#but that's what happens when i've only had half a bagel
nexadarling · 5 months
Friends i am over caffeinated, under fed, got a long work day ahead of me, and i'm still sad about trigun. Who wants to take bets on how long it takes me to cry about fictional men at work today???? Winner gets absolutely nothing but it'll be amusing i think
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lemoncrushh · 3 months
Running on Empty
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Summary: An unfortunate incident at the gym
Warnings: None, just a PSA - Never workout on an empty stomach.
Word Count: 1185
A/N: Harry x reader AU. Originally an OC but has been edited. From my 2017 collection.
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Harry was a new guy at your gym. You hadn't been going as regularly as you should have, but once he started coming a few weeks ago, you made it a point to keep up with your workouts. He was gorgeous, to say the least. Not your typical buff, gym type guy. But really attractive with a killer smile.
So far your exchange had merely been a few hellos and nods of the head. But you were determined to get his attention. You can assure yourself however, what ended up happening was not your intent.
You'd skipped lunch that day, having only a bagel for breakfast and a handful of jellybeans that you'd grabbed from your co-worker's desk when your boss had asked if you could stay to help set up the conference room for an important meeting. You could have (and should have) easily gotten a sandwich at the deli before heading to the gym, but you only had an hour, and you knew Harry would most likely already be there. It was pathetic how you'd memorized his schedule, this man that you barely knew.
He was already at the weight bench when you left the locker room. Walking past him, you could see the beads of sweat forming on his upper lip and arms, his t-shirt nearly soaked through. He groaned low as he lifted the bar, his muscles flexing. Sighing deeply, but low enough you hoped that he didn't hear you, you took your usual place at the treadmill, popping your earbuds in and setting your water bottle in its cubby. Choosing one of your workout playlists, you began warming up at a steady walking pace. As the songs progressed into faster tempos, so did your walking and soon you was at a jogging pace, your heart rate up.
Lost in your music, you didn't notice Harry had gotten up from the bench until he was beside you, wiping his face with a towel, your eyes connecting.
"Hello," he grinned. Good grief, he had a great smile.
You watched as he took a stance on the treadmill next to yours. He said something else then that you couldn't quite make out with your music blaring, so you pulled out an earbud.
"I said, I've seen you here before a few times."
"Oh. Yeah." You didn't know what else to say. You'd rehearsed several scenarios in your head, but at the moment you were breathing too hard to make actual conversation.
"I'm Harry," he said.
"Y/N," you replied, though you was sure it sounded more like a breathy mess.
"Good to meet you," he smiled again, making your heart race more than it already was.
Grabbing your water bottle, you took a long drink, emptying almost half of it. The next song that came on was clocked at an even faster bpm, so you sped up the speed of the treadmill. Now at a running pace, you felt the sweat drip down the back of your neck and between your breasts. Your breaths were hard but steady as you made sure you could handle it. There had been days when running was a breeze, and you'd feel exhilarated from pushing yourself to the limit. But because you hadn't been keeping up with your usual routine, and probably because you hadn't eaten, you could already feel your body resisting. You felt like your heart was beating out of your chest. You slowed the speed just slightly as you felt yourself getting light-headed.
"Hey, you okay?" you heard to your left.
You turned your head to Harry to looked concerned. Unable to speak, you nodded.
"You might wanna slow down," he gestured to the treadmill console.
You nodded again and did as he suggested. When you found a slower, jogging pace, you started to feel a little better, your breathing even once again. You held on to the bar this time, something you didn't normally do in order to regain the feeling in your legs which had seemed to go numb. You weren't sure how you'd even managed to run at all. It was as though you had phantom limbs that moved at their own will.
Finally, your playlist came full circle, a U2 song finishing out what you knew was the end of your workout. You walked for the remaining time, guzzling the last of your water.
Stepping off the treadmill, you immediately felt woozy. Blinking hard, careful not to get sweat in your eyes, you reached for your towel and wiped them. That was when two things seemed to happen both simultaneously and in slow motion. You saw Harry step off his treadmill and walk towards you, and everything went black.
You could hear a voice calling your name, and it sounded familiar but far away. You were probably dreaming.
"Y/N!" he called again.
Ouch, you thought. That light was too bright.
"C'mon, love, open your eyes."
His honey-like voice soothed you and you blinked, allowing the irritating light to shine in your eyes. That was when you saw his face, hovering over you like a guardian angel. His chest fell as he let out a sigh of relief.
"She's coming to," he relayed to someone behind him.
"Um..." you swallowed hard, your throat suddenly dry. "What happened?"
"You fainted, straight into my arms."
You groaned, lifting your hand to your head which you realized was throbbing.
"You know," he added with a smirk, "if you wanted my attention, you didn't have to go to such extremes."
"Oh God," you mumbled. "I'm sorry."
"Don't be sorry. I just wanna make sure you're okay."
You stared at him for a moment before someone else appeared above your head and knelt down beside you.
"Miss, do you need a doctor?" the second man asked.
"No," you replied. "I think I just passed out. I'll be fine."
"Can you sit up?"
You realized then that Harry still had his arms around you. You nodded and allowed him to help you sit as you felt the blood rush to your head.
"Oh," you groaned again.
The other man handed you a bottle of what looked to be a sports drink. You took it from him and drank a large gulp, feeling it immediately run through your veins.
"You sure you don't need a doctor or an ambulance?"
You looked at him and shook your head. "No. It's fine."
The man nodded and patted your back. "Sit for as long as you need." Then he turned to Harry. "Don't let her make any sudden moves until she's ready."
"Yes, sir."
When the man walked away, Harry took your hand.
"You sure you're okay?"
"Not really, but I will be."
"Did you eat anything today?"
You let out a breath. "Very little."
"Are you diabetic?"
"No. Just overworked I suppose."
Harry shut his eyes and shook his head. "When you're ready, I'll help you stand," he offered. "Then I'm taking you to lunch."
You smiled gently. "You are?"
"Well...it wasn't how I was planning to ask you out. But it'll do."
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electric-blorbos · 1 month
A WHEATLEY X READER THAT ISNT A HUMANIZED FORM MY OBJECTUM LIFE IS YOURS anywayssss can i ask for wheatley, glados and edgar with a reader who passed out in front of them from standing up too fast. sorry i think its really funny seeing ai characters react to the very stupid flaws human bodies have. bonus points if the reader wakes up and is completely unphased
YESSSSS!!!!! You're the target audience! I love objectums so much! I'm so grateful to have found out about this community!!!
As much as I love gjinkas, I think that computers and personality cores are perfect just the way they are, and don't need to be humanized to be beautiful!
Stupid human flaws
Included: Wheatley, GLaDOS, Edgar
Fun fact, my blood decided to act up while writing this, so I've been light-headed all night. Not bad inspiration.
It was an ordinary day at Aperture labs. You had been sitting down for a few hours now, sitting bisexual-style with one foot under your other thigh, and just generally not using very good computer posture while working on your code for the latest personality construct project.
"Oi! There's bagels in the break room!" Wheatley burst into the office area on the management rail, and everyone started getting up. He looked at you with a pleased little smile on his face. Even though he had made the announcement to everyone, it was really you who he had wanted to tell.
"oh hell yeah." You started to stand, but your leg was totally asleep, and the blood rushed straight to your head as soon as you got up. Next thing you knew, you were lying face-first on the ground next to your computer chair.
"Oh bloody christ-" Wheatley's lens covers widened in shock and panic.
"uh... Please don't be dead. Please be alright... Please- uh... How many fingers am I holding up?" He would occasionally glance away from you and look around the room, but everyone else in the area had already gotten up to go to the break room and get their bagels.
"Uh... Are you alive?" He wanted to go get some help, but he was too terrified to leave you alone long enough to do so. You ended up the victim of his constant stream of consciousness as he worried about what to do, but you were a bit too light-headed to understand what he was babbling endlessly.
"one- one sec..." You muttered, holding an arm up and waiting for the feeling to return in your toes. When it was back, you slowly got to your feet and leaned on the table.
"alright- I'm good. I'm good. Now, let's go see if there are any bagels left." You hobbled off, your hobble turning into a regular walk as soon as all the feeling came back into your leg. Wheatley was left completely dumbfounded.
"what the-" he followed after you on his management rail.
"how'd you do that so fast? Also, what just happened? Are you ok? Are you alive? What's going on? What happened?" He really wouldn't shut up until you gave him a proper explanation, and he didn't take "Oh I just got a head rush" or "My leg fell asleep" as proper answers. Unfortunately, though, you didn't have a better answer because you weren't an expert in the human body, and even if you were, Wheatley didn't seem to grasp the fact that humans can't just fix problems like that.
It was a simple task, really. You just had to get on one of those little rolling scooters to get up under one of the massive server computers in GLaDOS's chamber, and fix up some of the mechanical problems. It would seriously improve efficiency, and GLaDOS wasn't quite built to be able to do it herself. This was intricate, close distance work, the kind that was only fit for a human.
You might have had to be practically upside-down for half of the task, but that was alright. Or well, it would be if the second you popped back out from under the computers you didn't hear a loud beeping coming from your primary office.
You scrambled to your feet, the blood rushing to your head and making your vision go spotty. It was a good thing the portal surfaces on the ground weren't too hard, because you met them fast.
"Oh good, you're making friends with the floor." GLaDOS's sardonic voice could be heard coming from both the speakers and the floor, adding to your confusion. It was almost impossible to tell if you were lying down or standing up for a second.,
"human... Human! Wake up." She picked you up with one of her massive grasper claws, lifting your body off the ground and dangling you limply in the air.
"Oh, right. I always forget that such things can happen to humans. Would you mind patching out that little flaw so that I don't have to watch your pathetic ragdoll of a body flop around like a limp noodle?"
You rolled your eyes, your blood starting to flow properly.
"right... Yeah yeah. Unfortunately, humans can't update the way robots can, but it's fine. You can put me down now."
She gently set you down on the ground, a deep chuckling coming from her core.
"You really are a resilient little cockroach, aren't you. Go on, human. Perk up. At least when the sky falls you'll be able to pick yourself right back up afterwards."
"Thanks, GLaDOS. Maybe while I'm at it, you can come up with a way for robots to walk without stumbling around like newborn fauns." You'd say, rolling your eyes and heading out of the main chamber.
Edgar was sitting happily on your computer desk while you lay on the sofa, your head hanging off the side while you messed around on your phone upside-down.
"Hey, what are you up to?" Edgar would ask, ever curious about everything you do.
"just looking at some memes. What about you?" You'd turn your head slightly to look at him, still hanging off the side of the couch.
"nothing. Can I see your memes?" He'd ask, trying to hide his jealousy. He had internet, why couldn't you look at memes on him??
"Oh yeah, sure!" You did a backwards roll off the couch, scrambling to your feet and immediately getting a nasty headrush. Your vision went spotty, and you collapsed to the ground.
"AAAAAAA! Emergency! Emergency! HELP!" Edgar immediately panicked, cursing the fact that he wasn't hooked up to a phone line since it wasn't the 80's anymore. His little rotating webcam focused on you, visibly shaking since it was the only part of him that he could really move on command.
He'd start to open up the internet and search for a website to start begging someone, anyone, to call 911 (or maybe email them? Find some way to reach the hospital online.) Fortunately for both you and him, his browsing speed was pretty slow, so he saw you starting to move before he could actually reach anyone.
You rolled onto your back, and put one arm up into the air.
"Edgar- Edgar-"
"Edgar stop screaming, I'm fine!" You finally managed to scramble into a seated position, pressing your hands to your temples to calm the light pounding in your head from the sudden rush of blood.
"Wait- you're ok?" He'd stop flashing lights, and turn his little camera towards you. You'd get to your feet, and walk over to his desk chair so you could sit down and show him some memes.
"yes, I'm fine. Please calm down. Are you ok?"
"I'm fine if you are!" He'd display the silliest, happiest smile on his face, so glad you're ok.
"Sorry about that. I just got a headrush. It happens sometimes."
"wait, you have to deal with that just happening? How are you not dead?"
"It only happens when you're upside-down and then you turn right side up too quickly." You'd have to explain.
"then you can't ever turn upside-down again!" He'd display an angry face on his monitor.
"oh calm down, Edgar, I'm not going to get hurt. And you are not taking away my upside-down privileges. It's really no big deal."
"okay...." He still wasn't convinced, but he's willing to believe you, if only to make you happy.
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pedrostylez · 1 year
Something Else- pt. 5
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pairing: Frankie Morales x fem!reader
chapter summary: buying groceries with Frankie 👀 and getting ready to go to Benny’s fight with Anna gives you the courage to say something to her
rating: 18+ (no minors please) Explicit
word count: 3.6k
warnings etc: Frankie w/o a daughter, triple frontier movie plot has happened, dirty talk, pet names, oral (m receiving), (some slight face fucking whaaattttt) eating, jealousy, friendship dynamics, fluff, friendships, competition, drinking, 2nd person pov, no use of y/n
A/N: Happy Frankie Friday! Please be on the lookout on Tuesday for the first side drabble that will be less than 1k words that gives some further background on other characters in this story. I've worked really hard to only give what reader and Frankie are thinking in their respective parts in each chapter, BUT there's side story that is important too! Hope that is okay with everyone :) Please support by commenting, sending me thoughts, and reblogging. I appreciate every single one of you who reads this!
Taglist: @meveispunk, @jitterbugs927, @sullyosully @3sriracha @alltheseperfectimperfections @nandan11 @jake-g-lockley, @theanothersherlockian, @anoverwhelmingdin, @guelyury, @harriedandharassed, @wintersquirrel @scarletthefierce @paleidiot @brittmb115
Frankie knows that he is infatuated with you. He can’t really help it. 
After that first date, you watched a movie on his couch, laying in his shirt and your underwear, and he couldn’t help but trail his fingers up and down your leg until you looked at him with a small smile and an enticing “c’mere, Frankie.” that had him pouncing on you. 
And then all weekend long you spent time with him. You worked on Saturday, but he dropped you off and picked you up, spending the night at yours the next day. In each other’s back pockets, constantly together. He felt like a teenager with an obsession that he couldn’t shake. 
By Monday, when he had to go back to the hangar, he even offered for you to come with him. “The guys won’t mind. Benny was asking about you the other day.”
You had smiled at him and shook your head. “No, if I start going then Anna will insist on going too. And that’s not fair to you guys, you’re trying to get things done.” 
He had hummed at you, wanting to argue that you could come, that what they were doing wasn’t that important, just Pope wanting us to be prepared if he comes across another drug lord that has lots of money, but he wasn’t about to tell you all that. The way that you accepted that he and the other guys just “had things to do” and didn’t question it further until he was ready to discuss it, already had him wondering where someone like you had been all his life. 
Frankie had wondered all weekend long if you would bring up what he told you in the cafe, about his previous drug problem. You had paused many times, debating something in your brain before saying something that would surprise him, but never questioning what he had previously divulged. In a way, it put him at ease, but there was a pit in his stomach about having to tell you about it. 
When Benny picked him up, knocking on his door before waltzing into his kitchen, the look on his face at seeing you perched on his counter in one of his shirts and no pants, Frankie between your legs and kissing at your neck had Frankie laughing when he realized. Benny didn’t get surprised easily–but the wide eyes and blush creeping up his face to match yours said otherwise. “I didn’t know–”
“It’s okay!” You exclaimed, pushing Frankie away, hopping off the counter, and setting down the half-bagel you were chewing. “I’ll find some pants!” Your face was as red as ever before, eyeing Frankie that let him know you didn’t appreciate being bottomless in front of his friends. He just smiled at you, squeezing your hip affectionately before you ducked your head and turned. 
You ran away down the hall to his bedroom, and Frankie’s chuckle turned into a full laugh as Benny covered his eyes, mortified. “Sorry, Ben.”
Benny groaned, sliding his hands down his face. “Catfish, I swear to god. I didn’t know she was going to be here. I would have knocked!”
Frankie nods, grabbing the bagel you left and taking a bite. “I know, I didn’t tell you. My bad.” Benny just kept staring at Frankie like he had two heads, and in a way, Frankie thought he might; he was used to being the stoic, serious one who needed space from the others. He felt different after just a weekend.
You reappeared with buttoned jeans and an exasperated sigh. You looked over to Frankie mid-bite, pouting. “Hey, that’s mine!” Your face was still red, but fading as you reached for the remaining bit of toasted bread unsuccessfully.
“Sorry about just barging in,” Benny said quietly, facing you. He glanced at Frankie quickly and then back to your face. “But honestly? You’ve got some killer legs–”
“Alright!” Frankie frowned, taking the remaining bagel and holding it out to you. You were giggling, biting the bagel out of his hand before flicking your eyes to Benny. “That’s enough. Let’s get going.”
“‘You coming with?” Benny asked, pulling his keys out of his pocket. The look was expectant, assuming you would be tagging along. Frankie looked over at you with wide eyes, hoping you would maybe change your mind.
You shook your head. “Nah, got some stuff to do and then I work tonight.” You shrugged, tucking your hair behind your ear. “Have fun or…work hard or whatever.” You stumbled, smiling at the two of them. You grabbed your own keys, waiting for them to step toward Frankie’s door. 
In the apartment parking lot, you waved them off, blushing again when Frankie grabbed at your hip to pull you close. “When can I see you again?” He huffed into your ear, feeling you press closer to him.
“I’m workin’ the next few days.” You sigh, tilting your head toward Benny who is watching on, curious. “Text me later?”
Frankie nods, letting go of you and watching as you step into your own vehicle, smiling as you pull away. Frankie won’t get into Benny’s truck until you’re out of sight, shutting the door behind him and waiting to get moving to the hangar. 
Benny has different plans. “So, I assume Friday went well?”
Frankie scoffs, glancing at his friend and then leaning back. “Yeah, went really well.”
Benny hums, starting the vehicle but not pulling out of the spot. “You know dumb and dumber will ask questions too, since you canceled flight practice on Friday.” Benny reminds.
Frankie takes a deep breath, shaking his head. “It’s not their business.” He mumbles, waiting for Benny to start moving, but when he doesn’t he turns to him again. “What?”
Benny watches him, shrugging and shaking his head. “Maybe bring her to my fight next week?” He asks, reversing out of the space. “We all just want to see you happy, and make sure she’s a good fit for you.”
Frankie is ready to argue, wanting to come to your defense but holds back. He knows that between the three of them, they saved his life on more than one occasion. They let him crash at their places until he was on his feet again, brought him to meetings even when he didn’t want to go…he felt this twinge of guilt that he had been hiding you away, even though you didn’t want to be in larger groups anyways. “I’ll talk to her.”
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The next few days are bliss. 
Frankie has consistently invited you over for dinner with no expectations or brings you meals and spends time with you. He mentions Benny’s fight, saying “Benny would invite you himself if I let him be alone with you.” and you are quick to agree to go. You even go so far as to ask if Anna is going to be invited because you wouldn’t mind seeing her. 
You feel confident that Frankie won’t be distracted by Anna. 
He’s so attentive. He asks what you want, gives his input, and meets you in the middle. Sure, you only have food choices, movie choices, and places visited to base that off of, but you can feel it. You have to remind yourself it has only been a couple weeks and to not get too carried away, but you have this feeling in your stomach that this is right. 
You complained that you needed to go grocery shopping and he was happy to go with you, trailing along behind you for most of it, but perusing your list and going to the next few isles to find them. 
“You buy bulk laundry detergent, but you can’t even lift the container.” He mumbles, pushing your cart into the checkout line. 
He nudges you away when you try to argue that you can pick it up, smiling when you huff out a mumbled: “I’ve been doing it.” Sliding your card into the terminal to pay for your groceries. 
“I know, you’re very strong.” Frankie nods along, no sign of a joke or making fun of you. You eye him, unsure what to make of him as he helps you back into his truck, drives you to your apartment, and helps you unload. 
You’re quick to grab the laundry detergent this time, waddling to your front door trying to not break a sweat. He doesn’t need to know that you typically carry it in with a rolling cart you keep stored in your closet specifically for the task. You can hear him laughing, grabbing your reusable bags that had also been stuffed to the brim with other essentials. When you’re trying to unlock the door while also holding up the detergent, Frankie reaches around you and picks the key out of your hands. You try to not blush at how his arm brushes against yours, or how he turns his head to look down at you with a smirk on his face. 
When you get inside, Frankie is quick to remove all the items that need to be in the refrigerator; coffee creamer, ground turkey, and eggs. He glances at you before sliding his fingers over yours and grabbing the detergent from your hand. “I’ll take it, sweetheart.” He lifts it over your head and into the laundry room where there is a shelf where you typically keep the detergent. He sets it there gently, turning to you with a raised brow and a chuckle. “What are you looking at hermosa.” 
You shrug, turning back to the bags he set on the counter. “Oh, nothing much I guess. Just your arms.”
“My arms?” He asks, confusion clear on his face. “What’s wrong with them?” He looks at his bicep, pulling his arm around to look at the back of one of them and not realizing that he is basically flexing them in your face. 
“Nothing is wrong with them.” You laugh, pushing his shoulder to get him to look at you. “They’re just…big.”
He squints at you, similar to how you looked at him in the grocery store to gauge if there is a joke within your words. When finds none, he smirks at you, adjusting his hat and leaning against the counter. “Is that a good thing?” He questions, crossing them over his chest. 
You feign disinterest. “Means you can lift heavy stuff for me.” You shrug, smiling at him as he continues to try and dissect your answer. “So, tell me about the fight tomorrow. What should I be expecting?”
Frankie hears you shift gears, stretching his neck as he watches you pull the rest of the groceries out of the bags, sorting them on your counter. “Pope, Will, and I have seats in the front. Benny already knows you and Anna are coming, so he reserved a couple more seats. Lots of yelling, sweat, and probably blood.” He drawls on, looking up at your ceiling. “It will be a couple hours. Pope wants us all to drive together, but I figured I would ask you first…”
You look over at him as you’re putting away the pasta, seeing the tension in his shoulders as he waits for your response. “It’s fine with me if it’s easier.”
He brings his eyes down to you, crouched on the tile in front of the lowest drawer next to the fridge. “But, is that what you want?”
You shrug, moving the items around in the drawer. “It doesn’t bother me, Frankie. Unless you just want me alone in your truck?” You smirk, looking up at him again as you close the drawer. You realize just how close you are to him, how you could reach out and just touch the outside of his jeans–
He smiles, shaking his head. “I’ll take you any way I can have you.” He huffs out, watching your hand that has suddenly reached out to his pant leg. “What are you doing?”
“What?” You ask quietly, adjusting yourself to be a bit closer, hand resting on his thigh. “You’re just…in my way. Gotta get to that cupboard.”
He turns his body toward you, one hip leaning on the counter still, looking down at the cabinetry. “Right here?” He says lowly, eyes going half-lidded at seeing you on your knees in front of him. 
He’s silent as you nod your head, opening the cupboard to slide in the cleaning supplies you bought under the sink, using his leg to lean on. When you close the door, you hear the smallest groan leave his lips as you bite your bottom one. “Sorry, lost my balance for a second.”
You can tell he is trying to control his breathing, his eyes flicking between yours and your mouth, his hand reaching down to your chin. He lets his thumb trail across your lip before pulling it from your teeth, “That’s alright, baby.” He trails his thumb up, your mouth parted as he runs the pad of his finger over your top teeth. 
He whines when you close your lips around the tip of his thumb and give a gentle suck. He’s holding your chin steady while you lick at his thumb, your hands reaching forward to the button of his jeans. You get them fully unzipped before he’s pulling his hand away to stop you. “You don’t have to.”
“I want to.” You immediately respond, pulling at his pants again to see if he will let you. He’s unsure, looking between your face and your hands before lifting them away to let you. You smile triumphantly, biting at your lip again. “Let me make you feel good?”
He nods, jaw going slack as you let him free of the confines of his pants. He’s big-wide and weeping from his head already. His hair is dark, well trimmed and trails up to his belly button as you had looked at before, and you feel saliva collect under your tongue. When you look up at him again, he’s holding on to the counter with one hand, knuckles white from the effort. His other hand doesn’t know what it’s doing, reaching up into his hair and knocking his hat loose on his head as he watches you. 
When you lean forward to lick at the pearl of pre-come, he shuts his eyes tight, unconsciously reaching down to hold the back of your head. “Fuck, hermosa–” You give a small giggle, Frankie opens his eyes to see you again and smiles himself. “Sorry, you’re just–fuck you’re so sexy.” He laughs, watching as you lean forward again to wrap your lips around the head of his cock. 
You hum in acknowledgment, flicking your tongue over the ridge of his head to watch him shiver before you move your mouth down over him. He groans at the feeling, watching you with his fingers tangled in your hair. 
The thing about Frankie over these past few days is that he wants eye contact. It’s how he gauges how you’re feeling, how he expresses what he likes, and he’s desperate to keep his eyes on you. Even as his face gets red and his chest begins heaving with an impending orgasm, blinking rapidly with the want to close his eyes, he keeps them on you. 
Your hands are resting on his legs and hips, holding him steady for you to bob your head up and down. You pause when you get as close to the base as you can, letting him feel the inside of your mouth for a moment before pulling off. Catching your breath, a string of spit connects you still to the head, watching another pearl dribble from him. “Holy shit, baby.” He heaves, fingers tightening in your hair. You move one hand off of him and guide it to the back of your head, covering his hand with yours. 
Frankie’s brows furrow in confusion until you open your mouth as you push your own head back onto him. He whines, shutting his eyes and leaning his head back as you continue to guide him and yourself, wanting him to push you onto him. “You want me to fuck your face?” He groans, looking down at you again. 
You nod as best as you can before letting go of his hand and placing it back on his hip, squeezing it in confirmation. He hisses out as he begins to gently push you forward, his other hand lifting off the counter to rest on your shoulder. As he pushes his hips forward, stopping just short of the back of your throat, his fingers tickle up the side of your neck, resting there experimentally. “You look s-so fucking good l-like this. H-holy shit, I…” Frankie is starting to babble, and you would smile if your mouth wasn’t already full. “You gonna swallow me, sweetheart?”
You moan as an approval, focusing your own bobbing to help him push you further onto him, digging your nails into his leg. He shouts your name in warning, thrusting forward without any further thought before finishing in your mouth. His chest is flushed red from what you can see from his shirt, a thin sheen of sweat over his neck and forehead reflecting in your overhead lights. He’s breathing heavily as you pull off, looking up at him as you swallow and open your mouth for him to see. “All gone.” You whisper hoarsely, biting your lip again when he groans. 
He pulls you up, his pants still undone as he cups your face. “You can’t be doing that.” He sighs, leaning in to press his lips to yours, tongue searching your mouth. You give a surprised squeak at how his tongue twirls with yours, not caring if you still taste like him. “You’re too good at that. Won’t ever be able to last.”
You smile, pecking at his cheek. “That was the point, Frankie.” You laugh, looking down to pull up his pants around his hips. “Now, help me put the rest of these groceries away.”
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Getting ready for this group outing is giving you anxiety you didn’t think you were capable of. 
You’ve always gone out in groups when you’re with Anna; this really shouldn’t be any different. But something in the pit of your stomach is making you nervous, watching Anna put on highlighter in your mirror, yammering on and on about Santiago. 
“He’s just so sweet to me.” She sighs, setting down a brush and looking at you through the mirror. You’re sitting on the closed lid of the toilet, feet up close to you as you let your nail polish dry. “I feel like I might be…too wild for him?”
“I’m sure that’s not the case.” You mumble, looking up at her. “He was in the military, he can’t be that sweet.”
“He still is, technically.” Anna shrugs. “Says he’s going to have to go down to South America again soon for a month or so. But he’s not mean or anything–doesn’t put me in my place ever and like…yeah that’s fine but I like a little bit of a fight, ya know?” She turns, scrunching up her face. “I say I want someone to always agree with me, but give me a little excitement!”
You scoff, rolling your eyes. “It’s only been a few months, babe. Give it time, you guys will argue about something and you’ll come to me and ask why he’s so mean.” You tease, watching a small smile appear on her face as she turns back around. 
“You’re probably right.” She sighs, brushing through her hair. “So…tell me about Frankie? Santi said Frankie is totally love-struck with you.”
You take a deep breath, standing up, and walking over to the mirror, grabbing your mascara. “He’s good. We’re….good. It’s still early but…” You debate how much to divulge to her, but then immediately decide to just say what you’re feeling. “I really like him.”
There’s a pause of tension in the air between you, Anna watching as you fidget to open the mascara tube. You don’t want to bring it up to your face until she responds, but staring at her is just as uncomfortable as pretending everything is fine. You jump when Anna squeals out, turning fully to you. “You like him!?” She’s smiling, she’s…happy for you?
“Well…yeah.” You crease your brow, smiling at her a little. 
“My plan worked!” Anna jumps up and down, clapping her hands. “I knew setting you up with him was a good idea. Santi wasn’t sure about bringing him along that one time, said he’s quiet and needs space but it’s so perfect!” 
You can’t help but smile at how excited she is for you, shrugging. “It’s only been a couple weeks but…Yeah, I really like him. I want to see where it goes.”
Anna nudges your hip with hers, looking at you expectantly. “You haven’t liked anyone in forever! I’m so happy for you.”
Her statement stops you in your tracks, looking at your reflection in the mirror before lifting the mascara to your face. “What do you mean, ‘not liked anyone forever’? That’s not true.” You step out into the hallway, waiting for her to follow you. A sharp knock comes to the door, announcing Santiago and Frankie’s arrival.
As she steps behind you, practically skipping, she shakes her head. “No, you haven’t! When was the last time you liked someone?” She scoffs, turning to you as you get to the door. 
You pause, hand on the knob. You can hear Santiago and Frankie through the door. Their voices are hushed and sharp. You’re suddenly debating how much to tell Anna again-but not about Frankie. All those years ago you had been adamant about not telling Anna that you had actually had feelings for Brad when she whisked him away during a night out. You had convinced yourself that it was your fault for not telling her sooner, and you didn’t want to destroy your friendship with Anna by saying it. But now? She couldn’t actually think that you hadn’t been interested in people for literal years. “I mean, I liked Brad.”
“What?” Anna’s face falls, looking at you in confusion and shock as you open the door to Frankie looking confused at Santiago. 
Frankie’s head snaps to yours, glancing at Anna before tilting his head. “Everything alright?” 
You look at Anna, her eyes still on you and glazed over in thought. “You guys okay?”
Santiago looks at Anna, reaching for her shoulder and stepping into the apartment. “We’re fine. You okay, Anna? You ready to go to the fight?”
Anna looks down at her hands for a moment, then over at you, shaking her head. “Yeah uh…I’m ready.”
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tearlessrain · 4 months
Tagged by @dingoat (thanks!!)
3 ships
okay so this is going to be 100% ocs but right now
My Sith Warrior Kalarros and @darth-bagel's smuggler/crimelord Sylvas. look it's basically just canon at this point, I love these two, I love their relationship. it could be argued that it's not really romantic, they're both married to other people and have a few other relationships (all consensually to be clear, they're not having an affair they're both very poly). Sylvas's husband was actually the one who originally set them up for some bdsm shenanigans (because honestly the only reason Kalarros isn't a pro dom is it's never occurred to him to charge for it, and said husband is also a Sith who'd considered Kalarros a friend for years prior to that and trusted him to look after Sylvas and treat them well) and they clicked spectacularly and developed a strong bond over the years. At this point they're so entwined with each other's stories that I've pretty much abandoned my original canon for Kalarros because it's just vastly improved with Sylvas in it lol. they've stuck by each other through some rough times on both sides and consider each other much more than casual play partners by now.
Khatte and another of Bagel's ocs, their bounty hunter Liz. honestly these two are just a lot of fun and kind of happened by accident, we had minimal involvement in this they just decided to develop a mutual crush and now Khatte has firmly entered his femdom era. it honestly wouldn't have worked pre Alliance era, Liz has zero tolerance for his bullshit and Khatte is significantly better at keeping his bullshit in check with some legitimate therapy under his belt. It's fairly casual but probably one of the healthiest relationships he's ever had just because he knows she won't settle for less and he likes her enough to meet those standards. what can I say, Khatte's type is people who could kill him and Liz's type (at least when it comes to men) is "extremely competent but also kind of pathetic" so of course they saw each other and instantly had to fuck.
taking an abrupt turn from SWTOR into BG3, my Durge (or half of my Durge) Ryldimar and @elaphaemourra's Tav Dragonfly. listen I did not particularly even like Durge as a concept until these two happened. [SPOILERS REDACTED I FUCKED UP SOME PEOPLE I TAGGED HAVEN'T PLAYED DURGE YET]
First Ship
I'm honestly not sure? technically this might also be ocs, because I was writing original fiction before I ever got into fandom spaces and even then I've never really actively shipped canon characters from other media that much (I passively ship a lot of things but I don't get that invested yknow?). so it's probably Talon and Iadra, my gryphons from a fantasy thing I started writing in high school and have been continuously developing for the last fifteen years or so. Talon is actually half gryphon, in this world gryphons are shapeshifters and are capable of both assuming a humanoid form and interbreeding with that planet's closest human analog (and also humans, theoretically, though I'm unclear on whether any of them have gotten to earth and tested that, the worldbuilding kind of got away from me and it's a beautiful mess now). gryphons bond for life the way a lot of predatory birds do and these two are completely devoted to each other, and also they have the fun aesthetic element of Talon being about 1/3 Iadra's size when she's in gryphonic form (due to an Incident™, he lost one of his wings years ago and it caused him to be stuck between forms, so he mainly looks like a slightly feathery Guy with a singular wing. about what you'd expect of an oc I made in high school but I love him okay).
Last Song
uuuh the Ken Theriot cover of The Witch of the Westmereland I think.
Currently Reading
honestly I have not been doing a lot of reading lately (been meaning to get back to it but yknow) but I'm in the middle of The Black Gryphon by Mercedes Lackey
Last Film
OG Star Wars, couple days ago my internet went out and that was one of three movies I happen to have on my hard drive (take a wild guess what the other two are)
Currently Craving
Salmon chirashi. I literally always want any iteration of raw salmon combined with sushi rice. fortunately I'm refilling my meds in a few days (to be clear the meds are unrelated to my love of salmon, there just happens to be a really good sushi place within a block of my pharmacy so I get chirashi whenever I need to pick something up)
tagging (only if you want to!): @elvhenyoung, @elaphaemourra, @mercurypilgrim, @darkshadeless, @vampiraptor, @reucrion, @artpigeons, @chaoticspacefam
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mentallyshattered · 11 months
This is part 8 of the "What if Yuu didn't want to go back?" Series!
(I, the author of this work, do not consent to this work being crossposted/translated without my knowledge or used to train an AI, ever.)
Vil stares for a moment, just a moment, and then smiles. Grim is still looking at me weird, but says nothing.
We leave to eat. Grim's strange looks halt when he sees breakfast: poppyseed bagels with cream cheese and lox. We eat instead of talking, and I take the time to admire just how clean this place is.
Everything is so shiny. There aren't any paintings or pictures, noticeably, but there is a mirror hanging over there. It was probably put there to allow people to look at the oven without having to turn around, given the location and angle.
Looking in the mirror... Hey, it's Korrak and Mandible! And...Rook? Looks like he's intercepting them, too. At least he's giving them food first. Korrak walks toward the stairs with half a poppyseed bagel in hand.
Oh, well. That's none of my business. I'm done with my bagel, though, so it's off to the Backstage Room!
Grim finishes his breakfast on the way, and I brush him until his coat is soft and even. He doesn't complain about me stopping this time, but he does set off on a quest of magically dressing himself.
When I finish my routine, we head off to put my new phone up, and then it's off to History of Magic.
Trappola isn't here yet, surprisingly. I figured he'd've learned his lesson after yesterday, but I guess not. Oh, well. His problem! We'll snitch again if he starts today with a repeat of yesterday.
By the time we sit down and start talking to Deuce, Trappola walks into the room- with a collar on?
"I see your stares. Don't ask."
With that, he sits. Deuce stares right at him for a solid 20 seconds before speaking.
"We don't even have oolong."
"Not what happened."
I sit there, contemplating why this kid is wearing a heart-shaped collar with a lock on it to class. Very much a "Heartslabyul" look, though. Half is black, half is red, and the outlines are gold.
The bells rings, and Trein starts the lesson. I take notes and help Grim do the same with his levitation magic. He picks up on it pretty fast, and his writing is easily legible within 5 minutes.
Crewel gives Trappola a funny look when he walks in, but says nothing and the way he teaches seems normal. This is only the second time I've had him, though.
More note-taking commences. I'm rather tempted to question Trappola where he got that and why he's wearing it, but class is ongoing, so I refrain from asking and make sure Grim does the same. He shoots me dirty looks whenever I close his mouth for him, but he stays quiet.
Grim and I actually manage to stay conscious all through P.E.! That's a win for us.
"What, you think you're special just 'cause you didn't take a nap when you fell?"
"Nope! We think we're special cause we aren't the ones wearing a collar, and one of us is a cat."
Trappola turns bright red. "What the hell?!"
"Mya-ha, that's what you get!"
"He has a point, Ace. How did you get that, anyway?"
"Shut up, Deuce."
"Hey, Trappola, remember that one time you were snarky with Deuce and wound up cleaning all the chairs in Trein's room? I do."
Trappola shuts his mouth, forgets his lesson, and speaks again. "Hey, you can call me 'Ace.' I don't mind. Why do you only ever call me by my last name?"
"That's what the headmage called you during the entrance ceremony. Besides, we also call you 'entrance ceremony claustrophobe.'"
"Behind my back?"
"To your face, entrance ceremony claustrophobe."
"Okay, guys, that's enough."
"Shut it, Deuce."
"Dude, what is your problem?" Evidently, Deuce has finally had enough.
"It probably has something to do with the collar." Okay, being a dick here won't help, but I'm bored and hungry, so I'll care after lunch.
"Yeah, it does!"
"Myeh... I'd just take it off."
"I. Can't."
"Why not?"
"You say that like you don't know."
"They're first years from a different dorm, Ace. Of course they don't know. You have to tell them."
Trappola says nothing. Apparently, that thought didn't occur to him. I'm guessing most of them don't, though.
Trappola sighs, but still doesn't say anything. Deuce, clearly fed up, turns to us. "Our housewarden's signature spell is called 'Off With Your Head,' and he uses it on Heartslabyuls who break the rules. The spell places a collar around the target's neck," Deuce motions to Trappola, "and seals away their magic. I'm not sure what Ace did to get collared, but only Riddle can remove it."
I remember one of the Pomefiore sophomores explained all of the housewardens and dorms to the freshmen, me and Grim included. That's how I know Riddle Rosehearts is the Heartslabyul housewarden, a sophomore in the dorm based on strictness. No wonder, huh?
"Myaah... hey, Redhead, did you complain about yesterday in front of Rosehearts?"
Trappola looks stunned. "Yeah... How'd you know?"
"You swear when you're mad. That's probably banned."
"...You're right."
Grim appears prideful of his accomplishment, chest out and everything. Trappola looks lost. Deuce looks hungry.
"Let's go to lunch. Come on, Ace."
Grim and I wave. "Bye, Deuce! Bye, Trappola!"
The walk back to the dorm is tiring, but it's nice knowing we're just a little step closer to whatever it is we're reaching for.
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practically-an-x-man · 7 months
Prompt? (No rush, save it if you wanna)
Write a Drabble for each of your OCs with the theme of Breakfast.
Ooooh now this is a challenge! A drabble is meant to be exactly a hundred words... and I'm pedantic as fuck when I write. But I'll give this a try, thanks for the prompt!
"Wanna go out today?" Warren asked, leaning backwards out the bathroom door to look at Rae in the bedroom beyond, "Coffee? Breakfast?" "What's the special occasion?" she replied lightly as she ran a comb through the snarls in her hair. Warren shrugged. "No special occasion. Just wanted to take you out to breakfast, is all." he said, then shot her his most charming smile, "Want to show off the fact that I've got the most beautiful girl in the world." "You don't have to chat me up, you know." Rae said, but couldn't hide her blush, "I'm already all yours."
"Wren, honey-" Peter started, then lightly rapped his knuckles on his daughter's dining tray to get her attention. The toddler looked up, and Peter switched to ASL seamlessly: Cheerios go in your mouth. Not the floor. "Is your daughter making a mess again?" Robin asked, nursing her mug of coffee with a faint smile on her face. Peter raised his eyebrows at her, though he couldn't hold back his grin. "Why is she my daughter every time she makes a mess?" "Because she's my daughter every time she doesn't listen?" Robin fired back with a shrug, "I mean- metaphorically speaking."
"Bravo, breakfast!" At the promise of food, the wolfdog bounded eagerly off the foot of the bed. Alex, who had been lying half-underneath the animal, crumpled inwards with a sudden, sharp groan. "You okay?" Madison asked, amusement quickly turning to concern when she saw the grimace painted across his face. "Got used as a launchpad," he muttered, clutching at his lower abdomen, "Worst alarm clock ever." "Pretty sure I've had worse." "I mean worst for people who didn't spend half their life living in the middle of nowhere." "Eh, I'll make it up to you," Madison promised, "Bravo, let's go."
"Here, Ol's." Peter said, sliding a plate of steaming scrambled eggs onto the only open space on her desk - which happened to be exactly where she was working. Ophelia glanced up, vaguely startled. "Scrambled eggs at two in the morning?" "It's eight-thirty, babe." "Oh, shit- have I really been working all night?" Now that she'd been pulled from her hyperfocused trance, the exhaustion hit her like a speeding train. "Yeah. Maybe try to get some sleep?" Peter urged, setting a warm hand on her shoulder. "No promises," Ophelia shot back, "But I'll try to wrap this up. Thanks for breakfast."
"Ugh," Jasper mumbled, splashing a bit of cold water on his face in an effort to ward off his exhaustion. He'd been pulling late shifts at the hospital, hoping to scrape a few extra bucks after Kyle's work laptop had decided to kick the bucket. Speak of the devil - Kyle ducked his way into the bathroom, giving his partner a squeeze and a kiss to the top of his head as he passed. He stretched to grab his toothbrush, brown doe-eyes still a little bleary with sleep. "I don't feel like making breakfast." Jasper sighed. Kyle smiled. "Café du Monde?"
"Coffee is not breakfast." "Coffee is close enough," Quinn muttered, tugging their mug a little closer and shooting Billy a firm look, "Don't have an appetite anyway." "You want me to make you a bagel?" Billy persisted, already wandering towards the kitchenette. "What part of I don't have an appetite didn't make sense the first time?" "Made perfect sense, Q." he responded, briskly grabbing a bagel from the bread box - why did One have a bread box in the twenty-first century? - and slicing it in half, "But I speak fluent Quinn, and I know you'll feel better after you eat."
The break room in the museum was already awfully small, but it felt even more cramped with the press of a dozen bodies around her. Even Rexy, drawn by the scent of sizzling bacon, had attempted to press her bony snout through the door. Katherine was half-tempted to tell the more waxen-inclined to scram, under the guise that they'd melt from the heat of the stove. She restrained herself. Pancakes at midnight. It sounded like something she'd have dreamed about as a kid. But when they weren't awake in time for a real breakfast... she improvised. "Who wants chocolate chips?"
They were awoken to the heavenly smell of crackling sausage and percolating coffee. From the kitchen, they heard Warren humming under his breath. Kestrel smiled to themself. They slid off the bed and reached for their robe, tucking the soft fleece around themself. It was mornings like these that they always felt the most at home - waking up to a home-cooked meal, wrapped in soft fabrics and about to go greet their lover with the sunrise shining in through the windows... For as much as they loved the excitement in their life, there was nothing that quite compared to this.
"Okay, so that one's... a little crispy." Rick chuckled, tossing Eris' blackened French toast onto a plate with a lopsided smile, "Try again." "It's fine, I'll still eat it." Eris insisted, reaching for the plate, "Don't want to waste food." Rick got there first, and upended the plate into the trash can before Eris could take it. The slice of toast - effectively charcoal, if they were being honest - tumbled out of sight. "This is not the fourteenth century," Rick said, reaching for the container of cinnamon on the counter, "This cost me four dollars. You can try again, I promise."
"I know you don't feel well, hon, but could you please try to eat something?" Nikoletta asked, speaking as softly as she could manage. She slid onto the bed, reaching to pass her fingers through Abner's dark, sweat-dampened hair. "Want me to make you some toast?" He offered her a faint nod, all hollowed eyes and pallid cheeks. He hadn't eaten since the prior day's lunch, sick with a flare-up of the same virus that gave him his dots. "You know you'll... you'll have to do this again. I'll get sick again." "I'll still be here. We've been through worse."
This was actually really fun! It's made me realize, looking at it all in these side-by-side snippets like this, how different the tones of my fics really are when you put them all together. Cool!
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booksandchainmail · 1 year
Pale 11.2
“How did you meet these two?” Verona’s mom asked. That put her on the spot.  “Group project.” “What kind of project?” Aaaaa.
big mood Avery, I am continually impressed with how many technically-true statements the other two manage
“Fake pork on a bagel?” Avery scrunched up her nose. “With tons of barbecue sauce and stuff, looks like,” Lucy added. “On a bagel?  I dunno.  Fake meat I’ve tried is maybe half mediocre, squint-and-you-could-interpret-it-as-meat stuff,” Avery said.  “And the other half was real sad.  My siblings looked at the turkey slice stuff and they went from making fun of the vegetarian stuff to feeling sorry for me.  And making fun of me a little, still.”
even leaving aside the fake meat aspect, I am deeply weirded out by the idea of a barbecue pork bagel sandwich. A bagel should have smoked salmon and cream cheese! You can add tomato/red onion/capers if you want, or I guess do something with eggs and/or salad. But not meat! Especially pork, that's just bizarre
“If it’s decent then you could come back and have it again,” Verona’s mom said. “I dunno, I don’t want to ruin a whole meal though.”
this is why I just always order the same thing at a restaurant once I've found something I like
“It’s a generation thing,” Verona said, still talking in a tone like she was laying sage wisdom down from above and having fun at the same time.  Verona was being very Verona and it felt a lot like Avery had felt when she was just getting into the flow of these two, after Miss had introduced them.
I think Verona is feeling very off-balance still, but also the sudden release of being away from her dad, and is being very outwardly herself to work through her emotions
“Lox and cream cheese with double helping of black olive and red onion, please, poppyseed.”
aside from the olives this is respectable
“I’m not into art as a career, though,” Verona said.  “And like, who even thinks about careers at thirteen?” “Me either, with sports,” Avery interjected.
that's probably good, those are two careers that are very hard to actually make a living off of
“It’s an advantage, if you can tackle a new project without feeling like you’re leaving behind the things you really want to do.  I get excited about any new venture, and I think I can sell people on that excitement and make things happen.”
have you considered becoming a startup CEO
“What have you done?” Verona asked them, mock-horrified, even though she looked like she was enjoying herself at the same time. [...] “What have you done?” Verona asked her mom and Lucy’s mom, exaggerated.  “Have you no mercy?”
ok, this is very stressful for Avery and coming at a bad time, but I'm also with Verona that it is very funny
(I am an only child)
“Just the one, I think,” Jasmine said.  “She works for the whole hospital, and doubles as IT, I think.” “That’s not nearly enough,” Connor said.  “One health information specialist?”
pour one out for that poor poor IT/information worker. That's not nearly enough, and you can bet they're being drafted into any project that needs a bit of code or analysis done
also ngl I would read more of the parents talking about healthcare data analysis, I wonder if wildbow has personal experience with it? I have a friend who does basically the job that Connor has, and it's not something people tend to think of when they think either "healthcare work" or "tech work", so it seems oddly specific
Avery focused on that, drew on the connection, and channeled it.  Snowdrop raised a paw, ‘thumb’ extended, then went back to sleep. She adopted the omnivore scavenger’s palate.
oh that's a neat benefit. I was going to say probably not useful for anything major, but actually it would be a live-saver in the Hungry Choir ritual, and I bet there are other practices that require eating something gross
“Avery!” Avery flinched like she’d been slapped in the back of her head. Her dad.
... that is a strong reaction. The lingering head injury, or his reaction to her coming out?
“Here,” he said.  He reached into his pocket and got his wallet.  He pressed a card into her hand.  Then he turned to the cashier.  “My daughter has my card, Connor Kelly.  She has my permission to use it.  That okay?”
this feels like guilt
“I really can’t think of much I need,” Avery said.  “Some shirts, maybe, shorts…” “Two hundred dollars?” Verona repeated. Avery shook her head, looking around.  “While Snowdrop is leveling up in- I don’t even know what to call it.  Intensity of fashion?  I feel like I should do something similar but I don’t know what.”
to echo a fandom desire from early-mid Ward: shopping trip!
time for a butch makeover montage
“This is what she does,” Verona said.  “Hey, while you’re doing that, Ave, buy your basics, I can think of some things to buy for Tashlit.  I have some money too.”
“In ten hours, yeah,” Lucy said.  “And then I got stressed because I knew not sleeping before a day like today which might really matter…” “Yeah.  I get that.” “Made it even harder to sleep because I was stressed.”
that happens to my partner sometimes, it always sucks
“It did suck and it was lonely but I get it.  It’s cool.”
on the one hand Avery's right that Lucy was also going through it and this was understandable, but on the other I'm not thrilled how quickly she goes "This was bad for me but it's fine."
“I like the idea of sticking by one another, it’s just tricky sometimes.  People are… personality-wise I see us all as jagged, weirdly shaped things, and we try to mesh together as best as we can but sometimes…” “Yeah.” “The mesh isn’t perfect and we bounce off one another or something and that doesn’t at all mean I don’t care or I’m not in your corner.”
hedgehog dilemma
Avery shook her head.  “He smacked me in the back of the head near the brain stem and that can give you gnarly headaches that last for a whole month.  But when he said I could have the post-concussion thing, he was saying I could have mental difficutlies or problems for the rest of my life.  And that’s when, you know…  I was spooked.”
fucking christ that's terrifying no wonder you were spooked
“You know that you’re like… cool, right, Ave?” “I don’t, no.”
“I don’t mean sunglasses and slicked back hair cool, or snowboarder chick cool, or leather jackets type cool, I mean-”
she could be those if she wanted! maybe. actually no, sweet and earnest kind of gets in the way of most of those. but she could still get a leather jacket.
“These are your measurements for cool?  Sunglasses and slicked back hair?  What?” Avery asked, smiling.
... is Lucy's metric for cool just Zed
“Do we have to move on?  Because calling me cool is awkward but defining what you see as cool is fun.  Who’s a cool guy, Lucy?  One cool guy you know.” “I had a point I was getting to.” “First one off the top of your head.  Is it Zed?”
called it!
“What’s the commonality between those guys?  Tymon’s a bit laid back, especially when you put him with a bunch of these practitioners from uptight families, and George is sort of above it all.  Tymon’s from a big drug-spirit summoning family and George partakes…” “Not really the direction I was thinking.” “Very angular faces.  Sharp chins, defined cheekbones…”
“Is this punishment?  For leaving you hanging while I moped?  Are you channeling Snowdrop’s chaotic spirit?”
what goes around comes around! otherverse runs on karma
“Oh, they both have longer hair.  Are you into longer hair?  I can understand that.” “The longer hair is a plus.”
fits with liking indie rock/pop I think? I don't know music. Or guys.
Wallace tended to lighten his hair and wear shirts with wild geometric or fractal patterns, prints, and/or colors.
oh that's neat, I love a good geometric pattern. I am now rooting for Wallace, sorry Tymon
At Tashlit’s instruction, such as it was, Lucy sat on the log by the fire and then rolled up her shirt as much as she could without being indecent
this is a very Avery this to notice and way of phrasing
It was gnarly.
no wait I take it back, this is Avery phrasing
3:00pm. “Of course.  I’ll help,” John said. Verona, Avery, and Lucy held papers, guaranteeing privacy.
oh, so they're doing the rounds of their allies. Tashlit, John... I wonder who else? Probably Alpeana, Crooked Rock might have put them in contact with the ghouls, maybe they'll talk to Guilherme and Toadswallow. I think this will go fine, my concern is that helping the girls arrest Edith is a good way for a secret conspirator to ward off suspicion
John nodded.  He took the little games that Verona had brought and set them aside, bending down briefly to slip them into his bag.  There was also a collection of darts Avery had grabbed on impulse.  No dartboard, that had been too expensive.  Just darts.  She figured John could improvise.  He seemed to like it.
cute that they're bringing gifts, and I do like it as part of this recruitment process. Too small to be a bribe, but a show of friendliness and respect. Reminds me of how ritualized gift-giving worked between allies and vassals in ye olden times
“Sorry,” John said, settling into a sitting position, moving his bag to be closer to his foot.  “If that’s too much.  All I mean is- be prepared for this to not go the way you need it to.  Even if it comes to you getting hurt, cornered, imprisoned, if you have plans or things set in motion, you don’t want to think ‘I should’ve’ in the moment before you have no options.  Be prepared.” “What does-” Lucy paused, swallowing.  “What sort of thing would we need to do to be prepared?”
gods this is sad to have to think of. Write letters for your families, for Zed and their other allies at the school? Put together a will for the various powerful items they have? I don't know if Avery would need to make arrangements for Snowdrop
Jessica had sent a picture of herself and her girlfriend in their house.  It looked small but it was packed with decorations, to the point that some stuff was sitting on the ground around the base of some of the tables next to a futon.  Avery was fond of the stone carvings and she’d asked, and Jessica had sent pictures of some.
good to see they're still in contact :)
“Avery! Sheridan, Kerry, Declan! Dinner!”
it has just now struck me 1) how deeply irish all these kids' names are (except, oddly enough, for Avery) and 2) what a deeply unfortunate name Kerry Kelly is
Kerry K.J. Kelly
oh gods and she has another K-name for a middle name. Poor kid.
Her dad addressed the table.  “This is going to be a brief but very important family discussion.  And I do mean discussion.  We need to talk about something serious.” Avery had already spent the day on high alert, and she didn’t miss the fact that her mom reached over to place a hand over Grumble’s.
well fuck, this is bad timing. With the attention on Grumble, is he moving to a nursing home?
“On the upside, there are ice cream bars for dessert,” her mom said.  “So let’s tough this out.”
so I have some bad news about that
“Rook is trusting us with information.  Our doppleganger and cancer stick are with the candle spirit,” Lucy told her.  “They were out there.”
aw, I was hoping Lis wasn't involved
“I’d do something else, I think.  I think of, I dunno.  A house without a floor.  Ropes and things.” Verona laughed.  “That’d be out there.” “Isn’t it?  Or a loft with enough open space on the second floor where you could have a big hammock or something stretched across, like they do in tiny houses.” “That’s neat.  I can see it.  Path-y.” “Yeah, with doors and windows out to Paths.  Maybe so you can peek through?”
this seems wildly inconvenient, but a neat visual. Might be hard to move around quickly though, which could get annoying for Avery
“My mom was talking about passions and not having any one particular passion for herself.  And that’s cool, but like, how do I decide on a place to call my place of power if I do something like that?  How do you define a space and make it cool if your approach to practice or to the world changes all the time?”
I mean I've only seen a few months of Verona's life, but art, magical knowledge, diagrams, things that are weird and gross and fleshy.
“I know this sounds awful, but… countermeasures for John?” Verona asked.
this sucks, and I don't think either John or Tashlit will be issues, but considering how worried I am about the real culprit remaining hidden through this conflict, or even aiding the girls, I'm glad that they have countermeasures prepared for everyone
The blackness behind her deepened.  The Sable Prince stepped out of the darkness behind her.  Trees rustled and leaves went still, branches creaking and bowing.
oh hello!
Avery could see Edith’s face, and she saw the moment that she recognized that the Sable Prince was there. All fight dropped away.  She let Matthew hold her shoulder. Surrender, just like that.  Which didn’t mean this was over.
... huh. Easier than I thought! Though of course the real challenge will be getting information from her
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saltygilmores · 1 year
Thoughts While Watching Gilmore Girls, Season 2, Episode 14, "It Should Have Been Lorelai"
Oh thank god! There's a Breather episode before the next Shitshow Circus episode, Lost and Found, which I still don't know if I'll even bother watching. Sure this episode has Christopher in it but I can tolerate him and I can tolerate his shitty annoying relationship with Lorelai because it's utterly meaningless to me. Someone rescue me from the back half of Season 2, it's a fucking nightmare. I didn't finish A Tisket A Tasket, because my blood pressure rises with each and every passive aggressive comment that comes out of Lorelai Gilmore's mouth and I just could not take it anymore. So anyhow, dk how it ended exactly, but it looks like Lor and Ror have made up after their "Jess is Bad News" fight. Whee. Phones and doorbells seem to ring constantly in this episode so throughout today's insane rambling I'm going to make a game out of guessing who's butting in to the Gilly Girl's lives. Feel free to play along. Rory: Let's sit at the counter. Lorelai: Oooh, we could sit at opposite ends and play bagel hockey! Luke: Just sit at a table. Lorelai: You're awfully rude to someone who only has two paying customers. Are those two paying customers in the bathroom right now? They're not you and Rory that's for sure. #PayLukeForYourFood RINGING PHONE OR DOORBELL: #1. The phone rings at the diner and someone is asking for Rory which is weird. Is it Jess or Christopher? LOL, that's silly, Jess lives there. I bet it's Christopher.
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Oop, swing and a miss for TWWGG.
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Having not seen the ending of the last episode ,I must assume Lane has been grounded for 25 years for Talking To A Boy. And I was correct.
Lane: It's the mother of all groundings. I'm being home schooled for two weeks. I only have 5 minutes a day to talk on the phone. She's done everything but slap a Dr.Dre ankle bracelet on me. I know who Dr. Dre is but that was a topical reference that whoosed right over my head and I had to Google it. #DeepCut Lane: Give me some news. Rory: Dean's been working extra hours to save up for a new motorcycle so I hardly see him. She wants to you to tell her something interesting, not give her the Butthead News and Weather Report. Count your blessings that you're in a Dean drought. It's all a girl could ever ask for. To not see Dean Forrester for weeks.
I'm placing money on them bringing back this Dean Rides a Motorcycle nonsense that they haven't mentioned in a literal forever only because Christopher is coming back to town and also rides a motorcycle and the two clowns are going to bond over it like they did over softball (Dean never plays softball again after Christopher left). Then it will be promptly forgotten about again, and Dean will be back to having the personality of an amorphous blob, just blobbing about with no real hobbies, interests or passions besides stacking cans of string beans for mininimum wage and yelling at Rory. I've seen this show several times, but when an episode is this unmemorable* I can just while away my time making predictions about what's going to happen.
*unmemorable=Little to No DALA (dean and lorelai affair) or Jess Involvement Rory segues from "Butthead has been working overtime for weeks” straight into "Mom and I haven't done laundry in weeks" and doesn't explain why, which makes it sound like Dean had been doing their laundry until he started working overtime. He probably pockets Lorelai's panties. Time for a Where's Jess break? Where's Jess? (I think this is one of those episodes where they just stick him on at the end wiping down counters or something. PLEASE let it be on those episodes. PLEASE let it be a Counter WIping episode. I need a fucking break). RINGING PHONE OR DOORBELL #2 (doorbell this time) I bet it's Dean Dean Stacks The Stringbeans.
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YAY! It's just Rory's lover, looking like a lost puppy dog. Oh, so I forgot to mention Rory and Paris are going to be in a debate at school and participating on the same team. *inhales deeply* Smell that? That's the smell of sweet, sweet, low stakes, No-Boy filler plot. How I missed ye. Paris shows up at the Gilly Girls house to see Rory under the guise of "we need more preparation before the debate/you need to learn to speak faster" in the same way that Dean shows up to "Change Lorelai's water bottle" or "Do her laundry".
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Out Of Context Gilly GIrls Time for An Ancient Technology break! (ATB) Paris: I was making CD recordings from the cassettes I made of our mock debates... Say no more Paris, say no more. *basks in the gentle glow of Early 2000's Technology references* RINGING PHONE OR DOORBELL #3 (phone rings for Lorelai) Definitely has to be Christopher this time.
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*deep shudder* Everytime Christopher says "Lor" and Logan says "Ace" an angel stubs their toe.
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I really wish she would, my girl needs a break. Anyway Crusty is in town on business and so Lorelai invites Crustypher to Rory's debate and he accepts and my sweet summer child RoryGil is excited that her dad will be there (or so he says...) RINGING PHONE OR DOORBELL #4. Prediction: Dean. Second Place Prediction:Lane Again Third Place Prediction: Jess (Why do I keep assuming Jess is going to call Rory? That's so silly).
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Lane wants Rory to pick up a new CD for her when she couldn't get Amazon to overnight it to her and again I'm just floored whenever this show reminds me that Amazon was around in 2002. Describe The Fathers on Gilmore Girls in 6 Words or Less. Go. Lorelai: Do you see Christopher anywhere? Sookie: Uhhh.no.
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Brad is me slogging through Season 2 torture.
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This looks like something straight out of the opening credits of a corny sitcom. "...Special Guest, Christopher Hayden as Sperm Donor/ Buttclown #2" *sitcom music plays*
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Oh, Sherrie. Another innocent lamb lost to the clutches of a Gilmore World Man. Let us pray.
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Another snapshot of my Season 2 torture. No Lorelai! Stop! it's okay! Please! I don't need to hear how Dean is tall and pretty again! I GET IT! Waaah. Rory and Paris win the debate. Rory to Christopher in an innocent, chipper, cheerful chipmunk voice that belies the deep seated trauma of being a child with an absent father: Dad, you came to see me! I'm not used to that! Christopher, not so much as blinking at his child calling him a deadbeat dad to his face, while smiling goofily: This is Sherry!
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Lorelai invites Crusty and poor Sherrie back to their house, and Christopher seems excited to see the house his daughter lives in since he never visits.
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Out of context Gilly Girls My dear readers, I hope you one day find someone who looks at you the way Paris looks at Rory. Paris is crushed when Rory tells her she has plans with her deadbeat father and she won't be able to hang out with her post-debate and compare WPMs, braid each others hair, practice kissing...
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My dear readers, I hope you one day find your person, the special person like Paris, someone who feels a deep, crushing sorrow n their heart when you tell them you have other plans even though you'll see them at school again in less than 24 hours, causing them to lash out at you like they're fooling anybody with their Oh Whatever That's Just Fine'ing. Ror and Lor rush home and Lorelai says there is no food in the house again except leftover cheese & crackers and Halloween candy. Lorelai does not feed her child or do laundry. In addition to every character on this show needing the services of a competent therapist and accountant, The Hollow needs a visit from Child Protective Services. For pennies a day, you can sponsor a starving child, a poor innocent soul forced to subsist on crackers, candy, coffee and greasy diner food. Your donation will also go towards the purchase of laundry detergent for this smelly unwashed family. Jess’ mother never cooked either so I guess that’s another argument for Literati Soulmates! That special bond over shared Child Neglect!
Sherry showers Rory with compliments and invites her shopping, but then isolates Lorelai and says this...weirdness: Sherrie: I just want you to know you shouldn't feel like you have to get to know me. At all. Just because Christopher and I are close doesn't mean we need to be close, or friends, or anything for that matter. But i desperately want to get to know Rory. Ummm..the audacity to say something like that to the mother of your boyfriend's child 30 minutes after you meet her after she invited you into her home and offered you apple juice? And you "desperately" want to get know his child? This is shady. Sherrie: You know, if we didn't meet unexpectedly today, we'd probably never meet. Because your boyfriend never visits his daughter, right. Sherrie: Rory is so important to him. He is obsessive about his "call dates" to her! No matter where we are what we're doing he has to call her every Wednesday at 7pm! I like that about him! To be so blissfully ignorant and delusional and actually believe what Christopher says! Oh honey. It's like she's got the soft outer shell of Rory but also hangs on to whatever bullshit spews forth from the piehole of an immature worthless manboy pissbaby like Lorelai does whenever Dean speaks. Sad that the best Rory can expect from Crusty is one "call date" per week and I absolutely don't believe even he's even doing that, Sherrie's been brainwashed, but hey! At least he's better than Jimmy Mariano. I guess? #BattleOfTheDeadbeats
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Sherry after Crusty happily admits to her that he was (is) a deadbeat dad:
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First Rule of Gilmore World: Never trust a Gilmore World man when he says he's trying to change. Never ever. Lorelai says "he's been doing very well with it" just to placate Sherry when honestly she should be shoving this Sherrie woman out the door already and telling her to never come within 100 miles of her or her child again.
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She goes on to say that she needs Rory for something very important, she needs her tonight, there is something so pressing and urgent that Rory needs to be excused from FND for this yet unknown Extremely Pressing Urgent Event and she needs her ALONE. This is verging into very concerning territory. Lorelai should be highly concerned. Lorelai, I am concerned that you don't seem more concerned and you agreed to let your teenage daughter go to an unknown place alone with this woman you just met. RINGING PHONE/DOORBELL #5 This call is recieved at the Gilly Girl house while they're with Christopher and Sherry. Okay, I'm clueless for this one. I have to say Lane again, there's no one else. Emily? Dean just because he hasn't shown up to ruin this respectable Breather episode yet?
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LOL! That was fun. I chuckled. Rory is going to this unknown thing with Sherrie which is a setup Christopher to go with Lorelai to FND by themselves. Okay, before I conclude part 1 of this commentary (which has already taken several hours and I still have 20 minutes left) I am DYING to see why this Sherrie wants to isolate Rory and I hope it's not gruesome. Rory Gil, we hardly knew ye.
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RoryGIl's about to become the hostage here. Blink twice if you need help. My only guess for why Sherry needs to isolate Rory so badly, will be something about asking her for blessing to marry Crusty or something. I really don't know. Neither Lor nor Rory has asked Sherry or Christopher where Rory will be going. RING RING! #6 (as the Gily Girls are getting dressed for FND/ for Rory to be lead to a gruesome end by a child kidnapper) Well it has to be Crusty or Sherry this time. Who else? LANE AGAIN!!! LOL.
THIS IS SO MUCH FUN. I need the phone to ring a seventh time! Sherry and Christopher arrive and finally mention that Sherry will be taking Rory to a movie (then buttering her up with popcorn before she meets a gruesome fate at the hands of a child kidnapper). With Rory out the door, Christopher and Lorelai are alone and Crusty attemps to gastlight Lorelai, probably hoping it'll get him into her pants. L: Was Sherrie with you when I called you? Crusty: She's been with me the whole time. L: You gave me no indication she was with you. C: I must have. L: No, singular pronouns all the way. C: Now I don't remember what I said. L: I do. You said, "I'll be there." Just you. C: I guess I may have said that but I wasn't making a point of saying that. Okay, I am pulling my very, very, very rare and worthless Christopher Card because he just said something not enough people say to Lorelai and it delighted me.
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Bahahahaha you're such a prick but it's so true! Lorelai is such a judgemental bitch! More people should say it to her face! Bahahaha! For this one fleeting moment in time you're not so Crusty after all. I'm out of space for screen shots but I MUST KNOW WHERE RORY WENT and I will not cease or yield until we get there. Lorelai attempts to gain some clarity from Crusty on why Sherrie was acting like a fucking weirdo to her in the kitchen. Lorelai: Oh good, you weren't trying to have me killed or anything. Crusty: I was just going over my People To Kill list and you weren't on it.
Ha...ha? Lorelai, I am once again concerned by your lack of concern over certain comments that are very concering, WHERE IS RORY!!! IS SHE OK?! Christopher has a lot of F U C K I N G A U D A C I T Y to try and guilt Lorelai into feeling bad that she didn't consider Christopher's role in Rorys life while she was dating Max, um I'm sorry which one of you is the deadbat here? I tried to write "Deadbeat" but dead-bat has certain charm as well. Crusty wonders why Max was able to get closer to Rory but he should be made to feel bad that he wants Sherry to spend time with her. Doofus, it could be because Rory LIVES with Lorelai and also Max was also her English teacher that she saw 5 days a week? And you're just a dead-bat. Every other male in Rory's life including Kirk and Paul Anka have been better father figures to Rory than you have. WHERE IS RORY!!! WHAT IS SHERRY DOING WITH HER? I'm skipping past Judgy and Doofus at a Looooong and surely pointless FND Dinner scene and going straight to the next scene with Rory.
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I...uhhhhh...Um. Surely Lorelai will be very concerned over this very concerning statement which should concern her. SURELY, you can put aside your little quips for just a moment when your daughter tells you she just spent the evening with a touchy feely adult stranger. Right, Dog Sweater? RIGHT?
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Ugh. In addition, Sherrie confided in Rory (still a total stranger to her and a child who she took out alone hours after meeting her) a concerning amount of details about her personal life, including the details of all of her past relationships. Sherry was acting way too weird to not have some kind of ulterior motive but Rory is just not being very helpful at all in regards to what it is yet, and I want to shake her I'm so frustrated. But my eyes are bleary and my hands are cramping up and I can't continue. In part 2, I'll unpack this highly disturbing conversation some more and hopefully get to the bottom of this Sherrie Weirdness.. Goo night!
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pbandjesse · 1 year
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I don't think I was prepared for how bad the storm was yesterday at camp. Like it was scary here but it was nothing like what happened out there and I'm very lucky that I was home. Because it sounds like it was one of the scarier things that have happened at camp ever. People are a little traumatized I think.
I slept okay last night. I was happy to be in my own bed and I wasn't as sore as I had been. James helped my calf muscle that was hurting and I woke up at 6:00 with their alarm but was able to fall back asleep until my alarm went off at 7:00. When I got up James was toasting a bagel for me. And they cut up little tomatoes for it because I wanted a savory bagel. And very soon I was ready and out the door.
I stopped for breakfast and this was mostly because I wasn't sure if there was power at camp. Last night power did go out and CJ told me that a tree had gone down and hit the dining hall and the nurses office. But she didn't exactly explain more than that and I knew that she was probably busy dealing with whatever fallout that was because she senior staff and is in charge of a lot of the communication with staff members.
And the drive out to camp was good. I started seeing more trees down halfway there on the highway. And then as I got closer to Hereford I was a little shocked how bad the tree damage was. I texted James that some people were super lucky because these big trees went down just beat from their houses and cars. But then as I got even closer to camp I started seeing big trees that did fall on houses. And did fall on cars and it was a little scary. There was down wires in the street and debris everywhere. CJ had told me that there was a clear path into the camp but beyond that she didn't know so I drove up and I had to park down by the office because there were live wires in the street. And two of the day camp tents had flown into the bushes like a good half of football field away. Apparently smashed up Alexi's car and broke a bunch of signs. But those tents are huge so that's crazy!
And that's not even saying what everything else was. When I got to the office I talked to Heather and she showed me pictures of the nurses office but I had to go see it for myself. I went up to the art building to drop off my stuff and there was no damage up there and no trees down. I think because last year all the dead trees came down in that bad storm then that this was not on this part of camp. Which was lucky. But I walked down to the nurses office and it was very bad.
The nurse's office has two front rooms two, two middle rooms, and two back rooms. And then the two bathrooms that are on the outside of the building. The tree went down and went through the front room which is where kids lay down if they don't feel well. The tree also pierced the roof through the one middle room and one of the back bathrooms. Nurse Jones bathroom was destroyed but her shower room laundry room and bedroom were okay. But it was bad. I've never seen anything like it. And one of the back bathroom doors just got ripped right off the hinges and there's a hole in the ceiling from a tree coming down. It was crazy to see and nurse Joan was very shaken up. Thankfully she was not in the building but she said that that's the room that she normally sits in if there is a bad storm so she's very freaked out. I hope they can rebuild the whole building because while there's only one week of Camp left she lives in there all summer, all the nurses that stay do. They've been talking about making a new building for years maybe the Y will finally do something about it.
And then I walked towards the dining hall. That was the one that I thought was going to be worse but ended up just looking more dramatic. A tree went down and destroyed the tent on the outside. Absolutely crushed it. And pierced to the roof of the building. But the building itself is okay. There's some damage on the outside and the three places where the tree puncture the roof. But really the tree falling on the tent was the most dramatic looking thing.
And I could tell there was a palpable tension. besides those two buildings the trading post also had a tree fall on it but it was fine. Mostly just scary looking and the were trees and debris everywhere. We lost four tenths and a whole bunch of signage and it was a little crazy. But you could just tell that everyone was just trying their best to hold it together.
Poor CJ looked like she was going to cry. And we all agreed that we cannot think about it too hard right now because we have to get this cleaned out that we have to get this done because we're almost on camp we can cry about it later. So I started sweeping with the CITs and I said good morning to Charlotte and that I was glad she made it safely through the storm. And it was just a little wild. We had to hold it together as best we could.
I would offer CJ half of my bagel because she said she did not eat and the counselor muffins had ants all over them. And she was just so sad. We were trying our best to not focus on the sadness but you could tell she doesn't hide her emotions well.
After everything got set up for breakfast the kids were able to all come inside safely. And I ask Chris if there was anything he wanted me to do but there wasn't so I went to the office to see if Heather needed help.
I moved some caution tape to better show where the down electrical wires were because people kept going under the caution tape to walk over them and that is so dangerous! And then Heather said she forgot her coffee at the dining hall somewhere and asked me if I would mind going to find it. So I did that and then I watched as the cream started coming in to cut down the tree bits that were on top of the nurses office. I would then go up to arts and crafts and sit and finish my book. And let myself have my little cry about camp and also about the book because the book ended and was really good. At the end of the story the granddaughter of the character you've been following the entire time as a child dies and she gives this beautiful eulogy and it just really hit me. And I think it allowed me to have like a little moment because it was just sad today.
I wasn't sure what the schedule was going to look like because we didn't have day camp and everything was so topsy-turvy because of the destruction. But it was decided that we were just start programs an hour late. And that was fine with me. At 10:45 I had my first program and they did a great job and my second program went really well. My CIT Hannah came and she swept the building and did such a good job. She shook out all my carpets and made it look very nice. We kept joking about how it's never-ending battle. And she worked on her paper for her art coup. I had her using my phone to do research on Keith Haring. And it was just a nice morning being able to not think about the storm and all of that.
After the groups left CJ and me sat up in arts and crafts and she told me secrets and she told me all about last night and how the power had gone out and when she got back to her cabin at 1:00 a.m. that the power came back on almost immediately which is very surprising for how many trees and wires were down. But I'm glad that the power did come back and then I didn't have to deal with it all day because I was very stressed about that. And we talked for a bit. But then she would go down to the dining hall to help with lunch and I would get in my hammock with my book and just chill for a while.
I also figured out the other day that I can hang in my hammock with a pillow and I was able to stretch my neck a little bit more. It is still pretty stiff and it's hard to turn my neck very quickly but it is definitely getting better. And I'm pretty happy about that at least.
because there was no day camp my schedule was a little bizarre so I only had one more group after lunch. It was a late lunch compared to the early lunch that I have been having all summer. And then bontkirchen came and I think they all just needed something to focus on so they all made mosaics and they did a great job. It was nice just sitting with them and then Louisa and Josephine came too and they sat on the table with me and I showed them how to do circle knitting and I think Josephine likes it more than Louisa does but it was still very fun. And once that was over we cleaned up and Tyler came up to meet me so we could drive over to the Yukon cabin to look in the basement for supplies.
No I have to explain that the Yukon basement is over in the Alaskan village and it is where everything gets stored and it's always been a nightmare and been a huge mess. So I was kind of ready and anticipating that that's what it was going to be like but someone must have cleaned it because it was so neat! It looked great. But there wasn't as much junk because it was clean. So while I did find some beads and some things that I can use they're definitely wasn't as much as I was hoping. But it was still fun to look around and see all the things that we had down there. And after we got the stuff that we wanted I drove Tyler back up to arts and crafts and then I went home. I had talked to Heather earlier about finding a couple other things for me to do but I was starting to get very tired and I very much wanted to go home.
On my drive out I called my dad and we talked for a little bit until I lost service. It was nice to hear his voice even if we didn't talk for very long. I always lose service on this one section of highway and I don't know why. And then I couldn't get service back so I didn't try calling him back and would text him once I got to the grocery store. Just to let him know I love him. I hope to go up and visit sometime at the end of the month since I'm going to have some time off. We will see what happens.
I did go to whole foods to get pasta salad and juice. I also got a spicy corn chowder. I used to love their spicy corn chowder and I don't think this is the same one but I'm still looking forward to trying it. People were real dumb in the parking lot though and very rude and someone almost hit me and I just like looked at them like seriously you're going to hit me with your vehicle. In this parking lot. Stupid. Stupid behavior.
I got home soon after that though and when I parked the car I saw that there was people setting up chairs in the park because the jazz series is starting again! While I never go over there I love hearing the jazz music in her apartment. So I got to enjoy that. And when I got up here James was home and they were making me a baked potato. And while they were working on that I started working on my hour of lesson planning. I worked on the field trip agreement letter and started laying out the timeline for the lessons. And started looking over some of the documents to figure out what I'm going to borrow and move over since not everything is being written from scratch. And I feel a pretty good about it. And once that hour was done I was able to eat my potato which was very good. And I had a little bit more corn which was also very good. And I also had an IKEA hot dog. Lots of vegetables tonight. Will tubers and grains. The hot dog probably has vegetables.
James left to go to a baseball game with their mom. I hope that they are having fun right now. And me and sweet pea have been here just having a nice evening. I was watching videos and packing my little bag for going to visit Jess this weekend and texting her about her new house and stuff. I also worked a little bit on my drawing that's going to be part of a gift for me and James's wedding anniversary. I know that's not till October but I want to make sure I'm spending a good amount of thought on it. And eventually I took a bath and watched a debate video and now me and sweet pea are laying on the couch waiting for the game to be over so we can have my husband home. I am hoping that tomorrow is a little more normal. I have no idea if day camp is coming back. But I'll be prepared either way. Joe even cut wood for me even though I felt very bad that he did not get the text until after the storm. I was like Joe please don't do it anymore I know I asked for would but I did not know it was going to storm so badly. But he did it because he's the best.
I really just hope that it's a calm day and things can feel a little bit more back to normal. And I don't know if I'm going to sleep over there or not but the plan right now is to stay there. We will see how I feel. I hope that you all have a good night tonight. I hope that you sleep well and that you are safe wherever you are and that the storms didn't affect you too much. Let's hope we can get things back to safe for Thursday before it rains again. Good night everybody. I love you all
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poptartmochi · 2 years
13, 18, and 25 for year end asks!
13. How was your birthday this year?
Ohh man, truly I don't remember my birthday at all.. ^^; I looked through my gallery and Snapchat, and all I have is one photo of the mannequin at work after some kid pulled its arm out of the socket, making it look like Slenderman 😆 my birthday is during school season at work, so I was busy!
18. A memorable meal this year?
the Airport Qdoba... it will haunt me forever <3 </3 When I went to visit my sister, one of my layovers was in Atlanta and I was sooooo certain the airport there had a Cinnabon. I had work before I flew out and i'm notoriously bad at Not Eating when I'm working, so I think I'd only had like. half a bagel from my manager when I went to the airport? but I was convinced I would be fine Because I Was Going to Feast At the Cinnabon in the Atlanta Airport <3
I WAS SO WRONG LMAOOOO. Atlanta does not. in fact. have a Cinnabon inside its airport (although i think at one point it Did?? there's a cinnabon facebook with its location inside one of the terminals.. but iirc it hadn't posted in a Long Time), which I realized after traveling between terminals like a chicken with its head cut off.. my denial was real, I must have spent at least 45 minutes trying to find it.. T o T
Once I caved and admitted defeat, I ran into a huge issue because most airport restaurants actually close at like. 8 or 9!! So I was suddenly faced not only with Defeat but like bone deep hunger, I remember this vividly! iirc I found a buffalo wild wings or something similar that was seating people, but there was a line in front of me so I put my name on their waitlist and plopped down at a gate for like 30 minutes.. and then they closed... and i was like Oh. FUCK!
So, with time quickly dwindling before my plane arrived, I started Fucking Walking like a crazed dog, true majimacore, trying to find a Restaurant, any restaurant 😭😭 I was so hungry at this point.. the promise of food from buffalo wild wings had kept me going but that was gone now! T_T so I hopped on the tram between concourses one final time because everything in my concourse was Now Closed, in the hopes that something would be open in another terminal..
when I got off the tram and started walking in the new terminal, I encountered a Chick Fil A and i really was about to break my boycott because i STILL remember how good their food smelled, it was like a remy the rat Moment.. but the line was so long and I was running out of time to get back to my terminal in time for my plane, so I hurried along in the hopes anywhere else was open.. luckily for me, this terminal had a proper food court and !!! qdoba!!
I wanted to sit and eat it in that terminal because I was Truly Starving at this point (i found my liveblog of it and. funny story. the day before i posted abt how i hadn't eaten all day 😳😳 so i was on like hour 38 of Hunger), but time was getting iffy now and I was worried I'd be late so I went back to my gate and, funnily enough I had a Fair Bit of Time Until My Plane Came.. it's the time hunger dilation ykwim T_T. anyhow I scarfed that Qdoba down in like 3 minutes flat and felt sick because I ate it so fast lol 🙈🙈
imo qdoba is okay, and it was still true in this situation, but ouugh I will NEVER forget it because. that is a height of drama, despair, and desperation I have not experienced in Some Time.. to top the entire thing off, I learned that Cinnabon was in Charlotte's airport.. i will never make the mistake of thinking it's in Atlanta again lol!
25. Did you create any characters (in games, art, or writing) this year? Describe one
This gave me a miniature crisis because it made me confront the fact that 2022 was not, in fact, 2021... everything I've attributed to 2022 happened in 2021 and this was actually somewhat unsettling to realize.. idk WHAT i got up to this year lol!! 🤪🤪😳🆘🆘🆘
upon reflection, I didn't actually make many new characters this year! It was a lot of refining Gioia and fleshing out the supporting characters for her narrative better.... you know who WAS created this year... miss gioier... (around valentines day, apparently! which is so funny because if her narrative isn't 39% Love Loses than idk What it is lol!)
i already wrote paragraphs about the Cinnabon-Qdboba incident and that was small bananas SO. Miss Gioier is going into scp containment beneath the readmore because we all know it's about to get long and rambly <3
Edit: I finally finished writing the readmore... yeah it's super fucking long <3 If you don't want to read it all, here's a SparkNotes of her character: longtime friend of Vergil + a spy for the Order's underground movement against the demons. Gets abducted and basically turned into a metaphysical demon mole, which inadvertently leads to the murders of the Order's members. Her guilt over this leads to her becoming Vergil's lackey after the events of the game, in which many memory-erasing hijinks ensue. Eventually she and the metaphysical demon break free of Vergil's clutches and help Dante and Kat to oppose him. Her metaphysical demon mole powers accidentally grant her the ability to warp reality, which is a big facet of both her boss battles.
ahh the girlie that was Never Meant to Be.. when I first replayed the reboot, I was pretty far down the Gioia hole already but I disliked the reboot so much that I Swore i would never make a reboot edition of her.. and for like two months I held true to that promise! but then i made the mistake of listening to poppy and looking at this exact photo:
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and something spawned in my mind that i have YET to be rid of </3
i always call her Gioier to differentiate her from the original timeline, but I recently Officially Named her Magdalena, so that's what she'll be called henceforth! <3 I won't delve too far into her development because truthfully I don't remember most of it and also it is a rollercoaster of abandoned ideas and retcons lol!
So! for context. The DMC Reboot is set in a city called Limbo that's basically a surveillance state ran by demons masquerading around as humans (important time to mention that the final boss pretends to be a guy named Kyle.. i'm still unwell over this 🤓). Most people are unaware of this due to a variety of reasons, but there is a n underground cell of people working to overthrow the state- they're called the Order! This group is lead by a guy named Vergil, who is actually dun dun dun, the child of a demon and an angel and thus the only thing strong enough to defeat the aforementioned Kyle, who we'll henceforth refer to by his serious name Mundus... anyhow there's rituals to reaching the core of Mundus or something like that- in any case, he can't do it alone and needs the help (read: power) of his long lost twin brother Dante to do so. Dante is in and out of the system and altogether a mystery girl, so Vergil uses the help of a human psychic named Kat to track him down and bring him into the Order's fold. The plot follows their adventures in basically kicking the legs out from under the powers that be and toppling the system, yay!! But in doing so, they kind of shatter the barrier between the human and demon worlds... yay?... boo?.... And plot twist, Vergil doesn't even care for humanity Like That, he just wants to be the one in control of everything! tragic 😞
so where does Magdalena fit into all of this? well. She was one of the first members of the Order, and she's been spying on the demons for them all this time. On the surface, she's a musician/DJ/singer/?? that regularly performs at the nightclub owned by Mundus' right hand woman, Lilith. I have yet to figure out the extent of how she gets her information, sometimes it's just her eavesdropping + observing the crowd between sets and sometimes it's her engaging in Britney Spears Break the Ice-style mania... In any case, Magdalena is nestled deep in lion's den, but it's this risky position that allows her to feed a lot of crucial information back to the Order.
Before the events of the game, the Order is focused on finding Dante so that Vergil can proceed with his plans of overthrowing Mundus, and this is something of particular importance to Magdalena as well. When Magdalena was young, her parents were (gasp) murdered for running an undercover radio network criticizing the demons and she was sent to an orphanage. This orphanage is incidentally the same on Dante ended up at once the demons found him after his father's betrayal of Mundus, and they struck up a really tight friendship... Originally it was because Dante stuck up for her, but considering the positions they were in when they met, maybe it was the other way around! :O In any case, the situation is very fucked up because everyone at the orphanage is tied to dissidence and, were it not for their usefulness, should be dead. Anyhow, Magdalena doesn't spend a ton of time there before her much older brother, coincidentally aided by Vergil's adoptive parents, was able to find her and assume guardianship of her. The fact that she abandoned Dante there is something that lingered heavily over her 12-year old mind after returning to the 'normal' world, and became a heavier thought still once she encountered Vergil at one of his parents' / her brother's events and went 😨😨😨😨😱, because who the fuck is this dude who looks just like the bestie she abandoned to fend for himself in hell!! wtf!!!
iirc, the game pushes the idea that A Long Time Ago, Kat was the one who helped Vergil recover his memories of his childhood + learn of his true nature, but the comic directly contradicts this? In the comic, Vergil already has a solid grasp of his abilities and knows Way More about limbo/ hell? than Kat does. Normally, I disregard stuff presented in side material that doesn't fit what I'm working with, BUT.. This contradiction paired with the twist at the end of the comic is unsettling enough that I decided to roll with it.
So! After so many instances where Magdalena and Vergil are forced to be in the same space because their adults have a close work relationship, Vergil finally confronts her about why she always looks so horrified at the sight of him, and so begins an incredibly long and ill-fated friendship... Magdalena explains herself and Vergil doesn't believe it, but then he begins questioning his memories and The Disillusionment Begins. Magdalena shares what she knows of demons with Vergil, and over the years the two secretly begin to build up the Order.
Unrelated to her 💃🏻💃🏻 with Vergil, she also builds up a musical identity as the years go on. At the beginning, this was because she was too scared and hurt to talk about what happened to her after her parents' death, and it was easier to convey herself through sound. As she became older and felt safer in her situation, she still used it to comment on things she couldn't speak about literally; this and her banger production skills 🤪 drew a lot of people to her, which she eventually used to guide people towards the Order. In time, her popularity caught the attention of Lilith, who invited her to perform at the Devil's Dalliance partially because her music was so captivating and partially because Lilith remembered who she was and wanted to keep tabs on her. In a DMC3 Vergil-esque delusion of grandeur, Magdalena thought she had one up on the demons and dove into the deep! Beyond being able to spy on the demons from her new position, I think Magdalena's role here is also beneficial to the Order because it gets them a lot of ins that they wouldn't have access to normally- I like to imagine the festival (?) at the beginning of the comic is like this. In any case, this drives her away from Vergil- partially by necessity and partially because Magdalena is just a very dedicated individual lol. This also brings us back around to the comic- she's not there to crowd Kat because she's doing her own things in service of the Order.
Anyways! Circling back around to the hunt for Dante! fuck the vergil's downfall dlc, THIS is Magdalena's downfall man 😭😭😭 between the very old guilt about abandoning dante + the newfound knowledge that he is a key part of achieving Magdalena's core goal of overthrowing the demons' rule over humanity, Magdalena is Incredibly devoted to finding Dante. By the end of the comic, the Order has stepped back from finding Dante because he's basically gone off the radar after breaking out of a prison- it'd be easier for the demons to guide the Order to him, iirc. At some point before the start of the game, Dante starts frequenting the Devil's Dalliance- enough for the girls that work there to be decently familiar with him. One of them mentions him around Magdalena, and she basically gets the metal gear ❗ above her head lol. They start talking about him, and Magdalena's ready to run on home and have a MOM HOLY FUCK moment, BUT.... either the girl snitches to Lilith or Lilith happens to overhear their conversation (she is a demon and the nightclub Is her domain after all...), but. to say the least, Magdalena does Not Run On Home 💘😨
instead... she's yagga'd and brought to. Honestly Probably Some Room in the Club, but does Magdalena know this? no ❤ anyhow, she comes to and is interrogated about Dante. This is pretty brutal because Lilith circles back on her childhood friendship with Dante, trying to get Magdalena to reveal that they've somehow been in contact and Conspiring Together all this time. Magdalena has five seconds of terror about this before she realizes Lilith Doesn't Know About the Order and starts playing 5D chess not just for her life, but for the Order's too. Magdalena, steel-willed as ever, manages to keep the facade up but after all the interrogation and torture, Lilith isn't convinced that Magdalena and Dante aren't connected somehow. If Lilith was wrong about this, it would mean that most of her interactions + her entire business relationship with Magdalena would have been a huge waste of time... Speaking of huge wastes of time, Magdalena is still in the chair and Lilith is still no closer to figuring out why she was asking about Dante. If she isn't going to get the bottom of this, she might as well ensure that something fruitful comes of the interrogation, so she does something unorthodox...
In the game, there's a class of demons that look like normal humans called spotters/lookers- I always forget this and imo they are swagless names SO. I will be referring to them as seekers because that's essentially what they do anyways :O But, so the seekers. You never encounter one in actual gameplay, only cutscenes, and their only purpose is to drag Dante into Limbo and into a fighting sequence. When they spot Dante, this black liquid called Malice starts pouring out of their eyes and mouth, and then he's ferried into the other world. They are incredibly weak, capable of being handled by a single knife to the head- the one that's taken out this way makes no attempt to dodge the knife, either. My take on this is that the Seekers are just vessels for Malice that use human corpses as conduits. I think the Malice preserves the corpse so that the Seeker can blend in with regular society (the last one we see is at the club lol!) until it finds its target. The most important thing is the Malice, which serves as an anchor point for Limbo to overtake the waking world once it's out of the Seeker...
For me, there is no soul beneath the Seeker's influence. The way they move is so sluggish and they don't seem super aware of their surroundings beyond their target's presence. That, their robotic pursuit of their target, and the fact that we encounter plenty of disembodied souls throughout the game brought me to that conclusion. So! The unorthodox thing that Lilith does is turn Magdalena into a Seeker, but retain her soul. This way, Magdalena can go about her business as usual, none the wiser that she's a walking time bomb. She can keep searching for Dante, and when she does, he'll be dragged off into Limbo as easy pickings for the demons. Plus, in the meantime, Lilith gets to keep the DJ that draws people to her club like moths to a flame. It's an easy win-win for her.
So the seekerization begins.. dun dun dun. I don't really have a solid idea for what this actually means, but it involves something like in Death Stranding where the BTs drag Sam through the tar and into the Seam.. I like to think there is a psychological battle here too, while Magdalena's fighting for her life, but after everything Lilith's put her through, she loses 😞🤘🏻 Magdalena drowns in the Malice, and as she does so the Seeker overtakes her body, corroding the insides to make room for the tar. At the end, Lilith puts her soul back into her body and wipes her memories of the interrogation. Now she's like Danny Phantom!
When Magdalena later comes to, it's to the girls at the club worriedly checking on her because she "fell asleep at the booth!", or something of that nature. They urge her to go home- she's been working too much and tonight was a split stage so the other act could take over or something. Magdalena feels super hazy, on account of dying and being shoved back into her own corpse, so she obliges and goes to change out into her civvies. She misses some key things as she does so- the numbness, the light handprints around her limbs...
I forget how long there is between the seekerization and the kickoff of the game, but it can't be super long because Dante's presence at the club is already known to Lilith when she interrogates Magdalena. In any case, she's able to go for a little while without realizing something has happened to her, and the Order is safe in the meantime because the Malice can only alert the demons to her location if she sees Dante.
The passage of time between her transformation and the beginning of the game is a Trial for Magdalena- anytime Dante's name is brought up, mainly at the Order, pressure from the Malice builds up in anticipation of seeing him and bridging the waking world and Limbo. Magdalena writes this off as anxiety about crossing the threshold from the Order's present to their future, and carries on as best as she can until the morning the game begins... The discovery of Dante and the tipping of Limbo has the Malice in a silly goofy state that finally sets the alarms off in Magdalena's mind, so she sets out to find Kat because Kat, with all her psychic powers, is probably the only person who could figure out what's happening to her. The television broadcasts of the pier getting fucked up because of Dante stoke the Malice further, and by the time she reaches the Order, she's on the brink of like.. sensory overload? For lack of word?
All I've really got for the next bit is that she runs into Vergil, because Vergil needs to remember in the future that something was Off about her here. The interaction is inconsequential- I think Vergil is excited that Kat has retrieved Dante, and Magdalena is just *TV STATIC* 👁👁🤘🏻 *TV STATIC*. They watch Kat and Dante pull up to the Order together on the cameras, and then Vergil leaves to go greet them while Magdalena stays behind? And then she sees Dante on the cameras and it's game over for her as the Seeker overtakes her consciousness because finally, finally it's time to drag Dante into Limbo!!! Except. Dante is no longer on the camera she's watching, and also they aren't even in the same room together.... he has unknowingly checkmated the Seeker lol
I have no idea what happens to Magdalena after this moment, but she's taken off the board for the literal rest of the game. <3 😅 I feel like a logical conclusion would be that she's fighting for her life through Limbo, which is incredibly alien to her because She Is Not a Demon.. it removes her from the picture until the end of the game, when the seal between Limbo and the waking world is broken, but I truly don't know what I want to happen 😫 In any case, the little ping she created when she saw Dante on the camera proves to be consequential, as it provides the location of the Order to the demons, which is precisely how they're able to storm it later in the game.
As I said, Magdalena only comes back to herself after the game is finished. The world around her is in ruins, and she is! horrified by this! The Seeker, which she's now aware of, has also been corrupted because of the nature of the world- the metaphysical gap it was meant to bridge no longer exists in a stable state, so it in and of itself is like a glitched entity now. Once again, Magdalena decides to go to the Order in the hopes of finding Kat. When she reaches the Order, she finds it in ruins, with the bodies of her old friends and comrades piled up from the raid earlier. This sight proves to be too much for her, and her brain jumps 15 steps and concludes that she and her earlier episode with Dante and the Malice are to blame for the state of things around her. She is to blame for the collapse of the Order and the death of her friends.
As she's having a proper menty b over this, two things happen. Since she doesn't have a proper body, she starts crying Malice instead of tears- the Malice interacts with the environment and tries to warp into Limbo, but this isn't a really a thing that can happen anymore. Weird metaphysical effects occur, which Magdalena misses because she is deep in her breakdown... but that's okay, because Vergil (who is in the area for. Reasons?) notices! :] 😨😨😨😬
now mind you, this is the Vergil that's gone through the whole game and ALSO his evil girl DLC. So, when he sees his best friend who'd been assumed dead crying over the corpses of everyone they'd created their underground movement with, what he really sees is the odd ways reality warps around her. He sees an opportunity! 😈😰 so begins Magdalena's downfall pt. 2!
In an evil nod to the way Vergil grounds Gioia during a moment of extreme grief in the main universe, Vergil draws her back to reality here. Magdalena is overwhelmed with relief to see that at least Vergil has survived the Everything, but the sight of him also twists the knife in her heart because she was the one who caused him all this loss. Her guilt is subtly tangible, thanks to the Malice, so Vergil puts it to work and begins The Manipulations. He paints a false picture of what happened in the aftermath of Magdalena's blackout, one that makes her think Kat and Dante died so she doesn't go off looking for them and risk being swayed away from him. Her powers could be useful to him.
Magdalena has no reason to question anything Vergil says, so she believes him blindly. In my head there's a lot of gravity to this for her- if she helps him, she can atone for the death of the Order. I think she's also able to rationalize What He Does in a post-DLC setting with the same logic he tried to levy against Kat and Dante- this is for humanity's own good! Her own fuckening supports this logic- if someone is ruling over the demons, it prevents more amalgamations like her from being created.
I don't really know what Vergil's motivations would be in a theoretical DmC2, nor what the conflict would be. For me, it would pick up very shortly after the finale of the first game and deal with the fallout of Vergil and Dante's actions, namely the shattering of the veil between Limbo and the waking world. I like to imagine that the world would take on some Death Stranding-esque characteristics!
Magdalena would fill in as Vergil's right hand man, since Kat is now lost to him. Beyond the whole savior and sinner thing they have going on, Vergil also helps Magdalena develop a symbiosis with the Seeker and harness its mutated powers. I think Magdalena reads more into it because she is seeing him through... highly saturated rose-tinted glasses lol! But this is solely for Vergil's own benefit, and he doesn't hesitate to dispose of her once she becomes more trouble than she's worth.
But how does she do that! 😯 So at some point it is not only natural but Fair that, after both catastrophically failed attempts, Magdalena finally runs into Kat. This is a crazygirl reunion, because Magdalena thought Kat was dead! She grieved her! And Kat thought Magdalena had died a long time ago, during the raid! so it's a very spiderman meme moment, but then Dante shows up and things go awry because the Seeker has yet to overcome its initial programming. idk what happens after this, but when she comes across Vergil again, she excitedly tells him he was wrong about Kat and Dante dying, unaware of The Fallout... Vergil wipes her memories of Kat altogether, and with a portion of Magdalena's psyche gone, the Seeker takes over more of her consciousness. The symbiosis deepens!
This second iteration of Magdalena is Golden for some time, until she runs into Kat again and comes back to him with a myriad of questions. He overwrites her one more time, so that all that's left of her is her devotion to him? Consequently, the Seeker takes over more of the mindscape, but the Seeker is automatically loyal to Vergil's power so it might as well be the same thing. Some Final Line is Crossed, maybe the Seeker falls short of his expectations or has a Cringefail Henchman Moment that gives Dante a leg up over them or something, and as stated above, Vergil decides it's outlived its usefulness to him. He goes to town on it with the Yamato and leaves it for dead, which probably would have been fine for him If the seeker was not some weird fucked up mutation with properties tied directly to reality 😔
This is a turning point for the Seeker, because... you KICK MIETTE? YOU SLICE ITS BODY LIKE THE HAM!! Magdalena's body is a conduit for the Seeker, and without it, the Seeker probably cannot exist. It begins to warp reality to meld her back together, fighting tooth and nail against the brink of both their deaths. As it does this, it mulls over Things and realizes the symbiosis between them was not just physical and mental, but emotional too! It's been through all sorts of madness with Magdalena, and it is afraid to go on without her. Even in their final iteration together, where things were more Seeker than Magdalena, it was Magdalena's power of will that put the fuel in the Seeker's tank. The Seeker is a simplistic demon, one that was never meant to have its own will. It is afraid of trying to survive this alien world without Magdalena guiding it. Thus, its driving motivation is to keep them alive and bring Magdalena back from the brink.
Dante coincidentally strolls in to the place where the Seeker is trying to reconnect everything- I like to imagine this is a very eerie moment of gameplay, trudging through pools of Malice with fragments of Magdalena's memories playing, sometimes looping, overhead as the Seeker pores through her mind and tries to restore it from Vergil's influence. Once it realizes Dante is literally tromping through its efforts, it becomes hostile and a fun boss fight begins, one that leans heavily into the "your environment Actively Hates You" angle from the first game. Lots of tricky platforming/maneuvering- the Seeker blames Dante for it and Magdalena's entire situation (I like to imagine it has some very Choice things to say to him during the fight lol!), and his presence is exacerbating things again. In trying to protect Magdalena from him, the Seeker defines its own purpose and finally breaks out from its programming! Dante concedes the fight when he understands what is happening, and decides to help the Seeker because hey, Magdalena was once his friend a long time ago. In a similar way to her obsession with finding him because she'd abandoned him long ago, Dante is dedicated to helping Magdalena because he and Kat didn't try to wrench her away from Vergil, despite all the red flags around her situation.
Strengthened by its newfound purpose, the Seeker is able to mend their body back into one functional piece. It and Dante are like 👁👁❗❗❗ because Magdalena should come to, now that her body's reassembled, right! Right?....... right? Wrong! 😭 Magdalena had already been greatly diminished by the memory wipes, but Vergil's final betrayal of her was the straw that broke the camel's back. It ran counter to the truths she'd understood, to the world he'd painted for her. The Seeker and Dante are stumped by this, so Dante takes them back to his and Kat's hideout.
I think Kat is. unnerved. lol. Here is the corpse of her good friend, and it talks in her friend's voice! but now it is explaining how she is functionally six feet under. and the corpse is afraid of living life without her. the corpse does not know how to coax magdalena back to the surface. and again, the corpse speaks in magdalena's voice. Also, the corpse is a demon that until three hours ago swore obsessive fealty to Vergil. hm. Kat and Dante have an aside about the situation and the viability of trying to save Magdalena from mental limbo, but Kat folds for similar reasons to Dante. She and Magdalena had been friends for....... a while? And Magdalena had been one of the first and friendliest faces she'd met after joining the Order.. so long ago. She didn't want to leave Magdalena on her own again- the first time she'd done that, Magdalena had disappeared for weeks on end and Kat hadn't even considered it because of Everything going on. The second time, she'd let Magdalena go back to Vergil, and then Magdalena didn't remember her when they met again afterwards. Kat wouldn't forego her a third time, lest Magdalena be lost to her completely. Plus... something was off. There was an itch in Kat's mind, one that she hoped retrieving Magdalena would scratch.
So begins Kat's adventures through Magdalena's psyche! I have no idea how this would fit in to the pacing of a game, because the narrative has been. a little too focused on Magdalena for my liking. But there's many starts and stops here, many attempts that the Seeker aborts because it feels like pouring salt on a wound. Eventually Kat is able to dive deep enough into the metaphysical space between Magdalena and the Seeker to find her, but Magdalena does not take well to Kat's intrusion. She doesn't remember Kat. This was unsettling enough when Kat first ran into it, but now that the interaction is drawn out, it's even worse. Kat tries to explain who she is, how she and Magdalena were friends, but Magdalena isn't having it. Magdalena simply doesn't remember Kat, and the way Kat explains their connections through Vergil doesn't align with what she knows to be true- after all, Vergil hadn't fiddled with her memories of their friendship. Magdalena ejects Kat, berating her for spouting lies to try and earn her trust.
When Kat comes to... girl she is CONFUSED LOL!!! There's still the issue of Nagdalena not remembering her, but now?? she's calling her a liar?? girl what.. girl how.. Kat consults with Dante about this, but Dante knows even less about the situation than her- he only knew Magdalena from before she met Vergil, and Kat after she met Vergil. Anything between these events are a mystery to him! 😭 Kat talks about it with the Seeker one singular time, when it informs her that it came into Magdalena's psyche after Kat was an established part of the Order... BUT... What it did know is that Magdalena felt threatened by Kat, that she was nervous Vergil was going to replace her with Kat so quickly. Kat goes wha huh??? at the "quickly" and stews over this. Quickly??? Maybe Magdalena and Vergil had created the Order years ago, but Kat had been around Vergil for some time, too! It wasn't a friendship that had happened overnight.
Kat is stumped by this, and the more she thinks about it, the less sense it makes unless Magdalena was just possessive of him, but that doesn't align with things either. SO, methinks in between missions or what have you (how does DmC2 play?.. your honor I have no fucking idea lol. Maybe like 5 but with an interact-able home base.. as if Nero had been able to walk through his van and do little things here and there between levels ykwim?), Kat dives back in and tries to make sense of it all with Magdalena.
This is a significant development between the two of them, even though I think it's happening in the background for Dante? Anyhow, the stars finally align for them to realize that Kat has rewritten memories TOO- there Is a spiderman pikachu meme moment here lol. So then I think Magdalena starts coming back into her own body again, because this revelation has re-dawned on her the fact that Vergil is. a bit of a cunt lol 😭, and now she's invested in figuring out the blanks in Kat's memory. The two and the Seeker go back and forth, helping each other parse out the things Vergil had erased... Dante is probably involved in this to some degree, because he is no stranger to this? But idk. Eventually, Kat remembers the vortex explosion, which.. keep a pin in this, it will come in handy later harharhar. With the full truth of their relationships with Vergil and each other out in the air, die girlies are like 😐😐 god damn we were played like fiddles huh!!
This next part is far less fleshed out than the previous stuff, which is obvi very loosely laid out as well. But! At some point, the girlies recreate the vortex moment but it's a lot more potent because reality and Limbo shift in and out of each other like fluids now. This throws Vergil off his villainous plans, and gives the group a leg up over him in ??? The Struggle??? . At a later point, Magdalena reaches full symbiosis with the Seeker and the two have a boss fight against Vergil where they take out all their grievances against him. This is ultimately a distraction so Dante and Kat can do ?? things ??, but I like to imagine there's a Sonic Adventure 2 kind of thing where you can play through the game as Vergil, and then the boss fight is against Maggie + the Seeker. In either case, it is a difficult and gritty vengeance battle.... It's kind of like the DM3 Vergil-Dante fight, their philosophies cannot coexist and so they MUST battle. Also it's a quasi-breakup fight lol.
No idea what happens in the end.. I've also skipped over Isaac's role in the story (he's supposed to be crucial to bringing Magdalena back into her own), as well as the Seeker's greater importance to Maggie. and THEIR relationship bc there's a Whole Thing going on there...... anyways I have a whole lot of reading and research to do before I'd ever be comfortable fully tackling this.. Characters like Magdalena, who deal with possession, require more care because I don't want them to come off as caricatures of DID. The setting also calls for more imaginative work than I am currently capable of putting in! So Magdalena and her universe are currently things for me to just gnaw on and continually return to as I learn and read more hehe. :] Hopefully one day I'll be able to give it and the reboot the treatment they deserve lol!
2 notes · View notes
slimeywooper · 1 year
Labmas AU - Unintended Consequences
Chapter 5 Part 1 - Another Interruption
You don't know what came over you, but last night left you feeling relaxed, in spite of all that happened. Upon entering your room, you took a shower and went to bed, sleeping soundly. Waking up at 5:30am, you feel refreshed. Getting dressed, you clip your name badge to your shirt and head to the cafeteria, grabbing some breakfast. You walk to the elevator and see that Colress is already standing there waiting for you.
"(Y/N), you're looking well this morning. You seemed very nervous last night after I told you to head back here. I guess Nobori did his thing and alleviated you of your anxiety." Colress wore his usual small smile, not showing any evidence of yesterday's stressful events.
"I guess? Nobori explained more about Kudari. I don't feel as anxious about him," you told him absentmindedly, focusing solely on your bagel.
"Yes, Nobori informed me. I had waited for him to show up after locking Kudari back in his room. Most everything he told you is correct, but I think he forgot to mention a certain… attribute of his." Colress was eyeing you with interest, wanting to gauge your reaction.
You tense slightly, and after swallowing the last bite of your food, you ask, "What is it?"
"Nobori is a Ghost type hybrid, specifically a Chandelure. He's able to lull someone into a sense of ease, which is what he does when he sees they are distressed. Not everyone, mind you. He wouldn't dare try it on me." Colress said that last sentence with indignation before continuing, "It's similar to hypnotism."
Is that how it was? Did Nobori knowingly calm you down because you were upset? Though it was a sweet gesture, it also denied you the ability to cope with those feelings in your own way.
Colress started again. "He's very empathetic when it comes to his brother. But I must state, in no uncertain terms, that he is wrong about Kudari." He touched your arm, signaling you to look at him. "As much as he may wish differently, Kudari is a monster. He doesn't feel emotions like people do, or even how Nobori does. Selfish, unrestrained, violent… these are apt labels for him."
You didn't know who to believe. Nobori, who came across as so sincere, had grown up with Kudari. But at the same time, Colress had created them. So wouldn't that mean he raised them both? Perhaps Nobori got to see the kinder side of Kudari because they were hybrids. Wracking your brain, looking for any reason for there to be such differing perceptions of Kudari, you thought of something. "But if Nobori can hypnotize people, and force them to calm down, maybe that's what he does to Kudari when he gets upset? That would explain why he doesn't see him in the same way as you do. He doesn't get the brunt of his anger."
Colress offered you a stiff smile. "He used to, when they were younger. But Kudari has only gotten worse with age. I believe puberty was the death knell for any semblance of normalcy he could have had. Any attempt Nobori makes at calming him down only further enrages him. Now, I'm not saying that Nobori is lying, just that his judgement on the matter is distorted. Look, let's discontinue this topic. We have to get started with our day." It was an attempt to end the conversation.
You weren't ready to move on, so you continued, "Well, there has to be a reason that Kudari is so angry. Maybe it's because everyone is afraid of him and that makes him feel really lonely, so he lashes out to gain attention. Maybe if he had a friend—"
"I've already offered him a Galvantula. He wasn't interested." Colress said in a bored tone. Eyes trained on his tablet.
"What? Isn't he a person like Nobori? Of course he wouldn't want—" You tried to protest, but were cut off again.
"He's a hybrid." Colress corrected you. "Every aspect of them needs to be studied. His lower half is that of a Galvantula, so I figured, mechanically speaking, a female Galvantula would work best. It's not like any human is lining up to be his mate. Unless you're offering?" He didn't really mean it as a question, more of a cheeky comment. And though he wasn't looking at you, the smirk on his face was evident.
"I didn't mean a 'friend' like that! And no, I'm not 'offering' a damn thing!" You were pissed, spitting out your reply. This was the lowest Colress had ever gone to take a jab at you.
"I know, I'm just teasing you." Still smiling, he glances at you. "I'm going to tell you something that, given time, I'm sure you would have noticed on your own: we don't usually allow females to work in the laboratory. Care to hazard a guess why?" Colress presses the down button on the elevator panel and corrals you inside.
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enderexplorer1212 · 2 years
I shall Freelance
Well, I got me an artist late last night I's three-fourths done they looked all right 'Til they started showin' me their latest work The stuff I saw made me pretty damn shook I's outta there, blocked DMs, outta mind
Well sometimes I might be fucked Commission something I shouldn't've done Don't hurt me none, Don't hurt my pride 'Cause I got my best friend right by my side (She's a tryin'a hide pretendin' she don't know me)
I's out there writin' on my old laptop When I dropped it on my right foot it fell on I winced and tried to get it out But I had to limp for the next week out (Laptop was fine, didn't break)
Well my inbox blew up it would not stop It's my new commissioner calling me up He said, "My friend, End, what do I need to make this story good?" I said, My new friend," A plan to end Think about it Also add sex That'll be good
Well, I got an artist I adore Artstyles' cute and I love their work Likes to draw an awful lot these days Only problem is that I can not pay (But they draw well, I'd pay them, if I could)
Oh, there ain't no use in me writin' alla time I got a friend who I like to spend time But they can't know what I've been up to yet Or I might lose my only friend left (He's a good friend though, likes nature)
Late one night in the middle of the week Eyes were closed I was half sleep I wrote me a story that was fine However it was risque this one time (I can't tell you about it, too much for this song, Ain't PG or anything now, but it was not porn)
Now the man on my floor he wants my work He's says hes interested in publishing books He's out there talkin' on my front porch steeple Tellin' me he knows all kinds-a people (He's wearin' a suit, He's speakin' simply, He's eatin' bagels)
Oh, set me down near a computer screen I'll make a story that's never seen Out of my fingers comes a crazy plan To make money with this talent I command (small time quick stuff, What I want to know, any prospectors, is What do you think about my command, of my writing skills, do you like me)
Well the funniest person I ever seen Was the biggest artist to commission She asked me for fifty thousand words Said she'd draw my fursona afterwards (I took it)
Well, ask me why I'm fucked alla time It's what happens when you write for your mind I just go along with what I see And this works out more times than you can believe (I'm good at writing, I make beautiful commissions, catch flak from other artists)
0 notes
sheetsonfire · 3 years
Summary: Jay is put in an unusual undercover position, Y/N is on the front lines of it, and the rest of Intelligence get to watch it.
Fandom: Chicago PD
Pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader
Characters: Reader, Jay Halstead, Intelligence, Trudy Platt
Genre: Crack/Humour/Fluff/Smut
Warnings: Swearing, sexual content
Word Count: 9798
A/N: I've finally bit the bullet and written smut for public consumption. Here goes nothing, happy reading!
Jay jogs up the steps to the 21st District, coffee and breakfast bagel in hand, entering the lobby he turns towards the entry gate for Intelligence, as he does so he catches Sergeant Platt’s eye and offers a wave, "Morning, Sarge." Trudy nods in his direction, arms crossed leaning against the front desk, her eyes twinkling with mischief.
Something was clearly afoot, nobody needed to be a detective to be curious about what Trudy Platt was up to. He finds himself stepping backwards and towards the front desk, eyebrows quizzical. He places his breakfast down, which Trudy glances at as if to say “If you don’t move your stuff off my desk in two seconds, that breakfast is mine.”, he mirrors Trudy’s stance and leans against the desk from the opposite side, still silently looking to Trudy for an explanation.
“Can I help you with something, Detective?” Her lip quivers into a smile, on the verge of laughter. He looked down at himself even though he was pretty sure he hadn’t got any toothpaste, food or drink on himself this morning. His t-shirt appeared to be on his body the correct way round. Jay looks back to the sergeant, he doesn't like the look on her face… It's way too smug. Conceding to this little stare off he rolls his eyes with a small sigh,
"Okay, what is happening?"
Trudy can't help but let a giggle escape her mouth this time, causing Jay's brows to fall into a light scowl.
In an uncharacteristically affectionate gesture, Trudy pats Jay’s hand, rumbles of laughter still in her chest. It was amusing seeing how ruffled Jay could get when he doesn’t feel in the loop,
"Just go on up, Chuckles."
Jay's about to open his mouth and question further, but instead extricates himself from Trudy’s presence, scoops up his breakfast and turns for the access gate. Figuring that he'd get a faster answer if he went up to see the team.
Buzzing through he climbs the steps quickly, at first glance the bullpen is only half full. Hank, Hailey, and Kim are gathered near the board with the latest case starting to take shape on it. The trio are talking in hushed tones; Kevin, Adam, and you seem to be elsewhere.
Jay's footsteps get their attention, greeting him with warm smiles. Everything seemed alright enough, but he doesn't miss the way they briefly glance at each other with the same smugness Trudy had shown downstairs. They had to know something.
Steeling himself for more mysterious giggling, he sips at his coffee, placing the bagel on his desk.
"Morning guys… what’s going on? New case?” He nods at the board behind them.
Jay knew it was coming and yet his scowl intensifies when they start laughing too; he’s racking his brain for something that he could have done to instigate the hush-hush gossipy mood, but he comes up with nothing.
He looks to Hank, hoping his sergeant would at least pull himself together.
"Sarge… Please." Jay huffs like a grumpy toddler, Hank clears his throat trying to compose himself, still letting out a low chuckle.
It’s Kim who takes the lead, the first of the three to cool it enough to actually give Jay an answer.
"Jay, uh yeah, we have a new case… there's going to be a big trade this weekend at the Watra Night Club, narcotics are already preoccupied with another planned bust."
Hank then chimes in, "...so I told Hennings we'd take it off their hands."
Jay takes in the information, nodding and, in return, supplying what he already knew about the location,
"Watra…I know it. It’s that club on Pulaski, they cater to bachelorette parties, ladies nights…” As Jay is talking out loud, Hank, Hailey, and Kim can see his thoughts coming together,
“Here it comes.” Hailey mutters, half smacking Kim who is starting to giggle again.
“Didn’t they start doing that dancing thing last year, the Magic Mike Club or whatever…”
He takes a sip of his coffee, as the information ruminates in his mind, his eyes darken, his lips pressed together in a tight line with realisation. He swallows his coffee with haste.
“Oh no... No, Sarge. Please don't, do not tell me you're suggesting what I think you’re suggesting."
Hank, Hailey and Kim break out into a new round of laughing, Jay cannot believe the three of them. Hank holds out his hands placatingly…
"Jay, listen bro. Adam and Kev are doing the recon of the building, surveillance of comings and goings, Y/N is getting your cover in place…Kim and Hailey… they don't fit the particulars for this cover… Watra is looking for a replacement for their group showcase this weekend, you fit the physical profile they’re after… they’re using the event to do serious business. We need someone to get an inside track… So kid, you're up."
Jay doesn't know what to say, he knows it's just a cover case and it's one weekend, but…
"You want me to go learn how to dance and…and strip in a Magic Mike group?"
Hank keeps his face neutral, knowing any more laughing may well tip Jay over the edge.
"For the sake of the bust, yeah. We need eyes in the week leading up to it, and they're not hiring bar staff, we already had feelers out for that. So, dancing is the next best thing. It’ll get you behind the scenes. We don’t have time to establish a more trusted role, like security.”
There’s a hanging of silence, Kim and Hailey looking down at the ground, avoiding eye contact with Jay. Hank reels in his expression to something more neutral, waiting for Jay’s reaction…
Jay sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. What could he say, “Sorry, Sarge, I don’t feel much like catching criminals this weekend, hard pass.”? The undercovers he had previously been on were much more harrowing than dancing could ever be, even if strip dancing seemed pretty daunting for his repertoire.
He exhales harshly, “Oh for fuck’s sake… when do I start and who am I meeting?”
They start laughing again.
You approach the bullpen with Adam and Kevin in tow, Jay is sitting at his desk brooding as he looks over the target profiles for the bust.
"I think they told him," Adam murmurs,
"What makes you think that, Ruz?" You snort, Kevin covering his smile with his hand.
Jay spins in his chair, scowling at the three of you, making your trio step back. Hailey and Kim are watching on in amusement, it was your turn to get the bristling mood from Jay. He holds up a shushing hand to the three of you.
"It's all good, J-dog, say no more." Kevin shrugs innocently, sitting at his own desk, eyeing Kim with a bite of his lip, trying to keep his laughter in.
"Jay, come on, man. It's your time to shine. I've no doubt you're gonna kill it." Adam pats Jay's shoulder, Jay swats at him violently, but Adam retreats before Jay can make contact.
"I have no doubt I'm going to kill you if you don't leave me in peace."
You weren’t above having an amused expression when you approached Jay, but felt a little sorry for him when he gave you a pleading look to not join in too. The others were watching in anticipation, Hank was on the phone in his office away from the shenanigans.
You pat Jay’s shoulder, “Come on, bud, you wanna come on the lunch run with me and talk about this away from these idiots?”
He nods slightly, getting up with a handful of files in his arms, you both make your way down the stairs, rolling your eyes as Adam hollers after you.
“She’s just trying to call dibs on the chair, Halstead!”
“Bring extra dumplings!”
“Don’t forget my chai latte!”
You sat in silence for a little while, not sure what to say to Jay now that you were alone with him.
“So-” You began.
But Jay beat you to it, you smile as he’d obviously been stewing on what to say too,
“What did Adam mean by ‘dibs on the chair’?”
You knew this would come up eventually; you, Kevin, and Adam had been tasked with coming up with the dynamics of this operation, and it had fallen to you to be the plant in the audience, for when the dancers pick women to come and sit on the stage chair, letting the dancers… do their thing.
You tap your fingers against the passenger door, taking a side glance at Jay,
“So, uh… during Magic Mike shows, they like to call up audience members to dance on…or with… so yeah, it’s kinda… fallen to me to be on the chair for you. If that’s alright, otherwise I could get Kim or Hailey to-”
“-no! No… you’re fine. I mean, it’s okay if it’s you.”
You wouldn’t dare point it out, but you were sure you could see a blush on Jay Halstead’s face. His fingers firmly gripping the steering wheel. Your stomach flutters involuntarily, it was not news to yourself that you could see how handsome Jay was, and more to the point that you had had a giant, embarrassing, crush on him for the better part of a year. Not that you’d ever admit it out loud, you were proud that you had kept it under wraps so efficiently.
All of that passes through your mind in a split second, only to come out with an unaffected, “Cool, that’s settled.”
You holler as you climb the last few steps to the bullpen, Jay following behind with some more of the bags of food. "Okay, feeding time at the zoo, food's here."
You place the various bags on Kim's desk, the most central of the desks, watching in amusement as your friends gather hastily. Jay sets down the drinks and carefully eyes everyone, waiting for them to start teasing again.
Adam places a hand on his shoulder,
"Sorry about that earlier, man. It's just a...unique situation is all." He has the decency to look sheepish, and Jay shakes his head, offering a smile, cheeks still pink even at the mere hint of the topic.
"No sweat, dude. Unique is the right word."
You knock on Voight's door, pushing it open as he motions for you to enter. You hold his lunch in the air,
"Food's here, Sarge." He makes a noise of appreciation,
"Thanks, Y/N. Hey, how's uh, Halstead, handling this new case?" He unfolds the packaging to his sandwich, waiting for your assessment.
"Well, uh…" You let out a quiet titter of laughter,
"It's an unusual one. But I think he'll be alright, we talked it through. The team has toned down the teasing, it's all good."
Hank nods, pleased, taking a bite of his sandwich.
"Good. Halstead's focused when he needs to be, I'm sure he'll be fine."
You shake your head with a small smile,
"I'm sure he will be, boss. I'm sure he will be."
It was a few days before the showcase at Watra, Jay had been absent from the district, for the most part, long days of rehearsal had been like a choreographed boot camp.
You had all kept in touch, Jay feeding the team crumbs of information about the club's comings and goings when he found them.
The club was owned by Rowan Knight, he had usually dealt with smaller deals before, but belonging to a family dynasty of criminals meant it was time for him to step up and do some bigger business.
The team had come to the conclusion that using a club full of mostly screaming middle-aged women as a cover was a good way to remain under the radar. All the excitement at the front was sure to distract from any excitement going on backstage.
So tonight, two nights before, you found yourself attending your weekly takeout and movie night at Jay's apartment. Popping open a bottle of beer and handing it to him as he murmurs a pained thanks, groaning in discomfort.
He's got multiple ice packs on his abs and his shoulders, sprawled on the couch as he sips at the ice-cold beer with one hand, and delivers pizza to his mouth with the other.
"How're you holding up?" You look at him sympathetically. No matter the perception of Magic Mike groups, it required a lot of physical discipline and a lot of memory capacity to learn the various routines.
"Oh, never better. My shredded muscles and I are just peachy." He offers a fake grin, which makes you snort with laughter.
“I can see that, it’s made you such pleasant company.”
“Hey, I'm an absolute joy to be around. Don’t lie to me.”
“Ain’t that the truth, buddy. Ain’t that the truth.” And it was the truth, Jay was the ultimate joy in your life. You treasured the time you spent together, even the toughest of cases were manageable because he was around.
You spend the rest of the evening talking and joking with each other, doting on Jay and his sore recovering body. Until it got to 11pm and you steeled yourself for having to say goodbye and go back to your own apartment. It was the bit you hated most, try as you might you could never shake the sense of disappointment and longing when it was time to head home. You craved domestic life with Jay, you just weren’t sure whether you could ever have it.
It's the Big Day and Jay feels like he'd rather be shot than go out on that stage. But a voice in his head that sounds suspiciously like You tells him that you'd shoot him yourself if he wanted to opt for that. So he finds himself sighing, freshly out of the shower and looking in the mirror with a shake of his head; wrapping a towel around himself, mentally going through the game plan he and the team had arranged.
Just as he's drying off his hair with another towel he hears his phone ringing from the bedroom, with a few strides from the bathroom he swoops up his cell. He sees your name, a small twist in his gut as he knew you were a big source of his trepidation. As cool as he had played it about dancing 'on' you, it made his whole body thrum with adrenaline. He hits 'Accept' on the call.
"Y/N, everything alright?"
"What? Yeah...yeah man, totally fine. Good morning, by the way."
"Sorry, good morning to you too. What's up?"
"So uh, everything is going as planned. All good. But uh-"
He laughs awkwardly, "But what? Gotta be honest, not enjoying the sound of your voice here…"
"Well, it's nothing to worry about, it's just... Trudy and some of the other patrolmen have been called in to be planted at the club tonight."
"Jay, you there?"
"Sorry, can I just confirm? Trudy Platt is going to see me strip?"
"Ah, she is-… but we're not gonna get that far if everything goes to plan-"
"-Trudy and other patrolmen are going to see me dance on top of you, shirtless…"
It's your turn to go silent now, it's not as if you'd forgotten about your role in the whole thing, but Jay's verbal reminder made your heart stick in your throat and goosebumps prickle along your skin. You were going to have to bring your A-game tonight if you wanted to make it out alive and unembarrassed by the whole experience.
"Yeah…yeah, Jay. They're gonna see that. But hopefully not for long. They've gotta be there for crowd safety and control, you know the drill…"
He rubs at his face, shaking his head incredulously. He huffs out another quiet laugh.
"I'm here, sorry. It's gonna be district gossip for a good while, but the gig's the gig. I'll see you later, alright?"
"See you later, dude."
As you depart from the team, they move to take up their positions around the perimeter. You meander your way through the club. It’s already bustling with groups of giggling club-goers getting in their happy hour cocktails, as well as some familiar faces from the district who discreetly nod at you as you pass. There’s a soundtrack thumping over the sound system, with hits such as ‘It’s Raining Men’ and ‘Save A Horse, Ride A Cowboy '. You're almost at your table at the front when you clock the guest of honour, making you nearly choke on your mocktail… Trudy has a red, sparkly, feather boa wrapped around her as she boogies within her group of officers. You come to stand beside her, trying to speak over the music and chorus of people singing along.
“Everyone is in position, waiting for showtime.”
“Good. That’s good. We’re T-minus 5 minutes…”
“Copy you.”
She nods firmly, and then immediately switches back to “club mode”, to which you can’t help but shake your head with laughter, deciding a small boogie couldn’t hurt, to blend in of course.
Your earpiece crackles to life as you hear Adam’s voice over the comm,
“Y/N, Rowan Knight has entered the building, I’ve got him moving down the hall that leads to the back, sit tight.”
It’s then Kevin’s voice you hear next, “Kim has got eyes on the dancers, they’re moving to line up backstage. Knight has come up the back, just finished talking to some cat in a fur coat...”
Voight relays his expectations to all of you, “Okay, we let the performance run until Knight makes a move back and away from the stage, Hailey is running ID on the guy with the fur coat. Sit tight.”
Hailey is the last to speak, “Still running identifiers through the system, we’ve got more vehicles arriving in the VIP section, heavy on security, I think we’re a go on this trade tonight.”
You take a breath, eyes, and ears constantly scanning, it was now or never.
“Copy you, we’re all positioned out here, good to go.” You exhale, gathering your thoughts as you sit at your table.
Kim had managed to get into the back rooms by posing as a dresser for the performers, she watched as Jay, now dressed as a fake beat cop, filed out with the rest of the troupe. She relayed quietly to the rest of the team that they were coming out, and that she could move to her secondary position.
The main lights dim, 7 spotlights strike their beams onto the stage evenly spaced, there’s a smoke machine doing overtime as it rolls out plumes of musty stage smoke, shrouding the crowd in anticipation. You are focused on the job at hand, but you can’t help the flutters inside you, your heart hammering away steadily, waiting to see him illuminated on stage.
No amount of preparation could help you when the first beats of Ginuwine's “Pony” boomed over the sound system, the line of 7 “officers” marched confidently on stage, one hand on their nightsticks, the other on the brims of their caps, keeping their faces obscured from view. You felt flushed as you were able to recognise Jay’s physique in the uniform, he was third on the left from the centre.
The line of men swung their hips in sync, thrusting out left and then right, you watched in what you could only describe as awe as Jay let his hand go from his cap, down his chest, and down to grab at his crotch. Jay was focused, no trace of his lamenting from the days previous could be seen on his features as he rotated his hips and pulled out his nightstick to beat it on the floor.
I'm just a bachelor
I'm looking for a partner
Someone who knows how to ride
Without even falling off
The nightstick goes back in its holster, Jay’s hands go behind his head as he thrusts outwards again, you’re taking everything in. The way the light illuminates the bearded scruff on his face, his pink lips looking pretty kissable, and the way the blue of the uniform defined his biceps so beautifully. They turn around and drop to the floor in a squat, the uniform defining his exquisitely shaped ass.
Adam looks at Voight who, despite doing his best to remain impartial to the fact one of his best detectives was currently dancing on stage, can’t stop his brows from raising at the sight of Jay.
“Halstead learned fast.” His face is amusement and disbelief all at once, and Adam can’t help the quiet chortling as he remains with eyes on the security feed, watching all angles they have access to.
Murmuring in answer to Hank’s comment, “That he did, I’ll be damned.”]
Gotta be compatible
Takes me to my limits
Girl when I break you off
I promise that you won't want to get off
Jay turns back to the crowd, your heart stops when you find yourself pretty certain that he’s locked eyes with you, yet his focus on the routine is unwavering. You steal a glance at Trudy and the other officers that were nearer to you, and you would have laughed as you heard Trudy yell “Oh my god”, but you were absolutely entranced by your partner, the rest of the dancers only served as background noise to you.
You want to grumble in frustration as Voight’s voice crackles over the comm in your ear again, “Knight is moving away from the stage, he’s heading towards the back again. We’ve got eyes, this could be the start of the negotiations. Hold your positions.”
You will yourself to answer, “Copy, sarge. Holding position.” Yeah. Like you’d ever move now. You take a long swig of your sadly alcohol-free drink.
If you're horny let's do it
Ride it, my pony
My saddle's waiting
Come and jump on it
Jay moves down to hold a seated position in mid-air, crossing his arms out in front of him to mimic riding, giving three sharp thrusts. Under normal circumstances, you’d find this sort of thing too much, it would make you cringe; but if anything you couldn’t get enough as your partner gyrated more or less in front of the spot where you were sitting. The black pants of his uniform clung to his thighs, and it was all too apparent he was packing serious heat in the front of his trousers.
If you're horny let's do it
Ride it, my pony
My saddle's waiting
Come and jump on it
You were in the vibe of the room now, screaming and cheering him on as he dropped to the floor in a push-up position, the line gave ten push-ups, arms bulging as they lifted their weight up and down, grinding their hips downwards into the floor of the stage. They then spring back to attention, teasing their hands near the collar of their shirt… Jay finds your eyes again, and you’d swear on everything you loved that you saw his lips curl into a smug smile before they all rip at the top of their shirts, blue fabric snatched off their bodies to reveal perfectly smooth and carved muscles.
You had eyes, you could understand why the rest of the dancers would be perceived as attractive, but Jay’s leagues ahead of the rest. His freckles across his chest are a sight to behold, he is simply gorgeous and you feel an absolute urge to be running your own hands across that skin. Your heartbeat is in your ears, there’s no doubt that to anybody watching you, you’re giving away your true thoughts now. Watching as he runs his hands over his body, teasing his fingers across his belt before holding his finger up in a “Nuh-uh, not yet” gesture.
Sitting here flossing
Peepin' your steelo
Just once if I have the chance
The things I would do to you
Your brows go up, genuinely impressed by the fact that Jay had seemed to learn the technique of a body roll perfectly, his hips and torso moving in such a fluid movement it was entrancing. It was at that moment you heard two things happen, the first was Adam’s voice on the comm,
“One of Knight’s guys has gone back out to a vehicle, he’s taken two other males with him, they appear to be collecting multiple cases, which we are to assume contain cash.”
The next voice was a strange man’s voice over the club speakers,
“Dancers, choose your lucky partner.”
Hailey had made her way to Kim’s position, just as the announcer requested that the dancers choose their ladies from the crowd. Kim’s face is painted in amusement, stunned by Jay’s acclimatisation, but most of all she’s thinking of you, looking to Hailey who is trying not to laugh,
“She is going to lose her mind.”
Your heart was in your throat, it was your time to shine and let Jay play his part with you. Sure enough, you came back to reality and looked up to see Jay holding out his hands to you, his eyes were unreadable and you were swallowing hard. Standing from your chair, you approach the stage. Reaching out to him you yelp quietly as he somehow deadlifts you by your arms up onto the stage in one swift motion, leading you to sit on the chair placed for you. You obey and sit, hands resting in your lap, not knowing what to do with them.
You and your body
Every single portion
Send chills up and down your spine
Juices flowing down your thigh
The lyrics feel like they’re burning in your ears, licking your lips, you can’t help but be drawn in by Jay as he approaches, the cap still on, shoulders broad and arms out towards you. You instantly move your hands to grant the access he needs, he rests his palms on your shoulders as he straddles you, hovering above your lap. He rolls his hips like he did before, the full presence of him surrounding you. It’s the heat of him, the smell of his aftershave, the fact that it’s Jay that makes your body betray your focus, butterflies raging as pressure begins to pulse between your thighs.
If you're horny let's do it
Ride it, my pony
My saddle's waiting
Come and jump on it
He leans in close, the next move is to grasp the back of your neck with one hand, and to guide your hand to his thighs with the other. Somewhere in your mind, you know that your colleagues are gawking from the crowd, but you find your resolve melting with each grind of Jay’s body over you, letting your hands move up to grasp the sides of his thighs, almost resting on his ass. It’s with the flow and beat of the music that you feel a natural inclination to trail your hands up his sides, a light caress of his stomach, eyes roaming all over as you watch the way his abs tense under your touch.
His fingers are teasing your throat, you swear you feel his lips on the shell of your ear, a faint scratch of his beard against your skin, the bastard is clearly feeling smug after all his trepidation about this, “You good, partner?” His voice is low and rough, and you shiver.
“All good.” That is all you can manage, voice strained in intoxication from him alone. If only he knew just how hard your nipples were underneath your shirt, mercifully concealed beneath your added layer of a hidden vest. You were squirming on the chair beneath him, your whole nervous system feeling tight and desperate.
If you're horny let's do it
Ride it, my pony
My saddle's waiting
Come and jump on it
It takes everything in you not to moan when he leans back and grasps your legs, wrapping them around his hips as he dips low enough to actually sit on the chair with you, facing you as he starts to rut against you. You’re biting your lip hard as you lock eyes with him again, mesmerised and thoroughly riled up all at once.
It’s with equal disappointment and relief that Voight’s voice chimes in again, a spike of an altogether different type of adrenaline as he yells across the radio waves.
“They’re making the deal, everybody take ‘em, take ‘em. Nobody leaves the scene, secure the drugs and the money!”
And like that the music comes to a halt, Trudy’s crowd of officers move to herd the startled club-goers safely to certain holding points and you can hear gunfire coming from the back of the stage as reality comes rushing in. You draw your weapon from your waistband and look at Jay who has lost the cap and scooped up a t-shirt and POLICE vest that had been stashed behind a stage speaker. You hand the secondary weapon hidden in your ankle holster and pass it to him, he nods at you in a silent question of “Ready?” to which you answer with a hand on his shoulder, following his lead as you make your way backstage to help your team apprehend Knight’s crew and the dealers he was meeting.
It was another few hours or so until you and the rest of Intelligence could hand over the scene, everything that had been seized had to be catalogued and recorded, you had Knight and his associates in custody, waiting to see who would flip on the other the fastest and negotiate the best deal for themselves. They would be left to sweat in holding overnight.
Arriving back at the district you all set about debriefing, putting your equipment back into their secured storage, and taking a well-earned shower to unwind. Just as you were drying your hair, Hailey came out from her shower too.
“Hey, Hails” You smile at her, a happy end to a chaotic week.
“Hey, all set for some sleep?”
You rummaged through a brown paper bag on the bench, and once you’d found what you were looking for, you handed it to Hailey, “You bet, that was a late one. I hope you’ll get some rest.”
She breaks into a bigger smile when she sees you’d managed to get her a breakfast sandwich from her favourite 24-hour diner. “You got this on the way back?”
You nod, you had got everybody a little something from the diner. Giving her a wink as you twist your hair into a quick bun, slipping a nice warm sweater over your body, shimmying into some comfortable sweats.
She is still looking at you when you remerge through the space for your head.
“You're not going to go with Jay?”
Her lips were in a teasing smile and you felt yourself going pink, you were doing a lot of that lately.
“Why would I go with him?” You knew what Hailey was getting at, but you had been in the middle of an operation. There was no concrete evidence that Jay’s teasing whilst dancing had been anything more than simple undercover work.
Kim came out from hiding from the other side of the lockers, “Oh come on, Y/N. You’ve been dancing, if you'll excuse the pun, around each other for as long as we can remember, tonight had to have broken that celibate dam you’ve been building.”
“Yeah, Y/N. You guys need to blow off that steam, like… asap.” Adam's head appears from behind Kim and you shake your head.
“Is Kevin behind there too, or what?” Arms folded, waiting.
There’s a beat.
And there he is, having the decency to look apologetic for hiding. “I’m sorry, Y/N. But you know I got big love for you and Jay, I want y’all to be happy.”
You really do love your friends for their encouragement, but you still weren't sure. “Thanks for the intervention, guys, but I don’t even know what Jay’s thinking. And I am not going to embarrass myself trying to find out, not yet anyway. Goodnight all of you.” They all bid you farewell with hugs and promises to meet at Molly’s once you’d all had some sleep, willing to drop the topic for now as it was coming round to early morning.
You say ‘goodnight’ to Trudy who’s handing over the front desk to the next sergeant on duty, making your way out to your car, but there’s a figure waiting for you. An unmistakable silhouette in the early rays of midwestern winter sun. Your breath swirls in the air as you approach Jay with a smile, he looks too cute all bundled up with his beanie.
“Hey, what are you doing out here in the cold?”
He returns the smile, a cheeky glint in his eyes, rubbing his gloved hands together in an attempt to warm up.
“I was, uh, wondering…”
“Don’t do that too much, you’ll hurt yourself.” You tease, and he gives you a playful warning look, making you laugh.
You reach to squeeze his arm, “Sorry, sorry. Couldn’t help myself.”
He’s looking at you with an affectionate gaze, the glint still remains as your stomach flutters in anticipation,
“You're allowed, I'll let it slide…” You can’t take the amused expression off your face, he makes you feel so giddy as he’s thinking on how to word what he says next. Your hand remains on his arm, and at first, you think he’s pulling himself loose but you realise he’s bringing his hand up to catch yours, clasping your fingers with his.
At any other time, you’d probably be afraid of someone seeing you both, not that you were ashamed to hold Jay’s hand, but people loved to gossip.
“I was thinking-” He pauses to see if you want to make your joke again, but you hum in interest waiting for him to finish the sentence. “-thinking it would be nice if you came over to, uh, I don’t know, catch some sleep, we could hang out, get lunch…”
“Jay Halstead, are we having a sleepover?”
“I mean, it might contain some more adult themes than your average sleepover, if that’s something you’d be okay with…”
You snort at the phrase “adult themes”, feeling a surge of confidence as he was clearly notifying you of his interest in you. This was the ‘evidence’ you were looking for.
“Adult themes, huh? Care to share what they might be?”
He pulls a face that says “Sure, why not” and leans in to talk quietly, brushing his thumb across over your hand…
“I was thinking we could sleep, wake up and have some pretty intense sex, watch a movie and cuddle on the couch with whatever you want to eat.”
The song from earlier that night in the club swirls in your mind.
Just once if I have the chance
The things I would do to you
Your heart is hammering, and somewhere a voice says ‘fuck it’, so you spill your mind…
“Jay… not that I don’t just wanna have some really good sex with you, but just checking, is this like… an official thing you’re starting? I just want to be on the same page…”
He laughs softly, stepping closer to you, bringing a hand to your waist.
“Y/N… not that I don’t want to just have some really good sex with you, but I don’t invite just anybody for sleepovers. I’m serious about this, about you.”
You're lost to his eyes for a moment, the freckles on his face glowing in the sunrise now, you’re both glancing at each other’s lips as you lean in to brush your lips with his, the hand on your waist shifting to your back, bringing you against him.
He tastes like crisp winter air and toothpaste, you both deepen the kiss right there in the middle of the parking lot, your hands on his shoulders, one hand slipping to caress the nape of his neck the way he had with you at the club, taking a pause to lean your forehead with his, he’s giggling with excitement which only serves to make you giggle too.
You murmur, “I’m pretty serious about you too, you were really something on that stage.”
“I had a feeling you liked what you were seeing on that stage.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah, don’t think I didn’t notice that your pupils were blown, you were probably throbbing right there underneath me, wishing we were somewhere else. Believe me, Y/N, if we had had to keep going up there I could have embarrassed myself real good.”
Your eyes grow dark with lust, you lean in for another kiss, nipping at his lip which makes him groan softly. His voice is rough,
“So, sleepover?” You nod, another peck of the lips.
“Leave your car here, I’ll bring you back later for it.”
If you weren’t worried about the risk of causing a traffic collision you’d have climbed into Jay’s lap in his truck whilst he was driving and made out with him. You didn’t know if it was the exhaustion making your emotions and desires run haywire, but you were damn sure that you couldn’t wait to wake up and feel him in every way possible.
Your hand is on his thigh, keeping a warm grip on him as he drives, he glances down with a smile on his face, removing a hand from the wheel briefly to bring your hand to his lips and kiss your palm, placing your hand back down where it had sat. You admire his side profile as you’ve done a thousand times in his truck, whether you were on your way to a case, or to Molly's, or a hockey game, or...well, there have been so many times, but this was very obviously different now…
“Jay, listen… I don’t want you to think that I’m just horny for you and that’s all this is.”
He chuckles, glancing at you again fondly, he wants to put your anxieties at ease,
“Y/N, please don't stress. I appreciate how horny you are for me, but I know you. I know your heart, you know mine. This isn’t just sex for me either, we’ve known each other in every way except this way. I trust you with my life, with anything. I want you, all of you.”
You chew your lip, your heart skittering with each of his words, you couldn’t be any luckier if you tried.
You go back to caressing his thigh, craving that closeness.
You're watching as Jay unlocks the door and holds it open for you to come inside. You smile softly, both of you taking your shoes off, hanging up your jackets and scarves as you normally would. Taking in the ruffled sight of Jay's hair once his beanie comes off, even that was attractive.
Jay heads over to the kitchen, grabbing two mugs from the cabinet and setting them down. You sit on a stool at the breakfast counter watching him with a dopey smile.
He turns and laughs softly when he sees you sat watching,
"Whatcha thinking over there?" Holding up a box of chamomile tea in one hand, and a tub of hot chocolate powder in the other.
"Mhm... tea, please. I was also thinking how comfortable this is, how comfortable we've always been." You think you should be nervous considering what you and Jay had discussed back at the district and on the way home, but really... you just aren't. Sure getting into bed with him would be a whole other experience. But watching Jay move around the kitchen, sleeves to his green plaid shirt rolled up, making things for the both of you in the early morning where the world was still... It felt right.
He fills the kettle and pushes down the switch to let it boil, moving in close to you as he brings himself to stand between your legs, you stroke his face, carding a hand through his hair. He leans into the motion and you smile affectionately,
He hums, closing his eyes, "Yep, this is definitely comfortable," You laugh, kissing the top of his head.
The kettle clicks and Jay reluctantly shifts to go back and fill the mugs with water, letting the chamomile brew.
He motions in the direction of the hall,
"Come on, let's go unwind."
You had been in Jay's bedroom a few times when he had been sick or recovering from an injury, or when you had stayed over and he insisted you take his bed and not the couch.
He sets his mug down and turns to you, scratching at the back of his neck,
"You sure this is alright? I can always take the c-"
"Jay Halstead, if you finish that sentence I will kick your perfect ass."
He snorts,
"You really liked my ass in those pants, hm?"
"I really like your ass period. And it's not sleeping on the couch, I'm totally alright with this if you still are."
"Then put your mug on that side of the bed and come here." He swings himself onto the bed, laying down and patting the spot next to him.
You don't have to be told twice, placing your mug down and tugging your hair free from your bun, you move to climb onto the bed.
You lay facing each other, his eyes searching yours, you feel vulnerable under his gaze but ultimately the entire presence of him is the most secure feeling. You know he's being cautious, not wanting to overstep or pressure you, so you make the first move.
You settle a hand on his hip, his eyes flutter in relaxation, you can't get over those eyelashes of his. Cupping his cheek you lean in to kiss him again, finding his taste has a hint of chamomile now, it's warm and inviting. Moaning softly as he teases you with his tongue, shivers spike up your spine as his hand finds its way beneath your sweater, gentle fingers stroking over your waist, travelling up to your ribs.
He pulls you in, rolling to lay flat on his back and taking you with him, straddling his thighs as he smoothly lifts your sweater off, leaving you in your silken sleep bra, you hadn't exactly dressed for this occasion.
But you get the sense it's not a problem, he's looking at you in utter awe, and your stomach clenches in excitement. You're leaning back so he can lift himself up and you can help him out of his plaid shirt and the grey t-shirt underneath. He's even more beautiful in the daylight, stardust freckles all over his skin, you lean forward again, shimmying down a little more so you can move to kiss his chest, hair falling down and tickling him. You're taking your time to soothe the fading gunshot wound near his shoulder, hearing him sigh happily.
He says your name oh so quietly, you shiver.
"Jay..." Nuzzling into his neck, his hands run up and down your back, "I got you, Y/N." His lips ghost over your ear, kissing behind it.
Jay whispers lovingly, a hint of teasing in his tone. "Let's get some sleep, honey. We'll have the energy we're gonna need when we wake up."
You nod into his neck, giving him one last kiss there as you sit back up, climbing off Jay to pull off your sweatpants as he does the same, tossing them into a corner as you both move to get under the duvet.
It's not long before he's tugging you back against him, one leg slipping between yours as he spoons you. His bare chest to your back, bodies pressed snugly. He peppers kisses along your shoulder, a hand is on your hip, resting there, but you gently tug his arm over your waist, letting his hand rest on your ribs, caressing his wrist.
You're sleepy now, lulled by his warmth, the quiet rush of the wind outside.
"Sweet dreams, Jay."
"Sweet dreams, Y/N."
When you wake up, it's a slow and disorientating process. The red numbers on the ceiling read 12:37pm, it takes you a moment to remember that you weren't in your own bed and that the cosy weight against you was your partner.
The afternoon sun is on your bodies, you exhale slowly, still with Jay's arm wrapped around you. You're in almost exactly the same position as when you fell asleep. You wondered if he would feel differently once he woke up, wanting to give him the opportunity to change his mind but equally terrified of that option.
His groggy voice snaps you out of your thoughts, "Mngh... stop thinking, more cuddling." You hum in amusement, sleepy Jay was clingy, cute and psychic.
"I can do that." You muse, lifting his hand to kiss it. "...But it seems like we should do something else too."
With a wriggle of your ass, you get a firmer feel of his bulge against you.
He groans, holding your hips still for a second, moving your hair to the side, kissing your neck, "I think we should... we really should. Just try not to make me lose it before we get anywhere."
You giggle, humming sympathetically. "I'll try my best."
The hand you're holding snakes itself free from your grip, fingers dancing across your stomach, your breath hitches as he moves closer and closer to the waistband of your underwear.
Finally feeling like he wasn't going to cum at any moment, he deems it safe to grind against you. You're letting out shaky breaths of arousal as Jay's hand finds its way into your panties.
With a few tries and breathless laughter, you finally find a good angle to stroke Jay's neck, his hair, encouraging his movements.
His voice is sweet but ultimately laced with arousal.
“Tell me what feels good, baby. What do you like?” Your thighs are tense, seeking more, Jay's fingers are deliciously rough from their years of service. His attentiveness only turns you on more,
“Just there, a bit rougher…” He nods, eyes hooded with lust. Firmly teasing up and down your slit, pushing his thumb against your clit, massaging in deep circles.
“Yeah, yeah that’s it… fuck…”
His cock is leaving wet precum all over his boxers, stickiness starting to soak into your panties too.
"Lift your hips, princess." You do as you're told, lifting your hips, he removes his hand from your pussy, causing you to whine, but you soon see why. With a firm tug, your panties are being pulled down and off your body, forgotten somewhere on the floor.
He nips at your ear, "I wanna see your face when you cum. What works best for you, baby?”
“It’s better if I lie on my back.”
“Then lie back for me, hm?”
Your nipples are achingly hard as you turn on your back, seeing his intensely green eyes for the first time since waking up. His kiss is rough, delicious, feeling his tongue on yours, needy.
Jay's hovering above you, teasing lips over your bra, your skin is flushed, lips swollen, fingers brush over the silk, tracing your every curve, oh so slow… You’re wriggling and his eyes darken, lifting the bra clean off over your head. He’s leaning in to take each nipple into his mouth, biting gently then soothing with his tongue over the sensitive skin.
Your legs fall apart, granting him better access as he runs his fingers through your folds again, taking the time to tease a finger into you. You arch your hips, moaning, head pressed back into the pillow in sheer pleasure with each deeper press of his finger inside you, fucking you open as he slowly adds another, crooking and creating pressure as he moves. His thumb pushes again to massage your clit, alternating between rough and light teases. You're becoming a shaking mess beneath him.
He leaves you to tease your own nipples, groaning as you roll them between your thumbs and fingers. He trails hot open kisses across your body, possessively sucking marks into the skin over your ribs, lower onto your stomach, then hips, finally stopping with hot breath over your pussy. Looking up at you from between your thighs.
You hadn't exactly been landscaping down there lately, but if Jay is put off he doesn't show it. Positioning himself completely between your legs now.
He gently keeps your legs apart, trailing kisses over your inner thighs, beard scratching as he goes, you're squirming and he chuckles, teasing…
"Always so damn eager, in cases, in bed..."
"Jay, if you don't eat me out right now, we're gonna have a problem."
He smirks, "Bossy, detective. So bossy." Loving your confident side, knowing exactly what you want.
He lays himself out as if he were laying in a sniper position, bringing your legs over his shoulders as he levels himself with your sweet cunt. Your hands clench into the sheets as he flattens his tongue over your slit, swiping up to get a taste. His hips press against the mattress, desperate for some relief on his throbbing cock.
Taking his fingers and parting your folds he grants himself access, flicking his tongue over your clit before sucking hard,
"Ah, fuck...fuck…" You cry out, one hand clutching a breast, the other tugging at Jay's hair. He hums, enjoying the silent praise of your desperate hand, lapping up the tangy wetness of your arousal. Pushing two fingers all the way back in, palm flattened against your clit as rocks his entire hand against you, watching in delight as you meet his movements, rutting.
He lifts his head, panting hard with glistening pink lips, eyes ablaze over as looks at you.
You're begging, "Jay, fuck me. I don't wanna wait."
He doesn’t have to be told twice, taking his fingers from your pussy and tasting them himself, humming like he had been swiping icing from a cake. It only makes your insides pulse more intensely.
“Condom?” He queries,
“I’m on the pill, and I’m clean…it’s alright…”
“I’m clean too.”
“Great, now can you please fuck me…”
“Yes ma’am.”
You’re both giggling now that the pleasantries were over, pulling Jay in by his hips, pushing his ass closer so his cock can grind with you, both of you breathlessly swearing with each sweet rut of friction.
His arms cage your head and you grip onto his shoulders, rolling into him with desperation, he's pressing eager kisses over your jaw. Taking a moment to pull back and look at you, smiling at the way you don’t want to lose contact, keeping him against you…
“Sorry, gotta ask… Do you need lube, baby?”
You bite your lip, wanting this to be the sexy moment where you could announce how wet you were for him, and how you needed no help. But despite the fact that you were very much soaked for him, you decided it was better to be honest,
“Please… I am wet as fuck, but I’ll struggle pretty quick if we don’t use lube.”
“Where would the fun in that be, hm? It’s totally fine…” He kisses you slowly, stroking the sides of your breasts, one hand holding himself up as he uses the other to rummage in his bedside drawer, finding the bottle he flips the cap and begins lubing you both up like decorating pancakes with syrup…
“Fuck, that’s cold!” You gasp, but Jay swallows your exclamation with another searing kiss, humming as you moan into him.
“I’m gonna warm you up, Y/N…”
You nod in silent permission, wrapping your arms securely around him, legs finding a better angle to hold around his hips.
Jay discards the lube and strokes himself, making sure he’s fully covered before he teases against your slit, your eyes shut as you take him in, slow and careful pushing between your folds, gently teasing back and forth…
“Relax for me, baby… let me know if it’s too much…”
You’re cupping his face, sweet soft kisses to his lips and cheeks, focusing yourself on relaxing and letting more of him into your cunt… he's not overly big, but he fills you nicely, unsurprisingly enough to make you shiver with goosebumps.
“Jay… Jay…” You’re muttering his name, a mantra of ecstasy as he dips his hips, adjusting his angle inside you, he’s watching you in adoration, his chest pressed to yours, fucking you slowly into the mattress…
“You’re so fucking beautiful, Y/N.”
“You are too.” He knows you’re not quite with it, and he chuckles softly in appreciation of the idea you consider him beautiful.
You’re grinding yourself up to him, squeezing around his cock, muttering needily,
“You can move, Jay. Please move.”
He nips at your neck, readjusting his arms to hold himself upright again, rolling his hips like he had on stage, hitting the spot you wanted over and over, gradually increasing the pace until very loud sounds of your whines and the slapping of skin could be heard. It was filthy, messy and so goddamn euphoric as you let him move. But there’s a concerned voice at the back of your mind, even as your partner rails you so thoroughly.
“Jay, holy shit Jay… you, you wanna change position?” You knew he’d fuck you until you were satisfied and his arms ceased with cramp, but you wanted him to enjoy it too without having to put in so much work.
“Hnh, yeah… okay, yeah…”
Your clit is aching from the movement, pussy tingling with pleasure as Jay sits up, cock glistening against his stomach, he’s bringing you against him, facing him as you had when you were on stage….
He kisses up your throat to your jaw, and then your lips, “Lift for me, legs around me…”
He was bringing you into the ‘Lotus’ position, a snug fit as he let you sink back onto his cock, sitting in his lap, pressed chest to chest once again. The feeling of your nipples against his skin lit you on fire, he had one hand on your ass encouraging you to rock and grind on him, in between moving up and down, the other hand caressing down your navel to your pussy, eventually letting his thumb tease your clit as you fucked each other senseless.
You would have to seek forgiveness later as you raked your nails over his back, worshipping every part of him you could touch as you showered him with kisses.
Your orgasm was curling tightly in your stomach and thighs, shockwaves rolling through your cunt and into your clit that was being thoroughly stimulated by Jay’s diligent attention. You loved the way his breaths and moans got more erratic, and dare you say louder by his quiet and reserved standards. You’re speaking softly in his ear, praising his every move as he feels his own body tighten with the promise of release.
“That’s it, Jay. Fuck, come on… I want to feel you let go, fill me right up, make me cum…” You had no doubt he might tease you for your filthy mouth later, but it would be worth it, every moment spent with him like this was all-consuming and electric.
Your words die in your throat as Jay relentlessly works his hips, his massaging and squeezing of your clit between his fingers had your thighs trembling, pussy clenching helplessly around him as you felt the pressure come to a crescendo, burying your face into his neck as you spasmed around his cock, erratic thrusts as you fucked yourself on him through orgasm, desperate to keep going and feel him cum.
With a final groan and a string of curses Jay’s spilling hot and heavy into you, thrusts becoming less full and more desperate, letting his cock release everything it had until you were a sweaty tangled mess of lazy kisses and flushed bodies.
There was a moment of panting before you felt you could lift your face from Jay’s neck, finally seeing his blissed-out expression and suddenly feeling a little emotional. You slowly climb off him, releasing him from you as you quickly shift to cuddle up to him. It was a hot and intense connection and you loved every second of it.
“Alright?” He asks, rubbing his palm in circles over your back, your shoulders, stroking your hair gently. He looks down at you resting on his chest, checking you were doing okay,
Your voice is a little raw, but you make yourself heard, “Mhm, more than alright. This was everything.”
He smiles, winking mischievously, “I’m glad it lived up to expectation.”
You giggle, “Who said there was an expectation?”
“Oh, honey. I know there was an expectation.”
“I can neither confirm nor deny this statement.”
“Oh it’s like that is it? Guess I’ll have to interrogate you until you confess.”
“You can try, detective. You can try.”
He tickles your sides and you let out a small yelp, his infectious laugh makes your hungry stomach fill with butterflies.
His eyes widened in realisation that you were in fact very ticklish, “Oh this is great, this is perfect.”
“No, Jay, no! Please, mercy!”
It was late afternoon when you and Jay had managed to climb out of bed, putting the sheets for wash and taking the opportunity to have a second shower of the day. Together of course. Now you were both wrapped up in hoodies and sweats, cosied up under a blanket on the couch, a movie on in the background, waiting for your takeout. You were tracing your fingers over Jay’s stomach, kissing his shoulder from time to time, making him smile softly.
His arm around your waist holds you securely to his side, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
“Did you enjoy it earlier? I never asked…”
He snorts, a small chuckle vibrating in his chest.
“Babe, yes I enjoyed it earlier. I enjoy everything I do with you, work, pleasure… whatever it is.”
You smirk, “Even if it’s stripping on a stage in front of our co-workers for the sake of a drug bust?”
His eyebrows go up, but he nods with a wry smile, “Yes, even then. If it was for you and with you, I’d do it again, and again, and agai-”
You roll your eyes in amusement, getting his point that yes, he really did enjoy your company in this new capacity. Pressing your lips to his once more, thoroughly enjoying the new opportunity to do so. “Okay, I am convinced.”
The doorbell to his apartment buzzes.
“Now, let’s eat, you’ve starved me out.”
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ineffablecooking · 2 years
Ineffable Cooking Presents:
Sonoma Valley Shepherd's Pie w/ Goat Cheese Mashed Potatoes 🐐🧀🍷
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From Old Vines
By @sevdrag
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Know one thing and one thing about me: Goat cheese. I take goat cheese extremely seriously. Seriously as in it is my goddamn job to eat as much as possible when available. Goat cheese or chèvre is the most loveliest and versatile of cheeses. From savory dishes, to desserts (will never forget the goat cheese maple ice cream I had one summer in Chicago) it's the most magical fucking thing.
If there was ever a way to turn a dish or recipe up to 11, it would be finding a way to add goat cheese some how .
And we are living in goat cheese renaissance btw! Blueberry vanilla gc, everything bagel crusted gc, omg the honey gc!! It's a magical time for chèvre right now.
And that brings us to this recipe. There was never a doubt what it was going to be. I love Shepard's pie. It's the perfect comfort food. And so rich and lovely. And then I saw the goat cheese mashed potato twist. And it sealed it.
Let me tell you, this was the best Shepard's pie I've ever eaten. I'm extremely prejudice because of the aforementioned gc, but this is the only way I'm Shepard's pie from now on is this recipe.
Let's do it.
Mashed potatoes:
3 pounds large Yukon gold potatoes
5 large garlic cloves
Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper
7 to 8 ounces garlic-and-herb goat cheese, at room temperature. Plain is fine.
4 tablespoons (1/2 stick) unsalted butter, at room temperature 
1 1/2 cups sour cream
1/2 cup half-and-half or milk (I used heavy cream cuz I had it)
1/2 cup or however much you want freshly grated Parmesan cheese
Place the potatoes, garlic and 1 tablespoon salt in a large pot with enough water to cover the potatoes. Bring to a boil over high heat, reduce to a simmer and cook for 20 to 25 minutes, until very tender.
Drain the potatoes and garlic. I can't recommend this to everyone, but I used a food processor to incorporate the garlic into the potatoes with interesting results:
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While the potatoes are still hot, stir in the goat cheese, butter, sour cream, half-and-half, 4 teaspoons salt and 2 teaspoons pepper until smooth.
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Set aside while getting the beef mixture ready.
Ground beef part
Crushed Tomatoes (I prefer colavita boxed and that's what i used but one regular can is fine)
1/2 Yellow Onion
20 ounce Ground Beef
3 Celery stalks
2 tablespoon Flour
3 Carrots
2 teaspoon Garlic Powder
Beef Stock Concentrate
Trim, peel, and halve carrot. Chop crosswise into ¼-inch-thick pieces. Finely dice celery (the most satisfying veggie to chop imo). Finely chop onion.
Heat a drizzle of oil in a large (I went too small and suffered for it), preferably oven proof, pan over medium-high heat. Add carrot; season with salt and pepper. Cook, stirring, until slightly softened, 2-3 minutes. Add celery, onion, and a large drizzle of oil; season with salt and pepper. Cook, stirring, until veggies are just tender, 5-7 minutes. TIP: If veggies begin to brown too quickly, add a splash of water. Stir in garlic powder. cook until fragrant.
Add beef to pan with veggies and season with salt and pepper. Cook, breaking up meat into pieces, until browned and cooked through, 4-6 minutes. Add flour; cook, stirring, until thoroughly combined, 1 minute.
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Add the crushed tomatoes ¾ cup water into pan with beef mixture. Stir in 1/4 cup beef stock and bring to a boil. Cook until mixture is very thick. Turn off heat. Taste and season with salt and pepper. TIP: If your pan isn’t ovenproof, transfer mixture now to a baking dish.
Mashed potatoes meet beef mixture
Top the beef filling with an even layer of the goat cheese mashed potatoes, leaving a gap around edge of pan.
(Note: I put nearly all the mashed potatoes onto the beef filling. And you know what happened? Gravity. The density of the mashed potatoes pushed the filling to the edges. The ratio to potatoes to mixture favored potato heavily.
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But it was still the best Shepard's Pie I've ever eaten so in the end the lesson is just because you have a ton of amazing mashed potatoes does not mean they must be added to the mixture. However delicious it may be.)
Top with parmesan. Personally, I went a little wild with the shredded parmesan and used maybe over a smidge over a cup....
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But is there ever a thing as too much cheese? Not in this house.
Broil until browned, 3-4 minutes. Serve directly from pan.
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And of course would it be an Old Vines recipe if we didn't have wine? (Or any other meal for that matter lol)
Our zinfandel:
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From now on whenever I make shepherd's pie, this is now my preferred method. Goat cheese mashed potatoes or go home. And it's all thanks to @sevdrag fantastic fic. If you haven't read it, please do.
And if you're feeling bold, you might have room for some of Tracy's wedding cake too 😉
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reporterleroux · 3 years
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"What if we lived together?"
Characters: ig!tubbo, ig!ranboo, ig!tommy x gn!ghosthybrid!reader (/p, all together)
A/N: Ok so this has been on my mind a fair bit, thinking about you being best friends with the Bench Trio and how one day you randomly popped up with "what if we all lived together?" As a joke and they were like YES SURE OK and you went looking for a spot and stuff
You started the day with the sun glaring through the slit in the curtain burning through the sleepiness if your eyes as if it was trying to say "GET OUT OF BED NOW." So thats what you did. With a groan, you slid to sit over the side of your bed, taking a moment to adjust to the fact you just woke up, before heading down into the kitchen of your single occupant house to make some breakfast. You dug around the cabinets, wandered around the kitchen, attempting to find anything.
"Ah shit."
You whispered in annoyance as you remembered. You were meant to go out to the market the day before and got distracted by multiple other things, therefore leaving you with no food anywhere in the house. You sighed in frustration, you really need to talk to Phil, see if he can help you get distracted less, because otherwise, well, you get this. You sighed in defeat of your past self, and went upstairs to get ready for the day. You jumped into the shower, pondering what chaos you and your best friends would be getting up to today.
You floated through the walls of your silent home, the only sound heard was your light humming as you were doing so. You grabbed and threw on your usual attire, knee length multi-pocketed shorts, a small-ish pocketed belt, a white shirt and some fingerless leather gloves. You liked pockets, they were a useful tool for you considering you were never seen holding any form of bag, ever. You made sure you had all the stuff you needed in your pockets, medical stuff, money, and other things, before you slipped on your off-white trainers and went out the door, headed towards the market.
"The market is on the way to the bench, I can grab a quick breakfast there;"
You grabbed the small clock from One of your many pockets, and looked at it.
"I've got time, as long as I don't get distracted, I'll be fine."
You said to yourself. Though past experiences would prove otherwise. You were usually roughly the 2nd one to the bench, only stopping for a few seconds to look at things on the way.
When you finally made it to the market, it was bustling with life. It was Sunday, so there were more stalls up, therefore more customers. You looked around for a bit before deciding to settle on a simple bagel, it'll fill you for now anyways. You looked at the clock again.
You questioned, almost choking on your bagel. It was 10:30, you were about half an hour late. You thanked the stall owner before sprinting off towards the bench.
You could see the boys from a distance, but they couldn't see you, so you decided to play a small prank on them. You went into a full phantom state, making everything you wear plus yourself invisible, before flying up towards them. You stood behind them, them un-aware of your presence, and you slapped Tommy against the back of his head.
He started shouting, whipping his head around while rubbing the back of it with his hand. The other 2 boys did the same. That's when you ghosted through the small gap between Ranboo and Tommy, grabbing Ranboos crown and placing it on your head in the process. That's when you made yourself visible again, still floating with Ranboos crown wonky on your head, laughing like there was no tomorrow. When Tubbo and Ranboo noticed, the started laughing as well.
Tommy shouted. You continued to laugh.
"I got you SO GOOD!"
You managed to get out between laughs. Tommy looked pissed, but you could tell he found it funny as well. You weren't his best friend for nothing. You sat in the small gap you ghosted through earlier, and stared to chat with they boys, Ranboo taking his crown back doing so.
You all talked for a while, before the most random question slipped off your tounge.
"What if we lived together? Y'know, like in the same house that we built and chose the land to live on."
Silence was brought among the group. You were slightly worried, thinking you said something wrong, before Tubbo spoke up.
"Y/N... That's- That's a great idea!"
Ranboo and Tommy nodded in agreement.
"Come on! Let's go find somewhere now!"
Tommy said as he grabbed the nearest wrist to him, that so happened to be yours, and started dragging you away from the bench, the other boys close behind.
The 4 of you wandered for a good hour or so, with a few distractions for you in-between, before stumbling upon Niki.
"Oh, hey guys!"
Niki called in a cheery voice.
"What are you up to?"
As to which you responded;
"Hey Niki! Were just looking for somewhere we could live, like an empty plot of land or something."
Niki's eyes visibly lighted up.
"I know somewhere great! It's peaceful but also nearby to prime path, you get what I mean?"
She stated, as to which you all nodded. You walked for a little bit before reaching a slight hill, traversing up it before you were met with a empty plot of land. It was a beautiful area, and Niki was right, it was nearby prime path. The view was one of the many amazing things about the area, but that's not what caught your eye. Oh no. In fact, it was the brightly coloured flower field, just over a few yards away from you. You ran straight over while the others were talking about the land with Niki, unaware of your sudden, but close by disappearance. You laughed while you chucked yourself into the flowers, taking in every moment.
"What are you thinking Y/N, should we build our house here?"
Ranboo asked turning his head, realising you were gone the whole time. It didn't take him long before he saw you running though the flower field and around the nearby trees, clearly having the time of your life. He nudged the other boys and simply pointed towards your figure, showing them your visible enjoyment, before they all turned back to Niki, knowing what the other 2 were going to say.
"Yes Niki, we will build our house here."
A/N: FINALLY CAN GET THIS OFF MY MIND LIKE WOW but yes imagine them being your best friends
Or even better
Just them
Have a great day!
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