#but the place i return to most is the house of one of my grandmothers
I have a request
So Ash is alive but Fez is in jail
So like Fez and the Reader have been dating for awhile like they're high school sweethearts (even tho he's a drop out) and before he got arrested she got pregnant.
Could you write how that looks. Like phone calls, and letters, and visits, but also write when he gets out and he gets to finally see his kid
hi love! ty for requesting🩷 idk if you wanted a little blurb but you got this big ass fic lmao, sorry i got carried away! also in this custer was never killed at Fez's house so he only got charged with drug possession and given like one or two years because he's a first time offender (i think?) ik it's all over the place but i hope you like it;)
fezco x pregnant!reader
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warning: mentions of drugs/drug abuse, murder, jail, pregnancy, throwing up, giving birth, infant care, Fez's dad is mentioned once, religious imagery/mentions of praying, lots of crying.
wc: ± 4530
a/n: this is so similar to my other fez fic but also not at all lol. I tried changing it up as much as possible but there are def a lot of similarities I'm sorry. not proofread!
gif not mine, all credit to original creator.
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You and Fez met back when he was still in school, just before he had dropped out. He sat next to you in History and the two of you would only talk briefly, often just about things like what the date was or when the next period would be. He would occasionally crack a joke or make a lighthearted comment that would always catch you off guard.
He was a normally stoic and calm person; he didn't talk much and kept to himself most of the time. This made you appreciate the rare jokes and little bursts of personality even more. You quickly found yourself talking more and more with him, and he'd start greeting you when you passed each other in the hallways. You had considered him somewhat of a friend after a while. Maybe not the closest, but you valued the little time you two would spend together.
Then he started showing up to class less and less, and rumors had begun spreading around. A few weeks before he dropped out, he had asked you if he could copy your notes that he had missed while absent, and you agreed. He told you to drop them off at the convenience store his grandmother owned, because that's where he spent most of his afternoons.
You did this every time he didn't show up to class; you'd write him all the notes neatly and bring them to him at the store, and in return he'd let you take whatever you want from the shelves free of charge. You always took the same thing (a can of Sprite, a packet of Sun Chips and a pack of cherry flavored twizzlers), and after a while he had started keeping the three items at the counter, ready for you to grab when you came around. One day he asked you if you'd like to stay a while before heading home, and you spent your afternoons sitting on the roof of the convenience store eating your treats and talking about whatever came to mind.
You never asked him why he wasn't at school, or even asked yourself why you'd go through all this trouble for him. Maybe it was because you've always been way too nice for your own good, or maybe because you had a little crush on him. One day when you were on your way to give him the day's notes, he'd told you he was dropping out. When you asked why, he only replied with, "Have to take care of my grandma."
You didn't stop visiting him after he left school, and would go to the store every other afternoon, quietly doing your homework by the counter while he restocked the shelves. He never explicitly told you, but he enjoyed having you around. You never asked too many questions and you were always nice to him. He would say maybe too nice to count as just being friendly.
As time passed the two of you grew closer and closer. You had met his brother Ash and occasionally helped him with his grandmother, who you had only met briefly before she became ill, when you were making your rounds to drop of his notes.
A few months later he had asked you out, and you said yes. You haven't looked back since.
That was years ago, and this was now. Now, you were sitting on the lid of the toilet in the dead of night with a pregnancy test clasped tightly in your right hand, while the other covered your mouth in shock. The two red lines stared back at you tauntingly as you felt your head spin with anxiety.
You were pregnant. You were pregnant with Fez's baby and you had no idea how you were going to tell him. You finished up, washing your hands and face and made your way to the bedroom you and your boyfriend shared. You hid the test in the drawer you kept your underwear in and sat on the edge of the bed, waiting for your boyfriend to return home.
He arrived eventually, but you couldn't find the strength in you to tell him. You knew you had to eventually, you couldn't possibly keep this a secret for too long, but you were terrified. You had no idea what his reaction would be, and you feared the worst.
The night you finally did get the courage to tell him, was the same night he decided to almost kill Nate at a New Year's Eve Party. Your plan had been derailed once again and that night you found yourself sitting in the bathroom while you silently cleaned the cuts on his hands. You knew you couldn't tell him then, he was still on edge and filled with adrenaline from everything that had transpired. He was definitely not in the correct headspace for a revelation like that.
Everything after that night was an absolutely downward spiral.
With Faye moving in, Mouse getting killed in your house and ultimately Fez getting arrested after Custer had ratted him out, you found yourself at your wits end. He had been arrested and taken away right before your eyes, and you felt completely helpless as you watched him get dragged out of the now ruined house, with a distraught Ash clinging to you like a lifeline.
Fez was only given three years for drug possession with the intent to sell, considering he was a first-time offender. Three years may not have been much considering it could have been a much heavier sentence, but your stomach still churned at the thought that he would be away for that long. What about Ash and Marie? What about the store?
What about the baby?
You couldn't do this. It felt like the world was suddenly dropped on your shoulders as you watched the officers drag Fez out the court, and away from you.
You shot up from the uncomfy wooden bench and made your way to the closest bathroom, where you threw up the little food you managed to keep down this morning. When you finished you flushed the toilet and made your way to the sink to clean up. As you stared at your reflection in the dirty mirror, everything struck you at once like cold water being thrown in your face.
You were going to be alone. Alone and pregnant, having to look after Ash (who God willing, they don't take away from you) and his grandmother. You hadn't even realized you were crying until your reflection became blurry and your breathing erratic.
You went back home that evening, with a dreadful feeling deep in the pit of your stomach for what the future holds.
Fez had finally been approved for calls, and after not hearing anything from him in weeks you were ecstatic to finally hear his voice.
You had received a call from the jail where he was, following all the necessary steps and pressing all the necessary buttons before you got to talk with him. When you heard his voice say your name you had to stop yourself from breaking down right beside the telephone. It hadn't even been a month and you already missed him more than words could describe.
He said your name again in a questioning tone and you realized that you hadn't said anything in return.
"Fez?" was all you could force from wobbly lips as your grip on the phone tightened. "Yeah baby, it's me," he said quietly. "I miss you," you said trying your hardest not to sob. Gosh, you couldn't even think about asking him how he was doing, you just wanted him to know how much you needed him right now.
"I miss you too baby, so fucking much," he replied, "how are things going that side?" You inhaled sharply before answering. "I don't know," you answered truthfully, "I'm still trying to figure everything out right now. But okay I guess."
He hummed. "What about Ashtray, he around? Can I talk to him?" he asked. "Of course," you said before calling out to Ash, who was over the moon when he finally got to speak to his brother after so long. You saw him smile for the first time in months, and you were overjoyed at the sight.
When they were finished catching up he handed you the phone. "You still there?" you asked. "Yeah baby, but I only got like a minute left. Listen I'll call you back as soon as I can again okay?" he said. "Okay, goodnight. I love you so muh, Fez," you rushed out. "I love you too baby, so mu—"
He was cut off by the ending call and you placed the receiver of the telephone back on the wall.
You didn't know how to tell Fez you were pregnant over the phone, so you settled with writing him a letter. You told him how you were pregnant, and that you were planning on keeping the baby. A part of you already knew you were keeping the baby the moment you stared at the test in your hand. The thought of being pregnant now absolutely terrified you, but recently you had found yourself fantasizing about what the little one would look like.
Would it be a little girl or a boy? Would she have your nose, or your eyes? What would her soft hair feel like under your fingertips? What would her first word be?
You hadn't even realized you were already referring to the baby as "she". That was what made you realize you were already deadset on keeping the baby, whether Fez wanted to be apart of that or not, even though it pained you to think that way.
You nervously sealed the letter and sent it off, hoping for the best. Fez had called you the same day he received the letter.
"Hi Fez," you answered nervously.
"You bein' serious Y/N?" You knew exactly what he was referring to, so you took a deep breath before answering him. "Yes, I'm being serious," you said quietly. You could hear him sigh and curse under his breath before he spoke up louder. "How long you known?"
"From before the raid. But, before you say anything, I did want to tell you on New Years, but that shit with Nate happened and everything after that was a total shitshow," you breathed, "I'm sorry for not telling you earlier."
"Shit, it's alright ma I ain't mad, jus' a bit shocked," was all he said. There was a short silence between the two of you before he spoke up again. "I'm gonna be a dad?" he asked softly. "Yeah..." you said, waiting for anything to indicate how he felt about this. "I'm so sorry I can't be there wit' you for this," he said. That broke your heart. He wanted to there, wanted to be a father and the thought made your heart fill with joy.
"It's okay, we can't help the circumstances," you said. "Listen, I promise you imma be here wit you every step of the way, okay? Maybe not physically, but I want you to keep me updated on everthing alright?" he said. "Okay, I promise I will," you breathed, a smile stretching across your face. "Imma do right by you, baby, I promise. You ain't doin' this on your own."
You were sure your heart was going to explode. You were going to have a baby with Fez. The circumstances were the farthest from ideal, but you were hopeful that you were going to be able to do this. You were going to do this. For yourself, for Fez and Ash and for your baby.
The pregnancy was anything but easy, and it was even harder without Fez by your side. It helped that he showed his support in any way he could, like always calling and sending letters, checking up on you to stay updated with the condition of your baby. You were roughly at 3 or 4 months and by now the little bump was already visible.
Telling Ash was one of the things you were the most nervous about. You didn't know how he'd feel about a baby being bought into your living situation. You had sat him down and got straight to the point. When the words first left your mouth, his face twisted into an unreadable expression. He seemed to be mulling it over silently, before a small smile stretched across your face and he replied shyly with, "So I'm gonna like, be an uncle?"
The letters you frequently wrote Fez were on of the only things he looked forward to. He loved reading them, reading about how you were doing and everything that was happening with your body and with the baby growing inside you. It sometimes fet like he got to experience the pregnancy right there beside you, with the way he could clearly indicate your mood swings even in your writing.
The letter would quickly go from I saw an old couple sitting by the old park benches today and I broke down in tears to The guy at the drive-thru told me I couldn't order 'just pickels'. Imagine saying no to a starving pregnant lady!
When he received the letter with a small black and white attached to it, he nearly cried. The little ultrasound picture didn't look like much, you could barely make out the big white blob in the middle as a baby, an actual human being. He turned the picture around and saw that you had written our baby! in your messy handwriting, with a little heart at the end. That was all he needed to actually start crying.
That night he couldn't fall asleep at all. His mind was filled with a million thoughts that were consuming him. What if something happens to her or the baby while I'm in here? Will she be able to cope on her own? What's she gonna do once the baby is born?
What if I'm not a good father?
That's what was eating at him more than anything else. He didn't want to be like his own father, and his worst fear was eventually ending up like him, no matter how hard he tried not to. He didn't want his kid to hate him, he wanted to be the best dad he could be, because he already knew that you were going to be the absolutely best mother any child could ask for. He knew because he saw the way you cared for Ash, like he was your own little brother. He also knew that you had a big heart. When you loved, you loved with everything in you, so he didn't have an inkling of doubt about you being a good mother.
That was the night he had promised himself that he would be the best father that he could be for your child and that he'd give them the love and support he never received from his dad.
By now you had finally been approved for your first visit, and you were over the moon. The first time you visited you went alone, and when Fez saw you walking into the cold room, a slight waddle to your step and a cute little bump sticking out from your pretty pink sundress and cardigan, he swears he had fell in love with you all over again. You looked so beautiful, he thought, maybe more beautiful than you've ever been.
Maybe it was the pregnancy glow people would always refer to, or maybe it was the fact that he hadn't seen you in months, but he couldn't get the dopey smile off his face as you made your way to the table where he sat.
You were permitted to a brief embrace and kiss at the beginning and end of each visit, and when he wrapped his arms around you for the first time in months, and got to inhale the smell of your almost unfamiliar perfume, he didn't ever want to let you go ever again. His grip on you tightened a little bit and you had to will away the tears threatening to spill over your cheeks when you felt his warmth consume your body. It felt like home being back in his strong arms.
"You're gonna squish the baby," you said playfully, placing a kiss on his shirt over his heart. You honestly didn't mind at all; you'd let him hold you like this forever if you could. You eventually broke away when you saw the guard giving you a unhappy look from the corner of your eye. You sat down on the cold metal bench and he found his seat accross from you.
You so badly wanted to hold his hand while you talked to him. You wanted to sit next to him and feel the warmth of his body radiating off him and bury your face into his neck and hold onto him for dear life, but you couldn't.
"Y'know if it's a boy or a girl yet?" he asked. You absent-mindedly tapped your manicured nails against the metal table that separated you two, until the guard had given you a stern look from behind Fez, by now irritated by the repetitive sound. You retracted your hands, placing them in your lap and shaking your head. "No, I'm finding out at the next appointment," you smiled, "do you still have the photos I sent you?"
You were referring to the ultrasound photos as you had sent him in letters from all your appointments. "Of course I do," he smiled, "keep 'em in my cell, under my pillow." You smiled, looking down at your belly and softly running your hand over it.
"I think it's gonna be a girl," you said softly, as if it was some secret only the two of you had the right to know. "Nah, it's a boy," he replied and you rolled your eyes playfully, which made him laugh. "Of course you think it's a boy," you joked. He shrugged "I'm still gonna love 'em whether they a boy or a girl," he said, before adding, "but it's gonna be a boy."
You rolled your eyes at him once again, this time more dramatically, and rubbed at your belly. "I just know it's going to be a little girl," you said, and when you looked up from your belly your eyes met Fez's. They were filled with an immeasurable amount of admiration and love, and you couldn't help but shy away from the attention.
"If it's a girl, I hope she look like you."
The last few weeks of your pregnancy you had asked your mother to stay with you until it was time to go and give birth. By now your belly was fully formed and perfectly rounded, and you were waddling around the house like a lost penguin. Everything was hurting, from your feet to your back and pregnancy brain was truly kicking your ass. As much as you loved the beauty of pregnancy, you couldn't wait to finally get this over with.
You were on the phone with Fez when you had first felt it, the liquid running down your legs followed by a slight cramp in your abdomen. At first you were scared that you had peed yourself (your bladder had been your number one enemy recently) but it didn't take long to realize what was happening.
Without even sparing Fez another word you hung up and called for your mother. This was it, you were finally going meet your baby.
Ash was shitting bricks as he paced around the house while you and your mother gathered everything to head to the hospital. Soon enough you found yourself in the hospital, with your arms leaning on the bed trying to control your breathing. The pain felt like nothing you've ever felt before, and at some point you thought you were going to pass out.
A little while later and you had started to dilate. After what felt like a lifetime of mindless pushing and incoherent shouts, the screaming of your baby girl filled your ears. You looked next to you, to your mother who was still holding onto your hand tightly while her other hand pushed the hair out of your sweaty face. You were beyond grateful to have her with you, but your heart yearned to have Fez with you for this moment. When you got to hold your baby in your arms you cried like a crazy person. She was so beautiful, and your heart was already filled with abundant love for her.
You've had baby Eden at home for almost two weeks, when you finally got a call from Fez.
"How'd it go baby? Is she healthy? Are you okay?" he had asked as soon as he heard your voice greeting him. You pressed the phone tighter between your ear and your shoulder. "She's as healthy as can be, and she's beautiful, Fez," you said happily, as you rocked the baby in your arms to sleep. "You gonna send me a picture of her?" he asked.
"I already have a few taken, I just have to get them printed then I'll send them to you," you smiled, "she's so beautiful, Fez." You knew it was a little biased, but she truly was the most beautiful baby you'd ever seen. Her pretty long eyelashes that rested on her chubby cheeks and the pretty pink lips that would sometimes streatch into a toothless smile, or her cute button nose that would scrunch up when she yawned or sneezed. Everything about her was so absolutely perfect.
"I can't wait to see yall ma," he whispered. You could hear the slight sadness in his voice. "Me neither," you replied with a sad smile.
He had no doubt when you told him that Eden was a beautiful baby, but when Fez got to see a picture of her for the first time, all the air was knocked out his lungs.
That was his baby. His baby girl, wrapped tightly in a fluffy pink blanket and a little cap to match. He couldn't stop looking at the picture, his thoughts going at a hundred miles per hour. Fez hadn't seen a lot of babies in his life, but he was one thousand percent certain that Eden was the most beautiful baby he'd ever layed his cynical eyes on.
He couldn't remember the last time he prayed, but that night Fez found himself closing his eyes and praying. He prayed that you and your baby were kept safe, he prayed that his baby girl would stay healthy and happy, and he prayed for the patience to diligently serve his sentence, counting down the days till he got to hold you both.
You sat in shock as you read the contents of the letter over and over and over.
Fez was going to be released from jail earlier for good behavior. He was coming home, to you, to Ash and his friends and to his baby. He was going to meet his daughter.
Ever since giving birth you hadn't brought Eden along with you when visiting Fez. She was still very young, and you didn't want her driving the long distances back and forth. This unfortunately meant that Fez hadn't got to meet his daughter yet. That was changing soon though.
You were pacing back and forth in the house, waiting for Fez to come knocking at your door. Today was the day Fez was coming home, back to his family, back to you.
He had to go through several release preparations, then pre-release custody and then supervision. After he complete those steps he had a full release from the BOP system, and they arranged transportation for him to come back home.
He had asked you to not tell anyone about him coming home, he didn't want people bothering him and wanted to spend his first night in just the company of the people he loved the most. You had kept to your word and not told a soul, not even Ash, who you knew would soon be jumping out of his skin when he gets to see his brother.
You had Eden in your arms, gently rocking her back and forth to soothe her. She was a little cranky because she didn't get her afternoon nap in, and when she finally dozed off, you went to go place her in the small crib next to your bed.
You shifted your weight from one foot to the other nervously, before checking that everything was good. The food was cooked, the house cleaned and the bed covered in clean sheets.
The hard knock on the door almost made you drop the pie you had taken out of the oven. It was custard pie, his favorite. You removed your oven mits and sprinted to the door.
When you opened it, there stood Fez with a small smile on his face. You immediately wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him as close to you as possible. He was here. He was back home with you finally and you got to hold him for as long as your heart desired.
By now you were sobbing into his neck, beyond relieved and happy to finally have him home. When you broke away he looked down at you, tears in his own eyes.
"Hi," he breathed. "Hi," you replied through a half sob half laugh. "You're home." "I'm home."
Ash had cried when he saw his brother standing in the living room awkwardly, and wrapped his arms around him tightly, almost as if he was scared of losing him once again. Once everyone had settled down somewhat, you decided to ask Fez the big question.
"Do you wanna see her?"
The room was dead silent as you pushed open the door and made your way inside, Fez following soon after. You could see the anxiety written on his face, evident in the slight tremble of his hands. This was a very big deal to him. He was going to meet his daughter for the very first time.
You made your way over to the crib, standing next to it and urging him to do the same. He warily moved closer to the crib, looked over the edge and down to where the little girl layed peacefully assleep. He could see the small rise and fall of her chest as she breath rhythmically, and the way her two small fists layed clenched tightly next to her body. If he listened closely enough he could hear her breathing, and the soft cooing sounds in between.
"She's beautiful isn't she?" you asked quietly, and he only nodded, not once lifting his gaze. "Would you like to hold her?" This made him look up at you. A part of him wanted to say no. He didn't want to hold something as precious as her in his hands. Hands that have done shameful and awful things, much too tainted to handle something as fragile and irreplaceable as her.
"It's okay, Fez," you said, sensing his hesitation, before reaching into the crib to pick her up gently. When she was secured in your grasp, you turned your body to him and he hesitantly reached out to take her from you.
Once she was in his arms the small tears began to fall from his eyes. You rubbed his back comfortingly as you watched him closely.
Nothing that Fez had ever achieved in his life measured even closely to this moment. No amount of money or fortune would make him trade this. This was it. This was him, being home and being able to be with you, with his family.
His grandmother had taught him the importance of family and looking out for each other. She taught him that the family he'd have would be the people he was willing to die for, and as he stood in the quiet room, his daughter in his arms and you by his side, he knew that he had found his family.
He looked over to you, and when his eyes met yours he saw the contented look on your face, behind all the happy tears.
"She looks like you," he smiled.
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phoward89 · 7 months
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Banner by me, dividers by @saradika-graphics
Based on this ask
I'm sorry in advance for murdering your feels with this sad, angsty, heartbreaking story.
Anyways....have fun reading
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Pt 1
You loved your boyfriend, Coriolanus. Maybe you even loved him too much. So when you discovered the truth about him…
Well…it devastated you.
It broke your heart into a million pieces.
On the day that you made a life changing discovery, one that was supposed to be happy, you got a reality check that gave you whiplash so hard that you didn't know what was what anymore.
After your doctor's appointment you went home to the penthouse that you shared with Coriolanus and his grandmother, Grandma’am. His cousin, Tigris, had moved out a little while back; she lives in a condo above her boutique now.
When you entered the penthouse, you saw that Ma Plinth was sitting, waiting for you, with a little platter of ginger cookies on the glass coffee table. “How was your appointment? I hope you're feeling better.” The mother of your late friend, Sejanus, warmly remarked.
“My appointment went well; I'm feeling better now too.” You kindly smiled at the middle-aged woman who reminded you so much of her son with her kind smile. “Thank you for watching Grandma’am. Coriolanus doesn't like her to be alone too much and I just had to get to my appointment.” You gratefully told her while making your way over to the coffee table to grab a cookie.
Ma Plinth stood up, only to gesture to a brown paper wrapped package on the table. “A package arrived while you were gone.”
You grabbed a cookie.l, taking a small nibble off it. “Oh, thank you for bringing it in. I'll put it in Coryo's study for him.”
“Oh, Y/N, it's not for him. It's addressed to you.” The dark-haired woman informed you before waving goodbye and showing herself out.
You had a package?That's odd. You never get packages or mail in general.
Everything gets sent to Coriolanus since he has all the bills and the house registered under his name.
You were curious about the package, so you put your cookie down on the tray and picked up the brown parcel.
You read your name and address on the package, but the space for a return address was left blank. You thought that was odd, but shrugged it off.
Curiosity got the better of you; you opened the parcel only to find a letter and a tape. An audio tape.
You unfolded the letter and read it.
Miss Halvir,
I'm writing you this letter because your dear Mr. Snow is not the man you believe him to be.
He is not a man that takes his…say…oaths and promises seriously. He is a heartless man incapable of feelings.
Most of all love. I know you believe him to love you, but listen to me when I say, my dear, that he does not in fact love you.
Coriolanus Snow is cut from the same cloth as his father. A cold, callous man that sees order as a way to balance the wildness of the world.
He sees all the world as an arena with two types of people in it.
Victors and the unfortunate souls that are not strong enough to survive and become a victor.
You, girl, are no victor, but he is.
Coriolanus Snow is.
And he will do anything to get ahead in this world. Including selling out his only friend. His best friend. One Sejanus Plinth.
In this package I have placed a copy of the recording that was played during Private Plinth’s date with the noose. Please listen to it in private.
It will shed some light on the man you falsely believe to love you.
I would hate for something to happen to you, like it did poor Sejanus Plinth, because of misplaced trust in one Coriolanus Snow.
Your hands shook as you put the letter down.
I'mYou couldn't believe what you just read.
It couldn't be true. It just couldn't be.
You worried your bottom lip, turning the small audio tape over and over in your hand. You were scared to hear what was on it.
But you knew that you had to listen to it. So, you went over to the stereo, but it in, and pressed play.
What you heard on that tape made your heart stop. Every word exchanged between Sejanus and Coryo made you sick. The dead boy trusted the blonde, only to be secretly recorded and betrayed by him.
It was too much to handle.
If Coriolanus could do that to sweet Sejanus then what could he do to you?
You knew what you had to do. You couldn't stay with him; you had to pack your bags and go back to your mother's apartment. At least you'd be safe back home with your mother; safety's all that matters right now.
You can ignore that shattering pain of your heart breaking as long as your safe.
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“Darling, I made reservations for dinner tonight at the Capitol Grille for 7.” You heard Coriolanus call out to you from the foyer as you finished packing the last of your things in your bags.
Well, the Capitol Grille was a very high end steak house where the menus didn't have price tags printed on them. It was also a place that you needed to put in a reservation ahead of time; somebody just couldn't walk in or call same day to get a table.
People waited weeks, sometimes even months for a table. Hmph, and knowing that Coryo's using Strabo Plinth’s money to snag a table and eat a 3 course meal that cost more then most people's pay in the districts disgusted you.
Oh god. The way he got the Plinths family fortune made you want to run away from him and never look back.
Main reason why you were zipping up your bag whenever Coriolanus entered you- no his bedroom.
“Darling why don't you wear-” He began to say, only to stop mid sentence and ask, “Going somewhere?”
“Yea.” You nodded. “I'm moving back in with my mother.” You looked up from your bag, only to see the platinum blonde arching a puzzled brow at you.
“Why're you going down to the 8th floor? Is she sick” Coriolanus couldn't help, but think that all your mother's chain smoking had finally gotten to her.
Yes, Coriolanus smokes socially; even has cigars with the high power playing politicians during certain events and dinners, but it wasn't anything that's damaging to his health.
Hell, he thinks breathing in all the chemicals in Dr. Gual’s lab’ll destroy his lungs first.
“I can't be with you anymore, Coriolanus. I'm breaking up with you; moving back home.”
“WHAT?!” The platinum blondr shouted so loud that you thought your eardrums busted.
Slinging you duffel over your shoulder and grabbing the handle to your rolling suitcase, you simply told him, “You heard me. I’m leaving you.”
His icy blue eyes flashed with anger and a hint of something else as he stormed over to you. “You're not going anywhere, Y/N.” He ordered, grabbing your suitcase out of your hand.
You yanked your suitcase, trying to snatch it away from him. “Give it back, Coriolanus. I need it “
“You don't need it because you're not leaving.” The cold hearted man that you once believed was capable of loving you said while slinging your suitcase across the room. “Now behave and get dressed. I got reservations for us at-” began pulling the strap of your duffel off of your shoulder l, only for you to snatch the bag back and interrupt him with, “I'm not going to dinner with you tonight or any other night. Not anymore, Coriolanus.” Feeling yourself ready to cry, you started walking away from him.
As long as you didn't look at him you'd be fine.
“We're done. Just go find something else you can pretend to love.” You remarked, walking out of the bedroom.
You made it roughly 3 feet down the hall, only to hear the heavy footfalls of your ex’s black floor shines echoing against the marble floor. Coriolanus stopped you dead in your tracks when he grabbed your upper arm. Spinning you around to look at him, he made to sell you the charming lie of, “Y/N, after being together since our Academy day, I'm not pretending to love you. I do love you.”
Shaking your head, you let out a tiny cackle of, “You're so full of shit. You know that?” You snapped your arm, causing his hold on it to break. Your fingers tightly clutched the strap of your duffel bag as you revealed, ‘I know what you did to sweet Sejanus and how you're exhorting his wall meaning parents.”
His baby blues turned into saucers. For once, the stoic and well masked man looked like he was frazzled.
Looks like you caught him off guard; you confronted him with truths he didn't want to share with you.
Coriolanus reached out for you, but you took two large steps back. Running a hand thru his hair, the platinum blonde looked at you as if you chucked his car out of the penthouse window. “I don't know what you think I did, darling, but let me explain everything.” His tone was dripping with a fake promise.
You knew that he wouldn't tell you the truth. He'd just tell you another one of his lies.
Heartless bastard.
And to think that you wasted nearly 5 years with his ass. You've been by his side since you were 16 years old, only to find out now that everything was a lie.
He never loved you. He never cared.
Hell, the only reason Coriolanus is with you is because the songbird went missing.
Now you're thinking that the friendly act he was putting on with his tribute, Lucy Gray, wasn't an act at all. Now you realize he was cheating on you with her and you were too damn stupid to see it.
And to think that you faithfully wrote him and called him when he was a peacekeeper stationed in 12.
You should've listened to your mother and gone out with Sejanus instead. Maybe if you would've accepted his advance he'd still be alive..your friend wouldn't have followed the devil out to District 12 only to be betrayed and sent to the noose.
Too late now. What's done’s done.
But you do wish that you didn't fall in love with somebody who can never love you. Someone so evil.
So heartless.
“Nothing you say to me’s going to make me stay with you, Coriolanus.”
“Can you stop calling me Coriolanus and call me Coryo, like you always do?” Coriolanus asked with a pitiful look in his eyes. You're positive it's fake since he's incapable of feeling anything, other than hate and greed.
“I got a package in the mail today addressed to me; inside was the tape that you recorded of Sejanus. The one that got him hanged.”
Coriolanus' breath caught in his throat and his palms began to sweat. How did somebody send you the copy? He thought that only Dr. Gual has access to that.
She wouldn't send it to you. In fact, she keeps her records well under lock and key; would never part with them.
Looks like one of the interns he replaced in Dr. Gaul's lab is out to make his life hell because he took their coveted internship.
Coriolanus know that he had to calm you down; get you to put your bag down and get changed into a nice dress so he could take you out for dinner.
Damnit, he had something special planned, even got permission from Dr. Gaul to leave the lab early, so you needed to stop looking at him like a monster. He needed you to look at him with love again and quick, otherwise his dinner plans are going to go up in smoke.
“Y/N, I know you think that I betrayed Sejanus, but I didn't. I meant for the tape to reach Strabo, so that he could buy Sejanus an honorable discharge, but it didn't happen that way. The tape was never given to Strabo, it was used as evidence against our friend instead.” Coriolanus told you, foolishly thinking that you'd believe his twisted half truth. Well, they say the best lies are half truths.
Your nostrils flared angrily at hearing the snake in front of you call Sejanus his friend. Sejanus was your friend, not his. Coriolanus wasn't able to have real friends because he couldn't love anything.
Well the only things he loved were money and power, but that didn't count because those aren't people. Those are objects; possessions.
Before you could blink, you slapped Coriolanus across his smooth shaven cheek. “You don't get to call him your friend. Not after you got him killed.”
“You think I'm not haunted by that? That I don't have nightmares of Sejanus screaming out for his Ma; the mockingjays perched on the hanging tree repeating his frightened last cries before flying away?” Coriolanus rhetorically asked, only to give the false confession of, “I broke down crying at my bunk after helplessly watching my brother die, so don't stand here and tell me that I'm not sorry or that I killed my best friend on purpose because I didn't.”
“Oh, Coriolanus l, don't go there. I know for a fact you sleep like a baby every night.” You scoffed.
Shaking your head, you spun round and stormed down the hall.
Coriolanus was hot on your heels. His velvety words of, “Please, darling, don't be rash. Don't throw away 5 years over a tape you received in the mail.”
“I'm not throwing anything away, Coriolanus. As it turns out, those 5 years were all an act for you.” You stormed right into the main room and over to the foyer. Looking at him from over your shoulder as you reached the door, you gave him the famous last words of, “I’m glad I found out you’re heartless; will never love me before when there's still time to get away from you.”
Coriolanus just stared at the door after you slammed it shut. His anger was festering in his chest; he wanted to kill whoever sent you that tape.
There goes his plans for tonight.
He better call the restaurant and cancel the reservation; call up Tigris and let her know that he doesn't need her to stay with Grandma’am tonight because he's not taking Y/N out for dinner anymore.
Looks like he's stuck ordering something in for him and Grandma'am. He wonders if he should give her back that heirloom ring of hers or if he should just keep it; shove it to the back of his sock drawer.
Grandma’am is old and her memory’s started to fade; if he tries to give her the ring back it might put her into one of her nonsense ramblings.
No, he'll keep the ring.
He'll give you some time to cool off; then he'll shower you with jewelry and roses to soften you up.
Once you were softened up, he'd talk some sense into you. Get you to come home.
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If you thought that breaking up with Coriolanus Snow would be easy, well, you were wrong. It was the hardest thing you did in your entire life.
And you know why?
Because he wouldn't leave you alone.
Well, he left you alone for the first couple of days, but after that he started sending flowers and gifts. No, not flowers and gifts. Roses and jewelry.
You never accepted them. You always tossed the roses in the trash and gave the packages of jewelry to the desk clerk with the instructions to give them to Coriolanus Snow.
You'd think he'd get the hint and stop.
Well, he didn't.
Instead, the floral arranged for larger and the jewelry kept coming back. Hell, he even went so far as giving you a copy of an ancient Pre-Panem book. A book from an ancient author that you loved.
Jane Austen.
You mother told you to burn the book, but you couldn't do that. It's be a sin to destroy such a work of art.
So, that was the only gift you kept.
But in doing so, you opened the Pandora’s box that was Coriolanus Snow's delusions. He thought that you were ready to see him again because you accepted a book, so he would come by your mother's every night looking to see you.
You always hid in your old child bedroom while your mother showed him away.
After 4 weeks of this insane behavior, your mother told you that she was concerned for your safety. That she felt you never to leave the Capitol for a while. Stay with your brother Rein, who was a peacekeeper that just received an officer’s commission in District 12.
Honestly, you didn't want to leave the Capitol. The Capitol was your home, but you knew that if you stayed then things would get ugly for you. Especially when it concerns Coriolanus.
You knew that Coriolanus would never look for you in District 12. He'd just write you off as a girl he lost control of and just find himself another Capitol bimbo to manipulate and control with false words of love.
So, that's why you were currently stepping off of the train in District 12.
Your brother was standing on the platform, eager awaiting your arrival in his officer’s uniform. When he spotted you, he quickly made his way over to your side and greeted you with a hug.
Reaching for your suitcase, he chuckled, “Let me take that for you, sis.”
“I see becoming an officer's turned you into a gentleman.” You teased Rein as he room your suitcase from you; leading you away from the platform.
“Mother told me your ex is stalking you with roses and jewelry.” Of course she did. Looking between you and a Jeep in the distance, your brother asked, “Does he know about the baby?”
“No.” And you're glad you received that tape after you came home from your doctor's appointment, confirming your suspicions. If not then you'd be trapped with that heartless monster.
“He’s just been sending me that stuff in an attempt to manipulate me back into his arms.
“I'm sorry things didn't work out, but you're more then welcome to stay with me in my apartment on base for as long as you need to.”
Your brother's words meant a lot to you. At least you had somebody to protect you from your ex.
Protect the both of you since you were going to become a mother in nearly 7 months.
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Coriolanus walked into Dr. Gaul’s lab with a dead look in his icy blue eyes. It made Dr. Gaul gleeful. It was better then the cold look he had when he returned from his summer vacation as a peacekeeper.
Oh, this time the look in his eyes held so much hate that she doubts anything could ever soften his irises. It was marvelous, really, how the mad scientist molded her protege into a hateful man. Into, well, her best experiment.
But Dr. Gaul knew that there was a chance all of her hard work turning Snow as cold as his namesake could be ruined by you. Well, not you per say, but the creature you were incubating.
Coriolanus Snow wasn't old enough, cold enough, and calloused enough yet to enter fatherhood. He was too young and might grow soft at becoming a father.
A year under her tutelage wasn't long enough to ensure that he wouldn't slip back into a weaker mindset once a crying, shriveling, pink creature that was half him and half you popped into the world.
Dr. Gaul knew that she had to break every part of Coriolanus in order to piece him together into the war mongrel leader she wanted to run the country. You were that small shred of good that latched onto him, kept him from fully drowning in the darkness. A child, your child, might make Coriolanus see the world through a different lense.
Now, she couldn't have that. That would ruin everything.
So, when her contacts at the OBGYN office told her about your appointment and your condition, she sent you a little care package.
Her star student never figured out.that she sent it, instead he blamed the intern who lost his spot to him. The mad scientist even helped Coriolanus test a deadly mutt of the innocent soul who he thought did him wrong. All because Coriolanus’ proposal plans where ruined.
Dr. Gaul grinned evilly as she read the latest report from her spies. You were now in District 12 living with your brother on the Peacekeeper base.
Well, looks like it's time for a new game change when it comes to the Hunger Games.
Dr. Gaul decided that even children born on peacekeeper bases would be considered district citizens and would be legally obligated to enter their names into the game's lotto style drawing.
Unless a child between the ages of 12 and 18 is a Capitol citizen living in the Capitol, they will be registered for the games. Living on a Peacekeeper’s.base will not over safety to any child I'm the districts.
Not anymore.
Hopefully your child, fathered by Coriolanus, will never have their name picked for the games.
But as long as Dr. Gaul's alive, shaping Coriolanus like a potter shapes clay, anything's possible.
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Tags: @kuroosbby001, @purriteen, @poppyflower-22, @meetmeatyourworst, @whipwhoops, @bxtchopolis, @readingthingsonhere,@savagenctzen, @ryswritingrecord, @erikasurfer, @tulips2715, @universal-s1ut, @thesmutconnoisseur, @squidscottjeans, @sudek4l, @wearemadeofstardust0, @mashiromochi, @gracieroxzy, @belcalis9503, @shari-berri, @aoi-targaryen, @whiteoakoak, @spear-bearing-bi-witch, @gisellesprettylies @loverandqueenofdragons , @qoopeeya , @mfnqueen1
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jjungkookislife · 8 months
Lonely Night
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♡ pairing: hfth!jungkook x f. reader
♡ genre: established relationship, fluff, [18+]
♡ summary: It's your first night alone without Jungkook at your side.
♡ wc: 2.2k
♡ warnings: food mention, mention of spiraling
♡ date: January 26, 2024
♡ series masterlist
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Winter break ends faster than you realize. Jungkook and you hadn’t had a chance to see the house Grandmother Jeon had gifted him. 
“Mom!” Jungkook whines with a pout on his pretty pink lips.
You giggle as you take the second large bag of food she hands you.
“We have more than enough,” Jungkook insists as a third, smaller bag was pressed to his chest.
“You can never have enough,” Aera insists as she walks you to the door, where Seokjin and Jimin wait in the car.
“Share with your friends,” Aera waves as Jimin takes the bag from you while Jungkook hugs his mother tightly. “And call me when you get there.”
“I will, Mom. I’ll see you as soon as I can, okay?” Jungkook kisses his mother’s cheek and takes a step back as you approach.
“Oh, sweetheart! It was so nice meeting you,” Aera is nearly in tears as she wraps you up in a tight hug. “Call any time! Come visit whenever.”
“I will. I promise,” you say as she gives you one more squeeze. Dae stands on the porch, waving at the two of you as Aera cries. 
“Honey, the kids will be back before long,” Dae comforts her, rubbing her back as she places her head on his chest. 
“Momma Jeon,” Jimin hollers. “We love you!”
Aera laughs wetly through her tears, waving at Jimin and Seokjin as you and Jungkook climb in the car. Seokjin has his playlist loaded, and ready to go and Jungkook is quick to hand you an earbud the moment your seatbelt clicks.
When Seokjin pulls out of the Jeon’s driveway, he starts belting Christmas carols again.
“Just because the holidays ended, doesn’t mean the spirit has passed,” Seokjin states firmly as he keeps his gaze on the road. 
Jimin slumps in his seat, his noise-canceling headphones doing their job, a present from you and Jungkook. 
In the car in front of you, Taehyung, Yoongi, Namjoon, and Hoseok pass around snacks from their parents. Mrs. Park and Mrs. Jeon made them a special batch for the trip back home and the men were digging in greedily. 
“Next time I’ll drive us up here,” Jungkook assures you as he laces his fingers with yours. 
“We carpool!” Seokjin interrupts, his eyes locked on Jungkook’s in the rearview mirror. 
“Yes, sir!” Jungkook responds before giggling beside you. Seokjin rolls his eyes but smiles fondly as he catches your gaze. He winks at you before his eyes return to the road, and he belts out a high note rivaling Mariah Carey’s.
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“Are you sure I can’t take you home?” Seokjin asks for the third time as he helps Jungkook unload the trunk. 
Jimin got dropped off first a few minutes ago, and now Seokjin was at Jungkook’s apartment. 
“It’s no big deal,” Seokjin assures you, but you shake your head. 
“Jungkook and I are gonna split Momma Jeon’s food,” you grin as Jungkook takes his luggage to the porch and returns for yours. 
“Alright,” Seokjin nods as he hugs you. “I’ll text when I get home.”
You return his hug before Jungkook joins in, squeezing the both of you before Seokjin licks Jungkook’s cheek. 
“Ugh!” Jungkook wipes his cheek with the back of his hand. “Must you?”
Seokjin shrugs. “I brushed.”
You laugh as Seokjin gets in his car and drives away. Jungkook flips him off before turning to you.
“I call dibs on the brownie bites,” he smirks. 
“Hey! Seojun made those for me!” You exclaim but Jungkook is already running to the front door to claim his prize while you run after him, laughing into the home.
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Jungkook clings to you as you head for the door. A pout on his lips as he snuggles into your shoulder. 
“Are you sure you have to go?” He asks for the third time in five minutes. 
You’ve divided the brownie bites, most of the leftovers, and stolen two of his sweatshirts that you stuffed in your suitcase. 
“I have to get back to my dorm room,” you remind him as he kisses your cheek. 
The last time you were in his apartment you were still fake dating. Now that you were dating for real, it felt more comfortable for you to laze around with him. Plus, you got to cuddle in his bed with him for a little while, but now you had to head back to the dorm. 
Laundry was calling, and you had to prepare for the start of the semester in a few days. 
“I know,” Jungkook sighs in resignation as he takes your suitcase and wheels it onto the porch. You slide your shoes on while he pockets his keys and helps you out of his apartment.
A few minutes later, he rolls your suitcase to your dorm. You thank him with a kiss on his lips. 
“I’ll let you get settled, baby,” Jungkook smiles as he hugs you again. “I’ll text when I’m home. We can have breakfast tomorrow.”
“I’d love that,” you grin as you kiss his lips again before he leaves you be. 
You get in the shower minutes later. However, it’s not until you’re getting dressed in one of Jungkook’s sweaters and a pair of comfy pajama pants that the realization hits you. 
You miss him. 
You spent nearly three weeks sleeping in his arms, and now you were in your bed alone, staring at the ceiling. The semester hasn’t even started yet. How would you get through it?
Sighing, you do your best to fall asleep.
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Hours later, you’re still tossing and turning. You’re miserable as you huff and stare blankly at the ceiling. You didn’t think it would be this difficult to sleep without Jungkook beside you. Even his snoring would lull you to bed tonight.
You love the way he looked when he slept. His cute lips were still in a pout as he snored beside you. His body was like a furnace when he wrapped around you, always snuggled into your side for warmth and comfort. 
How long would it take you to fall asleep without him? How long could you go without him at your side? 
This was something you’d have to get used to though. You were still early into your relationship, and your dorm room was yours for the semester. You couldn’t abandon it to run to Jungkook’s arms every night. You didn’t want to rush but you also missed being around him day in and day out. 
Your phone rings on the nightstand where you left it to charge before you showered. You turn on your side and reach for it, not surprised to see your boyfriend calling. 
“Hey baby,” he says softly once you answer. He’s in bed with the covers up to his shoulder, but you can see a bit of skin when he pulls his pillow closer. 
“Hey,” you greet him, ignoring the sadness in your chest. 
“In bed already?” He asks with a teasing smile. 
“It’s cold,” you laugh as you pull the covers closer. 
“Is that my sweater?” He laughs when he spots the logo on your chest. You rush to cover it with your blanket, and Jungkook laughs harder. 
“I may have borrowed it,” you explain. “Without asking.”
“It looks better on you anyway,” Jungkook smiles as he takes in your soft smile and the way your eyes sparkle even in the dim light of your dorm room. 
“I think so too,” you stick your tongue out at him, and he does the same. Your heart flutters and your stomach fills with butterflies. He was your boyfriend now. Yours. The thought makes you nearly swoon but then the sadness seeps in. Slowly first, and then it seems to seep into your bones until it fills your very core. 
Suddenly, your throat burns like an inferno as you try to swallow the sickly feeling of loneliness. Were you being ridiculous missing him so soon? Was this too much too fast? 
“Darling?” Jungkook whispers with concern etched on his forehead in between his furrowed brows. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” you lie, clearing your throat. 
Jungkook can tell from your tone and your sudden change in demeanor that you’re lying. 
“Talk to me, baby,” he encourages gently. 
“It’s dumb,” you try once more to wave off his concern as you sniffle. Dammit. 
Jungkook frowns. “Nothing you could ever say is dumb. You don’t have to tell me if you truly don’t want to, but I am here for you if you wanna talk.”
You nod, biting your lower lip as you debate telling him. 
A heavy sigh slips past your lips. “I miss you.”
Jungkook’s taken aback. That’s not what he expected you to say, but only because he was sure you were ending things between you now that you were home. Okay, maybe he had been spiraling a little before he called you but only because he missed you desperately. His empty bed wasn’t the same without you in it and he didn’t want to overstep by asking you to stay the night or a few nights at his side. 
Hell, he’d ask you to move in if he was sure he wouldn’t get shut down. 
“I miss you too, darling. That’s actually why I called,” he admits bashfully. 
Jungkook nods, his hair falling over his eyes. You smile at him through your phone. 
“I was wondering if you could sleep at my place tonight,” he pauses. “O-or I could go to your dorm.”
You remain silent as the fluttering in your chest grows rapidly.
“Or not, if you’re not comfortable,” Jungkook rushes when you don’t respond immediately. “We could just forget I said anything.”
“Jungkook,” you say his name softly with a smile. 
“Come pick me up in ten minutes, okay?”
Jungkook nods excitedly with a smile. “Yeah! Totally! I’ll be right over, babe.”
“Drive safe, Koo. I’ll grab a bag of my things and wait for you, okay?”
“Yes, baby. I’ll see you in a bit,” Jungkook blows you a kiss before he hangs up. 
You kick the covers off of you as you grab a duffel bag and pack your things.
A second later your phone dings.
[Kookie 🖤🍪🖤] babe, pack some extra clothes
[Kookie 🖤🍪🖤]  I cleared a drawer for you in my room 🥺
You squeal in excitement! Why was your boyfriend the cutest? You want to laugh and cry at the same time but you sniffle and respond to his text before running around your room to pack your bag.
Ten minutes later, you meet Jungkook at the entrance of your dorm. He smiles brightly when he sees you.
“Hi, baby,” he greets you with a kiss on your cheek before he takes your bag and slings it over his left shoulder. His tattooed hand reaches for yours as you greet him.
“Sorry for getting you out of bed so late, darling,” Jungkook apologizes as he opens the car door for you and waits until you’re buckled in to shut it. He opens the back door and places your bag on the seat before shutting the door and jogging to the driver’s side.
“Jungkook,” you grab his hand before he starts the car. You wait until he meets your gaze. “I missed you. I don’t think I could have slept without you beside me and I’m glad you called. I’m glad you came to get me. Don’t apologize.”
The smile on Jungkook’s face makes your heart flutter as he cups your face and leans forward to capture your lips with his. The kiss is slow, unrushed, and passionate as he deepens it and his hand grips your thigh. You moan softly when he tugs lightly on your bottom lip before releasing it and ending the kiss.
“Let’s get you to bed,” he whispers with one last peck to your lips. 
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Jungkook folds your clothes as you get ready for bed. He places them in the drawer he’s cleared for you with a smile and a flutter of his heart. He’s got a purple toothbrush in the bathroom for you beside his black one. 
When you climb into his bed, he lets you cuddle your favorite stuffed animal of his. 
“Good night, baby,” you whisper as he wraps his arm around your waist and the purple bat you’ve chosen to cuddle in front of you. 
Jungkook kisses your shoulder, his hand gently rubbing your hip. 
“Good night, darling,” he replies. And it is a good night. A very good night as he sleeps soundly beside you. 
In the morning he’ll wake up well-rested with you snuggled in his chest, your leg twined with his and he’ll watch you sleep for a while. His fingers will gently brush your hair out of the way, and he’ll trace the curve of your lips with his thumb.
Jungkook will wonder how he’ll sleep tonight without you at his side, how he’ll sleep this peacefully with you nestled in your dorm room.
However, one day he’ll wake beside you and know the two of you never have to part again. 
For now, he’ll focus on your time spent together in bed, on your soft breaths and cute face pressed into his chest. He’ll rub your back gently, and picture the rest of your lives together. 
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biwitchenergyz · 2 months
A House of Blood and Fire
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Chapter 2: The Tournament
<-Previous Next Chapter->
The tourney ground is loud and bustling, with hundreds of people preparing for the long day ahead. Squires fill the stables as they rush to fit their lord's horses for battle, shining their armor and sharpening swords. The smallfolk have already lined up outside the stadium. The first to arrive will surely get seats, but there are never enough spots for these events. You exit the carriage first to help Rhaenyra down the steps. Were the occasion less grand, the princess would have likely worn a violet kirtle, making it easier to move in while still adorned with jewels and myrish lace. With the smallfolk and lords of the realm watching her every move, Rhaenyra has gone for a grand houppelande as black as Balerion himself. The red fabric of her chemise still peaks through the slits in her dress, and she looks as fierce as any conqueror queen. Her silver-gold hair shines in the light of the evening sun.
“They already line the streets?” Rhaenyra watches the common folk as they cheer for every carriage that passes them. “It is a blessing to see the realms delight. Many have waited for days to bear witness to your grace.” Elinda praises as she follows behind Rhaenyra and you. Her voice continues, but you scarcely hear it. Ascending the stadium's stairs is none other than Aemond and Aegon Targaryen. They take their seats in the stand beside their brother, Daeron Targaryen. The charming younger brother was brought back home shortly after Helaena’s disappearance. The court claimed he was returning home to continue his studies, but everyone knew he was there to comfort the queen.
“Are your brothers not participating in the tourney, Princess?” Rhaenyra shakes her head. “Daemon offered himself as the Targaryen champion. He has missed warfare greatly. My brothers care not for tourneys, or so I hear.” She stops before you reach the stairs and, with a gentle hand, adjusts the black veil that covers your hair. You watch her from under your lashes. Rhaenyra never had a need for makeup, but on occasion, it is almost required that she wear it. It is simply rogue applied to her pale cheeks, and kohl used to make her eyes stand out. She is the most incredible beauty you know. “How long do you plan to wear these veils? A lifetime of mourning is no life at all.” Rhaenyra reminds you gently as she brushes your cheek with her palm. She smells of amber and ash. You brush her aside, embarrassed by her sisterly doting.
“I have worn them since my father's death, and when I finally took them off, my mother passed. Do not be eager for me to remove them, princess. It seems death follows me less when I am still mourning.” Rhaenyra shakes her head as she listens to you. You both ascend the stairs, with Elinda following behind. The crowd of smallfolk cheer at the Princess of Dragonstone. They praise her as one might praise the gods. “You are too morbid, my dear. You always have been such a stubborn, morbid little thing.” Rhaenyra talks over the crowd before turning and waving at her devotees. The smallfolk erupt with cries of joy that follow Rhaenyra to your stands in the stadium.
Instantly, you notice the clear division in seating. Alicent and Otto Hightower have already arrived with the queen's sons. They sit to the left of the stands, with Otto on Alicents left, her three boys in front of her, and the king's intended seat to her right.
Rhaenyra is to sit on her father's right side, with Rhaenys already in the seat on Rhaenyra’s other side. Rhaenys, your favorite cousin, had arrived with her granddaughters two days prior to the tourney. In your letters, she expressed her worry for her husband, Corlys. Despite Daemon’s original victory in the stepstones, the peace did not last, and soon Corlys was back at war, leaving Rhaenys lonely. Now, she leans forward to whisper to Baela and Rhaena, who turn to hear their grandmother's thoughts. Elinda follows Rhaenyra to her seat and places herself on the wall closest to Rhaenyra so she may be at her beck and call. You think of standing beside Elinda, but Alicent calls out to you.
“Darling girl! I have saved a seat for you.” Alicent cheerfully pats the chair before her as if hoping to summon you into it. Smiling gratefully, you make your way to the chair, but Rhaenyra’s grip on your wrist stops you. “If you’d prefer, I can have a chair brought to my side?” Rhaenyra sees the conflict on your face, but you are too stubborn to admit your discomfort. Sitting beside Daeron was not the problem. He was always a peaceful boy, eager to learn and interested in your culture. It was his older brothers that you worried about. The last time you spoke to either of them, things were complicated. Looking at them now, their silver-gold hair and handsome faces take you back to the night you left King’s landing.
• • • • • • • Alicent had been hysterical, shouting, “Where has she gone? Who was on watch?” She demanded answers from every knight on duty until she collapsed in her chair from exhaustion. Gathered in her chambers, you sat holding Aegon in your arms. His reddened cheek burnt your skin painfully, although not nearly as bad as the slap Alicent had landed against him moments before. Aemond stood by the roaring fireplace, watching everything go down. He was no older than six and ten, but he seemed the most mature of everyone in the room until his eyes landed on you.
“Helaena’s bedmaid told me she went to speak to you before retiring to her chambers. What did she say?” With a straightforward question, Aemond made all eyes fall upon you with suspicion. “Helaena often speaks to me before she retires. It is usually the same thing. She is scared to sleep. Scared that she will have nightmares. She told me that seeing me before bed replaced her nightmares with…sweet dreams.” Aemond wasn't convinced. He marched forward, grabbing Aegon by his forearm and yanking the older boy away from you. He stood between you and Aegon as though he was protecting his older brother from you.
“What did she say?” He snarled like a wounded animal. Aemond had never so much as uttered a foul word to you. Throughout your friendship, he had followed you around, helping you reach books on the higher shelf and bringing you things that caught your eye. That day, he had nothing but anger to give. “She came to my chambers, sat by my side, and told me that she feared…well it’s silly… but she said a union would be her undoing. I told her that her nightmares were not real and that she needed rest. Then she returned to her room. That is all, Aemond. She was paranoid as usual, and she needed reassurance.” You defended yourself as best you could, but there was no hope. The blame had been cast. Otto and Alicent exchanged whispers in the corner of the chamber while you sat with Saageal on your lap. Aegon had kept his distance after Aemond's questioning. When Otto turned to remove you from the room and take you to Viserys, his movements had been too quick and aggressive. Saageal had sprung from your lap and attacked the King's hand without warning.
• • • • • • • You wish he were with you now. Otto glares at you from his seat beside Alicent, but you are lucky to have Daeron by your side. “Remind me again what I should call you. The cousin of my father is my?” He draws the sentence out, waiting for your response. Laughingly, you tell him, “First cousin once removed.” Daeron’s nose scrunches up, and he shakes his head. “Good first cousin, once removed, doesn't have much of a ring to it.I shall call you my good sister.” He is charming as usual. Of all his siblings, Daeron is the most favored by the smallfolk. Where Aegon is too drunk, Aemond too intimidating, and Helaena too absent, Daeron quickly became the sibling most beloved. “I suppose good sister is as good a title as any.” You joke. Daeron is easy to be around, not that you have ever spent time with him. You only met in brief circumstances during your stays at King’s Landing. Still, seeing a face that didn't distrust you was comforting. “Do you enjoy the archery, good sister?” You watch the bowmen line up in the arena. There isn't much of a show. Most strike just outside the target; few are lucky to hit the intended mark. It is nothing like back home.
“I must say your archers fail to impress me. The summer isles are known for their archers and goldenheart bows.” Daeron listens to you, but his gaze is set on the tourney. It is another set of violet eyes that light your skin on fire. Like mulberry wine, Aegon’s eyes are the darkest of all his siblings. They have watched you since your arrival, but for the most part, you have been unaware. Now, you dare yourself to look into his eyes. They are glassy, and the black of his eyes are blown wide. You wonder if he's too drunk to recognize you, but then his lips move. You are not a mind reader; you have never been good at reading lips, and sometimes even gestures fall flat with you. But you would swear on the old gods and the new that he whispered your name.
Silence falls over your side while the laughter of the Velaryon boys rings in the air. Baela is entertaining her companions so well that Jace is doubled over. Rhaenyra and Rhaenys are also engaged in conversation, but it ends when Daemon Targaryen rides up to the stands with his lance outstretched. Without you noticing, the jousting event had begun. Rhaenyra smiles at his arrival and signals for Elinda to bring her favor, but Daemon’s voice halts everyone. “My Lady Alicent, would you grant me your favor as you once did.” Daemon openly mocks the Queen, calling her by her old title and reminding her of tourneys past. Rhaenyra shows no sign of shock, but her brow is lower. Alicent takes her favor, a small wreath of rosemary and lilies, and tosses it down for Daemon to catch. She sits without saying another word, but Daemon’s mockery is not over yet. “Thank you, good sister. I cannot lose with your favor.” While the smallfolk cheer, utterly oblivious to the tension in the stands, you shift in your seat.
The knight who is going against Daemon is from a lower house. The favor he wears is given to him by Alyssa Strong, who shouts for him as he prepares to joust. It is hardly a match. The young boy lacks the experience that Daemon has, and when he turns to ride, Daemon is quicker than him. The boy raises his lance instead of his shield, believing his strike will land, but the rogue prince's shield deflects it. The knight pulls back as his horse rounds the bend for another fight. This time, he is too slow. Daemon charges at full speed, and the young knight barely has time to pull his shield when the lance crashes against it. The force of Daemon’s hit breaks the lance and sends wooden shards flying, one of which hits the knight's armor and nearly lodges in his chain mail.
The young boy falls from his horse with a resounding clang. From below, you can hear Alyssa’s shrill voice shouting profanities, but the shriek of trumpets drowns her out. Everyone in the bleachers rises, cheering for their king. Those in the stands also rise, and you stumble to join them.
Viserys is carried up the stairs on a golden chair, but at the top, he takes his cane and makes his way to his throne between Alicent and Rhaenyra. When he is seated, there are more cries from the stadium. From a distance, the smallfolk can hardly notice the state of their king, but you are all too aware of your cousins' weakness. He pants heavily, even in the shade of the stands. Neither Aegon nor Aemond look at him. “My daughter, my only daughter, come here.” As quickly as commanded, Rhaenyra rises to her father's side. He kisses her hand with a tenderness reserved for her alone. From his spot in the arena, Daemon is noticeably irritated, and his horse paces in a reflection of its rider's mood.
“And my dear wife, lovely as always.” Viserys hardly turns to Alicent, but she thanks him nonetheless. “Let me see my grandboys.” The two Velaryon boys stand instantly, and Jace forces himself to stand straight as a sword. Viserys offers them praise. You hope he does not turn his attention to you and your prayers are answered. He says nothing to you, nor does he say anything to his sons. Daemon gets the last of Viserys kind words before the next champions prepare to joust. • • • • • • •
“Princess of Summer, I know I am not quite as tall or strong as the men of your isles, but perhaps you would grant me your favor?” Gwayne Hightower's green and gold lance waves proudly before you. When preparing for the tourney, you had no intention of being asked for your favor, but luckily, you made one just in case. Gwayne’s face is not yet covered; his great helm is held at his waist, and you can see his dazzling red hair. Though the man is at least eight years your senior, you can’t help but flush at his handsomeness. Elinda descends the stairs and hands you the favor you made. It is a delicate thing. It is not as intricate as Rhaenyra's or Alicent's, but it is pleasing with its colorful purple nightshades, dragon’s breath, and moonbloom. With confidence you must inherit from your mother, you take the favor, approach the railing, and hand it to Ser Gwayne as you tell him, “Do not lose with my favor, good ser.”
Now, Aemond has joined Aegon in his staring. Aemond initially pretended not to see you; he thought you were unaware of his short glances, but with you flushing and speaking with his uncle, Aemond could not help but watch. He nearly scoffs at the redness of your cheeks. He hopes his uncle will disappoint you; one look at Aegon shows him they share this hope. Unknowingly, the three of you were on the edges of your seats, waiting to see how Ser Gwayne would do.
Ultimately, Gwayne would nearly have won if not for Daemon striking him down in the last round. When asked to name his queen of love and beauty, Daemon names Rhaenyra despite Alicent's favor on his lance.
The festivities end for the day, but the night is young, and you, for one, plan to enjoy it. Before you must attend dinner, you make it your mission to find a book or two that may last your stay in the Red Keep. Except for one septon who scours the medicinal herbs section, the library is empty. You have read your fair share of herbal remedies; instead, you walk to the cultural section. Hidden in the rows of books, you frantically search for anything related to the summer isles. You do not know what compels you to search for it, but part of you misses your birthland, which you may never return to.
Finally, a brown leather book with a golden inscription catches your eye from the highest shelf. Ladders are placed throughout the library, one on each end of the row. You take the one near you, pulling it close enough to reach the book. One by one, you climb the steps of the ladder. It is wobbly, and you fear it will bend at your weight, but the old thing holds firm. Shakingly, you reach for the leather book when the ladder finally gives way. Toppling to the side, you grab the book just as you fall. You wish you were as agile as Saagael, landing on your feet rather than your back.
Surprisingly, you don't feel the pain of your fall. You feel only warmth. The scent of sandalwood and myrrh surrounds you. It is all too familiar. With strong arms wrapped around you, Aemond Targaryen catches you by your waist. The side of his face presses into your belly, blocking your view of him when you look down. Despite the awkward position, you are most relieved you got your book.
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Crown and Kin | Chapter Four
Ao3 Account | Masterlist
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Chapter Four: The Girl is a Dragon
Word Count: 2,869
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x Original Female Character
Summary: As Daella settles into life in the Red Keep, she begins to uncover pieces of her Targaryen heritage and the legacy that comes with it. With a significant audience with the King looming, her bond with Daemon grows stronger, but new revelations leave her questioning her place in this unfamiliar world.
Themes & Warnings: 18+, Character Death, Rape/Non Con, Future Smut, Canon Typical Violence, Canon Typical Incest, Angst, Dad Daemon Targaryen, Bastards and Brothels, Fluff, Friends to Enemies to Lovers, Canon Divergence, Dysfunctional Family, Team Black Centric, Slow Burn, Eventual Romance
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Daella of King's Landing
A few days had passed since the silver-haired boy, dusted with dragon ash, appeared in the chamber they were using. Daella’s feet had finally healed enough for her to explore the Keep, and Daemon had moved them into the chambers he had once occupied as a boy. The contrast between this room and the queen’s quarters was striking. Here, the walls were bare, unpainted stone, rough to the touch. Red blankets draped the bed, and tapestries depicting ancient Targaryen legends hung proudly. The hearth was larger than the one in the queen’s chambers, and the fire within it burned brightly. This room, with its bold colors and roaring flames, offered Daella a surprising sense of comfort.
She stood before the crackling fire, its warmth softly kissing her skin. Her eyes lingered on the tapestry above the hearth. It showed a dark-haired man, kneeling on the muddy banks of a river, his heavy fur cloak draped around him. His head was bowed before another figure—this one tall and clad in silver armor. Behind the armored figure loomed a massive dragon, its wings partially unfurled. Two women in armor stood nearby, their stances regal. Men flanked either side—some in furs, with banners displaying a grey wolf on a white field, and others in armor, their shields and banners emblazoned with the red dragon on black, the sigil of House Targaryen.
“What are you doing, little one?” Daemon’s voice cut through the silence as he entered the room, his arms full of clothes. He let them spill onto the bed, the rich colors of red, black, and gold unfurling as he sat down.
Daella glanced at him with a smile before returning her gaze to the tapestry. “What is this?” she asked, her curiosity piqued.
“That, my sweet girl, is Torrhen Stark, the King in the North, bending the knee to Aegon Targaryen. That moment began a decades-long alliance between us and the Starks of Winterfell,” Daemon explained, moving to stand beside her.
“Rose told me she was from the North, from a place called Mole’s Town,” Daella whispered quietly. “She stopped at Winterfell on her way to King’s Landing. She said it was one of the most beautiful places she’d ever seen. I asked her to take me there, but I suppose she never will now.”
Daemon smiled gently. “I’ll take you. We can visit Winterfell and the Wall, and I’ll show you part of your great-grandmother’s legacy. But for now, choose something to wear. We have an audience with the king tomorrow.”
Daella moved to the bed and began sorting through the clothes. “These are all dresses,” she said, her brows furrowing in confusion. “Can’t I wear trousers?”
Daemon opened one eye as he lounged on the settee in front of the fire. “No, you cannot wear trousers. Pick a dress and be done with it.”
She rolled her eyes, a pout forming on her lips.
“And don’t pull that face,” he added, his tone slightly teasing. “It’s unbecoming of a young lady to pout.”
“I don’t think the King would care whether I’m wearing trousers or not,” she retorted sharply.
“The King may not, but the vultures at court certainly will,” Daemon replied with a sigh, his voice heavy. He looked at her with one eye half-open. “And we need to make a good impression.”
“If it’s all about making a good impression, will you be wearing a dress too?” Daella quipped, turning to face him with a mischievous grin tugging at her lips.
Daemon sat up, his piercing indigo gaze locking onto hers, one eyebrow raised in amusement. For a moment, he said nothing, then suddenly burst into laughter. “Careful, daughter,” he warned, his smile broadening. “I could have your tongue for that.”
As he approached, Daella stuck her tongue out defiantly. His laugh deepened, and when he reached her, he placed his hands on her shoulders with playful firmness, steering her toward the bed.
“Into bed, silly girl,” he said softly. “You’ve got a big day ahead of you tomorrow.”
Daella climbed into bed, the soft mattress cocooning her as she settled in. Daemon pulled the blankets around her, wrapping her snugly in their warmth before taking his usual spot beside her. The mattress dipped under his weight, and she felt the familiar comfort of his presence. Daemon was always there when she fell asleep, but he was rarely there when she woke up. She often wondered where he disappeared to, but never asked.
He leaned over and pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead, his voice humming softly. With his warmth beside her and the sound of his voice lulling her, Daella’s eyes grew heavy, and soon, the world faded to black.
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The next morning, maids bustled around, filling a bronze tub and setting out bread and cured meats on the table, while draping several dresses across the bed. Daella had refused to choose one last night, and now she had to face the inevitable. Reluctantly, she settled on a gown of gold, trimmed with delicate red lace. It was exquisite, regal even—but she still wished she could wear trousers. She held it up for Daemon’s approval as he sat at the table, absently picking at the food. He gave her a small nod, his expression unreadable, before rising and striding toward the door.
“Where are you going?” she asked, unable to keep the curiosity from her voice as she stood from the bed.
Daemon barely glanced back. “I have things to attend to, my sweet,” he said, pulling the door open with a soft creak. “The maid will help you dress. I’ll return before it’s time to meet the King.”
“I don’t need anyone’s help! I’m not a baby,” she retorted, racing after him.
Daemon paused just outside the door, turning back to face her with a smirk playing at his lips. He walked backwards down the hall, shaking his head, his eyes alight with mischief. “Then don’t act like one, Daella. Now be a good girl and let the maid help you.”
He spun on his heel and continued down the corridor, his dark cloak billowing behind him. Daella mimicked his words in a pout, "But I don’t want help," mocking his tone. One of the guards outside the door stifled a laugh, and she huffed, retreating into the chamber.
The maid stood quietly, eyes downcast as Daella paced the room. She cast a reluctant glance at the tub. “How does this work? I’ve never bathed in something like this before.”
The maid offered a small, patient smile. “Step in, my lady. We will start simply.”
She had been washing Daella’s hair for what felt like an eternity, each stroke of her hands careful, almost reverent. Occasionally, she picked up a strand and dropped it back into the water with a contemplative "hmm," as if something puzzled her. The once milky water had darkened, swirling like ink around Daella.
When she stepped out, the maid wrapped her in a soft robe and guided her to the mirror. Daella stared at her reflection, frozen in disbelief. A small scream escaped her throat. Her dark curls were gone. In their place, long waves of deep silver cascaded down her back, catching the light. It was the same shade as the necklace she had seen in the market. She pulled at the strands as though they might change back, panic bubbling up within her. Magic? A trick? She looked like... like him. Like a Targaryen. It felt foreign, wrong.
As if summoned by her distress, Daemon burst through the door, hand on the hilt of his sword, his eyes scanning the room for danger.
“What happened? Why did you scream?” he demanded, his voice edged with concern.
“My hair!” she cried, yanking at the strands in desperation. “Look at my hair!”
His tension eased immediately. With a quiet chuckle, he approached her, moving slowly as though afraid she might bolt. He stood behind her, wrapping his arms around her shoulders, pulling her close. "This," he murmured, pressing a kiss to the crown of her head, "is how your mother looked when I first met her. Before she began dyeing her hair."
His words stilled her panic. The mention of her mother shifted her focus, a sadness tugging at her heart. "Tell me about her," Daella asked softly, her voice barely above a whisper. "Rose and Harwin… they never speak of her. I think it hurts them too much."
Daemon’s gaze softened, his chin resting on her head as he stared into the mirror. "I didn’t know her well, my sweet. But I will tell you what I can… in time." He paused, and his lips twitched into a smirk. "But not today. We’re late already. I have a gift for you, something of Old Valyria, before we face my brother."
From behind his back, he produced a silver box, adorned with the Targaryen sigil. It was heavier than Daella expected for something so small. Inside, nestled on black velvet, lay the necklace from the market, its dark hue glinting like her new hair.
"It matches my sword," Daemon said, sliding his sword from its sheath just enough to reveal the matching sheen of the blade. His eyes flicked to hers in the mirror.
"Were you following me?" she asked, her fingers tracing the delicate links of the necklace.
"I have been following you since Harwin carried you away," he said, his voice lowering. "I saw the bread you left at the orphanage door. I saw the way you braided Harwin’s hair, the way you smiled at every watchman in the city. And yes, I even saw that mangy dog you tried to convince Rose to keep." He paused, his eyes softening as they met hers. "I knew you were mine, even before Rose told me."
Tears pricked at the corners of Daella’s eyes. "How did you know?"
"The same way I knew Caraxes was mine," he said, pressing his forehead against hers for a brief moment. "I just knew."
Daemon stepped back, nodding toward the dressing screen. "Now, get dressed."
The gown felt heavy as Daella pulled it over her head. She walked out from behind the screen, the delicate silk pooling at her feet. No one would know she wasn’t wearing shoes beneath the long hem. She smiled faintly at the small rebellion.
"It’s itchy," she huffed, tugging at the sleeves.
Daemon crouched down, lifting a corner of the skirt between his fingers. "It’s silk," he corrected with a soft laugh. "You’re just nervous."
"I’m not!" Daella snapped, but Daemon’s raised eyebrow said he saw through the lie. She fidgeted under his gaze. "What if he doesn’t like me? What if he doesn’t let me stay?"
Daemon’s voice softened, and he squeezed her hand. "My brother would be a fool not to like you. And even if he doesn’t let us stay…" He cupped her face, brushing a strand of silver hair behind her ear. "Wherever I go, you go. I won’t leave you, Daella. You are my daughter.”
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The stone floor chilled Daella's bare feet as she walked beside Daemon through the labyrinthine halls of the Red Keep. Servants and courtiers parted as they passed—some bowed their heads in respect, while others glanced up from beneath lowered brows, their gazes curious and probing. Whispers echoed faintly off the high stone walls, each hushed murmur a reminder of where they were headed.
Ahead loomed a pair of large wooden doors, intricate dragons carved deep into the wood. Voices—low and murmuring—could be heard from the other side. Two guards flanked the entrance, their armor polished to a gleam, the clink of metal filling the air as they shifted to allow them entry.
Daemon strode forward confidently, and Daella stayed close to his side, gripping his hand tightly. The hall they entered was vast, lined with lords and ladies on either side of a long aisle. Daella's heart pounded as she took in the scene. This wasn’t like Flea Bottom. The stares here felt heavier—sharper. Instinctively, she pressed herself closer to Daemon, seeking the comfort of his presence.
As they approached the Iron Throne, its looming figure became more defined. It was even more menacing up close, a monstrous heap of swords that jutted out in every direction, each one jagged and rusted, relics of conquest and war. Daella wondered how anyone could sit upon such a thing without being cut. Perhaps they were.
"How kind of you to finally join us, brother," King Viserys’s voice boomed through the hall, forcing a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes. He remained seated atop the throne, his fingers curled around the armrests as if he could keep his control over Daemon with just a touch.
Daemon halted at the bottom of the steps leading to the throne and inclined his head, though the gesture was far from deferential. "My king."
Daella’s eyes flicked between the two of them. Their smiles mirrored one another—on the surface, they appeared like brothers reunited—but there was something simmering beneath, a sharpness in their gazes that revealed a deeper tension. The King’s eyes settled on Daella, curiosity flickering in their depths, but his attention soon returned to Daemon.
The King rose, his expression guarded as he descended the steps. His robes trailed behind him like the shadows of a man weighed down by the weight of the crown. "You requested an audience, and now you have it," he said, his tone stiff. "So tell me, Daemon, what is it you seek this time?"
Daemon dropped to one knee, the move unexpected enough to draw a few gasps from the gathered crowd. "I come to ask for your forgiveness, brother." His voice was low but steady, and the surprise in Daella’s chest matched the confusion that briefly crossed Viserys’s face.
Viserys narrowed his eyes. "Forgiveness?" His gaze sharpened. "For what, exactly?"
"For my actions upon my last return," Daemon continued, rising slowly, pulling Daella up with him as he stood and tucking her close to his side. His voice carried through the hall, calculated yet proud. "And I wish to introduce someone to you."
Viserys’s attention shifted to Daella, his violet eyes narrowing as he studied her face. "I am pleased to see you have healed well, child," he said, though his tone was wary. "But how have you come to cling to my brother in the first place?"
Daemon didn’t hesitate. "This is my daughter, Daella." His voice was firm, the words echoing in the vast chamber. "I seek your permission to raise her here, as we were once raised."
A ripple of whispers spread through the room, and Daella buried her face against Daemon’s shoulder, trying to disappear from the weight of the stares. Her heart pounded in her chest, each beat a reminder of how far she was from the shadows of Flea Bottom.
Viserys’s brows furrowed, his confusion evident. "Your daughter?" he repeated, incredulous. "I was not aware you and Lady Rhea had a child."
Daemon’s gaze darkened, his tone hardening. "Daella is not of Lady Rhea." He leaned in closer to his brother, his voice dropping to a dangerous whisper, though it carried enough for the lords nearest to hear. "But look at her, brother. Look closely. Tell me you do not know whose blood runs through her veins."
The tension thickened as Viserys’s gaze returned to Daella, his scrutiny more intense now. His eyes traced her features—lingering on her violet eyes and the newly silvered waves of her hair. His breath hitched. Recognition flashed in his expression, quickly hidden behind a mask of composure. His hand reached out, gently tucking her hair behind her ear, as if seeing a ghost from another life.
"She looks just like her mother," he murmured, almost to himself, the words barely audible. His gaze softened, lost in memory.
The mention of her mother rendered Daella silent, surprise and confusion colliding within her. How do they all know her?
"How old are you, Daella?" Viserys asked, his tone gentler now, pulling her from her thoughts.
"Six," she replied quickly, before adding in a hurried whisper, "Your Grace."
Viserys smiled, a rare warmth touching his eyes. "You may call me uncle, dear child." His smile grew as he turned to the gathered crowd, lifting his hands to command the room’s attention. "Let us celebrate the welcoming of my niece, the Lady Daella Targaryen, into the family!"
There was a brief pause, the weight of the announcement settling over the crowd before the hall erupted in applause. Daella let out a breath she hadn’t realized she was holding, her eyes scanning the room. Among the sea of unfamiliar faces, one pair of purple eyes caught hers—the boy covered in dragon dust. A small smile pulled at his lips before he looked away, his face vanishing into the crowd.
Daella turned her gaze upward, finding Daemon already watching her with a look of pride. He lowered his head until his forehead rested against hers, a gesture that melted away the knot of anxiety that had twisted in her stomach all morning.
Perhaps she did belong. Perhaps she had a family after all.
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jienem · 1 year
His Human
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Y/N's parents often vacation with her in a cabin near the woods every spring. The young girl, no less than twelve years old, shares a little excitement about going into the cabin every year. While she worries about dangers in the forest, her parents don't seem to worry; in fact, they even encourage her to explore, much to her dismay. Despite their nonchalance, she wasn't keen on going outside, preferring to stay indoors and read in the library all day. After much convincing from her parents and promising to buy her gifts, she finally agreed begrudgingly. Her parents showed happiness and praised her, hugging her tightly. While she wondered why they were enthusiastic about her leaving. If they wanted her to leave, they could have just said so.
Y/N sighed and left the house with a basket and book in hand. The trees swayed slowly while the forest was empty. When she walked in, she expected to see many small animals in the area, such as rabbits, birds, squirrels, and more. But she was alone. Her footsteps were the only noise. She didn't pay much attention and only hummed while searching for a place to lay down. To her luck, she found a lake leading to a spot nearby perfect for laying; the sun wouldn't be a problem, but the most perfect one is.
She laid down her basket and sat beside it. The view. One thing she notices is that the view here of the castle of the fairies is magnificent. Admiring the scenery, she reluctantly turned to her book before delving into the pages until the sun was setting.
The next day, she came back with a blanket, papers, and a quill. She was taking this time to write for her grandmother and a friend who was living in the village of Harvest. When she went back home yesterday, her parents were overjoyed once more, to the point of making her snacks more than usual. She couldn't help but puzzle at their reactions but nonetheless shook her head in response. Her hand took out a piece of bun from the basket while she was writing and began eating when she suddenly heard voices in her left side. Her eyes moved in that direction as she watched the bushes shake violently while the voice grew louder.
"I swear I smelled delicious food around here; just let me prove it to you, oh!" Their eyes met. Her eyes widened as she stared at his yellow-green slit eyes. Both look so shocked at each other, to the point of freezing from where they stand. They stood there for a good few minutes before he, the boy around her age, looked down at what she was holding and furrowed his eyebrows.
"What are you going to do with that?" the boy questioned. Y/N looked down at where he was pointing, and embarrassment started to creep on her. Unbeknownst to her, she uses the half-eaten bun as a weapon in his direction. A laughable choice indeed.
"Nothing. " was all she could reply before quickly removing the bun. They stayed silent until another figure emerged behind the boy, who was inches taller than him. She noticed the strange color of his hair and unique eyes but didn't comment.
"Sebek, if you wanted—oh hi." The other boy paused as he noticed her. Y/N waved shyly in his direction. He returned the gesture before apologizing that they may have bothered her. To which she disagreed and smiled politely.The person who was called Sebek furrowed his eyebrows more and crossed his arms while he assessed her. She, who didn't like being assessed, carefully watched him before making her move.
"If you would excuse me, I have business to attend to." She spoke, drained by this ordeal, and used this time to pack her belongings while thinking of moving to another place for a spot. Her little secret place wasn't so secret anymore. How sad that she likes this place, but oh well. The two boys looked at each other before a bicker started to take place.
"You really should apologize, you know."
"I didn't even do anything; I just stumbled into this place, okay?"
"I don't suppose my father would agree; walking into someone else's place was a boundary."
Y/N noted he was smart. And she bows to him mentally. Sebek made a hmp sound before mumbling something incoherently while she watched in disdain.
"I'm sorry, what was that?"
"Nothing of your concern, human; move along," he said loudly at that one. This irked her a little; who was he to order her around?
"Hmm, is that so? Well, I guess I have to put away these delicious foods I have here. Oh, what a shame." y/n knows no bounds. She tested his emotions by putting her hand in her cheek and sighed theatrically.
"I guessed if I don't eat them all, I might as well put them somewhere else."
"You!" he accused, but a grumbled sound echoed around them. The unique-eyed boy and y/n look in Sebek's direction with amusement dancing in their eyes. Sebek tensed, a blush emerging from his cheeks, and he screamed.
"Tch, what are you all looking at?!"
Sebek started to eat quickly while the other boy only sat by their side. The three of them sat down after the event, not uttering another word, when she noticed she still hadn't known their names. Sebek could be a nickname, for all she knows.
"Sorry for interrupting, but my name is y/n L/n. And you two are?" y/n introduced slowly. She watches their interaction by simply glancing at each other before Sebek gulps down his food while proudly exclaiming.
"I'm Sebek Zigvolt, and this is Silver, a knight in training to serve his great highness Malleus Sama." Y/N flinched at the volume of his voice but couldn't hide her excitement.
"Really?! As in the prince himself?!"
"Of course, human!"
"Not to you, you crocodile!"
Silver watches as they bicker with a smile on his face. It was a peaceful day.
"Ah, my, I apologize for staying here; do you two live nearby?" y/n asked after minutes of arguing with Sebek, finally switching to a sleepy silver who was surrounded by animals at his side. Y/N watches dumbfoundedly, amazed at how many animals are at his side at once, before petting a rabbit who launches at her.
"Not far from here, there is a cabin where I live with my father. Sebek, on the other hand, was merely visiting for training. And you?" he managed to reply despite the drowsiness enveloping him. Y/N merely chuckled and replied that she was also nearby with her parents.
"So what are you doing in this forest?" Sebek, despite their earlier debates leaving him in a sour mood, asked while cleaning the messes he made. Y/N paused for a short period of time, debating whether to tell him she was forced to explore the forest or bribed by gifts. She picked the latter.
"Oh well, my parents wanted me to explore the woods and simply chose this spot for my resting." straight to the point, or so she thought. Sebek nodded in response before noticing an inked piece of paper at the side.
"Hey, what is this?" he questioned before taking the paper into his hands. He didn't even look at the paper; he just stared at her before holding it out to her. Y/N appreciated his gesture and quickly folded the papers, placing the quill inside her pockets.
"Just a letter," she said, not indulgent him more, and soon looked up at the sky and was surprised to see how much time had passed. When she left, the sun was only at its peak, but now the sunset was at its highest.
"Well, I should head back now; it's getting late. I really enjoyed our conversation." She truly did; she smiled and waved at the two who waved her goodbye with a smile on their faces. Y/N turned to Sebek with a small smirk on her face.
"I would bring tomorrow a special meal just for you."
"Please do not ever return!"
She did return with a basket full of handmade foods her mother and she had made. Watching Sebek's expression when she truly came amused her. What an eventful day!
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Hi everyone! Thank you for taking your time to read this story, this is my first time posting thus I hope you all enjoyed this little entry so I was kinda nervious about this one but I was planning for a continuation to this story what do you think? Leave your comments below!
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keyrey · 3 months
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ꕥ𝐃𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐰/ 𝐊𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐍𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐢ꕥ
“When my father didn’t have my hand, he had my back.” —Linda Poindexter
■□■(SFW, family headcannon.)■□■
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𝓡𝓮𝓭, a testament to never-ending strength and courage. White, a resemblance of peace and purity. Denmark, a hot-ass place to be in the middle of summer, wearing a thick cream colored suit and tie. It’s what you’ve been trying to tell your headstrong, handsome, manly hunk of a husband all evening. Although somehow, you’ve ended up bundled in layers of silk sheets, the orange sun peeking through the sheer curtains, the ever-so-calming timbre of Farum Lake and rustling leaves, cradled warmly in the embrace of the man we all know and love, Kento freaking Nanami.
“I swear I’m gonna break that damn clock one day,” you blurt out before your mind can register what you said. A slight offense on your part—forgetting that the clock you’re so avidly pressed about was Nanami’s grandmother’s, one of the last remnants of her being. Grandpa Soren’s house is the worst place to be in the scorching summer heat. Do you want air conditioning? Buy a water bottle and a bucket of ice. If it weren’t for the croissant bakery, the ice cream truck, and the taco joint down the road, you’d flee right back to good ol’ Ammurica on the first flight available, but… this is one of the sacrifices you have to make when you have a husband, right?
"I love your commitment to destroying antique furniture. Maybe we should replace all our furniture with IKEA next." 
You can’t help but roll your eyes at his snarkiness. He does that sometimes, most of the time. “Nanami—” “I apologize.” 
“Yeah, you better, fool!” You laugh heartily, chest hurting as you throw a nearby pillow at him. But of course, with his trained Jujutsu reflexes, he dodged it perfectly even though he’s retired. 
“Dammit! I will get you next time!” The other pillow you were about to chuck straight into that gorgeous face of his, got halted by the creek of the rusty metal hinges. You both looked, craning your heads to the side. 
Slimy fingers which most definitely were coated with snot and boogers trailed up your sides. An ooey, gooey monster? No… just your five year old girl, Jasmine, who runs in the house like she owns the place. You refuse to tell her that one day, she will. 
Jasmine held one of those velcro wooden pizza sets that you can mix and match. You guessed it was her favorite feature because it was the only explanation for a pineapple, salmon, mushroom and pepperoni pizza all in one. To make it even better, her slobbery fingers made an excellent argument on why NOT to indulge in this intriguing delicacy. “HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADDYYYYYYY!!!!” Jasmine was your crazy ball of energy, you really have no idea how she is such a contrast to both your and Nanami’s personalities. 
Grandpa Soren shuffled into the room, his long beard swinging slightly with each step. Coupled with an angular visage. The lines on his face told stories of loneliness, but his eyes brightened as they took in the sight of his family. 
His voice, though worn and gravelly, carried a tender note as he spoke. "I'm sorry," he said, running a hand through his beard, a hint of a smile playing at the corners of his lips. "She just really wanted to see you on your birthday, Nanami."
Jasmine returned to galloping around the master bedroom like the centaur she is– should be. 
"She's too fickle! Slips right out of my hands!" he chuckled, shaking his head in amused resignation.
“How would you all feel about a birthday breakfast in bed, hmm?” Now we’re talking. You were the first to raise your hand, NOT your birthday. Nanami looked at you, a knowing look on his face. A nod of confirmation, and Grandpa Soren is gone, whisked away into the wonders of the kitchen. 
The scent of warm pastry dough, buttery and slightly sweet, mingled with the eggs, created an irresistible symphony of smells that tickled the senses.
“Daddyyyyyy!!!! Why not eat my pizza!!!!!?? Is delicious!!!”
She really needs to go back to preschool. You couldn’t hold back your reaction, a fierce chortle, eliciting a brown faux fur pillow right in your face, shutting you up immediately. 
Nanami went into full-on dad mode, a mode that even when you two are alone, is hard to turn off. Literally, his pupils dilated fully, looking like a straight up puppy. He seemed to snake off the bed effortlessly and onto the ground, kneeling down to her level. You witnessed his hands tremble in fear as he stuck out the tip of his tongue to taste his daughter’s creation. 
“You like? You like, daddy!!???”
He tried his hardest not to break his facade and provided Jasmine with a crooked smile, attempting to hide the sensation of his stomach twitching.
“Delicious, baby. Make Daddy another one?” And thus began the start of a grave mistake that eventually roped you and Grandpa Soren around in it as well. Sour expressions ran through the family. Luckily, you were no longer burning in the heat as Grandpa invested into a fan. You thought you’d never see the day. Only Nanami would risk his life for his daughter’s wooden pizza creations. This is why Nanami is daddy. Our very own daddy. 
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╰┈➤Banner (Canva rules) ╰┈➤Fanart drawn by yours truly - KeyRey. ╰┈➤Special thanks to @cafekitsune for the divider! ╰┈➤ Extra special thanks to @pseudowho for inspiration to start writing again ahhh! Love your work ❤️
(I don’t know if I was supposed to tag, sorry! New to the unspoken rules of tumblr etiquette 😅😅 >.<)
■□■<Unrelated Teaser for a potential sequel>■□■ An autistic dog accompanied by an autistic girl, an uncalled for turn of events, but my current reality as he shakes in my arms, petrified by the sharp, whirring whistles of red, white and blue. A symbol of bravery, peace and freedom. But we all know expectations and realities provide an unequivocal sense of falseness. Which is why a compressed thunder jacket, warm cozy blankets and bread coated in peanut butter, stuffed with an anxiety pill inside is the way to go.
Extra little note: A few mistakes might've went under my radar when writing this, please don't be afraid to point out corrections! ⇣⇣Real footage of Nanami and his baby⇣⇣
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justmystyles · 1 year
Now You're In My Life - Part 10
catch up here
pairing: Harry Styles x plus size reader
word count: 2.4k
summary: you and Harry spend the rest of the week together, and have some conversations about your relationship.
warnings: a couple of curse words, but other than that, it's tame.
a/n: it's been two weeks, but i finally have a new chapter for you guys! hopefully, i won't go this long without an update moving forward, but no promises! thank you all so much for your love, support, interactions, and asks, i love how welcomed y'all have made me feel.
tags: @allthelovehes @ameerakane20 @ash-craze @bethanysnow @blue-ballad @blueraspberryreader @brightlightsinlife @creativelyeva @cute-as-ducks420 @deannaard @fanficismydrug @gem1712 @golden-hoax @gothmingguk @groovychaosavenue @hillzrry @iceebabies @indierockgirrl @jerseygirlinca @jng4kook @jooniesbabie @kaverichauhan @laurxn-robinson @lexiecamposv @mrs-anna-styles211994 @n0vaj3an @potterheadandsherlocked @rach2699 @ravenclawdirectioner @stylesfeverr @superchrystaldrug @tenaciousperfectionunknown @tiaamberxx @thechaoticjoy @theekyliepage @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @youknowwhaaat
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The rest of your week with Harry was better than you ever could have imagined. The day after your family dinner, as promised, Harry joined you and your grandfather at the cemetery to visit your grandmother’s grave. He stayed back, allowing you and your grandfather a private moment. However, before you left, he asked for a minute and took some time at the grave himself. 
You asked him why, and he told you he wanted to meet your grandmother because she was so important to you. 
You asked him what he said, and he told you it was between the two of them. 
You fell in love with him a little bit more. 
When you returned to your grandfather’s house, you stayed and visited for a while. He and Harry got along great, the two of them spent most of the time going through your grandfather’s records and talking about music. You watched on with a smile on your face, knowing that they were both having the time of their lives. 
Harry pulled out one of the many Elvis albums and reviewed the tracks. “Wow, this is a great one.”
“That’s the one I put on tape for Y/N when she was little.” Your grandfather said proudly. 
Harry looked over at you and you smiled with a nod. “When I was three or four, I told him I liked Elvis, so he put that album on a cassette for me. He has been the one musical constant in my life. No matter what I was listening to, or what scene I found myself in, there was always Elvis. There will always be Elvis.” 
“That’s really beautiful,” Harry said. Wrapping his arm around your shoulders and pulling you in to kiss your temple. 
The days following your family visits were mostly spent just enjoying each other’s company at home. It was a level of domesticity you had never had in a relationship before, and it felt perfectly natural. You would lay around, watching television and talking, cooking for each other. Your house had never felt so much like a home. 
At one point, you were in the basement putting in a load of laundry, when you felt Harry’s arms wrap around your waist, and his lips drop onto your neck. 
“I told you I’d be right back.” You chuckled as he continued to place lazy kisses down your neck, and across your collarbone. 
“I know,” he mumbled against your skin. “But I missed you.” 
“You know, it’s kind of cute the way you follow me around like a lost puppy.” Harry simply hummed against your skin in response. “Oh, that’s it!” You said as you removed yourself from his arms and turned to face him. He looked at you with a mix of annoyance and confusion. “I’ve been trying to think of a cute nickname for you, you know because you have one for me?”
“And you’re going with puppy?” 
“Yeah, why? You don’t like it?” You looked at him with big eyes and pouty lips. 
“It just seems…” He trailed off, trying to think of the best way to phrase it. “A princess regal and revered, a puppy is a pet it’s like...” He waves his hands, still unsure quite what to say.  
“Puppy, I’m going to be real with you,” you say with a sly smirk. “The more you fight it, the more I’m going to want to use it.” 
Harry sighs jokingly. “I guess it’s fine.” Truthfully, he would be fine with whatever you wanted to call him, he was just happy to be yours. 
“That’s better,” you say, wrapping your arms around his waist as his come around your shoulders. “Besides, it actually works on a couple of levels.” 
“Yeah I mean, you’ve got those extra nipples and all.” 
Harry chuckles and kisses the top of your head. “You’re lucky I love you.” 
“The luckiest,” you agree, pulling your arms around him tighter.
One of the things Harry had wanted to do while he was visiting was to go into Boston and do some touristy things. He had traveled to the city before, but it was always for work so he never had much of a chance to truly explore. So he put on his most incognito outfit and the two of you headed into the city. 
As you walked through Faneuil Hall hand in hand, Harry noticed that something seemed to be on your mind. He squeezed your hand gently to get your attention. “You alright?” He finally asked when you looked up at him. 
“Yeah, I just had this super random thought.” He arched his brow, encouraging you to continue. “I’ve come here hundreds of times in my life; field trips, pub crawls, concerts, whatever. But I’ve never actually looked at it as a tourist destination, it’s just the place to go when your small town gets too small.” You muse. “These people took time off of work, booked travel and hotels, planned in advance to come here and do this stuff on a random Wednesday afternoon.” 
“I get it,” Harry replied. “You’ve been here your whole life, it’s not like you’re taking it for granted or anything, but they’re all just looking at everything through a different lens than you are.” 
“Have you ever been here with someone that wasn’t from here?” He asked, you thought about it for a minute and shook your head no. “Perfect, well now you are, so I can help you look at it from a tourist’s perspective.” 
“How are you going to do that?” You ask curiously. 
“We’re going to read all the plaques, take a bunch of silly pictures, and buy cheesy merch!” 
You smile at him, noticing how excited the idea made him. “I actually love that.” 
And that’s exactly what you did. You started at the beginning of the Freedom Trail, following the red brick path and stopping at each of the sixteen sites to take pictures and learn about their significance. After that, you took some time wandering the aquarium, something you’d always loved to do anyway, and moved on to the North End where you insisted Harry try a cannoli from each of the three most famous establishments in the city. A small tift did come up when he chose Modern Pastry over the clearly superior Mike’s. But you finally conceded, saying it just meant more of the good cannoli for you. 
Throughout the day, you noticed murmurs and whispers, as well as people trying to surreptitiously photograph the two of you. A few fans did approach Harry, he politely turned down their requests for photos, but took a few moments to speak with each of them, not wanting to hurt the people who allow him to live his dream on a daily basis. 
At one point, when the crowd seemed to be getting particularly suffocating, Harry suggested that you duck into a nearby restaurant for a bite. They were all very small, so you would be able to get some distance and have some time to yourselves. You chose a restaurant, and Harry requested a table as far from the windows as possible, signaling to the crowd that was forming outside. The hostess nodded and led you up a set of stairs to their private dining area. 
“We don’t have any parties booked, so you can have this space all to yourselves.” She said as she handed you each a menu. “I’ll be right back with some water.” You and Harry thanked her, and she made her way back downstairs.  
“So I’m assuming that happens a lot?” You ask. You knew this was something that was bound to happen as you spent time with Harry, but it was a little jarring to actually see it in person.
“Sometimes,” he replies bashfully. “More so in cities that I don’t spend much time in. I’m around places like London and New York so much that people are kind of used to it.” 
You nod in understanding. “I’m sorry, we didn’t have to go out–”
“No no no princess, don’t be sorry.” He reached across the table, taking your hand in his. “Today has been wonderful. I want us to go out on dates and have adventures, all of it. Though, this does bring up a piece of the puzzle that I had been slightly dreading.” 
You felt a knot in your stomach at his words. “What do you mean?” 
Harry took a deep breath, preparing himself. “I give so much of myself to the world, but there are things I like to keep to myself, and not share with the public. One of the things I keep to myself are my relationships. Most of the time, the fans end up finding out, but I don’t comment on it, I don’t go out of my way to show it off.” 
He studied your expression carefully, he was worried about how you might take this conversion. You were self conscious, he could tell by the way you would question him about the status of your relationship, or the surprise in your eyes when he would shower you with praise. The last thing he wanted was for you to feel like he was ashamed or embarrassed by you. 
“I understand.” You said softly. “My socials are all on private, and I haven’t even posted anything about us, and I won’t if–”
“Woah there,” Harry cut off your ramble, scooting his chair so that he was sitting beside you. “I didn’t say that because I was going to start laying down rules. I love you, and I want as normal of a relationship as we can have. I just wanted to make sure you didn’t think I was hiding you.” 
He leaned in, kissing your lips softly, which instantly calmed you. “Okay,” you sighed. “I don’t like being the center of attention anyway.” You shrug. 
He cupped your cheek in his hand. “You’ll always be the center of my attention, princess.” 
After dinner, the staff was kind enough to let you slip out the back exit to avoid the crowd that had assembled waiting for Harry. You made it back to the parking garage without incident, and made your way back home. 
The morning before Harry was scheduled to leave, you were in the kitchen doing the dishes from breakfast when you realized Harry hadn’t been pestering you. This is the quietest he’s been since he’d been there. You dry your hands on a nearby towel and make your way down the hall. You open the bedroom door just enough to peek in. Harry is sitting on the bed holding his phone in front of him, talking to someone on FaceTime. 
He looks up and smiles, you offer an apologetic expression, mouthing ‘I’m sorry’, but before you can back out of the room he stops you. 
“No, it’s alright princess, it’s just my mum. Come over and say hi!” He chuckles when your eyes go wide. You hadn’t met his mother yet, so you were a bit nervous. “Oh don’t be such a baby.” He chided. 
You made your way over to the bed, taking a seat beside Harry, your back resting against the headboard. Harry immediately leans in, kissing your cheek. “Hi,” you greet Anne with a nervous smile and a small wave. 
“Y/N, it’s so lovely to finally meet you. Harry won’t stop talking about you!” 
“Muuummmmm,” Harry groans in mock embarrassment, burying his head in the crook of your neck.
“Don’t be such a baby,” you say, mocking his words from earlier, kissing his temple before returning to the phone. “I’m glad to be meeting you as well.”
“Is my boy behaving himself?”
You bring your index finger to your lip, tapping as if you’re deep in thought. “I mean, as best as can be expected.” 
Harry lifts his head, furrowing his brow. “Are you two really ganging up on me already?” 
You and Anne laugh at his dramatics. “I’ll let you two go,” Anne continues. “Y/N, I hope we get to meet in person soon!”
“Me too, definitely!” You agree with a smile. 
Harry says goodbye to his mother, promising he’ll let her know when he lands the following day. After he hung up the phone, he looked at you with a sad smile. 
“So I guess tomorrow is really happening.” You say, alluding to the fact that he’s going to be leaving. 
“Yeah,” he nodded, bringing a hand up to stroke your cheek with the backs of his fingers. “I’m really going to miss you.”
“I’m really going to miss you,” you lean forward, pressing your lips to his. 
Harry pulled away, resting his forehead against yours. “Do you have any vacation time left?”
“A couple of days.” 
“I had a thought,” he smiled mischievously. “I know you’re doing Christmas with your family, but what if you came out to spend New Years with me? You could meet my family, I could give you a tour. We could do this whole week, but for me.” 
“Oh,” you pulled back, your face falling. “I can’t, actually.” 
“That’s okay, maybe some time in January?” 
You looked down at your lap and shook your head. “I can’t leave the country.” 
Harry furrowed his brow, lifting your gaze to meet his. “Are you on probation or something?” 
You laughed slightly. “No, I don’t have a passport.” Harry’s eyes went wide at your confession. “Harry, I’ve never even left my time zone before. Why would I need a passport?” 
“Well you’d better hurry up and get one, because you’re my girl now and…” he clears his throat before continuing. “I can show you the world. Shining, shimmering, splendid.” You roll your eyes and try to pull away, but he only pulls you closer as he continues to sing. “Tell me princess, now when did you last let your heart decide?” 
“Alright, alright I’ll get the freaking passport!” You groan. 
Harry pulls you close, smothering your face with kisses. “That’s my girl. In the meantime, I’m coming back here for New Years.”
“Of course, you think I’m not going to get my midnight kiss?” He asked with an arched brow. “But until then,” he repositions you so that you’re laying on the bed and he’s hovering over you. “I’m going to spend all day giving you something to remember me by.” 
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makeyoumine69 · 2 years
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◥ PAIRING: Patrick Bateman x Fem!Reader
◥ SUMMARY: Patrick is so obsessed with an idea to breed you, and he's ready to knock you up even in his mother's house.
◥ CW: 18+/ NSFW │69 & cowgirl (sex positions), heavy daddy kink, Patrick being fluffy but degrading reader at the same time, a lot of creampie.
◥ A/N: I'm sorry again for a lot of words. Thank you so much for this request, I hope you like it! 🥰
◥ LINKS: │Bingo Writing Challange Masterlist│ │Main Masterlist│
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What could be better than a ‘family’ dinner in Patrick’s mum’s fancy house–you thought ironically, fidgeting in your place. Almost straight away, you felt Bateman’s warm palm around your shoulders as he hugged you tightly, petting you from time to time like he was trying to soothe you and that was really unusual for him.
“So, how was your trip to Miami?” Mrs. Bateman asked, finishing her meal with a glass of wine.
“Everything went fine,” Patrick murmured, pulling you closer and leaving a small peck on your cheek. “(Y/N) received a lot of unforgettable memories and that is the most important thing for me.”
“Yeah, that was really nice.” You said sheepishly as you smiled at him, laying your head on his broad shoulder.
Amused by you two, Mrs. Bateman called out for a maid to ask what had been planned for a desert. Speaking about Patrick–his most desirable desert was sitting right beside him, melting in his sweet embrace.
With a quiet gasp, Patrick turned to look at you, watching you fighting with a yawn. Hugging you closer, he stroked your cheekbone before whispering: “Are you tired, Peach? It's been a long day.” “No no, I’m okay,” you nuzzled against his large palm, feeling yourself heavenly. “Just… All dishes were so delicious and that made me a little drowsy.”
“Someone loves to eat, don't they?”
Frowning a bit, you pushed him aside with a light laughter “Well, it’s better than to always be grumpy cause you’re on the latest fad diet.” You punctuated the last words with a tease smirk and took a sip of the fresh orange juice.
As soon as Patrick was about to say something in reply, his mother clapped her hands with excitement, returning her attention to you again: “Patrick, dear. Maybe you will stay tonight? Tina’s cooking a cheesecake. She's so good at confectionery, you both need to try it!”
“You know I don’t eat any sweets…” imperceptibly, Patrick looked under the table and then, his tempting gaze fell on the black stockings you were wearing. “But maybe we will stay...” His suddenly low voice made your heart skip a beat.
“Ohh, I will be so happy if you stay!” You gave him a slightly confused glare, but you didn’t dare to speak, understanding that he definitely had something on his mind. Puzzled, you put a glass on the table to avoid any chance to break it when you heard Mrs. Bateman’s voice:
“I wanted to ask before, but I wasn't sure,” she grinned, gazing upon you one by one. “Are you planning to have kids? I have looked forward to being a grandmother for years now since Sean turned out to be a total jackass.”
“We’re working on it.” Patrick sneered in a stern voice, planting his palm on your hip.
His unexpected words almost made you choke on the air. Coughing, you grabbed his hand which was slowly sliding down between your legs, scorching your skin wherever he touched it. 
“Good to know. By the way, have you already shown (Y/N) my house?”
“I just thought about it,” he crooned, smirking to himself as he felt your body shivering from his barely sensible touches. “C’mon, Peach. Let me quickly show it to you.”
After saying that, Patrick stood up and gave you a hand, his eyes were darting all around your pretty frame, leaving you completely embarrassed.
“I expect you to return when the cheesecake is done. You don’t want to offend an old woman, don’t you?”
“We will come back later, for sure,” you nodded to Patrick’s mum, placing your palm into his big one and letting him help you stand up. “Thank you so much for the dinner. Everything was so perfect!”
Flattered, she looked at Patrick, smiling as if she knew something and saying: “You’re always welcome, sweetheart.” 
And then, you walked away, leaving a luxury living room behind.
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“How many rooms does this house have, exactly?” You asked Patrick, turning around each time you saw a door. 
“A lot, trust me.” 
All the way down here, Patrick was holding your waist, petting your back from time to time. Usually whenever he acted sweet, you knew–he was up to something; something you might not even like but that was the last thing Bateman worried about. 
Humming to himself, he halted near a dark wooden door, opening it slowly with a cocky smile. “Well, here we are.”
Bateman let you get inside first and then, a beautifully decorated room opened up before your eyes. Every little detail here was radiating an expensive, luxurious vibe: starting with the carpet and ending with the elegant curtains. Admired by the surrounding atmosphere, you turned around to see Patrick, standing near the entrance, watching you with pure delight.
“Is it your room?” 
“Mmm, technically it was mine… a long time ago, but now it’s just a guest room,” he said in a soft voice, hiding his hands in his pockets. “You like it?” “Yes. It’s dazzling and… it reminds me of your apartment.” With a cute grin on your face, you walked further into the room, exploring all stuff you could see.
Your curiosity made him chuckle from amusement, especially when you began to ask so many questions about each thing you found.
“Wow… what a nice picture,” you took a photo, where two obviously rich boys were smiling at a camera. “It’s your brother I guess?” “Yeah, it’s Sean.”
“As I remember, you don’t really like him…”
“True. So, I doubt you would ever meet him.” He stated, strolling around the room behind your back.
You let out a quiet gasp, putting the photo in its place when you suddenly noticed an enormous collection of different musical records and cassettes. Biting your lip, you had to lean down to have a proper look at them and you didn’t notice the hem of your skirt pulling up, revealing the pretty curves of your butt. Without saying a word, Partick exhaled loudly through his nostrils as if he had been waiting for that specific moment. 
“I can see something caught your attention…” He murmured, approaching you from behind.
“Just wanted to have a lo–,” you gasped abruptly, founding yourself trapped in his powerful arms, with his hard groin pressed against your ass. “P-Patrick…”
“What is it, Peach?” He whispered into your ear, teasing the delicate skin of your neck. 
“You planned all of this, r-right? A-aww…” You moaned from the way he was squeezing your boobs, hugging you from behind.
“I just thought we shouldn’t waste any time,” pulling you closer, he licked your neck, biting it a bit after and forcing you to tremble in his grip. “Sugar… I can’t wait to see you pregnant.”
 “Patrick… W-we, we are at your mum’s house…”  
“You think I care?” Groaning softly, he hold you in his arms, lifting you up with ease as he moved towards a big bed in the room's corner. 
Gently, he set you on the edge, petting the bare skin of your thighs which was not hidden by your black stockings. Patrick was exploring your body with no rush like it was your first intimate moment and he wanted to enjoy every second. 
“When I saw these black stockings on you–I already knew how this day would end.” He purred, while his sneaky fingers finally reached your wet panties. 
“D-daddy…” You flinched from the burning heat his body was radiating. 
“Mmm, Peach,” he snuggled into your shivering frame, forcing you to lean on your back. “I won’t even comment on this. You’re always so wet for daddy, such a slutty little girl. Did you think about me fucking you during the dinner?”
Fidgeting in your place from embarrassment, you made a deep breath before replying: “I… Yes, I did...”
You heard him chucking in amusement when he unexpectedly pulled away from you, standing up and towering over you like a mountain. 
“What an unbelievable confession.” Patrick mused, grasping your chin.
“Why don’t you just wait until we come home?” You rejoined, looking into his brown eyes. “I don’t feel comfortable… Since everyone here can hear us.”
“Whether you want to be loud or quiet–it’s entirely up to you,” he fondled your lower lip, slipping his thumb into your mouth. “The only thing you can’t affect–I want to fuck you right here and right now. Be a good girl–take off your panties and spread your legs for me.”
His raspy voice echoed in your ears like a thunderclap, it sent a million goosebumps down your spine, hypnotizing you like a spell.
Thrilled, you were watching each other undressing, losing your minds by the second. With shaking hands, you tried to focus on your clothes that have left but you couldn’t take your eyes off of Patrick’s naked torso; he was literally sculpted like a Greek God–you thought like that whenever you saw the perfect relief of his muscles. 
When you finally did what he said, you looked at him from under your lashes, seeing nothing but a ravenous desire in his savage gaze. Breathing heavily, Patrick swallowed hard with how you opened up for him, revealing your blushing pussy; he didn’t even care about undoing his pants as his primal instincts overtook him completely. 
Watching your reaction, he cupped your needy cunt and pressed a thumb to your little nub, causing a muffled wail to erupt from your half-open mouth.
“D-daddy… A-ahhh..” That was all you managed to pronounce as you threw your head back.
“(Y/N), baby… Tell me, what you want the most,” he was teasing your clit with light strokes. “My fingers or…”
“Mouth!” you desperately blurted out, “I w-want your mouth…Please, daddy…”
“Oh, is it so?”
“Mm-hmm.” You nodded, timidly closing your eyes as your felt his skilful digits moving up and down your folds.
“Your dirty talk has improved markedly,” he admitted, pinching your tight nipple. “It’s not perfect yet, but it’s really getting better.”
Gasping from the lack of air, you remembered you forgot to put off your stockings, but as soon as you touched them you heard his hoarse voice:
“Leave them like that, sugar,” carefully, he took your hand away, replacing it with his own to worship your hips here and there. “You have such pretty legs, but… by this time they should have been already rested on my shoulders or around my back.” After saying that, Patrick laid across the bed behind you, leaving you completely confused.
“C’mere, Peach,” he murmured as he beckoned you. “I’ve another idea how I can use my mouth.”
Hesitating a bit, you climbed onto the sheets beside him as you were trying to understand what was on his mind. “You want me to get on top of you?”
“I want you get on top of my face,” he responded, smirking with how your bit your lower lip. “Previous times, I didn’t have to persuade you…”
And he was so goddamn right-you thought before mounting him, but almost immediately, you had to change your position as he spanked your ass, forcing you to turn around, so you could reach his extremely hard cock. Leisurely, you unzipped his pants, petting his dick through his fancy boxers. Passionately, Patrick groaned in response, his solid body tensed under your touch. And then, when you sensed a light pressure on your lower back–you knew exactly what he wanted. With one simple motion, you got rid of the last obstacle to his hot flesh, which was longing for your attention.
“Baby… m-mhm,” he let out a muffled moan as you were giving him a hand job he needed. “Do ya want me to start first?”
Turning around to face him, you murmured: “Yes, daddy… Please, taste me…” Your innocent gaze was like a red button for him, which was turning on a full insane mode. 
As soon as his wet tongue met your oversensitive clit, you had to cling to his ankles, feeling a tingling sensation in your lower belly. Smugly, Patrick smirked to himself, revelling in all your high-pitched wails as his hands were tightly wrapped around your hips, pulling your pussy closer to his greedy mouth.
“A-aww, P-Patrick…” You whimpered before you gave his stony cock one long lick, starting with his balls and ending with the tip.
Feeling his lips tensed around your little tip, you made a deep breath and let him push into your mouth, taking him as deep as you could. Bobbing your head up and down, you were about to choke on his beefy shaft with how his tongue was toying your soaked pussy, but you didn’t stop–even if you couldn’t win in this “fight” you wouldn’t give up that easily.
“Such a cock-addicted slut, f-fuck…” he groaned against your cunt, your wetness running down his chin. “You’re doing so well, sweetheart… I’m gonna reward you with my seed, gonna pump your tight hole so-fucking-full.”
Almost breathlessly, you moaned around his dick, drooling so badly and massaging his heavy sac as you were painfully close to your high; his hot tongue was relentlessly fucking your dripping cunt, while his brawny arms were holding you still, not allowing you to move even an inch. 
“D-daddy, mm-hmm, I’m s-so close…A-aah...” you cried out, almost sprawling against his legs, feeling a coil in your lower belly snapped with a vivid sensation. “A-aww, o-ohhh my Godddd… ” 
Shaking erratically, you let him send you almost to the moon from the way his experienced mouth was eating you out, drinking in every drop of your sweet juices. With a slurping sound, Patrick couldn't get enough of your taste, licking and sucking your tender flesh, squashing your ass to keep you close as he was tongue fucking you through your orgasm.
Only after your body stopped trembling, he allowed you to break away from his hot mouth, petting your hips and leaving small pecks on them.
“You lasted even longer than usually, Peach,” he mocked, giving your buttocks a few slaps. “Maybe you even are bold enough to ride daddy’s cock?”
Gasping for air, you turned around to face him, locking your hazy eyes with his dark ones and it seemed like he could easily rail you just only with his fucking gaze. Smirking as he watched you getting yourself on top of him, he spread his knees to make you more comfortable and then; you had to bite your lips almost till the blood from the delightful sensation of being so full.
“D-daddy… I want you to fill me and make my belly swell with your child.” You whimpered as you started to bounce on his thick cock.
Patrick growled in a low voice, resting his hands on your hips and forcing to you move faster. “You want daddy to make you a mommy?”
“Y-yes! P-please… A-aww… You’re so big, so… F-fucking big…”
“A-aaah…. I thought you didn’t know any crude words,” he grunted, cupping your breasts which were jumping up and down whenever you moved. “F-fuck… You should see yourself, such a pathetic little whore… Begging daddy to breed her...”
Tilting your head back, you could feel a fucking ocean of mixed liquids where your bodies where connected, it was even flowing down his pubis and making it so wet. Although, it was so hard for you to ride him because of his huge size; you were trying your best to take him as good as you could cause you knew–you would be definitely praised for it later.
When you felt his chest rising and falling so rapidly beneath your hands, you leaned down to his face, latching your lips on his soft ones and moaning through the kiss as he suddenly began to pound into you harder; his solid hips were meeting yours with nasty sloppy sounds.
“B-baby… Baby girl,” panting, he palmed your cheek, understanding that you were getting tired. “Let daddy take care of you…”
Without waiting for your answer, Patrick pulled you closer to press you against his firm torso, gripping you under the elbow for a better control and ramming into you in a merciless pace.
“A–aww, P-Patrick…” You sobbed into his ear, feeling nothing but a total delight from the intense friction your bodies were making. 
“I… I'm gonna put my seed where it belongs…” with a loud groan, he sank his teeth into the delicate flesh of your neck, causing a pitiful whine to escape your swollen lips. “C’mon, Peach… Cum for me… Cum for your daddy!”
Trembling, you were desperately trying to find his lips in this mess of your slightly wet hair, when Patrick suddenly gripped your neck, squeezing it and rocking into you with ragged deep thrusts. This insane mixture of sensations left you no chance but to fall over the edge, your inner walls spasmed around his throbbing cock so tightly–your vision turned white, as your eyes rolled to the back of your head.
“Peach… F-fuck, you’re clenching so hard around me…” 
Slamming into you with his last strength, Patrick yanked you closer to press your forehead against his and then, with a feral growl, he shot his warm seed inside your pulsating womb, pumping you so hard until his cum flowed down your thighs. Shivering, you hugged him tighter, nuzzling against his neck and spreading your legs wider as your pussy was so greedy for every drop of his fertile cream.
It felt delicious, being ruined by him and claimed. 
Totally exhausted, you were about to get off of him when you heard his grumpy voice: “My dear, where are you going?” he pinched your ass, making you flinch. “Did you forget what the doctor said?”
“About us having a regular sex?” You rejoined tiredly. 
“No, baby,” Patrick laughed, taking your tresses away to look into your eyes. “We need to lie like this for some time, but that thing’s also very important.”
Gasping, you rolled your eyes from his didactic tone, staying still cause you didn’t want to argue with him. “As you say, daddy.”
Patrick knew you were teasing him, but he didn’t react, as he decided to leave it for later. “We have to go downstairs and try this fucking cheesecake, cause my mum won’t leave us alone,” he scowled, rolling both of you on the side. “And… I think we need to cancel all our plans for tomorrow.”
“We have an entire night ahead,” he smirked, tracing his thumb against your lower lip. “I doubt you could move after it.”
A muffled whine of protect fell from your lips before he caught your mouth, covering your little body with his powerful one and damn–he was still unbelievable hard inside you. 
“Shhh, little one. I got you…”
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drenix004 · 3 months
Soshiro Hoshina x Fem!Oc!
MASTERLIST | AO | PR | CH.1| CH.2 | CH.3
English is not my mother tongue, so there may be spelling errors. An apology for that in advance :D
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A groan of pain escaped her lips as she felt a tug on her hair.
"You're going to make me bald," she complained.
"Sorry, I'm almost done."
"You said that half an hour ago," Ana, the youngest of the quadruplets, huffed as she watched the eldest combing their sister's hair from her seat by the window. "You've changed her hairstyle three times; even I can feel the pain in my scalp."
"This is the final one," Hinata rolled her eyes at the youngest's impatience. Ana was the most impatient of the four. "And get down from that window; you could fall and break something, at best." She gave her a reproachful look before finishing the last decorative clip in the second quadruplet's hair.
"Alright, alright!" Ana climbed down from the window frame. When Hinata stepped aside and saw her sister's reflection in the mirror, she was speechless.
"Pretty, isn't it?"
"Pretty? More like a Christmas tree."
A vein appeared on the eldest's forehead.
"What do you mean, a Christmas tree?!" Hinata pinched Ana's cheeks, sparking a quarrel between the two.
Meanwhile, Liana admired her reflection in the mirror, appreciating the beautiful hairstyle for which she had endured all the pulling and tugging.
Never, as far as she could remember, had she or her sisters been dressed so meticulously and specially for a day like today.
"Can I leave two front strands loose?" Her question halted the argument behind her.
"Hmm? Of course." Hinata approached and carefully released two front strands, curling them with her fingers.
"Thanks." Liana rose from the chair, where she had been seated until then, and carefully smoothed out the expensive kimono her grandmother had given her. She didn't want the matriarch to notice any wrinkles.
"You still haven't made up with Lilia, have you?" Lilian, the third quadruplet, spoke from the eldest's bed. She had been silent since they started styling their sister's hair.
Hinata smiled awkwardly as she began putting away the items she had used on her vanity, feeling the younger ones' eyes on her.
"It's late; we shouldn't make Grandma angry." She changed the subject while ushering her sisters out of her room.
Lilian dropped the topic for now. It had been two weeks since the argument between Lilia and Hinata, and the eldest's decision not to respond spoke volumes.
"This kimono itches," Liana commented as she walked through the halls, followed by her sisters. "Is all this protocol really necessary? Grandma hardly let me sleep."
"You're meeting your fiancé; it's necessary to know manners and etiquette."
"I'm going to be a hunter, not a future heir," Liana protested.
"If you're that frivolous with your fiancé, you'll scare him away," Lilian mocked.
"Let her, that way I'll have a chance," Ana chimed in.
"What if he's ugly?"
"Enough, both of you," Hinata interrupted just as they reached the entrance of the house. "Grandmother," she greeted. The three younger ones bowed respectfully.
Naomi didn't return the greeting; she merely examined Liana's appearance from head to toe, searching for any imperfections.
"Get in," she said before entering the luxurious vehicle through the right door, which the family chauffeur held open.
Liana followed, but not before hearing Hinata's whispered wish of good luck.
The vehicle started its journey, and the enormous traditional house grew smaller as they moved forward.
Liana sat straight, hands clasped on her lap, watching people pass by with boredom. She rarely left the house, so her little world was confined to it.
Even so, people didn't catch her attention due to her limited interaction with them; she preferred quiet, nature-surrounded places.
"It's needless to say that I expect no mistakes, and I hope the etiquette training I gave you bears fruit."
"You'll see results," Liana responded without looking at her. Unconsciously, she clenched her feet, feeling the pain from the blisters on her soles—a vivid memory of her grandmother's etiquette lessons each time she made a mistake.
"I hope so."
"Among the four… why me?" she decided to ask, turning away from the window to look directly at her grandmother.
"You're the most suitable," her biting tone ended the conversation.
That her father had arranged a marriage was not a real surprise; what was surprising was that the one engaged was him and not his brother Soichiro, being the successor.
His brother, of course, had mocked him, saying a bunch of nonsense until their father silenced him.
He felt a great curiosity knowing his fiancée belonged to the Nakano clan.
His father had told him they were a clan of military nobility, descendants of samurais. But what he really wanted to see was the albinism that only the members had.
In the portraits, and from what was said about them, they were depicted as white demons with red eyes and a cold gaze.
"This marriage is necessary, Soshiro; it will help the family. The exchange of knowledge is crucial for survival in these times." Soshiro listened attentively to his father, kneeling in front of him. It was only minutes before the guests arrived. "Marriages sometimes don't start with love; as long as you get along with her, that's enough, son."
"Is it true they have red eyes like demons?" he dared to ask, like any curious child his age.
"They do, resembling blood. But don't ask unless she decides to speak about it first. Above all, respect." His father stood as a servant knocked before entering, announcing their guests' arrival. "It's time."
They both left and walked down the impeccably polished wooden halls, whose reflections gleamed under the soft evening light. Soshiro noticed that the garden had also been meticulously arranged. The main garden featured a beautiful bonsai, surrounded by perfectly traced geometric shapes in the sand. The finishing touch was provided by the stones, strategically placed to create an almost zen aesthetic balance.
The shrubs and plants adorning the house had been watered and pruned with care. Every small detail had been covered, ordered, and cleaned by his father's strict orders. The air smelled of wet earth and fresh flowers, a mix that brought tranquility.
Upon reaching the room, they sat on the cushions arranged on the tatami. In front of them were two more cushions, prepared with equal care. The silence in the room was only interrupted by the whisper of the wind against the paper doors.
His father gave an order, and one of the servants slid open a paper door. Soshiro first noticed the older woman who entered; her hair as white as snow and her red eyes reminded him of a winter rabbit, an intriguing and disconcerting sight. But it was his fiancée's appearance that truly caught his attention, making him widen his eyes.
The girl was pretty, no doubt. But his surprise lay not in her beauty but in her unexpected appearance. She wasn't albino like her grandmother. Her hair was a shade of pink similar to cherry blossom flowers. When the girl looked at him, Soshiro was captivated by her deep, serene red eyes, framed by thick lashes the same color as her hair.
Her cold gaze contrasted with her delicate and pretty appearance, and her foreign features gave her an ethereal, almost unreal beauty.
"Son, this is Naomi Nakano, leader of the Nakano clan," his father's introduction abruptly pulled him out of his reverie. Soshiro closed his eyes briefly and bowed respectfully, as custom dictated.
"Pleasure to meet you, Nakano-sama. I am Soshiro Hoshina, thank you for taking the time to come despite your busy schedule."
"The pleasure is mine," Naomi replied, bowing as well, followed by the young girl. "This is Liana Nakano, my granddaughter and your fiancée."
Liana also bowed respectfully to Soshiro.
"Son, why don't you show her around the house? After all, she'll be coming here often for training with you," his father encouraged. Behind his words, he also implied that he wanted him out of the way for a conversation with the clan matriarch that didn't require his presence.
Soshiro nodded, standing and waiting for Liana to do the same.
Her name, pronounced by her grandmother, was a direct order for her to do the same, which she did. Soshiro felt an atmosphere of control that internally displeased him, but he said and expressed nothing.
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fluffansmut · 10 months
Eddie Munson x crybaby!reader
Fairy’s first Christmas - December 2
Advent calendar | masterlist
The little village.
Most of the christmas decorations in the Munson household were either really cheap stuff from melvalds, or things that were passed down to Wayne from Eddie’s grandmother.
He unfortunately had little to no memory of her so it was only sentimental to Eddie because it was something that Wayne would put up every year.
Among other things there was a ceramic Christmas village.
Four little houses with lights in, a couple of christmas trees and a few figurines.
You quite enjoyed to look at it, sitting on Eddie’s shoulder as Wayne unpacked the house and plugged in the lights.
But one of the figurines gave you and off feeling.
It looked so, grumpy, like it judged you and all your life choices without even knowing anything about anything.
“Why is he mad?” You whispered to Eddie as Wayne carefully placed each figurine on the cotton wool.
“Who? Uncle Wayne?” Eddie asked, genuinely confused about who you were referring to.
“Nooooo” you said, eyeing the older man who’s eyes twinkled with nostalgia. “Him”
You gestured in the general direction of the figurine and finally the gears clicked in Eddie’s mind.
“Oh honey, baby he is not real” Eddie said, reassuringly, with a smile playing on his lips, cause god you were cute.
“But you said earlier that it’s supposed to be joyful… so why put him up if he looks mad?” You asked, eyebrows deep knit together in confusion.
“Well he’s supposed to be Scrooge, so being grumpy is kind of his trademark” Eddie began explaining as he plucked you from his shoulder, holding you out in-front of him.
When he saw that recognition never settled on your face he quickly promised to tell you the story of a Christmas Carol later.
The following day a couple of minutes before Eddie had to leave he was looking for you.
You had promised to stay in the living room whilst Eddie brushed his teeth, but when he returned you were gone.
He checked all the usual hiding places but couldn’t find you anywhere. It wasn’t until he turned towards the Christmas village that he noticed the sudden changes that were made.
One figurine was missing and there were wings sticking up behind the house furthest back. He plucked you up by the wings which made you squawk at the surprise.
“Well hello there sweetheart” he said, holding you level with his face.
“Oh hi Eddie” you twinkled, trying and failing to look innocent.
“Where did you hide him, hrmm?” Eddie asked, not thinking for even a second that you had any other business by the village.
You crossed you arms and huffed in Eddie’s direction.
“I did not.” You said.
Eddie sighed and moved you over to the couch.
“Now I don’t care how you do it but I want that figurine back on the displaytable before Wayne return this evening alright?” Eddie said, voice serious.
You crossed your arms and got very huffy.
Had Eddie not seen the attitude that figurine had towards you?
“Pout all you want baby, I gotta go now” Eddie said and moved to get his lunchbox.
But when he swooped it of the counter something scrambled inside it.
He opened it up and you saw just how busted you were on his face as he lifted the lid.
Eddie caught you by the leg when you tried to zoom your way out of the conversation.
“Now please baby, tell me what he’s doing in my lunchbox?” Eddie asked, ever so patiently.
“He’s in jail” you deadpanned.
“Jail” Eddie asked, as if he didn’t hear you correctly. “But why?”
“He was looking at me weird” you said with a shrug.
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daenysthedreamer101 · 4 months
Daughter of Steel and Bronze ~ HOTD
Ch 11 - The comforts of home
HOTD x Targaryen!OC, Targaryen!OC x Harwin Strong
Warnings: This chapter includes physical violence, attempted SA, sl*t shaming, threats of SA, cursing, and descriptions of the inflicted wounds; but I swear the first half is cute 😭
HOTD masterlist
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"In 114 AC, Princess Rhaenyra started her royal tour with the goal of finding a potential husband. She first toured the Crownlands and the Reach. She then visited the Westerlands and the Riverlands. Her next stop would be the Stormlands and after that, the Vale.
During that time, her cousin, Princess Daena, returned to her birthplace of Runestone. She was joined by Ser Harwin Strong, her new personal guard, and his sisters, Hanna and Joy who were the Princess's maids.
In the Princess's entourage was also her grandmother, Lady Rowena Redfort, a famed beauty throughout the Vale, during her youth. But beauty was not the only asset she possessed - a sharp tongue and a quick mind is also something she passed on to her daughter and granddaughter."
(Fire & Blood, Being a History of the Targaryen Kings of Westeros, by Archmaester Gyldayn)
On a peninsula east of the Eyrie, north of the Bay of Crabs and Gulltown, lies the castle of Runestone - the seat of House Royce. They were a proud and noble house and one of the oldest and most powerful families in the Vale of Arryn. 
The current ruler of Runestone was Lady Rhea Royce, daughter of the late Lord Yorbert Royce and Lady Rowena Redfort, wife of Prince Daemon Targaryen, and mother to Princess Daena. 
In her entourage were her ladies-in-waiting, Joy and Hanna, her grandmother, Lady Rowena, and her sworn protector, Ser Harwin. She was very excited to show the Vale to the Strong siblings, seeing they were from the Riverlands. 
114 AC, Runestone
Harwin watched in amazement as they neared the castle of Runestone. It was situated on the western shore of the Narrow Sea, was seated on the cliffside, and hills surrounded it. It was nowhere near as big as Harenhall but it was still a large, well-made keep.
It was a bright, sunny day, though it was also pretty windy. The castle gates were open and he could see the Royce banners flapping in the wind. The guards at the entrance let them in and they entered the outer courtyard. 
He was on his horse while the Princess, her grandmother, and his sisters were in the carriage. He saw someone who could only be Lady Rhea standing in the middle of the yard - she was a comely woman with dark, curly hair that was cut short. She was wearing the famous bronze armor of House Royce and riding breeches. Her brown eyes bore into his blue ones, almost like she was sizing him up. She moved toward him once he got off his horse.
"You must be Ser Harwin. Be welcome." She greeted politely.
"I am. Thank you for your hospitality and for hosting me and my sisters."
"Of course. I have heard so much about you and your sisters. I know how fond my daughter is of your family."
Harwin couldn't help but smirk at her words. His sisters have indeed bonded with the Princess and quickly became good friends. As for him, he cannot deny that he too quickly became fond of the Princess. They became even closer once she named him as her protector.
"Mother!" The Princess exclaimed once she exited the carriage and sprinted toward her lady mother. She hugged her mother tightly and placed her head on her mother's shoulders. It reminded Harwin of his late lady mother and how she held his little sisters when they were young. 
"Oh, my sweet girl. Look at you! You're a woman grown!" Lady Rhea said, cupping her daughter's face. The last time Rhea saw her, Daena was 12. Now she was 16. 
"You cut your hair! You didn't tell me!" Daena exclaimed surprised. Lady Rhea laughed. She looked Daena up and down, clearly very proud and happy that her only child was back home. 
Then, Lady Rowena stepped out of the carriage. Lady Rhea hugged her mother and kissed her hand. "Mother."
Lady Rowena was happy to be back in the Vale as well. Harwin watched as grandmother, mother, and daughter held hands and happily talked with each other. It was beautiful, seeing the three women together. He knew how much the Princess missed her mother and how much she wanted to leave King's Landing. 
It was strange, the Princess at first glance shared no physical similarities with her mother or grandmother. But on further inspection, Harwin could see she had the same nose as her grandmother and the same curly hair her mother did, except hers were silver. She was also the tallest one out of the three and had the fairest skin.
"Ser Harwin. Come. Let's go inside." The voice of his Princess brought him back to reality. He looked at her and she chuckled at his dazed expression. He loved the sound of her voice, especially her laughter. 
"Come on." She repeated softly and he followed her inside. 
115 AC
For the past eight months, Daena has been staying at Runestone, her birthplace. With Rhaenyra going on tour, she had no real reason to stay in King's Landing. So, quickly after Rhaenyra went on her royal tour, Daena too left the Red Keep.
Today was a special day - it was Daena's 17th name day. And luckily for her, she would be able to celebrate with her family and friends. She was disappointed Nyra wasn't here, but she already received a letter from her. Last she heard of her cousin, Nyra was in the Riverlands where she made a stop at Riverrun and was heading for the Stormlands.
She also received a letter from her father. She hasn't seen him since the egg incident on Dragonstone years ago. Then he went on to participate in a war in the Stepstones. She didn't know where he was, but he wished her a happy name day and that she shouldn't worry about him. He wrote he would soon visit. She wanted to believe it was true. 
"Don't move!" Amanda scolded Daena as she braided her hair. Daena chuckled but stopped moving. She couldn't help herself, she was excited to go out and celebrate. She played with her heart-shaped pendant; she decided to wear it to feel closer to her father. 
"You should rest. Not stand for hours braiding my hair." Daena said as she looked at Amanda's swollen belly. Amanda fell pregnant a couple of weeks before Daena's arrival. She was now over 8 months pregnant and the maester predicted she would give birth in the next couple of weeks.
Amanda just waved her hand. "Nonsense. I am braiding your hair because I want to. You are a woman grown and today is a special day. I want you to look perfect. Maybe you catch the eye of a handsome lord." She said suggestively.
"I don't know what you're talking about," Daena replied, rolling her eyes and Amanda chuckled. 
"Oh? Let me be more specific then. A tall, handsome lord with dark curls who happens to come from the Riverlands and is currently our guest." 
"No. No idea who you're talking about." Daena said, looking at her nails. 
Amanda clicked her tongue and chuckled. "He fancies you, you know." This made Daena stiffen her back and turn her head. 
"He does. It's obvious as day." Amanda added as she tied the last braid. 
Daena looked at herself in the mirror - she wore a stunning gown made of velvet and silk; the top was made of red velvet with long cape sleeves and a square neckline while the skirt was made of black silk. A big, chunky belt made of silver and decorated with rubies hung on her hips. Amanda masterfully braided her silver hair. Multiple braids connected at the back into a bun while the rest flowed down her shoulders.
Daena smirked, pleased with her appearance. She then added golden ruby earrings. 
"One more thing," Amanda said, handing her a mermaid-shaped perfume bottle. It was a gift she received from her grandmother. Lady Rowena imported it from Lys. Daena smelled it - it was a sweet, heady scent. She could smell lemon and spice-flower and cinnamon. 
Amanda took it from her and applied it to Daena's neck, behind her ears, and her wrists. "There. When he bends down to talk to you, he'll be hit with this lovely fragrance. You'll have him wrapped around your little finger by the end of the night." 
"Amanda!" Daena exclaimed, embarrassed. She sighed and shook her head. Why did everyone have to tease her about Harwin? Giving herself one final look, she exited her room and walked toward the Central Hall, ready to sweep the strongest knight in the Seven Kingdoms off his feet.
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Harwin was in the Central Hall of Runestone where the feast in honor of the Princess's name day was being held. He was standing and talking with his sisters when the door opened. 
Princess Daena walked in and Harwin's heart skipped a beat. She wore a beautiful red and black gown that fit her body perfectly and her silver hair flowed down her back. She was a goddess in a mortal body, he thought as she greeted her mother. 
She then locked eyes with him and he felt his breath being taken away. She then proceeded to walk up to him. "Ser Harwin." She greeted him in her usual melodic voice. 
"Princess." He greeted back and before he could say more he was hit with a sweet, heady smell. It was heavy and it made his head spin, but he didn't pull back. No. He leaned in, wanting to be closer to her. 
He looked into her lilac eyes and could see a spark of mischief in them. She tilted her head and smirked at him. "I hope you enjoy yourself tonight, Ser." And with that, she left, her hips swaying from side to side. Harwin was mesmerized.
"Brother." The voice of his sister brought him back. Joy looked at him with a raised brow. He cleared his throat, embarrassed that he was caught off guard. 
But when he looked back, the Princess was still looking at him. 
This was going to be an interesting night indeed.
The moon was now high in the sky, but the castle of Runestone was still brimming with life. Daena was having the time of her life - talking with her friends, dancing, and feasting. She even danced with Harwin. It was exhilarating; being so close to him, feeling his breath on her skin, his eyes never leaving her face, hands barely touching. She was a blushing mess by the end of it.
She was also drunk for the first time in her life. Or maybe she was just really tipsy. She wasn't sure. She decided to get some fresh air and walked to the outer courtyard. The cool night air felt wonderful against her hot skin as she stumbled to a small garden in the back of the castle. 
In the middle of the garden was a heart tree; it wasn't a weirwood but a great oak. Nonetheless, it commanded respect and the carved face was not any less creepy. It always unnerved Daena, especially when she was a child. Though, in her drunken state, she paid it no mind. She sat on a small wooden bench next to the tree. 
"Princess? What are you doing here?" An unfamiliar male voice asked. Daena turned around to see a young man. She couldn't remember his name or his house but she recognized his face; He was one of many lords who tried wooing her tonight. She politely rejected all of them - her heart was already set on someone. 
"Oh, I just wanted some fresh air. That's all." Daena replied politely but kept her distance. 
Unfortunately for her, he didn't keep his distance. He came closer and sat next to her. She was immediately hit with the stench of alcohol. She moved away discreetly.  "Ser, please. Leave me alone." 
"You looked so beautiful tonight, Princess. A true...V-Valyrian beauty." He slurred. She gave him no reaction and just sighed. 
He then proceeded to grab her hand and pull it toward his breeches. Disgusted, Daena tried pulling away but he was stronger and harshly twisted her hand. She gasped in pain. 
"A silver-haired beauty and a silver-haired whore." He hissed. Daena angrily pulled her hand away and pushed him. She quickly stood up and distanced herself. 
"How dare you talk to me that way!? My uncle, the King, will have your head for these words!" She exclaimed, offended. Who was he to talk to her that way? What was he even talking about? 
"You don't think I noticed? You rejected every lord who approached you save for that brute from the Riverlands. What would your uncle say when he learned his niece was throwing herself to men like a common whore?  You're nothing but-" He insulted further but was cut off by a fierce slap across his face. 
He looked at her stunned, surprised that she would slap him. He moved closer to her and under the moonlight she could see that the rings on her hand caused him to bleed. He grabbed her long hair and harshly pulled it. He pushed her toward the heart tree and blocked her with his arms. 
"LET ME GO! NOW! LET ME GO!" She yelled but he covered her mouth with his hand. She did the obvious thing and bit his fingers harshly. He cursed and grabbed her neck, choking her in the process. Fear began to set into her heart. Gods, spare me, she thought as her eyes began to water. 
She usually carried a small dagger on her person, but she didn't think she would need it tonight. Oh, how wrong was she. She kicked him between his legs and this allowed her to run away from him. She didn't get far. 
He grabbed one of her long sleeves and pulled her back. He held her tightly and ripped the upper part of her gown, exposing the chemise she wore underneath. 
"GUARDS! GUARDS!" She remembered to yell again. He covered her mouth again and continued ripping her gown. She was desperately thrashing, trying to push him off her body. 
"You little slut! You dare hit me! I'll show you-" Before he could finish his threat, he was harshly pulled from Daena. In the darkness of the night, she could barely see who came to her rescue.
Before she could say anything, the man was getting beaten to the ground. The horrible sound of bones breaking made her realize who it was - Harwin. 
"HARWIN! STOP! STOP IT, PLEASE! YOU'LL KILL HIM!" She yelled but the knight made no effort to stop. He continued beating the man's face. 
"What is the meaning of this?" Her grandmother's voice rang through the night air and made everyone stop. 
Her mother, Joy, Hanna, Amanda, and the castle guards also came. Her mother was quickly by her side, covering her with a shawl. The women led Daena back into the castle while the guards dealt with Harwin and the assailant. 
She didn't even realize when she started crying. 
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That night, no one slept. Daena was in too much shock to do anything besides crying. She felt horrible. She felt disgust, anger, and guilt. She felt...sullied. Why? Why did she leave the feast by herself? The only thing on her mind was Harwin. He was the one who saved her, the one who protected her virtue and defended her honor. She wanted to see him, to talk to him. 
Rhea and Rowena, with the help of Joy, Hanna, and Amanda, managed to get Daena to open up and tell them what transpired; all the vile insults that were hurled at her and how she tried defending herself. Rhea was infuriated that someone dared attack her daughter in her home. 
"I shall write to Lady Jeyne Arryn and His Grace. This miscreant will be dealt with. Either he loses his head or I'll have him sent to the Wall! I shall not settle for anything less." Rhea announced, determined to get justice for her only child and heir. 
Daena refused to let the castle's maester inspect her body. She wanted no man near her or her body. After some persuading, she let the castle's septa, Arabella, look at her wounds. Her neck was red and bruises started appearing alongside her jaw and arms, her left wrist was sprained and she had scratch marks on her shoulders. 
Lady Rowena was pained to see her granddaughter in such a hysterical state; she ordered the measter to make some tea and put milk of the poppy in it. The twins were sad their Princess was so viciously assaulted and they did everything they could to help Daena. 
"You should rest now, my lord," Maester Cerion said to Harwin as he finished bandaging Harwin's hand. The measter left and Harwin was finally alone. He sighed and looked at his bandaged hand; he beat the idiot's face so hard it caused his knuckles to start bleeding. But he would do it all over again if it meant his dear Princess was safe.
A couple of minutes after the Princess left, Harwin had a weird feeling in his gut telling him something was wrong. To his horror, once he walked outside he heard screaming and shouting from afar. He barely made it to the godswood, just as the miscreant was about to tear the Princess's gown completely. 
Rest was the last thing on Harwin's mind; the only thing he could think about was Daena. From what he's been told, the measter has given her milk of the poppy to calm her down. Every time he closed his eyes he saw her terrified face, her lilac eyes wide with horror and shock.
He felt awful and extremely guilty he wasn't there to protect her.  That was his job, to be her protector and he couldn't even do that. Would she dismiss him from her service? Would she banish him to Harenhall? Would she yell at him and curse him out?
A knock on the door banished such thought from his mind. It was Hanna. She gently closed the door and sat next to him. Her eyes appeared to be red and glossy, which was unusual for her since Hanna was the more aloof one of the sisters. 
"How is she?" He asked desperate to know. Hanna shook her head and sighed. 
"She...there are bruises all over her body and her wrist appears to be sprained. But the measter said it would heal and she's not in any danger. She just needs rest." 
Harwin could feel his heart breaking; his darling Princess, his sweet angel bruised and battered. All because of him. How could he ever look into her eyes? How could he ever come back from this? He felt a great sense of shame wash over him.
"Harwin...It's not your fault." His sister said softly. "She doesn't blame you." 
This made Harwin look up. "She doesn't?" 
Hanna chuckled. "Of course not. The only thing she talked about while she was awake was whether you were alright. You were the only thing on her mind."
His sister picked up his bandaged hand. "Are you alright? You almost beat him to a pulp." 
"I would've if I wasn't interrupted." 
Hanna clicked her tongue, obviously not pleased with his words. "Look. It's been a very eventful night. Rest and try to get some sleep. You know she would want that." 
And with that, she left and Harwin was once again left alone with his thoughts. The last thing on his mind before he fell asleep was Daena. 
This was a very sad, angsty chapter. Our poor Daena was attacked and on her birthday no less 😔 Next chapter we'll see how people in KL react to this horrifying news.
Thank you for reading! 💕💕💕
If you have any opinions/questions feel free to ask.
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jellyfishzebracat · 8 months
Snippet of an rwrb fanfic I’m writing it’s a/b/o and Alex is a 29 year old law professor who meets 21 year old Henry after Henry is forcefully moved to America to study law by his grandmother.
It’s this Alex
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And this Henry
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Alex hadn’t always wanted to be a law professor, he’d kind of just, fallen into it.
He’d studied law at NYU and shortly after gotten a job as a paralegal but that got , stale.
So during a late night rant to his mother she’d suggested he do some more study and look into teaching as a professor.
So Alex studied and then applied for a job at the university his mother was the head of.
Alex wasn’t proud of using the nepotism card but he did anyway.
So fast forward a few years and Alex is 29 years old teaching as a law professor, now finally on his own for the second year after teaching as a TA under Zarah Bankston and old friend of his moms and now a dean at the university.
Alex doesn’t expect anything to go wrong this year however that all changes when Henry fox walks into his lecture hall.
He’s pretty, blonde and everything Alex wants in an omega.
Alex class is small only 100 students so Henry already stuck out, however when he opens his mouth and speaks with that pretty English accent Alex is gone.
Which is bad, really bad because Henry is his student.
Everything goes well for a few weeks until one night Alex has finished his 6 pm lecture and is in the Chinese restaurant across from the campus when Henry walks in.
Henry walks up to the counter and Alex watches as Henry places his order, when he goes to pay however his card declines, once, twice, three times. Henry opens his mouth most likely to cancel his order when Alex blurts out “I’ll pay” and is swiping his American express.
“I .. thankyou.. you didn’t have to do that, professor ” Henry glances up at him
“It’s no problem and please don’t call me professor, it’s Alex“ Alex replies, leaning one arm on the shop counter.
Henry’s phone pings and he sees Henry’s face twist before he’s huffing out a breath and his scent sours.
“everything ok” Alex attempts to calm Henry but the agitation doesn’t leave Henry’s face.
“My bloody roommate just kicked me out of my dorm for the night, apparently he’s found some girl to shag” Henry spits out
“Shag” the word feels foreign in Alex’s mouth
“ it means fuck, Alex” Henry’s rolling his eyes but grinning up at him and Alex can’t help but return the smile.
“Um maybe we could eat together at my place” the words are out of Alex’s mouth before he can even process how much of a boundary that crosses and how bad of an idea that is, Henry beams “That sounds wonderful Alex”
Soon the cashier is calling out that their food is done and Henry is following Alex out to his car.
Henry sinks into the leather passenger seat of Alex’s Lexus and sighs “ Christ, I forgot how nice leather car seats were”.
Alex shoots Henry a questioning look and Henry looks down at his feet.
“My family’s quite well off however since my grandmother shipped me over here with barley any money, I’ve been missing out on the luxury’s I used to enjoy”
“I hope I’m not over stepping but why’d she send you here” Alex questions.
“Apparently it’s unbecoming for a member of our family to be an omega and to want to study literature, I was at Oxford on a scholarship in my last year and then she pulled me out to study law here in America” Henry’s answer is pained, Alex can’t imagine what it would be like to have your whole life up ended like that.
The rest of the drive continues on a happier note as Alex and Henry sing along to some of the songs on Alex playlist until they arrive at Alex’s brownstone.
As they step into the house Alex sees Henry looking around, his head tilted upward, was he scenting?
Alex chooses to ignore it for his own sanity and leads Henry to the couch and excuses himself to change out of his teaching clothes and into something more comfortable.
Alex now in a t-shirt and sweats joins Henry on the couch, Alex thinking of something to watch while they eat, asks Henry if he’s a Star Wars fan, Henry’s face lights up and he gleefully explains that he loves return of the Jedi, Alex scoffs and has to correct Henry “ the best star wars movie is clearly the empire strikes back” Henry flashes Alex a gummy smile and rolls his eyes “ I suppose I could endure watching empire”.
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The guest PT 23
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It had taken a month of bedrest before Sneed would allow you to be released from the hospital. In that time, the Professor had taken his retirement and Sneed taken over the head surgeon position. As yet he had denied Belle's requests to become a full-time doctor. However, Jack was now being paid a gracious wage and a simple house had been set up not too far away that would be yours once you were married.
Oliver Twist had called off his wedding to Fanny at the dockyard, when it was discovered that not only had he initially stolen the gold but then also lost it. The official story being he has been stitched up by Monks. Given that they were half brothers it was easy for others to believe.
Through her disappointment Fanny threw herself into arranging your wedding.
By the end of the first month you were released back to Government house where even Lady Jane tittered about your comfort. You hated that you still needed so much help with almost everything. Fanny would stay and read to you most days. On occasion Fagin or Hetty would come by and take you for a walk around the gardens. Every day you grow a little stronger.
In the evenings when Jack's shift at the hospice finished he would come by and spend time with you. Stealing small kisses when no one was looking. He had refused to move into the house until he could live there with you and so he would return to his room in the hospital each night.
Finally the day had come when you would become Mrs Dawkins. You awoke and stretched out your muscles. There was still an ache in the healing wound on your abdomen but it felt good to stretch. Your bedroom door opened and the sister came giggling into the room.
"Good morning." You smile at them. "The bath is being drawn, nice and warm just like you like it." Fanny jumped onto your bed, folding her legs below her. Belle rested against the bedpost.
"How are you feeling?" She asked you.
"I'm good, excited. A little nervous." You admit.
"Not to worry, we have kept it small, just as you requested and the garden is being set up now." Fanny said, the wide smile on her face seemingly unable to slip.
You thanked her and went to the bathroom, where you slid into the large rolltop bath. A maid helps to wash out your hair that had grown long over the last year. You make sure not to get your stitches too wet as you bathe. Once you returned to your room and you'd begun dressing Lady Jane appeared in your doorway.
"would you like some help?" She asked. You nodded and she crossed the room, helping to tie your corset. She made sure it fitted you well but did not pull it too tight.
"You know, you are not my daughter, but just as you have with my husband you have infiltrated this family in a most delightful way. I am glad to call you part of our family and you will be missed amongst these walls." She admitted, patting your hand, "I brought these with me. Both the girls have been assigned their family heirlooms. Still, I have these, they were my grandmothers and she wore them on her wedding day. I would be honoured if you would wear them today and pass them onto your own daughter." Lady Jane placed a velveteen box into your hands. You open it and see the most beautiful necklace and bracelet set. Two strings of pearls held together at the front with a silver medallion. The bracelet was the same only smaller.
"They are breathtaking, Lady Jane." You say and pull her into a hug that she happily returns.
"I will have the maids come in to get you dressed." She nods once before leaving again. You look at the jewelry and try to hold back your tears of joy. You really didn't understand how any of this could have happened. Not even a year ago you were a lonely doctor, living alone and now you were marrying the man of your dreams who had literally saved your life. You had a group of friends that loved you deeply. Belle came rushing into your room flinging our robe around your shoulders.
"Jack is walking up." She whispered to you and ran to the balcony window. You followed her and looked out. Jack was dressed in his Naval uniform, though it had definitely been altered to fit him a little better. Fagin walked beside him dressed in the nicest clothes you had ever seen on him. It was clearly a new suit. 'using his new money well' you thought to yourself. Jack's eyes found yours and his lips pulled up in a smile. Belle giggled and pulled you away.
"He looks very handsome." She says.
"He does." You sigh happily.
"Are you ready miss?" The maids had entered.
In the gardens Jack walked up to the gathered guests. He would be lying if he said he wasn't nervous. Sneed stepped up to him.
"Well I suppose the best man won." He admitted holding his hand out to Jack.
"Well you got the job I got the girl. I'd say we both won." Jack shook his hand. Over the last few months their working relationship had become easier, a flow between them just worked.
"After your honeymoon there is an invitation to the club." Sneed said. Jack thanked him and he moved on. Slowly he greeted each person as he made his way to the front of the small aisle. Several chairs had been set up on the back lawn and the priest, Crooky, stood at the head of them. Jack shook Crooky's hand, and he waited, Fagin beside him.
To his right, Fanny began to play the harp, the sweet tinkering indicating that you were about to appear. As the music played Belle walked slowly down the aisle as your bridesmaid and took her place to one side of the priest. You stood now waiting for your signal to move. Edmund appeared beside you, holding his arm out.
"Let me give you away?" He whispered.
"I'd be honoured." You reply and slide your hand around his elbow. The music changes just slightly and the two of you begin the slow walk. Jack turns and his eyes meet yours, his breath taken instantly. He marvelled at the way the veil drifted down your hair that had been mostly left down. Your cream dress was fitted perfectly to you. The sleeves dipped off your shoulders and a gold embroidery adorned the bottom of the skirt. Simple matching gloves reached to just above your elbow. He supposed it was as elaborate as you would allow but it suited you perfectly in his opinion.
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Inside him there was a little boy who was cold and frightened, who was sure he would die in a damp prison. That little boy could never have imagined that he would have a moment as simply perfect as this one.
Edmund passed your hand to Jack's and he pressed a soft kiss to your cheek before taking a seat beside his wife.
You and Jack turn to Crooky.
"ladies and gentlemen we are gathered here today to celebrate the union between this man and this woman in the eyes of our Lord God. Now Doctor, the vows."
Jack nodded and looked to you.
"I, Jack Dawkins, take thee, y/n y/l/n, to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I pledge thee my faith."
"y/n" Crooky looks to you.
" "I, y/n y/l/n, take thee, Jack Dawkins, to be my wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I pledge thee my faith."
jack slid a ring onto your finger, Crooky announced you husband and wife and Jack leaned in to kiss you.
A loud bang rings through your ears and several people scream. Jack grabs your arms and lowers you, using his body to cover you. His eyes scan the crowd when he sees him. Monks, standing at the end of the aisle.
"You betrayed me!" He shouted pointing his revolver pistol at Jack.
"Monks, no..." Jack held up his hands in front of him.
"You and him did this!" Monks said through gritted teeth. "I'll kill you all."
"Arrest that man!" Edmund shouted to the guards who were standing close by. There is a flurry of movement. You can't be sure what is happening. More shots are fired. You hit the floor and look down at your dress. Blood covered the bodice and in your lap Jack lay.
"Jack, Jack? Help me!" You scream.
@afalls14universe @fandomfan-102 @deanstolemydragon @mydeputyghostwagon
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terapsina · 1 year
Okay, it's been a while so here's an additional list of fantasy and sci-fi books with little to no romance in them that I've read recently and really loved.
First post with books not heavy on the romantic subplots HERE.
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Once There Was ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ by Kiyash Monsef.
An Iranian American girl discovers that her recently dead father was a veterinary for magical animals and that she - like him - has inherited the ability to help these animals because of a family line reaching back for hundreds of generations.
The story deals with grief, rage, neglect and how it all intersects.
But it's also an incredibly magical story that wakes up all the wonder and love for animals that most children have and some never lose.
Interspersed through the book are also short fables and legends that Marjan's father used to tell her when she was young and are now gaining new meaning as she understands that they were more than stories.
(totally also recommend the audiobook version for those who enjoy good narration. Nikki Massoud does a freaking excellent job)
(Marjan does develop subtly budding feelings for someone in the story but it's kept very, very background. On a scale from 0 to 10 the romance reaches barely a 2).
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Vespertine ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ by Margaret Rogerson.
A story about a girl named Artemisia who is training to become a Gray Sister. A nun who cleanses the bodies of the dead so that their souls would not return as ravenous spirits that would then threaten the lives of the living.
But then her convent gets attacked by possessed soldiers and she's forced to pick up a sword holding the spirit of a very powerful revenant - a malevolent spirit of mass destruction that could possess her and kill everyone around her indiscriminately - despite not having the training of a Vespertine. So the only one who can teach her what she needs to know is the Revenant itself.
(The main character is autistic, antisocial and extremely introverted. And as for the romance, there is someone who develops feelings for her and we as the reader kinda notice it, but Artemisia the character notices nothing (also, the someone in question is not the Revenant, just thought I should clarify that). Amounts of romance in the book, like 1/10)
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A House With Good Bones ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ by T. Kingfisher.
A Southern Gothic light horror with a bit of humor thrown in.
Sam Montgomery is worried about her mother so when her Paleoentomology dig falls through after she's already sublet her apartment for the next few months, she temporarily moves back in with her mother.
The mother who seems to be very stressed out while saying she's fine, and also seems to have acquired a sudden personality transplant. More specifically, she seems to have changed the house from the bright and colorful place it's been for decades, into the cookie cutter, bland (and slightly racist) fifties commercial kinda place it once was under the iron thumb of Sam's dead grandmother.
Is this some kind of weird delayed grief? Early onset alzheimers?
And why isn't there a single bug or insect in the entirety of the back yard's rose garden? Or why does she wake up to thousand's of ladybugs crawling all over each other - and Sam - one night in her childhood bedroom? And what's up with all these vultures staring at their house 24/7?
(Sam's POV is hilarious, her relationship with her mother one of the most genuinely emotional aspects of the book, and the story creepy enough to be exciting without reaching the point that would have made me throw the book down a hole for my own peace of mind. The romance... eh, there's a very nice dude Sam wouldn't mind going out with but it's not all that relevant to anything so amounts of romance don't reach past 2 out of 10).
And finally some special shout outs to some other recently read books that I also enjoyed and that don't really have a lot of focus on the romance but that I don't feel like getting into rn.
Thornhedge ⭐⭐⭐⭐ by T. Kingfisher, Emily Wilde's Encyclopedia of Faeries ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ by Heather Fawcett (okay this one's a bit heavier on the amount of romance but it gets points for not being annoying and still doesn't reach past 4 out of 10 in its amount, would recommend this book for people who enjoyed The Memoirs of Lady Trent), Translation Slate ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐by Ann Leckie, The Strange Case of the Alchemist's Daughter ⭐⭐⭐⭐ by Theodora Goss (the daughters of classical book scientists like Frankenstein, Dr. Jekill and Mr. Hyde, Moreau and others come together to solve some White Chapel murders and maybe uncover a society that has been doing human experiments on women. 0.5 out of 10 on amounts of romance).
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tinydeskwriter · 2 years
CINEMA {Chapter II}
A/n:  know that Anne announced her father’s passing on the 23rd, but a little digging on the internet pointed out that Brian passed on the 21st of August of a infection at 86 years old. I don’t thing they would announce it before a funeral and service have already been held due to media and public interest in Harry. Also, quick note that London is 8 hours ahead from LA. word count:2425
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CINEMA | Previous Part
The 21st of August was the saddest day of 2021 for Harry. 
Perhaps one of the saddest of his life.
It started early in the morning, on their daily video-call Anne had commented that Grandpa Brian was not doing well—a mixture of his Parkinson’s disease, diabetes and the poor health that plagues old age—that they had better start preparing for the worst.
He was clearly shaken after the call, pensive, if not a little catatonic with the news, grandpa Brian was one of Harry’s people in the world, and after meeting the old man in 2013 it became clear to Y/n where so many of Harry’s’s most endearing personality traits came from. 
Y/n tried to distract him by taking him out of the house, ‘enjoy the last days of summer’ she told him. They went to the beach in Malibu and enjoyed iced tea from their favorite little coffee shop sunbathing on the golden sand, her head on his lap as they talked about their next few months and plans to visit each other while his tour was on the road, and they had lunch in a nice vegan place. No paparazzi to bother them and they just got recognized on three occasions by Y/n’s far more controlled fans.   
It was shortly after they got back to the house that Harry received Anne's second call that day to inform him that grandpa had passed away a few moments before.
Apart from all the grief, the saddest part was that Harry wouldn’t be able to attend the funeral to pay his respects and say a last goodbye to his beloved grandfather. 
Y/n’s heart broke for him.
There is something truly heartbreaking about seen someone so full of life and love, so sad and grief stricken. His grandfather may have been frail for a while now, but nothing never truly prepares you to lose someone you love so much. 
Harry and Y/n have been at each others side through some amount of grief and loss over the years. Harry had been with her when she lost her grandmother in 2013, and again in 2018 when her beloved grandfather passed away—the only family members she had been close to, with her parents to busy with their careers, and older half-siblings that didn’t care much for her—, and she had being with him after Robin’s passing in 2017, getting in the first flight back home from Canada just to be by his side as they buried his stepfather. 
Due to COVID health guidelines it was impossible for Harry to attend the funeral, even if they waited the maximum period for the burial and religious ceremonies it would still not be enough time.
Y/n stood by his side, hands intertwine with his, as he talks to his mom and sister.
“They’re burying him tomorrow afternoon, there is no real reason to wait longer.” He tells her as he ends the call. “I will be attending the service through Zoom.” He says with a humorless laugh.
Y/n’s heart sinks as she sees Harry’s red, teary eyes.
“Oh, my Love…” She wrapped him in her arms, allowing him to mourn.
He remains in her arms for a while before pulling away kissing her forehead, their hands still intertwined.
“I need to call Jeff and the rest of my family.” he says sniffling, her thumb caressing the back of his hand.
His eyes dart out to where they're intertwined. Her elegant, small, pale hand intertwined with his larger, tanned hand.
“Do you want me to call someone?” She asks in an almost whisper.
His eyes return to her face.
“Can you call Mitch and Sarah, please? Let them know…” He asks looking her in the eyes. 
“Of course my love.” Y/n she agrees, nodding her head. “I will text Luis, ask him to bring mourning clothes for you from the rental.”
Harry looks at her gratefully and remains silent for a moment.
“I do not want to be alone.” He confesses after a while.
“I am here.” She assures him, her free hand travels to the back his neck and Harry lowers his head, touching his forehead to hers. “I will always be here.” She promises.
He agrees, kissing her forehead again and excusing himself to go make phone calls.
Y/n walked through the familiar long halls of her house, her office was right next to the music room, a space that did double duty as an office and library—she knew Harry was probably in backyard—two of the walls had floor-to-ceiling shelves with all the books Y/n had ever read, and the collection he had inherited from his grandparents, a Guglielmo Ulrich desk occupied almost all the space in front of the huge window overlooking the side garden, an Urban Outfitters desk chair and G. Zema's Anemone armchairs being the only places available to sit in the room. 
The actress closes the door behind her with her cell phone and address book. Before anything else, she orders flowers to be sent to Anne with a condolence note, and a wreath from the same flower shop in London that she had used years ago for her grandfather's funeral—the owner of the business was a discreet lady.
She sent a text message to Luis asking him to bring Harry mourning clothes, explaining that his grandpa Brian had passed away. 
Harry never really did well alone, he always needed to be surrounded by friends, so Y/n spends the next few hours talking to Mitch, James, and Glenne, inviting them to come for Harry’s grandfather’s service, she texts Gemma asking for as many photos of Harry with his grandfather as she can get, and order flowers to be brought to her house the next day. If Harry can’t go to his grandfather service, she intended to do something nice for him so he would be able to say goodbye.
Her Love deserved no less.
Y/n only realizes the late hour when Luis shows up at the house with Harry's clothes and a Nobu bag.  
“I figured dinner would be the last thing on your minds.” Says Luis as he passed everything to Y/n's hands and greets her with a kiss on the cheek. “Got H’s favorite.” 
“Thank you so much baby, I didn’t even notice the time.” The young woman smiles at him.
“How is H?” The assistant asks a little worried not seeing his boss anywhere around.
“The last time I saw him he was still on the phone talking to his family.” She says placing the suit bag on an armchair in the living room and carrying the bag of food into the kitchen, leaving it on the island. “Are you coming tomorrow?” She asked in a lower voice.
“Of course, totally.” The man nods, “Do you need me to bring anything?”
“I have everything under control, just show up for brunch.”
“Alright, Y/n/n, I need to get going, but text me if you guys need anything.” Luis squeezed her shoulder in farewell. “Hug H for me, will you?”
Y/n escorts Luis to the door and then goes looking for Harry around the house.
The first thing that struck her when she walked into the music room was the unmistakable smell of tequila and whiskey through the room. The second thing that struck me was the music. Harry was playing some messy, off-key blues that was both making her sad and also making her ears metaphorically bleed. He didn’t even notice Y/n ’s her presence until she was almost in front of him.
“Lovie!” He smiles drowsily, abandoning the piano keys to turn to her. 
Y/n's heart tightens in her chest as she takes in the sweaty hair and bloodshot eyes, there were tear marks on his face and Y/n just knew he had been crying. 
“Oh My Love! How long have you been here?” She eyes at the nearly empty bottle of whiskey, and the uncapped bottle of tequila.
“I love you, babe.” Harry said against the fabric of her clothing. “You are the fucking love of my existence.”
“I love you too H.” She lifted his face to look him in the eye. “You are the other half of my soul.” She says making him give a drunken smile.
“Why did we broke up?” He asks, his drunken smile suddenly gone.
Y/n sighs, feeling a little drained at the thought of having that conversation with a Drunk Harry.
Why did they broke up? 
He had broken up with her, it would be a better way to say, she had just accepted his choice so she could keep him in her life. They’re too young too be so serious about each other, was his reasoning.
“H, let’s go to bed.” Is what she chooses to says, there was no point talking about their past with him so drunk.
“Promise you won’t leave.”He demands.
“Never in a million years.”
Harry woke up alone in their bed—since when their bed became a synonymous for her bed—to the smell of fresh tea and sunlight streaming into the bedroom. His cellphone was charging on the bedside table along with a few tablets for his hangover—he smiled at that—he only had a few unread messages of condolences from other family members and some more close family friends, who are probably informed by either his mom, Jeff or Y/N.
He gets up stretching his back, deeply regretting having opened the drinks cabinet the night before. He showered and changed into the clothes left for him on an armchair—a Gucci double breasted black suit—.
The ‘Watermelon Sugar’ crooner found Y/n in the kitchen, in front of her custom sage green Aga Stove—after buying her dream mid-century house in LA, the model turn actress decided to renovate her entire kitchen and made it more ‘English’, it was the only thing she did really change at the house—in a black 'The Vampire's Wife' dress, he recognized because Olivia had the same dress in another print, Y/n had an apron on, protecting her clothes from anything that might fall on her, Dorothea, her cook, was nowhere in sight, Rebekah and Luis were sitting on stools by the island, both with their iPads in hand and coffee mugs in front of them.
Luis was the first to notice Harry in the kitchen entrance, getting up and offering his condolences to his boss on his grandfather’s passing, followed by Bekah.
Y/n takes the fry pan off the stove, spreading the vegan sausages and beacon onto a platter, before taking of her apron and going around the island, opening her arms to hug Harry.
“What’s this?” He asks, noticing for the first time what looks to be a full English breakfast spread arranged in porcelain plates around the kitchen island.
“This is comfort brunch… for you.” She says with a small smile, feeling a little silly with Harry looking at her so intensely and the two PA’s watching their interaction. “I want you to feel loved during your grieving moment, so…” Harry cut her off with a peck, cupping her face in his hands.
“Thank you, Lovie.” He thanked her with sincere honesty, hugging her.
“Why?” Y/n she looked at him confused.  
Harry just smiled. That was just something so very Y/n to do…to do something just so caring and gentle, and just not seeing that it wasn’t simply what ‘anyone else would do’.
“Simply by being you.” His green eyes traveled across her face.
“Babes, why don’t you take H to the backyard?” Bekah interrupts them. “Luis and I will take the food.” Y/n gives them both a grateful smile taking Harry’s hand in hers and leads him to the backyard.
There’s an energy of intimacy that you wouldn’t tell they’re anything other than a couple, it was something in the way he followed her with blind trust, his eyes on her the entire time, or how her head was leaning slightly on his shoulder and she had his hand between hers. And to any of the thirty people in the backyard, they looked like some sort of beautiful quirky couple straight out of a Tim Burton movie.
His eyes are still following her across the lawn when they are separated by friends who wish to greet Harry and offer their condolences on his grandfather's passing.
Harry felt loved with so many of his friends showing up to support him. His whole band was there, James with his family, the Azoffs and the Gerbers, Tom and Jenny, Tyler, Jeff, Molly, even Nick and Lily, Niall showing up had been a surprise, but that was Niall.
Olivia was an unexpected presence, as they were in an awkward place in their relationship, she stayed close to James, Julia, Nick and Lily as he greeted them, Harry wasn't sure who had warned her, if it had been Jeff or James—he was pretty sure Y/n wouldn't have been, the two hadn't even said hello. 
Of his close and dear friends, those not in attendance made themselves present with flowers and heartfelt messages. He was admiring the arrangements with Glenne and Jeff when he noticed what appeared to be papers hanging by ribbons from the English oak that Y/n had been given by a director years ago.
His band were admiring whatever it was with smiles on their faces. Harry's eyes again turned to the other side of the pool where Y/n was talking to Kaia.
“She organized everything yesterday.” Harry turned to Glenne who was looking in the same direction as him.  “Have you seen the tree yet?” 
“What are those hanging things?” He asked with some curiosity, heading towards the tree without even realizing it, Glenne beside him.  
It was only when he was close enough that he realized they were photographs, most of him and his grandfather, some of the whole family, framed and hung from the tree with colorful ribbons. He glanced briefly at where Y/n stood before his gaze returned to Glenne. 
“She texted Gemma yesterday, spent a few hours printing everything out, and this morning while you were sleeping, Jeff and I helped her frame and hang it up.”
They were interrupted by Y/n advising everyone to take a seat in front of the big screen that the service was about to begin, and they would be reunited virtually with the rest of Harry's family.  For a second their eyes met, Harry smiled despite the moment, 'Thank you' he said mutely, to which she smiled back at him.
{next| coming soon}
Taglist: @slutforcoffein ; @lilsiz ; @pandxthings ;
@ameerakane20 ; @angywritesstuff ; @dzastinocha
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