#c: aro
alilaro · 4 months
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timeline of some of Aro's outfits I promised like two years ago and kept forgetting to post,, he's been through a lot,
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details under the cut ↬
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neurovarious · 5 months
love the concept of <2 as an aromantic symbol/emoticon because not only is it a spin on the <3 heart (typically romantic) symbol, but it literally is written "less than 2" and idk as a non-partnering aroace that just speaks to me
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group-call · 1 month
people are allowed to love being aro, ace, apl, or similar even if their orientation is caused by a disorder, by the way
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there was ableism and aphobia on my dash today so
shoutout to every aspec with a personality disorder ever you’re all amazing
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vroomvroomwee · 5 months
New Years is just a few days away. So can we all, as a collective, stop saying things like "they HAVE to kiss" or "they HAVE to fuck at least once"? Because it's so annoying. No, they don't HAVE to do that. As an aroace it's so tiring hearing those phrases, not to mention invalidating as fuck. Aroaces aren't boring for not kissing or having sex, and it's not a MUST in a relationship, even if the couple is allo. And it's not just with fictional characters, it happens with real people too and it's creepy and invasive as shit
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noxious-fennec · 1 month
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3 years and I'm STILL IN THE FUCKING BUILDING... unbelievable... anyway happy re-bday to my pathetic cringefail politician
Alt ver. under the cut
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***Massive disclaimer: i do not support the cc this is strictly about the fictional character
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saffigon · 10 months
shoutout to aros wPDs
shoutout to cluster a aros. shoutout to aros wPPD. shoutout to aros wSTPD. shoutout to aros wSZPD
shoutout to cluster b aros. shoutout to aros wASPD. shoutout to aros wBPD. shoutout to aros wHPD. shoutout to aros wNPD
shoutout to cluster c aros. shoutout to aros wAVPD. shoutout to aros wDPD. shoutout to aros wOCPD
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numberonepartyboy · 27 days
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fuck you!!!! *untwinkifies and unwhitifies jay*
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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Feeling Fruity
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variousqueerthings · 6 months
something very aromantic coded in s2 of good omens is that crowley and aziraphale canonically take their cues of what a certain kind of relationship ought to look like from books and films. firstly, very relatable, I did much the same thing throughout my teens (and in some ways still do although I'm not trying to make myself "fit" by taking cues that I've been studying to be the correct way to do a relationship, I just enjoy performing them in the same way all life is performance when you're not-doing-body-and-relationship-to-other-bodies correctly inherently)
secondly, how it plays out in them messing unintentionally with nina and maggie. they don't understand the structure of nina's and maggie's whole thing as it applies to the reality of relationship structures in the world they're in; that nina is initially in a romantic relationship and wouldn't just jump from it -- no matter how bad -- straight into another one that was presented as "more" correct. because of course standing under an awning or dancing at a ball makes people "fall in love" (whatever that is) because... well, that's how it happens in the stories all the time, that's what these sorts of relationships are all about, "one fabulous kiss and we're good" -- it's a shock to crowley that he misread all the cues "you were crying and she was..." isn't that what this romance thing is that humans are always talking about????
thirdly it of course eventually circles around to be about what in the world their relationship is, but when they're trying to figure out what's going on between the two of them, there aren't any words that can neatly sum it up beyond "us" -- whatever it is, it's "us" against "them" (although aziraphale isn't quite ready for that) -- the them being heaven and hell of course, but to be honest, from an aro perspective, the "them" takes on certain human connotations to me as well, because it's all about how these two don't fit into structures and are punished for this not-fitting-in, and while they're not punished by the humans around them, they also aren't... human. they still operate somewhat from the outside of everyone else, even though aziraphale manages throughout history to create a fair few connections from the sounds of things
similarly to how they do it to nina and maggie, they try on these tropes with one another: aziraphale invites crowley to dance, crowley kisses aziraphale, and it doesn't fit quite right (the first because crowley is concerned with all the demons outside and so isn't paying as much attention to the dancing part of the whole thing, and the second because [insert another bunch of analysis here that's its own post]), but they've already been us the whole time. their attempts at explaining using alloromantic shorthand fall short, because they're hampered by needing to define themselves and their relationship with terminology that's suitably correct for whatever dominant structures they're in
fourthly, the fact that their cues for what their relationship needs to be shouldn't even really be coming from movies/books and humanity in the first place, it should be coming from gabriel and beelzebub. gabriel and beelzebub don't even try all of that "this is what romance is," they don't call one another romantic or kiss or even say words like partner, they're not interested in doing human-based customs or "fitting in." their language for one another is based around that song, and that's as much defining as it needs. whatever aziraphale and crowley are to one another is equally all their own thing, but aziraphale and crowley struggle with definitions constantly. they don't fit into heaven, they don't fit into hell, and humanity -- while more the place they've adopted for all its wild wonders -- isn't quite right either, because they're still being put in a box
it was fun to look out for as I was rewatching, because the way they interacted with alloromanticism really did read like two people who have exactly zero idea of how this applies irl, but that's okay, the fiction's got it handled, all they have to do is copy-paste = result, but then the stuff that actually is the romance in those texts becomes a series of contextless tropes, kind of like how amatonormativity often has those exact same tropes recycled in story after story that can't figure out why it worked the first time but not the next hundred times, except in this story it's on purpose. one fabulous kiss did not in fact solve things at all (nor was it fabulous)
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aq2003 · 3 months
"the doctor is aroace," i say into the mic. the crowd boos. steven moffat throws a tomato at me. i walk off the stage. then, several voices arise from the back of the room. "they're right", say over a third of the actors that have played the doctor over its 60 year long history
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alilaro · 1 year
someone give Aro some fucking ibuprofen already
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neurovarious · 2 months
or like. whats your favorite
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Bestest Best Friends Forever <3
c!happyduo headcannon :D
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detergent3000 · 3 months
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Mcyt aro week day 2 | prompt - loveless
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bones-of-a-rabbit · 8 months
I-is Y/N aromantic ???
Or just that damn oblivious
Please say the former
Anon I am so sorry to say this but,, they really are Just That Dumb
(BUT if u want to read them as aro that’s valid also! I mean the fic will eventually get to the point where they r romantically together w Sun and Moon and not just a miscommunication-ship, but that doesn’t mean they can’t be on the aro spectrum? I personally see em as demi, but rlly you could read em as anything!! I love hearing ppls interpretations of the events n characters in my fics sndgdjdhd)
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