#but you're getting it at the same time as Merlin realizing that Gwen is trying to hide her grief about her banishment by keeping busy
chaos-has-theories · 2 years
Yesterday my roommate said that Arthur talks like he's constantly picking the wrong option in a dating sim
and I don't think I'll ever stop thinking about that
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oneknightstand-if · 3 months
A bit of a strange question, but if your game was a horror dating sim, how would ROs behave as yandere? 🌚
You mean it's not a horror dating sim with yanderes already?
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Merlin: Exactly the same. They just need to... unclench... a bit during private times.
Adrian: Superficially the same... until you realize that he's really a stalker and the best way to keep MC safe is to lock them away for their own good.
Arthur: He's the &%&^ High King of course you're going to do exactly as he says at all times, RIGHT?
Percy: I think my brain broke a little here. Less Ed from Cowboy Bebop and more Harley Quinn when you get to know him?
4̸0̵4̵ ̴E̷r̴r̷o̴r̴ ̷N̵o̵t̵ ̵F̸o̴u̵n̷d̴: Exactly the same, there's no going back from this.
Cassandra: All I'l say is "false imprisonment"
Gwen: Superficially the same... just don't ever try to leave her. She's here for a soulmate connection, you know even if she might need to separate your soul from your body to do it.
Vivian: Exactly the same. Just stop trying to keep those instincts under wraps.
Lorelei: You really, really don't want to get through the icey exterior to warm gooey surface inside. Really. She's way better at 'protecting you' than Adrian is.
Broderick: These people are crazy... he'll join you in your attempts to escape from them (or maybe you can join him in his attempts to escape?) Then it gets revealed he was one of them all along.
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nimrism · 2 months
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could you make this post? please, it's so fascinating i really want to hear your thoughts on it
"The Dark Tower" Morgwen Interactions Analysis
i've literally been waiting for someone to ask me this so i can go all out in answer, so you're literally my favorite- THANK YOU! i've tried to put all the thoughts swirling around in my head into one coherent post, so strap in and let's LOOK AT THE IMPLICATIONS (from my perspective)!
first and most importantly, i want to zero in on morgana's choice of kidnapee; she could've chosen anyone in camelot, any one of the knigts who were regularly privy to arthur's battle plans and schedule, but nope. if we're looking at it from the perspective of "she needs the closest person to arthur" wouldn't that be merlin? she could have kidnapped and brainwashed him; he would've made for a fabulous inconspicious mole in the court, and arthur literally goes to him for anything and everything. i actually think it would make for a really interesting au/fic if it were merlin who was kidnapped instead of gwen (love confession/magic reveal possibilities are ENDLESS), but maybe it's a little too close to the plot of "a servant of two masters" and the writers didn't want to be repetitive. i'm going to be biased and delusional in believing that morgana did choose gwen, in particular, for more personal reasons as well as for her nefarious ones.
the way i see it (and this is obviously very objective), by the time we get to this point in s5, morgana is LONELY, like, has-no-one-in-the-world-except-aithusa type of lonely, and her choice of allies has been lacking diversity as of late (why are they all men 💀), AND they all end up dying anyway. so, she needs a plan, and she needs a trusted ally (she also needs a bit of love and lip balm cause DAMN). BUT the thing is, why would anyone be loyal to her? she's never kept any allies (or friends) thanks to her wit and charm alone, she's only ever kept men loyal to her by striking fear in their hearts. it's the same for her friends and family, i think. she doesn't believe they even tolerate her existence, so she needs to be crowned queen to subdue them and FORCE them to respect her. the same goes for gwen. she was only morgana's friend when morgana was a naive and vulnerable girl, plagued by nightmares and unexplained fears, and the second morgana grew out of them (or learned to control them) gwen stopped being affectionate, stopped being open. that's how morgana sees it, and it only reinforces her belief that gwen would never understand the person she's become now, she wouldn't quite see what morgana was trying to do. unless morgana forced her to.
the whole kidnapping affair was to MAKE gwen understand, because she wouldn't do it of her own free will. gwen would never willingly be on morgana's side, so she had to jump through a few morally questionable hoops to bring her over. in the end, i do believe all morgana really wanted was a friend (maybe a little bit more, amirite ladies), though by this point her concept of friendship had become twisted beyond recognition, and in all the chaos, this was the only way she thought she could have one. throughout the episode, a lot of the old morgana shines through, even if it is portrayed as just manipulation, and i do think that was her either slipping back into old habits or forcing herself to, for the sake of the brainwashing and for the sake of their friendship that she's trying to rekindle.
a point that i've seen several people make is that between the niceties, the "real" morgana peeks through several times throughout the ep, but i kinda disagree. i don't necessarily think that just because her smile drops, it means that the niceties were a facade and her "evil" side pops back out. i read the sudden change in expression more as disappointment. gwen fights back with such vigour that it's probably painful for morgana to realize that her former friend sees her as nothing more than an evil witch who's hell-bent on hurting her, now. she's disappointed that gwen, who was supposed to know her best, believes what the others do, and doesn't believe that morgana is being sincere in her offer of friendship.
a small remark i also have is: why wasn't morgana one of the visions/hallucinations gwen had in the dark tower? it's interesting to see that the closest three people to gwen are her brother, arthur, and merlin, of all people. i feel like gwen's history with morgana has to have had a lasting effect on both of them, even if morgana is supposed to be "evil" now. you don't stop loving someone just because they've chosen (or BEEN chosen by) the dark side. morgana was one of the people gwen cared about most in seasons 1 through 3 (s3 is pushing it a little, but still), it doesn't really make sense for it all to be forgotten so completely like we see in this episode. i also think it would've been super interesting to see a hallucination of younger morgana in particular, partially as a reminder that part of gwen still cares about morgana and largely because i'd like to see how gwen would react to that vision... would it differ from the other three? what would morgana do? would she sneer and laugh like elyan and arthur? would she do a little rawr like merlin (😭)? i feel like a ficlet is in order for this concept cause i would like to see it but i have to imagine it first (but that's the hard part 😭)
M: "Would you prefer some chicken?"
i just found this one hilarious tbh like she's so out of pocket what are you doing offering your kidnapee some chicken and WHAT WAS THE OTHER OPTION, IF NOT CHICKEN?
M: "I know how lonely you must be, all by yourself in that room. At least you're not shackled, and there's daylight. You can move, you can see."
oof. she's obviously referring to her own capture and torture, pulling from her own experience. it's heartwrenching that morgana has been through all of this, traumatised beyond reason, but it's even more heartwrenching that she thinks she's doing gwen a service, like this. it might not seem like that to any sane person, but after everything she's been through, morgana's worldview is completely different. in her mind, however twisted and detached it has become, she's being merciful to gwen this way, giving her luxuries that she was never afforded when she was captured. (including a warm meal with chicken at miss havisham's table 🤩)
M: "I too have suffered, Gwen. I spent two years living in darkness. I spent two years chained to a wall at the bottom of a pit... You did not know."
goddddd this line... it's just so painful, so powerful, so indicative of SO MANY THINGS. it's EVERYTHING. every acting choice katie and angel made in this scene was brilliant but ESPECIALLY their facial expressions in this particular part WOAH. the way morgana's voice cracks on the word "pit" is DEVASTATING. i was floored. the way gwen's face falls as she processes her words and they properly set in... INCREDIBLE. the concern in gwen's eyes is palpable as she realizes the horrors inflicted on her friend. and the final "you did not know" was so, so powerful. morgana realizes that gwen didn't know about and clearly wasn't okay with what she went through. gwen had no part in it. morgana SMILES at gwen's reaction, but instead of it being a smile of malice or evil it's one of RELIEF, and one that she hides very promptly. she's reassured in the knowledge that gwen had no idea she had suffered so immensely, and that, more importantly, she wasn't involved in it. it's SO important to note that morgana has no idea whether arthur had a hand in her own torture or not. it's especially not a good look on him that he invites the sarrum as a friend of camelot so soon after the events of "the dark tower", so, as far as morgana knows, he could've been a "friend" when she was being tortured for years, too. i wonder what would've happened if morgana had kidnapped gwen AFTER the sarrum's visit to camelot... i feel like that would have complicated things with gwen much further, if morgana thought she was complicit in her imprisonment.
M: "I would have sold my soul for someone to show me kindness such as this."
only two points on this heartbreaking line: 1- FUCK the sarrum of amata. all my homies HATE the sarrum. s4 and s5 morgana might both be textbook cases of "evil", but they're two VERY different people with two very different worldviews and tactics. morgana's imprisonment turned her into the cold husk of a person she is by s5. and 2- this just further confirms that morgana thinks she's doing gwen a favor, dining with her and letting sunlight into her room and choosing not to tie her up etc.
M: "Your hands are cold... I have a warm fire going for you."
oh boy is this a MOMENT. the way morgana keeps her hand held out. the way gwen reluctantly puts her hand in hers (MORGWEN HAND-HOLD!) *ivy by taylor swift starts playing out of nowhere* {ohhhhh goddamn, my pain fits in the palm of your freezing hand, taking mine, but it's been promised to another, ohhh}
um anyway i digressed. then the way gwen wriggles her hand out of morgana's grasp, while morgana grips her fingers with unwavering determination... it's just delicious.
M: "Anything you want, you can have. I'll give it to you."
idk about you but personally i'm SOLD. take all my money. i read this as morgana trying her utmost best to sell gwen on joining her, but i can also see the manipulation laced in it.
G: "Why are you doing this?"
M: "Because we're friends. We always were."
to me, this reinforces the theory that morgana's just trying to get her friend back on her side. by stating that they've always been friends, morgana reaffirms their friendship as much to herself as to gwen. she was her friend once, and she can be again.
M: "I'm helping you. I'm looking after you."
this sort of feels like morgana is telling herself that, more than she's telling gwen. maybe it's just part of the manipulation process, but i do believe that this was morgana's conscience reassuring her that what she's doing is in gwen's favor and that she's being kind to her.
M: "It's alright, I'm here."
UGH this line. morgana is being the person she needed when she was imprisoned. this scene is also a parallel to all the times morgana woke up screaming in the middle of the night and gwen was there to comfort her in s1/2. this time the tables have turned and it's morgana comforting gwen. simply delicious.
M: "My darling, I was wrong to make you suffer."
TEA! to say that this line was spoken from the bottom of morgana's heart might just be a bit too delusional, but i like to think there's at least some truth to it. torturing gwen had a lot of paralells to morgana's own imprisonment and torture, and she did want to make her suffer, at least in the beginning. but it was also different from what morgana went through. this is NOT to justify torture, btw, torture is BAD, but her "manipulation" tactics got a bit too personal at some point, and i like to think at least a part of it was genuine.
G: "No. Whatever twisted game you're playing, I want no part in it. I would rather stay here and die."
ouch. gwen's resistance to the last possible minute shows such strength on her part (cause me? i would've given in before she even dragged me through the desert tbh) and it gave us such a delicious performance from angel; the reluctance? the uncertainty? the distrust? the relief that morgana is there but also the FEAR of what she's doing? the contradiction between the morgana that gwen once knew and the morgana that everyone KNOWS is evil? but the morgana that gwen once knew is shining through now, and she's saying everything gwen wants to hear... grade-A angst.
IN CONCLUSION they're gfs your honor, this was all just a plot to snatch gwen back from arthur cause morgana didn't think seducing her herself would work. (this phrase could be in reference to this ep or the "lancelot du lac" ep i'm cackling morgana really is hopeless) there are also SEVERAL psychological layers to it, but describing it this way is just easier.
SO... this is possibly the longest post i've ever made. it got a little more comprehensive than i originally thought it would be, but THERE YOU HAVE IT! that's my take on the morgwen interactions in the dark tower. if i seem a little biased, that's because i 100% am :) i hope that clears things up. this is an open invitation to keep sending me asks (even if it's about the most random things ever) cause i love them and i love every single person who sends in an ask, and a public apology for how long these answers get sometimes 😭
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meggie-stardust · 8 months
20 Questions for fic Writers!
Tagging myself via @lucky-bishop because I'm half bored, half a bit loopy on benadryl... And same suggestion; if anyone else wants to do this, say I tagged you <3
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 73?! Wow that surprised me.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 403,636
3. What fandoms do you write for? These days, mostly Teen Wolf, but I've written a lot for Merlin, Percy Jackson, BBC Sherlock, Gundam Wing, and assorted others over the years.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? 1. Acts of Man (Merlin/Arthur, Merlin): On the morning of their Annual pre-Christmas Dinner, Merlin is shocked to find out that Gwen thinks his boyfriend, Arthur, isn't good enough. But after a glimpse into Merlin's quirky flat, Gwen realizes that she might not have the whole story. 2. Nightmares (Jason/Percy, PJO): Percy feels lost and alone after returning from Tarartus. And if that's not bad enough, he can't sleep without having horrifying nightmares. Luckily for Percy, Jason is the one person not avoiding him, and the one person that has offered to help. 3. Looking for the Thing We Lost (Stiles/Peter, Teen Wolf): But the thing is that Stiles had already been forgotten by everyone. 4. Here I Am (Stuck in the Middle With You) (Jason/Percy, PJO): Percy and Jason's mission gets derailed when they find themselves trapped in a room with no way out. Luckily, they find a way to pass the time… 5. Know How A Man Becomes a Beast (Stiles/Peter, Teen Wolf): Peter took a steadying breath and stepped into room. He held up his hands and walked forward slowly, the way he would approach any wild animal. “Stiles. It’s gonna be ok.”
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Yes, I try to, even it take a while -- at least on my newer fics. I haven't gone back to things from like 10 years ago to reply to old comments that I missed, but I try to keep up. I want people to know I appreciate the time they've taken to read and react to my fic, and you never know if you're going to connect with someone new and make a new fandom friend.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Give Me Pure Energy (Stiles/Peter): the alternative season 2 where Stiles craves some normalcy and befriends a new kid in his econ class, only to realize that maybe they both want more from each other than just a simple friendship. This is a super darkfic anyway, and has the kind of ending that's happy only if you're ok with all the awful things that Peter does during the fic... but generally, I like my angst with a happy ending so this is the best I can do.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Oh gosh, so many of my fics have happy endings... that's how I like em... uhhh. I'm going to go with one of my all time favorites:
Stuck Between Stations (Stiles/Peter): the one where Peter and Stiles are stuck in a time-loop inside The Wild Hunt.
8. Do you get hate on fics? I have been so lucky to not get much hate. If people are talking about my work behind my back, it's not getting back to me. And aside from an odd comment or two, I've gotten through about 20 years of fandom without having to deal with random hate.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? yes. I've written m/m, m/f, f/f, and, I think an m/m/f once... but I'm into all sorts of things and have fun writing about it
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? I have in the past; a Harry Potter/BBC Sherlock x-over that got abandoned. I've also done a few prompt challenges that lead to crossovers/fusions like SPN meets MJN Air, etc.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? god, I hope not!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Yes, I have been so lucky to have a few of my fics translated into different languages. It's always such an honor, and I give full permission for people to translate my work as long as they connect it back to mine on AO3.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? I have but it's been ages. And I think there may be someone *cough*@punchedbymarkesmith*cough* that would be great to collaborate with if an opportunity presented itself...
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? Steter it would seem. I've been reading and writing it since 2016...!
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I fully intend to finish It's Only Forever, but I've used some of the ideas for it in other things, so I know it will be hard to get back into where I was going with it. I don't want to abandon it, but it's been a few years... le sigh.
16. What are your writing strengths? I think I'm pretty good with dialogue, especially banter. I think I'm also great at taking a small detail from canon and using that to world build something different.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Oh, that's easy: action and mystery. I really wish I could write a good casefic or mystery plot, and I just can't. I have to distract and misdirect at the end... I have to do the same with the action, too.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I don't trust myself. I might confer with someone who speaks that language if it was really needed, but I would probably do something like:
"Wow, I can't believe you survived that helicopter crash," he said in Spanish.
19. First fandom you wrote for? Gundam Wing, followed my Newsies and Harry Potter.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? I already gave a call out to Stuck Between Stations above, so I'm going to have to go with:
At This Truth We Have Arrived (Stiles/Peter): Five years after the death of Laura, Peter returns to Beacon Hills only to be confronted by the truth that the pack has moved on without him. But the fact that everything he once knew has changed isn't necessarily a bad thing; not when there is someone like Stiles who is so full of possibilities.
OR as my WIP notes for this fic say: "Peter is curious. They do something. Murder murder. Sex sex."
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I started watching Merlin again a few months back because my favorite podcasters were doing it after reaching the end of their Supernatural podcast, so for a while now I've been loping through at a civilized pace, watching 1 episode per week in advance of the podcast, and I was just about in the middle of season 3 -- coincidentally around the exact point I got distracted and lost interested in it the first time I watched -- when Netflix informed me they're yanking the show next week for inscrutable Netflix reasons. So this week I've bailed through the whole back half of the show so I wouldn't have to figure out how to download it or whatever, and man, you guys. It got weirdly dark in the last two seasons! Like there's a whole episode about the bewitched knights wandering lost in a hellish wasteland while failing to rescue Guinevere from being tortured and brainwashed and I'm like -- this is the same show that features other hit plotlines such as "Anthony Head is tricked into marrying a troll who farts constantly" right? It took a turn, is what I'm saying.
Anyway, I basically enjoyed it, in that it's (for once in my life!) written to provide basically consistent and sensible payoffs for the conflicts it establishes and also Colin Morgan is just a really likeable and compelling performer, but like -- I do think it's ultimately a more or less fatal flaw to the show that Arthur kind of -- sucks. He really is kind of a garbage dude, and initially you're kind of like, oh okay, he's youthful and reckless and spoiled, but the show is going to be about how he matures into the Great King of Prophecy, and I appreciate that the key to that is going to be the way he comes to realize that the Common Folk in his life, both Gwen and Merlin, are the best people around him. And kiiiind of? I mean, he does improve marginally, but oh my God he really just is largely a dipshit right to the end, isn't he? Like very late in the game, well into the Full Flowering of Camelot, the conflicts are still along the lines of "Arthur is fully going to execute someone for trumped-up reasons and Merlin has to gingerly plant the idea of maybe not doing that in his head because god knows he'll be having none of it if you try to be direct about the gruesome mistake he's making." And the man's daddy issues, Jesus Christ! I love a good fictional daddy issue, but there's a line, and the line is that if the ghost of your asshole of a dead father half-murders your wife because he thinks you could do better, you're allowed to speak sternly to him! Very sternly! But no, Arthur's like, Dad, I have to ask you to leave now please, because I'm an adult now and you are dead. Buddy! Buddy!!! He clocked your wife unconscious and tried to set her on fire, we passed I Need You to Go Now *several* exits back!
Anyway, it's stuff like that. He's a better king than Uther was, but the bar is in hell, and judged on his own merits, Arthur is -- kind of a petty curmudgeon, and not entirely not a tyrant, and he never *did* fully get around to that restoring magic business that was supposedly the point of the whole show. Which in and of itself is okay and kind of interesting -- it was almost a bold statement about the inherent moral vacuity of dynastic monarchies, like actually if you raise a person to believe the right of rulership is in him by blood, the very *best* you're going to get is a guy who's okay sometimes, unless he doesn't feel like it, in which case you're fucked until you can figure out some way to work him around. Which is basically what Arthur was, as a king. It's like Junior Varsity Game of Thrones. It's not bad.
But they so clearly wanted you, the audience, to go all in on Merlin's fear and sadness as Camlann and Mordred and the fall of Camelot looms, and Morgan's acting his ass off and I would like to play along and grieve the tragic loss of Arthur Pendragon and the end of a golden age, except Arthur's really just a dudebro with the bare minimum that qualifies as a conscience and actually the whole last two seasons were shot more like a gothic horror than a golden age, and I don't think I found it as reassuring as I'm supposed to that this guy is coming back at some point. Not to speak for the British, but -- thanks but no thanks, is where I personally stand on that business. Avalon can keep him.
Which -- again, if that's the point, it's a brilliantly sly deconstruction of the mythology of the True King. But it's kind of not framed like that's the point. I actually couldn't tell for sure. All of this sounds like I didn't like the show, but I think I did! It had some genuinely moving elements and decent production values for TV and some good performances and a dragon. I liked the dragon, he's probably my favorite character.
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reginarubie · 2 years
Hey have a couple for the ship thoughts questions:
Sansa and margs
Sansa and Dan
Jon and Dan
Dan and missandie
Jon's dad and mom ( for some reason I'm blanking on their names, all I can remember is R+l=j)
Ned and cat
Ned and asha dayne ( the rumoured lady that Ned loves ad beded but settled for cat)
Jamie and cers
Jemie and Brienne
Tyrion and tysha?? The one that truly loved him but he believed his family and treated her like... left her
Merlin and Arthur
Arthur and Morgan
Arthur and Gwen
Gwen and Merlin
gwen and that knight
steve Harrington and Nancy wheeler
Nancy wheeler and Jonathan
El and Mike
El and will
Will and Mike
nancy and Robin
Crissy and Eddie
Robin and Steve
Joyce and jim
Hi anon!,
For the series send me ships and I'll give my brutally honest opinion:
part I
part II
Let's go ahead and since in your ask you've divided it by fandoms let's do the same in my reply! A little premise, this doesn't meant to offend in any way the shippers of any of the ships I will be brutally honest about.
Ship what you wanna ship and enjoy what you wanna enjoy. This is just my opinion on why I like or not these ships.
To be brutally honest I don't hate it outside of canon.
In canon even though it can be considered one of the purest relationships Sansa lives (and it's because it's depicted by her POV) I really hope it never happens in any circumstances.
Albeit growing fond of Sansa we can't forget that Margaery is a manipulator who is doing the dirty job by gaining Sansa's friendship and loyalty to further forward her family's ambition and tho it's an ugly game the one they are playing, and as she is herself says in show!verse, because I can't recall that happening in book!verse at all, “women in our position should make the best of their circumstances” it makes the way Sansa honestly feels about her and their friendship sound even more like a fraud.
Sansa considers Margaery her truest friend in Kings Landing after Jeyne is taken away from her, and thinks that her presence and unfailing kindness changed everything for her. Because Margaery made her feel appreciated and loved and wanted, completely opposite as how Sansa has been treated as a pariah.
And all the while Margaery has been instead manipulating her to get through her, the claim to Winterfell and the North for her family at which point with a queen on the throne and a Warden of the North in the family, their riches and being the granary of the 7K, the Tyrells would have become virtually unstoppable.
I don't doubt Margaery grew fond of Sansa (what's not to grow fond of, of a girl who puts in jeopardy her life to tell you the truth, a truth you already know, about the king you're supposed to marry only so that you are spared the abuse she suffered?) as did Garlan who took the time to comfort her at her marriage feast.
Still, I feel like Margaery was succeeding in what Littlefinger has been trying to do all along. Using the right key she was managing to gain Sansa's loyalty and a Stark loyalty is a powerful thing (especially with the might of the North at their back).
It makes every moment shown between them in the show or in the book sound even worse and sour in my mouth.
Tbh Sansa is going to realize exactly how easily the Tyrells framed her for Joff's murder, uncaring if that threw her even further in the mouth of the lions (for however knowing of it Marg was). She'll probably always think fondly of Margaery for the kindness she has shown her, because that is who Sansa is, but I doubt she's ever going to trust her implicitly like she did in KL ever again in canon.
Sansa is afraid she's never going to be loved in any capacity beyond what her claim means to the people around her, it's why, I believe she's going to appreciate Jon all the more in canon because boy is out there defending her claim only because it's hers , no matter which last name she sports, going against his own ambition (which he himself describes as hunger) to instead defend her.
So... on a scale 5/10 in canon because of all manipulation going on. Outside of canon I am all for supporting relationships and as far as I am aware that is the nature of their ship outside of canon so: good for them!
By Dan I'm going to assume you mean Daenerys. So let's go ahead.
Okay, time to be brutally honest here.
Had Daenerys be a male, Sansa would've been meant for her. It's why the whole Jon/Sansa and Young Griff/Sansa make historic sense.
Sansa is based off several historical figures, but mostly she's based off Elizabeth of York and Elizabeth Tudor.
The heir to the dynasty which has been overthrown returning with the might of three dragons, and the girl (the eldest surviving child) who is the heir apparent to another great family/dynasty with two brothers presumed dead, the daughter by a lord beloved by the kingdom and beloved she herself. Soft and feminine, but with a will of steel. With a dubious relationship with her uncle (LF is her uncle by marriage).
It makes historic sense.
But in canon GRRM has gone with a different twist of this story and has created two Elizabeth's. Sansa and Arianne. I am a firm believer that Young Griff might really be Elia's son, and I think a marriage alliance with the Martells through Arianne would make sense, tho I think in the end Arianne is going to end up with Daemon Sand (a bastard with a valyrian name, would you look at that?). Kind of like Jon, who I refuse to believe might be considered trueborn, because in the show they might have given him several part of Young Griff's plot in the books and Sansa.
Also I believe that both the North and Dorne are going to go free (the swords of the northerners and the dornish are the only ones that are not in the Iron throne, which is symbolic and might mean they will break off the 7K and be the queen/princess guiding their people and beloved by them), beyond their romances.
To top of that, in canon, Martin has taken every care in the world to make Sansa and Daenerys as similar as he can, whilst making them completely different and setting them up to become moral and political rivals. He made Daenerys to be Cleopatra and Sansa to be her Octavian.
I actually wrote an entire post based mostly on show canon, but it also applies to book canon (even more actually) in which I give clues as to why they've been set up from the beginning to become political and moral rivals (might actually upgrade that one with visual clues and textual clues in the book at one point). You can find it here.
I think that the greatest part of Daenerys tragedy is that hers is the story of how an abused and how the trauma she endured has turned her to what she is slowly becoming. Had she had a better example to learn of, someone to look up to that might teach her the right ways she might have turned completely different. Had she known the real love of her family, she might have turned out differently. Had she had been able to get the help she needed to overcome her trauma and the coping mechanisms she had to use to survive, she might have turned out completely differently. But as it is, it didn't happen and that's the root of her tragedy.
And I think that that is also what differentiates her from Sansa. She's not a bad girl to start off, just like Sansa isn't...both suffer terrible abuse and survive but they have had different examples in their life and when Sansa knows plenty well the difference between love and fear, in Daenerys' journey they often overlap, which makes them fundamentally different in their core and ends up pitting them against one another.
So in canon -10/10; outside of canon, it can be very fun to write and read.
[I myself have a couple of fics about them, tho I've not dedicated near enough time to them as I should've. One is a twisted version of Robin Hood with Daenerys as Robin Hood and Sansa as lady Marian, and another is a modern AU.]
In canon (both show!verse and book!verse) I believe that if it happens it's going to be about Jon pulling a 007 on us all, like he already did with Ygritte and the wildlings. It makes textual sense because again, Martin has taken all the care in the world to ensure that Jon and Daenerys are at the opposite side of the spectrum when it comes to rule.
Also, the answer to Jon's prayers and dreams is Sansa, not Daenerys. So a bit like the Jon/Arya ship it would take away everything he wants from him to ship him with Daenerys and at the same time Jon is not Daenerys type at all.
As I've already said and actually spoke about in another meta, in Daenerys' life love/power/fear overlap and her type is the rogue, dangerous men capable of doing anything, even killing without any remorse (Drogo and Daario).
BookJon is several time more interesting than showJon, he's petty and clever and politically astute (I mean, boy managed to get the Iron bank to give the Watch a loan whilst drunk and seventeen; and he swapped two children, possibly putting them both in peril in a desperate attempt to save them from an horrific death) also I think, after all he did to save Mance's son was to make sure neither baby could be sacrificed at Melisandre's call; when he gets whiff of Stannis sacrificing Shireen at Melisandre's counsel (or doing so because spurned by all of Melisandre talks about kingsblood) he is going to trust Daenerys even less, especially if what has been shown in the show (her meeting Kinvara and having the red priestess starting to claim she is the princess who was promised and Melisandre being in Dragonstone when Jon gets there or wherever they will have that encounter) happens in the books as well. Which I believe it might, since dragons are fire made flesh and the red priests and priestess think that fires washes all sins and terrors away.
So, beyond Jon loosing everything he ever wished for, it would go against Jon's own character ever falling in love with her, but it would be completely in character for him to go ninja undercover on her and do whatever it takes to get the dragons to defend Winterfell, the North and his family. What more, Jon is by now, bleeding out dead in the snows of Castle Black and as per my theory about resurrected characters in asoiaf (on which I am working on to post, I promise, to anyone still waiting for it) Jon died a Stark defender, that is the core of his identity and that is what he'll be in his most pure form when he returns to life, especially after being in Ghost for so long.
Also, the way they depicted in the showverse might actually be pretty telling of what may happen in book canon and that's terrible.
Also, not only would Jon loose everything he ever wanted, but the way I've seen this ship depicted (not that I've given it way too much attention beyond what I've written for them in historical AU) it always kind of makes Jon blend in the background and Daenerys get everything she wants sometimes even stepping on what Jon cares for, which is what they gave us in show canon. To Jon the most important part of his identity are the Starks. He is the youngest child biologically speaking, but he is one of the big brothers of House Stark, and that is his core. He died because he wanted to break millennia of neutrality of the Watch to save his sister. And often this ship ends up suppressing this side of Jon.
So -5/10 both in show canon and book canon.
I'll go ahead and assume you meant only show verse, because we've got more than enough of Daenerys with Irri in the books to be sick with it, and with the way Daenerys stops it not because Irri doesn't enjoy it but because her not enjoying it was blatant enough that her kisses tasted of duty; she didn't stop because she felt like it was wrong to use another human being that way, but merely because she herself did not enjoy being kissed as if it was a duty.
Show verse Daenerys and Missandei had that gal-to-gal friendship depicted with Daenerys even braiding Missandei's hair, which I don't think ever happened in the books, tho I may be wrong. And Missandei is the only one Daenerys goes back for to KL, even tho she lost a number of other allies (The Sand Snakes and Yara Greyjoy), so I can see why some people may find it appealing to their tastes for the way the show depicted it, plus they're both hot and determined young women.
Why I think it shouldn't be applied in the books? It'd make it essentially grooming on D part.
In the books to begin with Missandei is a child, younger than Daenerys whom Daenerys says she wants to protect, whom she takes into her service after buying her from the masters in Astapor and whilst (besides the slaves at the end of Dany X in AGOT) Missandei is the only other former slave Daenerys frees but she does so with the intention of gaining her loyalty long enough to gather information from her about the Unsullied and how to move once she had bought them. Which subsenquentially spurns her to make them ever loyal only to her, slaves in all, save in name, because she never truly frees them, what she does it overlap the concept of freedom with that of dracarys and being the dragon's, all with the scourge still in hand.
So, I can see some of the appeal in show verse and it's pretty wholesome as far as Daenerys' relationships go in being depicted in the show 6/10
Talk about another man grooming a child into a relationship. Okay, I'll hold off the gun because we aren't given too much context here, but what we've got is that Rhaegar was a twenty-four years old man with wife and children, obsessed with a prophecy who essentially eloped with a girl of barely fourteen years of age.
Now whilst such an age difference wouldn't have been the greatest possible in that historical context what makes it worse is that Lyanna was a highly dedicated to her family and romantic young lady and that Rhaegar was already married and with two kids.
What happened was that either he abducted her (like Robert claimed) or persuaded her to elope with him (like the show would suggest). Possibly he married her in some kind of secret marriage (which would defeat the point of not causing a fucking war and would bastardize his children, which it's hinted that it's not what he wanted, since he believed Aegon, his son by Elia, to be the Prince who was promised) or not, but then he sired a child from her, didn't account for his crime and let his father execute his wife/lover's father and brother thus provoking a war and alienating his wife/lover from her family. He then took her and secluded her in a fucking tower in Dorne (the homeland of his left behind wife just to be even more of a jerk) not even once trying to amend the problems he had caused.
What we know of Lyanna as per reverse, is that she was fiercely loyal to her House and loved her father and brothers (the only line we know by her was “That is my father's bannerman you are kicking!” when she defended Howland Reed at Harrenhal and she then entered the tourney secretly to avenge him) and we have to believe that that same girl would just accept her husband/lover secluded her in Dorne and fought against her family and accept her father and brother had been brutally killed?
Not bloody likely.
What I think more likely is that Rhaegar might have taken a fancy to Lyanna because of her youth and her determination, for she might have reminded him of Visenya's temperament and since he wanted to recreate the whole Aegon and his sisters, with Elia unable possibly to carry more children he decided Lyanna would do for a mother, endangering a girl of fourteen whom may have been on her first cycles.
He might have then seduced her, which most handsome man of the 7K, a prince and basically fancying her for what other suitors may find disgraceful? Tho, we'd have to assume Lyanna didn't care that he had other children, tho she cared that Robert had sired a bastard girl before marriage, which again doesn't make any sense. But let's say Lyanna was young and easily seduced by such a man.
He very clearly then actually abduct her and seclude her in a tower whilst pregnant, alone and away from her family, warring in her and her father's name.
It appears to me that the only good thing coming from that particular ship was Jon. And believe me, Jon is not going to take well his parentage, even if he ended up being trueborn, because he prides himself of being Eddard Stark's son tho lowborn, I don't think the same might be said for Rhaegar.
-1000/10 we respect no jerk in this household and Rhaegar left his wife and children behind unprotected (his daughter died screaming for her dad, under whose bed she had hid... the same dad who left her behind to groom a girl barely older than her), and secluded a fourteen year old girl whom he had gotten pregnant, alone in a tower in Dorne to fight a war he lost, all for the sake of a damn prophecy. The jerkometer hits the stars with him. He can choke for the way he treated both Elia and Lyanna and his children.
Good thing he sons have taken after their mothers and the men who raised them more than him.
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10000/10 would recommend. And this is my shipper heart speaking.
Tbh though they are one of the most wholesome and truest, healthiest relationship in all of asoiaf, even with the matter of Jon's parentage to settle between them, they loved each other. They learned to love each other and build their family, a family they died to protect. Trusted and respected each other.
I mean Neddie boy turned from lethal, dangerous direwolf to tail-wagging puppy the moment he saw his wife in KL, and noticed she had been attacked by the way she held her hands, that's the degree of attentiveness we want in a man, okay?
Cat last thought was the fact that Ned loved her hair and that she didn't want it ruined even in death. Ned was her rock, to the point that even dead he was her support system.
Ned defended her by justifying her actions in taking Tyrion in custody as if commanded by him and Ned-I-know-better-than-that-oaf-of-my-best-friend-the-king, idealistic Ned Stark listened to his wife when she told him to trust LF. Dumb move, but still it gives you the degree at which they trusted and relied on each other.
With their fragilities and flaws they are one of my most beloved ships in asoiaf.
We know next to nothing to this, saved that people gossiped about it, and about the fact that Ashara might have been Jon's mother. May it be that it happened, may it be that it didn't.
I think that even if it did it was heartbreaking, sad and bittersweet.
I am sure that if Martin were to give us more info, or write about it it'd be pretty real and cutting in its depiction/mirroring of the time and context of asoiaf.
So, on trust I give it 7.5/10.
For how it's written like this fated, hateful, passionate and destroying relationship I have to tap my hat to GRRM and give it a 8/10 on the manner of how much I like the way it was written...meh. I think it's pretty interesting and that it is the root of much of the problems Jaime and Cersei actually face.
In a scale of how much I enjoy it, tho, I'd give it a 4/10, BUT with the theme of rape not withstanding which would crush it down at -1000/10.
Sorry I am more for healthy, supporting relationships, as much as possible in every fiction and context. But if it's someone else's cup of tea, good for them.
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Reverse Beauty and the Beast story, in which the one who looks like a beauty is a beast and the one who looks beastly is a beauty. Pretty interesting to read, also because I think its root is that Jaime sees bits of the himself he sacrificed for his father and the people of KL in Brienne's vision of the world.
Still...read again the whole bath scene and consider it closely (I did a step-by-step with Tyrion and Sansa wedding night here) is it really worth being shipped?
In some contexts it doesn't bother me much...in canon I think it's going to be heartbreaking for Brienne.
3/10 I'm giving it a 3 merely because despite sexualizing her internally during the bath scene, Jaime doesn't actually act on that, and returns to save her because he has dreamt of her and because the sodding idiot is so foolish he has followed her in the Riverlands like she was his guide-light. And in other context could be pleasing to read about.
I have actually written a series of several metas about it, you can find the first installment here, the others will be linked at the end. Anyway, I honestly hope Tyrion never finds her.
Since departing KL his whole mantra has been searching for Tysha and at every stop they make, even in a brothel where he rapes a young girl who looks like Sansa, he asks after her and asks himself “where do whores go?” which is what Tywin told him.
I hope he never finds her, because Tysha was no whore, no matter what they did to her. They were the whores in the equation, so I dearly hope he never finds her, because Tysha was not a whore to begin with. Tho, I'd really enjoy her freezing him out once he returns to her with that arrogant brazenness he has, which will lead him to realize he is exactly like the father he hated so much.
100/10 Tysha living off her life peacefully and freezing Tyrion out if he ever finds her.
-1000/10 their ship. I hope Tyrion ends up realizing he never found Tysha because he searched the wrong places all along.
And that was it for asoiaf. Let's step in the next one, Merlin!
So, I am assuming we are speaking of Merlin the tv series and not the legend, because then it'd get very messy, albeit interesting.
Just kiss already.
1000/10 whatever way we wanna see it, romantically as a friendship or simply two people caring for each other, the chemistry was off charts for starters (like c'mon “do you walk on your knees?” “No” “Let me help you” and all the “I could take you apart with one blow” “I could take you apart with less than that”...I mean and all in the first minutes of the pilot?) and it was just that pure.
Arthur thinking Merlin was the bravest man he knew. Braver than his father (who he idolized for a long time) braver than himself and braver than all the knights he was surrounded by. Arthur thanking Merlin, noticing Merlin's moods and believing in him. Accepting him also for his magic in the end and Merlin being satisfied with only being his servant for his whole life, Merlin never telling him the truth not because he thought Arthur may kill him, but because he didn't want to put Arthur in the position he had to chose between their friendship and the kingdom he was governing and the beliefs he had...
... it's just so wholesome and heartbreaking. There's a video on youtube with the parallels of the entire series and there is one with Merlin getting his hair messed by Arthur and then him passing by his resting site in the modern day bowing his head like he did that one time... I'm not okay, alright?
[Forgive me as I go cry in a corner for the next thousand years]
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That one was really well delivered.
If they ended up with a last desperate, passionate kiss I would've found it believable that was how good they have depicted that love/hate relationship and whilst there was some chemistry and hints at it in the earlier seasons, I think one thing the show runners got right was their siblings energy.
10/10 if they went that way it would've be believable and c'mon everyone loves star crossed lovers who became each other enemy because of differing views and ideals and ended up killing each other. Twisted love story, here I come.
My two favs in the same ship, am I gonna ship it? Honestly? Hell yeah!
1000/10 would recommend. Funny, dorky and passionate and romantic all the same time. Also pure enough that to their knowledge Gwen did cheat on Arthur (tho she never could explain why and no one explained to them her head had been tampered with, despite her snapping out of it almost as soon as it happened) and he forgave her, took her back and she forgave herself and they were true to each other. Honestly, heartbroken on their end.
Albeit how believable it was the way they depicted and delivered I am forever simping over Arthur fucking Pendragon naming her his heir (thus making the dynasty a dynasty by which standards both male and females could inherit) because he had faith in the world she had to build. And sad over my fav Guinevere finally have the power to make the changes she always advocated for, but loosing everything she held dear (her friendship with Morgana, her first love and the love of her life as well as Merlin, because we all know how griefstricken he must've been) to gain it, and still persevering with the grace and strength she had all through it all. No wonder Arthur fell in love with her.
Also, I don't know if you mean Lancelot or Leon for Gwen and the knight. So I'll give my opinion on both:
Gwen and Lancelot, 8/10 sweet and supporting but marred by Lancelot deciding to move away instead than staying with her and Gwen not asking as the supporting woman she is.
Gwen and Leon, 9/10 I feel like they would be the kind of people that might end up together when the love of their life has passed away and find comfort in each other, and love, albeit different, still strong and supporting. I can see them grow old together with Arthur not in the picture anymore.
Then, onto Stranger Things we go, I must say something tho. I am not this great fan of ST so my opinion is only based of what little I've seen on tumblr and on the few episodes I've seen. So it's not going to be as elaborated as the one we've seen until now, because I know the show less and thus I'm going mostly by feel and not by analysis.
Soft, sweet, dorky and funny. 10/10 would ship them by what little I've seen. Tho I don't see them having a very long term, as in endgame, relationship. Friendship and support, crush? Seriously, of course. But somehow I get the impression at some point they would grow a bit apart romantically, but I might be wrong. Still I'd watch it gladly. So gimme it.
Feels like it makes sense, good chemistry might be the actors who are together, I think?, anyway it seeps into the characters so it makes it believable. Also Jonathan seems like the kind of gloomy kid who has a heart of gold and would break generational abuse patterns. So 8/10 but only because I feel like the funny, dorky side of it might be a bit missing.
They seem cute, still don't convince me for some reason. Feels a bit wrong to me. Don't ask me why, I've not seen enough to tell you clearly, just...they feel off, like they don't belong together romantically. Though it may be one of those slow-burn ships that gets more and more believable as time passes.
Sorry, I don't know why but it bothers me a bit, I find it...wrong? I don't know, by what I've seen they're better off as friends and I don't see that much chemistry between characters, the actors are adorable when they're out of character, but inside the story from what little I've seen... friends I can see, lovers...not so much. Again might be my impression is wrong because I've not seen the whole thing so I don't know.
It doesn't feel right to me.
From what I've seen cute and funny and easygoing as well as soft. Totally would love to see it if they ever went in that direction. Even if it's not endgame it feels plausible for that to happen, wether it be a one-sided crush, only a crush never acted upon or a love story.
Again, by what I've seen between the serie and tumblr... YES! Give me more, now!
10/10 would love to see more of it.
Always gave me the vibe of partners in crime. Funny to watch, don't think it has any romantic hues, but even only for their dynamic as friends I'd watch several episodes in a row. So I'd give it a 7/10.
Tbh I don't really have a disposition either in a sense or another with this one. A couple of badass shots, but I don't really have enough to form a brutally honest opinion, so I guess... 6/10?
Now this one has potential. I feel like whether they'll play it one-sided, both sided but doomed, or endgame it feels plausible and credible.
It feels cuttingly real. So 100/10 on ground of it feeling plausible, credible and the kind of love that even when unrequited might be enough to send you off the rails.
I think I've gotten them all. Feel free to point out if I missed one, sorry again if the brutally honest opinions on Stranger things are neither that brutal, neither opinions truly, but I'm not really into it, I've watched it sparsely and thus know almost next to nothing about them.
Hope you enjoyed and thank you for the ask!
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Could you do 63 and 80 with Merlin? I'm so glad you're writing for this fandom omfg.
I'm happy to provide😇
Why does Merlin’s magic always get him in trouble?
#63 “You getting flustered is one of the cutest things I’ve ever seen.”
#80 “I wanted to say that without stuttering but that failed.”
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His behavior was adorable to you. The way he kept fluttering about like a newly emerged butterfly trying to use his wings. There was something on his mind, you could tell. Merlin acted this way before he showed you his magic. The turmoil and anxiety must’ve been eating him up inside.
Just like it is now.
“Merlin? Is there something on your mind?” You asked him as he stood beside you. There was a banquet going on in honor of some guests, so you guys were serving.
“No. Why would you say that?” He said innocently, and you arched a brow at that.
“Because you just poured a knight an empty goblet of wine.” You said with a grin. Realizing his mistake, Merlin quickly moved to fix it. Perhaps he caused a bit of mess in his panic, but that was actually proving your point.
“Nothing on your mind, huh.” You said once he came back from a scolding Arthur gave him. Merlin simply sighed before looking around, obviously trying to think of something to say.
“There’s something I want to tell you...later though...” He said, and you nodded in curiosity. You assumed that meant he wanted you to come to his room after the event. I mean, when he’s serious about something, like his magic that time, that’s usually where you went.
So, that’s where you snuck off to after the banquet.
Merlin was seated on his bed, looking more nervous than ever. Whatever was bugging him, it much bother him even more so than revealing his magic to you. However, to be polite, you knocked on the doorframe.
“Merlin?” You said, and he looked up like you were a ghost.
“Come in.” He said quickly, telling you to shut the door behind you. Sitting beside him on the bed, you wondered what could be so important that he had to make you sneak past Gauis in the middle of the night in order to see him.
“Y/N, I thought this over...and realized I shouldn’t stall about how I feel anymore...” Merlin said in a nervous manner, causing you to blink at him in concern. 
“A-After seeing Gwen and Arthur together...I-I realized...h-how much I l-love you...” He was a mess when he said that, obsessively playing with his hands and looking everywhere but you. Your face had gone several shades of red and you found yourself saying nothing.
“I wanted to say that without stuttering but that failed.” Merlin muttered to himself as he focused on his hands, anywhere but your face. Despite your flustered state, you couldn’t stop yourself from giggling.
“Merlin...don’t be embarrassed. I...I actually feel the same.” You admitted shyly, but that caused him to perk right up.
“If that’s true, then I-I gotta give you something.” He said cutely, cupping his hands together before giving you a grin. You watched him in amusement, knowin he was about to use his magic.
“Do you like roses?” He asked with a smile, and you nodded. Then, he quickly moved his hands together before saying, “Then one rose coming up.” 
He closed his eyes and muttered a small spell. Upon opening his eyes, they flashed gold. Merlin then gave you a proud smirk before opening his hands. However, instead of a rose, there was a small pile of strawberries.
Merlin immediately deflated as you began to laugh.
“Why can I never do this spell right?” He said to himself, his face getting continuously red as you continued to laugh.
“You getting flustered is one of the cutest things I’ve ever seen.” You said with a little smile as his whole face got as red as the strawberries in his hand. Then you grabbed one of the red fruits before taking a bite of it.
“Still, I think these are just as good as a rose.” You told him, causing some of his pride to be restored. However, you made it crumble again when you grabbed a strawberry and tried to feed it to him.
“Y/N! Stop!” He pleaded with you, trying not to give in and get even more flustered. You were just laughing as you kept that up for around five minutes before allowing him to be free. 
“Sorry about that.” You said with a grin as he calmed down. Merlin flashed you a smile to show that all was well. After a while, you decided it would be best to sneak back out so Gaius doesn’t get upset with either of you.
“Thanks again. I’m so glad you felt brave enough to tell me.” You said while pressing a light kiss to his cheek. Poor boy got super flustered as you quickly retraced your steps out of the room.
He’s been in a lovey dovey state ever since.
“Why are you so cheery today, Merlin?” Arthur’s voice was laced in suspicion as he watched his servant fold some clothes.
“Just a ray of sunshine has shone into my life.” Merlin said with a bright smile, freaking out Arthur a bit.
Typical Arthur. Being confused by Merlin’s shenanigans. 
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seriouslyobsessed · 2 years
Fanfiction Recommendations
•With Only the Moon as Witness By lost_for_me
Merthur, the knights, Morgana and Gwen get together in Arthur's chambers to drink and play Don't Say It!, a game where you're given a secret forbidden word, and after the set amount of time has passed, must drink as many times as you said it. Merlin and Arthur act like a couple without even realizing, Gwaine and Percival are a trouble-making couple, Elyan is tired of everyone's bullshit, Gwen and Lancelot are a soft couple, Morgana is a badass, Mordred is not a child, and Leon is the older brother. Set some place in canon where all of them are alive and well.
excerpt :
Arthur snorted, holding a piece of bread to Merlin’s mouth, and said, “Don’t be an idiot, Merlin.”
Merlin bit into the bread, and tugged it free of Arthur’s hand. “Dollop-head.”
“Not a real word.”
“Is too.”
“Really, Merlin. Describe it then.”
“In two words? Prince Arthur.” The knights chanted, smirking.
Arthur groaned. “Seriously, I don’t know why I tell any of you anything.”
“Obviously because you love us,” Gwen said, patting Arthur’s arm.
“Whatever gave you that idea?”
•If only I could wake you up By MABlake
He ached to touch her when Abby suggested, “Take her hand.”
It was on instinct, that his fingers were already halfway there before he could process her words. One of the muscles in her arm reacted to the contact of his skin against hers. He stopped talking, he almost stopped breathing, and then he kneeled so that her face was at the same level as his. “Princess?”
For a second there was nothing, and he thought that maybe he’d imagined it, but then he saw movement. It was barely there, but he saw it, and he choked out a sob, finally letting the tears fall down his cheeks. He let his forehead fall against the mattress, where their hands were still joined, trying to calm the wild beating of his heart.
Or: Clarke is trapped in her mind, and there's only one person who can save her.
•quae vitae By dusktillmidnight
Bellamy begins to notice the young girl that comes to his shop daily, always at the same time—just after three—and always stays until five. She orders the same thing everyday, a black coffee with two sugars and a chocolate croissant; then she wanders over to the shelves, chooses a book and sits in silence while she reads until her phone goes off and she gathers her things and leaves, always putting the book back exactly where she’d gotten it. She never talks to anybody, always thanking Harper for her food and drink but that’s the extent of it.
Everyone is curious about the girl that showed up out of nowhere. So Bellamy talks to her.
Madi wanders into a small coffee shop/bookstore after Clarke starts fostering her and finally finds something she can call her own.
•Take My Hand, Take My Whole Life, Too By Theyna_Shipper
It's a bit of a Jedi tradition to lose a hand.
Ben can't stand to see his Jedi hurt.
•Five Times Ben Braided Rey’s Hair And One Time He Unbraided It By Ayearandaday
https://archiveofourown.org/works/26594143 The first time teenage Ben meets kid Rey he ends up braiding her hair. Little does he know that it will become their own little ritual for many years to come.
•A Secret Shared By electrictoes
It was their secret joy, something they hadn’t shared with anyone yet.
Or: Five times someone found out about Rollisi: The Smollisi Edition
•Fierce and Unwavering By electrictoes
“He thought she was yours too, that’s why…” / “Yeah, he assumed and I guess I never corrected him.”
Or; when people start assuming Jesse and Billie are Sonny's, he and Amanda have some talking to do.
•I mean, I could but why would I want to? By Linnytarts
Two times Rollins and Carisi (barely) manage to keep their developing relationship under wraps and two times they don't.
Iron Dad
•Dad By inkinmyheartandonthepage
Peter realizes he's been calling Tony dad.
Once Upon A Time
•Always find one another By liliumweiss
Little ficlet inspired by episode 1x09 "True North".
Involves Captain Swan Cobra Rook all connected via DNA. Don't like, don't read.
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nextstopparis · 3 years
It makes me laugh so hard that every time Arthur goes on a picnic with a woman, which is apparently his main dating move, poor Merlin has to hang out a few feet away and pretend he isn’t hanging out until presumably he gets called over to do a job. Like how awkward is that. It would be less weird if Arthur and Merlin weren’t friends, but imagine if every time you went on a date your buddy who has risked their life for you more times than you know and has been in multiple high risk situations with you was sitting five feet away against a tree listening to you flirt lol
also. listen. immediately the first thing that came to mind is merlin just fucking. not letting him live bc of how much he sucks at flirting. like its probably so WEIRD having to sit through a date, but - as u said - especially because its not fully in a professional capacity??? like theyre BEST FRIENDS?? its gonna be so fucking awkward.... at least, if it was completely professional, it wouldn't be as weird cause its just like. a job, or whatever. but its never gonna be fully professional working with a best friend so??? im guessing that merlin, ever suffering in his own way, came up with like. Benefits of being forced to accompany arthur on his dates. and what is better than making fun of arthur? so i bet after like, the first date, merlin wasn't even that mad abt this part of his job cause he got more things to tease arthur about. all "have you even talked to a girl before?" and "you know, i think you're actually getting worse at it". like. arthur also just makes it so EASY, you know?
AND IT WOULD DRIVE ARTHUR ABSOLUTELY NUTS. IT WOULD PISS HIM OFF SO MUCH!!!!!!! its absolutely the funniest thing in the world, oh my god.
i dont know if him and elena ever had a picnic, but merlin was definitely with them during the riding. thankfully his first date with gwen was them alone but... the one with mithian??? PAINFUL SKJKJSKJSL
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look at this man,,, he has come up with like. AT LEAST 700+ insults about how fucking stupid arthur looks/sounds trying to impress women. its absolutely incredible.
i like to think that after gwen and arthur got married merlin was thinking to himself 'thank fuck, no more first date picnics' you know? BUT THEN ARTHUR WAS LIKE AHA. SIKE. ALL OUR DATES ARE GOING TO BE PICNICS NOW. and merlin, the poor soul, ready to join morgana, was just thinking to himself 'you've got to be FUCKING kidding me' because really. hasn't he suffered enough?
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(5.07)(5.10) (lol??? i just realized they're wearing the exact same outfits???) (also,,, dat Ass tho,,)
ANYWAY. i do think that merlin actually joined arthur and gwen on their picnics after marriage instead of sitting on the sidelines like he did during arthur and mithians first date. mostly bc im a biased merwenthur shipper but i mean. thats not important.
also him and gwen both laughed at arthur's attempts at flirting together during those picnics <3
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hiimsociallyawkward · 3 years
the wicked day
hey guys. i'm back with my random and annoying merlin thoughts. i should be studying for my bio quiz, but yk- i don't want to :,) love you @lady-ofmagic-andstars✨enjoy✨
literally every time i'm going watching i'm going to comment on john hurt that says young man instead of young boy
it's so subtle but wow. thanks i didn't need to be hurt so early on in the episode
i know i know i'm basically a child but this is so exciting
merlin is so cute
aw no not arthur being pouty abt his big birthday
I LOVE THE 'i heard that' thing so much. i love it i love it
off topic, but i love knife throwing. i've always thought that if i had to choose a weapon that's not a gun, i'd choose knifes. swords? maces? crossbows? sure. but knives?? that's where it's really at
i love arthur not wanting to overburden their citizens
ok uther? i hate him
but here? i love him
he's a good dad here. remembering arthur's birthday? that's so sweet. uther in season 4 is the only time i semi like him
i love them
off topic but i like that arthur is wearing his 'every day' clothes, jacket and a tunic under his cape. that's it. the knights are all wearing his garb but arthur is just wearing his 'regular clothes'
hehe gwen being nervous about arthur being on the wheel is so sweet
idk why but i always get nervous at that last knife.
like of COURSe i know he's not going to get hit but it's scary.
the 'not wearing any trousers' thing omg. bbc really decided to do that
i wish we had more of this parental dynamic of arthur and uther
dam alright arthur. being out of it but still being in it enough to see the guy in the reflection? i stan
SKLFJASLDFJA uther fighting to protect arthur
literally me through his whole scene going 'oh jeez oh jeez oh jeez' on repeat.
so off topic but i kind of like the hairstyle they have for most of the guys in this show?? idk is that weird
oh jeez oh jeez oh jeez uther dying
like, i HATe him. i've been waiting for this since season 1 but this scene makes me sad
ok i don't remember the last episode of merlin so i forget what arthur says when he's dying in merlin's arms??
it's something like 'hold me' right? i feel like that has the same energy as 'stay with me' so while i can't exactly say this is sort of parallel, it's sort of parallel?
i mean, ok 1. dying in someone else's arms. 2. dying in the arms of someone you love? romantically, platonically, familial? doesn't matter. both uther and arthur died in the arms of someone they loved. 3. i'm just gonna say 'hold me' and 'stay with me' have the SAME energy, so if no one has called semi-parallels, i'm calling semi-parallels
bradley's single tear
stfu agarvaine. i'm serious. legit everytime he shows up i wanna pow pow pow him
legit. agaravaine needs to get away from morgana.
i've said it once and i'll say it again, i love gwen
not to romanticize death or anything but i like candle light vigils.
ok maybe slightly symbolic but probably not? ok actually i think it is, not to toot my own horn but this is also just really straightforward too.
arthur wearing 'street garb' and his 'knight stuff' sort of differentiates between 'arthur' and 'prince arthur'. the scene where merlin and arthur are looking over the vigil and merlin's talking about how there's nothing that can be done, and arthur mentions using magic, i may be off about this but i feel like he's speaking more from prince arthur rather than arthur, uther is my father.
like of course arthur's hurting, everyone knows he's hurting. but idk. i feel like he feels like he's not ready to be king. he needs more time, and he can't be king yet. so therefore, prince arthur is talking about needing to save their king.
gaius and merlin are both right here. idk what else to say.
wow merlin 'you can't stop me' love that
jeez 'maybe this is my chance to change that' little do you know what's happening soon merlin.
oh shoot.
arthur asking merlin if he would use magic to save his father? i'm just thinking back to merlin crying, but not crying over balinor because he couldn't tell arthur, and merlin having to mourn his father in secret. vs. arthur, asking merlin for advice. sharing all his worries and insecurities with gwen. begging gaius to do something more for his father. this just makes me so sad
arthur TRUSTING merlin. with everything. taking merlin's opinion on things and aw
this is dumb but tbh i really like merlin's outfit. like tbh i think i dress in the same sort of style, just ✨modern✨ sadly, no neckerchief for me but i do have a necklace that says 'heather' despite my name being 'ashley'. ily conan gray
ugh. arthur calling merlin a coward but also calling him brave?? you need to pick a side arthur
bruh arthur breaking the vase. it's so dumb but merlin referring to the vase over and over actually makes me chuckle
ok merlin going 'you have come to kill me?' reminds me of another show but i can't remember but i thought i'd put it out here anyways
oh shoot i just realized/remember that uther got stabbed on arthur's birthday. hell of a gift am i right 😭
hehe arthur 'sweeping' with the broom. silly goose
dragoon sounds so vulnerable asking for the right to use magic freely
i love you arthur. this scene, i'm like YES. arthur i love him
i love the saying 'my word'. like, i don't want people to promise me anything anymore. i want them to give me their word.
aw arthur just sitting there with the cup and trying not to break it HAHA he's so sweet. slightly scared after that vase yk what i mean
ok i don't like morgana and everything but that necklace? that's a stroke of genius. yes girl. make up the plan as you go along
frick you agarvaine. do not scare gwen you PERV
jeez agarvainewas SO rude putting that necklace onto uther. like yes, ik you don't like him but STILL. that's just rude
i'm going to start calling people toads now
hehe arthur closing his door and merlin being right there. it's not necessarily a trope but it totally is and i love it
ah yes. merlin and the tavern. i feel like it's been referred to before but it's still funny.
ok ik arthur carrying merlin is there for kicks for the kids but i laughed anyways
apparently i have the humor of a 10 year old
this is really dumb but the scene with arthur and the two guards. i'm just thinking 'how tall are these guards'. ofc ik that the staging/perception could be doing something that might be making arthur look shorter, but my first reaction was 'bradley is 6' just how tall are these guards??'
merlin's speech about magic makes me sad
aw 'i hope, one day, that you'll see me in a different light'
dragoon has the same effect on arthur as merlin does
uther waking up 😭
they're both so happy. this makes me so sad now. oh jeez. oh jeez. oh jeez
oh jeez oh jeez merlin's expression. AW merlin gave arthur his word. oh jeez this is very stressful and i'm only watching this
ok obviously. merlin doesn't want to see arthur in pain. but ALSO this was merlin's chance to change things once and for all. and now uther is dead. #no liam just payne
arthur's face post crying. skf;aldjfa;ldk AW
frick you agarvaine. literally die. i can't wait for merlin to kill you
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i think this scene is pretty. the light on the left and the dark on the right? ok actually, i'm going to be making an off base comparison now because that's all i do.
i'm remembering this post i saw on here and it was like, arthur uther and morgana in the throne room. in order of the way they sit in the throne room, first it's arthur, uther, and then morgana
well. the really dumb and off base comparison here is the 'light' goodness of arthur and the 'dark' evil of morgana being mirrored in the picture above.
'light', bravery, doing what's right- being on the left. 'dark', evil, power on the right- and arthur in the middle of it, king
like i said, it's a dumb off base comparison, but at least the picture is pretty
oh jeez this scene
my heart breaks for both of them
merlin not being able to form a sentence at first.
😭😭😭😭 arthur please. you're breaking everyone's heart right now
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you already knew i had to include this scene
arthur walking in there all alone
oh jeez he's all alone
dumb parallel number 2. arthur walking into the throne room with uther, father and son. merlin and gaius closing the door for arthur- pseudo father and pseudo son.
'he'll never know who i really am'
i want to do a DEH post soon but jeez. the line that hits hardest for me in DEH is 'i never let them see the worst of me. cause what if everyone saw? what if everyone knew? would they like what they saw? or would they hate it too? and jeez that's all i can think about when i think about merlin and his secrets
again. no liam, just payne
asldkfja;sldkfjas dlf merlin waiting for arthur
i have so many feelings
i love the show of affections for his father. you already know that uther wasn't affectionate when arthur was growing up, but still. forehead kiss? i love it
I DIDN'T WANT YOU TO FEEL THAT YOU WERE ALONE. i hate this and love this so much. i'm not saying merlin is completely selfless, because merlin wants magic to be leagalized and arthur is the way to do that. but omg merlin not wanting for arthur to feel like he's alone breaks me
first, merlin being physically alone while waiting for arthur. arthur was technically alone too, but he was with his father
but also, merlin being alone in the sense of his magic. no one knows except for gaius. lancelot knew and then they killed him. merlin is so alone when it comes to his magic, and morgana's enchantment only pushes merlin into his 'magic shell' more. arthur thinks magic is pure evil, and merlin is made of magic. what does that mean would think of arthur. this hurts me so much i'm so sad
friend 😭
arthur asking if he's hungry and them getting breakfast together
ok this sound track
pendragon red. i actually stan
gwen wearing a purple dress?? color symbolism?? nah i'm over thinking
oh jeez oh jeez.
and merlin saying 'long live the king' at the end of the episode?
Anyways! I’ll be back next week to rant more about aithusa so I’ll see you then! thanks I love you bye
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You'd never know what day your life would change. It could be today or tomorrow. It could be a day when the sun reigns in the sky or a day when stormy clouds rule. It could be a day you're happy or a day you're down. No one could tell. But when it happens, you'll know it, because suddenly everything is different and nothing will ever be the same again.
The day it happened, Merlin still wasn't convinced that Arthur wasn't lying when he told him he acknowledges that he has magic and that it doesn't change the fact that he's still an idiot.
The warlock wanted to believe him. He really does. But when one had been living in the shadows of lies, deceit and fear for as long as he had, it couldn't be harder to step into the light and accept that it was real.
Merlin hated that he couldn't be fully at ease with Arthur and the knights. He hated seeing the hurt in the prince's eyes every time he would wince when the royal would draw a sword or prepare to give an order. Merlin also noticed that the knights had been taking turns, keeping him company on his chores and going out of their way to ask him questions to learn more about his magic.
Merlin wasn't oblivious to their intentions. He knew that his friends were doing it to show him that it's alright to be himself around them. But as much as he appreciates their effort, try as he might, he still just couldn't erase the nagging fear at the back of his mind that Arthur would change his mind and decide that burning at the stake is where he belongs and that the knights would agree with him.
The worst part was that even if they do, Merlin would only understand their choice. They had been breaking the law by lying to Uther just to save his head. While Gwaine had no qualms deceiving the king, he knew the rest of the knights had their apprehensions. And Arthur, well it was him that Merlin feels most sorry to. What kind of friend does it make him if Arthur had to lie to his own father to protect him?
There's no question that Merlin couldn't have picked better friends. But what does that make him? For someone who has his secret out in the open, Merlin still doesn't feel free. Sometimes, he even finds himself believing that maybe he will never be.
It might just be so that for all the trials and tribulations magic had brought into his life, in the end, it will still be the one constant he can rely on.
Merlin barely managed to catch his breath on his way to Gaius' chambers when Gwen came running to him.
"Gwen?" he asks, instantly worried for the first friend he made in Camelot. "What's going on?"
"It's Arthur, Merlin!" Gwen answered. "Uther sent him and the knights to search what's causing the villagers' fright in the Forest of Merendra. Arthur sent me to inform you to take the shortcut and bring food and extra towels."
Merlin frowned. "When was this?"
"Just right after you left. They wanted to wait for you but Uther was insistent, and they couldn't tarry, else, Uther would be suspicious."
"I know that," said Merlin, knowing she was trying to assure him that they didn't leave him by choice. "I'll catch up with them. It should be no problem."
"Good," Gwen smiled before taking off the satchel strapped on her shoulder and handing it to him. "I prepared everything you might need. Now all you have to do is get a horse and leave." Then, taking the basket from him, she added, "As for the herbs, let me deliver them to Gaius. I'm sure he won't mind."
Merlin beamed, amused at her preparedness. "Thanks Gwen. I owe you," he expressed, clutching the supplies to his chest and running past her and into the stables. "And please tell Gaius I've gone after the prat!"
Arthur couldn't believe his eyes when he saw the body lying still in the middle of the forest. He took a quick scan around the area just to see if they were being watched. It was a pity he got separated from the knights.
His own experiences with magical creatures had taught him to be wary, but he couldn't for the life of him, abandon the knight's code and turn away from a potential damsel in distress. And somehow, even if he wasn't willing to believe it at first, knowing that his idiot of a best friend has magic and could find him wherever he was, was a reassurance of its own kind. Not that he'll ever admit it to Merlin. The idiot would never let him hear the end of it if he does.
But just in case, he unsheathed Excalibur and prepared for an attack.
Carefully, he turned her so he could see her face.
"A princess?" he gasps, eyes instantly drawn on the silver tiara on her head. He had never seen anything like the pale blue dress she was wearing.
Arthur quickly reached a finger under her nose to see if she's still breathing. He couldn't help but worry what her presence here would mean if his assumptions were right.
To his relief, he had barely lifted her when she began to stir. He watched as chocolate brown eyes slowly blinked into awareness.
Gently, he helped her to sit up, making sure to support her back to keep her steady. The feel of his gloved hand on her back must have done the trick and she shrieked, jumping in fright of him. He would have laughed if she didn't look so scared.
"Oh, dear Merlin!" she exclaimed.
Arthur frowned. "You know my manservant?"
"Ahm," she started to say, and he easily caught onto her confusion.
"Forgive me, please," Arthur quickly apologized, making sure to step away to assure her that he meant her no harm. "My name is Arthur. I mean no threat to you, my lady, but I found you unconscious in the middle of Forest of Merendra. Tell me, where are you from? Do you remember how you got here?"
"Forest of-" she trailed, and he waited patiently as she finally seemed to absorb her surroundings. Her eyes widened in shock and she gasped, raising a hand to her forehead. "Oh, Hermione, what have you done now?"
"Hermione?" Arthur's face brightened. "Is that what they call you? What kingdom are you from?"
"I-…" she bit her lip in thought. "I'm sorry. Who did you say you are again?"
"Arthur. Arthur Pendragon, at your service," he reintroduced, waiting for recognition to dawn on her.
He didn't expect amused laughter to be her reaction. "Seriously, where are we? Is this some kind of a theme party? Are you in cosplay? Is that it? Well, I certainly can't remember drinking enough for this," she rambled. "Wait, I must be dreaming! That's it, isn't it? I'm dreaming, or I must be under a spell…A pensieve? But I don't remember…"
The prince listened to her patiently, mentally taking note of the words in her rant that he finds unfamiliar. Eventually, she stopped on her own and turned to him.
"Let's try that again, shall we?" she suggested. "Where are we?"
Arthur sighed but had no choice but to acquiesce. She still hasn't confirmed who she is and what she's doing dressed so thinly in this cold, or why she doesn't seem too worried at the thought that she might be under a spell. "We're in the Forest of Merendra in the Kingdom of Essetir. We're miles away from Camelot."
At this, her eyes widened and she pulled away from him. "Camelot?" Then, sounding fearful now, she asked. "And you're telling me you're King Arthur? As in THE King Arthur? Are you messing with me?"
"Well, no, it is my father, Uther, that is king. I'm only a prince. But I don't understand why you find this so hard to believe. Surely, you've heard of Camelot?"
She didn't get to answer though as the roars of the linen wrapped beasts finally caught up to him. Quickly, he helped her get to her feet and readied to defend.
"Well if you're Arthur, then what are they?" she asks, mystified. He couldn't help but wonder if she'd hit her head real hard that she still thinks she's dreaming.
But the pondering would have to wait as the creatures began to surround them.
'Anytime now would be great, Merlin.' He thought before he answered her.
"They're soulless animals' corpses being controlled by a sorceress."
"So they're dead? Like mummies?"
"You need to get behind me," he instructed, eyes at the beasts, only to startle when she stepped right beside him instead.
"How do we fight them?"
Arthur's first instinct was to tell her off for foolish bravery but one look at the advancing beasts told him there was no time for that. She at least needs to know what they're up against. "Fire, we need to burn them. But normal fire isn't enough. We need to-"
"It isn't working!" she was screaming before he could even register that she was holding a stick and one of the walking dead beasts was suddenly set ablaze.
"How did you?" he asked, before realization dawned on him and he turned to her in disbelief. "You're a sorceress!" he accused just as a lion jumped at him and he dodged, seeing her do the same in the corner of his eyes.
"What?" The girl, Hermione, scoffed, looking very much offended. "Flipendo!" she screamed before a light shot out of her stick and hit a tiger in the chest. "No, I'm a witch! Now, quickly tell me how to defeat them! Normal fire isn't working."
Arthur fought a headache from coming. Fate must be punishing him for treating his manservant so cruelly. As if dealing with one Merlin isn't enough…
"They're creatures of magic. The fire must be enchanted to destroy them."
"Of course," she breathed, eyes widening as though she'd just made a wonderful realization. Arthur barely moved his foot before he heard her say, "Stay back and don't move," and then, "FIENDFYRE!"
Merlin had barely stepped into the forest when he felt it - magic both light and dark and so intensely heavy that he won't be surprised if he could touch it just by reaching out his hand.
He hurried his horse to the source of the screams and light, but nothing could have prepared him to what he saw.
A girl dressed like royalty was standing before a disgruntled Arthur, her arm outstretched and preventing the prince from taking any step farther as they stared down the army of mummified beasts advancing towards them.
His heart all but leaped out of his chest at the sight of the phoenix erupting from her wooden stick.
"ARTHUR!" he yelled.
The frightened voice sounded very much like his manservant, but the prince couldn't keep his eyes away if he tried, gaping as the fire bird flew to devour the whole beastial army, leaving nothing but ashes on its wake.
He only breathed, alert and mortified when the phoenix started to turn on him. Before he knew it, Merlin had thrown his own weight to push them both out of harm's way and onto the ground, a move they soon found unnecessary when the fire bird released an ear piercing screech before drawing back and disappearing into thin air, leaving their eyes to settle on the lone girl standing in the middle of the devastation.
Legs apart, back straight, eyes ablaze and unrelenting, and with her hair crackling of magic - she looks like the perfect embodiment of an avenging female angel if they'd ever seen one.
No one said a word until she broke the silence.
"Is that enough?" she asked, eying them expectantly. "Are we safe now?"
"Huh," was the prince's unintelligible response, the only one he could manage after seeing what he saw. But he saw her brow lift higher and knew she was awaiting his answer.
"Yes," Arthur finally agreed, "I suppose that will do it." Then turning to the astounded warlock lying on his back beside him, he says, "Merlin, I think she just beat you in the most glamorous display of magic."
"You're-" she started to say, but the use of magic must have drained her and she began to sway.
Arthur hurried to help but Merlin signalled he let him instead, still feeling the lingering trace of unfamiliar magic in the air. It felt like his own and yet so different.
The voices came from the knights who arrived just in time to see Merlin carry the now unconscious girl in his arms.
"Who is she?" he found himself asking.
"I don't know," Arthur said, sounding as puzzled as he looked, staring at the sleeping damsel. "She seemed lost. She didn't even know who I am and yet, she protected me." Looking at his manservant, he asks, "Is she alright?"
Merlin nodded.
"Merlin, you alright mate?" Gwaine asked, seeing him look so perplexed.
This time, Merlin didn't nod, unsure of it himself.
He just witnessed magic unlike anything he'd ever seen.
But then she stirred on his arms, the tip of her stick accidentally touching his arm and Merlin's breath was caught at the feel of her magic humming and causing his skin to tingle with warmth.
"I think I need to speak with Kilgharrah."
A/N: Chapter 7 up! Read it here at...
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kian-bera · 4 years
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Merlin was exhausted from work. Trying to keep up with the hustle and bustle of customers at Christmas was exhausting. He loved to help people find the magic of books though, they were all he had left of the world he once knew. The world when Camelot and all of Avalon still existed. The world, where Arthur was still alive. There was a knock at the door and Merlin just sighed before getting up. He opened the door and saw Leon standing there with Christmas Eve dinner, just like every year.
"Happy Christmas." Leon said sadly as he leaned against the door post.
"Happy Christmas Leon. Come in." The two men walked to the kitchen table and sat down, the only light came from the street lights and a few lights that lit Merlin's small tree in the corner. "Do you ever think this will end?"
"I do not know Merlin. Maybe one day, somehow we will see Avalon rise again, we will see Arthur and Gwen and all of our friends once more gathered at the round table. Or we will be here for another 1500 years wishing and hoping that we can find a way to end this stupid immortality thing and finally just die of old age."
Merlin just nodded and dug his food out of the fast food bag in front of him. The two sat in silence as they ate, the only sound was that of the cars and the late city life down below. Leon and Merlin eventually made their way to the couch and curled up together to watch "It's a Wonderful Life" as they have always done since the movie came out. Leon put a blanket over Merlin once he finally fell asleep halfway through the movie. When they woke up, the news was on about two men who had been arrested early that morning. Leon nudged Merlin awake.
"Merlin, my eyes could be deceiving me, but is that Arthur and Gwaine?" Leon asked, shaking his head. The news reporter popped up on the screen.
"Good morning London. This morning, these two men were caught soaking wet and screaming for the mythical wizard Merlin. One keeps claiming he is the King of Camelot himself Arthur, while the other insisting he is Sir Gwaine of the infamous round table. If anyone can come and get them, the officers who arrested them would be grateful." The camera cut to a picture of Gwaine and Arthur sitting in a holding cell still in armour. Their swords and Arthur's cape had been taken and the armour might have been taken, but it looks like they put up a fight.
Merlin and Leon jumped up and threw on a pair of matching Christmas sweaters Leon had gotten them years ago as a joke gift. Merlin quickly grabbed his keys and ran to his car. After all these years of having one, he still did not completely understand how all the mechanics worked even though he had a drivers license. He preferred his bike, but he would need more than one seat.
When they got to the police station, Merlin and Leon walked up to the information desk and inquired about Arthur and Gwaine. Leon told the officer that the two had been drunk at a dress up Christmas party and had gotten drunk. They had wandered off and no one could find them. Leon paid the bail while Merlin waited for Arthur and Gwaine to come up. Once they were there, the men were given back their chainmail and swords before Merlin tackled Arthur.
"Where are we, and why won't these knights listen to me?" Arthur questioned, a bit annoyed.
"Arthur, I will answer all your questions later, okay? We need to get you back to my flat and out of the armour."
"You are right Merlin, it really does need polishing doesn't it?"
"Yes, now come on." Merlin dragged Arthur and Gwaine to his car where Leon was waiting for them. Merlin helped them into the car and just sat there in the passenger seat, mixed emotions swimming through his brain. When they got back to Merlin's flat, Merlin and Leon took them inside.
"Do you have any spare clothes?" Leon asked Merlin.
"Why would I want to wear Merlin's clothes?" Arthur asked plopping down on the couch.
"Because you need to fit in." Merlin told him going to his closet in his bedroom. Gwaine followed him to the bedroom.
"What is all of this new stuff? Like what was that carriage that we were just in?" Gwaine questioned watching Merlin throwing clothes into his bed.
"I will attempt to explain everything to you and Arthur. Please go back to the living room with them." Merlin shooed Gwaine out of the room. Once Gwaine was out, Merlin shut the door before running over to his pillow and screaming into the soft fabric. Afterwards he sat up, and grabbed a shirt and a pair of sweatpants someone had given him, that were big on himself. He came out and told Arthur to change into them in the bathroom while he found something to wear for Gwaine. The issue was Gwaine was taller than he was, so he wanted to find something that would be long enough to cover his legs.
"MERLIN COME HELP ME PLEASE!" Arthur yelled from the bathroom. Merlin just laughed as Arthur tried to get his head through the turtle neck shirt he had given to Arthur. "Don't just stand there, help me." Merlin just shook his head and went over to help Arthur with the shirt.
"Arthur what do you remember?" Merlin asked, pulling the neck of the shirt over Arthur's head.
"I was stabbed by Mordred. You have magic. I died with you holding me in your arms. What happened after Camelot lost their King Merlin? How did Guivere fair? Did she remarry? Was their an heir to the throne? Who all survived? Did my knights make it home? I mean Gwain was with me when we came from the lake, so I suppose he died."
"Arthur calm down one question at a time okay? You will overload yourself. Camelot mourned for you Arthur. The people, they loved you. Every year on the eve of when you died there was a vigil. Guivere was out of it for a while, royal advisors kinda took over making decisions. Once she came around, she was a wonderful queen. She did you proud, Arthur." Merlin took a step back and smiled.
"What about the rest of my questions?"
"Those should be answered by the man in the living room with Gwaine."
"Wait there was someone else here?" Arthur questioned heading for the door.
"Yes, I wasn't driving the car with magic. Right you don't know what a car is or how it works. Right."
Leon and Gwaine sat at the table laughing. Gwaine had found the basket of apples Merlin kept in the kitchen to snack on when he was writing. His laptop sat on a small table with a bunch of sticky notes around it on the wall.
"By the way Merlin, when I saved your busts at the tavern, that was an act of heroism, I mean who else would take on those bullies." Gwaine said smiling. He took the Apple core and tossed it into the trash can.
"Good morning Arthur." Leon said, smiling. Arthur gasped and ran over to Leon. "I've missed you. Merlin has been teaching me poetry you know."
"How dare he teach you poetry, that's my thing." Arthur gave a small laugh. "Merlin said I should ask you about what happened to Gwen after I died. Does Merlin not know?"
"He does, but it was a rocky time for him. About three years after your death, I...Gwen and I got married and I became the new King of Camelot. We had two sons. The oldest we named Arthur in honor of Camelot's once and future king. The younger of the two we had several years later, we named him Elyan after Gwen's brother. They grew up to be strong knights and princes, and long after Gwen passed away, I stepped down as King and let Arthur and his wife Elizabeth take over as King and Queen. They ruled Camelot with honor and dignity until they died and then their son Emeyrus took over as King. So the line went down for another 250 years. Then one harsh winter, a famine took over Camelot and all of Avalon. All the kingdoms fell to the Saxons and Avalon was lost forever. All that's left is the pillar in the lake, Merlin and myself."
"If there is one more question I may ask? What happened after the battle?" Arthur asked tears in his eyes. Leon knee what he meant by everyone.
"Only myself and Percival survived." Arthur just nodded. "I'm not sure if Gwaine remembers but he was tortured to death by Morgana."
"So, Merlin got mad at you for taking Gwen's hand in marriage?"
"Merlin calm down please..." Leon went to lay a hand on his shoulder, but Merlin pulled away, tears streaming down his eyes. He wanted to run far away, where no one knew who he was, or what had happened. "Merlin please, I know you are still upset about Arthur. We all are, but we have to move forward for the sake of Camelot."
"For the sake of Camelot." Merin echoed. "Camelot this and Camelot that, everything is done for the sake of Camelot." Merlin shook his head and ran off to the stables. He had a bag packed and a horse ready to leave. He hopped up and took off into the forest. He went to the one place he felt safe. He rode to the lake.
When Merlin arrived, he left his horse in the tree line and went down to the edge of the lake. The water was lapping against the shore harshly as a storm was blowing in from the north. Merlin did not care though. He did not want to hear the wedding bells.
"Hi Arthur, so Leon and Gwen are getting married today. I want to be happy for them, I really do, but at the same time, I want you to be home. I want you to come home like they said you would. I want to believe more than anything that you will rise from the lake. It hurts without you Arthur, as annoying as you could be dollaphead, I never realized how much I needed you." Merlin heard a snap and turned around. Percival came down to the water and sat beside Merlin. "I thought you would be a Leon and Gwen's wedding."
"I was going too, but then I saw you ride off and crying. I figured you'd be here talking to Arthur. It's what you do when you're upset."
"Thank you Perse. I guess I just hoped that Arthur would return."
"We all do." Percival told  Merlin, hugging him close.
"Yeah he wouldn't talk to me for weeks, but he finally came around and accepted our marriage. I think he was just hoping you would come back and fix everything."
"Thank you Leon, for everything." Arthur told him.
"Of course Arthur, while I may have become the king, you were and still are my king and I am proud to serve by your side." There was a bright flash of light from outside the flat and people started screaming. The four ran to the window and glanced down. There she was, Morgana in the flesh standing on the ground with Aithusa by her side. Morgana glanced up at the boys and smirked. She began to chant and Merlin told everyone to get away from the windows. The window shattered, and Merlin took most of the damage as he was still right in front.
"MERLIN!" Leon ran over and checked for damage. Merlin was bleeding but he had curled up that most of the glass didn't hit anything major.
"COME OUT HERE COWARDS OR SHALL THIS NEW CITY AND KINGDOM FALL TOO!" Morgana shouted from the ground. Arthur ran over to the window, glancing down at her.
"You will never win Morgana, now go back from whatever corner of the death that you came from."
"Never, I lost my chance once, I will not lose this battle again." Morgana hopped on Aithusa and rode off into the distance. Arthur just stood there glancing at the people below who were confused and scared.
"Hey Leon...er King?" Merlin asked, trying to figure out how to address the new ruler.
"Just Leon is fine Merlin. You are an old friend and such formality is not needed."
"Okay Just Leon." Merin cracked a small smile and laughed.
"Is that a smile I see?" Queen asked, walking over to the men.
"Maybe....." Merlin replied. Leon hugged him close. "We have missed this Merlin."
"Well dollaphead I should get to work then. What will it be, polishing armour, scrubbing the floors. Have I mentioned polishing armour." Merlin gave the first true smile he had given in three years. Gwen laughed and hugged Merlin as well.
"Armour sounds good, but we have a trip to go on first." Leon told him. Leon took him down the hall and to the great hall.
"The stables are that way Leon." Merlin said, pointing in the opposite direction.
"I know they are, but this trip is within the castle walls." When they got to the room, Leon had Merlin close his eyes and led him across the room. "Now open." Merin opened his eyes to see a red curtain.
"Wow Just Leon, that's impressive." Leon scoffed and nudged Merlin.
"Let then open the curtain first." The curtains opened and there stood a bronze statue of Arthur and Merlin. They stood side by side, swords drawn. Merlin hugged Leon and sobbed into his chest. "Shhh it's okay Merlin, I knew you would want something to honor Arthur and I thought that having you two together would be even better. You two were always together no matter what."
"Thank you Leon. For everything. I'm glad you became the king." Merlin took a step back and wiped his eyes.
Arthur returned to where Leon was helping Gwaine pick glass out of Merlin's side. Arthur sat beside them and tried to help. Every time they pulled out a piece, Merlin flinched. Arthur eventually had to pull away because he started to tear up. They had only been reunited for less than a day and Merlin was already hurt trying to save him.
"Is there anything I can do? Like get some water?" Arthur asked, pacing the floor.
"Uh yeah, the cups are in the cabinet. Sink water is fine." Leon told Arthur pointing to the kitchen. Arthur went over and found a cup.
"Where did you say the pump was?" Arthur asked.
"Oh see the sink?"
"Pull that silver lever gently." Arthur nodded and put the cup under the spout and pulled the level.
"Wow it doesn't stop after a few seconds. You don't have to pump the water."
"No you don't, it's quite nice." Arthur brought the cup of water back and went back to playing with the sink. "Arthur dont run too much water, we have a high water bill as it is."
"Water bill? Like you have to pay to have this running water?" Arthur asked.
"Yes you do." Leon told him helping Merlin, who was now awake, to the table.
"I never did ask. What year is it?" Arthur questioned finding other things in the kitchen to play with.
"It's 2020." Merlin replied weakly.
"But that means...It's been 1500 years." Gwaine said sitting down.
"Yeah." Leon and Merlin replied in unison.
"Hey Leon calm down, it will be alright. Gwen is a strong woman. She will be fine." Merlin told Leon trying to  calm him down. After a few hours, Leon was finally allowed inside Gwen's bedroom. She was asleep, but her lady In waiting was holding a newborn baby boy. She handed Leon his son and smiled.
"He is perfectly healthy Sire, no problems at all. And Gwen is fine, she is just tired and needs some rest." She explained to the king.
"Oh yes of course, can I?"
"Go ahead sire." Leon held his newborn son close to his chest and smiled at the small child wrapped in a wool blanket. He walked to his chambers while Merlin ran ahead and opened the door. Leon sat on his bed while Merlin stood there awkwardly.
"Merlin why don't you take the rest of the day off. You were up with me early this morning and have been there for me all day. It is the least I can do after all you've done."
"Are you sure Leon?"
"Yes I'm sure now shoo, flee, go enjoy yourself. I'll have a guard find you if I need you." Leon smiled at him and waved him out.
"Thank you Leon." Merlin smiled and walked out the door. He knew that Leon had told him to go, but he sat right outside the door and fell asleep.
"So, what kind of story are you writing?" Gwaine asked Merlin trying to get him to talk.
"A story about Camelot. The true story, not what legend has told. Oh Arthur pulled this fancy sword name Excalibur from a stone and now he's this king of this amazing kingdom. Like sorry, but he was already king when he pulled Excalibur from the sword. That was just reassurance that he was the true king of Camelot since he had lost faith."
"You are telling the truth." Arthur replied, smiling.
"I'm telling our story." Merlin told him, smiling back as he tried to sit up in his chair. "Now enough dilly saddling. Morgana is back, what are we going to do?"
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supercalvin · 7 years
I love your fics... if you're still up to doing ficlets, 8P please?
How long has this ficlet request been sitting here? I never go into my inbox...I’m so sorry to this anon who has probably forgotten they even requested this. Oh well. I wrote a fic anyways. Here you go!
Arthur looked like he was about to eat his own badge. Hisexpression was still as stone, but instead of the cold and determined stare ofa detective on the case, his expression was closer to cross-eyed frustration.Gwen watched her fellow detective he unconsciously flared his nostrils andturned even redder in the cheeks. He looked like he might explode. Gwen wasstarting to worry.
Across from their joined desks- talking a mile a minutewithout a clue of the volcano that was Arthur Pendragon- was Dr. Merlin Emrys.He was the police’s decay specialist as well as the entomologist. It was arather gruesome and gross job, that Gwen would never do if they paid her ingold bricks, but Merlin seemed to enjoy it.
Arthur broke a pencil as Merlin continued. “…have all thesamples at the lab. I will have to examine the latest larvae that developednext to the remains. Then there are the beetles. Amazing how they ate throughall that tissue and muscle- Oh sorry. But anyways, it’s really fascinating.Then I can look over the beetles and I will be able to tell how long the bodyhad been in the bogs. Hopefully.”
Gwen took opportunity in Merlin’s pause. “So you’ll have thatestimated time by tomorrow?”
“Oh by this afternoon, I’m sure of it. I’ll be back to letyou know.” Merlin said to Gwen with a sweet smile.
Arthur grunted, sounding more like a bear than a detective. “I’mgetting coffee.” Arthur said gruffly and stood up quickly.
Gwen internally groaned. Arthur hated coffee. His mood musthave been that bad.
Merlin watched Arthur leave and then turned to Gwen. “Hestill hates me? He hasn’t yelled at me in weeks, I thought we were passed this?”
Gwen shrugged. “He’s in a mood. Let me talk to him. I’ll seeyou at three?”
In the break room, Arthur was staring at the coffee machineas if it had a gun pointed at him.
“You looked like you were going to throw up on Merlin there.”Gwen started. “Never thought you were squeamish.”
“I am not squeamish!” Arthur’s voice rose to a high pitch.
“Then what’s with the face?”
Arthur turned back to the coffee machine pushing a fewbuttons. “What face?”
“The face you make when you look at Merlin. Like you’regoing to break his neck.”
As Arthur opened the breakroom drawer for a mug, he brokeoff the handle from the wood. He stared down at it with the same frustratedexpression he had given Merlin.
“That one.” Gwen said.
“Merlin’s fine.” Arthur said through gritted teeth, placingthe handle on the counter along with a mug. “I’ll fix that later”
“Don’t bother, I’ll tell Leon it broke off. Any excuse toraise for money for the crumbling cabinets and desks in this office.”
Arthur grumbled in agreement, continuing to make his coffee.
Gwen watched him a while and noticed the way Arthur seemedto be trying to literally crawl into his own shell, with his shoulders raisedto his ears.
“Merlin’s coming back round this afternoon.”
“I heard.”
Gwen huffed, “Arthur.What is your problem with him?”
Arthur’s noise scrunched. “He’s just so-” He made a veryvague gesture. “With his constant talking about dead things! And the way hejust-” Arthur made a frustrated noise. “And then there’s the way he never getsto the damned point. Plus he makes everything-”Another high-pitched noise. “Withhis stupid hands-” A snort. “And the way his hair is all-” A wavy hand gesture.“And his voice is all-” A series of noises that resembled Merlin’s low Welsh lilt.“It’s absurd!”
Gwen paused, trying to translate Arthur-ese in her head. “Yes…Right…”
Arthur groaned, as if Gwen was insane and not the other wayaround.
It wasn’t until after Merlin’s afternoon reappearance thatGwen discovered the problem.
“Hi Gwen! Arthur!” Merlin smiled as he sat down across fromtheir joined-desk. Gwen watched Arthur throughout the conversation, and it wasthe same reactions as this morning. He crumbled a file so badly that he wouldhave to go get a new folder for the paperwork.
But then.
Then, Gwen watched as Merlin said goodbye and walked away.Arthur watched him go, with the most frustration Gwen had seen as of yet. Hiseyes were large and his lips thin. It clicked as Arthur looked down to hisdesk, his lower lip sticking out and his shoulders sagging.
Gwen started laughing, unable to stop herself. She coveredher mouth as Arthur looked at her. “You’ve been-!” She giggled, “Oh my god, Ican’t believe that you-!” She let out another laugh.
Arthur turned bright red.
Gwen settled down enough to lower her voice to a whisper, “You’remad for him, aren’t you?”
Arthur shushed her loudly, “Shhhhh. Keep it down!”
“Oh my god” Gwen burst out laughing again.
Arthur slumped in his chair, his face redder than everbefore.
Gwen whispered, “Youfancy him.”
Arthur pouted. Actually pouted!
“He’s always covered in dirt! Damned insects!” Arthur hissed.“And he’s talking about dead bodies! And then he’s all-” Arthur made a noisethat Gwen now realized translated to: ‘he’s so cute and I am so frustrated thatI feel this way about him.’
“It’s infuriating!” Arthur concluded.
Gwen smiled.
Arthur’s eyes widened in horror, “Oh, no. Gwen, don’t.”
“Too late,” She sing-songed, already half way to a plan toget Merlin and Arthur together by the end of the case.
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