 
No. Was he… flirting?!!? Impossible. You must be misunderstanding. You had to be misunderstanding!
[y/n]: It was perfect
[y/n]: thank you for trusting me enough to message me the photo but also shouldn’t you not trust people you just met???
[JJK]: why not
[JJK]: my name is JK you can put it in your phone
Lord have mercy. 
[JJK]: I do not give my phone number but it is nice to meet you so I did
[y/n]: Nice to meet you too JK thanks for hanging out
[your friend]: hey where are you? McMavis done? You ready to meet up?
You hesitated. Your original excitement to tell them about meeting Jungkook was still bubbling, but in light of the fact he had given you his phone number and was flirting you decided maybe you wouldn’t share that part of your day with them. Not yet anyway. 
You told your friends where you’d meet them and looked at your phone again.
[JJK]: what bands do you like? Suggest music to me
[y/n]: ok you too
[y/n]: have you heard of…
Your stomach bubbled with anticipation as you went to meet your friends. Maybe this would be nothing. He’d stop texting you suddenly and that would be that. He’d get a new phone and lose your number. He’d text you for the rest of the festival but then block you and move on. You had zero expectations he would keep talking to you. Why would he?
But you hadn’t expected to see him. Or to sing and dance with him. Or to meet McMavis with him. Definitely not for him to take a photo with you –which you now had!-- and allow you access to his phone number. That gesture of faith meant so much to you. You wouldn’t disappoint him. 
You held your phone with your secret close to your chest and went to meet your friends. 
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sibylsleaves · 30 days
Realistically speaking when they get into a relationship together do you see them having more kids? Chris will be older about to leave for college (he’s already thirteen now and they’re not yet together) by the time they reach that point and they still could. I personally think they are open to it and consider all the options but will decide that one child is enough for them and not have anymore. Do you believe Eddie wants another child or do you think he’s never stopped to think about what another child would actually be like especially after the Shannon I’m pregnant but not actually pregnant thing before she died. I know Buck is great with kids and we have discussed his different family dynamics but it seems to me he could go one way or the other and he isn’t as desperate as some people may think to have his own child. More so just wanting a loving family dynamic that he never got to have growing up with his parents and in relationships that have consistently never worked out. It’d be nice but he’d be perfectly content having a family with just Eddie and Christopher
I don't think Eddie's really thought about it much, no. Buck wants kids but is afraid to want them. I personally want them have more kids.
I think when they're looking down the barrel of Chris going off to college and being empty nesters at like, age 40, they're gonna be like LETS HAVE A BABY.
Let's face it. Buck should have a baby. i think anyone who doesn't realize this is lying to themselves!!!!!! give that man a baby!!!!!!!!! i definitely don't think it needs to be like. biologically related to him but i have never seen a man who needs a baby more than buck needs a baby
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quollstar · 1 year
Devil in Disguise; ch1
michael (the good place) x reader
warnings: this is a pairing between you and unreformed demon michael, aka before the team cockroach storyline, aka he's evil and mean. what can i say. be mindful that he's going to call you names and stuff so if that makes you upset be careful reading!
notes: there isn't too much actual plot here. basically reader/you are a fifth member of the group of humans michael is torturing. this is somewhere reboot like 300 or something. this work does include use of "Y/N"!
You were pretty sure the Architect was a demon.
It wasn't an easy conclusion to come to. Not at all. And you definitely didn't want to think that, not when you had previously believed you were in Heaven, and believing anything else meant that you were definitely in Hell. He wasn't particularly obvious, either, so long as you weren't looking. He played the part of the helpful, well-meaning, a-little-bit-clueless Architect so well that you wondered if it was a part at all.
Then the mask would slip for just a moment. He would say something so cruel that he had to have known it was hurtful, or he'd smile to himself when he shouldn't and he thought no-one was looking; but you were always looking. Really, your stupid crush on him was the only reason you suspected him at all, because you always wanted to be near him, and thus were always there for his slip-ups.
A few misplaced grins could be excused (he didn't know a lot about humans or social norms after all) but after a while it was a pattern. Maybe you only started looking because of your past experiences with manipulative liars on Earth, or maybe you never really believed you were in The Good Place at all; but either way, it seemed like you were the only one with any suspicions. So you started keeping a mental list of everything he did that just seemed off. Eventually it got so long that you couldn't excuse it. He wasn't what he seemed, and one day, you decided you were going to confront him about it.
So now, here you were. You'd asked if you could speak to him privately and he had obliged, looking equal parts confused and concerned as he ushered you into his office. The place was familiar from when you'd first 'woken up' here, been told where 'here' was, and that you'd made it and now you could enjoy your afterlife. It had been perfect until it wasn't, and you didn't like being forked around with, thank you very much. You tried to hold on to that energy as you passed through the hallway ("Welcome! Everything is fine." Yeah, right.) and took your seat in front of his desk.
Still, sitting across from him now, you started to doubt your suspicions again. You'd always been a paranoid person on Earth; wasn't it possible that you were just thinking too far into things again? And maybe he was just an idiot; maybe he didn't understand how to be nice to people yet. You'd known plenty of actual humans who still didn't grasp that concept, so really, shouldn't he get a pass?
But then you remembered your list; all the times he had laughed when Eleanor would trip, and then tried to cover it up with a cough; all the times he'd backhandedly called Tahani a failure to her face and she'd had to hold back tears; all the times he had oh-so-conveniently forgotten to mention that, by the way, there would be fun, new things involved today, even though he knew Chidi hated not knowing things like that beforehand. Given as the neighborhood had only started five months ago, there was no explanation for just how many times he'd managed to mess up, unless the reason was that he was trying to mess up.
So you'd set your jaw, even as the perfectly realistic look of concern on his face stayed, and he'd tented his hands under his chin and asked you, "What can I help you with?" He looked so much like a not-man afraid of learning that his resident was unhappy that it nearly made you waver again (Fork, he was good at that) but you held strong.
No point in beating around the bush. "This isn't The Good Place."
"I beg your pardon?"
"This is The Bad Place, and you're a demon."
He froze for just a second too long before knitting his eyebrows and slowly blinking once, twice, all the while still staring at you with very apparent shock.
Finally he spoke, calm as ever, aside from the note of surprise in his voice. "Why would you think that?"
You couldn't believe he was still committed to the bit, but then again, you didn't really expect him to throw up his hands and say, 'you got me!'.
You huffed. "There's a lot of reasons, man, but how about we start with my biggest one: you're kind of an ash-hole."
He didn't speak, just kept looking at you (rather uncomfortably), so you filled the silence for him.
"You're constantly condescending in a way I could excuse at first 'cause, hey, you're not human, but then you go and keep pushing everyone's buttons even though, realistically, you should know what's a sore subject- because you know everything! You're mean to Tahani and Jason, you're always putting Eleanor in stressful situations, you're downright cruel to Chidi, and that leads to my next point: you're never not around the five of us. Like, don't you have other residents?"
You paused to give him a chance to offer a rebuttal (and catch your breath), but he stayed quiet. In fact, his face had shifted to one of mild boredom over the course of your rambling, and you balked at him incredulously.
"You don't have anything to say? 'Cause I can keep going, I have a whole list–"
"To be honest, I'm just surprised you actually figured it out."
You mirrored his expression from before, blinking at him slowly.
He sounded completely different, like he'd undergone a total tonal 180°. Not only was his voice different, he looked a lot more sinister now, having finally dropped the mask of concern. His brows were raised over his glasses and his mouth was a flat line, and though he was in the same pose as before, now his tented hands looked devious rather than accommodating. His eyes were half narrowed behind the lenses, looking right at you unwaveringly.
The change was enough to shock you into silence for the time being. To be honest, even though you were pretty confident in your theory when coming here, you'd almost wanted to be wrong. Maybe he would have laughed at you good-naturedly, or asked you if you were feeling alright, then said something to explain his behavior; something that would quell your fear beyond all doubt. You'd have a conversation with him about treating your friends better (he'd say something like, "I'm so sorry, I had no idea!" and it wouldn't be a lie) and you'd be able to go back to enjoying your afterlife, now with a more open relationship between all of you and the Architect overseeing your paradise.
That would have been great, but obviously, it would never happen. He'd confirmed your fears rather than assuage them, and now you were sitting in a small room with a not-man you now knew to be a demon. One that had been torturing you this entire time. One that was watching all of this dawn on your face with a budding grin on his own.
You swallowed, then cleared your throat, trying not to look at his mouth. You were pretty sure his teeth looked sharper now than before, and you didn't want to think about that. Instead you spoke, forcing your tone to remain even and unconcerned. "So, I am right? You're… this is all just an elaborate torture scheme?"
"Yeah, dummy, and to be honest, you took a lot longer to figure it out than I thought you would. If it were Jason, sure, I could excuse it, because that guy is so stupid," he cut himself off by laughing, an evil sort of chortle that didn't feel right coming from the Michael you knew. Though, you supposed, this wasn't the Michael you knew, but instead the one you'd caught glimpses of under the surface since getting here. And man, he was a lot meaner than you could have guessed.
He shook his head, giggles subsiding as he leveled you with an almost disappointed look. "But you? I really expected more from you at the start. I mean, in the hundreds of times we've been through this, this is the first time you've ever been the one to call me out!"
"I'm sorry, hundreds of times–?"
"Yes, hundreds. Each time one of you– it's just you five, by the way, you got that right too; everyone else is one of us– each time one of you figures it out, I just wipe your memories and we start over. Back to square one, as it were. It's great."
He grinned widely as he waved a hand, bringing up a sort of floating computer screen to his left. On it was a chart with a bunch of lines marking different restarts, if you had to guess; some no taller than an inch and a couple that stretched off the top of the screen. Most, though, seemed to hover around the same height, including the highlighted one at the very right. Your current timeline. Probably. To be honest, your head was still reeling from Michael's abrupt change in attitude, so you weren't feeling too sharp. In fact, you felt a little sick to your stomach.
Michael was still talking, gesturing to different points on the chart and explaining his favorite events in those timelines (apparently at one point, you'd been trapped inside a torture obelisk for a month which was– direct quote– "super fun") but you didn't hear much, or at the least you didn't comprehend what you were hearing. It was just too much information overload.
"–Hey, dummy, you look a little pale– you're not going to throw up, are you? Because as embarrassing as that would be for you, and how fun it would be for me, I don't really want to have to clean that up." He waved his hand in front of your face a few times until you focused back on him.
"Why are you telling me all of this?"
He sighed deeply, pinching the bridge of his nose beneath his glasses. "Obviously, because I'm going to restart again, so it doesn't matter. God, you really aren't bright, huh? I mean, in the very first version of this, Eleanor was already coming up with a plan to get ahead of me once I restarted it, and it only took her like a minute. It didn't work, of course, but at least she thought of something. You're just sitting there with your mouth open like an idiot." He snapped.
You couldn't really help it; you winced. His biting tone was a little too alike to all the shitty men you'd met on Earth, and if there was one thing you were excited for when you thought this was The Good Place, it was the unspoken promise that you'd never have to deal with that kind of man again.
Maybe it was even worse coming from him because you'd thought, at one point, that he was your friend. If not a friend then at least someone who had your best interests at heart. Even if it was never true, it still stung to have him sneer and call you an idiot.
Michael dropped the smirk, replacing it instead with a fake pout; pushing his bottom lip out mockingly. "Are you offended? No, don't answer that; I know you are. I hurt your fragile human feelings. Poor baby." He shifted forward, hands flat under his chin as he leaned on his elbows. The elegant desk wasn't big enough to keep him out of your space and you did your best to hold your ground even as he invaded your personal bubble. "I can see those tiny cogs turning– no, literally, I can see your brain move when you think, it's actually very gross… So what are you thinking about? What's your plan here; what's the play? Whatever you're thinking, let me tell you, it's not gonna work." Ending the mocking with another bout of wicked laughter, he watched you expectantly, condescending sneer back on his face now.
Refusing to back down, you stared back at him, trying to look unbothered even while your mind raced. All of this had been for nothing; all the ethics lessons with Chidi, getting to know your new friends (who were the only other humans here, apparently, so you guessed it was a good thing you'd never decided to hang out with anyone else); all of it was pointless because you were just going to do it all again. So, you figured, if none of this mattered, you could afford to act a little brash.
"What are you thinking?" Michael reiterated, calm as ever, wholly unworried. Why should he be?
"I'm wondering if demons can feel pain."
You cut him off when you punched him in the jaw. You had absolutely no idea what possessed you to do so; you were normally a non-confrontational person, but learning you've been forked with for months, maybe years when you count every stupid reboot, will do that to someone– make you more aggressive. It wasn't hard to do given how close he'd gotten while antagonizing you, but shirt, did it hurt like a bench.
You shook your fist out, wincing at the sting. Your knuckles would bruise for sure if given the time, but you had the feeling Michael was going to reboot you pretty soon, so that hardly mattered.
Focusing back on the demon you'd just socked across the face, you weren't too shocked to see that he'd hardly moved with the blow. His head had turned just a bit, and his glasses were slightly askew, but he definitely wasn't bruised or bleeding. For the most part, he seemed relatively unaffected.
Well, maybe 'unaffected' wasn't the right word.
Michael's expression made you wonder if he'd ever been hit before. The pure shock (and even a little bit of awe? Respect? You were probably hallucinating) on his face made you think that he probably hadn't, and it brought you some sick joy to think you might be the first to humble him like that.
You allowed yourself a victorious smirk as Michael slowly put himself back together; silent as he straightened and righted his glasses on his nose. "Has that ever happened in your hundreds of reboots?"
He regarded you in silence for long enough for your smirk to slowly melt as you were reminded that, oh, right, this is the demon in charge of literally torturing you, and maybe you should not have done that. To be fair to yourself, thoughtful decision making was never your strong suit, even when you were still alive. Even so, this was probably your worst one yet.
You refused to apologize, though; groveling would get you nowhere. Instead you lifted your chin and stared back at him as he lounged, calm as ever, head resting in one hand and legs spread– the picture of ease. Actually, regretfully, it wasn't the worst sight in the world, which was a forked up thing to think given everything about the situation you were in. But if thinking with your dick at the worst moments possible wasn't the most human thing imaginable, you didn't know what was. It's pretty much the only thing you can count on a person for.
"...No, Y/N, I can't say that anyone has ever been stupid enough to try something like that."
end of chapter one!
there currently is no chapter two, but i'm getting there. if you wanna read that when it goes up the link is here:
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arthurhonda · 1 year
Hetalia Rarepair Day 2
Romano x America Prompt: Comfort
“What the hell is this?” Savino asked loudly, gesturing the box in front of him.
“I was gonna make pasta.” Alfred replied innocently.
Savino scrunched up his nose with a large frown.
“I come all the way from Bari, and you’re making Kraft mac and cheese…and you have the audacity to call it pasta!”
“Well, why don’t you show me how it’s done properly.” America asks with a grin.
Savino grins widely and rolls up his sleeves.
“Just watch.”
Approximately 5 minutes later, Alfred found himself thrown out of the kitchen by an indignant Italian. He attempted to return at least twice but was met with the same fate every time.
Meanwhile, when he wasn’t throwing Alfred out of the kitchen, Savino went about making fresh pasta and a savory sauce to go with it. He had been in Alfred’s kitchen often enough that he knew his way around it, very carefully crafting a delicious meal. The only time he paused was to ask Alfred where something was before kicking the blonde out of the kitchen again.
About an hour later, there was a lovely meal with a lovely wine that Savino happened to find in the cabinet as well. The wine just so happened to be a nice Italian wine that went perfectly with the Braciole that he just finished.
With that done, Savino needed to have a little chat with Alfred. As Savino let him back in, Alfred rushed past him to take in the scent of the pasta dinner that was sitting on two plates.
“Smells great ‘Vino.” He said happily, completely disarming the brunette with his genuine smile.
“Al-” Savino tried again.
“I’ll go set the table!” Alfred shouted as he ran back out of the kitchen into the dining room to set the table.
This was yet another thing that tipped off Savino. Usually, neither of them wanted to set the table. Alfred seemed a little too eager today. Plus, the guy seemed pretty nervous for no reason. He also seemed very insistent to be the one who said grace.
Finally, Savino had enough.
“Alfred, we need to talk.”
“’Bout how awesome this food tastes?” Alfred said clearly attempting to avoid a conversation.
“If you’re not going to be honest with me…I’ll…do something.” Savino attempted to threaten, not being able to come up with a realistic threat towards the man he loved, but he stood up to make a point.
Alfred sighed and muttered something under his breath before stuffing his face with pasta.
“What was that?” Savino asked genuinely.
“I just wanted to eat your cooking.” Alfred finally responded, looking like a kicked puppy.
“Why all the fuss then?” Savino sighed tiredly. “Why not just say ‘Savino, can you cook tonight?’”
Alfred began poking at the pasta that was left on his plate.
“You’d say no. Your cooking is always so good, and I look forward to eating it. It’s like comfort food, ya know? I thought since you just flew in you wouldn’t want to cook, so I figured I’d have to trick you into cooking for me.” Alfred said sadly.
Savino brushed his hand through his hair in frustration. Had he really come off that way?
“Look damnit, if you want me to cook and you’ll do the dishes I’ll do it. So long as you’re not interrupting my siesta or anything stupid like that.” Savino replied in a grumpy tone.
“You’re not mad at me?” Alfred asked one last question, his bright blue eyes piercing into Savino’s heart.
“No idiot, I’m not mad at you. I-I love y-AAAH”
Savino was interrupted by a very excited American glomping him. He began half cursing the American out in surprise and attempted to peel the taller man off of him.
“You are getting pasta sauce all over my shirt!” Savino complained.
Still, Savino wouldn’t have it any other way though. He was spending a comfortable week with the man he loved, even if that man got pasta sauce on his nice shirt. The shirt could be replaced. These memories couldn’t.
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mejomonster · 2 years
I watched all of Kabe Koji in 1 day and I 100% recommend if:
You like BL genre stuff that both references yaoi erotica manga (and comedy manga) roots, while also telling a quite grounded realistic story (it balances direct manga panel shots and comedy with a more realistic tinge including more realistic looking actors, who act more toward real people behavior versus fiction and with a core theme about an inferiority complex rather than about romance)
You liked Absolute BL (again that Manga-tropes-crash-into-reality comedy style) with more of a realistic core
You liked My Beautiful Man, particularly the more messy realistic themes and behavior, intertwined with some BL tropes (but want something more Lighthearted a bit)
I'd say Kabe Koji is doing a variety of things, wrapped up in one singular unique experience. It's really nice. As a manga comedy lover it brings that silliness to life, but it's so realistic in certain ways that screams dramas much more like Japan Sinks or Alice in Borderlands almost (while still remaining slice of life optimistic). The romance doesn't actually rely on BL tropes mostly. For example the wiping food off the face of a crush is one of the much later scenes and one of the only BL fluff tropes that gets used. The characters driving goals/personalities are the main focus of the plot, resulting in a very grounded feeling romance (and individuals) you want to root for, rather than feeling you're going through the usual motions of X fluff trope = ship them.
And of course, as a fan of shows that use certain references but subvert them or do much more, this was really satisfying. It's one of the only things I've ever seen to treat Idol career as fairly serious (they work, they're employees, they're stressed over work stuff, they have paparazzi, they aren't glamorized even though other people certainly idolize them). The mangaka works hard and is often frustrated WITH drawing (a reality of doing what you love for a living is sometimes it IS work and frustrating), the characters who are gay are aware of the society they live in (I related to our mangaka SO much, how many of us were queer teens then one day ran into yaoi online and realized hey! There's people like me! That aren't treating people like us like freaks - at least, that's what I felt like over a decade ago finding yaoi and learning boys can like boys girls can like girls, when adults told me they couldn't, and I was in fact not rhe only one but tons of fictional stories and real people like me did exist and it was perfectly ordinary). I think Issei has balls to come out at a concert and it was very in line with his straightforward honest unapologetic well intended personality. I think their relationship was simple and GOOD, and yet still compelling dramatically because yes our Own internal doubts do affect if we can even admit we like someone, accept their love, believe their love, hope to share our lives with people we admire, and this story really captured that.
It was just lovely. As a story on its own merit. An experience.
And the theme song, the reaching out hands. Hands as queer romance. You get it.
Anyway I wholeheartedly recommend.
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thekatea · 1 year
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Copycat Killer
Watched: 15.04.2023
Bumpy road with not so smooth storytelling.
Copycat Killer is for sure not anything groundbreaking, but it has its charm thanks to the 90’ set up and great performances.
It’s best to watch it without trying to figure it all out. If you start to pay too much attention to the plot and certain details, you’ll start to get more and more frustrated. Yes, it’s the case of poorly done detective work and letting the killer get away a few too many times before the final face off. If you just go with the flow, it’s a rather entertaining watch and game of wits from people who don't really have that much wits in the first place.
Honestly speaking, I truly enjoyed the first 3 and last 3 episodes, but the middle part was just not well constructed and, at least for me, it failed to connect the initial set up to the given conclusion. All the revelations made sense, but they never truly felt earned. I also wished we had more background on the mastermind, more information and explanation for his motives. They spent a lot of time developing things that by the end did not matter as much as the vital aspect that were left underdeveloped.
Copycat Kill in a not so subtle way delivers a message about the biased portrayal of victims in media and the negative consequences of chasing after topics, disregarding feelings of people who are involved. While the message was clear, even that felt a bit wishy-washy in the presentation.
Best aspect of the drama? Undoubtedly the performances. Chris Wu aced the role of the justice driven, hardworking prosecutor with a tragic past. The raw emotions and vulnerability he delivered on screen amazed me quite a few times. That was truly a one man story. Technically speaking there were 7 main characters, but by the end of the show, everyone seemed like a supporting character for Guo Xiao Qi’s journey.
Personally, I loved the production quality. Great and detailed set designs, beautiful use of lighting, smooth editing and transitions between scenes. The 90’ aesthetics were presented in a realistic way without making the show look dated. The few gore scenes had perfectly done makeup and practical effects. It's not over the top graphic just to shock the audience, but it also does not shy away from the reality of the gruesome crime.
Overall, a nice watch. Nothing thrilling enough that would make you binge watch in one sitting, but something that might make you want to watch an episode every few days.
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youmissedone · 3 months
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Ada knew Carlos was persistent, but it was one of the things she liked about him. He hadn’t abandoned her in Raccoon City, and he wouldn’t abandon her now. It was Ada’s fear of intimacy and tendency to run that kept her from starting a relationship with Carlos, but she was working on both of those things. She was willing to do what she had to. Ada could bear the scrutiny of the public. She couldn’t bear losing him.
“It’s easier to survive when you have someone you trust,” she agreed. “I was instructed to take you out. I am obeying orders, but on my own terms, not Wesker’s.” After everything had come to light with his situation, Ada had sworn to herself that she’d never work for a slimy creep like him again. She had more self-respect than that, and she didn’t want to be associated with her past actions any more.
Carlos and Ada were both incredibly devoted to their craft. It was something that had come between them in the past when they were working on opposite sides. Their secret encounters were something Ada had found herself looking forward to with more and more frequency, and she tried to protect him even though that wasn’t a realistic or plausible scenario. They looked after each other, in their own ways, and that was what mattered.
“If you’re certain.” Ada couldn’t help but smile as he confirmed that he wanted to be with her. She cupped his face in her hands. “I’m gathering my own evidence to prove my innocence. It’s something that’s important to me. I left the file folder on Jill’s desk, but she trusts you more.“
Ada wasn’t physically affectionate because she was used to being forced into it for work. Any time her attraction was genuine, she repressed it. To her, desire was just another tool in her arsenal. Normal girls got to experience desire, and Ada Wong was anything but ordinary. Still, the kiss was better than she could’ve ever imagined, and she let out a soft gasp when they broke apart. This wonderful man was in her future, and he wasn’t going to abandon her or use her for his own malicious intent. Ada smiled pensively as that realization came to her. How are you even real? You’re too good to be true.
“What do you remember about that night?” Ada rarely talked about their experience in Raccoon City, and she never discussed it in depth, so the fact she was bringing it up now meant she was serious. She gave him a meaningful look, her dark eyes softening a little. “I remember all of it, but you… you were the only thing that mattered.”
Ada didn’t want to ruin the mood. She pulled away from their embrace, and she smoothed out her qipao. Their plans were more formal than usual, so that was why she’d dressed up. Ada wanted to look good for Carlos and for their plans. In the past, every time they had the opportunity to go out, one of them had an ulterior motive or something interrupted their evening. Not this time.
“Dinner, then the ballet. I never got to finish watching it the last time it was in town as Wesker personally extracted me for my mission in Spain. Dress nice.”
There had been a part of Carlos that had feared Ada would never come around, that she would always push him away. And then, one day, that would be the last time he ever saw her. She would disappear and he’d never see her again. That was about how he expected the rest of their relationship to go, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t still worth trying for. Better to have loved and lost… To Carlos, that wasn’t just a phrase people say, it was the truth. He believed that love was worth all the risks, and it was why he was such an open person with people. So if he never managed to win Ada over, she’d been worth the chase, and he still loved her.
But to his surprise, his persistence and devotion paid off, for now it seemed she truly did want to be with him. If he was being perfectly honest, he was really shocked that an amazing woman like her had chosen him, and that was saying a lot, coming from someone who thought fairly highly of himself. He chuckled a bit when she spoke of Wesker and what she was supposed to have done for him regarding Carlos. “Well I’m glad you’ve decided to take me out on a date instead of…” he raised his hands to do some air quotes, “...taking me out, as your former boss would’ve wanted,” he joked. “I much prefer the former. It’s a lot more fun.”
He smiled adoringly at her as she cupped his face. “I’ve never been more certain of anything in my life,” he said, his voice soft, honest. When she mentioned she was compiling evidence of her innocence and that she’d left a file for Jill, Carlos nodded. “I’ll make sure she sees it... and that she finds it very compelling,” he said. “I’ll put in a good word for you. Don’t worry.” Jill was a reasonable person, but Carlos knew that once she became suspicious of a person, or came to dislike them for any reason, it was hard to change her mind. In some ways, she and Ada were a bit alike. Good people on the inside, but defensive, distrusting, and wary on the outside. That was alright, though. He’d become good friends with Jill, and he was certain he could help her to see the truth about Ada.
“You expect my brain to work well enough to talk about serious things after that kiss?” he asked her with a grin, both to let her know indirectly how much he’d enjoyed it, and to keep the mood somewhat light despite what she’d asked him. Nevertheless, he did try his best to answer her. “I remember... chaos. Confusion. Anger. Guilt,” he said, running through the range of emotions that the outbreak and subsequent reveal of Umbrella’s treachery had caused him. But then he smiled softly. “But I had someone help me through it. Pushin’ me at every turn.” His smile widened. “Meeting her was worth everything else that came along with it,” he admitted. All his life, Carlos had been a positive person, a look on the bright side kind of person. That’s what Ada had been to him that night. She was his bright side.
“Dinner and ballet? Sounds great to me,” Carlos said. But when she told him firmly to dress nice, he gave her a cavalier sort of smirk. “Hey, who do you think you’re talkin’ to, here? Of course I will. I gotta look good for you, don’t I?” He chuckled as he went to do just that.
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locum-studios · 3 months
Locum Studios: The audition
Summary: Sebastian has been offered an audition at Locum Studios, who is looking for a new porn actor. He hasn’t been given any details about what the audition might entail, but he really needs the money, even if it means having sex in front of strangers.
But when it turns out that his sex partner is an extremely realistic doll with moving parts that is supposed to have sex with him, and not the other way around, he is starting to question what he is willing to do in order to solve his money problems.
Chapter 1: The doll
The elevator chimed gleefully when the doors opened, encouraging Sebastian to step out. He blinked in confusion at the boring office landscape in front of him. There were barely any people there. He could spot a couple of desks through the glass walls where two or three employees were working on computers, but that was all. He wasn’t sure what he had expected a porn studio to look like, but this wasn’t it. Then again, he had never been to one before.
After his physical examination at the studio’s private clinic, he had eventually received an email inviting him to an audition. At first, he had felt relieved. Working as a porn actor was far from what he wanted to do for a living, but if the paychecks were as generous as he had heard, he could live with the embarrassment. At least until he had paid his debts. However, the email had not stated any details about what the audition would entail, which worried him a little. What exactly did an audition for a porn studio look like?
“You must be Sebastian Bowers,” greeted a voice.
Sebastian noticed a large man in an expensive looking suit approaching him from the right. He was barely taller than Sebastian, but twice as wide. His face was handsome though, and his jet black hair was nicely combed and had a stylish silver highlight on the side. His perfectly trimmed mustache was as dark as his hair, and fairly thick. He looked like a businessman that enjoyed life, and he was smiling at the sight of the younger guest.
“Welcome to Locum Studios. I’m Logan Cumming, co-founder of the company,” he introduced himself and took Sebastian’s hand. His handshake was so firm it almost hurt. “My beautiful wife Lorraine would have loved to meet you as well, but she has other business matters to attend to I’m afraid.”
“Oh, uh okay,” Sebastian said barely without stuttering. “I… Sorry, I wasn’t expecting to meet you.”
“And we were expecting you well over 30 minutes ago,” Logan answered. He was still smiling, but now there was a strict eyebrow there as well. “Being late to an audition is not a great look, don’t you agree?”
Sebastian felt his face turn a hot shade of pink. His roommate had borrowed Sebastian’s charger last night. Which wasn’t that bad, except for the fact that Sebastian had been using it… Leaving his phone dead as a brick this morning with no alarm, and causing him to miss the bus. Zach however took no responsibility for this and just claimed that since it was his apartment, the electricity belonged to him as well. This was just one of many incidents that had inspired Sebastian to want to get out of there as soon as possible. But a new living space cost money, and he was broke…
“I’m really, really sorry,” Sebastian apologized profusely. “My phone–”
“The reason is inconsequential, the important thing is that you’re here now,” Logan stated and put a hand on Sebastian’s back, leading him into the office space. “If you do well at the audition, I’m sure we can work on your time management skills at a later date.”
“Um, about the audition,” Sebastian said as they crossed the landscape of desks. “The email didn’t have a lot of information about it. Can you tell me what I’m supposed to do? Also, no one has mentioned what you pay your actors.”
Logan started chuckling. “You’re half an hour late to your appointment and you’re already asking how much money you’ll make?”
Sebastian felt his face turn hot again but then Logan gave his back a strong pat. “Hold on to that. I like your spunk, kid. Maybe even literally, if we get to know each other. Anyway, you asked about the payment?”
Before Sebastian had the chance to react to the odd comment, Logan had grabbed a piece of paper and a pen from an empty desk and scribbled down something. He then handed it over to Sebastian who read it. Then he read it again, convinced that he had misread the number of digits. His eyes then widened.
“But you have to get the job first, of course,” Logan stated and steered Sebastian’s body into a short corridor with four doors. “This is your chance to show us what you’ve got.”
“Us?” Sebastian asked as Logan opened the door to their left and showed him inside.
The room was fairly small and barren. Not bigger than the living room in Zach’s apartment. The gray walls had no windows, and there was barely any furniture. Only a table with three chairs. One of them was occupied by a man in his thirties wearing a baseball cap, jeans and a t-shirt from a metal band Sebastian didn’t recognize. On the other chair sat a woman with gray hair in a thick ponytail, wearing strict glasses and a long black skirt with a white blouse. She looked like a school teacher, and not the nice kind.
But there was one more piece of furniture in the room. 
A king size bed.
It was neatly made, and the colors of the bed set were a mix of green, blue and white. And on top of it lay a weirdly realistic, human doll. It was completely hairless and about Sebastian’s height. It was lying on its back, staring up at the ceiling with terrifyingly real, blue eyes and with lips forming a neutral disposition. It was also completely naked, giving Sebastian a good view of its perfectly shaped d-cups as well as a 5 inch penis, resting softly between its legs. There were no less than three cameras placed around the bed, ready to capture every angle.
The two people in the room looked up at the arrival of Sebastian and Logan.
“Well, that’s about damn time,” the baseball cap guy said. ”Are we ready to go, or what?”
This story (including full list of tags and warnings) can be read in full on AO3:
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nadi3rps · 8 months
subject: charles melayu
20/1/24 1816 hrs
ive finished watching netflix series the brothers sun last weekend and i was really invested in the show. as im writing this, i still havent moved on from the show and i really hope they continue for a second season. the show is 5/5 easily and i liked charles the most out of all the characters in the show.
the week after, i went to the office and i just noticed a guy that’s perfectly resembles charles. i named him charles melayu. i dont think ive seen him around before. maybe because i rarely come into office these past few months or maybe because my wfo/wfh rotation is almost always changing or maybe because at other times i was invested in other guys that i dont see anyone else. whatever the reason is, it feels like i just uncovered a newly found treasure for my eyes to feast on.
hes from a different department. he’s tall, has just a nice shade of tanned skin, has beard, very melayu face and handsome. he walks in a slow and calm pace and has a good posture. we made eye contacts a few times and never once i seen him smile or hear his voice. and those eye contacts, oh god, it pierced right through my soul because he radiates this seriousness, mature vibes off of him (probably in his early thirties) and his face is like in a perpetual state of anger or deep thinking or smth. so it was very intense eye contacts, as if he is mad at me because i simply exist. his face is so straight it looks like he is not capable of feeling joy at all.
i remember having to hold myself back quite a few times from looking for his face because i dont want to make it seems obvious. it’s really easy to spot him in crowd. it’s like his soul illuminates in the sea of human. but it’s also because he is tall. even when he is sitting you can see his head poking out from a distance haha
and yes, this man is not my usual type so it’s very refreshing to discover this part of me. and also yes, it’s a short-time crush cos let’s be realistic, im not gonna be in office at least until a month later and he’s probably someone’s husband and feelings do change. so until then, im just gonna feel what i feel hehe
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fingertipsmp3 · 2 years
I have a long and varied list of regrets, but possibly the funniest one is the time my former flatmate had a friend over and I saw that he was hot so I went “not today Satan” and hid in my bedroom until he left
#i was fucking.. cooking my dinner and sb walked in with this man who had to be at least 6’3 and looked like someone had tried to build him#to fit my specifications for an ideal boyfriend. not like.. ridiculously good looking or anything but he had nice hair and a kind face#and i immediately thought ‘oh no’ and then sb introduced me to him and he said ‘hi ellen nice to meet you’ and i babbled some similar words#and took my food and left. and i could hear that everyone else was hanging out downstairs and drinking but i was just like.. no#not today satan. i don’t want to know what the deal is with this man. i just don’t#i did have to pack for easter break anyway (i was literally leaving early the next morning) so i used that as my excuse#but like. realistically i just looked a perfectly nice man in the face and just thought ‘i can’t do this. i’m not simping tonight’#because the thing is; i have this curse on me where romance simply does not happen to me. so it would’ve been a complete waste of time#i can tell you exactly what happened in the parallel universe where i went down to the living room to talk to him#and it is SWEET FUCK ALL#i would’ve spent the whole night pathetically trying to impress him and failing miserably because i’m literally not impressive#and then i would’ve hated myself for being a pickme. like. i just wasn’t in the mood lmao#it’s still something i would list as a regret because like.. who knows if god sent that man to me and he was supposed to be my soulmate#i do feel like when i die god is going to send me to hell for stuff like this. he’s going to be like ‘you LITERALLY didn’t have to leave#your house… i was sending men to you and you just ignored them’#you should’ve made me better at flirting with people i actually like then. that’s all i can say#personal
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daring-the-devil · 2 years
large black coffee - 2
You own and operate a new specialty cafe in Hell’s Kitchen. One day, a blind lawyer walks through the door, and the trajectory of your life is changed for good. (~1300 words)
author's note: part 2 is here! nothing extreme, just more exposition/pre-relationship stuff :) this takes place post-season 3 of daredevil, so there will be spoilers for the entire show in this series!
fic note: no use of y/n or gendered pronouns
warning: some use of strong language
read part 1 here | series masterlist | request guidelines
Over the next few weeks, you see Matt nearly every single day, a couple minutes after your shop opens, giving the two of you the opportunity to talk before the rest of the customers come in. 
It doesn’t take long for him to become your favorite customer, mainly because of just how damn polite he is. With every morning that he visits you, without fail, he smiles at you, orders his one large black coffee, and asks you how you’re doing. He’s always dressed in his suits, perfectly coordinated down to his socks, and his hair is styled way too nicely for any self-respecting man at eight o’clock in the morning. More often than not, he has some kind of injury on his face, and a couple times, you think you can spot bruised knuckles. He tips well and talks smoothly and before you know it, you’re half debating on whether or not to ask him out to dinner. 
“This is so fucking stupid,” you say to Eliza, one of your employees, moments after Matt leaves. You’re three weeks into the little routine you have and you’ve finally decided to schedule someone else on the opening shift with you, so Eliza gets a front-row-seat to the spectacle that is you falling for a lawyer. “Every single morning, he comes in looking all perfect and shit—”
“Just ask him out,” Eliza says with a scoff as she rearranges some of the muffins in the glass display case. “He’s nice, and he probably likes you too.”
You scoff, shooting her a glance over your shoulder. “No, he doesn’t.”
“And how would you know that?” she asks. She rests her hip against the display case. “Did he tell you that?” 
No, he didn’t, because outside of your morning conversations, you never see each other. Hell, you don’t even have each others’ numbers. Realistically, you could probably find his online because of his practice, but imagine how awkward it would be if he randomly got a text from you out of nowhere? He’d probably think you’re a stalker or something. 
Regardless, you have a cafe to run, so you manage to put Matt out of your mind for the rest of the day. By the time you close up at four o’clock, all you can think about is going home and sleeping until you have to get up in the morning. 
Once you’re home, you shower (the smell of coffee seems to linger on your skin even when you try to combat it with your body wash) and force some leftover Thai food down your throat before heading off to bed, and the screeching of your alarm comes way too early for your liking. 
You have to stop at the grocery store before heading into work, so when you walk into the cafe with your arms laden down by plastic bags, you’re not surprised to see that Eliza is already at the counter, writing something down on a notepad. 
“Good morning, Eliza,” you call, nudging the door shut with your hip. 
“Morning,” she says. Without looking up from her task, she waves an envelope in the air. “You got a delivery.”
Hurriedly, you set your stuff down in the back room and take the envelope from her, carefully tearing it open and pulling out a few sheets of paper. Your fingertips catch on the tiny bumps pressed across it. 
“What is it?” Eliza asks. 
“Just something I want to try out for the customers,” you say, tugging your apron on and heading back out to the front. You flip the sign from “closed” to “open” and return to the counter to wait. 
Minutes later, the door opens, and in walks Matt. His suit is charcoal gray this time, his tie a dark blue that contrasts nicely with the red of his glasses. 
“Good morning, Matt,” you say, unable to stop your grin. 
“Good morning,” he greets you, stopping right in front of the counter. He’s probably memorized how many steps it takes to get there. 
You pick up one of the papers you received in the mail. “I have something for you.”
“What is it?” he asks. He sounds suspicious. Good. 
“I wanted to try these out,” you say, handing it to him. “Let me know what you think.”
He runs his fingers over the cover and his features light up in surprise. “Braille?”
“Yeah,” you say excitedly, leaning across the counter towards him. “Braille menus. You coming in here got me thinking—it’s probably easier for you to find what to order if you can actually read the menu.”
“Thank you,” Matt says softly, his head tilted in your direction. It should be nowhere near as intense as eye contact, but it still sends your heart racing when you notice the sincerity on his face. “Really, thank you. It means a lot.”
You smile, and in a spontaneously bold move, you reach out and squeeze his arm. His hand covers yours without a moment’s hesitation. “Of course, Matt.”
You both drop your hands. Your skin feels hot. 
The corner of his mouth lifts. “If this is a ploy for you to get me to try something other than black coffee—”
“Oh, how can you think so lowly of me, Mr. Murdock,” you gasp, mock-wounded, as he laughs. It’s a deep, rich sound, rough at the edges, and it makes your stomach twist into knots. “I just figured you could be the guinea pig for the menus, that’s all.”
“Right,” he says slowly, folding it back up and handing it over to you, shit-eating grin on his face. “One large black coffee, please.”
You sigh and shake your head. “I’ll get you one day, Murdock.”
“Sure you will,” he says as you turn around to start making his coffee. “What time do you get off work?” 
You almost drop the (thankfully empty) cup you’re holding in your haste to turn back around. “What?”
His cheeks go a little pink. It highlights a fading bruise on his left cheekbone. “I…want to know if you’ll go to dinner with me. If you’re available.”
You can practically feel Eliza’s intense gaze boring into your shoulders, but right now, you only have eyes for Matt. His head is tilted a little, the cute puppy expression returning to his face, and even if you didn’t have the world’s most massive crush on this man, you know you’d be melting into a puddle at the sight of him anyways. 
“Uh, I get off at four,” you manage, swallowing. “Yeah, I’d love to get dinner with you.”
He flashes you a smile, the dark glasses doing nothing to dull the brightness of it. “Great. I’ll come by and pick you up. Any preferences?”
“Nope,” you say. It takes all of your self control to turn back around and finish making his drink. 
Your eyes catch Eliza’s, and she mouths, Oh my god.
You’ve never made a coffee so quickly in your life, and when you’re done, you return to the counter and hand it off to Matt. “Here you go.”
“Thank you,” he says, his fingers brushing yours as he takes the cup from you. A tingle spreads up your hand. “I’ll see you later. Four o’clock.” 
“Bye,” you say, watching him leave. He ducks out of the cafe, the ringing of the bell echoing through the space. 
“Holy shit,” Eliza whispers, and you bite your lip to hold off a smile. “Well, that was easy.”
You press your fingers to your mouth. It takes you a second to remember that those are the ones he touched. “Yeah,” you breathe, your stomach fluttering with excitement. “It actually was."
part 3
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smuggsy · 2 years
In which Viago is awkward, Anton is tired, and Clifton and Deacon are a headache-inducing combo.
CHARACTERS: viago, deacon, vladislav, anton, the rest of the wolf pack, no stu yet
TAGS: anton/viago, first meetings, anton lowkey having a midlife crisis and being a single dad of 5, anton POV, i know vampires always smell them first, but realistically who's got the most heightened and sensitive sense of smell?, werewolves being swearwolves, bickering vampires, anton works at the movie theatre bc why not
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Being the alpha male of the group has its perks. They listen to what he says, almost always do what he tells them to, and are all generally pretty respectful of his position as a leader. He feels like he's got a purpose.
Sure, there's always a rogue moment or two when a particularly strong full moon catches the bunch unaware, and every time there's a new addition to the group it's up to him to show him the ropes; but it's nice.
Anton likes having a group to lead. 
In fact, he's grown so used to having that bunch of idiots around he doesn't think he'd be able to cope if they were gone. 
Sometimes he finds himself alone at home and the silence is deafening. Zapping through the channels mindlessly and too lazy to get up and procure himself some proper food that requires him to switch on the stove.
He finds he eats more easily when he's got someone over. Is usually in a much better mood when one of the boys crashes on his couch after a fall-out with their missus or a particularly rough full moon. 
Being the alpha male is all he has.
And when he doesn't have them around he feels strangely inadequate. Like there's a part of him missing.
Now he's staring at the fridge trying to choose a six-pack and a bag of chips to take home but can't decide on a brand. He thinks this one's the one Declan likes but that one is gluten-free, for Dion, and he doesn't think he's brought enough change with him to buy both?
And then he remembers they're not coming over tonight and he's spent about five minutes just staring at his reflection on the glass, like some idiot having an existential crisis in the middle of a convenience store.
Blocking the way. 
"Uh, sorry mate," he moves over to the side to let the customer behind pick his thing.
Some guy wearing pale foundation and looking like he's headed for a costume party that just leans over and—
"Did you just sniff me?"
The man shows him an awkward smile and Anton is pretty sure he did just sniff him and he did just scrunch up his nose at him and he wonders if he's put on dirty laundry again.
"You did, you just sniffed me mate," Anton turns around to face him and Pale Costume Guy takes a step back and looks around as if he's been caught red-handed, panic in his eyes.
"Excuse me," he says, with a weird song-like accent and turns around and hurries down the aisle. 
His hair glows under the white lights overhead like he's applied glittery gel to it or something and Anton thinks yeah, Wellington's always been an odd city full of weirdos, but nobody, in his thirty-seven years of age has leant over to smell him like he's a stray dog in need of a bath.
"Aw shit!" 
And the penny drops.
But by the time he makes it outside the vampire is nowhere to be seen. 
>>> <<<
Anton smells Clifton before he's even made it to his block and it ticks him off today a bit more than usual. By the time he reaches the threshold the smell of his girlfriend's sweet cotton perfume is so strong it almost turns his stomach.
"Couldn't have opened a window, could you," he greets as he walks in, closes the door behind him with boredom. 
"Hello to you too," Clifton mumbles from over the couch, where Anton still can't see him but can perfectly imagine him, comfortably spread out and chugging down beer like he owns the place.
"Just open a window, mate. Stinks in here, I've told ya," Anton lets his backpack fall to the floor, exhausted from another uneventful day at the job, selling ticket after ticket and pack of chocolate after pack of chocolate and popcorn bag after popcorn bag, fuck.
"Yeah, I know you're used to that perfume but it's actually pretty disgusting? And now I'm gonna smell like a bloody carnival food truck for a we— whoa! What the hell happened to your face?!"
There's a scarring slash on his left cheek and a bruise turning yellow under his right eye and Anton is all over him in less than a second, forgetting all about his monotonous day, energy spiking up at the idea of someone hurting one of his boys.
"Hey, hey, chill! It's fine!"
"Like hell it's fine! What the fuck did you do now?!"
Clifton leans back and sends him an amused frown.
"Bad day, huh?"
"Clifton," Anton warns. There's a growl a moment after and Clif is sitting back down on the sofa and wiping that smartass grin off his face.
"One of those pansy-fancy vampires," he shrugs, like it's no big deal, and Anton finds himself doing a breathing exercise, "nothin' serious, you should see the other guy."
"For fuck's sake."
"I'm telling the lads, by the way, if you keep doing that," Clifton points at him and the grin is back on his face, "where's that swearjar?" he looks around actually looking for the thing and Anton grabs a hold of his jacket and hauls him up.
That growl he'd been suppressing returns to the base of his throat.
"Alright, that's it. Let's go. I'm gonna have a word with your little friend."
"Aw man, there's really no need—"
"Zip it," he slams his phone on Clifton's hand and makes for the shower. He is not going to be sniffed again, "group meeting. Now."
>>> <<<
It pretty much feels like taking his kids out on a lesson trip. Like a call to the principal's office. Except he's the principal and the angry fatherly figure all at once. 
This is the last thing he needed today and yet, here they are. Lurking in the shadows of their local park, far enough from the lamp-post that they probably look like a bunch of junkies going at it in the middle of the night. He's got a massive headache from the joint smell of caramel and syrup and now Clifton still smelling like he sprayed his carpet with Chanel N°5 and rolled around in it.
"Seriously, mate, she needs to tone it down with the perfume," Anton says after a while, cutting the group's conversation short. The looks he gets from the boys make him feel like an old whiny old man that's no longer down with the kids. "Anyone got an aspirin?"
"No, don't have any."
"You okay, man?"
"Yeah, you don't look good."
"Yeah, wanna head home?" Clifton pats him on the shoulder, "get some shut-eye? You got that raccoon look again, y'know, like when you don't slee—"
"Shut up."
"Yup. Shutting up." Clifton gives a sheepish nod and takes a step back and Anton thinks no, you little twat, not letting you off the hook today. 
"Here they come."
And Anton straightens up from where he'd been leaning against the wall, sees three figures making a straight line for them and he reckons alright, maybe Clif wasn't really being that dramatic when he swore and swore it wasn't him who started it.
Anton stands at the front, pointedly making sure Clifton is at hand-reach.
"Told you something smelled off," one of them starts, strutting forward confidently, and Anton tries very hard to keep his composure and perhaps, only a little, regrets not having stayed home. 
He should've put off their little chat one more night, maybe tomorrow he wasn't going to be feeling like a ticking time-bomb of stress about to go off.
"Are we interrupting potty time?"
Well, Anton was about to ask Clif to point out the culprit, but that's that, then.
"Deacon, don't."
"Yeah, Deacon," Anton takes a step forward, relishing in the way he towers over the shortest vampire, clearly the troublemaker, "I'm a bit short of temper tonight so I'm only gonna say this once and clear."
"Yeah?" Deacon doesn't back off, but he does sniff at him loudly in a very condescending way and puffs out his chest like a rebellious immature teenager about to throw the first punch.
"Yeah. You got beef with one of my boys you got beef with me."
Deacon snorts and sends Clifton a toothy smile. His sharp fangs glint under the vague moonlight.
"One of your boys?" he teases, letter 'r' rolling off his tongue in a clear European accent Anton can't pinpoint. 
"We don't have any beef," another one chimes in from behind, it's Sniff Guy from the store, with his own foreign song-like accent and the gentle eyes, "by the way. Hello. We apologize for the misunderstanding, yes? Vladislav?"
"Yess," the long-haired one says, technically agreeing but sounding a bit menacing, Anton thinks. "It has all been a huge misunderstanding, hasn't it, Deacon?"
"I'm not apologizing to a filthy werewolf!" 
"See, I told you," Clifton finally blurts out, "wanna have round two? Yeah? Come on then!"
"Hey!" Anton snaps, sending a cold glare behind and rendering Clif silent. He looks back to the vampires, tense and clenching his teeth and thinking one, two, three, breathe, in out, in out. Finding Sniff Guy placing a hand on Deacon's shoulder and drawing him back in a manner much like he's just metaphorically done to Clifton himself.
"It's alright," Sniff Guy says, his peculiar accent making remarks sound like questions, "there's no need to be uncivilized, guys. We can talk this through like reasonable people." 
"There's nothing to talk through, mate!" Clifton starts again, "he attacked me first! Ya need to keep your little pet in check, alright?"
"The fuck are you even wearin'? What's that, a blouse?" Nathan adds.
"I am not a pet!" Deacon hisses. "Do you have any idea how old I am?!" 
"But you are the youngest one, though," Vladislav interrupts, poking at Deacon almost as if he wants a fight to break out just for fun, and Anton isn't having fun, Anton is regretting his life choices right now.
"Wrong. Nick is the youngest."
"Here we go again," Sniff Guy mumbles under his breath.
"Yeah, but Nick isn't here, so that makes you the youngest one." 
Deacon turns around and sends his long-haired friend a glare.
"Are you on their side?"
"I'm not on a side, I'm just stating a fact," Vladislav shrugs, his voice devoid of any real emotion, like he really doesn't give a care.
"I'm asking because it sounds like you're on their side."
Anton sends a look to the only seemingly reasonable vampire and finds him looking as well. Whether it's a curious gaze, assessing or apologetic, he can't tell, but Anton must convey something with his own eyes because the guy leans toward his two friends and clears his throat.
"Guys, please."
"—but right now you're the youngest one."
"I am over a century old! Viago, tell them!"
"Yes, yes," Viago nods, "maybe we want to have this conversation later?"
"Aw man, you're old as fuck," Clifton cuts in, and Anton turns around and points a finger at him.
"I'm warning you." 
"Seriously. It's my last warning."
"I'm— yeah. My bad."
With a last deep breath, Anton turns around and tries to make an effort. 
"Listen, let's not blow this out of proportion, okay? Just keep out of our noses we'll keep out of yours, how's that for a deal?"
"Pffft. I do not obey the likes of you," Deacon scrunches up his nose at him and Anton can almost physically feel his pack growing tense from behind, prepared to jump right in at his command and he really is tempted to let them have their fun there, for a moment. 
"I think that's a very sensible deal," Viago agrees, stepping up to the front by Deacon's side, sticking out a hand in a gesture clearly meant to de-escalate the situation, because they're outnumbered and Nathan is starting to growl under his breath. 
Anton looks down at it, slender pale fingers awaiting, but doesn't shake it.
"That's very nice of you, but it's your little friend here we've got a problem with, so..." Anton crosses his arms over his chest and nods towards Deacon, looking away like his pride's been wounded by the peace-treaty offering, "...I've got all night, mate. Reckon you don't."
And Deacon turns to glare at him, and then at Clifton, and then he bares his teeth and from a moment to another he's turned into a bat and flown away and that's pretty much the end of their transaction. Because Viago looks about as menacing as a lamb and Vladislav too smart to try and ever antagonise any of them just for a laugh. 
And Anton can feel the animosity in the air slowly disappearing, which means it was strictly Deacon rousing Clifton's feathers or — well. Fur, he supposes. 
"I didn't know they could do that," Declan mumbles, "did you know they could do that?" 
"Mate, that's just weird." 
"You can turn into actual bats?" 
"We can turn into anything," Vladislav offers, with a predatory grin going over the six of them. 
Slightly unnerving, that.
"Yes, well," Viago starts, breaking the ominous silence, and Anton pretends he doesn't see the smile he's politely sending their way, too soft and kind to be genuine, "this has been lovely, but we really must get going now, if you don't mind. Goodnight, everyone." 
So that's how it ends. They walk back the way they came from, with those long coats flapping in the wind and sending a few nervous looks back to the pack, as if they actually expect to be hunted down. And then they're gone and Anton feels like his head will split in two. 
"Let's just jump them next time."
"Yeah, show them who's boss."
"Are you thick in the head, mate?" Anton turns around, out of patience, "they're still blood-sucking thirsty vampires, don't you be forgetting that." 
"Just piss off! All of ya," Anton snarls, and he'll regret it tomorrow but he pushes past the group and starts walking away himself, "go to sleep, for Pete's sake. Have some bloody sense. Waste of my time." 
He feels their eyes following his every move even as he crosses the street but he's still not far enough that he won't hear their biting remarks. And that's fine. He probably deserves them. 
"Well who needs a fucking calendar, am I right?" 
"Shut up, Nathan."
"What? You’re all thinking it!"
>>> <<<
He still hasn't quite learnt how to deal with the preview so much as he's mastered the aftermath of a transformation. It's an exhausting and neverending row of chores. 
Finding a proper place to transform, making sure everyone's clear on its location, making sure everyone makes it to the location early in the afternoon, extra pair of pants, no valuable objects like cellphones or jewelry on, chains for the newbies, a bit of booze to qualm everyone's nerves, alibis for those who need it, paying extra for a doctor's note in case someone can't get up the morning after. 
But. One mistake and it all goes to shit. 
It's up to him to prevent that from happening. 
He's going over the plan in his head for the third time in a row when there's a buzzing in his pocket, and he's so sleep-deprived he doesn't realise it's his pocket.
The bus comes to a stoplight and he jerks forward and bangs his head against the window, blinking at the bright screen of his mobile—
"Aw, shit," 
—but having to take the call, the cherry on top of an already fucking dreadful day at the job, scrubbing people's puke off the red-carpeted floor because some idiot let a twelve-year-old in to watch an E-rated horror fucking movie, "hello?"
"Hey you," his sweet sister's voice coos, and he can already tell he'll be hating himself five minutes from now because she isn't even mad at him, "how you doing, An?"
"Good, good! How's the uh... birthday planning coming along? Did you get my package? Sent it this morning?"
"Yes, we got the package."
"Good, good. Fantastic." 
The bus starts moving again and Anton suddenly feels compelled to open aside one of the windows and throw his phone out of it, watch it smash against the tarmac as a beautiful metaphor of his shattering relationship with his family because he's a fucking idiot. 
"You're not coming, then," Maggie says, and the fact that she doesn't even sound angry at him makes him have to quench the need to growl at her, because why isn't she fucking fuming?!
"Yeah, no, sorry. I've got a... one of my workmates is ill, I just gotta work his shift, y'know. I'm sorry."
"He really was looking forward to seeing you."
"I know... I'm just, listen, I tried."
Wow, that is sooo convincing. She's going to forgive all the other times you've fucked it up. Top-tier performance, mate. Congratulations. 
"It's fine, Anton. You don't need to feel pressured into doing anyth—"
"Hey, it's not like that!"
"—I just wish you'd make a decision. It's not healthy for Timmy, you know. Or me. Or anyone, really, not even you."
"Hey, I want to go! I'm not— I can't just skip work, Maggie!"
I can't just turn into a raging flesh-eating monster in the middle of your son's birthday, Maggie!
"Okay. Sure. Have a good one, An."
"Mags, wait—!"
The sound goes off. The screen goes blank. 
His hand starts shaking and his breath turns shallow. 
Okay, okay, count to ten. Count to ten, mate.
One, two, three, uncle Anton! Look! It's a turtle! Miss Johnson says I could be an artist! Four, five, fuck.
Of course I'm coming! And tell you what mate, I'm gonna beat your ass again, have you been practising your kicks? 
Five, five, fiiive.
Wait, it's the— he's turning ten on what day, now?
"Um, hello there!" 
He startles and bares his teeth at the vampire suddenly materializing on the seat next to him and Viago jerks away with a hand on his chest.
"Oh! That's... that's scary," he lets out a nervous laugh and Anton wants to grab his clothes and pin him to the floor and fucking punch him, "you're, uh, I think you're a bit agitated, yes?"
Five, six... fuck, he's losing it. 
"Maybe you want to get off this bus?"
Anton can sense that same de-escalating tactic he used last time being used on him, hyperventilating like a rabid dog, probably looking like he's high on something to the nervous bus driver watching through the rearview mirror and thinks, yes, he should probably get off before he hurts someone.
"I think, come on, yes," a hand grabs his jacket and he finds himself getting up before he knows it, quite literally being dragged towards the back exit, "please don't attack me or I will have to retaliate, and we really don't want to be doing that here."
There's ringing in his ears and Anton vaguely registers the nervous waver of the vampire's voice because he's too concentrated on not going batshit crazy on public transport.
"That's our stop. Thank youuu!"
Five, six, seven, eight... five, six, seven, eight. 
He jumps onto the sidewalk and immediately walks over to the wall and pushes his palms against it and leans down. Closes his eyes and fixates on the feeling of the cold bricks against his skin and seven, eight, nine.
Fuck. If the boys could see him now...
"Thaaaat's it. Well done! You're doing great."
Anton shakes his head and growls at the patronizing words and the vampire jumps back, startled. 
"If you call me a 'good boy' I'm gonna bite you," he tells him, with a hoarse voice that only shows up when there's a full moon approaching, and the vampire finally seems to realise he's overstepping.
"O-kay," he says, with a small voice as he just stands there whilst Anton gets his bearings.
Which happens about five minutes after the bus is long gone and they're left in the middle of some posh neighbourhood already sleeping silent.
"Aw, shit."
He finally leans off the wall, breathing gone back to its normal pace and voice sounding his again. The foggy thoughts lifting and the sudden urge to sink his canines into something and give in to the pull of the moon go away, and he turns to the fancy vampire just standing there, waiting, and knows he owes him a thanks. Alpha male pride be damned.
"Sorry about that, mate," is as much as he can muster.
"That was close! You looked like you wanted to eat Bob, there, for a second!"
The vampire rocks on his heels awkwardly and smiles at him like they're long-life friends, careless and open and too damn cute and Anton is not thinking him endearing at all, with his cravat and velvet-patterned waistcoat looking like someone out of a television set. Oh, and the accent!
"Bob?" he frowns.
"Bob is the bus driver?"
And they fall silent. 
"Thanks for the uh... intervention, back there," Anton makes a vague gesture to the road and Viago nods contentedly. Yeah, that could've turned into quite a bloody scene.
"Oh, you're welcome. It was nothing," he says, gently as ever, as if he's not an actual serial killer feeding on human blood every other day, grinning and showing his fangs and smelling faintly of vanilla. He shifts his weight and leans towards Anton, appearing to make up his mind and try again, offering his hand ever so politely. Anton shakes it, tonight.
"Viago, yeah I know."
His hand isn't cold.
Anton thought he'd be cold.
"Oh. Yes, of course."
"Alright, I'm just gonna..."
"Big night tomorrow?"
The question catches him off guard, and he turns back to Viago clearly uninterested to let the conversation die just yet. But Anton hasn't slept for two consecutive hours in what feels like ages, and much as he can admit to find him strangely alluring, he's got a long walk home and a tiring routine to go over in the morning.
"Yeah. Yeah, big night."
"Good luck!"
He says it like he means it.
Anton tries to read his face; isn't sure if it's a ploy or a sarcastic comment. 
Viago looks like he means it.
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alreadyblondenow · 3 years
Each other’s replacements
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▸ Na Jaemin x female!reader ▸ Inspired by the anime Scum’s Wish ▸ High school au, SMUUUUT, fluff and angst
Summary: Two broken hearts met unexpectedly and agreed to use each other so you can both move on from your exes. Your hearts belong to each other already, you’re just waiting for love to take place and make everything right. But will you both still choose each other in the future? Word count: 6,988k
Warnings: Using each other to forget your exes, ex Lee Jeno, kind of fuck buddies but no? Fingering, mentions of fingering, handjob, blowjob, and watching each other masturbate, mentions of taking nude photos after sex, Jaemin taking a picture of your naked body after sex (with consent ofc), uproctected sex, mentions of rough sex, making out, swearing, mentions of breakup, actual breakup
A/N: I hope you enjoy this Jaemin fic. I tried writing it as realistic as possible because I think Scum’s Wish is a very mature and realistic anime, I mean shit like that happens in real life. And I think Mugi is so fucking handsome. The ending of the series sux btw HAHAA bc I wanted them to end up together so heres my version of it. 
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It all happened so fast but the heartbreak stayed and the process of healing is very slow.
Three months have passed already when your ex-boyfriend Jeno broke up with you on a nice afternoon after school. The reason? Well, let’s just say he fell out of love. And that’s what made it worst because you remember that all you ever did was love him and please him.
Every day, you go to school, attend class, study hard but you always looked so gloomy. And whenever Jeno cross paths with you in the hallways, he knew he hurt you badly and that you’re not your normal self anymore. The cheerful and excited girl he fell in love with was gone and it’s all because of him. He can only wish that someone will bring you back and make you happy again.
“I’ll help you with that,” a cold manly voice interrupted you and your thoughts while you were having a hard time throwing the trash. He’s not part of your class, he’s one of Jeno’s classmates but you two were never introduced to each other.
You watch him throw the heavy trash for you and hoping that he will hand the bin afterward but he didn’t. “Lead the way, it’s dirty I’ll hold it for you” he insists, so you do as you’re told, showed him the way so you can finish this day as soon as possible.
Jaemin knew everything. It’s a small school and students usually gossip too much whenever a couple breaks up, especially after being together for so long. He knew who broke your heart, he also knew that you used to smile and be cheerful all the time because he has seen you in places and he knew you're capable of automatically lighting up the place whenever you’re around. But now… all he can see is a broken-hearted girl.
“Here,” you hand him a tissue and your hand sanitizer as a thank you for not letting your hands get dirty. He accepted it and gave you a small smile, obviously, he’s not shy and he was looking directly at you while his hands move. To be honest, you have no reason to be shy with each other, and honestly, you just don’t care anymore you just want to end this day. But Jaemin being the bold man that he is, bravely loosen up the ribbon of your school uniform and undid a few buttons from your school blouse. It was a common thing for students to do that after school as a sign that they're ready to head home and end their day. Jeno used to do it for you, and you didn’t expect Jaemin would do it. Despite the fact that you only met properly today.
You don’t know what happened but your heart was racing the moment he’s done adjust it and you just stare at his crooked tie and figured you may as well loosen it up for him too and return the favor. A bold move that Jaemin did not expect from a girl because he’s used to being with girls who become shy and all flustered after he makes a move.
But you, you’re different.
And that’s when Jaemin realized that you are a perfect match for him.
Word is Na Jaemin is pretty popular with girls. Besides Lee Jeno your ex, Na Jaemin is the second most handsome guy in school. Not only that he’s handsome, but you also know that he is passionate when it comes to photography, he’s naturally smart, not that nice, quiet but cocky, cold but can give anyone the right amount of attention if he wants to. But in your case, you have his full attention.
That afternoon, for the first time in three months, you did not go home alone, someone walked with you and watched you go inside your house.
The same cold but needed interaction with Jaemin happened over and over again until people started to gossip and think that you’re together. But it was nothing like that and you stopped caring about rumors a long time ago. Jaemin is nothing like Jeno, but he’s a gentleman, he’s straightforward but most of the time quiet. And most of the time you share silence not stories and you both love it that way.
You were different people but before you knew it, you were spending more time with each other.
On Valentine's day, you don’t know what came to his mind and brought you a bouquet of roses and gave it to you secretly. You were genuinely happy of course, but you just couldn’t smile that big and show him more. Seeing him from afar with a dozen roses and a smirk, with his black sling bag he uses for school that makes him so attractive… is enough to call your Valentine's day a memorable day.
“You’re special too,” he said and hands you the bouquet. “Ready to go home? Sorry I couldn’t help you with trash today, I picked these up right after school and rushed back-“
“Thank you” you cut him off with a friendly kiss on the cheek that made him blush and shy for the first time.
With a bouquet of roses on your left arm and the trash bin on your right hand, you came back to your classroom to get your stuff and put the bin back. You cleaned your hands and admire the roses as the afternoon sunlight hits them perfectly and finally come out again to meet Jaemin. Only to find him eavesdropping on the classroom near yours.
“Shh” he cut you off with a ‘shh’ gesture and made you look at the half-closed door and made you listen to their conversation as well.
Jeno I like you too.
Were words that immediately ruined your day that Jaemin perfected. But this is not about you. Because when you turned your back and looked at the man beside you, you saw yourself. The pain that you’ve been feeling for months now, you saw it in Jaemin’s eyes too. Now you understand that you’re just two broken people who are still in pain. And you have no idea that he has been hurting too.
Of course, seeing Jeno with another girl hurt you badly, but seeing Jaemin get teary-eyed bothered you more. So you reached for his hand and whispered, ‘it’s okay’ even though it’s not, and walked away silently with him to continue your day together.
“Do you think they’re just doing this because people are gossiping about us?” you asked while you watch him stare at his coffee blankly. You’ve never seen him like this even though he’s always quiet and cold.
“N-no. I know my ex, uhm… she wouldn’t use anyone. Is Jeno-“
“No. I know him too. And I know that he’s happy when he found out about us,”
“So it’s true then. Their feelings for each other” he said and went back to staring at his coffee blankly.
You pursed your lips and let out a deep sigh. Allowing yourself to be hurt again by hearing the truth that you have been completely replaced in Jeno’s heart. There was silence. Then you decided to admire the flowers that Jaemin gave to you and feel the soft petals on your fingertips. This day could have been a turning page for the both of you, but now you’re both very sure that you’re not yet ready to open your hearts for somebody else.
“Red roses mean love and romance,” you said as you continue to admire the roses that he gave which made him smile a little. “Do you like me?” and just like that, you gave him the question that you’ve been meaning to ask for the past few months.
“I do” he answered without hesitating, which gave you a shock actually. “Do you?” he returned the question.
“I don’t,” you said the truth because you can’t repay him with lies. No. You can’t do that to Jaemin, “but you’ve become special to me. And I don’t want to lose you too,” Honestly you thought being honest to him will make him feel even more horrible but it didn’t. In fact, it brought the unique handsome smile you love seeing on his face.  
“Though, it’s not right that we are using each other to forget our exes-“ you added but he cut you off immediately.
“But I need you, and honestly I’ve been very happy these past few weeks because of you” he confessed. And you wish that you could tell him the same thing but you can’t because it’s still Jeno. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m not begging you to stay. You’re an adult and I have nothing against your decisions. But I really hope we could go back to normal and be closer now that we know what each other really feels. I will date you properly when the right time comes… Just not now that we're both still confused and not sure”  
Everything did not make sense of course, and the right thing to do is refuse. But the past few weeks were actually good. Not great but still Jaemin was a huge change. So you nod your head and agreed that you should continue what you’re doing but promised each other that if either one of you feels pressured already, then you should stop.
As you continue seeing Jaemin and trying to move on from Jeno, you became comfortable with each other as days go by to the point that neither one of you cares if someone mentions that you look great together even though your relationship is not true.
It was a never-ending try to give each other the chance and love that you deserve. But at the same time, it was a never-ending process of healing from your exes, a never-ending heartbreak whenever you two hear something good about their relationship. And to be honest you’re both happy that you’re not facing this heartbreak alone.
You’re thankful for each other because you have each other’s backs. But in a different way.
Jaemin is thankful for you because he can hold your hand, hug you tightly from behind then whisper sweet words, and kiss your neck, whenever he wants to, and whenever he misses skinship with his ex.
You on the other hand, is thankful too because he does these various things to you and you can just close your eyes and he lets you imagine that he’s Jeno. Like now. You were just cuddling and watching the rain from his window when suddenly his hand roamed under your skirt while he was listening to you talk, and his cold fingers played on the hem of your panties. Teasing your pussy and moving his fingers up and down your wet cover slit.
“How does Jeno touch you? Is gentle? Rough?” He asks in the sexiest tone he ever used and started kissing your neck. You had a hard time answering his question because of what he’s doing, but your mind lurks on the memories you had with Jeno in his room.
You remember how Jeno fingered you in his bed, how two fingers always feel good and that’s how you like it, you remember that while his fingers are deep inside you, he is busy kissing your body. Planting soft kisses on your chest and on your boobs, kissing your nipples and making them sensitive and he puts them in his mouth and sucks it good until it's both swollen.
This is the first time Jaemin had touched you down there. And you swear, you don’t want him to stop and you just want to remove your panties and spread your legs for him.
“Jaem-“ you moaned out an airy tone. Calling his name with your eyes closed and parted lips. Feeling his fingers go up and down your wet slit still.
“Do you mean Jeno?” Jaemin asks. But truth be told he doesn’t mind you moaning his name instead on your first time going too far. And finally, he removed your panties and made you spread your legs for him which you gladly did. Putting two fingers slowly while he’s watching you make the sexiest faces that just simply makes him hard.
Jaemin never rushed, he took his sweet time with your body. Pushing you on the edge over and over again but you don’t know why you haven’t cum yet. His tongue and fingers together were somewhat calming and just made you breathe in and out deeply, which is relaxing while you spread your legs even more.
And when you finally came, it was a nice warm feeling all over your body. Like you just got out of the shower, wet and relaxed. Though you feel so tired, weak and sleepy... Jeno was never like this but your imagination was a big help that you moaned Jeno’s name a couple of times and that made Jaemin felt so accomplished.
“How about you? Don’t you want to cum?” you asked Jaemin while you watch him help you wear your panties again, kissing your thighs after.
“Maybe later,” he said, not admitting that he came earlier too, ruining his boxers briefs.
That day you did more than touching each other’s private parts but actually giving each other oral sex for the first time. His sheets were so ruined because he came so hard when you gave him a blowjob, a handjob and when he jerked himself in front of you while he watches you finger yourself. In return, he made you cum more than three times using his fingers and tongue. And you came home with a weak body and weak legs that you flopped straight in your bed and slept with a smile.
But there are times that it’s just the two of you. Just Jaemin and Y/n, no exes involved. Where you can be free being yourselves whenever you’re alone together. Like him snapping pictures of you out of nowhere while you’re busy kissing him, or whenever you just finished having sex and you’re both too lazy to get dressed again and he will suddenly capture amazing photos of you while you’re still naked in his bed, wearing nothing but the smile he gave you because of the sex.
“Hmm. Jaemin, these are beautiful. Can I have this one? I love seeing your works, it’s like I’m seeing myself through your eyes”
Little did you know that that simple compliment from you made him blush hard and his heart jump. It’s not every day he gets to be himself, but lately, he has been feeling so inspired with his craft and he had a good guess it’s because of you.
“You can keep this too, it’s one of my favorites,” he said and handed you a picture of you kissing him while he smiles so big and so handsome with both of your eyes closed. It’s a perfect moment, a moment that Jaemin captured in the middle of him being so happy that you’re showering him with kisses.
Jaemin is sweet and quiet as usual and he showers you with love and affection every day in his own way. He’s not the normal guy who will praise you and tell you that you’re beautiful, he will just simply look at you like you’re his favorite person in the world. Which you are now. He doesn’t talk too much because one, that’s his personality already and two, he simply loves listening to you even though you don’t talk too much yourself.
He is the complete opposite of Jeno, and that’s why he became special to you.
“Yesterday, me and my mom were at the mall and I saw them. Just from afar and they were about to enter the movies and… you know, seeing them together hurt” he says while kicking stones on your way to your house.
You can only imagine the pain he felt when he saw them spending time together, and now it’s your time to get hurt because Jeno used to bring you to the movies. Then it gave you an idea.
“Do you want to go to the movies tomorrow? My treat,” you said. Nervous and shy you slowly met eyes and stopped walking when you finally arrived in front of your house.
“Did you just realized that I haven’t taken you out on a date? Because I feel bad, I just realized it now” he rambles.
“No no,” you chuckled, “I simply wanted to go to the movies with you. So tomorrow?” you were slowly walking away from him with a small smile on your face. If Jaemin was being honest, he wanted to be with you just a little bit longer. But parting will make your meeting even sweeter the next day.
On the next day, you remember clearly that you said ‘my treat’ yesterday. But the whole day that you’re together he never let you pay for anything, not even a bottle of water. You feel at ease even though it’s your first date and it’s your first time seeing each other in casual clothes and not in your uniforms, or wearing nothing at all. He looked handsome in his get up, he knows how to dress and he sure does look like the warm person you know.
“Do you like anything else?” he whispered beside you while you two wait for the movie to start and watch people enter.
“No I’m just a little chilly. But I’m fine, keep your jacket,” you stopped him before he removes his jacket, you know he will. So instead of lending you his jacket, he kept you close and wrapped an arm around you.
“This is nice, right?” he whispered back and rested his head on yours.
During the movie, Jaemin did not try any funny business. Though you were waiting for it and of course you will give him your consent. If this was Jeno, by this time you’re whimpering and cumming on his fingers by now. But you’re with Jaemin right now, and Jaemin did nothing but hold your hand, keep you close and keep you warm. And the thing that he did that made your heart race the most, was when he tightens his embrace when the couple kissed in the movie, exchanged ‘i love yous’ and he pulled you closer to him. “We’ll get there,” he whispered, “Just remember that I’m the one here and not Jeno” and you nod because you agree to him.  
Not long after your first date, you and Jaemin shared a kiss under a lamppost just before you enter your house. It was not your first kiss of course. But it was the first time that you two felt that there we're no lust involved. It was a genuine kiss. A kiss that told you ‘I’m glad you chose to stay in this stupid relationship we have’ not to mention his soft lips were addicting and he was gentle the whole time. He wasn’t rushing you, he wasn’t hungry for you. But you can feel his long to finally move on and give his love wholly to you.
“Is it okay if I kiss you like that every day from now on?” he asked softly, forehead to forehead and just enjoying the cold breeze of the evening and the quietness of the street.
It’s Jaemin, not Jeno. You remind yourself over and over again.
“Yes” you nod and wrapped your arms around his neck, “Kiss me again” you requested. And so Jaemin did, even deeper but this time he took your breath away during the kiss.
The moment you closed the door and Jaemin watched you go inside your house safely, you burst into tears because you can’t help but see Jeno in your head and imagine that it’s Jeno kissing you not Jaemin. Even though it felt nothing like Jeno’s kisses, even though you smell Jaemin’s unique cologne, still it’s Jeno whom you see in your head and it’s Jeno whom you really wanted to kiss.
Days passed by and you try a little harder to show him affection, you try a little harder to be with Jaemin and not think about your ex, you try saying Jaemin’s name more often. Calling him with a smile, surprising him with back hugs, smiling with him more. Honestly, you just want to help yourself with forgetting Jeno completely because it’s exhausting already.
Today is the school’s fair and you’ve been with your friends the whole day laughing and discussing boys over snacks, sex and other stuff. And while you and your friends have been participating in a lot of games today, Jaemin can’t stop taking pictures of you from afar and watch your pretty smile. The smile he’s been seeing a lot lately and he hopes that it’s because of him.
‘Hey beautiful, I like your smile’
You received a text from him, you look around where he is and you found him behind you. Smiling so handsomely with his camera slung on his shoulder. Your friends teased you and Jaemin for being all flirty with your glances, you have never been shy around him but now there are butterflies in your stomach. Jaemin then shamelessly showed your friends how he treats you nicely, he can’t kiss you inside the school grounds so he winked at you instead and smiled.
It definitely made everyone around you jealous. Especially when Jaemin started taking your pictures, something no one was ever seen Jaemin do.
At the end of the day, you and Jaemin walk hand in hand and went to his house to cuddle and flirt more in his bed. Hands intertwined, legs tangled, bodies closer and just listening to each other talk about the most random things.
That’s right, you and Jaemin now talk. No more comfortable silence, no more quiet walks, you’ve come so far to reach this level of comfort. And when you’re both comfortable in each other’s arms like this, you both never shut up about the things you want to share with each other. Like the comfortable silence was gone with your awkward and shy phase too.
You asked him how he used to love his ex and he never shuts up about it, and it is as if he was describing how he’s treating you but when it comes to you everything was better. Like how he used to not care about Valentines for his ex but for you he went to different kinds of flower shop just so he can find the best quality of red roses. He used to hate walking with his ex because it’s making him sweat like crazy, but when it comes to you, seeing and watching you go inside your home safely was satisfying.
“Jaemin what are we? Are we friends with benefits now? Or just friends?” you dropped the question out of nowhere while you two lie in your bed, and you play with his long and perfect eyelashes.
“Hmm. No, fuck buddies avoid feelings while we... well, we try to develop our feelings. Let’s say we're two waiting hearts, were not yet in love with each other but… we belong to each other already. How’s that sound?”
“Waiting hearts. Hmm. I like it. Did you made that up?” you giggle and ran your fingertips on his very soft lips, which made him catch your hand and kiss it before he opens his beautiful eyes again.
“Yeah” he says, “But everything I said was true. Moving on is a bitch and I just can’t wait to love you right,”
And those words were just right. Perfect actually, that it made you kiss him sweetly and sincerely. And with your lips and the way you kiss, Jaemin felt that you made a promise to him. Like you’re not going to make him wait for nothing. And because of that he deepens the kiss and went on top of you, placing his body in between your legs, kissing your body nonstop and whispering sweet things to you.
“When we're finally and officially together, I won’t hurt you as Jeno did,” and you believe him because even though that you’re a wreck now, Jaemin stayed and put up with you.
He suddenly stopped kissing you, letting you breathe and bask at this moment, then he swallowed the lump in his throat and told you the truth. “I’m finally getting there…by the way, I mean, all I think about is us-you,” he was talking about his progress of moving on. “You don’t have to be pressured or anything at this point just, focus on yourself. Okay?” he said and kissed you again.
As your days with Jaemin continues, you don’t see Jeno anymore whenever you’re with Jaemin. No more imagining, it’s just you, the moment, and Jaemin. Though you’re not sure if you’ve already moved on this time or you’re just too overwhelmed because of Jaemin. Still, you know to yourself that you’re getting there and Jaemin is the reason why you’re even more closer to peace now. But you haven’t told him yet because you’re not ready. For you, you know that he will not leave and so it’s okay to take your time.
It started when you realized everything that he has done for you and the things that he’s ready to do for you. Loving again, or being given the opportunity to love someone again so deep is something so special and exciting especially when the man who holds your heart and the one waiting for you right now is Jaemin. The life you’re taking before Jaemin was like a black tunnel that you’ve been walking around in circles for some time now. And you sure as hell don’t want to take that path again.  
And just thinking about experiencing the things that Jaemin has to offer, you can only do that if you give up on Jeno. So with great effort, you slowly focus your mind only on Jaemin and replace every bit of Jeno in your life with Jaemin, and from now on you make sure that you have something in return for him.
“Jaemin-“ you moan his name. Something so new and so satisfying for Jaemin to hear it's his name you moan now, not Jeno’s.
“You know, you make me shy whenever you say my name” he catches his breath and came closer to you to plant kisses on your back and knead your boobs from behind, nipples hard and swollen because you’ve been in bed with him for almost two hours now. “What do you need?” he asks while making you feel good with his lips and hands.
“Maybe slow down? I’m not going anywhere,” you hear him giggle from behind because of your request, slapping your but playfully and squeezing it good. Then suddenly, out of nowhere he rolled his hips, and let out a sexy grunt. “Fuck Jaemin, I wasn’t ready-“ you croak and landed on the mattress, face first as you grip the sheets and take Jaemin’s cock followed by a wave of hard and fast thrusts.
He kept a firm grip on your waist as he gives you hard thrusts and he kept you down on the mattress, a hand on your waist and a hand on your nape. It kept your movements minimal that’s why you can’t do anything now that you’re on the edge and he’s torturing you using his dick. But the best part of Jaemin fucking you from behind is the way he fucks you rough... so rough sometimes that you get red marks after a good round. This only happens whenever he catches his breath, but sometimes his thrusts become slow and deeper and honestly you feel like he’s rearranging your insides. And of course you love it whenever he’s just so fast and the sound of skin slapping surrounds his room and the impact of his thrust just drags you on the mattress, almost at the edge of the bed and he would have to drag your body towards him and fuck you faster and harder.
But this time, your pussy is so sensitive and your body is giving up and shivering already that you try and push him away, moan his name for mercy, grip his sheets while you arch your back so beautifully to ease your sensitivity.
“You said you’re not going anywhere? Why are you running away from me? Huh?” it was a sexy tone and his thrusts started to go slow but deeper than before and he had spread your legs again from behind. His arm is around your neck and ends at your shoulder, bodies closer than ever as he puts his whole weight on you and you feel his hard rock abs hits your back. Then he started thrusting hard again but now you can’t move your body because he got you locked in his arms, and instead of gripping the sheets, you now grip Jaemin’s arm and hands as you don’t have a choice but to accept his hard thrust.
Thrust after thrust, you breathe heavily and let out groans and call out his name. Until your body can’t take it anymore and you’re shaking uncontrollably and you did everything you can to push him away and try curling yourself into a ball but Jaemin was quick to flip you on your back and reach in for a deep kiss.
Kissing you while you cum and enjoy your orgasm. Feeling his tongue swirl around your as your body shakes and his hands caress your thighs so you could calm down and melt on his kiss.
After you cum, you and Jaemin did not stop kissing. He stayed above you, in between your legs and proceed to make out. Slowly and passionately, hands roaming to appreciate each other’s body, hands together and your lips locks and you look at each other with deep admiration.
“I want to date for real now. I’m so afraid to lose you Y/n,” he said directly into your eyes and rested his forehead on yours. “I promise I can do more for you, just be mine completely” he reached for your hands and kissed your knuckles.
Finally, you thought. And to be honest you have so much to say but none came out from your mouth. You looked at his tired sex face, his hair is all over his face, sweaty and his lips are swollen because of your intense kisses. And because your heart is full of happiness right now, you just nod so fast and cup his face and attacked him with kisses.
A love for love.
The first few days with Jaemin were beautiful. You both have your hearts full of love admiration towards one another and you shower each other with love every day without having second thoughts. You have never been loved like this and you didn’t know that you can love someone as deeply.
In just a few days, lust and love were perfectly balanced in your relationship. Now that you’re officially together, you and Jaemin would rather talk non-stop while holding hands, laugh and laugh until you’re both in tears, rather than have sex and exhaust each other out. But of course, now that you’re together, you can finally have the right to stay the night at their house, meet his family, have quiet sex at night where Jaemin’s lips are on your lips, catching every sound and moan you make so his parents won’t suspect.
“I love you,” you said and kissed him before you close your eyes and drift away. In return, he tightens his embrace and kissed you one too many times.
“I love you too,”
Now that you and Jaemin are official, he wanted to do everything again with you. Meaning, he wanted to give you flowers again as your boyfriend this time and not just as someone who’s waiting for you. He wanted to take you out on a proper date as your boyfriend, on your favorite fast food and spend all night long being happy with you.
At first, you didn’t want to agree with his plan because him giving you all his love every day was enough. But he insists, and that’s why you’re waiting for your handsome boyfriend at your favorite fast food with a glass of water in front of you. He’s 30 minutes late already and you wonder why.
“I’ll get the red ones please, my girlfriend loved those last Valentine's day,” Jaemin’s smile was so big as he watches the florist wrap the red roses he got for you. He’s late because he went to the same shop where he bought you the flowers that you loved last Valentine's day.
And just as Jaemin walks out of the flower shop with a bouquet of red roses in his arm and a smile on his face, he thought about how this night will definitely be a great night for the two of you. And most importantly, no exes to ruin your first date as a couple.
While you were waiting for Jaemin inside, you didn’t know that he’s outside with a dozen roses in his arm and just smiling because he is now looking at the girl whom he loves the most.
Then suddenly, his phone rang and accepted an unexpected phone call. The voice of the girl on the other line was familiar. Very familiar. And his fist balled up immediately when he heard her crying through the phone. Turns out, he still can’t say no to the girl he used to love so much and his excitement on seeing you was immediately replaced with anger.
“Who made you cry? Where are you?” Jaemin asked sternly to his ex.
“He left me Jaems- I’m sorry I don’t know who else to call, I’m at home can you please go here? I really need someone right now, I’ll lose my mind,”
And just like that, he chose his ex over you. He told himself, he will be quick and still meet you afterward. But you waited for an hour… until closing time. Leaving tons and tons of messages to Jaemin but he didn’t return any of them. Maybe something important came up? A family matter? You tried and tried to forgive him even though you’re pissed that he didn’t show up. You even reminded yourself that you didn’t want this date in the first place so why be upset? So it’s okay.  
When you’re finally near your house after a very disappointing date that could have been a beautiful one for you and Jaemin, a very familiar figure was waiting for you outside your house.
One glance at that perfect face, small crescent eyes, and beautiful smile, gave your mind an instant flashback. The guy who loved you first way before Jaemin came into your life, the man who loved you in your highs and lowest moment, the man you’ve been waiting to come back…. is finally back.
“How are you?” he started.
“Better. Jeno, what are you doing here?” you asked, straight to the point.
“I just came by to see you. I’m the one who ruined us but I still miss you from time to time you know? And now I know why,”
“And that is?”
“Regrets. Now that I’m single again, for sure my regrets will even weigh more,” he let out a heavy sigh and looked at his shoes before he gave you a question. A question that he already knows the answer. “If I ask you to come back, will you accept it?” he didn’t look you in the eye. He just stared at the sky and waited for your answer.
“No,” you said honestly and without regrets. “I waited for you to come back long enough. And I worked so hard to be healed again,”
“Then I should’ve asked you earlier then. I should’ve left her earlier,”
What he said sounded wrong for you. Because you know if he did those earlier you will end up hurting Jaemin instead. At least now, it’s clear like the sky above that you no longer love Jeno.
The night ended with a friendly hug. It’s the only comfort you can offer to him because you respect your boyfriend. And you well know that staying longer with Jeno tonight can spark your first fight with Jaemin.
But as you lie in your bed and think about everything that happened tonight, your mind takes you to unwanted scenarios where Jaemin chose to comfort his ex rather than meeting up with you. It’s not right to doubt Jaemin, so you close your eyes and looked forward to the next day.
And just as you thought, you’re going to wake up with a bunch of missed calls or texts from Jaemin, you have none. So there is something wrong.
Jaemin on the other hand is staring at a white ceiling and thinking about the things that he can’t take back right now. It’s too early for regrets but he doesn’t have a choice but to rethink his wrong decisions, over and over again. Starting when he answered the phone call from the naked girl beside him right now. The wrong decisions he made last night was the epitome of the phrase, ‘one thing led to another’
He answered the call and stood you up.
He went to his ex’s house.
He returned the kiss.
He agreed to fuck.
It was all his choice. Wrong choices that made him lose and lost you way before your relationship could have bloomed beautifully. And he can’t take that back because he can't show his face to you anymore for the sexual activity that happened last night between him and his ex, somehow brought them back together.
It all happened so fast but the heartbreak stayed and the process of healing is very slow.
Seven days have passed already when Jaemin stood you up on a date to choose his ex over you. The reason? Well, you don’t know because you and Jaemin did not talk it out… the breakup sort of happened automatically when you saw him and his now girlfriend again, holding hands while entering the school grounds on a cold Monday morning. And that’s what made it worst because you remember that all you ever did was love him and be better to make way for the love you thought you both want.
Every day, you go to school, attend class, study hard but you always looked so gloomy. Again. And whenever Jaemin crosses paths with you in the hallways, he knew he hurt you badly and that he broke every promise he told you. He can only wish that he could turn back time and choose to not answer that fucking call.
Just like that, you’re back in that black tunnel and you didn’t expect that Jaemin will be the reason why you’re back on this dark path again. And this time, the heartbreak was ten times even worst than what you felt during your breakup with Jeno.  
A few more weeks after the breakup, you started being alone with yourself again and try to give your heart a break from all the drama.
But one fateful afternoon, when everyone had gone home already and you’re on trash duty again, as usual, Jaemin finally decided to swallow his pride and say the apology you deserve.
“I’m sorry, Y/n,” Jaemin said out of nowhere. He was looking straight into your eyes when he said it, and you can see that he’s sincere through his eyes.
“I hope you’re happy” and that's all you can say and try to walk away.
“I’m not- do you still love me?”
It was a question that broke both of your hearts because you both know that even though love is involved, it’s still not enough to keep you together.
But still, you answered him with all honesty. “Yes” short and simple.
“Then let's be together-“ he proposed with hopeful eyes.
“And what? Cheat?” you ask sternly, he nodded. “One of the reasons why I liked you back then is because you’re not complicated. You’re a simple ‘yes’ and ‘no’, but now you’re the one who complicates things. I’m sorry. It’s a no,” and that is an answer Jaemin did not expect from you because he thought you loved him that much that you’re still going to accept him. But maybe, the pain that he’s feeling right now, is the same pain that you felt when he chose his ex over you that night.
As days, months, and seasons change but of course the heartbreak never left, you focus more on being with yourself until finally you survived this school year and today is your last day in school. But before everything ended, a lot has happened before it finally ended, like Jeno suddenly transferring schools, Jaemin is single again, and you were awarded for ranking #3 out of hundreds of other students studying their asses off.
That same afternoon, while you’re fixing your stuff and ready yourself to go home under the pouring rain, Jaemin found you alone in your classroom again. And it felt like you’re meeting again for the first time. You don’t know why you accepted his help, you don’t know why you let him walk you home under his small umbrella that made you walk closely together.
He was quiet. You were quiet. But it was not the comfortable silence you used to have, it was very awkward. But you both endured it because if you’re both going to be honest with your feelings, you both wanted this.
“Are we going to do this again?” you ask before you enter your house.  
“Yes. The right way,”
And you know you both found your way back to each other because it’s the right thing to do.
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captains-simp · 3 years
Carol Danvers ~ Put On A Show
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(This isn't what she looks like in this fic but it is the ✨I'm gonna make you see the stars vibe✨)
Carol Danvers X fem!Reader Smut
Word Count: 3,569
Includes: lil bit of public teasing, thigh grinding, edging, gagging on fingers, praise, strap on, overstimulation and oral
[ masterlist ]
Buy me a coffee ☕
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Being an Avenger taught you to handle a lot of difficult situations.
You knew how to take down a state of the art quinjet in a minute. You could survive on an unknown planet. You had played a significant part in tracking down and rounding up the last Hydra agents.
And yet no one had ever prepared you to be stuck in a room with a hundred arrogant business men who were desperately trying to impress you with what they thought was power.
You were certain you could have better conversations with a caveman.
You weren't a superspy like Natasha. You couldn't fake interest, put on a realistic smile and pretend to enjoy yourself like she could.
You weren't Tony who genuinely enjoyed himself at those kind of parties and thrived at being the center of attention.
And you weren't Carol who didn't need either of those things. If she didn't want to talk to someone, she wouldn't. It only took one of her looks to make any of the leaches hurry away. She didn't have to worry about the repercussions of doing so because there weren't any. Non of the guests would ever be willing to admit they were intimidated by a woman.
Not that you were jealous of what Carol had. Carol wasn't the kind of person you wanted to be, but she sure as hell was the kind of person you wanted to be with. And that woman was one of a kind.
The distraction of the Captain was definetly not helping you keep your cool. She wore a tight fitting dark blue suit that you had been struggling to stop yourself staring at ever since you had first seen it. Her hair was hanging loose at her shoulders and had become messy from the amount of times she had run her slim hand through it. That alone had your mind reeling of what other ways you could get it to look like that.
You had been lucky so far, everytime you stole a glance at the Captain and her attire she happened to be in convosation with someone else. Although that meant you two hadn't exchanged a single word that night.
Thankfully, you had soon learnt that half of the guests never actually noticed if you zoned out, perfectly content to continue rambling about themselves. While others could zone out themselves as they talked...while they stared at your chest and feuling your urge to smack them.
You were in a dress that you hadn't bought and were far from comfortable in around these people. A thin glass of champagne was clutched firmly in your hand and you predicted it would shatter by the end of the night. You had lost count of how many you had downed with your back turned, stopping once you felt lightheaded.
You had regretted it at first, but you became internally grateful you had saved your heightened senses when you felt a familiar hand rest on your lower back.
Training almost everyday with the blonde Captain had familiarised you with her firm grip and reassuring touch. It was the only kind of contact you had gotten from her until that moment and you treasured it greatly, praying Carol hadn't noticed your slight faulted at the knees.
"I'm afraid I'm going to have to steal this one." Carol stated in a very unafraid tone as her hand pressed into you more. You wanted to melt into her touch.
The man you had been not-really-listening to (because you could not for the life of you remember anyone's name) opened his mouth to speak and probably try to get Carol to stay, was ignored by the blonde who was already guiding you away with her hand.
Of course you didn't protest, throwing a party over it in your head while the butterflies in your stomach danced along to the music. You didn't even realise Carol was leading you to the bar, too focused on the fact her hand never left your back as she walked beside you without a word.
You did however, realise when you almost walked into the bar stall before gracefully (that's what you told yourself) sliding onto the stool. Carol sat down next to you and said something to the bartender you didn't hear or really care about.
When she did look back at you her gaze was piecing along with her usual confident aura. Anyone who pulled off a suit the way Carol did had every right to some arrogance, especially as it somehow made her even more attractive.
"I don't think I've ever seen you in a dress before." Carol said with a knowing smile.
"I don't think you'll be seeing me in one ever again." You respond as you glance anywhere but Carol, unable to hold her intense gaze.
"I'll have to treasure the memory even more then. You look beautiful." Carol compliments and watches you blush.
"You clean up pretty nicely yourself, Captain."
You don't fail to notice the way her jaw tightens slightly at the title, but she's quick to pass it off when the bartender places two bottles down on the counter.
You realise you're still holding your champagne so you put it on the side to swap it with small bottle of beer, already taking a sip to have something to do instead of figiting under Carol's gaze.
"I didn't need you to say it, you know? You undressing me with your eyes was telling enough." You choked slightly on your drink the moment those words left her lips, embarrassment shooting down every last butterfly in your stomach.
"I-I wasn't- it was an accident- I mean! I- um..." Carol watched you ramble with an amused grin and took a sip of her beer herself.
You could feel your cheeks heating up and your fight or flight instincts kicking in.
"I was enjoying the attention." Carol smirked as she moved closer to you so the faint smell of her expensive perfume overtook your senses.
You had been so sure the whole night that Carol hadn't noticed what you were doing. You thought you had gotten away with it all. Natasha's tips on concealing emotions and thoughts were clearly paying off on Carol more than you.
"And its not like it's the first time." Carol almost whispered as her voice dropped in a way that went straight to your core.
The Captain placed a gentle but firm hand on your bare knee as she studied you. Her brown eyes flickered across your face while your own y/e/c eyes stayed fixed on hers.
"Is this a test?" You whispered under your breath.
"Perhaps." She whispered back as her fingers stroked your bare skin slowly. "I'm sure I could test you some other ways though." Her hand was along your thigh now. You desperetly wanted to grab it and pull it up further but you had to remember you were in a room full of very important people.
Carol noticed you glance around the room and must have known what you were thinking because she smirked slightly before withdrawing her hand and standing up from the stall.
"Come." She ordered. You felt goosebumps across your whole body and hoped it wouldn't be the last time you heard her say that tonight.
You restrained yourself to waiting a few seconds before following Carol in the most subtle way you could manage when you wanted to sprint over to her side.
You weren't really aware of where Carol was leading you, but once you rounded the corner away from the party you sped up to close the distance between you both.
After rounding a few corners of the complicated hallway you realised you had lost sight of the Captain. Just as you were about to risk calling out her name a strong hand gripped your forearm and pulled you out of the corridor and into Carol's arms.
Her lips were on yours instantly. She had you backed into a wall before you could comprehend any of what was happened but her kiss was so eager you returned it without any thought.
The blonde's lips were unbelievably soft. They felt perfect against your own as you tried to match her pace.
Her hands were cupping your face with surprising gentleness so you wrapped your hands around her neck to pull her impossibly closer, accidently pulling on a few strands and earning a low groan from her.
She bit down on your lip harshly, making you moan audibly until you were muffled by her tongue invading your mouth.
You could taste the beer both of you had barely started and something else that was strikingly Carol. It was intoxicating and you didn't want it to end.
The friction Carol sparked when she pressed one of her muscular thighs between your bare legs was sinfully blissful. You moaned into Carol's mouth when you felt her very deliberately press against your heat and apply a teasing amount of pressure to your throbbing clit.
"Carol." You whispered her name like a chant. She smirked against you as she turned her attention to you jaw then neck, nipping and sucking at the skin exposed to her. You arched your neck to give her more access and felt your breathing become laboured.
This probably wasn't helped by Carol's hand on your bare thigh, gripping the skin in a much firmer way than she had at the bar and venturing further up.
Her hand disappeared beneath your dress in no time, massaging every inch of skin she came across.
You couldn't help it. Her warm lips, her strong hands and invasive thigh made you feel lightheaded and you couldn't stop your instincts of grinding yourself on Carol's thigh.
You desperatly sought more friction that your Captain's thigh could produce. What started as small rotations of your hips soon turned into full on desperate grinding. Your thin panties were soaked and clung to your skin, you were sure you were going to leave patches on Carol's expensive suit trousers but both of you were far from caring.
You could feel Carol continue to smirk into your neck with each mewl that left your lips. She grabbed your hands and pinned them against the wall above your head and that somehow made you needier.
The beautiful friction against your clit was one that had you moaning Carol's name continuously. It didn't take long for the familiar coil to tighten in your power abdomen and making your movements increasingly erratic.
You bucked against your Captain as you sought you sweet release only to have it pulled away from you.
Carol stepped away with a shit eating grin as she watched you struggle to hold yourself against the wall and give her a confused look.
"Why?" Was all you could manage, embarrassingly out of breath.
"Because I can." She smirked. "Did you want to cum, baby? Do you want to feel your release?"
"Please." You said shamelessly as you gave her a pleading look from your vulnerable position.
"Then be a good girl and bend over that desk for me."
You hadn't even noticed you were in an office, too busy trying to get yourself off on Carol's thigh than take in your surroundings. You didn't hesitate to place your hands on the far side of the desk and bend yourself over it so your ass was out for Carol. You glanced behind you to see Carol smirking as she took in your appearance in the new position.
She stalked towards you and placed a hand on the back of your thigh while the other pushed your back down further into the table. Her hand trailed up under your dress before she ran her fingers over the material covering your ass. Her movements were slow and teasing, trying to enhance your desperation to a place you wouldn't come back from that night.
Her slim fingers dipped beneath the waistband of your panties and gradually pulled them down, subsequently allowing her fingers to brush over your ass.
Once the thin material dropped to your feet Carol had you spread your legs for her as far as you could while she lifted your dress over your hips.
You guessed she really did like the dress.
Your pussy pulled around nothing as it was exposed to the cold air of the room and Carol's teasing fingers ghosting over your skin.
"Eyes front." She said as she stood back. It was hard to resist the urge to turn around and look when you could hear Carol undoing her belt buckle.
You had to bite your lip to suppress a moan when the blonde brushed the silicone against your folds. You were both shocked and aroused at the discovery that the Captain had been packing all night. You wanted her more at the thought that she had planned this.
You were snapped out of your thoughts when you felt two slim fingers against your lips. You opened your mouth to allow Carol to slip her fingers in and tried not to moan around them at the heated gesture.
You sucked eagerly on Carol's fingers in an attempt to please her and hope it would give you some preparation for the girthy strap. It wouldn't.
You were caught off guard again when Carol continued to push her fingers forward, further than you were expecting at first then more than you could take. You gagged around her fingers and heard a chuckle from your sadistic Captain.
"Good girl." She whispered against your ear before biting down softly.
You were so caught up in the praise you almost forgot about the strap until Carol nudged it between your lips. You tried to grip onto the table more as she slowly pushed the head into your soaking pussy and moaned around her fingers still tickling the back of your throat.
You were extremely unprepared to take something that size, but that only spurred Carol on more and added to your arousal that had your lower lips slick for the strap to ease into you.
Once Carol was half way she paused when you started breathing heavily through your nose as you continued to suck her fingers. But the break was short and without any warning, the Captain thrust the rest of the girthy toy into your cunt.
You moaned around her fingers and pressed your head further into the desk. Carol barely gave you a chance to adjust to the filling of being so full. You're reminded of her impatient nature when she pulls the silicone toy out to the hilt before snapping her hips back against you and causing the strap to burry itself deep inside you again.
You knew Carol was strong and you had seen her doing hip thrusts in the gym before, but you had never imagined the force she would be able to muster when slamming the fake cock into you over and over.
Carol eventually took her fingers away from your mouth and wiped your saliva along the side of your neck before gripping it in her hands, threatening to cut off your breathing and blood flow.
Her pace never faulted. It brought you an intense amount of pleasure everytime that had you stumbling over your words.
'Carol...please...it's- I...so good." Was all you were able to say.
Her name fell from your lips over and over as your cunt clenched around the invading toy. It never failed to hit the hilt of your pussy and brushes against your most pleasurable spot, every movement made it brush some incredible nerve.
You moaned louder as you tried to fuck yourself back on her strap. You were so close to your orgasm and it had already been set up to be the best fuck you ever had so you were so desperate to finally reach it.
"Are you gonna cum for your Captain?" Carol asked as her thighs continued to slap against your own.
"Yes Captain! Please...I'm gonna-"
"Cum for me." She husks as she brings you over the edge and flying through your orgasm. You completely slump against the desk and Carol fucks you through your high.
White blanks appear in your vision but you're too out of it to care.
You're moaning, almost screaming, in the pleasure that's overwhelming you and you don't realise how sensitive you are until Carol continues to pound the strap into you.
"Carol..." You whine at her perfect pace. She's still going so hard, so fast, and fuck she's so deep inside you.
The vigor of her first fucking already had your pussy overworked and sensitive, and yet you can't stop yourself from incoherently begging her not to stop.
"Please Captain! Don...don't stop...so good- so good!" You cry out as another orgasm crashes over you.
You're shuddering now but still swimming in pleasure. You can't stop yourself from bucking yourself back against her.
Carol holds your hips down firmly as she thrusts the strap into your overworked cunt. They're less coordinated this time, more about establishing the control Carol has over you.
You can't form any words this time. The only sounds in the room is Carol's thighs slapping against yours, your whorish moans and the thick strap fucking your leaking pussy. You were vaguely aware of the audible sounds of your pussy before you break into your third earth shattering orgasm.
You're completly limp against the desk and trying your best to breathe normally.
Your pussy is throbbing and pulsing around the strap that Carol very slowly eases out of you and leaves you feeling extremly empty and sore. You know you're gonna be feeling it the next day.
"I don't think I can stand." You finally muttered weakly, not trusting your legs to even attempt to let go of the desk beneath you.
"You don't need to. Get on your knees." Carol ordered from behind you. You shivered at her words and tried to take a moment to compose yourself but the blonde was apparently growing impatient...again.
She held your hips with an iron grip and flipped you onto your back to see her towering over you. You used your arms to help you into a sitting position on the edge of the table before falling down onto you knees infront of your Captain.
Your knees ached from landing on the hard floor but you were much more focused on the smirk playing on Carol's soft lips.
"So obedient, such a good girl for me." Carol cooed as she ran her fingers through your hair and pulled you towards her now strapless core. You could see her pink folds glistening in arousal and you wanted nothing more than to taste her.
"Use that pretty mouth of yours to make me cum, baby." Carol instructed.
You wasted no time. You licked an eager strip through the blonde's folds and moaned against her as you collected her wetness on your tongue. She was so sweet and you were instantly addicted.
You did this a few more times, pushing your tongue further between her folds everytime until you couldn't hold off anymore.
You gripped the back of Carol's thighs and sunk your tongue between her folds. The moan she gave in response made your stomach flip and swell with pride. It was like discovering a new song you wanted to listen to on repeat.
You retracted your tongue and began sucking softly on Carol's wet folds to taste as much of her wetness as your could. You then switched your attention to her throbbing clit and sucked it harshly into your mouth.
"Fuck so good! You've got such a good mouth." Carol praised continuously as you pulled out all of your tricks in hopes of pleasing her.
You kept alternating between fucking her with your tongue as deeply as you could to taking her neglected bud in your mouth. Your efforts soon paid off.
Carol grinded herself against your mouth as she cursed and praised you amongst moans. She was gripping your hair so tightly you couldn't help but moan into her, aiding her pleasure.
"I'm gonna cum, fuck!" She gasped out as you sucked as harshly as you could on her clit.
Her bundle of nerves pulsed in your mouth and you could feel her cunt clenching around nothing as she came with a cry of your name.
She sounded so good when she came. You wanted to hear it again, to see her. But once Carol had finished her high and you had lapped up every last bit of her white liquid she pushed you back gently.
She sat back on the dest as she regained her steady breathing and tapped her lap as she smiled at you.
You had just about enough strength mustered in your legs to allow you to stand up from your position and sit on Carol's lap.
She wrapped an arm around your waist and cupped your cheek with her hand to pull you in for a kiss. She smiled against you as she tasted herself on your lips and kissed you longingly.
"You were everything I dreamed you would be, baby. You did so good for me." You blushed under her praise and buried your head in the crook of her neck in exhaustion but mainly comfort.
Neither of you had any intentions to return to the party after that.
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bbyheedeungie · 3 years
Fluttering Machinery | Robot! Sunghoon AU
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Genre: Fluff, mild angst
Pairings: Robot! Sunghoon x Reader
Warnings: Character death, little suggestive content
Synopsis: Sunghoon was a humanoid built by your father, with the sole purpose of taking care of you once he passes away. But it seems like taking care of you came with discovering emotions that wasn't necessary for cooking, cleaning, and keeping you safe. What is this warm fuzzy feeling that resonates deep inside Sunghoon's mechanism?
It's been months. 6 dreadful months since your father has passed away. The doctors have warned you that he didn't have much time left, but that didn't make the goodbyes hurt any less.
You were 4 years old when your mom left you and your father for another guy. A more successful guy. Your father was bright, with an insatiable hunger for discovery and invention. But his field of work didn't always bring food to the table. And so on most days you had to, well, compromise.
But you loved your father so much, and still do. Although you didn't grow up to be a scientist like him, you knew the basics on automation and robotics. You were 11 years old when you first saw it, the humanoid that he worked on for years came to life before your own very eyes.
He had no skin nor face that made him look human yet. Just a chunk of metal with a head, arms and legs that moved mechanically. Nevertheless, you will never forget the joy and pride in your fathers' face as he watched his creation. The humanoid was a work in progress and you knew one day he's going to change the world. Unbeknownst to you, he was going to change your world.
And now here you are, years into the present as you stood infront of the humanoid who had his eyes shut. Yep, he's a he now. He is Humanoid SH-1282. Your father made him for the purpose of serving the community, to help people. But when he discovered his illness, he started making alterations to his design. He made SH-1282 to serve as the perfect companion, but only to you.
He filled the humanoid's hard drive with everything that he'll need to help you and take care of you. He input cooking, cleaning, and even martial arts. You sighed, remembering your father's last words.
"I'm gonna leave him in your care now, err leave you in his care or whatever. Take good care of each other okay? I love you both so much."
You were such a crybaby, holding on to your father's arm as the nurses were ushering you to wait outside because the doctors are about to perform surgery.
"You'll be okay." Your father mouthed as he smiled knowingly in content.
You reach for the humanoid's neck to find the power button, finally deciding to activate him after holding it off for months.
You held your breath as his eyes open, immediately scanning his surroundings. His eyes land on you, a smile forms on his lips.
"Hi, I'm SH-1282. It's nice to finally meet you, Y/N." He said naturally, offering his hand. If you didn't know any better, you would think he was a normal boy.
You let out a shaky breath as you accept his hand. He frowns, it seems like he is studying your facial expression and posture.
"You seem like you are in distress. Are you alright?" He asks in concern.
"Yeah, I am." You reply weakly.
"Will a hug improve your mood?" He asks. He was programmed to know about the benefits of physical intimacy, but he was also programmed to know consent and so he will not do anything unless you want to.
You contemplated, biting your lip.
"No, thank you." He simply nods, stepping out of his charging port.
"Will you show me around the house?" He asks and you nod.
"Damn this feels so awkward." You think to yourself.
"So here's the living room." You say as SH-1282 takes a good look around the area, his eyes falling to the dirty coffee table with tons of papers stacked messily. The couch looked greasy, with breadcrumbs stuck to the sides of the couch cushions. He scrunches his nose, involuntarily adding a new emotion to his database: disgust.
And as you led him to the kitchen, this emotion intensifies as he sees the containers of Chinese takeouts and cup ramen littered around the counter. He walks to the fridge and finds it empty except for a carton of milk that you put into your cereal for breakfast.
This awakens another emotion for the humanoid, frustration. He pinches the bridge of his nose as he contemplates on what to do with the mess, aka you.
"This won't do. You have been living unhealthily which may reduce your chances of living a long life."
You scoff, "Excuse me?" He gives you a dead stare, an eyebrow raised.
"No, excuse me while I clean up all this. I'll leave you to your own devices, thank you for showing me around today." He says sassily as he goes to find where you hide your cleaning utensils. You stood there dumbfounded.
"Unbelievable." But you let him be anyway. He wasn't wrong, you've been a total mess this past few months but that was all because of the grief. You basically had no family now.
And so for the rest of the day, you lock yourself in your room and do homework. About 5pm, you hear a soft knock at your door.
"Hello, it's me. Can you spare me a minute? I have something to ask of you." You inwardly groan, not really wanting to face the humanoid.
"Can you accompany me to get groceries? I swear this will only happen one time. It is only because I am not yet accustomed to my location. But after I mentally note the directions, you won't have to come with me next time." He didn't really want to bother you, but he knew that going out by himself and getting lost will be much more bothersome for you.
"Sure thing, just let me change into— oh no, you have no other clothes. It's kinda chilly outside today." You mentally facepalm yourself. Why didn't I go shopping for men clothes first before activating him?
"That is fine, I am immune to any temperature." He says as-a-matter-of-fact. You roll your eyes.
"I know that but people will probably get suspicious to see a man walking around in a shirt and jeans when everybody else has coats on. We need you to fit in as much as possible."
You search for your father's old coat that you refused to throw away even months after he's passed.
"Sorry dad, but he kinda needs this right now." And so you dress the humanoid in your oversized university sweatshirt (which surprisingly fits him perfectly) and your father's old coat.
"How do I look? Will I fit in now?" He asks as he scans his appearance in the mirror.
"You look—" absolutely breathtaking. You had every urge to slap yourself. Your father really didn't play around when he made the humanoid's face. He could pass up as an idol. And the cute little mole on his nose was a good addition to his features that made him even more realistic.
"Great. People won't suspect a thing."
The two of you head out. Contrary to your expectations that he would marvel at everything he sees outside, he just casually looks around. You ride the bus together, and the humanoid processes everything that you do, noting how everything works.
What caught you by surprise though, is how he immediately stands up in instinct to let an old lady sit down in his place. He sure was programmed with manners and chivalry. You smiled at the thought.
You made your way inside the grocery store, only intended to grab a basket but the humanoid insisted on a push cart.
"We have so much to buy, I've taken a mental note of everything we'll need." You simply roll your eyes and let him push the cart around as you wandered behind him. You look around as he reads the nutritional facts of every single thing he sees.
"This is definitely going to take a while." You muttered.
"Y/N? Is that you?" A voice squealed. You hissed and attempted to turn away, pretending you didn't see her. The humanoid saw how you reacted and swiftly rushed to your side in a protective stance. The stranger eyes the humanoid, her eyes sparkling at the sight of such a gorgeous man.
"Why hello there. Y/N you didn't tell me you've been busy with your boyfriend, we haven't hung out in a while." Both of your eyes widened at the misunderstanding.
"Oh, no he's not— we aren't—" You tried to explain but she just laughed out loud.
"Look how flustered you are. You know what, it's okay. But we have a lot of catching up to do!" She said, squishing your cheeks in a playful manner.
"So what's your name, handsome stranger?" She asks, turning to the confused humanoid.
"I'm S—"
"Sunghoon! His name is Sunghoon." You blurted out. Sunghoon was the name of your childhood crush when you were like 7 but that'll have to do. Unfortunately, it seems that the humanoid got even more confused.
"I am Y/N's—"
"Neighbor. He lives next door to my apartment. I was just showing him around because he just recently moved into the city." You say quickly. She can't know that you're living with a guy. Even if said guy wasn't human.
"Awww how sweet of you to go shopping with your neighbor." She said, winking at you. She's definitely not convinced.
"I'm Yeonmi, Y/N's friend." She introduced, offering her hand to Sunghoon. He took her hand reluctantly.
"You mean my super obnoxious friend." You roll your eyes.
"Shut up, you love me." She teased. Admittedly, you've been avoiding her for months now. Ever since your father passed, it was as if you didn't want to deal with anyone anymore, with the fear of being left behind again. So you shut everyone out. You know it was a very selfish move and must've made everyone worry, but you have yet to figure out how to fix things back to how it is.
You said your goodbyes not without a long, tight hug from Yeonmi and Sunghoon noticed from his scanners how your vitals greatly improved from it. This made him feel another new emotion: relief. He was very thankful for your friend who made you feel better.
You continue venturing down the aisle of food, and you find the humanoid smiling to himself. He notices your attention on him and he shakes his head, as if shrugging his thoughts off.
"What?" You asked.
"You gave me a name. Although I'm unsure if it is necessary, thank you." He says genuinely as he smiles at you, your heart skipping a beat.
"You're welcome, Sunghoon." You smiled back.
He picked up lots of fruits and vegetables, with you whining the whole time. Your whines unlocked another emotion of his; annoyance.
"No wonder her father thought she is in need of taking care of, she acts like a child." He concludes, running his fingers through his hair as he lets you get an ice cream of your choice. Oddly, seeing a bright smile on your face as you show him what flavor you got seems to put him at ease.
The two of you got home at dawn, with quickly stacking up the groceries into the cabinets and fridge, with you slumping down on the now squeaky clean couch.
It had been quite a long day and you found yourself dozing off. You woke up from the light tap on your shoulder, eyes fixating on Sunghoon with your apron wrapped around his torso.
"I could get used to this." You thought, admiring how adorable the humanoid looked but quickly pushing the thoughts away.
"Sorry to wake you, it's time for dinner." He announces and you lazily nodded, not before yawning and stretching your arms.
"Uhh, what is this?" You asked, eyeing your plate.
"It's your dinner." He says nonchalantly, expecting you to start eating. Your face shows utter disgust at the plate of vegetables.
"Please don't make me eat that." You begged. Sunghoon rolls his eyes; a trait he adapted from spending just a day with you.
"Don't be dramatic, vegetables are good for you." He states, taking the plate from you and attempting to feed you.
"Come on, say ah." He says playfully. After realizing how much you acted like a child, he researched on how to take care of children and downloaded it into his database. You scrunch your nose, leaning away from the food and shooting him a glare.
"Sunghoon, I'm not a kid." You deadpanned.
"Oh, but you won't get your ice cream if you don't eat this." He says, pouting at you teasingly. He's really good at this. With a sigh, you open wide and allow him to feed you.
"Yep, definitely a kid." He thinks to himself as he smiles in satisfaction, another emotion unlocked.
That night, you decided to move his charging port (with his help) from the lab into the spare room of the apartment.
"You know, I'm completely okay with staying at the lab." He reasoned but you quickly hush him.
"Nope. That is no way to treat a person. You deserve your own room, okay? A room that you can fill with your own stuff and decorate with your own preferences. End of discussion." You sassed as you fix his charging port into place. Sunghoon blinked at you, unable to express how grateful he is of how kind you are to him.
"She wants to treat me like a real human being." He thinks, his mechanical heart overwhelmed with gratitude.
Days went on with a routine, with him cleaning all day and you attending online classes. There were occasional bumps in the road, with you getting annoyed with how much of a neat freak he is and him getting irritated with how lazy you are at taking care of yourself. You've also taught him how to watch tv, deciding not to let him use the internet yet because he might gain too much unnecessary information online.
And so on a saturday night, you sat together on the couch as you watched figure skating competitions. Sunghoon was at complete awe the whole time, studying how the skaters moved through the ice.
"I want to skate too." He states absentmindedly, attention still on the television. You smiled, thinking how it was the first time he actually said he wanted something.
"Then let's do it, let's go skating tomorrow." You say, his head immediately shot to you.
"What, really?" Sunghoon asks in disbelief, his eyes widening.
"Yes, really. Although I'm warning you, I don't know how to skate." You laughed, with him chuckling as well.
"Then we'll learn together." He promises.
What a total lie that is. He didn't need to learn, as you watched him move swiftly against the ice, the wind in his hair as he circled around, his focused eyes twinkling in the fairy lights. He looked ethereal. You could have sworn there were tears there as you cheered him on like a proud momma. Ah, they grew up so fast.
People at the park also stopped to watch Sunghoon, whispering about how talented the young man is. His eyes caught yours, and you weren't sure if you were seeing things but you thought you saw him send you a wink and smile.
"The TV been teaching him things." You muttered, blushing but not from the cold. Sunghoon skates towards you, pulling you with him. You're eyes widened in fear.
"N-no Sunghoon I can't—" but he was already leading you through the ice, eyes never leaving yours.
"You can." He whispers, taking you by the waist as he spun you around. You giddily laughed as you threw your arms out, savouring the chilly air. You didn't even notice the people watching and cooing at you as some joined in as well.
That night, Sunghoon felt something he never felt before, and you in a long time. You felt happy.
"Say aaaah~" Sunghoon said as he fed you chicken soup. You caught a cold from skating yesterday and now you're wrapped in a super cozy blanket with Sunghoon worrying about you.
"You know I can feed myself right?" You said, swallowing the food.
"I know, but I just feel responsible because I was the one who wanted to skate. You got sick because of me, and that kinda defeats my purpose because I'm supposed to be keeping you healthy." He rambled. You roll your eyes at him.
"Colds are normal, okay? Besides, I haven't had that much fun in a while. Thank you for that, Sunghoon." You say, reaching up to tussle his hair playfully. He froze, cogs in his mind unable to process as something inside him stirred, but in a pleasant way.
"So you dance while rubbing your body on a stranger?" Sunghoon questions, but he's not sure if he wants to know the answer. Tonight, you wore a simple black dress that teasingly showed a little bit of cleavage and a decent length of fabric that hugged tightly around your upper thighs but had a daringly high slit. Sunghoon approves and disapproves at the same time.
"Yeah, it's kinda like that. But don't worry, I won't be doing that. I'll just stay by the bar the whole time." You reassured as you struggled to put on your strappy heels. Sunghoon kneels down infront of you and helps you clasp the straps around your ankles, handling it very delicately. Your heart thumps as he looks up at you.
"Are you sure you don't want me to accompany you?" He asks for the fifth time as he follows you around the house like a puppy. You sigh, actually considering it. Although it was supposed to be a girl's night according to Yeonmi, you thought maybe having Sunghoon tag along wouldn't do harm.
But it did. It did harm to you, alright. And you wanted to harm those girls who kept on grinding their asses onto Sunghoon as slow, sexy music played. You were fuming, regretting dressing Sunghoon in such fashion that screamed big D energy. Why am I being so possessive? But then again, Sunghoon does look uncomfortable. I should go save him. Yeah, I'll do that.
"Hold my drink." You tell Yeonmi as you made your way to Sunghoon.
"You go girl! Get your man!" Yeonmi cheered drunkly.
Your train of thoughts were blurred by the alcohol as you struggled to walk straight. You had only one clear thought in mind: Sunghoon. I need to get to Sunghoon.
Sunghoon stood uncomfortably, eyeing the girls who rubbed their bossoms and derriere all over him. Is this supposed to be fun? He thinks innocently. He sees you walking towards him, swaying your hips side by side as you strode towards him like a predator.
Girls hovering around him going unnoticed as you were the only one he could see.
Stunning, beautiful. He thought.
"Hey handsome, care to dance?" You asked, pulling him to you before he could even answer. The girls spat at you, telling you to 'get in line' but you just shot them a smug look.
"Sorry ladies." Sunghoon apologized, but his smile told otherwise as he let you pull him away from them.
"You don't know how badly I wanted to get away from—" He froze in his spot as you wrap your arms around his neck, inching closer than ever before. You felt bold, but maybe that was just the alcohol in your system. And as you started moving your body against Sunghoon, you knew it wasn't just you who felt the heat. His large palms go down south, resting on your swaying hips as both of you moved to the sultry rhythm.
His mechanism was going nuts, threatening to malfunction as his sensors detected your very close proximity to him. Whatever you were playing, it was dangerous. But Sunghoon couldn't help but to want more, to desire more.
"Y/N." He whispers, and you look up at him with half lidded eyes. And damn did he find you so sexy right there, under the strobe lights. No girl in the club could ever compare.
"Home?" You suggested.
"Home." He agrees.
As you got in the cab, you immediately find yourself half straddling Sunghoon's lap as you attempt to kiss him. Luckily, Sunghoon can think clearer now and concludes that a drunk Y/N is a very horny Y/N. And though the thought that it was only the alcohol that made you want him made him feel sad, he knew it was wrong to demand such things from you.
And so with your futile attempts to get into his pants, he gently lays your head on his shoulder and hugs you to keep you still. But even that couldn't stop you from squirming to get away from his hold, trying to get some action. He chuckles as he held your hand tightly in his to prevent it from landing into his crotch.
"Now now, you have to stay put. I won't be taking advantage of your state." He scolds gently. And by the time the cab had stopped in front of the building of your apartment, you were fast asleep in Sunghoon's arms.
Times like these were when Sunghoon is glad he was made of aluminum. He scooped you up in his arms like a pillow as he walked up to your apartment. You snuggled up into his chest, looking so innocent as you soaked up his warmth. Sunghoon cooed about how adorable you are, talking to you in your sleep.
He placed you delicately on your bed, contemplating whether to change your clothes or not. He decided not to, noting how your privacy is important to you. You're too drunk and asleep to give him permission right now anyway. He took off your heels and wiped your makeup off very gently, and tucked you in properly.
Long minutes pass as he studies your face, stroking your hair softly as the corners of his mouth lift up unconsciously. He really loves taking care of you. He loves you.
This realization hits him like a truck of overwhelming emotions, but it all makes sense to him now.
"I love you, Y/N." He whispers, leaving a soft kiss on your forehead before retiring to his own room.
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