#but suddenly they were doing things because they were tired or distracted or upset and not because they hated me
yellowocaballero · 1 year
no, keep writing long answers. whenever i send in asks and the reply is 'no' or some quippy gif or 'yes. [link to post that answered my question already]' it just devastates me. i feel like i wasted everyone's time and the answerer is just scorning me behind the screen for doing so lmao 😭
I find that it helps me a lot to approach life from the basic assumption that people don't care that much about me and that they don't have a lot of strong opinions about me. I mean, think of it this way - how often has a friend texted you and you went 'ugh, this asshole again, I hate them'? Or how often have you heard a classmate give the wrong answer in class or say something wrong and went 'what a moronic waste of space'? How often are you mentally unkind to others? Hopefully not that frequently. Even when you are, how often it is anything more than you taking our your own bad mood on another person? And the kind of person who thinks these things about friends or even strangers frequently, from pure bad spirit instead of just a tough day or a personal issue, isn't really the kind of person whose opinion I care a lot about.
Anyway, from my experience with bloggers who give short answers - they get a ton of asks every day and don't have time to respond in depth to each one. Or they just don't have a lot to say. Or they enjoy acknowledging asks but they feel awkward talking too much. If they respond with a link to the prev question, then they really just don't feel like taking the time to type everything out again! I give stupid long answers because they're about my fic and I love talking about my fic, I assume that most people following me are here to read my fic background and opinions, and because I don't get that many asks lmfao. On days when I do have a full inbox my answers are always a lot shorter. If I was some BNF or something I'd definitely talk a lot less. Also I just naturally am a big talker, and not everybody is. All of that's about me and nothing to do with the anons. Dw about it!!
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burstinn · 9 months
You accidentally sit on their face, And they actually enjoy it
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Warnings and Notes:
All of these aren't serious hcs, I was high again and wanted to make this
I made this for funny
Slight nsfw
Gn reader, target audience is male
Haha face sitting
People mentioned:
Riptide (Tide), Soap, Gaz, Ghost, König, Makarov, Keegan, Horangi, Price, Krueger, Roach, Logan, Graves
You are tired, after agrueling training from a grouchy superior who had a bad day so he had to take it out on you and your comrades. You needed to sit down, badly. Your legs are about ready to give up.
Once you reach the common room, fucking finally. You pull out your phone to find something to watch, while you make your way to the sofa.
And you sit down, Before you felt something poking you, something.. Wrong. You immediately look down realizing you.. YOU SAY ON SOMEONE'S FACE
- He immediately sits up looking at you, well if his mask was off he would be confused at fuck
- "Sorry for huh??"
- Seems like you say on him while he slept
- "... ", "nothin"
- Weird, but okay.. He tells you go off while he layed back down to continue his eye rest
- Thank fucking god, Thank the holy stars he didn't catch you sittin on him
- BUT.. The holy stars didn't feel like saving you right now. Because apparently a rookie caught you accidentally sitting on Tide and told him after he woke up.. That fuckin snitch
- Now you have to face the embarrassment of Riptide confronting you about it the next day.
- Tide sounds upset as well while confronting you, how humiliating
- Well the thing that you don't know is. The thing is, he angry cause HE DIDN'T GET TO FEEL TO ASS ON HIS FACE. HE DIDN'T GET TO FEEL A PLUMP ASS SITTIN DOWN ON HIS FAAACE
- and by God would he find a way to let you sit on him.
- Yknow.. You know how I write this man..
- He saw you walk in, distracted by your phone.. Obviously making your way to the couch while he sitting down.
- Then he got the bright idea.. To yknow.. Lay his head down to just... Idk stretch.. Totally
- He had the pleasure as well to watch your ass slowly sit down on his face, well for a few seconds anyway. Then you immediately get off his face. Sad life fr
- "huh? What's up why'd you get off?" "Your ass is nice to look at btw"
- " you saw me about to sit down on you and you didn't say anything?!"
- "A man gotta do to experience something new man.."
- You would hit him. But you would also get in trouble for that.
- he would joke the shit about it as well. He would tease the fuck outta you for the rest of the month for this.
- Bro won't even hide to shamefully ask you if you wanna sit on his face again ( in a joking way)
- (He's actually serious)
- He was about to shut his eyes when he suddenly saw an outline of an ass about to sit on him.
- His eyes suddenly opened and he tried to get up but nah.. Too late bro you gotta feel the full plumpy moons first
- When you got up his eyes were wide and his face was red.
- "no.. It's okay.."
- he got off and left. Leaving you in your shame
- He had to leave to compose himself.. He found something new about himself and he isn't sure how to react
- His eyes were closed.. Then he felled something soft on his face.
- Then a scream oh my god I'm sorry
- Oh.. Shit...
- He sits up, realizing you sat on his face.. He doesn't say anything.
- His face is fucking red under the mask. Your ass suddenly looked twice as big as before. Don't know how that works but go with it fr.
- He got hard, you noticed.
- "dude.. Sir..?.. Are you.."
- He just looks at you. He has that look in his eyes
- Cmon, yknow what you gotta do.. YOU KNOW
- He wasn't expecting ass in his face, he thought he wouldn't enjoy something like face sitting but hey.. It's actually.. Nice?
- He doesn't say anything when you suddenly sit up embarrassingly trying too apologize
- He just nodded..
- He wanted you to sit on his face again so fucking badly..
- So badly he would lay down on literally anything sittable while you were in the room
- It was so fucking obvious it was almost funny
- You had to confront him about it. And he just.. Confessed, yeah, he wanted you to sit ok his face
- .... Cmon bro.. Be a man and sit on the guys face, Make his wish come trueeee
- " sit back down"
- "excuse me? Sir.. No-"
- you better sit the fuck back down on his face
- He will literally pull a gun on you and force you to sit back down on his face
- No fucking lie he literally took a fucking huge sniff
- You know because you fucking heard that comically loud sniff
- You had to cut your apology short to look at that dude in disbelief
- "Did you just fucking sniff my ass?!"
- Bro will literally look at you with a goofy ahh face and just look at you.. Not saying anything, not even a fuckin nod
- "you gonna sit back down on me or..?"
- He made you sit back down on his face
- He will literally squeeze your ass, then pull your legs and make you sit back down on his face
- Don't even try to fight. His hands are fucking locked down on your thighs to keep you stuck on his face
- He made you sit down on his face for so long, you were literally concerned if he was breathing
- if you ask him if he's alive, he would just squeeze your leg to show you. Yeah, he's good
- if you look behind you, He's hard.
- would smile and assure you it's okay.
- Pats your back, for more assurance. But he literally wants to Pat your ass
- Bro would imagine what it would be if you sat on his face
- Naked. Yes, if you sat on his face naked.
- If you did his beard would tickle you.. Which was what he wanted fr
- He would say something like in a very angry and demanding tone
- "Why'd you get off?"
- "huh?"
- "Sit.Back.down"
- You did
- Yo.. He feelin something he never felt before. Haha lie he just found a new kink he would actually enjoy
- He would literally follow you around and tug your shirt and point at your ass then his face
- If you would say no, He would leave and come back a few minutes later and do the same thing
- He would do it until you say yes..
- He's very happy. He's a very happy bug
- Would scream at you
- because you made him discover something about himself
- He's angry because of that
- He would force you to run 15 laps because of that.
- Then when you suddenly tired, sweating yo legs shaking from how tired you are
- He would silently and gently ask you ( he would toss you over his shoulder and walk you off to his room and make you sit on him)
- He won't explain why he did that. He just wanted to
- Would look at you like 🤨
- Then be like 😐😒😏
- stands up and slaps your ass
- and asks you to sit on his face
Everyone mentioned
- You will face fuck them
- Do not fight me on this, they will make you face fuck them
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sylusjinwoon · 4 months
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{ 167 }
husband!jinwoo sung x wife!fem.reader
{ i get the feeling, so i'm sure | hand in my hand because i'm yours | i can't, i can't pretend, i can't ignore you're right for me | don't think you wanna know just where i’ve been, oh… }
when you first married your husband all those years ago, you didn’t think that your life would turn into something extraordinary-
almost too extraordinary.
of course, jinwoo sung had always been the sweetest, most kindest man alive. upon meeting you in college, he had stolen your heart with that mysterious smile and strange, glowing eyes of his. the way his soft ebony locks of hair fell across his features along with the way his full lips was turned up in a sheepish grin was enough to steal your heart instantly.
when the man began courting you was when you realized that your lover could do things that many normal people couldn’t do.
for starters, he had a strange, dark aura that constantly surrounded him. those wispy shadows would catch your attention, and before your gaze could follow them for too long, jinwoo would grab your chin and distract you with a kiss-
(which unfortunately for you, worked every time.)
the more you spent your time with him, the more you began to realize that those same wisps that exuded from his form would ultimately surround you as well. you recall the first night you had seen them after working a late shift at the diner that was your job during that time. once you had clocked out and stepped into the cold, night air, you swore you saw something shift within your shadow. curious as to what it was, you step closer to one of the streetlights, hoping that it would further accentuate your shadow-
only to nearly scream when you saw what looked like five pairs of glowing, purple eyes looking back at you. after the realization, you gasped and took a step back, suddenly finding yourself in someone’s arms, jinwoo’s happy voice whispering within your ear.
“hello, my beloved treasure. are you ready to go home?”
your head was spinning, looking at him, then back at your shadow to see it return back to its slender shape, glowing eyes all gone as your head began to spin. swallowing thickly, you turn around to hide your face within his chest.
“hm, what’s wrong, sarang?”
“it’s nothing.”
maybe you were just tired, that’s all. you didn’t want to worry jinwoo and tell him how you saw glowing, purple eyes staring back at you.
perhaps you should take his advice and stop working such late shifts after all?
instead, you ignored those feelings of suspicion, simply cuddling closer to jinwoo as he walked back with you to your shared apartment (completely missing his sigh of relief when you didn’t bring up his soldiers seen in your shadow.)
you didn’t know why you ignored all the strangeness surrounding your beloved boyfriend, but perhaps it was due to the fact that he was such a walking green flag that you truly didn’t care nor mind.
ultimately, he was the best thing that ever happened to you, and who were you to give him up so easily?
after years spent dating, jinwoo finally proposes to you at the ripe age of 27, with you accepting his proposal within seconds. you recall basking in his sweet kisses before proceeding to make love with him the night of his proposal, further cementing your promises of forever with him.
after your marriage, you didn’t think of such weirdness ever again… choosing to simply ignore the shadowy wisps as you correctly guessed that they were meant to protect you-
however, it all reached a boiling point when your son, suho, reached his first birthday and began floating across the dining room table. your eyes go wide, seeing him glowing as the shadowy wisps surrounded your baby boy. he had gotten upset when you didn’t let him eat his birthday cake. one moment you were telling suho to wait for his papa, and the next he was floating above you with pieces of his cake clutched tightly within his tiny grasps.
jinwoo told you he had some work to do at the station, but you were too panicked to wait for him to come home tonight. in your anxious state, you called him right away, feeling grateful that he answers on the second ring.
“hello love-“
“jinwoo…! suho is… he’s floating and the shadows are trying to help him down… but he’s not coming down!”
you follow your child in hopes of catching him if he ever decided to come down, hearing jinwoo shift around a bit on the other line.
“don’t worry, sarang… i told you that i know how to fly, too, right?” amusement was heard in his voice, and you felt a sense of pure annoyance flooding your veins.
“you most certainly have not told me such things! and i expect a full explanation when you come home!”
“wait, my love-“
“and i mean everything, jinwoo sung!”
you hang up the call quickly, watching as suho took a nose dive back into your arms. filled with a sense of relief, you felt your son smear his cake all over your blouse and take a step back-
only to detect the faint scent of your husband’s cologne as his powerful arms were felt wrapped around you.
“how do you manage to do that?” you hiss at him, eyes weakly glaring at him when he holds you even tighter to his chest. again, he had appeared when you needed him the most.
“later, my love… i’ll tell you later… first, let’s celebrate our suho’s precious birthday.”
“bah!!!” suho’s eager cries for his father makes your heart melt, easing your anger just the tiniest bit. you pout while transferring suho into jinwoo’s arms, snickering when your son manages to smear even more bits of frosting and cake against his turtleneck sweater.
the next few hours were spent with you finishing up dinner and celebrating suho’s first birthday with his lopsided cake. never wishing to remain too far away from you or suho, jinwoo settles your form on his lap while you held on to suho, cleaning the crumbs of his cake off of his mouth as your husband cuddled close to you and your son.
when nightfall came and jinwoo helped put suho to bed in his crib, you stayed close by with your arms crossed over your chest. when he shuts suho’s door, his solemn, grey eyes meet with your gaze. you gesture at him to follow you out into the balcony, and he does so while wrapping a hand around your waist.
you slide open the glass door and close it, speaking in hushed tones so as to not disturb your neighbors. “i turned a blind eye to many things when it comes to you jinwoo… solely because i love you so damn much.”
he hums, holding you tightly in his embrace while momentarily looking at the skies.
“from shadows that seem to surround me to your strange glowing eyes-“
“we have a history together, my love.” jinwoo interrupts you, not looking away from the sky.
his words make you look up at him. “obviously, we do. we’ve been together since the start of college.”
“no… before that. way before that.”
taking advantage of his strength, he turns you around so that you were now facing him. his eyes glow that same, startling hue as his hands gripped at your shoulders tightly. “if you wish to know the truth, the whole truth, then say the word. i’m no longer the coward i once was… i’m certain i can keep you by my side regardless of what happens.”
you let out a shaky breath before giving him a nod as your final answer.
he brings you closer to him now, surrounding you within his powerful embrace as he kisses you fully on the lips. the shadows dance around you once more, as you saw a faint glow surrounding your form from beneath your closed eyelids-
and that single action alone was enough to pull the curtain away from your very memories.
there were gates and hunters… monarchs and monsters that threatened to destroy all of humanity…
and there was you and jinwoo…
a hunter with his healer…
all at once, you felt your vivid memories returning back to you, the onslaught of visions being too much to bear that you had a hard time discerning all of them. you end up falling against jinwoo, his arms being wrapped around you in a comforting manner as he prevented you from slumping against the ground.
your head was pounding, yet despite the pain, you manage to look up at him, seeing jinwoo with his eyes clenched shut as tears streamed down his face.
“i’ve been so alone- i’ve kept this burden of mine a secret for so long, and this may be selfish of me, but- i’m truly so happy that you know.”
you shake your head and push through the pain, leaning up to kiss him deeply as he delves his fingers into your hair. as the full moon shone brightly against your entangled forms, you knew that jinwoo had always been your soulmate from the start.
as you spend the following years in marital bliss, you gave suho a little sister named sera, a precious little girl who held both yours and jinwoo’s features while having your eyes. even at such a young age, suho swore to protect his little sister while allowing jinwoo’s shadow soldiers to surround both of them.
yet there was a growing concern between you and jinwoo when it came to your children. after all, jinwoo wanted both suho and sera to live a relatively normal and peaceful life, forcing him to lock away their memories pertaining to the powerful nature of their father (a power that they were sure to inherit someday.)
after jinwoo had erased your children’s memories, you spent the night in your children’s room comforting them, with beru crying while clutching on tightly to suho’s drawing depicting beru holding hands with both him and sera. as the former ant king leaves the room, you whisper to jinwoo.
“will you leave them in the dark forever?”
he shakes his head, bringing you into his embrace while pressing a kiss against your hair. “no, not forever. they’re both still too young… and i’d like to give the fruits of our love some happiness… after all, being children of the shadow monarch is no easy burden to bear…”
you hum in agreement, moving your head so that you could meet his lips in a searing kiss. regardless of what the future would bring, you swore to always remain by jinwoo’s side, all while protecting and raising your children…
“mom, if you keep cutting the cucumbers too much, it’ll be like baby food.”
you snap out of your reveries just then, looking down to see a 10-year old sera looking up at you with an innocent expression. you giggle and pick up the slender girl, allowing her to sit on the counter as you placed the cut cucumbers into a bowl for tonight’s kimchi.
“thank you for helping your mama.” you smile and brush your lips against your daughter’s forehead, earning a giggle from her.
“mama, where’s oppa…? it’s getting late.”
you purse your lips, looking up at the clock to see that it was 6:45pm… sera was right. usually suho would come home from school at around 3pm with your husband joining later around 8 to 9pm.
“my queen, do not fret, for your husband and young monarch are here…” tusk whispers in your ear, making your eyes widen in response.
as if on cue, the door was heard opening, with jinwoo carrying an unconscious suho in his arms.
“oppa!” sera calls out to her brother, jumping off the counter to meet with her father, “papa, is he okay? is oppa hurt?!”
jinwoo chuckles, ruffling his daughter’s hair with a fondness. “your oppa is fine, he just has a little headache. how about you keep him company until he feels better?”
sera gives him a determined nod, following jinwoo into suho’s room when you decide to put all of the ingredients for tonight’s dinner back into the fridge.
after all, jinwoo had a lot of explaining to do.
while waiting for jinwoo’s return, you poured him an ice cold glass of lemonade, filling it to the brim and offering it to him when you felt his arms suddenly encircle around your waist a couple of minutes later.
“thanks, honey…”
you face him, watching him drain the entire glass within seconds.
“where’s sera?”
“staying by her brother’s side until he wakes up. i told her to keep a close watch on him, he should feel better when dinner’s ready.”
you nod and lean against the kitchen sink. “and… just what did you do?”
you take a moment to admire him, feeling a sense of womanly pride filling you at the fact that he was your husband. despite how it was clear that jinwoo had aged, with slight wrinkles against the corner of his eyes and corner of his lips, he still looked as handsome as the day you first met him-
perhaps even handsomer than before.
settling the empty glass to the side, he wraps his arms around your back. “i was testing him, to see if he was ready to fully inherit my abilities. i even made a system for him to help level up as well.”
you hum and sway back and forth in his arms. “and…?”
jinwoo scoffs, “he is far from ready… filled with overconfidence and a cockiness that’s seen in all teenagers his age. suho has been too spoiled, never once facing the dangers or the fear of death… and such inexperience could lead to his downfall.”
your husband’s words manage to earn a laugh from you. “weren’t you just as cocky back then, too?”
jinwoo rolls his eyes, playfully taking your hand before gently biting down against your fingertip. “there’s a difference between fighting to protect what matters and when to stop when victory cannot be achieved. suho has yet to learn that."
he sighs when he sees the concerned look in your eyes, bringing you closer to him as he presses a lingering kiss against your forehead. “i just want him to be able to protect himself and sera if anything were to happen to us… and at the moment, he’s not ready to receive the full gift of my powers just yet.”
you let out a hum and rest your head against his chest. “our babies are growing up so fast… it’s crazy how far our family has come. i trust you and your judgement, jinwoo. because regardless… i’m so happy that i was able to be the mother of your children.”
“and you have no idea how happy i am to be the father of your children.”
after spending a few extra moments sharing kisses, jinwoo smiles down at you while framing at your face with his two hands.
“how about we order some fried chicken with all of our children’s favorite side dishes… as a treat and an apology for scaring our son?”
you giggle and roll your eyes at your husband and his playful smile, feeling your heart become alight with pure love for him-
praying that such bliss with him and your precious kids will last for forever and a day…
{ done being distracted | the one i need is right in my arms | your kisses taste the sweetest with mine | and i’ll be right here with you 'til end of time. }
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a.n. - i was so desperate to write for hubby!jinwoo, and i’m so happy at how this turned out 🥹 i apologize for any errors, since i wish to get this posted asap!
all stories are written by rei; reposts, translations, and plagiarism are not allowed.
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graphicpepsi · 5 months
secure (nsfw, mdni)
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OR what happens when König is having a rough time at work & takes it out on you. starts a lil angsty
You could always tell when König was having a rough day.
When long talks turn into short, gruff responses; when soft, delicate hands on your body turn to rough, firm slaps- not that you minded, of course- you loved it when he got rough. For the past week he had fucked you to sleep every single night- pounding into you mercilessly- disregarding whenever you asked if he was alright with a wordless hand on your jaw, or a hard kiss to your lips that took every single thought in your head away.
But tonight was going to be different- you were determined. That's why when he came through the door at eleven pm, rushing to get his hands on your waist, you pushed him away hard enough he knew you wanted him to stop. He looks at you, face twisted into a confused expression.
"König, you need to talk to me." You say, crossing your arms and hoping he can't smell the arousal radiating off of you. You can't help it, he's just so big, towering over you like that-
"Later." He says shortly, moving to kiss you again. You step back.
"König, no, what's wrong?"
"Nothing, love, I just wanna-"
"Stop!" You exclaim, "Just stop! god, don't you want me for anything more than sex?"
You hadn't meant to say that because you knew it wasn't true. He looked alarmed.
"What? Of course I do, schatz, where is this coming from?"
"That's the longest sentence you've said to me all fucking week, König." You say, exhaustion evident in your voice.
You sigh, collect yourself and take his hands in yours.
"I'm not mad at you Köni, I just- I'm worried about you. And I'm tired of feeling like a sex doll."
"You're not a sex doll," He says plainly, "You know that."
"Then why're you treating me like one?"
"I thought you liked it when-"
"God, you're not getting it, König." You run a hand through your hair, leaving his hands to drop to his sides once again. He stands stiffly in the hallway.
It's silent between the two of you for a few minutes. He stares at you, while you stare at anything but him.
"You think I'm using you for sex." He finally says, breaking the silence. "Fuck."
"You're treating me like a one night stand, König, if you're bored of me just fucking say it." You spat, even though you prayed silently that wasn't the case.
Of course it wasn't.
He engulfs you in a hug so quickly and so tightly you think you might pass out. It's only when your hands fly up to rub his shuddering back that you realize he's crying.
"Oh, Kö, I'm sorry I don't mean that, I'm just upset."
He shakes into you, and you suddenly feel sick with guilt.
"I killed a teenage girl." He whispers, so quiet you hardly catch it. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, love, I just- you're the only thing that distracts me."
The sudden confession caught you off guard. He had killed a young girl?
"What happened?" You ask, pulling partly away from him to study his teary eyes.
You both sink to your knees in the hallway, and somehow, even at this height he's still a foot or two taller than you.
"You know how they are in the republic, sending out innocent civilians in front of their soldiers, thinking no good man could shoot-" His words fall into sobs again, his shoulders heaving with every inhale. You've never seen him cry like this.
"Shh, it's okay," You say, because you're not sure what else you can say. It's not okay, and you both know that, but your delicate hand on his shoulder is enough for him to half believe you.
"I know you wouldn't do a thing like that meaningfully, Kö."
He nods, tears still steaming down his face. You wipe them away with your thumb, cradling his face in your hands. He shuts his eyes almost shamefully.
"I could never be bored of you, could never live without you," he says breathlessly, and you get the feeling he's hoping you can't hear him.
After a few seconds he's calmed down tremendously, enjoying the feeling of your hands on his face.
"This is what I missed." You say, "My boy."
He opens his lidded eyes to look at you.
"Thank you," He whispers with a sigh, and it's you that leans in to kiss him this time.
His lips are salty with tears, but you relish in the feeling of his mouth against yours in the soft, loving kind of way.
For the first time in over a week, it's you who deepens the kiss, and he gently guides you until you're sitting on his lap.
"Let me fuck you properly, schatz," He whispers into your neck, pressing soft kisses over the purple marks that litter your skin. His thick accent next to your ear makes your pussy pulse against his growing hard-on. You sigh, relaxing into him- something you haven't been able to do for too long.
He picks you up, mouth still on your neck, and carries you to your bed. He places you on it like you're made of glass. You take your shirt off and König's hands are almost instantly on your tits, squeezing them softly like they're the most delicate things he's ever held.
You take his hand from your chest and put his thumb in your mouth, swirling your tongue around it as you look up at him. Fuck, he thought you were pretty like this. Perfect tits on display, sucking on his thumb, pussy dragging back and forth on the bed for any kind of friction- and it was all for him. He loved doing this to you.
He loved fucking you just fine; pounding into you with a hand on your throat, slapping your ass and denying your orgasm- but god did he love it when you got so worked up like this, so worked up over nothing.
He peels his shirt off, throws it across the room. You could whine with how slowly he takes his belt off. You're completely exposed for him now- jeans forgotten somewhere on the bedroom floor along with your shirt and underwear.
"I'm coming, baby," He whispers, finally done undressing and climbing on top of you. You can almost hear his heart with how fast it's beating. God, you're wet for him.
He presses a light kiss to your lips before bracing himself with a hand on the bed frame- and god was that a sight to see- his muscular arm extended out above you with the other holding your jaw gently, trapping you intoxicatingly. You can see the way his hand flexes as he starts pushing into you, his veins growing bigger ever so slightly.
"König- yes, god, more-" You murmur, eyes threatening to screw shut at any moment.
"Fuck, love." He grunts into your ear, "Such a pretty little pussy."
He's fucking you now, thrusting into you harshly as he looks into your eyes, at your face.
You've missed this so much. Just him on you, fucking you proper, muttering sweet things into your ear with a voice threatening to break because of how good you feel around his dick.
You claw at his back because you know he loves it. Loves to wake up to see your hand prints and nail marks all over him.
"Kö, Köni I'm close, Köni-"
"Sh, being so good baby, good girl," He whispers, fucking into you hard and slow.
You practically cling to him as you let yourself go, tears prickling at the corners of your eyes with how fucking good it feels to come on his cock. So full, so good.
König pulls out and comes on you soon after, replacing his dick with his fingers inside of you to fuck you through your orgasm. His cum spills all over your tits, splattering a few droplets on your lips and jaw which you instinctively lick up.
Fuck he loves you when you look like this.
All fucked out, panting, lips parted and face flushed- he thinks he could look at you forever.
"I missed that, König." You say softly.
"Me too, love, I'm sorry." He kisses your cheek, "I love you so much."
You say nothing- just burying your face in the crook of his neck with a content sigh, inhaling the scent of sex and cologne that sticks to him.
A/N: hehehehe i love him. thanks for reading if u want me to write something specific lmk, otherwise i'll just write whatever my horny for cod men brain comes up with. Later y'all
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lola-bunn1 · 2 years
begging for a lo’ak x fem reader where theyre childhood best friends to lovers <3 there’s barely any lo’ak writings it’s so sad 😭
❥ a/n: bro YOURE SO RIGHT i wish there were more lo’ak fics he’s so underrated and ppl hate him for no reason like my boy did nth??
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Ever since you were 5, you and Lo'ak were inseparable. You went everywhere together, did everything together, hell you even had sleepovers together.
Lo'ak didn't have many friends, many of them made fun of him for being different, calling him the kid with the demon blood. So having a person that didn't pick on him and actually was friends with him was oddly surprising, and a little sad.
You two were best friends. As his best friend, he was very protective of you. When you'd go hunting, he'd tell you to be careful where you aim as he was scared you'd accidentally aim it in the air and have it fall on you, or when you'd be out after eclipse, he'd be very aware of his surroundings, keeping out for any dangerous creatures
It was safe to say you two were always together.
Another thing about him, was his issues. You knew how hard his father was on him. He already had to deal with the pressure of trying to live up to his perfect brother, and his dad wasn't making any easier by scolding and yelling at him for every breath he takes
He wasn't exactly enjoying any of it, and nobody understood him. Except you.
You were always there for him, and that's when he knew.
He was somewhere in the forest, hiding. He always liked to hide to get away from everything for a bit. But this time, he was hiding because he just had another fight with his dad, and left to get some air.
You knew exactly where to find him, and the minute you hugged him, he broke down.
And you didn't leave.
You didn't judge him, you didn't yell at him, you stayed. You stayed and comforted him, and supported him, and made sure he was okay
"I'm so sorry Lo'ak, your dad never sees the effort you put in when you try to live up to his expectations. But trust me, I see it. I see it everyday, I know you're trying, and I'm always gonna be here when you need me, it's okay, I'm here for you" You said as you held him tight, wiping his tears and playing with his hair
That's when he knew. That's when he knew he was never gonna find someone like you, he was never going to find someone that made him feel as safe as you do
He had fallen for you and didn't realize it till now.
Even with the next day, you came by and took him out to distract him from the fight, you made sure that he was smiling and laughing, forgetting all the pain
But one day, it was different. He was alone in the forest again, and of course you were quick to go comfort him
He was sitting on the ground, staring into nothing in silence. He suddenly heard footsteps and sighed
"Lo'ak?" You said in a soft voice, slowly walking towards him, "hey" you said as you pulled him in for a hug but he pushed you away
"Leave me alone" He said, turning away
You took in a deep breath, "I understand you're upset about your dad-" you said as you touched his shoulder but he pushed you away again
"Why are you even here?!" He yelled
"Wh-what?" You nervously said
"I don't need you to comfort me, I'm fine on my own"
"But Lo'ak-"
"You think I don't know about your sick game?" He said, the anger radiating off him
"What game-"
"I'm tired of you treating me like this! I'm tired of you treating me like this and acting like you don't realize what you're doing to me"
"I don't need you! I don't need anyone. I'm sick of you playing me like I'm some stupid game! Leave me alone!" He yelled, startling you the louder he got, "You mean nothing to me. Do you understand? Nothing!"
He went quiet when he heard you sniffle, and looked into your eyes, seeing them glossy, his heart broke
You ran away, and he heard your cries as you did. He hurt you, he never saw you cry before, and he did now
and it was all because of him.
He didn't see you for days, he asked about you and they all said they haven't seen you leave your tent for a while now
He hated himself for acting the way he did, he didn't mean any of it.
One day, he saw you finally leaving your tent, your eyes were puffy and red, like you've been crying a lot, you had dark circles under your eyes like you haven't been sleeping much, he hated it, he hated the way he affected you
he followed you into the forest where you were picking some fruits he assumed your mother told you to get and took the chance
"y/n" he said and you froze, it was quiet, the sounds of the forest filling your ears, you were about to run until he pulled you back
he held your face as your eyes began to tear up, "please listen to me, y/n i swear you have to hear me out"
you stood there quietly, waiting for him to speak
"I didn't mean any of the words I said, I promise you. I was just--I was mad and I took it out on you"
"Yeah because I mean nothing to you--"
"No!" He yelled, "you mean everything to me. More than you can possibly imagine"
"Then why'd you say it!" You yelled back, and he wiped your tears
"Because I was scared!" He responded, "I was-you just...you make me feel things, things I've never felt before. And I hate it because I know I shouldn't be feeling like this, so I thought maybe if I hurt you, you'd leave and I wouldn't suffer anymore" He sighed
"Suffer what!"
"Suffer the pain of loving you!" He yelled, "I-I see you, y/n. And it scares me because-"
"Because you don't think I feel the same way?" You cut him off
He nodded
"God, you're such a stupid skxawng!" You smacked him, and he rubbed his arm in confusion, "of course I feel the same way! You-you're my best friend, Lo'ak. I see you too."
"You do?"
"Duh! I've been seeing you, dumbass!" you yelled, smacking him in the head
"Damn okay I get it jeez!" he said as he rubbed his head
You chuckled and pulled him in, kissing him on the lips, after you pulled away he had a smirk on his face
"Does this mean you're having my babies now?" He genuinely asked
"I'm leaving."
this sucked okay the end hope u enjoyed love u my bbs
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judysxnd · 1 year
Hi, could we get an imagine where Pedro gets self conscious of the age gap with y/n and had been weird distant with you. Maybe he read an ugly article that said that he was too old for her and didn't really say positive things.
Once you fount out you reassured him and made him feel really love, Idk something fluffy.
Thanks love your writing
I know it’s been little more than a week since I published anything! I’m trying my best! It’s a busy period. And thank you! I hope you like it 😋
You knew that making your relationship go public would be risky. It always is. Living in this world where you are being watched almost 24/7 doesn’t help hiding or keeping anything private. That’s actually what happened with Pedro. You were both seen on the beach one weekend, holding hands and kissing. At first you were both upset, it was a private beach, you were alone, at least you thought you were, but somehow, people knew.
Since this day, it has been tough. Paparazzi were already following both of you before, but now, they are way more, and it’s getting difficult to leave the house. As they are more, they are also very aggressive verbally as they are trying to get any information, especially on the age cap. Yep, this is their main goal, they want to know everything. You are in your late twenties, Pedro in his late forties.
You both knew what would happen, it can be pretty shocking, a big age gap like that. You tried not to think about it, just focusing on your careers and yourselves. But it wasn’t easy denying this part.
Unfortunately, it was harder for Pedro than for you. He has been working very hard to get where he is now, and he doesn’t want anything to jeopardize that. He doesn’t think it will ruin his career or yours, this is the last thing he thought, but it can have consequences psychologically. The harassment, the articles, it’s all they can talk about. Maybe it’s because it’s new, in a few months they will forget about it, but until now, you had to go through it all.
Pedro was on his computer, scrolling through the news when he saw an article about both of you. “Is star Pedro Pascal having a midlife crisis by dating celebrity Y/n L/n?”. He felt a knot in his stomach. He couldn’t stop reading the title. He knew he shouldn’t be reading this, but he couldn’t help. He had to know what they were saying. So he read the article. It wasn’t anything he hadn’t heard or seen before, but it was being repeated so much that he was starting to believe it. Was he really too old for Y/n? Was he just distracting himself? Did he deserve you? He suddenly got overwhelmed with thousands of questions, but was interrupted when you got home.
“Hi baby” you joyfully said as you entered the kitchen where Pedro was. He quickly closed his computer, putting a small smile on his face.
“Hey” he simply said. You started to walk towards him, but he got up, holding his computer to put it on the table in the living room. You were confused. You waited a few seconds for him to come back, but when he didn’t, you went in the living room.
“Are you okay?” He was sitting on the couch, going through his jacket to find his cigarettes.
“Y-yeah, I’m just a little tired. I’m smoking one and I think I’ll go lay down”
“Do you need anything? I can make you some tea, if you need medication I have some” you said, getting closer to him, touching his arm.
“I’m good thank you” he said, barely looking at you as he stepped outside, lighting his cigarette. He sat down on the couch, arms crossed, wondering what was going on with him.
You decided to let go for the day, maybe he was just really tired. Unfortunately, next morning, you woke up to an empty bed, even an empty house. He simply texted you that he had to go to set really early this morning, and that he will probably be home late too. There was definitely something going on. Even during the night, he didn’t stay close to you as he usually does.
That’s when you remembered. His computer. He closed it very quickly and tried to put it away from you as soon as you got home. You need to find it. You went to the living room where you last saw it, nothing, there was only yours. You checked all the drawers in the bedroom, nothing. He wouldn’t have taken it with him, he never takes his computer on set with him. You checked all the places in the house, even in the bathroom.
“Come on!” You yelled, getting very upset. You had some emails to check on your own computer, so you grabbed yours that was in the living room. When you opened it, there was a page open. It was an article about you. “What the hell?”
You didn’t remember looking at anything on internet, but it was possible you did. When you opened your mail, you realized that it wasn’t your computer, it was Pedro’s. Ironically, you both have the same computer, and he must have grabbed yours instead of his. You went back to the article, and read it. You felt awful. How could people say that about him? There is so much more about him, and about your relationship. They don’t know anything. More upset than before, you closed the computer, grabbed your keys and left the house.
A few hours later, you arrived on the set where Pedro was filming these days. After being guided by an assistant, you arrived to the latest room where they were filming. You saw Pedro on his phone, sitting in his chair, focused. He was alone, except from a few people re arranging the set.
“Pedro” you called him, as you were behind him. He got a little bit scared, and quickly turned around.
“Y/n? What are you doing here so late?”
“Well, you texted that you were finishing late, so I thought you might not have time to eat, so.. I grabbed your favorite food” you said, showing the big brown bag you were holding in your right hand. You could tell that he was nervous. “Also, I wanted to talk to you” he simply looked at you and nodded.
“Let’s go to my trailer” you smiled and followed him.
After setting the food the table, Pedro started to eat, but you didn’t.
“You know I love you right?” You simply said out of the blue. His mouth full, Pedro looked at you, nodding. “I saw the article on your computer” you said grabbing some fries. Now he was confused, and frowned. “You took my computer instead of yours” you smiled. “I know we basically agreed not to be official, but it happened without our consent, but now it’s done, and.. and we knew what would happen.. we don’t have the choice to live with it, but we have the choice to ignore it” you stared at him “it’s not true what they say, and we both know it”
“I know” he said “but it’s just.. they say it so much, so many people are saying it, there has to be some truth in it if so many people think the same thing” you hold his hand
“No! They just don’t understand. That’s their job to say shit like that. It doesn’t mean it’s true. Don’t doubt yourself, us, we are real, this is true” you said putting your right hand on his cheek, still holding his left hand.
“I’m sorry”
“Don’t be. It’s completely normal. Remember how I felt when the article about me being pregnant got published a year ago? Just because I gained a little?” You both laughed “it’s not true. They only see two people with different ages loving each other and it’s scaring the shit out of them”
“I love you so much” you both smiled. Pedro started to lean in to kiss you. “I don’t know what I would do without you” he whispered right before kissing you passionately.
“And I love you more” you said after you parted “but now let’s eat because I’m starving and it’s getting cold” you both laughed and went back to your food.
You finished eating, and stayed with Pedro as he finished filming what he had to for the day, and got home with him. You both slept better, cuddled up, like you usually do.
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tatsumessy · 2 years
Captain jealous of their crewmate ~
Pairing: Shanks and Law
Theme: Fluff Jealousy
Synopsis: Being their wife they expect your attention to always be on them.
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Normally a day with you would be sitting in Laws office with your legs on his lap as he looked through files and you read your second book for the day. But things changed when he started getting busy and has barely had time for you.
So you’ve found yourself doing other things on the ship. For the past week you had been hanging out with Bepo most of the day and you’d only see your husband at night when it was night time.
Currently you and Bepo were in the kitchen baking a cake. It happened to be your birthday which you never really celebrated because of lack of people to celebrate with. When it slipped out of your mouth infront of Bepo he pulled you into the kitchen and the both of you were making a cake.
“What’s your favorite flavor?” He asked as more of your crew mates started walking in. “Red velvet.” He started looking through the cabinets for the ingredients and as everyone started to join all of you were having fun making the cake.
“Why isn’t the captain in here with us?” Someone asked, “He’s working.” You responded dipping your finger in the batter and trying it, your face lit up from the taste and you went back in for some more but you were stopped. “Double dipping is nasty Y/n.” Bepo said making a disgusted face, you laughed at him and walked away with your hands up.
Suddenly everyone in the room got quiet and when you turned around you were met face to face with your tired husband. “Hi honey. We’re we too loud.” He sighed and started rubbing the bridge of his nose, “Yes. What are you guys even doing?” He looked around the kitchen noticing the huge mess that all of you made. “Making a cake for Y/n’s birthday.” Bepo said out of excitement.
“Her birthday isn’t for another month.” He said crossing his arms over his chest, everyone in the room shook their heads no and one of the guys pointed to the date on the calendar hanging on the wall. In that moment you wish you had a camera in hand. He looked so shocked and disappointed in himself like how could he let work consume him to the point that he forgot your birthday.
“Traffy don’t worry about it. I know your busy. It’s not that important, Bepo just wanted to make a cake-” “Is Bepo your husband now?” He said glaring at Bepo, “Stop that. Bepo did nothing wrong.” You rolled your eyes sarcastically pushing him out the kitchen and the both of you walked back to your shared bedroom.
You closed the door and locked it behind you so that you two had privacy. “What’s wrong with you, glaring at him like that.” He plopped down on the bed crossing his arms and legs. “You’ve been spending everyday this week with him and you haven’t even spent time with me.” You tried to hold it in but you busted out laughing at his statement.
“That’s what you’re upset about? I’ve only been spending time with him because you’ve been busy and I thought my presence was distracting you.” Rolling his eyes he stood up hooking his hand under your chin, he leaned in giving you a gentle kiss then pulling away in embarrassment. “You don’t distract me, I was more distracted when you weren’t there. And I’m sorry…for forgetting your birthday.” You smiled grabbing his face and planting an aggressive kiss back on his lips.
“Why are you apologizing? I could never be mad at you.” He pulled you close to him while putting his face in the crook of your neck. “Good.”
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Everyone knew how friendly the red haired pirates were and how friendly your husband was. He just sometimes didn’t like how friendly you were with his crew mates, it wasn’t a flirty type of friendly more like an sister type of friendly.
He didn’t show it but he felt like he was more of your friend than your husband. Hell you two were more friendly than romantic, but he never showed it.
Just like any other day you were sitting on the deck with most of the crew talking about quite literally anything when shanks walked over and sat down next to you. With his arm he wrapped it around your waist pulling you to sit on his lap.
Whenever you both were affectionate I’m never mattered where you two were, it would just be you two in your own world. Admittedly you were shocked by his actions and the skirt you were wearing had rode up your thighs dangerously high.
“Hi baby.” He said giving you a closed eye smile, “Hi.” You responded laughing as the two of you again went into your own world talking about something while he casually flirted with you. You were both interrupted by someone bringing you something to drink and before you could sip from it shanks took it and drank most of it then handed it to you smiling.
“She doesn’t like Apple flavor.” He said to the man then looked back at you who had a standstill expression. “What was the reason…and why are you clinging so tight.” You whined trying to get out of his grip but he wouldn’t budge, “I missed my wife.” He said laughing as he watched you struggle.
“You see me everyday.” “Everyday is not enough I just need to be in you so that we’re always together.” You widened your eyes using your hand to cover his mouth, “You say the most outrageous things Shanks.” He laughed kissing your hands then giving you a long kiss not caring who was watching.
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Just curious… what would it take for Skull to finally break through in the DCA au?
Here are a few of the situations that could allow Skull to surface.
Generally, Skull doesn't try to make a break for it. He's grown accustomed to being in the passenger seat, and he's usually too distracted feeling exactly what the other two are feeling to be thinking all that hard about escaping. Also, taking control is a lot of mental effort, considering how the other two will be fighting so hard to get him back down again... he sees/hears/feels exactly what they do, so he doesn't feel like he's missing out on much.
Breaks for it tend to happen when there's a dissonance in what Skull is feeling vs. what the current controller of the body is feeling.
High emotions. When tempers flare Sans and Red aren't concentrating on keeping him down, and his pushes are more successful. This can be disastrous, considering they all share a body/mind and what makes them upset tends to make him upset too- Skull might get so mad he needs to step in. Whoever was stupid enough to piss off the DCA might find themselves seeing a flash of purple before they mysteriously awaken in a hospital bed.
... That could also mean good high emotions, though. For example... the cute daycare assistant just arrived for work and everyone's happy to see her, and Skull suddenly desperately wants to be the one to greet her.
Equally, very mellow moments might allow him to slip through. If Red/Sans are tired, or very chilled out, they might not even notice he's pushed into the driver's seat. A kiss from a lovely assistant might cause a few seconds of flustered purple staring.
He sometimes gets out when Sans/Red are switching places. Especially if the switch was unexpected; ie, a light turning on without warning. He'd only really get a few seconds with that one, though.
If Skull gets extremely excited about something, his happy stims bleed through into Red or Sans' movements.
Any sign language Red/Sans use is them asking Skull to talk for them.
There's only one thing that would guarantee him coming out- the mishandling of a child by Red or Sans. This very rarely happens, because they share all the same childcare protocols and skills, but... at the end of the day, they were built to deal with different kinds of kid. Red's best with hyperactive toddlers, Sans is best with small tots and babies, Skull is best with kids with complex care needs. If a child is having a meltdown and Sans/Red aren't handling it properly, nothing can stop Skull. He notices when the lights are too bright. He notices when the snack textures are too much, when the blankets are too tight/not tight enough, when it's too loud, when there's too many kids and the social pressure becomes too great. He sees things Red and Sans don't see.
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hellloooo. do you have any dragon alec in your little treasure chest? i love him and cat magnus being cuteee
i wrote some just for you! here we go i hope you enjoy!
<3 lumine!
Magnus is gone when he opens his eyes
That’s the first thing Alec realizes even as his vision adjust and he can see for himself the lack of a body next to his own.
It’s the reason why he wakes.
The heart of his hoard is gone, away from Alec’s protective adoration and covetous claim. The knowledge of Magnus somewhere else — somewhere without Alec — is intolerable enough that Alec’s instincts threaten to take over. He wants to burst into his largest form and fly until he finds Magnus, destroying every single thing that is between he and Magnus.
But he can’t, because Magnus is most likely in Pandemonium which means that Alec can’t just destroy it. Not when it belongs to Magnus and is something he built, a sign of his power. To harm it would be to harm Magnus’ reputation and to put him in danger from those stupid enough to think it a sign that Magnus was weakening.
Still, threats are a distraction that Alec finds unnecessary. He’s much rather simply enjoy his days spending as much time with Magnus as possible. Which Magnus knows. Which makes the lack of his company and presence even more upsetting.
Clearly Alec hasn’t been communicating as well as he thought he was, which is disappointing but hardly Magnus’ fault.
Clothing is confusing without Magnus so Alec just goes with a pair of the sweatpants Magnus summoned for him and a hooded vest that still smells like sandalwood and sweat and magic.
It’s with Magnus’ scent in his nose that he follows the trail of Magnus’ magic and loops the path of the portal into a mirror that he steps through. The floor is cool and hard under his bare feet and Alec frowns as flashing lights, raucous noise and the scent of far too many people hit him all at once.
It’s possibly the worst experience Alec has had and he’s suddenly very grateful that all the times he’s come, he’s been a dragon and warded by Magnus’ presence and magic. As if it, Alec very narrowly avoid killing three people and maiming another dozen before he get to the point where Magnus’ magick thickens.
There is security here and when they try to stop him, Alec growls and lets the threat of his voice rush over them. It works well enough and then he’s up and in the high room that surveys the rest of the club from a large window and a glass floor.
Magnus is alone on his throne, but there are throngs of people around him and Alec loathes to see it. Magnus is practically surrounded and Alec can taste the greed and lust and envy in the air. It infuriates him to the point where Alec is just about to rip the nearest person’s spine through their neck when Magnus’ voice catches and stalls.
Magnus is stunned to see his boy, especially when he sees just what Alec is and isn’t wearing.
Alexander is in sweatpants and one of Magnus’ workout vests and only that. He has no shoes and from the delicious outline of his pants and the unzipped front of the vest, he has nothing else on either.
“Come here darling, I’ve missed you.” Magnus is helpless but to offer his hands and wait greedily for Alexander to come to his side. It infuriates many of his guests, but that’s to be expected. They don’t know who Alec is to Magnus and they certainly don’t know what he is.
“You didn’t wake me up.” Alexander says and Magnus pulls him to sit next to him, marveling that Alexander came out by himself — to Pandemonium no less — in human form.
Just because Magnus left and didn’t wake him up.
“You were too adorable to wake, darling.” Magnus admits shamelessly, “I couldn’t bear to see you pout at me for more sleep. I would never have left our bed.”
“I’ll sleep here then. I’d rather just come with you instead of waking up because I realize you’ve gone. Wake me up next time.”
Magnus hardly has a moment to process that very tired and sleepy speech and then Alexander is moving Magnus to the side of his own throne. There’s a minute where the very air is charged as the court meeting with Magnus pulse in confusion. Even Magnus is confused and then Alexander curls up — folding his large, long and still human limbs— and lays his head in Magnus lap. His cool breath tickles the bare skin of Magnus’ stomach and never before has Magnus ached so deeply as he does now.
The signs of Alec’s draconic nature are no doubt on his thighs and shoulder-blades right now, hidden for the moment by thin material. Likewise, the scales that normally dapple his jaw and cheekbones are only crowning his brow and lie hidden behind soft, dark curls.
Alec has rarely looked so human yet rarely has he been so clearly other.
It’s with possessive glee that Magnus allows himself to pet Alexander’s hair — his fingers finding and playing with the scales on Alexander’s nape — and return to the matter of the downworld.
A dragon counts Magnus important enough to it that immediately upon waking, he was hunted down.
And Alexander craved Magnus’ company enough that he suffered crowds of people and interaction in human form, just to sleep curled up in Magnus’ lap with Magnus’ hand in hair.
Whatever the smile on Magnus’ face says, it causes those around him to avert their eyes, apprehension in their postures.
Magnus however, is quite pleased. Pleased enough to let out the deep, rumbling purr that's been building since Alexander's head was pillowed on Magnus' thigh.
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leclerced · 6 months
obviously when it all starts, you do start to cling to them a bit more right? Because all these murders happening around is enough to freak a sane person out, especially when it’s classmates, and people you see every day at college you know? and sure there are little things that tip you off, but you don’t want to see them, so you don’t really notice them. how they don’t want you driving around after dark can just be seen as them trying to protect you because there’s a scary murderer around! they’d love the fact that it makes you a little jumpy, and you become so much more attached to them, and they do also have to admit that your fear is hot as hell. They like being your big strong protectors you know?
And realistically. You are probably the safest girl on campus right now, and just because they are a little murder happy doesn’t mean they don’t love you, though it is odd that every time you tell them something that someone did to upset you, that person ends up dead.
ok sorry … this was actually saved in my drafts … so it was my fault this time not tumblrs. i hit save not post. but i found it !!!
the first murder happens after the three of you go to a party, at some point you get separated from them. you went to pee while they were playing beer pong and somehow get distracted, bump into some friends after peeing and forget to make your way back to your boyfriends. twenty minutes pass and you suddenly remember promising to return to them, so you do. only they aren’t at the pong table anymore. you check your phone for texts, assuming they went looking for you and may have texted or called, but there’s nothing.
you spend an hour searching the house party for them, texting and calling both before you give up and decide to go home. you text the group chat, and both of them privately, and hit the “notify anyways” button that tells you their phones are both on do not disturb. the walk is short and uneventful, but because you’re alone and it’s dark, you’re a bit scared until you get home. you go to bed and try not to be annoyed that you were ditched. there’s got to be a worthy explanation.
when you wake up hours later to your boyfriends crawling into bed, you’re angry. mostly, from being woken. “excuse me. what time is it?” you lift your wrist and check the time on your smart watch, not even allowing them enough time to check and answer. “it’s four am. where have you been?”
max grunts, “we fell asleep upstairs.” your brows furrow in confusion but before you can ask why they went upstairs, he adds, “fooled around.”
you gasp, “seriously? without me?” it’s a bit rude to be honest. to go upstairs at a party and not take you with.
charles presses his face into your chest, “m sorry, pet, i thought i texted you. make it up in the morning? too tired now.” you glare at max as he cuddles up next to you too, but let them smother you despite the annoyance.
you have a nice morning, they wake you up after letting you sleep in later than usual and clean the apartment up. they debate making breakfast to surprise you, but charles points out their lie from the night before, and how he promised they’d make make up for fooling around without you. so you’re woken with sex and then breakfast, in that order, so it won’t get cold. then you take a nice bath and finally pick up your phone to check it, screen any socials you may have posted on the night before.
instead of seeing photos and videos from the night before on your feed, it’s full of news stories about a student being found dead. it takes two scrolls of your thumb to find out who. eric from your physics class. the guy who sits behind you and incessantly bothers you with his attempts at flirting. the last time you saw him outside of class was a few weeks ago, when he tried to force himself on you at a party. he was kicked out by the frat brothers, one of them caught him trying to corner you on the way to fetch a drink and he was kicked out. you hadn’t told anyone about it, just forced yourself to forget about the situation. you feel guilty for thinking he deserved it.
you find out a few hours later what happened. or at least, what your friends know from the rumor mill. he was at the same party you were, and he left around midnight, then his roommate found him murdered when he came home. it never crosses your mind that charles or max, or both, could be behind it; they went upstairs around two in the morning and came home at four. two of your friends even joked about seeing them go upstairs only to see you coming down minutes before, saying they thought you may have been fighting since you weren’t with them.
you think it had to be related to something he did, you’re convinced it’s a one off. the first murder doesn’t shake you too much, but your boyfriends insist on walking you to and from every class, taking you anywhere you need to go. they make a schedule that works around their own to create a buddy system so you’re never alone. when neither are in class, they’d just wait around for you to need to go somewhere so they could escort you. you think it’s silly until the second person dies. an ex boyfriend who was really shitty to you. your first thought is it was probably a drug deal gone bad until you find out he was stabbed just like eric. that one shakes you.
you excuse it though, and list all the people that also knew both of them. your ex was in the same friend group before he was ousted for treating you like shit, and a few of your friends have had classes with eric. one shared a dorm with him freshman year.
the third one is a girl you met once in the library. she spilled coffee on your laptop and refused to replace it. that doesn’t mean you knew her. it’s not another person connected to you. you tell yourself there’s no reason to freak out. but you really fucking like the buddy system.
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duskspring · 9 months
Making Up After a Fight - Dew/Aether
Domestic December - Day 31
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Summary: Dew confronts Aether about his distant behavior
Content (do let me know if I forgot anything!): Bottled up feelings, screaming, crying, making up, a kiss, love declaration
Word count: ~1k
“Aether, can we talk?”
The question, mumbled so no one else at the party would hear, hung heavy in the air. The quintessence ghoul tensed, knowing exactly what this was about but not feeling up to addressing it. Ever.
“About what?” He asked anyway, his voice distant and a bit gruff. Maybe the follow up would make Dew drop the topic.
“Please.” He quietly pleaded, softly tugging on Aether’s sweater sleeve.
The big ghoul had been standing off to the side of the New Year’s party all night, really only speaking when spoken too. Everyone knew something was wrong, but he’d been brushing off any concerns.
He sighed, thinking maybe he could make the conversation quick and then Dew would let him go back to keeping his distance.
Not a single word was exchanged between the two as they made their way to the closest empty room they could find. It was some clergyman’s office, the moonlight pouring in through the large window illuminated Dew beautifully and made his pale skin almost appear to glow. Under any other circumstances Aether would have told him as much.
Alas, he pressed the light switch, bathing the room in an impersonal yellow light.
Dew stepped closer to him, studying his face like he was trying to decipher every thought in his mind.
“You had something you wanted to say?” Aether still just wanted to get this all over with, but he was now extra desperate to distract Dew from gazing at him in such a manner.
“Yes. What’s been on your mind?”
That was not the question Aether had been anticipating, though it was an understandable one, “Nothing much. Just trying to get through the holidays.” He brushed it off once more.
Dew sighed, “No, Aether. I mean more… you’ve just been acting a bit distant from everyone and we-“
“I’m surprised you even noticed.” Aether interrupted, more so talking to himself, as he turned his back to Dew and walked closer to the window.
The comment took the fire ghoul aback for a second, “…What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Oh, nothing. It’s only natural for you all to be busy adjusting. I know I had to.” His voice was as spiteful as Dew had ever heard it.
Pieces slowly started falling into place, “I totally get you’re upset you couldn’t go on tour. I-“
“No, Dewdrop!” Aether suddenly snapped, his fist hitting the desk in front of him, before turning back around and making Dew involuntarily flinch back, “No, you don’t get it! I got told out of nowhere that I would be left behind to do taxes of all things! Replaced by some new bug like I’m nothing! Some new bug that, mind you, is all you ever talked about on tour! Every phone call; ‘he did this, he did that’. ‘Oh here he is, go say hi’. I can’t-“ Aether’s hands were thrown in the air as he struggled to find the words, “I can’t fucking do this anymore!”
“Then why did you never tell me it was an issue before?” Dew asked, feeling for his packmate while also automatically jumping to his own defence.
“Because! Because I also didn’t want you people to look at me like some sad, left behind puppy!” His voice was still raised, months worth of built up insecurity and resentment rushing out without second thoughts.
“But that is how you feel?” The fire ghoul asked for clarification, starting to lose the plot on what Aether was feeling and what he wanted.
“I…” For the first time that night, his tone was starting to waver. His arms, suddenly feeling how tired they were getting from being thrown around the whole time, fell back to his side, “I don’t know.” His voice, much like his composure, finally shattered in the middle of that sentence.
Fat tears rolled down his cheeks as he crumbled to the floor defeated. He really didn’t want Dew to see him like this, but goddamn the idea of him leaving now was even worse.
“I don’t kno-o-ow.” He sobbed. He wasn’t even sure if what he was saying was true or not. In reality, he felt a lot. Alas, there was no way his brain would let him figure it all out at that moment.
Dew felt tears well at the back of his own eyes. He hated seeing Aether like this as well. Without any doubt he ran towards his friend and lover’s side, wrapping his arms around him like he’d done countless times before.
“That’s ok,” Dew kept Aether’s head to his chest, gently rubbing a hand over his scalp, “You don’t have to know the words. What matters is that I’m sorry. I’m sorry I was so blind to your feelings and that I only made them worse.”
The apology quickly shook Aether from his sobbing state, grabbing Dew’s small hands in his own and shaking his head, “No, you were right though. I should’ve just said something about it, instead of bottling it up. And I never should’ve yelled at you-“ His voice sounded weaker again at his realization of how he’d treated the person he cared about most.
“Well, then I guess we’re even.” Dew chuckled, still barely managing to hold his own tears at bay.
In the other room, as well as the entire abbey, the loud cheering countdown to the new year was already starting. The two ghouls ignored it.
“How about we never let this happen again,” Dew suggested, getting a wild nodding out from the other, “You mean too much to me… I love you.”
For just a second Aether sat stunned, before lurching forward into a searing kiss. Right at that moment in the other room, the countdown reached zero.
If Dew or Aether had looked out the window they would have seen the colorful sparks of fireworks being set off on the grounds and in all the villages in the distance. But they didn’t notice. They were only focused on each other and their silent promise to be better in the coming year.
[My Main Masterlist | Domestic December Masterlist]
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junekissed · 2 years
sweater wars
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day five of junkissed's svt season's greetings event
member — soonyoung x reader genre — fluff, angst, hurt/comfort (happy ending) word count — 1.3k synopsis — you thought it’d be a fun idea to wear matching outfits to your office's holiday get-together. soonyoung, not so much. warnings — an angsty lil argument but it's resolved quickly, honestly that's it notes — lowercase intended. this is proofread very little so i apologize -.-
one reblog = one tiger print christmas sweater
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“this is so awful. you couldn’t have picked something else? anything else?”
soonyoung groans from behind the bedroom door.
“that’s the whole point of buying these for each other! you can’t bring your own sweater to an ugly holiday sweater party!” you call back.
“but i picked a nice one for you! can i at least take it off once we get there?”
“nope, you gotta wear it the whole night! now c’mon, soonie, i wanna see!”
the door opens reluctantly and a pouting boyfriend steps out, wearing probably the worst looking ugly sweater in history.
you giggle and clap your hands. “you look so cute!”
he glares at you. “this is the opposite of cute! you could’ve at least gotten one with tiger print on it,” he says, walking down the stairs away from you.
“that wouldn’t have been ugly enough!” you protest. “we’ve gotta have the worst to win the contest, i’m tired of mingyu winning every year.”
you flip off the upstairs light and race down the stairs to the living room area where he’s waiting. he’s standing in front of the hall mirror, staring at his reflection with a frown. 
you walk over and slide your hands around his waist from behind. 
“are you feeling festive?” you ask, grinning over his shoulder.
“sure thing,” he groans, rolling his eyes. “remind me why we’re doing this again?”
“because it’s the office holiday party! free drinks, free food, making fun of our coworkers! and we’ll have fun, and then we’ll come home. like we do every year.”
“how come you didn’t make me do this last year, then?”
you pout. “c’mon,” you say, patting his stomach and stepping around him so you’re at his side. “look how good we look together, even in these awful outfits.”
you grab a santa hat from the closet and fix it on his head. “mr. claus, reporting for duty!” you giggle, trying to lighten his mood. 
but not even your joke can put a smile on his face. 
he sighs and grabs his coat, opening the door. “well, let’s go get this over with.”
the drive to the restaurant isn’t far, and because the traffic isn’t as bad later in the evenings, the drive goes by quickly. 
when you get in the car, you plug your phone into the aux, like you always do. but before you can play anything, soonyoung cuts you off.
“can you not play music? it’s distracting,” he says, his eyes never leaving the road.
you look over at him. “why are you being so grumpy tonight? we always have music, especially during the holidays. first the sweater, now this?”
he ignores your question. “is there anyone at this party i even know?” he asks, exiting the highway.
you frown. “yeah, most of them were there last year.”
“i was way too drunk last year to know anybody i was talking to,” he says, finally cracking a little bit of a smile.
you grin back, relieved that he’s finally stopped being moody. “see? it’s gonna be fun,” you say.
but to your dismay, his smile disappears almost as quickly as it came. “yeah, because this is definitely how i wanted to be spending today,” he glowers.
your eyebrows knit together, trying to figure out what he’s talking about. “what’s so special about today? why are you throwing a fit?”
he stiffens.
“soonyoung, what is going on? what is making you so upset?”
an awkward silence fills the car for a few seconds, before he finally answers. “you forgot our anniversary.”
“no i didn’t, it’s tomor–” you stop suddenly. ohh, crap.
okay, maybe you did forget your anniversary. but it’s been a busy past few weeks, and it’s not like you forgot about it entirely; you just lost track of the days. 
“why didn’t you just tell me, soonie?” you ask softly. “i wouldn’t have forced you to come if i’d realized. i mean, i did realize, just– not today.”
he sighs, keeping his eyes on the road. “well, you really wanted to go,” he says.
your face falls. “i only wanted to go because i wanted to be with you. i don’t care about the party, or the stupid sweater contest. i just wanted a fun evening together.”
he stays quiet, just keeps driving.
“soonyoung, can you pull over?” you say finally, exasperated.
“because! will you do it, please?”
he doesn’t reply, but the car starts to slow, pulling over in front of an apartment complex, decorated with strings of white lights. the car rolls to a stop, and for the first time all night, he looks over at you.
his eyes look… not sad, but disappointed. and it breaks your heart, because if you’d only just paid a little more attention, or put an alarm on your phone, or done anything, you wouldn’t have ended up dragging soonyoung to this stupid, meaningless event when there are so many wonderful things you could’ve been doing together on your anniversary.
but because he’s just sweet the way he is, he was going along with this, because he thought it’s what you wanted. because he really would do anything for you. 
you watch his eyes, waiting for him to say something, but he’s waiting for you. “can we go home, please?”
his face stays blank. “why?”
you sigh and slump back in your seat. “because i don’t want you to be unhappy, and i don’t wanna be anywhere that makes you unhappy. i want to go home so we can spend what’s left of our anniversary together and i can try to fix this.”
you look down at your lap, avoiding his gaze, but by doing so you miss the way his furrowed brows soften and the way his cheeks lift a little.
there’s an awkward silence for a few more seconds before soonyoung starts the car again. “pizza or chinese?” he asks, and you look up, confused.
“what do you wanna get for dinner? pizza, or chinese?”
you smile hesitantly, not sure if it’s supposed to be a trick question or not. of course you’ll choose his favorite. “chinese?”
he looks over at you and fully smiles, and it feels like a weight is lifted off your shoulders.
after picking up takeout, you sit on the couch, eating quietly as the tv plays in the background.
you swallow and put your chopsticks down. “i’m sorry, soonie. about everything. i swear i didn’t forget, i just didn’t realize what day it was.”
“i know, baby,” he says, exhaling. “i’m sorry, too.”
you sigh. “i kinda deserved it, though. i could’ve set reminders or something.”
“no, but i was being a brat about it. i overreacted, i didn’t have to be so rude,” he says. “next time, i promise, i’ll say something, okay?”
“i hope there won’t be a next time,” you laugh, taking another bite, and he smiles.
you pause, thinking while you finish chewing. “you still have tomorrow off, right?”
“mhm.” he nods. “why?”
“we’ll do everything tomorrow instead, then. i have some… surprises for you,” you say, flashing a grin.
he raises an eyebrow. “what kind of surprises?”
you giggle. “i can’t tell you, it’d ruin it! but… i can give you this.”
you jump up from the couch and run to the hall closet, grabbing the paper gift bag from where you’d hidden it in the very back.
you come back into the room and hand it to him excitedly. “happy anniversary.”
he beams, carefully throwing the colorful tissue paper onto the ground. you grin, waiting for his reaction
“oh my god, i love him!” his whole face lights up as he pulls the little tiger plushie out of the bag. he squeezes the stuffed animal to his chest. “our first kid!”
you laugh, eyes widening. “woah, woah, first? slow down there, tiger.”
“you don’t want more tiger babies with me?” he pretends to pout, looking up at you with pleading eyes. he turns his plushie around to face you, waving its little arms at you, and you can’t help but smile.
“we’ll see what they have at target.”
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thank you for reading, i hope you enjoyed! if you liked this, reblog or leave an ask or a comment, it shows me you enjoyed this so i know to write more like this in the future!
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androgynousblackbox · 5 months
How I Met Your Father. 6 [Appleradio, Radioapple]
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How I Fell In Love With Your Father
Lucifer woke up first, stretching out comfortably in bed. Alastor remained in the same position as if he were dead, his permanent smile twitching just a bit when Lucifer gave him a kiss on the cheek. He considered going to the palace for breakfast and waking up Alastor with that again, but now that he had walked more around the hotel he wanted to try moving on by himself.
After leaving a note for Alastor to go find him in the kitchen when he was up, he dressed up again and came out of the room. He could feel his heartbeat starting to quicken, but he kept walking, playing with his own fingers to distract himself.
Luckily he remembered the way in which Charlie told him where the kitchen was. It was by the end of the hallway when he saw a dark silhouette walking over the wall, seemingly exhausted.
The shadow of Alastor perked up upon seeing him and wrapped itself around Lucifer, kissing his cheek. His contact always felt feathery and vague, almost as a cloud, but in no way less comforting. It was an extension of his husband after all, like his own hand was. The only real difference is that shadow would drop his smile when Alastor couldn't.
"Aww, good morning to you too, babe" said Lucifer, somehow grabbing the dark silhouette, something that could only happen if the shadow allowed it, and kissed it on the profile of his lips. "Were you working up until now to repair the hotel?" The shadow nodded. "You poor thing, no wonder you looked so tired just now. Do you want to come with me to the kitchen and I prepare coffee for when your other you wakes up?"
The shadow nodded again, reuniting now with the surface of the floor to follow each step from Lucifer. Whenever he moved, the shadow would too with the same happy smile. Maybe it was because of the lack of details or the inability to speak, but Lucifer always found the shadow adorable on how they could never hide anything from him. Alastor wasn't as fond exactly for the same reason.
"Yesterday was a real shitshow, huh?" commented as they passed through the lobby, looking up to see the repaired chandelier. The shadow shrugged. "Does this happen a lot? People just coming in and bombing the place?"
The shadow made a more or less gesture with its hand.
"Figures" He sighed, wanting to be upset at Alastor for not telling him that before, but honestly, what else could he expect? Hell was still hell. A building this big never getting destroyed at least once would be weird. The shadow tilted its head, looking questionably, pointing at him and then making the ok sign with its fingers. “If I am okay? Yeah, babe, don’t worry about it. Truth be told, it wasn’t so much the explosion that freaked me out as… the conversation, you know. Thinking about heaven just suddenly brought a lot of bad memories. It was just really bad timing that all of this happened at the same time.”
The dark matter on his hand squeezed him harder and Lucifer smiled, kissing the black tendrils.
"I do feel better knowing that you are here. Tell you what. How about I cook some extra meat for your other you for breakfast? Would you like that as a little reward for your work?"
The shadows themselves could not eat, but they feed off Alastor's energy constantly. If Alastor was well fed, they were too. The shadow's head nodded emphatically and extended one of its hands towards Lucifer. Lucifer froze when the presence went over his legs and he was about to say that they couldn't do that there, in a place where anyone could come watch, before it settled up on his hand, entangling dark figures with his. The shadow looked very happy with itself and Lucifer chuckled as he closed his hand, gently squeezing the dark matter.
When Alastor raised up from bed, he would get all the memories of the shadow back to him as if he lived them. A memory of them holding hands on the lobby was hardly the worst thing to receive his mind on the morning.
He was hoping to be early enough to find the kitchen empty and cook without having to socialize with anyone, but his silent wishes were ignored. Husk, Niffty and Pentious were already there, all with their own mugs around the table. In the center the cookies that nobody had the opportunity to try yesterday were there. Lucifer thought about turning away and portal to home's kitchen after all, when one of the ears of Husk moved in his direction before the rest of his head followed. Shit.
"Ah. Morning, Majesty" greeted the cat.
"M-majesty, morning!" Pentious made a salute, inadvertently spilling his tea over the front of his pajama, just as Niffty stand up on her chair.
"Pretty scary boy is here!"
Oh jeez.
"H-hi, everyone. How-how are we doing today?" said, squeezing the shadow hand again as he made his way to the freezer. Just as he expected, there was a huge deer carcass wrapped in newspaper with the name of Alastor written on top.
As if anyone could be tempted to eat it too. He asked with a gesture to the shadow if that was okay for him to cook and once receiving the affirmative, he grabbed it in the kitchen to start cutting on manageable parts. The shadow joined to the wall to follow each action. With a bit of his magic, Lucifer also started moving some suppliances around to start making pancake mix for everyone. Everyone loved pancakes, don't they?
"Besides the headache from the construction noises all night?" said Husk, pouring something into his mug. He couldn't get a hangover if he was always a little drunk. "Just peachy."
"Are you doing something evil?" asked Niffty.
"Uh, no. Just pancakes and a little something for Alastor."
"Scary pancakes?"
Lucifer snorted.
"I mean, sure, you can cut a scary face on it if you want" said, thinking maybe he was starting to understand why Alastor kept Niffty around instead of consuming her soul. "Oh, I have some strawberry sauce at home that I can get here and you can make it into blood if you want."
Judging by the little giggle from Niffty, she did like that idea.
"Your Majesty" Pentious said, wriggling on his hand the napkin he used to dry himself up, "I hope you didn't get the wrong impression of what happened yessterday. Thingss ussually aren't that chaotic here."
"What are you talking about?" asked Husk. "Not that long ago you were one of the ones threatening the place to get to Alastor."
Pentious blushed violently, looking back at Lucifer like he was about to react violently at the revelation. Lucifer put the meat on a pan, yawning a bit on his hand. If it was a foe to be considered Alastor would have mentioned it already and he never said a word about a snake man, so he could only assume it was nothing worth worrying about. Just another one of the thousands of small wannabe overlord that wanted to test themselves against his husband and were eliminated as easily as flies.
"The key word iss were! Now I am a totally changed man who would never try to harm a hair from the… sspousse of the king? The other king? Wait, what title doess he have?"
"Alastor is just Alastor" said Lucifer, pouring the pancake mix. The shadow was circling around the meat, as if that somehow would make it cook faster. "The radio demon, I guess? He is technically king, but doesn't officiate as such. I am still the only one who has to deal with the paperwork and the organization side of everything."
"Oh" Pentious moved on his chair, barely containing his own curiosity. "Can I assk why?"
"He tried to implement a sacrificial blood tax. As in, everyone should pay with their own blood. Everyone said no and now I don't bring him to the meetings" Lucifer shrugged when the shadow looked at him with a frown. "Hey, he asked and you already made them sign that contract so it's not like they can repeat it to anyone."
"Right. I keep forgetting about that. Not that I wass planning to tell anyone either!" clarified Pentious.
"It's okay" Lucifer enchanted some plates to be waiting at the pancakes. With his other hand he opened up a portal to his kitchen back at the palace, grabbing some condiments for the meat. "I understand this is… kinda of a peculiar situation, so I guess it's understandable to have some questions. I don't mind answering to a reasonable extent."
As if summoned by a spell, the head of Angel pops up from the door.
"Is that so?" said, perking up when he smelled the food and going to grab his mug before sitting next to Husk. "I normally eat on the way to work, but this seems much better. I got like a million things I want to know about, short king."
"Sure thing. Just a second" Lucifer served them with freshly made juice and more coffee without turning around. "Can you tell your other you to come eat, babe? It's almost ready."
The shadow nodded once again, wrapping around him like a snake and kissing him again before he disappeared through the hallway.
"Oh, after seeing that I have even more questions," laughed Angel. "I didn't know those things could do that!"
"Just so we are clear, it's about sex. He wants to ask about sex" said Husk. "And so we are double clear, if we start talking about that I am out."
"Among other things, Husky."
"I wanna hear the naughty talk!" Niffty said, eating her first pancake like a steak, stabbing it with the fork and taking a bite out of it.
"Oh" Lucifer thought that probably made sense. If it was just about himself then he didn't mind talking about it, but he couldn't do that to Alastor in front of the people he would have to interact with on a daily basis. "Hard pass then. You can ask anything besides that."
Angel groaned.
"You people are no fun" declared, before taking a mouthful of pancake and melting in place. "Oh, but this shit is good. I mean seriously, congratulations to the chef and all is kinda good."
"Thank you" Lucifer was legitimately pleased when the other sinners started eating as well, making known that they actually enjoy it.
Lucifer usually only cooked for his family, so the extra validation wasn't anything he was against. Once the deer meat was properly cooked and seasoned, Lucifer turned off the stove and put it under a cover to wait for Alastor. For any other demon that could have been too much just for breakfast, but not for his husband.
"Well, until Alastor is here, shoot away" said Lucifer, finally taking a seat with his own mug.
"Mmm" Angel looked pensive, deciding the best way to go about it. "Alright, sappy bullshit it is, fuck it. Who was the one who confessed first?"
"Who asked for the first date?"
"Who is the little spoon?"
Lucifer hides his smile behind his mug when he realizes how his answers are surprising for the sinners. None of that matched with their vision of the demon. He hoped that Alastor wouldn't mind that he shared that much.
"Who kissed first?" continued Angel.
"Who had the idea of having a kid?" asked Pentious now.
"Who chose the name Charlie?" Husk.
"Me" Lucifer smiled. "I thought it sounded cute for any gender, so it was perfect."
"What was perfect?" asked Alastor himself, materializing just at the side of Lucifer, still looking somewhat sleepy. He smelled the air and turned towards the meat, his mouth watering. "Oh, darling, you shouldn't have."
"I thought you would need the energy" said Lucifer, snapping his fingers to make the meal appear at his side, fork and knife at the ready with a cup of boiling coffee at the side. Alastor sat down and kissed the side of his head.
"Morning, everyone" greeted Alastor, cheery, setting up a napkin on the front of his shirt before starting to dig in, humming appreciatively. "Well, don't stop your conversation on my account. What were you talking about?"
"They are just curious about us" said Lucifer, when nobody else wanted to answer.
"I guess that is what happens when you have nothing else going on in your own life. You have to rely on others to fulfill it" Alastor shrugged with a little chuckle.
"Don't be an ass" Lucifer said with a sigh.
He grabbed a plate with pancakes to eat himself. In one bite he knew that wasn’t enough for him and started pouring more syrup on top until the whole thing was drenched. Only then he started to enjoy it.
“Who is being an ass, my dear? I am just pointing out the obvious.”
“And being an ass about it.”
“Didn’t realize you were so comfortable advertising our private life now, dear.”
“Yeah, stop the press, everyone. The radio demon likes to kiss his husband. The scandal is going to shock the entirety of hell. More news at 11.”
“I see that some sense of decorum is out of the question.”
“Oh for my name, don’t be so dramatic.”
The sinners were following the exchange like a tennis game, back and forth between the two.
“Are you both really arguing this early in the morning?” groaned Charlie, dressed up already for the rest of the day, rubbing her eyes next to Vaggie. “Mmm, why does it smell so good?” She walked over to kiss the cheek of Alastor and then to hug the head of Lucifer, rubbing his shoulders. “Food, not war.”
“Morning you two” Lucifer pulled out two chairs with a swift movement of his hand. “There are pancakes, but I can make something else if you want.”
“Pancakes good” said Charlie, plopping down on her chair and swinging her head from side to side at her first bite.
She also poured a bunch of syrup on top that made Alastor side eye her for a moment. Lucifer caught him in the act and pulled out his tongue. This is what you get for being part of this family.
“Thank you, sir” Vaggie served herself and Charlie juice on their glasses. “Oh, you actually cooked that meat, great. I was starting to worry it would go bad.”
Alastor hummed through a particularly huge mouthful and swallowed whole, barely after a few bites, like a snake. Angel made a face, remembering what happened yesterday, and stood up.
“Well, it was nice eating with you all, folks, but I gotta get to work.”
Once he made his leave, the other sinners stood up as well to start out their day, thanking Lucifer for the food. Niffty waited jumping slightly on her seat until Vaggie, Charlie and the king finished with their plates before grabbing them all to carry to the sink, her need to clean up the mess too great to contain. Alastor always took his time with the food he truly enjoyed so he was the last one to let Niffty carry the plate.
“Are you staying here, papa?” asked Charlie.
“No, duckling” Lucifer sighed, rubbing his face. “I have stuff to do and… contact heaven. I will do the best I can.”
“Speaking of that, sir” intervened Vaggie, standing up to see the king, holding her hands together, “I know you want me there to protect Charlie and I get it, but I don't know if that is really a good idea. Maybe Alastor could go instead?”
Alastor snorted before he let out a full blown laugh.
“Me going to heaven? I think I would burn the place down if I ever set a foot there. Oh, actually, that is not a bad idea either! Luci, I could clear my schedule for that.” The smile on his face was the picture of fake innocence.
“Exactly that is why you won't go. The last thing I want is to give them a reason to do their worst” Lucifer frowned at his husband for a second, who shrugged for the lost opportunity for more entertainment, before softening his looks when concentrating on Vaggie. He stood up to hold her hands, patting them gently. “I will feel a lot better with Charlie being there if she is with someone who knows what heaven is like.”
Vaggie went pale at the gentle words.
“You… you knew…?”
“You aren't exactly subtle, my dear, waving around an angelic spear exactly the same as the ones exterminators use” pointed out Alastor.
“Besides that” cut Lucifer, glaring at him for a second, “I also have a good sense to know other fallen angels. Charlie told me how it happened. That is why I am sure you will be the best company to keep her safe.”
“I told you he wouldn't mind” added Charlie, turning around to rub the arm of her girlfriend. “Nobody cares what you did in the past, sweetie. What matters is what you are doing now. I wouldn’t want to go to heaven with anyone else either.”
Vaggie was doing her absolute best to keep on firm, but a small tear started falling out her cheek. Alastor rolled his eyes when Lucifer hugged her and Vaggie sniffed through saying thank you, promising she was going to do her absolute best to keep Charlie safe and help her case. When Vaggie calmed down, Lucifer assured them that they could all have another dinner at the palace to talk about the results of the meeting. But for now he had to come back home and figure out how to set it up in the first place.
“I can accompany you, love” offered Alastor, a clear sense of curiosity coloring his words as he turned on his chair. “I can be very persuasive if necessary.”
Lucifer hides his grimace before managing to construct a credible smile for him.
“It's okay, babe, I can handle it. Not to mention, I don't think they will be more convinced between the devil talking with his cannibal husband, no matter how handsome” He caressed the cheek of Alastor and although the radio demon leaned into it, his red eyes still squinted, not entirely bought by the flattery, but thankfully deciding to not question it at the moment.
“As you wish, your highness.”
Lucifer did not like the tone in which he said it. So clearly the best course of action was to grab his face and blow a raspberry against his cheek. Taking the radio demon completely by surprise was one of the biggest joys of his life.
“Disgusting!” Alastor declared before turning himself into shadows to get away from him, making a show of whipping his face as Charlie giggled. “Was that really necessary, darling?”
If it was what it took for Alastor to get back to their usual treatment, then yes.
“I couldn't resist, babe” said Lucifer, sticking his tongue out.
“What a childish display.”
“Aww, I love you too, sweetie” Lucifer chuckled, ignoring the frown on Alastor's face to look at Charlie again. “I will send you a text when I get an answer, duckling.”
“I will be waiting then, papa. Thank you.”
Lucifer smiled more easily now.
“Anything for you, baby” He snapped his fingers, opening a portal directly to his studio. “Be seeing you at lunch, love. My treat!” offered to Alastor before disappearing on the other side.
He didn't interfere on overlord matters, it was only fair that Alastor didn't interfere with angelic matters. On top of that, Lucifer really didn't think that he was going to be happy to realize how every communication between him and heaven happened. It could make things more complicated than they need to be.
Once inside his place, Lucifer left his apple cane on the side and searched on his desk until he found a golden dagger. The oldest example of angelic steel ever created. Clasping it firm on his hand, he sat in front of his chimney always glowing with blue fire.
“An eye for an eye” he recited in Latin, lifting his wrist in the air. He always hated this part. Would hate seeing Alastor do this, that is why he couldn't do that to him “until the whole world goes blind and the devil can see.”
A bright red flame wrapped itself around the dagger a second before he quickly sliced up his wrist. The amount of the sacrifice given represented the amount of time he was conceded. Ten seconds for every drop of his blood, twenty for bones, an hour for an internal organ. It was nothing but the fair price to pay for the one who condemned humanity to an existence outside of eden. If they wanted to contact him they didn't have to pay for anything, of course. This was part of his punishment.
It didn't hurt in the same way that it would for a sinner and it didn't scare him since there was no risk of dying attached to it, no matter how much blood dripped into the floor before he quickly wrapped the stump with a handkerchief. But for fuck's sake, it never felt any better to grab a piece of himself and throw it into the fire, where it was quickly consumed as it was made of paper. The fire itself turned into a bright yellow, like the surface of the sun.
“Lucifer” said a voice from the fire.
“Sera” greeted Lucifer in kind, just as the image of the seraphim became all the more clear, managing to show a smile through the absolutely horrid tingling on his wrist as his flesh was trying to regenerate. It felt like burning in oil. “Long time no see.”
“You have 10 minutes according to your payment. State your case.”
Fuck, he had calculated a little more than that. He should have cut his feet instead. But no matter, he could do that.
“10 minutes? Pff, I don't need more than that” A little false confidence to start feeling it never did him wrong. “I imagine you have heard from Adam the project that my daughter is carrying on here in hell?”
“I did.”
“And it must get you pretty displeased, I suppose. So much trying to eliminate my subjects only for my daughter to come along and try to get sinners into heaven herself. What an ironic turn of events, isn't it?”
“Your point being?” There was a twitch at the end of Sera's mouth that he was expecting to see. He could use that. An emotional seraphim was more easy to dissuade.
“Let's not kid ourselves, Sera. She is never going to make it. You don't believe that, I don't believe that, I don't even think that her own residents believe that. But she's stubborn once she gets an idea into her head. I don't know where she got that from” he said with a pleased smile, hoping that she would understand the little joke and lighten up the mood.
“Maybe the sinner you insisted on creating life with” said Sera with the same detached cold of an iceberg.
Lucifer's smile tensed up. Very clever. Intentional or not, making him waste his precious time defending his husband was one way to screw him over.
“Perhaps” conceded with the same light tone, forcing any biting comment out of his mind. For Charlie. This was all for Charlie. “Maybe that is the reason we go so well together. But my wonderful marital life is not the point I wanted to get at. You see, because my daughter is so stubborn she wants to push this as far as she can.”
“Meaning?” Sera arched an eyebrow, a sign of alarm on her eyes that Lucifer was quick to dismiss.
“Please, nothing as extreme as whatever is that you are thinking. She humbly requests one meeting with the council of heaven. That is all. You know how kids are, she won't stop going on and on and on until she gets it, so I thought meh, I will do this one thing for her. What are parents if not the servant of their children, right? I could actually get back some of my precious silence back this way.”
Sera wasn't swayed by his candid attempt at making that common ground. Lucifer wasn't really expecting much, but her lack of response added to the horrible itching on his wrist was making it all a bit more insufferable. He wanted to gnaw at his arm like a rabid dog to get rid of the annoyance, but instead stayed sat on his chair, the perfect picture of composure. Fuck giving her or anyone else the pleasure of seeing him any other way.
“You want us to open the gates of heaven to receive the princess of hell? An abomination against natural order that you made on a whim?”
“Yep!” Lucifer crushed his teeth together, resisting the impulse to tell her his daughter was a better representation of goodness than whatever they had farting around on their clouds and she was the best decision he ever made. The clock was ticking away. Charlie was counting on him. “Come on, you can't tell me that you are scared of her? She won't infect anyone with sinners's cooties for being there. Just let her do her own little thing and then it will be all over. Probably won't have to hear a word from her ever again.”
“And why would we do that?”
There it was, the point of entry that he was waiting for. The good thing about being the villain in everyone's story is that he could use that fear to his advantage. Sera would never just believe him that he wanted this purely for the sake of supporting his daughter, she would think there was a hidden agenda somewhere and refuse on the spot. So minimizing that support as just a ploy to shut up his kid was the only thing she would buy, according to the role given to him.
“Oh, well. That would be unfortunate” said calmly, standing up as he let the handkerchief fall to the floor as he quickly regenerated his entire hand. It hurt like a bitch, like putting a dislocated bone back on its place, and it was still itching everywhere as the blood rushed, but he kept his smile just as wide because threatrics could go a long way. “Because when my daughter isn't happy, I am not happy and, you know me, I can get too creative when I get bored. Let Adam confirm that one for you.”
“Are you threatening heaven?”
“What? No, no, no, why would I do that?” Lucifer grabbed his apple cane and reclined on it, not even flinching at the pain of his hand when feeling the pressure. “I am just saying, completely hypothetically of course, that of the two of us, if push comes to shove, I am the only one with an actual army willing to give out their lives for their king and their princess. You have those little silver birds that only come every so many months. Don't get me wrong, they are cute, but numbers are still in my favor even after all these years, aren't they? Even if you bring out every… winner, was it? into trying to back up, none of them have the battle experience that living down here gives you. And everyday it gets bigger. Earth won't stop providing me with new flesh. Even if they are tiny ants, they can still cause quite a problem for the biggest mansion. Now, obviously I don't want any of that” assured, fixing up the front of his suit jacket. “Too much work and too much time wasted that I could spend on something else entirely. I am sure you too have other things to dedicate your attention on. So why don't we skip all of that nonsense and give me what I am actually asking? Wouldn't that make things a lot easier? One hour for my daughter to give her presentation for another moment of peace, for all of us. I personally think it's more than a fair trade, but it's your call, Sera.”
When Sera didn't immediately respond, Lucifer knew that he got her. He actually hated coming to the point of using that card, playing with so much bluffing at once was a dangerous game that could blow in his face, but it's not like he was given much of a choice. And as long as he won this round, that is all that mattered.
“One hour” Sera said, turning to the side as if she was already arranging the meeting or pretending to do so as an excuse to not look at him directly. “I can't guarantee any result that she would like to hear.”
“That is fine, as long as she gets her chance” Lucifer smiled more sincerely now, genuinely relieved. “Oh, and she is taking her own companion for support.”
Sera rolled her angelic eyes.
“Fine. In three days we will open a portal for her to pass through. If she doesn't make it…”
“She will, don't worry about it. Oh, but just out of curiosity, how much time do I have left?”
“Two minutes. Do you have another matter that you wish to bring up?”
Lucifer almost succumbed to his impulse to let out a cackle and rub it in Sera's face that he didn't even need the whole 10 minutes. But he knew that she would know the cackle was implied and that would have to be his victory for the day.
“Oh, no, I think I said everything I wanted to say. Just be nice with my baby girl when you meet her. You can be a little… distant, Sera. Almost like all the years we have known each other meant nothing for you.”
Sera glared at him and Lucifer knew that he probably looked like a satisfied cat. He felt like one at least when she was the one struggling to keep her composure, for once.
“If that is all, then have a good day, Lucifer.”
“Bye bye, Sera!” said Lucifer, waving friendly to the fire until the image of Sera disappeared and his chimney came back to its usual blue fire.
Lucifer let himself fall again to his chair, holding up his own wrist, when suddenly he saw a dark silhouette moving out of the corner of his eye. In a single second he was opening the door of this studio to see Alastor standing there, letting his shadow reunite with him. Lucifer wasn't really surprised to see him there, but he must have underestimated how quickly he could make his way back to the palace without any portal if he had managed to get there before he was done with Sera.
“An army willing to give out their lives for their king and their princess” repeated Alastor, relaying his weight on his cane as he crossed one leg. “Well, that is some news to me, my love! Is that army here in the hallway with us now?”
Lucifer relaxed somewhat. If that was all Alastor knew then he could handle that. But if Alastor had seen what he had to do in order to buy that brief encounter then he doubted that was going to be the first thing he decided to say to him. Lucifer could almost hear the argument that would take place.
They make you mutilate yourself in order to get their attention?!
I am fine, it's not like I can actually die or get permanently scarred from it.
It's the principle of the matter! How can you tolerate this insult to your personhood? They do it because they want to see you squirm and brittle in pain in front of them, for the privilege of seeing them. A heaven that does that does not deserve a second of peace!
Sera thought he was bad news, only because she hadn't met an Alastor truly pissed off. If it were for him a new war would have already happened years ago. With seeing one Lucifer had more than enough, especially now that he had a lot more to lose. Sometimes he really felt like he was constantly taming the beast that was his husband just to avoid the next catastrophe.
“Did it work or not?” replied with a sigh, turning around. “Not my fault that those fuckers out there never bothered to do the bare minimum research of how things are around here.”
“Oh, you misunderstood me, darling!” Alastor's shadow first grabbed to the hand of his own shadow, making him elevate his arm in the air for the real Alastor to take and make him twirl directly into his arm. “That was truly some marvelous performance! I wouldn't have expected anything else from my dear husband, the king! Threatening a full attack if your conditions aren't met. How bold, how reckless! I was fully captivated. Heaven for once made the right thing by listening to such a mad man.”
Lucifer blushed, smiling up to Alastor until he saw a drop of golden on his sleeve and he turned around to kiss the demon, conjuring the stain away with a flick of his hand. Once he was again clean, only then he deepened the kiss, locking his arms behind the neck of Alastor.
“Nothing less for my baby girl” sighed Lucifer, nuzzling against the chest of Alastor, warm and safe. “In three days she will be in front of the council… Oh fuck, in three days she will be in front of the council of heaven…”
The smile slowly dissolved as reality sank in. Sending his baby to the house of the people who had casted him away was still not something he felt enthusiastic about.
“And she will do amazing, dear” assured Alastor, kissing his crown as he brushed his hair back. “Between my impressive talking skills and your ability to steal the spotlight, they won't have a chance in front of our fawn.”
“You really think so?”
“I know so!” Alastor twirled him around again, making Lucifer deep before he caught him. “Why don't you go tell our daughter the good news? It will stay between us the kind of argument you had to use in order to get that meeting, of course. I don't think Charlie would appreciate it as much like I do.”
“Oh right” Lucifer giggled, standing up, his fingers still connected to the hand of Alastor. “You think she will be so happy she will want to have lunch here?”
“Well, we don't lose anything by asking, don't we?”
“I will tell her I am preparing her favorite!” Lucifer went on his tiptoes to kiss his cheek and then ran to the kitchen.
“Don't forget to contact her first, love!” called Alastor, knowing full well that Lucifer was capable of preparing the full meal before Charlie was told anything had happened.
As his husband disappeared, Alastor extended his hand to receive the handkerchief that his shadow had picked up from the floor. The stains that almost covered the entire fabric were already pretty telling, but he still pushed it against his nose to pick up on the scent. He took a lick and although the blood was dried up for the most part, he still got that familiar taste to something warm, something wonderfully kind that could only come from the most comforting dream. Everything his husband was in liquid form. Such a precious feast that Alastor could only take so much before he was rendered completely useless, lost on that feeling of divine love.
Somehow, someway, someone had wasted his invaluable ambrosia. That was too much blood for being just a minor cut and yet, Lucifer hasn't said a word about it. A perfectly clean and old looking dagger put on the side of the chair in front of the chimney could tell a rather clear tale.
The worst part is that he understood, on an intellectual level at least. His loving king wouldn't want to concern him or their daughter. The idiot would prefer to bleed out for the sake of everyone else before lifting a finger for himself. That was the kind of angel he was.
Alastor put on the handkerchief where it was before. He would respect his wishes, for now.
The next days passed in relative tranquility. Now that she was finally given a specific goal as to what to do, Charlie had calmed down enough to not repeat the scene of the other day. Only her compulsive packing and repacking of her luggage betrays still how much nervous energy she had. That is why Alastor wasn't truly surprised when he heard the knocking on the door of his room the night before the meeting.
It was the same reason why Lucifer had turned himself into a cat curled on his lap, sounding like a little motor boat as Alastor petted him with one hand while holding a book with the other. Purring was like a full body massage for Lucifer so it was great for his nerves.
"Come in, Charlie" called in, marking the page he was in and seeing their daughter come inside. He didn't need his shadows to recognize the knocking from his daughter. Charlie did, wearing her red pajama and hair free as if she had just woken up from bed. "Shouldn't you be sleeping right now, little fawn?"
"Yeah, I know, but I really couldn't… Oh, papa, you look so cute!" Charlie instantly changed her tune as she saw Lucifer, kneeling in front of Alastor to scratch her father under the chin as Lucifer moved his tail calmly from one side to another. "I haven't seen you in this form in so long, I had forgotten how soft it is! Aww, you are so adorable!"
Alastor couldn't really blame her for that.
"Not that I am complaining, sweetie" said Lucifer, his voice still sprinkled with more purring sounds as he rubbed his face all over the fingers of Charlie to get the best scratching, "but your dad is right, you should really try to go to bed. It's going to be a long day tomorrow."
Charlie sighed, petting his head normally until she sat on the couch next to Alastor, reclining her head over the shoulder of the demon.
"Can you guys tell me one story?" asked with a little pout. "I thought maybe it could distract me enough to go to sleep? Just one, please?"
Alastor sighed, wrapping an arm around the shoulder of the princess to rub her arm. This made him feel somewhat nostalgic of the many times that Charlie had come with them with her issues. Obviously, since becoming a young adult woman building her own life, that part of their dynamic had been almost completely relegated to memory land. In a way, it was comforting to know that their daughter still needed them like that.
"Of course, dear. Which one do you want?"
Lucifer stood up on his lap and stretched a little bit before turning to face his daughter, accommodating over his belly again as he kneaded the thigh of Alastor, careful not to ruin his pants after years of practice.
Charlie relaxed against him, her eyes turning around as she went through the library on her head, like an experienced librarian evaluating what exactly would fulfill her need.
“Mmm, how about the one about your first kiss?” Charlie blushed, hugging the side of Alastor.
“Hah, classic” Lucifer made himself a loaf, hiding his paws and looked up to Alastor. “Wanna take this one, babe? Your version is more interesting than mine.”
“Very well, love” Alastor thought about the modified story they had only for their daughter. It had been almost two months since they started sharing a bedroom and they still haven't touched once.
“It had almost been an entire year since I came to live at the palace. Our relationship was at that weird point in which we suspected we weren't entirely platonic, but wouldn't find the right motivation or drive to take it further than that. I was still in the extremely delicate situation in which I could risk angering my king if I did the wrong move and our king didn't want to come across as a tyrant by imposing on me something he wasn't absolutely, completely sure was what I wanted. The proverbial ball was in the middle of the field and nobody was taking it.
Those awkward days turned into awkward weeks as the two of us argued more frequently than ever before, using any and all ridiculous excuses available to do so because that felt so much easier than to deal with anything else about us. Lucifer would never use his real strength for anything that petty, so at least that was a safe line of interaction I felt comfortable enough to engage with. At least we weren't in perpetual silence, that would have been a lot worse.
This little situation we were finding ourselves in would have to change. Since Lucifer wasn't taking the first step and I wasn't going to either, something else had to change. Like I said, it had been almost a year since I made the palace my new home. I had kept the secret of my new job just as it was expected of me. But I should have imagined that it was only a matter of time for someone to start connecting the dots and become a nuisance. Back then I hadn't fully realized yet what some sinners could do in order to try to get something on me to use at their earliest convenience.
The lucky winner, if you want to call him that, turned out to be a growing overlord that had reached hell a little before I did and therefore was particularly offended by the notion of my career being a lot more successful than his already. The movies he made torturing his targets were popular, yes, but people still needed to go to his newly established cinemas in order to see them. My broadcasts were infinitely more convenient as they happened right inside every home with a radio. Not to mention, in my humble opinion, the lack of visuals is a great way for the listeners to imagine what caused the screams they were listening to and there's few things more terrifying than your own imagination.
But this overlord of cinema lacked the imagination to understand any of this. He only met me as competition for his own medium and did what anyone else tries to do to destroy an enemy: find a weakness to exploit in his favor. If could get it all onto film for whatever sinners to see on the big screen then all the better for him.
I was aware of all of this, of course. I would have done the same thing if I had the chance. But I had clearly underestimated how loyal his own little circle of fans could be. They had been following me for weeks, seeing me going in and out the palace. They had even seen me talking with Lucifer in the garden during the afternoon tea. They had pictures in white and black taken with an old enough camera that had no issue capturing my likeness. They taunted me with them in envelopes I would suddenly find with my name on when walking through the city.
I didn't tell Lucifer any of it because, frankly, I just thought it was hilarious. Congratulations, you have eyes! You saw me sharing space with the king of hell as part of my job! We talked to each other about our day! Thanks for telling me that you literally have nothing better to do with your life that finds out the most mundane things about me. Hardly a sensitive enough piece of information to make me squirm like surely that overlord was hoping I would. I reinforced some of the security measures around the castle, told Lucifer that some overlord was being annoying but nothing worth worrying about and moved on.
That was my mistake. The moment I realized this overlord was willing to go to the palace and had multiple eyes on me, I should have known that was the moment to cut them out before they became too greedy, too confident to do even more than that.
But I didn't know that people were using angelic steel left during the exterminations. People talked about a kind of weapon that could take out royalty, that it could wipe out any sinner without any possibility of respawning, but that kind of rumors had always been around since I came to hell. An overlord exaggerating the effectiveness of their weapons was nothing new. How was I supposed to know that this time was real? The usual sources I trusted in were just as much in the dark as I was.
He and his followers ambushed me on my way to the palace. Normally that wouldn't be an issue at all. Just more free snacks for me to satisfy my hunger. It was even fun the first few minutes when I managed to take down a handful of them. Then I realized that the tentacles that I was using to catch their attacks were not regenerating, even as I let them come back to the shadows. They were actually disintegrating in front of my eyes and it was burning, like someone skinning you alive and letting you soak up a particularly heavy acid rain.
Angelic weapons were no joke or exaggeration! Maybe now you will understand why the little protective act of your girlfriend when we first met was so unpleasant."
"Babe, she didn't know" commented Lucifer and Alastor responded by covering his whole face with his palm.
"Ssh, I am in the middle of a dramatic moment, love. I will lose my train of thought with too many interruptions" Lucifer rolled his eyes and nibbled on the fingers of Alastor, but without doing a lot of pressure so it wouldn't really hurt. Charlie nuzzled her head on her dad's shoulder in a silent agreement that she did understand. Alastor hummed thankful and scratched Lucifer behind the ears as he regained his narrative voice.
"To my credit, I did try to retrieve myself from that situation as soon as it became obvious I was out of my depth. But there were so many of them. Some of them were just owned souls, but many were projections that the overlord was doing of himself that all had their own weapons to attack me with. Blessed rope somehow had ended up around my neck to keep me in place, making it impossible for me to go down with the shadows. They couldn't even touch me as long as that blasted thing was pressing against my neck.
The original bastard was filming everything, of course. His little movie of my demise was the only reason nobody was aiming for instant kill. Not that it was a lot of consolation when the pain was still there and it was taking every ounce of strength to avoid giving them any satisfaction. If they wanted to hear any scream, any beg for mercy, even something as small as a gasp, then they had come to the wrong demon. As long as I had any life left on this body, I would make sure that their production was as boring as seeing grass grow. Sometimes I wished I had an opportunity to see it myself. I didn't even recoil when one of them shot me straight on the knee, my little fawn. You would have been proud of your old man, I promise you that."
Charlie didn't answer, but she squeezed the arm of Alastor against her chest. Alastor petted her head once.
"I don't remember exactly what else they did, but it was burning all over and I was close to passing out when I heard your father shouting from somewhere above my head, with a voice deep as hell itself that sounded bigger than his entire body was.
Don't fucking touch him.
It wasn't a warning because Lucifer had already decided they didn't deserve one. Even if they had begged for mercy, even if they offered to pay for the hospital bills themselves, their fates were sealed. You have never seen your father like that, my dear. Let's hope that you never do because Lucifer was like an industrial meat grinder out of control. The fire that came out his mouth was burning through their weapons while his horn seemed to pierce the sky itself. He didn't leave any survivors that afternoon. The overlord tried to project himself to create a distraction and run away, but there was no chance. Lucifer caught them just as easily as a fish that was already dead on the sink. It didn't cost him not even a second breath. In front of him, they were probably less than insects that only existed to be squished under his boot. All their weapons could have been made out of cardboard and foam, that useless turned out to be. They never stood a chance.
To me, it was the most beautiful thing I had ever laid my eyes upon. Such a raw display of power was a privilege to witness it. I truly hate that I couldn't enjoy it further. When Lucifer was done with them and came to free me, my body was close to giving out."
Alastor could still see his husband of that day as clear as it had happened just yesterday. He had thought of Lucifer as his husband before, but that was the first time that the title meant something more than just an objective descriptor of their relationship. He repeated it over and over in his head like a mantra that could ward off the pain from his wounds. His heartbeat going faster could have been his body desperately trying to fix itself somehow, but he liked to think that he would have felt the same even if nothing had happened to him. How else was love supposed to feel like, if not like a sudden rush that made you want to drop to your knees to devote yourself to it with every fiber of your being? That made you want to protect it and spread as much blood as it demanded, to punish and destroy anything that could ever stand in its way? If love wasn't like that, then what was the point?
The fact that Lucifer was so upset himself that tears were mixing in with the sinner's blood all over his face only made him more beautiful, a soft tragedy that wanted to inspire more violence upon whoever dared to get his husband to that state. He wanted to lick his cheeks clean, hold him and learn to kiss right there until he got killed again by something else. It would be worth it too, he was sure of it.
"By the time Lucifer finally came back to me, I lost consciousness" continued on, scratching Lucifer under his chin until his husband turned on his lap, showing off his belly for Alastor to scratch him gently.
He used to dislike seeing Lucifer being so willing to show vulnerability in front of him. It felt wrong and unfair, like the being capable of killing him should be above such displaya or it would diminish his hypothetical murder. After that day, his perspective changed as if turning on a switch. Lucifer everyday had to exercise such control over himself to not hurt anyone with his extraordinary strength and he was one of the few lucky ones that could receive his kindness, his gentle side, all while knowing that the other one was always available to come to his aid if necessary. Far from making him feel like a damsel in distress that needed the help to survive, it made him grateful with Lucifer for taking that stupid choice during his drunken night.
"I think I was out for two days. Was it two days, darling?" asked Alastor.
"Mmm, yes" Lucifer exposed his neck under the touch of his claws. "I managed to close off the biggest wounds with a doctor I called in, but Alastor was still out and I tried to accelerate things by feeding Alastor some portion of my own blood. It had worked before with the other sins right after the fight with Heaven, so if it was good for the sins then it should be good enough for a sinner."
Alastor let him lie about that part. There was no "tiny" anything on Lucifer pressing his cut hand against his mouth and letting it drip as he begged him to open his eyes after the doctor was gone. There was also no mention of the moment Alastor did exactly that, only to have all his newly healed tentacles grab Lucifer to take him out the room and close it.
The blood itself wasn't the issue, he would be the last demon in hell to mind the blood of his own husband touching his lips. What could there be more romantic than that? But the effects of that particular blood was nothing he could ever be prepared for. If pure angelic power was something to stare in awe at a distance, pure angelic blood was a sledgehammer over whatever defenses that Alastor had built around him and destroyed them without as much as a warning.
It was only after that he learned to appreciate that delicacy and crave it, to understand it as something better than any other drink that he had ever known before. But that first time was nothing if not brutal, too much, too soon.
The only way he could describe it was a shot of divine light straight into his veins, the love of a mother that hugged her child despite her own pains, the chaste kiss on his forehead, the safety, comfort and warmth that he had only known as a child. It was painful, like a body trying to come back from total necrosis, and made him scream until his throat was raw because all he could see and feel were all the reasons why losing her was the worst thing he experienced in life, worse than anything his father had done.
Only after another two days did he let Lucifer come back to the room, his red eyes so concerned as apologies were spilling out of his mouth because he had no idea that it was going to be like that either. He had never tried to heal a sinner that way before, so he thought all it did was basically give poison to Alastor on his worst moment. As he was trying to revise him over without moving him too much, only to discover all the wounds were gone, Alastor stopped him and explained to the best of his ability what he could remember from whatever fog the blood had caused.
For the first time since landing in hell, he talked about his mother and what she meant for him. Lucifer at first was holding his hand and listening so intensively that Alastor had to break away, still too raw from the whole experience. Lucifer had asked what he could do to help and Alastor really didn't know what to say to him, so Lucifer got the message he still wanted to be alone for now. Alastor didn't want that, but didn't correct it either because didn't know what he actually wanted either.
But none of that was ever part of the story they told Charlie. Not to their bright eyed daughter that just wanted to hear about her parents coming together to make the loving family that she knew, not the way that some scars could never truly heal and how hard it was to let another one see them. Good riddance, if Alastor could avoid ever talking about any of that for as long he existed then all the better. One time was more than enough.
It was another week in which he finally invited Lucifer to stay in. It was his bedroom after all, but by then he was already sure he wanted the company more than he kept his distance.
"It did help" continued Alastor. "Angelic blood ironically was the best way to combat angelic steel. Every bone that shattered was good as new, all my tentacles didn't have a single scratch on them, my own skin looked straight after a fantastic spa day. When I came back into myself, Lucifer was fretting all over the place and serving me all the meat I had collected in the kitchen as my breakfast to help me regain my energy. He would touch my forehead or my hand, asking if everything was alright, and all I could think of was how I had seen those hands causing more damage than anything I went through, how impossibly gentle they were now. Before Lucifer could go, I held him there and kissed his cheek once, convincing myself it was the least I could do to thank him for his rescue.
Lucifer went completely catatonic and red. He looked so stupid and pitiful that I had to kiss him properly. I was left with no other option when I was receiving those reactions."
"Hey, at that point I had assumed we weren't going to do anything like that" protested Lucifer, rising up to pat his face with his paw. "And besides, it had been a while! I was out of practice."
Alastor looked at him with a soft smile. He was the one who was learning to kiss and do anything physical with another being at that time, but not even once Lucifer had made him feel self conscious about it. When his kisses were too sloppy or didn't know what to do with his body, Lucifer had just kept trying with the same amazed look on his face after that first contact. Like he had been the one to discover something beautiful for the first time.
Charlie chuckled at the words of Lucifer, which was the worst betrayal that the king could feel.
"Ah, I see that even my own daughter enjoys my humiliation" sighed dramatically the cat, letting himself fall to the lap of Alastor, as if mortally wounded. "Not even my own family respects me, what kind of life is this one?"
"Papa, don't be like that" laughed Charlie, picking up the cat form of Lucifer on her arms and petting him. "It's cute is what it is."
"That was the only part you heard? No thoughts on how your papa was so cool for protecting your dad?"
"It sounds significantly less cool when you define it like that, darling" pointed Alastor, scratching him between the ears.
"It still counts!" Charlie laughed harder in front of the fluffy pouty face of Lucifer and squeezed him against her, nuzzling his head with her cheek.
"You were cool, papa."
Of course it took only that to have him purring again. Clearly that was what he was looking for in the first place as he kneaded the shoulder of their daughter. He could get pretty needy on that form. Not that there was any complaint.
Alastor sighed, petting the head of Charlie.
"From there, it was much easier to fall into an actual relationship" finalized. "Finally convinced that I wasn't being pressured into anything or that he wouldn't kill me for trying to get close, we managed to find our own rhythm eventually. The end" he kissed the forehead of Charlie, who yawned a bit against her hand. "Did that help, little fawn? You think you are ready for bed now?"
"I think so" Charlie blinked when a portal to her own room suddenly opened up in front of her. Vaggie was already sleeping on the bed, most of her body inclined to Charlie's side. Charlie blushed when realizing that Lucifer would do the same for her when she was a kid, even when her room was literally next door. "Papa, I could just make the walk on my own."
"Why would you when this is easier?" Lucifer gave her a tiny lick on her cheek and slipped between her arms to jump to Alastor's shoulder. "It's okay, I don't mind. Just go to sleep. Message me when you get to heaven and when you are back."
"Thank you two" Charlie hugged them both, leaving them with a kiss on their cheeks. "Have a good night."
"Likewise, dear" Alastor repressed his own yawn with his hand as he saw Charlie turning around to her room, the portal instantly closing after her. "Are you ready for bed, love?"
"I think so" Lucifer jumped in front of him, turning back into his humanoid form as he sat on his lap, arms around his husband's neck. The king of hell sighed. "Tell me that everything will be alright tomorrow."
"Everything will be alright tomorrow" obliged Alastor, picking him up on his arms towards the bed.
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Sometime after united we spy- Joe and Rachel facing Matt's birthday without him. Sad fluff. I hope yall like it!
The knock at the door was quick and concise. Before Rachel had a chance to answer Joe stepped into her office. It had been a busy day at the Gallagher academy. Rachel had been trying to get a head count on how many girls would be staying over the brief break for Thanksgiving and Joe was cooking up the hardest semester final he could think of. He kept telling her that he had "a reputation to uphold of being the scariest teacher."
If they were being honest it was just a distraction. They had barely spoken since they had awoken that morning, it was a quick check-in, a quick kiss and off to work. Neither of them had to much to say on days like this.
"How are you doing?" Joe asked her.
How was she doing? She shuffled some paperwork on her desk and gave a brisk "I'm fine, Joe."
She didn't want to talk about it right then. She had things she wanted to do before she mentally checked out for the day. She needed at least another two hours of the work day.
"So, you don't want to talk about it"? He asked with a small smile.
"I've got things to do here. It's not easy to run an entire school. I don't know if you've ever heard anyone say it's easy being married to one of your teachers because let me tell you it's not!" It's--
"It's harder to run away from feeling things when best friend and husband makes you think about them?" He cut her a look that said he knew that she was distracting herself, and that it was ok.
He sat down at the desk in front of her. Watching her, waiting.
"I'm not running, I've got other things to think about why is that not okay?!"
He suddenly looked tired. "It's totally fine. I dont want to make you feel anything, I just wanted to check in on you. See if we could eat dinner, just the two of us? On days like today it's normally something we do."
She didn't respond right away. She didn't want to tear up or talk about it. She had to make sure that 41, 42? Girls had guidance, food and warm beds to stay in. Matt wouldn't want her to brush them off.
"I know. I know. I just..... I just need to do this, ok?" She sounded upset. They locked eyes for what felt like way too long.
He stood up slowly and told her that he was going to be upstairs in their little staff quaters apparement. That when she was done he'd hope she'd join him. He walked over, kissed her on the top of the head and walked out of her office without another word.
She felt terrible. The second Joe left she felt like she screwed up, and badly. Yes, he was checking on her but not 3 minutes had passed when she realized that he might have needed her. Not only was she being plagued by her first husband's death but she was also very concerned that she had hurt her now husband. She looked back down at her paperwork and suddenly felt tears prick her eyes. She had been so focused on avoiding her own feelings about Matt's birthday that she had inadvertently shut out everyone else.
As she started to lock her office door she called Abby. She got her voice-mail. Not a huge surprise to Rachel but she left a message anyways. She hoped, gosh, she couldn't believe she was even thinking this, that Agent Towsend was with her. She wasnt sure how much sympathy he would lend but she was certain that he loved her. As long as Abby wasn't alone today.
She didn't knock on their door, she just stepped into the small living space that she and Joe now shared.
The lights were on and there was a wonderful smell coming from the tiny kitchen. She called out "Joseph?" There was no response. She walked through the tiny living room kitchen combo and opened the door to their bedroom.
He was sitting at the small desk in the corner with the desk lamp on. He had a bunch of papers spread out and he was reading. Both his journal and Matthew's. He didn't look up as he said
"so you decided to join me finally? That was barely 10 minutes, your normally more stubborn than that."
She couldn't take it anymore. She teared up and sat on the edge of the bed. Hearing her sit he turned around to face her. She was still staring at the baseboard when she spoke.
"I'm so sorry. I should have just told you that I'm upset and that I'm not doing well. I miss him so much. I.... I just... I really miss him and to add to that I was so flippant about how you were feeling. I didn't even think"...She started to choke on her tears and before she knew it she was just crying.
Joe moved from the desk and sat beside her on the bed. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her to his chest. They sat like that for a few minutes until Rachel's tears started to subside.
"I'm so sorry, Joe"
He backed away a little bit to look her in the eye.
"It's ok, Rach"
"No, it really isn't. I know you miss him too and what's worse is you take it in a personal way cause..."
He became serious and removed his arms from around her waist.
"Because I what?  Was involved in pulling him into this. Because the wrong guy went to Rome that day?"
She looked at him squarely, saw the tears just behind his eyes that she knew he wouldn't let fall. She reached out and put her hand on his jaw. Tilting it down to really look at her.
"Because you think it's somehow your fault"
He lightly sniffed and started to stand but she was expecting this maneuver and was quick to pull him to her.
He was a little stiff so she continued,
"We have been over this before, wise guy. I know the entire story start to finish. In no way shape or form do I think you're responsible. Abby doesn't think it's your fault. Cammie doesn't think it's your fault. I love you. I know you. I dont want you to carry it with you all the time.
I also know, she said with a small laugh, that I have said all of this before in greater detail and you're still too stubborn to listen."
He whispered a barely audible "I know. On days like today....."
"Ya days like today can really suck but I have you. Thank you, by the way."
"For being miserable with you? Ya, ok there Ace."
He was starting to tease. That's good.
"I love you, Joe."
"I love you more".
She couldn't help herself. So she said "actually you know what I might love more than you? Whatever it is your cooking right now. I haven't eaten since breakfast and that smells amazing."
"It's a casserole and chocolate cake"
"I was so smart to remarry a man that could cook. Chocolate cake, huh? Matthew's favorite."
He chuckled as he kissed her softly. When he kissed her like that, they could forget what day it was just for a minute. 
The timer went off for whatever was in the oven. Joe went to the kitchen and Rachel walked to the desk. She cleaned up the pile of papers. She put the journals in the top drawer and she looked at the photo on their desk. Matt, Joe, Abby and Rachel, holding a very tiny Cameron. She smiled softly.
Wait. Cammie.
"Joe, I didn't reach out to cammie today."
"I'm sure it's fine hon, she's in Prague with Zach. They are working. They'll keep eachother safe. He'll distact her."
"I know, but I wanted to say something to her. Its too late in Prague now."
He looked at her half amused and half guilty.
"Would now be a good time or a bad time to admit I used the dead drop saying that I hoped she was doing ok, we love her, that we both missed Matt too and that he would be really too proud of her?"
"Wait. You did?"
"Ya, you were so quiet about it all day that I wrote to her and signed both our names. I hope that's ok."
She laughed "ya, thats more than ok. Thank you"
The rest of their night was spent peacefully. Each switching between being reminiscent of the good things and shaken up by the loss. That's how November 19th normally passed.
As they laid in bed, Joe started playing with her hair she couldn't help but thinking that today was hard but that it was nothing compared to the days when they spent  them apart. At least they still had each other to lean on and to miss Matthew together. November 20th was always a much easier day for both of them she thought as she drifted off to sleep.
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fumikomiyasaki · 1 year
For the wrong wedding ( okay no angst but chaos and maybe reverse-)
Chizuko and Flynn ( an abduction by force )
Cattleya and Louis ( kidnapped I think- demon ma'am looks angry at the bride for stealing )
Cattleya Eye Reveal:
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I Object! I have counted this as the boys get stolen from what I got from this so
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He was tired... usually it was hard to catch him like that, especially cause he was used to fleeing and getting away... now he was here... caged in chains in a fancy suit... trapped by a crazy woman who wanted to always marry a "Vampire." Not noticing that Flynn never was one but only acted as one... and now forced to a marriage altar thanks to her... for the first he felt a bit of regret... after all he wanted to save himself up for his precious Onyx... he wanted to lead her down the aisle in a pretty dress... and as he went to this fantasy in his head, suddenly the door bursted open and some people rolled him down the wedding location... what was his best action... just to distract them with entertainment and hope to flee.. there was not many options with all of the people being on "her" Side.
Arriving at the altar and hearing the priest talk his head started to spin and the voices in his head mocked him... untill he suddenly heard the sound of breaking glass about him... somebody broke through the glass mural... and stood before him in a blood stained red dress... his dear Onyx.
"You have got the wrong bride.... because I am here to take the count back where he belongs."
He noticed she was emberassed acting that way but did it for his sake. As he played along.
"It is true, i was promised to this beautiful gem,so you can't wed me... I am a shamefull man If I seemed like you had a chance-"
"What are you doing just staring, get her!"
"You really want to marry him in such a tacky dress... well then... you have to go through me."
The rest of what happened Flynn blanked out cause of his voices... all he know he woke up to a tons of blood on his suit... Chizukos dress dyed as well and her holding him in his arms.
"You really are an idiot."
"I am sorry Onyx... I will promise to be less reckless."
She still punched him on the chest... deserved really... but despite the horrid scenery around him... there was somethign calming and beautifull about holding his dear Onyx like that... he was truely glad he had her... and one day he wants to see her in a dress like this... just not stained in blood.
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In actuality he was just waiting cause he got a ton of things for Cattleya as he promised... but eventually some demons took interest in the handsome young service and his pure appreance... to the case of one group taking him away to a woman who fell in love at first glance... wanting to make him hers fully.
And so he was wrapped up in this make shift wedding that freaked him out a lot. Seeing so many different demons just not caring about what he actually wants... while this demon lady just eyes him like a love crazy fool... how could he get out of this... his screaming wasn't heard... yet suddenly the room felt dark and silent... many turned to the door behind him.
He was surprised because for sure he recognized it was his dearest but... he rarely saw her showing her eyes if at all. Cattleyas glare was almost deadly at the bride.
"This wedding is canceled."
"Its her this is not good."
"What are we gonna do, we upset her."
Many were quite, even the bride was shook to the core seeing her approach and undo Louis ties.
"This one is mine... and I will not let anyone take him, keep that a warning for the future."
Nobody dared to object or lay a finger on them.... as they got out of the venue he quickly wrapped his arms around her.
"Thank you so much... I owe you my whole life... as well as I promised it before I will serve you for all eternity."
"That is what I wanted to hear... for now lets get back and let you take a breather from the shock... we have some things to discuss later."
Her tone towards him was far more calmer... he barely felt any of the fear the others felt... just admiration and moreso... he fell for her even more that day... his promise was true... he would dedicate his life to her only to be with her... and that promise he wanted to keep in mind.
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youarestellarverse · 2 years
Squeaking in at the last minute!
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[image description: a purple banner that has the words "work in progress" on it. end of description]
Untitled Pre-Jercy Appendicitis Fic, Part 3
Jason wakes feeling groggy and sore. 
The last thing he remembers is Percy, brushing his hair back from his forehead with cool fingers and murmuring I'm with you. Before that, it's still Percy; looking at him with deep worry in his vibrant eyes, leaning forward and making Jason even dizzier than he already was by pressing chapped lips to his forehead. You're burning up. Dude, you don't look so good. 
There's a hand in his, but it's too small to be Percy's. Jason knows before he opens his eyes exactly who's sitting beside him. 
"Hey, sis," he croaks, blinking slowly in the harsh, sterile light. Thalia's face comes into blurry half-focus— they must have taken out his contacts. He can tell from the way she sniffles that she's been crying. 
"Hey, shrimp. How are you feeling?" 
She squeezes his hand, hard enough to hurt. It's nice; he can also tell he's on some pretty heavy pain medication, but he can still feel the edges of a dull ache in his stomach, and the strength of her grip works surprisingly well as a distraction. 
"Like I got speared through the back and made into a shish-kebab." He smiles— it has to be pretty weak, but it makes Thalia laugh, and right now that's all he cares about. "You don't have any idea what happened to my glasses, do you?" 
"Oh, geez. I totally forgot. Frank brought your duffel bag a couple hours ago." She kisses his forehead before she lets go, bending over to rummage through something beside her chair. "Poor guy was so upset. We kept trying to tell him it was an accident, but I think he still thinks it's his fault." 
"It was my fault," Jason protests, confused. "He landed too hard because my mechanics were all off. He did nothing wrong." 
"It was Dad's fault for forcing you to play when you were sick," Thalia says firmly. She sits up, and he hears the click of her opening the case. "And that fucking cow he's married to, for not putting her foot down and protecting you from his bullshit. Nobody else's."
It's a little embarrassing, but Jason lets Thalia put his glasses on for him. He's so tired he's not sure he could raise his hands anyway. He blinks again to orient himself. 
Thalia's eyes and nose are red and puffy. She's been crying for a while. It's about as rational as Frank blaming himself for Jason's failures, but it still causes a guilty pang. 
What do you know? he thinks to himself, his fingers suddenly locked around Thalia's, with no memory of how it happened.  I can move my hands. 
Current word count: 3601
Ping list: @elaborateruses, @perseusjackson-jasongrace, @msdrpreist 💜
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