#cave art should be fast
crepuscularray · 9 months
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Deercember Day Thirty: Megaloceros giganteus | Great Feast
Megaloceros giganteus, also known as the Irish elk, giant deer, or Irish deer, is an extinct species and is one of the largest deer that ever lived. Its range extended across Eurasia during the Pleistocene, from Ireland (where it is known from abundant remains found in bogs) to Lake Baikal in Siberia. The most recent remains of the species have been radiocarbon dated to about 7,700 years ago in western Russia. Its antlers, which can span 3.5 meters (11 ft) across, are the largest known of any deer. It is not closely related to either living species called the elk (Alces alces or Cervus canadensis), with it being widely agreed that its closest living relatives are fallow deer (Dama spp.). A handful of Irish elk depictions are known from the art of the Upper Paleolithic in Europe. However, these are much less abundant than the common red deer and reindeer depictions. The bones of the Irish elk are uncommon in localities where they are found, and only a handful of examples of human interaction are known. More information here.
References: Deer, Megaloceros Design 1, Megaloceros Design 2, Cat, Smilodon Design, Style Suggestion.
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hmmmm. Sad
#I feel like I should have progressed more as an artist already#this is literally just bc I’m comparing myself to other people and how fast they’ve improved which I know is a bad idea#but I’m so frustrated bc like#ugh#I’m too autistic for this shit idk lOL#like not even in an internalized ableism way or anything like im mostly joking#like I’m pretty sure any artists im comparing myself to might be autistic themselves anyway#I’m literally just that go and break your ankle in a beautiful cave to explain why you didn’t live up to your full potential post#idk I was having a moment where I was feeling more confident about my art#and I am like I am seeing improvement in the direction I want#like I’m GOOD at learning things#I just suck at knowing what thing to learn and spend enermous amounts of time and effort on#so I’ll get good at things that are distracted from the Thing that I want to be rlly good at cause I get confuseddd#I am less confused now BUT I am annoyed#idk people suck at explaining how to become a good story artist#and I’ve only had like one teacher explain it good and it is so funny bc#he was literally like yeha just fuckin do more storyboards stop prioritizing life drawing#like yeah still do it but#he was like yeah literally where are your storyboards#LOL#my god#and then it’s taken me like 3-4 years to finally fucking make storyboards I like#and finished#like after I was told that#like holy fuck#I know I had it rough but holy fuck I’m so annoyed about that
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azulock · 7 months
so I wanna requests the guys as dads, I remember at some point you said you wanted to do something like this and I really wanna see it
Time to rull up my sleeves, cause I did say I was gonna do one of those right? Back when I got annoyed that all I found was girl dad this girl dad that and I got tired of all the typical gendering going on in dad fics.
Ryusei Shidou
Girl dad in the most chaotic way possible. Tiaras coexist with bows and arrows as a princess fights off an invasion. Every doll and plushie has a tattoo made either with a sharpie or from a patch attached with hot glue. Every tea time is a mafia family meeting that always involves an assassination plot. And the barbies live very intense lives that inevitably delve into wrestling like storylines where each one has a gimmick, a long standing feud, and a clear thirst for blood.
Chaos may not be the best thing to keep an organized home, but it's good for mental development. And much like a kid, Shidou also thrives in creative chaos. He isn't the best at practical things, especially the ones involving routine and quiet time, but he has got his uses. Very good at wasting his daughter's energy until she drops straight into a deep sleep. His antics are also good at convincing her to eat pretty much anything. And of course, great at entertaining her so you can take a break.
Oliver Aiku
Boy dad but like he really doesn't care, he'd be giving the same extremely affectionate, and even a bit clingy, treatment to his kid no matter the gender - sugary sweet nicknames included. Probably heard people saying he coddles his son too much, treating him like a princess, but Oliver is good at playing deaf. Tho, that kid gonna have to fight for the right to have his feet touching the ground, cause dad wants to carry his offspring everywhere. Sure to raise a boy as clingy and openly affectionate as him.
Those reflexes honed for football are quite good at catching a kid before an ugly fall. And he's actually good at the general everyday stuff, surprisingly patient too. Takes a genuine interest in the things his son likes, so when the boy shows sudden interest in colorful nail polish, he'll show up to a match with badly painted soft purple nails. Likes sleeping on the floor with his boy, when asked why the floor and not the bed he brings up the old man excuse of "the floor is good for my back".
Reo Mikage
Girl dad and he was ready for a little princess, but what he got was more of a cave dwelling gremlin. He was expecting frilly dresses and tea time but he gets a little girl who likes bugs, playing in the mud and digging things from the ground. It hits him as a surprise but he adapts to that, and as much as he isn't very excited for the cleanup afterward, he is always eager to entertain his girl's odd interests. If buying dinosaur fossils weren't such a legal can of worms he'd buy one just to bury it for her to dig up.
If he wasn't convinced to go to therapy before, now is the moment to convince him. Just gotta say he should do it not to become like his dad and he's gonna be booking the appointment fast. Will be reading child pedagogy books and shit like that to make sure he can be a good and understanding dad. Really just trying to kill his family's trauma conga line at himself - wants his daughter to trust and count on him in the way he never could with his dad.
Michael Kaiser
Boy dad but to the gentlest, sweetest of souls, a little boy who seems to have absolutely nothing in common with his dad, aside from some physical traits. It at the same time shocks and scares him, because the world out there is not kind to sweet people. But while the boy is at home, Kaiser can keep him safe. It does frustrate him a little bit when he tries to get his son into football but the boy is more into art than sports, but he learns to move past that. Truth is, he wanted the boy to mirror his traits a bit more, so this is a humbling experience.
That poor rose tattoo of his does not see a day of peace after his son learned to color. Tho, Kaiser gets used to the shaky new roses drawn on his skin fair enough. And he actually considers getting a full tattoo of just lineart and not colors just to let the boy color in. He's not the most patient so he has a bit of a hard time getting used to the whole parenting thing, but he does try his best. Also, whenever he takes his son out somewhere he makes their clothes match in color scheme.
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gamesetart · 2 months
when art finally caves on taking off the ring i feel like he waits for a date. wants it to still feel as romantic and sweet as possible, brings flowers. then after the gloves come off he’ll offer you one final fuck w patrick. but he has to be included
folks we have to BUILD UP to stuff like this where's the pining where's the tension--
it takes a while. it takes tashi breaking up with patrick for art to make a few decisions. he recognises both the urge to hurt patrick, and the desperate desire to get him back. because before he was tashi's boyfriend, he was art's best friend.
art knows how to have both, at least one last time. whatever happens after that will just have to happen.
he takes you out on a date. lavish, even by his standards; a giant bouquet of your favourite flowers, a restaurant on the water. the stars are shining. he wears a suit, you a gorgeous cocktail dress he'd bought for you. heels to match, too. the two of you have three courses, then he walks you all the way back to the dorms. to his door. and you think he'll kiss you sweetly and ask you to stay, but he doesn't. he opens the door and its like your heart falls out of your chest.
instead, you make direct eye contact with patrick fucking zweig.
you swallow. patrick greets you with a grin.
"i thought you might like to fuck him again," art says, the door closing behind him with a click. and it sounds so strange and vulgar in art's sweet tones, so foreign on his tongue. "since he was the best you've ever had, and all."
your heart twists. patrick told - of course patrick told. they're best friends. of fucking course patrick spilled as soon as he could. bragging rights.
"art-" you try, but he cuts you off.
"i figure you should have a reminder of where the benchmark is," art continues simply. "before it changes."
at this, patrick laughs. "don't get cocky, donaldson. you don’t wanna give her false hope."
you're putting the pieces together, slowly but surely. oh. that was why - the dinner, the dress, the suit. art's ready. and you're conflicted, because you wanted this, you always wanted it, but when on earth did he get so... cocky? is it just because patrick's in the room? is he peacocking for his best friends's benefit?
art watches patrick fuck you. and fuck really is the only good word for it. your face in the mattress, his hand on your hip, dragging you back to meet every one of his thrusts. patrick is rough and fast and dirty. he doesn't savour you like he should, art thinks. but then again, what would patrick know? you're art's girl. patrick's just a dick you cum around.
art knows better. art can show you better, he thinks. he eats you out the way you taught him, and some part of him is aware of patrick's taste mingling with yours as he does, and some worse, smaller part of him likes it. he preps you gently, even after you've already been stretched open nicely by patrick's cock.
and, right before he slides home, he pulls the ring off his hand. he places it on your middle finger - it's a little big, it hardly matters - and kisses you. you're his, as much as he is yours.
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lauren-ce · 9 months
All these cute drawings of Mio are great and all, but there's a severe lack of what I think is one of her most important traits: Mio, canonically, is less a kitten and more a fucking feral tiger.
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See that? She can run the hundred metri in seven seconds. You know who else can do that? FUCKING NOBODY, THAT'S WHO. Usain Bolt? Fastest person on Earth? Ever heard of him?
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Yeah, that's right. Mio's so fast that she finishes a whole 2.5 seconds ahead of him. She has time to grab a sandwich and a glass of Wotah whilst he huffs and puffs his way over the finish line.
Her character model has visible abs!
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This girl is weapon-grade!
Speaking of weapons, how about them?
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Indeed, Mio's weapon of choice is literally a DOUBLE SPINNING EDGE. It doesn't get more badass than that.
Need more convincing? Well, on the topic of weapons, her cute little paws: What's that, you say? She's strong enough to make an interlinked Moebius duo fly through the air?
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That's liftoff, baby! She hits with the force of ten ferronises, and her bare-knuckle strike sends enemies flying. Do you understand just WHAT THE FUCK THAT MEANS??
Sure, Melia can Break and Topple in XB1. Big whoop. Mio can wombo combo all by her goddamn self.
YOU'RE fawning and simping over your cutesy little catgirl Mio-Mio, while I'M paying for her knuckle tattoos that say Break, Topple, Launch, and Smash.
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And here, she boops Noah on the forehead with those paws of war, but look again!
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Do you see any contact? Of course not! Because a boop from Mio would cave in his fucking skull. Headshot. So, out of love for her boytoy, she stops a cetri short of murdering him.
Now THATS what I call control!
Virgin N, Chad Noah? I don't think so. N is a worm, insignificant even to the Virgin Noah,  and Mio is the Chaddest of them all. "The freedom to choose?" Thats right: Mio HAS the strap, she simply CHOOSES not to use it.
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This is the face of a cocky, stone-cold killer. She could've one-shot N if she wasn't held back by a pesky little thing called "weaponry".
All this to say, Mio is a feral animal and there should be more art depicting her as such (:
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ellejos · 1 year
Previously I announced that I will begin the 75 Days Hard Challenge at the first of July. For anyone unfamiliar, the Challenge takes 75 Days and follows these daily rules:
Choose a diet and follow it (without cheat meals or alcohol)
Complete two 45-minute workouts daily (one needs to be outside no matter the weather)
Drink a gallon of water every day
Read 10 pages of nonfiction
Take progress pictures
If you skip or miss a task you must start over
Things you should know:
I decided to try this challenge because I want to improve my mental toughness and physical fitness (also I want to prove to myself that I am consistent). It's probably not for everyone, so there is also a soft version of this challenge called 75 Days Soft Challenge.
I prepared for this challenge a month in advance. I tried out what diet suits me the most without craving cheat meals, decided on what books I want to read and what kind of workouts are the best for me.
I don't want to bother you with a daily follow up of my challenge, but please consider I'll try to do an update every 1-2 weeks.
"All great things have small beginnings."
My current routine on this challenge varies from day to day because I do work shifts but there are a few things that stay consistent during this challenge:
I decided to do IF with a 16:8 ratio. I start eating at 10am and have my last meal at 6pm. Mostly low carb, high protein. No meat, no sugar, limited dairy. Please consider that every human is different and what may work for me, won't do it for you. I decided to become vegetarian a month ago and I don't regret it yet.
2. Workouts:
I am not an athlete. Therefore two heavy workouts a day would cause me injuries. I'm taking a 45 minutes outdoor walk everyday and the second workout is whatever suits my day the most. For example on Mondays I'm going to a yoga class, therefore this will be my second workout.
3. Hydration:
To be honest, I had to change this one a bit. I'm drinking one black coffee every morning and I'm also having a tea before I go to sleep. This intake plus a gallon of water would be too much for my body. I decided to drink 3 Liters of water everyday and the missing 0,7 liters will be tea and black coffee. I'm not drinking anything else for the duration of this challenge. No soft drinks, no alcohol, no milk (except for coconut milk for my overnight oats).
4. my non-fiction reading list:
Patrick Lencioni - The Five Dysfunctions of a Team
Dale Carnegie - How to Win Friends and Influence People
Yuval Harari - Homo Deus
Yuval Harari - 21 Lessons for the 21 Century
Daniel Kahneman - Thinking Fast and Slow
James Clear - Atomic Habits
Robert Greene - The 48 Laws of Power
Robert Greene - The Art of Seduction
Erich Fromm - The Art of Loving
Oliver Burkeman - Four Thousands Weeks
James Carse - Finite and Infinite Games
Seneca - Letters from a Stoic
Plato - Allegory of the Cave
5. last but not least - the progress picture:
I hate taking pictures, so I won't really share them but I made a folder on my phone and taking the photo is the first thing I'm doing in the morning to get it off my list.
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just-prime · 1 year
Ahsoka is so slow I could cry. She was trained by Anakin and presumably Obi-wan and several other Jedi, and Rosario can hardly do an actual lightsaber twirl, let alone make me believe she could survive Ventress, Maul, Grievous, or Vader, survive order 66, or run in a way that looks fast. Bo-Katan moves faster, Shin moves faster, Sabine moves faster, Ezra moves faster, even Ewan's lazy twirls while walking around and not actively engaged in battle in the prequels were roughly as fast as Rosario's in an actual duel.
It's also canon that in this era, in a less prequels flashy version of standard Jedi abilities, a Jedi can leap SEVERAL feet. Luke in ROTJ- even GROGU can jump higher, while Rosario's feet are consistently glued to the ground. Her choreography and speed are so inconsistent with this established era and people keep writing it off and praising it as her fighting like a samurai now, even though it makes NO sense for her to, given who trained her. She isn't A New Hope Obi-wan, nor sad cave dwelling Obi-wan who hasn't stretched or lifted a weapon in a decade, and a 44 year old Jedi is still supposed to be in their prime.
I truly wonder if part of it is that they can't keep her lekku on properly if she does a flip, and they are shorter because they were meant to be more practical, but I'm really not seeing a character agile enough to need stunt modified lekku.
If they couldn't bring this to life in live action convincingly, it should have remained animated and each passing week demonstrates this more and more.
I'm sorry to anon into your inbox like this, but your post about the last episode has been so refreshing, and I've felt like I've been watching a completely different show than other people and don't know how they considered any of the actors ready. (Rosario has said she was training during filming). Thank you for your brutally honest take, you're spot on on all counts.
Couple of things.
A) I agree with everything you just said. Always feel free to come and rant into my asks.
B) I HAVE BEEN ANTI TINY LEKKU SINCE MANDO S2. It's laughable that we've seen cosplayers with more Rebels accurate headpieces. And of course everyone defends it with the 'it wouldn't be fair to the stunt person to have them try and do flips in that' and it's like NEWSFLASH Ahsoka isn't doing flips anyway!!! And sure, they probably stuck Rosario in a 5 week sword training class, but she's clearly not had to do any serious combat training given how clunky her fights are. And again, this was also a problem back in Mando s2, only she was in the middle of a foggy woods, so it was easier to hide the fact that she is incompetent when it comes to fight choreography.
C) "If they couldn't bring this to life in live action convincingly, it should have remained animated" Exactly. This is why every passing day I am increasingly pissed that this show killed and ate the animated Rebels sequel series that was in fucking development. Everything about this show, from Ahsoka, to Hera (hell, even TBoBF cameos like Cad Banes) prove that Disney is not willing to shell out for a decent makeup and/or CG designer. No shade to the artists that are currently working on it, they are doing their jobs to the best of their abilities. What I mean is they didn't have anyone on set that was in a high enough positions to say 'Hey, have any of you heard of contouring?' Like, just looking at the alien makeup of the OT...which somehow holds up better than state of the art Disney budget makeup. It's just fucking embarrassing at this point. There is no reason everyone should look as flat as they do, but it's no surprise that they do when mary elizabeth winstead is celebrating that her makeup only took an hour. Sure, it's understandable that you don't want to be sitting in the makeup chair every morning of hours on end, but in the end you are an actor who signed up to play an alien...Suck it up buttercup.
D) I totally understand how hard it is to be not liking this show right now. The amount of people who've told me that "well, clearly it's just not made for you" after I point out a simple fact that a character is out of character is painful. Looking at twitter after each episode as everyone seems to think Filoni is creating the second coming is painful. Because it really does feel like we're watching a different show than them.
Okay, I think I covered everything. Thank you again for your kind words and your wonderful rant!!!
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themodernwitchsguide · 4 months
orphic hymns to Prosperine and Pluto
i should mention that i did NOT write these!! they are from like the 1st century AD lol
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Daughter of Jove, almighty and divine, come, blessed queen, and to these rites incline:
Only-begotten, Pluto's honored wife, O' venerable Goddess, source of life:
'Tis thine in earth's profundities to dwell, fast by the wide and dismal gates of hell:
Jove's holy offspring, of a beauteous mien, fatal, with lovely locks, infernal queen:
Source of the Furies, whose blest frame proceeds from Jove's ineffable and secret seeds:
Mother of Bacchus, Sonorous, divine, and many-formed, the parent of the vine:
The dancing Hours attend thee, essence bright, all-ruling virgin, bearing heavenly light:
Illustrious, horned, of a bounteous mind, alone desired by those of mortal kind.
O, vernal queen, whom grassy plains delight, sweet to the smell, and pleasing to the sight:
Whose holy form in budding fruits we view, Earth's vigorous offspring of a various hue:
Espoused in Autumn: life and death alone to wretched mortals from thy power is known:
For thine the task according to thy will, life to produce, and all that lives to kill.
Hear, blessed Goddess, send a rich increase of various fruits from earth, with lovely Peace;
Send Health with gentle hand, and crown my life with blest abundance, free from noisy strife;
Last in extreme old age the prey of Death, dismiss we willing to the realms beneath,
To thy fair palace, and the blissful plains where happy spirits dwell, and Pluto reigns.
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Pluto, magnanimous, whose realms profound are fix'd beneath the firm and solid ground,
In the Tartarian plains remote from fight, and wrapped forever in the depths of night;
Terrestrial Jove, thy sacred ear incline, and, pleased, accept thy mystic's hymn divine.
Earth's keys to thee, illustrious king belong, its secret gates unlocking, deep and strong.
'Tis thine, abundant annual fruits to bear, for needy mortals are thy constant care.
To thee, great king, Avernus is assigned, the seat of Gods, and basis of mankind.
Thy throne is fixed in Hades' dismal plains, distant, unknown to rest, where darkness reigns;
Where, destitute of breath, pale specters dwell, in endless, dire, inexorable hell;
And in dread Acheron, whose depths obscure, earth's stable roots eternally secure.
O' mighty dæmon, whose decision dread, the future fate determines of the dead,
With captive Proserpine, through grassy plains, drawn in a four-yoked car with loosened reins,
Rapt over the deep, impelled by love, you flew 'till Eleusina's city rose to view;
There, in a wondorous cave obscure and deep, the sacred maid secure from search you keep,
The cave of Atthis, whose wide gates display an entrance to the kingdoms void of day.
Of unapparent works, thou art alone the dispensator, visible and known.
O' power all-ruling, holy, honored light, thee sacred poets and their hymns delight:
Propitious to thy mystic's works incline, rejoicing come, for holy rites are thine.
Dividers by @vibeswithrenai
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cyborg-franky · 3 months
Pokemon AU - Ace
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art by @ //donivanessdoodles Writing by me <3 [older au]
AN: I tried to smush in OP lore for some characters and mix it in a workable way for Pokemon but I’m not 100% in the know so I did my best.
Meeting The Team
Ace set out on his journey before any of his brothers, he always told them his first pokemon was going to be scary and powerful, he wanted to make Sabo and Luffy so jealous. His first pokemon was actually a Rattata.
He’d been taking a break on his journey, grabbed lunch out of his bag and saw the pokemon approach him with a wary look. He threw some food towards him, the little guy got closer. So close Ace was able to pet him.
The rattata seemed to enjoy his attention, showing signs of affection. Ace grinned, he always had a soft spot for the little purple pokemon that would run around the town at night and steal food, just like him with his dine and dashes.
He got out a pokeball and gently tapped the pokemon on the side with it, capturing him easily. It seemed like he just wanted to be with Ace. Rattata never spends much time in his ball, likes to sit on his shoulder or scamper around his feet as he walks.
Ace picked Charmander as his starter simply because he could relate to Charizard, like him it was so much more than people thought. Yes, the pokemon was powerful, unstoppable when trained by the right person.
Yet, the small helpless flame that flickered on the tail was what kept it alive, it wouldn’t take a lot to snuff it out, how strong, feral, powerful but also fragile the creature was. It was something he could relate to and had a soft spot for the starter straight away.
He lowkey hates how cliché his choice was but loves him, nonetheless.
Salazzle was an accident. He was travelling through the desert on an errand. The lizard stalked him for a few miles before deciding to get in his way, sizing him up and Ace was sure the pokemon was going to attack him.
He simply blasted the Salazzle with his Charmander and captured it, mostly out of spite and Ace’s stubborn nature. Salazzle has since grown very affectionate towards Ace, she is often hostile to Marco when he gets too close to him.
Also, very jealous of Ace’s rattata for getting the lion’s share of Ace’s love.
Darumaka was also a pokemon Ace found while travelling through the desert. He’d set up camp for the night, his rattata was playing with his Charmander around the fire when the pokemon decided to tuck in his limbs and roll down the slope.
Charmander and rattata were having a good time playing with the ‘ball’ while Ace cooked food for everyone over the open fire. Ace had no idea where his team had found the ‘ball’ until he realised it was a Darumaka. He didn’t see the harm in its presence since everyone was enjoying playing with him
It wasn’t till the red creature who was so full of energy just stopped and fell asleep suddenly. Ace laughed at the sudden falling asleep and simply said out loud “Me too, me too.” he liked the pokemon so much he caught him while he slept.
Lapras he came in contact with when he’d left the desert, he found the very injured Lapras who looked like they had taken damage from a battle. It seemed like someone had deemed the pokemon too weak, she was on the smaller side for a Lapras. He had his suspicions after beating the pokemon the person who caught her decided she wasn’t good enough for their purpose and left her here injured. He caught her just to take her to the nearest poke centre.
When the nurse was done, she handed the pokeball back saying that even if she was a rescue Ace should take her with him, give her a better chance at being happy, that Ace seemed like a kind soul who would help her.
So now he uses Lapras to travel, she’s small but fast and he crosses distance in no time at all.
Marowak was something that took Ace off guard. Ace and Marco went on a vacation together for their first anniversary as a couple and had been checking out caves and they came across a very angry Marowak in a form they’d never seen before.
Marco explained Cubones and Marowak’s reminded him of Ace, after knowing what Ace had been through, how he also had to evolve past anger and sadness to become the person he is today, it resonated with him.
Ace couldn’t help feeling a connection, that and the blue fire was captivating. It took Marowak a lot to warm up to Ace but now they have mutual respect for one another and an understanding.
Ace’s story
It didn’t take long before Ace decided he was ready to fight the Elite Four which is where he met Marco and Whitebeard. Whitebeard being one of the four, Ace was desperate to prove himself despite the friendly advice from Whitebeard.
That’s when Ace got his ass kicked. He was embarrassed and felt bad, but Marco told him he was still learning and growing, not to be so hard on himself. That’s when Ace wanted to join the Whitebeards under Pop’s and learn to be better, finding a found family and then finding love with Marco.
Ace likes to travel and explore; he wants to work up to being a gym leader in one of Whitebeard’s territories.
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chiptrillino · 2 years
Fkssbcjdn you mentioned Jet in the tags of a post reblogged from ME and I’m sorry but that means I am now going to talk abt him
Listen listen listen. Fire Nationals need to see the sun to keep themselves sane, doesn’t matter if they’re benders or non-benders. Water Tribesfolk need to be around water for similar reasons. Put an Air Nomad in a cave without air circulation and eventually they’re gonna go spare. Jet, Jet is Earth Kingdom. He needs the earth to stay sane, bender or not.
Why was he insane in the forest of Gaipan? Because he stayed in the trees. Away from the earth, which would have stabilised him. Close to the sky, the open air, his direct opposite element.
I’m not surprised he went crazy. His circumstances, combined with cutting himself off from his grounding (ahehe) element… yeah, no wonder.
“But what about in Ba Sing Se?” Well. Does anyone really think nearly a decade of deprivation from one’s core element wouldn’t leave a deep mark? Yes, he was a little saner on the ferry, a little more reasonable, because he had already been travelling on the earth for a few months - give or take - and it had helped him a little bit. But a few months of grounding does not fix a near-decade of cracking. The fact that he flipped back into obsession and negativity so fast when he connected Iroh’s suddenly hot tea (mere moments after loudly complaining how cold it was) to firebending is testament to that.
If Jet hadn’t made that connection, I’m pretty sure he could have healed a little more in the city instead of spiralling, and the second half of Book 2: Earth would have looked very different.
RANT OVER,, sorry the long ask ahaha 😅
chip gives thoughts?? (also I love your art <333)
oh gosh by all means yell about jet as much as you like! I am so glad when I get to see a positive post about him! and I adore this headcanon! like so much!!! especially how this basically can be summarised with… jet should chill and touch some grass!
okay so… emergency earth therapy for jet!!! (long shot want to make sure that jet has as much earth contact as possible!!! I think this is the best option to be buried on earth rather than the canon one…)
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[ID: digital drawing form longshot (left) jet (centre) and Smelerbee (right) from avatar the last Airbender. jet is lying on the ground buried in earth unable to get out or move. his head peaks out of the earth hill he is glaring up towards Smelerbee, angry biting on a wooden stick. jet's head is resting on Longshot's leg. who is sitting behind him massaging Jet's temples. longshot is looking questioning and doubtful toward Smelerbee. Smelerbee sits on the earth hill above jets abdomen. she is leaning forward. pointing an accusatory finger at him. her expression is angry and serious. around them are many orange and yellow leaves. End ID.]
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zelphin124 · 10 months
Winter x Y/N short story
As promised... Here it is.
Spoilers for SeasonTale!
Happy birthday my boy! (Dec 5th) I'm so proud to be your creator!
TW: Kidnapping, choking, threats, minor gore
I should probably stare this is Fanon.
Once again, images are used for visual purposes only and I do not claim them.
(I know I said I wouldn't use them again... but they do help a lot, and I'm looking into the whole AI art thing right now, please don't send asks about it.)
Here ya go, ya simps!
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"They won't find us here!"
You were thrown through a portal, and your face landed in a pile of snow. You tumbled like a snowball until you just stopped. The cold wind nipped at your wounds, but you couldn't complain or cry.
They would kill you if you did.
Your kidnappers tumbled through the portal after you. Some of them started to shiver as the storm greeted them with open arms. They anxiously glanced around as the portal closed behind him.
The cliffs beside you were evident, and the wind echoed across their caverns. Snow and ice covered everything you could see. The horizon was hidden by the fog, and the only thing you could see were the mass peaks stretching toward the stars. The darkest one was mostly hidden by the overhead clouds.
Or was it even a rock?
"Let's go!" You didn't have time to react as a hand gripped tightly around your neck, dragging you through the snow. The grip dug into your veins and made you cough. Snow got under your clothes, freezing your bare skin as you inhaled the foul stench of your predator.
"Stop coughing if you know what's good for you!" He roared, choking you harder.
The others didn't seem to care about what he was doing to you. They trudged in the snow, grumbling as they made their way to a cave.
A large shadow passed over you. You couldn't help but look up in curiosity. It was too fast to be a cloud.
"Hey! Look at me when I'm talking to you!" He hissed, barring his teeth. "I don't want to have to kill you before I sell you for a hefty price!"
"I'm telling you guys, they aren't gonna sell!" Another one of the kidnappers snapped. "They don't have the right hair that boss likes!"
"Relax, they can be a trade in," the other shrugged. "Their organs are all the same."
You couldn't feel your cheeks or your toes at this point. If you knew you would end up in some faraway land that would freeze your fingers off, you would have packed better. But no one prepares for these things to happen.
Being tossed against the rock, one of the kidnappers pulled out a knife and put it to your throat. "Now, hold still, or this is going to be more painful for the both of us-"
As your breath got hitched in your throat and your heart stopped beating, a bright light flashed before your eyes. Heat lapped at your legs, and your kidnapper in front of you disintegrated into ash.
The other two kidnappers snapped their heads in the direction the blast came from, gripping their knives as fear drenched their faces. They murmured under their breaths various curses as they faced the attacker.
His large hand was extended, guiding the gaster blaster to aim at the other kidnappers. He was tall... really tall for his species. His face was decorated in snowflakes, and he wore deep navy clothing with big boots and a furry top. A large snowflake banner hung from his waist.
Behind him was a large gaster dragon. Its bones curled around his head and his wings covered everything else. He snorted a ball of smoke, sharing the same fury that flared in the skeleton's blue eye.
"You're gonna pay for that, popsicle!" One of the kidnappers shouted, lunging for him.
The tall skeleton slid to the side. The kidnapper's eyes widened in shock as a wall of bones appeared in front of him. To accompany it, the skeleton pulled out a large hammer.
WHAM! The hammer collided with the kidnapper's back, sending him flying into the wall of bones, cracking his skull. The snow claimed his life and blood.
The remaining kidnapper backed up, his hands shaking. "I-I can e-explain-"
"Leave," the skeleton's voice boomed, shaking the ice around him. It was deep, soothing, yet rattled anyone's insides when it was used as a threat.
The kidnapper didn't waste any time. Opening a portal to who knows where, he jumped through, abandoning you and his dead comrades.
The skeleton turned his gaze towards you, his eyes still blazing with fury. He walked towards you slowly, his dragon following him.
You backed up against the rock you initially were thrown against. One thing was for sure, you felt your heart racing wildly. Blood trickled down your face as you whimpered in fear; you thought you were next.
But nothing happened.
No bones, no blasts, not even the hammer was swung your way.
The skeleton bent down in front of you. His eyes stopped blazing simultaneously as the storm calmed down. No weapon was in sight, and his gaze was full of worry. He gently brushed the hair out of your face to examine the wound that bled. "Are you alright?" He asked quietly. Although his voice was still deep, it was smoother, softer... It sounded like he cared.
You tried to explain to him that you weren't, that your head hurt, and you didn't know where you were because you were kidnapped. However, the cold made you shake uncontrollably; the pain and the cold kept you from speaking clear sentences. You only got a few words out, but it was enough to get the point across.
The next thing you knew was that you were in his arms. His hands dug under the snow and lifted you up, holding you close. "Don't be afraid... I'm going to help you, dear one."
He didn't say much after that, but his actions spoke louder than his words. He whistled toward the dragon and hoisted you on top of it. Sitting behind you, his hand traveled across your waist to hold you tight while his other hand grabbed the leash. The snow didn't feel so cold when he was behind you. It wasn't freezing when the dragon took off and flew above the clouds,
Although your vision started to blur, you finally could see beyond the initial fog. Below the cliffs was a small village, covered in straw and warm garments as the monsters and humans alike traveled around the streets. In the distance, you could see four other environments. One was filled with cherry blossoms and green trees, and flowers were everywhere around that village. The second area, the furthest away from view, was bright and sandy by a beachside, and the ocean extended for miles. That village welcomed the sun, and many were playing sports on the shore. The third area, to the right, was colorful and smelled like pumpkin spice. The leaves were red, orange, and yellow as the leaves fell to the ground. You quickly realized that each section was the different seasons... in harmony with one another.
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"Hang in there," you heard the skeleton's voice above you as he also glanced at the captivating landscape.
The warmth of his body shut your eyes slowly as the beat of the dragon's wings calmed you. You drifted off to sleep, knowing he wasn't going to hurt you. You were safe.
* * *
"You're awake, good."
Your eyes flutter open. You try to move, but you find it difficult with the various blankets wrapped around your body. Part of your head is wrapped tightly with soft bandages.
The skeleton who had saved you earlier was sitting on a chair facing you. Behind him was a fire. To your left was a gate that led to a large training ground, and on your right was a gate to outside, and stairs to the upper levels of wherever you were. You guessed you were in a fortress of some sort, though it seemed to be very festive with the lights decorated all around it.
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The couch you laid on was comfortable, and you stopped moving as you slowly sunk into it, despite your back aching.
"I'm... Winter, by the way." The skeleton interrupted your observations. He scratched his bony neck and looked at the ground nervously. "You are in SeasonTale, me and my brother's realm. I'm not supposed to let anyone in or out of here... but I think I can make an expection."
You thank the skeleton, though your voice is barely a whisper. You also whisper your name to him before complimenting the place.
"Thanks, I like it too. This was Season's and Solstice's palace. Now, me and my comrades take care of it."
As you asked who his comrades were, another skeleton walked into the room from the kitchen. He had three bowls of homemade ramen in his hands. "How are they doing?" The skeleton dressed in green with a pink corset asked. He had flowers printed all over his face, and his smile was sweet. He glanced toward you. "Oh! You're awake, thank goodness!"
You accepted the ramen he gave to you. Despite you not liking particular foods, the ramen was delicious, and you couldn't stop yourself from devouring it.
"Thank you, Spring," Winter nodded his head as he ate the ramen himself.
"I'll leave you two be," Spring smiled sweetly. "Don't worry, I'll make sure Summer and Autumn don't disturb you either."
"I thought they were visiting their kingdoms today," Winter commented.
"They are, but they should be back soon," he took a step forward to the cold skeleton and whispered. "Dang," he glanced your way. "You lucked out, can we keep them?"
Before Winter could reply, Spring pat him on the back and spun around. He headed back into the kitchen, murmuring something to himself that you didn't catch.
As you ate the last of the ramen, you noticed that the skeleton constantly stared at you. He barely looked away as he set his own bowl of food aside. Whenever you looked back at him, he would continue to stare before he looked away, a small blush covering his face.
Winter got up and removed the outer layer of his clothing, leaving only a navy shirt upon his shoulders. He walked toward the coat rack and hung his coat before stirring the coals in the fire. He sat back down in the chair and continued to stare at you.
When you asked him why he was staring, the blush on his face increased. "Oh, uhm, just making sure the bandage is on correctly. It seems lopsided," he glanced at the ground and smirked to himself. "It's... difficult not to stare at such a pretty face."
The blood in your veins rushed to your face. Was he being serious? You were just told that you wouldn't be sold because you weren't pretty, yet Winter said otherwise. Could it be different monsters have different tastes in humans?
No, you shook your head. There's no way that was his intention, right? It was probably just a compliment. You thanked him as you hide your face under one of the blankets.
A low chuckle escaped Winter's throat. "That's cute," he commented, fidgeting with his hands. "There's no need to hide, though. You're safe here."
You didn't know how to explain the reason why you were covering your face.
"Was the food good? I hope it was enough," Winter scratched his head again. "We can always make more if you're hungry."
You set the blanket down, insisting that the food was delicious, and you were full.
"Good," he cracked a smile, which you guessed was rare for him. "Make yourself at home, as you are welcomed here."
You sat up to face him. You appreciated his kindness and hospitality and couldn't stop your heart from jumping whenever he spoke to you. He was sweet, despite is cold, aloof appearance. Behind those stoic eyes was a man who wanted to care. Behind those bones was a gentle soul, making sure nothing would happen to you. You would love to stay in the palace.
But... your friends and family are worried that you're gone. You couldn't just leave them wondering what happened to you. Some of them wouldn't rest until they found you. Alas, you realized you might be putting Winter and his comrades in danger if you stayed.
Not that your friends could beat the skeletons in a fight... but some of their connections might be able to.
You explain with a heavy heart why you can't stay. After your kidnapping, your family must be worried sick and you elaborated on why you needed to see them again.
Winter nodded slowly. "I understand. I would be worried too. Don't worry, I'll make sure you get home safely."
The rest of the day was figuring out what AU to send you back to. Spring kept both of you fed and helped with your bandages. Winter focused on overlooking various AUs, asking you if it looked familiar through the portal.
During this time, you were able to meet Winter's other comrades. Autumn, a short, angry gremlin barely greeted you. He was dressed in red and often had a sour look on his face. However, when you responded to his insult with an insult, he smirked at you and nodded his head. "This kid... I like them," he chuckled to himself.
Before you could comment that you were not a kid, you met Winter's brother. Though, you wouldn't be able to tell they were brothers at first glance. This cocky skeleton had yellow suns and stars printed across his face and wore a long yellow jacket that exposed his ribs. He looked like a highlighter. He wore a fancy crown and a wide smirk on his face at all times. After noticing his body language and mannerisms, you could tell Winter and Summer were related.
"Do we have to send the darling back?" Summer cooed, frowning. "They're so pretty, I'd like to keep them~"
Winter snapped his head toward his brother. "Keep your eyes off them, brother. They are not yours."
Summer's eyes widened at Winter's booming voice, before he glanced at you and back at Winter. He smirked wildly. "Ooh, I see what's going on~" He shoved Winter's shoulder. "Popsicle has a crush~"
Winter narrowed his eyes. "Summer-"
"It's obvious," Autumn commented, opening another portal to a random AU for you to check. "Look at his eyes and face!"
"My eyes are snowflakes, thank you."
You shook your head as you came back into the room. Surely the next AU would be your home.... right?
Or was there too many of them?
"Spring, help me out," Winter begged.
Spring shrugged, slurping a noodle. "I have to agree with Summer, Winter. You wouldn't have let anyone else stay here...."
Your face turned red. Did the handsome blue skeleton really like you? Or were his comrades just teasing him? You were too flustered to ask, though you weren't sure if you really wanted to know.
Summer spun around in a showmanship way. "Whatever you say, big guy, I'm heading to bed."
Before Winter could comment back, Autumn trudged after him, glaring playfully at you.
Spring opened another portal as he whispered something into Winter's ears before taking off. He glided down the stairs majestically, bowing and smiling at you before he disappeared.
You looked through the portal Spring made and recognized your home. Your heart sank as you murmured this was the one.
Winter's shoulders droop. "Very well, you may go whenever you're ready," he sighed, his snowflake eyes rotating. He glanced away.
You ask him what's wrong, not wanting to leave on the wrong foot.
His mouth flattened before he took a step closer to you, resting a hand on your shoulder as the other cupped your cheek. "When... When can I see you again?"
You stuttered over your words as he pulled you into a tight hug. His large arms covered most of your body, and you were buried in his clothes. His head rested on top of yours. He was so warm... and comfy. You felt his soul thumping against your face.
"Thank you... for gracing me with your presence..." He gently said, letting you go. "I wish you the best endeavor wherever you go... You always have a friend here in SeasonTale."
Everything in you wanted to squeal in delight. You wanted to hug him again, you wanted to stay... but the winds of your home were calling you. You heart throbbed and ached at the thought of leaving the person who saved your life. How would you contact him? Would you ever see him again? You couldn't find the words as tears trailed down, your eyes.
Winter smiled softly as the portal surrounded you, transporting you back to your homeland. You remember Spring telling you that Winter never cracked a smile, that nothing really made him happy enough to do so. However, there he was, smiling at you as he raised his hand to say goodbye. The last thing you heard was his sweet, soothing voice.
"Be safe, little snowflake."
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mrghostrat · 8 months
Hello!!! I've just been curious lately as to how people can make digital art so quickly. Lately there have been many beautiful drawings that seemed to have only take 3-5 hours give or take. Since I really like what you do, I would like to know your process on how you cut down time. Is it something that comes in time? Or are there strategies that can be taken.
Someone new to digital art
i think it's just something that comes with time! i've drawn for so long that certain shapes and forms are second nature to me and i barely think as i'm putting them down. plus i'm very sure in my art style, which i've specifically broken into clear, smooth steps that i can approach with my eyes shut (due to exploring simplified styles for comics and animation).
it's a mix of confidence and muscle memory. and i've personally always been very fast, an outlier who lives in a cave and should not be counted, if you will. my current theory chalks this up to adhd and the sheer impatience to get images down onto a page, since i have a very weak mind's eye. i scribble things out very quickly, even if they're miles from perfect, then it's easier to adjust something that already exists rather than creating something perfect from nothing.
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I’m so glad to see y’all are okay 🥹🥹🥹
Also quick question if you don’t mind me asking, what is a wraith?
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Virgil shakes Logan’s hands off, ignoring the lingering sting in his shoulders. 
“But I could do all that before I could do magic!”
“What are you talking about?” Logan sighs, exasperated, “You’re a sorcerer.”
“If I was caught doing magic growing up I would have been executed,” Virgil hisses pointedly, considering that Logan should already know this fun fact about his underground home, “Everyone can do the glow thing and summon shadows. That’s not magic! I didn’t have magic until two years ago.”
Virgil doesn’t mention Remus’s other accusations about ‘jumping too high’ and ‘falling too slow’ and running ‘too fast’ or ‘too far,’ because those are definitely natural. So what if he was outmatched in speed and agility in his regiment? Being agile isn’t magic, he just takes good care of his legs and exercises properly. It’s not his fault everyone else is so slow.
...Virgil doesn’t mention Remus’s other accusation about speaking with animals because he doesn’t want to think about that one.
“What is the definition of magic?” Logan asks, with the tone of a teacher quizzing a student who had fallen asleep at their desk. Virgil rolls his eyes,
“It’s the…” 
“..How should I know?!” He huffs, flipping his hood back up over his head and folding his arms to be completely covered under his cloak, like that will make him suddenly invisible to a man standing inches away.
Logan muffles a chuckle at his expense, then continues, “Magic is the ability possessed by some individuals to manipulate the ambient energies of the world to produce desired results in ways typically impossible by physical means, either through personal mental effort or in collaboration with the mental effort of an outside entity. At least, that’s the most widely accepted definition in the art.”
Logan reaches out, slowly, to lift Virgil’s hood as he speaks,
“Could another person — say, Patton — reasonably be expected to turn themselves into shadow at will though physical effort?”
“I don’t know, maybe.” Virgil grumbles, trying to imagining it. “Has he tried it?”
“I think we both know that it would be impossible. No offense to him, of course.”
“None taken.” Patton giggles from their left, updating Virgil on where he’s standing. Virgil wishes there weren’t so many people in their group who like to shuffle around in circles while he can’t see.
“In that case,” Logan retracts his hand, leaving Virgil to wonder what he did that for in the first place, “Did you never assume that the powers that be in your hometown simply decided what was ‘magic’ and what was not on a whim, in order to use that law as a pretense for execution?”
“Of course they did. They’re assholes.”
“So why are you so determined to call your magic something else? You believe what they said about your supposedly-not-magic abilities, but are aware they were lying to you. You realize that no one here will hurt you for having it, right?”
Virgil pauses for a moment, taking that in. He doesn’t exactly believe Logan that no one here will hurt him for having magic, but he is a little embarrassed to not have noticed that contradiction before. 
“You’ve been using magic your entire life. You’re just old enough now to be accessing more powerful spells.” Logan says with some finality, and Virgil can feel the way he’s smiling about it. 
“Hooray for me.” Virgil scoffs, dripping with sarcasm. It stings his throat a little, because of the damn faewild and its damn rules, but he’ll take it.
“Now, there is something to be said about how one of those spells you seem to be using purportedly no longer exists, but you’ve done that before.” Logan mumbles, “I would like to know what you mean about not having magic until two years ago.”
Before Virgil can even sweat about being asked such a question, Dee thankfully interrupts,
“The three of us were exploring some random cave system, and Virgil and Remus touched some radioactive rock,” Dee sighs, voice tinged with annoyance, but Virgil knows he’s more upset about the secret being out than the fact that it happened. “Since then, they’ve been having magical symptoms.”
Virgil can hear Roman’s affronted squawk to his left, “What symptoms?!”
“Oh my god, chill, I’m not hurt.” Remus sing-songs next to him, the sound of rustling fabric indicating that he’s started wrestling him again.
“—Pft! I wasn’t worried about you!”
“A tear in the Weave, perhaps?” Logan hums, “That would explain the wild magic. I would like to explore this place, eventually.”
“Too bad,” Dee chirps, and Virgil can practically hear the maliciously bemused smirk on his face, “None of us remember where we were. Unless you want to scour the entire mountain?”
“If I have the time.” Logan replies, completely seriously. Dee definitely didn’t like that answer, but Virgil can’t help but feel fond.
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Ask 157
Next (wip)
Game Start
Most Recent Recap, in case you feel like you missed something!
PCs available: Logan, Patton, Roman, Virgil, Janus, Remus, Annie
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eggymf-archived · 1 year
of paper planes and wildflowers; 10
ft. ominis gaunt with f!reader (series)
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chapter warnings: mild angst, mentions of kidnapping, trauma, not proofread, unedited
chapter summary: your denial towards your heart's desire is quite a stubborn thing to get rid of, but it’s only a matter of time before you fully cave in.
word count: 4.8k
a/n: can't believe i'm halfway through this fic series. also i apologize for the huge delay. it feels like a criminal offense not updating this series for 2 weeks, but i was dipping my toe in other forms of writing plus i have a raging smut brain rot to quell. anyways, enjoy! :D
main masterlist || series masterlist || AO3 
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It was just another typical day as a wee fifth year, doing perfectly normal student things. At least, that's what you hoped for the entirety of the duration of the day. The past few days hadn't been particularly forgiving towards you physically, mentally, and perhaps emotionally: and no, it wasn't the extra workload that your other classmates were bemoaning about every class dismissal, nor was it about anything outlandish like Peeves juggling small cauldrons and chucking it at random unsuspecting students in the Potions Classroom.
The sole reason was utterly mundane if you were to fully think about it. Not just that, but it was rather silly that you still get perplexed even at a mere afterthought of a certain blonde-haired male with the most intriguingly beautiful misty eyes alongside his alluring, multifaceted nature.
Ominis Gaunt. 
Ominis “Romped-You-In-The-Library” Gaunt.
Ominis “Broom-Closet-Extraordinaire” Gaunt.
Ominis “Almost-Caught-by-Brattleby” Gaunt.
Ominis “Pervert-Vanquisher” Gaunt.
Ominis “Russ’-New-Owner” Gaunt.
Ominis “Screams-Mid-Flight-in-a-Broom” Gaunt
And the most recent one, much to your sheer delight, confusion, and panic.
Ominis “Vesper-aka-Your-Pen-Pal” Gaunt.
That note that you had gotten from the kitchens has absolutely plagued your poor mind and heart. Despite it being nearly two full days ever since you received it, you were still in shambles, unable to wrap your pretty little head around the truth that had been slapped right into your face. You hadn't replied to his letter just yet for good measure, but you planned to once you had the mental capacity to do so. In fact, you were taking everything to mind, using your signature Ravenclaw trait and skills of rationality and analysis to do its wonders of problem-solving for the best outcome.
But would brain-oriented tactics effectively help when it comes to matters of the heart? Yes. Would you be happy with the conclusions? Probably not. Yes — you were a woman of logic and reasoning, and whatever your answers were based on your keen analysis and takeaways were much more reliable than your whims and emotions.
Oh, when will this madness ever cease?
It was a war zone within you, and everything was on fire. As usual, you were overcomplicating things for yourself. In your defense, however, you can't help it: your mind clearly says no, but your heart says yes was something that you couldn't rely on due to its fickle nature, yet it must be taken into consideration to make a sound choice.
“Seriously? Losing your marbles over a boy? You should be embarrassed.” 
Your self-assured inner voice continuously chides you within your head, your eyes fixated on that particular Slytherin student with that gorgeous face slicked back blonde hair who was fast asleep on the cold marble floors of the Defense Against the Dark Arts Tower. Garreth and Natsai were chatting away while you kept stealing glances at the slumbering male on the first floor, pensive.
Yes, this was allegedly the boy who has been plaguing your mind day and night for the past few months. While you were in a state of inner turmoil with your own mental gymnastics and beating muscle's theatrics, he was just there, blissfully taking a nap like an innocent stray kitten. Though you have to admit: his ability to sleep anywhere was rather impressive. 
Do you dare to think that he actually looks adorable being curled up into a ball like that? Yes No.
You felt an arm wrap itself around your neck, trapping you in a headlock. Garreth shook his head, tutting.
“Blimey, you have it pretty bad for him, don’t you?” he sighs in jest, looking at the Gaunt from a distance. Natsai smirks, leaning against the marble balustrade while crossing her arms and raising an eyebrow towards you.
“You’ve been staring at him for quite a while,” she points out with a rather teasing tone. “You might as well take a picture instead of pretending not to look at him this whole time.”
You felt heat rush to your face, groaning in response at your two closest friends who merely chortled at your plight. Your mind, however, was rooted in a different place — you were in no mood to make your usual retorts with how swarmed your thoughts were. His penned words were in a constant loop, echoing throughout every small crevice of your brain alongside the monologues that you have vehemently tried to eradicate in hopes of stunting the growth of this budding romance, all to no avail.
“Thank you for not believing the rest of them.”
“Sometimes, I wish I did — perhaps it'll be easier for my own mind, body, and soul, but I could never do such a thing.”
“I never expected someone else to see me for who I truly am.”
“I can't turn back now. Choosing ignorance despite knowing the truth is a grave sin to my own moral beliefs — and especially towards you, a diamond in the rough; a person who deserves more than what he has been given.”
Your kindness astounds me, and I’m forever grateful that you exist in my life.
“I wish I had your bravery. It’s never easy to voice out your feelings, yet you do it with such grace and sincerity. If only I could openly reciprocate the ever-growing feelings I have for you. It would mean the world to me, but for now, I shall voice out my heartfelt gratitude to the cosmos — for granting me this privilege of being in your company, even if it’s only for a little while.”
A chilling wave of sadness washed over you, snapping you out of your own whimsical thoughts and slightly deflating at the reality that had dawned upon you once more, leaving a bitter taste on your tongue.
This was wrong. All of it is wrong.
Self-righteousness paired with the obsession to conformity was a blight on one's identity, and your own mother was a living example of that statement. She was uptight and adamant about following the traditions of her adopted family. Perhaps the fact that she wasn’t related to them by blood had caused her to develop a rather crippling mindset of constantly needing to prove herself. She would be livid to find out that you’ve been “fraternizing” with the “enemy” — a Gaunt.
The Robards were known to produce both Aurors and members of the Wizengamot throughout the entirety of their family history. They’ve always walked on the path of light, and just like your poor mother, you had no choice but to comply with their “standards”. Within honor and prestige lies a form of imprisonment: as a member of the family, it was your duty to protect the house’s reputation alongside its members. No matter how much you disagreed with their outdated ways, there would always be a fragment of you that yearns for their approval — a shackle that you might not possibly be able to free yourself from.
At the end of the day, the little girl within you merely yearns to hear the right words: to be assured that she's not messing everything up for the umpteenth time.
Yet amidst the dramatic angst of your bitter situation, you find yourself thinking of him fondly regardless, recalling the little things that he had done for you throughout the past few months. Every letter, gift, gesture, banter, and touch; the slight roughness of his hands, the softness of his lips, the honesty of his expressions, and the warmth of his embrace — everything.
Unfortunately for you, the truth always gets increasingly harder to avoid the longer you deny the desires of your poor maiden heart. The more you get to know him, the deeper you sink into the quagmire of romance. 
Yet here you were, going against your beliefs for the umpteenth time.
Defense Against the Dark Arts Classes was about to start in a matter of minutes, yet you felt sluggish. For some odd reason, you didn't want to attend it: there was a feeling of dread that you had all of a sudden, which consumed your gut rather unpleasantly. Meanwhile, Ominis was still sound asleep, utterly in bliss. 
Perhaps a few minutes of tardiness won't be that big of a deal.
“You guys go on ahead. I'll catch up,” you informed Garreth and Natsai, who were heading up to the stairwell leading to Professor Hecat’s classroom. You approached his curled-up form, fighting a cheeky little grin that threatened to break out from your lips at the sight. You furrowed your brows, clearing your throat to diffuse the growing embarrassment within your chest.
“Wonder why Sallow isn’t with him…” you pondered, kneeling beside him and gently pinching his cheek, wiggling the flesh slightly.
“Wake up...”
“Wake up.”
A ghost of a smirk appears on his lips, which doesn't slip under your observant gaze. You frowned, pinching his cheek slightly harder this time, causing his eyelids to snap open out of the sudden tugging pain.
“Classes start in around five minutes. Be thankful I even woke you up,” you huff, a light pink dusting your face before standing up and heading off to the classroom. Ominis rubbed his now reddened cheek, getting up and tailing after you with a small smile on his lips. 
The both of you arrived in the classroom just in time while Professor Hecat was rearranging the desks within the classroom. At the center of the classroom lies an all-familiar old cupboard covered with grimy-looking mirror panels. Its knob rattled loudly, the being within it eager to be set free. Weary eyes stared at the mysterious cupboard and your classmates glanced at each other with worried expressions.
“Alright, settle down,” Professor Hecat shushes the murmurs of the students around her, beginning the lesson for the day. “Does anybody know what is within this cupboard?”
Several students raise their hands. She picks Cressida Blume.
“A Boggart. A non-being who is capable of shapeshifting into your worst fear. They commonly thrive in dark places such as shadowy corners, under the bed, or within cupboards.”
“Excellent. Points to Gryffindor. Your task for today is to learn the counter-spell for such creatures: Ridikkulus. To cast the spell, you are required to concentrate on the humorous form you desire it to change into. Remember: Boggarts are defeated by laughter, so steel your resolve. Form a line,” the former Unspeakable instructed. 
For the first time, you made your way to the back of the queue. You knew exactly what the Boggart was going to turn into, and you dreaded it with every fiber of your being.
“Calm down. It’s been years. It can’t harm you, alright? Relax.”
You fiddled with your thumb, biting your bottom lip as you desperately mustered up your courage to face what was awaiting you. Inhaling slow, lungful breaths, you tried whatever you could to quell the ever-growing dread that grew more and more unbearable by the passing second. Everyone else’s attempts were smooth sailing, and the line was getting shorter and shorter. 
Soon enough, it was finally your turn.
You were beyond frightened despite this being a simple practical exercise; your throat felt rather constricted as you gripped your wand with shaky hands, completely unprepared for the possible psychological effects of what you were about to witness. Professor Hecat gave you a grim look, noticing the quiver of your frame. Your usual form was definitely off, and as someone aware of your history both as a student and as a victim of that particular tragedy, she knew exactly what the Boggart will be turning into once she unlocks the cupboard door. She walked beside you, placing a reassuring hand on your shoulder before stepping back. 
“Wands at the ready!” 
With a sharp inhale and a tightened grip on the handle.
The knob turned open, and the door creaked open. The faint rattling of chains was heard as the creature advanced forward. A shackled, dirtied foot of a young teenager stepped out of the large cupboard, and it finally bared its current appearance to the entire class.
Simon (L/N) — your brother: to be more precise, your deceased elder brother.
His boyish, teenage self was just as how you remembered it to be: tousled black hair, and a lithe frame. His limbs each had its own dirtied manacles and his usual tidy clothing was stained with mud and was slightly tattered at the edges. Grazes littered his legs and arms, and his hazel eyes were devoid of any life, staring at you blankly like a mere Inferius before it swoops in for the kill. 
Your heart sank, fear coursing through your veins as it approached you. Color was rapidly draining from your complexion. The sight before you momentarily brought you back to a specific painful memory — within a locked cage in a dark space together with him, with you being held captive as well. Tears welled up in your eyes, your knees eventually caving in as you collapsed onto the floor, dragging yourself further away from the looming amortal before you. Its fingers outstretched towards your shuddering form, a maniacal grin forming on its face.
The Boggart was sent flying back into the cupboard, the door bolting itself shut. Professor Hecat lowered her wand while you remained seated on the floor in cold sweat, your eyes glued onto the large furniture that kept rattling until it finally ceased its attempt of escape. Garreth and Natsai immediately rushed to your side, helping you back up on your feet. 
Horror was still within your being: your breathing was erratic, your pupils constricted, and the beating of your heart was hammering painfully within your chest. You wanted to throw up, feeling absolutely sick in the stomach at what had just transpired.
Without warning, you bolted towards the exit of the classroom out of shame and fright.
“Miss (L/N)!”
As you ran out of the classroom, Ominis quickly got up on his feet and followed you without a second thought, ignoring both Professor Hecat's and Sebastian’s calls. Natsai was about to run after you as well but was immediately held back by Garreth, who shook his head at her. 
The heels of your boots clacked against the marble floors as you sped through the nearly empty hallways of the Defense Against the Dark Arts Tower with glassy eyes. Ominis chased after you with a look of pure concern on his face.
He may not have seen the form of your Boggart, but he was definitely sure that it had triggered a horrible memory.
He called out your surname, his wand held out with the tip blinking red much faster than usual. You slowly stopped, heaving while clutching your chest, propping yourself up at the nearby marble balustrade. Ominis gulped, just as breathless and flushed red with beads of perspiration forming on his temple. 
Tucking his wand away, he gently places his hands on your arms, engulfing you in his embrace. You whimpered, allowing yourself to sink within his inviting warmth, wrapping your arms around his waist and burying your face within his chest. He rests his chin upon your crown, his thumb rubbing your shoulder in hopes of further soothing you into calmness.
“Shhh. It's alright. You're safe now.”
Your breaths began to steady itself after a while as you inhaled his scent. The both of you soon parted the moment you felt much more grounded. He holds his hand out, waiting for yours to grab it.
“Let's go?” he asks softly.
Without the slightest idea of what he had up his sleeve, you decided to acquiesce to his offer. A smile graced his face, and you let him lead you. Much to your surprise, however, instead of heading back into the Defense Against the Dark Arts Classroom, the both of you were headed to the door leading to the Pungent Passage. 
“Gaunt, this isn't the way back to the classroom, you know…”
“...Yes, I'm aware of that.”
“So why are we going to the West Tower?”
Ominis kept his lips pursed, not wanting to divulge his little impromptu plan, opting to give you a small smirk instead before looking away.
“...By the way, you’re still holding my hand,” you pointed out while wiggling your fingers, expecting him to loosen his hold. Much to your surprise, he stopped walking to adjust your fingers, intertwining his fingers with yours in a much more secure grip. Warmth began to creep up your face as he held his work up closer to your visage.
“Yes, I am.”
The trip towards the West Tower was a rather enjoyable one despite the silence, with the both of you running through the Pungent Passageway as fast as you both could while holding your breaths, not letting go of each other’s hands. Upon reaching the exit, Ominis pushes the gargantuan doors open, dragging you out with him into the cold outdoors before pushing the door shut. There weren't any other students outside, much to his relief. 
“I figured that Hecat's classroom would be the last place you'd ever want to return to after what happened,” he shrugs nonchalantly, finally explaining his actions. “I'm assuming your Boggart wasn't a pleasant sight. It's not like you to be that frightened.”
“... Yes. You're right. I…” you sighed, your words trailing off. A gentle, understanding smile graced his features.
“You know, I think this would be a good time to venture out of the castle grounds.” he ponders out loud. You tilted your head in bemusement at his suggestion.
“To where exactly?”
“Anywhere but here, of course. Maybe Feldcroft?” 
A small grin slowly cracked itself onto your face.
“... So you're inviting me to skip classes with you. Is that it?” you chuckled in wry amusement.
“Surely you don’t have any objections to that?” he asked with a subtle hint of mischief while raising an eyebrow.
“You do know that we might get detention for this, right?”
“So? Old news, really. I could hardly care less serving it together again if that’s what you're worried about,” he scoffs while you snickered in response.
“Is that another invitation?” 
“Perhaps. Is it?” he retorts with a smug grin.
With a giggle escaping your lips, you brought out your wand, pointing it towards the direction of the Ravenclaw Tower.
“Accio, Aeromancer!”
The both of you waited, and a seemingly tiny dot from the Ravenclaw Tower’s roof deck began to grow larger as it zipped through the air, flying to its summoner. Your broom hovers before you, and you grab its handle, mounting on the seat. Ominis does the same, placing himself right behind you. He leaned forward and grabbed the handle, his torso flush against your back. You gulped, taking in a deep breath before stomping hard on the ground, taking off. 
Just this one day, you decided to spare him the horrors of your reckless flying. 
The both of you leisurely flew in the air, feeling the cool nip of the wintry winds against both your flushed faces, unexpectedly enjoying each other's company. It was a sight to behold truly: the landscape as far as your eyes could see was covered in a soft, powdery, glittery blanket of snow. You relished the moment in silent glee, feeling the warmth of his being right against your back, biting your lower lip slightly in hopes of suppressing a giddy little giggle from escaping your lips. 
Ominis wasn't that different from you either — in fact, he was enjoying this close proximity with absolutely zero shame within his system. A cheeky grin was threatening to slip past his normally calm and collected expression, clearly not wanting this moment of sheer elation to end. It was truly a blessing: having you so close to him with strands of your hair fluttering about and lightly tickling his face. He sighs in contentment, enjoying the rest of the ride until the both of you reach your destination.
Feldcroft was in its usual quiet state with most of its residents in the comfort of their own little cottages, keeping themselves warm by their own cozy little fireplace. The two of you landed in a nearby clearing, dismounting immediately as soon as your feet hit the ground. Ominis instinctively intertwined his fingers with yours once again with his other hand gripping his wand to navigate around the area.
“Say, Gaunt. Why exactly are we in Feldcroft out of all places?”
“Thought it might be best for you to just unwind for a bit. Plus, there’s someone that I do want you to meet,” Ominis hums as the both of you approach a particular cottage with several training dummies on standby. “I think the both of you will like each other's company.”
“Really? Who?” you asked with piqued interest.
“My chosen family,” he smiles before he raps on the wooden door. A lump formed in your throat at this, your cheeks turning a deeper shade of red and your eyes widened in shock. The door soon opened, revealing a brunette-haired girl with her hair tied in a low bun, her eyes glimmering with delight at the sight of both of you at her doorstep.
Anne Sallow — Sebastian Sallow's twin sister. A look of curiosity was evident on your face: rumors had said that she has contracted some debilitating illness hence her absence this entire school year, but not many details about that matter had been divulged.
“Ominis, what a surprise!” she exclaimed before turning towards you with a warm, welcoming smile. “And you brought her along too!”
“It's nice to see you again, Anne. I apologize if we came at a rather unexpected time,” you sheepishly said.
“It's no trouble, really. I quite like having visitors around. Come on in! Uncle Solomon won't be back for a while, so do make yourselves at home.”
You entered the cottage first, followed by Ominis and Anne. The brown-eyed girl nudged the pale-skinned male lightly, whispering in a hushed tone.
“Psst! Ominis, is she….” Anne trails off with an underlying teasing tone evident within her voice. A rosy hue crept up his cheeks and he cleared his throat to lessen his bashfulness, giving Anne a slight nod. The brunette bit her lip slightly at the response, suppressing a squeal of delight as she excitedly approached you, who was currently seated in the dining area.
It was a pleasant session filled with laughter and stories; the three of you partaking in the sandwiches and tea that you had voluntarily conjured. Ominis hummed, closing his eyes in a relaxed fashion with his legs crossed, sipping his tea as both you and Anne discussed many different topics in a rather animated way, ranging from Anne's shenanigans back when she was still in Hogwarts, to her current plights and woes. 
It had been a while ever since he had heard Anne this uplifted, and it most certainly had a positive effect on you as well, much to his sigh of relief. 
What warmed his heart the most was that you clicked with Anne so effortlessly. It felt like you were the missing puzzle piece that belonged and fitted into his life perfectly. While listening and occasionally hopping onto the conversation when prompted, he had learned several things about you such as your favorites and pet peeves, but it hadn't answered the burning questions he had about what had occurred in class earlier.
As much as the three of you hated to part ways, you and Ominis had to go back to the castle by nightfall, thus the both of you bid your farewell to the brunette-haired female. 
“Write to me, will you? I'd love to keep in touch,” Anne requests with hopeful eyes, clutching your hands in hers.
“Of course, I will. Can't have you feeling all lonely here,” you grinned while she giggles.
“Thank you for stopping by. Please visit whenever you can.” 
“Of course. You have my word.”
As soon as the wooden door closed shut, you turned to Ominis while biting your lip in hesitation.
“Gaunt, let's walk for a bit,” you requested, much to his surprise. You cast your gaze downwards to his gloved hand before ripping your eyes away from it, clenching your fists to contain yourself. The both of you walked in silence, the faint crunching of snow audible beneath your feet at every step. Inhaling a lungful of air, your lips parted.
“Thank you… For bringing me out today.”
He smiles at his, a faint shade of pink creeping up to his cheeks.
“...It was a pleasure, truly,” Ominis chuckled softly, to which you responded with a rather diffident smile. “I certainly hope it alleviated your mood.”
“Oh, it definitely did. Anne is truly a darling. It's just that…” you trailed off, slowing the pace of your footsteps down. “... I can't exactly run away from this fear that easily.”
“Would lending my ear ease your thoughts? I can listen to your woes if you'd like.”
“Then... Can you keep another secret for me?”
“Consider it done. Go on.”
You walk towards a large, fallen log, deciding to sit on it while Ominis leans against a nearby tree. Releasing your bated breath, you began to tell him your recollections.
“Perhaps you're familiar with the kidnapping case from the Robard estate then? The one that killed Lawrence Robard?” you asked.
Ominis ponders, racking through his brain.
“Lawrence Robard? The Auror?” 
“Yes, him. He’s a relative — my uncle, to be precise,” you smile sadly. “He was a great man. Dove right into a dark wizard’s hideout to save me and my brother. But Simon… Well…”
A pregnant silence ensued as your words trailed off in the wintry winds, your sorrow-filled orbs gazing at the snow-laden trees from a distance. Ominis crosses his arms with his wand still in hand, a frown visible on his visage.
“Your brother… He’s your Boggart, isn’t he?” 
A melancholic smile curls upon your lips, glancing at him with a rather impressed look.
“You know, I'm quite thankful that you're incredibly astute. Saves me the trouble of explaining everything myself,” you chuckled bitterly. “But yes. Simon is my Boggart. Survivor's guilt, I suppose? He took an Unforgivable Curse for me, and I've never forgiven myself for his death ever since.”
His heart sank at the revelation, casting his unseeing gaze downwards.
“... I'm sorry.”
“Don't be. You've tremendously helped me today, and you deserve my thanks,” you reassured. You grabbed a handful of snow, mindlessly molding it into the shape of a ball as you continued on.
“It's just rather frustrating that this relapse happened in the middle of winter. I'd normally console myself by picking all sorts of flowers. Simon and I loved the outdoors, and we'd often make little flower chains for our mum when we were children,” you explained, recalling the fond memory of your childhood before everything went completely awry.
Ominis hums in response, pointing his wand at a random pile of snow nearby. A small pile of snow levitates into the air, which then forms itself into the shape of a daisy flower crown. The snow-made crown hovered above your head before it was dropped rather unceremoniously, instantly getting destroyed at the top of your head. Your face scrunched at the sudden coldness that hit your skin, looking at the pale-skinned male in gleeful amusement.
“Is this your way of consoling me, Gaunt?” you giggled, brushing the bits of snow off your head and face while a blush rose to his face out of mild embarrassment. 
“Well, it was an attempt, I suppose. It was a lot better in my head, though. Hold on, let me try again,” he chuckles sheepishly, scooping more snow into his gloved palms while a mildly teasing laugh erupted from you.
The pile of fluffy snow began compressing itself to form a solid, single rose, which drifted towards you. You beamed, gently grasping the snow rose into your hands, marveling at its daintiness and intricacy. 
“It’s beautiful,” you whispered before trailing your eyes to him once again. He had his eyes shut and a smug, playful smirk plastered on his strikingly handsome face. His arms were crossed again, leaning back against the tree trunk, enjoying the pleasant silence. 
It was supposed to be a depressing day after everything that had transpired, yet here you were, seated on a log amidst the snow with the man you hadn't planned on getting along with in your wildest dreams. The icy walls of your resolve were slowly melting away, being reduced to nothing but a puddle thanks to the burning inferno of your ever-growing feelings towards him growing wilder and wilder.
His kindness, consideration, astuteness, playfulness… Everything about him made your heart race.
In your eyes, time ceased to exist — the world stilling as everything else except him falls into a pit of irrelevance. You gaze upon him with ardent longing and admiration, blatantly disregarding the boundaries you had rebelliously trespassed in the name of your heart's desires. Ominis opened his unseeing eyes, feeling your burning stare towards him.
“You do know that I can feel you staring, right?” he asks in his usual teasing manner. You opened your mouth to retort your typical answer to his jest, but a lump lodged within your throat, almost as if you were being prevented from saying something so blatantly insincere.
And thus, for the first time, you couldn't bring yourself to deny that statement anymore.
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< chapter 9: uncontrollably fond
chapter 11: the duality of man >
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iamthekaijuking · 4 months
Gigabash character overview: Zyva
This is it, the last one, possibly forever unless Passion Republic Games decides to make more original characters for the roster. Zyva was another curve ball like Kongkrete, and is extremely fascinating.
Zyva is the “S tier” character, the one you dread fighting. Fast and strong, Zyva is a midrange fighter, keeping you at an arms length away while it turns you into a stain on the side of a skyscraper. Zyva’s close range attacks are also very fast and push you right back into its ideal range, and it also has a chargeable ranged attack that’s difficult to interrupt in close range because Zyva has a hitbox while charging it.
Zyva also has a quirk; many of its moves steal Giga Energy from opponents or convert it from something else. One of Zyva’s taunts even lets it sacrifice some health for Giga Energy. All of this means that Zyva will be entering an S-class state way faster and more frequently than you, so good luck.
Zyva is another strange one. Literally a giant animate Giga Crystal, Zyva’s hunched digitigrade stance and spiky back give it a dangerous and dynamic look.
There isn’t really any concept art I can find of Zyva or official inspiration, but it might have pulled from the same sources of inspiration as Kongkrete.
Zyva is actually short for Ghamidzyva, which was the name given to it by a Middle East kingdom it destroyed in 782 AD. It is not just one single entity, but rather one of thousands of Giga Crystal sentinels that guard the hollow earth. This frightened the Global Titan Defense Initiative when they discovered this as, in their records, kaiju are usually a one of a kind thing… which we know isn’t true since most of the flesh and blood characters in the roster have multiple confirmed individuals within their respective species and/or a confirmed method of reproduction. And we know how kaiju evolve, meaning they have to have a stable population in order to even come into being.
Zyva is also the most recently discovered kaiju within the setting, at least in the modern age, having been first sighted in 2020. As a sentient mass of Giga Crystal its energy levels are predictably astronomical, but even in comparison, Zyva is overflowing with Giga Energy. To the point that its presence alone completely short circuits any electronics that use Giga Energy, except for Thundatross of course.
So what is in the hollow earth that’s so important that several thousand 1,200,000+ pound rock golems need to defend it?
Well, it’s the Giga Core.
As established in past overviews, the Giga Core is the source of all Giga Energy, and as such its not uncommon for kaiju to sometimes try and get to what is, to them, essentially unlimited breadsticks. The job of the Zyvas is to stop them from doing this. Zyvas also help with “purging events”. You see, the Giga Core has so much energy that every now and then it needs to radiate some of it out, and these purges are initiated by a Zyva performing a ritual. The Core then begins to levitate and unleashes so much Giga Energy with so much force that the Zyva is disintegrated.
I mentioned awhile back that I’d also discuss what the hollow earth is as well.
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In Gigabash the hollow earth is a cave system below the lower mantle (so like around the D layer or outer core) and apparently the cave walls can insulate the place against the heat of earth’s magma well enough for there to be liquid water present as well as plants and fungi. In lore logs it’s implied that this is the core of the planet and that it doesn’t actually have a molten core. This… isn’t really feasible and if true would mean that the earth should have cooled off not long after its formation and ceased all geological activity. The hollow earth is so saturated with Giga Energy that everything is a shade of purple. The excessive amounts of Giga Energy within everything has some unique effects on the environment, and throughout the hollow earth there’s tons of giant rectangular prisms covered in glowing rings eating into their surface (a result of long term erosion by Giga Energy). These giant structures are actually constantly growing and are made of sulfur, lead, and hydrogen bound together by Giga Energy, which is making these atoms behave differently than how they would normally.
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So with all of this out of the way I can finally discuss something. The real reason I decided to do all these reviews. What really is Giga Energy and the Giga Core?
Giga Energy is a super energetic substance that can manipulate the environment, change the behavior of atomic structures, mutate wildlife and even allow for regeneration, is selective about when it does these things, and seems to have a will of its own or at least an instinct to defend its “main body”; the Giga Core. When it does directly act, it does so with a purpose.
The closest thing I can think of to this is The Color out of Space by H.P. Lovecraft, but the Gigacore is more ancient and benign.
I theorize that Giga Energy, or at the very least the Giga Core is an atomic lifeform that has been around since the formation of the planet, and its power can create kaiju. Now wheather this is entirely accidental or purposeful is unknown since it doesn’t want them getting close to its core, but at the same time it is occasionally purposeful in the creation of them. But is almost certain is that it is ancient and seems intelligent.
Thank you to everybody who read these overviews. I hope these fun reads have convinced you to buy Gigabash and support Passion Republic Games. See you in the arena!
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vintagerpg · 1 year
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A brief, vintage interlude. This is The Sorcerer’s Cave (1978), a card-based dungeon crawling board game inspired in part by Dungeons & Dragons. Play is quite simple: place a cave card, draw a number of encounter cards matching the dungeon level (these can be monsters, traps, treasures, NPCs or they can indicate that the cave card is a special room) and reconcile them. It’s a quick and easy game to set up and play. Interestingly, it can be played a variety of ways. Solo is a possibility, of course, but group play can be competitive, cooperative or governed by shifting player agendas, all of which have brief rules.
I suspect a lot of folks turned their nose up at this game in 1978 based on its simplicity. It is, in fact, a good deal simpler than even Dungeon. But I like it more! It has a lean minimalism (I find Dungeon to be cluttered and clunky), it plays fast and, most importantly, it plays solo — if I had this when I was a kid, in the days before I had an RPG group, I’d have played it endlessly. There’s a similar game called The Mystic Wood, too, should overland adventure strike your fancy.
Fantastic cover art by Polly Wilson — I wish they had hired her to do more for the interiors.
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