#can this intimacy be accepted can it be given
spaceratprodigy · 1 year
the tiny metronome in my brain aggressively ticking back and forth between wanting to make cap and max fluff or cap and max angst
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fangswbenefits · 6 months
The Arrangement (7) - Tension
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Chapter summary: Astarion needs to feed and things get out of hand... again.
Pairing: Astarion x female!Tav
Warnings: 18+. Dry humping. Masturbation, Precum, Innuendo. Astarion briefly talking you through it. Sexual tension. Sexual frustration.
Word count: 5.4k
Series Masterlist
Astarion needed to feed.
That undeniable fact had come to light in various forms.
You were quite sure that, to the others, it was a blessing in disguise, as Astarion's snarky remarks were now sparse.
But you knew better.
You knew him better.
He hadn't even made a single comment when Gale brought home some horrendous tapestry that he promptly hung on the wall.
That was when you knew he was due a proper feeding.
You glanced at him over your shoulder as you diced some fruit to start the day off.
Astarion was seemingly deep in thought as he masterfully threaded a needle along the edge of the collar of his shirt.
Your heart fluttered briefly as you recalled his enjoyment in embroidery. He had once revealed it helped him hone his dexterity while looking fabulous at it.
A faint smile tugged at your lips, and you returned your attention to the cutting board.
The morning had started off slow and quiet and, for the first time in a long time, you had gotten a proper night's rest.
You couldn't tell if your conversation with Astarion was the sole reason for that, considering you did try the lavender extract Shadowheart had given you. Regardless, there was this pleasant and warm feeling brewing within you.
The joys of communication laced with a touch of intimacy truly left you feeling at peace.
But then…
Your face tensed up as your thought drifted back to Ava.
All pleasant feelings morphed into dread at the conjured image of Astarion offering her his blood.
Whatever interest she had in it had to be rooted in something nefarious. You refused to believe otherwise. Besides, how could she even accept such an exchange when dealing with his vulnerability?
That wasn't right. 
You were so caught up in the haunting visual projection of her bleeding him dry, that you didn't realise someone was pressing against you from behind.
“I, for one, am glad we are not back in the wilderness, darling.”
You jolted in surprise as his chin came to rest on your shoulder, his hand drifting down your arm to grip the knife you were holding.
“Anyone with ill-intentions would have you gutted by now.” His voice was low with the faintest hint of a tease.
He was absolutely correct.
Your distraction could have landed you in a bit of a predicament not long ago.
But your gaze was now set on how his hand examined the blade.
“This knife needs polishing,” he said, shifting his lips closer to your neck. “And the edge needs sharpening.”
Oh, he really needed to feed. 
And he wasn't even being subtle about it at this point as his lips ghosted your skin.
“I'll get to it later.”
You were trying your hardest to keep your composure, feeling the palms of your hands sweat when he pressed further against you.
A low chuckle rumbled through his chest and your back. “Honestly, I'm surprised you can cut through anything but butter with this.”
He had to know.
He had to know how your pulse had quickened so easily because of him.
But your mind had blanked for a second, your body reacting instinctively to his.
His hand was closed around yours, thumb rubbing circles on your heated skin as he pressed his cold lips to the throbbing artery that ran along your neck.
“You need to feed.”
He paused briefly. “It's quite adorable how you can tell whenever I'm craving your blood.”
You would have dropped the knife had he not been making sure you kept a firm grip on the handle.
“You aren't being particularly subtle.”
He let out a dramatic gasp. “I'm merely offering  help with this sad blunt knife, my darling.”
Well, his idea of ‘help’ now involved him pressing his thumb against yours to have it tracing circles along the handle. 
“I reckon your grip isn't adequate either,” he whispered in your ear this time. “You must grip it tighter .”
He was too good at courtship.
The innuendo wasn't lost on you, and you nearly rolled your eyes at his bluntness.
“I do know how to grip a knife, Astarion.”
He chuckled once again. “Yes, I remember your fierce grip whe–”
But before he could finish his sentence, a scoff was heard next to you and you immediately jolted back in panic, slamming into Astarion's lower half.
“Gods! ” he wailed in pain.
Chaos ensued as fruit went flying off the table and rolling along the floor, the knife landing at your feet and the jarring sound of metal clattering around.
“Is everything alright?” Gale's alarmed voice was heard.
Lae'zel merely stood with arms crossed and looking as unfazed as ever.
“Could you two keep your mating rituals out of the kitchen?”
Your eyes widened at her accusation, crouching to clean up the mess. “Oh! No – no! We were not – Astarion was just… just talking about polishing this knife.” You immediately held the blade in your hand for Lae'zel to see.
She raised a brow instead. ���Yes. I am quite sure Astarion wouldn't mind you polishing his knife.”
Your jaw dropped.
Astarion was still hunched over the table, clutching his crotch and spilling profanities.
You must have hit him really hard.
Lae'zel threw a final scoff heavy with disapproval at both of you before pacing away.
“I'm sorry. I didn't mean it…” You started off, wincing as Astarion massaged the soreness away.
He waved a hand dismissively. “You're a menace even when you don't mean to.”
As he straightened up with a low growl, you noticed the colossal height difference.
Kneeling on the floor, you gathered the scattered fruit and utensils as you looked up at Astarion.
A playful smirk tugged at his lips when he met your gaze. “Not even going to kiss it better, darling?”
You were now at eye-level with his crotch and, for a moment, you thought he had rendered you speechless.
But two could play this game.
You placed a hand dramatically over your mouth. “Right here? In front of everyone? Astarion! ”
You hadn't bothered keeping your voice down and as you rose back to your feet again, you saw a couple of heads turn your way.
Gale looked utterly confused while Lae'zel rolled her eyes, returning her attention to the sword in her hands.
Astarion's smile only deepened. “Oh, you vicious little tease – that was good.”
You patted your clothes straight with a proud smirk before leaning in closer to his face.
“I learned from the best.”
And you quickly pressed a fleeting kiss to his cheek.
He stirred briefly under your touch and you offered him a kind smile as you walked away, casually taking a bite off a pear.
“You should do that more often if it means we are greeted with his silence.” Lae'zel complimented as you sat by her side.
Astarion looked as though you had just slammed a frying pan on his head, but his eyes following your every move.
It wasn't every day that once could take pride in leaving Astarion speechless.
He could hand out the most intricate of innuendos laced with sexual tension, but show him small acts of affection, and he will be disarmed in an instant. 
You still remembered that first hug you ever gave him in Moonrise Towers and how he was stunned at first.
“Are you malfunctioning, Astarion?” Shadowheart suddenly quipped as she trailed down the flight of stairs.
You giggled softly at how adorable he looked, even when he finally came to his senses and shook his head, frowning slightly.
“They were engaging in some bizarre pre-mating ritual,” Lae'zel spoke up, inspecting her sword up close. “Seems like she won. Not that I'm surprised.”
Shadowheart winced, disgust splattered all over her face. 
Gale chose the wrong time to sip his camomile tea and nearly choked, and you rushed to his side to pat him on the back.
“You do have a way with words, no doubt,” he drawled out, clearing his throat.
Even as used to her bluntness as you were, you still felt heat rush to your cheeks. “We were not doing such a thing.”
She merely shrugged.
Having snapped out of his previous stunned state, Astarion cleared his throat. “You sound jealous, Lae'zel. Should we invite you over?”
You gave him a murderous look, which only served to fuel his boldness.
“Jealous of what, Astarion? Getting kicked in the balls?”
He scoffed.
A soft knock on the door was heard and Shadowheart swiftly moved to open it.
Your stomach flipped momentarily, hoping it wasn't an undesired visit yet again.
But your worries were laid to rest as Wyll strolled in, accompanied by a Fist.
You bolted from the sofa, pulling him into a hug, which he promptly returned.
“I would normally welcome your visit, but the look on your face tells me you don't come bearing good words.” Gale said, tension heavy in his voice.
Wyll parted from you and his silence was truly revealing.
You shuddered and felt panic rising inside you. “What is it? What happened?”
He forced a warm smile. “Shall we take a seat?”
“Or…” Astarion said with a deep scowl. “... you could simply spit out whatever ill-news you're about to drop on us without the unnecessary foreplay.”
Wyll sighed as you motioned for him to take a seat, as everyone else followed suit. The Fist stopped by his side, an unreadable face turned to Astarion.
“Can I get you something?” you asked.
He shook his head vehemently. “I am not staying long. Just offering an update on the murder case.”
You heaved a deep breath, eyeing him expectantly.
“Well? Get on with it,” Astarion goaded impatiently with a click of his tongue.
Shadowheart seemed quite tense all of a sudden and Lae'zel kept a hand on her sword handle.
“It seems that Astarion is no longer a suspect.”
You watched as he rose from his seat with a smile. “Finally. Glad this is all settled!”
“Not so fast,” Wyll said, his face heavy. “Have a seat.”
He sank back into the chair with a deep scowl and crossed arms as a child who had just been told to finish their vegetables. 
“After talking to some of the passers-by from that night, the general consensus is that you were the only one they spotted,” Wyll said, turning his head to you. “No one recalls a second person being there, let alone that person being Astarion.”
Your heart dropped before speeding up again.
“What… does that mean?” you said in a whisper.
There was a brief silence and you could feel the tension in the room becoming increasingly more palpable.
“For all intents and purposes, you are regarded as the only offender.”
A cold layer of sweat took over your body all at once.
“Nonsense,” Astarion scoffed in disbelief. “I was there with her. I got captured.”
This time, the Fist was the one to speak, “You offered to get captured, spawn .”
“I wasn't talking to you, Fist .”
You felt Gale's arm around your shoulder protectively. “Wyll, this is ludicrous. No one here murdered anyone.”
He nodded. “I agree. I do believe this to be a grave misunderstanding. However, upon closer inspection of the body, there were some interesting findings.”
You were too stunned to utter a single word, thankful that your companions were doing the talking instead.
Lae'zel's grip on the sword intensified, her stare glued to the plate-armoured Fist. “Such as?”
“Necrotic magic reminiscent of that found in the Szarr palace.”
You watched as Astarion stilled all of a sudden, lips pressed together.
“Which we cannot further compare since someone burned down the entire place,” the Fist said, eyes shifting to Astarion.
The grand manor had gone up in flames not long ago, and you did know Astarion had had a hand in it, but with no proof of his crime, there was no effective way to pin him to it.
But it had been enough to strain his relationship with The Flaming Fist with only Wyll being able to keep them at bay.
“Accusing me of arson now? My, my, add it to my tab, dear,” he said with a roll of his eyes. 
But Wyll's patience was wearing thin. “None of this makes any sense. If the two of you are not to be blamed for this – which I definitely stand by – then who could benefit from tangling you into this mess?”
Your mind immediately jumped to her.
You had no idea what purpose that could serve, but your instinct seldom failed you.
Even so, you remained silent.
“We are to continue the investigations, naturally,” Wyll went on with a nod. “Necromancy is grounds for imprisonment. Whoever did this, needs to be found and brought to justice.”
Astarion tumbled his fingers on the table. “Well, if you are so sure we are innocent, then let us go.”
“Justice should be blind. I know it is not always the case, but as a former magistrate, I am sure you can agree on the principle.”
Astarion waved dismissively. “It's a sound principle on paper, but its application is tainted and unjust. No one expects the lordlings of Baldur's Gate to answer for any crime.”
Wyll's face twisted into a faint frown. “As true as that might be, I am not keen on upholding such practice. Friend or foe, everyone must face the consequences of their actions.”
A mysterious smile settled on Astarion's lips, but he didn't retort.
Shadowheart cleared her throat. “I could lend my expertise in the matter, Wyll. I could examine the body myself. I have some contacts in the city that could aid me, but I shall need a sample.”
He seemed to hesitate at first, but then slowly nodded. “Very well.”
“So what now?” you finally found your voice again, eager for any glimmer of hope.
Wyll gave you a kind smile. “My friend, do not fret. I am keeping you both here as safekeeping for now. The Council of Four remains sceptical, but if someone did try to frame you, then it is best to stay out of sight.”
You gave him a reluctant nod, realising that time was the only thing on your side for now.
“We've increased the security outside,” the Fist said flatly. “We've added detection spells and mage slayers on rotation.”
You looked up, startled. “ Mage slayers? ”
Gale shared your indignation, the arm around you tensing up. “That is quite extreme.”
“Is it?” Wyll asked. “You two are quite powerful at magic, my friends – but there is always a bigger fish.”
“No wonder my magic has been wavering this morning,” Gale said, rubbing at his chest before pacing towards the window and taking a peek behind the black curtains. “ Two? Wyll, this is–”
“Necessary. For now.”
You swallowed hard, burying your face in your hands in sheer frustration. 
“On a lighter note” Wyll began once again. “I was informed that you are to go to Waterdeep to meet with your contact.”
Gale returned to his seat, looking livid. “Yes. We are expecting some proper information on the Wish spell.”
“Good news, then, Astarion,” he said with a soft smile.
He threw a poisonous glare at him instead. “Seeing is believing, or so they say. I will not be celebrating until I am strolling down the sunlight streets of this city without having my ashes being swept off the pavement and into an ashtray..”
Wyll gave him a light-hearted laugh before rising to his feet, adjusting his cloak. “Fair enough. Though my offer still stands, should things go awry.”
That immediately piqued your interest. “What offer?”
Astarion shrugged. “Oh, dear Wyll made me an offer after becoming duke.”
“Which you refused.”
He nodded with a frown. “I am not a dog to order around.”
Your gaze kept switching between the two of them, feeling lost.
“That was never the implication of my offer, friend. You know the nightlife of Baldur's Gate better than anyone. Your intel would be of great value,” Wyll said in exasperation. 
“And you are an adequate rogue,” the Fist said.
Astarion immediately scoffed. “ Adequate? I could have you pinned to that wall at the tip of my dagger faster than you can say ‘Baldur's Gate’,” he said with a laugh, but his words held no humour.
“I'd like to see you try, spawn."
Astarion drew his dagger from its sheath, twirling it playfully between his fingers.
Wyll quickly intervened. “It's not one or the other, Astarion. You could have both. We would keep searching for a way to cure your vampirism, while you'd take to the streets to help us fight wrongdoers.”
It did sound like a solid proposal.
“I would still need to feed.”
“We would bring you fresh carcasses at your demand.” 
Astarion was now inspecting his nails. “What about thinking creatures?”
Wyll tensed up immediately. “No.”
Astarion smiled playfully. “Then I'm better off with my current arrangement. The blood of carrion can only do so much for my body and mind.”
He exchanged a look with you.
“I don't mind helping you out,” you said firmly.
Wyll sighed heavily. “Well, I do not like that arrangement one bit, but it's your blood, so it's your choice.”
As he paced towards the door after bidding his goodbyes, you hurried after him.
“I have a favour to ask.”
He arched an inquisitive brow. “What is it?”
You took a deep breath, glancing around to make sure no one could listen. 
“I need to go to The Blushing Mermaid.”
Wyll's eyes widened. “The Blushing Mermaid? Why?”
“I need to talk to someone there,” you said in a whisper. “And maybe you should come, too.”
He chuckled. “My days sneaking into that tavern are long gone, my friend. It would not be suitable for the Duke of Ravengard to visit such a place.”
You shook your head, grasping his hand in a plea. “ Please . There's this woman. Astarion's… acquaintance . Ava. She is – or used to be – a monster hunter and she has been taking blood from him.”
You blurted out the words in one breath, hoping he wouldn't ask you to repeat yourself.
If there was anyone who might be able to help you with this issue, it would be Wyll. After all, his experience as a monster slayer and as the Blade of Frontiers had to account for something. 
He looked positively flabbergasted. “A monster hunter… bedding a… vampire spawn?” he drawled out as if trying to make sense of your words. 
That effectively struck a nerve in you. “She is not bedding him… but there is something off about her.”
“Ava you say? That name doesn't ring a bell.”
You mustered all your courage. “Please let me go talk to her… I have a feeling she might be involved in this entire mess.”
That caught his attention. “You think she's behind this? No respectable monster hunter would resort to Necromancy.”
“She's meddling with Alchemy now.”
He seemed… alarmed.
“Very well. I cannot accompany you today, but tomorrow we shall go there.”
You expected more resistance from him, and his sudden availability made you feel very wary all of a sudden.
“How bad do you think this is?”
The Fist appeared from behind Wyll, startling you. “My Lord, we ought to go. We have a council meeting to attend.”
Wyll nodded and gave your shoulder a reassuring squeeze. “Maybe it's nothing at all.”
Maybe it's nothing, but it could be anything…
As he moved out and the door closed behind him, Astarion hurried to join your side, clearing his throat.
“You two have gotten quite close.”
You scoffed at him, not in the mood for indulging in his banter.
“Well, being pleasant to others has its perks.”
Astarion smirked widely, his fangs peeking through. “I can be pleasant, darling.”
You rolled your eyes.
But it seemed that Astarion was bent on having your attention on him.
“So… sweet and righteous Wyll?”
You squinted, realising where this was headed. “Are you jealous, Astarion?”
As expected, he didn't bend easily to your taunt as he was a master at it and an equally skilled dodger.
So, he merely held his smirk, seeing through your intent. 
“Can I feed on you tonight?”
Your heart skipped a beat. 
He still needed to feed.
His bluntness caught you slightly off guard. “Uh… of course.”
You watched as his smile only grew wider before he leaned in to plant a quick kiss to your cheek.
Your eyes widened as the coldness of his lips parted from your skin and your mouth fell agape.
And he swiftly went back to his embroidery duties, humming some camp songs as if he hadn't just made your heart almost implode.
Across the room, you spotted Lae'zel rolling her eyes.
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Astarion came to you in the dead of night.
The door to your room clicked shut behind him and you immediately felt your body react to his presence.
With only candlelight and the muted glow from the moon spilling through the uncovered windows, you realised he looked more beautiful than ever.
Your heartbeat nearly doubled as you rose from your bed, waiting for him to close the distance.
And he did.
With sure and slow steps, he came to you.
His black shirt held a new embroidery near the collar.
Exquisite needlework.
He held a faint smile as you traced the flowery lining with one finger.
“This is beautiful.”
“My fingers can make or break,” he whispered softly, his crimson eyes set on you. “Depending on what the situation requires, that is.”
You swallowed hard as his words seeped through your mind, reminding you that the man before you had experience and knowledge in matters you could only dream of achieving.
He held your chin, gently tilting your head, and your eyes fluttered shut as you waited for a kiss.
And he did kiss you.
Just not where you expected.
Or wanted.
His lips lingered on the swell of your cheek, your body already accustomed to the difference in temperature.
“I was thinking…”
He hummed, tilting your head slightly to the left, so he could mirror the kiss on the other cheek.
“You can feed on me more often, if you'd like…”
Astarion pulled back slowly, an elegant eyebrow arched. “More often?”
“Yes. If you want to, of course.”
He eyed you in disbelief, the thumb on your chin rubbing gently circles. “If I want to? Darling, if I had it my way, I would feed on you every single day.”
His words hit hard and not because the prospect of that scenario scared you.
But because you wished he would do it.
The moments when he fed on you belonged to the two of you alone. 
No one could interfere in the intimacy of it.
He would not feed on anyone else but you.
And that sort of craving was easy to get addicted to.
You wanted him to want you.
To feel comfortable enough with you that he wouldn't seek anyone else.
“Maybe we can do it every other day, then?” you suggested, nearly gasping as his thumb moved up to trace your lower lip.
Astarion glared at you in silence for a moment, caressing your flesh and occasionally teasing further by pushing past your lips.
“Do you have enough scrolls of Lesser Restoration for that?”
You nodded, feeling his thumb being pushed inside.
“So, I can feed more often…” he said, eyes dropping to your mouth.
He sounded absolutely delighted and you closed your lips around him, earning a low growl of approval.
Then you let go and he moved to your lower lip once again.
“More often, but less quantity.”
He nodded with a smile. “Seems fair.”
The room was already heavy with sexual tension, and you needed to disperse it before things escalated too quickly.
“Are you still tender down there?” you asked sweetly.
“Well, there is only one way to test out if you haven't caused irreparable damage.”
Of course.
You felt a wave of heat flush to your face at his words.
Because Astarion would get an erection eventually.
It was expected and, at this point, more than welcome.
“Go on. Make yourself comfortable,” he said, pointing to your bed. 
You stared at him in confusion. He usually fed on you while standing. It was more practical and less intimate.
But then it dawned on you that maybe that was what he was aiming for.
“This one might be a long feed.”
Your expectations shattered at once and you gave him a hesitant stare, remaining rooted in place.
“Honestly, after all the times I fed on you, you still worry I might take it too far?”
“Can you blame me?”
He chuckled, placing both hands on your shoulder before planting a kiss to the back of your head.
“I suppose not, but you are free to press a stake to my chest just in case,” he said teasingly.
You picked a scroll from inside the bedside table, placing it carefully atop as it waited for the inevitable moment.
Slowly, he let go of you so you could settle back on your back, feeling the soft mattress envelop your body.
Your legs were firmly pressed together and you laced your hands in each other and on your stomach, waiting for his move.
Astarion hunched over you before shifting until his face met yours.
You felt the mattress dip under you as he got on top.
At this point, your heart was drumming so loudly in your ears, that it drowned out any other noise.
Unexpectedly, you felt his lips on yours, but before you could react, he had lowered himself until you felt his tongue swiping along the skin of your neck.
Just like clockwork, you felt a jolt of pleasure coursing through your body and lingering between your legs. You tensed up and clutched your hands together more fiercely, bracing yourself for what was to come.
The initial sting made you jolt lightly as he pushed his fangs further into you, before his lips closed around the wound and he began to suck.
The first gasp didn't take long to spill from your lips from the sound of his faint moans.
The throb between your legs continued to intensity with each passing second, and you prayed to any god above to spare you from succumbing to the lurking lust.
You felt him untangle your hands and pinning both your wrists together and above your head as he lowered himself even further.
And much to your embarrassment, your legs instinctively parted to accommodate him as he pressed further into you.
Gods… no, no, no….
This was not good at all.
Even through the fabric of your trousers, you could feel his growing erection nudging against you.
Astarion's chest rumbled in a growl of approval and you couldn't keep your hips from rolling, seeking that delicious friction.
You balled your fists as your back arched when his hips began to match yours.
No… no…
The throb in your head was nearly blinding from the blood being drained whilst the one in between your legs only intensified.
“Astarion…” you moaned through gritted teeth.
He slowed down ever so slightly, but you quickly realise it was even more torturous as you could now feel the clothed underside of his thick cock teasing between your folds.
Oh, you were not going to last long like this…
You were too hungry for him to deny yourself from reaching your peak as he fed on you.
Even as your body became weaker, you could still feel yourself walking dangerously fast to the precipice, yearning that sweet release.
“I'm going… I'm going to…” you mumbled, feeling wetness drip from you as your body readied itself for him to be inside you.
Your breathing quickened and your gasps began to merge together as his cock dug harder against you with each roll.
And just as your eyes closed shut and your mouth parted to welcome the pinnacle of your pleasure, you felt him pull back with a guttural growl.
Blood trailed down his lips and chin and neck and you nearly cried tears of overwhelming frustration as you were denied your release.
He moved to grip the scroll and shoved it into your hand.
“Say it.”
Astarion knelt in between your legs, fumbling with the lacing of his trousers, his bulge strained against the fabric and you spotted the familiar stains of precum.
“Say it…” he urged you with a growl.
But you could only stare, mesmerised at the beautiful sight of relief he let out once he managed to ease pressure that had built up.
It made your mouth water and you suddenly felt the urge to touch yourself.
“Say. It .”
As if he had just snapped you from a dream, you quickly mumbled the incantation as the scroll vanished into thin air.
Your heart was hit with newfound vigour as warmth spread throughout your body on rhythmic waves.
Astarion slid off the bed, adjusting himself through his clothes with a whine. 
He looked so beautiful… ears flushed pink and a tint of a blush on his face as your blood coursed through him.
The swell and throb didn't fade and you allowed your fingers to dip slightly under the waistband, wanting nothing but release.
He eventually locked eyes with you, licking the remnants of your blood from his lips, pacing closer to you.
With a gasp, you felt him tug at the strings of your own trousers, eyes dark and pupils fully blown.
“Do what you must.”
He had loosened them just enough for your hand to slide inside, and you couldn't contain the moan that erupted from within you once the pads of your fingers brushed against the throbbing swell between your legs.
Instinctively, you began to roll your hips, feeling just how ridiculously soaked you were for him.
Your half-hooded eyes landed on his lower half, taking in the sight of the precum that had seeped through the fabric and wishing you could see his cock.
Astarion's cock always looked the prettiest after he had fed on you: all flushed pink, bulging veins snaking around his length, precum dribbling down…
But it seemed that he had no intention of granting you your wish, and you felt guilty for craving it in the first place, knowing he probably just wanted to take his time.
So you stopped your ministrations, which earned a disapproving growl from him.
“Keep going. I can hear how wet you are for me and it's music to my ears,” he whispered, before kneeling at your side. “Be a good girl… please .”
Your hips bucked at the caress from his words.
His face was so close, but his eyes were fixed on your hand that moved under your trousers, your own fingers teasing your entrance.
“You just slid one inside, didn't you?”
You bit down on your lip, nodding with a whimper as you clenched around yourself.
“Gods… you can take another one, can't you?”
Your back arched and your eyes fluttered shut. “Astarion…”
His lips ghosted yours. “Add another one…”
His voice was dripping with lust and it was all the incentive you needed to push a second one inside.
You tried to remember how his cock felt inside you. How full you always felt and how much cum he spilled inside you.
Your fingers were no match for him.
He felt so much better…
How you wished he would replace your fingers with his, going knuckle-deep and drawing out the most desperate moans and pleas from you.
He finally pressed his now warm lips against yours and you eagerly deepened the kiss, tasting your blood on his tongue.
You kept riding your own fingers and you nearly whimpered as his hand came to rest on your forearm, thumb caressing your heated skin.
He broke the kiss not long after and your eyes snapped open as you were about to voice a complaint.
Astarion was on his feet again, fingers expertly tying the front of his trousers once again, drawing a pained hiss as his hard cock was once again strained. 
You whimpered in response, rolling your hips desperately as your fingers edged you closer and closer.
“It's frustrating, isn't it?” he asked as he finished working on the lacing, crushing your hopes of seeing his cock leaking precum for you.
“Now you know how it feels..." he said, a devious smile crossing his face. "Besides, I still wonder if this is what friends do."
Your jaw slacked open as a gasp mixed with a whine escaped your lips from his taunting words.
No. No. No...
"See, you never gave me an answer, darling."
You removed your fingers from deep within you with a long and pained whine on the verge of tears.
"I'll leave you to figure it out, then."
Before you could voice a protest, he slipped out of the room quickly, and you vaguely wondered if he had been there at all if not more the ache between your legs and the fresh puncture wounds in your neck.
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series masterlist . ao3
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shockercoco · 2 months
Austin butler x reader
Warnings - 18+, smut, riding, P in V, overstimulation, dirty talk, jealous!Austin
Word count - 2925 (I didn't intend for this to be 3k words lol)
a/n - request: “Hi! Please can you write an Austin butler x fem reader smut where he's jealous after watching her film a sex scene and he shows her how it's done? Maybe he's a bit cocky as well because he knows that only he can make her moan?” - loved this ty, I hope you enjoy :)
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“They need everyone back on set in ten minutes,” you hear your assistant tell you from outside of your trailer door, interrupting your inner turmoil.
“Okay,” you tell her, and you hear her walk away as you go back to your thoughts.
You had been pacing back and forth inside your trailer for the majority of your lunch break thinking about your upcoming scene. It was a sexual scene that included you having to be practically naked in a bed with your male co-star.
When you had accepted the role you knew what it entailed, but back then the intimacy part of the script seemed so minor, and you had brushed past it. Given the fact that this wouldn’t be your first time shooting this type of scene, you really shouldn’t be stressing out. During those past roles, though, you hadn’t been dating Austin so it was simple and wasn’t awkward. It’s also not like Austin would have a problem with you doing this either because he trusts you – after all intimate scenes are a big part of the movie industry.
The intimacy coordinator had talked to both you and your co-star Matthew separately to inform you guys on what was expected. You also knew you could always say no, and you would probably be replaced with a body double, but that didn’t do anything to calm your nerves.
Figuring enough time had passed, you exited your trailer and headed back to set where the makeshift bedroom was already set. You saw Matthew in a robe matching yours standing off to the side getting some final touch-ups from one of the makeup artists. He gives you a small smile when he notices  you walking in before turning his attention back to the woman in front of him.
You and Matthew had grown close over the past couple of months, which isn’t unusual because you were both the lead actors, and he seemed like a nice person –at least from what you’ve gotten to see. Austin would always tell you Matthew was too nice to you each time he visited you on set, but you never saw it and would tell him that you would be okay. Austin is a persistent man and didn’t deter from his theory, therefore, he would always eye Matthew and keep you in eyesight. You would just silently laugh to yourself when you saw Austin behind the camera eyeing Matthew.
“Matthew’s my friend so this shouldn’t be too awkward. This will all be over before I know –,” you think to yourself, but your thoughts are interrupted when someone taps you on the shoulder from behind. You turn around to see Austin there smiling at you.
“I didn’t know you were coming,” you smile back at him as he brings you in for a hug with a quick kiss on your cheek.
“It was a last minute decision. I had to attend a meeting not too far from here, so I thought I’d stop by. I hope that’s okay,” Austin tells you as you lean back to look up at him.
“Of course it is, I was just surprised.”
“What scene are you filming?” he asks you as you two pull away. That’s when he notices the bed sitting in the middle of the room and your robe. “Oh.”
You cringe a little. “It’s just a quick sex scene, you know how it is. It’ll be over before you know it,” you try to reassure him as his eyes find Matthew.
“Yeah, but it’s with him,” he makes a face.
“I don’t get to choose my co-star, Austin. There’s only a couple more weeks of filming, and then we don’t have to see him again until the movie premiere,” you grab onto his arm for him to look at you. He finally tears his eyes away from your co-star to look at you again. He rolls his eyes, not at you, and gives you a nod.
Your assistant comes up to you to tell you that the director is ready to start the scene. You give Austin one last look before going with her and walking into the fake bedroom, Matthew joining you. Crew members start moving around to make sure everything is ready to go, and the assistant director comes over to put you and Matthew into position, followed by the intimacy coordinator. 
You take off your robe underneath the covers, not wanting to reveal yourself too much. Nipple stickers cover the top of you while a skin-colored pad is attached to your lower half. Matthew also has something to cover his manhood.
Once everything is in order, the crew members start filing behind the camera. Austin is also behind the camera standing to the side with his arms folded and jaw tense.
“You okay?” Matthew whispers next to you, and you give him a quick nod. He’s currently laying on his side looking down at you. “I see your boyfriend came to cheer you on.”
You’re not sure how to respond so you just smile at him.
“Just imagine me as shrek or something,” he jokes, making you laugh in response.
“I was planning on it.”
When the lights dim and the director yells action, Matthew doesn’t hesitate to lean down to kiss you, putting his hands on your waist. Austin watches everything from his place behind the camera.
Safe to say Austin wasn’t a fan of the whole process. Austin watched everything from his spot behind the camera – the way Matthew touched and held you, and the sounds falling out of your mouth as you held onto him. There was also more than one take, which made Austin even more agitated and tense. He couldn’t help but wonder if Matthew was getting turned on or if he was messing up on purpose. 
Both you and Austin were relieved when the director called it a day, and luckily that was the only intimate scene that had to be filmed. When you got up from the bed and put on your robe, with the help of your assistant, you saw the look on Austin’s face. You thought it was best to avoid eye contact.
The car ride back to Austin’s house didn’t involve much talking, and when you finally entered the house he was still silent. You decided to take a shower, to wash the day off and to give Austin time to cool down. Seeing that the sun is long gone, you prepare for bed — filming took longer than expected. As you walk out of the bathroom connected to the room you shared with Austin, you notice him already in bed on his phone, appearing to have already showered.
He probably used one of the guest room bathrooms, which isn’t uncommon of him, but given the situation you just find it extremely petty. You can’t help but laugh at Austin’s attitude, but then again you wouldn’t be too happy either watching him have pretend sex with another girl, which is why you try to avoid joining him on set during those days. 
As you climb into bed next to him, he doesn’t even glance at you as he continues to check his emails. You sigh dramitically, hoping to get his attention, as you look at the clock on the nightstand displaying eleven o’clock. Still nothing.
“Austin,” you say, trying to get him to look at you, but he just gives you a hum in response. You call his name again and he just raises his eyebrows, waiting for you to say something else.
“Are you really going to be upset all night?” You ask him.
“I’m not upset.”
“Are you sure because I’m pretty sure this is what upset looks like,” you point at his solemn face.
He looks over at you pointing at him, still with a plain face, before looking back down at his phone. You roll your eyes at his pettiness as an idea pops in your idea. 
“Is there anything I can do to make it better, at least?” You ask sweetly, even though none of this is your fault, hoping that a little pillow talk will help him get over this. A mischievous smirk grows on his lips before he finally tears his attention away from his phone, placing it aside to look you in your eyes.
“You know, there actually is something you could do,” he says, making you want to rescind your offer at his eagerness.
“What is it?” you ask, already knowing the answer.
He motions for you to sit on his lap by patting his thigh, but doesn’t wait for you to say anything as he grabs your hips to pull you onto his lap to straddle him. He forces your hips down against him causing you to hold back a moan, your thin panties allowing you to feel him grow hard through his sweatpants. Keeping his grip on your hips firm, he then begins rocking your hips back and forth, forcing you to grind down. You place your hands on his chest before gripping the fabric of his t-shirt as your eyes begin to flutter.
“You know what, maybe I am upset,” he leans to whisper into your ear. A shiver runs through your body from the feeling as he continues, “I’m upset that I stood there and watched the way your co-star enjoyed fake fucking you, and after all this time you still don’t see the way he looks at you.”
“He’s acting, Austin, that’s what his role entails.”
Austin pulls away from your ear and looks you in the eye to say,” So he’s still acting even when the director calls cut?”
“He’s just a friend, I promise,” you whine out as you begin to feel arousal pool out of you and form a spot on your panties. Your answer doesn’t bring Austin any comfort. 
“This is exactly what i’m talking about, you don’t see it,” he shakes his head at you and removes his hands from you. “Lift up.”
Confused, you listen and lift your hips to hover above his lap, only for Austin to shimmy his sweatpants down his legs enough for his underwear to be revealed and to pull his hard length out. He then takes the lead and pulls your underwear to the side, grabs himself in one hand, pulls you down a little, and begins to rub himself against your slit. You both groan at the feeling – him at your wetness, and you at his teasing with your knees already growing weak.
“You’re going to take a seat and ride until I’ve had enough,” he tells you, knowing well enough that you weren’t a huge fan of riding. 
You didn’t enjoy taking control, and you would always get tired too quickly, which encouraged Austin to take matters into his own hands and thrust into you until you were overstimulated — not that you didn’t enjoy all of that, you just rather be on the bottom.
You nod before lowering yourself onto him until you’re completely full, taking a moment to take in the feeling before beginning to move. Austin tilts his head up with a sigh, his lips slightly parted at the feeling of your warm, rigid walls swallowing and releasing him repeatedly.
Your hands are on his shoulders now, gripping tightly, using him to help stabilize you. Keeping his grip on your hips firm, Austin looks down at the space between you two, watching as his length continues to disappear and reappear. Your eyes join his gaze and whimper at the sight. 
As expected you feel your legs quickly growing tired, so you lean forward to hide your face in Austin’s neck, using him to place some of your weight on.
“Oh, no. I want you to look at me,” he tells you.
“Austin,” you whine as you move your head away from him. One of the hands on your hips moves to your jaw, forcing your eyes onto his blue ones. His stare sends a wave of warmth to your center, his unpleasant mood turning you on, bringing you closer and closer to your climax.
“You didn’t seem to have a problem earlier when you had Matthew grinding on you,” he states. He drags his thumb across your lip, tugging it down before releasing it. 
“You know it’s not like that,” you tell him breathlessly as you shake your head. He continues staring into your eyes without responding to you.
Austin finally breaks that contact when he goes to take off your shirt, revealing your bare chest. He leans down to take one of your breasts into his mouth, sucking and twirling his tongue around your nipple, and eventually moving to the other. He brings his hands up to your back, bringing you closer to him. This just sends another wave of pleasure through your body, making it harder to keep your rhythm strong. 
You whimper as you look down at him getting lost in his own world, and that’s just enough to make you tumble over the edge. You squeeze his shoulders and let out a cry as a strong rush of pleasure flows through your body and down to your cunt. With his mouth still connected to your breast, Austin can’t help but moan at the feeling of your walls fluttering around him, causing a shiver to run through your body. He smirks to himself as he watches you fall apart above him.
He doesn’t let you or himself recover, though, as he flips you onto your back. He pulls his sweatpants, and underwear the rest of the way down his legs before pulling his shirt over his head and throwing it. He then proceeds to rip your thin panties and toss them aside, too impatient and needy to take them off the correct way. He goes to hover you and quickly sinks into you with a moan before pounding into you with intensity, trying to chase his own high. 
Still sensitive and not completely over your previous orgasm, your next one comes almost instantly at Austin’s rapid pace. This one is definitely more intense and as you open your mouth to let something out, you’re met with silence, leaving your mouth hanging open and your eyes closed as you toss your head back and release around him a second time. 
Feeling your walls close around him once again, Austin cums with a deep moan as his head dips down. He never stops thrusting into you, just slows down, as you feel his warm load shoot into you. This prolongs your high and brings you into overstimulation as your back arches, and you finally find your voice to let out a sob as your body continues to quiver and shake. Just when you think he’s going to stop, Austin speeds back up into you, making you place your hands on his waist to grip down.
“Please,” you whimper, wanting to tell him to stop with the continuous torture, but you’re enjoying it too much. He just laughs above you.
“What’s wrong, huh? Too much?” he teasingly asks, but you don’t have the energy to answer. He looks down at the spot you two are connected to see the remains of your orgasm pooling out and onto the sheets below. He watches as your flow of arousal coats him as he continues to plunge into you.
“It can’t be too much, I mean you seem to be loving it too much,” he removes your hands from his body and holds them in his hands as he leans down onto his elbows. You're caged in as he pins your arms to your side. Austin rubs his nose against yours to bring you back to reality, watching as your eyes find his.
“Austin, baby,” you breathe out.
“Austin, baby what?” he asks with a tilt of his head, knowing he has you right where he wants you. He leans down a little to spit into your already parted mouth.
You don’t respond, you can’t respond as you continue taking him in. Your body is on fire, and you can feel your walls constantly clenching down around him.
“You don’t want me to stop, right? I mean there’s no way,” he smiles. “It seems like she doesn’t want me to stop either,” he says referring to your cunt releasing a squelching sound with each thrust from how soaked it is. 
What comes out of your mouth next is nothing but a blabbering mess as you give into him, feeling drool – or his saliva – coming out the side of your mouth. You feel more of your wetness run out of you at his dirty talk, before feeling yourself unexpectedly cumming again. You release for the third time with a shriek as you dig your nails into his hands.
When Austin feels himself coming to his second orgasm, he quickly pulls out before jerking himself off the rest of the way. He shoots his sticky load onto your stomach, marking you as his. You feel yourself clench around nothing, your cunt so used to him diving into it.
Austin uses his finger to swipe some of his remains up from your stomach, and then places his finger on your lips, wanting you to open. You bring him into your mouth before tasting and sucking his finger while looking him in his eyes.
“You better stop before we go again,” he looks down at you, already feeling himself growing hard.
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frickingnerd · 20 days
dating izuku midoriya
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pairing: izuku midoriya / deku x gn!reader
tags: wholesome fluff, petnames, protective izuku, izuku being the best boyfriend possible, mentions of inko + izuku's friends
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everyone but you knew that izuku had a crush on you! izuku's friends knew first, given how much he talked about you and they were the ones helping the two of you get together!
izuku can be quite bad at expressing his feelings. he stumbles over his words and stutters, blushing and unable to say what he really means. without tenya and ochako, it would've likely took the two of you a few more months before you finally got together…
you're izuku's first partner, but that doesn't mean he doesn't have any dating experience! he's the type to read up about any topic and relationships are no different! he knows how to be the best possible boyfriend, thanks to all those books he read!
during the first few months of dating izuku, he's almost always a blushing mess around you! he just gets so flustered being able to hold your hand…
izuku is secretly really clingy! at first, he holds back on physical intimacy, but over time he begins to shower you in affection! he's constantly holding your hand or hugging you from behind, unable to keep his hands off you!
he also loves to give you cute pet names! whether it's “angel”, “beautiful”, “handsome”, “my love” or “sweetheart” – all of his pet names for you are super wholesome!
izuku is quite the protective boyfriend! he's already reckless, but when it comes to you, he'd dive head first into danger, with no regard for his own safety! all that matters to him is you!
his protective side also shows when someone flirts with you! izuku isn't a possessive boyfriend, but some people really know how to push his buttons and frustrate him, leading to him pulling you away from any guys that try to hit on you!
as for izuku's friends, they love you! ochako and tenya were your biggest supporters, even before you got together! and even bakugou or shoto seem to like you!
but the person that loves you the most, aside from izuku, is inko! izuku's mother adores you and immediately accepts you into the family! she certainly can't wait until the day izuku finally asks you to marry him and she wouldn't want anyone else to spend the rest of their life with her son!
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andivmg · 3 months
Please excuse my initial reaction, I was quite distraught after reading his statement. Now that i’ve slept on the situation and have a more clear head i can say that i whole heartedly do not accept his apology for a few reasons:
1. One of us clearly remembers that night in excruciating detail. I will forever wonder what actually happened that night and that is something that weighs heavily on me. Although the next day i “accepted” that he would never hurt me, I no longer feel that way. It was a very fresh wound and I wanted to believe him because I still loved him. However, after two years of sitting on this and reflecting I take that back. And I felt like he was excusing his behavior by saying he didn’t realize how drunk I was. Also the fact that he shared it in such detail made me extremely uncomfortable. I respected him enough to not share such intimate details and he did not have the same respect for me. I think he could’ve just said “she initiated intimacy in the way she normally did” and it would’ve gotten his point across just as well. Regardless, he still had sex with me when i was blacked out while he was in a conscious enough state to assess and remember the encounter in such vivid detail. That fact has not changed.
2. All the stuff about his friends is frankly of no consequence to me. Everything that happened with Friend A happened while we were broken up. And him bringing up Friend B felt unnecessary given the fact that we all discussed the matter with each other at the time it happened. I never cheated on him and i would like to stop that theory in its tracks. Him and I have spoken about this matter privately on numerous occasions so that is all I will say.
3. About the shower thing, I was coming out of the shower/bathroom. He had the discord call on speaker on his phone. So yes, I heard very clearly what George said and Luke simply ended the call, he did not call him out. I believe he is recalling a different instance where another one of his friends said that he wanted to have sex with me once i moved to Florida. I was not witness to it and he did tell me he stood up for me that time which is why I didn’t bring it up. I did not go into more detail about it because I was just using that one quote as an example of how some of his friends would speak about me in his presence. However this is already more than one instance of his friends speaking about me in that way, which leads me to believe it happened quite often when I was not around.
4. Intentionally or not, I felt he demonized BPD and used that as a way to invalidate a lot of what I said
5. He still called me a slur when he knew it was wrong because I was getting cancelled for it at the time. I do not believe he was actually confused as to the gravity of what he said to me
I would like to remind you that i know him personally. I lived through that. When I say we remember things differently I mean it. I think that he believes he is being truthful. However because I know him and I know what I experienced, I do not trust him. I do not believe that we were “equally” toxic. While I admit I made a lot of mistakes in the relationship, to me they do not justify all I endured. I repeat, you can believe what you want. This is a very nuanced situation but if you were looking to me to accept his apology, I do not.
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loveemagicpeace · 4 months
Synastry & Composite chart🫧🎸🎨🛼🌙🍸🍯
I will talk about synastry and composite chart. With the synastry chart, we look at how two people influence each other and what their connection is, how they work and how they fit together. With the composite chart, we describe how two people work as one and how successful the relationship can be over the years.
🌙💫Important connections in synastry are: moon, venus and mars - because each of these indicates a deeper and love connection. If the moons are not compatible, it will be difficult for the person to find emotional fulfillment, energy and understanding. It is important that the moons are not too equal, as for example: the two dominant moons - can indicate too much emotional tension and disagreement. It is difficult for two people to find balance and compassion between themselves. Two earth moons can work well together but may never find an emotional connection on a deeper level. Sometimes the two can be very distant from each other. Venus it shows love language and what two people find attractive and how they show love. Mars shows energy and intimacy.
🌙Moon conj Moon- is a good connection because two people automatically understand each other's feelings and can connect and support each other emotionally. They understand how they work together and what their needs are.
🧚🏼‍♀️Moon in 4th house in synastry- it can indicate that a person directly expresses his needs and desires without any reservations. He has the feeling that he can open up to a person and tell him exactly what he feels and needs at a given moment. It can create a very comfortable workout and energy. A person feels as if he has known the person who has the 4th house forever. However, the person with the 4th house may feel too tense, open from the beginning, or feel that the person with the moon is opening up like no one has before. Maybe in the beginning you can feel that the person is encroaching on your private space. But a person with the moon feels very comfortable and pleasant. He finds you as an understanding and caring person.
👄Moon in 7th house- the feeling that the person understands you and accepts your feelings. Both of you may feel attached to this relationship. . A relationship can be very emotional so it's hard to let go.
❤️‍🔥Venus in 1st house- a person is attractive to you regardless of how they look. Person can be without makeup, messy and still look beautiful to you. You can also feel deep passion for this person. You love being seen with the house person.
🦋Venus in 8th house- venus is actually comfortable here when it comes to relationships. Because you feel that you can create a deep and private connection with your partner. You feel that this love is something deeper and more important. The beauty of this relationship really comes from the darkness that only these two people can see. You feel like you are somehow obsessed with this person and the love they give you.
💕Mars in 5th house- there is often a strong mutual attraction and compatibility in terms of self-expression, creativity, and romantic pursuits. These two individuals can inspire and energize each other's creative endeavors and bring passion and excitement to their relationship.
✨Mars in 7th house- can create an obsessive nature of the relationship. A person with Mars wants to be in control or in charge in a relationship. It can also create a constant return to each other.
💚Uranus in 11th house- you and the person have similar interests that are unique. You can feel that they also have a similar vision.
🎣Neptune in 11th house- with this person you feel that you share the same dreams and that you both dream about the same things. But it can also mean that the housemate's friends may be jealous of the relationship they have.
🫧Neptune in 4th house- there can be a lot of nostalgia and common interests here. You can also share the past. Similar family experiences. They may also bond over a love of children or a shared home. Neptune person's creativity can add romance and charm to House 4 person's home.
🎨Neptune in 5th house- they can experience a romantic and emotionally deep affair. Neptune person may crave a deep emotional connection with House 5 person. They prefer to idealize being in love and may idealize their partner as well.
🎈The aspects you have with the person are also important, namely you have:
Light aspects - which means that they bring harmony, good atmosphere, compatibility
Difficult aspects - indicating incompatibility and conflicts
Passion aspects - which bring high passion
Exact aspects - these are aspects and they will be more in the foreground and will have more influence than the others
📀Fated aspects usually📀
🌙🌞Sun conj Moon- is the most popular connection that the two have. Especially if the man is the sun and the woman is the moon, it is a very beautiful connection. Both feel a very nice and comfortable connection. Usually, these connections are very easy and calming for both people because they both feel like they can express a part of themselves despite their concerns. These people often have very beautiful weddings.
🥀Jupiter in male and female represents husband and wife. Jupiter indicates gift, luck, abundance, spirituality, destiny. The sign in Jupiter represents how your wife or husband will make you happy and with which person you will feel this the most (of course, the house is also important).
♥️Venus trine Venus-the love language you have with this person is automatically similar or the same. The two people match in terms of love, they want similar things, they share similar interests. They can like the same food, music, movies. They enjoy the same things and it brings them satisfaction.
🌞Sun conj Sun- your personality is the same. He knows how to look from the same perspective and see what inspires you, what gives you life. For ex.: libra & libra both love love, romance, harmony.
🌌Saturn square Pluto-many times a fatal aspect. Saturn represents karma, mission, destiny, time. Pluto represents depth, mystery, intensity, obsession, transformation. It means that you can have some kind of mission with this person that you have to fulfill.
🌛🪐Saturn-Moon-you’ll know that you have an opportunity to learn a lot from each other. It's not always about imbalance - many people find compatibility in this because they give each other the energy they need.
💘Venus trine/square Pluto- Venus-Pluto aspects in synastry are extremely fascinating. Chances are you are immediately attracted to each other when you meet. This aspect you could call being crazy in love. There is also strong sexual attraction. You sometimes hide your real self. You are mutually obsessed with each other. When you want to walk away, there is something that brings you back.
Composite chart things☕️🍕🛼🎧🛁
🩸1st House : Planets in 1st are directly felt by the couple, it shows how the couple is with one another and how other people see them. Mainly because the energy is concentrated only in these two people.
🛍️2nd House : Deals with the possessions and ownings of the couple, the ability to share with each other. What do you enjoy together and what do you like to do together. What do you share together. Venus here means they can share the same food or have similar tastes. Sharing the same music or enjoying it. The things you enjoy will always bring you together.
🧠3rd House : Is about communication, and how the couple thinks about their environment. How do you solve problems together and what is your communication like. Mars here could mean that they are often impulsive and angry and can often quarrel. Jupiter, on the other hand, makes sure that you find exactly what you have in common here, and that your minds are similar and that you are optimistic.
🧸4th House : One of the important houses to look at in the composite, because it shows whether it’s a good idea to settle down together or not. A moon placed in 4th is the best position for settling down and build a home together( because it indicates safety, care and comfort).While Neptune can indicate total confusion. Uranus here not so good because it can indicate a lot of unpredictable things.
🪁5th House : Deals with the couple’s creativity and fun activities. A lot of placements in 5th house is a couple that would like to have children around or have children of their own, but not so much a good indication for settling down. Sun is great here shows good inspiration again and again. A never-ending crush.
🧩6th House : Represents where the couple will be tested, inorder to handle the outside world.It deals with the couples daily activities around the house. Saturn can show you may have difficulties with your dates, with your routines. Saturn here can make you critical of each other's abilities to do things correctly and efficiently. Mercury can be powerful and very helpful in a relationship. Communication about working is clear.
👩🏾‍❤️‍👨🏽7th House : Is the house of intimate lovers or open enemies. A Sun placed in 7th can show two people starting of as lovers but ending in a quarrel and being their worst enemies. Venus in 7th is one of the best indicators for marriage and passionate romance between two people. Mercury can show very good communication and always solving problems. It can also be a very important thing here. Moon can show great emotional connection between partners and eternal care for each other.
🫀8th House : The couples ability for commitment and ownership together. A lot of placements in 8th house shows a very deep bond between two people. An intimate sharing together. This house shows how you grow together. Pluto can show a depth between two people that is infinite and very powerful. Venus can show that love can be shown in an intimate way and you can have many secrets that are only yours. This can also indicate that they have money in common.
🎸9th House : Shows how the couple explores the world together, their activities and adventures. How they expand their horizons together. Mars can show that they can be very active and do many things. Or you can go to university together. Saturn can show that they can both take religion seriously or go to church together. Jupiter can show that they can travel a lot together and explore the world. With sun it is important for both of you to express your opinions about every matter. This is a wonderful placement for friendship.
♟️10th House : Deals with the status of the couple and how they fit into the world together. This house shows how serious the couple is in approach towards life and responsibilities. Pluto can show that both of them can have very strong careers. Neptune can mean that your public identity is quite different from what it sounds like. Uranus can show that striking a balance is key with this position, and you need to be unconventionally stable and traditionally changeable. You may experience ups and downs together.
🎳11th House : The social activities and social culture of the couple. their friends and how their environment see them. How they are accepted into society. Jupiter can show that you are both very fun and people like to listen to you and hang out with you. Moon can show that you have friends who are closer to you and family. Can also show that you are very friendly with your families. Pluto can show that both are very private in society and that they share little with others. It can also indicate that your friends are jealous of your relationship.
🩰12th House : A lot of placements in 12th house is very difficult in a composite chart, since it’s the house of the unconscious feelings and all things hidden, so there will be a lot of miscommunication between the two. However it can create a feeling of fatedness sometimes, since it’s also the house of soulmates and psychic connections. Venus can show that love is felt subconsciously and that there is a spiritual bond between you. Moon can show that you have the feeling that emotions have always been here.
⭐️Comment for part 2⭐️
🎸For personal readings u can sign up here: https://snipfeed.co/bekylibra 🎸
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hisui-dreamer · 4 months
Can I have orange blossoms with jade leech for eternal love and marriage please? Thankyou!
is it love or just really nice flowers?
Pairing: Jade Leech x gn!reader
Synopsis: jade likes giving you flowers, it probably doesn't mean anything special though... right?
Tags: fluff, pining, slowish burn, eels are cowards, mentions of marriage, reader likes flowers
Word count: 1.2k+
Notes: thank you for requesting anon!! i had a lot of fun squealing when writing this one hehe
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flower of choice: orange blossoms
orange blossoms symbolise eternal love and marriage, and they are often used in wedding ceremonies as symbols of purity and eternal love
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You suppose it all started on your first Valentine’s Day in Twisted Wonderland.
As a member of the Mostro Lounge staff, you found yourself amidst the bustling atmosphere of the Mostro Lounge, where Azul's ambitious plans to capitalize on the love-filled holiday were in full swing. The lounge pulsated with the presence of couples occupying every available table.
Soft, dim lighting cast a warm glow over the space, enveloping everything in an air of intimacy and mystery. The gentle hum of conversation and laughter filled the air, mingling with the smooth melodies of jazz music drifting from hidden speakers.
Couples nestled into plush velvet booths, their faces illuminated by the soft light, lost in each other's eyes and whispers. Waiters moved gracefully between tables, delivering trays adorned with exotic beverages and plates of delectable meals, their steps silent against the plush carpeting.
But what caught your eye the most were the bouquets given to significant others, adorning the tables like precious jewels. Each one was a masterpiece in its own right, meticulously selected and arranged to convey the deepest sentiments of adoration.
"It must be nice receiving flowers…" you murmured to yourself, lost in thought.
“You would like to receive flowers?”
You snapped your head around at the sound of Jade's voice, finding him with a curious expression on his face. Surprise flickered in your eyes at his question, but a smile bloomed on your lips as you considered receiving flowers from someone.
“Yeah," you replied, a hint of longing in your voice, "who wouldn't? Receiving gifts makes you feel so appreciated. Plus, who wouldn't be happy looking at something pretty?"
Jade took a moment to mull over your words, his gaze thoughtful. Eventually, he nodded in agreement. "Hmm… I see. That does sound quite lovely," he acknowledged.
The conversation was quickly cut short when new orders and tasks arrived. In the whirlwind of never-ending tasks, the conversation had slipped from your mind almost entirely, until he appeared later that week, returning from a hiking trip with a delightful surprise in tow.
"Here, Prefect," he began, his voice gentle as he produced a bouquet of orange blossoms from behind his back. "These are for you," he offered with a soft smile.
The bouquet was a sight to behold, a delicate ensemble of ivory-hued blooms that exuded an ethereal beauty. Each flower boasted star-shaped petals, arranged in a symmetrical fashion around a central cluster of stamens. These stamens, adorned with tips of yellow to orange hues, stood out like tiny flames amidst the pristine white petals, adding a touch of vibrant colour to the otherwise pure palette. With their intricate details and subtle fragrance, the orange blossoms seemed to radiate a quiet elegance, captivating all who beheld their serene charm.
You couldn't help but notice the faintest flush of pink tinting his ears, and your own heart skipped a beat in response. You were well aware of the symbolism behind orange blossoms—eternal love and marriage. But surely, Jade couldn't mean that, could he?
"You brought these for me?" you asked, a mix of surprise and delight colouring your tone.
Jade nodded, a warmth spreading through him at your delight. "Yes, I thought you might like them," he admitted softly.
As you accepted the bouquet, a rush of emotions flooded over you. The delicate scent of the orange blossoms enveloped you, filling your senses with a sweet, intoxicating aroma. Mesmerized, you found yourself unable to look away from the vibrant blooms, each one a masterpiece of nature, without a single flaw in sight.
Jade's gaze remained fixed on yours, his expression tender and sincere. It was as though he was studying your reaction with unwavering attention, and a flutter of anticipation stirred in your chest at the vulnerability he revealed.
"Thank you, Jade," you said, your voice barely above a whisper but filled with sincerity. "These are beautiful."
A relieved smile spread across Jade's face, his eyes alight with a mixture of joy and relief. "I'm glad you like them," he murmured, his voice tinged with warmth.
Though you’re not sure why, Jade had made it a habit to always bring back a bouquet of orange blossoms for you from his hiking trips.
"It doesn't really bother me," he'd say with a closed-eye smile, "since it's on the way."
Each time he presented you with the blooms, your heart fluttered with joy. Yet, you hesitated to believe there were underlying intentions behind his gift. After all, Jade had always been kind to you, and you couldn't fathom the idea of him harbouring romantic feelings.
As the end of his third year at NRC approached, a bittersweet anticipation filled the air. The impending farewell weighed heavy on your heart, mingling with a sense of melancholy. Although Jade promised to visit during breaks and holidays, the thought of no longer seeing him every day stung with loneliness.
Summer break was nearing, and the campus was buzzing with students bidding farewells and exchanging hugs. Amidst the flurry of goodbyes, Jade sought you out, as he always did, with a bouquet of orange blossoms cradled in his arms. His smile was tinged with a hint of sadness as he approached you, and you felt a lump form in your throat at the sight of him.
"These are for you," he said softly, his voice barely above a whisper as he handed the flowers to you.
You accepted the bouquet with trembling hands, the weight of the moment settling heavily upon you. The sweet fragrance of the orange blossoms enveloped you like a comforting embrace, but it did little to dispel the sorrow that threatened to consume you.
"Thank you, Jade," you managed to say, your voice choked with emotion.
“I... I don’t wish for this to be the last time I give you flowers,” he confessed softly, his eyes searching yours with earnest sincerity. “Will you really not consider marriage with me?"
A heavy silence hung between you, each moment feeling weighted with unspoken words and unexpressed feelings. Then, Jade reached out to cup your cheek, guiding your gaze to meet his.
Caught off guard by his heartfelt plea, your eyes widened in astonishment. "Jade, I... I never realized... You…"
"But you knew, didn't you? You must have..." Jade's voice trembled with vulnerability. "Every flower, every gesture—it was all for you."
Your mind raced, memories flashing before your eyes like a vivid tapestry woven from moments shared together. Each bouquet, each flower—he had poured his heart into every gesture, his feelings hidden in plain sight all along.
Tears shimmered in your eyes as understanding washed over you like a gentle wave crashing upon the shore. The pieces of the puzzle fell into place, and you realized the depth of his devotion, the sincerity of his love.
“Yes, Jade," you whispered, your voice barely above a breath but filled with certainty. "Yes, a thousand times, yes."
The next thing you know, his lips are pressed against yours in a tender, passionate embrace. In that fleeting moment, the world around you faded into insignificance, leaving only the warmth of his touch, the sweetness of his kiss, and the promise of a love that would endure through every trial and triumph.
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astrosouldivinity · 6 months
Astro placements that may struggle in love 💔
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Part 2:
Scorpio Venus/8H Venus- They will experience relationships that are transformative & intense. Trust is not easily given, & they find it challenging to open up & be vulnerable overall. Breaking through their emotional walls requires significant effort, as they have a deep fear of being taken advantage of & getting betrayed. While they desire deeper intimacy, they also fear losing control & the power that comes with it.
Virgo Venus- They are critical & selective when it comes to choosing a partner. They have high expectations & seek someone who aligns perfectly with their lifestyle. However, their love can feel suffocating for individuals who may struggle with self-acceptance. While they genuinely want the best for their partners, their love may come across as overbearing & insensitive at times.
7H Venus- Naturally will attract many karmic relationships into their lives. They possess a generous & selfless nature when it comes to their partner. However, this selflessness can lead them to attract individuals who may take advantage of their kindness. Some of their partners may introduce chaos into their lives, disrupting their sense of peace. While they have a deep desire for relationships, they ultimately crave equilibrium & balance in their connections.
12H Venus- Similarly to Pisces Venus, this placement tends to be hopeless romantics as well. Attracting love into their life comes pretty easily, but they may struggle to make it last long-term. They give their all when it comes to relationships to the point where they feel drained. Essentially, they attract karmic relationships where their love isn’t fully appreciated.
7H Capricorn/Aquarius/Saturn: Finding love can be challenging for this placement. Saturn's influence brings a sense of seriousness & responsibility to their approach towards relationships. This can make them more cautious & selective when it comes to choosing a partner, as they prioritize stability & long-term commitment. Additionally, their focus on responsibility & personal growth may mean that they prioritize their own development over actively seeking out romantic connections.
AstroSoulDivinity on TikTok
Part 1:
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snakeautistic · 5 months
One of the reasons I believed I couldn’t be autistic for so long was due to a fundamental misunderstanding of my social struggles. This being that I am not by any means incapable of memorizing social rules. Through observation and direction I can construct a broad framework of ‘socially acceptable or not.’ For example, I’m well aware that making physical contact with someone without consent isn’t acceptable. Or that stating blunt facts in a way that implicates someone negatively isn’t allowed. I know to avoid interrupting others if they’re already talking, to not walk away when I’m in the middle of a conversation. Crying, being unusually quiet and frowning indicates sadness. Someone smiling at laughing at what you’re saying means they probably are enjoying their time with you. An increase in speaking volume indicates excitement- either positive or negative. Sarcasm is often indicated by someone saying something absurd that you know they would never say, or you know to be factually wrong.
The fact that I had learned these broad rules made me think autism wasn’t a possibility for me. But being autistic doesn’t stop you from obtaining and applying information. (I mean that’s why so many interventions that ‘treat’ autism do result in the autistic person being able to pass as neurotypical.)
The difference comes from lacking the subconscious nuances and exceptions that come with those broader rules. For example- when is it okay to actually be honest? Some people will not be bothered by physical intimacy- but how would I know this? How can you tell if a group wants you to join in with their conversation? How to tell if this person is smiling and laughing politely or genuinely? How to tell if someone who you know very little about is being sarcastic?
There are not direct, easy to apply ‘rules’ for this, and yet clearly there are ‘right’ options. When the appropriate reaction must be determined by subtle body language or small shifts in tone of voice, ones that are near impossible to teach- I become completely lost.
That’s something I always find lacking with the general social skills advice given. It’s helpful to a point, but the truth is everyone is an individual. People express themselves differently, and react to your same actions differently due to past circumstances or temperaments. There is no one set of rules you can use for everyone, unfortunately. The majority of neurotypicals, while of course having miscommunications and the like, can rely on their subconscious to parse out any subtle changes they might need to make to their demeanor for a particular situation. My brain is much less adept at focusing down broader experience/rules into unique circumstances. (This is actually something that extends past social cues for me and I might make another post talking about it because I think it’s interesting)
Anyway rant over but yeah this was a huge mental barrier to seeking out a diagnosis for a while because at some level I ( ironically enough) took struggling to understand social cues too literally…
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fishnapple · 15 days
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CRYSTAL READING: How does a healthy love for you feel like ?
This is a general reading meant for multiple people. Take only what resonates and leave out the rest.
Feedback is much appreciated ❤️
Book a personal reading for you.
Reading for each group below :
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1. Agate
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🎐Your energy when you are in a healthy relationship: Bear
This is the love that elevates your spirit.
There is no restriction or confusion. You will know this love for what it is, without any doubt of where you stand in the connection.
Something feels so sure yet so exhilarating and free.
You will feel brave and curious. Your inner child will be given freedom to roam and explore without restriction, similar to The Fool energy in Tarot. You may not notice it immediately, but your speech and actions will gradually show more joy. Others may notice that you are taking interest in more hobbies and creative pursuit, you are more open to the joy and silliness of life. Like a bear waking up to a verdant spring after a long winter hibernation.
You will feel expansive, this love encourages you to look for a deeper meaning in life, to imbue the road that you walk with more love and share your light with more people, you could even find yourself be more sociable and more willing to go to social events.
Oddly enough, even though this love feels exciting, changeable and passionate, not too much grounded and predictable, it will build a solid foundation for you, you will feel so safe and stable in yourself amidst life's changes so much that you can face hardships in the world with an open and optimistic attitude.
This love will be gentle but firm at the same time. You may feel triggered sometimes by it. It will make you look deeply into yourself and shed light on the fears that you have concerning relationships. You might even feel reluctant at first to accept this love, but with time, you will address those fears and ready to be transformed. Your demeanour and outward appearance will change. Some could be quite drastically, a more open posture, smiles appear more frequently, a certain quiet confident about your sexuality that creates charisma.
This will be the love that makes you feel like a child again but not small. Tomorrow will always feel brighter and worth looking forward to.
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2. Carnelian
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🎐Your energy when you are in a healthy relationship: Gazelle
A love that can keep you on your toes, not in a hyper vigilant way because you feel insecure or worry, but more like the kind that keeps you from stagnation.
This will be the love that allows you to leave your mental restrictions behind and strive for something higher, with more meaning. This love gives you ambition. Your passion will be felt by everyone. People can clearly see that you are following your desire and ideals for something higher, more fulfilling, almost like you have found your own meaning of life.
I see two parallel lines of stones. You will be able to harmonise contradictory parts in yourself and make them walk side by side. Something feels dualistic, some parts of you may be more on the dominant and active, while some parts are more soft and submissive, gentle yet intense, connecting yet detached, overall your feminine and masculine energy will be quite balanced.
This love will give you the opportunity to explore your sexuality more. You can be both the student and the teacher, willing to learn and to try new experiences. Some of you may had some fear about submitting yourself to someone, to love in the past, because you were scared that you would lose yourself, boundaries would be breached, you couldn't ground the relationship. But not with this love, you will realise that when you're with someone, you don't have to loose your identity, you can just be your most authentic self, just like the child in The Sun Tarot card.
There is no shame and barriers, communication about intimacy will be open, you will feel comfortable talking about things that you considered taboo before, secrets will be easily shared without fear of ridicule and betrayal of trust.
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3. Flourite
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🎐Your energy when you are in a healthy relationship: Phoenix
A healthy love for you will feel like good karma, a treasure found after a long arduous journey. The kind that no matter how many hardship you and your lover have to face, the love remains, it burns through all and rise again, not in the destructive way but in the purifying way, always burn bright even in the darkest hours. There may be a certain Plutonic influence in your relationship.
This will be the love that forces you to put down your egos to let the hearts do the talking. I used the word "force" because it would not be easy. You will come to understand that behind every stubborn remark, every rigid mental stance is a kind of vulnerability and insecurities lurking in the shadow, and you will learn to address that in a more calm, rational way. A healthy love for you is the one that bridges you and your lover's hearts and minds to see each other's strengths and weaknesses without judgement and resistance.
This love will also help you purify your social connections, to see clearly who is healthy for you, who is not and break out of the society's confinement of roles and images.
It's like a healthy love will help you build more healthy relationships with others. Sometimes, you will have to face your own loneliness and learn to be alone. A certain isolation is much needed sometimes to reevaluate your values and to rest and recharge. This love will allow you to have space without the worry of abandonment.
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4. Aventurine
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🎐Your energy when you are in a healthy relationship: Horse
Some of you may have a small social circle, or your life was uneventful, the energy feel reserved, introverted, and keep to oneself. Like some barrier was erected around you, maybe to keep you safe at first, but after some time, it could keep you from expanding your life more. I feel like this barrier could be from your family, your community's consensus, from people that older than you and want to take care of you, but they have lots of distrust and fears for the world, and that fears could affect you subconsciously, making you more fearful of life. The stone of mercury, mars, and soul are all on the edge of the circle, so ready to break out, but the circle is surrounded by the stone of saturn, fear, moon, and neptune.
A healthy love for you will be the one that somehow liberate you, make you feel more free, like the horse energy, you will want to ride on the horse's back to explore a world larger than your previous known one. As I was doing your reading, I felt the urge to just stand up and move around. Maybe you would also feel more active with this love.
You will want to stand in your own light and be an individual instead of just a part of a crowd. This love could even instil some rebellious spirit in you, making you question the social beliefs.
Before, you life may just revolved around a small space (figuratively and literally), with this love, you will learn to still stay firm and safe in yourself but be able to give out love to many more people. Others will also be able to sense this change in you. You will have a glow from inner contentment and open spirit. I see a gentle wind curving around on an open field.
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butterymangowrites · 11 days
permanent fix
soulmate au + a/b/o
paring: alpha atsumu x fem beta reader
warnings: bullying, dub-con, atsumu is not nice, smut, slight breeding kink, biting, blood, choking, mirror sex, possessiveness, jealousy, alpha rut, atsumu talks shit, dramatic atsumu
word count: 2.2k
english is not my first language. please excuse any mistakes
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Born as a beta, you never thought fate would toy with you by giving an alpha as your soulmate. Especially not one like Miya Atsumu, the one whom you went to school through college with and still having to see his face ever so frequently as if he had sworn to never let you live in peace. 
For someone who made faces when seeing the lunchboxes your mom packed for you and proclaimed a beta was weak when you first presented at fifteen, Miya Atsumu couldn’t seem to detach himself from you. 
So when you had a crush on one of your colleagues at twenty five, having his nose in your business as usual, Atsumu knew instantly. 
“Another beta.” Lying comfortably on your couch, Atsumu scoffed. “Predictable.” 
“Didn’t ask for your opinions.” 
“I’m giving it anyway,” he said in a singsong voice, but his face was without mirth. “You can fuck whoever you want, but I’m getting my fix. That’s non-negotiable.”
Oh, yeah. His fix. 
He patted his lap. “Come here.”
Then it all began again. Him cradling you in his lap, hands going all over, lips spilling hateful words. 
‘Weak fucking beta.’ He would say. ‘Even Osamu got an omega soulmate. Makes me jealous as fuck.’ 
But then he would kiss you like the world might end tomorrow, doing everything opposite of what he said. This time was no different. His hot tongue was everywhere he could reach, acquainted itself with yours before leaving a wet trail down your neck. 
You protested when he nipped a little too hard, scared he might leave marks. He did that once. The deep purple hickey you saw in the mirror after he left your apartment scared the shit out of you. A little more force and teeth could have broken the skin, and that thought caused chills to run all over your body. You didn’t want to bear his marks. 
Yet, Atsumu didn’t care. He never did. His hands were now on your buttocks, squeezing hard through your thin pajama bottoms. He moved you to one of his thighs for better concentration. The hands on your butt now rolled your hips back and forth, to the point your moan finally slipped out of your tightly zipped lips and you forgot about the harsh nibbling on your neck.
“Go whore yourself out,” Atsumu whispered. “Like I fucking care.”
Same here, asshole.
You thought, didn’t say out loud. 
Touching each other lifted the heavy weight in the heart caused by the act of not accepting the soulmate bond. Nothing more, nothing less. If not for this calling of intimacy both of you obliged to feel, he wouldn’t be here. You knew that. He said it way too many times. 
Still, your cheeks were licked, your lips were tasted, neck wet with saliva. You felt like a prey about to be eaten every time he was close. Yes, he may not care. But he sure was possessive enough of things that were given to him. 
Whenever you tried to wiggle out of his firm grasp, he tightened his fist. This time was the hardest you ever felt. 
In more than twenty years of knowing each other, never once did Atsumu come to you when he had gone into rut. So when he called you two in the morning one week after his last fix, ordered you to pack a bag and tell your boss you would be on leave for a week, you were baffled. It was never more than kisses and touches with him. Your clothes were always intact and on. The idea of that being changed had you flat out saying no. 
That didn’t stop Atsumu from coming to get you one hour later though. When he saw that you did nothing to get ready, his jaw was clenched. A split second later, he packed your bag himself, shoving clothes and toiletries in without any care. You were still in pajamas when the passenger door was slammed closed and he hit the gas. 
There were reasons why betas are not for alphas. Physically, they were incompatible. Betas weren’t designed for alpha’s stamina, not to mention one in rut. At one point, you did not care to count anymore how many times you had blacked out. Fading in and out really fucked with your memory. All you remembered was the non-stop pounding, Atsumu’s breath against your face, and his uncharacteristic cooing, praising you as his good girl. 
“Knew you were built for me.” The blond menace pulled on both of your wrists, never stopped his thrusting. “Let me knot you again, okay?” When you shook your head, face wet with tears, Atsumu shushed you softly. “Shhhhh. You can do it, I know you can.”
And you could. But it was not without pain. 
“Shouldn’t have waited this long,” Atsumu said close to your lips. “You almost got away.” 
He talked too much. But it would have been a big fat lie to deny that his words didn’t turn you on. That his vile confession didn’t affect you.
“Bold of you to even think I would let someone else touch you.” He sounded out of breath, closing to his end. “All the effort goes to waste. No no no no.” 
You felt it coming, just seconds before. Then your whole body was taken by the waves of thrills and your whole vision turned white. Atsumu was not your first, but as if he was the harbinger of agony, it hurt when he first penetrated, hurt when he knotted. And when you felt a sharp sting at your sensitive neck, you knew he defied the rule of nature once again by marking you. 
Fruitless. That was what it would be. Betas were not made for alphas. Mating bites did not forge any bond with the wrong person and would fade over time. But Atsumu had always been stubborn. One bite turned into two, three, then countless. All you felt was pain and the wetness of blood before darkness took your consciousness like the many rounds before. 
The mating bites faded within two weeks, all except the first mark, proving to you that even biology could not win over destiny. Same went with all other beta-alpha soulmate couples out there after you had done some research. They were rare, but they were there. You shouldn’t have let Atsumu bite you. Should have known better that things could get weird when it came to soulmates. Now, he wouldn’t get off your ass, had the audacity to move his things to your apartment and yours to his, calling you his girlfriend in front of everyone and expecting to see you at his games. 
You didn’t even like volleyball to begin with. And as you watched his magnificent tosses to any players he deemed to have high chances to score, you thought of a way to get out of his clutch. 
He needed an omega, the correct designation he always longed for. Because even with all the protective caresses and the promise to never let you go, Atsumu was still mean. Like going back to the ninth grade when you put makeup on for the first time and he gave you the nastiest comment that made you go wash everything off in the school toilet, his words still stung badly when he chose to weaponize them. 
‘Samu’s mate smells like she needs to be bred.’ He said that nonchalantly one day at Onigiri Miya, sitting side by side with you at the counter where his twin and his mate helped each other with cooking and serving the hungry athletes who were there to celebrate the day’s victory ‘Don’t know how he stands that. So sweet’ 
Hearing that made your conversation with Hinata pause. His steely gaze was the first thing you saw when turning to face ‘your boyfriend’. 
It didn’t end there. For days Atsumu was in a devilish mood, his jabs that you knew most of them were meant to just rile you up for fun had become a real emotional harm. He still fucked you, make no mistake about that. And it was as devilish as his temper. 
‘Too hard, Miya. Too hard.’ You still wouldn’t call him by his first name. 
Veiny hands wrapped snugly around your neck, Atsumu only went faster after hearing that. The bathroom mirror was foggy with hot steam from the shower, but you could see enough. One of your legs was perched on the counter, allowing the view of his cock pistoning in and out of you, your breasts bouncing fast. 
‘Would have been pregnant already if you were an omega.’ The sentence came out coated with his accent, thicker than normal, like he didn’t have full control of how he spoke. ‘But that’s alright. I can take my time with you. We’ll get there,’ he purred. ‘Still, what a shame, huh?’ 
Shame his ass for saying that and not letting you leave. ‘Go fuck an omega then.’
He smirked. Pissed you off. ‘Nah.’ 
As his toss to Sakusa scored a winning point, the loud cheer brought you back to the present. You saw Atsumu eyes staring up at you from the court below and knew what you had to do. 
Getting an omega who wanted to spend a heat with Miya Atsumu was easy enough. Sending her up to your apartment where he was already there waiting for you was as simple. You drove away then, not far, stopping at your favorite 24-hour cafe because you needed somewhere to sit and waited for the first feedback from the omega girl. Half an hour later, you got a call. 
The screen showed the female omega’s name. You picked up and said hello, expecting to hear that everything went well and that you could go find somewhere else to sleep for the next five nights.
But you only heard cries. Not of pleasure, just a full-blown crying with hiccups. 
“Hey, are you okay?” you asked, frowning. “Talk to me. What happened?” 
“He—he screamed—at me,” she spluttered, almost incoherently, “and only asked where you were.” 
You cursed quietly, finally able to stop stirring the poor coffee you ordered without any interest in taking a sip. “Where is he now?” 
“I don’t know,” she cried. “He left—after the screaming.” Her voice wavered all the more when she kept on trying to speak. “You had to see him. He looked murderous. There was not even a hello. He straight up shouted at me, accusing me of breaking in. When I tried to explain—mentioned you, his face was all red.” A hiccup interrupted the long babbling. “He said he was married to you and showed me the ring.”
You were not sure what crack Atsumu was on, but there was definitely no ring or marriage. 
The call was still on when you heard the cafe’s door pushed open. And it was as if you saw the devil with your own naked eyes.
Atsumu walked in. 
His strides declared no peace or mercy when he saw you, ignoring the greetings from the two night shift baristas. 
Not wanting to cause a scene, you stood up, didn’t say anything when he put his hand on your shoulder and led the way out. 
The drive was silent. Your car was left at the parking lot near the cafe, you would have to come and get it as soon as you could before the parking fee turned as murderous as him. When asked where he was going, he answered solemnly, “My place. Yours stinks.” 
You just knew it was going to be a long night. 
Atsumu was the one who got the car out for you the next morning since he was the one who could still walk without wobbling. The sheets you slept on were rumpled. They reeked of cum. 
You reeked of cum. 
‘You think you’re so funny?’ he asked, knowing you couldn’t answer with his cock occupying your mouth but did it nonetheless ‘You wanted me to fuck her? What was going on in that pretty little head?’ 
He pulled you by the nape of your neck before pushing your head down, forcing your throat to take more of him till you felt the urge to gag. 
‘I thought we had an understanding, baby,’ he said, finally relenting his grip on your head. ‘No whoring yourself out.’ Then he stressed, ‘And no whoring me out. I’m yours.’
‘Do you understand?’ 
You only nodded.
‘Yes, Miya.’ 
‘Atsumu,’ he said, looking like he wanted to throw up. ‘You’re not fucking my brother. Don’t make me imagine that. Call me Atsumu.’
‘Yes, Tsumu.’ 
Looked like you delivered. Atsumu grinned from ear to ear. ‘Good girl. My best girl.’ 
That was last night. 
A warm kiss to the cheek woke you again, must have dozed off after Atsumu left, but those scenes were not a dream. You heard him whisper, 
“I got your car. Parked it at your place.”
He looked like he got a ten-hour sleep while you could not move a limb without feeling sore. Not fair. And the way he looked so good in sheep’s clothing, his wolf’s skin all hidden. Not fair at all.
“Shower.” Your voice was hoarse, but you got the message through. That was good enough. 
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kaicubus · 1 year
Shoplifting | Wayne M.
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warnings ✩° : smut, cursing, partial exhibitionism, fucking in a public place but in a private setting, enclosed space intimacy, p in v, unprotected sex bc i forgot to write a condom in, cursing.
pairing ✩° : wayne x fem!reader, characters are of age and NOT minors.
premise ✩° : known to be a bit of a kleptomaniac, you go to the mall with wayne in hopes of stealing some pricey clothes from a store only to find the two of you locked inside a changing room. what better to do than to take advantage of the situation?
word count ✩° : 4.8k
authors note ✩° : guys writers block is real. finishing this was HELL. might take a short break...just like this fic tho it’s short and rushed...i need my smut writing skills to improve IMMEDIATELY.
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There’s something about the color orange that sticks out to you. Most people don’t like it, some do, but only because they’re taught it means warmth like summer or sweet like a tangerine. But you always thought orange was just a really nice color, no explanation. That’s why you chose it.
It was found on a rack in one of the most expensive stores in the mall that was known for its wide, yet very exclusive, selection of tops and lingerie. Victoria’s Secret.The prices in that store are always really high, so you just like to browse. Or at least that’s what you make it seem like.
Truth is, being a bit of a kleptomaniac has its perks. You don’t even think twice about grabbing tubes of $20 lip glosses or $36 perfumes and sliding them up your long sleeve hoodies or jean pockets. It comes naturally and you are a known prodigy in your craft. Long before anyone can realize or even detect on cameras, you leave with your pockets full of both money and items that would cost a fortune. The mall is your playground, and it’s not hard to get what you want.
Today you came in with your boyfriend Wayne, who’s known to be very strange looking. That’s not a bad thing, since it works out in your favor sometimes when you’re being followed or people try to hit on you or even worse, try and hurt you. But other than that, Wayne is known to be the reason people look the other way or lock their doors and shade their windows. No one knows how loving he is towards you, like a bear drawn to honey. He would do anything for you. But, side by side, it would be hard to go into certain stores without be given weird glances or worse, followed around.
When you first entered Victoria’s secret, you told Wayne specifically to wait outside, but knowing he’d get impatient with you, you gave him a task instead and asked for different sizes of different sets you liked. He gladly accepted, leaving you alone to try on different undergarments and admire yourself in the mirror for as long as two minutes per set. You knew he’d be at a loss without you in a forest of lace and ivory mannequins, and a part of you liked knowing that. You're lost in your own thoughts when you came across the orange and white set, now fitting along the curves of your waist and hugging the plushness of your belly, pinching you in all the right places that only enhances your beauty.
Your eyes trace along the fabric, how the white mesh covers over your barely hidden breasts, little embroidered oranges scattered across it in an orderly fashion. The cuteness of the design completely clashed with the way the bra was manufactured to be what you liked to call a window piece, but it seemed to work really well. You spin around, glancing at the panties from behind and noticing how it straddled your inner thighs and almost pushed out your ass more than usual. 
It was a good look, maybe a bit too tight, but it wasn’t constricting. Of course, the price made you gag, making it more appetizing to take off and slip into your tote bag resting on the seat provided in the dressing room you're already in. All you had to do was take off the tag and toss it on the floor, on top of the mirror or something. Luckily for you, taking off tags was one of your specialties, though finding them was a struggle.
You let out a sigh and begin tapping your hand around the usual places where a tag would be : on the side of the underwear, back of the bra, inside of the bra, but none seemed to have the tag. You started to wonder if the tag was already taken off which would make snagging it much easier than you’d hoped until the sharp edge of the thin piece of hard plastic struck the tip of your finger, located on the very back of the bra. Finding the plastic attachment of the tag, your fingers curl around to gain tension and then you start to pull at it, plucking it off easily. In your moment of fumbling however, you notice the doorknob start to jiggle just enough to catch your attention.
For a moment, you freeze. Every nerve in your body tells you to stop even though your thoughts are screaming to move and get the garment off your body, but you don’t move. Your hands stay on the tag and instead, you watch the doorknob slowly turn, painfully staring with an owl like expression, each hair standing upright. That all stopped when the door slowly pushes itself open, revealing a very familiar tattered hand, bruises and cuts all over pale skin, holding two more sizes of the same two piece set you had tried on earlier.
You feel a wave or relaxation wash over your body as your eyes stare into your boyfriend’s dull, grayish eyes that seem to go full and wide when he looks at you. Only this time, his head is just slightly tilted down as he’s busy looking at other bra and underwear sets of the same orange piece.
“I got the other sizes.” Wayne says, “They said all these funny lookin’ numbers, but I just took whatever ones looked like your size and—”
You grab the doorknob quickly and pull Wayne in, shoving him against the wall next to you with a firm hand on his arm in just under a second. Your eyes flare with a flash of anger, anger at Wayne that he managed to scare you so bad, but also anger that you got worked up for no reason. The pounding of your heart in your chest makes you shake.
“Jesus, Wayne! You scared me! I thought you were a worker trying to get in here! They have sensors you know!” You say, still gripping onto him, not even paying attention to the clothing now piled on the floor. “Why don’t you knock first?”
“Why would I knock?” Wayne questions, “And why would a worker be trying to come in here when it says occupied? I thought we weren't doing illegal shit today, we got the money, don’t we?”
Though his questions make sense and have reasoning, you can’t help but remain a little flustered.
For a second, there’s silence between you two. Even if he wasn’t shoved in with you, Wayne didn’t even look down when he was first pulled into the stall with you, and you had completely forgotten you were next to being naked in front of him. You knew that the only thing protecting your dignity and saving you from embarrassment was a thin layer of orange mesh with tiny embroidered oranges. Wayne seemed to know that too.
“You look...pretty.” He says, leaning back against the wall behind him, “I like your oranges.” His awkwardness makes him cringe, but it makes you laugh instead. Wayne wasn’t a smooth talker, so his execution of his compliments hardly made way of what he actually wanted them to be. But he could hardly even focus, especially now.
“Thanks.” You twist around and accidentally brush up against him, “I like it a lot, what other sizes did you get?” You grab the bundle of hangers and hold each one up, looking at the slight difference in the sizing. Wayne had a habit of looking into you while he spoke, you always noticed. When he listened to you talk, and especially when he liked what you were saying, he would subconsciously lean forward, almost as if he was drawn to you.
In that habit, Wayne had forgotten about how close you two are and in leaning forward, ends up stumbling over you and knocking you directly into the wall in front of you. In an attempt to catch himself and not slam the both of you into the wall, his open hands fly to your hips and he quickly grabs onto the sides of your half covered ass.
There were many times where Wayne had touched you like that before, it’s no new news that you two have sex. But this time was different. This time, you guys knew you weren't alone and there were many clueless shoppers and staff around, and for that reason it felt off. Still, the proximity of both you and him closes in a second and by the way you're dressed, and the way he’s so close to you, holding you from behind.
“We should probably pay for this. It’s getting kind of stuffy in here anyways. How much you got anyways?” You turn your head over your shoulder, expecting him to move first, but he doesn't.
“Probably enough to buy this thing for you.” Wayne pinches an orange cream ribbon from the side and drops it back down, “Why oranges?”
“I saw it and it looked cute, does it not? You just said it was pretty.”
He looks at you with the same puppy eyes he always has on and gives a small smile of reassurance, moving his hands up from your hips to the sides of your stomach, slowly traveling up your body. 
“You forget we’re kinda in the middle of the mall here?” A grin plays unto your lips and you grab his wrist to stop one of his hands from moving up to your chest.
Wayne lets out a breathy sigh that tickles your ear, and you start to feel his rough and calloused hand start to squeeze and massage your breast. “There’s no one around. Plus, the door’s locked from the outside.”
Pause. “What.”
He looks at you in confusion and stops all movement, tilting his head to the side so his fluffy brown hair spills onto his shoulder. “What?” He doesn’t get it.
“What do you mean the door’s locked from the outside?!“ You spin around and shove your hands against Wayne’s chest, easily moving him out of the way. You wiggle the door knob, and low and behold, “It’s locked!?!”
Wayne rubs his hair back confusingly, “Yeah? I just said that, didn't I?”
“Yeah, but I didn’t think you were serious! Did you lock it?”
“I didn't, no, but I saw a sign outside that had red marker over a piece of paper. Something about ‘do not enter’ and ‘stall is closed for maintenance and will not close.’ But it was the only one alone from all the others, and I’d be able to unlock it if need be.”
“Wayne! Do you realize that we’re both in here now?!” There was no point in arguing. On one hand, if you argue your way to a loud volume, you both would be found out and arrested for taking tags off of expensive merchandise. On the other, you would most likely rot there until something busted you out. The second option started to seem better than the first, judging by your circumstances. Plus, though anyone with half a brain could read the sign and understand it, but Wayne didn’t have half a brain. He just did what he wanted.
You flash your boyfriend an apologetic look, batting your lashes down and swaying your hips backwards to give yourself some room in the cramped stall. By the way he looks at you back, your heart aches a little for raising your voice.
“It’s not all bad, Wayne.” You touch his arm and smile, “It could be worse. Like, this could be a new changing room and the lock wouldn’t be rusted shut...and...it’d be harder to get out...?” You hide the fact you have no idea what you were saying, only trying to muster something out so Wayne would feel less horrible about himself. It was no use though, the same expression sat on his eyes and down turned lips. But he appreciates it nonetheless.
Wayne nods and looks back into your eyes. You flash him a smile before turning your back towards him, lifting your hair to the side and exposing your ribbon caged back to him. “Can you try and get this thing off? I can’t breathe very well and I’m trying to get the tag off.”
Wayne hesitates. “How’d you even get it on in the first place? I don’t even see a zipper.”
"These things don’t need a zipper. Just a pair of hands to untie it and get it on.”
He shrugs and starts to untie the piece, tugging at thin ribbons and cute lace embroidery, toying at the fabric like some cat batting around a yarn string. When it becomes clear that Wayne doesn’t know what he’s doing in the slightest, you turn around to face him and give him a disappointed look. But, in your attempt to do so, your top instantly falls to the ground, startling both you and Wayne.
“I-I had it.” Wayne chokes out, covering his eyes and desperately trying not to give into any thoughts to look at all the places he shouldn’t.
“It’s fine! Just let me—“ You bend down and try to pick up the top, accidentally bumping directly into Wayne, crashing right against his legs. When you try to stand up, Wayne moves forward to give you more room, but ends up throwing off your balance over all.
“Sorry—It’s just so cramped in here! Here, wait, go over there! No, over there—fine, ok I’ll go! Ugh! Wayne!“ You groan in frustration and finally, manage to stand up. Only, now you’re somehow closer than you were before, only centimeters apart to Wayne’s face, who’s now up against a wall, halfway down it.
His hands twitch as they lay on the smoothness of your thighs, giving into the slightest touch and only itching to have more. He quickly finds it in himself to pull you closer, bumping your exposed chest into his clothed one, not caring or even paying any mind to your nudity. He only curls his fingers of his unoccupied hand into your hair, reaching up and gently closing the gap between you.
You hadn’t realized before just how soothing Wayne’s kisses were. In fact, they were the only thing keeping you from freaking out, quite literally naked and full of anxiety that someone could walk in and see you both. But all fear washes out as soon as Wayne reminds you, yet again, to keep your attention on him.
It’s hard to focus on just him though, with people talking around you, the sound of metal hangers gliding across racks
He spoke slowly, “Can I?” asking for permission. With a head nod, you agree and maybe without thinking, you lean forward and kiss him again.
With no room to make any sound or talk after that, Wayne pulls you onto his chest, hoisting you up just enough so he can hold you with both arms. Even when his eyes are closed, he still knows the way to your body as if they were wide open. He begins to move his hand south, brushing his rough skin against your smooth body, tangling his digits in the spaces of the orange silk. You can feel his chest expand as a sign of his impatience, wasting no time to pry the fabric off your lower half.
You let him do all the work, since you have no room to, and feel as he undoes his own belt and shags it down just enough so the rough denim of his jeans hangs off his hips, enabling a window of his boxers to be seen. Even though you're too busy trying to stay quiet, the scene is all too familiar, you can practically see everything. Wayne hurriedly takes himself out, fixing his hold on you as he releases his cock out of it’s confinement, and wastes no time to press against you.
As you look down, the sight of his tip already soaked in precum makes your heart flutter. It’s just as hard and erect as you thought it’d be, seeing as the effects of your outfit must have worked like a charm.
“I uh...I thought of—” Wayne opens his lips and tries to say, his voice an level higher than a whisper.
“Shh!” You hush, already somehow winded, “Shut up.”
Wayne presses his lips together and nods, a bit stunned from your hostility. But there was no room to be nice, there was no room to do anything at all. Almost instantly, his big hands ride the saddle of your hips and he snaps back into motion.
“Hm!” You let out a small yelp as Wayne enters his way into you, pushing the lacy material of the orange underwear to the side, he uses the tip of his cock to part your legs open, his size stretching you just enough to send both of you over the edge. He waits for a second, just to catch his breath, and watches you as you adjust to his size. He’s always been a bit too big for a daily fuck, but you barley paid any attention to it. When you’ve caught your breath, you look up at Wayne and give him a nod, silently telling him that you’re ready for him to move. He nods back which moves the choppy bangs in front of his eyes to sway forward.
His pace is slow, at first, not wanting to hurt you but also a bit rushed, seeing as the public place isn’t the most convenient to share an intimate moment with. But seeing as you hadn’t planned it at all, you had little room to complain.
Even with what little room you have, you find yourself subtly grinding back on Wayne’s groin, not even thinking. The small movement makes him throb inside of you, an uncontrollable response. Before you two know it, you pull away and gasp for air, hot breaths meshing together as you try and catch what little oxygen the room has to offer. It’s stuffy, so it doesn’t help the rising temperature between you, and the heat emitting off your bare chest makes it worse.
Wayne watches as a string of saliva connects from his lips to yours and breaks instantly, effectively making your lips wetter and rosier than usual. The sight makes his heart pound. You barely register his expression before he moves again, rutting himself against you like a depraved animal.
Not wanting to make a sound, two hand covers your mouth as Wayne starts to thrust his hips into yours, hard and deeply. Wayne can’t move as much as he’d like, if he had the opportunity, he’d absolutely ravage you like he usually does, savoring each moment and taking it slow. Once he grabs hold of your hips and starts moving your body against his, the combination turns deadly.
You squeeze your eyes shut tight but Wayne refuses to look away. His icy brown eyes practically glued on your eyelids beg for you to open yours and just look at him.
Labored breathing works its way out of Wayne as you writhe under his touch, scraping your nails into his back, even with a shirt on, managing to make a few red marks that’ll sure to appear later. He didn’t mind, Wayne’s only concern was fucking you as quick as possible and then find a way to get out of the dressing room without being noticed. But how can he think clearly when all he can hear is the struggled, barley muffled noises coming from your mouth?
“Open your legs a little.” You can barley hear his voice, it’s so quiet. He must’ve actually listened. “Right there, just like that.”
It feels too good. Better than usual in fact, to the point where the idea of stopping or slowing down quickly fades out of the picture. All of Wayne’s lack of reason only clouds his head and encourages him to speed up his pace, using a firm hold on your chest with the crook of his arms to hoist you up and arch your back manually for him to get in a better angle. You never thought it was possible to be this overwhelmed with everything all at once. Jolting downwards more, you let out uncontrollable moans, just barely being muffled by the palm of your hand to attempt to conceal your location as best as you can. Still though, Wayne remains completely unbothered and continues to thrust into you, the sides of his length rutting against your walls as loud as he can possibly make it.
A bit of frustration takes control as you twist over your shoulder, giving him an annoyed expression as he looks at you with a heavy-lidded stare of confusion. It’s moments like these where you wished he had a bit more common sense than what he had by default.
“S-Slow down! I can’t keep up!” You groan out, shuffling back into him to try and bump your hips with his.
Wayne grips your hips closer, harder, which makes you moan out again, only louder, and encloses the distance between your mouths with his lips on yours. You struggle to find the right part of him to grab on, slapping your hands on his chest, arm, and finding his back that eventually satisfies as a place to hold on to. He, instead, finds the underside of your thigh. The feeling of his fingers pressing lightly into your sensitive skin makes the hair stand on your body, losing grip on his back, turns into frantic touching.The sting of his nails digging into your flesh makes your head spin and very quickly forget all sensibility, allowing him to speed up again.
You can only hear the creaking of the feeble, obviously run down condition of the stalls next to you, as well as a bit of tapping from the metal lock clanging together.
With every sharp thrust, Wayne hoists you up, shoving you against the wall in front of you. He doesn’t mean to, but it’s enough to send all sorts of vibrations of heat to your core, basically slamming arousal into you each time. Wayne stares at your hands clamped over your mouth, eyes full of tears from the heightened feeling inside your stomach. You can’t bear to look at him anymore in fear of cumming too early, to which he’s well aware of, yet he pushes you against the wall one last time, nearly tossing you off the edge.
”Y-You're making too much noise—” You tear your hands away from your mouth for a second, just to protest his roughness, but Wayne takes the chance and plants his pliant lips against yours. When his mouth meets yours, his tongue roughly licks down, making a wet plucking sound when he pulls away, only to repeat several times. 
“Someone might hear us, just w-wait a second!” You clench down around his cock, locking your thighs around Wayne’s waist to try and get him to slow down. But it doesn’t help. 
You feel yourself spiraling, head reeling, as Wayne hurries his hips against yours and pounds into you, over and over again, just rocking you back and forth as quietly as he can. But even he can’t think right now, so he doesn’t even count how many ‘accidental’ times he’s made a loud squeak or shuffled his shoes against the floor to get a better hold on you.
Your walls tighten and suddenly you’re seeing nothing but the surface of Wayne’s shoulder, biting down on the thin fabric of his t-shirt, “Oh fuck! Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck!” The taste of cotton laps over your taste buds, but even that isn’t enough to ignore the feeling of Wayne speeding up, now desperate to chase the high you both have worked so hard to finish.
He moans in pleasure and starts to pepper your bear shoulder in sporadic kisses, biting and marking down on your skin to silence himself just enough to last for a few more seconds. Just a few more.
Just a few more was all it takes before the pleasure finally collapses and so do you, right onto Wayne. He finally stops all movement and lets you ride out your orgasm, slowly pumping in and out of you to finish himself off as well. You want to cry, you want to curse, you want to scream his name but all you can do is sit as silently as you can on his arms, holding onto your mouth for dear life. Wayne huffs with his voice, raw with restraint and gruff with passion, watching your sad attempts at trying to keep it all together despite his cum filling every gap of your body up. “M-Mhm! Mh mh!” You let out a segmented sigh, your breath falling short on and dying half way. When Wayne pulls your body off of him, just enough for his cock to spring out of your insides, you can feel a bit of slick leak down the side of your trembling leg. You dare not make another noise.
You break away panting, maintaining eye contact with Wayne as he rubs his hands all over your body, almost apologetically for making so much noise. You can hardly see straight since all the blood in your body seemed to go directly to your head. For a second, there’s silence, a time to actually catch your breath without worrying someone is waiting outside for you. You glance up at Wayne, who’s gasping for air as much as you are, smiling, “Let’s never do that again.”
Wayne laughs a bit and bites his bottom lip. You can barely move from the pure ecstasy as he sets you down gently, legs suddenly losing their solid form and quickly turning into jelly. You cling onto him for stability and quietly look up at him again, to which he gives an understanding head nod.
Wayne goes to kiss you but suddenly gets interrupted by a knocking from outside.
“Excuse me?” A voice says, accompanied by the faint jingle of keys on a key ring.
“SHIT!” You mouth, profanity now spilling out of your lips faster than ever. A flicker of panic splashes across your face as the subtle sound of the door unlocking fills every gap and space in the small room. Wayne goes to turn around to hide but ends up bumping into the wall, cursing a bit as well before spinning back to you with his hand on his head.
“There’s a uh. Wall there. Just in case you didn’t know.” He whispers.
It doesn’t feel real, but just in the amount of time you have, you manage to throw on your jeans over your shifted orange underwear and shirt, stuffing the orange lingerie top from the ground into your regular bra. Fuck knows that you aren’t leaving this trapped hell without a free souvenir to take home.
Right when everything makes it way onto your body, you straighten your posture and turn to face the locked door, feeling all sorts of rushes of emotions. Fear, panic, pleasure, worry, relief, all pumping at an all time high.
“Looks like you two got locked in!” The voice laughs, key clicking into the jammed lock with a rusted, silver key. And just like that, light flows into the darkened room and nearly blinds you both. Just as the light pours in, the friendly face of a young worker does the same, her thin lips spreading across her high strung cheeks, happily, looking at two people with stray hairs flying all over the place and flushed faces.
“When my boss told me she saw two people come in here on the cameras, I didn’t believe it!” The worker laughs, clacking her keys back onto her belt, “The sign must’ve fell off or something. So sorry for the inconvenience, we’ll give you both a discount for any item you purchase today!” She bows her head apologetically, “Let’s get you out of here, I’m sure you’ve been waiting for a while now, huh?”
“R-Right. Sorry, we just...we lost our way a bit, but thank you for letting us out. I was convinced I was going to die in there.” You give a half hearted chuckle, just to appear like a normal, functional person.
“No worries at all! Let’s get you two rung up if you're both ready to check out?”
You nod and start walking out, Wayne following behind you, “More than ready.”
As you two follow the worker, you notice Wayne lag a little bit behind. You stop for a second to grab his hand, securing him in his rightful spot next to you, rather than behind. He gives you a smile, to which you both share. The moment was over for sure, and hopefully there isn’t another time that would ever happen like that again. You let out a sigh of relief and Wayne notices, leaning down to say something,
“Maybe we should do it out in public more often. That was fun. Don’tcha think?”
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sserpente · 1 month
The Weight of a Promise - Part II
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Synopsis: One month has passed since you reluctantly became Lord Gortash's concubine. You ought to hate him--yet your heart seems to disagree.
A/N: When inspiration strikes…you gotta strike back! Took a bit longer than I expected but here we go! :D
You can read Part I here!
Words: 2523 Warnings: violence, blood, mentions of prostitution, concubine!Reader
“Good morning, dear. I take it you’ve had sweet dreams?”
You stirred, eyes flying open. You were warm, and comfortable. Cosy. Your head was resting on Gortash’s naked chest, his right arm pressing you close against his body. You had gotten so used to his presence and the intimacy between you that you didn’t even flinch away when his fingertips ghosted over your bare shoulder but instead…took relish in it.
One whole month. You had been keeping an eye on the calendar on Gortash’s desk. You were surprised, to say the least. Part of you had suspected he would grow tired of you after a few days and move on to the next whore he’d be given for free. Perhaps one that would throw herself at him.
Alas, as much as you hated to admit it, you had begun to enjoy his company. Enver Gortash was as insufferable as he was megalomaniacal. But he was charming, too. No wonder the city gladly accepted him as its hero and saviour.
His mask was perfect. You very much doubted he truly did have a heart for the homeless and the poor though. Only yesterday had you overheard him talk about increasing the tax rates for small businesses for more profit to put into his Steel Watch. Now that you spent so much time with him, you would have believed his chivalry too had you not known the truth. A good man did not keep concubines, not like this. A good man did not have rumours spread about him worshipping one of the dead three.
And yet, despite everything, part of you was growing…grateful. He’d kept his promise. Thanks to him, you barely remembered what hunger was now. He had gotten you so many dresses you could never decide what to wear and every night, you shared his bed, warm and comfortable, nestled underneath his soft sheets.
The sex was phenomenal, of course. Just like the very first time he had claimed you, you would be lying if you insisted it wasn’t a pleasurable experience for you. Only it was empty, meaningless. Why else would he keep you around if not for a wet hole to fuck when he was overcome with lust?
The more time you were forced to spend with him, the more you realised that you wanted him to like you for more than your body. To know that you were more than an object for him to play with and entertain himself with and to convince yourself and your stupid feelings that he was not the villain you took him for. To soothe your own conscience.
It could be Stockholm Syndrome, you thought, chewing on your lower lip. But then again, he had told you that you were free to go the very day you arrived, made it seem like it had been your own choice to become a slave to his most carnal desires in exchange for your basic human needs to be met.
The mornings all started the same. You and Gortash had breakfast together, after that he tended to his archduke business and you remained in bed for a while longer, reading the books he owned. He’d call you over at some point, eager for your company—or your body.
As of right now, he was finished with his duties for the day. After a rich lunch, he’d insisted on taking a walk with you by the sea near Wyrm’s Rock to take his mind off things, a Steel Watcher always in close vicinity to protect him.
“You are not focusing at all, are you, dear? Could you at least put in a little bit of effort? Make it a challenge for me!”
You blinked. You’d been staring at the lance board for what must have been several minutes with your knees tucked and your chin resting between them. Gortash had insisted you played with him tonight. Only you had no idea how.
“I don’t know how to play,” you admitted.
Amusement flashed over Gortash’s handsome face. “You don’t know how to play lance board? Truly?”
You shook your head.
He took a deep breath. “Well, in that case…it is rather simple. There are six pieces in the game that—”
“Why did you increase the tax rates?” You couldn’t help it. The question left your lips before you could stop yourself. You were curious.
Gortash paused, momentary surprise marking his features. “And since when exactly, pray tell, do I discuss political matters with my concubine?”
“It’s just a question. I overheard you passing the bill.”
“You mean you were eavesdropping.”
You frowned. “You knew I was right there.”
“Ah, yes.” He chuckled. But then, nothing.
“Protection is expensive, my dear. My Steel Watch requires constant maintenance. Maintenance that requires materials. Materials that cost money.”
“I don’t believe that.”
“Pardon me?”
“I’ve seen the documents. You have two vaults at the Counting House. Two vaults that are bulging with gold.” You’d caught a glimpse at the numbers, black ink on a fresh roll of parchment one morning while he’d made you keep his cock warm for him at his desk. You swallowed. “If you truly had the city’s best interest at heart you would be reaching into your own pockets to help out. That is true charity.”
Gortash raised an eyebrow. He appeared amused, if anything. “I am giving the citizens of Baldur’s Gate a purpose. By contributing in the form of taxes, they are contributing to keeping the city and themselves safe. And unlike my own fortunes, tax money is in constant circulation.”
You scoffed. “If that’s what you need to tell yourself.”
“I will not have you criticize my rule, my dear. Were you a lady or an adviser of mine, I could have your head for this without anyone batting an eyelash.”
Too far. You swallowed. So much for trying to convince yourself he was not a villain. “I apologise.”
“Good. Now, as I said. There are six types of pieces in the game. The first—”
Gortash was interrupted yet again. This time, however, by an airborne knife knocking the piece he pointed to straight to the ground where it shattered into a dozen pieces.
“Playing with your whore instead of working? You disappoint me, lordling.”
Gortash stiffened visibly. “Orin.”
Your eyes widened when you turned to face the unwanted visitor. She was as pale as the moon itself, with white creamy eyes piercing your soul. And her clothes…where they made of…skin? She staggered closer on bare feet, retrieving her dagger.
“You’ll find I have made much progress with our operation. But unlike you, I am a man of true entertainment. Uninterrupted murder is not up my alley.”
You blinked. Murder? What in the hells was he talking about?
“You are losing your focus, lordling. Do you need a reminder?”
Before you had processed what was happening, Orin grabbed a fistful of your hair and pulled you flush against her. The smell of rotten meat and blood filled your nostrils, the blade of her dagger pressing into your skin. Her hands were ice-cold.
You gasped for air, paralysed. You willed your legs to kick her, your fingers to scratch her, your head to shatter her chin…but your body did not obey. Fear wrapped its icy claws around you, preventing you from taking action.
One wrong movement…and you would die. Your eyes found Gortash’s, yours pleading, begging. Surely, he would not let her harm you, surely, he would care if you lived after having shared the bed with him so many times…
“Now don’t be ridiculous, Orin. She’s my concubine. The only thing you will accomplish by killing her is making a mess of my office. I can always get a new one at the snap of my fingers.”
Your face fell, heart skipping several beats in a row. Not because of your fear now—but because it broke. Your lips parted. Was that truly how he felt after you’d spread your legs for him, listened to his sorrows, and kept him company? He’d promised to treat you well. Discarding you to the first bloodthirsty killer—whoever this Orin was—would break that promise after all.
“Well…then you won’t mind if I slit her throat? Bathe in her sweet blood and feast on her intestines? Would you still like to fuck her then, lordling?”
For just a second, you believed to catch a glimpse of actual panic glistening in his dark eyes. It was a fleeting moment, quickly replaced by a mask of steel.
“Orin, no, stop it!”
The woman laughed, the stench of stale blood almost making you gag as she pressed the blade even further against your delicate skin until you could feel a slight burn and something warm and sticky running down your throat.
“Orin!” You had not imagined it. There was panic swinging in his voice too now.
With a start, she removed her dagger from your throat and pushed you. You landed on your hands and knees on the hard stone floor, a pained cry escaping your lips due to the impact.
“With Ketheric Thorm dead, you should be on your guard, lordling. Because right now, your little plan is falling apart. And I am so very eager to spill blood in your chambers.”
“Control yourself, Orin. Ketheric’s death is a temporary setback. Once the Netherstone is back in our possession, we have nothing to fear and everything will go according to plan.”
You felt pathetic, cowering on the cold floor and listening to the conversation. You only understood half of what they were saying. Netherstones? What plan? And who was Ketheric Thorm?
“I will gut you if not, Gortash.” She disappeared in a mist of black and red as if her flesh erupted into a million pieces before evaporating.
Only now did you realise how heavily you were breathing. Gortash bent down, one of his hands resting on your shoulder.
“Are you alright?”
“No! No, I’m not alright!” you exclaimed, biting back a sob.
“You would have let her kill me!”
“I would not.”
“Yes! That’s what you said!” Another sob, one you were unable to hold back. You were trembling. You could feel a small trickle of blood running down your cleavage right between your breasts.
Gortash grabbed a hold of your chin, forcing you to look at him. “Showing her I care for you would have been showing her weakness and that I cannot afford. I apologise you were caught between the lines.”
“How am I supposed to believe that? Am I not a means to an end? You keep acting like I should be grateful you took me in and gave me a roof over my head in exchange for sex and now I almost…” You did not dare finish the thought. Died.
“You stupid girl. Do you truly think I would keep just any woman around my private quarters where I conduct important city business? Do you think I would share my private bed with just any prostitute?”
“I…I…” You hesitated. He was not wrong.
“I am not the kind of man to pursue, my dear. I learned the hard way you simply have to take what you want in life. I liked you. So I had you brought here.”
“Why didn’t you just say so? Why must everything you do be a power trip?”
“A power trip? Exercising dominance is crucial to survive in this world. I want you here, by my side. Is that not enough? What else do you want me to tell you?”
He helped you up, retrieving a cloth from the cupboard next to a wash bowl. The gentleness with which he wiped at your throat and your chest to clean the blood off of you surprised you so much yet another sob escaped you.
“I…I want you to tell me…you care about me? I’m not just a whore you can easily replace?”
“I don’t want any of the other whores. I wanted you. And I still do. I have no reason to lie to you, my dear. And you care about me too. I can see it in your eyes. You like the things we do together. Am I right?”
You nodded, unable to utter words for a moment.
“I hate myself for it.”
“Oh? And why is that, my dear?”
“You’re not a good person, Gortash. I can see that. I can feel it with every fibre of my being.”
He threw the cloth away and cupped your face, planting a tender kiss on your lips.
“I wouldn’t have stayed if I didn’t…”
He smirked. He understood.
“I will have some servants fetched to run you a hot bath. I have some business to attend to. Then I will join you.”
“No.” He lifted a hand, a thoughtful expression decorating his handsome features for a moment. “I want you to call me by my first name when we’re in private. Enver.”
You frowned, lips parting in shock. The archduke of Baldur’s Gate wanted you to…call him by his first name?
“Enver.” You tasted the name on your tongue. It felt strange and yet…oddly familiar.
“That’s better.”
“Who is Orin? And don’t even think about telling me it doesn’t concern me given she just almost killed me.”
Gortash sighed. “She is…the Chosen of Bhaal, the god of murder and a reluctant ally of mine.”
Your eyes widened, shock rippling through you. Bhaal? The god of murder? One of the dead three?
“And who is…was…Ketheric Thorm?”
“The Chosen of Myrkul, a general who ruled over the Shadow Cursed Lands. Another reluctant ally.” Myrkul. He too was one of the dead three. The rumours you had heard about Gortash… Could that possibly mean…
“Go-…Enver…what deity do you worship?”
He smiled at you wickedly. “You have a sharp mind indeed, my dear. You might just be able to best me in a game of lance board in time.”
“Tell me what deity you worship.”
“You already know, do you not? You have asked me before, when we first met. And I am indeed, my dear, the Chosen of Bane. I will lead this city to glory.”
You took a step back, shock spreading in your veins like spiked vines. “What is this plan? What are the Netherstones?”
“That’s enough questions for now. Go and rest. The servants will be with you shortly.” He strode off, yet before he wrapped his hands around the doorknob, he turned his head and said, “Let me say it again: You belong by my side now, my dear. You have my protection. You have nothing to fear from me—or Orin, I will make sure of that. You might not agree with my methods but you cannot fight your own heart. You can trust me.”
With that, he was gone. Another promise. One that the growing butterflies in your stomach hoped he would never break. You belong by my side now, my dear.
You could leave, he had said a month ago. You should leave. Instead, you found yourself heading over to the wooden tub get rid of your now bloody dress.
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geekgirles · 3 months
Yumalia's Reunion
Back on my Yumalia brainrot, I can't get over all the layers and depths of their brief interaction in episode 11.
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The moment Yugo is done defying his mother and forced to watch her leave, for she had long made her choice, Amalia doesn't hesitate to reach out to him and hold his hand, which Yugo immediately squeezes right back. Even with the threat of imminent war for her people's safety, Amalia's first instinct is to go to Yugo and offer whatever comfort she can, and he just lets her because if there's someone who can ground him, it's Amalia.
That's exactly what she did at the end of season 3. Not only did she tell Oropo he would never be Yugo because Yugo would never willingly or knowingly sacrifice anyone for his cause (even during his fight with Ad during the OVAs he always thought his brother would eventually come back), but she unknowingly dissuaded the fears and insecurities that'd been plaguing him throughout the entire season, both regarding his past actions and his own relationship with her. Because even after all they'd been through and his insecurities hurting Amalia deeply, she still chose him, and she still reaffirmed her love for him in such a way it would allow for their interactions in season 4 to be that much more openly affectionate and less restrained.
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But not only that, back then she was also there to ground him when Oropo's passing and his absorbing of the Eliotropes overwhelmed him, helping him see all the good despite what they had lost.
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And she is doing that yet again when they finally reunite.
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But there is so much more going on here. So many emotions running deep between them.
Look at Yugo's expression, that mixture of surprise and awe etched onto his face. I feel like this is the moment where it truly clicks for him just how much he's changed and all the possibilities his new body entails, especially for their relationship. And Amalia is just happy, happy that he is alive and happy that he can finally see and feel like the great king and warrior she always knew was already there.
For the first time since he's met her, Yugo doesn't have to look up to meet his love's eyes, and you can clearly see how the mere thought takes him aback. But I believe there's so much more to it, so many things left unsaid.
He's looking at her like she's finally within reach, and not only because now they're closer in height. Yugo had to spent the last few years of his life watching how the love of his life grew into the most beautiful flower in Sadida's garden, into a queen, while he remained stuck in his child-like body, with only a title for show despite he too being royalty.
It's all in his eyes!
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He isn't just looking at Amalia. He is staring at her like a dying man stares at his salvation, like someone who's been wandering in the dessert for ages looks at an oasis. And it's not just because they might finally have a shot, but because she is there and she is real.
Despite Yugo's unrelenting optimism and will, upon being captured by the Nécromes, a part of him had probably been forced to accept he would never see Amalia again, either because he would remain the last of his days as their prisoner, or because she would too fall soon.
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Given his predicament, thanks to Oropo and Qilby's intervention, Yugo was most likely running on adrenaline when he noticed the portal in the Sadida forest and what it would mean for Amalia. His mind was set on protecting her, not on the fact that they would be reunited after such a horrible ordeal. And I don't think it really sunk in that he would see her again until she touched him, until she literally became tangible and attainable.
But she is real, and she is with him, they are together again. Only this time, they might actually get to be together.
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Look at such level of intimacy! Such tenderness mixed with the underlying unbriddled passion they feel for one another! Yugo might have been shown being okay with revealing his wings to his friends, but he always took the hood off himself; but not with Amalia. With her he trusts her enough to let her do the honours and all he can do is melt under her touch.
Seeing Amalia again after being held prisoner in the Nécroworld and forcibly aged has allowed Yugo to fall in love with her all over again and, more importantly, to finally allow himself to love her with his whole being in return. No more holding back, no more second thoughts, no more take-backs. No more denying themselves what they have been desperately yearning for.
He loves Amalia and she loves him. And he's going to hold onto her for as long as they both live.
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And I am so not normal about them.
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bluejukebox · 9 months
somewhat damaged - ghost x reader ˚₊⊹
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The 141 Task Force gets their own special combat medic, one who catches the attention of Simon "Ghost" Riley. ˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚ warnings: NSFW !! MDNI !! afab reader, blood, stitches, unsafe sex, p in v, vaginal fingering, some dirty talk ☆
They were all huddled in Captain Price’s office when he proudly uttered the words : “We’ll be expecting a new addition to the 141”. Ghost couldn’t exactly say he was happy. He especially couldn’t when the captain was being extremely vague about this ‘new addition’. It wasn’t a secret that Ghost was absolutely horrible with new people, the walls he’s built for himself standing strong and high. Maybe it was a territory thing or maybe a textbook case of trust issues, he wasn’t sure. All he knows for sure is that his ‘distrusting of people’ habit gave him a not so positive reputation around base. His intimidating figure, mannerisms and appearance scared people off, which he definitely prided himself on. He knew that the other members, specifically Gaz and Soap, would try and force information out of Price by continuously whining, so Ghost decided to sit back and observe, per usual. 
“C’mon cap, ya can give us a lil’ bit more than that can’t ya?” Soap immediately perked up from his chair.
Price shut his eyes out of annoyance. “MacTavish, don’t start.", with a deep sigh he continued “If I had more crucial information about her I would’ve already given it, don’t you think?”
“Her?” Gaz and Soap both astoundedly said. Even this little detail caught the Lieutenants attention. He’s worked with numerous women before, to him the sex of a person isn’t a problem as long as they keep to protocol and know what they’re doing. The Task Force 141 would occasionally team up with other ‘groups’, like the Shadow Company, but new members being assigned was rare. 
With yet another deep sigh the captain continued speaking. “Yes, her. She’s a very reputable combat medic. As you all know there’s been some staff shortages in the medical area around here”, he said while cutting the tip of yet another cigar. “- and trust me I know how stubborn some of you guys get about getting your injuries checked out, don’t even try to deny it. In my professional opinion I think she’ll be a valuable asset to our Task Force, you’re all dismissed”. He waved his cigar clad hand towards the boys to signal them to get out. 
Not even a second after Ghost leaves the office he hears the scot rambling on, “Ya hear that LT? A lady, I wonder what the lass is like”.
Ghost frowned beneath the mask, he had expected Soap to be more concerned with the girl’s gender and less her combat abilities and medical skills, but that didn’t mean he had to like it. All he gave in reply was a grunt while he strided back to the ‘dormitory wing’. 
As he left the area he heard the loud discussion between the members about the new mystery combat medic, but it wouldn’t be until a couple weeks later that you’d arrive. 
And god, Ghost was troubled, These complicated, strong feelings all started the second you stepped foot in the base… 
The contrast between you and him was astonishing, you were so vastly different from him. The bubbly personality, and the cute shy way you had introduced yourself to the Task Force really caught his attention. You’re a proper pretty woman, with a very nice physique that was obviously trained hard for. Safe to say he was interested, though he’d never admit this outloud. The man isn’t known for being in touch with his feelings and definitely isn’t known for accepting intimacy, but that’s somehow exactly what you got him to do.
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
It was a rough mission, bad intel all around, your ears still ringing from all the shooting, explosives, the deafening sound of jet fighters flying close to the ground and projectiles. But the numerous injuries needed tending, the severity of them varying was your responsibility, you needed to focus. You needed to mend their wounds and nurse them back to health. 
It was a close call but you all got to safety, hiding out in a little safe house far enough from where all the chaos was unfolding. You immediately got to work, readying your supplies and putting on some gloves to maintain the little hygiene you could. Firstly you treated the wounds that called for the most attention, which thankfully weren’t life threatening if they get proper treatment back at base. After the emergency operations on numerous bullet grazes, scrapes, cuts and bruises the group was finally able to rest their eyes for a moment. 
They all scattered off, sounding grunts and hisses of pain. That’s when you realized there was one person you hadn’t mended to, Ghost. Your eyes lifting to find his, you found him looking at you with his brown eyes, his masked head quickly turning back to observe the treeline outside the window. 
“Someone’s gotta keep watch, you can go take a break” He heavily grunted, exhaustion evident in his gruff voice. “Are you okay? I-I’m here to help, I want to help you”, You frowned, disappointment unmasked in your response. Ghost could feel his heart skip a beat, he couldn’t even remember the last time someone spoke to him the way you did, the feelings you gave him were clouding his judgement. “I’m fine love, go rest up”
That nickname always got the blood rushing to your face, time and time again. You already were a shy person, the guest free and welcoming nature of the members of 141 didn’t change how intimidating they all were to you. But hearing the endearing nickname come out of his mouth, with his extremely attractive accent and voice, it was a no-brainer that you started developing feelings (and fantasies) for the man.  You thought you hid it pretty well, the way you’d become bashful when he spoke to you, the way you’d stutter your replies back. Obviously you didn’t, the others caught on pretty fast. It quickly became a huge trend in the 141 to tease you about your schoolgirl crush. Soap calling you ‘Mrs Ghost’ when you were alone or the looks they’d send your way when the lieutenant would lift the hem of his shirt to tap away the sweat droplets at the juncture of his neck during training. Even Captain Price joined in, it positively mortified you.
It was hard not to be intrigued by the skull mask, the skull sewn onto a balaclava, white paint replacing the place where the mandible would’ve been. There was obviously a lot of thought put into it, maybe love you wondered. Ghost wasn’t one of the youngest men in the military, it was safe to assume he had a partner and family waiting at home. That's why the late night fantasizing about the lieutenant made you feel guilty and gross, and the innocent crushing foolish.
“Alright, the offer still stands. Would it be okay if I stay here, with you?” The grunt you got in response was enough affirmation for you, quickly finding a spot to settle down and silently thanking the gods for the blankets that were still stored in the safehouse. Slowly you dozed off, exhaustion from the day weighing down on you and pulling you down into a light slumber. 
You were awoken by muffled hisses of pain, lifting your head from your makeshift pillow and trying to locate the sound which you quickly found. There was Ghost, stripped from his usual heavy gear, instead sporting a grey t-shirt, awkwardly stitching up what looks like a very deep bullet graze on his left bicep. Your shifting must’ve alerted him because his head shot to where you were resting. He knew he was caught.
“Oh, Ghost.." you sighed “You could’ve told me atleast, it’s my job you know” 
“Didn’t wanna burden ya”, he muttered after a pregnant pause looking properly defeated. He dropped the needle and thread. Slowly you got up from your prone position, standing up to stretch your legs. Cautiously you sauntered over to where he was sitting. “Well you can’t possibly burden me, and definitely not when you’re hurt and in need of assistance” You smiled, your presence truly calmed him. But the way you cared, the way you talked awakened something deeply buried in him, you were so confusing to him, a mystery. 
As you got closer to him, you settled down against a nearby chair. “Can I help you now?”, to which he only nodded. Carefully you placed your hands on his forearm, your touch making him jump.
“Sorry, my hands are pretty cold”, you bashfully said. 
That’s not why he jumped, he couldn’t even feel the temperature of your hands. Calling him touch-starved would be an understatement, the simple feel of your softer hands touching his tainted skin so gently made his blood rush down south. He felt so perverted, he was getting hard from you simply doing what you were assigned to do. 
You simply took over for him, disinfecting and stitching up his wound for him. In the amount of times he’d come to you for help you both felt the tension. It was undeniable, and this time it was the exact same. Even though the safehouse was chilly, even though you could see every exhale you felt flushed. Warmth spreading over your entire body, and pooling in your lower belly. You could barely sit still while tending to him.
“I’m almost finished” You whispered, your tone coming out more breathy than you had anticipated. The arm you were tending to tensed up, in fact his whole body tensed up. Suddenly the air around you both seemed to get heavier. He couldn’t help letting his thoughts transition over to a more inappropriate side of his brain. It wasn’t the first time his mind went there (certainly not the last). On lonely nights he’d have the image of you splayed in different positions, situations, outfits-  He was sure he looked a mess; clammy hands, a tense body sporting a semi. Praying to god his hard-on isn’t as visible as it feels, he wasn’t small by any means, nothing about him was. You both sat in silence waiting for you to finish up, noticeably your movements got more jittery and shaky. He saw the way you crossed your legs over one another in the corner of his eye. How your legs were squeezing together for some form of relief. He wasn’t sure if he was hallucinating or not, there could absolutely be no chance you were interested in him, no chance he was the reason you’re getting turned on. One of his specialties is observing people, there’s no way he never noticed the signs.. Now he was staring intently at your face, his body fighting against the urge to kiss you, mark you, push you to your knees- 
“All done” your cheery voice cut through his lewd train of thought. When your eyes met his, your body was uncontrollable, your hand that was patching him up slowly drifting over his bicep, over to the place where his shoulder met his neck. That was the last straw for Ghost. Gripping your waist and pulling you towards him, faces inches apart. He could feel you breathing, eyes shifting down to your plump lips, chapped from the cold. 
Suddenly your face showed uncertainty, which immediately made Ghost drop his hands from your body.
“Do you have somebody waiting for you at home? Please be honest with me”
“Oh love, I don’t, I promise I don’t”
You’ve never heard his voice sound so desperate, so warm and needy. With the vulnerability he’s showing to you right now there’s no way he’s lying. All you could do was give him your signature infectious smile, that was his queue to touch you again. When he started lifting up his mask, placing the hem of it on the bridge of his nose, you were absolutely mesmerized. His strong jaw with a slight stubble and plump lips were on display, all and only for you. 
Your hands sneaked from the juncture of his neck to his jaw, eyes flicking down to his lips and then back to his eyes. Faces inching closer, lips slightly touching but neither of you giving in.  Before your lips finally met, he grabbed a hold of the sides of your face and ground his lips on yours. He grunted into your lips which made you whine back into his. The kiss became more and more needy, hints of nips and licks. Now that he’s gotten a taste of you, he’s become insatiable. He doesn’t even want to imagine never feeling your lips on his again, you were intoxicating. The position you both were in wasn’t comfortable anymore, he manhandled you and made you sit on his left knee, your back to his chest and his knee resting comfortably between your legs. His lips now working his way down the right side of your neck, hands moving from your hips to your thighs. His touch was light, hands moving from your outer thigh to your inner, before gripping lightly and spreading them for you. Your thighs felt so sensitive, his touch made your body light aflame, nobody has ever had this effect on you.  
“Is this okay darlin’?” He spoke against your neck, if his accent didn’t make you crazy before, it definitely made you crazy now. 
“Yes, please don’t stop” you whispered, unfortunately you weren’t alone in the safehouse and you definitely weren’t hidden. All you got in response was a chuckle. His hands kept teasing you, noticing how sensitive you got when he caressed the insides of your thighs, when he got closer to where you needed him most. Slowly his hand inched towards your tactical belt. But you beat him to it, desperately unbuckling and removing it. Ghost could only watch in amusement.
He helped you with the button on your pants, he couldn’t wait to feel what a mess he turned you into. He’s been dreaming about this for weeks now, the way you feel, your taste, the sounds you’d make, all of it. His brain already working overtime to tuck the memories of your warmth, the sound of your voice and the taste of your lips safely tucked away in his brain. It’s something only for him. 
The zipper of your pants being pulled down sent your brain into overdrive. You were so horny, your clit throbbing, positively drenching your underwear. Without thinking you shifted your hips backwards, your butt being driven into Ghost’s arousal as well as your clit making contact with the surface of his thigh. Bunching the fabric of his pants up in your hands while barely being able to contain your whine. What you both were doing was taboo, him being your superior and all. If anybody found out there could be drastic consequences for the both of you, but he obviously couldn’t care less about that now, and honestly neither could you. 
“Take what you need love, god- you’re so beautiful, I can feel you through my pants”
Slowly you started rocking your hips back and forth, the friction and pressure just enough to relieve you even a little bit. Breath hitching at every pleasurable rock against him, he started helping you thrust your hips by guiding you with his hands on your hips. You swear you could cum from this, you were so sensitive. All the pent up energy and all the fantasies you’ve had about him weren’t helping. 
“I-I’m close”, you whimpered, fisting his pants even harder than before, positively stretching the material out. 
"Already? You’ll be a good girl and cum for me, won’t ya?” Your brain was clouded by lust. You couldn’t even detect the humorous mocking in his voice. Him praising you is what set you off, hips starting to rock in a frenzied rhythm trying to reach the climax heavily burning in your core. Ghost started rocking his hips into your ass, simultaneously pleasuring you even more, his mouth so close to your ear, licking and biting on the lobe. His heavenly moans, grunts and heavy breathing pushed you impossibly closer to the edge. 
The fire in your core burned brighter with every thrust of your hips against his thigh. Letting go of your hold on his jeans you stabilised yourself against his hands holding your hips. Your body tensed, you threw your head back against his shoulder and moaned a lot louder than you should’ve when the pressure finally released, the pleasure kept building and building in intensity, every muscle in your lower region tightening in a delicious rhythm. “Good girl,” he breathed out, you were moaning so prettily, he wanted to save every octave and tone you were making in his brain so he’ll never be able to forget. The slow grinding of your throbbing clit against him brought you back to earth from the best orgasm you’ve had in your life. When he saw you came down he started to rub your arms soothingly up and down. He started pulling you even closer to him, the pressure and warmth of his body on yours helped you come back to your senses.
“I-I’ve- nobody has ever done that to me”, you giggled, turning to look at him. Who would’ve thought his touch would be like magic. Your body felt like jelly, but somehow you still wanted more. “You’re so beautiful when you cum”, He said while brushing loose strands away from your face, his eyes staring into yours. It was so incredibly intimate, his touch so tender it was making you melt. His hand yet again wandering to your core, brushing over your shirt clad breasts and travelling down to your open zipper. His fingers found their way inside your pants, he could feel the warmth radiating off of you. The way his fingers immediately felt wet simply just touching you outside of the fabric of your underwear, you had to be dripping. Even the insides of your thighs were a little slick.
“God, doll, you’re so fucking wet”, he groaned out. All you gave back in response was a high pitched ‘mhm’ muffled by your lips. His cock throbbing at this discovery, the fact you were affected by him so badly was making him feel so self-assured, his ego positively growing. Everything about you was perfect to him. 
After caressing you for a while through your underwear he finally decided to put his hand in your underwear, the uncensored feeling of his skin on your sensitive flesh was better than you could’ve imagined. With no fabric in the way it felt twice as good as it did before, you felt him spread your labia with his fore- and middle finger, making you clench, another drop of wetness dripping out of you. His now lubricated fingers moved upwards and circled your clit, you whined and moaned at his actions.
“I want to fuck you so badly but I need to get you ready for me love, fuck- I’ll take care of you”
That’s all he said before his middle and ring finger dipped down to your opening, making sure they were covered plenty in your slick before sliding inside you. You were tight due to your recent orgasm. He stopped halfway, his hands being huge compared to yours, he knew you’d need some time to recover. 
You’ve never felt so desperate for somebody, it was consuming you. Every fiber of your being needed him, you needed him to go faster, to go deeper. You wanted him to mark you, for him to be yours, and you his. 
Your hands grabbed onto the arm that was busy pleasuring you, one palm slipping from his forearm to his hand, trying to push him deeper inside you. He hadn’t even touched you for 2 minutes and you were already close. He was going to be the death of you.
“Ghost- fffuck, go deeper, I need you”, you were shamelessly moaning now, the thought of the other members being inside the building pushed out of your brain by the mind blowing pleasure Ghost was gifting your body. 
“Call me Simon, love”
You chanted his name, feeling yourself yet again get closer to the edge, the knot in your stomach unraveling faster than you ever anticipated. You were gradually getting tighter and tighter around his fingers, it felt even better. The rhythmic rocking sent you into yet another overwhelming orgasm. 
Ghost felt you gush around him, the sound of your slick with every thrust was deafening. He had to do everything in his power not to cum in his pants. You were truly a dream come true to him. 
When you calmed down and he felt your walls around his fingers relax, they slipped out of you. Strings of wetness tied his index finger to his middle, even his palm was wet. He started working on getting you both undressed, quickly pulling off his hoodie and shirt. Seeing him strip had put you into action as well, quickly ridding yourself of your shirt. As you sat there, tits clad with a very tight and uncomfortable sports bra, you gawked at his physique. He was crafted by the gods, muscles so defined and sharp. The broadness of his shoulders were twice, maybe even triple, the size of yours. 
Reaching up to caress his gorgeous chest your hand accidentally slid over his nipple, making him let out a muffled moan. You wanted to make him moan like that more, you’d do anything to hear it again. Hands drifting to the line of hair that disappeared into his cargo pants, slipping even lower and caressing his bulge through the thick fabric. Your pupils dilated at the reactions he gave at every touch you gave him. He looked like a god so you wanted to worship him like one. 
Standing up with shaky legs you pushed your pants that were hanging low on your hips down to your feet. Now standing only in your undergarments in front of him. He wasted no time in ridding himself of his own pants. Relieving some of the pressure on his hard, throbbing cock. 
He was sporting a tent in his boxers, which was now very visible with the fabric of his thick pants gone. You just stared at it, you’ve been with men before but it’s been a while. He certainly was above average, a fact that matched the rest of his physique. You caressed your hands down his sculpted body, ghosting over his pecs down to the hem of his boxers. Wasting no more time you gently pulled the boxers down. He was uncut and leaking onto the fabric of his underpants, which made your mouth water. Everything about him was just painfully attractive, the sight of him sweating, legs spread with his cock out and head thrown slightly back to gaze at you was something you’d never forget. 
“We have to be quick love, it’s already dawn”, Ghost said. His left hand gripping the base of his cock and the other gliding from your waist to your ass, gripping and pulling you towards him until you were standing in between his legs. Both of his hands were now working on pulling your underwear down your legs with desperation. You knew he needed you on him, around his cock as much as you needed him. 
You wasted no more time and sat on his thighs, the air between you two heavy. Ghost gripped the base of his cock and rubbed the tip of him on your clit, before finally positioning it near the opening of your hole. His mouth was open, the man breathing heavily in anticipation.
“Love, ffffuck I need you. You still want me right?”, the arousal was dripping off of his words.
“Mhm, yes-yes please put it in me, I can’t wait any longer”,
His tip slid in slowly, you felt the muscles of your pussy accommodate him. The stretch brought a slight sting with it, you’re not used to fucking men with cocks as girthy and big as Simons. You moved your hips closer to Ghost’s, you felt the overwhelming feeling of wanting to be as close and connected with him as humanly possible. At your motions he let out a symphony of grunts and moans while squeezing your hips to contain his excitement, trying to hold himself back. 
“Please don’t hold back, I need you to fuck me dumb- Simon please”, and the second your words processed in Simons brain he broke. Pulling you completely on his cock until he was balls deep inside you, hips angling upwards so that you’d somehow feel even fuller than before. Gripping his shoulder and nape you started your movements with him, hips moving in sync. 
“Doll, you’re fucking made for me. Born to be my fuck toy, how -fuuckkk is it possible for you to feel this good?”, Ghost said with a strained voice. Hearing his words made your pussy clench even tighter around him, “Hah- you like that? Being mine?”, all you could do was whimper and moan pathetically in response. 
Both of you wouldn’t last long, Simon was already nearing his climax after not even being 2 minutes inside of you. His masked face was pushed into your neck, making you feel the vibrations of his moans and his heavy breathing. Suddenly he let go of your hips and slid his hands under your sports bra you were still wearing, pulling the bra up to expose your chest. He positively groaned when he saw your perfect tits. Bouncing in sync with the rhythm, the cold air hardens your nipples even more. 
“Ahhh- I can’t last any longer love, where do you want me?”, 
“Don’t pull out- don’t stop”,
Your cockdrunk response triggered his orgasm, his thrusts getting slower and deeper to ensure you’re fucked full with his load. Feeling him throb so deeply inside you was fueling your own oncoming climax. You started riding him fast and deep in desperation. You grabbed his hand and started using his fingers to rub your clit, he loved seeing you get off with everything he had to offer. 
Your hips got wilder and wilder, until finally your body shuddered. Gasping and moaning was all you could do, the orgasm seemingly never ending. The soothing motions of Simon caressing your back and him still circling your clit in slow circles helped you come back down to earth. 
Now the only noises in the room were the heavy breathing of you both recovering. Your head falling down on Simon’s shoulders while he soothingly pet your hair, his softening cock still inside you. He kissed you long and soft, you felt him still breathing heavily out of his nose. Finally departing from the sweet kiss, he pulled you close. His face was in your hair. Giving you kisses on top of your head. “Thank you, love. I really needed this”, he whispered.
“I- it was my pleasure, Simon”, you said bashfully.
“My cock is inside you and you’re still this shy?”, Simon laughed. You couldn’t help but join in, all the chaos that took place only a couple hours before momentarily forgotten. 
Simon felt truly at peace. Something he hadn’t felt in a very long time, nevermind this mind-numbingly powerful. After having a taste of you and all that you’ve made his cold heart feel, he wasn’t going to let you go easily. Not that you wanted him to anyways.. <3
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
this is my first fanfic! i'm european so i'm very sorry about my possible grammar mistakes :')) i also posted this on AO3 !
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ventique18 · 4 months
Please refrain from grabbing my art and redistributing them in your accounts, because it appears as if you made them. Reblogs are here for a reason: because they link back to the artist and give them the credit they deserve. Please support us by reblogging our art or sharing by directly giving access to the original posts we make!
Some other personal thoughts:
I'm only uploading my stuff on Tumblr and Reddit because twst is very personal for me. I don't want the stuff I make for this particular fandom to be taken out of context and given new meanings, like what happens when people see them on mainstream platforms like Twitter. It's happened to me on Genshin and other otome games I've made stuff for; with my art being used for music videos on TikTok, my casual intimacy sketches used for horny thirst traps instead of the comfortable romance they're meant to be, dialogues in heartfelt comics are even changed for some reason, and other uses I've never consented to. I've learned to ignore these and accepted them as beyond my control at this point. But for twst, I'd have wanted to be as quiet as possible as it's a piece of my personal life that's most precious to me at the moment.
Since the start of twst en, Tumblr has become a sort of the peaceful home I turn to after a hectic day. Here I can scream about my interests as loudly as I can, without people looking at me weird for it and telling me to act like the proper lady I should be. This place is where my selfish heart is; a place where my problems are nonexistent, where I don't constantly have to divide myself between people who need me; where I don't have to be the reliable sister, the dutiful daughter, the caring lover, the diligent student, or the obedient worker. I'm just me.
But it looks like I can't keep it idealistically "private" within a small circle of like-minded people anymore. Recently there's been multiple cases of people redistributing my works here and there because "they found it on pinterest", it's at the top of google search, or some such. I'm actually not angry because as I've said, it's out of my control, but it's looking like I need to stretch myself again and start posting in other platforms just to maintain a direct link between myself and my works. I don't want others to receive praise for my hard work. I want to have the ability to contest an artwork's message when it's being manipulated to suit other's interests.
This is just a small rant, but it's really very personal to me. My little notes about Malleus, my heartful interest, are important to me. Thank you so much for listening and I hope you continue supporting me by helping me keep a link to my original posts by, like I've said, reblogging. 🫂
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