#but the trans colors are quite cool as well
after-witch · 5 months
Surrounded by Hunger [Yandere Mahito x Reader]
Title: Surrounded by Hunger [Yandere Mahito x Reader]
Synopsis: You're an artist, with no muse. Until Mahito shows up on your back porch.
Word count: 3500ish
notes: yandere, mild body horror, reader is a trans male
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“I want you to paint me,” Mahito says, with an uncharacteristically serious expression on his face. No smile, no leer today. Just a somber frown as he appears from nowhere--as he often does--and sits himself in front of you. 
The cool summer evening air would smell as clean as the breeze, but for the cigarette lazily perched in the ashtray on the edge of the porch. 
Smoking.  Your one vice. Or is it your eighth? You don’t keep much track of your vices, these days. If you did, you might actually try to quit them. But smoking is one of two current addictions that you can’t fathom letting go of right now.
The other one is sitting next to you.
"Like one of my French girls?” you murmur, lips quirking up. 
Mahito tilts his head towards you, still frowning. You wonder, idly, if he has an actual brain inside his skull. Do curses have brains? You’re not sure about the technicalities of how they function, but it’s not something you’d really like to ask Mahito, either.
But it’s like you can see his brain working from the minute movements of his body language. The body is one thing you’re usually good at reading, and you ought to be, considering your career. No one wanted paintings from someone who didn’t understand the basics of body movement.
“Ah,” he says, finally, with a small smile. “Titanic. Directed by James Cameron. 1997.” His smile gets a little perkier. On anyone else, that smile might look deranged. But it suits Mahito, you think.
“I liked the sinking part the best. The way they…” He flicks his fingers in the air, and makes an eerily accurate sound reminiscent of bodies banging against metal parts. “And the frozen baby!” He closes his eyes almost all the way, leaving just enough room for you to see his gaze slide over to you. “Humans do love representing their own misery, don’t they?”
Something squeezes in your chest. It might have been a barb about you and your work; and it might not have been. One of the trickiest things about Mahito was that you could never be sure when he was trying to hurt you, and when he wasn’t. 
The worst part was, you knew that it didn’t matter either way. It wasn’t like you’d ever ask him to leave. He knew that, too. Maybe that was the actual worst part.
He doesn’t elaborate on his statement. Instead, he leans his head back, looking at the darkening sky; the deep blue of the evening oozing away to make room for the blacker part of the night. His profile like this is fascinating--the way his hair seems to almost shimmer in the fading light, falling back against the side of his neck. 
“Well?” He asks.
You couldn’t say no. You were already imagining ways to capture him, like this. In profile, staring up at the sky with eyes that were anything but human. With a brain that was perhaps not a real brain. With a body he could change at will. 
Despite all that, here he is, sitting on your porch, breathing in your cigarette smoke and staring up at the ordinary evening sky.
What does he see that you don’t? That no human does? Why does he even come around you, when he could be off trying to--your brain fumbles for snatches of what he’s told you--battling sorcerers? 
Maybe you can capture something of the answer in your painting. 
“Okay,” you say, lightly, even though the answer is anything but. “But we have to go inside for the sketch. There’s not enough light out here this late.”
Mahito smiles. In profile, you see only the half of it, the edge of his lips curling, a glimpse of his teeth. 
You’ll be up all night sketching, trying to capture this expression. 
Your first finished painting of Mahito isn’t all that great. The evening skyline was done from memory because the next few days had been cloudy and they stole the sky’s normal colors away. And no amount of mixing could quite give you the right shade for his hair; you put something new on order, a type of shimmer pigment. That might help for future pieces.
The expression, though. There was something in that. Something not quite human that you managed to capture, although if you had to do it over, you’d reconsider taking your drawing from sketch to painting. The sketch had something raw to it, like Mahito might just turn his head and wink at you. 
As an artist, you knew that such a subject was rare. It was not always easy to find inspiration that kept you working almost relentlessly, eager and passionate rather than staring at an empty canvas and willing the world to send something to you.
Mahito was a gift, wasn’t he? To an artist. To someone like you, who needed something to make your work stand out. And it does, here. Mahito looks unusual--striking, beautiful, but with something unpleasant itching to get out from underneath his skin. 
But still. It’s flawed. 
And that’s not the standard artist humble-brag designed to avoid a reputation of pompous pride. Your paintings, as a whole, just aren’t good enough. 
It’s why the galleries rejected you. Why what few connections you had with other painters tended to fade away, becoming more and more untethered as they were invited to galas, as they held openings, as their works went to auction, and you…
You sat on your porch smoking and waiting, heart pacing, for a curse to show up on your door.
Mahito stands in front of the revealed piece, quietly observing it. His fingers reach out and skim the canvas, bumping along a few rough areas of paint. His mouth parts a few times, then closes. 
You expect him to be blunt with some kind of critique. He’s never been shy with honesty, no matter how hurtful. It was something you hated and loved all with one confusing, awful sameness.
Instead, his gaze flits over every square of the canvas enough times that sweat begins to bead down the back of your neck. Does he hate it? Is he about to tell you that you’d be better off doing something else, something more ordinary, something more mundane? 
What he does is turn his head towards you, slowly, something that is not quite a smile on his face. An expression that makes you think of the back porch, sunsets and cigarette smoke. 
“Now do it again.”
You should hate this, really. Someone who sticks around and more or less demands that they be your muse. Most artists purge these types of people from their lives, unwanted flypaper hangers-on who pout and demand to be painted. 
But Mahito is your muse, and you don’t hate it, and you don’t think he’s clingy or desperate like others who have found themselves on your back porch before. 
He’s your muse simply because he exists. You could not fathom knowing Mahito and not committing him to the canvas. The only shock is that it was his idea, not yours; and maybe, deep down, you were too afraid to ever ask him. In case he said no.
So you draw him, and paint him. He drapes himself over your couch wearing nothing, spreads himself on your bed with winter clothes in the summer heat; perches on the end of the kitchen stool and watches gnats circle a bowl of bananas. 
The ideas are his, mostly. 
And the pieces are interesting. “Intriguing,” your regular art gallery said, when you submitted the one of Mahito sprawled out in a fuzzy scarf and hat and puffy winter coat while sweat clung to his forehead from the summer afternoon sun.
Interesting, intriguing, a striking model… and yet. They’re still not enough--not enough to get paid. Not enough to get noticed. 
Not enough to get you out of bed some days, when all you want to do is smoke lying down and hope the smoke alarm in your bedroom still has low batteries. 
This is how Mahito finds you this morning. Half-resting on sore elbows while smoke wafts up to your  ceiling, imperceptibly adding to the layers of brown and yellow build up. 
He pokes your nose. You blink, slowly turn your gaze towards him. Then close your eyes and let out another puff of smoke.
“You’re being mopey,” he says, flatly. Not teasing or whining, certainly not with sympathy. Just a matter-of-fact. 
The options weigh heavy on your shoulders. It’s not like you two don’t talk about serious things. But God, with Mahito, the roles are reversed between artist and muse. You’re the clingy one, the one desperate to keep him around; afraid that the wrong word or gesture might make him blip out of your life as quickly as he came into it.
Who were you, if you didn’t have Mahito? Just another failing artist who could barely afford their cigarette addiction. 
But you trust him. Because he’s here. Because he hasn’t left yet. Because when you’re drawing him and you ask him to lift his arm up, he somehow knows the exact angle you mean, every time. So you lick your lips and look up at him with tired, reddened eyes.
“They’re not enough.” A pause. “The paintings, I mean. No one will buy them.” You drop the rest of your cigarette in the ashtray on your night stand. “I don’t know what I’m doing wrong.”
You do know, though. Your paintings aren’t interesting enough anymore. What little buzz you’d generated in your first break onto the scene from your fantastical horror work had long since faded, as had your inspiration for such pieces. 
It wasn’t enough to play with color and light, to perfectly capture the sun through an opaque curtain playing on Mahito’s hair while black flies buzzed onto overripe fruit. Of course not. People wanted more. You just weren’t more, now. If you were ever that. 
Mahito crawls onto your bed, languid; it’s not the first time he’s been so close, so intimate, but it gives you goosebumps nonetheless. He curls himself behind your back and runs a finger down your arm. 
“They like your older work,” he muses. You’ve ranted about this, and he apparently listened, which makes you feel at least a little least sour. “So why don’t you paint like that again?”
So much for feeling a little less sour. You curl inwards, eyes fixated on the dimming red glow of your cigarette in its tray. 
Mahito pokes your shoulder. Impatience. You can feel it building in him, in the way his arm muscles tense, just a little. When he gets bored, he sometimes leaves. 
You don’t want him to leave, so you force the words out, although you’d rather keep them private. Your mouth feels sticky when you talk, but you press on. 
“My old stuff was before…” You know he knows, but you’ve never pinned down a single way to explain it to him. “Before I figured myself out. Before a lot of things, I guess.” Mahito’s hand wraps itself around your stomach, and you reach out to intertwine your fingers. To keep him with you, if such a thing were possible.
“I haven’t had the same type of inspiration in a long time,” you admit. “So I don’t know how to just…” Flashes of your old canvases come to mind. Demons and ghosts and landscapes of terrible beauty. “Get back into that head space.”
There is a stretch of silence that begins to worry you. Maybe you are too boring, maybe you’re whining, maybe whatever this is has run its course and he’ll leave and you’ll have nothing to your name but this empty apartment and your empty life.
But then Mahito grips your shoulder and pushes you firmly, swiftly, onto your back. There’s a dull ache where he touches you and you stare up into his eyes, wide and bright even in the darkness. He’s grinning. He’s grinning, and it’s beautiful and ugly--
And on his side, arms sprout out; some with mouths sporting their own grins. Behind him, arms upon arms,  hands upon hands. A grotesque vision come to life in your dim apartment bedroom. You can see it now, on canvas. A creature with greedy hands outstretched to the world, taking what it wants, when it wants. 
You can see Mahito, posting, while you furiously work at the easel. You know you’ll work until your hands cramp, desperate enough to capture every microexpression in pencil before it fades. 
Mahito, the muse, painted again and again. Until your hands cramp, until your eyes are red and burning. 
“Does this inspire you?” he says, a bright giddiness in his tone fading into something lower and warmer as he leans down to capture your lips.
You’re not certain which of you tastes the most of ashes.
The paintings are perfectly grotesque. Inspirational. Disturbing.
“And yet,” the director continues, tapping his pen against his chin, “so life-like. You can hardly tell where the real model ends and your imagination begins.” 
Because, of course, humans cannot sprout extra limbs from their sides. Humans cannot stretch their tongues to wrap around their body like a rope. Humans cannot pull open the flesh of their stomachs to reveal what’s inside.
Not without dying, anyway. 
You’d almost asked Mahito if that was what curses looked like on the inside--if they had organs, like stomachs and lungs--but thought better of it. Knowing would be worse than pretending. 
When you pretend, you can ignore the growing sickness in your stomach as the paintings become worse--and better. As Mahito pushes you farther and farther, and you’re not sure if you want to turn back. 
When you pretend, life with Mahito doesn’t seem very fucked up at all. 
“Keep it up,” the director tells you, thumbing through the wad of ghastly cash he hands over for your latest piece. It’s enough to pay off your rent and bills and cover cigarettes and booze and some new books for Mahito, though you’re sure he just steals them when he’s not with you. 
And you do--keep it up.
Because Mahito wants to, and because despite all the disturbing dreams you begin to have after sessions of drawing and painting, your new works really are better. More visceral and alive; galleries want them. 
They want you.
You feel seen, finally, for who you are and what your hands can do--
How could you turn that away?
“I don’t know,” you say, slowly, watching the thing Mahito brought with him writhe on the table. 
It was soft and gelatinous, like a blob of moving goo. At first, that’s what you thought it was: something he scooped out of a container at a toy store that sold novelty slimes. 
But this wasn’t some gob of bright orange or neon blue with a telltale sticky sheen that told parents that yes, mom and dad, this was going to wind up sticking to the carpet by the end of the day.
This was light beige, with two big black spots that looked a bit like eyes. It was larger than you think a toy slime would have been and it--well it moved. Really moved. Not just from a slight breeze drifting in through the window or due to its own gelatinous nature.
It was--whatever it was--alive. 
It had eyes, and perhaps that bit of discolored beige was hair, and that was it. Two eyes, slick, shiny skin, and no mouth at all. 
“It’s a statement piece,” Mahito says simply, even happily, as he adjusts the blob to his liking on the table. He tries out a series of poses that you direct with hesitation--looking down at it with his chin resting in his elbow, holding it in his arms like some sort of stuffed bear, endless, restless poses, all punctuated by the strange writhing of the thing.
The two of you finally settle for Mahito looking one way, and the blob--were those its eyes?--facing another. A contrast between colors and shapes and Mahito’s lithe form and the writhing blob. But while there is a dim satisfaction in putting Mahito onto the canvas, a sense of self-worth and pride that grows with every stroke, you put off working on the blob until the last possible minute. Your body seems to know why, even if your mind doesn’t. 
At the end of the night, you start to ask a question that’s been on your mind the entire evening--
But when he turns, a small smile on his face, blob in hand, the words die in your throat.
You say nothing as he leaves. You work a little more on the painting, avoiding half the canvas, not wanting to think about what it was that Mahito brought and why he brought it.
That night, you dream about a garden of squirming, writhing blobs.
Today, Mahito has no mouth. 
And today, you’ve decided, that this will be your last Mahito piece. No more. Not a single one. The singular lack of a mouth is not even as horrific as some of the other ways Mahito has posed for you, but somehow, it’s the one that terrifies you the most. 
Mahito has no mouth, and you can’t even ask him why.
Mahito has no mouth--
Mahito has no mouth, and he wants you to paint him.
He tells you this, in gestures. Maybe if he was over the top about it--if he was wildly waving his hands, if he made a game of it--then it wouldn’t make you feel so wrong. But he’s slow, methodical. Serious.
It makes your stomach clench on nothing but whisky and overcooked eggs. 
But you let him bring out one of your mirrors and set it up in front of a stool so you can paint him, looking at himself in the glass. There’s nothing else you can do but this, you realize; that’s what your life has come to. You are mingling with a curse and he could kill you in a moment if he wanted to--but right now, he wants you to draw him and paint him and put something monumentally distressing on the canvas. And you want to do these things--because he wants you to? Because you know the gallery owner is going to take one look at this last piece and ask you to open your own show? Love or ego or something awful and in-between?
You sketch quickly. It’s the final layers of painting that will take days, you think, if you want this to turn out right. Right now you’re worried about two things: capturing the tones while the light is just right, and how Mahito will react when you tell him you’re done after this.
It’s not like you can tell him now. He can’t even talk. 
What is it like, without a mouth? You bring cigarettes to your lips and wonder if he feels jealous of it. Would he get mad, if you told him you needed a drink? A snack? Eating and drinking--curses can do these things, and you’ve seen Mahito do them, but you don’t know how much of it is a want or a need. It’s hard enough to tell the difference with a human. 
If you had no mouth, what would you be? Your thoughts flit, briefly and then away again, to the blob. To its eyes. To the way it couldn’t stop moving and Mahito held it like a toy. 
You don’t want to think about that. 
It would feel wrong to talk while you work on this piece, you decide. Better to save it for when it’s finished. A few days, at most, with Mahito holed up in your bedroom--and no mouth at all. 
In these few days, you want to kiss him more than ever. Want to capture the memory of his lips, because surely, he’ll want to leave if you’re done painting him. Done being entertaining. 
The thought of kissing the awful, empty space where his mouth should be keeps you from even thinking about it.
It’s your masterpiece. You know this from the moment the last stroke is complete. You’ll never top this work, and some prideful part of you demands that you try, anyway. 
Mahito still has no mouth. Even as you pull the drape off the canvas, as he gets close to inspect it. 
“Mahito,” you say, suddenly. He doesn’t look at you. That’s better, you think. Makes it easier to stomach what will come next; the inevitable moment where Mahito drops you like an old toy. Usually it’s the other way around, an artist getting bored of its muse and flinging them aside. 
But you’re not bored of Mahito. You’re afraid of him. You want him here--but you don’t. It’s a big jumbled mess and maybe it would have been easier if he never showed up on your back porch, if you never saw him at all, if he hadn’t opened up some wound inside you that only he can stitch up. 
“Mahito,” you repeat. “I don’t think I can paint you anymore.” Stupid, weasel words. You cringe. “I mean. I don’t want to paint you anymore--after this one.”
Mahito tilts his head, and finally turns his eyes towards you--but still, there’s no mouth, no mouth, no mouth.
After a moment, you continue, mouth dry and sticking. “Did you hear me, I said I--”
Mahito’s hand slaps against your own, hushing you.
“Have you been wondering what it feels like?” It takes a few blearly, confusing moments for you to realize that Mahito is talking not with lips on his face, but on the hand that’s pressed over yours. “To be unable to speak?”
The awful thought hits you. Is your mouth even still there, under Mahito’s hand? 
Mahito leans in, and pulls his hand away. Slowly, like he’s revealing a prize .
“I want to paint you now,” he murmurs. He might even be cooing, eyes alight at what he sees as he lifts his hand. 
You want to answer him--you want to scream.
But you can’t say a word. 
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calamarikitty · 2 months
Hazbin Hotel Redesigns - Part One!
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brainworms told me to hyperfixate on hazbin hotel and i did. so here are some redesigns! i'm planning on doing all of the cast, starting with the big (little) guy of hell himself, charlie, and vaggie! next is going to be the hotel staff (niffty, alastor, and husk)! individual pngs and redesign notes under cut
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Lucifer Morningstar - He/him, trans man, bisexual he has goat hooves, horns, and ears, as well as a little goatee:-) his tail is a lions, since lions symbolize jesus, royalty, and also are a little nod to pride.
he doesn't keep his wings after he falls from heaven. i know he has his wings in the og show, but i never understood why. he lost his wings in the fall and still has feather growth, but they turn into these weird malformed lumps of flesh and feather instead of actual wings. they're quite itchy and uncomfortable for him.
longer hair, for fun! as well as lots of apple motifs. he has little lines coming from his lips like a ventriloquist doll or puppet. i've seen it in a lot of charlie and lucifer redesigns and i think it's super cool.
he wears pretty fancy clothes but doesn't go overboard with it, as he doesn't particularly like his royal status.
he has a special interest in toy making and is specifically hyperfixated on rubber ducks! he's able to use toy making as a creative outlet to distract himself.
no shoes cuz he has sensory issues and shoes made for hooves don't seem comfortable!!!
still wears his wedding ring even though there hasn't been any sign of lilith for years
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Charlotte 'Charlie' Morningstar - She/her, cis woman, bisexual she also has goat hooves and ears, but unlike her father, she has horns more reminiscent of a ram's, much like her mother's horns. her tail is more of a classic imp shape, since she is a hellborn demon and not a fallen angel like her father.
the bottom of her pigtails are meant to resemble angel wings! she's a little piece of heaven in hell:-)
i didn't change her outfit too much, but i did want to add things to it to make it stand out more. she has gold details like her dad, as well as a bowtie with an eye detail to nod to biblically accurate angels.
she has the ventriloquist mouth like her dad! in general, she also looks more like her dad than her mom.
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Vaggie - She/her, intersex, lesbian SHE DESERVED A MORE PURPLEY COLOR PALETTE!! purple is definitely her color.
i changed her body type a lot in this redesign, i think it makes more sense for her to be buffer, because of her history.
she's not a moth demon, but disguises as one to blend in, since most sinners have animal motifs.
fur collar and fur leg warmers because i think they're really fun. i also think she's most definitely a pencil skirt + combat boots girl.
i actually do kind of like the X on her hair in her og design, but i wanted to make it look less?? plastered on?? since in her og design i genuinely can't tell if it's meant to be part of her hair or not.
she has a big bow like her og design, but it's meant to be reminiscent of moth antenna. it also adds to her biblical angel silhouette! another eye detail on her chest, like charlie, to nod to angels. this nod is particularly relevant considering her past!
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endcant · 5 months
save a bastion for queer culture in a famously hateful city
i’ll try to write a shorter and sweeter post about this later, but for now i will just beg at length.
there is a town near me called Murfreesboro where at various points they have banned or attempted to ban public homosexuality, drag, and pride flags. for a time their county’s youth incarceration rate was 48% (contrasted with the rest of the state at 5%) due to corruption in their local courts system. every juvenile case that made it to the wrong judge resulted in the child being sent to jail, because the county commissioner thought it’d be “cool” if the jail was a “profit center” (yes these are his actual words). these are just a few examples but suffice it to say, this is a very difficult place to grow up, especially for LGBT kids.
despite all of this difficulty, the area has a remarkable alternative music scene with a few small venues where queer people and young people who don’t fit in elsewhere can genuinely have fun and feel safe for the night. despite the city’s reputation, queer people in the broader area flock to the town for raves and DIY shows. in this area, music culture is intertwined with queer culture and leftist efforts to a much greater degree than i’m used to as somebody from the middle of california.
i really admire the venues and event organizers that cultivate a safe spaces like this in a place where it is decidedly unsafe for queer people, and where the youth are constantly in danger of having their lives ruined for totally arbitrary reasons.
this is why it breaks my heart that murfreesboro is trying to shut down a venue called The Graveyard Gallery. the graveyard gallery is a place where a ton of events are constantly held for lgbt, furry, and alternative communities. it is one of very few alternative places in the broader nashville area where i have felt really, truly safe and welcome as a person of color.
most recently, The Graveyard Gallery has come under attack for attempting to hold a Trans Day of Visibility punk show, with the apt title “Trans Day of Vengeance”. Conservative media, both local and national, directed the attention of their audiences towards this event, calling it “tone deaf” to have it on easter, and to have it sort-of-kind-of-close-to-but-not-quite-on the anniversary of the shooting in nashville. All of this, of course, ignoring that the date for TDoV was set in 2009, and that this was a small DIY punk show that really bore no threat to anybody. the show had to be canceled because of credible death threats, so it didn’t even happen, but that hasn’t appeased anybody.
in the wake of this, murfreesboro’s fire marshal has suddenly decided that the building is not acceptable for occupancy and it has to close immediately and for the forseeable future. people can claim it’s unrelated, but i’ve known people to have their businesses suddenly declined by fire marshals due to sheer bigotry before, and shitty towns will just use their fire marshal to bankrupt small business owners that they don’t like. i do not speak for the owners of the gallery on this front, but i personally believe that these things are related.
all this is to say, the graveyard gallery needs to raise money for their legal fees over this matter. this venue is very important to a lot of people, and may be even more important now that the city’s music scene is in the crosshairs of massive conservative media companies.
if you can donate please do, and if you can share this, please do that as well.
thank you for taking the time to read my post. i know there’s a lot going on in the world, but music venues are where people here gather, and music venues are often also a place where people organize to make meaningful change and promote causes that i know most of you would approve of. music is at the heart of this community, and the venues are where the music lives.
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tpwrtrmnky · 3 months
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pills that give you wheels.
(we are sure you know we think this but it's so cool to read ptmyg for the trans stuff, humor and the lore and worldbuilding you're putting in it's very moving and feels so good to read)
text for accessibility:
first panel:
grayscale stick figure person: "I thought you said you were lime. How can you- how can you be all that at the same time? You're not chromefluid or shapefluid? Why does a sword or wheels matter to you as a chrome thing?"
polychrome (mostly green, lime, and orange, with a building block head of rectangles, triangles and circles, and a pink arm with a cyan sword facing on one side of the head. the arms are broadly squarish, and they have wheels for feet) stick figure system's pink arm, looking at a purple saber, thinking: oooo sword
polychrome stick figure system: "For starters, I'm polychrome. Second, here's an analogy, chrome is actually assemblage, like building blocks or LEGOs. You literally put together how you want from contexts generated from the world and yourself."
grayscale stick figure person: "Okay… I guess for chrome expansive people that makes sense…"
second panel:
polychrome stick figure system's shapes in the head change, with colors and shapes changing slightly, some rhombuses and an infinity sign among them, and even some tiny grayscale shapes. the rightward lime rhombus thinks: thank you! as a second pink arm passes them the purple saber. the system's feat are now a tank tread and a shape somewhere between a rocket ship and a grasper claw.
meanwhile the orange shape headmates reply to the person: "Actually I was talking about everybody. Consider your own life-sure you were assigned grayscale but you've picked up ideas and experiences along the way, and even if you don't consciously question what grayscale means to you, you have your own assemblage of that that is unique, that you can navigate more deliberately if you want without being green."
the grayscale stick figure person now has a gardening fork in one hand and a videogame controller in the other: "Well I like gardening, and videogames... they're what I do usually when I have spare time. I was being raised to be a corporate vulture as a kid and it wasn't for me, it always felt- I don't know, not what grayscale is supposed to be about. It wasn't, even, before capitalism. I want to be myself. But, green is new right? chromatiness is just around 150 years old..."
the orange arms of the polychrome system reply: "See! You get it, that's really nice it's hit or miss when I say we all have that. Regarding green, you can find older words all over the world like arqūtu, ghelwos, harā, verde, and so on. Green is just a new variation for something that is part of the sapient condition, that has always been with us. And the same goes for square, triangle, rhombus, stars, and so on. And sometimes new technology, other forms of life, and stories helps us know a part of ourselves that we couldn't quite explain before."
the third panel is a closeup on the singleton and system's heads, the green-orange-lime-pink polychrome system shapes continue to change, the top of the head is now a partial wheel, and a plane flies over a boat town near a tree and lime square, whose arm has the saber close to the pink arm with the sword.
grayscale stick figure person: "So you see rolling on wheels and flying as lime, green, and orange to you?"
g-o-l polychrome system orange boat with lime buildings headmate(?s?) replies: "For me personally as part of my body yeah. I know primary moss folks who do too and same for the whole spectrum. Even some grayscale folks, but that's less common proportionally."
grayscale stick figure person: "How do you feel all that at the same time? I see a tree and a boat town now."
g-o-l polychrome system: "Some persons do and it's a beautiful fusion of feelings, and we do that individually too, in our case we're also plural, also a new understanding for something primordial which there aren't enough comic panels for here."
grayscale stick figure person: "It would be bad if I insisted that multiple people can't be in one brain or treated you as disposable or a bad green right?"
g-o-l polychrome system's pink arm headmate replies: "YES IT WOULD."
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Qiu propaganda:
“i love them sooooo much i was completely head over heels for cove but then i found out about qiu lin and ol2 and they took that spot in my brain IMMEDIATELY. that should say enough. also i just really want them to win this time </3”
“They're my beloved :] and also the only OL character not disqualified so I had to hdjdbdj I just wanna see how far they can go now :]”
“Genderfluid ADHD monarch. They enjoy mountain biking and ballet. As a kid, if they're set to Crush, they'll desperately try to find a way to link the MC's favorite color to themselves in an attempt to impress. They're the most popular kid in town and for good reason. Can be sharp as a tack, especially in social situations, but also can be so endearingly stupid.”
“Listen. Listen to me. Here's why Qiu Lin deserves the win (ha)
- They're a trans POC love interest (specifically genderfluid and chinese-american)
- They spend a lot of time in Step 1 (the first part of the game where everyone is a kid) being super nice and trying to accommodate for you
- They specifically try super hard to bring you (and Tamarack) into their already established friendship group
- (It doesn't work out super well initially but they're trying, be nice)
- Qiu's also just. Super sweet when you're set to have a crush on them in Step 1
- Like, their word count almost doubles when they have a crush on your MC
- There's one part of the game where you can bring up your favourite colour
- On a friendship route (or if you're set to neighbours), Qiu will maybe make a short comment about something related to your favourite colour
- On crush? Qiu stretches so far to tie your favourite colour back themself. Your favourite colour is green? That's the colour of their jacket!!! It's black? Like their bike, did they mention their cool bike!!! It's white, [imagine this is in italics] the inside of their house (no, really)!!! [end of imagining this is italics]
- They're also set to have an arc about much they accommodate for others and how they go from over accommodation in Step 1 to no accommodation in Step 2 to finding a balance in Step 3
- Also, like, they do in fact go through gender identity issues. In fact, they spend Step 2 not quite knowing their gender identity fully
Now, vote for Qiu!!!!”
"Genderfluid and uses they/he pronouns.
Their hobbies are mountain biking and ballet.
Most popular kid in town by, like, a mile. And for very good reason.
Immediately devotes themself to making sure their new neighbors (the MC and Tamarack) feel welcome in their new town.
Loooooves teasing their friends.
Is genuinely confused if the MC doesn't immediately consider them friends because. He considered you friends.
Not canonically ADHD (yet. things can change.) but like. The ADHD vibes are strong.
Forgetful and writes stuff down in a notepad to remember it, then proceeds to lose the notes. This happens constantly.
They have a whole arc about going from being overly accommodating and giving too much of themself to others, to closing off and not giving anything, to finding balance and figuring out how to be kind and caring without overexerting themselves.
Also, one of their closest friends is a trans woman. This is relevant simply because I love Renee and had to mention her."
Halsin propaganda:
“I haven't played the game but he's hot, and that's enough for me”
“Big sweet dude who’s a bit of a daddy and a bit horny. He’s also really chill and the potential poly route for this game, which datable games hardly ever do. Also, apparently he might not originally been meant to be a full companion and romance, but then people were so horny for him in Early Access they memed him into the full game like Sans Undertale in Smash? I think that should just say it all for why he should get in.”
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mochiimadness · 1 year
hi 👋🏽 can I please request some hcs for Leo & Donnie (individually) with an S/O who’s a sea monster (like from the movie Luca)??
Sorry for the long wait! Hope you enjoy ^^
I love sea monster characters sm
Rise! Leo and Donnie (separately!) with a sea monster S/O!
Neon Leon
Leo thinks your sea monster form is amazing!
Especially if you have hair
You're telling him not only can you have wonderful locks-
It also turns into frills/scales?!
He will always stare in awe during your transformations
Or as he says
"Trans-mer-ations- eh, eh??? Get it? Like a mer-"
We get it, Leo.
Makes a ton of sea related puns
"Huh, something seems fishy here, and I don't mean you, S/O." *Wink*
If you like the puns, good for you! He'll make a ton!
If you don't, he legally cannot stop in accordance to the laws of the universe, sorry.
Just kidding!
He will stop if the jokes make you uncomfortable, don't worry ^^
He's also amazed at just how much faster you are in the water
Your tail looks beautiful but it packs a punch!
Leo leaps back when you slam your tail into an incoming angry yokai
They go flying
Literally gets sent past multiple buildings
And you??
You just turn back around with a smile like it was nothing
"How- you just- Woah!"
You've rendered him speechless, congrats!
He's thoroughly impressed.
Although he doesn't absolutely love the water,
He still enjoys it!
He likes to go swimming with you
And since he's a turtle, he can stay underwater with you for quite a while!
While underwater, he loves to do the red eared slider flutter motion
This means he'll gently tap his hands to the sides of your face
It's his way of saying he loves and appreciates you!
You two will also have mini competitions to see who could do the most tricks in the water
You usually win these,
Using your tail to help propel yourself into high flips
Kind of like a dolphin!
Leo still puts up a good fight though!
You both have a whale of a time
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Don Tron
When Donnie first met you he double- no, triple checked his scanners because he couldn't believe his eyes
You're an actual sea monster!?
This is a scientific breakthrough!
He's absolutely fascinated with you
With you permission,
He takes down notes and runs tests on you
"How do your scales disappear? Are they still there but just a different color?? Where does your tail go????"
While you may not have all the answers, you still do your best to help ^^
He genuinely thinks your sea monster form is cool!
He's not that surprised at your strength
But he still finds it amazing
You just tipped over an entire boat like it was nothing!
"That deserves at least 80 cool points."
He actually has a tally of how many cool/scary/rad points everyone has
As a soft shelled turtle,
He feels at home in the water
Absolutely loves to go swimming with you
It's one of his favorite past times!
While he may not have a strong tail like you,
He's actually able to keep up decently well with you!
You both often have races and set up under water obstacle courses
You two compete so often, it's actually become a sort of challenge in the lair
The fam will place bets on who will win this time
Donnie does construct some water proof tech to help out,
And in return you get to pull out all the stops and swim without needing to hold back
"Loser has to buy pizza for a month!"
"Oh you're on!"
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Hello! I hope you enjoyed. Sorry for the super long wait!
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were-bastard · 2 months
Avian Masculinity
Note: When I use male/female in this, I’m talking about two of the many facets of bird gender (as I experience it) since the English language lacks vocabulary that I find sufficient to describe these experiences in their own right.
This is quite long, the rest is under the cut:
I think that the masculine/male side of my gender is really neat, since it’s not fully like the traditional idea of (white, western) human masculinity. Unlike the stereotypical idea of a [male] bird, I (along with the rest of my species) am not sexually dimorphic.
However, having been raised as human- and internalizing both human and highly sexually dimorphic avian ideas of gender- my gender is a bit different than a typical gryphon of my species.
For example, I’ve internalized the male avian need to be boldly coloured, as well as flashy and loud. While from humans I acquired a desire to be somewhat more muted in colour, but still posses a certain volume and “take up space”.
When compared to other [sexually dimorphic] avians, I’m fairly drab- preferring darker, more muted colors, albeit of a moderately “brighter” variety (ie. teal, blues, et cetera)- but compared to a male member of my own species, I’m unreasonably bright and flashy.
Male members of my species are the same as the females in both size and appearance. Interestingly, we do share a need to “project” and sing (moreso trill) with [some] other avian males- a need which the females lack. Both sexes have subtle variations upon brown-ish plumage with slightly darker speckling, barring, and the like (comparable to something like a Great Horned owl or Short-Eared owl) in summertime and generally white plumage with faint markings in the winter.
Due to my other avian influences, however, I identify more strongly with somewhat higher contrast between the body and stomach feathers, as well as brighter coloured tidbits here and there (think the blue-green iridescence of a magpie or Cayuga mallard). I also- in this passably human body- enjoy wearing brightly coloured jewelry (usually of the blue or green variety) because it helps to simulate iridescent accents in my feathers and also assists in sating my need to hoard (gryphon hoarding instincts my beloved beloathed).
Due to being socialized as human and also having absorbed “bird gender”, the way I present my gender is likely to come off (to other members of my species) as strangely gnc- if presenting as [a] gender of another species can be considered gnc (it can)- as well as to humans.
When you combine both human and avian gender ideals, you get a strange sort of gender nonconformity that goes both ways. For instance, I’m a trans-man, but due to the nature of my gender and experiences, I consider myself to be Butch (in the gender way), as well as a same gender pairing bird (despite the fact that I like women & am not one* [& am also aroace]). But as a bird, I would be considered (by my species) to be gender nonconforming in an odd way (species non conformity?), while to other species of bird I would seem unusually “feminine” in colour and behaviour (my species tends to be less vocally excessive, and has more subdued display practices than some other bird species). *[Side note: this is not due to me having been originally assigned “female”, since agab is a social construct and is, quite frankly, ridiculous.]
A fascinating side affect of the way my human learnt gender and avian gender interplay is I retain a strangely cobbled together presentation of femininity. From the human idea of gender, my paternal urges to brood and take care of eggs seem uniquely feminine, as well as my love for jewelry. On the other talon, to birds my “dull” colouration and general lack of fancy feathers seems strangely hen-like (hen as in a female avian). Compared to human ideas of female-ness and femininity, I really enjoy this form of “feminine” gender.
Altogether, my nonhumanity makes my gender weird and it’s pretty cool :]
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YOU THERE!!!!!! TUMBLR USER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Are YOU tired of how Tumblr treats trans people, particularly transwomen and transfemmes? Are YOU tired of how Tumblr treats people of color, particularly black folks? Are YOU tired of fandom trying to police the madeup bullshit you like to draw, write, or read about? Are YOU tired of all this fucking AI bullshit? Are YOU looking for a new online home to settle in?
Consider Pillowfort.social!
I’m not going to go into the nitty-gritty of how Pillowfort functions, because others have talked about that and explained it much better than I can (I recommend reading @/vergesm’s post here for a more general Pillowfort overview). What I’m going to do is explain what I, personally, get out of Pillowfort and why I enjoy it.
To preface, I’m not being paid to make this post or promote Pillowfort or anything. I wouldn’t think that needs to be said, but people make things up sometimes so idk. I’m writing pro-Pillowfort propaganda because I genuinely like the place and want to see it thrive. If you want to take a look at my own fort and get a feel for the place, you can do so here.
So with that out of the way – let’s talk about it!
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Pillowfort is quite a bit like Tumblr, in that it’s a blogging platform, but it’s got a few things that make it better than this hellsite imo. For one thing, you can post NSFW content there. Although I don’t draw much explicit stuff, it’s nice to be able to post art there without worrying I’ll get shadowbanned for a picture that’s just a lil too suggestive. It's nice to know that the option is there. Honestly, it’s freeing not to have to worry about that shit. And it’s also really cool that there’s a built-in system for marking certain posts as NSFW, because as well as being able to mark your own posts as NSFW, you can choose whether you want to see other people's posts marked as NSFW. And for minors, the ability to see NSFW content is automatically turned off. Pillowfort’s got a really good system for both allowing NSFW content and keeping it away from people who don’t want to see it. I really like that flexibility, and how that flexibility isn't detrimental to the users.
And speaking of being able to see or not see certain content, the content filtering is pretty solid. You’re able to block tags and even words in the body of a post, and like I said, you can control whether you want to see posts marked as NSFW. You can even control who sees your own posts! There’s blocking users, of course, but you can limit who sees your own posts even further than that. You can make them visible to anyone, visible only to logged in Pillowfort users, visible only to your followers or mutuals, or hell, even visible to you alone!! It’s cool to have that level of control, and I find it reassuring to know I have those options.
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Another big appeal of Pillowfort, for me, is the userbase’s strong “don’t like don’t read” policy. A lot of the people there operate under the mindset of “as long as it’s fictional, whatever dude. I don’t have to like it, but you do you." There are still dipshits, of course, but it’s WAY better than the insane purity culture that’s developed here. I don’t have to worry about some wannabe-conservatives telling me I’m just as bad as Ted Bundy for [checks notes] sexualizing Michael Myers or some shit. Plus, this general userbase mindset is backed up by actual site policy! I’ve heard that Pillowfort is very swift in responding to reports of harassment – whether it’s fandom-based harassment or bigotry. I haven’t had any experience with this personally (and hopefully it’ll stay that way), but I’ve heard good things about it, and it makes me feel more comfortable being there.
Also, did I mention Pillowfort has an explicit anti-AI policy? AI generated images and writing are banned on the website, and staff made this decision once its userbase and community made it clear that they wouldn’t welcome that sort of shit. And GOD, does it make me feel so fucking good as a writer and artist to know that.
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And that’s another thing – Pillowfort staff actually fucking listens to its userbase. The website is crowd-funded and relies on subscriptions and monthly donations to keep things running. And because it relies on its community, it relies on keeping the community happy. So complaints, bug reports, suggestions and alterations and things the users would like to see on the site – it’s all taken pretty seriously. And again, it’s just really nice to know that the staff of the place actually give a shit and are looking out for its community rather than trying to suck the dick of the biggest investor.
Really, the only problem I have with Pillowfort is the fact that it’s a bit small. Which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, because the people there are lovely. But since a lot of people aren’t happy with Tumblr, and haven’t been happy with Tumblr for some time, I thought I’d just ask you guys – maybe consider it. Consider making a Pillowfort account. Consider making your own little fort, stringing up some colored lights and cool art and making yourself cozy. Consider offering some money, if you can spare it, because it’s genuinely a really cool place that I want to spend more time in and see prosper.
So far, I’ve had a lovely time there. It’s cozy and friendly and it feels like one of the few places where a queer artist like me is actually welcome. And I think a lot of Tumblr users might really like it too.
I hope to see you there! 💜
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beanghostprincess · 5 months
Hey sweetie!! I realized I have been absent from your inbox for quite some time and that simply will not do, I am legally required to annoy people I like, it's the Law.
Therefore, I thus drop even MORE transfem Buggy ideas, silliest, and snippets in the hopes of making you smile and/or laugh bc you deserve nice things I wanna throw them at you ♡♡♡♡♡
• Buggy coming out as trans over the course of a loooooong time, where she had Inklings of it young (Buggy+Toki bonding my beloved), and for a while just went "it is what it is, it's my nose that makes me hate mirrors so much-" and thus reclaiming the nose with the clown aesthetic and commitment to the circus bit. And it's enjoyable, really, the colors and patterns are So Good, and the makeup feels WONDERFUL, and all dolled up, Buggy doesn't want to punch the mirror quite so much.
It's only with Alvida and their Mean Girls Gossip Club being founded that there are some late night, semi-drunk conversations and Buggy says something like "everything sucks but I think things would be better if I were born a girl, ya know-?"
Cue Alvida taking that as a "women have it easy" type of thing (it's not), and so she and Buggy make a bet - dress as a girl, go out for a night, and play the part. They pick a small, no name island, pick an equally small, no name town, and hit the bars there. And Buggy is.... thriving.
It's not all sunshine and daisies, and Buggy sees first hand what women experience, but there's a shift in the movements, in Her Chest, and suddenly things are clicking, she's stepping aside, she's off to the restroom, and she is staring into the mirror there, blue eyes wide and hair loose around her shoulders and she really Looks. Fingertips brush the cool, smooth surface before her, trembling with fear, with anticipation, with joy and grief and anger and love. She barely notices when Al comes up to her side, when a pale hand brushes her shoulder. It's the question which throws her.
"What are you thinking?"
And in the tiny little bar bathroom at Seas-knows-what-time, Buggy has a sudden accidental baptism, and Alvida takes her hands through it all.
Buggy comes home to her ship, her crew, with knowledge, with a new awareness, a new fear, a new joy.
Her crew are nothing if not welcoming, and when she tells them, faux-casual and already edging into defensive aggression, they are simply delighted. They are ecstatic. They don't even question it, just beam and offer hugs and ask if they should still call her Buggy and Captain and Ringmaster, because she is theirs and they are hers they will be as good for her as she is for them, by the Seas as their witness.
And Buggy is happy, is safe, is emotional, is loved.
• coming out publicly is an ordeal, especially with the media storm already occurring elsewhere. She doesn't even think to do it. It's her crew that bristle when someone misunderstood her, the first two times a passable correction, then a point of disrespect. People do not disrespect their captain lightly.
• An article is written about her, and the contents are.... unkind at best. Interestingly enough, another article is never published by that journalist, and there is now no trace of their existence beyond that point. It was not Buggy and her gang who did it, though.
• Crocodile and Mihawk are both bisexual, and they do not initially know of Buggy's gender identity until well into the Guild's existence, after that article full of heresay and guessing. Not many want to correct such powerful men, after all.
When it DOES come out, they don't even really treat Buggy any differently. Just nod, verify name, ask for pronouns, and it's back to business. It's refreshingly normal and bittersweet.
• when they eventually being courting Buggy asks if her gender is.... going to be a problem. Crocodile just sneers. "It'd be hypocritical of me to not date someone transgender. I may pass as cis, but I made myself into the man I am today. Who cares?"
Mihawk just kind of laces his fingers with hers and states that "your body is but a vessel, and I care only for the wielder. The forms of your body matter not to me beyond your own joys in it."
• they also go on to be rather protective of their girlfriend. Business transactions have, and will, be dropped if a group is not respectful of her or has a history of it. Money is money, certainly, but business is a gamble and the deck is stacked against them with such animosity. After all, would you trust someone visibly aggressive with you over an ambivalent stranger when both hold a gun?
• just for shits and giggles, open relationships, and Shanks being fucking FERAL for Buggy and it's an absolute hot mess because he loves his clown wife so much-
• extra funnies, many others ALSO love his clown wife. Including, to his dramatic betrayal and theatric tears, many in his own crew.
• Rayleigh shows up at Karai Bari without warning to give Buggy a piece of his mind - not about her being a woman, no, that's fine, he loves her regardless, but about how she hasn't called him even ONCE just to give him the news that he has a DAUGHTER, she KNOWS he wanted a little girl, Buglet, why have you hurt him so-?
"You never gave me your number???"
"I didn't??"
"Yeah, OH, you senile old fart!!!"
"Hey, missy, no need for that kind of disrespect-"
• Luffy, Zoro, and Ussop bond over "my dad/dad-figure has done it with the clown lady" and Sanji is just laughing at their misery while Jimbei is trying so hard not to make eye contact lest they see his own clown fucking history ((it was one time but he wouldn't be against a repeat-))
I'm eepy so that's all I have now but ily nini ♡♡♡♡
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HELLO SWEETIE HOW I'VE MISSED YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!! 💖💖💖🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻 I am so glad you're back for more ideas and headcanons of our wonderful Buggy 💖💖
Toki and Buggy bonding my beloved but I absolutely adore what you said about Buggy blaming her nose at first instead of like, actually thinking why her image bothers her so much,,, She doesn't want to think further about it so she just guesses it had to be the nose because it's the one thing that's wrong with her,, But then she has the whole "I wish I were a girl because it would be easier" mindset still after claiming the clown aesthetic,,, My girl,,,
And the way she finds out I am,,, Gonna cry,,, The way it starts as a bet and Alvida is genuinely mad at her at first for her commentary about women but then she sees Buggy visibly upset because she's having the realization™ in the middle of a crowd. And I can't stop thinking about how it'd be sweet and comforting and,, You know. It'd feel like a family, something they don't really seem a lot of times because of their catastrophic dynamic. But Buggy would feel seen and loved and she knows Alvida will be there for her through it all no matter what. It's kind of weird to be comforted by a younger woman and I think Buggy would feel a bit ashamed for that?? But Al would tell her that there is no age to support each other, especially in womanhood.
I love how protective her crew is but mostly how little Crocodile and Mihawk care about this 😭 They really said "well if this doesn't affect us I don't care what you are but at least we are going to refer to you properly because we are not monsters, thank you". And also Crocodile is trans so it just makes sense. And what the hell with Mihawk's words??? This man is so romantic when he wants to--
My favorite thing about this is everybody being extremely protective of Buggy. She deserves it. She's a queen. An icon. And everybody is in love with her. And Rayleigh is soooo father and I adore him,, He'd go there solely to see his girl.
And never forget Zoro and Luffy bonding over this, but the funniest part of all is how I am 100% sure that after transitioning Buggy is wayyy hotter and way more confident and Sanji would be head over heels for her like everybody else. So yeah, he laughs all he wants but he wishes he could pull Buggy like that-
And I hope you slept well!!! Mwah mwah mwah!!! Loved to see you here again sweetie 💖💖💖💖💖
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mouwrites · 11 months
Hiii um. South Park :3
Maybe… main four and butters with a short ftm reader?
South Park :3 (I'm so sorry if this isn't that good, I'm not quite used to writing for an ftm reader,, I'm trying though I promise)
South Park - Main Four (+ Butters) With a Short FtM Reader
Kyle is pretty tall, so he's used to people being shorter than him
Having to bend down for kisses and what not doesn't bother him
He'd never admit it, but he actually loves when you pull him down to your height for a kiss
He just likes a little assertiveness now and again, but only from you
If you're ever insecure about your body or masculinity, he's got facts and figures to validate you
And he'll absolutely listen if you need to vent
One of his favorite activities is destroying transphobes with the same info he uses to comfort you (plus some colorful insults ofc)
He discovers this the very first time he defends you against transphobes at school
"Are you okay? That guy was a major asshole."
"Am I okay? You should be asking the other guy! Cripes, you demolished him!"
"That's what he gets for dissing my boyfriend."
Whether he wants to admit it or not, Stan can appreciate a partner who'll wear the pants in the relationship every now and again
He has his share of insecurities as well, so he's got empathy for yours
He's the best listener for said insecurities, but as for advice...
He could use some himself,, he can't offer you much
He'll shower you in affection to make up for it though! Words of affirmation are his go-to, even if they are a tad awkward
He also sometimes uses humor to distract you
If someone ever misgenders/deadnames you, he'll immediately correct them with a glare
If the transphobia gets too intense though, the best he can do is get you away while making a few digs at the assailant(s)
He'll check to make sure you're okay once you're alone
"Yeah, I'm okay, I guess. Just... sucks, I guess."
"I'ou'll always be my big tough boyfriend. Well, maybe not big."
"Pfff, thanks, babe."
He bullies you so much for being short
Secretly he thinks it’s adorable, which is why he keeps bringing it up
If you tell him to stop, he might ease up a little, but won’t completely quit it
Very blunt when it comes to comforting you
He’ll absolutely just interrupt you if you start spiraling while venting
He gives brief but sincere reassurance before insisting on cuddling while watching TV
He won’t openly defend you because he doesn’t want people to see his soft spot for you
His defense is more indirect
Like if someone deadnames you he immediately spits out:
“Kill yourself.”
You act all shocked, but you appreciate his efforts, subtle as they are
Honestly he doesn’t really care that you’re short
He likes to try and pick you up sometimes though
This usually ends with you both laughing on the ground after he inevitably stumbles
When you come to him about your insecurities, he insists on touching you while you speak
He’d prefer to have you in his lap while he whispers validations in your ear, but he’ll settle for hand-holding or even just pinky-locking
If anyone ever so much as insinuates anything transphobic, it’s on sight
He’s throwing hands before they even finish the sentence
You’ve had to pull him off multiple people
You don’t apologize though (unless it was a genuine misunderstanding)
“They’re not gonna bother you anymore, babe.”
“I think they’re just scared of me now…”
Short person solidarity!!
The most supportive boyfriend ever
Definitely has at least one of those t-shirts that’s just the trans flag
Absolutely beams whenever he wears them, but he won’t tell people that you’re trans if you don’t want him to
Gets really pouty when you’re insecure
You’re just so amazing and valid in his eyes, how could you not see it?
Will vent right back at you about how awesome and cool and manly you are
But he’ll also just shut up and listen if you tell him that’s what you need
Gets even more pouty when people are transphobic
It’s more of an angry pout, though
You guys team up to battle the transphobes 💪
“Hey! That is not nice! His name is Y/n and he is a boy!”
“Yeah, asshole!”
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This is my first time writing an ftm reader, so pretty please do let me know how I can improve!! I’m ready to learn!
I hope this was okay anon, thank you for your request! And thanks for reading :D
(divider by saradika)
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mossymenagerieart · 3 months
ok so I’ve seen some debate sometimes about artists drawing top surgery scars super spikey and stuff vs like the realistic smooth curved top scars. Idk man I’ve seen quite a bit of people go “you can’t draw them like that it’s not realistic!!! If you’re drawing them sharp and spikey then you’re drawing them wrong!!!” And to that well. I don’t give a fuck if they’re not realistic. I draw top surgery scars on my rainbow colored fluffy talking dog ocs and unicorns and angels and demons. Like those aren’t “realistic” either so I don’t see what the big deal is. Also I’m a trans guy and I’ve had top surgery and tbh if I could’ve gotten mine to look spikey and big and like sparks or stars then I would’ve done it in a fucking heartbeat because I think those look cool as fuck. anyways telling people how to draw design traits on their made up guys is a really boring hobby. instead of telling trans people how to draw their trans ocs we should be making out t4t sloppy style. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk 👍
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astarionspocketpussy · 10 months
im trans so all of the characters get to be funky about gender as a treat. 
Shadowheart is a trans woman in my heart. I don't know I think something about her just screams that to me, you know? And I think the idea that she transitions socially quite young, young enough that the name her parents call her when they see her was a name she chose herself, I think that just scratches an itch in my brain. Extra points for the fact that Shar's games means she likely can't remember so much of her own journey with gender, how strange and uncomfortable and isolating that would feel. Its just a story I think is interesting and would be fun to explore thematically. 
Gale is a trans guy because I'm projecting. Those enchanted underwear he has? Magic packer. Also something about his personality just screams trans guy to me. Again, projecting. 
Wyll is also a trans guy. This is because A) I like him and he's cool, so he gets my highest honor- the trans-ification bean. And B) because it makes his relationship to heroism and his ideals have such a nice texture. His gentlemanly, heroic beliefs become both an expression of how fundamentally good he is and also a fun bit of gender expression. He's playing the role of the dashing princely figure both because he wants to help people and because that's what manhood is to him. Also it colors his relationship with his dad in a way I really like. 
Karlach for me is like. She could be anything. Trans woman, nonbinary, cis, genderqueer, literally anything goes. She just has a fun gender expression and I think she's best taken as just, like. Her gender is that she's Karlach. 
Lae'zel is cis to me. But her culture has very different rules and I feel like her relationship with gender would reflect that. I feel like she'd be a cis woman, but insofar as she doesn't really want to be anything else. Like, she doesn't dislike womanhood it just doesn't matter to her as much as cool weapons and dragons do. And I like that, its fun to examine gender in that way. 
Astarion is also cis to me. I've seen headcanons that I like well enough but I don't know, I just cannot help but see him as cis. I think he has a funky relationship with gender and expression, but he's ultimately a guy. He'd love drag though. He gives me that vibe. The performance would be appealing to him. Maybe he doesn't do drag himself but he'd love the scene. 
Halsin is nonbinary to me and I will not be accepting criticism at this time.  This is just me blatantly pointing the tran-ification beam at a character I like and I do not care. 
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raggstorice · 1 year
Flash Headcanons: Gender
(send help I don't. I don't even know my own gender.)
Riddle: Bigender. Her mom is a hater but it's okay because we hate her. (His Dad is supportive)
Ace: Trans Male. I've already made a backstory post for Ace but I am willing to do another one factoring this in.
Deuce: Cis male but is a MASSIVE ally. Throwing hands with all Transphobes
Cater: Non-binary. Will not tell anyone unless they know them very well. If asked I will expand.
Trey: Trans Male. Parents are very supportive.
Leona: Trans Male. Farena is supportive. Parents are not. (Let's be honest. With the way Leona turned out (depressed.) His parents cannot be good.)
Jack: Cis. But, like Deuce, will fight for his friends. Throwing. Hands.
Ruggie: Fem non-binary. Uses They/He pronouns. (Me? Projecting? I would never.)
Azul: Trans Male. Got bullied for having a very bad haircut. He's traumatized. Family is very supportive. Jade and Floyd are supportive in... their own ways.
Jade: Demi boy. He/They. Nothing else needs to be said.
Floyd: he's just.. Floyd. (I cannot explain this. It's simply a vibe)
Kalim: Non-binary! Came out to Jamil first. Makes an effort to wear their flag colors every day. Has a little pin on his Cardigan.
Jamil: Cis male but the most supportive person to exist. Like- 'Ace you're on your period and are currently facing pain so bad that you're literally curled up in bed while writing this- I mean can't participate in basketball practice? Cool I'll tell coach. Here's a heating pad, chocolate, and some painkillers.'
Vil: Trans Fem. Non-binary He/She.
Rook: Cis and again very supportive.
Epel: Demi boy and will crossdress for funsies.
Idia: Questioning. They prefer They/Them but They're open to all pronouns
Ortho: Ortho's a boy! He thinks. He's a robot boy.
Silver: Cis male, doesn't quite understand gender but is supportive nonetheless!
Malleus: Agender! Do fae have gender? Since it's a social construct maybe they just don't?
Lilia: Cis male very supportive of his kids and everyone else!
Sebek: Demi boy in denial. He'll figure it out eventually...
Crowley: Agender uses He/They
Crewel: Masc Non-binary. Again. Vibes
Trein: Cis male. Had a trans daughter. Incredibly supportive.
Vargas: Fully transitioned trans male. Like, surgically and stuff.
Sam: Non-binary. He's just- VIBES
Lucius: Cat gender. What were you expecting?
Neige: Bigender. She's so CUTE.
Chenya: Cat gender Masc non-binary.
Cheka: He likes being a boy. All he knows about gender is that his unka didn't like being a girl so he became a boy!
Najima: Demi girl. She/they.
Authors Note: Dear god this took so long I'm sorry. I was having a crisis. Also I did my hair today and now I can actually see my curls and it's great!
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benbunny · 5 months
HIIIIII !!!!! i’ve sort of taken a break from dollblr lately because all but 1 of my dolls are tucked away in a storage box with really no potential to come out of the box anytime soon 😞 but in the meantime, i’ve been going through Dollie Withdrawal….so i found dolls small enough to have in my tiny new space! these are my first ball jointed dolls, and they’re SO tiny (11.5-12.5cm!!!!). pictures and face-paint progress below!
so this is what they looked like fresh out of the package. theyre from artpractic on etsy, and i think they’re 3D printed. all of their tiny little joints bend and move just like a larger BJD, it’s so cool!! they’re also the only “adult” size dolls i’ve ever had i think, except for Barbies. i purchased them planning to make 2 of the main characters from the Faeries of Dreamdark series (if anyone is familiar with those — 2 middle grade/young adult fairy fantasy books that came out in the mid 2000s). the characters are actually younger, sort of generically young teenagers (although faeries age slower, so theyre both over 100 years old). these are the wings i was thinking about, based on the character’s’ descriptions
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first i dyed the male doll with Rit to match the character (who’s from what’s basically faerie India), which worked ok. it isnt too patchy, and he’ll be wearing long pants and sleeves sooner or later, so that will hide the parts that didnt take the dye too well. i used watercolor pencils to give them both some body blushing and basic coloring, then went in with acrylic paint and the tiniest little brush i could find for the details. i think it’s not too bad for my first full face paint, especially not on faces the size of my pinky nail!! i also used acrylic paint for body details like scars — the characters are a warrior and a guardian, so they have their fair share of scars and injuries throughout the book. i also gave the male doll top surgery scars, because the character has always read as trans to me
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i can’t quite decide which wings for one of them, though. for context, this character Hirik Mothmage has big moth wings that are described as black and ruby hawkmoth wings. personally, i always imagined him with silk moth wings, no idea why. either way, these are my two options: neither are hawkmoth wings, so it’s just based on what looks better. he’ll have brownish-black hair and also big brown moth antennae above his eyebrows, if that gives a fuller picture
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the other character is Whisper Silksinger. she’s a scamperer, not able to fly, which is why her wings are so much smaller
this has been so fun though, and it’s really scratching my Dollie itch. i’ve always stayed away from itty bitty dolls like this, because i’m clumsy and not very dextrous and tend to fumble around blindly with anything smaller than a Barbie doll, but it’s been a fun challenge! now i have to figure out hair and then clothing. not sure if trying to make a wig will be easier, or if i should just glue the hair right onto their heads, lol
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Qiu propaganda:
“i love them sooooo much i was completely head over heels for cove but then i found out about qiu lin and ol2 and they took that spot in my brain IMMEDIATELY. that should say enough. also i just really want them to win this time </3”
“They're my beloved :] and also the only OL character not disqualified so I had to hdjdbdj I just wanna see how far they can go now :]”
“Genderfluid ADHD monarch. They enjoy mountain biking and ballet. As a kid, if they're set to Crush, they'll desperately try to find a way to link the MC's favorite color to themselves in an attempt to impress. They're the most popular kid in town and for good reason. Can be sharp as a tack, especially in social situations, but also can be so endearingly stupid.”
“Listen. Listen to me. Here's why Qiu Lin deserves the win (ha)
- They're a trans POC love interest (specifically genderfluid and chinese-american)
- They spend a lot of time in Step 1 (the first part of the game where everyone is a kid) being super nice and trying to accommodate for you
- They specifically try super hard to bring you (and Tamarack) into their already established friendship group
- (It doesn't work out super well initially but they're trying, be nice)
- Qiu's also just. Super sweet when you're set to have a crush on them in Step 1
- Like, their word count almost doubles when they have a crush on your MC
- There's one part of the game where you can bring up your favourite colour
- On a friendship route (or if you're set to neighbours), Qiu will maybe make a short comment about something related to your favourite colour
- On crush? Qiu stretches so far to tie your favourite colour back themself. Your favourite colour is green? That's the colour of their jacket!!! It's black? Like their bike, did they mention their cool bike!!! It's white, [imagine this is in italics] the inside of their house (no, really)!!! [end of imagining this is italics]
- They're also set to have an arc about much they accommodate for others and how they go from over accommodation in Step 1 to no accommodation in Step 2 to finding a balance in Step 3
- Also, like, they do in fact go through gender identity issues. In fact, they spend Step 2 not quite knowing their gender identity fully
Now, vote for Qiu!!!!”
"Genderfluid and uses they/he pronouns.
Their hobbies are mountain biking and ballet.
Most popular kid in town by, like, a mile. And for very good reason.
Immediately devotes themself to making sure their new neighbors (the MC and Tamarack) feel welcome in their new town.
Loooooves teasing their friends.
Is genuinely confused if the MC doesn't immediately consider them friends because. He considered you friends.
Not canonically ADHD (yet. things can change.) but like. The ADHD vibes are strong.
Forgetful and writes stuff down in a notepad to remember it, then proceeds to lose the notes. This happens constantly.
They have a whole arc about going from being overly accommodating and giving too much of themself to others, to closing off and not giving anything, to finding balance and figuring out how to be kind and caring without overexerting themselves.
Also, one of their closest friends is a trans woman. This is relevant simply because I love Renee and had to mention her."
Fenris propaganda:
“Broody hot elf with glowing tattoos and a sultry voice that escaped from his former slaver and joins your ragtag team of misfits that save the city. He is snarky with your companions and always so surprised to be loved and supported. Everytime I play and try to romance someone else I fail because I can't not flirt with him.”
“I've played through DA2 four times now and every time I think I'm gonna date someone other than Fenris and every time I don't do that”
“Please he is my husband. I literally cannot do a playthrough without romancing him regardless of how much I try to give the other chara ters a chance because his romance lines are just so good and he's always so surprised that Hawke is into him.”
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ilovedthestars · 1 year
my thoughts on the nimona movie (no spoilers)
I literally just finished watching the nimona movie. It is SO good. I liked the graphic novel and the trailers looked incredibly promising and it absolutely lived up to my expectations. It is so queer, and so trans, and knowing that ND Stevenson wrote Nimona years before coming out gave me a lot of emotions about the way this was realized on screen. I don’t know how much he was involved in the adaptation, but it’s absolutely something he should be proud of.
I wondered how Nimona would work as a movie, knowing that Hollywood is sometimes bad about book adaptations. But the trailers gave me the impression that they were changing some things but keeping the spirit of the graphic novel alive, and after seeing the movie I think that’s 100% true. They mixed things up quite a bit—there are a few scenes that are straight out of the graphic novel, but most of the events of the plot were new or reworked in a different way from the original. But the original themes underlying Nimona are not only still there, they’re made even more big and bold and obvious by the changes.
And let’s talk about the animation for a second!! Nimona might not quite be as flashy as spiderverse, but the animators were absolutely still doing groundbreaking things with the animation. It’s 3D animated, but rendered in a way that’s designed to look more like 2D animation. Instead of hyperrealism they went for stylization, but still with the super dynamic motion of 3D models. This article [https://mashable.com/article/nimona-animation-style] talks a little bit about the artistic choices that went into it, and how they were going for the vibe of "graphic novel come to life." (I still have no idea how they pulled off cel shading on 3D models, but I’m so impressed.) The lighting in particular stood out to me as very cool, and the transitions when Nimona shape shifts were absolutely seamless. The whole movie just looked incredibly cool.
Speaking of the artistic skill that went into this film, two of the three main characters (Ballister and Ambrosius) were drawn as white in the graphic novel, and were changed to people of color in the movie, with such skill that when I went back to reread the original to prepare for the movie I had a genuine moment of “wait, they were white?” Their character designs were adapted so perfectly as to be instantly recognizable, while also fitting their style into the updated aesthetic of the movie. (Which has a super cool medieval/futuristic thing going on, expanded from what we see in the graphic novel.) Nimona is also, I cannot overstate, so perfectly Nimona. It’s clear that a lot of effort went into capturing the essence of ND Stevenson’s drawings.
The plot of the movie was not anything particularly new—“maybe the monsters aren’t monsters after all” is an oldie but a goodie—but it was done very well. Even though I’d just reread the graphic novel, there were enough changes that there were plenty of surprises. Also, did I mention how funny it is? There are so many hilarious lines & visual gags that don’t veer into the awkward place that animated movies aimed at a young audience sometimes land. And again, I cannot emphasize enough that it is even more explicitly queer than original, and they leaned into the trans vibes of Nimona very hard. Props to Stevenson and everyone else who worked on this movie.
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