#but yea going forward expect nothing from me
inkydoc · 1 year
my blog is turning into an assorted collection of cute animals doing funny things
and that's okay. we will just have to accept that. live with it.
i think it's an undisputed fact of life that last year was an especially shitty one, and i am no exception of that. it was a wild ride through and through, and even though i gained valuable life experience, i think i might prefer to just not think about it too much. it makes me cry remembering. makes me want to just roll over and get lost in the void. give up completely. to be fair i can't exactly lose any more drive and motivation as it is really hard to lose something you don't have, but still. last year can eat shit for all i care.
even so, things had been learnt along the way. one of those things is that i may never be able to draw for others again. like at this point i'm very, very far from being able to draw at all, but right now i think i'm just done with being the ✨️artist person✨️ in general.
for a while now i've been desperately trying to find another hobby, another thing to do, another thing to find joy and passion in, and i couldn't, for the life of me figure out why. i thought i was trying to find something that would be easier on my weak, brittle hands, but that's only half true.
turns out it's not good to tie parts of your identity to a thing that you, for all intents and purposes, just don't love doing anymore. that makes for a horrible kind of existential dread that i wouldn't wish on my worst enemies.
so if you've been following me for art, well... it's been ages since i posted anything consistently anyway, and from this point forward i really can't promise anything. i hope i can find it in me to at least doodle again, and maybe even like doing it, but it will take a metric fuckton of time. and i'm not sure i'll end up posting them if i do.
this is in no way an apology, as i do not owe anyone anything. my art, my time is mine, and i am free to do with it whatever i wish.
no, it's more a heads-up.
i hope you like cats because they're here to stay. they're here to crawl all over your dashboard and scratch at the corners of your posts. they're here to bring light into my days, and i hope they can do the same for you too.
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itneverendshere · 11 days
THE OTHER SIDE OF PARADISE - rafe cameron (+18)
request: "a rafe enemies to lovers 🫣 the reader is jjs sister the whole drama before but then she gets left behind on the ship and rafe ends up comforting her and then yea that’s all I got you can do whatever else the rest 😛" + "def some little smut during the enemies part and a long story"
WARNINGS: maybank!reader; kidnapping; smut!; violence!; rafe is a red flag; guns and blood; p in v;
word count: 8k
part ii; part iii
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The sun dipped low, painting the Outer Banks marshes in shades of fiery orange. Tensions between the Kooks and the Pogues had hit a fever pitch, and in the middle of it all? Rafe Cameron, the last person you'd want to encounter. Ever. 
Every run-in with him left a bitter taste in your mouth, lingering for days. It was like he had a knack for getting under your skin. Arrogant, volatile, downright psychotic — Rafe was a walking disaster. Each interaction with him sucked the life out of you. You were convinced that nothing good could ever come from being around him. And yet, there you were, another Maybank, caught in the chaos of the island's most influential family feud.
You knew the risks, but loyalty drove you forward. And now? Well, now you were in deep shit.
Your plan had been reckless, fueled by the desperate need to save Sarah from her deranged family and retrieve Pope's stolen cross. Everything had gone smoothly until chaos erupted, and you found yourself abruptly yanked away from the corridor by a strong grip on your arm, before you could even call out for your brother and Kie. Another hand clamped over your mouth, stifling any attempts to scream. In a blur, you were dragged into a dimly lit cabin, the men's hold on you unyielding. Struggling was futile against his iron grip. He tossed you inside, slamming the door shut and locking it behind him. The gravity of your situation hit hard immediately – you were alone, at the mercy of Ward Cameron. The man who'd silenced anyone who dared oppose him, even going as far as faking his own death, kidnapping his own daughter, and manipulating his son into committing murder. 
Because in his twisted world, family trumped everything. Even murder.
Your mind raced as you took in your surroundings. The cabin was small and sparsely furnished: a bunk, a tiny porthole high on the wall, and a single chair bolted to the floor. There was a faint hum of the ship's engines, a constant reminder that you were far from land and any chance of immediate rescue. You quickly assessed your options. The door was solid, and you didn't have anything strong enough to force it open. Fuck, fuck fuck. 
You took a deep breath, trying to steady your nerves. Panic wouldn't help; you needed a plan. But then, like a nightmare come to life, the devil himself stepped into the room, his eyes piercing as they landed on you. The man who had captured you stood behind him, a smug grin on his face. 
Rafe was visibly surprised to see you, but he quickly concealed it behind a cold, calculating expression. His forehead glistened with sweat, his hair damp and sticking to his temples. His shirt clung to his back, soaked through from the scorching heat, and beads of perspiration trickled down his face. He wiped his brow with a weary hand and his gun gleamed ominously in the dim light.
"Well shit,” Rafe said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Look what we have here. Didn't expect to see ya again so soon pretty Maybank.”
You tried to keep your expression neutral, but your mind was racing with questions. Where were your friends? Were they safe? Was your brother even alive? Before you could ask, Rafe continued, his tone mocking. 
"Your brother really did a number on you, huh? Left you behind without a second thought. Typical Maybank shit, huh? Always knew you were unreliable."
Son of a bitch. You clenched your fists, fighting to keep your composure. "You're lying," you countered, your voice steady despite the fear gnawing at you, "He wouldn't leave me."
Not unless he was forced to.
Rafe chuckled, a dark, humorless sound. "Believe what you want. They left. Now, you're my problem. Lucky me."
“You’re lying.”
His eyes gleamed with a dangerous glint as he advanced towards you. You took a step back, but there was nowhere to go. The cold, metal wall pressed against your back, mirroring the chill that had settled in your bones.
"Now, what am I going to do with you?" he mused, tilting his head as if genuinely contemplating your fate. The gun in his hand swung lazily at his side, but you knew better than to think it wasn't ready to be used at a moment's notice. You swallowed hard, your mind frantically searching for a way out of this hellhole. He was unpredictable and volatile; years of snorting cocaine and family trauma did that to some people. 
But maybe, just maybe, you could reason with him. 
“Rafe, listen. You don't have to do this. Let me go and we can both walk away from this. No one has to get hurt."
His laugh was sharp and bitter. "You think I'm going to let you go just because you asked nicely?" He stepped closer, his breath hot against your face. "Nah. You're going to stay right here until I decide what to do with you.“ 
You tried to keep your breathing steady, but fear clawed at your chest. The odds were against you, as they had always been your entire life.
"What do you want, Rafe? The cross? We can make a deal."
His eyes narrowed, the amusement fading. 
"You think this is about money? About that fucking cross? This is about power. Control. And right now...huh, shit, I control you." He leaned in, his voice a deadly whisper. "The cross is mine now. How do you feel about the Bahamas?”
Your top lip curled in disgust, “I’d rather drown.”
His smile twisted into something even darker. “I think you’re worth more alive, at least for now.”
You refused to show him any more fear. “To you? Or Ward? Do you only get this cocky when daddy’s not around to rein you in?”
Rafe’s expression hardened, and for a moment, you thought you’d pushed him too far. He leaned in close, his eyes cold and unforgiving. 
“Watch your fucking mouth, Maybank. You don’t know anything about my family.”
You laughed bitterly, unable to stop yourself. “Yeah, no. You're right. Just that you're dad’s little lapdog, doing his dirty work while he pretends to be some upstanding citizen. And where’s your mom in all this? Oh! She left.”
The punch came so fast, you didn’t see it coming. Pain exploded across your jaw, and you tasted blood. He grabbed your chin, forcing you to look at him. “You don’t fucking talk about her, dirty pogue. Ever.”
Anger took over you like wildfire, burning hotter than the pain. Your jaw throbbed, but the rage was stronger. You wanted to hit him back, to wipe that smug look off his face, to make him feel the hurt he had inflicted on you. Your fists clenched at your sides, every muscle in your body taut with the desire for retribution. The fury in your eyes matched the darkness in his.
You spat blood at his face, glaring up at him defiantly. “You’re just a puppet. Your sister hates you, your dad uses you, and deep down, you know it. You’ll never be more than his bitch.” 
His grip tightened painfully, rough fingers digging into your flesh, lips twitching into a snarl, but you didn’t flinch. If you were going down, you’d go down fighting. His eyes flickered with something you’d never seen in him, before he released you, stepping back. “You think you’re so smart, don’t you? So tough.”
“Smarter than you,” you shot back. “At least I know who I am. What are you, Rafe?“
He stared at you, tongue pressed against his cheek, eyebrows furrowed. Then he laughed, a harsh, grating sound that sent chills down your spine. His hand reached out, and your breath stilled throat tightening as he fiddled with a lock of your hair. He’d let out another laugh, entirely dismissive of the trepidation you’d felt stuck.
“You’ve got guts, Maybank. It's gonna get you killed.“
You wiped the blood from your mouth, meeting his gaze with unwavering defiance. “I’ve survived worse than you.”
And you had. If anything prepared you for violence, drugs, and pain, was living with Luke Maybank your entire life. And maybe, if you didn’t hate Rafe with every fiber of your being, after everything he’d done, you’d feel sorry for him. But you didn’t, and he sure as hell didn't feel sorry for you. 
For a moment, the room was silent except for the low hum of the ship’s engines. Then Rafe turned on his heel, motioning to the man by the door. “Watch her. Make sure she doesn’t go anywhere.”
“Do I look like fucking Michael Phelps? Where the fuck would I go? We’re on a ship you crazy bastar—Hey! Rafe! Open the fucking door!” 
The door slammed shut behind him, the sound echoing through the small, dimly lit cabin. You listened to his footsteps fade away, feeling a sense of relief and dread settle in your chest. What the fuck had you gotten yourself into? They could kill you, dispose your body in the ocean and no would give a single fuck. No one would think you’d gone missing, because you’re a Maybank and that’s what your kind of people did, apparently. Your brother would probably assume you’re dead, he’d try to get justice and fail in the end, because the rich always won.
The musty air of the cabin felt oppressive as you turned away from the small porthole, where the bright sun and endless expanse of blue ocean taunted you from beyond. Days had melded into one another, each marked only by the arrival of meals and the sporadic presence of Rafe. You had hoped for some sense of clarity, some hint of what your future held, but his visits offered nothing but insults and foreboding silence.
You paced the small room, your mind racing with the possibilities of what they had planned for you. The guard remained a silent sentinel, a constant reminder that escape was not an option. But then, the cabin door creaked open again, and you tensed as Ward Cameron stepped in, his presence commanding immediate attention. 
He gave a nod to the guard, who stepped out, leaving you alone with the man who held your fate in his hands. A fucking lunatic with enough means to play for all the dramatics he enjoyed. Great.
"Get comfortable," Ward said, his voice smooth but carrying an edge that set your nerves on edge. "We're almost there."
"Almost where?" you asked, trying to keep your voice steady.
"The Bahamas," he replied, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. "A little slice of paradise, if you will."
"And what happens then?" you pressed, needing to know more.
Ward studied you for a moment, as if weighing how much to reveal. “Keep out of sight, stay quiet. Rafe and I have some business to attend to, and we can't afford any distractions."
"And if I refuse?" you challenged, though you knew the answer.
Ward's smile widened, but there was no warmth in it. "Let's not be stupid, sweetheart. You're here because you know too much. Refusing isn't an option. Cooperation, however…”
A chill ran down your spine at his words. The stakes were clear, and you realized that your only chance was to play along, at least until you could figure out a way to escape this nightmare.
The rest of the day passed in a tense haze. Eventually, you felt the ship slow, the engines quieting as you approached your destination. When the door opened again, Rafe was there, his expression unreadable.
"Time to go," he said simply, motioning for you to follow, "Move."
You stepped out onto the deck, the warm, salty breeze hitting your face as you looked around. The sight of the lush, tropical landscape did little to ease your anxiety. You were led to a smaller boat, and soon you were speeding towards a secluded island, the main landmass of the Bahamas visible in the distance. This was a world away from the familiar streets and faces of The Cut. It was straight out of a postcard. Something you and JJ would fantasize about while high of your asses and writing bucklists. 
God, JJ. You only hoped he made it. You’d never gone a day without each other before you were dragged into this mess last summer. It wasn’t fair. You only wanted enough money to get by, an easy fix to get everything sorted, finish college, ship your dad somewhere far away from you two. But Ward’s greedy ass had to ruin everything for you. 
As the boat neared the shore, you couldn't shake the feeling of impending doom. The island loomed closer, its pristine beaches and swaying palm trees offering a stark contrast to the danger that lurked just beneath the surface.
Rafe’s hand gripped your arm, his grasp tight and unyielding as he led you onto the sandy beach. Ward followed close behind, his expression unreadable as he surveyed the scene before him.
"This way," he said, his voice cutting through the sound of the waves crashing against the shore. You followed obediently, your mind racing with possibilities. Escape seemed unlikely, but you clung to the slim hope that you could find a way out of this mess. As you walked, you couldn't help but wonder what awaited you on this remote island.
The path led deeper into the heart of the island, the dense foliage casting long shadows as the sun began to set. You could feel the weight of Ward and Rafe's gazes on you, their presence a constant reminder of the mess you were in.
Finally, you reached a clearing, and your heart sank as you saw what awaited you. A small house. In the middle of nowhere. Oh god, you were a dead woman. 
“This will be your home for the time being," Ward said, his voice cold and unfeeling, as if he was offering you a vacation rental and not kidnapping you. You wanted to protest, to demand answers, but you knew it was futile, there was a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach, it practically swallowed you whole. 
“My son will be keeping you company, don’t get too excited.” 
The way Rafe’s head snapped in his father’s direction told you more than what you needed to know. Once again, daddy dearest was calling the shots without taking his opinion into consideration. Ward’s casual cruelty was suffocating, a stark reminder of the power he wielded over everyone. As he turned to leave, leaving no space of negotiations or pleadings, Rafe’s eyes bored into yours. No questions asked, only blind devotion to his father. 
The door slammed shut, leaving you alone with Rafe once more. He looked at you, resentment playing across his face and something inside you urged you to fight. 
“I’m not going to make this easy for you," you said, your voice a low growl, “I’m not dying here. Not with you.” 
Rafe chuckled, greasy bangs moving as he shook his head, “You really think you have a choice here?” He stepped closer, his presence overwhelming in the confined space, “You think you’re special? Nah, Maybank. He’ll get rid of you eventually, don’t worry.”
“Exactly. He will, not you. You don’t have any control either and I think you hate being here as much as I do. That shit makes us both prisoners.”
He blinked, momentarily thrown off guard by your words, “Stay out my fucking way or I’ll kill you myself.”
You were sure he wouldn't, only if Ward asked him to. He’d fucked up enough before, when he accidentally shot Sarah and didn’t look the slightest bit apologetic. You know he wouldn’t do it again, not if he wanted to keep his head on his shoulder and his trust fund. Ward Cameron hated slips ups, hated even more the monster he raised, but he sure came in handy when he needed him. 
Rafe’s words hung in the air like a noose, but you refused to let them tighten around your neck. "Empty threats," you shot back, squaring your shoulders. "I've dealt with bigger monsters than you, Rafe."
For a moment, a flicker of doubt passed through his blue eyes. They were bloodshot red, perhaps from the lack of sleep or maybe because he was high off his mind, you didn’t care to ask. But just as quickly, his usual sneer returned. "Enjoy your stay, Maybank.”
With that, he turned and left the room. Him and the stupid slamming of doors. You were alone again, your pulse racing but your resolve intact. You had to get out of here. You knew it wouldn't be easy, but you were a Maybank—survival was in your blood. You took stock of your surroundings once more, this time with a sharper eye. The walls were thin, the windows barred, but there had to be some weakness, some way to exploit the situation. You ran your fingers along the seams of the walls, looking for anything that might give. Your mind raced through every piece of advice JJ had ever given you about breaking and entering. You’d done a lot of that over the years, and while most people thought you pogues were simply criminals, they never cared enough to ask why you and your brother spent so much time in and out of the sheriff’s department. 
So, what if two dirty, no-good kids were barely hanging on for dear life? No one gave a shit. 
Weeks blurred into each other, each one marked by the same routine. Rafe's visits, Ward's looming threats, and the endless search for an opportunity to escape. You watched Rafe carefully, noting his every move, his every interaction with Ward. You noticed the way Ward belittled him, treating him more like a tool than a son. It was a toxic dynamic, one that made you wonder if Rafe was as much a victim as you were. You’d seen bits and pieces before, but Sarah had described Ward as some sort of saint up until recently. Rafe on the other hand? Their dynamic was so different from what you were used to. You and JJ were like two peas in a pod, you’d die for him and you know he would do the same, no questions asked. If there was one good thing in your life, it was your brother. 
You couldn't help but feel a twinge of pity for Rafe, despite everything he'd done. He was a product of his environment, molded by a father who saw him as nothing more than a means to an end. 
You saw the cracks in his armor, the moments of doubt and vulnerability. The way his hands would shake every time Ward raised his voice, the way he would bite his nails to hide the embarrassment booming in his cheeks. How he never walked into his father’s space or any other room without announcing his presence. It gave you whiplash. 
You began to argue less with him, your animosity slowly giving way to a grudging understanding. You hated feeling so…forgiving. This boy had done unspeakable things to you and your friends, to your family…and there you were. Feeling sorry for him like you didn’t know better. 
One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the small house, Rafe brought you dinner. He placed the plate on the table, his movements tense, his expression unusually subdued. Strangely so, you’d memorized that expression. You didn’t even have to ask to understand what had gotten under his skin. You watched him for a moment before speaking.
"Why do you let him treat you like that?" you asked, your voice softer than usual. You didn’t understand why you did it. You regretted the words the moment they came out of your lips, but there was something inside itching you to ask. 
Rafe's eyes snapped to yours, rage and something else—pain—flashing in them. "What the hell do you know about it?" he snapped, but there was less bite in his words. 
At this point he just sounded tired. 
"I understand,” you replied, thinking of your own father. "I know what it's like to want to prove yourself, to be more than what they think you are."
Rafe's jaw clenched, his eyes dropping to the floor. For a moment, he looked lost, like a boy searching for something he could never find. "You don't know shit," he muttered, but there was no conviction in his voice.
"I know enough," you said quietly. "You don't have to keep doing this. You don't have to be his puppet."
He laughed bitterly, shaking his head. "You think it's that simple?"
"Maybe not. But you can choose to be better than him. You can choose to stop this.”
Rafe looked at you, really looked at you, for the first time. It was borderline unnerving. The weight of his stare. The way your stomach flip-flops under his attention. 
“Shut the fuck up and eat, Maybank."
But beneath it all, there was something else. Something you’d seen before, when you looked at yourself in the mirror after you took the biggest beating of your life and Luke finally got thrown into jail: hope. 
He didn't say anything, just turned and walked out, leaving you alone. 
The days continued to pass, but something had shifted. Rafe was less hostile, more contemplative. He didn't treat you as roughly, didn't hurl as many insults. It was a small change, but it was there. And you began to see a way out, not just for yourself, but for Rafe too. You knew what he did, knew what he was capable of, but no one deserved to rot in hell with someone like Ward. You needed to bide your time, to wait for the right moment. And when that moment came, you had to be ready to act. 
Another day began with the same oppressive heat. The sun had just started to rise, casting a golden hue over the island. You were in the small kitchen of the house, preparing a meager breakfast from the limited supplies you had. The routine had become almost mechanical, a way to keep your mind occupied and stave off the rising panic.
Rafe entered the kitchen, eyes barely open as he wiped the sleep away. He poured himself a glass of whiskey, the sound of the liquid hitting the glass breaking the silence. He stood with his back to you, staring out the window. 
“What’s Luke like?”
You froze, your hands pausing mid-motion. It was an unexpected question, one that cut deep and made you want to hurl on the spot even though you hadn’t had anything to eat yet. 
“Why do you want to know?" you asked cautiously, trying to keep your voice steady.
Rafe shrugged, still not turning to face you. "Just curious. You Maybanks are a tight bunch, right? So what's he like?"
Tight bunch…that was one way to put it. 
You took a deep breath, trying to decide how much to reveal. "He’s a drunk, a thief. But he's still my dad."
He finally turned to look at you, his eyes narrowing. "So why do you stick around? Why not just leave him?"
You knew what he was trying to do, giving you a taste of your own medicine. You couldn’t blame him. 
You met his gaze, the raw honesty of your answer surprising even you. "Because he's family. And sometimes, family is all you have. Even when they’re terrible, even when they hurt you, sometimes you can’t just walk away."
Rafe seemed to consider this, his expression unreadable. "Family's supposed to be everything, right?" His voice carried a bitter edge, hinting at his own unresolved conflicts.
"That's what they say," you replied quietly.
He took another sip of his whiskey, his eyes never leaving yours. "Must be tough, having a dad like that."
Tough? It’s heartbreaking. Knowing that the one person who was supposed to love you, cherish you and protect you for life never gave a single fuck about his kids? Yeah, sure it’s “tough”
You nodded, a sad smile playing on your lips. "Guess we have that in common.”
Rafe looked away, his jaw tightening. "Yeah, we do." He set his glass down with a heavy thud, the sound resonating in the small kitchen.
For a moment, the two of you stood in silence, but then he took a deep breath, his shoulders sagging slightly. "I get it," he said quietly. "More than you know."
You watched him, the way his fingers ran along the rim of the glass. "Then why do you keep doing this? You don’t have to."
His eyes blazed with anger. “It's not that simple," he snapped. "You think I have a choice? I killed someone. For him.” 
It was the first time he had said those words out loud. And it made him sick to his stomach. That he’d been scared and high enough to do something so reckless, just so they wouldn’t take away his dad. 
"We always have a choice," you countered, your voice firm. "Maybe not the best ones, but we can always choose to be better."
He stared at you for a long moment, his expression a tumult of emotions. Then he shook his head, turning away. "You don't know anything," he muttered, but there was less conviction in his words than before.
"I know enough," you said softly, watching his retreating back. "And so do you."
He paused at the doorway, his hand gripping the frame tightly. Without turning around, he spoke, his voice low and strained. "I'll see you later."
As he left, the kitchen felt colder, but you knew you had reached him, even if just a little. And that gave you hope.
After that, Rafe’s visits were less frequent, and when he did come by, there was an uneasy tension between you both. You couldn't tell if it was the weight of your conversations or the sheer exhaustion of being trapped in this toxic cycle. Still, every interaction chipped away at the walls he'd built around himself, revealing glimpses of the person he might have been, had his life taken a different path.
Tonight, the air was still, the only sound was the gentle lapping of waves against the shore. You had been biding your time, watching for the perfect moment to make your escape. The house was quiet, Ward was gone and you hadn’t seen Rafe in two days. By now, you knew how the guards outside fell asleep before 2am like clockwork. 
You could it. 
This was your chance, and you couldn't afford to waste it.
You moved silently, slipping out of the small bedroom and into the hallway. Every creak of the wooden floorboards seemed to echo in the stillness, and you held your breath, praying you wouldn't be caught. The front door loomed ahead, your path to freedom. Your heart raced as you slowly turned the handle, wincing at the faint click that accompanied the action.
The night air hit you like a wave as you stepped outside, the cool breeze a stark contrast to the oppressive heat that had been your constant companion. You glanced around, ensuring the coast was clear, then made your way towards the small boat moored at the edge of the beach. The plan was simple: get to the boat, start the engine, and head for the main island where you could find help.
You kept low, moving quickly but cautiously, every step bringing you closer to your goal. The boat was within reach when a noise behind you made your blood run cold. 
The crunch of gravel underfoot was unmistakable. You turned sharply, and in the dim moonlight, the silhouette of one of the guards emerged from the shadows. The asshole who’d gotten you here in the first place. He was closer than you had anticipated. Your heart pounded, adrenaline surging through your veins as you broke into a sprint, abandoning stealth for speed.
"Stop!" the guard shouted, his voice carrying across the trees. You didn't dare look back, your eyes locked on the boat. A sharp crack split the night—a gunshot. You felt a searing pain in your arm, but you couldn't stop. You pushed through the pain, your goal now just a few yards away.
Another gunshot rang out, but you were too focused to determine where it landed. You reached the boat, hands trembling as you fumbled with the ropes. The pain in your arm intensified, but you forced yourself to keep moving. Suddenly, a heavy hand grabbed your shoulder, spinning you around. You struggled, kicking and thrashing, but he was stronger. He pulled you to the ground, pinning you down as he radioed for backup.
"Got her," he said into the radio, his breath hot against your ear. You tried to wriggle free, but his grip tightened. Moments later, two more guards arrived, hauling you to your feet and dragging you back towards the house.
Your mind raced the sting in your arm a painful reminder of your failed attempt. As they pulled you inside, the walls seemed to close in around you, your brief taste of freedom slipping away.
Moments felt like hours as you sat in the chair, the pain in your arm throbbing with each heartbeat. The quiet murmurs of the guards outside were interrupted by the heavy, hurried footsteps of someone approaching. The door flew open, and there stood Rafe, disheveled and wild-eyed, a gun clutched tightly in his hand.
“What the fuck is going on?” he barked, his voice a volatile mix of anger and confusion. His gaze scanned the room, landing on you. 
The sight of the blood staining your arm made his expression shift from bewilderment to fury.
He stormed towards you, his eyes blazing. “What happened?” he demanded, his voice low but dangerous. Before you could answer, he whirled around to face the guards who had re-entered the room. “Are you fucking kidding me?” Rafe shouted, waving his gun erratically. “She’s bleeding! I try to sleep in peace and this is what I come back to?”
The guards exchanged nervous glances, shifting uncomfortably under Rafe’s glare. “She was trying to escape, Mr. Cameron,” one of them stammered. “We had to stop her.”
His expression twisted with rage. “So you fucking shot her?” His voice dripped with incredulity and disdain. “Do you even understand what you’ve done? My father wants her in once piece.”
The guard who had caught you tried to explain, but Rafe cut him off. “Shut up. Just... shut up.” He turned back to you, his eyes softening slightly as he took in the sight of your injured arm. Or maybe the pain was making you delirious.
 “We need to get that cleaned up,” he muttered, more to himself than to anyone else. Without another word, he holstered his gun and gently took your uninjured arm, pulling you to your feet. The guards looked on, unsure of what to do or say. 
Rafe shot them a deadly look. “Get out,” he snapped. “Before I shoot you bitches myself.”
Once Ward’s men had left, Rafe's demeanor changed. His concern, which had briefly softened his striking features, hardened back into anger. He ran a hand through his long hair, pacing the small bathroom before finally stopping in front of you. His eyes were intense, burning with frustration.
He sneered at you, his voice dripping with disappointment and exasperation, "I thought you had some brains in that pretty little head of yours," he spat out, his frustration palpable. "What were you even thinking? Do you realize how close you came to getting yourself killed?"
You tried to speak, to defend yourself, but he didn't give you the chance. His words came fast, each one like a dagger aimed at your heart. "You could've died out there! A bullet barely missed you—do you even understand how lucky you are?"
His fists clenched at his sides, his eyes burning into yours. "I just don't get it. Do you think you're invincible? Because you're not. You're just..." He stopped himself, taking a deep breath as if trying to regain control of his temper. "You're just reckless," he continued, his voice quieter but still seething with anger. "You didn’t think about the consequences, about what it would do to..."
He trailed off, his attention faltering for a moment before snapping back to you. You could see the conflict in his eyes, the battle between knocking you out cold and something else—maybe concern, maybe fear.
"Don't act like you give a shit about me," you called after him, your voice trembling with both pain and defiance.
He stopped in his tracks, his back stiffening for a moment before slowly turning to face you. The fury in his eyes was matched only by the bitterness in your own. "I don't," he retorted, his tone icy. "But my ass is on the line too. You think Ward won't come down on me if something happens to you?"
You stood up, despite the throbbing pain in your arm, facing him head-on. "So this is all about you, then? Your precious ass and how it looks to Ward? Typical Cameron bullshit, only caring about themselves."
Rafe's eyes narrowed, his jaw clenching. "You don't know what you're talking about," he said, his voice dangerously low. "You think this is easy for me? Keeping you safe, dealing with all this? It's not just about me. It's about keeping everything under control."
You scoff through your nose "Here we go again. Control? You think dragging me back here, shooting at me, is control? It's chaos, Rafe. You're just as trapped as I am, and you can't stand it."
His face twisted showcasing his wrath, and he took a step towards you, closing the distance. "Shut up!” he growled. "You don’t understand the pressure I'm under. The expectations, the demands. I didn’t ask for any of this."
"And neither did I," you shot back, a strict finger aimed at his face in warning, “So shut the fuck up.”
He took another step towards you, his face inches from yours, his breath hot and ragged.
"You have no idea what you're talking about," he growled, his voice low and dangerous. "You think this is just about me? It's about keeping everything from falling apart. It's about—"
Before he could finish, you grabbed the front of his shirt, pulling him even closer, your faces almost touching. "I don’t care about your excuses, Rafe. I don’t care about your pressures or your fucking control. All I know is I’m not staying here.”
The look he gave you was filled with enough ire to have a hint of satisfaction sparking in your chest, the hollow beneath his dark brows deepening as his classical features twisted into an expression of silent hatred. His breath came in short, sharp bursts. His hands came up, gripping your waist, not gently but not roughly either, as if he couldn’t decide whether to push you away or pull you closer.
"You're impossible," he hissed, his voice a raw whisper.
"And you’re a coward," you shot back, your voice equally low but no less fierce.
The next moment happened in a blur. Rafe’s grip tightened, and before you could process what was happening, his lips crashed into yours with a ferocity that left you breathless. His mouth was demanding, almost punishing, and you responded, your hands fisting in his shirt, pulling him closer even as you wanted to push him away.
The kiss was rough and desperate, fueled by anger and frustration, a collision of two souls too damaged to recognize the depths of their own pain. And yet, beneath the layers of animosity and resentment, there was a spark—as if you were both too messed up to understand how much you needed each other. Each fingertip left an imprint, a silent declaration of the strength he was restraining. It was like he was fighting to contain this force within him, to keep it from overwhelming you both. 
If someone told you you’d be kissing Rafe fucking Cameron of all people just a month ago, you’d think they were crazy. And yet… All you wanted were his hands on your body, his warm skin against your own.
Oh his hands.
They roamed slowly yet purposefully over your lower back, over your waist. You breathed out a sigh of relief, taking the collar of his shirt in both your hands as you pulled him closer, relishing in his warmth. He smelled like whiskey and cigarettes. 
He pulled away slowly, your lips the last to part, and blinked down at you. You watched him lick his bottom lip, taking in the sight of you.
“’You’re bleeding—“
“Shut the fuck up.”
His eyes flared with renewed anger, but also with something else—something darker, more primal. Your words were like a match to gasoline. He didn't respond verbally; instead, he took a half step back before swooping you into his arms, lifting you effortlessly.
With a swift, decisive motion, Rafe carried you to the dining table, and you barely had time to register the cool wood against your back before he was on you again, his body pressing down on yours with a desperation that matched your own. There was no tenderness there, only raw need and a desire to consume. He pried your lips apart again, his tongue sweeping in as he kissed you deeply, his mouth moving invasively over yours. His fingers gripped your jaw with a vice-like hold. A strange sensation fluttered beneath your skin, and you wrapped your legs around his hips, closing the distance between your bodies as he pressed flush against your center.
His hands moved with such intent, slipping under your shirt, his fingers tracing every curve with a delicious blend of roughness and urgency. You reciprocated eagerly, your own hands tangling in his hair, urging him closer as your kiss deepened. Everything around you blurred as the room spun, his warmth against you making you breathless, his taste lingering on your lips, intoxicating and irresistible.
You tugged at his shirt, fingers fumbling with the buttons because you just couldn't wait. He let out that deep, sexy growl that made a shiver run down your spine. His hands were all over you, touching your skin and leaving fiery trails wherever they went. It felt like he was trying to memorize every inch of you, wanting to claim you in a way that words could never capture.
"You're impossible," he muttered against your lips, the words barely audible over the sound of your heavy breathing. He leaned down closer to your collarbone, to catch the scent on your skin, and he couldn't tell if you were amused or annoyed from the way your cheeks rounded as you narrowed your eyes at him.
"And you’re an asshole,” you shot back, your voice breathless, your body arching into his touch.
He pulled back just enough to look at you, the tip of his nose brushing against yours slightly "Drive me fucking crazy.”
"Good," you replied, your fingers tightening in his hair, pulling him down again. You could feel the tension in his body, the way he was holding back, trying to maintain some semblance of control. But you didn't want control. You wanted to lose yourself in this moment, to forget everything you'd been through and just feel.
Rafe seemed to sense this, his hands becoming more insistent, his touch more possessive. He lifted you slightly, positioning you better on the table, his body slotting perfectly between your legs. The friction was exquisite, a delicious tease that left you craving more.
"Rafe," you breathed, and he almost fell to his knees at the soft whimper that left your lips when he couldn’t help but jerk his hips forward. He responded instantly, his hands gripping your hips, pulling you closer as he kissed you with a fervor that left you dizzy. The table creaked under your combined weight, but neither of you cared. Your hand grabbed his forearm, over the veins strained from his grip on you, your nails sinking into the skin exposed.
You broke the kiss, gasping for air, your eyes locking with his. There was a wildness there, a reflection of the storm inside you. You reached up, tracing his jaw with your fingers, feeling the stubble beneath your touch as his mouth, hot and demanding, left a trail of fire in its wake on your neck. A noise of pleasure slipped from your mouth as he palmed at your breast, thumb grazing across your nipple as his teeth grazed your collarbone, kissing down, littering your skin bite marks.
"I hate you," you panted, pouring as much venom into your words as possible. Your thighs tightened around his hips, feeling every inch of him against you. 
“Your body doesn’t,” He replied coldly, each syllable slowly drawn from his throat, "
“Fucking asshole.”
“Fucking brat.”
You opened your mouth to hiss something at him, to fight back, show him that you were the one in charge, but the intention died the moment Rafe cupped you through your shorts. A pathetic excuse of shorts due to the heat. Heat bloomed in your stomach, melting into a torrent want that flooded your skin and left you breathless. His determined blue eyes pierced into yours, watching as he pressed the heel of his palm against the apex of your thighs, his middle finger tracing your entrance and applying light pressure to the sensitive dip between your legs.
“Cat got your tongue, pretty?” He asked, lips brushing over your mouth, loose bangs brushing against your brow “Thought you had more fire in you.” he rasped coldly, moving your shorts and underwear out of the way and your lips parted on a sharp inhale as you felt him touch you for the first time, “Yeah, thought so.” 
Every nerve ending seemed to come alive under his hands, and the room around you blurred into insignificance. All that mattered was the man in front of you, his relentless grip on your senses, his unwavering control over your body.
"God, I hate you," you whispered again, the words almost a prayer, a futile attempt to cling to the anger that had fueled you for so long. But even as you said it, you knew it was a lie. You hated how much you needed him, how much you craved his touch, his dominance. Perhaps you’d been locked away from society for too long. That was the only plausible reason for you to let Rafe Cameron touch you.
Rafe smirked, a dark, satisfied gleam in his eyes. "No, you don’t.” 
You did. At least you used to, everything was confusing now.
He teased you, his touch light and teasing, drawing out your frustration, your need. "Tell me what you want," he murmured against your lips, his voice a seductive growl that made your heart race.
You bit back a whimper, refusing to give him the satisfaction of hearing you beg. But the need was overwhelming, a fierce ache that demanded release. 
“Fuck you," you spat, your defiance crumbling under the weight of your desire.
He chuckled darkly, his fingers finally slipping inside you, curling and stroking in a way that made your hips buck against his hand. "That's right," he whispered, his breath hot against your ear. "Let me hear you."
A broken moan escaped your lips, and you arched into his touch, your body writhing with need. His fingers moved expertly, finding all the right spots, driving you near the edge with a skill that left you breathless. Every touch, every stroke was designed to push you closer to the brink, to break you down until you were nothing but a trembling, pleading mess.
"Rafe, please," you finally gasped, the words ripped from your throat by the overwhelming pleasure. "Please, I need you."
His smirk widened, and he pulled his fingers away, making you whimper in frustration. He didn't make you wait long, though. With swift, practiced movements, he freed himself from his pants, the sight of him hard and ready making your mouth water. 
Without a word, he positioned himself between your legs, the head of his pretty cock teasing your entrance. "You ready for me?" he asked, his voice a rough whisper that made your heart skip a beat. 
You nodded, your eyes locking with his, the intensity of the moment almost too much to bear. "Yes," you breathed, your voice trembling with anticipation. "Please, Rafe."
He didn't need any further encouragement. With a single, powerful thrust, he buried himself inside you. The sensation was overwhelming, a perfect blend of pain and pleasure that made you cry out. Your back arched involuntarily, your lips parting as he entered you, filling you completely in a way you had never imagined.
He rolled his hips firmly against yours, and your head tipped back as his cock rubbed perfectly against you. You’d never felt so full. He didn’t give you a moment to catch your breath. After another firm roll of his hips, testing you out, figuring out his rhythm. His movements were hard and relentless, pounding into you, knocking the breath from your lungs with each forceful thrust, barely giving you time to adjust. 
You clung to him, your nails digging into his muscular back, your body moving in perfect rhythm with his. The table creaked and groaned beneath you, but you didn't care. All that mattered was the man above you, his relentless drive, his unwavering hips. His hands gripped your hips, pulling you closer, deeper, his thrusts becoming more erratic, more desperate. You could feel him losing control, his need matching your own. 
Your eyes squeezed shut, blocking him out so you could pretend you weren’t stupid enough to let the man that ruined your life fuck the living hell out of you.
"Eyes on me,” he growled, his voice rough and commanding. "Let me see you.”
Even though you really wanted to shut him out, you just couldn’t fight the crazy pull he had over you. His voice was like a force of nature. You opened your eyes and locked onto his intense gaze. Seeing him above you, his face twisted with raw need and determination sent chills down your spine. His eyes were locked onto yours, filled with this dark, unyielding intensity that left you totally breathless. 
“Good girl,” he murmured, his voice dripping with approval and something deeper, something that made your heart race even more. It made you want to run for the hills, "Fucki—Oh, fuck"
With each thrust, he drove you closer to the edge, your body responding to him in ways you couldn’t hold back. The pleasure was overwhelming, a torrent of sensations that left you gasping, moaning, begging for more. His name slipped from your lips in a broken, desperate plea, and he answered with a renewed vigor, his movements becoming more frenzied, more primal.
"Fuck," he growled, his voice rough and strained. "You're so tight... feels so fucking good."
You could barely form coherent thoughts, let alone words. Your entire world had narrowed to this moment, to the feel of him inside you, to the overwhelming pleasure that consumed you. Your body arched beneath him, your nails digging into his skin, leaving marks that would undoubtedly linger.
"Rafe," you whimpered, the sound barely more than a breath. "I'm... I can't..."
He understood. His pace quickened, his thrusts becoming almost brutal in their intensity. "Come for me," he commanded his voice a raw whisper that sent shivers down your spine. "Let go."
His words pushed you over the edge, and you came with a scream, your body convulsing around him. The intensity of your release was like nothing you'd ever felt before, a white-hot explosion of pleasure that left you trembling and breathless.
Rafe followed you over the edge, his own release crashing through him with a force that left him shaking. He buried his face in the crook of your neck, his breath hot and ragged against your skin as he rode out his orgasm, his movements slowing until he finally stilled, still buried deep inside you.
For a moment, everything was still, the only sound the ragged breaths but then Rafe lifted his head, his eyes meeting yours, and for a moment, there was something almost tender in his gaze. 
“Y-You—“ He sighed, pausing, “Don’t pull that shit again. I’ll get you out, okay? 
Before you could process his words, before you could question or argue, his lips were on yours again. Differently this time. Gentle. 
Devastating almost. 
“You’re still bleeding Maybank.”
Rafe’s words snapped you back to reality, the pain in your arm a sharp reminder of your injury. The moment of vulnerability between you evaporated, leaving you with the stark realization of your situation. You pushed at his chest, forcing him to back off slightly, and hissed through clenched teeth, "Then do something about it."
He just stood there, staring at you as if he had never seen you before. As if he was truly seeing you for the first time despite having known you since you were seven, despite all the moments marked by violence and terror. And you hated every second of it because your heart was practically leaping out of your chest. No one had ever looked at you like that before.
And then he simply shook his head, drew closer again, resting his forehead against yours, hands back on your thighs, fingers pressing as if he needed to ensure that you were real, that everything was real.
“We’re getting out.”
You wanted to believe in him more than anything. In that moment, it was the only thing that mattered, “Yeah?"
“Yeah, pretty Maybank. You and me."
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f1byjessie · 5 months
love is a wild ride, and logan sargeant's sister is about to find this out the hard way.
( oscar piastri x sargeant!reader )
━━ part two.
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liked by logansargeant, williamsracing, and 17,349 others
tagged: logansargeant
yourusername from a little boy meeting his heroes to a young man racing alongside them, getting to see all you’ve accomplished throughout the years makes me the proudest sister in the world. 2024 better watch its back, because sargeants always come back swinging.
view all 2,863 comments
logansargeant we pack a mean punch too 👊
↳ yourusername the meanest 👊
user wait no cuz this is actually so cute omg??? i want a sister to make cute posts about me
user definitely can’t wait to see more y/n at the races in 2024
williamsracing It was lovely having you in the paddock this season Y/N! We’re already looking forward to seeing what 2024 has in store!
↳ yourusername it was a genuine honor to be there! plus i look great in blue 😉💙
↳ user wait does this mean logan is re-signing??
alex_albon me and lily would love to have you both come round during the break if schedules align! 
↳ yourusername awwww alex!! speaking on behalf of logan, we’d love to!!
user i’m living vicariously through the sibling bond that the sargeant twins have
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liked by oscarpiastri, landonorris, and 426,972
tagged: oscarpiastri
mclaren Some of our favourite meme-worthy images of Oscar from 2023! Which is your fav?
view all 2,632 comments
oscarpiastri guys…
user mclaren admin knows what the people want
↳ user mclaren admin feeding us well on this fine day
user these are actually so funny omg mans ain’t got no face filter
landonorris yea so this won’t be necessary for me pls and thx
↳ mclaren We already have the pictures ready! 👍
user i’ve made all of these faces at my tv this year
yourusername oh to be a rubber ducky in oscar piastri’s ice bath
↳ user OH? MY?? GOD???
↳ user UMMMM
↳ user real
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liked by yourusername, oscarpiastri, and 835,781 others
tagged: oscarpiastri
landonorris papaya pals! looking forward to another season with you mate
view all 6,264 comments
user going into cardiac arrest
user damn oscar looking caked up
↳ user i’m glad i wasn’t the only one thinking it
oscarpiastri of all the pictures
↳ landonorris i giveth thy people what they want
↳ yourusername and we thank you for it sir lando 🫡
mclaren Looking forward to another year, boys! 🧡
danielricciardo you’re only posting these to show off your ass
↳ landonorris and if i am?
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liked by logansargeant, oscarpiastri, and 11,263 others
yourusername i can still recall our last summer 
view all 926 comments
logansargeant it’s december 1st???
↳ yourusername it’s summer somewhere
user i wish i lived in florida
oscarpiastri ☀️
↳ yourusername 🌊
user i’m so delulu about what this could mean
↳ user it’s probably just an aesthetic caption?? y’all are fr crazy
↳ user no cuz it’s literally winter rn in the states so why would she post about summer?
↳ user bc she lives in florida?? where the weather is like summer all the time??
You lower your phone and look back to the dark waters crashing against the shore. Logan’s time in Formula 1 has meant you’ve been traveling around the world, getting to experience so much more than you’d ever imagined you would in your lifetime, but nothing compares to the familiarity and comfort of Florida— of home.
And your friends.
“So,” Sophia bumps her shoulder against yours, eyes alight with mischief when you turn to meet her expectant gaze. “Come on,” she teases, “tell me about him.”
You’ve been friends with her for a few years now, ever since moving back to the United States. She was born and partially raised in Belgium, so after spending so long in Europe, she’s the only one who understood the minor culture shock of moving back. You both clicked, and you’ve been stuck together ever since. You’ve learned, however, that if there’s one constant about her, it’s without a doubt her need to gossip about anything and everything— but specifically boys.
You huff out a laugh, “There’s no ‘he’ to tell you about.”
She hums into her glass of wine, eyeing you skeptically.
“There isn’t!” You laugh, shoving her lightly.
She gasps and feigns falling back onto the blanket spread out beneath you. She’s dramatic, too, and that’s another reason you matched so well. She feels like the sister you never had, which makes moments like this feel even more special.
“This back and forth with a certain OP-eighty-one suggests otherwise,” she sing-songs back at you as she sits up, making kissing faces and cackling when you shove at her again.
“I’m not sure how you even know about that,” you grumble. “You don’t even use Instagram.”
“Maybe not, babes,” she casts her gaze out across the ocean, “but I have my sources. So come on, between us girls and us girls only, tell me what’s going on.”
You heave a sigh, gulp down the last mouthful of wine in your glass, and then pour yourself another while she waits. You’re not getting out of this, and part of you does really want to talk about things. On top of being your brother and therefore way more protective than he needs to be, Logan is also Oscar’s best friend and you’re not sure what “bro code” is exactly, but you imagine not dating your friend’s sister is part of it— so he’s out of the question. You’d go to Dalton if you were sure he wouldn’t tell Logan, but they’re loyal to each other and have some sort of unspoken pact when it comes to your love life. You joked once that instead of your dad, it’d be them waiting at the door with a shotgun if you ever brought a guy home, but you’re not sure it was a joke at all with how they act sometimes.
“It started in Bahrain,” you begin, rolling your eyes when she wiggles excitedly and turns her undivided attention to you. “I’ve known him for a while because he and Logan have driven together since they were young, so I messaged him after the race to say that it sucked he had to retire so early into it.”
You shoot her a look. “And, we kept talking. One thing led to another and we met up for drinks…” You fiddle with the rim of your glass, glancing back out to the water. You can’t tell if the heat on your face is because you’re embarrassed, or from spending so much of your day under the Floridian sun. “That’s it.”
“That’s it?” She asks incredulously.
“Well—” you purse your lips. “We kissed. Once. When he dropped me off at the hotel. But it was probably just the alcohol or something. I don’t think he wanted it to mean anything. I bet he just wanted to have fun but couldn’t because he had to leave early in the morning.”
She sends you a look. “He was sober enough to drive you back… but you think it was alcohol influencing his decisions? And he kissed you, even knowing he wouldn’t be able to ‘have fun?’ Right. Didn’t mean anything at all.”
You shake your head and huff. “He was upset because he’d had such high hopes for his first Grand Prix and it ended poorly, and I was there to comfort him, so maybe that’s why. He got caught up in the moment, or something.”
“Y/N, I love you. I do. You’re my best friend and you’re like a little sister to me,” she cups your face in her hands and turns you to look at her. “But you can be so dense sometimes, do you know that?”
“Then why hasn’t he brought it up?” You ask, your voice garbled slightly from the way her hands squish your cheeks together. “We saw each other again in Melbourne, to celebrate him getting his first points, and he didn’t say anything then. Or Miami, or England, or Japan.”
She gives you another look and lets your face go. “It’s a two-way street, babe. Why haven’t you brought it up?”
And… that’s a good point. You technically could’ve brought it up, too. You’d just been so afraid of how he would’ve reacted that you’d chosen to keep quiet, preferring uncertainty over rejection. It’s the same reason why you so rarely pursue the things you want. A fear of rejection stands in your way, and you realize suddenly that you could’ve ruined things with someone you genuinely like just because you were afraid.
“You know, like, Schrodinger’s cat," you start meekly. "If you don’t open the box, the cat is dead and alive, because you don’t know. So I never brought it up. Because not knowing is better than him telling me it was nothing.”
She reaches out and wraps her arm around your shoulders, pulling you into her side. When she speaks again, her voice is calmer, less accusatory, a murmur against the ambiance of the hissing tide— “But what if he tells you it’s something?”
You groan. “He probably thinks I’m not interested.”
“Oh God!” You pull away and bury your face into your hands. “I ruined it all!”
She pries your hands away and looks you in the eye. There’s a sparkle in her gaze, it’s the look she gets when she has a plan.
“You haven’t ruined it. We just have some work to do.”
━━ tags: @f1-is-lovely-33 @chasing-liberosis
━━ a/n: i am overwhelmed by the amount of love on the first part of this! genuinely did not anticipate it at all, and i'm so thankful. so here's the second part! i hope it does justice to the first!
759 notes · View notes
eddiesxangel · 7 months
HOE HOE pantyHOES | Eddie Munson x Reader
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CW: Christmas theme smut. idk what else to tell you; read it and find out. minors dni 18+ only.
Word count 1.9k
You sat in front of your vanity mirror, frantically preparing for Steve’s annual Christmas party. You got home late from work and had to pick up dessert from the bakery before heading home to get ready. Now, you managed to get yourself half dressed before getting distracted by your hair and makeup.
You heard a knock on the front door and yelled for them to enter. You were expecting Robin to pick you up tonight; she probably got fed up waiting in the parking lot for you.
A muffled “hello” was barely audible over your Christmas carols. You reply with a “in here!” As you fixate on the sequinned black bow to the back of your head.
“You’re not Robin,” you smirked, seeing who poked their head through your bedroom door.
Eddie stops in his tracks as his eyes drink in your body. You had managed to get into your matching black bra, panties and black stockings but nothing else before you remembered you needed to fix up your makeup.
“Uh- sorry, I uh- I’ll wait out here.” he quickly looks away before shuffling around the room, clearly flustered.
“It’s okay, Ed’s, I’m almost done,” you shrug. Eddie’s one of your best friends had been for about 2 years. You had met Eddie through your work friend Robin.
“You sure?” He still isn’t looking at you, but his cheeks are red like Santa’s.
You stand up and walk towards him; your dress is on your bed.
“Yea. Nothing you haven’t seen before.” you give him a coy smile. Technically you are fully covered; your black opaque stockings are just like leggings, and your bra is like a bathing suit.
“Sure, yeah.” He peeks up to get another look. Fuck did he like what was in front of him. You managed to pull off cute and sexy all at the same time. You step into your dress and slowly pull it up your body.
Flustering Eddie was one of your favourite things to do.
“Can you zip me up?” You ask, turning your back to him.
He doesn’t say anything; he just steps closer with shaky hands to accept your request. You feel him slowly brush your hair off your back and over your shoulder out of the way. You could feel his breath hit your bare neck before he bravely bent down to kiss where your shoulder and neck meet.
“Eddie,” you moan. Goosebumps appeared all over your soft skin from his touch.
“Sorry, I don’t know what came over me,” he jumps back. And you can’t help but giggle.
“It’s okay, Eddie, baby. Just zip me up?” You asked again in the most sickly sweet voice. You feel his hands quickly tug in the zipper of your holiday dress.
Baby. That was new. Eddie fixated on the way the word fell off your lips. It was so sweet he could almost taste it.
"You ok?" You look over your shoulder to see a look in Eddie's eye you hadn't seen before.
Something primal had taken over Eddie. It was like he was entranced by you. He felt his hands run up the sides of your thighs and under your dress. Feeling how soft the stockings that encased your legs were. He ran his hands up higher and higher to where the waistband met the skin of your soft middle.
More goosebumps covered your body as Eddie didn't say a word while tracing your figure with his calloused fingers.
"Mmmm, Eddie," You softly moaned, filling the silent room with the most beautiful sounds Eddie had ever heard.
"Yeah, baby girl," he whispered as his soft lips grazed the same spot he had kissed a moment ago.
"We- we are going to be late." You stuttered.
"We are already late; we will blame it on the snow." You felt his hands brush the straps of your dress off your shoulders so it landed on the bedroom floor.
You stood there in just your bra, stockings and matching panties before you felt Eddie push you forward so you were band over for him. Eddie could see the outline of your thong as the thin material spread over your perfect ass.
Eddie bent down so he was at eye level with what he wanted. "Oh, baby," you hear Eddie whisper under his breath before placing a firm hand on each cheek. Moulding and massaging the muscle. A small smack echoed in the quiet room when his hand came down and lightly hit your bottom, wanting to see it jiggle. You arched into the feeling. The Christmas party you were supposed to be getting ready for suddenly slipped your mind. The only thing consuming your thoughts was Eddie's strong hands on your body, and you wanted more.
"You like that baby girl? I can give you more. Just say the word." He hummed as he trailed a finger lightly down the seam of your pantyhose.
"Yes," it was small, but Eddie still heard it, allowing him to do what he's wanted since he met you.
You felt Eddie's lips graze over your covered pussy; you were already so wet it was seeping through the two thin layers of material that were covering what Eddie wanted most. His hot tongue licked a strip from your clit to your hole before humming into your centre.
"hmmm, I can already taste how ready you are for me. Tell me, baby, that's all for me? I did this to you?" he massaged his thumb over your sensitive bundle of nerves.
"Yes," you breathy sigh as you push back into Eddie's hand to create more friction.
"Now tell Eddie what it is you want?" He sat up and kissed the bare skin of your back right above your waistband.
"Please touch me," you sighed.
"Sucha good girl; I think you made it on the nice list this year." He praised as he cupped your wet heat. "But after what I'm about to do to you, I think you'll be on Santa's naughty list for sure," He growled in your ear before his fingers hooked into your tights, ripping them open and exposing your bare ass.
"Eddie!" you scolded. Those were the only pair you had left without any runs in them.
Eddie hooked a finger around your thong, moving your panties to the side without a reply; he was feral. He was so fixated on your wet cunt being centimetres away from him. He could smell your heat radiating; it was intoxicating. He took in the picture-perfect sight in front of him. Wanting to memorize every detail. Your pussy was so pretty, the prettiest one he had ever seen.
Eddie didn't waste another second before diving in. He ate you like a man starved. His warm, wet tongue had you crying out with pleasure as it grazed your inner lips to your throbbing clit and back down again.
"Fuck this is the sweetest pussy I've ever tasted," Eddie said before giving your ass another light smack. You moaned with pleasure. The sensation only made you wetter.
"Eddie, please," You begged.
"I don't know, naughty girls don't get presents." Eddie slowly massaged your clit with his index finger as he teased your hole with the tip of his thick thumb.
"No! I'm a good girl; I've been such a good girl." You protested. Your cunt was throbbing as it clenched down onto nothing.
Eddie stood back up, his body towered over you, and you felt his arm wrap around your chest to help you stand up straight.
"Eddie, wha-" you were cut off, being spun around and pushed back onto the bed, only this time on your back.
You could see the sheen of your slick coating Eddie's chin as he glared down at you.
You slowly spread open your legs while you move your panties to the side. You let Eddie take you in before circling your swollen clit with a manicured finger, hoping to taunt Eddie into giving you what you wanted. You wanted all of him. You could now see how strained his cock was in his jeans; the looked so tight around his waist you knew he was dying for some release.
"This is mine" Eddie smacked your hand away from your clit before replacing it with his own. "This is my pussy." he repeated.
"Then take it." You command.
You hadn't seen Eddie move so fast since you had known him. His pants were down in half a second before leaning down and plunging into you, bare.
You both let out screams of pleasure as Eddie entered you. Your hot wet cunt felt so good wrapped around Eddie's long thick cock. It was hitting places inside of you that you hadn't known existed. It was like it was made for you.
"Oh my god, Eddie!" you cried as his cock continuously brushed the walls of your cunt. Each stroke built that feeling in your lower tummy.
"Take it, baby girl, you're gonna take all of it." He gritted through his teeth. His eyes concentrated on where his cock was disappearing inside of you. The delicious feeling of your cunt wrapped around him was too good to be true. His dream girl beneath his looking so cute and fucked out just for him, had him cumming in almost seconds.
"You're doing so well, baby, taking me so good, I'll have to give you your present. You want that?" He chides, supping your face with one large hand.
You nod your head dumbly, getting lost in the feeling of Eddie's cock and words.
"Say it, baby girl." His thrusts were getting harder and deeper.
"I want my present." you pout.
"Good, just gotta cum for me first, then I'll fill you up nice and good." Eddie leans down to kiss you for the first time. You moan into his mouth while his tongue slips inside, and his fingers find your clit again.
The coil that built up in your lower tummy finally snaps, and you clench down on Eddie's cock, making it so much tighter to keep thrusting into.
"Fuuuuuuuuck baby girl, that's it; keep coming on my cock, and you'll be back on the nice list." Eddie's hips kept pounding your sensitive cunt, prolonging your orgasm.
Your body jerked and spasmed under Eddie's weight before he finally came inside you.
"That's it, sucha good girl, you deserved every last drop." he slowly ground his hips into you, pushing his seed all the way in before pulling out.
You moaned at the loss of him inside of you.
"Don't worry, baby girl. you'll still have me in you." He winked before helping you stand up. He put your thong back over your pussy lips and helped you step into your dress, zipping it up this time.
You look at the clock on your bedside table.
"Fuck we are so late!" you rush to grab your coat, giving yourself a once over in the hallway mirror. Shit. All that time running to fix your hair and makeup was wasted. You look thoroughly fucked out.
"Eddie!" You whine, trying to fix your smudged red lipstick as Eddie hugs you from behind, kissing up the side of your neck.
"Sorry, can't help it. Need everyone to know that you're mine." His hand grazed behind you and cupped your cunt again. Feeling his cum that had now pooled in your underwear.
“Ok, I'm ready.” You sigh as you turn. It was like he had you under his spell. Eddie smirked with pride as he opened the door for you, only to see an angry Robin standing outside your door.
"You said you would be ten minutes!" She yelled before storming back to the running car she had been waiting in for the past twenty minutes.
Shit. Busted.
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st1llwthyou · 6 months
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fandom ꕀ bts
pairing ꕀ jungkook x f!reader
applicable aus & genre ꕀ roommate au, smut
synopsis ꕀ those were the last words he ever expected to come out of your mouth. but heck, jungkook would be lying if he said that he didn’t fucking love it.
word count ꕀ 2,322
warnings & tags ꕀ language, inexperienced reader, dom/sub dynamics, biting, pet names (fem! – baby, angel etc.), nipple play, dacryphilia, corruption kink (implied), dirty talk, cunnilingus, pussy drunk!jk, fingering — RATED E for explicit content.
notes ꕀ hello! i’m a newbie lskjdikdj and this is my tumblr debut 🫣! i’m so, very nervous and scared, but i hope you enjoy <3!
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“You want me to… what?!” Jungkook looks at you wide-eyed, clearly flabbergasted by your proposition. You swallow nervously, hoping with all your might that your little plan works out. 
“Make me orgasm… can you not?” You whisper with bated breath. It’s uncertain where your boldness is coming from, but you’ve come a bit too far to back out now. 
He shakes his head a few times, getting up from his bed to approach you. “It’s not about if I can or not, ____. Do you not understand how fucking abrupt this is? I’m sort of weirded out, where is this coming from, huh?” 
You lean against the door frame to his room, heaving out a sigh. Of course, you know how out of the blue this is, to him. It almost makes you sad that he’s never picked up on any of the hints you’ve dropped before. That you like him. 
“I… um, heard you.” You murmur. It won’t hurt to tell a bit of truth.
“... Heard what exactly?” Jungkook quirks an eyebrow at you, skeptical. 
“You… and the girls you bring back sometimes.” That sentence stings to even utter, but you manage somehow. 
A sigh escapes his pretty lips. “Fuck… I thought you’d be sleeping. And the walls seem pretty darn thick so I assumed not a lot of noise will travel.” 
“I was sleeping, I just… woke up again to the sounds of, y’know…” 
A heavy silence falls between you two. You wait for him to say something, anything, but he doesn’t. Jungkook just regards you silently, those magnetic pools of honey trailing over your figure with no prominent emotions visible. 
“Hey… you can decline, by the way. If it wasn’t clear. I’ll go back and we can just, um, pretend that nothing happened and go back to being normal roommates.” Tears burn in the back of your eyes, but you still try to appear brave and strong in front him. 
“I know I can decline. But I’m not sure if I want to.” Jungkook takes a few more steps forward, reaching for you. As his warm, big hand finds your jaw, you lean into the comforting touch instinctively. “You’re so sweet and adorable, I never thought I’d hear those words out of your mouth.” 
“Can you just—” 
“But I liked it. Say it again.” He disrupts your complaint even before you could start. It takes you a few moments to properly register what he said. But once you do, your whole body thrums from excitement, heartbeat going crazy.
“Mm–make me come, Jungkook.” Your voice is barely audible, but just enough for his blood to rush south. His strong arms wrap around your smaller frame to hoist you up, carrying you to his bed. 
“I might just not survive this, fuck.” Jungkook hisses under his breath, gently dropping you on his mattress. He’s over aware of every little thing about you now, from the outline of your pebbled nipples on your pajama, to your glossy eyes that are locked on him. 
“Can I call you ‘baby’? And other nicknames?” He enquires hopefully, his hands eagerly exploring your curves. You tremble under his touch, vigorously shaking your head in an assertive manner. Jungkook chuckles.
“Aww, you’re so cute and eager, baby.” He hovers over you, his eyes searching for yours. “You want me to make you come, hm?” 
Even though your heart feels like it’ll burst out of your chest, you lock your eyes with him. “Yea… I– I’ve never orgasmed in my life.” Your voice is small, heat rising to your cheeks as you confess, embarrassed. Jungkook leans down to nuzzle your face, dropping a butterfly kiss right beneath your eye.
“Is that so? Not even by yourself?” One of his hands slips beneath your pajama, gently stroking your tummy. He smiles when you nod, his other hand cupping your face. “It’s okay, we can try it out today and see what happens.” 
Jungkook is so close, studying you and everything you do — almost enamored by your nuances. “May I kiss you?” He rests his forehead against yours, waiting for your confirmation. 
“Yes please.” He doesn’t waste a second, soft lips finding yours in a sweet kiss. The simple touch alone gets you exhilarated, hands gripping onto his t-shirt. He lets his tongue run over your lower lip, making you twitch under him. 
That snaps something in Jungkook, his hand firmly grasping your jaw while he coaxes your mouth open to him. You gasp when he teases your tongue with his, taking control of the kiss from the get go. The way he moves his tongue against yours makes you dizzy, strange sensations flooding your body. It feels like he’s unraveling you. 
Your little moans and whimpers egg him on, his teeth nibbling at your lower lip. Jungkook is feeling partially intoxicated by you, his mind hazy from lust. Although, he pulls away from the mind-numbing kiss a while later to give you some space to breathe. “Fuck,” he curses, enticed by your teary eyes and swollen lips. 
It takes you a while to gather yourself, but you soon realize how much effect that single kiss had on you. Your underwear has soaked through with your arousal, uncomfortably sticking to your skin. Your nipples are also rock hard, aching to be touched. 
“Jungkook,” you whine weakly, thrashing a bit to show your distress. His mouth returns to yours, right hand swifty unbuttoning your pajama. Jungkook trails down wet kisses down your neck, suckling on the soft skin in places. A moan escapes you when he tweaks your clothed nipple between his fingers. 
“I haven’t started anything yet, princess.” His whisper is hot against your cleavage, right hand slipping beneath your back to unhook your bra. “So pretty,” he coos, throwing it away somewhere in the room. A sudden wave of embarrassment hits you as you realize that this is the most bare you’ve ever been to anyone. So, you try to cover yourself, but he’s faster to stop you, narrowing his eyes. “Don’t. Did I not mention how fucking pretty you are?”
Face flushed, you avoid eye contact. “Sorry… it’s just– um, the first time someone saw me like this.” 
Jungkook lets go of your wrists, the weight of your words sinking in. “Good fucking lord, ____.” His eyes darken, breathing uneven. “Let me take care of you, angel.” He captures your lips in a searing kiss, strong, calloused hand massaging your breast. His other hand is at the small of your back, supporting both of you. 
Eventually, he trails downward, pressing open-mouthed kisses until he reaches your unoccupied breast. With his eyes locked on you, Jungkook licks at your stiffened bud, earning a whimper from you. “Look at me, princess.” He encourages, almost losing it when your droopy eyes fixate on his face. 
With his cock throbbing inside his boxer-briefs, he wraps his lips around your nipple, earning him a lewd whine. You place your arm over your mouth quickly, head falling back as he runs his teeth and tongue over the sensitive bundle of nerves. It feels unbelievably good, you had no idea having your nipples sucked would be like this.
“Oh my god,” you cry out, overwhelmed by the sensation when Jungkook also starts tweaking and teasing your other nipple with his finger. More arousal has leaked from your sopping hole, a tight feeling inside your lower belly coiling. The pleasure is almost blinding, making you twitch and tremble under him.
Soon, he impatiently moves to ravish the unattended breast, adding more to your devastation. You’re just barely hanging in there, extremely unsure of what’s happening with your body, feeling like you might explode any minute. Jungkook, on the other hand, bites and suckles on your tits like his life depends on it, frenzied by your sweet taste and reactions. 
But he stops short when he notices your hips bucking up, eyes teary, ready to spill the diamond drops. “My baby,” he murmurs, letting his right hand slip inside your pajama bottoms. You moan out of relief when he presses down on your clit, inner walls clenching around nothing. Jungkook is almost surprised when he finally feels the damp cloth of your cotton panties. “Fuck, can’t believe you.” 
He quickly gets rid of your bottoms, eyes falling upon the massive wet patch on your panties. “No– it’s embarrassing—” You try to cross your legs shut. Quite genuinely, you had no idea that it’s possible to produce that much liquid down there. Unfortunately, he’s way too strong, spreading your legs apart with bare-minimum effort. 
“Shh, nothing is embarrassing, angel. You’re a fucking goddess, out of the world, even.” Jungkook sounds so sincere that your heart skips a beat. “I’ll make you feel so good, baby.” He pulls at the waistband of your panties, slowly taking the offending material off. An expletive rumbles in his throat when he sees the strings of your arousal attaching you to your underwear. 
“You’re gonna drive me crazy.” He hisses, struggling to keep his urges on check. Blindly throwing away the panties somewhere, Jungkook eagerly settles down between your legs, already feeling his cock twitch at the sight of your drenched pussy. “Goddamn…” He gingerly parts your nether lips, exposing your dripping hole to his hungry gaze. 
“Don’t stare at it like that,” your voice is small, heart doing backflips in your chest. It makes you feel so shy, the way his eyes are trained on your lady bits. His short laugh makes you wanna rub your thighs together. 
“Awe, is my princess feeling embarrassed? Don’t be, you have the prettiest pussy, all swollen and wet for me~” Jungkook rubs his middle finger along your slit, letting it coat into your nectar. New to the feeling of his thick, calloused finger, you whimper out of sensitivity. Oh, the way he’s absolutely adored by you. 
He tilts his head as if he’s contemplating something. Then all of a sudden, he starts lowering himself until he is face to face with your core. “Wan’ a taste of your cute, little pussy.” Goosebumps spread over your skin as you clench at the thought. Jungkook lazily thumbs your swollen clit, enamored by your responses. “You’re so fucking responsive, makes me wanna play with you forever.” 
“Nngh— Jungkook!” you squeal as he licks a fat stroke along your pussy, covering the whole area with his saliva. It’s weird — the way it feels, but you’d be lying if you said you didn’t like it. He moans at the initial taste, putting your legs on his shoulder to really get in there. 
Jungkook laps at your cunt hungrily, his thumb diligently rubbing your clit. His tongue teasingly rims around your entrance, before plunging into the depths of your core. You jolt, crying out of despair, hypersensitive to his ministrations. The flexible muscle strokes at your gummy walls, increasing the weird feeling inside your stomach. Now, you feel certain that you will burst at any moment, clenching on his tongue helplessly. 
But he doesn’t stop, his little groans going straight through your core. Jungkook is in a frenzy, his whole mouth buried in your pussy as he greedily devours every single drop of your nectar. With his movements getting quicker and rougher, the knots in your lower stomach start to feel like they’ll snap. “Oh my god,” you cry out loud, “Jungkook, it– ugh, feels so weird— wait— Aah!” 
Your body goes rigid as soon as he pinches your clit between his fingers, a flooding sensation spreading throughout you. White spots appear in your vision while your body breaks out in exhilarating shivers, a string of incoherent words leaving you. Jungkook, on the other hand, slurps at your juices, his heart swelling in his chest. This is the first time you experienced a release. And he’s the first person to taste your sweet cherry pop. 
Your body loosens up soon after, leaving you all mushy. He holds you close, slowly retracting his tongue from your pussy, making you whine weakly. It makes an embarrassingly loud popping sound when he finally pulls away, his whole mouth covered with your slick, glistening under the dim lighting of his bedroom. 
“Baby,” Jungkook coos at you, noticing the tear streaks on your temples. He never thought he’d be seeing you like this, but he’s loving every second of it. You look messed up in the best way possible, all for him. “Did I make you feel good, hm? You came all over my face, look at me, c’mon~” 
His voice is cocky, eyes twinkling with mischief. When you finally meet his eyes, Jungkook reaches for your with his left hand, wiping away the stray tears. You’re unsure what to say, still processing everything that just happened. But still, you clear your throat, starting, “Um… Thank you…” 
“Oh? For what?” He can’t help his chuckle. You’re just so freaking cute.
“For… for making me come, like I asked, Jungkook.” you whisper, nuzzling his hand affectionately. 
“Trust me, it was my pleasure. But you’re welcome! Care to receive my other services regarding this?” 
You flush at his words, immediately realizing what he means exactly.
“Well…?” Jungkook raises an eyebrow, quite impatient.
“Mmm… I’d love to.” He doesn’t waste a single second upon your confirmation, his tattooed right hand cupping your pussy in a rough manner. 
“God—” you moan as he pushes his middle finger inside, overwhelmed by how thick and long it is compared to your own, familiar one. Jungkook leans down to press a sweet kiss on your lips.
“I’m really sorry, but I don’t think you’ll be getting any sleep tonight.” His big, brown eyes look into yours, full of lust and something softer that you can’t really place. 
“I don’t mind.” Your smile turns into a broken moan when he hits a specific spot deep inside you, your gummy walls squeezing his finger appreciatively. 
Being stupidly bold isn’t so bad all the time, maybe. 
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˗ˏˋ ★ extended notes ˎˊ˗
thanks so much for reading 🥺! i hope this was okay >.< (pls ignore typos or other mistakes, english is not my 1st language) ; i’d love to hear your thoughts about this! please reblog, comment, or even send me asks, feedback is very much appreciated!
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breeloveschris · 4 months
You’ll Never Understand pt 3
Pt 2 Pt 4
Pairing: Chris Sturniolo x Reader
summary: Y/n always been best friends with the triplets.. until one random day in sophomore year Chris despised Y/n, and till this day Y/n still don’t know why. Nick and Matt will never understand why Y/n has never stopped being sweet and caring to Chris as if nothing ever happened.
Warnings: cussing
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Y/n stumbles back slightly, shock written all over her face. “Long time no see, you’ve gotten so much prettier” the tall dude says. Y/n opens and closes her mouth confused and at a loss of words. “Jaxon..” Y/n finally coughs out.
“I see you’re still up the triplets ass, I never understood why they stayed friends with you” he says with a mean laugh. “Uhm I don’t see why it’s any of your business” Y/n says finally feeling confident enough to speak up to him, “it’s not, cause I don’t care but I just… kinda feel bad for them” he laughs yet again.
Y/n rolls her eyes looking back at the triplets, seeing Chris’s eyes on her already making the hair on the back of her neck stand up. “Y/n did you hear anything I just said?” He says with a smirk.
“No, yea I did, something about me being a whore blah blah blah” she says looking back at him. His face twisted into a scowl raising his hand to hit her right when Y/n feels hands snaking around her waist and a quiet but loud enough for others to hear “hey baby what’s taking so long”
Y/n turns slightly to see whoever is on her shoulder. Chris. How the fuck did he get over here so fast..? “I’m sorry, I ran into Jaxon on my way.” Chris nods with his hands slipping down lower to hold her hips, while kissing her neck. Y/n shivers not expecting Chris to do such an act.
“Hey Chris, long time no see bud. We need to get the lacrosse team together for a get together or something” Jaxon says with a “sweet” smile.
Chris just laughs taking his head away from Y/n’s neck, “nah I’m good where I’m at, thanks tho” he says with another laugh. Y/n starts playing with Chris’s bracelet on his wrist sending a shock wave through Chris’s body at the familiar feeling “But looks like our food is out so we’re gonna go, bye Jaxon” Chris says as he grabs Y/n’s hand walking over to the table. Jaxon grabs Y/n’s wrist yanking her back and away from Chris, Chris stops in anger and whips around.
“Let go of her.” Chris’s voice was stern, Y/n has never seen him so mad at anyone. Not even herself, and he’s been big mad at her. Y/n try’s to shake her hand out of his grasp but is out of luck when he tightens his hold. “She’s fine. I just wanted to talk to her alone for a minute.” Jaxon says with a sinister smile tightening his grip further. “Ouch! Your hurting me!” Y/n whisper yells, a single tear fell from her eye.
Chris grows angrier stepping forward to push Jaxon off of her, not making it far due to his brothers stepping up. Jaxon let’s go of Y/n seeing the pair walk up to them. Y/n quickly walks over to Nick rubbing her sore wrist, hugging him tightly. “Bro I don’t know what’s going on but foods getting cold so we gotta go” Matt says pushing both Chris and Nick back towards the table, not having to worry about Y/n considering she’s in nicks arms still.
Y/n sits down next to Nick hiding her face in her hands, Chris grabs her hand being careful of touching her wrist. Removing her hand from her face he looks at her with a soft smile “you need to eat Y/n/n, you didn’t eat when you was over and knowing you, you probably was on Fortnite all night” he says with a soft laugh. She smiled slightly but shakes her head mumbling “ ‘m not hungry”.
Nick sighs and shakes his head, “Y/n you got to eat, at least just a little bit” Matt shoots Nick a look and shakes his head. Nick starts with a smile, “you don’t have to eat now or here, but what if we go to our place and we watch RuPauls Drag Race and we eat then?” Y/n smiles and nods. “I’m sorry I ruined yalls night” Y/n says softly. “No. You didn’t ruin anyone’s night. Jaxon did, don’t think for a second that we blame you” Chris says sternly.
Y/n just nods while bringing her knees up to her chest and laying her head on top of her knees. About 15 minutes go by and Chris and Matt are done eating, Y/n picks up her food along side Nick who’s doing the same. They make it to the car with everyone in their original seats. Loud music and wind coming through the window were the only noises that could be heard, per Y/n’s request. They make it back to the triplets house quicker then they got to Waffle House wanting nothing more than to get home.
Y/n, Nick, and Matt being the only ones left in the car, Chris making a bee line in the house and in his room. “Guess nice Chris is gone already” Y/n says with a soft laugh. Matt shakes his head with a small laugh, “honestly I’m just glad you’re making jokes right now.” Nick says with a loud laugh making Y/n laugh harder. Nick always knew how to make Y/n laugh in the worst situations. Matt just shakes his head smiling at the two bent over laughing at literally Nicks loud laugh.
“Okay dumb and dumber let’s get going, it’s cold out here and hella fucking late” Matt says with a laugh. They both stand up letting out a breath of air before making their way into the house. They walk in the house laughing because Y/n almost tripped going up the stairs. Matt went straight to bed saying goodnight leaving Nick and Y/n in the kitchen heating up their food to watch the show they’ve been binge watching everything they’re together.
They stay up eating and watching the show and fell asleep when the sun came up surrounded by food and snacks. They were both just sprawled out on the bed. Chris walks in seeing this and smiles to himself seeing that she ate and ended her night with a good time. Chris goes over to the bed and starts picking up the trash and cleaning up the bed , then throws a blanket over them. Turning to leave he gets stopped with a hand on his wrist, he turns back around seeing Y/n looking up at him with a small smile and puffy eyes from a mixture of tears and sleep. “Thank you.. for last night” she whispers.
He nods and leans over and grabs her face while placing a long kiss to her forehead not wanting to let go in fear she’d float away like this was a dream. “Get some sleep Y/n/n” Chris says as he pulls away. She just nods and turns over going straight to sleep Chris stands there for a moment and sighs before turning and leaving.
What do we think???
Taglist: @lacysturniolo @mattsaq @junnniiieee07 @sturniolosreads @creamoncreamoncream2 @robins-scoop @blahbel668 @carolsturns1 @sturniolopepsi @luverboychris @hearts4chris @freshloveforthefit @stuniolobbg @novasturniolo03
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merrybloomwrites · 5 months
I Hear Them Calling (Chapter 4)
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Story Summary: Alpha Harry Styles and omega Y/N Y/L/N meet under less than ideal circumstances. Overtime their paths will cross and they will be drawn to one another in ways they never expected.
Chapter Summary: After battling the symptoms of touch deprivation for weeks, Y/N sees Harry again in Chicago and he helps her deal with the worst of it.
Previous Chapters: Prologue ; Chapter 1 ; Chapter 2 ; Chapter 3
Word Count: 4.9k
“You haven’t had a nightmare in 4 days?” Rachel asks.
“Nope!” You reply happily, taking a sip of your iced caramel latte. You and Rachel both have a free afternoon and decided to meet at a local cafe. You feel so much better than you had for the last few weeks that you felt confident to order a different drink. No tea that reminds you of Sarah, no hot chocolate that makes you think of Harry.
“And you’re not using those coping mechanisms you mentioned?”
“Haven’t needed them in days.”
“And you’re still not going to tell me what they were?” You blush at this question, embarrassed by the truth.
“No, that secret may come with me to the grave,” you joke.
Rachel looks at you, slightly worried and says, “It was safe right? You weren’t like, drugging yourself to sleep were you?”
“Oh God no!” You reply with a laugh. “Nothing like that, I swear.” Though you think to yourself that Harry’s scent in its direct form would probably be so delicious that it would act like a drug to you.
���Okay, I trust you,” Rachel says. “So, have you heard from Harry?”
You sigh, slightly disappointed by the answer you have to give. “Not since the night of the concert. I’m sure he’s been busy.”
“Maybe you should text him first.”
“And maybe you are out of your mind. No way. And before you say anything, it has nothing to do with the fact that I'm the girl or he’s the alpha or any of that sexist bullshit. It has everything to do with the fact that he’s Harry Styles.” You whisper the last part, aware that you’re in public and anyone around could hear the conversation.
“So what if he’s Harry Styles?”
“What would I even text him?”
“You could start with ‘Hi, how are you?’”
“Very funny. I mean, I guess I could. Maybe. I’ll give it a couple more days.”
“Waiting for him to leave the area?”
“Something like that,” you reply.
“Speaking of procrastinating things,” Rachel says teasingly, “have you called your doctor yet? To find out why that alpha knew you’re an omega even though you’re on suppressants and scent blockers?”
“Okay, that I did not procrastinate on. I called her but I can’t get an appointment until November.”
“Yea. I mean there aren’t a lot of doctors who specialize in omegas, so they’re always booked. Anyway, she said that my body has probably just developed a resistance to the pills. She’ll try to change my regimen after the appointment and told me to use the spray on neutralizers until then.”
“That sucks.”
“It does. I am so not looking forward to changing meds. It takes awhile to find the right combo and then there’ll be all new side effects. But it’ll be worth it.”
“I wish omegas didn’t have to hide who they are.”
“Me too. But that’s just how it is now.”
From there the conversation turns to lighter topics until you part ways to continue your day.
Another week passes and you still haven’t heard from Harry. On top of that the bad dreams come back, along with the restlessness, and chills. You’ve started using the old coping mechanisms again, which barely work this time around.
The morning after his final show in New York City, your social media is flooded with videos of him receiving his banner at Madison Square Garden. If there was any time to reach out to him, now was it. He said he wanted to be friends, right? A friend would absolutely congratulate him on this achievement.
It still takes you forever to type out the message, and ever longer to find the courage to press send. It’s nearly noon by the time you text Harry, “Congrats on the banner!”
It’s a simple sentence, just four words, and you still find a way to overthink everything for the two hours it takes Harry to reply. You’re taking a walk, grateful once again that you work on your own schedule and can take a break when you need one. And right now, you need one. Because you texted a celebrity and he still hasn’t answered and you for sure made a complete fool of yourself.
You stop dead in your tracks when your phone buzzes and Harry’s name appears on your screen.
From Harry Styles: Thank you! Can’t believe I got such an honor. How are you? What are you up to?
There’s a bench nearby and you sit to reread his message five times before replying.
To Harry Styles: You deserve it! I’m good, just out for a walk. How about you?
The next message comes in much faster.
From Harry Styles: I’ve been doing well. Took it easy this morning, currently enroute to Texas for the next shows.
You can’t help but feel disappointed that he’s no longer just a city away. You know it’s silly, but it was nice that he was so close by.
To Harry Styles: Enjoy Texas!
From Harry Styles: Thank you! Have you ever been?
To Harry Styles: Once, in college. Went to San Antonio with some friends.
From Harry Styles: That’s a great city, love the river walk there!
And so, you and Harry Styes became friends who text each other about random things. You talk throughout his flight to Texas, and sporadically over the next couple of weeks. It never gets very deep, all surface level conversations, but it’s nice. You feel like you’re getting to know the real him, and he’s getting to know who you are as well.
The texts from Harry are the high points. The low points are, unfortunately, very low. The hot chocolate, and roses, and forest smelling candles are no longer helping you. Bad dreams happen almost every night, you’re constantly cold, and there’s an itch under your skin that just won’t go away. The voice in the back of your brain is telling you it’s touch deprivation, but you refuse to admit that to yourself. You’ve never needed an alpha, and you refuse to depend on one now. So no, you do NOT have touch deprivation.
You’re checking your email, and you see that there are still spots open for a job training opportunity in Chicago. You rarely go to these, but it’s been a while, and you think maybe it would be good to go. There are always new types of data software, and you found the last two training courses you attended to be pretty informative.
Looking at the dates you notice the course is the following Thursday and Friday. In Chicago. You also notice that Harry will be doing shows there at the same time. You don’t admit that’s what seals the deal for you, but it totally is.
After registering and setting up your flight and hotel reservation you send a text to Harry. You casually mention that you’ll be in Chicago the following weekend. You’re surprised when your phone starts to ring, and Harry’s name is on the screen.
You answer the phone and he’s first to speak, saying, “You’re gonna be in Chicago?”
“I am!” you reply, matching his excitement.
“Can you come to my shows?”
“Which days are they again?” You ask this to try and seem like less of a stalker.
“I’ve got one Thursday, Friday and Saturday. You’re welcome to come to as many of those as you want,” he answers.
“I think Thursday is an all-day thing, so I won’t be able to come to that one. The training ends with dinner on Friday evening so I think I could make it just in time for the concert.”
“Ok great, and Saturday?”
“I am free all-day Saturday. My flight back home is Sunday afternoon.”
“Wonderful. I’ll have tickets for you for those two shows. That is, if you want to come of course.”
“Harry, I absolutely want to come.”
“Then the tickets are yours. All the details will come from Jada. I’d be a mess without that girl.”
“You paying her well?” you ask jokingly.
“She’s compensated handsomely, I promise,” he replies with a laugh.
“Happy to hear it.”
“I uhm- it sounds like you won’t be able to come before the show Friday, correct?”
“Unfortunately, no. I’ll probably get there right before you go on.”
“Forgive me if this sounds forward, but would you want to hang out after? It would have to be at the hotel, I can’t really be out in the city after a concert.”
“Totally understand that. And yea, I’d love to hang out after.”
“Great! I’m staying at the Nobu Hotel.”
You quickly look it up and see that your hotel is close by.
“No way!” you reply. “I’m at the Crowne Plaza like, two blocks away.”
“Well, that’s convenient. I’ll make sure there’s a car to take you to Nobu after the show Friday if that works for you?”
“Yea that would be great. I’d love to hang out!” You cringe, hoping that didn’t come off too strong.
“I’d love to hang out as well. Listen I have to go to sound check for tonight’s show. I’ll text you soon. And look out for the email from Jada, it’ll have all the info you need.”
Harry POV
“You’re extra happy today,” Elin says as Harry bounces around the venue smiling so big that both dimples are showing.
“I am!” He replies. “Thanks for noticing!”
“What’s got you in such a good mood?” Sarah asks. “Because it’s definitely not how this sound check is going.” She has a point there. No less than a dozen things have gone wrong since they started, leading them to take a break while the sound techs work out a few problems.
“Just talked to a friend who will be in town next week.”
“Oh I see,” Mitch says. “So Y/N will be here?”
“Yes, and she’ll be coming to the shows Friday and Saturday. I can’t wait to see her!”
“Aw, someone’s got a crush,” Pauli says.
Harry ignores the teasing from his band members and says, “Honestly I’ve been a bit worried about her. I’ve just had this feeling that keeps getting worse.”
“Why do you think it has to do with Y/N?” NyOh asks.
“I mean, I don’t know for sure. But we’ve talked on the phone a couple times, and she always sounds exhausted.”
“I’m sure she’s alright,” Sarah says reassuringly.
“I know, I just can’t help it.”
“I completely get that,” Sarah replies softly, looking towards her mate.
“Fixed it!” One of the sound techs calls out, effectively cutting off the conversation as Harry and the band get back to work.
The next week passes in what feels like slow motion. Every hour drags on. Your apartment building hasn’t switched from air conditioning to heat yet, so you’re constantly wearing layers of warm clothes and burrowing under blankets. The itch under your skin only gets worse, spreading to new areas each day until there’s a maddening tingle throughout your whole body.
Amelia drops you off at the airport Wednesday afternoon. You know she can tell that something is wrong, but you don’t offer an explanation, so she doesn’t pry for details.
You put on your mask before walking into the terminal. It’s a habit leftover from the pandemic, and also a great way to block out the potential strange scents. Alphas and omegas might be rare, but there’s always a chance a few will be around in such a crowded place. You’re extra sensitive to smells at the moment due to the touch deprivation that you’ve finally admitted you have. But it’s mild. Totally manageable. Not a problem.
The plane ride and subsequent train trip and walk to the hotel is exhausting. You stop and grab some food on the way. After checking in you immediately eat your quick meal, take a hot shower, and crawl into bed.
You’re almost asleep when your phone digs with an incoming text. You’ve already texted your family and friends letting them know you’re at the hotel, so you’re annoyed that someone is interrupting your sleep.
That is, until you see who the message is from. Harry’s name pops up with a text asking if you made it safely to Chicago. You practically melt at how sweet it is that he’s checking in on you. You send a quick reply before immediately falling asleep.
The first day of the training session is typical- informative, but boring. Harry’s show is still going when you get back to the hotel, so you watch on a livestream. You’re still exhausted and fall asleep before it’s over.
Waking up the next morning is difficult. Your body feels heavy, like your bones are filled with lead. The chills seem worse than ever and you’re grateful you packed yourself a heavy sweater to wear that day. Not only is it warm, but it covers up the marks from where you’ve been scratching at the skin on your arms due to the incessant itching.
You have trouble concentrating on the training throughout the day. There was one alpha there, and he was somehow in every single session you attended. He didn’t have a bad scent per se, but his presence alone became overwhelming.
By the time the sessions are over, you feel exhausted. You debate skipping dinner altogether but know you at least need some food before you can start your walk to the United Center. The alpha, whose name you’ve learned is Andy, sits next to you at dinner. He seems nice enough, you don’t feel threatened by him, but you still want to finish dinner and get away from him as quickly as possible.
Once dessert is over you grab your bag, ready to escape. Andy stops you before you go, asking for your number. Without thinking you quickly say, “I have a boyfriend,” and hastily leave the restaurant.
You’re not far from the venue, only a few blocks away, and you’re so out of it that you barely notice where your legs are taking you. It only takes fifteen minutes to get there, but you’re on edge the whole time. Glancing at your watch you see that it’s just before 8PM, meaning Harry should still be backstage.
You’re tired, and dizzy, and a little fuzzy, but knowing you’re so close to seeing Harry again has you moving faster than you thought possible. You’ve even built up a slight sweat, and you feel warm for the first time in weeks causing you to roll up the sleeves of your sweater.
As you approach the building you hear your name being called. You turn to see Jada running up to you.
 “I didn’t think you’d be here so early! Glad I was talking to one of the security guards, you walked right past the entrance,” she says.
You smile as she hands you your VIP badge and leads you inside.
“Harry has a few minutes before he needs to finish getting ready. He’ll be glad you made it before he goes on, I know he’s been dying to see you,” Jada says, causing you to blush.
“Well, I can’t wait to see him either,” you reply.
She knocks on a door which opens a second later. The first person you see is Mitch, who gives you a hug as he says, “Hey kid, good to see you again.”
“You too!” you answer, somewhat surprised by the warm greeting.
Sarah’s there too, pulling you in to a hug next. The moment her arms wrap around your shoulders, you’re overcome with a wave of dizziness. Black spots flash in your vision and you blink rapidly to try and clear them.
“You okay, love?” she asks as she lets go and takes a step back.
After a couple deep breaths you answer, “I’m good. Practically ran here from dinner, still catching my breath I guess.”
Harry, who’s been quietly watching you quickly walks to the fridge and grabs a water bottle. You reach out your hand so he can pass it to you, and see his eyes focus on your arm. There’s no way he missed the angry red scratch marks there, but you immediately pull your sleeves back down to hide them anyway.
“Can we have a moment?” Harry asks, causing Mitch, Sarah, and Jada to promptly exit and close the door behind them. He motions to the couch, and you’re reminded of the last time the two of you were in his dressing room together.
Like the last time, you sit next to each other, but he seems to be giving you more space. This confuses you. If he’s so excited to see you, why didn’t he greet you with a hug like everyone else? And why is he so far away now? And why does he seem so serious instead of happy?
“Y/N, I have a question, and it’s kind of personal, but I’d like you to answer honestly,” he starts.
“Okay,” you reply, taken aback by this turn of events.
He’s quiet for a moment, seeming to think of exactly what he wants to ask. Finally, he settles on, “Where did those scratches come from?”
“My arms were itchy,” you reply. Not a lie, though probably not the full truth he’s looking for.
“And the dizziness? Cause I don’t think it was from your walk. You seemed fine until Sarah touched you. Until an alpha touched you.”
You know what he’s getting at. He’s no dummy. Just minutes after seeing you he’s figured out what you’ve been hiding for weeks. Hiding from everyone, including yourself.
He watches you, and you know he’s waiting for an answer. But you can’t think of one to give him. So, he continues, “Y/N, I think you have touch deprivation. Is that fair to say?”
You let out a shuddery breath and nod. “Yea, that’s fair to say.”
“It seems pretty severe.”
You finally decide to open up, saying, “It’s been getting worse the past couple weeks. I don’t think my meds are working anymore, and the soonest doctors appointment I could get still isn’t for a couple weeks.”
“I’m worried you’re close to a drop. Like, any minute now. Or that you’ll go under if I touch you. You realize that you were close with Sarah, right? That if you’d stayed in contact with her, or if she’d released any pheromones you’d be in a full drop right now?”
Part of you wants to snark back, yell at him for going full alpha male and acting like he knows your body better than you. But the problem is, he’s right. It’s been so long since the last time you dropped that you forgot what it’s like. You forgot what the signs are.
But now that he’s pointed out the obvious, you really start to feel it. He sees as you deflate, starting to fold in on yourself. His hand reaches out, wanting to comfort you in some way, but he can’t. He can’t risk sending you into a drop, not when he has a show to do in just twenty minutes.
“You’re right,” you finally say. “I didn’t realize it. I thought I was handling it, that I could make it to my doctor’s visit and get new soothers and I’d be okay. I just don’t know what to do if I don’t have meds that work.”
“I’d like to help you, if you’ll let me.”
You finally meet his eyes and see that he’s completely serious.
After a moment you nod and reply, “Okay.”
“Okay? You’ll let me help?”
“Yes. I don’t know what else to do. And uhm, I trust you. You’re a good person, Harry. A good alpha.”
He smiles at your words before glancing at the clock and saying, “I have to finish getting ready in a minute. I’d still like to hang out after the concert. I think it might be healthy for you to do a drop with me there, if you’re comfortable with that?”
“I mean, I don’t like dropping. It’s only happened to me twice before and I was alone each time, so they weren’t good experiences. But maybe it will be different if you’re there?”
“I can help you through it, if you’ll let me.”
“What would you do to help? Like, how do alphas help omegas through that?”
“It depends on what you consent to but ah, I would hold you, help you get the touch your omega needs. Most alphas will scent the omega. It lets them know that they’re not alone, that someone is there protecting them, keeping them safe while they can’t do so themselves. I’d also release calming pheromones to keep your omega relaxed.”
“Okay. I’m okay with all of that. I’d like that,” you answer. Truthfully you’re a bit nervous. Harry Styles has just offered to hold you, to scent you for goodness sakes. That’s incredibly intimate. But you’ve felt so awful for weeks, and there are still weeks to go before you can get new soothers. And this is kind of a dream come true.
“Do you want to stay here for the concert? You can hang in here or go to the VIP box. Or you can head to the hotel now and take it easy if you’d like,” he says.
“I’ll stay in here if that’s alright,” you reply.
“It’s more than alright,” he answers. “And if at any point you want to get out of here just text Jada. She can arrange a ride back to my hotel and I’ll meet you there after the show. Or if you change your mind she can get you a ride back to your hotel too.”
“Thank you, Harry. For everything.”
“Of course. I know I don’t know you all that well, but I care about you. Anyway, I uhm, need to get dressed so I’m just gonna step into the bathroom for a moment.”
“I can go in the hall for a minute, get out of your way-”
“Nonsense. You’re not in the way. I’ll be right back.”
Harry finishes getting ready, and you make yourself comfortable on the couch. A couple of people come in, touching up his hair and make-up and before you know it he’s heading to the stage.
You watch on the screen in the room for the first few songs. After a while Jada joins you and you ask if you can watch from the VIP section for a bit. It goes well until Harry and the band take a break. You’d been so focused on the music that you were distracted from everything else around you.
But now all you can hear are all the other people, and it’s overwhelming. It becomes difficult to breathe, and you start to see dark spots once again.
You turn to Jada, and she immediately leads you back to the dressing room.
“Do you want to wait for Harry, or do you want to leave now?” she asks.
“I think I should go,” you reply.
“To your hotel, or his?”
“Harry’s, please.”
“Okay, wait here, I’ll get the car and come back for you in a minute.”
You sit back on the couch, seeking out Harry’s scent to calm you, but it’s barely noticeable.
Jada comes back and you follow her to the car. It’s a quiet ride to the hotel, and once there, she goes with you to the suite.
His room is on the top floor. It’s big, basically a full apartment, and you stay in what seems to be the living room. Jada sits on the couch with you, and you say, “I feel like you have more important things to do than babysit me.”
She laughs and says, “It’s not babysitting. I like hanging out with you. And you’re a priority to Harry. Which makes you a priority to me.”
The two of you lapse into a comfortable silence for a while until Jada’s phone buzzes. “Shows over,” she says. “Harry’s just getting changed and then he’ll be here soon. He said you can borrow some of his clothes if you want to get comfy.”
You hesitate and she adds, “I have no problem going through his stuff. I can grab you some clothes if you want.” You laugh at that and nod.
A short while later you’ve changed into a pair of Harry’s sweatpants, as well as a t-shirt and hoodie. They smell like him, and you shamelessly inhale the scent you’ve been craving for weeks. The suite door opens, and Harry walks in, looking incredibly cozy in his own pair of sweats.
“Thank you, Jada,” he says. “Get some rest, you’ve earned it.”
“Night guys,” she says as she leaves the room.
You’re left alone with Harry. It feels different, here in his hotel room, surrounded by his belongings, while you’re wearing his clothes.
“You left early,” he says.
“Sorry,” you reply.
“Don’t be. I’m just worried as to why you left.”
“I was just overwhelmed. Needed some quiet.”
“I understand. Y/N, are you ready for this? You still seem on the edge of a drop.”
“I’m ready.”
“And have you changed your mind about anything? Or is it okay if I hold and scent you through this?”
You pause for a moment, scared at how vulnerable you’re about to be. “I haven’t changed my mind. I want you to do that. I trust you.”
He takes a step towards you. “Thank you, for trusting me. We’ll probably be more comfortable in the bed.”
“Lead the way,” you say.
It’s awkward at first, the two of you sitting next to each other in his bed, backs resting against the headboard.
He turns to you and says, “Can I hold you now?”
You nod, and his arms wrap around you, pulling you until you’re tucked under his chin and resting against his chest.
Everything starts to get fuzzy, and you feel yourself losing consciousness. It’s an unsettling feeling, but you know that Harry is there to help you through this.
The last thing you hear before it all goes black is Harry calmly saying, “I’ve got you. Let go. It’s okay. You’re going to be okay.”
Harry can’t describe the helplessness he feels as you go limp in his arms. He doesn’t allow himself to stress, or panic, knowing that his emotions will impact you. Instead, he takes some calming breaths and thinks through everything he knows he needs to do in this situation.
He hears you whimper quietly as you start to shiver, and he doesn’t hesitate to soothe you. It takes some maneuvering, but soon you’re both laying down in the bed. He tucks his nose into your neck and begins to scent you, releasing calming pheromones until you relax.
It continues this way for the next couple of hours. Harry holds you, and scents you, his nose rubbing against the gland in your neck. During one moment when you seem particularly distressed he can’t help but place kisses there to soothe you faster.
Finally, you start to stir. It takes longer than Harry had anticipated, so he’s relieved when your eyes meet his after hours of being closed.
“Hey there,” he says with a soft smile.
“Hi,” you answer groggily. “How long?”
“Couple hours. Your inner omega needed the rest. Now you need some too. Go to sleep, I’ve got you.”
It’s the same words he said before you dropped. You wish you could hear that all the time. No one has cared for you before, not like this. It feels good, but you remind yourself not to get used to it. Still, you curl into his embrace, enjoying every moment of contact with Harry that you can get.
The next thing you know, it’s late morning. You’re still cuddling against Harry, and his deep breaths indicate he’s still sleeping.
You feel amazing. You’re nice and warm, your mind is clear, and the constant itch and restlessness are nonexistent. You’re extremely grateful, but at the same time, you’re annoyed that you need to depend on another person just to feel normal. But you don’t dwell on that. Because Harry is starting to stir next to you.
“Hey,” he says when your eyes meet his. “How do you feel? Sleep okay?” God, you could melt at the gravelly sound of his morning voice.
“I’m good. Feel better than I have in a long time. And according to that clock, I slept wonderfully.” The two of you laugh, seeing that it’s nearly noon.  
“I was hoping to treat you to a nice breakfast, but I guess I missed the window on that,” Harry says, continuing to laugh with you. “I do still have plenty of time before I need to be at the arena. Would you like to spend the afternoon with me exploring Chicago?”
“I’d love to,” you reply. His face breaks out in a huge smile before he leans down, once again running his nose along your scent gland. You go limp at the feeling, happily submitting to him.
You don’t think about the fact that this is temporary. That you leave to fly home tomorrow afternoon. That you’ll be without his alpha scent once again.
Instead, you think about the hours you have ahead of you, hours to spend with Harry. Nothing could be more perfect.  
AN: Thank you so much for reading! This was one of the scenes I imagined when I first thought of the story and I'm so happy that it's finally shared with you all!
Taglist: @akkatz @pandeebearstyles @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite@theekyliepage@numafarawayglxy @booberry019-blog @hillzrry@ssareidbby @gem1712 @acesofspadess@houseofdilfs@shaquille-0atmeal-1@kissitnhekitchen @amateurduck @poguestyleskye@n0vaj3an@snwells@drunk-teens-doing-drugs ; @fdl305@creativelyeva@daphnesutton@selluequestrian@lovingfurypanda @stardream14 @tbsloneely@eversincehs1@boomitsallie1@rose-garden-dreamz @fictionalmensblog @buckybarnessimpp
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Twst dorm leaders with an affectionate S/o
A/n: btw as for the minors basically everyone besides vil Idia Leona and malleus, this is not sexualising them it's just a fluffy scenerio
Riddle rosehearts
He is not used to affection at all so he's gonna be so shocked when you hug him for the first time my boy was confused he was like
"is there something you need?"
And your like "nah I'm just hugging you"
he's like "oh."
So he's very happy of course, plus he's touch starved (I mean who isn't in twst?)
"do you want me to stop?" "Oh no no it's fine I quite like it, I'm just not used to it is all" riddle said as he's faced reddened. After that hug he really liked faint wholesome touches here and there, such as hugging, headpats, high fives, hand pats (don't ask why i just see him patting your hand) etc. And when he does these often that means he feels safe around you since he only shows this side of him only to you, seven forbid ace and cater find out about this.
nah they lowkey saw riddle resting he's head on your shoulder with a happy look the face, they snickered and riddles head whipped so fast, then ofc they got the good ol' "off with your heads!" But overall he genuinely feels safe around you and absolutely loves having tea parties with only you.
Leona kingscholar
Okay so he's a smug bastard, so he acts all cocky when you show your "soft side" to him but on the inside he's over the moon. He loves how affectionate you are and how you show it tho ofc he'll never admit that.
"eh herbivore I'm always the one asleep on your lap didn't expect it to be the opposite"
"I don't even know how I managed to be sleepy before you but it is what it is" you said slowly dozing off
"yeah whatever, don't get your hopes up because this is a one time thing" he said coldly, you hummed as you drifted off. once he made your you were fast asleep he gently stroked your hair, his eyes filled with nothing but admiration
"I swear you have a love spell on me herbivore, it's annoying"
Azul ashengrotto
Like riddle he is touch starved, the only affection he received was from he's mama and no one else, so one day when you just go up to him and kiss his cheek his face goes wild red
"heheee look jade azul looks like goldfishie when he's maddd~" Floyd laughed at azul
"Fufufu indeed he does floyd~, dear prefect has quite a strong affect on him" Jade replied with a closed eye smile
"s-shut up! Both of you! Go back to your jobs otherwise I'm cutting off your salary!!" Azul screeched at them, the twins then backed off leaving you with a flushed octopus
"ahem..s-sorry dear prefect ahah.. it's just, you see I'm not very used to physical affection not that I don't enjoy it, no no it's quite the opposite"
"oh I see, well as long as I'm around you'll get used to it!" Azul smiled, satisfied with your answer as he hugged you and patted your back
"I have to go back now, i promise I'll make it up to you after we close the lounge"
"Ooo were gonna go to the aquarium right?"
"yes, since that's what you've been looking forward to, tho I don't understand why?-"
"it's okay azul you don't have to understand everything" azul scoffed at that comment but then patted your head and went back to doing he's work
Kalim AI-Alsim (I have no idea how to write he's name I'm sorry)
You guys are made for eachother like holy shit soulmates all the way, he loves affection, you love affection, perfect match. Jamil is so tired of y'all tho generally feel bad for him it always goes like this:
"KALIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMM" you yell running to him
"S/OOOOOOO" he yells back also running to you with he's arms out ready to tackle you, then you both tackle eachother and end up falling on the floor, Jamil in the distance contemplating his entire life like
"why was I born?
Why did I have to see this?
what did I do to deserve this?"
But you two are too preoccupied yelling your guts out
Vil scho....yea hell no I am not even gonna try to write he's last name
Okay this can go one of two ways. 1. He loves the affection but wont necessarily show it or 2. He hates it and will poison you if you don't get tf off him right no-" yeah I'm just kidding that was a joke, he loves it, he isn't touch starved he gets a lot of attention, just not like genuine love so he appreciates the fact that you love him for who he actually is and not because he's popular and pretty, like Leona he'll never admit that outloud but he enjoyes it.
Vil was doing he's makeup Infront of the mirror when you entered his room waving at him from the mirror
"hello dear prefect how are you doing"
"oh I'm doing fine, what about you? Anything new?"
"I'm doing good as well, also not much, except for the fact that epel threw another fit about not wanting to wear the uniform" vil sighed as you laughed
"yeah you'll never get him to wear it that's for sure" you said as you kissed the crown of he's head, vil looked surprised for a moment but he's eyes softened as he continued doing the makeup, he'll never say it outloud but oh how much he loves those faint pecks on he's head
Idia shroud
(my favourite omg 💗😞)
He is the most. Touch starved person in NRC, forget malleus and riddle he takes the cherry on top, so imagine the first time you kiss he's cheek he's hair goes all pink and he's screeching like "AH PREFECT WHAT WHY DID YOU KISS ME?" Don't mind him it's not that he doesn't like it he's just never expirienced it, ever so he's covering his face with his hands while rocking back and forth breathing fast, almost like he's having an asthma attack or something- so when you manage to calm him down he apologises, you of course tell him it's nothing to be sorry of and you two move on, but not Idia, he was thinking of a way to make it up to you, so that's why he took 3 weeks of courage and managed to kiss you on the cheek but then vanished from existence, no one knows where he went, only ortho.
Malleus draconia
He loves you no questions needed, and I'm not really sure if he received any affection? I think he did from Lilia but who knows, what I do know is that when you peck he's lips for a split second he reboots, he's trying to process wtf just happened and then when it hits him it hits him like a train, so he's smiling like little kid Jimmy when he first gets he's bicycle, he asks if he can and kisses you back, the kiss lasting a bit longer, after you said your goodbyes my man was skipping to he's house, he was like a sunshine he was so happy he was like
"Lilia prefect and I shared a kiss"
"oh great that means you must get married now"
"oh really?"
The next day you woke up to the whole nrc being covered in your favourite flowers and you were questioning if this was a ceremony of your funeral or smth. But in all seriousness he loves you. And wants your hand in marriage. N o w .
The end
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maxsimagination · 5 months
𝗵𝘂𝗴𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗸𝗶𝘀𝘀𝗲𝘀 - 𝘀.𝗸𝗮𝗿𝗰𝗵𝗼𝘂𝗶
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warnings: tiny, tiny angst, fluff
it was a nervy day to say the least.
one of my least favourite days during the season. i had to go up against sakina.
it was psg vs lyon, and both me and sakina were in the starting eleven for our respective teams.
we started dating last year. both of us got called up for national team duties, to represent france in the world cup. that was when we first properly met and, thanks to elisa, started dating.
elisa and i met when i was on loan to montpellier in the 2020/21 season. since then we'd kept in touch often.
now in the 2023/24 season, sakina and i had been together for a whole year and two days. we had celebrated our anniversary with a recreation of our first date, same restaurant and everything.
but during the season, there was a few times where we came up against each other. whether it be for the champions league or the french division, it had to happen.
i always got nervous about these games because the little voice in my head would tell me that something might change between us after we played. nothing had ever changed in the year we'd been dating and come up against each other it that didn't stop me from over thinking.
on the pitch, i could see both sakina and elisa ready and waiting in the psg defence for the whistle to blow.
when it did, i was the first to shoot forward with the ball. being a striker didn't help when your girlfriend was a defender. there was bound to be some tackles involved.
and eventually it did.
in the 70th minute, both me and sakina had stayed on, as expected.
i was running down the middle of the field, having intercepted a pass from two of the psg strikers. i ducked and weaved through the defenders and i was almost at the edge of the box when i noticed sakina out of the corner of my eye.
just as i took the shot at the goal, sakina came sliding in and took my ankles out.
i landed on the ground with a thud and all the air left my lungs. i didn't move for a while, just trying to get my breath back, but then the medics came rushing in.
i didn't think i needed them but let them do their thing anyway.
i could see sakina standing nearby, trying to see if i was okay. i was but i was a bit mad with her. she didn't have to take my ankles with her in her attempt to clear the ball.
when the medics cleared out and i stood up, sakina came up to me.
"what the hell was that for?"
i spoke first. i knew that it was a game and she had to defend but that tackle really took the life out of me for a bit there.
"i'm sorry, i didn't mean to take you out too."
"whatever. let's just play the game."
i walked away and returned to my position. the game went on and lyon ended up winning 3-0 including the shot that i got in before sakina tackled me.
after we won, most of the girls did a couple laps to greet the fans. i made a couple laps before heading back to the lockers. freshly showered and dressed in the clothes i arrived in, i walked back into the communal hallways.
however, just as i was walking out, sakina walked in and she whisked me into an adjacent room.
that room happened to be a physio room, thank goodness no one was in there.
"y/n, i am so sorry about the tackle. i truly did not mean to take you down like that. if i could go back and change anything, i probably wouldn't make that tackle at all."
that last bit stunned me.
"you'd let me take the goal?"
"yes, y/n. i'd rather loose a game of football than have you injured. please forgive me."
i didn't see how i could still be mad at her after that so of course i forgave her. i nodded at sakina and was  about to verbalise my feelings when she kissed me.
her lips were soft as always and she easily slipped her tongue into my mouth.
i tried to keep it pg, so pulled away after a bit with a grin.
"let's wait until we're home to start something like this, yea amour?" (love.)
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blueparadis · 2 years
thinking abt sub!kaiser so much,,, like hes all haughty n arrogant but hes just such a brat in bed
+. CWs —» written with f!reader in mind but can be read as gn!reader, mention of orals, foreplay,s*x toys, bondage (hand-cuffs) & safeword, use of pet names,SUB!KAISER. word count — 0.5k
+. NOTES —» he is brat, through and through. Not sure how i pulled this off in 0.5k, but yeah I did enjoy writing. He is so interesting for my character study. I really like him a lot lol. sorry if this was too short anon, i didn't want to go off the rails :], my kaiserot is peaking and i don't like it :] & you throw sub!kaiser at me 😭
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sub!kaiser who is seated on a chair refuses to keep his mouth shut when you are busy tying him.  He will tell you that the ropes are too tight for him or too loose when it is the quite opposite. He refuses to let his sapphire gaze elsewhere but you, only on you; in that lacy outfit, he bought for you. “If we’re doing this, we’re doing this in my way baby- ahaH! be gentle otherwise, i won’t be, when it's my turn.” You do not respond, at least not verbally ; it's just stares and smirks.
Now that his hands are locked by hand cuffs, he is a little less chatty. one thing sub!kaiser hates with passion is when he is cornered , like a wounded animal, defenseless and left without a fight in his body. So, when you put the black blindfold around his eyes, depriving him what he was looking forward the most, that is to watch you struggle to take his cock without his help, tears streaming down your cheeks, your supple skin glistening with sweat while he will just murmur, “untie me babe, let me help you.” with the nastiest smirk.
“You’re gonna regret this.”, he rasps as you tighten the knot at the back of his bed and all you do is to bring your lips near his ears, near enough to give him goosebumps yet not enough to graze his earlobes and whisper, “Do you remember your safe word?”. He swallows hard, nods, and then a “yeas” is heard, followed by a short gasp. he is at the edge of sanity, thinking what exactly are you gonna start with? toys or foreplay? thigh-riding or blow-job?
With his eyes closed, kaiser now imagines you and hears every little noise that your body makes. The click of the heels that are fading, the dangling sound of your earrings, each tick of the passing moment, your hands searching for the specific toy, your inhale and exhale, yes; he could even hear your heartbeats and his too. He bites his lip sensing his heartbeats being faster than yours, it is so awfully silent around him.
“Babe, what are you thinking?”, you ask and at first he jolts at the sudden sound. The short-lived cackle does not go unnoticed by him. He wishes he could see you, that treacherous smile which makes him restless, cock twitch and all he can think of is to pin you against the wall to devour you, your whole being before you do with him. “You”, he says and nothing else. 
He waits patiently for your reaction, that bashful laugh he expects from you but alas!it is a pin drop silence that makes his chest tighten as if a knot has been tied. “Um-hm, what else?”, you whisper as your hands rests on his thighs, your cheeks grazing against his. His chuckles fill the room as he thinks how greedy of you to discard those heels, and tame the lion in his lair. It.turns.him.ON.
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hiorisgf · 1 year
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↪Ft. Nagi
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A sound of surprise escaped your lips as you stared at him, astonished to find the snow white haired male napping comfortably with his head on the table. You pause from your steps, a bit hesitant to come forward—for what reasons, you don't know. Maybe because you didn't want to wake him up from his obviously pleasant sleep, but not like you could care enough to wonder why anyway. You remain standing at your initial position by the door, at a lost for what to do. 
"You can sit here you know" Nagi said, voice thick with sleep. He turns his head to face you, half lidded eyes staring right back at yours and you would be lying if you said you didn't find it attractive.
You shriek, and unfortunately for you, the sound you let out wasn't cutesy in the slightest—it was the kind of sound that would be suited for when you're voicing ogers screeching to death.
"Oh my god" you heaved out a sigh, clutching your chest tightly. "You scared me, since when have you been awake?" 
"A few minutes ago, I could hear your screaming from miles away" 
You pause, before swiftly realizing what he meant. "My bad, walking around blindfolded is a terrifying experience." you said, shivering at the memory.
"Really? It wasn't that way to me" Nagi tilts his head and darn was it infuriating how effortlessly cute he could be.
"Yea I'm sure." you snort, and Nagi squints his eyes as though confused, and by this time, you wanted nothing more than glomp him. "You were probably carried by Reo or something"  
Nagi's eyes widens, and he lets out an 'ooh' sound "How'd you know?"
"Lucky guess" was all you said
A momentary silence befell on the two of you as you looked at the room. The classroom you noticed to be yours, was covered with heart decorations that screamed love all over and it was a bit sickening just how much they over decorated the place. You notice the clock right behind Nagi, it counted to 30 minutes—a bit lengthy you think for a booth on an event that lasted for only a day.
The door opens and you divert your attention away from the clock and instead to the person who entered. He holds a tray with a parfait standing on top of it with all its glory. The person walks closer until he stands beside your table and with swift motions, he places the parfait on the table along with it, spoons for two people.
"We never ordered anything" you quickly told him, it looked expensive with how presentable it looked. 
"I know, but your classmate, Reo, has offered to buy it for the two of you." he flashes you a grin, a harmless, customer service smile, he flashes to the two of you before excusing himself goodbye.
"Ah—" you helplessly watched as the staff walked away, looking at the parfait that sat in the middle of the table. You blink, once, twice, and the dessert starts sparkling, as if seducing you to come and eat it. 
"You want it?"
You flinch, as if a criminal found guilty. You shake your head "No no, I can't—"
"It's fine, I don't mind. And everything available on the menu is for two people anyway."
"Well.." you look at him, as if verifying if he really was alright with it before taking the spoon and taking a hesitant bite.
Wow. You gasp, it was delicious—easily topping most of the desserts you've eaten before. You ease your body as you take yet another bite, it was addictive—way too delicious to be made by someone with the same age as you. 
"Is it good?"
"Yep, it went way above my expectations" you replied, taking yet another bite of the heavenly made dessert. "You try it too, you won't regret it" 
Nagi hums, and you wait for him to take a bite. To your surprise however, he only opens his mouth and lifts his head up a little. 
"What are you doing?" you asked, raising a brow at his rather eccentric yet still adorable actions..
"Feed me, please?" he tilts his head in a way that would highlight his charms in all the right points. 
Your heart tightens and lets go with a boom, "No, get your own spoon and feed yourself with it" you coughed into your hand, resisting his charms with all of your might. 
"That's tiring" Nagi grumbles, and even now, he's as adorable as can be. You dig your nails into your palm, tight enough you think it'd bleed. But in the end, you were no more than a fool down bad for a man who'd find it troublesome to look your way. 
You groaned, although not truly annoyed as you scooped up ice cream and shakily offering it to him. "Goodness, you sure are tiresome, Nagi" you say, a defeated smile taking place on your face.
He takes a bite, and it's evident he likes it by the way his eyes light up with glee. "It's good" he says, chewing on the strawberry. 
"Right? I told you so!" 
You passed the remaining minutes of your inprisonment with light chattering. Enthusiastically, you told Nagi about the drama's going on at the school campus with great detail, like how student a and student b because of homewrecker student c, and the beef student d had with student z. You half expected Nagi to fall asleep during your gossiping so you were surprised when he didn't, and even participated by giving his opinions on the topic. A small action, and yet to people who knew Nagi, it meant everything—such was the case to you. And you probably shouldn't get ahead of yourself, but you truthfully felt a bit special when Nagi participated with things he would usually find troublesome with you. 
"So so, you know that one couple in my class that does disgusting pda everywhere?" 
"Yea, they were pretty loud and distracted me from my game" you nod your head, glad he atleast knew those two. "Ok so apparently, the guy was cheating on her with the school secretary! Can you believe that?!" 
"Wow, really?" Nagi half heartedly reacts. It's not that he isn't interested with what you're saying—but he just happens to be more focused on the way you move your hands alot as you speak, and the small, yet adorable way you scrunch up your nose when you mention a person you particularly dislike; he is focused, just on the wrong things unfortunately.
Nagi thinks you're pretty, breathtakingly so. And he can't help but feel a bit excited when you show him the bits and parts of you that you wouldn't let others see; loves learning more about you, what you like what you don't like, the games you like or the mangas you enjoy—and most of all, he enjoys it when he sees you smile—a real, genuine, and carefree one. Nagi adores it when you smile like the way you do now, he adores it so, he can't help but curve his lips upwards as well. A small, and yet nevertheless there kind of smile.
"Dude, you aren't even listening" you drive him away from his thoughts, and he shifts his attention back to you again. He spends a moment to look at you and in result, you groan—whether in annoyance at yourself for being absolutely down bad, or for him not listening, is a mystery with an answer for only you to know.
Ring ring!!
The clock rings, and the door opens right after. Outside, was a staff who tells you that the time was up along with some acquaintances (Reo being one of them) waiting by the door. "Ah, we can go out now. You can get your switch back now too. That's great!" you said with a smile, standing up from your seat and cleaning up the table—or atleast organize the empty plates and dirties utensils. 
"Oh, it's over already" Nagi echoes your words, disappointment smeared on the words that leave his mind. 
"Nagi?" you pause from your actions, a bit curious by the sudden decline of his mood.
"Too bad." he leans on the table, cocking his head to the side "I wanted to talk to you more too." 
Oh. God.
Are you dead? You think you died with the way your heart ceased moving entirely as the thought of breathing and moving your chest was an action way way above you. 
"Well—we can always spend more time together next time, just tell me if—if you want to talk and I'll gladly spend—yea, spend some time with you." you stuttered, tripping over your words as heat creeps up on your cheeks due to his bold statement.
"Really?" the way he raises his head and looks at you with anticipation isn't helping your case, really.
"Yes, really. Promise" you nod your head, trying your utmost best to look at him in the eye to show the sincerity of your words.
"Nagi!" Reo calls from the door, waving him over, with his switch in hand; you both turn your heads to look his way, and Reo greets you hello when he sees you notice him as well.
"Well, I have to go now." Nagi says, slowly standing up from his very comfortable seat. "Bye [Name], I'll talk to you later" 
You wave him goodbye, showing a part of the happiness that explodes inside the confines of your ribs on your smile. You fall to your knees shortly after you see them disappear, unable to calm your beating heart from breaking out of its cage and run around the room anymore. Today felt like a fever dream, with him smiling at you and all—the last part too. You think you'll pass away today, you're sure you will.
"Hah, simp." the familiar voice of your friend—whom also happened to be one of the staffs at this booth teases. 
"Shut up and let me have my moment rat."
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wroteclassicaly · 7 months
sigh...okay...yall got me. Tw for misogynistic views...and straight up smut
Gator stood with his arms crossed, your eyes drawn to them. The blue cast on his arm like a beacon. "Like I said, don't worry your pretty little mind about it." Gator glared at you. "You broke your arm!" You throw your hands up and stand. You hate how your eyes go back to his biceps. The stupid tattoo he got one night when he was drunk.
The tattoo he got and immediately called you crying because the needle hurt. You don't even know how he ended up at the tattoo parlor. He only drank because his father's view of bonding was a whiskey and card game. At least he claimed. Sometimes you couldn't tell if Gator was telling the truth or not, but he is your friend. Having grown up together, the once sweet boy you knew who helped you up from falling and scraping your knees has become a hard headed idiot.
"Let the men think Hon," Gator snipped at you, rolling his eyes. An idiot who believed men were better then women. You knew Gator was only listening to his father. You hoped Gator would get out, but for whatever reason he clung to his dad further.
You scoffed at Gator," One of us has to think around here, and we know damn well it isnt you." "I do-" "You don't! You just follow your dad blindly!"
You go to say something more, but Gator stomps towards you, finger pointed in your face," You shut up now! You know nothing about what's going on." You blink and Gator pauses, hand lowering," I uh...I...you don't know what's happening okay?" You frown but stay silent.
Gator draws in a deep breath and your eyes dart down to his chest as he does it. You suddenly realize how close he is to you. One step closer and your chests would touch. You could simply lean in and kiss him and-
"Dad knows what he's doing. He's great. That's why he's the leader." Gator nods, as if trying to convince you or maybe himself of what he is saying. "Your dad is a hypocrite. Breaks the law all the time." You mumble, but Gator hears. "Dad says if you are pure, your actions can only be good." "Neither of yall are pure, unless you're a virgin," you smirk slightly.
"I am!" Gator pauses, realizing what he said as your eyes widen slightly. A slight blush spreads across his face as he rocks back on his heels," I mean uh I have experience. Yeah uh totally. Got plenty of it. Not plenty, I'm not a slut i-"
You hadn't expected that. You raise an eyebrow," You think you're pure?" Gator nodded. You hummed before saying," Really? Well, Gator, how many times have you fucked your fist to that picture you took of me in my red bikini?"
Gator's face bloomed red as he cleared his throat," I dont uh dont know what you're talking about." "No? You almost dropped your phone in the water, tried to play it off as if the sound of the camera didn't go off." You smirk at the awkward man in front of you. Gator took a deep breath in as his eyes darted around the room, looking anywhere but at you.
You glance down and see a very distinct bulge in his pants. You lick your lips at the sight. You knew he was going to be big. You take a step forward, causing Gator to stumble back. "How many times?" You batted your lashes at Gator, trying to give him big doe eyes. "Once or twice i uh sorry?" Gator cleared his throat again, voice sounding low and gravelly sending shivers down your spine. You shake your head condescendingly and Gator whines," Your tits were right there, you can't blame me for looking."
"What? These?" You strip your shirt off in one motion. Gator's eyes dart back to you and widen at your bra covered chest. "Oh fuck," he groans. His eyes are glued to your chest, watching each inhale and exhale closely. You lightly trace your bra with your fingers as the man whimpers slightly before looking up at the ceiling. "Fucked your fist to the thought of these?" You chuckle. "...yea.."
You aren't sure if Gator is cursing you or thanking the Lord with how his eyes are stuck on the ceiling. "How about fucking something else?" You drop to your knees, hands coming up to rest on his thighs. Gator's face snaps down to look at you, mouth dropping open. You can see a wet patch on his pants already forming from his precum. You lightly trace the button on his pants," Wanna fuck my mouth baby?"
Gator's eyes are wide as he nods furiously. He quickly unbuttons his pants and pulls them down to his thighs. You weren't expecting him to be commando underneath. His thick cock bobs in front of you. A thick vein runs along the underside, head turning a purple from how hard he is. You lightly grasp him and his stomach flexes, " oh shit." "Poor thing," you mumble. You lean forward and swipe some of the precum from his tip with your tongue. The whine Gator lets out is like music to your ears.
You look up at him and slowly lick along the vein. Gator is staring at you in awe. Instinctively, he grabs the back of your head with his hand. "Oh shit," Gator moans. You slowly envelope the tip in your mouth and swirl your tongue around it. You barely finish the circle before Gator thrusts forward slightly and you feel warmth hit the back of your throat. You didn't even get to suck him off and he was coming down your throat.
Gator moaning and whining as he gripped your hair for life, legs shaking from the best orgasm he's had. And you barely did a thing. Kind of pathetic really...but you felt a rush of power. You pull back and look up at him after he finishes as he breathes heavily. His eyes snap open and he stares down at you in wonder and lust. "Can we do that again?" He asks softly. "You liked my mouth baby? Could barely handle it." "I can handle it, promise." "Hm. We'll see."
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cadmium-free · 6 months
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Funeral Parade of Roses (1969) - Watched on August 5, 2023
It spirals to its inevitable conclusion. We revisit a moment, a scene. A little more plays out, we step back or step forward. We live transfixed in a moment. Sometimes a scene mirrors another, it's all the same but with different details. There is no escaping fate, we can only be sucked closer and closer to our inevitable conclusion.
Stop Making Sense (1984) - Watched on October 5, 2023
I genuinely don’t think this needs any explanation or justification at all. I could watch it over and over and over and over and over.
Possession (1981) - Watched on October 17, 2023
It took me three sittings to get through this film and I wasn’t sure I liked it immediately after I finished it. And then it just simmered in my mind for days and weeks after until it finally clicked into place. I love the way Sam Neill moves in this. Everyone comments on the haunting way Isabelle Adjani looks directly into the camera, and yea. Yeah. Ok. Yeah. Yeah.
The Devils (1971) - Watched on June 26, 2023
I thought going into it with the full knowledge of Urbain Grandier would defang it, and perhaps this did soften the blow a bit, but it's audacious, frenzied, sensual. You get tangled up in its themes, its sensations, its torture.
Dog Day Afternoon (1975) - Watched on January 13, 2023
This set off a brief and ferocious obsession with Al Pacino. I have a strained relationship with films based on true crimes, but this slides past my qualms, perhaps just on the strength of the fact John Wojtowicz himself did write a review of it.
Bound (1996) - Watched on April 5 and August 19, 2023
The way Corky and Violet can come together with genuine trust so quickly. The way Ceaser can misunderstand Violet so fundamentally. The literal betrayal in realising who someone is.
Häxan (1922) - Watched on October 27, 2023
The 1922 equivalent of a Youtube video essay where a guy is like, "Guys, I just learned a bunch of fucked up facts about witches and witch trials. I think maybe we just execute women for being poor and mentally ill. Also aren't mental institutions a bit fucked up?" but like, a bit hornier than you would expect for the subject.
Cruising (1980) - Watched on January 17, 2023
It’s all about looking and being noticed. The camera is looking. Al Pacino is looking. The men are looking. And the ambiguity of the gaze and the plot.
Pontypool (2008) - Watched on October 4, 2023
It's a film about words. It's a film about broadcasting from a radio station and seeing nothing. Our imagination fills in the visual gaps. It's so much more horrifying to be piecing everything together from the safety of a recording booth.
The Lair of the White Worm (1988) - Watched on February 1, 2023
Hugh Grant—looking like a lesbian—who is a freaky little rich boy who believes in cryptids, Peter Capaldi—looking like a lesbian—sucking snake venom from a neck bite, an incredibly sexy snake woman with a house full of snake stuff, a giant snake puppet, surreal dream sequences, the coolest game of snakes and ladders ever made, snake dicks, weaponised bagpipe music, homoeroticism, and giant strap-ons.
Ravenous (1999) - Watched on October 19, 2023
This film is so offbeat and strange. It has the strange feel of a comedy, while being a really understandably grim depiction of cannibalism as manifestation of greed, expansionism, and colonization. I kept having these moments of shock that this was a studio movie, that studios were willing to make this film that so thoroughly deconstructs the American mythology.
Penda's Fen (1974) - Watched on July 6, 2023
The first movie in a long time that has made me feel as though I need to pick it apart like an essay, to rewatch multiple times and take notes and repeat sentences until I’ve done a thorough analysis. I've never had a film hit me in quite this way before.
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amber-michaelson · 2 years
Fallen Angel
Yandere Bowers Gang x reader
-Headcanon here-
Summary: they are obsessed and decide to act on it
Read at own risk
Warning: swearing
Fm = favorite movie
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Yn pov
"Hello" I smiled sitting next the platinum blonde boy "I'm yn" I said and took out my books "victor" he greeted quietly before the teacher started speaking and through the lesson victor explained the previous lesson and showed me his notes which I gladly expected the help before the bells go "thanks so much victor how will I ever repay you" I asked packing up my stuff "you don't have to but whenever you need help just come to me" he smiled putting his bag over his shoulders "I'll make sure to keep that in mind" I murmured and went our separate ways, over my first week me and victor got closer and he's been helping me a lot "bye vic" I smiled and walked into my history class and sat at my normal spot in the back "good day class today we will be preparing a project which will be due in 2 weeks" the class groaned in disappointment "don't worry you will be able to pick your own partners" I looked around for anyone familiar but nothing "can I be your partner" I turned to the voice and see one of the people that hang around victor "of coarse I don't mind" I smiled and moved my bag to make room for him "yn and belch you will do ancient Rome" the teacher explained and did the rest of the groups and aloud us to go to the library "so yn I see you hang around victor" belch made small talk as we gazed for books on the shelves "yeah he helps me with my homework and tutors me" I smiled and started piling the books in my hand "let me carry those" he smiled taking the books out my hands "oh thank you belch".
▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎Time skip▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎
I smiled as me, victor and belch made our way down the hall "hey guys who's this" we paused as two boys stepped in front of us "oh hey Henry" victor murmured "hi I'm yn" I smiled at both of them "well cutie I'm Patrick" the one smiled licking his lips "I'm Henry" the other crossed his arms "well its nice to meet you two but I need to get to my maths class bye guys" I smiled and walked away.
And everyday day after that I was the new member of the bowers gang and over the time the boys became more and more disappointed if I talk to anyone but them or gave anyone my attention "guys come on it was one thing" I whined as they kept quiet as we made our way behind school to belchs car so we can get something to eat "but you could've asked us" victor muttered and opened the door for me I climbed in with victor and Patrick sitting next to me "why are you so protective" I asked but didn't get a response instead silence filled the car the only sound was the soft tones coming from the radio "belch can I have a water" I murmured leaning forward "yea here" Henry muttered handing me a bottle of water I slowly uncapped it and took a sip and closed it back up "this isn't the way to the has station" I murmured but slowly started to feel dizzy and my vision started fading "what did you do" I leaned forward and felt tired "it's OK now" Victor's voice turned to whispers before I blacked out completely 'this is where the nightmare begans'.
My eyes adjust to the darkness it had been a few hours since belch dropped of breakfast for me they'd lock the door to the room I was in except for the attachment bathroom, the room had no windows and was lit up by a flickering light.
"Babe we're home" I sighed in relief as Henry unlocked the door it was getting more and more boring when they leave I was starting to actually miss them "we were thinking how about we go into the lounge and watch a movie" victor smiled sitting on the edge of my bed "you mean leave the room" I was shocked I haven't left the room on months "yes since you've been so good we want to reward you" I giggle happily and jumped up and hugged them "come on tiger" Patrick murmured and lifted me up and carried me down stairs while the others got get the stuff ready "how was your day" I asked as he settled us onto the couch with me on his lap "it was good but missed feeling your but on my dick" I blushed as he slightly grinded against me "Patrick stop being a perv" Henry smacked the back of Patrick's head while giving me a blanket and setting beside me while victor brings the drinks and sits on the other side of me and belch brings the snacks and settles between my legs "what do you wanna watch" Henry passes me the remote "how about fm" I put on fm and snuggled into Patrick's chest 'maybe this isn't a nightmare after all'.
My other it works
Check out my other works
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chapter 1: introductions
summary: y/n is moving into her new dorm at Jujutsu U!
word count: 755
a/n: thanks for waiting! I know a few people have gotten excited for this one :) let me know if you’d like to be added to the taglist!
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Y/n pocketed her phone after checking her social media to see how well her recent sponsored post was doing, and double checked the number on the dorm unit. 507. Good. She opened the door, and sitting on the couch were two girls around her age, one with light brown hair, and the other with dark green hair. They both turned their heads, faces stoic, until they saw her keychain. “Hey, is that an Emile keychain?” The brunette asked, “You kind of look like Emile, actually.”
Y/n’s eyes darted to the right, thinking about a quick answer, but she knew it was already too late when she could feel herself smiling in embarrassment. “I, uhhh… I am… Emile.”
The brunette jumped up, and the green-haired girl slowly stood up beside her, excitement shining in the former’s eyes, interest in the latter’s. The brunette exclaimed, “No way! I listen to your music all the time!” She zipped over next to y/n, saying, “Nice to meet you, Emile, I’m Nobara, and this is Maki.”
“I can introduce myself!” The green-haired girl said, “Name’s Maki.”
Y/n laughed. I like these girls. “You can call me y/n, actually. Emile’s just my stage name. So, what should I do with my things? I don’t really have much.”
“Oh! You have your own room, and there’s a closet in there. We were going to leave the biggest one for you, but they’re all the same size, so it didn’t matter. Let me show you!” Maki flopped back down on the couch, and Nobara tugged y/n down the hallway to her room. It wasn’t large, but it was big enough that her recording equipment would fit, once she picked it up. She was worried about damaging it if she just jammed it in her brother’s car, so she planned to get a U-Haul to bring it after the first week of classes were over, just so she was ahead on her schoolwork. After Nobara helped y/n unpack what little she had in her suitcase, she ran to the bathroom, and y/n went out to the living room to chat with Maki some more.
When y/n took a seat next to her, Maki asked, “So, I take it you’re a Music major?”
Smiling with pride, y/n nodded. “Yep! What’s your major?”
Maki replied, “Well, I’m only a sophomore, so I can’t declare mine yet, but I’m going to go into Crim.”
“That’s interesting! What made you decide on Crim?” Y/n said, leaning forward. “No one at my high school ever expressed an interest in Crim except some of the really creepy true crime girls, but half of them didn’t graduate.” She frowned to herself. “It’s probably a good thing, though. I know I wouldn’t want one of them examining my body with complete apathy if I died tragically.”
Maki snorted. “That’s true. My reason is because I want to help people. I come from a family of really rich lawyers, with high-profile clients. I just kept seeing so many situations where some rich guy’s girlfriend mysteriously died, and somehow the police on the investigations botched things, or lost evidence. I didn’t want to be complicit in that kind of thing. I want to be a private investigator to help families. Of course, my family didn’t like that very much, so they cut me off, and now I’m here on my own merit, since I couldn’t get a dime of financial aid thanks to their tax bracket.”
Y/n was stunned. “Wow. That’s really inspiring, Maki! I wish I had a cool story like that, I’m just an idiot who got lucky with the algorithm.”
Maki blushed. “Luck has nothing to do with how good your music is, y/n. I like your songs.” She looked away, like she was embarrassed, and y/n’s smile spread from ear-to-ear.
“Thanks, Maki. Even though I’m proud of my work, it’s always just one of those things, where I get flustered because it’s my voice. You never really expect anyone to believe in you, you know?”
Maki looked up at her in surprise, mouth slightly agape. Softly, she said, “Yea, I know exactly what you mean.” The two of them exchanged an understanding grin. Two girls against the world. Unbeknownst to them, Nobara’s bathroom break consisted of not actually using the toilet, but telling the group chat all about how her favorite artist was talking to Maki and also is living with them for the next year.
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label << masterlist >> catalogue >>> chapter 2
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cultofdixon · 1 year
The Thrill of the Hunt
Daryl Dixon • She/Her Pronouns • The hunter always finds it’s target • SFW/NSFW - butt plug / unprotected sex (no glove no love) / bondage / fingering / grinding
Requested by: @morgan-wolf
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“Think we can make it back before night?”
“Got plans with somebody?” Daryl smirks following Y/N through a neighborhood as she turns on her heel smiling at him.
“I do…with a certain archer” She continued to smile bringing herself back forward taking her knife out when opening the door. “Clear” she states entering the main part of the house looking around as Daryl slowly made his way to the kitchen pushing the door open.
“Clear. Head upstairs?”
“Already on it” Y/N made her way upstairs and decided to check the smaller rooms first.
Finding pretty much nothing except for a thicker blanket and some clothes for the kids back at Alexandria. Y/N packed her bag of the findings, leaving the bag in the hallway to investigate the master bedroom.
Daryl on the other hand found a few cans of food. They really lucked out in this neighborhood. He continued to go through the cabinets taking whatever is useful and as he picked up a jar of questionable jelly, he heard Y/N suddenly scream from upstairs.
Without a second thought, the archer dropped the jar and everything but his crossbow as he ran to her aid.
Should’ve checked upstairs
Should’ve gone instead of her
She better be okay.
She fucking better be.
The fear induced thoughts continued to race until Daryl reached the master bedroom finding that Y/N was perfectly okay. Maybe the scream was a squeal…his anxiety registered it differently.
“You alright?” He frowns lowering his crossbow as Y/N turned to him with something in her grasp.
The fuck is that?
Y/N held up what seemed to be a silver spike of some sorts. It was rounded off so it wasn’t a weapon…and it had a sable colored fox tail on the end of it. The mischievous look on her face wasn’t giving him any answers on what the thing was and she seemed to caught onto that.
“You’re a hunter aren’t you?”
“Yeah but I…I still have no clue what that is and what that’s gotta do with it” Daryl continued with the confused look as Y/N couldn’t help the smirk to appear on her face.
“We done here? Cuz I think imma need to show yea what this is…at home” Y/N smirks squeezing his bicep on the way out of the room with the item in hand as she packs it away before picking up her main bag. “Let’s get going while there’s still light left”
The drive back to Alexandria was quiet but Y/N still had that look on her face like she was plotting something. Daryl tried to read it the best that he could knowing it wasn’t something bad but the more he thought about it…could it be?
“You take the stuff to the pantry, I’m gonna head home and take a shower”
“Without me?” He playfully asked offended as Y/N smacks him in the shoulder on her way off his bike once he reached their place.
“Just this once…I’ve got a surprise. So…don’t rush, but also don’t take too long…hunter” she winks at the end of her sentence before quickly taking out her personal finds and letting him head off.
He gave her thirty minutes. Whatever her surprise was, intrigued him and confused him even more.
As Daryl enters the place he half expected to go upstairs and find his girl fresh out of the shower. But the metallic sound coming from the kitchen made him raise his crossbow out of anxious habit before lowering it. He turned on the lamp that illuminates the room best finding Y/N on the counter practically naked. The black lace body suit instantly caught his attention resulting in the stress in his jeans as he tried to contain himself then and there. Even if I’m his mind he wanted mount her right where she sat.
“Like what you see, handsome?”
“All this for me sunshine?”
“Oh yes” Y/N smirks jumping off the counter as Daryl noticed the sable Fox tail once again but as she drew closer he noticed where it was coming from. “Is it clicking now?”
“Did yea—“
“Clean it? Of course! I’m not that clueless…” Y/N brought herself flush against his chest, feeling his free hand caress her back slowly trailing his fingers gently against her skin. “You know you can touch right?”
“Mhm…taking my sweet ass time” Daryl says in a low grumble bringing his lips to her cheek and starting to leave open mouthed kisses down along to her neck and shoulder.
Y/N hums softly to his actions feeling his hand find purchase on her left cheek giving it a squeeze. Mainly for beautiful sound that escaped her lips when he did such. But before Daryl could bring his lips onto his girl’s, she pulled away with a smirk.
“Hm. I don’t like that look”
“What? I didn’t put all of this on for it to be easy.” She smirks tugging playfully at his vest before running upstairs.
Daryl watches her head upstairs and couldn’t help but remember what she said when she found the little item on her person.
“Thrill of the hunt, huh?” He slowly made his way upstairs as he started to unbutton his shirt pushing the door open with his foot not finding Y/N. “You’re really going to make me hunt you down…might as well lock you out of the house and make this an outdoor sport” he jokes taking his vest and shirt off reaching into the dresser taking out some rope.
Y/N couldn’t help the amused smile to grace her face as Daryl knew where she was hiding. He is a tracker and decided to shut the door to the bedroom to trick her into thinking he left. But quietly made his way to the bathroom to hide from her when she stepped out of the closet.
“Guess I outplayed yea…”
“Are you really acting this stupid, love?” Daryl stepped out of the bathroom with the rope in hand bringing himself up close enough for Y/N to stumble back onto the bed. “Cuz as much as you are a fox. You’re not a fox. They know to run away from their potential predator” he towered her slightly bringing himself to cage her between his legs on the bed as she felt small compared to him. But boy it couldn’t help the warm feeling brewing below. “Gonna behave? Or not bunny?”
The smirk to grace her face stuck for a moment before Daryl was quickly to get off her. Taking her by the legs and flipping her onto her stomach, resulting in an excited squeak to escape her throat. Y/N didn’t even fight when Daryl took her wrists behind her and tied them together which especially didn’t help the excitement at her core. Something Daryl couldn’t help but notice when positioning her in doggy style.
“Hm…you’re complying a little” Daryl sighs gently grazing his fingers against her clothed center hearing her gasp softly. “Be a good little bunny for me” he couldn’t help himself teasing her clothed clit with a few strokes from his middle and ring finger before using his other hand to tug at the end of her bodysuit to the side in order to delve in both fingers.
He couldn’t help but notice her hands clench to the action resulting in a smirk as he started to move his fingers inside of her. Y/N at first contained her moans within the sheets with the occasional one escaping enough for Daryl to hear.
“Don’t get shy on me now” He says in a low whisper, curving his fingers just enough to hit that sweet spot causing a louder moan to escape her. “That’s right…”
The archer felt her get closer and saw by the subtle actions she’s been doing that she’s reaching that point. The curling of her toes, the tugging at the restraints, of course the sweet sounds of her moans, and the sound of his fingers going in and out of her slick core. He couldn’t help himself and didn’t say anything, letting her reach her breaking point and cumming on his fingers. Y/N moans even louder in the response feeling her body relax in his touch as he pulled his fingers out of her warm core bringing them up to his lips tasting her slick.
“Sweet as always…” He says after a pop from pulling his fingers out of his mouth seeing her pleading eyes watching his every move.
Daryl decided to test something as he brought his hands to her ass gently squeezing hearing her soft moans escape once again. He held her tail a moment and tugged hearing her gasp.
“Yea like that? Usually ain’t supposed to pull anything by it’s tail…or it bites” Daryl hums letting go of the tail and squeezing her ass once more before pulling her by the wrists flush against him as she felt his bulge pressed up against her. Making her get a bit risky and grind up against him causing the grip on her wrists to tighten. “Ain’t gonna get out of these if you don’t behave, bunny”
“But I want you” Y/N whines slightly haunting her actions when Daryl carefully brought her around to face him. “Please…”
Daryl continues to look at her begging composure as he brought himself on the bed with her, towering her once again and this time bringing his lips against hers. The softness of her lips always sparked something in him as he pulls her flush against him not breaking the kiss knowing she could taste herself on his lips. She felt herself get worked up again as it didn’t take much for her to become putty in his grasp.
Gravity took over causing the uncomfortable position of Y/N laying on her tied arms while Daryl slot himself between her legs continuing to make out with her. Pushing his tongue to part her lips enjoying the moan that escaped her that only riled him up more when she wrapped her legs around his torso having her soaked center grind up against his restrained hard on. His own moans escaping him as he started to part but taking her bottom lip between his teeth being gentle with her lips. But absolutely devouring her neck and collarbone next, leaving plenty of future hickeys to form after his attack.
“Daryl—-my arms” She whines once more but this time do to discomfort and Daryl couldn’t have any of that, he never wants to hurt her. He had his fun with restraining her from touching him earlier and lifted her off the bed enough to untie the knot with his other hand. He’s very skilled with his hands.
“I’ve gotcha bunny…” He groans feeling her continue to grind up into him even when the position was difficult.
Daryl brought himself to sit up to admire his work watching her chest rise and fall, bringing his large palm to grope her breast over the lace enjoying her much softer moans to his actions. Y/N wanted him more and given the look in his eyes, she knew what he wanted to do in that moment.
“Im all yours baby, ain’t scurrying away” She smiles watching him bring both hands to her chest, suddenly gripping the bodysuit and tearing it apart. She felt her face flush to such action lifting her body enough for him to pull it off her body tossing it to the side and enjoying her naked state. “Daryl…” she whines watching him get off the bed so that he could remove his jeans along with his underwear. Y/N’s eyes were soon trailing down his broad chest to his throbbing cock that made her mouth water.
“Ready, bunny?” He growls lowly stroking his length a few times, next pulling her by the thighs for his cock to find its place between her lips rutting into her gathering up her slick.
“Gonna make me beg?”
“Mmm…No” Daryl states aligning himself at her entrance and without waiting another second, he pushed his entire length into her bottoming out groaning to not only her warmth but to her nails digging into his shoulders.
He stayed inside her for a moment listening to her whine for him to move as he wrapped an arm around her torso before starting to thrust deep inside her. Her moans were like music to his ears and knowing damn well the second he felt her arch against him, he was hitting that sweet spot.
“So good for me…” Daryl moans hitting that sweet spot roughly a few times feeling her get closer.
“Daryl…f-fuck me” Y/N moans clenching around his pulsing cock knowing he’s reaching his limit.
The man suddenly pulled out of her making her gasp as it slowly turns into a groan of annoyance until she squeaks from being flipped onto her stomach. Feeling his hands grip her hips gently at first before becoming a bruising grip after he re-entered her warmth making her moan in an instant. He picked up the pace from before and thrusted nice and deep at a fast pace making his own moans more noticeable while hers continued to echo the room.
“Let go for me bunny—-I’ve gotcha” He grunts a bit tugging at the tail while he continued to pound into her, feeling her climax and squeeze around him making him not last much longer…his moments slowing and his cock twitching inside of her while white ropes of cum painted her walls. Her clenching to the feeling before her body relaxed beneath him.
“Holy shit…” Y/N pants feeling him shift above her, still inside her warm. Daryl leaned over kissing her shoulder before pulling out and seeing the works he’s done. “You owe me a body suit” she jokes, suddenly gasping when he tugged at her tail once again.
“Should’ve been a cotton tail, bunny”
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