#cass doesn't tell the family because she thinks it's hilarious
reveluving · 1 year
moments that matter ; bruce wayne x batmom reader
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warnings: pure fluff!
a/n: I got nothing to say, I just wanted to give battinson!bruce a try!
check out my batmom m.list!
it's hard for people to believe that he's a married man, let alone a father.
out of everyone in the family, many wonders how bruce had not only proposed to you, but also fathered the former acrobat. at first, they thought its cause the boy lost his parents, just as bruce did. and with dick's more upbeat energy, it's understandable that he likely takes it from you than bruce.
but then, bruce adopts another kid.
and another.
and another.
... and another.
and everyone starts asking themselves if this was all his idea or yours.
oh, if only they knew.
if only they knew your struggle to resist those sad eyes he'd give you.
you just wished the public gave him so much more credit when it comes the kids. you don't think you could even handle the life as a mother without bruce.
and as much as your kids love to joke about bruce's 'teenage phase', one can only imagine the sheer gratefulness they had for him and you.
the perfect balance to this cruel yet sweet world.
it doesn't take long for people to figure out that your children's compassionate side has to come from you, which they weren’t wrong. even bruce himself acknowledged it.
but bruce is anything but heartless, no no. would he even consider taking any of them under his wing if he was? no!
and the idea of fatherhood came easier because you were by his side. so what if he now has eight kids? why would he want to imagine what his life would've been without them?
without the texts from dick, who's all the way in bludhaven, to take breaks?
without jason's interferences when he's outnumbered by a number of gangsters?
without the sounds of tim and damian arguing over the littlest things, only to hilariously end it by shaking hands when you give them 'the eye'?
without attending cass' recital with you, your boys and even alfred, steph, babs and kate as she's the main dancer?
without terry being matt's assistant as the latter tries to treat bruce's so-called ouchies?
without living this life without you?
no. it was impossible to imagine the other bruce wayne.
the bruce wayne he didn't turn out to be.
but hey, speaking of yourself, wanna know a random fact he loves about you?
your style!
whatever your aesthetics may be, he loves you for it! who was he to say otherwise, when he doesn't really take his own into account anyway?
you're in all-black too? that's great! no one's here to judge—not him, not alfred, and certainly not his kids. you're the one able to mix and match like a true professional!
but say your sense of style falls under the bright/pastel/fairycore-like category! gotham's pretty depressing, including the manor itself, so he appreciates it when he's suddenly slapped with a sight of his wife donning her soft pink dress.
bruce finds it endearing that you actually wore the shades he bought for both you and himself. he thought he was being silly at first, wondering if you'd actually wear it, so imagine his surprise when just days after, you decided to match with him when he found the time to take you out to dinner.
he's even more surprised when one day, duke tells him that you've been under the weather because you lost the shades.
instead of waking up to your husband the next day, you find a glasses case on his pillow, complete with a golden ribbon.
he's bought you a new pair, the same kind, but this time, bruce purposely ordered it so that 'mrs wayne' was written next to the frame name.
he comes home, feigning ignorance by raising his brow, though he knew good and well why you were practically blinding him with your smile before you peppered his face with kisses.
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okay so for those of you who haven't met me (most of you) I really like thinking about the way people talk (tone, inflection, accent, speech patterns, et cetera) and I'm tired so I'm extending this to the batfamily here we go here's my thoughts, unrequested and only slightly edited:
dick: sounds a bit like a male pop singer (think brendan urie but without the whining or busting his voice with drugs and bad technique). dude has a killer falsetto and can hit some of the highest notes in the house, beat out only by steph. saw a headcanon somewhere about him growing up speaking romani because of his parents and having an accent as a child that comes back when he's hurt or tired and honestly 100/10 it's part of this headcanon (and if you know where this post is please tell me! it's not mine and I'd love to give credit). you can also hear it in the way he says a couple less common words but his accent otherwise sounds exactly like bruce's.
jason: doesn't have the deepest voice of the batfamily; he's third deepest after bruce and duke. his tessitura (comfortable vocal range) is big though and his voice pitch changes a ton with his mood. he's got a soft r that the other bats don't have (think ny or boston) that he learned from his mom. his falsetto is trash but he is one of the better singers in the family. all low notes. you should hear him do the song the dwarves sing in the beginning of the hobbit.
tim: his voice is a little scratchy but it's not too noticeable. damian is the only batboy with a higher voice; tim and cass are at about the same pitch. he's a tad self-conscious about how he sounds in general and heavily mimics so he's got bruce's crisp ts and a softer r like jason's. he says "ahm" instead of "um" and that's not really common in gotham so nobody really knows where he's gotten that from. he's definitely more monotone, for a lot of reasons, and tends to emphasize his words by changing in volume rather than pitch.
damian: he's like twelve so his voice hasn't dropped yet but he wants it to be lower like his brothers. he's got just a touch of an arabic accent so his speech is a little more melodic and much like tim he's a mimic so he has bruce's ts and a few sporadic romani and aave quirks from dick and duke respectively.
duke: second lowest voice of the batfamily. the kid's quiet and his speech is usually peppered with aave although he's often a little self-conscious about it around the primarily white batfamily and especially white upper-class bruce. doesn't sing in public but he's good at it (he refuses to acknowledge this)
cass: okay she hardly ever talks but when she does it's slightly lower in pitch than what people expect. she typically speaks in broken english (well that's canon not headcanon) and it's always the same way as someone else in the batfamily speaks, usually babs, steph, duke, or jason since she spends the most time with them. she's barely ever louder than a kitten sneeze.
stephanie: holy shit the girl talks fast. she's got the highest speaking voice too by a few steps. gorgeous soprano but only about fifty percent of the time. loses her voice completely when she gets sick and turns into a raspy old lady. has an absolute knack for impersonations, not necessarily in terms of pitch but in speech patterns/rhythms.
barbara: right in between tim/cass and steph in terms of pitch. she uses very precise language and there's often random hacker lingo in there. she's also surprisingly loud and can out-shout any of them except for alfred.
and finally, bruce: deepest voice by a step or two. his batman growl is actually slightly higher in pitch if you listen closely enough which jason finds hilarious. he's got very crisp ts as a result of being raised primarily by the very british alfred and he often takes his time speaking especially in meetings.
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brothebro · 1 year
Any dp/dc fic recs?
of course! Honestly, i love so many of them and I'll try to include as many as i can in my list here! The Undead Lockpicking series by Milaley: In which Danny has a lockpicking youtube channel and he lockpicks the Watchtower. Hilarious, excellent 10/10
The Bat Trap by Threee: Honestly a good ol twin switcheroo with many funny moments but also a lot of delicious angst! (a Damian & Danny twins au) Just, chef's kiss!
GLXY:PSSNGR by socraticat: Danny takes the place of his alternate universe self who lives with vlad in Gotham after vlad killed his parents. Muchas angst, lots of worldbuilding and fantastic action!
A second life by Die_Erlkonigin6083:Kid Danny who has memories from a past life and currently is Dick Grayson's clone baby (and a bunch of others but mostly Dick's) Adorable 100/10 recommend>
lex luthor's ascent from supervillainy to fatherhood by halfagone (milkywxy): Epic. Dad!Lex and and dimensional travel son!Danny. Sweet and super well-executed Cass/Danny. 10/10 i need to catch up with the latest chappies but it's so freaking good I am aaaaaa
Rooftop Express by EmeraldsAndAmethyst: Danny/Jason. Awesome af. Crime lord Jason ftw! Danny is a (supernatural)delivery boy and professional enigma in Gotham
Our Empty Graves by suomifae: Hazmat Suit, no one knows au! Danny/Jason in which Danny finds himself helping out in Jason's gang. Very cool story building, ideas and execution. Im literally screaming in every chapter. so so good!
bloodlines by halfagone (milkywxy): Danny is Diana's and Bruce's son. He of course doesn't know that. There's a prophesy involved that says Danny will end the world, Diana finds out accidentally about it and finds out she has a son (memory wipe shenanigans) and GOSH. There's so much awesome stuff happening and it's a pleasure to see them piece together the facts. 10/10 Diana rocks
Summons by DizzlyPuzzled: Ghost king Danny in which because he's underage his father gets summoned in his stead. Bruce would very much like to know why he keeps getting yote through summoning circles. Just the right amount of funny, family fluff and angst.
If You Give a Bat a Burger by Cielle_Noire: BOI I HAVE NO WORDS. the plot in this is thiccc and juicy and delicious and the mystery is the cherry on top! Danny lives in Gotham, does some ghostly sigil stuff around to protect Gothamites from bad ghosts, it backfires, we don't know why. Red duck candles are involved. The Batkids are chaos. and im here eating popcorn because it's all super entertaining to watch unfold. 100/10 jessica's duck candle
Friendly neighborhood vigilante by Elizabehta_Beilschmidt: Jazz/Jason THE FIC. honestly one of the best Anger Management fics i've ever read. Love the way Communication between partners is portrayed here and how they overcome the hurdles despite the shitshow that is both their lives (affectionate). 10/10 would read again
Danny Fenton: Dead and Loving It by HyperKid: You need an ao3 account for this one, go go go go make one because it's super worth it! Jason/Danny. They meet at the graveyard, your honour! They actively mess with Bruce and the rest of the Batkids! Gala Shenanigans! What else can i say? Go read!
Worm Off the String by TourettesDog: I am licherally dying of laughter. Peak comedy. Danny/Tim ft little baby man Danny who Tim thinks is Danny's weird af pet. Honestly, so GOOD. 100/10 comedy gold.
Press Heart to Subscribe by Die_Erlkonigin6083: A Danny/Damian fic in which Danny is a streamer and Damian watches his stream. Super cute, well executed, 100/10 sweetness scale
Imprint by Hashtag_DriveBy: Babes i dunno what to tell you. I've done fanart of this fic. De-aged baby Danny and DadHood. Human-ish Fright Knight and Excellent friend Roy. Guys seriously. SO SO SO SO GOOD. 100/10 I wanna see the kid reveal to the batfam and am vibrating out of existence imagining scenarios. - There are more but I can't possibly list them all in one go, I'll make another fic rec list later 💙
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retvenkos · 3 years
okay, i know that we established the fact that i once shipped u with our unproblematic king, steph(v)en meeks, but let's completely scratch this thought out of our heads, and we're actually missing the huge picture is that you'd be an absolute adorable couple with neil perry. actually, in all honesty, you'd be compatible with every poet, bestie! but.
neil & u would have a golden retriever boyfriend x girlboss duo, who's power would be UNMATCHED
obviously, i feel like in whatever au of whomever you end up with you and charlie are the reluctant family friends!!
and i think it's a given that neil would catch feelings first. i don't make the rules!
charlie would then push neil to talk to you at joint school party's (u can't tell me that henley hall and helton don't do school events together)
at first you're like 'ugh, charles, wtf do u want' and out pops neil like that one part where miss jenn welcomes mr mazarra to supervise the kids in s2, like a puppy dog
poor boy is so eager to talk to you, since he's seen you around town, and u did tech for midsummer (yeah, neil's alive in this au for my sanity and yours)
he ends up following you for the rest of the night and u both end up watching the party from the school staircase, talking about everything and anything
eventually you start hanging out with the poets, and obviously have clara, linds, and i come as moral support for hanging out w/ teenage boys
you both grow super close, and during the spring show rehearsals (it's singing in the rain, because we all need neil perry as cosmo brown in our lives) at henley he's actually glued to your side, and when you're backstage, he's practically always staring off into the wings and the director gets vvv annoyed!!!
but you're probably the teacher's fave out of the techies, so u get a pass for constantly finding excuses for hanging out with neil during rehearsals
mr keating eventually meets you, and gives neil the biggest pep talk for asking you out, which neil swears he was "planning" on doing. (no he wasn't)
that doesn't work, so eventually todd says something to him.
nobody can tell u what he said exactly, all the boys know is that there was a lot of muffled yelling and unearthly screeching
todd is your #1 fan btw, u writers have to stick together, right?
cameron, is the boy that tells u neil likes u before neil actually does
don't yell at me!!! but i feel like you and cam would be besties, and cam telling u is the most affectionate thing ever (i'm a cameron apologist. just. remember that cameron actually really liked neil.)
u don't say anything, or get to, because afterwards cam simply! runs away?? laivgbiagvirau
leaving you actually clueless
so after that turn of events, cameron's a big dummy and goes up to neil and is like "she doesn't like u :("
like nO??? u actually didn't give her a chance to respond bestie!!!
so this leads up to the day of the show, mhm?
neil avoids u all night, and u even got him a boquet of flowers, and now u just feel stupid. like damn. did that freckle faced nerdy ginger just lie to my face on purpose?
u feel offended, and go outside of the back of the school, where surprise! u see neil sulking about you :(
you're gripping his flowers and oh no! it starts to rain!!
so u walk over to him, and hand him the boquet of flowers, mary janes starting to ruin and he just looks up with the brightest smile, and you swear it feels like the sun's coming out (it's not)
neil doesn't say anything after that, and probably starts singing 'u are my lucky star' underneath his breath, and it's an unspoken invitation to start dancing in the rain
u both catch cold the day afterwards, but it was worth it because u dorks can take care of each other as an official couple!
bonus: lindsay probably gushes over the waltzing in the rain, while clara and i go feral over the fact that u got sick jnwvtkjbnkj
n knee ways this was incredibly cheesy, but u deserve it for how many ships u do for all of us! i cannot actually express how much i adore the jesper ask (my beloved, PLEASE!!! i want to milo's goat mom and be the one he trusts with his pistols!!! that is all i-) and we actually need to talk about the fact that kaz & u would be a power couple (and a gorgeous one too, bestie!!) sometime else, because i have MANY thoughts on that.
ily and make sure to take care of urself today! <3
cASS!!!!!!!!!!! you don't know how much i laughed and smiled at this ask,,,,,, dps my beloved,,,,,,
first of all,,, you think i'm compatible with every poet??? my power,,, lol, no, but i love that for me.
and charlie as my reluctant family friend is truly a superior dynamic. we both annoy the hell out of each other but would murder anyone should they be mean to the other. we know far too much about the other, but also have zero idea how the other reacts when not around family,,,,,,,, it's actually becoming a favorite headcanon of mine.
and todd, cameron, and i being besties!!!! okay,,,,, but i get the distinct vibes that you would be related to one of the poets, and that’s also how we get an in to their meetings (someone’s like,,,, *sigh* can my little sister bring her friends to our meetings?) and i mean if i had to pick someone,,,,, it’s a tie between todd and pitts. i just feel like you would work perfectly as the more outgoing sibling of a shy idiot.
(and girl, about waltzing in the rain,,,, no doubt you and lindsay were the ones to teach me. imagine having a sleepover and teaching me to ballroom dance in your bedroom with the radio on. in this dead poets society au, we are having all of the cheesy rom-com friendship moments together. we go to malls together, we whisper about boys at our lockers (which are right next to each other for convenience), we go to the movies together only to see the idiot boys, we do makeovers for each other,,,,,,, covid has me yearning.)
also i love the characterization of cameron in this,,,,,, the whole running away and “she doesn’t like you :(” is hilarious, i dIED.
and we can be techies together!!!!!  i imagine clara and lindsay are actually performers, and after rehearsals when we walk home (because we all live in the same direction - spread across two neighborhoods for convenience) we share the tea between the actors and the techies. imagine our chaos <3.
anyway, who wants to daydream with me about this for the next 100 years???
and i’m so glad you love your jesper ship! i just love the idea of the two of you together. it’s golden. and me and kaz????? i have that energy???? i’m astounded and frankly, flattered.
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