#but sometimes i just want to gaze upon the work of others ok
spinchip · 6 months
when im not broke as a joke i want to commission someone to draw ocean nya and ice emperor ship art. could you imagine. so epic
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shirefantasies · 13 days
Hi 🍄your work is so incredible! You’re literally keeping my hobbit/Tolkien hyper-fixation alive. I was wondering if you would want to write a first kiss situation with thorins company/hobbit characters? I hope your surgery goes well and you have a easy and speedy recovery!
Thank you what an honor omg!!! Man the surgery itself was ok but everything after was NOT IT 😭 so glad to be doing better now! This is a great idea & I sure do want to write it🫡😁 sorry it took so long because this request is apparently like 5 months old 🥲
Warning: loooooong post lololol, minor blood/injury mentions, some suggestive jokes/moments, corny at times hehe
Your First Kiss With the Hobbit Characters
“You can’t keep running off like that, you know.” Fingers closed around your wrist, but not so tightly as to provide entrapment, rather a secure anchor. Secure as the comfort of Balin’s deep brown gaze, something deep sparkling in his eyes you could never find elsewhere. Beads of sweat slid down your back as your breathing slowed, the adrenaline of battle washing away. Balin knew that feeling, saw it in you. “I know,” you answered, chest falling with a hard exhale, “But I can hardly leave everyone resigned to their fate when I can help.” It was then Balin’s turn to sigh. “I know, too,” he told you, rotating his grip around your wrist so the back of your hand was enveloped in his palm, “I suppose I am just being selfish.” Some number of seconds of you gaping passed before you managed to stutter out three words. “Does that mean…?” “Aye,” was all he said as he squeezed your hand, glancing down until you cupped his cheek, bringing his gaze back into yours before tugging him into your lips for one last adrenaline wave.
"You?" "Were you expecting Mahal himself?" You chirp in response, leaning on your hand and giving Dwalin a catlike smile. Unfazed, he continues. "What are you doing here?" "What do you think?" You answer with a question of your own, this one far less teasing. Softer. "You can't keep coming back. This is dangerous." Dangerous, he says as if it is not he who lies in a healer's tent with a broken arm freshly set and Valar know how many other bandages. Pain and pity cross your expression as you peer down at the warrior, rest your palm over his tattooed hand. "I can't lose you, too," he adds, gaze drifting from yours and eyelashes fluttering downward sheepishly, "You are far too precious. Too pure." Rosy glow overtakes you, shining outward through your smile and into your fingers, which spread to interlock with Dwalin's. "And too foolish, I suppose, for you, Master Dwalin, will never be rid of me. Do not let yourself be taken by such folly, for nothing is purer than you deserve, my hero." You feel his hand flex beneath you; his eyes finally flicker back upward before darting back shut as he leans up, cupping your cheek with his free hand. You taste salt and breaths of anticipation, war, relief, and love all in one. Pure indeed.
A gasp startled you out of your dazed stare into the night, fire flickering at your back as you watched over empty hills. Turning your back to it, you returned your attention to those whom you presided over, protected for the night. The sight of Thorin bolting upright gave you pause, but soon you were at his side. “Are you alright?” “…Yes.” The king-to-be would not meet your eyes, his gaze falling into the shadows the fire cast upon his countenance. “Look at me.” Your command alone was enough to snap his head up; never had you spoken so to him or used do broken a tone. Thorin’s brows furrowed. “Worry not. It was just a dream.” “That was no dream,” you shot back, all but whispering. “No.” Thorin smiled wryly. “Sometimes it all comes back. I see it in the night when I cannot fight. I am helpless to it all. They cannot be saved. Then I wake and I wonder if it is to be so.” “No,” you laid your hand over his, “This weight is not yours alone. All of us are here with you, right? I am here with you.” A genuine smile crossed Thorin’s face, a shake of his head in wonder followed by a slow nod. “Thank you.” “Of course,” you answer. As you shifted, Thorin tightened his grip on your hand. “Stay.” “I will,” you told him, “I will.” “Good.” Not another word passed between your lips before they connected, passing over each other in moonlit words unspoken.
You hadn't even realized you were wounded at first. Shock overtaking you, you had run across the battlefield in pursuit of your comrades, only for them to gape and point at the blood seeping from your leg. You were fine, you assured them, but having none of it they hoisted you up over one shoulder each and dragged you over to a healer's tent, by which point a sharp sting had begun coursing up the expanse of your right leg. You were lowered down onto the tent's cushion-lain floor with it extended, and only when you looked up were you made aware of the familiar face before you. "Oin!" At your exclamation, the healer looked up and gave such a smile of recognition that your heart flipped. He spoke your name, too, although he did not match your enthusiasm, instead calling out with worry. "It's all right," you reassured him, "Not much more than a scratch." Rolling up your trouser leg, though, Oin winced at the blood before he began cleaning it. His bearded face fell into something much more serious than you were used to; for once he wasn't joking around as the jolly dwarf you knew and loved. That facade, the great focus, lasted the entire time he tended to you in fact. His hands were so dedicated and gentle as they worked over your torn skin. Upon completing your bandaging, he peered t you, dark eyes now intent upon yours. "You'll be fine." "Were you worried?" You couldn't help chuckling a bit. No healer were you, but the wound was nowhere near grievous or life-threatening. "Of course I was," Oin agreed without hesitation, "You know how much I care about you, don't you?" "I-" Lips parting, you stuttered for a moment. In your hesitation, Oin's hand found yours and gently brought you closer until his lips hit yours, beard tickling your cheeks. "Maybe now you do," he told you, smiling as you separated, "Now get some rest, alright?"
“If you two do not stop acting like children," Gloin called to the princes, "We will treat you like children!” “What’ll you do,” Kili countered with crossed arms, smiling at his older brother, “Put us in the corner?” “We absolutely will,” you chimed in, mirroring the younger prince’s posture, “With pleasure, you ruffians!" "You two are like an old married couple," Fili tutted, shaking his head. "That's right," you agreed, grabbing Gloin's face with both hands and yanking him into a quick kiss that had one prince whooping and one calling out in disgust as they ran off. "What in Mahal's name was that?" Gloin asked you as you separated, auburn brows raised in distinct spite of the fact you'd felt him kiss you back. "Sorry, too much? I knew it'd scare them off. Might make them talk as well, though." "I wanted to kiss you first!" Gloin complained, pouting beneath his beard and prompting you to giggle as he took your hand, ready to make a more serious confession.
Feet thudding against the ground, you ignored the shocks to your ankles and sprinted further. Dust clouds kicked up, but you clamped your mouth shut and ran, scanning across the black splatters of orcs’ blood and sheens of fallen blades. None of it stopped until you caught the sight of familiar braids, of black hair spilling out beneath a head trickling blood. “Bifur…” You whispered. He took your hand, gazing up at you with sad eyes. Muttered something faintly in Khuzdul…did you catch the word love? Your answer came in the way he leaned to press your forehead against his, ignoring the fresh wound and the axe still embedded in it. “I’ll take care of you,” you promised, “I love you.” Your lips met with all the passion of admission and promise and hope of recovery.
“Come on now, won’t you have a drink?” You reached out a hand, wrapping it around the tankard over Bofur’s own gloved fingers, though you didn’t accept it straightaway. Instead, you kept your hand where it was and leaned in over the liquor. “Are you trying to get me tipsy, sir?” You teased. “Why, what’ll you do if you do get tipsy?” Bofur shot back with a playful, lopsided grin. “Use your imagination,” you replied, loosening your grip on the tankard and subsequently Bofur’s hand. The dwarf, however, was not giving up so easily. “Well, as a tipsy person myself, I suppose I would imagine something like this.” Tugging your hand back into his, Bofur ignored the tankard completely in favor of pressing his lips to yours, his mustache tickling your cheeks as you surrendered to the reverie of his lips’ sweet dominance. When you finally pull away, you both wore his playful look. “Alright, now I’m trying to get you tipsier,” you told him.
“Wait, come back!” For a moment you thought you would finally get to thank the mysterious gifter of sweets, the one who left baskets of baked goods at the edges of your garden. Always tied with a different patterned bow, this time a gold-edged ribbon of maroon. Standing up, you’d made to follow the sound of footsteps only to see a form rounding the corner, just a wide bit of cloak trailing. “Please!” You turned around one way then whipped back the other when a skidding scraped the walls of your ears. Facing you was a very stocky, flaming-haired dwarf with his hands folded politely in front of him and rocking on his heels. "Since you said please," he said, his voice simple and sweet and a little bit scared. "I've really wanted to meet you," you told him, stepping forward, "To thank you." “Are you disappointed now?” Your gifter asked. “I promise I can do more than bake, I can fight, I will fight for-” Resting a hand on his shoulder, you shook your head. “You’re sweet enough for me just as you are. Never before have I had a secret admirer- someone who went to so much effort. That alone is amazing. Enough.” “You’re too sweet for me.” Pulling him closer by the hand upon his shoulder, you pressed a little kiss to his lips. “Just. Enough. Now, can I know my baker’s name?”
Of all the company members, only one of them supplied you with a spool of his own thread. Thick thread glittering with slivers of metallic sheen interwoven between lighter strips of the tiny cords. "So it matches the rest of my coat, you know," Dori explained, eyes flitting a bit sheepishly. "Ah," you set down your usual spool, a plainer brownish roll you'd just been using on one of Kili's pockets, "I see." You'd barely glanced up from your work, from ensuring you did not strike the thimble upon your finger, until you noticed the way Dori wouldn’t meet your eyes. “I…I know I’m a lot to deal with,” he said, “But it’s just that I know how I like things! I can’t help it.” “I do not think you’re a lot to deal with,” you replied, giving the dwarf your fully undivided attention, “I would be happy to deal with you.” The way his blue eyes widened, you could tell Dori was nowhere near expecting such a response, natural as it came to you. “Would you really?” “More than happy,” you added with a nod. “Well,” he fiddled with his hands, shifting closer to where you sat, “I would be more than happy to care for you in return.” “You already do,” you told him, eyelashes fluttering, “That is what I love about you.” Your allure got to Dori then, all glitter of threads fading in favor of your eyes, which he fell into, and your lips, which he leaned into.
“Get back here!” Chasing after Nori, you called out to the dwarf, who looked back over his shoulder with a cheeky grin. Of all things, he’d chosen to nick your undergarments, the fiend. Of course. Wheeling about, Nori ran up to a large rock and jumped up to the top of it, finally towering over you. He leaned down, your undergarments clutched triumphantly in his gloved hand as your noses nearly brushed. You could feel the warmth of his breath upon your face as you gazed upward, frown faltering and words failing at this new development. Nori, of course, still looked quite smug and had no trouble speaking. Remaining exactly where he was, he remarked, "Well, this is fun, isn't it?" "No," you answered, arms crossed, "It is not. Give those back!" "You're gonna have to make me, hm?" Fine. Two could play at that game. Frustration roiled in your chest, a fire burning as you eyes met Nori's. This whole charade had you quite ready to sacrifice whatever shred of dignity you had left to fight scoundrel with scoundrel. Taking the dwarf roughly by the collar, you yanked him into you and joined your lips. He fought back quickly, far less stunned and more passionate than you'd have expected. You were happy to escalate...at least until your hand slid down, felt his relax and drop the stolen article entirely. Jackpot. All but shoving Nori back, you mirrored his earlier smirk as you strode away, taking your turn to triumphantly brandish your undergarments. "Thank you, sir."
On the edge of your seat is the only phrase you could use to describe your position as you leaned over to watch Ori's work, the way his thick fingers slid so lightly over paper, creating shadows and the faintest of lines with subtle variations in that gentle pressure. Your eyes darted between his hand and his profile, staring as if keeping the focus in those brown eyes burning with the heat of your gaze. It is amazing that Ori can do that; you tell him as much. "Want to try?" He invites, profile swiveling to face you. "I can show you." You gave a nod, reaching out a hand in anticipation of pencil's weight. Thus it fell, but around your newly-filled palm his hand closed, coarse and warm fabric closing yours and lowering it to the paper. Several layered flushes of joy radiated through you as Ori glided you around, completing the lines of leaves upon a tree. "How's that?" An uncertain amount of time passed before he turned again to face you, this time inches from you given your shift and joined hands. "...Good?" The hitch of his breath and the quietening of his voice snapped something in you. Ori, too, for he leaned in and met you halfway through the inches, his lips connecting softly, joyously, to yours, only intensifying that soaring feeling.
"What's wrong?" "Can't sleep." "So you thought you'd bother me instead?" "Bother you?" You feigned offense. "Is that what my presence does?" "Your presence, no," Fili shook his head, "The way you keep kicking at my boots? Needless to say, yes." Grinning wickedly from your seated position, you gently darted out your foot to nudge his again, leading the dwarf to lean down to your level. "Do you want us all to get in danger? Is that it? I'm on watch, you know. You're risking the lives of all of us by distracting me." "Is that so?" "So it is." Nudge. This time, your foot slid along the length of his boot's side after you gave him your little kick. "That's it." Whirling around, mustache braids swishing with the motion, the golden-haired prince knelt down, his face inches from yours. "If you don't stop, I'll make you." Backing down was not in your vocabulary. "Make me," you commanded, voice low and expression smug and satisfied as ever. Before you could get another breath in Fili's lips were crashing onto yours, his facial hair tickling your cheeks in contrast to the hard, fast contact you made. His legs quickly wrapped around your waist, entrapping you beneath him as he cupped your cheeks in his hands, diving deeper and exploring your depths as far as he could for what felt like minutes until you finally parted for need of air. Fili's light blue eyes pierced yours intently, hungrily, as you stared back at him with much greater satisfaction than ever. "You're risking the lives of us all getting distracted," you repeated his words back to him, tracing a finger along one of his coat flaps. "I'll risk my life for you any day," Fili replied, cupping your cheek again and pulling you close, this time for a much slower, sweeter kiss that finally, finally, had you speechless.
“I’m bored,” you half-jokingly whined, eyes rolling back to look at Kili from the log you had draped yourself along. Straddling the log, he turned, leaning down to fix you with that glittering brown stare you loved. “What do you want me to do, hm?” Heart flipping, you swallowed, but painted a flippant smile across your face. “Entertain me.” “Entertain you?” He repeated, his own expression blooming with mischief. “Lot of ways I can do that.” “Well,” you crossed your arms, blood rushing to your head just as much from him as your upside-down position, “Choose one, then.” “Alright,” Kili hovered closer, his breath fanning your already-heated cheeks, “Let me know how this works, then.” The moment his lips crashed into yours, you responded, reaching up to tangle your fingers in his flowing black locks, which had a few leaves caught in them but still remained soft. As you gave them a little tug, Kili parted your lips for deeper entrance. You enjoyed your upside-down kiss right up to the moment you parted for breath, panting as he smirked down at you. “Still bored?”
Fog overtook the corners of your mind, dusting all your intents and purposes with a haze of questions. What were you doing in such a musty old place anyway? A voice at your side expressed a need for air. Why, you wondered as you jumped, startlement pumping pure adrenaline into your blood, were you with someone with a piece of axe blade protruding out of his head? Would the same happen to you? No, he was important, wasn't he? Think, think... Before you could get much thinking done, a hand clasped around yours. This time, the warm weight didn't have you jumping as far but it did pull you along, right along to the edges of the trees where you found yourself climbing after... Bilbo! Bilbo, the hobbit, the burglar, of course! The higher up you went, the more your lungs swelled and your head steadied with relief. How could you have been scared of sweet Bifur or not recognized Bilbo? Laughter sounded a bit above you; climbing faster, you burst from the treetops and squinted as you met the sun. Joined Bilbo's sweet mirth of relief and wonderment as light scattered over the clouds, illuminating the wings of gorgeous blue butterflies streaming out of the rustling leaves. "This is beautiful," you remarked, forgetting yourself and all the troubles of the forest as suddenly as they'd come on. "I'm glad you came with me," Bilbo told you softly. Turning away from the butterflies, you faced him only to see his grey eyes peering at you with the most utter sincerity. Had he drawn closer? A wave of emotion crashed over you, cresting as you closed the gap completely, feeling him gasp against your lips before he dove in himself. Sweet, gentlemanly, Bilbo never forced entry, his focus dedicated to a loving embrace of your lips alone. Giggling like a schoolchild as you pulled away, you grinned at the hobbit, whose expression you could only describe as starstruck. "I... am very glad you came with me," he remarked.
The king needed no advisors. Long had it been since he would have desired them, but concerns had grown and Thranduil did nothing if not care ruthlessly for his people. Thus, members of the nobility like yourself had come together as a council for the Woodland Realm’s ruler. Thranduil had been willing to listen, but your words grated against his like a block sharpening a blade; it seemed as though your every policy fought his in some way. Twice the meeting devolved into the two of you going back and forth across the table from your seats, which were quite unfortunately directly opposite one another. Such a scene it had felt to be that the king tarried in his room of council to speak to you at meeting’s end. “Do you take some form of issue with me?” Looking confident as you had in the meeting, you crossed your arms, smirking. “I take issue with your policies.” Thranduil must confess that in that moment he was shocked by the opposition, brows raising at your bold statement. “And you think you know what is best for our people?” “Maybe I do. They put me on your council, after all.” “You,” with great resounding taps the king crosses the room to stand before you, his face mere inches from yours, “would have us put at great risk right as we hit a point of prosperity.” “I would have us realize the threats at hand,” you replied cooly, tilting your head but balking not at all from the proximity. Thranduil moves ever so much closer, shaking his head and almost brushing his nose against yours with the motion. “Reckless warmongering.” “Hiding in fear,” you challenge back, smirking. “Do you wish to be shown your place?” “Do you need to ask?” A guard crossed briefly into the room, soft address of ‘my king’ dying upon his shortened breath at the sight of said ruler embroiled in a passionate battle for lingual dominance against one of his councilors.
You were never sure how the bowman felt about you. Certainly he was friendly and enjoyed spending time with you enough, but to what end? Perhaps you were doomed to live a life upon the edge of questioning. And yet the worst part was, you had yet to discover why you didn't entirely mind. Why, in fact, you found yourself in his barge once again, paddling out beyond the horizon of cobbled together buildings leaning into each other. Just as you could lean further into the thick brown furs of Bard's coat, perhaps even feeling it against your cheek as you lean against his shoulder. As it was, you simply stood at his invitation to take up steering, moving to the other side of the boat. Unbeknownst to you, however, Bard had left one of his fishing nets on the floor; shoe’s edge catching on the tightly connected loops of rope, you tumbled forward and made an unfortunate pitch into the cold lake. Swirling into the water and kicking back up through it did not last long, and soon Bard’s hand reached out to grab yours and pull you back into shivering safety. “Are you hurt?” He asked, hands hovering over your folded legs, the ankle you’d caught. Heart swelling over the look of concern in his dark eyes, all you could do was shake your head. Folding himself, Bard dropped to his knees at your side. “Good. I was worried about you.” “You were?” You asked dumbly, ready to blame shock over such a foolish question. You needed not, though, could not- not when his lips fell immediately upon yours.
Neighbors minded their own business. This was a simple fact of making one's home out in the far woods, out also where more and more orcs and foul things had begun to roam. Thus you had always been left to wonder who the owner of the wonderful cottage you passed by was, never seeing a single soul beyond the great deal of livestock and pleasantly plump bees flitting about the immaculately-tended flowers. Was it a woman? A man? Some sort of trap like in the old tales where places and faces so fair were always the deadliest? But who, then, would be twisted enough to craft a trap so admittedly perfect in your mind... Such thoughts did not penetrate the desperation clouding your mind the day your beloved cow, the one you'd had from a young age, strained with the aching struggle of a birth gone wrong, your feet carrying you straight to your neighbor's door. If she died, you would lose a major source of subsistence alongside one of your few friends in the whole lonely woods. The look in her big brown eyes was all you could see as you rapped on the door, your look of pleading meeting yet another big brown stare, this time upon a man with a stern face and a great mass of brown hair. Brows furrowed in confusion and perhaps slight annoyance as they were, he had no chance to speak ill before you were begging him to come help your cow, you'd seen the shape his were in after all and you could tell they were loved, please, you needed his strength- she did. The unspoken promise that the man would see you this once, then never again, hung in the air as you led him to your home, to your pasture, to the dear friend whose life he saved. “Thank you, truly,” you told him as he made to leave, “You may not wish it, but you are welcome here anytime.” Before he could say anything, you leaned up to press a kiss to his cheek. Not realizing, of course, that he was turning his head, connecting your lips for the briefest of moments before you stared at him wide-eyed. “You might see me again,” he told you with a small, wry smile.
Taglist: @lokilover476 @fuckyoumakeart @kilibaggins @filiswingman @ibabblealot @stormchaser819 @pirate-lord-of-narnia @datglutengoblin @letmelickyoureyeballs @mossyskinn @wordbunch @tiny-and-witchy @th3-st4r-gur1 @fleurdemiel-145 @mistresskayla-blog1 @misabelle717 @h0n3y-l3m0n05 @evattude @noodlesduck @kpopgirlbtssvt | Reply/Message/Ask to join 🖤
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starglitterz · 5 months
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❝ hey, pretty stranger, i think you look cute! can i get your number? i wanna know you. // cute encounters with genshin guys on the bus.  ❞
✧ feat ; childe, heizou, xiao x gn!reader ✧ warning(s) ; childe’s can be viewed as platonic ✧ a/n ; so i think the bus at my university is like. a meet-cute spot for me or something HAHAHA here are a couple of drabbles based on my irl experiences <3 ! shout out to my one irl that has to listen to me being delusional all the time LOL ur a real one (she’s never going to see this). also the title has no relation to the fic at all sorry i just could not think of a title for the life of me so i just went with a random vocaloid song JDSJDJS ok bye i hope u enjoy this!!
please reblog w tags + leave comments ! it rlly makes my day :)
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✦ CHILDE. [ tartaglia ]
“childe? is that you?” you grin, leaning over the back of your seat as you realise who’s sitting behind you, “i didn’t know you take the bus back too!” his face cracks into a wide beam upon noticing you, “y/n! hi! i do sometimes when i’m too tired to walk.” and just like that, the two of you start talking excitedly – you’re classmates, though you aren’t too close you both still consider each other friends, and it’s nice to have someone to talk to instead of staring out the window at the rain with your earphones plugged in to pretend you’re in a music video. 
somehow, the conversation turns to birthdays, and as childe asks when yours is, you smirk, “it’s today!” you swear his blue eyes open so big you’re worried they might just tumble out of his head as he gasps, “what?! today?! so you’re turning a year older today?!” “yeah!” you nod, giggling at his exaggerated reaction. “nah, you’ve got to come here so i can wish you properly,” he shakes his head seriously, and you tilt your head in confusion, “there’s someone sitting beside you already though…”
you shouldn’t have doubted the one and only tartaglia for even a moment, because the next second, he turns to the man beside him with zero hesitation and gives them the most blinding persuasive smile ever, “hey! would you mind switching seats with my friend over there? it’s their birthday, and i really want to wish them!” “childe!” you scold, heat rushing to your face at his casual confession to this total stranger, “stop disturbing random people!” “but it’s your birthday!” he replies innocently, ocean eyes gleaming aquamarine. the man beside him seems a little confused by childe’s demeanour, but he’s probably more scared of what his reaction would be if he said no, so he nods, “sure, i guess…” and as the bus rattles along its familiar route, you switch places with the stranger, profuse thanks spilling from your lips before you fix childe with a scolding gaze. 
“hey, it worked!” he raises his hands in surrender, only to quickly grasp yours and shake it heartily, “happy birthday, comrade!” you laugh, shaking your head, “you’re so silly. thank you, childe.” you both hide your chuckles as you joke about the poor guy that had to switch with you, and you tease and banter with each other all the way to the train station.
✦ SHIKANOIN HEIZOU. [ analytical harmony ]
it has been a long day. not necessarily bad, but one of those days where the universe seems to be conspiring against you to make every small thing go wrong enough to get on your nerves. right now, you’re at your wits end as you stumble onto the bus, sending the bus driver a sheepish smile when your card only buzzes on the third tap. your eyes scan the interior – almost all of the seats are occupied, and your friend has skipped ahead to sit with someone else she knows. 
but your gaze stops short on a maroon-haired guy looking out the window, and with an internal cheer you realise that the seat next to him is empty and quickly slide into it. now that you’re closer, you notice that he’s actually quite handsome; all fluffy maroon hair and forest green eyes with a few moles dotted across his pale skin. you’re so busy staring that you don’t realise he’s trying to tell you something until he clears his throat. “y-yeah?!” you stutter in surprise at his sudden attempt at conversation. that was a dumb reply. now you’re staring at him with wide eyes as he softly asks, “um, is that your wallet?”
you look at the floor where he’s pointing, only to realise with horror: that is your wallet! “oh… hahaha, that is mine. thank you,” you’re ninety percent sure you are giving off the worst first impression of all time with your stupid responses. it’s almost like you’ve never spoken to another human being in your life. and what’s with your outfit?! of course the one day you don’t dress up is the day you end up sitting next to the world’s cutest stranger. as you bend down to pick up your wallet, you silently curse your unlucky stars. you dropped your purse in front of a cute guy! can this day get any worse?! 
famous last words.
because two seconds later, you’re trying to sit up straight again, and you hit your head on the hard back of the seat in front of yours. even worse, you groan loudly, “ow!” “holy archons… are you okay?” the stranger beside you gasps, although as you rub your head and look at them, it’s pretty obvious that they’re trying to hold back laughter. you’re torn between laughing or crying your eyes out, but the humour of the absolutely idiotic situation you’re in kicks in and you end up giggling even as you’re wincing in pain, “i’m fine, thank you… i promise i’m not usually this clumsy.” “really?” he quirks an eyebrow with a teasing smile, “could’ve fooled me.” “hey!” you pout, folding your arms across your chest in playful offence, “i know i might have just made the worst first impression ever, but i swear i’m a lot cooler!” “i’ll be the judge of that,” his gaze softens and he tilts his head, “i’m heizou, by the way.” “i’m y/n! let’s restart this whole thing – it’s nice to meet you!”
luckily for you, the bus is stuck in traffic, and the two of you end up talking about everything under the sun on the long journey to the train station. you aren’t certain if he’s convinced that you’re cool yet, but you’ll definitely keep working on it – even if it’s only to see the way his cute dimples appear whenever his features crease into a smile at your jokes. 
✦ XIAO. [ vigilant yaksha ]
it’s been a tiring day of an exhausting course. but at the very least, you’ve got your new friend to complain to as the two of you wait for the bus. “you know, i was so glad you asked me to join your group!” you grin at xiao, adjusting your tote bag. “it’s no big deal… you were alone, so i thought you could join us,” he gives you a soft smile, jade streaks of hair framing his face as they peek out from under his dark cap. “yeah, but still! it’s so difficult to make friends when the classes are so huge, so it was really nice of you.” “that’s true. you’re the first person i’m talking to outside class,” he nods in agreement. his casual statement makes you remember that you’re a professional yapper and you panic, “oh! by the way, if i’m talking too much, just tell me to shut up! i talk a lot, so that’s totally fine.” he chuckles, and his response makes a happy smile grace your lips, “no, it’s okay. i prefer listening, so it’s fine if you talk a lot.” so talk is what you do until the bus finally rumbles into the bus stop. 
the constant bumping of the bus on the rough roads combined with the soothing noise of the rain tapping against the window makes you drowsy, and you turn to xiao, “if i fall asleep before we reach the train station, you better wake me up, okay? don’t abandon me on the bus and just go home!” the corner of his lips quirk up into what might be a teasing smile, “no promises.” but when he sees your distraught expression, he reassures you, “just kidding. i’ll wake you up.” “okay…” you mumble a response, and within a few seconds, you’re asleep, head lolling forward as the bus continues along. you don’t usually fall asleep on public transport, far too worried that you’ll miss your stop and end up on the other end of teyvat, but with xiao beside you, you’ve got nothing to worry about, right?
you’re in the middle of a very nice dream when you hear xiao’s soft voice calling you, “y/n?” and his tone is so gentle, like he didn’t want to startle you, that it almost makes your heart beat right out of your chest. you stretch a little, eyes flickering open before sliding shut again, “mmm…” “we’re almost there,” he murmurs. and there it is again, that soft, gentle voice that you swear sounds like honey. you’re almost going to pass out, and definitely not from sleepiness. “okay… i’m awake.” you manage a smile, and he tilts his head almost worriedly, “don’t fall asleep on the train.” “i won’t!” you grin widely as you hop off the bus, hoping that shows how you’re 100% awake right now, and he smiles, “okay then, i’ll see you tomorrow.” 
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bahaha these are very messy but i just needed to get these out of my system before i went insane i think i should take the bus more often 😋 also yes these are all 100% experienced by yours truly and have not even been exaggerated for the sake of this fic // general masterlist
© starglitterz 2024. do not repost or modify in any way - reblog and leave comments if you enjoyed !
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Can I request a self aware au where the player has siblings watching them play. Azul, Leona and vil please, thank you for your time.
Self-aware au
I do not take any responsibility for you reading this no matter which age group you are from!
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, family problems, obsession, manipulation
Leona Kingscholar/Azul Ashengrotto/Vil Schoenheit-Younger sibling watches whilst you play
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So you also got a small annoyance (his words, not mine)
Leona loves his nephew to bits but does he have to be so annoying??!
Every single time the little rascal visits him there is no place and way for him to close his eyes to rest, or rather not one in which the young lion wouldn't jump in his stomach
And then one day when he had a peaceful evening, no surprise visit from his family he felt another set of eyes on him
Hm? This wasnt you or at least he thought because then you would have had to grow another set of eyes
And then he dared a glimpse up at you and saw that indeed it was someone else there with you, a slightly smaller set
Then he heard another voice in his head as well
“What are you playing? Can I play it too?” “Sure a few twistunes wouldn't hurt but don't you dare to click on that mirror.” “Why?” “Because you know my luck and those diamonds are hard to-NO DON’T YOU DARE!”
Leona is more than just familiar with this kind of banter
So even someone like you has a sibling
This is either a good thing or a bad thing
Leona has been planning to use Draconia for a while now to get you into their world
So if he could also get that sibling of yours and hold them over your head then you would never be able to leave him
But then again there is a possibility they are like Checka and he really doesn't want a second one
*Sigh* decision decisions...
Perhaps he should practice his courtesy to make sure he keeps his calm when the time comes...
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The Overseer, their all-knowing gaze is always falling upon these lands...
And why is that second pair of eyes looking like they are thinking of pasta?
Azul is confused
The young man has studied many books about you and there was never mentioned that there is some other entity besides you watching over them
“So how does this work?” “Ok you take this and...”
They do sound rather young and like they are close to you... are they your sibling?
If it wasn't you and some other famous person he would have sold the information right now but how could he do that in this situation?
Once again, it's you
And he can sometimes feel a different pull as if someone else is handling them for a short while
But you always will be the one for him he will admire, not some other person who didn't care and know them
But he might be able to use this situation
Most siblings like their younger one's at least a bit, right?
So why not be the perfect big brother for them (even though it's only through voice lines) and make him their favorite of this world
Soon your younger sibling tells you that the nice octopus is so cool which also makes you look at him more
Is that a smirk that you see?
Azul is in a brutal competition with the others to win you for himself and if he has to play dirty and use your sibling then he will do exactly that
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*hissing noise*
Who dares to take a spot beside you?
Who dares to question your authority over this world whenever they take control for a short time?
Vil doesn't even have the idea that maybe this other person could be close to you
Only after many weeks and overheard conversations he understands that they are a family member of yours
So unlike the Queen you get along with your family? Well that is certainly great
But even like that they aren't as wonderful as you, not as graceful, perfect
In fact, he feels pretty unnerved by their presence
Also, they are taking the little one-to-one time you two have away from him!
But he keeps his calm
How disappointing it would be if he would refuse their presence out of pettiness?
He is aiming to be as perfect like you are after all
And... if that means a little sibling also being in the picture then so be it
Whenever it is just the two of them he has to take deep breaths because IT SHOULD BE YOU SITTING THERE
At least they said to you that he is pretty
Maybe there is some good to them after all...
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bullet-prooflove · 11 months
Executive Decision - Alden Parker x Reader
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Tagging: @sarakafarrah @mandy426  @crazy4chickennuggets @kmc1989 @oureternalbond
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Alden knows when something going on with you. Sometimes you don’t see each other for a couple of days when a case gets hot. It’s the way of the job. You always check in, the same way he does. When you don’t respond to his texts, he decides to take a trip a few floors down to the Family & Sexual Violence Department where you head up your own team specialising in Adult Sexual Assaults.
The Navy’s version of SVU, he calls it.
The number of sexual assaults has gone up by 6% since the COVID restrictions were eased, 50% percent were perpetrated by colleagues, which means other sailors. Alden finds those stats harrowing. He’s just glad that the victims have you on their side.
It’s a bad one, he can tell because you’re not at your desk. He checks in on the purple orchid he got you for your birthday, rubbing the leaves between his thumb and forefinger. It’ll need pruning soon; he’d promised he’d show you how to do it at the weekend. He’s sure you’ll find it as meditative as he does. A little bit of Zen in your line of work wouldn’t hurt anyone.
He seeks you out, his gaze coming to land on the conference room. He can see you through the blinds, your earbuds in your ears, your hair pulled away from your features. You’re scribbling something onto a notepad.
You don’t look up when he enters, you’re too absorbed in the interview you’re listening to. It isn’t until he puts his hand on your shoulder that you realise he’s there.
“Easy,” He says softly when you jerk at his touch. “It’s just me.”
His thumb ghosts over the nape of your neck, rubbing the tension out of the muscle. You groan under his touch, and he smiles before taking the seat beside you and reviewing the white board. He understands now why you’ve been so pre-occupied.
Six victims, each image progressively more harrowing.
“I guess that explains why you’ve been MIA over the past couple of days.” He says before he turns to face you.
There’s dark circles underneathe your eyes, they look red rimmed and a little raw. His gaze strays to the bin in the corner, filled with empty take out cups piled haphazardly on top of one another.
“When was the last time you slept?” He asks you. “Or had a meal?”
You give him that look, and he already knows the answer. Two days ago, the last time you stayed over at his place. He’s made love to you in the shower that morning before serving you Napolitanas de chocolate from the Spanish bakery on the corner. You’d been in a rush by the time you’d left, a call had come in. You’d taste liked chocolate and powdered sugar when you kissed him goodbye.
“OK I’m making an executive decision and busting you out of here.” He tells you, holding up a finger when you open your mouth to argue. “You’re tired and running on terrible coffee fumes; I’m taking you back to my place where I can cook you something and make sure you get a good night’s sleep.”
You sigh, your gaze straying back to the whiteboard.
“Sweetheart.” He says, clasping your jaw lightly in his hand before he guides your attention back to him. “You’re no good to anyone if you’re exhausted. Isn’t that what you’re always telling me?”
“I know you’re right.” You tell him, looking into his eyes. He can see the fatigue in them, the weight that the burden of this case has set upon your shoulders.
“It’s hard. I know how tough it is.” He tells you, his thumb ghosting along your jawline. “You feel like if you take a break you’re letting them down somehow, but you’re not. You’re going to rest so that you can come back tomorrow and give them your best.”
He leans in close, his forehead coming to rest upon yours. He hates seeing you run yourself down like this, he knows how a case can get under your skin, how it can prickle at your nerves like a barb, make you a little unhinged. He’s been there and he doesn’t want that for you.
 “Let me take care of you tonight.” He requests his lips brushing over yours. “Let me look after you, the way you look after me.”
Love Alden? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
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Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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slashingdisneypasta · 8 months
The Dragon Greasypop ask as promised!
Kindaaaa NSFW? Lots of mentions of the benefits of their relationship.
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- Ok so, I can imagine their relationship blossomed similarly as it would in the OG AU. Wheezy isn't around to comfort Poppy, nor Stupid. But Poppy finds Greasy instead. Looking just as worn and upset as she feels. Their relationship has been improving, so Poppy decides to approach the Dragon and ask him what's wrong. And with how intuitive he is, he can tell there's something bugging her too. One thing leads to another, they find out how lonely they're both feeling, and they're relation to wanting intimacy. Greasy suggests- actually suggests, not hounding her down like before- they could spend the night together. And this time, Poppy doesn't find it in herself to turn him down (Greasy turned her into a monsterfucker that night XD)
- Despite their mutual desire for each other and her curiosity, Poppy is still hesitant about him trying to actually stick it in her. So for a while at least, they start off just sticking to oral and touches. Greasy is working on making her come (pun intended) around to it slowly, but surely.
- "Princessa! You have nothing to fear. I know exactly what I'm doing~~" "You don't understand. That is what I'm concerned and confused about, mister-"
- When Greasy sees she's thinking about her husband back home, about how she's broken her vows, he'll distract her by giving her little reminders of how good he is to her. A nuzzle or cheek stroke if they're in front of the others (which catches the others off guard; Poppy used to avoid Greasy and now she's letting him touch her??), giving her dragon kisses when it's just them, etc. She doesn't want to admit it, but it dies work most of the time.
- I see you headcannon of Greasy protecting/watching Poppy when she's changing, and I raise you; Greasy personally taking Poppy to the lake near their home when she wants to wash herself. It's just them, he's mainly making sure no predators or other humans stumble upon her while she's in such a vulnerable state... But they both know he could easily accomplish that without settling himself so close by and facing the lake with a dirty, smug smirk. She's very flustered, but has given up on trying to get him to turn around at this point (also knows by now that he won't really hurt her. The worst he'll do is make her burn up without using his flames), so she just tries to ignore his smoldering gaze and finish her bath. (... Though sometimes, if she's in the mood, his eyes on her make her feel more excited than she wants to admit. And has pondered taking her time during these times)
And finally, a little excerpt of Poppy dealing with In Heat!Dragon!Greasy.
The princess felt no fear as she approached the chained up beast, despite the pure lust in his dilated pupils and how his struggling intensified. She knew he couldn't hurt her right now, not with his snout and claws held back by the metal links. She only told Stupid where she was going to be; the others wanted to be left alone now. So even if things went horribly wrong, at least someone knew where to find her.
But Poppy didn't think it's would come down to that. She knew Greasy was hurting badly right now, but she was certain he wouldn't hurt her. Even if he somehow broke free from his restraints. She trusted him.
"Shh, shh. It's ok, Greasy." Her voice was caring and soft. She wondered if he could even hear her through the rattling metal and how his body slammed against the stone floor. But she continued, taking cautious steps closer when she determined his claws weren't breaking free, "I know. I know you're aching. It'll be ok."
She flinched back when the green beast actually growled in response. But she took a deep breath, and shook it off. He wasn't in his right mind right now, he didn't mean anything by it, "Greasy..."
When she knelt beside his head, she could feel the intense heat radiating off of his skin before she even touched him. She had no clue how a dragon could survive such strong temperatures, but she pushed those thoughts back for now. She had to focus on her friend. She tried to stroke the bridge of his nose soothingly, looking into his hazy brown eyes. She could see him pleading without words to just let him touch her. To just shed her dress or let him tear it off and come closer still. If it weren't for how pained he looked right now, Poppy would have felt the heat only he could pull from her bloom between her legs, "Shh, shh shh. I'm here. You'll get through this. I know you can."
Although in the back of his head, Greasy knew what Poppy was trying to do. But right now, it just felt like torture to just know of her existence in this castle. God damn it. Why did those bastards have to chain his jaws together, too?? If he could just dip his tongue into that perfect slit between her legs. That would be his saving grace now- Oh fuck, the way she caressed him delicately, like she was afraid to break him? Her big eyes filled with concern and care?? Fuck, I made his dripping cock throb (he didn't want any pups... But fuck, the sweet princess would be perfect to mother anyone's children, wouldn't she? Damn it damn it damn
But she wasn't here for that. She was just trying to comfort him. Granted in a way he didn't want right now. But she was doing her best... At least he wasn't alone right now. This was better than knowing she was somewhere else.
Poppy's brows furrowed when she heard her friend whimper up at her, showing how hard this really was for him despite the rampant desire radiating from him. He wanted her around, even if it may hurt to not be able to touch her. She almost leaned down to kiss his nose, but she restrained herself. That would certainly make things worse, "Shh, it's ok. I'm right here. I'll be here as long as I can. I promise."
Oooook that turned more NSFW than I intended 😅😅 I wrote this in a hurry before my shift started, so I hope that this is at least decent 😅
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I love- I love- I l o v e platonic sexual Greasypop AGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!
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igotanidea · 2 years
Gritty - sweetbitter fanfiction (Jake x OC) : chapter 4
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chapter 1 : Welcome to new York
chapter 2 : If we ever meet again
chapter 3 : Bruises
Chapter 4
Get out of my life
Just because I say that I miss you Doesn’t mean that I should ever see you again Though we have some similar issues But that don’t mean we’re friends Get out of my life, Little Hurt
Travelling in New York is always a challenge. Public transport is a menace and crowded streets doesn’t make it any better for those who choose a car. Therefore, the best and sometimes the fastest way to get to your destination point is simply on foot or by bike. However, you need to remember that the fastest doesn’t equal the safest.
It was my fourth day in Howard’s restaurant and the week was almost over. According to Will surviving those first days without drama was quite the accomplishment. I guess he spoke too soon.
On this particular day, which was unusually warm and sunny for this season of the year, I made a decision of retrieving the bike from the basement and remind myself how to use it, since it’s been a while from my last trip. Of course, safety came first so all dressed up in my bike shorts, helmet and a pair of shin pads I got ready to get to work. Weaving between the pedestrians, cars and every other possible obstacle I did my best not to be late, but it was hard because of all the stubborn lights, that changed way too fast for my journey to went smooth. In conclusion, I had to pick up the pace and completely forgot to focus on the environment and surroundings. The only thing in my mind was making it on time.
“Watch out!” before I could do anything I found myself on the ground with unpleasant and painful pounding coming from my bottom and back.
“Ouch” I muttered desperately trying to look dignified and to massage the hurt part of my body.
“Are you all right?”
“What do you think I am?” I felt humiliated and what made it even worse was that the whole accident happened in front of my workplace and Sasha (of course, who else) was just outside, smoking, so had perfect vision of all that happened “why didn’t you pay attention?”
“Me?” the guy asked “I’m sorry princess, but you were the one to get lost in your mind and cut in. Do you have any idea on how to travel through New York?”
“Listen, you…..” I started taking a step towards him, but then felt something hot dripping from my temple “Oh, shit”. Upon closer inspection it turned out that my helmet, which was supposed to protect me worked the other way round. During the hit it tilted and hurt my head to the point when it started bleeding “you see what you did, you idiot! You just caused me a health issue….”
“Hey, Mystery!” Sasha evidently had enough of this shit show and took the action “That is enough, dear, let’s get you inside and patched up, before you draw blood in retaliation”. He grabbed my hand trying to pull me inside.
“Let go off me Sasha, I am not done with him!”
“You are, honey. Come with me, I don’t want to hear any no coming from you. As for you” he turned to the guy “go before she becomes a beast.”
The biker just shrugged and was quick to follow Sasha’s advice leaving me angry and disappointed.
“You know I was handling this shit” I entered the job place with hands crossed over my chest.
“Mackie? Oh my god, what happened to you?”
Shit. Of course that with my visible injury I was a second before turning into a daily event and a subject of talk between the entire stuff.
“I am fine, Will. Really, it’s nothing”
“You know, you keep saying that all the time, but….”
“Mackie” – Tess looked above Will’s shoulder, squinting her eyes “are you ok?”
“Guys, seriously…..” I whined hiding my face in hands in embarrassment. Being the center of attention, how I love that.
“Everyone just let the girl breathe.“ Sasha waved his hand  trying to make some space “we got a casualty here”.
“Casualty?” Will took a step forward “are you dizzy? Concussed? Look me in the eyes.” He commanded and I had to follow. What I saw in his gaze was pure concern and care and sympathy. I swear, if he wasn’t after Tess I would still him for myself. I had a deficiency of nice guys in my life.
“Sasha is overreacting” I patted his arm reassuringly, almost like he needed it more than I did “I just need a minute and I’m ready for work, I swear”.
“Let’s get you cleared up then” Simone appeared out of nowhere with a first aid kit “Just not here in plain view. We don’t need unnecessary drama”
“Sasha seems to be enjoying it” I muttered
“Are you?” Simone eyed me carefully.
“You know I hate being the first fiddle, Simone”
“Oh, yes, that I do” she laughed wholeheartedly and for a second she was the girl I remembered her from the past. Free of all the drama, understatements and the tension.  “Come with me to the back, I’ll help you”
“I’ll do it” Jake was faster, intercepting the kit from her hands leaving us both surprised. “You coming or what?” he nodded his head urging me to move forward. Why did I have the feeling like this would turn to be the talk of the stuff? “Just act professional.” I thought to myself.
“Mackie.” Will stepped in front of me before I crossed the door “If you don’t want to with him…. “
“Cut the protectiveness Will, ok? I’m a big girl, I can handle myself”
“But if….”
“I know, I know. We’ll talk later ok, I promise. Unless you really do want me to faint?” I smirked and with that he let go of my hand. “Good boy.”
“Sit” Jake pulled forward the chair using his foot.
“Charming” I muttered rolling my eyes 
“You know I’m not. Never was.”
“That is not what I remember”
“Then what do you remember?” he crouched in front of me, using hydrogen peroxide to clean m wound and the sudden sting made me hissed “Sorry”
“Don’t mention. I’m not used to this, you know”.
“Yeah, I know” – he lifted right corner of the mouth “I recall you running away every time I tried to dress your cuts when we were ….. “ he didn’t finish the sentence letting the rest hang between us like an axe.
“Right, when we were ….” I hang my head, trying desperately to avoid his gaze.
“Hey” – he lifted my chin with his index finger forcing me to look up “what do you remember from….”
From the time when we were together. That was what he was going for. What do I remember? Both too much and not enough. After our breakup I spend a lot of time trying to wipe off the memories, but funny thing about them is that they are carved inside your brain and just a simple gesture like a smile or touch of hand can bring them all back. Did I want it? Absolutely not. Definitely not. Maybe not….. Or maybe….
“I remember Cape Cod” I said “our favorite spot on the pier, the wind in my hair and how carefree we were at that time. Guess it’s true what they say about time changing people, right?”
“Kestrel, I …. “
“No, shh, don’t. Don’t say anything, please.”
“But I …..”
“Jake.” I warned “I don’t need a trip down the memory lane. And neither do you. It’s gone, all right?”
“Right. If that’s what you want.”
“Work relation, ok?”
“Sure” he shrugged “whatever”
“I’m glad we have that clear. Thank you for your help. Now I have to go back to my duties” I stood up a bit to abruptly and loose my balance nearly falling to the floor. “You are a bad nurse, Jake” I smiled lightly which caused him to snort.
“Get out Mackie, go back to Will. Surely he will keep you busy.” was that jealousy in his voice?
“What do you mean?” I tilted my head not sure what was his intention
“Nothing” he muttered passing through me and getting back to the bar without another glance.
“ You are still an asshole, you know?!” I called after him making sure it was loud enough for him to hear it.
The service was crazy. Crazier than usual. Rumor has it that we had a surprise visitor in the person of culinary critic who could either take the restaurant to the next level or put the skids under us. Scott was frantic, yelling at everyone in the kitchen, his mind spinning and his perfectionism getting the best of him. It was nearly impossible to work with him today.
“Service” he yelled at Ari, who clearly was also struggling with something
“Oh, get lost Scott. Why is it always me you are yelling at? Maybe the star of the show should take my place since you think of her so greatly?!”
“Maybe I should!”
“Than do so!”
“Guys! Calm down, stop screaming at each other” Tess tried her best to pacify those two
“I don’t know what is happening here, but the echoes of your conversation can be heard at the front” well, if Howard decided to pay us a visit we surely were in trouble “cut it. Now.”
“Sure, Howard” Ari smiled with the widest grin I have ever seen in my entire life “I will cut it. Provided you tell this asshole to loosen his pants” – with an angry scoff she grabbed the plate and rushed off to the guests.
“What is wrong with her today?” Tess asked Heather who was just passing by.
“I honestly don’t know. And I don’t have time for it now, Tess.”
“Perhaps she forgot to take her pill” Sasha interposed.
“I think I need a minute. I feel a bit overwhelmed with everything.” Tess looked at me, her face pale.
“Go, Tess. Take a break, I can handle this for a while. Take some air, a few deep breaths and be right back.”
“Thanks, Mackie.”
She was quick to take a back door leading outside and I could hear her uneven panting. Poor girl still had so much to learn about dealing with stress and work pressure.
“Mackie. Drop the dishes for a second, and come with me” Howard grabbed my elbow from behind “I want your opinion on something”.
“My opinion? What happened about no special treatment? And what happened to warning while standing behind someone?”
“Behind you” he rolled his eyes not paying much attention to what I was saying “You are like the smartest person here, so we still stick to that rule, but I need you. Come on”
He lead me out of the kitchen towards the front, making me stand by the bar and motioned his head towards our special guest, who was being taken care of by Ari and Heather.
“What do you think of her behavior, Mack?”
“I’m sorry?”
 “You can read most people like an open book, so tell me, does she like it here or not?”
“I….” – honestly I felt like suffocating. I mean, I was capable of reading body language and face movements, observe and draw conclusion, but not with Howard demanding it right on the spot. All of a sudden everything just seemed like too much. All the noises, voices, demands, the pace, the expectations of me. A panic attack was the last thing I needed at this moment. “I….” I gasped desperately trying to draw breath “I think…..”
“Breathe, Mackie. Just breathe” before I realized Jake was behind me, whispering softly and touching my hand “you can do this. In and out.”
“I know.” I exhaled deeply, secretly grateful for his sudden support. Another memory came right to me.
“I’m scared. What if I can’t do this?” I was standing in front of the classroom where in a second I was about to start writing an admission test. This was supposed to determine whether I will get a scholarship or not and that single though made it harder to breathe.
“Of course you can do this. You have been preparing for this for like half a year, Mack. Why sudden doubts?” Simone asked in confusion
“Jitters, I suppose”
“Hey, look at me” she firmly grabbed my arms “you can do this, ok? I believe in you. And you should do the same. We will be waiting for you here when you are done with it, all right? Keeping our fingers crossed. If you get scared or nervous just try to think about our intangible and undying support. I’m going to save us places, we are not the only supporters here. Coming Jake?”
“In a second” he didn’t move the slightest, eyes fixed on me, even despite the fact I was looking at the ground.
“Right. A kiss for good luck, isn’t it?” she smiled “good luck , Mackie. Break a leg”.
“Why do I have a feeling like she really want me to break a leg?” I turned around, my back to Jake so he wouldn’t see me shaking a bit.
“That’s bullshit, Mack” – his hands sneaked over my waist from behind pulling me close to his chest. The warmth coming from his body enveloping me and calming me down a little. “And even if so, you still have me” – he whispered into my ear, mouth brushing over my cheek “Breathe, just breathe. It’s gonna be fine….Follow me. Inhale” I took some air into my lungs “and exhale. Good girl.” Oh, shit. He only called me that in some specific situations and this was not calming me anymore. If anything I felt the fire taking over my whole body and my shirt made it even worse as his fingers swiftly moved the hem and  brushed over my bare skin.
“Stop it” I tried to yank myself free of his embrace “that is not helping.”
“I think it does” he smirked not letting go “your energy just went somewhere else.”
“You are an asshole, Jake, you know that?”
“Your asshole.”
“Still. An asshole. I think I will have to take action to prevent such behavior in the future.”
“Well, can’t wait for that” he whispered in a low voice his eyes darkening “and now, just breathe.”
“Thanks for reminding me of that. But what about my kiss?” I pouted
“With people watching? I though you weren’t a fan of PDA?” - he mocked
“Since when do you care about the audience?”
“I don’t.” he spun me around and crashed his lips on mine, literally making me forget about the people, the place where we were, the stress, the test…. Everything. It was just him and me. My body started acting on itself and I wanted him closer and closer and closer. He took a step forward and I was now caged between a wall and his body. This was like the sweetest trap I have even been in and truly, I never wanted to get out. His hands moved a bit lower grabbing my hips and playing with the hem of my shirt, occasionally touching bare skin and making me shiver. And since two could play the game I fiddled with his hair, a little gesture that always turned him on. I could stay like this forever, not that he was intending of letting me go. Unfortunately, one of the teachers finally notices our little “good luck kiss” and broke it without any warning.
“Miss Wilson! What do you think you are doing?”
“Nothing.” the rebel in me didn’t even bother to acknowledge her.
“This is not the time. Or, more importantly, the place!” she exclaimed “now, fix yourself, the test is about to start” she pulled me by the hand “and you, young man, I suggest focus on school instead of distracting our most prominent student.”
Jake just smirked, his eyes sparkling with this too-appealing “bad-boy” attitude. Too bad he had a bad reputation in the neighborhood. I couldn’t hold back a smile but hid it with biting my lower lip and knew well enough the sight made his blood boil.
“Break a leg, Kestrel. We will celebrate later.”
Oh, just let me start and finish the test and I’ll show you the definition of the word.
End of flashback
Inhale and exhale.
“Well?” Howard was growing impatient in anticipation for my answer
“Honestly, it doesn’t take a genius to read through her. If you weren’t so uptight you will see it yourself.”
“Mackie!” Howard scoffed me, now angered “don’t play with me!”
“Fine. She’s got an open posture, you see, her shoulder are back and she’s facing Ari and Heather. No crossed arms or possibly ankles, but I cannot quite see it from the distance.”
“Anything more?”
“Yes, but I think Jake should get back to work and not hover over my shoulder. It’s annoying.” I turned my head to look at him and Howard was quick to follow my gaze. Clearly his tunnel vision made him omit this little detail that one of his bartenders halted the job.
“Why are you here, Jake? Don’t you have guest to serve?”
“I’m learning ” he spat
“Since when are you so eager on getting any knowledge?”
“Since now “ he frowned ready for confrontation. Knowing both my ex and my uncle this could get ugly. The best chance I had was getting Nicky’s attention. Even though I normally don’t do this, a desperate person resort to desperate measures. Using my injury as an excuse, faking another wave of dizziness I quickly reached the other bartender under false pretense of getting a glass of water.
“Nicky, I need a favor” I muttered taking a sip.
“Sure, what’ up kiddo?” of course, the nickname made me grind my teeth, but it was not the time for it.
“See those two?” I motioned toward Jake and Howard “at dagger’s drawn”
“Nothing new. Their relation was always intense, Jake’s not exactly Howard’s favorite.”
“Yeah, do tell” I mocked “Why they don’t like each other?”
“Don’t like? That’s an understatement. I’ll tell you about it if you want.”
“Not now, but later - gladly. Can you just make Jake busy while I occupy Howard?”
“ No problem. Even if I don’t think Howard will take any action in front of the guests.”
“I’d rather hedge my bets. “ I shook my head “Thanks Nicky, I owe you one”
“You good?” Jake asked when I came back
“Yeah, yeah, sure, I think Nicky needs you, so off you go” – I pushed him towards the other end of the bar.
“We’ll discuss this later, Jake” Howard fixed his glasses
“Can’t wait” the other man hissed.
I’m working with a bunch of kids of a men.
“So, anything else about our guest, Mackie?”
“Well….” I wanted to point out a couple of traits but once again was interrupted. Did I mention how I hate when someone cut my train of thoughts “Oh, what now?!”
“Howard…..” this time it was Heather, possibly the only reasonable person here, so how could I be angry at her? “She wants a words with you”
“The critic”
“That’s all she said?”
“Yes. And I can’t quite tell what this is about. She is a complete mystery. Just like this one here” she smiled at me.
“Well, let’s see if you were right with your predictions, Mack” Howard fixed his tie and walked towards the table.
“You are a future-teller now?” Heather eyed me with indescribable look
“Sorry, what?”
“Howard mentioned something about your predictions, so that made me wonder”
“Are we playing 20 questions now?”
“Why are you like that? Every time someone tries to be nice to you, you turn into sandpaper. Is being suspicious in your nature or something rubbed off on you”
“I’m suspicious by nature” I squinted at her “but you may be a bit right”
“Maybe?” she raised an eyebrow “a bit?”
“Ok, fine. You are right. What are you now, a mind reader?”
“A would-be lawyer.” She smiled lightly
“Really? Then why…?
“Long story, but to cut it short let me just say that living and studying in NY is a challenge so .....”
“I’ll drink to that” I raised my water glass “and about your question I have some experience in psychology so Howard asked me to read our guest body language and tell him what the outcome of the visit may be.”
“And what does it tell you?”
“I’m just hoping for the best. Shouldn’t you go back to the customers?”
“Yeah, maybe. But I’m too curious of what will happen.”
“One way or another we are going to find out from tomorrow’s review, right?”
Howard didn’t spoke a word for the rest of the evening. At least not to me. However, I suppose he had quite a discussion with Simone in his office since when all the stuff were leaving I could hear their raised voices. It did not sound like they were arguing but something were going on.
“Are you eavesdropping?!”
“Jesus, Tess! Don’t sneak out on me!”
“Sorry.” She smiled widely
“Well, aren’t you happy. I guess your nervousness is no more?”
“I got some help. From Will. And Jake. They are both … supportive.”
“Jake? Supportive?” I was taken aback for a second but then realized that in some cases it was true “I guess. If he want to.” Did he help her the same way he used to support me in distress?
“He gave me an oyster to try. Have you ever eaten one?”
“Mhm. I did.”
“Those are so, so delicious.”
“I know.”
“And Will? He is always there for me, ready to jump in. He’s such a nice guy.”
“He is.”
“I think I’m gonna ask him for some help with learning the dinnerware… You know, the order of placing and all this stuff…”
“Yeah, right. That’s an awesome idea, Tess.” I muttered my mind elsewhere.
“You are not listening to me, Mackie.”
“What? Of course I am listening. Jake, oysters, Will, dinnerware. All of it.”
“Are you girls talking about me?” Will emerged from the support area, changed into his normal clothes.
“Of course we are. Number one matter here” I rolled my eyes
“Hey, what’s with the attitude, Mack?” Will was slightly confused “I thought we were friends?”
“Sorry. I’m just tired and ….”
“How is your head after the accident?”
“Good.” I answered
“Good” he retorted and for a couple of seconds we just stood there in awkward silence.
“Are you eavesdropping” Ari came right after Will, smiling widely with a smile that did not reach her eyes “anything interesting coming out of boss’ office? Is Simone there with him or is she sneaking out with Jake? Only two places for her, anyway” she smirked
“She actually seems nice. Why are you talking shit about her?” Tess eyed Ari
“Oh, new one, you have no idea about so many things.”
“Like what?”
“I think it’s time to go, Tess. If you still want to learn about the dishes that is”
“Sure. I do. Let’s go”
“See you tomorrow, Ari, Mackie” Will bid his goodbye
“See ya, Will” Ari scoffed “he’s going to go down on her, don’t you think?”
“Don’t know. Don’t care” I turned around in my best intention to leave, but she didn’t let me.
“Oh, come on. You are so… stiff and intense. Relax a bit Miss Perfect. I can help you with that, you know” she reached into her tiny purse and retrieved a single blue pill “Do you wanna?”
“Yeah, why not? You look like you could use a bit of letting loose”
“Unbelievable” I shook my head “I don’t want it”
“Your loss” she put the pellet in her mouth and swallowed it quickly. “So, do you think he’s gonna go down on her or now. Given my experience…..”
“Good night, Ari” I rolled eyes at her and left the kitchen hoping everyone would just leave me be so I could go home and rest by myself. With all my thoughts running.   
“Mackie!” Oh god damn it, who wants what now? “Are you ready for that story now?”
“Nicky …..” I had the strongest urge ever to refuse him and disappear but it turned out to be impossible since he wouldn’t take no for an answer. “Fine… just make it quick, all right? Don’t you have kids to get home to?”
“I’ll keep it brief but you need to know what’s happening around you.”
“You know, human contacts were never really my strong trait”
“I’ve noticed” he scoffed handing me a glass of wine “come on, try it, it will make you feel better.” I took a sip and have to give it to him that he was an expert in his profession. “Anyway, this whole conflict started when Jake get the attention of one of the hostesses, Jenna was her name. And let me say that Howard likes younger girls”
Ok, so now Jake’s innuendo from before made sense.
“So that’s it? It was just about the girl?”
“Not just about the girl. Jake finally got what he wanted – he always does and Howard got mad.”
“He turned this personal? Dumbass” I took another sip of wine and Nicky chuckled
“Be careful how you speak of your boss”
“He’s not only my boss, he is….” My eyes widened and my mouth flew open before I could finish. I almost spill the secret. Nicky tilted his head and narrowed his eyes.
“Kiddo? What did you got yourself into? Do you have some sort of trouble with Howard?”
“No. No. It’s nothing like that. I promise. Can you please continue, so I can go back home?”
“Like I said, Howard got mad and basically wanted to get rid of Jake for sleeping with the girl, but ….” Nicky hang up waiting for me to ask. However I did not formulate the question “but Simone  talk him out of it”
“How do you know so much about everything?”
“Oh, you little naïve one, you’ll learn soon enough that there are no secrets here. Everything comes to light and being at the front makes it so much easier to gather information”
“I wouldn’t think you to be gossiping type”
“I’m not, but sometimes it’s worth to know about what’s happening backstage”
“I’m not really interested in that. But what happened to the girl?”
“She was moved to another restaurant and Howard hired new one, Becky. You’ll get a chance to meet her tomorrow. She is probably your age so you know…”
“Wait. Let me recap: Howard fired a girl because of some sexual tension?”
“Isn’t that the most controversial one?”
“I’m sorry Nicky but this is just wrong and absolutely jerk-like”
“I’m just letting you know you should be careful. Standing between this two can be detrimental. And I’m 100% sure Simone will not protect you the way she did with Jake. Even if you used to be friends in the past.”
“I don’t need heads up Nicky, I know how to handle myself, but thank you I guess. See you tomorrow?”
“Yeah, night, kiddo”
My head was pounding, the only though on my mind being my bed. Too much happened today and all the human drama practically drained me. I knew if I drove home by bike I would probably end up under a car so decided to left it at the restaurant and instead call a cab. As I reached for the car and almost got inside someone rushed off the restaurant. No, no! It was so close. I thought the urge to jump behind the bushes so that they would not see me.
“Mackie” Simone smiled “it’s dangerous for a girl to walk the streets at night alone”
“You should know that by now” Jake smirked with a clear reference to what happened last nigh
. Come join us, we’ll walk you home. You live nearby, don’t you.”
“I do” I hissed through gritted teeth “just a couple of streets and I can walk by myself….”
“Nonsense. We can’t risk you getting hurt. Come on” she took my arm so I was now squeezed between her and Jake. He moved away instantly.
Thank god my place was close, because thanks to that I didn’t have to deal with Simone talking and Jake grumping. Unlike the woman, he did not say a single word, hands fixed in the pocket of his jacket, slouching with directly fixed gaze. Almost like I was invisible to him.
Jake’s POV
Of all the diners and restaurants in New York she had to come here? Fuck! I had enough trouble as it was and she was just messing around, destroying my life. When Simone asked her to join us in a walk I almost hissed and told Mackie to go to Hell and get out my life. I didn’t want to see her, hear her or feel her around. Clenching fist inside of my pockets I focused solely on the though how much I needed her gone. And there was one simple way to do that.  
@pinksirensong @meganmayhem89 @anastacia-lynn @wardlow @queenshelby @j@juxtaposeddreamer @dees-newest-obsession @amandarobertsboyce
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voidthewanderer · 1 year
7 of the Soft fics for Ripper x Sweetjane
@bleumanouche || Soft Fics Prompts
This definitively took a way bit longer than I wanted it to, but there was just so many ideas I could have used for “long nights”. I decided to go with one that makes my heart melt in particular (as least to the extent that can be done in a post apocalyptic world with no television).
I will go back and fix Sweetjane’s speech quirks when I’m back from camping. She has a very unique one compared to most of my characters and I don’t have the best way to swap back and forth between apps without losing spots or just spotty service. The writer I use on my phone likes closing my documents while I work on them.
Days at the Slog were just so much better when she was around. Late mornings… late nights… It had made the world feel ever so better with his love… his treasure… his Tesoro…
His Sweetjane…
After literal centuries, he finally found the one he felt he could call the one. It had been everything he’d hoped for. Each day was a new surprise; and a fun one at that.
Days that involved Sweetjane’s stay, it was clear Ripper had an ever familiar pep in his step. Getting to see his joyous, former self was always a treat for everyone involved. Sure, he tended to start the morning late, but he got to work quickly. This day had been no different than the rest.
Even down to his pestering of Arsenic. He’d had a plan, it was so obvious. It didn’t affect anybody’s work in the long run, so it wound up being fine. Just a minor inconvenience to the chef.
Upon the setting sun, Ripper had brought Sweetjane to the structure just outside of the Slog’s perimeter, having set up a picnic of sorts for them to enjoy. A perfect closing to the day; a peaceful date where the two could watch the sun set and just talk about everything they possibly could.
“Wish nights like this could last forever,” his voice was a quiet hum, arm draping around the other’s shoulder.
“It doesn’t have to end,” she’d made a playful note in response. It was true, they didn’t have to go to bed or anything. But the sun would still eventually come up. And at least one of them would be tired come then.
“No, but it’s nice to just… not do anything sometimes. Just spend time with your loved ones; no worrying about work or attacks or anything of the sort.” His gaze has wandered to the glow of a guard, a sentient glowing one who’s taken to his role quite well.
“Things will get better, it takes time.”
Sweetjane tried to stifle a yawn, though was unsuccessful. Ripper took notice, pushing up from the ground. Without saying anything, he scooped her up into his arms; her letting out a shocked yelp.
He held her as close as he could in his bridal carry, each step taken with caution as he made his way to their room. As he nudged the door open with his foot, he could hear a small laugh, “Thought ya didn’t want them’ night to end?”
“Who said it was?” He mused in response, “But you do eventually need to sleep. Nothing wrong with the night in. Though… I do kinda wish there was some extra stuff from before the war.”
He laid Sweetjane on the bed, his expression soft; silently asking if it was OK for him to go further. Her equally soft smile in response was all he needed. Slowly, clothes were shed, him turning on the radio for just something to cut the silence.
Soon, he was crawling into bed next to her; tangling his legs with hers. One arm was tucked beneath her waist, wrapped up around her back; keeping her tight against his chest. Her arms found their place around his shoulders, foreheads resting together.
“Ti amo…”
He lightly pressed his lips to hers, feeling her fingers curl into his scarred skin slightly. Not a long kiss; just long enough to melt away any of the morning’s stresses. As he pulled back, a chuckle caught his throat.
Sweetjane’s hand had wandered down his back, really feeling how much more scarred it had been compared to the rest of his body. He’d still not talked about it, but she knew he had his reasons. Although he’d seemed to notice where her hand had been; he didn’t seem to give much reaction.
“I do miss feeling things on my back… guess my sense of touch really isn’t what it used to be,” he hummed, his fingers lightly dancing along Sweetjane’s skin. She gave a much more visible reaction, his rough skin tickling hers.
“I know ya can still feel though, that’s what matters.”
He hummed softly, pecking the tip of her nose. Her hand found its new place against his cheek, feeling him smile softly against her touch. His fingers lightly danced down her waist, him just absolutely savoring her reactions. The recoil between his fingers, her small breathes, the pressing more into him. He was absolutely head over heels for this woman.
Suddenly, she pushed forward, pressing him against his back slightly as she laid a tender kiss to his lips. Now his hands rested solely on her hips, curling against her slightly. Oh, how he hated that the night would eventually end…
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motte-the-goblin · 1 year
Not a dream
Tech × masc reader
Authors note: ok so I haven't written in ages, let alone fanfics lol. I'm pretty sure I fucked up the tenses majorly but English is not my first language and grammar theory is not my forte so I decided not to care.
Warnings, I guess? Not sure how this works yet:
Nsfw 18+ ?
Light smut
Use of swear words
Brief mention of low selfworth
More notes: reader is trans masc, uses they/them pronouns. Uuuhm.... Yeah. I've never written anything in this pov but here you go.
Idk what this is so Imma stop talking.
Enjoy, I guess ✨
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When you entered the Cockpit he was lying underneath the console, one leg stretched the other knee pulled up, granting your eyes immediate access to the impressive dent in those tight blue jeans. You just wanted to bring the Mechanic your father hired to fix your ship a hot cup of caf, you did not expect to be greeted by such a delicious view.
Your eyes wander down those long legs sticking out from under the ship's console. The firm fabric of the jeans hugging his toned legs perfectly, multiple leather holsters emphasizing their length even more.
Subconsciously you suck your lower lip between your teeth and start gnawing it.
Since you started HRT, youˋve found yourself being horny more often than not, sometimes having to slip away in the most ridiculous situations to quickly take care of the urge. Although the immediate, sometimes borderline painful Need has had cooled down over the past couple of months, seeing those glorious legs spread in that way right before you reignites your urges instantly.
A slight cough pulls you back to reality harshly and you realize you've been caught staring at this strangers crotch for who knows how long.
The heat in your cheeks tells you that they are most likely a deep red by now as you slowly raise your gaze. You haven't even seen his face yet and here you were, fantasizing about straddling his legs.
When your eyes finally land on his face your heart stops for a second and air suddenly doesn't seem to be breathable anymore.
Those eyes
The man had slipped out from under the console, still laying on his back, slightly propped up on his elbow, legs still spread in that same way as before. His lean torso wrapped in the tightest black turtleneck you had ever laid eyes upon, he looked at you.
your face felt on fire as you met his gaze. Warm, amber eyes watching you behind slightly tinted goggles, almost impishly gleaming.
Your mouth opens and closes a few times, leaving you looking like a fish caught on land.
"Is that for me or did you just come to gawk?", his voice struck you by surprise. The way he spoke was sharp but the low growl under his words made him sound soft at the same time. Not to mention the way your body reacts to it…
"I... Yes, yes that's for you.", you stammer, strainedly trying to clear your throat of the massive Toad in it, stretching your arm out for him to grab the cup you were holding.
Maker, please let the ground swallow me right now
The Mechanic smoothly and effortlessly got back on his feet which, due to the size of the cockpit, caused him to suddenly stand way too close to you. Your eyes wide and fixed down on his chest you tried to ignore the feeling of his breath on you. He stood so close you could feel the warmth emitting from his body.
An oh so soft chuckle left his lips as he tried to take the cup from you but your fingers wouldn't cooperate with you to leave the item they were gripping so desperately.
Finally, after what felt like a torturous eternity you let go of the cup and stumble a few steps back. there is not much room though and you quickly back up against the wall behind you.
"S..sorry", you mutter under your breath, staring at the floor intently.
You hear a clinking sound as he puts down the mug and the next thing you see are two brown boots coming into your line of sight.
The next thing you feel is a gloved index finger under your chin, softly lifting it up.
Breathing? What's that?
As he lifts up your chin and forces you to look at him, you can't help but get caught in his eyes again.
they were so soft and warm and deep and yet there was this spark, this mischievous little gleam in their corners that you couldn't quite place. 
Or you could, your brain just wasn't having it.
this guy, interested in such a runt? Yeah sure.
you had never seen such a snatched jawline in real life and his high cheekbones made you all too aware of your own, rather round and shapeless face.
Even his nose was perfect, long and straight with a rather adorable, round tip.
He was a whooping 8 inches taller than you and currently towering over you, his index finger still holding your scruffy chin.
"And what might your name be, handsome?", he cooed.
You were completely stumped. That was a good question...
What was your name?
Swallowing hard you just continue staring at him, trying to ignore the way your midst was throbbing.
Before you could do anything about it you were pressing your hips against him, your chest heaving, nostrils flared and eyes wide.
What the fuck!? you scolded your body for betraying you like this.
The corner of his mouth curled into a grin as you closed the rather small gap between you, and his hand slipped up to cup your cheek.
When his thumb started to glide across your lower lip all life support measures in your body shut off and your knees turned to jelly.
smirking at your reaction he moved his free hand behind you on the small of your back to help hold you up, thus pressing you even closer to his leg.
"Rather receptive, aren't we?", his voice somehow got even lower and the raspy growl sent a shiver down your spine.
A little noise escapes your mouth unwillingly and his grin widens.
He shifts a little and suddenly his leg is between yours, his knee gently pressing against your middle. For a brief second he looks surprised, maybe at the lack of bulge touching his knee, maybe by the uncontainable groan that leaves you.
"It seems talking is not possible for you right now.", he leans in closer, down to your ear and you feel like you might explode, "But I am not one for continuing non-consensually, so if you could be so kind as to let me know that my suspicions are correct, that would be greatly appreciated."
How can someone talk like that and sound so fucking sexy?
"What... what suspicion?", you manage to squeeze out, hoping to the stars you didn't sound completely ridiculous.
There was that damn velvety chuckle again.
"You appear to want me. Rather desperately, I might add."
No shit, Detective
"Although I am not quite sure as to why and how that is, seeing as we have never met before, I would not be opposed to oblige. You are quite... fascinating."
With his last word he lets his eyes wander over your face, down your neck to your heaving chest.
Not once in your life has someone looked at you like this, let alone a complete stranger.
You had found your peace with the conclusion that you are just not desirable in that way a while ago.
This is a dream
The sudden realization hits you like a bucket of cold water.
But if this is a dream, that means you can just do what ever the fuck you want, there is no need for shame or anxiety.
With that new-found courage you meet his eyes with yours once again before boldly closing the gap between your faces and catching his lips with yours.
so damn soft
You can't help but moan quietly and you feel his lips curl at the sound.
He pulls away slightly to look at you.
"I guess that answers my question." The way his tone of voice ties a knot in your stomach makes you think this might not be a dream after all. 
Your eyes flutter shut when his face moves closer again, not able to stand the piercing gaze of those caramelized puddles that are his eyes. 
He suddenly pulls away and steps back to the console, grabbing the cup of, now cold, caf you had brought him earlier. 
With his body no longer providing support or warmth to you, you find yourself weakly leaning against the wall behind you, your legs trembling like leaves and your lip pushed forward into a subconscious little pout at his sudden departure. 
"Thank you for bringing me this and helping out.", he states, leaving you confused for a second before you hear your father entering the shio behind you. Quickly trying to regain a smidge of composure you shoot up and start tugging at your crumpled up shirt. running your hand through your short hair you clear your throat and nod. 
"Yeah… no problem." Your voice cracks a little and suddenly you can't get out of the cockpit fast enough. Giving your father a nod and a smile passing him you dart down the ramp and into the house, right to your room where you flop onto your bed. You shove your blanket into your mouth to suppress the scream that's building up in your stomach. 
What the fuck what the fuck what. The. Fuck. 
"Y/N, dinner's ready." 
You hear your father through the door. You had been lying on your bed for the better part of the afternoon, trying to wrap your head around what happened earlier… on the ship… with that… man. 
Your thoughts trail off once again to those endless legs and you can still feel the pressure of his thigh between yours. 
A second knock reminds you of your father at the door. 
"Yes yes I'm coming." 
You take a deep breath, trying to force the red out of your flushed face. 
You make your way down to your cozy dining room, absentmindedly running your fingers through your hair. 
"May I ask you to give this to them? It is a small thank you for their help earlier." 
Oh crap. 
Choking on your own breath you stop dead in your tracks when you hear that smooth yet sharp voice. 
"Of course, and thank you again.", Your father replies. 
Give what? To whom? 
You don't dare to move or breathe until you hear the front door shutting and your father calling out to you again. 
He's a bit startled when you immediately appear behind him. 
"What was that about?" You ask innocently, hoping he wouldn't read your mind and face, as he unfortunately could. 
Somehow your father always knew what was up with you. 
"Oh, the mechanic asked me to give you this. He just finished with the repairs, said you were a great help earlier." 
He seemed delightfully unaware.  
Thank the stars 
You grabbed the piece of paper he extended to you and shoved it into your pocket without even looking at it. 
"Let's eat, hm?" You suggest a little bit too eagerly and head for the decked table. 
You can feel your fathers brow rising as his glance makes the hair on your neck stand up. 
Fortunately your father decided to leave it and you alone during dinner. 
Sprawled out over your bed again you stare at the note. 
I would very much like to see you again, 
Your heart flutters as you read the words again and again. 
How did that name fit him so perfectly? 
A giddy little squeak finds its way out of your mouth.
Oh, for fucks sake, get yourself together!
With the decision to take Tech up on his request the next day you slowly drift off to sleep into a rather hot and steamy dream. 
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serethereal · 1 year
hello serena i am here w emojis on serious business… 🐰 and 🦋 and🥤and lastly 🤎 (you are blonde in my mind fyi… just like my other mommy xx)
hello mads… fancy seeing you here and not….elsewhere… as my heart breaks it also mends … how can i ever be sad for long when gazing upon your gorgeous face (you are literally winona from heathers to me)
🐰 What do you think says the most about a person?
i’ve answered this but another thing for me is how they describe a fight they’ve had like if they’re alwayssss in the right and can NOT admit when they’ve fucked up or the role they’ve played it’s so :/// like you don’t have to change the narrative we all suck sometimes. it’s ok…
🦋 Describe yourself in three words.
this is cruel.. um… impulsive… hard working and umm. friendly? idfk
🥤 What’s your go-to Starbucks order?
i do not frequent Starbucks enough to have a go to order but when i am there i get a hot chocolate or some tea depending on my mood xx
🤎 What color is your hair?
i am a blonde… we will never break the chain (and i never want to) (also i’m lying but for the mommy plot line to continue) (i will text you the truth)
send me a q from this ask game <33
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colormepurplex2 · 1 year
WIP Tag Game
rules: post 3 snippets from published work, and 3 from your wips Thanks @star-my for the tag! I'm looking at you @downbad4yoongi @mrsparkjimin18 @btsgotjams27 and whoever else wants to play! No pressure, just for fun! (If you don't have 3 fics or 3 wips that's ok! Just post whatever!)
On Wings of Mist & Memories
The golden pin falls from your limp fingers, landing with a soft thud on the ground between your feet. It’s hard to tell whether it’s sweat or tears coating your face. You swipe the back of a trembling hand over your eyes.
“W-why haven’t you...why haven’t you sought out a Psion before th-this?” Your voice warbles, and you have to swallow hard a few times to keep from losing the food you just ate.
It all feels too raw, far too real. You’ve never experienced something so visceral when reading an object. Your body aches. Your cheek burns, even though there is no cut there. There’s a fiery line that feels branded across your stomach. It’s like everything from that day is imprinting itself upon your body with phantom pains.
“Psions are rare. It’s not like I could have requested one from the capital. You’re part of a coveted kind, precious and protected. Had it not been for—“ he pauses, not needing to remind you how you came to be in this encampment. “The important part is you’re here now, and you’ve seen the truth.” Your bleary eyes slide up from where they were gazing at the pin on the ground to land on him. He tugs the bottom of his shirt out from where it’s tucked into the tops of his breeches and then pushes it up to expose his stomach. A long, puckered scar slashes his otherwise pristine skin. “His lightning strike nearly killed me. All because I found out the truth.”
Lights, Camera, Action
Jungkook waves a hand dismissively. “We’ve been friends nearly our whole lives, I’ve seen him far worse than he was tonight. He’s just a bit stressed about work and this new relationship he’s in with one of our other friends. They’re great together but sometimes Jimin gets in his head about dating a childhood friend, worried about messing up the friendship and all that.”
Namjoon hums in understanding. “That can be pretty tricky. New relationships can be like that, even if you’ve known the person for a long time beforehand.” There is a slight nervousness in the way Namjoon speaks, leading Jungkook to take his words with a dual purpose.
“Yeah, tricky,” he agrees, slowly, watching the way Namjoon fumbles to get the door to the upstairs loft open. It’s cute and puts Jungkook at ease, his worry over catching feelings diminishing by the minute. Feelings don’t seem so bad when he really thinks about it. It’s actually pretty nice.
“Hi!” Your smiling face is the first thing Jungkook sees when he steps through the door into your living room. He doesn’t have time to form a thought in response before you fling your arms around his neck and hug him tightly. “Is it weird to say I’ve missed you even though you were here less than twenty-four hours ago?” you ask, your words muffled against his neck.
His arms band tightly around you, soaking up the warmth from your barely covered body. The smooth silk of your tiny nightgown feels good under his hands. Jungkook pinches the fabric just above your ass, rubbing it between his fingers. “Not weird at all,” he finally responds, planting a kiss on your temple.
“Would you like a drink or anything?” Namjoon asks from the kitchen where he’s grabbing a bottle of water for himself.
Jungkook pulls back slightly, running his nose along your jaw and nipping your bottom lip gently. “I’m thirsty, but not for a drink,” his words are for Namjoon but his eyes are focused on you. Finally, he looks over his shoulder at the other man. “Any idea what can help sate my need?”
You watch as Namjoon rolls back his shoulders, chest puffing out slightly. His eyes become calculated and his lips purse before he nods. “I think I might have what you need. But, you have to promise to be on your best behavior. Only good boys get what they want.” Jungkook’s posture stiffens against you momentarily. Then, like he’s been doused in warm water, he relaxes and pulls you closer. Keeping his eyes trained on Namjoon, he leans in and finds your lips with his. It’s an all-consuming kiss, lanced with fire and ice alike. You hear Namjoon chuckle darkly. “And bad boys get punished.”
Till Death Do Us Part
You’d never given much thought to the meaning behind the adage ‘time heals all wounds’, but you think you understand it a bit more now. With time, feelings of sadness and hurt fade. They go away, you eventually move on and feel lighter. It can be both literal and figurative, you suppose.
It’s been a few months now and your body is healed. Healed, but not quite like it used to be. The scars under your shirt are a constant reminder. They’re a road map of smooth ripples and abraded grooves. At first, you hated them, thought they were ugly. Though, as the weeks have drifted by, you’ve grown to love them. Not for the reminder of where they came from, but because they remind you of him. Yoongi. His own scars are not so dissimilar to the ones you now have. It’s weird to feel a sense of gratitude toward the other one. The one who gave you these scars. But, without him, you wouldn’t be where you are now.
The one place you’re finding it hard to decide if that adage holds true is in the figurative way. Are you over the emotional pain? Not yet. It might be too soon to tell, in any case. One day at a time, another adage you’ve tucked away into your now swelling arsenal of trying to heal.
A feather-light kiss presses to your bare shoulder. That helps, too. That always helps.
“You okay?” The voice is a husky, sleep-ladened grumble. “It’s two in the morning, you should be sleeping.”
“Just needed some air,” you respond in kind, turning to look up at him. Standing before you on the balcony of your bedroom, the moonlight catching in his black hair, reflects in his warm eyes. A salty ocean breeze ruffles the strands across his forehead, revealing the scar cut through his eyebrow. It’s hard not to track your eyes over the expanse of his bare chest, your eyes lingering on the scars you put there. They are three little puckered circles, slightly angrier looking than all the others. Though, maybe that’s just your own guilt coloring them. It’s hard to shoot a man, even harder to shoot one you love. But, that’s what you did—what you had to do.
Smoke & Mirrors
“Dammit. Where the fuck are you, Yoongi?” Jungkook shoves the computer mouse away in frustration, the blinking error mocking him on the screen. Yanking the power cord from the wall, he severs the modem’s connection. He only uses this computer every few weeks, logging into the program Yoongi set up years ago for him and Jungkook to use. Yoongi told him if things ever went to shit, he could use this program to contact him, regardless of where he was and what he was doing. It was provided with a promise always to try to be there for his little brother. A promise that Yoongi seems to be shirking on now.
It’s been close to eleven months since his brother disappeared. Almost a year of Jungkook trying to contact Yoongi. There are too many unknown factors. No one knows where Yoongi and his wife escaped to or if the two of them are even still alive. Jungkook is trying not to dwell on that possibility. He has enough on his plate in the wake of Yoongi’s absence and Namjoon’s death. He glances at his watch. Speaking of, he’s running late for his date with MiSun.
He knows that date is a loose term, but it seems fitting considering. MiSun works in the kitchen of The Hitman’s estate. She’s been on staff for a few years now, and Jungkook has always found himself smitten with her. He dreams about her smile and the twinkle in her eyes when he slips into the kitchen to dig around for snacks. They laugh together as the head cook, Haewon, shoos him out of the kitchen with a flurry of flapping dish towels and curses.
She’s pretty and gives him a much-needed distraction after coming back from an assignment. The first time he lost himself to her was after a particularly nasty stint in Mexico. He came home spitting fire and seething, intent on drowning himself in a bottle of whiskey. But his father had locked up the liquor cabinet, and Jungkook didn’t want to bother with breaking it open and incurring his father’s wrath. So, he went in search of the wine he knew Haewon kept in the kitchen for cooking. He didn’t care if it didn’t taste great. He just needed to take the edge off.
MiSun had been in the kitchen late, cleaning up after a dinner that required far more dishes than any meal had a right to. Jungkook barreled into the kitchen, nearly causing MiSun to climb into the sink with terror. She had screamed, thrashing so hard with her arms elbow-deep in the sudsy basin that she’d soaked herself to the waist. Jungkook can remember how her black bra stood out so starkly under her drenched, white blouse. He couldn’t look away, couldn’t stop himself from getting lost in something far sweeter than any wine that might be in the cabinet.
In Memory of Him
The cemetery typically closes at sundown, but Taehyung has access as the gardener. When he and Yejun took over Taehyung’s parents' floral shop, they expanded the business to include landscaping for local businesses and establishments. The cemetery is one such establishment they took on. He produces a key from his pocket, unlocking the small pedestrian gate that must have been locked up not too long ago, judging by the sun barely having dipped below the horizon.
“Moojin left about ten minutes before you pulled up,” Taehyung explains casually, confirming the thought you just had. “It’ll just be us so we can take as much time as we need.”
Maybe you should feel bad that Taehyung gives you preferential treatment and access to the cemetery after hours, but it’s hard to care about that when other, darker, feelings have you clutched so tightly. The walk to the columbarium is relatively short, being one of the newer buildings erected within the grounds, just some twenty years ago or so.
“The trees are doing well, even in the winter,” you note, nodding toward the row of young pines along the fenceline. It was one of the last projects Yejun worked on with Taehyung before he became ill.
“He’d be able to tell you all the properties of the tree that make it sustainable during this time of the year,” Taehyung responds, his voice carrying notes of sadness. Yejun doesn’t come up much in conversation between the two of you, most things not needing to be said, merely understood without a spoken word. So, it’s surprising and endearing to actually hear Taehyung talk about him, especially now.
You smile, knowing he’s right. “With enough scientific jargon to make you go cross-eyed trying to keep up, too.”
That earns you a soft laugh from Taehyung. “And he wouldn’t even realize it until you’re so lost you can’t even pretend to have understood.”
“I miss that,” you whisper with a sigh, your warm breath misting lightly in the cold.
Taehyung slips his arm through yours, hooking his elbow around the crook of your arm. “Me, too.”
Knuckle Deep
The door opens, revealing the man inside seated at the small conference table. The fluorescent lighting overhead must be faulty because it’s definitely making this man seem far more attractive than anyone has a right to be. His black hair shines like silk, dark eyes like endless pools of rich chocolate, and his body…well, even from where you’re standing across the room you can tell it’s nice just by the way his clothes fit.
This is definitely a man who knows luxury brands, so it’s fitting he would choose to come into your boutique. His suit is a dark gray with deep red pinstripes, the forward lapels the same deep red. He’s wearing a black turtleneck underneath his jacket, the double buttons in the front undone but you take note of the LV logo embossed on them.
He stands as you enter the room, his hands clasped in front of him. “Thank you for meeting with me,” he states, bowing at the waist. His voice is smooth and sweet like honey.
You bow in return, “Yes, of course. Thank you for choosing my shop,” you glance down at the appointment paper on top of your sketch pad, “Park Jimin. I was told you have an emergency request, how can I help?” You gesture with your free hand to the table for him to resume his seat, the door swinging shut as you move into the room. “Would you like a bottle of water or a seltzer?” you ask, nodding toward the well-stocked minifridge off to one side.
“No, thank you, I’m fine.”
You smile politely, taking a seat across from him and setting your things on the table.
“My name is—”
“I know who you are,” he interrupts you with a smirk. He casually places his hands on the oak tabletop, your eyes are drawn to the multiple rings adorning his slender fingers, rings that you recognize. “As you can see, I’ve been a collector of yours for quite some time. You produce exquisite work.”
His praise makes up for the rudeness of interrupting you. You don’t mind a little ego-stroking, in fact, you thrive off of it. “They look good on you,” you remark, a pleasant smile spreading across your face. He’s wearing some of the most expensive pieces you’ve ever made. The double-banded rhodium ring encrusted with chips of moonstone and onyx is one of your favorites. It sits prettily just below the second joint of his index finger, right next to the thick band of roped silver adorning his middle one. You tear your eyes away from his hands, away from the rounded knuckles that hold your work so well. “What is it that you’re looking to add to your collection?” you ask, flipping open your sketchbook and pulling a pencil from the pouch.
Smoke & Mirrors and In Memory of Him are both relatively new but Knuckle Deep is going on 2 yrs sitting in my WIPs...oops 😭
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buildarocketboys · 2 months
Frankenstein Chapters 19-22 @tumbleclub
Quotes and observations/dumb comments/possibly smart comments under the cut:
Chapter 19:
Company was irksome to me; when alone, I could fill my mind with the sights of heaven and earth; the voice of Henry soothed me, and I could thus cheat myself into a transitory peace.
Kind of sweet that Henry doesn't count as company 🥹
the means of materially assisting the progress of European colonization and trade.
Big L for Clerval. Colonialism not so sweet
I now also began to collect the materials necessary for my new creation, and this was to me like the torture of single drops of water continually falling on the head.
Waterboarded by the obligation to create a monster wife for the monster son I created then abandoned...is this the title of a Tingler?
The memory of that unfortunate king and his companions, the amiable Falkland, the insolent Goring, his queen, and son, gave a peculiar interest to every part of the city which they might be supposed to have inhabited.
Not in the slightest what I'd associate with Oxford; how times change huh?
We left Oxford with regret and proceeded to Matlock, which was our next place of rest. The country in the neighbourhood of this village resembled, to a greater degree, the scenery of Switzerland; but everything is on a lower scale, and the green hills want the crown of distant white Alps which always attend on the piny mountains of my native country. We visited the wondrous cave and the little cabinets of natural history
I've been to Matlock and Matlock bath and I kind of get what he means here. I've been to the cave as well, and you get up there by cable car (these days, anyway - probably not in Victor's or Shelley's day although I don't know for sure). Pictures for the (present day) vibes:
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I was guiltless
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Sometimes I could not prevail on myself to enter my laboratory for several days, and at other times I toiled day and night in order to complete my work.
Big ADHD mood
Chapter 20:
she might become ten thousand times more malignant than her mate and delight, for its own sake, in murder and wretchedness. He had sworn to quit the neighbourhood of man and hide himself in deserts, but she had not;
I think he has a solid point here tbqh - who knows what the other one will turn out like?
They might even hate each other; the creature who already lived loathed his own deformity, and might he not conceive a greater abhorrence for it when it came before his eyes in the female form? She also might turn with disgust from him to the superior beauty of man; she might quit him, and he be again alone, exasperated by the fresh provocation of being deserted by one of his own species.
This is what I'm saying!!
a race of devils would be propagated upon the earth who might make the very existence of the species of man a condition precarious and full of terror
OK but imagine if this had happened and there was a Frankenstein's monster apocalypse? I'm sure someone must have written this "sequel" (and if not maybe I should 🤔
and trembling with passion, tore to pieces the thing on which I was engaged.
As much as I think he's making solid points, I do think this was a bit hasty.
I have endured incalculable fatigue, and cold, and hunger
You are my creator, but I am your master; obey!”
The creature really does have some banger lines, fair play
I may die, but first you, my tyrant and tormentor, shall curse the sun that gazes on your misery. Beware, for I am fearless and therefore powerful.
Notice he never says he'll kill Frankenstein
I shall be with you on your wedding-night
😏 (look I get that this is an important line - that Frankenstein turns over in his head later - but come on, I had to)
I walked about the isle like a restless spectre, separated from all it loved and miserable in the separation.
There's just some really beautiful lines and turns of phrase in these chapters, and this is one of them. Haunting even though he's not dead
But it refreshed me and filled me with such agreeable sensations that I resolved to prolong my stay on the water, and fixing the rudder in a direct position, stretched myself at the bottom of the boat. Clouds hid the moon, everything was obscure, and I heard only the sound of the boat as its keel cut through the waves; the murmur lulled me, and in a short time I slept soundly.
On one hand this sounds very peaceful, on the other I don't think I could fall asleep on my own on a rowing boat out at sea!!
I endeavoured to change my course but quickly found that if I again made the attempt the boat would be instantly filled with water. Thus situated, my only resource was to drive before the wind. I confess that I felt a few sensations of terror.
How mutable are our feelings, and how strange is that clinging love we have of life even in the excess of misery!
“I do not know,” said the man, “what the custom of the English may be, but it is the custom of the Irish to hate villains.”
Oops. OK but this is dumb of Frankenstein tho bc he was already off the coast of Scotland - I feel like the Scots would be equally offended to be assumed to be English
Chapter 21:
“Have my murderous machinations deprived you also, my dearest Henry, of life? Two I have already destroyed; other victims await their destiny; but you, Clerval, my friend, my benefactor—”
Bro are you TRYING to look guilty??
A fever succeeded to this. I lay for two months on the point of death
Why is he such a fainting feverish wallflower?
I saw around me nothing but a dense and frightful darkness, penetrated by no light but the glimmer of two eyes that glared upon me
Why is this giving me Frodo on Mount Doom vibes? It's very "I'm naked in the dark...I can see him with my waking eyes!"
Chapter 22:
They were my brethren, my fellow beings, and I felt attracted even to the most repulsive among them, as to creatures of an angelic nature and celestial mechanism
There's an interesting comparison to be made here, I think, between Frankenstein being attracted to "even the most repulsive" of his fellow beings (even if he feels like he has no right to be among them) and being unable to feel that towards his creation.
they died by my machinations. A thousand times would I have shed my own blood, drop by drop, to have saved their lives; but I could not, my father, indeed I could not sacrifice the whole human race.”
“Yet I fear that the same feelings now exist that made you so miserable a year ago, even perhaps augmented by time.
When I first read this I thought "oh, Elizabeth's sharp, and she IS, but she's got the wrong cause
But as brother and sister often entertain a lively affection towards each other without desiring a more intimate union, may not such also be our case? Tell me, dearest Victor. Answer me, I conjure you by our mutual happiness, with simple truth—Do you not love another?
but the apple was already eaten, and the angel’s arm bared to drive me from all hope.
Another reference to the Garden of Eden, but now Victor rather than the Creature is Adam (or possibly Eve)
I will confide this tale of misery and terror to you the day after our marriage shall take place
So, I know what's coming but I can't remember if he manages to tell her before it happens or not. I think yes? But will be interesting to see.
Memory brought madness with it, and when I thought of what had passed, a real insanity possessed me; sometimes I was furious and burnt with rage, sometimes low and desponden
Interesting to me that he's spent so long fearful of telling the truth in case people think he's insane, but now he really does (at least by his own admission) become insane, probably not in small part BECAUSE he's been unable to share the truth with anyone
The agonies of remorse poison the luxury there is otherwise sometimes found in indulging the excess of grief.
This is just another skilfully written bit of prose that rings true
Great God! If for one instant I had thought what might be the hellish intention of my fiendish adversary, I would rather have banished myself for ever from my native country
Oh dear :/
But, as if possessed of magic powers, the monster had blinded me to his real intentions; and when I thought that I had prepared only my own death, I hastened that of a far dearer victim.
I don't think the monster is magic, bro, I think you're just kinda dumb for not considering it
that what now appeared certain and tangible happiness might soon dissipate into an airy dream and leave no trace but deep and everlasting regret.
Some more nice turns of phrase
as I touched the shore I felt those cares and fears revive which soon were to clasp me and cling to me for ever.
...uh oh
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nohj3 · 2 years
"All molehills look like mountains when life shoves your face in the dirt."
This is a line i wrote back in highschool, that i literally never absorbed. I wrote it as an obvious logical conclusion to people trying to tell me i was making a lot of problems seem bigger than they were.
I wrote a lot of lines like that at the time, it was an unhealthy coping mechanism, i simply shut out everyone who ever tried to talk to me about things i honestly should've talked about. Because it was... Easy. Easier than facing my problems. Simply out talk others, out write others, showcase i already have a perfect understanding of the situation to a level beyond what they were prepared to even provide, And then Just... Don't actually listen to my own self.
But this line, This one was special. Because it was heard.
I stated it in response to a comrade-in-academia, And she... She loved it. She thought so highly of it. She asked me where i quoted it from. I was so stunned by the effect of her enthusiasm, i could utter nothing save "my brain". the piercing yet expressionless gaze of a human processing, was all i could see on her face. She didn't fully believe me.
"Write something for me," Her command caught me off guard, "I wanna see if you really can write like that."
"I uh... Don't think that's something someone can just like... Do? I gotta have something to write about, You know?" My excuse as legitimate in its technicality, as it was obvious in its evasiveness.
"Ok. Write about... Hmm... I don't know. What are you feeling?"
"Absolutely nothing," i lied, unwilling to admit the horrors kept barely contained by my skin thin attachment to the social conventions i barely understood. "I could show you something i already wrote. I-if that's fine with you..."
"Ok. What do you have?", she asked, barely containing her enthusiasm through lightly stimming the edge of the table.
As i began to sift through my ludicrously overstuffed And breaking apart backpack, i came upon a realization. She can judge me based on what i wrote. Keeping that in mind, i skipped over my primary writing notebook, knowing full well everything in there would easily betray my self-destructive tendencies. Skipping my stories written for school, skipping my stories written for my shows, skipping my stories written for myself. Nothing. There was nothing left.
I looked up from my skimming, hoping that maybe i took so long she got bored and wandered off. Her eyes, gushing with the feelings of excitement and anticipation, that her body didn't seem to know how to express properly, stared at me. Patiently. Trembling. I suppose she must really like reading subpar written works.
Hesitantly, i pulled out a story i wrote for a school assignment. Nothing weird. Fully sanitized. Boring prompt. Hoping maybe i would disappoint her and this entire social engagement would end. Dreading that maybe i would disappoint her and this entire social engagement would end.
She read slowly, Carefully, Concentrating more on how i wrote than what i wrote, speaking eventually to say, "you use waaaaay too many commas. I feel like every sentence should have been like... 3 maybe 5 sentences? Also your handwriting is so bad, so is mine though. Also this paper sucks. Terrible topic. Also-"
"S-srry...," i interjected, the feelings of inadequacy interwoven into every syllable, "i don't know what you were expecting. I get lucky sometimes, but usually i just suck and am bad."
"No! Nono!! I didn't mean to upset you!," she exclaimed, "i think you're really good, i would..." Her eyes distracted by seemingly nothing in the air, as she trailed off. She clearly wants to say something, but is hesitant. Scared even. She's avoiding feeling her current emotion by being pulled towards something, anything, else.
An out.
I needed little justification other than the thought i shouldn't impress or impose upon anyone. I slipped out through the corner of her eye. Whatever she wanted of me, i clearly wasn't capable of providing. I'm nothing, Insignificant, Meaningless.
All the emotions of the situation becoming blurry and faded in mere seconds. Replaced by the all familiar, all encompassing, all potent, wall of self-hatred and self-disregard. Of course, it was stupid to think for even a second that i was happy someone cared enough to ask about my interests. They weren't even caring, probably just pitied me. A kindness i don't deserve, and it is simply morally correct of me to have removed myself so she doesn't have to taint her functioning deserving emotional psyche with my ugly presence. I've got to be more careful to not let my desires and needs, drag others into such a state as to fool themself into thinking i am worth their time.
The then-normal omnipresent depressive crushing darkness, i possessed such high quantities of, was strong, but in this one instance it wasn't strong enough to fully delete everything. Her eyes. Even today, those eyes are such a core memory, They burn in my brain. Pure unfiltered excitement. Because of me. Me. I loved it. I wish to see it more.
I'm so motivated, to see that look. To impress. To excite. Its scary, but it's also... It gives me life. Humans are such cute creatures, I love them. I want to see them happy.
Nywys, i was just reminded of that phrase, And i guess i wanted to talk about it. Sue me.
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carolineasweet-blog · 2 years
The Uninvited Guest
I have an uninvited guest - constantly - an uninvited, invisible guest. It pokes up, most violently, when I am trying to socialize. At a dinner party, a show, any social event these days, really. My invisible guest, my mind, which keeps talking to me and won’t shut up, goddamit. I want to name you. I strive, constantly, to give you a label. Anxiety? Depression? Narcissism? Perfectionism? None of them fit you perfectly. But I know one thing - I hate you. You are loud, you pull focus. You are judgemental and self involved. You are the worst of me. My ADHD? Nah, that’s not right either. At times, I can quiet you, and sometimes we coexist. 
It’s gotten worse since the pandemic, to be sure. I am at peace in my home, by myself - with no additional eyes to gaze upon me. If I’m being generous, you’re my Libran tendencies to put the shoe on the other foot. As I write that sentence, you sit next to me and ask, “Is this the time? Is this the time you feared when they all find out you can’t write anything good?” Man, you sure lack boundaries. Boundaryless, limitless - these things have positive connotations for me, but you’re an asshole. 
I often wonder when we get a break from the self work. Some people, it seems, are always on a break. (There you go again...) But most of us are working toward something, and when does it end? I know the answer is never, but why? Fuck that. I’d like to arrive. It’s like a city constantly under construction - when will we ever let well enough alone? When?? A city is not itself when marred in scaffolding and orange cones. And if it is, that’s not a city I’d like to visit. At some point, we gotta call it. 
I’m ready for my jaw to unclench. I’m ready to let go of this idea that there is a perfect version of myself. I’d like to remove the scaffolding and the signs around my potholes. But you, my guest, won’t let me. You, who were not invited to this dinner, have somehow dictated the entire thing. I served the appetizer, and you held court through the entirety of dinner. To say ‘I hate you’ would be to say ‘I hate myself,’ but that’s not true. I love myself. I love part of myself. I generally have a good personality. I’ve got a great ass, and a wonderful sense of style. No wonder you like to stick around. 
I’ve given up on the idea of happiness - that’s too much pressure, so they now say - and I’m focusing on contentedness. To be content. With you beside me, I suppose. So let’s work this out, shall we? You’re uninvited, but you’re here. So how can I love you too? Well, let’s see... you’re judgey, so I’m judgey. And while that’s not always great because it’s a projection of my own need for perfection, it does also make me the occasional good comedian. Everyone loves a well-timed criticism, yes? Let’s maybe just stick to common enemies. Ok, so you’re funny. I suppose you’re also health-oriented, though I could stand to take a break from the constant ‘Am I dying?’ narrative. I have seen doctors regularly and kept an eye on myself, potentially saving me from long term high blood pressure! What else are you good at? Well, you can always pick up on who is uncomfortable and shift the tone of a conversation. You’re constantly thinking about how others feel, and you do want what’s best for me. You really do, even if you have a funny way of showing it. You are the funny, dark, goth friend who sometimes concerns us, but really is an interesting trip. 
Ok friend, I take it back. You’re ok. You’re invited. Sit next to me, and saddle up. Just try to be a little quieter? And come back next time with wine. Or not. We have been trying to cut back - or at least you’ve been telling me to. Thanks for always looking out for me. 
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myreygn · 3 years
Hey!!! I saw you’re a Haikyuu fan and that your requests are open lol so I was wondering if you could maybe do a fic with Atsumu finding out that Sakusa is ticklish? I absolutely love them sm and I don’t see that many fics of them. If not that’s ok just thought I’d put in a request hehe…
touching you
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summary: Atsumu has an unexpected wish and oh boy, if Sakusa had know what granting him this wish would lead to... he'd probably still granted him the wish, but that's not what counts right now! What counts is Atsumu in front of him. What counts is the hand on his arm.
an: this is shorter than i planned and i'm still not 100% sure if i got their dynamic and especially sakusa right, but i still hope you like it! thank you for your patience @tastybluesprite! <3
Sakusa could feel Atsumu's gaze upon him rather than actually seeing it and he sighed quietly. His teammate had been staring at him all evening whenever he thought Sakusa wouldn't notice and it was becoming hard to endure. It felt weird. Atsumu usually always spoke his mind.
He looked up from the notes he had been reading, reviewing his work at practice today. “What?”
The setter flinched and quickly glanced at his phone. “What? I didn't say anything. What do you want?”
Sakusa rolled his eyes and put the folder aside to cross his arms in front of his chest. “You're staring at me. It's annoying, what's up with you?”
“Can I touch you?”
Silence. Sakusa swallowed thickly, his heartbeat pounding loud in his ears. “... what?”
Atsumu had a hand clasped in front of his mouth and his eyes were widened in shock, as if he couldn't believe what he had just said. “Sorry, I... I didn't mean to actually ask you that...”
“Why would you want that anyway?” His throat was dry. Sakusa shook his head a little. What was going on with him? The thought of making contact with his teammates usually didn't make him sick like this. “We touched today, I gave you a high five.”
“Yeah, but...” Atsumu sighed. “I don't know. It's stupid, just forget about it.”
“No, no, I... I wanna know.” What was he talking about? He didn't even know why he wanted to know. Why would he want to know what was going on in Miya Atsumu's head? “Tell me.”
“I like you, Omi-kun. I feel like we're good friends by now.” Atsumu took a deep breath and looked at him apologetically. “But... I can't be sure. You never tell me. And you often seem disgusted when I touch you for too long. And I know that it's nothing, like, personal, but... physical contact is kinda one of my love languages and whenever we touch it feels very distant, or unrelated to our relationship, you know? We do high fives and sometimes these short hugs, but it's always because you scored a good point or we won a game or something like that. It's never... it's never for us.”
Sakusa remained silent for a few seconds after this confession and flinched when Atsumu buried his face in his hands, groaning. “See, I told you it was stupid! It's fine, just ignore everything I said, I get that you don't want me to-”
“Okay. You can touch me.” His tongue seemed to move on its own, but Sakusa noticed that he didn't really mind. He felt nervous, but it wasn't the bad kind of nervous, more like... excitement. Interesting. “But when I say stop, you have to stop!”
“Sure, of course!” The smile on Atsumu's face was brighter than any other smile he'd seen from him today and it occurred to Sakusa that the setter may have been carrying this around with him all day, maybe even longer. “You say stop, I stop, makes sense.” He came over to sit next to him on the bed and suddenly hesitated a little again. “Where... where do you want me to touch you?”
“I don't know.” Sakusa held out his arm. “Here somewhere, maybe. Just not my hands.”
“Yeah, okay.” Atsumu took a deep breath in and smiled, carefully tracing his fingers over the pale forearm. “Like this? Is that fine?”
Sakusa could only nod, his lips pressed together and trembling a little. Shit, that tickled-
Atsumu furrowed his brows a little at the strange behavior, then he grabbed Sakusa's wrist and continued the tracing of patterns with the other hand, smirking at the way the other one's arm began to tremble harder. “Omi-kun, are you alright?”
“Uh, yeah, suhure-” Sakusa bit his lip and his breath hitched when Atsumu looked at him with that spark in his eyes which always appeared on the field when he knew exactly how to break through an opponent's defense. When he knew that he had won.
“Was that a giggle?” The setter smirked when his tracing turned into soft scribbling and Sakusa choked out a laugh. “Oh my goodness, Omi-kun... you don't happen to be ticklish, do you?”
Sakusa wanted to say No. He wanted to say Stop, probably, somewhere in his brain, maybe. He wanted to forcefully free his arm out of Atsumu's grip, because he knew that if he would resort to such drastic measures, Atsumu would stop immediately. But he didn't say any of those things, nor did he try to get rid of the setter's grip. Instead another giggle slipped from his lips, then another, and then, finally, a stream of soft, surprisingly high laughter. (At least it was surprising for Sakusa himself and when he shortly glanced at Atsumu, the other man looked positively stunned.)
“Hey, you know what?” The chatty tone didn't sit exactly right with Sakusa, but before he could do anything about it, his laughter increased significantly when Atsumu reached his inner elbows and simultaneously leaned forward with a wide smile – a glimpse of genuineness in this dumpster fire that was his smug attitude. “I'm really happy you trust me enough to let me touch you like this. Thank you.”
“Dohon't thaHANK MEHE!” Sakusa threw his head back, shrieking at the sensation of Atsumu's fingers at his biceps, completely open and vulnerable – of course he had to change into a shirt for sleeping, of course getting a hoodie would've been too much of a fuss... “AHATSUMU!”
“Hm? Can I help you?” This jerk knew exactly what he was doing to him. “Omi-kun? You gotta talk to me, otherwise I can't know what you want.” Bastard.
Sakusa didn't answer, whether he didn't find the strength or just didn't want to, he couldn't even tell himself. All he could focus on was that horrible, horrible, but also kind of nice sensation on his skin, making him shake with laughter, his free hand grasping his sheets tightly just so that he wouldn't-
“Stahap!” he shrieked at last when the tickling became unbearable and it was a relief to see that Atsumu really did as promised, immediately releasing him.
“Everything alright, Omi-kun?”
“Y-yeah...” Sakusa giggled softly and wiped a single tear that had pricked at the corner of his eye. “I'm good. Gosh... that was weird.”
“Ya think?” Atsumu grinned. “I thought it was fun!”
“Yeah, no, I- I didn't mean to say that it was no fun. It was also weird though.”
“Okay, true.” Atsumu smirked, making Sakusa groan – there it was, the smugness. “I didn't think you'd be into being tickled, Omi-kun!”
“I'm not into it, you piece of-”
“My hands on you like that, you sure liked that a lot, huh?”
“I will literally murder you, shut up now.”
“Or I liked it, at least.” Atsumu laughed and lowered his head a little. “Thank you, again.”
It was a good thing the setter was looking down, because Sakusa was pretty sure he was blushing a little and he quickly buried his nose in his notes which he had set aside. “It's nothing.” It was a lot more than just nothing, but Atsumu probably knew. Hopefully he knew.
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enbyprentiss · 3 years
Red Handed
Genre: Smut
Pairing: Sub!Spencer x Dom!Fem!Reader
Warnings: mentions of porno magazines, virgin bb spence, handjob, use of pet names, praise, penetrative sex, unprotected sex,  i think think that’s it but lmk if i missed anything:)
a/n: this fic is brought to you by this lovely hc by @subbyspence and their 🦇 anon💕
Spencer was a pretty anxious person, to begin with. He’s awkward and fumbles over his words pretty much any time he opens his mouth. And those habits only increased once Y/N had joined the team. He was so overwhelmed when they first met that he couldn’t even fully introduce himself, Hotch had to do it for him. By the time the whole ordeal was over and done with, the tips of his ears all the way down to his chest had turned a nice shade of vermillion. Not only that, but he practically sprinted to the bathroom to either take care of his--problem or cry from humiliation. Maybe definitely both. So, it’s safe to say that Derek will never let him live any of that down. To this day, he still gets all jittery and nervous around her, horrified that she thinks he’s some pathetic loser. 
Y/N on the other hand found their introduction incredibly endearing. In fact, she still thinks of him that way. She likes that she makes him nervous. That whenever she’s around his brilliant mind seems to short circuit. Not to mention he’s so gorgeous it almost makes her sick.
Spencer felt like he might throw up and pass out at the same time. Why? Because this is the worst thing that’s ever happened to him. He’s been dragged to hell and back but this--this, has got to be the worst. He didn’t think he’d be rooming with anyone, let alone her. And now, he’s even more irritated about Morgan’s rule to never room with him. But, of course, because he’s Derek there’s the possibility that this was no accident. Regardless of whether it was or not, Spencer still felt like he might drop dead at any second. 
“You alright, Spence?”
God, just the sound of her voice sent a chill down his spine.
“Hm? Oh! Y-yeah, I’m ok.”
After putting their bags down and shuffling around each other to get situated, Spencer excused himself to shower. To take a very, very, cold shower. So, while he was busy, Y/N slipped into a pair of pajamas. But as more time passed, the more bored she got. And she might as well make herself useful. She made her way over to Spencer’s satchel to find the file she had slipped in there earlier. And while she didn’t find such a thing, what she did find was much more interesting. She didn’t really take Spencer as the magazine type. Much less, dirty magazines. Y/N took the magazine in her hands and sat on the edge of her bed. Maybe this was wrong. Or maybe he shouldn’t have porn magazines in his work bag. Either way, she was too deep to stop now. When she initially flipped it open, it was your average “Playboy”-esque magazine. But when she went to turn the page again, it flipped open to a page that had been marked. Not only that, but the model on the page looked an awful lot like her and there wasn’t just one page like that.
By this point, Spencer had re-entered the room. And upon seeing her, what she was holding, the towel he was using to dry his hair had been long forgotten. 
“Y/N, I-I can explain--”
“Explain what, hm? Why the girl on all these pages with little dog ears on them look awfully familiar. Is that it?” if Spencer’s IQ wasn’t on the ground at this moment, he would’ve been able to see that the look in her wasn’t anger. She stood in front of him and held one of the pages near her face, “What do you think, looks pretty close to the real deal, huh?”
“Y/N--”, he muttered weakly, his gaze glued to the floor.
“What? What do you want?”
“T-touch me--please?”
“Only because you asked so nicely.”, she gripped his hips and pressed her lips against his, making him whimper. By the time Y/N pulled back for air, Spencer was already the most adorable shade of red, “Go lay down for me, ok?”
He nodded, “Use your words.”
“Good boy.”
Spencer did as he was told, settling against the headboard. And it was only a matter of seconds before she towered over him, kissing along his jaw and neck as he whined before settling between his knees, her legs swinging behind her.
“Have you ever done something like this, baby?”, he looked down and shook his head almost in shame, “Hey, that’s alright. Just tell me if you want to stop and we’ll stop, alright? I won’t be upset.”, she rubbed her hands up his thigh and he nodded with eager eyes.
She yanked his sweatpants down, confirming that was ok beforehand, “Tell me, Spencer, do you think about me when you do this?”, she asked as she palmed him over his boxers.
“Really? Do you pretend it’s my hand instead of yours?”, she pushed further as she freed his hard cock, stroking him slowly.
“Mhm.”, he shut his eyes.
“What else do you think about, baby?”
“S-sometimes it’s your hand o-or your mouth.”, he struggled to get the words out through soft moans.
“You mean like this?”, she licked the underside of his cock, swirling her tongue around the tip just once.
“And what, Spencer?”
“And...you’re usually--um t-topless.”
“Well, your wish is my command, darling.”, she sat back on her heels, pulling her shirt over her head, and she could’ve sworn his eyes lit up like a kid on Christmas morning. She returned to pumping his cock as small whines tore through his throat. 
“Are you going to cum, sweet boy?”
“Uh-uh, not yet.” she pulled her hand away and he let out a string of disapproving whines, “Do you want me to fuck you or not?”
“Yes, yes! Need it, please! M’sorry!”
“Alright, alright. Calm down.”, she stripped out of her shorts and straddled him, pulling him back into a kiss. Which was enough of a distraction as she coated him in her arousal, sinking down onto him.
He gasped against her lips as she started moving slowly, “Mmf! Feels s-so good!”
“Better than you imagined?”, she smiled.
“So m-much better!”
“God, you’re such a good boy.”, she moaned while increasing her pace and he fell apart at the seams from the praise. Spencer snaked his hand down between their bodies, rubbing her clit in circular motions with his thumb, desperate to make her cum. 
“Oh, fuck! Just like that, baby!”, he helped her ride out her high, holding her hips down as they stuttered, bucking his own up into her. And even though he was now fucking into her, she was still completely in charge.
“Can I cum, now?! Please, please, please.”, he repeated the last part under his breath like a mantra.
“Of course you can, baby. Been so perfect for me.”, she ran her fingers through his hair gently.
“Oh, oh, oh! Thank you!”, his hips faltered as he spilled inside her as she placed sweet kisses along his flushed skin. She whispered more soft praises to him before attempting to get up, but Spencer tightened his grip around her waist.
“I’ll be right back. Just going to clean us up, ok?”, she reassured him, stroking his cheek and he melted into her touch, allowing her to actually get up this time. Y/N came back shortly after with a cool washcloth, just like she said. She wiped them both down gently, helping him get redressed. And as soon as she settled next to him, he clung to her, burying his head against her chest.
“It’s alright. I’m not going anywhere.”, she laughed lightly.
“Promise?”, he whispered. 
She tilted his head up look at her, “I promise.”
taglist: @slut-for-mothman @converse-spence @muffin-cup @spencerreid9 
join my taglist here and tell me what you thought in my inbox!!
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