#but oh the day she shows up like Hey Assholes turns out i'm NOT straight. could you imagine...
rontra · 9 months
manhunter fucking DOWN BAD for Lois lane
it's a rontra.lesbian.com photoset we can expect nothing else to be fair.... if women arent acting like that i would forget what blog im onMFDBHJF
in my mind its like oh right now shes babbling bc she's stressed out of her gourd but this shit is coming for her like a falling brick Later . when she realizes that she IS IN FACT into this woman For Real. despite calling her a shark. or perhaps. dare i suggest. because of it. either way: cringe
manhunter did comment once that wonder woman makes her "a little ellen" which is such a 2004 way to phrase that. i really enjoyed it.
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mintmatcha · 2 years
oh my god uncle natsuo i think i genuinely got hearts in my eyes i just know he is so wonderful and gentle
Touya opens the door to two familiar faces, one smiling, one glued to a phone, and almost shuts it again.
"You did not tell me Shouto was coming."
"Hi to you too, asshole." the teen doesn't even bother to look up from his phone.
Touya glances down at him. "Hi."
He turns back to the taller brother, blocking them both from entering his apartment."You did not tell me Shouto was coming."
"He wanted to come!"
"No, I didn't."
"I wanted him to hang out with us, okay?" Natsuo says, "He's our brother and-"
Touya falls into a squat, head buried in his hands with exacerbation. "Jesus fucking Christ, Natsuo. You picked the worst fucking day for this."
The white haired man tries to peek around him, brow furrowed in worry. This isn't a friendly visit- its a wellness check. Maybe even a lesson for Shouto. "Don't end up like Touya- don't burn out like Touya."
Touya resents that, but understands it. It's not like he's earned any trust.
"What did you do?"
"I need you both to promise me that you will not tell Enji about this." He lets his hand fall with a sigh, "Or mom."
"I would never willing talk to dad." Shouto replies immediately, tucking his phone away with excitement. At the same time, Natsuo goes pale with dread.
"Oh no, what have you done now?" Natsuo groans.
"Hey, I didn't do anything." Touya shoots on to his feet to defend himself. He holds his hands out to keep back his brothers- one looking on with concern, the other curiosity.
"I'm hoping it's a meth lab." Shouto says.
"Oh god, please tell me you weren't arrested again, oh please-" Natsuo begs.
"I didn't do anything!"
"Show us the meth lab, Touya."
"Oh god, is it drugs? Please tell me-"
"Both of you, shut the fuck up!" Touya's voice breaks with sudden volume, silencing his brothers-
but waking someone else.
A sharp sniffle, followed by a full on sob rings through the apartment behind then. It's high and tight, needy in the only way it knows how. The sound jolts both of the visiting brothers straight even Shouto's eyes wide with shock.
"Oh shit." Touya turns back inside, letting his family follow. The apartment is fairly clean, cleaner than most bachelor pads, but there's one distinct mess gathered in his living room. Bright pink clothes and half open packs of diapers are thrown around the base of a rinky-dinky baby bassinet. Tiny hands, reaching for nothing, are the only thing visible over the frilly lace sides until Touya plucks the infant from her bed.
"Holy shit." Both of his brother say in union.
"Did you steal a kid?" Natsuo blurts out.
"What?" Touya bounces the baby with one hand, patting her back the the other. Her whines have gotten softer now, replaced with only little mewls. "Fuck off, that's not my game. She's mine."
"Mine! Like, she came out of my balls, mine!"
"I mean, she didn't technically come out of your balls-"
"This is why I didn't invite you, Shouto." Touya groans as he bounces from foot to foot, the baby's hair bright red against his black shirt. "Rei's my daughter, okay? That's why I invited you over- to meet my kid."
"Someone left you alone with a baby?" Shouto curls his lip in disgust.
Natsuo's demeanor immediately goes soft. "You named her after mom?"
"Yes and yes-" Touya snaps back and the baby's mewls get louder again, "You guys are so fucking ungrateful. I make you uncles to the coolest kid alive and all you do is rag on me."
"Can I- Can I hold her?" Natsuo asks sheepishly. He's always been a sucker for babies- that's why Touya invited him first. Start with the easy sibling. Work your way up from there.
Enji clearly is the last stop.
"Yeah, come 'ere." Touya holds his daughter out with a confidence he has not earned, cradling her into the nook of Natsuo's elbow, "Just don't let her head flop around too much. There. Like that."
Natsuo locks himself in place, letting the infant squirm in his firm grasp. His lips are pressed together into a thin, white line, fear evident in his eyes as her looks at her, but he melts the moment she starts cooing. Her chubby cheeks are blessed with spit and she starts blowing bubbles, gurgling with delight.
"She's so small. Look at her little hands, oh my god." Natsuo flashes his brightest smile, which quickly dims into a hollow expression, "Are you sure this is a good idea, Touya? You know, with your history? Is she gonna be safe?"
"I dunno," Touya replies, "But I'm sure as hell gonna try."
"And it's not like you can un-make a baby." Shouto chimes in.
"Yeah. That too."
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daigyu01 · 1 year
♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ :incident gone right
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synopsis: two enemies get into an incident that leads them into the emergency room. Both being trapped in the same room, they have to deal with each other 24/7.
genre: fluff, comedy, enemies to lovers
pairing: beomgyu x f!oc
disclaimer: this is my first time posting one of my dumb ideas on tumblr so please forgive me for any mistakes i make I'm a noobie 😿🙏
mini series - 1, (Too be continued ajsbsks)
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Part 1.
I flinched the moment i felt the cold hard metal hit my face. i turned over to see who it was, and i was not surprised to see Yeonjun grinning like he won some stupid game.
"Go get some snacks, what's the point of Saturday movie night if there is no damn snacks in this house." He groaned and threw himself on the couch beside me.
Saturday movie night. it used to be Wednesday movie night until our parents found out we were staying up at 3 am on a school night which got us grounded for 2 weeks straight. It was something we did ever since we were 8, and we always had it no matter what.
We are a little too committed to it to be honest, especially Yeonjun. I remember this one time his turtle named Sam died back when we were 12, and this guy still came to my door and shoved us into my room to watch movies.
I narrowed my eyes at him. "Isn't it your turn to buy the snacks?" I threw the keys back at him. He clicked his tongue in annoyance and pulled out his phone.
"This is why I made this." he showed me his screen. "You always say it's my turn and I've had enough so i made a calendar." Yeonjun said as he smirked.
"Oh great." I replied sarcastically and sighed.
"So, as you can see here, it is clearly your turn." He tossed the keys at me once again, sending me a flying kiss.
I huffed. "Fine whatever. You owe me dinner tomorrow."
Yeonjun sent me a whole list of what to get at the store. It was WAY more than just 5 items. Why the heck do i need to buy green peppers at a convenient store? Do they even sell those there?
i dialed his number on my phone once i reached a red light. The freaking audacity he has to make me buy all these things for one night when he knows I'm saving. I heard the ringing for a few seconds before he picked up.
"Why the fuck am i buying green peppers at 12 am."
"I'm tryna eat healthy my lovely Lee Miso. If you could just get me one i would be eternally grateful."
I suddenly heard honking when i was rereading the list, which probably meant the light turned green and these stupid idiots behind me were impatient.
I immediately hit the gas.
"Also Miso could you buy me some protein powder that wou-"
Before I could even process what was happening, i felt something hit the side of my car which sent me flying.
i didn't know what to do so i went with my first instinct which was to scream and cry. Is this really how I'm going to die? Before graduation?
that was my last thought before my mind went blank.
"Ms. Lee? Are you awake?"
"Ms. Lee?"
i gazed up at the person calling me. My eyes squinted at the bright light that surrounded me. Is this heaven or-
"Ms. Lee!"
"The hell- what is it?" I replied angrily as i yawned.
"I'm so sorry, i just had to make sure you were doing well. And thankfully you are! Your partner is still asleep, he is a bit more stubborn to wake up." She laughed slightly.
I furrowed my eyebrows. "Partner? I don't have a partner?"
"He was the one that crashed into you love."
"That piece of shit." i quickly removed the blankets off my body and got up to go find the guy. But as soon as I removed the blankets, i saw white stuff around me.
"Where are my legs? Where did you put them asshole?" I started panicking again and grabbed her wrist aggressively.
"Miss please calm down they are still there. They are wrapped to protect you, your legs got severely damaged."
I looked back at my body. "Hey uh, how long was i asleep for? I feel like a rock just hit my head."
"About 2 days, almost 3 ma'am." The nurse replied as she handed me some water. I took it and nodded my head. "Best sleep i have ever got that's for sure." I sighed.
A loud bang echoed through the room. I scanned around to see where it was from until i saw another nurse bringing in a bed with a patient on it.
The nurse clasped her hands. "Perfect timing! This is your partner for the next week." She smiled at me like it was the greatest news ever.
"I want my own room please."
"No can do, everything is full. It's only a week, don't worry. I'm kathy by the way." She smiled before heading out with the other nurse.
The guy they brought in was still asleep. He didn't seem too beat up from the crash, just minor scratches along his jawline. I stared at him a bit, he was oddly good looking. I shook my head and went back into my dream world, hoping to fall asleep again.
I'm this close to raging out of this room and flinging myself out the window. I have never been so damn bored in my whole existence.
I've had enough. The nurses weren't around, so i took this as the perfect opportunity to stroll around the room at least. My feet touched the cold tile making me shriek, but i got used to it and finally started to walk.
"Miso, what are you doing? Go back to bed please."
I jumped when i heard the voice. No one was in sight when i turned to see where the voice came from. "Who's there? Come out you foul!" I grabbed the knife beside me.
"I'm literally right here." The man from the bed said. He pushed himself up into a sitting position, wincing a bit.
"Oh- it's you. How do you know my name?" I questioned hesitantly.
"Who doesn't? Everyone at school knows you." He remarked slightly scoffing.
"Yes Miso. The building where you learn about crap." He pushed his hair to the side. I held my gaze on him a bit. He looked really familiar for some reason.
"Do you go to the same school as me?"
He raised an eyebrow. "Idiot, of course i do that's how I know you."
I rolled my eyes in reponse. "Do we have any classes together?"
"Woahhh what's with the interrogation? Calm down baby girl i just woke up from a beauty sleep." He stretched his arms out.
it finally clicked in my mind who he was. "I know who you are. Choi Beomgyu right? The one always sitting with Taehyun at lunch."
"Yep that's me, the one and only." Beomgyu beamed a stupid smile.
"The Choi Beomgyu. The one that stole my favorite book." I scoffed.
"That was back in 1st grade Miso. I even asked for you forgiveness and gave it back to you."
"Still." I sneered. "Who made you think you could steal something precious like that?"
Beomgyu groaned in annoyance. "i was 6 years old."
"You shattered my heart that day."
"What a cry baby." He side eyed.
"i was 6!"
"Age is just a number you know." He got up and walked into another room that i could only assume was the bathroom.
"Hey wait! I'm not done talking to you get back here!" I ran towards him. before I could reach him he shuts the door in my face.
"Annoying ass girl." I heard him mutter.
"Says the one that talks only about IU all the damn time." i snorted.
"IU is amazing don't even fight me. You're just jealous i'm not simping over you."
"Narcissistic much? You would be a lot handsomer if you had a better personality you know." I sticked my tongue out even though he wouldn't see it.
"You would be a lot prettier if you didn't talk all the time." He opened the door and patted my head.
I can already tell this is going to be a LONG week.
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warnings: drugs mention, poisoning, violence, cursing
prev chapter
next chapter
word count: 4224
San looks like he wants to kill me. I walk into the detention room and see him leaning his head against the window, his eyes narrowing as he sees me.
"Hey, Miss Ella," I greet the teacher at the desk. She eyes me with disdain.
"What is it this time, Miss Marino?" She asks. "Stealing? Dress code violations?"
I toss a smirk at San and point. "Kissing my boyfriend over there. Apparently love is not allowed in this school."
San straightens up and glares at me, but doesn't say anything. I take a seat right beside him and hear his groan as I make himself at home.
"Oh you've found yourself a boyfriend?" Miss Ella narrows her eyes and turns to San. "Mr Choi, stay away from this girl. She's trouble is what she is."
"And he isn't?" I question with an eyebrow raise. San doesn't take kindly to my subtle jab.
"Of course not!" Miss Ella exclaims, as if I was so daring to blasphemize San's name. "Mr Choi has an exceptional record. He never misses school days, he is placed fourth out of the entire grade and has a promising future. Unlike you."
Hot, smart and a drug dealer. The plot only thickens. I turn and smirk at him again and he's already looking at me with a scrutinizing gaze, as if trying to pick me apart.
"So I don't have a promising future?" I ask her, still looking at him.
"Having rich parents will not always save you, Miss Marino. You will actually have to make something of yourself one day."
"Oh I will," I say surely. "Aren't we supposed to be quiet in this time?"
"Of course," Miss Ella huffs. "For three hours. Now be silent."
After the first hour I am sick and tired. I watch San's hands twitch and his leg bounce irritably for the hour straight. He keeps looking out the window as if he has somewhere to be, occasionally glaring at me to show his disdain. He's so handsome when he's mad that the offense simply slides down my back.
I feel my phone buzzing in my blazer pocket randomly, looking down to see my mother's name flashing. She sends me three additional text messages, making my blood run cold.
Mr Falcone wants to see you when you get back. You better not be later than eight. Do not think we will forget what you pulled today.
My stomach clenches with nausea at the sight of the name. I did not want to see that asshole ever again. I thought he went back to Milan. I thought I was free of him for the next two years.
Bile rises in my throat. I need to go somewhere else.
Miss Ella suddenly gets up from her chair, stretching obnoxiously. "I will be going to the bathroom. I'm locking you two in here so don't even think of leaving," she says and shakes her key infront of us.
San jumps from his seat. "Miss Ella, can I go to the bathroom also?" He asks with strange politeness. It distracts me from my internal hyperventilating.
Miss Ella shakes her head. "You may when I return from the bathroom, Mr Choi. But for the meanwhile watch Miss Marino. She's a classic escape case."
Miss Ella struts out and slams the door, and the sound of the lock turning makes San slam his head against the desk.
"Fuck!" He groans and shoves at the desk. "Just what I needed!"
"You have somewhere to be?" I raise an eyebrow at him. San turns his acidic glare on me.
"I have a test tomorrow for AP Chemistry," he says harshly.
"Then why aren't you studying? You have ample time and a quiet place to do it."
He tightens his jaw as I goad. "That is unless...you have somewhere else to be. Does it have to do with your pills?" I ask daringly.
San's venomous silence confirms my suspicion. I smirk.
"You have no idea what you're messing with. Stay out of my way," he threatens lowly.
"Do you make a lot of money? You're so smart. So why are you selling drugs?"
"Are you deaf?" He stalks, making sure he's towering over my desk. "Do you think this is a game?"
I stand up and step forward as well, not feeling intimidated anymore. Maybe I can win him over with my natural charm. "Let me in on your secrets. I promise I won't tell."
I hold out my pinky at him. He scoffs at it and turns around, picking up his bag and throwing it on his desk.
"I need to fucking get out of here," he mumbles. I feel a tinge of guilt for him being stuck here until seven with me. This is not the way I wanted to be noticed, but alas, we make due with our circumstances.
"You really wanna get out of here?" I ask him. He turns around, black eyes boring into me.
"I have a plan then. Just play along. As soon as she comes back, go to the bathroom and wait for me there. I know a way out of school."
He stares at me suspiciously, just in time for Miss Ella to come happily prancing in again. She eyes us pointedly, waving the pen between us.
"And what is going on here?" She questions. "Were you two about to fraternize again?"
"No, Miss. It's just I really need to go to the bathroom," San says, suddenly an upright student again. I can't even lie, I find his personality switches amusing.
"Mmm, you may go."
San quickly jogs out of the room. I walk strainedly to Miss Ella's desk, eyeing the mug of coffee on her table. "Ma'am, I think I got my period and I don't have a pad. Can you help please?"
She's immediately suspicious. "Are you serious?"
I groan and clutch my stomach. "Do you need proof? Do I have to bleed through before you stop doubting me?"
She sighs and gets up. "You better not be lying to me, Miss Marino."
Miss Ella goes to the storeroom in the classroom, leaving me with enough time to get the eyedrops from my pocket and drop about two doses in. I quickly slip the small container back into my pocket as she comes out with a pad.
She hands it to me. "Don't think I'm stupid, you'll only go to the bathroom when Mr Choi comes back."
I nod and smile. "Of course ma'am."
I return to my desk, fiddling with my fingers as I watch her gradually take sips of her coffee. It won't kill her, that I know. I'd seen assholes use it at parties and I know she'll be throwing up, stomach pains, then out like a light. Terrible but at least she wouldn't die.
I fight a smile when Miss Ella clutches her stomach and abruptly stands up.
"Oh dear," she whispers. "I think I may have had too many donuts at lunch."
"Are you alright, Miss Ella?" I frown. She groans and holds her stomach tighter.
"I-I'll be right back. Don't you go anywhere!"
She runs out of the classroom and I get up after her, strolling to the boys bathroom. All in a days work.
How do I know Choi San will be waiting there? Oh I don't. All I know is that a student that has never gotten detention doesn't know the best part of getting out of it.
He isn't waiting in the hall when I get there, so I go inside. The first thing that hits me is the disgusting smell of piss and overbearing smell of axe bodyspray. Then I see San on the phone, startled by my sudden appearance.
"Yeah, I might be a little late," he mutters into the phone. "But don't think that I won't show up. It's my due date. Meaning it's yours too."
I make an 'ooo' sound and he glares at me. Oh god, why does he have to be so handsome? After a few vague answers he puts down the phone and shoves it into his blazer pocket.
"How'd you get out?" He asks me suspiciously.
I grin and lift my eyedrops, waving it infront of him. "Just some of these. She'll be... occupied for a few hours. By the time she's finished, we'll be gone."
His eyes widen. "D-Did you spike her drink?"
I shrug. "Don't worry, it won't kill her. Gave her just enough for the diarrhoea and not the coma that comes after."
His eyes narrow at me in disgust. "You're so fucked up."
How ironic for him to say. I can bet the two of us are very similar, but I bet San won't be happy upon realizing that either.
"Says the drug dealer," I scoff. "So do you want a way out of here or not?"
San rolls his eyes and nods begrudgingly. I smile and take his arm in mine, making him narrow his gaze. This should be fun.
"Where are you leading me?" San asks in annoyance as I pull him across the sports field. He is so impatient, like an actual child.
"The exit," I reply boredly to annoy him further. "There's a fence we have to jump."
He sighs and I tighten my grip on his muscly bicep further. We get to the wire fence and I start to climb. San stares at me in confusion. I look down at him and nod. "You have to actually move to get over, you know?"
"Won't your skirt tear?" He questions, looking at my legs with reddened cheeks. I drop down and grin widely.
"You want to go first then?" I ask smugly. "I've done this lots of times. I'm a detention pro."
"Does that include spiking your teacher's drink?" He asks, unimpressed.
"You really don't get to have the moral highground after selling drugs, you know."
San steps closer to me and goes morbidly serious. "You can't tell anyone about that. Okay? Or shit will go down."
I smile. He thinks it's that easy. "Let's talk about it when we're over the fence."
San casts me a distrustful glance before starting to climb. He wobbles and wavers, but eventually gets over with no issue. The fence is high, so his ankles do quite the cracking when he drops. I chuckle and start to climb over.
While I'm halfway over, he checks his watch impatiently. He bounces his feet on the pavement before breaking into a run, leaving me alone when I drop.
"Hey!" I scream. That fucker!
I bolt after him, my lungs paining as my asthma starts to flare up. San is annoyingly and unnaturally fast, running through streets and jumping fences of houses like a mad man. I struggle to keep up but I don't lose his tail. That's until he disappears into a shady apartment building I have no business in.
I stop outside and groan. The sun is starting to set and I'm in an unfamiliar neighborhood. I open my phone and look at the time. Almost seven. Detention should be over in a few minutes. And I have to be home before eight.
Fuck that. I am not going home. Not while that asshole waits in my living room.
The thought of him makes my chest burn even more. I pull out my inhaler and take two puffs, backing against the wall as I take desperate breaths.
I sigh and bite my lips in frustration. If I delay going home today, this means he'll be at my home right after school tomorrow. My mother will make sure I see him. It fucking pisses me off that I can't do anything about it.
I was lucky today. San was a good distraction. But I need a permanent one. Something that gets me out of this shit for good.
Being pressed against the wall makes me go unnoticed as San comes down the stairs of the apartment building again. He's holding a crowbar and storms off in the opposite direction, completely missing me. He abandoned his blazer and is only wearing his shirt, with the sleeves rolled up.
God, forgive me for being such a whore.
I immediately follow him, creeping in a way that wouldn't allow him to see me. However it proves to be fairly easy because this guy doesn't turn his back once. He's a complete and utter determined mess, pushing through everyone in his path.
As he goes on, the neighborhood only gets shadier. Fuck. What am I actually doing? Yaera are you actually crazy?
Strange characters turn their heads as I pass by, with men whistling and staring in degrading ways. San ducks into an alley and leaves me peaking around the corner where I see him pull open a door and go inside.
I follow him against my better judgment, pulling on the door, which is surprisingly unlocked. The inside of the building is dark and only a pinch of light can be seen at the end of the hallway and it's exactly what I creep towards.
I hear voices. Frustrated voices. One of them is San's.
There is another hallway with several doors on the sides. I walk towards a partially agape door and stay outside, looking through the gap in the door hinge.
San stands around a table of four shady asian men with tattoos. There's a bag of pills on the table and my eyes widen. Holy shit, it's the same pink pills I saw this morning.
"What the fuck is this, Mao?" San spits. "You haven't gotten rid of a single thing?"
"No one wanted to buy your shit, don't blame me, kid!" The man named Mao yells back. "Tell Miss A to give better dice' or she can forget about profit."
"You really think you have a choice in this?" San asks with a deadly edge to his face. I hold my breath. "You bastard, you had fucking promised me you'd help. Your due date was today and you knew that. You owe me ten thousand."
Ten thousand—!
"L-Look, business has been slow—" Mao begins but San slams the crowbar on the table violently, making me and everyone in the room jump. I hold my hand over my mouth to stop myself from squeaking.
"I'm fucked because of you, asshole!" He screams. "I have to deliver ten thousand to my boss. You fucked up my entire schedule, you know that?"
"Then tell her to get rid of this shit!" Mao loses his temper as well, gesturing to the pills. "It's fuckin weak. The high is weak. No one wants this shit. It's below LSD so why the fuck would anyone buy it?! Not even the ordinary crackwhores get off to this!"
"You don't even have my money and yet you're talking shit—!"
"Who the fuck are you?!" Someone shouts from behind me and I jump. Before I know it my collar is grabbed and I'm tossed into the room between all the frustrated men. I knock directly into San, and his eyes grow enraged as he sees me.
What have I gotten myself into.
"Yah!" One of the Minions point to me. "She's wearing the same uniform as him!"
"Sannie, did you let yourself get followed?" Mao scoffs. "You fucking amateur!"
San is glaring holes into my skull. Everyone is staring at me like they want to kill me. The man who shoved me into the room is a big and bulky man with a cobra tattoo on his bare chest. I swallow hard and straighten.
"I'm San's girlfriend," I announce uneasily. "I was just waiting for him."
Hopefully my lie will stop them from beating my skull in. But San looks like he'll do it later either way. His hand tightens around my wrist and I fight to keep cool under the pressure.
"Why the fuck would you bring your girlfriend to this?" Mao glares at San. "You moron. Don't you care about her at all?"
San moves to open his mouth but I interrupt him. "You said you can't sell these pills right?" I question. Mao and his minions narrow their eyes at me. "I know a way to sell it."
Mao huffs. "You? You gonna find a quick way to get ten thousand dollars?"
I smirk to hide the fact that I want to sob. "I know rich girls and stronzos who would pay easy money for any drugs. Even models. Let's just say I can get rid of these bags really quickly."
The room goes silent for a moment. Mao steps up and eyes me up and down. "What's your name, girl?"
"Not important," San interjects before I can answer. "Leave her out of this."
Mao smirks. "But she said she knows a way to sell your shitty pills. I think she's very important in that case, Sannie."
"Call me Flor," I say, holding out a hand. Mao shakes it with eagerness. I need to get hand sanitizer after this.
"Well, Flor. Since you say you can help your boyfriend, do him that favour and get him off our back," Mao tells me. "He's been a pain in the fucking ass for weeks."
"Because you have a duty," San grits through his teeth.
"You're the one who swore loyalty, sǐ bàng zǐ!" Mao curses. "I didn't tell your bàba mess with those people!"
San groans and crutches his crowbar, grabbing the pills in a rage. One of Mao's minions step forward and point to me. "Hey... you look familiar."
"Do I?" I raise an eyebrow. He bends behind him and picks up a magazine, making my face pale, which was awful because I was fucking dark.
He flips to the middle and there I am on the page, in white lingerie. I turn red so fast and it takes everything for me to not throw up.
"You're a model!" Mao cooes and eyes me suggestively. My skin crawls as he raises his eyebrow at San. "Oh you can't let go of this one, Sannie. She's sure to bring you lots of profit. And remember, if you can't sell drugs, you can always make use of that body of hers!"
He fucking did not.
"Fanculo a tua madre!" I curse at him, making San pull me back by my shoulders. Mao chuckles, feigning innocence.
"Did you swear at me, sweetheart?" He asks mockingly. "Come on... it was just a joke."
"We're out of here," San snaps and grabs my arm. "Thanks for fucking nothing, dickhead."
San leads me outside, his grip on me tightening by the second. He doesn't say anything till we're outside his apartment door. Apartment two hundred and fifty, I mentally note, as he shoves me inside and tosses the bag of pills to the floor.
"What the fuck is wrong with you, huh?" He bellows. "Do you have a fucking death wish? Why did you follow me!"
My eyes are glossy from the gangsters mocking tone and San's screaming doesn't help them dry up at all. Yes, I may be an asshole but I'm a sensitive one.
"I can help you," I say, steadying my voice. "I can help you sell all these drugs for a good price. But I want ten percent of the profit. I can guarantee you we'll make a large one. Give it a month—"
"No!" San abruptly steps forward, towering over me. "Are you fucking crazy? Do you even know what you're getting into?"
"Let me in on your business," I hold my iron gaze.
"This is fun for you?" He asks me lowly, making my skin shiver. "You're a fucking rich girl model. Why do you need to meddle in my fucking life?"
Because I don't have a life of my own.
I don't say that. I don't need him using it against me. Instead I force out an arrogant laugh.
"You think this is a negotiation?" I drawl. "You're gonna let me in or you're fucked."
San scoffs, shaking his head at me in disbelief. "Oh yeah? And what proof do you have? Your word alone? I'm not fucking scared of some rich girl who's clearly bored with her own life."
I smile. He's confident in his words, too confident for someone with so much to lose. So I take out my phone.
"You're not scared of me, huh?" I mutter to myself as I pull up the video. I start playing and San's eyes narrow at the screen. "You should be."
His dark eyes start burning with rage as the video plays out and ends. He looks up at me with restrained madness, but that quickly ends when he grabs my phone from my hand. He tries to run away but I hook my hand onto his shirt and pull him back, jumping onto him as a means to get it back.
"Give it back, you asshole!" I scream. He moves against the wall, slamming me into it. The force knocks me off him, but I manage to throw a kick between his shoulder blades. San plummets to the floor, my phone crashing out of his hands and sliding across the floor.
He tries to get up to crawl after it, but I'm faster than him. I jump onto his back and slide across his floor, stealing the phone from his yearning grip and quickly stuffing it in my bra.
He lets out an enraged scream and pushes himself off the floor, bulldozing toward me again. He shoves me against the wall, locking me in with both his forearms. I fight to catch my breath, thinking he'd make another move. But all San does is heave angrily, glaring through my skull.
"This is so fucking annoying." He hisses. "Why are you doing this to me? I don't even know you!"
"I already told you what I wanted," I say, breathing hard.
"You think you know what you want, but you don't." He shakes his head at me defeatedly. "You don't know what you're getting into. I'm not going to let you blackmail me."
"I don't have to blackmail you," I say to him calmly. "It's just insurance. You could agree to this normally. We could both benefit out of this, don't you get it? I'm here to help you. I need money, and by the sound of things, you need money too."
He doesn't answer me. "Why don't you sleep on it and tell me how you feel in the morning?"
More silence. I sigh, pushing his arms away from the wall. San lets them fall hopelessly, allowing me to weave out of his trapping stance.
I take a walk and look around his apartment. It's small, with just enough space for everything that's necessary. It's surprisingly clean for a guy. I stroll around and look at his academic papers and study notes taped to the wall infront of his working desk.
"You live alone?" I ask him. More silence.
I guess he wasn't feeling talkative.
He does live alone, I eventually figure out. He has a fishtank with goldfish and two common mollys opposite his singld bed. Damn, so this would be awkward.
"Why do you need to join me?" He asks, defeated. His voice is sexy when it's so hopeless.
"I need money," I repeat distractedly.
"You have money. A lot of it," he says annoyedly. "You're at a fucking private school for gods sake."
"Money of my own," I correct. "My parents are rich. Not me."
"What are your conditions?" He walks up to me, stopping a few feet away. I sit down on his bed and smile.
"Do you have spare clothes? Let me sleep here for the night."
San scowls. "What? Why?"
I lean back on my elbows. "Because I live far away from here and you don't exactly have a car."
San grits his teeth. "I didn't tell you to run after me like a maniac."
"If I didn't, you wouldn't have the means to sell your drugs now would you?"
He sighs and moans tiredly. I fight myself internally for enjoying that sound.
"Fuck. Fine," he concedes. "You can sleep here. But that doesn't mean I'm agreeing to any of this."
"No rush, partner. I gave you till morning, didn't I?" I hold out my hand and grin. He ignores me and goes to another room in the apartment. Aw, I thought there was only one bed.
He comes out a few minutes later, tossing me an old band shirt and sweatpants. It lands on my head and smells like cologne. I soak up the goodness before ripping it off my hair.
"There," he mutters. "Do you have any other demands that could fuck up my life?"
"Are you going to sleep here?" I ask him innocently, tapping on the bed.
"No," he says and disappears into the other room. He comes out a few minutes again with a towel and clothes, going into another room, which I'm sure is the bathroom. I sigh and lay back into the bed and feel my muscles relax after all that running.
The water of the shower starts running, making my brain calm. Imagining San under a showerhead makes me smile. I open my phone and see five missed calls. I slide it under the pillow and close my eyes.
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allthingsfangirl101 · 1 month
AFS Chapter 12: Suddenly Distant. Instant Regret.
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Joe threw his head back and downed his third scotch of the night. After he FaceTimed Evelyn and Gaten interrupted them, he didn't go hang out with the cast. He went straight to a bar to try and stop the thoughts. It didn't matter how many drinks he had. His thoughts about Evelyn just increased.
More specifically, Gaten's stupid little song about Joe and Evelyn sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-something-something.
It didn't matter the amount of alcohol Joe consumed, he couldn't stop thinking about her.
He thought about her smile.
He thought about her laugh.
He thought about her beautiful, perfect self.
He thought about her amazingness.
He thought about his patheticness.
He thought about his horrible reputation.
He thought about his horrible reputation ruining her perfect reputation.
He thought about how she was too good for him.
He then remembered that they weren't really together.
She would never be with him for real.
* * * * *
A week later, Joe started going back to his usual bars, spending the whole night downing his usual drinks. He was sitting at one of his favorite bars when his phone went off. He looked down, his entire body freezing when he saw the text.
Evelyn Hey, where are you?
Joe held his phone in his hand, his drunk mind trying to come up with a good response.
Joe What do you mean?
Evelyn We were supposed to have dinner. Did you forget?
Joe Yep. Sorry.
Evelyn Is everything okay?
Joe I'm fine.
Evelyn Are you sure?
Joe didn't bother to respond. His drunkness mixed with frustration, mixed with embarrassment, mixed with knowing he was wrong was not a good mix.
He started to drink more. And more. And more.
* * * * *
The next day, he woke up with a horrible hangover. He stayed in bed, not bothering to try and nurse it. A couple of hours later, someone banged on the front door. Groaning, Joe forced himself out of his bed. He wobbled down the hallway and angrily opened the door.
"Geez," Andrew scoffed. "You look like hell. What happened to you?"
"Evelyn Jones," he said through a clenched jaw. He turned around, not bothering to hold the door open for his manager.
"What are you talking about?"
"Evelyn Jones," Joe ranted as he grabbed a Gatorade out of the fridge and drank half the bottle. "You made me fake-date Evelyn fucking Jones."
"Joe, that's not a bad thing. . ."
Joe threw his half-empty bottle across the kitchen. "You!" He yelled turning around and pointing a finger at him. "You made me fake-date the perfect Evelyn Jones. Hollywood's Least Favorite Screw-up is dating Hollywood's Perfect Princess and it's messing with my head."
"Joe. . ."
"You have no idea what it's been like!" Joe continued yelling. "I spend all this time with her, make her smile, make her laugh, hold her hand, focusing extremely hard on being the perfect boyfriend. And it's all fake! It's all fucking fake, Andrew! Evelyn would never be with me."
"You don't know that."
"Oh, I do! Think about it, Andrew. Evelyn is happy and perfect. I'm a depressed drunken asshole."
"No, you're not," Andrew sighed.
"Might as well embrace it."
Before Andrew could stop him, Joe stormed out.
* * * * *
Andrew tried calling Joe but every call went to voicemail. Evelyn's new movie was having an end-of-filming party and Joe was supposed to show up. He's currently over an hour late.
"Where is he?"
Andrew turned around to see Evelyn with her arms tightly wrapped around herself. "I don't know," he sighed. "I'm sorry, Evelyn. I went to his apartment this morning and he was acting weird. I think. . . I think he was drunk."
"Oh," she said under her breath.
"I'm really sorry, Evelyn. I don't know what's gotten into him lately. He was ranting about. . ."
"Chug! Chug! Chug!"
"Oh shit," he mumbled.
"Is that. . ." Evelyn started.
"Probably," Andrew said, clearing his throat.
The two walked over and found Joe surrounded by a bunch of guys as he shotgunned a beer. Andrew glanced at Evelyn to see a look on her face that could only be described as defeated.
"Joe?" She whispered.
"Evelyn!" Joe cheered drunkenly. He yelled so loud it made her jump.
"What are you doing?" Evelyn asked while subconsciously wrapping her arms around herself and tightening her arms as she looked around.
"Drinking," he laughed.
"Joe," she sighed. "What's going on? Is. . . Is everything okay?"
He looked at her, his drunk goggles briefly lifting. When they did, he saw the girl he'd developed strong feelings for looking uncomfortable and worried about him.
He couldn't do this.
He grabbed another beer and shotgunned it. He tossed it to the side and burped.
"Your turn, Evelyn."
"Absolutely not."
"Suit yourself," he chuckled as he did a third. Evelyn couldn't watch him anymore. She stormed off before he had even finished half the beer. He didn't notice she was gone until he had finished his beer.
"I guess I should probably run after her, huh?" He laughed drunkenly. He tossed the empty beer can into the nearest trash can, not bothering to pick it up when it bounced out.
"Evelyn," he drunkenly sang as he followed her out of the club. "Wait up. I don't walk fast when I'm drunk."
When he caught up to her, he grabbed her elbow and turned her around. She instantly tore her arm away from his.
"What is wrong with you?" She asked, under her breath and through her teeth.
"I'm allowed to drink at a party."
"Not this much," Evelyn said, looking him up and down. "And this isn't just a party, Joe. This is a work party. My work party."
"Last time I checked, Evelyn, you don't own me," Joe slurred angrily.
A small (sober) part of him knew he'd regret all this in the morning. But his drunk part was the one in control tonight.
* * * * *
Joe woke up with a hangover to end all hangovers. The second his eyes opened, he thought about Evelyn. He thought about how he treated her. He thought about what he said to her. He thought about what he made her feel. He thought about the look on her face before she left the party.
He slowly sat up and rubbed his face roughly. He thought about it for a second before giving in to the urge to check his phone. He couldn't help but feel disappointed when he saw that there were no missed calls, no voicemails, and no texts from Evelyn. He couldn't be too surprised after how he treated her.
Joe went through the day in a haze. He simply went through the motions, not actually paying attention to what he was doing. The second Andrew came to pick him up for filming, Joe could tell he was pissed.
They got into the Uber without a word. Halfway there, Joe had to break the silence.
"Aren't you going to yell at me?"
"Why?" Andrew said with no emotion as he continued reading through emails. "Not like it'll make any difference."
"Still," Joe mumbled. "I expected you to bite my head off the second I opened the door."
Andrew finally put his phone down and turned toward Joe. "Fine. Here it goes. What the hell is wrong with you?" He asked, oddly calm. "Evelyn is an amazing girl who has helped you a lot. Why the hell would you treat her like she meant nothing to you? Especially when we both know she means a lot to you."
They didn't talk about Evelyn or Joe's behavior the rest of the day. After work, Andrew dropped Joe off at home and Joe instantly went for his stash of alcohol. He was halfway through a bottle of scotch when there was a knock at his apartment door.
"Well well," he drunkeningly smirked. "Welcome back, Andrew. Finally decided to come and scream your head off at me?"
He stopped short when he opened the door and it wasn't Andrew.
"Evelyn," he stuttered, slightly sobering up. Not a lot. Just enough to remember this conversation.
"What the hell is wrong with you?"
"Whoa," he chuckled. "Hollywood's Princess getting feisty."
"Cut it out with that," she snapped. "What is wrong with you, Joe?"
"What's wrong?" He challenged. "Evelyn, nothing is wrong with me. This is who I am."
"No, it isn't," she said, her voice lowering.
"Yes, it is!" Joe yelled back. "I'm Joe Keery. Drunk, asshole, Joe Keery. I don't know why you thought you could change me but. . ."
"I don't think that," Evelyn mumbled.
". . . it's not going to happen," he finished. "I am and will always be a drunk."
Silence fell between the two as they entered a staring contest. Joe was too drunk to think about the consequences. Evelyn was too hurt not to.
"I'm allowed to walk away."
"Are you wanting me to beg you not to or to challenge you to?" Joe scoffed. The silence returned as they continued to stare at each other. The longer Joe glared at her through his drunk goggles, the lower her heart sank.
She took a step back, wrapping her arms around herself. Joe noticed her change and felt guilty. Before he could start to try and fix this, Evelyn shook her head.
"I don't deserve this," she whispered.
"Evelyn. . ."
"Any of it," she roughly cut him off.
Joe's heart sank into his stomach as Evelyn walked away. He had a feeling that the further she walked away from him, the harder it would be to get her to walk back to him.
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hallelujahmeatgod · 3 years
"Do you want to talk about it?"
+word count: 1580
+warning/s: cursing
+genre: kinda fluff, kinda comedic
"He's in his room and he haven't left that damn room since he arrived"
"He didn't even spare a glance around like he'd usually do, he just went straight to his room. He'd usually help around first before disappearing in there"
You nodded in understanding, looking around the brothel which just opened a few minutes ago.
The people at the brothel called you out of concern for Draken, saying he's been moody and not his usual self. They asked you if you know as to why he's acting the way he is but you haven't got a clue yourself. Quite frankly, you haven't seen Draken yourself for a few days since you've been taking care of family matters.
They asked you to come by since you haven't been in the brothel for quite a while, also to talk to Draken since none of them wanted to deal with him.
"I honestly don't have a clue, but I'll try talking to him. I tried asking Mikey about it but that kid isn’t any help either" You replied, giving them a soft smile for reassurance.
You asked Mikey about Draken before you went to the brothel but that kid just gave you a petty answer, so you're convinced that they're not the bestest of friends right now.
"Honestly, what would we do without you? Anyway, go and talk to his moody ass cause he's getting a little annoying for our liking. Then when you guys are done come out here and let's catch up and eat the snacks you bought!"
You nodded and made your way to his room. Thankfully he didn't lock his door so you were able to just enter. You were expecting to see him splayed on his bed or be working out but he's nowhere to be seen.
"Ken" You called out softly. No reply.
You set your school bag on the ground and walked further into his room. Just when you're about to walk past the bathroom you hear water gently splashing a bit inside.
You slowly opened the door and there he was in the tub, head resting back on the tub facing the ceiling, with his eyes closed. You can tell he's not relaxed at all because of the tensed muscles on his arm and his furrowed brows.
"That tub looks relaxing yet there you are still looking like you're about to fight someone" You said to get his attention. You leaned on the door frame as his eyes shot open.
"Y-Y/n" He said, looking a bit surprised, sitting up straight from the tub.
"Ken" You gave him a small smile.
"What are you doing here?"
"Am I not allowed here anymore?" You asked not too seriously.
"You are. You always are. It's just that you seem busy these days" He looked down at the water.
"I'm sorry for not being around, Ken" You gave him an apologetic look.
He shook his head lightly, still looking down at the water. "No need, I understand"
You stayed silent and just observed him. How he's looking intensely at the water, that you swear he could probably boil that water right now just by staring at it. How he's muscles are still nowhere near relaxed. How his breathing isn't steady. How his brows are still furrowed. And how his lips pout a little bit.
You pushed yourself from the door frame, walked up to him and crouched down beside the tub so that you're eye level with him.
"Ken, what's troubling you?" You asked, putting your hand on his nape and caressing it.
He slowly looked at you, looking vulnerable. A sight no one often gets to see, even you. It honestly pains you a little to see such a look from such a strong, stern man who's always got his composure.
He sighs, leaned over the tub and drops his head on your shoulder. "I-I... I'm just not that okay nowadays. I don’t even know anymore.” He admitted.
You hummed in understanding, caressing his nape all the way to his hair, pulling his hair tie to let his hair loose. You ran your hand through his hair, untangling some knots, and for the first time since you saw him he relaxed. You saw his shoulders drop slowly as he let out a breath.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
"There's just so many things bugging my mind. Life here in the brothel, the gang, and other things. It's just one of those phases wherein everything dawns upon you" He sighs, lifting his head just to hide it on the crook of your neck.
"I texted Mikey before going here and he just gave me a petty reply. That also bothering you?" You asked, massaging water on his head to hopefully help him cool down.
"Yeah, we ended up arguing cause he’s not in a good mood and so am I. It's all just chaos in my head right now really" He groans, lifting his arms from the tub and wrapping them around you. You're a little soaked now but you didn't mind, all that matters is him.
He hugged you tighter and tighter until you guys were literally flushed against each other, soaking you more.
"I'm sorry, it's just that I badly wanted to just go to you, to seek refuge in you and just to lay and hold you like this, to calm my mind. But I knew you were dealing with family stuff and that it means a lot to you, so I just bottled it all in."
"It's okay" You pulled away just enough to see his face. You held his face in your hand and caressed his cheeks. "I'm sorry I wasn't around. But now I'm here, you don't have to go through such tough times on your own. It’s okay to feel sad sometimes, just take your time, I’ll wait for you'' You smiled, making him smile. You kissed the corner of his mouth making him roll his eyes. He pulled you on a proper kiss, sighing against your lips.
"Thank you" He said when you pulled away. "Thank you for always being by my side and showing me affection even though I tend to suck at it and sharing my feelings. Just how would I repay you"
"Repay me by relaxing properly, dropping the attitude towards other people, and reconciling with Mikey" He groaned at the last part which made you chuckle.
"What? You'd be doing the gang a favor if you take the initiative, Ken. We all know Mikey wouldn't dare do it, and the longer you guys aren't besties the more agonizing it'll be for the rest of the gang. Imagine the captain and the vice captain being petty, ugh, I already feel bad for all of them" You said humorously, making him pull away completely and sit back on the tub as he pouts.
"I'm always doing it." He pouted even more.
You chuckled, ruffling his hair. "You know Mikey can be an extreme kid when he's not beating up someone."
"Why do I always have to be the bigger person?" He said under his breath.
"I mean you are 6'1 and Mikey's only 5'3"
"You're lame" He immediately countered before laughing lightly, making you laugh too. If being lame means you'll get to hear this giant laugh, well maybe being lame isn’t too bad.
"IS THAT THE GIANT'S LAUGH THAT I HEAR?!" You heard someone say from the outside. Suddenly the door burst open revealing Remi.
Draken rolled his eyes, flipping her off and she flipped him off too.
"Now that the giant doesn't seem like an asshole anymore Y/n let's go and catch up!" She grinned, pulling you up and out of the bathroom, not giving you time to reply.
"Hey! You can't just take her away!" Draken protested, standing up from the tub quickly wrapping his towel around his waist.
He grabbed your wrist and pulled you, restricting Remi from pulling you away. He and Remi immediately looked at each other with daggers as they kept on pulling you. At this point they could definitely cut your body in half.
"Well I already am, what are you gonna do about it?" Remi spat.
"Umm….Pull her away from you? You midget" Draken spat back but more calmly, which is honestly annoying. It's always the most annoying when people talk back in a calm manner...or is that just me?
"At least I'm not as moody as you. You act way worse than a woman on her period or a pregnant lady!"
They went back and forth with you still in between them. For every comeback they kept on pulling you.
"OKAY! Kindly shut the fuck up you two?" You smiled sarcastically at both of them, pulling your arms from them. They both pouted and huffed like little kids, turning away from each other.
"I'll go with Remi now since it has been a while since I saw them." You said, making Remi light up and Draken give you an offended look.
"WHAT--" Draken was about to protest but Remi burst into laughter pulling you to the door. You shrugged at Draken as he gave you a narrowed look and mouthed "traitor"
"Oh-- and when you're done, change the bulb in the lounge room, jerk!" She stuck her tongue out.
"Seriously, when will I ever catch a break-- you know what? Just get out you two!" He groaned, making you and Remi laugh.
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ashintheairlikesnow · 3 years
Curious how Jameson would handle the ableism that comes with being able to walk but also using a wheelchair…. Ash I live for his sass.
"Hey! Didn't I see you in here last week? You're a regular, too, right?" The voice behind him is cheerful and feminine and it tastes like butternut squash.
The barista meets Jameson's eyes as they pour coffee into a mug, and they both know, he thinks, that this is going to be really fucking irritating.
Jameson takes the mug and turns, putting the closest he can manage to something pleasant in his expression. He's seen this woman before, yeah - and knows she's a chatty asshole, the kind of person who does speakerphone calls while sitting in a coffeeshop asking her son to tell her how to use some sort of program on her laptop and tells complete strangers who just wanted to enjoy their damn latte her life story.
"Yeah, my-... my partner-" That still feels weird as fuck to say, doesn't it? "-my partner and I come here a lot."
He keeps his voice low. It's hard, still, not to defer, to feel the urge to curl into himself in self-protection. But Jameson was never all that good at being demure, and that hasn't gotten better with real freedom and time.
"Oh, that's lovely. Like a weekly date! How sweet. Are you feeling better?"
He blinks, looking down at himself, then back up at her. She has impeccable makeup, he thinks randomly. It reminds him of Nova, who struggles to choose groceries at the store when she goes with the big guy, but whose hands are always steady when applying eyeliner and mascara, because it's what she knows better than she knows anything else.
Nova's the one who told him makeup is armor, if you do it right. It lets you change yourself and be protected because no one can see who you really are, or they see exactly the parts of you that you want to show. Makeup is control over yourself.
Allyn doesn't see it that way, but... but he can see what Nova means. He told Dr. Berger that he gets it. He feels the same way about baggy clothes that Nova feels about makeup. The long sleeves and baggy pants... it's showing only what he wants to be shown.
It's protecting himself.
He wonders what this woman is protecting herself from.
Maybe she's just protecting herself from herself.
He gets that, too.
If he was such a nosy bitch, he wouldn't want to look at himself in the mirror either.
"Uh." He realizes the pause has drawn out just a moment too long. "I feel... like I always feel, I guess? What do you mean, better?"
"Oh, I just-... I noticed the last few times you were, you know-" Jameson has to set his jaw when she mimes her hands gripping something and pushing forward, and he realizes she's mimicking someone pushing him in his chair, which doesn't even happen, he mostly pushes himself. But still, the only thing she can think of-
She doesn't even want to say it-
Like it's something shameful, like he should be ashamed of being able to get out of the fucking house even when he hurts-
Like it's his fault he was locked up for so long his legs stopped remembering how to fucking stand up straight-
He has to remind himself to breathe.
"Oh. I don't-... always need it. Just on, you know, pain days." He was having a good day, until this - his legs ached, sure, but they carried his weight and he'd only needed the painkillers to get him out and moving.
"Well, that's good. I'm sure you must hate that."
"I like it, actually. I got to pick the color myself."
"Oh." She looks a little taken aback, and for a second he hopes this means the whole damn thing will be over.
He feels a twinge in his right knee, as if mocking him, and he locks it despite the way it makes the pain flare higher. His teeth grind together. The woman doesn't notice.
"So, what happened? Have you been getting over a broken bone?"
None of your fucking business.
He bites his tongue until it hurts and then answers, quietly, "No, it's just a thing my legs do."
"Is it like a disease, or-"
"It's just... it's just a thing my legs do. It's not-... I don't talk to people about it?" He's trying, he really is. But he can hear the barista's breath hitch and feel the burst of a taste like licking wood on his tongue as they whisper, oh my god. "I'm not comfortable-... talking about it."
Allyn would be so proud of him for staying calm. He can just see them over in the corner of his eyes, by the window, curled up on a couch with one of their books, squinting a little as they sip their peppermint tea.
"Oh, I'm so sorry," The woman says, in a tone that says she really isn't. "I have just been seeing you come here for weeks, and I was a little curious-"
"Do you ask people with headscarves if they've had cancer?" The question pops out of his mouth before he can stop it. His right hand is white-knuckled on the handle to his coffee cup, and he can feel the pain spreading from the bones back through his palm, up his arm. He tries to ground himself with it.
He should have worn his fucking gloves today.
The woman's eyes go wide at the sudden viciousness in his voice. "I'm sorry?"
"Do you walk up to guys with one leg and ask what blew it off? Do you fucking ask people if they've got autism when they, I don't know, do anything, do-... do you-... do you tell people their moles don't look right, do you ask-... shit. Fuck."
He turns abruptly on his heel.
"Well, I'm sorry, I was only curious-"
"No, you weren't." He turns back. He needs to walk away but he can't make himself do it. Some of the coffee sloshes over the side of the mug from the violence of his movements and splatters on one of his shoes. "No. Don't pull that shit. What you were doing is looking at me and thinking you could remind yourself that you don't look like me and what a goddamn blessing, huh? That you're better because your goddamn legs work better than mine do, but you know what?"
She looks frozen, as if she expects him to hit her. Her mouth is a pink O, and the lipstick is wearing off on the inside, showing the paler natural color against her teeth.
"You being an annoying piece of shit is the least important thing in my life, so take a good fucking look and enjoy your fucking working legs, because I may need a wheelchair sometimes - and it's a badass fucking chair, for the record - but you need a goddamn brain transplant and too bad, you're fucking stuck with yourself for the rest of your life instead. And frankly that makes me luckier than you."
He's limping by the time he makes it to Allyn, his right leg is burning pain up his thigh, and he half-collapses onto the couch.
His heart is pounding, adrenaline and fear dumping into his veins on a delay. They look up and their eyes widen at the sight of him, leaning over to touch his shoulder. He dips his head and they put a hand to the side of his face. "Jameson? What's wrong?"
He can't stand up to tell them they should just leave and go somewhere else, that's what's fucking wrong. He has to sit here and feel like shit and-
He realizes the woman has left without ordering, her face bright red in embarrassment. The bell over the door jingles with her exit.
"Can you-... can you call the big guy?"
"Yes, but-... but what's-"
Jameson swallows down his anger and his pride, and reminds himself there's nothing wrong with asking for help. "Ask if he'll come by with the car to get us, and bring my crutches. Please?"
Allyn nods, and they shift closer to him on the couch, their hand dropping to rub his back. "Of course. I'll call him, you just drink your coffee. Is everything okay? I mean, other than-"
"It's fine."
Jameson watches the woman's car as it pulls out of the parking lot, and he hopes she never comes back to this fucking coffeeshop again.
He really likes the coffee here, and he's sure as fuck not going to give it up just because one asshole tried to ruin his day.
He settles his head on Allyn's shoulder and takes a sip, eyes slowly closing. "Tell him not to hurry," He says, quietly. "I still want to stay here for a while with you."
He feels Allyn's smile, hears it in their voice and tastes it in the rainwater of their sound, he doesn't see it. "Of course."
No one's going to ruin his fucking day.
Especially not her.
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smallesttits · 3 years
♡New Nails♡
This is one of my stories from wattpad, felt like adding it on here. My wattpad is in my bio, ZONT STEAL MY SHIT IM BEGGING YOU LMAO ILL COME FOR YOU.
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I flinched as the man pushed my cuticles back even more. I felt like I was on the verge of bleeding. But the end result would satisfy me. I closed my eyes and let him do his work.
About 30 or so minutes later...
I looked at my freshly painted nails, excited I took time out of my day and money out of vinnie's pocket to get these. Of course he wouldnt let me pay, fucking beautiful asshole.
They didn't cost much thankfully, because of my cheaper option.
I blow them because I can, before thanking and paying. I jump in the car and carefully drive home making sure not to smudge anything.
I got a little hungry and pulled up to chipotle, getting myself a bowl and a drink. While I ate in the car vinnie facetimed me. I ignored the call, not wanting him to see me eating without him. It makes me act all petty.
Lovie <3: where are you? Why didn't you answer?
I groaned and almost choked on a piece of rice as I picked my phone up. Texting him back would show that I ignored him.. but if I didn't he'd think I was mad at him and left him on read.
I called him back.
"Hey," I mumbled. The camera was on the ceiling of the car, while quickly and quietly tried to close my bowl.
"Baby? Why didn't you answer the first time? Why isnt the camera on my pretty girl, c'mon let me see that beautiful face.. please?" He begged, his forehead centimeters away from the camera. I chuckled, wiping sour cream off of my face and putting my food back in the bag along with my fork.
[I fucking hate sour cream but when it's in a chipotle bowl- 😩😩😩]
"Fine, give me a second." I roll my eyes and adjust the angle, placing my phone sideways on the dashboard and window. He smiled brightly and runs a hand through his hair as he sits his phone down too.
"There you are, so pretty.. now let me see your nails." He wiggles his eyebrows and his fingers, motioning me to show him I giggled, and shook my head. He gasped, almost offended.
"C'mon! Pretty please baby- wait where are you? Did your car break down- do I need to come get you baby you should have said something!-" he rambles, worried as he gets up to grab his keys.
"No, vin I'm fine! I'll be home in a second dont worry-" I push my hair over my shoulder and wriggle my nose.
"Baby... what are you not telling me. I'm confused." He huffed, twirling his keys around on his finger and flopped back in his gaming chair.
"I- I justgothungry and y'know I.. umgotsomefoodbeforeIcamehome," I mumble, almost ashamed.
"Oh.. mkay. Just get home I guess," he blankly says and hangs up. I groan and sink in my seat.
After I finish eating for a good 30ish minutes I get a small notification from Vinnie and immediately pick my phone up.
Lovie <3 : where the fuck are you? Get home. Now. Before I track you fucking down y/n.
Shivering, I toss my phone and start the car, driving my way back slowly so I dont mess with my new nails. Got to be cautious.
×Vineyard's POV×
I slammed my phone down on the table when I saw she'd left me on read. It angered me that she did that. I just wanted her home. I wasn't even that mad about her getting food without me, I just like watching her eat, its peaceful. The way she breathes and chews, glancing over at me while I stare at her. It's creepy, I know. But I couldn't care less.
She was being a little brat, not showing me what I gave her.
Oh she'd pay for it, she might not know yet. But she will.
I'm her weakness, and I can take advantage of that.
I turn the corner to our drive way, parking in one of the many spaces we own. I run my fingers softly through the ends of my curls careful not to mess them up. Nervously I step out the car, picking up my bag that still holds my unfinished bowl.
I walk up and put the code in the door, unlocking it before walking in. I head straight to the kitchen, feeling relief wash over me as I dont see Vinnie. I already know he's mad at me, should I go apologize or should I steer clear of him? He'd probably get even more angry with me if I ignored him, but If I went upstairs right now... I'd get killed.
"So, finally decided to come home?" A soft voice whispers in my ear and I whip around, screaming. His hand covers my mouth before my scream fully makes it out, and I freeze.
"No need to be scared baby," he frowns, but it quickly turns into a smirk. He looks over at the bag and glares at me after, letting go of my mouth.
"Vin I'm sorry-" I whine and watch him bend his knees so he's closer to me. Confused, I watch him hug my thighs. I'm quickly thrown over his shoulder as he straightens his legs out.
Squealing, I hang over him and kick my feet around. "Vin! Stop- I can walk!"
"Mhm, keep those words in your mouth for later. Might regret them."
I groan, taking my nails and stabbing him with the sharp side. He tenses, slapping my ass roughly as he starts to walk up the stairs.
-3 hours later-
"Vinnie.. please!" I scream and try to thrash against my restraints. His edging hurt.
I had only came once.
I wasn't tied for 3 hours straight, no. Just about an hour and a half. I couldn't stay still enough for his liking. Bitch.
My new nails dug into the rope around my wrists, my toes gripping the rope around my ankles. My head was inbetween my knees, as I rocked the most I could on my back. I couldn't see vinnie, my tears dampening the black cloth around my eyes.
My hair was a mess, I could feel it sprawled against my cheek and shoulders, and the bed.
Vinnie didnt give a shit, of course.
"You did this to yourself baby, don't be such a brat. Mkay? Take it like a good girl. I know you're my good girl now aren't you?" He hums, and I can feel him get closer to me. He pushes his weight on me and I scream out, feeling so fragile.
He chuckles, getting off me and suddenly untying the rope around my ankles. My legs fall weakly, and tears slide down my cheeks immediately. I continue crying quietly as he takes my restraints off, leaving the cloth over my eyes still on.
He sits me up, and I feel almost nauseous.
"Aw.. is my baby tired?" He frowns, picking me up by my arms and cradling me. I continue crying, silently now. He doesn't know I'm crying yet, he thinks the tears are old. The pain my entire lower body is in makes me want to crawl into a deep dark hole and die.
He rocks me in his arms a little, and I wait for the nausea to go away. It vanishes quickly, leaving me to now just suffer in the pain he left me in.
"So pretty for me aren't you.. and look at those pretty nails. I have an idea." He smiles and I start to feel an irritation in my eyes from the cloth. I know if I say my safe word now, I'll leave him hanging. Even if he deserves it, seeing the damage he did to me I'd never do that. I love him too much, and I know he loves me more. just a little rough when It comes to pleasuring me.
I'm quickly sat on my knees in the floor, still blinded by the cloth as I feel his tip rub my swollen lips. Precum lathers my lips and I part them, bringing my hands up to hold his dick. My fingers wrap around him, and he grunts, twitching in my hands.
"Let me see those pretty eyes baby," he whispers, untying the cloth and gasping as he sees the fresh tears that stream down my face.
He immediately leans down, grabbing me and helping me stand. My legs burn and I cry out, scaring him.
"Shit, I- come on baby let me help you," he grips my thighs and I wince, pulling me up and on his waist. His hand goes to my head as I rest on his shoulder, smoothing my hair out. My eyes burn, my body aches and my head throbs. But Vinnie's here, and he'll take care of me.
"I'm so sorry, baby I'm so... so sorry. Why didnt you tell me? Tell me next time ok? I won't be mad. You're in excess pain because of me. I'm so sorry..." he repeats as he continues to rub my hair and back. He grabs the duvet, wrapping it around us as he heads downstairs with me. He sits me on the chill counter with the blanket around me, grabbing some tylenol and a bottle of water. He carries me back up the stairs and sits me on the toilet, forcing me to pee in front of him. I pee loud.
He sits in front of me, still naked as am I. Handing me the pills, I swallow them with the cold water and sigh.
"Sit right here, I'm gonna get the bath ready y/n," he mumbles and kisses my forehead longingly before walking towards the tub.
Nice ass.
🕴-Well it been a fat minute since I posted on here it feels like
Also this idea is from @luverts
Thanks baby ily🙁
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babymetaldoll · 3 years
"The Sean Hotchner effect" (Spencer Reid / Reader)
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My gif 😉
Requested: Yes
Summary: Spencer is jealous 'cos reader (and the rest of the female team) thinks Hotchner's younger brother is hot.
Warnings: Cursing
Category: Fluff
Word count: 4,5K
A/N: I can' believe I actually wrote a fic! I've been so busy taking care of my grandparents I've just been updating DIWK, 'cos those chapters were long written and edited. Hope you all enjoy this little story, I'll bring you a more next week, hopefully! send you all my love!! be safe babes!
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Working at the BAU, the team was used to seeing the worst of human behavior. Murder scenes, abuse, psychopath, you name it.
That's why seeing the apparition that walked into the bullpen that morning was such a big shock for us, the team's females.
- "What are you doing out of your bunker?"- Elle asked Penelope, who was standing next to my desk. I whipped my head, surprised to see Garcia there, out of the blue, not even looking at us. Instead, her eyes were fixated on someone who wasn't Derek.
- "I was on my way to file the things that I... file?"- Garcia made a pause as Elle and I slowly turned and looked at the guy our tech analyst couldn't stop staring at.
He was gorgeous. Tall, blonde, perfect smile. The kind of guy that could definitely get every girl's attention. We didn't get many of those at the BAU that often, except, of course, for Dr. Spencer Reid. My best friend was hands down the hottest agent in the whole FBI, and I enjoyed having him near. But this guy was completely different.
- "Who is that?"- Elle asked and stood by our side.
- "The Future Mr. Garcia,"- Penelope whispered as the tall young man walked over us and cut us one flirtatious smile. I couldn't help it and returned the smile.
- "Hi"- I smiled and waved- "How can I help you?"
- "Hey. I'm..."
- "Sean!"- Derek Worst time ever Morgan ruined the whole moment as he walked over and took that hot guy away from us. Now at least we knew his name was Sean.
- "You must be looking for your brother."- Morgan said and tapped on his back.
- "Yeah."
- "Right this way"- and that's how that apparition was gone from our lives and directed straight to... Aaron Hotchner's office?
- "Brother as in?"- Elle asked and turned to us, confused- "That's Hotch's brother?!"
- "Maybe Hotch is adopted,"- Garcia whispered, not taking her eyes from Sean until he disappeared behind the door.
- "I feel scammed. We didn't get the hot brother"- I sighed and shook my head- "Well, I might have never solved a case with that smile around the bullpen"- Elle and Penelope giggled, but someone coughed behind my back, and immediately, I knew who he was.
- "Who are you guys talking about?"
Spence Walter Reid was standing right behind my back, and the look in his eyes wasn't as sweet and friendly as I was already used to. He was upset. I just didn't know why.
- "No one"- I lied and looked away.
- "Who were you all staring at?"- Reid asked. I quickly returned to my desk (right in front of his), grabbed a few files, and pretended to be working.
- "Aaron's brother"- Elle explained- "Apparently, we got the wrong Hotchner."
- "Sean?"- Spencer frowned and looked at us- "He just got into Georgetown law school. Maybe he came to pick up his brother to celebrate."
- "Who is gonna celebrate?"- JJ walked over, holding a bunch of folders, and looked at us.
- "Hotch and my future husband"- Garcia sighed and kept looking over at Aaron's door.
- "Sean, Hotch's brother is here, and believe me, he looks nothing like his brother."
Elle smiled and moved a chair across from her desk to make sure she had the best seat in the room to see Sean when he walked out. I shook my head as Elle winked at me.
- "Stop pretending you didn't see him, (Y/N). You were the one who talked to him."
I swear, I could feel Spencer's eyes on me, burning my skin. I slowly turned around and looked at him with a small, innocent smile. But all I got in return was a stern look.
- "I just... wanted to... help him"- I tried to excuse myself, but Elle laughed, and Garcia followed.
- "Sure, babe. He looked like he was hopelessly lost in the BAU. He needed your help to find his brother."- I don't know why Elle was acting like that, but she made sure Spencer would be even more upset than he already was.
- "Stop it! I just asked if he needed any help."
- "Oh! and you would have given him a hand with anything he needed, wouldn't you?"- Elle chuckled and winked again.
- "Oh sweet Jesus, I would. All he has to do is ask, and he..."- Penelope got carried away in second, and she only paused her words when Hotch's door slammed open, and we all looked at Sean storming out of the office.
- "That's Hotch's brother?"- JJ asked, surprised. Elle nodded and literally bit her lips as she stared at him, walking over. Penelope barely even blinked, and I made my best not to make eye contact with him. Instead, I looked at Reid. And he locked eyes in mine, but again, his look was cold.
- "I don't see it"- JJ stared at Sean as he clearly argued with Hotch. I stayed still, sitting behind my desk, looking at the files.
- "You know what?! Don't profile me, Aaron!"- Sean yelled, and I could only imagine Penelope's crush growing bigger with each word that came from his mouth.
- "Now I see it!"- JJ followed Sean with her eyes as he rushed out of the BAU.
- "I hate to see you leave, but I love to watch you walk away."- Penelope whispered, and we all giggled.
- "Do you think Hotch is hiding that ass?"- Elle asked, and I couldn't hold the laughter.
- "I didn't want to think of that!"
- "Oh please!! (Y/N) stop being such a goodie-goodie!!"- Elle smacked my arm and shook her head- "You stared at his ass. Deal with it. You are single! You don't have to pretend you don't see a hot guy when you see one."
- "I saw him. He was cute. I'm just... not... that... affected...."
- "You don't have to pretend,"- Spencer said suddenly and raised an eyebrow- "Your body language indicates that you are nervous. You are blinking rapidly, our pupils are dilated, and you've been bouncing your knees since you sat down. Obviously, Hotch's brother affected you."
I opened my mouth to answer, but Hotch himself interrupted us and announced we had a case. Spencer just kept his eyes on mine for a few more seconds before walking away quickly to the conference room.
- "Looks like pretty boy is jealous,"- Elle teased and stood up too- "I don't know why if he ain't your boyfriend."
- "I know he ain't my boyfriend, and I'm sure he is not jealous. You are all just acting like school girls around a hot guy."- I tried to argue as I stood up and followed them to the conference room.
- "Oh honey, when you see a guy like that, you just can't help it."- Garcia smiled and sighed- "He was the sugar that got me going for the rest of the day."
- "It's only nine am."- JJ added, and Garcia just sighed.
- "That's how good it was."
The case was in Terra Mesa, New Mexico. A clearly angry Hotch announced wheels up in thirty, and we all headed back to our desk to gather our things.
- "Hey, I brought you back your copy of The Illustrated Man"- I walked to Spencer and handed him over his book- "Maybe after the case, we can get a coffee and talk about it."
- "Maybe not"- he grabbed it from my hands and put it on his satchel.
- "Why not?"
- "I don't feel like it."- Spencer avoided looking at me. He just closed his bag and walked away from me.
- "Hey! What did I do?"- I asked him and followed him, but he didn't even look at me.
- "Spencer, I'm talking to you!"
- "And as you can notice, I don't wanna talk to you."
His answer stopped me in my tracks and left me speechless. Spencer got into the elevator and pushed the button to close the door as fast as possible.
He had never acted like that with me. He had never talked to me like that. Shit! He had never been an asshole with me before. I had seen Reid being a jerk with people when he is mad, but he had never been like that with me. And all that just 'cos me, and the girls were a little unprofessional?
Apparently, Spencer was furious with me because during the whole investigation, he kept avoiding me. Of course, it didn't help that Hotch paired me with Reid and Morgan to talk to a young girl who had been abducted from the crime scene.
- "So, pretty girl, I saw you yesterday. Your eyes were shining when you talked to Sean"- Morgan started teasing me the second we got into the SUV.
- "I don't know what you are talking about."- I whispered and looked outside.
- "Oh please, you, Garcia, JJ, even Elle, the four girls were drooling over Hotchner's younger brother."
- "That's not true"- I denied right away- "We were all surprised. I had no idea Hotch had a brother."
And Spencer just snorted at my words.
- "What?"- I turned around and looked at him. He was sitting at the back seat, alone, arms crossed on his chest, avoiding eye contact.
- "Maybe you should stop talking about Hotch's hot brother and focus on the case."- his voice was cold and distant. I tried to read him, but all I could see was anger.
- "Ok, kid."- Morgan chuckled and shook his head - "No need to get all defensive."
- "I'm not defensive. I'm just saying we have to solve a case. People are dead, and you are still rambling about how hot Hotchner's brother is. We are not a fucking gossip show. Enough with it already."
I widened my eyes as I stared at him, bitter and angry. Not really a good combo. Spencer is one passive-aggressive asshole when he is mad, and you don't want to deal with him under those circumstances. Believe me.
But Derek just laughed and continued driving. He winked at me and pretended Spencer hadn't said anything hurtful or even evil. But, to be honest, Morgan looked composed and even amused. In fact, I'm pretty sure he was actually enjoying that awkward ride.
I wish I could tell you that was all Spencer did that day, but no. He actually exceeded himself in the art of being an asshole.
- "We are looking for a cult leader."- Reid started giving the profile to the police department- "Typically men between the age of 25 and 35"- he made a pause and looked at me.
- "What?"- I whispered, thinking maybe he wanted me to continue talking.
- "Nothing. I thought you were going to start giggling or sighing."- Elle and Morgan looked surprised as Gideon frowned, not getting Reid's comment.
- "Over a sociopath underachiever with an extremely abusive childhood?"- I asked him, as I continued describing the profile- "Why would I?"
- "I don't know."- he shrugged and continued walking around the office -"I thought after yesterday, it was going to be your usual behavior around men that age."
- "Reid"- Hotch's voice was cold and severe. Spencer looked at him and turned around to find an empty seat. Aaron continued giving the profile, and I turned to my best friend, enraged. I wasn't going to tolerate that passive-aggressive attitude.
- "Fuck you."- I mouthed and stared straight into his eyes.
Avoiding and ignoring Reid was a challenging task to achieve. Hotch was nice and wise enough to keep us apart for the rest of the day, but that didn't stop him from staring. And his eyes burned my skin each time we were together in the same room.
I made my best effort and avoided looking at him the whole time. But I felt him staring. And though I was honestly mad at him now, a part of me just wondered what on earth was he so upset about?
I found out the whole truth later that night, back at the hotel. I was already in bed, trying to forget about the case, 'cos it had already been solved, and we were supposed to go back home early the following day.
I was alone, 'cos my roommate Elle was in the hotel bar with JJ and Morgan. I didn't feel like going. I just wanted my pajamas and do nothing.
Fine, that's not what I wanted to do. I wanted to be with Reid, talking about The Illustrated man, or any other book, drinking coffee, making jokes, laughing.
But he was mad at me, and now I was mad at him too, which meant things weren't going to be smooth between us in a long while. We had only fought once before until that day. It happened when we first became friends, and we argued over some random Star Wars fact. He didn't admit he was wrong, and when I showed him I was right, he got all defensive and refused to talk to me for a whole week.
Of course, this time, it was going to be a hundred times worse.
I debated whether I should or shouldn't call Reid and yell at him when I heard someone knocking on my door. Of course, I thought it was Elle, so I dragged my weary body from the bed, arguing I had explicitly told her she had to bring her key when she left the room.
But no. It wasn't Elle. In the hall, looking like shit, I found Doctor Spencer Walter Reid.
It wasn't a good sign the way my heart skipped a beat the second I saw him. It didn't get any better when the two of us just stared at each other in silence for a moment, and I felt my whole body tremble only by his presence. I couldn't control it even if I wanted to. I loved him, and it was getting too hard to hide.
- "What are you doing here?"- I made sure my voice was as upset as possible and even made an extra effort to furrow my brows as I stared into his eyes. His look had softened, and you could tell he was nervous. He scratched his hair and fixed his nerdy glasses before speaking.
- "I needed... I wanted... I want to talk to you."- Spencer finally said and sighed, looking at me.
- "Why would I want to talk to you after you humiliated me in front of the whole police department?"
I spat each word and tried to slam the door on his face, but he stopped me before succeeding.
- "Wait, please, (Y/N)"- he pushed the door open and followed me inside the room.
- "Get out, Reid!"- I argued immediately, but he didn't listen. He actually closed the door behind his back and stood behind me. I refused to look at him, 'cos I knew what would happen if I did: I would forgive him too quickly.
- "(Y/N), I'm so sorry. I know I was an asshole. I didn't mean it. I was completely out of place."
Spencer literally vomited his speech in less than three seconds and stayed wordless and silent afterward. I crossed my arms on my chest and stayed still. I really didn't want to talk to him.
- "I'm sorry"- his voice was now a tiny whisper that somehow got inside my heart, melting the fortress I kept building against him.
- "Why did you do it?"- I asked the most straightforward question, but he didn't answer. Spencer stayed quiet for at least two minutes. So I turned around and faced him. His eyes were red, and he was fighting the tears back.
- "Why did you humiliate me, Spencer?"
- "I didn't mean to."
- "So? I don't care what you meant. You did it anyway. You fucking humiliated me in front of the team and in front of the whole police office, and why? 'Cos you were mad at me for being unprofessional? Excuse me, but I think what you did lacked more professionalism than anything I had ever done."
I knew it was a mistake. I knew I didn't have to look at Spencer while I spoke. But I couldn't stop myself. I didn't want to cry either, but I was already too upset and way too tired, so the tears started falling down my cheeks. And his followed quickly.
- "I'm so sorry,"- he repeated and bit his lips, staring at me.
- "Why did you do it, Spencer?"- I asked him again, 'cos I still didn't know why he had hurt me so deeply.
- "I was wrong..."
- "Why did you do it?"
I asked for the third time, and my eyes got lost in his. Spencer was holding his breath and debating himself. I could almost hear his thoughts, 'cos it was clear he was overthinking everything going on inside his head.
But he didn't say anything. Spencer just wiped off a few tears that rolled down his cheeks and shook his head. The silence in the room was overwhelming, and all I managed to do was to sigh, disappointed and broken-hearted, and walk to the door and open it. I only wanted him to leave, but he didn't even move. He just looked at me, clenching his jaw, fighting the tears back.
- "I did it because I am in love with you."
Spencer whispered in the most anticlimactic way possible. I frowned, confused, as he didn't even move. I stared at his gestures, his face blood-red in a weird mix of embarrassment and anger.
- "I love you so much it's driving me insane, (Y/N). I've been trying to tell you how I feel for weeks, but I just..."- he ran his hands through his hair, openly frustrated with his own way to deal with the situation, as I just stayed still, trying to understand what was going on.
- "I know it was stupid, and I wish I could do it differently, but I didn't know what to do. But then I saw you looking at Sean, and I knew you would never look at me the same way, 'cos I know I'm not..."
There was no bigger force in the universe than the one that moved my body unconsciously against Spencer. I grabbed his face with both hands and planted a kiss on his lips to shut him up. I didn't even think about what I was doing. I just did it 'cos I didn't want to listen to his rambling anymore. For once, probably for the very first time ever since we met, I wanted to shut Spencer Reid up. And the best way I could do that was kissing him until my lips felt numb.
I didn't even let him hesitate. He jumped as soon as I touched him, but he didn't reject me at all. Instead, he wide opened his eyes and stared at me as I winked at him, deepening the kiss.
Spencer's hands slowly found their way to my waist and held me closer to him. His lips were soft and warm, moving carefully along with mine, and as he relaxed into the kiss, the better it got.
I had wasted so much time (mostly at work, bored, avoiding paperwork) fantasizing about kissing Spencer. How his lips would feel and taste. If he would make any noise, if he'd be rough or soft... and now there I was, getting all the answers I ever needed.
My heartbeat faster when I opened my eyes and saw him, deep concentrated into the endless kiss. My hands played with his hair, and I felt him hum, pleased with my movements. I couldn't help myself and smiled, not stopping the kiss.
- "What?"- Spencer asked, but his lips didn't move from mine. Neither of us wanted to stop.
- "Nothing,"- I whispered and shook my head softly- "I just like kissing you."
- "I like kissing you too,"- he answered and moved his hands from my waist to my cheeks and held my face. His hands were so big I could feel him covering most of my cheek. He made me feel secure, safe. Loved. All that only from cupping my face.
- "I love you."- Spencer whispered and opened his eyes. I looked at him and sighed, trying to keep myself together, when all I really wanted was to yell and jump and act like a teenager in love.
- "Me too."
That was all I managed to answer, though I knew he deserved better. He deserved to know how much I loved him, how crazy I was over everything he did. Everything he was. But I couldn't tell him that, not at that minute at least. That night I couldn't really speak much because all I wanted to do was to kiss him. I wanted to kiss Spencer Reid until my lips burned.
But he didn't let me fulfill my dream. As soon as he heard me, he stopped the kiss and stayed very, very still.
- "What happened?"- I panicked, I don't know why- "Did I overstep..."
- "You love me?"- he interrupted me, and his eyes filled with tears. Happy tears. His smile was soft and warm as he stared at me, waiting for an answer.
- "I do,"- I murmured and blushed. Was it too late to blush? Maybe, but I couldn't help it. Not when he was looking at me like that. Like I was the most beautiful woman on earth. No. Like I was the only woman on earth for him.
- "I'm so sorry..."
But I really didn't want to listen to his apology. I had already forgiven him. All I wanted was to kiss him again. And again.
I crushed my lips against his, and this time, I felt him smiling into the kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and he locked his around my waist. We were so close I could feel the warmth of his body as he relaxed a little more, and his fingers started caressing the small on my back.
- "Come here."
I took a few steps back, and he followed, keeping as close to me as possible. Finally, I dragged him to my bed, and he laid by my side. Our legs were intertwined as we melted on that mattress, just kissing.
I honestly never imagined I would kiss Spencer. Maybe that's why I enjoyed it and tasted him (and the moment) in slow motion. He sighed and smiled as his lips and tongue played with mine. One of his hands held my waist as the other played with my hair.
It was heaven. I didn't imagine anything better than being on that bed kissing Spencer Reid. He whispered he loved me again, and I sighed. For a second, it felt I was in a dream.
- "Ok, mama, get out of that.... WHOO!"- Derek, JJ, and Elle stormed into the door and caught Spencer and I kissing on the bed. I felt like a teenager all over again.
- "What the..."- Elle asked was holding the key in her hands, eyes wide opened, in shock.
- "My man!"- Morgan was about to start clapping when JJ grabbed him and Elle's arm.
- "The guys need some privacy. Come on, let's go. You can sleep in my room, Elle"- JJ smiled and closed the door behind her back, but less than a second later, Derek walked in again.
- "Smile to Garcia!"- Derek waved, holding his phone. Spencer closed his eyes and covered his face, embarrassed as I grabbed a pillow and threw it over him.
- "Get the fuck out of my room!"- I shouted, and JJ had to pull Morgan's sleeve to get him out of there. Once the door was closed (again), we waited a few seconds in case Derek tried to interrupt us one more time. But he didn't. Spencer's cheeks were burning red, and he looked so embarrassed it was too sweet. So I leaned over him and kissed the tip of his nose.
- "Hi,"- I whispered and smiled. Reid chuckled and moved closer to me, reaching my lips.
- "Hi."- I sighed, strangely relieved to feel his lips on mine again. I was like my body had already gotten used to kissing him and wanted to do nothing else from that moment on.
- "Hi,"- I repeated and smiled.
- "Hi,"- Reid said again and wrapped his arms around me, moving me until I was sitting on his lap. Life was perfect.
- "I'm so glad Hotch's brother came to visit. He should come more often,"- I murmured and giggled. Spencer frowned and shook his head.
- "I think we are good."- he answered and narrowed his eyes.
- "If he hadn't come, you wouldn't have gotten so jealous, and we wouldn't be kissing right now."- I added, and rubbed his lips with mines, just to make a point. Spencer smiled and fully kissed me.
- "I will send him a muffin basket to George town, then."
- "That's very thoughtful. I love that about you."
- "I love everything about you,"- Spencer whispered and sighed, staring into my eyes.
- "Does this mean we are dating?"- I had to ask. Spencer wide opened his eyes and didn't move for a few seconds -"I'm just asking 'cos you said you loved m and I love you, and if you love and I love you, I'm pretty sure dating would the logical thing to do. But if you don't want to, I would totally understand. I mean, maybe I am assuming..."- Spencer's lips against mine ended with my senseless rambling, and he chuckled into the kiss.
- "What?"- I asked him but didn't move my lips from his. Already that might have become my favorite way to talk to him.
- "You are adorable when you ramble."
- "Shut up"- and Spencer smiled
- "Would you be my girlfriend?"- he simply asked and rested his forehead against mine as he stared at me. I smiled and sighed, pretending to be considering my options. I didn't have any. I wanted to be his.
- "Yes,"- I whispered and kissed him one more time- "I would love to, just promise me you will never be a passive-aggressive jerk with me."
- "Never"- Spencer kissed me, and his hands held me tighter- "I'm so sorry."
- "Just kiss me a few more times so I can properly forgive you"- Reid smiled and crushed his lips against mines.
- "Anything for you."
Spencer taglist
General Taglist
@spenxerslut @ash19871962 @all-tings-diego
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wandas-sunshine · 3 years
Hi ~✨~ I hope you’re doing well 😊 and congrats on hitting 1K that’s honestly so cool! I’m just messaging to see if I can get a ship please. My nickname is Ellie and pronouns are she/her. I’m straight and I would like the ship to be romantic please. I don’t know if anything really makes me special 😅 but here are a couple things about me. Personality wise I like to think of myself as the “comic relief” type of character. I kind of say anything that comes to my mind, which is mostly just silly comments and sometimes too blunt comments. I’m very giggly and friendly. I am very quiet and nervous at first, but after a few hangs I usually open up and it’s hard for me to shut up. I do overthink things though and I can admit that I’m a pushover but I’M WORKING ON IT. Oh and I am gullible. I’m the type of person who’ll love to watch rom-coms, or read cute love stories but if someone were to do something actually romantic to me I’d cringe but still find it cute. Random facts; I love to dance. Currently, I do a lot of dance covers. I love binge watching shows and movies. I watch a lot of mainly cartoons. And foooooooddd 💗. Anyways thanks for doing these ships it’s pretty cool. Take your time and have a great day ☀️ oh I forgot to mention, I can’t decide between a night in or a first kiss so you can pick. Thank you! 😊 (sorry if you got this message twice it said it didn’t go through the first time)
Hey, I really hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it. I'm not sure if it's fully in character for you, but hopefully it's good!!
I ship you with Pietro Maximoff
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Pietro would just generally enjoy your vibes and match your energy no matter what. He'd enjoy teasing you as a form of affection too, but he'd be hyper protective if anyone else tried to do it.
Night In: You'd been with Pietro with a little over two years now, living in a little apartment with him and sharing your life. And life with Pietro was always spontaneous. You'd been asked by dozens of people how it was that you managed to keep up. You'd joke and ask what choice you had. Really, though, Pietro made it east to get dragged int his whirlwind.
You'd had a long day working on your newest project and dancing yourself half to death - not that you minded putting in the effort. Now you were allowing yourself to curl up on the couch in your comfy clothes, eagerly awaiting the arrival of your boyfriend so you could get some well earned snuggles.
You were enraptured by the show you'd turned on to pass the time, one you'd been meaning to catch up on for some time now, when Pietro came in. You didn't hear the door open, or close, and you must not have fully registered the rustling in the kitchen. You didn't note his presence whatsoever until Pietro plopped onto the couch beside you. You nearly jumped out of your skin, which only made the silver haired man laugh brightly.
"You scared me shitless!" You swatted at him halfheartedly. "You're an asshole."
"Hey, it's not my fault that you were distracted." He reached for your laptop, closing out the window you were watching and tipping it shut. You groaned in protest, but the grin on his face refused to dull. Annoying.
"You're a menace. Why are you doing this to me? I've never done anything to you." You whined, draping your dead weight onto him. It didn't provide much resistance as he wiggled out from under you, then dragged you to stand up with him. You kept trying, though, as he hauled you into the kitchen.
There were bags of groceries on the counter tops, and you turned to give your boyfriend a deadpan look. He stood beside you with a proud glint in his eye.
"Did you just drag me all the way out here to put away groceries?" You asked dully. You probably wouldn't actually stay mad at him if he had, but you might sulk for a few minutes. He hesitated, his grin turning into an over-exaggerated pout. Then he shook his head.
"I bought things to make dinner. I thought we could cook something together." He was still a bit disappointed that you hadn't picked up on his brilliant idea (a side effect of spending so much time with his mind-bending sister, no doubt), but now his voice was laced with hope. You cracked a smile.
"That actually sounds sweet, Piet. What did you want to make?" You slid your arms around his waist, drawing him in for a tight hug. Your own way of apologizing for jumping to the worst conclusion.
You turned on music on your phone while Pietro took the groceries from the bag and laid them out on the counter. He explained the meal, stating that there was no written recipe anywhere that he'd ever seen. It was a family recipe, carefully passed from person to person, from parent to child, from lover to lover, from confidant to confidant. His mother, he told you, had said that food was a matter of love. Now he was asking to share it with you.
With music playing, you half danced around the cramped kitchen, listening carefully to Pietro's instructions for the sauce he had you making while he worked on the pork. The aroma in the kitchen had you weak at the knees by the time you thought your sauce to be done.
You held the spoon out for him, carefully cupping a hand beneath in case any dripped. He leaned close, blowing on the sauce slowly. You could tell he was drawing this little taste test out, making you squirm. He was cruel about it. But after a moment, he took a taste and only responded with a thoughtful hum. You felt your heart sink.
"I screwed it up. I did, didn't I?" You asked, waiting for his disappointment to surface. So much time wasted. He took the spoon, putting it back in the pot.
"It's perfect, baby." You swatted at him again as he giggled cruelly at having managed to trick you into thinking you'd messed up. "Come here, the pork will be done in a minute."
He dragged you close, wrapping his arms around you.
"Thank you for this." He kissed your nose, and you scrunched it up. "I love you."
"I love you too, now get your food before it gets ruined." You huffed, an affectionate smile rising onto your lips as he stepped away from you again. Yeah, it wasn't so much work to keep up with him.
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❝ words: about 1k.
❝ tag list: @diogodxlot @purrrrfect @danniburgh @rocketqueen @catcher11 @pedritobalmando @penelopeimp
❝ if you want to be added to the tag list for this challenge, send me a message or leave a comment.
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Friday night means girls' night. Your friends and you meet at your house to get ready to have dinner and enjoy some drinks at your favorite club. It's been a crazy week since, supposedly, Pablo Escobar blew up a whole airplane in a failed attempt to kill Colombia's President. So you deserve it indisputably. You have worn your favorite white sink dress, fitting your anatomy to perfection and highlighting your legs; ready for anything.
As always, three Margaritas and one Guaro shot and you're already in the middle of the dancefloor. Letting yourself go with both eyes closed and your arms raised over your head, your hips swing at the rhythm of the Latin music earning more attention than you actually wanted. But you don't care, you're too focused on having fun with your friends as if outside of the local there's no a government-narcotraffickers' war.
Isabel holds your hands to dance with you, drawing an innocent grin on her lips, leaning onto your ear. “Hay un tipo tras de vos que no le quita ojito”.
(There's a guy behind you, who doesn't stop staring at you).
Squinting at her and wrinkling your nose, she makes you turn around pretending you are still dancing with her. As soon as your eyes land on him, your stalker puts his glaze away trying to keep a stiff upper lip having smoke from his cig, feigning he was talking with his own friends and not devouring you with his chocolate orbs. Isabel turns you again to face her, showing a gesture of approbation. That guy looks good. Really good. But he also looks like an asshole, so you aren't sure about what to do.
Your friend pushes you to the bar, alone, giving you the correct answer to the questions inside your head. You're not the kind of girl who hooks with the first man who makes googly eyes to you, but he has something different. Something mysterious. And you are too curious to let him go without figuring it out.
However, you change your mind at the last second, having another plan better than Isabel's. Going back to the table where your friends are, you wear your jacket in silence before hanging your purse from your shoulder. They don't say anything, knowing to perfection which card you are going to play. Blowing a kiss to the girls, you lead your steps to the exit door.
You're not going to lie, the fresh air feels like coming back to life, walking slowly to enjoy the streets of Bogotá and hoping that man follows you. You aren't scared. You can recognize when a guy is a bad hit, and when is a god's gift. And he's the second one.
You have to do your best to hide the satisfied smile trying to appear on your lips, turning around to the call claiming your attention.
“¿Qué se le ofrece, señor?”
(Do you need something, sir?)
“¿Ya se marcha?”
(You leaving?)
“Sí. Como que ya se me hizo tarde”. You reply shrugging, letting him come a little closer.
(Yeah. It's late).
“Entonces, déjeme darle una carrera a casa. No debería vagar sola por las calles a estas horas”. Tossing his cig to the ground and smashing it with his left boot, he offers you a hand to hold it.
(Then, let me take you home. You shouldn't walk alone at this point of the night).
Raising an eyebrow incredulously, you can't help but let a chuckle escape from your throat shaking your head slightly.
“¿Qué le hace pensar que me voy a subir a su auto, ah?“
(What makes you think I'm going to go with you?)
“Si no quiere, la puedo detener”.
(If you don't want, I can arrest you).
Unbelievable. Crossing your arms over your chest, you can't believe what he's saying. Seeing him tilt his chin with a soft move while clicking his tongue, he tucks a hand inside his jacket to grab something. You take a step back, feeling your heart racing because of the thought of a gun. In fact, he shows you a badge. A DEA badge.
“No me puede detener, no llevo drogas. Ni tampoco las consumo”.
(You can't arrest me, I don't have drugs with me. And I don't do drugs either).
“No dije que la fuese a detener por drogas. Me ha robado el corazón y fíjese que es un delito”.
(I didn't say I was going to arrest you for drugs. But you stole my heart and that's a criminal act).
His tone of voice is firm and convincing while tangling his hands in a fist under his abdomen and keeping eye-contact.
Oh, he has balls. Two big balls. And you don't want to recognize it, but he has won.
“Bueno, dale…” You accept the offer, leaning forward a little to read his name on the badge. “Agente Peña, me puede llevar a casa”.
(Okay, fine. You can take me home, Agent Peña).
The triumphant smirk he shows you, keeping his identification back to the inside pocket of his leather jacket, gives you chills down your back causing you to bite your bottom lip. Licking it lightly, you hold the arm he is offering you to lead you straight to his car.
The road to your house is silent —but not uncomfortable—, except for the guidance to find your neighborhood, even if he knows the whole street plane of Bogotá. But your voice is doing something to him, so he continues asking you where he has to drive to. And you have noticed that his car is running slowly, probably because the Agent wants to stay a little more with you. But the road has an end, much to his regret. Much to your regret.
“Ya llegamos”. You announce tilting your head towards him.
(We've arrived).
“Fue un placer traerla a casa, sana y salva”.
(It's been a pleasure, now you're safe and sound).
“Un servicio excelente, se lo agradezco, señor Peña”.
(And I appreciate it, Mr. Peña).
“Me puede llamar Javier”.
(You can call me Javier).
You lick your teeth on a funny grimace before opening the passenger door to step out from his car, looking for your keys inside your purse.
“Hey, ¿cuál es su nombre, ah?”
(Hey, what's your name?)
“Estoy segura de que lo puede averiguar usted solito, si tanto le interesa”. You can't help but tease him, walking backward to your house as you wave a hand comically.
(I'm sure you can figure it out without my help if you really want to know it).
He chuckles resting an arm on the wheel, looking at you through the open window. You like to play, but what you don't know is that he invented the game.
“Buenas noches, Javier”.
(Good night, Javier).
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Prompt: Inspired by the song Things You Make Me Do by Devil Doll
Word Count: Long-ish
Pairings: Roman Reigns x Reader
Warnings: +18, angst, heart break, manipulation
Editor: @thenightmareismyreality
Tag: @ziasaph , @marlananicole , @akiko-tanaka , @wickedsunfire , @sassymox , @nicolewoo , @saccreigns , @mindofasagittaruis , @reigns-5sos , @drewmcintyrekoccsrocbwdgfan , @auawdo , @lustyromantic , @babydee17 , @yungbludjazz360
Notes: This song is amazing, this band is amazing and I missed my main man, so enjoy lol ❤️ If you’d like to check out my other works, you can find them on my Masterlist 😉
I've got a secret plan to love you and I do so night and day
And I always stand right by you, have your back in every way
And you wish that I could save you and I wish that I could too
But if you cause too much pain for me I'll leave if I have to
He stood up from the hotel bed and began to get dressed, and as she stared at his figure, she wondered until when was she going to put up with this
But I think about you constantly all through the night and day
And I toss and turn in bed at night and hope it goes away
But it never does and when I wake and you're not next to me
I remember where you are, I hope your girl forgives me
“Are you leaving already?” She asked
“You know I have to” He looked at her “We can’t have people suspecting this” He motioned to the space between them “I would be fucked if they did” He scoffed
“Excuse me?” She asked, hurt by his lack of emotion “What do you mean by that?” She couldn’t have felt more offended, even if she chose to
“What, Y/N? Look, we fuck every once in a while, we have a good time but that’s it!” He chuckled, as he tied up his sneakers “Don’t try to turn this into something that it isn’t” He stood up
“Like what?” She asked angrily
“You know what? I’ll see you later” He winked, and walked out the door of her hotel room
Do I need you?
You seem to think I do
Can't seem to see through anything that you do
Oh, ooohhh, the things you make me do
Y/N was walking down one of the dark arena hallways, when a pair of strong arms grabbed her from behind, pushing her inside of one of the locker rooms
“Aren’t you gonna talk to me?” He asked, with his lips glued to her ear
“No, and let me go! I have work to do”
“You’ve been ignoring me for three days straight! Why is that, baby?” As his lips made contact with her skin, trailing down her neck
“Roman, just let me go. This is not the place and DEFINITELY not the time”
“I miss you” He whispered “Y/N, baby, you hurt my feelings when you treat me like this” He buried his face in her hair and caressed her body softly
She scoffed “As if you had any”
“Hey” He turned her around so she could face him “What’s the attitude about?” He looked into her eyes, and saw the resentment they held
“Is this because of what I said in your hotel room?” He sighed
“If you know, then why play dumb?” She spat
“C’mon Y/N, I’m sorry, ok?” He hugged her waist “I didn’t mean to hurt you. I’m an asshole! Please forgive me?” He pouted “Please, baby? I hate when you get mad at me” He begged with his eyes
“You don’t deserve it, you know” She crossed her arms in front of her chest
“Don’t be such a bitter bitch...It’s hotter when you’re MY bitch” He teased
When she tried to hold back a cackle, he knew he had won again
I should know better than to follow your lead wherever you go
Through the raging rivers, stones and alley ways we go
Sometimes I wonder if you really know where you take me to
But your radio is on so loud I can't get through to you
But if everything's ok with you then it's ok with me
You are such a little boy with you're big philosophy
But I'm not a little girl, I am a woman, don't you know?
I'm packing up my toys, I don't want to play anymore
“I don’t want to do this anymore” She said, watching him turn around and get dressed again - as he did every time.
“What are you talking about?” He frowned, as he looked for his shirt
“I don’t want to see you anymore, I’m done with this bullshit”
“You’re breaking up with me?” He laughed, in disbelief
“Well technically, in order to break up with someone you need to be with them in the first place”
“Not this again” He rolled his eyes in annoyance “Why do you always have to get feelings involved, huh? For fucks sake, can’t you ENJOY a one night stand like everybody else?” He threw his hands up in the air
“One night stand?” She widened her eyes in surprise “Do you call fucking almost every night for two years straight a ‘one night stand’ ?”
“Sexually speaking, we couldn't be any more compatible if we tried - so what the fuck do you want me to do? You’re a good fuck to me and I’m a good fuck to you! Why would I search in clubs and bars for something I have next door?” He tugged on his hair out of frustration “I don’t have to date you to like you, Y/N” He sat down beside her on the bed, and caressed her face delicately “You know I like you, don’t you, baby?”
“Yeah I know” She slapped his hand away “You like me when your dick is inside of me”
“Y/N” He sighed
“Get the fuck out” She kicked him on his lower back, in a repeated attempt to shove him out of the bed “Get out!”
“I’m leaving!” He said, grabbing his jacket
“Out!” She threw one of her heels at him, and her aim made it so it nailed him sharply in the hip
“I said I’m fucking leaving” He grabbed the door handle “Crazy bitch!” He said loudly enough for her to hear as he left
But what he didn’t hear were her sobs, which lasted the entire weekend
Do I need you?
You seem to think I do
Can't seem to see through anything that you do
Oh, ooohhh, the things you make me do
Six months had passed. Y/N had transferred to Smackdown, leaving Roman and all of their bitter memories together with Monday Night Raw, and for once in her life, is truly happy. That night, as she approached her car in the parking lot, she spotted none other than Roman himself leaning against the drivers’ door of her vehicle
And how can you smile at me when you know just what you can do
And it's not fair to me cause you know that I can never have you
How can you make me feel so good but then you make me feel so bad
You know that you are the baddest love that I've never had
“Hi, baby” He smiled sheepishly “I missed you” He tried to hug her, but she dismissed him
*It’s not going to be as easy as I thought* He mentally said to himself
“Can I talk to you for a minute? I wanted to apolog-”
“What are you doing here, Roman?” She asked sharply
“I got transferred to Smackdown”
“Good for you” She nodded once and continued “Now, if you excuse me, I’m really tired” She pointed towards her car
“Y/N” He cupped her cheek “Please, just hear me out? I regret everything I did, baby. I mean it! I should have never treated you like that, you don’t deserve it! You’re a beautiful, smart, sexy woman and it was a huge mistake to take you for granted” He brushed his lips softly against hers “Tell me you forgive me, I beg you, please, baby”
“I forgive you and then what? Everything goes back to what it used to be? You treating me like shit? No, Roman. This is not fair to me” She shook her head
“And you’re absolutely right! That will NEVER happen again! I give you my word, baby. Just give me one more chance and I promise I’ll make it up to you” His long fingers stroked the back of her neck lightly, making her miss what they once had.
That was until her phone rang, and the first chords of the Davy Jones Locket song echoed through the parking lot, remembering her of what she had now.
She smiled, as the song continued “No, I have to go” She took his hand off her face and entered the car to go meet the owner of that ringtone.
I've got my own man now, he treats me the way that you never could
And now you're all like "I should’ve, could’ve, would..."
But I'm afraid you've missed the train, you were too busy playing games
And now our story comes to an end, you ain't my lover or my friend
And when I am walking down the aisle oh so happily
Then you'll be saying "it could’ve, should’ve been me."
“Rumor has it, you’re getting married” Roman said, leaning against her office’s door
“Wow, news travels fast in this business, huh?” She answered, not paying too
much attention to him
“Can I see the ring?”
“Why? Want to buy a new one for your wife?” She scoffed
He decided to ignore her tone “Can I know who the lucky guy is?”
“Will it change anything if you do?” She continued to read her papers
“Can you stop answering my questions with other questions?”
“Will you stop asking me personal questions then?”
He chuckled softly “I missed that acid humor of yours”
“What do you want Roman?” She glared at him
“Your happiness” But this time, he meant it
“Now, that’s a bad taste joke” She laughed bitterly
“I know you don’t believe me, but I do”
“Right” She said dismissively
“Can you tell me who it is?”
“I figure, if you know I’m getting married then you also know who the groom is. Why hear old news again?”
“It’s Drew, isn’t it?” He asked defeatedly
She sighed “Yes, Roman. It’s Drew, are you happy now?”
“When is the wedding?”
“October. Why are you suddenly so interested in my love life?”
“I need to know how much time I have to kidnap you before you commit the biggest mistake of your life” He joked, but deep down, he meant it
“I’m pretty sure I’ve already committed that one” She said, intentionally making eye contact with him
“I love you, Y/N. Always have”
“You have a funny way of showing it” She murmured
“I’m sorry, babe...but I felt trapped. I didn’t knew how to express what I was feeling and I was so confused” He locked his gaze with hers “I would do everything different now, I swear I would”
She ignored his pleading eyes, and returned her gaze to her paperwork “I’m afraid that time is gone, Roman...There’s nothing left to do”
If you need me, I will not hear thee
Stay away from me, trying to decieve me
Oh, oh, ohhh the things you make me do
Oh the things you'll never make me do
Oh the things you’ll never make me do
Roses are red, violets are blue and so are you
One year later, Y/N is gathering her personal belongings from her office, her pregnancy doesn’t allow her to travel with the company any more, so she’s going to be working only from her home office for the foreseeable future. A knock on her door made her look up
“I heard the stork will be visiting you soon” Roman said
“Yeah, apparently she will”
“How far along are you?” He approached her carefully
“Just turned four months”
“Baby is popping out of nowhere, huh? Until a week ago you had no bump at all, and now” He reached his hand to touch her belly, but stopped midway
“It’s okay, Ro, you can touch it” She encouraged him
He smiled widely and rested his big hand against her tiny bump
“Do you know what you’re having?” He asked softly
“Girl” She smiled brightly “Regan”
“Even got her a name already? Damn baby, you’re fast- Sorry I shouldn’t have called you that” He said weakly
“It’s ok, don’t worry about it” She tried to hide the nostalgia the pet name brought to her
“I wish...” He trailed off
“Don’t. Don’t go there, please”
“You can still run away with me, you know?” He smirked, teasingly
“I’m sure you would look great holding a female version of Drew” She tried to joke
“As long as you birth it, I don’t care who made it. Although I wish it was me” He tried, one last time
“Maybe in another life, Ro” She smirked sadly, as she reached the door
“Do you promise?” He asked
“I’ll see you around” Smiling widely, she made her way out the arena doors, leaving him behind, for the second time (in that life).
But who knows what can happen in the next one?...
Please, if you’re comfortable with it, let me know your thoughts on this? Feedbacks are always appreciated 🥰😘
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To Hell & Back
Part Two: “Lucky for me, your kind of heaven’s been to hell & back”
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Summary: You still hate Bucky. But you need him to keep you from going to jail... So, what’s the harm in inviting him over to dinner?
Prompt: “I don’t want to live on this planet anymore.”
Warnings: Angst?? (i think). Probably typos( which will be fixed). Implied violence. 
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Part one [In case you missed it]
It's Saturday.
Your day off. Well, what used to be your day off until it was turned into a family therapy session.
Well... Not an actual therapy session. It is literally just dinner with your family, including your sister's husband - a man you refuse to identify as your brother in law for reasons that will end in you being called the j-word. The husband, because he's the only son-in-law your parents have, has been dubbed the "referee" of the Saturday Sessions.
Each session, since you've been discharged, has made committing murder seem more and more appealing.
So appealing, that you're standing in front of your neighbour's door with a basket of muffins and a please-keep-me-from-committing-felonies smile.
Bucky, because he just spent the afternoon searching for a new bar, is standing on the other side of the door. Both confused and frightened to see you at his door voluntarily.
"Is there a bomb in that basket?" He asks, eyes roaming over you suspiciously. "Believe me, it's not gonna work."
You blink at him, then at the basket. Then back at him. "Why would I put a bomb in a muffin basket and then hold it?"
He raises a sceptical eyebrow at you.
You huff. "Fine, they're poisoned. I accidentally added laxatives while making them-"
"Yes, accidentally-" you glare at him. "-they're not for you. They're from us."
He blinks at you, confused. You haven't spoken to him, actually spoken to him, for a few months. You avoid him like he has a disease and when your paths do cross, you just glare at him like he threw your cat into on coming traffic.
It's been a few days since the coffee machine incident. He has a brand new one - better than the last one - sitting on his kitchen counter, waiting for him to develop the courage to give it to you. It should be easy. He has mastered the art of making amends.
But... He can't, for some reason, bring it to you.
"Wait-" he frowns, your words finally registering in his head, "-did you just say from us?"
You set the basket down. "So, remember when you broke my one shot at happiness?"
"Oh god." He forgot how dramatic you are, as well.
"Yeah, you can fix that little error by being a doll and-" you pause, then frown, struggling to find the right words.
"Muffin poisoned your tongue?"
"I'm trying to ask you to be my plus one for tonight's dinner-" you grit your teeth, your blood beginning to boil. "-at my parents house."
You didn't look him in the eye when you said that. And by the sounds of it, he doubts this is something he should be going to. Or something you should be going to. Not if it brings out this side of you.
"Who are the muffins for?"
They were for your sister. You broke her nose last week, which was never your intention, and the guilt has been eating you up alive since. The punch was meant for her asshole husband.
"You coming or not?"
"Let me grab a wine and the keys."
"We have muffins. No need to waste your good wine on mediocre tastes."
"I'm bringing the wine."
"If you make us stop to pick out flowers, I will watch porn with the volume on full blast every night for a week."
"Why are you always so violent?"
"So, how bad is it?" Bucky asks.
You've been in the car for a half an hour, because you chose the busiest route and the most congested during rush hour, and that's the first thing either of you have uttered since you politely dragged him out of his apartment.
You shrug. "Three roads lead to this one, so we'll be here another half hour."
"I mean the situation-" he drums his fingers against the wheel. "-you literally chose to be in a car with me, for the longest time possible. Either you want to get there late or you don't want to get there at all."
"Maybe I just like spending time with you."
Bucky scoffs, but doesn't question you further.
The car is silent, aside from the traffic outside, and you could almost relax. For just a moment, you could close your eyes and imagine you're somewhere else.
But you can't. Because you're not. You're on your way to a dinner that shouldn't be happening and is only happening because you're part of your neighbour's redemption list.
Because he just had to have a conscious.
"I punched my sister last week," you mumble.
Bucky wants to laugh. He wants to laugh so badly. He has met your sister, a handful of times - at the hospital, outside your room and outside your apartment door.
Every time she'd come over, she would knock hard enough to make him think she's part of SWAT team. And each time, he would could hear you scramble to switch off all devices that could alert her of your presence inside.
One time, you'd both arrived a few minutes after each other. His door was closer and already open, so you shoved your grocery in his hand and dived into his apartment to hide from your sister. He had to pretend he hasn't seen you since you left for work , and that the packet of sanitary pads that fell out were for his girlfriend.
He didn't have one.
He wants to laugh, because he doesn't like her at all. But he doesn't, because she's your sister. "What did she do?"
"She married an asshole-" you scoff. "-and decided to get in the way and I tried to punch said asshole."
At this, he grins. "And you need me there because?"
"I need you to keep me from trying to kill him," you begrudgingly admit. "I'm too high maintenance for prison."
"How bad is this guy that you need me to help you not kill him?"
"Bad enough that I'm gonna need you to park a few blocks away from the house," you turn to look at him, his confused eyes meeting yours for a quick second. "I told them we're taking the bus."
"Which means we only get to spend less than two hours there, if you drive a little slow-" you pause when he drives passed a McDonald's. "-hey, can we stop and get milkshake?"
He deadpans. "We have dinner plans with your parents."
"I get that you and them might have gotten along since you decided to be a hero," you glare at him. "But they're not as cool as the hospital visits made them seem."
Your parents have invited him over to dinner a handful of times, and each time he had to decline. You and him weren't on the best of terms, and he didn't want to make things worse by showing up for dinner without your knowledge.
He knows, first hand, that a few interactions aren't enough to give the full depth of a person. But he saw how devastated they were, how heartbroken they were, at the sight of tubes and needles sticking out of you.
He doesn't believe, he can't believe, for a second that they're as bad as you say they are.
But he won't argue with you. Not about this. "We'll get milkshake after."
"Hey, remember that coffee machine you br-"
"Oh, fuck you!"
You're not a fan of wine. At least, not the wine Bucky brought to the dinner.
An hour into the dinner and you've already had enough glasses to have Bucky worried. The wine is halfway to empty by the time dessert rolls in, and when your sister's husband clears his throat, you abandon the glass and drink straight from the bottle.
The second hour into the dinner is where things got interested. Interesting enough for Bucky to take the bottle from you before you could throw it at someone's head. Mainly because he wanted to throw it at someone's head. Your sister's husband's head to be specific.
Just as your mother gets up to start making tea for the muffins you brought, Bucky is the first on his feet and the first to use the 'we have to get going before we miss the bus' excuse.
You grin at him, vision slightly hazy from the wine you drank on an empty stomach.
"Mhmm," you hum as you cling into him to get to your feet, "the bus. We gotta- the bus. Bah-yeee."
"I'll make sure she gets home safe," he promises to your parents and they believe him.
Hell, you believe him. If there's one thing you can trust your neighbour to do, it's to save your life. But not your coffee machine.
He guides back to the car, which is parked exactly where you told him to, and he's never been happier to have listened to you. You sing all the way back, some ridiculous song about when you're fat and old, and you're the most content he's ever seen you.
Drunk off wine, eyes glassy and smile wide, as you try to mimic his steps. You sigh when you get into your seat, even though you fight him on opening your own door, and fumble lazily with your seat belt until he helps you clip it in.
Your struggle to find a comfortable position, but forget all about that when he parks the car outside your favourite coffee shop. You're out before he can even unclip his seatbelt and you're inside before he makes it to the door.
"Hi," you whisper-yell as you lean against the counter. "Pssst. Hi. Hello."
The barista blinks at you. Bucky cuts in before he can get a word out. "We'll take coffee. Filter. And anything that's bread-"
"-don't listen to him, he breaks hearts for a living. Sometimes he rips them out." I jab your pointer finger against the countertop. "I will take the strongest coffee you've got. I'm in the mood for bad decisions and-"
"We'll be at the booth, in the back." Bucky gently pries you from the counter. "One coffee and two bottles of water-"
You try to smack his hands away. "Why must you be so- Barnes, I swear to god, I will take your parking space."
He shoves you into the booth, then takes a seat opposite you. You attempt to make a break for the counter, but the glare he fixes you with is enough to keep you in your place.
It should scare you. The look he gives you. You know what he is capable of, without mad scientists to control him, you know the damage he's done. It takes a special kind of strength to face people like the flag smashers, and a special kind of crazy to go after them.
Bucky is both. And yet, his glare doesn't scare you. So much so, that you return it.
"I hate your brother-in-law-"
"Sister's husband," you cut in to correct him. "I refuse to recognise him as my anything."
He nods. "Right. So, let me get this straight-"
Bucky pauses as the barista sets down the coffee, the water, two croissants, some breadsticks and a garlic roll. When he's satisfied that there's nothing else, he leaves you alone with Bucky and the breads.
"You got work tomorrow-" he puts sugar into your coffee and stirs, before handing it to you. "-so you're gonna need to eat as much, so that it absorbs all that wine."
You glare at him but still do as he says. He's right and you'd rather sulk than admit it.
"So," he clears his throat to get your attention. "Your sister is an asshole, that married an asshole. And your parents are enablers of all that bullshit?"
You nod, practically shoving the garlic bread into your mouth. You didn't touch the food your mother cooked and, other than that milkshake Bucky bought you, you haven't had anything to eat all day.
"Instead of just sending you to therapy-" he scrunches his face in disgust at the thought. "-I can't fucking believe I'm advocating for that, but instead of paying for therapy. They do that? Host a dinner, sit a circle and kumbaya the problems away?"
Taking a sip from your coffee, you continue to nod. "Is it helping?"
He frowns, meeting your eyes. "What?"
"The mandated sessions-"you swallow. "-I heard you and Wings talking about it."
Thin walls. Shared balconies. Despite not being in each other's life, both of you know more than enough because of your apartments.
Your balcony and his are separated by a small barrier, but you can still hear his conversations - and visa versa- if you leave your glass door open enough when he's out there.
The wall that separates your apartment is thin enough for him to pick up on your habits. You don't think you're a creature of habit, but he would disagree.
He can tell, just from your foot steps, what you're going to watch or do in the living room. From the little sounds you make, he can tell which series you're binge watching for the umpteenth time and which one is on just for background noise.
If you weren't a creature of habit, he wouldn't have found you in time. You wouldn't be sitting in front of him, asking about his wellbeing, instead of dealing with yours.
"Wings is Captain now," he corrects, and you accept the deflection.
You would never overstep, or push. Not with him. Never with him.
"If Captain, why Wings?"
Narrowing his eyes, he pushes the bread sticks closer to you. "Fine, Captain Wings."
Again, you obey the silent instruction.
"Where were we-"
"We were plotting an asshole's abduction," you tell him, "and then dropping him off at the bottom of the Atlantic ocean. If that's not available, then maybe near Dyer Island."
He raises an eyebrow at you. “Why would we drop your sister’s husband on an Island?”
"It's a place, with a shitload of great white sharks."
"And you know this because?"
"I like to always be prepared."
"For what?" His brows furrow. "Do you just know random places to dump people that–"
You cut in. "–will lead to an inevitable death by natural causes? Yes."
He stares at you. Actually stares. Openly, at you. He can't remember the last time he did that, looked at you, for no other reason than to just look.
You didn't always hate him. When he first moved into your apartment building, and the landlord introduced you too, you were indifferent. He didn't think you knew who he was, most people don't at first glance, so he was relieved. Indifference was definitely better than everything else.
That was until you walked passed him and Sam in the lobby of the building, a week after he moved in.
"Sarge–" you nodded at him, as you checked your mail. Then nodded at Sam as you made your way out of the building. "–Wings."
You knew, you always knew who he was, and just didn't care. That was refreshing, to say the least.
The hate only came that night, or the following morning, he wasn't sure. All Bucky knows is, he meddled, and now you hate him for it. For saving you.
He's tried to talk to you about it. Countless of times, he's tried, and each time you hate him a little bit more. Or so it seems.
He wants to talk about it now. It's obvious in the way he's looking at you, like he can't believe you're here, in front of him. You can't either, but you won't ever admit that to him.
Hell would sooner freeze over before you actually admitted that maybe, just maybe, he should have meddled sooner.
You won't. So, instead, you put down the bread stick and sit back. "I know a really cool coffee place... If you still need a new place to hang."
It's an olive branch. You don't ever say what you really mean, he knows that, and he smiles at that little fact. That he knows that, he knows you.
"Is the barista as dramatic as I hear?"
"Only to strangers that break down her doors," you shrug. "Oh, and guys who break her coffee machine–"
"You're never gonna let that go, are you?"
You grin. Because you're just as petty as he is.
Tags: @sunflowerxbarnes , @ginger-swag-rapunzel​ , @arctic-duchess​
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lilyharvord · 3 years
Omg describe the parent trap au pls I'm begging you
AH! Okay! I've got five requests... means I have to do it XDDD
(bear in mind I had this idea before broken throne came out and we knew Cori and Shade were a thing)
1. Mare and Cal are still young, they're dealing with the ramifications of everything. Mare gets pregnant, they have twins. Their relationship sort of falls apart... and they go their separate ways, each one taking a twin daughter. Mare to Montfort, Cal to the States
2. Some years later (11) the twin daughters both end up at the same sort of camp thing (not sure exactly what's going on there, but they do). They totally hijack each other and end up being forced into an isolation where they only have each other. Then they realized: HOLY SHIT YOUR MOM IS MY MON AND YOUR DAD IS MY DAD. Then they hatch their "master plan" to get Mare and Cal back together. One daughter Coriane (Cal's) and the other Avery (Mare's) switch places, going back to the opposite parent in hopes that they will have to come back together to switch them back.
3. Shenanigans obviously ensue. And Cori realizes horribly quickly that Mare is dating someone... and Avery kinda didn't know about it. The guy (who is not Tyton because I Would NEVER slander that boi like that) is an asshole period. So Cori has to be a snappy little shit and tries to break them up. I just have this one conversation in my head where the guy confronts her and is like: For your information, I adore your mother, she's exactly the kind of woman I always dreamed of marrying. And Cori just leans forward and goes: and my mother's political and military standing wouldn't have anything to do with that... would it? And he goes from being nice politician guy to straight dick in .2 seconds and leans forward to day: listen here puss, I'm marrying your mother in three weeks, whether you like it or not. Is that clear? And once I do, I'm shipping your ass off to the Lakelands. And that's when Cori sends emergency message number 1 to Avery in the States who has been busy ignoring her panic because she's having the time of her life with her dad.
4. Anyway, Julian is the one that figures it out, cause he follows Avery after she runs out to place an emergency call to Montfort to tell Cori to hang in there. He makes Avery tell Cal and we get the cute scene where she's in his office and she has a little suitcase with her, and he laughs and asks where she is going when she buries her face in his shirt. And all muffled says: I'm going to find Cori. And he laughs again and says: I see Cori, so where is she exactly? And she just kinda sniffles looks up at him and says: In Ascendant, with her mom Mare Barrow. And Cal just kinda of looks up at Julian who gives him that little smile. And then he cups Avery's face, lifts it up to look at her, and says: You're not Cori.... you're Avery? and then he puts it together. They decide to go to Ascendant to switch them back. Cal is low key a wreck all the way there, and Julian goes with them with Sara because he's low key gotta chaperone his stressed out nephew still. (Little does Cal know that Julian, Sara, Cori, and Avery all planned it so that they go to the place Mare/Fiance are looking at for their wedding, without Cal knowing what's happening, and without Mare knowing anything at all.)
5. They all end up there, They get separated from each other for a split second and when they happens, Cal ends up spotting Mare getting into an elevator with her asshole fiancé, and she literally almost falls over leaning to the side making sure she is actually seeing her ex-husband and not a ghost of him induced by her low key guilt over remarrying (especially since who she thinks is Avery has been so very opposed to it). Then Cal goes up (mind you, he may be slightly drunk cause... it's funny in the movie, so it works here) runs into both the girls, and finds out Mare is getting re-married, and they try to convince him to stop it, but he won't hear any of it, and tells them he is only there to switch them back.
6. Cal goes down ahead of the girls, and is in the bar trying to get something to deal with the raging headache he has, and who does he run into but Asshole Fiance who is so freaking excited to realize it's him because wow, political ambitions to the max there.
6. Anyway, they go down to a garden and the girls are sitting there with Julian and Sara, and Mare is literally on the HUNT for Cal. She's so confused why he's here, etc. etc. Then she spots him walking down the stairs of the garden (it can be in slow motion while he's adjusting his jacket if you like 😏) and she literally runs into someone, and ends up in a fountain. Cal pulls her out, and she's just looking up at him shocked and confused, and then the girls show up and explain what they did and Mare's just baffled until she laughs and hugs them both. They sit down, Cal gives her his jacket and they talk for a second and Mare just says: I can't believe this... seeing them together, seeing you again... I just-- And then asshole fiance shows up and is like: FINALLY! There you are! Oh um...oh good, you've met! Honey, I was just speaking with him in the bar and um, we were talking about some trade deals, and um wait, I dont understand how did you two meet? and Mare... why are you all wet? and Mare just looks at Cal and goes: you're doing a political trade deal with my fiancé? and Cal's like: i didn't know he was your fiancé? And then Mare's like hahahaha how did we meet? How did you two meet? And Fiance just goes: Am I missing something here? And Mare going: hahaha this is one small world. Cue Avery popping up near his elbow and saying: Hey. And then him sniffing and going: hello. And then Cori popping up and going: Hi, how's it going? And him having a small freak out before Mare sort of grimaces and says: Um... did I ever mention to you that Avery was a twin? And he's just totally put out and grumbles: you neglected to mention that little detail. And the girls are more than happy to introduce Cal as their dad, and fiancé just goes: well, this is a small world. And Mare just awkward grimaces and says: and getting smaller.
7. Anyway, the girls make them go on a cute little date, and they sort of talk about why they broke up and why she left, and we get my favorite dialogue exchange from any movie every made and Mare says: well, I got on an airship to Montfort, and... you didn't chase after me. And Cal just sort of leans forward and says quietly: I didn't know you wanted me to. Then we cut to the next day, they're agreeing to send the girls back and forth between them for certain things, and then low and behold their trouble making daughters show up wearing identical outfits, and the girls give them their proposal. They will tell them who is who after they go on the camping trip. (Aka the one Mare takes Avery on every year in Paradise Valley). Cal crouches down and says: This one is Cori, I'm sure of it. And the one he's point to who is actually Avery just smirks and says: Are you sure dad? You wouldn't want to take the wrong kid all the way back to Archeon would you? And then they're forced to agree to said camping trip.
8. Cue my absolute favorite part of the 1998 movie, where we cut to the fiancé going: AND WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO FOR FIVE DAYS? STAY HOME AND KNITT? And Mare just turns around and says: listen, we're in a bit of a situation here. And then Cal's coming down the stairs from the Barrow's town house with his backpack like: 🙃 I have such bad timing. And Fiancé turns around and says: hold on, why is he going? And mare's irritated as all get out so she just snorts and says: because it's part of the deal... we go on this trip... together. And then Cal walks up and being the little shit he is says: is there a problem? And the guys just looks him up and down and goes: Yes, as a matter of fact, I'm not so sure I'm okay with this. And Cal immediately knows how to make this man's life fucking miserable, so he says: Oh I completely understand. The ex in the next sleeping bag is just... so awkward. And Mare just puts her head in her hand and Cal gives this guy his best sympathetic grin and says: which is why I suggest you go with them. And the girls in the truck are like: DAD! NO! And Cal's just like: No I insist. And then the guy is walking down the stair, looking for all intents and purposely like a jackass, and Cal's behind him, already trying to contain his laughter. And the guy gets in the truck, looking annoyed as all get out, and the girls are pissed, and Mare's just looking at Cal like: I can't decide if I wanna kill you or laugh with you. And then Cal just pats the side of the truck and says: alright have fun. And the guy kinda leans across Mare and says: I mean on second thought, maybe this isn't the best idea... I mean... I"m not much a... nature person. And Cal's like mock horrified and says: No, no you really should. This is a great opportunity for you to spend time with the girls and get to know them. And then he gives that jack as his prize winning, shit eating grin and says: Cause starting next week, they're half yours. And Mare just sticks her tongue between her teeth with her smile and puts her shades on and drives away. Cue Kilorn coming up next to Cal and smirking with him and saying; Oh I would pay BIG money to see that man climb a mountain.
9. The camping trip goes miserable, they come back early cause the girls create chaos and the fiancé leaves. Delivering the key line: Once we're married, I'm shipping those BRATS off to Tiraxes. Got it? IT's me or them, take your pick.
They come up the stairs to the town house and Cal's there (wearing super comfy clothes) and is mock shocked when he says: what happened? And the Avery just goes: we've been grounded. and Corie comes up behind her saying until the end of the century. And Cal's just like: why? What happened? and Cori says: we played a couple harmless pranks, and [insert fiancé's name] got a little upset. And Mare storms up behind them and says: Upset? A little Upset? Then she glares at the girls and then at Cal and says: But like father like daughters. You're grounding starts now. And the girls go inside, and Mare just kinda stays out there, fiddling with the engagement ring she took off and says: One day I'm going to have to thank them for this. And then Mare and Cal kinda of have a cute little conversation and then that night, they have their little romantic moment where they almost kiss, but then Mare pulls back. The next day, they leave. (At this point they weren't in Ascendant, they were in a smaller Montfort city near Paradise Valley). So Mare goes home. And once she and Avery get there, they walk into their apartment, and Cori's sitting on the couch, and Mare's just like: oh... um hello. And Cori just smiles and says: it took us about two minutes after you left to realize we were never letting you go again. And Mare's like: us? And then Cal comes out, and is like: us. And Then we get my Second favorite dialogue exchange of all time where Mare goes: so what now? Am I supposed to... to say that we're going to work all this out, that we'll... fall in love again and raise out children together and cry hysterically? And Cal just pulls her close with a smile and says: Yes, to all of that. Only you dont have to cry hysterically.
Then we get happy ending cause YAY the girls won and their parents are back together. Anyway, as you can see I've thought about this AU for far too long and I actually came super close to writing it but then decided, eh better not.
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levithestripper · 3 years
Hello My Old Heart
a/n: I felt it was only right to commemorate the final chapter of Attack on Titan with an angst fic about the last chapter. listen to Hello My Old Heart by The Oh Hellos while reading for the full experience!
✩ warnings: chapter 139 spoilers, talk of character death. ✩
✩ taglist: @myglitteringstardust @alicchi @sleepysnk @waywardsongbird3 ✩
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Hello, my old heart, how have you been?
Footsteps clacked against the stone ground. The steam cleared, showing off Mikasa gently cradling Eren’s severed head. Mikasa was disturbingly calm. As if the trauma of it all desensitized her to the realities of Eren’s death. That she’s never going to be able to see that cute kid he was again. Or hear the determined sound of his voice, like when he finally mastered his broken ODM Gear. Or hear his laughter after pulling a prank on Jean. It’s like she still thought he was here. Eren did everything in his power to keep her safe, to keep her alive. To keep them all alive.
Eren told her that he wants her to forget about him when he dies. Wanted her to throw away that old red scarf of hers, to truly leave him behind. Leave him behind, dead and cold in his grave. To forget about him and move on with her life. To find someone so much better, someone so much better for her than he could ever be. Eren loved her with all of his heart. Loved her more than himself at some points. He built up walls around her to keep her safe, to keep her safe from anyone that tried to hurt her.
Are you still there inside my chest?
Armin crumbled to the floor in front of her, sobs wracking his body. His brother was dead. His brother was dead. His brother was dead. His decapitated head was sitting right in front of him. His head should still be on his body! Eren should still be here! He has to still be alive, what is he going to do without him? Eren needs to be here, he needs his brother! Eren was always there to pick him up, to push him forwards, gave him confidence when he was bullied and made fun of. What was he going to do without him now? Eren was the whole reason why he pursued that stupid, stupid dream of his. Armin clutched his brother's head against his chest, hunched over as he wailed. Thick tears streamed down his face, dripping down his chin, some even getting in his mouth. His blond hair stuck to his forehead, matted down with sweat and dirt. Why does all of his family leave him alone? Why is he always alone in this world?
I've been so worried, you've been so still
Barely beating at all
Eren used to sit under that tree and talk with Armin for hours, just as long as they were both back home before dinnertime. Armin would bring his book and read to him, talking all about the oceans full of sand, water so salty that no merchant could collect it all. Sometimes, Eren would bring the action figures his father bought for him when he went on trips to the Capitol. They’d run around and laugh till the sunset, dreaming of the day that they both could see the pictures in Armin’s book for real.
When the Survey Corps finally made it to the sea was the last good memory they all collectively had together. Back when everyone was still alive. Back when Sasha and Hange were around before Levi was injured. Before Eren became the monster he ended up as. Armin often found himself looking back at it, remembering when he sat in the shallow water, laughing with Mikasa and freaking out over sea creatures with Eren. He remembered Jean and Connie dunking each other under the waves, gasping when they swallowed some and found out how salty it was. How Levi was still looking after and protecting Hange from injuring herself again. Oh, if he could only go back to those days. He missed those days, seeing Sasha always smiling so brightly, listening to Hange frantically going on and on about a theory they had.
He thinks back to their days in training, how young they all were still. How young and naive they were to the things ahead of them. When Jean was still an asshole when Marco was still alive. Before Reiner, Annie, and Bertolt were all out as traitors. They were so, so ignorant to the world around them, to what was going on. But he wouldn’t have had it any other way. If given the chance, he wouldn’t have done anything differently.
Oh, don't leave me here alone
Don't tell me that we've grown
After Eren’s funeral, Jean had pulled Armin off to the side, wanting to reminisce about the old days.
“Do you remember that one time in our third year of training, right before we graduated, the prank Marco pulled on me?” Jean asked with a chuckle. They were sitting where the Yeager household used to be. It was still in shambles, the roof was still caved in, cobblestone porch crumbling as they walked on it. They sat on the edge of it, feet dangling, soles of their shoes scraping the dirt. “He filled my pillowcase with and bed sheets with itching powder, so when I got up in the morning I’d itch myself raw from how much he used. When we had to line up for roll call that morning, I couldn’t stop moving so Shadis made me run until I passed out.”
Armin nodded, rolling a pebble around in the palm of his hands. “That was a fun day. I’ve never seen someone strip that fast before. You came back and were practically throwing your uniform off as you ran to the pond right outside of camp.” He looked up at him, the smallest of smiles on his face. They were both dressed in suits, white dress shirts, and black ties, with matching shiny back dress shoes. Jean’s hair was pulled back into a short ponytail, a little tuft of fluffy hair on the back of his head. He had shaved his undercut again, looking a little bit like his old fifteen-year-old self again. Jean had shaved Armin’s undercut as well, helping him clean up his look a bit.
“Oh! Or that time when I dared Eren to get Captain Levi to crack a raw egg on his own head?” Armin laughed softly, smiling up at Jean as he spoke. “Eren-Eren he walked up to him and handed him the egg, you know? And said ‘Hey, Captain Levi! I need you to hold out your hand for me! Now close your eyes!’ And Captain actually did it! Then Eren positioned his hand above his head and told him to let go!” Jean had a huge grin spread across his face, one that Armin hadn’t seen in a while. He missed it. It was nice to finally hear Jean laughing again. It was nice seeing the little crinkles that form in the corner of his eyes when he smiles too hard. Little lines were coming in around his mouth now too. He seemed so much older than he used to.
“Remember right before graduation, the night before the Trost attack, when we all snuck into the girls' barracks and had a sleepover? You tried so hard to sleep the closest to Mikasa’s bunk.” Armin laughed this time, his eyes shining again if you looked real hard. “To think that was the last normal night we had before everything changed. The last night we still had everyone around. Before Marco died.” Jean looked down at his lap, playing with his right hand. “I know he was cremated, but did you ever make a memorial of sorts somewhere for him?”
He shook his head solemnly. “I didn’t have the chance. I thought about it, but no place was good enough. Marco deserved so much more than I could give him, I couldn’t find a place that deserved his presence.” He looked up again, turning to face Armin. “His mother made one in her backyard, I might do the same, now that I'm back home."
"I miss him, Jean." Armin wiped at his cheek, trying to stop the tears that were threatening to spill over. "I miss Sasha, I miss Hange, I miss Erwin!" The tears started readily flowing now, dripping off his chin and onto the stone below him. He hiccuped and sniffled, voice wobbly. "I miss my brother, Jean. I want my brother back. Why did they take him from me! I still need him, I-I can-can't do this without him!"
Jean pulled Armin close to his side by his shoulder, rubbing the top of his back, slowly moving up and down to soothe him. "Shhh, shhh. It's okay, it's okay. Let it all out, alright?" Jean rubbed his arm, going back and forth from his arm to his back. "I know, Armin. I miss him too. I miss him too. But it's going to get better. I promise you, it's going to get better. Here, look at me." He placed his index finger under Armin's chin, tilting his head so he's forced to look him in the eyes. "Eren might be gone from this world, but it doesn't mean he left completely. He's still alive here." He pressed his palm to Armin's chest, right over his heart. "He trusted you with saving humanity. He knows he can trust you to keep his memory alive. You'll see them all again when it's your turn to leave. They'll all be there waiting for you. Eren will be right there, holding out his hand for you to take like he did when you were little."
Armin had managed to keep his composure throughout the funeral. He stood up straight, looked forward, and participated without any hesitation. Although if you looked at his face, you could see the cracks in his mask. Could see the tears looming in the distance, how his straight face wanted to fade into a shaky frown. You could see how hard he wanted to break down and cry. How he wanted to collapse onto his knees and beg for whoever was up above to bring Eren back to him. Mikasa, on the other hand, was a mess. She had her scarf wrapped up around her face, covering her mouth. Her tears made the fabric discolored and soppy.
“Tha-Thank you, Jean. You alwa-always know what to say to make me feel better.” He chuckled sadly. “You’re too good at making me feel better. I shouldn’t be falling apart like this.” His hiccuping started to stop, tears slowing as well. Armin took Jean’s hands in his own, rubbing his thumbs against the meat of his palms. “Thank you for always being here for me.” He smiled up at him the best he could.
Jean enveloped Armin’s hands in his own, completely dwarfing his. “Don’t ever apologize to me about your emotions. Ever. They’re expected to happen in times like this, okay? It’s okay for you to cry even when the seems to be no reason to.” He stroked his thumbs over the backs of Armin’s hands. “I’ll always be here for you, okay? No matter what. Call me and I’ll come running.”
For having loved a little while
Oh, I don't wanna be alone, I wanna find a home
And I wanna share it with you
After a while, Jean and Armin went back to where the funeral had taken place. Mikasa was still there, waiting for them to return. From there, they and the rest of their family walked behind the trio, up to the tree on that hill Eren loved so much. It was sunny out, just like how it was when they were little. Accept this time, there wasn’t a giant wall blocking Eren’s view anymore.
Reiner and Jean dug Eren’s grave. His casket was deep mahogany, the wood polished and shiny. Although, it was smaller than a normal casket should be. Eren’s head was the only thing they could bury so it was more like a small box. Mikasa was the one to lower Eren into the ground, setting him down gently in the almost six-foot hole. When they filled the dirt back in, it seemed like there was too much dirt to fit the hole they had dug. A large mound of it was piled on top of the grave, too large to put the headstone on yet. Everyone went home after that, heading off to their respective homes to leave Mikasa to grieve in peace.
She remembers the cabin in the woods from her dream with Eren. Remembers how happy they seemed to be together. She wishes that they really could just run away still, run away and live together forever, maybe have a couple of kids too. Eren never talked about having children, but she hoped that he would give her some anyways. Eren would’ve been a good father, better than Grisha, at least.
Mikasa pulled the scarf off from around her neck, clutching it in her hands. All she seemed to be able to do was stare at it, hoping something good would come from it. She stroked the fabric with her dirty thumb, pressing it to her face. It’s almost like she could feel Eren wrapping it around her for the first time again. Could feel him taking her hand as he walked her back to his house for the first time. When she first met Armin, she was holding Eren’s hand too. Seems like he always had a thing for protecting her, even if it was just from possibly walking too far out into the street, huh?
Hello, my old heart
Mikasa stared up at the sky. The sun was out and a few clouds were here and there. These were the kinds of days that Eren loved the most, especially when he was little. When his mother called him inside for dinner, he’d beg to eat outside, or at least if he and Mikasa could eat outside. More often than not, he was forced inside to sit at the table with the rest of his family. That kid could never be contained, always wanted to be running somewhere, exploring something, finding something new, it didn’t matter what it was. Just mattered that he had Mikasa with him.
It's been so long
At this point, she barely remembered her parents. Her earliest memory was when Eren came and saved her, sweeping her off her feet in the most ten-year-old boy way possible. She remembers that rush of power standing in that house. Thinking to herself, why is my body moving on my own like this? Why, why does my head hurt so suddenly? Where’s mom and dad? Why’d they have to leave so soon? Then after that, all that's there is Eren. Ten-year-old Eren, twelve-year-old Eren, fifteen-year-old Eren, nineteen-year-old Eren. All with a shining light behind him. A proud look on his face, a determined expression. A face that tells you everything is going to be okay, that he’s going to fix everything for you to keep you safe.
Since I've given you away
There was no more Yeager family anymore. All of them were gone. She doesn’t know if she can even consider herself a Yeager. Carla always said she was her daughter, but she never really embraced it. But if the Yeager’s aren’t here to tell their stories, who will?
After all, he became the devil so she could become an angel. And what kind of angel would she be if she didn’t live? She fought, she won, now she can live. She doesn’t have to be strong anymore. She sniffled softly, hands coming up to her face, covering her eyes. Tears came soon after, pooling in the palms of her hands and pulling out from the sides. Her body shook slightly from her sobs, her back quivered and her shoulders shuddered from the intensity of them. Her knees got pulled up to her chest, her head moving to rest on them. “…I can’t believe you’re gone for real this time, Eren… You said you’d wrap this scarf around me every time I asked, now how will you?”
And every day, I add another stone, to the walls I built around you
To keep you safe
Squawking of birds could be heard from above. A group of Arctic Jaeger’s were circling the tree, crying out their songs for one another. One of them flew down closer to Mikasa, landing on top of Eren’s grave. It looked over at her, chattering softly. The bird hopped up and down the best it could, trying to get her attention. It flapped its wings, moving over to sit on the crest of her knee. Its beak nudged her hand, making Mikasa look at it. The bird tilted its head back and forth at her, seemingly trying to smile. The bird bobbed its head, leaning in to press the side of its head to her cheek. It seemed like it wanted to wipe her tears away, but unable to since it didn’t have hands to cup her face with, or thumbs to stroke the apples of her cheeks. Mikasa held the bird close, carefully stoking its wings and back. “Thank you for wrapping this scarf around me, Eren.”
The bird wiggled around until Mikasa let it go, watching it fly off to meet up with its friends in the sky. It chirped a sweet goodbye to her, waiting until Mikasa waved before leaving completely.
Nothing lasts forever
Some things aren't meant to be
But you'll never find the answers
Until you set your old heart free
“Thank you, Eren, for everything.”
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go-dark-turtle · 3 years
(The request for @thisbloghasnoaesthetic for winning the item from Hamon Daze Chapter 3. I hope you enjoy it my dear 😏😘)
A night of Stardust lust
Part 3 Jotaro (aged up) x fem reader fanfiction
Sweet N Saucy edition
You all had arrived in Egypt, you stayed with Jotaro and Joseph as they made a call Suzie. You smiled and admired Jotaro standing with his hands in his pockets. Since you joined them on their quest to stop Dio you couldn't help from developing a little crush on Jotaro. When he spoke to his grandmother you couldn't help love his low and soft voice, he certainly was a man of little words but my god, his voice was like velvet.
You all fought against countless minions of Dio and now you all arrived safely in Egypt.
"Alright Honey Muffin, we need to go. Yes, I know. We will. Okay, love you too. Mwah. Bye~" Joseph made kissy faces on the phone as he was hanging up.
You smiled as he came off the phone standing next to Jotaro you couldn't help but admire him so much. You all heard a car horn go off and it grabbed your attention.
"Oi Mr Joestar, we got the car hurry before the sun set. Let's hit the road" Kakyoin called out.
You all got into the car. Joseph sat in the drivers seat on the left, Avdol was on the right in the passenger seat, in the back seat Kakyion sat behind Joseph, Jotaro sitting behind Avdol and you and Polnaraff squished in the middle. You were sitting in between Polarneff and Jotaro, on your right was Jotaro and your left was Polneraff. You and Jotaro had shared an earphone bud each and listened to Joseph's cassette tape of the Beatles. Jotaro was asleep leaning his head against the window and you looked out at the beautiful sunset as you drove across the desert.
"Oi Y/N, do us a favour and pass me the sunscreen my shoulders need some coverage." The frenchman pointed to the seat pocket in front of Jotaro.
You sighed leaning forward, Polanerff grinned and grabbed the small tube of sunscreen and rolled your eyes as you passed it to him "Here. I don't get why you didn't cover your shoulders beforehand."
"I forgot.." He shrugged. He squeezed the tub as he took it from you and a tiny amount shot out and landed straight on Jotaros lap "Oh whoops." He leaned in close to you and whispered " Hey Y/N, you better clean that up otherwise everyone will think you made him..."
"KNOCK IT OFF!" Your face lit up, your cheeks went bright red. You nudged him, you turned to Jotaro and saw he was still asleep and back to Polnareff. "Look what you did! You did that on purpose!"
"Ha ha ha, Y/N should be thanking me. Here use this and wipe it from Jotaro's lap" He smirked, wiggled his eyebrows and handed you a handkerchief.
You snacthed it from him and gritted your teeth and gently rubbed the sunscreen off Jotaro's lap. You looked back to Polneraff and he smirked and rubbed the sunscreen into his shoulders. His smirk turned into a grin and pulled out a camera and took a photo of your hand still on Jotato's lap.
"You ass! You think this is funny?" You pouted at him.
"Oh! Y/N, I am shocked, whatever do you mean? I'm SO sorry I squeezed the tub too hard.." Polnareff raised his eyes and pretended to be innocent and hid the camera in his pocket.
You threw the handkerchief at him and he ducked and it smacked Kakyion, (who was looking out his window minding his own business) right in the face. He pulled it off his face and looked at you annoyed.
"What the hell Y/N!" the red headed young man wasn't a happy bunny.
"Sorry Kakyion, if Pol Pol wasn't being a total asshole.." You started to crack your knuckles.
"Oh shit! Kakyion save me!" Polnareff cuddled into Kakyion his eyes widened, the red headed young man looked at him annoyed and rolled his eyes.
"Oh don't think Kakyion is gonna save you Pol Pol...." You rolled up your sleeve and he screamed in fear.
"CHILDREN! CHILDREN! Behave yourselves. We are almost there please settle down. Mr Joestar is trying to concentrate." Avdol turned around and waggled his finger at you all. "I thought you would be all mature by this point, now stop acting like children and make up..."
You folded your arms and looked at him, Polnareff smiled at you and rubbed your shoulder.
"Awwww don't be like that Y/N~ You know I was only teasing you..." He smiled and laughed. He leaned in closely "I know you have the major hots for Jotaro, I've seen the look in your eye."
Annoyed with Polnareff you looked out the window on Jotaro's side and huffed, you couldn't look him in the eye, he was right you did like Jotaro, but you felt like you had no chance with him. you sighed in defeat and admired the sunset once again.
About half an hour later Joseph parked the car and suggested setting up camp for the night in the desert, you all got out of the car and you followed Avdol and Joseph to set up the tents. As for Kakyion he went to get some water by the river. Meanwhile Jotaro and Polnareff went for a smoke by the rocks overlooking the river.
"By the way Star saw everything you did in the car.. "Jotaro flicked his cigarette bud away and glared at him.
"Oh... you know I was only playing. Y/N cleaned your trousers.. So it's all good right? Right?" Polnereff grinned "Heh you know she totally likes you"
"Again I saw that too." He huffed
"Yeah but" He gripped his cheek and turned his head to you helping Kakyoin with the large jugs of water to the campfire. "Y/N really admires you, You would be silly not to ask her out."
Jotaro gripped his wrist and summoned Star Platinum and ORA'D him into the air and joined you all, while he landed in the sand with a dizzy expression.
An hour later you all sat around the campfire and enjoyed some scrambled eggs and baked beans. You couldn't help but look at Jotaro when he talked to the others, he was right next to you, the soft glow of the campfire made his face look even more beautiful. You started to shiver with the night air kicking in.
"Here, have this you are cold." Jotaro smiled at you and wrapped his jacket around your shoulders.
"Ah thank you Jotaro" You smiled and felt such comfort from his jacket, the scent from him rubbed onto your shoulders.
Polnareff was about to make a statement but you both glared at him and he shut his mouth and smiled nervously. Jotaro rolled his eyes and stood up.
"Y/N, come join me." Jotaro nodded to you and held out his hand. "I'm going for a smoke and I thought you would like a breather."
You nodded and blushed as he took your hand in his, your hand was so soft and small compared to his. He walked beside you to the rocks where he had his smoke break before, not once letting go of your hand. Your mind raced and your cheeks started to flare up.
Once you were behind the rock Jotaro let your hand go and reached into his pocket rummaging about for a cigarette. He leaned against the rock and you squatted down and enjoyed the peace and quiet from everyone else.
"Hey Y/N, is it true what Pol Pol said in the car?" Jotaro looked down at you starting to smoke.
"Huh? You heard that?" You blushed more.
"Y/N, Star was awake the whole time" Jotaro flicked his cigarette away and folded his arms. He wanted to know the answer.
"Oh... so you saw the whole..." You started to become nervous
"Just answer me Y/N, is what he says true or not?" He placed his hand by the rock next to you almost trapping you in place.
You looked up and saw his sapphire eyes locked down to you, you swallowed hard and nodded softly.
"I want to hear you finally admit it to my face" Jotaro leaned closer.
"Okay, Okay I admit from the day I started to travel with you all, I started to have a crush on you. Yes, I like you alot. Oh god." You covered your mouth from spilling everything out at once.
"Glad my gut instinct was right then" He pulled your hands away.
He held your hands and gently placed them on his hips as he leaned more in his hands trapping you in place, he closed his eyes and gently pecked your lips. He pulled back and saw your face go bright red. He smirked and leaned in for another, you felt like you were in dreamland, but this time round you placed your hands to his chest and kissed him gently, he was surprised but glad you got the hint and deepened the kiss. your bodies tingled with excitment, your tongues danced, it felt like your body was having a party.
"Jotaro?!" You gasped for a breath "I had no idea you liked me back."
"You didn't ask and the whole time you were admiring me I guess I did it back, I didn't want to jump to conclusions but I'm glad my gut was right." Jotaro sighed with relief.
"Jotaro, I'm sorry I kept it from you. I thought you wouldn't like me back." You looked down and smiled
He cupped your chin " A gorgeous girl like you, nonsense, only a fool would say no to you."
(Sweet N Saucy warning)
You both couldn't get enough of each other and started to kiss and cuddle more sliding down the side of the rock he pulled off his tank top for you to admire his bare chest. You gasped and smiled and did the same for him, showing off your naked breasts for him to marvel at.
" Please may I?" Jotaro rubbed his hands on your sides.
"Please Jotaro I'm all yours." You couldn't contain yourself around him anymore.
He placed his big hands to your chest and gently squeezed them and planted a kiss on each of them, in turn you leaned forward and kissed down his chest. He started to get excited and cupped your chin again and crashed his lips into yours. You softly moaned into his smokey kiss, his scent drove you wild and ran your fingers through his hair. He gripped your ass and pulled out the kiss with a growl.
"Y/N, I can't help myself." Jotaro blushed and started to pant hard
"Don't hold back please, Jotaro I'm all yours." You held his hands gently
"Y/N, lean over for me." Jotaro pointed to the rock for you to rest your hand on.
"Okay" You loved the lustful look in his eyes and did as he asked and leaned over holding onto the wall.
Jotaro shifted himself in front of you, looked down at you and smiled "Hmm you deserve a little reward but first, Star please if you don't mind."
"ORA!" Star was summoned on the spot.
The purple stand turned your face and kissed you gently, his lips felt like static and it drove you crazy from his kisses. As you were having wild kisses from Star.
Jotaro growled with excitement and pinned you down to the ground covering you in kisses. He slowly got off you and kissed your cheek.
He sat on his jacket and patted his lap ushering you to join him "Y/N, come sit here for me."
You crawled over to him not once losing eye contact. Once you reached him you kissed down his neck and ran your hands down his body. He bit his lip and moaned softly, he loved the feeling of your soft lips against his muscular body. He gripped your hips and slowly lowered you down on him, you held onto his shoulders for support.
You moaned softly as he entered you, he growled and licked and nipped your neck leaving soft love bites, you rolled your hips back and forth feeling him inside pressing further. You were in pure bliss, you bopped up and down on his lap, he leaned back and moaned loudly. He loved your warm insides clenched against him. Your ass slapped against his thighs everytime you thrusted downwards. Both of you started to shake, your breath heavy.
"Jotaro...I can't..." You called out to him
"Do it Y/N" Jotaro growled in your ear. And at that moment you both clenched your eyes shut and unleashed your lustful waves against each other.
You both layed there panting and Star gathered your clothes and gently got you both dressed, you both cuddled into each other and closed your eyes falling into a deep sleep. Star smiled down at you both and placed Jotaro's jacket over you both.
The next morning you stirred awake to the sound of giggling.
"Huh? Wha? What's going on?" You rubbed your eyes.
"Well you two certainly had a wild night didn't you? And we have this picture to prove it." Polneraff grinned and waved the photo of you both cuddling and started to back away
You clenched your fists and darted after him "You! Get your ass back here and don't you dare show that to anyone!"
"OOOOHHHHHHHHHHH~ So it's true you and Jotaro like each other oooooh smoochy smoochy. oh shit..." Polnereff started to see you race after him.
He appeared and glared at the panicked Frenchman
"Now Y/N we can talk about this.." Polnareff nervously grinned
Jotaro stood behind him and grinned "What seems to be the issue here Pol Pol?"
The Frenchman dropped the camera and ran for it "SHIT!"
You both chased after him with his stand repeatedly launched him into the air, you both laughed as he landed. He knelt down and swore not to tell anyone and scampered back to the tents, you both stood in the open desert and admired the morning sun and he wrapped his arm around you.
"I love you Y/N" Jotaro softly whispered in your ear.
"I love you too Jotaro" You snuggled into his side.
You both cuddled as you looked at the sunrise and both of you couldn't be happier.
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