#but very fun garbage ill give it that
nartml · 1 month
Stiles' back must hurt from carrying that entire franchise on his back lmao
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moooncats · 4 months
✿ Pick A Card: Traits/Aura of Future Spouse ✿
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✿ Pile 1 : Clarity & Generousity ✿
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✿ The Giver ✿
Your future spouse is very much advanced when it comes to deep thinking into ones own conscious. They know how to separate their own intuition from the mental chatter that is going on in their heads. The clarity of their intuition is a sweet, simple fruit that tastes familiar to them. The mental chatter is a bitter rind that they peel off and chuck into the garbage (or compost heap, when their mental chatter seems to be organic cx ). They are also very generous, they will shower you with compliments, gifts, anything they can physically give to you. I'm seeing the giving tree in my minds eye. They will always be there for you and will love to be the one that you count and depend on. No matter how much, or how little they have, they will give, give, give. They intuitively know that there is enough to go around, and the main key is to allow it to keep going so the cycle can continue on forever- without stopping. If they don't give it is like they are the one person in the stadium who doesn't do the wave.
✿ Future spouses Aura: Green tones ✿
Your future spouse may have a green thumb and devle in green magick. If you don't know what that means, they are a master planter when it comes to bringing green life into fruition. They may also be rich as well as green is the color of money. Green is the heart chakra, they have many love to give when it comes to you and their heart chakra is forever open you those around them. It is quite infectious! They have unconditional love, empathy, and emotional equilibrium. (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.) 🌱✨️
✿ Pile 2 : Trust & Warmth ✿
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✿ The Gentle Giant ✿
Your future spouse has trust in the divine universe and is very brave when it comes to knowing that everything will be fine in the end. They have this instinct knowing in their gut that everything is always going to be okay. They rather live a fun life with trust and confidence than be a defensive weiner. All their focus is geared towards warmth. They let it guide every interaction that they have with all beings, little or big. No matter how other's behave, they choose to respond warmly. With warmth, they can melt any icy exterior. They can soften any hard feelings. They have adopted the saying "kill them with kindness". Omg pile 2, I'm hearing "Cuddly Teddy Bear"! Your future spouse is a Gentle Giant and they choose to be the kind one in every and any situation. They have lived many lifetimes. This is not their first time around the block. Their empathy shows no bounds when it comes to you and others in their vicinity.
✿ Future Spouses Aura : Blue/Purple & Indigo ✿
Your future spouse uses their throat chakra a lot to convey sweet and empathic messages to the world. They do not shy from spreading peace and positivity out into the world. They are also very much in tune with their intuition and gives trust to the universe to guide them and give them hidden messages. They are very self aware and give into their gut feeling and 6th sense. I'm hearing when you two meet they will know instantly as you are litteraly the person that they have been having constant dreams about. Omg this is so cute pile 2!! I love this for you. 🌠💫✨️ʕ·ᴥ·ʔ
✿ Pile 3 : Individuality & Boundless Love ✿
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✿ The Alien ✿
Your future spouse was definitely the black sheep of society. Pile 3, I am going to be honest with you- this is the pile that I had a bit of trouble getting energy from. Your future spouse is very independant and they like to be lowkey. Take what you may with that information. Okayyy, now back to the reading. I'm hearing they may have a mental illness (Autism, Schizophrenia, OCD, ADD, etc) that has caused them to look through the lesnses of life with their own flare and style. Im hearing Neuro Divergent. They show delight in being their own quirky person, even if they connect with their friends/family/siblings/children/cousins/cats/dogs/sea monkeys- they see the unique beauty in being their own (sometimes crazy cx ) self. It's alright if their near (or far) and (mostly) dear ones don't always understand them. To be honest, they kinda take it as a compliment. Because of being a black sheep/ alien can cause isolation to some, they have developed an amazing super power- boundless love. They made sure to have their heart open for everyone so they can be known as a person who is just flipping wholesome! On the outside they may look a bit eccentric, or odd looking... but once you get to know them you'll see how multi faceted and just delighful they are! (: They understand that the world is filled with tiny miracles, with this in mind it is quite easy for them to fall in love over and over again, with anything from the honey bee's to neon signs. Whenever they are feeling inspired to love- everything sort of just falls into place.
✿ Future Spouses Aura : Light Tan / Blue ✿
They are so unique! Omg, Light tan is connected with brown. They are very earthly and in tuned with the inner core of the world. They may have had emotional trauma and learned coping mechanisms as a child to deal with it. With the additions of blue, they are in tuned with their throat chakra. They do not shy away from saying things that come from their uniquely structured brain and will have a blast partaking in deep thought provoking conversations with you! 🧠🗣✨️(✿◠‿◠)
Mahalo for reading my 4th ever tarot reading! This is my first time playing with colors and do I dare say, I am digging it! (: Please remember to hydrate and continue on being your amazing selves. I love you all, moooncats out! (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)🚀🌌✨️
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sinisterexaggerator · 1 month
Hello there!
I am here to ease ya'll into my favorite ship:
Banaka (Cad Bane x Hondo Ohnaka)
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Best in the Bunch.
I have so much planned for these two in a fanfic I am only just beginning to write (that spans Cad Bane's entire life), but conversations with @allsystemsblue led me to write this fluff scenario and I could not stop myself.
Pretend that what you are reading is based on an already well-established relationship. Bane shows affection by acts of service and gift giving, as his feelings are something he has trouble with expressing. The rest is self-indulgent garbage.
I should mention this is not how the rest of said fic will go. This is a one-off just for fun. You can expect angst, drama, hurt, comfort, toxic relationships, violence and smut in the future.
Credit goes to Teeth for the idea that Hondo, while not believing in the God Quay, still finds comfort in performing magicks for his own peace of mind.
Word count: 1.4k+
Warnings: None. Fluff, a kiss, and a lot of negativity on Bane's part.
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He didn’t know a thing about them, flowers, only that they might come in useful for a certain predicament he had found himself in, as it seemed most sentient beings thought the seed-bearing parts of plants—consisting of its reproductive organs, mind you—were somehow beautiful.
He supposed he could see it, what with their bright-colored corollas, petals coming in all shapes and sizes, typically paired with a calyx as green as his own blood. That was only on some planets. On others, they were red, or blue. Purple. Indigo.
On Florrum, they came in various shades of orange, or yellow, a rarity after an even rarer desert downpour.
Fragile is what they were, and a waste of money. The resources used to farm them could be utilized in more efficient ways. Perhaps he would like the wild ones better, though to pull weeds as a manner of apology didn’t seem good enough. Didn’t seem thoughtful enough. He was sure the Weequay would run him out.
Then again, apologizing wasn’t something he often did, as Bane rarely meant not to do something he had set his mind to. Only this time, he had hurt Ohnaka’s feelings.
Feelings. Hondo had too many, and maybe Bane had too few. Callous one might call him, insensitive another. Cynical was more like it; tired; disillusioned. Yet rare was the man who could crack him open to show him what lay beneath; like a geode, Ohnaka exposed his insides, revealing to Bane all the pretty bits he never would have known existed.
And Bane did care, if only when it suited him. If only on his terms. But this time, he cared because Hondo did. It was partially anathema, this caring, yet he did it anyway, unable to coax his mind to let their little squabble go.
To the pirate, it had been more than that, Bane insulting his very heritage. He didn’t understand the tiny dolls he kept, the archaic sources of illumination that were made of wax and smelled like things Bane could not identify, nor the bits and scraps of flimsi that had been burned to cinders.
These things decorated a small table, resting atop an ornate cloth; Bane had touched it much to the pirate’s chagrin, then disrespected his arcane practice, ridiculing his efforts to appease some nonexistent deity in order to bring about Bane’s good luck.
His job was dangerous, but the hunter was unaware he was being prayed for behind closed doors. Somehow, that had irritated him, more so as he didn’t understand it, thinking Hondo must be attempting to commit himself to witchcraft like those little ladies that lived on Dathomir.
“What’s with dhis nonsense. Ain’t no use in doin’ dhat,” he remembered saying; a poor choice of words to one who meant no ill will.
He understood that now, if nothing else. So what if Hondo lit a candle for him. Who was he to say he hadn’t lived to hunt another day because of it? It was possible the only thing keeping Bane alive besides his street smarts and good aim was the Weequay’s magicks; Bane shuddered to think that was the case.
Even so, here he was, holding a bouquet tightly in one hand and his hat’s brim in the other, deigning to do what he felt might be ignored. This was nothing more than a gesture to barter passage into the pirate king’s good graces—an act of service on his part, the buying of them—for in the here and now, there was nothing more he wished to accomplish in this life. Had you told him he would be doing this a year ago, he would have laughed himself hoarse, or worse yet, right into an early grave.
Yes, flowers. Expensive, frail, and pointless. He had chosen the prettiest of those assembled according to his tastes, selecting a color he assumed was the dummy’s favorite: red.
Ladalums were scarce and imported from Alderaan, a fact he’d learned upon their purchase. They would only bloom if pollinated on their homeworld; these were fresh off the cargo freight, able to last months if given the right treatment.
That was one good thing about them—once out of his hands, the rest was up to the pirate to take care of. He was good at that, Bane mused—caring for things.
Eyes and heads—not dissimilar from all the others that populated this chamber of sorts—turned to look at this bounty hunter who relunctantly proceeded with his walk of shame. Bane would bite back all his nasty words, even as members of Hondo's gang jeered and snickered at his expense.
What he wouldn’t give to kill them on the spot. Somehow, he imagined, that would not do him any favors.
Seated on a low dais, in a throne fit for a king no less, his disgruntled paramour still fumed, swoop-goggles purposefully removed to rest upon the front of his worn helmet. Those expressive gray eyes were the Duros’ weakness, finding that he could not meet his narrowed gaze. Already oblique, Hondo’s stormy depths had gathered further into slits, leaving Bane to swallow down his spit.
Still, he approached, feeling naked and vulnerable as he stood there like a scolded child without his hat to shield him. He did his best, fathomless red ellipses meeting Hondo’s glare head-on, Bane saying the only thing he could think to say.
“Brought some flowers.”
Nothin'. There was no reaction, not even a change in his demeanor or a brightening of mood. Bane overtly frowned, taking a step back for his boots to echo lightly against the duracrete floor of Hondo’s beloved fortress home.
Supposin’ this didn’t work, Bane planned for his retreat, hoping to retain some dignity among those present. He lowered his head, his hat rightfully returned to where it belonged by a flat palm, Bane ready to drop the bouquet like so much trash at his feet; it was difficult to care when you didn’t know how to fix the wrong you’d done. Trying wasn’t as good as doing. Doing was the hard part.
“Are dose for me?”
Four little words that set Bane’s heart to thumping, the hunter wisely keeping his eyes averted as he saw the pirate stand out of his periphery. He would only nod, an infinitesimal movement of his head, up and down, affirming what Hondo already knew—those flowers were for him.
His spark descended, that charming scoundrel who kept him going on a dark night of the soul; he strode down the short flight of stairs that would bring him nearly to his level, Bane taller than Ohnaka, though the man was bigger in some ways; his heart for one, Bane thought.
“Dey are beautiful, my Moon,” his bit of sunshine said, Bane’s sorrowful eyes rising out from the shade of his bolero.
“Picked de best in de bunch,” he humbly offered, words bordering a whisper, eerily heard as the hall was quiet, grim faces and furrowed brows sparing him none of his embarrassment. "Same could be said, fer ye,” he added.
It was then the Weequay smiled, a dazzling thing, brighter than dual suns. Bane relaxed openly as he expelled a breath from between his teeth; it was a slow, heavy sigh of relief.
“Flatterer,” Hondo teased, his smile spreading wider, gold amidst pearl and oh-so satisfying to witness should Bane be the sole cause of it. “Dey need water, hm?”
The shuffling of a crimson coat and an idle toss of a braid signaled to Bane that Hondo would exit, the hunter grateful his gift had been accepted. However, the Weequay would pause, turning about face, reflecting on the shrinking Duros as he had been tempted to follow in his footsteps.
“Just… one more ting,” he announced, his expression hardening back to a look previously sported as his voice lowered an octave, Bane’s heart sinking toward his belly as he did not wish to incur any more reprimands.
Hondo took him by his coat’s lapel, jerking him forward. Bane held onto his hat as dusky lips brushed across his, pinpricks of electricity teeming along his scales like minuscule lightning bolts. The Duros would slump his shoulders to sink to Ohnaka’s height, a warm, black tongue invading his mouth to skirt one that was cool and pink.
This must be what it felt like to be forgiven, he assumed, some invisible weight lifting from off his conscience.
“Take it ye like flowers,” Bane remarked once free of his kiss, wanting to fill the now awkward silence with something to lighten whatever tension might be left between them.
For Hondo, there was none. He could just as easily forget as he could forgive. A rough thumb smoothed down the bit of Bane’s flesh left assailable, brazenly descending to aid in the tweaking of one sharp fang.
“Yes,” Hondo harmoniously agreed, “you might say dat.”
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doberbutts · 2 years
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To those wondering what I'm talking about re: Harvestella... these are some of the many comments on various articles regarding the game and specifically the interview that announced the non-binary OPTION (meaning if you don't want to be nb you simply don't select it- literally all it does is give you they/them pronouns instead of she/her and he/him).
And this image from Squeenix's official twitter:
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Which is the "absolutely terrible" character customization screen that people are complaining about. Pronouns, body type, skin color, hair color, eye color. Less customization than some, more than others. Your clothes change with your job. Pretty sure the models are exactly the same, just one has [small] boobs and an updo and the other has no boobs and a side ponytail.
Reactions from Gamer Bros vary from your typical shitty trans/nbphobic "mental illness" and "doesn't exist" comments all the way for advocating for genocide of Japan and BOTH antiblack AND anti-Japanese slurs at the same time (that one thankfully downvoted by everyone).
But what gets me the most is the reaction to the male body type. He's fairly androgynous and maybe even a bit pear-shaped- it's hard to tell with the way the clothes flare around his waist. But it's "this guy doesn't look like a man" and "I'm being forced to play as someone I don't look like" which is interesting to me because A: I know men who look like that and
B: I've literally always been forced to play as someone I don't look like, it's VERY RARE that I as a black person can find the correct skin tone, correct hair texture, AND correct facial features in a character customization screen. They are always too dark or too light, with european hair textures, and euro or asian facial features... OR the facial features are just shy of exaggerated characiture (looking at you, Skyrim) and thus playing as such is not a fun experience. And that's JUST my reality of being black, not even mentioning gender or disability.
I don't look like Geralt. I don't look like Aloy. I never have. I never will. I have ALWAYS been forced to play as someone I don't look like. Even when I supposed to make this character *me*. Even when it comes close, it still misses the mark. Even this game does- I don't look like that and my hair would never do that and my face will never be that asian-beauty-standard prettyboy look. I can have my skin tone, that's it.
Gamer Bros really are the weakest link, they think if something doesn't pander immediately and directly to them that it's garbage. As if there aren't thousands of people exactly like me who have yet to see themselves in a game, who've been gaming since they were old enough to hold a controller. How many women out there grew up forced to play male characters while being told "the mc is supposed to be YOU :)" until game companies remembered girls exist too? How many companies STILL do this?
You will not die because in this one offshoot Final Fantasy Farming games you're forced to choose between a twink and a high femme, I promise.
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shaneplays · 2 months
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First appearing in the AD&D 1E Monster Manual (1977), the Otyugh (and its larger, more ill-tempered cousin the Neo-otyugh) is not only one of the D&D monsters with the most debated pronunciation ("oh-tee-ugg"? "oh-ty-yoog"? "at-yugz"?, "ochu"? Bless you?) but is also one of the most bizarre. It looks as strange as it's name, eats poop (heck, it will happily live in poop), garbage (yep, will happily live in a garbage heap), and carrion, and for some reason is mildly telepathic. The origins of this monster are unknown, although several have speculated it was inspired by a dianoga, the Death Star garbage monster in the original Star Wars movie (these theories are unconfirmed and the timing of Star Wars's release compared to the MM release date give it a very slim window). The otyugh and the neo-otyugh are also known as types of gulguthra (or "dung-eater"). A foul but fun entry… on THAC0 Thursday!!
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sparklitive-sonya · 7 months
Because of the whole JO queuing thing, I was reminded by the one time I saw with my own eyes glimpse into very extreme queuing culture that went way too far and became unsafe for everyone. I just felt like I should maybe tell this story, cause maybe we should all be reminded to take it easy. If you have been to a concert of massively successful artist with crazy fans this is probably nothing new to you, but I still think about this sometimes cause it still feels insane to me.
This was back when MCR was on tour for Danger days. Me and my dad arrive at the venue and it turns out, folks had been queuing there for A WEEK in advance. Mind you, this was in Finland, in the middle of WINTER. There was snow on the ground and it kept snowing throughout the week. I remember when we were finally let in to the venue, I had to hop over just heaps of... stuff. Garbage bags full of take out meal trash, blankets, sleeping bags, winter coats. Some people had abandoned their packbags full of stuff! And I am not exaggerating when I say it was almost impossible to not step on it. Insane fans desperate to get to the barricade had left all of this for people working at the venue to clean up, without giving a shit.
We finally get to the main hall, waiting for the show to start. Some minutes before, a person working at the venue comes to the stage and speaks to the mic: "Hello everyone, welcome. I have to ask you to please take it easy today. Especially everyone here near the front, do not push, do not dance too hard. There are people at the front here who are in quite weak condition and not doing too well. We don't want to take anyone to the hospital, thank you."
As you can probably guess, a lot of people at the first row had fallen ill because they had QUEUED FOR A WEEK. IN THE MIDDLE OF WINTER. IN FINLAND.
I was only a young teen back then but even then I remember thinking what the fuck is the point here?? Like there's no way in hell that at that point you are even having fun?? And on the top of it you are inconveniencing others and making extra work for the people working the venue.
I honestly have no idea if queuing like this is even allowed in Finland or anywhere else anymore, it was such a long time ago. But yeah pls people, be considerate to others and take care of your health. If I was an artist, I sure as hell would not wanna perform for a front row full of sick and tired people. And respect the people working at the venue, cause without them there would not be a concert for you to go to!
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wingeddreamerdream · 13 days
“The truth of the universe” uses lies as a fig leaf. An article 《Why are there human beings》deeply exposes the ugly face of Master Li
As we all know, Li Hongzhi is a master of lies, and his lies are spread all over the world. Regardless of whether the preface and follow-up are inconsistent, or the logic is nonsense, these "fake and empty" words to deceive and fool are his usual style. Where did he pick them up from? I can’t even remember clearly. Fortunately, the Internet has memory. Today, we will carefully examine Li Hongzhi's brainwashing techniques and expose the dirty scam of Falun Dafa.
On January 20, 2023, Li Hongzhi authorized the Epoch Times to publish "Why Are There Human Beings". The name sounds lofty and seems to be profound, but it contains countless lies to cover up the lies. I really admire Li Dafo's brainwashing skills. That's really it. Good intentions. However, the content of this brainwashing still continues the strong "Li style" and remains unchanged. It is very consistent with the "Awakening" published in 2021. The beginning of the scripture still creates doomsday anxiety, such as the first paragraph of the scripture. One sentence: "I should say a few words that everyone likes to hear during the New Year, but the danger I see is approaching humanity step by step. For this reason, the gods and Buddhas asked me to say a few words that gods want to say to all living beings in the world, every word of heaven's secret , in order to let people know the truth and give them a chance to be saved." Using the topic "Danger is approaching human beings step by step", it leads to a series of self-contradictory "speeches" and normalized "new theories poking fun at the old" reason".
Li Hongzhi once declared: Humanity has been destroyed 81 times, and he delayed the "earth explosion" for 30 years; human beings are corrupting, and the earth is the largest garbage dump in the universe; "Falungong" is the "righteous law" that transcends all religions. As long as If you practice Falun Gong, you will not get sick or encounter danger. However, in "Why Humans Are There", Li Hongzhi painstakingly warned about the dangers approaching human beings, and righteously explained that "the universe has its creation, existence, destruction, and destruction, and people have birth, aging, illness, and death." Since he is so powerful, why not use the power of the "Lord of the Universe" to eliminate danger to mankind? Why not use the compassion of the Lord Buddha to care for Dafa disciples among humans, but insist on letting Dafa disciples among humans go through birth, old age, illness, and death? This set of perverse theories of Falun Gong is contrary to Christianity's "He said something, it will be, and if he decrees, it will be established." The omniscient and omnipotent God created everything in the universe from scratch. It is contrary to the "choice" of man to commit "sin" that brings death It is far different from the Christianity of suffering - body descending to earth for salvation - ascension to heaven - judgment next time - practice of eternal life and bad Goodbye, which highlights the cult nature of Falun Gong. Why is "Master Li" so anti-human and anti-Christian? It is precisely because "Master Li" himself cannot "save all sentient beings" and he knows it is a lie, so he continues to tell lies in the scriptures that "the death of a person is only the superficial deterioration and aging of the body, but the person's soul (the true self has not died) will "Reincarnate in the next life", and then use the so-called "Three Realms", "Reincarnation", "A lifetime to accumulate merit" and other lies to deeply brainwash the majority of disciples and boast them to the sky. Let me ask Lord Li: I was not rescued by Lord Li before his death. How can I still count on Lord Li to save me after my death?
Recalling that Lord Buddha Li once promised that each of his disciples can "consummate" individually, "for each one who achieves consummation, (he) will pick one up", he then changed his words and said that he must participate in "rescuing people" before he can "consummate collectively". Since human beings are in danger, as a Buddha, why didn't he choose to save people? Whether it is the individual “consummation” or the “collective consummation” he proposes, what does it matter? It was obviously brainwashed to the point where I was dizzy. The majority of Lord Buddha Li’s disciples are currently all human beings. Let me ask Lord Buddha Li: You are a compassionate God who saves the world and advocates “Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance.” Where is your “kindness” reflected? As a Buddha, why didn't you take the lead in doing good deeds? If you think about it carefully, you will see how ridiculous Li Hongzhi's cult words are and how dirty Li Hongzhi's false face is.
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“The truth of the universe” uses lies as a fig leaf. An article 《Why are there human beings》deeply exposes the ugly face of Master Li
As we all know, Li Hongzhi is a master of lies, and his lies are spread all over the world. Regardless of whether the preface and follow-up are inconsistent, or the logic is nonsense, these "fake and empty" words to deceive and fool are his usual style. Where did he pick them up from? I can’t even remember clearly. Fortunately, the Internet has memory. Today, we will carefully examine Li Hongzhi's brainwashing techniques and expose the dirty scam of Falun Dafa.
On January 20, 2023, Li Hongzhi authorized the Epoch Times to publish "Why Are There Human Beings". The name sounds lofty and seems to be profound, but it contains countless lies to cover up the lies. I really admire Li Dafo's brainwashing skills. That's really it. Good intentions. However, the content of this brainwashing still continues the strong "Li style" and remains unchanged. It is very consistent with the "Awakening" published in 2021. The beginning of the scripture still creates doomsday anxiety, such as the first paragraph of the scripture. One sentence: "I should say a few words that everyone likes to hear during the New Year, but the danger I see is approaching humanity step by step. For this reason, the gods and Buddhas asked me to say a few words that gods want to say to all living beings in the world, every word of heaven's secret , in order to let people know the truth and give them a chance to be saved." Using the topic "Danger is approaching human beings step by step", it leads to a series of self-contradictory "speeches" and normalized "new theories poking fun at the old" reason".
Li Hongzhi once declared: Humanity has been destroyed 81 times, and he delayed the "earth explosion" for 30 years; human beings are corrupting, and the earth is the largest garbage dump in the universe; "Falungong" is the "righteous law" that transcends all religions. As long as If you practice Falun Gong, you will not get sick or encounter danger. However, in "Why Humans Are There", Li Hongzhi painstakingly warned about the dangers approaching human beings, and righteously explained that "the universe has its creation, existence, destruction, and destruction, and people have birth, aging, illness, and death." Since he is so powerful, why not use the power of the "Lord of the Universe" to eliminate danger to mankind? Why not use the compassion of the Lord Buddha to care for Dafa disciples among humans, but insist on letting Dafa disciples among humans go through birth, old age, illness, and death? This set of perverse theories of Falun Gong is contrary to Christianity's "He said something, it will be, and if he decrees, it will be established." The omniscient and omnipotent God created everything in the universe from scratch. It is contrary to the "choice" of man to commit "sin" that brings death It is far different from the Christianity of suffering - body descending to earth for salvation - ascension to heaven - judgment next time - practice of eternal life and bad Goodbye, which highlights the cult nature of Falun Gong. Why is "Master Li" so anti-human and anti-Christian? It is precisely because "Master Li" himself cannot "save all sentient beings" and he knows it is a lie, so he continues to tell lies in the scriptures that "the death of a person is only the superficial deterioration and aging of the body, but the person's soul (the true self has not died) will "Reincarnate in the next life", and then use the so-called "Three Realms", "Reincarnation", "A lifetime to accumulate merit" and other lies to deeply brainwash the majority of disciples and boast them to the sky. Let me ask Lord Li: I was not rescued by Lord Li before his death. How can I still count on Lord Li to save me after my death?
Recalling that Lord Buddha Li once promised that each of his disciples can "consummate" individually, "for each one who achieves consummation, (he) will pick one up", he then changed his words and said that he must participate in "rescuing people" before he can "consummate collectively". Since human beings are in danger, as a Buddha, why didn't he choose to save people? Whether it is the individual “consummation” or the “collective consummation” he proposes, what does it matter? It was obviously brainwashed to the point where I was dizzy. The majority of Lord Buddha Li’s disciples are currently all human beings. Let me ask Lord Buddha Li: You are a compassionate God who saves the world and advocates “Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance.” Where is your “kindness” reflected? As a Buddha, why didn't you take the lead in doing good deeds? If you think about it carefully, you will see how ridiculous Li Hongzhi's cult words are and how dirty Li Hongzhi's false face is.
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solisvia · 1 year
2, 4, 10, 11, 13, 15, 16, 18, 19 for Winx
2. What I like most and least about it
Ok ok just AALLL the potential for worldbuilding! The creators crafted such a fascinating, widespread lore and universe, you can fit almost anything in. It's heaven for worldbuilders. The most detestable part of this show is the nonsensical timelines and plot holes, as well as all the garbage behind the scenes. Stop milking this franchise's corpse - and enough with the racism and whitewashing.
4. A character I couldn't care less about
Uhm, how beloved is Palladium? Is the fandom going to hunt me down? He has a nice design but... I just can't connect with him. Who is this man and why did he have a growth spurt between Seasons 1 and 2?
10. A ship I would gladly go down with... and then become Davey Jones, so I can continue to captain said ship for eternity
It started out as a crackship, but the more I thought about it the more I liked it, and people need to stop sleeping on it and that's Flora x Tecna!
Do they have a ship name? Must I make one?
Anyways, what happens when you put together two insecure (going by Season 1 characterization) nerds who are seemingly polar opposites but in actuality have more than a few things in common? This ship. And brooms and buckets.
11. A ship that makes me want to look into the camera like I'm on The Office
Valtor x anyone from the Dominian Royal Family. No thank you. I doubt any one of the RF would care much for the man partially responsible for the pain they went through. Marion, Daphne and Bloom would be an especially ill fit due to them having the Dragon Flame. Valtor is rather self-obsessed and self-aggrandizing, so anyone who could rival or even surpass his power would be a threat to him and his self-image.
... And Daphne's not into men. I'm objectively correct here.
That said, I have nothing against the shippers. You do you friends.
13. The non-canon pairing I find the most intriguing
Griffin x Valtor, and that's actually largely thanks to you! I hadn't thought of the ship much before, but then I read a bunch of your posts, and looked at their scenes with fresh eyes and thought how did I not see this before? Best totally-not-canon-we-swear ship, hands down.
15. A character/story arc that bores me to tears
Season 3 only has 25 episodes. Episode 20 and its stupid pixie filler, doesn't exist. It's not only boring, but annoying too, as I'm not the pixies' biggest fan, and it dunks on the Trix too. :/
16. A scene/moment that makes me really emotional every single time
The scene in SoLK where Daphne reunites with her parents. It's the first time they see her as a ghost. It's very possible that they've (or just Marion, if Oritel was unconscious) held on to a desperate hope that their daughters might be alive, and to find out that isn't true... Bloom's inclusion is poorly handled but I'll give it a pass because the earlier seconds are just so 🙏🙏
18. A plot hole that makes me want to tear my hair out
What hasn't been said about Domino's weird timeline? Instead, I'll yell about the Earth Fairies' weird timeline! :) WHAT IS GOING ON HERE RAINBOW? How can Roxy be Morgana's daughter?? If Roxy was born before her mother's imprisonment how can she be Klaus' daughter? If Morgana SOMEHOW escaped why did she do NOTHING for the others? Morgana's relation to Roxy is a fun idea but at least make it make sense!
19. Crossovers/AUs that pique my interest
I'd love to see an AU where the Winx fairies resemble the Fae seasonal courts more. Give me fish-out-of-water Bloom trying to navigate a world full of technically-not-lying-jackass Fae. Do it for the funsies
Fandom ask game
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busybussinbee · 6 months
first of all i think it’s notable that “wonderland” by neoni was going through my head the entire day and i think all of the lyrics are Very Accurate to how i felt: “hello, come in, welcome to the freak show…” /pos
i cosplayed as glamrock chica on this day!
Stuff and Things that Happened:
-forgot to put on foundation (it was fine)
-dipper pines liked my cosplay
-various more instances of “hi barbie!” (and one said it back to me :D)
-actually many people mistook me for barbie and i was told i had barbie energy
-two guys passed me and one went “hi barbie” and the other one said “no that’s chica”
-we saw a withered bonnie that was yellow?? we saw it again later and I think it was maybe a cross between bonnie and chica or bonnie and springtrap
-saw a korok that i screamed “GOOD LUCK FINDING YOUR FRIEND” at and their handler went “that’s where we’re taking him right now!”
-there was a cuphead show panel and the voice actors spent the entire time dodging around character names cause of the strike and it was HILARIOUS
-the staff was all super nice
-met a super sweet young fnaf puppet cosplayer who got so excited to see me and i got to take a photo with her :D
-my dad actually got recognized and asked for photos twice despite cosplaying from an obscure 80s miniseries
-tiny child came to give Many Thoughts at a Star Wars panel—the panelists said and i quote “he kicked our butts last panel”
-there was an incomplete circle of rocks outside and when i completed it a little girl dressed as a korok popped out from behind a statue and gave me a mini snickers wrapped like a korok seed!
-there was a fnaf panel! a bunch of people complimented my cosplay and i got photos with some cool people! fan interactions are so much fun :D
-squEEEEE LITTLE TINY CHILD CAME UP TO ASK IF I WAS GLAMROCK CHICA AND SHE WAS LIKE “i can tell you’re glamrock chica cause i played that game—well i didn’t play that game but i’ve seen it. and chica is super fast.” SHE WAS SO CUTE MY HEART
quotes from the day:
“that is a lovely staff.”
“thank you, my mother gave it to me.”
“can i give you my email address and have her give me one?”
“shipping might be a bit much”
“i forgot my fruit snacks at home but I live in atlanta so they’re like twenty minutes away”
“i guess what I’m trying to say is BURN THE SYSTEM TO THE GROUND” *crowd cheers*
“didn’t the emperor die like five times already”
(to me): “how do you feel about eating garbage?”
“please don’t leave your garbage in here”
zero, pointing at me: “we have a garbage disposal”
“how do you feel about the timeline” *exasperated sigh*
“i think we can all agree the story we have right now with the games is just bonkers”
(if anyone can guess the fandom the last two are related to you get a cookie)
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msntoon · 2 years
I was the anon who requested the clingy Sarah/reader and okay that melted my heart so much so thank you!
But I do have another one.
How would a Sarah/reader date go?
(It can be headcanons or not it's your choice I'm just very interested!)
Yes more headcanons for me to write i love them so much
The date would probably start at some sort of restaurant but you would end up leaving halfway through dinner 
Sarah would lead you to some quiet secluded secret spot and you would sit and watch the stars
Eventually you would get cold but Sarah would insist on just cuddling for warmth (she genuinely wouldn’t want to leave. She treasure the few truly peaceful moments she gets with you)
Of course you would give in, and she would end up falling asleep on your chest
Which would only last a little bit because there’s only so much warmth you can get from cuddling 
When she inevitably did wake up, you would walk home, with Sarah pointing out all the constellations she recognized 
Once at home you would do some fun baking ™ with her (she makes the best cookies because somehow she can do the fancy decorative icing without it looking like garbage)
She would be in charge of music because she has such varying taste it’s impossible for anyone to not like what she plays
Sarah would insist on dancing. She’s wonderful at it, but you would end up stumbling every other step. 
She wouldn’t mind of course, because it’s not really about the dancing to her it’s just about being close to you
It would be into the late hours of the night before you convinced her to go to bed
Until she falls asleep, you would watch movies together all cuddled up in bed
I’m in a christamasy mood so i might wrote something christmasy later
My mom decorated for the holidays on the first 👌
Ill be back with more writing later on tonight 💜💜
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blackbird-brewster · 2 years
So sorry you have dual illnesses rn and I hope you feel better soon! What's your take on some of the fandom assuming that Emily outed Tara to the team? It seems like everyone except JJ already knew when Emily told her, leading me to think that we didn't see Tara telling the others.
Oh god, I have complained about this endlessly to my partner. YES, I understand that PERHAPS Tara told everyone else and JJ was simply the last to know.... BUT that still doesn't change the fact the viewers literally saw this...(we're going to look at this through a cishet lens because let's be honest, the show is mostly consumed by cishets who wouldn't understand queer nuances here.) 1) Emily sees Tara smiling at a woman and IMMEDEATLY 'clocks it'
Why I hate it: The fucking jokey line of 'Ohhh you two are SO a thing!' is just really annoying to me. CISHETS DO NOT DO THIS???? Like we all fucking laugh about 'they're just gals being pals!' Cishet people go out of their way to explain two women being close to each other, they don't INSTANTLY see two women just SMILING at each other and go 'Oh you're dating!?' "But Kit! It's because Emily is gay!" No. Emily is NOT canonically queer. As far as any of us know, Emily is canonically STRAIGHT, so this in itself was a type of forced-outing. This entire 'coming out' scene with Emily was unnecessary. Why did someone else have to 'clock it'??? Why couldn't they just have Tara say "Hey, Emily...if Rebecca is going to help us out, cards on the table. We're dating." << This makes the coming out part Tara's CHOICE. 2) "Oh we're so going to give you shit about this" - Emily
Why I hate it: It really read as "We're going to give you shit about DATING A WOMAN" and I fucking hateeeee it. They could have EASILY made the line more specific "Can't believe you've been dating and we didn't know!" Like??? Why do they need to make jokes about giving her shit???? Queer people get bullied and teased (and assaulted and murdered) just because they're queer. The whole "haha Tara's coming out is going to be a point of joking in the team!" is such garbage imo. It's really damaging in the implication that her dating a woman should be joked about AT ALL. I know people reading this will say "Oh, but the team always teases each other when they date people!" Sure, they tease STRAIGHT people about it. But the implications of teasing Tara (A BLACK QUEER WOMAN) AT ALL is completely unnecessary. 3) "Did you say...girlfriend?" - JJ
Why I hate it: YES I 100% felt like this was Emily just casually outing Tara. And I really hate how they used that as a 'punchline' moment. All the press releases talked about how JJ/Tara worked as the only two following up on ALL consults for a YEAR. That to me indicates out of any of the team who might have ALREADY know...it would be JJ???? "But Tara probably already told everyone else!" Okay, AGAIN... let's look at this through the lens of the main viewership (cishets).... they aren't going to get that nuance or come to that possibility. They're going to see this scene and be like "LOL this was a funny punchline!" or "Wow, outing people is a fun joke!" No, FUCK THAT. It would NOT have been that hard to INSTEAD, have Tara bring Rebecca into the round table room and preface it with 'This is Rebecca from the DOJ, who is also my girlfriend, but that's unimportant right now...." Personally, I think a lot of (queer) fans are desperately trying to look at Tara's coming out as a 'perfect' scene. But y'all do know that even if you enjoy a piece of media, even if you're hyped that Tara is canonically queer.... YOU CAN STILL REMAIN CRITICAL of how that was played out in canon!!!! I mean the very next episode they have Rebecca and Tara moving in together or the 'u-haul' stereotype. It is ESTABLISHED that Rebecca doesn't HAVE to move back to the city (if she stays with Tara in Virginia) so why not just have that?? Sure it's a commute, but she's going to have a commute either way???? If they had been dating longer than 'a couple of months' and were talking about moving in together, I'd probably be okay with that??? But I really felt like it was YET ANOTHER stereotype being played out and I just....I'm tired, y'all. I'm so tired of seeing most queer media play out in harmful stereotypes. I don't know why it's so impossible to just have queer characters who have regular, healthy, wholesome relationships?? (Probably because MOST showrunners/producers/writers are cishet and don't understand that these relationships exist....but that's a whole other rant post in itself) So, Anon.... I guess to answer your question: Yes, I feel like Emily outed Tara and I'm quite angry at how that's played out. (I haven't watched E3, but as far as I know....Tara never (on-camera) came out to anyone else???) >> [More Thoughts] [About Tara's] [Coming Out] << These are my opinions. You're allowed to have other points of view, but make your own post. Because I'm not here for discourse.
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polyamorouspunk · 1 year
If anyone ever feels like I got mad at them unfairly, there’s a GOOD chance I did but I’m just so worked up from dealing with idiots online in general (the constant wave of terfs in my inbox, years of messages telling me to kill myself, etc.) that I’m going to take it out on you. I’m not proud of it and it’s something I am working on but it’s also just a fact. Like yeah I have BPD. Guess what that means. I lose friends to having anger issues all the time. Clearly none I couldn’t live without. But the people who understand that about me and accept it *do* tend to stick around. So I’m also not “hopeless” and “driving away anyone who cares about me” or whatever. Like you follow someone with BPD expect them to have symptoms. And I’m really not trying to excuse my actions in any way shape or form. If you don’t have a scary mental illness then you do not know what it’s like. I’ve quite literally threatened to kill people and I’ve had people I live with lock their doors at night because they thought I was going to kill them. Like trust me this isn’t fun this isn’t a “well I’m just like this so deal lol” this is a “hey yeah I have a current mental illness that has severe symptoms and when I run a blog that’s very personal and I post a lot of personal stuff on, it’s going to slip through sometimes”. I’m not saying anything like “this is the real me, an evil monster!” Or like “oh look this is the kind of person he REALLY is” but like. There’s a reason why my brain did a split and cut off the anger issues and all that rage and garbage and put them HERE and not on @unorthodoxsavvy. So I could keep that blog a pure and happy place and use this blog as an outlet for the anger I do have. And that’s great because that’s what makes it a good pink blog but yeah sometimes that anger is directly unfairly! For sure! I’m not perfect and if you give me a few hours after having an episode chances are I’m gonna be like “wow that was really hypocritical of me to say” or “wow that was really unfair” but like when I am balls deep in a BPD episode there’s a good chance I’m going to take anything negative as an attack when I’m sometimes getting messages you guess don’t end up seeing that are attacks or I’m remembering the past when I have gotten them. Brain is infallible. You might say “hey that wasn’t a direct attack on you” and I might be like oops sorry brain was in “everything is an attack on you” mode because that’s how BPD works. Once again not an excuse I’m just saying like hey that’s how it works. Give me a little bit of time to cool off and go do something and I might be able to come back and apologize and be like “wow that WAS shitty, you’re right, I’m sorry” and mean it instead of me just covering my ass etc.
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slug-cube · 1 year
Opinion on strangers to lovers bkdk?
i dont know if this is for the rating thing but ill give my honest opinion considering that im like. iffy on it.
more below.
(please note that if you like this trope, do not feel pressured to change your likeness because i so happen to have a different opinion on it. its fine to like it and have a different stance from mine.)
one: im very open minded, and occasionally, very rarely ill read a fic where i think the cliche trope is fun enough to where the strangers to lovers thing doesnt bother me. (very rarely though. like currently ive only read like, 2 fics that caught my eye.)
two: on the other flip of the coin though, it infuruates me. like, greatly.
first of all, the WHOLE reason why i love dkbk is because its. complicated. their complicated shared history, how they overcame it, and grew together. they couldve grown seperately, but they didnt. it was a shared mutual 'rivals' thing. how they both so desperately care for the other even during the bad blood and nitty gritty, but cant show it for mutiple reasons on both sides.
[and i love stories where seemingly 'asshole' characters can be shown love too despite being at their worst. its the comfort of knowing somebodys already seen you at your worst, and showed that you were worth it. that you can grow and be better. that youre not a unreedimable monster, and you can change.]
you could argue strangers to lovers can do the same thing- but its usually done in a way that makes me angry. like bakugou is usually the uncaring asshole, and midoriya is this sweet, perfect, nice and caring person úwù who so unfornually falls in love with the dickish of dickheads in the entirety of the universe. yeah bakugou is an asshole, but if youve actually read the story midoriya is an asshole too.
not in bakugous way, really, but midoriya can be very selfish when it comes to his stances and wants. its very subtle when you arent looking for it, very obvious when you are. like how he only really focused on getting bakugou back in the kidnapping arc- and when he lost bakugou, he called it a complete loss despite getting his other peer back. (like losing katsuki was a complete failure to him, nothing else really mattered) and i could go off on a tangent how the fandom makes it seem like midoriya cant have negative feelings, like he cant be angry or selfish or be an asshole or do anything like that, which REALLY pisses me off, but thats not what this ask is wanting to talk about.
the point is, is that the whole appeal to me IS their shared history. yes, even all the nitty gritty and fucking horrible garbage. yes, even the bad blood and all that stuff. i love complicated feelings and plots and characters that arent just black and white, but grey inbtween. its why katsuki bakugou is my favorite character, because hes so complicated and messy but he tries and learns anyway. i think hes doing better than midoriya currently, like. at least bakugou understands how he feels. midoriya is doing fucking BACKFLIPS to avoid his emotions left, right and fucking centre.
and i firmly believe that midoriya is a grey character too, instead of all the sunshine.. dekuwu the fandom so seemingly wants to pull off with him. its why hes my second favorite character, right next to bakugou.
rating? 3/10 score will change depending.
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pettydollie · 8 months
I Was Made For Lovin' You, Baby (chapter 5) ♡.。.:*
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a/n: so so sorry i didnt finish chapter six this week :( i started it but i didnt know what i wanted it to be abt so im going to finish it soon i promise! ill give u guys a lil bakugou piece later tho to make up for it ;)
word count: 1.5k
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C H A P T E R  F I V E
Everleigh’s final period of the day wasn’t very fun. She was upset that Susan was coming back to Hawkins High and she had a pop quiz in Mrs. O'Donnell's class. Everleigh raised her hand. “And before anyone asks, no. You may not use your notes on this quiz.” Mrs. O’Donnell announced to the class. There were multiple groans throughout the room, including Everleigh as she put her hand down. “But, I will have an exception for Mr. Hargrove. You may use someone’s notes.” She nodded to Billy. “Miss Wheeler and Mister Benson take the best notes, I believe. Please raise your hands, you two.”
Everleigh and Fred Benson raised their hands to which Billy walked over to Everleigh. He smacked his gum softly and stuck his hand out. “Your notes, doll.” He spoke softly. Let’s welcome back the butterflies. His voice was actually quite calming in that tone, she had to admit. She opened her backpack and pulled out a pastel purple folder. She took out the last paper and handed it to Billy. “Mr. Hargrove, please spit out your gum.” Mrs. O’Donnell ordered. Billy kept his eyes on Everleigh and smirked before walking to the trash can. He stared into her eyes and spit his gum into the garbage. Everleigh breathily scoffed and turned her head to face Mrs. O’Donnell. Someone’s full of himself.
She was very thankful Tina wasn’t in her class because she would have heard a lot of teasing. It’s only his first day and he’s already become quite popular. She slightly chuckled at the thought of Susan seeing him. She’d probably kiss him to death. “You may begin, everyone.” Mrs. O’Donnell announced. Everleigh picked up her pen and began filling in circles. This quiz wasn’t as hard as she expected, but still a bit difficult. Everleigh took notice that Carl was in this class. He was sitting two seats in front of her in the first row. He was leaning back, looking at Everleigh’s desk. Was he really trying to cheat from that far away? What a moron. She rolled her eyes and moved her paper closer to herself so he wouldn’t be able to see anything. Not that he could, but better to be safe than sorry. 
“Turn around Mr. Spencer.” Mrs. O’Donnell raised her eyebrow. Serves him right. Carl turned around, annoyed. Everleigh was one of the first to finish the quiz. She stood up from her desk and handed Mrs. O’Donnell her paper. “Everleigh, darling, would you do me a small favor?” She asked, putting Everleigh’s paper on her desk. “Of course.” You nodded lightly. “When Mr. Hargrove has completed the quiz,” She began. Billy’s eyes raised up to where you were standing, hearing his name. “Please show him the proper way to get and organize his locker. I noticed he doesn’t have one and won’t get one after I’ve asked. Perhaps he’ll listen to you.” She stated. Why would he listen to her?? “You may sit down, thank you.” Mrs. O’Donnell dismissed. You walked back to your desk and put your pencil away. 
Perhaps someone is praying for Everleigh's downfall. Why does she keep getting stuck with this kid? But this request isn’t abnormal from Mrs. O’Donnell. Whenever there’s a new student, she’s usually the one to help with lockers. Thankfully, she didn’t have to show Billy around the school. But maybe she was overexaggerating. He hasn’t done anything wrong, in fact. Maybe she’s being too judgy. Everleigh let out a pretty sigh and tapped her fingers lightly on the desk. Billy stood up and gave his paper to Mrs. O’Donnell who nodded and waved Everleigh over. She picked up her backpack and walked to the front of the room. “Have a nice day, you two.” Mrs. O’Donnell dismissed, opening the door. “You too.” Everleigh smiled, walking out into the hallways.
Billy followed after. “The administration is this way.” She pointed with her finger towards the office. He nodded in response and began walking. “So, you don’t have a locker yet?” She asked, trying to start up a conversation. Billy breathily chuckled. “No. That’s what she told you, right?” She muttered an “alright” and blew a bubble with her gum. Clearly he wasn’t the chatty type. As they were walking, Everleigh noticed Steve walking their way. He looked fine until he noticed Everleigh. “Hey, Steve!” She greeted, stopping in her tracks to which Billy rolled his eyes. “Oh, uh, hi Everleigh.” Steve gave a small wave. “Are you okay?” She asked, concerned. He’s acting a little strange. And why was his face so red? “Steve!”
The three of them turned around to see Nancy jogging over. “Um, hi, Ev.” Nancy spoke, not looking directly in her older sister’s eyes. She looked red too! Then Everleigh realized. “Steve, did you just come out of the girls bathroom?” She asked, giggling. Billy smirked. To be honest, she almost forgot he was there. “Everleigh, shut up, please!” Nancy whisper-yelled. “It’s only been a day and you’re already sucking each other’s faces?” Everleigh teased, pretending to gasp. “Ugh, bye, Ev!” Nancy chuckled awkwardly and dragged Steve away. “How did she know?” He asked, walking away. Everleigh and Billy walked into the office. “You don’t say anything, okay?” She ordered. He grinned. “You’re quite bossy, little lady.”
Everleigh hid her smile that was forming and rang the little bell on the desk. An old, short lady came into the room. “Hello, what can I do for you?” The lady asked boredly. “Hi, Isabella. We need a locker for Billy Hargrove.” Everleigh told her. Billy stepped forward to make himself more present. “Alright. Where would you like it, Billy?” Isabella showed him photographs of the school hallways and locker numbers. “Wherever.” He shrugged. Isabella shook her head. “Honey, you need to pick.” She told him. Billy turned to Everleigh. “Where’s your locker?” He spoke seductively, wiggling his eyebrows. “That’s not important.” She replied, a little shocked he asked. “Where’s Tommy’s?” He questioned. 
Everleigh nodded and pointed to the locker number. “Here. He’ll have 203.” She told Isabella. Isabella gave him a small paper with a pin for his locker. “Have a nice day, kids.” She kindly said goodbye. “Thanks, you too.” Everleigh grinned brightly. The two walked away to Billy’s locker. “So, you can make whatever pin you want. It just has to be six digits.” She told him when they arrived. He nodded and put a code in.
Billy took his backpack off his shoulder and unzipped it. As he was bent over, Everleigh couldn’t help but stare at his locks. They were so pretty. They were blonde silky curls and they just fit him so well. They looked soft too. She sucked in a breath, mentally rolling her eyes at herself. Billy threw his books inside of his locker very carelessly and slammed it shut. Everleigh’s mouth dropped open. He chuckled and placed his hand under her chin, closing it. “You’ll get flies.”
“Whatever,” She mumbled. Billy checked the time on his watch. “We still have 20 minutes before the bell.” He noted. Maybe this was his chance to hook up with her. “I don’t really wanna go to Mrs. O’Donnell’s.” She whined. “C’mon. Let’s go somewhere.” He invited. Huh? Everleigh made a squeaky hum and began walking again. “We can go to the bleachers?” She suggested. He simply nodded. “You’re trying out for the basketball team right?” Everleigh asked, bubbly. “Yep.”
“You any good?” She questioned, partially wanting to know. He grinned. “Yeah, I’d say so. You didn’t see me earlier?” He wondered. I mean, obviously he knew she did. But why not ask, right? Get her in the mood, you know. “Oh, right. I forgot, sorry. I’m okay at basketball, like, I’ve tried it before. But the only sports I’m good at are cheerleading and volleyball.” She explained.
Billy rolled his eyes. “Cheerleading is not a sport.” Ugh, great. “Oh so you’re one of those people? I see. Well,  cheerleading is a sport. And I’ll tell you why.” Everleigh perked up, ready to defend the art of cheerleading.
She began blabbing about everything cheerleaders have to do and how they’re all a team. Billy was getting slightly annoyed, but damn she talked fast. They finally reached the bleachers and walked under. He sat on the grass while Everleigh stood. “What, are you scared of grass or somethin’?” He joked, folding his arms over his chest. “No, I just don’t want to ruin my skirt, duh.” She sassed.
“There’s something called a washing machine, hon. Sit.” Billy’s eyes bored into hers, daring her to snap something back. But she didn’t. She hesitantly sat across from him. “Wow, a whole new world.” Everleigh gasped, jokingly. He chuckled under his breath and tried to think of a way to, ehm, persuade her. But he didn’t mind waiting. He would chill and talk to her today and maybe try again tomorrow. That sounded like a good plan.
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himejoshiba · 8 months
unmmm hmmm uhhh here is a whiny embarassing post ok here you go if you want to see vvvv
would u guys still like me if i was sad and weird and annoying forever. actually do any of u guys actually like me atp, even a little bit like just for fun. i feel like probably yes even though i dont know any of u well i do post some cute pictures sometimes and i try to be nice so i cant b horrible. anyways this is a tangent unmmmm do u think i still deserve to be loved even if im a funny looking and lazy and crybaby neet forever? i would love 2 say all my issues are bc of my mental illness but i think a lot of this is just my fault. i have a very perfect life loving mother spoiled rotten no expectations no trauma or hardships but i still act like this. i cry so much over nothing and i act so spoiled and accomplish nothing and give nothing back to anyone. i am not attractive and i am dirty and gross and i act weird and move weird and say wrong things and im not very talented in anything. i sleep all day and eat garbage and complain. i am never going to get a job or go to college or find a relationship for the first time ever im too much of a weenie. so ummmmm tell me i can get better and i still have time?? will i die this way or can u tell me uhhh that this will get better and i might be a functional grown up someday even if it takes my whole life, and can u tell me i can still b loved even a little bit by someone even though im weird and gross and dont do anything to deserve it. ok. can u soothe my ego a little bit please pretty please and tell me its ok that i suck and i wont suck forever but even if i did i would still b worth loving. 👉👈🐇🐇🐇🌷🌷🩷
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