#cenobites x reader
jadeslashes · 1 month
I feel kinda weird requesting this since it's one of the first times I've ever requested, but how about a jester reader (gender neutral or male, you decide) with Pinhead, Chatterer, and Jonathan Crane?
like, the reader constantly cracks jokes (some funny, some not), pranks people, is clever, playful, has literally no fears, etc.
sorry if it's too much :(
can I be 🐓 anon?
꩜ ⎯ includes: the cenobites ; jonathan crane.
꩜ ⎯ gn!jester!reader.
꩜ ⎯ rating: fluff <3
꩜ ⎯ warnings: hellraiser canon typical violence & descriptions. ambiguous mention of alcohol in dr. crane’s part.
꩜ ⎯ note: hii 🐓 anon sorry i took so long 2 post this hi, tysm for requesting n feel free to rq again or say hi <3 i merged chatterer and pinhead’s bits to just be all of the cenobites bc it made more sense to me i hope that’s ok :’) also thx for requesting for my fav characters atm ily /p
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after coming across the lament configuration by chance, you’d become obsessed with the mythos surrounding it. the stories, incredibly few of them that there were, of extra-dimensional beings known as the cenobites, and how this puzzle box that you held now, your fingers working away at it, was a door to their dimension.
your fingers ached from the hours of nonstop work on the configuration, determined to solve it even if it didn’t yield the opening of a door between dimensions as the legends said it would. when you’d first gotten your hands on the box all those months ago and learned of its mysteries, you doubted that there was truth to any of it. that it was simply an urban legend.
even just hours ago, you still would’ve said that the cenobite mythos were bullshit, just an intricate and macabre story someone made up. but as time ticked on, and you couldn’t take your hands or focus from the box, your belief began to waver.
and then it happened. you solved it. and with the sound of a bell tolling from some place far away, the realization that you were wrong washed over you in a cold, all consuming wave. and the tolling of the bell sounded closer with every ring.
the seconds before they appeared dragged on like hours. of everything you’d heard about them and this puzzle box, you wondered during this time—as one of the walls of the room you stood in began to unfold itself—which parts of them were true.
the accounts of the cenobites being creatures of lovecraftian caliber, beyond the reaches of what a human mind could grasp, had been false. they were humanoid in the very least, but somewhere in the dredges of your mind you knew that they were human. not now, but maybe before they’d been decorated with devices and means of torture that only existed in fragments in your world.
unsure of what else to do or say, and so fearful you couldn’t even feel your legs as they struggled to hold you upright, you asked who they were.
the being with pins sticking out of its head answered. though, their response didn’t truly answer anything.
“explorers in the further regions of experience—demons to some, angels to others.”
it was them. the cenobites. if you’d been reading this in a book or watching this happen on a screen (and honestly, that’s how it felt, like you were watching this happen to a character in a movie, even though the cenobites were standing right there, almost within arms’ reach) you’d have thought that sounded badass.
and furthermore, you’d have found the designs of these beings divine. you sympathized with the poor human beings trapped beneath pain and desperation. and yet, on the opposite side of that sympathy, you found their pain beautiful, found them beautiful.
and it was then that you noticed the scent of vanilla that they carried.
you were already doomed for all of eternity to unending torture and pain after you somehow managed to solve the lament configuration. might as well make the best of it, right?
“you opened the box, we came.”
“that’s what she said :)”
you couldn’t wipe that idiot smile off your face, even with four extradimensional beings looming over you, all their expressionless faces remained unfazed by your joke. and it wasn’t even that good of a joke.
absolute silence save for the sounds of… chattering teeth?
what an interesting eternity this is gonna be!
you’ve never not been able to at least get a chuckle out of someone, so when you started throwing punchlines around in the torture room with the four beings, to make yourself laugh and suppress the cosmic fear of what an eternity of suffering will be like, it was jarring to hear nothing but the sounds of rattling, clinking chains and the buzzing of flies in response.
no matter what you do, you cannot get a single laugh out of any of the cenobites. they’re stone faced and reactionless at every joke you try to land.
but hey, with the cenobites, no reaction is better than a bad reaction. you weren’t getting disemboweled and mutilated punchline by punchline. if you didn’t know any better, you’d say that maybe they were entertained by you. maybe that human part of them hadn’t been completely extinguished.
except for chatterer, though. you’re not sure if it’s distaste or amusement that the cenobite is trying to express when it chatters after a punchline. with its face being mangled to the point of being nothing more than a mouth outstretched with metal hooks and shallow, skin-covered indents where eyes must’ve once been.
🐦‍⬛﹒DR. CRANE ꜜ﹒⟡﹒
the stone-cold, clinical demeanor of dr. jonathan crane seemed tough to crack. or maybe he just wanted to come off to people that way, and no one had ever tried.
to everyone else, jonathan was an intelligent, if a little bit dull, psychologist. a psych professor, a doctor at arkham, the scarecrow. someone to be taken any way but lightly.
but your playful demeanor and (sometimes funny, sometimes not) jokes didn’t discriminate. and you wouldn’t dull yourself down just to appease someone, like dr. crane, who appeared to take life way too seriously.
in the break room, at meetings, wherever you two saw each other, you were always smiling, sharing something funny with your coworkers. it was charming to dr. crane.
and on top of it all, you wouldn’t exclude him. when you were telling your jokes and stories, getting laughs out of everyone, your eyes would always welcomingly meet his, inviting him to be a part of it rather than acting like he wasn’t there and assuming him to be a bore.
even in the occasional one on one interactions you had with him, this didn’t change. sometimes you’d even get an actual laugh out of him, something that you never really saw him do otherwise.
whenever you saw the smile that you’d gotten out of him break across his lips, and heard his stiff but amused laugh, you could never get yourself to stop smiling. and you’d feel yourself start to heat up with embarrassment, smiling like an idiot at him.
then the two of you would straighten up, as if reassuming the emotionless facade of arkham employees, tell one another to have a good day, and move on.
getting him, of all people, to laugh was a testament to your good humor!
and you got him to do way more than laugh, too; you’d managed to get him on multiple dates. but if anyone ever asked you about your relationship with him, you wouldn’t say a word about how much it’s grown.
being coworkers at a place like arkham, it wasn’t wise to let the word spread and draw so much attention to the two of you. for the sake of carmine falcone’s operations, which both you and jonathan were a part of facilitating at the asylum, you and him needed to blend in.
but during the time that you’d spend with him where it was just the two of you, at one of your homes sharing a drink in the living room, he’d began to loosen up considerably.
his real laugh is a little cold, but smooth and usually fairly quiet. he typically doesn’t burst into laughter, but you can always get a genuine chuckle out of him. if you can get dr. jonathan crane to laugh you can probably get anyone to laugh.
as much as your indiscriminate, timeless jokes were the reason jonathan was so drawn to you, it was still a detriment at times. times like meetings and dinners with those who you and jonathan work for.
it didn’t matter to you if these meetings were the wrong place to crack your jokes, even in spite of the unimpressed, dirty looks they’d earn you from your overseers.
in front of them, jonathan won’t crack even the slightest hint of a smile for the sake of being professional (unless it’s funny enough).
if it’s funny enough, you’ll get a stifled chuckle before he clears his throat and corrects his posture, making sure to maintain his reputation. while you stand beside him, trying and failing to hold back that smile, as always. it made you feel like two school kids trying to silence your laughter in fear of the teacher noticing.
and then when the moment’s passed and nobody’s looking, he’ll shoot you a scolding glance asking: why would you do that??
but somehow, unlike anything or anyone else, your smile is his weakness. and when you softly chuckle about how funny it was, jonathan’s sternness lifts and you two share a laugh.
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tac-the-unseen · 4 days
I saw on your previous poll you had down Headcannons for Pinhead, can I pretty please get some fluffy writing for the Cenobites 🥺
Of course, I've kind of been itching to write for them lol
Pinhead and Cenobites x Reader
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•Despite everything all the Cenobites are incredibly sweet and kind
•When you reach the point of having a relationship with them They treat you with the atmos respect
•The weather that relationship is a Friendship, romantic, sexual, or platonic
•Pinhead of course likes taking charge. He's calmly authoritative, but very gentle
•D.T has a cold and mysterious outer shell but when she lets you in she's a deeply sensitive person
•Chatter is over all a very laid-back guy, he can get pretty aggressive but only when It comes to his job
•Butterball honestly just kind of waddles around and smacks his lips.
•They're all pretty decent cuddlers, but they all have some faults
•Pinhead is a great cuddler but only sitting up….. He can't really lay down….
•D.T is great if you wanna lay on someone's stomach, can't really get close to her head either.
•Chatter can cuddle in any position, be prepared to have the breath squeezed out of you, He's an aggressive guy
•Butterball is where things get a little complicated. You can't really lay on him, Well he doesn't mind the pain, you might mind the blood all over you…. And the exposed hooks…
•Butterball is good at side cuddles though!
•Pinhead likes to ask you moral/ethical questions (Like the trolley problem,or kidney problem). He's the kind of guy to take the buzzfeed quizzes for fun
•D.T’s guilty pleasure is reality TV, She cannot get enough!
•Chatter and Butterball like it when you read to them
•They don't let you touch the lament configuration without them present
•They do their best to get the leviathans approval of you
•They let you take your time turning into a Cenobite.
•They want to turn you so they can be with you for eternity, but they also want to let you live your best life.
•If you happen to Like ASMR Chatter has no problem being next to your ears and chattering into them
•Pinhead will never let you waste money getting a Piercing, He's a very experience piercer and doesn't like the idea of somebody else touching you like that
•If you have any Tattoos they will spend hours examining them. They want to hear any and all meaning behind it. Stories on why you got it, how, and who did it.
•Butterball like to lick any and all wounds you get
•D.T likes brain teasers and especially likes to do trivia with you
•fiercely protective of you
•You are the creator of scary dog privileges
•They like taking you into hell and showing you around
•If you're okay with watching live torture, They will 10,000% stop into random rooms, Let you know they're backstories, And why the punishment fits the crime
•Pinhead teaches you how to navigate the labyrinth
•You managed to sneak ButterBall into an all-you-can-eat buffet, You've been his favorite person ever since
Thanks for reading <3
Sorry I'm taking so long!
I have three more requests and a Poll prompt! Trying to get them out as fast as possible, but still be quality material.
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soft-witchy · 2 months
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Pinhead having a ‘pin head’ is fucking crazy
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drunkenpixie23 · 4 months
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Ꭲꮤꮖꮪꭲꭼꭰ Ꭱꮎꮇꭺꮑꮯꭼ: Part I
Warnings/Tags: Female! Cenobite! Reader, occasional flashbacks to human Alastor and reader, possibly ooc Alastor, Reader already has a Cenobite look that will be brought up occasionally, mentions of death, torture, pain, manipulation, blood and gore. (Anything in italics during the story is a memory of their past life). Not proof read!
“You’re joking, right?” Vaggie spoke, a hint of disbelief being evident within her voice as she stared at her girlfriend, blinking slowly. Charlie seemed confused as to why she’d say that, soon tilting her head, “what’s the issue? What’s wrong with having a meeting with a Cenobite?”
That conversation seemed to pique Alastor’s interest, who was sitting on the couch there, newspaper in hands whilst he looked over to the two females, his ever present smile seeming to widen.
“Charlie! It’s a Cenobite for goodness sake! They feel no emotion, nothing..what makes you think this one is going to help us in any way? For all I know, she could try to harm you!” she groaned slightly, pinching the bridge of her nose, clearly getting agitated by the whole ordeal. Why would the princess of hell want to be associated with those..things? Thoughts like that ran rampant within Vaggie’s mind until Charlie’s hands found leverage upon the other woman’s shoulders, “I’ll be fine Vaggie, really.” The blonde smiled brightly towards her girlfriend, soon gesturing towards Alastor with her head, “besides, I’m going to be taking him with me.”
That confused the male ever so slightly, and soon enough he disappeared into the shadows, only to reemerge behind Charlie, “I don’t recall that being ran by me!” he spoke, laughing slightly whilst tilting his head, his ears seeming to fall back on his head. Charlie blinked a bunch, looking at the male from over her shoulder before smiling once again yet laughed nervously, “well..I thought maybe you’d want to tag along?”
Alastor laughed at that, shaking his head as well but didn’t argue against it. Perhaps this could be “entertaining” for him.
~~Meanwhile at the Cenobite Realm~~
You were stood there whilst the blue light and fog seemed to swirl around, your pitch black eyes were fixated upon the opening to your realm. You were awaiting the princess of hell’s arrival, hands held directly in front of you. You were confused as to why such a being would want a meeting with one of your kind, but that didn’t matter. However, you didn’t have to wait much longer until she was there, accompanied by a demon clad in red. Oddly, you felt as if you knew this man. As if there was a strong connection between the two of you but..you couldn’t figure out what it was.
Soon enough, a chipper voice pulled you out of your thoughts as you looked towards the blonde female stood beside the male, “hello! Thank you for..actually taking the time to have this meeting with me. Um, I tried to speak with heaven to prevent the exterminations in hell and such but they just..made it come sooner.” She began explaining. How pitiful.
You simply stared at her, face and eyes devoid of all emotion as you listened to her little sob story. As she continued, you sighed, “do I look like the type of being to care about this?” you spoke with a monotone voice. Charlie felt as if your eyes were boring into her, making her shift uncomfortably before her gaze landed on Alastor. The male sighed, still smiling however before holding both hands behind his back, “what the princess is trying to say is that she’d like your help.”
You let out a cold and hollow laugh at the ridiculous idea, shaking your head before taking slow steps towards the two. Your eyes landed on Alastor momentarily, observing him..why did he seem familiar?
You had just gotten home from shopping to restock the food in the house you lived in with your husband. Your gaze shifted around, in search for the male you’d grown to love but there was no sign of him, causing you to sigh, “looks like he’s still at that radio station.” You shook your head, walking past the radio in the living room then approached the kitchen, placing your bags down on the counter there. It wasn’t too much longer before you began putting away all the things you bought then your eyes landed on the strange puzzle box you had found along the walls outside. You looked down at it, picking the cube up in your hand before turning it around as if to get a better look at it. You’d been quite the puzzle “enthusiast” since a young age and yet..you’d never seen one made like that before. Which is what piqued your interest to pick it up.
A few hours had passed and you were sat on the couch, trying to find a way to solve the puzzle box but..no combination seemed to work. Soon enough, your beloved husband came home, “darling!” he called out and it was as if you could just hear the smile he was wearing. You chuckled at that, tilting your head back over the back of the sofa and your eyes trailed to Alastor, “come look at this,” you spoke, smiling before quickly lifting your head back up so the blood wouldn’t flow straight to it and make you dizzy. What you had said seemed to intrigue the male, to which he stood behind where you were sat, hands propped upon your shoulders whilst his eyes landed on the cube you held, “may I ask what that is? Is it another one of those puzzles my dear?” he soon spoke, technically answering his own question before laughing softly.
You nodded your head in an almost enthusiastic manner, one hand soon moving to rest atop of your husbands, “it is! But..I’ve never heard of one like this before, isn’t that strange? Usually any puzzle made would be wrote down in a book. Perhaps a skipped past one..” you muttered soon after, your attention being back upon the puzzle box and a concentrated expression crossed your face. Alastor shook his head a little, tapping your shoulders shortly afterwards before removing his suit jacket, hanging it up on the rail nearby, “well..whilst you figure that out my dear, I’ll prepare some food.” You smiled at his words. In that time and day, it was mainly the women who were made to do all the housework and you were even brought up to do the same. However, your husband was quite happy to make dinner every now and again. You sighed in appreciation, you truly found someone amazing. You decided to place the cube down on the couch, standing up after doing so before walking to Alastor and wrapped your arms around his waist, “oh alas-“
You snapped out of whatever thoughts you just had, a strange emotion creeping upon you. One you didn’t know you had. Who was that man in the memory? Who was the woman? You soon shook your head, not wanting to dwell upon it before your gaze drifted back to Charlie again, “if I do help you with this little problem you seem to have, what will I get in return?” you asked, your voice still holding the monotone sound to it. It was as if you felt nothing again.
However, unknown to you, Alastor seemed to have recognised you. He knew who you were..but why didn’t you recognise him? What was going on? He frowned faintly, although his smile was still as present as ever.
Stay tuned for part two~
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beautifularsonist · 18 days
Jeepers Creepers or Pinhead?
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your-goth-sis · 11 months
Hellooo~ Can I request Trapper, Spirit and Cenobite dating S/O, who added blood of their victims in paint and used it to create art?
I'll have so much fun doing Trapper's since he's an artist too LOL
Evan Macmillian
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Omgosh twinsssss
Bro loves art, so he'd like to see yours too
"Is that blood?"
He looks at the picture of a cat painted in blood, in such heavy detail
Bro's lowkey impressed that you can pain such art with blood and paint
Rin Yamaoka
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Omgosh slay
She loves your art
She watched as you painted the canvas with paint and blood, adding incredible detail
She feels such satisfaction and peace from watching you paint
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Bro's literally invested
He loves suffering, so he'll ask if your victims suffered too
Which they obviously did
He's pleased to hear that
He displays your art for all to see, claiming that great suffering went into it
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terracebatman · 6 months
Pinhead Hellraiser cosplay. Trick or treating.
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slasherbish · 1 year
pinhead x reader hcs
I don't know I think it's kinda stupid but I wrote it so here it is. Reader calls pinhead cute and isn't scared of cenobites. I hope you like it.
The lament configuration had been solved again and so it summoned the high priest and his fellow cenobites. He prepared for a routine situation of dragging the human into hell with his chains. 
Before he could finish his speech the human spoke “You’re so fucken cute” they said
He quirked an eyebrow. Not once had he heard that word be used to describe him. 
You looked at the group in front of you and couldn’t help but smile. They were the most fantastical beings you’d ever laid eyes on. 
“Perhaps they are broken” Butterball said. 
“I wouldn’t say broken. Unique is more like it.” You threw back without hesitation. 
Pinhead wanted to study you, find out what makes you tick. He summoned his chains.
“Oh Kinky” You blurted out. This made him falter for a moment. 
In the face of death and torture were you really not scared? This was something the cenobites had trouble understanding. 
As they stood there staring, you walked up to Chatterer and patted his head gently. “Adorable.” was all you said 
“So cutie are we heading to hell? Ya know fa la la it’s off to hell we go” You sang looking at Pinhead. 
“Stop calling me cute human” He spat
“No can do. You’re just too cute sir.” You replied with a smile. 
They decided to keep you as a pet. In the labyrinth you wreaked more havoc then they could’ve imagined. 
Not only did you manage to slip the word cute into every conversation with pinhead but you also would find treats for butterball and chatterer.
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persnicketypomelo · 6 months
Yandere Pinhead
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18+ since it's Hellraiser, obsession, mentions of gore, torture
When you had found the wooden cube at the antique store, you thought only of how beautiful it would be by your bedside table. It’s gold detailing caught, no, demanded your attention, and you knew you just had to bring it home with you. It was smooth and polished, as if new, and it seemed too beautiful to simply gather dust. One night when sleep evaded you, you took it in your hands only to find out it was a puzzle, 
You absentmindedly fiddled with the pieces, shifting them about until they clicked satisfyingly into place, unaware of the true repercussions of your simple curiosity. 
Upon the puzzle box’s completion, a sudden chill settled over the room, and before your eyes, your room distorts into…something else. 
Walls push and pull away leaking steam from the forming cracks. The lightbulbs around your room simultaneously burst, startling you out of your drowsiness. 
You could only sit in shock, wondering (or rather hoping) to have had a particularly bad nightmare, and for a moment you believed it. But, no matter how tightly you squeeze your eyes shut, you couldn’t ignore the sting of the glass exploding and tearing against your flesh, or the hot steam tickling your skin. 
A series of bright bursts of light fill the room, and upon each one, a grizzly monster appears. Garish injuries mar their hairless, lifeless looking flesh. They looked like people, but so horribly mutilated that they had turned into demonic entities, so devoid of their humanity. The horrible strangers in your room was all you needed to propel to your feet and attempt to leave.
Yet as you rushed to the doorknob, a chain snared around your wrist, prying you away from escape. More and more chains wound around your limbs, pulling you away from any possibility of escaping. You squirmed and cried out, but you could just feel that your screams didn’t reach anyone beyond the room.
"The box,” a voice thundered, low and resounding, a leather cloaked man entered into your vision, head terribly plastered with nails. “You opened it. We came.” 
"Who are you? What do you want from me?" you sobbed, twisting your wrists, contorting to ease the bite of the metal chains.
"We are explorers—adventurers in the sensory realms, seeking new heights of pleasure and pain.” The monster or man before you grasped the neatly carved box in his hands.
“You solved the box. You have summoned us; brought us to your world. And now, we will bring you to ours.”
Clinking chains catch your attention, and you glimpse something that makes you want to vomit on the spot. A pole has erected from behind the leader of these monsters, spinning slowly, with chains and hooks crudely mounted upon it. Worst of all, were the many stretched patches of skin, and faces, cut from their heads tacked to the pole like a memo board, frozen mid-scream. You could only meet the gazes of their eyes, as they glanced at you, still seeing. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about! I don’t want any part of this!” You shrieked, “Please leave me alone!” Your twisting and turning was sure to leave bruises, but that was a small price to pay in exchange to joining the numerous tortured souls they’ve collected.
“Oh, but we want to bring you with us—to show you our world—and with time, you will learn to enjoy our pleasures as well.” 
Tears welled and spilled over your face, both from the marks surely forming around your wrists,  and from the indescribable fright at possible abduction at the hands of grizzled, mangled people. You averted your gaze from the pin-headed man before you, and the gruesome monument of the pain they’ve caused.
“Please,” you begged with a soft voice, “please don’t do this. I didn’t mean to summon you. I’m sorry. You can find someone else who wants this, but please don’t do this to me.”
A cold, dead hand tilted your chin up, forcing your gaze to the terrible, black eyes. 
“No tears,” he mocked in his commanding, monotone voice, “it’s a waste of good suffering,”
“What if we prefer you?” A raspy voice spoke, a woman’s, or what once was a woman. Now her throat is torn, pulled apart by strings, “what if we find your suffering to be the most beautiful?”
You could feel the terror rising from your stomach, and it must’ve shown, as another one of the monsters, fleshy with horrid teeth and sunglasses, snickered at you.
“There is no use in trying to bargain with us. It is you who opened the box, and it is your suffering that we want. We will take you to our world to show you our pleasures and you shall show us how wonderfully you will suffer.” the pinhead announces. A portal or rift, too blindingly white to see clearly, opened behind him.
“Your soul is ours to claim, ours to torture, and ours to destroy.” 
Sharp hooks dug into your skin, not only drawing blood, but tugging it, eliciting your pained screams as you are dragged into the rift. And yet, somehow, you knew this was only a sample of the terrible things they will do to you. 
“After all, we have all of eternity to explore the depths of your suffering.”
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jadeslashes · 1 year
DBD request:
The killers (The Shape, Trapper, the Wraith and your choice 😘) having an unhealthy obsession with the newest survivor (female if you don't mind?)
includes: the trapper, the wraith, the huntress, the ghost face, the doctor, the legion (just frank), the artist, the cenobite, the executioner, the shape & the knight.
warnings: stalking, obsession, unhealthy relationship dynamics, you get the idea. no smut but still mdni.
note: first dbd request, thanks pookie <3 and bc this is my first dbd request, i'm just gonna include all the killers i write for :)
🔩﹒TRAPPER ꜜ﹒⟡﹒
obsession at first sight, evan has absolutely no plans of letting you get away from him, no matter what he has to do
even if it hurts you, he'll lay traps in your path to ensnare you so he can throw you up over his shoulder, have you in his complete control
and once you're in the basement, you know that there's no escape from him whatsoever
all of his traps are laid so there's no chance of rescue, and he faces you hanging from the hook that he's mercilessly thrown you on, glad to have successfully trapped his prey
🔔﹒WRAITH ꜜ﹒⟡﹒
philip finds himself using his guise of invisibility to keep an eye on you far more often than he himself even intends, crossing paths with you when he doesn't even mean to
whenever you're alone, you catch him sweeping by in your periphery, or hear in the distance a bell chiming
he notices your anxiety mounting with every second that he's watching, and in a way he almost feels bad about it
and when he's ready to chase you down, he'll ring his bell, almost in a taunting sort of way as you run from him
but he won't stop until he's got you
almost always, her first instinct when she sees survivors is to use her strength and speed, her hunting ability, and throw hatchets, anything to down them and bring them under her mercy
but the way she feels about you is almost similar to the way she feels about the children she couldn't bring herself to kill
something throws those instincts to the side when she sees you, she can't place what exactly it is, but she can't ignore it
he's always meticulously stalked people, gotten to know them without their knowledge down to the very last detail without their knowledge of his presence
but with you, his usual routine of becoming intimately familiar with victims for the purpose of killing them was interrupted, killing you was not necessarily his intent
unnaturally quickly, he knows details about you that few others pick up on, and you constantly question whether you're really alone
🩻﹒DOCTOR ꜜ﹒⟡﹒
considering the fact that he's completely sadistic, being his obsession is harrowing, beginning to end
especially because he doesn't see these feelings toward you as something he should allow to grow, he doesn't see it as any sort of love or anything romantic, which gives him only one conclusion that he needs to reach
he needs you dead, but he's going to drag it out, make it satisfying for himself, and the way to do that is to drive you mad, and make the process as torturous as possible
every scream of yours fuels him to keep going until his brutal torture is finally done, and by that point, he might even find that he'd gotten so caught up in torturing you that the rest of the survivors managed to escape the trial
🕸﹒LEGION ꜜ﹒⟡﹒
frank knew you'd be a chase, something he'd need to go after, but he's more than okay with that
every second of running after you is envigorating, with each stride that gets him closer to you he wants you more and more
both of you know that you can’t outrun him, he’s in a frenzy on your heels, completely running on the impulse that he hadn’t been able to get out of his head since he saw you; he needed to get to you
the chase doesn’t necessarily end with him plunging his knife into you, but he doesn’t mind it if you think that’s the case
in fact, he takes some pride in the fear and control he knows he has over you
🪶﹒ARTIST ꜜ﹒⟡﹒
while usually she uses her birds as a weapon against her prey, for you she'd be using them much more gently
you’d find yourself being harassed by crows throughout the majority of your trial
but it’s only so carmina can keep track of you, she doesn’t use them to cause you harm
they're constantly using their chains to keep you in close proximity
and also just to hear you scream, no tears of yours could ever be a waste of good suffering in their eyes, they love your cries of fear and pain from whatever they're doing to you or when they're chasing you down
escaping their chains is virtually impossible, each second you manage to evade or hide to rest, you know you’re just putting off the inevitable
pyramid head is a bringer of pain and suffering, but is also shockingly subtle during the trial
for a while, he’s merely a looming presence as you work towards escaping
but that’s part of the plan, he takes his time to get you tormented by his power
all so that he can get you locked in one of his cages, where you have no choice but to be all his
🔪﹒SHAPE ꜜ﹒⟡﹒
his stalking is relentless, but he takes his time before he makes a real move on you
and when he finally does strike? there's no way you could've ever been ready for it, one minute you were working on a generator, and the next, you're up over his shoulder with no way to escape
and even if you are constantly on guard, aware of his presence, he'll keep you under his mercy by keeping you injured or downed, never too far from you to keep your fellow survivors from saving you
⚔️﹒KNIGHT ꜜ﹒⟡﹒
even though he's the killer in the trial, as a knight, he feels the need to protect you, killing you isn't even something that crosses his mind
and if tarhos himself can't be keeping his eye on you at any time for one reason or another, alejandro, durkos or sander are doing so for him
he's got an uncanny ability to constantly know where you are and what you're doing, and that's because he's always keeping tabs on you, whether on his own or by means of his faithful three
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jermashugefatass · 2 years
I'm reading The Hellbound Heart and the Cenobites smell like vanilla?? Hello?? Fanfic writers get on this rn
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fandomnerd9602 · 1 year
Wick reader against Pinhead
Y/N Wick finishes off the last of Cenobites...
Pinhead: you will suffer
Y/N: nice headdress thing. all those little pins, but it's missing something-
Y/N throws a Bowie knife, nailing Pinhead right between the eyes...
The last Cenobite crumbles to dust...
Y/N: some puzzles are not meant to be solved.
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Monster Fuckability Tournament
Round One
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i'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments/tags!
"The Cenobites are extra-dimensional beings who are mutilated and brainwashed into torturing humans for all eternity in the Labyrinth. All Cenobites were once human, with the exception of Angelique, the daughter of the demon god Leviathan." Hellraiser.wiki.com
Photo credit: hellraiser.wiki.com
"A centaur (/ˈsɛntɔːr, ˈsɛntɑːr/ SEN-tor, SEN-tar; Ancient Greek: κένταυρος, romanized: kéntauros; Latin: centaurus), occasionally hippocentaur, also called Ixionidae (Ancient Greek: Ιξιονίδαι, romanized: Ixionidai, "sons of Ixion"), is a creature from Greek mythology with the upper body of a human and the lower body and legs of a horse that was said to live in the mountains of Thessaly." Wikipedia
Photo credit: Centauress, by John La Farge
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drunkenpixie23 · 4 months
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Ꭲꮤꮖꮪꭲꭼꭰ Ꭱꮎꮇꭺꮑꮯꭼ: Teaser~
Warnings/Tags: Female! Cenobite! Reader, occasional flashbacks to human Alastor and reader, possibly ooc Alastor, Reader already has a Cenobite look that will be brought up occasionally, mentions of death, torture, pain, manipulation, blood and gore
“You’re joking, right?” Vaggie spoke, a hint of disbelief being evident within her voice as she stared at her girlfriend, blinking slowly. Charlie seemed confused as to why she’d say that, soon tilting her head, “what’s the issue? What’s wrong with having a meeting with a Cenobite?”
That conversation seemed to pique Alastor’s interest, who was sitting on the couch there, newspaper in hands whilst he looked over to the two females, his ever present smile seeming to widen.
“Charlie! It’s a Cenobite for goodness sake! They feel no emotion, nothing..what makes you think this one is going to help us in any way? For all I know, she could try to harm you!” she groaned slightly, pinching the bridge of her nose, clearly getting agitated by the whole ordeal. Why would the princess of hell want to be associated with those..things? Thoughts like that ran rampant within Vaggie’s mind until Charlie’s hands found leverage upon the other woman’s shoulders, “I’ll be fine Vaggie, really.” The blonde smiled brightly towards her girlfriend, soon gesturing towards Alastor with her head, “besides, I’m going to be taking him with me.”
That confused the male ever so slightly, and soon enough he disappeared into the shadows, only to reemerge behind Charlie, “I don’t recall that being ran by me!” he spoke, laughing slightly whilst tilting his head, his ears seeming to fall back on his head. Charlie blinked a bunch, looking at the male from over her shoulder before smiling once again yet laughed nervously, “well..I thought maybe you’d want to tag along?”
(This is only a little teaser to the story I am currently working on, per request from a friend of mine! If any of you actually like the idea of it, then I’ll continue writing it! ^•^)
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tawneybel · 1 year
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Imagine the Female Cenobite liking you enough to sew up her own throat after guessing you’re not into it.
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your-goth-sis · 1 year
DBD request coming up! Wesker, Clown, Cenobite amd Onryo with killer S/O, that kills their victims by poisoning them? Usually Reader just injects poison, but if they're in mood, they'll play russian roulette with victim. And yes, Reader is immune to poisons, unlike victims.
Hellloooo! This one is interesting. Enjoy! Sorry if these were short and bad, I just don't know how to write these characters :( except for Wesker of course :3
Albert Wesker
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Is actually kinda impressed?
One day, he saw you poisoning a survivor, grinning almost sadistically
The survivor coughed in pain as you forced the poison down they're throat
Outside of trials, he approached you
"How come you poison your victims?"
"It's simple, it's what I do best" you grin
He'd ask questions about your methods
"Oh this?" you started "this is a little game called Russian roulette"
Overall, he's impressed with your tactics and methods of killing survivors.
Jeffrey Hawk
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Omgosh twinzies??
He's actually intrigued
He'd question your methods and learn from them
Outside of trials, he approached you
"How do you poison your victims?"
"Rat poison" you smiled.
"No I meant the method" he replied and coughed
"ohh right, I use bottles, similar to you, when I'm in the mood however, I like to play Russian roulette" you smiled seemingly Innocently.
"Russian roulette, huh?"
To say the least, he wants to learn from you
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Your powers are completely different, however he's not used to poisoning
Bro's lowkey interested
Like the others, he will question you since he's interested
"What's this all about?"
"Oh this? Just my treasures" you grinned, pointing at your bottles of poison and your gun.
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Maybe a little scared
You would try to rub your tactics off on her, being used to attention but she'd decline
Eventually, after pestering her for long she gave in
You told her all about your tactics and how you played Russian roulette with the other survivors
You even made her watch
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