#c: repeat taichi
taichi-x-koushiro · 3 months
D.I.G.I.M.O.N Adventure/02/tri. x "Lover I Don't Have To Love" ~ Koushiro{u} x Taichi {KouTai}
Ver. B.e.t.t.i.e S.e.r.v.e.e.r.t
Summary: "Do you LIKE to xxxx?
Note: Contains discussion of R-18 Subject{s} in full version. (This version is 'safe' for now)
This particular A.M.V. preview is a preview, as it is mainly un-finished; However, it is planned to contain similar themes + discussion of implied orientations, namely Koushiro's. (Taichi's is Hinted, Meanwhile)
There is a tiny KouTai relevant moment, from mid-Kokuhaku {Tri} included near end. I've used it in many of my A.M.V.s by now.
A.M.V. By Me {Do Not Copy} {Do Not Re-post} {Do Not Re-produce Under Any Circumstances Whatsoever!!}
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
Koushiro: (We said "that", but it's specific in a different way...) Taichi, one evening, some time later, at Koushiro's place: Well, you finished your paper, so... Koushiro: And you, Taichi-san, are still just now starting the next leg of your goal... Taichi, blinking a bit: Yeah, soooo Taichi, huffing a bit: Yamato said he thinks we "don't hang out very much" as "friends" lately. Koushiro, eyebrows raised: YAMATO-san said that? Taichi: (I'd explain more exactly, but) Koushiro: ...Well, you're still staying at my place. Taichi, a little nervous: I know, but--- Koushiro: And ... with no offense meant - but /I/ was under the impression /we/ are /both/ managing this relationship /quite well/. Taichi: Koushiro: After all, regardless of such things, Taichi-san, you /know/ you are allowed to ... inquire in regards to my 'available' time, /any/ time, right? I was /very sure/ to let you know about that /quite early on/. It /wouldn't be beneficial/ to /me/ /or/ my schedule if my time was /imbalanced/, after all. And I am /easily reachable/. Koushiro: (Especially now that we can /text more often/ when busy, and despite that we often /do/ also meet up to discuss 'that'....) Taichi, slowly: Yyeah-- Koushiro: And, I am, of course, allowed to arrange such 'available' time /whenever/ I /personally/ wish, so it's of /no personal inconvenience to me/ if I have to /adjust my schedule/ a bit. Koushiro: Even IF I'm starting up - and may be tied up with - 'that' office soon. Taichi, (sweating just a bit): Koushiro: And even if you /hadn't/ asked me, I was also under the impression it was up to /me/ to determine how to work through and balance /my own/ relationships... Koushiro: (And not up to something like, 'that's just how it's always going to be because of such 'circumstances''...) tAICHI: Koushiro, uncrossing legs, standing up, grinning: So, you up for?....
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Quick analysis on how Taichi and Daisuke are similar - but still very different.
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This will not be a full analysis, but I’ve been wanting to compare them for ages and finally got around to write down a few of my thoughts.
What do they have in common? 
Not going too much into detail in regards to the fact that they're both TURNED into designated leaders/goggleheads, because that's just the main premise that Digimon keeps using, even if all goggleheads are distinctively different, despite sharing certain attributes. 
Daisuke is the heir of the Crest of Courage, hence the narrative tells us he is Taichi’s heir as well - they both have the tendency to jump right in(to trouble) and to sacrifice themselves for the sake of protecting their friends. Despite them having their moments of fear and self-doubt, they will act when it matters, with their hearts on the right spot. Both of them are learning that there’s a fine line between blind actionism and doing something for the sake of doing the right thing. Also despite knowing that there are moments when it cannot be avoided, they both hate to let sacrifices happen (thus they tend to sacrifice themselves instead).
They're both brothers of sisters, even if we know that plays out VERY differently, with Taichi being the protective big brother (who is traumatized for having almost killed his sister, resulting in self-esteem issues towards the fear of "hurting others by being inconsiderate") and Daisuke being the annoyed little brother (who is developing competitive self-esteem issues because of it, feeling "inadequate and having to prove himself all the time"). 
They love football and see it as a valuable thing in their lives; Taichi uses football metaphors in the novels all the time and even if it isn't implied in the same way as it is for Yamato, giving it up must have been painful (hello there, depression, leaving your hobbies behind). For Daisuke, it's also something he pulls his self-esteem from, a.) by wanting to be as good as his senpai, b.) maybe even impressing him and his other friends and c.) generally having fun despite its competitive nature (which we see when he approaches Ken - sure, he wants to win and he was beaming after getting praised by him, but in general - it's just a lot of FUN).
They actually do not exactly claim to be leaders, but are seen as those by their respective groups; while Taichi is the better strategist when it comes to conducting plans, he trusts his intuition a lot and - especially the older he gets - thinks things through more. Daisuke DEFINITELY trusts his intuition and gut more the longer the series goes on, but just like Taichi, his will inspires the others and so they kinda naturally gravitate towards thinking of them as leaders (even if that takes time in both cases).
What differentiates them? 
Despite both of them having self-esteem issues as mentioned above, the root-causes and coping strategies are very different. Daisuke, as mentioned, really wants to prove himself (as a younger sibling who gets into fights a lot), he adores Taichi and Hikari. And he overcompensates by wanting to impress them at all costs, by talking big, wanting to win against Takeru in general, but also in terms of getting Hikari's affection. It may even become a self-fulfilling prophecy, because people call him names (implying him to be “dumb”), and he actually ends up doing dumb stuff because of it. So as soon as he finds another purpose (such as integrating Ken into the group), all his good qualities eventually come through, because he thinks of somebody else first and doesn't want to prove himself there. He has a good heart, he may appear to be more simple minded, but it's because he actually values his simple, peaceful life and the people he surrounds himself with.
With Taichi, I may not want to repeat everything all over again, but we know he is afraid of hurting others, of being inconsiderate, making the wrong decisions and facing the consequences, thus getting him into a spiral, making him feel weak and like a coward; because he hurt Hikari, because he was told by Yamato repeatedly that he was doing things the wrong way, because he was the reason Sora got captured due to his own recklessness, etc. He IS (and learns to be more) considerate, but his actionism often gets in the way and (similarly to Daisuke), he may not always find the right words (yet), but he means well. He HAS to make decisions to snap out of all of that, and he is (probably?) aware of that due to his past experiences. So he should also know that he cannot (and shouldn't) do everything alone (as his strategies have often proven that relying on the others’ strengths is important, such as Yamato’s fighting prowess and Koushirou’s intelligence). Yet he has a tendency to burden himself with the pain on his own and isolates himself because of it. As much as he loves his friends (and suffers from the isolation), him upholding that mask for his own and their sake (especially as he gets older) is something he has to overcome.
(On a more “headcanon-y” note, I also still believe that Daisuke’s crush on Hikari was an extension of him kinda crushing on Taichi, but being in denial about it because "That's gay", and since Hikari was kind to him, he projected onto that, because "wow, a girl who is nice to me!!!!". Especially seeing how her older sibling is actually nice and protective instead of bullying her - and Daisuke aspiring to be like Taichi may actually have an influence on him wanting to protect Hikari as well. Additionally, you may argue that Hikari is also his type physically, since Ken has basically the same haircut, but is actually a guy. Of course Daisuke’s sexual orientation is presented to be hetero and Daiken will probably always just be fanon; however, Daisuke’s character development starts the moment he wants to get closer to Ken and abandons trying to impress Hikari, so his ambitions can technically be read as performative heteronormativity. But as mentioned, that is purely headcanon based and can be taken with a grain of salt.)
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izzyizumi · 5 years
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Digimon Adventure Tri ~ Edit Featuring: Taichi Yagami
“Under the withering sun, The ‘ HEAT HAZE ’ Wavered”:
  “ ‘ Don’t forget , come on , let’s go FORWARD . ’ ”
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skateboarding-poet · 3 years
His pink ukulele
Summary: Sakuya plays the ukulele. He also appreciates what the ukulele brought into his life.
The rain was hitting the warm concrete and the garden in the courtyard with small drops of water. Above the dorm building, the sky was filled with gray clouds, hiding away the usual summer sun.
It wasn't the type of weather people usually liked to see while they were outside. Yet, Sakuya was outside, taking in the calming sign with a dreamy smile on his face.
His body was sheltered from the rain, but his mind was focused only on it. The sound of the rain droplets meeting the ground, the sight of the rain wetting the usually dry outside, the smell of the wet concrete, they all had the honor of having Sakuya's entire attention.
He had no idea how much he sat outside and stared at the scenery, but his mind finally walked away from the daze as if someone snapped their fingers next to his ear. Suddenly, he remembered why he went outside in the first place.
Sakuya carefully held the ukulele in his hands while he took out the cover, and the sound of the zipper of the cover touching the strings of the small instrument echoed melodically. He stared at the pink instrument in his hands, a small smile blossoming on his face as he remembered the day when he received it.
He could remember the awe he felt when he saw Itaru holding the ukulele, his hands seeming a little too big for the small instrument.
"Wow, Itaru-san, is that a-"
Sakuya didn't even get to finish his question, because Citron jumped right into the conversation that barely started. "It's an ukulele! It's really small, isn't it?"
Sakuya couldn't help but agree. He's always wanted owning one, playing one, but he would've been content just with seeing one.
"Is it yours?" Sakuya asked. Itaru had a cunning smile on his face, the kind of smile he had when he was planning something.
"Itaru's appearance doesn't work with his appearance," Masumi answered before Itaru could, and his words made his fellow troupe member waver just a little. "But the director... she'd look so cute, playing an ukulele..." "Itaru is more like a mysterious guitarist from a cool band!" Citron added, not allowing Masumi's train of thoughts to take over the conversation. "Hey, this is not why we're here..." Tsuzuru sighed, trying to get his troupemates to focus on... whatever they were doing.
"Why do you have it, then? The ukulele." Sakuya said, catching the attention of his troupe, much to Tsuzuru's relief. Itaru's smile was on his face again, and it made Sakuya confused.
"It's yours," Masumi finally said, as direct as ever.
Sakuya's eyes widened slowly, while they were looking only at the instrument he'd wished to hold for years. A few moments passed silently, the Spring Troupe allowing the leader to process the words.
Citron took the instrument from Itaru’s hands and slowly approached Sakuya, carefully holding the ukulele’s body. But, the closer he got, the more blurry he became.
And then, a sob escaped his lips, and another, and another.
One of them, probably Tsuzuru, put his hand on his shoulder, squeezing it reassuringly. Citron gave Sakuya the instrument, smiling kindly at him.
The body and the neck were warm, probably from how Itaru held it in his hands. The color was a pastel pink, his favorite color. He felt a small paper stuck at the back on the instrument and, when he turned it around, he found a small piece of paper with the signature of all of the Spring Troupe members, and a message saying “Thank you for being our great leader”. Sakuya ran his fingers over the paper, staring at it intensively. He felt his heart swell with emotion, bursting with warm feelings all over his body. The tears in his eyes were warm, and his face felt hot. Wiping a few tears away from his eyes and cheeks, he gave everyone a huge, grateful smile, followed by a watery "Thank you!".
Sakuya plucked every string, wincing at the flat sound each of them made. He has been particularly busy with the mixed performances MANKAI Company has been delivering lately, so his ukulele has been patiently waiting for him to remember that he had left it on his table. However, even if Sakuya didn't get to play it as often as it used to, the instrument still served as a daily reminder for the Spring Troupe leader to smile, and that people cared about him very deeply.
He started tuning the instrument by rotating the pegs one by one, humming contently when the sounds matched the ones he spend so much time learning with the help of his roommate.
“Okay, Sakuya,” his roommate said, bringing his laptop to the table in their room. The laptop had a MeTube tab open at a video titled “Ukulele playing for beginners”. He pointed at the seat right next to the laptop
“I want to learn how to play the ukulele! ” Citron declared. “So, we will learn together!” 
Sakuya was surprised by what his roommate just said, but it all made sense when he saw him grab a very old looking ukulele from somewhere inside his chest. Sakuya gasped quietly. “Where did you get the ukulele?”
“In my country, it is a requiem to know how to play the ukulele, since it is the national instruments played at birthdays!”
“I think you meant requirement...”
“Yes, that!”
“...Wait. If it’s a requirement to play the ukulele, then why do you not know how to-”
“Let’s take a seat and learn, Sakuya!“
“I’m pressing play!”
The person in the video started describing each part of the ukulele, from the body, to the pegs. When they got to the tuning part, both of them tuned their instruments to the best of their abilities. Before they moved on to the strings, Citron paused the video.
“Your A string is a little sharp, Sakuya.”
Sakuya looked down on his instrument, and pulled the A string, but it didn’t sound off to him. “Really? Are you sure?”
“Yes. Try loosening the string with the peg.”
Sakuya did as he was told (well, he tried, but the first time he tightened the string instead and the sound was considerably sharper than before) and, with his second try, he won the aproval of his roommate, who pressed play once more.
Every few minutes, Citron stopped the video and helped Sakuya with small things he didn’t even know were being done wrong, as if they were usual, rookie mistakes that Citron was aware of and knew how to correct. The more they went on, the more convinced Sakuya was that his roommate knew how to play, after all. However, he didn’t say anything, since it felt like Citron knew Sakuya caught on his little lie.
By the end of the tutorial, Sakuya’s fingers were hurting, and the tips of his fingers had the shape of the strings imprinted on them, but he was more content than he thought he would be. The quality of the sound he was creating seemed to get better with every chord he played, and he even learned the very simple tune of “You Are My Sunshine”. But, the best part was the look of content and pride on Citron’s face.
“You learned so much today, Sakuya! Congratulation!”
“It’s all thanks to you, Citron-san!”
It’s been more than a year since then, and now Sakuya was more than able to tune the instrument by ear. He took a seat on the ground and hummed to himself. “Hmm, let’s see if I remember how it goes...”
He started playing “You Are My Sunshine” to the little audience that he had: the rain, the chairs, the cherry blossom tree in the courtyard, or whoever happened to pass by but didn’t dare to interrupt him. The melodic sounds of the ukulele, occasionally accompanied by his own humming, blended with the calm of the sight in front of him. He didn’t know how many times he repeated the tune, but the rain was restlessly applauding his little show, which made Sakuya smile.
His little concert wasn’t over, however, since he started playing other songs that he knew, like “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star”, “Three Little Birds”, or random pop songs he heard of from Taichi and Kazunari.
Ah, yes, Sakuya thought, Taichi-kun always gives me nice song suggestions. He always seems so eager to listen to me play...
Sakuya’s face was getting warmer, and his cheeks were being decorated with a light shade of pink. Taichi reminded him of one and one song only...
A minor, D minor, G seventh, C major, F major, D minor, E seventh, A minor, A seventh...
Sakuya named all the chords he was playing in his head, the chords that, combined together, recreated the song “Fly Me To The Moon”. His occasional hums became almost words that were following the tune with the help of Sakuya’s gentle and warm voice. The feelings he was experiencing were making themselves known to the outside through the little moments when Sakuya’s voice shook slightly with emotion.
The first time Sakuya played this song in front of someone, it was when he played it in front of Tenma and Taichi, who have been pleading Sakuya to let them hear him play at least one song. Well, Taichi used to plead more, but Tenma’s blushing face whenever he was asked about it proved he was just as interested in hearing him play as much as Taichi.
Back then, his voice didn’t shake only because of his affection slipping through, but also because of his nervousness. It was the first time he played the ukulele to anyone outside on his troupe, and he wanted to impress the two boys that he loved, who were sitting right in front of him, listening to his performance attentively.
Taichi’s eyes were wide open and his mouth slightly agape, sucking in every movement, every sound, every nervous smile thrown his way that he always reciprocated a second too late. Tenma’s eyes were closed, his mind probably far away, somewhere at a place where only the three of them existed peacefully.
The song ended, and Sakuya took his hand away from the body, holding the ukulele with the other hand by the neck. After a few moments of silence passed, Taichi closed his mouth, a huge smile blossoming on his face, and he launched himself forward, hugging Sakuya tightly.
“Sakkun, that was amazing!” Taichi gushed, his grip on his boyfriend tight. Sakuya burst into laughter, all of his nervousness being melted away by Taichi’s touch.
“Thanks, Taichi-kun! I’m glad you enjoyed it!” he replied, and turned his head towards Tenma, who seemed like he just came back to reality from whatever dream world he went off to.
“It was beautiful” was all he got to say. Taichi stretched his hand out to Tenma and grabbed him by the wrist, pulling him into a group hug.
“If you guys get any more talented, my heart will burts!” Taichi joked, hugging his partners a little bit tighter.
“Prepare for your heart to burst, then, ‘cause we won’t stop anytime soon,” Tenma replied, making Sakuya laugh.
When Sakuya’s thoughts came back to the present, he finally noticed the two pair of eyes that were watching him with interest.
One of his favorite audiences, Tenma and Taichi, were watching him, patiently waiting to be noticed. Sakuya’s eyes met theirs, and they smiled at him.
“Felt like having a little concert all by yourself?” Tenma asked, and he stretched an arm towards Sakuya to help him get up. 
“Kind of,” Sakuya laughed nervously. He took Tenma’s hand, and his fellow troupe leader lifted him up with relative ease. “I noticed that it was raining, so I suddenly got the idea to play some songs here.”
“But, Sakkun, it stopped raining fifteen minutes ago,” Taichi observed.
“Wait, really?” Sakuya turned his head towards the courtyard, and Taichi was right: the earth was wet, the concrete was still a darker color due to the water, but the rain was no more. Not even the clouds were up in the sky, they were replaced by the orange evening sun.
“Bet you caused the rain to stop,” Taichi said, “your smile is always so sunshine-y that it brings the sun out even in the darkest days!” Taichi’s comment brought a small blush to Sakuya’s face.
“Now that the weather cleared up,” Tenma began, “it seems like it’s a perfect time to go out and do some street acts. What do you say?”
“Aw, nice thinking, Ten-chan! Of course I’d like to perform some street acts with you two!” Taichi replied. “Right, Sakkun?”
“You’re right,” Sakuya agreed. “I just need to leave this in my room, and I’ll come with you too. I’ll be back in a moment!” 
“Sure, we’ll wait at the entrance.” Tenma said.
Sakuya opened the door for his room and went inside, noticing Citron wasn’t there. He walked to the table in the middle of the room, where he carefully put the instrument cover. After carefully putting it over the instrument and closing the zipper, he headed to the door and, right as he was about to turn the doorknob, he glanced back at the pink ukulele, in its pink cover, sitting on the table. Even the sight of it made Sakuya think of all the good things it managed to bring into his life.
Maybe it wasn’t wrong to think that the ukulele was a representation of his dreams of being an actor. Back then, they were only things that Sakuya convinced himself it was okay to dream about. But now that they were in his life, they were one more reason to wake up with a smile on his face, one more reason to be happy every day, one more reason to be grateful of what he was given.
Sakuya gave it one more glance before he walked out of the room and closed the door.
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dangan-happy · 3 years
A shark in the pool?! Wha- oh wait, nevermind, that’s just Asahina hunting for a donut. / Hi, this is for Byakuya or Taichi. For the past month, I've been feeling really lonely. I have friends, of course, but my social anxiety is making it really hard for me to reach out to them. And even worse is that my lonliness is making my depression really bad, which makes me want to isolate myself, so its even harder to reach out. Its so bad that I cry over my lonliness almost every day... (1/2)
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Social anxiety will always have a habit at trying to convince you the opposite of the truth, mind tricks if you will. What a pain those can be. For starters, you acknowledge that you aren’t actually alone and you have friends, that’s a good start. 
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Perhaps you can use these sessions with your therapist as a sort of stepping stone to reach out towards your friends, build your way up until you feel comfortable enough to go through with speaking to them again. You don’t need to rush this process, especially since your anxiety hinders you at some points. With each session you have with your therapist, perhaps you can inquire as to how you can reach out to your friends once more since you are seeking comfort from someone not on a professional level. I’m sure they have suggestions as to what you can do. 
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Listening to you is the least I can do when you’ve chosen to ask for someone as honorable as myself. Very well, you may have a hug. 
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A-Ah, th-thanks for helping the ki-kiddo out, Mr. Togami... I-I'm sure they'll appreciate the h-help and hug! Y-You're more reliable th-than this old man, th-that's for sure...
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M-Mr. Togami did an excellent job on his part; I-I agree with e-everything that he told you, s-so I'll try not to repeat anything. C-Considering I can r-really relate to what y-you're going through, i-it's quite the difficult s-struggle. But like Mr. Togami s-said, y-you acknowledging that you're actually not alone and that you have friends i-is a step in the r-right direction! A-And I'm happy to hear that you h-have a therapist, too. I-I can understand w-wanting personal comfort after receiving so much p-professional comfort though, a-and that's fine. Therapists a-are nice and very helpful, b-but it's also just as nice and helpful t-to receive comfort from, i-in this case, a t-trusted friend!
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Similar to wh-what Mr. Togami said, y-you should maybe confront y-your therapist on this; a-about how y-you want some p-personal comfort from your friends, b-but that your a-anxiety makes it hard for you. O-Of course, take your time, as there's n-no rush at a-all! G-Go at your own pace, a-and I'm sure your therapist w-will be able to help y-you out with working t-towards asking for comfort f-from your friends. I-I have hope in you, kiddo! I really do!
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A-Ah, you want a hug f-from me? I-I'm just some unreliable p-programmer; I'm not like Mr. Togami, heh. Y-You're too kind, kiddo. This o-old man would be more than happy t-to give you a hug! C'mere, kiddo.
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weebtarurights · 4 years
Sakyo Furuichi SSR (MANKAI Encore ) - Part 3
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Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 ||
Story Title:  “ Encore: Ginji”
Kazama: "Allow me to do the honor.I go by the name Kazama....Kazama Ginji. Looking forward to working with you. " Izumi: ( Ginji, and his underling, Kojima have been in the care of Tatsuta Group. Our story begins with the group boss' assassination. ) Ken: "Kazama... Tell me, what should I do ?" Kazama: "Boy.... Get a hold of yourself ! " Ken: " ーー! " Kazama: " Now that boss is gone, you are the only one who can lead the Tatsuta Group. " Izumi: ( The way they're expressing the emotion now is really good. ) ( At the beginning of the performance, Ginji acted a lot more calmly... I've never seen this approach before ) Ken: "Is a young boy like me  capable of  taking  this kind of responsibility?" Izumi: ( In response to Sakyo-san's acting, Juza-kun grinds his teeth to convey immaturity ) ( It's an ad-lib ! )
Kazama: "Boy, it's not the matter of your capability. It's the question of whether you'll do it or not. " Mogi: "Geh, no way I'll work under that 'boy'.   Ken: "Say, could you take revenge for my father's death?  I can't make any brash move with all the trouble brewing inside the house. Please! You're the only one I can rely on. " Kazama: " I haven't forgotten the favor I owe from your father. I will protect Tatsuta Group." Izumi: (Kazama, who was asked to take revenge for Tatsuta Group's head, began to gather information. ) Mogi: "What the hell is this?  This is not what you promised! You promised you'll make me Kosei Group's next head if I hand over Tatsuta Ken!" Yokota: "Ahh, that. " Turns out that there isn't much meat left in the Tatsuta Group. " "Only shameful dogs like you would be happy   to gnaw a mere bone." Mogi: Bastard !
Izumi: ( Omi-kun's Yokota have always had a strong presence since the premier but now, it has become even more amazing...! ) 
Mogi: " Urgh...." Ken: "Mogi ? Oi ! Who did this to you? ! " Mogi: "Guess I got what I deserved. " "It was Yokota of Kosei Group who did your parents. " "He promised he'll give me a top position in Kosei Group and protect Tatsuta Group  if I sold you to him." Ken: "So the one who attacked me... " Mogi: "Sorry.  I just wanted to protect boss' group by any means." Izumi: (Banri-kun's Mogi is also more human than it was at the premiere) (Kazama and Kojima went on their way to take down Kosei Group. However, Kojima fell into Yokota's cruel traps. ) Kojima:” Boss ! ! “ Kazama: “ーー” Kojima:” Kuhーーー” Kazama: “Kojima ! “ Kojima: “Ha,  ha, boss, is this enough to pay the favor I owe you...? Guess this is not enough...” Kazama: “Kojima ! ! “ Audience A:  ! ...... Audience B: ーー
Izumi: ( I can hear sobbing from the audiences. Truly, only Taichi-kun's performance can shake people's heart this much ) ( Kazama headed to the final battle all by himself) 
Yokota: “Kazama....? So you're still alive.” Kazama: “The dragon inside me is crying out every night. It thirsts to kill and devour scoundrels like you! “ Yokota: “ーー!”
Izumi: ( Kazama annihilated Yokota but he struggled as he is surrounded by Kosei Group membersーー) 
Kosei Group Member: “Bastard ....! The chairman is...!” “Oraah ! “ Kazama: “Kuhーー” Kosei Group Member: “Uaahh !” Kazama: “ーー!” Kosei Group Member: “ーー ! I will destroy you ....!” Izumi: ( Azami-kun's spirit is amazing... ! He was able to master the role. People won't even think it's the first time he performed for this play) 
Ken: “...They're gone.” Mogi: “Heh... Guess they can't stay in one place for too long. “ “Gotta go too. I need to take responsibility for my mistakes.” Ken: “The hell are you talking about, Mogi? If you want to take responsibility, I'll have you bury the bones of Tatsuta Group." Mogi: “Boss...” Izumi: ( Curtain falls as Ken and Mogi watches  Kazama and Kojima take their leave )
Autumn Troupe: Thank you very much !  Audience A: That was impressive ! Audience B: Kazama is so cool ! Audience C: I was so passionate. I was moved to tears.... Izumi: ( This performance has a different approach from the premiere. It's the real thrill you can only get during encore performances ) Izumi: Good work ! Taichi: Sakyo-nii and Juza-san's acting is different from what we practiced. I was surprised ! Omi: I was surprised too. Taichi: That was unfair ! I want to compete with you too ! Azami: Me too. I didn't want to lose. Omi: That's right. I felt once again how fun it is to try different types of acting. Banri: It's not that bad. Things were easier to convey during our premiere performance but well, I think it's fine from time to time too. Izumi: Yup! I agree. Even so, I am happy that as we performed in different places and increased the number of our performance, everyone was able to challenge themselves and deliver different approaches. Juza: ...Yeah, if someone changes their acting, the other person should receive and return it. Sakyo: As Fushimi said, there's no right or wrong answer when it comes to acting. Izumi: Yup ! One of the joys of acting is to repeat trial and error until you make it into a good play. Let's not forget to take on new challenges and do our best for the rest of the time ! Autumn Troupe: Ou ! 
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Sakyo: Glad it ended well. Juza: .... Yeah, thank you very much. Sakyo: For what? Juza: You changed your approach from our premiere. I took advantage of the fresh feelings I received and was able to act in a way I have never done before. Sakyo: No.... Same with me here. It received a lot from you. Hope I can return it. Juza: If you put it that way, then me too. Sakyo: It's kind of nostalgic. A lot of things happened during the premiere. Juza: Sorry. Back then, I followed you around without you knowing. Sakyo: No, I'd say I have been saved by what you did. Seems like you also became my mother's "most favorite" as a result. Juza: Most favor... what ? Sakyo: She likes your acting. Juza: ...'see. Please tell her, thank you. Sakyo: Yeah. Anyways... Of all things why would y'all think it's love. Beats me. Juza: ......Please stop. Sakyo: ......  Everyone's sleeping like a log. Juza: You're right. Izumi: Zzz.....Zzz.... Taichi: Mm....can't eat any....more... Azami: ...... Sakyo: ( Love...huh..) Guess we know each other better now than we did back then. Juza: ....That's good.
1) Kazama refers to お控えなすって (Okaenasute) is an initial greeting between yakuza members. 2) In yakuza organizations,  若頭 (wakagashira)  or deputy godfather is the position right under the chairman(godfather). Usually, the deputy godfather is selected as the successor when the chairman or godfather retires or dies. 3) Sakyo referred to “推しメン” (oshimen) . Oshimen is one’s favorite member of an idol groups or the likes. (T/N: LMAO Where in the world did he pick up this word ? xD * )
4)“ By "love",  Sakyo may be referring to the time when everyone thought he's getting married.
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uwua3 · 4 years
a3! as bts songs + lyrics
🌸🌻🍁❄️ all troupes
author’s note: i love bts ♡ if you don’t know who they are, they’re a famous k–pop group and their music means everything to me~ i definitely recommend checking them out! (p.s. some of the lyrics are put together from different verses)
sorry for the random post today even if you guys aren’t k–pop stans~ (i do notice the few bts accs that follow me though, let’s be friends!!!) (yes tsumugi & tasuku’s are meant tor each other)
♡ EUPHORIA — love yourself ‘answer’
“You are the sunlight that rose again in my life / A reincarnation of my childhood dreams / I’m so happy, I can’t breathe / Across the dream, over the horizon / I’m going to a place that’s getting clearer / Take my hands now / You are the cause of my euphoria”
♡ HOLD ME TIGHT — the most beautiful moment in life: young forever
“Look, I’m fair with everyone else but you / Now I can’t live a day without you / Do you trust me? / Please, please, please, pull me in and hug me”
♡ WAKE UP — wake up
“I won’t sleep anymore / I have to make my face and my body keep going to work / My pen is a sword, my body is a pistol / No matter how tired or sleepy I am / That morning won’t change, just keep going on and on and on”
♡ TOMORROW — skool luv affair
“24/7 every moment repeats / My life is in between / Jobless twenty–somethings are afraid of tomorrow / It’s funny, you think anything is possible as a kid / When you feel how hard it is to get through a day / Keep downloading like the ‘Control’ beat, keep downloading it / Every single day is a repetition of Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V”
♡ SEA — love yourself ‘her’
“I see ocean, I see desert / I see the world / Everything’s, the same thing / With a different name / It’s life again”
♡ MY TIME — maps of the soul: 7
“Feels like I’ve become a grown–up faster than everyone else / My life has been a movie, all the time / The boy who found the world too big / ‘Cause everybody walks too fast / I’m a little kid grown up not knowing it (Like a child who got lost)”
♡ N.O. — O!RUL8,2?
“It’s either number one or failure / They trap us into borders, the adults / There’s no choice but to consent / Even if we think simply, it’s survival of the fittest”
♡ WHALIEN 52 — the most beautiful moment in life pt. 2
“The world will never know / How sad I am / I became sick with worry, the sticker always beneath my ear / Never end... why is there never end and always hell? / As time goes by, it’s Neverland in a cold abyss!”
♡ INNER CHILD — map of the souls: 7
“It will be okay, because today’s me is doing fine / Yesterday’s you, now it’s all clear / I want to hug the many thorns in the budding roses / The smiling kid, the child who’s always laughing brightly / When I see you like that, I can’t help but smile / It tingles, that summer day’s air”
♡ ANPANMAN — love yourself ‘answer’
“I’ve dreamed of becoming a hero like Superman / I ran with all my strength, jumping high up in the sky / I’m not afraid of little things like bruising my knees / Innocent fantasies of my childhood”
♡ NO MORE DREAM — 2 cool 4 skool
“But in reality, I don’t have any big dreams / Haha, I live an easy life / Even if I don’t dream, no one says anything / It’s a lie you’re such a liar / See me, see me, you’re a hypocrite / Why are you telling me to go another way? Do well yourself! / Don’t push others”
♡ BLACK SWAN — maps of the soul: 7
“If this can no longer resonate / No longer makes my heart vibrate / Then like this may be how / I die my first death / But what if that moment’s right now?”
♡ OUTRO: TEAR — love yourself ‘tear’
“The price that I had to pay came to me / If someone said they would turn back time for me / Would I have been able to be a bit more honest? / The bare face that only I know / The ugly and pathetic old friends within me / Would you still be able to love me again like before / With that smile with which you used look at me”
♡ AUTUMN LEAVES — the most beautiful moment in life pt. 2
“I only looked / With the autumn wind / Your words and expressions that become cold at some point / I can see that our relationship is fading / An empty relationship like the autumn sky / One leaf clinging to a branch / It’s shattering, I see the end”
♡ FIRST LOVE — wings
“Don’t worry even if I leave / You’ll do well on your own / I remember when I first met you / Before I knew it, you grew up / Though we are putting an end to our relationship / Don’t ever feel sorry for me / I will get to meet you again no matter what form / Greet me happily, then”
♡ FOR YOU — youth
“Today too, I feel the sadness of not being able to see you / Even if I feel insecure / I believe that my heart will not leave you / My heart will reach past beyond the wind / I am always under the same sky / Even if we are apart / Our hearts are connected to each other / Forever with you”
♡ CRYSTAL SNOW — face yourself
“Like snow piles up, I remember what you gave me / You gave me the courage to live / We met each other beyond all time / So now how do we do? Can we make it work?”
♡ MOON — maps of the soul: 7
“Everyone says I’m beautiful / But, my sea is black / You’re the one with flowers blooming / And the sky is blue / Suddenly, I wonder / If you’re looking at me right now? / Won’t you find out all my pain?”
♡ RAIN — dark&wild
“I brush back my hair with my exhausted hands / The memopad with the song I couldn’t complete last night / I’ll finish it today as I shut my eyes and let out a sigh / What excuse can I give? I try to make something up / It’s unfinished anyway so I’ll make anything up”
♡ THE TRUTH UNTOLD — love yourself ‘tear’
“It’s my fate / Don’t smile to me / Lie to me / Because I can’t get closer to you / There’s no name you can call me / You know that I can’t / Show you me / Give you me / I can’t show you a ruined part of myself / Once again, I put on a mask and go to see you”
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amaryllisblackthorn · 3 years
part 3
so. it’s been a while. i had this pretty much written up months ago but i petered out near the end which is why it took so long to post it. 
so this covers my thoughts&observations on ep37+38 regarding takeru+ken post-kaiser. i’ll be posting another post later summing up my overall thoughts.
part 1 | part 2
ken tends to have a lot of anger in his voice when talking to archnemon, which makes sense. it's personal. and just like yamato said; ken and takeru share similar feelings.
daisuke: we worked so hard :D (looking back and forth between friends) takeru: you're right C: daisuke: right? right?
ken and iori aren’t looking at daisuke until daisuke goes 'right right'. ken looks down and iori looks at daisuke. daisuke notices something's up with ken. 'what’s wrong ichijouji? what? if you have something to say, say it'. further example of how jogress partners tend to notice when something's bothering them.
ken reflects his thoughts that if the darkness isn’t completely destroyed immediately it will continue to absorb its surroundings and produce more 'sad lives' like bwg; hikari's thoughts are that ken is also referring to himself and how he created Kimeramon. this is something that daisuke and miyako are implied to be aware of as well; the way takeru and iori are looking at ken when he talks also suggests they're aware of it as well.
it's kind of fitting, then, that takeru speaks up. after all, he's the one who kind of inadvertently brought this to ken's mind back in ep 34.
takeru first says ‘i don't think so/I think differently’ in response to ken, directly to him, which has ken react in surprise and turn his head to face takeru.
takeru goes on to say that 'sure, darkness is terrible, and we'd feel peace of mind if we were able to get rid of it completely, but I'm sure that's impossible’. ken repeats "impossible?" takeru then looks slightly away, as though he's deep in thought/thinking of how to say what he’s thinking, and says how where there is light, there is darkness, which has hikari respond with 'the brighter the light, the darker the shadow, right?' which has takeru turn his head back to the group (and ken) as he responds 'yes', adding 'that's why it's important not to lose sight of the light inside you'. focus on ken as he repeats 'not losing sight of the light inside of you'.
now what does this mean? what is its importance? bc it's definitely significant. but how?
I think this is the first time since ep28, where takeru told ken to not act cool, that I think takeru has directly talked specifically to ken post-kaiser stuff.
up until now, Takeru's stance regarding Ken was externally vague at best, as he was the only one who hadn't made his position clear to Ken. Ken generally knows where Daisuke, Miyako, and Hikari side, and where Iori sides -- or at least where Iori sided, and he doesn’t really have any reason to think he’s changed his mind. He doesn’t really have any idea where takeru sides, as takeru hasn't made it clear to him.
Takeru's willing to work with him, sure. he's civil enough. but to be fair iori has also been working with ken and being civil for the most part too, esp post ep28. this doesn't necessarily reflect their personal feelings towards him.
what Ken knows is Takeru told him he was way over his head regarding the power of darkness in ep19 and physically assaulted him with a significant anger present, warned him that playing around with the power of darkness would have grave consequences if he didn't stop (and it did), told him they'd settle their 'match' (which was really just takeru beating up ken) next time, and lectured him on digimon being alive like the rest of them, before wormmon died. (and said ‘he’s dead’ after wormmon died).
what ken knows is, after wormmon died, takeru told him, somewhat upset, not to act cool in response to his offer to kill archnemon so the other kids wouldn't have to, and then suggesting a (temporary) nonlethal alternative. even more, ken knows that takeru has repeated the sentiment that using the power of darkness to create 'unhappy life' and destruction is 'unforgivable' with a similar intensity that was present in the ep19 encounter--which is something ken did. ken also knows that takeru declined to attend the meeting at daisuke's house in a suspicious manner, followed by iori.
it's not a stretch to imagine that ken figures that while takeru is willing to work with him and be civil, takeru finds what ken did to be unforgivable and personally does not like ken.
and I don't think that's Takeru's intention. the fact that takeru seemed to express possible/potential concern over ken's guilt motivating him, I don't think Takeru means for Ken to beat himself up when he says those things. and in this scene we have Ken feeling guilty, which is presumably understood by everyone, and disheartened. and takeru kind of reaching out, in a way.
there are several ways that what takeru said could be taken I feel.
for one, it's a hopeful (heh) thing. when ken expresses his thought that as long as there is darkness, the cycle will continue. takeru expresses that darkness winning is not an inevitability as long as you don't lose the light inside you.
it works on a personal level, too. it's okay if ken continues to struggle with the darkness -- it's unfortunate and not fun, but that doesn't make him a bad person -- as long as he holds onto the light inside of him, and there is light inside of him.
there's also something about the way qinglongmon said some stuff. earlier he claimed that "in order to bring the one swallowed by darkness back, it was necessary to temporarily create the digimental of miracles with the crest of kindness engulfed by darkness." he then later reiterates/rephrases Takeru's feelings when expressing what hope means -- "and hope means not to lose the light even when engulfed by darkness."
ken lost sight of the light inside of his heart for a while (his kindness, you could say), but he found it again after wormmon's sacrifice, as a result of a 'miracle' (tech found it in ep23). and it was a miracle that ken was saved before it was too late! the important thing for ken to do now is not to lose sight of it again.
and aside from the physical destruction the power of darkness can be used to create, takeru also knows about falling victim to the darkness from emotional vulnerability, for lack of better explanation. I can't recall exactly what he knew about Yamato's experience or what he picked up when witnessing Sora's, but Takeru more or less knows how people can fall prey to it. Yamato was engulfed by darkness, falling further and further into it; he was lost and ended up doing some misguided things as a result -- seriously fighting Taichi (in front of his little brother!) and when it really wasn't the time, for one. thanks to Gabumon, though, Yamato was able to find his way back. which is why I don't think Takeru would really hold it against Ken once Takeru had felt Ken had changed from before, and furthermore, Takeru knows that you can come back from it.
whatever Takeru's intent is, his meaning is -- naturally -- one of hope, and it's directed towards Ken.
and Takeru's words, particularly about not losing sight of the light inside you, seem to... impact? reach? ken, for lack of a better word, in some way, to an extent. 
upon further thinking, it actually kind of reminds me of ep23 at the village of beginnings. when the baby digimon tell Ken “What is done cannot be undone. What you did was something unforgivable.” and “You can’t erase the past. Everything is part of you: the good and the bad are both part of you.”
while what ken did was unforgivable [kimeramon], he has to accept the good and the bad are both part of him. and ken tends to focus on accepting the bad as part of him, but he also has to accept the good part of him, too, in the sense that he acknowledges that there is good -- that he’s not solely a bad person. and maybe the good that’s a part of him is sort of analogous to the light inside him -- that despite being engulfed in darkness and all he’s done, there is light inside him, and the important thing is to not lose sight of it (again). 
it also kind of reminds me of a line in ‘beat hit’, the jogress song. ‘There is light and shadow in both the heart and in the world. That’s testing you, the never ending battle.’ [Hikari to kage ga aru kokoro ni mo sekai ni mo / Sore wa kimi wo tameshite iru kesshite owaru koto no nai tatakai]
i don’t have too much to say here at this point about this other than encouraging others to throw their two cents in about what they think, bc this is definitely a significant moment. but in what way? 
not really related to takeru+ken but later, when qinglongmon talks about the crests of hope and light, hikari turns to takeru and smiles saying 'our crests!' and tho Takeru's lookin back at her, I think, he's not smiling. which I find interesting. In ep34 it was shown that takeru can go from serious&intense to ^.^ pretty quickly and smoothly. I don't know what if anything it signifies but I found it interesting. idk
later, at the restaurant.
miyako and daisuke are fighting over the Chinese bun daisuke took; takeru holds out a bun to ken and says 'ichijouji-kun. they're delicious. will you eat with us?' and while ken was initially surprised by Takeru's action, he gives a small (cute!) smile which grows a little more as he says "thanks! :D" and accepts Takeru's offering. takeru is smiling at ken in the background as ken opens/splits the the bun and gives half to leafmon. leafmon says 'ken-chan, eating with friends is great, isn't it?' and ken replies 'it is'! and after this exchange takeru is still seen smiling at ken as he watches on.
so not only has ken accepted being nakama, he's accepted being friends, too! good for him! and takeru seems happy about that, too, which is swell.
also an interesting thing I noticed is that throughout this episode after qinglonmon appears, takeru, iori, and ken are often showed/grouped together in the same frame/shot. 
takeru, iori, and ken are shown in frame when takeru goes 'is this what bwg was waiting for?' when qinglongmon appears. takeru, iori, and ken are once again shown in the same frame when ken goes "then, I..." after daisuke goes 'the dark towers seal his powers?' 
then takeru and ken are in same frame, to the side, when archnemon and mummymon walk back in with the two other digimon subdued, archnemon saying 'oh well you found out' re: her/their goal ('building as many dark towers as possible and destroying this world's balance'). this shot is repeated after archnemon says 'but then you got the wrong idea, joined the chosen children, and started to destroy them'. 
then takeru, iori, and ken are shown in the same frame again when takeru says 'so that's why they can only reach perfect level at certain times'. iori turns to look at takeru when he talks. iori says 'that's what koushirou-san explained to us a while back right?' and takeru and ken turn to look at him. iori turns back to qinglongmon 'he was talking about qinglongmon and the others' ken and then takeru turn back to face qinglongmon.
daisuke, hikari, and miyako are together in the same frame when daisuke and miyako say 'that must be us' & 'yeah. daisuke, me, and...'. the next shot is of iori with parts of ken and takeru shown in frame when iori goes 'myself'. 
after bwg screams and goes off into the sky, there's a shot of daisuke+hikari+miyako, and then a shot of takeru+iori+ken. daisuke+hikari+miyako are again shown when daisuke says that 'now you can recover your lost power, right?', to which qinglongmon replies that not right away but he'll plant seeds of light in the meantime where the holy stones once were, and takeru+iori+ken are shown in the shot when ken echoes ‘seeds of light?'
then, daisuke+hikari+miyako and ken with most of his head cut off are in the same shot after ken talks about how unless all darkness is destroyed, it'll absorb its surroundings etc. then there's the focus on hikari thinking that ken was also referring to himself, and then there's a shot of takeru+iori+ken+daisuke, with the focus zooming on ken until takeru speaks up. even in the group shot when qinglongmon says ‘however, it does not mean that all threats have been eliminated', there’s a bit of a gap between Ken and Daisuke, dividing the kids into three and three (Takeru, Iori, Ken & Daisuke, Hikari, Miyako).
it’s interesting, especially considering the relevance these three have had during Takeru&Iori’s (pre)jogress arc.  
ken is standing apart from the other kids. wormmon basically encourages him to give his invitations to the kids, but ken asks 'but will they accept?' and his hand is shaking. he's so nervous! even though his relationships with the other kids have improved. which is understandable. I suffer from social anxiety I get it.
it's reasonable to expect daisuke, miyako, and hikari to accept it, especially the former two. it's reasonable to expect iori /not/ to accept it (from kens pov). takeru has the most room for doubt, since he did make the offering of friendship more or less the prior episode, but is still a rather mysterious dude.
wormmon tells him it'll be fine. daisuke, in daisuke fashion, noticed something's up with ken and runs up to him. 'what are you doing? what do you have there? c'mon what is it?' ken, super nervous (aah!!), tells them that his mother said he should invite all of his friends to a Christmas party at their place. he lifts the invitations slowly, hand trembling. and the kids (minus iori) are excited and run over.
ken's hand with the invitations is still shaking and starts to retreat/withdraw, as if he's expecting a rejection, when he asks if they'd like to come. it makes me really feel for him honestly he's so nervous :( but when ken, uncertainly, asks if they would like to come, takeru immediately asserts "of course! [Mochiron yo]" and ken goes " :o ". takeru has his hand already out, directly in front of him, smiling, and ken lifts up the invitations and goes ' thanks !”', blushing, to which takeru says 'same to you. i'm happy you invited us.' and goes ^.^
the fact that takeru is the one to first accept ken’s invitation is intentional from the show. they emphasize ken's shaking hand with the invitation retreating. ken has doubts. and takeru clears up those doubts with his confident 'of course!' and 'I'm happy you invited us'.
and this is also takeru clearing up his own position, which has been relatively unclear until the last episode. takeru goes a step further from last episode by making it clear that of course he wants to come and he's happy they invited him.
and taking in Takeru's 'I'm happy you invited us' as well as his smiling at ken at the end of last episode, it seems that Takeru's happy that ken seems to be ... healing? in a way, for lack of a better word, which kind of ties into his apparent concern over kens motivations re: guilt earlier on. this kind of is also related to the end of the episode when sora looks at hikari and takeru and says that kens 'really changed, hasn't he?' bc it's not that he changed from kaiser to ken, it's that he's also changed in that he's happier. and everyone's glad about it too. also shown by the kids’ reaction when ken laughs at the party.
also takeru goes to ken’s party instead of supporting his brother at his concert. not that yamato probably minds or anything but i thought that was neat. i do like that koushirou and jou came to yamato’s concert too though that’s sweet heh
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koushirouizumi · 10 months
"...That's why I'm here," Iori reaffirms calmly, as Iori now stands up, BOOK in hands-- "...Because I should be able to support my upperclassman, in turn." Iori smiles, and closes THE BOOK -- -- it closes between Iori's hands.
Pre-Epilogue Iori in my fic, "The Past World" (originally written in 2k21, idea in mind since Young Me days, before XW finished airing)
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#The Beginning Spoilers #TheBeginningSpoilers
(Visually Iori likely looked EXACTLY LIKE THIS before breaking out the smile.)
0 notes
adventure-hearts · 4 years
Epilogue Celebration: “Couples”
The Epilogue is my favourite timeline for Sora x Yamato, so ofc I’m going to use this prompt as an excuse to talk about them. But how do you sum up a vision built on almost 20 years of headcanons and stories? Here is my modest attempt...
“State of The Art”
As of 2028, Sora and Yamato (40) have been together for around 10 years. The exact timeline of the relationship depends on which of them you ask; when they got back together at the end of the 2010s, they took a while to go from a no-strings-attached relationship to being an official couple. It took them even longer to decide to get married, since both were pretty wary of marriage. 
When, after a few years of dating, Yamato was assigned by JAXA to an astronaut training course in France, he asked Sora to come and live with him. Making things legal made immigration bureaucracy less complicated, so they just took the extra step and eloped. The only witnesses at their wedding were their Digimon partners (something Takeru cries over to this day)! They lived in France for a few years and had two kids, Hana (6) and Ren (3), who were born there. During this period, Yamato, who had a position at the European Space Agency, completed two space trips, while Sora worked at a big Parisian fashion house. 
In 2025, after Yamato’s international assignment ended, they relocated to Japan, and Sora decided to start her own fashion label, to great success. Since both make decent money, they now live in a lovely house with a garden and have a comfortable financial situation. This is where we find them at the time of the Epilogue.
Raising the Kids
Sora was initially scared of becoming a mother. Growing up with everyone treating her as a “mom friend” and feeling responsible for the well-being of others, in addition to the pressures of belonging to the Takenouchi family, she was hesitant to have a child unless she was sure she would not mess it up. Yamato, on the other hand, craved kids (being very fond of his nephew Théo) and secretly dreamed of having a child with Sora, but didn’t push the subject much until Sora decided for herself.
Sometime after Hana’s birth, after it was clear that they both were made for parenthood, they were happy to expand the family, but there were a few health issues during pregnancy and childbirth. Baby Ren was born premature from an emergency c-section, and they were told conceiving again was very unlikely. So, with some regret, the Takenouchi-Ishida family was complete.
Sora and Yamato are usually on the same page when it comes to raising Hana and Ren. They value their happiness and freedom above everything else, and living abroad influenced them and made them have a pretty modern approach to parenting. 
Yamato was raised with practically no rules or adult supervision, and Sora was the opposite, so they try to find a balance for their kids. It’s usually Sora who enforces rules, because Yamato is very easily manipulated by the kids who tend to get their way around him every time. By contrast, Yamato is the hands-on, overprotective dad who truly believes his children to be faultless and superior to all other kids, something Sora tries to balance a little to make sure the kids are polite and unspoiled.
It isn’t always easy to juggle work-family balance, but they have a lot of help and support from their parents, especially since they moved back to Japan. Hiroaki, in particular, is a keen baby sitter, but all four grandparents almost fight over who gets to watch the kids when Yamato and Sora are working!
Relationship Dynamics
Sora and Yamato are very passionate and devoted to each other (after all, they’ve been in love since they were teenagers, even though it took them a long while to get together), but they also have a somehow atypical relationship.  They aren’t openly demonstrative in public. They were the last of the group to start a family. They don’t share a last name (because Sora is an only child and heir to an important iemoto family, like her mom, she didn’t change her name after marriage; a recent law allows Yamato to keep his birth name, but the kids are Takenouchi). They eloped instead of having a big wedding. They have demanding careers that involve traveling abroad and off-planet. They happen to both be former Chosen Children (although Sora “retired” from Digimon business in 2010).
This means that they are pretty independent, and they are used to spending time away from each other. The saying “absence makes the heart grow fonder” is key here! Yamato and Sora make sure to treasure every second they do spend together and enjoy it to the max. Friends joke they are weird, but behind closed doors they are constantly on the honeymoon phase, because they don’t really have time to get bored with each other.
Supporting each other’s careers is an important aspect of the marriage. They are both passionate about their jobs. Sora made it clear, from the start, that she would not be willing to get married or have kids if that meant sacrificing her dream of becoming a fashion designer or that she wouldn’t accept anything other than an egalitarian partnership with her husband and co-parent. Luckily, Yamato is a good housekeeper and sharing chores hasn’t been much of a problem here (though she still struggles with some of the habits he acquired living with his Dad). Sora is also very understanding of Yamato’s dangerous job and can handle it better than most (though of course she worries!).
Although Sora moved across countries for the sake of Yamato’s job, and has to take care of the kids alone when he was off in space (which required her to postpone her career plans for some time), Yamato was also the main person who supported her decision start her own fashion house in Japan. Nowadays, he’s usually the one who misses work to stay home with the kids while Sora works weekends and late nights, running her growing fashion empire.
Yamato has only been on one space travel since the kids were born (he spent eight months away from home in 2026) and now has a very flexible schedule that lets him spent lots of time at home. This coincided with the period when Sora was building her brand and achieving success, and so was more busy than ever. They try to arrange their schedules so they don’t spend more than two weeks apart and Sora devotedly schedules “dates” so they have quality time together. But both know it’s inevitable that he will be called again, especially if a threat appears or if world governments decide to invest in a Mars mission, so this work-family balance may face some challenges in the near future.
For them, emotional distance can be more of a problem than physical distance. They tend to avoid discussing problems and fears when they aren’t together, and so sometimes they feel a little isolated with their feelings. Sora often feels very overwhelmed with her many responsibilities (running a successful label alongside with helping her aging mother with the Ikebana school), but is too proud to ask for anyone’s help, and can feel disgruntled when she feels Yamato isn’t paying enough attention to her. Meanwhile, when Yamato has an important work-assignment in his hands, he throws himself headfirst and can become distant. He often feels guilty for neglecting his wife and kids and worries about not being present enough, because his fear is that history will repeat itself. 
Rest assured, though, because marital problems are a rarity. Years have helped them communicate better and they know each other inside out; this a mutually satisfying, supportive, and harmonious marriage all around.
Random Couple Headcanons for the other Chosen
Miyako & Ken - Happily married eternal lovebirds; the kind that don’t shy away from embarrassing their kids in public.
Mimi - Surprisingly uninterested in serious romantic relationships, she decided to have a baby on her own.
Takeru - Went through the marriage, baby, and divorce phase while still in his mid-twenties. His ex-wife is a French Chosen Child who lives in Japan, and who has since remarried. They have a very friendly relationship for the sake of their son and share 50/50 custody. Since his divorce, Takeru enjoys the single life to the max, without any desire for a serious relationship with anyone except maybe one woman.
Taichi - Recently went through a litigious divorce and is having trouble with his ex-wife. He’s been trying to make sure his son isn’t affected by this, and has been relying a lot on his sister and his closest friends for moral support. 
Koushirou - Married a fellow researcher and is by all accounts very happy.
Jou - Happily married his high-school sweetheart, who is also a doctor.
Iori - His wife was one of Miyako’s former co-workers and her protegée, and she now stays home and manages the family. They married very young because they didn’t see a point in waiting to have a committed and stable family.
Hikari - Married an older man who died suddenly of cancer a few years back. She lives with her parents who help her raise her little boy. Has a lot of suitors.
Daisuke - Never married, but had a son with an ex-girlfriend when he was pretty young. He’s currently engaged to a handsome, wealthy American restaurateur named Dave.
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izzyizumi · 5 years
Digimon Adventure/Tri A.M.V. {Anime Music Video} ~ Featuring Pairing: Taichi Yagami x Koushiro(u) Izumi ~ “In the Rain” Piano Fan-arrangement credit to Articianne @ Youtube From: Miraculous Ladybug Episode 22 OST (Background Music)
Part of my Taishiro(u) ficverse “REPEAT?_” - but this AMV can be viewed as a standalone too! * Please read all notes and warnings on the ficverse tag / authors’ notes at the beginning of each chapter before/if you read this fic! (The fic deals with some heavy subject matters which are all included in the notes!)
* This particular AMV doesn’t have AS heavy themes BUT it is still rather emotional and still deals with SOME heavy/very implied themes. Unlike past AMVs for this series, however, the track used is a more slower; shorter, emotional instrumental track and focuses more on dramatic scenes that intend to {visually} tell a story.
This AMV contains spoilers for: - Digimon Adventure Tri: Kokuhaku (1:15 AMV timemark); brief scenes - Digimon Adventure Tri: Soushitsu (1:18 AMV timemark); non-major spoiler - Digimon Adventure Tri: Our Future (1:27 AMV timemark); small scene of characters’ reactions to the ending - Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna [Trailer] (1:30 AMV timemark); an implication of what may be happening involving a certain plot ... “device”
Overall the AMV is rather short and focuses more on character growth and development as well as their {+canon!} interactions, and with a bit less focus on “major”/finale “spoilers”. * This DOES imply slight spoilers for the ficverse itself though! {Original Text}: more notes/rambles under the Read More !
* This post is mainly for Taishiro(u) fans and overall implies a romantic relationship or an otherwise incredibly strong “bond”. However, Please do NOT tag or comment with things like “I don’t ship this but,” or “They’re not my favorite ship but”, I don’t care to hear that on my ship-focused fanworks.
DO NOT INTERACT WITH ME/THIS POST IF: LGBTQIAPN+-phobic in ANY way, “EXCLUSIONIST” (or: Asexual / Ace, Aromantic / Aro, Pansexual / Pan, Nonbinary, M-spec / Multi-gender attracted etc “Exclusionist”), “T.E.R.Fs”, “Rad-fems”, “Gender” or “Label” critical people in Any way, this work is NOT For you!! [*interacting with or supporting any of them counts] or if you hate Digimon Adventures, 02, Tri, Kizuna’s potential because tbh why are you even HERE if you do ...
* THIS AMV IS CURRENTLY Technically UNFINISHED / DUE TO BE {Eventually!...} EDITED. However, it can still be viewed for fun!
? Where is the “ rain ” in this AMV, you ask ? it might be all those tears
relevant inspiration: this quote I reblogged a bit earlier
The musical track can be described as “ a first meeting ” , “ in the rain ” , in which the music continues to swell and expand with each interval.
- THIS SONG HAS KILLED ME 5 TRILLION TIMES OVER SINCE I FIRST HEARD IT AS WELL AS THIS FAN ARRANGEMENT {Un-official arrangement but still a very wonderful cover!}
- It’s the PERFECT “ first meeting ” “ in the rain ” kind of song and the scene it was originally used for in its canon was similar to the description given above
- Naturally this still reminds me of MY OWN OTP because THEY LIKE TO MAKE ME SUFFER
- ok more seriously this AMV basically features - Taichi Yagami featuring: ANXIETY / implied panic attacks as he struggles with the burden of “ SAVING THE WORLDS ” being forced upon him - Koushiro Izumi featuring: anxiety / social anxiety, + PTSD in general, + possible depression as he struggles with realizing his adoption + ACCEPTING Self
- and how these two try to come together / how they face things alone, together and with the rest - me: “ PLEASE RECOGNIZE THEIR CHARACTER DEVELOPMENTS ” “ LET THESE BOYS SHOW EMOTIONS ” “ um maybe not even this MUCH emotion though ----- ” “ ACTUALLY TBH S T O P ” “ Toei I will eternally support Digimon Adventures with my HEART AND SOUL but could you lighten up a little maybe ”
- THIS AMV IS ACTUALLY UNFINISHED HOWEVER and I plan to eventually go back through and trim scenes down / rearrange them / particularly I’m going to rearrange those Adv Ep 01-02 scenes and add in some others, if I can manage to fit them in
- you can probably figure out which scenes I timed more properly in my head
- I’ve been in a bit of an upset mood today hence working on this short AMV thing but tbh I was thinking hard about it / working on it since last night + had these ideas in mind since a looooong time ago
- literally I made that FST with this track included WAY BACK like in 2017 ???
- I am always too ambitous with {my} AMVs and thus it’ll never come out perfectly like it looks in my head but MAYBE SOMEDAY .........
- I mean if you haven’t already PLEASE CONSIDER TAISHIRO
unless you fit my DNI criteria then DON’T
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tagged by @she-learns​, thank you!
Rules: answer 20 questions and tag 20 followers you would like to get to know better
name: chiara
nickname: chia
zodiac sign: aries
height: 160 cm
languages spoken: Italian, English
favourite season: winter (also spring, but it is a season of suffering caused by allergies)
favourite fruit: blueberries
favourite scent: food. lol
favourite colour: sky blue
coffee, tea or hot chocolate: all of them... 
favourite fictional characters: Tien (DB), Van Hohenheim (FMA), Faramir (LOTR), Canada (APH), Taichi Sagawa (Hidamari ga Kikoeru), Rei Ryugazaki (Free!)
no of blankets you sleep with: depends on the season
dream trip: northern Europe! Or maybe Canada
blog created: jan/feb this year? I remember I was in the middle of exams
favourite song: none, I just randomly find a song or anime opening and listen to it in repeat for like a month
favourite artists: see answer above
favourite books: LOTR, These dark materials, the Foundation series
Everyone who sees this is free to join c:
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triangulumlights · 7 years
My thoughts on Symbiosis (probably part 1 of who knows)
OKAY. None of this rambling will probably make sense, but these are my notes and feelings about Symbiosis.
The Plot
• Kind of a mess, tbqh. That said, I did enjoy the official bringing in of all(?) the sides in the conflict, leading to a pretty excellent four-way battle between the Chosen, Meico-whatever-mon, Homeostasis, and Yggdrasil. Very nice, with lots of motivations and conflicts.
• I loved how the final battle was handled, which I’ll go into more in the characters segment of my rambling.
• Omegamon slicing open the rift so the team could follow the battle into the Digital World? HELL YEAH.
• The merged Digimon created by Ophanimon and Meicoo-whatever was creepy as all hell omg.
• The return of the Dark Ocean!!! And in a very nicely done way, imo.
• The movie felt super slow, even if it had some great moments and the incredibly active last part balanced it out a bit. Still, I think the pacing was a problem.
• That all said, this movie had a very epic feel to it, especially toward the end.
Character Moments
• I was actually a little annoyed with how imbalanced the character focus was; normally Digimon is better about this, even when an episode or movie is focused on particular characters. This movie was especially Meiko, Taichi, and Yamato heavy, with a dash of Hikari. The rest of the group, with the exception of a scene here and there, did very little. But okay, character by character:
• Wow, he’s really grown up, hasn’t he? Very nice handling of how he’s come through his conflicts, both in previous seasons and in Tri, and matured a lot. There were a few moments that stood out to me in particular: early on when the police are after them and he reminds Koushirou to use his computer to hide the Digimon while everyone else (including Koushirou) are kind of frozen in uncertainty, in Daigo’s office when he explains how he wants to handle the situation with care, and in the final scenes where he reads the underlying emotions of everyone (and particularly Meiko) in order to choose the right call to make.
• There are more scenes that were great with him (like his and Meiko’s conversation at the school) but those three in particular illustrated what makes him a strong leader imo.
• But no really he was great this movie. His conflict with Taichi over how to handle Meicoomon felt very natural this time, and the way he listened when Taichi explained how he wants to handle things in Daigo’s office was a nice moment. Other people have already pointed out the great, very subtle moment of Yamato refusing when Takeru offers him the phone while calling their parents, and of course, the last scene where he puts on the goggles and takes over (temporarily, for sure, but still) as leader and tells the team to stand up. He’s also grown up a lot, and even if he’s still temperamental it’s not without reason; he just feels very strongly, and he’s both better at expressing himself and less closed off from the others.
• There was also a nice moment between him and Koushirou, when Koushirou broke up the fight between him and Taichi, and Yamato basically seems to just trust Koushirou’s judgement; the bond between those two is very understated but very strong.
• I wish I could say a lot about her this movie but I can’t, since her plots seemed mostly wrapped up in Meiko. However, the advice she gives about not isolating yourself is very good and very meaningful coming from her, and the moment where she pulls Mimi towards her while they’re talking to their parents is really lovely.
• Sora’s just quietly being awesome in the background this movie, but that doesn’t make her less awesome in general.
• He figures out a few useful things throughout this movie, but mostly I noticed just how quiet he was; he’s always pretty quiet compared to most of the others, but he barely spoke this movie it felt like. However, he did have a few great moments, especially the one where he broke up the fight between Taichi and Yamato; I mentioned it briefly in Yamato’s segment, but this really displayed the dynamic between these three imo. Koushirou not only fearlessly got in the middle of the fight and physically pushed them apart, but he raised his voice too, and specifically talked to Yamato; he was backing up Taichi (as usual) but in a very interesting way. It wasn’t just “Taichi’s right” but rather “You should understand already” and there’s a huge underlying meaning there; Koushirou both understands what Taichi’s trying to do and why, and he knows that Yamato does too but just hasn’t accepted it. Not only that, but he’s trusting that Yamato will understand all of this from him, and Yamato both does and takes it as enough reason to back down. Maybe I’m reading too much into it, but I think it shows a real understanding of his friends that Koushirou didn’t always have; he’s been attuned to Taichi’s emotions and motives since 01 but not often anyone else’s, but now he can not only read his friends but communicate with them in subtle ways.
• He was the only one of the team awake when Meicoomon attacked (other than Daigo) so even though it’s actually like 2005 in universe I still think we should start #letkoushirousleep2k17
• More seriously, this both came up in Kokuhaku and in this movie, but I like that it’s being consistently established that Koushirou is also very sensitive to the Digital World, much like Hikari but probably in a different way. It’s a neat thing to me.
• Like Sora, not much Mimi and that makes me sad because Mimi is glorious. Also the scenes that I would mention specifically for her are exactly the same ones as Sora’s, so although I wish I could say more, that’s about it.
• Unfortunately, Jyou was also mostly a non-entity this episode. However he did speak for the audience about how much trouble Meicoomon is, so there’s that?
• Stop dropping the ground out from under this poor child omg
• Another character who I wish I could say more about, but he didn’t do a lot this episode. That said, he was sitting next to Koushirou in most shots, so I like to think the two of them were gossiping quietly while other stuff was going on.
• Telling off Homeostasis was really awesome; it’s been a complain for awhile that things just sort of happen to Hikari without her having any agency, so seeing her basically tell Homeostasis to fuck off and get out was incredibly awesome.
• Her sensing of the Digital World’s intentions toward the Chosen was really neat and not overdone; she was very sure about the feeling she was getting but it wasn’t overly dramatic or anything. It felt very natural for her to be able to understand it.
• I still have no idea what actually happened with her and her crest glowing and the Digital World code creeping up on her and all that, but it was surprisingly well done. I’m actually really interested in her plot even if I’m not usually a big Hikari fan, and I wish she’d had more moments in this movie considering it was supposed to kind of be focused on her.
• I want to like you, Meiko, but I just keep ending up not. :c At first I was fine with the guilt and responsibility thing, because a lot of the kids have had similar storylines, but I think that’s driving me crazy about hers is that she doesn’t seem to be trying to fix anything (or didn’t, anyway, until the very end of the movie.) It might also have been that it just went on too long and was repeated too many times from a writing standpoint, but it started to just seem like Meiko liked the attention.
• She was, however, very cute in the ghost story scene.
• She also gets major props for making the hard call at the end to try to defeat Meicoomon. I just dunno, I didn’t feel as much about her decision to do it as I did about Taichi’s decision to go along with it, maybe because it felt like he understand the situation at a deeper level than she actually did? Since she’d already given up on Meicoomon in Kokuhaku, it didn’t have same impact here, and instead kind of felt like she was just like eh, time to throw in the towel again. But I don’t know, maybe things will come together in the end for her and her plots.
• I didn’t really like her much until Loss, but at this point omg I feel so bad for her. That she’s just lost it so badly over what happened to her partner, and then the reboot failing to let them truly reunite, is just heartbreaking.
• It makes sense for her to end up at the Dark Ocean, and if she really did die there from despair it’ll be a really sad but almost fitting way for her to go out. It’s just so sad, weh.
• Again, he’s a character that really grew on me just recently, and he and Maki wondering what the point of them being chosen if this is what happens to them is really tragic.
• That he sensed what happened to Maki was interesting, and if she really did die then I’d think it’s likely he did too the attempt to save Taichi. If so, that’s still an incredibly important thing he did, especially if it turns out he’s directly the cause of Taichi surviving. But then again, I’ll be happy if he lives as well, although I’d hope Maki does too in that case.
• Not exactly Daigo-specific, but where are the others in his and Maki’s Chosen group? Are they the last two for some reason? Do the others just not contact them? Why are they so alone?
Final Thoughts
• These are surely not going to be final but final for this post, anyway.
• This is probably my least favorite of the movies so far, but mostly because of the weak pacing and problems with some of the characters being basically non-entities.
• That said, there are several strong character moments, and the scary stories scene was cute af.
• I also really enjoyed the brief scenes with Taichi and Hikari’s mother, and how she handles her children and their friends being in danger by trying to be productive for when they come home. It’s a nice reminder of how hard this must be on the kids’ parents, just having to sit back and watch.
• Surely Taichi is alive, and I want at least SOME hugs when he returns damnit.
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We were always gonna be forever
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FANDOM: Digimon Adventure 01/02/Tri RATING: General Audiences. WORDCOUNT: 2 431 words PAIRING(S): Taiyama (brand new) CHARACTER(S): Taichi Kamiya & Yamato Ishida, with background cameos from zombies. GENRE: It seemed like the right thing to do. TRIGGER WARNING(S): - SUMMARY: Taichi seems willing to risk his life for the weirdest things. NOTE: I honestly wish I could have done a 10k + fic digging into the how-s and why-s and how much-s of this whle fic (where zombies are, really, more of an excuse than anything else) but alas, I neither have the time nor the energy, so have this instead <3
DIGIOTPWEEK 2017: [Day 1: Coffeeshop AU] [Day 2: Fantasy AU] [Day 3: Profession AU] [Day 4: Mythology AU] [Read on AO3]
“Crap!” Taichi swears once they’ve left the zombies behind them and shoved themselves into an empty alley, “we need to go back!”
He’s patting at the pockets of his ill-fitted cargo shorts, hands growing more restless each times he comes up empty handed, and Yamato’s throat constricts in apprehension.
“Did you lose you Digivice?”
There’s nothing else Yamato would ever consider going back to a compromised zone for, but for this...he’d walk in more dangerous situations than that for a Digivice, no matter whose. There’s the sentimental value, of course—that alone would be enough to make him risk a lot of things for them—but also these things haven’t even begun to lose power after sixteen years of extended use without battery change. They’re the only way they have to help their digimon partners digivolve, act as distress signal, maps and, with a little mastery of the Morse code, communication devices.
They’ve gotten Yamato and the others out of more than one delicate situation, allowed them to rescue Mr. Inoue and Mr. Kido out of a horde of corpses, and generally greatly contributed to their camp’s safety.
Sentiments aside, the Digivices are just too essential to lose.
“Who do you take me for?” Taichi hisses with a look of indignation to make a shier man cower, “Of course I didn’t lose my Digivice!”
“Then what are you making a fuss for? We’re not going back there.”
“But we’ve got to!”
Taichi’s face looks pleading, twisted with distress at the idea of leaving whatever it is behind, but Yamato refuses to be budged. There are at least fifteen corpses in this grocery store. They’re both black and brown with grime and blood as it is, breathing short and heartbeats fast after escaping by the skin of their teeth. Even assuming they survive a second run in the shop, which is a big assumption already, getting this late would mean skipping on their pharmacy run and risking being out of camp at night anyway.
There’s no way Yamato is going to let either of them go back there, especially with Weregarurumon and Greymon stuck at camp to help with the repairs.
“Taichi,” Yamato insists, hoping it’ll be the end of it, “we’re leaving.”
They wince at the same time when Taichi’s voice echoes against the buildings on either side of them, the tone of his despair lingering against neatly parked but abandoned cars. It only takes a glance for them to move out of the alleyway, one rattling corpse already moving toward them, and Yamato doesn’t bother repressing a sigh of relief when Taichi moves away from the grocery store and toward the old commercial center their community chose as a base of operation.
They jog rather than run, keeping their strength even as they put some distance between them and danger, slipping into practiced synchronization without needing to think about it. Their hands find each other as they run, the comfort of a familiar gesture easing the knot of fear in Yamato’s guts.
Even through the end of the world, they still have each other, if nothing else.
“We really—” Taichi has to pause so he can gulp more air, sweat drawing lines in the layer of dirt and blood on his forehead before he can finish: “We need to go back. I’ve got to—”
“You’ve got to let go,” Yamato interrupt, waiting until he’s done hissing to breathe in, “I’ll knock you out and put you on my back if I have to but there’s literally nothing in the world I’d be willing to let you risk your life for!”
“But it’s for you!”
Yamato’s too stunned to reply immediately, and the long, plaintive sound of a dying animal punctuates the silence that follows, Taichi’s harsh breathing too loud between them as he tries to get it back to normal. In his chest, Yamato’s heart feels like it’s holding its breath, making itself tiny to leave Yamato’s brain enough space to process the declaration.
“What do you mean, ‘it’s for me’? What was it?”
The emotions warring over Taichi’s face are so intense it’s almost like watching a movie in stop motion: anguish, fear, crimson embarrassment flicker over his features in rapid succession, then something like intense resignation and a deep breath for courage before he says:
“It’s a ring.”
Well. You have to give it to Taichi: he neither stuttered, nor muttered.
Yamato’s brain, on the other hand….
“A what?”
“A ring,” Taichi repeats, face still redder than Koushiro’s hair but head held high, “with your crest on it. Had it custom made and everything.”
There’s Yamato’s what on the what now?
“Why would you even buy me a ring?”
Taichi shrugs, like he’s fully accepted that this is the moment he dies—whether he thinks the cause will be embarrassment or Yamato is still unclear—before he gives a rueful little smile and asks:
“What do people usually buy rings for?”
Oh, okay! There’s something wrong with Yamato’s ears.
Or his brain.
Or maybe the past three months were nothing but a massive set of nightmare, and this is the part where something so weird happens that Yamato wakes up.
“Were you gonna—”
“Are you—”
“You know me,” Taichi challenges, the red slowly going out of his cheeks, “you tell me if I’m serious.”
Yamato would answer that, he really would! It’s just that his brain doesn’t quite remember how to make his mouth work.
Of course Taichi wouldn’t joke around about proposing, especially not with Yamato. The guy knows what his issues are, how uptight he can be on making words match the exact and real nature of a relationship. Taichi wouldn’t just step all over that with a joke on that topic.
Somehow though, knowing that doesn’t help.
Today should have been an ordinary day, okay? Run into an abandoned store, take what they can carry to help the group survive, run back, try not to get eaten. Rinse and repeat as long as it’s necessary. Instead Yamato is stuck in place in a part of town they’ve got no business in, feeling like a certain bushy-haired someone just drop-kicked him into the Twilight Zone.
“Are you okay?”
Yamato got to the ground, somehow. He can feel the cold of it seeping into his ass, the harsh solidity of a wall with peeling paint at his back. Taichi, crouched down to put their eyes at the same level, has a hand on his shoulder, partly for comfort and partly as a way to keep himself upright.
There’s really no proper answer to that question.
Well. Yamato could go for the familiar route and swear until the static’s gone from his brain. Or, you know, just ask what the fuck is wrong with Taichi.
There’s so much vulnerability in Taichi’s eyes now, an incertitude he rarely ever unveils in front of anyone, Yamato can’t bring himself to do that. Taichi has been the most important person in his life for over sixteen years now, after all, so Yamato knows exactly how much of a gift this level of emotional openness is.
“We’re not even dating!”
Yamato’s voice pierces at his own ears, too high and strangler to be fully intelligible, but Taichi must get it because he winces, the ‘yeaaaaah, about that….’ written all over the tight tilt of his mouth. At least Yamato isn’t the only one freaking out here.
“I know, it’s stupid,” Taichi apologizes at last, hand moving away from Yamato’s shoulder, “let’s just forget it.”
“Wha—oh no you don’t!”
It’s easy to snatch Taichi’s wrist out of the air and hold it tight, a lifeline as much as a shackle destined to keep him right where he is. It’s an old dynamic between them, this tug of war between their respective brands of emotional constipation and their mutual desire to know what goes on in the other’s head.
It makes it easy to give Taichi a hard stare and warn in a low voice:
“You don’t get to drop a bomb like that and walk away! Start explaining, Yagami.”
Taichi rolls his eyes at that, but his shoulders unwind a little and, to Yamato’s relief, there’s a small smile playing at the edge of his lips.
“Remember when we had dinner with the Russian ambassador?”
“Uh, duh?”
To be fair, it’s Yamato who offered to come along. Taichi was nervous about misstepping or appearing too conciliatory or weak, and since Yamato lived in Russia for a year, he figured a little bit of a cultural bridge couldn’t hurt. It’s not like he minded people thinking he was Taichi’s boyfriend, anyway, so they marked him as a plus one.
Four hours of painfully stiff attempts at polite conversation later, Yamato was about ready to strangle Taichi right then and there if it meant getting out. Also they heard the news about the very first case of Zombie sickness that evening, but it wouldn’t be relevant until the real outbreak three months later.
Anyway. Yes, Yamato does remember.
“You were perfect,” Taichi smiles, as impervious to Yamato’s sarcasm as he ever was, “I swear I’ve heard about you being a perfectly delicious person enough times after that night to last me a lifetime. Your behavior was impeccable through and through.”
“What else was I gonna do? Tap dance on the table?”
Taichi blinks, then snorts at the remark, laughing for longer than the joke truly warrants, but it’s not like Yamato’s about to complain. It’s always been easy for him to make Taichi laugh, but it never got any less rewarding.
“There’s my favorite asshole!” Taichi wheezes after the worst of his laughter has passed, “I missed that.”
“I never stopped—”
“No, I mean...during the meal. At the embassy. Everyone was so charmed and fascinated and I kept thinking it wasn’t you. I wished you’d say something kind of offensive or start making sarcastic quips or whatever. I couldn’t wait until we went home and we’d spend an hour bitching about how ridiculous the thing was.”
The way Taichi’s expression goes from amused to wistful, eyes never leaving Yamato’s before he starts his next sentence is so fascinating, Yamato couldn’t look away even if he tried.
“It took a while before I remembered ‘home’ didn’t mean the same place for both of us.”
Yamato remembers that, too. Not the ‘home’ thing, but he remembers looking at Taichi somewhere just before dessert, hoping for comfort and finding him lost in thought instead, melancholy etched in every inch of his face as he looked down at his hands.
At least now he knows what brought that on.
His voice is more gentle than it normally would be when he asks:
“So you decided proposing was the way to go?”
“To be fair,” Taichi says with a small smile and a helpless shrug, “I did consider offering we shared a flat first, or at least asking you out.”
“Good to know you remember what normal people do.”
Yamato makes sure to squeeze at Taichi’s wrist as he says it, relieved when Taichi’s eyes drift skyward in answer.
“Yes,” he says with the obnoxious patience of one trying to explain something really simple to someone who’s being unusually slow, “I do remember. But I thought about it and I figured...we’re past dating now, aren’t we? I mean. Maybe I’m wrong but...going to restaurants and sitting there like awkward idiots while we ask each other surface-level questions? Really? You already know what I’m looking for in a relationship. I know the things you hate. I know about your messed up brain, and the things that make you cry and everything. So I just—dating’s temporary, you know? And I guess I just…I wanted us to be forever, you know?”
“We were always going to be forever, you idiot.”
Taichi’s mouth goes slack at that, and Yamato snorts as the flush returns to his friend’s cheeks, moisture shining at the corner of his eyes. Taichi wasn’t wrong, with his little speech: they do know each other better than anyone.
They’ve known each other for seventeen years, have been facing death for just as long. They know each other’s ticks and quirks, like how Taichi knows what angles to use to get Yamato to budge out of a position his stubbornness would normally keep him into, or how acutely aware Yamato is that he can leave Taichi gutted with a well-timed bout of emotional straightforwardness.
It’s just as well they care about each other too much to ever intentionally use the other’s weakness to hurt.
“I’ve known that since we first got Omegamon.”
In his more emotional moments, Yamato almost feels like he got his first inkling of it when he realized he could trust Taichi with taking care of Takeru. It wasn’t even a judgment of Taichi’s ability to care for a child, really, more of a statement of Yamato’s ability to trust anyone other than himself.
He’s learned to trust other people since, of course. At least twenty-four of them. It’s just not the same, though. Building Omegamon isn’t like in the fantasy books, where the protagonists get cut open and someone else’s heart is shoved next to their souls, but it does require the knowledge that, should this kind of things happen, it’d be okay.
Yamato would never want what he feels to bush Takeru so closely, for many reasons he couldn’t name if his life depended on it, but with Taichi...yeah. He thinks he could deal with his soul touching Taichi’s.
He’s not sure how to convey that exactly but, lucky for him, he doesn’t have to. Taichi...he’s not always the most emotionally perceptive person in the world, but he gets Yamato in a way no one else does, and they rarely ever have trouble communicating.
Being able to put what he’s feeling in a simple squeeze of his fingers and know he’s been heard is one of the many perks of that.
“So,” Taichi says after a long, pregnant but somehow comfortable silence, “not that I want to ruin the moment or anything but, with regard to what I said….”
On impulse, Yamato leans forward to plant a kiss on Taichi’s cheek, warmth curling in his belly before the words are even out of his mouth.
“I’m sure we can find someone wiling to perform some kind of ceremony.”
Technically, same sex marriages aren’t legal in Japan yet but hey, it’s the zombie apocalypse, and they’ve saved the world three times already.
The law can suck it.
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
DigiAdvs (+Our War Game) x M.L. {Miraculous} {Parody} ~ A.M.V. Preview {Unfinished} / [In-Progress] / W.I.P: ~ “In the rain” {Fan Cover} “redux” + Duo/Ship/O.T.P: Koushiro{u} Izumi x Taichi Yagami {KouTai}
DigiAdvs Series © T0ei Animati0n / Akiyoshi Hongo
Disclaimer: I do not own DigiAdvs. This is FAN-MADE. No $$$ is being made off this fan-work
This A.M.V. is currently UN-FINISHED. As of now, only the intro is completed. Hopefully you find some enjoyment so far though! This 1st part / intro / opening has taken about 25~ min already.
This is an A.U. inspired parody (not 100 percent parody) of “Miraculous” episode; “Jubilation”, (Among Many Others, but with other Inspiration from there!) There may be minimal spoiler-without-context. (Dialogue included in this is mine)
“Hey, Koushiro?”
“Do we have to {WAKE UP}?”
“Do you hear the sound of a CL--”
Or, That One in which They (Eventually) Fight Against Time
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