#but yeah there arent many of us
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Four swords adventure gang
This link has one of the bigger depatures from both sprite and game art, but i'll explain in the tags
Also no funny page but cooler pose so~
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18 hours of this guy. i can never get enough.
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 8 months
01/23/2024 Daily Recap
Hey all! It's been another long day, but we've got lots of new resources on how to help and things have been very busy!
=Renew As A Crew Updates=
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Sources: Tumblr / Twitter / Instagram
So it sounds like some of the silence going on is related to RaaC adhering to the Global Strike with Social Media going on for Palestine this week. Please visit the sources above for more information, they also go over how to interact with each platform we're trying to woo (I didn't include that here because it's already in the Daily Renewal List)
=Cast & Crew Sightings=
As every day has been lately, the star of today was chaos dad himself, David Jenkins with that article that was mentioned last night from popverse.
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Also for that matter, he's excited about being close to 80K
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Dad wasn't the only one trolling max today, the Crew got deep into it to the point that caseybloys blocked quite a few of them and then they got the hashtag "#OhBloysHeMad" trending. Here are some highlights because I feel like all the tumblr folk need to know how hard twitter went today.
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=== How to Help ===
As usual, please refer to the Renewal Task List for daily updates, but great news, we now have a Renewal Task List for our friends outside the US as well. Apparently there are different effort in different countries, so we split them up. Please let me know if there's anything additional / more countries you'd like to see!
Renewal Daily Task List - US
Renewal Daily Task List - Outside US
The Crew also got super creative and put up some awesome new resources for folks to use. I've added quite a few to the Renewal Daily Checklists, but if I missed any please let me know! Here's some examples:
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UK Our Flag Means Death Updates
News from the UK Thank you to @lamentus1 and @libbyroseitm for the updates!
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Here’s our report from the UK News from the UK As you probably know the second season of OFMD is yet to air in the UK. Today we had an email saying that an announcement about when it will be on TV and iPlayer here will happen “Incredibly soon”. We love the use of the word incredibly! In response to how helpful our contact has been with replies we sent a single email with lots of names on it thanking them. Our best predictions for when OFMD2 might air in the UK is late February or early March. Once Season 2 starts to air in the UK we think we will see a significant increase in interest in Our Flag Means Death. We are currently looking into ways to harness this energy! (Obviously we hope that we’ll be adopted before season 2 aires here, but if not…) One idea is to hold another watch party to coincide with the arrival of season 2 here. Another idea is to hold a flash mob. Possibly at the Cutty Sark in London. TBC. We’re working on ideas and would love to hear people’s thoughts! Please reach out to @lamentus1 with ideas!
= Pirate Omens Watch =
Pirate Omens Watch happened today on Twitter and will continue tomorrow through friday. For more details please reference below - I caught the second half and was a lot of fun! Lot's of parallels and great opportunities to tweet at @pricevideo about them!
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== Articles ==
Max Delivered the Final Blow to the Horny, Quirky Comedy
Hungarian News: Ritkán látott összefogás egy elkaszált sorozatért
So something else that I found super cool was this post on twitter by @havethisonelife
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Anyway, I just love that kinda thing, and seeing that come from articles about OFMD is just super cool.
Okay I think that's everything. As usual, if I missed anything drastic please let me know! There wasn't a whole lot going on on IG today, seemed like twitter was the show horse.
You thought you were rid of me sending love-- but you were wrong!
Did you know you're fucking phenomenal? Like seriously. I read through all these tumblr threads, twitter, instagram, and all I fucking see is amazing people being fucking awesome to each other (and politely shitty to max which is also amazing).
People are posting in various places and saying they had a rough day, or they're sick (that was me!) and you kind buggers are reaching out and giving support and love and I'm so damn proud to be a part of this amazing crew. You are legit the best people I've ever met! (IRL or Internet).
Everyday you continue to impress me and every one of us with your creativity, kindness, ambition, and wonder. You make me laugh, I've cried a bit from some of the posts too (not a bad thing!) and in general just fucking make the world a better place. I can't wait to see all of you continue to shine, which reminds me of this quote:
"Nothing can dim the light that shines from within" - Maya Angelou
Alright, enough of the mushy stuff-- onto the Rhys and Taika eye-porn. (Is Rhys getting some head from Taika? Badummmshhhh, ok I'll leave now). Gnight!
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swordsonnet · 1 year
sorry but saying that the accessibility needs of mentally disabled people are just preferences or about "comfort" is blatantly incorrect. if i can't enter a building because the bright lights and loud noises would send me into a meltdown, then i can't enter the building, and that's not less important than me not being able to enter a building because it's not wheelchair accessible. if you genuinely think that mentally disabled people aren't really struggling, and that it's okay to mock their very real concerns, then that just shows that you've been refusing to listen to their experiences. do better or shut the fuck up.
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bigmammallama5 · 4 months
Do you sell your pottery anywhere?
Just through the shop of the community arts center I make/work/teach at! Right now it looks like my tumblers and a mug are still there, but I'm not completely sure since the website has been wonky lately. I guess?? They ship? I've only ever bought items in person from there, but you could ask if you're interested!
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rxttenfish · 28 days
Is there even any infrastructure for humans visiting merfolk underwater settlements? Or are they too deep for humans to comfortably dive/swim in? Or maybe the merfolk just say, "of course we don't have any support for you under several hundred feet of water. literally why would you even try?"
there's not any infrastructure for human (or any other sophont besides gorgons that already live there, anyhow) visitation! mostly that's because this is a bit of a first contact situation, albeit one that was born more out of political isolationism and not necessarily caring about the land-based sophonts...
basically, the current political entity overseeing all existing or known merfolk settlement is a fairly old one, that slowly grew from a smaller polity into a more all-encompassing unit by swallowing up its neighbors. it's more of a complicated shell game than this necessarily makes it seem - like i said, a lot of time has passed, and significant cultural shifts have happened within that time, as well as shifts and establishment on how its government and policies would function, so it's a little bit more of a larger conglomerate containing within it many smaller governments, who are allowed independent control of the populations within their allotted territories, just so long as they take up the job of translating the broader governmental laws and taxes down onto that population. the details are rather vague, and so long as the results are what the larger governmental body asked, the intermediary areas are allowed a lot of different ways to interpret what that means.
however, one of the things that got lost in that shuffle of politic and history was the presence of merfolk inland. historically, merfolk have actually periodically spent time inland! usually it was still very tied to the water, being more like seasonal beachcombing using temporary shelters and housing, but they utilized the land a lot more for potential resources and ways to live. the nomadic families especially used to take advantage of these opportunities, and there was much more interaction with landfolk in these contexts.
the exact way it was lost varies, in that not everyone agrees what came first or what was the reason or who did what, but most of this was probably limited and then lost due to the larger governmental body, in the process of colonization, banning merfolk from going up onto the land in order to prevent political enemies and refugees from fleeing up and onto the land, using it as a base of operations, or otherwise using it as a means to escape to other bodies of saltwater. like i said, these periods inland were mostly seasonal, and merfolk did still majorly depend on the water, so what merfolk did make settlements inland mostly ended up vanishing over time anyways - either through simply vanishing into landfolk populations, or through dying out, it wasn't particularly sustainable.
but, time still went on, and this ban remained, and somehow it slowly disseminated into popular thought that the land was just not really very interesting in the first place. sure, merfolk knew there was stuff up there, and other animals and even fairly smart animals, but that doesn't necessarily make it worth investigating. travel over land is hard for them, and it's hard for them to live on land for long periods of time, and everything that they need and depend on is in the ocean anyways. there's a lot less space to the land, there's nothing that would interest merfolk, it would be uncomfortable and painful for them to visit (a lot of myths and legends about the land and what lived there got started in this time, with a lot of focus on undead monsters that had dried out and were lit from within by the hateful light of the sun, and a lot of merfolk made a habit of coming up with scary stories about the weird things that must've lived in such an extreme environment), and there was a lot more political movements and such focused on other merfolk to begin with.
even moreso because merfolk still, technically, did go out onto land? it just wasn't very large portions of land, that is. mostly they would set up on much smaller islands and atolls, which would mostly be used for manufacturing or more technical jobs that required being done in the air. they really just needed the space, not anything specific already on the land itself, and the space was all functional, very little exploration or relaxation areas. sometimes these were used specifically to produce novelty items or experiences, but usually this didn't go much further than exploring the uniqueness of being in open air for the first time, and wasn't really pursued as much more than that.
so merfolk still knew the land was important and needed for ecological functioning - something they had learned the hard way, after an earlier period in their history pre-unifying government became known for a particular and acute ecological disaster, felt even harder by all merfolk on account of the properties of water and everyone living in the ocean. they view the land as functional in its own right - a needed recycling facility that operates itself and helps keep them alive, and one in a place that they had no interest in and could set aside for such tasks.
they also knew there was life up there, even intelligent life, but considering the period in time when merfolk ceased interacting with land-based societies, and the predominant view that what makes something sapient for them being a multiplicity and plural nature to it, on top of the complex interweave of language and meaning, they basically just viewed it as "smart animals". i've compared it before to like if we actually discovered warrior cats was real and there was a population of feral cats in a national park that had their own tiny society. it's interesting, for sure, but it wouldn't be the kind of thing that they might feel too passionately about, and can easily pass it off as a curiosity and a thought experiment all of its own.
the fact that this has changed at all, and especially in such a small time frame and with such major turnaround and abrupt interest in the outer governing body is actually really odd, and a major question and mystery in what i'm writing! the starting interest happened only just in the previous generation, and now they're making major steps towards introducing themselves to land-based civilizations in just miranda's generation, even to the point of sending her inland as an ambassador and an active participant in this shift.
most people on the land already knew that someone was in the ocean and actively preventing anyone else from crossing it or even getting particularly close, but they had no context for this any more than anyone else, and thus they might not raise as many questions about why this is happening than they should, especially since they don't know merfolk history. even most merfolk don't necessarily have all of the details of this shift, but they do know more than nothing, and certainly can note how odd it is and how weird such a change is.
likewise, neither civilization has very much to accommodate for the other, given as they barely even knew of each other by the time they were already designing how it was laid out, so the issues humans have accessing merfolk spaces is at least mutual, if nothing else. it's also something very likely to change over time, depending on how said first contact goes.
#all the care guide says is 'biomass'#asks#brothermanwill#theres also the aspect of. said governmental body enforcing that border and ban on contact#and majorly affecting the history and development of everyone else who wasnt a merfolk#because the ocean is now entirely inaccessible#many empires have ceased to exist because Oops You Need Naval Power For That#many places dependent on fishing have also vanished too tbh-#most of humanity's big cities and cutting edge technology is confined the usual river valleys#and other towns and cities exist but they are much less interconnected and have much more varying levels of whats available#the only way ''over'' the oceans is through setting up teleportation gates with everything they need on both ends#because making flying machines just. ah. results in them vanishing and Never Coming Back#but also yeah unless you use magic theres just no way down to most merfolk areas if you dont breathe water#theyre fairly deep too. even the more shallow settlements are very much deeper than most humans are ready for#and only those island stations are anywhere that you might be able to regularly return to the surface from#theres also the issue of magic which is. another reason why a waterbreathing spell isnt Easy#magic and especially magic that affects the body is so complicated and so easy to mess up#and when it messes up. it messes up Bad.#anyhow thank you for the question!! i am. chatty.#the gorgons who settled underwater just live like merfolk tbh#and thus their opinions arent really meaningfully different#i dont think they even know there are gorgons inland tbh. not sure they would care if they did.
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bmpmp3 · 10 months
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trying out a new type of watercolour paper so dave gets to be my guinea pig
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bunnihearted · 3 months
the earth is getting hotter and hotter and nobody's doing anything about it but im misanthropic and depressive because i can see nothing that inspires hope 🤙
#sure... we CAN stop it...#but... most ppl are denying climate chrisis.... most ppl in the world are currently voting for rightists#(who are all against making improvements and trying to stop our imminent demise)#in fact.. ppl are voting for rightists and the right are making decisions that only accelerates global warming......#ppl in general dont care nor believe in this chrisis.. outside i often overhear ppl's convos and they say stuff like#'those crazy environmentalist freaks' 💀#and yk those few protestors that do that thing where they lie down on roads and stuff to cause an interruptance in trafic....#they're constantly verbally assaulted but also physically assaulted and run over#by ppl who just fkn HAVE TO GET TO THEIR 9-5!!! or they'll explode bc they loooove working sm#yeah i just dont know... tbh i think soooo many ppl#are like just plain dumb... there is hope if we actually decide to fkn do smth#but just putting your head in the sand and go lalalalal hha peace and love on earth humanity is amazing omg i love ppl 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 wont do sh#now you're just being childish and toxic and fake 🥴#ppl dont even wanna make small changes in their everyday lives for the environment... nobody is ready nor willing to do real things to chan#bc im sorry but skipping around and being a positive little uwu bean is just harmful.. bc theyre not acknowledging reality#and reality is that the earth is getting so fucking hot and it is only getting hotter and there is bno hope in sight#bc ppl are destined to be fucking stupid!!!!#i mean what if ALL of us just simply refused to participate in society?#ppl everywhere all over the world should just go outside and sit down and refuse to contribute to capitalism and the#then* force politicians into taking action#the issue with this? nobody fkn cares! nobody wants to do anything#the earth is being killed. but nobody believes in it bc they just think it's 'conspiratory bullshit' ....#so yeah ofc u can walk around and go nooooo dont hate humanity! we CAN stop it uwu 🥰👍#ummm ok so then why arent anyone doing shit? theyre all still travelling and working and caring abt dumb shit and going to concerts and buy#ng too much and throwing away food and riding their cars everywhere and just fkn doing soooo much damage to the earth in every single littl#thing they do...... they dont care.#plussss dont y'all know that environmental activists are like straight up murdered? bc they're capitalist enemy no 1.#in south america they'll kill CHILDREN who are dedicating their entire lives to fight for the earth...#if u even mention the global warming thing to normal ppl out in the world they'll sigh and shake their heads and tell u to stop being so dr#dramatic*
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socksandbuttons · 11 months
I feel like such, and I mean SUCH a wasted opportunity and potential for KC as a character. Multiple times where I felt like it just so off about how he’s been handle and how it ended. You mean to tell me, this man right here has just gotten his redemption to being good, gone for a few months away from us to see how he’s doing only for us to see one last time before he got straight kill by his own Bloody Son? I mean yeah sure, Im driven for angst but the way they did it for his death just felt not earn, i dont know how to explain it. Im glad that KC at least acknowledge about Bloodmoon’s whole issue but to just die afterwards?? And that’s it?? Yeah ok, he’s a pacifist now and a good guy, but he’s still can defend himself. Maybe came out injured from the fight but still alive. But no…. He just die. Thats it
I cant help but feel like they have been just like, throwing KC’s character around. They either dont know what to do or have other plans for him, but just the way it’s been handle it just. I dont know I gotten a whole rant about this.
I remember when they said that Moon will give KC a proper body but apparently Moon never made that happen. Now, I wanna give the showrunner the benefit of a doubt and cut them some slack cuz Im sure they have other things to do beside the show to even remember that
Idk what else to say. I know for sure there are a lot more in my mind abt this but I cant type it all out atm so take it as you will
Oh yeah no I do feel they didn't know what to do with him other than have him come in once a while and felt the death necessary rather than use him more. (The two voice actors for Sun and Moon have like three channels.) I do feel they haven't been too consistent anyway with KC (the rush of a redemption, no seeming closure for somethings, etc. I could be missing something but yeah) They could've had him for the current astral plot (Given he has star knowledge and *harnessing its power*) PLUS Earth's situation about her feelings about the Creator (I'll keep bringing it up, but Deliberately MADE to be a killing machine is right in her face. I know she has Forgor but once again her whole Need to know and uncomfortable with being out of loop. Her entire encounter with KC would be such a haze to her it'd definitely bother her enough.) KC isn't the first example of not using a character to its full (Solar Flare and Even first Bloodmoon. Literally... literally was taught magic and thats never brought up again). It's also just how numbers work on the channel too. They take most review from youtube and discord from what I understand and from what I see there is a difference with majority and what we're saying most of the time. Lunar was brought back cause he was rather popular already (also he wasn't fully killed either in the same episode).
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themyscirah · 11 months
When you start anthropomorphizing the green lantern rings 😘💚✌️
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coridallasmultipass · 23 days
Finally got around to buying the Nikke profile stickers I want since I keep drawing dupes! Bought all the Bow Wow Paradise ones!! It was one of my fave events bc I love dogs and dog girls and Happy Zoo and ESPECIALLY Biscuit so much. As you can see, I got all the 'dog' girls as my showcase team, too, lol:
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Also, as an aside, I just got a new personal record in Overclock at level 16!! Which is why I remembered I needed to edit my profile when I went to check if it changed to 16 (I think I was at 12 maybe last time they ran Overclock in the Simulation Room).
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#nikke#biscuit nikke#dog girls#nikke goddess of victory#goddess of victory: nikke#side note i wish they gave the header icons for crossover events bc i have A2 fully kitted out and maxxed out#i mean. i still dunno anything about her besides the event in nikke but shes literally my top fighter lol biscuit is number 2#(but biscuit is number one in my heart)#i forget was i tagging these posts with my Plays tags?#Cori Plays Nikke#Cori.exe#Image.exe#Post.exe#wait shit i just realized leona is technically a dog girl too i JUST got her recently so this whole time i thought she was a fox girl#(bc of her colour palette)#i think in either her character story or in general counseling session she mentioned being a wolf#its just. who do i kick off the lineup then#like biscuit and liter are 100% set. jackal is ehh but always called a dog and bites a lot so. red hood has the whole wolf symbolism.#and poli... i cant take poli off bc the dog girl allegations are just too fucking funny#hmm i guess whoever i draw again between leona and jackal i will choose to keep there#bc ive had jackal on my wishlist since d outsiders and only drew her ONCE. i need to complete Exotic in my regular team hffff#i have too many tetras i havent drawn yet so i dont think leona is even on the wishlist any more im going for completion of roster first#(rip to all the event nikkes i missed ughhh)#but yeah. whoever gets the first star will earn jackals spot then out of fairness#i unfortunately missed a lot of potential leona pulls bc of a health emergency when her event was running ugh#but yeah. thats my post. i love dog girls. (and dog boys ofc but thats in a diff game lol)#also. man i need to find a new union. i think most ppl arent active any more and it did not have that name when i joined lol#oh just in case so i wont have to edit again if i wasnt using spaces:#CoriPlaysNikke
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crispyjenkins · 9 months
welcome to cj/crispy's bi-yearly ptsd rant about fireworks, you are all safe and valid here and i am mentally giving out juice boxes and animal crackers
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shmaroace · 2 years
if you support aspecs but you think some of the microlabels aren't valid because they're too niche or weird then you don't actually support aspecs !!
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fvckednddistvrbed · 2 months
i ate a lot today, not as much as other days, but still im disappointed with myself and starting to feel sick. why cant i be good at restriction? god this makes me wanna sh so fucking bad
#tw s3lf harm#i dont even feel sick from eating too much like usual#its like the feeling of food in my stomach is making my throat feel tight and its activating my gag reflex a bit so i feel like im gonna tu#tw 3d shit#tw 3d vent#3d ana#not exactly pro a*a but not anti either.. :/#i want to post more in this community and get mutuals and get help with navigating this whole thing but im scared cause ive seen#so many people have their whole accounts deleted and i think i would actually kms if that happened since ive had my main for like 8 years#and to be clear im very pro recovery#which i know i know conflicts with the whole wanting mutuals to *help* me with an ed and not help me to *not* have an ed#i think everyone deserves to recover and i hope i do but right now is just not fucking it for me#so for not its a whole lotta#male thinpo#slef harm#right and i definitely cant talk about being b p d uncensored or ill get reported cause the b*d community is super toxic but in the way that#slef harm and scars are chillin but eds are actually a real struggle™️ and you should have it in secret like everyone else#not to generalize all pw b*pd obviously many and probably most arent like this#but tumblr is a very concentrated dose of that kinda person and its sad for us pw b*pd that are both kinds of toxic LMAO#i joke of course#anyway yeah pro recovery for sure but not currently in recovery#ana moots#body chex#someone who could help with that maybe idk im also kinda shy so maybe just someone to help me with restrictions and staying accountable#at least for now#also if you sh all the better cause i will wanna talk about that too#also to clarify my earlier statement 'not pro a*a' means i dont think and 3d is a lifestyle and i recognize that im sick#but 'not exactly anti' means im not going to avoid these communities or report people in them for being pro#because thats about as effective as throwing out an addicts stash or hiding sharp objects from a chronic sh'r- theyll still find a way#and probably way easier and faster than you think and theyll feel even more alienated and less inclined to seek help
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bendybonesss · 1 year
may or may not get mobbed for this but i feel like the yellow guy age debate is too black & white ....... "4 year old or 40 year old, make your choice now" or we could . like . chill out
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irregodless · 3 months
inside out 2 is interesting but it sure is the exact same plot as inside out 1 down to the emotions getting stranded outside hq as a core aspect of rileys isbeliminated and having to start from scratch while joy loses hope and cries while watching memories in a pile of memories that were deemed unimportant before being deus ex machinad by an imaginary cartoon
#inside out 2 spoilers#except joy has not learned her lesson about all emotions and memories being valuable and that she is not in charge#of making the call of which emotions are important. she builds her team up by emphasizing the good they do for riley#and continues to be an absolute control freak who puts an emphasis on her own importance seeming to have learned very little#some could argue that the emotions arent distinct enough or are even too nebulous to be their own emotions#and according to many theories in the subject all emotions come from combining multiple of the core emotions#which is why having nostalgia show up for a gag was... interesting. considering the first movie literally showed us joy and sadness memorie#create nostalgic ones. otherwise i mostly just feel like theyre too disparate and am still shocked how joy is like. the only positive#emotion. period.#anyway yeah it kinda underminded the first movies thesis that all emotions are important and helpful by making anxiety basically plain bad#even despite her explanations of why shes good. like she drops her memory in the sense of self and it immediately sprouts ominously#like idk maybe im just quibbling over foreshadowing in a childrens movie but to keep in line with that original thesis#wouldnt it make more sense to get more corrupt only as anxiety continues to flood it with only her emotion#like basing your entire sense of self and personality/beliefs around one emotion entirely is extremely unhealthy#and like it starts normal and gets more erratic as anxiety becomes the ONLY contributing factor. its probably not that important#okay so joy learns her lesson about the memories. but its still like. girl did you not already basically learn this before
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