#but then he randomly just becomes a blob
mintaikcorpse · 1 year
This was on Octavia's insta before it was archived. It's so cute 😭
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evilminji · 3 months
Been Watching Weird Fruit Explorer(?)... and I just...
W-Who let Bored Danny have BooTube?
Sorry, YOU-Tube. He has TWO Apps now. BooTube is bigger. Way more random, yet... somehow more niche? Meh. It's what happens when you get billions of billions of people who all have their own Obsessions to rant over, on a site.
Ember's channel is pretty lit, tho, ngl.
He stopped using YOU-Tube almost overnight. Too many ads, weird algorithmic pushiness. No thanks. It was too small and too "trying to take my money". You know?
Buuuuut? See.... TUCKER is the Tech guy.
Coding and that sort of stuff. HE does hands on work. You want a toaster? He can MAKE you a toaster! With LAZERS! Runs off The Goo! But a program? Eeeeeeeh? Hit it with hammer maybe? Monkey make fire? Hit with stick? Blergh.
Yeah, he can SORTA push through.
But he suuuucks.
And like... he had a headache, okay? His project had just, quiet literally, exploded in his face. So when he looked at his phone? All the apps were blobs. He clicked the one that LOOKED kinda right. Shoved his arm in his phone and brute forced a channel set up.
He figured he could ramble about Space!
It's not like he cared is anyone LISTENS or not! It's a "for him" thing, you know? Like a diary. But more... putting on a ☆~show~☆?
So he rambles from the floor of his Lair's Lab, crashs and wails in the distance, green sky occasionally visible as he lazily floats by windows. Dropping... juuuust past human knowledge understanding of Space. Talking like he's STUDYING somewhere. Referencing PAPERS no human will ever be able to find.
But a few they WILL.
Some of which, are currently? Only half written.
But then? Oh YEAH... he should eat! You know... Sam keeps bringing him fruits and veggies and stuff from her internship at that Botanical Lair. Stuff never seen before of Earth. Or hasn't been seen in centuries.
Again, like, a FEW that? Randomly? Have???
He picks up something sharply purple, bright orange insides. Crisp crunch. He makes a face. And starts to ramble about it, distracted from Space. "Weirdly mushroom-y" he notes. "Kinda bubblegum sweet? But like... CHEAP bubblegum. Like it hits you all at once and is kinda chemically. But it disappears real fast? Huh. Spicy too..."
It's the first video on the Playlist. One of hundreds. Two of the green Lanterns RECONIZE that fruit ad HIGHLY toxic to humans, can't recognize what planet they're seeing. Or how this alien teen got himself on YouTube.
He seems... unaware of how incredibly famous he's become.
But his strange techno Pharoah friend has not. HE is both perfectly aware and apparently amused. Has taken to feeding him rare and hazardous flora and fauna, to see if it tastes good.
....there have been an alarming number of plants from dead planets.
And the comments the kid makes? Alarming as hell.
Sam's just pleased everybody's getting their greens. Danny's glad him n tuck get to hang and do "try weird foods and fuck around, bro time". They've made lazers! Talked about stuff! Debated why Martian Manhunter is THE superior Justice League member.
Danny understands. Wonder Woman is a BAMF. But he's biased, Tucker. He doesn't CARE if she has a sword and flowy, impressive locks! Shape-shifting telepath! From MARS!!! *imaginary mic drop*
And Tucker? Is conquering the YouTube scene with this charming, weird, relatable young alien. Who rambles about Space, debates nerd stuff, eats weird plants and describes them, and makes sci-fi technology! Theme? WHAT THEME? Phantom is a weird channel, man. You never know what you'll find!
And no one can get rid of it.
Believe them, governments have TRIED. Censorship? Not possible. Not without removing the whole SITE.
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starlightshore · 8 months
OH GREAT ONE! Please. . . Can you please give us a tutorial on how to make Pixel Character sprites on Asepeite? You do them so beautifully. . . *Sheds a tear*
please don't call me "oh great one" even as a joke; don't put me on a pedestal. I'm just Some Guy.
anyway there are plenty of cool tutorials on youtube, just search stuff like "pixel art tutorial" or "pixel grass" or "pixel trees" for specifics
but what i'd recommend as my top rule: experiment! make more art! Have fun! just make things and you'll naturally improve
but past that, for some more tangible advice:
look into stylization. pixel art NEEDS clarity and simple shapes to work. you can achieve this by thinking of the shapes (thus the importance of stylization) and by doing simple math or consistent "scales" of going down or up in number. see how the second line goes from looong to long to short shorter then a dot vs. how the left one just does things randomly, there's no scale here. it shows purpose and confidence when you use more math-based art. see how the circle uses the scale/ math vs. this blob where i purposefully didn't?
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keep the linework clean:
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aesprite has a feature called "pixel perfect" which prevents jaggies, which are these clumps of pixels as you can see on the right.
keep the art consitant. don't use blur effects or gradients, i'd say that's more so for VERY rare circumstances and should only be approached from a more experienced hand. (ie, bigger background pieces and used sparingly)
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how you draw the shapes/angles matters a lot as well.
left, i kept things more "blocky" and less "sharp" I also simplified the shape (note the fur on the side of the legs) is more clumped together while the other has a larger emphasis on separating them and making them sharper. overall, the right one is a lot more complex which I don't want for a character who is moving a lot, and seen from a smaller size. its a SMALL cartoon! i want it to be clear to the viewer without any details to muddy things.
note how by making the sideburn fluff more jagged removes some of the room for the white fur. you only see ONE shaded white/blue pixel on the left, which adds more contrast and emphasizes that spot. there's less of a clear distinction between he had and the body.
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here's the silhouettes, you cans see how the body on the left is more clear in what part is what. Tail, ear, head, body and legs. the other one, sure, i know what those are, but its less distinct.
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add "weight" to the shapes. have one side of the shape be bigger in proportion. note how the head has a wider bottom than the top, even from the jaw to the tip of the head. the overall body is bigger than the head as well.
symmetry is important and your life savior in pixel art. but not EVERYTHING should be symmetrical. look at the head stripe, mouth, chest fluff, and handkerchief. have one side favored or the other and not a perfect head-on position creates this asymmetry as well a more "organic" view of the character. (typically you want to avoid direct head-on looks unless it's for 3d modeling or character reference sheets, otherwise your character won't feel as "alive." it's not natural to stand perfectly 1-1 facing the camera perfectly)
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note on legs and bodies: you can't always get an accurate symmetry based on the head size. depending on if it's an odd or even number of pixels wide, it'll affect how the body becomes symmetrical to it. in this case, there's a pixel difference that prevents a gap. note how the middle looks like a SUPER thick line because there's no room for a single pixel line. my solution was to have her favor one leg over the other, which works nicely as it adds a more weighted interest to the right leg while her bangs favor the left, creating balance. toby's solution to this problem was to give the humans one wider leg and it haunts me.
another example of this is toriel
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toriel's side mouth would be fine if it was a consistent choice and other characters did it (sonic is famous for this stylistic choice) but because she doesn't even match her family regarding this, it stands out and confuses people. i originally, and many people I've met have thought this was her nose. EVEN THO you can see her mouth open when speaking in-game.
btw even tho this also haunts me, i don't mind it as much cause i know this is a result of early game development inconstancies born from inexperience. its a cute quirk honestly, even if it was an easy fix. i actually ADMIRE that toby doesn't go and retroactively fix things, and instead prioritizes making new things with the information of how to do better now. its very easy and exhausting to go back and fix things rather than move on. mad respect for that.
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dragonsdomain · 6 months
Blob Ghost Supreme chapter 2
Chapter 1
Danny's first victory was not met with the unadulterated praise for which he'd hoped. He heard terms ranging from "Cheater!" to things he wouldn't be able to repeat over the dinner table flung towards him like javelins, along with empty snack packages he had to dodge. The screams of the audience carried a whole range of emotions, the kind of sound that might herald a riot. Would it make things better or worse if Danny tried to step in and get them to settle down? No, Walker's minions were already on that.
Danny glared defiantly at the audience, then headed out of the arena. This was the beginning. So they didn't believe a blob ghost could win that fight fair and square? So they were enraged by the very idea of it? He'd show them. He'd make them believe he was the real deal, that he deserved their respect. If winning this whole tournament was what it took to make that happen, so be it. He would do it.
Sam and Tucker had to grab hold of each other to make sure neither got swept away by the increasingly riotous crowd after the battle ended. The ghost cops all jumped into action and soon enough were able to calm the crowd into a tamer simmering discontent.
Muttering continued between audience members as they finally started to settle back into their seats.
Tucker grabbed the shoulder of a Day of the Dead skeleton to his right. "Hey excuse me, what was that? What just happened?"
"I don't know!" She exclaimed. "A blob ghost, just taking out so many ghosts like that? It shouldn't be possible! Did it cheat? Did it bribe all those ghosts somehow? What does it want? We can't let a cheater get away with becoming the ghost king! We—"
"Wait!" Tucker waved his hands to grab her attention. "I just mean like, what are the rules of this tournament? How does this work?"
The woman sagged, scowling at Tucker. "If you care so little about this tournament, why are you even here?" she sighed. "It's the Ghost King Tournament. It'll have three rounds of one on one battles between eight contestants, and the final winner will be the new ghost king." She pointed down at the arena, where the ghost cops were now working on freeing the defeated contestants from ice. "That was a preliminary round. There'll be eight, with contestants randomly divided between them, and the last ghost standing at the end of each preliminary round will be one of the eight contestants."
Tucker nodded. "Okay. Thank you. That helps a lot."
The woman stood, dusting herself off. "Now if you don't mind, I'm going to go discuss this with someone who actually cares how it turns out."
Tucker turned back to Sam as the other ghost turned away, finding her having some debate about ghost races with a dangerous-looking ghost to her left. Tucker pulled her away from him. "Sam, can I talk to you for a sec?"
"Oh. Yeah. Sure." Sam looked like she was about to fire some final word at the large ghost behind her, but Tucker yanked her away into the crowd before she could.
Tucker grabbed her face in his hands. "Sam, that blob ghost Phantom is really powerful."
Sam's eyes narrowed. "We're not leaving."
"What do you mean?" Tucker glared at her. "What are we even doing here then? Putting our lives in danger for curiosity's sake?"
Sam grabbed his shoulders, holding him away from her. "Look, we may not be sure exactly what's important about what's going on, but this tournament is a huge deal. Seeing it could be a once-in-a-lifetime experience."
Tucker started to respond, but Sam interrupted him. "Plus, how much danger can our lives be in if we've somehow been sponsored by the Observant boss or whatever it was that police officer ghost said?"
Tucker frowned. "What was that about, anyway? Why would some important ghost want us here?"
Sam let go of Tucker and started tapping her chin. "I think the ghost mentioned that it was because we're the future ghost king's friends. But we don't have any ghost friends. Do you think it's some kind of mix-up? Did we actually fool them?"
Tucker shrugged. "Yeah. I don't know. It's weird." He straightened. "If we're not the right people, then... what'll happen when they find out the truth?"
Sam cringed. "So we might be in a little danger. Okay. Still, it's not like we'll ever get another chance like this."
Tucker curled in on himself. "I don't know. I don't like it. I feel like we're getting in way over our heads, Sam. We're supposed to be having a hangout with Danny right now! What are we going to tell him when we get back if he's been there waiting for us now?"
Sam pulled out her phone. "Do we have service—? No. Yeah, um. Okay. How about we compromise. If things start going south, if somebody tries to hurt us, we leave. Okay?"
Tucker rolled the idea around in his head. "Okay. Fine. I mean, yeah, I'm curious too." He shuffled awkwardly. "Do we have to watch all the prequalifying fights though?"
Sam smiled in relief. "No, we can probably find some hallway to hang out in 'til the one-on-one fights start. Thanks, man."
Tucker smiled wryly. "I'm the one who gets to call if things are getting too dangerous, 'kay?"
Sam rolled her eyes. "Fine."
The two of them walked up towards the top of the audience seating, looking for an exit to somewhere else. The next pre-round was about to start, and it'd be better to get out of the way before things got exciting again.
Tucker worried there wouldn't be anywhere to go since most ghosts got around by flying, but thankfully they were able to find an exit to some hallways that could easily be reached by foot. Was this place based off of a human colosseum? Or was it originally built by humans? It'd be pretty interesting if the places in the ghost zone were the ghosts of places from the real world too.
The hallways weren't completely quiet and still had a fair number of ghosts milling about, but it was significantly more peaceful back here than out in the audience.
Sam and Tucker started strolling aimlessly down the hall.
"You know," Sam said, "If you don't want to be here, I could drop you off back at the Fentons' with the Speeder. You don't have to be here with me."
Tucker snorted. "Yeah, right. I'm not leaving you here in some deep part of the ghost zone all alone."
Sam smirked. "I guess it is kind of nice having you here too."
They found a bench and sat down. "Too bad Danny's not here," Tucker said.
Sam leaned back, stretching her arms above her head. "His fault for being so late," Sam said. "Plus, he hasn't been that interested in ghost stuff anyway. Any time I try to talk about that blob ghost—Phantom—he's always changing the subject."
Tucker frowned, thinking.
Sam glanced at him. "What?"
"Why is it always us who see Phantom? It's not like it’s rare for the little guy to show up, but Danny's never been there when he does."
Sam tilted her head. "Well, huh." She frowned down at the floor. "Is he avoiding Phantom on purpose?"
"But how would he know when Phantom was gonna show up?" Tucker asked.
"I mean, whenever a ghost shows up for it to fight? I have noticed Danny taking bathroom breaks often when that happens." Sam tapped her fingers.
Tucker stared down at his shoes. "Correct me if I'm wrong. But didn't Danny always leave before the ghost would show up?"
"Oh." Sam nodded. "I mean, that makes sense. I was trying to remember why teachers would let him leave if a ghost was there. Makes more sense if he'd left before."
"Weird," Tucker said, folding his arms.
A flash of green zipped by at eye-level.
Tucker and Sam launched up from their seats. "Phantom!" Sam cried, dashing after him, and Tucker followed quickly after.
Phantom was far faster than the two humans were on foot, even when he was having to slow down to take turns in the narrow hallway. Soon enough they'd lost sight of the blob ghost, but kept tracing his path by asking nearby ghosts which way they'd seen him go.
Eventually they wandered their way down to a basement story, where there was some kind of ghost gym (it looked pretty similar to a human gym except that some things were floating). Phantom was visible repeatedly tackling a sandbag with enough force to send it swinging wildly, and the ghosts near him kept giving him nervous glances.
Sam strode up to the blob ghost and said, "Hey, Phantom!"
"AH!" the blob ghost jolted to a halt with an adorably high-pitched shriek.
Yeah, okay, Tucker was no longer scared. He walked up to the ghost and stood next to Sam.
"Sorry, didn't mean to startle you," Sam said with alarming respect towards a tiny creature with such an adorable voice.
Tucker coughed, trying to regain his composure.
Phantom muttered something about how he wasn't startled, and was Tucker imagining things or was his face a darker shade of green? Anyhow, "Well, what is it?" Phantom asked.
Sam drew herself up and cleared her throat with a level of professionalism that made Tucker wonder what was about to come out of her mouth. "As the ambassadors from the humans to this auspicious occasion, we'd like to ask you a few questions about you and this event."
Phantom scoffed. "You two are ambassadors? From what government? No one sends ambassadors to the ghost zone!"
Tucker glared at Sam with the intensity it'd take to telepathically call her an idiot for thinking that would work again.
"Uh," Sam continued. "Well, from America. We're the kids of the president!"
How far are you going to push this? Tucker telepathically glared.
Sam glanced at him and finally noticed his glaring and gave him a telepathic I dunno, man.
Phantom dipped down low in a mock bow. "Oh, my apologies, Princess Samantha." He froze.
"How'd you know her name?" Tucker asked.
"I- uh- I heard it? From someone? Didn't you mention it?"
"No?" Tucker said in bafflement.
"Uh, well, I think my fight is about to start!" Phantom gave a laugh that sounded very fake and anxious. "BYE." The blob rocketed out of the room.
There was an awkward silence in the gym as the other ghosts stared after Phantom. "I don't think they're even done with the pre-rounds yet," one of them muttered.
After a minute, the ghosts started going back to their exercising. Sam and Tucker looked at each other. "Is it just me," Sam began, "or did Phantom know a lot about the human world?"
Tucker frowned at the floor. "Maybe he died recently? And how did he know your name? Do we know him?"
Sam inhaled. "Something felt familiar about the way he talked. I can't put my finger on it."
Tucker shrugged. "He hurried away pretty quickly. Seems like even if we did know him, he doesn't want to talk to us."
Sam folded her arms. "Or he doesn't want us to find out."
If Danny was lucky, Sam and Tucker would write off that interaction as just weird and awkward and forget all about it. And then they wouldn't bother him anymore, and they'd never have to find out that he had secretly passed halfway into the afterlife in the most embarrassing way possible.
Danny was not lucky very often.
Still, he was trying to put it out of his mind. He had to be focused when it came time for his first battle. It would stink if he lost in the first round.
"Welcome to the first round of the Ghost King Tournament! Behold our first two contestants: Phantom the Blob and Skulker the Hunter!"
Both contestants entered the ring, and Danny saw who he was fighting. Was that a mech? His opponent looked like a robot. Maybe he was operating it through possession.
Skulker gave a condescending smirk. "I usually don't waste my time with common prey, but I'll make an exception this once." He lifted his arms, which unfolded into a gun. "Make this interesting for me, whelp."
Danny dodged away from the blast, hissing. "Since when are we allowed to use outside tools in this fight?!"
Skulker glared. "This mech is as much a part of me as any other ghost's power." He raised his arm cannon for another shot.
Danny dodged easily again, but the shots looked powerful enough that he didn't fancy getting hit by one. He should make this quick.
Danny tapped into his second core, pulling forth the power of space. He opened his mouth, letting loose a miniature black hole.
Crowd members shouted as they started being pulled towards the battle. Danny's eyes widened. Oops. He hadn't thought about that. With some focus, Danny managed to create a shield around the arena, stopping the force being exerted on the crowd and eliciting some relieved breaths.
Skulker, though, was still struggling against Danny's hole's gravity. Danny floated lazily beside it, waiting for it to do its work. Starting to look panicked, Skulker fired another blast at Danny but it curved into the black hole harmlessly. Skulker gave a cry of dismay as his arm gun broke loose and was consumed by the black hole. Danny smiled smugly.
"What are you?!" Skulker huffed as he pressed himself up against the wall.
Danny sneered. "I'm a ghost, just like you!"
Skulker looked terrified. "Blob ghosts can't do things like this."
"I can," Danny answered darkly.
The black hole grew in size, and Skulker's armor started ripping away piece by piece. He shrieked, trying to hold onto his breastplate, but it flew out of his grip. Skulker finally gave a last ditch effort to lunge at Danny with a set of blades, but Danny dodged easily and started firing his own ecto-shots to slice off whatever weapons he could see.
After another second, Skulker's entire silhouette seemed to break apart and fly towards the black hole. Danny yelled, zipped over and consumed the black hole before it could destroy the ghost.
He hovered there panting.
That. Had been too close.
Skulker's robotic limbs lay scattered across the arena. Danny was suddenly aware of how quiet the audience was.
He floated forward in dread. Nothing was moving.
"...Skulker?" Danny pleaded, drawing close to the disembodied head.
It broke open, and Danny screamed.
"Hey! Shut up! You won, okay?"
Danny froze.
Inside the opened robotic helmet was... another blob ghost. Kind of skinnier than Danny, with shrimpy little limbs. He sat up and glared. "I hope you're happy."
The audience burst into murmurings. Danny heard snippets again of what they were saying, accusations of cheating again, of collaboration, miscellaneous trash talk about blob ghosts.
Danny floated away from the blob ghost that was apparently the real Skulker. He hadn't killed him. That was good. Still, he'd probably need to be more careful with his powers in the next battles.
"Another blob ghost! Of course. Finally, something that makes sense. Of course a blob ghost could beat a blob ghost."
The ghost beside Tucker started laughing rather hysterically as pandemonium continued in the audience around them.
Tucker turned to Sam. "Did you see that?"
"You're gonna have to be a little more specific, Tuck," Sam responded.
"At the end there, after Phantom got rid of the black hole," Tucker said. "It looked like he was breathing. Panting."
Sam gasped. "You're right. And the black hole? Space powers?"
"Who's one of the people we know who's most likely to accidentally call you by your name? Your nickname?" Tucker said, feeling thoughts piece together in his mind.
He and Sam stood up as one and bolted out into the hall.
"What does it mean? It doesn't make sense!" Tucker called after Sam.
"I don't know! But we're going to get answers." Sam shot back over her shoulder as they ran.
The two of them pounded down a staircase, dashing down the hall and past a couple security guards. They yelled after them but were ignored by Sam and consequently by Tucker.
They reached their destination: the door where Phantom would come out after the battle. There he was, just about to head off down the hall.
"Phantom!" Sam called at the same time as Tucker yelled "Danny!" All three of them froze.
Tucker gulped. "I, uh. Wasn't planning to call you that."
Phantom swooped closer and bit Sam and Tucker's backpacks to drag them hurriedly into an empty side room.
He pushed them in and wrenched the door closed.
"You can't be yelling weird stuff in the halls at me," Phantom snapped in a voice that Tucker was now distinctly aware sounded almost exactly like Danny on helium. "I don't know who this Danny is, I don't know anything about him. What do you two want?"
Sam started spouting out their handfuls of evidence at the blob ghost's annoyed face, but Tucker started to tune her out as his mind whirled. This ghost was acting exactly how Danny would if he was annoyed, or even more like if he was pretending to be annoyed but was really trying to hide something.
"...Did you come from him?" Tucker said softly, almost not even aloud. "Were you born when Danny had that accident with the ghost portal?"
Phantom froze, looking at Tucker in alarm.
"Or... no, you were breathing back there, like a living human. Wait, and why-- you--" The pieces snapped into place. "You are Danny."
Phantom started to pull back, eyes wide and scared.
"Tuck?" Sam spoke softly.
"That's why you didn't show up this morning," Tucker breathed, piercing the ghost with his gaze. "Because you had the tournament to go to. It's why you've kept leaving class before ghosts show up and why you're late for things and busy so often these days. Because you're Danny. You're Phantom."
It all made sense in Tucker's head, but spoken the ideas sounded almost ridiculous. Almost, because Phantom looked far too alarmed. Like Tucker was right.
Sam gave a weak laugh, glancing searchingly between Phantom—Danny and Tucker. "What?" she asked.
Danny shrank down towards the corner. "I... I didn't... not like this..."
"What?" Sam asked desperately. "He's right? You-- Danny?"
Danny curled down further.
That was all the answer Sam needed. "What happened to you?"
Danny couldn't look at them. "The ghost portal half killed me. So I'm part my human me, and part... this."
Why didn't you tell us? Tucker wanted to ask, but he knew the answer. "And you were too embarrassed to tell anyone."
Danny nodded. "Nobody respects my ghost form. I wanted to use this tournament to prove to everyone that I'm not just some tiny cute ghost."
"Can we go back to the part where you're dead," Sam said dazedly.
Tucker ignored her. "So were you gonna tell us about this after winning?"
Danny tilted thoughtfully. "I dunno. Maybe."
Sam blinked. "I mean. Do you really need to do all this? I mean everybody already knows that you're crazy powerful, even if you're also kind of ado—" Tucker smacked her.
"For the record, this doesn't change how we see you, man. You don't have to win some crazy tournament for us to know you're cool." Tucker put out a fist for a fist bump before awkwardly remembering that Danny currently was a blob and had no fists.
However, Danny hovered up off the floor and gave a little smile before headbutting Tucker's fist. Tucker couldn't stop a little laugh from escaping. He was so squishy!
And adorable.
But he would die before saying that out loud again.
Chapter 3
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murkystarlight · 30 days
Screw it.
Dreamzzz season2 spoilers pt.1
(And my personal comments)
Alright. Starting from episode 1
I didn't realize that Cooper having a sudden interest in chips would be a hint to something later(it probably isn't but it seems like it to me). Cooper apperantly had a full list of things to fix and make... also the Night Bureau really can't do their job done properly can they. How does Cooper go to school? And study? And get good grades?? Also love how everyone names their cars
It was cool seeing Sneak working with them. And Nova, too bad they... uh- dissapear after like... episode 4? I think
Mateo trying to find a way to get z-blob back, and the Nightmare king... why is he such an icon all of a sudden?? Like-
Also, I like that how Mateo got the kid show treatment. Might as well sing 'we're all in this together'
And Dallas joining the knitting club!!
It was pretty nice. Just a simple small detail, but I like stuff like that so... Looks like he's not going to be bullying anyone now
It was very fun watching the crows(ravens? Don't remember) snatch their memories. When I saw what the memories that was stolen were about I started screaming like-
I actually think they all have a good reasoning. Logan always loved his music(would've been better if he forgot how to sing entirely) , Cooper... well he's the tech guy, and for Izzie, she was the who accepted the dream world the fastest. Who liked it the most in the first season right? There are more cool and amazing reasons than this but my stupid brain can't think of anything else right now
Episode 2
Apperantly there's a lava realm? Cool
Mr. Oz being angry, Logan being.. well, Logan. And Cooper is just adorable. He's having so much trouble. His purpose in life kinda snap
And when everyone else just jumps into the castle, Izzie takes her time to take the stairs
And Izzie having trouble with "dont open your mouth" she's so funnn
I had trouble understanding Astrid-
Royce guy has a weird whistle.
Cooper looks so happy until his mind went blank and his face is just- 'dude wait, what was I doing?' I thought he lost his tech skills?? Why did he become... dumber? It's cute though
"Sorry-" _ Izzie
Also, Logan said a lot of smart stuff in this episode. One of my favorites was
"If I forgot it, how would I know?"
Mr. Oz trying SO hard not to swear. I could see the struggle-
And the flash cards 😭 when did they get a rule book?!!(first ep)
Also, how many eggs do you think Cooper cracked. How does he not remember how to not but a bolt and screw together?? Just- stick it in! Learn to do it again? Poor thing
And the Night Hunter! +Susan and Snivel. They're a bunch of sillies
Cooper getting pressured by his family again- (is it just me or does he get his character development after like... two episodes and be the one stable guy holding the team together? He's useful. Like actually useful) Cooper's voice also wouldn't stop cracking
"Do you ever get sand in your eyes? Or your shorts?" (The Sandman had legs?? Yes, had. He... he gone now.)
Also kinda funny how all of Mateo's dreamcrafting gets blob-ified
"The one time! I actually want to hear your beats, and you forget?!"
Zoey! Why would you randomly jump into a cauldron!! (Also, the Night Hunters memory being Zoey- I already had a feel)
Mrs Castillo is the best
I'm also very curious of... what or who the Never Witch is??
There is a lot of pushing and shoving people. And it's only the second episode
"So you're not the tech genius you used to be. You still got- ....uh.... what other talents do you have?"
Oh godddd noooooooooooo he said it- Oh god........
"I'm gonna go drown my troubles in the candy realm" (kids. Too much sugar isn't good for you)
(He can't even figure out how to put his phone on silent anymore) he got an A+ in a science project, by cooking?? I thought it was a SCIENCE PROGECT??
Imagine a kid suddenly pulling out an apron and asking for a kitchen to work in. During a science project (he's a chef now), he also just... kept the flan? Thing, in his locker-.... is that... okay?
I mean... I did watch this science show on Netflix about these super smart girls and their names being mc². And one of them bakes. Using science. I mean... science works in everything... and I guess if the teachers said okay then its.. okay?
Sandman and Never Witch fighting, he will be remembered. It was pretty cool actually. I wonder if they have any history
Next part
Bonus(also the reason of why I said screw it)
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pangtasias-atelier · 1 year
I've been going crazy as of late with the general idea of some guy gaining weight, but he's the only one who's even aware of it.
Like, some average sized man randomly packing on pounds in a sudden growth spurt. He's suddenly pudgy where he never was, yet everyone thinks that he's always liked to eat a bit extra, unable to say no to another serving or dessert.
It's not even just people who suddenly mentally adjust to his size. His clothes grow. The picture of him from a couple months back now shows him with the extra bit of pudge that he now has, since he's always had it to begin with.
And he packs on weight over time; every single attempt he makes at dieting or exercising is absolutely meaningless as he continues to unwillingly pack on the pounds. Everyone's indifference to his size slowly switches over to minor teasing and slight encouragement that transforms into flat out fattening him up by the point he weighs 500 pounds of hefty man fat.
And his very house shifts to accommodate his size: furniture reinforced, doorways widened, food always stocked up, anything he could need to get that push to gain weight faster his house has.
Even as he continues to blimp out, becoming an absolute wheezing, hungry mess that has an entourage of men who greedily fatten him up and take care of him, everyone thinks it's the most natural thing ever.
How else would such a hefty blob of a man be so fat if not giving into his own hedonistic pleasure?
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happyfirstpri · 2 years
Give Tim Drake a void cat please please PLEAAse. I’m talking about a little dark blob that’s just as freaky as Tim was when he was Robin. 
It only purrs around him and is indifferent with everyone else, may or may not be bribed with treats from Damian (who is upset that Tim never told him about owning a void cat), and absolutely despises Bruce for some reason (he thinks the cat is a menace). It disappears out of nowhere bat-style and becomes a pair of floating eyes in the shadows. 
Void cat might have Timmy-tingles and can feel when Tim is having a minor panic attack over it disappearing randomly, so it finishes whatever it’s doing to get back to his disaster of a human.
Think unregistered emotional support animal but just as effective.
Tim might not be fully capable of taking care of himself when left unchecked for too long but god help him if he doesn’t pull it together for void cat.
He wouldn’t even have a proper name for the tiny purr box, he just talks to it like a normal person would during a conversation.
Tim: I think I should get more groceries, what do you think?
Void cat: meow
Tim: Good point, I’ll head out later.
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reptile-ruler · 1 year
I know that in the pra2r plot, the Zim actually from Red and Purple's dimension is unlikely to be plot-relevant, but...how would Red and Purple feel about him? I just think it would be funny if they're enamored with Zim 2, but have the complete opposite feelings for/reaction to their own Zim
Yes! They find their own Zim super annoying. He's small and loud and always trying to talk to them... Zim 2 on the other hand, is tall and self-confident, and accomplished, already an Invader! And it's my headcanon that Zim 2 is a bit calmer and self-assured, because of his height he never had to fight and yell just for an ounce of attention. He grew up being seen and heard just cause of his height, so while he's still a Zim, he is a little more toned down, at least at first glance.
Their Zim is still a scientist. Miyuki died to his blob just like in canon and Spork hasn't been Tallest for long when Zim 2 shows up. It's possible that Scientist!Zim is waiting to be re-encoded/has applied to become an Invader-in-training. Red and Purple also want to become invaders and their Zim will show up randomly and tell them how excited he is for them to all be classmates again. While they're just praying they don't end up in the same class.
I actually have an idea for scientist!Zim's role in the story, and I have Thoughts about him in general. Zim 2 yeets him into the Zimvoid when he shows up, because why not take the chance to send another Zim there? This Zim would probably hang out with the weaker/rebel Zims just on account of being the only one who's not a trained Invader yet, so that's his disadvantage.
When Red and Purple arrive at the Zimvoid, looking for Zim 2, they can find their own Zim and he joins up with them whether they want him to or not (they don't!). Maybe even... his energy-absorbing blob becomes an important weapon when they eventually fight Zib...
Aside from that I also have... Thoughts™ about what he's thinking about the whole thing. Mainly that he realizes that Red and Purple become Tallest in every other universe he hears about. He's not dumb, he can figure out that his own universe's timeline is slightly behind compared to all the other timelines. He can maybe even figure out that Spork dies in an event none of the Zims want to talk about. Maybe he even figures out that, if Spork doesn't die, and Red and Purple keep growing, Spork might feel threatened by their height and make an 'accident' happen to them...
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prettyboykatsuki · 2 years
fang. may i please ask about a relationship with poly tdbk? thank u.
honestly i never really write tddk because i think their relationship is literally just mine and my significant others LMFAOOO so examining it is kinda funny
poly with them.. honestly? i think it's probably the slowest and most annoying slowburn you've ever had in your life and almost all of that is because of deku and his absolute refusal to think about things that make him nervous. like. i really can't even begin to describe how much deku just doesn't want to think about the fact he's a little in love with you.
todoroki has known for years though. much to everyones surprise really. he's pretty in touch with himself in romance as it's something he already worked through when dating deku. he doesn't know right away, like it takes a year for the three of you to hang out before todoroki is like "huh. okay." after that, he sort of just...? watches deku and observes.
and he just Knows. like he knows the situation but he also knows it's not something he can intervene with recklessly. deku HAS to come to the conclusion on his own or the whole thing is going to explode. it's going to be very dramatic for dekU, kinda dramatic for todoroki, and you are going to be losing your mind for a year because you can't be sure if you're misreading your friends actions with you.
on the surface it is insanely intimate to the point it's frightening. you sleep in the same bed with them all the time. and deku (because he isn't conscious of you yet) is very touchy. todorki is less so, so you assume that he doesn't like you as much (in reality he is controlling himself so his heart can have some peace lmaoo)
and when i say intimate i mean like DEEP emotional intimacy. they're both just very intense people who have never even once been normal about anything. you would think todoroki is marginally more relaxed but he'll randomly confess that he'd probably spiral into serious depression if he ever lost you like. Over a cup of coffee and you're like. okay!
and jesus god they are so nosy about your personal life like you can't even avoid them. boundaries? personal space? like sure you CAN set them but it's at the cost of dekus eyes become big blobs of water and todoroki looking the same but his knees buckling. so you don't get a break.
it just takes SO long. and then deku finally realizes it over the STUPIDEST and DUMBEST thing. like something just absolutely not romantic. it HITS him and he like... rushes into the bathroom and starts hyperventilating. he's mulling over it for days, just distressed. he stops seeing you completely. and todoroki already knows but he's waiting for deku to confess it to him.
the conversation is basically
"i think im in love w them... but i love you too!"
and todo being like "yeah me too."
FINALLLYYYYY they talk about it. and they devise a whole plan for how they're gonna approach (starting with an apology bc deku basically ghosted you) and then they plan a whole romantic thing. it's very sweet. flowers and candllelit dinner and generally wining and dining. they're a romantic couple for what it's worth.
after that your relationship is largely the same but the gc name changes to some inside joke that todo picked. and they're a little more shameless. ALSO todoroki gets a date to himself with you because he has been holding back for MUCH longer and he is complete attention whore about the whole thing. him being in love = massive slut for your affection without one semblance of shame.
it's a GOOD relationship though. like. really it is. you meet their parents and siblings and they meet yours. deku is a mess every single day and honestly... SEEING YOU makes him turn back into a teenage boy. like anything you do makes him RED in the face.
the sex is great Sorry. it's a bit lazy and languid but every orgasm is intense. and deku is really just disgusting LMFAOO so you always have fun. like.. eats your pussy after todoroki came in you and then you all kiss kind of sex. todoroki is very giving in bed and just kinda does whatever. a lot of it just going with whatever fantasy deku has picked out and COMMITTING bc u and todo like bullying him a little. todoroki likes getting his hair pulled + likes bottoming so do with that what you will.
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wackyrumble · 1 year
Same guy as earlier, big roommate fan, wanted to share some actual good stuff to say about roommate
1. He lost round one in the tourney he’s in to fucking. Kebin. From Kevin’s Bunker. I beg of you to search this up. Kebin is a really good contestant but like. The bastard does not look suitable in the slightest to win. He’s such a fucking funny guy
2. He also lost round one in losers to Dubious Duo, the teamup of Ninja and Mr Beast. Of note is that originally, he was just meant to be a standin for Adam, but it was later essentially retconned that for these two rounds it was Roommate
3. In the tourney Roommate is in, there are three brackets, and everyone who drops to the goners bracket (which is essentially a loser’s losers bracket) gets fucked up and mutated. Adam/Roommate was the one exception of this, and stayed perfectly fine. The victory theme that was uploaded when he 0-2d has become a running in-joke in the SoundCloud tourney community, to the point that it’s been officially used in like several other doatk tracks
4. So. Round 3 in winners and losers. All goners contestants have had clones of them fused with the goners who lost their round, or in other words have been officially eliminated. These “party guests” are the bosses for the remaining contestant’s matches. Roommate, unchanged, is straight up the guest for round 4, the match between. Who else. But Kebin (and Ian, his new losers buff teammate). And Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart if he was a good composer/catboy but that’s besides the point. So. Normally party guests just had a teaser that was just the two goner’s victory themes merged into a new one. However, due to the notoriety of Roommate’s theme, instead of that. He got a fucking full ass 4 minute track. That is the ultimate embodiment of his character and is really cool and you should listen to it ( https://on.soundcloud.com/WJvRwTsLMoAiyAqG7 ). This track was such a fucking major deal in the tourney discord at the time, for a variety of reasons, including:
4.1: It was foreshadowed because a famous person in the discord just. randomly started being homophobic. And roommate, the evil clone he is, hacked the fucking host account to say how pissed off he was that they kicked his favorite person, and that he was gonna “ruin us all”.
4.2: It uses several other tourneykid in-jokes. Like. There are so many fucking nods and jokes it’s so fucking funny. And it still manages to be a really good track despite that!
4.3: oh yeah. the cover is a parody of fucking lemon demon with a second roommate (that the discord dubbed “roommite” cause it’s just a weird blob of roommate)
5: all of these combined led to quite possible one of the worst things to happen to the discord. See, amidst the height of the hype, we don’t know who, but someone decided to post a piracy link. This spread through like every channel, to the point the entire fucking server had to be shut down. This led to the creation of Forum Lou.EXE Show, quite possibly one of the weirdest and fucked up bonuses that I’m not even gonna bother explaining. you can just look it up in the SoundCloud. pretty good track by the way.
8. Skipping 7 for cognitive hazard reasons, but uh. Remember the goners bracket from earlier? Yeah, roommate wasn’t there. This is because he got replaced by the actual adam. Who are now just two separate people running around. Unfortunately, in one of the saddest events in tourneykid history (not even joking. people were really sad about this myself included) it was revealed that adam was rigged for in the poll. He never actually won his goners match. This, however, was only discovered after all of roommate’s boss stuff. So this now means that somehow, the fucked up evil clone of Adam Conover ended up outlasting the original in every sense of the word.
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zylian · 2 years
To that one anon I saw who said Zam is ink, just a blob of ink from bendy and the ink machine-
You’re so based
Also my thoughts on this:
He is made of black ink and invisible ink
Does not bleed blood but instead black ink
When first bled out others actually panicked
Becomes a tiny ink ball that randomly splats on others lawns to let them know he’s around
Writes ratings on everything in invisible ink
No one knew about the invisible ink until s3 when they found writing all over the walls
Slips through walls with ease
Can never be grabbed
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i love your dally backstory??? hello??? for me, dally moved to tulsa with his dad because his dad was trying to erase the rest of the family, and his dad ended up becoming an alcoholic and whenever dally goes to their house, his father doesn’t even recognise him, and half of the time, his father isn’t even at the house. he’s at some bar. when he was about 15 (i don’t know, sometimes it’s so hard to pinpoint things in my brain), dally ended up trying to find a few jobs so that he could be less reliant on his father, but with his criminal record, very few places wanted him. after yet another place didn’t give him a call, he went over to a random place to sink in his sorrow. that place ended up being the slash j. it was a night where the audience could volunteer to ride a horse or something, and dally ended up volunteering because even though he probably never rode a horse, he’s cocky like that. (also his brother loved horses.) after being pretty decent at it, buck was like, “shit, i need this kid,” and then their friendship (???) just sort of grew from there.
but i love your backstory so much what??? mine is just sort of a blob and it’s like a whole movie in my brain that sometimes just starts randomly playing.
Dude! !!! That’s so cool! I love that you tied in the horses and stuff, way cool. If you haven’t garnered it from the blog aesthetic, cowboys and rodeos are sort of my thing :D I’m glad you like my silly little headcanons, yours are super cool!
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gemstone-gynoid · 1 year
I had a bunch of dreams all featuring multiple dimensions and far future space.
There was a little witch girl in a spaceship home studying on a desk. Next to her is an empty desk. She leans over to ask if she can copy their study guide. The camera turns slightly, revealing a dimension where the witch girl is talking to a tesserect in a classroom spaceship. The teacher at the front admonishes her for not studying herself.
The tesserect turns to reveal a different witch girl taking notes. Later, the first witch is back at home, eyes closed and playing with a Christmas tree toy. The parents compliment her on being so quiet now and good grades. The dimensional view shifts slightly and the tesserect witch is controlling the dead witch by puppet strings. She says she just needs to keep this up until she graduates.
A gravity scientist enters his lab with a shotgun. He destroys many pieces of lab equipment, and claims he is now immortal. Stepping outside, he starts flying randomly in many directions, shooting at random people. He accidentally crashes into a cliffside and smears his body on it. Still conscious he changes direction. But keeps hitting the land. This is until he is just a skull screaming in random directions.
When he collides with a person, they are mostly killed except their skull becomes another of the scientist's skull also racing through the sky. This eventually decimates the world.
In a far future, an advanced civilization world has portal technology to prevent asteroids and such. In this far away planet, the skulls only appear once in a while. They just open a portal that sends it elsewhere in the universe. But then they start coming by the tens, then the hundreds, until the automatic portals are overwhelmed and the skulls reappear right next to the defense portals. The civilization tries to escape on ships going through other portals, but skulls stream out to kill them too.
Other ones I kinda remember are a dark souls like game where there is no fresh food in a dead castle structure so the major items are safe foods to eat. Watching a TV with various creepy auto-generated blobs, and calli losing her usb-wall outlet connector and me finding it.
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wanderin-cowboy · 9 months
Snippets of what may possibly become a future story. Just something I typed up quick after the idea hit me randomly! Lemme know what ya'll think of it.
TW: Mention of a body, along with some minor descriptions of said body. Nothing graphic or gross, but I figured I'd let ya'll know!
  The cold air cut harshly at his face, the wheat field swaying around him and rustling in a way that was distinctly ominous, though he wasn’t sure why. Dark clouds hung heavy overhead, blocking out the sun and sky and leaving the world washed out in colors of black and grey. This place wasn’t one Stan knew, but he did know it put him on edge, and he knew he shouldn’t be here. As he looked around an odd shape caught his eye– something between the rows of wheat. At this distance, what with his poor eyesight, it was little more than a pale blob, the brightest thing around for miles. He began walking towards it without much thought, curious. The closer he got, the clearer the blob became, until he realized with increasing unease that it was a body lying on the ground, the lower half of them hidden within the field. He’d been staring at their back. Crouching down he placed a hand on their shoulder– shuddering at how could and stiff they felt– struggling to roll them onto their back. He succeeded, and his breath hitched.
The face of the body was his own. At least, it appeared that way at first glance, but Stan knew his twin like no one else did, and he knew the differences between them by heart. The body had a cleft chin and softer jaw, hair thicker and curlier, shoulders not quite as broad as Stan’s. Further down were hands that had six fingers each, another distinguishing feature. Stanford with six fingers, Stanley with six toes. There was no denying it. The body was his twin, Ford, the eldest by twenty minutes. 
Stan paused when he heard the voice– tiny and ethereal yet still authoritative– unsure where it had come from. “Hello?”
                  “I’m here.” The voice replied. Stan glanced down at his shoes, seeing a small pink creature on the ground. It looked like a lizard, but also like a fish. It was unlike anything Stan had seen before. Ford would probably know what the animal was if he were here. Stan sat on his haunches, inspecting the creature more closely.
            “What are you?”
            “An axolotl. But I am of little importance. I am here because Stanford Pines is in danger.”
            “That’s my brother.” 
The axolotl bobbed its head. “Yes, I am aware. I know much of you and your brother. I know that Stanford will end the world. I also know you will save it. I have something to ask of you.” 
Stanley didn’t like how the lizard spoke of his brother, but he nodded, listening. 
            “Stanford is in Gravity Falls, Oregon. You must go to him. The work he is doing is more dangerous than he understands, and the being he is working with cannot be trusted. Stop him, Stanley, before it is too late.”
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do you have more robin dick headcanons? :)
i do in fact have many many robin!dick headcanons. hope you enjoy babe!
dick oftentimes recreated fight scenes from movies he watched with bruce. then he got disappointed at how easy they were and took it as a personal challenge to make them have more pizzazz. this tradition continued with the titans.
dick made it a personal goal to make it through patrol as much as possible without using his grappling hook once. if there was a situation that absolutely required it, then he wouldn’t hesitate, but usually he flipped from buildings and swung from ladders and even tightrope-walked on power lines. 
dick jumped from hobby to hobby to hobby when he was in middle school to at least the first two years of high school. he kinda settled into his likes and interests after that, always willing to try new things but still less all-consuming about learning everything he could. but when he was robin, he had a new super niche interest every other month. he’d go from collecting and pressing flowers to detail blacksmithing to finding out every culinary use for liquid nitrogen. bruce tried so hard to keep track of them, but unfortunately, didn’t come close to succeeding.
pretty early on, dick figured out he really didn’t want anything to do with the kids at the private school bruce sent him to. (he’d been the only child in a circus growing up, then came to live with solely bruce and alfred. while he was good at socializing with “normal people”, he didn’t really enjoy it.) so he gained this reputation in school of an enigma who’ll be surface level friendly with everyone but never actually be good friends with anyone. combined with all the random weird shit he could do, he basically became the school cryptid.
for the first few years of robin, dick refused to go to any circus. it took a while for him to understand that going to a circus and enjoying himself wasn’t an insult to his parents’ deaths, it was a celebration of their lives (a lesson some people haven’t learned yet brucei’mlookingatyou.) but he missed the circ, he missed it like an ache. so the compromise? bruce took dick to the zoo a lot. dick was consistently a visitor so often that the zookeepers and staff grew to recognize him. years and years later, when he started taking damian to the zoo, the staff members laughed to themselves about how dick’s keeping the tradition going.
one cannot become best friends with one wallace rudolph west without becoming a little bit of a foodie. combined with the team eager to introduce donna and garth to the best food earth had to offer, dick kind of became a mini food critic. 
the amount of satisfaction dick got from showing up competitive gymnasts who were older and “more experienced” than him was incredible. (and i mean absolutely no offense, just basing this off my personal experience: the brief time i was a competitive gymnast, everyone was hypercompetitive and combative.) anyway, dick reached olypmic-level gymanst around the early middle of his robin years, so he made it a little game to go gymnastics tutors and coaches and then just astound them with what he could do. sometimes, they had something genuine to teach him, and dick loved those people. but to the ones who blustered and tried to prove they were still better than an 11 year old after seeing dick do “just a simple, super easy, off the top of my head!!” beam routine were dick’s favourite, because he shut them up quick.
the athletic-based performers back in the circus all did morning stretches together. for dick, that was an routine built into him. so, once he felt comfortable enough around bruce, he asked to do it with him. so mornings in wayne manor found dick and bruce side-by-side doing stretches as bruce revaluated his opinion of how flexible he was and dick reveled in bossing around batman.
contrary to popular belief, dick didn’t have many posters. dick actually had no posters, save for the flying graysons one he tacked above his bed in every house or apartment he ever lived in. but aside from that, his personal affects came from little mementos and keepsakes. little elephant figurines from the asian mart bruce took him to, a box filled with entrance tickets from every time he and wally went to an amusement park (surrounded by the prizes they won at said amusement park), cool rocks displayed randomly around his room that he found gardening with alfred.
when dick was younger, he loved dancing. nowadays, he finds very little time to just dance for fun, usually doing it undercover at a club or ballroom dancing at a gala. but as robin? dick danced all the time. he’d put on music in the morning, jumping up and down in front of the bathroom mirror while brushing. he’d climb on top of the formal dining table, barefoot as always, and shake his hips to a song he had playing on a portable speaker. he spun in circles around the cave, he did flips with so much flair to them that you just couldn’t call it simple acrobatics during patrol. he had dance parties with the titans and linked arms with bruce as he dragged him up to twirl to a disney song.
this isn’t really a writing thing? but i’ll tag my tag list people anyway: @woahjaybird @birdy-bat-writes @anothertimdrakestan @subtleappreciation @screennamealreadyused @catxsnow @pricetagofficial @bonkybearjpeg @bikoncon @maplumebleue-blog-blob @sundownridge @thatsthewhump
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au where ventis human form has to be sustained with clean air but his cat allergies really mess with it and he just becomes blob venti again randomly
ALDKSKSKDKEK i love this, iconic au
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