#but still you know. cats and nature
mzannthropy · 1 year
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I encountered this cat on my walk a few days ago. It was a very friendly cat, it rubbed against me and I thought it would follow me, but it didn't. I guess that part of the street is its territory. I took these pics and what with the first autumn leaves, it's a very L.M. Montgomery experience.
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hopeinthebox · 9 months
tagged by the fabulous @cordiallyfuturedwight and @jimin-gaon <33 here's the december list
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apologies for being late again new year same me: @aprylynn @jiminsproof @pauls-mccharmly @thvinyl @visionsofgideontheninth @btsbs @kimchokejin @jihopesjoint @eoieopda @monismochi 💜 and anyone else who feels so inclined MWAH p.s. please do tag me anyway if you've already done it
#superfluous commentary in the tags as per usual:#i feel you - ADORE THIS TRACK i can't even explain what it does to my psyche except that it initiates a beach episode.#noso is a phenomenal queer artist and you should check them out#smoke and mirrors - ms faith back in action on the rotation i loved this album in 2009 and it still hits. for the love of GOD take me back#loving you - i am a paolo nutini stan if nothing else. exceptional#love is all around - i am in my frazzled english woman era hence the romcom soundtrack#and tell me who could possibly embody that frazzled english spirit better than four weddings hugh grant#boys don't cry - it's the cure by name and the cure by nature for one listen and i am FIXED!!!#she's always a woman - now billy joel is a great name for a cat or hamster but i digress. the stranger album of the year 2023 (again i fear)#little bird - was annie lennox in the last one?? i still have this on repeat.#googling the lyrics and it thinks i want the jonas brothers and it makes me want to sit right down and cry cry cry i'll tell you that much#jenny - paolo again can you blame me? i cannot express how much i adore his entire discography.#these scottish italians... deadly combination for my mental health. peter capaldi sit down#white flag - dido save me.. save me dido... my jihope anthem because i WILL go down with this ship#eternal flame - banger after banger it's almost as if i made this playlist myself!! can you feel my heart beating??? i apologise#as for the artist list#norah jones and jamie cullum christmas albums on repeat lord forgive me for i have listened to jazz#hozier and abba seem to make it without fail every month. for those who aren't familiar hozier is like if abba were irish. and bitchless.#NOW I'VE SAID TOO MUCH#the rest of the artists are fab of course but does olivia dean know i would die for her?#anyway. insert closing statements#tag#receiptify#MWAH
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ratatatastic · 10 days
wait what was the media storm during game 7?
media storm as in after going up 3 and dropping the ball the next 3 there was a lot of headlines/media attention that was bandwagoning on edm and calling the cats the worst sports meltdown in history because of the possibility of a reverse sweep when in their opinion the cats shouldve closed this out long before and pauls talked about it right after winning the cup especially the whole TURN THE TVS OFF episode
and montys mentioned walking in on game 7 and seeing the tvs still on when they were supposed to be off (presumably because of said media from what we know of because of what paul said)
lets not even mention how pro-edm a lot of the tnt panel was even during the series and spittin chiclets was notoriously very pro-edm its why during the cam&strick podcast when they bring up the whole "do you pay attention to media? do you know whos on your side?" to ekky (especially considering how much pressure they were under the whole finals) that ekky brings up the spittin chiclets podcast like "i saw all those spittin chiclets guys all over edms bandwagon" and then proceeds to try not elaborate too much about it
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fennthetalkingdog · 4 months
Heyo, so um... I wrote a really long thing. But because homophobia and transphobia is mentioned (not endorsed or condoned, but I used a couple of quotes so I don't know if that counts as being explicit about it?), here's your warning now!
You know, one of the biggest challenges of being trans, for me, is realizing that not everyone's out to get me. Granted, I was set up for failure from the beginning; both of my parents were (and still are) homophobic and transphobic, and though they wouldn't throw me out of the house or disown me for it, they heavily disapprove of it in general. And that was a traumatizing experience for me, as a kid that has such a close relationship with them that I tell them everything even now. To open up to the people I love the most and be told, "No you can't be trans," or to admit to both them and myself about a crush and be told, "But that's ungodly." And besides my brief experience with the general queer community, barely enough to realize that being queer and trans was a thing that you could be, that was my first main experience with being queer, and it set the tone for almost every other interaction between me and queerness for years. Every time it came up, I stiffened, preparing myself for someone to argue it didn't exist or that queer people were just maliciously tricking others for some reason or another, and even when my school friends and teachers accepted me immediately, I couldn't relax and was stuck thinking, "But when will everything go wrong??"
Cut to a few years after and you have me, in college, going by my chosen name on literally everything that's not legal and (a lot of times) openly telling folks my pronouns. But it's taken a lot of character development to even get here. It took me a month going to early college and being completely away from my parents to realize that people actually won't care too much and will just use your chosen name and whatever pronouns you ask for (even neopronouns, to some extent; though there will be a lot of stumbling and questions involved, people close to you will be willing to go through that even just for your comfort). It took me until literally a few months ago to fully come to terms with the fact that people automatically (and accidentally) misgendering you isn't malicious at all, and in fact they'll often feel kinda upset if you don't correct them. And also, you don't need to tell everyone your pronouns. (I've taken to not correcting people who I'm not especially close to, especially because even though I am a boy, none of my body is changed and I can't blame others for assuming. Plus some people find connection in a shared identity [like being the only two girls in a group], and I don't have to feel pressured to correct them and break [or at least somewhat fray] that. But other people have different boundaries and comfort levels.) It didn't take me long to get comfortable with being feminine once I realized I was trans, but it took me so much longer to realize that if you tell the people around you that you're a boy, they won't see you as a girl just because you dress or act more feminine one day versus another.
But for all this to happen, you need to tell people about your identity; be comfortable with answering questions about (almost) anything and everything, because people might be confused and it's best to approach that with an open mind rather than a closed and boobytrapped one. My wonderful college friends are a great example of that—they consistently call me a boy and make man jokes and call my hawaiian shirts dad shirts and call me a femboy on my feminine days. But months before now, I had to have a bunch of conversations with one about how I saw myself, my relationship with gender and sex, what body modifications were involved in my view of myself, and more. (Some of these conversations are more than you'd just give a plain friend, but I didn't mind getting a little personal so that was my boundary. Also there were many days when I felt myself getting reflexively defensive and I had to leave, think about the topic for a week or so, and come back with a calmer mind.) And even now I still give my friends feedback on what pronouns feel good, if how and when they use them feels nice (since I like having my pronouns mixed), etc. because I've had to teach myself that showing that I like something won't get me scorned or ridiculed. It's a very, very slow process and it involves learning just as much about yourself as it does telling that to other people, but let me tell you it's so rewarding.
Now, there are still times when people are legitimately homophobic/transphobic to me. Like, I haven't even come out to my parents yet, despite literally telling one of their sisters that I'm nonbinary, because I know that I likely will never be able to change their views and I don't want to put myself through that pain again. So when I hear them talk about queerness (which doesn't happen often, thank goodness, but still occasionally does), I still prepare myself for the worst. But part of my healing was restricting that response to just them and people who have already proven themselves to be queerphobic. I don't want to be a person that gives someone a bad experience with the queer community just because I'm defensive thanks to my own experiences, because though I can't control them, I would never want to be someone that, even unknowingly, causes someone else pain.
(And yes, a major factor in my ability to even come to this conclusion is the fact that I'm no longer constantly living with my parents. I waited 2 and a half years to finally not be under their roof, and during that time that was all I was doing: waiting. It's only been since I could leave that I could truly process everything and try to form thoughts on the matter because I'm no longer just trying to survive. So I'm not talking mainly to those people who are still waiting, but still, if you're stuck having to wait, don't feel bad that you can't grow. Sometimes all you can do is wait, and in the end, that's just as important.)
So yeah, that's the mindset that I've been trying to build over the past year or so of finally being free to be myself. And I'm trying to carry it on to other parts of my life (the autism/ADHD, the nonhumanity, the blackness) just because it's a happier and more productive way to spend my life than constantly being on the lookout for bigots and avoiding people who could just be ignorant. Because I can't control them, but I can control me, and I don't want a bigot to decide how happy I live my life even after they're gone.
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hylianane · 2 years
When I think about the possibility of Vivi rejoining the crew, I can’t help but think about what makes her stand out when placed next to the other Strawhats.
To me her goals were always the most altruistic in the crew. She always tried to maintain peace, teaching Luffy about putting your pride aside and being patient for others. I think about the motives behind her actions, and then I compare them to the Strawhats, who are mostly incredibly selfish.
I love all the Mugiwara because of their selfish traits and not despite of them, of course. But let’s all remember the only reason they ever initially agreed to save Vivi’s life was because Nami downright forced Igaram to offer up a reward in exchange (as Navivi trash this fact makes me all the more insane about how their bond developed). And then you have others like Franky, whose introduction was him beating and robbing Usopp with zero remorse, and even our dear Sanji who once said they should just leave Smoker to die because he’s their enemy. Lovable bastards all of them, but it’s always been clear to me that Vivi is much more prone to wanting to do the right thing, instead of what she really wants or what is best. Like dropping everything to find Nami a doctor despite how desperate she was to reach Alabbasts, and being willing to run around the dessert desperately to avoid the bloodier solution, running herself and the crew ragged so she wouldn’t put others in danger by facing Crocodile head-on. And most of all, choosing to stay behind the first place.
I cant help but view her as a bit of a moral compass among the crew, a pacifistic and self-sacrificial even to her own detriment. If she’d stayed with the Strawhats, or if she were to rejoin them, in which direction would she manage to stir them…?
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keeps-ache · 6 months
porch time porch time woowoo !! :D
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comma57 · 2 years
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i love those FREAKS
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thinking about the idea of grimmjow being relatively young for a hollow i guess bc the idea that he just pops out of the sand one day and jumpscares di roy and everyone is funny to me
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fluffypotatey · 10 months
any tips and tricks for getting into the writing zone?
ok so i have 2 methods and they depend on what i'm writing on: story writing and essay writing (waring: this is a mini-ramble)
with essay writing,
get mad, get super fucking mad, write that shit with spite flowing in your veins. even when i'm writing essays and stories i enjoy, i drag my feet.
i whine and complain like a toddler in my head because despite this topic being one i enjoy, putting my excited tones and rambling into coherent words always tends to feel like i'm butchering that (which is why academic papers should simply let me swear in them and use the 1st pov bc it is sO easy and my thoughts flow a lot better but noooOOOOoooooOOOOOooooo, i have to be formal and proper and-)
also, outlining. fucking godsend with essays. it's why a lot of my longer essays have headings bc i use them to outline and keep my thought on one line of thought bc i have a rambling issue (which is then easily solved with parentheses, my beloved)
with story writing (notice how this is basically a heading? good job! you've found my mini outline for this reply! have a cookie 🍪)
i find that jotting down that scene that is nagging at your brain immediately is super helpful. and do it even if you're now writing out of order. pro-tip: writing out of order is THE best, endorphins be going crazy bc you're actually not fighting with your brain with the story but writing alongside your brain-map.
personally, i find it very difficult outlining a story (how contrary) because sometimes my mind changes ideas or switches the order of scenes, and it is exhausting trying to keep up with all of that in your outline. but i guess, my "outline" with stories is simply me jotting down a very quick summary of the plot that invaded my mind in one document, never touching it again, but staying true to it because i wrote it down. therefore, it exists no longer in the recesses of mind but it a physical statement/promise to complete.
also (this advice goes for both story and essays) it is ok to take a break, step back, and not look at your writing for some hours, days, weeks, months, years--fucking whenever.
my midterm essay? a fucking nightmare. loved the topic, would write something similar about it for fun, but the reason it took me so long to complete (and why i dragged my feet) was because of the "short" timeline i had to complete it. i felt like i was on a time crunch and that led to me procrastinating, stressing over it, and taking my grand old time researching for it. however, when i was able to work on it? i allowed myself to simply do as much as i could. if i was unable to look at that stupid document, i didn't look at it. if my mind had a really good thought or example for the topic rotating in my head? immediate sit down and get that thought onto the paper. it must exist.
i have fics sitting in my folders that have been unfinished in so long, but i still consider them as wips because (and here’s another subpart-advice) i tend to work on them when i am unable to touch my current work. to be frank, working on something else helps keep you in the writing zone even if you cannot stand to look at the blank/unfinished work you wanted to complete originally. when i was incapable of writing for the Monkie Destiny Challenge, i switched to working on writing and editing my teen wolf fic (a fic i had not looked at since July) because while i still had that itch to write, something was blocking me from completing the prompts. and when i switched fics, getting into the zone was a lot easier.
so, to recap:
when jumpstarting the writing zone for writing an essay, you get passionate (can be read as mad/spiteful), and outline your thought process of the essay with headings to keep the writing flow flowing (the headings do not need to stay in the final product but they are good to have in the draft) .
when jumpstarting story writing, write! that! shit! down!!!! chronological order doesn't mean shit when you're in the planning/writing phase. your readers don't have to know that you wrote/planned a character's death before writing/planning out the beginning. they just read it in the order you publish it in!
to keep the writing zone stable and in working condition, TAKE THOSE BREAKS BOO! who cares about your personal deadlines???? if you feel exhausted before opening up a doc, then take that break, babygirl. again, your reader(s) will not need to know (nor do they need to know) how long it took you to get your writing piece done. hell, if you still feel the itch to write but the thing you wanna do is not working, then work on something else you haven't touched in a while because that itch WILL get its scratch somewhere, so help me god.
so yeah, i hope this was helpful, anon (and coherent jfc there better not be a plethora of typos T^T). happy writing, and may your weekend be a healthy dose of eventful!
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nedlittle · 2 years
if alanis morissette wrote you oughta know about me i would never show my face in public ever again but if stevie nicks wrote silver springs about me and made me perform it while she sang directly at me with murder in her heart and bloodlust in her eyes i would straight up kill myself
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tamagotchikgs · 3 months
last night i was poking around in my mouth as u do and i reached back where i had always felt this hard thing w my tongue for awhile now but was like ah maybe it's just like. my gums being inflamed in the back or smthn BUT,, no i poked that thing with my fingernail n it is a tooth that is a whole ass wisdom tooth
#NO WONDER... MY JAW IS IN PAIN ALMOST ALL THE TIME.... HUH..#i wonder if that period where i literally couldnt move my jaw from the pain for like a week was when it was emerging#otherwise the pain is like not awful. not bad enough it's noticeable u know im used to it i have so many aches n pains in my body naturally#like my entire head has a constant ache. if u touch my cheekbones ill drop my head like a cat into ur hand dude it is .#it's like the most relieving ache . like u have just lifted a massive weight off my shoulders. and it's been that way since i was a kid#i think i googled if thats what it was before n they were like no if it were your wisdom tooth youd know :) it would hurt u so bad#which i despise btw because this means nothing to me BHJAH.... like they said the same thing when i broke my foot the nurse that did intake#i was a kid & she was like dont worry if it were broken youd know and you wouldnt have walked in here on it ... fellas . it was broken#& i could never see anything when i looked in the mirror#but it's just because it's slightly covered by like swollen gums back there which i always thought was just because i chewed too hard#but.#no i guess it;s because something was erupting like an alien#i used my lil pokey tool to squish em out of the way and i can see it#it's so weird just having a tooth u know u shouldnt#like i . i want to just grab it i want to just hold it in my hand#why does it have to be so securely in place whihc is something i wouldnt never say for my other teeth HJBA#i am not going 2 have it removed any time soon im .#i have wanted to go to the dentist my whole life but i am too scared#esp w the damage from my ed and depression im so embarrassed#i honestly want to though#there is nothing that would make me feel more like an actual person then to just. get a cleaning#get my maintenance done LMAO#i do my best at home but u kno#i use an electric spinning toothbrush i floss i use mouthwash i do it all 2 try n handle what damage there already is#but it still would do wonders for my mental health and oral health#apparently partial impactions which is what i have can be really bad n get infected so . aha...h. 👍:).. ..h.
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hamartia-grander · 5 months
Okay I'll say it. Gale Dekarios is Caleb Widogast coded if Caleb hadn't developed past like episode 50.
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lucalicatteart · 2 years
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Poll adventure (paventure? lol) Day 5: read the small story tidbit below the poll for more details, OR just vote based on initial impression
(✦ see past poll results + further information HERE (link) ✦)
The winning option of yesterday's poll was that the adventurer should choose a suspicious egg as his gift ….
"He carefully plucks the egg from the gift pile, wrapping it in spare fabric and tucking it away inside a small wooden box within his backpack for safety. Not really wanting to stick around and get accidentally pulled into scary underground tunnels or something, he shakily bids the Well Creature farewell, and continues on through the forest, just following whatever he can find that looks vaguely like a path.. He makes an occasional stop to pick up a cool rock, harvest berries, or let the cat play in the grass, but mostly just wanders aimlessly, lost in daydreams and contemplations of how his New Fun Life Of Spontaneous Adventure is going so far......
Eventually, the forest tapers off into a more open area of land, hosting what seems like a humble little village. By this point, it's nearly nightfall, which reminds him that he's actually quite afraid of the dark, so he scrambles about town for a moment until finally finding the local Inn. After nervously stumbling inside, he rents the cheapest room available, then sits alone, snacking on some free leftover food scraps and plain water. It's been a tiring day, but in the spirit of becoming an adventurer and pushing himself to have as many experiences as possible, he figures he could hang around downstairs a little longer, perhaps get one more thing done before bed -- What should he do?"
#paventure posting#polls#choose your own adventure#Sorry I have the opposite problem to people who make characters who are too overpowered and good at everything lol#Everyone has to be fumbling around in roles that are not actually suited towards them that much (like a wandering#adventurer who is also afraid of the dark . not generally all that brave. instead of a trusty steed or something useful#he has like 5 coins and a piece of bread and a little cat. etc#) but that's the point! He wants to get out and try. He doesnt' actually know much what being an adventurer entails but he still wants to#go and adventure and see the world. leave whatever his old life was behind and just let himself be led by whatever paths happen#to present themselves to him - in the hopes that at some point along the way he'll end up with something fulfilling or know#where he actually belongs. blah blah generic adventuring stuff. so on and so forth. He can't have too specific of motivations really#just by the nature of everything he does being randomly voted on lol. So just 'generally seeking to be on a journey' works.#I wonder if that's the fantasy world version of a mid-life crisis. People reach a certain age and are just like 'I'm going to leave#my village and wander around and see what happens!!' and sometimes it works out and they become a famous#cartographer or a well known knight or work their way into a job in castle or etc. etc. and then others just return home after#like a week or something with no money and a broken arm lol#ANYWAY#I wanted to have so many options since an Inn is a good place where many branching paths could come from like. there could be such a#variety of people to talk to and things you could do there. but I'm still trying to limit it to 6 or less options each time#I wanted to have a second mysterious hooded figure described as trying very hard to look much more mysterious than#the first hooded figure but there isn't room for that with the text limits lol. but I thought it would be funny with like.. the fantasy#trope of there always being some shadowy guy in a corner in a tavern or something. but then you look and there's another even more shadowy#guy. then you look in the next corner and there's an even MORE shadowy guy. and sometimes they all stare at each other from#across the room. one of them pulls their hood down a bit and the other does it and they keep doing it until their faces are so covered they#cant see anymore. etc. etc. ANYWYA Ghbjhb#yeah! day 5!
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cherrymoonvol6 · 10 months
#i finished binging the she-ra show#and it was fine? this is what people are so angry about?#i think catra's redemption was well setup and made sense#and while i still like the catra adora romance i wish there was like... more of it#here are some gripes i have tho#1) glimmer's decision at the end of s4 feels like it has no consequences#like for starters i'm annoyed that the issue ended being incredibly black or white and it zapped out the nuance of the respective decisions#but she's like alright i was completely wrong and after bow forgives her it's like... ok surely more people would have Opinions about this?#but no they don't. missed opportunity#but the problem in shows like these (idk if it's different outside western animation) is that there's no budget to deal with--#--cities and kingdoms having people. which makes them feel like shells that have little substance beyond being a narrative device#and yes everything in a show/piece of media IS a narrative device but you know. you gotta hide that. that's the beauty of media#but like... there's a universe where glimmer's subjects saw the consequences of her actions and rose against her. that woulda been fun!#2) adora's conflict in the finale of ohhh i have to Fulfill my Destiny(TM) comes so out of nowhere. esp when she had been against the--#--whole destiny angle for the previous four seasons. suddenly she's burdened with it and it's clear that it's a way to isolate adora#but it's SO sloppily done and there's no buildup to it#and 3) woulda like if they did more with the first ones. there's a lot of potential there and maybe a more natural way of isolate adora#like have her have this crisis of 'there's no one here who can fully understand me' and i thought that was what they'd do with the--#--cat creature they introduce in S5? but just ends up being catra's magic animal sidekick#idk there was a lot there to investigate. bow's dad could've been a good resource to make that happen too#uhhh that's it mostly?#at the end of the day this kind of western animated shows feel so pandering to kids. very formulaic and simple#tho i do respect that the show followed through the worst outcome in almost every occasion#(that's why catra compells me.... talk about a character who makes the worst decision at every point. she's just like me fr fr)#but yeah it was cute#i also like how bisexual the show felt at all times (except the ending where they were like ok monogamy is the goal but eh)#cute show. fun characters. easy 7/10#catradora good#not great but eh#no show can give me compelling couples to obsess over (except for skam españa i guess)
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prismatoxic · 1 year
bpd is super cool and fun bc if i am attached to someone and they like someone else more than me, i either:
resent the person i have never met (bc they're better than me)
resent the person i am attached to (bc they don't like me more)
resent myself (for not being good enough)
and it usually happens bc the other person has a fucking romantic interest in the person they "like more". fam i do not even want that with you why am i acting like it's a competition
it also happens with best friends though. like. why does my little pea brain think i need to be the ~best friend~ of everyone i latch onto like a parasitic worm. that's too many people i can't be a best friend every time
and on one memorable occasion, i felt it about a FUCKING CAT, which is all new levels of pathetic (me and the cat became friends though)
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sysig · 2 years
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More cat!DAX (Patreon)
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