#captain america x reader x winter soldier
Mad Season 2
Warnings: non/dubcon, social anxiety, chronic illness, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
Character: Bucky Barnes, Peter Parker
Summary: a class project gets messy. (short!reader)
Note: yes I'm being irresponsible.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging ❤️
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‘So sorry I’m running behind. May forgot her wallet’. You reread Peter’s message for the fifth time and check the time under the bubble. More than forty minutes ago. He has to be close. 
You thought of checking but you don’t want to pressure him. Besides, he is doing a favour by bringing you to Stark Tower to let you use the space with him. You turn and pace along the wall, out of the way of the New York pedestrians who wouldn’t even notice if you got underfoot. 
You thought of waiting in the lobby but that’s too much. You focus on breathing. You feel alright for the moment, but a few times, you’ve reached for your inhaler just out of habit.  
“Hey,” a voice draws you out of your mounting anxiety, bringing you back down to just above neutral. “Door’s open, you know?” 
You face Bucky as he holds open of the many glass doors. 
You nod and teeter on your heels. “I know, sir. Just waiting.” 
“Bucky,” he corrects you. Like last time. Oops. “Waiting on the kid?” You gesture affirmatively again. He waves you over casually with a gloved hand, “come on. I can get ya into the lab.” 
“Mm, ahem,” you clear your throat, it’s getting tight. You get closer as the noise of the street makes it hard to hear your own thoughts. “That’s nice but I said I’d wait here.” 
“Busy,” he comments and his eyes roll around derisively. “Should be out here on the street. Let the kid know you’ll be upstairs.” 
There’s no arguing with him, not that you would ever dare. You’re not afraid of him. Maybe intimidated but who doesn’t make you feel small. No, he’s Bucky Barnes, an Avenger. You have no ground to tell him no. Besides, he’s being nice even if his tone remains mostly indifferent. 
“Thanks, s—Bucky,” you muster a tight-lipped smile. 
He holds the door and you flit in ahead of him, your wool jacket flapping and brushing against him. He follows. You hurry ahead then stop short as you realise you don’t know where you going. As you do, a man in a suit huffs and nearly knocks you over with his arm. 
“Watch it, little girl.” He sneers. 
“Hey,” Bucky catches him by his tie, “what’d you say to the lady?” 
You spin around in shock, rubbing your arm at the suddenness of it all. 
“N-nothing, I--” the man blinks in fear. “Nothing, she just got in my way.” 
“You knocked into her and you can’t say sorry?” Bucky pulls him closer, glaring at him with a furrow of his nose. 
“N-no,” the man shows his palms, “no.” 
“Look at her. She’s half your size, pal. You think she could hurt you?” 
“No, no, look, I’m sorry. I’m sorry!” The man sputters. 
“Not to me,” Bucky slides his hand down the man’s tie and pulls him like a dog on a leash toward you, “her.” 
The man blanches and gulp, “look, miss, I’m sorry. I didn’t see you. I shouldn’t have... I should look where I’m going.” 
“Good boy,” Bucky’s snarl comes close to a smirk as he lets the man go and taps his cheek lightly. “Go.” 
He shoves the man by the shoulder and you bat your eyes dumbly. You watch him go as Bucky looms close. You look at him and reach for your bag. You unzip the pouch at the end of the thin strap and pull out your inhaler. You take a puff. 
His expression softens, “oh, is that me?” 
You shake your head, “too many people.” 
“Ah, right,” he points toward the elevators. 
You follow him as he bulldozes through the bodies and pushes the button. You stop beside him and fidget with your inhaler. You peek over at him again. He looks down at you and you wince. 
“Sorry... I...” 
“People usually only stare when I got the arm out,” he shrugs. “I got something on my face? Damn beard catches.”  
Brushes his fingers over the thicket of hair across his jaw. You shake your head again. 
“S-sorry. I... I...” you sniff as the doors open and he beckons you ahead of him. You scurry on and he follows as a slow pace. He spins and jabs the buttons.  
“Thanks for... for helping.” 
“Not at all,” he says. Silence rises with the elevator. He coughs. “You know, I had a buddy with ashthma. Still my buddy but he don’t got the asthma no more.”  
He snorts. You mull his words. You think know who he means.  
“The stuff or whatever... got rid of it?” You ask meekly. 
“Yeah, the stuff. Serum. Poison,” he scoffs. 
“Oh,” you hum. 
“Guess I take it for granted. Never had to worry about much of the being sick part. Sister did. Yeah, she used to always have something,” he clicks his tongue. “Tell me when to shut up.” 
“No, no, I wouldn’t... wouldn’t ever,” you stutter. 
Another lulls fills the elevator as it opens, but the tension remains trapped inside. He points you out first and waits to trail after you. You come out onto the floor. You vaguely recognise some of the acrylic decor and the stiff looking chairs but you don’t know where to go. 
“Left,” he directs you with a gentle caress down your sleeve. “Easy to get lost when you don’t waste your life here." 
You let him guide you. You’d lose yourself without him. It’s exactly why you’d been out on the street.  
That reminds you of Peter. You reach for your bag again and pull out your phone. You check for a message. 
“Kid standing a nice gal like you up?” He asks. 
You flinch, “uh, no, his aunt... there was an emergency.” 
“More important than you, huh?” He pivots and presses his finger to the keypad. The door opens. 
“I don’t... I don’t know. It’s not a big deal.” 
He looks at you, his eyes narrowing, “you’re not a big deal?” 
“No, waiting isn’t... isn’t that bad,” you stammer. “Uh, thanks, again.” 
“Well, you know, in my day, we treated ladies with respect. Let me know if the kid needs a lesson or two,” he taps the doorframe. “I’ll check in, just in case.” 
“You don’t have to.” 
“I know I don’t,” he says. “Go on,” he nods through the door. 
You don’t hesitate. You enter the lab with another thanks, eager to have some time to yourself. You go to the table and untangle your knapsack. You look back just as the door starts to slide shut. You only get a glimpse of his eyes before he’s blocked out by the metal barrier. You can feel his gaze staining you. 
You know it must be all in your head but he is so intense. Not as angry as last time but still... a lot. 
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itsnotbird · 3 days
Orphic~ File 4
Indelible (adj) ; Impossible to erase or forget
Warnings: Extreme triggers! Talks of kidnapping, abuse, murder, labs, powers
Bucky!Barnes x Fem!Reader
Find previous part here
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Sleeping alone is still a strange thought.
You only were in a room by yourself when you were being observed…or living through a punishment.
The empty and quiet walls of your new room have you missing the sleeping quarters of that damn place…wherever it is. You close your eyes, grunting as you desperately try and remember all the important things, names, locations, anything that would be more helpful.
There’s nothing but white spaces in your memory.
You huff and bury your face in your pillow. If you soften your breathing just enough, you could hear the overlapping huffs of the girls you once had a bed next to. They’re long gone now, all you know of them is how they look lying still and lifeless.
To say the least, you struggled through the night.
In the morning, you twitch and itch slightly as your body pulses for that fix it’s gotten so used to. If it were up to you, you wouldn’t take the infusion, but your body threatens to give up if it doesn’t have a taste, so Dr. Banner is your saving grace, administering a low dose that continues to get lower until you don’t need it anymore.
It feels like hell.
There’s clothes in your closet that you aren’t a fan of, shades of white and beige, pastel colors of blue and pink.
The things you would do for a pair of pants.
You throw yet another dress on, a different pair of knee socks and those red high tops…the only thing of yours they let you keep. You get lost on your way to the communal women’s bathroom, but you turn back around and find it.
“Good morning.” Wanda greets you as you enter. She’s in front of one of the mirrors, applying makeup.
You smile at the normality of it.
Brushing through your ragged hair, you can’t help but let out a frustrated sigh when it gets knotted again.
“You know, Natasha could help you with a hair cut if you’d like. Maybe a trim? Get rid of those dead ends?”
You look over at her and nod.
Like she was summoned, Natasha appears and is more than happy to assist.
You head to the meeting, free of a few inches.
“Haircut?” Tony asks as you sit down besides Nat.
You nod.
“Looks good.” He approves.
“Good morning, Blue.” Steve greets, causing question from the few Avengers that are in the conference room.
“Blue?” Sam questions.
“Yeah.” He shrugs. “Because her powers…are blue…look, she doesn’t remember her name and I’m not calling her by a number, Blue will have to work.”
You giggle to yourself, and Steve grins in victory.
“Ha! I was the first to make her laugh.” He calls out in victory as he sits down across from you.
“She’s probably laughing because you’re an idiot.” Sam claims, taking his own seat.
One by one, the rest of the team joins.
Headphones on your ears, you aren’t necessarily paying attention to the things around you. Not when Nat argues with the Captain, saying she’s taking you to get clothes and Steve claims you needed to stay here.
“She’s wearing borrowed clothes, looking like the girl from Buffalo 66. She’s a grown woman, and she needs pants.” Nat defends with a glare.
“What’s Buffalo 66?” Steve questions, now side tracked.
“Alright, enough.” Tony calls. “Nat, take the kid shopping, don’t let her you know…do anything crazy.”
That ends the conversation.
Bucky comes into the mix, black coffee in hand as he sits next to Steve…across from you.
“Haircut?” Tony asks, having deja vu.
Bucky just gives him a blank expression, then looks to you.
“What’s her deal?” He asks Steve, questioning the way you don’t bother to look up from your phone.
“Uh…we think it’s best if she doesn’t listen to this first part of the meeting.” Is all Steve says, then passes out files.
“Alright, thanks to our guest here.” He says, motioning to you. “We have a new case.”
Everyone opens their folders, then sorts through the few papers inside.
“The Ring?” Clint questions.
Tony brings up the projection of the information already obtained. “When Fury took E.T. over there, she told agents about this underground organization known as ‘The Ring’. It’s made up of the bosses who run it, their little henchmen, the scientists, and the subjects. It’s grown rapidly into communities all over.”
Everyone shifts their eyes to you, then quickly look away.
“How do they get the subjects?” Bruce asks, brows creased as he looks at the paperwork.
“They kidnap five girls at a time when they’re needed. Doesn’t matter who or where from. Then, they’re brought into labs, turned into guinea pigs for five years while they are conditioned. Their rules are strict, no talking in English, wait for permission to do anything. It takes a whole army for this, there’s teachers and doctors and head agents that are assigned to one of them.” Steve explains, then expands a picture of the brand that sits on the back your neck. “Each division has a symbol, each girl has a number. Blue was 505, she was the fifth of the five in her division.”
You can feel their devastation, it radiates off of them and seeps into your skin. You have the urge to tell them that pity won’t do you any favors, but your tongue stays still.
Natasha leans back in her chair. “What’s the goal? Create super humans for the hell of it?” She asks.
Cap continues. “Once they prove themselves to be exactly what they made them to be, they become hitmen for hire. Some gang leader needs an opponent out of the game? Well they go to one of The Ring leaders, pay them big money, then sit back and wait for the job to be done.”
The team shakes their heads, and Bucky feels his stomach twist. This feels all too familiar, like he’s watching a version of his story play out in front of him.
“What can she tell us?” He speaks, motioning to you then looks to the hologram in front of him.
Tony brings up a few faces of unfamiliar men, newspaper articles of missing children. “She was kidnapped when she was ten, pulled from her bedroom at night. The more she’s adapting, the more she remembers but as of right now, she can only tell us what’s in the files.”
They look further at the notes.
“They develop a relationship with these girls, they give them education, train them to use their powers properly. Each girl has a different ability, they’re all kept together and available for what ever hit they need to do.” Tony explains, his tone almost amazed and confused. “They don’t try to hide these girls, they carefully put them out in society when it’s sure they are rewired properly. They-they give them different aliases, have them play roles perfectly until they can take out their target.”
“If they’re trained so flawlessly…then why’d I find her in the street?” Bucky asks.
Steve brings up the photo of a man named Lawrence Antonov.
“This man was the scientist in charge of Blue’s division, by some accident, he injected them with a serum that essentially cleared their brains. It over powered the previous conditioning, the previous serums given so they would go along with what they were told to do. All of it, wiped clean. Unfortunately, important names and locations were also wiped clean from their minds.”
Sam groans. “It’s never easy, is it?”
Tony glares. “Yeah, tell that to the kid who was a lab rat for almost 15 years of her life.”
Sam sinks a little in his chair.
“Moving on.” Steve says, trying to defuse the situation. “Blue fought her way out, she remembers leaving a warehouse in Vermont, making it as far as she could before her body gave up. Bucky found her, here she is.”
You’re playing a game on your phone, making Nat look over and hum approvingly. “She’s winning.”
They all watch you with a strange look, then shift their attention back to Tony.
“So, Vermont is where we start?” Clint asks.
- - - -
It’s sometime after the meeting ends that you run into him.
Bucky curses to himself as you stop in your tracks, looking him over. He just gives a tight lipped smile and tries to walk past you. Though, as he goes, he can’t help but turn back.
“You’re cooperative, that’s good.” He says, then realizes how off putting that sounds. “I just mean with the case, you’re actually being helpful.”
You just blankly stare at him.
“Not trying to sound like a dick, that’s supposed to be a compliment.” He clarifies, then decides it’s a lost cause anyway. So he huffs. “You get the idea.”
A pleasant smile plays on your lips as he turns his back and walks off.
“Your hair looked nice before.”
Bucky stumbles in his step, then pauses, trying to see if he’s imagining it. As he slowly turns, you’re still standing there, headphones in hand, round soft blue eyes. He doesn’t miss the way you have some sort of twitch about you.
“Did you…did you just talk?” He asks, brows furrowed.
Instantly, your smile drops, afraid you’ve upset him. He sees the expression and panics.
“No, no, I didn’t mean- you just…don’t talk.” He sighs.
“You gave me a compliment, right? So I give you one back.” You smile once more. “Your hair looked nice before, but it looks good now.”
This is happening?
“Thanks…” He says, adapting to the odd situation. “Nothing major…I fixed it this morning.”
You nod.
The two of you stand there in complete silence for an uncomfortable amount of time before Bucky walks away again.
“James.” You call out one last time.
His ears ring.
Was he supposed to feel dizzy when you call his name?
“Yeah?” He looks back at you.
Your fingers curl into the sleeve of your sweater. “Don’t tell the others I spoke…I’m not ready for the floods of questions they’ll ask me.”
He lets out a little huff.
You thought about speaking to him before you did it, you could’ve stayed silent as always, but you trusted him to not be overbearing.
“It’ll be our little secret.” He says, nodding.
Next Part
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scarfacemarston · 1 day
Hey! I saw your post asking for Bucky requests so I have one:
I was thinking maybe a Bucky x Gender Neutral Reader where he asks his partner to shave his face and trim his hair for him? Nothing smutty or anything, just some nice fluff of Bucky being taken care of and treated gently by the person he loves 💜 thank you in advanced!!!!
Sorry this is so late, but I FINALLY did it. There is a reference to make up in the post, but I firmly believe that's a gender neutral thing.
You shut the door to the apartment, placing the keys in the key basket.
"Darling? I'm home. Are you here?" You called.
"Yeah, in here," Bucky called back. You took off your jacket, threw it on the couch, and followed his voice. There, you saw Bucky, his hands on the counter, gazing at himself in the mirror, looking contemplative.
Usually, you allowed Bucky to speak on his own time, but sometimes, you gently encouraged him to communicate his feelings.
"Penny for your thoughts?" You asked, slipping an arm around his waist, your head resting on his back.
Bucky let out the quietest of chuckles.
"Don't have any of those. Thoughts or pennies." He muttered. The air was thick with apprehension.
"Fine. I think it's time for a change. I'm tired of seeing him in the mirror. It's a constant reminder of those days and I'm tired of it. I know everyone wants me to move on. It's easier on them than having this…half human cyborg old man people think is on the verge of snapping."
You squeezed him tight.
"You're not  a half-human cyborg. Yes, you're old, but you're still human. And one of the strongest men I know." You sushed him.
Bucky grunted in response before turning to face you.
"I think it's time I cleaned up a bit. I won't ever be the old me. That man doesn't exist. He died in '45. That's who people want me to be, but it's not going to happen. I don't want to look exactly like tht. It feels like I'm being mocked. Maybe….something similar with a modern twist. I don't know. I used to know what suited me. I don't anymore." He sighed.
"Maybe I can help? I've cut my hair a few times and I know how to shave if you want that as well."
Bucky raised an eyebrow.
'You'd do that for me? Are you sure?"
"I wouldn't have offered if I wasn't, handsome. This is only if you want it, though. Don't do it for me, or for Steve or to make others feel a certain way."
"Right, I know. That's what I was saying…But I think I'm ready." Bucky confirmed, giving your hand a squeeze. You nodded as the both of you gathered the supplies needed in the bathroom.
You pulled a dining room chair in, set a washbasin to create a makeshift workstation, and grabbed hair supplies. Bucky gathered towels and shaving supplies before pulling out a small grooming kit. He smiled sheepishly.
"Yeah, I bought it myself. I've been trying to psyche myself up for a while, but I just haven't been able to do it." he shrugged.
"Stop worrying and come sit down. Relax. Everything will be okay. You're in control, Bucky. It's 100% you. If you only want a few centimeters off or even decide to change your mind, you can do that. This is your choice." You stressed.
"I know. Thank you." he muttered quietly as he sat down.
"So, shaving first or hair?" you asked as Bucky took a seat, resting his head back.
"Hm, I'm thinking a shave," he answered
"A trim?" you asked
"No, a full shave." he clarified.
You paused.
"Are you sure?" you asked.
"Yes. Absolutely. It will grow back in a few days if I hate it." he confirmed/
You nodded.
"Of course. That should actually make things a little easier.. I'm a raid I don't have those long razors that open up on a hinge."
"Well, no. I wouldn't expect you to," he laughed.
"This isn't 1850 either. But, hey, even if you did, I'd trust you with a knife against my throat anyway!" He said with a lopsided grin.
"True. Now, let me pamper you." You said playfully, patting his cheek. You turned on the warm water, wetting his face before placing shaving gel on his lower face and jaw and gently rubbing the product in as it sudded up. You smiled at Bucky as you leaned over and pecked his forehead.
"You ready, big guy?" You murmured.
"Baby, we're doing a haircut and a shave, not about to jump out of a window in a burning building," Bucky said, rolling his eyes.
You held up your hands in defense.
"Alright, alright, just making sure!" you said as you gently began to shave, going methodically slow, careful not to nick Bucky. It was far easier than you thought it would be. It was no different than shaving in most other places…well, except for a nick, it could be more serious here, but who's asking?
The actual shaving took little time. You admired your handy work. The shave took years off of Bucky's appearance. You grinned as you rinsed Bucky's chin and neck. 
"Looking good, handsome! Not that you didn't look handsome before," You amended.
"Now, your hair. I'll wash it first but for the cutting? That shouldn't take too long, but I want to be careful, " you said.
You started to hum absent-mindedly as you set to work. Bucky closed his eyes in bliss as you shampooed his hair, massaging the soap into it. Bucky grinned, sighing happily.
"You have magic fingers," he murmured with a happy groan. You spent extra time massaging his head, knowing that Bucky had frequent headaches. However, cutting his hair took longer than you expected, but Bucky was still. You checked on Bucky every few minutes before hearing Bucky sigh in annoyance.
"I'm fine! Just keep working!" Bucky finally chastised.
You smiled to yourself,
"Just checking, darling. I'll stop," you replied, quietly returning once more. Soon, you stopped, proud of your work. You withheld a gasp as you reached for the hair dryer. Bucky was always beautiful to you, regardless of his appearance, but this haircut was a different sort of beauty. You had studied the fashion, hair, and makeup of the 40s once you started to date him to plan a potential date night with materials from the era. That, and you had seen a few photos of Bucky's time before and during the war.
While he did not look identical to his time in the 1940s, there was still an element of the 1940s with a touch of modernity. Truth be told, you were quite proud of yourself. You couldn't wait to see how Bucky styled it.
Bucky's eyes widened as he saw your smile.
"Alirght, let me see, let me see, " he said, sitting up. He stared at his reflection, his expression blank, before he narrowed his eyes, the silence filling the room. You swallowed your anxiety.
Bucky ran his fingers through his hair before flitting his eyes to yours.
"It……..looks good." He finally answered. That didn't seem optimistic.
"I messed up, didn't I?" You said, trying to keep the defeat out of your voice.
"No. You didn't." He answered sharply before softening his features.
"It's just different, is all. I haven't seen me look like this since the early 90s when I was expected to complete an assassination  undercover." he explained.
You couldn't bring yourself to say anything except 'Oh.'
"But it still looks like my former self. It was risky for Hydra to do really, considering this is bringing back memories. Turns out, Hydra couldn't shut everything out."
"I'm sorry." You began.
"I promise you, I'm fine. I won't break. I told you that earlier, didn't I? No. I'm just surprised is all because I do see bits of who I was before, but it's still different enough that I'm not identical." Bucky explained. Bucky sighed before taking your chin into his hands.
"Don't worry about me. You did a wonderful job." He murmured as he kissed you gently.
"Besides, I saw your expression when you finished. Clearly you liked it, which makes it all worth it…and no, you're not making me be someone I don't want to be. You accept me as I am and that's the difference." He enunciated.
He got up, brushing the hair off of him.
"Uh, I'll get a broom. I insist." He offered. He grinned at you, making you lose your breath.
"Let's get dinner out. You can show me off." he winked.
"Sounds like a plan." You said, returning his grin.
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urdreamydoodles · 19 hours
MCU Characters x Fem!Reader (Part.1)
They react to your outfit for your date with them (Part.1)
As you step out for a much-anticipated date night, your partner reacts with their unique blend of admiration and protectiveness, captivated by your stunning appearance.
Characters: Tony Stark, Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson, Stephen Strange, Clint Barton, Peter Parker, Thor, Loki & T'Challa
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Tony Stark (Iron Man)
- Tony's eyes widen the moment you step into the room, his witty remark momentarily caught in his throat. For once, he's speechless. It's a rare sight to see him without his usual smirk, and you can't help but grin at his reaction. "Wow... just wow," he finally manages, his gaze scanning you from head to toe. He's used to being the one to impress, but tonight, you're stealing all the attention, and he loves every second of it.
- As you twirl in front of him, the soft fabric of your dress catching the light, Tony steps closer, adjusting the cufflinks on his suit as if trying to match your perfection. "You know, I always knew you were out of my league," he quips, though there's a sincere awe behind his words. He wraps an arm around your waist, pulling you close enough that you can feel the warmth of his body through the tailored suit.
- "How am I supposed to focus on dinner when I have this sitting across from me?" he teases, his voice lowering to that playful, flirty tone that makes your heart skip. His fingers trace lightly along your back, the intimate touch sending a shiver down your spine. "Maybe we should skip the reservation altogether," Tony suggests with a grin that tells you he's only half-joking.
- Despite his playful nature, there's a tenderness in the way he looks at you, his usual bravado replaced by something softer. Tony Stark, the genius-billionaire-playboy-philanthropist, is totally smitten. "Let’s make this night one for the books, shall we?" he says, offering his arm with a rare sincerity that makes you feel like the only person in his universe.
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Bucky Barnes (The Winter Soldier)
- Bucky’s not the type to show his emotions easily, but the way his jaw tightens when he sees you walk into the room speaks volumes. His blue eyes darken, tracking every movement as if he’s committing the sight of you to memory. "You look..." His voice trails off, and for a moment, he just stares, like he’s trying to find the right words but can’t. When he finally speaks, it’s almost shy. "...Incredible."
- He shifts awkwardly in his spot, his metal arm twitching slightly, a nervous habit he’s never quite shaken. Despite his quiet demeanor, there’s something fierce in the way he looks at you, like he’s still in disbelief that someone like you could be with someone like him. "I should’ve worn something nicer," he mutters, glancing down at his black jacket. You quickly reassure him with a smile, and he exhales, the tension in his shoulders easing just a bit.
- As the two of you prepare to leave, Bucky steps closer, his hand hesitantly brushing your arm before resting on your waist. His touch is gentle, but you can feel the strength behind it, the contrast between his flesh hand and the cold metal one. He leans in, his voice soft, "You make it real hard to focus on anything but you."
- He may not be as smooth with words as some, but the way Bucky looks at you says everything he struggles to express. You catch the small, rare smile tugging at the corners of his lips—one that’s just for you. He holds the door open, his protective instinct kicking in even though this is supposed to be a simple night out. But you know, with Bucky, every moment feels like it's filled with unspoken emotions, deep and unbreakable.
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Steve Rogers (Captain America)
- Steve’s eyes light up the second you enter the room, his usual composed, all-American charm faltering just a little as he takes in your appearance. "Wow," he breathes, his voice soft but filled with admiration. He steps toward you, ever the gentleman, offering a hand to help you down the last few steps, even though you don’t really need it. "You look stunning," he says, his smile warm and genuine, the kind that makes your heart flutter every time.
- There’s an innocence to the way Steve reacts—like he’s seeing something truly beautiful for the first time, even though you’ve been together for a while. He straightens his jacket, a small flush creeping up his neck as if he’s the one trying to impress you, not the other way around. "I feel like I should’ve dressed up more," he jokes lightly, though his eyes don’t leave yours for a second.
- As he wraps an arm around your waist, you can feel the strength in his hold, reassuring and gentle all at once. Steve leans down to place a soft kiss on your temple, his breath warm against your skin. "I’m the luckiest guy in the world," he murmurs, his voice sincere in a way that only Steve Rogers can manage. He never takes you for granted—not for a second.
- Throughout the night, Steve can’t seem to stop glancing at you, as though he still can’t believe he gets to call you his. Even when he pulls out your chair at the restaurant or holds your hand during the walk back, there’s a quiet reverence in everything he does. "You deserve the best," he tells you, his blue eyes shining with love and respect. And you know, with Steve, he’ll always mean it.
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Sam Wilson (Falcon/Captain America)
- The second Sam sees you, a wide grin spreads across his face, his usual playful confidence shining through. "Okay, hold up," he says, his voice filled with admiration as he gives you a once-over. "I didn’t think it was possible, but you just raised the bar." His gaze is warm, appreciative, and you can’t help but laugh as he walks over, his swagger evident in every step.
- "You trying to make me look bad?" Sam teases, though you can tell by the way he’s looking at you that he’s completely smitten. He reaches out, his fingers brushing against your arm before pulling you in for a quick spin. "Damn, you look good. Like, really good." There’s no holding back with Sam—he’s always been the type to say exactly what’s on his mind, and right now, all he’s thinking about is how incredible you look.
- As you walk together to the car, Sam keeps sneaking glances at you, his smile never fading. He opens the door for you with a dramatic flourish, ever the showman. "You sure we’re going to the right place? ‘Cause I feel like I should be taking you to the red carpet or something," he quips, his eyes gleaming with amusement.
- During the date, Sam is the perfect mix of fun and affectionate, cracking jokes to make you laugh while also finding moments to be sweet. At one point, he leans in close, his voice dropping to a more serious tone. "I know I joke around a lot, but... I’m really lucky to have you. You know that, right?" The sincerity in his words catches you off guard, but it’s moments like these that remind you why you fell for him in the first place. Sam Wilson may be all charm and wit, but when it comes to you, his heart is all in.
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Stephen Strange (Doctor Strange)
- Stephen’s reaction is subtle but telling. His sharp eyes flick over to you the moment you enter the Sanctum, widening slightly as they trail down the length of your figure. He doesn’t speak right away, and you know you’ve caught him off guard—which, for someone like Stephen Strange, is no small feat. "You certainly know how to make an entrance," he says at last, his voice smooth, but there’s a softness in it that surprises you.
- He steps closer, his robes shifting gracefully as he reaches out, fingers lightly grazing your arm. "You look... otherworldly," he remarks, his usual confidence tempered with a kind of reverence, like he’s seeing something magical—something he didn’t conjure himself. Stephen has seen countless dimensions and mystical beings, but there’s something in the way he’s looking at you now that feels entirely human. His fingers linger, tracing the fabric of your dress, as if he's studying every detail with the same intensity he reserves for spells.
- "We might not need a portal tonight," he quips, a rare hint of humor in his voice, "because I’m not sure I want anyone else in this universe to see you like this." It’s half a joke, but there’s a protective edge beneath his words. For a moment, the Sorcerer Supreme isn’t thinking about the mystical realms or ancient threats—he’s just a man in awe of the person standing before him.
- Throughout the night, you catch him stealing glances at you when he thinks you’re not looking. There’s something grounded about Stephen tonight, a rare vulnerability. And when he slips his hand into yours as you walk through the city, it’s without pretense—just pure, quiet affection from a man who’s seen everything and still thinks you’re the most stunning thing in existence.
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Clint Barton (Hawkeye)
- Clint’s eyes light up the moment he sees you. "Whoa, wait a second," he says, his voice filled with playful surprise as he looks you up and down, a grin spreading across his face. "Am I supposed to be your date tonight? Or is there some movie star hiding around here?" Clint’s always been quick with a joke, but the admiration in his eyes is genuine, and the way his voice softens just a bit tells you he’s impressed.
- He walks over to you with that easy, casual stride, hands finding their way to your waist as he pulls you in for a hug, his lips brushing against your forehead. "You clean up pretty nice," he teases, though there’s a hint of awe in his tone. Clint is used to seeing you in casual clothes or even combat gear, but tonight is different, and he’s not hiding how much he loves it.
- "Now I’m really feeling underdressed," he jokes, glancing down at his outfit, which, while nice, doesn’t quite match the level of your look tonight. He’s got that laid-back charm, but you know Clint well enough to see the little flicker of self-consciousness in his eyes, even if he hides it behind a grin. You reassure him with a smile, and he relaxes, pulling you closer as if you’re the only two people in the world.
- Clint might not make a big deal of it, but throughout the night, he can’t stop complimenting you. Whether it’s a casual “You’re killing it tonight” or a more heartfelt “I’m the luckiest guy around,” his words, though simple, are full of sincerity. He loves that you don’t need all the bells and whistles to shine, but tonight, you’ve got them, and he’s soaking up every second.
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Peter Parker (Spider-Man)
- Peter’s jaw literally drops when he sees you, his wide eyes blinking in disbelief as he stumbles over his words. "Oh my gosh... wow... you—wow," he stammers, rubbing the back of his neck as his cheeks flush red. It’s adorable, watching him try and piece together a coherent sentence. "You look amazing," he finally blurts out, still staring at you like he can’t quite believe what he’s seeing.
- He’s awkward at first, nervously adjusting his tie and shifting from foot to foot, clearly trying to play it cool but failing miserably. "I—I mean, I knew you’d look great, but this? You’ve seriously outdone yourself," Peter says, and you can’t help but smile at how genuine he is. His hands hover awkwardly before he finally takes yours, squeezing them gently as he continues to fumble through his awe.
- "I’m gonna be the luckiest guy at the restaurant," he says with a grin, though you can tell he’s only half-joking. Peter’s not used to this kind of attention, and seeing you all dressed up for him has completely flustered him in the sweetest way possible. "Do I look okay?" he asks, glancing down at his suit and then back at you with a sheepish smile, clearly hoping he’s at least halfway as presentable as you are.
- Throughout the night, Peter can’t stop complimenting you, whether it’s nervously gushing over how amazing you look or cracking jokes to hide his nerves. "I don’t even know what to do with my hands," he jokes, trying to play it cool. But the way he looks at you—like you’re the most incredible person in the world—tells you everything you need to know about how much this night means to him.
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Thor (God of Thunder)
- Thor’s reaction is immediate and dramatic, his booming voice filling the room the second he sees you. "By Odin’s beard, you are a vision!" he exclaims, his eyes lighting up with pure admiration. There’s nothing subtle about Thor, and his excitement at seeing you dressed up is no exception. He strides toward you with that confident, larger-than-life energy, sweeping you into a hug that lifts you off your feet for a moment.
- "This is truly a grand occasion," he declares, his deep voice rumbling with pride as he looks you over with a beaming smile. Thor isn’t shy about showing his admiration, and he’s clearly thrilled to see you looking so incredible. "You shine brighter than the stars themselves tonight," he adds, his compliments as grand and poetic as ever. His eyes sparkle with warmth, and there’s something almost boyish in the way he can’t stop looking at you.
- Thor, ever the gentleman, offers his arm with a gallant flourish, bowing slightly as if you were royalty. "Shall we make our grand entrance together?" he asks with a grin, his blue eyes twinkling with mischief. There’s an infectious energy about him tonight, and you can tell he’s as excited for the evening as he is to be seen with you by his side.
- Throughout the night, Thor treats you like an absolute queen, making sure you’re comfortable and constantly reminding you of how magnificent you look. "It is an honor to stand beside someone as radiant as you," he says at one point, his voice soft and sincere. His hand never leaves yours, and with Thor, every moment feels like a celebration. He makes you feel as if the entire night revolves around you—because in his eyes, it does.
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Loki (God of Mischief)
- When Loki first sees you, his reaction is subtle yet intense, his green eyes darkening as he takes you in. "Well, well," he murmurs, a sly smile playing on his lips. He doesn’t rush toward you like others might—instead, he lets his gaze linger, the look in his eyes making you feel like you’re the most captivating thing he’s ever seen. "You’ve truly outdone yourself," he says, his voice smooth as silk, full of admiration and a hint of possessiveness.
- He slowly circles around you, his fingers brushing lightly against the fabric of your dress as he takes in every detail. "I always knew you were stunning," Loki purrs, his voice dropping to a lower, more intimate tone, "but tonight, you've left even the gods speechless." He steps closer, his hand sliding to your waist, the coolness of his touch sending a shiver down your spine. His smirk widens as he feels your reaction, his teasing nature coming out in full force.
- "Shall we make all the realms jealous tonight?" he asks with a raised brow, his voice full of mischief. Loki’s always loved making an entrance, but tonight, it’s clear that he’s more focused on the fact that he has you by his side. "I daresay none will be able to take their eyes off you," he whispers, his lips brushing your ear as he speaks, making your heart race.
- Throughout the night, Loki is his usual charming, mischievous self, constantly finding ways to draw you closer—whether it’s with a flirty comment or a teasing touch. Yet, behind the playful banter, there’s something deeper in the way he looks at you, as if you’re the only person in the room who truly matters. And when he pulls you in for a slow, deliberate kiss at the end of the evening, it’s clear that he’s as captivated by you as you are by him.
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T’Challa (Black Panther)
- T’Challa’s reaction is a perfect blend of admiration and quiet awe. When you enter the room, his deep brown eyes immediately lock onto you, his usually composed expression softening. "My love," he says, his voice rich and smooth, as he approaches you with a regal grace. There’s a moment of silence as he takes you in, his gaze warm but intense, as though he’s seeing you for the first time. "You look... breathtaking," he finally says, his voice full of genuine respect and adoration.
- T’Challa steps closer, his hand gently reaching for yours, lifting it to his lips to place a soft kiss on your knuckles. "You honor me with your beauty tonight," he murmurs, his eyes never leaving yours. His words are always deliberate, full of meaning, and the way he looks at you now makes it clear that he’s beyond proud to be seen with you by his side. His admiration isn’t just for your appearance—it’s for you as a whole.
- As King of Wakanda, T’Challa has attended countless events and diplomatic gatherings, but tonight, he seems more focused on you than anything else. "It is a privilege to be with you," he says softly, his hand resting on the small of your back as he guides you through the evening with his usual poise. Even in a crowd, his attention never wavers, and you feel like the center of his world.
- Throughout the night, T’Challa is the perfect gentleman, always attentive, always respectful. His hand remains intertwined with yours, and every now and then, he’ll lean in close to whisper something in your ear—small, private compliments meant only for you. "You are more beautiful than any star in the sky," he says quietly, his voice full of quiet reverence. And when the night comes to an end, T’Challa takes a moment to stand with you under the stars, pulling you into a tender embrace as if he never wants to let you go.
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jessybarnes · 2 years
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader x Bucky Barnes 
Rating: 18+ Only!! Minors DNI!!
Tags: Slight angst, fluff, smut, praise kink, Bucky's metal arm kink...yeah don't kink shame me lmao, double penetration, fingering (female receiving), oral (male receiving), nipple play, suit kink, threesome (no Steve/Bucky), MMF, mentions of past attack, unprotected sex (WRAP IT UP KIDS), poly relationship, and language. 
Beta: Unbeta’d….we die like men… all mistakes are my own. 
Word Count: 2,578
Aesthetic: Yours Truly
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Y/N couldn't sleep. She'd been up most of the night tossing and turning, her deep burgundy sheets tangling themselves around her legs.
Traditionally, she often had trouble sleeping on nights she was alone, but today was different. Today the two loves of her life were coming home, and to say she was excited was the understatement of the year. 
She recalled the night she met them, that fateful night would always be bittersweet. 
Five years ago she was walking home from work. Normally, she worked the first shift but one of her co-workers called in sick and she covered for them.
It was late, but Y/N only lived four blocks from her office building so she thought nothing of it. It had rained that evening, the street lamps reflected off the asphalt making it glimmer. She could almost remember the chill in the air if she thought hard about it. 
Her heels clicked on the sidewalk methodically as she passed the neighborhood gas station. It reminded her of a Vegas casino with all the neon lights flashing in the windows.
She was halfway home, and the illuminated sign of her apartment complex looked like a beacon as she hurriedly crossed the street. 
It happened before Y/N could blink, a stranger's hand clasped roughly around her bicep and flung her against a brick wall in the alley. He sneered at her, his yellowing teeth and menacing glare filled her with dread. 
"Hey there, sugar."
She felt his hand curl around her cheek. His thumb rubbed her quivering bottom lip as she pulled away from his touch like his skin was acid.
"What's a pretty little thing doing walking alone this late at night, hm?"
Y/N whimpered, and her legs began to shake as she contemplated how she was going to get away from him.
"Let me go! Please! Just let me go!"
A tear slid down her cheek and pooled where the man's fingers now wrapped around her throat.
"Let you go? Aw, but where's the fun in that?"
Her predator's free hand slithered up her skirt, and an evil smirk spread across his unshaven face.
"You're gonna stay nice and still now, sugar. Gonna stay quiet while I- HEY! WHAT THE?!" 
One second the man had her pressed against a damp brick wall about to defile her, and in the next, he was gone.
Her breaths came quickly as a man with shoulder-length brown hair slammed the man into the opposite wall. She could hear her captor shouting expletives, but she was more shocked at her savior's arm. It looked to be made out of pure metal, almost machine-like as it started from the top of his bicep and went all the way to his fingers. 
Y/N was so focused on her mystery hero that she didn't see the other man running toward her. He was nearly in front of her before she saw him, a startled scream left her mouth filling the small alley, her hands came up to push him away instinctively.
"Hey! It's okay it's okay!"
The other man held a hand up showing her he meant no harm. The other arm held a round shield. He was a tiny bit taller than the other man, his short blonde locks tousled in an almost perfect way. 
Y/N flinched slightly as he reached for her, his partially gloved hand came to rest gently on her arm.
"Shh… you're alright now."
His thumb drew soothing lines along her skin and she couldn't help but notice his kind blue eyes as he looked her over for injuries.
"Are you hurt?"
The concern in his eyes was genuine, and for the first time since the attack began, she felt safe.
"N-No… I just wanna g-go home."
Y/N hated how meek she sounded, but her second savior showed no pity as he placed his free arm protectively around her waist.
"Don't worry, I'll walk you there myself." 
Y/N sighed, the memory still fresh in her mind as she untangled herself from the sheets. She knew sleep wouldn't come to her. Not when she was going to see them in a few hours.
Captain America and the Winter Soldier, fondly known as Steve and Buck to her, fell head over heels for Y/N not long after the night they saved her. It amused her how both men would bicker over who loved her more, and it wasn't until she stepped in with a proposition that things became interesting. 
They eventually came to an agreement. Both men would date her and spend an equal amount of time with her. It was easy for them to fall into a routine. Steve would go on a mission and leave Bucky with Y/N for a week or so, and then they would switch. This time was different though. The most recent mission required all hands on deck. Even Tony, Bruce, and Natasha were involved. 
Y/N looked at her phone and saw it was 8:30 in the morning. The boys wouldn't get home until around noon, so she had a little over three hours to prepare.
She started with a soothing bubble bath. A mix of essential oils and body scrubs to make her skin extra soft and smooth. After drying herself off, she slipped into a special outfit she'd picked up for their homecoming. 
The black lace and sheer design left little to the imagination, and she knew the effect it would have on them. By the time she curled her hair and put on some light makeup, it was 11:45. Only fifteen minutes before she would see the two men who stole her heart again.
Y/N slipped on a pair of black stilettos and leaned against the door frame of her bedroom. She knew they would see her once they walked through the living room, and her heartbeat quickened at the thought of their reaction. 
Several long minutes later she heard the lock click. Two pairs of boots crossed the threshold of her front door and her anticipation grew as she waited for them to see her.
Steve's voice echoed through the silence making Y/N take a deep breath to calm her nerves.
"Y/N/N are you ho-oh…my…"
His voice trailed off as he eyed her up and down, his free hand yanking Bucky into the room so he could see too. She saw the shock on both their faces turn into a mutual nod between them as they started in her direction. 
Bucky got to her first, his metal hand sliding up her thigh as he nuzzled into the crook of her neck.
"You're stunning."
The warmth of his breath on her skin made her shiver with want. Steve stood on her other side peppering soft kisses along her jaw.
"Clearly our birthday girl's in a giving mood. Tell us, sweetheart, how do you want us?" 
Y/N could barely breathe, let alone form a coherent thought. Her words came on their own accord, escaping her lips in a whisper.
"Please…I need both of you." Bucky cupped her breast through her lingerie and rested his hips against her side, his arousal prominent against her thigh.
"Mmm baby girl, you sure you can handle both of us?" 
Honestly, Y/N wasn't totally sure she could, but the heat coiling low in her abdomen and her soaked panties told otherwise.
"Please…" It was all she could say, her eyes fluttering closed as Steve softly took her earlobe between his teeth. 
Bucky picked her up easily and carried her bridal style to their shared king-size bed. Steve wasn't far behind, still holding his famous shield. She was set down on the soft sheets and watched as both men began to take off their suits.
Two pairs of eyes shot up to meet her gaze and her cheeks reddened with embarrassment.
"I-I mean… can you umm… can you leave them on?" 
Bucky smirked and Steve let out a knowing chuckle.
"Well, Buck it seems our girl has a thing for a man in uniform."
His wink sent a wave of heat straight to her core. Left in everything but their boots and socks, they joined Y/N in bed. 
Bucky crawled over her, his calloused hand cradling her face lovingly as he smiled down at her.
"Our beautiful girl."
He kissed her sweetly, his tongue licking her bottom lip for access. Y/N obeyed immediately, his tongue gliding against hers as she lifted her hips to gain any sort of friction with her sex. 
"Tsk tsk tsk…be patient, naughty girl. We'll take care of you." Steve teased and knelt by her head.
The bulge in his suit was evident as Bucky began to press needy kisses to her neck. Steve undid his pants just enough to free his cock, his right hand pumping it slowly as beads of precum leaked from the tip.
"Open that pretty mouth, sweetheart."
Y/N did as she was told, taking what she could of him until he hit the back of her throat. Steve groaned and threw his head back as her tongue slid along the underside of his shaft. 
Y/N moaned around his cock as Bucky began a slow descent towards her dripping cunt. The dull throb of her clit was becoming more noticeable with each passing moment.
Eventually, Bucky couldn't take it anymore, he had to touch her skin. As carefully as he could he grasped the black lace with his metallic hand and tore it from her body. 
Y/N whimpered needily and swallowed around Steve's cock eliciting a growl from his throat. The soft tendrils of Bucky's hair tickled her skin as he littered open-mouthed kisses between the valley of her breasts. He took her left nipple between his teeth while his right index finger and thumb rolled her right one gently. Y/N arched into his touch and began the stroke the part of Steve's cock she couldn't fit in her mouth. 
The cool metal of Bucky's arm slowly smoothed over her belly causing goosebumps to rise on her skin. He stopped just above where she needed his touch most and it made her whine. He chuckled, finally giving in and sliding a bionic finger between her folds.
"Is this what you want, darlin'?"
He began to slowly open her up. It wasn't enough to make her come, but it did bring her to the edge. Her mewls and muffled cries only spurred him on. 
Steve pulled out of her mouth and nodded to Bucky. Together they maneuvered her so she was on her side. Y/N lay facing Bucky, his lust-blown eyes staring hungrily into her own.
She sounded so desperate as his lips molded to hers perfectly. Steve lay behind her, his now lube-coated fingers rubbing gently against her ass.
"Relax, sweetheart. I'll be as gentle as possible, but this may hurt." 
As carefully as he could, Steve began to open her up to accommodate him. He shushed her and offered words of encouragement as Bucky resumed preparing her now-soaked pussy.
"Please...Oh, God… Steve, Buck...I need you both so bad…" 
Bucky pulled his hand away and freed his thick cock. He had more girth, but Steve made up for it in length. Both men were nowhere near lacking in size.
Y/N cried out as Bucky pushed into her, his cock sliding against her walls deliciously.
"Oh my god….oh, Bucky!"
He groaned deeply as he bottomed out and wrapped one of Y/N's legs around his waist to allow Steve more access.
"You feel so perfect around me, baby." 
As much as Bucky wanted to move, he knew he should wait until Steve filled her too. Ever so slowly, Steve eased his length into Y/N's other hole.
"Relax, sweetheart...you're doing so well. Fuck… mmm… God, you're so tight!"
Soon he filled her completely, both of them stretching her open making her breath hitch. 
She squeezed her eyes shut, and tried hard to relax around them. Y/N had never been this full before, but it made her feel complete. Bucky wiped a tear that began to cascade down her cheek just as Steve began to run his fingertips along her side.
"We can stop anytime, baby girl. Just tell Cap and me what you need."
She shook her head as best as she could, her voice no louder than a whisper.
"No, I'm okay...just...please...please move." 
Steve and Bucky shared a look, and slowly they took turns thrusting into her. Y/N's moans filled the room as both men gradually sped up. Steve growled in her ear, his fingers surely leaving bruises on her hips as his own snapped upwards into her.
"Christ, sweetheart….ungh…fuck, you're taking us so well. Such a good fuckin' girl…"
He kissed and licked her skin leaving little marks to remind her of their shared moment. 
Bucky cocked his head to the side, his lips closing over a hardened nipple and his tongue swirling around it. He pulled his cock almost all of the way out before plunging as deep as he could over and over. The added pressure from Steve's dick made her feel tighter, and it was nearly his undoing.
"Babydoll…tell us what you need. Ah, f-fuck...Y/N/N…want you to come with us." 
It was hard for Y/N to focus on anything, Both men were everywhere at once. Four hands touched her making her skin hot in their wake. Two mouths kissed her making her feel dizzy with need. Then there were their cocks, both of which hit places inside her she never knew existed.
Everything they did to her made the coil in her abdomen wind tighter and tighter. "Oh shit, Buck….Ah! S-Steve! Please…make me cum! Don't hold back…" 
Her words seemed to wake a dormant desire deep within them, both of them quickened their movements to an almost bruising pace. Their combined moans were certainly loud enough to fill the entire apartment building, but neither of them cared. Nothing mattered at that moment other than reaching their peaks.
Bucky slid a metal digit between her legs, the tip of his finger rubbing circles around her clit as he continued to snap his hips hard into her. Steve reached around clasping a nipple between his fingers, rolling and squeezing it desperately chasing his high. 
Y/N turned her head to catch Steve's lips with her own, their kiss was sloppy and needy.
"Oh my god!....I...Oh, Buck!....Steve! M'gonna….gonna cu-AH!"
Y/N raked her nails down Bucky's back, her walls clenching around their cocks as they both spilled into her. 
Y/N lay in between her lovers, both placing sweet kisses on her skin. Steve was the first to speak, his voice low and deep in her ear as he slowly pulled out of her.
"You felt amazing, baby. Our beautiful birthday girl."
Bucky kissed her lips and smiled.
"You're perfect. Absolutely perfect."
He slipped out of her as well, running his metal thumb along her kiss-swollen bottom lip. 
Y/N lay still, her breathing even as she came down from her high.
"I love you both so much."
Steve slipped his arms around her torso just as Bucky nuzzled into her neck.
"We love you too, Princess."
They stayed like that, allowing sleep to take them. They were finally back together, finally home in each other's arms. 
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tuiccim · 17 days
We're Gonna Burn
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
Word Count: 3K
Warnings: Smut, Sex Pollen, Non/DubCon (because sex pollen), enemies to lovers.
Summary: When an exposure to a strange powder makes you feel as if you're burning to death, your only relief is in the person you hate the most.
A/N: Special thanks to my beta reader @whisperlullaby 
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“What the hell was that, Barnes?” You practically yell as you push open the front door of the safe house you’d been directed to. 
“I don’t know! I’ve never seen anything like it. God, the smell!” He shakes his head.
“It’s burned into my nostrils. All I can smell is that sweet flower smell. You’ve never seen that pink powder?” You throw your things to the floor, looking around the small, remote house. 
“No, I’d tell you if I did, damnit! Why do you keep asking?” Bucky growls. 
“You’re not the most forthcoming person! Shit, I think you’ve spoken more in the last two minutes than in the three months I’ve known you! Jesus, fuck, I’ve gotta get rid of this smell. I’m so fucking hot,” your voice gets smaller as you speak. You can’t think straight but head towards the bathroom, unzipping your tac suit and pulling it from your arms as you go. You slam the door and lock it. You turn the cold water on full blast and nearly fall over in your haste to get your suit off. The frigid spray helps for a few moments and you revel in it, but soon another type of heat begins to take over. Your clit throbs and when you place your hand between your legs, your wetness coats your fingers. The shower stops bringing relief and instead, the water coursing down your body seems to only make you hornier. You give in to the need that takes hold and circle your clit. It feels amazing and it takes only a couple of minutes for your orgasm to break over you. You  bite your lip to hold in the moans, not wanting the asshat on the other side of the door to hear you. 
Your body has a moment of relief but then the heat builds again, even quicker this time. You dip your fingers inside of you in a desperate attempt to stop it. The second orgasm you managed to pull did little to help your body and your fingers keep working furiously to bring another in hope of relief. Your moans are spilling from your lips without a care now. You just need to get this to stop. You’re disturbed when the door rattles and a fist bangs loudly. 
“Open the door! I need to get in there,” Bucky bellows. 
You wanted to scream at him to go away but you could barely form words. You hated the stupid supersoldier from the moment you met him. He questioned your every turn. Whether it was about your skill, experience, or motives. He never lets you get through a single conversation without making you feel like a lesser part of the team. 
“Goddamnit, let me in!” He yells more loudly. 
Nothing your hand was doing was helping any longer. You couldn’t think straight and, before you can make a move or form a thought, the door splinters open from a kick. A very naked Bucky comes through the door and your eyes widen as you see his cock standing at attention. He steps into the spray of the cold shower and growls. His hand works his cock furiously while his other rests on the tiles. His head falls forward as he lets the cold water fall down his back. You stand behind him, your hand still between your legs. 
“Fuck, what’s happening to us?” you whimper as you lean your feverish forehead onto his back. The cool water does nothing to help but where your skin touches his tingles with relief. Abandoning all pride, you press your entire body to his and the fever seems to cool wherever you touch but your clit throbs even harder. Your cunt weeps, begging for attention.You rub yourself against him, your nipples pebbling at the contact with his back. 
With a growl, Bucky turns around and you quickly back up to press your back against the wall of the shower. He stares at you, breathing hard. 
“I’m sorry,” you mumble in your haze, “I don’t know what’s happening. I’m so hot and-” 
You gasp as Bucky bends down, grabs your legs, and drags you up the tiles. You squeal and reach for any handhold as he puts your legs over his shoulders and attacks your clit with his tongue. 
“Oh, fuck!” You scream as one hand lands on the ceiling to help you balance and the other buries in his hair. His tongue swirls over your clit expertly. His hands squeeze your ass as he gorges himself on you. It doesn’t take long for you to buck your hips as you come all over his face. As he sets you down, you squeeze your thighs together but your body simply screams that it wants more. You stare at each other, breathing heavily. “It’s not working. Nothing helps,” you whimper, tears forming. It’s obvious by watching him that this is affecting him almost as much as you. His supersoldier serum must be helping him but he was burning just the same. 
Bucky sighs as he steps closer to you. He presses his forehead to yours with his eyes closed and whispers, “I think there’s only one thing that’s going to help.”
You put your arms around his neck, “Just do it!” You wrap a leg around his to encourage him and he lifts you up. He presses your back into the wall as he lines himself up with your entrance. He paused there for a second as if he was fighting himself. “Please, Barnes, please! I need it!” You can’t believe you’re begging the man you hate to fuck you but your body was demanding it and if he didn’t you were sure you would burn to death. If you had been thinking straight, you would probably prefer to burn but, at this moment, you wanted nothing more than to be filled. 
“Goddamnit,” he whispers as he presses in. Your body bows with pleasure. 
“Yes! Yes!” Your voice reverberates off the tile walls as you shout with relief. He begins to pump and your body trembles with each motion of his cock. He grabs your ass as he pounds into you and you know he’s as lost in the meeting of your bodies as you are. Your cunt flutters around him, pulling him in, begging for him to come inside of you. Your rational mind has gone completely silent and you are filled with only carnal lust. Every motion of his hips takes you higher and it’s all you want. “Don’t stop,” you grip his shoulders harder. 
“Fuck,” Bucky grunts. He couldn’t stop if he wanted to and, truth was, this was the best thing he’d felt in a long time.
“Oh, God, oh, God, I’m- yes!” You release a long, high-pitched moan as you come. Your pussy grips his cock as his hips stutter. He comes with a long moan that makes you clench around him more firmly. You stay there for a few moments, catching your breath, and blessedly your body finally starts to cool. You release your legs from around his waist and he gently sets you down. You can’t look at him and instead maneuver yourself back under the cold spray. You rinse off quickly and step out of the shower. Wrapping yourself in a towel, you exit the bathroom to find your pack and some clothes. While you rifle through your pack, you feel your temperature creeping up again and then you double over from the intense wave that rolls over you. “No, no, not again,” you whisper to yourself. You look over to the broken bathroom door where Bucky still is and consider your options. Sex had given you the relief you needed but it was short lived. Your mind runs amuck with questions. What the hell was that powder? What was it doing to you? How long would this last? How many times would it take to stop this heat from trying to burn you alive? Was sex really the only relief you would find? Another pang hit and knocked the breath from your body. You were gasping in pain when an arm picked you up around your middle. 
He was still wet from the shower and hadn’t bothered to dry off. The pains had hit him and he went to the only place he knew he could find relief. He carried you to the small bed in the house and set you down on your hands and knees. He grips your hips tightly and pauses for a moment as another rush of heat spreads over him, “I need-”
“Just do it,” your words come out in a rush, pressing back into him. 
He enters you without preamble. Pulling you back to meet each motion of his hips, his moans give evidence of the pleasure and relief that the connection brings. You reach under you to play with your clit, trying to bring your orgasm on more quickly. Each of Bucky’s swift thrusts has you crying out with pleasure and he moves your hand away to bring you to orgasm himself. He wanted to feel you clench around him as you had before. 
“Oh, fuck, just like that,” you whine, “Just like that, don’t- don’t stop, oh, fuck.”
Bucky moans as he feels your cunt flutter around his cock with your orgasm. The sounds you release are a hit straight to his cock and he comes hard, thrusting with each spurt into you. Breathing heavily, you both collapse on the bed. You lay on your side facing away from him while taking stock of your body. The relief you felt with your orgasm was short lived as heat began to build again after only a few minutes. 
You feel like crying as your body radiates waves of heat. You turn over to face Bucky. He is lying on his back, his metal arm slung over his eyes, and his right hand fisting his hard cock. You make your decision quickly. Pulling his hand away, you straddle him and guide his cock inside of you. You move your hips slowly, hoping that perhaps if you stretched out the sex, it would keep the pain at bay longer. His hands grip your thighs as you rock slowly, his head is thrown back with eyes tightly closed. You looked at him for a moment and still couldn't believe that of all the teammates this could happen with, it had to be this asshole. When you first met him, you thought he was hot as fuck but as his personality (or lack there of) reared it’s ugly head you found him less and less attractive. Your anger at the situation grew as you rode him and you found yourself leaning forward, chasing your orgasm to just get this over with. 
“Oh, fuck,” Bucky bucks up into you, causing you to cry out. He repeats the motion over and over again until your body spasms around him. He comes with a grunt as he watches your face contort with pleasure. You collapse on his chest without looking at him. You wondered if keeping your bodies connected would keep the heat from returning. 
“Are you okay?” Bucky asks softly. 
You sigh weakly as you felt the now familiar warmth beginning to spread, “I was hoping…” You let out a frustrated grunt, “I was hoping if we stayed touching it would be enough. But it’s starting again.”
“Yeah, me, too,” Bucky acknowledges his own heat building. “It’s gonna be okay.”
“You don’t know that. You can’t know that,” you grouse.
“I think… I think this might be a pheromone or something Hydra created to force procreation. I heard of the experiments but they abandoned it when it didn’t produce the results they wanted.”
“Which was?” You ask as your hips make slow circles. You can feel his cock quickly hardening inside of you. 
“Naturally born supersoldiers,” Bucky strains out the words. 
“So, we’re gonna have sex until we die or what?”
“Usually wore off in a few hours but until then…” he trails off as he gots lost in the sensations. 
“Fuck,” you groan, partially out of frustration, partially from the pleasure his thick cock was producing. 
“Basically,” Bucky says and you surprise yourself by laughing at the droll comment. You are even more surprised a second later when Bucky rolls you under him. He buries his face in your neck as he pulls your leg up higher and thrusts. You throw your head back as the pleasure begins to build again. 
“Harder,” you whimper. 
Bucky complies immediately and you whimper with each stroke. Grabbing onto him, you get lost in the feeling of his cock pounding into you sharply. You were glad that he at least was decent at this. Or was it that whatever the damn contaminant was made everything feel amazing? You were getting close with the steady way he fucked you and words started to pour out of your mouth. You were usually quite vocal in bed but hadn’t wanted to give Bucky the satisfaction. Now, you couldn’t stop yourself. 
“Oh, god, it’s so good. Don’t stop, right there. It’s so fucking good. Oh, fuck, fuck, I’m gonna- fuck!” You let out a loud moan as you come hard and Bucky’s hips work even faster as he nears his own end. When he comes on a broken cry, your body revels in the feeling of him emptying himself in you.
The rational side of your brain sounded far away but was still screaming at the situation. In a moment of it managing to take hold, you push Bucky off of you and roll away from him. Breathing heavily, you pray that this is over. Surely, this was enough to satisfy anything. You will yourself to stay cool, to not allow the heat to return, to hold onto any shred of sanity you can find, but despite it all, the heat built again. You felt like screaming but you knew that nothing you did would help. You turn back to Bucky and say frustratedly, “Ready for another round?” You can’t meet his eyes but you knew neither of you could handle the pain and heat. You needed each other. 
Bucky turns to you, “Hey.” He waits, wanting you to look him in the eyes but you just stare at his chest. “Hey.”
“What?” You say waspishly, still refusing to meet his gaze.
“Never mind,” he says as he grabs you and pulls your back against his chest. His cock nudges you from behind and you maneuver your hips to allow him entry. His thrusts are quick and sharp but his fingers on your clit are pure magic. He’s learned your body quickly but instead of leading you straight to orgasm this time, he works you to the precipice and then backs off repeatedly. You understood what he was trying to do. He was trying to prolong the sex in hopes of not having to come inside you any more than he already had but it was as if your body only got angrier with each denial. 
“It’s not working! Just let me come!” You finally cry out, your frustration having reached its breaking point.
“Say it,” Bucky growls.
You wrack your muddled brain trying to grasp what he wants and latch on to the only word you can find, “Please!”
“No, say my name.”
You would normally reel angrily at a command from him but the effects this powder had on you makes you compliant from need. You stutter as your tongue tries to cooperate, “B- Barnes.”
“No,” he says darkly, “Say it.”
“Bucky,” you grind the word out through your teeth. You had never once called him that. It had always been some variant of his last name. You felt even more vulnerable now.
Bucky doesn’t utter a word but he moves his hips faster and his fingers do their job. When you finally come, your whole body spasms and you scream. The sound was foreign to your ears but the orgasm just kept going. You fluttered around Bucky’s cock, milking him of cum. You stay in that position for the next two rounds of sex. Then you got on top again to give Bucky a break but this time you faced away from him. You couldn’t look at him. When you had rode him to two orgasms and yourself to utter exhaustion, he turned you on your stomach to fuck you again. You lost count of the number of times you had sex. More orgasms than you’d ever had in your life were accomplished and you didn’t have any clue how many times he came. You fucked until you both passed out. 
Waking up fourteen hours later, you felt as if you had the worst hangover you’d ever experienced. You glance at the spot Bucky had been in but he was gone. On the table by the bed was a couple of bottles of water, a protein bar, and a bottle of pain reliever. You raised your eyebrow at the items but just shrugged as you tore into all of them. You notice your pack is by the bed and you get up to put clothes on. The first thing you notice is the soreness between your legs but really your whole body hurts. You listen for a moment but don’t hear anything in the house. Peeking out the door, you see the empty living room and slip into the bathroom. You shower quickly, trying not to remember what happened in the small space just yesterday. 
You jump when a knock sounds while you are dressing. You call out, “Yes?”
“Exfil will be here in five minutes,” Bucky says through the broken door. 
“I’ll be right out,” you say. Your stomach is in knots. You can’t imagine facing him after everything. Would he act like nothing happened or gloat like the asshole he is? You wonder if you will ever be able to look him in the face again. You look at yourself, surprised that you still look the same as you did yesterday because you know you’ll never be the same again. But you didn’t have time to dwell on that. Now, you had a jet to catch.
Part 2
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espinosaurusrexex · 10 months
Watchful Eyes
CEO!SteveRogers x Female!Maid!Reader AU
read Bucky's story here
summary: When your best friend gets you a new job, cleaning the apartment of the most successful man in New York City, you don't hesitate to accept. The pay is more than good, and the man himself is better than any eye candy you have ever seen. Unbeknownst to you, you've caught his attention just as much. Steve can't keep his mind off you, so much so, that he drives everyone around him insane with his grumpiness when you aren't around. It seems like he has to take matters into his own hands when he realizes, you're too shy to take things further yourself.
a/n: So that just happened... I don't know where it came from, but please enjoy. (Please don’t be discouraged by the word count - I promise you it’s worth it and I kindly ask you to at least try 💛)
word count: 10.8k
warnings: power differences, Steve is pining, watching someone over secret livestream (is this stalking?), women being referred to as objects (not by Steve), just so much fluff, and also angst (there is a happy ending!), smut (masturbation - m, praise kink, oral - f receiving, dirty talk, orgasm control, overstimulation, unprotected p in v, size kink, breeding kink) !MINORS DNI!
゚✫* 𝒎𝒂𝒊𝒏 𝒎𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕 。✭・゚✶ 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐨𝐧 𝐀𝐎𝟑 ✧*・゚
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“Can you start Monday?”
“I can start Monday.”
Holy fuckidy fuck fuck. 
You had a job. A job that would crinkle some noses but it would pay money. Good money actually. Well, better than other offers in the branch.  
It had been luck, really. Because during one drunken night, which had originally been dedicated to drowning yourself in self-pity over the last job that had let you go due to staff cuts, your friend Natasha had crashed your party with Chinese food and gossip from her workplace. She was an assistant for one of the CEO’s of Shield Protection Services. And during her lunch with Sharon, the other assistant, Sharon had complained about Steve Rogers and how he had fired the third maid this month because they, apparently, were taking pictures of his home or selling some of his things. 
There might have been some talk about how picky and stuck up he could be but the important info was that Sharon was desperate at this point and had asked Nat if she knew anyone with the decency not to breach privacy and willingness to clean the CEO’s home. 
The good thing - or bad thing, you weren’t sure - was, Nat knew you were desperate too. So she gave Sharon your number and before you knew it, you were an employed woman again. 
❁ ❁ ❁
It was too early for you to be roaming the streets of New York, but you had gotten instructions and so you had gotten up at 6 and headed out to the address. And when you arrived, it felt as though it was the first time you blinked since the subway - you were that tired. Definitely not a morning person.  
The building was huge, tall glass fronts stretching into the sky and the ride up to the penthouse took longer than your average elevator rides did. 
The doors opened and revealed a beautiful open floor plan. A whole wall of windows brought natural light into the place and offered a view so breathtaking, it took you a moment to collect yourself. The place was ginormous - a lot to clean up - but seemed tidy enough to at least get started right away. 
You placed your bag on the counter by the kitchen and took more of the place in when suddenly, a voice startled you. 
“Who are you?” You whipped around, big eyes searching for the source until they landed on a tall man standing in what seemed to be a dining area - well, one of them at least. He had broad shoulders, neatly styled hair and one of those toothpaste smiles you only ever saw in magazines. He was wearing office attire, blue dress pants that slightly stretched over his muscled thighs, and when your head wandered back up his body, piercing blue eyes seemed to stare right into your soul. 
Holy Shit. 
Before you stood Steve Rogers, three-time Forbes Magazine cover story, young entrepreneur turned filthy-rich hunk of a man, and CEO of the most successful security firm in this country. And he was talking to you - staring at you... waiting for an answer. 
Talking, you needed to start talking, you reminded yourself.
“I’m the new maid, sir. I’m so sorry I was told to come here at 7 as you leave for work before that.”
Mr. Rogers looked at you with an unintelligible stare. Meanwhile, you were nervously wringing your hands in the doorway, looking down. You hadn’t planned for anyone important to see you today. The worn-down Fleetwood Mac shirt you didn’t mind getting bleach on hanging over some pants you pulled from the back of your closet definitely wasn’t the kind of outfit you expected to greet Steve Rogers in. Great start. This was going awful.
“Well I’m here aren’t I?” His arms folded before his chest as his eyebrow raised, impressive biceps bulging beneath the white button-up, and - damn - it was hard not to stare. 
“Right. Yes. Sorry. I’ll come back later.” You turned to leave again but he stopped you.
“No need. I am on my way out.” The left corner of his mouth twitched into a cheeky grin when he grabbed his bag, left the newspaper discarded on the table, and placed his coffee mug in the sink. Interesting.
“Don’t snoop.” He whispered teasingly as he passed you, a whiff of expensive cologne paralyzing your senses and you weren’t sure if he was making a suggestion or actually warning you. That damn perfume seemed to hypnotize you. 
Your eyes followed his broad shoulders until they disappeared behind the corner and then the elevator doors shut. It seemed to take all the tension from your face. You exhaled long and then began to look around some more.
The place was huge, you’d already established that. But when you found the third bedroom amongst the private office and Pool table room, you knew you had to make a weekly plan to work off. You had to give Mr. Rogers credit, though. There was rarely any clutter lying around - it wasn’t dirty per se - just had the usual dust you’d expect in a place this size with only one person living in it. 
You huffed, resting your hand on your hips once you completed the tour. And then you got started. 
❁ ❁ ❁
Steve peered up from his computer screen when Bucky strolled through the doors of his office. A coffee in hand he had most likely tweaked from his assistant's desk on the way here, he shot a grin to his oldest friend and business partner. 
“What ya doing, punk?” The brunette asked teasingly when he circled the desk and settled on the window sill behind Steve. 
“Just making sure things stay in order.” He leaned back and turned around slightly, just in time to see his friend nod knowingly.
“Heard Nat got you a new maid.” Bucky dipped his chin towards the laptop still open on the desk. “That her?”
His eyes wandered to the screen where a live feed of his apartment streamed you changing his bedsheets. He hummed in agreement. 
“She’s pretty,” Bucky commented before sipping his coffee again and Steve felt an unfamiliar feeling bubble in his stomach. “But I bet you don’t care anyway. You’re all ‘don’t sell my stuff’ and ‘having things stolen from a security firm CEO is embarrassing’. Wouldn’t know a pretty thing like that if it climbed you.”
“Because it is embarrassing. And I highly recommend you monitor your staff to make sure they don’t do the same.” Of course, Steve knew you were ‘pretty’. Exactly his type, to be honest. He had noticed it the second you stepped into his apartment this morning. The way your hands wrung beneath you. And he had shot you a teasing remark in hopes of discovering a sassy fire in those timid doe eyes of yours. But you had stumbled over your words like a fawn.
Bucky clicked his tongue disapprovingly. “Nonsense. Peggy is great - and too old to even carry anything valuable out of my place. I trust her with my life and house keys.” And then he pushed off the sill. “I think it’s time for you to get laid again. And that’s why I’m a great friend and organized dinner and drinks with Tony and Sam tonight.”
Steve fell back in his chair, hands over his eyes. “I don’t need your wing-maning me. I’m perfectly fine on my own.” 
“I’m serious, Buck.”
“You can thank me later.” He stout towards the door. “You know... after you’ve been devoured by the pretty little waitress at the Ironbar.” Bucky winked before his face disappeared again. 
Steve just huffed as his eyes landed back on the weekly report on his desk and then swayed back to his computer screen. 
As unwilling as he was to admit it, it had been some time since his last late-night rendezvous. And as he saw you crawl up on his bed to place the bedsheets properly along his mattress, he felt his pants tighten slightly. 
❁ ❁ ❁
“We’ll get one more round of the good stuff.” 
“Of course Mr. Stark.” Tony winked and patted his waitress’s butt before she stalked away on her high heels and towards the locked glass cabinet behind the bar. 
Steve had designed it himself, a fiberglass shrine-like display for ridiculously expensive liquors, only to be opened by a passcode that got regenerated every week. He watched as Betty - the young and lanky waitress - retrieved a crystal bottle of whiskey and filled four glasses with the golden liquid. 
“God, I love that thing,” Tony sighed next to Steve and watched Betty with a satisfied smile.
“You better be talking about that cabinet, Stark.” Steve shook his head with a frown only to receive a wink from Tony, who was sitting closest to him at the round table. 
“So...” Bucky leaned over to Steve and spoke in a hushed voice. “You see anything you like?” He gestured at the bar where Tony’s carefully picked waitresses passed with filled and emptied glasses and bottles. They were all wearing tight black t-shirts and skirts or shorts that counted just as scandalous. One could foolishly mistake this place for a Hooters if Tony hadn’t made it one of the most pristine bars in all of New York City. 
It was popular amongst the clientele which mainly consisted of bored rich men that came here to get something to look at without being judged for it. But Steve wasn’t feeling the girls today. When Betty shoved her breasts in his field of view, all he could think about was how he had never gotten the idea to get his maids a uniform that catered to his... liking. And when Betty swayed her hips on her way to the bar, his thoughts became clouded by the image of you in a short little skirt, riding up just a little to tease I’m about what was hidden underneath when you kneeled on his bed to get the sheets sorted. 
Steve adjusted his pants at the little flashback, clearing his throat and sitting up straighter in his seat. 
“Oh, apparently you have...” Bucky grinned before his eyes hushed down to Steve’s crotch and back up just as fast. “Well then,” he leaned back with a satisfied grin. “Which one is it? Samatha? Tiffany? Though I think Megan is more your type.” 
“Just shut up, punk.”
“Okay you don’t have to tell me me... either way, my job here is done.” He brushed his hands off fake dust and smiled smugly. “You better be in a good mood tomorrow.” 
Steve just huffed and waited for Betty to come back with ‘the good stuff’ to hopefully drown out his annoying friends for the rest of the night. It wasn’t that he didn’t like them. No, he would do anything for the people he chose to have in his life. The group he found himself in right now had been through thick and thin with him, stayed through his fame and fortune, and was just as supportive before it had all happened to either of them. He was happy having the guys because they built each other up and aimed for greatness - together, they were fucking invincible. 
But sometimes, Steve felt a little out of place amongst Bucky and Tony. It was in situations regarding women most of all because he could never adapt the attitude to talk about them the way they did. And he never had the headspace to juggle as many as they did. He had tried the one-night stands. But he struggled to navigate the superficial pleasure maze New York City provided in masses. Because just as the ever-passing smiles on the streets, it wasn’t fulfilling enough for Steve. At least not in the way it was for his friends. 
He wanted what Sam had. A partner, a family, something constant and beautiful. And that was, why he found himself asking for pictures of Sam’s kids and nephews rather than listen to Tony’s latest bed bunny endeavor whenever the conversations took a turn in that direction. 
“Earth to Rogers,” Sam’s finger snapped in front of Steve’s face. “What this I’m hearing? You got a new maid? What happened to the old one?”
“She sold his stuff on Craigslist.” Bucky snorted and took a sip of the drink that had magically appeared in front of them. 
“You aren’t serious.” 
“I really liked that tie,” Steve grumbled into his cup. 
“Man, I’m glad I don’t have to deal with things like that. You rich people really are a different breed.” 
“You’re rich, too, Sam.” 
Sam just smiled above his crystal glass, having fun with the little joke he liked to pull for ages now. He wasn’t any less successful than any of the other men at their table. But other than them, he had settled in a beautiful neighborhood - despising the concrete jungle each of the other guys lived in. His house felt like home, like a cozy place that had seen love and time and nothing like the polished and sleek man caves the rest of them owned.
“Well, anyways, my amazing assistant organized him a new one, the prettiest thing - really. But he’s refusing to see it.” 
Tony chuckled. “Well, that's Rogers in a nutshell, isn’t it.” 
Sam just pursed his lips and glanced over at Steve with a soft smile, ignoring the comments of the other guys. They never explicitly talked about it, but Sam was a smart man, and it would have surprised Steve, had he not already figured out that he was more of a family man than their friends were as of right now. 
“To new maids that aren’t selling your clothes on the internet then.” He raised his drink and winked at Steve once their glasses clinked. 
And Steve? He visibly exhaled, silently thanking Sam for pulling the tension out of their conversation. 
❁ ❁ ❁
It had been a little over a week. And so far, things had been going great. 
By now, you had cleaned through the entire place once and set up a plan of what to do on which day. You weren’t surprised it actually took a full 6 days to cover every single room in Mr. Rogers’s apartment. You had already figured out which tasks were going to be your favorite and which weren’t. Like his bedroom. You liked doing that. Because even though the sheets were a bitch to get on the ginormous bed, you kind of liked the smell the room had. His pillows smelled of the cologne you couldn’t forget ever since the man had brushed past you on your very first day.
You were pretty sure you would never forget that since your knees literally felt like giving in at that moment.  
Today, it was bedroom day. That and the on-suite. 
With a smile on your face, you entered the apartment on the top floor, each day secretly hoping you’d catch a glimpse of the CEO before he took off to work. But even though you tried to arrive ten minutes earlier (you really couldn’t spare any more sleep for your own good), the first day remained an exception in Mr. Rogers’s daily schedule. 
You placed your bag on the stool at the open kitchen island, changed into some other shoes, and headed for the supply closet. Despite the size of the place, you actually got around pretty easily. Mr. Rogers was a very organized and neat man - you’d noticed that the first and only time you met him. So things were almost always where you’d think they would be. Which made your job just that much easier. But also prevented you from the advised ‘not snooping’ you desperately wanted to do. 
You knew better though. 
People like Steve Rogers probably had cameras installed in this place. And you would certainly not go and rummage through his underwear drawer after he had personally told you not to. Who knows what strings powerful people like him could pull. So, for the sake of not waking up on a cargo ship to Madagascar one day, you restrained yourself as much as possible. 
Of course, you didn’t stop your eyes from wandering whenever you swept the shelves in his walk-in closet or closed the drawers in his office space. A girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do. And this girl had a nosy best friend on her back that wanted to know every little detail of her new job... and was also way too invested in celebrity gossip.
Though, as always, there was nothing out of the ordinary today - there never was. Sure, it was still exciting to see how the filthy rich lived but other than that, no scandalous collection of women’s underwear, or drug lord papers lying around. You started to believe that Steven Grant Rogers was a very boring man. Not that you could properly judge in your position, seeing as you did not really know him, but the whole being in his home seemed a little too intimate not to do so. 
So that day you finished the tasks for the day, packed your stuff, and made your way back home, hoping to see him in the morning or to at least find something more interesting than dust in his home. 
❁ ❁ ❁
Steve greeted the concierge of his building when he entered the marbled entree hall. With a little frown and a look at his watch, the man greeted him back before he resumed his work. 
Yes, Steve was home earlier than usual. He regularly stayed even longer than his original work schedule intended. Today, however, he was home even earlier. But after another banter with Bucky about Steve’s non-existent sex life, he couldn’t imagine making it past five in the same building as his persistent best friend. So, he fled the office and decided to work through the rest of his papers at home. 
Of course, Steve knew that Bucky only wanted the best for him. But the ways he tried to approach the supposed bothersome loneliness Steve had in his bed just weren’t for Steve. Those might have worked on Tony - hell, Tony probably invented setting his friends up with one-night-stands - but not on Steve.
He huffed and swiped some loose hairs from his forehead as the elevator dinged at the top floor. The doors opened to the window front of his penthouse apartment and Steve stepped over the threshold, immediately stopping in his tracks when he took in the scene before him. 
The vacuum was running while you were kneeling on the floor, wiping up some water he only assumed came from the vase missing next to his sofa. He would have found it rather amusing if it weren’t for the way you carried yourself today. Something wasn’t right. 
Steve knew that you weren’t usually this messy - that much he could tell from the livestream that had become a constant in his office by now. Your head hung low, your motions hurried and sloppy. He watched as you swiped the floor, one of your sleeves constantly slipping down your arm again until you angrily pushed it up further than necessary. 
It was worrisome. 
He couldn’t place the feeling he felt in his chest when he sat his briefcase down and approached you from behind. His foot carefully turned off the vacuum and then he stood still, careful not to startle you when you finally looked up at him. 
He could see it in your eyes then. The panic, the uncertainty, and something else he hadn’t seen in them before.
You looked around you as if you were seeing the mess for the first time and when Steve was still watching you with an arched brow after a minute of silence, you suddenly sprung up to your feet. 
“I am so Sorry, Mr. Rogers. I didn’t realize it was this late already.” You turned a full 360 until your eyes landed on his again. “I’ll have this cleaned up in no time and I'll be out of your way. I promise.” 
Steve watched as you scrambled to gather the vacuum cord, struggling with it when it didn’t immediately snap back into the caster. “The subway was stuck in a tunnel for an hour because some guy decided to pull the emergency break for fun. And then this lady passed out next to me and when the fire department finally got us out and the paramedics packed her in the ambulance, I realized that I still had her purse.” You finally got the cord in turning so fast that the wet rag in your hands sprayed some water on Steve. “And do you know how difficult it is to find out which hospital they’re taking people? Because it’s so much more difficult than it looks in the movies. I didn’t know that! And then it was almost 10 a.m. when I got here. I am so sorry. This won’t happen again I promise-“
“Hey,” Steve finally stepped forward and caught your flailing hands with his and it shut you up. “It’s alright.” He spoke softly, guiding your hands down and proceeding to carefully stroke your arms down. “Are you okay? Do you need a day off?” 
Your doe eyes stared up at him, round and shiny as if you couldn’t believe he was actually standing in front of you. And Steve had to admit, besides the concern breezing through his body, your face was capturing up close. He traced your lashes with his gaze, the way your lips were parted slightly, your teeth showing past your upper lip, and the way your eyebrows were raised in shock. 
“No... no, I’m fine.” You finally stammered and it made Steve relax a little. 
“Then take a breath for me, please.” You nodded and Steve watched as your shoulders moved when you inhaled with your eyes closed. It shook Steve out of his trance. He cleared his throat and retreated his hands from your arms, awkwardly standing up a little straighter now that there was no excuse to touch you anymore. 
You were fine - that’s what you had said. But you didn’t quite seem that way. 
He watched as you opened your eyes and gifted him a small smile. Then your gaze dew to the floor and the mess you were standing in. Your smile turned awkward. 
“I’ll clean this up real quick and then I’ll be out of your hair.” 
Steve shook his head with a smile. Maybe this was a nice opportunity to do as Bucky had suggested. It was true, Steve hadn’t been interested enough before. Had he taken more time to know his former maids better, he could have probably prevented his things from being stolen and sold. Maybe it wasn’t exactly what Bucky had meant by ‘interested’, but Save decided it would do for now. “You can do what you need to and you can take as much time as you need to. I’ll be in my office for some time, so please don’t rush. I didn’t mean to freak you out by coming home earlier.” 
His arms reached up to scratch the back of his neck and your eyes landed on his bicep. Those damn doe eyes. “O- okay.”
He nodded, buried his hands in his pockets, gifted you a tight-lipped smile, and then proceeded to grab his briefcase and disappear into his office at the end of the hall. 
After some time, he heard the vacuum pick back up. Steve peaked through his open office door and caught a glimpse of you roaming his living room every now and then. It was relieving to know that you were functioning again. You had him worried for a second there - a feeling the successful CEO hadn’t welcomed in a hot minute. But it was kind of nice, made him feel a little more human than usual. So he didn’t mind having you work while he was home. On the contrary, actually, even though he had a huge stack of papers to go through, having to do them with a little bit of white noise was much more efficient than he had thought. He liked it when the occasional sound of items being set down snook its way to his office just to be interrupted by the vacuum again. And before he knew it, the workload he had taken home with him today, was worked through. 
Steve made his way to the kitchen to get a cup of coffee. Though, as he waited for the machine, he found himself leaning against the counter and watching you work in front of him. You were currently bent over the sofa, arranging the cushions after shaking them out, your shirt riding up ever so slightly and exposing a strip of skin on your back. 
The fresh grounding of coffee beans covered the way Steve gulped loudly at the sight of you in front of him. This was definitely different than watching on his laptop screen. He felt his pants tighten ever so slightly as he imagined walking up to you and just taking you from behind. Your face would press into the pillows as he would easily push into you, hearing your drawn-out moans through the cushions. 
He couldn’t help himself, you were just so pretty. 
The smell of coffee drew Steve back to reality. It wasn’t that simple. Because Steve wanted you to want him as well. But you didn’t know him well enough yet. 
You pulled the vacuum around the corner and seconds later the sound of the storage room door closing echoed through the apartment. You walked back into the living room, adjusted the book on his coffee table, and then looked at your work with your hands on your hips. It was kind of cute to watch, Steve had to admit. 
“Well done,” Steve praised and your shoulders jerked in surprise. 
“Woah, didn’t see you there, Sir.” You relaxed again and then moved to change your shoes, before packing the other pair in your bag. You looked like you were about to leave, but Steve didn’t want that. 
“Would you like some coffee?” He offered and turned to grab the mug that was just filled with the steaming hot beverage. 
But you shook your head, raising your hands. “Oh, I wouldn’t want to intrude. I’m sure you’ve got work to do...”
“I wouldn’t have asked if it were an inconvenience.” 
You looked down and nodded, which made Steve smile and hand you the cup. Your hands encased it like it was a cold winter's day, timid looks roaming the room and landing everywhere but him. 
“You seem uncomfortable,” he tried, cautious not to intrude. 
“I’m not. It’s just that... I’m not used to,” you gestured around the kitchen, “all this.” 
“I know it sounds stupid but sometimes I feel the same.” Steve took in the high ceilings and shiny surfaces, the expensive paintings and furniture he had no part in picking out.
You just stared at him again before nodding and averting your eyes once more. It seemed like you were holding back, but Steve didn’t feel like he was in the position to ask. So he just had to do with your fleeting glances and diffident presence. It was fine for now. Though he didn’t know if he could actually stand it for long. 
“You got this job through Bucky’s assistant, right?”
“Natasha, yes. She’s my best friend.” Your eyes lit up and Steve celebrated the little victory in silence. He had finally found something to talk about with you. 
“How long have you known each other?” He took a sip of his own coffee, acting indifferent, though his gaze hung on your lips. 
“We’ve been friends since high school. But then we went to different colleges and for a moment, we lost contact. But when I called her after graduation, we reconnected. We coincidentally both moved to New York. It’s nice to have her back.”
“That does sound nice. I know a thing or two about reconnecting with old friends.” Steve smiled reminiscent. 
“Right, your business partner. Mr. Barnes.” You set your mug down when Steve shot you a surprised look. “Sorry, but it’s hard not to know things about you when every tabloid in the country has covered your story.”
Steve nodded, being reminded once again how different his life was now. Not that he didn’t appreciate it... it just used to be simpler. 
“Yes, Bucky is my oldest friend... we’d lost contact in-between as well. Now we spend so much time together, I sometimes wish it was that way again.”
“You don’t mean that,” you laughed and Steve swore it was the prettiest he’d ever heard. 
“Of course not.” He set his cup down once he noticed that you had finished your coffee and had grabbed your bag from the stool. 
“I should go,” you smiled sadly and Steve just nodded with a similar expression on his face. Then he pushed off the counter and walked you to the elevator. He caught your small wave before the doors closed, leaving his stomach feeling warm and fuzzy. 
This was definitely new.
❁ ❁ ❁
The next week was pure torture. 
Steve couldn’t work from home like he had wanted to. He also couldn’t go to work later to at least catch a ‘good morning’ from you. 
It had only lasted a couple more days. He had managed to trap you for a conversation with coffee two times after the first one and then it all went downhill from there. 
Steve’s work seemed to pile up in unusual amounts of papers on his desk. His e-mails and meetings were longer than ever and his frustrations built with every new message Sharon redirected to his phone.
It wasn’t until Bucky pointed out how unusually grumpy he was, that Steve realized, he missed you. How could that have happened? He barely knew you and talked to you even less than that. But he knew he was missing you. Because as silly as it sounded, the time he spent with you, he was more relaxed than ever before. 
“I’m headed home, now. Do you need anything before I go?” Sharon popped her head through the door of Steve’s office after the knock she placed there. 
Steve just sighed as he closed one of a dozen tabs on his computer. Then he shook his head. “See you tomorrow.”
“Bright and early!” She beamed and Steve just waved her off. 
The door fell shut once again and Steve moved to close a second tab. The one open beneath was the video footage of his home. It was paused because Steve had categorized it as ‘not suited for work’ once he saw you climb on his bed to straighten out the sheets and his dick reminded him just how deprived he really was. 
Looking at the paused video now, his pants tightened again. There you were, on all fours on his bed, tugging the sheet under the headboard side of his mattress - ass up and struggling. Fucking hell. 
His hand instinctively moved to his crotch to relieve some tension and then his eyes fell to his office door. Sharon had gone home. He was likely the only one left. His gaze wandered back to his computer screen and before he knew it, he was rubbing his hard cock through his pants. 
He groaned lowly at the feeling spreading through his body, the image on his screen just intensifying the scenarios he usually imagined when he got himself off. Because now they had your face. And your perfect body. If he squinted at the screen, he could actually see a sliver of your underwear peaking out the top of your pants. 
“Jesus Christ,” He pushed through his teeth when his hands worked to open his belt and pulled his rock-hard length out. He was already leaking from the angry red tip. 
His thumb grazed over his sensitive flesh, spreading the beads of precum and his whole body shivered when he imagined you doing it instead. His knees spread further apart in his office chair as he squeezed the base of his cock, concentrating on his breathing to slow. And then, without thinking, his other hand moved to play the video. 
Steve’s eyes never left the screen as he watched you tug the sheets tight. Your ass bounced up and down with the motion and he began to pump his shaft, imagining pushing into you from behind. Then you crawled back slowly, careful not to pull the sheet off again, but one corner came loose anyway. As you leaned forward, your new position seemed even more obscene - with your arms stretched forward and your ass still slightly lifted off the mattress. 
Steve’s fist pumped harder up and down his cock, he was panting. He could already feel the orgasm building. His balls were on the edge of bursting - but he wanted to hold out a little longer. 
For a second, his gaze jumped to the little speaker icon at the bottom right corner of his screen. His right hand still pumping with a tight grip, the left moved to slightly turn up the volume on the stream. 
Just then, you released a frustrated groan, followed by a throatier, softer noise that could almost be mistaken for a moan and Steve lost it. His fist stroked his thick cock in hard fast motions, the tingle in his body building with every heavy breath you released. His thumb grazed over his tip when you fell forward like a fawn and it was enough to make him burst. 
He closed his eyes and threw his head back on the chair. With a last firm push, he tumbled over the edge, squeezing his flesh as he felt the hot ropes of cum cover his hand. His heart beat in his ears once the ecstasy subsided, his chest rising and falling with deep breaths.  
Steve stared at the ceiling, sighing in defeat. He was in deep now. 
❁ ❁ ❁
“So... how’s it going?” Nat’s voice rang through your speaker and you pressed your phone a little harder to your ear to hear her over the street noises. 
“It’s going really good. I don’t see him that often but he’s not messy at all, so it’s really not that bad.”
“Good, I’m glad!” Nat cheered on the other end of the line and you could hear her computer keys clicking beneath her fingernails. “Anything you wanna tell me?” Her tone was suggestive, and you kind of hated how well she knew you. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Oh, come on, we’re stating the obvious here. He’s hot!”
“Nat!” You gasped appalled. “I’m not going around asking you if you think your boss is hot.”
“Why not? I'm not ashamed to admit it. My boss is hot,” she stated plainly and shorty after a distant ‘You got that right, doll!’ was heard through your speaker. 
“Oh my god,” you muttered, watching around you as if anyone could hear what Nat was saying. 
“Okay, yes he’s super hot and I wish he would just grab me with his big muscled arms and kiss the life out of me every time I see him. Are you happy now?”
“Yes, very.”
You waved at the concierge when you reached Mr. Roger’s apartment building and then stepped into the elevator. “Good. I can’t believe I just made me say that out loud.”
“We both know it’s true. No shame in a little crush.” You could practically hear her grin through the phone and it just annoyed you even more. How could she call you out when she was a mile away?
“Great, now I’m actually imagining kissing him and running my hands down his chest,” You huffed as the elevator door opened and turned the corner just to stop in your tracks. 
“I knew it!”
“Nat, I’ll call you later.”
“Okay, but-“ and then you ended the call as your eyes were glued to the kitchen counter. 
You stepped closer, your eyes never leaving where they had landed upon your arrival. There, on the polished black marble, stood a vase with a beautiful bouquet of pastel flowers. 
Your breath hitched in your throat as your fingers traced the colorful petals, and you leaned in to smell them. This was so sweet! A little giddiness shot through your body at the sight of the flowers. You’d never expected them from Mr. Rogers and it was nice to be appreciated. 
Feeling excitement all over, your fingers reached for the little white card lodged between a eucalyptus branch. But when you turned it over, all of it fell like someone had turned on gravity again. 
Happy one month!
Your mind repeated the words over and over again until they registered.
Happy one month.
You dropped the card and it made a dull clicking noise on the counter. How could you have been so naïve? Nat had put this stupid haze in your brain, getting you all giddy and excited. Of course, he had a fucking girlfriend. How could he not? He was Steve fucking Rogers.
You needed to take a step back and breathe. Those were a few too many emotions to feel in the early morning for you. Now you even felt guilty about wanting to run your fingers down his body. God, you’d even said it out loud - how embarrassing! 
“Okay, girl. Relax. Nobody heard,” you reminded yourself out loud. And then you took a deep breath with your eyes closed. 
“It’s not embarrassing if nobody saw. I’m the only one that can decide the level of awkwardness here.” Maybe stop talking to yourself then. You nodded and carefully placed the card back in the bouquet. 
“This never happened,” you whispered, more so to ensure yourself. “Just move on with your day.” 
Thank god it wasn’t kitchen day - you wouldn’t be able to stand the sight of those flowers any longer.
With your shoulders pulled back and your head held high, you made your way to the supply closet and got to work. 
It’s just another day. You reminded yourself when you pulled your cleaning supplies out and into the office. 
Just like any other day...
❁ ❁ ❁
Boy, had you never been any more wrong. 
Your phone rang at 7.30 that evening. You had already made yourself comfortable on your sofa, ready to binge a whole season of Gilmore Girls, after a successful day of pretending you hadn’t gotten the biggest turn-down of the century this morning. You had finished your cleaning plan, you had gone grocery shopping, bought yourself some own damn flowers, and even showered all before the sun had set. 
But now your phone rang and the caller ID could not mean anything good. 
“Good evening!” Your name echoed through the speaker of your phone, a - for your taste - way too cheery woman on the other end. “I am very sorry I have to call so late. I hope I’m not interrupting anything.”
“That’s alright, what do you need?” You bit your lip nervously, only dreading the next words of Mr. Rogers’s assistant.
“Well, actually it is not I that needs anything. Mr. Rogers requested for you to see him. Is that possible?”
“What? When?”
“Now would be amazing.” Your eyes widened at her words. Mr Rogers wanted to see you and it couldn’t wait until tomorrow? You must have done something horribly wrong. Oh, god, had he noticed you messed with the flowers? Had he seen you sniff his pillows? All possible scenarios of wrongdoing swarmed your head when you sprung up and bolted for your closet. 
“I can be there in thirty minutes,” you hurried through the speaker just to receive a satisfied hum from the other end. 
“Amazing! Thank you so much.”
She had hung you before you could even answer. It didn’t matter. You looked through your clothes, trying to decide what an appropriate ‘getting fired’ outfit would consist of - probably no sweatpants, so you could find the closest bar and drink your sorrows away in connection to the dreaded talk. 
You pulled out something, you could see yourself crying in and headed for the door.
❁ ❁ ❁
8.00 pm on the dot, the elevator doors opened to reveal a beautiful New York Skyline. Unfortunately, you neither had the headspace, nor the time to appreciate it properly. As soon as you turned the corner you saw Mr. Rogers casually leaning on the kitchen island. 
Instantly, you felt intimidated. He had never done anything to make you feel scared or in danger, but his mere presence was so powerful, you didn’t quite know how to act around him. Especially, because on top of it all, he was the most attractive man you’d ever laid your eyes on. 
“What did I do?” It just sprung out of you, your arms wanted to hug your body but you willed them still. He didn’t need to see how worried you really were. 
To your surprise, however, his face scrunched up in amusement instead. He pushed himself off the counter and gestured towards the flowers still standing proud on that polished marble top. 
“You forgot your flowers.”
“My... my flowers?” He nodded with a small frown, probably confused by your reaction. And to be honest, you were too. 
“Yes... I got you flowers. You’ve officially been working here for a month. That’s a record.” He shook his head with a chuckle and then rubbed the back of his neck. “I’m... very picky.”
His eyes met yours and a whole new wave of uncertainty washed over you. You didn’t miss the hesitation in his tone, the carefully chosen wording for something he didn’t exactly say. 
“So, I’m not fired.” God, why did it take so long for you to register. You just looked so stupid right now. 
“On the contrary.” Mr. Rogers took a step closer, though still keeping a respectable distance. “I think I can trust you. I’m very pleased with your work. You deserve them.”
“I do?” You looked up at him with big eyes when he took another step closer. He was so tall, you had to tilt your head up now that he was so near. 
“Can I trust you?”
His chest would almost touched you, if you were to breathe any heavier. Your breath hitched in your throat when the faint remains of his perfume reached your nose. It was as intoxicating - the way his eyes stared down at you - intense and looming. “Ye- Yes.”
“Good.” His voice was a raw timbre. His gaze drifted to the side, where his hand slowly reached up to lay on your shoulder. You felt warm and tingly from the touch. 
Not knowing what to do exactly, you just held your breath and stared up at his eyes. They were so blue - and up close, they were so much more captivating than any magazine photograph could ever display. 
You wanted to touch him, reach out, and pull him down towards you, but he had just told you he trusted you. Were you really going to risk this perfectly good job for a heated moment?
His other hand came up to graze your cheek with a careful touch and the worry of losing your job suddenly became very small. Mr. Roger’s hands were warm, his fingers almost hot even compared to your heated face. 
So you did it. Your hand reached forward and landed on the top of his chest, one of them traveled down the hard plane of his torso while the other clawed at his shirt collar. His thumb traveled to your lower lip, pulling it down and then stroking over the soft flesh, touching your teeth as well. 
Guided by the heat traveling through our body, your right hand tightened around his shirt and pulled him down and onto your lips. The blonde man jerked forward until his mouth crashed onto yours, immediately moving in perfect sync with yours. 
Your insides were tingling from the kiss when you felt his lips pull into a smile. His big hands roamed your body until they snook around your back, pulling you flush against his body and making you sigh contently. 
Mr. Rogers chuckled and then kissed you deeper. His touch was everywhere, yours too. Your mind was free of anything that wasn’t the tall, built, blonde man in your arms as soon as his tongue traced your bottom lip - asking for you to let him in. And you did just that. When he began to explore your mouth, you melted even further into his embrace. 
No man had ever kissed you like that. Which was why you dreaded the moment you had to pull away for air. 
Your hand landed on his cheek, thumb softly stroking his beard, eyes locked with his. 
“You’re very good at this.”
He just chuckled and pecked your lips once more. “Up.” He demanded, suddenly, he grabbed your thighs and lifted you as if you weighed nothing. 
“What are you doing?”
“I'm gonna show you how good I am at this.” 
Then he set you down on the bed and pushed you back until your head hit the comforter. His scent, the one you’d secretly been craving ever since you started working here, engulfed you like a big blanket. He stood above you, big and broad-shouldered, looming over you like a wild animal. But you weren’t scared.
“You know how long I’ve wanted to do this?” His lips attached to your collarbone, sucking and licking bruises to your skin until you moaned beneath him and your hands clung to his hair. “I’ve been watching you,” he murmured to your neck and a shiver traveled down your spine. 
“I knew it,” you gasped when he reached a spot behind your ears that sparked more pleasure. The thought of him spending his day watching you made you all excited and impatient. 
“The way you stumble about this place when you clean it... How do you navigate the world being this clumsy, Bambi?” A whimper escaped you at the nickname he chose for you. “You need somebody to take care of you, huh.” 
You arched your back to brush up against him. His hard cock was already straining his pants, pressing into your own deliciously. “Ah, yes.”
“Don’t worry, Bambi, I’m right here. I’ll take real good care of you.” His fingers traveled down your body until they reached the hem of your jeans and began to tug on them. 
You pulled him down to your lips once more, guiding his head back to that spot behind your ear that had you squirming on the sheets. “So needy.”
His voice was so low and husky now, you barely noticed he had already worked your pants open and halfway down your legs. You kicked them off the rest of the way and arched yourself back against him just to have him grind down on your core. 
“Feel so good, so big,” you mumbled through the haze you already found yourself in. God, what was it with this man - he was out of this world. 
“You can’t wait any longer, can you, Bambi?” His hands moved beneath your shirt and began to massage your breasts. “But I get it. I don’t wanna wait any longer, either.” 
In a swift motion, he had you flipped on your stomach, his hands traveling to your hips to pull you on all fours in front of him. Then the bed dipped and you felt his fingers press to your soaked underwear. He rubbed the drenched fabric over your entrance, only driving you wild with need when his fingers reached higher to your clit. “So pretty.” 
“I need you,” you whined, “need you so bad.” 
“Believe me, I need you too.” He pulled the black lace over the curve of your ass and you felt the cool bedroom air hit your wet core, only making you shiver once more. 
“You’re so fucking perfect, you know that.” You could only whimper in response when his hand pushed your head into the comforter and his face suddenly pressed into your pussy from behind. 
“Oh, god.” A yelp escaped you as his tongue teased at your entrance, only to be pulled back to lick a long strip from your clit back to it. His hand massaged your cheeks and the constant moaning to your core shook you from the inside out. 
“This isn’t enough, is it, Bambi?” He dragged a strong finger up your spine. “You need me to fill you all the way up, don’t you? Need me to mark you, show everyone you’re mine.”
“Yes, yes, fill me up, give it all to me. Fuck me and make me yours.” You were so desperate at this point. His mouth had you squirming and aching for the promising bulge beneath his pants and you couldn’t wait to feel him raw - you’d let him do anything. 
You turned your head and watched as he unbuckled his belt. Within seconds, his cock sprung free from its restraints and your breath hitched in your throat. He was thick and long, a prominent vein running along his side up to his tip, pink and already decorated by a bead of precum. Of course, Steve Rogers had a pretty cock. What wasn’t perfect about him?
“You’re so wet already, Bambi. So ready for my fat cock, aren’t you? You’ll suck me right in, I just know it.”
“Please! I wanna feel all of you.” Another whimper got swallowed by the mattress when you waited in anticipation for him to finally fuck you. 
His one hand grabbed your ass and the other aligned his cock with your entrance. You could feel his head already breaching, a delicious stretch sending shocks through your body in hot and cold waves of pleasure. 
He groaned lowly and it sent shivers down your spine. “Relax, baby girl. You’re so tight. You’ll be so stuffed with me.”
“I need you de-. I- ah just please!”
He worked himself forward with small rocking motions, each time reaching a little deeper into your core and when you thought he was finally all the way in, he pushed even further until your ass was pressed flush to his thighs. 
You screamed into the covers and reached for something to grasp when he groaned behind you. “Gripping me like a vice, Bambi. Are you gonna be able to take it?” He shivered behind you and you could tell he was struggling to hold still until you answered him. 
“I can take it. Your big cock feels so good inside me. Oh, god, please move.”
“Fuck.” Wet noises filled the room when he drew back almost all the way, just to slam back into you. In this position the curve of his cock stroked your walls perfectly, making it hard to hold back the building orgasm. 
“I’m so close already, sir. I’m-”
“Fucking call me Steve,” he roared and pushed your face further into the covers. “You gonna come? Gonna squeeze my cock with your pretty little pussy already, huh?”
You could only whimper in response, the steady stroke of his body clouded your mind until you felt like you were floating. 
“I-“Another scream ripped through your speech when the pleasure exploded within you. Steve slowed his motions, seemingly unable to move with the way your muscles contracted around him. And when the pulsing pleasure lessened after what felt like minutes, he picked his pace back up again. 
“That was so sexy. You gonna do that again for me? I’m so fucking close.”
His hand reached around you and began to massage your clit in tight little circles and your body lifted off the bed. Steve had pulled you up flush against his chest and watched his hand work on your clit over your shoulder. 
“’S too much! Ah!” You were still pulsing around his cock with every circle he traced on your bundle of nerves, making your legs quiver.
“You’re doing so good, Bambi. You can give me another. Milk my cock dry.” He kissed your neck and bit your skin. “So fucking beautiful, how’d I get so lucky?”
“Steve!” You felt another wave of pleasure approaching, just for his fingers to still on your clit, his hand now pressing into your stomach. 
“I’m almost there, baby. Hold it a little longer.” His face fell into your neck and you could feel his cock twitch inside you while his hot breath licked down your shoulder. “Don’t you fucking cum until I say so.”
“I don’t know if I-“
“Yes, you can!” Steve pushed you until you fell onto all fours again and then guided your hips to meet his hard strokes. His movements became frantic and fast, making you lose your mind. 
“I’m gonna fill you to the brim, Bambi. Make you drip with my cum for days. You’re mine.”
“Steve! Steve!” You couldn’t hold it any longer, it was too much. He was so big, and his movements so fast, there was no way you were lasting any longer. 
“Wait. Almost there.”
“I can’t. I can’t! I’m- Oh my god!”
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuuuuuuuuck.” With one last hard slam, Steve shot his hot seed in your pussy. Your walls clenched with every lewd sound he pushed through his heavy breaths. “Cumming so much for you, Bambi. All for you. Uhnggghh.” He rutted into you a couple more times and once the intense feeling faded into lazy pulses, he fell forward and pulled you into his chest. 
Still buried deep within you, Steve pulled the covers over your bodies. Every little movement made you squirm and your pussy clench down again, drawing small grunts from the man behind you. 
“You did so good.” His hand stroked over your hair and his face nuzzled into your shoulder. “Now, rest. You deserve it.”
And with that, you let your body fall into its well-needed sleep - warm, content, and without a care for the morning.
❁ ❁ ❁
Steve woke up to the sound of his alarm. He smiled before he opened his eyes, his mind still reminiscing the night before. He felt warm and content at the thought of it. Your kiss was like nothing else.
He felt around his bed blindly after turning off the alarm only to be met by a cold mattress. Opening his eyes, he called out your name and sat up in bed. But when no answer sounded from his apartment, he got up and looked for you. After a few minutes of searching, he was sure you weren’t there. And it worried him. He had planned to order you breakfast. He wanted to talk about last night. He wanted to tell you how much it had meant to him. 
A look at the clock on his wall made him frown. Maybe you’d gone home to change for work. He decided to wait and get to work a little later today. It would all resolve itself, Steve was sure. 
But when seven rolled around, there was no sign of you. And even after another 25 minutes, there was no indication you’d show up soon. Steve really couldn’t push his time anymore. There was a lot of work waiting for him at the office. So he got up and grabbed his briefcase, only to be interrupted by his phone. 
“Good morning, Sharon.” 
“Good morning, Mr. Rogers. I’m just calling to let you know your maid just called in sick.”
“What? Until when?”
“She didn’t say. But she’ll call when she is better.”
“Do you know what she has?”
“I believe that’s private. Mr. Rogers.”
Steve just hummed absentmindedly. His brain already playing all the possibilities in his head. 
“Would you be so kind so send me her number?” He asked almost hesitantly, but still demanding enough for Sharon to agree right away. 
“Of course, one second.” And then his phone pinged with a message from his assistant. 
“Thank you.” Sharon just hummed in response and then she hung up the phone, ever the busy assistant he knew her as. 
Steve didn’t hesitate to call you right away. With every peep. His heart hammered faster in his chest. And when he was about to give up, a familiar rustling rang through his speaker. 
Steve took a second to breathe and then he said your name - steady but careful. 
“Mr Rogers,” you sounded surprised, and Steve tried to suppress the sting in his heart at the sound of his last name. You had called him Steve just last night. Why’d you stop?
“Yes... I heard you’re sick. Do you need anything?” He cringed the second he said it. You obviously didn’t want anything from him given that you had fled from his apartment before he even woke up this morning. 
“No, no. I’m good thank you.” There was an awkward tension in the static connecting the two of you. But Steve didn’t understand where it came from. Had you not enjoyed last night. Had he only imagined the affection you gifted him then?
“Well... I hope you are able to come back soon.”
You huffed into the phone. “Uh, yes. Okay.”
“Alright, then. I’ll see you.”
“I’ll see you.”
And then the line went dead. And Steve couldn’t shake the feeling that you had sounded a lot colder than before...
❁ ❁ ❁
Steve had taken the next day off. His mind was too occupied to work, anyway. He had caught himself glimpsing at his video feed several times that day, even though he knew you weren’t going to show. He guessed, somehow that you would appear anyway. It didn’t happen of course.
So today, Steve had to learn to do nothing. That included not thinking of you as well. Because as much as the thought of you distracted him from work, not working wasn’t exactly the best move to get rid of his thoughts. 
First, he had tried to stay in bed until 6. That was hard enough. Then, he worked out a bit, read an article, made a smoothie - okay he ordered one - and then he sat on his sofa watching as the clock above his fireplace ticked to 7 a.m. 
It was ridiculous. If every hour would pass this slowly, he’d go insane.
His fingers taped on his thigh as he watched the seconds hand tick. He had to do something, anything. 
The moment this thought passed his mind, he heard the elevator door ‘ding’ at his level. And before he could even turn around, your bag hit the ground with a loud thud. 
Steve stood up straighter, adjusting a tie he was not wearing, but the motion had become a habit. He was excited you’d shown up - visibly well and healthy that was. 
You stared at him for a solid minute and neither of you said a word. Your stare was unintelligible to Steve. He had to admit, that he didn’t know you well enough to read into your silent conversation yet, but he wanted to - he wanted to so badly. 
His hands moved to clasp in front of him and then he cleared his throat, but as he was about to say something, you moved past him, straight to the supply closet, and then disappeared into his guest bedroom. 
He followed you before he could tell his feet to stop, halting in the doorway of the room and watching as you dusted off the tall shelves above the sideboard. 
“What are you doing?” His voice was higher than he anticipated. 
“I’m working,” you answered bluntly, moving to the next object to dust off. 
“Why?” Steve had promised to provide for you just the other night. And, yes, while he might have been hazy from the incredible pleasure you had created, he had meant every word.
You suddenly turned to him with an angry stare. “I’m working because, unlike other people, I can’t just do whatever I want and not deal with the consequences,” you spat and then turned around again. The dusting motion turned a little more aggressive and Steve felt a cold shiver run down his back. Feisty.
Though, Steve couldn’t quite place your anger. Had he said something to offend you? How did the other night play into any consequences and why the hell were you working still? You’d said it yourself, you wanted to be his. And that was all he ever wanted. It just didn’t make sense.
Steve didn’t move. He just stood there like an idiot and watched you work your anger away on the poor dusty decorations of his home. You obviously didn't want to talk to him and he had no idea what to say to you. So he just watched... and watched until at least ten minutes had gone by. 
You were at a completely different corner of the room by now, trying to grab a book to dust off, but couldn’t quite reach. Steve had been standing in the doorway this whole time so he just assumed he was blocking your way to a ladder. But he took it as an opportunity instead. 
In three Long strides, he had walked up to you, reached for the item you stretched toward, and handed it to you. And for a second there, he could see those doe eyes return to your face, staring up at him.
Maybe he had misread the situation after all because your gaze drew him in again. He slowly closed his eyes before he could reach your lips, excitement rising in his veins when he thought back to the feeling of your lips on his–
His eyes shot open when your hand collided with his cheek, a fire flickering in your eyes that made him take a step back, holding his heated skin. 
“You don’t have to mock me, okay?! I know it’s embarrassing and it’s stupid what we did, so please don’t make this more difficult.”
“What?” Steve was baffled, hurt. 
It was stupid what we did. Your words echoed in his mind until your voice penetrated the mantra. 
“Just leave me alone. Don’t you have work to do?”
He shook his head with an aching heart. You really had no idea. You thought he had used you, made you a bed bunny like Tony or Bucky would - he’d never do that. “I called in sick. I was so... forget it.”
You resumed cleaning and Steve just stood in your way watching. His chest stung with every second he spent with his eyes glued to you, knowing what you thought of him. He couldn’t stand it. He never wanted to make you uncomfortable, much less convey he’d only use you. 
“Can I ask you a question?” You ignored him, but he could see your movements stagger for a second. “Do you really regret what we did?”
Then you paused, your eyes trained to the surface in front of you. When you finally looked at him, Steve could see the tears shimmering in them. 
“No,” you whispered softly, Steve had almost missed it had his heart not skipped a beat. 
He instinctively stepped closer to you again, though cautious not to scare you away. He’d come this far and didn’t want to mess it all up again. “Then why are you ignoring me?”
“I'm not ignoring you.” It shot out of you like a bullet. You sighed, took another breath, and set the duster down. “We don’t know each other. We live in completely different worlds. There is not one scenario in which we could exist together as anything more than... this. I know that now.”
“Why not?”
“Because you’re you and I’m just the maid.” You gestured to Steve and then yourself and Steve hated the way you degraded yourself just because he had a couple dollars more in his bank account. It wasn’t right. 
He shook his head, his hand reaching out to you but dropping just before he could actually touch you, curbing into a soft fist instead. “And what if I told you that you are much more to me than that?” Now he finally dared to lay his hand on your cheek, tilting your head so he could come closer to you and still stare into your eyes. “I like you. And the night– ever since you came into my life, my days seem just so much less dull.” 
He smiled with shiny eyes, afraid your silence would last forever. “Please say something, Bambi.”
“You like me?” There was awe and disbelief in your voice and Steve wanted to kiss it away until every last doubt was erased from your mind. Whoever had made you this insecure about affection would eat his fist. 
Steve bit his lip to hide the chuckle threatening to spill. “I do.”
He slowly got lost in your eyes again. Those beautiful innocent orbs looked at him like he was a different type of special. He loved it so much. 
His gaze dropped to your lips, slightly parted and full, and then back up. And before he could lose himself in them again, your hands latched onto his collar and pulled him down toward you. 
The kiss was all tongue and teeth, need and desperation melting into sighs and tingles - he could feed off of it forever. His hands roamed your body and pressed you deeper into his. Your arms reached around his neck as your noses bumped against each other in eager anticipation. 
Nothing ever felt this right. Steve couldn’t possibly believe you’d doubted the chemistry for a second. Not when it felt like that. But he wouldn’t need to think back on it anymore now... now that he finally had you.
I couldn't decide which GIF to use, so here are some extras!
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If you’ve read this far, I would be so happy to receive a comment or reblog. It helps writers reach more people in the community and also improve themselves. So, if you have the time, please consider giving me some feedback :) until next time ~Meg 💞
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wintersoldiersoul · 11 months
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A/N: Can't stop thinking about fluffy aftercare with Bucky so here's something short I just wrote
Warnings: tiny bit of smut, aftercare, tooth rotting fluff
“One more for me, baby girl, come on, you can do it,” Bucky encouraged as he pounded into you relentlessly. He had your legs up by your head, cock plunging in and out of your cunt, sending you barreling into your sixth orgasm of the night. You were absolutely exhausted but someone still not satiated yet. You still needed him.
“Oh fuck!” You yelled out, feeling another orgasm creeping up. “I’m gonna cum! Gonna cum so hard! Fuckk!” Your words were practically just screams as you came, squirting and soaking the sheets below you.
Bucky’s thrusts grew sloppy as his breathing got heavy and he shot his load into you. “Ohh my god,” he repeated as he rode out his high.
When you were both finished, he carefully removed himself from inside of you and lowered your legs slowly. You were breathless, laying limp with your eyes closed, utterly spent after the amount of intense orgasms you had. “You with me, baby girl?” Bucky asked, voice dripping with concern and love. 
“Mhm,” you nodded lazily, eyes still closed.
“I’ll be right back. Gonna get a towel to clean you up, okay?” You felt his weight leave the bed and heard the water running in the bathroom. “Gonna be really gentle, okay sweetheart? I just gotta get you all clean.” You shuttered as you felt the towel, still incredibly sensitive. He was so light with his touch, taking his time to make sure that you were all clean. He went back to the bathroom to dispose of the towel and quickly came back to sit beside you on the bed. “Can you drink this for me, baby?” He said, handing you your water bottle from the night table. 
You sat up slowly, grabbing the bottle and taking greedy sips to rehydrate yourself. As much as you loved sex with Bucky, you loved aftercare almost more. You were both so emotional, so full of love for each other, even if he had treated you like his own personal toy just minutes prior. Your wellbeing was always his priority, during and after.
“How you feeling, angel?” He asked, returning the water bottle to the nightstand. “Can you give me words?”
“Feel good,” you said, sleepily. “Tired.” You moved your body so your head was buried in his chest. “Jus’ wanna cuddle with you.”
He smiled, loving the feeling of you in his arms. He loved taking care of you and making you feel safe and comfortable. He rubbed his hand up and down your back in the way he knew you loved. As he held you, he began to feel tears leaking onto his chest. “Hey,” he said, cupping your face in his hands. “What’s wrong? Was I too rough? Did I hurt you?” His eyes were wide with concern.
You shook your head. “No, no, I’m okay. I don’t even know why I’m crying really. Just love you a lot.” 
He kissed your forehead and wiped your tears. “Hey, that’s okay, baby.” He smiled softly. “Lemme give you all the care you need, ‘kay? Don’t you worry ‘bout a thing. I know that was a lot for you.”
You nodded before placing your head in the crook of his neck, reveling in the feeling of him running his fingers through your hair. “Was I good?” you asked quietly.
“Perfect. Absolutely perfect. You always are, angel.” He kissed the top of your head as he held you, letting you use his body for whatever comfort you needed. “Do you wanna take a shower, sweetheart?”
“Yeah, but I don’t know if I can walk,” you admitted. 
“Lemme run a bath, okay? Then we can get nice and cozy and go to sleep.” 
Once the bath was full, Bucky picked you up in his strong arms and carried you, placing you down in the warm water before getting in himself. He grabbed your shampoo, running the soap through your hair before taking a bucket and gently washing it out. He repeated the same method with your conditioner, whispering sweet nothings and peppering your face with kisses the whole time. “I love you so much, baby. My perfect angel girl.”
When you were done, he helped you get changed into pajamas and got you settled on the bed. “You need anything else?” he asked.
“Just you,” you mumbled, holding out your hands. 
He smiled warmly as he crawled into bed beside you, wrapping his arms around you as you both drifted off into a deep sleep.   
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incorrectquotesmcu · 7 months
Kate: What did you get Yelena for her birthday?
Y/N: I got her a dog.
Kate: Really? Me too!
Sam: I also got her a dog!
Bucky: Looks like we had the same idea.
Y/N: Scott, please tell me you didn’t get Yelena a dog as well.
Scott: I got her a dog!
[cuts to Yelena surrounded by dogs]
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super-marvel-dc · 8 months
Steve: For self defense reasons, I'm going to pretend to be a burglar and you guys have to act wisely.
Bucky, Wade, and Y/N: Ok.
Steve: If you don't want to die, give me all your money.
Bucky: Bold of you to assume I have money.
Y/N: Bold of you to assume I don't want to die.
Wade: Bold of you to assume I can die.
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Mad Season 1
Warnings: non/dubcon, social anxiety, chronic illness, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
Character: Bucky Barnes, Peter Parker
Summary: a class project gets messy. (short!reader)
Note: you can't stop me from giving a tiny reader to these two and I will not listen to anything ever.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging ❤️
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You can't focus on one thing. Your eyes flit around. Shining tables, floating screens, metal tools and gadgets, cabinets with glass doors house endless supplies, Stark-branded emblems from wall to wall...
The lab is extraordinary, well above the shared spaces at the university. A dream come true for any but especially for a student used to ramen and a used single mattress. 
"You... you really get to come here whenever you want?" You rasp as your throat tickles. 
"Yup!" Peter answers at twice your volume. You wince. You tend to mumble and you're just not good with loud noises. He pauses to measure his voice, "uh, yeah, so I figured we could do our project here, study buddy." 
"Oh, mhmm," you hum as you fold your hands over your chest and sway. As awesome as it will be, that usual dread comes over you. What if you break something? What if you get in the way? 
"Pretty cool, right? Mr. Stark is so awesome." 
"Mr. Stark? Yeah, yeah..." you cough and lower your hands over stomach. "Thought it was a rumour..." 
"Yeah, he helped me out in high school after I won a robotics tournament. He's chill." 
You nod, almost frantically, as your eyes skitter around without focus. Your chest starts to tighten and you blink big. Peter shifts away from you. 
"Hey, you need a minute?" He asks. 
You look at him and keep nodding. It's why your happy you got him as your partner. He checks in. Not to mention, he's never annoyed by you. 
"I'll be here, wanna take a breath in the hall?"  
You squeak but don't quite get out a yes please. You spin and scurry to the door. You flinch and jump back as it slides open on it's own. Peter laughs and a small smile curves your lips but you're too nervous to laugh. 
The hall is empty. You bask in the solace, calming yourself against the wall. You just get a little worked up in new places. Or loud places. Or crowded places. Then it makes it so you can't breathe and then... 
You pull out your reliever inhaler and take a careful puff. You close your eyes and lean your head back as you wait for your heart to slow. In, out, in, out. 
You grip your inhaler as you stay unmoving against the wall. Your ears prick, listening for any sign of life, as you retreat behind your eyelids. Another breath and you'll be okay. 
"Um, miss?" A rocky voice jars you away from the wall and your eyes snap open. You nearly collide with the man before you. How did you not hear him coming? "Are you alright?" 
You bat your lashes and reach to play with plastic bow clip in your hair. He watches the motion as you nod, "yes, sir. Sorry. I..." Your mouth is sticky and parched, your surprise balls on your tongue. You clear away the lump, "you're... the Winter Soldier." 
His brow twitches, "Bucky." 
"Sorry, sorry, er... Buck...y," you trail off. You swing back and forth, "sorry... again, I..." 
You're embarrassed and lost. You give a sheepish look and turn away. You hurry back to the door and hit the keypad. It blares back at you in rejection. You don't know the code and you don't think your fingerprint will work. You stare at it helplessly. 
"Here," Bucky approaches and presses his thumb to the pad. "You new here?" 
You shake your head. Your chest wracks. You bring your puffer up and suck without thinking.  
The door slides open and you flit through. Peter leans on a table over his phone. He looks over as you enter and stands straight, tapping his fingers on the metal. 
"Hey, you found Bucky!" He grins. 
"Kid," the man follows you inside. Wait, why? Is he going to tell Peter on you? You didn't mean to call him that. You didn't know he wouldn't like it. 
"We're just having a look around," Peter explains, "we're both in engineering. Classmates." He introduces you by name, "Mr. Stark won't care too much if I'm doing homework." 
"Mm," Bucky grumbles as he goes to a far table. 
Peter shrugs and faces you again. "He can be a bit grumpy. We can get outta here." 
He comes forward as you hear metal tinking behind him. You glance over as Bucky works on his metal forearm with a thin tool. His vibranium fingers seems to work on their own as he wiggles the tip in a groove.  
"Grumpy and has super hearing," Bucky snipes as he keeps his attention on his arm. 
Peter's brows pop up and he rolls his eyes, "come on, let's get outta here before he gets his arm calibrated." 
You turn and go back through to the hallway. The door shuts behind Peter and he sighs. He points you down the hall as you shuffle aimlessly. 
"This place is sweet but you know, some of the regulars can be a bit much," he jokes. "You'll get used to Buck. He's never in a good mood. Better when Sam's around but... well, he's grown. Shouldn't need a chaperone, right?" 
You tilt your head but don't say anything. You don't know much about them. You learned about Captain America and The Winter Soldier in history back in high school. Your knowledge of the Avengers and their current roster is extremely lacking. Other than the Spidery one. Everyone on campus talks about him. 
"Mmhmm." You drone. 
"Gee, sorry, I know it's a lot, huh? Didn't mean to overload you!" He chimes. 
You shake your head, "I'm okay." 
"I know, I know. Kinda nice having someone quiet around. Ned is a chatterbox and the worst project partner. He just wants to talk about girls or lego." 
You dip your head to show you're listening. You glance at your inhaler and yuck is away in your crossbody bag. You drop your arms straight and continue next to Peter to the elevator. 
"Wanna get a slice? I'm starving," he says. "My treat." 
"Oh... you don't..." 
"Nah, don't worry about it. I just want pizza without May telling me not too," he chuckles. "Trust, I know a great place." 
You purse your lips and push your shoulders up again. You give a silent surrender with a tilt of your head. Even if you feel a bit guilty, you won't say no to free food. 
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itsnotbird · 2 days
Orphic~ File 5
Taciturn (adj.); Silent; not talkative
Warnings: mentions of abuse, drugs, withdrawal, violence, language.
Bucky!Barnes x Fem!Reader
Previous part here
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“It’s alright, James.”
He stirs, letting out a soft breath as you come into his vision. He’s not afraid of the hands that run through his hair, how your fingers gently stroke his jaw, showing him the softest comfort he’s ever known. He finds himself reaching for you, his hand twisting in your hair as his forehead presses to yours.
“Shh, I’m here now.” You soothe. “It’s okay.”
He shakes his head, eyes squeezing shut before they open, seeing you smile gently, laid beside him on the floor.
“No.” He mumbles, a hint of a whine trailing after the word.
“You’re a good man.” You promise him, nuzzling your nose to his.
“My hands are red.” He tells you, heart beat in his ears as your soft hand slips down his check to rest of the side of his neck.
“And yet, I trust them completely.” You whisper into his ear. “I could be good to you if you let me. Won’t you let me?”
As you slot your lips to his, you gasp in his air.
Bucky wakes up with a start, chest heaving. His eyes look around the bare apartment. It’s empty as always.
Hands pressed to his eyes, he mutters to himself, his teeth grit.
“Get out of my head.”
“Get out of my head!”
- - - -
You suddenly understand why people can’t stop addiction.
This feeling is comparable to physical abuse, something you know much about.
By some miracle, you’ve managed to get out of bed and shower. You put on your own clothes, the things you yourself picked out. It’s a good feeling, but as you walk to the kitchen, you think your teeth might just crack.
Coffee might help.
“Hello, Blue.”
You jump, turning to see Vision behind you.
You give a simple smile, then wave your hand up for a coffee mug to come into your grasp from the cabinet.
“Your abilities are very fascinating.” He states. “Have you tried to use them on yourself? To get rid of that feeling you have?”
You toss him a look over your shoulder.
Of course you tried. Unfortunately, the people who cursed you with these powers made sure you couldn’t inflict them on yourself, almost like a safety precaution so you wouldn’t end yourself when they weren’t looking.
You lean on the kitchen island and sip the coffee, cringing at the bitterness. The sugar jar drifts over, you scoop two spoonfuls in. You drink the coffee quickly, hoping it’ll settle you.
“I understand your urge to remain silent.” Vision says. “The others might find it odd but rest assured, I do not criticize you.”
You muster up the best smile you can, then pat his hand. In your opinion, if anyone was odd, it would be the one that is a large computer chip who looks like a dignified gentleman with blonde hair.
You respect his kindness.
Taking bland tasting wafers with you, you wander the halls, take the elevator to different parts of the compound. To your surprise, you don’t run into many people, the agents and workers that you do come across, they don’t speak to you.
After about twenty minutes of taking in your surroundings, you come across a file room on the third floor, meaning it was restricted access.
You jab your finger against the key pad, it blinks at you angrily.
With one simple flick of your hand, the door creaks open.
You laugh.
Wasn’t this supposed to be a high security facility?
You shut the door behind you and curiously look over the filing cabinets. They’re labeled all differently, separated into mission reports and previous alliances or enemies. You open the one that’s labeled ‘Tony’s Cult’, assuming that meant the information on the Avengers.
You bring a stack out and sit comfortably on the floor. Like a good book, you dive in, getting lost in abilities, missions, back stories.
It might be an invasion of privacy, but they all read your file so you assume you can read theirs. You learn birthday’s, quirks that are noted in, who has confirmed kills and who doesn’t. You laugh at the file of Peter Parker, because there’s not much there besides everything that screams ‘child with odd ability’.
You enjoy Steve’s, because it reminds you of the children’s books you read hundreds of times while in The Ring. He’s the hero, the one that saves the day. He is everything you were told you were going to be if you killed a man you didn’t know. He was given a gun for the good of America, you were given powers for the good of a rich family.
James Buchanan Barnes
‘The Winter Soldier’
Your fingers pause before they open the dusty folder.
This felt more like the stories they told you to scare you into behaving. This was your story.
Confirmed kills…
…Bucky and Steve…
…brain washed…
…Deadly, be advised…
Your brows furrow, all these words spin in your mind. Holding up his military id photo, you smile at his charming face in a sergeant uniform. You compare it to the stone cold expression of The Winter Soldier, and determine it’s two different people you’re looking at.
There’s a rather awful photo of his left shoulder, how the skin is scarred and mangled as it meets silver metal.
You reach to feel the brand on the back of your neck, your nails scrape it.
- - - -
Natasha knocked on your bedroom door, only to be met with silence. Figuring you’re eating breakfast, she searches for you in the kitchen, only to find Steve and Sam play fighting with wooden spoons.
“Where’s Blue?” She asks the two boys who quickly drop their pretend weapons.
Steve clears his throat. “Asleep still, maybe.”
Nat shakes her head. “I was just at her room.”
“You try the MedBay? Doesn’t she get poked around this time?” Sam asks.
“Her infusions are done, that’s why I’m concerned. Last thing we need is an important asset to be passed out somewhere.” She stresses just as Wanda joins them.
“What’s wrong?” She asks.
“Have you seen Blue?” Steve asks.
Wanda shakes her head.
They split up, searching every room.
You put the files back the best you could after the shaky feeling became too much. You wrap your arms around your cramping sides, somehow making it back to the living space where you collapse on the couch.
“Jesus, where have you been?” Nat asks as she comes in to find you, but her concern grows as she takes in your pale expression.
“What’s wrong?” She comes to your side, soon joined by Steve and Wanda. “How do you feel?”
I’ve never been better.
You refrain from rolling your eyes, you continue to shiver.
“Bruce said she has to let the shakes run its course, they can’t keep giving her that stuff.” Nat states to the two that join as you roll onto your side.
“Here, let me.” Wanda comes forward, you see the red glow at her fingers and shuffle away in uncertainty.
“Blue, this won’t hurt.” She promises, placing here fingers an inch from your forehead as she tries to figure out what you need.
“She’s cold.”
Steve is quick to sit beside you, pulling you to lay on his lap.
Wanda’s face twists in the agony you feel. “There’s nothing we can give her?”
“Uh…baby aspirin?” Steve offers.
You try to think of something that has felt worse, maybe the first injection of the serum, how it burned in your veins. That felt pretty bad. But though you’ve experienced multiple parts of hell, this was certainly new.
“They’ve lowered the dosage for a month, should it be effecting her this bad?” Steve asks, his hand on your shaky shoulder.
Nat comes back with a wet rag, wiping your clammy forehead. “This isn’t a drug you buy from a dealer in his mom’s basement, Steve, this stuff could kill somebody with a normal system. They’ve been giving it to her like candy for fifteen years, she’s become dependent on it and now her body is trying to figure out how to function.”
Steve takes the rag and keeps it to your skin as he grumbles. “You could’ve just said yes.”
Your head lolls, a sort of hallucination wiping over your vision. You groan with discomfort.
“I can put her to sleep, maybe she’ll sleep it off?” Wanda offers.
Sure, sleep off the deadliest withdrawal known to man.
Despite your doubt, you feel a relief wash over you as Wanda shuts your eyes.
Oh…this is nice.
- - - -
At some point, Steve left you when he was sure you wouldn’t wake. Covered in a blanket, you lay peacefully on the sofa.
That’s how Bucky finds you.
He wasn’t expecting to come across you, but his feet are now planted as he stares down at you. It’s a bitter feeling in him, you sleeping soundly, having no idea of the anguish you’ve caused him. He could hate you for it, he probably should.
He just wants to see, just wants to answer one of the many questions he has. Carefully, he reaches for the hand that rest on your chest.
It doesn’t shock him like before.
It just makes him angry, actually. It felt the same as in that terror from the night, that oddly soothing touch that will never be meant for him.
He drops your hand, huffing to himself.
Somehow, he feels worse now.
He snaps his head up at the voice, seeing Sam stand there with raised brows.
“How long have you been there?” Bucky asks, swallowing nervously.
“Uh, long enough to see you go all creepy stalker mode.” Sam responds, coming closer. “What the hell are you doing?”
“Nothing.” Bucky answers quickly and defensively.
“Didn’t look like nothing.”
He glares, then moves away from you and closer to Sam. “Drop it, you don’t know what you’re talking about.” He bites.
Sam’s eyes widen. “Do you even know what you’re talking about?”
“…No. I don’t know.”
As Bucky storms off, Sam is hot on his heels.
“You want to talk about it?”
“I feel like you want to talk about it.”
Bucky turns around swiftly. “You’re gonna be feeling something else if you don’t lay off.”
Sam raises his hands in defense. “Fine, suffer in silence, you damn cyborg.”
Bucky desperately tries to remember the rules his therapist gave him, more specifically rule number two.
Nobody gets hurt.
He has the urge to break that one.
Despite his pace, Sam keeps up with him.
“You know what, I get it. I get it. She’s mysterious, a little weird, like you, and she’s gorgeous. Of course you’d be obsessed with her.”
Bucky’s metal hand clenches in irritation. “I am not obsessed with her.”
Sam laughs over dramatically, clapping a hand onto Bucky’s shoulder. “That’s funny, that’s really good, you should be a comedian.”
Bucky zeros in on the contact he makes. “Remove your hand before I do it for you.”
Sam snatches it away. “You’re a little aggressive, you need to have an emergency session with your Doc?”
He manages to make it to his room without putting Sam through a wall. He thinks that’s improvement.
Leaning against the window, he rubs his head and tries to get those words out of his mind.
He wasn’t obsessed with you, just mildly interested in how you’re stitching yourself into his already fried brain. Of course you weren’t doing it on purpose, but you were doing it and it made him feel like he was slowly going crazy.
He does those stupid breathing exercises Raynor told him to do, cracks his neck, then leaves for the training room where Steve was expecting him.
Next part
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cinnudelx · 26 days
Okay imagine this catws Steve Rogers x hydra agent reader where he kept her as hostage to answer questions, and Steve being kinda dummy doesn’t know reader cutting her rope with a pocket knife as she know jumps on him sitting near his dick as it hardens and the rest is up to you
thank you for your request!! i hope you enjoy <33
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Hostage 🎀
pairing: tws!steve rogers x hydra agent!reader
summary: steve needs to know what HYDRA is hiding. luckily you fell right into his lap (literally) and he kept you as hostage for an interrogation, determined to get answers but you had something else in mind.
warnings: smut smut smut!! mentions of reader being tied up, explicit language, clothed grinding, degrading names such as slut, dirty, but also some praise, spanking, tit!obsessed steve, steve talking you through it, riding, doggy style. MINORS DNI!
w.c: 1.8k
a.n: i had sm fun writing this. something about catws does things to meee
with a groan, your eyes slowly blinked open, taking in your surroundings. there you were, bound to a chair, arms tied behind you in a dimly lit room, steve rogers shield propped up against the wall in front of you. it was hard to make out exactly where you were but all you knew was that you were still on that damn ship, caught during one of your missions with HYDRA.
the door suddenly opened, revealing none other than steve himself, taking his helmet off. “good. you’re finally awake.” he grumbled, shutting the door and walking up to you.
steve stopped a couple steps in front of you after tossing his helmet to the floor, staring you down as he noticed so many thoughts running through your head that you’re not even phased by him.
“what were you and your team doing here?” steve asks firmly, titling your chair back to look into your eyes.
you clenched your jaw as your eyes glared into his, clearly displaying the fact you’re stubborn and will never release information just like that.
he smirked coldly, tilting your chair back even more. “you gotta start talking before i do something i’m not supposed to, agent. you know i can’t let you go til you say somethin’.”
you stared back at him, feeling your pocketknife strapped inside your sleeve. it was laughable, honestly, how easy this situation was to get out of. you subtly reached your hand into your sleeve. “cap, if you really think i’ve got loose lips, you’ve got another thing coming.” you grinned, challenging him, successfully catching your knife behind your back.
steve nodded, clenching his jaw. “okay.” he nodded again, reaching back and grabbing his shield. you couldn’t help but think how hot he looked frustrated. it was so wrong, but you wanted to see more.
he suddenly pressed the edge of his shield to the front of your neck, one hand on the shield and the other on the back of your chair as he intimidatingly searched your eyes, “start talking, agent. i haven’t got all day.”
little did he know, you were already cutting yourself free, so subtly he couldn’t see or hear a thing. “well, if you must know, we’re not really fond of you guys. you and your little group. what do you call yourselves again? the… um…” you pretended to think of the name, trying to waste as much seconds as possible.
steve pressed his shield harder against your neck, a vein popping out on his forearm. “agent, m’not fucking around. what are you and your team looking for.” he gritted out, his eyes darkening.
you winced slightly. yep, that definitely drew blood. “okay, okay. i’ll tell you. just—“
you let out a coughing breath as he pulled away his shield slightly. finally you were going to talk, he thought.
or were you.
the moment you freed yourself, you smirked, pushing away his shield forcefully as it fell to the floor. steve’s eyes widened as you lunged at him, straddling him on the floor as he fell. he struggled under your strong grasp as you held him down, tilting your head. “you know, you really need to work on interrogation. you didn’t even pat me down or anything while i was knocked out.” you smirked.
he clenched his jaw, realising his mistake. he was new to this interrogation thing. matter of fact, it was his first.
steve gripped your hips, trying to pull you away but you grabbed his wrists, pinning them to his sides and shifting your position on him swiftly, causing your core to brush off his clothed cock.
what came next made you and steve’s eyes widen. he let out a moan.
you looked down, a smirk growing back on your lips as you noticed his rock hard bulge. he struggled harder under your hold but you knew he wasn’t using his full strength. he could easily throw you across the room if he wanted to but something deep down wanted you to stay on top of him.
another fact was that you could feel your panties start to soak through. it was his fault. his stupid fucking moan and that goddamn hard on.
you didn’t know what to do but steve beat you to it, his hands reaching for your hips to pull you off but you grabbed his hands that were placed on your hips, grinding your core against his hard on once more to test the waters, your eyes searching his.
and there it was, another moan. god he was so sensitive.
“wh-what are you doing…?” he strained, his jaw clenched and his grip on your hips tightening.
“what are you doing?” you breathed out, the both of you secretly liking this.
he hissed, looking down at the place where your bodies met. “shit…” he breathed out, mostly to himself.
you gave him another roll of your hips, your lips parting slightly. “steve…” you gave him a look of uncertainty, moaning out his name quietly.
his mind was numb, couldn’t think of anything else but the fact your grinding against his clothed hard cock. “fuck- ngh-“ he growled, gripping your hips harder. “god… w-we shouldn’t do this.”
“yeah, i-i know..” you moaned softly, continuing your movements nonetheless.
“fuck it.” he grunted as he pushed you down to his thighs slightly before zipping his cock out of his suit, “you started this. now take off those fucking pants and ride me.”
your heart almost leapt out of your goddamn throat. holy fucking shit.
you couldn’t even think straight, your hands already fiddling with your pants as he started stroking his cock, watching you throw your pants to the floor. you almost let out a moan at the sight of him. he was propped up on one elbow, the other hand pumping his cock. as your pussy hovered over him, you pulled your panties to the side, your breathing becoming more laboured.
“open.” he reached up, the pads of his fingers against your plump lips. without thinking, you parted your lips, allowing his fingers to enter your mouth. you moaned as your tongue swirled around his digits, getting them nice and wet. “good girl.” he praised with a groan before taking his fingers out and stuffing them inside your pussy, causing you to double over him.
“shhhh… you wanted this. i don’t wanna hear it.” he hushed you, finger fucking you slowly before taking his fingers out and coating your pussy juices on his cock, stroking himself before gripping the base of his length. “cmon, ride my cock. show me how much you wanted this.”
you didn’t even need to be asked twice, already finding yourself sinking down on his cock. the both of you let out a soft gasp and moan at the sensation. he spilt you open with his thick girth, bottoming out immediately thanks to how soaked you are.
he propped himself up on both his elbows, watching you sit on his cock. “dirty fucking girl. look at you.” he growled as you started to ride him, soft moans and whimpers escaping your lips. you were so confident going into this but once you actually had this thing going, you couldn’t help but enjoy the way he was degrading you. “show me those tits, baby. take em out.”
he groaned as you pulled your shirt up, your bra-less tits spilling out as your shirt remained rolled up above your breasts. you started rocking your hips, picking up the pace.
“s-steve, mmmh, y-you- mmm…”
“what? drunk on my cock already? cmon. use your words like a big girl.” he grunted out, watching his cock disappear into your tight cunt.
“y-your so big-“ you moaned out, rolling your eyes to the back of your head. “shit…”
he hummed darkly with a deep groan. “yeah, bet you fucking like that, don’t you? such a good, filthy girl.“
your pussy fluttered at his degradation, tightening around him as you quickened your pace, bouncing on his cock. “oh my god.” you moaned uncontrollably, throwing your head back, already feeling the pressure build up.
he sat up fully, taking one of your tits into his mouth as he grabbed your ass, giving it a firm spank.
“oh, fuck! steve!” you moaned out, bouncing on his cock faster.
he growled, guiding your hips up and down on his painfully hard cock. “so dirty. look at that. soaking my cock when i call you filthy things and slap that ass, huh? you like that?” he slapped your ass again before gripping it firmly with a moan as he felt himself approaching the edge.
“god, yes. oh fuck, p-please.” you whined out a moan, his lips enveloping your tit again, his hand on your other one kneading it and pinching your nipple.
“no respect for yourself, huh? you’re caught here with me and all you can think of is this cock. fucking slut.” he grunted, pulling you off his lap and positioning you on all fours.
he pushed your upper back down as you perked up your ass. gripping your ass firmly with one hand as the other slipped his cock back into your dripping pussy, he landed another smack against your ass.
“mmh, fuck! yes!” you groaned out, moaning uncontrollably as he slammed his hips into you at a bruising pace, making you see stars. “steve, don’t stop. i’m gonna fucking cum.” you panted out, arching your back.
“hold it.” he demanded, gripping your hips tighter as he slammed into you. the sound of your moans, his grunts, skin slapping against skin and squelches filling the room.
“i-i can’t. fuck, it’s too much.” you cried out, moaning almost pornographically before he snaked a hand around your thigh and pressed his fingers against your clit, rubbing it in circular motions.
“be good for me and hold it. i know you can. cmon.” he grunted, gritting his teeth as he pounded into you, nearing his release.
after a few more moments, he pulled away from your clit, gripping your ass tightly and landing a loud smack before starting to slam into you at an animalistic pace.
your eyes widened, your moans growing louder as your ass stung, your climax nearing soon.
“fuck, fuck, fuck…” he gritted his teeth, his grip on your ass becoming painfully tight, “cum for me, baby. now.”
with that, your thighs immediately trembled as you came around him with a loud, shaky moan of his name. your pussy clenched and fluttered around him, causing him groan loudly, pulling out and pumping his cock ferociously over your ass, painting your skin with his thick ropes of seemingly endless cum.
“fuck…” he panted, taking off one of his gloves and using it to wipe his cum off your back. he tucked himself back into his pants, standing up with satisfied sigh as he zipped himself up.
you sat up against the wall, panting as you looked up at him, your cheeks flushed. he crouched down, tilting his head with a smirk, knowing that he’s finally got you all fucked-out and vulnerable.
“now. let’s try this again.” he leaned forward, his hand bunching your hair into his fist. “what is HYDRA doing here.”
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ramp-it-up · 3 months
Call Me Captain When I...
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Summary: You were Steve's subordinate, but you'd met as friends. And Steve needs your help with something.
Pairing: Early CATWS era Captain Steve Rogers x SHEILD Reader
Warnings: 18+ Only, Minors DNI. Not Beta’d. Read at your own risk. S MUT! Early CATWS Steve, talk of politics, flashbacks, groping while asleep, Not-so Inexpereinced-ish Steve, Dom Steve, Friends to lovers, angst, mutual pining, fluff, Captain and Sir kink, pulling rank, uniform kink, talking in sleep, masturbation, sex toy, voyeurism, dirty talk, nipple play, fingering, oral s ex (m receiving), raw p in v, intimations of female receiving oral.
A/N: This was supposed to be the conclusion to Greatest, but this popped in my head. This is set very soon after he first meets Sam and is still getting adjusted to the world. Also, I am not in the military and know nothing really of proper uniform or officer/subordinate address or etiquette. This is pure fantasy. Hope you like it. HBD Steve! 😁
I no longer have a taglist. Please follow @rampitupandread and turn on notifications to learn when I post! 😘
You woke up with a start, mouth dry, burning hot and seriously needing to pee. 
You weren’t sick; the cause of your discomfort was the 240 pound super soldier next to you. You looked over to see Steve Rogers’ sleeping face six inches away from yours on the chaise lounge of your sofa, the blue glow from your smart tv’s home screen bathing his face in eerie light. 
You allowed yourself two minutes to admire the man you had come to have a huge problematic crush on in such a short time.
You smiled to think of the first time you saw him in person as he wandered into the Information Technology Division of S.H.I.E.L.D., which you were running. 
He wasn’t in uniform, but who he was and his rank was unmistakable. Everyone rose when he entered. You watched him investigate the division by wandering around and looking at soldier’s workstation screens, reading files on desks, which was fine. The venerated Captain Steve Rogers had just about as high a clearance as anyone in the room.
You recognized the look on his face, a mixture of awe and earnestness, and something happened with your heart.
You couldn’t imagine what it must have been like to wake up, 70 years out of your own time. You watched his face, noting the anxiety, but mirroring his slight smile when he saw the book stacks at the rear of the room. Something like relief overtook his features. He scanned the room, calculating that the stacks went quite a way back into the facility, then he sized up the size of the troops in the division. 
You commanded 24 soldiers who helped you to oversee a good amount of basic historical, and quite a lot of classified information for SHIELD. You were too busy watching Steve’s face when his eyes found yours, and were caught off guard when he addressed you although you should not have been.
“Looks like you have quite the mission, Lieutenant.”
You snapped to attention and responded. 
“Yes, Sir. Information is key for the success of SHIELD, and we take pride in our work.”
“At ease.” 
Captain Rogers stood before you as you adjusted to parade rest. 
“I hear you do great work, Lieutenant.”
“Thank you, Sir.”
There was an awkward silence.
“I need some help.”
Steve huffed, annoyed at your formality. He looked around to see your entire division staring.
“Can we go into your office?”
“Of course, Sir.”
Once the door was closed, Steve had to address this first point, even though his body thrilled when you called him ‘Sir.’”
“You don’t need to be so formal, you know. You and I are friends, aren’t we?”
At the dulcet tone in his voice, you looked him in the eye, although you remained at parade rest. You knew that your troops were looking through your window. Steve noticed that your blinds were open and went to close them, which irritated you. That would only arouse suspicion.
Steve quickly admired your body in your work greens, eyes scanning from your boots up your pants, which were tailored very well out of necessity, to your shirt as he marveled how your buttons stayed closed. He chuckled as he had the same problem himself.
Your eyes were on him as his made their way to your face.
“You said you needed something, Captain?”
He almost groaned at that address. He needed you, spread out on his bed, calling him Captain and begging him to fuck you. But he had to play it cool. 
“I have this problem. And only you can help me with it.”
Steve had no idea how much that sounded like a line, so he barrelled ahead. He needed you, and he knew it from the moment he saw you at Sam’s house party the night before. The fact that you introduced yourself as a librarian endeared you to him, and the kind way that you talked to him all night about historical events of the 20th and 21st century cemented your place in his heart. He even adopted Sam’s nickname for you, Libby the librarian.
“I need a tutor.”
He’d piqued your interest.
This time his groan was audible. That cute little head tilt was driving him crazy. And your braids up in that neat braid bun. You were wound tight at work.He wanted to have them down, waving along your ass and hypnotizing like they were last night. He wanted to wrap them around his hand as he….
You were going to be the death of him. He cleared his throat.
“I need someone to bring me up to speed. Someone who can help me understand this brave new world we have here.”
You didn’t respond, your eyes just scanned his face. He continued talking to fill the void.
“I mean, I wake up, and everything is different, society, technology, women, hell, even the president…”
“You never dreamed we’d have a black president, did you?”
You were toe to toe with him now, an equal in the field of knowledge, superior to him in history and culture. Steve liked this feeling. He really needed you.
“Honestly. No. I’ve missed the history that would lead me there. That’s why I need you.”
You bristled slightly, straightening your posture again and looking at the wall. Steve caught the vibe.
“This is not a command. I’m coming to you as a new friend that I thought we both gained last night. I want help. I’m asking you. Not as my subordinate, but as a friend. Please, Libby.”
Steve’s earnest plea melted you on the inside. You gave up trying to keep him at arm's length. You knew it was not appropriate what you did last night in your bedroom as you thought of the conversation with him last night. His voice, his eyes, those lips. And you did not overlook that body beneath his button up shirt and khakis. 
But he’d made it clear that you were friends and you would rock with that. Besides, you wanted to help America’s number one soldier see all sides of what he was fighting for. 
He needed to see the truth.
“Alright. One evening a week. Thursdays good for you?”
You walked around your desk and grabbed a post it note and started writing.
Steve was elated and nodded until you looked up at him and he responded verbally.
He kind of liked you in control. It might be that much more pleasureable to subdue you. He shook his head, surprised at his own thoughts.
You tore off a note and handed it to him.
“Order these books. Have one read, doesn’t matter which, by this Thursday and meet me at Pete’s Deli at 5:30.”
“Thank you.”
You smiled at him and Steve thought he was going to kneel at your feet.
“Don’t thank me yet until you’ve survived one of my very serious debates.”
“Sounds grueling.”
“You have no idea.”
Over the last four months, you and Steve debated, argued, went through periods of needing space from each other, and late nights texting about tons of topics and cultural events during “the ice years,” as Steve called them. It was almost like a marriage.
You’d graduated from books, to Ted Talks, to movies, to videos on tons of topics and Steve was developing quite the knowledge base. 
You were proud of him, he digested information, reasoned it out, and didn’t become a carbon copy of you, but a well informed, better Steve Rogers. 
And fuck all, that made him even hotter.
Now, you were moving to the popular culture portion of your tutoring, and the night before you’d started the 1980’s/Spike Lee movie portion of your lessons. 
You’d binged She’s Gotta Have It, School Daze, and fell asleep halfway through Do The Right Thing. Now you were trapped between the arm of your couch and a 240 lb heat generator super strong super soldier.
You inched out from under Steve’s thick thigh, which was thrown over your legs, and was about to be able to escape when he turned over, his hand grabbing your boob and his fingers skillfully finding your thickened nub.
“Thank God for the right nipple. Thank God for the left nipple…”
You froze, but then remembered that was a line from the movie, and continued trying to escape without waking Steve up. He couldn’t be held responsible for his subconscious.
“Libby, wanna suck your nipples…please..”
You froze again. Well this was a development. Steve’s subconscious was trying to slide.
“Call me Captain when I suck your nipples. Sir when you suck me off…”
You managed to get up and you stood there, watching Steve, who was snoring now, and had no idea what he’d just said. You shook your head at the fact that he hadn’t learned the power of grey sweat pants.
In a daze, you walked to the bathroom and somehow ended up in the shower before you realized you had a guest. You were trying to process, and it was just a coincidence that your Leelo was in there. You’d be able to slake your hunger and clean up before he awoke.
Steve woke up, confused for a minute, and noticed that it was 4 am. 
He was on your couch with a Giant boner, and someone was in the shower. He stood up, stretched and went to your kitchen for a bottle of water when he heard you moan. 
Wanting to make sure that you were okay, Steve went to your slightly open bathroom door and got an earful.
“Ohhhh. Fuck, Captain, yessssss.”
Steve’s heart began to beat as he took a peek in at you through the clear glass of your shower, back against the wall as you held a sex toy to your pussy. The sight made him forget to breahe. The way you convulsed made his dick jump in his sweats. He rubbed himself to try and calm down, but your voice making those pretty sounds made him grab himself and chase friction against his clothes.
“Yes, Sir… would love to…suck… you…. offfff….fuck, Steve….!”
The sound of his name as you came made him feral and he hit his hand against the door frame. 
You stopped what you were doing as you looked toward the door. Steve used his best stealth tactics to go back to the couch, and that’s where he was when you came out of the bathroom in your robe.
“How much did you hear? Did you see anything?”
The way he was looking at you told you everything.
“I’m sorry, Steve. You were talking in your sleep, because of the movies. I got heated at what you said. Needed to relieve some tension. I understand if you want to stop meeting up. I’ve not been professional. Or a friend.”
“What did I say?”
Steve stood up and walked toward you. His voice was so deep. 
“What did I say when I was asleep?”
You gulped, but then you just said it.
“You said that you wanted to… suck my nipples and you said, ‘call me Captain when I suck your nipples. Sir when you suck me off…’”
Steve was closer now. 
“That wasn’t because of the movies.”
His hand was above you on the wall and you were staring up into his impossible blue eyes, which seemed to be shining in the dim light.
“It’s what I want to happen.”
Steve’s hand went to your hair, loosening the bun that you’d made for the shower.
“But I figured you only wanted to be friends, y’know?
“We are friends. That’s what you established when you came to my office…”
Steve fisted your braids in his hand and drew your head toward his. 
“I needed your help, true. But I was trying to get close to you without knowing how to make my move. Didn’t think you wanted me too, but what I just saw you doing in that bathroom. What I heard you saying, Libby…”
He stopped, his lips mere centimeters from yours.
“Christ, do you know how that ruined me?”
You whimpered in your throat and closed the distance between you.
If a supersoldier could slam someone against the wall gently, that is what Steve Rogers did to you as his lips and tongue explored yours. Your hands found his hair and tugged as he pulled yours, and your body pressed against his.
Steve pressed soft kisses all along your face. When he finally reached your lips, he teased you, barely touching them, causing you to whimper. He deepened the kiss, his tongue licking at yours, daring it to follow. Your mind was completely blown, and when you separated for air, Steve asked a question.
“So. Can you call me Captain when I suck your nipples? Sir when you suck me off?”
Your eyes met his and you made a silent agreement.
“Oh Yes, Sir.”
Steve closed his eyes and groaned.
“Good girl. Correct answer.”
Steve kissed you again and this time his hands explored your body too. Your skin was moist and hot from the shower, and he ignited it even more. You writhed against him, brushing your nipples against his chest, causing them to swell and thicken. He groaned into your mouth, and it sent a pool of desire straight to your core. His hard cock pressed into your thigh insistently, and you reached into his sweats to wrap your hand around the rigid length of it.
Steve’s ragged breath huffed into your face as his hand found your breasts and weighed them, rolling each of your nipples between his thumbs. You continued to stroke him, causing his hips to jerk up into your palm, beads of moisture helping to lubricate your hand as you stroked him as best you could, struggling to grip his girth. 
“Is this gonna fit in my mouth? In my pussy?”
Steve growled and kissed you again, his fingers parting your robe and dipping between your thighs. You shivered as first, one impossibly long thick finger slipped inside your slick heat, then two.
“We’ll make it work. You are so wet. So ready. And that mouth. If I can just experience you trying, I’d struggle not to blow my load, Libby. M’ struggling right now with just your hand.” 
“Let’s go to my bed.”
“Give me one now.”
“What did I just say Lieutenant? Who is in command?”
Lust rocked your body at Steve pulling rank. You whimpered again.
“You are, Captain.”
“That’s right. Now stay here, and take this like the soldier you are.”
“Yes, Sir.”
Steve rewarded you with a kiss and then trailed more down your neck, moving south. He paused, his breath warming the skin over one of your swollen peaks. You were in agony.
“Captain, please.” 
“Please what?” 
“Please let me feel your lips.”
“As you wish.” 
You writhed as he kissed everywhere except where you wanted him. You tugged on his hair, which did nothing to dissuade him from his mission of driving you crazy. 
“I love that you are so desperate for me, Lib. So damn attractive.”
He hovered over your nipple as he teased it with the hot air from his mouth, looking up at you with those blue, blue eyes.
“You love this, don’t you?”
“Yes, Captain!”
Steve added his thumb to the mix of his fingers pumping in and out of you. He kept the pace consistent, no matter how much you tried to move against his fingers. Chuckling, he finally settled his lips around your nipple and hallowed his cheeks as he drew you into his mouth, causing your pussy to shudder to gush over his fingers as you came.
“Yes, Doll?” 
“N-need you to fuck me. Please.” 
“Who’s in command?” 
He grazed your nipple with his teeth. 
“You, Captain, I—” 
Steve withdrew his fingers from your cunt.
“Can you call me Sir first?”
You looked into his eyes and suddenly you wanted nothing more. You dropped to your knees in your living room, not caring how the hardwood felt on your knees. Relishing it, even.
Steve pushed your robe off your shoulders and it pooled around you as you watched him take off his t-shirt and pull down his sweats and boxers. You practically drooled at the sight of the thick tan staff in front of your face.
You watched Steve’s thick fingers grab the base of himself and squeeze and you looked up to see him clenching his jaw.
“You’ are trying to make me blow my load on your face with those eyes of yours, Lieutenant. Maybe I should ask you again. Who is in charge here?” 
“You Sir. Let me taste you, please?”
You were topping him with a request, but Steve let it slide as his cock slid past your lips and tongue.
“So fucking hot. Isn’t that what the kids say?”
Steve took your head in his hands as you put your hands behind your back and let him fuck your face. You hummed an acknowledgement as Steve groaned above you. Your pussy was sopping wet at this point.
Steve let go of your head and braced himself against the wall as he warned you through clenched teeth.
“Do you want this? Because… it….fuck… here it comes….”
You prepared yourself and swallowed quite a lot of Steve’s cum, which tasted surprisingly good. You moaned your approval as he gave you his spend.
He grasped himself again and pulled his still hard cock out of your mouth as you grinned up at him. 
“I could do that all day, Doll." He licked his lips as he looked down at you.
"Where is your bedroom again?”
You smiled and took his hand as he helped you to stand, and he followed you to your bedroom, nodding his head toward your California king.
“Get on the bed.”
Steve watched as you obeyed and stroked himself. Then, he kneeled beside you and ran his fingers along your body.
“You don’t know how much I’ve thought about this.”
You rolled under his touch, desire consuming you.
Steve sighed, but secretly thrilled that his dream was coming true. You were begging him for it.
“I thought you knew what this was, who was in charge…”
He rolled your nipple and then pinched it when you said,
"You are, Sir!"
Steve rolled his big body over yours, supporting himself with his arms over your head. His cock nudged your wet slit, and he swore. 
“So damn good, Doll.” 
You moved your hips, trying for friction, or the goal, penetration, desperate now. 
“Please, Steve, don’t make me wait. I need you. I’m yours.”
Steve stilled, and looked into your eyes.
“Do you know how long I’ve waited to hear that…that you’re mine?” 
His tongue licked at your bottom lip before he kissed you. 
“I’m not letting you go.” 
His hips started moving, sliding his rigid member through your folds before testing your entrance. His eyes stuttered closed at the resistance there and at the way you slowly yielded open for him. Your eyes rolled back as he stretched you out like never before, fully sliding into you.
You both gasped as he bottomed out, and you gazed at each other, getting lost in the moment. You knew you would never be the same as you met Steve’s thrusts and he didn’t break eye contact as he stroked you to the most mind-numbing orgasm you’d ever had, embarrassingly quickly. 
Steve stroked lazily for a few minutes before he pulled out, turned you over and admired your back, tenderly kissing your shoulder blades.
“You are so beautiful. Everywhere.”
He lined up to your sopping wet pussy and slowly breached you again.
“What is the proper response, Lieutenant?”
“To what, Sir?”
Steve’s head dropped so that his hair brushed your neck and his tongue traced your spine, causing you to arch your back as he slid all of the way home.
“To the statement of fact that you are beautiful. Everywhere.”
His voice was a desperate groan, and so sexy.
“Oh,” you exclaimed, and kept your mouth open, searching for air because you almost forgot how to breathe.
Steve smacked your ass.
“That’s not correct.”
He was going hard now, and his voice was strained. He was close.
“Y-yes, Sirrrrrrr!”
You came again, pussy clutching Captain America’s cock. Steve became the most profane you’d ever heard him.
“Feels so fucking good, Doll. Love this ass, and this tight, wet, pussy. Fuckkkkk!”
Steve roared as you felt his hot ropes of cum spurt inside you, triggering yet another orgasm.
“Oh my goddd!”
You collapsed and Steve moved so that you were still connected, but on your sides.
“We’ve got to finish the movie. Need to find out what happens with Mookie…”
"Yes, Sir."
But Steve was falling asleep, and you looked over your shoulder at the super soldier who looked more relaxed than you’d ever seen him. You kissed his arm, which was wound around you, and which was holding you tight.
The next Thursday, you were in your office when you heard a commotion. You looked out of your window as you saw Captain Rogers striding toward your office, this time in uniform, his hat under his arm. You closed your blinds and went to stand outside the door of your space as he moved nearer to you.
Damn. You should never have told Steve how much him being in uniform affected you.
“Captain Rogers, this is a surprise.”
You kept your eyes straight ahead as you stood at attention and he moved around you.
“I need your help again, Lieutenant. In your office. Now.”
“Of course, Sir.”
“At ease.”
You relaxed as Steve put his hat on your desk, advanced upon you, putting his hands on your waist as he kissed you silly while easily lifting you and placing you on your desk. He backed up to take a look at you as you crossed your legs.
“I’m here to inspect your uniform today, Lieutenant. From this view, it looks splendid.”
“Thank you, Sir.” 
You straightened your torso and pulled on your jacket, but you knew that he was speaking about the fact that you’d worn a skirt today, as he requested.
“I’m interested to see if you followed all instructions.”
Steve’s hands were on your thighs and he pulled them apart and got on his knees before you. He smiled and licked his lips as he saw that you were in fact, not wearing any underwear. He also could smell your arousal and opened his mouth to breathe it in. He was transfixed. You snapped him out of it when you asked him a question.
“You said you needed help, Sir?”
He looked up at your cocky grin.
“Yes, lieutenant. Need you to help me with a new term I came across today in my reading. Cunnilingus?”
“Y-yes, Sir. Of course Sir.”
It was all you could say as Captain Steve Rogers inspected your uniform from underneath your skirt.
Reblog if you liked it!
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littlemelanintales · 5 months
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Warnings: 18+ ONLY, Soft!Bucky, cock drunk reader, after care, no smut
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Your face was still mashed into the mattress beneath you. Ringlets voiding your full vision with the taste of salty sweat creeping past your huffing lips. You felt kisses placed on your hot shoulder blades and the curls being swiped from your face.
Your eyes were unfocused but centered on the lightly breezy curtains,
"Speak for me."
"Mmm." Was all you could let out. Bucky got up from the bed and crossed the hardwood to the adjacent bathroom. You could hear the sink running and the medicine cabinet open then shut again. The loud padding of his weight crossing the floor filled the otherwise virtually silent room.
He squatted to your eye level, bringing the cool towel to gently wipe the night from your brow.
Your breathing relaxed further, drinking in the sparkle in his eyes and the gentleness he has with you.
"There she is he said softly.
"Sit pretty for me, Baby. Can you do that?" You nod and slowly started to sit up and turn yourself over. Small squeaks and groans escaped your lips as the buildup in your triceps tensed up. You leaned back against the headboard, taking a deep breath. He started to bring the duvet up but you declined,
“ ‘m hot." He smiled, leaning in and placing a kiss to your forehead. Bucky grabbed the 2 Tylenol and glass of water from the night stand. He lifted the cup to your lips and placed his cold, hard index finger under your chin to guide your head with the water. You took and swallowed the medicine before resting your head back. He placed the cool towel on your forehead before standing,
"That needs to be empty before you go to sleep." he said behind him as we went back to the bathroom. He re-entered with another cloth in hand. He sat beside you and ran his hand up the length of your leg. You twitched when he reached her inner thigh and he left out an breathy laugh.
He gently separated your legs, lightly lifting it and placing himself on his stomach between them.
He leaned in and softly left open mouthed kisses to the insides of both your thighs. He closed his eyes and sighed at the smell of you; sweet left over arousal and sweat. When he opened them he was eye to eye with your sticky, wet pussy. The sight of your juices and his cum secreting from your used hole left him in a trance.
"Ohhh, Baby. You did so well for me," your heart rate started to increase just slightly, "the best girl I could ever have. So needy. So obedient. Drink your water, honey.
You brought the cup to your lips and Bucky brought the new warm cloth up from his side. He started with a single swipe. You arched your back at the sensation the courses through you. You placed the cup down, mesmerized by him.
"You made me feel so good. Did I make you feel
"Yes, Daddy," you said as you smiled down at him and ran your fingers through his hair. His grip on your left thigh tightened just a little bit, his body unwillingly notifying you that his heart skipped a beat.
He finished cleaning you up and got up from the bed. He pulled the duvet over you without asking this time. Bucky lifted the cup one last time and you happily drank the rest of it contents. He threw the towels in the hamper, grabbing a shirt from the dresser in the process. He walked back over to you and let you settle into your pjs.
He walked to his side and climbed in, immediately pulling you as close as possible. He left kisses on the back of your neck while he whispered about how he wants to spend the next day.
"I love you, YIN."
"I love you too."
seen this before? tumblr deleted my other account so i have to rebuild
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wolvietxt · 22 days
💭 thinking about… 
𝖼𝗅𝖾𝖺𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝖻𝗎𝖼𝗄𝗒 𝗎𝗉 𝖺𝖿𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖺 𝖿𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍!
pairing : bucky barnes x reader warnings : hurt / comfort but mostly hurt, angsty, tfatws!bucky, crying, a little bit of fluff wc : 1.2k
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you told him not to do it. you’d seen that fire in his eyes, the way his jaw clenched when that guy had started talking, pushing bucky’s buttons like it was some kind of game. you’d warned him, quietly, to let it go, to walk away. but you knew bucky, knew that there was only so much he could take before he snapped.
and now, here he was, sitting on the edge of your bathtub, bruised and bloodied, staring down at his hands like he couldn’t believe what he’d done. his knuckles were split open, blood caked on his skin, and you could see the beginnings of a black eye forming. his chest was heaving, his breaths coming in short, sharp bursts, and you could tell he was still wound up, still riding the adrenaline high.
“bucky,” you say softly, your voice cutting through the thick silence that’s settled over the room. he doesn’t look at you, doesn’t even flinch. it’s like he’s somewhere else, lost in his own head, in the aftermath of the fight.
you sigh, grabbing the first aid kit from under the sink. you’re not mad at him, not really. you’re more worried than anything, worried about the way he shuts down after something like this, the way he retreats into himself. you know he feels like he’s constantly fighting a battle, not just with the people around him, but with himself. and you know how much it scares him, how much he hates that part of himself.
“let me see,” you murmur, kneeling in front of him and gently taking his hands in yours. his knuckles are raw, the skin torn and bleeding, and you can see the way his muscles are still trembling, the way he’s trying to keep it all together. you grab a clean cloth and dip it in warm water, carefully dabbing at the blood on his hands. he winces, but doesn’t pull away, just keeps his eyes fixed on a spot on the floor, like he can’t bear to look at you.
“you didn’t have to do this,” you say quietly, your voice filled with a mixture of concern and exasperation. “i told you it wasn’t worth it, that they weren’t worth it.”
“i couldn’t just let them… ” bucky starts, his voice hoarse, but he trails off, his jaw tightening as he struggles to find the words. you can see the frustration in his eyes, the way he’s wrestling with the guilt and anger inside him. “i couldn’t just let them talk to you like that. they had no right.”
you sigh, your heart aching for him. you know he’s just trying to protect you, trying to defend you in the only way he knows how. but you also know that every time he gets into a fight like this, it takes a little piece of him away, chips away at the man he’s trying so hard to be.
“i know, buck. but there were six guys,” you say gently, “but you don’t have to fight every battle for me. i can take care of myself, and i don’t want you getting hurt because of me.”
he finally looks at you then, his eyes filled with a mixture of pain and regret. “i’m sorry,” he murmurs, his voice barely above a whisper. “i didn’t want to…i just…i don’t know how to stop.”
you set the cloth aside and gently cup his face in your hands, your thumbs brushing against his cheekbones. his skin is warm under your touch, and you can feel the tension in his jaw, the way he’s holding himself so tightly, like he’s afraid to let go.
“it’s okay,” you say softly, your voice soothing. “it’s okay, bucky. i’m not mad at you. i just…i just want you to be okay. i don’t want you to keep hurting yourself like this.”
he closes his eyes, leaning into your touch, and you can feel some of the tension start to melt away. but there’s still that heaviness in him, that weight that he carries with him everywhere he goes. you wish you could take it from him, even just for a little while, but you know that’s not how it works. all you can do is be there for him, help him carry it when it gets too heavy.
“i’m sorry,” he repeats, his voice trembling. “i didn’t mean to worry you.”
“i know,” you reply, your voice soft. “i know you didn’t. but you don’t have to apologize, bucky. i’m here, okay? we’ll get through this, like we always do.”
you reach for the first aid kit again, pulling out some antiseptic and bandages. as you clean and bandage his wounds, he stays silent, his eyes focused on you, like he’s trying to memorise every detail of your face, like he’s afraid he might forget.
when you’re done, you gently take his hand in yours, pressing a soft kiss to his knuckles. “all done,” you say, offering him a small smile. “you’re gonna be okay.”
he doesn’t say anything, just pulls you into his arms, holding you close like he’s afraid to let go. you can feel the steady beat of his heart against your chest, the way his breath hitches slightly as he tries to keep it together.
“i don’t deserve you,” he whispers, his voice breaking. “you shouldn’t have to take care of me like this.”
you pull back slightly, just enough to look him in the eyes. “that’s not true,” you say firmly. “you deserve to be cared for, just like anyone else. and i’m here because i want to be, because i care about you. you’re not a burden, bucky. you’re never a burden.”
his eyes well up with tears, and you can see the way he’s struggling to hold them back. he’s always tried so hard to be strong, to be the protector, but you can see the cracks in his armour, the way he’s breaking down.
“it’s okay to let go,” you whisper, your hand gently stroking his cheek. “it’s okay to let someone else take care of you for a change. you don’t have to carry everything by yourself.”
and that’s all it takes. the dam finally breaks, and he lets out a choked sob, burying his face in your shoulder. you hold him tight, your fingers running through his hair as he cries, releasing all the pain and guilt he’s been holding onto for so long.
you don’t say anything, just let him cry, let him release everything he’s been keeping inside. and when the tears finally stop, when he’s too exhausted to cry anymore, you gently guide him to bed, pulling the covers up over both of you.
“i’m here,” you whisper as you wrap your arms around him, holding him close. “i’m not going anywhere.”
he doesn’t say anything, just buries his face in your neck, his arms wrapped tightly around you like you’re his lifeline. you can feel the way his body starts to relax, the way his breathing evens out as he finally starts to drift off to sleep.
and as you lay there, holding him close, you know that no matter what happens, no matter how many fights he gets into or how many times he tries to push you away, you’ll always be there to pick up the pieces, to take care of him when he can’t take care of himself. because that’s what love is - being there for each other, even when it’s hard, even when it hurts.
and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
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