#cats catholics funny lol
memeshost · 2 months
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potato-face09 · 5 days
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pets001 · 4 days
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Too Funny I Found it Here !!
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spriteisnotasoda · 9 months
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what in tarnation
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I got one for you right here :>
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iknowmorethanyou · 6 months
Follow for more ❤️
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phealdor · 1 year
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bimbobugsoup · 2 years
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Funky little kitty cats ♡(>ᴗ•
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tianshanb · 1 month
Just got this really funny idea. What if damian suddenly refuse to sleep alone in his room in the manor cz of the "demon under his bed". Bothering diffrent members and refusing to go to bed when it's his bed time, or going to sleep with in someone's room everyday. Batman at first is like aww cute. But then super suspicious cz it's so unlike damain. Until one day no one else is in the manor drake is liek "umm demonbrat no way". And asks why he doing this, is it a plan to murder him or somehting. To which damian is like ummm "it's the demon under my bed" and maybe say soemhting that kids are scared of like "grabs ny leg when it's on the side" or "stands and stares from the foot of the bed" and then goes on a rnat about the need for good sleep and it affecting his health.
Drake be like ummm brat ur told old to believe in this. Big cat fight till damian is like just go take a look. Drake is like "fine". Goes in room opens the light, damian is like "it won't work wiht the light on. Drake turns it off. And crouches to look under the bed while rolling his eyes and making this whole big gesture.
Aahh there under the bed... greets him the sight of a literal demon...
Let's say he screamed so loud and so screatchy no one will ever let him live it down. That was blackmail material for life.
Safe to say that room got exorcism and damian got a new room lol. This time, bed demon free.
No one believes drake when he brings it up, dick just think his baby brothers are being cute and scared (damian and tim) and proceeds to baby talk to them while crouching to look under- being cut half way as he meets the eye of what could only be slender man's short emo cousin... and promptly passes out.
Next comes jason making fun of everyone.. until he looks under the bed. The good catholic boy in him is suddenly awakened and he starts carrying a cross and holy water around "for emergencies". He also refuse to sleep alone in the manor ever again. He now attends church on Sundays.
Stephanie, Cass, and Duke all were excited to have a look cz they, quote, "never seen a demon before"
Alfred is like "under my roof? And rent free?"
Bruce thinks this is all a part of some elaborated prank by his kids. When even jason asks him.. he's so happy his kids are relying on him as a dependable adult to scare away the "monsters", lamenting hie fatherhood experience, like come on his old back and knees can barely handle this crouch but he'll do it for his kids.... unfortunately he did not have a contingency plan for this dam it.
Months later damian mentions something about the creature in the closet eating all his socks... that's when the btfamily decides that maybe the manor is too old and they need to move.
Another way it could go is instead of drake saying he's lying, he asks damian to befriend the thing under his since "you are both demons". Damian is like waittttttt I could train that.
He tried bribing it with alfreds cookies but that failed. 2 days later damian is back for advice from tim since the demon tried to eat his cat and that's absolutely unacceptable so the thing gotta go.
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do you have any fav fics right now?
Hey anon! I have been taking a bit of a back seat on writing, so BOY do I have a ton of fics to recommend. I'm guessing you might be looking specifically for lucemond? I'll try to rec mostly that, though a few rhaenicent might slip in too 😁
(note some of these have dark content, please as always read the tags!)
(K)not me by Avonne - as always, @avonneslovelies delivers the perfect twisted combo of steaming hot smut and an emotionally-conflicted, hard-but-actually-soft Aemond. Can’t wait for future updates, but it stops in a good place to read like a one-shot!
as if you were a mythical thing by greynovembers - Lucerys as a sacrificial offering to god!Aemond? I will read this premise a million times, but this one-shot is probably my favorite rendition so far of this pairing.
prisoners of war; me and you and our baggage by @glaciya - have I recommended this before? Yes, yes I have. But now there are two more chapters!! If you aren't following this sweet amnesiac-fisherman!Lucerys fic, you are losing out.
Blood Ties by vishini - Relatively new, and yet the best omega!Aemond I've ever read?? A lovely remix of the usual 'Lucerys locked up and married off to Aemond during or post-Dance' where it's Aemond locked up, but the arranged marriage happened a long time ago pre-Dance. Regularly getting updated too, so anyone who likes omega!Aemond--READ THIS!!!
Real gods require blood by maya28 - (edit) I can’t believe I forgot to include this one—speaking of ‘Lucerys locked up during or post-Dance’ here is my new favorite for this trope. Possibly will surpass anything else at this rate it’s THAT good in writing style, characterization, and plot (not to mention the smut gahhhhhh), and it’s regularly updating! Pleeaaaase everyone read this.
hamartia by hypothesistest @goodbadbaby - Another omega!Aemond (and finished), but modern and full of catholic guilt. Chef's kiss!
tonight I'm gonna cut it out and restart by alphayamergo - Okay, so it's rhaenicent, but surprisingly in Otto's POV and I still loved it. That tells you how well this cute, hilarious one-shot is written, lol.
the loving needs the bleeding by monkkeyslut - Both rhaenicent and lucemond, modern horror inspired by the show 'Midnight Mass' and written by monkkeyslut so of course I just had to read it.
Nekonarashi by @chibifier - Filthy, noncon but also kind of funny??? Idk man, all I can say is this: Lucerys wearing cat ears & tail + Aemond in a business suit = yes
Nobody Nothing Nowhere by hypothesistest - definitely the darkest thing I've read in a while....I almost hesitate to flat out recommend it, even though it's written beautifully. All I can say is that the ending is SO satisfying and if you can handle a lot of sad underage/noncon content, the catharsis of the last chapter is more than a fic has made me feel in a while.
If you read any of these, remember to give the authors some love :) it's the biggest contribution we readers can make to keep this fandom going!!
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mister-mickey · 11 months
I would like to hear your Shepard headcanons 🙏🏽
Lol I’m so glad you asked, I started writing out the whole backstory and had to make a new note because it wasn’t what you asked for lmao
Tim is the oldest, when he’s like three, Angela is born, when Angela is 10 months old, curly is born.
Tim was excited for Angela, as any three year old getting a new baby sibling would be, but was NOT happy when curly was born (curly was a surprise baby lmao)
Angela and curly are super close though and often leave tim out of stuff. They share a bedroom (their house has two bedrooms and nobody wants to share a room with their mom and stepdad ofc) and often cover for each other when one wants to do bad things
Tim sleeps on the couch in the living room because he doesn’t have a bed
Tim looks like his dad, Angela looks like a mix between their dad and their mom, curly (affair baby) looks like their mom.
And yes, curly is an affair baby lolol.
Curly’s real name is Robert but nobody is allowed to call him that because he hates it. Tim calls him that when he’s being a little monster
“Robert Joseph Shepard get over here!” And stuff like that
Tim flips between “I don’t care what they do, I’m their brother not their dad.” And “HOW DARE THEY DO THAT!” He is confused on his role. He has not accepted the “parent” role as much as darry has, but he does know that he’s the only one available for them
Bryon was actually Angela’s first bf 🤭 she got a little cocky when she broke up with him for pony. She still likes him
Tim dates both dally and Sylvia on and off but only actually likes dally. (He’s gay but too stubborn to realize)
Curly has a huge crush on dally, bryon and soda (dumb gay 💔) he doesn’t talk to Tim about it, only angela
Angela (like soda becuase I think the idea of them being a foil to the curtis family is funny) is the bridge between Curly and Tim. She is bffs with curly, but she can talk to Tim without pissing him off.
Tim jokes about hating curly. Curly thinks he’s serious. Tim has no clue. Angela knows both sides and thinks it’s funny
Curly is very touchy, he’s got to be holding onto someone at all times. Tim is incredibly touch averse (unless it’s fighting) because if this, Tim gets curly a cat.
(The cats name is Batman because curly really likes Batman. The cat is a girl)
Angela is a really good singer!! She sings all the time and it drives everyone else nuts
They all hate their stepdad Jerry. For good reason. Jerry is an asshole who claims to own the house (it’s their mothers house. Jerry is a leech) he kicks tim out randomly.
Also it’s Curly’s fault jerry is their stepdad because when he was a little tot he ran off and met Jerry. Jerry thought he was cute and flirted with their mom.
Tim, when he decides to be a “parent” is super strict. Like, curly and Angela get chores to do, they aren’t allowed to stay out at all, they aren’t allowed to go anywhere without permission. Which isn’t strict but for them it is.
He gets really bored after about a week every time and gives up. This is a monthly thing
Another monthly thing tim does is get really religious randomly. This usually is at the same time as his “parent” phase. He starts making them go to church on Sunday and pray and stuff.
Curly and Angela HATE it. Tim is the only religious one. He is such a bad catholic 😩
Angela calls curly her baby brother because he hates it
Tim is a super sappy drunk, so even though he rarely gets drunk, when he does he comes home and hangs out with them. Curly and Angela just deal with it
But they do love each other. Tim cares about them a lot but really sucks when it comes to showing it. Angela really loves them both but can’t help but be sassy and rude any chance she gets. Curly looks up to Tim and relies on angela, but enjoys making them mad
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lupfull · 8 months
oh yea random thought but these are sideblogs i(/we) regularly rb to so if you see them(me) in your notifs randomly that's me all g @lupsys (sysblog, mostly just rb stuff there to upload to our alter channels when we're back on discord), @buggerworld (tbone's (1987 the thing/smile.jpg/smile dog introject, so lots of weird gore/horror) blog), @wolfrib (werewolf/nonhuman/therian shit), @buckykin (achilles' (bucky introject not kin lol he just thinks it's funny having the url) blog), @scaryam (cat's/kan's (introjects, lesbians) blog), @darlingjoseph (joseph's (introject, heavy heavy catholic christian aes heads up) blog)
and some more but those are the main ones tbh
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mermaidsirennikita · 1 year
also now that rwarb was such a successful adaptation, which queer romances would you like to see them tackle next?
Weeeeelll if there were zero budgetary and casting restrictions in place, if I could just wave a magic wand and make great adaptations--
Heated Rivalry by Rachel Reid--SEEMS like one of the easiest options, comes built in with a sequel, and it's like. Along the same lines as RWARB, while being.... a lot more sexual and a good bit angstier because the stakes are arguably HIGHER (mostly I'm thinking of Ilya being a world-famous Russian athlete who's also like. Bi.). I feel like it's funny and swooningly romantic in a manner similar to RWARB, but it's the next level up in a sense re: maturity. I also think, again, they could actually do this... albeit with a lot of obstacles re: both sexual content and like, casting dudes who could be fake hockey players lol. And one of them has to either be Russian or miraculously do a bang-up Russian accent. Both of these things are challenges.
The Queer Principles of Kit Webb by Cat Sebastian--would be SUCH a good mini? A historical romcom with the soft bisexual former highwayman and the flashiest motherfucker who's ever walked into the tavern or whatever like "HELP ME ROB MY DAD... and I will consider letting you look at my ankles". And then he SWORDFIGHTS LMAO? Perfect perfect perfect. then you could have the Marian book as a sequel.
Something Fabulous/Something Spectacular by Alexis Hall--you begin with a mini on the ultimate m/m romcom roadtrip romance, then you transition to the equally funny but also deeply emotionally stirring book about two nonbinary characters falling in love? and one of them is BASICALLY a rockstar?
A Long Time Dead by Samara Breger--the sapphic Interview with the Vampire, incredibly good and wry and dark and funny and ROMANTIC
A Lady for a Duke by Alexis Hall--would be an amazing sweeping four part period drama; I just love the premise so much, with the heroine transitioning by faking her death at Waterloo and her best friend never emotionally getting over it and then meeting her again after her transition and not recognizing her until he realizes she has THE SAME FRECKLES??? JESUS. A full-stop ROMANCE romance.
The Secret Lives of Country Gentlemen by KJ Charles--JOSS DOOMSDAY and his gay exploits in the marsh! Blackmailing his old hookup to continue his smuggling operation and then following that old hookup home and going "so like... you down to fuck or....?"
This is completely impossible but I'm gonna pie in the sky and say Tiffany Reisz's Original Sinners would make the most demented borderline-impossible explicit TV series ever. Imagine the ongoing antics of a bisexual dominatrix, her ex-boyfriend except actually not except the love of her life who is a Catholic priest that gets sexual pleasure out of inflicting pain, a totally straight man (according to himself) who has nonetheless been in a 20+year off/on thing with a bisexual French guy who runs the kink underworld of New York City or something. And they all fuck together sometimes. Like at Christmas. Complete with a snowball moment! Because Christmas!
New Camelot Trilogy--will never happen, but in my wiiiiiiildest dreeeeeeams this would be like, a 10-episode miniseries (or more??? Like a full outlander-style 13 episode series..... or a three season deal with 8 episodes per season...). It's just one of my favorite romance series of all time, it does such a good job of melting from the simple love triangle to this complex menage a trois of possessive wounded messy people? And somehow two of them are the president and the vice president lmao??? Of course, in the same sense... I'd love a Thornchapel miniseries. Like, you'd get a m/m/f throuple, a f/f couple, and this one bi priest guy they all fuck with at points? But nobody wants me to have the Gothic polyamorous friend group romance I want.
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loubella77 · 9 months
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phealdor · 2 years
Pamuk - Lilith - Nero - Hera - Oscar
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bimbobugsoup · 2 years
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