#but she considers Blake and Family to be HER family now
constantvariations · 9 months
One of Hello Future Me's videos on revolution brought up an event from the Philippines back in the 80s: the dictator sent a battalion to crush a supposed revolt, only for the soldiers to be met with nuns and children offering food and water. The majority of the army defected as a result
I'm going to use rwby to try hammering this abstract concept into a coherent thought, but this incident got me thinking about how nonviolent protest is theater
If a similar event were to occur in rwby, for it to be successful, the protestors would have to be the cutesy faunus types: rabbits, cats, dogs, and the like because they're non-threatening. Attacking a sweet cat faunus would be akin to attacking a child or nun, paragons of innocence and virtue respectively. Only a monster could cut them down, and no one wants to be seen as a monster
A scorpion faunus, though? Their mere existence is a threat. That tail is dangerous, a weapon available at all times. Bull faunus have horns they can use to gouge out eyes and organs. Claim they attacked and most people would agree that killing them in self-defense is justified
Because nonviolent resistance relies on public perception, people who could possibly taint the image of the movement will get left in the dark no matter how important they are. Bayard Rustin was the one who taught Dr King about civil disobedience and was an organizer for many major events, but he opted to ride to events in the trunk of people's cars so his status as an openly gay man wouldn't harm the movement's image
There would be little wonder why the White Fang would be more popular with the "scarier" faunus. Public perception is already against them, so it's not going to change much for them if they join a violent organization, but this in turn will be seen as justification for discrimination against these types of faunus. A hellish self-perpetuating cycle
These faunus would also be far more likely to experience violence at a much younger age, akin to how black children are treated as adults even if they're literally six years old
The strategy behind nonviolent protest like the ones Dr King did is to show the world the mistreatment of the innocent, but when your existence is deemed a threat, there's little hope that you'll ever get enough support to change the system. This is why bigots constantly spew the "queer groomer" and black crime "statistics": by portraying someone's freedom as a danger to the innocent, any level of violence is justifiable defense. The police aren't attacking queers, black, and brown folk discriminately, they're attacking dangerous criminals, so it's okay!!1!
Theater can't save those already condemned and to try is wasted effort
#rwde#antiblackness tw#<- in the link#Claudette Colvin refused to give up her seat a whole 9 months before Rosa Parks yet wasnt the face of the movement#good choice considering she was only 15 and shoving a teen into the racist public eye is Not Good but her pregnancy was also a major factor#idk hopefully i got the point across#somewhat related is the trend of the privileged being the biggest advocates for peaceful protest#while the ones who've endured violence - both economically and physically - are the ones who call upon violence#which almost always means violent *self defense*#the few occasions ive read where there were actual attacks its been targeted like the BLA ambushing cops#cant say i blame them considering the mcfucking everything the cops had going on#the bpp was basically destroyed by the police and fbi at this point and that was probs a major factor in their decision#and targeted violence was exactly what the white fang was doing before cinder showed up and ruined everything#literally nothing the wf does in the show is actually for faunus liberation bc its all cinder/salems orders!!#and no one is allowed to have a brain or personality or anything so no one questions why theyre suddenly switching targets#gr8 discussion abt activism here shawluna. love that you reduced the anti racism movement to mercenaries to avoid saying anything at all#ffs they even fucked up weiss's side of the convo! obvs the fumbling of blakes ball is much worse but come the fuck on#'the wf may have assassinated company board members and family friends but were teammates now so who cares!! team rwby go!!'#fucking barf
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 5 months
Married with Children
Qrow & Yang: (walking around Mantle)
Qrow: Sooooooo, I've noticed you and that emo partner of yours have gotten pretty close lately. What are your thoughts on the little mystery femme fatale now that you two have "kissed and made up"?
Yang: (blushing) Qrow! We havent kissed! Made up, yes. Kissed? No.
Qrow: Oh, but I can tell you want to, kid. It's written all over your face.
Yang: (blushes deeper shade of crimson) I- I don't know? I mean. I like Blake and all, and I'm happy she's been doing better after everything in Argus. And her new haircut looks absolutely amazing. And-
Qrow: (whimpers like a little puppy) My little Firecracker has a bad case of puppy love. (Swiftly brings an arm up to block Yang’s backhand while laughing)
Yang: Okay! I like Blake! So what?!
Qrow: (ruffles Yang’s hair affectionately) You and your dad have the same taste in women. Only difference is that I think this one is the healthiest relationship anyone in the Xiao Long family has ever had. Now, I can only hope Ruby doesn't take on the family curse...
-Back At The Atlas Academy Dorms-
Blake & Weiss: (laying on the floor while looking through Blake's new notebook)
Blake: (dragging her pen across the pages as she spews word vomit excitedly) And this is the house plans I drew up. I'm not a builder, but I feel like this is a good start.
Weiss: (glances over the notes impressed) Wow, Blake, you've really put some thought into this. I take it you really like Yang.
Blake: Weiss, in my fantasies, Yang and I are already married with half a dozen kids. I don't just like Yang. I love her.
Weiss: Uh-huh (props her head in her hand cheekily) and is there any plan to confess this love to Yang anytime soon, or are you going to have imaginary children seven and eight before you even consider it?
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LGBTQ+ Disabled Characters Showdown Round 1, Wave 1, Poll 1
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A character being totally canon LGBTQ+ and disabled was not required to be in this competition. Please check qualifications and propaganda before asking why a character is included.
Check out the other polls in this wave here.
Yang Xiao Long-RWBY
She is canonically wlw (has been for years but specifically kissed and got together with her now girlfriend in the latest season) and uses a prosthetic arm and has been shown to struggle with PTSD due to the traumatic nature of losing it during the show.
Canonically had her right arm chopped off, uses a prosthetic. Has PTSD. Is canonically in a WLW relationship.
She has a canon girlfriend and canonically has a prosthetic arm and PTSD
She's canonically sapphic (part of a recently canonised wlw slowburn relationship) and is an amputee (due to events from the 3rd season finale) who wears a robotic prosthetic. She also suffers from PTSD which is explored in the show
I will keep on submitting Yang to relevant brackets until I die. RWBY has plenty of strengths and weaknesses with writing, especially Yang's recovery arc, but instead of forcing her to push past her trauma and enter the battlefield immediately, we see her struggle with it, take time to process, and not be pushed into repression and when she chooses to wear her prosthetic, chooses to train to ready herself, and chooses to seek out her family and save lives, she isn't perfectly healed, as no one is. The show depicts her having flashbacks due to sudden loud noise, shaking hand the first few times she has to fight for her safety instead of training with her dad, and snapping at friends when they bring up Blake, the person she lost her arm trying to save (who, near immediately after ran away due to feeling she was endangering those she loved, furthering Yang's already present abandonment issues.) It isn't done perfectly but the intentions and general message sent are extremely positive and honest. She struggles less as the show progresses, and there are opportunities to consider herself less for being disabled or "become whole again" but she explicitly refutes these ideas and says that's she's better because of her failures and losses, and isn't any less whole. Her becoming disabled is also extremely tied to her being LGBT, because, as previously mentioned, she lost her arm protecting her then friend and partner, now girlfriend, directly after the villain who cut her arm off told her love interest that he would "destroy everything [she] love[s]. (Camera pans to Yang, he looks at her.) Starting with her." LIKE. He attacked her BECAUSE Blake cared for her so much and Yang ran to her defense blindly BECAUSE she loved Blake so much. When they reunite, they struggle with communication because Yang feels Blake is seeing her as weak, and through several things, mostly a climatic battle against the man who severed Yang's arm, they affirm each other as equals. I can go on but this is already too long. YANG SWEEP!!!!!
Yang lost her arm while protecting her best friend and future girlfriend from said girlfriend's abusive ex. Had a whole arc about learning to live with that loss and dealing with PTSD. Is totally devoted to and in love with Blake Belladonna and is just the sweetest but most badass character in the show.
She's one of the main characters, and just finished a 10 year slow burn romance. Plus, she has both physical and mental disabilities, but is never treated as lesser or incomplete.
Yang Xiao Long was one of the first examples of a sapphic character I ever saw in animated media with her character journey in the show being an iconic part of my teenage years and current young adulthood. The loss of her arm after a traumatic event in the show's 3rd volume was one of the big shockers of the show that nobody saw coming. Since then the show has done an amazing job in exploring both the mental and physical effects of her losing a limb, gaining a prosthetic arm and the recovery journey. Her character also has a major arc regarding handling her PTSD from both this and her past most notably in the 5th and 6th volume. Her character also has a slow-burn romance with her teammate and fellow main character Blake Belladonna which is one of my fave romances ever (it has everything: canon soulmates, friends to lovers, sunshine x grump,battle couple etc..) that has recently became CANON BABIEE!!! There are MULTIPLE characters in RWBY with various disabilities that are handled well in the narrative but i would say Yangs definitely the top FAVE!
Valerie Day-Paranatural
She is Blind and a Lesbian.
she's blind and sapphic
Agent Day is a Spectral (a humans who can interact with spectral entities like ghosts and spirits, and possess spectral energy, in her case Pink spectral energy) working for the Paranatural Activity Consortium. Her "Tool" (an object possesses by a weakened spirits that Spectrals can use to host spirits an directly use some form of the spirit's powers) is her cane. Due to the influence of the cane being possessed by her spirit partner, "Venus Guytrap" (a giant talking Venus flytrap that emotes through various marble statues wrapped in its vines), it appears as a green cane with a bouquet of roses at the top. As a manifestation of Venus Guytrap's powers, the cane can fire pink arrows that cause whatever they hit to fall in love with the first thing they see until the arrow is removed. As a Spectral, Agent Day can enter a "Heightened State of Perception" to converse & interact with her spirit in a mental state wherein time seems to move at a slower rate, to the extent that it almost seems to stand still for everything except her and her spirit partner (a phenomenon also known as a "Spirit Trance"). Spirit Trances also create an illusory alteration of the world surrounding the Spectral theme around the Spirit's aesthetics, and cause the Spectral's eyes to glow white, but neither of these aspects really affect Agent Day given that she a) can't see the illusory alteration to the world & b) often has her eyes closed anyways, making it so that no one else would be able to tell if she was in a trance in public so long as she stays still and does not talk while being sped-up relative to everyone else. Thanks to this, she utilizes Spirit Trance to occasionally have Venus Guytrap act as a "seeing-eye spirit" to performing certain actions, like reading off of a menu so that she can order lunch during her date with Dr. Mina Zarei.
i'm no good at propaganda so i don't have a lot to say but i think she's very good and also she made a train kiss someone once. what more could you want
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wixhing0nastar · 1 year
Abuse Narratives in RWBY: Yang Xiao Long Edition (Feat. Ruby Rose)
We've all witnessed and talked about Blake and Weiss being abuse survivors for years. Blake escaping from Adam and Weiss escaping from her father were both huge, impactful events that have shaped the narrative of the story in many ways.
Yang on the other hand has managed to fly mostly under the radar with the abuse she's suffered up to this point. Her jokey, happy-go-lucky facade tricking the audience just as well as it has her friends and family for years.
(Note: this is going to be a long post, so strap in. Also this is your warning I am not going to be holding back in my criticism of Tai, so if you don't want to see me go into detail about how exactly he abused Yang, I highly suggest turning back now).
TL:DR: Yang was neglected and parentified (aka: abused) as a child and that’s the root of a lot of the issues that she’s currently struggling with in Volume 9 and a large part of her healing is going to be centered around her relationship with Blake going forward.
Let's start by establishing what exactly I'm referring to when I say that Yang has been abused. Because while I'm certainly referring to her being neglected after Summer's death, I'm more so referring to the years of Parentification that was caused by said neglect (in addition to the verbal and emotional abuse hurled her way).
Let's start by defining what exactly Parentification is since it's where most of Yang's current problems stem from.
[Parentification is] a disturbance in the generational boundaries, such that evidence indicates a functional and/or emotional role reversal in which the child sacrifices his or her own needs for attention, comfort, and guidance in order to accommodate and care for the logistical and emotional needs of a parent and/or sibling. (Hooper, 2007b, p. 323)
Ruby establishes in Volume 9, Chapter 1 that Yang was the one who raised her. It's important to note that in the context of her saying that, she's telling Yang that Yang was the one responsible for her moral development as a kid.
Research has shown that the building blocks for morality are generally in place by the age of 4. However, "children need adults to help them at every stage of childhood to nurture these seeds into full development." (Harvard, Raising Caring, Respectful, Ethical Children, p. 1) With "childhood" commonly considered infancy to age 12.
Using this we can reasonably assume that Yang was Ruby's primary caretaker or at the very least co-parenting with Tai from the time of Summer's death to at least age 14 (when Ruby was 12)... which mind you, is already over a decade total and only three years before the show starts.
Now that we've got some of the science out of the way, let's start looking at the show itself to see just how bad the situation was.
Burning the Candle
This iconic scene actually paints a fairly horrifying picture of Yang and Ruby's early childhood when you start to break it down.
I waited for dad to leave the house.
Meaning that by that point, probably only a few months after Summer's death based on the timeline Yang establishes, Yang already knows Tai will reliably leave her and Ruby alone without supervision for extended periods of time in order to pull this off.
I must have walked for hours.
Meaning that it likely took several hours for someone to even notice they were missing in the first place. The fact Qrow knew exactly where they were indicates that Yang either left a note or clue about where they were headed and I'm willing to bet the only reason it took Yang that long to walk was because she was like two feet tall at the time (since Patch is like... a tiny island... which brings me to the next line...
A toddler asleep in the back of a wagon
Again, to clarify, Ruby was a toddler. Toddlers are between 1-3 years old... meaning this all happened when Yang was a maximum of (and likely, based on their physical appearances) 5 years old.
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So to summarize, Tai was regularly leaving Yang, his five-year-old, home alone and in charge of her three-year-old sister... which would be horrifying to think about on its own but this is Remnant.
Which means that Tai was regularly leaving his grieving five-year-old at home alone when they didn't live inside a kingdom's border and there were known wild Grimm in the area... who are attracted to negative emotions.
Wow... I wonder why Yang felt the need to try to diffuse the tension with humor and keep everyone in high spirits all the time. It’s almost like it was a life or death situation growing up. (/s)
Anger, Fear, and Burn
Before jumping into the next big narrative piece, let’s talk a little bit about Yang’s semblance, Burn, and how it works. Because it’s important to establish before starting to dig into Volume 4.
Let’s start with how Ruby describes it:
Don't worry! With each hit she gets stronger, and she uses that energy to fight back! That's what makes her special.
Notice how Ruby doesn't mention anything about Yang needing to be angry to use her Semblance? In fact, while it’s unclear if this is entirely true, it has been stated previously that Yang’s powers come in part from her hair and no one has refuted that claim in like 8 years so it holds some weight.
Moreover, recent volumes have actually been hinting that Yang likely doesn't even need to use her anger to activate/maintain burn. And that she just does so out of habit more than anything.
Now, why exactly would someone intentionally limit themselves by tying their semblance into in emotion like that? Well, first let’s answer the question, why anger?
And well... anger is a secondary emotion.
A secondary emotion is an emotion fueled by other emotions... masking your feelings of sadness, hurt or grief with anger can be easier than experiencing the primary emotion.
And moreover,
The feelings that anger commonly masks include fear, anxiety, guilt, shame, embarrassment, betrayal, jealousy, sadness, hurt, and worry. (Alta Loma, Understanding Anger as a Secondary Emotion, Web, emphasis added).
Fear is, of course, a bit of a running theme in RWBY, there was a whole speech and song about it at the end of Volume 7, after all.
But more than that, there've been two people on two separate occasions who've called Yang out for being scared when she's posturing: Ren and Raven.
And while Ren was pointing out that she uses humor to try to deflect when she’s scared, when Raven said this to Yang she was absolutely outwardly angry... and Yang admits to being scared in the moment yet still standing there.
Also note that humor = friends/winning, anger = enemies/losing.
Which makes you wonder, what was happening growing up that made Yang instinctively react to fear of danger with anger and planting her feet instead of running away? For that let's go back to what we learned from Burning the Candle and the V5 short real quick.
We know there are living Grimm on Patch. Maybe not as many as elsewhere, but both times we are given glimpses into Yang and Ruby's childhood on Patch they are attacked by Grimm, which isn't a great sign.
How old do you think Yang was the first time she or Ruby had a bad day and attracted one of them on accident and she had to fight it off on her own (because she couldn't run, she had to protect Ruby)?
How many nights do you think Yang would spend reading Ruby stories and telling her dumb jokes to get her to laugh to try to make sure they weren't attacked? How often did Ruby have to force herself to be okay? For both their sake?
Volume 4
Now let's talk about Volume 4, aka: when Tai had the chance to step up and didn't.
Now right off the bat he's okay. There's nothing inherently wrong with him bringing her the arm and being excited at the thought because he doesn't know how she's going to react to it though it is a little weird he opened her mail without permission.
The rest of Yang's first V4 episode, however, makes it very clear both to us as the audience and Tai that Yang isn't doing okay... but Tai doesn't do anything to attempt to help her.
Which is why what happens in the next episode is kinda messed up.
Yang wakes up from a nightmare about losing her arm in a seriously traumatizing event and goes downstairs when she realizes there's a distraction people are over.
Then we get the fight and despite Yang laughing it off in the end... honestly Tai is being very condescending towards her, which Yang even points out. Like, someone made a slightly adult joke in front of her and he flies off the handle and starts a fight with her and starts making digs about her not being a real adult ready for the real world and let's just break that down before dealing with the actual problems in this episode.
Yang, as established, has been fulfilling the role of parent (while barely getting any parenting herself) for years. She's been fulfilling the role of an adult since she was 5! And at this point in the show she's also legally an adult. So not only is it condescending, it's also untrue.
Then we get this line.
I guess you lost some brain cells along with that arm.
Not only is this beyond callus, Yang is clearly actually upset by this.
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And notably, she only treats it as a joke after Oobleck dropped his cup. AKA: after being reminded that they aren’t alone in the room.
(And remember, Yang uses humor as a coping mechanism).
And both Oobleck and Port can clearly tell that this wasn’t appropriate at all and immediately following that, they pointedly step in to ask Yang how she is doing with everything.
Which Tai has not done.
And Yang opens up to them! And she tells them that she’s still struggling and coming to terms with what happened to her. Which in turn causes Tai to finally talk to her about it, but he’s being pushy about her getting back out and “being her new normal” and even refers to her PTSD as moping when she just got done saying she’s still trying to process and recover.
And it’s again Port specifically who steps in and gives her some genuine advice without trying to push her her into anything she’s not ready for and then Oobleck joins in and they go out if their way to ham it up to make her laugh.
So overall, Tai’s being extremely dismissive of the trauma that she’s gone through and minimizing her feelings at every turn.
Which then leads to this scene...
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Which is when Tai’s dismissiveness starts to make sense (and I’ll come back to this when I’m analyzing the last episode).
Let’s break it down. To start, Tai knows that Yang is going up to her room, they pointedly have her call out goodnight from upstairs so Tai knows where she is physically and what her intentions are.
Secondly, there’s no way that Tai doesn't know you can hear people talking from the front door from Yang’s room. He’s owned this house for like two decades minimum at this point.
So when Oobleck and Port ask after Ruby, there’s no way he should assume Yang won’t be able to hear everything he says. And he very much lays the burden of Ruby’s safety at Yang’s feet. He’s not going after her because he has to “look after some things.”
AKA: Yang.
And then she comes to him literally the next day wearing the new arm and wanting to train and he doesn't question her at all, even though 12 hours earlier Yang was very much not ready?
We then don’t see her at all for five episodes until we get the scene where she’s training with Tai and honestly, his advice is kinda horrible.
To start, even he says his advice is based on watching her Vytal Festival fights, meaning that everything is based on watching three matches.
He points out she uses her semblance to win every fight after the qualifiers (which is true), and Yang rightly points out that everyone uses their semblances to help them win. Then Tai says this:
Because not everyone else’s is basically a temper tantrum.
Not only is this very unlikely to be true, but even if Yang does need to rely on her anger to activate her semblance, calling it a temper tantrum isn’t accurate at all.
In fact, the way Yang uses her semblance takes a great deal of emotional regulation to pull off. She not only is able to make herself angry enough to use it at will, she’s also able to stop using it at will. Meaning Yang is capable of instantaneously switching from one emotion to another.
That’s not a temper tantrum, that’s someone with superb emotional control choosing what emotion to feel when it’s most appropriate.
Furthermore, the “what happens if you miss” comment is so ridiculous I don’t even know how to start other than saying we literally saw exactly what happens when Yang misses her first attempt in Volume 2! When her semblance is being revealed! And the answer is... she gets another shot.
And if they’re stronger... like not using the thing that makes her ridiculously powerful is certainly not going to help.
And honestly... Yang doesn’t do what Tai says. He says it’s useful in a bind but Yang doesn’t use her semblance only in emergencies from here on end. In fact, what she actually does is pick up some tricks from Pyrrha and she starts hiding her semblance from people!
And noticeably, Tai isn’t the one who tells Yang to fight smarter. That’s a line of thinking she develops on her own between the first and second times she faced Adam.
And then Tai takes credit for her “suddenly” getting better like she hadn’t successfully hit him so hard he needed to take a pause and the fight he did win was only because he attacked her when she was being vulnerable with him... her father who she’s of course not going to assume is going to attack her while she’s opening up to him... because she wouldn’t do that to Ruby.
And then we get to Yang’s last (real) episode of the volume when she’s setting out to get Ruby. Remember when I said Tai’s dismissiveness started to make sense and we’d come back to it? Well we’re back to it.
Note how Yang pointedly doesn’t tell Tai that she’s leaving, despite him having indicated to Port and Oobleck that the only reason he wasn’t also going after Ruby was because he was staying with Yang?
And how in the end he doesn’t leave with Yang to go find Ruby even though supposedly the only reason he hadn’t was because he wanted to make sure Yang was okay? And now Yang’s going after Ruby? Alone?
Paired with how pushy and condescending he was acting towards her in the other two Volume 4 episodes he was in, on top of having neglected and parentified her for at least a decade, this really reads as him wanting Yang to get better so he can shove her out the door to go after Ruby, and not him caring at all about her as a person.
(Which is why I really struggle to feel bad for him in his V8 scene... if he was so worried he could have been there).
Yang’s Actual Temper Tantrums
Let’s address these really quick before moving on to the final section. We’ve actually seen/heard of four different instances where Yang actually was having something resembling a temper tantrum while using her semblance.
I’m going to start with the Neon fight because it’s the easiest. But Neon as a character relies on knocking her opponents off balance by getting under their skin in a fight. She tries to make them angry and yes, it does work on Yang in this instance. But that’s Neon’s whole thing, in any other match up Yang would have been fine.
The other three times all had to do with her hair (namely, when Junior gets her hair in her trailer, when the ursa gets her hair in the Emerald Forest and... in V4 when Tai refers to her having a rough first haircut).
Going back to the bit about how Yang’s powers, in part, come from her hair and this actually makes a lot of sense in the context of Yang’s childhood. If she was regularly in charge of protecting Ruby and some of the finite power she did have as a kid was because of her hair, of course she gets freaked out by losing some... and we’ve already talked about Yang using anger as a mask for fear.
Bumbleby and Volume 9
So let’s talk about where we’re going now, because of all three of the abuse survivors in this show, Yang is the only one who hasn’t really been confronted with and forced to deal with it yet.
Because at the end of the day, being parentified and neglected for years has left Yang scared to open up emotionally and more than that, uncertain of her identity outside of being Ruby’s parent.
Because up to going to Beacon, that was basically Yang’s entire life. It’s entirely possible the only reason she went to Signal was to learn how to protect Ruby better all things considered.
Which is why the development between her and Blake is so important this volume. Yang desperately needs to be valued as something other a caretaker and protector and so far they’ve been emphasizing the fact that Blake loves Yang because she’s a goofy dork who makes her smile, not because she’s strong enough to level a mountain.
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And while Blake’s relationship with Adam was abusive, unlike Yang, Blake does have a framework for health relationships thanks to Ghira and Kali and she’s worked through her own trauma from being abused romantically enough that she’s in a place emotionally to help Yang start working though hers. Starting by giving Yang a person she can trust not to leave who also isn’t and has never been dependent on her to muck up Yang’s healing process.
Because there’s a difference between someone choosing to stay and someone not having any other choice because they were/are dependent on you. And (absolutely no shade to Ruby here) she’s already had someone in the latter position choose to leave her anyways.
In Conclusion
Yang was abused as a child and into her late teens and is in desperate need of some type of unconditional love and affection that she doesn’t feel there are strings attached to in order to finally begin healing...
And therapy, but they’re a little low on that for the foreseeable future.
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redwoodrecords · 10 months
— redwood. —
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━ introduction. ━
Congratulations! You have just received an acceptance letter from Redwood University.
A highly selective institution with alumni ranging from Nobel Peace Prize winners, Film Directors, Diplomats and other internationally renowned individuals. You are the first in your small town to make it to the 'big leagues'. With the weight of their expectations, your desire to make it somehow, your college fund suddenly emptied and the academic pressure placed on your shoulders, everything was already shaping up to be a stressful time. But now, there are letters, weird circumstances, a dead body, and suddenly, you're thrown into a game that you never knew was playing.
Everything powerful harbours secrets. Are you willing to uncover them?
redwood is rated 16+ for sexual content, violence, substance abuse, and more. everything will be tagged accordingly before the chapter containing it.
━ the game ━
You play as ‘the pledge’, a new recruit to the universities’ houses, of which there are five. You have to impress the house’s inhabitants and compete against the others who are fighting for the same spot that you are.
You can choose your approach to the game and how you treat your competitors. Every gameplay is unique, as most choices leave an impact.
While your character competes for their spot in a ‘House’, they will also be attempting to uncover the secrets that are buried within. Make sure to balance school, pledging and mystery hunting! It’s harder than you’d think.
━ genre(s) ━
mystery. coming of age. romance.
━ features. ━
a fully customisable MC, including choice of gender, name, sexual orientation, dietary requirements, house, pronouns, race, appearance and personality.
choose your relationship with your family members, friends, competitors and romantic interests!
a story that relies heavily on your choices, every playthrough is different.
GoC love interests that are optional, play with an option of romance or without!
build relationships with others and create enemies or allies.
get to the bottom of your family’s history, and how it intertwines with redwood.
━ romance options. ━
not only are there four main romance options, but you also have the ability to have romantic/sexual encounters with others.
⇢ max bennett
Max Bennett was born with a silver spoon in their mouth but never learnt how to use it, raised by their quirky auntie in upstate New York. With a tall stature and thick black hair, they are the epitome of a dream indie movie star. They applied to Redwood because of its prestige and their desire to follow in their parents footsteps. They never expected to meet you, especially considering their history with the Houses.
Maximilian Bennett is 6’4, with messy black hair, pale skin, green eyes and a beauty mark on his left cheek.
Maxine Bennett is 5’11, with her black hair cut into a bob, a beauty mark above her right eyebrow, and a slim build.
⇢ sam washington
Sam Washington is always looking for the next scoop and they think they’ll find it in you. Born to a family of media moguls, Sam is wishing to find their independence at Redwood. They’ve been given the scoop on the Houses and they could be a good ally to have due to their connections and charisma, although they would not blame you if you want to be something more.
Samson Washington is 6’2, with short curly brown hair, hazel eyes, a broad build, glasses (although he prefers contacts) and a beauty mark under his right eye.
Samantha Washington is 5’7, with long curly lighter brown hair, a single beauty mark under her left eye, a curvier build, glasses (because she hates contacts) and full lips.
⇢ frankie blake
Frankie Blake is the child of a major fashion designer and your also new roommate, although their family is known for being extravagant and ostentatious, they are the complete opposite. An art enthusiast who is looking for their next muse, and the quirk of your smile is enough to inspire a thousand drawings. They are a Redwood legacy and they’re willing to show you around, for a price of course. Nothing comes for free. Frankie has dark brown skin that is covered in freckles, with kinky hair and the prettiest smile you’ve ever seen.
Francis Blake is 5’10 with short twist outs, a toned build, freckles and a wardrobe filled with shorts.
Frances Blake is 5’4 with long, back length braids that are decorated with gold accessories, a slim build and freckles.
⇢ ali nakamura
Ali Nakamura is the only child of their politician mother and is already well-established at Redwood. They seem perfectly pleasant in public, however it is your first day at Redwood and you have already presented yourself as a rival. Through no fault of your own, that’s what you insist anyways. They have silky, dyed blond hair, well-groomed black eyebrows and an affinity for neutral tones. Although they insist on their aloof demeanour, you occasionally catch them looking at you with a look you can’t decipher.
Alistair Nakamura is 6’0, with an average build, tan skin, short honey blond hair with dark eyes.
Alison Nakamura is 5’5, with an average build, tan skin, shoulder-length sunflower blonde hair and dark eyes.
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liightsout · 4 months
the blue (prologue)
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Hey angels!
I have had the urge to write again circling around in my head for the past month so whilst being home from work sick for the day, I did a thing...
I haven't written anything in near on 8 years, so this is probably god awful, but one of my goals for this year is to do more things I enjoy, so please be kind!
I have some plans for Mattie and Danny, so if you're interested please stick around, I'd love for you to share this lil journey with me.
Asks are always open if you wanna chat.
Love ya x
Matilda wasn’t sure how she had ended up in the situation she currently found herself. 
Cliche, right? Specifically Matilda was not sure which choices she had made in her life that had caused her to find herself standing on the doorstep of Daniel Ricciardo’s Monaco apartment, deciding whether she should knock on the door for a final time, or walk away and try again in the morning. 
When she had heard the news from Adam that morning she hadn’t second guessed the decision to buy a flight ticket to Nice for that same evening. She didn’t think about how she would get to Heathrow Airport, didn’t consider how much the taxi from the airport to Daniel’s would cost, or even if he would want to see her. He would want to see her, right? Daniel had done the same for her on previous occasions, despite her protests at the time. Doubt was creeping into the forefront of her brain the longer she stood there staring at the large oak door. 
 Shaking the thought from her head, she knocked a final time and waited. A few minutes ticked by when she finally heard it. 
Relief filled Matilda’s body as she heard movement from inside the apartment. She could picture Daniel climbing off of the sofa they had spent so many nights together on. She could hear the mumbled expletives as he neared the door, his feet dragging along the laminate in the way they always seemed to when he was tired. 
“Blake, I told you, I don’t want to see anyone right now. I’ll call you in the morning, but I just… I just need to be alone.” 
Matilda’s heart dropped. It was worse than she had initially thought. It was no shock to her that Daniel would be taking the news terribly. But to be turning away his friends was… so not Daniel.  Even when he was feeling low he had always welcomed the solace of his friends and family. She feared she had made the wrong call showing up at all. 
“Danny it’s me. I heard the news from Adam this morning. Don’t be mad, but Lando told him and he just thought I should know because he didn’t think you’d tell me yourself, at least not straight away, and he was worried about you.” Moments of silence passed by, nerves seeping into the deepest parts of Matilda’s mind. 
“Please open the door Danny, I need to see you. You don’t have to let me in or speak to me, I just want to see you and make sure you’re alright. I brought some of those crisps you like from home because I know you’ve probably not eaten anything… or maybe you have… either way, I thought you’d want some and I didn’t know what else to bring, or what else to do, I just needed to see-” 
The door swinging open cut Matilda off. Daniel wasted no time in enveloping the smaller girl into his arms. Matilda had received a lot of hugs from Daniel in the short 18 months she had known him, but this one felt different. She could feel Daniel’s hands gripping onto her skin through the sweater she wore. She could feel him burying his face into the crook of her neck. She could feel his heartbeat emitting from his chest like claps of thunder in the quiet Monaco night. 
“I’m sorry Mattie. I wanted to call you all day, but I just didn’t know what to say. I knew you had that big meeting with your client this week and I didn’t want you to be distracted, or turn up here… I guess I should have known you’d find out and turn up anyways” Daniel spoke as he slowly pulled away from her. 
Matilda took the time to get a careful look at the man standing in front of her. The usual glowing brown orbs she loved staring into, replaced with bloodshot ones, dark bags making the contrast even more jarring. His smile was empty and false. A large sweatshirt and sweatpants he was wearing made his frame seem smaller than it really was. 
Taking in his words, she frowned “Daniel, please don’t apologise. This is so far from being your fault it’s actually a joke. And don’t worry about me, my clients can wait. You’re more important to me. Always us, remember?”. 
Standing in the moonlight on the doorstep of his apartment Daniel sighed. 
“Yeah baby, always us.”
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set-wingedwarrior · 7 months
Years after the war, Blake and Yang are happy, married, and ready to start a family. The day Blake finds out she's pregnant is supposed to be the happiest of her life, but everything changes when she finds out Yang got lost in a mission and is considered dead. Now she has to take care of the little life they created together alone, memories of Yang accompanying her every step of the way, and make sure that their child will know about her mother and how extraordinary she was.
Happy Bumbleby Big Bang 2023, I can finally post this!
I'm so sorry it took me so long, here there's a big italian comicon I've been going to with friends in these days, which means I've been sleeping like 4-5 hours each night while spending all day out walking and visiting and doing stuff these days. Lots of fun, but I am exhausted, it's almost midnight now and I have probably half neuron left.
Anyway, all my love and thanks go once again to @growing-magic for being nice fun and very patient with me, not even mentioning the AMAZING art she made for my story! Thank you friend!
That's all I can manage for now, I need rest.
Enjoy the bees!
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dmercer91 · 1 year
ebug's sister, dm91
please ignore how much that last photo kinda looks like luke. ok? ok! thanks <3
taglist, @whenmypartysover
part one / part two /part three / part four / part five / part six / part seven
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liked by drayanewman, njdevils and 6,907 others
blakefriarr_: <3
view 712 comments..
jj.friar31: i am again asking if this boy of yours is aware of.. whatever that last slide is
→ blakefriarr_: sometimes i tell myself not to feel bad that i’m way hotter than you cause you got all the brains and then time and time again it is proven that that’s actually incorrect
→ jj.friar31: OH?? OH MY GOD
→ blakefriarr_: no
njdevils: welcome to the family!
→ blakefriarr_: crying
drayanewman: honoured to have gotten the first confirmation text when he kissed her
→ _quinnhughes: excuse me @/blakefriarr_
→ blakefriarr_: ok TECHNICALLY she's right, i started the group facetime with you and adam and then texted her as soon as it started ringing
→ drayanewman: i could've been in a group ft with adam fantilli and quinn hughes and you STOLE that opportunity from me 🤨
→ blakefriarr_: i don't think any of us are mentally prepared enough for that
jackhughes: congrats or whatever
→ blakefriarr_: my bets on you and nico next
→ nicohischier: wHAT
→ blakefriarr_: is it that shocking i called you nico?
→ nicohischier: given your track record that honestly should be the most surprising part of your comment but seriously what the FUCK, blake
→ blakefriarr_: he's clumsy gf and you're call them an idiot and kiss them on the mouth bf
→ jackhughes: i am not clumsy
→ nicohischier: MORE IMPORTANTLY, we are not kissing on the mouth?????
→ jackhughes: yeah that too
lhughes_06: this is gross
→ blakefriarr_: you had to hide your smile when you saw him kiss me
→ lhughes_06: i like a good romcom every now and then, shoot me.
adamfantilli: i agree with jj put some clothes on there could be CHILDREN
→ blakefriarr_: i'm trading you in for luca
→ adamfantilli: love you too
dawson1417: my beautiful girl
→ blakefriarr_: my boy <3
→ dawson1417: never leave
→ blakefriarr_: unfortunately jj would burn down the apartment
→ jj.friar31: YOU SAID YOU WERE STAYING WITH @/drayanewman
→ blakefriarr_: why are you YELLING
→ blakefriarr_: i wasn't just casually gonna swing by your room and be like oh btw i'm staying with dawson mercer all weekend ttyl
dawson1417: sorry to all the groupchat participants that lost money last night (no i'm not)
→ dougieham: in hindsight maybe we shouldn't have bet on you while you were in the conversation
→ dawson1417: you're welcome quinn and nico
→ nicohischier: as your captain don't blow your money on gambling, as someone who bid correctly, you're a real one.
→ blakefriarr_: i would like to give a shoutout to trevor zegras who is now missing a solid chunk of his bank account for not being a sore loser cause it meant i got dawson sooner
→ trevorzegras: shut up that is not why (happy for you, loser)
→ blakefriarr_: thanks, loser
_quinnhughes: in the most nonchalant and not at all protective way possible, @/dawson1417, i would commit war crimes for her. take that into consideration before you do anything other than breathe
→ blakefriarr_: awh quinn
→ _quinnhughes: shut your cake hole
→ dawson1417: consider that considered
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howlingday · 7 months
Juniper Belladina
I would like to preface this by apologizing for the... less than stellar recreation you'll read. The chapter of Bond in the Spy x Family story is so very, VERY long and there's so much going on that I don't think I could effectively redo it with RWBY characters. If any of you want to give it a shot, go for it. Learn from my failures. Anywho, here's the story of Bond starring Juniper as Bond.
Jaune: Oh, wow! Look at this adoption fair! It's a shame Blake couldn't take us here herself.
Penny: Papa! Don't blame Mama! She can't help it if she has to take big- DOGGIES! OOH! AND KITTIES! BUNNIES!
Jaune: Penny! Don't run off! I don't want to lose you in the crowd! ...Again!
Jaune: Penny, I want you to give me your word.
Penny: Huh? How do I do that?
Jaune: Make me a promise. Promise me you won't run out of my sight.
Penny: Okay, Papa. I promise.
Penny: Huh?
Juniper: (Sniffs)
Penny: Whoa... You're a big bunny...
Juniper: (Flicks ear)
Jaune: (Laughs)
Blake: (Titters)
Penny: (Giggles)
Penny: (Thinking) Huh? Was... Was that us? Did I just read your mind?.
Juniper: (Flinches, Gallops off)
Penny: (Looks at distracted Jaune) Maybe... Maybe it'll be okay to leave... just for a few minutes.
Penny: (Riding on top of Juniper) That- That was so scary! I didn't think we would be able to get out of there! But... how did you know that would happen? Can... Can you see the future?
Juniper: (Huffs)
Penny: She's just like me. She has a super-power, too!. And she... She's running so fast! This is so exciting!.
Roman: Huh?
Penny: ...
Roman: ...Well, that was easy.
Roman: Alright, kid. Game's over. Neo, take care of her, (Raises leash) I've got the jackalope.
Neo: (Reaches for Penny)
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Neo: (Spins into the ground)
Roman: Wha..?
Roman: What the hell are you- Forget it! (Snaps fingers) Sic 'im!
Jaune: (Dog growls at him)
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Jaune: (Dog yipes away)
Penny: P-PAPA!
Jaune: Don't cry, Penny. The mean doggy ran away now.
Penny: (Crying because scared of Papa)
Roman: (Dragging Neo away) Forget it! I'm done with you people! Keep the jackalope!
Blake: What... is that?
Penny: It's a rabbit!
Jaune: A jackalope, to be specific. They're a very rare breed.
Blake: ...It's the size of a horse. I don't think we can- Ack!
Juniper: (Nuzzling Blake)
Blake: Fine! Fine! Just get off me! (Sighs) How did you even find this thing?
Blake: Ugh... Sounds like such a mess... I'm sorry I couldn't have been there to help you, considering my... condition.
Jaune: It's no problem, really! Everything worked out just fine!
Blake: Maybe, but that wouldn't have happened if Penny didn't wander off on her own again. Speaking of, PENNY!
Penny: (Flinches)
Blake: I've already warned you about wandering off! You could have hurt, or even killed!
Penny: (About to cry)
Blake: (Hugs Penny) They didn't hurt you, did they?
Penny: No, because the bunny protected me!
Blake: (Thinking) This rabbit clearly isn't normal, but...
Blake: (Strokes Juniper's neck) Thank you for keeping my family safe.
Blake: Penny, it's time to go home.
Penny: Okay~!
Jaune: Where are your gloves?
Penny: I... I don't know, (Glove falls by her) Huh?
Juniper: (Looking down at Penny)
Penny: Thank you~! (Picks up glove) Where's my other glove?
Juniper: (Runs off, Comes back carrying an entire bush)
Blake: What in the-?!
Juniper: (Shakes bush in antlers, Glove falls out)
Jaune: I never thought I'd see a rabbit carrying an entire juniper bush!
Blake: Saying it's a rabbit is already a bit of a stretch.
Penny: Joo-Nih-Per... Juniper! I'll name you Juniper!
Penny: (Dumps rabbit feed into bowl) Okay, Juniper! Time to eat!
Juniper: (Eats food)
Penny: (Takes pellet of food, Eats it) ...Eh. I've had better, and I've had worse.
Juniper: (Groans)
Penny: Oh! Do you have to potty? You can go pee over here! But only here. Papa likes it neat, so he'll get mad if you- Oh, you're pooping.
Penny: Okay, it's time for cartoons!
Blake: You're supposed to be studying, Penny. You better be ready by the time I'm done in the bathroom.
One bathtime later...
Jaune: (Whispering) Blake! Blake, come look!
Blake: Hm?
Jaune: They're so tired from playing all day, they fell asleep like this!
Penny: (Snuggled into Juniper)
Juniper: (Curled around Penny)
Blake: ...Maybe I'll give her a pass for tonight.
Jaune: Please, could you~?.
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citadelofmythoughts · 1 month
Y’know the words that Blake used to describe her friends in V5?
Think they’re still accurate?
What’s Blake’s own word?
Any other words that you can’t think of that personify any other characters?
I think if Blake were to say the same thing today it'd be a lot different. All the girls have evolved, a lot.
Ruby - I think she's got too many scars now to be considered "purity". I'm not sure of her current word but I'm leaning toward "Perseverance"
Weiss is no longer defiance, her father, her father's company, and even the oppressive kingdom she lived in are all gone - she's redefining herself - "Resolute" I think fits.
Yang is still strong, she always will be but she's so much more than that. I think to Blake, Yang will forever be "Love" love of family, of friends and of lovers.
And Blake? She never defined herself but I always felt that it was "Empathy."
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anthurak · 1 year
So I’ve been thinking about the whole theory of ‘Poly-STR’ that a lot of the fandom seems to have started latching onto recently, particularly with the revelation/confirmation that Summer and Raven were a LOT closer than anyone (aside from Rosebird shippers) thought.
And the funny thing is, I don’t think anyone really appreciates the fact that the theory of Summer, Taiyang and Raven having been in a polycule is actually built on an incredibly shaky foundation.
See, let’s consider for a moment where the theory of Poly-STR comes from; that this ship wasn’t created all on its own, but is simply the latest interpretation of a Summer-Tai-Raven dynamic that we’ve known about since Volume 2 when Yang explained her family backstory to Blake. That Raven was Tai’s first love and the two of them had Yang together, only for Raven to vanish without a trace. And sometime afterward, Tai got together with Summer and they had Ruby together. And sometime after that, Summer left on a mission and never came home.
Now if you’ve been with the fandom since Volume 2, you should know that there have been a number of different interpretations and developments of the dynamic between these three over the years; That Summer is Tai’s second love who stepped in after his first love Raven ran away. That there was some kind of outright love-triangle with Summer and Raven rivaling over Taiyang. And most recently, that Summer, Tai and Raven were in a polycule.
But here’s the wrinkle that I don’t think anyone is really appreciating:
This whole idea of a Summer-Tai-Raven dynamic that the fandom has been drawing all these ideas/ships from is based almost entirely off of YANG’s story that she told to Blake back in Volume 2.
And it is becoming very clear, especially after this latest episode, that Yang’s knowledge of her parents and family is in fact EXTREMELY flawed/limited. Even as early in the show as Yang’s very conversation with Blake in V2, we’ve known that Yang seemingly didn’t even know that Raven was her birth mother until AFTER Summer vanished. Then in Volume 3 we and Yang learn that Qrow has actually been in on-and-off contact with Raven for all these years and even has a pretty good idea where she is. Then when we learn about her bird transformation and portaling semblance, it becomes clear that, far from being ‘gone without a trace, never to return’, Raven has been around quite a bit and keeping an eye on Yang, and likely Ruby as well. And it’s pretty easy to guess that Qrow and Tai almost certainly KNEW about this, and DIDN’T tell Yang or Ruby.
Then in Volume 7, we and Ruby learn from Qrow that neither he, nor Tai, nor even Ozpin has any real idea what Summer’s final mission was even about. As Qrow puts it, this wasn’t an ‘Oz secret’, but a Summer secret.
Now at the end of Volume 9, we get a glimpse at just how little Ruby and Yang REALLY know. It turns out that Summer deliberately lied to nearly ALL of her friends and family about the true nature of her mysterious mission. And it turns out that Summer and Raven were FAR CLOSER than Yang or Ruby ever had any inkling of. With Summer apparently trusting Raven above all others with helping her on this secret mission, with Raven herself acting much friendlier with Summer than she has with ANYONE else we’ve seen.
Basically, I think all that we’ve seen calls pretty much EVERYTHING Yang told Blake about her family past during Volume 2 into question. You know, that very same conversation that the fandom has based much of, if not almost their entire perception of the Summer-Tai-Raven dynamic on?
Remember that RWBY has at this point a long and consistent history of both unreliable narrators and mentors/leaders/parents concealing VERY important information from their kids/our heroines. So should it really be so surprising there is a LOT that Ruby and Yang are wrong about concerning their parents and family?
It’s why I find it so interesting to see how some people seem so convinced about something like Poly-STR being a thing.
Like when I hear people say things like ‘Tai and Raven were definitely a couple’ or ‘Summer was definitely Tai’s second love’ or ‘Tai is definitely Ruby’s father’, I can’t help but wonder; ‘Are you sure? Are you really sure?’
Simply put, I don’t think much of the fandom really appreciates just how IN THE DARK we really are concerning the details of Team STRQ and what was REALLY going on before Ruby and Yang were old enough to fully remember.
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 6 months
Labor & Oxytocin
Kali: (bursts through the front doors of the hospital) And this is precisely why I told Blake that she needed to give birth back home, not in some overpriced hospital a continent away.
Ghira: Kali, dearest, please, control yourself.
Willow: Kali, it was the safest option. You said yourself that you had plenty of complications giving birth to Blake.
Kali: And now I'm realizing that over 36 hours of labor is worse than having a few complications. (to the nurse) Blake Belladonna. Where is she.
Willow: Thirty-six hours?!?!
Jaune: Uh, Mrs. Belladonna! What a surprise! Really, truly, a pure shock. Um, unfortunately, even though you are her mother, I'm not allowed to disclose-
Willow: (cuts him off) No! You are bringing us all to Blake's room this instant. (glyph beowulf suddenly appears next to her) Unless you want a pack of beowolves to scour the hospital and we can find her ourselves.
Jaune: (sweats) Yes, Ma'am! Right away, Ma'am! This way, Ma'am! (quickly leads the three to Blake's room)
Blake: (panting and in discomfort as Yang escorts her around the room) This is absolute hell...
Yang: (rubbing soothing circles on Blake's lower back) I know, babe. I know. (kisses Blake's head)
Doctor: Good news. You're only six centimeters away.
Blake: (groans)
-Door bursts open to a very protective mother panther-
Kali: Where's the doctor fucking up my baby girl's labor?!
Blake/Yang: Mom?!/Kali?!
Doctor: Excuse me, Ma'am, but you can't be in here-
Kali: Don't care. What have you done to help my baby girl get the baby out?
Doctor: We have tried everything from walking laps, squats, and bouncing on the labor ball.
Willow: What about oxytocin? Have you tried that?
Nurse: It's written in Ms. Belladonna's file that she's allergic to synthetic oxytocin.
Kali: .....(to Willow) Oxytocin?
Willow: Pleasure hormone.
Kali: They synthesize that? Why? Her wife is right there. (points at Yang before turning to the doctor) Are you seriously saying that you never considered natural stimulation to help my daughter???
Doctor: Erm.... Excuse me?
Nurse: I... think she's referring to pleasuring the patient....
Blake: The patient is right here and can hear you! (groans)
Kali: There's no mistake that the gods put the g-spot in the birth canal. What gets the baby in will get the baby out.
Ghira: (mortified) Good lord....
Doctor: That's highly unorthodox-
Yang: Wait, I can just play with Blake's clit until she dilates?!
Kali: With climax. Ladies always come first.
Yang: Damn right they do.
Willow: It allows the most oxytocin to get into the bloodstream.
Ghira: kill me now....
Blake: That's it! Everyone, out! That goes for you (points to doctor) you (points to nurse) and definitely you (points to Ghira). (turns to Kali and Willow) Respectfully, because I don't want you to... you know...
Kali: Already gone, dear. (kisses Blake and Yang's foreheads before leaving the room, hauling a flabbergasted Ghira with her)
Willow: Best of luck, dears. (strokes their cheeks affectionately) I'll call Weiss and tell her to get here as fast as she can. That baby is going to be here before you know it. (grabs the doctor by the coat collar and drags him out of the room)
Nurse: (follows dutifully, leaving Blake and Yang alone)
Blake: Yang...
Yang: Yes, babe?
Blake: You know the drill. And if this doesn't work, I'm going to kill you.
Yang: (gently lifts Blake up and brings her to the hospital bed) I happen to have a 100% mission success rate. I don't intend on marring that now!
Two hours later, the Xiao-Long/Belladonna family welcomed a beautiful baby into the world. Ghira was still suffering. Kali could not have been prouder. Willow and Weiss squealed with delight. Ruby rand spaztically around the room. Qrow and Raven agreed that the baby was so ugly it was adorable. It was a great day.
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duusheen · 1 month
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oc deep dive with hope pollock! 😤 thank you for the tag @theosconfessions and @bloomingkyras <3
What uncommon/common fear do they have? Being alone, I guess. Hope has this romantic and idealized view of love because her parents have been together for so long that she grew up with it and she's like "wow, I want that too", so that's why she stayed with Danny all this time (because let's face it, everyone could see it except her)
Do they have any pet peeves? The lack of commitment. She simply detests people who are not capable of committing to their loved ones. In part, I guess it's because she is too compliant. She gives her all without expecting anything in return and sometimes people take advantage of her
What are 3 items you can find in their bedroom? Lots and lots of cat toys, her clothes on the floor and chairs (that's my messy girl) and probably a cat sleeping on top of the clothes.
What do they notice first in a person? She usually judges people by the way they treat others, especially girls 👀
On a scale of 1 to 10, how high is their pain tolerance? Meh, 4. She is the first daughter of a teen couple and the ultimate daddy's girl. Jay and Miracle practically wrapped her in bubble wrap for her entire life. Hope was protected by her parents much more than her sisters, and her tolerance for anything that hurts her is really low
Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure? I'd say she would fight? but seeing that she found Danny with his lover and ran straight to her parents' house… lol. She's definitely the kind of girl who would disappear without even leaving a note. "I don't like this bye" kinda girl.
Do they come from a big family/are they a family person? It depends on what is considered a "big family". She has three sisters, but her grandpa had 6 children, so you could say almost lol. That said, she is a family girl. If it were up to her, she would build a house on her parents' ranch and live there until she's old and gray.
What animal represents them best? A penguin? 😂🐧
What is a smell that they dislike? The smell of the disinfectant they use at the vet to clean the floors 🤢
Have they broken any bones? Never. I don't think she even scraped her knee as a child 🙄
How would a stranger likely describe them? I guess shy. But if the person in front of her shows up with an animal, Hope immediately becomes all chatty and excited. Nothing like a pet to break the ice (honestly me)
Are they a night owl or a morning bird? morning bird. Her routine starts every day at 6:00 a.m.
What is a flavor they hate and a flavor they love? She likes the deep taste of black coffee, and hates anything bitter.
Do they have any hobbies? Whenever she has a free moment, she likes to sit down and browse the Simflix catalog because her favorite thing is to sit and watch series.
Boom, surprise birthday party! How do they react to surprises? She would smile, pretend she's grateful for a total of five minutes and then hide in the bathroom to mentally prepare herself to be the center of attention until the party ends. After that, she'd probably relax and be okay.
Do they like to wear jewelry? She has her grandma Daphne's silver rings. She never goes anywhere without them; they're her lucky charm :')
Do they have neat or messy handwriting? Her handwriting was pretty neat in school, but now it's just a mess.
What are two emotions they feel the most? Inadequate and tired, as if she's trying to catch up with everyone's expectations.
Do they have a favorite fabric? Leather 😳. Not for anything special, but because it's the fabric where cat hair sticks the least.
What kind of accent do they have? She grew up on a ranch in Chestnut Ridge, so I like to think she has the sexiest country accent 😌
i tag: @aurorangen @theosconfessions (gimme some blake info please i miss him 👀) @ktysh @cupidszone @akitasimblr @awkwardwhims @aliengirl but feel free to ignore 😁💖
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infoglitch · 7 months
Moment of bliss
(so as much I'd like to make a whiteknight series I ain't the greatest when it comes to ideas, maybe I am just a Lancaster shipper at heart plus I'm batshit terrified of messing up characterization)
Regardless, enjoy rat bastards.
WARNING: mentions and showing of alcohol. If you got a problem with that skip this.
Also I am VERY bad at writing .
Jaune felt a lump in his throat as he was mentally shitting himself silly as he stood infront of a large apartment, the temporary home of one icy heiress or as she was actually named. Weiss schnee.
Jaune tried to calm himself down as he was thinking to himself.
Jaune: come on jaune, you were in a war with a immortal being surely a little date shouldn't be freaking you out.
Jaune: oh but what if I mess up and shes still holding a grudge against me for everything I did in beacon? Oh gods what if there's karaoke and she thinks I picked it because I wanted to sing-
"ENOUGH". That word rang through head as he took a deep breath and exhaled.
Jaune: get ahold of yourself. You got this. Just knock and ask her out. It's not like she's gonna freeze you as soon you ask. Hopefully not... Maybe..
Jaune raised his hand and was about to knock on the door before the door opened as one ice queen was standing in front of him as she frowned as she was on the scroll with someone.
Weiss: i keep telling you, I don't care if this could help with raising the SDC up, im not going to take that deal. Now please stop calling me.
Weiss hung up as she seemed pissed before finally noticing jaune.
Weiss: oh. Uh hello jaune, I was just coming out to get some air, what did you need?
Jaune just looked at her as he seemed a tad worried.
Jaune: business troubles?
Weiss just sighed before nodding as she put her scroll away.
Weiss: one of my father's old business partners are trying to stay a part of the board of executives and tried to suggest we partner with some rival company, galaw dust manufacturing I think was its name. Regardless, once again, what do you need?
Jaune: oh well I wanted to know if you wanted to hangout with me and ruby at the hall of huntsmen.
Jaune: liar. Just say the damn truth, don't wrap more of your friends up in the potential humiliation
Weiss looked at him before sighing. She looked away before shaking her head and redirecting her gaze.
Weiss: apologies jaune but I'll have to decline. I think I've had my fair share of ruby fangirling over the huntsmen and huntresses of old.
Jaune: oh. Ok well I'll see you around then.
Jaune turned and began walking away before Weiss spoke
Weiss: very well, and jaune. Your terrible at lying.
Jaune stopped in his tracks as his face went pale before looking at a smug Weiss.
Weiss: I've been around fake faces throughout my childhood, I can tell when someone lies to me. I have some coffee brewing if your interested.
Jaunes brain was still processing the fact that Weiss called out him on his very bad lie. Until the rest of what she said hit him as his face was redder than Ruby's cloak with a stupid smile plastered his face.
Jaune: welp. Might not got a date but we still get to hang out with her.
We cut to a cup of coffee with the schnee family crest on it, with jaune looking in aw.
Jaune: how did a coffee brewer make this? I'm used to the basic settings for designs.
Weiss: it didn't, I did. Besides it's a simple design.
Jaune: wait, when did you learn to make coffee?
Weiss: turns out, Blake is an incredible barista, though considering how long she reads her... Filth I'm not surprised she makes coffee.
Jaune: oh. That's neat, and thinking about it, it makes sense, also wait did you just say Blake reads po-
Weiss: POINT is, yes I can make coffee, so don't act like it's a miracle.
Jaune: right yeah, sorry.
Weiss: now, onto a lighter subject, I have a game for both of us, however it does involve alcohol so if we do play you'll be here for night. For obvious reasons.
Jaune: understood snow angel. Whats the game?
Weiss: two truths, one lie. With the new rule of if whoever spot 10 lies in a row the loser has to tell an embarrassing secret that they would normally take to their grave. Make sense?
Jaune nodded as Weiss smirked, she got up and soon came with a bottle of whiskey and wine as well as with two shot glasses.
Weiss: one last thing. If one of us gets it wrong, we have to take a shot so pick your poison jaune.
Jaune nodded before taking a long look. Before eventually grabbing the whiskey bottle and shaking it a bit. Weiss just nodded and pushed the wine aside.
Weiss: round one. I'll start easy. I never had a pet, I had a ton of stuffed animals, and I hated my brother for being a suckup.
Jaune: uh the second one.
Weiss nodded as jaune smiled.
Jaune: now my turn. I'll increase the difficulty a little. I wanted to fight Neptune when I first saw him. I faked my transcripts and I sniffed my pet dog Shelby's ass once.
Weiss thought about it for a few moments as she seemed to find her answer as she seemed confident in it.
Weiss: you may have been a dolt but theres no way you faked your transcripts.
Jaune nervously chuckled at that before clearing his throat.
Jaune: I... Did fake my transcripts.
Weiss went quiet before her eye twitched.
Weiss: you mean. You faked your transcripts to get into beacon, w-why?!
Jaune: i never got any training from my dad and wasn't allowed to go to any combat schools, so I never got a letter of recommendation or the chance to actually get an authentic transcript. So I uh.. faked mine.
Weiss went quiet again as she simply poured herself a glass. As she looked at him.
Weiss: are you sure you faked your transcripts and you aren't just lying to yourself?
Jaune: I'm sure Weiss.
Weiss:so what was the lie?
jaune: I did have a dog named Shelby, but I never once sniffed her ass.
Weiss:... I can't believe I had enough faith that you were trained
Weiss takes a swig before placing down the glass as her face had a tinge of pink.
Weiss: m-my turn. I can hold my liquor more than my mother. I thought Neptune was the ideal guy for awhile and Im Really sexually repressed, like if I could i'd try every position and understandable kink, atleast once.
Jaune: as much as I wish the last one is a lie, your already blushing after oneshot. Your a lightweight Weiss.
Weiss:... I hate this game now.
Jaune: you suggested it. Here if you want I can get the next one wrong on purp-
Weiss: don't even FINISH that thought. If we're doing this... We're playing fair... Even if its BULLSHIT how you already have TWO in a ROW.
Jaune just nodded and chuckled softly at the heiress's aggravation.
Jaune: ok. My turn. I met ruby after you and her had the... Incident, yang for some reason was my wing woman during beacon, and i could beat pyrrha in a arm wrestling contest.
Weiss just looked at him and narrowed her eyes.
Weiss: no way on the gods green grass you could beat pyrrha at arm wrestling.
Jaune: yep. Anytime we did she'd always win.
Weiss: figured. No offense but during beacon you were a noodle compared to the rest of us
Jaune: no offense taken. I definitely was a noodle during beacon. Though technically I still am
Weiss: not really. You have gotten a lot more definition to your body.
There was a small pause as Weiss went red as she looked away.
Weiss: f-from the surface level atleast.
Jaune smiled softly and the night continued on as the two would talk and drink. Enjoying this moment of bliss. Who knows what fate will have for them but whatever comes.. these moments will always be priceless.
Ofcourse theres also you dear reader, what might you find in looking into this single night? That depends on what you want to see.
(feel free to continue on with this. It's always nice seeing others interpretation)
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lipeg · 2 months
Team RWBY had arrived in a village where there were several creatures made of crystal that resembled a star shape.
Ruby: What are those things
???: We are Genial Gems
One of these crystal series appeared next to the girls.
Weiss: What is it called and where are we?
Ren: My name is Ren and this is the Gems village
The girls looked at each other.
Until the girls' bellies started growling.
They were all ashamed.
Ren: I see you are hungry, come with me
Weiss: Thank you very much
Ren: No problem
Team RWBY started following the Ren gem, as they walked through the village they noticed something peculiar.
A statue made of stone of a knight riding Jackalope, with the sword in his left, an expression of pure HATE on your face.
Blake: Jaune?
The girls looked at the statue and were surprised to see that it was Jaune but older.
Weiss was impressed, as well as the statue being very well made, full of details. Jaune's face showed "new things" the first was that he had a cut on his right cheek, he had a goatee and his hair had grown past his neck.
Ruby: Ren, Can you tell where Jaune is?
Ruby completely ignored Weiss.
Ren: The knight left these lands a long time ago. He and his wife left a long time ago
The girls looked at the Ren gem.
RWBY: Wife?
Ren: Yes. A woman with pink, white and brown hair
There was only one person with these hair colors.
In Remmant
In a city that was growing quickly, this city was very close to become a kingdom, this city was in Vale but this city was east of the city of Vale but far east between the city of Vale there was a mountain that awaited the two cities.
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Both cities were on the coast, but there is a stark difference, this city called Orleans and was located in the Meuse valley region.
Orleans was founded by Agravein Arc known as Black Knight ( Particular the knight of misogyny ) before the great war.
After the monarchy ended, he came to this place that used to be just a farm but it became a refuge for those who didn't believe Councilmen would be of any use because there would be a lot of corruption.
Over time more and more people came to this place that strangely didn't attract so many Grimms.
After the destruction of Vale ( Now this shit is official hahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahauayayahahhahahahahahahahayayayayayahahahahahahahauuahahuahuahahhauahahauahauauauau)
Many people came here, this only happens because Michelangelo Arc, Jaune Arc's father went to the rescue of the population after learning that Councilmen ran away.
Michelangelo, as soon as he heard that Vale was attacked, was the first to leave the village and go to the aid of the people of Vale.
It was difficult to convince people to move even though Vale was destroyed, it was still their home.
But thanks to teacher Peter Port, Doctor Bartholomew Oobleck and Headmistress Glynda Goodwitch. He managed to get people to move to Orleans.
But now Orleans could already be considered a kingdom but the situation in the world doesn't "allow it" because everything is in chaos .
But........ Always a but not everything is black and white, there are shades of gray.
With the return of "communications" and after Ruby Rose's disastrous warning, Orleans was preparing for the worst faster than ever.
But (again ) a light appeared amidst the chaos.
Jaune Arc and Neo Arc
The family reunion was beautiful, there was a slap in the face, swearing for everyone, father vs son, mother vs son.
After all that, let's get to what really matters.
House of Arc
Jaune was sitting in an armchair and his wife was sitting on his lap.
His parents and sisters were on the sofa to the left of the armchair.
" So.... " Michelangelo Arc was sitting on the couch looking at his son, beside him was his wife Angelica Arc and behind the sofa were his daughters
" How they both met " Angelica Arc has already cut her husband out of the conversation.
" She tried to kill me " Jaune said with the greatest calm in the world.
The whole family was silent.
" This is a family thing " When Michelangelo said this his wife's face turned red and she slapped his arm.
" Why? " Jaune asked.
" Your mother and I were on the same team, I was a leader even though I didn't want to be but she wanted to be the leader and she tried to kill me to steal my position as leader " Michelangelo told, while Angelica was embarrassed by her past.
" My old interesting loving also wanted to be the leader of your team and she couldn't either, but she and I are not on the same team " Jaune said remembering Weiss in their first year at Beacon Academy.
" She won't say anything " Angelica asked looking at Neo.
" She is mute mother " Jaune said looking at his wife.
Neo smiled.
Letters appeared in front of both of them as if it were a caption.
It's true, I was speechless after trying to swallow the colossus he has between
Jaune and his family's eyes widened.
" NEO! " Jaune screamed in anger.
After this scene where Neo was laughing, the Arc couple's daughters noticed that the atmosphere changed.
" Jaune— " Before Michelangelo could have his question.
" Vale was completely destroyed, we already know we came from there. We took advantage of the fact that we went and picked up some things from Vale and then we went to Vacuo and picked up something very special "
Around Neo's head reality shattered like glass, revealing a golden crown with a peculiar form.
Crocea Mors the family heirloom began to disappear like smoke. Then, next to the armchair, the air began to rotate, revealing a large sword that was being hidden.
The Arc family stayed because that sword looked a lot like Crocea Mors but only bigger and the scabbard that could become a shield looked very different looked more like a blade than a sheath.
" Dad, we have a lot to talk about. I have revelations about our family "
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midnightsun-if · 9 months
Hiiii!!! :D 👋
Hope that you're having a great week!! ^^ So I just discovered Midnight Sun and played the demo, and I'm absolutely already totally invested haha. Your writing is excellent, I love fantasy/Supernatural academia and the Vibes™️ are everything I'm always looking for!
I'm totally weak for Friends-to-lovers, so Blake already has my whole heart 🥺 But for alt playthroughs there's so many other good ROs that I know it's gonna be fun to be totally different each time! (Looking respectfully at Caedan and Cyra haha)
But looking through the blog I saw the Christian response to ROs ask and it got me wondering (if it's not too spoilery) - What would Cienna's response to the ROs be?? She seems like she'd defo have some...pretty interesting (*cough* strong *cough*) thoughts 🤣
Thanks so much for all you do!! 🤗 Can't wait to see where this goes :D (But please don't feel rushed or anything take all the time you need!!!)
Hello!! ❤️
I've been having an excellent week, I hope that the same can be said for you! It makes me so happy that you're invested in Midnight Sun, I have so many fun adventures in store.
Blake is one of my favorite characters to write for because what you see on the surface isn't necessarily what's deeper, which is something I love to balance and work around. Caden and Cyra are two that I can't wait to explore more and discover the things that truly make them tick.
You're definitely right about Cienna!
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Koda: She thinks he's a nice, sturdy man that'll treat you well. Someone that you can count on when times get rough, which is something she wants for you. She wants you to have a dependable person in your corner, and Koda is just that.
Scarlett: Wouldn't really know what to think of Scarlett, to be honest. She's met her many times in the past and has seen how she has flourished in various ways, and Cienna would be surprised to see how much you have shifted Scarlett's usual countenance. In the end? Cienna would be happy for both you and Scarlett, you both deserve to find your one and only.
Cyrus/Cyra: Has general misgivings when it comes to House Aurelia, but she can see that C means well. That they truly care for you, and that's all that matters in the end. Though, she'd probably be a bit colder to them until she's able to get comfortable around them. Which, knowing Cienna, might take a bit.
Quinn: The two have never meshed well in their past meetings, due to various factors, and Quinn's parents meddling, but Cienna has never thought anything truly horrible about them. She'd honestly find it funny that you were the one who ended up getting together with them.
Caden: I think she'd be pleasantly surprised, to be honest. Caden usually keeps to themself, there but not there at the same time, and it'd be a bit intriguing for her to see how they begin to mesh with the family once more-- especially now that they can't simply fade back into the background.
Sloane: Wouldn't be able to be around them for long periods of time. She knows the grief of loss, the hole that it carves into your heart, and Slaone is a walking entity of grief at times. Seeing it? Being consistently around it? It'd drain Cienna completely. She wouldn't dislike Sloane though.
Blake: Honestly she's surprised it didn't happen sooner. She finds Blake amusing, in small increments, and is happy that they've been able to offer you a sense of companionship. She already considers them family, so it's not that big of a stretch for her.
Reginald/Regina: Is vehemently against it. I can't exactly tell you why, but seeing it? It'll cause various emotions to swarm through Cienna's body-- very few being the ones she wishes to experience.
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