#but only a select few can truly make him go “oh now that's wonderful”
teabutmakeitazure · 1 year
OMG SO YOU AREE!!! i'm pakistani too, its so nice to have a creator from the same country aroundddd. makes me soo happy. especially since eid just passed and I was thinking of chrollo putting churiyan around my wrists gently to not break them and putting mehndi on my hands better than me
Since I consider him to be a sundresses guy, I make him as someone who'd like jhumkas too. (To those who don't know, jhumkas are a kind of earrings. They're a little big but they're very pretty!!)
I don't know what it is but the way they just exist is so pretty. Chrollo advocates for them to become a staple in your preferred jewellery. He's a simple man.
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varpusvaras · 4 months
Fox knew what it was like to be tired.
He knew it like it was a physical thing he had carried around with him for years. He knew the weight of it, the way it would drag him down, threatening to pull him through the floor and the ground and through the core of the planet, until he would fall into the endless void of space. During the worst of it, Fox would wonder it that was the only way he was ever going to feel weightless again.
The few hours of sleep he would get during the nights would only make him be able to carry the weight a little easier for the time being, but not make it any lighter. It was something more at that point, Fox had realised, something that would not be cured with just simply closing his eyes for a moment.
So, when Thorn asked him, the moment before Fox stepped onto the ship that would take him away from Coruscant permanently, what was the first thing Fox would do when he got to Alderaan, Fox had an answer ready.
"Sleep", he said. "I'm going to get into a real bed and sleep."
He truly meant it. He also meant it when he told Bail the same, and he meant it when he told it to Breha too.
They all agreed that it was a good idea.
"We're going to take care of everything", Breha promised him.
"You can just rest now", Bail said, and tucked Fox a little closer to him. "Just sleep."
The bed was comfortable, Bail and Breha were warm and safe next to him, and Fox was so, so tired.
He didn't need to be told twice. He closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.
Fox opened his eyes.
It was still dark in the bedroom. He was still tucked securely against Bail, with Breha pressed close against his other side. They were both still sleeping.
Fox was fully awake.
He craned his neck a little to see the chrono on Breha's nightstand. 4.15. Precisely the time Fox had woken up every single morning during the war.
Fox turned to look at the ceiling. He counted to ten. The time was still 4.15.
He closed his eyes and tried to match his breathing first to Bail's, then to Breha's, but in vain. He was awake.
Fox opened his eyes and looked at the time. 4.23.
He laid there, looking at the chrono as the minutes slowly ticked by. By 4.30, there was a feeling creeping in. Fox knew it very well. It was the same feeling he had felt every single time he had been stuck in the medbay for any longer period of the time, while he acutely knew that he had work waiting for him.
By 4.45, he was starting to feel almost anxious. The bed was comfortable and warm, and Bail and Breha were still sleeping, and Fox didn't want to get up, but he wasn't so sure if he could stay in the bed for much longer either.
4.50. 4.55. 4.58. 4.59.
Very slowly and very carefully, Fox slid out of Bail's hold and away from Breha, and after making sure that they were still sleeping, he quietly made it out of the bed, grabbed Bail's robe and put it on himself, and then sneaked out of the bedroom.
He didn't do much. He just walked around for a bit in their living room, getting the anxiousness out of his body and his legs to stop tingling, and then he sit down on their couch and looked out of the window. The sun was rising at that point, making the sky pale where it touched down on the mountaintops.
Bail's robe was soft and warm and smelled faintly of Bail's cologne. Fox got a datapad, selected a random video of how to make a some sort of buttercheese pastry, and he buried himself deeper into the robe and watched it. Then he watched through whatever videos the site was suggesting for him, until the sky was painted warm, and he could hear an alarm go off in the bedroom.
It took another few minutes until Breha appeared next to him.
"Oh", she said, and turned to look over her shoulder. "I found your robe, dear!"
Then she sat next to Fox and put her arm around him.
"Have you been awake for long?" She asked. There was no accusation in her voice, and Fox felt a sting of guilt for expecting it to be there.
"For a while", Fox answered. He looked at the time on the datapad. 6.56. "I...couldn't sleep."
He felt somehow like he had failed at something when he said it. Breha only nodded slowly, before she sighed softly, and put her head on Fox's shoulder.
"Did you sleep well?" She asked.
To that, Fox thankfully had a better answer.
"I did", he said. He really had. It had probably been the best sleep of his entire life.
"That's good", Breha said, and lifted her head enough to kiss him on the cheek. "Now, there's going to be caf in just a moment. The usual for you? Black, with a lot of sugar?"
Fox really should be cutting back the sweeteners in his caf, he knew that. But maybe, just this once.
"Exactly that", he answered, just as Bail also made his way into the living room.
"We need to get you your own", he said, looking at Fox. Then he paused for a moment, before adding, "not that you don't look cute in that."
Fox stuck out his tongue at him. Bail only laughed.
Fox went to sleep that night, tired and ready to sleep for the next week.
He woke up at 4.15.
He waited until 4.45, and then slid out of the bed.
Fox went to sleep, tired and ready to sleep for the next week.
He woke up at 4.15.
He laid there for ten more minutes, before he slid out of the bed.
Fox went to sleep, tired and ready to sleep for the next week.
He woke up at 4.15.
He was fully awake, but he felt so heavy. He wanted to just keep laying there, in the warm bed, in the warm and safe embrace he was yet again lovingly wrapped in.
But no. His body soon begun to tell him that he needed to get up, right now, or he was going to have to tear his own skin off.
Fox slid out of the bed, made it to the living room, and collapsed onto the couch.
He was so tired. He wanted to sleep.
Breha and Bail definitely looked concerned when they saw him there that morning.
"Do you want to go see the doctors?" Breha asked him carefully.
"I don't know", Fox told her. He shouldn't have to. He was tired. He wanted to sleep.
Fox went to sleep, tired and ready to sleep for the next week.
He woke up at 4.15.
He was fully awake. He was so tired. He wanted to sleep.
Fox forced his eyes shut. He laid there as long as he could, before he had to get up.
He wasn't so careful with it that time, and Bail opened his eyes as he was halfway out.
"Fox?" He asked, groggily, lifting his head. "Where are you going?"
Fox crumpled the sheets in his fists.
"I can't sleep", he choked out, and then fled the bedroom.
Bail followed him a couple of minutes later, and quietly and gently gathered Fox in his arms, and sat with him on the couch, watching a random video after random video, until Breha's alarm went off.
Breha asked Fox about the doctors again. Fox still didn't have an answer for her.
He was so tired. He just wanted to sleep.
What else should he have needed?
Fox went to sleep, tired and ready to sleep for the next week.
He woke up at 4.15.
Fox couldn't stop the frustrated and desperate sob from escaping from his mouth before it was too late. Both Bail and Breha were awakened by it, and by the time they had realised what was going on, Fox was already full-on crying.
"I just want to sleep!" Fox wailed, biting his teeth together so hard that it hurt his jaw. "I just want to sleep!"
He pressed his palms against his eyes, trying to keep them shut, but of course, it didn't work.
He was fully awake.
He was so tired. He wanted to sleep.
Breha made the decision for Fox then and there.
"I'm taking you to the doctors", she said, leaving no room for any arguments, not that Fox had any left anyway.
The doctor said that Fox's body was still in the so-called "stress mode". It had not yet realised that it was out of the danger, out of the stressful environment it had been forced to operate in for so long.
It was going to take time, apparently, for it to snap out of it. In the meanwhile, Fox got a prescription for something that was supposed to help him sleep.
The doctor gave the medicine to Breha and told her the dosage. Fox thought that it was for the best as well.
Fox took his medicine, went to sleep, tired and ready to sleep for the next week.
He was awakened by the alarm. He watched as Breha and Bail got up.
"Do you want to stay in bed for a bit longer?" Bail asked him softly.
Fox nodded. He had slept, but he didn't feel like it at all.
Bail brushed his hair gently back from his face. Breha kissed him just as gently on the forehead before they headed out.
He was so tired. He just wanted to sleep.
Fox cried himself silently back to the sleep that didn't feel like sleep at all.
Fox kept his head up, even though it weighed a ton, and he wanted nothing more than to just let it drop down, down, down.
He knew what being tired felt like. It was all that he had ever known, after all.
He blinked. People around him had moved. Oh, right. They were going to have dinner with Bail's family. Fox liked them a lot. He hoped that they liked him as well.
He blinked again. Tia was saying something to him. Fox liked Tia. She was like a smaller Bail, without a beard and a lot more hair.
Fox turned to look at her. She was shorter than him, just a bit. Not a lot, but he still needed to look down if he wanted to look her in the eyes.
He looked down, down, down, past her eyes, past her, down, down, down.
He was so tired.
He just wanted to sleep.
Breha bit on her thumbnail.
"Stop that", Bail said, and grabbed her wrist. "You're making it bleed."
Breha would've almost preferred that, if she was being completely honest.
"I know, I just-" She had to pause to gather her thoughts. "I just feel so awful. How did I not notice that it was not working?"
"He was sleeping more", Bail said. He ran his thumb soothingly up and down her wrist. "We knew that he was tired. It doesn't get better in a few days. I didn't notice either."
Breha appreciated him trying to make it sound better, even if it was not working.
Veda opened the door then, and motioned them in.
"Bad news? He's exhausted, and has a little bump and a bruise on his head", she started, scrolling through the diagnosis on her datapad. "Good news? He's sleeping now, and the bump and the bruise will fade in a few days."
Bail squeezed Breha's shoulder.
"What should we do?" He asked.
"Let him sleep", Veda answered. "His body has finally said enough. Make sure that he eats and keeps himself hydrated. I will come and check on him as often as you want."
Breha let herself breathe a little deeper.
"Thank you", she said. Veda smiled a bit.
"It's not the first time I've seen this", she said. "It took a while for Index and the boys to start getting actual rest. They kept waking up in the middle of the night, fully awake and feeling like they needed to get to work. They're better now. Fox will also get better, I promise."
Breha was going to hold onto that promise.
Fox looked very small by himself on the bed, with the blanked wrapped all around him. He didn't wake up when Breha slid onto the bed next to him and wrapped her arms around him as well.
Fox slept through the rest of the day like a stone, barely moving at all. Breha kept telling herself that it was alright, that he was finally resting.
Fox did finally move, when they both went to sleep as well. He shifted a little when Breha rested her head over his chest and Bail wrapped his arm around his middle. He made a small sound, and then sagged back against the pillows with a deep sigh.
His heartbeat was strong against Breha's ear. She fell asleep listening to its steady drumming.
Fox woke up the next day just before noon. He went to the bathroom, ate a bowl of light soup their chef had made for him, drank a glass of water Bail gave him, mumbled I love you to them, and went back to bed.
He was out again the moment his head hit the pillow.
Bail draped the blanket over him.
"At least he is sleeping", he said. "I'll do my work from here today."
Breha nodded.
"Update me if anything happens", she made him promise.
Bail sent her the first picture ten minutes into the first hearing of the day.
Breha quickly glanced at it in between the speakers.
Fox had grabbed onto the rest of the pillows as well, and stuffed them halfway inside his blanket.
He has made his claim read the message accompanying the picture.
The picture made something unwind further in her chest.
It would be okay, she told herself.
"Did you sleep well?" Breha asked, twirling Fox's hair around her finger.
"Mm-mmh", Fox hummed, already mostly asleep again. Breha peppered light kisses on his cheeks and nose before he was fully under again.
The Cocoon has moved, Bail messaged her at the end of the weeks Council meeting. In the attached picture, Fox had apparently rolled over to the other side of the bed from where Breha had left him that morning. His hair was sticking up a bit, and he had a small pout on his face as he slept.
He was so very adorable. Breha saved the image for herself.
Fox slept through the last two days of the week as well, with barely stirring for longer than a few minutes at a time.
Zhellday morning he blinked awake around ten, properly hungry for the first time in a while, and ate a good breakfast and a light lunch soon on top of it. He went back to bed after, but didn't fall back asleep right away.
"How are you feeling?" Bail asked him.
Fox blinked at couple of times, his nose scrunching up in thought.
"Tired", he said. "Better. But sweaty."
Bail laughed.
"You've been toasting inside the blankets for a while", he said. "I'll draw you a bath."
Fox smiled back at him, a little wobbly.
"Thank you", he said, and then promptly fell back asleep.
Bail shook his head, and went to the bathroom to warm up the bathtub.
"Have I ever told you about the time I decided to run away from home?" Bail asked.
"No?" Fox turned to look at him, after blinking slowly first. He was shoulders in to the water, with the foaming soap already stuck to one side of his face.
"I was around ten", Bail started, rolling his sleeves up more and putting his hands into the water to scoop it up. He poured the water over Fox's head a few times over, before getting the shampoo. "Back then I really didn't want to grow up to be a Nobleman."
He poured the shampoo to his hands and rubbed them together slightly, before starting to work it into Fox's hair.
"I do remember that", Fox mumbled. He tilted his head forward a bit to give Bail better access. "You wanted to go adventuring around the Galaxy."
"I did", Bail nodded. "It was really getting to me, at that point. I would spend all the time I could outside, living inside my games, predenting I was far, far away from Kathou, from Alderaan altogether. I thought this place was boring back then."
He still remembered it clearly, although not too vividly. Too much had changed during the years between that and the current moment. Now, Bail didn't know anything better than Alderaan.
He got the shampoo in, and got more water to rinse it out. They had gotten a good conditioner as well, one that promised that it was made to keep curly hair like Fox's soft and moisturised. The soaps the GAR had used had definitely not been made with the clone's hair in mind.
"I was awake one night, later than I should've been", Bail continued, as he started to gently massage the conditioner to Fox's hair. "I was thinking of sneaking into the library and getting one of the books to read, when I heard my parents talk. They were debating over sending me to a school to learn some discipline and responsibility. I feel a bit funny over how much that thought upset me then. I was definitely a bit spoiled."
He felt especially silly about it now, sitting next to the bathtub in the Royal Palace, while washing his husband's hair for him. His husband, who had known nothing else than training and pain and duty his entire life before now, and was tired to the bone because of it.
Bail's parents had not even been the ones who had come up with the idea of sending him to a boarding school for a year or two. It had been his grandfather, and his parents had been very much against the idea, believing that Bail would grow out of it when he was older, if he just felt supported enough. They had been very right, of course. Not that Bail had stayed to listen to them for long enough to figure that out-
Fox slid deeper into the water. His eyes had closed while Bail had concentrated on getting the conditioner in.
His mouth was partially under the water now. Bail put his hand under his chin and lifted it up.
"Fox", he called. Fox startled a bit, and sent the water splashing as he scrambled to sit back up, his eyes open and wide.
"I'm awake", he said, shivering as his wet skin hit the air. "I'm awake. Sorry, what did you just say?"
There was a single curl plastered over Fox's forehead and the bridge of his nose. Bail stiffled a laugh.
"I was saying, that I think you have been in there for long enough", he said. "Let me just rinse this off."
Fox's eyes were drooping again by the time Bail had gotten a towel for him. Bail dried his hair and wrapped the towel around him, and then led him back to the bedroom.
Sometimes Bail didn't like his height and size, but sometimes being the tallest person in most rooms came in handy. His shirts were all too big for Fox, and thus easy to slip on him without too much of a fuss.
Fox's eyes were barely open as Bail got him back to bed.
"Have good dreams, my love", he said, pressing a kiss on Fox's forehead. Fox hummed, content, and just a few seconds later, he was already asleep.
Bail got his datapad and laid down next to him, opening his inbox. Fox shifted, and nuzzled in closer to Bail's side.
Bail threw his arm behind him and slipped his fingers into Fox's still slightly damp hair, and Fox settled back down with another soft, content noise.
Breha got back from her audiences a couple of hours later.
She opened her hair from the braid and tied it back up to a simple updo, changed out her dress to simple shirt and soft pants and laid down on the other side of Fox.
"I see that you managed to keep him from drowning in the bath", she said, leaning her head lightly on Fox's chest. Fox turned his head slightly to her direction, breathing in a little deeper.
"Had a couple of close calls", Bail laughed, and put his datapad away. "Do you want to watch something?"
"They have the new episode of House Brighterdon up", Breha said, grinning as Bail groaned. "Don't try that, I know you're just as invested as we are."
"Are you sure it's alright to watch it without Fox?" Bail asked. He was already reaching for the screen controls.
"What makes you think that Fox and I haven't already watched it?" Breha asked. "The episode was released a couple of weeks ago already, the next one is coming next week. I'm not watching that one without Fox, don't you worry."
"If you have already watched this, why are you making me watch it?" Bail asked. He was typing the name of the show in as he spoke.
"Because, like I just said, I know you're just as invested as we are. I'm just making sure that you are caught up as well, you stubborn little bantha."
Bail rolled his eyes and pressed start.
Fox opened his eyes.
It was still dark in the bedroom. He was still tucked securely against Bail, with Breha pressed close against his other side. They were both still sleeping.
He blinked slowly, and then lifted his head to look at the chrono on Breha's nightstand. 4.14
Fox watched as the time ticked over to 4.15.
Then he put his head back down, burrowed a little deeper under his blanket, and closed his eyes, drifting back to easy sleep.
Fox knew what it was like to be tired.
He knew it like it was a physical thing he had carried around with him for years. Whatever sleep he had gotten before had only made him be able to carry the weight a bit easier for a little while, but not make it weigh any less.
Fox woke up to the ringing of the alarm and the first rays of proper sunlight softly shining through the blinds.
He moved his arms and legs, hoisting himself up, and rubbed his eyes.
As he sat there, in the middle of his bed, in his bedroom, with his wife and husband waking up next to him, for the first time in his life, Fox felt lighter.
Bail leaned to press a quick kiss to the corner of Fox's mouth.
"Good morning", he said, his voice still a bit rough from the sleep. "Did you sleep well?"
Fox breathed in.
"Yes", he said.
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serenescribe · 1 year
Day 5 of ficlet requests~
Do you like time travel shenanigans? I hope you do because uh oh! General Vanrouge is in the present!
What’s that? His friends child is here, at NRC? Weird. Baul has a HALF HUMAN GRANDCHILD? Weirder. There’s himself with a *human* who he’s speaking to so casually and kindly? UNACCEPTABLEEEEE
[✐] ficlet frenzy
As of a week ago, all NRC students have been barred from entering the woods behind campus. All except a select few, at least — namely a select number of students from Diasomnia, of which the group includes its housewarden, vice-housewarden, and a few others.
The reason for this? Well, it was astoundingly obvious to anyone with eyes to see and ears to hear with. A week ago, there had been quite the explosive commotion, a spell gone horribly wrong. And what had entailed but utter chaos, and the sight of a much-younger Lilia Vanrouge rampaging around campus grounds?
Any attempts to quell the man’s panic and rage fell utterly flat, his scathing words striking fear into the hearts of countless students — from the meek and introverted of Ignihyde, venturing out to survey the commotion, to the bold and brash of Savanaclaw, who’d actively picked a fight with what they perceived as an easy target.
That, in the words of the older Lilia Vanrouge, his ancient age now revealed to the students around him, was “a horrible, senseless idea.”
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“Are you sure you’d like me to accompany you today, Father?” Silver cannot help but voice his concerns as he trails after Lilia, the two of them winding through campus grounds, making a beeline for the throng of woodland behind the school.
“Why do you say that, hm?”
His brows knit together. “It’s just… the General—” as he’d learnt to call him, a way to differentiate the two, “—does not seem fond of me in the slightest. Would it not be more prudent for Lord Malleus to follow, given how he is the only one he can tolerate?”
At that, his father merely laughs. “Well he’s going to have to get used to you someday, dear!”
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There’s a fire going in the woods, contained by a thick circle of magic, constantly crackling and never growing nor dissipating. The figure seated near it glances up as the two of them approach, and Silver feels his throat dry at the sight of those cold eyes, the same crimson of his father yet lacking the warmth that has been there throughout all of Silver’s life. Not for the first time, he wonders what must have gone on in the past to warrant such callous coolness from his father’s younger self. To a similar extent, Silver wonders what must have occurred to mellow him out into the man he is today; together, they are like night and day.
“Good day, little me!” Lilia greets, beaming cheerily even as his younger self’s lips curl into a frown. Dumping the basket that has been swaying from his arm onto the ground, Silver’s father rests his hands on his hips, merry as ever as the General eyes the basket warily. “It’s merely a peace offering,” he explains, when still regarded with suspicion. Lilia arches an eyebrow. “Do I truly look like the kind of person to poison my younger self?”
“If you feel anything like I do towards you, you would.”
Silver grimaces, but Lilia only laughs. “Oh, you! I do forget how serious I acted back then…” Still, he gestures at the basket, at the cloth covering it. “Why not take a gander, hm? I guarantee you that you’re certain to enjoy what I’ve brought.”
Different as the General may be — cold and dismissive towards Silver, outright startled and disbelieving towards Sebek’s entire existence, constantly annoyed and frustrated by his older self, and only ever satiated by being around Malleus — there certainly are some things that remain the same. Silver recognises this well when the General slowly pulls off the cloth covering to reveal, to Silver’s utter horror, a heaping pile of rodents and lizards.
“See?” Lilia preens, smug and satisfied at the sight of his gobsmacked younger self. “I told you you’d enjoy it!”
Abruptly, Silver turns to shuffle away, to escape from this forested clearing where the General has made his home before he can get roped into this.
If there was anything else he wishes changed over hundreds of years… it would definitely have to be his father’s… acquired taste in what he considers food.
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ch0wen · 11 months
༝ ˚ ༝ My Lady is the Sea 。 ˚ ༝ - Prince Eric x Fem!Reader | NSFW
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𖠳 ᐝ warnings: brief smut, 18+ (minors dni), unprotected sex & cursing
Sea salt tickles your nostrils as you step out onto the wooden dock. Nose twitching like a bunny to rid the salty air from your sensitive nerves. You glide forward only a few feet, and your left shin knocks into a wooden pole. A barricade lined the perimeter of the landing. Fencing that stops you from falling into the unknown below. An oil lantern illuminates a portion of the dock and the gradually darkening surface of the deep. The expansive waters lurk just beyond the fading arc of light. Your body gently sways with the sounds of the waves stirring.
Instinctively, you flex your hold on a roped handle. A heavy, disgusting mixture of beer and spit sloshes in the bucket that you have been entrusted to dump out. Polluting the ocean, you think. An unfortunately common attribute of living in a coastal town. It's second nature to dump and forget. Water appears to be along every horizon you look to. It surrounds you, yet it's ever-moving. Continuous. Traveling away.
How you wish you could be out there now. Just like your father had moons ago. Oh, the precious things he gifted you with when he returned to the marina! The carefully selected treasures. He always seemed to know which new object would earn an excited squeal from you because of its sparkles or funky shape. Whispers at bedtime of now fictitious-sounding tales on how he acquired them. To you, his trips were like storybooks. Too embarrassing to admit, you used to go to sleep late into your teens with visions of exploration dancing in your head. Dreaming of the uncharted waters and cloudy faces of the friends you'd make. He'd promise to you, that you would soon be old enough to explore the world with him.
But you couldn't truly treasure the last retelling of his adventures because no one foresaw he would leave it on a cliffhanger. He never came back. Your mother forbade you from speaking of his expeditions as time passed. "Don't go towards the beyond." "This is your home." "You're safe here." she chided. Here, on land. The hope soon ended with the stories. You grew accustomed to the familiar. You were raised here. It's all you have known. Is it worth it to leave at this point?
However, there are instances when you fall back into childlike wonder. In the quiet lulls, similar to the brink of falling asleep, you can't help but contemplate what else the waters hold past their horizons.
༝ ˚ 。⋆ 𓇼 ⋆。 ˚ ༝
A faint, muffled tune begins inside and wafts out into the silence. The merry-sounding song envelops you. You blink out of the reverie to adjust your vision in the darkness.
You can hear the pub's piano, in desperate need of a tuning, as you push open the door. A gaggle of men are singing a sea shanty in the dining space. They look disheveled but have dancing smiles. You can't help grinning as you watch these men celebrate life.
“Just docked," Gwen, your co-worker, calls from over her shoulder. She fills up two cups and then slides them over the bar top towards one of the waiting men. He slaps a few coins down and moves back to the crowd, like rejoining a school of fish.
Gwen wipes up the liquid he left, “I heard one of them holler that they came in from the Carribean.”
“I feel like that's only the third ship from around there this season."
"How do you manage to even keep track? There have to have been hundreds of vessels that have passed through here."
You blushingly shrug at her knowing smirk. Teasingly, her fingers reach out to flick at your slightly tarnished necklace. A chain made from Spanish silver with a locket bearing some type of ruby gem.
Leonardo was the one who had graced you with this last year. He was a buccaneer. He and his crew docked in town for a fortnight. He was charming and proud. In the tavern, he was always drunkenly boasting about the treasures he had found. The people he'd fought. The Lords he'd impressed. The people he'd fucked. He was so fun.
When your birthday happened around the time he was in town, he came stumbling into the bar with this necklace. He said it was nothing and that he had dozens of more valuable findings in a chest on board his ship. But he never showed you to prove that to be true. However, you did thank him ever so graciously that night.
He sailed out a day later. No harbor was his home. You're used to this life working as a bartender in a popular trading port. You see hundreds of thousands of faces. All of these handsome men ranged from sailors to buccaneers. They all share with you the amazing stories of their lives. They fascinated you. Inspired you. Seduced you. - You can't help but be attracted to the rugged, good-looking, and ambitious type.
A man unexpectedly calls out from the crowd towards the pair of you. His voice grabs your attention like a Siren's song. There were too many bodies to place where it was coming from in the mass of people, but you swear you briefly saw a hand in the air on the left side of the room.
“My lovely bar maidens, a round of your finest ale, please, yeah?"
“Right away, sir,” you nod curtly while pivoting obediently to fill the dregs.
༝ ˚ 。⋆ 𓇼 ⋆。 ˚ ༝
The rosy-cheeked, rowdy men cheer even louder as you approach with their fifth round of booze. Their attention has been won, not by the promise of refreshments, but by the beer sloshing over the rims and onto the pair of bouncing breasts carrying it all.
Low whistles scatter around the table at your cleavage while you lean over to set down the ale. Mucky hands grabbing for the foaming tankards. You catch a handsome man staring through the limbs. He gives you a dimpled smirk. His eyes betray him as they glimpse down to what you can assume is your chest. Well, he's no better than any man.
Your retreating form hears the same voice from before exclaim, “Here is to another voyage through uncharted waters! I am grateful for all your hard work, boys. And thanks to Grimsby for laying off the scolding because we're three days past schedule."
You're back at the bar. A crewmate, with a red kerchief pushing back his straw-yellow hair, heaves an overfilled mug in the air toward the handsome man,
"And a special thanks to our Captain, whose mother would keel over from learning the adventures her dear boy has taken us on. Prince Eric!"
"Prince Eric," they unanimously cheer!
Together, as they collide their drinks, fat drops of the golden liquid splash onto Prince Eric's tunic and wet his chest. The strings of his shirt are untied. Making the neck loosely hang open with his chest hair on full display. Your eyes are drawn to it. Tracing the outline of his defined pecs through the thin fabric. You're no better than a man. Worst yet, he notices you staring. His stare seems to darken, and he motions his mug towards you as a 'cheers' gesture before returning focus to his companions.
Clearing your throat and dirty mind, you turn back to tend to one of your regulars, a local fisherman slumped over on a stool at the end of the bar.
༝ ˚ 。⋆ 𓇼 ⋆。 ˚ ༝
Eric strides over as you scrub up the beer rings on the bar, left by the patrons who previously occupied the empty stools. He fluidly pulls one out to sit and drums his fingers along the wood. Blue eyes staring you down for a third time tonight,
"Can I get you anything?”
“I think I should take a breather. My crew is too enthusiastic to get me drunk.”
“Sounds like you're having a bad night." He threw back his head and let out a loud laugh. Admittedly, it was too big of a reaction to that poor joke attempt. You wring out your rag into a nearby bucket to hide your smile.
You wait for a beat before sparing him another glimpse. He’s staring at your chest again. You feel the exposed skin warm under his look. You’re tempted to peek down to see how much this corset is causing you to spill out.
“Did you get it locally?
"The necklace," he half-gestures towards you.
You clasp at the pendant, "Oh, this."
He nods with his eyes fixed on your chest a moment longer before moving up to your face. His cheeks are flushed and eyes hooded, assumedly, from the pints he and his crew have slung back. You're moving toward him, holding out the chain to let him get a closer look.
“I think it’s from the Spanish Islands. A pirate passing through last season gave it to me.”
His large hand reaches out to replace yours. “It’s beautiful. I have an eye for treasures like this.”
He's so close like this. You watch his eyes flick around the locket, his fingers tracing over the gems, and the way his dark curls fall as he tilts his head to examine.
“Silly me to think anything else. Here I thought you were just checking out my chest.”
“Well, you do have wonderful tits," he absentmindedly states. He leaves you gaping as he pulls back.
"Thank you for letting me have a look. I'd be rather fond of that if I were you. That's a special gift."
"Y-yeah, but given to me by a not-so-special guy," you shrug.
You sense an awkward pause, but he watches you with a soft, dimpled smile. You motion towards the window out to the harbor, “Which one is yours?”
“The biggest one. Naturally.”
You stifle your giggle and notice a boat at the end of the port. Beautiful and massive.
“Wow, you weren't kidding. What's it like up there?"
"On the boat? You work in a marina. Have you ever been on one?”
“Oddly, no.”
He didn't hide his shock.
“I'm sorry. Are you telling me that summer lover could give you a necklace but decided not to show you his deck?”
“Something like that," you lean onto the bar, "How unfortunate for me, right?"
His hand strikes the top of the bar as he rises from the stool, causing you to flinch.
“Well, that simply just won't do! Do you want to come see mine?"
The lamplight and mischievousness dance in his eyes, "I can give you the grand tour.”
“Will you let me spin the wheel?”
"Only the most skilled helmsmen are allowed to touch," he pouts, then that damned smile graces his lips again, "but I think I may be able to bend the rules for you."
“I’m going on break,” you call to Gwen before following the handsome voyager outside.
༝ ˚ 。⋆ 𓇼 ⋆。 ˚ ༝
"And, this would be the Captain's quarters."
"Oh, Captain Eric?"
He sheepishly rubs at the back of his neck, "I don't particularly like going by titles. Makes me feel like I'm trying to say I'm more important than others. I swear by my men. We venture out for fun, but I'd be stuck at port without them."
"That is a very noble thing to say, Prince Eric."
"Come off it," he laughs while moving over to a table against one of the walls. Eric picks up what appears to be a rock. He turns the object in his hands before showing you.
"Fossilized sea stone. Found it off the coast of my home island."
He places the textured stone in your open palms. The unexpected weight of it doubles you over, but Eric catches you. His hand lingers on your hip.
He proceeds to tell you about the rest of his findings laid out on the surface. You love the way his face lit up. Making himself exhilarated with his own stories. You listen intently and let yourself live vicariously through his retellings.
༝ ˚ 。⋆ 𓇼 ⋆。 ˚ ༝
Eric locks an ornate chest up as you watch. Sitting on the table now cleared of his glories. “So, are you considered a sailor, explorer, or just a guy with a boat and a lot of time on his hands?”
Eric laughs, "The last one, for sure. Once I turned nineteen, my mother allowed me to venture out and sail with the crew. I've always loved the idea of discovering something new on my voyages. Whether it be places, possessions, or people."
He's moving into your space, "I am happy to have met you, Y/N."
"And I, you, Prince Eric."
"No titles here." He leans in with a hint of a grin in his whisper, "I forbid it."
"Oh, that sounds like a command, and I shall obey, Your Majesty."
He chuffs as you see his eyes drop to your necklace again. His fingers dance along the silver chain before exploring further and grazing over the top of your chest. He makes sure to peek up at you for some sort of permission. Silently, you put your hand over his own to guide him to grab a handful of your breast. Eric takes the cue and squeezes while closing the gap between you with a kiss that immediately heats up. Hands knead your breasts over your camisole-corset top.
"And here I thought you've been admiring my necklace all night. I feel scandalized," you tease while he kisses your neck.
"No, no, it is beautiful! But, these," His calloused hands give a reassuring squeeze, "are really lovely."
Hands quickly work to pull down your blouse to expose your tits. Eric rolls a nipple between his forefinger and thumb. Gasping, you arch up into his touch. Legs instinctively spread wider to allow him in. You feel his dick twitch the moment he presses closer.
A moan growls in the back of his throat as he rolls his hips. Grinding his hard-on into your wetting core while you kiss. Your skin grows hot, his breaths come heavy, and the heat is building between your legs. 
Eric put his mouth to your breast, sucking at your skin in obscene, open-mouthed kisses. Eliciting a low keening sound from you. He withdrew just enough to lave at your nipple, back and forth, over and over, until your pussy thrummed to the same beat.
"Is it very unprincely of me to tell you that I would very much like to fuck you right here, now, in my chambers?"
"You are but a man, my Prince."
༝ ˚ 。⋆ 𓇼 ⋆。 ˚ ༝
Your body was thrown across the desk. You don’t know where to put your hands, so they grip and scrape at the wooden surface while Eric fucks into you.
He has a firm hold on your naked waist. Keeping your long skirt hiked up to your stomach so he could watch himself penetrate you. He has a brutally harsh pace going. The delicious feel of the drag and pull of his cock.
Eric braces himself on the desk. A toned arm flexes next to your head. His face is now closer to yours as he changes the angle of his hips. With the newfound support, you feel him speed up his thrusting. He groans into your chest. Playfully biting a nipple before kissing up to your neck. His movements were enough to bring you dangerously close to reaching your high in only a few minutes.
"Oh, Prince Eric," you whine.
"Fuck." His hips stutter. "What's my name?"
"Captain Eric. Eric. Eric. "
A wave of bliss hits you and you screw your eyes shut. It doesn’t take long before both of you reach your orgasms. You hold onto Eric's biceps with all your might, as you scream his name. No doubt loud enough for everyone in the tavern to hear.
༝ ˚ 。⋆ 𓇼 ⋆。 ˚ ༝
At dawn, you're re-dressed and carefully creeping over the creaky floorboards. Trying not to wake any of the still-drunk crewmates who had found their way back onto the ship.
Catching your eye, the silver locket, sat on the once-empty desk, glints in the daybreak. Eric's back rises and falls. The rest of his bare body is covered by the messy bedsheets. Blissfully oblivious of your exit.
You let that sleeping form be your final image of the handsome Prince and disembark the Royal ship.
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dumbsoftboi · 2 years
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mainstoryarchive · 1 month
Ensemble - 112: Anomaly
Souma: Oh? This sure is mysterious…
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[Read on my blog for the best viewing experience with Oi~ssu ♪]
Location: Outdoor Stage
Souma: Oh? This sure is mysterious…
I wonder what it is, why is there a crowd? This place is supposed to be one of the most remote and unpopular places in Yumenosaki Academy!
The amount of people isn't inferior to the other stages—not only that, there seems to be an even bigger crowd!
Does that mean the aidorus performing here are that excellent? Is it even possible for there to be another reason…?
Perhaps it's war. I see, it's war! I'm itching to participate, it makes my blood boil!
Kuro: Calm down, Kanzaki. You're not a dog, there's no reason for you to get excited like this. Also, stop unsheathing your sword.
Keito: Yes. We are supposed to be the ones maintaining the order. So it would truly be like putting the cart before the horse if we were to cause panic by losing our composure. You should reflect on your actions, Kanzaki.
Souma: I got double-chastised!? But this is an irregular situation!
Keito: I agree. Hmm… We went out of our way to overlook the circumstances and send him off, but I'm worried if Isara can even reach the stage.
Well, it might be due to Isara that this situation came to be.
Kuro: I wonder. You can't see the stage from here so you can't be certain.
Nonetheless, you sure were kind there, mister vice-president. To think you would so easily let go of the fighting power you generously took in.
Keito: Never call me 'kind' again, Kiryu. I just made a logical decision.
AKATSUKI is a unit that works with a select few. Adding a wanderer would only mess up our rhythm.
I have countless reasons, both big and small. Even if you needed an explanation, wouldn't it be too stingy of me to express my opinions precisely?
Kuro: Aah, how irritating. Your talks are always way too long, can't you just tell me vaguely?
You must have just 'wanted' to do this. Isn't it fine to leave it at that?
Keito: Hmph… If you think like that, you shouldn't have asked me in the first place. I need Trickstar to be in a perfect condition, I won't allow them to run away after winning.
Sooner or later AKATSUKI will defeat Trickstar fair and square, after they all showed their best performance.
I would be troubled if they disappear before we can. That's all.
Kuro: Hehe ♪ Nice, you're also a man at heart.
Souma: As expected of Hasumi-dono! You properly understand the meaning of the code of chivalry…☆
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Keito: You're noisy. What's more important right now is that there is too much of an audience in such a cramped space.
If someone even just trips a little, it might very well turn it into uncontrollable chaos, so patrol with caution.
Good preparation reduces the coming difficulties. Although Eichi and I differ in that aspect.
(Why did Eichi organize the DDD and throw away the largely desired representative title for the SS?)
(What are you scheming? Where is the meaning in all of this?)
(You are causing unnecessary uproar and having everyone make a big fuss for no reason. If that's really the case, you would be a tyrant, you know?)
(Could it be he… No, for now I should avoid thinking about it.)
(I will just solemnly complete the work in front of me. I am Eichi's right hand. A right hand doesn't think, regardless of what results this DDD may bring.)
(I'm sure you must have foreseen this as well, haven't you, Eichi?)
[ ☆ ]
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Diabolik Lovers CHAOS LINEAGE ー Laito [11]
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ー The scene starts in Laito’s room at the Violet Manor
Yui: ( I wonder how many days have passed since? )
( Even though he promised he’d consider taking off these chains if I begged him to suck my blood. )
( In the end, he only took it into consideration but chose not to remove them after all... )
( I can’t do anything like this... )
Since I’m now physically locked in this one room,
I’m spending my days unable to interact with anyone,
aside from Laito-kun.
Apparently Carla-san and the others,
are aware of the fact,
that I have been chained like this.
Seeing as they have not commented on it regardless,
I can only assume,
that they are leaving me completely,
in the hands of Laito-kun. 
The only way for me to know what is happening outside,
is to ask Laito-kun about it. 
Yet, time after time,
he keeps on beating around the bush,
failing to tell me about,
the information which truly matters.
Yui: ( Even though he used to spend a lot of time inside this room at first. )
( Lately it happens more and more often that he just suddenly disappears... )
( He won’t tell me what he’s up to, and while I’m here waiting, Carla-san might just attack Ayato-kun and the others... )
( I didn’t think that not being able to do anything would be so frustrating... )
ー Laito enters the room
Laito: Bitch-chan, I’m sure you’re feeling hungry by now? I got you something to eat.
Yui: Laito-kun? 
Laito: What’s wrong? Why do you seem so sad? Did something happen?
→ I want to know what’s happening out there (♡)
Yui: I want to know what’s happening out there, it’s been on my mind the whole time.
I can’t help but be worried about Ayato-kun and the others after all...
Laito: That topic again? I’m surprised you haven’t gotten sick of it already.
Yui: Please. If you know something, no matter what, tell me!
→ It’s nothing (🖤)
Yui: No, it’s nothing...
( I’m sure that no matter what I ask, he’ll just dodge the question again. )
Laito: Then why do you seem so depressed when there’s nothing wrong?
Ah, could it be...Were you thinking of something you can’t share with me? Geez, you naughty girl~
Yui: I-I wasn’t having such thoughts! It’s just, I...
You see...I was thinking of Ayato-kun and the others.
Yui: Quite some time has passed since Carla-san first brought up his plan to attack the Orange House so...
When I think that something might have happened to the two of them...
Laito: ...I see. Your heart breaks thinking about them, doesn’t it?
I’ve been staying quiet because I didn’t want you to worry unnecessarily, but I suppose it’d be better to tell you then. 
Yui: Unnecessary worries? Don’t tell me...
Did something happen to them!? Tell me!
Laito: Oh geez, you’re going to make me jealous by showing so much interest in other men.
Yui: Please, don’t beat around the bush. ...Laito-kun.
Laito: ...Haah~ I just can’t help but struggle with this sort of serious atmosphere.
Fine, I’m sure you’ll find out sooner or later either way.
Ayato-kun and the others are currentlyーー in the dungeon of this manor.
Yui: Eh? ...The manor’s dungeon? Do you mean the prison?
Laito: Yup, exactly. Carla attacked the other Houses and conquered them in a few days.
Yui: No way...So everyone’s here at this manor...?
Laito: Not just the people from the Orange House, the whole Scarlet House is down there as well. 
I was entrusted with the task of interrogating each and every prisoner, so I know without doubt that everyone has been captured.
Yui: Is everyone alright!? Since they were attacked, they could be injured, no...!?
Laito: Everyone’s fine. They did sustain a few wounds here and there though. 
Ayato-kun’s so hot-tempered, he still has enough fire left in him to pick a fight with me every time I go check up on him. 
He even tried to steal my sword during today’s interrogation, you see?
Honestly, where does that guy get so much energy even when held captive.
Yui: I see...
( Everyone’s alive. Thank god... )
( But they’ve been imprisoned and are being interrogated...So it’s not exactly a peaceful situation. )
Hey, why has Carla-san decided to put them all in the dungeon? 
Laito: Beats me. Doesn’t seem like he plans on killing any of the prisoners for now at least.
I guess he can’t kill them hastily when one of them might know how to become Supreme Overlord?
Yui: But I can’t believe they’ve been imprisoned...Can’t we help them out somehow?
Laito: I’m afraid that’s impossible, no matter how you look at it.
I picked up on this while doing the interrogations, but despite being captured, it doesn’t seem like they’ve given up on becoming Supreme Overlord either.
What do you think will happen if we set them free?
Yui: ...They’ll come after me?
Laito: Without a doubt. Then chaos will break loose inside the manor, I’m sure. 
Yui: Then we just have to get everyone’s memories back!
If that’s too difficult, we could at least evade any conflict by urging them to agree to a ceasefire! 
Laito: If it was that easy to convince them, I don’t think we’d have people fighting over the title of Supreme Overlord in the first place, no?
Yui: Well...I guess you’re not wrong, but...
Laito: You don’t need to worry about any of this, honestly. It’s not like they’re rotting away in their cell.
I’m pretty sure they’re much safer inside their individual cells, than when they’re fihgting each other outside.
Yui: ( He might have a point. I doubt they’ll start killing each other inside the prison. )
( But...Is Laito-kun truly okay with this? )
Laito: With everyone caught, there aren’t any opponents left to deal with...
I guess Carla’s pretty much set to become Supreme Overlord then. It doesn’t seem like Subaru-kun or the others are interested in the title.
Aah, of course, I couldn’t care less either.
Yui: ( I can’t believe he’s taking it so lightly... )
Laito-kun, are you sure this is what you want?
Laito: How I feel about it doesn’t really matter. If we just let Carla become King like he wants to, everything will end well, no?
I mean, I don’t really know what exactly this whole Supreme Overlord thing entails.
Yui: It won’t fix anything at all. You’re aware that this is all just part of this fake world, right?
There’s no point in fighting over the title of Supreme Overlord. We have to ensure that everyone retrieves their memories and return to where we came from...to Kaminashi City.
That’s our real objective, isn’t it?
Laito: Hmー? Is it?
Yui: ...Eh...?
Laito: Just think about it. We’re the only ones here. It’s like its own enclosed miniature garden.
If we go back, we’d face nothing but problems. Then don’t you think there are many perks to simply staying here in our little garden?
Honestly, I believe I’d be able to live a much more relaxing life here, away from all the stress and trouble.
Yui: No way...You don’t mind giving up your previous life?
Laito: Of course not. I feel much more at ease here, where there is nothing restraining me.
Yui: ...!
( I mean, it’s true that Laito-kun had to carry a lot of burdens throughout his life. )
( So he might actually be happier living here. But... )
Hey, Laito-kun. 
Laito: Yes?
Yui: To become the Supreme Overlord, I...Eve is a necessary piece, right?
What will you do if Carla-san ends up needing Eve?
Laito: Aah, I guess we’ll be pulled apart. Hmー...? What to do about that? I honestly hadn’t thought that far ahead.
Oh well, I’ll cross that bridge when I get there. We just gotta see how things turn out, no?
Yui: We might end up separated...and you’re fine with that?
Laito: Didn’t I tell you before? I just want to have fun in life.
Yui: ...No way...
( How can he say things so lightly? )
( Even though we might not be able to stay together, why...? )
I just don’t understand you...
Laito: Eh?
Yui: Before you got your memories back, I couldn’t blame you for it. But you remember everything now, don’t you? 
Yet you keep on acting so indifferent towards everything...
‘As long as I have fun’, is that your final answer...!?
Laito: Come on, calm down. You’ll turn into a crying mess?
Yui: Ah...
( When did I...? I didn’t want to cry, but the tears just started flowing... )
Laito: ...Don’t make such a face. Come on, stop crying?
Yui: ...Uu...
Laito: Don’t rub your eyes so aggressively. They’ll become swollen, remember?
I’ll wipe your tears, okay? ...Nn...Muah...
Yui: ...
( Even though his kisses are so very gentle... )
We definitely can’t just stay locked up in this place...Who knows when a war will break loose between everyone...
Besides, I don’t want to get together with anyone else, regardless of who becomes Supreme Overlord...
Laito: Bitch-chan...
Yui: While this might cause troubles for you in your current situation. 
Still, you’re the only one I love...
Laito: Right...I know that very well.
I told you to stop crying earlier but...Go ahead, you can cry all you want.
I promise that I’ll catch all of your tears...Nnh...Nn...
Yui: ( Laito-kun... )
Despite his gentle acts of consolation,
he’ll easily cast both me and his brothers aside,
as if it doesn’t faze him at all. 
He said that all he cares about is having fun,
I honestly have no idea,
what he’s thinking.
I wonder if he has actually,
had a complete change of mind?
If that is the case,
do I have no other choice but to give up,
both on escaping this place,
as well as getting the others’ memories back?
In the back of my consciousness,
I could feel the faint sensation of Laito-kun’s lipsーー
ー The scene shifts to the hallway
Laito: ( Ahーah. I made her cry. )
( That wasn’t my intention though... )
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♱  DIABOLIK LOVERS: Haunted Dark Bridal ー Sakamaki Kanato | Maniac 5½  ♱
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⌜ Scene: School Art Rooms ⌟
Yui: Good, it’s unlocked!
ー Yui closes the door behind her. ー
Now, where did I leave it?
( I sat over here for class, and I could have sworn I… )
ー Yui walks over to pick up her things. ー
( I have to make a point to not forget these calligraphy brushes again! Especially when Reiji-san was kind enough to let me borrow his. )
Ryuuto: I was beginning to wonder who left that there.
Yui: W-Wha…!
ー Ryuuto appears beside Yui. ー
Oh! Uhm… Ryuuto-san, wasn’t it?
Ryuuto: That is me, yes. It is a good thing you came when you did, I was just thinking how helpful an extra pair of hands would be.
You see, I happen to be on cleaning duty for the art rooms, tonight. However, I need to move a few canvases, here, around first.
Won’t you do me a favour, hm?
Yui: Oh…
( I told Kanato-kun I’d only be five minutes... If I’m any longer than that, I’m going to have some explaining to do… )
( Besides… )
ー Yui flashbacks to just the other day. ー
Kanato: Well, shall we head on home?
Yui: Ah… Sorry. I can’t go back with you today.
Kanato: … …? Are you cheating on me?
Yui: Ch-Cheating? What makes you think that!?
ー Yui is brought back to the present. ー
( I’m sure he’ll take it the wrong way. )
…I’m sorry, Ryuuto-san. I have someone waiting on me.
Ryuuto: I assure you it is only a few canvases; You’ll be out of here in no time.
Yui: Well…
Ryuuto: …You’re making it seem like it is detrimental that you return to said someone as soon as possible; Is Kanato truly that strict?
I told you it was the wrong idea to pick him.
Yui: It’s not exactly that he’s strict, but he can get… pretty unpredictable when he gets the wrong idea. I’d rather not upset him…
So, if you’ll excuse me, I’ll be on my way.
ー Ryuuto blocks her from exiting. ー
Ryuuto: Now, now…
This may surprise you, but I know Kanato decently well. I am certain he will understand if you tell him I was the one who kept you?
━─┉┈◈ Selection ◈┈┉─━
  ❈  I doubt that… (♥) Yui: ( If you think that way… … ) I don’t think you know him as well as you think, then. Ryuuto: …No? Yui: I’ve… I’ve been in this situation before, so I’d rather not have history repeat itself and get back to him right away. Ryuuto: …You’re frightened of him. Fufu. Yui: …Wh-Why does that have to be the case? Ryuuto: There is no shame in owning up to that much, Yui.
  ❈  Then you understand me? Yui: If you know him as well as you say, Ryuuto-san… Then, you understand where I am coming from, right? ( I just want to keep him happy, and save myself a tantrum… ) Ryuuto: I certainly do. However, I think you’re overestimating his temper. Yui: E-Eh? If anything, you’re underestimating it!
Ryuuto: …Come now, it is not like I am asking for your blood, or the like.
I am certain we could have been almost done and dusted by now, should you have cooperated in the first place.
Yui: Even if that’s the case…
ー He backs her against the desk. ー
( H-He’s closing in suddenly! )
Ryuuto-san, please let me past…!
Ryuuto: You’re awfully jumpy. Do relax…
Yui: H-How can I? You’re too… close!
( Besides! Who knows what Ryuuto-san is up to? He’s a Vampire, after all! )
( Can I run for it? I’ve definitely got to! )
Please, move…!
Kanato: …You couldn’t even collect your things without wasting my time. I thought you said you said you would only be five minutes.
You shouldn’t be talking to this nobody, Yui-san.
Yui: K-Kanato-kun…!
Ryuuto: We were just talking about you.
Kanato: …You were?
ー Ryuuto backs off. ー
Ryuuto: Light conversation, nothing more…
Kanato: What did you say? Yui-san?
Yui: N-Nothing, really… Just about how Ryuuto-san said he was close to you, is all.
Promise it wasn’t anything bad!
Kanato: …Well, you’re mistaken in thinking that. Please don’t spout nonsense like that about me in the future, Ryuuto.
I won’t forgive you for it, you know…
Ryuuto: Nonsense, you say? I would like to think we get on decently, should the occasion call for it. You don’t agree?
Kanato: … …
Ryuuto: At any rate, I suppose I ought to let you get home.
Yui: Y-Yes! Shall we get going, Kanato-kun?
Kanato: Yes.
Yui: ( Thank God! )
ー Yui runs to Kanato’s side. ー
( Being next to Kanato-kun like this again… It’s a strange relief! )
Ryuuto: Your prey was well-behaved, for the record.
Kanato: …I beg your pardon?
Ryuuto: Even if I were hoping to, my fangs could not get anywhere close to biting her; You should be thrilled to know she is not so easy.
Yui: …!!
Kanato: …I know that, you do not need to remind me.
Yui: ( Ryuuto-san saying that is one thing… )
( But, Kanato-kun…? He actually has faith in me, after all, by the sounds of it! )
Kanato: We’re going, Yui-san.
Yui: U-Uh, yes!
─────── ≪ °♛° ≫ ───────
←  [ ✥ Maniac 05 ✥ ]⎥ [ ✥ Maniac 06 ✥ ]  →     [ ✥ Ecstasy 5½ ✥ ]
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lovelytayforce · 7 months
I think I'm gonna watch a thousand nights go by
The musician in the background can take me on a ride ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “Hmmm~♫”   “
A lone hum rolls across the quiet unutilized path below the large trees surrounding them. They teemed with overgrowth and unswept leaves.
He kicked a stray rock around as he walked with his hands in his pockets, his eye caught dimmed windows above, only a select few lights were still ablaze at this late hour.
Yellow eyes watched him from those houses built around those trees.
The melody continued to travel as he made his way to the very edge of the village, this is where everything cleared away, feeling more akin to any other city or village he had visited.
The feel of a stone path was comforting.
The wind picked up its pace, causing his red scarf to flutter in the wind, he breathed in the fresh air catching the crisp scent of water and pine nearby.
He threw a couple of golden coins toward an offertory box with only a slight glance to an old owl, watching him not from above but at his eye level.
The stranger smirked as that old man took in his visage with a mix of wonder and concern, it wasn’t everyday you saw such a dapper fellow as himself, draped in gold and red from head to toe but not in a tacky way as the Emperor’s of old he once knew.
‘I have much more style than that.’ He thought with a laugh he could not contain. Why should he? Life was meant to be enjoyed in the moment.
The wind howled louder as he approached the main shrine, wooden fixtures clattering loudly with the tree’s branches shifting as he bowed toward the main shrine with a toothy smile.
“Ah, I see you are awake, good.” The stranger spoke up with a delighted tone. “I have given your shrine the proper offering and people say I never learned my lesson ehe! Now,” Blazing gold eyes meet another pair of yellow within the dark shadows of this decaying shrine. “Show yourself,”
It was connected to a large tree, one towering above the rest he had seen on his trip here. Even after many decades, this lone tree stood the tallest among this land, hiding away the lights in the distance across the lake.
His tail twitched at the sound of heavy footfalls and claws scraping against aged wood. Seems as if his friend was not fully awake as he had expected, and by the wind’s course. ‘He seems annoyed uh oh…’
Despite this clear indication for him to leave as if the person within the shrine thought this would be enough to make him leave. It made him laugh again.
Ding.His laughter stopped and his body came to a standstill as he noted the metal bells had not ringed yet at all.
The sound of creaking wood grew closer and in the subtle light of the moon, did he see his shadow.
“Fei Lian…” The stranger lifted his head, marveling at how even his old friend seemed enamored with his growing collection of gold trinkets and jewelry across his body. “You’re control over the wind never ceases to amaze me, tell me how long has it been now? Two hundred or maybe it was four-”
“Speak quickly.” Fei Lian demanded and even the shadow of his horns reached the tip of his own shadow from the safety of the shrine. Ah, it seems things had escalated as he had foretold.
“Why?” He couldn’t help but whine as the wind picked up again, but he simply leaned on his heels, no longer feeling the need to kneel much less bow to someone he knew was faltering. “We’re old friends aren’t we? And what do you have to do that’s so important? Sweep a land that is no longer truly yours-”
The gale he experienced alone was sharp, tearing parts of his clothing as a warning. There was a sharp slam of a door behind them, most likely the old man.
Fei Lian hadn’t hesitated to grab his collar, lifting him off the ground only slightly. “Heh…Is this all you're capable of now? Even after all this time…” There was a tinge of sadness to his voice, it was unintentional but really, watching a god fall so far was tragic.
And not in an entertaining way. - This is a piece of writing from let's say from the beginning arc of my new Fic "Starry Invader" featuring a couple of immortals let's say, the age of gods have seemed to pass this era by. But as we can see here, they desire for that era to return, in different forms and for very different reasons? I wonder if the flowers will grant Fei Lian's wish? Stay tuned to find out!
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bakuhoes-dumbass · 4 years
Aberration - Chapter 1
MHA!Various x Fem!Reader
Words: 2.3k
A/N: Yay, here’s the first chapter of my new AU! It might be a little slower at first but it’ll pick up the further we get into it. So I hope you like this!
Warnings: Yandere Themes, Mentions of murder, blood, felonies, bullying, swearing.
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of MHA, just this story. In no way does this reflect the characters, writers or VAs of the show/manga. MINORS DNI.
Aberration Masterlist/Character profiles
In this world, mutations, renamed as ‘Quirks’, are abnormal. Only about 5%-8% of the world population are known to have these so called ‘Quirks’. You are a graduate of one of the most prestigious science tech schools in the country. You’ve been selected to work for a secret scientific research facility that houses some of the most notorious criminals in the nation. Besides their crimes, what makes these individuals incredibly dangerous are their mutations. After meeting these individuals, they seem to have taking a liking to you. That should make your research and search for the cure all that much easier…
Before you stands one of the largest facilities you have ever seen. You take a deep breath, attempting to calm your rapidly beating heart. Adjusting the strap on your bag, you make your way into the research center.
Upon entering, you gasp in wonder. The inside is huge, tall pure white walls that meet at a double paned glass ceiling. In front of you is a wall of security, stretching to accommodate the vast interior of the lobby. You walk up to the nearest security officer and give them your information. Thankfully, you were on a list and after checking you over, you're granted entrance to the building.
That's where you meet a man and a woman, both dressed in white lab coats and carrying clipboards. You bow your head to the two of them and they return the gesture.
"Ms. Y/N, I presume? My name is Shota Aizawa and this is my assistant, Momo Yaoyorozu." The older of the two speak.
You smile at the two. "Yes, nice to meet you. I'm Y/N, L/N, graduate of UA science tech. I am so happy to be here and look forward to working with the two of you."
The younger girl nods and smiles, gesturing behind the two of them. "If you would kindly follow us, we can get started."
"Ms. Y/N, here's the list of the inmates you will be working with from this point on."
Momo hands you a clipboard containing pictures and descriptions of each individual. Your eyes scan the information on the page in front of you, your brow raising with each word you read. "There is… quite a bit of information on these individuals."
Aizawa nods. "Considering how dangerous the subjects are, it's best to have every detail we can."
You internally cringed at the term 'subject'. These were criminals, yes, but they were still living breathing people. Noone deserves to be dehumanized, no matter the reason.
Shaking your head of those thoughts, you continue to look over the notes in your hands. One in particular catches your eye. " 'Multiple counts of 3rd degree murder by reason of insanity' and yet he's only deemed as a level 4 danger?"
The doctor looks over your shoulder at the character profile. "Ah, yes. Fumikage Tokoyami. He's an interesting one, to say the least." You wait for him to continue, but seeing as it doesn't seem like he will, you gesture for him to elaborate. "Tokoyami himself is actually fairly harmless and incredibly cooperating, which is why he gets a level 4 only. However…" Aizawa looks down the hall of the facility to a door near the end. "Dark Shadow is deemed a level 9."
Your eyes shoot up in shock. "Dark Shadow? A level 9? Explain."
"Dark Shadow is his mutation. It's a completely sentient being that he harbors inside of him. Highly dangerous, more so if there is darkness." He looks back at you. "I'll let him explain the reason why he was instituted. He always prefers to explain the story himself."
The more Aizawa explains Tokoyami's situation, the more your excitement builds up, wanting desperately to meet this man. This was such an interesting mutation and you couldn't wait to hear everything he had to tell you. You take a breath to calm your childish manner and clear your throat.
"If it's alright with you, sir, I'd like-" You look down at your clipboard once again. "'Inmate 06' to be the first one I meet with."
Aizawa nods and writes something down in his notebook. "Very well. Follow me this way please."
You follow the doctor down the long white hallway, your excitement growing with each step. Along the way, you notice each door on the facility that lines either side of the stretched hall. Each door had a narrow window towards the top and a small number engraved underneath. You don't take too much notice and keep following the doctor to your destination. However, an eerie feeling makes you freeze in your tracks.
You slowly rotate your head and look at the inmate's door you stopped next to. The color drains from your face as you see two ice blue eyes peering right into yours. It felt like your breath was stolen, a hint of fear and anxiety built up within you from this intense gaze. After what felt like hours, you snap your gaze back to Aizawa and Momo, who were standing in front of a door you were also supposed to be at.
"I would highly advise you to keep cautious while you are in this facility. While we keep all inmates in cuffs that neutralize their mutations, the technology has not been 100% perfected yet and parts of their powers may leak out. That is why we have additional precautionary measures in place for each inmate." Aizawa gives you an impartial look as you walk over. "Now. The only special precaution with Inmate 06 is the lights must stay on at all times. There are no light switches in his cell, so nothing should go wrong. But like I said, always stay cautious."
You nod your head at the doctor's words and turn to face the door. Aizawa places a hand onto the keypad next to the door, scanning his prints before buzzing and opening the door. You give the man one last nod before making your way inside the room. The room itself is bare. White floors, white walls and an equally white ceiling. Nothing was in there except a desk with a chair and a bed.
On top of that bed sat a young man with the body of a human and the head of a crow. Your eyes widen in awe at the beautiful being in front of you. Tokoyami tilts his head and gives you a curious look.
"Oh. Hello, there. I've never seen you before."
The deep voice of the man shocks you. You bow your head and give the bird man a smile. "Hello, Tokoyami. My name is Y/N. I'm the new scientist at this facility. I'm here to get to know and observe you all to help further our findings for a cure. I hope we can be friends."
Tokoyami blinks. "You want to be… friends? With us?"
"Yeah, of course. Why not?" Your smile never leaves your face.
"Well, maybe because we're all… felons? The greater majority of us being murderers?"
"I truly believe everyone deserves a second chance." You gesture to the desk chair, silently asking if you could sit. The man nods and you greatly take your seat. "Now, would you ever be so kind as to answer a few questions for me, Tokoyami? I would like to get to know you a little better." You take out your pen and notebook, opening to a fresh page.
Tokoyami nods again and you give him a smile. "Just a few standard questions first. Can you please state your full name, age and date of birth?"
"Fumikage Tokoyami, age 22, October 30th."
"What is the name of your quirk and how does it work?"
Tokoyami fiddles with the quirk-cancelling cuffs around his wrists at the mention of his quirk but answers anyway. "It's called Dark Shadow. It's a fully sentient shadow that resides inside my body. It can come out when I call call it or it can show itself on it's own. But it's always connected to me and cannot be separated. It…" Tokoyami takes a breath. "It gets stronger the darker my surroundings are. So the less light, the less control I have over it. If it gets too dark, it completely takes over me, no longer under my control."
The longer you listen to him, the wider your eyes get and the more they shine in wonder. "That is incredible! To have that kind of quirk is truly fascinating!"
Hearing your words of praise would have made Tokoyami blush, if he could. He clears his throat in embarrassment. "Why, thank you for those kind words. Though, I doubt having this...quirk, as you say, is all to be impressed about."
You shake your head. "You may not think so, but really, I've never seen anything like it." You excitedly write a few things down before making eye contact with him again. "Now onto my final question of the day. Can you please tell me the reason why you are here?"
Tokoyami stays silent for a moment, staring at nothing in particular, residing in his thoughts. You clear your throat and he looks up to you. You give him a small, comforting smile and it causes Tokoyami's heart to beat harder. For some unknown reason, he suddenly feels like he can trust you with anything.
"I've been charged with multiple counts of 3rd degree murder." He sighs, recalling that day. "I was invited to a college party on a date, by someone whom I had grown quite infatuated with. I never really was one to socialize and never really had any friends. But I really liked this person, so I went. At first it was going okay, nothing too out of the ordinary. Then, the host decided that playing truth or dare was the way to go.
 So my date dragged me to sit down and join them. Every time I was asked, I always chose truth. And everytime, their questions were about my appearance, my mutation. Laughing at all my answers, mocking my looks, talking about how unnatural I was. The more they asked, the more my anxiety and anger built up. But my stubbornness didn't want to show any weakness, so I stayed. 
Finally, I decided to just choose dare instead. At that point, I decided that nothing could be more humiliating than what they've already done." His sharp, red eyes flickered to yours. "Oh, how wrong I was. They dared me to go into the closet with my so-called 'date'. We were shut in and from then, they decided to tell me how this whole thing was a set up, just to humiliate me. That anyone with mutations like myself should just disappear because of how disgusting we are." He spits out that word like it was rotten food. "Remember how I said Dark Shadow gains control in the dark? Well, with my anger rising and the fact that it was almost pitch black in that closet, I lost control of myself and Dark Shadow took control of me. Next thing I remember, I was standing in the middle of the college dorm party, blood painting the floors, the walls, and the entirety of my class slaughtered."
You almost dropped your pen in shock but regained your composure. You give the poor young man a sad smile. He sighs and finishes off his explanation. "I was arrested and charged with multiple counts of 3rd degree murder by reason of insanity, considering I was technically not in my right state of mind at the time."
The two of you sit there in silence, basking in all this new-found information. You close your notebook and set your pen down, facing Tokoyami directly. "Listen to me. There is nothing wrong with the way you look or your quirk. Just because it isn't the societal norm, doesn't mean it's disgusting or wrong. Remember that."
Tokoyami blinks in surprise."Um, thank you." Those were the only words he could say, as how shocked he was at what you said.
You tilt your head and stare at him. "If I may ask, would I be able to feel your head? I'm very curious as to what your feathers feel like. It would greatly help my research as well."
"Oh. U-um, yeah. Sure."
You move to gently sit next to Tokoyami, so as to not startle him too much. You slowly lift your hand and place it on his head, eyes lighting up as you card your fingers through his feathers. "Oh wow, they're so soft!"
Tokoyami's heart speeds up, his feathers ruffling at your touch. He gazes at you with something akin to admiration. No one was ever gentle with him like this before. After another few seconds, you retreat your hand, Tokoyami almost whimpering at the absence.
"Well, I better get going. I have quite a few more things to do today before my shift is over." You gather up your things and bow your head at the half bird boy. "I greatly appreciate your time and look forward to our future sessions. Have a good rest of your day!" You smile at Tokoyami before heading back to the door and signaling Aizawa to open it.
"Goodbye, Ms. Y/N. I look forward to meeting with you again." Tokoyami watches you leave his room. Once you're gone, he runs his hand through his feathers, imagining they were your fingers.
As the door closes, you turn to Aizawa who gives you a disappointed look.
"You touched the inmate. Why in the hell would you do that?"
You place your hand on your hip and give the doctor a stern look. "I was curious about his mutation and wanted to see how it felt."
He sighs and runs a hand down his face. "We try to avoid any physical contact with any of the inmates, as it may trigger something deep within them. Remember, Y/N. Every single one of these individuals are dangerous and unstable. Any abnormal behavior could result in catastrophic consequences."
You sigh and shake your head, giving him a chaste nod. "Yes, Sir. You're right. I promise to heed your warning and modify how I work."
The doctor looks satisfied as he turns on his heel and walks further down the long hallway. You quickly follow to keep up. "Now, on to your next subject. Inmate 04, Eijiro Kirishima." You flip the page of your inmate profiles to see a picture of a red-haired man. "He is of a higher danger level, so make sure to keep your guard up. And for the love of God, under any circumstances…
Do not touch him."
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demonslayedher · 3 years
How Does Eating Humans Work?
Hello, Gotou here. We’re shamelessly borrowing from the format of a KnY Fanbook #2 comic to launch an investigation into demon metabolism and development by crossing the Sanzu River again to interview demons in the underworld. While we’ll be using canon materials as a base, the analysis and conjecture herein is personal, so we ask for your understanding. Also, please note that consuming any food in the underworld will make you unable to return, and we cannot promise your safety even though the interview subjects are dead, so please come along at your own risk.
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Some of the questions we’d like to answer are, why do demons need to eat humans? How much do they need to eat to survive? Are there factors that influence how eating humans makes them stronger? If they don’t want to kill humans, what are their other options? We’ve rounded up some special guests below the cut (hidden for length and grossness), everyone from the lowly Temple Demon to the lovely Tamayo, to see what their actions in canon might tell us.
First, a review of what canon tells us, mostly as summarized in Fanbook #2: 1. With one exception named Yushirou, all demons were created by Kibutsuji Muzan, for his own purposes. They all have some amount of his blood, and can be divided into four classes depending on how powerful they are. From top to bottom, the Upper Moons, the Lower Moons, demons with special abilities, and other demons without any special characteristics. 2. Demons may be stronger depending on how much of Kibutsuji Muzan’s blood they have. Most beings’ cannot handle a large amount of his blood, and it will rupture the cells and that being will die, but there are demons who adapt well to it. 3. Typically, sunlight is the only way to kill a demon, by either bathing them in sunlight or cutting of their head with a Nichirin blade. However, there are powerful demons for whom chopping off their head does not work, and if it’s strong enough, demons can also be killed by wisteria poison.
4. Demons eat human blood and flesh. The more they eat, the stronger they become, and the faster their regenerative abilities become. Some humans have “Marechi,” a rare blood type, which is especially nutritious to demons, and eating one Marechi is the equivalent of eating several humans.
That’s an interesting thing we’d like to come back to, especially since we’re looking for quantitative information about how demons gain nutrition (though I have my doubts we'll get enough for statistical analysis). As an interesting note, Fanbook #2 also tells us that if demons try to consume the same edibles humans do, they’ll vomit it back up.
I’m told that Miss Tamayo drinks tea, though. That’ll be an interesting question for later. In my notes, it seems she’s also explained to Tanjirou back in Chapter 15 that demons will normally go berserk if they go a long time without consuming any blood or flesh. Berserk is one thing, but I wonder if they can starve to death? We’ll see if these canon clues will lead us to anything. We’ll begin now in an interview format. Hopefully this will go smoothly, but I’ve got a feeling it won’t. First up, we’ve the Temple Demon.
Temple: Who were you calling ‘lowly’ just now? Up there, above the cut?
Gotou: That was in a literal sense, not having Blood Techniques means you’re in the bottom common tier of demons.
Temple: Argh. Fine. What do you want to know?
Gotou: In Chapter 2, you were spotted with three human victims. However, it seems you left their bodies mostly intact and only ate small parts instead of consuming one full human at a time. Could you comment on this?
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Temple: I’d have gotten to more later if that whelp with the strong legs didn’t interrupt me! Who’s got time to eat entire humans anyway? I went for the easy stuff first.
Gotou: I see. It appears you might had focused on key organs, like the heart and the liver. Would you say these are especially nutritionally dense?
Temple: I guess. If I’m going to eat humans, I’m going to start with what’s worth bothering to digest. Blood’s easier on the stomach, so that’s what I was busy with on the lady there.
Gotou: Then it takes effort to digest? Hmm. Let’s come back to this later. How many humans would you say you consumed, including these three?
Temple: Not a lot… I tried to get a variety so I could get stronger faster, but…
Gotou: I’ll put down a guess as ten or less. Let’s move on to someone who has a sharper memory for numbers. One of our longer-lived guests at Mt. Fujikasane for 47 years, the Hand Demon. While most of the demons on the mountain had only eaten two or three humans, you’ve eaten a whole 50 of the children who headed into the Final Selection, didn’t you?
Hand: Yes, that’s right. It was hard at first since I wasn’t very strong, and the demons usually all went crazy there eating each other, just like that one brat who got away in Chapter 7 said. If you could manage to kill any of the kids, you had the other demons to fight off to even get a piece to yourself. That was enough to get me by, and stronger, little by little. Your body learns to make your meals last, and make the most of what you can get. I usually only had a bite of one child a year, can you imagine how horrible that was? Most demons who survive usually figure out some way to develop and survive better, and once my cells found something that worked for me, I kept doing it. I got really good at snatching away prey from other demons, and soon enough I was a bigger threat than any of them. None of them could, you might say, lay a hand on me.
Gotou: That’s an interesting point about self-development. A demon named Nezuko was spent two years doing that in her sleep.
Hand: She must have had a big meal before that!
Gotou: Well, anyway. It seems that in near starving conditions, your metabolism made the most of what you had, leading to the most efficient use of whatever food was available to you.
Hand: That’s right, I got really good at it. Wasn’t always pretty, but I made it work. I got to a point where I could go two years without eating and still keep my wits about me while the other demons were going mad. But I chose to eat. I liked to keep my appetite for specific children.
Gotou: That smile is not reassuring. Some humans taste better than others, I guess?
Hand: That’s for sure. This one kid tasted awful, like rust and man sweat! I still don’t have that disgusting taste out of my mouth! But he was one of my more satisfying meals, so I ate more of him.
Gotou: Then why would you… nevermind, I don’t like that smile, no further questions. While I had hoped to keep these interviews focused on quantities of humans consumed, it does seem personal taste is worth asking about. I had tried to invite a Swamp Demon from Chapter 11, but it kept arguing with itself and it felt like I’d be wasting my time. The one definite thing I learned was that this demon is picky, with a distinct preference for 16-year-old girls. Based on the number of trinkets he kept, it seems he had consumed at least seventeen of them, including several in one town. Sheesh, that’s sort of a rough mission to send a first-timer on. I’ve got a more cooperative guest here to discuss her tastes, a Snake Demon who, according to Chapter 188, has a special taste for baby flesh.
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Snake: Thank you for having me here. It’s good to be appreciated again.
Gotou: Did you only eat babies?
Snake: Goodness, no. Babies are delicious, but they aren’t very nutritious. And their skulls certainly aren’t that big, the ones I lounged around with were from the people whom I killed and stole from. But you know the nice thing about baby skulls? They’re still soft. They take a long time to digest, but I can swallow them whole.
Gotou: Like… like a snake, then. Sorry, I’m a little ill hearing that. Let’s back up, were all those skulls the remains of adults you ate, then?
Snake: Meh, I ate some of them of better-looking ones, but most of them I only killed. I could usually kill a lot more at a time than I could bother eating, my killing record was fifty women all at once.
Gotou: And you didn’t find that wasteful?
Snake: Wasteful? Not at all. I wasn’t exactly in dire straits, I lived a more luxurious life than most demons do. That meant I could afford to wait for a truly delicious meal, like how you humans might leave something in a slow-cooker to enjoy the perfect combination of doneness and tenderness, plated in the most appetizing of ways.
Gotou: I guess demons and humans are similar in that regard.
Snake: I’m so glad you can relate! Then you understand the frustration of a meal you’ve be preparing for years opening up the slow-cooker and running away right when they were just about done.
Gotou: I have never had that experience.
Snake: I’ll get you, my pretty. And your little snake, too.
Gotou: I think we might have gotten a little off-topic here. It does seem digesting humans comes with some difficulty. I’d like to invite the Drum Demon in next. Your name is Kyougai, I hear?
Kyougai: !!
Gotou: Kyogai, right?
Kyougai: You’ve heard of me! You know my name!
Gotou: I happened to, yes.
Kyougai: What have you heard???
Gotou: That you were kicked out of the Lower Moons for being unable to consume enough humans.
Kyougai: Oh. ……..yeah, that’s me.
Gotou: I thought demons go berserk if they go a long time without consuming humans. Wouldn’t that make an inability to consume them problematic?
Kyougai: It wasn’t that I couldn’t eat them! Like I said in Chapter 24, I had to in order to sustain myself, just like any other demon. But, at some point, I couldn’t eat as much as I used to. That happens to humans too, doesn’t it? When you just can’t stomach anymore?
Gotou: You mean like when you’ve overeaten? In a human’s case that feeling may go away within a few hours.
Kyougai: Sort of like that, but you know, humans reach a time when nothing is appetizing or the thought of eating makes them feel sick, right? Isn’t that the human condition?
Gotou: …uh… maybe if they have a medical condition? Or anxiety? Do demons get anxiety? Or eating disorders?
Kyougai: I… I don’t know. I just wasn’t good enough.
Gotou: I think it’s plenty good if you stopped eating humans. Though to have developed Blood Techniques and been a Lower Moon in the first place, you must had eaten a great number of them.
Kyougai: You think I’m great?
Gotou: What?
Kyougai: No, sorry, I was getting ahead of myself. It’s true, I used to be able to eat as many as the other Lower Moons always consumed. Our stomachs were stronger, you might say. Demons got strong by eating humans, and then the more you did that the better you usually got at it, so the strong ones would eat more and more and keep getting stronger and stronger. At least, that’s how it usually worked. I’ve seen other demons below me reached that point too, where they feel the drive to eat, but then they have trouble digesting it for a long time, so they don’t wind up eating that many people.
Gotou: Then it would make sense to eat the most nutritionally dense parts first.
Kyougai: Or a Marechi.
Gotou: Yes, or a Marechi.
Kyougai: It was a great idea, wasn’t it?
Gotou: I cannot condone any consumption of humans as a good idea.
Kyougai: I knew it. I’m nothing. Go ahead, stomp all over everything I ever tried to accomplish.
Gotou: I think I’m going to move on to my next interviewee now. It looks like we’ve got… oh, would you look at this? Lower Moon One. Enmu, I believe.
Enmu: You can believe whatever you want. I’m happy to help.
Gotou: I don’t need any help, thanks. I’m curious, since you were one of the stronger demons out there, it seems you had a stronger capacity for consuming humans.
Enmu: I did, I was always careful and paced myself so the Demon Slayers wouldn’t notice me. I took my time. I liked to enjoy e-e-e-a-c-h one.
Gotou: Then you had tastes too? Like babies, or 16-year-old girls?
Enmu: I could season any human to my liking. They’re all very easy to prepare.
Gotou: I’m still trying to get quantitative data. Can you tell me at least a rough estimate of how many humans you consumed?
Enmu: I told this more precisely to that boy with the earrings back in Chapter 59, and I can tell you this too. At my best, I could had eaten over two-hundred people at once if I took my time.
Gotou: OH MY GAW----sorry, I dropped my pen. Two hundred, at once?
Enmu: Yes. If I had just. Had. A little. More. Time.
Gotou: Clearly there is a huge difference between what common demons are capable of and what the Twelve Moons are capable of.
Daki: Psh, those were all any random common people. That’s nothing to brag about.
Gotou: Excuse me, and you are?
Daki: Daki, Upper Moon Six. You want something really impressive, you talk to the Upper Moons.
Gotou: I’m sorry, I don’t see you on my list.
Daki: What! Your list is stupid. Look me in the eyes, I’m Upper Moon Six!
Gotou: Very well, then. What can you tell me about your diet, Miss Upper Moon Six?
Daki: That’s more like it. It’s true that digestion takes a while, and takes some effort. Even though we Upper Moons may have eaten hundreds of people in our lifetimes, it’s not as if we gorge ourselves. The clever ones among us save prey for later to eat when we feel ready for it.
Gotou: Food storage? How do you keep them fresh?
Daki: You leave them still alive, numbskull. Nobody wants to eat something cold, that’s gross.
Gotou: I see, so that’s why demons prefer to go after new kills instead of saving what they’ve already managed to kill. That also might explain why the demons on Mt. Fujikasane wouldn’t had eaten many humans, if they found long dead ones in edible.
Daki: You want to know the real secret to eating humans? You can eat what you find tastes good, sure. But to get stronger, you eat strong people. Like your Corp members, the ones besides chumps like you? Using all that Breath makes their muscles really lean and potent, it’s like they come offering themselves as protein bars for us.
Gotou: You make them sound like a fad diet…
Daki: The real secret is eating Pillars. Besides Marechi, they’re the strongest meals out there. Guess how many I’ve eaten?
Gotou: I don’t have the data to make an educated guess.
Daki: Then get educated! Look back at Chapter 88! I’ve eaten seven Pillars, and my brother has eaten fifteen!
Gotou: Your brother? Who is he, then, Upper Moon Five?
Daki: What? Ew. Gross. Gross! No way, ew!
Gotou: Hmm… eating Pillars, huh? Well, I can think of one Pillar who was…
Douma: Me too!
Gotou: Speak of the devil.
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Douma: Actually, we Upper Moons can! And he's not Satan, that's not how this works. But I guess Muzan-sama’s curse doesn’t effect us now. Ask me anything you want!
Gotou: That Chapter 143 reference was such a rude entrance. I understand that Pillars are particularly nutritious—
Douma: Oh, please don’t misunderstand! I don’t even eat all the Pillars I’ve encountered. There was the one Flower Pillar who got away from me, but some of the boy pillars I just leave around. What’s really the key to consistent nutritional intake is women! It’s really unhealthy for a demon not to get enough women in their diet, that’s why even if you’re only looking for Marechi or Pillars, your metabolism is going to get thrown out of whack with sudden big meals. You grow a stronger metabolism with consistency, I believe!
Gotou: If I could stop you there, I had an image from Chapter 142 I preferred to focus on for this case study. I see you keep a wide collection of skulls, from victims whom I assume you ate.
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Douma: Yes, they all stayed together inside me for eternity, but the room looked lonely without décor.
Gotou: It seems other demons usually go for nutritionally dense organs like hearts or livers, or easy to digest parts of the body, perhaps just blood sometimes. Eating the entire victim, bones and all, doesn’t seem to be the norm.
Douma: Bones are organs too, you know! That’s where blood is made, at its freshest. They do take more practice in learning to digest, and I had to find a way around not having to chew them, but the bone marrow is very, very good for you, so I make sure to consume it frequently. It may take more time and it causes some of my followers to panic more while they wait, though, that’s a bit of a downside. Oh, and I guess bones can make good storage for some sneaky poison. Even fingernails and hair follicles, who’d have thought?
Gotou: I don’t think hair would have much nutritional value in the first place. In all my years, I can never recall seeing a victim with their hair eaten.
Douma: Tsk, tsk! Clearly you haven’t done much metabolism research in advance. I was really impressed by how well Shinobu-chan understood how my digestion would work. Eating hair can do amazing things! Isn’t that right, Genya-kun?
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Genya: ?????????
Gotou: Genya-kun!?
Genya: What am I doing here?
Gotou: I don’t think you’re supposed to be here. Isn’t there, you know, another side? The other direction?
Genya: What are you doing here? Did you die?
Gotou: I’m here doing research on demon metabolism and how they get stronger by consuming flesh.
Douma: What can you tell us about what up with having your friend feed you hair you found on the floor in Chapters 170-171, Genya-kun?
Genya: I’m not a demon!! Why the hell are you asking me?
Douma: ‘Hell’! Haha, good one!
Gotou: How do you even know about that? You were dead almost a full volume before that. And Genya’s different, he’s not a case study in how demons consuming humans works!
Douma: Are you certain?
Gotou: I hear the term get thrown around a lot that he’s ‘half-demon’, but—
Genya: I’m not a demon!!!
Gotou: --how would that even work? That would imply that one of his parents had to be a demon, and that—
Genya: What did you say about my mother!?!
Gotou: What? Nothing—
Genya: You say that to my face! You just trying saying something about my mother to my face! My mother never actually ate any flesh, you got that? She doesn’t deserve any of this!
Gotou: Genya, calm down, what—
Douma: I see we’re learning nothing about hair at all. Maybe Kokushibou-dono would provide better commentary on that?
Genya: Mom? Mo-o-o-o-m? Are you down here somewhere?
Gotou: And there he goes… wait, did you say Kokushibou? Upper Moon One? Oh no—he—he didn’t want me bothering him, he did not agree to another interview—
Douma: He-e-e-e-e-y, Kokushibou-dono! How did that work with Genya-kun eating your hair? Hair can be nutritious, right?
Kokushibou: You would gain… nothing… from consuming human hair… it’s not… flesh… you wasted your energy digesting it…
Douma: Aww, cutting it off them would had been sad, though.
Kokushibou: Demon hair… like demon weapons… is made… from our unique cells. It’s not dead… like human locks. Because that boy ate my live cells… it affected him…
Gotou: Yes, because he had a very, very unique metabolism, analyzed separately in this post. To be perfectly clear, Genya is completely human with cells that could temporarily transform, and he never consumed human flesh.
Kokushibou: He… vexes me…
Gotou: Um… while I’ve got you here, you’re one of the longest lived demons, clocking in at over three, maybe four centuries. Do you have any estimate of how many humans you’ve consumed?
Kokushibou: ……I see in… Chapter 100… that you are 23 years old?
Gotou: That is correct.
Kokushibou: Do you bother… remembering how many meals… you’ve had in a mere 23 years?
Gotou: I’m very sorry to have bothered you.
Douma: Kokushibou-dono’s ancient compared to the rest of us! But if I tried, I could probably recall. Let’s see. One, two, three, four…
Gotou: Is that? Your finger in your brain? Oh—ohhh—that is disgusting---I really don’t need to know numbers that badly, please stop. Is there maybe just some average you can give me for the Upper Moons instead? Like how many you’d eat in a month?
Douma: I wish I could, but a certain someone was an annoying outlier and didn’t like to eat so many humans. He made me worry all the time about his health.
Gotou: Really? Who might that be?
Douma: Hello-o-o-o-o-? Akaza-dono? Yoohoo! He spends all his time with his wife now and never answers when I call, it makes me so sad. Akaza-dono did eat humans, plenty of strong ones, but any time he wasn’t under orders from Muzan he liked to spend his time training instead of eating. Fanbook #1 says he did that way more than eating!
Gotou: Training? What sort of training?
Douma: Similar things to what your Corp members did, I imagine. Doing squats, throwing punches, things like that.
Gotou: Then demon muscles had similar function to human muscles, and could be strengthened through hard work? That’s surprising.
Douma: I know, right? I’ll let you in on a secret, I don’t think it was the physically repetition that did anything. I think it was his willpower getting honed and shaping his muscles.
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Douma: I had to focus when I acquired new skills too, like breaking down poisons. A lot of sad, lowly demons, like that Hand Demon fellow? They focus as hard as they can in their desperation, or focus on some strong emotion or attachment or whatever, and they grow and develop because of it. Sometimes all their weak bodies can manage is an ugly mutation, but that’s proof enough of how much focus they had.
Gotou: That sheds a lot of light on Nezuko, actually.
Douma: Shed “light” on Nezuko-chan, hahaha! Sunlight! You humans are all so witty!
Gotou: Speaking of willpower, I’ve got one more interview I need to get to down here. Of all the demons I have records of, only Nezuko went her whole time as a demon without consuming any human flesh, although she did go through moments of berserk cravings for it. It’s possible that other demons were killed before they could consume anything, but typically they will consume flesh as soon as possible, which is why its common for their family and close relations to be among the first ones killed. Tomioka-san even mentioned in Chapter 1 that these close relations are especially nutritious.
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Gotou: A demon about as old as Kokushibou, if not older, is a special case of her own. She was one of the only demons we know of to have escaped Kibutsuji’s curse and acted in dependently of him, including having created a demon of her own after two hundred years of trying. Most notably to our purposes, she trained herself to subsist on small amounts of blood, after having survived on corpses and wild animals for a time, according to the extensive Taisho Secrets at the end of Volume 21.
Tamayo: I explained this in more detail to Tanjirou-san in Chapter 15, but I went on to purchase blood from poor people, and extracted it in ways that wouldn’t be harmful to them. The one demon I created, Yushirou, could subsist on even less. I gained enough self-control that I could treat injured humans without feeling tempted into a berserk state.
Gotou: I was just talking to Douma about willpower making demons capable of accomplishing new physical developments. Was that how you were able to gain this state? I heard you even enjoy a cup of tea now and then.
Tamayo: Yes, I’ve taken a liking to it. I’d offer you some if not for this, you know, being hell. It’s nothing like the hell I went through when first resisting consuming humans, though. My demon body refused to take anything but fresh human flesh at first, but in the hardest moments, I always remembered a kind demon hunter who said he believed in me and my desire to defeat Kibutsuji Muzan. I believe Nezuko may have summoned her strength to resist the call of her demon cells in a similar way; she knew she had her brother there to rely on. Once she mastered something as remarkable as resisting the need for human flesh, it gave her the freedom to prioritize other developments.
Gotou: You spent centuries researching demon cells, especially how demons may break down and metabolize poisons.
Tamayo: I had not studied the metabolism of poisons until working with Shinobu-san. The medicine we concocted for Kibutsuji was only possible thanks to her work, and I couldn’t had worked with many of those wisteria-based substances on my own. I feel I was only there to fill in the gaps of her brilliant understanding.
Gotou: You’re very humble. I would pass along my thanks and compliments to Shinobu-sama too, but I’m pretty sure she’s not down here. On that note, did Genya-kun go back home?
Tamayo: He did after a nice reunion with his mother just now, it was very sweet. Shizu-san and I get along well, after all, we both carry similar guilt.
Gotou: Wait, was his mother a demon? That means Wind-sama’s mother was too? Wait?? What??
Tamayo: The worst hell I went through, or that any demon has gone through, is to realize what you’ve eaten after the hunger-driven madness clears. Being similar to your own cells, they’re easy on a volatile new anatomy to break down and digest. That’s why many demons may have driven themselves to forget everything all over again, or to twist their personalities to justify the horror, saying that because they ate the hearts of their loved ones and because demon flesh can live forever, then they never truly killed them. The truth always remained untwisted for me, and to this day, it torments me more than anything in this underworld can try.
Gotou: …
Tamayo: You should wake up now, Gotou. You’ve been through a lot; the nightmares must be taxing on your health. Please remember to eat well.
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A/N: Welp! Despite saying I'm done with reader fics, here I am. A short angst and fluff Waffle House date with Obi-Wan that is somewhat of a sequel to this fic. (Note that the original fic isn't a gender neutral reader)
Warnings: trauma implied, age gap implied, minimally edited at best
Pairing: Obi-Wan x GN reader
Word Count: 1.2 k
It’s four in the morning, and it’s every bit as magical as Waffle House usually is. You look from the man squashed next to you on the same side of the booth (you always asked him to) to the other clientele in their varied states of misery, and you wonder if you two stand out.
Or perhaps you fit in perfectly, the lack of sleep obvious under both your eyes and his. Does anyone plan to be at Waffle House at four A.M.? Or does everyone just find themselves there?
That’s what tonight is: A series of findings. His text found you awake, your response and recommendation found him amused and ready.
You find affection, now, in his eyes when you steal another side glance in between bites of the most mediocre toast you’ve ever had the pleasure of being acquainted with.
Obi-Wan has placed his paper napkin on his lap and is using his knife to neatly press more syrup-soggy waffle onto his fork. “I’m surprised at your remembering my partiality for this place.” His voice is still sleepy, deeper and more lingering between his words.
You swallow your bite of grits. “Am I so bad at remembering it warrants surprise?”
“No, it’s not that. Rather that I didn’t think it was something that would stand out to remember.”
“Oh, it stood out all right. I kept trying to picture you here but…” you shake your head and smile into your orange juice glass for a sip.
He tilts his shoulders to you. “But what?”
Even now, in a dark blue sweatshirt and grey sweatpants, he somehow looks like a J. Crew loungewear ad. “Let’s just say it’s easier to picture you sipping on a martini in a… speakeasy or something.”
“I’m so pretentious I’ve somehow landed myself in the twenties?” His tired eyes awaken slightly behind his glasses with a hint of mischief.
“Not pretentious, exactly. Proper is a better word. Well-mannered.”
As if on cue, a piece of his waffle falls from his fork into his beard. You can see his upturned lip between the blots of his napkin. Once it’s remedied, he playfully bumps his shoulder against yours. “I’m so glad you think so.”
A warm silence falls over the two of you, and you take in the room while you continue eating. The windows are frosted over; the only little bit you can see outside is dark. It gives the feeling that this is the only place in the world.
The line cook in charge is so tired and unamused she seems to float, unaffected, above the few orders she gets. The other cook has his headphones in as he stirs the eggs for much longer than necessary, and he only pretends to listen when the woman says something, referring instead to the paper orders.
There’s a man waiting for his to-go order, leaning against the window under a light fixture that’s adorned with forgotten gaudy Christmas decor. He scrolls through his phone and glances up to the counter every so often, not truly concentrated on either task.
Next to him is a jukebox.
“You don’t happen to have cash on you, do you?” you ask Obi-Wan. He sets his chocolate milk down and lifts a brow at you.
“I will eat your hashbrowns if you select ‘What’s New Pussycat’,” he says with the admonishing teacher voice that always makes your cheeks warm.
“The thought did cross my mind, but I will refrain.”
“In that case, you don’t need cash. I believe there’s an app you can use.” He points to the digital screen on the jukebox with the instructions.
You fiddle with your phone until Bing Crosby’s “Let me Call You Sweetheart” washes the place in song. At first, it’s uncertain if it fits, the crooning notes bouncing along the greasy corners and syrup-sticky tables and booths. It’s so unflinchingly sincere in a bubble of cynical dissociation you almost mourn on its behalf.
Obi-Wan looks at you in that piercing way, and you watch a decision settle on his face right before he stands and offers you his hand. You know what it means, he’s asked you a few times before, but never in public. You take another glance around the room and its unaffected inhabitants and take his hand.
His large hands have taught you all sorts of lessons of warmth and security and pleasure and trust. You don’t know if yours have taught him anything in return, but they’ve held him in the grief he can barely voice. You’ve learned of his brother more in the emptiness of what he doesn’t say than any information he volunteers, but you know enough to know it’s the reason he can’t sleep. It’s the reason you know he recognises your grief too, why you’re both painfully awake when the rest of the world sleeps. Indeed, he’s known earthquakes.
You can’t fight each other’s demons, but there’s something to be said for what rests for you both in the other’s hands.
Grief grows next to unlikely things, and you often wonder how it can share the same soil as love. It’s asked you to walk alone many horrible, necessary times, but tonight, it asks you to dance it together.
Your bodies fall into familiar closeness, his hand on your lower back, your hand probably where it shouldn’t be on his arm, and you let him lead you into slow rhythm. When he presses his lips softly to the side of your head, you close your eyes and allow yourself to sink into the tenderness and smell of his skin on his clothes.
“Now who’s landed in the twenties?” he whispers close to your ear.
“Thirties, technically.” You’re pressed so close, you know he can feel you smile against him.
“Do beg my pardon, we can’t all be sentimental jazz experts.” He pulls back enough you can see the entirety of his face, and it fills your heart with an ache of fondness. His eyes have those creases behind the rim of his glasses that accompany his joy, right above those circles underneath from the opposite. “I suppose it’s appropriate that even in this timeline your music taste is a decade younger than mine.”
How he can talk and dance, even if it’s slow and leisurely, you’ll never know. You almost lose the movement of your feet trying to retort, “Is that a compliment or a complaint?”
“Neither, just mere observation.”
You have to fully look down to watch your feet as you say, “I’ll remind you of that, that you’re just observing, the next time I get to DJ.”
“Tying my tongue of both compliment and complaint? Whatever will I do?”
You look up at him pointedly but have to look away the moment it leaves your lips. “You’ll think of something.”
Obi-Wan gives a conspiratorial “Hm,” and tilts your chin slowly to place his lips to yours. You deepen it, tasting everything distinctly him plus the addition of syrup. When you pull back, he lets out a sigh that chokes on itself in that telling way. “Will you stay with me tonight?” His voice goes so, so quiet when he asks for anything. The night is already morning, but it’s still dark to him. Of course you’ll stay.
The evening has been a series of findings, more than anything, perhaps, is the courage to keep loving and living in the midst of grief and the impassive echo chamber surrounding.
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aminiatureworld · 4 years
Characters: Diluc, Razor, Xiao, gn!reader
Word Count: 4,133
Warnings: Slightly claustrophobic
Premise: The line between small upsets and huge quarrels can be a blurred one, and it’s often difficult to cope with in the aftermath.
In which there is an argument and the reader disappears.
Author’s Note: Thank you for your request anon. I really cannot stay away from angst, and this was right up my alley. Poor characters, how I love to torture you.
I wasn’t sure if I was going to write Razor, he isn’t in my list of characters I’m comfortable with. For one thing I find his broken speech quite difficult to deal with. I can’t tell if I find it irritating or not, or if it’s an example of good characterization or the “savage” stereotype a la Tarzan – sorry Tarzan I don’t like you. But I tried to make the effort and I hope it came out well! Though I still don’t feel quite comfortable with writing him. I hope I handled the dialogue well enough. He makes me think of San from Princess Mononoke.
Diluc accelerated his pace as the Winery came into sight, his normally serene face breaking into a small smile.
It was the best time of day, the time when he came home, the time when he could finally see you. The two of you had been a couple for about five months, and though it wasn’t the longest of time, it was certainly the happiest Diluc had been, happier even than when he was a child with a family to call his own. You were his family now after all, something that you reminded him when he was in his darkest moods. You were his family now, and nothing could tear that apart.
“Welcome home.” Your voice was warm with happiness, and you threw your arms around Diluc the moment he came through the door. Diluc reciprocated the embrace and for a moment the two of you simply stood in the landing, the picture of perfect happiness.
“I’ve missed you, beloved.” Diluc whispered.
“I missed you too.” You replied, smiling softly. Your smile slipped however, and was instead replaced with an expression of worry. “You were gone so late tonight, I was unsure if something had happened to you. Really, I was about to go after you.”
“Well I’m glad you didn’t.” Diluc replied, tone firm though not unkind. “We’ve talked about this before my love, if something were to happen to me, which it won’t,” he quickly added, seeing your gaze cloud over, “but if it did I wouldn’t want you to put yourself in danger. I fight for you as much as anyone else in Monstadt, and for you to be injured or worse on my part, I’d never be able to forgive myself.”
“I know we discussed it and came to that conclusion.” Your words were slow, deliberate in tone. “But though I agreed to it then, I found tonight that I regretted it more than anything I might ever do. I cannot bear the idea of you somewhere near, hurt and crying out for help or worse…” you swallowed, unwilling to conjure the image to mind, “…I couldn’t bear thinking that you might be in a bad way and with no chance of rescue simply because I made a foolish promise. And while I was thinking about this all I came to the realization that I could never truly keep that promise. If you’re ever in need I will be there for you, no matter what. No matter what you said, what you think, it is the simple truth.”
“Please don’t do that.” Diluc replied, voice quickly becoming filled with emotion. “If there’s something out there that could hurt me like that, then how –” he paused, realizing his mistake, but you’d already caught it.
“How could I possibly defeat it?” You replied, a grimace replacing your smile. “You cannot treat me like glass Diluc. I’m an adventurer, a warrior in my own right. And I won’t be kept from saving the one I love the most, not when the only thing keeping me from it is his pride and a few words.”
 The two of you said nothing more of it that night, but the argument hung in the air the next morning, continuing the awkwardness up until you left for your adventuring duties. Diluc did nothing to breach the gap. He was in the right after all. And besides, it was such a stupid little argument, barely one at that. In a day or two it’d be nothing, and then all would be well again.
This conclusion was sorely tested when you didn’t return to the Winery in the evening. As Diluc prepared himself for another night of patrol he began to worry slightly. Surely you weren’t avoiding him. About something so small? No, most likely you were simply late. You’d be there when he got home. If he was sure of anything he was sure of that.
Unfortunately Diluc was proven quite wrong. The doorway was empty at his arrival, you were nowhere to be found. A sinking feeling began to settle into his stomach, and Diluc found himself quite unable to sleep that night, instead tossing and turning this way and that, wondering if you were truly so angry over something that he’d seen as so small. It was the only logical explanation for your disappearance after all, though Diluc wasn’t sure what to do about it. Chasing after you seemed somewhat uncouth, and besides didn’t that always make things worse? No, he’d give you space, all the space you needed. If a week passed then he’d seek you out, but before then he’d let you be. No point in jeopardizing the relationship anymore than apparently he already had.
His promise to stay away for a week was nearly torn to shreds by the end of the next day. Were you truly so angry with him? How could he have hurt you so much? Diluc didn’t know what to do. During the day he tried to behave as always, keeping tabs on everything he could and busying himself as much as possible. At night, however, the feeling became more and more unbearable, and Diluc found sleep more fleeting than ever.
He kept replaying the argument, over and over again did he try to remember exactly what had happened. Was your tone of voice angrier than he thought? Was your expression darker? Had he been too curt, too dismissive, too demanding? What could’ve possibly caused you to simply disappear? It was unlike you; usually what arguments took place resulted in you trailing him more than anything else. Why was this so different? Turning onto his side once more Diluc closed his eyes. Tomorrow all would be well. Tomorrow you’d come back for sure.
You didn’t come back tomorrow, nor the day after that. Those days were some of the most anxious Diluc had felt since the immediate passing of his father. Work became unbearable, for words that one stood clearly on the page now swam before him, a sea of incomprehensible figures and symbols. Eating and sleeping too were utterly alien to him, and what those two days were mostly comprised of turned out to be him walking about in a stupor, too dazed and too worried to think about anything around him, anything other than you.
On the fourth day a knock came to his door, and with it came Katheryne of the Adventurer’s Guild. Her face was ashen, and she was fiddling with her hands. As Diluc gestured for her to sit down the anxiety that had been sitting in his stomach tangled itself into knots. What in the name of the Seven had happened?
“Master Diluc, we have some information, information involving your partner.”
“Yes?” Diluc’s voice was sharp and low, for he couldn’t bring himself to hide it. Collapsing into the opposite chair he tried to prepare himself for the worst, knowing that if you had left or, Seven forbid, been killed he’d never be able to move on.
“Well you see your partner, they went on an expedition, a commission rather. They were looking for bits of Noctilious Jade and Cor Lapis. Although these minerals are normally found in Liyue only there are a few reservoirs in Monstadt along the border of the two lands, specifically they can be found in certain caves behind the waterfalls that flood into the river. A merchant bought the rights to the land of one of those caves and, being a merchant, he couldn’t get it out himself, so we sent one of our own to mine it out for him, see if it was any good.”
“This is all quite fascinating,” Diluc replied, tone made sharp with worry, “but I can hardly see what this has to do with anything.”
“Your partner was the one selected. They went down to mine it but the entrance was the opening to a sharp drop and they fell down. We only managed to recover them this morning.”
The shock that ran through Diluc was something that he never wished to experience again. It seemed to pierce right through him, into the center of his heart. You’d been trapped. You’d been in need of help, stuck for days in the worst of possible situations, and he’d done nothing but loaf around the Winery. How could he forgive himself for something like that?
“May I see them.” He choked out, his throat constricted and burning.
“They are coming here right now. Thankfully injuries were minimal. Caves connected to water are the most dangerous kind, you can die and it can be impossible to retrieve your corpse. They were incredibly lucky.” And with that gruesome thought in mind Katheryne walked over to the door, opening it to reveal you.
Diluc had never moved so fast in his life. Instantly you were wrapped in his embrace. You returned the gesture just as fiercely, clinging on as if he was the only thing anchoring you, keeping you from collapsing from relief, from fatigue, from the terror that had yet to dissipate.
“Oh my love, oh I’m so sorry, so deeply sorry. Forgive me, forgive me for not being there. Forgive me.” Diluc whispered, practically incoherent. You were both shaking, and when you two collapsed in the chair closest to the fire there were no words for a good many moments. The terror you’d both felt was hardly over, and you both needed to be sure that this wasn’t a dream, that it was all over, and that you were going to be fine now.
“Diluc.” You finally whispered.
“Yes my love.” Diluc replied, a tremor still in his voice. You leaned into him, head perched on his shoulder, breath tickling his neck.
“I never want to quarrel again.”
Diluc reached over to cup your face. Raising your head slightly he leaned over, brushing his lips against yours, indulging in something he thought for a moment he might never be able to do again.
“Neither do I.” He replied, voice just as soft. “And remind me never to try to restrict you again, for if I’d not been such a fool I would’ve run to your side the very evening you were trapped.”
You smiled softly, expression conveying relief and tenderness and most of all love. Leaning in for another kiss you whispered something right before your mouth collided with his.
“I will follow you wherever you go.”
Sitting at the edge of one of Wolvedom’s many cliffs, eyes trailed towards the far away walls of Monstadt, Razor wondered if he might’ve been too harsh.
It wasn’t that Razor wanted to quarrel with you, I mean you were the first and only person that he’d managed to build a sincere connection with. It was only that he’d grown up with a complete distrust of humans, and as much as he tried to bury that aspect of himself it still came to the forefront at times.
“I don’t understand what you’re so angry about Razor?” You’d exclaimed, face twisting into an expression of annoyance.
“Why do you like them?” Razor had replied, gesturing towards the people who had arrived with you, trampling their way through the forest as if everything belonged to them simply because they were human. He could practical smell the arrogance wafting off them, and it made his hair stand on edge. It was frustrating that he didn’t have the words to convey that to you.
“My guild members?” You’d said, glancing over your shoulder. “Razor I work with them. We’re going on a trip.”
“I want them to leave.” He’d practically growled, moving to take your hand in his. “I want them to leave, I want you to stay.”
“Well you can’t do that Razor.” You’d said, tone growing more and more exasperated. “And I don’t understand why you’re so hostile to them.”
“They’re human.” To Razor this was enough, but evidently the answer was hardly satisfactory to you.
“I’m human.” You’d pointed out, raising an eyebrow. Razor shook his head.
“You’re different.”
“No, I’m not. You just like me. And like it or not I’m a human, and a human who has a job to do. I can’t stay here, and I can’t stop talking to all other humans.
“Why not?” He’d shot back. “It would be better. Humans are bad creatures.”
“You keep forgetting who I am!” You’d exclaimed, shaking your head. “Whatever, I’m not arguing this with you. I’ll see you in a day. I hope that you can think about my feelings by the time this is over.”
Well the day had come and gone and there was no sight of you. Razor was too angry though to feel much remorse, no matter how much he missed you. You were probably busy anyways, talking to other humans, fraternizing with the enemy. For what else could humans possibly be? They cut down trees, killed the inhabitants of the forests. Even the wolves weren’t safe, for what farmer hadn’t taken a shot at one of them at some point in his life? No, Razor was not the one in the wrong. You were just too used to them. You couldn’t see it.
Still your absence sat wrong with him, and he found himself scouring the edges of Wolvendom the next day, trying to figure out what had happened. It wasn’t as if you didn’t know what he thought after all. And surely you wouldn’t abandon him so quickly, surely.
Razor was hardly so sure when the sun went down the next night. It seemed you were well and truly gone, though where he couldn’t tell. Maybe you really had decided to abandon him, decided he was too much of a burden, decided you preferred humans anyways. The thought ate at him, and he found himself walking around with a bitter taste in his mouth, unsure what to do.
Razor wasn’t sure what finally caused him to cross out of Wolvendom to look for you. Perhaps it was anger, perhaps it was guilt, perhaps it was that he at least wanted to say goodbye. No matter the cause however he still found himself walking on an unfamiliar path, as the woods shifted to plains. He felt vulnerable, uncomfortable without his familiar family. But it was too late to turn back now, and so he pressed ahead.
All sense of discomfort faded away upon running into you. You looked the worse for wear, covered in dirt, your clothes ragged. For a moment Razor wondered what could’ve possibly caused this. Perhaps there was a creature out there he was not aware of. Running up to you he wrapped his arms around you.
“You’re hurt.” It was more of a question than a statement, and you seemed to understand that. Returning the hug you sighed slightly.
“I was stuck in one of the shallow caves off of the Stormbearer Mountains. The passage we went through started crumbling, and I was the last one in line. It took some time to dig me out.” You laughed slightly, but there was a tremor in your voice, and you seemed ill at ease. “It was so dark in there Razor, so utterly dark. I couldn’t imagine being a creature down there, it all seemed to weigh down on me, and I thought it’d collapse and bury me at any second.”
Razor had tightened his embrace, the image seared into his mind. There was a visceral fear in his reaction, the fear of what you’d just described, but it was more complicated than that. To be down there himself was terrifying, but for you to be in that situation, and for so long, it stole the air from his lungs and weighed him down with such a sense of dread he could barely stand it.
“Humans sent you down there?” The tone of his voice was seething, but your reply was much calmer than it had been before.
“Yes. They did. But they also saved me Razor, you must remember that.”
It was something he hadn’t considered, and as he pulled away to look you in the face he pondered the implications. What he’d said was true, yes, but what you’d said was also true. They could’ve quite easily left you if they wanted, could’ve left you for dead and said there was nothing to do about it. Certainly some humans would’ve done just that, but they didn’t. Instead they helped you, for days they had dug, and thanks to that you were safe.
“I was wrong.” He said, tone straight, for it was a fact. He was wrong, at least about your people he was wrong.
“There are many evil people out there.” You said, expression pensive. “There are those who kill and rob and lie and think only about themselves. There are those who cannot see the world around them. But you can’t judge all of humanity by that. There are also those who care for every aspect of the world they can, who burden themselves with all the misfortune they see, so much it might break them. Humans are complicated Razor. So yes you were wrong, but I cannot say you were completely so.”
Razor said nothing, absorbing what you’d said. It was hard not think in black and white, something necessary sometimes for survival. But ever since you’d entered his life he wanted to try to understand you, even a little bit. And, especially after today, he’d do anything to make that effort a reality.
For though he understood little of humans and their ways he knew of one thing for sure. And that was the love he carried for you.
Looking back it was such a stupid argument. Of course all arguments seemed idiotic looking back after what happened. But if all arguments were stupid, then surely Xiao couldn’t’ve picked a stupider one to have.
“I wish you’d see me off at the bridge.” You remarked, strapping the last of your equipment into place. You were off to do another commission, something about recording a rare species of lizard and taking photographs of some rare luminous mosses, and once again the topic of goodbyes had come up.
“I’m saying goodbye now aren’t I?” Xiao tone was as brusque as ever, but this time you didn’t brush it off with your usual smile.
“I mean it Xiao.” You said instead, turning to look him straight in the face. “I know you don’t fraternize with people, I know that you consider it a result of the burdens you carry. I know that and I don’t ask you to go and set up shop in Liyue or some such thing. I do ask you though to simply be there when I leave the city. It would mean a lot to me to have you there when I step out into the wilderness, especially when I’m going to be gone for two days. Can’t you do this for me, at least this?” You searched his eyes, expression pleading, but Xiao simply scoffed and turned his head.
“Saying goodbye here should be enough. Besides, there aren’t any people here. Would you really want me to say goodbye surrounded by prying eyes?”
“No one is going to pry.” You pointed out, voice flat with annoyance. “And to answer your question, yes, yes I would like you to be there to say goodbye. I love you dearly Xiao, more than I have ever loved anyone, more than I ever will. But I cannot love you unequally. I don’t ask for much, but I am asking for this. Please say goodbye to me at the bridge.”
But Xiao merely scowled, shaking his head violently. Huffing you turned around, everything set and ready to go.
“Sometimes I don’t know why I put myself through this.” You muttered; stomping your feet ever so slightly, and slamming the door to the room behind you.
 Xiao’s sense of time was usually quite poor. To adepti days were more like minutes, and even months seemed as abundant as grains of sand. One of the things that had most surprised him about starting a relationship with you was how his sense of time was affected by it. The days with you were mere moments, and the days where you were gone dragged on and on, minutes replaced by endless boredom.
This time was no different, instead the feeling was exacerbated. Although the first two days were a blur, made meaningless by Xiao’s irritation over your final conversation, the moment the third day dawned and you were nowhere to be found time ground to a halt, and Xiao no longer became sure of what day it was, sure that a month must’ve passed instead of a few hours. You must’ve been more irritated than he’d thought.
Still the adeptus was full of pride, pride and principles. If you were staying away over something so petty so be it. He’d not be the one going after you, not when he was utterly within his rights. Why should he changed so over the request of a human? No matter how much he loved you a part of him chafed at the idea, and thus he did nothing, instead sulking the days away under the concerned eyes of Verr Goldet.
If he was filled with pride though, there was also anxiety. Day three came and went, then day four, then day five. When day six arrived Xiao’s will seemed to give up, and he spent his hours in a restless sleep, something highly unusual for the adeptus labelled the “Vigilant Yaksha”. It was if you had taken all his strength away, and what remained was nothing but anxiety and his quickly shattering anger. Surely nothing was worth this feeling of being eaten away by poison. Surely.
Night had fallen, and the moon had taken her silent vigil over the land. Xiao knew that he should get up, knew he should go after you. But it was as if he was chained to the mattress. His head was filled with static and he felt as if he were burning up. A headache had come on the moment he’d opened his eyes, and now he found he could do nothing but lay with his thoughts, each becoming darker by the moment.
He recognized the weight of your footsteps as soon as they came into earshot. Bolting up, all fatigue leaving him, he slammed open the door, taking the stairs two at a time until he finally came face to face with you.
If he was expecting something, it certainly wasn’t this. Though there was a smile on your face it was marred by the bandage on your forehead, and by the long gash on your arm.
“What happened?” The words came out in a rasp. “Who did this to you?” The weight had come back, and Xiao swayed slightly, feeling altogether faint, the range of emotions he was experiencing becoming overwhelming.
You pressed your hand to his chest, the other moving to cup his cheek. “No one did this to me.” You said, voice slightly hoarse. “One of the caves I was in collapsed, and I fell and hit my head while running away from the entrance. Thankfully it was nothing serious, and it only took them three days to get me out.”
Three days. The situation seemed torturous. Xiao was a creature of air, the mere idea of being beneath the earth was claustrophobic to him. It was to humans too, that he knew, knew from what he’d heard from Rex Lapis. The idea of you trapped underground, injured and unable to escape, it shook him to his very core.
Taking your hand in his he kissed your palm, silently thanking Rex Lapis and all the other archons for letting you come home. The situation, what you’d gone through, it was all crashing down on him. You were the most precious thing in the world, the one he loved most, the only person he would truly love, in all his years on this earth it would forever be that way. How could he take you for granted? Take your needs for granted?
“I’ll never fight with you again.” He whispered.
“I don’t know about that.” You said, smiling slightly despite it all. “Fights are hardly unheard of after all.”
“I won’t. Not about something so stupid. Not when…” he trained off for a moment, eyes clouding over. “… Anyways I won’t do it.”
“Does that mean you’ll say farewell at the bridge?” You asked, tone hopeful.
“I will.” Xiao promised. “I’ll do anything for you. For you are that which I love the most.” And leaning over to kiss you Xiao made a silent vow that he’d never let you go through anything like that. Never again.
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sugako · 3 years
tied with a bow
suna x f!reader cw: 18+ only minors dni, toys (vibrating panties), (secret) toy use in public/exhibitionism, established relationship, slight dubcon (reader doesn't know they're vibrating panties at first) then consent & enthusiasm, slightly jealous suna, edgeing, accidental ruined orgasm (receiving), public sex/in a bathroom, a handful of "good girl"s, unprotected wc: 2.5k a/n: for the #boys&toyscollab from @fallensvint (ෆ˙ᵕ˙ෆ)♡ ty for letting me participate this is such a fun collab idea and i had a great time writing it
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"I know tonight isn't ideal, but maybe this will help make up for it."
You turn from your place in front of the bathroom mirror, eyebrows lacing in confusion until you look down at the small bag in his hands. It's a pretty shade of red, complete with matching tissue paper that's been carefully tucked around something inside.
"Rintarou, we already-"
"I know, but I felt like you deserved something more." He cut you off, a small smile curling up the corner of his mouth. You could tell from the held-back expression he was dying to laugh.
Considering it was your anniversary, it was fairly suspect. Suna had a crude sense of humor at the worst of times but had gifted you some practical items and a pretty, delicate necklace with a little black gem held in its grasp. Instead of a nice dinner as you had both originally planned, you were being whisked away to an EJP team event.
When he had been told he was contractually obligated you could feel the disappointment wavering off his body for hours. Though you tried to assure him that you truly didn't mind a free dinner and dressing up - although it came at the price of a little press - he still seemed upset until the day before.
Hesitantly, you reached out for the bag. While he noticed your careful reaction, he didn't make any move to comment, simply letting you find out on your own. The gift was easy enough to spot when you riffled through the paper.
"Lingerie?" You questioned, slowly pulling the black lace from the red package. Shoulders relaxing, you felt some comfort realizing it wasn't something to be worried about. At least, not that you knew yet. "It's pretty." You sighed, unfurling the material.
"Thought you would like it. Wear it tonight?" He asks softly. Smiling kindly, you wrap your arms around his thick shoulders and lean to press a kiss to his cheek.
"Yeah, I think it'll be fine with the dress I have picked out, but why…" a big detail catches your eye and you do a double-take back to your hands, "...why are there ties?"
"Oh," he shrugs, feigning innocence, "I think they wanted to be inclusive, just came in one size. No idea."
The next hour moves quickly between the two of you washing up and getting dressed for the night. Although his closet is impressive, Suna can be particular about his outfit selection. He tells you he wants to look good and professional, it's good for his career, but you think he just likes to dress up nicely at any given chance when he's not in the gym.
As time draws near, you're both nearing the door, smoothing any creases and straightening what needs to be. Though, a moment before you can wrap your hand around the door handle, he's grabbing your arm and pulling you back to his chest.
"Did we forget-?"
"No." He cuts you off gruffly, hiking your dress up with the hand not holding you.
"Rintarou, we don't have time!" You squeak out, fumbling to move his hands away.
"We're not doing anything." He mumbles while reaching back to grab something from his jacket pocket. "Just this," he says as slips the little bullet past the band of your panties, neatly placing it in the little pocket you hadn't noticed until now.
"I'm surprised you didn't know what these were to begin with." He chuckles, letting you go and pulling out his phone. "I won't turn it on if you don't want me to, you just mentioned wanting to try-"
"Yes." You answer quickly. A little embarrassed with your own fervor your shift, straightening out your dress although it didn't need it. "I mean, uh, yes, as long as no one can hear it. Could be kinda fun."
His lips curl into a tight smile and he taps a few buttons on his phone, eyes shifting between you and the screen. It starts up quick and fast, pressed well enough against your clit to make you clamp your legs together.
"Rin!" You squeak, grabbing his arm to keep your knees from buckling.
"Whoops," he smirks rather unconvincingly, "Hmm, well it is quiet."
The panties are ruined before you even step out of the car to the event. Suna's hand comes down on the small of your back, holding you close before the crowd can sweep you away. Anticipation swelling in your chest you watch him as he pulls out his phone and flips through the apps.
"Ready?" He leans in to ask, voice barely raised above the gentle roar of the crowd.
"Yeah," you force yourself to take a deep breath and let your shoulders relax. "I'll let you know if I really need to stop for whatever reason." You quickly add, already knowing his next question.
"Good girl." He smiles, giving you back a little squeeze before he taps the screen. The vibe comes to life again, the soaked fabric making it even easier for you to feel it. You take a sharp, wavering inhale through your nose.
It's not as strong this time, but between how good Suna looks tonight, the longing touches you've been sharing since you left the house, and the fact that you're surrounded by people at a professional function, it felt just as dizzying. He would tease you endlessly for how you were reacting no matter what, you already knew, but that only added to the appeal.
The night went on smoothly for the most part. Suna came and went from your side when needed - whether to speak to the press, his captain, or grab drinks and food for the two of you. Though your voice didn't sputter and your body didn't tremble as much as you were briefly worried it would, there was still a certain amount of excited trepidation with every step you took and word you spoke.
While you longed for release and the ache drew up between your legs, you could feel that the two of you were close to the end. Suna had stepped away for just a moment leaving you beside Komori while he asked higher-ups if he was good to leave now. He wasn’t an exceptionally jealous or insecure person, and it was an innocent touch, really. But when he watched as you grazed his teammate's arm with the knowledge that you were ruining yourself, it ticked some feral part of his brain.
Stopping in his path toward you, Suna rips the phone from his pocket and clicks open the app once again for the night. The warning at the bottom of the screen telling him the battery was getting low didn’t even reach his eyes before he clicks the settings up to their highest level.
In the midst of giggling over the odd relationship between Komori’s cousin and one of Suna’s old teammates, both of whom you had met less than a handful of times, you felt the wind get knocked out of you. As you pretend to choke on your drink, you scan the room in a panic looking for him. Before you can spot him, a strong hand pressed into your back, forcing you to stand up straight.
“Oh, hi!” Komori gives Suna a wave and a small grin, clueless to your flustered expression. “We were just talking about Atsum-”
“Sorry,” he really is, “Promised we would head out early.”
“No worries.” He chirps back. “Nice seeing you.” It’s directed at you, but you’re lost. The pulsing between your legs is near unbearable, you’re wound up so tight it’s a wonder you haven’t burst over the edge yet. It’s all you can do to muster out a polite hum and nod to him. Your legs are shaking now, you have to take deep breaths to steady yourself, faking little coughs when moans bubble up in your chest. Suna is saying something else to him, but you can’t quite hear, the pressure in your ears too loud.
Then, without warning, it stops. Fingers digging into the sleeve of Suna’s jacket to get his attention, you give him a sharp tug. When you look, you realize he doesn’t have his phone out and he looks about as confused as you. Realization hits his face like a ton of bricks.
“Not feeling well?” He huffs out at you, less of a question and more of a statement really. You quickly shake your head and offer an apologetic look to Komori. “Sorry, we really do have to go now.”
He barely gets out another polite goodbye before Suna is dragging you out of the venue. You make it to the desolate lobby and are dragged into an empty-looking bathroom before you can even say anything.
“Why did-”
“It died, I didn’t do anything.” He quips, locking the door behind him. “I’m sorry baby, I really didn’t mean to.” Dragging you back to him he traces gentle kisses down your shoulders, already hiking up your dress with a hand that’s traveled to your ass.
“Please, need you, Rin.” Your eyes sparkle at him, pulling his face back up to yours so you can kiss him properly. At first, it’s sweet, tame almost, but your dire need and the fact that your cunt is still throbbing on the edge pushes you to deepen it. Tongue lashing across his, fighting for nothing in particular, everything about your motions and groping hands becomes sloppy and irregular.
“Right now? Here?” He teases out, cradling your cheeks.
“Yes, here. Now.” You demand with your hands already tugging on his well-made belt, struggling with the buckle. Through the silky material of his pants, you can feel how swollen and hard he already is. “Don’t need anything else, just you inside of me.” You continue, half-distracted from tearing his clothes away when his thumb swipes over your bottom lip and presses into your mouth. Without a second thought, you suck it in, lavishing your tongue over his fingertip as you would his cock. All it does is make you needier while your hands tremble around his length, finally pulling him out.
“Such a good fucking girl.” He groans when you swipe over the tip. Steadying your quivering body with two hands tightly drawn over your hips, he flips you around so you’re against the wide sink counter facing yourself.
While you settle your chest against it and spread your legs, he’s making quick work of the ties holding up your panties. “You really did make an absolute mess of these.” He whistles lowly, admiring the spread of creamy slick that’s painted between your thighs. The panties are tossed beside your face, your own smell momentarily taking your focus away from him until you feel the gentle prod of his cock against you.
“Just put it in, I can take it.” You beg, wiggling your hips back for emphasis.
“Bet you can.” He agrees as he pushes in the rest of the way with one fluid motion. A cracked moan breaks from you, and you realize as he fills you out that the cord in you is snapping. His hips barely drag out, shallowly pumping into you.
“Cu-cumming.” You stutter out, hips twitching under his hold. Being on the edge for so long pushed you into such sensitivity, even he’s a little surprised when you start to flutter around him. He keeps up his shallow pumps, wary of pushing you too far when he knows you’ve been teetering at the edge for so long, gently fucking your through until you slump against the counter. “Please…” you weakly call out, still aware of the pleasant draw of his cock that’s nudged deep inside of you.
Not bothering to answer, he offers you a small smile in the mirror, and pistons his hips out at a ferocious speed. The slap of skin and the all-too-loud squelching is making you dizzy, but you can tell by the precious look on his face that you’re not the only one. Suna’s eyes are connected to where he’s getting sucked into your gushing pussy that’s already left a creamy ring at the base of his cock. All he can think about is that you’re wet, so wet, and you’ve been waiting for this all day, waiting for him. Driven out of his own mind by the nearby sensation of you clamping down around him, whining and shaking in his arms, he already feels close.
When he pulls his eyes away from where he’s fucking you, he lands on your face in the mirror. This isn’t perfect, it’s really not. It’s no romantic anniversary night with flower petals and candles, it’s fucking in the bathroom outside a work event. And although he knows you don’t need anything fancy as you always tell him, he feels a twisted pang of guilt and excitement.
Anyone could walk by and hear your unobstructed, pitched moans, his deep whimpers, or the flesh hitting flesh over and over again. At best, this could be a difficult press scandal, but he can’t bring himself to really care, not when you’re begging for him - his cock, his orgasm, he cum to fill you up. His attention is only on you, forcing his hips to thump harder against your backside, balls slapping against your poor, tired cunt that just keeps leaking around him.
You can feel how close he was to his own end, pressure building up in him, cock twitching against you while his resolve falters and his hips stutter against you. The spout of words you had been blabbering on to encourage him got lost as he slams into you with some finality, the warm spray of his cum filling you up from the inside.
Taking a heavy breath he lets himself fall over your back, long torso laying heavy against you. Neither of you attempts to speak, panting and whimpering just above a whisper. After a heavy minute, Suna turns his head to rest against your cheek, giving you a pleased hum.
“Maybe next time I should just keep the battery low.”
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crimsonophelia · 3 years
I came across this blog by pure chance and to say I’m in love with your work would be a COMPLETE understatement <3 If you don’t mind, could I request an imagine involving Diluc and a femme maid reader? The reader has feelings for Diluc, but knowing the consequences of what would happen if she were to even try anything with him, she instead devotes all of her love and care into her work—cooking him extra hearty breakfasts, staying up late well into the night to welcome Diluc home after his duties as the Darknight Hero and to help patch up any wounds he might have acquired, etcetera—entirely unaware of Diluc subconsciously picking up her signs and slowly growing fond of her for it.
It all comes to light when the reader makes a passing comment about being excited to take care of Diluc’s children someday. (“Well, who wouldn’t be excited to take care of their own children?” “...My own children? I was talking about your children, Master Diluc.”) And Diluc promptly ends up struck with the realization that he can see no one else take care of him and his future family better than the reader herself (as his wife, perhaps? 😉)
I apologize if my request was a little specific, feel free to absolutely take any creative liberty with it—just the honor of you writing it would be MORE than enough. Thank you, and I hope you have a truly wonderful day! <3
featuring: diluc x fem!reader
warnings: none
published: april 23 2021
form: imagine
a/n: anon you’re so nice i’m gonna cry TTTT but really, you flatter me, and i also love this request. diluc deserves soft domesticity. i hope you like it, my dear! <3
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mondstadt around windblume festival was always quite busy. the knights were busy setting up the decorations around the favonius headquarters, and all the local businesses were preparing for extra-heavy business during the season.
dawn winery was no exception. the ragnvindr family, led by young master diluc, made lucrative incomes during this time of the year, what with all the young lovers courting one another left and right, feeding the city’s wine, restaurant, and flower businesses. the winery also leveraged its monopoly on mondstadt’s most diverse selection of wines and spirits, and hosted numerous winery and vineyard tours throughout the course of the windblume festival. 
needless to say, the staff and owners of the dawn winery were not short of chores and tasks that needed to be completed in order to prepare for incoming business. you were certainly no exception, as a maid of the winery, and by extension, the ragnvindr estate. 
you were tasked with decorating the interior of the winery with various floral arrangements of what they liked to call “windblumes”, but in reality were just a number of other flowers that vaguely fit the description. the rest of the maids were outdoors, preparing the vineyard for the wine tours and marking which barrels of wine would be made available to visitors on the wine tours.
though you were rather abashed, you hoped that this would be an opportunity to find some time to be alone with master diluc. you would never openly admit to yourself your painful longing you felt for the master of the estate, the beautiful man with the flaming hair. regardless, it was unbecoming of a maid to think such things about her employer. having a roof over your head and a stable income was already more than you could ever ask for.
but you couldn’t help but to feel a certain way whenever the young man occupied the same room as you, his presence so large yet so humble, always conscious of those around him. ever since he was a boy, when you had first met him, he had nothing to offer but kindness.
it was years of him returning to the estate in the ungodly hours of the night, covered in cuts and bruises, in which you patched him up, never asking more than “where does it hurt the most”, during which you fell for him as fast as his bandages turned as bloody red as his silken hair.
it was years of you two sneaking glances at eachother, summers in which you and the maids were out under the sun, counting the season’s harvests, where you would catch diluc’s eyes roaming you and only. and when you met his gaze, he would turn away, bashful as a naughty child, and cheeks dusting a rosy pink, almost as dark as the grapes he so loved to walk amongst.
leaving your memories and returning to your duties, you continued to string up the lanyards of cecilias and lilies across the darkwood of the winery foyer. the flora was indeed, quite pretty, although their lightness did clash a little with the dark and brooding mahogany bookshelves you were pinning them onto. reaching up to try and place some cecilias onto the top shelf, you realized that your fingers could only reach a few inches short of the top. dammit. you would have to go fetch the stepladder from the storage closet.
as you were about to turn around, you noticed an arm from your peripheral vision reach up and place the flower up onto the upoer shelf with ease.
“good afternoon, [y/n]. these decorations look lovely. good work.” flashing you his uncharacteristically warm, familiar grin that he seemed to save only for you, diluc finished stringing up the rest of the lanyard across the parts of the bookshelf he know you would be too short to reach.
“good day, master diluc. you flatter me.” you turned away, ashamed at your own girlish excitement. “i hope your work is going well?” the formalities exchanged between you and diluc had become almost like a secret language, one always being able to effectively distinguish the other’s true feelings, beneath the saccharine emptiness of upper-class etiquette. yet this time you hoped he wouldn’t be able to read the fluttering of your heart through your words.
“hm. quite well, indeed.” the man stepped back from where you were working, and looked at the room, as if assessing every nook and cranny with his usual, critical glare. he wasn’t wearing his usual leather suit and fur jacket. today, the young master donned a sharp, three-piece suit, always neat and pressed. perhaps he was ready to go into the city to take care of winery business.
he looked around the foyer, squinting as if looking for something he couldn’t quite put his finger on.
“is something the matter, master diluc?” you questioned. did you place the flowers asymmetrically? or perhaps there was too much space between the shelves and the potted cecilias.
“[y/n], do you ever feel like the winery is too empty?”
confused, you shook your head. perhaps now wasnt the time to bring up the emptiness left behind after master ragnvindr, senior, passed away. you always felt for diluc, and master kaeya as well, after their shining light of a father left the world. diluc had never been the same since then—you had caught him looking through childhood photos in the estate library when he thought nobody else was present.
“well”, you started, choosing your words carefully, “when the time comes for master diluc to have a family of his own, the estate might feel a little livelier then. and i would be very excited to nanny the future generation of ragnvindrs as well, if you’ll excuse my preposterousness.”
the man blinked, as if trying to make sense of what you just said. “nanny? dont you mean-“
oh. diluc sensed that he might have made a mistake. but yet, it made such perfect sense. in what universe could he accept [y/n] not being the mother of his children, the pillar keeping both himself and this entire estate afloat? certainly not this one.
the realization dawned upon him, as well as the regrets from years of inaction in his past. he wasn’t about to let someone else slip through his fingers. not again.
“say, [y/n], my dear. how do you feel about going into the city with me tonight? i have some business i need to run and i’d be much obliged if you accompanied me.”
a/n: aaaaah im pretty happy with how this turned out, and i hope you like it too! i wasnt able to go with your prompt word for word, which i hope is okay. the whole time i was literally imagining scenes from downton abbey lolol
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Diabolik Lovers LOST EDEN ー Ruki Maniac [05]
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ー The scene starts in the garden of the Sakamaki Castle
Ruki: ...
( ...A few days have passed since we came here. Whenever I let my mind wander, I end up with those foolish thoughts again. )
( It was undeniable for that man’s sake that I strived to become Adam. )
( I am sure that even right now, the only reason I’m so set on protecting Eden is because I know that is what his ‘ideal son’ would have done. )
( However...Karlheinz-sama is no longer around. )
( I wonder if I’m just being unnecessarily stubborn by continuing to obsess over this whole thing nevertheless? )
( I honestly don’t even know if this was what Karlheinz-sama truly wanted from the bottom of his heart. )
( In which case...It might be wiser to instead base my decisions on what is best for the important people who are still in my life as of now. )
( For Yui as well... )
ー He can hear approaching footsteps
Ruki: ( ...The sound of footsteps? )
ーー Who’s there?
Ruki: ...!
( This woman...I believe she is the mother of Sakamaki Subaru and one of Karlheinz-sama’s former wives. )
Christa: You...Are you perhaps one of the boys who used to live here at Eden? One of the former humans whom Nii-sama brought home with him...
Ruki: Yes, I am. This is our first time meeting, is it not? My name’s Ruki.
Christa: Aah, I thought so...It is a pleasure to meet you. I am Christa.
Ruki: How did you figure out that I was once a human?
Christa: Right...Your scent, I suppose...? It is different from us after all.
Ruki: My sincere apologies. I can imagine it must not be very pleasant to you. I shall take a few steps back.
Christa: Oh no, that won’t be necessary. It isn’t unpleasant by any means.
Besides...This is rather strange but there is something about you which is similar.
Ruki: ...? To you?
Christa: No, to Nii-sama.
Ruki: To Karlheinz-sama...?
Not to be rude but I would argue that that man and I are almost nothing alike. It would be outrageous to compare the two of us.
Christa: You think so...? But the expression you made just now is like a split image of him.
That hurtful look in one’s eyes, capable of even making the hearts of those watching ache in pain...What is it that is making you suffer?
Ruki: ...Good question. I believe it is my own self-hatred which is causing this pain.
Christa: ...Fufu, the two of you really are similar.
Nii-sama said the exact same thing to me in the past.
Ruki: ...Karlheinz-sama didーー?
Yui: ( I wonder where Ruki-kun went? He wasn’t in his room...Ah. )
Ruki: ...I see. He felt the same way...
Yui: ( There he is but...He’s talking with someone? )
( Eh...? Is that Subaru-kun’s mother, Christa-san...? )
( Speaking of which, I believe she lived in the neighboring wing. I wonder what she’s doing here? )
→ Observe them
Yui: ( I know it’s not nice to eavesdrop but...I can’t help but be curious, so I’ll observe them for just a bit. )
( ...Still, I can’t hear what they’re saying. I guess I have no other choice but to watch. )
→ Leave (❦)
Yui: ( It wouldn’t be very nice to eavesdrop. I’m curious though... )
Ruki: ...Christa-sama. If it isn’t too much trouble, could you perhaps tell me more about Karlheinz-sama?
Right now, he is no longer here to show me the way, no matter how lost I am.
Yui: ( ...They’re talking about Karlheinz-san. )
( In which case, I definitely shouldn’t interrupt them. ...I’ll go back to my room. )
ー Yui leaves
It has been a while since we came here. 
But it didn’t seem like Ruki-kun had come much closer,
to discovering the answer (答え) within himself. 
In which case, to help him find some kind of clue (糸口)
no matter how small it may be.
For that reason, as sad as it makes me,
I had no other choice but to keep quiet and watch things unfold from afar.
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