#can't have them seeming too interested in each other too fast lol
deejadabbles · 1 year
I heard it's WIP Wednesday??
I have a whole army of WIPs I could post about, but, I'm gonna give yall a sneak peak of The Handmaiden's Fox chapter two! If all goes to plan, I'll have it up for you darlings this weekend <3 here's a taste:
The moment they entered the hall, Fox laid eyes on Grizzer, wagging the whole bottom half of his body with delight while you, bent to one knee, gave him little scratches under the chin.
“My my, aren’t you a handsome creature?” you cooed, face more soft than Fox had yet to see. “Are you here to protect our loyal troops from bad guys? I bet you are.”
Hound nudged Fox’s arm with a stupid grin, “See? Grizzer can melt anyone's heart.”
You finally tore your eyes away from the massiff (who looked like he was falling in love with you right there) and nodded at the two of them, “Grizzer, is it? What a perfect name. And yours, trooper?”
“Hound, ma’am,” the Sergeant replied with delight, and Fox narrowed his eyes at his brother’s suddenly low, intimate tone. “Pleasure to meet you.”
“The pleasure is mine,” you said, and finally rose back to a standing position, much to Grizzer’s dismay, though he obediently came to Hound’s side with a whistle. You nodded at Fox “Commander, I apologize for intruding, but, when I expressed my need to see you, Commander Thorn escorted me back here.” 
You waved a hand over your shoulder, and it was only then that he realized Thorn was leaning against the door frame. The other man might have had his helmet on, but something told Fox there was a shit eating grin behind it. Thorn had listened to many of Fox’s rants regarding the Amidala situation, and a majority of the rants included you. Thorn must be loving that he delivered a headache right into his break room.
He had not had enough caf to deal with all this.
“What brings you here, ma’am?” He asked finally, if only to ignore the strange awkwardness he felt as your gaze examined his face. This would be the first time you’d seen him with his helmet, though he wasn’t sure why he cared, considering his face was the same as all clones. Under your gaze he felt oddly…exposed. 
“A peace offering,” you answered. “Considering the…trouble we caused you with the 187-24 violation, Senator Amidala wants to show her cooperation. We invite you to search her apartments and staff quarters for anything else that might be against these new regulations. We have no intention of causing you anymore trouble, Commander, and hope that this will be a gesture of good faith.”
‘No intentions of causing trouble’ sure, Fox would believe that when he saw it. Still, he supposed it was a good offer on your end. He didn’t honestly believe that you or the others meant anything ill intentioned, you were all just stuck in the old ways and were adjusting to the new rules. And here you were, offering to make his job easier. He supposed he could appreciate the, what had you called it? Peace offering?
“That’s very considerate of you- er, Senator Amidala, I mean. When would you be available for the search?”
“Tomorrow, 1700 hours?”
He thought for a moment, his week’s schedule flipping through his mind like a card wheel. He usually just spent that time catching up on paperwork in his office and…he had a sneaking suspicion that you knew that, and was exactly why you suggested it.
“That should work,” was all he offered in reply.
“Excellent,” you bowed your head again, “I won’t take up anymore of your time, Fox, please have a pleasant evening, we will see you tomorrow.”
A nod towards Hound, a short wave of fingers at a smiling Grizzer, and a bow to Thorn, without another word, you were gone in a sweep of your elegant cape.
“Kriff, she’s pretty,” Hound whistled.
“What?” Fox snapped, finally taking another sip of caf from his mug.
“He Said,” Thorn started in a much too loud voice, “She’s Pretty! You never mentioned that all the times you bitched about her.”
“Will you shut up?” Fox hissed, “She can probably still hear you.” With the way you always seemed to know everything, Fox thought you must have had ears like a bothan bat. “Besides, Hound thinks anything with a pulse is pretty,” he took another drink, “hence why he likes that thing,” he waved the mug at Grizzer, who tilted his head and let out a little whine.
“Don’t feel bad, Grizzy,” Thorn comforted in a simpering tone, “Foxy is just mad because that pretty little natborn is giving him more than he can chew.”
Fox let out a long, suffering sigh and turned on his heel, “I’m going back to my office, don’t bother me unless you want a face full of hot caf.”
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Tags!: @blueink-bluesoul @anxiouspineapple99 @starrylothcat @goblininawig @fanfic-addict-98
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14dayswithyou · 2 months
This Angel has another question! \o
{For those of you who haven't played the game yet this may be a little spoilery}
So I just saw the relationship charts you made about how the characters feel about each other and when I saw that Olivia was in love with REDACTED I almost choked on my hot chocolate X∆X like wha?? I get that she like, liked him and stuff when she saw him in the store (like you said love at first collision) but love?? Damn (although I guess I shouldn't really be too surprised, we fell pretty fast for him too lol)but like does she still love him even after what he said to her at the store?? Cuz when we met her again at the apartment (if I remember correctly) she didn't really seem all that interested in him more annoyed or something or maybe she was just annoyed with us?? Cuz he went with us instead of her after completely shutting her down??(Sorry I can't recall much about that interaction in the complex, I know she said some stuff about him but I can't remember what)
Also is there a reason why her love was aimed (the red line in the chart) at REDACTED and not Ren? Or am I just overthinking this, like it doesn't matter because they're the same person. Sorry that this is a bit long I had to get it off my chest 😅
✦゜ANSWERED: Olivia and [REDACTED] have met before!! The souvenir shop wasn't their first meeting, and Olivia has a lot more going on with her backstory!!
But!! As for Olivia's feelings towards Ren (not [REDACTED]), she's the type of person who falls for someone hard and fast and can drop them just as quickly. She's very wishy-washy(?); one minute, she'll be obsessed with someone, and the next, she'll act as if they didn't exist.
I'd like to say that Olivia is still attracted to Ren — but it's very on-and-off. She's also into Teo as well!
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arminsumi · 10 months
two freaks
CHOSO ちょうそう
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note : choso crack lol. i love him.
synopsis : you and choso have been the weirdest, freakiest, off-beat duo since the very beginning. your chemistry with each other thoroughly confuses the people around you. just two freaks in freaky love with each other.
warnings : 🔞 some suggestive content, mentions weed/getting high, unedited
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no one knows how you and choso started dating. it's a mystery of the universe.
because you and him were always like mismatched socks. and yet you ended up together, for some reason. hell, even when you and choso were just friends you made an inside joke with each other;
"i have a type and you're not it." you'd joke.
"yeah i could never date you, either." choso would joke back.
if one of you accidentally flirted with the other, then you'd laugh and accuse each other of being horny.
"you're horny." you'd say.
"no i'm high."
"i thought you were choso?"
"no i'm your man."
"shit alright, let's get married."
your friends would sometimes overhear this and pull a funny face.
("are you guys crazy or high?")
"bitch, we're both."
you and choso met each other one day at an instrument store. you were accompanying a friend, they were choosing a guitar to gift someone — or whatever it was. anyways, so you were there lingering.
"you listen to the smiths?" choso scrunched his nose up.
"what's that face for! the smiths are great!"
so you and choso stood there, arguing about music. your friend just let you two be and snickered with the store's staff, who knew choso well because he practically lived in the store with how much he visited.
you visited that music store a lot and met choso over and over again, probably for a year before even exchanging numbers. neither of you were interested in each other, and you always argued about music... or at least it seemed like that to everyone else.
you and choso had an underlying comedy to each argument — yes obviously the both of you knew it was not that serious. choso just enjoyed debating music with you and was excited that someone finally debated back. sometimes he disagreed with your opinions even if he agreed, it became an inside joke.
"i like... (artist)" you'd say and then choso would shift his shoulders and lift his chin and reply with "oh, well now i can't like them if you like them. i refuse to associate with you." and you two would laugh.
the music store's staff genuinely thought you two were high every time you spoke, but at the time choso had a rule of never getting high and going in public because he'd embarrassed himself too many times.
sometimes you'd have a spontaneous hang out with choso. because he was spontaneous and you aspired to be.
one time, he said something unexpected when he lit up a blunt. you and him were loitering by a fast food restaurant's drive-thru.
"you know, i like the chemistry between our souls. i think we must have known each other in a past life."
"do you think we were also freaks in our past lives?"
he laughed and nodded, rubbing his watery eye when smoke got into it.
"we were definitely freaks."
"well, i also think our souls have got good chemistry. our souls are freaky."
"yeah, freaky souls."
you and him stared at each other. he seemed high but the rush hadn't even kicked in yet, so it must have been just because of your company.
"yo..." he cooed awkwardly. "sorry, didn't mean to stare." he mumbled something like that and looked away.
"eyes are the gateway to the soul. were you trying to perve on my soul?" you joked.
"yeah, i totally just perved on your soul." he laughed.
on that day, you distinctively remember talking to choso about how you two would be the last people to ever date. and he replied with some joke about "what if it were the apocalypse and we had to breed for repopulation purposes?" (how did you reply? he can hardly remember, all he knows is that he blushed at your reply until his cheeks burned.)
and then a year after knowing each other you were making out violently in his car after some friendofafriend's party. maybe you kissed him because he charmed you by playing the guitar earlier that night — he looked hot doing it, with his hair down, plectrum in between his teeth as he tuned it.
too many times have people scrunch up their noses in confusion when you and choso act like a couple.
whenever they ask;
"oh, are you two dating?"
with a weird attitude in their voice, you and choso troll them;
"no, we're partners in crime."
"yeah i do the killing and she gets rid of the evidence then we make out violently in the back seat of my car."
they look like they regret asking anything about you two. clearly you and choso were freaks.
people in your friend group make jokes all the time about how choso's in it for the pussy and you're in it for the weed.
"no actually i've been cutting back on my pussy consumption." choso replies with a face so plain that you could take him seriously.
"oh i been hittin' that blunt from the back lately i just can't get enough of it."
you completely confuse the people around you and troll them just for amusement. but truly you and choso do get fed up sometimes. it's sickeningly repetitive.
sometimes choso gets snappy, especially if it's a guy asking you;
"that's your boyfriend?"
"yeah that's her boyfriend." choso clenches his jaw and steers you into his arms.
ah, and his most classic response;
"are you her boyfriend?"
"no, i'm her wife."
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© arminsumi
I do not permit the copying/reposting/translation/plagiarism of my works. Do not steal what I've worked hard to create.
This is fictional work.
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sillystappen · 2 months
@justlookingforf1fanfictions gave me the idea of a maxiel! high school AU (I made everyone seniors) with discovering sexualities and I am SO DOWN for that. I've never attempted smut so this is really just dipping my toes in (though this is like 1% on the smut scale it's mentioned thinking). If hope this suffices for you though it may have gotten a tiny bit away from the original prompt lol. As in: I gave Daniel a mild sexuality crisis. But don't worry for the most part this is pure fluff.
Is It Chill That You’re In My Head?
Daniel is so ready to leave school, move away from this stupid town in the middle of Nevada and finally live the dream life of partying until 3am, having sex with the hottest women ever and getting some well-paid job that he actually likes compared to the shitty one he has at the corner shop.
Alas, he is not quite there yet. He just has to finish his final year of high school and June cannot come fast enough.
It's April, a pretty mild and sunny day where it's warm but not warm enough to make it feel like you have been shoved into a furnace. Daniel has this last month before exam season rolls around and his teachers have been breathing down his neck about revising for said exams instead of playing soccer with his mates in his spare time. Honestly, they need to get off of his back - he'll pass just fine, and his mocks went as smoothly as butter on a warm bit of toast.
He lifts his head off the desk ever so slightly when his teacher calls for everyone's attention. "Everyone listen up, we have a very late new student with us."
A new student? Now? Jeez that must suck for them, having to move schools right before the end of senior year. Daniel shrugs to himself and drops his head back on the desk.
"Hello, I'm Max Verstappen," a new voice says and oh, that's an accent. Daniel snaps his head up to look at the new boy, suddenly intrigued. The new boy, Max, seems nearly as tall as Daniel if he weren't so withdrawn into himself (clearly anxious to be at the front of the class with everyone's eyes on him), with sandy blonde hair and, despite looking from his seat towards the back of the class, the bluest eyes he has ever seen. They remind him of the ocean, beautiful and clear but also hiding something in their depths.
Daniel needs to know more about this guy.
"I expect everyone to welcome Max and be kind to him in the last months you all are here," his teacher says before turning to Max, "just find an empty seat and sit there for now."
Max nods and looks out towards the class before quietly walking down the middle to where Daniel is near the back. He gestures to the chair next to Daniel, the one by the window that nobody really likes because the sun can get in your eyes.
Daniel is slow to reply, not realising that Max was asking if he could move so he can sit there. For a while they just stare at each other. "Oh yeah, sure," he mumbles, the realisation eventually hitting him, tucking his chair in a bit so Max can walk behind him and sit down.
Max plops down next to him and rests his head in his hand, tilting it away from the window and towards their teacher, who started explaining some literature principles from the start of the year (lest they forget).
Daniel doesn't pay attention, he's much more interested in the way Max chews his pencil while he's thinking.
1 hour later, at the end of class, Daniel finally speaks to him. Max hasn't said a word since he sat down so Daniel still can't place the accent. They have both stood up, and slung their backpacks over their shoulders and Daniel deliberately stands in Max's path.
"Hi! I'm Daniel, nice to meet you mate," he smiles and sticks his hand out.
Max looks at it for a moment before shaking Daniel's hand in small , gentle motions for a second. "Max, but you know that." He speaks! Thank the Lord.
Daniel chuckles, "yeah, I do. I like your voice, where are you from?"
Max flushes. "Thank you. I'm Dutch. And Belgian too, but raised in the Netherlands."
"Oh that's awesome! I'm just born and raised here, nothing exciting."
"You seem exciting," Max says, as if it's a normal thing to say, like the sun is out, or you need oxygen to breathe. But he smiles, just a little quirk of his lips, and Daniel's brain unhelpfully supplies 'cute'.
It's then that Daniel realises they're still holding hands and in his sudden surprise of his own brain and that, he yanks his hand away from Max's maybe a little to forcefully because Max's smile drops.
"Sorry, aha. I just remembered I gotta go to my next class, as much as I'd like to stay and chat." Daniel rubs the back of his neck out of awkwardness as he half lies, because he really does have another class to go to but it's just two rooms down the hall.
Max nods, still emotionless, "me too." He steps around Daniel, lightly pushing him, and walks out the classroom door.
Daniel spends the rest of the day in his own head. God, why can't he just be normal for once? He's made things weird with the new guy and acts like he's attracted to the guy, like he's interested, which he's not mind you. Daniel Ricciardo is 100% straight, straight out of straightdom if you will. Sure it was nice to hold his hand, and he wants to make Max smile because it's cute and his eyes really are blue like the ocean, but that's just pure platonic feelings, he swears. He just wants to be Max's friend and know why the hell he came to butt-fuck-nowhere Nevada instead of staying in the Netherlands. And why now? Max just produces numerous question marks in his head and it's so confusing.
He doesn't speak to Max again until the following day at lunch, when he enters the school cafeteria. Daniel grins at him and calls him over to sit with him and his mates, Michael and Blake. Max seems hesitant but agrees. He sits next to Daniel and opposite Michael, though makes sure to put a bit of distance between himself and Daniel, just in case.
They hadn't spoken in literature class because Daniel was about 10 seconds away from being late and he really didn't want to annoy Max at 9 in the morning.
"Who's this Daniel?" Blake asks.
"This is my new friend Maxy." Daniel says.
"Maxy?" Michael questions. And shit, Daniel didn't realise he had said that. He doesn't really do nicknames for anyone, unless his friends decide to be annoying then an affectionate dickhead or asshole does get thrown around.
"It's Max," Max eventually speaks up, his cheeks tinged red, "I'm new. I joined Daniel's literature class yesterday."
"Oh, well, welcome Max. I'm Blake and this is Michael."
"Hi." Max's response is clipped and Daniel can't stand it. Blake and Michael give him a look of 'who is this person and why are you trying to befriend him?' and Daniel just shrugs at them.
"So, Maxy, Max, can I call you Maxy?" Daniel asks before launching his next question. Max looks at him, and Daniel feels like he can see into his soul and is about to pull out the thread keeping him together. Max stares like he is trying solve a puzzle and he must've found his answer because he says yes.
"Sweet!" Daniel swears he catches Max smiling at him when he cheers. It's a small thing yet again but Daniel calls it a victory. "Maxy, what are your plans when you finish high school? I'm going to do sports science hopefully."
"My dad wants me to do law." Max sighs and picks at his food. To Daniel, everything about that sentence felt off.
"Yeah, but what do you want to do?" Daniel prods.
"It doesn't matter."
"I don't know Maxy, it matters to me." Daniel half expects to descend into an argument but what he doesn't expect is the way Max looks at him, a real smile, albeit close-lipped but real and big, stretches across his face. Max looks down in an attempt to supress it, and Daniel is having none of that.
"Hey." Daniel shifts closer and brings his hand under Max's chin, lifting his head so Max looks at him. Then Daniel just stops working, his following words disappearing into thin air.
Max looks at him like he's a mystery and a wonder, which is clearly a good thing judging by the way he is still smiling, albeit a little smaller and softer. Daniel lets himself move his hand to cup Max's jaw and he swears he feels Max lean into it. If Daniel had to describe Max right then, he would've told you he looked beautiful. Maybe he could-
Michael coughs suddenly and Daniel drops his hand, he and Max springing apart and what the hell was that?
"Literature and writing," Max says suddenly. "What I actually want. It's literature and writing."
Conversation goes back to normal after that. Towards the end of the day, Michael corners him at the school gate.
"Look, mate, you know if there's anything you need to tell me then I'm here for you," he says, which is weird in itself because Michael knows everything there is to know about Daniel.
"What are you on about?" Daniel asks.
"Just... you know... about you and Max-"
"There's really nothing to it. I want to be his friend. I'm not gay," Daniel cuts him off sharply, the vague implication getting to him a little.
Michael remains calm. "I'm not saying you are; you don't have to label yourself. I'm simply saying if you were interested in Max the same way you would be interested in a girl then it's ok."
"I'm not. I literally have known him for two days and it wasn't like he just walked his pretty self into class and rocked my world just like that."
Michael raises an eyebrow at the word 'pretty' but doesn't comment on it. "Alright, man. I guess I will see you tomorrow."
"Yeah, see ya." Daniel waves and walks out the gate.
The rest of the week and the next one continues in a similar pattern. He'd see Max in class, then hang out with him at lunch and something weird would happen that Daniel would shake off, such as them linking pinkie fingers in the middle of class only to let go when the teacher calls on Max, or Daniel wrapping an arm around Max when he sits down with them and forgetting to let him go until Michael eyes him questioningly. Daniel just concludes that he's simply a physically affectionate friend to Max, who has not complained at all about it.
Max slowly opens up to the group, mainly Daniel. He tells him all about the Netherlands and what school was like there (pretty interesting stuff, if Daniel is honest), as well as why his dad relocated them to the states. Turns out his dad thinks there's more money to be made as a prosecutor in the US than the Netherlands and chose now because he wants Max to go to an Ivy League school to follow in his footsteps.
One day Max tells him and only him that his mother and sister are still in Belgium, and that his parents are divorced because his father is abusive. Daniel hugs him that day and tells him that he is welcome over any time should he need it.
He learns that Max is a huge nerd though, much like the rest of them and Daniel usually ends up on the receiving end of a book-rant. He doesn't understand what Max is talking about most of the time, but he talks so passionately and uses his hands to emphasis every word ever that he just cannot find it in himself to stop him. It's frankly adorable.
He also goes to watch them play soccer on Fridays. He doesn't play, mainly because Max claims he isn't very good, but he is a very good cheerleader for Daniel, much to the complaint of everyone else.
"But Max, I have scored more goals this match than Daniel," Blake had once said.
"So? Daniel needs the extra motivation then!" Max had proclaimed.
Daniel loves how comfortable Max is with everyone now, and how he has grown out of his shell and starts to be more reciprocal to Daniel's affections, so to speak, even initiating some of his own. For example, Max often taps his foot against Daniel's which sends warmth through Daniel's body. Another time Max just simply leaned into Daniel and rested his head on his shoulder while he was talking to Blake. Daniel, once again, didn't think much of it let alone properly realise it until someone pointed it out.
Max also tries to teach the group a little Dutch but eventually gives up because according to him it sounds like they're gargling water. Max burst out laughing when Daniel attempted to say 'I am 18 years old'.
It was the first time Daniel had seen him like that and he wanted to bottle up that laugh so he could hear it forever. And God, his smile is gorgeous. His whole face lights up and his smile makes the corners of his eyes crinkle. Daniel has made it his mission to get that to happen again.
Daniel is also realising that maybe, just maybe, these aren't exactly thoughts you have about a friend. He wants to protect Max, to hold him and never let go, but also be the reason he's happy and laughs. However Daniel has never ever been into a boy, and it kinda ruins the 'dream life tm' he has pictured for himself because now said picture is starting to have Max in it: the two of them on a sofa watching some shitty Netflix show. He curses Michael in his mind, blaming him for putting the idea of being with Max in his head.
As he lies on his bed on Sunday, end of the second week with Max, he allows himself to think about kissing Max. Max's lips always look soft and maybe it would be as nice as a girl. He'd hold his face the same way he did two weeks ago, eventually thread his fingers into Max's hair as he kisses him. Girls usually like that. Maybe Max would be in his lap, holding on to his torso like a lifeline as Daniel deepens the kiss into a full-on make-out session, their tongues dancing together as they run their hands along each others bodies and up their shirts and the feeling of Max's skin would be enough to drive him crazy as Max pushes him down, smiling against his lips and-
Daniel sits up abruptly, forcing out the images from his brain before he ends up with more than a semi. He then startles because holy fuck he is getting turned on by thinking about Max.
He immediately calls Michael.
"Bitch, what do you want? It's 1am." Michael groaned down the phone.
"I'm definitely attracted to Max but like... I'm not gay."
"Congrats on finally realising. I called it from day 1... well day 2 for you," Michael says smugly.
"I hate how well you know me sometimes." Daniel grumbles.
"No you don't."
Daniel simply hums. "I'm not gay though. I still like women."
"As I said, you don't need to label it. You just like Max."
The words are comforting; Daniel still likes women, but he also likes Max which means he is still mostly straight. And being called bi or pan also doesn't seem right. He just likes Max.
"Now answer me this," Michael says, "is this just a physical thing or-"
"No! I want to know everything I can about Max. I want to make him laugh and smile and protect him. Y'know, all that sappy shit. I mean, I do think he's very nice to look at but..."
"Yeah yeah I hear you buddy. That's good for you. Anyway, I'm hanging up and going to sleep. You should do the same."
Daniel's phone beeps before he can say good night.
It's felt... good admitting it aloud. It felt like it became normal instead of being this weird thing he had been trying to avoid for two weeks and living in a state of denial. Saying it to Michael was akin to a rock being lifted off his chest and he can finally breathe again.
But just as Daniel is drifting off to sleep he wondered how the hell he is going to face Max the next morning.
Monday morning comes around Max sits in the same spot by the window he always does. Daniel admits that he does shamelessly stare at Max, and how the morning sun makes him look golden. Full send, right? He likes Max in the same way he would like a girl, so he shouldn't be acting any differently. That's his solution to last night's conundrum. Max doesn't seem bothered when he catches Daniel though, and smiles softly at him, making Daniels heart do little flutters.
They can't stare at each other forever so eventually Daniel pulls his gaze away and half-tunes into the lesson on the importance of the curtain being red or some shit like that. He also heard some paper ripping but makes a conscious choice to not look for the sound.
At the end of the lesson, Max taps his shoulder and places an origami flower behind Daniel's ear, made from a torn page of Max's notebook.
"For you," Max says, then walks off happily to his next class. Daniel carefully touches it, not removing it from where it's sat. The stem is tucked into his curls and the flower seems intricately made. It feels romantic and Daniel can't help but blush as he traces the folds of the paper with his fingertip. He doesn't move it for the rest of the day.
Lando, a junior Daniel knows but wouldn't say he's friends with, finds him in the hallway between classes and comments on it immediately. "Ooh Daniel, who's that from? A girlfriend?"
"Haha, no it's-" Daniel cuts himself off. It's different telling Lando than it was telling Michael. Shit, is he ready to even be out like that, to where the whole school knows? Sure he has only a few months left but still, it's a big thing.
"Who's it from then?" Lando prompts, reaching up to touch it.
Daniel swats his hand away. "A classmate," is what Daniel settles on saying. It's technically still the truth.
"Damn, you should ask this classmate out. She is definitely into you!"
"You think?" Daniel tries (and fails) not to sound too hopeful.
"Duh! This is some master-craft shit," Lando says like it's obvious. "Whoever gave this to you must like you. And you clearly like her with the way you're parading around with it."
Daniel nods and scampers off to his next class.
He spends the whole hour wondering how the hell he will even tell Max he likes him and well... he's got nothing. Sure, he said 'Full Send' and all that but Max is different, from a girl and everyone else. He wants it to be important and not just dumped on him during lunch break like most people do. Max is special and deserves to be treated as such.
Therefore the logical thing to do is ask him on a date after school and take him somewhere nice (which is pretty hard in middle-of-nowhere Nevada but not totally impossible) and romance the fuck out of him and potentially kiss him.
Boom! He has a plan! (Someone be proud of him; he's putting himself out there for Max.) Now to set said plan into motion.
At lunch, he sees Max but he keeps it as normal as possible, because really there are no boundaries with them. When Max notices he still has the paper flower exactly where Max left it, he beams like the sun, eyes scrunching up and smile splitting his face. "You kept it," he says.
"Of course, I wore it proudly all day," and Max preens at that. Daniel continues, "It's so pretty, I can tell. Where did you learn how to make this?"
"I got bored one day, and thought that it would be nice to give someone I like."
"Aw Maxy," Daniel coos, reaching to hold Max's hand on the table and lacing their fingers, "I love it."
Daniel can tell Michael is giving a 'really?-right-in-front-of-my-salad' look but hey, he should've known this would happen. Blake has gotten used to their shenanigans but even he looks at them weirdly. Daniel doesn't let it get to him, not this time.
He shuffles closer to Max, pressing their thighs together and starts to chat with Michael about their god awful math class. He never shies away from Max, who almost melts next to him and Daniel fights the urge to kiss him there and then.
He's practically bouncing off the walls of the hallway when the bell for the end of school rings. He lingers by the gate, waiting for any sight of Max and beelines towards him when he sees the familiar ocean blue eyes. "Maxy!"
"Oh, hi Dan." Dan. Not long after Maxy became a thing, Max started using Dan instead of Daniel, and Daniel loves it. It feels intimate to hear Max call him that when everyone else uses Danny or just Daniel. "What's up? I do have to go though, so I'm gonna have to rush you."
Ah of course, his dad and Max's extracurriculars. Daniel makes it quick. "pleasegoonadatewithme."
"...what?" Ok maybe too quick.
Daniel clears his throat and plucks the origami flower from behind his ear and starts twirling it in his hand, watching the flower spin and admiring the petals as he repeats himself. "Maxy, please go on a date with me."
Max doesn't speak, and to fill the silence and to stop himself from panicking, Daniel keeps talking.
"I really like you, like had a full on gay crisis over you because I've never felt this way about a boy like ever and you're like so you and so so perfect, and I know this town doesn't offer much but I will try my damn best to make it special and all romantic and-"
"Dan. Yes." Max eventually says, cutting him off. He's smiling ear to ear in the way Daniel loves the most. "I really like you, too. I thought it was pretty obvious. I don't go around making those," Max gestures at the flower, "for anyone. I told you that they're for the people I like. Besides, I also don't let just anyone touch me like you do."
"Oh," Daniel says dumbly. Because, yeah, that all tracks.
"Now I do have to go, but I have some free time on Thursday after school if that works for you?"
"Yeah, that's brilliant Maxy," Daniel says a bit too eagerly for his liking.
Max plucks the flower from Daniels hand and puts it back behind his ear, tucking it gently into his curls. He presses a quick kiss to Daniel's lips and says a quick "bye" before darting out the gate, leaving Daniel standing there, touching his lips in a daze.
June can wait. Thursday cannot come fast enough.
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skinzchoerim · 3 months
OnlyOneOf's dOpamine concert in Warsaw - my experience (+sentimental musings about the lore and its messages)
The first thing I need to get out of the way is that their crowd interaction game is 1000/10. They went on stage already knowing at least two greetings in Polish, and then Kyubin and Nine did a whole pantomime to explain their understanding of them. They presented "elo" as being very casual, best done with a bro chest bump, and they were correct about that. The funniest thing was when Nine showed "siema" (a greeting that's basically just as casual as "elo") as being very polite and official with a bow of the head. And hey, if he thinks that's the most official greeting in Polish, who are we to argue?
The translator wasn't very good so a lot of the context got lost, but they said that while sightseeing they met an elderly lady who was a lyOn. Then they met an elderly man from Busan who they hoped to turn into a lyOn, but he wasn't interested, and Nine said that's just how people from Busan are lol. Junji talked about how much he loved the view and that it made him feel really sentimental, which somehow turned into JunRie doing a couple dance with a spin. I really wish I had a video of it, I also can't find any taken by other people 😔
When the time for seOul drift came they asked about a Polish car brand, and of course everyone yelled "MALUCH!!!", so it was hilarious when they asked us to do a Warsaw drift in a maluch with them.
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At some point the audience started chanting "zajebiście" which basically means "fucking awesome", and they were very keen to learn how to pronounce it. I really hope they remember it cause that would be iconic.
Now let's do a time leap and go back to what happened before the concert.
I watched the fanchat from afar and had the best view of Yoojung who looked really invested in everyone he talked to. I was surprised to see how wide and baby-like Rie's face is, it's really cute. Everyone says they look even better in real life, and personally I don't find that to be true. I think they're exactly as beautiful as they appear on screen. I'll explain it in more detail later.
Now for the fansign, which... my god. My worst fear when I saw how little time was reserved for it came true, because it really went by at the speed of light. I'm really glad I brought the prints to give them, because there was no way they would have noticed the shirt. For reference, here is what I gave them (Yoojung got two):
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Junji was first, he smiled and said a cheerful "Hi!", I handed him the album and then quickly gave him the print before having to move on to Rie who was already making eye contact. I don't remember his exact reaction to the print, but he seemed positively surprised. Yoojung was the one who had the biggest reaction, his mouth did the '0' he often does and he either gasped or said "wow", it was all genuinely too fast for me to process and file away every detail. I don't remember Nine's reaction well because I was still reeling from Yoojung's (also I was distracted by his scar makeup, cause damn, it looked realistic). I think he said "thank you", although I'm not sure if he even looked down at the print. Mill also seemed positively surprised. Kyubin was last, and thanks to that I got to watch his reaction for the longest, although it was still barely a second. He looked at the print and then made eye contact with me while he was handing me the signed album. There was something about the look on his face that made me wish I had a moment longer to ask what was going through his head, but unfortunately all I could do was smile, give him an awkward nod goodbye and walk off. Did he recognize that he's seen the drawing before? Was he just surprised? Did he like it? I have no idea.
The hi-touch went by even faster since the staff told us to run. The pictures were taken with about 10-13 lyOns each. After the whole thing was done, I knew that for the next concert (fingers crossed 🤞) I'll have to buy the VVIP+ benefits. To be fair to myself, there was already a lot going on in the days leading up to the concert and preparing for the fanchat would've only added unimaginable levels of stress, but I think that the second time around, I'd be able to approach it with more ease. More on that later as well.
While waiting for the concert to start, some of their songs were playing in the background. The volume was fairly low and the amount of noise in the hall made it impossible to hear anything beyond the bassline and percussion, but that just made me wish that they'd release their entire discography with only those two elements cause let me tell you, it sounded SICK.
I started to really regret not getting the VVIP+ benefit once the concert began and the people in front of me covered the view with not just their heads, but also phones and lightsticks. I was only in the third/fourth row, but everyone in front of me was taller so I couldn't see everything that was going on, and seeing the videos others shared on Twitter it does seem like I missed a lot. Still, it was the perfect spot to get sprayed with water which happened more times than I could count (mostly Kyubin's deed, thanks bro I needed it).
The performances were absolutely top tier, but did anyone expect otherwise? I need them to release the dOpamine remix, I'd listen to it way more than the original. I couldn't see Yoojung during begin at all because he performed a little further back, so I'm really glad that once the medley was done they all sang the choruses of the solos again with the audience. Did I cry? No, but very fucking nearly, especially when we all sang begin together. Another moment that nearly brought me to tears was when Nine finished performing beyOnd and the music cut one line into the second verse. Obviously part of the reason why it sounded so heartbreaking was how unexpected the ending was and how much I wanted it to go on for longer, but it also sounded like someone suddenly took away his voice, so it fit the theme of Things I Can't Say LOve perfectly.
Speaking of having his voice taken away, I'm happy to report mine wasn't. The concert experiences I ruined for myself by freezing up and not joining everyone else in having fun outnumber the ones I approached with ease and made great memories during. I was especially worried since the previous concert I've been to, Odd Eye Circle's, unfortunately fell into the former category. The English version of Loonatic was my skinz before skinz existed, and when they performed it, anxiety got the better of me. I couldn't even open my mouth to attempt to sing along, and I still have regrets about it, because I know it would have been a liberating experience.
But none of that happened this time. I sang every song along with them (was I feeling smug that I knew almost all of the lyrics when the people around me only knew the English bits? yes, sue me). I put my whole fucking soul into my favorite songs, especially mirage, seOul drift and skinz. I can't even begin to describe how special it felt. Yelling the lyrics to skinz with lyOns all around me and OnlyOneOf a few meters away felt like a full circle moment. skinz was the beginning of so many things for me, and it's such a therapeutic song that's been helping me express myself unapologetically slowly, bit by bit over the past two and a half years. It doesn't matter that I don't have as many vivid memories of the concert as I wish I had, because I know that those two hours on June 12th 2024 have been euphoric and liberating, and I will carry that feeling with me every day, getting a little taste of it each time I listen to these songs again.
While after the fact I do wish the concert had gone on for longer, at the time it felt like the perfect length. The amount of songs in the encore was a genuinely nice gesture, because they were slowly getting people prepared for the end while constantly whipping out another performance, which is a really smart way to leave the audience in high spirits. I think they ended up performing four songs for the encore - OOO yOu, angel, lOve me and dOpamine (without choreo this time), and then the first verse and chorus of time leap right before they left the stage.
The acoustics in Progresja aren't the best, but it was an amazing experience to hear them sing live. I feel like in a lot of recordings it's kind of hard to tell if they're singing live or if it's playback because the vocal and music layers sort of merge into one. I might share the videos that my mom took with her phone, because hers actually captured that live quality of their singing.
I know me writing this here won't change anything, but I have to put I out there - these kinds of stages weren't made for K-pop acts. I can't imagine anyone aside from the people in the first row or someone very tall was able to see the elements of choreography that took part on the floor or the subtitles on videos (which come on, they at least could have had the foresight to place them on the upper part of the screen, not the bottom). K-pop groups - or anyone who doesn't just stand there holding a mic but has a visual side to their performance - should perform in buildings that are constructed like theaters, with the floor gradually rising so everyone can see the stage comfortably. It seems that the Madrid venue was exactly like that, so if anyone reading this was there or at a different concert in a similar venue I'd love to hear about your experience!
Now something that might cheer up anyone who hasn't seen them perform live - this concert made me very grateful that cameras exist and allow us to watch their performances filmed professionally. It's obvious that they're amazing performers from a distance, but only when a camera gets up close and captures the way they express every song and choreography with their faces does it actually hit. I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times, Yoojung is such an impressive and expressive performer, both in his body and face, and having close ups of his facial expressions is a gift from heaven.
As I laid down in bed and my emotions were cooling off, it dawned on me how many good things in my life I owe to them and how special it is to have this one artist I can point to and say "the time I spent with them changed me for the better". I think seeing them live isn't even the pinnacle of my experience as a fan, but everything I carry with me every day that I have thanks to them. That being said, I really want to see them again. Most of what I've written down here was right after the concert, but now I don't feel like I remember as much as I want to. Nonetheless, this was my favorite concert among the ones I've attended and the most special experience of my life so far. Next time I'm getting VVIP+ and getting closer to that stage so I can finally enjoy the view in peace. I'm not even taking the option that they won't return here into account. They will last forever and they will have an infinite number of world tours.
This is where this post stops being a concert review and becomes sentimental musings of an unhinged person, so strap in. I did my best to structure this section in a way that would clearly communicate my thoughts to someone who isn't the owner of my brain and therefore doesn't have the exact mind map of interpretations of the various elements of OnlyOneOf's lore. The things I say here might be something most of us have thought or felt at some point, so what I hope to achieve here is simply it put into words, because I don't think anyone else has done that in the context of OOO.
I have to start by defining what exactly I mean whenever I say “the lore” (please don't make a drinking game out of every time I say "lore" in this post, you will die). Just like with any other K-pop group who has a deeply thought out concept, “the lore” encapsulates everything related to their conceptual work - songs, music videos, lyrics, teasers, MV descriptions, symbolism, references etc. What makes my definition of OOO’s lore deviate from how I'd define other K-pop groups' lore is the elements that make OOO's lore itself different from any other. K-pop storylines are known to be complex, but the ones I’m familiar with can all be described in the form of a story with specific characters played by the members, various events, superpowers and plot twists. OOO’s lore is more focused on emotions - loneliness, desire, love, fear. Because of that, the facts of what happens in the work itself can take second place to the emotional value of it. Their story can't be analyzed like a book with a beginning, middle and end, because it's too ambiguous and multifaceted for that. We can instead discuss the themes and observe the emotional progression happening within the lore. I like to compare analyzing their lore to untangling the chord of your earphones, because when you start getting frustrated at yet another impossible knot, you can just give it a rest, put the earphones in and enjoy how their art makes you feel.
I think it was the youtuber LOU who first viewed something OOO had made through the lens of cubism in her video about dOra maar, but I'd take it a step further and say that OOO's art makes the most sense if you look at everything from a cubist perspective, i.e. there isn't a single perspective on anything, but multiple viewpoints that all work together to create what we could call "the lore". It becomes easier to take a look at the whole picture the lore paints if you keep that in mind.
We observe an internal journey across various songs that connect to each other in smaller or bigger ways. We can, but we don't have to view all of them as being one person's story. The lore contains a collection of themes that create an ambiguous, unnamed protagonist whom we see represented by the bOy wearing cOmme des garçOns or the characters in the be series. None of them are THE protagonist, but they all make up the protagonist, because they all offer different perspectives on the themes that drive OOO's art and have been building up the group's identity over the past five years.
All of what I've mentioned thus far is just creative fiction. There is another perspective on their art that has real life implications, because there are real people whose job it is to express the inner world of the protagonist through songs and performances. OOO's music videos acknowledge their status as idols in the same way other K-pop groups with a fictional narrative do - they break the fourth wall by showing snippets of choreo and lipsyncing in between storytelling. OOO could be written off as nothing more than actors in entirely fictional roles if it wasn't for how intertwined they are with the themes in their art, in no small part thanks to how active they are in the creative process, but even beyond that. Their job as idols is acknowledged within the narrative (skinz MV, beyOnd description, the name of undergrOund idOl). So, their life as idols with a fandom is yet another perspective through which we can view their themes.
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Here is where our role as spectators becomes important, because this aspect of the lore couldn't exist without our input. The way we respond to it and the conversation we create around it is what gives it meaning.
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One side of the lore is the human side - the intimate and natural imagery of the libidO MV, the cozy warmth of cOy, the fun of blOssOm's choreography. On the other side, there are parts of the lore that feel emotionless and cold - MVs like sage, time leap, asOiaf, dOpamine, or graphics for Off angel and dOra maar. This dichotomy is something that can be used to discuss a lot of themes, like emotional distance in romantic relationships or a feeling of being ostracized by society. For the benefit of this post, I'll focus only on parasocial relationships between artists and fans.
Being a fan is both an experience of intense connection and distance that goes way beyond just oceans and borders. The one-sided nature of a parasocial relationship can be difficult to navigate for some people, but it seems to be something a lot of us need. It's comforting to know that you can develop a strong emotional bond with someone you're completely detached from and don't have to do any of the work a real interpersonal relationship needs; you just get to enjoy yourself as you receive art and entertainment. But that comfortable distance distorts the way we perceive the artist's personhood. We know and understand that they're a fellow human being, but we can't help that we never have an opportunity to experience them as such. They’re not people to us in the sense that they have no physical presence in our lives, they're just a series of recorded images projected onto a screen, filtered and airbrushed. We can watch them act like regular people on and off the stage, but whether we want to or not, we perceive them as more glamorous than anyone we meet on a daily basis. How could we not when part of their job is to tower over us while looking like a perfectly crafted illustration every time they get on stage?
This is where another theme present in OnlyOneOf’s art comes in, which is putting someone on a pedestal. In their songs, it's discussed in the context of romantic, artist/muse or God/follower relationships, but the part of the lore I'm talking about here is something that exists in the way we as spectators perceive them and their work.
Idols are human - I'm aware I'm not making an interesting point by acknowledging that. The reason I've been inspired to write about this in the first place is that I realized how being in physical proximity to someone you have a parasocial relationship with can shift your perception of their humanity.
I didn't buy the VVIP+ benefit because I knew I would be way too nervous about those six minutes and I'd probably spend most of that time awkwardly pretending I can hear what they're saying through the noise all around. Never meet your heroes, because you might make an idiot out of yourself, or however the saying goes. I thought I was in the vast minority who felt this way due to my anxiety while other lyOns would be ecstatic to get to meet them face to face. However, while I was standing in the queue I overheard a lot of people talking about how nervous they were, which is funny, because why the hell would any of us be nervous? They're the ones who are about to have a crowd of strangers observing their every move and recording every little mistake, they should be feeling the most nervous of us all! This got me thinking about why anyone would be nervous to meet their favorite artist, and the conclusion I came to is that it's intimidation. We're not wrong to feel intimidated; I think it's perfectly normal and natural in this scenario. I'd say it’s also quite healthy, because you’re not able to get too familiar with someone who intimidates you, which ensures the emotional distance required within a parasocial relationship is kept. As with everything, it's about balance. The problem appears when the emotional distance between a regular audience member and an idol grows so large that it becomes dehumanizing. Unfortunately, seeing how Korean netizens and international fans alike latch onto tiny things to criticize about the things idols do and say, this is still a very relevant topic. A pedestal that's too high can result in an approach that's entitled, cold, and often cruel. An idol becomes an imitation of a person, someone untouchable and unshakeable. Any words thrown their way, especially online, feel insignificant in comparison to their towering presence. For the people with an especially cruel streak, finding out their actions have a psychological impact on a public figure probably makes them feel like they regained some power in this uneven relationship. To them, it's nearly impossible to perceive an idol as someone with a right to receive empathy, because in their mind, the idol is too far removed from the humanity they observe in people who exist around them.
What's important here is that the lore shows us the full spectrum of who OOO are - they're idols, singers, performers, actors; they're people with fears, desires, intimate stories and hidden sides; people who have dopamine running through their bodies, people who need connection with others and people who have things they can't say. These things can't be separated from the members, because they make sure to take this message beyond the art itself. They don't filter themselves nearly as much as most idols have to - they swear, make dirty jokes, write songs about sex, casually talk about kissing men and offhandedly mention having a romantic life without apologizing for it. They're underground idols, and they intentionally distance themselves from the unforgiving audience members who would have a heart attack if their faves acted one tenth as relaxed as OOO do on a daily basis.
What I'm trying to get at here is that OnlyOneOf's art is created with the intention to create more empathy - for queer people, for mistreated lovers, for discarded muses, for people reconciling their faith with their sexuality, for one's own self despite having a lot of internalized issues. Through doing that, they override the loneliness inherent to the stories their songs tell and create possibilities for connection. They give us art that makes us feel less lonely by being a reflection of our messiest, most intimate feelings and experiences, and in turn they ask us to recognize them as a reflection of us and to not isolate them from the full human experience just because of the job they chose and its restrictions. When Jaden Jeong said they're the future of boy groups, I think he hoped they could influence audiences to humanize the figure of the idol.
I watched them between the professionally executed performances as they riffed off of each other, laughed and zoned out while looking at the audience. There were no cuts to a different, more flattering angle, no hand in the editing room controlling what footage sees the light of day. They look more beautiful in real life not because anything about their features looks different, but because the reality of being in the same space with them and finally getting to experience them just as any other human being, even with some distance still present, is a very special experience that holds beauty of its own. At that moment, I couldn’t remember why I was nervous before, and I began to wish I had sat down with them and shared a short conversation about any random thing. It would have been imperfect, but there was no reason to be afraid of that. They're just six guys of flesh and blood who clearly love what they do and whose work has given me happiness and purpose over the past two and a half years, and I would have cherished those six minutes of interaction.
On the train home, I discovered a more sentimental feeling while listening to them, especially the songs they performed, but not exclusively. There was something more personal and artistic I heard in their voices that made each song feel like more than just a recording, but a special moment in time shared by people who created something they wanted to share with others. This feeling fades the more the time distance grows between the current me and the me that attended the concert. Two hours weren’t enough.
I don't know how to end this post other than to say how fascinating it is that including imagery of fan/idol culture and technology within the lore so it mixes with all these deeply intimate stories makes everything OOO do a living piece of art. Simply existing as idols and people fuels the reason for the existence of their concept in the way that it currently exists, and I just think it's incredible.
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tennessoui · 11 months
You're a wonderful writer, you deserve all the treats! 🎃🍭🍬🍫🍦🧁✨
awww thank you so much 🥹🥹
it is no longer halloween but i have a couple of trick or treat asks that i didn't get to cause my time management leaves a lot to be desired & little time to desire it lol so to spare people's dashes but to not leave anyone in the wind, i'm gonna respond to all of them in one long post :D (this one)
see beneath the cut!! you guys did great there were like almost no repeats even though there statistically probably should have been???
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🍬🍬 hello thank you 🧡
i already answered a kuwsk one, so for roadtrip au....
here is a little drabble from an upcoming scene in the roadtrip au (squick tag:a/b/o):
Obi-Wan narrows his eyes in his direction. "What's wrong, Anakin?" "Nothing," he says. Shit, that came out too fast. Obi-Wan's eyes narrow further, like he agrees. "You've been acting strangely all day," the love of his life says. "You didn't even say anything when I pointed out the pancake house for breakfast. You didn't even say anything when I got a cinnamon roll at the coffee shop!" "You had two servings of vegetables yesterday," Anakin mumbles, placing both hands on the wheel and looking at the road. Maybe if he pretends this stretch of flat wasteland road in front of him is the most interesting thing in the world and requires his entire concentration, Obi-Wan will drop the subject. Obi-Wan does not seem to pick up on this. He scoffs instead, and crosses his arms. "When has that ever been enough to you? Since this entire thing started?" "Obi-Wan--" "And we've been listening to my podcast for the past two hours!And you haven't mentioned it once!" "Fine," Anakin snaps, tightening his hands and then loosening his grip with effort. "Fine, congratulations. Yeah, something's wrong. I'm working through it though, okay?" On his side of the car, Obi-Wan draws himself up, and then seemingly shrinks himself down a moment later. "Is--" his hand falls onto Anakin's arm before it drops away. "Is this...because of the other night?" Anakin's jaw clenches. Them having sex hasn't just been kept to the other night. They fucked their way through all of North Dakota and Montana over the course of the last two days. But sure, the other night. "No." "Because if it is--" the omega's voice is timid and it makes Anakin's chest hurt. "You're not wearing my clothes," Anakin blurts out. "You smell different and I hate it and I know it's stupid and weird and some Dark Ages Alpha bullshit, but you need to be wearing my shirt or I'm going to fucking lose my mind, Obi-Wan." The words draw Obi-Wan up short. Anakin cuts his eyes to the side and he can see his omega's mouth hanging slightly open. Anakin taps his tongue against the back of his teeth. Great, now he sounds like some insane micro-managing lunatic. "And I think I'm going into rut." Now he sounds like a horny micromanaging lunatic. Perfect.
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👻 ahh trick or treat for the naughtiest au that deserves NO treats!! 🧡
some nasty info on the cheating au i haven't talked about like. all their flying lessons. when obi-wan and anakin start fucking (before they're in love with each other), obi-wan devises a plan to get anakin alone more often so they can fuck on the weekends and not just at their places of work lol. it involves complaining to padmé about needing to really learn how to fly now that his uh valet has retired. he can't get a new one. no, that's not an option. so does padmé know anyone who flies very well and would be down to perhaps teaching him in their free time?
and padmé is like oh i do actually! my husband anakin is a very good flier. would you like me to connect you two? he came with me to your party.
and obi-wan is like i think i remember him :> he would be...available?
and anakin is guilty but very available
so they mostly spend all their flying lessons fucking in the cock pit because obi-wan's been able to fly since he was a kid. padmé learns about this either after the very end where she finds out about their affair, OR she learns about it in the lead up to the very end where she's feeling very suspicious but she's been ignoring it for THIS long so.....
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trick or treat 🧡
twilight au 🧡
a headcanon for the twilight au! obi-wan's biggest pet peeve with anakin is that he absolutely hates being guided or directed in any way. he fights just to fight and obi-wan enjoys putting him in place but it would be fucking easier if anakin didn't spend so much time arguing over like. how many vegetables he should have a day. and how much water he needs to drink. obi-wan is a licensed doctor like 36 times over for fuck's sake.
anakin's biggest pet peeve is obi-wan constantly tries to mind trick him to see if his immunity will falter or fail. anakin's like for the love of god obi-wan im not a science experiment, jesus christ--'
and obi-wan hisses (cause vampire), and obi-wan's like 'you can't tell me you didn't just want to see if that was just a vampire myth'
assholes to each other <3 for eternity <3
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😈 trick or treat 👽
omg smithsonian au......you know what they do for halloween, these two fuckers?? padmé invites everyone over to her (very fancy apartment) for pumpkin carving and obi-wan and anakin are so fucking annoying. they turn into a competition about who can carve the best pumpkin. obi-wan calls anakin's first attempt (a cat face) lowbrow (obi-wan carved a jellyfish), and anakin throws pumpkin guts into obi-wan's hair (he's a ginger, no one will even be able to tell!)
it goes on and on until padmé dismisses them from her apartment because it's either that or carve into anakin and obi-wan.
after getting kicked out of pumpkin carving they accidentally go on a romantic autumnal walk. they stop at a street light and anakin picks pumpkin guts out of obi-wan's hair.
it makes them feel so many things they're not mature enough to talk about
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trick or treat! 🎃😸
oh ho ho the cult au! that doesn't even have a tag! (but basically it's an au where jedi obi-wan is tasked with investigating a Force adjacent cult on the desert planet Tatooine, and it's anakin obviously who is so powerful in the force he's made a whole cult out of it and sets his sights on obi-wan as his forever partner)
here is a 3 line drabble!
The boy's head tilts, and his eyes are heavy, piercing gold. They pin Obi-Wan in place even from across the room. It is immediately completely obvious who among the people in this room has influenced the Force. Even though the boy could not be more than twenty, his entire presence radiates pure power. Obi-Wan has never felt a Force signature so aggressive, so strong. For the first time since he heard the rumors, since the Council handed him the file for this mission, Obi-Wan can believe that there is a Child of The Force on this desert planet. A demi-god, whose attention can change futures, destinies-- "Approach," the boy commands, extending a hand out over the empty space surrounding him. "Obi-Wan Kenobi."
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trick or treat 👽🎃
hello hello the selkie au <3
here is a bit of background thought on the selkie au! one of the things i include in most fics/characterizations of anakin is that he's a pretty one partner for life kind of person (in that he married padmé after being obsessed with her forever in canon, and one of my favorite fanons is that his very first crush/sexual awakening was obi-wan and then he would have totally married obi-wan if obi-wan was a bit different character)
but in selkie au, anakin has a very long history of dating/trying to fall in love, which is like pretty unique in my writing!
and obi-wan probably has like only a few partners he's been head over heels with, and he falls really hard for anakin which makes their (temporary) break up so much harder for him personally
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trick or treat ! 😈
and omg for the space actors au??? ok ok
so obi-wan and anakin are in a holo film where they have to be jedi which will mean very serious research
and they absolutely go to the jedi temple and fuck in like a few sacred places, but tbh so many other jedi have also fucked there so that it's no big deal......even if they get caught.....and even if the make-up department has to spend a small fortune covering up their hickies they somehow got on a "research trip"
(the holonet runs a scandalous article about which jedi broke their vows of celibacy and slept with famed actor anakin skywalker?)
(obi-wan is offended that his handiwork is not recognized)
(the jedi order has to put out a statement to say that actually there are no enforced vows of celibacy though jedi may choose to follow whichever personal vows they would like)
(and if a jedi slept with anakin skywalker, the jedi council has decided they do not want to know. or hear about it anymore. thank you.)
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🎃 trick or treat 🦇
i actually got asked for lslm 3 more times after you sent this in, but you were the first to ask after lslm so congrats on beating the crowd haha
ok sooooo here's a bit of the new chapter (remember, anakin's discovered that padmé has a golden wolf's mask in her luggage, what the council's intelligence has said is what the traitor will be wearing):
Padmé's eyes are unreadable when she looks back up at him. He’s been compromised. Fucking stars. He’s been compromised within the first five minutes of his mission. The enemy—the alpha in the golden wolf’s mask—she knows he is lying, she knows who he is, and she’s dangerous. She’s dangerous, and Obi-Wan is here. Anakin can feel his shoulders straightening at the reminder. Obi-Wan is here, sharing the same air as Amidala, the woman who now knows too much. If Anakin is compromised, it will only be a few minutes before Obi-Wan is compromised as well. Obi-Wan will not be threatened on this mission. Anakin will not allow it, even if it means silencing Amidala himself. She had shown him kindness and compassion when he had been nothing but a slave. And then again when he had been nothing but a boy crying out for his master. But it seems she’s forgotten what loyalty is.  Anakin can remind her. But before he can step forward into her personal space, slip control of his pheromones so that all she can smell is willing omega, tease her fingers before interlacing them with his own and pulling her out of the entrance room into a more private location—before he can take the first step towards extinguishing this threat to his alpha’s safety, someone touches Padmé’s bare shoulder.
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trick or treat!! 🎃👻
a fish hook, an open eye--what a fic, thank you for sending this and therefore reminding me of it lol 🧡
hm quick head canon for this fic is....anakin actually honestly makes obi-wan a better person and sorta saves the galaxy. see, he would have stopped at nothing to take down the jedi order, but then anakin comes into his life and all his priorities sort of change.
mostly cause anakin doesn't really care about ruling the galaxy. he's very family focused (thanks, obi-wan) and he wants his family to be safe and hidden -- probably because a lot of sidious' initial teaching enforced in him that safe = hidden
and obi-wan...he doesn't actually want to give up his dreams and he would sure love to see the jedi die for no other reason than they're stingy about who gets to use the Force or whatever, but....he likes the family he has with anakin. he could be content with setting up an empire in the outer rim. he doesn't need galactic wide conquest. he's already conquered the bestest part of the galaxy (anakin)
cody is going to be sick. this is disgusting, and the thought that obi-wan and anakin actually make each other better is too awful to even consider. straight lies and deception.
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🧛‍♀️🍬 trick or treat!!! 😈
oooo time traveler ahsoka au!
here is a drabble for time traveling ahsoka au during one of the re-dos (specifically, the one where obi-wan is duke of mandalore and anakin is a Jedi General married to Senator Amidala and they respect their duties at the cost of their almost love):
Even though Ahsoka had not screamed along with Anakin when she'd seen Obi-Wan's body struck by droid-fire---she could not, she had no body, just another thing to add to the long list of things she'd given up for this, for the galaxy---her throat feels raw, as if she has been sobbing for hours the way her master has been, seated slumped over in the chair next to the Duke of Mandalore's cot. Anakin is quiet now, though every so often a fresh tear will roll down his reddened cheek as he sits silently, hand clutching Obi-Wan's own. A part of Ahsoka is screaming at her to reset this scenario. Obviously, these two souls are as entangled together as their fingers currently are. But it would be cruel. Wouldn't it? To end this run now, when Obi-Wan and Anakin are so recently wounded? And they have been so reasonable up until this moment. They have been cordial, respectful---friends, brothers in arms. Obi-Wan has almost died. Surely, Anakin is allowed to mourn. Surely if Ahsoka existed in this scenario, if she were Anakin's padawan and she'd be struck down, he would sit at her bedside and cry over her sleeping form. Right? It takes three tries for the words to pass Anakin's lips, and when he does finally speak, Ahsoka can barely understand him. He has pressed his mouth to the back of Obi-Wan's hand. "Never again," he mumbles against the duke's skin. "You do not belong here, and I would--I would tear my heart out and leave it for safekeeping on Mandalore before I would watch you take on blaster fire again." Ahsoka's mouth opens, spell words meant to reset the circumstances on her tongue. It sounds like a love confession, and she knows that those such things are to be avoided. Her mind begins to race. A new scenario---this time, she will keep them apart forever---this time, they will never meet, and the galaxy will--- "When you wake," Anakin's voice derails her thoughts and holds her tongue. "I will send you back to your wife. And it will be the end. It will--it is time. To end." Ahsoka's mouth closes. The words evaporate. Her chest tightens, and though this should feel as if she's dodged a blaster shot, it feels like she's been hit.
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trick or treat 🍬🧡
i gave a little drabble of the couples counseling au for the last trick or treating ask re: couples counseling au so i'm gonna give just a bit of a headcanon this time!
in couples counseling au, the jedi council absolutely knows that they're seeing a couples therapist who specializes in married partners 💙 probably a few of them think that anakin and obi-wan know that as well, but most of them are like. well. they'll figure it out right? some of it may be applicable? they're definitely better than how they were a month ago so, no harm no foul etc etc
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BAELOYYY YASSS!!! Would you be down to write some fluff👀 like aloy and fem!reader stumble upon a pretty lake or something and they're just messing around and maybe the reader get hit with a wave of mischief and pushes her in? Or!! Aloy teaches her how to override a little watcher to have a cute little buddy to keep them company and angjkwkw (can you tell that when i played the game i kept wishing that i could pet the watchers after i befriended them? lol) Thank youuu you're the best!! XD
Hiii! I'm so sorry I'm writing this late. I'm going to do both, but I'm really interested in a mischievous reader so i will do the first one. enjoy!
Cool Off | Aloy x Reader
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╰┈➤ PLOT: It was supposed to be a relaxed day. After training for the Proving, you and Aloy decided it would be nice to have lunch by a secluded lake. Aloy isn't too fond of what follows.
╰┈➤ WARNINGS: No Use Of Y/n, Pre-Game One Discovery, Cursing
⍣ ೋ Enjoy!⍣ ೋ
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The sun during high noon was nothing compared to the afternoon sun in the Sacred Lands. Though the sun wasn't exactly overhead, the closer it got to its sunset position, the brighter the sun shined. Its beams and rays on your skin made sweat beads appear on your forehead and roll down your face.
"Come on," Aloy's voice snapped you out of your misery. All you could hear was her items cling and clang against each other as you scaled a mountainside. The heavy swish of her leather and the smashing of the gravel underneath seemed familiar somehow. "It's not that far from here. You'll make it."
"Says you," you seethed. "Not all of us were blessed with an endurance only lions had. And not everyone has ridiculous leg muscles such as yours." You went on all fours to climb over a decent-sized rock, but its surface burned your skin. You winced and let go of the rock.
You lose your footing on the loose gravel and your heart sinks down to your stomach. You can't think of anything but your impending doom.
That is until there's a strong grip on your wrist.
Aloy pulled you up with a slight grunt. She shook her head with a teasing smile as she moved you beside her. "Hasn't anyone ever taught you not to talk shit while scaling a mountain?"
You narrowed your eyes. Of course, she would take this as a moment to mess with you. Despite the tensed jaw and urge to flick her ear, you're grateful for her fast reflexes.
Aloy was always the one to catch you before you fell or to get you out of trouble. You don't know how she does it.
It started when y'all were six.
She was training with Rost and you were with the grade-school kids. You wandered off, distracted by a butterfly and then the pretty flower it landed on. Engrossed in the beauty of nature, you didn't notice how far away you were from your group. Once you realized they were gone, it was too late.
Tears welled up in your eyes. The feeling of impending doom dawned upon you and you couldn't help but wail. You cried and cried as you sat flat on your tush.
Again, not aware of the things around you, you couldn't see that you were attracting the attention of a few watchers. How could you notice anyways? You were a kid who thought they lost their ticket home. You thought you were never going to see your family again.
Hell, you sure weren't as heavy footsteps of machinery quickly made their way toward you.
With tears clouding your eyesight, you turned around to see an alerted watcher running towards you. It was on a mission and you were its target.
You brought your arms up to block your face. Your heartbeat threatened to explode out of your chest and your tears were hysterical at this point.
You were never going to see your parents again. You were sure of it when the watcher came five feet within you.
But then all of a sudden, the watcher fell to its side. Almost as if it's been shot with something. You froze. This is what everyone saw before they died, right?
A small girl with red hair and a blue headpiece came running over to you.
At that moment, you couldn't decipher who she was or what she was saying. Everything was a blur and you felt as if you blacked out.
Eventually, an older man walked over and the three of you went to find your group. You were silent the whole time, but grateful. If it wasn't for that girl and her rocks, you would've been dead.
Since then, Aloy was always there to save you. You were sure it was exhausting for her. It was exhausting for you to get into trouble all the time. Eventually, you stopped getting yourself into danger less and less, but you never stopped seeing her. Even though she was shunned, you didn't care.
You two were attached by the hip.
Because Aloy was in tune with the constant danger that roamed the planet, you've always wanted to catch her off guard. Maybe you could do that now while the two of you are supposed to be "relaxing".
"Shut up, Aloy. Thank you for saving me." You let a smile show on your lips as you walked past her. At the top of wherever the hell Aloy wanted to take you was flat. There were bushes, rarely any trees, thin bushes, and a lake near the cliff edge.
The mountaintop wasn't a place for hiding, so there weren't any evil-ass robots trying to murder you either.
You sat at the edge of the lake. It was a beautiful deep blue and was surrounded by green florals. On occasion, there were some colorful flowers that peaked through the taller portions of the grass.
Aloy sat beside you, groaning like an old man as she did so. "Yeah, of course, but, you don't have to thank me. I appreciate it, but my saving you from the stupid danger you get yourself in is just something that comes with our friendship." With a small grin, she handed you a leather pouch full of food.
In a brief moment, your fingers grazed each other. Neither you nor Aloy flinched or shuddered from it. Finger grazing and long eye contact have been occurring a lot as of late. You didn't question it. You liked the butterflies the actions gave you or how your body felt warm all of sudden.
"Yeah, I know." You took a piece of bread out of the pouch and ripped off a bite.
You and Aloy sat at the lake eating for a while. There were moments of silence, moments of chewing, and moments of conversation. You two were happily laughing away with full bellies by the time you finished lunch.
Aloy sat crosslegged and rested back on her palms. You had your legs stretched out in front of you, crossed at the ankle. Mimicking her stance, you rested back on your palms.
"Ugh, it's so hot!" Aloy groaned. In her dramatics, she threw her head back. She closed her eyes shut as the sun beamed on her.
From the side, you could see she was sweating all the way from her hairline to the back of her neck. You couldn't blame her though. All the gear you had to wear got hot on the worst days and it's not like all the hair she had was keeping her cool either.
"You should cool down, Alo," you hummed. Your gaze remained on her as she shook her head like a toddler.
"I can't! It's too hot!" She fell onto her back. Exasperated, she wiggled her limbs around. "This grass is too itchy and my water isn't cold anymore!"
Laughter erupted from your stomach. You quickly cleaned up the remainder of your lunch. "You're so dramatic, Aloy. There are many ways you could cool down."
Aloy cricked her neck over to you with a pout on her lips. "How?"
"Well, as you mentioned, water." You shoved your trash into your pouch.
Aloy groaned. "You don't listen to me. I said my water isn't cold." Aloy stood from her place on the ground. She figured she should help you clean up instead of whining and rolling on the floor like a toddler.
The water in her flask wasn't the water you were talking about. For Gaia's sake, there's a whole ass lake in front of you two. A little dip in it won't hurt.
It took five minutes to clean up the trash and you would've been done quicker, but you kept messing with Aloy by throwing grass scraps at her or refusing to give her the pouch full of trash.
It was 5 pm now and the sun would be setting soon. Despite the cooler air that usually came around this time, Aloy was still hot. Her skin was sticky and dry, her face scratchy, and the clothes on her were giving her sensory nightmares.
She stood by the lake edge with her eyes closed. She tried to let the freshwater smell take her whole and calm her down, but just like her hair, her anger was firey.
You've been watching Aloy take deep breaths and trying everything she could to calm herself down.
For some reason, neither of you suggested going home.
You both liked the silence the mountaintop provided and the comfortability you two had away from other Noras. She could laugh and joke with you and you could be carefree and mindless with her. You both could be your authentic selves.
Aloy scowled, clenching her fists. You didn't have to see her know her nose was scrunched and her eyebrows furrowed together. You could also bet her lips tensed into a thin line. "Ugh, this sucks!"
"Relax, Aloy."
"I'm trying!" She whipped around to face you. "Can't you see that? This heat is unbearable. I physically can't calm or cool down."
Besides cutting off the oxygen, what was one way you could take out a fire?
As Aloy continued to ramble and yell about how she couldn't cool off and how unfair it is that she has a full stomach yet couldn't enjoy the feeling of being full, you charged forward.
She was too clouded by her fiery rage to notice.
In the middle of her rant, you pushed your firm hands on Aloy's abdomen. She screamed out your name, but it was drowned out by the enormous splash of the lake.
You hunched over, laughing and holding onto your stomach.
Aloy swam to the surface, her cheeks puffed up. Her freckled cheeks were red, but you couldn't tell if it was from anger or embarrassment. "What the fuck was that!"
Through your laughter, you reply, "You need some way to cool down, right? Why not go for a swim?"
Aloy smacked the water's surface. "This isn't funny! Stop laughing!"
Her water smack splashed some water your way, but you didn't mind. You weren't a typical fairytale witch. A bit of water won't kill you. "Oh, come on! You wanna laugh too," you leaned down with your hands on your thighs. "I can see it on your face."
No, what you saw on her face was the spark of a devious plan. Aloy reached out of the water and pulled you in. With another splash, Aloy erupted into laughter.
From beneath the water, you could hear her muffled laughter. Her laughter brought a natural smile to your face, but you had to pretend you were mad at her.
So, when you swam up to the surface, you feigned scowl. Aloy only laughed harder.
"Okay, I get it now!" the freckled girl said. "This is funny. Are you enjoying your swim?" Aloy taunted by sticking out her tongue. She had her arms crossed over her chest and a smile permanently plastered on her face.
If her pulling you into the lake is what it takes to get her to smile, so be it.
You responded with a shrug. A smile threatened its way through. "It could be better."
The golden light from the sun shined onto the water making it clear and crystal. Not to mention how the golden rays brightened up Aloy's hair and face. You never noticed how much darker her hair was when it was wet.
Because of the ethereal sight of Aloy, you couldn't help but admire her. Her green eyes stared back into yours with the same admiring glint.
She was having the same thoughts you were having about her skin, hair, and eyes. Staring into your eyes made time stop. She wouldn't dare to pass up the opportunity of being in forever with you. "You look really pretty," Aloy whispered.
You snickered. "Pretty? That's all you got?" You swam closer to her.
Aloy shrugged, a shy but amused smile on her face. "What am I supposed to call you? Beautiful? Handsome? Charming?" She swam closer to you.
A simple pen could be used to measure the distance between you two.
She snaked her arms around your waist and you put your own around her neck. "Those would suffice." Your voice was softer than before. You made a note to speak slower for clarity, emphasis, and mood.
Similar to her smile, Aloy grinned. She leaned in and you could feel her breath on your skin.
You weren't sure if you were dreaming or hallucinating. Maybe you hit your head as you were pulled into the lake. You closed your eyes to scan your body for any signs of pain, but there weren't any. When you opened your eyes again, you could see Aloy's gaze never left yours.
Your breath hitched. Finally, you leaned in too, threatening to close the gap between you two.
You closed your eyes again, but this time to prepare yourself for the spectacular kiss that was to be blessed upon your lips.
Aloy's lips barely ghosted yours when she stopped. You opened your eyes to find her smirking at you. She pulled away, giving your sides a teasing squeeze.
Now it was your turn to feel fire all over your face and body. Suddenly, the lake's water wasn't doing any justice. "Aloy, you tease!" You huffed as you shoved her shoulders.
Aloy laughed. She stumbled back from your shove. "Oh, what? Did I do something? Was there something you want from me?"
You didn't dare to reply. Instead, you huffed and swam out of the lake. It was all in good fun, you knew that. But damn, it was embarrassing to have your crush know you want to kiss them.
Aloy followed after you, giggles and laughs escaping past her lips. "Hey, hey," she grabbed your wrist. She pulled you to her body and yet again, her eyes didn't dare to leave yours. "Don't be embarrassed, okay? I like you too."
"Who said I like you?" you scoffed.
Aloy looked you up and down. Her smirk made an appearance. "Your body language when we were in the lake. No one leans in, closes their eyes, and holds on tight to someone they don't like."
All you could do was pull away with a slight smile. "You're an asshole."
"Meh, but you like me and I like you too." Aloy wiped some of the water off your face. "Don't worry, Splash, you'll get your kiss soon."
WC: 2,436
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Clone Trooper Headcanons
Based off my experience with reality shifting so I guess they're not really headcanons lol I've met everyone except Omega, as the timeline is still pre-Order 66. Updated now that I've met (most of) the Bad Batch.
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It can be hard to get him to open up when you first meet him, but once this man decides he likes having you around, it's hard to get rid of him.
Seriously. Try putting yourself in danger and he will throw himself into the line of fire, whether you're a Jedi or not.
And after you both get out of there alive, expect a lecture from him as if he were your older brother.
I can't tell you how many lectures I've gotten from this man. He really is the older brother you never knew you wanted or even had. He always means well, though. He just worries.
This man can, and will, goof off and give you sarcastic comments.
Rex has actively said that Fives is going to be the death of him someday.
He makes it his mission to annoy Rex as much as possible, but also knows when and where to do it. If things go south, you'd think you're suddenly standing next to Cody with how fast his attitude changes.
I once had to do a double-take with how fast he switched from goofy to serious. That was not a very fun day. We scrapped a lot of clankers though.
This man just wants some peace and quiet every so often.
Don't underestimate his quietness, however. He will throw a punch at someone if he has to.
Sometimes it's Fives on the receiving end and Echo does it just for fun.
He's also fascinated with far off galaxies, especially if they're vastly different from the one he's from. It's nice to sit and read with him, too. He loves real discussions, not debates.
Update to Echo: He's still as chaotic as he was before. He's definitely loosened up a lot more, especially on regulations. He and Wrecker seem to be close since they were feeding off each other about naming the moon we crashed on.
Don't do anything that breaks protocol. Just don't. At least not around him.
He will have you neck-deep in paperwork and other assignments if he catches you.
He's loosened up a bit, but not much. Fives always reminds him to, though.
I've got nothing. I've tried, Fives has tried, even Rex has. This man loves protocol and won't be separated from it. We've joked before about him one day marrying it. That was the day I found out just how much datawork there really is in the Grand Army of the Republic. Did that stop us? Never.
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If someone were to show genuine interest in the information he spews, he'd be riding the high of seeing his brothers proved wrong for weeks, months even.
And this man can talk.
He would randomly spew out facts if said person was around, not even needing any cue that he was heard.
This man has tattoos. He knows what he's doing regarding them, too. He's done Hunter's tattoos, as well as Crosshair's. He can definitely talk. We spent so much time just talking about random things. I think he was happy to have someone to talk to, honestly. He doesn't randomly give out facts often, but he learns very quickly what someone is interested in and bases his randomly given facts on that. He told me that during our half a rotation's worth of time conversation we had because I asked him how he felt about randomly giving out facts.
Getting through to him would take a miracle. He's a hard nut to crack.
If he thinks you're useful to the team at all, he'd at least tolerate you.
Spend enough time around him and his brothers, he may even pick on you like he does with the others.
Even though he came to sit with us by the fire, that was literally as far as we got. He went right back to being a loner, but that's okay. So, he's definitely not the easiest to get along with (especially with the rocky introductions we had with each other), but it's not impossible to do it. For everything else, I have no idea yet lol
He knows more about you than anyone around before you even open your mouth.
He could even tell whether you're Force-sensitive or not.
This man is incredible and everyone forgets just how good his senses actually are until he actively needs to use them.
I learned a lot about Hunter while on our hunting trip. This man might as well be Force sensitive with how good his senses are. During the actual hunts, we didn't need to speak, only needed to rely on our senses. He works incredibly well with Jedi. It's amazing.
If you even just casually mention that there's the smallest possiblity you like to blow things up, you've just gained a new best friend.
If you give him something to blow up on top of that, he won't let you sit out on it. He'd have both of you press the button at the same time.
Literally would have his finger on one half, yours on the other.
Nobody tell Wrecker that I'm planning to find and secure explosives on our next mission together that he will 100% get to use. I'm serious. No one tell him.
She'd probably be the first to befriend you. Let's be real.
She'd want to show you her room on the Marauder and would be excited the entire time.
She'd probably be extremely happy to know someone who doesn't see them as just clones. She'd be even happier if you became part of their little dysfunctional family, whether they see you a lot or not.
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tojikai · 2 months
- “fix you” y/n never even coming close to the love toji has for his first wife
- Naomi and satoru(Literally everything regarding that)
- Naomi and yui( Literally everything regarding that as well)
- Home toji cheating on the supposed women he loves and everything y/n went through due to it(she didn’t get her happy ending:((( )
- What could’ve been with pm satoru and y/n
- Constantly hearing about how “good” naomi was to satoru even him himself still praising her in a way after what she did
- will we get a sundered or pm sequel or prequel (since home and fix you are honestly harder to see with a sequel atleast)
- does kai get annoyed/tired of the amount of asks they been getting lately 😞
Other stuff I was hoping you could answer 🥺
- did he genuinely love Naomi or did he just love her in terms of comfort? Could you explain the love he had towards her please(I’ll probably be heartbroken at the answer maybe but we love being miserable I guess lol)
- If naomi came into his life first would he date her first and last, and would yui even happen?!?!?
- ^ what would happen if y/n later on came into his life or he met both at the same time
- does satoru love yui or y/n more? What’s the difference between his love for them because when it comes to yui and y/n disappearing In the extra chapter and ask’s where you explain things, it seems like he’s more focused on y/n.
- once yui and y/n were in his life did they become the people he loved the most or did it eventually happen after his mom and Naomi weren’t in his life anymore or at some point
honestly i wanted them to end up tgt miserable without being able to have a kid while yui and y/n are in another country with toji and megumi🤭or a “Home” type ending where Gojo get’s everything thrown back at him 17393939 times harder
AHAHAH let me give my thoughts on some of this, they're really entertaining🤣
hmm pm satoru and yn could've had it all honestly.
im definitely thinking about how home yn didn't get a chance at happy ending too 🥹 (the humming tiktok sound didn't help :'>)
as for Satoru praising Naomi, yeah he's really grateful for what he did for him. she stayed w him at his lowest, he can't deny that 🥹 but what she did is not something he'll easily put behind. it almost ruined everything.
sequelssss idk, maybe when i have more time to write. as of now i am writing different things bc my interests switches really fast. like strangely fast, i kinda wanna get checked bc of this.
NOPE, kai's never annoyed w questions bc i really enjoy these stuff. even just reading your thoughts and reactions is very interesting to me. PLUS, i get a lot of ideas from them. they trigger ideas LMAO
Satoru loved naomi in that comfort way yes. bc she was really supportive and understanding towards him. like she didn't drop her even during those worsts of him. and the fact that she had to deal w his broken fam/baby momma issues too, yeah he admires her for that. but as for love like the "love-love" he has for y/n? no. he can't love anyone in the same level as yn.
he'd probably date naomi if she came first. that doesn't mean he wouldn't date yn once they get to know each other tho. a lot of things that could lead them to each other can happen. he'd probably wouldn't want a child early on in the rs if he and Naomi were dating. even yui was a surprise (not unwanted tho <3)
if he met both at the same time, he's going w yn lmao. he won't be able to stop it.
he's more focused on yn bc yn is mom. where mom is, yui is LMAO that doesn't mean he loves yui less tho. like w yui its more of nurturing and guiding. while with yn, ofc its romantic.
yn became the love of his life when he woke up one morning and thought of how nice it was to wake up next to her warmth🥺it was like she couldn't ask for anything anymore. along with that was yui ofc, she was pregnant that time and when she was born was one of his happiest days. even when he was with naomi, satoru has accepted that yn will always be the love of his life. it was just that in his mind he just gotta move on and forget bc back then it felt like nothing good will ever happen in their rs again. until he saw her w toji and then bam, he woke up. he's not having that everyday, he can't do it.
btw the home ending for naomi and satoru would've been fire. like they live the rest of their life regretting the decisions they made. but i think satoru wouldn't be able to handle being away from yn and yui even if that meant being an outsider in their new life alone 🥹
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feuqueerfire · 4 months
Wandee Goodday Ep 1 - 5 Live Blogging
When I watched the GMMTV 2024 Part 1 announcements, I was still going through my show slump/apathy phase, so wasn't super hyped about this show. However, as time went on and my interest in series and BLs reignited, I started anticipating this more and now I can't wait to watch this show until it finishes airing because people have been liking it so much.
I've seen Great in Manner of Death and I watched NetJames' side story in Catch Me Baby, so I didn't actually see Great much for that. I know Inn was in Miracle of Teddy Bear but I didn't watch that.
I tried watching 23.5 while it was airing but was terrible at keeping up with it weekly, I ended up practically just doing 2 small binges. BUT it's fine if I can't keep up weekly with this because I'm in the middle of some other cool show when this releases or whatever, I'll just... catch up on 2-3 eps at once when I have the chance. It's fine. I'm just watching it because it seems fun and I wanna be in on the general conversation since everybody seems to be watching and enjoying this one. I hope it holds up until the end.
Fun to see this post on reddit r/GMMTV that highlighted how Great and Inn used to have shippers back in the day lmfao and now a decade later, a main lead in a BL. The post is literally from August 1, 2023, months before the Wandee trailer, I think Inn joined around that time (while Great joined earlier).
Also fun to see them talk about how they actually became a pair. Interesting to see that Great was promised Beauty Newbie (side) and Wandee Goodday (main) if he signed and was told Inn would be the partner if he signed; I wish Inn spoke a bit about what he was promised if he signed, was it just Wandee since he's not in any other 2024 series.
Long preamble because I'm stalling until it's 12am and the new month starts so that I can finally start this because I don't wanna start it in May lmfao, 10 more minutes. I'm browsing reddit wandee posts before release and they seriously posted some cute photos from when they were shooting.
Ep 1 (June 1)
ah, Wandee's character is the one who doesn't wanna kiss?
3 Days Ago
Wandee means good day
asexual Drake (Kao) yayyy
heroic Wandee
Are Yak and Cher the same age? With Oye being older than them?
oh, Yak and Oye are brothers fr?
aw, Yak secretly meeting a girl behind his brother's back but Cher knows, that's cute, I like their teasing dynamic that still has space for them to share stuff with each other
Dee is soooo in love with Dr. Ter lol, he's wide-eyed like this O.O
is ter purposefully torturing Dee lmao does he know about Dee's big big crush
8 years?! he's had this crush for that long?
Wandee's supposed to not be the original doctor but is being asked a favour
ah, their first meeting
Waited so long to watch it that I have to go to sleep but great start
antagonistic start
Yak is so rude, please
ah, fast beating heart
"I hope we don't have to see each other again, Dr. Wandee" well
scholarship to study abroad: Dee vs Ter
Wandee's so cute with this boss Doctor too lol
waittttt Yak's definitely several years younger than Wandee right? hehe. because Wandee's a full doctor and doesn't seem he's a new one either while Yak's in his final year (may have been taking longer than graduate than usual, so maybe older than 22 but not that much older?)
Taem being paid by Yak to do his homework lol
lol Taem rejecting Yak before he even finished asking. "I'm yet to finish my delivery to your doorstep. You returned it before it reached there."
Yak getting rejected and Wandee will be rejected
I will Need Kao to get a boyfriend by the end btw
8 years ago he was a freshman, so Wandee is ~26 years old? If Thai uni starting age is also ~18
please, not Wandee literally letting out an exhale-laugh and saying "I'll let you say it again" when Ter says he likes girls
ah, the Too Vanilla comment
and chasing after Dee to ask for the scholarship lmfao
wild Dee is so embarrassing at the club, idek how I'll make it through the convenience store scene (I'd seen clips/gifset of it before but I didn't have the knowledge of their antagonistic initial meeting back then)
a chance meeting and Dee following Yak
pleaseeeeee I can't loll
the condom is actually sending me, the audacity omg
the cashier being like oh condom only? lube is essential too
ah, drunk with the trash
Room 609 (Bedtime Story? Another P'Golf show)
ah, Yak's into it as soon as he steps through the door. Wandee's embarrassing display actually worked lmfao though I guess he was attracted to him before then too
it's like 2am
Yoryak means giant?! pls
loll The Eclipse cameo
so much talk about Yak's dick goddamn
the shaking causing "Ordinary days that will never be the same again" book to fall
this part had me pausing and holding my head so much ahhh
Inn as Wandee has such wide sparkly eyes, feels like glitter effects should be on screen sometimes when he blinks. Reminds me a bit of Triage's Tol played by Tee. Also JamFilm To Sir With Love/Laws of Attraction's Film kinda.
But also Wandee's so... him being pushy like why don't you like me >:( at Ter (though he dropped that quite quickly) and then just openly following around and harassing Yak was wild lol
Ep 2 (June 1/2)
I'm trying to only watch 1 ep a day so that I don't have to wait too long for ep 6 but I also just want to binge what's out, so we'll see how long I do 1-1.25 eps a day
oh, we're picking up right where we left on - in the middle of the sex on the couch with the Eclipse playing
Wandee's insecurities + being mad about being called vanilla lol
my Akk and Ayan witness to all this
"once is enough" they keep saying things like let's hope we never meet again and once is enough, like don't you two know you're main leads in a romance drama?
Dee not giving Yak his contact
Dee fr locked that man out
they're antagonistic again
I like established Yei and Cher
lol ofc Yak spending the night is apparently uncharacteristic for him
wtf did Ter try to speak on behalf of Dee to forfeit the scholarship? let's kill him
omg let's fucking kill Ter, him using Dee's feelings for him to be like give up the scholarship for me? please? and we can def talk about your feelings after I come back <3
lol Yak really waited and schemed until he got Dee as his doctor
ah, Yak saw the convo between Ter and Dee
ahhhh Yak redirecting from almost holding Dee's hand to pretend he was curious about the pen
plssss this cow costume for his school project video
oh yeah, Yak likes Taem
I like Taem
Yak thinking of vulnerable Dee even when he's with Taem
are these two people sinister? wait, are they gonna drug Dee?
agh, scary. Personally not a fan of attempted sexual assault/rape/noncon recording or whatever else being portrayed just so our ML can sweep in and be the hero because these are serious and scary things and make me feel other emotions than just <333 yay I'm glad our ML is here to help <333
Less Expectations More Satisfaction neon lights over the bed kills me every time
pls not the freaking sponge bath at 1:30am
Yak's like already so into Dee, whelp
I kept noticing the clock; I don't think it should've been at 1:38 by the end, maybe 1:4_
SEVENTY PERCENT?! not on the written part but on the campaign for the department that'll be voted by other doctors/nurses/etc?
hehe the cafe and P'Golf as a server, is it the same cafe as The Eclipse? Does both The Eclipse and the cafe in it exist in Wandee Goodday lol
and even in the show the character is named Golf
ah, here's the grandma
damn, Dee's parents are dead?!
okay, I'm back in the morning after having slept
Does Yak still like Taem? does he just wanna hang out with her as a friend? Does he realize that he's falling for Dee? Is he just in the habit of asking Taem to things?
oh, he's wistful so I guess he does indeed still like Taem
Dee taking care of Yak kinda and wanting to know what's wrong
woah, Direct
[Linguistics] Yak refers to Dee as Maw/Khun Maw/Doctor and Dee refers to Yak as boxer guy but right now, he used 'Nai.' I think they also use Khun with each other
the FWB proposal and establishing rules
first kiss? oh, Dee
[Linguistics] oh, Yak doesn't like that Dee refers to him as with Nai 2nd person pronouns and wants him to use his name.
omg I am so shy when watching them but have so much fun. Yak being like i like you moaning :) let's have another round and Dee being like okay but this time you have to play with my dick longer like okay, let's go, talking about what we want
loll the costumes come about because of the concern about Yak getting into a scandal?
Kao and this security guard?
the A/C service one when Ter's also in the elevator is sooo good
[Linguistics] cleaning fridge = rimming euphimism in Thai, I've learned. how fun
oh my god i love how puppy Yak is when Dee's wiping his head
damn, the mood is so romantic. almost kiss from Yak and giving him the necklace and kissing his chest. different than the more fun/sexual-tension-filled vibes of their other scenes
When I binge, I like episodes to be 40-45 mins but when I watch weekly, I'm mad that it's not 55 mins at least lol
I wanna know how old Yak is because he referred to himself as a grandpa student.
Sometimes this BL touches on interesting topics and just the whole aspect of FWB-while-we-both-have-other-crushes to kind of get over their crush and battle their loneliness is engaging on its own. It feels somewhat mature in its discussion around sex and what they each like or want. Still, it also sometimes feels immature, like the spiking (+ planning to take noncon videos of him?!) that's only there so that Yak can rescue him (the topic itself is really dark but the way they deal with it feels so... handwavy) or the scholarship being 70% popularity contest.
I don't know, I hope the narrative is coherent throughout the whole 12 eps and I continue to like it. Unfortunately, I can't hope for "Less expectations, More satisfaction" because I'm only watching this on-air because I'm expecting to love it, so I hope I don't regret that. I'm having fun so far.
Also, I guess it was indeed AJ who was also in the Eclipse because this is so funny: "I also appreciate that P'Golf's determination to make AJPloy happen is so great that she turned one character into a girl and completely created another one out of thin air."
Their short Ep 2 reaction
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Look how puppy
Ep 3 (June 2)
2nd episode of the already oof
oh yeaa, i saw the 69 gifs
such a cute su su na
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Yakalso has deceased parents?
cheek sniff kiss
ahh the lack of vs the acquiring of the necklace being noticed. it's like they're leaving their marks on each other (though they told their friends/family that they're just FWBs)
omg Yak is a known generous person when dating
just realized Dr. Kwan is Emi
office gossip
voice message about missing Yak... video of him doing situps to Dee... girl.
why does Yak look so confused when confronted with his own video that he sent lmfao
Dee's apparent flaw... he loves to win
Dee likes to order Yak around lol being like say you miss me and also change my lightbulb
Dee's nodding when Yak's like let's see if this works is very cute, very puppy also
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oof, they mentioned last ep 2 the costs of running this gym and now they're bringing up financial troubles again
ah, and Yei doesn't want to let on how much things aren't okay + doesn't want to borrow from Cher's (presumably rich) mother
Dee the fucking clown
oh noo this kid has cancer
is the not having enough skilled physicians gonna come back?
aw, video call
the nurses all being women and feminine gay men is interesting ig
anyway ig it's fine that they're also gossipy/mean(?) since there are several other non-villainous gay/queer people in the show, although none are quite as feminine as these 2. though there aren't many women, just Taem and possibly Kwan but they both have small parts
and this is how the fake boyfriend thing starts
Dee's thinking of getting Yak to be his pretend boyfriend but like, didn't Yak not wanna get caught?
[Linguistics] I have no idea if Yak's saying "then take back your paper kha" but I wish I knew if he was or if it's just part of the word
no fr how is Dee even asking this of Yak and it's not even a real relationship!! "Please come out for this fake boyfriend stint even though you're afraid it'll affect your career"
Dee is at the gym?! girl
Yei notices Yak's necklace
[Linguistics] Okay, Yak definitely used kha when he says Doctors are rich
Dee is a menace, let the man alone!
Cher calls Yei Phi, Dee Phi, but not Yak. so he's same age or older than Yak but younger than Dee, which confirms that Dee is older than Yak (in the novel Yak's apparently 20 while Dee's 29 but that's not happening here lol)
lol cute, Yak teaching Dee how to box. i wanna take up boxing too
the way Dee grabs Yak's hand to place it on his own thigh is so good somehow
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man, Dee being sad is pitiful but like Yak was extremely clear that he won't do it and Dee's the one who's chasing him and keeps asking him
oh, we're suddenly getting Dee having flashbacks to his parents' death
sharing food <3
[Linguistics] Yak using Rao as 1st person pronoun with Dee
CCTV in his room where he fucks would be crazy lmfao
not the fireworks as Yak is sufficiently convinced to be fake boyfriends. i imagine something will go wrong for him down the line though, oof
bro why are they acting like taking up the scholarship competition is some sort of challenge against the senior specifically when they were both offered the chance to compete for the scholarship by higher-ups
why are they doing all these dramatics in front of patients waiting too, bruh
naurrrr not public flower bouquet gift to show people that Dee indeed has a bf T.T I don't wanna press play, I actually cannot with anything public esp when it's not fake and played up like this T.T
Yak is instantly recognizable to the patients, girl I hope this doesn't have a blowback on your boxing career, you know the traditional and masculine field which I expect has homophobic tendencies (and Yak knows it too). but also Yei has a legit boyfriend and mans was a world champion or something too, right? or are they a secret?
please, their acting
why are we doing PDA I'm skimming, finger on the forward button bc ahh embarassing
going from fake boyfriends in public to domestic FWBs cooking together in private lol alright
I kept wondering if the necklace was going to be given back when they weren't speaking and Yak was like this is over but that never happened. interesting ig
I muted the tag after episode 3, so eps 4-5 will mostly be new stuff for me, though I know some general stuff too
Ep 1: Yak saves a pathetic Dee from the trash cans. Ep 2: Yak saves a drugged Dee from those fuckers (I still don't like that they used this plot point). Ep 3: Yak saves Dee by agreeing to be his fake boyfriend after his genuine pathetic monologue about why he needs a bf and why it needs to be Yak.
I hope Dee also helps out Yak or initiates things, especially because I think the last thing he promised Yak was that the boyfriend thing won't get out of the hospital but uhh I don't think that's gonna be possible. Dee's insistence on the fake-BF thing as he ignores Yak's nos for most of the eps is blagh, but I guess it stems from his need to win. So we'll see whether he can ever "lose" to Yak or be there for Yak when he needs him or what.
Ep 4 (June 3)
55 minutes long, fun
they were pretty grown when Yak's mom died, I'd thought he'd be younger
Ter doesn't like to see Dee move on but is it for sinister reasons or for hidden feelings reasons
Dee and Yak running into Kwan dropping food off for Ter early in the morning. them living in the same condo allows for such shenanigans
[Linguistics] Dee using Ai'Yak
Ter room#: 666 lol and he's imagining the good times when Dee used give him food
eating tons of food in the show while Great was dieting/starving/dehydrated af while filming with all these shirtless scenes
Yak telling Dee about Taem, interesting. but does that mean he really wasn't jealous of Dee possibly still liking Ter? they're literally discussing Taem and Yak's crush on her now.
[Linguistics] ahhhh Dee said "You don't know how to flirt, do you? Do you want Phi to teach you?" and Yak defff uses kha with Dee sometimes, especially in a teasing moment
goddd they're practice-flirting
omgggg and Dee getting into the fake-confession as he thinks of his time with Yak
and Yak is OBSESSED with wanting to kiss Dee bruh
omg and now Dee's the one who's like fuckkkk as Yak's excited about asking out Taem
ah, Yak probably doesn't want to be a boxer and that might be why he's wanting to finish up his degree? but also mans does not do work for that degree, he pays Taem to do it lmfao
Cher being like well, idk if you still like Taem but Yak's like I'm not somebody who changes his mind easily. is that why he's still holding onto (past?) feelings for Taem even as he's falling for Dee?
plsss horny thoughts during situps
Yak is literally dizzy with horniness, that's so funny lmao
ohh Taem appears. and Yak's like :D while Dee's like :(
the music and mood change between Taem/Yak's convo vs Dee's angry boxing (but he can't even box properly so his hits are weak)
hints that Taem likes Ohm and Yak knows that Taem likes Ohm
oh nvm not even just hints lol he calls and then appears and they're coming and going together and Taem is eager in a way that she is not with Yak
i love her little 2-finger salute she does to say hi and bye
Taem also notices the Yoryak necklace lmfao everybody clocking them
"A jealous man has been sighted at the boxing club" Dee, girl... make that 2 men
Dee being speechless and uncomfortable knowing Yak's planning on hitting on Taem fr
plsss Yei and Cher spying on them in the hot spa or whatever
oh yeah, what does Kao work in again? I assumed something with sexual health because he talked about his patients sometimes going from ONS to FWB or whatever. i love you, our asexual sex and sexual health doctor
plsss her listing stuff out they've tried
her: "i tried everything, even if it's not me." him: "should i try having sex with somebody else?" i actually can't
Dee at least realizing he's getting jealous over Yak
I'm nervous that somebody at the hospital's gonna overhear their convo and know that it's a fake relationship
aksdjfl;kasdfj Kao smiling and wanting to strangle Dee when he says he promised Yak he'll help pursue his crush
ah, Kao telling Dee to hold off on his heart and not fall deeper or whatever and that def makes sense to not fall for your FWB/fake-bf who you're helping pursue his "real" crush but wrong advice for a romance drama lol
neither Yak nor Dee have armpit hair (from the sauna scene and swimming scene).
the thumbnail has them with faces really close but I don't think they've kissed actually
Yak almost kissing Dee once againnnnn girl
Ter saw them at the pool...
at least Ter has enough brains to realize it's fake lol
oh, apparently everybody at this hospital goes on break at the same time lmfao
Ter wanting Dee to wait and saying he was just confused before... stfu
glad that even though Dee kinda goes in a daze sometimes, he hasn't yet given in to Ter's manipulative tactics at all
physiotherapy lol
idek why they need to sleep in the same room or why they need to mention it in front of everybody instead of just Yei or Cher lol
oh, they're certainly orchestrating some IG stories lol it's clearly so planned bro, could've at least made it seem more casual by like having a sliver of Yak in the shot when pretending you're focused on some cool food or smth
Dee hanging out and having dinner with Yak, Yei and Cher
is him graduating Yak's mother's dream?
Dee tutoring Yak, somewhat of a parallel to Taem tutoring him
pls, even Kwan catching Ter looking at Dee's story lmfao anyway ig I feel bad for her if she likes Ter. I hope she gets over him quickly and finds somebody better
Yak boxing and Dee also cheering him on through the screen at work
and bragging about Yak to Kao lmfao
Kao being like girl... you two aren'ts fake boyfriends anymore, y'all like each other
Kao's Sleepless Sleepwear lmfaooo hey friend, can you try on these costumes for sex that I made and lmk how it goes?
Yak has a little bunny tail awww cute
Yak getting mad that Dee doesn't consider him a close friend cuteee
i love Dee sniff kissing Yak's cheek like Yak's always kissing Dee, so I like it the other way around too
okay, extra post-credit scene
omg talking about HPV vaccine and how just condoms can't prevent all STIs, we should be aiming for safer sex
Dee gets me when he calls Yak Big Doggie, I keep calling them both puppies
It's not just for Dee, it's for Yak too, we're all protecting ourselves
Yak apparently is recognized by everybody, including the nurse. and dee did say hundreds of thousands of people watch the matches live
Grandma coming over to visit next ep, heheheheheh
Ep 5 (June 3)
i'm so excited to see the grandma but not excited to be all caught up and have to wait weekly for 7 more weeks eughhhh
damn, Yak's also here with Dee to surprise the patient child? Isn't Yak himself Dee's patient too lol
they're quite familiar with each other, so I guess they've met the patient several times before
lol peeking at birthday. Also Yokyak knowing down to the minute how long they've been together... okay
P'Golf plsss "I watch [boxing] for the eye candy"
Dee being Baffled at P'Golf wanting him to take the photo of her and Yak lmfaooo it's like P'Golf has brought the two of you together and she can also tear you apart
since they've been together for 1 month (I'm assuming since the fake dating began? or around then), there are 3 months left of their deal?
I think straight up half of Kwan's lines are just saying Wandee and his bf are cute together
Kao conducting an Interview about his animal pyjamas for sex
he's giving them sex homework i'm crying
Dee loves to win and losing bothers Yak
damn, what's Yei thinking about at night? money problems?
it's strange to see them fighting and to see Yei be kind of apathetic since he's always all up on Cher
I like this because it's like even though Cher puts up a (typical in BLs) perfunctory fight and says to stop when Yei kisses up on him and hints at sex, it's not real protest because they're just playing lol and Cher's desire for Yei to initiate it when he hasn't for a few days shows that
aww Cher's 2nd time asking if Yei has somebody else or is bored of him already :( the second question seriously reminds me of LITA Sky to Prapai
they're so cuteee Yei being like how many nights do I owe you
they're wearing fucking bunny and tiger ears after presumably having sex looking at outfits for Yak that will impress Taem
Yak boutta change himself for Taem (and she still will continue to like Ohm) while Dee likes him just the way he is
grandma is so fun hehe
"keep pulling the pants up" plssss
a dick plush pillow pls
bro i'm so confused with the use of the word faen, like I thought it included Exclusivity? but the way Dee talks about Yak having a faen during that breakfast convo before finding out about Taem or here when he tells his grandmother than Yak has a faen, it doesn't seem to imply that Yak's literally cheating on his faen but nor does he mention any polyam situation or anything. why doesn't he say crush instead of faen?
Dee being like I shouldn't develop any deep feelings for him but they getting up to watch Yak sleep and crosses the invisible line...
aw, they've gotten used to cuddling
cuddling in couch and bringing up Taem, it's almost like Yak brings Taem up whenever he feels like he's liking Dee too muchor something
don't give your grandma the bunny ears you wore for sex!!
introducing your fake boyfriend to your parents when you take him to their graves while he wants to be introduced just as regular real boyfriend
ah, Yak's already implementing the outfit changes. that's legit what Ohm was wearing lmfao
not Cher following Yei
aghhh I know we're not getting answers for that this episode though because I saw somebody guessing what Yei's hiding, meaning we don't find out. and i'm not gonna just have the next episode available alksdjfkladsf >:((
gathering votes
legit laughed at the huge ass banana right after them eating the hotdog sausage thing
pls i get so embarassed/shy watching this show
they're baking together, how cute
got stressed thinking about cleaning all this flour everywhere
oof, Ter taking Kwan to the restaurant Dee took him to... He's just using Kwan right? They don't want us to like Ter right?
fitting lyrics... it's an OST right?
Yak wants to kiss on the lips and Dee's ready for it too
Yak's been taking videos of grandma and Dee and now even posting a Gooddy photo on his IG
sudden position argument WandeeYoryak vs YoryakWandee like it's a funny moment but girl y'all are already fucking, how is it a question? you know the answer
Very fun so far, I'm really enjoying it. I do wish these Thai BLs were like the het dramas that release 2x a week so that I don't have to rely on getting less than one hour a week for 2 more months.
I'm curious about their first kiss, what the Yei secret is, how they'll deal with their growing feelings, and I really hope it's all explored well and coherently pleaseeee. I can't watch a show as it airs, wait for many weeks to get to the end and have it be bad, I'll lose my shit. Wandee Goodday, I believe in you!
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longitudinalwaveme · 8 months
Captain Cold and the Blizzard Battle: The Kid's Book of Never-Ending Cold Puns
I was looking through some of the older posts on @gorogues's blog, and I was reminded that there was a kid's book that featured Captain Cold and the Top called Captain Cold and the Blizzard Battle. Since it was selling for six bucks on Amazon, I bought a copy, and I am now going to share my thoughts on it with everyone:
Captain Cold's stats (6'2", 196 lbs, brown hair, brown eyes) are taken directly from all those DC guidebooks.
The puns begin almost immediately. Len terrorized Central City with "cold-hearted crimes", the Flash "put him on ice", he has "nerves of ice", and "his cold heart lets him remain calm and collected even when the heat is on". The book also identifies the yellow capsule-looking things on his belt as cold grenades, though I don't think that those are what they actually are.
Captain Cold makes an entire blizzard just to rob an armored car. Seems a bit excessive. He also does it in May, because of course he does.
The blizzard also gets some kids out of school early, much to the kids' delight.
LOL, Len looks so proud of himself as he walks away with his loot.
Icicle (who is also in Central City, and is showing up Len), is stealing some "cold hard cash". Because cold puns!
Len gets away with his loot, since the Flash is more interested in stopping the Icicle (who's trying to get away with a hundred times as much money as Len) than he is in stopping Len. However, because Icicle is threatening his position as the best cold-themed criminal, Len can't even feel happy about his success.
Apparently Captain Cold's hideout is in an indoor tanning salon/steam sauna. He bought it with stolen money just so he could shut it down, because he just hates tanning salons/saunas that much. (I imagine that Mick was disappointed when he learned about that.) The fact that it's an excellent hiding spot for him is just a bonus.
And then Roscoe shows up! He's Len's pal in this story (which is hilarious, since they usually hate each other), and, even though Len invited him over, he still freaks out when Roscoe shows up (allegedly because he might have been the Flash).
"Aww, even you aren't cold enough to freeze a friend." And then Roscoe is instantly proven wrong when Len freezes his nose for no reason.
Roscoe has had "so many run-ins with the law today that my head is spinning".
Anyway, Len is bitter about the fact that Icicle seems to be better at his own game than he is, and tells Roscoe that he's lucky to be the only "spins-around-fast villain in the world."
Roscoe: "Thanks! But don't sell yourself short! What would we do without a guy like you?" Cheerful friendly Roscoe is both endearing and weird.
Len: "You'd call the Icicle. Or Mr. Freeze. Or any one of the other villains who have cold powers. Nowadays, it seems like there are dozens of them!" Len has a point. DC is full of ice-themed villains.
We then learn that, while Len got away with $10,000, the Icicle managed to get away with a million dollars (meaning that he also beat the Flash), and that at some point in the past, Len froze the Eiffel Tower. Why? Who knows!
Unfortunately, the Top then points out that Icicle froze all of Germany at the same time Len was freezing the Eiffel Tower, which I guess makes this version of Icicle the most powerful version ever.
Roscoe: "I hate to say it, but I know when a guy's been topped!" All these horrible puns make me smile.
Len wants to put the Icicle in his place for showing him up all the time, and, after Roscoe starts sneezing, he gets the idea to spread the common cold to the entire city. No, really. His evil plan is to spread the common cold to the entire city, and then rob some banks while everyone is too busy being sick to stop him.
In order to do this, he alters his cold gun so it can lower the temperature by about 20 degrees (instead of its usual, much lower temperatures), breaks into Bosh Labs to steal an experimental hypothermic rhinovirus (rhinovirus is the scientific name for the common cold, which I surprisingly actually did not know!), releases the virus into the air, and then makes the weather chilly so that the virus will spread really fast and get everybody sick.
Len won't be affected by the virus, however, because he also took the antidote from the labs (and also drank some orange juice, just in case.)
"He was about to conquer the entire city with a super-powerful cold! That had to be the greatest "cold crime" in history!" PUNS!
The plan works immediately, and everybody gets sick....but when Len goes to rob a bank, he learns that the Icicle has taken the credit for releasing the virus on live TV, and predictably gets angry.
"After all the years he had spent stealing from Central City, Captain Cold finally knew what it felt like to be robbed." This line is amazing and I love it.
Captain Cold goes to a coffee shop to get his favorite drink, iced coffee. Unfortunately for him, there's a very long line of people (all of whom are ordering tea, apparently), so he uses his cold gun to cut to the front of the line in a manner reminiscent of Gru in the Despicable Me movies.
The clerk gives Len regular coffee, so he freezes the poor clerk too and ices the drink himself...only to see the Flash fighting the Icicle through the window. And because of the cold Len gave him the Flash is losing!
Len goes back to his hideout, and Roscoe promptly shows up two seconds later, noting that it looks like the Icicle is going to "put the Flash on ice----permanently!"
For some reason, Roscoe always spins inside Len's hideout instead of just walking inside like a normal person. Which actually makes sense for Roscoe.
Roscoe has come down with the cold alongside everyone else in Central City. He thinks that the Icicle is responsible until he notices that Len isn't sneezing, at which point Len explains that he was the one who created the virus, and thus knew to take the antidote. Icicle wasn't affected because his entire body is made of ice, and thus can't catch a cold.
Len also reiterates that his cold gun can't affect Icicle...right before informing the Top that he's planning to go help Flash fight the Icicle anyway.
Roscoe's reaction: "That would mean saving your worst enemy---and mine! If you could, that is. No offense, but you said it yourself. You're just a guy with a cold gun. The icicle is made of ice. Your cold blasts can't hurt him, but..."
Len: "The Icicle can hurt me."
"The Top nodded, and then sneezed. "That doesn't sound like a fight you can win." " Len and Roscoe hanging out together is the best part of this book.
Len, being Len, is determined to fight Icicle anyway, and goes out to do just that. He saves the Flash from the Icicle, which prompts the Icicle to realize that Len's probably mad about him taking the credit for his crimes. The Icicle kind-of sort-of apologizes before telling Len to get out of his way so that "the better cold villain" can "finish off the Flash".
Shockingly, Len doesn't react well to this, and tells Icicle that if he wants the Flash, he'll have to go through Len first. Icicle replies with a title drop: "You just made a big mistake....You and I do the same thing. Only I do it better! But if you want a blizzard battle---you've got it!"
The two start fighting, and, while they're pretty evenly matched in terms of output, Len has a massive problem: as was underscored earlier, he doesn't have any real defense against Icicle's powers.
As the fight starts to turn against him, Len runs away and heads for his hideout. Icicle follows him, boasting about how dumb Len was to lead him to his hideout...and then Len promptly turns on all the saunas and indoor tanning beds, increasing the temperature in the room along with them.
This drains Icicle's powers, and Len promptly kicks the crap out of the powerless Icicle. "It takes more than ice powers to make a man cold. I always knew I was colder than you!" Oh, Len.
After he's sure he's defeated the Icicle, Len makes some more puns. "They say revenge is a dish best served cold....But it also tastes pretty good hot!"
Then the Flash shows up, immediately disarms Len, and knocks him to the ground with one super-speed punch. He's still suffering from the effects of the cold, but the fight between Icicle and Len gave him enough time to recover from his fight with Icicle.
Flash: "I just don't understand supervillains. It was so easy to follow the icy path of destruction that led here. So now I know where your hideout is, which means it isn't good for anything anymore. And with the Icicle out cold and your gun out of your hands, I won't have any problem taking you to jail...Was all of that really worth it? Just so everyone would know you were the one who unleashed this sickness on the city?"
In Len's mind, of course, it was totally worth it. Now that the Flash knows he unleashed the virus, everyone will know "that Captain Cold was the villain responsible for the greatest cold crime ever committed in the city!" So...happy end for Len, I guess.
No mention of what happened to Roscoe. Maybe he decided to go on a date with Lisa.
Anyway, this story was delightful and I loved it to bits. Having a story narrated entirely by Len was great, and I enjoyed that he felt in-character throughout. I could totally see Silver Age comic Len pulling a scheme like this, and Cold's strategic cleverness and grouchy possessiveness of Central City seems to come straight from Johns' Len. I also loved how hilariously petty he was throughout the story, from using his cold gun to cut in line for coffee to saving the Flash from Icicle just so he could prove that he was the better criminal.
The never-ending puns were likewise great, and I enjoyed that Roscoe got to be an important character in the book. Even though the role of Len's cheerful but slightly dimwitted pal would have worked better for Mick than for him, there's something extremely funny about having Roscoe in that role given how much he and Len hate each other in the main comics. And hey, he's still an endearing dork who makes top puns, so there are still some aspects of him that are recognizably Roscoe.
Finally, I enjoyed the art and the characters' slightly goofy facial expressions. I will probably do a separate post of the art at some point so that everyone else can enjoy it.
This is a great little book, and it was definitely worth the six dollars I paid for it.
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golbrocklovely · 4 months
i also sent this to xplrvibes, btw.
i found a psychic reading on colby and malia's relationship, and i watched it. throughout the whole video, it seems like their relationship is starting to go down, and colby might be losing interest, or something bad happened like an argument and they're just distant with each other rn. the psychic reader also said the relationship doesn't really seem serious and as more of a friends with benefits....but i also don't know much about psychic reading so idk if any of that could be true.
here's the link tho so you could watch it, maybe get your own opinion from it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gww1I9VmBNY&ab_channel=MiiksConspiracies
yall are making me come out of retirement with this tarot reading sksksks
imma be so forreal, and this is no hate to the girl that did this reading. but genuinely…. if you're already going into the reading getting the "ick" from both parties involved, maybe that's your sign to not do it. idk, but that's how i feel about it.
also, when i do a reading (and i'm by no means an expert so don't take my word for it, this is just what i do) while i "tap in" to others' energies, i don't try to feel what's going on. i just let the cards talk and then circle back. bc otherwise, when you say "i'm getting the vibe that" it just makes you sound like all the fans on twitter that hate the girls from day one and said "idk why, but i just get bad vibes from them" lol
and i have to add that the ppl on twitter talking about this literally said of this reading "oh she must be one of us" bc she sounded like them so that gives you an idea as to what's said in the video.
so…. here's my reading on malia and colby. and i know, i said i wouldn't but i had to.
this is a very quick reading so i'm not gonna go into the most amount of detail.
how does colby feel about malia: nine of pentacles reversed. colby is guarded and has issues opening up completely, even tho he wants to. fear of losing his independence. shocker to literally no one.
hanged man. love can't be rushed, so while he might feel the connection, he shouldn't jump the gun on this, or listen to outside sources on what to do next in his relationship. don't force things. timing is everything.
eight of pentacles. he's learning new things about malia everyday, slowly cultivating his relationship with her. there's still plenty of room to grow for him and her.
four of swords. colby needs his alone time, he feels as if maybe he is spending too much time with her, or at the very least needs time to sit back and reset (since he is such an introvert).
how does malia feel about colby: two of swords. there's something blocking them from solving certain problems that are arising. my guess is him being unable to completely open up quite yet. this is not a bad thing, since what they need to do is sit and communicate.
knight of pentacles. this is could also be the answer to their "problem". the knight of pents is a dedicated partner, but also extremely absorbed in his work (sounds like colby to a T). but this is also a sign of steady and secure relationship.
the sun in reverse. boredom. however things are still good. just no excitement.
queen of pentacles. stable time, fruitful. a lot of stability.
what does all of this mean?
so what i'm gathering is that colby does care for malia, but he is being held back by his own past issues and isn't able to fully open up to her yet. and on top of that, he doesn't want to move too fast (probably bc his past relationship moved too fast and then he got left behind) so i think he's doing his best to take things slow. and he slowly is enjoying his time more and more with her, but he also needs to remember to give himself some time to unwind and be alone. which he has talked about before in the past needing from previous partners.
as for malia, she wants to connect to colby and get to know him better but his issues are making that a bit hard for her. but not only that, he's busy. that man loves working, so she sometimes feels as if she doesn't get to see him without it being a work vacation, so to speak. but she definitely sees herself being with him long time. she sees he is dedicated to her, but the speed at which they are going is going to bore her a bit. eventually she will realize that it's for the best, since she will soon see that things will work out well.
what i gather is that both of them seem to be in for the long hall, they just have to make sure to communicate. and take time to themselves.
also let's not forget that they have only been together for like four months really, bc they met in late nov/early dec and probably didn't start actually dating/getting serious until january/february so like… let's cut them some slack yall lol
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earthbovndmisfit · 5 days
Yay you're anwering asks again! Which seem to be old ones lol.
On the idea of mer Jonawagon where Jonathan is the human and Speedwagon is the merman, perhaps the rest of the Ogre Street gang could be mers as well, living in tightly-knit pods like orcas and coming into conflict with seagoers who see them as "monsters"? And with Jonathan as a human Dio would make a great human antagonist too, perhaps being a hunter of the mers who despises Jonathan for empathizing with them.
Perhaps Jonathan's meeting with them could play out like it did in canon PB, with them initially attacking him as an intruder to their turf before he shows mercy and kindness to their leader, thus earning their friendship.
Last one seemed to be from a couple weeks ago, but there are a lot that are a year old or more…. (sorry!!! bad brain has been an absolute bitch all of 2024 so far)
I really like your idea nonny!! I feel like the Ogre Street guys don't get the love and appreciation they deserve and I'm more than happy to be able to include them in these AUs too! I like the idea of them all being a gang still. They already have some intimidating appearances in the og, and that would definitely add to their mer versions as well. Seagoers would think of them at monsters at first sight, especially if they aren't familiar with merpeople or other "non-conventional" sea creatures, I'm sure 😔️ They -along with Speedwagon- would probably be outcasts on land at best (probably back at home too if they happen to be criminals or other types of "pariah"), and I think that could add to their bond with Jonathan, who thinks of them as friends (and more, in Speedwagon's case of course 🤭️💕️).
Idk if this idea was thought to be part of the Sailor Jona/Mer Speedwagon scenario?? But if so, then we can mesh both ideas and have Jona and Spw meet the way mentioned in the other post. They start getting to know each other and maybe arrange to meet again near land in the next port the ship is scheduled to visit.
The day comes and it so happens that Speedwagon's gang is hanging around that area before either Spw or Jonathan get there, not knowing about Spw's new human friend. Jonathan is the first one to show up at the meeting spot by the shoreline (and away from privy eyes, in the case of a universe where merpeople are not common knowledge? idk). Dear Jojo even brought some trinkets and things he thought Spw might find interesting and that no one onboard will miss. That's when Spw's gang notice him and jump into action, not only because he's entering their domains, but also because they have eyed those trinkets and want to rip them away from him. A fight ensues then. As limited as my knowledge on merfolk is, I'm pretty sure they are way stronger than humans (correct me if I'm wrong please!). I'm also guessing there would be no hamon in this AU, and so it's very likely that Jonathan would be overpowered eventually despite his superhuman strength from the og (can't imagine Jonathan not being buff and built like a brickwall, so he keeps his og massive size and frame). It's right there when Speedwagon shows up and scolds and shouts at his friends to leave the man alone. He was reaching the spot when he saw everything as it started going down, making him rush over to them as fast as he could. Spw's friends realize they kinda fucked up and apologize, helping Jonathan up and back on his feet. The idea kinda breaks my heart, but maybe some of the trinkets got broken during the confrontation and now Jonathan feels bad about it, although, he's happy that Speedwagon saved him from what would have very likely been a much worse outcome.
And of course Speedwagon is moved, not only by Jonathan's kindness since he really was under no obligation or whatever to bring him anything, and yet he did, but he's also moved by that faintest of pouts on Jojo's lips upon seeing what just happened to the little presents he brought for Speebs. Being mostly outcasts, I'm sure neither Spw or his friends are used to show or being shown love in any of its forms outside of their little group, so it comes as a surprise even to Speedwagon himself when he pulls Jonathan into a hug to make him feel better and stop worrying about the now broken presents. All this surprises Spw's gang too for the previously stated reasons, but it is clear to them now that their boss sees something special in that man and that, judging by his gesture of bringing him a present, he seems to be genuine in his intentions, and so they ease up on him, genuinely apologizing for the incident and what they have unknowingly caused. They are all wary of humans due to past bad experiences, but Jonathan continues to prove over time that he's someone they can fully trust and rely on, and so Speebs and his gang often follow him closely during his journeys across the sea.
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andkisses · 1 year
♡ just a friend | hyuka ♡
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first kisses are scary. that’s why you’ve decided your first kiss should be with your best friend.
♡ kai x gn!reader | wc. 842 ♡ genres/tropes: fluff, y’all are both oblivious to being in love lol ♡ mentions of/warnings: none ♡ a/n: this is a rewrite of a fic i wrote but can’t remember if i ever posted on my old blog, so here it is !
The idea is simple, elegant in design and concept. It strikes both of you at the same time, as if you’re both hit on the head by a bored cupid. You sit beside, shoulders touching, watching yet another cheesy romcom. The two leads on screen fumble their way into a kiss, too nervous and naive to actually enjoy it. The slow turn towards each other, a single eyebrow raised in question, tells you he’s on board already.
Let’s be each other’s first kiss.
Kai cocked his head, tilting it towards you. “What's the worst that could happen?” he asks. Even with this idea brewing, the space between you doesn’t feel awkward. Watching movies on the shag rug after you’d pushed away the coffee table for more room still felt like the most amazingly mundane Saturday night task. Kai winked languidly, making sure to seem as fake as possible. “We fall in love?”
You scoffed, faking a gag and rolling your eyes. “Yeah, right.”
You take a moment to ensure all your hair is out of your face, brushing fingertips against your skin and behind your ears. The whole point of this was to make it the least awkward as possible. After all، it wasn't like you got your very first kiss every day.
The summer between sophomore and junior year feels like it’s stretching on into infinity, and yet you'd never been kissed. Never gone on a date, even. You assumed it was because everyone thought you were dating Kai--which was plain weird because you and him were just friends. The best of friends. You'd been together (but not together-together) for what already felt like an eternity.
You never thought of what it would be like to hold his hand in public, running your thumb across the back of his knuckles. What it would be like to confirm people’s suspicions and have them gush over how cute and compatible you are together. What it would be like to call Kai yours, to never have to worry about him being with anyone else, who obviously wouldn’t have his best interest at heart.
You never let yourself think of any of it, keeping it locked behind a door in your brain that you tried day in and day out to forget even existed.
It–this–is enough. Any more would just feel too odd. 
Which, you decide, is why this plan is so genius. No feelings, just pure discovery. You watch Kai take a quick sip of his eyes water while you wet your lips. Why suffer through a first kiss with someone who will eventually break your heart when you can do it with someone you trust?
No words were exchanged, you'd watched enough movies to know what’s supposed to happen. The two potential lovers–which, ew, you totally aren’t, but you let mind enter the role, just for right now–lean in close, catching their breaths, then lightly press their lips against each other. Sparks fly. Fireworks go off. You expected neither of these things, because duh, he’s your best friend.
You also didn’t expect his lips to taste like green tea, and yet here you were. They’re soft, and enticing, and so very Kai you don’t quite know what to do. One hand went to the couch so you wouldn't topple over on to him—this was to avoid awkwardness after all. You can't recall where the other landed, perhaps they dug into the shag carpet.
The kiss is over too fast, at least you felt like. Suddenly, all the movies made another layer of sense. There weren't any fireworks booming inside your head, jumbling around your thoughts. No incessant urge to pop one leg up like a cliche princess movie. But, an incessant urge for more.
Which is weird, because you kissed Kai out of science, a theory. A way to learn about kissing so when you actually had to do it on someone for real, you didn’t have to think.
Maybe, that’s what it is.
And there is a sparkler of sorts going off inside you, golden light everywhere. Your head buzzes with the excitement of newness. Your fingertips tingle with a want of something more, craving a sensation you can’t quite explain. You couldn’t wait to find someone to kiss like this all the time. You couldn't wait for Kai to find someone to kiss like this all the time.
You finally lean apart, back to your original spots on the rug. Kai opens his mouth to say something, focus drawing a triangle between your eyes and lips, when his attention dashes from you to the TV. Credits scrolled up the screen at an abysmal pace. “We forgot to pause the movie!” 
You lunge for the remote, ready to skip it back to the scene you were at pre-kiss. There’s a rush, a tingle up your arm when your hand brushes his. You decide it’s best not to look at him right now, as your heart races and your lips long for more. Kai is, after all, just a friend.
Your best friend.
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originemesis · 23 days
When it comes to naming all the animals in the Garden, so does a lot of interactions with them. And this particular critter was getting a little too feelsy and cuddly on Adam. The blue seraph narrows his eyes at the affectionate doe, nuzzling and rasping its tongue against his arm. Of course feeding it only made it stick around!
Transforming into a small white and blue feathery dragon, Lucid snarled at the doe and several other creatures that were getting as equally interested in affection from the First Man. Tail flying up, the deer takes off for the undergrowth with the dragon hot on its heels. All the animals in the vicinity scatter as the chaos unfolds. (For the feeling possessive meme lol)
Well, he didn't want to eat the green part of the strawberries, but it seemed a lot of other critters did. Not that he would have noticed the congregation trailing behind him as he kept flicking the uneaten berry tops over his shoulder until eventually his elbow was met with a rather intimate greeting. "Desperate, much?" He tuts as the bolder beast snuffles after the remaining strawberries, though attempts to block its snout with his arm only results in it dolefully lapping at the barrier as if the salt on his skin sufficed. "Dude- chill! That- heh! Tickles-ahaha..." The man can't hold back several snorts and cackles as he tries in vain to ward the deer off with a hand that just ends up getting slathered through each gap in his juice stained fingers for the effort.
About to just toss the rest of the fruit and make a break for it up a tree, the man squeezes the handful he'd been holding over his head only for the deer to tuck tail and gallop into the thicket with something feathery and fast snapping at its hooves.
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Blinking, he slowly lowers the rest of his snack to hip level and hunches his shoulders to try and peer into the gap in underbrush where the snarling thing from earlier had sped. Was that like... A CHUPACABRA? A few thoughtful munches later, and he flicks the last of the strawberry stems into the hole, cheeks puffed.
Does ain't loyal.
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caliburn-the-sword · 1 year
final cress thoughts!!!!
i absolutely inhaled that book holy shit lol. got winter at the bookstore today because shipment just arrived and i gotta say it's HELLA chonky. i am EXCITED. of course fairest will have to come first
since the plan has been explained to us the readers, that means it's DEFO gonna go wrong (note: it did - sybil ambushed them)
god why is cress married to everyone. first thorne now wolf
rolling my eyes sighing bile is rising in my throat. i CANNOT take this alpha nonsense. admittedly when cress says it in a brightest star of a constellation way, that's cute. unfortunately the omegaverse connotations cancels it out completely
OMG CINDER AND KAI FINALLY. I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR SO LONG. rip to everyone that was reading these as they came out because i can't imagine how PAINFUL it would have been to wait two years for them to see each other again as opposed to me just binging the books across like 3 weeks max by the time i finish the series
respect for torin holy shit that must have been SUCH a hard choice for him to make to not only let the prince go but to reveal his tracker chip
I KNEW IT I KNEW IT I KNEW IT THE PLAGUE IS BIOWARFARE. i'm a genius. but the mutated strain was just genuinely a coincidence judging by levana's reaction LMAO
was absolutely baffled why tf thorne was kissing cress before i remembered the promise he made. i feel sickly and nauseous. get off that minor rn
as much as i hate thorne. gotta admit that the shooting scene was badass
wonder who the queen is married to
i respect every ounce of rebellion in erland's bones. yeah piss off the queen!!
grossed out by cress and thorne some more. please man keep pushing her away. literally his responsibility as an adult. ew
holy shit scarlet actually lost her finger
it's nice to properly meet winter
something very strange seems to be going on with winter. master and pet lunar stuff?? weird af. wants to be besties?? girl are you even understanding the situation?? also has she never met a ranga before??? is she HIGH????? and what's with the role playing games??? she's somehow more delulu than cress, acts even YOUNGER than her actual age than cress does
winter seems to THINK that she was friends with cinder. interesting. once again i want cinder to get her memories of pre-fire back real bad
winter is a SIMP for jacin
OH I'M SO DUMB HOW DIDN'T I REALISE THAT SHE WOULD BE DELULU BECAUSE SHE DOESN'T USE HER GLAMOUR. respect for winter has increased. this means that ALL the time scarlet spent thinking about how beautiful winter is was the truth LMAO. gay gay homosexual gay. is it too much to hope for a polycule?? they'd literally be like parks and rec. "i'm wolf andthis is my gf scarlet, this is her gf winter, this is winter's bf jaycin".
ofc a lake on the moon is gonna be called artemisia lake LOL. now we've had one moon titan and one moon goddess reference. chang'e when????
NOT FARAFRAH. i bet you all found it downright HILARIOUS when i went on about how much i love farafrah back in one of the other posts
ngl think it's too early for cinder and kai to be eating each other's faces. kai got over his issues REAL fast lol. idk how i feel about it but willing to see where winter takes us
i didn't even think of the implication because i don't consider kai and levana legitimately engaged so i find it HILARIOUS that the silly family tree of kai being engaged to one woman and then making out with her niece. reminds me of ouat
revolutionary cinder ftw
speculation for fairest:
i did the maths and realised that since levana is like 30 and cinder is 16 then she was about 17 years old when she decided that cinder just had to go. I'M 17. cannot imagine killing a 3 year old. cray z. and then she was even YOUNGER than that when she killed her sister for the throne. ALSO insane. that will be one deeply disturbed mind to dive into in fairest
read the blurb and don't exactly have anymore thoughts other than trying to figure out who the in universe equivalent to her REAL husband would be since we're defo getting backstory on that. since she's the evil queen then it must be winter's father "the good king", however because of the blurb i reckon it's some kind of "mirror mirror on the wall" figure. idk what exactly that would entail. some kind of royal adviser???
speculation for winter, because i don't want to forget everything i'm thinking by the time i'm done reading fairest:
mother reveal for cress - i don't remember if any lunar scientists have been mentioned or named yet, but i WILL be keeping an eye out. i suspect someone who has something to do with the wolf soldier hybrids, she might even know wolf. regardless hope the bitch dies
father reveal for cinder
from the way jacin calls garan linh's device an equaliser, it's DEFINITELY gonna be reproduced in this book, ESPECIALLY with winter going all delulu, and the way cinder is concerned about becoming like levana
jacin pov chapters now that miss marissa doesn't have to make his motivations and loyalties ambiguous
ngl i HATE prequels, ESPECIALLY when they're about the villain of the story, and i often skip them. i'm a bit apprehensive about going into fairest, but i want to have the proper reading experience of tlc, and it's important to the story. putting my personal feelings aside and hoping for the best!!
@eddisfargo @francforever @winterrhayle @winterpinetrees @shellyseashell
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