#but they are so so cute. badly educated but still adorable
flamagenitus · 1 year
I'm cat-sitting for my dad and step-mother! Have some pictures
Immediately attacked me upon arrival (oops I messed up the picture layout)
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Study buddies
This is the first time Jasmine (the tabby) has sat on me since she was a kitten!!
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Very pleased about her new toy (she is usually dead silent, but kept meowing at me to play with her. I went to get more tea and she left the toy exactly where I had been sitting)
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Kind of offended I had a shower while she was in the room
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Siyah hiding from Jasmine behind the swiffer's handle
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Silley time picture (ft bad selfie via my busted camera)
[Picture ID in alt]
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 6 months
Would Jenny allow Danny to tinker with her? I know robotics isn’t exactly the same as aerospace engineering (and I do be headcanoning that my boy chose this as his major since he wants to be an astronaut), but with all the experience he had from handling his parents inventions I believe he can be trusted with fixing something as complex as a robot. I like to think that Danny was really impressed with how Jenny was made and secretly wanted to take a look at how she works, but was too shy to ask because he knows how it’s like to be treated like an object and not a person (with the whole “ghosts are non-sentient globs of ectoplasm with post-human consciousness” spiel he heard so many times) and didn’t want to make Jenny uncomfortable. I believe it took Jenny some time and getting to know Danny and his engineering skills before she let him fix her when she got something badly broken. It was like a show of ultimate trust from Jenny’s side and Danny was flattered, humbled and very respectful. And super careful of course, constantly asking how Jenny’s doing or feeling while he tinkered, mindful of her. I bet she was touched.
Not gonna lie, this is one of the more fascinating asks I got - if only because its incredibly interesting to read about your take/interpretation of Danny & Jenny's relationship! I hope you don't mind me saying, but it feels like you adore both characters and it's very cute!
Well, now, in HoM AU, both Danny and Jenny are close friends and indeed Danny is one of the few people who Jenny trusts with - well, herself - her mechanical self. Like you, I headcanon Danny as quite mechanicaly gifted - in HoM AU he actually graduated college/uni with engineering degree, so he got education to polish his raw skills! He is one of the first people who would help Jenny in and out of the field, if there is a minor malfunction or an injury of some sort!
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But even for that to happen it took a couple of years and a few adventures together.
So to answer the original question, I would have to say that in HoM AU specifically, neither Danny would ask to 'tinker' with her, nor Jenny would probably be totally comfortable with that question if asked. 'Tinkering' would imply a degree of casual poking around, and in this case, both Danny and Jenny have certain life experiences that gave them... boundaries when it comes to their own and others' autonomy. Jenny especially.
(a bit of random background info dump here to explain the reasoning, but feel free to ignore it, since i basically answered the ask xD i just got bitten by a writing bunny, so its gotten a bit long - be warned!)
When Jenny was younger and only just acclimatizing herself with human world and amongst teenagers, she was rather blaze at times with how much access to her body she gave to her human friends and acquaintances.
After all, her mother was rather frank about it - often poking around in Jenny's mechanics and code. But it was her mother, who created her (sort of 'why are you covering yourself, i made you i already know what you have' mother attitude, which is a bit over-controlling and invasive to other's autonomy, but well, Jenny is a robot after all) and it a completely different deal from others.
So, despite her mother's warnings there are instances when Jenny was not very careful. Like when she allowed Brad, Tuck and Sheldon to literally remove and rip out her stuff in pursuit of fashion goals. Or when she dropped her guard around Todd Sweeney and got reprogrammed for her good deed.
And during the events of the last episode, she was once again controlled, by Dr Locus. While not exactly her fault, it still left a lasting impression that any mechanically gifted person could be dangerous to her.
Now, this is where we venture into my personal headcanons for MLAATR that are tied into HoM-verse:
Another aspect of Jenny's developed caution to giving access to her body - is the fact that she is not considered as a real person in the eye of the government/world. She is a thing, a weapon created by Dr. Walkman. She does not have the same rights as a human, and on paper she does not even have rights to her own body. It's all patented Nora Wakeman technology, (secretly) founded by the government.
And she has been fighting it ever since she was a teenager and refused to be called an IT - XJ-9 - and became a HER, a teenage girl Jenny, who also just happens to be a robot.
At first it started as a simple teenage rebellion and she went to school and started to hang out with other kids, but what about later after she graduates? Will she be even allowed to? Sure, maybe her school will give her a diploma, but how legal will it be to give something like that to someone who is legally not a real person? After all, its not like when other kids will turn 18 and can be their own people, not under the legal control of their parents. Jenny is her mother's property, intellectual and physical. For her to be considered a real person in the eye of government, it would require a law being passed about recognizing sentience of Artificial Intelligence.
And sure, she could probably be made an exception, being a hero robot and all, but the problem is, she is not the only human-made robot in existence! What about her sisters, who are prototypes and are not as developed as her? Her brother, who seemed to develop sentiency to the point of turning on humans?? Melody and Killgore?? And its not only in her world (cartoon), but in others (since its a crossover). So the question about AI/Robot sentience, no matter if they are good or bad or how developed they are, would not concern only her, it would be a global debate.
And we all know how the governments of the world would feel about passing laws about sentience of artificial beings that were created to serve the human race. It would be a struggle one way or another.
So, as she grows up and sees the world refusing to aknowledge her as a person, she doesnt have legal rights to finish school and go to college, to get a job, to get married, heck she cant even have a legal documentation that doesnt says 'Dr. Wakeman's creation'. The government says: your body belongs to us, because we paid for Dr. Wakeman to make you - you belong to us, we control you.
That, on top of several unpleasant experiences with other people disregarding her autonomy, will equal to Jenny trying to get some sense of that control back. So she starts to be more cautious about how much access others have to her physical self; she starts to build and reinforce boundaries with other people, starting with her family and friends.
It was one of the darkest days in Sheldon's life, when Jenny started to firmly say 'no' to whenever he asked her about her inner workings and casual access for poking around. xD Tuck was not a happy camper either, that his favorite robot friend became very stingy with all the cool stuff. But Brad got it. And after gentle (and sometimes not) reminders, others became more understanding.
It was a little harder with her mother. Dr. Wakeman truly loved her daughter, but she was a scientist first and mother second. She was so used to casual access to Jenny, in order to keep maitanance that it was hard for her to break the habits. Its still a constant struggle, but she has gotten so much better.
Now, when it came to her new friends amongst HoMies, she already has built a set of boundaries that allowed her to feel more secure as a person, despite how the world sees her, but she is much more reserved to opening herself up to others, at least compared to how she first approached people when she was younger.
It took a few missions and getting to know them better, for her to start trusting with them with her mechanical self. But now a few years later, she feels comfortable enough with most of them to give her a helping hand when needed!
Of course not everyone are capable of helping her though: Danny, Kim and Zak are three of more mechanically oriented people who can help. Though Danny is the one with actual education in that field, while Kim and Zak learned more by necessity, from Kim's various jobs and Zak to operate the Saturday's equipments.
When Rex joined them, he actually became the second best person for her to come to if she needed help. Not only because he has unprecedent skills in mechanics, but also because of his nanites. (but thats info dump for another time, lol)
Jun has some basic knowledge in mechanics, but nowhere near enough for her to feel comfortable poking in Jenny's insides. Jake is perhaps the least capable of helping, when it comes to engineering, followed by newbie Randy (tho we really aint counting him tbh xD).
Ben is a complicated situation - he has some training and knowledge in engineering and robotics because of his Plumber training, but Jenny has heard horror tales from Gwen about how he treats his stuff (the whole hacking/playing with Omnitrix settings), so she flat out refuses for Ben to touch her. However in emergency/battle situation she would allow Ben to use one of his aliens to do so (like, Grey Matter or Upgrade).
So, we talked about Jenny's experiences and why they would contribute to her feeling uncomfortable if someone asked to 'tinker' with her.
Now, let's talk about why Danny would not ask to 'tinker' with her in the first place.
Like you said, Danny is all to familiar with the struggle of being part of something tat is hardly recognized as a sentient species - he had to listen to his parents dismiss ghost sentience most of his younger life. Of course, they have gotten much better since the... 'finale' of DP, but this sort of racism? xenophobia? (im not rally sure which term to use tbh) prejudice against ghosts would have left a lasting impression on Danny.
So I dont remember if I ever implied it, but in HoM AU - events of DP finale happened very differently and the resulting consequences of it diverged a lot from Mr ButtHurtman's 'canon'.
(Also, I had ideas about it, before a Glitch In Time came out, so events from there were not taken into consideration. )
I don't want to reveal much, because it is kinda one of my planned flashback for HoM, but the events that happened reinforced Danny's ... well lets say regard of people's autonomy? It's kind of hard to put into words.
Ok, let's explain it like this: Danny would not ask Jenny if he could look at how she worked and if he could tinker with her, because it would be like if his Mom and Dad casually asked if they could perform a vivisection on him to see how different he is from a full human.
And while sure, the comparison might sound a bit extreme, since there is a difference when it comes to robots and humans about 'poking around' in their innards. But to Danny - it would be too close of a comparison - because of the whole 'recognition of sentience' thing.
After all, wasn't it just some years ago, his parents cried that ghost are nothing more than lump of malicious energy that have no feelings? They changed their mind after Danny's reveal, which allowed them to actually listen and look into evidence proving otherwise and learn. And here is Jenny, struggling to be recognized as a person, since she is considered nothing more than a lump of metal with no feelings - just a weapon to be pointed in a certain direction.
And Danny would feel like asking Jenny if he could casually poke inside her, is a bit... hypocritical? And not to mention insenstitive. After all, he knows how she feels - she is basically still living his worst imagined life in some ways.
So, I don't think he will ever ask to study how she works by casually poking inside her.
At some point, after they became friends, Danny would feel like he should know at least some basics on how Jenny works, just so he could help her in an emergency.
I imagine it happened after a particularly rough mission, and Danny had to help Jenny back home since she was unable to do so herself, so Dr. Wakeman could fix her. After some time thinking, he would sit in front of both Nora and Jenny and ask them for permission if he could learn how Jenny works - from Nora.
After all, Danny does not need to poke inside Jenny to learn how she functions, when there is her mother right there - the creator, the maintanance and doctor all in one package, with access to blueprints and all intricate knowledge, who can evaluate what Danny needs to know in accordance to his passable engineering skills. She could teach him the basics - but of course not without Jenny's permission.
So he asks her, if he could learn, because he is tired of looking how she gets hurt along with them, but unlike most of them she can not be easily fixed with bandages and some time. And Danny, since he is one of the few of them who has the skills, would like to be actually able to help her with those skills. But it is her body - it is her choice, to trust him or not.
And Jenny would be speechless. It would be the first time someone asked her like that. Not even Kim, who is one of her closest friends, asked before (but mostly because Kim was perfectly aware that she is nowhere skilled enough to even think about it).
And you would be right. It would be a show of ultimate trust from Jenny, to agree for Danny to learn. And maybe at some point, simply learning, turned into more on hands learning in some small ways. And Jenny's trust was never betrayed, and Danny always stayed humbled and aware of that.
so, i hope the answer was satisfying, or at least entertaining for you! thank you again, your ask was delightful to read and allowed me to explore some of my own backstory parts for HoM a little bit more!
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artdcnaldson · 3 months
ALSOO i love how 🐞 anon brought up the part of patrick who wants you to remain innocent and sweet and soft
like yeah it’s hot as fuck that you’re drunk and whispering how badly that you need him but he loves how you reach for his hand and it give it a little squeeze saying good luck before he has a game. how you do a little jump in the stands when he’s doing well. how you always make that really intense eye contact when he is talking about something, the type of eye contact which show you’re genuinely interested and genuinely listening. he loves the way you play with your hair and how you smile. he knows all these small details about you, he just adores
he is so in love
- 🫀
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Noooo bc poor Patrick is just like. Idk he’s so stuck.
Because does he care about you beyond what Art thinks? Yeah! He likes everything about you, even the stuff that drives him insane like how you pick at your skin and wind up covered in bandaids (cute), or how you lick your finger before wiping something off of his face like a grandma (gross, also cute).
But are the sexual thoughts also there? …. Well, yes! But he’s trying his best to push that down, honestly. But you make it hard with the way you’ve started talking, the way you dress since you’ve started following him and Art.
He’s a good friend— he’s not going to perv after you with Art around. But you make it so hard :(
And you’re doing it on purpose, because Art is fucking meddling like you’re twelve instead of a fully grown, college educated woman. You have a fucking degree, but he still doesn’t trust you to make your own decisions.
So you start making excuses to get closer to Patrick when Art’s away.
The hotel walls are so thin, and honestly you had slightly pure intentions. You really were just going to shower. But goddamn, they do have better water pressure, and it feels so nice spraying onto you, and if you position your hips just right and put your foot on the soap dish it’s— yep, it’s perfect.
And you try to muffle your moans, at first. But then you’re pumping your fingers inside of you and you’re thinking about him just outside of the door and it’s not even worth the effort. You cum relatively quickly, finish washing up, and walk back in the room in your robe.
He can hardly look at you, seems way too interested in the golf channel as you grab your things.
“Thanks, Pat.” You kiss his forehead and scurry back to your room before you can address… that.
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Daily Luke Thoughts™
Having grown up on a desert planet, it's a given that Luke has never seen a body of water larger than the collection tank of a moisture vaporator
He knew about lakes and oceans via educational holovids but he honestly didn't think they were real
How could they be? Why would a planet hold on to so much water when other planets need it so badly?
Poor baby doesn't understand the concept of aquatic ecosystems
It's so funny when he absolutely loses his mind seeing a pond for the first time on Yavin IV
"Can you believe how much water that is? It's not even drying up! That could last us weeks!"
When you point out the pond is home to living things, he is in awe
So many fish, so many frogs, so many creatures he doesn't even know, and it's all so beautiful!
It's teeming with so much life, yet the water doesn't run out--Luke has no idea how that's even possible
Don't get me started on rain
Luke first hears the sound of rain while he's working on his ship in the hangar of the Great Temple, and he's really confused
When he goes outside to check it out, he practically has a heart attack
There's water??? Falling from the sky???
He's mesmerized; he's getting soaked, but he can't pull himself to go back inside
He's laughing and hollering like a little kid, and it's so cute and wholesome
"What are you waiting for, Y/N? Come join me!"
He gives you that adorable look, so of course you have to join him
Now you're both acting like little kids, giggling like crazy as you run around and splash in puddles
Remember how crazy rain was? Now it's time for the OCEAN
Luke sees an ocean for the first time when he and the gang are stationed on Naboo
Mr. Moisture Farmer would probably PASS OUT
Unfortunately, he learns about salt water the hard way
Han laughs at him as he's aggressively trying to spit out the giant gulp of water he took
Waves both fascinate and TERRIFY him
He's a little nervous at first, so he settles for standing at the shore as the tiny waves gently crash against his legs
It's a really nice feeling, so maybe he can handle going in deeper!
You hear a pathetic yelp and immediately know what's happening
Luke is splashing around like a little puppy, but thankfully he's still in pretty shallow water, so you have no trouble wading out to 'save' him
"...Do you even know how to swim?" "Does it look like I know how to swim? I'm from a literal desert planet!"
You decide to go easy on him and teach him the basics of not drowning
It takes a while, but he eventually gets the hang of it
Han, Leia, and Chewie join you guys and you all get into a giant splash war
Have fun helping Chewie take a bath after
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Sorry sorry but I can't help myself, the power this man holds I swear. I feel like aaron and brian just fit them so right??
Sorry for the angst, I actually wanted to save it for when you're requests are open but I thought it's too sad and you might not want to write it. Is it ok if I extend it a little and send it a few days later? (Apologies if it's too much but you've just awoken something in me that I didn't know I had)
But I'm so in love wirh the idea that you'd be that one unfathomably cool trio that is just so reckless and chaotic. We'd be the brain of the group (if that makes sense) and the only one who thinks before we act. Feel like we would be able to handle ourself in small fights, so he sometimes just stands there, awe struck, watching you like, yep, that's my girl. But god forbid someone manages to lay a finger on you, he'll see red. He WILL choke the man to death, no questions asked.
In the novel it is mentioned that he likes to read while on missions (when he has the time that is) so I can just imagine him grabbing two books for both of you as you sit and read like the classy couple that you two are. ("Killed 12 people and y'all are over here reading." lem, probably)
This is so self indulgent so I apologize but if you're first language isn't english, he WILL learn a few things just for you. He adores the surprised look on your face, followed by that pretty smile and laugh of yours.
In an interview with aaron and brian, aaron looked confused at the word "simp" and I can just picture that with tan and lem. He doesn't spend that much time on the internet so when lem hits him with the "You're whipped." or "Man's got it down bad." he'd look so confused.
Ok but imagine you trim his moustache, omg, he'll have you sit on his lap, his hands gently placed on your waist, you'd be too focused to notice the soft look in his eyes. "Darlin' stop smiling, I'll mess up." he mutter a sorry but the smile still remains present on his face.
Rewatched the movie, love the way this man looks in his full suit. Gotta ask, what's your fav scene of him? Or maybe your fav line of his? I'm in love with the way he explains the white death's backstory, he looks so good in that scene too. Also like the way he says tickety-boo, it's just so silly. Again, I'm so sorry, I said I'll wait a few days but I just couldn't. Just when I send in the ideas I get new ones, no thoughts, head empty, only tan. If you want I'll write them in my notes and save them for few days later.
💺 anon
1. not to worry, he still has me in one too. and right?!?
2. don’t worry about it!! was a beautifully sad idea. yes yes!! you’re more than welcome to expand it
3. YES!!! like the brainy/ maybe techy one. I feel like he’d let you have your moment/ revenge/ fighting time etc until it gets too close, like he knows you can handle yourself and don’t need a guy to defend/ protect, but tan wouldn’t risk it. like after a few minutes if you’re still fighting, he’ll come and help (he knows you could’ve done it, but again he didn’t wanna risk you getting killed/ really badly injured) you’re like “I nearly had him” and he’s like “yeah, I know” but he’s grinning and checking you over for cuts/ wounds etc
4. UGHH I LOVE THAT!! very classy, sitting in first class, legs crossed reading the same book😩 that lem moment😭😭perfect
5. omg yes!!! even more cute and perfect if it’s broken and the verbs and tenses are wrong and he says something in different language and you’re like “you said, ‘I am very beautiful’” 😭😭😭 and you’re trying not to laugh or embarrass him
6. AHAHAHA yes!! I feel like lem knows lots of the lingo, and tan is at a loss, “peng? what the fuck is peng” “what the fuck does that mean?” so lem is always educating him on the words. I feel like he sounds old when he asks about it, like “when did people stop saying …” “what’s wrong with saying …”
7. 🫠🫠🫠🫠 that’s all I gotta say about that one, omg!!?! melting and crying at that thought. WANT THAT
8. well… I haven’t watched it in a while, but I have many memorable moments. so I love when he walks off the train and lighting his cig (for obvious reasons) when he’s punching the back train window (again, for obvious reasons) when he and lem are debating the 16/17 kill count. and quotes … “you following me? stop… arsehole” and something along the lines of “story about when gordon met percy and how percy’s bleeding from his fucking eye sockets” “not particularly, no” “some 80s dance off, innit” AAAAHH NEED TO REWATCH IT AGAIN SO BAD
don’t worry about it bby, if and evenever you get ideas, keep them in your notes and then like this time and last send them over. don’t worry about sending in a few days, if you wanna, send them when you want. I said send too many times😭😭 hope you catch my drift
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siriannatan · 1 year
Dirty Mind - ScfWhip
I thought shortly if the title was good for what I had planned but it actually fits perfectly :}
Scott was not excited when he heard he was finally getting engaged. He knew it was expected of him as the second prince to marry and secure a good alliance but... After two hundred years he was hoping his father decided he was too old to marry... And he wouldn't probably be so against it if he wasn't as old and... But why, out of all empires, Grimlands?
How the new count was chosen was a bit lost on Scott. He understood long lines of inheritance. Not the overly complicated list of what Grimlands (and Cliff's but there it was mostly about educational prowess) considered good qualities for a ruler. From what he did understand his future husband was once a farmer but also a genius inventor and had already made a big impact. Not that Scott understood the complicated details about his inventions. 
As he waited among spiky bushes of black roses he was just hoping this 'fWhip' was at least somewhat pretty. If he was going to be stuck with a boring human it might as well be a pretty human... 
"Umm, Scott? Sorry I'm late," Or half-dragon... Why has no one told him his future husband was an adorable dragon hybrid with bright red scales and soft-looking, slightly curly, long and braided, hair? Scott would very much appreciate a warning, as he exchanged pleasant greetings with fWhip. And his voice was so pretty. And his eyes were so blue. And he was so adorably short. And in his cute, dark suit, even if he shifted constantly. 
Scott was so distracted by how pretty and cute his future husband was they spend several minutes in silence. He couldn't just randomly start gushing over how cute the guy is. That'd be weird. But he also had no idea what to talk to him about. All this tinkering and inventing wasn't something Scott knew much about or was confident he could keep up a conversation about. So he just stared at fWhip, who to Scott's relief stared back and then yawned... 
Fangs... Why didn't it come to his mind that fWhip might have those? And why did the idea of fWhip's irregular, jagged, perfectly white teeth biting him...
"I'm sorry... I stayed up a bit longer than I should..." fWhip chuckled nervously, messing with his ascot. And Scott had no idea what to do with his hands. Hug him? Apologise for being an awkward, shut-in bookworm? "I understand if I'm not quite what you imagined when this whole thing started..." fWhip was mumbling, blushing very cutely, and Scott would swear he could feel the temperature rise around them. But not unpleasantly.
"I quite frankly have no idea what I imagined when I first heard about the engagement... Certainly not a half-dragon, not that it's bad, you're..." Scott froze unsure what to say. His brain was screaming 'unreasonably attractive and cute' but that was not appropriate to say at the moment. And all his other thoughts should never leave his brain. He should never admit he wants fWhip's teeth on him as badly as he did. "I heard you're really smart and stuff, even if I don't really get all I hear it seems impressive..." Scott decided to shut up there before he said too much. He probably already did.
fWhip chuckled again, a bit more amused and less awkward. "You're not what I expected, you're not half as stuck up and cold as my sister said ice elves are," he shot Scott the most brilliant, toothy grin in the history of the world. Almost blinding him in fact. And Scott's mind was still stuck on his accursed, unfairly attractive to him teeth.
Showing all his teeth thoughts to the back of his mind Scott did his best to actually talk to fWhip. All his pretty fiance's inventions didn't sound all that complicated when it was fWhip talking about it. Even if half of his explanation - at best only half and not less - stayed in Scott's brain. Maybe this whole marriage would not be as bad. And maybe they could bring the biting thing up later on...
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allforafro · 10 months
ok, I hope that whoever reads this still remembers more or less what happened in each episode, if not, it may not make sense to you
opinions about individual episodes of heroes season 3 begin
I don't know anything about medicine, but the Nathan rescue scene was weird/badly done
peter looks good as usual
got hit by a teenager lol
Sylar started working in horror films during his break
I understand you maya I don't understand science either
hiro is cute and childish
You have to save the world, so I will speak in riddles
what happened, what are you doing, future peter
nathan I almost died but I'm alive and I'm more religious em ok dude
Mohinder, what's wrong with you?
sylar what the hell are you talking about?
this scene was quite disgusting
oh mother mohinder go to therapy because with your obsession with sylar you can't live a normal life
why everyone is coming back from the dead this season
Matt, get up, there's a scorpion on your face, it's scary
did mohinder die because that would be funny
Angela is great as usual
what the hell is this narrator text?
no, he's still alive
Claire was traumatized and now feels no pain
nice vision Angela
maya is beautiful mohinder you should focus on flirting with her and not bullshit
but you could slow down a bit
maybe because you didn't raise her, you asshole
is this another niki personality?
Millbrook stole some good stuff
life dilemmas (not sarcasm)
is Linderman just an illusion?
poor elle
kill him noah, too bad sylar is immortal
the best thing is that the others don't know that the screaming guy is Peter
or you misunderstood future hiro
you can't tell anyone the truth except nathan, you haven't changed anything peter
ok tracy is definitely not Niki
no hiro don't turn your back on ando
Is there something wrong, Dr. Suresh? it was obvious, idiot
talking turtle lol
Africa? Interesting
why isn't claire so surprised that her father is alive, didn't they think he was dead
Yes! nathan is crazy, let's go!!!
I don't know if the company is bad or good anymore
That scene with Meredith showing up was weird (I mean their faces)
I wonder what Jessie can do?
angela is creepy
Angela is Sylar's mother, did I miss something? no, she's definitely winding him up
duet noah and sylar I didn't know I needed this in my life
lyle is right
claire lol
sandra is right claire, education is important
XD angela plays sylar as she wants
Daphne is funny
this guy knows matt's life, interesting
Lol sylar you watched too many movies
you don't know peter
Sylar probably won't listen to Noah and it will be a mess
Is Tracy Niki's twin sister?
this lecturer is hopeless, Zimmerman's name is read with a "C"
it wasn't her fault, it was yours hiro
mother-daughter bond
their partnership is great
is this the series where noah becomes a cosmic godfather to everyone with special abilities
what does matt have in common with this african guy?
Claire doesn't go to school but she goes to cheerleading practice, that's just an excuse
This Zimmerman is interesting
music puts them into a trance?
yes noah kill him
Why did I develop the desire to kill Sylar? This guy didn't do anything to me
shrugs - whatever
I become death, how dramatic (yes, I know what the title refers to)
Rash? allergy? This is disgusting
Triplets? Interesting
they gave them powers
Hey, wait, didn't Niki have a sister, Jessica?
this time four, not five in the future
It's funny but both present peter and future peter are right
yes peter sylar will help you lol
don't manipulate her feelings mohinder
I don't know why but I laughed at the scenes between peter and future mohinder
I made the same face as peter
uuu gabriel is adorable
it's funny that everyone says peter is a villain
If you want my power, fix this watch
not poor little noah, poor gabriel
stop acting like children hiro and ando
web yuck
Was Nathan going to have an affair with another of the triplets, I knew
I wonder if when we meet the third one, Nathan will also have an affair with her
army of super soldiers
don't hurt nathan peter
You're here, brother
A spiritual journey
Adam!!! Yay!!!
I wonder who has this formula
Everyone prefers clear answers nathan
Linderman from Nathan's head is weird
Ok mohinder I'm not going to comment on this
better kill your mother peter it will be good for everyone
Angela's weakness on peter is great
Sandra is a good mother
Wow Claire is turning into Noah
Lol adam is funny
Interesting thing about this Linderman from other people's heads
It turns out that not all of these Level 5 people are bad
If a guy keeps silent about something, there's something wrong
Okay, this is getting scary, run away, maya!
I wonder if it's really God?
He killed me once and now he saved me
I don't know if I trust you on this, noah
Nathan has artificial abilities?!
He lives!
Just like in horror
Well, whatever you say, no one would think of it
Kill him, maya, it will be better for him
Suresh is harmless, lol I guess not anymore
oh hiro, ando
What? Hiro no!
Why is ando always unlucky
Lol that Sylar in the back of the car
Sometimes you're stupid noah
Who is this disgusting guy?
I wonder what this pinehearst is?
Is this Arthur Petrelli?
That's him, interesting
Fortunately, it's a trick
She goes with her wow
I wonder what ability Arthur has
I wouldn't like to ask mohinder for help but they don't know that he has become weird
Matt this is weird
Trust him, Daphne
So now you're killing people mohinder wow
How is he supposed to know that, he's not his future self
So he's the puppet master
What did you expect, hiro
Listen to her mohinder she is right
The shooting scene was intense
Sylar just want to be loved by mommy
Let's drug each other, it's a real family thing
Take her hand, I told you so
Actually it may be true that you may not be able to help her matt
Invisible peter yes
he takes away their powers, not bad
I wonder how they are going to defeat arthur
that's all for now, the rest when I have time
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tashakay · 1 year
*********This is what I said at first and then it was revised to be the paragraphs above.***********
I am writing a book about the joys of raising millenial women. My daughter and I are friends now and have been since she graduated from highschool in 2006. I am writing this book because I want to share what it was like to be a good mom who was a poor mom. I did not have a lot of financial resources when I was raising my girls. I have started a draft of the book. Can you help me refine it and write more? Here is what I have so far: What else was happening in the world the day it stood still for me? At 11:11 am everything I thought I knew ceased and suddenly there was a new me. I had given birth to a baby girl whom I had dreamt of only weeks prior to her arrival. I am told she was all gray when she took her first breath of atmosphere. I had a gaping holed in my midsection that the surgeon was in a panic to close but he lost count of the gauze he used after he sliced me open. Evidently, I was awake during all of this drama yet I have hardly a recollection of it. I remember they had to bring her to me once I was back in the recovery room. I remember writing in my paper journal given to me by my good friend Anita that I still didn’t feel like a mom.
I learned to breastfeed in the hospital stay at the time that was allowed to be five days. I loved the attention and I really appreciated being heard. so now what? How did I figure out how to make the next step? I do not know. I knew that I wanted to be a good mother. I knew that I want to build a life with her dad that would be amazing. What I didn’t know it that I was the only one of us that wanted to build. I often describe myself as an employee that likes to build. I am a builder. There is the employee that is the maintainer. I am not that. I like to see something that need to be conceived and help bring it about and then I want to be a able to move on the the next new thing. Perhaps it comes from the years I spent working for temporary agencies. Now I am thankful for that work history, at the time I was embarrassed by it and I longed for a solid college education like everyone else and I just wanted a job where I could be for years and years. I used to take her to get her picture taken. I took every picture of her that I could. I still do. She is such a physically beautiful person and always has been. She has sparkly eyes and round plump cheeks and the luscious ribbon like lips that make me cringe with adoration. When she was a toddler I thought she was so cute that it caused me physical pain. She didn’t mean to be my best friend but she was. I was hopelessly unable to take care of her a few times during our budding friendship. Firstly, we were forced to move back in with my mother and step father for the first nine months of her life and when I went back to school she spent far too many days and nights with my parents.
I craved single motherhood at the time where I could work and care for the two of us. I looked forward to showing her off to people as often as I could. She was such a delight with her wit and charm. She took to people quickly which is something that I gave her by accident. I really like people and likely I passed that trait to her. She was short and stout little girl which reflected badly on me at times but I tried to keep other people’s thoughts about my single motherhood out of our bubble. I read the newspaper to her from time to time because I had not caught on to the idea that reading children’s books to your child was the way to go. I read a lot of different things to her. I would read food labels and billboards to her. I remember when she was two and learning the english alphabet she recognized a capital A on a billboard which had the word TAILOR on it. I was startled as I was driving us to some location downtown and we were at a tricky intersection. I do not know how it was that I was driving as I did not have more than a learner permit which required me to have a licensed adult in the car when I was operating it. I was always a nervous and careful driver.There are times when I am desperate to tell her everything I forgot to tell her as she was becoming a woman. There used to be times when I would be brought to tears because of a separation due to travel and school and work. I was terrified that I had missed something really important. I suppose that is why we became such good friends. We used to be so close. We would cry when leaving each other. I remember when she was an undergrad at MSU and I had dropped her off at college and moved her into the dorm. I left to get gas and while at the gas station she called crying because she thought I had left heading back home. I finished refilling and rushed (carefully and nervously) back to her. I was so touched that someone in my life missed me so much that they would cry real tears for me. I am overcome even now remembering that day. And so it was throughout her college years and law school we had terrible separation anxiety. Recently we visited her on the east coast and it was Saturday morning, which was day three of a week long trip and I was anxious in the hotel room about not having enough time with her which we were there to visit her! I had to calm myself down and ease the anxious feelings I was having about missing her after we leave the city. I often find myself having rest in knowing that I am her first love and she still loves me me with all her heart.
0 notes
doctorprofessorsong · 2 years
Destiel fic recs
Well, it looks like the brainrot is permanent and there is no cure. I can't seem to get enough of these dudes. Please enjoy the fruits of my unending obsession with another rec list.
Love Bites by @malmuses (Explicit, 34k)
I don't know why I love a tiny creature Dean, but this fic had my entire heart from the first chapter. Not since OctopusDean said bloop has a Dean been this adorable. 
Dean, a vampire in bat form, gets injured by Cas' menace of a cat (affectionate). Cas nurses him back to health and, as Dean heals, he finds himself more and more enamored with his savior. 
Cas is delightfully awkward and Dean is entirely smitten and it makes for an adorably soft dynamic. Plus I want to put bat!Dean in my pocket. He’s so cute.
Boyfriend of Thursday by mnwood @deancasheadcanons (Explicit, 40k)
Look all I'm saying is Dean deserved to be a little slutty (affectionate). This one is a romp and a delight. Dean Winchester doesn't do monogamy or commitment. Instead he has a regular hook-up every day of the week.
But when he and his Thursday call it quits, he's looking to fill the open position. It feels like he's in luck when he runs into a hot dude at Chipotle. But Dean discovers that maybe his Boyfriend of Thursday is worth breaking the rules for.
I love an openly bi, confident Dean and this Dean definitely fits the bill. This Dean is really fun and in some ways very vulnerable and he is deeply respectful of his hookups which makes it a great read. This one could have gone the other way, making him shallow and capricious, but despite his rules and his rigid system, Dean deeply cares and that makes it really fun to read.
The side characters are fantastic, plus there is positive representation of polyamory and some really interesting casting that makes this one super entertaining.
Passing Ships by quiettewandering (Mature, 78k)
Something about Dean and Cas going against fate to be with one another has always made me a little feral, so it's no surprise that a fic based on the concept that Cas, a cupid assigned to get Dean together with his soulmate Lisa, fails spectacularly when he falls in love with Dean himself would immediately draw me in.
The Cas in this fic wants so badly to do what's right, but he can't help but care about the humans. He hits all the right notes for me and i had at least ten breakdowns over him. And Dean is also just so enamored and such a disaster and you just wanna smoosh their faces.
I Can See Your Halo by redamber79 @imbiowaresbitch (series, 2 works, Explicit, 9.8k words)
This one is s-p-i-c-y and just a bit sacrilegious in the best way. Um, let's just say the author explores some novel uses for the angel blade and Cas' halo that will live inside my brain rent free for a very long time. Ahem
It also serves as a fairly delightful fix-it with a really fun resolution that will also have a condo in my mind. 
It's scorching hot and a really fun read.
In It For The Long Haul by @ltleflrt (Explicit 25k) 
This is the fluffiest, softest fic to soothe what ails you. Dean, a long-haul trucker, meets an intriguing waiter at a truck stop and starts reordering his life to find ways to see him again.
This fic is just pure sunshine. Cas keeps choosing meals to make Dean happy. Dean keeps blushing and flirting. The angst is low. It's really just a good time for everyone. A soft story about liminal spaces and finding someone to share your life with. 
Racing Stripes by tiamatv (Mature, 37k)
I'm admittedly a sucker for a sci fi AU, but even if I wasn't I would still love this absolute gem of a story. Dean is one of the top racers in the world, finally about to live out his dream of racing in the difficult and high stakes Chicago Race. Unfortunately for him, revisiting Chicago also sets him on a crash course with the love of his life, Cas, who left him years ago for the promise of an education and a future, and even worse, Cas' dad who is dangling the same for Sammy in front of Dean’s nose. 
The worldbuilding in this fic is immaculate. An abandoned and rotting Chicago is almost it's own character, and there is a quiet desperation in the story of people who have become beholden to corporations to survive. The action sequences are also gorgeous with the pivotal race being so cinematic I felt like I could see every twist and turn. And don't get me started on the gorgeous weaving of canon into the fic. It was so clever. 
But the standout for me is the gentleness in Dean’s characterization. The way he wants so badly to do what's best. The way he longs for Cas. There is just something gorgeous about Racing Stripes Dean that made me want everything good for him.
Listen, I tell you a mystery by bathilda bagshot (wellthengameover) @the-lions-mouth (Teen, 25k)
Thee Dean and Mary parallel dissertation, this character study has everything. Mary trying to conform to cisheteronormative ideals while feeling the pull of hunting and a particular redheaded angel. Teenage and Stanford Era Dean to tear your heart out. Dean and Mary finding something of each other. And a happy ending for Dean and Cas.
It's told in snippets. Vignettes that delve into trauma and hope. They build an absolutely beautiful parallel story, gorgeous for their intersections and the places they diverge.
And there is a gentleness to it all. We see Mary and Dean in various states of distress and desperation. We see the effects of the cupids bow and poverty and loneliness and completely fuckery. But there is never any judgment, just kindness in the way they are written.
This one made me cry real human tears and it's definitely one that will haunt me.
A Judicious Application of Free Will by Annie D (scaramouche) @no-gorms (Explicit, 57k) 
This is an older fic, but I swear Annie D has such a good grasp on Dean and Cas (or is possibly psychic) that there are elements that will make you swear it was written post canon. This one is hard to describe because it ends up with some gorgeous narrative twists that I don't want to give away. Suffice to say: Dean meets a handsome recluse, Cas, whose past threatens to engulf them.
It's twisty and ambitious, with so much heart. Canon is woven in to the story in unexpected ways and it's ultimately one of those fics that you don't want to put down.
Need more? Check out my other fic rec lists:
Tag list (let me know if you want to be tagged):
@varlysca @naturallyathief @greatbigbugger @fandoms-and-things @cascodedtech @you-cant-spell-subtext-without @deanwasalwaysbi @fellshish @valleydean @raspberry-tooth 
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wri0thesley · 3 years
can i request arranged marriage with toji and corruption please 🥰
wedding rings - toji x fem!reader (5k)
the zenin clan just can't stop meddling in toji's affairs. what's he supposed to do with the nervous little virgin who shows up on his doorstep and says that her family and his have said they have to get married? not fuck her?
warnings: not sfw/minors dni. arranged marriage. corruption kink. virgin reader. light cunnilingus, fingering, coming inside. light dub-con by nature of 'arranged marriage'. afab reader, fem pronouns.
[a/n: writing toji is always so much fun ;_; ]
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When you showed up at Toji’s door with suitcase in hand, trembling lip and eyes all wide and frightened, he had laughed outright.
It was just like the fucking Zenin clan to be meddling in his life even now, wasn’t it? Even though Toji has abandoned them and slaughtered their ilk, their bullshit about bloodlines still leaks into every facet of what they do; and clearly the idea that Toji, even with his flawed lack of cursed energy, might be able to pass on the technique and hasn’t got a pretty little wife to impregnate yet had rankled them so badly that they’d sorted the whole situation out for him.
If he didn’t hate jujutsu society so much, he’d almost feel bad for you.
You’re clearly in the bloom of life; fresh-faced and innocent, not expecting to find yourself in Toji’s messy shithole of an apartment (why bother making it nice, when he spends so long out of it for work?). He wonders who you’ve pissed off to end up here.
As it turns out, you end up telling him yourself, a frown on your face.
Turns out, you’re . . . not quite just like him, but you’ve been fucked over by your clan just as much for not being able to be useful. You can see cursed spirits, but you’ve got no cursed energy, no technique – despite your clan usually producing good, dutiful, powerful wives. Disappointment of the family. He can understand what that feels like.
So they were probably glad to get rid of you. Might even hope you’ll bear Toji’s kid and it’ll have no technique to speak of itself, too – so both families can forget about you.
(Well, Toji thinks to himself with a grin – his family can’t forget about him, much as they want to, considering both his nickname and his line of work.)
He takes a sip of the glass of water he’s holding in his hand, green eyes focused very hard on you. You’re not in traditional clothing, like most clan members he knows would be; you’re wearing a pale blue dress that you keep tugging uncomfortably down over your thighs. Toji lets his eyes linger on your thighs, too – he might as well appreciate the view, he supposes.
Your suitcase is full of, as well as a collection of clothes in modest cut and soft, pastel colours, documents. Toji flips through some of them, nose wrinkling at the boring jargon. He does linger on a caveat about if you bear him children, they all have to take the Zenin name, and Toji and you will be ‘compensated handsomely’ for handing over the kid’s education and raising to the clan--
Toji’s about to crumple them up on the floor and tell you to get the fuck out of his house, when he catches sight of you over the edge of the paper. You’ve drawn yourself in; shoulders tight, pretty mouth pressed into a tight line, eyes shining with a mixture between hope and fear. You look so lost. You look so innocent.
A little curl of heat makes itself known in the very base of Toji’s stomach; the thought of you being a good little wife, on your knees. The thought of him telling you exactly how to suck his cock.
He knows how the sorcerer clans raise women like you.
He knows you’ll be eager to please and obedient, falling over yourself to keep your man happy. He knows, too, that you’ll be pliant and agreeable – and that you’ll be pure as the driven snow. That thought gives him pause.
You’re seductive to him without realising it, in the totally guileless way you act, as if you don’t know that he’s considering how your tits would fill his hands and how tight your precious, untouched cunt would feel around his girth.
If he rejects you, what will your clan do?
You’re as fucked as him. He can see it in the shine of your eyes in his kitchen; you’re afraid he will throw you out, like he was thinking of. Leave you to fend for yourself on the streets of Japan, because there’s no way your family will want you back after even scum like Toji’s rejected you.
Would it be so bad?
He lets himself look at you critically. He takes in the curves, the dips, the contours of your body; the way you’d feel beneath him. Your face, and what it would look like lost in pleasure.
Perhaps it would be pleasant, to have someone to return to after a hit; to have someone warm his bed, curl around him, cook for him and take care of him. Perhaps it would be pleasant to take a pretty little virgin and break her into exactly what he wants in a woman. To teach her how he likes to fuck, how he likes her to act, to condition her until he can crook his finger at her and she’s bending over, presenting herself already slick and needy for his cock to use however he sees fit.
“Alright,” he says, draining the glass. “Sure, sweetheart. We’ll get married.”
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Later on that night, he creeps into the spare room. You’re asleep on top of the covers in a cute pyjama set that’s all frills and froth and pale pink; elastic in the shorts digging into the flesh of your thighs, top clinging to the curve of your chest. His cock stirs in his pants looking at you. You’re so . . . innocent. There’s no mark to you; Toji wants to cling to your hips until there are bruises in the shape of his hands, wants to worry love-bites into your neck like a necklace, wants to ruin you until you’re tear-stained and whimpering and arching your hips up for him--
Calloused fingers trail along your skin. You’re so soft. Where Toji is all scars and muscle, your skin is like satin. You moan in your sleep, pretty face furrowing, and Toji wants to see your face creased in pleasure too. Your mouth drops open and he imagines thrusting his cock in it; how pretty and shiny your lips would look wrapped around his shaft, almost too big for you to even take.
“Look at you,” he murmurs, thumb skimming the exposed stomach where your pyjama top has ridden up. “Ripe for the picking, ain’t ya?”
Your eyes twitch. Eyebrows, furrow – and you blink your gaze awake, sticky-slow, to see your fiancee looming over you in the dark.
“What’re you—?” You ask, still sleep-laced, but Toji just makes a soft noise in the back of his throat.
“Just lookin’ at the merchandise, sweetheart,” he murmurs. “Wanna make sure you ain’t damaged, that’s all--”
“I—I’m not!” The cute little burst of outrage is ruined somewhat by the yawn that you have to suppress in the middle of it, but Toji grins.
He didn’t think the Zenins would send you if you weren’t – they wouldn’t want to risk the precious possibility of a kid born with power and technique not really being one of theirs – but it’s nice to hear your mouth confirm what he’s been suspecting and hoping is the truth.
“Aw, baby girl,” he says, keeping his voice low and even, trying to comfort you even as his hand is sliding further up, cupping one of your breasts (his palm brushes your nipple and he feels it harden beneath his touch, stiffening to a peak – he wants to see what you look like under there so badly), “C’mon, it’s fine. I ain’t gonna hurt you--”
“M-Mr Zenin,” you say, and the tremble in your voice is so cute. His cock is straining against the boxer shorts he wore to sleep in. You’re wide awake now; your eyes meeting his. “I—I know, but--”
He’s on the bed. He doesn’t miss how your gaze strays to his veined forearms, where the muscles bulge in his biceps, the carefully sculpted and maintained abdomen and pecs – he sees the swallow in your throat, the way your cute little tongue reaches out to swipe nervously over your lower lip.
Thumb brushes your collarbone and you shudder, your eyes fluttering closed at the sensation. He sees your thighs twitch, squeeze together – he’s willing to bet if he dipped his fingers into your slit right now, he’d pull his digits back out with your slick glimmering on them.
“Just call me Toji.”
“T-Toji—” Your voice pitches, shuddering with arousal that you don’t know how to handle. He’s heard that note in women’s voice before; that desperate ‘I want to be touched, but I know I shouldn’t want it’ wobble. He’s been the cause of it more times than he can count.
“S’okay,” he soothes, his other hand rounding over your hip, his knees nudging your legs apart. “You’re savin’ yourself for marriage, yeah? We’ll get the papers signed in the mornin’, I promise, botha our families are the kind to make sure things can be rushed through quick--”
“I—” You’re a little breathless, all needy and hot under his touch. It’s adorable. “I shouldn’t, please, it’s only a few days--”
“You want to.” It’s not a question. It’s a statement, as he curls his fingers about your hip, as he settles his own muscular thighs between yours and he sees that there’s a damp spot on the pale pink shorts. Soaked through your underwear and your nightwear? He forgot how sensitive virgins can be. “Don’t lie to yourself, angel.”
He leans down, scarred lips brushing yours. You taste like his toothpaste; peppermint on his tongue as he swipes it over your lower lip and you sigh as you allow him entrance. It’s the first mark of him on you, but he knows it won’t be the last. He deliberately presses his knee against your clothed mount, grinding it just a little – and you whimper into his mouth, heated and desperate.
“We’ll be married soon as,” he murmurs to you, pulling back, looking at you with lust darkening his eyes. No man has ever looked at you quite as hungrily as Toji is looking at you right now. And he’s so handsome, his touches gentle-- “You wanna be a good girl for me, right? S’just what a wife does for her husband, yeah?”
“Yes,” you breathe, and Toji grins at you. It’s a feral, starving grin, that you feel deep inside of you as you clench around nothing and burn to be touched.
He kisses you again, hungrier. He nips at your lower lip, his tongue roughly demanding entrance – he dances against your own. You’ve never really understood the idea of kissing with tongues, but Toji knows exactly what he’s doing; hitting a spot on the roof of your mouth that makes you shudder and gasp, your hands coming up to grasp his biceps.
The muscle underneath them is so solid, and Toji can’t help but notice how soft your hands are on him. He knows you’ll be that soft everywhere else, and the thought spurs him on.
“I’m gonna undress you now,” he tells you, thick and throaty. His big fingers curve under the hem of the lacy top you’re wearing, gently tugging it up over your stomach and then your breasts. That sharp green gaze caresses every newly bared inch of you, a soft sigh escaping his lips. “Fuckin’ hell. You’re a sight for sore eyes, sweetheart.”
Your skin feels hot under the compliment, Toji’s flat palm sliding along the softness of your tummy to round over your breasts. Your nipples have pebbled and stiffened in the cool air of the spare room, and Toji flicks his thumb along one (making you shiver, again, he notices) before he bends his head to suckle the bud into his mouth, his tongue lapping at it in a way that has your back arching and thighs clenching.
He chuckles at the noise you make as his lips pop off, and he turns his attention to the other side.
“Responsive, ain’t ya?” He asks. “You’re adorable.”
You give him a trembling breath as a response, which he takes as a sign to begin a trail of wet, open mouthed kisses down from your breasts to your stomach, tongue tracing the shape of your navel, teeth grazing your hips so gently that you barely feel them. He takes the waistband of your shorts in his mouth and tugs those down using your teeth, and the vision of him between your legs like that--
“Ha,” he says, as his fingers reach to tug them, expertly manipulating your legs so he can get them off without moving from between them. “Careful there, darlin’. You’re gonna soak right through the sheets.”
His mouth, again – kissing firmly against the wet patch on your underwear, his breath fiery hot. His mouth is solid enough that you feel the jolt that goes through you as his nose pushes against your clit, even through the cotton. Toji almost smirks at how much of a cliché the white cotton underwear trimmed with pale pink lace is, but the scent of you is too heady for him to want to do anything but bury his head between your thighs.
Lower. He kisses all over your slit, hard enough that you jerk, ruing the barrier between you two. His thumb strokes circles into your inner thigh--
He seems content to kiss at you through the fabric – but really, he’s waiting for you to give in. To beg him to take them off. From just how wet his face is even with the barrier in his way, he doesn’t think it will be long – and you do not disappoint. You raise your whips, softly mewling;
“Please, I –”
“Please, what, darlin’?” He asks you. “C’mon, you can use your words – no secrets from your husband, right?”
“I—” You’re so cute, squirming and feeling like a slut for him. He loves it. He loves the tremble of your body and the fact that your eyes are glassy with need. “P-please take my underwear off, I wanna--” You swallow. “W-wanna feel without it--”
“Aww, y’should’ve just said so,” Toji says. Fingers pry beneath the gusset.
He doesn’t bother manipulating your body this time. He simply tugs hard enough to split the seams, the fabric delicate from being saturated in your slick.
(Doesn’t matter, anyway. While he’s home, you won’t be wearing underwear.)
You gasp at the display of strength, swallowing – and Toji grins at you again. Oh, you like that? He’s got more shows of strength where that came from, don’t you worry.
He props up your knees with his hands and says;
“Wrap your hands around these, keep your legs spread for me like a good girl, yeah?”
You nod, shyly averting your gaze as you do just that and the position spreads you open lewdly; your velvet-soft folds bared entirely to Toji’s hungry eyes.
You’re already absolutely dripping, but Toji can see that you’re nervous.
“Don’t worry,” he soothes you, again. He can’t help but notice how small you look; the pearl of your clit nestled between curling soft petals, your pulsing hole. He knows you’ll take him, but . . . fuck, he thinks you’ll be a stretch. Not that that’s a bad thing. “I’m gonna open you up, darlin’, alright?”
“Y-yeah,” your voice is tremulous, soft – and sends a throb right to his cock. It’s been straining against his boxer shorts since the moment he saw you, but your eyes all big and glossy with trust and the vulnerable position you’re in and the knowledge you have never been touched like this are really doing a number on it.
But fuck it, he’s not gonna hurt you more than he has to if he’s really going to keep you around. He gently spreads your plump labia lips even further apart with his fingers, so your clit stands swollen to attention. You shiver under his calloused fingers, as he leans in and a hot wash of breath fans over you.
Toji’s tongue darts out to lap a long, slow stripe from perineum to clit, and though he can’t see your face any more, he hears the way you whimper.
Another. He lets himself soak his face in your slick; lets his tongue get deep between your folds. You taste so good on his tongue; honey-sticky and sugar-sweet. The tip of the wet muscle gently flickers against your clit and your hands are suddenly wrapped in his hair, your chest heaving in sensitive gasps. You keep your legs raised, so he decides to be kind. He eases his lips off of you for a moment to mumble, amused;
“Don’t pull too hard, I’m too young to be losin’ my hair--”
Before he dives back in between your legs, once more licking and sucking at the tender flesh. Your stomach explodes in fireworks, your heart beating so fast you can hear it in your ears. Toji’s mouth and tongue against you is a wet, lascivious noise that at once makes your toes curl in pleasure and cringe in embarrassment. Is it awful and forward of you to be enjoying yourself like this? Your family have always drilled into you that a proper wife isn’t a slut, but still does what her husband wants--
Toji’s not your husband yet, but this is fine, right? To have him eating you out like you’re a desert oasis? His lips lock around your clit and he sucks and your vision whites out for a second, your hands tugging hard at the dark hair in your grip--
And he comes away with a light laugh that still manages to shiver with seduction. His face is shiny with you as he looks at you with eyes half-lidded and still hungry.
“What’d I say, huh?” He teases you. “Angel, I could have fucked you with my tongue all night--” He likes seeing how the crude words make you flinch, nervous but pleased but ashamed all warring within you. Your lips are pushed forward, the moue almost petulant. His voice drops a tone. “Don’t look at me with that cute pout. You don’t know what it does to me.”
If he didn’t still need to stretch you out using his fingers, he’d take a moment to kiss you so you could taste yourself and just how needy you’d been for him on his lips. But he’s still driving a hole through his boxers, so . . . the sooner you’re able to take him, the better.
You’ve gone back to holding your legs apart with your hands. Excellent.
Besides. He hadn’t finished what he was doing, and he thinks it’ll be easier to fuck you if you’ve already come once. Your poor, swollen clit hasn’t had all the attention it deserves. You’re being so cute, so well-behaved for him--
“Relax,” he says, softly, as he eases his fingers from spreading you open, dipping them in the mess he’s made of your slit. “This might sting a bit--”
One finger finds your hole; circles the sensitive entrance, making the muscles in your thighs tremble. But you keep your legs spread open for him like a good girl, and he’s able to gently push his index finger in, first to one knuckle, then to the second, and then to the ones at the base.
“Good girl,” he breathes, barely able to breathe at how tight you feel around him. Your insides are silky and hot and wet, clinging to him like a lifeboat in the sea. He pumps the lone finger in and out of you, rubbing the pad against the inside of your walls until he finds the spot that makes you throw your head back and give him a long, choked moan. “There we go,” he keeps talking to you, softly, like you’re a spooked animal. “’M gonna put the second one in, yeah? You’re takin’ it like a champ, sweetheart. You wanted this, huh?”
You babble something that he doesn’t care enough to listen to but overall sounds positive. This one’s a stretch, his middle finger and index finger even tighter. But he needs to get three in you, he thinks, or you’ll never take his cock. You let go of your thighs, and he sucks in a breath – but your feet clearly need purchase on the bed, your fingers twisting in bedsheets now they can’t twist in his hair, and you breathe through the stretch so he figures it’d be churlish to tell you off for it now.
He keeps hitting that spot as he fucks you slowly on his fingers, until he can feel your cunt sucking him in, pulsing around him.
“Third finger,” he tells you, his own throat dry. “Next time I fuck you with this one, you’ll feel my weddin’ ring--”
You tighten around the other two at that. Cute. Three fingers opening you wide, scissoring inside of you, aches – but you’re being so good for him, the most that’s coming out of your mouth sweet little whines. Toji rewards you by crooking them inside you against that spot, his thumb coming to gently rub circles into your swollen clit.
He’s been teasing you for too long, and you are a virgin – it’s no surprise that the stimulation proves too much for you too quickly, and you arch your back at the same time as fireworks go off inside of you, your cunt fluttering around his fingers, tightening and loosening as waves of euphoria wash over you.
You soak Toji’s fingers with the rush of your release; the gush of liquid.
He whistles, low and impressed. So you’re a squirter, huh? Toji doesn’t mind that at all. It’s not like he’ll be doing the laundry – and it’s kind of hot, to look down at you and see what a mess he’s made of your little virgin cunt--
“That’s it,” he says, guiding you over the last low crests of your orgasm. “I think y’can take me now, sweetheart. Let’s get you comfy--”
He shows off his strength a bit, because he knows it will get you going despite the sensitivity of your body from your recent orgasm. You’re man-handled by him higher on the bed, so your head is on the mountain of pillows you’ve slipped down. He can pick you up as if you weigh nothing at all, despite the creak of the bedsprings clearly saying the opposite.
Your legs are urged to wrap around his hips.
“Don’t worry,” he tells you, again. He doesn’t think he’s ever reassured a fuck as carefully and constantly as he’s reassuring you; but then again, he’s never intended to marry one of his fucks before.
You, though – you’re so adaptable. So untouched. So different from women and men who come onto him at bars and flutter eyelashes and make soft little insinuations. He can corrupt you into exactly what he wants, and the thought of you knowing nothing but his cock forever and serving him like he’s the only man in the world--
It’s enough to make a lesser man come in his pants.
“You’re tired, yeah? I’ll do most of the work. You lie there and take it like the sweetheart you are.”
He’s shucked his underwear off in the man-handling, and now he shifts so that you can see the full glory of what he’s packing. Your eyes widen.
He gets that a lot. Even for a virgin who’s probably never seen a cock before, it’s obvious that Toji’s the real deal – you swallow, nervous, and whisper;
“I—what if it doesn’t fit--?”
(There’s a tremble of fear in there, that you’ve fucked up; that he still might throw you aside if you can’t take him, and now you’ve been utterly ruined.)
“Hey,” he says, all comforting and appeasing, “I ain’t hurt you yet, have I?” You shake your head, but your bottom lip is still trembling. “I’m gonna go slow with you, I promise.” He shifts forward again, the head of his cock catching against your entrance. “Just keep your eyes on me, darlin’. I promise, it’ll feel so good . . . you wanna keep your husband happy, don’t ya? I’ve already got you all stretched and prepped. Just breathe--”
He keeps up the steady stream of talk as he urges his hips forward, your cunt swallowing the head of his cock first before he’s able to push more of his shaft in. You keep your eyes on his, green eyes locked against yours – and though he can hear the shake in your chest, you don’t make any noise louder than a huff when he gets two thirds of the way in. He pauses there for a minute, letting you adjust – he can feel every minute tremble of your body, swears he can hear your heartbeat.
“Good?” He asks, and you nod – and he slides the last third of himself inside you in the same unhurried pace, until he’s settled hot and heavy entirely inside of you.
His eyes map your stomach, pleasure rushing through him at how big he must be inside of you; there’s the lightest shadow on your pelvis, as if he’s big enough to make your stomach bulge. He takes in the sight of you with all nine inches of him buried inside of you; the sore, spread-wide stretch of your cunt around him, the creamy ring of your pleasure where you’re joined.
He can’t fuck you vigorously – he thinks he’d fucking breakyou - but you’re tight enough that he’s getting plenty of stimulation just from keeping his cock in there.
“P-please,” you manage to form, through your swollen lips and your glassy eyes and your dry throat. “W-want you to fuck me, Toji--”
Oh, fucking hell.
You’re perfect.
“I will, sweetheart, don’t you worry,” he instinctively leans down and presses a kiss on your sweat-soaked forehead, flexing his hips so they withdraw the smallest amount. “Just lie there and take it for me--”
You do.
He doesn’t fuck into you with abandon, though he wants to more than he can say; plenty of time for that in the future, as your cunt moulds to his cock and it isn’t such an effort to get it inside of you. Plenty of time for you to learn just how hard he wants to rail you, until you’re covered in his bruises and there are friction burns on your knees – plenty of time for him to show you every depraved thing you make him want to do to you and make sure that you enjoy it.
He fucks you with slow, shallow strokes, taking most of his pleasure from the way you feel around of him; your eyes, your mouth, your heaving chest. You’re hot and tight and wet and grip him perfectly – his fingers digging into your thighs where they’re wrapped around his hips.
He’s been hard for what seems like hours, so it’s no surprise, either, that he feels his orgasm come quickly up on him like a steam train – it’s not like you’re going to shame him for coming quickly, you’ve never even been fucked before. So he lets the heat all gather low in his belly until he can feel himself teetering on the edge – and then, he dips his head and pulls you into a heated kiss as he grinds his hips in a circular motion inside of you and feels himself tip over the precipice.
His cock shudders and judders inside of you, shooting rope after rope of his come deep into your body; thick and hot and full. His teeth worry at your bottom lip almost hard enough to draw blood, the groan vibrating through you as he comes and pushing you into another short, trembling orgasm as if trying to milk him dry of everything that he can give you.
(You like him coming inside? He can work with that too.)
Your thighs are tight around his hips, your arms draping loosely about his neck as he kisses you. Your tongue nervously probes at the scar; the slightly raised line bisecting his mouth, and though he usually doesn’t like it being noticed or touched (he knows it gives him an air of danger, but sometimes the events surrounding it’s acquirement sting), he finds that with you he doesn’t mind.
With you, his eyes flicker closed and he just enjoys the closeness and warmth of your body, even as he gently pulls his cock out of you (you leak slick onto the bedsheets, again. He’s gonna have to buy some more laundry tablets).
“How’s that, darlin?” He murmurs to you, not moving from his comfortable place on top of you. “Glad y’didn’t save it for marriage now, huh?”
Your cheeks radiating heat is enough answer for him, Toji’s smirk so wide and smug that it threatens to split his face in two. He flops to one side of you, pulling you in, cradling you against him like a little spoon. He can’t help but notice that the curve of your body fits perfectly against his.
The two of you will fit even better in Toji’s bed, he thinks.
“We’ll get all the paperwork and shit sorted tomorrow,” he tells you, as he feels your breathing begin to even out, the tremors from your orgasm begin to fade. He could get used to this too. Someone warming his bed. Someone to cuddle up to on cold nights. Someone soft, to ease the loneliness he hadn’t realised he was feeling.
He doesn’t want to get sappy on you, though. He lowers his face to the shell of your ear, breathing gently, murmuring in a voice that’s still dripping with desire for everything you represent to him;
“The other stuff that goes with a marriage too. I wasn’t kiddin’ about wantin’ to finger you with my wedding ring on, darlin’.”
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theweasleysredhair · 4 years
In Safe Hands [G.W.]
Character: George Weasley
Word Count: 4339
Requested?: Yes/No
Summary: George is just very attractive and his hands are even more attractive.
WARNING: this is NSFW, 18+, smutty, sexy times, idk how else to say it. including oral (female receiving). also a lot of mentions of hands, arms and veins bc i canny control myself apparently.
Tags: @gracemayhateyou @acciotwinz @rexorangecouny @mischi3f-manag3d @obsessedwithrandomthings @whizbangs-78 @heart-of-tempered-steel @harrysweasleys @ickle-ronniekins @wand3ringr0s3 @theweirdsideofstuff | message or send an ask to be added to my smut taglist - you must be 18+!
Disclaimer: Gif isn't mine, credit to whoever made it
A/n: i put two requests for my event together as i decided to write a full fic based on george’s hands purely because prompt 9, which both requesters selected, refers to hands - enjoy!!
Prompts used:
3. “I may or may not have left some... marks.”
9. “God I love your hands.” “Let’s put them to good use then.”
23. “Didn’t know you wanted to get into my pants that badly.”
49. “Behave.”
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You’d always liked George - why wouldn’t you? He was funny, charming, handsome. You’d be stupid not to. It had started back in Hogwarts - you were friends with the twins; close friends. And that’s all you thought of them as, until one fateful day in your 7th year where you made the regrettable decision to meet the twins after one of their last games of Quidditch before Umbridge had banned them, and George had emerged from the Gryffindor tent freshly showered, shirt hanging over his shoulder, trousers low on his hips.
And that’s when you’d realised you liked George as much more than just friends.
You hadn’t known how to deal with him at first, how to act around him, once you’d realised how you felt. Because every time he laughed, every time he ran a hand through his hair, you felt yourself positively swooning, as cliché as it sounded.
It took a lot not to accidentally blurt out your feelings to him, not that you were helped by Fred, who noticed the slight differences in your behaviour - holding onto hugs from George a tad longer, the way you looked at him when he didn’t realise, how flustered you got when he’d rest a hand on your knee - and made it his mission to make your feelings as obvious as possible in front of his brother.
George must’ve been the most oblivious person however, as he never noticed the hints or the longing smiles. Or maybe that was because he was busy trying to stop Fred from making his own crush on you so obvious, trying to hide his own longing smiles, and the way his eyes lit up when he made you laugh.
The twins had left Hogwarts soon after you’d realised your feelings, in a fit of fireworks, and then suddenly you were dealing with Umbridge alone, with her detentions alone. Not that you blamed them for leaving at all - you knew they were out living their dream and all you could wish to do was support them. It didn’t make being at Hogwarts any easier though, dealing with all the Educational Decrees. However, you thought the space and distance would help you to get over George, and it did.
Until you saw him again in his shop. The twins had sent you a letter in the middle of your NEWTs asking you to come and work for them, an offer that you gladly accepted, however arriving at their store on your first day - after the initial overwhelming feeling of pride at seeing how well their store was doing, how successful they were - you knew you weren’t at all over him.
He stood there, a smirk etched on his face, suit fitted to him as he crossed his arms over his chest, standing on the stairs in the shop as he looked down at you, and your felt your heart racing, cursing yourself over still being so hung up on the man.
His eyes slowly took in your appearance - you’d worn a cute sundress, due to the warm weather, your hair falling loosely around your shoulders and George felt his own heartbeat quicken.
He’d fancied you since his 6th year, most likely before that, the realisation hitting him when he had seen you dancing with some prat from Ravenclaw at the Yule Ball, when you should have gone with him. After that, after seeing how utterly stunning you’d looked that day, with your ballgown and hair done, he knew he’d never be able to look at you the same.
And even now, after not seeing you for months, you didn’t fail to leave him speechless, so effortlessly beautiful in his eyes that he couldn’t help but look at you as though you’d hung all the stars in the sky.
“Long time no see, eh love?” He spoke, moving down the last couple of steps and towards you, “Still gorgeous as ever.”
You grinned at him, “Always the charmer, eh Weasley?”
He chuckled, opening his arms to wrap them around you to bring you into a warm hug, one you gladly accepted as you wrapped your own arms around his waist, taking a deep breath as the familiar scent of his cologne enveloped you, making you grin. He rested his chin on your head and closed his eyes, smiling as he felt you nuzzle into his chest.
Merlin, he thought being away from you had lessened his feelings for you but in that moment, with you in his arms, he was struck with the same realisation he’d had in his 6th year - that he was in love with you.
And, unbeknownst to him, as your grip around him tightened a little, the hug lasting a tad too long to be friendly, however neither of you mentioning anything about it, you’d come to the same realisation.
Which brought you to now.
Being around George again was amazing, you had to admit. And whilst you hated the way you kept fumbling with products, or how clumsy you’d get around him - something Fred still loved to tease you about - you also adored how he made you feel, how happy, how content - he made your life that much better, a light in an ever increasing darkening world.
You’d been working with the twins for a few months, and it was amazing, truly a better job than you could have predicted. What made the job difficult, however, was trying to keep cool when George walked around looking like he did, interacting with the guests, making the children laugh at his jokes.
Godric, could he get any more attractive?
He’d seemed to up the ante this week, almost on purpose you swore, constantly walking around in just his shirt and tie due to the summer heat, the lack of a jacket meaning you were faced with doing your job and working with customers whilst also trying not to stare at the way his shirt fit snugly around him, or how his forearms were showcased due to him rolling his sleeve to his elbows, veins appearing any time he tended his arms, whether that be due to moving things around the shop, demonstrating how certain products worked, or lifting and moving heavy equipment.
The latter of which currently occurring, as Fred had left George alone to deal with a delivery after the shop had shut.
You were stood at the Pygmy Puff display, moving cages around and making sure they were well looked after when you heard some grunts coming from the store room, as if someone had picked up something with a lot of weight. You then heard footsteps behind you, making you pause with the last - feisty - Pygmy Puff in your hand, the rest having been put into their cages.
You turned around, breath hitching in your throat as you took in the sight before you. Namely, George Weasley holding what appeared to be quite a heavy box, if his staggered breathing was anything to go by. He’d shed his jacket somewhere in the back, along with his waistcoat, leaving him in just his shirt, which was tightly fitted and, you noticed as he placed the box down on top of another cardboard box, stuck to him a little with sweat from the heavy lifting. His sleeves were rolled to his elbows, showcasing his forearms, and you found yourself gulping as your eyes wandered down the prominent veins, to his large hands, one of which was pulled through his messy ginger hair, pushing the strands out of his face.
And he had no idea.
He had no idea at all that suddenly you couldn’t focus, that suddenly all the breath had left your lungs, that suddenly all you could think about was how his hands would feel on you, holding your waist, gripping your hips, squeezing your thighs. How his fingers would feel inside of you.
George looked over at you and shot you a grin, one that made your heart race even more than it already was, “Bloody big delivery today, eh? ‘S what happens when I let Fred order the ingredients.”
You gave him an almost starstruck smile, which he accepted gladly, before reaching up and undoing the top two buttons of his shirt, pulling at his tie to loosen it, your jaw dropping almost comically as you secretly watched him.
He noticed halfway through his action that you’d gotten extremely silent, your mouth open ever so slightly and George wondered if it was because of him. Merlin he hoped so, because if you wanted him as much as he wanted you, well, he’d be happy to take you right there and then against the till counter.
He turned away to disappear back into the stockroom, biting his lip as indecent thoughts filled his mind, heading to grab the next couple of boxes.
Back on the shop floor, you took a deep breath, rubbing your eyes and cursing yourself. You should not be stood ogling your best friend, much less your best friend who was also your boss, no matter how attractive he happened to be. You should be going through the boxes to separate ingredients out, helping with the displays and doing your job.
But no, instead you were stood, still holding the Pygmy Puff that was now trying to escape your hands, imagining all the things you wanted that man to do to you. And what you wanted to do to him.
You popped the Pygmy Puff into the cage, and wandered over to the box that George had just brought in, trying to push the thoughts of how you could see the outline of his abs through his shirt away as you began pulling out different ingredients.
He came back around the corner, holding two boxes this time, the top one covering most of his face due to the size, allowing you to stare longingly at the way his fingers were wrapped around the edges of the boxes, gripping tightly. You bit your lip as he turned from you to place the boxes down, watching as the shirt moved closely against his back, accentuating his shoulder blades as he bent down and Merlin did you wish you could see his muscles without the shirt.
“Need any help?” You managed to stutter out, trying to act as if you hadn’t been staring at him. Still bending over as he sorted out the boxes, he paused his actions and looked up at you, shooting you a cheeky grin. “Don’t you worry at all, love, I’ve got it, I am extremely strong after all,” he winked, and Godric, didn’t you know it, “You just stand there looking your best, that’s all the motivation I need.”
And suddenly you’d forgotten how to speak, how to breathe. You just nodded, though he didn’t see as his attention was back on the box in front of him. You watched him sift through the products, fingers moving nimbly, occasionally bringing out the odd jar or packet, sometimes throwing it in the air and catching it before placing it to one side.
He brought out a smaller box of vials, which he held from the top, placing it in front of you and gripping it tighter to emphasise his hands when he saw your gaze lingering.
He smiled to himself, pushing his sleeves up - making you swallow harshly - as he pretended not to know you were watching him, all the while flexing just for your benefit.
You couldn’t help the way your eyes kept drifting over to him, couldn’t help that watching him be so efficient with flipping glass jars in the air and holding different ingredients made you that much more attracted to him. You couldn’t help your thoughts racing, thinking about asking him to use his hands on you and-
“Godric, I love your hands.”
Your eyes widened in shock as his head turned to you, your own hand covering your mouth as you realised what you’d just said, and you began stammering out, “I-I... I didn’t mean- I- George-“
George gave a pretend look of shock, as if he hadn’t purposely been working you up for the last however-long. “You like my hands?” He asked with a smirk, glancing down at them before his gaze fell back on you, taking in the sight of you being so flustered. You got lost in the way his eyes held yours, and you could do nothing but nod slowly, making George bite his lip and step forward.
His heart was racing at your confession, not quite believing it was happening but very much wanting to do something with that information, “If you like them so much, let’s put them to good use.”
George looked you up and down, his tongue darting out to wetten his bottom lip, “You like my hands, and I wanna use them on you, darling. You going to let me?”
You took in the way he was looking at you - like all his dreams had come true, like you were the only thing he cared about, like he loved you. “Absolutely,” you breathed out.
And suddenly his hands were on your waist, bringing you closer to him as he brushed his lips against yours, savouring the first few moments of you being so close to him, before kissing you properly. His lips were soft, moving against yours in a way that, had you not have known any different, you may have thought he’d been kissing you for years. It felt familiar, yet with an added layer of something new. A kiss that made your skin feel like it was on fire, that, as he angled his head to deepen it, made your stomach flutter, and mind race.
It was so perfect, even with the occasional bump of your noses - so perfectly George - that you didn’t want it to end. He pulled away a little, pressing more kisses to your lips before he began moving down to your neck, pressing open mouthed, hot kisses to your skin, making you let out small, breathy moans, feeling him smile against you.
You ran your hands down his chest, playing gently with the buttons and pulling his tie completely off, and heading towards his belt as he licked the skin just below your ear.
Beginning to unbuckle his belt, you also “accidentally” brushed against the evident tent in his pants, and he pulled away from you to grin, “Didn’t know you wanted to get into my pants that badly, love.”
You rolled your eyes playfully and bit your lip at him, making his heart beat a little faster, “Your fault for bringing that delivery in so attractively.”
You’d managed to unbuckle his belt and pulled him back in for a kiss, him mumbling against your lips, “Might get Fred to order stock more often then if this is what happens.”
He led you over to the stairs, stumbling a little up the bottom two steps before trapping you against the banister for a moment, holding you close to him as he continued to kiss you, his tongue easily gliding into your mouth.
Between kisses, and George pulling your shirt off, you made it to the apartment above the shop, heading down the hallway and bumping into the cabinet that was stood between the bathroom and Fred’s room, before arriving at his bedroom door, which he nudged open with his feet, bringing you inside.
He held you by the waist, fingertips tightening a little as he pulled away from the kiss for air, and to lift you up so he could throw you onto the bed, the impact making your breasts bounce and George breathed out a, “Fuck, c’mere.”
He crawled on top of you, your back arching into the mattress as your arms looped around his neck, playing with the tufts of ginger hair at the base of his neck as you brought him back in for another kiss. Your hands moved down to begin unbuttoning his shirt, something you’d been imagining all day, before throwing it to the other side of the room, George doing the same with your bra.
A few moments later, you’d both shed the rest of your clothes, leaving you bare against him, breasts pressed against his chest, his arms either side of your head, supporting his weight above you. You could feel his breath hitting your hitting your lips, his face centimetres from yours.
In stark contrast to the compromising position you were in, George looked down at you with love, a look that warmed your heart as you gave him a small, almost shy, smile.
“You know I- uh- I love you, right? I’m in love with you, darling.” He looked almost vulnerable as he said that, his eyes flickering across your face as his lips parted a little.
You lifted your head up so your forehead rested against his, hands clutching his shoulders, “I’m in love with you too, Georgie.”
“Me or my hands?” He joked, making you shake your head and laugh. You pretended to think for a moment before replying, “Maybe both.”
“Let’s see if I can make you come from just my hands then, shall we?” He grinned, making your heart race as his fingers danced down your stomach before pressing against your clit.
“So wet for me,” He commented, circling it slowly, smirking at the way you let out little breathy moans, before he entered a finger into you, taking advantage of the way your back arched in order to take one of your nipples into his mouth. He sucked on it, gently nibbling as he pushed his finger in and out of you, before adding a second finger, stretching you out a little.
“George,” you breathed out as he moved to your other breast.
He continued moving his fingers against you, in you, and you felt the familiar feeling of pleasure building in your stomach.
After being so wound up from watching him, you knew it wouldn’t take much more to reach your high, and as he continued to kiss your breasts, you breathed out slowly, almost embarrassed at how quickly he’d managed to turn you into a pile of mush at his touch.
“I’m close,” you whimpered, as George moved from your breasts to your collarbone, his thumb adding a little more pressure to your clit as his fingers moved.
Picking up his pace ever-so-slightly, he brought you closer to your high. He felt you clench around his fingers and pressed a kiss to your jawline. “Come for me princess,” he whispered against your ear in a low tone, making you shiver.
George watched the way you closed your eyes, mouth open and head tilted back as your high washed over you, pleasure running through you, and felt himself harden at the sight.
His fingers continued moving against you, although at a slower pace, and your hips jolted towards him at the overstimulation, “‘S a good girl.” He leant forward, pressing his body against yours as he kissed you gently.
“Think you can come for me again, love?”
You were breathing heavily from your first orgasm, though with the way his fingers were moving against you, you knew you’d be reaching your second before you could properly catch your breath. You nodded at him before he began trailing back down your stomach and settled himself between your legs.
You shivered as he lightly pressed kisses on the soft skin of your inner thigh, his hands squeezing your hips, before he licked into you, making you gasp out and clutch the bedsheets tightly. Letting out a moan as he pushed a finger back into you, you closed your eyes, head falling back against the headboard as you breathed out heavily from the way his tongue was moving against you.
You bucked your hips against him involuntarily, causing his free hand to push your hips back down and he looked up from between your legs, his eyes catching yours as he smirked against you, “Behave, darling.” You moaned as the vibrations of just those two words travelled through you, the hand not enclosed around his heading towards his messy hair and running through it, pulling at strands as you felt his tongue flatten against you.
Feeling your second orgasm creeping up on you, you wrapped your legs around his head and let out a moan as you felt George groan against you. Your second high felt more intense than the first, and the feel of George’s tongue pushing inside you made you moan out loudly, the feeling taking over you before you relaxed against him, legs falling onto his shoulders.
“You look so pretty when you come,” he grinned, moving back to hover over you. He pressed himself against you, rocking his hips against yours, arm muscles tensing as he held himself up over you.
You whined a little at the feel of him moving against your sensitive clit, making him smile.
“You ready for me, princess?”
You wrapped one hand around the back of his neck, the other reaching for his hand to intertwine your fingers together, “Always, Georgie.”
At your go-ahead, he pressed a kiss to your lips and eased himself into you, making you both moan out. “You feel so good wrapped around me, love,” he praised as he pulled out of you before pushing back in again, “Taking me so well.”
He moved against you, skin brushing against skin, his spare hand moving to touch any place he could, running his fingers down the curves of your body, before biting his lip as he pulled his hand from yours to grab your wrist, taking your other one from around his neck and holding them above your head, making you whimper as his arms flexed.
“Do you like what my hands can do to you, love? How I made you come from nothing but my fingers?” He groaned against you, feeling himself edging towards his own high.
“Yes... yes!” You breathed out, your eyes closing as you felt your high arriving fast, “George you feel so good.”
George groaned again, feeling you clenching around his cock in the same way you did around his fingers. He leant forward to kiss you, still holding your arms above your head and suddenly pleasure coursed through your body, and you sighed against his lips, him twitching and coming inside of you soon after with a deep growl.
He fell against your shoulder, pulling himself out of you before laying beside you, letting go of your wrists as you instinctively curled towards him.
George’s eyes wandered over to you, a smile small playing at his lips, taking in the way your hair was falling across his pillow, your eyes shut as you breathed heavily, eyelashes fanning across your cheeks, your hand resting on one of his biceps.
His gaze travelled across your neck and down to your collarbones, then across your breasts, a smug smile gracing his face. You opened your own eyes, catching his shit-eating grin and raised an eyebrow at him wearily, “What’s that look for?”
“I may or may not have left some... marks,” he replied cheekily, biting his lip, pupils blown wide as he took in the sight of you marked by him, pressed up next to him.
Your jaw dropped a little and you shook your head with a laugh, “Oh bloody hell, Georgie!” You stood up quickly and headed to the mirror across the room to check, fighting the urge to both laugh and smack him when you saw the red and purple marks littering your skin.
George sat back on the bed, eyes raking over your body, enjoying the sight of your bare bum and back, and found himself biting his lip and imagining all the things he wanted to do to you that night. His eyes lingered on the curve of your bum and he fought the urge to grab you again and pull you down onto him.
“I like them on you, they look hot,” George said with a grin, and you playfully glared at him in the mirror.
“You would think that.” Turning back around to him, you just missed the way his gaze flickered to the marks on your breasts and up to your neck, George feeling extremely proud of himself and his work.
“Yeah, it just shows people you’re mine I guess,” he shrugged unapologetically and gave you a smug grin, looking you up and down as you walked back over to him.
“Oh I’m yours, am I?” You raised an eyebrow, crossing your arms over your chest and unintentionally accentuating your breasts to him, making him let out a groan as he reached for you.
“Of course you are.”
He pulled you back down onto him like he’d imagined before, your bare chest against his own, his large hands holding your waist as your nails gently scraped down his arms.
“Fancy a round two?” He asked, one of his hands already beginning to head back towards your clit.
Your eyes closed as you sighed contently as you felt his fingers press against you, enjoying the feel of him, “I could be convinced.”
As you were straddling him, you felt him harden more than he was against you, and you opened your eyes to meet his own, darkened with lust, his fingers still moving against you as his other hand gripped your hip.
“Oh princess, how about I make you come for a fourth time tonight? And then again. And then again. And again after that. Would that convince you?”
You bit your lip, pushing yourself against his hand and grinned at him, “I reckon it would. Or maybe I’ll just ride you instead.”
He picked up the pace of his fingers against you, and you let out a moan from above him as one of your own hands covered his on your hip, making him smile cheekily at you,
“Ride me then, darling, and then I’ll make sure you can’t walk in the morning.”
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animeomegas · 3 years
I'm not that good with Pup stories but here are some things I could think of quickly!
When Mammon's pups get older he will be SUPER protective about who and when they date
Asmo looooves dressing his pups up!! Especially when they're still young and super cute! He will get a little sad if they no longer indulge him when they're older but he'll still have these super sweet bonding moments with them like spa days and shopping sprees
Belphegor's pups will be very often a cause of him not sleeping (which is, you know, a big thing for him) like when they're at a sleepover or attending their first party or they're staying out late Belphegor will under no circumstance rest until they're back even if his alpha says they'll stay up for the pups and it really shows just how deeply the avatar cares for his little ones 🥺
Beels pups would be literally little copies of him. They'll look like him, act like him and... Eat like him. I just feel like he has super dominant genes yk? It's super adorable tho ❤️
Lucifer stressed super badly about having the talk™ with his pups. He makes up a whole script for him and his alpha actually lol he finds it extremely important for his pups to be educated about their secondary gender and reproduction and safety and all that. He will be more embarrassed about it than his pups tho lol I imagine Luci complaining to his alpha about how weird he acted in front of his pups while talking about the whole thing xd
These are great and so accurate!!!
Mammon is very, very protective, you're right. He assumes that every new partner of his pups is scamming then or lying to them or trying to take advantage of them. He absolutely tails them on dates, very badly I must say, and his pups find it so embarrassing! They hide when they're going on dates, instead they ask Uncle Asmo for adive on dating hehe.
Asmo has a huge wardrobe for his own clothes of course, but Lucifer has to section off another room just for all of Asmo's pup's clothes and toys. Asmo adores dressing his pup up, and he takes so many photos!! (but he doesn't post them on devilgram, of course, until they're old enough to consent.) Asmo spends so much money, it almost gives Lucifer a heart attack on several occasions.
Oof, I absolutely love this Belphie headcanon! Him pushing back his sin to make sure his pups are safe is just 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻 He struggles, but he never falters. His pups are the most important things in his life, more important than sleep.
Yes, Beel's pups are absolutely carbon copies of him!! So much baby food, so much! Entire shopping trolleys filled with baby food will only last his toddlers a week hehe. Lucifer is very grumpy when Beel weans his pups onto solid food, because now Lucifer has to pay for the food lmao.
Lucifer would absolutely get overstressed about giving his pups the talk, but he's too much of a control freak to let his alpha do it without him. His pride stops him feeling comfortable giving the talk, until Asmo offers to do it and Lucifer is spooked into doing it as soon as possible to stop Asmo from getting to them first lol. Lucifer's pups are horrified from start to finish, can we get an f in the chat 😔
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oyasuminto · 3 years
red here with the idea i mentioned :)!! HONESTLY i might have sent an ask about this in before i genuinely can't remember. if i did i am so sorry but i love this scenario so much i will never stop thinking about it alkjfdldkjf
kylar wants to make you forget about anyone else that's ever looked at you. she wants to leave a lasting mark, to be your first and hold that eternal spot in your mind. to make you feel so good that you won't even be able to entertain the thought of fucking someone else. she's finished on her fingers to the idea of you coming undone underneath her, moaning out her name, more times than she can count.
but then you invite her to the orphanage, but then you let her *actually* push you down on to the bed. and her lack of knowledge all catches up to her in a single moment. it doesn't matter how many educational videos she's watched or the amount of articles she's read- she doesn't know what she's doing! why did she ever think she would, all of a sudden?! you're so perfect and wonderful and lovely and you're staring up at her and oh god she can't move at all. her throat closes and her hands tremble. she's going to be stuck in your mind for all the wrong reasons, the worst you've ever had, she's going to disappoint you and you'll want someone else and and and and-
you remind her of why she loves you when, instead of laughing or getting mad, you carefully reach out to place a hand on her thigh. you ask if she's alright, tell her that you can still stop if she's too nervous. you won't be upset, there's nothing wrong with that!
kylar shakes her head immediately. she doesn't want you to stop, wants to melt against you and have you touch her. she just doesn't know, isn't sure- she's never... and you give her a smile that makes her heart skip a beat. then you tell her that it's the same for you, but you can figure it out together, right?
instead of kylar filling your thoughts, she finds herself completely at your mercy. it's all soft and warm and nice. she's never felt this safe and loved, can't keep the smile off of her face. her head is all filled up with cotton and she wouldn't have it any other way. no longer is she on top of you, now you're cuddled up against each other. you keep pressing kisses to her face while your hand is in between her legs, asking her if you're doing okay and if you can do any better. even if she could speak, even if she had something to comment on, it's not like she'd ever dare say it. you're touching her!! you're saying that she's pretty and cute, that all the noises she makes are adorable, that you love her!!!(and she's ashamed to admit she teared up more than once.) kylar pushes her face into the pillow just to get you to coo at her how badly you want to see her again. the coil in her stomach grows tighter and tighter until she cums all over your fingers with a cry of your name.
in all honesty, she's so relaxed she could pass out immediately after. that simply wouldn't do, though. she couldn't live with herself if she left you unsatisfied, whether her attempt was clumsy or not. kylar kisses you and it's sloppy, drool spilling past yours lips, yet she can't find it in herself to be embarrassed anymore. her fingers still tremble as she messes with your pants. cheeks burning at the thought of her face squished between your thighs, kylar decides that maybe this is better after all. to have you slowly chip away at each other's innocence, until you're both burned into the other.
God fuck I am gay
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erigold13261 · 2 years
what are your thoughts on the aquatos?
[Spoilers for Psychonauts 1 and 2]
Oh I love the Aquatos! They are a lot of fun all of them! They also all have some amazing designs that I just adore!
Obviously there is Raz, who I feel gets way more shit than he should. He is a sweet boy who wants to help others and the other interns are so mean to him at the start! But either way, I do really like Raz and how he grows a lot during the second game, more so than the first. The way he interacts with the other characters, especially the Psychic 6 (7) is really nice.
Okay, I fucking LOVE Augustus! He's probably my favorite Aquato! Because I played the second game first, all I knew was the super supportive dad, so when I played the first game I was upset (not actually) to hear that the way he treated Raz made Raz think his dad was trying to kill him. But I am so happy that by the end of the game Augustus came around and fully supported Raz. I especially love his interactions with Norma in the second game (though I don't know if Norma was just encouraging him to piss Raz off, but either way it was nice to see him get complimented and pushed to do more psychic stuff which his wife was probably not happy with before coming to the campgrounds).
Speaking of Donatella, I also love her a lot! I like how she fights with Hollis and stands her ground but also cares about her kids. She loves her kids and shows that, she just doesn't want them participating in what she sees as "dangerous" activities, which would be psychic activities. I do like that she does end up coming around and realizing how much she must have hurt Raz and that she still loves him even though he is a psychic. It makes me wonder if Augustus ever told her about what he saw in Raz's brain. I doubt he did, but one day he and Raz should have a conversation about it and just how badly he was affected by their hatred of psychics for so many years.
Dion is a dick. I like him still, but he is probably my least favorite Aquato because of his maltreatment to Raz. I wish they didn't cut his voiceline where he apologizes to Raz for the way he treated him. I know older siblings can be cruel, and he was just parroting the views that were pushed onto him from such a young age. He is "justified" in his anger and hatred of psychics because of what he was taught (not in his treatment of others), and for the fact that he is not a psychic either, but like, once he started getting educated by Gisu, and becoming more open-minded, I do think having that apology line would have made me less upset with him. I feel like that is my only real gripe with him. He doesn't have to be super best friends with Raz, but the fact he told Raz, directly to his face, that the family would be better off without him, and he NEVER apologized for that, feels like a seed that will end up building in Raz and coming out later similar to what Augustus' treatment did in the first game.
Frazie's outfit is so flipping cute!!! I also like how her character was portrayed. See, she made Raz feel bad for his actions, made him think about what he did, and was a little cruel to him, but she never pushed it. Dion made it seem like he could care less if Raz up and died, Frazie on the other hand just guilted Raz heavily but still showed plenty of love for him, just not his actions. I forget if she ever came out fully to being a psychic to her family, but I do like the idea of her potentially joining the Psychonauts or at least getting some training some day.
Mirtala is adorable! I love her hair so much and the fact that is is functional in acrobatics lol. I don't remember much of her though, I think that's because she didn't really have any side story in the game. I kinda wish she did. Even Queepie had a little side quest to him. I do like that she still looks up to Raz even after he ran away and is psychic. Makes me think her and Queepie might not have grasped the full "hatred of psychic" yet. Makes me happy her and Queepie won't have to unlearn a lot of unnecessary hate.
Then for Queepie! I loved his little side quest with finding him dancing, so cute! Though, I will say I'm a bit dumb and did not realize he was using telekinesis on the radio until reading it in his wiki lol. I had no idea he was psychic, I thought he was just ACTUALLY super strong, but nope! It's most likely his psychic ability. I do like how the game does have him be physically strong (even if it is just a mirage and it's actually psychic abilities and not physical strength) because it plays into his desire to not be the baby and be more independent. It's a cool little theme!
And then there is Nona/Lucrecia/Maligula! Her design! My goodness her designs are amazing! The young! The old! and the evil! All are great! Nona's hair is so cute and I really love her voice and how she acts, it's really nice! Her younger self is flipping gorgeous! Absolutely so pretty to me! And so is Maligula! I am in LOVE with Maligula's voice to no end! I was not expecting the ending with her sister, or Ford's explanation, it was really weird to me. Not in a bad "weird" way, but in the "I a not use to games getting this dark" which honestly I should have been expecting considering all of Bob Zanotto's stage (and later I was fucking surprised by Milla's nightmares and vault about her children). Bu back to Nona! I love her! I still love Augustus a bit more, but damn do I love Nona a lot! I'm happy her and Ford can finally be together (though it is a bit concerning that she basically got away with all her crimes, but eh).
That should be all the main Aquatos. There's probably some background ones (like Nona's sister) but I don't think there's enough information on them for me to give my opinions on them.
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britishassistant · 3 years
@emyluwinter submitted:
It's me again and I'd like to write a few more points if you don't mind I want to hear more about the beautiful Uncle Divus.
His red car is parked at one of the empty intersections on a dark, late night. Crowley gave them experiment # Y26. The baby was fast asleep in the cradle in the back seat. Divus glanced nervously in the rearview mirror. Nervously tapping his fingers on the steering wheel, Divus tried to control his intense irritation and anger. His car was at the traffic light for 40 minutes, the green light has already lit up more than 8 times. - leave the baby under the bridge to go through all the hardships... What were you thinking, Crowley?! - Cruel swore. Divus hears a soft hoot from the baby. His expression softens. - I'm sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you. - Divus turns and adjusts his blanket. A small, completely helpless and such a cute child. What did he deserve at the birth of such a stupid biological father? - you are not to blame for anything, baby...I promise you, you won't end up under the bridge all alone. - Cruel gently touches the baby's plump, rosy cheek with his fingertips. - not today, not ever. But what can I offer you? - Сruel frantically considered all the options he could do in such a situation. Putting them in a shelter was too risky. He will not give his creation to any outsiders. What if they treat them badly? Divus leaned back wearily in the driver's seat, running a hand over his face. - there aren't many options, are there, little one? It's more complicated than all the chemical formulas I know. - Сruel chuckled, and then it hit him. His sister. His sister and her husband really wanted a child, but they could not do it. A soft and sly smile blossomed on his face. - I think I have a solution! - Cruel said smugly, settling himself more comfortably in his chair, and immediately jumped in surprise as the baby began to sob and cry softly. - sorry, sorry, kid. Well, well.don't cry. I give you my promise, you will be in the most beautiful family, I am sure they will love you with all their heart. How can you not love such charm? And I'll be your cool, adorable, and unique Uncle Divus. I will pamper you with gifts for all holidays and birthdays. Cruel froze for a moment, realizing his own words. - Uncle Divus..hah..who knew that under such circumstances I would become an uncle. Divus chuckled and finally turned the car in the direction of the desired turn *** TWST Anita looks in amazement at her brother in the middle of night and the baby in the baby's cradle. - Divus are you serious?! She still couldn't believe it. - More serious than ever. You'll make an amazing mother, I'm sure of it. - oh...Divus.. Can I see them? - His sister curiously picked up the baby blanket and looked at the road-weary Yuu, who was dozing peacefully with his arms and legs spread out as comfortably as he could. - Of course. So...If you need time to think, I'll understand. - I agree, Divus. But I must discuss it with my husband. Will you stay the night?" And we'll give you an answer this afternoon. A heavy stone was suddenly lifted from Kruel's shoulders, and a glimmer of hope was all he needed. - I'll be happy to stay with you.
Over the weekend, Divus visited his Yuu. Such a good and intelligent child, full of curiosity and mischief. Let Crowley suffocate at the very thought that he missed such a rare opportunity to educate and see a child grow up. Although what the thought was, Crowley hadn't even mentioned the baby in so long. - Uncle Divvy? - Little Yuu looks with interest at the man in the housecoat and the glass of wine in his hand. - What's wrong, puppy?- Divus gently pats the child's head. Yuu quite calmly climbs on the sofa, although not at the first attempt due to inexperience how to manage his body, but Kruel melted at the sight of the child carefully climbs on the sofa, and then sit on his knees. Especially since this little brash child allowed himself to behave like this with the great genius Kruel, whom Crowley himself was sometimes afraid of because of his experiments. And this fragile child would climb on his lap without asking. After fiddling with his pocket, Yuu handed Cruel a small bundle wrapped in a child's handkerchief. - I brought you some cheese and a couple of grapes. Dad said you'd like the taste. Cruel had to take all his fortitude not to burst out laughing at this cute action. "Thank you, little puppy, but I think this small dinner will be just a small snack for me.
Yuu's nose furrowed slightly - Mom said you can't eat like a hamster before dinner. - And she's absolutely right. By the way I heard that you are already learning to play the piano? Yuu lowers her head in embarrassment. - Uh-huh...Only I'm still small and I can't reach the pedals at the bottom. Putting the glass of wine on the table, Divus lay down on the sofa and put the baby on his chest. - all in good time, pup. TEST Anita comes into the room. - Divus you accidentally not saw. M? - she sees that Cruel dozed off on couch and curled up have uncle on breast peacefully sniffed in its fist Yuu. A small sleeping idyll in all its beauty, peacefully dozing on the sofa. What Cruel wanted Yuu to have.
Years later, Divus always watches every report, every interview or article from Yuu and his cameraman Yuuken. He is a good guy and takes care of Yuu like a great friend, which was to the delight of Divus. - Today we will conduct an interview with you at the national museum to personally see the main exhibition of this year! - Yuu spoke happily and full of admiration on the screen. - Beautiful work. Amazing exhibits and the most interesting stories are waiting for you today! - Yuu is suddenly interrupted by the Poison Queen, who bursts into the exhibition along with her minions and lieutenants. - Behold the greatest beauty!! Yuu sighs heavily and gets annoyed. - Why, all of you!!I have a live broadcast here!!Pick up your Poison Queen plume and let me run the story in peace!!I waited for this exhibition for six months and begged the boss for two more months to hold the broadcast here!!!Come on!!Shoo-shoo-shoo!!Not today!! Yuuken from the side of it is not visible on the screen. - In fact, the Poison Queen, let's at least today without incident!! The Poison Queen was in amazement that they were talking to him like this - you two don't know manners and decency?!? Yuu and Yuuken - Get out of here and let the others do their work!! Cruel was choking with laughter on the other side of the screen. - still the same cheeky pup. I can do a lot of these little scenarios, to be honest. And thank you for reading it!
Soft uncle Divvy!! Being so proud of his little sassy experiment!! I love this so much!!
Thank you so much for writing more!! I am HONORED that this AU inspires you enough to write about it!!
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swtki · 4 years
Techers Pet - Spencer Reid x Reader
A/N: I have been listening to Teachers Pet by Melanie Martinez literally for 3 days straight. Also I have been watching Criminal Minds so much I’ve gotten through six seasons in four weeks lol. So with both of those factors (and my horny monkey brain) I got the idea for this!
WARNINGS -  Professor! (slightly sub) Spencer Reid, College student! Fem! Reader, mentions of sex, teasing, bad words :(, slightly dom reader, mostly soft core erotica. 
Caught the teacher giving his eyes to a student Thought, "He pretty cute" and she bit her lip back to him Chewing on her nails and her pens while she's dreaming of him And he's fucking in sin (you know he is) 
I looked up from my paper, my hands forming into fists on top of my skirt. What the actual fuck does this even mean? and what the fuck is Dr. Reid playing at? Usually when all fifty of us students pile into the lecture hall, Dr. Reid would start with using his big fucking mouth to start telling us about whatever subject he had chosen for that class. He never had us do papers, honestly it made up for the amount of time he spent telling us weird statistics that really have nothing to do with the curriculum.
 He just stood at the chalk board, grazing around the room with his beautiful deep brown eyes. I wondered what it would be like to stare into them as I absolutely ruined him. I wanted him to shut up as I tell him what is what for once. We locked eyes, I knew it probably meant nothing to him. But, I bit my lip anyways, simply because I wanted to test him. I wanted to see how he would react to his twenty-year-old criminal psychology student looking at him with desire. I could see him swallow and then quickly turn away, avoiding my gaze. He was so adorable. His messy brown locks always in his face, his glasses always perched on his perfect nose. I wanted to see those hands on me. I could easily list out a hundred and one things I wanted this man, this man who was thirteen years my elder, to do to me. 
When I heard him clear his throat, I knew the real lesson was about to begin. I’m sure my classmates were all listening to the actual lesson about how handwriting analysis can depend on many factors, that's why we all got different pages with different instructions. I’m sure that would have been more than fascinating, if I wasn’t so focused on wanting him to get on his knees and devour me. I fucking hate having an imagination.
Finally I snapped out of my thoughts for good when he looked at his watch, declaring class was over. I lingered, taking my time to pack away my stuff. I saw the last student exit, then I started moseying my way down the hall.
“Ms. (Y/L/N), what can I help you with?” He asked, leaning back on his chair. God fucking damnit why was he so perfect in everything he did?
“Well, Dr. Reid, I have a predicament that I wanted your input on.” I said, stepping to the side of his desk and propping my hands on top. I could tell he was fighting the urge to look down my shirt. His face was a nice, cute crimson color. He hesitated before speaking,
“I’ll do my best, please, shoot it at me.” He looked into my eyes as I smirked, bending down to put my lips to his ear.
 “Dr. Reid, I’m having difficulty with deciding the chances of me giving you the best head you’ll ever receive. I was wondering if you could give me a number, an estimate maybe?” I purred into his ear. I could hear his breath hitch as I finished my sentence. 
“I- well um, I guess thirty three percent of educators know of at least one student-teacher relationship, so while it may not be common, its not extremely uncommon either. But, in this situation, one hundred percent.” I smiled as he timidly gave that reply, surprisingly he had an attraction to me as well, which made the whole crushing on my professor thing a lot better. We kissed for a while, pulling away for air. 
I dropped to my knees in front of him, eyeing the tent he had developed in his trousers for me. I placed both of my hands on his thighs, batting my eyes at him. 
“Tell me Dr., have you always been looking down my shirt, or just since I started flirting back with you?” I teased, placing my head on his knee. He was breathing heavily, wanting my touch so badly.
“I-well-” he stammered “I have always wanted you.” I pushed myself up, straddling his lap now. 
he bucked his hips up, wanting any friction he could manage. I leaned in slowly, letting a small chuckle escape my lips. 
“For a genius, you are so pathetic. You wanna know how many men I fucked, imagining you in their place?” I slid my hands into his hair, making a slight tug at the roots. He made a small whimper that I found so arousing. 
“Oh Dr. Reid I would love to tell you all the amazing things I want to do to you.” I pulled a hand away from his hair, placing it on his cheek, lifting his face up so he was forced to look me in the eyes.
“Please tell me (Y/N), tell me what I could do to please you.” his voice was filled with desperation.
I pulled my face away from his, staring at the needy mess in front of me. I started to laugh, causing him to look at me with concern. 
“Nah, you don't deserve it now” I placed a quick kiss on his lips and hopped off his lap, leaving him shocked.  
I grabbed my bag off the floor and slung it around myself. His jaw was slack open, his eyes searching for an answer on me. 
“Wait-” he started, I spun around on my heels, walking towards the door. 
“See you next week you fucking loser!” I called as I left the building, 
On my way home I couldn’t stop thinking about what he must be doing all by himself. He must have gotten home, sad, disappointed that he got so close and still didn't know how my insides felt. I kind of chuckled at the thought of him getting off to my actions, then laying there contemplating if I was just teasing him or if I had an actual plan.
My phone buzzing snapped me out of my head, I picked it up, seeing it was an email. I wasn’t going to open it until I saw the name. 
hey I know you probably were just messing around today, that's okay I’m not expecting anything. I just thought, in case you weren’t, well I don’t have your number obviously. But if you want to see me before next class, well here's mine.
Dr. Spencer Reid.
pt 2
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