#but then that's not very nice and accommodating and I just look like a bitch
disturbedheart · 5 months
A post on my other account actually got popular enough for someone to complain that I should tag my post as suicidal ideation? And idk why I feel so offended about it but like buddy this is my account it is tagged as bpd VENT and under bpd ....where suicidal ideation is a common theme and also occurrence. Idk how people exist on the internet in any sort of mental health community if they can't take seeing thoughts that are a bit suicidal sometimes. Just block me bro we're on TUMBLR. SUICIDAL POSTS ARE ALMOST INEVITABLE ?? 😔😭
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shanastoryteller · 11 months
Happy pride!!! I would die for a continuation of lady mo please!
a continuation of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
Wei Wuxian is keeping himself upright through sheer force of will and his utter refusal to let Lan Zhan be right about anything.
He has been sort of exhausted lately, but he’s been training himself into the ground and keeping to ridiculous Lan morning routines and he has a curse mark slowly killing him, so he thinks he’s entitled. He would have made it to the Jin tower just fine if he hadn’t run into Song Lan and had to hunt down a town fierce corpses and fight Xue Yang. That alone would leave most people exhausted, so he has a perfectly good excuse for his vision to be going fuzzy on the edges.
Except he’d literally rather fall off his sword and snap his neck then admit that. He can’t even let that happen, because A-Qing is flying on his sword with him, and she’s not even a cultivator. Her bones will break a lot easier than his will.
He’s not even injured. Or, well, not any injuries that count. He once fought off fierce corpses right after having his core ripped out, being tortured, and dropped from a height high enough to kill. Some bruises and cuts are nothing, and they don’t feel like anything now. Maybe he should have let Xue Yang stab him a couple of times. It would have made everything more believable and also would have let him nap with his dignity intact.
They land back at the inn and the rest of the Lans look extremely relieved and then confused when they see their newest additions. Except for Jin Guangyao, who only shows that he’s noticed them by raising a single eyebrow and looking to him immediately.
Jin Guangyao is a stone cold bitch that’s too smart for anyone’s own good. Wei Wuxian sort of regrets that they’d never had any reason to really get to know one another during the war. Surely Jin Guangyao could have steered him away from some of his worse decisions.
“We’re bringing guests,” he announces to all of them, jumping to the ground and nudging A-Qing to do the same with a guiding hand on her hip. “Song Lan and Xiao Xingchen, who I assume you all already know. And A-Qing. They’ve had a rough time and we’re going to be very nice to them.” He looks over to Lan Xichen. “I guess it’s a good thing that you brought the carriage. They can ride in there the rest of the way.”
The awkward silence is broken by Jin Guangyao saying, “Madame Jin is not fond of accommodating extra guests.”
Madame Jin is going to make Jin Guangyao deal with it because she’s petty that way. Apparently Jin Zixuan plays interference as much as he can, but considering he’s no longer fighting fit and the perfect heir he once was, his ability to influence his mother has been similarly reduced.
A politician down to her core. Wei Wuxian might be able to admire it if it didn’t make him hate her so much.
“I’m not fond of Madame Jin, so I’m sure it even outs,” he says carelessly.
Some of the Lan go to the effort to pretend to be appalled but most of them seem to have no problem agreeing, regardless of all the rules of propriety and respecting one’s elders that he’s breaking. People take their cue from their leaders and Lan Xichen is straight up just pretending he didn’t say that, probably because he agrees.
He’s treated to the rare sight of Jin Guangyao’s dimples. “Can you at least pretend not to be a menace? I can only put out so many fires at once.”
“I can pretend,” he agrees and then A-Qing is faking a coughing fit to hide her giggles.
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igotanidea · 11 months
(4) No strings attached :J.T x plus-size!reader
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part. 1
part 2
part 3
When she woke up the next morning the hangover was definitely ruling over her. The dizziness and dryness in the mouth were enough to pin her down to bed with a single groan, but forcing herself to open eyes she quickly realized that this was definitely not her apartment. But the similarity in the accommodation plan was unmistakable. She was in Jason’s flat.
“Oh, shit…. What did I do?” she whined, slowly propping herself up, checking if she still had underwear on and looking around the room she found herself in. It was simple and surprisingly tidy, the whole place filled with books and out of curiosity she reached for the one left on the nightstand. Jane Austen. That was surprising. She would never thought him to be the guy to read romance novels. But hey, who was she to judge his choice in literature?
The thing that caught her attention even more was the glass of water and a painkiller that Jason put right next to the book. Seemingly for her. It was …. nice. And thoughtful. And only added to her guilt of being such a cold bitch for him from the beginning. Sure, he got her into a very sticky and awkward situation, but she would be a hypocrite to say that she never were in similar position. 
Y/N sighed deeply, reaching for the water and taking a few gulps. Her brain was filled with so many thoughts and blurry memories of the last night. she wasn’t exactly sure how the night went and how she ended up here, but judging by the state of her clothes, nothing indecent happened. And that was a relief.
After a couple minutes, she finally found enough strength to get out of the bed, her feet landing on the semi-warm wooden floor. So far, so good.
Well, at least until she opened the door and the light hit her right in the eyes, causing her to groan, grab her head and reach the wall for support. Damn it! She almost tripped over her own feet and that was embarrassing, considering the fact that Jason was standing right in front of her. Wearing nothing but shorts.
“Hey there, neighbor.” He laughed, taking a step towards her and preventing her from hitting the ground. His hands might have wondered a bit lower than it was absolutely necessary , but he just couldn’t help himself.  “slept well?”
“I…..” she mumbled, still not fully rooted in reality, his sudden, unexpected touch making her shiver. “What …. happened?”
“How much do you remember?”
“Not much….. Celebration with Lena? Meeting Red Hood?”
“Red hood, huh? Was he really as scary as they say?” Jason raised an eyebrow
“He seemed…. sad, you know. Angry, sure, but more sad. Like he was in need of a friend.”
“Really? Is that the impression you got from the fright of the Gotham crime world?”
“We all need someone sometimes. And given his history…..”
“What history? How do you know it?”
“Nevermind.” She muttered, looking down at her hands. That sudden cut off was a bit suspicious, but since she was in a bad mental and physical state, Jason decided to drop the subject.
“Speaking of friends, do you remember what you said when you banged on my door at 5 am?”
“I did what?!” her eyes grew wide in confusion and damn, she looked so innocent and fragile. She did not remember that. “God!” her hands travelled to her face, covering the reddened cheeks. Talk about embarrassment. “I’m sorry.”
“I could have used that, you know princess? You are very pretty ….”
“Stop it, Todd!” she punched his chest, feeling all those muscles flex under her touch.
“Make me.” He whispered grabbing her wrist and moving forward slightly, looking her straight into the eyes.
She was standing in his kitchen, only in an oversized T-shit, her legs and feet bare, with glistening eyes, parted lips and hand on his exposed chest. He wasn’t lying. He could have used her when she stumbled inside his apartment. Fuck. He could act on his fantasies right that moment, but there was something in her that made him stop. He wanted to seduce her, to make her give up voluntarily. Such an innocent girl. Would be a hundred times better to break her than to force her.
“Jason….” She whimpered, feeling his fingers caress her skin gently, lightly. It was nothing more than a touch, just that, and yet it sparked something in her.
“Yes?” he leaned even closer, his face now inches from hers “Do I make you nervous?”
Fuck, he was. She knew him for like three weeks, but there was something so strangely alluring about this guy. And the way he was starting to make her feel was not how a good girl should behave.
“What are you doing?” she gasped, her body responding to his caresses, involuntarily moving a couple inches forward, almost closing the gap between them.
“What does this look like?” his hands found a way to her waist, under her shirt, squeezing her sides and moving up and down. She was already giving up to him, letting out the quietest moans. It was nice. It’s been so long since someone, anyone held her like that. And she wanted to be held and touched and kissed and …. “Like I said, you are very pretty…” he whispered in her ear, mouth finding a way to her neck, brushing over it almost imperceptibly. Oh, he knew what he was doing.
Oh, fuck! She was on a hiding to nothing.
“Todd….” She whined, flexing her body under his ministrations. “Shit.” Her hand found  a way to his hair, tangling in the strands as he started kissing her neck, this time fully, not playing around, nibbling on her soft spot.
“I want you, baby….” he bit on the sensitive skin “Come on, don’t fight me. Your body tells me everything your words cannot. Let me have you. Let me make you feel good.”
“I….” she shuddered “we barely know each other…..”
“So what?”
“We are neighbors!”
“So what?” he shrugged, fingers travelling up, playing with her collar. “makes it so much easier to get together. Come on, baby, say yes…. Say yes to me.”
“Yes” she whimpered. ‘yes, yes, yes, Jason. Please. “
She was lost. She was his.
“Y/N…” he panted, pressing his mouth to hers. Shit, she was so much sweeter and softer than he imagined. It was just perfect having her like this. As much as he wanted more and more and more of her, it was not his intention to startle her. So instead of lifting her up and taking her back to his bed, which she barely left, he settled on standing in the kitchen, enjoying the moment, working his hands and mouth hard enough to make her melt. Again, he needed her full consent to everything. Going full on included.
“So…. good.” She whined tracing patterns all over muscles on his back, pulling him closer
“Do you need that?” he replied, playing with the hem of her shirt “cause I got some plans that does not include any layers.”
“You can do what you want to me….” She panted “I…..”
She didn’t get to finish as a loud noise interrupted them and woke Jason up.
“FUCK!” he yelled realizing that all of that was just a fragment of his crazy, lust-filled imagination. And yet, he was holding onto it desperately, still feeling her soft skin under his fingers, seeing her pretty e/c eyes and the way she was so submissive. “Fuck…..” he whispered again, rubbing his forehead and falling back onto the cushions. Only for a second though, since his vigilante instincts brought him back to the thought that it was noise that interrupted him. He sprung out of bed, throwing boxers and T-shirt on and rushed towards the main room.
“Oh, um, hi….” She froze like a deer in a spotlight, fully dressed and looking like nothing happened the night before, definitely not being hangover and with shoes in her hands. She was clearly trying to sneak out, but the loose floorboard squeaked loudly and exposed her.
“What are you doing?”
“Um…. Sorry to wake you, I know it’s early, but I think it’s time for me to go. I… did stupid shit coming here and ….”
“What about starting over?”
“About what?” her eyes grew wide in confusion
“You said it yesterday. Something about starting off the wrong foot and wanting to make it better.”
“Right.” She bit on her bottom lip, eyes fixed on the floor “I guess I did.”
“How about I make you breakfast for starters? And we can talk while at it?”
“You cook?”
“Yeah, I’m not really a sissy in case you didn’t notice.”
“What’s on the menu?” she raised an eyebrow, daring him.
“Me?” he smirked and turned around making her laugh. Probably for the first time since they knew each other. “What?”
“You just can’t help yourself, can you? I’ll settle for pancakes if you’re up for a challenge”
“Oh, it’s on. “
It was something new for both of them. They ate. They laughed. They talked. A real ice breaker in their relation.
“You are so different than you seem at first glance, you know Todd.” She mumbled, chewing on the pancake. He wasn’t lying. He was a really capable cook.
“What is that supposed to mean?” he raised an eyebrow. “I am a mean, heartbreaking bad boy. And don’t you ever think differently.”
“Sure, Todd. Sure.” Y/N smiled lightly, her eyes landing straight on his face “wouldn’t dare. I’m just saying that, perhaps, I misjudged you. I mean, Jane Austen?”
“What?” that caught his attention. So… this wasn’t just a  dream?
“You left the book on your nightstand. Honestly, Emma  was not my favorite of her works. Anyway, thanks for the free food, but I really have to go now. Much to do. “
“It’s Saturday.”
“So what? I am a busy girl. “
“with what exactly.”
“none of your….” She started but then sighed deeply, shaking head and realizing she promised to do better “family business, to  say the least.”
“Fine by me. Can I at least get a kiss goodbye?”
“Stop pushing it.” She warned, one foot out the door “see you around, Todd.”
“How the fuck did you find me?!” her angered voice echoed through the empty hangar
“Y/N….” the man who called upon her cooed mockingly “Y/n, y/n, y/n….. my little sweet girl. Did you really think you can escape me? By running back to Gotham?” he grabbed her chin and forced her eyes up “I got you right where I want you.”
“I’m not  interested in whatever proposition you may have for me.” She yanked herself free “never was, never will be.”
“How about I convince you otherwise?”
She was so done. 
Tired and stressed by both building the new future and being haunted by the past and people. 
Fucking Saturday. A day of relax damn it. Left her broken and exhausted more than any other shitty day of the work week.
And to add up to that, there was something laying on her doormat. A little piece of paper with barely a few words on it.
“Oh, what now?!” she scoffed bending down and picking it up. Honestly she was expecting another death threat from Madison or …. someone else, but it was a note from her neighbor.
Still fancy that wine I owe you?
She smirked to herself and without any hesitation, moved to the door to her right. Jason opened them almost immediately, as if he was waiting for her to show up.
“Mind if I come in?” Y/N tilted her head, playing with the note
“Not at all, sunshine.”
Let me know if you want a tag in this, but please check the tagging policy before :)
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vomitingstars · 3 months
It's a Sleepover Baby! Pt.2
FunShine Jill x Fem!Reader
Contains: cupcakes, guilt, manipulation, bitch you know why you're here, fem reader, sapphic relationship, toxic yuri
Cupcake decoration and gossip time is a blast. Jill crafts her cupcake into a decent Love-A-Lot Bear and with a lot of luck you somehow managed to recreate a Finn cake. Jill coos and awes at your creation despite not knowing what it is. A little too much in fact. You were starting to feel babied or maybe a little patronized in a way. Jill's praises felt excessive sometimes. Like a mom giving an exaggerated "Good Job!"" in exchange for their toddler's unidentifiable scribbles.
Your very tall gal pal breaks you out of the confines of your thoughts and takes a dab of pink icing on her finger then boops you on the nose with it. You cock an eyebrow in her direction, challenging the action with a confused smile and looking for an explanation.
"Gee, sunshine. I didn't realize you were my number one fan~" She jokes with a teasing smirk while looking you up and down with interest. You assume she must be admiring your sleep attire. It's a very nice set. You then realize what she meant as you caught your reflection on the microwave. The pink spot of icing on your nose resembled her face paint.
It was almost as if Jill could read your mind. You looked to see her perk up with an idea. She dipped a yellow glove into more pink icing and continued to paint your face. It was as if she were marking you in a way and you weren't quite sure how to feel about it. Being this close, you felt tempted to stare at her and take in all of her lovely features. Yet, you kept your eyes on everything but your ghostly girlie. She's so pretty it just isn't fair. Everything about her is mesmerizing and it twists your stomach uncomfortably. The sweet scent of icing floods your nostrils as you were hit with inspiration.
Dipping your fingers into a bowl of red icing, you began to write on her face as well. Let's just say your doodles and writings weren't exactly the cutesy doodles Jill had been hoping for. She chuckles lowly.
"You're such a goober. I think it's time we book it to the next activity." Oh no, it feels weird. Has the mood been ruined? She's still smiling but it feels a bit intense. Why did you do that? Why do you feel like this? Jill grabs you by the waist and lifts you up onto the kitchen counter effortlessly. Even with this boost in height, Jill still towers over you. Looking down into your eyes thoughtfully as if calculating her next actions. She's so close. She's always close. Her body was slotted in between your thighs, and they were spread wide to accommodate her. This feels so intimate. So familiar.
"Jill, are you mad at me? I didn't mean to-" Jill leans in close. Your lips almost touching as she interrupts.
"I could never be mad at you. You were just joking around." A flood of relief washes over you. And yet, you found it hard to meet her gaze for a moment.
"Right. I don't know what came over me. I'm sorry." And you meant it too. You don't know what happened. Maybe you wanted to take Jill down a peg. Maybe you were a bit jealous of her confidence, her beauty, strength. Jill pulls you out of your thoughts with a gentle hand lifting your chin upwards to look at her.
"It's okay Sunspot. I know you didn't mean it. I think you just wanted my attention. And you will always have it. All I want is to make you happy. To make you feel good. You want to feel good right? Don't you think you deserve to?" You weren't quite sure how to answer but you nodded yes. Her voice was soft and so comforting. Feeling the sudden urge to lean into her more, you attempted to suppress it. Jill seemed to notice and smiled sweetly as she carried you off to the couch.
"Truth or dare?" She asks calmly. You answered truth and Jill pauses for a moment. Thinking of her question as she crosses her longer legs to make room for yours. You faced each other in the dim room, lit up with color changing fairy lights.
"Who do you love most?" Jill asks casually as if she didn't ask the most invasive question known to man. She flutters her eyelashes at you expectantly.
"Jill, that's so intense! Especially for the first round." You avoided the question hoping she would move on.
"Do you love me?" Jill asks suddenly as if she had been holding onto that question for ages just dying to let it out. She somehow looked eager and smug all at the same time.
"Love is such an intense emotion. I think maybe I need to choose dare." Her smile only seems to falter for half a second until shifting into something a bit mischievous.
"Alright. Then I dare you to clean me up. And you can only use your tongue!" Is she serious? Her face was still covered in icing and maybe this embarrassing task would be easier than admitting how you feel. Or at least how you think you feel.
You leaned forward and stuck out your tongue for an experimental lick. She lets out a shaky exhale. "I didn't think you'd actually do it. Go on. If you're going to do something, you should do it right." Her large hands pulled your body closer and kept you steady as your tongue explored the surface of her face. Sweet icing coats your tongue and you feel extremely silly. You can't help but burst out into a fit of laughter mid lick, and failing to stifle your giggles when you finish.
Jill suddenly grabs your face and pulls you in roughly to connect your lips together. Your brain short circuits from a slurry of intense emotions. Her mouth is warm and wet and sweet. Her lips are impossibly soft and slick with gloss. Her hand cradles your face gently, keeping you close. You couldn't pull away if you wanted to. Jill remembers you need to breathe and pulls back waiting for your reaction. Pleasantly surprised when you lean back in for more.
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lillian-gallows · 7 months
Kinktober Day 31: A/B/O with Steve Harrington
Pairing: Alpha!Steve Harrington x Fem!Omega!Reader Word Count: 1649 Warnings: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, P in V sex, Unprotected sex (Wrap it before you tap it), Lil bit of dirty talk, Lil bit of Somnophilia (Reader wake up with Steve already inside her), Knotting. Kinktober Master(sub)list.
Minors DNI
The door closing behind you felt like it was a clap of thunder directly in your face with how oversensitive your felt.
The whole day had been a mess of problem after problem, and you couldn’t for the life of you figure out why.
If you weren’t getting yelled at by a customer you were getting yelled at by your boss, who already treats you like shit for being an Omega because he hates having to accommodate you, which was really only allowing you days off for your heats but leave it to an Alpha to complain about it like they don’t do the same for their ruts.
You’d been on edge all day, brain in a fog when left to your own devices, but teeth on edge the moment you were addressed. You felt like a livewire in the worst way possible. The lights were too bright, the sounds too loud, the very clothes on your back felt like sandpaper.
It was a miracle that you hadn’t had an emotional breakdown at work, though it had been more than tempting during your breaks and bathroom trips.
“Baby? That you?” Came the sweet voice of your mate from the bedroom.
“Yeah.” You managed to call back as you kicked your shoes off your feet, the sound of his steps getting closer rang from the hallway.
“How was work?” Steve smiled as he came into view, but it sank when he saw the state of you, hair disheveled from running your hands through it, eyes tired, shoulders heavy, and you knew your scent carried the reek of your stress. “Baby, what happened?” He asked as he slowly approached, intending to take you into his arms but giving you the chance to reject the touch if you couldn’t handle it right then.
You fell into him, breathing in his warm Alpha scent like it would fix everything. “Everything…” You grumbled into his chest. “Nothing went right today, and everything feels…Wrong…I don’t know what’s wrong with me today…” The sigh that you let out was almost a whimper as the emotions returned to the surface, finally in a space that was safe to release them.
There had been no hesitation on Steve’s part to wrap his arms around you and hold you tight, and you felt him nuzzle his nose into your hair to scent you, then letting out a hum. “I think I know…” He murmured softly.
It took effort but you managed to pull your face from his chest just enough to look up at him. “Hm?”
“Baby, your heat is coming, soon from how sweet you smell…You can’t feel it?” He asked, brow lifted as he examined your face, flushed and a little pallid.
Now that he pointed it out, you could feel it. That explained why all your senses seemed to be set to max, why your emotions were on a hairpin trigger, and why your brain fog had been almost entirely dirty thoughts of him. Everything else was just a bad day made worse.
You pressed your face back into his chest with an annoyed groan. “Of course…Why didn’t I think of that?” You grumbled. You’d have to call your boss and let him know you’d be calling out in the next couple of days for your heat, and he’d bitch about it for half the call and be pissy when you came back.
“No, no. None of that.” Steve said pulling you back from your hiding spot to hold your face in his massive warm hands. “You didn’t do anything wrong. I’ll call your boss for you. If he has anything to say about it, he can say it to me.” How Steve always seemed to read your mind you’d never know, but you were so thankful for it. “For now. How about you go take a nice hot shower while I order us some dinner? Then we can watch movies till bedtime?” He suggested, brown eyes warm with affection.
You couldn’t resist the smile that found your face as you nodded. “That sounds nice.”
“Yeah?” He prodded teasingly, pursing his lips in a mock pout, pulling a giggle from you.
“Yeah.” You confirmed.
“Good. Go on.” He said as he pressed a kiss to your forehead, then another to your lips, before letting you go shower.
You and Steve spent that evening relaxing till you slipped into a wonderful sleep, warm and safe and loved.
That sleep was cut short, however, before the sun rose the next morning when you woke to the feeling of fullness as Steve fucked into you from behind, deep rolls of his hips pumping his cock into you slowly, drawing out every sensation.
A raspy moan fled your lips to signal your consciousness, and his hold on you tightened. “Hey, Baby…” He breathed against the back of your neck. “Your heated started while you were sleeping…” He let out a breathy groan as you clenched around him. “Figured this was a better way to wake up than a cramp.” He chuckled breathlessly.
He was right, this was far better than waking up covered in a cold sweat with your lower belly cramping.
He had his arms wrapped around you, one hand massaging your tender breast while the other was buried between your thighs, rubbing slow circles on your clit, and his lips were leaving little marks along the back and side of your neck, saving that one spot you wanted him most for later.
“Fuck…Steve…” You moaned, feeling the first of many orgasms start to wash over you, causing your cunt to grip him like a vice.
He let out a low growl as the sensation, barely keeping himself from cumming, as he continued to pump into you, letting you ride it out.
As quick as it was over, your arousal was back again, body starting round two before round one was even over as slick continued to drench his cock, leaking out to coat your thighs.
“Ngh…Please…More.” You whimpered, tugging at his arm as if to pull him closer even though he was as close a person could possibly get.
But he knew want you wanted. He always knew.
Pulling out of you for a moment, he was immediately met with a protesting sound from you. “I know, I know…You’ll get it again in a second…” He soothed as gentle hands turned you onto your front, pulling your hips up just enough to get a comfortable angle before settling behind you.
There was no teasing, that was for normal sex, not when you needed him with every fiber of your being all the way down to your atoms.
Pushing back into you alleviated the ache that even a few moments without him had caused, and the slow press of his hips made it disappear entirely, the nudge of his not yet full knot against your pussy made you press back into him, body craving it as much as the orgasm that was surely on its way.
A whine from your lips was all the signal Steve needed to know that slow was far from what you wanted or needed, so with his hands gripping your hips, and your own gripping the sheets, he started a punishing pace.
His tip slamming into your cervix while his shaft pressed firmly against your g-spot, it was everything you could do to keep from screaming out with relief, which looked like pressing your face into the bedding to muffle the sound.
But Steve wouldn’t stand for that as his fingers threaded into your hair at the root and pulled, lifting your head from the mattress with a gasp. “Don’t you dare hide that pretty voice, Omega…” He ordered, voice low and commanding, the sound was enough to make you clench around him.
“Steve…Alpha…!” You pleaded on gasping breaths.
“That’s it. Tell the whole world who you belong to, Sweetheart…So good for me…” His hand slipped free of your hair and made its way back between your thighs, determined to see you fall apart on him again when he gave you his knot.
The room was full of your begging voice and the messy slick sounds of where his body met yours, skin slapping skin, his heavy breaths and occasional growls underlining all of it.
It was music to your ears.
The press of his knot soon became insistent as he neared his end, but ever the amazing Alpha, he would see you taken care of first, so his lips ceased their tender trail of kisses to sink teeth into your neck, marking you in the way your body craved so desperately, and driving you clear off the edge of ecstasy.
At the same moment your quivering muscles clamped down on him, he pressed his knot into you, filling you past full of both his cock and his cum, a feeling so warm it bordered on scalding.
Your body continued to milk him for all he was worth for a long handful of moments, slow presses of his hips against yours was all the aid he could offer without risking hurting both of you, but it was more than enough to help both of you ride it out.
Now a puddle of whimpers under him the only word you could murmur was his name like a mantra, body sated for the moment as he turned you back onto your side, settling behind you as he curled his body around yours, careful not to tug the place where you were connected for both your sakes.
“Shh, Sweetheart. Just rest, I’m right here.” He whispered into your hair as his hands trailed up and down your body soothingly, an aftershock spasm causing you to clench around him had him pulling in a shuddery breath.
“Love you, Steve.” You whispered as you came back to yourself.
“I love you too.”
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snickerdoodlles · 9 months
📖 for kinnporsche the series? your ideas are just so good!
thank u nonny!! 😭❣
this one took me a while to type because it is my weird whacky fic child who i love very dearly but struggle to explain. so, uh.
✨ Necromancy AU ✨
Big dies in the warehouse. Porsche gets Arm to get his body out, gets Kinn to delay the cremation, and gets Chay to reanimate Big.
(because reanimating the dead is just something Chay can do, because he figured it'd be a good skill to learn and he's my most specialest boy.)
Kinn (who's at the morgue for Porsche) is flabbergasted, Khun (who's at the morgue by a miracle) is stunned silent, and Kim (who's here because Khun texted him but didn't say Chay would be here) is more shocked by Big than Chay's abilities.
(Kim is the only person other than Porsche to just accept necromancy as A Reasonable Thing For Chay To Know. this is why they're Chay's favorites.)
anyways so Big is now awake and surrounded by this family. this is hell. not just for him, his sudden undead status is causing a lot of problems:
Porsche just had Chay bring Big back, he didn't like...tell anyone what was happening or make a plan for what to do with him.
Kinn just figured out his new guard roster, and now he has to redo it to accommodate one very grumpy and very loyal Big who now doesn't need trivial things like sleep or food.
there's the looming specter of Khun's upcoming dry cleaning bill because he won't. stop. poking. Big.
Big is trying very, very, very hard to ignore that not only do people know he knew about Porsche and Kinn, but that he loves Kinn so much he died protecting Porsche.
speaking of, Porsche just thanked him for saving Chay and (in a quieter voice) for saving him.
Big is in hell.
despite all that, Big's plans for his new life are to just go back to being Kinn's perfect guard. he is ignoring the awkwardness, none of this is fine, none of this will be fine, but it will be NORMAL.
this is hampered by the fact that whoops, turns out the undead need to hang around their "masters" for at least a few hours every couple of days to "recharge" so to speak, as discovered by Pol when he screamed so loud he set a fire alarm off because he stumbled over Big's body face down in front of Kinn's door at 2am.
this is even further hampered by Korn, who will absolutely not stand for his preferred heir being guarded by someone who might be more loyal to someone other than him. Korn uses the "recharge" issue to force Big out by way of making him Chay's permanent guard.
so now Big, the perfect bodyguard who only got better at his job in death, is now stuck hanging around a high schooler who doesn't get into trouble and just wants to make music with his bitchy boyfriend.
(because oh yeah, mr. the untamed nerd Kim is obviously ridiculously into Chay being able to resurrect the dead and leaks feelings before he can run away and sabotages all future attempts to ghost Chay (insert necromancer joke here). Kim's fears of love and hurting those he loves will cause different problems.)
anyways, Big is suffering. not only is he stuck guarding Porsche's baby brother (who! he's realizing he likes as a person! will the horrors never cease!), Chay keeps being nice and thoughtful and looking out for him as a person and asking after his happiness and shit (the horrors!! are not ceasing!!!!). when Big finally has enough of all this Being Treated Like A Human Being business and asks Chay why he even cares, Chay blurts out "Big, do you even want to be alive?"
because this has been eating at Chay ever since he brought Big back at the morgue. because he never knew Big and never asked if he'd want to be alive again, Chay just did it for Porsche, who wasn't doing it for Big but for his own guilt. and then Big's old life was like an ill-fitting glove, because he and Porsche can't be bitches with Big's sacrifice hanging over them but don't know how to act when they aren't being bitches, Korn won't accept him back because he only sees his own paranoia and none of Big's loyalty, and Kinn might appreciate Big's loyalty but he won't fight for it either, not when he's trying to juggle the rest of Korn's messes coming to fruition. Big's been completely forced out of his old life and any ties he might've kept to the other guards (as few as they were) are ruined by the others' guilt and discomfort, because Big might not have died in the first place if literally anyone had listened to him during the Tawan debacle, which they could ignore when he was dead but can't when he's alive and there in front of them.
and the whole confession draws Big up short because no one's ever asked him what he wants before. Big was just the son of a mafia enforcer who got scooped up young by the main family as a personal guard for Kinn. Big's never even considered that what he wants could be an option. even when he first came back, his main considerations were on the ways he was a better guard for Kinn. Big's chosen more things for himself in his weeks with Chay than he has in his life, and he never stopped to think how he feels about that.
he does now. kinda. this is Big after all. but after both forty-three excruciating minutes and three days, Big finally answers Chay, "i never lived for me before. it's...nice." Chay, who's gotten quite good at reading between the lines after all the exposure from Kim and Big, beams and makes him help him pick his electives for his first semester of university, because Chay's determined to help Big find a hobby and he's overcome far tougher things than emotional constipation.
[[ ask me about fics im not writing ]]
small scene snippet from shortly after Big's first brought back to life, right after Kim's walked into screaming, stolen Pol's gun, and shoved Chay behind him for protection, because i love themm
Kim opens and closes his mouth silently before sputtering, “But you— I heard— What…?!”
Chay worms his arms around Kim’s waist to get his attention and his head pops over Kim’s shoulder. “It’s okay, phi,” he says soothingly, “I brought him back.”
Big gets an eye full of Kim’s face flashing through four emotions he recognizes and thirty he doesn’t, which is thirty-four more emotions than Big can deal with. Kim twists around in Chay’s hold, just enough to squint at him from the corner of his eye without letting Big out of his gun’s sight line. 
“You know how to resurrect the dead?”
Chay drops his chin onto Kim’s shoulder with a huff. “Why do people keep asking me that? It seemed like a useful skill to know!”
“Obviously,” Kim scoffs, which is the first original response Big’s heard to that all day. “I meant you can do it? What, we’re you bored and just googled ‘how to make a zombie’ one day after school?!”
Chay rolls his eyes and pokes the undersides of Kim’s ribs. Shockingly, Kim pushes further into his hold, rather than away. “Don’t be silly. You have to be trained by a shaman to make a zombie.”
Kim actually turns to look at him dead on. His gun is still trained on Big. 
Chay cocks his head to the side. “What? I just googled ‘how to bring back the dead’ and went from there. It’s basically CPR!”
“That worked?”
Chay looks genuinely baffled. “Why wouldn’t it?”
Kim stares at him incredulously before suddenly going boneless in Chay’s hold, squishing him back against the wall. Chay does not protest being squished between Kim and a hard place. He actually looks delighted by it. Big would like to go throw up now. He doesn’t know if corpses can do that, but he’s willing to make an effort. 
“Of course it works, you’re you,” Kim grumbles. He knocks his head against Chay’s and rubs in a move so cute Big will throw up, death be damned. “If life worked for me like that...”
Chay beams and pats his stomach. “I’ll teach you!”
Turns out corpses can't throw up, but they can gag so hard they choke.
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toxicnotebook · 1 year
Rating home library ideas from home decorating websites
Okay, here’s the thing: when I was designing a wallpaper for home libraries, I had to look at a lot- and I mean a LOT- of home decorating sites.There were quite a few interesting home libraries, both good and bad. And a few that were downright evil.
I set aside some of the ones I found noteworthy, and now I finally have time to write this post. We’ll start with a classic:
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It’s cozy, there’s a comfy patterned chair, it’s using a small space in a smart way, it has a nice lamp and a small succulent. The modern reading nook summed up in one image, and it’s actually achievable for most homes. 7/10
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This is, perhaps, a bit too cozy. Leaning a bit on the claustrophobic side if I’m being honest. But it makes good use of a very awkward space, and I do love me some fairy lights.
The top shelf above the window is a bit too high up for easy access though. 6/10
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Oh this is just lovely. Does give off a used bookstore vibe, but that’s a plus for me! 8/10
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Why does feel more claustrophobic than the one in the skinny ass hallway. It feels like the books are holding their breath to fit in that bookcase. Hate it. Nice color though! 4/10
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In contrast, this moderate bookcase feels far larger and airier than it actually is! I do love the decor spots, although I hope the shelves are modular so one could, in theory, add more shelves for more books. Like I just wanna pop another shelf above the glass ball and jam some paperbacks there. But that might be a me problem. 8/10
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Girl. This is just mostly air, not airy. Why even bother installing a custom mounted metal shelving unit when you have barely anything to put on it? What an absolute waste of space and money.
Also stacking your books in those small aesthetic piles will make it a bitch to find any specific book, good luck with that. 3/10
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Fuck me, the multiple little pile of books on a shelf is a fucking trend. Like WHY would you do this on functional shelves like those? Books piled on a table makes sense. Books placed horizontally on a shelf they are too tall for makes sense. This? This makes no sense. You’re just making it harder to find & take the books off the shelves, AND you’re wasting space. Arrrrrhfhfghgh. 2/10
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Ahhhhhh. Much better. Cottagecore girlies, this one’s for you! 9/10
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So I live in an area VERY prone to earthquakes, and everything about this image sets off my anxiety. Floating shelves in general are iffy for earthquakes, but the large ones are especially prone to just...falling off the wall when things get moderately shaky.
Add in the large, heavy books on EVERY shelf, the absolute height of the unit, the fact the shelves are polished metal, AND all the books are right on the edge of the shelves....yeah. No thanks. 2/10 don’t wanna be brained by books
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WHAT DID I JUST SAY ABOUT EARTHQUAKE SAFETY. The old bookshelf wasn’t the best, but it wasn’t holding up pounds of books with just some bolts embedded in sheet rock and studs! AND GET SOME DIVIDERS. OR BOOKENDS. 1/10
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Or something like this, perhaps! Large, roomy, and the spaces are generous enough that it can accommodate taller books. Still don’t like those little piles, but here it’s not as bothersome. This feels like a library that’s well-loved. 9/10 slightly too tall for me though
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I hope you don’t have kids or pets, because all your books are coming down when this shelf gets hit with a moderate bump. 3/10 gives waiting room vibes
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Good use of an awkward space, a nice chair, and while they did use floating shelves, these ones aren’t overloaded or crazy high on the wall. Wish the top shelf only had paperbacks, though. 5/10
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This is just stupid. 2/10 points for whimsy
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I’m a short bitch, so I love me an extravagant home library with a built in ladder. The perfect combo of maximum space use and ease of access! 10/10
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Unless, of course, the ladder looks like it’s made of balsa wood or is otherwise completely USELESS. 0/10
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What a perfect little nook. 10/10
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Man, I really wanna love this, but the odd-sized shelf above the built in sofa knock a few points off for me. Maybe if the staging stylist had put in mass market paperbacks instead of regular books it would make more sense. Great view though! 7/10
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YES. HELL YES. I love me a staircase library! Perfect combo of class, coziness, and space useage! 11/10
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AAAAA THIS ONE IS EVEN BETTER- wait why are the books like that
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Anyways. -2/10
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Ahhh. Much better. Good use of an old phone nook, and you could add those raw wood shelves yourself. And look! You can have a neutral palette AND a home library without making it impossible to find a book! Who would have thought. 9/10
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These types of shelves look cool, but are just hard to use in any useful way. Your books are going to be constantly flopping over. 3/10
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Oh this is just prime coziness. Can you imagine reading in one of those squishy chairs on a rainy day? I’m starting to relax just from thinking about it. 10/10 someone get me a hot cocoa
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I know these types of built-in shelves are popular, but man it would be such a pain in the ass to get any of the books from the top shelves. It just feels like these types of libraries are there for aesthetic purposes, not everyday use. 5/10 they do look cool at least
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Well. At least there’s a ladder. 3/10 TOO TALL TOO TALL
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This appeals to my Goth sensibilities. 9/10 gimme that chandelier
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Those giant words feel like a threat. Is this library about to fight me? 3/10 hate the vibes
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This REALLY appeals to my Goth sensibilities. 10/10 RAVENS!!
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My opinion on this rests entirely on whether or not there are books behind the painting, because if I had to take down a giant ass portrait every time I wanted to read idk Witches Abroad I would be. Hmm. Cranky! Schrodinger’s books/10
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Another excellent use of a weird space, and you could add those shelves yourself! 8/10
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This is...extremely off-putting, but I’m not sure why 3/10 kinda getting fire hazard vibes tbh
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If I walk into your home and I see this, I immediately know you don’t actually read those books. No book reader is gonna jam their books into a FIREPLACE- hope you closed it up, by the way, otherwise good luck when it rains- in a Tetris-like configuration with no way to see the titles. Every time you try to take a book out you’ll have to shove a bunch of books around and hope they don’t fall out in a giant pile you’ll have to carefully put back in your aesthetic little configuration of nonsense. Home library my ass. Be honest to yourself and call it what it is- an art installation on the cheap. 0/10
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Oh I adore this. First off, perfect use of a weird alcove space. Second, the cushy pillows and warm lights just ooze cozy comfort. I can easily see myself flopping over the pillows with a thick book and hot tea. 12/10
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Sooo, if I want to take out a book I’ll have to worry about knocking over my entire collection if I go a little too quickly or take out more than one? PASS. 1/10 point for the rainbow I guess
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MAN, this just hits my maximalist sensibilities in the right places. The light fixtures, the absolute maximum use of space but still keeping everything within reach, and the bright yellow/deep teal color scheme. There are piles of books on the floor, but since I had my own floor pile during the bookstore days I can’t judge. Absolute perfection. 14/10 maybe put a rail on that stair shaped bookcase, you know someone’s gonna try it
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mishy-mashy · 5 months
Ray (BNHA Resistance OC) incorrect quotes
(Context: Ray is his codename. An OC forced into joining the Resistance after Bruce accidentally concussed him. His Ability was useful, so they wanted him)
Ray: I don’t have a New Year’s resolution
Yoichi: You could relax a bit more
Bruce: You could take a bath.
Kudo: Don’t be such a bitch.
Ray: Okay DAMN, SHIT.
Kudo: We've decided to adopt.
Ray, still concussed: Congratu-
Bruce, slamming recruitment papers onto the table: It's you, sign here.
Bruce: Before I forget, do you have any special requests?
Ray: Death penalty.
Bruce: Ray-kun, it’s just about living accommodations.
Ray, whispering: Please kill me.
Bruce: Why did you dress up as each other for this mission?
Ray: Leader is the scariest thing I could think of.
Kudo: Ray told me I should pick the dumbest disguise possible.
Kudo: Ray, I think you need glasses.
Ray: Leader, my vision is fine. Look.
Ray: *points at Kudo* Leader.
Ray: *points to Bruce* Bruce.
Ray: *points to Yoichi* All For One.
Yoichi: When I cried about my brother to Kudo, he hugged me and told me he'd carry my feelings into his battles
Ray: The first time Leader was ever nice to me, I thought he was a fake. It was such a disaster that I avoided him for like a week.
Kudo: The first time Yoichi opened a box of Cheerios and looked inside he yelled, "OH WOW! DONUT SEEDS!"
Kudo: I love him so much.
Bruce: It's locked. Can you open it?
Ray: Yeah-
Kudo: *kicks in the vault door*
Kudo, on the way back from rescuing Yoichi: You need to be more careful.
Ray, who was forced into this: Careful? CAREFUL?! I'LL CAREFULLY WRAP MY HANDS AROUND YOUR THROAT-
Kudo: Ray finally learned his gun had a safety lock, but he assembled a rifle last week.
Bruce: This reminds me of the Ray who couldn’t open a tabbed can, but can break into any lock.
Kudo: This is the very same Ray.
Bruce: This is the best idea I've ever had in my life!
*Many years later*
Kudo, to Bruce: Letting All For One take Ray's Quirk was the worst idea you’ve ever had in your life.
#his search quirk was the bane of all the vestiges when it came to dealing with AFO#because no matter what they did AFO was always watching and ready#since ray's quirk is a pain in the ass they decide ray is the same despite never meeting him#someone worth disliking a bit#then shinomori is taken by tomura and meets ray in AFO-vestige-land#and yeah ray terrifies him#shinomori: why is my quirk not activating with him#IF BRUCE JUST GAVE OFA TO RAY THEN THE FIGHT WOULDNT HAVE BEEN AS HARD#his quirk in vague terms lets him see though things and outlines life forms that he can kinda bookmark#the limit to range is just about how much damage the eyes are willing to take. which AFO easily circumvents with regeneration quirks#as for ray well hes blind within five months of joining the Resistance#since AFO stole it from ray he also ended up stealing ray's existing “bookmarks”#to be fair bruces idea wasnt “give AFO Ray's Ability” but it ended up happening in the chaos and they didnt realize until later#the “bookmarks” of yoichi kudo and bruce overlap and combine. then theyre passed onto the OFA holders because they “merged” with#the first three. so. AFO can find the current OFA user no matter what. because somewhere in them they carry the first Three#bruce considered giving ray OFA. but he didnt. and thats what led to AFO taking it for himself. so.#bnha tags are something of a nightmare in which i hit the tag limit too fast#bnha#spoilers#oc#incorrect quotes#my hero academia#boku no hero academia#bruce#kudo#yoichi shigaraki#one for all users#all for one#one for all#afo
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Personal rant bc we haven't gotten my official results yet but we did get a very stressful phone call about it, and because adhd has been kicking my ass lately. This is going to be long and rambly and all over the place, and if you're anti self-dx, I wouldn't suggest reading further (or interacting with me in general). It also sort of becomes just me psychoanalyzing my own behavior and infodumping about it
For context, I'm autistic and adhd, and I went and talked to a psychologist a couple weeks ago and had some testing done
Personally, I don't really feel the need to have an official diagnosis for autism. I'm confident in my informed self-diagnosis (technically it was actually my parents who first suggested I might be autistic but I've learned a lot about it since then and now I'm pretty sure I'm more convinced than they are) and I just don't think a doctor's note will do much for me (totally understand and support anyone who does want to get diagnosed tho). Adhd however is another story. If I want meds that will actually work and accommodations with my school, they need proof, and as things are I am desperate for some help.
So the appointment I had a couple weeks ago was supposed to be for adhd testing, but apparently he also lowkey tested me for autism while we were there. Which like, fine, whatever, it would be sort of nice to have that validated I guess, but when we checked back in with him on the phone earlier this week he started using outdated and problematic terms like high-functioning and aspergers and I'll just say that it did not exactly inspire confidence
But that can of worms aside, let me get back to (mostly) adhd related ranting
I feel like there could be an essay about how the diagnostic process for adhd is flawed and doesn't work all that well for people who have an internalized notion that their worth as a person is dependent on their academic success and task performance and therefore spent their childhood and adolescence funneling all their efforts time and attention into school and generally being seen as a good well-behaved bright kid out of desperation to have value (and it worked- I've always made good grades, but what people don't see is the days, weeks, months of paralyzed procrastination, the anxiety-fueled mad rush in the end to get things done late, and the grace I'm inexplicably shown every time, without which my grades would be much worse)
I'm scared, that I'm going to be determined "too high functioning" to be diagnosed even though I'm currently doing basically nothing with my life outside of college and yet I'm technically failing like half of my classes right now, that they're going to say "well the signs weren't there when you were younger" even though there's a variety of explanations for why that might be, not the least of which being the fact that for some folks with both autism and adhd the traits of the two have a tendency to "hide" one another
Apparently he also ran an iq test on me, and he broke down the 5 scores to us; I scored in the upper average/above average bracket in all but the 4th, processing speed, in which I'm below average. And like yeah, I'm well aware that I'm slow, but I guess it's official now-
Anyway, my main point with the iq thing was that while he was telling us about my high scores in the first 3 areas, I'm sitting here getting more and more uneasy, bc I'm like yeah sure I'm intelligent or whatever but it isn't worth shit if I can't motivate myself to actually do anything with that potential, and the conditions under which I was tested just don't reflect my day to day life closely enough to give an accurate reading, in my opinion.
Basically I'm afraid this guy is going to look at the results of some tests- tests which I was really focused on bc of the intrinsic fear of failure that plagues my existence (even though rationally I know you can't fail a psychological evaluation) and bc I know it's a bitch of a process to even get tested in the first place and I wasn't going to waste the opportunity goddammit-
That he's going to look at them and decide that I'm "too smart" to have a learning disability, when, again, all the brains in the world wouldn't do me any good if I
1) don't have the ability to self-motivate and direct them at what I need to be working on, even if I've been beating myself up about that pile of homework or my disaster of a room for weeks or even months, and
2) have such a loose grasp on the concept of time and priorities that I have on multiple occasions found myself pulling all-nighters on personal projects or reading for pleasure or scrolling on my phone only to realize oh shit I have to get up for school in like two hours, oh fuck, I'm going to be exhausted all day, what happened to "let's go to sleep early this time, I'll just do this for like 5 more minutes and then call it a night"
or realize after one of those all-nighters that what was actually a period of about 10 hours feels more like 10 minutes to me ("man wasn't I literally just here to get dinner" the next morning, passing the caf on my way to class on exactly 0 hours of sleep and still having managed not to get any of my actual class work done in all that time)
And also just that tendency in itself is significant, to get so deeply hooked on something once it does manage to get my attention, that I often feel like I can't stop until outside forces demand it- staying up until 4am on a school night painting my phone case and texting my crush (14 or 15), making bracelet after bracelet at the kitchen table at ungodly hours of the night because I couldn't sleep and now that I'm on a roll I don't want to break the momentum (18, a few months ago), throwing horrific amounts of time at reading fanfiction of whatever series currently has my interest when I have so much work that needs to get done if I want to have a chance at passing my courses this semester (18, basically present), making a last minute birthday present for my aunt and being so caught up in the rush and the craft of what I was working on that I ignored my body's needs until I ended up pissing myself (12), etc
The fact that I've been meaning to catch up with my high school friends for weeks or months, literally something as simple as a "how have yall been" in the group chat, yet for some reason I still haven't gotten around to it
The fact that for all my alleged intelligence I still haven't learned to ride a bike or drive a car or apply for a job or develop a work-life balance or play any of the instruments I want to or have a thriving social life or feel like a person (I think these are more autism-related but I'm throwing them in anyway)
The fact that minor (or even just mistakenly perceived) disapproval or judgment or teasing or having a text left on read can send me spiraling into anxiety and convinced that everyone hates me and that I'm worthless or obnoxious or stupid (rejection sensitivity is a bitch)
The fact that when I try to read I have to make a constant conscious effort not to jump ahead and all over the place and I often have to reread the same passage multiple times to understand it because I realize that I wasn't actually paying attention the first couple of times, my mind elsewhere and my eyes wandering
I know even if I do get diagnosed they'll say it's inattentive, not hyperactive or combined, because the majority of my hyperactivity is either fairly subtle movements (because I'm socially anxious and clumsy and don't want to draw attention to myself or run the risk of breaking or disturbing something) or just straight up in my head. Like sure I'm not a nine year old boy who can't sit still in class and is constantly bouncing around all over the place and getting into trouble and driving his parents and teachers crazy (bc being seen as annoying and unruly by authority figures would have broken me), but there's always so much noise in my brain, it's always talking or playing music in the background or thinking about the 47 different projects I need to be working on and the media it wants to be engaging with instead and the 1000s of things there are to worry about in a day; sometimes I'll get stuck in a loop where I'm mentally repeating a word or phrase over and over and over again until I feel like I'm going crazy
All of this is stuff that this guy doesn't see, and that worries me when it comes to the validity of his assessment
But basically, what I'm trying to say is, I swear to god if the people around me don't believe that there's clearly something not neurotypical going on here I'm going to fucking riot
And, ranting aside, I want to end this post with a note to all my fellow neurodiverse folks who are waiting for answers or treatment or validation or support or whatever.
I feel you. Hang in there. You have my well wishes in your endeavors. And remember, it's ok to be happy with or proud of who you are and what makes you different, it's ok to embrace your neurodiversity while also acknowledging how difficult it can be to live with and the fact that you might need extra time or support with things that seem to come easily to other people. It's ok to admit that it's fucking hard sometimes, and it's ok to ask for help. Take care, mates
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Wow status really gives you nice accommodation. Wait they're together? Interesting.
Miles focusing on the bed, to step away from his fucking emotions again.
Miles is bloodbonded to his sire, right?
Wynn is really doing her best to get through to Miles. I think she really got the only angle that might work. Speaking to his protective side, but at the same time it could trigger his oh yes wanna bet?
Oh Wynn, sweet baby. They're doing a good job sussing things out though.
Wait what??? Is Miles suggesting Wynn gets bloodbonded to him??
Miles being a shit to Wynn is kind of comforting.
For fuck sake, fucking Jan Pieterszoon. I dislike him he just feels like such a wimpy guy. He looks ashamed??? What is happening??? Is this real???
Pieterszoon didn't know Miles wasnt given his own room???
Pieterszoon, you're so behind the times. You're telling them stuff they have been knowing for a long time.
I think it's very naive to think you can just de-escalate the sabat thing.
Omg omg his sire is actually telling him they're going to destroy him!!
"I can't let them all die." 😭😭😭 He cares!!!! See Wynn!!!
Wait he is just doing smth useful for the first time, and now he's going to flee?!?!
A new sword? 👀 "hopefully it's deserving of its prince." that is very sweet!
Johnny, you're encouraging Neil a little too much? He's going to lose his mind.
Neil confessing his greatest fear is facing the end of the world all alone. 🥺
William Biltmore?? Isn't he the one that Neil stole a book for?? Johnny is quite famed?? And neat? Lmao I don't think anyone has described Johnny as neat before.
Lmao just all kinds of malkavians in this room with Neil and Johnny just being so confused. 😂
Astral projections too???? Lmaooooo
Noooooo not Quinten😂
Johnny just sitting there like what the fuck?!?!
Neil is doing a good job though talking about gehenna.
Johnny just having no idea what is really going on.
Wait what? Pieterszoon and Vicose? I'm as confused or more as Johnny.
What is Miles planning?? 👀
Consequences? When has Miles ever considered those? He is above them.
Wow, he's going to pass on this? For now? Damn that's impressive. Wynn, good job! You got through to him.
Wait what??? Oh this is good? A bloodbound sword?
So does Neil get the vision of the dragon to prevent it from escaping or to fight it?
Neil loves Wynn so much. 🥺
I'm glad they're figuring it out with Wynn and Miles.
Conversation???? That's what we're calling it now??
Maria is such a bitch omg. Such strong you might be his latest fleeting fancy, but he comes home to me and I take care of him energy.
Oops Maria, seems you're wrong again! Baaaaiiiii bitch!!!
Okay but we have now see 2 ghouls that have hated Britta for what she meant to their idk what you call it dominor? Is that what Lex said?
Of course Britta has sympathy for Maria, she is so sweet.
What????. Oh my God. Pendragon!!!! Showing your cards about Britta to the fucking justicar, because you want her safe?! That is... Wild? Unhinged? Insane?
You're asking her to move in with you?!?!
Okay I'm sorry, you you talked to this woman 5 times? Threatened her life 4 times, got rejected by he once and made out with her for a bit. You're just ready to put your whole life and all on the line? What the fuck. I mean not that Britta is not worth it but this doesn't make any sense? Is this me being ace-adjacent(acejacent if you will)
Show me you're a fucking elder vampire who hasn't had to feel human connection in probably hundreds of years who doesn't seem to have any empathy and isn't used to anyone disagreeing with him and saying it out loud without telling me. "I will send 10 kindred, more experienced than you, in your place, if you're simply worried about them getting the help that they need." No bitch, she wants to be with her fucking family!!!
Please PUHLEASE don't act like you're doing this selflessly for Britta, a gift to her! You're doing this for yourself because you want to keep her!!!
He's gonna make Miles make Britta stay behind. Damn that would be cold and fucked up.
He killed someone for the Ventrue for Britta? Why is that kind of hot???. I hate this. I do not want to think of this fuck like that. 😂 Fuck you Pendragon.
Lmao "Neil never mattered at all." 😂 Okay he earns some points there, that's funny.
Lmao Pendragon is not used to not getting his way, but lbr that is also why he likes Britta.
"you will not have this opportunity again" LIE like you're just gonna let her go. No one believes that.
Britta is just the sweetest most loyal lil bean there is. 🥺
'everyone who cares for you' including you 😏
He said please?!?! Damn. This is serious.
WHAT?!?! Britta you're gonna let this insane man just put his hand on your neck while you basically spit in his face again and reject him?!?! Okay not rejecting because she wants to spend time with him. Yes disobedience Lex that's a good word.
He almost straight up choked her yo. I mean she wouldn't have diednor well he squeezes her head off I guess?? That's messed up. But he did stop himself that has for to mean something.
Wow. Damn, who thought he could say actually say something romantic. Like not scary romantic, or creepy, or manipulative, but just normal romantic. "On every occasion that our paths have crossed, politics, war and secrets have interrupted us. What if just this once we don't let them."
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moonyswarmsweaters · 25 days
hello i saw you want some asks so here are some questions i have just thought of:
what do you think society would be like if it were run by a different intelligent animal, like octopuses (octupi?), crows, or dolphins? provided they evolved physically (and only physically) to a point where they could create a society ofc, whatever that would look like
a similar one, but what do you think the world would be like if the world wars didn’t happen? to go a bit further, if there were no wars? keeping in mind a lot of advancements in areas like technology have happened bc of war
if every colour was a person, who would be the nicest and who would be an absolute bitch?
if you could live absolutely anywhere (and i mean anywhere, including anywhere extraterrestrial), where would you live? bonus, what would your dream house look like in that location? the only limit of the house is the climate of wherever you chose
if you could bring a fantasy creature to life, which one would you choose and why?
i hope you have a nice day :D
ok, I’m gonna answer those one at a time
If the world was run by octopi I would assume most of the structures would be underwater and they would keep up in little air containments and since human need Air I think the octopi would view up as inferior and we would not have equal rights, as these society would not be built to accommodate our way of living. With dolphins I can only assume it would be quite similar but as dolphins are known to be much more vicious the octopus are way of living would probably be much worse. If Crows would run the world I think our lives would be much better and we would co-exist .Crows are known to be good at using tools so they would probably view us as tools as well. They are also incredibly loyal with good memory so probably as long as we are kind to them and won’t be ducks i think we would be like humans and cats/dogs or ants.
as You mentioned the world’s tech would be very much behind but I think internal crime rates would be somewhat higher at some places bc police security are often much more strict to keep people safe in war time, the police force would probbly be weeker thus leading to more crimes to succeed. Less crime with a higher success rate would be my guess. Besides that I dont see much problems.
Yellow would be the nicest second light orange, purple would be nice but kind of stuck. Though Black might be the obvious choice, I believe surprisingly Dark blue- (around #002d63) would be the meanest . It would also be intelligent which can make it more dangerous probably. Beige would be the most unbearable like those almond moms.Hot pink (around #ff24cf bc it got a bit of a sickly undertone) would be the mean girl.
I don’t know, I’m the traveling type lol.
Probbly the Palismans from the boiling islands from the owl house because it would give some form of witchy powers as is and I’ll get a great friend who understands me lol.unless you meant one(1) specific creature and then my answer would be Stitch (626)
Thank you, this was fun!<3
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threnodians · 2 months
just me rambling about my “irl” support system 🤷🏼‍♀️
i am so lucky to have such an amazing support system irl; don’t get me wrong, my online and long–distance support system is absolutely amazing and i am extremely lucky, but i honestly don’t know what i’d do without my irl bestie and her fiancé. they’re so good to me, they’d literally drop everything to help me if i ever had any problem. i have a key to their house for if i ever need to go over for whatever reason (i lose power a lot at my house unfortunately so it is nice to have that as a backup plan just in case), and they’ve both told me that i don’t even need to ask. their dog, a 6 year old long–haired german shepherd, is named orion and he is quite literally the most amazing and perfect dog ever. he adores me and the feeling is mutual. and her two firepoint siamese cats, murphy and apollo, also adore me and all of them love when i come over and when i petsit. and don’t even get me started on her fiancé. he’s legitimately completely obsessed with her (in a good way, not a creepy or concerning way). he loves her more than anything and their love is truly pure and perfect and watching them together gives me hope. obviously they have disagreements and whatnot but it doesn’t matter because they adore each other and they’ve been together for over five years; he treats her like a goddess. he also told her that i’m his favorite friend that she’s ever had, which is a big deal because he hates people (however in his defense she has a bad track record of befriending people who are manipulative and take advantage of her kindness and loyalty). he’s 6'5" and 300lbs+ of pure muscle and is chubby and has a scary resting bitch face but he would drop everything and help me with anything i needed ever. i don’t know why i’m feeling so emotional about them both, maybe because they’re getting married in less than a month and i am one hundred percent going to cry at their wedding. she’s 6'1" and weighs 200lbs+ (which is another reason i adore her; our body types are similar so i never feel self–conscious about my own overweight body) and looks downright fucking ethereal in her wedding dress (i’ve been going with her to get it fitted). a majority of both of their families are pretty shitty, so it’s been difficult and i’ve basically been her support system (other than her fiancé obviously). i just know that i don’t know what the fuck i’d do without her or her fiancé. i’m so lucky to have found such amazing, good people who love and accept me for me, with all of my mental illnesses and chronic health issues. they’re both cisgender and heterosexual, and they’re both neurotypicals too, but they still make an effort to accommodate and accept me no matter what. i’m so fucking lucky, especially because they often reach out to me every few days just to check on me and invite me to do things with them often. i’m going over thursday afternoon to help her run some errands and then we’re going to cook dinner and when her fiancé gets home from work we’ll hang out and watch movies. I JUST LOVE THEM BOTH VERY MUCH AND I AM EMOTIONAL AND HAD TO RAMBLE ABOUT THEM.
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kavernathy · 2 years
my ex-coworker's now-ex wife decided he and i were having an affair because i called him "dude"
story time
i work at a non-profit and in late summer of '21 we hired this guy to run one of our programs. he was pretty good at it. when he first started, he was really excited at the prospect of being able to serve his community and apply his skills to the job. we were thrilled to have him, as the program he ran was pretty intense and the rest of us didn't have the bandwidth to handle it on top of our own workloads.
one day he brings his wife in to show her the office and meet all of us. we'll call her jenny. both this coworker and jenny are in their 50's, i am in my 30's. jenny seemed really nice, and wanted to volunteer for our organization. like any non-profit that relies on volunteer support, we happily trained her and put her out in the field. by all accounts she did a great job and the clients appreciated her service.
my coworker, we'll call her elaine, mentioned to me that jenny kept trying to friend her on her socials. not totally out of bounds, but a bit strange. then my office manager, who i'll refer to as sophie, told me that jenny kept inviting her out for a drink but would either cancel at the last minute or ghost her. huh.
in october, i get married to my husband, who i am madly in love with and have been with for 9 years.
the new year rolls around and my coworker starts working from home. i'm told this is because jenny is a nurse and he's at high risk of getting covid-19, didn't want to bring it to the office. this made sense at the time, ofc.
finally in late january of '22, i get a friend request on one of my socials from jenny. i message her and let her know that i keep my work life and my personal life separate, and i don't friend people from work. that is a very strict boundary of mine that i drew because my past experiences have informed me that it's just a simpler way to live.
now i know one can't really parse tone out in text messages, especially if you don't really know the other person, but she sent a creepy ass response that was like, "oh tee-hee silly, i don't actually work with you!"
i responded that this was a boundary of mine and i politely asked her to respect it.
her reply to that was something to the effect of, "haha ok [my coworker] and i don't really make work friends either, and remember, no nicknames!" the fuck? i thought. nicknames? i realized she meant when i call him "bud" or "dude". then it hit me - this absolute dork thinks i am having an affair with her husband and she is trying to spy on me to catch me. lmao. ohhhh nooo.
i am insulted for several reasons. one, i deeply love my husband and we are monogamous. two, i have... higher standards than that. three, bitch are you serious? because i called him "bud" and "dude"? i tried to play it cool. i told her i didn't know what she was talking about, that this seemed to be something between her and her husband, and i didn't want to be anywhere near it. i blocked her. fuck all that.
thing is, my coworker and i occasionally share projects and our office is not set up for us to efficiently do our work remotely. and shortly after jenny being weird at me over socials i realized that my coworker was working from home as a performative act to reassure jenny that he wasn't having an affair with me, and it was my boss's idea.
this is a stupid move for a couple reasons. probably most obvious is that it makes getting work done difficult. but really, what looks guiltier than completely upending your work life to accommodate your spouse's wild notions? it's practically a signed confession, the way i see it.
i called my boss and my boss's boss and demanded that they do better than this. that this was fucking absurd. we don't live in a soap opera, y'all. i assure you, i am a deliriously happy newlywed and devoted to my husband. the most i do in my free time is eat cheesy popcorn and play video games. my coworker was back in the office the following week.
however, his mental health was clearly suffering. he lost a ton of weight and was ghostly pale. he was like that for months.
in the end, he divorced her. i heard through the grapevine that jenny had totally lost it. turns out she hid a significant mental illness from my coworker and decided to stop taking her meds after she """""found out about the affair"""""". when they got divorced, jenny took my coworker's dogs in the settlement.
he later quit, bought a van, a plot of land in hawaii, and fled mainland usa just to get away from her.
i had to delete my linkedin profile and lock all the rest of my socials up tight, as there was evidence of her watching me. she still could be, for all i know.
all because i called her husband "dude".
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zeeroweenies · 3 years
shut the fuck up, and just gag on this dick!
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DESC ✿ how they like their head.
WHO? ✿ JJK boys, AOT boys
CW ✿ head pushing, daddy kink for two characters, mommy kink, age gap, slut calling, infidelity, literally just cock sucking hcs, 18+.
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Loves when you mess up, he wants to slap that pretty face when you’re sucking his cock a little too lazily.
“Do you even know how to suck dick? Cause you’re not fuckin’ getting me off.”
Absolutely wants to ruin you, he needs to see your mascara-streaked tear stains rolling down your cheeks while you gag around his cock, nails digging into the backs of his thighs when he fucks your whore mouth too rough.
“You’ve got a tight throat, let’s change that.”
Don’t even think about touching yourself, learn how to keep that slutty pussy under control while you make him feel good.
Well, maybe if you beg real nice he’ll let you touch that aching little clit, maybe he’ll even let you cum too.
Don’t use your hands, show him what you can do with just that pretty little mouth of yours.
You initiated things with him first, begging him to stuff your mouth with his cock as soon as his wife left on a business trip. But you’re not slick, Kento has something for little girls who don’t know how stay away from grown men.
“What’s a dumb little girl like you know about sucking cock, hm?” he smirks condescendingly. “Sure you can take it?”
“What’s a dumb little girl like you know about sucking cock, hm?” he smirks condescendingly. “Sure you can take it?”
He’s really teasy, mocking you for not being able to fit all of him in your mouth and making you gag when he “accidentally” thrusts too deep. Try not to choke on it now, it’d be a crying shame if you had yourself a little accident. Kento wouldn’t like that.
Don’t get it twisted, you came onto him first. You wanted this, so you have to take it.
It’s become habitual for you to suck Kento off in his office, it often results in him having you laid out with your back on his desk while he pounds into your young cunt, legs pinned to your tummy with his wife just in the next room.
“Maybe I should fuck a baby into this pretty pussy, start a new family.”
He makes you suck your juices off his cock after filling you up with his cum, your slutty moans vibrating around his cock when you taste yourself.
“Quiet now, don’t want my bitch wife and kids to find out what a slut you are do you?” he mocks. “Or do you want that, hm? Want daddy all to yourself?”
And be sure to say ‘thank you, daddy’ after you swallow his load. He’s taught you good manners, hasn’t he?
He’s a head pusher y’all.
He doesn’t mean to, but how else is he supposed to react? Your mouth just feels so good, he can’t help but push your head down to get more of the feeling of your tight throat sucking him in.
“S-Sorry, m’sorry. You just feel so good, baby.”
You’re practically his own personal little fleshlight.
Licks your sensitive little clit while you’re sucking his cock in the sixty nine position, he just wants to make his baby feel good too.
“That feel good?” he smirks against your soaked cunt, making you moan around his length when he licks a long wet stripe from your clit all the way to your other entrance.
“I know it does, baby.”
Loves seeing your little mouth struggle to take him all the way in, plump lips swollen while he stuffs your mouth full.
Very sympathetic when you can’t take him in your mouth, big hand stroking your soft cheek when you get frustrated and whiny from not being able to fit his fat cock down your throat.
“You can’t take it all? Poor baby.”
He’s so gentle when you can finally accommodate him, but it’s still a struggle cause tears are blurring your vision, but Jean just thinks you look so cute when you’re crying on his dick.
“Look at my baby, all pretty and choking on my cock.”
It’s always hard trying to fit him into your mouth, especially when he purposely thrusts up into your mouth and makes you choke on his length. It’s really mean but he has to, how else is he going to loosen that throat up?
But it’s okay, you can take it right?
Don’t be surprised if he makes you call him ‘daddy’ when you take his cum, let him know how appreciative you are.
And be sure to give him a real sweet kiss after. He wants you to taste how much daddy loves you.
Doesn’t mind sharing you with Jean at all, what kind of friend would he be if he let his best friend miss out on this? He even makes out with him while you choke on his dick, lips locking with one another with Eren’s hand squeezing Jean’s throat.
“Best fuckin’ head ever, right?” he questions Jean, licking behind his ear before peering down at you, lips wrapped around his cock with your lidded eyes fixed on both men as he nods his head. “Yeah, that’s my girl.”
Sloppy toppy toppy 😩 he likes it really messy.
He better see you drooling like the bitch you are, spit coating your chin and dripping onto your pretty tits with your dainty hand wrapped around his thick cock.
“Keep that fuckin’ tongue out. You better not stop until I’m finished.”
This man does not care if you start gagging
Take it all down your throat, and hollow your jaws out too.
Oh, it’s too deep? That’s too bad.
And keep your eyes on him the entire time, or else he’s gonna make you start over.
“Yeah, that’s right. Fuckin’ choke on it, filthy little slut.”
You tell him you don’t like it when he’s mean to you when you’re sucking him off but he knows it’s a lie. Why else were you moaning around his cock like a slut?
Man busts in 2.5 seconds.
Armin doesn’t really last long, especially when you suck his dick the way he likes. Warm mouth wrapped around the tip and looking up at him with those pretty eyes, he can’t help but cum quick.
Loves it when you tell him his cock is tiny because it is, especially when you make him wear embarrassing getups like a skirt matched with a pair of girly pink stockings.
Makes the prettiest faces when his cock hits the back of your throat, his mommy has the best mouth ever.
Won’t ever admit it but likes it when you edge him, thumb over his slit preventing his cum from leaking out with that teasy smile on your lips while you’re kitten licking his tip.
“Please stop teasing me, mommy. Let me cum.”
“Mommy?” you scoff, fingers lazily stroking his length with cum oozing out of the tip. “Did I say you could call me that? You’re so gross.”
He gets off on that. Your words paired with the way you suck him off? He could cum just from that.
He sometimes gets carried away and tugs on your hair, but it’s not his fault! Maybe if you didn’t fondle his balls while looking up at him like that he wouldn’t do it.
Wants to paint his mommy’s pretty face in his seed when you finally let him cum, it’s the best art he could ever make.
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🏷 @sunas-cumdump @icyoni @naoyailoveu @katsukiscow @attjmk @juutaa1 <3
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seita · 4 years
— size kink headcanons 4. [hq!!]
ɪɴᴄʟᴜᴅᴇs: ᴀᴏɴᴇ, ғᴜᴛᴀᴋᴜᴄʜɪ, ᴋɪᴛᴀ, ᴀᴛsᴜᴍᴜ, ᴏsᴀᴍᴜ, + sᴜɴᴀ.
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⇦ part 3 | part 5 ⇨
⤑ 𝙧𝙚𝙦𝙪𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙨 𝙘𝙡𝙤𝙨𝙚𝙙.
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-ˏ͛ date techˏ͛-  
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— takanobu aone.
≻ he has it but doesn’t know that it’s like an actual kink ≻ he’s always in awe when you take his cock because he knows he’s big ≻ you always beg him to touch your clit while he sinks his cock in ≻ and he loves it because it makes your little pussy flutter around his length ≻ he just loves that he can make you feel so good with his big cock
he let out a little breath as he sunk his cock in a little bit more, you had already taken half his length and were still begging for more.
“nobu...” you sighed, eyes fluttering, “touch me, please, it’s too much...”
he grunted, resting his weight on one forearm above your head to dip his other hand between your thighs. he found your clit and circled his fingers around it, feeling your walls squeeze tightly around his length.
you sighed happily, reaching up to grab onto his broad shoulders, “f-feels so good, nobu...you fill me so well...”
he finally bottomed out, resting his face in the crook of your neck as you hugged him close to you. you panted in his ear, whimpering and moaning as he continued to play with your clit until your body tensed up.
with a pleasured squeal, you came, thighs trembling around his waist as your walls gushed and spasmed.
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— kenji futakuchi.
≻ he thrives on this shit. ≻ he especially loves when it hurts ≻ it literally gives him a sick sense of pride ≻ watching you struggle to take his cock ≻ boosts his ego ≻ and he will endlessly tease you for it ≻ he knows all the right buttons to push for this kink tbh.
“you’re so cute trying to take all my cock,” he teases, grinning at the way your face pinches up the deeper he sinks in.
“k-kenji!” you gasp, pressing your hands against his chest when the stretch becomes too much, your instincts tell you to push him away.
“hey now, none of that,” he chuckles, batting your hands away easily, “you should be grateful when i give you my cock, you know? i make you cum so hard but you want to be all whiny and act like a baby because it hurts.”
“s-sorry...i-it...it’s too big...” you whimper, bringing your hands up to press against his check once again.
he allows them to stay there this time, however, but continues to sink in despite your whining and complaining.
“you take me all the time, though,” he feigns a pout, cock throbbing when you whine as he finally bottoms out, “see? you can do so well when you’re not acting like a little bitch.”
-ˏ͛ inarizakiˏ͛-  
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— shinsuke kita.
≻ he likes watching you struggle to take him bc its hot ≻ but he does not like when it hurts you ≻ even if you try to convince him you like when it hurts ≻ he’s not gonna go for it ≻ so a lot of prep goes into it for him ≻ he likes how easily he can make you cum ≻ and how much you have to stretch to accommodate him ≻ he finds it cute
you were so wet that you were dripping and you just wanted his cock so bad.
“please, shin,” you begged, arching your hips against his cock as he rutted against your folds, “i’m ready, please fuck me.”
he hummed, fisting his length to tap against your clit, making your thighs shake, “are you sure? i dont want to hurt you.”
“i-it won’t hurt please!” you cry, nearly at your wits end.
if he didn’t give you his cock soon, you were seriously going to go crazy. you had already been made to cum three times and you were just ready to be fucked.
you were about to open your mouth to whine again when he suddenly pressed the fat head of his cock against your entrance, pushing in. he watched your face closely for any signs of pain, his thumb finding your clit to swirl around the bud. your eyes rolled back and you let out a cry of pleasure; he was going so slow, making you feel every inch of him.
he couldn’t contain his smile when he felt the way your body was already trembling. he barely even had to do anything and you were already on edge again for him.
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— atsumu miya.
≻ he’s like futakuchi ≻ but a little more cruel about it ≻ he likes to see you cry ≻ and hear you beg that his cock is just too big ≻ all while you tremble and cream on him ≻ he likes to make manipulate you a little bit into taking his cock to “make him proud” and so “you’re a good girl”
“you’re so pretty when you’re crying for me,” he chuckles, watching the tears fall down your pretty face, lip tucked between your teeth as he works his thick cock in and out of your cunt, “c’mon, cry more for me. i love it.”
“y-you’re too big, ‘tsumu,” you sob, clutching the front of his shirt in your fists so hard your knuckles were white.
“yeah? does it hurt your little cunt?” he asks, a grin plastered on his face.
you nodded, making him click his tongue in disappointment, “if you’re not even grateful, i shouldn’t even be botherin'. after i was so nice too, makin' you cum on my tongue...but you can’t even let me stuff your pussy like i deserve, huh? too bad...i thought you were gonna be a good girl too.”
you whine, “i am a good girl.”
“yeah? then show me...” he grunts, feeling your juices beginning to drip down h is balls, “and take my cock without whinin’.”
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— osamu miya.
≻ he knows his cock is big ≻ but he’s not overly cocky about it ≻ he’s also not very into watching you struggle to take it so much that it hurts ≻ he does, however, enjoy talking dirty to you ≻ about how your cunt looks when its being stuffed full ≻ or how tight you clench around him because he’s just too big.
“you’re stretched so far,” he mutters, thumbing your clit as he grinds his hips to bury his length deeper, “does it hurt?”
“n-no!” you moan, “f-feels so good ‘samu...”
he smiles, soft and almost loving, “good, i want you to cum for me, yeah? make a mess like a good girl.”
“fuck,” you keen, arching your hips to try and take even more of him in, even though he had already bottomed out, “please, yes! ‘samu, yo-your cock is s’good...feel so full...”
he chuckles, pulling his cock back before sinking back into you with a gracious roll of his hips. your back arches and your cunt clamps down tight around him.
“you’re such a dirty girl,” he chuckles, beginning to properly fuck you, “begging for a cock too big, close to cumming when i haven’t even done anything...you should be ashamed...” he grins when his mean words make your pussy gush.
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— rintarou suna.
≻ he’s sort of a lazy guy ≻ so he lets you use his cock how you want ≻ but ≻ he can’t deny that it fills him with satisfaction knowing how difficult it is for you to take his cock ≻ but he never actually helps you out ≻ he lets you do your thing, wearing a lazy smirk as you gasp when you take too much too fast and have to pop his cock back out to start again
although it didn’t feel nearly as good as when you were bouncing on his cock, he appreciated how pretty you looked as you ground yourself down on him. the movements stirred his cock within your walls, allowing him to touch every sweet spot you had.
“did you finally take all of me?” he asks, as if he can’t see or feel the way he’s buried completely within your spasming cunt.
you nod, biting your lip as you let your head fall back with a sigh, “feels good...”
“yeah? why don’t you be good and bounce for me then,” he asked, wearing a smirk that made your heart flutter, “it’s my cock you’re using, you might as well be nice and make me feel good too.”
you brace your hands on his chest and slowly rise up a bit before dropping your weight back down. he reaches even deeper and you can’t help but cry out. he reaches up to wrap his hands around your wrists, keeping your hands pinned down.
“you can do better than that,” he criticized.
determined to please him, you let almost all of his cock out before taking it once more with a quick move of your hips. he bumps your cervix and your body almost collapses as the painful pleasure the action brings.
all the while, he sits back and watches you impale yourself on a cock too big for you.
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© all content belongs to seita 2020. do not modify or repost.  
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mayo-advance · 3 years
Role Call
Installment 1 in Leos Welcome Back Fanfic Fest
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Peter Maximoff X Reader
Discription: You are stressed and with stress comes instability with your mutation. Peter returns from a long mission while you are at the peak of a breakdown.
A/n: HEY I WROTE SOMETHING. sorry this fic is everywhere but I wrote something and that is a muy bien start. Anyways nice to be back my good people of the Simp community
Where is Peter?
Today had not been a good day. Your mutation had been all over the place as it sometimes is when you’re stressed.
Its not you’re fault that you had work to do. Maybe your dinky ass mutation is the one who needs to accommodate to you.
You weren’t a teacher at Xavier’s school but you were too old to be a student. You tried to help where you could whether it was with cleaning or food or even tutoring.
When you had first come it all had felt like a dream.
I mean- A place where you were accepted and allowed to be unapologetically you? Unheard of. Unimaginable.
But now as the dazzle of everything wore off, you found that your initial enthusiasm about helping out and helping people feel welcome was exhausting.
The only think keeping it bearable this week was Peter.
Speaking of Peter, where was he?
Peter was your amazing boyfriend who was always so full of energy and excited to see you. He knew what to say to make you feel better and in turn you helped him through his own stresses.
That man gives the best hugs you swear you were so lucky to have him.
Unfortunately hes been gone all week.
Hes been gone all week fighting Mysterio (aka his dad) which you thought was stupid because Magneto was right.
This all leads up to the present.
You were laying on the floor in your room. Next to the bed. The bed that would have taken a single step to flop onto.
You were on your back, your eyes were opened in teeny slivers and your hands were firmly plugging your ears.
Your mutation enabled you to create video and audio illusions but when it acted up it was really a bitch.
Everything was so loud.
Where is Peter?
You could see tiny images dance in your vision, tempting you to open your eyes wider and fall victim to the illusion.
Life really sucked sometimes.
At least when Peter was around you had his hugs to anchor you to something.
Your ears rang but if you held your hands against them tight enough and if you made it hurt enough everything would stop.
Life is too much sometimes.
Its so much sometimes that you cant bring yourself to feel anything as you simply go through the motions and its so much sometimes that you’d benefit more from skipping the important things just to take a rest but you never do because what if people got mad and-
A hand reached into your little attack and shook your eyes open.
Through all of the commotion, you saw Peter.
He looked worried but when he saw your open eyes he cracked a small smile.
You took him in for a second almost the same as always. He had a star wars band-aid on his forehead and his eyes had faint marks from where his goggles were.
But he was here now.
You slowly took your hands away from
your ears trying to ignore the screaming and the commotion that flooded your senses.
“You ok there toots?” Despite how quietly he asked you, it was the loudest thing you heard.
You tried to nod but you grimaced a little as you did because so many emotions swept through your body like a title wave at the sight of Peter.
He was here.
You tried to open your mouth to speak but you were so choked up.
You wanted to say, “I am now that you’re back.”
Instead it came out as a choked, “Sure-sure yeah.”
Very obviously that didn’t satisfy Peter. He helped you to your feet and then into a sitting position on the bed. He was gone and back with water and with food.
Everything was so hazy but you kept your attention on Peter.
Yes he was back but instead of getting rest now he was here tending to you. You felt guilt prick at your senses.
Peter sat down next to you on the comforter of the bed you two shared, offering you a water bottle.
You took a deep breath, swallowing your emotions. “No its fine, im fine. You need rest.”
Peter ignored you.
Little shit.
You tried again. “I swear i’m good-“
“Its ok Y/n” he said again with the same quiet voice.
You wanted to act like you hated it when he was like this because he was only ever calm when one of you were struggling and it means hes acknowledged that you are struggling.
You swallowed thickly feeling tears start to form in your eyes.
You shook your head again, “No its not because I hate crying.”
“Well I hate you crying. But that doesn’t mean I want you to always feel like you need to be strong. I’m here and even if I am a little tired I want to help.”
A tear rolled down your cheek. You begrudgingly grabbed the waterbottle while you sniffed a little.
“You know” Peter looked at you with a little smile, “someone once told me you can’t cry while drinking water.”
Between the sniffling you let out a small laugh. It was more of a sharp exhale honestly. You knew that. You knew that because you had taught him that. You read somewhere that when preschoolers cry you can give them water to help them stop.
You cracked the cap on top and lifted it to your lips to drink. When you did so you noticed everything wasnt as loud anymore. You could see Peter more clearly now.
You sniffed again as more tears fell. “I’m sorry I just… Its just been too much lately but I can’t bring myself to stop.”
Peter scoffed affectionately, “Yeah i can understand not being able to stop.”
You smiled a little bit, you’ve encountered Peter run into walls before.
It always ended with him whining about how much his head hurt and you laughing a little before you would go to Hank to make sure he didnt have a concussion.
You let out a small breath. “You can go clean up if you want. I know you’ve also had a long week.”
Peter practically fell on your shoulder. “Its too late i’m here.” He started smiling wider as you tried to push him off.
“Dude! Did you shower at all while you were gone?” You started laughing a little bit as you talked and tried to push him off.
Peter lifted his head to look at you, “Well perhaps I was hoping if I needed one so bad that I could get you to join me.”
You shook your head. “Dammit speedy go shower now.”
Peter groaned like a child “Fiiiine but you better wait for me.”
He was gone in a flash but was also concerning my back in a flash, soaking wet.
You sighed, smiling like an idiot in love “Running through the mansions sprinklers does not count as a shower.”
Peter groaned again and this time he didnt immediately come back.
The night ended with you two laying together and just talking about anything and everything.
It eventually circled back to “I think we need to clear some stuff out of your schedule.”
You looked over at him. “I know, I just dont know what I can let go of.”
“Well what cant you let go of?”
You got a cheesy grin on your face. “You.”
Peter looked over at you giving a small smile. “No but seriously-“
You exclaimed in protest that he didnt respond to your stupidly sweet comment and you both burst into a comfortable laughter.
Everything will be ok.
Peter is Here.
Taglist: @pogueslandia , @xxxtwilightaxelxxx , @aesthetixhoe
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