#but with peter? i don't know. i don't think peter should hold the power in the dynamic. it should be a balance of powers.
sciderman · 4 months
I give you one better, I invite you to avoid the negativity and tell us. What would be the perfect DP/SP cannon comic for you? Like that topics and motivations and even silly jokes would make you fill with joy and happiness and fun reading it?
Also if you could choose any writer to do it, who would it be?
for real the spideypool book of all time is avenging spider-man #12-#13, for wade and peter's ridiculous dynamic where - unlike most of deadpool and spider-man's team-ups, spider-man is honestly in good spirits and good humour, and is rolling with the punches.
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i think that's the big reason why i love this particular team-up so much - it's not as mean-spirited as literally every other spider-man and deadpool routine, where spider-man is kind of excessively mean to deadpool. like sure, wade and peter aren't friends, exactly, but peter's not excessively mean, and they just have this delightful little dynamic where - like, peter's disappointed, but i don't know, it doesn't feel belittling to me. even when peter's disappointed.
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it's the most likeable peter's ever been in any spider-man and deadpool team-up. he really really has a likability issue in every single spider-man/deadpool team-up. in every single one, save for this one, peter is just... really unlikeable in the spider-man/deadpool dynamic. he's always holier-than-thou, and i really can't stand it.
so if there were a spider-man and deadpool book i'd want to read - it would have to have wade and peter on equal footing. none of this holier-than-thou stuff - peter doesn't see himself as superior. he probably will still see deadpool as a nuisance, but he doesn't think he's better than wade. i'd want it to stay street-level. i'd want a lot of opportunities for each of them to surprise each other with their abilities - i'd want wade to constantly be taken aback by peter's brilliance, and i'd want peter to be taken aback by how sharp wade is. i'd want that respect between them to grow, over time. equal footing. a balance of powers. i really don't think it's fair that, kind of consistently, peter's always held the power in the dynamic and wade's kind of always a bit of a doormat with peter. so - i want them to dismantle that hero-worship dynamic, and put them on equal footing.
god. and the series has to be funny. dear god let it be funny. the sm/dp series was just - not funny. i can't remember a single joke that landed, for me. if there's anything a spider-man and deadpool book has to be, it's funny. please. deeeeaaaar god please.
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kingkat12 · 1 month
affair (roman godfrey x reader)
WARNINGS: 18+, piv sex, oral sex (female receiving), dub-con, Roman using his powers for bad shit, angst, cheating, toxic relationship, justice for Peter omg
summary: when your ex-boyfriend shows up at your door, how are you supposed to push him away?
word count: 5,136
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"No, please!-- We need to talk!" 
Roman forced a foot in my door to make sure I wouldn't close it on him. He was wet from the rain, his usually styled hair sticking to his forehead as he panted, desperately pleading for me to hear him out. "I made a huge mistake," he breathed, regret glossing over his green eyes. "Could you please just hear me out?"
This was definitely not the most ideal situation to be in-- my boyfriend, Peter, had just left my apartment to go home and get ready for his early shift, so I had gotten ready for bed. And I certainly wouldn't be dressed in my pyjamas and slippers had I known that my ex would show up at my door looking beyond frantic. My mind raced with uncertainty, filled with endless questions and doubt; what was he doing here? Was he drunk? Why was he doing this now, after two months of being broken up? "You-- You need to go," I didn't have the time or energy to deal with the mess Roman always dragged back into my life, especially now that I was finally happy with someone else.
Worst of all, I knew for a fact that Roman had someone else too. I knew he was seeing some woman with long, blonde hair whom I refused to stalk for my own good, so why on earth was he here? The question lingered in my mind, but I had to remind myself about the one thing I had the answer to at the moment; I needed to close the door on him now. 
Upon hearing my words of rejection and feeling the door press up on his foot in an attempt to force him out, Roman wedged his arm between the door. "Let me explain," he pleaded, chest heaving. "I just ran seventeen blocks in the fucking rain to see you, could you at least spare me a minute?"
As if that was enough of a justification to show up out of the blue? "No one asked you to do that. I certainly did not," To say that I was pissed off was an understatement, but Roman's pleading eyes were making me sick with guilt. He looked like a lost puppy of sorts, and it was certainly not helping my restraint. The hand I had on my doorknob felt like it was starting to lose blood because of how hard I was holding on-- I couldn't let him in. I shouldn't let him in. 
"I know," Roman eventually said, moving his wet hair out of his eyes. "I know you don't want to see me, but I just... I needed to see you."
"... I think you should go back to your girlfriend," I started to push at his shoe with my slipper, preparing to slam the door in his face. "You shouldn't be here."
It didn't take long for Roman to figure out what I was doing, and it became apparent that he wasn't going to go down without a fight. It didn't take much strength for him to grab the door, forcing it wide open, staring down at me with a damning look of desperation I hadn't seen in any man before. "Just a minute," he breathed. "Please let me say my piece. If I don't, I swear I'll die."
I didn't enjoy this one bit-- coming to my doorstep, threatening to die if I didn't comply? I had forgotten how manipulative he could be. Being with Peter had shown me that Roman's behavior in our relationship had been beyond toxic, and I could see it clearer than ever as he stood before me now. "You're not going to fucking die," I grumbled, feeling myself grow annoyed with how he was throwing himself back into my life, completely uninvited. "Roman, it's almost midnight, maybe this manic behaviour of yours will go away with a good night of sleep?"
Frustrated, Roman tapped his fingers against the door. "Now you're just making it hard, as always,"
"And you're being crazy, as always," I mumbled, shifting my weight from foot to foot, a sense of restlessness taking over my stance. "Could you please leave? We did this back-and-forth thing months ago, I'm not interested in doing it all over again."
In true Roman fashion, standing face to face with rejection, he didn't know what to say or do. I could recognize his patterns now that we weren't together, and it was so damn typical of him to attempt to distract me from what was making me mad; "I remember those," he said, nodding toward my slippers. "Good to see you've kept them."
I knew he was distracting me, so why did it work? Sighing, I shrugged; "They were expensive... Wasn't going to throw them away just because you picked them out,"
Letting go of the door, knowing he had tranquilized the danger of getting it slammed in his face, Roman leaned against the frame in a James Dean-esque fashion. He let out a dragged-out breath, eyes rounding out; "I've missed you,"
His words snapped me out of my daze, and I immediately pulled away from the door with a groan. "Ugh, Roman, you need to go!" I turned my back to him, walking further into my apartment, my instincts telling me to get as far away as possible. "I'm finally happy with Peter, and you have no right to show up at my door just because you're bored!--" My trail of words came to a halt as I suddenly heard my door close; I knew I was fucked in an instant. My heart trembled at the recognition of the sound of the lock turning, realizing I was in for a long night. Fuck. I turned around, holding my breath, watching as he took wary steps towards me. 
"One minute," Roman said, voice low and unsteady. "That's all I ask." 
"No!" I took a few steps back, not daring to get too close. "You can't be here! This is completely inappropriate, Roman, I have a boyfriend! And I know you have a girlfriend too, along with a huge fucking drinking problem!" 
Roman sighed, a silent declaration of his frustration. "I'm not drunk," he said, gaze falling to the floor. "I just... I've come to realize that I can't live like this anymore. I want to be with you."
I clenched my fists tightly in a futile attempt to quell my agitation, but my hands continued to shake. "That's too bad," I said, a sinking feeling taking hold and clinging to me. "I'm not doing this with you again. I'm not getting up in the middle of the night to look for you, wondering whether you're either dead or drunk in some alley. Not when I have Peter."
Exhaustion drugged Roman's movements, every movement slow, every breath. It was clear that the mention of Peter was an unpleasant reminder that we were over; his shoulders slumped, the weight of guilt settling upon them. "I haven't had a drink since the day you left me," he said, his sincere eyes finding mine. "I want to be good for you... I want you. Every second of every day." 
At this point, I had taken so many steps back that I had hit the wall. It was getting a little harder to breathe, and I ended up hyperventilating-- I couldn't do this. I could still feel Peter on my shirt. Everything about this was wrong. "You need to stop," I breathed, stepping away from the wall and wandering further into my living room as I grew restless. "Please stop. Don't do this to me."
To my dismay, Roman only followed; "I'll leave her," he pleaded. "I'll leave her if you tell me to, I'll do whatever you want! I should've fought for us, I should've done so many things that I didn't do... It keeps me up at night that I let you go. I can't sleep, I can't function, I need you to know how this pains me!"
"No, I don't need to know that!" My steps came to a halt, and I pivoted on the heel of my slipper to face him. "You put me through hell, and now think you can just show up like this! Don't you think I have enough emotional baggage from you? You think I don't have enough or something, so you come here to unload some more? What the fuck am I to you, a loading dock?!"
Roman let out a harsh sigh; "Is that a serious question?" he asked, brows weaving together in frustration. "You are everything. I see that now!"
I was already exhausted from the day I had just had, and I barely had any energy left to fight with Roman. This was what we did-- we fought, we fucked, then we made up. However, this time was completely different, and it was throwing me off my course; we couldn't fuck and make up this time. But it was clear that he hadn't shown up to fight, so what on earth was this?
"Well, it's too damn late!" I groaned loudly, hiding my face in the palm of my hands. This was way too overwhelming. When the love of your life shows up at your door telling you everything you've ever wanted to hear, you want to rejoice-- not cry? My eyes burned with the tears that begged to be set free, distorting my vision as I lifted my face from my hands, unveiling that I was swimming in tears. "Do you not see what you do to me?" I breathed, sniffling. "Did you come here to drive me to tears? Do you have no remorse, Roman?"
Roman's lips parted, the worried look on his face revealing everything, his concern written all over. In the quiet moments that followed, the only sound was the echoing resonance of regret filling the space between us with its haunting presence. Our unsaid words were scattered in the air, and it felt like I was suffocating from every apology he could muster up. 
"Let me be happy," I begged, swallowing hard. "Leave now and let me forget. I'm happy with Peter... Please."
It was clear that Roman was debating whether or not to comply. His conscience was gnawing at him-- I knew him well enough to be able to spot the signs. I hated how familiar he was, how it felt like we hadn't been apart at all, like it was yesterday that he had made me feel things I never knew I could feel. The feeling of pure bliss had been like a drug that Roman constantly pumped into me, making me a complete and utter junkie. It had resulted in me falling for him despite how beyond bad he was for me. 
I remembered it all too well. The binge drinking that would go on for days, which often had him disappearing off of the face of the earth. His wandering green eyes used to leave me with such crippling anxiety, I would spend hours crying with a lingering feeling of nausea in my throat. He used to make me so, so sick in every possible way, and my body remembered it better than I did. 
However, I could also sense that something had changed. Here he was; standing in my living room, drenched in rain, clinging onto his last slivers of hope, and I knew I was in for a good run of Roman-mania. 
Of course he would come back to claim what he thought was his. Of course he'd be arrogant enough to believe it would be okay, that I would take him back, and that it would be completely alright for him to come towards me with rushed steps, kissing me with desperation that I had never felt from him before.
Our bodies were pressed together heatedly, Roman's hands on my waist keeping me in place. I could taste our shared nervous breaths, feel the thud of my heart against his, and it was all too much-- I pushed him off of me, tears pooling in my eyes as they streaked down my cheeks. "No!" I cried, my words getting choked. I couldn't believe what he had just done; my heart was actively breaking at the thought of Peter, the loveliest boyfriend I had ever had. I couldn't do this to him. "Roman, you can't just!--"
I hated the warmth that spread in my chest as Roman pulled me back in, sparks igniting in the pool of my stomach as his impossibly perfect lips moved against mine once more. I balled my fist, landing a firm hit against his chest, fighting the ecstasy that always followed any kiss from Roman. But his grip around me was impossibly tight, not letting me budge. You'd think he'd been starved for months with the way he was kissing me with hunger unmatched any other moment I'd ever shared with him, completely taking my breath away. Like this, I could almost believe that I had been on his mind in every waking moment, ravaging through his veins like a burning ache-- I couldn't lie and say that he hadn't been on my mind either.
No one could match Roman; not even my sweet, sweet Peter. I hated it with every fiber of my being. 
The only thing I hated more, was that I never wanted him to stop. 
"No," I cried against his lips, my fingers gripping his wet shirt, bunching it up, unsure whether to pull him closer or push him away once more. Was it maybe that he sensed how much I wanted this too that made him allow himself to continue?
Lightning struck in the distance, illuminating my apartment with a flash as my tears rolled down, mixing in with our kiss. No matter how wrong I knew this was, it felt like my soul was slowly leaving my body and giving itself to him once more; I knew I was dealing with a force outside of anything I could ever control. The love I had for Roman was all-consuming, crushing, devastating-- I could barely bring myself to fight him. "Stop," I breathed in between kisses. "Don't, Roman--"
My breath hitched as I realized my back was now pressed against the wall, and Roman pulled away barely an inch; I could feel the soft tickle of his breath beneath my nose, his fingers now moving through my hair as we breathed each other in. "Leave him," he whispered against my lips. "Let's try again."
My heart had become like melted wax in my chest, making it painful to breathe. "We'll crash and burn all over again," I breathed, feeling the salty traces of my tears on my lips. "We'll kill each other, you know this."
"Let me die by your hand, then," Roman connected our foreheads, closing his eyes. Like this, I could almost believe him, I really could-- he had actually missed me, hadn't he? "A death by you would be a death worth dying."
I felt my lower lip quiver in a sob; I wanted him more than anything in the world, and I had an inkling that he knew it better than I did. I couldn't allow myself to feel all the feelings I had bottled up in our time apart, knowing it would break me and lead me right back into his arms. 
But Roman was insistent-- "I love you," He whispered it as though it was a secret he had been keeping for a thousand years. I could barely accept that this was real; the words I had wanted from him our whole relationship were being spilled out like a consolation for my pain. 
I knew there was no reason for me to fight anymore; Roman knew me too well. He knew that this was all I had ever dreamed to hear, and he knew exactly how to use it against me. Unsure whether he was telling the truth or not, the emotions I had let fester deep within came rushing through the floodgates, making it impossible to do anything but feel; the love I had for him, the feelings that had never left me, the burning sensation of need and hope coursing through my veins. 
So, I didn't fight him when he kissed me once more. I didn't fight the arm he snaked around my waist, pulling me flush against him, and I didn't fight the rush I got from finally being reunited with him in this way; I had wanted his back mouth against mine since the second we were over. 
My conscience gnawed at me as Roman pressed himself up against me, but my guilt didn't hinder me from letting my fingers run through his wet hair, giving in to the engulfing infatuation I had with him. As his hungry kisses moved down my jawline and to my neck, I dared to inhale a shaky breath; I was getting dizzy from the rush of feeling him close to me like this, grabbing my waist, running his hands up my body as though he had no self-control at all. 
The inner corners of my brows turned up, giving in to the crushing feeling of relief and sadness, closing my eyes as I held him tightly against me. There was so much I wanted to say, to do, but I couldn't bring myself to push him away-- not when it felt this good. Not when his hands dipped beneath my shirt, grazing at my bare skin, drinking me in as though I was water. It didn't take long for Roman to get my shirt off of me, and I could taste our shared breath along with the thud of our combined heartbeat as it got tossed to the floor.
Roman's fingers pressed themselves into my skin, getting reacquainted after our time apart. I hadn't realized that I was tracing my hands up and down his arms, mindlessly relishing in the familiarity; I had missed him dearly, and I couldn't bring myself to lie about it any longer. My hands went back up into his hair as he kissed down my chest, my breaths getting short and choppy as I allowed myself to bask in the feeling of his lips against my body. 
"We shouldn't," I tried, the memory of my boyfriend lingering in the back of my mind.
Roman hummed against my skin, now kneeling before me. He grasped at my hips as he pressed a wet kiss against my lower abdomen, making my breath hitch. "Push me away, then," he murmured, his wet tongue tracing where he had just kissed me; it was impossible not to shiver. 
He knew he had control. He knew, that bastard knew so well-- I couldn't push him away. I was never able to do it before, so how was I supposed to do it now? I felt my tears dry up, the familiar ache between my legs pooling, threatening to run over. As if by instinct, my hips rose from the walls, begging for him to finally do something. 
Roman's grip on my hips tightened, pushing me back in place. Something about the growing smirk on his face had me questioning everything; what was I doing? Was this just a ploy for him to get laid? A big, dark part of me didn't care at this point. The fingers I had in his hair loosened as he hooked his fingers in my pyjama pants, dragging them down with a satisfied look on his face. Roman wasted no time, humming as he leaned forward to press a keening kiss against my dampening underwear.
My breath hitched, my back arching off the wall in a knee-jerk reaction-- I had missed this more than I should've. There was no passion like this with Peter, although he was sweet and considerate. But Roman was so all-taking, so consuming, I couldn't do anything other than let him do whatever he wanted to do to me. He pulled my underwear to the side, laving his tongue against me as I whimpered, tasting me. Roman's big hands grabbed my leg, forcing it over his shoulder, pushing himself closer to my sex with an aching need. 
"Roman," I tried, my guilt mixing in with the pleasure. "Don't--" All other words suddenly fled my mind as his lips sealed around my clit, sucking at me in a way that had me crying out in shock, my vision nearly turning black.
Just as I thought I would faint from the flood of emotions, Roman came back up after taking his time, breath heavy against my lips. "Still want me to go?"
My eyes glossed over, meeting his. Thunder and lightning struck outside again, lighting up my living room, and allowing me to see the traces of my slick around his mouth. Something about it was just too scandalous-- I couldn't believe any of this was happening. But we'd gone too far to go back now; "No," I breathed, slinging my arms around his neck, pulling him into a heated kiss. 
As I tasted myself on his lips, Roman picked me up, and my legs automatically wrapped around him as they always had. He didn't need to watch where he was going as he knew my apartment almost as well as I did, walking away from the wall and laying me down on the couch with ease. 
It was hard to focus on the true nature of what was going on when it felt so damn good. Everything happened in a blur; I couldn't recall how or when Roman had lost his shirt, when my underwear got pulled off and discarded, or how I had allowed this to happen. Roman's cock pressed into me slowly, still trying to be sincere despite the complexion of our encounter. With every thrust, my chest arched up against his, back curving as I whimpered at the stretch. 
My hands rested on Roman's neck as he kissed me once more, stealing my breath with every roll of his hips. The part of me that was outraged with the both of us withered away as I continued to moan beneath him, coming out in broken cries. I couldn't focus on the infidelity I was committing when he was inside of me like this, his hands wrapped around me, moving me against him. 
"Fuck, I've missed this," Roman breathed against my neck, letting out a laboured sigh of satisfaction. "All of you... All of this..."
Everything about this was dizzying; maybe this was my mind playing tricks on me, maybe this was all some dirty dream? But I could feel myself clinging to him, wet and dripping-- there was no way this wasn't real. "Rome," I cried, the old nickname slipping past my lips. 
I could feel him give in to a shiver, ears perking up. "That's sweet," Roman kissed my cheek, driving his cock further into me as I whimpered, no longer used to his length like before. Even as he whispered my name, needing me, I briefly thought of how less intimidating he was at this moment-- this was the part of Roman that would show up in my dreams, caress my cheeks as I cried, and fall asleep on top of my chest after a long day, clinging to me. I had spent so much time resenting him, that it was weird to see him so... human. Desperate.
I let out a short gasp as I suddenly realized I was almost folded in half, my legs creasing at his arms. One thing hadn't changed; Roman would always take his liberties with me, no matter the circumstances. It somehow bothered me that I was being fucked with the same amount of love as before; did he have no guilt? No thoughts of his girlfriend at home?
Fuck-- Peter!
As I remembered my boyfriend, I felt my anxiety rise. My hand shot up to Roman's chest, lips parted, ready to protest and push him away-- but as I met his eyes, the green of his irises practically engulfed my being, and not a sound would come out of my mouth. "Shh, it's okay," Roman said, voice calm, reading my panic. "It's just me... It's okay."
Something about his voice was so calming, soothing, that a certain sense of relief washed over me-- I could recall several similar instances. This had happened before; it was almost as though a greater power controlled me every time I looked into his eyes for too long. 
The hand I had on his chest went up into his hair, pulling him forward to capture his lips in a kiss. I was caught off guard as Roman pulled out only till the tip of him remained, letting out a soft gasp against him as he pushed back into me to the hilt. I felt him hum against the kiss, sighing in satisfaction. "There you go," he said, words softer than ever. "Just relax, enjoy... Let me take care of you, just like I used to."
Despite how hard my guilt was eating at me, I still felt ridiculously calm, unable to do anything else than comply. I could only moan, shivering with pleasure at the feeling of being driven forward against the couch with every thrust. 
I wrapped my arms around Roman, kissing his broad shoulders, giving in to the pleasure. I had missed this, I had missed him... All my feelings started to ball up, crying out against his shoulder at the realization of what was about to happen. "Rome, I- I can't--"
"Gonna?" His question came out along with a grunt and another snap of his hips, repeatedly pushing himself into me. 
I couldn't hold it-- I really, really couldn't. Something about the nature of our get-together mixed in with my climax, and I let my head fall back down against the couch as I cried out. It was so hard, so intense, that I had forgotten to breathe; I hadn't had an orgasm like that since the day we broke up. 
I knew I was screwed. I knew it.
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
As everything started to dawn on me, my breathing got heavier-- what had we done? I pulled myself closer to Roman on the bed, completely spent, seeking comfort from the person who had dragged me into this mess in the first place. 
Eventually, Roman broke the silence; "We should do porn," he mumbled, taking another drag of his cigarette. 
What? I looked up to glare at him; "Fuck you,"
"You just did," Roman smirked, glancing back at me with a rather proud expression on his face. "But I'm serious. We're damn hot."
I groaned; this was not what I needed to hear right now-- not after we had just finished round three. Roman reached out for me with his free hand, pulling me even closer, lazily running his fingers through my hair. I embraced him as I sniffled, burying my face in the crook of his neck. I was so tired, feeling my sore legs ache as I realized that up close, Roman's hair smelled like cigarettes as well. He might've quit drinking, but quitting cigarettes was a no-go in his book.
"We're horrible people," I mumbled, my words muffled up against his skin, taking in his presence. There were many times I had dreamed about us being reunited, but never that it would end up with me cheating on Peter.
Roman shrugged, turning to press a kiss against my temple. "I told you, I'm leaving her. We're fine," 
Nothing about this felt fine. I propped myself up on my elbow, watching him as he laid comfortably in my bed, almost done with his cigarette. Even after convincing me to commit such a heinous act against my boyfriend, he looked like an angel. Fucking Lucifer. "... Don't do it. Don't leave her."
"What?" Confused, Roman's green eyes rounded out. "Why not?"
I sighed, shaking my head. The decision I had made for myself was hard to air out, and I knew that protests would ensue; "I'm not leaving Peter,"
But despite my predictions, Roman got quiet. His wide, empty eyes stared right back at me, lips parted as though he was ready to speak. "... You're kidding me?" he finally said, the hurt in his face mixing in with a smidge of anger. "After this, you're going to stay with him?"
"He's good for me!" I tried, sitting up properly. "Roman, please, just-- I don't know what came over me, but this was a mistake... We're not good for each other, you know this!--"
"You're kidding me?" Roman repeated, clearly in a state of shock. 
This whole ordeal was making me feel like the second worst person in the world, with the first place going to Roman. I buried my face in my hands, realizing that I was trembling. "Please don't make this harder than it already is," I pleaded, inhaling a shaky breath. "You had no right to show up here... I was fine just the way I was, and I'm going to go back to that."
I heard Roman shift, sitting up as well. His long, slender fingers wrapped around my wrists, prying my hands away from my face. His green eyes burned into me, the fire intent on destroying whatever it could catch, and I knew I had to look away before it was too late. "I'm leaving her," he said, intertwining his fingers with mine. "I love you. I'm leaving her."
It took a lot of willpower to shake my head, rejecting his words. "Don't," 
"I will,"
"No, Roman, I don't want you to!--"
My words came to a halt as Roman leaned forward, capturing my lips in a rushed, desperate kiss. I did my best not to cry again, having previously burst into tears in the middle of round two-- I couldn't do this. This wasn't good for me. Peter was good for me.
I felt Roman's hands leave mine, and before I knew it, his fingers twisted into the hair at the nape of my neck, forcing me to look at him. His eyes searched mine, looking to find some shred of doubt to hang onto. "Do you love him?" I barely had time to open my mouth to speak before he cut me off; "You wouldn't have done this if you did."
My tears came back, pressing up on my eyes with a burning fire, begging to be set free. "Please, just... Please just go,"
Roman let out a sigh, leaning forward to press his lips against my forehead. "Call me when you change your mind,"
"I won't,"
"You will," Roman's hand slid out of my hair, caressing my cheek with his thumb, his green eyes finding mine once more. And just as I was about to look away, I felt that familiar calm wash over me as the colour green took over my vision, the numbing of my thoughts ensuing; there was no way I could fight it. I didn't stand a chance. 
Roman's lips quirked into a shameless smirk; "You will,"
a/n: (should I do a pt.2? hihi)
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mellowmadds · 2 months
Casual Study Dates | Peter Parker
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(MCU) Peter Parker/Fem Stark Reader
Warnings - slightly suggestive
Summary - Avenger’s compound a usually busy place hustling with activity seems unusually quiet for the day. leaving y/n and Peter in a sticky situation (pun intended)
Word Count: 1,237
Avenger’s Compound, a place that’s usually bustling with activities and combat training sometime’s has quiet days like this where super-powered humans who have insanely intense hearing can hear a pin drop from across campus. For you though being one of the youngest on the team you hated those days because it seemed as if everybody always wanted to see what you were up to. You weren’t necessarily an avenger but you were extremely smart and helped out around the lab and worked on some Stark Industries projects with your dad every once and a while. And that’s how you met Peter Parker and during those first two years of awkward conversations and study dates you two seemed to find some comfort in all that awkwardness.
“Are you nervous about MIT sending out their decisions soon?” Peter asked while getting comfortable on your bed while staring out at the beautiful city view.
“Why would I be nervous Peter? Most of my family are MIT Alumni.” You said a bit cocky if you really think about it.
“I- know it’s just I figured maybe you’d be experiencing the same nerves I was. It was a stupid question nevermind sorry” Peter stuttered out.
“You don’t have to be sorry Peter and you definitely don’t have to worry my dad put in a good word about you. You’re one hundred percent getting into MIT” You told him confidently.
You knew Peter was an anxious person and you’d do anything to take his nerves away.
“Now are we going to keep stressing about MIT or are we going to figure out these formulas that Bruce gave us to solve?” You asked while holding up the stack of papers labeled ‘Top Secret Formulas’.
Peter nodded his head yes while lifting his body off your bed to instead sit on the edge of the bed closer to your desk where all of your work was scattered across your laptop.
“But first I need to put some music on or else I won’t be able to focus” You said before sliding the miscellaneous papers off your laptop.
“That’s the Stark in you talking, how can you focus better with music blasting in your ears?” Peter asked while laughing.
“I guess you are right, that is a classic trait of my dads. But it just helps me focus better. I don't know, I can't explain it.” You turned on your playlist before flipping to the first page of the stack of formulas Bruce assigned you to solve.
Your speaker was loud but who cares it’s not like anyone cared or was listening everyone was off doing their own things. The first few songs were upbeat and fun but the farther you got into your playlist the more guilty pleasure songs started playing, but Peter didn’t mind he was blocking out the music anyways so he could focus better on the formulas in front of him. What you didn’t know was that Steve and Nat were standing outside your room listening.
“Knee deep where? doing what?” Steve said worriedly looking over at Nat.
“It’s just a song Steve stop being so old-school” Nat smirked back at him.
“But Peter’s in there with her, what if they aren’t actually studying?” Steve asked as any worried uncle would.
“The song is talking about having relations in the bathroom during dinner time, that’s not appropriate Nat” Steve said firmly not accepting any excuse now.
Nat wasn’t interested in continuing this conversation any further and started walking toward the living quarters where there sat Bucky, Clint, Bruce and of course Tony.
“What’s got you so tense Cap? Your boyfriends right here if you have to relieve some tension” Tony laughed making fun of Steve and Bucky’s unusual bromance.
“I think you should worry more about what your daughter and Peter are doing upstairs” Steve said, crossing his arms.
“What? What are you talking about Cap? His vigilant ass better not be corrupting my innocent perfect daughter” Tony angrily stated as his face turned a shade of red nobody expected.
“They are listening to a song about having relations in the car and bathroom” Steve said pointing upstairs to your room.
“And you didn’t shut it down the moment you heard that? What kind of uncle are you?” Tony asked running up the stairs to take a listen for himself.
“Oh my gosh the lyrics are filthy but it sounds so calming, how does an artist achieve that?” Tony muttered under his breath before harshly knocking on your bedroom door and bursting in unannounced.
“What’s going on here?” Tony yelled loudly only to be met with a view of you sitting at your desk and Peter sitting on your bed leaning against the headboard with a textbook and stack of papers sitting on his lap.
“What dad? We are busy figuring out the formulas Bruce gave us. Why the hell is everyone crowding outside my room?” You asked, pointing towards Steve, Bucky, Nat, Clint and Bruce all huddling in a circle outside your bedroom door.
“Well we heard the song you guys were listening to and were a bit concerned. You guys aren’t acting on those lyrics are you? You guys better not be under my roof” Tony questioned with a look of disgust on his face.
“What the hell are you going on about dad?” You asked looking over at Peter who looked like he'd seen a ghost.
“Are you guys having sexual relations?” Tony asked in disgust as your playlist suddenly skipped to the next song which would make your case even worse.
“Head so good, she's an honor roll she’ll ride your what like a carnival?” Tony repeated the lyrics.
“I am on the honor roll though, so it’s not entirely a lie” You replied back smirking like a smartass.
“This is not a laughing matter young lady, we are talking about something serious here, answer my question right now” Tony stated with a straight face not joking around anymore.
“Yeah we are and what about it?” You said, shrugging your shoulders.
“Y/n not in front of everybody” Peter said shyly.
“Who cares Peter they were going to find out sooner or later anyways, might as well just tell them now” You said looking back at everyone’s shocked faces. As you looked past your father behind him stood Bucky handing Clint a ten dollar bill.
“You guys had a bet going on about us?” Peter asked, looking back and forth between them but also keeping one eye on Tony just in case he might try to kill him.
“This conversation is not over and from now on this door stays open” Tony said sternly ignoring all the giggles and snarky remarks coming from his fellow avengers. Your playlist then starts playing a different song which lightens up the mood just a little.
“This one has a dance to go along with it, watch H-O-T-T-O-G-O it’s like the YMCA'' You said while doing the dance.
“I like doing the YMCA” Steve said, smiling now entering your room.
“Of course you do because you're ancient” Peter said jokingly.
As you can expect you didn’t think you’d be ending your day teaching Steve Rogers the Hot To Go dance however you wouldn’t trade the quiet days at the compound for anything because at the end of the day you’re just one big family and you wouldn’t trade them for the world.
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wheredidhiseyebrowsgo · 7 months
please give me fic recs where Derek is a big brother / dad figure to Issac with Sterek too, but without the pack calling Stiles mom, just pack feels or Derek found family feels.
I know these fics exists, they have to, I NEED THEM pretty please.
I think so!
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Family Ties by Big_Hazard
(1/1 I 1,681 I General)
Isaac comes home from Paris and Derek makes a big change for both of their lives.
Brothers (a word so unfamiliar to Derek he probably couldn't spell it) by Nerdgoddess
(1/1 I 2,797 I General)
Derek Hale hasn't been a brother in a long time. He hasn't been a big brother for even longer. But slowly, with the help of the pack, he learns.
4 times in which Derek acts like a big brother + 1 time he gets treated like one.
The Barriers Within Yourself by Reinamy 
(1/1 I 2,977 I Teen)
It all comes down to Isaac messing up.
People Don't Regress into Babies, do they? by TylerM
(1/1 I 4,962 I General)
If there had ever been a time in Derek's life where he could have foreshadowed holding a crying baby on his hip as he tried to coo at him in a comforting manner while Peter uselessly laughed at him, he most definitely would have prevented it.
You see Derek has no idea how this happened. And by this, he means Isaac somehow magically turning into a toddler.
Repeat, a toddler.
- Or the one where Isaac magically gets turned into a baby and Derek has to look after him.
Can’t Walk Around With Open Wounds by BetoWrites
(5/5 I 8,075 I Mature)
It’s the holiday season, but Isaac isn’t in the mood to celebrate. Years after the Battle of the Nogistsune, he continues to be haunted by ghosts of a life he can barely recognize.
Upon his return to Beacon Hills, he discovers that — for better or for worse — he’s not the only one.
I Think Isaac Hale Sounds Nice by courtinator
(6/6 I 11,760 I General)
Derek sets out to begin the process of adopting Isaac, but it proves to be a little more difficult than he thought.
(to us) your ghost is born by stenoscope
(6/? I 14,169 I Teen)
“Shut up,” Boyd says easily, spearing a sausage on his fork. “It’d be a lot for anyone.”
“Yeah, but—”
“Isaac. We love you. Shut up.”
Isaac shuts up.
it begins with lies by sunmoontruth
(21/21 I 103,651 I Teen)
“We’re supposed to be the protectors of Beacon Hills,” Derek says. “You raised me to care about people, so that’s what I’m doing.”
Talia’s lips twitch a little, this soft frown that Derek hates to be the cause of. But he needs his mom to hear him, needs her to understand that they have the power to do something, and, therefore, they should. He needs her to understand that the abundance of caution has gone on for five years too long. He needs her to understand that the people of this town – this kid included – need someone to look out for them, and it should be this family.
Talia says, slowly, “I’ll check it out.”
Or the Hale fire never happens, the family fosters Isaac, and a war breaks out as a consequence
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crazyk-imagine · 6 months
Part I: When We were Young
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Pairing: Sirius Black x Wife!reader
Characters: Sirius Black, Wife!reader, Remus Lupin, James Potter, Peter Pettigrew
Briefly mentioned: Sybill Tawnley, Lily Evans, Harry Potter
Warnings: Flashbacks, angst, mentions of one's trauma, flashback to when the Potters died and Sirius was taken, reader's nickname is little bird, I might have made Peter more of a little shit and traitor, this is going to gut you the more you read, Sirius protecting everyone, reader scared of being alone, Sirius and reader are a power duo, this will make you all cry, the reader having special witch abilities
Word Count: 2,357
You close your eyes, listening to the pitter patter on the roof, reminding you when you lost... everything.
You stop forcing yourself to close off your mind and let go, allowing everything you’ve been holding in, to be free.
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He stares at you with a clenched jaw.
"Don't go," you plead with him. "Please, don't leave." You clutch onto his forearm.
He stares at you with furrowed brows, upset with himself for making his little bird cry. "I have to."
“Something is going to happen- has happened. I don’t want to lose you too.”
His hand brushes across your cheeks, wiping away your tears. “You’re not going to lose me,” the corner of his lips twitch. “I’ll be back before you know it.” A lie, he knows it well enough now (James told you two the same thing yesterday).
You don’t want to force him to stay if he doesn’t want to, but you can’t let him go, not when you’ve barely had him. “… please.”
“I have to do this.” The corner of his lips tugged upwards giving you more of a small smile. He nods, as a way to reassure you, silently promising to see each other soon, partially for you but mainly for himself. He turns around, his back facing you.
“You won’t make it back to me and- and Remus. We’ll be alone. We’ll be alone if you leave.”
He pauses, his shoulders tensing at your words.
Only your friends knew of the visions, it was too dangerous for anyone to know but you could always rely on them, they just never knew the extent to what you could see.
Another reason you keep away from Sybill, not wanting to put her in danger if she knew the extent of her powers.
“Do you know what happens?” He asks, over his shoulder, letting his hair cover you from the corner of his eye.
You shake your head. “I- I only know you don’t come back. Where you go after or what happens to you isn’t clear and I’m absolutely petrified that that means you’ve died or something much worse,” your voice trails off into a whisper as you tell him your fear. “Please don’t leave me alone. We never got to tell them-”
His shoulders begin to shake.
Your brows knit together, and you think he’s crying; belly aching laughter fills the room instead of gut-wrenching sobs.
He turns around, clutching his stomach, throwing his head back as he laughs as if you’ve told him the funniest thing.
“Why are you laughing?”
“Of course, you don’t see me coming back. I’m probably going to die.” His laughter dies down a bit after actually saying it out loud.
Your face turns sour. “And you think that’s funny?!”
“A bit, yeah. Of course, I’m the one who dies. It’s only fitting after everything-” he’s cut off.
A small echo reverberates off the walls.
He places a hand on his cheek, rubbing the now sore spot. He turns to look at you.
“You think it’s funny to joke about something like this... you- you dying is funny!” You run your fingers angrily through your hair. “How- no, no-” Your hands fall past your face. Your shoulders are tense, and your fingers are spread apart in anger. You could never understand why he was acting this way. “Why would you think that?!”
“What else am I supposed to do?”
You scoff. “For one, don't joke about you dying because it absolutely terrifies me.”
“I’m sorry, little bird.”
You nod, unsure of what to say next. “We should come up with a plan, right?”
“A way to make sure James and Lily are okay before we go in there unprepared and potentially die.”
“I’ll go check on them and make sure everything is okay while you stay here and wait for me to come back, yeah?”
You blink once, glaring at him soon after. “You must be out of your damn mind if you think I’m going to let you go there alone.”
“You're staying here where it’s safe.”
“No!” You roar.
“Just listen to me-”
“You want me to stay here while you go over there without any backup. I’m not letting you go there alone.”
“You can’t stop me.”
“Like hell I can’t.”
He cups your cheeks, forcing you to look into his eyes. “You... are... staying... here. I don’t want to be distracted because I’m worried that when I turn around, you’ll be dead.”
“What about me!” You cry.
“You need to stay here.” He places his forehead on yours, enjoying the warmth and thinking of how happy you two were the day before; you close your eyes, thinking of his face when you finally agreed to go out with him and how ecstatic you both were.
You place your hands on top of his. “Please don’t go,” you plead once more.
He slowly moves towards you, hands resting on your cheeks. “I can’t wait for tomorrow and hear that my friends are dead when I knew I could have done something tonight.”
“Let me go with you. Don’t make me stay here alone,” your grip tightens, digging into his skin, clinging to him for as long as you can.
“I can do this.”
“What has James always told you?”
He understands what you’re implying. “It's best to have backup.”
“I can be your backup. We work well together. We can do this, we’re husband and wife now, we’ll look out for one another like we’ve always done.”
He shakes his head, tears pooling in his eyes, blurring his vision. “I can’t let the woman I love come with me.”
“And I can’t let the man I love go into a death trap. I can’t bear nor stand the thought of not seeing you again. Please... don’t push me away and force me into staying here. Don’t make me live here… alone, without you.”
He swipes his thumb across your cheeks.
Your vision becomes cloudy due to the tears getting trapped in your lashes as more pool in your waterline. Your heart is heavy, as if on the verge of breaking, shocking it hasn’t already broke.
“I love you, that’s why I’m doing this for us.”
“Don’t say that.”
“I’ll be back before you know it.” He removes his hands from your cheeks and steps away.
“Sirius, please. Don’t go. Don’t go.” You sob, reaching for him. You wipe away your tears, but it becomes a complicated task as you continue to cry, and more tears are stuck in your lashes.
“I will come back to you, little bird.”
"Sirius! Don't leave. Don’t leave me. Please, don't go!" You’re right behind him, hand reaching out for him.
He tries not to tear up but fails, watching as you chase after him, reminding him of when you were children, but it was him doing the chasing… except for when he absolutely pissed you off.
He can’t leave.
You didn't know what went through his mind that night but, he was brought back to the last time he pissed you off, just before he asked you out.
A pleasant time for him because he knew that day and, in that moment, it was time he stopped being a chicken and ask you out.
“So, why are we running now?” Remus asks, barely breaking a sweat as he and Sirius pass by their other two friends (and members).
The other two glance at one another, the lighter haired boy shrugging his shoulders.
“Padfoot, where are you going?” James shouts, falling behind because he’s confused and has no idea why they’re running.
The mother hen of the group grabs the remaining member of their group, pulling him along as he protests along the way.
The boy with the longest hair out of the group, looks over his shoulder and smiles, catching the sight of your body turning the corner. “We’re running.”
“Sirius Orion Black!” You shout.
“Run, Pads Run!” James calls out to him as he pulls Peter beside him, blocking you from getting him.
In his eyes, you looked so ethereal as you try and push past his brother, even more beautiful than Aphrodite herself.
He stops in front of you, remembering that day fondly, cupping your cheeks once more, pulling you closer, kissing you with everything he’s got.
Sirius continues to pull you closer towards him, needing to let you know he loves you one last time because you, you are his everything and being in a world without you is not a world to live in at all and he’ll be damned if he didn’t give you a proper goodbye.
You clutch onto him; afraid this is the end of your beginning even more so as your intimate kiss is powerful enough for you to see into his mind and see all of his memories revolving around you. You two part when you need to take a breath.
He can never keep his mouth shut. “Wow.”
You tilt your head, “what?”
“I mean I- I always knew you’d be good and maybe a little part of me expected you to be this amazing, because you always are and- wow.” He stares into your eyes, shifting from one to the other feeling as if he was losing more of his breath.
You smile. “Must you always be such a charmer.” Your face falls when you realize what’s happening. “You’re still leaving,” you sniffle.
He nods, “I have to.”
“No, you don’t.”
“I do.”
You ignore him. “We can- we can come up with a plan and figure out how to stop he who shall not be named and protect everyone.”
“I-” He starts off, unable to take it anymore; he can’t hear you ramble on any further. “I’m doing this for the people I care for!”
“I can’t just let you go empty handed! You and I both know it’s always best to have someone by your side.” You grab his hand, clutching it knowing this is the last chance you have to keep him here, with you. “I want to be by your side for better or for worse.”
“And I want you to come with me. Merlin knows but I can’t stay in a world where we are afraid someone is going to come after us. I want you to stay where you’ll be safe. I’ll be back before you can say I’m gone. I always come back to you.”
“Why can’t you listen? Please don’t go,” you gasp, unable to hold in your sobs.
“I have to.”
“I’m scared.”
“So am I... but as long as I know that you’ll still be here by the time I come back, I’ll be okay.” He cups your cheek, thumb brushing against your cheek. “You are my hope.”
Your bottom lip quivers. “You’re mine too-”
“Then it’s done. You’ll see me tomorrow at the latest.”
You clench your jaw, more tears pooling in your waterline. “Fine.”
He nods. “Good. I will come back to you one way or another.”
“I know... I love you,” you whisper.
A smile tugs at his lips but he resists the urge to do so. “You couldn’t admit it before until I came to your rescue back at Hogwarts and now that I might die, you admit it again. Always a stubborn one, you were,” he jokes before the humor falls from his face.
“And I love you.” He makes his way towards the fireplace in your shared apartment.
You run towards him. “You know I don’t want you to go alone or at all. But please just- just- come back to me, Sirius.”
He nods, standing in place. “I know... this is something I have to do… for us. And you know I will. I always come back to you.” He winks then he’s gone.
Your lips twitch as your vision sways; the room spinning to the side making you wonder if your body moving the same way before collapsing onto your knees.
The pain in your limbs is there but you're too heartbroken to focus on the danger that's close to you as you plead with all your might to any god, wizard; whoever might be listening.
“Come back. Please come back.” You beg, banging your fists onto the floor. Too into your head, you’re unaware of who's that’s arrived.
“Heartbreaking, truly,” said the voice.
You froze, your entire body tensing at the voice (the voice of a traitor that is).
Then came the first time you thought you weren’t going to make it through the night.
"Have I interrupted your pity party?"
Your eyes widen as he steps closer, the moonlight being the only light illuminating his figure. "Peter?" You fully turn to see your so-called friend, standing for the opposing team; how could he have fallen so far and joined the side here to ruin lives.
Peter ignores your heated and confused gaze, opting to look at the picture behind you, remembering when you all were younger. His lips twitch before curling into a smirk full of hate at the memories of the way his friends treated him. "Do you know why I'm here?"
You don't say anything, still shocked the boy you all considered a friend nay a brother, is here to kill you.
"Still speechless?" He turns, the smirk turning into something more sinister, just for you.
"Not for you." You stare at the rat.
"She speaks."
You push yourself off the ground. "You won't win."
"I think you underestimate what they have in mind... for you."
“I won’t join you,” you sneer.
“I never said anything about you joining… little bird.”
“You don’t get to call me that!”
“Why?” He feigns a hurt expression. “Is it because only your precious husband can call you that?”
You're taken back, eyes widening. “How do you-”
“It was obvious, everyone knows.” He clicks his tongue, "so much for keeping it a surprise."
A fit of laughter follows Sirius as he’s taken away to Azkaban to fulfill his sentence.
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You groan and roll over in bed, upset with the sun for peeking through the clouds, disturbing your slumber.
Continue to: Part II
Tag list:
@twinkletwinklenotastar @kmc1989 @imthebadguyyy @abaker74
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All is fair in love and Mario Kart.
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Wanda Maximoff x Avenger fem!reader.
A/N: I hope you enjoy and I apologize for any mistakes! Also comments, reblogs, shares and likes are super appreciated, thank you! :)
Translation: “Sestra.” Sister.
“Detka.” Baby.
“Amor.” Love.
Word count: 1,446.
You should have known.
You should have known agreeing to a Mario Kart tournament with the Avengers was a bad idea.
But you were excited to try out one of the many new versions of the game.
Excited at the prospect of the nostalgia it would bring as it reminded you of simpler times.
Times where you weren't too worried about the next big bad. Times where aliens weren't invading and wreaking havoc on earth.
Honestly, this was all just supposed to be innocent fun. You relaxing while you played your favorite childhood game.
But when Tony caught you playing in the TV room of the compound and he made a bet that you just couldn't refuse, you found it hard to back down, and as many of your other teammates joined, your girlfriend included, it all got too out of hand.
On one team it was Pietro, Natasha, Steve, Bucky, Peter and you.
On the other team it was Vision, Thor, Bruce, Clint, Wanda and Tony.
Once the tournament began, you all played like your lives depended on it, pouring out all of your skills into each round. The competitiveness arising in all of you a tenfold at the stakes that were given.
There was coercion, and threats being thrown around, anything to ensure a win that didn’t include using your powers, it was there and having both teams at a tie as the final round was about to commence, you can feel the tension in the air as the last two players are randomly chosen and you gulp when you realize it’s you versus Wanda.
“Alright lovebirds, it all comes down to you two,” Tony begins as you shake your arms up and down, bouncing on your toes as if you're about to enter the boxing match of your life. “Whoever wins this round ensures the win of their team. Remember the winning team has no chores for 3 months, losers must take on those chores, got it?” He says, and both you and Wanda nod, “okay, go!”
Beginning the round against your girlfriend had you nervous to say the least, Wanda showing promising skills from her previous rounds as she quickly picked up ways to ensure her success. But as you finish the first lap of the race you quickly realize you're definitely going to beat your girlfriend, your skills slightly better than hers as you’ve played many times before and your loud thoughts cause Wanda to throw you a quick side glare.
“So smug detka, already thinking you’ve won when there's still 2 more laps to go,” she says, accent prominent in her competitiveness.
“Sorry amor, but what can I say? I'm just that good,” you say, shrugging with a smirk as Wanda gapes when you hit her with a series of objects, making her character move onto last place.
“Oh, you are so going down sestra,” Pietro exclaims happily, bouncing in his spot.
“Shut it Piet,” Wanda grumbles angrily. “Baby,” the witch begins with a sweet voice, causing you to tense, “if I lose, just know that no kisses will be given to you for the 3 months that it takes for me to complete my punishment,” your girlfriend says in a singsong tone and her threat makes you falter, making you immediately go from 1st to 5th place.
“Whoa, no, no wait. You can't do that! You can’t take kissing away from me,” you pout, “that's not fair!”
Wanda merely shrugs, a smug smirk on her face, knowing that you can't live without her kisses.
“Okay, hey! No!” Natasha exclaims suddenly, snapping her fingers beside you, “focus up Y/L/N, because if we lose this tournament, I will make sure you don't get to kiss Wanda for 3 months, you got that?” The redhead threatens back and you gulp using your objects to make it back to first place.
It's the final lap and Wanda's character is in 2nd place trailing right behind you, you could feel the tension in the air at this moment, everyone holding their breaths as they await a winner.
Quickly you cast your eyes to the bottom corner of the screen and see that Wanda has one final shell in her arsenal as you have a banana peel and by the looks of the approaching finish line, you know for certain your girlfriend is going to use it on you to help ensure her win.
So what you do before she has a chance to hit you is, you place yourself right in front of her character and deploy the banana peel causing Wanda's character to spin out of control just before she has a chance to hit you with her shell, making you win first place.
“Fuck yeah! Way to go Y/N,” someone from your team exclaims, as the rest of the group have their hands thrown in the air in celebration, rounding you immediately to hug you for ensuring their victory.
As you and your team celebrate your win Pietro suddenly jumps up onto the coffee table.
“Do you know how many basic bitches would kill to be like me,” he says as he fake sweeps his shoulders, “so many! I am a king, I am unstoppable, I rule the world!” He exclaims and the opposing team roll their eyes at the speedster’s antics.
“Oh please Piet, you didn't even win one of your Mario Kart rounds, get down,” Wanda says, pulling her brother off the table.
Smiling widely due to your victory and your girlfriend's actions you approach Wanda and pucker up your lips jokingly, “celebratory kiss?” You ask, as you get close to her face.
But before you can reach her lips, Wanda's hand comes in between your faces, “no, shut up, I'm mad at you for winning, so get away from me,” the redhead says, shoving your face softly causing you to let out a laugh.
“I'm sorry amor,” you begin, approaching your girlfriend slowly, “but I had to win, Nat is scary!" You say as you reach her, your arms go around Wanda's waist, “I definitely did not want to know what she was going to do to prevent me from kissing you for three months if I lost us the tournament,” you whisper, eyes quickly glancing towards the redhead assassin that's standing across the room and Wanda chuckles softly, arms going around your neck to play with the baby hairs at your nape.
“Oh, my poor big baby,” your girlfriend teases with a smirk and you roll your eyes.
“Yeah, that’s easy for you to say, she didn't threaten you! She may be small, but she's mighty,” you say, whispering softly in order to prevent your words from reaching the assassin's ears.
“Oh really, so I’m small? You want to start shit Y/L/N, is that it?” Natasha asks, as she suddenly stands behind you.
You turn around quickly, “no. No! I'm not starting anything! Also how the fuck are you already behind me?” You exclaim, eyes wide in shock and fear, “and hey, I said small, but mighty! So please don't hurt me,” you say, going behind Wanda for protection and the team laughs at your antics due to your fear of Natasha and the height difference between you and your girlfriend, your frame still in clear view behind Wanda.
“You won us the tournament, which means no chores for three months, so you're safe for now, but next time I won't be so kind,” Natasha says, a teasing glare on her face.
“Okay, okay. I'm sorry,” you say hands up in surrender, then you grab Wanda's hand and softly pull her towards you, “also, you know what? I'm just going to go to bed before I put my foot in my mouth again, so bye. Goodnight losers, enjoy your chores,” you say grinning smugly as you walk away from the group. Suddenly stopping when you feel Wanda stop from beside you, her hand being pulled out of your grasp and you turn to see a frown on your girlfriend’s face as a slight glare is directed at you, “oh shit, wait, no, not you baby, not you. They’re the losers,” you say, smiling sheepishly.
“Hey, so uh, where's that foot at Y/L/N?” Clint teases with a laugh.
“Hey, so uh, mind your business Clint,” you retort, blushing red as you turn to look at the witch, “baby, come on. I was talking about them being losers, not you,” you say as Wanda begins storming away from you, “Max, come on amor, I swear I wasn’t talking about you,” you exclaim as you jog to catch up to your girlfriend.
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hoseokslefteyebrow · 1 year
Pairing : Miguel O' Hara X Reader
Genre : fluff
Summary : Miguel and you are in a secret relationship, yet sometimes he can’t help but snap when he feels slightly jealous
Request/idea by: Anon requested Miguel with a reader who has the same spider powers and fluff : )
Wordcount: 1.2k
Miguel O’Hara Masterlist
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Miguel is in his lair, as he often is. Eyes set of the many holographic screens in front of him. Currently though, he's more focused on leading a mission. 
He's sent out a team he's a little less familiar with. A Peter Parker (Spiderman), Flash thompson (or Agent Venom, as he likes to refer to) and Y/N L/N (Spiderwoman 2012). The only person he's familiar with is Y/N. You've got similar powers to his, the only difference being the color of your suit ( black and red). The two of you have sparred a few times before. Originally he had been afraid to hurt you, but you turned out to be a lot fiercer than expected. 
Truth to be told, he likes you. A lot. And thankfully, you like him as well. However, not wanting everyone to know, you've asked to keep your relationship secret. He had agreed, thinking it would be for the best as well. 
However, since he met agent Venom, he's regretted doing so. Sometimes he even regrets asking him to join the team.
you and Flash are close. Your laid back personality making it easy for everyone to talk to you. Flash is more of a no-brainer. He's more about physical strength than actually thinking of a plan. Originally Miguel had thought of him as useless, but he follows orders without question.
Currently, they're chasing after a loose Doc Ock, and  are close to rounding the mission up.
" Peter, watch your left flank, you've got incoming!" Your voice sounds over Miguel's ear piece.
And right on time it seems, thanks to your warning, Peter is able to avoid a pointy tentacle.
" Woah, thanks Y/N!" 
He watches as Doc Ock now goes for you. You react quickly, using your claws to cut off the tentacle that was aimed for your face.
Miguel smiles the slightest bit at your move. It was one that he had taught you during training.
" Okay, I have a plan. Y/N distract it for a good while in a circle. Peter and Flash, you web him up. After that Peter should electrocute him so you can wrap it up." Miguel instructs the team.
They all give a response of confirmation, before setting his plan in action. Unlike Miguel, you didn't work out much, and due to the less mass, you're a lot quicker, avoiding Doc Ock's aims whilst he keeps aiming for you. Peter and Flash manage to do as instructed as well.  The two of them web his tentacles together in a way that doesn't directly make the man aware, until it's too late, and he tumbles down, tentacles twisted and wrapped together. DocOck grunts as he falls harshly. The three spiders swing down in front of him, proud smiles and smirks on their faces.
" You just wait, Spiderman!-" Doc Ock starts, before you web his mouth up.
You don't say anything, but hold your hands up for a high five from both your teammates. They do so easily.
" Well done team!" Peter says, smile evident in his voice.
" Okay. That's it guys, bring him in." Miguel's stoic voice sounds through once more.
It doesn't take long before the three of you are back at HQ, with Doc Ock between the other variants downstairs.
The three of you are in Miguel's office currently. 
" Woah, did you see that Miguel? We totally nailed it!" Flash beams enthusiastically, not realizing the boss is quite aware of that already.
" Yes Flash, I kno-"
" Did you see how Y/N and I worked together? That was amazing! I knew we would be as great in the field as we are off the field." 
Miguel's jaw ticks. To Peter, he probably seems annoyed by Flash. To Flash he probably just seems tired, but you know better. You know Miguel hates it when the other spider people tend to ship you with Flash. Something that happens more often because of the game nights the lot of them sometimes organize and partake in.
You raise a brow.
" It was a team effort, Flash. We couldn't have done it without Peter. And Miguel's plan is what put it all together. It really was a team effort." You point out, arms crossed over your chest.
" Yeah, but still-!"
" I've had enough of your nonsense Flash, get out." Miguel huffs.
" Awe c'mon boss, you've got to admit it-!" 
" No. Now leave." 
Miguel gives Flash that cold, angry look. That along with his tall posture, gives Flash a clear message; Miguel needs space.
" Oh, right then. We'll go." Flash says with a smile, turning and grabbing you by the wrist to take you with to the cafeteria.
" Leave Y/N here, I got some stuff to talk with her about. " He says, a tired tone in his voice.
He shoos Peter away as well, who gives you a pat on your shoulder as he walks out. Flash gives you a wave aswell, before sprinting off to whoever knows where.
" So, you got stuff you want to talk about?" You say with a knowing smile.
He rolls his eyes, before pushing off the table (desk?) he was leaning on and stepping of the platform. He shoots a web at you, the neon material sticking to your suit as he pulls you close with it. His hands rest on your waist, keeping you as close as he can now that the other two are out.
" God, do I hate flash." He complains.
You grin, placing your hands on his upper arms.
" I know."
" Should I fire him? I think I should." He mumbles, meant probably mostly for himself. 
You laugh.
He can feel his tense posture slacking with the sound of it.
" Don't fire him. He's fun to hangout with-"
" Are you shipping yourself with him now?-"
" No! Absolutely not. He's still my friend though." You cock your head at him.
Miguel knows he's a goner when you look at him like that with those pretty eyes of yours.
" He's brainless." 
" That's fine, he's not important." You point out to him.
His lips tilt into a small smirk.
" Good. Now kiss me-" 
He's cut off as you place your lips on his, hands moving from his arms to spread out over his chest, his own moving from your waist to your hips. His lips move passionately with yours, fitting together like pieces of a puzzle. When you eventually pull away to breath, he tries to follow you. You giggle as he does so.
" Te amo." He whispers softly, moving a stray hair from your face.
You smile at him.
" You know I don't speak spanish, Iguel'." You pout.
He knows. For now he's too afraid to tell you exactly what it means.
[ A/N: My requests are currently empty but I still want to write more, anyone has any ideas/requests they're willing to share with me? ]
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mrsaguapapi · 4 months
Ch 1  Ch 2  Ch 3  Ch 4  Ch 5  Ch 6  Ch 7  Ch 8  Ch 9  Ch 10  Ch 11 Ch 12  Ch 13  Ch 14   Ch 15 Ch 16  Ch 17
Chapter 18
My Sunshine
The Vibe:
Corinne Bailey Rae 11. Seasons Change
"Wanda is dead. I saw her die" Stranges says pacing away in his office. Looking absolutely ridiculous with his lounge clothes and a cloak.
"She's alive Stephen." I say exasperated
"Okay, I'll play. Let's say she's alive, which she's not. Why of all people would you go to her?" he gestures to himself, "I can help you."
"I'm not letting you anywhere near my memories thank you very much." I scoff at him, "I don't have time to bring you up to speed, I need to speak with her, and considering with what happened in Westview and your little multiverse incident, I don't know where her head is at mentally. All I'm asking is that you watch my back and be on standby" I plead
"Look I want to help you but that last thing we need is to instigate another fight with Wanda Maximoff, IF, she's even alive," Strange says. "If she's alive, I theorize she won't be happy seeing me, so no, I'm not going with you," I roll my eyes and stand up, ready to walk out, "I didn't say I wasn't going to help you," he says stopping me in my place
"Okay well, Stephen can you just spit it out some of us have shit to do," I say holding my hands out annoyed
He rolls his eyes and pulls out a display and uncovers it revealing a floating crystal ball, "This is the Orb of Agamotto. This allows me to monitor the universe and other surrounding dimensions. With the ability to 'Livestream' other planets and pinpoint magic users anywhere, except for those with the power to block its view. I can use this to watch you from a distance and if anything goes wrong, I'll portal to you and help"
I take a moment to think about it, "Fine, you have a deal" I say holding out my hand to him
He shakes my hand and smiles, "Does this mean I'm forgiven?"
"Ugh and you ruined it," I say, dropping my hand, rolling my eyes, and grabbing my sling ring, "For the record, I never really blamed you, and neither does Peter. You just happen to have an annoying face and that I can't forgive" I laugh to myself," Give me your phone" I say to Strange. He hands me his phone and I put my number in it and call myself so I have his number, "When I get there I'll call you and have you in my ear." I say putting an airpod in and giving back his phone. Pausing for a moment I take in a deep breath and exhale allowing myself to relax before opening a portal to the shuffling streets of Sokovia.
I step through turning to look at Strange, "If she's alive and as powerful as before she could easily sever my connection. Just keep that in mind." He warns. I nod my head and close the portal.
"Okay let's get this show on the road," I say to myself walking the down the city streets
After getting some food and thinking about the next approach I decided instead of using a locator spell and exposing her safe space, I figure I'll summon her to me. So I picked the most public place I could think of.
A playground
Sitting on the bench watching the children play, I say in my head, "Wanda, I need your help" I call out to her making sure my intention is clear and that I mean no harm, "That should do the trick" I whisper to myself. I pull out my phone to call Strange, "Hey, she'll be here any minute. Can you see me?"
"You chose to bring 'The Scarlet Witch' to a playground?"
"She won't hurt the children," I say
"I once thought that too until she tried to murder America Chavez in front of me" he quips
"Yea well this time will be different Stephen," I say annoyed "Have a little hope will ya?"
He sighs, "You never told me why you need her specifically."
"I was told by my dead mother to go to her directly. She didn't say why, but I trust her judgment. Wanda may also have some info on someone else I'm looking for." I say rather quickly and annoyed
"So the short answer is you don't know," he says
"I've been on the phone with you for 2 mins and I already want to kick your ass," I say making us both laugh
"What's so funny?" I hear someone say near me, causing me to damn near jump out of my skin. It was Wanda sitting next to me in civilian clothes with her hair dripping wet.
"Good lord girl. You don't have to be so creepy" I say clutching my fake pearls
"You started It. I heard your little whispers in my ear while I was in the shower. I thought you had the drop on me." she laughs under her breath, "So why are you here? Don't you know I'm 'dead'? I'm sure Stephen told you. Right Stephen?" She asks a little louder
She knows
"Did you think I wouldn't know?" Wanda Asks
"Millie she's blocking me, I can't see you anymore," Stephen says in my ear, "I'm coming to you"
"Hold off Stephen," I say out loud, "It's okay" I pause looking at Wanda with a small smile, "Do you blame me? If I didn't come with some sort of backup, I'd be pretty dumb don't ya think?"
She looks at me for a while like she was searching for something in my face eventually looking away and letting out a large exhale, "I have been a real witch lately" she says causing me to laugh, "You said you needed my help and I could really use a distraction right now, so what can I do for you?"
"Hey, Stephen you still there?" I ask
"I'm still here. You still alive?" He asks
"Yep. I'm gonna let you go, I'm okay" I say to him
"Are you sure?"
"Mhmm, I'll text you later," I say before hanging up on him, "Let me buy you a drink. We've got a lot to talk about." I say standing up and holding out my hand to her
"One drink isn't going to cut it," She says taking my hand "Might have to buy the bar," she says making us both chuckle.
Wanda and I have been venting and drinking for an hour or so at this dingy little bar in the middle of town. We both are sitting in a booth in the back of the room effectively away from the other patrons.
"So," I say before throwing back another tequila shot, "So out of grief you kidnapped and brainwashed a random town in New Jersey, Created a fake husband and children, and then traveled through other universes, blindly looking for said fake children?" I ask
"Well," Wanda taking a sip of her bourbon, "I feel like you're oversimplifying it a bit. Westview wasn't a random town, Vis bought us some land there to build us a home and my children are only fake here, they're very much real elsewhere, but... essentially yes you are correct." She says finishing the drink
"Wanda," I say rubbing my head from the sudden rush I'm feeling, "That like really sucks"
"I Know right? "Oh and let's not forget Pietro, my dead twin brother," She says nonchalantly
I burst out in laughter, I couldn't help myself at her candor, "I'm sorry that was so mean" I said trying to control myself.
Surprisingly Wanda joins me, "You are fucked up, you know that?" She says laughing with me
"I know! I know! I'm sorry, it's either you laugh or you cry and I'm tired of crying" I say catching my breath from laughing
"Couldn't have said it better myself" Wanda says collecting herself from laughing with me"So enough about me and my lifetime of trauma, fill me in on what's going on; why do you need my help?"
"Can I just so show you? It will be quicker" I ask holding my hand out to her
"Is it going to hurt?" She asks hesitantly
"No. I mean no one has complained before?" I say smiling and shrugging. She places her hand in mine and I use my memory transference on her filling her in on everything; my ghost mom and her past with the darkhold, the books from Wakanda, how peter found me in the lake, and my lack of memory.
"Wow," Wanda says taking her hand back, "You've got some serious power Millie, your magic is vast." She says rubbing her hand "Unpredictable too... It's very familiar."
"Well that wasn't ominous at all," I say a little creeped out, "Can you help me?"
"Yes, I think so. We'll need an open field and it's probably going to hurt" She says standing up "Come on we should get going"
"Fine," I say standing up and throwing some cash on the bar, "But can we not skip over the whole 'it's going to hurt thing"
"I imagine being struck by lightning doesn't feel good," She says walking out
"Well Fuck" I say following her
The Vibe:
Bishop Briggs - Lessons of the Fire: Official Lyric Video | Devil In Ohio | Netflix
Wanda takes me to this field on the outskirts of town. It was surrounded by overarching trees and we were in the open center. When I look up I see nothing but a full moon and stars. The air was cool and the energy surrounding us was peaceful. Wanda had set up several candles around me in a circle and stepped out leaving me alone in the center
"Explain it to me one more time, " I say a little freaked out
"You need to summon the lightning to strike you"
"Okay but why?" I say a little freaked out
"The connection you and your ancestors have with nature runs deep in your blood. Channeling the weather seems to be something engrained in your DNA, specifically thunderstorms and lightning. A storm woke you up in that lake; you were struck by lightning. I'm hoping that with almost the same conditions, it could do the same for your mind. Make sense?" She finishes
"Yes, it does, I think. I'm sorry but I am scared the last time this happened it left me with a giant scar across my body." I say unconsciously rubbing my scar, "Are you sure you can't do some kind of spell?"
"I can't. Quite frankly I'm afraid too"
"What does that mean?" I scoff
"You possess multiple forms of magic. It shouldn't be possible to have more than 2 or 3. Millie, from what I felt from your hand and what you've shown me in your memories, you seem to possess 4. I'm afraid if I go poking around in your brain that you will unconsciously retaliate and that's the last thing we want to do."
Why is she being so cautious?
"What forms do you think I possess?"
"1 being eldritch magic, which you learned from the sorcerers. Accessible by humans, eldritch magic can be properly controlled by those with highly disciplined minds who have been trained in casting spells. Your ancestor Ayesha was a sorcerer supreme, so it's only natural that you have an affinity for this form. " Wanda pauses, I can tell she's a little hesitant to continue.
"Go on it's okay, I can take it," I say trying to convince her, and myself
"The second being Dark Magic, also known as Witchcraft. An extremely powerful and difficult type of magic used by sorcerers and witches to achieve their goals through morally questionable means.
"Morally questionable means? I would never hurt anyone.." I begin to say
"You wouldn't now, but what about you before your memory loss? Who's to say you weren't a bad guy? In your memories when your mother died you were taken by a coven of witches led by Agatha. Agatha isn't exactly a good witch; she's ancient and she's evil. I wouldn't be surprised that her influence on you wasn't positive, especially considering that she's also possessed the darkhold." Wanda sighs. "She was a pain in my ass, I'll take you to her after this."
She has a point, what if my memory comes back and I still have an allegiance to her? What If I lose my feelings for my current loved ones...
"Anyways" Wanda continues pulling me back from internal panic, "Dark magic can be combined with other types of magic, which leads me into your last 2 forms, darkhold and chaos Magic. When your mother was using the darkhold while pregnant with you, a portion of its power embedded itself in you.  I am almost positive that's why are you able to use magic just by mentally displaying your intent."
"I can understand why I may have dark hold magic but chaos magic feels like a stretch. Due to its very nature, chaos magic is extremely unstable and requires a massive amount of energy and control to master it; I don't feel I'm at that level. I would have noticed by now right?"
"Like me, you were born with latent magical abilities, yours coming from your ancestors. Your generational power bestowment has given you vast immeasurable strength that was the perfect breeding ground for chaos magic. Let me ask you, have you been losing your temper or lost control of your powers lately?"
"Yea I have been losing control of my powers," I say thinking back to the incident in my bedroom and outside of the royal palace in Wakanda, "I also almost killed a man yesterday. Honestly, I think I could have done it if I wasn't stopped."
"Key signs. I knew your power felt familiar, I felt the chaotic energy pulsate through your veins; You're like me. If I fuck anything up messing with your memories you could go crazy destroying everything in sight. Do you get it now?" She says to me very seriously
"I do" I pause lost in my thoughts. After a few more seconds I hear a loud beep come from my pocket. I pull out the source of the noise and realize it was my pager.
It was a new voice message from Namor, I hold it to my ear and listen, "I miss you more Ki'ichpan"
Through messages and he still makes me swoon.
Feeling a little relaxed, I take in a deep breath, "What do I need to do"
Wanda holds out her hand, "Give me your beeper and your cell so they don't get destroyed." Doing as she says I throw my things in my sling bag and hand it to her, "Okay do what you need to do, to feel as connected to the nature surrounding us"
I take off my sneakers and socks linking my feet to the grass, "Okay" I nod to her
"You can already control the basic elements correct?"
"Yes," I say
"What are the conditions needed to cause a storm?" She asks me
"Storms form when warm, moist air rises into the cold air," I respond
"Make that happen," She says plainly
I silently nod my head and close my eyes; my feet are firmly planted on the ground and my hands are open at my side. I begin to box breathe:
In 1,2,3,4
Hold 1,2,3,4
Out 1,2,3,4
Eventually, I feel myself relax, I'm only focused on the surrounding sound of the night; the wind around me was nothing more than a breeze. I was in a total moment of zen and for a while it was quiet. After minutes of silence, the wind around me began to dance and I feel the hair on my arms stand, "It's coming I can feel it" I said as the wind begins to pick up rapidly.
I open my eyes and lift my hand to the sky calling the lighting to me. I see storm clouds forming over us almost fully blocking out the moon, nearly leaving us in total darkness if not for the candles, "Come on" I yell to the storm. For a moment it grew eerily quiet but suddenly flashes of lights began to paint the sky; it was my lightning. Just as I began to smile with pride from the storm I created, a giant bolt of lightning makes it's way down, connecting to my hand and making my whole body seize.
The pain I feel is almost indescribable; not only did my body feel like every inch of me was on fire but my head felt like my brain was boiling inside my skull. For what felt like an eternity, but in reality, it was only a matter of seconds, the pain stopped and I fell to the ground. The only thing I remember before fading away was Wanda rushing to me, "Millie Wake up" she says, "Millie don't g-", was all I hear before slipping away.
The Vibe:
Breathe me -- sia
It's dark and quiet. I can't feel anything. I can't move.
"Mom.." I hear a males voice whisper
Who's voice is that?
I hear the voice speak again, "Mom I-" he coughs not being able to finish his sentence.
I know that voice.
"Momma I can't move" he speaks clearly before coughing and gurgling. That voice is so familiar. It's warm like the sun. The sun...
You are my sunshine
My only sunshine
You make me happy
When skies are gray
You'll never know, dear
How much I love you
Please don't take
My sunshine away
I love the sun. My son. I named him after the Sun God; the creator of the universe. He's my sunshine, my world, the center of my universe. My Amun.
"Amun!" I yell jolting up. When sitting up I instinctively grab my stomach in utter pain. Looking down I see I'm bleeding, I'm assuming a stab wound. Looking around I see I'm back at that same awful place. Kissena Park.
"Mom," Amun says
I hear my son call to me again; I snap my head in his direction and I see my son lying on the ground covered in blood, "No!" I scream crawling to him, "No, no, no"
When I reach him and scan him a little closer I can see he was stabbed like me but it must be somewhere fatal spot because he was coughing up blood, "He stabbed and knocked you out" he says in between coughs, "I tried t-to protect you but I wasn't strong enough, I'm s-sorry Mom"
"Hush now baby," I say panicked and in between tears, "I can heal you," I say holding my hand over his wound.
"You're too w-weak, you'll die," He says
"I don't care. You are my son, my life means nothing without yours. Just breathe baby" I say trying to calm him and myself down
"Momma, who is that? Sh-she looks like you" He says looking past me. I turn around and see no one.
"Amun baby no one is there," I say
"Momma she's so warm. I think- I think I'm going to go with her" Amun says to me
"No baby stay with me. Don't go." I say my voice begins to shake, "Stay with me, I can fix you, Please" I beg
"It's okay momma, I'll be fine." He says before looking behind me and nodding his head.
I turn around and still see nothing, "What am I to do?  How do I breathe without you?"
Amun takes my hand and squeezes it and smiles before taking his last breath. His hand relaxed in mine, and his eyes glossed over. As he took his last breath he took a part of me with him. I pull my son's body to me holding him tightly never wanting to let him go.
"Well that was dramatic" I hear a man say from behind me, "It was a shame he went down so fast, I expected more from him considering his lineage."
I gently put my boy's body down leaving a kiss on his forehead before standing up and turning around. It was the faceless man in the black suit, "Bring him back"
"Like mother, like daughter. What are you willing to trade for his life? Your mother gave me her power. What do you have to barter?"
"Take anything, my power, my life, my soul. I don't care to take it all"
"No" he responds, "Why would I bring him back? I was the one who killed him."
"Y-you attacked us?" I asked. My voice was shaking; I was filled with not only grief and sadness but an overwhelming sense of rage, "Why? We lived in peace, I have atoned for my past. How did you even find us, we were so careful for years."
"Your family has always been on my radar, But you should thank your friend Agatha, she pointed me in your direction." He smiles as my heart drops
Agatha why?...
"I knew one day eventually one of your family's descendants' power would rival mine and I just can't have that. I figure it's time to end the whole bloodline. You should take some pride that it ends with you, you are the strongest and with more time you could have been more powerful." He steps closer placing a hand on my cheek. I look at him where his eyes should be, "It'll be easier if you just surrender Millaenyia"
"All chances of me surrendering left when you Killed my son." I sneer
"So be it," he says disappointed. Before I knew it his hands were hovering at the side of my head, he was draining me of my power and my life, "Don't worry this won't take long" he says softly
I fall to the ground, no longer able to stand up. If I don't act quickly, I will die.
Maybe I should let him.
I ponder on that thought for a while and just as I was about to accept my fate the man speaks up, "Almost done, you'll soon be with your son"
My son. He killed my son.
I snap out of it, realizing I was about to let my son's murderer roam free, I quickly devise a plan.
I'm too weak to kill. But I think I have enough in me to trap him.
I look up and see the man holding his head back as he was draining me, he wasn't paying attention to my hands. I lift my hand out toward the tree behind him; I use what's left of my powers to form an opening in the tree that was big enough to hide a body within it. Once done I call to the roots and branches of the tree, willing them to slowly creep up behind the man and gently wrap around his legs and arms. He was so focused on the feeling of this newly acquired power of his, that he didn't notice he was being detained until it was too late.
"What is this?" He says seeing the branches wrapped around his hand, "What are you do-" the man says before whipping back into the tree. His arms were now behind his back being thoroughly wrapped in roots followed by the rest of his body. The only exposed part of him now was his neck up, "This won't hold me, you child"
I stand up and walk to him, "You will rot in here" I sneer before wrapping my hand around his neck quickly taking back my power and life force. "All you care about is power right?" I ask knowing the answer, "I'll take that too" I say now draining him of his energy and power, leaving just enough to keep him alive so he can rot here for the rest of days.
"Let me-" he struggles to say "Let me ou-" The roots cover the rest of him effectively muffling his words. I step back holding my hand out to the tree and use my powers to close and seal it shut. I place my hand on the tree and close my eyes:
To be Seen or Unseen.
Never in the focus of one's eye
Of nature's age, it does defy
To be Seen, or Unseen
With this spell, this tree will never age. It shall never be directly seen but it will always be here.
Once done with the small runes are now etched around the tree sealing his fate. I walk back to my Amun and look at him one last time.
I need to bury you, my love.
When I go to pick him up I see he had the journal he made of me tucked away in his jacket. Not wanting to leave the journal behind for someone to find and use, I grab it and bind it to my wrist before I pick Amun up. I walk towards the lake and will the water to separate allowing me to walk down to the center of the lake. Once I make it to the spot I place Amun down. I kiss his forward one last time, "My sweet boy" I say before I hold my hand out and use my power to have him sink into the dirt, fully burying him.
I lay beside him now, with the intention of ending my life and resting beside him for eternity. But I couldn't bring myself to do it, something was stopping me like there was someone in my ear telling me no. So, still intending on resting beside my son, I decide that if I'm too cowardly to end it now, I don't deserve to remember him in case I wake up:
Forget me not
Forget me now
Forget the past
Forget the sound
Forget the memories
Forget the love
Forget it all
Forget it now
As I finish the spell, I feel myself begin to fade away and sink to the ground. The water released and is slowly filling the lake back up; I find comfort in my last lingering memory of my son's laughter before I'm completely asleep.
The Vibe:
Labrinth & Zendaya - I'm Tired (From “Euphoria” An HBO Original Series – Lyric Video)
"Millie wake up!" That is all I hear before I feel water being poured on me.
The sudden feel of cold water all over me jolted me awake. I sit up completely dazed; my eyes were fuzzing and my ears wear slightly ringing. Eventually, the ringing faded and my eyes clear up. I look around and see Wanda sitting next to me, looking like she has seen a ghost, "Are you okay?" She asks, "Fuck you are still steaming, does that hurt? I thought the water would help," she says concerned.
"I'm okay," I say plainly.
"Are you?" she says. I look to her with expressionless eyes and nod.
My body feels numb, it's because of the lightning... No, I remember...
"Did it work? Do you remember?" She asks
"I remember everything," I say beginning to cry, "My son..." I say holding my stomach, I feel like I'm going to throw up, "Oh god my son" I say sobbing
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incorrect-spideytorch · 11 months
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@spideytorchweek Day 7 - Free Day!
Legally Blonde AU
I love this AU idea so much so here’s a bunch of quotes from it cause I couldn’t pick
Daken: You got into Harvard Law?
Johnny: What? Like it's hard?
Johnny: So, if you don't know an answer they're just gonna kick you out!
Peter: So you have Murdock, huh?
Johnny: Yes. Did he do that to you too?
Peter: No, but he did make me cry once. Not in class. I waited until I got back to my room, but yeah.
Johnny: Great.
Peter: Don't worry, it gets better.
Johnny: All people see when they look at me is blonde hair and a great ass.
Professor Doom: Do you think he just woke up one morning and said 'I think I'll go to law school today!'?
Peter: Well, that lapse in judgment aside, I think he's got a lot of potential.
Johnny: Oh Daken, do you remember when we spent those four amazing hours in the hot tub together after the winter formal?
Daken: Uhh, ye...no?
Johnny: Well this is so much better than that! 
Wade: Why would I kill my husband?
Professor Doom: Insuarance? A love affair? Pure unadulterated hatred? Believe me, the D.A. will come up with plenty of reasons.
Johnny: Professor-
Wade: I loved Nathan!
Professor Doom: He was 34 years older than you. That doesn't look so good to a jury.
Wade: Then show them a picture of his dick. That should clear a few things up.
Peter: I can't believe you just called me a butthead. I don't think anyone has called me a butthead since the 9th grade.
Johnny: Maybe not to your face.
Peter: So discriminate against people for being rich and brunette?
Johnny: Why shouldn't I? I'm discriminated against here for being rich and blonde.
Peter: You know, being blonde is actually a pretty powerful thing. You hold more cards than you think you do. And i personally would like to see you take that power and channel it towards the greater good, you know?
Johnny: Thanks. I'll see you tomorrow.
Peter: Hey, how do you think I'd look as a blonde?
Johnny: I'm not sure you could handle it.
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sciderman · 11 months
Reading the first few issues by Lee and Ditko and it's so interesting seeing that Peters main reason for being Spider-Man isn't wanting to be a hero and help people/stop badguys but earning money to support May, so when he gets into a supervillian fight it's either a coincidence that happened while he tried making money from them (taking pictures of them mainly) or getting caught up in their shit and either being nosey (Thinkerer) or being tricked by them (Chameleon) and it suddenly becomes a "vendetta" thing because either he was duped or spited by them. Whitch along with him being a self-isolating and kinda egoistical prick is such an interesting look at this "selfless symbol of heroism and responsibility" and i wish we got more of that in modern version of teen Peter.
honestly!!! really - it was kind of such a realisation when i went back into the spider-man comics to find out that "great power great responsibility" really honestly wasn't actually peter parker's driving motivation when starting, but actually something that he learns over years upon years – and even then, it really still isn't why he does it. he does it because that's how he gets his kicks.
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and so now when i see peter kind of reduced to the "great power great responsibility" mindset, i feel like it's kind of a gross simplification of him - which is crazy, because i was kind of guilty of it, too.
i don't think peter even really fully understands "great power great responsibility" to this day. it's something he's still faced with, and something he still questions, every day.
i don't think any writer who reiterates those words even knows what it means. i've seen it written in so many contexts in the comics and other adaptations and audibly whispered under my breath "thhaat's not what it fucking meeeeeans....."
turns out! responsibility means a whole plethora of things, actually - and spider-man is often a way for peter to dodge his responsibilities as peter parker.
not only that, but uncle ben never actually says the words "great power great responsibility" to peter parker. it's just a narrative thing. he never says the words!!!!!! ! !! ! !
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peter parker doesn't learn that lesson from uncle ben. and really, peter's entire reckoning with responsibility isn't that he owes the world his gifts as spider-man, but actually he has to take on new responsibilities after uncle ben's death - he has to support aunt may.
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he has to support gwen, after captain stacy's death.
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peter's whole "great responsibility" thing is about him struggling to keep up with all these very masculine roles and responsibilities being imposed upon him as he grows into a man. it's not actually a question of him owing the world his powers as spider-man - that's just a misunderstanding of the lesson that he's kind of buried himself into. he thinks it means he owes the world everything - and that's kind of what leads him to fail the people that he really should hold responsibility to.
it's so fun. it's so complicated. he throws all his responsibilities into his identity as spider-man, and acts in avoidance of his responsibilities as peter parker. sorry. i think about this a lot. i think about this a lot.
great power and great responsibility is such an interesting set of words that absolutely everyone has a different interpretation of. and some people reiterate it like it's meant to mean something, but it doesn't when they say it. like it's a set of words meant to be paired with spider-man but they kind of fall hollow when the person writing them actually doesn't think about the meaning of it. it's kind of almost lost all of it's meaning at this point.
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celestialseawitch-ff · 5 months
They rolled up to a field of grass.
“Come on.”
Tony and Peter got out of the car and headed across the grass. There was a small group of people already there. The Avengers – some of them, at least. Sam, Bucky, and Steve all stood together. Wanda and Vision were not too far away. Thor was on his own, holding his massive ax. Natasha was there as well. Bruce, T’Challa, Rhodey, and Dr. Strange were notably absent.
“Took you long enough,” Natasha Romanov greeted with a grin.
“We got side tracked. Everyone else noticing some hinky things?”
“Hinky is a way of putting it,” Natasha agreed acerbically. 
“Who's this?” Sam asked and nodded to Peter.
Peter's eyes shot up from the phone in his hands. He grinned and said “Hi!” Then used the same hand and shot a web to the grass. “I'm Spider-Man.”
“Please tell me he was older before.”
Peter raised an eyebrow. “Mr. Stark said I didn't look any younger.”
“Unfortunately, you don't.” 
Peter made a face and turned back to the cellphone.
“Rhodey and Banner?” Tony asked.
Steve shook his head. “Haven’t shown up yet.”
“James was headed for DC,” Sam said. “He might not even know what’s up yet. We tried calling him but the number isn't working. Should we be worried?”
Tony rubbed his forehead. “Probably not. A few numbers have changed. My own included. I'll check in today. We won't hear from Bruce until he's ready. He can go to ground better than a spy.”
Natasha tilted her head. “Most spies. He’ll turn up.”
“And King T’Challa, we know, is still in Wakanda. So that leaves one. Where's Strange?” Steve asked.
“Not here,” Tony replied with a shrug. “Hopefully he shows up, because I think he's the only one with answers right now.”
“What exactly is going on?” Sam asked. “Does anyone know?”
“The stones,” Thor said. “When the gauntlet exploded, it seems to have had a ripple effect, creating changes in this universe. Physical one's too.”
A few eyes glanced towards Vision, the most notably changed one of them all. No longer was the man red, but white all over with piercing blue eyes and a stone to match. The infinity stone was notably gone. He wasn’t the only one who’d changed.
Natasha's previously short blonde hair was now long and curly red again. Tony was younger. Thor was no longer missing an eye or a few inches of hair. Bucky's arm was the Winter Soldier's again, not the one from Wakanda. Peter looked different too, but only Tony could tell out of the group of them.
“How is this possible?” Natasha asked.
“It's not,” Tony responded. “None of this is possible.”
“The stones have different properties,” Vision said. “Mine allowed me great power that we can't truly explain.”
“Yeah, and now you're functioning without it.”
“That’s true. But how? The stone gave Wanda and her brother abilities. Who's to say what the stones can and cannot do together?”
“An explosion of power of that magnitude will have consequences,” Thor explained. “I am not highly gifted in the ways of magic or your peoples science, but I understand power. Father could see far into the future, but he had to enter an Odin Sleep to do so. He had to be vulnerable to gain such power. To destroy a power like the infinity stones and a man like Thanos?” He shrugged. “I am not surprised something unexplainable has occurred.”
“How do we change it back?” Steve asked.
“You can't. What's done is done. This is our world. This is our life.”
“He's right,” a new voice cut in. Everyone turned to see Dr. Strange appear out of a portal. “This is our new reality.”
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captaincoldzero · 1 year
I Can't Go Back to that Market | Peter Quill x Male Reader
Fandom: Marvel
A/N: Sorry for any mistake. English is not my first language.
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The ship landed on the target planet. We needed to find a seller for an item, although Peter wasn't planning on buying anything. We talked separately. Rocket and Groot went after more equipment and weapons for Rocket; Gamora and Drax were behind blades, swords, and things nearby while being followed by Mantis, while Peter and I were behind the store which was the goal of the Guardians on that planet.
I shoved my hands in the pockets of my aviator suit as we were getting a few stares for being two humans walking in space, but then being completely ignored.
One day on Earth, a group of alien criminals kidnapped me to sell me as an exotic human slave in space, but the Guardians kind of invaded the place and created a riot, amid the confusion I ran away and entered the Guardians' ship. It was at that moment that they saw the power that I had fought so hard to hide. Now they called me Ghost Pilot and I became Milano's official pilot.
We were hired to get an object from a store on this planet. I wanted to leave that planet full of criminals, space traffickers, and selling various other criminal products.
― Do you already know where we should go? ― I asked Peter as we walked through the streets of the foreign city.
― I think so. ― Peter spoke as they walked through the dangerous streets.
Since joining the Guardians of the Galaxy, he has discovered new planets and aliens that he had never imagined. I was sure the world was much bigger than a human could even imagine.
I approached a table of a man who was selling something that looked like it would be edible to other aliens, but to me, it was just some weird purple goo.
― Want to try one, Y/N? ― The foreigner behind the desk, who looked like a green insect, asked.
― How do you know my name? ― I ask scared.
― It's your name on the jacket, isn't it? ― the foreigner asked, pointing to the jacket I was wearing.
I had forgotten about it. I had on my leather aviator jacket that had my name on it. It reminded me that people on Earth probably thought I was dead.
― True, my bad. ― I said a little embarrassed.
― Want one? ― He asked, bringing a plate of purple goo closer to my face.
― I wouldn't eat it if I were you. ― Peter said looking with the same expression of disgust at the goo.
― I had lunch just now, I'm not hungry, thanks. ― I said, politely declining.
― You're the loser. ― He said as he handed it over to another customer.
Peter pulled me by my elbow to pull me away.
― Don't leave my side. ― Peter spoke as he walked past the criminals of the place.
― Sorry, I'm having fun getting to know other planets. ― I looked at the strange things they found in the scattered tents.
― Focus on our mission. ― Peter spoke while still holding my arm.
― I'm not a child, Peter. I can defend myself. ― I spoke, but there was no communication in my voice, yet I guided my arm from his hand.
― I know that, I just don't want you to get lost. ― Peter spoke worriedly.
Peter and I had been at it for a few days now. Show concern and sometimes even flirt with each other, but act like it's just a joke between friends.
― You're not going to abandon your pilot here. I said with a spontaneous smile.
― Rocket can fly.
I looked offended at Peter causing him to laugh.
― We're not going to abandon the best pilot we've ever had. Peter said putting his hand on my shoulder.
― Don't let Rocket hear you saying that. He will blow you up. ― I said laughing. ― Look how nice it is.
I said walking quickly to a tent with several different weapons. There were several types, including ones that were bigger than me. They were all obviously stolen, but it's not like anyone cared.
― Did any of them catch your eye? ― a blue-skinned foreigner who had a feature with tentacles-like hair, who I guessed was the owner of the shop, asked.
Peter approached, looking with interest at the grenades in the cases.
― Why don't you try this one? ― The foreigner asked to pick up a gun, next with a rifle and handed it to me.
I held tight and aimed for the wall, testing the weight. It was heavy and seemed to be those weapons with strong recoil.
― It's too heavy. ― I said returning the gun.
― And this one ?― He asked, handing over an oddly small pistol.
I held it and aimed, but the gun grip felt small and uncomfortable.
― I don't think so. ― I said returning the gun.
Then I saw two identical pistols in the display case. It was slightly larger than a regular pistol, especially the barrel which was longer than a human pistol. It was made of black metal with a purple light.
― Would you like to try? ― The foreigner asked, obviously wanting to get me to buy something.
I walked over and picked up the two pistols. I pointed to a wall to be able to test. It wasn't too heavy, but it wasn't too light either. The footprint was perfect. I turned to Peter displaying the weapons.
― What do you think? ― I asked Peter as he posed to show off the weapons.
― I think it suits you. ― Peter responded by raising an eyebrow. ― But do you know how to use a gun?
―Don't worry about it, Peter. ― I said carefree.
―Wait, there's more. ― The alien salesman said, taking the two pistols from my hand.
He moves his hand with one of the pistols making the fist lift and fit the other pistol, making it turn into a type of sniper rifle with a scope. The seller handed me the two guns that had now become just one. I aimed, looking through the scope on top of the gun.
― That's impressive. ― I said impressed with the gun. ― But I do not have money.
I said handing over the gun and the salesman seemed to make an expression of disgust with a mixture of anger that I had wasted his time.
― Let me pay. ― Peter said, handing over some crystal pieces to the seller who smiled again and handed me back the sniper rifle.
― Serious? You don't have to. ― I said, but I was already holding the gun tightly so I wouldn't let go.
― And I'll take it out of your pay later. ― Peter said, smiling at me.
― Very funny, Peter. ― I said rolling my eyes.
I let go of the two pistols making them go back to being two separate weapons. I handed the little money I had to the seller to buy the pistol holsters because obviously, he wasn't going to give anything away for free. And we left the ship. I was really happy with my new purchase.
― Thanks. ― I said to Peter as we walked back to the street.
― You pay me back later. ― Peter said laughing, but I knew he would charge me later.
After walking the streets for a while, we entered a shop with various artifacts and antiques. Peter's gaze wandered over the shelves until he finally found what we were looking for. Peter disguised his gaze so as not to show interest in the piece.
― I'm looking for a piece to give to my girlfriend. ― I approached the vendor so I could distract him.
― But of course, we have lots of jewelry that would make any woman's eyes sparkle. ― The alien with orange skin, four black eyes, and six thin arms spoke excitedly about having a new customer.
He took me to a showcase with several pieces of jewelry with different stones.
― Does your girlfriend have ears? These earrings could look beautiful. ― The alien asked, showing sparkling earrings.
― No, she doesn't have ears. ― I said, pretending to methodically analyze each piece there.
Meanwhile, Peter silently approached the golden egg he was going to steal.
― And a necklace? Every lady loves a necklace. ― He said, putting his hands together excitedly.
Peter reached for the golden egg and took it gently. He took it to his pocket, putting the object away.
― Do you wanna know? I don't think there's anything that would suit her. ― I said, pretending to be disappointed. ― Sorry to waste your time.
― You don't understand anything about beauty. ― The attendant said irritably.
Peter and I left the store. We try to walk calmly as if nothing is happening.
― It was easier than I thought. ― Peter spoke proudly.
― Get back here, thieves! ― The store attendant shouted from the store door.
― You had to talk. ― I complained as we started to run.
While running away from the store clerk, we ended up bumping into several people and knocking her into stalls, and breaking products. This drew a lot of attention and made more people chase us.
― Now you're feeling what it's like to be a Guardian of the Galaxy. ― Peter spoke as we ran.
Shots passed by us as they tried to hit us to stop or maybe even kill us. I saw a motorbike parked and I pulled Peter over to it.
― About there. ― I said and Peter went upstairs.
By touching the handlebars of the motorcycle, I let the spirit out of me. My jacket took on a charred appearance as my skin burned and I became a flaming skull.
I possessed the bike causing it to start and start roaring down the street. I heard the motorcycle owner complain but I was already gone. I revved the bike, leaving a trail of fire in my wake but going too fast to follow.
I dodged several people, not counting those who jumped out of the way. Some people were still shooting and others were trying to give chase. We were making a huge mess until we finally reached Milano.
I saw Rocket and Groot loading some weapons into the ship while the others helped them. When Gamora saw the mess that was following us, she drew the attention of the others, causing all but Drax to run into the ship. Drax drew his blades, excited for a fight, when Gamora returned and pulled him into the ship.
I stopped the bike haphazardly in front of the ship as we ran into the ship. Upon arriving in the control room, I sat in the pilot's chair and possessed Milano. The ship began to take off while I began to be possessed by my flaming spirit.
― Speeds up! Speeds up! Speeds up! ― Peter spoke desperately, slapping the bench that accompanied his voice.
― Let's kill them all! ― Drax yelled with his swords in hand, fully excited for a fight.
― What did you do? ― Gamora asked irritably.
― More importantly, did they manage to steal that golden egg? ― Rocket asked from above Gamora.
I accelerated the ship causing it to leave the planet. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, except for Drax who looked disappointed that he couldn't fight.
But just when we thought everything would be calm, the ship's alerts warned that we were being pursued.
― Weapons in position. ― Peter spoke while Rocket and Gamora went to the ship's weapons.
I accelerated Milano while doing maneuvers to help Rocket and Gamora land the shots. Until finally I managed to lose them all.
― I think we made it. ― Gamora spoke, but still with her hand on the gun sights.
I engaged the ship's autopilot and rose from the pilot. Each one started to get distracted with what they liked to do on the ship and I went to Peter who was analyzing the Golden Egg he stole.
I approached looking at the Egg along with him.
― Why does he want this so badly? ― Peter asked, examining the piece carefully. ― Let's stall a little before we hand it over.
Peter spoke and was going to put his hand on my shoulder, but when he realized that I was still in Ghost Pilot form, he stopped for fear of getting burned. Realizing this, I suppressed the spirit within myself, causing me to revert to my human form.
― Sorry I forgot. ― I said when I got back to normal.
― Alright, do not worry. ― Peter smiling at me.
I looked at the egg more closely and noticed that it didn't appear to be massive, I picked it up from the table and it made me more sure of my theory.
― I think there's something inside. ― I said, turning the egg in my hand.
― Here. I think this is where it opens. ― Peter said, taking the egg from my hand.
He found a small knob of sorts on the side and as soon as he turned it, the egg opened like a sliced orange.
― What is that? ― I asked eyeing the glowing red crystal from within.
― I don't know. ― Peter said taking the crystal.
― You don't think he'll notice? ― I asked, smiling as I watched Peter put the crystal in his pocket.
― I'm sure he will. But let's get the money first. ― Peter said closing the Golden Egg again.
― It's just a little space thief. ― I said laughing.
― The way you like it. ― Peter said with a wink.
This time, I felt my face flush a little. He caught me off guard at that point and he knew it. Peter just smiled at me and put the egg back on the table.
— You can stop this nonsense, it's already tiring me. ― Rocket said as he walked by with some equipment he was setting up.
Peter and I looked away with a little embarrassment.
― I was just thinking…― Peter started a little nervously. ― If you don't want to go out some days?
―We're always through space. ― I said laughing.
― But this time it would be for a date. ― Peter said with a smile. ― What do you think?
― I think it sounds pretty good. ― I said with a smile.
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rainintheevening · 5 months
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Part I – Part II ... Part VIII – Part IX
The first time Edmund sees Aslan in his brother's face, he is sitting on the hearth-rug, half-frozen, wet to the skin, desperately fighting back a spectre of doubt and fear and unreality.
There is ice melting in his hair, sliding to his shoulders, dripping down his back, there is a warm hand pressed to his cheek, strong and calloused.
Whispers, whispers in the dark, and the wind had drowned them out, the cold needles of icy rain in his face had been real, but with the window shut, and the room gone silent, they are loud again.
It's not real, none of this is real, it's all a dream, a fantasy you made up in your head, and when you wake up, back in that prison of ice, you'll know. You'll know it's all a lie.
He rarely dreams of the Witch, more often it's some echo of home in England, or nasty twisted nightmares of a cruel being with the face of someone he loves. But tonight green eyes seem to stare out of the darkness, and she is clothed in black now, and he thinks he's drowning, ice water filling up his lungs.
He knows what he needs, he knows who saved him before, who can save him again, there is a cry in his heart, and… a voice whispering his name.
A deep shiver starts in his stomach, working its way out, as he looks up, looks up into a strong, kind face, lit by fireglow catching in the blond hair, and turning it to living gold, and for just a moment, Edmund sees it. Sees the glint of Aslan in the eyes that meet his, brimming with love and concern, like those eyes and that face are a mirror, reflecting something he can't see otherwise, but it's still very very real, and he whispers the name.
Peter catches him as he falls, holds him close, and he is all warm and solid, and Ed buries his face against Peter's neck, words vibrating through Peter's chest and throat, through Edmund, and it eases the shivering, just a little.
“You're safe,” Peter says, and Edmund believes him.
“Pete,” he whispers, curling closer, ear pressed to breastbone, and his brother's heart throbs in a steady rhythm, safe, safe, safe, real, real, real.
Edmund closes his eyes.
There are quiet voices, someone talking to Peter, but Ed hasn't the energy to understand, so he lets the sound wash over him, soothing, kind.
Then Peter shifts against him. “Come now, Ed, we're both wet as if we'd drowned. Let's get some dry things on. I don't want you catching cold. Susan will bring us something hot to drink.”
Ed is all shakes and lost thoughts, and he is gladder than he can say of Peter's warm hands helping him, stripping away the clinging icy damp of his pyjamas, and wrapping him in warmer things, dry pants and tunic and a heavy dressing gown.
He gets pushed in the direction of his bed, and goes, still shivering and wobbly on his feet, all the surging urgency and wild need drained out of him. He sits on the edge of the bed, pulls his feet up, watches Peter change quickly into another set of Ed’s clothes, finding loose-fitting ones to accommodate his greater height and breadth in the shoulders.
“The floor,” Edmund murmurs, breaking the silence. “I'm sorry, I should get–”
But Peter is already emerging from the bath chamber, towels in hand. He throws two of them down over the worst of the puddle, grins as he comes to join Edmund on the large bed.
“It's only stone, my dear brother. No harm done.” But then his brow furrows, and he brushes the back of one hand across Ed’s forehead. “I hope. Here let me dry your hair.”
Peter pushes the blankets aside, and that's when he finds it, lifts his hand and Ed sees the firelight’s glint.
“Did you lose this?”
A small silvery lion dangles from a leather string, but the string is broken, and Ed wraps the pendant in his fist, cool metal, hard edges against his palm.
He wears it often during the winter, under his shirt, against his skin, a reminder of Aslan and His power, His sacrifice. It helps on the hard days.
Winter is… not as much fun as it used to be. He tries to still enjoy it, along with his siblings, and sometimes it's easy, and sometimes it's harder, and occasionally it's painfully impossible.
Behind him Peter settles on the mattress, and a warm, soft towel settles over his head. Ed closes his eyes, leans back into Peter's hands, lets the rubbing sensation relax him.
Ed doesn't have nightmares often, though that's partly because on nights when the bad memories are strong, he just doesn't sleep at all.
He thinks it'll get easier as the memories fade.
“Time heals many things, your majesty,” Tumnus said to him once, when Edmund quietly broached the subject. All things together, the faun is an easy one to speak to about the chill that still echoes in his bones sometimes. “But in Aslan’s time, not ours,” and his smile was kind, and a little sorrowful.
Peter is humming something, one of Lucy's favourite songs from Mr. Tumnus. He sounds oddly light, lighter than he ever has since Christmas.
“What happened, Ed?” Peter's voice is gentle, and he stops drying his little brother's hair, hands falling away, so that Ed catches himself awake again, sitting up straighter.
A glance over to the fire, which still burns strongly, and Ed can feel Peter's eyes on his back.
His mind is more settled now, though he is sleepy again, at last, and he keeps a long silence, thoughts not formed into words sitting heavy in his mouth, on his tongue.
“Alright,” Peter says at last. “You're falling asleep, come and lie down. And if you're asleep when Susan comes, I'll drink both hot chocolates myself.”
The teasing in his voice loosens something in Ed’s chest.
“No chance.” But he yawns as he says it, and Peter laughs.
Susan comes in then, two mugs in hand.
She says little, but Ed can't quite meet her gaze. She kisses his forehead, and leaves quietly.
“I'm sorry I've worried you,” Ed murmurs into his mug, hot enough to burn his fingers if he grips it too hard.
Peter is knotting the leather string of the pendant, and he pauses, rough, chapped knuckles resting against the back of Ed’s neck.
“Perhaps I haven't been worrying enough about you,” he says at last.
A pat on Edmund’s shoulder as he finishes, and Ed has no answer for that.
He wants to bask in the warmth, hold onto that flash he'd seen of lion eyes in Peter's face, and not think about what brought him to be standing in an open window in a torrent of winter storm. He's not really sure how to explain it anyway.
He's glad when Peter doesn't leave, doesn't even ask if Edmund wants him to stay, just takes the empty mugs and sets them on the dresser, takes the now sopping towels away, and Ed hears them thump wetly into the bath.
He lights a candle, banks up the fire, and Ed burrows lower under the covers, pulling the heavy rug on top up to his chin, as Peter comes back to the bed.
Even in the large bed, Peter still lies close enough for Edmund to feel his warmth, leaving space for Ed to decide how much contact he wants.
In the flickering candlelight, the shadows in the corners are thin and wispy, insubstantial. Ed turns on his side, turns toward Peter, and clasps one hand around his lion pendant, closes his eyes, and listens to his brother's breathing.
He comes awake again suddenly, in the dark. Quite dark, candle gone out, but Peter's back is warm against his hands, and the only sounds are their breaths, and the continued rushing and racing of the wind.
He feels it then, creeping into his thoughts, water running down, drip, drip, drip, layers of ice, built up around the edges of his mind… The wind. Is that a Lion's roar, or a wolf's howl? He can't- he can't be sure.
Peter's back is in front of him, a man’s broad shoulders now, strong and capable, and Ed unfurls one hand, presses palm to spine, warm and solid, flesh and bone.
He feels Peter take a long, slow breath.
“Ice,” he finally says, and his voice is too loud in the dark. He drops it closer to a whisper. “There's too much ice.”
And he's been trying not to touch the slicked over walls in the castle courtyard.
Peter stirs under his hand, shifting away, so he can turn onto his back, and Edmund's left hand ends up under Peter's arm, but he doesn’t mind, just lets himself slump against that bulk, pressing his forehead into the meat of Peter's shoulder.
He doesn't know how to explain further, after all there's certainly more to it than that.
The shadows in Peter and Susan's eyes since the new year, and the beginning of the food shortage. The blanket of wind slicked ice that had settled over Cair Paravel. The strange fear that lurked in his head.
The Great River hadn't frozen over fully that year, and Ed had been slipping out to sit by the waterfalls near the castle, let the roar reverberate through him, like the roar of a Lion, so much heavier and truer than that awful changeable wind.
Still, the doubts crept in, a sense of fear and unreality encroaching on the edges of everything, frozen rain building up, till his very thoughts seemed slippery and fragile. Like now.
“But it's inside too,” he says at last. “Inside me. And… and I'm always wet. And cold.”
He shivers, and Peter moves again, this time to wriggle his right arm under Edmund's head, wrap it tight across Ed’s back, pulling him in against his side.
“Is that why you keep disappearing from audiences?” Peter says at last, gentle, and Ed lays his head on his brother's chest, closes his eyes.
Ah, Edmund of the silver tongue, yet words can barely form now, mouth half frozen, and it all takes effort, so much effort.
“I try,” he murmurs.
And he has been trying, trying to stay out and connected with the Narnians, to remember they are all facing a difficult season, but it's gotten harder and harder to talk with them, to connect, to be present in those conversations, and Ed has found it easy to slip away and not be missed. Or he thought he wasn't being missed.
“Is it her?” and Peter's voice is very low, the grip on Ed’s upper arm tightening slightly. “Is it memories of the Witch?”
Edmund feels the heartbeat under his cheek quicken, and suddenly smiles. Oh, his brother, his dear, protective brother.
“No, not really. I don't think, at any rate. I'm just…”
There is such a lengthy silence, they both break it.
“Afraid this is a dream, somehow.”
Ed cringes at hearing it aloud, but he's said it, and the words echo in his ears, filling the darkness, and he doesn't even realise he's starting to pull away from Peter's side, until his strong arm is drawing him back in, keeping him close.
“It isn't,” Peter says, very firmly, voice a little too loud, but it makes the wind sound quieter somehow. He takes a hard breath, lets it out, goes on gentler: “I promise, Ed. You're safe, and you're not–”
“I know,” Edmund interrupts. He lets his head fall against Peter's shoulder once more, closes his eyes, alarmed at a sudden burning behind them. “I know,” he whispers. “I know that, but– That isn't always enough.”
Another long silence.
He hasn't said it right, but he doesn’t know what else to say, and a hot curl of shame settles in his stomach, and he wants to pull away again, but… he also doesn't want to. It helps to have Peter close like this, especially in the dark, especially in the cold, especially, well, now.
“What can I do?” Peter says at last. “How can we help?”
He won't cry, he won't–
“Oh, Ed.” Peter's hand pats Edmund’s arm, a little clumsy. “I don't even have a handkerchief.”
“Your shirt works well enough.” Ed tries to laugh, but it comes out as more of a sob.
“Actually, it's your shirt.”
Edmund laughs a true laugh this time, and when he gently pulls away, Peter lets him go. He mops his face with the sheet, catches his breath.
They are lying still in the dark again, side by side now, when Edmund says, very quietly: “Just this. Just be here. Just…” …be Aslan to me, he almost says. “Let me alone sometimes, but not too much.”
Peter settles, relaxing with the instruction, the start of a plan, and Ed smiles to himself, amused.
“Agreed. Now–” Peter yawns suddenly. “Anything more you'd like to say before we sleep? We'll have to be up in a few hours, you know.”
“Just thank you,” Ed says simply, and then he yawns himself. “Perhaps we could go for a gallop in the morning? If Philip and Erah don't think the footing is too deplorable.”
“Good idea,” Peter murmurs, and then his breathing drops, and Ed counts three, four, five… His brother is asleep.
Ed does like any good little brother does, and follows suit, in his own time. It's easy with the warmth surrounding him now, he's not even listening to the wind.
In Aslan’s time.
As always, in Aslan’s time, night gives way to day, winter gives way to spring, and fears give way to love. Edmund will live this truth many times over in both his lifetimes.
That night in the dead of winter might have been the first time Edmund saw the Lion in his brother's face, but it was not to be the last.
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lec743 · 10 months
Darksiders Concept With War (2)
War was breathing deeply to even out his rapid heartbeat as Chaoseater drank in the last remains of the chaos that the battle him and his siblings partook in. His sword demanded for more, but War sheathed it regardless.
"Oh no..." War heard the human woman say.
The giant nephilim turned towards her as she limped around the dead body of a Trauma. Her legs and forearms were bloody from having used herself as a spear and lodging her peg leg into the dead Trauma's eye. She was a good distraction for it, an unnecessary distraction, but she managed to give him and his siblings a lot of good hits on the Trauma for what she did.
"Uh, so guys. Do any of you know how to relocate a bone? Or... No this is a joint. Anyways, who knows about skeletal structures enough to put them back into place?"
War examined her from head to toe as his frown deepened. As she limped, she favored her right side more than she usually does with it being missing.
"What did you do," Fury demanded with an annoyed huff.
"I think I dislocated my hip."
"Serves you right, being in a fight you should not have been in," his sister snapped.
"I wanted to help," she snapped back.
War frowned to himself. He didn't understand why the weak woman would even want to help. He and his siblings are much more powerful and capable than her, she should have stayed in hiding where it was safer for her. It still amazes him that Death hasn't dropped her off at the Maker's realm. Granted, it seems Strife has taken a liking to her and seems to advocate keeping her regardless of the dangers she faces being with them. He doesn't approve of whatever reason his older brothers have for keeping her, but he won't fight Death if he deems that the human's presence is needed.
Strife was by her side holding her hand and using himself as a crutch for her as Death said, "I know how." Death meet her half way and instructed her to lay down. As they talked War kept vigilant of the area. They might get attacked again shortly if they don't move on and he won't let his siblings be attacked while they are distracted with the human. He locks eyes with Fury. She looks away quickly and War figures that she is keeping an eye out as well, despite how disinterest she looks.
The quiet talking is then broken by a loud scream the human lets out before it peters out into whimpering.
Strife curses in their native tongue then said, "Death, couldn't you be gentler!"
Death seemed to be ready to retort back, if the way his fists tightened gave any indication, but their potential fighting was distracted by the human woman's weak laughter.
"Strife, don't be silly. He was as gentle as he could be." She sat up with a groan and patted Death's clenched fists. "Thank you. I feel a lot better now. You have very good hands."
War saw how his oldest brother physically relaxed from her words and actions. He's noticed it a lot with his siblings. Even he finds himself more at ease with her than he feels comfortable with. It's certainly a strange phenomena, and he sometimes wonders if it's a human ability or if it's only a her ability.
She groaned as she got back onto her feet, with Strife's help, then she said, "As long as I don't walk for two days I should be back to normal... Man I just got used to walking on my peg-leg too."
"Maybe next time, don't throw yourself at a Trauma or any enemy for that matter," Death chastised.
"I'm trying to be useful. I can't give you a reason to not let me help bring back my kind!" She sighed as she rubbed at her eyes. "Am I riding Despair or Mayhem?"
"This isn't a good place to summon our horses," Fury reminded everyone.
The human shrugged dramatically. "Oh well then. Guess I'll just suffer for the time being."
War furrowed his brow. He's not certain, but he can't help but think that maybe she's joking. Despite that, he speaks up before he can think. "I will carry you."
Everyone turned to look at him. She looked as surprised as everyone else, but it quickly melted into a warm smile. "Thank you War. I'd appreciate that."
War met her half way as she hobbled hesitantly towards him. He picked her up and placed her over his right shoulder and laid his right hand over her thighs so that she didn't accidentally slide off. He felt her place a hand over his gauntlet covered hand and on the back of his neck. It felt bazar to him how small she felt against him, it made something stir in him like Chaos wanted to bite and tear at nothing, which in turn made him feel uneasy as he has no desire to truly hurt the woman.
"Hey, I could have offered you a ride," Strife complained.
She giggled, then said, "And yet War was quicker to offer than you. What do you think of that, Mr. Quick Draw McGraw?"
War watched Strife pout by crossing his arms over his chest and look away from them. The human giggled some more, but War only side eyed his older brother. What's more important is that they move quickly.
"Alright, we've waisted enough time. Let's go already," Fury pushed. And War agreed as he followed her lead. Soon the five of them fell in line with Death taking the lead, Fury right behind him, and Strife walking side by side with him as he talked with the human.
War appreciated how easily the human socializes with Strife. War has always considered Strife to be the most sociable person out of the four of them and it has always made the youngest nephilim sad to see the armored nephilim unable to interact with people, at least, not in a way that doesn't end up with him throwing punches or taking shots.
"What do you think, War?" The human asked.
War hummed questioningly, having not been paying attention to the conversation.
"If you could be any animal, what would you want to be?"
War turned to look at Strife. The man's eyes were up turned slightly, his helm covering the smile he clearly had beneath it. "Well, go on War. What animal WOULD you want to be?"
"What is the meaning of this question," War asked the human for clarification.
"I'm just trying to get to know you and it's for fun."
"... And what would be the terms and conditions for such a metamorphosis?"
She was silent for a few seconds then she said, "If you were in a panic and all you could do was run away."
War thought for a moment then said, "I supposed I would consider turning into a horse if I could not summon Ruin and my only options were to run. Granted, I do not see myself running from any kind of battle."
"I believe that," She said, "You look very powerful and scary in battle. I wouldn't want to go toe to toe in a real battle against you."
Strife snorted, "But you'd go against him in a fake battle?"
"Yes. Play-fighting. I used to do it all the time with my little brother."
"So you're the eldest of your family?" War asked.
"I was... You actually make me think of my little brother the most, War."
"What? Was he taller than you, too," Strife teased.
"No. He was still a child. Puberty didn't hit him yet when the Apocalypse hit us and we struggled to survive together. I, at least, was there for his sixteenth birthday before I died... He had a thing for knights. The whole, code of honor, chivalry thing. I'm sure he would have looked up to both of you. You because of your cool armor Strife, and to you because of how you carry yourself War."
"The Horsemen are not something to look up to. We are something to be feared," War stated. Out of the corner of his eye, War saw Strife cross his arms over his chest and look away from them.
"You are capable of being more than one thing, I think," she suggested.
"We are what the Charred Counsel wants us to be," War informed her.
"And what does this Charred Counsel want you to be?"
"To be the keepers of the Balance. To be the enforcers of the rules that hold our universes together."
"Is that what you want?"
"What we want doesn't matter."
"I don't know. Maybe it's a cultural thing, but I think it should matter. You and your siblings aren't just tools."
"Well, that's what we signed up to be, tools for the Counsel," Strife said bitterly.
War heard her hum as her response and the conversation was quickly changed by Strife to a more amicable topic. The giant nephilim ruminated on her words. She's wrong obviously. They can't be anything more that what the Counsel needs them to be, but maybe that's what makes her so appealing to be around. She sees him and his siblings as something more. She may be seeing nothing, but what she sees is true to her. It's certainly a curious trait of hers... and maybe that is why Death allows her to be here. She's able to see things in a way that they can't. War knows how important it is in the heat of battle to know something before an opponent and he can respect that.
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thewomancallednova · 1 year
Some spoiler-y obervations on today's SNW episode, "Hegemony":
I'm really glad we got to see an adult Gorn that looks more humanoid. When Sam found those anomalous human readings I was really concerned they'd go with a "TOS Gorn a weird Human-Gorn hybrids" thing.
I was 100% sure Batel was gonna die when she made a log entry at the start :D Pleasently surprised by how that went
I kinda wish the Gorn weren't such a drawn-out plot with SNW. The feeling I'm getting is that they're just doing "Arena" but with eight episodes scattered over three seasons and I don't really see how that's gonna be better than "Arena". For what it's worth I'd love to get a closer look at how Gorn society in SNW actually works, like how did y'all build those spaceships if you keep cannibalising everyone. And to this episode's credit they did tease in that direction.
Definitely more on board with Scotty by the end of the episode than at the start. I really hope we can keep Carol Kane next season and have her mentor Scotty. I like what SNW has done with Spock, Uhura, Chapel and M'Benga; so I'm optimistic about Scotty, but my first instinct whenever a new major TOS character appears is generally to groan.
How exactly does a demarcation line within a solar system? Like, I'm no physicist, but don't planets usually rotate around stars? Wouldn't that shift planets in and out of Gorn/Federation territory depending on the time of year? Incidentally, there's a Trek novel (by Peter David of course) that explores that exact situation, where a planet is in (IIRC) Tholian territory for two days every year.
Pike's voice when he says "Spock" after seeing the destroyed Caygua is just TT
Seeing Pike interrupt Battel's mission here with a subspace phone call, I wish we'd see that more often the other way around. "Sorry honey, can't talk right now I have to make the pirates revolt against their captain, I'll call you back later okay?"
Love the music cues reminiscent of TOS. And I'm glad in general that the post-Berman Trek shows got to recover from the "sonic wallpaper" directive.
The Starfleet delta pattern on the space suits is really distracting. Like, I know I'm supposed to look at how they're hand-holding but wow, that is a lot of deltas!
It kinda rubs me the wrong way that Spock and Chapel killed the Gorn on the Cuyaga, just when the planetside story gets all about how maybe we can talk with the Gorn. Probably doesn't help that the Gorn took like ten seconds to suffocate and seemed to be in excruciating pain throughout. Like, c'mon Chapel, shoot him already, it's be more merciful.
I think SNW is actually quite clever with connecting its Gorn continuity to that of TOS. The SNW Gorn ships like very different from the TOS ones, which is great because in "Arena" no one recognizes the new ship. The Gorn are only revealed as the perpetrators in conversation with the Metrons, so I think it's feasable that Kirk just doesn't know of them (as long as his relationship with La'an doesn't get any further) and the rest of the crew didn't want to interrupt during the conversation with the seemingly very powerful Metrons. After Kirk is teleported by the Metrons Uhura screams, because 60s show (she should be used to teleportation right, being in Starfleet), but the SNW retcon that she knows of the Gorn and their horrors really gives that moment new depth and makes it less silly.
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rickybaby · 3 months
Peter Bayer is so annoying, every time he opens his mouth it doesn't make Daniel's situation any better. He brings chaos to everything around Daniel with his cowardice and inability to stand up for his team. How can he say that it's good that Daniel deleted his IG when we have to ask for updates on his life through IG posts that he posts no more than 20 times a year. I hate peter so much 🤬🤬🤬
In the past few days, I've made up my mind to not pay any attention to what's said in the media about Daniel - whether that's from Helmut, Bayer, Laurent or Christian.
Red Bull is currently a political bloodbath and Daniel, being the only driver without a contract, has become a pawn in that game. Whether this means Daniel is more likely or less likely to get renewed for next year - I don't know. These past 4-5 races have shown Daniel in on an upward trajectory, and if people are wilfully ignoring that, it just shows there are factors other than performance at play.
It sucks, but I also think what will be, will be and we should just enjoy Daniel racing. Like these three races obviously mean a lot to him - his 250th start, his birthday, his parents staying back in europe for all this and him having Jack around to document it all!
I think the one thing I'm holding dear is Daniel's comment that they overachieved in Austria. It's been so long that he's said something like that - it just shows he is finally performing at that level where he is satisfied with himself, that he's putting everything into it and it feels like a personal reward to himself
Also just saying that yeah, Daniel is caught up in the red bull power struggle, but that man is also cut from the old red bull cloth - he can play that political game in his sleep. So he's not an unfortunate collateral as much as we'd like to think.
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