#but you don't need to be so afraid of your emotions. everyone has them and accepting that they happen is important
queenscodex · 2 years
Congrats on 700!! You deserve it <33
For the event ;;
15/First realization they love you with Jamil, Rook & Riddle!!
First realization they love you
Charatcers: Riddle, Jamil, Rook
- Gender Neutral reader
- Headcanons & Scenario
700 followers event
I really enjoyed making these. Also I don't think the others are going to be as long as these, I'm still experimenting around and got carried away-
I wrote these in the middle of the night- idk what was running through my brain at that time- these are probably bad aaaaa
Riddle Rosehearts
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Riddle never understood what love was, it was something he has always observed and noted from afar. Seeing people enact affection with each other easily made him stick out his tongue at the scene. What was so appealing about it, he would wonder
Yet now he has a partner, someone who has accepted him despite being the acclaimed 'crimson tyrant.' And now he's starting to see things through a different view.
Still he was cautious, but he did know that he liked you; however, in his eyes love was a big word and should be used sparingly.
The moment of change came when he was taking care of the hedgehogs along with his partner. It was amongst his favorite ways to pass the time during his scarce moments of freetime; the moment was only amplified with his partner being there to share that rare moment together
As his partner played with the little creatures, Riddle couldn't help but fixate his gaze on them, his eyes captivated by the sight. That's when it dawned on him that he has never shared such a moment with anyone else. Everyone else were all afraid of him but not you. You opened your arms and heart to him. And as he continued to stare, he suddenly felt a stronger emotion fill his chest.
It was late within the Heartslabyul dorm, many students were preparing for a night's rest whilst others did some last minute studying.
But for their dorm leader, he did neither. Instead, he took the opportunity to spend some well needed leisure time in the garden of the dorm. The garden was lush in greenery, trees and bushes scattered around with little roses painted the way he wanted. It was perfect.
But that was the least of his concerns. Instead his focus was fixated on the person in front him, you. In your lap lay a small little hedgehog no bigger than your hand; the creature attempted to snuggle into the fabrics of your shirt, causing you to burst into little fits of laughter. Riddle's eyes soften at the sound of your giggles, reaching his ears like little soft tunes. A smile pierced his usually cold expression as he observed the interaction between the two.
A month, that's how long he has been dating you. It went by in a blur but he can still recall every moment clearly. Yet despite that, he was yet to come to terms with his feelings. 'I like you, I like you, I like you,' his mind would sing to him whenever he saw you. Love was yet to be mentioned. The word was enough to make his cheeks burn hot, turning into the same shade of his hair. However, he wasn't sure about it, not yet at least. Growing up, the redhead had never had a clear understanding of love, being sheltered by his mother his whole life he was deprived of such feelings. But he isn't with his mother anymore and he wanted to decide for himself.
Riddle tore his eyes away from the hedgehog, turning his gaze on your face instead. He took note of the many details on your face; how your mouth widened when you laughed, the way your eyes wrinkled whenever you were excited- he was captivated by it all.
'Strange', he thought to himself, his gaze remaining unchanged. Now that he recalls, he has never shared a moment like this with anyone before. Tending to the hedgehogs was a task he often did by himself with the exception of Trey who offered a hand from time to time. Yet this felt different to him. He started craving moments like these, wanting to spend more time with it even though his responsibilities as a dorm leader could pull him awhile at any given moment.
But why? He tended to the hedgehogs so many times before, why was it so yearning now? Was it because he was spending it with another person? He has done so in the past and had been void of this feeling, so what was different? Yes- you were his partner, it did leave him wanting to spend more time with you but the intensity was much greater, it caused butterflies to fly in his stomach.
The more he thought of it, the more he started to feel a fickle of emotions dance within his chest. The feeling was something unfamiliar to him, strange and foreign but not entirely unwelcome either. It was warm and made his heart flutter in ways never before. 'What is this?' He questioned. His brows furrowed in frustration as he was unable to understand these emotions.
" Riddle?"
Your voice lulled him out of his thoughts. His eyes widened as he met your stare, a perplexed look drawn on your features. "Are you alright? You seem distracted by something." You inquired, your attention no longer placed on the hedgehog at your lap.
Riddle's gaze softened, a smile replacing his surprised one. "Ah- it was nothing, no need to worry." Although his response was short, it was enough to satisfy you and so your attention shifted back to the creature on your lap.
Unbeknownst to you, Riddle continued to stare, his eyes once again taking in the details- how your hair moved in the breeze, how gentle your fingers were with the delicate body of the hedgehog, how you gazed at him with nothing but care and devotion. You truly weren't afraid of him, you've accepted him, his flaws and everything.
Closing his eyes, Riddle allowed the emotions to dwindle his chest, finally coming to terms with it.
It was love
Jamil Viper
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Love was something that felt so far for Jamil. He was accustomed to having everything he wanted going to those of a higher status to him, wealthier. Luckier. He had grown use to this however, rarely reacting whenever something was taken from him- he knew he couldn't fight it as much he wished
But somehow, amongst it all, he found a partner, something he thought would not be possible considering his situation. It was rare opportunity and Jamil took it
Like Riddle, he doesn't fling around words like 'love' often. He finds it to be a form of weakness and vulnerability, something he dislikes being seen as. Still, he was interested in you, and was curious to what this new profound relationship may blossom into. Despite that, he still kept his emotions in check, always in tune with what he was feeling.
The moment of change came when his partner took the time out of their day to take care of him, acts of service to put it simply. For Jamil, he was so used to taking care of himself and doing work for others- that having another person to do it felt strange.
He resisted at first, but had to cave in as you were relentless about helping him. That was foreign to him, but he wasn't against it either- if anything it felt refreshing to be able to rely on someone else other than himself.
And as you worked away, making him little foods and getting him as relaxed as possible to receive some proper rest- along with the fact that you're doing this because you wanted too- Jamil swore his heart exploded, leaving a new feeling behind in its place.
Jamil let out a long sigh laced with exhaustion as he placed the bowl formly filled with shawarma in the sink beside the other clutter of dishes. His eyes bored onto the mess in front of him, more stuff to be cleaned and the responsibility fell onto his hands. But being a servant his whole life he had become used to doing the many tedious tasks that the dorm asked of him- even if it boiled his blood.
Wiping the sweat off his forehead, Jamil got to work on the dishes, turning the sink handle and allowing the cold water to rush out. Diligently, he picked up the glass plates and got to work on cleaning them. With each plate and silverware, his fingers grew fatigued, endlessly weaving through the dishes; but Jamil knew he couldn't stop, he was a servant- this was his job.
"Jamil!" A voice called out, bouncing off the kitchen walls. Jamil nearly dropped the plate in his hands when the voice hit his ears, catching him off guard. Your head was peeking around the corner of the corridor leading to the kitchen, your eyes glancing around for your boyfriend.
A smile quickly curled onto your lips as you spotted him, still working away on the dishes in front of him. However your smile quivered into a frown as you took note of how his shoulder drooped, no doubt being from the endless work Kalim puts him through. " You know Jamil, you've done a lot today, why don't you take a break?" You said, noting how his slow movements. Jamil waved off your concerns with a flick of his wrist.
" Not now," was all he replied, his voice curt and blunt.
That wasn't good enough for you however, and with a puff, you pulled on his arm, dragging him away to a nearby couch. " Gah- y/n-!" Jamil protested his arms flailing around momentarily, attempting to pry away from your grasp, but you continued to hold on tightly.
" You are going to sit down and rest for a bit!" You stated, sitting him down on the couch. Jamil scoffed, going to get up but was immediately blocked by you; the action caused him to click his tongue in annoyance. Your eyes softened, your stern look being replaced by a worried one. "Jamil, your eyes are dropping, when was the last time you properly slept?"
He gave no response to that, he knew you were right to a degree. Instead he opted to brush off the question and he chided back with, " I need to finish cleaning dishes, then do kalims Landry, I don't have time for this y/n."
" I'll do it." Your reply was swift, causing him to pause in his tracks. " But first, I'm going to make you some sandwiches and see to it that you rest. I can deal with Kalim."
Jamil attempted to protest again, but alas all his sentences were rebuttal by you. And whenever he tried to get up, he was promptly sat back down, earning a glare from your end. As much as he tried to fight against it, your relentless nature forced him into defeat. So he sat there, resorting to watch you work instead. 'You shouldn't be lifting a finger' he thought, clicking his tongue again as he watched you piece together a sandwich. As you went to slice the sandwich into parts you heard your boyfriend call from behind, "You're going to cut yourself, let me to do it."
If anything that only made you upset, can't you do anything nice for your boyfriend? "Jamil, please let me do this, it pains me to see you overwork yourself. For once, allow someone else to take care of you, okay? And if I cut my finger then you can scold me all you want. Just… let me do this for you, please."
Jamil remained silent, unable to find a good response to that- knowing you'll just find a way to prove him wrong again. And with that you continued to make the sandwich. Meanwhile your words repeated in his head. He was bewildered and in disbelief at first. 'I'm just a servant, I was not meant to have this' the thought ran through his head like a plague. He was so used to taking care of others that the actions of someone doing that to him felt so odd and strange. But yet there you were, adamant on doing something for him, disproving all his initial thoughts. Although abnormal, he couldn't lie, it felt nice to rely on someone else even for a split second.
'They want to take care of me' that easily made Jamil snicker in amusement, he was still coming to terms with that reality. But as much as he shook his head at the idea, that didn't mask the little feeling growing his chest ever so suddenly.
He was drawn out of his thoughts as you approached him with a tray of sandwiches in hand. " Why are you doing this?" He asked, eyeing the sandwiches- sandwiches made for him and him alone, by your hand.
" Huh? Well, I care about you! You are always doing something for someone, it's time someone repaid that." The feeling in his chest only intensified at your words. He could feel his heart swell as well, a sensation that had only occurred a few times prior but none as similar to this. It was as though little butterflies rushed within him, each presenting a different and new emotion.
You took one of the sandwiches, inching it to his mouth. " Now come on, eat. I'll even feed you~" You cooed teasingly. Jamil blush a deep crimson red as he gazed away in embarrassment; however, he couldn't mask the rhythm of his heart increasing, a new form of warmth sprouting with each beat.
Rook Hunt
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Let's be real for a quick second, Rook was probably already in love with you prior to the relationship! When he gets with someone, it's with the intentions of loving them dearly and serenading them in lots of affection
His whole character and personality is based on romance after all; reciting love poems, stories and little phrases all tied into the concept in some way.
Rook is also someone who is very very in tune with their emotions as well. So when he feels a bubbly feeling dwelling in his chest, he already knows what it is without question. He doesn't fight it either, becoming enamored with the feelings dancing within his chest
So I think what would make him realize he's in love is when his partner expresses that they accept him and all his dramatic gestures- that he's perfect. Rook is aware that he can ramble off, and that often annoys other students. He knows this but shrugs it off- however, with his partner, deep down he hopes that they won't find it annoying. That he isn't too much
And there you are, someone who accepts his endless rambles and even hold open arms towards it, easily making his heart skip a beat. You were never annoyed or bored by him, even laughing along. Rook craves that.
And when you tell him that he's perfect, he could feel that warm feeling in his chest tingle, and he already knew what it was
Rook was all too familiar with stares. Being the vice leader of Pomefiore among other things, he was guaranteed to gain some curious looks from other students. Rook wasn't against it, in fact he was also very observant of other students, often prying into the personal gossip of their lives.
But the stares he received weren't always one of curiosity or admiration. Some were a glance of irritation. Displeasure. Annoyance.
Rook was a man of many words, perhaps too many words in the eyes of other students. He was known to go off on tangents on his interest, his mouth finding new terms to produce even if he had been rambling for hours. His words were also sophisticated, mixing two languages together to form a complicated sentence- one many can not easily decipher. Not to mention his use of nicknames, having a unique one for each student who happens to cross paths with him. Many found this annoying. And Rook wasn't oblivious to this either, fully aware of their view on him; however, it was always met by a shrug on his end. He didn't care.
The hunter let out a sigh as he headed to his next class, though he stopped on his tracks when he heard a faint "Rook" call from behind him. The voice was familiar, belonging to none other than his partner, perhaps among the only few who were able to tolerate his nature- yet, he was still cautious, observant to what may happen.
With a turn on his heel, he was met with your gaze, a smile decorating your features. " Found you!" You giggled, skipping over to him.
The hunter let out a hefty laugh, a smile growing on his own lips. " Ah mon Cheri, it seems you have." He rested one hand on his chest while the other was outstretched beside him, forming one of his ever popular dramatic gestures.
Your giggles only continued in response. The sound reached Rook's ears, feeling like little melodies kissing the tips of his lobes. " Ah- always full of surprises, you truly are a trickster, my dear. Even I have fallen prey to your traps and still you continue to capture me with that beautiful face of yours, unscathed by your tactics. Your skin is still glowing as ever, and your eyes twinkle, reminiscent of the stars dancing in the night sky. So captivating." More words continued to fall from his lips, even when his mouth ran dry he had something to say.
You felt your face grow hot at his compliments as a sheepish smile crept its way to your lips. You looked away shyly, your gaze fixating on your shoes instead. Rook took immediate notice of this, his words coming to an abrupt stop. " Ah my apologies, mon cheri. I mustn't ramble too much, lest risk your ears falling off." He felt a heavy pang settle in his chest, it seems he got his own partner to be exhausted of his ramblings; however, he hid this with chuckle with a forced smile stretching on his lips.
" No, not at all!" You scrambled to say, your hands going to grab his. " Actually," you started your voice trailing off almost as though you were embarrassed. " I don't mind your constant rambling. I'm just not used to being complimented so much, you're the first to ever say such sweet things about me. And you always have something to say about the things you like, whether it be poetry or hunting." The blush on your face only grew brighter as you spoke.
" I like that about you."
Rook felt his eyes widened at the words that slipped from you, his breath hitching in his throat. The dreaded feeling in his chest evaporated and instead was placed with an emotion unfamiliar to him. Rook didn't have to question it, he already knew what it was. Still the feeling played along the surface of his heart, your words still echoing in his ears.
A rare smile danced on his lips. A genuine smile- not one of manipulation, wishing to gain something or with an ulterior motive. It was one of pure bliss, warmth reflecting off his features. Taking your hand, he brought it to his lips, placing a tender kiss to the knuckle. The action caused you eclict a little laugh. That only intensified the feeling in his chest.
Rook closed his eyes, continuing to take in your giggles while also immersing himself within the emotions. Although it was foreign, he accepted it with open arms just as you had with him. Like a flower, it planted within his heart and blossomed throughout his body, kissing each flaw and imperfection he had.
He was sure of what it was, and he made an oath to never let that feeling go. Love. That was something he will now fight for, even if others stare down at him with disapproval. As long as you're there in the end to open your heart to him, then Rook will sacrifice anything.
" Ah, mon cheri. You have no idea of the effect your words have on my heart."
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saatorubby · 2 years
Dorm leaders dating headcanons
Summary: how dorm leaders are in a relationship.
Pairings: dorm leaders x reader
A/n: part two with vice dorm leaders. Not edited.
Warnings: emotional abuse, inferiority complex, body image issues, trust issues.
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Riddle Rosehearts
At the start of your relationship, riddle is very courteous and gentlemanly, he has to have everything perfect.
He may come off as distant at first but trust me he is trying his best :)
But with time, he opens up to you a lot, about his height insecurities and about his previous trauma with his mother.
He wants to do everything with you that he missed as a child.
You two do amusement park dates, tea parties and eat a unhealthy about of sweets (you have to convince him to do that, though it's not very hard).
You sometimes hear him cry at night, he is plagued by nightmares.
Sometimes you even hear him mumble "yes, mother." as he cries.
It breaks your heart to heart the one you love so much cry because of his mother
A woman who was supposed to love him the most. Makes you want to have a few words with her just to tell her about how you exactly feel about her.
But you don't want to upset riddle.
Now on the lighter note, he loves cuddling.
And he doesn't like pda very much. Ace and deuce's teasing makes him embarrassed and he wants to off with your head them but he has changed so he restrains himself.
All in all very sweet and cute in a relationship.
"You are the light of my life, y/n."
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Leona kingscholar
Leona is very lazy.
Now that being said we can start with that two of you don't go out very much. He likes to have his love life private.
Something he can't have as the second prince of sunset savanna.
But still, he tries. Even if you two do go out there has to be guards with you.
So you don't and nap together.
Leona likes to cuddle obviously. He makes you his personal body pillow and you can't get out.
So now you are stuck with this overgrown cat clinging onto you, both of you skipping classes.
He looks very pretty when he sleeps, very calm. Which in turns calms you down enough of doze off as well.
Now botanical garden has become both of your spot. With ruggie usually third wheeling
The things he does for money, he said one day with a sigh.
You probably don't meet leona's family after a long while in your relationship.
He has insecurity issues with his brother and absolutely refuses to let them meet you, unless he's about to propose.
He fears you'll choose them over him. Like everyone else.
He doesn't want that, the thought alone of you leaving him keeps him up at night, and we all know how much he loves his sleep.
So unless he's very sure and secure in you relationship you won't meet farena and his sister-in-law.
"You are my number one, herbivore, you always will be."
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Azul Ashengrotto
Like riddle, Azul can come off as distant but gentlemanly at first, but because he has trust issues.
He has had bad experiences with relationships before, while he does likes you very much, he is still hesistant.
He is the perfect gentleman at first, treating you to mostro lounge's finest, paying for it and everything.
You two go to the beach for dates, but early in your relationship, he doesn't show you his mer form.
He's had body image issues since he was a child, and won't let you in until much later in your relationship.
The thing he was most afraid of is for you to judge him too.
For once, just once he wants to loved and needed for who he is.
Not for his extraordinary abilities as a mage or his strong octo-merman abilities, just for being azul ashengrotto.
He has never been loved like that before.
After the two of you become close enough, he lets his guards down, he lets you in.
And if you betray him at this point, he doesn't know if he will be able to recover from that.
Azul has very clingy side that he doesn't show you very much, only when he get tired from endless paperwork for mostro lounge.
He refuses to let you up from his lap. If you try, his grip become stronger and stronger with every try, until you give in.
He is a classic guy. He'll take you to romantic fancy restaurant dates, beach walks and will show you his favorite place underwater.
"What do you want to do next, my angelfish?"
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Kalim Al-Asim
Kalim is very excited, honestly he likes you so much.
He wants to do everything with you! Host a party, dance, sing and go on the magic carpet ride.
He loves inviting you over to his dorm and just sing and dance until you are both too tired to take even a step more.
He sometimes when jamil is not watching will cook for you. His food doesn't taste best but he puts all of his heart into it, that's what makes it very nice.
He is kinda cheesy, he tells you to open your mouth so he can feed you~
You do so with an amused expression.
Whenever two of you are together jamil's blood pressure goes up. He goes into full mom mode.
He just can't- "what now background character scarab A? KALIM AND Y/N ARE WHERE NOW?"
Kailm may not admit it out loud, but things with jamil had left him with severe trust issues.
Though that is not saying he doesn't trust, he does, but he is a lot more careful now than he had been before jamli's...episode.
He is just glad that you are here with him now, he just needed someone to listen to him all this while.
Kalim is way more perceptive emotion-vise than anyone in the goddamn (emotionally stunted) school.
He can guess with scary accuracy about how you are feeling.
Sometimes makes you wonder if his UM is really oasis maker and not something mind-reading relegated.
Kalim is a very sweet guy and people give him less credit than he deserves.
"Do wanna come over for the weekend party, y/n!?"
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Vil schoenheit
Vil is very sweet underneath the strict exterior.
He loves having spa days and movie nights with you. He also takes you to premiers of his new movies.
Your and vil's relationship will be very public weather you like it or not.
And you're gonna get hater from a few of his rather rabid fangirls.
But don't worry, there are a lot of people who would want for you be together. You are as the otp for some of them.
Rook is your #1 supporter.
Also epel is kinda weirded out that one of his best friend is daing his dorm leader and overbearing mentor.
He might stay away for a while, working on a movie or a modelling gig. Both of you miss each other very much.
He gifted you a jewellery box to remind you of him, in case you miss him too much.
During VDC, he tried to keep you away from Neige.
He doesn't want him anywhere near you. But deep inside he is worried that you'll choose him to be the hero of your story.
He doesn't want him to be the hero for once, just for once he wants to be the prince charming
So he tries to keep you away from beige at all costs that didn't work out because rook.
"We can watch that movie next, beautiful."
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Idia shroud
Idia is socially awkward.
That being said, most of your dates are in either his or in your rooms.
He also loves to ramble about his newest hyper fixation. But only when both of you are alone.
He lets you wear his hoodie all the time my heart. And he loves when you wear it too.
Both of you cosplay as idia's otp, he blushes when you of looking like this protagonist of the he was just watching omg someone save him pls.
Blushes around you even after a while in your relationship, it's not bad as it used to be when y'all first stated but still pretty bad.
Sometimes he gets very busy, with his family business and dorm leader duties that have been thrust on him.
But he tries to make as much time for you as possible. Even cutting time from playing this game has a limited-time event going on.
When he does want to take you for special occasions like birthdays and anniversaries, he straight-up books the whole restaurant or whatever venue you are going to.
He loves to spoil you too.
You get the latest tech that Jupiter corps is gonna release, early, like a month or so early.
When you ask to do his hair, he reluctantly lets you do so, but with many complaints.
But istg he looks so pretty with a braid
"Fine! but don't put the butterfly hair clips like last time, y/n!"
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Malleus draconia
Ah yes, the dragon boyfriend.
Let's start with malleus being a lot little clueless about human customs.
So he tries to court you dragon fae style. Which doesn't really works out since he gives you very precious jewels and jewellery from his hoard.
You politely refuse to accept them since they probably cost much more than your whole existence. You don't know that he is trying to court you.
Malleus nearly burns the school down with how big the thunderstorm has been summoned because of his mood.
He is very pouty.
So of course, the great matchmaker, Lilia Vanrouge have to intervene. He tells malleus about human dating.
Malleus is like :o
Next time he just straight up asks you out. Like literally no hesitation, with straight est face possible.
When you two are together, he is the softest boy possible.
Please tell him about all of your interests, he loves to hear you talk.
No matter how tall you are, you are not tall for this man, you will drown in his clothes.
He finds it adorable how small you look in his clothes.
Gives you flowers.
Not like I got this bouquet for you from this fancy place, no.
Like I saw this on a bush on my way and though it was pretty so I got it for you.
Gives you headpats.
Omg night picnics.
Laying on a picnic blanket, with assortments of food. Stargazing with malleus, hand to hand as he stares at you, with softest eyes and smile, instead of stars
"Child of man, my grandmother had sent a packet of rose seeds for you too."
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hanitarot · 2 years
Your vibe
Who are you?
Pac #5
hello everyone. Choose a picture that resonates with you. If you feel that the description does not suit you, please choose another one. Sorry for my bad english-
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Pile 1
Hi group 1, I already really like you. I see you as those who are very smart. You can look at the situation from the outside and think sensibly. You have a lively mind and you always succeed in everything. You are one of those who constantly take on a lot of things as actively and energetically as possible, you have great taste, you can also get involved in art. You are open and talkative. Also, many people think you are hot. You have a very attractive beauty, you can have delicate or delicate features. Your body is also very sexy, as if it produces pheromones for others. Be careful because many people envy you.
I think you are one of entp, estj, entj, isfp, istj, intp
enneagrams: 8, 6, 1, 3, 4
aura: red, orange, blue, purple
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Pile 2
hello my lovely guys. Today I have warm weather, just like you. Your aura is very calming, you are warm and cheerful. You are like a warm but strong wind. You are a bit like Group 1. You are extremely energetic, do fun things, are not afraid to do stupid things. But I see that you don't let anyone help you. You are always ready to help everyone, but you yourself do not accept help. You love companies. You are very sensual and emotional, you express everything freely and openly. You are someone who is proactive and always has a fire in his eyes.
You pretty much remind me of esfp, estp, enfp and enfj
enneagram: 2, 7, 1
aura: yellow, light blue, pink
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Pile 3
Heelllooo. Again we have quite an active group. You are positive and love to enjoy life. But you differ from groups 1 and 2 in that you are more spiritual and dreamy. You are sooo creative, so I'm not surprised you can live in your head. You may have hobbies such as drawing, reading, also tarot or astrology. You like to see the world differently than it really is, which can make you have rose-colored glasses. You remind me a little of fairies, you might be into the idea of ​​herbs or similar aesthetics. You are not too social, you have enough of those who are nearby, you do not need an active social life. I find it wonderful. Most likely you have a dream or a goal, I wish you good luck and faith in yourself, because it will come true.
You remind me of isfj, infj, isfp, istp and infp. enneagrams 4, 3, 6, 9
aura: green, light yellow, purple
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Pile 4
Hi, I see something between group 3 and 1. You are definitely those who are ready to give a lot for their ideals and opinions. But I don't think it's bad. You are someone who is willing to sacrifice yourself for the sake of others or your goals. You give yourself completely to every task. You seem very strong to me. You are also very gentle and caring. To be honest, you remind me a bit of a mother or a woman to follow, no matter what gender you are. In fact, it seems to me that many people see you differently than you really are. No one can describe what you have inside, and you probably don’t understand yourself? You may resent people or your life because you put in a lot of effort, but things don't go the way you'd like them to. Let it go. Be yourself. Is this the only one of all the groups that is difficult for me to describe, because there are those who cannot understand themselves? My cards say that after you let go of everything and trust the universe, all answers will come to you. It may be difficult for you at times to describe your feelings, thoughts, what you want and desire. I am on your side, and you can rely on me and your loved ones
You remind me of Infj, intj, isfj, isfp, istp, esfj, enfj
enneagram 1, 8, 2, 5
aura: purple, blue, pale red
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sorry that the pile's are short. Many people read them, so I have described briefly
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sparrow-stunned · 2 years
May i please have some yandere venti headcanons with a female s/o? Maybe with some nsfw? (Preferably dom venti if you don't mind)
i love the stuff you've written so far! i'm so curious about your whole take on yandere Venti
content warning: fem!reader, not sfw/smut, yandere, unprotected sex, emotional manipulation. reader discretion is advised.
word count: 0.8k (this was longer than i expected oops)
answer: oooh yan venti! thank you for the ask, anon; i don't see much of him in the genshin fic landscape, but he's one of my favourites. venti's such an interesting character to me as a yandere (and quite difficult to pin down), what with god of freedom and all that. writing him is always so... delicate? there's a fine line to straddle between the possessiveness and his canon nature. as for his personality, it's very Cheshire Cat-eqsue with a touch more trickery involved. overall, all I can say is: i thirst. i extremely thirst. venti rerun when
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heartstrings | yandere venti headcanons
There's a balance to be struck inside Venti when it comes to you. On the one hand, he'd love to bind you to his side, eternal and undying; on the other, he finds the idea distasteful and reminiscent of the slavery that he's purged from Mondstadt.
The solution? You'll stay with him willingly. You have to. Venti has trickery and wiles in spades, and he's not afraid to use them. A sad pout of his lips, a glint of tears at the corner of his eyes, a whimper about how scary he feels, how utterly alone. Would you really leave him when he's so miserable? When you hug him in comfort, he'll give a secret smile against your skin. Venti strums your heartstrings like a lyre, and you fall for it every time. You always give into his neediness, this innocent travelling bard and his beautiful, mesmerizing songs.
Venti is clingy, and that would be putting it mildly. It shocks you at first, his casually intimate touches. You protest in the beginning, chastising him about 'inappropriate behaviours', and he rubs his neck sheepishly, chuckling. But you soon come to realize that Venti treats everyone closely, even strangers, and your worries lessen. So without your notice, it increases, the frequency of his touch. The duration. In the beginning, his touch is like the brief brush of the spring wind, but now, it lingers. Sometimes, your skin prickles, as if feeling a phantom touch.
Definitely a closet pervert... or maybe just an outright one. Oh, you're wearing a skirt today? Somehow, the winds coincidentally manage to be extremely strong during those times, and you're shrieking as your hand flies to hold down the fabric. It's all to no avail though, because he's getting a perfect view of everything. a A small smirk on his face, Venti shouts through the wind, "Do you need any help with that, miss?" All the while, there's a mischievous twinkle in his green eyes.
Venti's very particular about your scent. Being the god of the winds, he's sensitive to smells. He gets jealous when there's someone else's scent on your skin, sulks and has a silent tantrum. Maybe it should be extra rainy that day, just so that foreign scent disappears. He likes it best when there's a subtle celilia undertone, as if you had been scrubbed clean of all but harsh winds. As if you've been touched by none but him. As if you're being covered by him.
His touches start to escalate into plain pervert territory. Faceplanting himself into your breasts, snuggling into them as you squeak in surprise. His hand finding its way onto your waist, hips, until it goes lower, lower to caress your—! He expected that slap, but it's still worth it.
One way that he gets you to sleep with him is through pity. Tearing about how he's so lonely for a woman's touch, how no one wants him because he's too boyish looking. That's right... Venti goes for the pity sex route. He doesn't really care that it's pathetic, that you're not too into it, because at the end of the day, his needs are being met, and that's the important thing. This man has absolutely no shame. Besides, he'll make you sing soon enough.
You relunctantly offer yourself, saying that's it's just one time, and before you even finish speaking, his whole composure shifts. Immediately perks up and jumps for you.
That mischievous nature doesn't disappear in sex. He's a tease. Venti gets you worked up with the lightest of touches. Swipes his tongue on a nipple and then blowing softly over it, the cool breeze making you shiver. Dips his finger ever-so-briefly between your folds, collecting your slick and shows it to you as you blush. But he's also impatient. Once you start writhing in his lap, grinding into his hardened cock, the flash of pleasure he gets makes him forget all about his initial plans to drag it out.
Venti is surprisingly forceful when he fucks you, rough drags of his cock against your walls. It's fire, the heat of the friction. He'll lather kisses everywhere, sucks bruises over skin, forcing you to moan for him. He'll tells you exactly what note that was, and then laugh your embarrassment. Coos about how you're so pretty with his marks on you. The Anemo Archon becomes a harsh tempest in his movements, not stopping his rut into your cunt. You'll beg for him pull out, but he doesn't listen, a fake apology already on his lips about how he can't help it as he groans and releases in you. And then, he'll scoop out his cum and rub it into your skin, slow and gentle, draping you in his scent. He sighs, content. Now you'll smell like him for days.
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shock · 2 years
the topic of school gun violence is such a deep systemic issue and i can't lie and say there aren't some days I go to work at my school where I'm afraid something will happen. I have had to message my family to tell them I love them. I have sat in a locked room with children and planned for how ill get in the way if someone comes for them. The person you become when your kids in your school are threatened is a person you can't forget being, because you never forget how it feels to be ready to die any second to protect your kids.
Kids are really hurting right now. I work with middle schoolers. The last normal school year my 7th graders had was 4th grade. You transition into puberty and middle school from a screen, fearing for you life and watching your family die or get sick or lose jobs and housing and everything that makes life worth living...
you don't learn physical boundaries when you aren't on the playground learning real time how to treat people. You have an entire generation of kids that doesn't know the difference between playing and physical aggression. On a near daily basis I am teaching teenagers that they can kill their friends with the headlock they're putting them in, I'm seeing kids not know when to stop, there is no stopping, play fighting becomes real fighting because there is no other out except to finish it when you have no ability to self-regulate.
We had a circle of kids today talking about what the phrase "go touch some grass" meant to them. It's not a meme to kids this age. One of the kids said, "I didn't do anything. I was afraid to go outside. I thought I would get sick and die. I still get scared." Theu didn't see their closest friends for over 2 years. Social workers, counselors, teachers, childhood friends, no one was able to reach them for years. They didn't have cameras on, zoom is a trigger for kids, it's nothing like an online uni class, it's a graveyard.
You leave everything behind in 4th grade and spend the next three years of your life changing dramatically and seeing that change in everyone else from a screen. You can block anyone, you can ignore everything, you become numb to consequences that lead to better behavior and compassion we take for granted. Conflict resolution looks like blocking and never having to address it. These kids cannot fathom resolving a conflict with words. They can't even describe what emotions they're feeling, but they can feel the soul-deep frustration at not having that ability. They are trapped and powerless in a body that is bigger and stronger than it was in 4th grade with none of the tools to regulate anything. More than ever I see kids acting on impulse on a way that is beyond normal. I am seeing dissociative patterns in almost every student I meet. Most of them have taken all year to even understand why certain things make them do certain things.
This year alone I've been punched in the head, face, eyes, you name it by kids who can't see what's in front of them acting on blind rage that should never have to exist in an entire group of people, ive been recorded by kids i knew and talked to every day breaking up a fight like they didn't know who I was and it was a spectacle to watch because they can turn their brains off as a traumatic response to repeated exposure and to them this is how life is, I've been thrown to the ground & nearly hit by a car breaking up kids who took it into the street with intent to kill, had kids bleeding in my office from head wounds they got from accidentally hitting someone with a ball, ive put kids in ambulances, we've been on lockdown, we've had high schoolers break in and attack 12 year olds because they dont know how to solve conflicts without the highest extreme either, kids are hurting. They need so much help right now. Being a kid right now is a traumatic event. Not a single kid I work with is living in a non-traumatic event. It is happening all the time.
The pandemic has destroyed so much for everyone but to our kids the pandemic is their only measure of reality. The post-present-pandemic has created a generation of trauma and loss of education. Be here for our kids more than anything, our future is with them and they need so, so, so much love right now, and it's love they think they don't deserve, it's love that they're resistant to getting, they have no trust for any system or person or each other because every single thing has failed them. Their reality is trauma they are more powerless than anyone to change. They can see everything and only react. Being a kid is a traumatic event, please love these kids. They think that this world doesn't love them and they are so, so far away right now, but they're still able to come back. I'm seeing it real-time. These kids need to be reached before they can't come back, make the safety and love for kids a priority. Hope is being lost on them and their reality is a nightmare.
They won't be kind to you. They won't trust you. They won't let you in and they are in survival mode. And they still need you. They need to know where the bar should be for how they're treated and they need to know what they're worth now more than ever. They're worth the world and more.
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shikiii-skadi · 2 years
What it would be like if the Obey me! Brothers had a crush on you:
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You wouldn't notice that Lucifer has a crush on you. He can control himself well and is good at hiding his true feelings. You would only get little hints when he wants to hint it to you.
When you two are alone it's sometimes hard for him to control his desire for you. He will sit closer to you and might even give you little touches, like brushing his hand over your shoulder when you did something good.
He will confess to you when he is sure that you are in love with him as well. His pride wouldn't survive, should you reject him.
He can read people so he would be able to tell how you feel about him to some degree but because of his pride, he would sometimes interpret your actions as proof that you have feelings for him, even if it's just a friendly gesture.
For him to fall for you, you have to be close for some time.
He would notice when he falls for you but he would try to deny them. It's a new experience for him and he would have nerve imagined catching feelings for you. A human nothing less.
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His Brothers know about his crush. Everyone in RAD knows it. You know it. The whole Devildom knows it. But he would think that no one knows it.
He denies his crush on you to death and he would be really defensive about anything related to you.
He doesn't want to confess but does it anyway because it slips from his lips like .... five times a day.
Mammon is also jealous pretty fast. He would try to intervene when you are alone together with one of his brothers.
He falls for you pretty quickly.
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Another one who would deny his crush on you with passion. After all, you are just a normie.
He often blushes. It doesn't even have to be something specific that you did. Your mere presence is enough to make him flustered. Because of that he often stutters when talking to you.
Levi will distance himself from you. He doesn't leave his room much normally but now weeks can go by without you seeing him.
Sometimes he will be a bit rude to you because he doesn't understand his own feelings. He will instantly regret it but he won't apologize and just runoff. After some time he will come to you and apologize but first he needs time to find the right words to say to you.
This goes without saying, but as the avatar of envy, he will get jealous pretty fast. It doesn't even have to be someone close to you like one of his brothers or a friend of yours for him to get jealous.
For example one time your classmate helped you with your homework.
Often he won't interfere because he is socially awkward but if it's really irritating him, he would storm up to you and grab you by the arm to drag you away from the person, who made him jealous.
When he realizes what he was doing he would let go of you instantly and runoff.
He is likely to not confess to you because he thinks you wouldn't accept. Of course, you can't possibly love a gross otaku like him back, right?
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One of the few who would not deny his feelings for you! Of course, he wouldn't act on his feelings right away. It's a new situation for him.
Out of his brothers, he would court you the best. He has a way with words since he reads a lot. Satan would use the romance novels he reads like kind of a guide.
Because he learns to control his anger, he is very aware of his body language and how he should apply it.
And because of his awareness of himself, he is fast to notice that he doesn't view you as just a friend anymore.
He is could at holding his posture but if you catch him off guard, for example doing something cute without realizing it, he will blush a lot and turn away so you don't see his red cheeks.
Satan wants to confess to you. And that fast, because he is afraid that someone could possibly beat him to it. But, of course, he knows it wouldn't do him any good to rush things and maybe risk rejection.
Similar to Lucifer he would wait with his confession until he is sure you like him back.
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Asmo would be confused as hell by his new emotions.
In the beginning, he thinks that it's just physical attraction. To get rid of this for him unpleasant feeling that he always gets near you, he tries to bed you quickly.
He would quickly stop this strategy, however, when he noticed that only causes you to reject him. You are probably a bit weirded out by his constant advances as well.
Now he is afraid he made you dislike him.
He would kinda get into an existential crisis if you don't react to him at all. Because how could you not love him when he is this breathtaking? Didn't you look at him probably?
It is a long way to teach him that appearance is not everything and that personality is actually what matters.
But if you tell him, that you like his company because you like him and not only his appearance? He will fall in love with you all over again.
After he sorted out his feelings, he wants to confess to you. He already told you a million times before that he loves you but now he wants to make it special so that you can actually believe him and hopefully return his feelings.
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Beel would be obvious to his feelings for a good while. Belphie or one of his other brothers likely had to tell him that it is not usual to have these feelings towards just a friend.
The biggest hint is, that he shares some of his food with you and is not eating it himself or when he is restraining his hunger for you. For example, when you two are out in the town and you want to look for something but Beel is getting hungry but will restrain it so you can continue to look around.
You wouldn't notice when he is confessing because he is most likely to not even notice himself. It begins with how happy he is that you came to the Devildom and will continue with how he wants to eat all the delicious things with you and most importantly more of your cooking.
The part you should think about a bit more is that he wants to share his food with you.
But of course, Beel isn't just his hunger and eating habits. He will be really kindhearted to you and is always ready to help you. Even if it's something he isn't good with, he would try his best to be of help to you.
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He would purely coincidentally always sleep where you usually are. Of course, you would get suspicious after a while but if you call him out on his behavior he would tell you that you are imagining things.
He is a good actor, so it's not hard for him to hide his feelings. But he rather shows you that he likes you.
He often wants to go to the attic together with you to look at the stars.
As the Avatar of Sloth, he loves to take naps together with you.
He definitely would confess to you, even if he doesn't really know even if he doesn't know if you like him too.
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twirlyeyebrows · 2 years
✶ One Piece Characters and When They're Most Affectionate Headcanons ✶
Mentions of NSFW in Zoro & Kid's headcanons!
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♡ Zoro ♡
✶ In the Heat of the Moment ✶
✶ Will compliment you when you land a particularly good move on an enemy
✶ Lets you know how impressed he is when you break your personal record while training
✶ Can't help but tell you how good you are in the midst of any sexual endeavors
✶ His emotions are all connected so whenever there's something intense going on, you can expect him to shower you in praise
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♡ Sanji ♡
✶ 24/7 ✶
✶ Will non-stop pamper you directly. Expect endless gifts, compliments, snacks, and anything you desire at all times
✶ Will go around telling everyone he meets about you. It doesn't matter if they're friend or foe, he'll talk about you to them for hours no matter who they are
✶ Will always be thinking about you when you're not around, you're on his mind every hour of the day whether you're by his side or not
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♡ Robin ♡
✶ The Most Random Moments ✶
✶ Will tell you how much she admires you after you've been sitting in a room in silence together for 15 minutes already
✶ You could all be on the brink of death and she'd tell you how nice your hair looks at the moment
✶ Tends to also praise you in moments of intelligence, particularly when you put a tough clue together to benefit the team or play a great word in Scrabble :)
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♡ Nami ♡
✶ While Getting out of Trouble ✶
✶ She'll notice just how much she loves you and your spunk as you guys are running from the law
✶ She'll throw a gaze at you while you're both running from a group of Marines and have to try not to trip over her feet as she's reminded of how perfect you are
✶ Something about your hair moving to the rhythm of your running, the excited tone in your voice, and your mischievous laugh make her fall for you all over again
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♡ Law ♡
✶ Indirectly ✶
✶ Loves to watch you work or do simple tasks and admire you in his mind
✶ Will never fall asleep before you, he never fails to savor the intimacy of watching you doze off as he ensures you're as comfortable as you can be
✶ He'll have a hard time articulating his love. He's neither fond of physical affection nor a man of many words, but he'll try his best for you
✶ Needless to say, he's loving you from afar anytime he can
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♡ Kid ♡
✶ When you get Dressed Up ✶
✶ He may not be the best at showering you with care and compliments, but he can't help himself when he sees you look so hot
✶ Your beauty hits him so hard that he simply has to say something... many somethings
✶ He adores seeing you all dolled up in formal attire or a battle uniform and will tell you for hours
✶ The praise definitely doesn't stop as he's stripping you out of those special clothes later that night
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♡ Ace ♡
✶ Early in the Morning and Late at Night ✶
✶ He lives a very chaotic life which keeps him constantly bouncing from one thing to the next. Throughout the day he'll give you quick kisses and compliments, but it's when you two are waking up or falling asleep that he becomes a leech of your love
✶ He is the clingiest man ever while you two are laying in bed together and he's not afraid to show it
✶ He needs to always be touching you in some way- a hand playing with your hair, his legs sprawled out over you, his fingers intertwined with yours... any way he can make physical contact, he will
✶ He loves using his devil fruit to make you smile. He'll use his temperature to make sure you're warm on those extra cold mornings. His favorite thing to do is make little heart-shaped flames and watch your face light up (physically and metaphorically)
✶ A chronic cuddler. He'll be damned if there's even a single day that goes by where you don't fall asleep in his arms and wake up in them
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♡ Sabo ♡
✶ Over the Phone ✶
✶ His job as a Revolutionary has him hopping from island to island on the daily, so much so that you rarely get to see him in person. That's alright though, because as soon as he gets the chance, he's on a transponder snail dying to ask about your day
✶ You don't even need to see his face to picture exactly how excited he is when you tell him about your accomplishments. His voice says it all
✶ He's definitely a "You hang up first....no you hang up!" type of guy. It's incredibly cheesy, but you can't help but find it adorable
✶ Every once in a while you hear Koala making fun of him in the background
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♡ Corazón ♡
✶ When Nobody Else is Around ✶
✶ He'll pull you into an empty room, put a silent bubble around both of you, and gush about how much he loves you
✶ He'll compliment a different thing about you everyday. Anything from how your eyes shone a certain way to a new outfit you bought. He can barely go a few hours without making his feelings for you transparent
✶ He also tends to give his gratitude as you help him through his clumsiness. More than a few times, you'll end up cleaning up his spilled tea or putting out a fire he accidentally lit. After one of these incidents, he'll thank you and compliment you until you tell him to stop
✶ When you're not around, he'll get so frustrated without you that he has to make his own room quiet and rant about how you're not by his side
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morefandomscenarios · 2 years
Unlikely Matches
People say "how would THAT even work?" but I say "fuck it we imagining ourselves smooching fictional characters here, who tf cares?"
a.k.a. OP characters with an s/o who is the exact opposite of themselves.
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s/o traits: seclusive, strategic, inflexible, pessimistic
He'll still treat you the same - you're still his nakama and while sometimes your actions don't make sense to him, he doesn't really care. All that matters is that you're happy and safe!
Whenever you say something pessimistic he thinks it's just a joke - kind of like how Robin always says macabre things - and he'll always laugh.
"Shishishi! You're so funny [name]!" ".... I... Wasn't joking when I said you might die."
On the rare occasions where the whole crew is doing some planning before getting into action, he'll always turn to you and ask for your opinion.
Takes initiatives for everything (which could be good or bad for you) - pulls you to dance with him at every party, drags you to explore with everyone instead of leaving you on the ship, intrudes on your free time and hangs out with you.
Is not afraid to whine or protest when you're being stubbornly firm in your opinion. Sometimes he'll even unknowingly challenge your logic because he's able to see things from a different perspective than you.
Honestly you both complement each other really well and the crew is glad that their captain has someone who can keep him grounded.
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s/o traits: forgiving, bright, optimistic, friendly
He doesn't understand how you can be so laid back and never hold any grudges whatsoever towards people. Towards him.
Because you should be. He knows how he could be such a dick sometimes, with how much trouble he has with expressing his emotions, especially when it comes to love.
But whenever he sees that he's hurt you, in the end you always forgive him so easily. And while he's thankful for that, it doesn't sit well with him whenever he sees someone else hurting you and you just laughing it off.
Especially if that person knows about your forgiving nature and uses that knowingly against you. They will be sliced to tiny little pieces
Sometimes, your energy is his fuel. Other times, your energy drains his own and he has to step away for a while.
Just let him be. It's alright. He'll come back around soon enough, he just needs some time alone.
Your optimism always makes him sigh and roll his eyes, but subconsciously it'll ease his nerves.
He's very glad that although you're making new friends on every island they visit, you don't try to invite them to the crew like Luffy. Having too many people in Polar Tang will probably drive him crazy.
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s/o traits: shy, timid, proper, kind & caring
Will be the one who pulls you into parties and drinking games with the crew.
Calls you "prince/princess/your highness" mockingly. Why are you such an asshole bby?
When he's in a more affectionate mood or when you're being particularly timid, he calls you "bunny".
Overprotectiveness turned up by 100000%.
It doesn't matter whether you're strong or not, something about you just sparks his protective instincts.
It's his life goal to hear you swear and to make you wear "not-boring" clothes out of your own volition.
Thrives when your attention is all on him.
Throws a tantrum when you're being kind to some random people in his presence.
Always whines and/or protests whenever you're being 'soft' - crying over his wounds, worrying over him not caring enough about his nutrition, suggesting a nap after he pulled an all-nighter on his projects...
... But don't be fooled, inwardly he's so fucking touched (he would rather rip his other arm off than admit this to you though) because nobody has ever cared for him so much in this way before.
Melts whenever you kiss him goodnight with that shy smile on your lips.
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s/o traits: confident, cheerful, reckless
Is always in awe of how self-assured you are in yourself.
You never fail to bring a smile to his face. Thank goodness he has the mask on or you'll always see him grinning like a fool.
Seriously, he swears that your laugh and smiles have some magical properties because the moment he sees or hears them, he's smiling before he can stop himself.
He'll listen to you gush about anything for the whole day, his duties be damned.
Being around you makes his low days feel less bad, so expect him to linger around whenever it's one of those days for him.
What sin did he commit in his precious life? Why are the two most important people in his life always diving headfirst into danger??
Lectures you over the importance of your safety and how dangerous your reckless actions are (with Kid continuously rolling his eyes beside you because the lecture is directed at him too).
Helps you bandage your wounds and grumbles an annoyed "I told you so."
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leviathans-watching · 3 years
could i req headcanons of the boys with an MC who gets easily frightened by shouting/fighting/loud sounds? it's been A Week™ and your fics are really nice and comforting ;;w;;
getting overwhelmed by yelling/fighting
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includes: mammon x/& gn!reader, the brothers & gn!reader (no pronouns mentioned)
wc: .7k | rated t | m.list | alt ending - beel
warnings: yelling, fighting, and general assholish behavior (not towards you), crying, you getting overwhelmed, panic attack like symptoms/breakdown, one curse word
a/n: hello! this became a little mammon-centric, hope you don't mind too much, and i hope you're feeling better. thank you and thank you for requesting! my inbox is open to chat, req, or leave feedback!! as always, lmk if warnings need to be updated
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the brothers have devolved into another one of their fights, and it’s really stressing you out. exam week is right around the corner, so tensions are running high, and their poor attitudes is helping no one
“can’t you just shut up?” belphie groans, interrupting levi, who’s excitedly describing his new game. to who, you’re not sure, but belphie’s harsh words make you look over.
“what?” levi asks, frowning.
“just- be quiet for once, you know? some of us are trying to sleep here.”
this makes levi scowl. “if you wanted to sleep, you should be in your room. not down here. and anyway, you didn’t seem to have a problem with beel’s long-ass explanation of the restaurant he went to last week.”
“hey,” beel says, “don’t bring me into this.”
“oh, levi.” belphie’s tone is acidic. “always diverting whenever someone criticizes you. you really are just a pathetic otaku.”
“guys,” asmo tries futilely. “can we like, not?”
“stay out of this, asmo,” levi snaps. “you’re always putting your nose where it doesn’t belong.”
their voices are loud, and the room’s acoustics are making them magnified to an even higher level. you’re just as tired and stressed as they are, and you’re about at the end of your rope.
“don’t talk to asmo like that!” satan interjects, and soon, the room devolves into squabbling and yelling, everyone’s words mixing together into one, giant mess. it hurts, and you want out of there, but you’re afraid moving will draw their attention onto you.
covering your ears and squeezing your eyes closed, you pray for someone to help you.
“what is the meaning of this?” lucifer booms, his voice cutting over everyone else's. you wince and squeeze your palms tighter against your head. you lose track of what’s going on for a moment, the voices in your head pleading for it to stop drowning out everything else. your breath is shallow, and you know you need to calm down, but you just can’t.
“whoah, mc, are you alright?” someone hesitantly touches your wrists, making you flinch. your eyes open and mammon is there, crouched in front of you, eyes filled with concern. “what’s going on?”
you register it’s finally quiet- everyone is staring at you, a range of expressions and emotions present.
“loud,” you gasp out, and mammon shoots a glare behind him.
“i know,” he says soothingly. “but it’s not anymore, okay. everyone’s stopped.”
relief courses through you, swift and overwhelming. without your permission your eys fill up, tears sliding down your face.
“do you want a hug?” mammon asks, and as soon as you nod, his arms are around you, shielding you. it takes a few minutes, but you manage to calm your racing heart, pulling your hands away from our ears.
“i’m really sorry, mc,” asmo says quietly. “we didn’t mean to upset you.”
“yeah,” beel agrees. “we should have noticed it was bothering you.”
“it’s alright,” you say shakily. “you guys didn’t mean to.”
“can you tell us what made you react like that?” lucifer asks gently. “just so we can avoid it in the future.”
“i don’t really like yelling, or fighting. and this week has just been pretty rough and i got overwhelmed,” you explain. “it was just a lot.”
“i’m really, really sorry,” levi says sincerely.
“i as well,” satan steps forward, wiping your cheeks off gently. “i wish it hadn’t gotten to this point.”
“me too.” belphie bites his lip. “i started this, so it’s my fault you got overwhelmed. i shouldn’t have been starting stuff for no reason.”
“it’s okay,” you manage. “i’m just wrung out right now. and i kind of want to take a nap.”
“do you want to be alone?” satan asks, and you shake your head.
“cuddle pile in the observatory?” beel suggests, and everyone nods. you’re exhausted, and unsteady, but mostly you’re just grateful no one’s yelling anymore. mammon slings an arm around you and leads you to the observatory, while everyone else splits up, presumably to gather blankets and stuff.
“thanks,” you say to mammon, who squeezes your waist.
“of course. i’m glade i came in when i did. and that you’re okay.”
“me too,” you say. “can you stay right next to me when we cuddle?”
“already plannin’ on it,” mammon says, and you lean into his touch, smiling slightly.
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leviathans-watching’s work - please do not repost, copy, or claim as your own
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hwanchaesong · 2 years
Can you do a pirate ateez reaction to s/o tell them that they're pregnant while they are out on the sea?
a/n: this is my first pregnant au 😩 and here it is, i hope you'll enjoy reading this~
Pirate!ATEEZ's s/o announced pregnancy during voyage
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his head snapped so fast and he's more than ready to drop everything in order to give you everything that you want
The cup of coffee that he's holding has been dropped on the floor, head turning towards you as he swiftly made his way into the deck of the ship. His hands are shaking and eyes full of anticipation.
He didn't expect you to drop the bomb on him early this morning, but he is not complaining, you just gave him the best news he had ever received.
"Everyone, look for the closest area where we can stop by!" he yelled, catching the attention of his crew.
"What?! W-" Wooyoung's complaints were cut short when Hongjoong said that you're pregnant and he needs to buy everything that is necessary for your pregnancy.
It's safe to say that the whole crew immediately moved while Hongjoong stayed with you throughout the day.
He held you in his embrace, running a hand on your hair lovingly, "Don't worry, we'll get through this just fine. I'm always here, captain will never leave you."
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will demand for the ship to dock, going as far as fighting his captain so that he can get the necessary items for your pregnancy
"Did I do something wrong? Please talk and stop avoiding me." Seonghwa pleaded, clutching your wrist tightly, not wanting to let you go unless you tell him what's been bothering you.
You closed your eyes and took a deep breath, "I'm pregnant!"
Then you felt his warmth left you, suddenly, you heard yelling inside, a few moments passed and Seonghwa ran back to you, a big smile on his face.
"We'll land somewhere soon, we'll get what you need for your pregnancy." Just then, Hongjoong went over to you, congratulating you and telling you not to worry because he'd also do the same if he's in his friend's situation.
Seonghwa cuddled you that night, his hand gently rubbing your still flat stomach, "I always thought I'd go rogue when I became a pirate, then you came into my life and made it brighter than ever."
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leaps in delight and almost destroyed the wooden floors, immediately making a list of what you need
"What? Can you please repeat that?" he asked you, lowering the map he's holding and completely focusing on you.
"I said I'm pregnant, I h-" the man in front of you beamed with pride and joy, the loud thumps he made everyone in the ship check out what is happening, afraid that someone is attacking them.
"Yunho, stop that, you might damage our ship." Seonghwa's words went on deaf ears as your lover kissed you passionately before dashing to your shared room.
Later that afternoon, you saw a notebook filled with scribbles of baby equipment and foods or supplements for mothers. Your heart soars at the thought of your dorky pirate being all caring and sweet.
His arms wrapped around your waist, hands resting on your belly, "I'll be with you every step of the way, we'll build a complete, happy family."
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takes a while to process the information, and when he did, a big smile would form in his face as he hugs you tightly
Yeosang blinked rapidly, not believing what he was hearing as his brain's gears moved simultaneously, the knowledge of him being a parent soon is somehow too much to take.
When a light bulb seems to light up in his head, a hand goes over to his mouth as he tried to control the overwhelming emotions in his heart and soul.
He began walking towards you, footsteps slow and pulled you into a hug, rocking you in his arms while he hummed in your hair, telling you that he'll talk to his crew so that you'll be able to go to the doctor and have a check up.
"You don't have to do that!" you protested, but he only shook his head, insisting that you and your child's health is a priority and the members would understand that.
"I'll make sure that you're safe and protected always, just tell me if you need anything, I'll do my best to do or get in a heartbeat."
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is more than ready to take responsibility, listing names and making sure that you're comfortable at all times
He ran over to you like a madman, and you were scared for a minute if not for his large grin and sparkly eyes.
"Oh my god! You're telling me I'm gonna be a father?!" he excitedly asked you, and when you nodded at his question, he howls and started rapping out words that you barely comprehend.
It ranges from how much he loves you to marriage when the baby is out. In the end, he gave you the assurance that made you melt in his hold, muttering in your ear that he'll take on the duty of being a parent unconditionally.
That night, he jumped beside you while you read in your bed, showing a long list of children's names. "San, we don't even know the gender of our baby."
He leaped up, happiness radiating off him, "I can't help it! Oh, I'm so gonna bury our child with my undying love and affection."
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will freak out for the first few minutes, when he managed to calm down, he'll promise you a great life ahead
"Shit!" Mingi cursed as he put a hand over his head, blanking out and panicking over the thought of having a child.
What if he does something wrong? What if he messed up? What if-
You slapped his arm, telling him not to curse or else the baby will hear it. He calmed down soon enough when you reassured him that he'll do well as a father, putting your faith in him because you love him that much.
His hand went over to your arms, running up and stopping in your head to cup your face, leaning down to peck you in your forehead.
"Only a few days left before the ship docks, we'll go and have your check up before buying everything that you'll need throughout your pregnancy." he mumbled against your skin.
"God, I swear I'll sacrifice everything just to give you the life you deserve."
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his eyes would turn into saucers, putting a hand over his mouth and jumping around excitedly, gently embracing you
His eyes went wide, jaw dropping on the floor as he puts his hands on either side of his face, truly a meme worthy scene if not for the seriousness of the situation.
He approached you giddily, basically hopping at you like a rabbit and embracing you in a soothing way, a hand running over your back as he kissed you all over your face.
"Wait a minute." he whispered before running around in the ship, yelling and scaring everyone while he announced that he's gonna be a dad soon.
The others went out to give you their best wishes, also to calm Wooyoung down because he's being too loud (which is not uncommon.)
"I can't help it! I feel so blessed right now and ooh, babe! What do you want to eat? We'll get anything that you want!"
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millions of emotions ran through him but he maintained a poker face, his eyes won't lie though as he whispers a 'thank you' in your ear
You almost can't discern what is going through in his head after you stated the news to him, his face straight but the inevitable tears that made his eyes glossy caught your attention.
"Are you okay?" you asked him, concerned about what he was feeling at the moment, "Yes, yes, I just-" he took a deep breath, wiping his eyes before smiling at you fondly.
His hands reached out for yours, enclosing it carefully and lifting it up to give each finger a kiss.
"We'll make a plan before the ship docks in our next location." he mumbled softly, not finding it in him to raise his voice as the emotions within him are ready to burst anytime.
"You have made me the happiest man on earth, thank you so much, my love."
@hyuckilstan @ateezbabysitters @minkiflwr
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wa-kaizen · 2 years
So, this isn't a pick a card about a specific topic, rather you intuitively choose a pile and read about what's hidden there.
Each will have a fruit - emoji - which the pile will be based off of. Each pile will be a different topic, but none will be romantic.
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( :̲̅:̲̅:[̲̅:★:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅)
Info * ˚ ✦
I cannot withhold you from playing, and I won't. However I would appreciate it if you would reblog my paid readings post. I have over 800 followers and the notes are below 100, it's really disheartening because I would like to have some clients.
Now that is out of the way, let's get to the more important stuff!
You can choose all piles if you want, but if your intuition isn't drawn to all, you could feel disconnected.
These are short because I am not sure how it will be received, but I hope you will have fun!
꒰ pile one - cherry ꒱
🍒 - cherry represents femininity, fertility, rebirth, immortality and the circle of life
the question; how to connect with your femininity better?
cards four of cups, four of pentacles, the hermit
So, this pile definitely has trouble accessing and processing their feelings and emotions.
You often suppress them because you feel like they serve you no purpose, make you weak or you are afraid people will judge you for having them in the first place.
Something might have caused this kind of trauma inside of you, causing this huge fear.
So, I need you to learn that it's okay to have feelings and you don't need to bottle them up.
Yes, it is easier said than done, and no body accepts you to have a healthy relationship with yourself over the course of one simple night.
However, the road to healing starts with acceptance. Accept that you are the only one who's opinion matters.
The only one who will stay with you from the first moment of your birth to the last moments of your death is you.
Everyone around you will slowly fade away so don't let them hold you back from being yourself. Who cares if they see you cry, laugh a little too loud or do silly things you might regret later? It's not their life and it will never be. They are simply a side character in your journey. It's your life and you will make whatever you want of it.
Don't make it a pity party, rather a never ending apprication full of love towards yourself.
The first person who needs to stop judging you for feeling things is you. That's the first step towards feminine balance, the first step towards being comfortable in your own body.
꒰ pile two - strawberry ꒱
🍓 - strawberry represents love, purity, passion, sensuality, forbidden temptations and spring
the question; how to have more control in your life?
cards the lovers, the moon, five of pentacles
You are a person who thinks way too much with their head. You ignore and toss away all your passions of what you truly want to do due to pressure from what you deem as society's opinion or the need to be perfect.
You ignore anything that could make you happy, all the things that make you the person you are.
You focus on what you think you need to be, not what you desire to be.
You put on this mask of what you think could make your life flawless and easy. You may even have a job of what you truly dislike just because that 'makes life comfortable'.
For some of you I truly feel like you are also denying yourself from your true sexuality. You could have grew up at a place which judges anyone that's even 'slightly wrong'. A shallow place with narrow minded judgments.
You are the odd one out, the black sheep, and you are afraid to own up to that, to be honest with yourself.
That's the first step. Accept what your heart wants even when no one else does.
Be yourself. Stop thinking so much, there is no right or wrong. There is only you and a mask.
Break the mask, it makes you depressed.
Don't suppress your desire of hobbies, your desire of looking a certain way. You don't have to blend in to be loved. Just be yourself, listen to your heart.
꒰ pile three - watermelon ꒱
🍉 - watermelon represents fertility, intellect, and happiness.
the question; what are you intelligent in?
cards queen of cups, king of swords, three of swords
You are someone who believes they are not smart, you might even often call yourself stupid or dumb, which you are not.
You even got the king of swords who represents intelligence.
You are underestimating yourself due to other people who happen to posses intelligence in ways you don't. What you do not see is that they lack the intelligence you do.
Which is emotional intelligence. It makes you attentive, thoughtful, kind, sweet and understanding. You can see through the emotions of other people, more than what's below the surface.
There is something beautiful about the intelligence you have. Not all of you might be an empath because you understand the complexity of emotions.
You understand that just because someone reacts a specific kind of way that doesn't mean they are a good person, but it also doesn't make them into a bad one. It just means they feel a specific kind of way.
But, because of your intelligence in emotions, your friends often catch themselves rely on you. You understand them before they understand themselves and you also know how to cheer them up or comfort them.
You happen to have a way with words most people don't, and a kind of love most people don't. It's a patient one, because you think of them too, not selfishly of yourself only.
Don't put yourself down or say you are not smart ever again, it takes a lot of energy to be the person that you are.
Thank you for participating! ♡
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kimhargreeves · 3 years
Control-Druig x Reader
Summary: When the Eternals went their separate ways, Druig chose to look after you. Just like Thena you're powers can get out of control. Whenever you feel emotions, they get the best of you. So, he'll have no choice but to act if things get out of control.
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Every one of the Eternals began to argue. It has been a while since we arrived on Earth and humanity is slowly growing into what they must become, but the more we stayed the more they began to progress for worse. We were all having a lovely night until a few groups of men began to fight each other with small weapons, fire began to burn down a couple of houses and trees.
"Look what happened!"
"I warned you this would happen but none of you seemed to care. If only I can-"
"Druig, no!" Ajak clearly spoke. I looked up from my spot and saw them both staring at one another. "We cannot interfer anymore, they must grow and learn on their own from their mistakes."
Druig was disappointed. He rested his arm down again and smirked at Ajak and the rest. "Then, I guess I can't stay with you any longer."
"What should we do then?" Makkari told us through hand sign.
"We did what we had to do. The Deviants have been defeated, there's no more reason for us to stick together." Ajak told her, to all of us.
There's no reason for us to stay together? We've been together for centuries what are we supposed to do. My breathing began to quicken, I began to get scared and stressed, this and the humans fighting was getting to me.
I had to witness a few people I helped back then get their lives taken away too early. I sat down and began to hug my knees to my chest, "(Y/N), you must calm down." Ajak ordered me.
"We did this..how can we stop this?" I whispered and felt the ground beneath us shaking.
The people outside began to gasp and scream when the earth began to shake. "(Y/N)!" Ikaris shouted for me to control myself.
"There's no need to shout! It's not their fault they can't control their power!" Druig shouted back and defended me.
"He is right. She is no different than Thena when she gets dangerous." Gilgamesh told them. Thena was afraid as well, she suddenly was about to attack us until Ajak made her stop.
The ground continued to shake but less than before because some pieces of the building we were on has fallen. "What should we do then?" Kingo spoke this time.
"If we stay together who knows what might happen. Things could get worse, I'm afraid we'll have to fix up Thena." We all knew what that meant when she referred to Thena.
"But she won't be the same." Sprite said concerned over Thena who was shaking too.
"No. I'll look after her." Gilgamesh said without a second thought. This made Ajak give him a concerned look.
"If this happens again, she might try to kill you again."
Gilgamesh shrugged and didn't seem to care. Thena gave the man a smile and held onto his hand, "I'll take good care of her."
"But what about, (Y/N)? Gilgamesh you have to look after her." Kingo said looking at the delicate state I am in.
Ajak intervened and shook her head. "They are way too powerful to be together in one place. Gilgamesh won't be able to handle two."
"Well, I can't look after them." Ikaris scoffed and crossed his arms over his chest.
I began to get upset, angry at him. He's always been this way towards me, the ground began to shake again and darkness filled the sky. "(Y/N)! Calm down." Ajak came to me and held my head making me look into her dark eyes.
"If you still don't learn how to control your emotions they will end up killing you and everyone else."
This always happened. Whenever I'd get upset, angry or too worried bad things would happen. "I'll look after (Y/N)."
We all turned back and saw Druig with a stoic expression. His cold blue eyes stared at everyone and then to me. Ajak stood tall and was about to refuse, she knew he wasn't the best one for look after me, knowing how he is and how he controls people.
Druig and I weren't exactly close to one another so suddenly having him as basically being my guardian, looking after me, made me concerned as well.
"I don't think you're fit to-"
Druig walked past Ajak and the rest of the team and came to kneel in front of me. "She's just confused, lost and needs guidance."
"Are we sure we should let this happen?" Phastos grew concerned for us both. All of us really.
"This is the only way. She'll have to learn eventually how to control her powers properly." I heard Sersi tell the team.
Druig took my hand and made me look at him. "Yeah, she's coming with me. You all seemed to give up on her, right? That's what you always do." He muttered. Druig helped me up on my feet and told me to follow him.
Makkari stepped in front of him and asked, "What will happen if she suddenly hurts you? Or anyone else? What then?"
Druig's expression softened and he glanced back at me quick. "Then I'll have to do what I do best."
Mind control. That's what he meant. I'm not sure if his powers would work on me since we're Eternals, but I guess he'll have to try if something bad were to happen. "You know what to do of things turn sideways." We heard Ajak tell him.
Druig ignored her words. I stood next to him and saw his eyes turn bright gold, suddenly the humans stopped fighting and threw their weapons. "Let's go." He whispered to me.
I hurried and followed him down the stairs and I tried to remain calm when I saw everyone following us, they no longer had control of themselves. Well, sort of, it is hard to explain. They remain being themselves but can't do much.
I didn't realize how much we had walked, we were no longer close to where we once were, it was extremely dark and we were now surrounded by trees. We made it to the Amazon. We walked past a river and made it to what was going to be our home.
Druig hadn't spoken a single word to me. As soon as we made it he told the people to begin construction, to build houses and everything necessary to live. I stayed behind and sat down alone, looking at everyone walk past me and get to business.
"Why are you here on you're own?" Druig's peaceful but strict voice asked me. I was taken back since I didn't hear him coming, I was getting nervous again.
There was a cold chill and trees began to blow. Druig stared at me with cold eyes and hummed to himself. "I'm not going to say this again." He said leaning closer to me. "I don't have patience, so you better get yourself together or I will have to control you."
Small tears began to form in my eyes, but I couldn't help but agree. At the slightest of emotions I can create earthquakes, a storm or maybe accidentally kill someone.
"Now, we have to strat your training."
"Right n-now?" I stuttered and finally spoke to him. "Do you see yourself as one of them? or one of us. Better and superior."
Druig hates humans. Humanity for how rapidly they've been evolving, half of them already murderers and without regrets for the things they've done.
"I'm waiting for your answer, (Y/N)." He began to get annoyed at my patience. He scoffed when I didn't answer him.
"We're on our own from now on. Ajak, Ikaris, Kingo. They've all let you down. Neither of one were going to take you in...I see the way you've been treated, which is why I stepped in. You are a time bomb at any second you might explode if you aren't careful."
Druig made me stand up again and faced me, still with cold eyes and hard expression. "How is this going to work?" Druig's eyes began to glow. Everyone stopped what they were doing I'm trying to look at us, at me.
"You are an Eternal. You cannot let small insignificant words affect you, like it or not you're the weakest of us, mentally of course. So, we need to work on that."
And just like that my training began, well I wouldn't call but training exactly, throwing insults wasn't exactly making me feel any better. Not only that but Druig begin training me in hand-to-hand combat. Everyday I would easily lose to him, I would have to get up every time and try my best to fight him.
But every time I did I would get angry and frustrated at him but disappointed in myself. We were standing away from each other, far from where the humans were.
They worked day and night gorgeous small area to be called home. Druig had his own place and I had a mine, a small cabin for one right next to his.
It was connected to his since he insisted then I have to stay close to him in case I would lash out on anyone. Since then I had kept to myself and hid in my room, I already hurt some humans in the past nearly killing them that's the reason why I wasn't allowed to fight next right my team.
Druig had come into my room and dragged me outside to train down more. I wasn't feeling good at all and he already knew for some reason I think he wants me to get angry at him, at the world.
"Gilgamesh is probably having it easier than I am. Do you want to go back to them? be the same as you have always been locked up in your room?"
"If it means not harming anyone-"
"Enough!" Druig shouted. I guess he already lost his patience with me, so was I.
"You think this is easy for me? I hate getting angry at the slightest of things, my emotions the way I feel can create storms and disasters. You are helping me at all you're just making me feel worse!" I shouted back and Earth beneath our feet began to shake once again and I noticed it breaking.
A large hole was created between us, a strong wind surrounded us and my eyes began to glow. I had enough of the same routine and treatment I was receiving.
Druig seemed unfazed. "You don't see it but I'm actually trying to help you." I heard him scoff to himself. "You're tougher to deal with than with humans."
That's enough. I started walking towards him and then running, I raised my fist when I was close to him and began to fight him like he told me he wanted, Druig easily avoiding my attacks but as soon as I turned around I kicked the stomach, he took in a deep breath and was now the one dodging my attacks.
We both began to fight one another. I realized I had made him bleed a bit, "This has to work." I heard him say my before he raised his hand up and his eyes began to glow again.
I immediately stopped attacking him and remained still. I blinked a couple of times and my eyes returned it to normal, I no longer felt the need to fight him. I was confused, I thought us Eternals couldn't do this to one another, take control.
"How are you feeling? I can see you're confused. Mind-controlling you will make things easier for you. I can't exactly take control over you entirely, but I can make you feel less insecure. You need to open up to me and work with me. I can't do this on my own, this is your body and you have full control over it."
Druig was now in front of me and held my head. "We can both work this out, in the meantime I'll be controlling I don't know how long it'll take, but we need you on our side not the enemy."
I feel like I wasn't completely myself, I felt sort of relieved that at least for now I didn't have to worry about harming myself or others.
"I know you aren't entirely bad. Your powers only unleash when you feel anger, so you need to learn to love yourself and I will help you. Do you trust me?"
Druig look down on me gave me a genuine smile, he offered me his hand and slowly I took it and smile back at him. All this time he used to look at me so coldly and now he's seeing you with different eyes.
"Okay, I trust you Druig."
I don't know how long this will take for me, maybe centuries but at least I know I have a friend who is willing to help you look after me. I don't know why but I am glad that Druig chose me.
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tired-teacher-blog · 2 years
Hey Teach!
I'm new to your blog, but gotta say that I've loved everything I have read so far! Could I be so bold as to request head cannons or drabble where the idea of trying a poly relationship (M/M/F) is brought up? No preference for characters, simply whoever you feel most comfortable with ^^
Much love!
Sweetheart I'm so honored you liked reading my stuff!❤️ And I really enjoyed working on your request because the idea is so refreshing so I hope you have as much fun reading it as I had writing it.
Title : Another shape of love
Characters : Shouto/ Bakugo/ Fem reader
Genre : drabble/ fluff
Trigger warning (I guess) : Characters to be involved in a polyamorous relationship, so please keep that in mind in case this is not something you're comfortable with.
The three of you are inseparable, and your relationship is tighter than any typical friendship.
You are each other's pillars, strength and refuge. And you would gladly die for one another.
You can never put a label on it -neither do you feel the need to- all you are certain of, is that you would never.. none in a million years.. abandon one another. That's how powerful your bond is.
So it was only a matter of time before one of you asked the question..
_ "So? What do you guys think?" Shouto proposed crossing his arms and tilting his head to the side.
_ "What?! You must be crazy! Isn't this a little weird?" Katsuki was clearly unamused. As much as he adores the both of you, he's never been good at sharing, so the idea of the three of you being officially involved in a polyamorous relationship didn't sit well with him.
_ "Well, you love me right?" Shouto pushed further, "And you clearly love y/n as well so why not?"
_ "Wait a minute, just wait!" Katsuki took a step backwards and brought his hands up defensively "Let's hear what y/n has to say about this first." His eyes searched yours for an answer and you struggled to find the right words.
Honestly speaking, you've been in love with the both of them for a long time, but you were clearly unable to express your feelings. You've always been afraid of ruining what you have in case you confessed, because frankly, what guarantee do you have? So for the longest time, you stifled your emotions for everyone's sake, even if it meant suffering in silence.. It was fine, because they're worth it.
But the opportunity was finally presenting itself, you're not alone in this, you're all together.
_ "So.. what do you think?" It was Shouto's turn to urge you to speak.
_ "I.. yeah, if you're both okay with it then, yeah.." You practically mumbled your response and looked down as you did, too embarrassed to meet their eyes, but more than anything, too afraid to tear up. It was a surreal moment, one that you never thought would come to be.
_ "See?" Shouto smiled at how cute he thought you seemed, shifting his attention to Katsuki, who said nothing for a while, and instead kept his eyes on you.
_"Come on, let's at least try it before disregarding the idea entirely, and if things don't go well, then we'll call it off." Shouto moved closer to his friend and grabbed his arm, squeezing it lightly as he coaxed.
_ "Fine, I'm in.. To be honest I don't see myself doing something as crazy as this with any others."
Katsuki could finally let out a shy smile while looking at the both of you.
_ "It's not crazy at all, it makes perfect sense!" Shouto added with uncharacteristic enthusiasm.
_ "Damn you half and half bastard, how can I possibly say no to you.. to either of you." Katsuki sighed, gazing at the both of you lovingly.
It was the happiness you craved ever since you've met them.
It was something nearly impossible but you're finally there, right where you want to be the most.
_ "I love you, and I always will." You could finally say it out loud and clear, with no fear or hesitation, and the twinkle in their eyes was enough proof of their reciprocated feelings.
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yanderes-galore · 2 years
Yandere Behavior For FNAF 2 (Toy Version)
Animatronic or Android, does not matter. This was originally going to be Toys and Withereds, but I need to think of how to write them. (Supposedly the Withereds are not the same as FNAF 1, so I'd need to alter them)
This contains Toy Freddy, Toy Bonnie, Toy Chica, and Mangle.
Pairing: Platonic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Delusional behavior, Possessive behavior, Manipulation, Obsessive behavior, Sadism, Emotional sadism, Narcissism, Clingy/Demanding behavior, Stalking, Mentions of biting/violence, Threats, Blackmail.
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Toy Freddy
- The embodiment of 'wanting to be your teddy bear'.
- He's childish, overly friendly, and affable towards you. All in an attempt to win you over to be his friend forever.
- Toy Freddy has a twisted concept of affection and 'friendship', interpreting it more as possession and jealousy.
- He wants you to rely on him and treat him like he's the only one you have! To adore and love him as your personal bear.
- Toy Freddy wants to be the only bot you need, manipulating you into paying attention to him. He's rather demanding and scared when you don't answer him.
- Like the original Freddy, he also loves to sing to you.
- "No need to be so nervous! I promise we'll have so much fun, friend!"
- General Yandere Behavior: Clingy, Overly affectionate, Possessive, Jealous, Delusional, Demanding, Manipulative.
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Toy Bonnie
- Toy Bonnie is more sadistic and narcissistic than the original Bonnie is. Although instead of physical violence towards his darling like other sadistic types, he prefers emotional manipulation.
- He thinks of himself like a famous superstar. He's boastful of his skills and is obsessed with attention and popularity.
- Towards you he isn't afraid to force your gaze on him at all times. He can't bear his darling not paying attention to him.
- He demands praise, compliments, and attention from you. Maybe in exchange he'll be a little nicer to you when it comes to your emotions.
- If you pay attention to others he gets real petty.
- He's the best bot you have here! You should only shower him with your praise! It almost sounds like he's self conscious.
- He may also play for you like the original Bonnie, if you 'earn' it.
- "Look at me... I'm the most talented superstar here!"
- General Yandere Behavior: Possessive, Narcissistic, Emotionally sadistic, Jealous, Demanding.
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Toy Chica
- Toy Chica comes off as nice but is actually quite sadistic, psychotic, and blood thirsty.
- She sees you as a plaything. Her little plaything that she loves to scare and wound.
- Not too much, however. She mostly likes to taunt and tease you but will grow violent if she's in a mood.
- She bosses everyone around. You and the other bots.
- When things don't go her way or she gets impatient, she'll resort to threats and blackmail to keep things in check.
- No one is allowed near you. Only you and her.
- She just adores her little cupcake~
- Your scared expression when she comes near is just priceless!
- "Oh, cupcake! You ready for another game to play? Don't worry, it's just the two of us....."
- General Yandere Behavior: Possessive, Almost protective, Sadistic, Jealous, Obsessive, Teasing, Demanding.
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- Mangle is usually more reclusive, due to whenever physical contact happens they fall apart....
- They have troubling memories of Kid's Cove and get aggressive when they start losing pieces of themselves.
- Towards their darling they may be a little sadistic, teasing, and emotionally attached.
- They usually like to sit back and observe you on your shift, crawling along the ceiling to watch you as their radio buzzes in the background.
- Mangle understands their appearance spooks you. Yet deep down they think you agree that they're beautiful now! So what if they look like this? They can play with you all the same.
- They may also try to use you to 'feel whole'. The new emotions you give their corrupted programming make them hunt you down to feel them more.
- They're obsessive over you and maybe even a bit possessive. Their sadism is mostly when they get to scare you or nip at you a little too hard.
- If you can fix them to their original form and keep them like that, they're indebted to you.
- The voices can finally stop now that the radio's off....
- "I don't bite, dear...or at least, not much!"
- General Yandere Behavior: Obsessive, Possessive, Slightly sadistic, Teasing, Clingy, Emotionally attached.
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writingwithcolor · 3 years
Hey there! I'm writing a very self indulgent AU right now based on a movie, and one of the characters I'm transplanting into it is Jewish. The movie plays with the popular sci-fi trope of characters being trapped in an infinite time loop of living the same day over and over (a la Groundhog Day), and I started to wonder if there's readings of that through a Jewish lens I haven't thought of; how might a Jewish character approach/conceptualise becoming stuck in that situation, waking up to the same day over and over, resetting when they fall asleep or die, everyone around them (bar one) resetting too and not remembering the past loops? I have one or two friends I'm thinking of asking too but I'd love to hear as many perspectives as possible! (note: I'm afraid I'm not sure of the character's exact denomination bc I don't think the source text specified and my knowledge is limited, but he's very proud of and happy with his religion and fairly observant as far as I'm aware!) No worries if you can't/don't want to answer this, I'm not even sure I'll ever finish or post this fic and I don't think I NEED to change the narrative as such, but I've been thinking a lot about how it'd be a good/worthwhile thing to consider for the character and I'm not sure where to start, it seems like a question a bit philosophical for a quick Google! Thank you in advance, you guys do great work here ^^
Jewish Character Stuck in Time Loop
Ooh this sounds like fun 😊
One thing to consider is the observance of time-dependent mitzvot. You should be able to find some relevant discussions by googling ‘when is Shabbat in the north pole?’ or ‘when is shacharit in space?’ for example, since so many of our commandments depend on certain assumptions about how time can be measured using the sun. If you live the same Thursday over and over, is the third one Shabbat? Or the seventh one? Or is it always just Thursday? Similarly, is the character marking off the days until the important Jewish holidays in their own reference frame, or observing the Jewish calendar as per the reference frame of the local community?
Oh, and if he has a menstrual cycle and is married, if he still gets his cycle while in the time loop that would tie him up in knots that I can’t even start to untangle right now but look up taharat mishpachah for details. (And if he’s married to someone with a menstrual cycle, probably still look this up because there would be an emotional impact of losing the rhythm of touching and not touching, even without all the practical implications.)
In real life, to keep these commandments properly would definitely need rabbinic input. In the absence of a rabbi to provide realistic dialogue for this (or just to keep the story moving), I’d recommend slipping in a reason why that conversation can’t happen. Maybe the rabbi keeps saying, “What an interesting question, I’ll look it up and get back to you tomorrow.” D’oh!
Despite playing havoc with the time-bound mitzvot, a time loop would be beneficial for the interpersonal commandments. That conversation where you accidentally spoke loshan hara? Go back tomorrow and do better. The process of teshuva (usually translated as ‘repentance’ but literally means ‘returning’, i.e. getting back to your connection to God or to your best self) is very important in Judaism. The process is only complete when you’re in the same situation again and don’t make the same mistake. Your character has a unique advantage of being able to get back to the literal same situation, in a highly predictable way that won’t catch him off guard and knock him back into old habits. It would be nice to see him improving in the interpersonal mitzvot each day.
Finally, it’s not a disaster if you can’t work this in, but I wonder if your character is someone who likes to study and do research? It’s one of those things that is a stereotype if overdone, but is culturally accurate if well executed as part of a fully rounded character. If they have some free time as a result of being in a loop (e.g. you don’t have to spend too long on work if you know everything that’s going to happen), it would be cool if they spent some of it learning about the science and philosophy of time and how a time loop could be possible. I think that’s what a lot of real Jewish people would do. It also occurred to me that their learning is one of the few achievements they can hold on to, that won’t be lost when time resets, therefore exalting knowledge as being beyond any material prize. That seemed like a very Jewish idea to me.
-  Shoshi
November 2021
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animeomegas · 2 years
Obey me Lucifer, Mammon, Levi and Barbatos react to being pregnant but their alpha, that doesn't know abt their pregnancy, has to leave them for a prolonged amount of time for an important reason?
Levi caves immediately and tells his alpha that he's pregnant the second it becomes clear that they're leaving him.
There is nothing that he will accept as important enough for you to leave him, and if it is so important, then he'll just have to come with.
He's so scared to be pregnant, he's terrified of being alone, he's consumed by envy that you'd choose to spend time with others while he's pregnant. There are so many emotions going on in his head, he just can't handle it and he has a huge break down.
You are absolutely going to have to just take him with you or post pone whatever you needed to do.
Levi needs his alpha with him every step of the way.
He's really torn, but ultimately, I think he keeps it a secret and encourages you to go and fulfil your important duties, no matter where you have to go.
His original plan was to tell you a little later, after you'd already gone to where you had to be.
But... then he just doesn't...
It becomes clear to everyone else after a while, but he makes people swear to keep it a secret from you until you return. You have things you need to do, and he won't make you feel guiltier than you already do for leaving him.
Over time, people keep lowkey guilting him about not telling you. It gets harder and harder to do his duties and talk to you over the phone while hiding his pregnancy.
He gets a little afraid of doing this all on his own, but he will not cave unless you directly figure it out/someone tells you, and you ask him.
It really depends how long you're gone for. He'd probably tell you if you were still gone by the time the pup could recognise people/communicate. But the pup is a demon, so that's going to be like 100 years old or something, so you'll probably be back by then.
He understands if you're mad at him, but maybe hold off for a few days, because he's really, really glad you're back and he really, really wants you with him without you getting mad at him.
He's another one that ends up telling his mate before they go, but not as quickly as Levi.
Mammon feels a little conflicted because he's insecure about holding you back or causing trouble for you, but also.... he's desperate for you to be with him, to give him all your attention and help him through the pregnancy he's admittedly woefully underprepared for.
He waits and waits, wracked with indecision, but it's clear that something is wrong, so when his alpha confronts him, he explains it.
He would like if you stayed or took him with, but he'd settle for you coming back every other day to see him, although, expect your phone to be blowing up constantly, and Mammon will throw a mini tantrum every time you leave him to go back to wherever you need to be.
And you absolutely need to be done with all that important nonsense by the time the pup arrives. Mammon is not doing this by himself!
Lucifer is the most conflicted of the bunch.
He has a minor breakdown upon finding out he's pregnant, and shuts himself in his office for a while to think things through.
He does entertain the idea of doing the same thing Barbatos does, but it feels irresponsible, so he discards it.
In the end, he tentatively reveals the pregnancy, but refuses to let you cancel your important work.
Yes, you need to be back when the pup is around, Lucifer can agree to that, but while he's pregnant, he's just going to be doing his normal daily tasks anyway, he doesn't need any help.
And no, you don't have to keep coming back to check up on him, he's fine!!
He's a little bit less fine than he'll admit though. It's definitely a relief when you get home, but he still won't call you home early.
He's too prideful ha
(Hope you enjoyed! <3)
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