#can this even be counted as a headcanon?
alliumbunny · 3 months
my favorite types of Robin(any) art is when they draw one of them as the TINYIST little thing <3
oh dick starts being robin at 9? ya well were drawing him like he's 4 and he's adorable
Oh jason started at 12(i think??) haha lets make him a baby :)
tim is 13(?) when he starts! MAKE HIM 6!!!!
Steph was robin... I don't actually know the age? like 14-17? i've seen different ages and idk which ones are true. LETS MAKE HER 10!!!
Damian is like 9, when he starts(i think?) MAKE. HIM. 2.
I think it's adorable
less when they make them act that young, but it is funny so.. idc :3
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touchlikethesun · 6 months
how i think different hq couples get engaged
kageyama and hinata are dating and living together for over a decade before they get engaged. there's just always something more pressing going on - usually their pro-volleyball careers - and they're both just so content with how their relationship is, marriage just seems kind of like an unnecessary hassle and a logistical nightmare that neither of them want to deal with. once they reach their 30s though, and they've both settled a bit more into their careers, i can see one of them casually proposing one day - they don't even have rings - because at this point, they both know they are going to spend the rest of their lives together, why not make mrs. hinata happy and make it official. plus, a wedding is an excuse to get together with all their friends again. when they buy their rings, they buy chains at the same time so they can still wear their rings on the court.
tsukishima and yamaguchi get engaged a lot earlier than kghn, i think they get engaged a year after they both graduate from undergrad. tsukki bought yams' engagement ring in their second year at uni after saving up basically since they got together in high school, but he waited to propose until after they lived and worked "in the real world," just in case yamaguchi found someone better or if their relationship changed when they didn't have school as an excuse to see each other all the time (kei eventually admits this to tadashi years down the line and tadashi scolds him - the efficacy being undercut by the kisses he gives kei at the same time - for ever thinking their relationship was so fragile). obviously yamaguchi was over the moon when tsukki proposed, and takes to calling him "his fiance" at every chance he gets. they wait to actually have a wedding until after tsukki has finished his masters, and they've both started working, so that they can actually enjoy the event with as little stress as possible
iwaizumi and oikawa get engaged around their mid-20s as well. i think oikawa is the kind of person that has had their whole life planned out in a scrapbook since they were 10, and he knows exactly when and how he planned to propose to iwa, so when iwaizumi beat him to the punch - an evening complete with a romantic dinner in a jazz cafe that iwa scouted for the occasion, roses, and a walk to the playground where they first met where upon iwa finally got down on one knee - tooru was so shocked and generally overcome with emotion that he burst into tears and forgot to say yes until hours later, when iwaizumi asked him again after many kisses and sweet words. ofc, after the shock has worn off, Oikawa Tooru's Dream Wedding Plans are back on, and iwa lets him take over planning the most elaborate and expensive wedding japan has ever seen
(for my bkak headcanon see this post i made a few days ago lol)
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ypipie · 2 years
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oh everyones asleep?lemme post real quick
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charmwasjess · 3 months
My absolute favorite Dooku headcanon that doesn’t appear in the books or shit but is so real to me is that he genuinely has a strong, involuntary emotional response to Yoda’s notoriously-disgusting swamp cookery. 
Like, teenage Dooku doesn’t just have Daddy Issues, he has the full subscription, and that growth spurt had to be insane on him. An extra-hungry awkward too-tall boy who is a bottomless pit of need with a bunch of family-flavored trauma?? And a parent-shaped creature is offering him filling home-cooked food along with validation?! Bring on the swamp soup. I bet he imprints on that shit so hard like a baby vulture. 
In the Master and Apprentice book, Dooku’s “thing” with his Padawans is having meals together. Did he get that tradition from Yoda? And Yoda sometimes needed to stay on Coruscant during Dooku’s training, so he was often off banging around the galaxy with Lene Kostana and Sifo-Dyas. You can almost imagine how getting back to the Temple and reconnecting with his Master over a meal would be a thing. 
It also kind of vibes delightfully with Yoda in ESB taking one look at gangly-ass Luke and immediately trying to cook for him/feed him. And seeming genuinely confused when he doesn’t like it. Oh, a needy, lost, half-grown human with more Force ability than sense? He has just the recipe!
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mahikamihan · 3 months
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I can't believe it's already midweek, omg. hi i offer skater sapnap (and a bit of dream) in my lil fem roller derby au <3
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writer-room · 2 years
Ahsoka is probably the person everyone means when they say “I know a guy”. Girl knows a bunch of senators, some ragtag rebels, many criminals, a handful of Imperialists, and a couple other random people dotted across the galaxy. If you ever need to find someone, you just call Ahsoka. Chances are high that she knows exactly who they are. Chances are even higher that she knows someone else who knows them. She runs around enough that it’s not that hard for her to just ram into them. Her one exception is Ezra Bridger, because apparently knowing a guy personally means it’s impossible to find him for over a decade.
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yore-donatsu · 6 months
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An ordinary day for an ordinary little girl
(Theo the monkey boy is the @doodlesdreaming's OC)
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cotton-candy-vodka · 2 months
Hi! Who is ur fav ASOUE character?? :)
Hello anon! Thanks for the ask!
ASOUE is one of the few pieces of media I enjoy where I really dont have a favorite character. Typically what makes me choose a character as a favorite is if i see myself in them, and in ASOUE that just happens so freaking much. But i want to answer your question at least a little bit, so here’s some ASOUE characters and how they relate to me/why they’re my “favorite”
Violet - she made a promise to her parents to protect her siblings. And honestly, she loves them so much that I think she’d protect them as fiercely as she does even without the promise. But the paradox with her character lies in the fact that she will do anything to keep her siblings safe: like risking their lives. She suggests stealing a boat and riding it across a large lake in the middle of the hurricane. She convinces her siblings to go down a 46-story elevator shaft at the chance of seeing their new friends. Even though her inventions are typically flawless, a lot of them could fail horribly and end up costing the Baudelaires not only their plan, but their lives. Her love is reckless and impulsive. Violet would destroy herself for her family, but when will she drag them down with her?
Klaus - No matter how much time, research, and dedication this poor boy pours into exposing evil, his work is never enough. Klaus pulls an all-nighter studying a subject he doesnt find interesting in the first book alone - i dare any one of us on this wretched website to do something like that. He shows Mr. Poe proof time and time again that Olaf is lurking and attempting to steal the Baudelaire fortune, but no matter how many facts he conjures up, Mr. Poe is ignorant. He spends the whole series fighting for what he believes is just, only to be told that there are no noble people in this world. The philosophies he built his life on are challenged by the world’s obliviousness, and perhaps unwillingness, to decipher what happens in the shadows. But in a world filled with more grey than black and white, will he become the very thing he’s sworn to destroy by blindly believing in good and evil?
Sunny - Say you lived in the shadow of, oh, I dont know, a pandemic. Gen Alpha will live their lives hearing stories told by those before them about how many deaths there were and how the world stopped. But Gen Alpha themselves will only have a lack of social skills and an accute knowledge of technology, not even realizing that what forged their generation is because of covid. The tragedy lies in the fact that they wont understand what made them what they are and why everyone else is so upset about it. Now, how many people do you know that remember what happened when they were around a year old? Exactly. If Sunny is still alive, she’ll always live in the shadow of unfortunate events that defined her life without her knowing it, all while her siblings suffer from immense trauma and all she can do is watch.
Olaf - Is any of his behavior okay? Absolutely not. But what is so upsetting about his narrative is that I believe he sees himself in the Baudelaires. He sees a childlike naïveté in believing noble people exist, that despite trial after trial one can continue to do what is “right”. But Olaf knows. He knows that there is betrayal, greed, and evil prevalent in everyone. And in his masochistic nature, he finds the Baudelaires learning such life lessons the hard way gratifying. He is satisfied to see others suffer as he did, seeing his vision of the world play out. Heck, he thinks he’s doing these kids a favor, teaching them whole they are still young and able to run from VFD. Terrifying? Yes. Understandable? Also yes.
Quigley - This poor boy. Being only thirteen, stripped of his family and almost everything else he cares about, has to survive by himself. No resources, no help. Just a light at the end of the tunnel: VFD. If he can uncover this mystery, he assumes all will be well, that the hole in his heart will heal. But the more he learns, the more he is brainwashed by the cult that is VFD. His savior slowly killing him from the inside. How poetic is that? (This is definitely going into headcanon territory but definitely dont imagine how if he reunites with his siblings normally he’ll only be a shell of himself and how they’ll try to convince him how VFD destroys everything its sworn to protect and how Quigley doesn’t believe them because if they’re true then what’s left of him??? Definitely do NOT think about that).
Isadora: I am a simple woman. I see a hopeless lesbian crushing on a girl who’s in love with her brother and i receive the biggest emotional attachment of my LIFE
I hope in some round-a-bout way all that answered your question. Have a wonderful day!
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gooberishere · 5 months
Personally I think Shadow would have a fear of thunderstorms (more specifically thunder and lightning), so Knuckles, despite barely knowing anything about giving emotional support, tries his best to help Shadow feel less scared (which is 90% snuggling with him and watching Spiderverse... I feel like Shadow would like Spiderverse ok bye yall)
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lloydfrontera · 9 months
related to that last post that's kinda why i think cpsm revealing that javier had died three years earlier than lloyd is poignant in a very understated way.
javier's original fate was to live when everyone he cared about didn't. he was meant to be the protagonist of that world, to face all kind of threats and survive all of them, but with no one at his side.
he's the narrative's favorite but the narrative's love is not gentle and it is not kind and it will hold you close until you suffocate under its themes and parallels. for the world would bend itself for javier to be at it's center but it would not allow him the comfort of sharing that spot with anyone else.
he was always meant to be the last one standing. fate won't kill him but it won't allow him to die either.
and then comes lloyd with his plot breaking meddling saving everyone around them and shoving his way into the protagonist role, sharing the burden javier wasn't even aware he was carrying. and fate tries so hard to correct itself, it tries by all means possible to put things back the way they were meant to be, but in the end the best it can do is to try and make it so there will only be one main character in the world. the way it was always meant to be.
it concedes. it won't take away everything from its favorite anymore. but it won't stand for there to be two of them.
and the thing is. it wins. it gets what it wants. in the end javier can't save lloyd, he can't take his place, he can't keep him alive, he has to stand and watch him sacrifice himself for everyone else. for javier himself. in the end when the battle is over javier is again the last one standing.
when lloyd comes back and the fate restoration doesn't start up all over again, he thinks it's because lloyd frontera's original body disappeared and he came back in his own body. i don't think it was that. i think the reason fate didn't try to restore itself again is because it had already achieved what it wanted.
the narrative won. not completely. not the way it was originally meant to. but in the end javier ended up as the lone protagonist who watched his loved one die before his eyes.
only then was it satisfied and allowed javier to leave its grasp. only then was he allowed to become a person and not just the main character.
a person who could spend a lifetime with all of his loved ones and when the time came, die peacefully in his sleep, knowing at least the person he came to care the most about will outlive him. at least this time, he won't be the one left behind.
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kindahoping4forever · 8 months
is there any hope in praying for a new kh4f writing piece? or are you officially retired 😓 i beg i plead i weep i NEED a fresh ashton one-shot like my life depends on it 🙏
Definitely not retired! I truly never meant to go this long without publishing a fic - last year was just a very weird, unbelievably difficult blur for me, the hiatus just happened and to be honest, I regret it every day.
But! Although my posting stopped, I never really stopped writing (I think my longest streak of not so much as opening a doc was about 3 months.) I've been writing much more infrequently than I'd like and with much more effort and hesitance than I'm used to (turns out going from practicing a skill every day for years to just... not doesn't do much for that skill or one's confidence 😬) but I have still been writing! Unfortunately, finishing stories hasn't been my strong suit recently and that's primarily why I haven't posted in so long. And why my WIP folder has been this stacked for the past year lol:
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Some docs are just a few paragraphs long while some only need a few paragraphs to be done. I'm kind of at this weird crossroads right now where I definitely want to finish some of these fics (why let all that effort go to waste) but also I want to jump on ideas that are newer and have less baggage in my brain (it's been extremely frustrating trying to get back to where I was!). So I'm trying to navigate that while also trying to get back into the writing mindset and routine again, learning to trust my instincts again, find a way for my brain to be a comfy and fun place to hang out in again. I am determined to get there, and sooner than later this time. I feel closer than ever! And when I do, Tumblr will be the first to know. Promise. 💙
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channnel · 11 months
I feel like yandere groups are a bit underrated. Don't get me wrong- one singular yandere x reader is also good, but I feel like people underestimated the idea of not only escaping not one, not two, sometimes three, but a whole ass group that is simping over reader.
Bonus point, if the yandere group already has an established relationship and dynamics to each other, and the reader has to guess which people and/or pair are the dangerous and safe ones.
Extra bonus point, if the yandere group are villains.
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caitlynmeow · 1 year
following this: https://www.tumblr.com/caitlynmeow/726565674857725952/thinking-of-the-girls-and-i-guess-i-have-some
and this: https://www.tumblr.com/caitlynmeow/728560096627539968/following-this-post?source=share
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I have more details about the daughters (this mostly applies to modern au because I'm talking about their actual birth order since in the game they were all reborn within a few hours from each other probably ANYWAY)
At first I thought that the girls seem to be close in age so they’re roughly only year apart from each other. but the more I think about it and their dynamic I think it’s not the case. like yeah there isn’t a big gap between them or anything, but it’s certainly not that close because I refuse to believe that Daniela is only two years younger than Bela 💀
so it’s probably something like this:
Bela is two or three years older than Cassandra 
Cassandra is 2-3 years older than Daniela 
Because Bela being 5-6 years older than Daniela makes more sense to me but idk this head canon might change if my brainworms keep this up
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katyspersonal · 7 months
Hey, don't do this shit:
normal person 1: This character canonically had a crush on both a male character and a female character, she is bisexual, not lesbian.
some gremlin: You are lesbophobic skill issue we just want to be happy imagine being pissed at us existing stay mad d*kehater!!!!
normal person 2: I am confused how this is lesbophobic to not approve of bi erasure in the fandom?
some gremlin: Well, you see, many of us struggled and are still struggling with comphet, just because this character dated or wanted to date a male character in the past doesn't mean that she can't be a lesbian afterwards! Maybe she just hadn't realised earlier! It is not fair to not let people use their own experiences to relate to a character they headcanon as a lesbian!
normal person 2: So, if a female character only ever expressed attraction to women in the canon, and someone who used to think they were a lesbian but turned out they were bi said that this female character is bisexual but just haven't realised it yet because they had such experience and can say so, would you respect their opinion? Or you would block them and accuse them of "lesbian erasure in the fandom"?
some gremlin:
some gremlin:
some gremlin: *delves down several months deep into normal person 1's online history to snatch something either heavily personal or violently torn from the context and no longer relevant to the topic in either case* HEY HEADS UP you're defending a problematic violently bigoted abusive person jsyk
^ If you've lost an argument like this or similar one upon having your double standards exposed, and your reaction is not owning up to your mistake (or at least silently backing away, if you really feel SO ashamed now) but to switch onto irrelevant details about the person who brought up initial sentiment? You are genuinely awful ally for any activism, including the ones for your own demographic. In ideal world, fandomry should be exclusively about being a fan and not about activism, but since it is unavoidable anymore we at least must have bare minimum standards for logic and decency!
Acting like the Some Gremlin character proves that you do not actually care about the topic and your sole interest is to be "right", when debates and arguments exist with the purpose of finding the truth. It can be nice or it can be uncomfortable, it could confirm what you've already known or it could crumble your whole view. This is why the pursuit and the involvement of different people is so important, and this is why it is important that everyone participates in debates with only genuine intentions! If what you seek from debates is "winning" them and not discovering the facts, you need to really step away and reconsider. It is good if this issue only concerns things like headcanons, because what if you will carry this problem into more serious discussions with the stakes?
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toytulini · 28 days
name some canonically nonbinary characters why dont you
#toy txt post#those 'name 10 female characters' posts got me rolling my eyes again. just ultimate performative bullshit huh#its giving i think picking a favorite blorbo os activism. by shipping an appropriate amount of femslash in a way that is genuine#but not overbearing or that might be fetishizing! and im not forgetting the characters for the ships not like those nasty m/m shippers!#and by doing this i will reinstate abortion rights. with my Feminist Tastes. im putting words in ppls mouths and being petty but good god#like everyday this shits on my dash. can you all just start blocking the annyoing misogynist m/m shippers you dislike then?#'dont name a male character you just call babygirl' are you normal about trans headcanons? im sure im SURE you are getting the most#annoying fuckers in the world in your notes just calling male characters babygirl without it being a trans headcanon but i have seen so#many posts of this flavor now. are you consuming media correctly? are you consuming the correct media correctly? are you doing it right?#are you meeting your ship quota? are you caring about the characters outside of their ships enough? are you shipping the characters of#color the right amount the right ways to the right characters but not too much cos that might be fetishy? are you headcanoning them aspec?#are YOU aspec? we'll give you a begrudging pass for headcanoning marginalized characters as Aspec MAYBE but dont get too annoyed about#seeing ships and you have to be so polite about everyone equating aspec headcanons with infantilization with no thought to the irony that#in doing so theyre infantilizing aspecs. its honestly 50/50 if you get a pass to headcanon a character as aspec. but we will talk about#doing so as a one to one example of writing the character out of the way of your ship. you and i are not the same. name ten female#characters. name 5 of their albums and recite all the lyrics from memory. produce 5 pieces of heartfelt fic or fanart to prove your genuine#love of the character. are you going to be normal about it if someone names a cano ically male character they headcanon as a trans fem?#or will you start on some shit about how that doesnt count cos shes not a real girl? or do you know better than to say that bc that would#be genuinely shitty. are you doing it right? are you doing it right? are you doing it right? prove your fandom activism to me. write a#feminist retelling of the narrative. what if i name 10 female characters that im headcanoning as transmasc or nonbinary and calling them#babygirl? are you doing it right? am i doing it right yet? am i performing fan engagement correctly?#am i correctly engaging with fan content? is this going to please your algorithm? but not too much. just a little spicy. a little punk. but#not so much i get banned from the platform. for fandom. am i doing it right? are you shipping Pure and Wholesome Ships?#are you Cool and Edgy? do you only ship characters that hate each other that kill each other that are siblings that are problematic? have#you gone so far the other way you think youre cool to scoff at those silly tiktok puritans who only ship pure ships? you wont even think#about a show if its Politically correct you want it to call you a slur. cos youre tough and cool not like those mentally weak uncritical#tiktok puriteens. are you winning son? are you winning? are you having fun yet? are you doing it right? pass my gauntlet#are you a fake nerd girl? name five obscure comics characters to prove youre a real fan. do you hate women? are you winning?#are you winning at correctly engaging with media content? do you get a sticker? is there a sticker for naming 10 female characters? what#about 20. do you completly write off media with Less Women? put your money where your mouth is then. ship the girls in fast and furious
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transgenderwaterrat · 3 months
Not sure if this is considered a hot take nowadays, but I don’t really feel that Sans is interested in romance or relationships.
Maybe it’s just that I don’t ship characters that often, but not even his interactions with and relating to Toriel came across as romantic to me
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