#carol squiers
lunarfleur · 6 months
Christmas Is The Time To Say I Love You ~ Earth 42! Miles Morales
Summary: On the corner, carolers are singing. There's a touch of magic in the air. From grownup to minor no one could be finer. Times are hard but no one seems to care
A/N: Happy Holidays, everyone! I know it’s late, but I wanted to get something out for everyone! Enjoy!
Tagging: @juneberrie @sluggmuffin @hiyaitssans @nagi3seastorm @luvjunie @milesmolasses @n1cole-ghost @kombuuuu
This is x fem! reader!
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On the corner, carolers are singing
There's a touch of magic in the air
The mixed smell of foods filled the building. Hams, mashed potatoes, green beans, freshly-baked rolls…the whole complex was warm.
The lobby was decorated with a big Christmas tree, ribbons hanging off the walls, and fake presents tucked neatly into separate corners of the room. People marched in and out-happily chatting with one another while they carried plates of food.
From grownup to minor no one could be finer
Times are hard but no one seems to care
Truth be told, Miles never cared for parties much. He knew his mother liked them, she enjoyed talking with the other adults in the building. It made her feel relaxed, as she spent too much time working to make any friends.
But, as per usual, Miles sat in the corner. His plate of food sat in his lap. Miles’s Sony headphones covered his ears, Wu-Tang playing loudly. The corners of his lips stayed down, frowning at the sight of so many people.
But his eyes stayed on her.
Miles couldn’t find a word, in either English nor Spanish, to describe her. Beautiful didn’t come close. Maybe heavenly was the word?
Christmas Eve and all the world is watching
Santa guides his reindeer through the dark
He watched her eyes glance up, lighting up at the sight of him hunched in the corner. She smiled, a bright beam that could melt all the snow in Brooklyn, and hurried through the crowd of people over to him.
“Miles!” She cheered. “You have no idea how glad I am that you’re here.”
“Hey,” he shrugged, smiling lightly.
“The parties in this place never seem to get any easier," she sighed, chuckling. Miles snorted, nodding in agreement.
Miles tossed his plate to the side, pulling his headphones around his and grabbing his jacket in his hand.
“Let’s get outta here,” he said, nodding.
But from rooftop to chimney, from Harlem to Bimini
They will find a way into your heart
New York winters never seem to get any warmer, and [Name]’s clothing choices never seem to get any smarter.
A thin layer of snow covered the roof. The air seemed to bite at the skin of anyone who touched it. A chill ran up her spine as the two teens overlooked the city.
Miles glanced between the girl and his jacket. His hands were tense and numb. Yet, despite the fact, he reached over behind her to place the clothing gently around her. It hung off her shoulders.
“You’re gonna get yourself sick.”
A sheepish chuckle left her lips as she tucked her arms inside the sleeves. It smelled of his mother’s candles and his cologne; sandalwood and cleanliness.
Across from them, they could see the large mural Miles had painted for his father. ‘Captain Jeff Morales,’ it read, ‘Husband, Father, Hero. Rest In Power.’ She knew it well.
[Name] often found herself going up to the roof when she needed inspiration. She’d looked at that mural a million times, at least, and she always found herself going back to Miles. Her sketchbook was filled with him, the same way her heart was.
“Sure as hell am glad we’re on break,” Miles scoffed. He wasn’t the biggest fan of going to Visions. Sure, there was getting to room with Ganke and taking the cool art class, but he was too far away from his mom. He missed her while he was at school, and has come home on school nights many times just to be in his home again.
“Yeah,” [Name] chuckled. She tucked herself further into his jacket. If she could, she’d sew it onto her skin so she could smell it until she died.
“Lemme tell you, I hate Mrs. Sanchez.” Miles shook his head, frowning at the thought of his least favorite teacher though.
“But don’t you have over 100% in her class?”
“That ain’t got nothin to do with it.”
[Name] laughed, nodding her head in understanding.
A tense silence hung over the two. The cold air was numbing their skin, but Miles swore he was on fire. His crewneck didn’t do much for him.
Just outside the window, snow is falling
But here beside the fire we share the glow
Looking over at her, [Name] was staring down at the busy New York streets. There was a bit of hesitation in her normally smooth voice. It sounded weak.
“Do you remember when Ms. Brown made us do that free-writing assignment? About something we felt strongly about?”
Of course he remembered. Of all things he could have written about, he had to choose her. His English teacher had given him a knowing look, smirking at him. He had gotten an A on that assignment.
“What did you write about?”
“Well, love…I guess.”
Maybe Miles was imagining it, but he wished to every star above that the look she had in her eyes was hope. He prayed for it.
Miles nodding. [Name] did the same.
“Me too.”
Love? Was there someone? Was it him?
“Is there…someone?” He couldn’t hide the disappointment in his voice.
“Do you believe in soulmates?”
Of moonlight and brandy, sweet talk and candy
Sentiments that everyone should know
It was a sudden question. It caught Miles off guard.
“Soulmates? Why?”
“Do you think it’s true? That everyone has someone meant for them?”
Miles thought for a minute, rubbing the skin of his hand to make some friction.
“I don’t see why not.”
[Name] brought the sleeve of Miles’s jacket up to her nose. His scent was addicting, almost. It gave her chills in the way it was so relaxing to her.
“Do you think we’re friends in every universe?”
Miles glanced at her. His face heated up at his response, the only one he could come up with.
“In every other universe…is that all we are?”
[Name] turned toward him, eyes big with curiosity. The wind blew, and she watched as Miles’s braids swayed in the wind.
“I don’t understand,” She finally admitted
His body now facing her, [Name] had Miles’s full attention. The lamp lights reflected in his eyes, spots of yellow in brown and green. He stepped forward.
Memories of the year that lays behind us
Wishes for the year that's yet to come
“I’m saying that I wanna be with you.”
“You what?”
His breath fogged in front of his face with every exhale. His hands were hot and sweaty, a big difference to how they felt before. This was happening, unplanned and far too in-the-moment for his own good.
And it stands to reason that good friends in season
Make you feel that life has just begun
“I dunno know how to explain, but there ain’t a single day I don’t think about.”
“Since the day I met you, [Name]. I…”
“Are you…being for real?”
“Every day up until now, I counted the number of times you’d smile at me. I just about died on days you didn’t.”
Christmas is the time to say "I love you"
“I don’t wanna just say “I like you” and leave it at that. I want you to understand me.”
“Wow, Miles. I never thought you..”
“[Name]? Do you understand me?”
Share the joys of laughter and good cheer
“Yeah, I do.”
Christmas is the time to say "I love you"
“Of course I have feelings for you, Miles.”
And a feeling that will last all through the year
“Are you being for real?” Miles echoed.
Miles laughed. [Name] saw the way his nose scrunched. Miles didn’t normally smile so big. It was bright, like a little kid getting a pony on their birthday.
“More for real than ever.”
So when spirits grow lighter
And hopes are shining brighter
Miles leaned against the railing. He played off the way his heart was threatening to explode, the way his body was on fire. She was closer to him now than she was before.
Then you know that Christmas time is here
Love is not proportional to volume. It does not obey the laws of physics. This girl, one simple girl, was pulling Miles toward her with more force than the sun and every planet could give.
She gave him a smile andleaned closer to connect their shoulders. Flowers bloomed under his skim.
847 smiles from the day they met.
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fashionbooksmilano · 1 year
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Edward Steichen  L’alta moda. Gli anni di Condé Nast 1923-1937
William A.Ewing, Todd Brandow
saggi di Tobia Bezzola, William A.Ewing, Nathalie Herscdorfer, Carol Squiers
Skira Editore, Milano 2008, 208 pagine, 250 illustrazioni,31,8 x 26,6 cm, Rilegato, ISBN  978-8861303379
euro 45,00
email if you want to buy :[email protected]
Steichen era già pittore e fotografo affermato sulle due sponde dell'Atlantico quando, nei primi mesi del 1923, gli offrirono l'incarico più prestigioso e certamente più redditizio nel campo della fotografia commerciale, quello di fotografo capo per "Vogue" e "Vanity Fair", le autorevoli e influenti riviste Condé Nast di moda e costume. Nel corso di quindici anni Steichen produsse un corpus di opere di ineguagliabile genialità e si avvalse del proprio talento straordinario, accompagnato da una prorompente vitalità, per rappresentare e valorizzare la cultura contemporanea e i massimi esponenti della vita politica, letteraria, teatrale, operistica, con un occhio di riguardo per il mondo dell'alta moda. Avendo personalmente frequentato gli ambienti artistici più progressisti in patria e all'estero ed essendo un eclettico di carattere, era l'interprete ideale dell'alta moda in fotografia. Gli anni venti e trenta rappresentano il momento culminante della carriera fotografica di Steichen e tra le opere da lui realizzate per "Vogue" e "Vanity Fair" si annoverano alcune delle più stupefacenti fotografie del XX secolo.
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garadinervi · 2 years
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Barbara Kruger, (exhibition catalogue), Organized by Ann Goldstein, with essays by Rosalyn Deutsche, Katherine Dieckmann, Ann Goldstein, Steven Heller, Gary Indiana, Carol Squiers, Lynne Tillman, The Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, CA / The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, and London, 1999 [Exhibition: October 17, 1999 – February 13, 2000]. Cover Art: Barbara Kruger, Untitled (Thinking of You), 1999 [© Barbara Kruger]
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downthetubes · 3 years
Fan-published "Blake's 7 Annual 1982" released
Fan-published “Blake’s 7 Annual 1982” released
There was no annual to accompany the fourth and final series of the BBC1 prime time sci-fi show Blake’s 7 created by Terry Nation, but forty years later, a group of enthusiasts and creators have come together to make it happen. Blakes 7 Annual 1982 – Regular Edition Blakes 7 Annual 1982 – Contributors Limited Edition Available now, the Blake’s 7 Annual 1982 is a sumptuous 252-page glossy…
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icphoto · 7 years
Get an inside look at #PerpetualRevolution from ICP Curator Carol Squiers! #ICPMuseum http://bit.ly/2lEUYI3
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graphicpolicy · 6 years
Review: Graphic Reproduction: A Comics Anthology
Graphic Reproduction: A Comics Anthology is both an important teaching tool and a study in empathy #comics #graphicmedicine
While it is so often considered taboo and explicit, so much of the world revolves on sex and people’s deepest desires. People are obsessed with the optics of what makes someone sexy. Movies, music, television, books, and comics, all rely on it to make themselves more scintillating. Though the subject still makes us uncomfortable.
The main purpose of sex is for reproduction, while pleasure is…
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internethorrorfan · 4 years
My Christmas Playlists
Since 2016 I've made an annual Christmas playlist and posted them online. I thought I'd post them here since I also posted my annual Halloween mixes. Enjoy!
Jingle Jangle Jukebox volume 1: Halloween on Christmas
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Intro-Silent Night Deadly Night tv spot Happy Fangs-All I Want for Christmas is Halloween Bobby "Boris" Pickett-Monster's Holiday Gary Roadarmel-Here Comes Krampus The Crypt Keeper-12 Days Of Cryptmas Irving Force-X-Massacre PelleK-What's This? (Danny Elfman cover) Spinal Tap-Christmas with the Devil The Coffin Caddies-Halloween on Xmas The Damned-There Ain't No Sanity Clause Alice Cooper/John 5/Billy Sheehan-Santa Claws Is Coming To Town (Eddie Cantor remake) Interlude-Krampus tv spot The White Coffin Terror-Silent Night Deadly Night BaptismOnFire-Jeff the Killer's Carol of the Bells Jerry Goldsmith-Gremlins Theme Christopher Lee-Jingle Hell Zombina and the Skeletones-A Chainsaw for Christmas Type O Negative-Red Water [Christmas Mourning] Rise Against-Making Christmas (Danny Elfman cover) Venom-Black Xmas King Diamond-Christmas Wednesday 13-Buried By Christmas The Krypt-Keeper 5-Christmas From Beyond The Grave Schoolyard Heroes-I Want Your Soul For Christmas Danger Mode-Santa's Slay Ride Len Maxwell-Merry Monster Christmas Shadow-New Year's Evil Outro-Silent Night Deadly Night part 2 trailer
Jingle Jangle Jukebox volume 2: Songs of the Season
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Intro-M&M's Holiday Candies 1992 Commercial Halford-Get Into The Spirit by Twisted Sister-Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas (Judy Garland cover) Paul Di'Anno-Another Rock and Roll Christmas (Gary Glitter cover) AC/DC-Mistress for Christmas Jaunter-Carol Of The Bells Weird Al Yankovic-The Night Santa Went Crazy The Ravers-(It's Gonna Be a) Punk Rock Christmas The Dickies-Silent Night Keith Richards-Run Rudolph Run (Chuck Berry cover) Cheap Trick-Come On Christma Joan Jett and the Blackhearts-Little Drummer Boy Interlude-TMNT VHS 1990 Christmas Commercial Queen-Thank God It's Christmas Slade-Merry Xmas Everybody Hanoi Rocks-Dead by X-mas Trans-Siberian Orchestra-Wizards In Winter Fight-Christmas Ride 220 Volt-Heavy Christmas The Darkness-Christmas Time [Don't Let The Bells End] August Burns Red-Frosty the Snowman (Gene Autry cover) Dokken-Santa Claus Is Coming To Town (Eddie Cantor cover) King Diamond-No Presents For Christmas The Kinks-Father Christmas live version Korn-Kidnap the Sandy Claws (Danny Elfman cover) Ronnie James Dio/Tony Iommi/Simon Wright/Rudy Sarzo-God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen Outro-Pepsi Nintendo Holiday Game 1989 Commercial
Jingle Jangle Jukebox volume 3: Yuletide Madness
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Intro-Excerpt from National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation Queen-A Winter's Tale Billy Squier-Christmas Is The Time To Say "I Love You" The Ornamentals-Goth Christmas Timecop1983-Mistletoe Fantasies Trans-Siberian Orchestra-This Christmas Day Belly of the Steel Beast-Christmas Films Again Paul Di'Anno-White Christmas (Bing Crosby cover) Anti-Nowhere League-Let It Snow (Vaughn Monroe cover) Within Temptation-Gothic Christmas August Burns Red-Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer (Gene Autry cover) The Ramones-Merry Christmas [I Don't Wanna Fight Tonight] Stryper-Winter Wonderland (Richard Kimber cover) Santa Claws and the Naughty But Nice Orchestra-Wherever I May Roam (Metallica cover) Interlude-Holiday Mcnuggets Commercial Orion's Reign ft. Minniva-Deck the Halls Helix-Wonderful Christmastime (Paul Mccartney cover) Lacuna Coil-Naughty Christmas Doro ft. Tom Angelripper-Merry Metal Xmas Danny Elfman-Scrooged theme Grave Robber-You're A Mean One, Mr. Grinch (Thurl Ravenscroft cover) Bob Rivers-I Am Santa Claus Lita Ford and Cherie Currie-Rock This Christmas Down Christopher Lee-Darkest Carols, Faithful Sing Love Cinema Vol 6-The Battle on Christmas Dawn A Hero For The World-Christmas Medley Outro-Merry Christmas Intermission ad
Jingle Jangle Jukebox volume 4: It Came From The North Pole
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Intro-Excerpt from Die Hard (1988) Weird Al Yankovic-Christmas At Ground Zero Lee Montgomery-The Warm Side of the Door The Cast of Mystery Science Theater 3000-Patrick Swayze Christmas John Williams-Home Alone Theme Twisted Sister-The Christmas Song (Nat King Cole cover) Tenacious D/Sum 41-Things I Want Joey Ramone-Christmas (Baby Please Come Home) [Darlene Love cover) Halford-Christmas For Everyone Corey Taylor- X-M@$ August Burns Red-Flurries The Misfits-Island Of Misfit Toys Bart Graft-Yuletide '88 Interlude-Christmas McDonald's Commercial The Reverend Horton Heat-We Three Kings Phaserland-What Does Christmas Mean To You Helix- Christmas Time Is Here Again Gary Hoey- Jingle Bell Rock (Bobby Helms cover) Leo Moracchioli-Last Christmas (Wham! Cover) Oni Logan/Tony Franklin/Craig Goldy/John Tempesta-Deck The Halls Tin Idols-It's The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year (Andy Williams Cover) Trans-Siberian Orchestra-Christmas Jam Fear-Another Christmas Beer Orion's Reign ft. Minniva-Joy To The World 45 Grave-The Snow Miser/Heat Miser Song (Dick Shawn/George S. Iving cover) Michael Kamen-Ode To Joy Thor-Gonna Have A Rockin' Christmas Outro-Home Alone (1990) Trailer
Jingle Jangle Jukebox volume 5: A Punk Christmas and a Metal New Year
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Intro-Don't Open 'til Christmas Trailer Grave Robber-Scary Christmas To You Rival Skulls-Nightmare Before Christmas Sloppy Seconds-Hooray For Santy Claus (Milton Delugg cover) The Vandals-Oi to the World Bad Religion-Hark! The Herald Angels Sing The Krypt Keeper 5-Punk Rock Christmas El Vez-Feliz Navi-Nada The Yobs-Another Christmas Impact-Punk Christmas The Misfits-You're A Mean One, Mr. Grinch (Thurl Ravenscroft cover) Misfitsmas-Christmas Eve Stiff Little Fingers-White Christmas (Bing Crosby cover) Interlude-Elves trailer Carnage Inc.-Jingle Hell Trans-Siberian Orchestra-The First Snow Psychostick-Red Snow Acid Witch-Black Christmas Rob Halford-Donner and Blitzen August Burns Red-Winter Wilderness Twisted Sister-Oh Come All Ye Faithfull Ice Nine Kills-Merry Axe-Mas Gary Hoey-Carol of the Bells Gods Of Fire-Here Comes Krampus Gwar-Stripper Christmas Summer Weekend Exxperior-Kidnap The Sandy Claws (Danny Elfman cover)   Theocracy-Christmas Medley Girlschool-Auld Lang Syne Outro-New Year's Evil Trailer
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harringrovehouse · 4 years
Okay but like Medieval Witch AU where Billy is the Squire for an evil knight who lead the boy astray and then got him killed by a 70 foot monster that impales it’s victims, only the monster thrives off sin and corrupt souls, which Billy doesn’t have. So it births him again and Billy becomes a witch, who’s goal is to lure evil men from their paths and to the monster to devour.
Steve is a Prince who venturees too far from his father’s ‘hunting’ party, he doesn’t realize it’s actually a pillage and that his father and their men are actively r*ping, killing and stealing while Steve just wants to bum around and drink in the woods with his own squire, Tommy and Carol, one of the ladies in waiting they temped away from the simpering Queen.
Billy and his monster are watching the destruction of the village and take it upon themselves to put a stop to it, by killing every single being with a black soul. The King and Queen included. Only the Prince, his squier and the lady in waiting return half way through their rampage and they try to defend their men. Billy sees the shining soul that is Steve’s, barely tainted at all, standing in front of Carol, trying to protect her and snatches him right off his feet, taking him away to the mountain cave he and the monster reside in.
Steve spends a few months trying to escape before realizing the fearal, red eyed man is just a boy like himself. Slowly he manages to tame the boy down, until he’s able to touch the scarred skin and eventually press his pink lips to Billy’s bloodless ones. Soon after that Steve returns to his Kingdom, the witch riding behind him on a horse made of pure darkness.
The villagers rejoice, eyes averted as to not look the new Queen in his eyes or the horse, which some whisper isn’t a horse at all but a beast beyond anything natural.
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Livre Avedon Fashion 1944-2000 par Carol Squiers, Vince Aletti, Philippe Garner, Editions de la Martinière (€ 86,20)
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womanbride · 7 years
A CAMERA Torino "Arrivano i paparazzi!"
A CAMERA Torino “Arrivano i paparazzi!”
“Arrivano i Paparazzi! – Fotografi e divi dalla Dolce Vita a oggi” a CAMERA – Centro Italiano per la Fotografia, in mostra dal 13 settembre al 7 gennaio, annuncia il Presidente di CAMERA, Emanuele Chieli.
“Roma, l’Italia e il mondo, da La Dolce Vitaa oggi, una mostra che intende documentare, con un taglio originale e con molte immagini mai esposte in precedenza, la lunga, vitale stagione dei…
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theheavycrown · 6 years
Christmas is a-coming! What's your fave Christmas song? Love, your secret santa
Santa! I’m so sorry for the delay, I didn’t see this in my inbox AT ALL. Many apologies. I hope your holiday has been merry! 
As for Christmas songs.. I LOVE Christmas music, especially the classics. Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas by Judy Garland, Santa Baby by Eartha Kitt, Jingle Bell Rock by Bobby Helms, Rockin’ Around The Christmas Tree by Brenda Lee, The Christmas Song by Nat King Cole, A Holly Jolly Christmas by Burl Ives, White Christmas by The Drifters, Baby It’s Cold Outside by Margaret Whiting and Johnny Mercer, I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas by Gayla Peevy, The Chipmunk Song (Christmas Don’t Be Late) by Alvin & the Chipmunks.... Which all the above artists have so much good for Christmas... plus you can’t really go wrong with Bing Crosby, Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Perry Como - OR the entire Charlie Brown Christmas album.
When I was a little girl my mom would play the Elvis Christmas album every morning to wake me up - so I have a very special spot for that. I’ll Be Home for Christmas, Blue Christmas, White Christmas, Santa Bring My Baby Back (To Me) by Elvis.. the whole album in my book can’t be beat.
....Carol of the Bells is amazing, but it was has to be the John Williams version for me.
And then there is my love for classic rock, even in Christmas music. Christmas All Over Again by Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, Please Come Home for Christmas by the Eagles, Christmas Is The Time To Say “I Love You” by Billy Squier...
Oh and Last Christmas by Wham! because.... Wham!
That’s way more answers than you ever wanted, Santa, but Christmas music is a big deal in the Sarah household. I have a 200 song monster of a playlist that comes out when the holiday rolls around.
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iboughtaplant · 6 years
can I get uHhhHhH an accurate wolf star playlist with music from their actual time period that's not just a bunch of troye Sivan, arctic monkeys and like one thing by queen (like a wolfstar playlist if they made it for each other!!!)
Okay, you kind of get two playlists because i have been thinking about this a lot lately. I have been wanting the make a Marauders era wolfstar playlist, and then since you mentioned if they made playlists for each other, I made two playlists (and I have a lot of headcanons for why I chose certain songs, so you can ask me about those if you want)!
Mixtape Sirius made for Remus:
Half Moon - Janis Joplin
Bad Reputation - Joan Jett
I Want to Break Free - Queen
Rebel Rebel - David Bowie
Crazy Little Thing Called Love - Queen
Bennie and the Jets - Elton John
The Bitch is Back - Elton John
Lonely Is the Night - Billy Squier
Break On Through to the Other Side - The Doors
Black Dog - Led Zeppelin
Werewolves of London - Warren Zevon
All the Young Dudes - Mott the Hoople
Do You Wanna Dance - The Ramones
Walk On the Wind Side - Lou Reed
Faith - George Michael (I know it came out in 1987, but I needed to)
Mixtape Remus made for Sirius:
I Am A Rock - Simon and Garfunkel
Sunday Kind of Love - Etta James
Will You Love Me Tomorrow - Carole King
Heroes - David Bowie
I Can Hear Music - Beach Boys
I Want to Hold Your Hand - The Beatles
We Can Work It Out - The Beatles
Our House - Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young
Songbird - Fleetwood Mac
Behind Blue Eyes - The Who
Say You Love Me - Fleetwood Mac
Bad Moon Rising - Creedence Clearwater Revival
Doctor My Eyes - Jackson Browne
Shine On You Crazy Diamond - Pink Floyd
Fool in the Rain - Led Zeppelin
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thertrockshow · 5 years
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Just in time for the holiday season and, more importantly, Christmas carolling season, L.A. Guns have released a brand new EP, ‘Another Xmas In Hell’. Featuring covers of holiday classics by The Damned, Ramones, Slade and Billy Squier, these tracks will surely liven up your holiday festivities and provide a suitable soundtrack to guzzling down your spiked eggnog. https://www.instagram.com/p/B5vNH_phIcq/?igshid=ius1wd42ymf9
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artbookdap · 5 years
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TODAY Saturday, April 6, 6:30–7:30PM at AIPAD! Author Vince Aletti will sign his new survey, ‘Issues: A History of Photography in Fashion Magazines’ — published by @phaidonsnaps — at Artbook Booth 629, following his @aipadphoto Talk with Carol Squiers. @vincealetti #vincealetti #carolsquiers #aipad2019 https://www.instagram.com/p/Bv60WE7H--I/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=zl4ac6nf5fbx
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planetmosh · 5 years
L.A. GUNS - 'Another Xmas In Hell' : New EP Out Now
Just in time for the holiday season and, more importantly, Christmas carolling season, L.A. Guns have released a brand new EP, 'Another Xmas In Hell'.
L.A. GUNS feat. PHIL LEWIS & TRACII GUNS ANOTHER XMAS IN HELL  New digital EP out now Includes covers of songs by The Damned / Ramones / Slade / BIlly Squier   Plus a special guest appearance by William Shatner
Just in time for the holiday season and, more importantly, Christmas carolling season, L.A. Guns have released a brand new EP, ‘Another Xmas In Hell’. Featuring covers of holiday classics…
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alaaenasser · 5 years
What is a Photograph - Carol Squiers
Changes in digital photography have expanded the creative process for artists, altering the meaning of a photograph. With the emergence of technology new forms of photography have taken place such as the use of dark room, cinematic still shots, Polaroids, post-modernistic images, a source of history, and so on. This allowed photographers to combine their other forms of artistic expression and combine them together into a mixed media piece, a simple distortion, or whatever deemed to them as a photograph plus additional edits.
In the end, the word “photograph” has become a broad term throughout the years, as new forms of technology begin to influence art. In my opinion, a photograph is already a form of art; therefore, if the final piece includes some specific moment captured, then that is a photograph. The photographs can be made into a gif, a mixed media piece, a projection heavily edited, yet it still includes the core piece of the photo. 
My personal takeaway from this reading, is it would be worth exploring the various methods of photography.
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