#but nah the asexual part is like
cosmicallyavg · 2 years
i get a lot of dw edits on my tik tok fyp these days and i keep seeing the ones that are like “lgbt characters in doctor who” and like everyone sort of collectively agrees that the doctor is genderfluid and pan but a lot of them forget the ace part?? like the other ones i feel are sort of up to interpretation on how you see them but the ace one is like.. non-negotiable . to me anyway
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lividlovers · 1 year
Day 210 w/out sex and I'd like to admit that for the most part I'm sane.
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When it's 1am and I planned to get some schoolwork done tonight but instead I'm just having yet another sexuality crisis 👍
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gayhoediaz · 8 months
“no homo” this and “no homo” that and yeah they’re funny jokes but if we agree that asexual people can have and want sex without being sexually attracted to people then we also agree that non-asexual people can participate in sex with people who are not a part of the gender identity they are traditionally attracted to. a straight man getting on his knees and sucking some dick* in the middle of an orgy just ‘cause it’s right there and it’s fun to try things and make people feel good doesn’t necessarily make him not straight actually. is it healthy to question it in that situation to avoid any repression? yeah. but if the conclusion is “nah i like women i was just having fun, i wanted to try it” that’s… fine actually and normal.
normalize the reality that sex is just using bodies to make each other feel good and sometimes it’s relating to who you are actually sexually attracted to and sometimes it’s just. meh. why not.
and especially when it comes to men. why are women allowed to “experiment” and come to the conclusion that they’re straight but men aren’t? let men take cock and get some facials and then get dressed and say that was fun don’t think it’s my thing though <3
*cis/heteronormative for simplicity’s sake but it can go a million different ways. you get it.
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warthogreporter · 8 days
A third look at the human fucker community on monster tumblr
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🦇EVIL-Empoaroar👑 Follow
I will not seduce the hero's parents. I will not seduce the hero's parents. I will not seduce the hero's parents.
🦇EVIL-Empoaroar👑 Follow
Update: I seduced the hero's parents. Does anyone have advice for bonding with a human stepson?
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💇HumanTamer-BloodRaven Follow
Here are some ways you can keep your human from escaping without outright locking them up. I'm including stuff most of you won't be able to use just for thoroughness and to give ideas, feel free to add to this post with your own contributions.
-Erect a magical barrier your human needs your permission to cross, be sure to ask local wizards and the like for help if you're not used to setting this sort of thing up.
-Use love potions and other methods to speed up the process of removing their desire to escape you or resist your advances.
-Let them try to escape a few times, but set it up so that they fail and are immediately caught. You only need it to work enough times for learned helplessness to set in, so it doesn't need to be sustainable, psychology will do the rest.
-Put the exit somewhere they can't reach without help. Like up high if you can fly, or deep underwater if you're aquatic.
-Get guards. If you're worried about them getting at your humans, pick ones who won't be interested. Like if you only have men, recruit some lesbians for guard duty or vice versa. Bisexuals, call upon the asexuals.
👑Mr.Demon-King Follow
Also in some areas, like my domain, check for publicly available resources. I've been doing a lot to make humans more accessible for monsters, like free human tamer consultations.
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👺Ascetic-more-like-ass-cetic Follow
At the monastery telling the monks about my magic that enthralls monks while I'm in the process of using it on them (the monks). The monks are enthralled.
🧛Vampy-Vevito Follow
Aren't you the guy who thought humans could breathe underwater?
👺Ascetic-more-like-ass-cetic Follow
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😇Daddy-Angel Follow
Some of you will literally look up mpreg spells before acknowledging the existence of human women
🍆InkEbus Follow
It'd be sexist to only bring in a human woman for baby making when you really only care about the men, women should be with monsters who truly appreciate them
😇Daddy-Angel Follow
My way of appreciating human women is getting them pregnant 🤰🤰
🐉Dragevening Follow
I wish they could lay eggs instead.
👴Nah-Gilfa Follow
Anything is possible with enough praying and mantras, do it long enough and the gods have to give you what you want
⚡️Indra-official✅ Follow
I swear if one of you fuckers calls on me via prayer or mantra for some weird sex thing I'm begging Shiva to end the world.
🪞Tezcatlipoca-official✅ Follow
You didn't seem so mad when Kunti needed you to get her pregnant.
😇Daddy-Angel Follow
What happened to this post?
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🏇No-bell-steve Follow
It's so disappointing when I meet a human into monsters but not centaurs. I know people have their preferences, but it's frustrating how some people will be eager to have octopus like monsters from the abyss wrap their tentacles around them, but fucking a centaur is too much like bestiality.
🔔Goylegar Follow
Don't worry OP, there are plenty of monsterfuckers out there, you'll find your human partner one day. Your frustration is valid too though. It took me centuries to meet my human partner, I hope you don't need to wait as long.
🏇No-bell-steve Follow
Thank you.
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Read the first two entries here (part 1) and here (part2). May end the series here or at least put it on indefinite break, don't want to drag it out.
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inquebrar · 8 months
late night thoughts in the midst of 60 days without spiderbit, q!Cellbit talking about not being interested in having sex right after getting married to q!Roier (since what usually is expected to happen is the "honeymoon") and how this situation was handled in such a light and tender way it's something that lives in my mind rent free and it impacted me so deeply that every time i rewatch it i feel like biting my own arm crying and screaming with happiness.
like, the wedding had just ended, they went to the castle together, to their home, and then when q!Cellbit says "i don't know if that's a problem with you" i immediately held my breath without even realizing and waited to see what q!Roier's reaction would be and there was no joke, no mockery or uncomfortable comment, in fact it was the most incredible response possible this whole scene is absolutely wonderful. q!Cellbit says "it's ok, right? i thought it would be okay but i mean, i thought we should talk" and then "but like, we can still sleep together i'm just not gonna make sex" and this part makes me want to explode because while q!Cellbit is saying that q!Roier lets out an aww and then he says "yes, you know, it's not only sex it's not only mwah mwah mwah (kissing), it's to have time with each other and maybe we can play enigma do medo together!" he not only reaffirmed that a relationship is not just based on making out but he also suggested what they can do during their honeymoon, they can spend time together and play games and then sleep together to rest.
and to me it's so important that this is something constant and meaningful in q!Cellbit and not just something that is used superficially in the character, like when he met q!Philza and he talked about his platonic relationship with q!Missa, q!Cellbit's reaction was "ah, in an asexual way?" and then how after starting his relationship with q!Roier when people made sexual insinuations he always said "nah, i don't like doing that" and once in a fun talk with q!Pol who said that q!Roier is very "libidinous" and "promiscuous" q!Roier replied like "wait do you only think about these things? life isn't always like that, you know? it's about love, coexistence and tenderness"
and then several other little moments, like when q!Roier was showing off his spider-man outfit in a sensual and flirting way, lying on the floor like "so... what do you think?" and q!Cellbit replied "oh i liked it, do you like spider-man a lot? have you seen the new animation movie or not yet?" or when q!Roier was making the joke that he was hungry (horny XD) and q!Cellbit was like "i can't believe this, here i am thinking about making something for us to have dinner together, a romantic dinner and you thinking about that..." and q!Roier was like "give me d*ck" 🗣️HAUSHSKSHDJSK or when they started making sex jokes like "yeah we were having sex, a lot of sex" meanwhile they were just construting together and spending time with each other AARRGH idk man i just love them so much and them having a relationship based on trust and love above all else is so significant
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aita for “ruining my friend’s life”? (quote from her sister)
so. uh. to preface this. i’m aromantic and asexual and i think i MIGHT have underestimated how much importance alloromantic people place on romance.
i’m not going to disclose our ages because we’re all minors, but everyone in the story is the same age except for younger and older siblings (who will be noted as such.)
i (nb) used to be a close friend of a girl i have classes with. let’s call her c. she would talk to me about how she thinks another person (g) likes her, and (i quote) a pussy for not asking c out yet. two things: we live in a rural part of america (gay people aren’t uh. 100% accepted), and i know g from a club. she is VERY straight. so i was worried that c was in for an unpleasant experience. so. i went to g during the club and told her everything i knew. i thought i was doing the right thing. i thought i was saving c from a major disappointment.
g proceeded to call us both cockroaches and refuse to talk to me for the rest of the club. c was VERY upset when i told her, but didn’t act very different towards me, so i thought that even if she was hurt and angry, we were still friends.
fast forward to now, a couple months later. i don’t talk to c as much but i assumed it’s because i haven’t really been talking to people lately. c told me that she got in contact with g’s mom, who, unlike the rest of her family, doesn’t react horribly to gay people. i don’t really know what they talked about but i think it got better for c?
except a few days ago, c’s sister recognized me in the hallway. she got angry and said i had ruined her sister’s life. i didn’t know what to say to this. so i just said (truthfully) that i had kind of forgotten about that. i am kind of socially inept. she got angrier but left.
so. am i the asshole?
(please tag this with gggg so i can find it later)
What are these acronyms?
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paradoxcase · 14 days
Someone posted on one of the reddit asexual communities a bit ago saying that they thought they might be ace for XYZ reasons which were completely sensible reasons to think that, but that the idea that they might be ace made them feel sad because they felt like they wouldn't get to experience sex or sexual attraction the way most people did, and was that feeling sad thing an indication that they weren't really ace? And a bunch of us responded that, nah, actually that's a pretty common experience
But it made me wonder, like, is that actually a primarily ace and/or aro experience, because those identities are kind of necessarily about things you don't experience, or do other queer people feel this way, too? Like I've heard of people who start out with negative thoughts about being queer, but it's usually stuff like, I'm afraid I will be the victim of a hate crime, I'm afraid my parents will kick me out of the house, I'm afraid I won't have enough money to transition. I haven't heard as much stuff that's like, I'm sad that I didn't live up to my expectations for being "normal". I don't mean like self-hatred stuff, either, like not stuff like, there's something wrong with me, or I'm broken, or I'm gross, or I'm sinning against god just by existing, but just like, I'm sad, I'm mourning some life experiences that I thought I would have that I probably won't have after all
So, I'm curious what other people's experiences have been. Polls have limited options, so I necessarily had to condense a lot of identities into a few groups, hopefully most people are included here. If you have felt that way about multiple labels, pick whichever one you want. If you have never experienced this, just pick the group you identify most strongly with if you identify with multiple
Please reblog this, because if it only stays on my part of tumblr probably like 90% of responses will be from ace people
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My favorite fics of all time
For my birthday this year (I'm turning 30!!!) I thought what better way to celebrate the day I was born but also ✨ the day all my favorite characters died ✨ by giving you all some good fics! Happy May 2nd!!!
Running on Air (T): An oldy but a goody! I remember reading this a couple years ago when I rediscovered my love for drarry! I had spent my formative years on fanfic dot net obsessing over drarry and this brought it all back in one fell swoop.
Way down we go (T): I stumbled upon this one 2 years ago and I've been rereading it ever since. It's silly and lovely and they are in Alabama. What more could be said about it? A fantastic and beautiful story and I love it so much.
A big black sky (M): if I had to pick only one fic to read for the rest of my life, it would be this one. I love everything about this fic. It's sweet and loving and kind and wholesome and so sad and just wretchedly the best thing I've read. I reread this at least 2 times a year. And every reread it just gets better and better!
A pulled down shade (M): this one is newer to my list but I can already say this is a great and phenomenal fic! The author put their soul into this fic you can really tell, the effort and the love and the hard work. Truly an amazing read and an amazing story!!!
Nice things (M): I'm a sucker for an eighth year fic and this one is very good. I love a pot smoking draco something about it really gives me the vibes I don't know why. This whole fic is wholesome and it deserves so much love!
You've got the antidote for me (M): listen. Soulmate fics. I need more of them okay? I need so many. I love them so much they make me physically ill. Read this it's so good and sweet with a touch of sad.
Burn the witch (E): big fan of the bodyguard trope! This one also has Scorpius in it and I love when Scorpius is in things it makes me happy every time! But a good fic, very interesting plot and the characterization is very good and the ocs are super good too!!
I was late (you were early) (E): one of those "if we both aren't married in 10 years" fics and it's so good! There's also one in draco's pov I'll find you again (I always do)! It's a very cute story and I loved it a whole lot!
Everything a word can mean (T): a short and sweet little ficlet! It's of course a soulmate fic where they have names that their soulmates call them written somewhere on their bodies. And Harry's just so happens to be savior.
10:37 PM on the Floor of the Seventh Floor Corridor Near the Dancing Trolls (G): another short and sweet ficlet! Takes place during 6th year outside of the room of requirement! Very good and I love the characterization and I enjoy the authors take on this part of the books!
Say anything (M): professors au is one of my favorite aus!!!! And mic it with a French speaking draco and a secretly French speaking Harry! It only gets better!!
Little Deaths and How to Avoid Them (or Draco Malfoy's Guide to Stop Dying and Start Living Instead) (T): I loved this fic a whole lot and really enjoyed the dynamic between Harry and Ginny in his oddly enough. I thought it was a very real and thought out fic that also at the same time was wholesome and sweet while going over sexuality and desire. I loved it a whole lot and it made my demisexual heart sing when I saw asexual rep.
Nearly lost things, carefully tended (E): antiques dealer draco and home owner Harry! Harry has some weird things for Draco to look at and he certainly doesn't pick the weirdest things he can find just for the blonde. Nah. Read it. It's great and silly and overall very fun!
I can't think of any more but make sure you leave comments and kudos if you like a fic!!
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lilislegacy · 7 months
i saw your post about percy and annabeth kiss in boo and how you think it’s ridiculous that people think percy and annabeth are better as friends. well guess what? i’m one of those people. i hate how the main male and female leads are always forced together and that’s exactly what riordan did too. percy and annabeth would have been so much stronger if they had stayed this super amazing platonic friendship where everyone thinks they are going to date but they are like nah we just besties. and i think seeing that is a lot more powerful than just another badly written teenage romance. their chemistry feels forced and unauthentic, they obviously get annoyed with each other way too easily to be in a relationship, and they become dangerously co-dependent. and fine, maybe they would date for a few years since everyone would make them feel like that’s what they are supposed to do. but then i think they would realize that they are better off as friends and don’t actually have romantic attraction for each other. and that’s exactly what i think would happen if the author was true to their characters and not just writing for himself. but honestly i think there is a solid chance that they are both asexual, which there is a TON of evidence of, and wouldn’t even want to date in the first place. so sorry not sorry but percy and annabeth are definitely better as friends, and the people who don’t get strangely obsessed and attached to a basic and forced romantic pairing can see all the evidence in the books as to why.
ok this has been sitting in my inbox for a bit. i have almost answered it in several different ways, one being just saying “that’s an opinion!” but i think im just going to react to it honestly.
you have every right to believe whatever you want to believe. your imagination is your own. go crazy. or don’t. but it’s your own opinion and you have every right to have it.
however, to openly claim that the author isn’t staying true to their characters is not your right, because he is the one who invented them. they are his creations, so he’s actually the only one who knows exactly what’s right for them. the characters are based off of him and his wife who he has been married to for many many years - who are still very much in love with each other to this day - so i think percy and annabeth are actually one of the most authentic romantic pairings of all time. i am sorry that you don’t pick up on their naturally written chemistry and attraction for each other, because i think it’s a very important part of the story. it’s a very important part of their characters and their actions.
and you are absolutely right about one thing: they are best friends and love each other very much in a platonic way, and we DO see that a lot! it’s very clear that they are best friends first, and have that as a strong foundation. but they also have more there. they have strong romantic, and some implied sexual, feelings on top of it. and that’s okay too. it’s possible to have both a strong friendship and a passionate romance. that’s what makes them such an incredible pairing, in my opinion. they grow together. they start off as platonic friends and turn into young adults who are very much in love. it’s very natural, especially given everything they go through together.
so you can totally hc them as being just friends. thats okay! but i don’t think it’s okay to call other people wrong or blind or “strangely obsessed and attached” for believing in a romantic pairing that is very much supposed to be romantic.
thank you for the ask. have a nice day :)
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lickmycoffeecup · 1 month
I’m normally never up this early, but couldn’t get back to sleep, so lets goooo
TMAGP 26 spoilers
I can’t believe we got a sexual implication/innuendo warning for that joke 😂
And I guess kinda what happens at the end but /hand wave
ALICE IS SO SMART, and I am so worried for her. Sam has shared very little of his ‘Magnusing’ with her beyond their little trip to the burned down building. AND SHE PIECED IT TOGETHER WITH NOTHING BUT HEARING “Archivist.” Seriously, Celia and Sam should involve her, they would have solved this shit already.
Also, is it weird the OIAR’s system DOESN’T include an ‘Archivist’ category? Cause that seems weird 👀
The statement was interesting, but mainly [ERROR] MY BELOVED ❤️
I love it when they show up. I’m a Vast girlie, but The Eye has a special place in my heart.
Its curious that [ERROR] is literally scaring people to death. That seems really counter intuitive, cause you can’t really control how long it will be until someone dies, and you have to move on to someone else. Death was always just a result in TMA, not usually the goal. Not that I think [ERROR] is trying to kill people.
But it really feels like that part of Jon that just had a need to feed, stumbling upon random people with trauma, and asking for their story to get a fresh meal.
Also brings up what comes with having an addiction.
Something about the statement it was taking though. It didn’t sound supernatural. Neither did the drowning lady Alice came into contact with.
If I had to guess, maybe these people experienced someone dying themselves? Why else would you run like you’re being chased like that? If you weren’t afraid of the same thing you witnessed happening to you?
Thats just speculation, but guess we’ll see.
Oh, some thoughts cause I saw @/hemi-demi(❤️) talking about it. “An” is definitely a curious descriptor. Cause not only does it imply ‘more than one,’ which might explain how we keep seeing [ERROR] in the places we do. That they are not a singular being. It feels like a call back to Jon being “The Archivist” and eventually “The Archives.” It divorces that sense of self and humanity, that just makes me love [ERROR] even more. (Oh you say you’re not human? TOO BAD, I LOVE YOU ANYWAY.)
Now onto the best part.
Does anyone else think it’s wild that she’s also a real estate agent in this universe? CAUSE SHE SEEMED SUS AS HELL. The laugh, the willingness to help, giving them a list to possibly dangerous places.
Of any of the fears I would expect to be hard to kill, The Spiral is it. I would not be surprised if this is our Helen. Cause its WAY too convenient for her to be a real estate agent, have connections to The Magnus Institute, and be just SO HAPPY to help.
But also it was so nice to hear her again.
Imogen loves Helen more than anyone, and I just know she was so excited to voice her again.
Also I LOVE how unnerved Celia was by Helen. Never beating those originally from the TMA universe allegations. I need Celia thrown off balance more. SLIP UP! SLIP UP!
I’m with Chester, thats a huge nah from me, listening to people get it on 😂
Also Chester not beating the asexual allegations, same bro.
This was a fun episode! A lot going on! The sense of dread at the approaching finale is not getting any better. But I get excited every time Tuesday rolls around now!
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salemcantupdate · 1 year
Baldurs Gate shipping and who I am actively in love with
SO, currently romancing Gale because Astarion rejected me, full one said “I don’t wanna have sex with you, UGH, EW, imagine.” But Gale is so cute??? I don’t get whenever I see hate for him, especially cause we had astral projection sex which was absolutely fantastic. Wyll kissed me but I said “haha nah Gale” and I think I accidentally romanced Karlach??? I don’t know. Oh I also hugged the Guardian love him.
Now for shipping
They ARE rivals to lovers
Wyll and Karlach… they’re best friends. I’m sorry but all the women look like absolutely lesbians to me and I love that for them
But Wyll is so sweet and so cute and I do adore him, he’s so fun, but I built him so badly haha. Anyways, he is a WHORE, he flirts with EVERYONE, SLUT BOY, and he needs a happy ending. Don’t know with who though. And Karlach needs a short woman to peg.
Astarion is 100% asexual and I love him cause he’s just like me frfr which means he needs to be with me and only me. But also genuinely I think Astarion can only be happy with a redeemed Durge??? Like I think that’s the best path for him. Two monsters learning to be good together… GAH ITS SO CUTE. Either way, he’d need to be with someone who isn’t overly horny
Also once again I absolutely adore Gale. Gale is so good and so loving and he also absolutely loves body worship like he is hozier he was on his knees and worshipping his Goddess Mystra, loving her and now HE CHOOSES YOU IN HIS ROMANCE. HE BDKDCJKWHCISJDKWJD. I love him, so who should he be with? He’s more on the basic side overall, easy to get approval from, but also extremely romantic and loving, and autistic just like me frfr. So… actually maybe Wyll??? Wyll has some self worth issues especially after going all devil and Wyll is also a romantic? But ehhh… I dunno, it just doesn’t feel right.
Anyways, Halsin. I love the daddy bear man like YES he is absolutely fantastic and I love him so so so so much I want him carnally. But also I can’t really see him with most people haha. Maybe Gale though, imagine the astral projection scene but then Halsin is a bear, that’d be hilarious. But nah, I honestly like Halsin/Astarion/Reformed Durge Throuple. Essentially, finishing Astarion’s personal quest before initiation with Halsin will ensure that Astarion doesn’t get any self doubt. They are all on different parts of their journey for improvement, both Halsin and Astarion have severe issues with self doubt along with sexual trauma, and all of them have a “beast” inside. Durge with the Urge, Astarion being a vampire, and Halsin with his difficult-to-control wild shape. Plus Halsin to me is one of the most respectful and consent-focused characters, which I think would work well with what Astarion needs.
Ok so I wanna ship Karlach with some cute bard girl or something, someone just as fun and nice as she is. And you know what? Wyll and Gale is starting to grow on me. They’re both characters who try to “woo” Tav before doing anything, Gale with the Weave and Wyll with his dance.
Imagine, Gale teaching Wyll the secrets of the weave, likely Wyll has never interacted with it properly as his magic comes from a devil. This could help unlock Wyll and on some level separate him from Mizora. Oh wow, both these men have been manipulated and abused by extremely powerful non-humanoid women. They’re both self sacrificing gits who want to be the hero, both sacrificed much for power. I think it would start when Mizora first appears in camp, maybe. Gale would go to comfort Wyll over the transformation, maybe even compliment his horns. During the night of celebration Gale would see Wyll by the beach and offer to show him something magical, aka the Weave scene. They make some jokes and Wyll mentions the dancing, Gale prods, and Wyll says maybe another time.
Alright, so, summary
Lae’zel and Shadowheart
Karlach and cute girl (if Alfira survived Durge I’d choose her but oh well)
Durge, Astarion, and Halsin
Gale and Wyll
EDIT: This post is no longer accurate to my views or feelings on the matter! I will write another one eventually since I actually know the characters a lot better. This was legit written before I even got to act 2 and I barely did anything in act 1
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deviantartdramahub · 4 months
Sighhh so I really do hate to talk about the forums at all, because from what I saw, that place is an absolute shitstorm that's a headache to even begin to describe but...I just wanna reinforce a point I've been making for ages and give further proof of it. Someone may say it's dumb I'm repeating myself like that, but it's just the people I call out are very fucking stupid, and need things endlessly explained to them so they can have hopefully a shred of realization, and even then that's being too optimistic for their intelligence.
Sooo Evie, one of the morons attacking some good people I care about, specifically Club, one of my most best internet friends, and Tri, a person I don't know quite as well, but still a kind and calm person I know I can trust.
So the only reason people like her are attacking these two is bigotry. Purely bigotry. Club is autistic, and Tri is asexual, so asses who've never matured past high school like to target minorities like them to be cOoL aNd EdGy lolll.
I've already provided so much proof for this but...why not add some more, because as I've said, it's very unfortunately necessary when the bad people I have to deal with are completely brain-dead. So the forums, I've looked at the posts about them, and internally groaned at the thought of ever having to cover that shit myself. This will hopefully be the only time I do so. In the forums, I've seen Evie use slurs. Examples include...http://web.archive.org/web/20240516215957/https://www.deviantart.com/forum/community/complaints/2736800
https://www.deviantart.com/comments/18/2689626/5031912084 (In EdelgardMoon's thread...also Evie don't think your cringe-ass UWUifying the word gives you a pass lol, we know what you're trying to say.) AND SHE ALSO SAYS THE FUCKING N-SLUR IN EnryoAlpha's THREAD??? (Albeit once again butchered bc I guess this bitch thinks being SOOO QUIRKY AND RANDOM RAWR HEHEHEE XD makes it okay to say horrendous things lmao.)
Anyways Evie, it's clear to me you're a nasty person who doesn't give two shits about other people, you probably vomit at the very thought of giving another human being basic respect. You don't want to call out genuinely horrible people to help and protect others honey, nah, you just want to make up crap excuses for your bigotry, and it shows. I've got you in a corner, and I'm eagerly awaiting your excuses to escape. You're lucky you got that tail between your legs, or that kick in the groin would be real painful!
Anndd also, you may piss and whine about me harassing you or whatever lol, but I'm not gonna hear that shit when you actually do that for real everyday for funsies. Though I know you really are a coward, considering the fact on this very website you contacted me only to block me from saying anything else! XD
Fight the battles you start dear, lmao. You acting the way you do doesn't make you cool or funny, you're just pathetic and it's sad you're a full grown woman spending your life like this.
Anyways bye bye, God these people are getting more and more pathetic and laughable.
Agreed, regardless of her defense she might wish to give. Of note, she flunked school, so the school part may have another meaning.
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rebouks · 1 year
Let's be nosy and see what a few folks have been up to recently and/or since Somnium ended, shall we..? 👀
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Kaden/Joey are still around, somewhere.. Joey would probably tell you by accident, but Kaden keeps him on a tight leash. I very much doubt either of them have changed their ways, you can't teach an old dog new tricks and all that... I dunno if we'll really see em again properly, though I never say never!
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Brynn, Ace and Robert may have left Del Sol, but Randy and Genesis are still stuck in their old ways. Sissy likes the attention and money from her "job" too much to leave. I think part of her still hopes someone's gonna whisk her away to a life of luxury and she'll live happily ever after, just like Brynn did.. assumedly 😩 Randy won't leave without her ofc, and he doesn't really like change anyway. He's lazy, what else is he gonna do?! The motel barely makes any money either, but he manages with a few odd jobs from the less savoury folks around town. They're doing swell 👍
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Luckily, no one ever ratted on Darien and he was far too careful to end up under the microscope without being exposed - especially since Wyatt left the scene - so he moved back to San My eventually. Ever the workaholic, he found himself a job at the same accounting/law firm as Wade (props to anyone who remembers him lmaoo) he doesn't need the money but he'd probably go insane without a job ngl 😆 He doesn't really find it easy to make friends either, and Wade recently found himself behind bars for a lil tiny bit of tax evasion so he's pretty lonely-.. although he did meet a fellow asexual lady friend he's been on a couple dates with recently. They have fun n' get on well, but she thinks he's this straight laced/awkward accountant and it makes him feel weird, like he's lying about himself.. so idk how long that'll last. I think he kinda misses being part of a "family", however fucked up it was.. but most of all, he just misses Wyatt 😔
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Alma and Mack have been hanging out more often recently, just casually tho u kno?? She likes her freedom too much to give it all up, and although he's a great lover, he's a terrible boyfriend lmaoo.. I think she's accepted that Mack is Mack so they're not making it serious or official this time. They're not exactly getting any younger either, may as well have some fun whilst they're still here, right?! Kobe's considering moving out 'cause eugh 😆
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Brivan n' co are just kinda living life right now, working, hanging out with Jacob/Suzie/Miya a fair bit and tryna get used to the news of Jude n' such u kno? Pixie's hitting her milestones like a champ ofc, but she's a picky eater just like her pappy 😅 Bruno insists he's fine but he's been a lil quiet and weird recently. Part of him still struggles with his old self and his guilt, though he ain't exactly a talker, so he retreats into himself now and then instead. He's been thinking of proposing to Ivan occasionally as well, but he doesn't want to do it whilst he's in a funk AND he's a lil worried (aka majorly overthinking) the fact that Ivan might not take too well to being proposed to?? But wait, nah.. he'd love it, right? Maybe-.. unless he hated it, maybe he'd rather be the one to ask-.. should he? Yes-.. no, wait-.. maybe?!!? Probably-.. AGHHHHHFJSDK <- said Bruno's brain 🙈
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Jessie and Ivan have been taking it slow, mostly since she's so damn busy all the time, but also 'cause they hardly know each other n' all. Ivan's kinda bummed she's slow to trust him, but he can't exactly blame her so he's being patient n' meeting them whenever he can. Jude is so smitten with his new pappy tho, he even wanted to grow his hair just like him 😭 Oscar n' Robin have tagged along a few times as well since the kiddos are practically the same age, but idk if Robin is too sure abt Jude just yet! He's very talkative and he's a big hugger.. I wonder where he gets that from?? 🤣 I think Jessie's finally warming up to the idea of sharing Jude 'cause she agreed to leave him alone with Ivan for a sleepover soon! They're gonna get dressed up n' head to Oscar's for a spooky party! Oh, and Oscar thinks Jessie has a nice rack....... boi plz 🙄
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Not pictured/spied upon..
Tilda - she's just existing rn tbh! She hangs out with Brivan/Pixie now n' then which she enjoys more than she'll let on! She's tryna stay away from dating and focus on herself too.. but she's not all that keen on herself so that's hard work 😩 a few dates here n' there but nothing interesting! She's also still ignoring her family.
Noah n' co - Aspen started teaching a few mommy/toddler yoga classes in the upstairs portion of Noah's gallery since he barely uses it, Juni loves it! Juni started ballet recently too 🩰 Noah's still salty with Oscar for not hanging out more but the man's busy dammit! I think Oscar's glad he's on semi-decent terms with everyone but he'd rather keep them at arms length so it stays that way skdjskjd
Salton - Alton's still Alton lmao.. though Sid gives him more shit nowadays since she's mostly retired she's realised he's even lazier than she thought and I'm sure she regrets letting him get a TV! She's a bit bored/lost tbh, which is why she hasn't fully retired yet.. introspection doesn't suit her (so says she) and she doesn't like all this extra time to think n' shit.. ough 🙈
Rhys & Tommy - both finished uni wooooooo! They're staying with Rhys' parents for now tho, Tommy's not rlly sure what to do with his psychology degree yet but he still thinks he'd like to be a psychologist so maybe he'll get a job/save up n' do his masters or smth?! Rhys has been taking on jobs as a wedding/event photographer for now, but he'd like to veer more towards photography as an art form-.. tho he's not sure how to go about that just yet either 🤔 they're figuring it out and they're happy so it doesn't rlly matter toooo much for now
Uhhhhh idk I've probably missed some folk out but feel free to ask abt anyone else in the comments! 🧡
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helluva-shit-show · 10 months
I'm not back, but I still keep up with the crit tags because my issue was and will always be with Medrano herself, not the community surrounding Helluva and Hazbin.
That said, I've been seeing a couple of posts talking a little about Alastor and his sexuality or lack there of that have, uh, been giving me "the ick" a little bit.
A little about myself, I am asexual, and for probably a third of my life, I was pretty severely sex-repulsed. Like, "got nauseous in highschool sex-ed and had to go home early" sex-repulsed. Even so, I still enjoyed dressing up in cute shit, I still liked dresses that accentuated my figure, I still enjoyed getting my nails done now and then, or dying my hair, or doing cute makeup once in a while. On the flip side of that, I didn't have the highest self-confidence or self-love in my younger years, and took a lot of comfort and found a strange safe place with horror themed make-up while working at haunted houses during spooky month. I could find comfort in looking conventionally cute sometimes and I could find comfort in looking grotesquely in-human at other times.
And while I don't think Alastor is "great" representation for asexuals, I also don't find him wildly offensive for being a "tumblr sexy-man".
Like...what are you guys trying to imply with those comments? That aces aren't allowed to have attractive appearances? Because again, I love looking good, for myself. I like my image when my hair looks particularly cute today. My self image, how I enjoy dressing up the meat cage that holds my soul, has nothing to do with my sexuality. I also don't really understand the part about him being a sociopathic cannibal being bad ace rep in the context of a show universe full of murders, sex-pests, outright rapists, drug-addicts, thieves, kidnappers, ect. Like. Is Charlie bad lesbian representation solely for being the daughter of Lucifer himself? Is Moxxie bad bi representation solely for being a mercenary for hire?
I'm not saying anyone in either of the shows is "great" or even "good" LGBT+ representation, I just find some of the recent arguments coming up in the crit tags for certain characters being "horrible" representation to be a little bit...ick.
Because there are definitely good arguments for why Alastor is shitty ace representation, one being how he treated Vaggie during his song. I don't give a fuck what sexist time period he crawled out of, an asexual character was not the one you should have written changing someone's outfit against their will and slapping that person's ass without consent. Believe me when I tell you, every asexual person knows how fuckin shitty it feels to be sexualized against their will.
But for simply being designed like a twiggy man who likes suits and has cute tiny deer antlers and fluffy deer ears? Nah. Git that shit outta here. Aces can enjoy a cute fit just like anyone else, it doesn't have anything to do with our sexuality.
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WIBTA if i cut off someone reaching out for help on tumblr? i am a very anxious person. ive been on tumblr a very long time because most all other social media terrifies me as someone who grew up with the wild west internet a decade past (im in my late 20s) so i feel sometimes with how reckless and spurractic people can be online in chatroom and especially clearly public platforms where any stranger, malicious or otherwise can just archive your digital presence for personal use.
more recently as someone who has been here during the pornban and as an asexual really enjoyed the quiet with no drama farming and a slow pace to talk about more unique political topics in a measured way it is something im strangely nostalgic for and a great example of my sensibilities to people when they insist that i use other platforms like discord or twitter or whatever clone for these services comes out of the old guard introducing feature creep to copy everyone else or any other indi "were the anti corporate version" of the endless scroll apps. i just dont want it. tumblr is special because im desktop only, been here for years, and i have kept track of every single change made so i have manually adjusted the change through hacks to evade every bad decision on here and make my set up look identical to how it was in 2010. so let it be understood that i tend to be a loney person because of this stubbornness. web 3.0 is too dangerous to people with addictive tendencies that my adhd brings out and my need to wear my heart on my sleeve. so i hope i defended my personality type enough to show why someone like me would see a post about some horrible abuses they have fell victim to who also share alot of the marginalized status as me and writing depressive things in the replys of others posts as to attention seek about it.
i directly interact with this person, not only to check if they are real (but wow, modern chat bots make this part horrifying for me. we really cant ever know for sure what is real anymore. trying to find warmth on the internet feels impossible now a days) i have multiple conversations at this point both venting and just casually shooting the shit. but the begging for me to constantly repost their paypal makes me so nervous in a way that i feel so guilty for because it reminds me of all the scams that get associated with this kind of ebegging and the reminder that capitalism takes away all warmth from human interaction to make them purely transnational and conditional. but then it just has been escalating where im so scared that now its not enough that im reposing on my 8 follower, all mutual blog, they are asking me to share it on other socials. accounts i do not have i have a flip phone and a laptop and i am tinkering with a windows 7 tower that will never be connected to the internet so i can always have software sit perfectly in its time capsule for when i need it. i do not have a way to help this person outside of what i learned from collage psyche classes. a part of me is so scared to just abruptly cut them off and just delete my entire account like i tend to do often on tumblr for a multitude of reasons, its a part of what lets people survive being here this long but i worry that would crush them if i did that, i dont want to make them feel more hopeless and unwanted then they already talk about. but i am text on the internet through a screen. i can only do so much. so would i be the asshole if i just deleted my account with a "i hope you hang in there, the world is a harsh place but keep moving" to cut someone so similar to me who is struggling out of my life?
What are these acronyms?
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