#c; rodolphus
wendyskies · 1 year
where; white wyvern with; @xkilljxy​ | rodolphus
wendy was good at this sort of thing. although now a touch out of practice, the charming deceptions still clung to her tightly fit as one of her little black dresses. she plucked a glass from the barkeep identical to the one rodolphus lestrange recently finished, made her way over to the table where he currently lounged, and slid the drink across the table to him. “I thought you still looked just a little thirsty. lestrange, is it not?”
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felicitywards · 2 years
where; near flames with; @xkilljxy & @xavecamour​ | rodolphus & igor
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smoke began to filter through the door and into the room. felicity coughed. slowly, her eyes opened. her head was throbbing. where was she? the room was empty and small. it was unfamiliar in the worst of ways and had begun to spin. felicity stood up with difficultly. how had she gotten here? it felt like wading through tar to get to the door and when she pushed against it, the thing wouldn’t budge. at all. she desperately peered out the window and saw the flames lick up against the glass. the memory returned of leaving the march hare and a stranger approaching from behind. then came the pain and headache. had someone set the building ablaze with her inside it? where was her wand? when was the last time she used it?
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serashapes · 2 years
where; wherever rod is dammit with; @xkilljxy​​ | rod
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seraphina had been trying everything in her power to avoid and escape the reality that had been eating her alive since new year’s eve. the guilt crawled up her spine and turned her sick to the stomach. yet, it remained the consistent burning of her arm that lead her to this old friend especially given his newly appointed position. it was safe to say, she had been actively evading him since the promotion. “hey hot rod.” she shrank back some, hands up. “I-I didn’t mean to. is he mad?”
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luciusmalfoyx · 3 months
where: the three broomsticks who: @xrodolphusxlestrangex
Lucius had sent an owl to Rodolphus, asking the wizard to meet him for a drink. There was something important he wanted to ask him, knowing that normally it would fall to his closest friend, but considering who the maid of honour was, and he was the oldest, it felt right asking him.
He walked into the pub making his way to the bar to order two firewhiskey, before finding a table where he sat and waited for the older Lestrange to enter.
It was seeing him walk in that he stood from his seat to greet them.
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alectocarrowx · 4 months
where: lestrange manor who: @xrodolphusxlestrangex
Alecto had taken her tea out to the observatory, a dire need of fresh air and to clear her head, wrapping in a blanket on a chair, with a mug in her hands. She stared out into the darkness of the night, glancing up at the stars twinkling in the sky, that the sound of footsteps caught her attention.
A twist of her head, she spots a familiar face, one that she called a brother. "How long have you been home?" She was certain his return had to do with his brother's accident.
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apollinebeausejour · 3 months
where: dusk on diagon alley who: @xrodolphusxlestrangex @brutal-bellatrix
Apolline had heard what happened at home, a letter sent from her mother, and at the end, it requested her to come home. She knew she would have to share with them what happened with Rabastan and why his family suddenly pulled away. She hated that she was disappointing her family, but she held no regret for her actions. He deserved to know how it felt to be powerless, that to have something held against him that he had no control of. The half-veela held no qualms for what she was. She had finally stepped into her her potential.
She was walking down the street, about to make it back to her flat, when she caught sight of a shadow from the corner of her eyes, turning around to find one covered by his robes and hood.
"Can I help you?"
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medasgalaxy · 2 years
If running into her sister was not enough, in the same week she had to endure the company of another Lestrange, her brother in law, she knew she shouldn’t think herself as related to that man, she had left, they had made sure she understood she wasn’t welcomed anymore, but thinking of Rodophus as the man married to her deranged, somewhat non contact, former sister was too much for anyone’s brain to handle; and she knew she needed to keep her wits with her that night if she wanted to survive it. She came for drinks but it seemed everyone that hated her was around.
She tried to walk pass the man, not bother his conversation and just get to the snacks, this didn’t need to be awkward, after all it was an open party. However, luck wasn’t in her favour, as she tried to pass past Rodolphus, someone else bumped into her, making her stumble to Rodolphus back, it wasn’t enough to make him fall, but of course, enough to noticed her. 
“Bollocks,” she said quietly to herself, knowing there was no out of it without facing her deranged-formely-known-as brother-in-law.
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thorfinnrowlex · 4 months
where: ministry gala Who: @seekcs
It didn't take long for Thorfinn to find Rodolphus, sliding himself into a conversation where two witches were practically throwing themselves at him. He gave it a moment before he spoke up.
"A wise witch would know when to not meddle with a married wizard." He also knew the temper that came from Bellatrix. "Be gone." He waves them off before turning to Rod. "Mr. Lestrange, did anyone tell you how handsome you are? You are such a talented seeker." He mimics one of the witches earlier complimenting him.
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dark-devotee · 4 months
where: ministry gala who: @seekcs
Bellatrix was used to people fawning over her husband. His sterling quidditch career marked him as a person of interest to any sports fan within a five mile radius and the Lestrange name was a valuable commodity in and of itself. Especially its heir.
So watching him stand there from her place at the bar, crowded by a group of sycophants, all wishing to steal a piece of him for themselves, should've come as second nature to her at this point. And yet, she still felt a savage surge of jealousy course through her at the sight. It wasn't just that the majority of the fans milling around him were women -- vapid fucking harpies -- it was the fact that he could simply be... himself.
Rodolphus Lestrange. Quidditch star. Heir to the Lestrange family legacy. A man with nothing to prove and the whole world at his fingertips. Respect came to him so easily; even her own father marveled at his son-in-law with the same eyes that swept over her in cold disinterest.
She curtly set her glass down at the bar and crossed the room to Rodolphus' side, snaking her arm through his. "As fascinating as I'm sure you've all been this evening, I must insist on stealing my husband away." With a tight smile she tugged Rodolphus away from the disappointed crowd, rather possessively, and steered him to the dance floor.
"I think you owe me a dance, Lestrange. It's the least you could for keeping me waiting."
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inlumenhq · 2 years
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Alice Longbottom, 28, Gryffindor alum,  Haskiri Velazquez fc, TAKEN.
Birthday: 14th February Gender & Pronouns: Cis Female. She/her Occupation: Senior auror.  Sided with: neutral
Positive Traits: Free-spirited, Dedicated, Competitive, Energetic, Brave Negative Traits: Reckless, Impulsive, Suspicious, Stubborn, Untrusting
Born in the middle of the Lestrange Trio, one would have assumed that Alice would have the makings of the perfect pureblood. That was far from the case though. Whilst Alice toed the line, they never really fitted into the pureblood world. Alice was okay at sewing and hosting teas, but really loved to be out in the garden, running around or playing quidditch. It frustrated their mother to no end. Where Alice’s siblings were just as boisterous, the Lestrange parents were left struggling to control their children.
Hogwarts was really the turning point for Alice. They found that being friends with half-bloods and muggleborns was not that bad. Actually, Alice found that they had more in common with them than their pureblooded peers. They started pulling away from her childhood friends, deciding who they wanted to be as a person. Alice knew they didn’t want to be defined by their blood status.
Up until now, the Longbottoms have been able to coast along without picking a side. Their both being purebloods, and Alice being from a high-ranking family have allowed them a certain level of protection. Rodolphus is putting pressure on them to join a side, and pick the right side at that. Alice is starting to feel the tension, and the pressure to pick a side. But right now, in their heart, she knows it is not going to be on the Dark Lord's side, and, selfishly, not quite ready to make that decision, and lose their family.
Barty Crouch Jr. - Alice rarely dislikes someone, and really does not like Barty. Luckily their paths don’t cross that much, and when they do, Alice really needs to hold their tongue.
Rodolphus Lestrange - Tensions are currently running high between the middle and eldest Lestrange children. With the Longbottoms having yet to directly claim a side to the war, Rodolphus has taken it upon themselves to try to sway the couple into following in the Dark Lord’s footsteps.
Harlan Zabini - If their parents had gotten their way, Alice would have ended up married to Harlan. Alice wouldn’t have been happy and is rather relieved to have avoided that predicament. They are still on speaking terms from the little bit of talking that happened when the Lestranges were considering Harlan as an option.
Lily Potter - Unlikely friends due to the Lestranges standing in society, but they were quite close. Alice has been quietly devastated by their friend's disappearance and has kept it hidden from everyone but Frank.
Elianna Goyle - Elianna, Josette, and Alice were a little trio. But then Alice started hanging out with half-bloods and muggleborns. Marrying Frank wasn’t seen as the best decision in their eyes, even if he was a pureblood. Whilst Elianna and Josette haven’t necessarily disowned Alice, the trio isn’t as close as they used to be. 
Bios and posts that reference Alice Longbottom can be found by clicking this sentence.
suggested fc’s
Diane Guererro, Camila Queiroz, Cierra Ramirez
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(Almost) All the marauders era characters (that I could find at least)
@catinasink the post I promised you.
this list isn't finished yet, but I feel like this list finally deserves to see the light of day. hell, cat, you've probably forgotten this was in the making... which I can't blame you for because this has been happening since christmas 💀
I will update it... eventually. idk when yet
if you want to, you can send me an ask, and I'll tell you my hc for the characters :D
James Potter
Father of Harry Potter
born 27th March 19 and died 31st October 19
was at hogwarts from 1971 to 1978
Sirius Black
born 3rd November 1959 and died 18th June 1996
was framed for the murder of James Potter and Lily Potter (Evans) and sent to Azkaban
was at hogwarts from 1971 to 1978
Remus John Lupin
born 10th March 1960 and died 2nd May 1998
was bitten by a werewolf as a child (he was four I believe not sure tho)
was at hogwarts from 1971 to 1978
Peter Pettigrew
born around 1960 and died somewhere in March 1998
griffindor, but the head took five minutes to decide
first worked with the order, but then became a deatheater and is the actual reason James and Lily were murdered
was at hogwarts from 1971 to 1978
Marlene McKinnon
died July 1981
marlene was a member of the wizarding mckinnon family, which, according to hagrid, consisted of some of the best witches and wizards of their age, implying that marlene too was a very accomplished witch
Lily J. Evans
born 30th January 1960 and died 31st October 1981
married james potter and had Harry Potter with him. she died protecting Harry
was at hogwarts from 1971 to 1978
Mary McDonald
attended hogwarts in the 1970s with lily and severus snape
was attacked by mulciber with dark magic somewhere during her time at Hogwarts
Frank C. J. Longbottom
married Alice Longbottom
was tortured into insanity by a group of death eaters (bellatrix, rodolphus, and rabastian lestrange and barty crouch jr)
Alice Longbottom
has no canon maiden name, but people often hc her as a fortescue
was tortured into insanity by a group of deatheaters (bellatrix, rodolphus, and rabastian lestrange and barty crouch jr)
Molly Weasley (Prewett)
was born as molly prewett, but she married arthur weasley and took his last name
born 30th October 1949 or 1950
killed bellatrix during the second wizarding war
Gideon Prewett
died 1981
was murdered by five deatheaters before the end of the (first) wizarding war (Antonin Dolohov & four others)
he may have had a big nose
Fabian Prewett
died 1981
was murdered by five deatheaters before the end of the (first) wizarding war (Antonin Dolohov & four others)
he may have had a big nose
Arthur Weasley
born 6th February 1950
believer in the equality of all magical and Muggle folk
was born to septimus and cedrella weasley (née black) and had two brothers
married molly prewett, who took his last name
Selina Sapworthy
born before 1969
award-winning author in the fields of Herbology and plant-related Divination
worked for the international quidditch team
was born before 1981
worked as a nurse at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry under Poppy Pomfrey during the 1990s
she has no canon first name, but I usually call her Carmen Wainscott
Lucinda Thompsonicle-Pocus
designed the list for materials needed by the students
chief attendant of witchcraft provisions for hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry in the early 1990s
no canon gender
in 1976, they refused to stop writing with their quill even after the time ran out (during O.W.Ls). they got in trouble with flitwick because of it
they have no canon name, but I usually call them Alexander Stebbins and hc them as male
was a teacher during the 1990s
possibly a member of the slug club
was murdered by an unknown deatheater after the battle of Hogwarts
after she stopped teaching, she got married
she has no canon last name, but I usually call her Camelia Solis
Patricia Rakepick
was a dark witch and a world-famous curse-breaker for gringotts wizarding bank
exceptional student, top of her class, who, regardless, was always in trouble
attended hogwarts from 1967 to 1974
was said to be friendly with the marauders and even "mentored" them in troublemaking
Olivia Gleaves
was reported missing together with her relative toby in 1997
Caspard Singleton
invented the self stirring cauldron
was born in 1959
Sturgis Podmore
member of the order of phoenix and fought in both wars
was a member of the advanced guard in 1995
was put under the imperius curse by a death to break in the department of mysteries and was sentenced to six months in azkaban for it
Tilden Toots
born 1959
worked as a famous herbologist, potioneer, and radio personality and presenter
was said to have three green thumbs due to both having a wizarding condition and radial polydactyly in his left hand
Davey Gudgeon
visited hogwarts during the early 1970s
nearly lost his eye trying to get close enough to the whomping willow to touch its trunk as part of a game. since the incident, students were forbidden to go near the tree for their own safety, and possibly for the tree's own safety as well
Florean Fortescue
died 1996
summer of 1996, he was abducted and later murdered by lord voldemort
was an expert on the subject of medieval witch-burnings
owner of florean fortescue's ice cream parlour in diagon alley
Albert Runcorn
high ranking wizarding official during the administration of pius thicknesse
he investigated alleged muggleborns and uncovered dirk cresswells muggle ancestry
might have been sent to azkaban for his war crimes against muggleborns
Mary Elizabeth Cattermole
unknown maiden name
was described as small with dark hair that she wore in a neat bun
she lived at 27 chislehurst gardens, great tolling, evesham with her husband and children
Reginald "Reg" Cattermole
sun in libra, moon in virgo
he had three children with mary (Maisie, Ellie, and Alfred)
lived at 27 chislehurst gardens, great tolling, evesham
Bilton Blimes
lived in the highlands of scotland in the 1980s
taken up both residence and employment in the picturesque little all-wizarding village of hogsmeade as the proprietor of zonko's joke shop
Narcissa Malfoy
born narcissa black
born 1955
cousin of sirius and regulus, younger sister of bellatrix and andromeda, wife of lucius malfoy
was never a deatheater herself, but also believed in blood purity
Lucius Malfoy
born 1954
deatheater and believed in pureblood supremacy
Thorfinn Rowle
deatheater who fought in the second war
he fought at the battle of the astronomy tower, where he accidentally killed fellow deatheater gibbon, burned rubeus hagrid's cabin, and tortured harry potter
on 1 August 1997, he tracked harry potter, ron weasley, and hermione granger to tottenham court road along with antonin dolohov disguised as construction workers, but the two death eaters were defeated and their memories were modified by hermione to cover their escape
Bellatrix Lestrange
born bellatrix black
born 1951 and died 2 May 1998
cousin of sirius black and regulus black, older sister of andromeda tonks and narcissa malfoy
deatheater and believer of pureblood supremacy
mother of blaise zabini
famously beautiful and had seven husbands who died mysteriously
was known by horace slughorn, which is the reason he invited blaise into his compartment
she has no canon first name, but I usually call her Zoya Evelyn Zabini
Emma Vanity
she was captain of the slytherin quidditch team from 1972 to 1976
Lucinda Talkalot
she became captain of the slytherin quidditch team in 1976
Septima Vector
professor of arithmancy may have also been the advanced arithmancy studies teacher
known as really strict teacher who gives very hard homework
Evan Rosier
born between 1953-1966 and died in 1981
possibly related to the (female) black cousins
was killed by alastor moody
Regulus Arcturus Black
died 1979
dratheater that turned on voldemort
little brother of sirius black, and cousin of bellatirx, narcissa and andromeda
Dorcas Meadows
died 1981
died in the first war and was killed by voldemort himself
was a member of the order of phoenix
Glenda Chittock
born 1964
was the host of the wizarding wireless network program, witching hour. being host of this enormously famous radio program, she is featured on a chocolate frog card
Gwenog Jones
became a professional quidditch player and later achieved fame as the captain and beater of the welsh all-female quidditch team, the holyhead harpies
later, became the manager of the Welsh National Quidditch team
was the favorite student of slughorn and inducted into his club
Alecto Carrow
sister of amycus carrow
after the fall of the ministry of magic in 1997, alecto was made professor of muggle studies; she taught the thinking that muggles are lesser than wizardkind, and likely taught the pureblood-philosophy as well
when severus snape became headmaster of hogwarts, she was appointed as deputy headmistress, alongside her brother (who was appointed as deputy headmaster)
loved to torture students that opposed her
Amycus Carrow
brother of alecto carrow
was made DADA professor in 1997, which just became Dark Arts while he thought it
Amycus liked to cruelly punish and torture the students who opposed the new regime
Dolores Jane Umbridge
born 26 august 1961 or earlier
I don't have to explain her further, do I?
Arnold "Arnie" Peasegood
born 1976 or earlier
worked at the ministry of magic. by 1994, he worked in the capacity of obliviator for the accidental magic reversal squad and also as a hit wizard
Cereus Greengrass
had a blood malediction
Rodolphus Lestrange
most likely slytherin
Rabastian Lestrange
most likely slytherin
Severus Snape
needs no explanation
Mulciber Jr
was friends with snape
threw hexes at muggleborn students
assaulted mary mcdonald violently
has no canon first name, but I usually call him Bruce Mulciber
Avery Jr
was friends with snape
found it funny when mulciber tried to use dark magic on mary macdonald during the 1975-1976 school year
has no canon first name, but I usually call him Edmund Avery Junior
was friends with snape
died while trying to avoid being put in azkaban
has no canon first name, but I usually call them Juliette/Willhelm Wilkes
Rita Skeeter
didn't like bilton blimes for a prank that kept her from being able to get into the slug club
was a journalist who wrote for the sake of people reading instead of facts
could transform into a beetle (did the animagus training sometime prior to 1986)
Steve Laughalot
captain of the slytherin quidditch team from 1968 to 1972
Florence Greengrass
bertha jorkins once caught her kissing a boy
Tamsin Hillicker
was reported missing along her relative iola
Gibbon Chavez
was a deatheater
it's unknown if he fought in the first war if he got sent to azkaban
Zamira Gulch
author who wrote "practical household magic"
also wrote for the daily prophet
D. L. Boot
went to hogwarts during the 1970s
has no canon first names, but I usually call him Douglas Lloyd Boot
Aurora Sinistra
works as astronomy teacher
her lesson are at night so she sleeps during the day
Emmeline Vance
died in 1996 during a deatheater attack
was a member of the original order of phoenix and probably fought in both wars
Sybill Trelawney
half-blood (muggle mother; wizard father)
made the prophecy about voldemort and the chosen one
she predicted that peter would escape and return to voldemort
worked as a teacher in hogwarts and was fired by umbridge
was born on march 9 in an unknown year
was engaged to a guy with the last name higglebottom but refused to take his last name so the relationship didn't last
Millecent Bagnold
worked for the ministry
was elected the minister for magic of great britain in 1980
mother of luna lovegood, wife of xenophilius lovegood
died during an experiment and luna watched
unknown maiden name
Barty Crouch Junior
played by david tennat so obviously the most attractive man ever
received the dementors kiss on June 24th 1995
Doris Purkiss
(in 1995, during an interview) gave sirius an alibi for the night of the peter pettigrew + 12 muggle murders (she said they had a romantic dinner bc sirius= stubby boardman)
lived at number 18 Acanthia Way, Little Norton
Annalena Gleams
born annalena murk
was a prefect
Dahlia F.
slughorn kept a picture of her in a viking maiden costume on his shelf
was a singled out member of the slugclub
apparently became an opera singer
Wendy Slinkhard
wrote at least 1 book
may be related to wilbert slinkhard, the author of defensive magical theory
was invited to the slugclub
slughorn kept a picture of her signing her book copy
Blossom Degrasse
famous herbologist, author, and potion master
released the book called "A Humble Guide for Potion Brewing You Cannot Live Without"
Mafalda Hopkirk
born 19 February–20 March, in or before 1973
assistant in the improper use of magic office at the ministry of magic
was incapacitated and impersonated by hermione granger
hopkirk's polyjuice potion was described as having a "pleasant heliotrope colour"
presumed that she was a kind and good-natured
E. Lima
e. lima was a wizard or witch who competed in duels. the daily prophet published a special report in 1996 about a duel between e. lima and m. mina, that was the final match of a dueling competition
has no canon first name or gender but I usually call them Estelle Lima and hc her as female
M. Mina
m. mina was a wizard or witch who competed in duels. the daily prophet published a special report in 1996 about a duel between e. lima and m. mina, that was the final match of a dueling competition
has no canon first name or gender but I usually call them Marcelina Mina and hc her as female
Verruca Buckthorn-Snyde
was a dark witch, who was a high-ranking member of a dangerous organisation known as 'R'
was also a metamorphmagus who could change her appearance at will
noted to be a skilled linguist
madam villanelle was a witch who worked at flourish and blotts in the 1980s and early 1990s
has no canon last name, but I usually call her Villanelle Solis
Olivia Green
worked for the british ministry of magic as an unspeakable in the department of mysteries
eventually became the defense against the dark arts teacher in the 1990-1991 school year
Regulus Moonshine
developed a potion to suppress hags' normal appetite for human flesh. lost several chunks of own body while conducting the clinical trials
the daily prophet called him "professor", but it is not known if he ever taught at a wizarding school
Dirk Cresswell
mid-1990s he became head of the goblin liaison office, at the ministry of magic
fluent in Gobbledegook
a favourite student of slughorn
probably muggleborn
Augustis Pye
trainee healer at st mongo's hospital for magical maladies and injuries in the dai llewellyn ward
was interested in muggle medical practices
child of mr bones and mrs bones, sibling of amelia and edgar, and parent of susan
has no canon first name or gender but I usually call them Lucas Bones and hc them as male
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deathnguts · 30 days
Pls…Go into HEAVY Detail about the Lestrange brothers I’m a very curious bastard…very curious 👀
((Sorry in advance for our difference in writing for these disasters but I’m gonna use this to explain my idea of them but know that I still think yours is very cool and interesting and I genuinely love it so))
Ok I think the best way for me to make words about this is to try and compare them to something. So I’m gonna be the only person to ever talk about Orion Black ever yet again and say with my full chest that Alphard and Orion were more twins than Rabastan and rodolphus the same way Rabastan and rodolphus were more brothers than Alphard and Orion. Lemme explain.
Alphard and Orion are not twins, technically. They were born ten months apart, so they didn’t share the womb but they are the same age. They look exactly the fucking same because of those mixed genes and they were expected to do the same things as the oldest heir blacks. Since they were both the same school year, neither was really treated like the older brother by the rest of the family which lead to them growing up pretty much in tandem to share the title. They were never perfect non-twins, like they didn’t only like each other or finish each other’s sentences or anything, to everyone watching it seemed they didn’t get along at all? Like Alphard was constantly teasing Orion and putting off all his work because he knew Orion would do it and Orion was easily flustered and complained all the time about all the work his brother made him do. But like… if they hated each other than why did they live in each other’s skin. Alphard literally never left Orion alone, he was always there and always had his arm slung around his brother’s shoulders or something. He said it was under the guise of ‘looking out for his little brother because he’s socially inept and has no friends’ and Orion would always just say ‘I’m not your little brother we’re the same age.’ Like there was a bunch of other things being said that he could be worrying about but he just chose to be a brat and that was pretty much their whole relationship. They stayed attached at the hip until Alphard was to be wed at around sixteen and that was the thing he refused to do (because he was gay) and Orion did not understand his firmness on the topic that was really just another duty in his eyes (because he was aroace) and that was the first real divide they had. They never had a divide before so they didn’t know what to do. Alphard wanted to run away, he asked his brother to come with because he didn’t know how to live without him, Orion said no. Alphard had his doubts about his brother valuing their relationship and himself over his family confirmed, Orion had his doubts that Alphard was a childish selfish brat confirmed. Alphard left and they never saw each other again.
Sorry for all the exposition but here’s where I put it to use!
Rodolphus and Rabastan are twins, technically. They shared the womb but were born on different days, Rodolphus first and then Rabastan two days later. (I imagine the pure bloods are very traditional in their treatment of pregnancy and probably have never even heard of a C section, if they baby’s not coming out then the mother just has to wait.) This proved to be a premonition for them as people because just like their birth, Rodolphus was handed off to their father while Rabastan stayed with mommy and got to experience her warmth for so much longer. Rodolphus came when expected with little fuss, Rabastan had to make his own scene and cause so much trouble for his mother in the process yet she continued to love him anyway. They have different birthdays. They are different people. They were raised differently because their mother wasn’t exactly all there and claimed that because her second son stayed with her in birth (forgoing how he nearly killed her doing so) that means he was hers despite him being a boy (traditionally the mother would take charge of the daughters and the father the sons once they come of age, but the Lestranges didn’t do that clearly) ((also cue that TikTok audio where the mother’s like ‘a boy would be the son of France, but you shall be mine’)) and their father didn’t really mind because he has his own son too. The couple weren’t in love but they didn’t hate each other, so they truly didn’t mind raising their children pretty much separately since they both had vastly different ideas of being parents. Rodolphus was raised to learn to be quiet and keep his head down because he went to work with father ever since he learned to stop crying all the time, Rabastan was raised as the center of his mother’s universe while acutely aware she was crazy because it didn’t exactly feel good to have her crazed attention at all times so he learned to act out as much as he wanted becaus he could get away with it and his mother deserved it in his eyes. They saw each other at dinner and were allowed to play whenever they wanted, which they took advantage of when they were young. Rabastan learned early on to resent their father because he was always the one who took rodolphus away, Rodolphus learned early on to resent their mother because she never even looked at him. But as they grew into their chosen parent’s faces, they learned to resent each other as well. (Again cue the TikTok audio for Rabastan that’s like ‘thank you, I look just like my mommy’)
By all accounts they weren’t twins. They stopped even really being brothers when they started hogwarts, if you looked at it a certain way. They lead entirely different lives, adorned completely different faces and roles, anyone who didn’t know them didn’t know they even knew each other. They weren’t like the black brothers where they fought in halls and made a spectacle out of being different, they weren’t like the black sisters who could ignore their differences like an elephant in a room and play pretend that they were sisters despite the looming threat of difference, the lestrange twins were just… nothing. Barely even twins, barely even brothers. They lived in the same dorm room (since I imagine that Slytherin isn’t as populated of a house of that of gryffindor and probably means there’s less kids per dorm, two or three but I usually lean towards two) and it was like all conversation was silenced when they were together. Rodolphus would read on his bed late enough into the night to witness Rabastan stumble through the door with the stink of stolen liquor on him and neither said anything. Rabastan would watch through a key hole as all his family but his mother learned to favor the ‘better brother’ and talk in hushed tones of what their mother’s boy was growing into with Rodolphus in the room and the quieter twin say nothing to deter them. Rodolphus resents Rabastan for having things people value in life that he never even considered having for himself (freedom, love, living in truth) but doesn’t mind enough to make a deal do it because, in truth, Rodolphus doesn’t want those things. The only reason he cares is because his brother them (like true siblings tend to do.) But Rabastan resents Rodolphus for having everything he’s always looked for but never had (praise, adoration, love from someone who wasn’t crazy) and he truly didn’t regret or hold back that resentment because when had he ever regretted or held back anything?
But the reason I chose ti compare the failed twins to the broken brothers is because everyone expected them ti have the opposite relationship. Pure blood twins should be closer than anything, close enough to cause unease in how they are when alone, their seperation should be a disaster. Pure blood brothers should be… quaint, at best. They don’t owe anything to each other, their lives will be completely separate once they marry and have to start fighting for the title of Heir. But it was the last generation’s Black Brothers that were close with the shaking falling out and the Lestrange Twins that were a never kindled fire. And they did follow in their older Black Brother counterparts foot steps in many ways as adults. Alphard broke himself off from the family but kept his own money and power, which he used to live for himself and look out for a younger pure blood child (Sirius) that he saw soemthing worth change in and knew others would seek to destroy. Rabastan distanced himself from the family but kept his own money and power, which he used to live for himself and look out for a younger pure blood child (Regulus) that he saw soemthing worth change in and knew others would seek to destroy. Orion dedicated himself to the role he knew he was born to play and did what he was told when he was told to, no feelings for fuss about it, and was revered as a business man for it but despised as a family man for the same. Rodolphus dedicated himself to the role he knew he was born to play and did what he was told when he was told to, no feelings for fuss about it, and was admired as a business man for it but almost mourned as a family man for the same because Rodolphus didn’t have a family, he just had a wife that he never spoke to.
But at the beginning I said that Rabastan and rodolphus were more brothers than Alphard and Orion as a teen of endearment for them, implying they did have that brotherly idea of each other, and where have I shown it? No where, so here it is now. Where Black siblings always seem to have some huge falling out with a lifetime of silence to follow, most families aren’t that dramatic. Sure Rabastan and Rodolphus were never eveyrthing to each other, but they were still family. When Rabastan feels he has no where else to turn and he can’t stand to look in his mother’s ever fading eyes, he goes to Rodolphus. And just like their school days, Rodolphus will hold his hair when he vomits and have a guest room prepared without a fuss at all. When Rodolphus is at a loss for a scene of people being just so hard for him to understand, unsure of what to do but sure he doesn’t like it at all, Rabastan takes it like he used to take Rodolphus’ veggies under the table. Most things Rodolphus doenst understand are easy enough to either explain or dispel completely by just being his dramatic self and getting people to fall into the line Rodolphus understands again.
Rabastan and Rodolphus don’t parallel one another like good twins, they parallel brothers that could have been better then them. And in some ways, they actually succeed at being the better family to each other. It’s just complicated, because when is family not?
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fensherohair · 8 months
Until The End (Charlie Weasley x Fem Reader) Oneshot
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Words: 2.5K Warning: Mentions of Characters' death, injury, and loss. Also On: Quotev, AO3 and Wattpad Note: Originally written around 2011/12 - Edited 2022
The Battle of Hogwarts was raging on around (Y/N). The once great castle she had called home during her teenage years resembled the ruins the outside muggle world saw it to be on a daily basis. The collapsed areas brought a tear to her eye as she remembered her mischievous antics from when she was a student attending the school, how she used her ability as a Metamorphmagi to impersonate professors and ghosts alike, often ending in detention. Even how, in her final year, she had stood by your best friends and helped them rebel against Umbridge, letting her patrons loose in several areas, scaring most who come into contact with it.
(Y/N) was a brave Gryffindor student and a member of the D.A. (Y/N) Black, the daughter of Sirius Black and his school sweetheart, although she had been raised by Remus after her mother had been killed in the First Wizarding War and her father had been sent to Azkaban for a crime he was innocent of. During the battle, she was stationed in one of the many corridors near the moving staircase; (Y/N) could see Fred and Percy nearby, much as she could hear Fred joking about something. George was also close by at the end of the corridor, although he occasionally disappeared when he had the upper hand on whichever Death Eater he fought against. (Y/N) knew others were around somewhere as well, yet unfortunately, she didn’t have time to scan the area as she had her hands full with another Death Eater. (Y/N) knew he was one of the many to escape Azkaban during the two mass breakouts, much like she knew he was a loyal follower of Voldemort. Rodolphus Lestrange.
“I haven’t heard you joke since …..” was the last thing (Y/N) heard before she was forcefully thrown off her feet towards Rodolphus, who seemed just as shocked about the sudden explosion and rubble as she was. Nonetheless, he instantly got to his feet and ran from the scene. Leaving (Y/N) lying on the floor, she expected he would come back eventually, or at least another Death Eater would see her and take their chance to eliminate another who opposed their master. Through her lack of hearing, (Y/N) could about hear someone shouting for another to wake up, yet she couldn't distinguish who it was she could hear, much like (Y/N) couldn’t see much through her blurry vision. The moment she attempted to sit up, (Y/N) felt excruciating, almost torturous pain in her right shoulder. Making attempts to blink away the blurriness so she could get a better look at what was causing such pain, but it did little to help. Soon enough, her hair had changed from its natural (H/C) to the light lavender color to symbolize being hurt or in pain.
“(Y/N),” came the familiar voice of Percy, as hands wrapped themselves around (Y/N)'s midsection as he attempted to pull her to safety. “I’m gonna get the shards from your shoulder, but it's gonna hurt,” calmly spoke the third Weasley brother, (Y/N), who had almost forgotten what he sounded like when he was caring; his cold and Ministry-loving way had almost completely overshadowed it. Just as he said, (Y/N) felt the pain ripple and rip through her shoulder, arm, and neck. She felt as if her veins were on fire as dizziness returned once more. However, her vision began to return a little bit. (Y/N) couldn’t find the will to form words, instead opting to nod in thanks. She didn’t dare look at the wound she had sustained, suspecting her arm would be mangled if the pain was anything to go by. “Look after Fred for me; I’m going after Rookwood, the one who blew out the wall,” added Percy before running off down the hall. (Y/N) watched him go, unable to ask him where the others both cared for were. The only comfort was knowing she wasn't alone; she had Fred, unaware he had been killed in the explosion.
(Y/N) must have been huddled behind the armor for what seemed like hours. The shouts of spells being cast echoed around the corridor, despite that (Y/N) was able to summon the strength needed to move and help those fighting to defend the castle. She wasn’t able to summon the words to cast the spell; all she could do was sit there with Fred, in pain and hope no Death Eater found them to finish off the job they had been so close to succeeding in. (Y/N) soon lent against Fred, almost finding his green jacket interesting as they waited, the fear taking root and grew with every fast-paced and often thunderous footsteps come down the stone corridor.
“I do not wish this. Every drop of magical blood spilled is a terrible waste. I, therefore, command my forces to retreat. In their absence, dispose of your dead with dignity. Harry Potter. I now speak directly to you. On this night you have allowed your friends to die for you, there is no greater dishonour. Join me in the Forbidden Forest and confront your fate. If you do not do this, I shall kill every last man, woman, and child who tries to conceal you from me.” The words echoed around the ruined castle and the grounds, yet this time, there would be no girls screaming out in terror. Instead, there was only silence for what felt like hours. (Y/N) didn’t hear a soul speak a word or even footsteps to indicate someone else was around. Soon enough, the peacefulness was interrupted by familiar voices. One brought happiness to (Y/N) even.
“Percy said they were hidden behind a suit of armor,” uttered Charlie, his voice filled with concern about what he might find. From Percy’s warning, he knew Fred was already gone, and his love was seriously, perhaps even fatally injured; he hoped he was in time to save her even when he knew the pain it would cause if he weren’t. “(Y/N),” spoke the red-haired dragon tamer she'd called your own for so many years. He had spotted her boots and quickly began to struggle to move the armor. Thankfully, Oliver Wood lent a helping hand. The pair of them and Neville stood there for a few seconds before Charlie regained his senses and leaned down to (Y/N), examining the injury to her shoulder and observing the blood pooling around her, his heart already broken to see his younger brother deathly still, cold and with the last smile from his unfinished joke still etched upon his lips. He couldn’t lose you, too; his already broken heart would be shattered beyond repair if (Y/N) left him, much like George would truly be lost if she were to die.
“It's cold,” (Y/N) uttered, looking up to the second son of Molly and Arthur, no longer having feeling in her likely mangled right arm or anywhere around her shoulder; all of it had gone numb at some time ago, although she couldn’t say when. Charlie soon leaned (Y/N) against the wall, blocking her view of Neville and Oliver as they took Fred’s body away, ever more so upon realizing she was none the wise of his fate. Instead, the dragon tamer took his jacket off, gently placing it around her, watching as she snuggled into the warmth it offered. Appearing completely oblivious as to where she was or the concern etched on his features. “Ow!” (Y/N) yelled when Charlie attempted to pull her to her feet; having assessed her injuries, he knew it was far worse than Percy had originally thought.
“Come on (Y/N). Let's get you to the great hall. See if one of the healers can spare a few minutes,” softly spoke Charlie as if he hoped the words to escape his lips would soothe both his growing concerns and looming fears. His memory soon took him for a trip through past events, how the pair had eloped shortly after going into hiding, the dance they shared at Bill and Fleur’s wedding where he had asked you to marry him, even the Quidditch World Cup a few years prior where he had first professed his love for (Y/N) and the Yule Ball that Christmas serving as a lot of firsts, including first dance and kiss. The whimpers of pain to escape (Y/N) brought him more concern, much like he was beginning to hate the rule that no apparition could happen on school grounds. “The others would be happy to see you. George needs you,” whispered the taller redhead as he attempted to get (Y/N) to the Great Hall with as little pain as possible, eventually opting to carry her there to prevent further pain.
Upon walking through the golden doors, Charlie placed (Y/N) back on her own two feet, quickly noticing her lack of balance and how pale she'd gone in the minutes it had taken to get to the hall. Just by looking, anyone could tell (Y/N) had been through hell and back. Her ever-changing hair stuck to your face, as had the dust and dirt from the explosion, and a few scratches scattered her beautiful features, most notably beneath her left eye. Her focus, however, was on those who had been killed during the battle so far, seeing Collin Creevy and Lavender Brown amongst the dead, yet nothing hurt more than seeing Tonks and Remus next to each other, holding hands as they lay motionless on stretchers. Soon enough, her attention was drawn to the rest of the Weasley Clan, Bill, and Fleur looking down in sorrow; Arthur stood nearby with Percy, who at least looked relieved to see you and Charlie. Ginny stood behind Molly, who was leaning on the floor, stroking the hair of one of her twin sons, your heart sinking upon seeing George in tears at the feet of his twin. However, his attention was soon diverted to (Y/N) when Percy pointed in the general direction. Ron was nowhere to be seen, which only caused worry about his whereabouts and well-being.
“I was with him,” whispered (Y/N); Charlie could only look down, knowing she had been unaware she'd essentially been protecting Fred’s body the entire time they were hidden behind the suit of armor. “When did this happen?” she asked as her heart began to break as she tried so hard rack her memory for the answer. George slowly made his way over while Charlie went to get a healer, hoping for the best as he did so. “I was with Fred; when did this happen?” (Y/N) questioned, her hair going light blue to suggest she was upset, hints of the lavender still in there from the pain constantly tormenting her. George could see the obvious confusion, thankful Percy had told him, yet it still broke his heart further to see some he loved in such a way,.
“The wall explosion,” whispered George in response, not daring to speak any louder, knowing if he did, the pain would only grow and strengthen. “He was killed instantly by the rumble,” added the younger of the Weasley twins, watching as it dawned on (Y/N) she had been stowed away with the body of one of her closest friends, his protector against any further harm. “Percy didn’t want to tell you after he saw the injury you had sustained,” finished George as he caught (Y/N) when her knees gave out, the tears staining her dusty cheeks. George was well aware there was little anyone could do to help outside of being there. Just seconds later, Charlie reappeared, sadness in his eyes as he looked upon the one he called wife, knowing there was so much left to do together. There was so much he still wanted to do with her. He still had all the I love you's left to spend on her and his dragons. George quickly realized what the sadness meant and could only look to (Y/N) with a new sense of brokenness, especially when Charlie shook his head to confirm his suspicions. 
“All we can do is make her comfortable,” whispered the elder Weasley as he once again picked (Y/N) up, holding her bridal style. Despite everything, hearing her sweet echoing giggle somehow gave him and George the false hope they needed to believe she would be okay, that she would survive. The same innocent laugh they knew would haunt them for the rest of their lives. The dragon tamer soon sat on the benches to the side of the hall near his family; (Y/N) was resting in his lap with her head against his muscular chest, his arms wrapped around her with one of her hands securely in his, George hugged Ron when he entered the hall. Not daring to speak about what the pain he knew was to come. Bill soon left Fleur’s side to join the pair of you. You were his family, too, the reason his younger brother broke his own vow of never marrying, the reason he spoke of something else other than his dragons.
“When this is over, can we all be a happy family again?” (Y/N) asked with a dazed look in her glazed eyes, not even noticing Hermione appear with concern. All either brother could do was shake their heads to give her the silent answer to her equally wordless question. “The laughter, mischief, love. The never-ending pranks. No war or threat to everything we know and love,” whispered (Y/N). Charlie could only press a soft kiss to the top of her head, his only wish that she would stay with him, yet he knew it wasn’t to be. So, he pulled out his wand, knowing what he was going to do was likely to be his last show of love and affection for his beloved wife.
“Expecto Patronum,” chanted Charlie as he swished his wand, showing his Patronus had changed to match her own. There were tears in his eyes as he saw her smile upon seeing the silvery dragon fly above before disappearing. “It will always be for you (Y/N) until the end,” added the heartbroken Weasley, confessing he wouldn’t love another as he had allowed himself to love her. There wouldn’t be anyone who could ever replace her as his love or soul mate. “Goodbye (Y/N), I know your love will guide us,” cried Charlie as he watched her tangled hair turn from the blue, it had been back to its natural black color for the last time; her body had already limp in his arms. All he could do was refuse to let her go, just holding her in a tight grip, knowing there was nothing he could do to bring his (Y/N) back. “I’ll see you again,” whimpered Charlie as Bill placed a comforting arm around his shoulder, tears of his own staining his cheeks. The toll of the war had come at a heavy price for the Weasley clan; all they could do was hope (Y/N) and Fred’s deaths weren’t in vain, just as he hoped none of those who defended the castle died for nothing.
With Voldermort’s death came the end of the war. The Weasleys huddle together, yet Charlie soon looked around him when he could have sworn he heard your soft voice. “I love you, Charlie, forever.”
Fen's Masterlist
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alectocarrowx · 1 month
where: iverness (the highlands) who: @xrodolphusxlestrangex
With Rabastan away, it seemed logical for Alecto to ask Rodolphus to accompany her on a mission. She was asked to take one with her, and normally this would be his, the witch kept with someone she trusted. Still trying to understand why she was hit like a brick wall with emotions, until she had it under control, those she interacted with was limited.
A room had been acquired for them, not entirely sure if they needed it, but a buffer in case a place was required to rest before going back to London. "Angus MacMicking, he's the leader for this pack. Had one of his mates killed by a mudblood. We need to play on that hurt and anger to get him to pledge his allegiance to the Dark Lord." They were waiting for dusk before heading to their meeting, deep in the woods. Between the two of them, if a fight ensued, she knew Rodolphus could handle himself and she was skilled in her ways.
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lumosfm · 4 months
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Below the cut is a list of characters we are delighted to say have been accepted here at lumosfm! Please take a look at our acceptance checklist for instructions on what to next. Congrats and we cannot wait to see you on the dash!
ASHLEY! you've been accepted as THEODORE DELACOUR(Theo James fc)
C! you've been accepted as RODOLPHUS LESTRANGE (Oliver Jackson-Cohen fc)
MARTINA! you've been accepted as BENJY FENWICK (Jack Quaid fc)
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medasgalaxy · 1 year
@lcstrangcx 1966 - 3rd year
Andromeda was supposed to be an example of pureblood excellence, to be punctual, poised and all the things her mother told her to be to make the Black name stand tall and prove that they were better than the rest. However, she had fucked up. She had been in the castle more than a few years by no, she knew the way back to the Common Room but today the stairs had taken her the wrong way around and not she was late for curfew. 
She tried running, maybe if she was fast enough she would be able to get past the prefects and not be seen, but if she was fast enough they might actually believe her and not deduct points? One could hope. 
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